NewQ System LVNR190 LCD Monitor User Manual

NewQ System Co., Ltd. LCD Monitor Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document ID536213
Application IDhifgTiVAz8GyuJH9uiNO9Q==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize219.39kB (2742371 bits)
Date Submitted2005-04-26 00:00:00
Date Available2005-04-26 00:00:00
Creation Date2005-03-25 16:49:42
Producing SoftwareAdobe Acrobat 6.01 Image Conversion Plug-in
Document Lastmod2005-04-22 09:40:18
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 6.01

User's Manual
INDEX 1. Introduction
I. introduction Safety Precautions
55” m 3 1 neiore connecting the AC power cord to the no adapter outlet, make sure the voltage
mm y, W 4 designation oi the nu adapter corresponds lolne local electrical supply.
2 cm 1 Never insert anything metallic intothe openings in the cabinet orlhe Liquid Crystal
Display [LEDI Monitor idoing so may cause electric shock.
Connectno to the M 5 , _ _ _
_ _ a Toavotd electric shodt. never touchthe inside oithe LCD Monitor. only a guatiiied
1 Best: Exam-aim technician shoiod open the case oi tho LCD Monitor,
PM View 6 4 Never use your u:n Monitor ii the power cord has been damaged. no not allow anything
M, W 7 to rest on the power cord and keep the cord away from areas where people can trip over it.
Atoso 0mm 8 5 so sure to hotdtne plug, not the cord. when disconnecting the LCD Monitor ironi an
etoctris socket.
1 other
6 Openings in the LCD Monitor unmet ore wwided ferventilation To prevent overheating.
“mm 13 the“ opmim; ohmld not he blocked or colored. Also. avoid using thi LCD Monitor on a
. . pod. soia. rug.or other soil suriace. doing so may block the ventilation openings in the
M Ma“ ‘4 bottom or the caeinet. "you out the Leo Monitor in a bookcase or some other enclosed
why was |5 space. he sure to provide adequate ventilation.
7 Put you LCD Monitor in a Location with Low humdity and a minimum 0! dust.
5 Do not expose the LCD Monitor to rain or use it near woterlin kitchens, near swimming
pools. etc.|. tithe Loo Monitor accidentally gets wet, unplug it and contact an authorized
dealer invnetiately. iron can cteanthe LCD Mon-tor with a damp cloth when necessary,
In! no suroto unplug (M LCD Monitor firfit.
9 Plan- Inc LCD Monitor on a solid surhco and trul tl car-lullyTho sm-n is made at thin
glass with a plastic lroht surface and can be damaged it dropped, hit or scratched. Do not
clezn the trout panel with kemvape materialsle cetonel, ethyl alcohol. toluene, ethyl
acid. methyl. or attoride- these may damage the panel.
111 Position your can Monitor near an easily accessible on outlet.
11 It your mt) Monitor does not operate nomtaliy-rn particular.i1there are any unusual
stands or smells coming rromit»unplugit-mmet1iatety and contact an authorized dealer
or service center.
12 high temperature can cause problems. Don't use your Lcn Monitor in direct sunlight,
and keep it away from heaters, stoves, fireplaces, and other sources at heat.
13 Unplug the LCD Monitor when it is going to be left unused for an extended period oitime.
u Unptug your LCD Monitor rmmtheM: outlet notore any sorvlce.
I , 0
1. Introduction
Contents of Package
i -
Ac/Dc Adam
TFr-LCD Monitor
Power cw
f} / ‘I '
ee- fir-
ENC Cable m sly-l on ls pm]
Q /
Qty ; i
Usefs Manual Audio Clue“ N98)
Please make sure the lolluwmg llem are mcluded Wm. your manlmr
llany llems are mlssmg, conlacl your dealer.
