NewQ System LVNQ201 LCD Monitor User Manual jpg

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Users Manual

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Date Submitted2005-04-28 00:00:00
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User's Manual
NP Series
1. Initial Preparations
Sa'ety Precauhcns
2. Monilor Parts
What‘s m me Package
From Part o| Monwtor
Rear Perl o| Mormor
Remote Comma [Fm Tv Mada My]
Cautions 101 Remote ConlvoHev
3. Installing Monilor
Basnc Connechon
Advanced Connechon
Conneclmg amenna
Playstal1on2 Connecflon
XBOX Connection
Momlor Dnver
4. Using Monllor
OSD menu pev baswc 1con
OSD menu per basm 1con
For use ol producls
PC Screen Sellmg
OSD Screen Semng
Sound Semng
Screen T1n| Semng
PIP Sellmg
TO Watch TV
Advanced Operanon
5. Oihers
M0091 SDethcahon
Chapter 1. Initial Preparations
Safety Precau ns
1 Belore connecllng the AC power cord to the DC adamer outlet, make sure the voilage
oeslgnallon oi the DC adapter corresponds to the local eleclrlcal supply.
2 Never msert anylhlng metallic lnlo the apenlngs tn the cabthel ol the Ltquld crystat
Dlsplay lLCD) Montlor : dolng so may create the danger oi eleclrlc shock
3 To avold electric shock, never touch ”19 lnslde 01 ills LCD Morlllcr. Only a qualllled
lechrtlclart should open the case 0! the LCD Monllor.
4 Never use your LCD Monllor ii the power cord has been damaged. Do ml allow armhlng
lc test on the power cord, and keep the cord away Item areas where people can [In over ll.
5 Be sure to hold the plug, not the card, when dlscomecttng the LCD Monitor trom an
electrlc socket
6 Openings tn the LCD Morlllor cablnel are orovtoeo lor veerllallonJo prevent overheating,
lhese opening should not be blocked or covered. Also, avoid Using lhe “3D Monacr on a
bed, sole, mg,or other soil surface, dolng so may block the venltlallort owning; tn the
bottom 0! (he cablrtel, Ii you ml the LCD Monitor In a bookcase or some other enclosed
space, be sure to provlde adequate venttlatlort.
7 Put your LCD Monltor in a Location wllh mw tummy and a mlnlmum oi dust.
8 Do not expose the LCD Monrtor to ram or use tt near waterttn kttchens, near swlmmtng
pools, etc). ll the LCD Mortltor acctdentally gets wet, unplug n and contact an autrmzed
dealer lmmedlaleiy, You can clean the LCD Monitor wnh a damp cloth when necessary,
but be sure to unplug the LCD Monllor tlrst.
9 Place the u:D Mortltor on a solld surlace and treat lI caretulty.The screen ls made at thrn
glass wtth a plasttc tmnt surlace and cart oe demaged tt dropped, hlt or scratched. Do not
cleart the lrortt panel wrth keton-type materralsle.g., aoetortel, ethyl alcohol, toluene, ethyt
acld, methyl. or chlonde— these may damage the panel.
10 Locate your LCD Monltor near an easlly acoesslole AC outlet.
11 ll your LCD Morrltor does not operate normally-tn pantoular, rt there are any unusual
sounds or smells oomlrtg lrorn tt-unolug ll tmrnedtatety and contact art authortzed dealer
or servloe center.
12 ngh tempemture can Cause problems. Dortt use your LCD Monitor In arect sunllghL
and keep lt away trorrt heaters, stoves fireplaces, and other sources ol heart
13 Unplug the LCD Monttor when ll lS gotng to be lett unused lor an extended perm ot trrne.
14 Unplug your LCD Mortltor lrorn the AC outlet oetore arty servtce.
YFT-LCD Monitor
Power Cord
151itD-SLBSSQMI Gibb
Chapter 2. Monitor Parts
ts tn e Package
Passive Speaker
AC/DC Adapter
Speaker Cable
Moi» Cwmier (Option)
Driver (Install Diskette)
Chapter 2. Monitor Parts
Fr tP
of Monit
Exaanattan or butans and uarlous mneczms ct thts Mmlfl
LCD Panel 0
Speaker 0
on. DOWNtV) new 0 a we
VOL. oownlvl up“) 0 0 MENU
0 CH, Downtv) UF'tAl : Button to adjust the channel tn the manner.
0 VOL DOWNl'l UPlA) : Button to ed|us| the volume tn the manner.
0 POWER : Turn on or oil the morlllor.
0 AUTO Used to automallcally ad|usl the screen ln VGA mode.
Used tor AUTO SCAN llmCIlorl in TV mode.
