Nicetex Electronics 366RX Wireless LCD Thermometer Receiver User Manual
Nicetex Electronics Ltd. Wireless LCD Thermometer Receiver
User Manual
WEATHER STATION OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FEATURES: - oumoomempmm mymw: tux. mum. tamoonlurs mmcvy ' INDOOR temperature display mm MAX. and All". barnperature memwy - outback temperature mndpmdk‘tian - LCD m namrgm 1 Real time alarm dock with SNDOZE mutton - Daramonfiyenrsdeyufweek - Wall mount/worm stand (with sdjustable display angle} - mmmnnwaw - Batterylminumtor INDOOR STATION Luann mum IIII‘I'I'ON 7. YMLE srlutn 2, shoals/um" Sunni! a. “11m Cowman UD 3, MODE man 9. REAL “IE DBPLAY ARE! 4 mm! WON “Iv OUTDOOR YEIP. DlfifLAV AREA 5 mill»! Sunny 11. “noon Tat-P. ML“ AREA 5, SYNC Burma 12. Emmott OUTDOOR TRANSMITTER 34mm 1.7mm! LED 1me KNOB aJuLL Iowa mm L use? surmN unsung amav mm SEWING LIP THE WEATHER STATION 1. Insert fresh batteries into me OUTDOOR TRANSMITTER first. the “TRANS."T' LED mflflash. 2. 771911 Insert Fresh battafies inm the INDOOR STATION Mthinmmtnmas, Owerwiseynuhavemmnm bananas trum bom units and start from dept again. 3. The INDOOR STATION start moshing nunsmlsslons from the OUTDOOR fRANSm. The (fixplay vn'fl W the outdoor temperature, 4. It takes 3—5 minutes for the INDOOR STATION to completesetupt Usershoulduselhlspen‘odoftfmto locate the OUTDOOR TRANSMITTER in dealrvd area, If the OUTDOOR TRANSMITTER is too tar away hum the INDOOR sTAflOMMLCDsthow' "andma " Inception weak'r'con wlll flash. User have to select a better location for Me outdoor unit. Maximum dishmae is25 metres. 5. Setup finish and normal clock will dismay. Remarks tndoorand auntoorum't should be plawd at least 15 metres away from electrical appliances such as comma, monitor. etc. 1.IN§TALLING/ REPLACING Mm Amt-LIT lv Replace the batteries when the INDOOR temps-mute display shows BATTERY LOW indicator, 2. Open the battery oompanmsm lid 3. Insert 4 'AAA'size 1,5Vor UM—4 barium With mat param- TheLcowirmm'——t '. ”not, Mmamm SM to press the RESET button once. 4. Replace the compartment lid 1. Replace the batteries when the OUTDOOR tampemtum display shows BATI’ERV LOW Indicator 2. Release the knob and remove the battery cover a; in dragram shown. Insert J'AAA'su‘ze 1.5V or UM batteries with correct polanty, The LED will tum on tors minutes. If nut, than urn a thin su'ck to press the RESET button once. lclose the battery cover & fasten the LOCKING MOB. It is recommended to replace the batteries in both units on an annual basis to ensure optimum accuracy of Me units even lithe battery symbol for either unit is not disphyscfi in the event at changing either batten'es,bolh units mod to be completely inset as per the "SEWING UF' instmctiom tn normal use, [f the LCD shows ‘SET UP' icon, simply use a min stick to press [ha "SYNC' button. 7779 um wfll aulomaucarly set up again width-1 5 minutes. It the 'SET tIP‘ icon still on, ussr flaws to run the 'SETTING UP' again. INSTALLATION Aw 1. TABLE STAND Athnh the stand to the base at the uni. 2. WALL MOUNTING Schrety screw 1)! sllck me included WALL HOUNT BRACKET to the well, Slide maback offliaunltovartllc tabs at the mounted bracket B. TRAN R The OUTDOOR TRANSMITTER is supplied with a WALL MOUNT BRACKET that may be attached to a wall either by screw or double side tape. The OUTDOOR TRANSMITTER can sticks in 5 out ofthe WALL MOUNT BRACKEI easily. INA RA RE THE DAY [The flux. and MIN. temp will be automatically reset to wrmnt temperature at 0:00 everyday 2, indoor temperature mil be measurad every 1 minutes. 