Nexpro International Limitada Mobile Phone WISE EVOLUTION TIGO QUICK GUIDE

User manual

Download: Nexpro Limitada WISEEVOLUTION Mobile Phone User Manual WISE EVOLUTION TIGO   QUICK GUIDE
Mirror Download []Nexpro Limitada WISEEVOLUTION Mobile Phone User Manual WISE EVOLUTION TIGO   QUICK GUIDE
Document ID2289257
Application ID6gK2NKE4KKp9BsyPmDpITw==
Document DescriptionUser manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize413.76kB (5172048 bits)
Date Submitted2014-06-09 00:00:00
Date Available2014-06-09 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-05-15 17:59:34
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Document Lastmod2014-05-15 17:59:35
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Gel started
Inset! SIM card
The phone is a Duai er mobiie phone aiiowing you to use the
iaciiity ol two networks
To insert SIM cardts).
t Switch on the mobiie phone and remove the rear cover and
2 insert the SIM card correctty in the card slot(s) (See iigure
SW i sin
sin» 2 sin
3 Finaiiy insert the battery and replace the rear cover oi the mobile
Insemr (any: SIM
Ei teiélono es Duai SiM. in cuai Ie permite ia opcién de tenet dos
pmveedores de servicio
sza lnsenar iz(sl tarietatst SiM:
t Apagar el teieiono. remover ia tapa y la bateria.
2 insertar la taneta SIM correctamente err eitios)
espaciots) destinado(s) para ello (vertigura abayo)
5m _
iiiiiiiiii iiii iiii
names n‘
3. Finainierrte insenar Ia bateria y colboar ia tapa dei teielono
insert Mernory card
i. Power olt the mobiie phone and remove the rear cover and
2 Inserl the Micro SD card into the slot
3 Finally inserl the battery and the Year mvei at the mnbiie phnne
Note. Use oniy compatibie memory cards lor use with this device
incompatible memory cards may damage the card or the device
and corrupt the data stored in the card
lnserrar tan'era dc merrioria
t Apagar ei teielono. remover ia tapa y ia bateria
2. lnsertar ia talieta Micro SD en ei espacio destinado para ello
3. Finalmente insenar ia bateria y la tapa dei teietono.
Usar soio wietas de memoria compatibies con ese dispositivo
Tarietas do memoria inoompatibies podrian danar ia tarreta dei
dispositivo y corromper ia data aimacenada en ia misma
Charge the Battery or connect to a computer
You can charge your battery using the chargeror connect the use
cabie (suppiied with this phone) to the computer
time Piease use the specitic battery otherwise it may cause
Sendtat r
oargar la Baron's o Conectara un computadcr
Se puede cargar ia bateria usando el cargadar o conectando ei
cable USB(suminis1ladc oon este teielono) al computador.
Favor utiiizar solo la bateria especitica. de otra torma. podria
ocasionar una expiosion
Keys and earls
Teclas x Eartes
The smart phone supports 36 Card and gives you marvelous
leelings to experience on Camera. video recorder. FM radio. Music
and Sound recorder. Let you instaii various APr-s. games. and
more (supports APKtormat) by downloading trom Play Store
.0. . tel not
{mail - "Er” horn Hum
i or:
rmrr, Mmll
Ei teletono inteligente soporta tarietas 39 y ie brinda una
maravillosa experiencia cuando usa sus diterentesluhciones como
la camara. ia grabadora de video. ia radio FM. reproductor de
musica y grabadora de sonidos Le permite instalar diversas
apiicaciones. iuegos. y mas (soporta tormato APK)
descarga'ndolos desde Pray Store
r, iieuiai‘
a our),
as eliceiicicu
y sweat.»