(Bul, lt ls not avallable tn DVl, $VlDEO or VlDEO mode.)
9 MENU Button to pop up the On Screen Dlsplay (OSDl menu.
0 PIP Pictureflan'lclure and appears tn the screen wnlle you work on the manner.
6 MODE 1 Change ln the order 0! ARGB—>DVI->TV->CVBS—>SVHS.
0 LCD Panel TFT LCD screen, 1600 X 1200 mode, 15.7M color or above SUDDOI'led.
0 Speaker lOpltonal) : Slereo speakers wtlh maxlrrlurrl culput ol 3 w are lrlbulll In the lelt
and the nght. and can be used by connecltng to PC sound card mm
In addltlorl, you can also enoy TV sounds through headphone by connectrng
the headset to AUDIO OUT port ol thts mentor.
6 (For more details. reler Io lnslalltng Monttorl
20.1 " TFT LCD Monitor
Rear art of Mo or
0 Wallemount VESA Hall
0 O 0000000®
0 DCIBV : Make sure to use the adapter crowded Ior power lnpul port.
. DVlfD Connecl DVl Slgrlal cable to PC and rnorlllor wlll'l DVI cable orovtded.
O D—SUB Connect D—SUB Signal cable lo PC and mentor wtln D—SUB cable crowded.
O AuDlO IN : Connect to speaker port ol PC sound card usmg the speaker cable moulded.
. AUDlO OUT Connect Ine cable ol the external speaker to thls oulpul porl,
O S>VlDEO Connecl to S—VlDEO Irlpul porl Dl external devlCe Wltl’l S~VIDEO Cable.
5 VlDEO (Vldeo) Connecl to vldeo output porl 0! VIDEO wlth RCA cable.
0 VlDEO (Volce L) 2 Connect Io Valce (U output porl ul VIDEO wltrl RCA cable.
0 VlDEO (Volce Rl I Connect to Volce lRl output port oi VIDEO wltrl RCA cable.
0 TV Connect the antenna Cable you have.
0 Wall—mount VESA Hall Use lhls hole ll you use lt lor wall»
— Thls product uses loo x loo rnr'l VESA speclllcatlorl. lSeoaralelv purchase the wall—mount devlcel
lStand tor Rear Cover Installatlon
Arrange lt around A screw holes at stand tor rear cover ll'lstallatlorl
ul morlltor and llx wlth 4 screws on the wallfmourrl or olher sland.
lHow to mmve Monltor Stand
1 Push and take out the cover at screw on the Stand at monltor.
2. unlaslen the screw and remove the 515ml.
Chapter 2. Monitor Parts
Remote C oller (For TV Model only)
0 POWER : Turn on or oil the monitor.
0 Mute : Button to rnute the speaker regardless 01 volume adiustmerrt
0 ARGE : Display your screen with a Analog mode,
. MODE i Change in the order ol ARGBt-)DVl-)TV->CVBS—)SVHS.
0 wt : Display your screen with a algitai mode.
0 TV : Button to pop up the TV screen in addition. press one again
in TV mode to pop up antenna or cable selection menu.
0 Channel Inout : Used to directly enter the channel.
0 AUTO : Used to automatimlly admit the screen in ARGB mode,
0 PRE CH : Move your current TV channel to previous Channel
0 MENU : Button to pop up the On Screen Display (0le menu.
0 VOL() : Button to increase or decrease the volume
0 CHlA/Vl : Button to move channel in TV mode.
. EXlT 1 Button to release the function.
0 Scan : Search consecutively and enter specific TV channel in TV mode.
0 TlMER : Setup your Mentor OFF timing.
0 FREEZE : ii press this button, your screen has lrozen, where displaying.
. ZOOMtIN/OUT) 1 Button to adiufl the Sim ol screen.