3, Outdoor temperature will be measured every 5 minutes TO CHECK THE MAX A MIN. TEMPERATURE“ 1Flass “WORM"(OUTDOOR/HR) button once to View the MAX Mmflura, MAX icon will display 2 Press lNDOORMNlOU‘mOOR/HR) human mice to View the MIN. temperature, MIN i001: WIII display 3. Piss again writ return to elm-ant tamperature. 4. To reset the MAX/Ml". temperature, press “DOOR/Hm (OUTDOOR/HR) button and SNOOE/LJGHT human at the same time, the MAX. AND MIN. temperature will reset to current temperature. 5A When the temperature is out of range, the display m7! show .._ . mm II TREND TREND TREND TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE ls lrlcnasrm; is STEADY is bEcREAsmc CLOCK SETTING the“ MODE button Micah 'REAL TIME" will flash. ZPrass OUTDOOR/HR bufmn to as! fire hour 3.Kaaping itprsssad down will allow you to go through 12/ 24 hour time ibmuit 4, Press INDOOR/MIN button to set the minute. 5.Press SNOOZE/UGHT button to quit the setting A. mum: to normal display. SETTle gag 1.PwssIlODEbm‘mn surname yearm'llliashi 2.Prass OUTDOOR/HR bullion to set advance he yaar. SAPrass INDOOR/MIN buttnn mast mvarse the my. 4. Press SNOOZE/LIGHT button to quit the setting L return to nomai digplay. SETTING "Mai L MIE [Press MODEbuflon 4 ”meat/is 1“,le DATE' display will flash. 2.57985 OUTDOOR/HR button in as! the month. SAPrBsa INDOOR/MIN human to set ”we dabl 4.Pmss SNOOZE/LIGHT button to quit the ”fling £- warm to normal display WEEKDAV 3! TIME 1. Press MODE button 5 times, the WEEKDAY POINTS? will flash. 2~Press OUTDOOR/HRbutmn to advance the weekday, 3. Press INDOOR/MIN button no reverse the weekday. LPmss SNOGZE/UGHT button to quit tile setting 5. return to normal display. mfm “gr °r= mm; 1v Press MODE button 6 times, the “FEM!” airway thl flash 2, Press OUTDOOR/HRUNDOOR/Mm) button to select temp. shows “c or°F. 3, Press stream/Liam button to quit setting and mm in normal dismay, gT'I'INQ ALARM 1.PrssaMoDEbuttononee, mealalmtirnewflltlashonme display. 3.Prsss OUTDOOR/HR button to set the ALARM harm The 12/24 hour format will be automatically follow the real time display format {Press ”(DOOR/MIN button tosot His ALARM minute. 5.Prsss the ALARII ON/OFF [mm to swim on/oflthe daily alarm, a ' ‘9 ' icon will appearon the display and youwillhearabeepsoulidwnanyouswimhon/ofiirie darly alarm, s.Frass SNOOZEILIGHT button to quit the sam‘ng a ratum to normal dismay. Press the SNOOZE/UGHT button no tum on the display bawi'gmt REQQMMENDED OPERATING TEMPERATURE Temperature transmitter 40°C to rso‘c Tampemtura shtian 0°C to «50°C TURE Tamporamm hansmr'ttar 6073 10 ”0:0 Temperature station 60°C to woo w: in ma: cn-nganr moa mmiom tn Ihli unit riot axpr-my - lppmvnd by me any reapnnslble ior mm plil rm could V014 iri- user's aulhurity to operlh (hr aquipm-m Note: mi, equipmtnl eentntzd m1 tound to comply with ii-e limiu tor a Glam 5 d dcvica, pursuant m P n 15 ohm rcc Rules ‘rim. iii-ms are nuance“: pm nlblu preteetlnn Igalnst hamml immremlr- I i l nmlhtloni 7m equip-um gen-rut . u... find a... mi ta radio flzqnuncy lnalgyxnd, iii-mum" and uud inaccnldanu with th- innrumions, my cause narmiui Inleflemnw la radio Mm!“ unieanunl. Hawaiian there i. no guarantee ital interlorerice w ill no! mm in a pmicuiar install-nun, ii in, aquipmanl dun cause M rrMuk interfauric. in “die nrlalaviainn reception, which uri i» detlrmiud by turning in: equipmam on me on. in. mm encouraged to try to correct the interior-m i: an. a! mm at the ioiiewiag measure.- in Reorient arulocalelhe receiving lHlOnnl. E] lnaraaae irie separation between in. aquipmanund iaealvai. D Connedthq aquipmlm inta an cull-torn 1:1le diflerenl fmm iii-i In which in. lac-war is needed Consult in. doulnr or an Experienced mdic/TV lechllivtl n for ham
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