Nokia of America CMP-33 Cellular Base Station Power Amplifier User Manual AEXH0333

Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Cellular Base Station Power Amplifier AEXH0333

Exhibit 3 Confidentiality Request

1APPLICANT:  Lucent Technologies FCC ID:  AS5CMP-33EXHIBIT  3Section 2.1033 (c)(3)  A copy of the installation and operating instructions to be furnished to the user.EXHIBIT 3   IS REQUESTED TO BE HELD CONFIDENTIAL AND NOT BEMADE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AT ANY TIMEThe FLEXENT  TDMA/Analog  Microcell  Operation, Administration, and Maintenance Manual isnot furnished to the user, except under very exceptional and very limited circumstances.  This manualcontains highly proprietary circuit, equipment and architecture descriptions that must not be made availablefor public inspection.  The cover/title page is explicitly labeled “Unpublished and Not for Publication”.  Acopy is included in the electronic folder labeled confidential.

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