0 MP POSITION : SUB—Screen moves to Upper/Down/Lelt/Riglit.
0 PlPlON/OFF) : On VGA mode, Plottermiaure tunction to view TV or
video while working in the screen
20.1" TFI' LCD Monitor
C ions for Remote Controll
llnserting battery in remote controller
®Pu|| up the cover. (amen the batteries ®Close the cover,
lHow to Use Remote Controller
bDistance and Angle tor Using Remote Controller
— Remote controller can be used in close distance lrorri the reception part
(between power LED and power button) ot remote controller wnhin
the angle at 30 ' to the right and the lett.
bDiscard the waste batteries in the separate collection boxt
(separately discard them since they will atlect the environmentl
ittlt Remote Controller does not Work
1.Check the +, — polarity ot batteries
acneck whether the batteries are all exhausted.
34Check whether it is 6 WE! tailure,
QCheck whether power cord is pulled out
5.0heck whether 3 wavelength lamp. special fluorescence and neon sign
are turned on around it.
Chapter 3. Installing Monitor 20.1"TFT LCD Monltor
Basic Connection (Common tor PC and Macintosh) Advanced Connechon
The adapter tnctuded tn thts montlov has the wattage auto change devtce
PowevvottagetsACttDNZA/WKBBASO/SDHZ Checklhe powermnnedonuonunmereardlm mentor lHow to Connect TVNCR/DVD Player
O O . mama-obtru- .
IE E m. min
0w 0 0 O 0 O O
1, Check whether PC and montlor are turned 0" betore connecltng the cable.
2. Connect to [M port at computer graphic card wlth DVIfD came provided
wnen using DVD-D port. tam, u IS avattabte cnty wnen u IS supported m
granhtc card when connecting ovn
3. Connect the monitor and PC wtth t5 Din connectton cable (D-SUB) and tasten
them wtth 2 screws. When they are not tastened. the screen may seem abnormal
or power LED IS red, Instead ct green.
4. Connect the Audio cable 5. Connect the S—Vldeo Cable,
6. Connect the Video and voice cable. 7, Connect the antenna.
8. Connect the AC/DC adapter to the mentor
9. Connect the power cord to the outlet.
[ 5,
Powev Connectton AdaDtev
ii!) W D sue us an came
:. =. m. we own
new m mm; in our
PC Connecnon
I t. t. Connecl the RCA conneclm Do” or S’VHS conneclton cabte to DVD. VCR 01 CEMCOVUGI.
2. Connect the audto output (compulet. DVD, VCR ot oamcotdett to the necessary tnpul pott,
3. Connect Ihe exlemat audtu system k) I"? 'Audl0“ port.
A, Comecl the antenna 0! CATV connectton cable to the 'Antema' port.
xc ..
Audio mecnun came
Audtu tN
cmncmm "nay (1mm amend ng on the mm m Usthg the moadcasflng system
Chapter 3. Installing Monitor 20.1"TFI'LCD Monitor
Connecting antenna Connecting A term
well 90"
Wall pan ANT IN
, owl-t wire 04min wire
Separate purchases 5. m“ mm“
9 D 15]
009997 Wire
Feeder wlre
Sonar-to purchnu
Sonar-to purchases
T0 g Ant-rm. comm-r
(oonmtor) Antenna converter
lApartment, town-houses
Ni using indoor antenna port.
lGeneraI house
< k ih t i kt m rtemon I I .
- 233wa £321,155 2? 523° T 22.3": $933“ ”32; ”mm m t" M °"'d°°' mt
_ Comm?" Wm bade, Mew $1" "m we Drum“) ' — it you use outdoor antenna, coneutt wnh the technician.
"g ' ' sew pu ' — it connecting with coaxiai wire: coaxial wire (separate purchase), copper wire
— it connecting with ieeder wtre: leeder wire (separate purchase),
antenna converter (separate purchase)
antenna converter (separate purchase)
lHow to Connect Feeder Wire (3000) to Antenna Converter
(D Q) (3)
>How to connect the coaxial wire (759) to antenna input port?
— Be caretul not to bend the copper wire.
— Purchase antenna wire and antenna converter at the e)ectroh)c store nearby.
6) Strip, twtst the arrtenha wire and make it in the shape 01 a ring. ”5 |he TV bmadcafling channel l00 weak?
(2) Loosen the screw with esnaped driver. — Separately purchase and tnstatt the radio amphier to receive high
(3) Insert the antenna wire and iasteh it with a driver. quainty broadcasting.
