Nokia of America CMP-40 Cellular Base Station Transceiver User Manual users manual 1

Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Cellular Base Station Transceiver users manual 1


users manual 1

APPLICANT:  Lucent Technologies  EXHIBIT 3   FCC ID: AS5CMP-40   Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT 3   Section 2.1033 (c)(3) INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS   A copy of the installation and operating instructions to be furnished the user. A draft copy of the instructions may be submitted if the actual document is not available. The actual document shall be furnished to the FCC when it becomes available.    Response   A copy of the “AUTOPLEX Cellular Telecommunications Systems, System 1000, Series II Cell Site Description, Operation, and Maintenance” manual is attached to this exhibit.   This is the manual for the Series II cell site with EDRU transceivers.  Because the SBEDRU is backward compatible to the EDRU, this manual is also applicable to the SBEDRU.  Therefore, Lucent Technologies will not issue a new manual. Customers using the SBEDRU will be provided with this current document.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietaryThis document contains proprietary information ofLucent Technologies and is not to be disclosed or usedexcept in accordance with applicable agreementsCopyright © 2000 Lucent TechnologiesUnpublished and Not for PublicationAll Rights Reserved401-660-100Issue 11August 2000AUTOPLEX® Cellular Telecommunications Systems System 1000Series II Cell SiteDescription, Operation, and Maintenance
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageThis material is protected by the copyright and trade secret laws of the United States and other countries. It may not be reproduced, distributed or altered in any fashion by any entity (either internal or external to Lucent Technologies), except in accordance with applicable agreements, contracts, or licensing, without the express written consent of the Customer Training and Information Products organization and the business management owner of the material.For permission to reproduce or distribute please contact:Product Development Manager 1 888-LTINFO6 (1 888-584-6366)NoticeEvery effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of printing. However, information is subject to change.Mandatory Customer InformationFederal Communications Commission (FCC) StatementNone for this document but here to illustrate the feature.SecurityThis is a sample security statement.TrademarksWarrantyLucent Technologies provides no warranty for this product.
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Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContents401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 v1 Introduction 1-1■Contents 1-1■Introduction 1-2General 1-2Organization 1-2n1-52 Introduction to Series II Cell Technology 2-1■Contents 2-1■Introduction 2-2Overview 2-2■Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS) 2-3■Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) 2-4TDMA Description 2-4TDMA Call Processing 2-4Communication From TDMA Cell Site to TDMA Subscriber Unit2-5Communication From TDMA Subscriber Unit to TDMA Cell Site2-6Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 2-6CDMA Cell Site Description 2-7■Cellular Frequency Spectrum Allocation 2-10■Advantages of Series II Hardware and Software 2-11■Cell Site Equipment Functional Overview 2-12Equipment Frames 2-12Radio Channel Frames and Radio Equipment Functional Overview2-13Facilities Interface Frame (FIF) 2-18
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContentsvi 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Figure 2-5. 2-193 Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) 3-1■Contents 3-1■TDMA Overview 3-3TDMA/AMPS Dual-Mode Operation 3-3TDMA System Access 3-4TDMA Radio Interface 3-4Radio Channel Types 3-4Digital Control Channel 3-5Digital Control Channel (DCCH) Forward Link, orDownlink, Logical Channels 3-5DCCH Feature Offerings 3-6Channel Organization for Forward DCCH Superframes3-6Digital Traffic Channels 3-7DTC Dedicated Control Channels 3-7Digital Verification Color Code Channels 3-8Handoff and Handoff Types 3-8Mobile-Assisted Handoff Procedure 3-9■HandOff Based on Interference (HOBIT) / INterference Look-Ahead (INLA) Enhancements3-11■Switch-Based TDMA Voice Coder/ Decoder (Vocoder) 3-15Facilities Concentration 3-15Cell Sites Supported by the Switch-Based Vocoder feature3-18Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M) 3-19Feature Activation and Installation 3-22■Separate Access Thresholds for DCCHs and DTCs (SEPA)3-23■Two-Branch Intelligent Anntenna (TBIA) 3-27EDRU and DRM implementation of TBIA 3-27
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContents401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 viiTBIA Performance 3-27TBIA Availability 3-28TBIA Activation 3-28n3-294 Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 4-1■Contents 4-1■CDMA Overview 4-4Transition to CDMA 4-4CDMA Advantages Compared with AMPS and TDMA 4-5Capacity 4-7■CDMA/AMPS Dual-Mode Operation 4-8■Lucent Technologies CDMA Architecture 4-9Hardware Requirements 4-9Speech-Handling Equipment at the DCS 4-10Call Setup 4-12Radio Equipment 4-14Cabinet Configurations 4-15Radios and Radio Equipment 4-24CRTU Components 4-31CDMA Series II Configuration Options 4-34Timing Requirements 4-35■New Features and Upgrades 4-40Cell Site Synchronization Failure Warning &Correction: Phase 1 4-40New CDMA Cluster Controller (CCC) Board with Increased SRAM 4-40■Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Double Density Growth Frame (DDGF)4-42
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContentsviii 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000CDMA DDGF Description 4-42DDGF Architecture 4-42Using the DDGF in a Series II Analog Cell Site 4-47RFTG 4-52CDMA DDGF Power Requirements, Distribution, and Calibration4-55Grounding Requirements 4-59Connecting the DDGF to Frames in a Series II 4-63CDMA Radio Test Unit Module and Interface 4-69Alarms 4-73n4-765 Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small Cells 5-1■Contents 5-1■CDMA Adjunct 5-3Overview 5-3High Level Interface for the CDMA Adjunct 5-3Supported Technologies 5-4Traffic Capacity 5-5RF Coverage Area 5-5Physical Aspects of CDMA Adjunct 5-5CDMA Adjunct Physical Positioning and External Equipment5-8CDMA Adjunct to Host Cell Inter-frame Hardware Interfaces5-10RF Distribution Paths 5-11Radio Testing 5-16Transmit Amplifiers 5-19Input Voltage and Power 5-20Environmental, Safety, and Handling Requirements 5-21
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContents401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 ixUL and Cell Site A 5-23Suggested DFI and DS-1 Configurations for use with the CDMA Adjunct5-24Table 5-7. 5-256 Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) 6-1■Contents 6-1■CDPD Overview 6-3Interfaces 6-3Typical Configurations 6-6Hardware 6-8Detailed Diagrams of Supported Configurations 6-10Grounding and Lightning Protection 6-23Related Documentation 6-23Table 6-2. 6-257 Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site Options7-1■Contents 7-1■General 7-2■Series IIe Cell Site 7-4■Compact Base Station (CBS) 7-6CBS Documents 7-7■Series IIm T1/E1 MiniCell 7-8