2. Connection
Connecting to
Aw” s-PEAKEw
van MME
cm tumu-
. vlaen InlBNDI conned lhe vmea connedwn ol me mamlar and Ihs DVR usmg
the END Cable
0 s-wm In Canned lheSerden connecllnn Mme mumlm and We DVR uslng
the SerdW Cable
0 Wm cutlaucl Connect lhe Vlfleo connecllon ol lhe mamlar and lhs ch usmg
me ENC Cable
0 And-oh Canned IheAudlu In cwnedlun ul lhe mumlorand Ihe DVR usmg
me mum Cablelvqpel
Q Andloflul Domed lnemmu uul connemmn ul lhe mumlur and Ihe axlemsl speaket
3. Basic Explanation
Ann mu mm mm
M DOWN Iv) UPIA] Move In Up/Duwn um um Mam Menu
0. LEFT |<1 alarm») Move: (a ma Leh/Rwhl on 050 sua Menu
o powen Turns me LCD Murmur GN/OFF
0 mm [SEL In; butlnn u lnr adjustmg the SCREEN 55‘an amnmanrcauy nnVGA 5mm and
.s lar Selecting LehlSubl llems nmhe 050 [On Screen Dvsplay]
[Nola ”AUTO luncllondoesnlwvrkvnlheDV‘ Saurce]
OMENu Vrewarnuune DSDMenu
o MflDE m5 bulmn rs unlyfm ANALOG and uw Suurce
The screen changes ln PCaGAME Mama when pressmg u
o SDURCE The mpm source changes to ANALOGVDVLV‘DEOVSVV‘DEO
17"l19" TFT LCD Monltor
0 O 0 0 O 0 O O 0 0
. powzn Canned m pmr card nlyaur mnmlnr
. v|DEo mlch] Cannm m ENC (able w mu
»vmso m Canned yum S—VWdEu Input mu «9 mm mpul rnr vcw use
. vmzu OUTIBNCI Canned lheVmec conneclmn 04 (he manner and «heVCR usmg the ENC came
0 use up Cannen lhe upsmn pm at the display In the downslream porl d the USE cumpham
ova nr answer nus usmg the use (able [uvw musl have a use pnrfl
. use new Comma m; use campllam penpnerau nu ms downsheam puns a! the dlsplay
. nwn Connect lhe Eupplwed awn cable (0 your cumpuler
Please now your Graph: Card snoum suppm DVI Vuncflon
. Mus Cannon your Momlorlu yuurtompulcruslng lhe D-SUE cable
. AUDIfl m Canned an audm cable and 3mm between m; mpul and audln uulpul an DVR
0 AUDID nut Vnu (an canned a separale Speaker (0 lhvs mm. you nary hear au sounds
"Waugh yuur separate speaker system
0 SPEAKER Bun-m Speakers
. VESA mus larlix q nnme wan SuppuflsVESA mnunlmg standard lur use mn VESA muunmng dances
n adapted mnxmnrnrn VESA Slandard
Nule Vvucanbuyswallmqunlqulalywrnearbyeleclrumcshops
Hnwlo remnveme Mnmlvr 5mm formmuing VESA
cnmvllam mommy device.
\ Remave «he cover 00 Screw Hales to We Lell/nghl
2Remm Straws and Ihen remuvethe Mummr s|and
1. OSD Controls 17"/19"TFTLCD Monllor
com-n so-—:o
mm- mn-—o
- up man Mm me emre screen «a the MI or fight.
- Plum-m Mmlne emre streefl up or down.
- sharpness Adjusl m snarpen or $01er the pram,
- Pm. Frne lmmg at the screen.
- Elndx MW“ “1: hurlznnlalrsae of Ihe ermre screen
'mslw\mofldmsnl mm mm: nw awn:
[I on me mm u. No
Q mu m one: u. no
lie osn mm
- cum: ,Ad.usr nne whflelevelollhtpmum. “
- Brighlnns ,Au.usr Io brighten or darken nne unure
- Dolnerusl Adjusl m rncrease or decrease me Color lrlensny _
n: - Function
, nil-"Temp , Select Color Temperzlure or set Cflvr Lewd
(max. 650“. 530“. USERI- aura Miles! Reset lo me ourmax sme auwmanally.
IH aura Dolor zweseune cow-mensnyauemuauy.