Chapter 3. Installing Monitor
Playstatl Connect|on
lHow to Connect to SONY PIaystationZ‘“
1. How to Connect with Basic AV Cable.
— PS2 + LCD Monitor (Sound is output through external speaker at LCD monitor)
t? mes. a??? 9
m...’ J
' Plnylt-lton z
eSeparately purchase Av cable and VIdQO cable.
2. How to Connect wittt S—lfidso Cable (Separate accessories] 53 509
— P52 + LCD Monitor + Separate Speaker (lor PC) O O
Puysr-tmn 2
KCortnect me me output part 01 34mm mole mm separate wearer
tor general man as shown In the ltgure
ttSeparately purcrme s—meo name it ymt mm to connect it as shown in me more llgure
20.1 " TFI' LCD Monitor
XBOX Connectt n
IHow to Connect to Microsoft XBox'“
1. How to Connect with Basic AV Cable.
— XBox 4 US!) Monitor (Sound ts outnut through external speaker at LCD monitor)
i tit-“!
lSeoaratety ourchase AV cable and Vldefl male.
2 How to Connect S-theo Cable (Separate accessories) O O
Shark Sweetie
— XBox + LCD Monitor + Separate Speaker (tor PC) O O
lmllfiemoofli‘ufl part oladvarmd Av packlorXBoxwlm separate speaker
Chapter 3. Installing Monitor
Installing monitor driver will result in proper setting oi resolution and trequerlw on the monitor
so that you can work on brighter screen,
attCautions : install it after checking the type of monitor again. For name or monitor model.
check the label atmched on the back at the monitor.
llnstallation Method
1. Auto Installation
Windows XP/2000
1) insert the Install diskette in the computer drive.
2) Use the Explorer to execute 'Irlstell.exe.'
3) Select your mon'nor model in the menu and then press the 'OK' button
A) When ”Do you want to continue the installation?" Window appears, press the ”ES“ button.
5) when a Window ”Monitor Setup has been succesetutly completed appears press the ‘OK' Mort
6) When a wtnuow ”it ts about to change your manner to the optimal status.
It will take several seconds and the screen may blink while rt Is cameo M.
It you do not apply optimal screen setting, t wlII eutontettoatty return to the mono background
wtthtn iZ seconds." press the ”OK' button.
7) When a window "optimal Screen setting has been successtully completed
it will return to the pret/lous screen in to seconds. Do you want to keep these settings?“
press the VES‘ button,
Windows 98/ME
1) insert the install diskette tn the computer drtve,
2) Use the Ewlcter to execute “Installexef
3) Select your mohnor model tn the menu and then pres the 'ot<' button
4) When it window ”insert Disk' appears, press the '0K' button endspecfly the path at insult
diskette tn the tleid oi original ltie path.(Ex: A:\) warm it nay automatically tnstatt withoul
displaying a window 'Irtset1 Disk”)
5) When a window ”Monitor Setup has been succestulry completed appears. press the '0K' baton
6) When a window "ll is about to change your monitor to the optimal status. it will latte several seconds
nd the screen may blink while it is carried out. it you do not apply optimal screen setting, tt wttt
automatically return to the original background within t2 seconds,“ press the "OK“ button
7) When a window ”Optimal screen setting has been successtulty omrvieted
it will return to the previous screen in to seconds. on you want to keep these setnrlgsT.
press the “(ES button
20.1 " TFT LCD Monitor
2.Manua| Installation
Windows 2000
i) Select Start" 7 Settles" 7 Control Perlet.‘
2) Click "Dlspiw‘ icon
3) Select Setttngs' - 'Mwanced' button
4) Click ‘Mortiior' — "Properties' button.
5) Select 'Drrver' am dldi Update Drrve( button.
6) Click Next' Mon.
7) Select Show driver |Is1 In this device to select soecllic dnver' and press Next button
8) Select Have disk. button.
9) Specfiv lhe directory or driver where diskette is located and press 'OK' bullortiEx: A:\)
K» Find and select the mdel in Select Moder and Dress “Next."
ll) Press ‘Next'
12) Press YES” Mort
i3) When a wtndow ‘Dnver has been successfully installed appears. press 'Flnlsh' buiton.
Windows 98
I) Selec1 'Start' - 'Settln9s' - "Comrol Parlel.’
2) Cllok Dspiay' loan.
at Select Settings' — 'Advanoed‘ button.
at Select Mortnor‘ - ‘cnsrlge' button.