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContentsx401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Installing the TRTU and DRU(s) 7-8Installing the T-EDRU and EDRU(s) 7-8Cabinet Descriptions 7-8Series IIm T1/E1 Minicell Documentation 7-8■Series IImm T1/E1 MicroCell 7-9AMPS/TDMA Mix with DRU Radios 7-9AMPS/TDMA Mix with EDRU Radios 7-10Radio Self Power Upgade 7-10Restoring Cell to Service 7-12f. 7-138 Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions 8-1■Contents 8-1■General 8-4■Radio Channel Frame (RCF) Description 8-5Series II Cell Site Radio Control Complex (RCC) Buses8-11Series II Cell Site Radio Channel Unit Shelves ED-2R833-308-17Radio Shelf Power Upgrade 8-20Series II Cell Site Fan Panel Assembly ED-2R824-31 8-28Series II Cell Site Radio Test Unit Shelf 3 ED-2R835-30 8-29Series II Cell Site Radio Channel Unit Shelves 4 and 5 ED-2R834-308-30Series II Cell Site Interconnection Panel Assembly ED-2R831-308-31Series II Cell Site Busbar Assembly Unit, KS24355, L18-39■Series II Mobile Switching Center (MSC) Interface 8-41■Series II Cell Site Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF) 8-44Series II Cell Site Linear Amplifier Circuit J41660CA-1 8-46
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContents401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xiSeries II Cell Site Linear Amplifier Module ED-2R840-308-52Series II Cell Site Linear Amplifier Unit (LAU) 8-53Series II Cell Site, 20-LAM LAC Versus 10-LAM LAC 8-55Series II Cell Site Linearizer Unit ED-2R841-30 8-56■Series II Cell Site Frame Interface Assembly ED-2R838-308-61■Series II Cell Site Antenna Interface Frame (AIF), Overview8-64Series II Cell Site Reference Frequency Generator (RFG) Shelf8-69Series II Cell Site Radio Switch Panel 8-76Series II Cell Site Receive, Alarm, and Power Distribution Panel ED 2R851-308-76Series II Cell Site Receive and Power Distribution Panel ED-2R853-318-77Series II Cell Site Duplexer Filter Panel ED-2R848-31 8-77Series II Cell Site Receive Filter Panel ED-2R846-31 8-78Series II Cell Site Transmit Filter Panel ED-2R847-31 8-79■Series II Cell Site Equipment Summary 8-83Series II Cell Site, Related Documentation 8-84Table 8-16. 8-869 Radios 9-1■Contents 9-1■Introduction 9-3■AMPS Radio Units and Personality Types 9-4Radio Channel Unit (RCU) 9-4Radio Test Unit (RTU) 9-7■TDMA Radio Units and Personality Types 9-8Digital Radio Unit (DRU) 9-8
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContentsxii 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Enhanced Digital Radio Unit (EDRU) 9-8Digital Radio Personality Types 9-8DRU - Detailed Description 9-10EDRU - Detailed Description 9-11Series II Cell Site, Enhanced Digital Radio Unit (EDRU) Interfaces9-14Enhanced Digital Radio Unit (EDRU) Reliability, Federal Communications Com-mission (FCC), and Safety Features 9-16Directional Setup and Beacon Channels 9-16TDMA Radio Test Unit (TRTU) 9-17Test Enhanced Digital Radio Unit (T-EDRU), Feature IDentification (FID) #27759-18■CDMA Radio Maintenance Units and Personality Types 9-23Pilot/Sync/Access Channel Element (CE) 9-24Page CE 9-24Traffic CE 9-24Orthogonal-channel Noise Simulator CE 9-25Figure 9-2. 9-2610 Antenna Hardware Configurations 10-1■Contents 10-1■Introduction 10-3Fixed Antenna Connection Configuration 10-53-Sector Directive Plus Omni Antenna Switching Configuration10-86-Sector Directive Plus Omni Antenna Switching with Dual-Radio Solution10-93- or 6-Sector Directional Antenna Switching with Simulcast Setup10-9All-Omnidirectional Configuration 10-9All-Directional Configuration 10-10■Radio Transmission and Reception 10-13
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContents401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xiiiRF Transmitter Interfaces 10-13RF Receiver Interfaces 10-142 Branch Intelligent Antenna, Feature IDentification (FID) #314510-14The Adaptive Interference Rejection Technique 10-15010-1811 Cell Site Hardware Functions and Interconnections 11-1■Contents 11-1■Introduction 11-5Radio Control Complex (RCC) 11-5Digital Signal (DS1) Units 11-6Digital Facilities Interface (DFI) Units 11-6Clock And Tone (CAT) Units 11-7Radio Frame Set 11-7RCF Architecture and Bus Structure 11-9■Data Link and VoicePath Connections11-14T1/E1 Communications 11-14■Line Interface Connections at the Cell 11-17■Data Link Configurations 11-21One DS1/DFI Unit and One Data Link 11-21One DS1/DFI Unit and Two Data Links 11-21Two DS1/DFI Units and Two Data Links 11-21Remote Data Link Reconfiguration 11-21■ External Interfaces to the Series II Cell Site 11-22Voice Trunks from the Digital Cellular Switch (DCS) 11-22Time Division Multiplexed Buses 11-22
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContentsxiv 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000■TDM Bus Communications: the Archangel/Angel Concept 11-26Angel 11-27Archangel 11-27■Sanity And Control Interface 11-28■NPE and SNPE 11-31■Synchronization of the Cell Site to the MSC 11-32TDMCKSEL 11-36TDMCKFAIL 11-36TDMCLK 11-36TDMFR 11-36TDMSYNC1 11-36TDMSYNC2 11-36■Mobile Switching Center (MSC) to Cell Site Communications11-37■ DS1, DFI, and CAT Circuit Descriptions 11-38DS1 (TN171) Circuit Description 11-38 DFI (TN3500) Circuit Description 11-38 DFI (TN1713B) Circuit Operation 11-40■ DFI Initialization Message for T1 Operation 11-42D4 or ESF Framing 11-42■DFI Initialization Message for E1 Operation 11-48CEPT Framing with or without CRC-4 Error Checking 11-48CCS or CAS Signaling Mode 11-48HDB3 or Transparent Line Format 11-50Enable or Disable On-demand LLB or BLB Control 11-50Select Synchronization Reference 11-50Select Idle Code 11-50DFI Network-Update Talk Message 11-50DFI Network-Update Listen Message 11-50■DFI Status Indicators 11-51Red LED 11-51Yellow LED 11-51Green LED 11-51
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContents401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xv■CAT (TN170) Circuit Description 11-52■Bus Clock Generation and Monitoring for the TDM Bus 11-55■Maintenance Tone Generation 11-56Maintenance Tone Detection and Measurement 11-57■CAT Status Indicators 11-58Red LED 11-58Green LED 11-58■Automatic Recovery Actions 11-59■Hardware Error Handling Strategy 11-60Immediate Action 11-60All Tests Pass (ATP) Analysis 11-60Single Time-period Analysis 11-60Fail/Pass Analysis 11-60Leaky Bucket Analysis 11-61■RCC Hardware Errors and Recovery Actions 11-62■DS1/DFI Hardware Errors and Recovery Actions 11-63■ DS1/DFI and T1 Errors—Detailed Description 11-64Loss Of Signal (LOS) 11-64Blue Alarm 11-64Red Alarm 11-64Major Alarm 11-65Yellow Alarm 11-65■Fan Alarms 11-66Preamp Fan 11-66LineariZeR Fan Procedure 11-66LAU Fan Procedure 11-67Measuring the Linear Amplifier Unit (LAU) Fan Voltage11-67■DS1 Errors 11-68Minor Alarm 11-68Misframe Count 11-68■DFI and E1 Errors - Detailed Description 11-69Loss Of Signal (LOS) 11-69
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContentsxvi 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) 11-69Loss of Frame Alignment (LFA) 11-69Loss of Multiframe Alignment (LMA) 11-7010e-3 Error-ratio Alarm 11-70Remote Frame Alarm (RFA) 11-70Remote Multiframe Alarm (RMA) 11-7110e-6 Error-Ratio Alarm 11-71Slip Count 11-71■CAT Hardware Errors and Recovery Actions 11-72Call-Processing Errors and Recovery Actions 11-7212 Routine Maintenance and Radio Performance Tests 12-1■Contents 12-1■Maintenance Process 12-3Maintenance Objective 12-3Maintenance Activities 12-3Preventive Maintenance 12-3Routine Maintenance 12-3Maintenance Assumptions 12-4Routine Maintenance Procedures List 12-5Fan Screen Cleaning 12-6■Radio Performance Testing 12-7Radio Test Overview 12-7Radio Pretest Procedure 12-7Cable Loss Measurement 12-9Power Measurement 12-12Voice 1004 Hz Deviation Measurement 12-13Post Test Procedure 12-15 Transmitter Output Power Verification 12-16Transmitter Output Power Adjustment 12-16