OW (0 use ‘ flush-mm" doesnlwwk mm: DW scum:
- Open 050 Menu by pressmg the Menu bmlon
-Move In me desired menu using SEL Dillon, H“ m use
, ane nne SmrMenus 0! me chosen Menu uslng SEL Mun - Open OSD New In mssmg lhe Menu Wm.
, Euune OSD menu bypressmg Menu Man once ormce ' Mm“ lhe desired menu usmq SEL button
— Move the SmrMenus nl Ihe chosen Menu uslng SEL button
9 s Euum DSD rnenubypressmg Menu Mtonnncenrtwme. 9
4. 050 Controls 11mg" TFI'LCD Manllar
[I can _ S-VIDEO
97x alum vmso
IE can um
- Misc.
- Linguagl Salem lne osu language. _ s‘ ls 5,“ Anal law. va .s-va _
lEngllsh, Funnels, Dmsth, EspafioL Ilzllzm, 9201, Polskl] W“ “W“ m "g ‘ °° ‘ °°
- 050 MPH. :Move lne osu screen In lne Ml ar ngnl. ' W" "9“ PC, mm “r “W” '°’ W" 5m!" s‘i‘us
_ osn vlp", MW, m, osu mm W a, 4m - llml Rel-ms back all semng values \u ungmallamry values
- osn Timor : Set nme lgr autu-hldmg osn. whenlheu Is no menu - Volume Mlusl lne Spesm Volume
selenium after predefined (lme. Mxlmufl ls luu sec,
-Transluclm ,Charlgnhetranspar!m or apague slalus pl lne background or me 050 mm, (a use
, Open nsu Menu b/presslng the Menu nullpn.
IHUW W “59 -Movelalhe fleslrefl menu uslhg SEL human.
- cpen BSD Menu by pressmg lne Menu bulhm - Move Inc SubMews ol the chasm Menu uslng SEL bullpn.
, Muvem lne deslred menu using SEL mum , Em lne OSD menu bypresslng Menu nullpn pnee prlwlse
r ane the SulrMenus n! Ihe chnsen Menu uslng SEL Minn.
- Exit lne osn menu by pressing Menu bullon once prlme.
4. 050 Controls
- Video ADJ
- comm Ad|usi the mine lgvel or me mum.
- 5 gm ,M|usi In human or darken ms pain
- Nu. Ad|usi the calm (one ni me picture.
- Snumlon »Aa.usi Saturation mm picture
- Shlrpnlis means! In shaman or suiien Ih! picluf!
I How in use
- Open osu Menu by pressing (he Menu Mien,
» ane In the deswed menu usmg SEL Minn.
» Move ms Sub-Menus no [he (hasen Menu usmg SEL mum
- Exit lhe ass menu by Dressing Menu builun once or M!“
Ilpmbtems EXISI. check these items belore calling me sen/ice centers
5. Other
Tram suggmod Remody
Scum isbllnklnd ‘g‘figfiml' > Secumthecunneclmn
poweflmllnlurlx all > emu pwmm > Push the pnwer minim
Saeailshunkwlpwer >cnukinamnminrsignai » Securamecunnecliun oi
indicator is in green mode. cable (D-SUBI wnnlclinni momlur signal cable lD-SUBI
. . . P Check hr turret!
gllsrlyposilm lndslxe minim“ a, “M > ar‘fiuxeaflusimem
“1 H" Pnsmm and an ’
Scrum - 1 i, m. > changsihswasnnm
m, “fife?” "" "" ° > chock vim card “solution, 5m...“ 0, mama"
y Admsl color in sus mum
Displlyi: loo new of r check monllur bnghtneui s may (he bngmness and
In dark.
canirasi in SUE menui
Mynuinappe ‘ng in
Images wminnwsm
> Check PHASE ICnrl.
> Decreaselhenuise using
me PHASE m m min menu.
mt delrty pomlyed.
