NewQ System NR190DT LCD Monitor User Manual

NewQ System Co., Ltd. LCD Monitor Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document ID537036
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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize264.77kB (3309655 bits)
Date Submitted2005-04-28 00:00:00
Date Available2005-04-28 00:00:00
Creation Date2005-01-13 12:39:37
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Document Lastmod2005-04-26 19:28:52
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 6.0

17"/19"TFTLCD monrron ,,
User's Manual . A
MA07220103 - L l
|. Initfi mosaic“
SM Prlwflons
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2 Cmnodjon
cumming h the PC
cor-mm in the vet:
5“anan your Monllor
L Bide animation
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1. Initial Preparations
Safety Preca ions
1 Beinre eonnscllng lhe AC power cord lo lhe DD adapler oullel. make sure lhe uollage
designalipn oi lhe DC adapler corresponds in rhe looal eleelrloal supply
2 Never insert anylhing melslllc inlo lhe openings in lhe cablnel ol lire Liquid eryslal
DisplaylLCD] Monitor . doing so may create lhe dangerol eleclrre shock
3 Tu avuid eleclric shack naverluuch (he lnslde ml the LCD Murmur Unlya quallllzd
lechmman should open the case cl the LCD Monitor.
4 Never use your LCD Morillor I! the power card has been damaged Do not allow/anything
lo resl on lhe power cord, and keep lhe cord away lrom areas where people can mp over u.
5 Be sure lo halt] the plug, not me cord. when disconnetling Ihe LCD Monilor Irnm an
electric socket.
6 Openings in lhe LCD Monllor cablnel are pmvlded lor VeMllallonJo preuenl ouerheallng,
lhese opening should nol lae blocked or elwered. Also, ivnid uslng lhe Lcn Monrloron a
bed. sole. rugor olher soil surlace, dnlng so may block lhe venlilalion openings In lhe
bollom oi lhs caninel. ii you pul lhe LCD Morlilor in a bookcase or some olher enclosed
space. he sure lo provide adequale venlllallon.
7 Pm your LCD Murmur in a Loeanon wrlh Low humldily and a mlnlmum ol dusl.
a Do nol expose lne LCD Momlcrlc ram or use h nearwalerlrn krlchens, near swlmmlng
pools, elel, ll lhe LCD Monllor accidentally gels wel. unplug rl and conlacl an aulhorized
dealer lmmedialely Vou can clean the LCD Monrlor wrlh a damp rlolh when necessary.
bul as sure lo unplug lhe LCD Monilorhrsl.
9 Place the LCD Monitor on a solid suriace and (real N carerullflhe screen ls made loin
glass wrlh a plasllc lronl surlace and can be demaged ll dropped, on or scralched no nol
clean lhe lronl panelwilh keldn-lype malerlalsle g., azelnnel, elhylalcdhol, loluene, elhyl
acid, inelhyl. Dr (Murmur lhsse may damage lhe panel.
10 Locate your LCD Monitor near an easily accessmle AC oullel.
11 ll your LCD Mornlor does nol operale normally-in particular, ll lhere are any unusual
sounds or smells coming lrorn llrunplug ll immedralely and eonlacl an aulhorued dealer
orserwee cenler
12 ngh lernperalure can cause problems. Dnn'l use your LCD Momlor In drreol sunllghl,
and keep ll away lrorn healers. sloves, fireplaces, and olher sources ol heal.
13 Unplug lhe LCD Monilorwnen ll is going lo oe lell unused foran exlended period oi lime.
14 unplug your LCD Monilorrrom lne ac oullel oelore any seryroe
17"/19" TFT LCD Monltor
C ents of Packa e
- Passive smoulinn)
TFT—LCD Monllor *
ABC/DC Adaptor
Mlo Cablewpflon)
HI lefifiw
Ram wlfloflbn)
m cool-loader.) %
Min «or km 00mm!)
— s a u
.,, b
Usefs Manual Installation Diskefle
Please make sure Ihe following ilems are included with your monilor.
ll any rlems are missing. contact your dealer.
2. Connection
Thls monlter oflers a melhml ior both a PC and a workstation. One or both types
at slgnal tables can be connected in we monitor slmullaneuusly. Delemune
whlch connectlon melhodls] you need and reler lo the lnstructlons below.
U »: [Upllon]
- Power Conn-ctlon ..