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContents401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xviiTable 12-8. 12-4013 Enhanced Maintenance Features 13-1■Contents 13-1■Improved Boot Read-Only Memory (ROM) / Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Update13-2■NVM Image for Single-Board RCU (SBRCU) 13-3■Keying Multiple RCU Transmitters 13-4■Opening Transmit and Receive Audio 13-5■Cell Site Power Measurements 13-6■Transmit and Receive Audio Level Measurements 13-7■Supervisory Audio and Signaling Tone Detection 13-8■Remote Data Link Reconfiguration 13-9n13-1014 Corrective Maintenance - Introduction 14-1■Contents 14-1Status Display Pages 14-2ECP Craft Shell 14-2Maintenance Request Administrator 14-3■Maintenance Units 14-4AMPS Radio Maintenance Units and Personality Types14-6TDMA Radio Maintenance Units and Personality Types14-7CDMA Radio Maintenance Units and Personality Types14-9
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContentsxviii 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000■ Maintenance States 14-12Maintenance states 14-12Figure 14-3. 14-1415 Corrective Maintenance using MRA 15-1■Contents 15-1■Maintenance Request Administrator (MRA) 15-2■Diagnose 15-3Related Documents 15-4Stop a Diagnostic 15-4Obtain Status 15-4Related Documents 15-4Qualifiers Associated with the Out-Of-Service (OOS) State15-4■Dual Server Group Out-Of-Service (OOS) Limits 15-6New RC/V Translation Parameters 15-6■Remove/Restore/Switch Actions 15-7Conditional Remove 15-7Unconditional Remove 15-11Conditional and Unconditional Restore 15-13Related Documents 15-16Switch to a Redundant Unit 15-16Related Documents 15-17
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContents401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xixFigure 15-11. 15-2816 Corrective Maintenance using Status Display Pages 16-1■Contents 16-1■Status Display Pages 16-32130 - Cell Site Status Summary Display Page 16-32131 - Cell Equipment Status Display Page 16-52131 - Removing Cell Site Units 16-92131 - Restoring Cell Site Units 16-112131 - Diagnosing Cell Equipment 16-122131 - Generating Cell Equipment Status Reports 16-142132 - Cell Software Status Display Page 16-152133 - Cell Voice Radio (VR) Status Display Page 16-182134 - Cell DS-1 Unit Status Display Page 16-242134 - Removing/Restoring/Diagnosing orGenerating a Status Report for DS1/DFI Units 16-262135 -Cell LC SU /BC Status Display Page 16-272135 - Removing/Restoring/ Diagnosing or Generating a Status Report for Lo-cate or Setup Radios 16-312136 - Cell LAC Status Display Page 16-332137 - Cell OTU/LMT Status Display Page 16-332138 - Cell CDMA Equipment Status Display Page 16-362139 - Cell CCC CCU Status Display Page 16-422235 - Cell DCCH Status Display Page 16-482235 - Restoring/Diagnosing or Generating Status Reports for DCCH Radios16-50Dual Server Group Out-Of-Service (OOS) Limits 16-51
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContentsxx 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 200017 Corrective Maintenance using ECP Craft Interface 17-1■Contents 17-1■ECP Craft Shell 17-3Generating Cell Site Units/Radios/Alarms Status Reports17-3 Removing Cell Site Units 17-4 Restoring Cell Site Units 17-6 Diagnosing Cell Site Units 17-8 Stopping Cell Site Unit Diagnostics 17-10Moving Cell Site Radios 17-11Moving CDMA Calls to a Specified Channel Element 17-12Swapping CDMA Spectrum to/from AMPS/TDMA 17-14Generating Status Reports of Spectrum Swap of CDMA to/from AMPS/TDMA17-15Running Cell Site Audits 17-16 Diagnosing Cell Site Data Links 17-17Stopping Cell Site Data Link Diagnostics 17-19Diagnosing Cell Site Trunks Associated with a Server Group and Antenna Face (Non-CDMA) 17-20 Stopping Diagnostics on Cell Site Trunks Associated with a Server Group and Antenna Face 17-21Requesting Cell Site Data Link NVM Updates 17-22Requesting Cell Site Hardware Unit NVM Updates 17-23Initializing Cell Sites 17-24 Initializing, Setting Up, and Using OCNS at CDMA Cell Sites17-26Expansion of Maintenance Request Administrator (MRA) and Technician Inter-face Information Fields (MRAINFO/TIINFO), Feature IDentification (FID) #3461.0 17-28
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContents401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xxin17-3018 Alarm Collection and Reporting 18-1■Contents 18-1■Introduction 18-3Equipment Alarms 18-4User-Defined Alarms 18-14■ Increased Cell Alarms Enhancement 18-16New Hardware for the Increased Cell Alarms Enhancement18-17New Translations for the Increased Cell Alarms Enhancement18-18Directional Setup 18-18■Alarm Scanning Redesign 18-21Introduction 18-21Scope 18-22Customer Perspective 18-23Features 18-23Cell Site Functions 18-23MSC Functions 18-24CDMA Transmit Unit (CTU) and Receive Unit (RU) Separate Alarms18-27Performance & Capacity 18-29n18-3019 Cell Site Hardware LED Descriptions 19-1■Contents 19-1
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContentsxxii 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000■LED Descriptions Table 19-2Table 19-1. 19-1020 AMapping Status Display Page Unit Numbers to Hardware20-1■Contents 20-1■Introduction 20-2Logical-to-Physical Mappings of Generic Cell Site Units20-2Logical-to-Physical Mappings of CDMA-Specific Cell Site Units20-8Figure 20-15. 20-2021 CDMA Maintenance 21-1■Contents 21-1■Introduction 21-3CRTU and CDMA Functional Testing 21-3CRTU Components 21-4Subscriber and Feature Information Form 21-8Cell Equipage Component Location Form 21-92132 - Cell Software Status Display Page 21-10■Command and Report Changes to Support the CRTU 21-12■CRTU Growth Procedures 21-14CDMA Functional Tests 21-15 Default Interval Values 21-17
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContents401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xxiiiTransmit and Receive Test Paths 21-17MOST-Terminated Test Calls 21-18Overhead Channel Functional Test 21-19Functional Test Errors and System Recovery Actions 21-25General Errors 21-25Overhead Channel Functional Test Errors 21-25n21-2922 Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC) Maintenance 22-1■Contents 22-1■LAC Maintenance Procedures 22-3LAC Alarm Summary: LACSUM 22-4LAC Alarm Detailed Report: LACALM 22-5Interpreting the LAC Alarm Reports 22-7Troubleshooting Procedures at the Cell Site 22-13LAM Alarm Procedures 22-15Preamp Alarm Procedure 22-19LAM Bias Fault Procedure 22-33Fan Alarm Procedure 22-34Linear Amplifier Circuit Removal/Installation Procedures22-59Linear Amplifier Circuit Fans Removal/Installation Procedures22-6921. 22-90
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageContentsxxiv 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFigures401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xxv1 Introductionn2 Introduction to Series II Cell Technology2-1 TDMA - DRU/ EDRU To/From Subscriber 2-62-2 CDMA System Components 2-82-3 Cell Site Architecture 2-132-4 Radio Channel Frames 2-142-5 Series II CDMA Radio Channel Frame (RCF) 2-17Figure 2-5.3 Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)n4 Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)4-1 High-Level View of the Lucent Technologies CDMA Architecture4-9
