Nexus Telecom GO175 Mobile Phone User Manual Binder1

Nexus Telecom Inc. Mobile Phone Binder1

user manual

Download: Nexus Telecom GO175 Mobile Phone User Manual Binder1
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Document ID2189760
Application IDypbMufVzL1BFlnVtJUIkNg==
Document Descriptionuser manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize367.15kB (4589337 bits)
Date Submitted2014-02-14 00:00:00
Date Available2014-02-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-01-15 11:26:08
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2014-01-24 08:50:34
Document TitleBinder1.pdf
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: Administrator

Mobile Phone
Model Name: G0175
Brand Name: GOMOBILE
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Q health have lam...“ 5mm. an ywr wane near
nee... Wurslus
sirrtisi olr your phone in an ainsatl The phone
may cause lnterlerenceto conbol slgials otthe
switch oil-your phone near higrprectslon
electronic devices. The phone may aliectlhe
pertormance otthese devices
Do not attempt to disassemble your phone or Its
umsories Only qualiiled personnel are
allowed to service or [HEW the phone.
Do not place your phone or its accessories in
containers vrtth strong electromagnetic ileid.
Do not place magietic storage media near yoirr
ptione Radati'on trom the phone may delete the
lnioirnattorr stored on them.
Do not put our phone in a high-temperature
place or use it in a place with llammabie gas
such as a gas station.
Keep your phone and its accessories away lrom
children. Do not allow children to use your phone
vrithout guidance.
Use approred oatlenes and margels orilyto
avoid explosion.
iril list \l I! -H
FM radio
Please plug the compatible earphone to the device and
then rurn on the radio. The earphone cable can be used as
FM Antenna Please adjust appropriate volume when listening
to the radio Continue to use higher volume is halmltil In!
your ear
unable to your network Contact your
set certain provider does not network provider.
hrnctrorrs supportthis
tinctlon or you
have not applied
tor it
- The socket—oralet shall be Installed hear the
equipmera an shat be easily accessible.
Conect Dls sal oithls roduct
7 This marking indicates met this
product should not be disposed with
other household erases throughout the
EU To prevent possible harm to the
environment orhuman health liom
uncorrtrdiad waste dsposai. recycle it
mpcnsibry to promote the sustainable
reuse ormaterlal resources. To return
your used davrca, pleas use the
return and collection systems or
corioictthe retailer where the proitrtt
was purchased. They can take this
product tor environmental sate
rac lin
The plug ponion time AC/DC adaptor is usm as drsconnea
device. Therolore. the appliance should be placed near the
socket outlet and easily accessible
Photo tor reteiehce only
it. aiming and Mullenance
The mobile phone, battery and charger are not water
resistant Please do not use then in the oaunoom or other
excessively moist areas and likewise avoid Illwwirlg them to
ga we in the rain
Use a sbtt. dry cloth to clean the mobile phone, battery and
Please do not use alcohol, thinner, benzene or other
solvents to wipethe mobile phone, A drty outlet will cause
poor electrical corrorct. lose or power and even inability to
remains. Please clean regularly
in. Tectarical Irrforrradion
WW rlllnfl 600m
Camilmull minty t‘aire 2504mm
Dorrtinuor. ca ng t'arra 3.5m:
Depending on the
11. trouble shooting
iranylhing unusual occurs while usingyour mobile phone
please rater to the lollowlng bible.
In August 1 alas the Federal Corrirnunlcations commission
(FCC) orthe United states with its action in Report and
order FCC 95:25 adopted an updated satety standard tor
human exposure to radio lieouency (RF) electromagnetic
energy emuted oy FCC regulated transmnters Those
guidelines are conststentwlth the salety standard previously
setoytioth U s and international standards bodies The
design orthrs phone complies with the FCC grridairnes and
these International standards. Use only the supplied or an
approved antenna Unauthorized antennas modrncations. or
attachments colild impair call quality, damage the phone, or
result In violation or Foe regulations. Do not use the phone
with a damaged antenna lra damaged antenna cornas into
cortact with the skin. a ritual burn may result. Please
contact your local dealer tor replacement anmnna
This mvlm wastasad rortypicai hbdy~wnm oparationswrth
the back otthe phone kept 0.5m“ rrorn the body To comply
vrilh FCC RF exposure reouirements. a in rmrm separation
distance oiu.5cm must be maintained between the user's
body andthe back otthe phone lnciudlngthe antenna
whether extended or rebected. Tititdcpany beflccllps,
holsters and similar accessories containing metallic
components shall not be used Body-wom accessories
that cannot mairrlain it 5cm separation disence between the
user's body and the back otthe phone, and have not been
taed tor typical bodywom operations may not corroty with
FCC RF exposure limits and should be avoided
For more Inlormation about RF exposure. please visit the
FCC website at www tcc gov
Frequently muse tlovr to Fix
Poor Using the mobile Try to avoid,
reception phone in an area
with poor reception
srch as near tall
outldngs or in a
radio waves
cannot be
Using the mobile
phone when the
network is busy,
srctr as during
nish hour, when