5) Press 'Next' tumor! In the device driver update Wizard screen.
6) Select Select the desired driver alter making driver list' and press 'Next' button.
7) Select Have disk. button SDECIN the drrve path and press "OK'lEx: Ah)
8) Find and Sele the model in 'Selec1 Moder and press "Next."
9) Press ”Nerf baton and when a window “Selected driver has been successtully installed appears.
press ‘Ftnist’t' whorl
Windows ME
1) Select 'Start' - Settinw' - “Control Panel.’
2) Clld< DSDtay' icon.
3] Select Settings' — 'Mvance(f button
III Select ‘Monrior' * 'Cnange' bullon.
5) Select Smarty analnn oi Driver (Advancedl' and press Next.“
6) Setea vSelect Ihe destred drrver alter making driver let in the specific location" and press ”Nexi' button.
7) Seton lHave disk' button speciiy the drive path and press 'OK"(Ex: A:\J
S) Flrd am Select the nude in 'Selec1 Moder and press "Next."
9) Press ‘Ned' button and when a windflw “Selected driver has been successfully tnstalled
appeas, press F'n'srt' button.
Chapter 3. Installing Monitor Chapter 4. Using Monitor
ach Mode W ndow
Wlnd NT Press OSD button (mode) or remote controller button (mode) to display the lollowtng
1) Salem 'Start' > Settlrigs' » 'Controt Panel.” windows as shown below. You can use it by selling ll to lit each mode
2) Cllck Display Icon.
3) Select 'Selltngs" —'Adapter Type.“
4) Select the proper color and resolution tlzeoxrmt in the 'Dtsplay' screen again. TV Mode SVHS(SVIDE0)Mode
5) Change "Relresh rate' to '60Hz.'
6) To test the changed lrequency, select “lest,” press '0K' and then press 'OK'.
7) ll you ctiange the setting at Vldeo adapter, reboot your system. Mode Current Mode Searching
newesty more neutrinos. assign sting no. immense wan. SVHS
Your rnonitor can be set using this lilo. This file is made by exoeuting xlstsconring,
tt Alter executing xlesconling, press Enter in tne lirsl and the second screen. CVBS(VIDEO)Mode DVI Mode
2D The third screen Is to Sal lhe mouse.
3) Set tne system you use to lit the mouse.
4) Next screen is to select the keyboard.
5) Set the system you use to ill the leyboard. Mode Searching Mods Searching
6) Next screen ls to set the mention
7) Vou should set the horizontal lrequertcy llsL Select n In relefence lo the WI
(Von may directly enter tne lrequency.t
a) no, Wt said set the latency. see .i n new i, the ma DVI
(Vuu may directly enter tne lrequertch sieves (Video Model?
9) Next, enter the monitor model name me Inlolmabcn ol monitor entered here Is not Campos“ yum Biankmg sync
directly related to sxewllort oi x—wrridow).
to) Now, morillor settlng has been completed. VGA Mode
ti) Complete setting ol other hardware and save tne setting lile made in Ihe pfogmm.
12) Now, exeme Xwndw,
. . M if
lCauttons after Installation ode Sea": Inst
Alter installing tne monitor to PC, it is destmue lo opllmlm the screen ueng tne AUTO Almost
in the MENU. (teeter w "new to Use ost) Mono’ for AUTO ADJUST (Pogo 24>.)
Chapter 4. Using Monitor
0 menu per base Icon
I use mkwwnu amm man-m
El cso rrmr on st
5 mo Puma-t Punt EEEEG
m OSONPwhwl—Z so
E csov mull—Z] so
9 barn- hunwt
vsnslou 1mm
- Etrlghtness : Mlusl the meratl brigmness 01 screen.
7 Contrast 1 Mp3. IVE Mall 00mm of screen.
il ls out 04 locus.
~ Frequency : Use whrle adusllng aecmtrng to me selling,
- H Postllon ' Move the entrre screen lo the tell or nghl.
— v Poslllon Move the ertrre screen to me betow or upper.
IPIP Screen Setting
- Brightness ‘ Ad|ust the overall bnghtnes cl ween,
* Contras1 : Adlusl the overall contrast 0! screen
- Sharpness 1 Adiusl the Shaw 0! PIP screen.
- Cclcr : Ad|us| the color.
— ”finl : M|usl the trnl.