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFiguresxxvi 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 20004-2 Series II Cell Site Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Communications Path4-134-3 CDMA Cell Site Equipment 4-164-4 Radio Frame Set Having Two CDMA Growth RCFs (TDMs install "red stripe up")4-184-5 Physical View of TDM Buses at the CDMA Series II Cell Site (TDMs install "red stripe up") (Sheet 1 of 3)4-194-6 Physical View of TDM Buses at the CDMA Series II Cell Site (TDMs install "red stripe up") (Sheet 2 of 3)4-204-7 Physical View of TDM Buses at the CDMA Series II Cell Site (TDMs install "red stripe up") (Sheet 3 of 3)4-214-8 Fully Loaded CDMA Radio Shelf With BBA Redundancy4-224-9 CDMA Radio Architecture 4-284-10 High-Level View of the CRTU Test System 4-334-11 CDMA Subcell Configuration—BBA Interconnections Shown Only For One Side (Side 1, Side 2)4-344-12 Reference Frequency and Timing Generator (RFTG)4-394-13 Quadrant and Half-shelf Numbering of DDGF (Front View)4-434-14 Illustration of Circuit Packs Populating the CRC 4-444-15 Configuration 3: AIF, LAF, and SII Primary, with DDGF as 1st CDMA Growth Frame4-494-16 Configuration 4: AIF, LAF, SII Primary, SII CDMA Growth, with DDGF as 2nd CDMA Growth Frame4-504-17 Configuration 5: AIF, LAF, SII Primary, SII Analog(i.e., non-CDMA) Growth, with DDGF as 2nd Growth Frame and 1st CDMA Growth Frame4-514-18 15-MHz Reference Frequency Distribution Scheme 4-534-19 Reference Frequency and Timing Generator (RFTG)4-544-20 Double Density Growth Frame (top panel removed to expose circuit breakers - Rear View)4-604-21 Frame Ground From Adjacent Cabinet 4-614-22 Ground Wire Connections Between Frames 4-624-23 DDGF IPA 4-644-24 Top of LAF 0, MLAC Power Divider Inputs 4-654-25 Top of LAF 1, MLAC Power Divider Input 4-66
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFigures401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xxvii4-26 Top of AIF 0, RX 0, and RX 1 Power Divider Outputs (front view)4-674-27 Top of AIF 1, RX 0, and RX 1 Power Divider Outputs4-684-28 TDM Bus Installation. TDM bus cables are installed "red stripe up." (Configuration 3)4-704-29 TDM Bus Installation. TDM bus cables are installed "red stripe up." (Configurations 4 and 5)4-714-30 CDMA Radio Test Unit Module 4-72n5 Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small Cells5-1 CDMA Adjunct Frame External Interfaces 5-45-2 CDMA Adjunct Frame 5-65-3 CDMA Adjunct Frame LineUp 5-85-4 CDMA Adjunct Antenna Connections 5-105-5 CDMA Adjunct Frame External Interfaces 5-115-6 CDMA Adjunct/Host Cell Transmit Path 5-125-7 Series IImm (Microcell)/CDMA Adjunct Transmit (Tx) Path Using Series IImm (Microcell) Amplifier5-145-8 CDMA Adjunct/Host Cell Receive Paths 5-155-9 Test Radio Switch Panel (TRSP) 5-185-10 CDMA Adjunct Receiver Paths 5-205-11 CDMA Transmit Path (Smm Only) 5-21
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFiguresxxviii 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Table 5-7.6 Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)6-1 Series II CDPD Connections 6-36-2 One CDPD Channel per Sector 6-66-3 Two to Four CDPD Channels per Sector 6-76-4 CDPD with Omni Setup 6-86-5 Functional Diagram 6-106-6 One Modem Transceiver Per Sector, One LAC per Sector -Directional Setup6-126-7 One Modem Transceiver per Sector, Multiple LACs per Sector -Sniffing on One LAC - Directional Setup6-136-8 One Modem Transceiver per Sector, Multiple LACs per Sector -Sniffing on Multiple LACs - Directional Setup6-146-9 One Modem Transceiver per Sector, One LAC per Sector - Omnidirectional Setup6-156-10 One Modem Transceiver per Sector, Multiple LACs per Sector -Sniffing on One LAC - Omnidirectional Setup6-166-11 One Modem Transceiver per Sector, Multiple LACs per Sector -Sniffing on Multiple LACs - Omnidirectional Setup6-176-12 Multiple Modem Transceiver per Sector, One LAC per Sector -Directional Setup6-186-13 Multiple Modem Transceiver per Sector, Multiple LACs per Sector - Sniffing on One LAC - Directional Setup6-196-14 Multiple Modem Transceiver per Sector, Multiple LACs per Sector - Sniffing on Multiple LACs - Directional Setup6-206-15 Multiple Modem Transceiver per Sector, One LAC per Sector - Omnidirectional Setup6-216-16 Multiple Modem Transceiver per Sector, Multiple LACs per Sector - Sniffing on One LAC - Omnidirectional Setup6-226-17 Multiple Modem Transceiver per Sector, Multiple LACs per Sector - Sniffing on Multiple LACs - Omnidirectional Setup6-23
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFigures401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xxixTable 6-2.7 Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site Options7-1 Series IIe Radio Frame Set 7-57-2 Series II Compact Base Station (CBS) Hardware Architecture7-7f.8 Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions8-1 Primary Radio Channel Frame J41660A-2 8-68-2 Growth Radio Channel Frame (J41660B-2) 8-78-3 Radio Control Complex (RCC) - Shelf 0 ED-2R832-308-148-4 Radio Channel Unit - Shelf 1, Shelf 2 ED-2R833-30 (Figure 1 of 2)8-188-5 Radio Channel Unit (Rear View) - Shelf 1, Shelf 2 ED-2R833-30 (Figure 2 of 2)8-198-6 Fan Panel Assembly ED-2R824-31 8-288-7 Radio Test Unit (RTU) - Shelf 3 ED-2R835-30 8-298-8 Radio Channel Unit - Shelf 4, Shelf 5 ED-2R834-308-308-9 Radio Channel Unit (Rear View) - Shelf 4, Shelf 5 ED-2R834-308-318-10 Interconnection Panel ED-2R831-30 8-328-11 Interconnection Panel ED-2R831-30 8-338-12 Radio Test Unit (RTU) Control Board (AYD8) and Switch Assembly (ED3R026-30) Location8-428-13 Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF) (J41660C-1) 8-458-14 Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF) (Doors Removed) 8-468-15 Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC), Front View 8-48
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFiguresxxx 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 20008-16 LAC Functional Diagram 8-508-17 Linear Amplifier Module (LAM) 8-538-18 Linear Amplifier Unit ED-2R839-30 8-548-19 Location of LAM Fuses, LEDs, and the 10/20 Switch (on C-Series LACs)8-558-20 Linearizer (LZR) Unit ED-2R841-30 8-578-21 Linearizer Unit ED-2R841-30 8-588-22 Linearizer Unit ED-2R841-30 8-598-23 Linearizer Faceplate with the Front Grille Removed 8-608-24 Frame Interface Assembly ED-2R838-30 8-628-25 Frame Interface Assembly ED-2R838-30 8-638-26  Antenna Interface Frame (AIF) Functional Diagram8-648-27 Antenna Interface Frame (AIF) Functional Architecture8-658-28 Antenna Interface Frame (AIF) Functional Diagram 8-668-29 Antenna Interface Frame (AIF) Functional Diagram 8-678-30 Antenna Interface Growth Frame (AIF) Functional Diagram8-688-31 Primary Antenna Interface Frame (AIF) J41660E-2 8-728-32 Primary Antenna Interface Frame J41660E-2 8-738-33 Growth Antenna Interface Frame J41660F -2 8-748-34 Growth Antenna Interface Frame J41660F-2 8-75Table 8-16.9 Radios9-1 AMPS Radio Maintenance Units and Personality Types9-49-2 CDMA Radio Maintenance Units and Personality Types9-24
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFigures401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xxxiFigure 9-2.10 Antenna Hardware Configurations10-1 Series II Cell Site Antenna Configurations 10-410-2 Interconnection Panel Assembly 10-610-3 Antenna Interface 10-710-4 Primary RCF Switch Antenna Connector 10-810-5 Mapping of Antenna Faces to Antenna Sets for theVarious Setup Options10-1010-6 Omnidirectional Cell Site Having Seven Transmit Antennas10-1110-7 Antenna Coupler 10-14011 Cell Site Hardware Functions and Interconnections11-1 Series II Cell Site Architecture 11-511-2 Radio Frame Set Architecture and Bus Structure 11-711-3 Physical View of TDM Buses (Sheet 1 of 3) 11-1011-4 Physical View of TDM Buses (Sheet 2 of 3) 11-1111-5 Physical View of TDM Buses (Sheet 3 of 3) 11-1211-6 Data Link and Voice Paths—Example 11-1511-7 T1/DS1 Transmission Format and RCF TDM Bus Transmission Format11-1811-8 E1/CEPT Transmission Format and RCF TDM Bus Transmission Format11-1911-9 TDM-Bus Interface Circuitry for the NCI—TDM Bus Archangel11-2311-10 TDM-Bus Interface Circuitry for the CPI—TDM Bus Angel11-2611-11 SAKI and SNPE Interface 11-29
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFiguresxxxii 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 200011-12  Synchronization References for TDM0 and TDM1—Example11-3311-13  Synchronization of TDM0 to the MSC 11-3511-14 Primary Access Controller/Framer 11-4011-15 Information Sheets for T1 D4 and ESF Framing Format (Sheet 1 of 3)11-4311-16 Information Sheets for T1 D4 and ESF Framing Format (Sheet 2 of 3)11-4411-17 Information Sheets for T1 D4 and ESF Framing Format (Sheet 3 of 3)11-4511-18 Information Sheets for CCITT CEPT Frame FormatWith and Without CRC-411-4911-19 CAT Block Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2) 11-5311-20 CAT Block Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2) 11-5412 Routine Maintenance and Radio Performance Tests12-1 Voice Channel Test Paths 12-812-2 Voice Channel Test Paths 12-9