Lock and Unlock the Screen
Press powerbutton to enter Sieep mode and meanwhiie the screen
will be rocked; press power button again to wake up and then drag
the iock to the right side to uniock
Make a call
Maintenance & Sale_tz
0n the start screen choose E and enter a compiete phone number
to make a call
Bloguearx Desblguear la Panlalla
Presionar el boron de encendido para entrar en el Modo de
Suspension. la pantaiia sera blooueada. presionar ei boton de
encendido nuevamente para activar de nuevo ia pantalla y
arrastrar er candado hacia el lado derecho para desbioouear
Hacer una llamada
En ia panlalla de inicio selecoonar el iconoE e introducirel numero
teielonico completo para hacer una iiamada
Please read and obsenre the lollowing iniorrnation tor sale and
proper use oi your phone and to prevent damage. Aiso. keep the
user guide in an acoessrbie place at air the times atter reading rt
1 Alter sales service
Kindiy reier to the Warranty Card provrded in the sales package
2 Charger and Adapter Satety
Charger and adapter are designed tor indoor use only
a Battery lnlormation and Care
- Piease use the specilic battery otherwise rt will cause expiosiori.
- Piease dispose oi your battery properly
~ Do not disassembie or shunrcivcun the battery.
- Keep the battery‘s metal contacts ciean
- Recharge the battery arter iong periods at nonause to maximize
battery iiie
~ Ballery rile will vary due to usage patterns and environmemal
- The seilapmtection lunction ot the battery cuts the power ot the
phone when its operation is in an abnormal status In this case.
remove the battery lrom the phone. reinsert rt. and turn the phone
4 General Notice
USIng a damaged battery or placing a battery in your mouth may
cause serious inyury.
~ Do not piace items containing magnetic components such as a
credit card. phone card. bank book. or subway ticket near your
Manlenimienlo uridad
Pm lavor iea detenidamente ia siguiente inlorrnacion para su
seguridad. uso adecuado de su teie'lono y prevenir danos. Por
favor guarde esta guia en un lugar accesibie iuego de haberia
t Servicin Post Verita- Reliéiase a la taneta de Gavznlia en ia
2. Cargador y adaptado - Ei cargador y er adaptador. estan
disenado soio para uso en iriteriores
3 lnlormacion y cuidado de la bateria
- Porlavor uhiizar soiamente ia bateria suministrada. de io contrano
ia unidad podria expiolav.
t Favol desechar la bateria adecuadamente
~ No desarmar ni hacer cortocircuito de la bateria.
- Mantener iimpios ios contactos metaiicos de ia bateria
- necargar ia bateria luego de un largo pericdo sin haberia usado
para maxrmizar ia vida de ia bateria.
- Ei tiempo de Vida de la bateria puede variar rte acuerdo ai
entomo y la red
~ La luncion de auto-proteccion de ia bateria apaga ei teieiono
cuando su operacion esta en un estatus anorrnai En este case.
ouitar ia bateria del teleiono. reinsenarla. y encender ei teielono
phone. The magnetism ol the phone may damage the data stored
in the magnetic strip
~ Talking on your phone tor iong period oi time may reduce call
quality due to heat generated during use
-When the phone is not used tor a iong period time. store it in asaie
piace with the power cord unpiugged.
~ Using the phone in proxrmity to receiving equipment (i e Tv or
Radio) may cause interlerence to the phone
- Do not immerse your phone in water. it this happens. remove the
battery and take it to an Authorized Service Center.
~ Do not paint your phone
- The data saved in your phone might be deieted due to careiess
use. repair or the phone. or upgrade oi the soltware. Please backup
your important phone numbers. (Ring tones. text messages. voice
messages. picture. and videos couid also be deieted) The
manuiacturer is not liabie tor damage due to the ioss at data
- Do not turn your phone on or olt when the phone is close to your
-This device compiies wrth pan is at the FCC Ruies Operation is
subiect to the loiiowrng two conditions:
(i) This device may not cause harmtui interference. and
(2) this device must accept any interterence received. inciuding
interrerence that may cause undesired operation
- Changes or modiiications not expressly approved by the party
responsible iorcompiianoe couid void the users aulhonly to operate
the equipment
Gel in mmsendtelrnobile
Click the download menu. then the manual link
and introduce: model name Wise Evolution
4.Aviso General
- Usar una bateria en mar estado o ooiocar ia bateria en su boca
puede causar dahos severos
~ No coiocar su teleiono cerca de otros aparatos u obyetos con
componentes magneticos como to son tarietas de credito. tarietas
teieionicas. boietos de subterraneos. etc Ei magnetismo podria
danar la data aimacenada en ei teielono
- Hablar pmiongadamenle por teielono puede reducir ia calidad de
ia iiamada y producir caior.