Conn-cl m Pow-r Flug
lnlo elmer e loo-um v
wail Dull“ IFna wing-l 7 5 |
I PC Connttllon
l Conn-cl(mmhnlmrhnmmD—Suflflfiglnl
Ccnneztw no me PC uslflg me n-sus Slgnal Came
ll Con/ml m owl lermmal oiywr Granmc Card inflMamlor
using a DVi-Diuplni nihi-
Nae ywshwld nanprhlccard,mchswpommlumm
mm m b—nl'llmv
- Auuie IN
Canned (heAudlo m connecllon
oi the mnnllnrznd the Po sound ml
uslng the mam Cable
0 Ailentlon : Power off both the monltor and PC before maklng any connections the PC.
17"I19" TFI' LCD Monitor
Connectln to the VCR
o 0 Q I
g i \
O O 0
L ween In . cell-lea the vldeo (cnnlfllnn nl me monitor and the vow player uslng
the Video Cable
1&de In v Connect the S-Vldeo comedian oi the monliof 1nd the VCR player uslnq
the S-Vnten Cable.
l Audio In . Connect the Audio In ounnezllon oi the monitor and the PC sound card uslng
the Audio Cable
5. Audio nul - Connect lhe Audiowt omnetwn oi lhe monitorand the exlemalspezker
i WAmenm In Connect me TV antenna cl me manner and lhe ch player using
lhe w anlem cable.
3. Installing your Monitor
Please msen lhe Installatlon disk mm the floppy drive and then‘
Double Cllck on "mslallexe".
To gel more detalled Information icr your 05 [Dpemtlng System],
Please see the readme. text on installatlon Dlskette.
4. Basic Explanation finnsnrrr Lcn Monllor
. PWER -Cnnnecl the Puwermm do your mnmlnr
Q [NI-D - Cmnecl me supplied DVl-D cable m yourcampuler
speakers 0
DOWN") qu ° ' . ”0“ Please ndre your Graphic Card she-dd suppm nw runcnun
menu; new») 0 — O MENU Q D~SUE tannecnydurMonrwrmyourcnrnpdnerusrngme D-SUBuble
pquR . . Auto / SEL 0 Autumn Conneclafludmuble belween nus mpulandthe speakernulpulan yourswndcard.
0 wow our Ilyw conned a separale speaker lo «ms Dulpul. you can hearau sounds
Ihmugh wur separane speaker sysnern
0 Dawn (1) um] Mave (D Up/newn an 050 Mam Menu 0 vmsa . s-vmsnv Comet! your vmap or s-v.dae mpm eabpa mv.dao arSMdee mpul for enjoymg a VCR
o LEFT |<1 msmul Mwe «p the Len/mm on 050 sus Menu 0 TV (0pm; Eonneclyour TVAmenna IAWR/CAELE]
N11“! Ihe Volume 0 VESA MOLE for fixing on me wau . Suppens VESA mounlmg standard hr use wwlh VESA mounlmg devices.
. PDWER Tums omen: the LCD Mnmlnr u adopled |uux| nnmrn VESA Standard
0 AUTL'I ISEL ans bullnn rs lpr xd‘uslmg me SCREEN Setting xulnmahcally on VGA Swrm and ane YB“ can buy a wallrmwm mi N yew nearby electmmc shuns
rs hr Selecnng LehISuh] nerns on the 030 |un5creen Display]
INole “AUTO“ runcnon doesrfi work on me aw Source]
0 MENU Appear or arsappear the usu Menu
0 MODE Thvs pdupn ls nmy «gramme and uv\ Snurte
The screen changes m PC~GAMEo
Mm Ioo-—o
CW me 0300 5500 5800 U“!
- Callus! - Adjusllhe whlle level ofihe pieiure
- Brightness - Adjusl lo onghreri or darheii lhe pieiure
- can Minn -Mjusl lo increase or decrease lhe Color inlensiiy
- Color Iemp : Selecl Color Temperature or sel Color Levellvauuxi 55mm 58mm usERl
IHW to use
— opens osu Menu by Pressing Menu hullon.
— Move lo lhe righl inenu bySEL hullon.
- Eul this OSD menu by pressrng Menu bullon one or lwies.