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFigures401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xxxiiiTable 12-8.13 Enhanced Maintenance Featuresn14 Corrective Maintenance - Introduction14-1 AMPS Radio Maintenance Units and Personality Type14-714-2 TDMA Radio Maintenance Units and Personality Types14-914-3 CDMA Radio Maintenance Units and Personality Types14-11Figure 14-3.15 Corrective Maintenance using MRA15-1 Remove Flow of Voice Radio RCU, SBRCU, DRU, or EDRU (Sheet 1 of 3)15-1715-2 Remove Flow of Voice Radio RCU, SBRCU, DRU, or EDRU (Sheet 1 of 3)15-1815-3 Remove Flow of Voice Radio RCU, SBRCU, DRU, or EDRU                 (Sheet 3 of 3)15-1915-4 Remove Flow of CCC (Sheet 1 of 3) 15-2015-5 Remove Flow of CCC (Sheet 2 of 3) 15-2115-6 Remove Flow of CCC (Sheet 3 of 3) 15-2215-7 Remove Flow of CCU (Sheet 1 of 3) 15-23
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFiguresxxxiv 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 200015-8 Remove Flow of CCU (Sheet 2 of 3) 15-2415-9 Remove Flow of CCU (Sheet 3 of 3) 15-2515-10 Remove Flow of BBA (Sheet 1 of 3) 15-2615-11 Remove Flow of BBA (Sheet 2 of 3) 15-27Figure 15-11.16 Corrective Maintenance using Status Display Pages16-1 Example of 2130 - Cell Site Status Summary Page 16-416-2 Example of 2131 - Series II Cell Site Equipment Status Page16-616-3 Example of 2132 - Series II Cell Site Software Status Page - ECP Release 9.016-1616-4 Computer Terminal Screen: 2133 - Series II Cell VR Status Page16-2116-5 Example of 2134 - Series II Cell Site DS-1 Unit Status Page16-2516-6 Example of 2135 - Series II Cell Site LC/SU/BC Status Page(Locate Radio Version)16-2916-7 Example of 2135 - Series II Cell Site LC/SU/BC Status PageSetup Radio Version)16-3016-8 Example of 2136 - Series II Cell Site LAC Status Display Page16-3316-9 Example of 2137 - Series II Cell Site OTU/LMT Status Page16-3516-10 Example of 2138 - Series II Cell Site CDMA Equipment Status Page16-3816-11 Example of 2139 - Series II Cell Site CCC CCU Status Page16-4416-12 Example of 2235 - Series II Cell Site DCCH Status Page16-49
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFigures401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xxxv17 Corrective Maintenance using ECP Craft Interfacen18 Alarm Collection and Reporting18-1 Alarm Cabling in the Primary RCF 18-418-2 AFI Block Diagram 18-718-3 RCG, Receive Preamplifier, and RFG Alarm Devices18-818-4 Alarm Monitoring and Storage in the Primary RCF (Sheet 1 of 2)18-918-5 Alarm Monitoring and Storage in the Primary RCF (Sheet 2 of 2)18-1018-6 Alarm Connections Via the AAI J2 Ribbon-Type Connector18-1118-7 Alarm Connections Via the AAI J3, J4, and J5 Terminal Blocks18-1218-8 Radio Channel Frame (RCF) Receiver Radio Frequency (RF) Interfaces (Switchable Antenna Connection)18-20
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFiguresxxxvi 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000n19 Cell Site Hardware LED DescriptionsTable 19-1.20 AMapping Status Display Page Unit Numbers to Hardware20-1 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the RCC, DS1, and CAT inPrimary RCF20-420-2 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the DS1 20-520-3 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the CAT (Sheet 1 of 3)20-620-4 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the CAT (Sheet 2 of 3)20-720-5 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the CAT (Sheet 3 of 3)20-820-6 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the CCC (Sheet 1 of 2)20-1020-7 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the CCC (Sheet 2 of 2)20-1120-8 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the BBA (Sheet 1 of 2)20-1220-9 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the BBA (Sheet 2 of 2)20-1320-10 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the DFI/DS1 and SCT/CAT(Sheet 1 of 6)20-1420-11 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the DFI/DS1 and SCT/CAT(Sheet 2 of 6)20-1520-12 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the DFI/DS1 and SCT/CAT(Sheet 3 of 6)20-1620-13 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the DFI/DS1 and SCT/CAT(Sheet 4 of 6)20-1720-14 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the DFI/DS1 and SCT/CAT(Sheet 5 of 6)20-18
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFigures401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 xxxvii20-15 Logical-to-Physical Unit Mapping for the DFI/DS1 and SCT/CAT) (Sheet 6 of 6)20-19Figure 20-15.21 CDMA Maintenance21-1 High-Level View of the CRTU Test System 21-421-2 RF Transmit Path Setup for CDMA Functional Tests atthe Series II Cell Site21-621-3 RF Diversity 0 Receive Path Setup for CDMA Functional Tests atthe Series II Cell Site21-18n22 Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC) Maintenance22-1 Front View of the LAC 22-1022-2 LAMs Powered by Common Breakers 22-1822-3 Location of LAM Fuses, LEDs, and the 10/20 Switch (on C-Series LACs)22-1922-4 Flowchart of the Preamplifier Diagnostic Procedure 22-2122-5 Setting the LAC Address 22-2322-6 Location of the Alarm Cable Connector at Top of the RCF22-2822-7 Location of the AYD5 Paddle Board on the RCC Backplane22-3022-8 UN166 AFI Board Test Points 22-3122-9 Location of the LAC Alarm Cable Connector 22-3222-10 Location of the FAC/FLD Switch and Microprocessor Access Port (Cover Removed)22-33
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first pageFiguresxxxviii 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 200022-11 View of the Linearizer Faceplate with the Front Grille Removed22-3522-12 Measuring the LAU Fan Voltage 22-3722-13 Location of AYG3 Circuit Pack Fuses F7 and F8 (Cover Plate Removed)22-4222-14 Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC), Front View 22-4422-15 Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF) (Doors Removed) 22-6722-16 Linear Amplifier Unit 22-6822-17 LAM 22-7122-18 Disconnect the ribbon cable from the printed circuit board (donut)22-7222-19 Unscrew the LAM from its standoff 22-7322-20 RF connectors on each LAM 22-7422-21 Disconnect the remaining ribbon connectors from the donut board22-7522-22 Remove the printed circuit board (donut) from the standoffs22-7622-23 Disconnect D-Shell connector located behind the donut board22-7722-24 Push the printed donut board to the right side 22-7822-25 Remove and save silver standoffs and washers 22-7922-26 Cut the three cables (black, red, blue) to each fan 22-8122-27 Remove both fans 22-8222-28 Identify LAC where the malfunctioning linearizer fan resides22-8422-29 Linearizer fan fuse 22-8522-30 Linearizer faceplate 22-8622-31 Fan Mounting Plate 22-8722-32 Cabling by Color (Red To Red, Black To Black, Blue To Blue)22-8921.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 1-11IntroductionContents■Contents 1-1■Introduction 1-2General 1-2Organization 1-2