— PIP Source : ladeq s vrdeo, TV
- PIP Slze 2 Mius| In the 07091 d a", small, normal and big.
- PIP More Settrng : Miusl the hoflzonlal posnm
vertrcal posrrron and PIP posrrron.
IOSD Screen Setting
—oscead Sound Swap : Exchange between sound at
matrl sound and sub sound.
lother Settings
— Auto Adluslment : Functlen to return to the optlmal status
when me on status 01 screen ls unstable or tllckers.
’ Source 1 lndlcale |he slgnal input (0 the screen.
- Sleep Tlme : Operate lrl TV made and can be reserved
tnr up (n tzo rnrnutes.
- Room Lrghllng ‘ Set to Mar/la. Brlght or Standard.
» Freeze Frame : Set to on and o".
e Znnm Settrng : Adjust the slze ol screen.
- More Optrcn : Color temp. sharpness tllter. scale mode
and tectory reset.
-°'-'l‘ _:I2
ITV Setting
, Channel :Sel the channel you want to watch.
H mm. “, Mm. — Tune Type : Adlust rn auto or manual menu
- nr- rr... _:I - Frne Tuner : Flnely tune the trequerlcy ul channel.
5 m: : , Channel Edrt : Add/delete the selected channel.
5 mm m M — Channel Swap : Swap the selected channel
m] 5”, m a, min other channel.
e m Kn-l — Source : Set to Antenna cr Cable.
— Reglon seet to Korea, USA, Japan or Taiwan.
Chapter 4. Using Monitor
For use of products
lFoIIowing OSD screen will appear when you turn on the monitor tor the iirst time.
H than-em
‘ m
1. Operates in DSD screen as selected.
2. Mode is changed whenever you press Mode button in the bottom oi monitor
or Mode button oi the remote controller.
3, Contents at each mode window diiler depending on the users environment,
MRGB: General VGA Moder chs: Video Mode. svl-ls: s Video Mode
PC Screen Set mg
lAuto Setting
1. Press ”AUTD‘ button.
2. The screen you are watching is automatically adjusted
(press it sevsrsl times it the screen does not operate properly nl'ter ndiuiting one time.)
3. You can adjust more easily using Auto button oi the remote controller
(Auto adjustment wnrks in use of analog input.)
lManuaI Setting
i. Press 'Menu‘ button.
2. Press (I) button to select the items including [Eli [Eli a (E obj
3, Press 'A/V' button to select the item you want to adjust.
4. Press '4/>' button to adjust the setting value according to usel’s environment.
5. Alter adjusting, press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press lt again to make the Menu window disappear
20.1" TFT LCD Monitor
03 Screen Sett
tr Press New“ button,
2. Press '' button to select ttie @ item,
3. Press ‘A/V‘ button to select the item you want to adjust
4. Press '4/>' button to adjust the setting value according to user's environment.
— OSD screen adjustment differs depending on input (VGA. DVI. W. Video, s—Video).
— When the product. is released from the factory, it is lisssd on the lsngusgu of the region
where the product is sold (Ex: sues in Korea: Ksresn)
5. After adjusting, press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press it again to make the Menu window disappear.
Sound Sett ng
1. Press ‘Mew' button.
2 Press '' button to select the E item.
3. Press 'A/V' button to select the item you want to adjust
4. Press ‘4/b' button to adjust the setting value according to user's environment.
- Sound node sin be set to Movie. News ind sundsrds by dsrsult in addition tn the mode the user cuswmlzes.
- You can use Sound Mute fulwuon more conveniently, using the Mute butwn of the remote controller.
5. Alter adjusting. press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press it again to make the Menu window disappear.
Chapter 4. Using Monitor
Screen Tint Settin
1. Press 'Menu” button.
2. Press ”4/P' button to select the Q item.
3. Press "A/V' button to select the \..._ .
4. Color Temp. : Select the tine you want among 5000/7300/9300/userl
(You can must red, green rind blue according to tin user's unvlmnmcm using the um mung.)
Sharpness: Select the sharpness you want among
CIeariy/Normai/SottlyNery SottIyNery Clearly.
Scale Mode: Select the scale you want among Fill All/One to One/Zoom.