~ Usar el teieloho cerca de aparatos receptores de onda puede
causar interlerencias como por eiemplo ia TV y la Radio
- No sumergir su teielono en agua En caso que esto ocurra. por
lavor retirar ia bateria y llevar su teieiono a un oemro de servicio
-Los datos almacenados en su teletono pueden ser borrados si er
eouipo recuiere de alguna reparacion o actualizaci n de Sottware.
Porlavorhaga un respaido de su teieiono antes de entregarlo en un
centro de servicio autorizado o bien antes de hacerie una
actuaiizacion de soitware Ei labricante no sera responsabie por ia
perdida de inlormacion err ios teleionos
- No prender ni apagar su teieiono cuando este se encuentre cerca
de su oido.
. Cuando el teieiono no vaya a ser usado por un iargo periodo de
tiempo. guardarlo desenchuiado en un lugar seguro
- No pintar su teleiono
- Es1e dispositivo cumpie con ia seocion t5 de ias normas FCC La
operacion esta sureta a ias siguientes dos condiciones.
rot: RF Exposun lnlormation and Stilcmanl:
The sAR rimit at USA (Foot is t 6Wlkg averaged over one gram o1
tissue Product. modei number. wrsE EVOLUTiON (FCC in:
mrsssvaturoyihas arso been tested against this SAR rimit The highest
SAR vniue reported under this standard dunno product certification tor
use atthe head is t IZBW/kg and when propariy worn on the body
is o 523 w/kgThe maximum scaled sAR in hotspor mode is rt m wrkg The
device was tested tor wpicar hodyawcm openuions with the back at
th-handset kept 1 mm lrorn the body To maintain compiianoe with FCC
RF exposure requirements, use accessories that maintain a t acm
separation distance between the user body and the back oi the handset
The use oibert crips. homers and simiraraccessones shoord not mntain
mataiiic oompon-nt assarniciy The use or accessories that do not
salisry these requirements may not compry with FCC RF exposure
reduiramanu. and shouid be avoided
This device compries with pan to oi the true Ruies Operation is subiecl
to the loiiowrng two conditions tit This device may not cause hannlui
interrerence. and 12! this device must accepl any interrerence received.
inciudino irrtartsranca that may cause undeslrsd operation
Any changes or modincations not expressry approved by the pany
renoonrrbia tor oomoiianca couid void the user's authority to operate the
Mot s equipment has been tasted and toond to compiy wrth the
limits tor a crass a digitar device. pursuant to part 15 or the FCC Rures
Thasa horns are designed to provide raasonabia protachon against
haimlui intcncrenoe in a residenuar mslaiiation This equipment
generates uses and tan radiate radio traoucncy energy and, it not
inslaiied and used in accordance wllh the instructions. may cause
hanntur intorlorcnce toradio cornmu ations However. there is no
guarantee that intcnerence wrii not occur in a partlcuiar instaiialion ilthls
equipment does cause hairntur irrterteronce to radio or tereviaion
reception. which can be dottnnined by turning till aqulvmlnt oil and on.
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interlerence by one or more
oithe loiiowrng m-asure
4eonent or rerocate the receiving antenna fincrease the separation
between the uduipmeht and race ei wonn-ct the eduipment into an
cotter on a circuit dillerentlrom that to which the recewer is connected
Jonsuit the dearer or an skpenancod radio/TV tlchnlcliri tor help
my Este dispositivo no puede causar interierencia danina. y
o (2) este dispositivo debe aceptar cuaiouier interlerencia
recibida. incluidas las interrerencias oue puedan provocar un
luncionamiento no deseado o Cambios o moditicaciones no
aprobadas explesamente por ia parte responsable dei
cumplimiento. pueden anular ia autoridad del usuario para
operar el eouipo
Entra a wwwsendlelmohile
Pulsa el menu de descarga, luego al link de manuale‘
e introduce el Hombre del modelo Ms: Evolution
Visilanns en nuestra redes sociales
sendtelvl e0
@sendtel dalesend
Wise _
www sendtelmobile.corn
Wise _
www scndtelmobila corn

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