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page1-2 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000IntroductionIntroductionGeneral This document has been made current to Executive Cellular Processor (ECP) Release 14.0. Organization  The contents of each chapter in this document are described in the following list.■Chapter 2 introduces the user to the Cell Site architecture and its interaction with other parts of the system, the availability and use of bandwidth, the call handling process, and the advantages of Series II hardware and software. ■Chapter 3 is a detailed look as the Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) system, so that the new-hire, manager, or engineer obtains an in-depth understanding of TDMA technology and why, when, where, and how to implement it. ■Chapter 4 is a detailed look as the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) system, so that, again, the new-hire, manager, or engineer obtains an in-depth understanding of CDMA technology and why, when, where, and how to implement it. ■Chapter 5 introduces a new product, the CDMA Adjunct to Small Cells, which is used to add CDMA capability to the Series IIm (Minicell) and Series IImm (Microcell).■Chapter 6 covers the Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) service, which enables the service provider to offer wireless data services. Several CDPD configurations are offered in this chapter. ■Chapter 7 covers other technology options available for the Series II system. Including the use of fiberoptics and the subdivision of cellular systems into mini or micro systems for situations such as filling in spots missed by the larger cellular system or for the use of cellular systems within a restricted environment, such as an office building.For those that need equipment specifications for Cell Site engineering, to order equipment, or  to obtain a general knowledge of the hardware used in the Series II Cell Site, the following chapters offer a general look at every piece of hardware used at the Cell Site. ■Chapter 8 describes and offers equipment specifications, ordering codes, and interconnections with other equipment, for every piece of hardware (except radios) at the Cell Site. ■Chapter 9 contains detailed technical descriptions of every radio capable of being used in the Cell Site, how each radio operates, and its call-handling capacity. All radios, AMPS, TDMA, and CDMA, are explained. ■Chapter 10 describes antenna configurations and their interaction with Cell Site radios.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 1-3Introduction■Chapter 11 describes Cell Site hardware at a functional level, the interconnections on each unit, and their interconnectivity with other units.For operations and maintenance personnel, the following chapters describe the function and operation of all Series II equipment, and different aspects of its maintenance (i.e., test, restore, remove, replace).■Chapter 12 offers detailed and step-by-step procedures to perform routine and FCC-mandated maintenance tests. ■Chapter 13 describes enhanced maintenance features that have been added to the Series II Cell Site, such as the improved Boot Read-Only-Memory / Non-Volatile Memory Update. This feature enables a radio to identify its hardware type and prevent the downloading of firmware belonging to a different radio hardware type. ■Chapter 14 explains the three major maintenance tools available to the Cell Site Technician, describes and lists all maintenance units, and defines the maintenance states that a unit can take on. ■Chapter 15 has detailed and step-by-step procedures for using the Maintenance Request Administrator (MRA) to perform diagnostic and trouble maintenance.■Chapter 16 has detailed and step-by-step procedures for using Status Display Pages to perform diagnostic and trouble maintenance. ■Chapter 17 has detailed and step-by-step procedures for using the Executive Cellular Processor (ECP) craft interface to perform diagnostic and trouble maintenance. The different tools and procedures described in the chapters above allow the technician to choose the maintenance tool he is most comfortable with and, greatly improve both the learning and productivity curve. ■Chapter 18 details all Cell Site alarms, their meaning, and the appropriate response(s) the technician should make. ■Chapter 19 details all Cell Site Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), their meaning, and the appropriate response(s) the technician should make. ■Chapter 20 is a logical-to-hardware mapping of all maintenance units and is useful in helping the technician find the physical location of any diagnostic or maintenance unit. ■Chapter 21 is dedicated to CDMA-specific maintenance because CDMA units are different enough from the analog/digital units used in AMPS/TDMA that they merit particular attention. ■Chapter 22 is dedicated to the maintenance of the Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC), a complex and extremely important piece of Cell Site hardware.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page1-4 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000IntroductionPlease refer to Lucent Technologies Practice 401-660-125 for a full description of the Modular Linear Amplifier Circuit (MLAC) J-41660CA-3.We hope that you find this reorganization of the document useful and easy to read.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 1-5
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page1-6 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 2-12Introduction to Series II Cell TechnologyContents■Contents 2-1■Introduction 2-2Overview 2-2■Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS) 2-3■Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) 2-4TDMA Description 2-4TDMA Call Processing 2-4Communication From TDMA Cell Site to TDMA Subscriber Unit 2-5Communication From TDMA Subscriber Unit to TDMA Cell Site 2-6Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 2-6CDMA Cell Site Description 2-7■Cellular Frequency Spectrum Allocation 2-10■Advantages of Series II Hardware and Software 2-11■Cell Site Equipment Functional Overview 2-12Equipment Frames 2-12Radio Channel Frames and Radio Equipment Functional Overview 2-13Facilities Interface Frame (FIF) 2-18
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page2-2 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Introduction to Series II Cell TechnologyIntroduction Overview  The Series II platform accommodates three multiple-access methods, one analog and two digital, described below.■Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) -Subscribers are separated by frequency. Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) is the implementation of narrowband channels, each carrying one telephone circuit, in a system where any mobile station can access any one of the frequencies. Existing analog cellular communications systems use FDMA. The Series II FDMA technology is Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS)* which conforms to the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) / Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) 553 standard. The allocated spectrum is divided into 30-kHz channels, where each channel can carry a single call.■Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) -Subscribers are separated by frequency and time. Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is an architecture in which each carrier frequency is divided into a number of timeslots, each of which constitutes an independent telephone circuit. Existing digital cellular communications systems use TDMA.The Series II TDMA technology conforms to the TIA IS-54 standard. The technology can serve three simultaneous calls on an existing 30-kHz AMPS channel, thereby increasing capacity by threefold.■Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) -Subscribers are separated by digital code. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a form of multiple access used in spread-spectrum wideband systems. It is based on the principle that each subscriber is assigned a unique code that can be used by the system to distinguish that user from all other users transmitting simultaneously over the same frequency band.The Series II CDMA technology conforms to the TIA IS-95 standard. The projection is that CDMA will increase the capacity of the current AMPS system by as much as ten-fold.