5. OSD Controls 17"/19"TFI’ LCD Monllov
ols OSD C ols
31 Function
a oso Menu
- Plcture
» "Puma" : Mm xne mur- scmn In (M w: w nghl. - F““°“°"
-v.Pusiu'un . Mm me entire screen In the belnw nr upper. -MmMjusl - Reset lo lhe opmnal sate automatically
- Smrpness : Adjust m sharpen ur sohen me plume. . Me, Mr. Rose! tho Calm mx-nsixy auwrnancany.
» Phau: Fme Inning oune screen even xnnuqn u is not easily,
» Clock Adjust m- nunxonm-su. av the enhn semen.
lHom lo use
IHow to use - opens nsn Menu by Pressmg Menu buuun.
- Mm In (he nghl menu by SEL hunnn.
. opens osu Menu by Pressing Menu human
- Exit this mu menu by pussmg Menu bumn une ur lece
. Move to me right menu by SEL hunnn
- Exit unsosu menu by wessmg Menu button one amine.
5 OSD Controls 17"I19"TFT LCD Monllor
OSD C ols
Pc Glm' uovlc
Vol No
20 - —: 0
elm me 050 language. - Signal Scum :Smlllg Analog, vleeo. 5»Vreeo. TV.
lEngush, anth. German. Spenrsn. lulran. Kama". Pelslu) _ “Me 7 sum m S.” m, Mm My“, um" mm
- osn N.Pns. : Mm lne asn screen re lne lell or nglrl.
- osn VP“. . Mm lne osn screen no lne below or upper.
- osn Tuner : Time rs for dlsappeanng osn, when mere is no menu
seleruon aller pndlfinld llm. Mxlmum ls 100 see.
- lrlllslllcem zChange lhe lnnsparenl er opaque slams of the backgrmlnd of me BSD. | Hag, lu uso
- Mes-l: Relums oeek ell selnng values lo uflglnal leelory values.
- Volume tM|usl lne Spuker Volume
- Opens osn Menu by Pressing Menu bumn.
- Meue Io rlre rlgnl menu by SEL ounon.
~ Exillhis osn menu bypressing Menu ounon one or \wlce.
lHow to use
- opensosu Menu uyPressrng Menu ounon.
- Move re lne rrgnr menu bySEL bullon
- Exll rnis usn menu by gregrng Menu hullnn one orlwlce
5. OSD Controls 6. Others
OSD Controls Troubleshooting
In Case 0! trouble, check these items [More callng the servlce canker
Tumult Suggesled Remelty
m ow
U Samisbhnkand ‘mmmb" >s.=unchacannman
van AN werlnfluwr lsnn. ’ um mar “mm a push the power mum
91 Function
@ 030 um Sunnis Hank hm pwnr > Check (he momllw signal 7 Secure lhmnnaclm ol
indimr i: in gm“ M. an. ID~SUBI mnnmnn. monitor signal cablg [D-SUBI
W Mltc.
Diphy possum-nu sin ' cmk ”m7“? > Sun Auto adjnslmenl
lslnourucl “l‘ffi‘m'” WW inmainmnnu
- Vim AN - pnslllnnandslxe. v
n - - > Change lhe nm card
- Cnmrm Ann‘s: lna whlghln level ol lha pltlum. mm? M" "nlhm , Emu via” a", mom,“ mm; m, melm‘onv
- anghl Adjust m hrvghlm or dark“ 1» plclun. , mus: m, m sue mm,
- Hun : Adlusl lo the Color lane 0! picture
- suumlon ‘ was: Saturation at me plclure. Display is m bright or i check monitor brightness. . Mus! m, mm“; and
- Shirpness:M1usl m sharpan or when lha pith"! WW“- mtfisl l" SUE men".
Any noisc warlng ln .
images or champs on i check PHASE icon ’ a??;§§é”:£\°::°fl:‘;flmu
mt clnrb/ penny-m
enaml Add vss no
> Check that the wow tam
Chlnml DO! V' N0
Chllmllhlm - 181.25MH1 0
mm mm Am in
PM]! Is OK but No Smml mammal nl Monitor and Ln: F Make sure that MUTE IS nol
ommmammw unanu lhevolume lam
Chlnml sun vas no ”WWW!“
TV 9mm MR ckrv » Check shawlmne Leveled
Soumismmll. mommrmdmin Levelon ' V°l“"‘° “WWMMWWM'
_ OSIOperatmg System]
your Oslflperallng Spurn]
"cappearwl Mode. » Check a DVI am. > Securelhe ow Cable tmnecllon
»chanmlA¢d mad the select channel,
»Chznnel Del- Delete lne salacl channel
» channel Tune -Tune l" each channel nmnisely
- ChanmlSfln 15:3" TV channel aummalicahy.