> Mimi me wmo mu
mmeammmnm > M k "I MUTE ‘
. | mm | ML assure a Isrm
m“ "K “N“ 5mm. fixfimlrymméfix an and must (he vaiume isvei.
r manna“ level
>cmmevaiume mm mm upihevolumeun ham
Sound is (on um mannorand Mm Level on your Mummy and
your OSlOpualmg Systeml, DSIUWBMNJ Svsleml.
nM Nude does not awn: > Checklhe DVI same > Secumhe EM Came cannedwn
5. Other 17"I19" TFI‘ LCD Monllor
Model cmcatlo Display Modes
7 the 549164 from the system equals the standard sgnal mode. then the screen 75 adJusted
MODEL "I’m sm- IOM hi wlomahcdly. ll Ihe signal From the system does not equal the standard signal mode. then
mu... mm. mm. adjusuhe modennhlle referrmg 16 0.5 mm 03m uszrgmdelhecsuse Ihe screen mightnal
r|.| “Mm, 0254ng nmmmxom asplay. or only the power LED mlghlbe on]. Durmg manulacmre. the screen wmage has
mm.- 400mm aw... been npnmlznd for he dlsplay modes um below:
M' m m 500 | 500 |
m uni-(Wm 7000er mums/75- MODE Reunion Horizontal FrequanAKHz) Vedical FrequencytHz)
Super-Q “m- (IIFI u n- 12 m
"I" m] M “my New mm NEC mxdWUosMode) 24.0 56.00
Vulul run-my swam sum: VESA oompallble
Multan wwx mum) ‘mx 1mml VGA 640x350 3147 70 00
mun-y mm m mam-nu) mum-my ' '
m Aniog/VMBMZHiMV m/VMB‘CHS-WV 640x350 37'56 85‘00
use/uwumuusus/Mn use/wimopmnnsusmm 720wa 31.47 70.00
m, 37.37? "at“ "a? 720x400 37.93 35.00
m- , M m m m m 640x480 31.47 60.00
M: wo-mv 5mm wo-mv some 640x480 3500 66.70
m m: w mu m s 10 640x450 37,56 7250
at“ mi“: m: 640x450 37.50 75.00
w W, WM 640x480 43.27 05.00
Data Cow
M, W SVGA 800x600 35.15 56.30
Wm w 800x600 37.50 60.30
mumnnumymm 0mm 060mm 800x600 A003 7220
“a?“ v5“, 800x600 A667 75.00
mWfilm ,mw 800x600 53.67 85.10
£35“? m m “29/0” m "mg” XGA |024x768 48.36 60.00
x x x xmm x xm
In! ll-(WXLXN) mxmxuym. “0“??an ‘024X768 56'40 70'10
“lawn/mos) Mug/am; «mm, 1024x768 50.02 75.00
M Fiat-(55m! rid-(my 1024x768 68.67 55.00
"' mlmmmm m mam-m.-
masmmmzmammmmm Mmmmaybeshpflbdflrwmlfixlrm 5X5“ |280x|024 540° 60-00
|280x|024 79.00 75.00 .
FCC Information
This devrce complies With Part 15 or the FCC Results. Operation is subject to the
followm lwci conditions,
(1) This Device may not cause harmrul interface, and
(2) This device must accept any intcrfcrcncc rccclvcd, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply With the limits
for UASS B diqital device, pursuant to Fat 15 of FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection agalni harmful
nterrerence when the equipment is operated in a commercial enwruiiinent
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radii: Frequency energy
and. if net installed and used in accordance with the Instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio mmmunlfalons However, there IS l'K)
guamntee that interference will not occur In a particular Installation. If thls
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined bv turning the equipment off and on. the user is
encouraged to try correct the interference by one or more of the fofluwrig
1.1. Reonent or relocam the receiving antenna.
1.2. Ina—ease the sepamtjofl between the equipment and i'ecetver.
1 3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a (IrCUIl different fiarn
that to which receiver is connected
L4. Consult the daala’ or experienced radio/TV techmcian for help.
Changes or nmrimtiuns not expressly approved by me inanuratturei could void the user's authority
operate the equipment.

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