*  Throughout this document, AMPS will be used to mean analog radios or analog service.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 2-3Introduction to Series II Cell TechnologyAdvanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS)With AMPS, the entire allocated cellular frequency spectrum, 825-890 MHz, is divided into a number of 30-kHz channels, each with its specific carrier frequency. These carrier frequencies operate in pairs; each pair is assigned a unique RF channel number. One carrier frequency of the pair is used for transmission from the Cell Site to the mobile station (forward channel), while the other is used for transmission from the mobile station to the Cell Site (reverse channel). The transmit and receive frequencies are separated by 45 MHz.From the beginning, the FCC has encouraged competition in the cellular radio market by allocating available frequency spectrum to two classes of operators: ■The nonwireline companies (such as radio common carriers) also known as System A - is allocated frequencies from spectrum for System A is (known as block A, which consists of the A, A’, and A” bands■The local wireline telephone companies, also known as System B - is allocated frequencies from the spectrum for System B (known as block B), which consists of the B and B’ bands.Normally, RF channels 313 through 354 are reserved for use as control channels: 21 control channels for System A, and 21 control channels for System B. These channels, also called setup channels, are used to establish calls and to perform control functions. The remaining channels, 395 for System A and 395 for System B, are the voice channels. Each voice channel can carry a single call.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page2-4 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Introduction to Series II Cell TechnologyTime Division Multiple Access (TDMA)TDMA Description TDMA can accommodate both analog and digital cellular technologies (see Figure 2-1). The digital cellular technology, like Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) radio technology, provides increased spectral efficiency, system performance improvements (high-quality speech in areas of low signal strength), entirely digital transmission, new and more flexible services, and increased channel privacy compared to analog technology. In the same number of radio slots used by Radio Channel Units (RCUs), half as many Digital Radio Units (DRUs) achieve a 50% increase in the number of radio channels. In addition, if DRUs are replaced with Enhanced DRUs (EDRUs), there are the same number of channels using half as many radio slots on the radio shelf. The EDRU takes up only 1 slot on the radio shelf versus the 2 that the DRU takes up.TDMA Call Processing  The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) has prepared an interim standard (IS-54A) that defines technical requirements for cellular telecommunications systems. This standard provides radio system parameters and call processing procedures for both analog and digital radios to ensure complete compatibility with dual-mode (analog and digital) mobile and single-mode (analog only) mobile stations. The TDMA feature complies with this standard. In addition, TDMA DCCH complies with EIA/TIA Standard IS-136 Cellular System Dual-Mode Mobile Station Base Station: Digital Control Channel that is available from the Electronic Industries Association. DCCH supports IS-136 mobiles that use DCCH to access the system. The following call processing features are part of the TDMA feature. ■Dual Mode Mobile Station (DMMS) - TDMA works with a DMMS. The TDMA DMMS has allowable-call modes of analog only, TDMA (digital) only, and analog or TDMA. TDMA also supports IS-136 mobiles that access the system over the DCCH. ■Mobile-Assisted HandOff (MAHO) Feature - All TDMA mobile units are designated to assist in the handoff process. The TDMA mobile unit is sent a list of neighbor sectors on which to make signal strength measurements. ■Setup Channels - TDMA uses the same analog setup channels as in the Series II Cell Site. To set up digital channels, TDMA uses the DCCH. ■Locate Function - The locate radios may be analog. TDMA also supports the digital locate function for DRUs and EDRUs. ■Beacon Channel Feature - The beacon channel is a voice radio, analog or digital, which always has its carrier turned on and set at a fixed power level. The beacon channel can be used for voice communications, but the carrier
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 2-5Introduction to Series II Cell Technologypower level remains fixed. The beacon channel provides a means for the TDMA and TDMA DMMS mobiles to measure signal strength during the handoff process. Series I Cell Sites in a Series II TDMA service area also provide a beacon channel per antenna sector for the benefit of TDMA customers. Unique software is required for implementation of the TDMA feature. This section briefly addresses the major differences from the analog system in call processing, administration, maintenance, and service measurement software. All call processing for DRUs is based on logical channels; that is, digital traffic channels rather than physical radio units. The DMMSs communicate with the Cell Site over a 30-kHz analog setup channel. Thus, the mobile station is required to be tuned to an analog setup channel when not in the conversation state. Mobile originations and page response messages are transmitted to and received from the Cell Site over the analog setup channel. Location measurements on digital voice channels will be performed using mobile-assisted handoff (as defined in IS-54A).The following five handoff scenarios are supported: 1. Analog to analog 2. Analog to digital 3. Digital to digital 4. Digital to analog5. DCCH InterHyperband handoffFor more information on DCCH InterHyperband Handoff, please see Lucent Technologies Practices Optional Feature document 401-612-118, DCCH Interhyperband Operation Phase 1 & 2.Communication From TDMA Cell Site to TDMA Subscriber Unit The Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) bus, which should be installed "red stripe up," sends m-law Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) encoded voice to the echo cancelers, and then to the speech coder in the DRU or EDRU. The speech from the TDM bus is coded using the algorithm known as Code Excited Linear Predictive (CELP) Coding. Then the bits are transferred to the associated channel coder. The encoded speech is further encoded for protection by a three-step process. First, the most significant bits are coded with a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). Then, these bits, with the other class-1 bits, are protected with a convolutional error correction code. Finally, the data is spread within one time slot. From the channel coder, the signal is sent along with the other two channels to the modulator. Once at the modulator, the bits are modulated using Deferentially Encoded Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (DQPSK) and are sent to the transmitter.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page2-6 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Introduction to Series II Cell TechnologyAt the transmitter, the digitally modulated RF signals are sent to the antenna and ultimately to the subscriber unit..  