the lines are lull
malring it
lmpoeslbletc get
Related to the You can request
rtstance trorn the that the network
base station bullt service provider
Try to avoid,
by the network. prov a service
area plan,
Echo or Caused by poor ttang up and
noise network relay a redial. Il'the relay
regional pioblern is changed then
Some filling the line nary be
regions have poor better.
yourwlretus handheld portable telephone ls a low power
radio transmuer and receiver When it is ON. it receives and
also sends out radlo tieouency (RF) signals. In August, tape
the Federal communications commissions tic) adopted
RF expnsule girrdalrnes urrth sarety levels ror handheld
wireless phones. Thm guidelines are consistentvrhh ttre
satay standards previously set by both U s and
intemaironai standards trodes
(1992}I (tooatr
Those standards were basis on conprahansrva and
pertottc evaluations otthe mlmm sclentlllc literature. For
example, over l2it scientists engineers, and physicians
rrom universities. government health agencies, and instistry
reviewedthe available body otresearch to deielopthehtlsl
mndam (595 1) Nevertheless we recornrrrendthatyou
use a handshee hit with your phone isuch as an earpiece or
headset; to avoid potential exposureto RF energy, The
desigi olycur phone complies with the FCC guidelines (and
those sbrnoards)
Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna,
Unauthorized anmnnas. mudficafinns or aoachmene coirld
damage the phone and may violate Fcc regulations
NORMAL PoslTlolt:
Hold the phone as yoli would any other telephone with the
antenna pointed up and over your shoulder.
For your phone to operate nosl eticienuy.
shortening standby time is Please
otthe related tothe temporarihytum
standby network system. otryour rnotiiie
time phone as you
are located In an
area vrilh poor
Batteries need to Replace the
be replaced batteries
Whenyoucannot Please moveto
get a signal. the an area with a
phonewtll continue strong slgnal or
to transmit In order temporarlrytum
to had a base otiyour mobile
station, thereby phone.
expend g large
amounts at
eiectridty will
cause the standby
time to decrease.
unable to The battery ls Look at the
turn on the empty. remaining
phone electricity or
slivl card SIM card Is Contact your
malrunction damaged network servrce
SIM card is not Conlirm slivl card
properly Inserted. ls properly
There is a rorergi Use a dean cloth
substance on the to wipe oil'the
meal sirlace oi metal coritais
- Extend your antenna hilly
- Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily when the phone is
In use. Contact with the antenna altects call quality and may
cause the phoneto operate at a higher power level than
otherwise needed
RF Exposiie intoimaton
Whit ylrndtiu is EDNIDHi-ttlcc lo Pm ilP hinosurt rciiuiroritrnr
’Etl ior m. llt- YSi‘ml'l‘fi to gain
_ AR Vellum:
rind rrii-r m FCC writs-rte so
iorrhrr- iiioriin
n l'lLludLi
This device mplls with part i 5 otthe FDc rules
Opemtion is moiect to the tollowing two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause hannlttl Interteierice and
a) this device must accept any rnterrarance received
Including lnterierence that may cause undesired operation
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and round to comply
with the llrrrts tor a class a digital device. pvrsuairt to part
15 otthe FCC Rules, These limits are oes'gned to provide
reasonable protection against harnrttil lnterterence in a
residential installation. This equipment genemtes uses and
can rattate radio ireouency energy and, irnot installed and
used in accordance with the lnsbuctions. iruiy cause haimhil
interterence to radio cornrrunications However. there no
guamntee that Interlerence will not occur In a particular
Installation. Ilthls eoplpment does cause hairrriul
interterence to radio or tel rr reception which can be
determined by turning the equipment round on, the user Is
the SIM said point otthe SIM
unable to Expired SIM card Corrtactyour
connect network provider.
with the outside the GSM consult your
network service area network provider
on the service
Poor signal Please moveto a
place vrrth a
better signal and
try again
Unableto Us'ngthe aall bar Cancel the call
narltea call iuhction bar Itinctlori.
Uslh the ltxed Cancel the ilxed
dialling runction. call setting.
Incorrect Consecutivety Contact your
PIN nurrloer enter the wrong network provider.
pasevrord three
Unable to tsatlery or charger Replace the
charge is damaged battery or
recharging In the Change the
environment or charging
Iessthah-tutor eriviionment.
higherthan Ast:
Poor conoict Check irthe plug
ls properly
unable to The storage space Delete a portion
add new otthe phone boolr otthe phone
Phone book Is hill nunoer entries
encouraged to try to correct the interlerence by one or more
otthe tollowmg measures
- Reortent or relocate the receiving antenna
- Increase the separation between the eculpment and
-connect the equipment into an oittlet on a circuh utierent
frmt that to which the receiver is connected
.Corisuit the dealer or an experienced radrdTv technician
tor help
Do not use the device with the environment which below
minimum -tac or maximum over sat, the device
may not woril.
Changes or modifications tothis unit not expvefiiy approved
by the party responsible tor corrpllance colild void the users
authorityto operate the equipment.

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