Factory Reset: Return to the initial setting as set at the time at tactory deliveryl
5. Alter ad|usting. press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press it again to make the Menu window disappear.
an; m limiting .
e mm mm
PIP Setting
20.1 " TFI‘ LCD Monitor
lTo watch two screens at the same time
Tn wnlth two screens at the same hum Each screen tvldcn. TV. S’Vldeu] npnl-ntns ln PIP when n is in PC made
However. PC screen docs nor work as PIP it“ it is in screen mode such as TV, Video or s-vidm,
1. Press ‘Menu' button.
2. Press '' button to select the
3. Press “A/V' button to select the
item you went to adiust
wnnn PIP .s not mu osu screen is not uurvuwd. Following trams will be ucuvutud when PIP apuraws.
4 Press “Clb' button to ediust the setting value according to users environment.
5. Select the _to adiust the H position. V position and PiP size
(Up Down Right Leit Middle).
6. Atter adjusting. press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press it again to make the Menu window disappear.
Chapter 4. Using Monitor 20.1"TFTLCD Monltor
1. Press “Menu“ button.
a Press '' button to Q select the icon image item.
mam Select rTVl in 'MODE to turn on TV screen. 3. Press A/v button to Eur- select the icon image,
4. Press ‘4/b' button to select On/Ott.
5. Alter adjusting. press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press it again to make the Menu window disappear.
l TV Screen Setting (can be set in TV mode).
1. Press 'Menu' button, I Screen Stop Setting
2. Press '' button to select the E item. 1. Press “Menu' button.
3. Press "A/V“ button to select the item you want to adjust 2 Press '' button to Eselect the icon image item.
4. Press "4/D“ button to adjust the setting value according to user's environment. 3. Press ‘A/v‘ button to [ET—mated the icon image.
5. Alter adjusting, press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and 4. Press '‘ button to select the screen size.
press it again to make the Menu Window disappear 5, Alter adjusting, press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press it again to make the Menu window disappear,
-l cmr I Sound Setting
2 “WW" 1. Press Volume '' button to display the lollowing window in the screen,
Ill cmj a“ 2. Press Channel ‘A/V' button to select the item you want to adjust
Ill Ema-ism 3. Press Volume '" button to select the Qitem. tvou/vouxw—l-u—rwm
3. Press 'A/V' button to select the e Fit-n mu. m
4. Press  button to select the mood you want among Standard/Movle/Erlght, (vow! MM"
5. Alter adjusting, press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and —=-
. . «av/Win.“
press it again to make the Menu wrndow disaDDear.
Chapter 4. Using Monitor
Adva ed Operat
l Mute the sound (MUTE lunction)
1, Press ”Menu“ button.
2 Press “VP“ button to select the E "item.
3. Press “A/v“ button to select the tit-w .
A, Press “4/b“ button to select Oil button.
- You cuu use more conveniently using the “MUTE“ button or the remote controller,
5. Alter adjusting, press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press it again to make the Menu window disappear,
I Menu window Position Setting
1, Press ”Menu“ button.
2 Press “1b“ button to select the 3 "item.
3. Press “A/v“ button to select the exam .
A. Press ““ button to select the language.
5. Alter adiusting, press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press it again to make the Menu window disappear,
l Menu window Background Setting
1. Press ”Menu“ button.
2 Press “4/>' button to select the 5 item.
3. Press “A/V“ button to select the tar-t- .
4. Press “(I)“ button to select the language.
5. Atter adjusting, press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press it again to make the Menu window disappear.
20.1 " TFI' LCD Monitor
Menu window Background Setting
Press “Menu“ button.
a Press '' button to select the Qitem.
Press “A/V“ button to select the mun-n .
Press “(I)“ button to select the opaque/ transparent
Atter adjusting, press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press it again to make the Menu window disappear.
Initialization Setting
Press “Menu“ button.
. Press “(I)“ button to select the £93 item.
Press “A/v“ button to select the New” .
. Press ’VOLA“ button to ad marri- initialize.
. Atter adjusting, press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press it again to make the Menu window disappear.
Sleep Time Setting
Press “Menu“ button.
. Press “4/b“ button to select the E item.
Press 'A/V' button to select the 0“me .
. Press ““ button to select the time you want.
_ After adjusting, press the Menu button to return to the previous stage and
press it again to make the Menu window disappear.