-TV5yslem Seleclyeur pmperbrwdzasling syslemlm son/on SEEAM um m use
a? damn DK.seleclSECAM lnslud andlhen flea DhanmlSun W
D splay Modes
lnne signal lmm the system equalslo the standard signal mode. the screen IS eulusled
amnmallcally. ll lhe slgnallmm lhe syslenn duesn't equal (0 me standard slgnal made.
adjui lne mode wnn relenng m lne Videocard user guide because the scmerl mrghl nol
display or enlylne power LED mlgM be an. Fnrlne dlsplay mndes llsled below. me screen
Image has been opllmlzed dunng manulaclure.
17"I19" TFI' LCD Monltof
MODEL !7lmhsuh- “MS-I-
VMHO “‘ W M?! W m
Pmlulnmx'l) zuxvzsdmn autumn-n
cam-um m | s.» |
V“ Aruba/MM) 7s-eo‘ns-eo'ms-mw-w “MM”
mum-(NF) un- lun-
“Wu“ NQNDMIIF'NW WW"! m‘Kflx
VOW M 5575"! 50-75“:
mm" flwxmflflm) |Mx|mm)
“I’M M1 “7”de H 7M)
!qnd mm meg mmmmnso/s-vlmnv Indus Ml/IWD-BNDEOISMN’W
w-luuum vzsnumn vistl mom
”I. I PH] DH) Vt! DDC mu
Ac \w-W 50m |W~W 50mm
00 |ZV, : m m, e m
m" eemmnfiun WNW-x) swan-n
W awxzsmewP-mlwn szme-mlwl
Odd wot
Pidlll MI-
Fumlm mm
050 "III 000 M
an Suvln Dinky (0307 M u!
mum vmnm
w W
7 lower Saw-m 7 now am
“I! ANHUM) 0‘ I If 17 I w
AN“ HI'MH') 7 will“) Wm
HM(WXLX"’ 370)“me Wx|wxwml
BflKS-MXLXN) Wx‘fixufimm wstxm
Weumwlmn m) 5 2x9 um;
R'mohmd mmanlw-lzarl Manlnwgm')
me specmmnnn m1 dfilgm unnamed Yuan may be me! la Hinge mm: m
MODE Resonliovl Horizontal FrequencleHzl Vellical Frequencyle)
NEC 640x400(DosMode) 24.0 56.00
VESA compalible
VGA 640x350 31.47 70.00
640x350 37.86 55.00
720x400 31.47 70.00
720x400 37.93 55.00
640x480 31.47 60.00
640x480 35.00 0570
640x430 37.86 72.50
640x430 37.50 75.00
640x080 43.27 55.00
$ch 800x600 35.16 56.30
800x600 37.88 60.30
800x600 118.08 72.20
800x600 116.87 75.00
800x600 53.67 85.\0
XGA 1024x755 48.35 50.00
1024x768 55.40 70.10
1024x768 00.02 75.00
1024x768 68.67 85.00
SXGA 1230x1024 64.00 60.00
1230x1024 79.98 75.00
FCC Information
This devrce complies With Part 15 or the FCC Results. Operation is subject to the
followm lwci conditions,
(1) This Device may not cause harmrul interface, and
(2) This device must accept any intcrfcrcncc rccclvcd, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply With the limits
for UASS B diqital device, pursuant to Fat 15 of FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection agalni harmful
nterrerence when the equipment is operated in a commercial enwruiiinent
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radii: Frequency energy
and. if net installed and used in accordance with the Instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio mmmunlfalons However, there IS l'K)
guamntee that interference will not occur In a particular Installation. If thls
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined bv turning the equipment off and on. the user is
encouraged to try correct the interference by one or more of the fofluwrig
1.1. Reonent or relocam the receiving antenna.
1.2. Ina—ease the sepamtjofl between the equipment and i'ecetver.
1 3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a (IrCUIl different fiarn
that to which receiver is connected
L4. Consult the daala’ or experienced radio/TV techmcian for help.
Changes or nmrimtiuns not expressly approved by me inanuratturei could void the user's authority
operate the equipment.

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