Chapter 5. Others
20.1 " TFI' LCD Monitor
Model SpeCI lcati
In case at trouble. checkthese items helore calling the service center.
none. ileoi o‘rr ilpzoi WP
Trouble Suggastad Rtmody 1 Si” 20 ‘ M 20 ‘ [m
Screen is blank and ' 3:53.03 “M” > secure the connect.” x piicn (ii xi!) 0 55x 0 255mm o 255 x0 255mm
power lndltztor ls oft. ' p Push the power button. h‘“ 29W” 25W”
) Check power button. m c Mo m ‘ m ‘
, , Viv-A l- (MW/m alT/acl‘leu‘lw BG'IBO'IBD'IBD'
Screen is blank iiul power » Check the monitor Slgnal b Secure the connection at N in“ (m 20 m, m m
indicator is in green made. cable [D-SUB] connection, monitor signal cable [D-SUBI
[m norm Fuqu-nq iii-GOKHZ ai—soKHx
, emu for (Wm ' Med Frqlunw 56-6912 55-8st
g?::¥rzzfnh" and SI“ adjustment lit display ’ infxzfilus'mw Million woo x izootsoilz) 1600x izooleol-txi
' position and size. ' Dl-leyColw is mlollmnnoi in 7Mloilnenno)
- > Change the video card "“'"°' W”’“°°°’°""°°°’DV"° Anewvomwloeo/Dvm
fang?" "“ ‘ “""°"" 5 Check Video tan! resolution. mung; 0, "501mm. 5°“ mm""’"‘°"°‘" W ’“"°""'S°’P‘L‘SE°‘M'
' p Adjust Lolnr m sus menu. sun-l mm mm Res Ari-loo Hes
. _ . _ _ Wm M- Sepuiuie Separate
Disl‘i’laxs too bright or 3 Check monilur brightness. . Adjust me brightness and pin, A my not: ms one ”as
too a . contrast in SUB menu. Ab loo—240V 50/5on loo-24W 50le1
. . . oc iev 3 w lEV 3 88A
Any noise appearing in . Pv-l' ' ‘
images or cnnraclors m b Check PHASE lcnn. ’ wag?“ “m“ “55"9 Cam-"wor- 7DW1MAXl mwmm
not charly portrayal. 2 "°" '“ "m" m“- law sw new sw below
sonic 3Wx25leieolypePuuVe swxzstom Iype Fume
’ Chmflgmunflafih? VGA Ad|ul1mefll VGA Adjumunl
rsclure'is 0K hut No Sound. fjgnimwm,;':m'fi;1 D Make surethal MUTE isnol osn oso
p ion Out “WWI WW Comm“ on and the volume level. Sound Sound
v Eheckthe Volume level 0" Sal-l Dbl-11050) Color Colof
v Check the Volume Level nl
. > Volume up your Momlorwlln W ~
Sound is too small. monltnosflgfld Al'ldlfl Ezel Drll DSlOperaling gym,“ Eng/NIIGulFm/Jsp/Kur EnglllslGer/Fra lJ-leor
your pen mg em. 9.“ 0. 0.
mflnmexm 566x222x505mm SSSXZIEXSDSMM
mam“ DV' Mm“- 5 Check a DVI cable. > Secure lire WI Cable connection. minimum Box! 8 mg 5 m
Mm Como! rv Model ,
N n Tvsignal [Option] v checll a TVAnlermz o Adjustthe TV Setllng Mode m We, SW m sum BM
cable 5 connection. on 050.
FCC Information
This devrce complies With Part 15 or the FCC Results. Operation is subject to the
followm lwci conditions,
(1) This Device may not cause harmrul interface, and
(2) This device must accept any intcrfcrcncc rccclvcd, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply With the limits
for UASS B diqital device, pursuant to Fat 15 of FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection agalni harmful
nterrerence when the equipment is operated in a commercial enwruiiinent
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radii: Frequency energy
and. if net installed and used in accordance with the Instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio mmmunlfalons However, there IS l'K)
guamntee that interference will not occur In a particular Installation. If thls
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined bv turning the equipment off and on. the user is
encouraged to try correct the interference by one or more of the fofluwrig
1.1. Reonent or relocam the receiving antenna.
1.2. Ina—ease the sepamtjofl between the equipment and i'ecetver.
1 3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a (IrCUIl different fiarn
that to which receiver is connected
L4. Consult the daala’ or experienced radio/TV techmcian for help.
Changes or nmrimtiuns not expressly approved by me inanuratturei could void the user's authority
operate the equipment.

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