Figure 2-1. TDMA - DRU/ EDRU To/From SubscriberCommunication From TDMA Subscriber Unit to TDMA Cell SiteThe receiver in the DRU or EDRU receives digitally modulated RF signals from the subscriber unit and translates them back to baseband frequency. The signals first proceed through a low-pass filter to cut out high frequencies and alias signals, and through an Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to control the signal strength. The waveforms are then sent to the demodulator, where the signals are synchronized and equalized. Then, the demodulated bits are sent to the channel decoder. Upon arriving, data is de-interleaved and decoded. The convoluted encoded bits are CRC-checked for error detection and then transferred to the speech decoder. The speech decoder takes the data and generates the received speech signal, which is transferred to the TDM bus as m-law PCM encoded voice.Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)This section provides an overview of the Series II Cell Site hardware used to support the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) application. CDMA is a method that increases voice traffic on the existing cellular frequency spectrum. CDMA is defined within the IS-95 document, which was produced by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TR45.5 Subcommittee on Wideband Spectrum Digital Technology. SubscriberSCToDS-1Demod/SUBMDT(TCM) RFFrom SubscriberTo SubscriberUnitRFRFRF(TCM) DRU/EDRUDecoderSpeechTransmitterModulatorEncoderChannelEncoderSpeechReceiverFilterAGC/EqualizerDecoderChannel
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 2-7Introduction to Series II Cell TechnologyCDMA uses a direct sequence spread spectrum technology. Within this technology, radio signals are spread across a single 1.23 MHz-wide frequency band. Individual calls are modulated by the three unique Pseudo-random Number (PN) codes during transmission and decoded using those three codes during reception. Signals that do not contain the code matches are treated as noise and ignored. By using this method, a large number of CDMA calls may occupy the same frequency spectrum simultaneously. One of many benefits of CDMA is that it is virtually impossible to monitor a CDMA call in progress unless all three PN codes are known. CDMA Cell Site Description The Series II Cell Sites providing CDMA service (see Figure 2-2) must be equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, associated Synchronized Clock and Tone (SCT) boards, and a Digital Facilities Interface (DFI). The GPS equipment provides precise timing of data packets between the 5ESS-2000 Switch DCS and the Series II Cell Site. The GPS also provides precise timing for the 20-ms packets transmitted by the CDMA radios. The SCT boards are added to the TDM bus (which should be installed "red stripe up"). The DFI is required for CDMA packet pipes.All CDMA trunks must be located in the 5ESS-2000 Switch DCS but AMPS and TDMA trunks can still be located in a DEFINITY Switch DCS.The remaining new circuitry consists of the CDMA Radio Module (CRM), that serves one face. The CRM is located on the CDMA radio shelf. The CRM will be discussed in detail later in this document. The basic RF combiners, Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF) and filter assemblies have not changed from the AMPS/TDMA Series II Linear Amplifier Circuits (LACs) in existing systems require a Version 6 or higher firmware upgrade.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page2-8 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Introduction to Series II Cell Technology Figure 2-2. CDMA System ComponentsThere are three types of equipment shelves on the CDMA Growth Radio Frame (CGRF). These shelves are listed below.1. The interconnect panel  is used to distribute the 15-MHz reference frequency from the Reference Frequency Timing Generation (RFTG) to the radio shelves, and to interconnect CDMA radio equipment to both existing transmit and receive antenna faces.2. CDMA radio shelves (numbered 0 through 5 from top to bottom) which contain the following equipment: —Power converters that require +24 volt, 45 amp. feeder and return PHVFRPHDLTU2PSU2SMNCTCMAM5ESS-2000 DCSSS7LinksIMSCNIECPR7.0Mobile SwitchingCenter (MSC)OMPR.7.0xGPSSeries II Cell SiteRCCAnalogTDMACDMACCCCECEACUBCRSCT*DSIDFITraffic ChannelSetup  ChannelPublicSwitchedTelephoneNetwork* SCT - Synchronized Clock and Tone
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 2-9Introduction to Series II Cell Technology—One or two CDMA Cluster Controllers (CCCs) - each CCC contains 7 CDMA Channel Units (CCUs) —As many as 14 CCUs - each CCU contains two CEs (8-kbps vocoders) —One or two Baseband, Bus and Analog (BBA) trio circuitsNOTE:For CDMA 1.0, there is one radio shelf per antenna face. Because CDMA 1.0 supports omni, two-sector, and three-sector cells, there may be one, two, or three CDMA radio shelves. Additional shelves will be supported in future CDMA releases.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page2-10 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Introduction to Series II Cell TechnologyCellular Frequency Spectrum AllocationThe Series II platform can support a hybrid of AMPS, TDMA, and CDMA technologies within the same cellular system. The radio technologies share Cell Site resources and cellular frequency spectrum.In North America, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has allocated a total of 25 MHz for mobile-to-cell-site communication and 25 MHz for cell-site-to-mobile communication for the provision of cellular services. The FCC has divided this allocation equally between two service providers, the wireline (block B) and non-wireline (block A) carriers, in each service area.To accommodate CDMA, the entire cellular frequency spectrum is divided into ten 1.23-MHz wideband channels.Each channel is assigned a number, and the channel numbers denote 30-kHz channels. Because of the order in which allocations were made, the 12.5 MHz allocated to each carrier for each direction of the link is further subdivided into two sub-bands. For the wireline carriers (block B), the sub-bands are 10 MHz (B band) and 2.5 MHz (B’band). For the non-wireline carriers (block A), the sub-bands are 11 MHz (A band + A”band) and 1.5 MHz (A’band). A single bandwidth of less than 1.5 MHz could fit into any of the sub-bands, while a bandwidth of less than 2.5 MHz could fit into all but one sub-band.Thus, in order to preserve maximum flexibility in matching the CDMA technology to the available frequency spectrum, the CDMA digital cellular waveform design must be less than 1.5 MHz in bandwidth.A set of ten 1.23-MHz bandwidth wideband channels, referred to as CDMA carriers, would be used if the entire cellular frequency spectrum were converted over to CDMA. In the interim, only a small number of 1.23-MHz channels need to be removed from the current analog service to provide digital service.The center RF channel numbers, or center frequencies, of the primary and secondary CDMA carriers are specified in the TIA IS-95 standard. The center RF channel numbers of other CDMA carries are not specified in the TIA IS-95 standard, but are chosen by the individual service providers.Because some frequency guard band is necessary if there are adjacent high-power cellular (or other) frequencies in use, adding an initial CDMA carrier to an existing AMPS system requires removing 59 adjoining AMPS channels (1.77 MHz of frequency spectrum). Since adjacent CDMA carriers need not employ a guard band, adding a second CDMA carrier would only require removing 43 AMPS channels.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 2-11Introduction to Series II Cell TechnologyAdvantages of Series II Hardware and SoftwareA number of the advantages of Series II hardware and software are listed below.■Channel capacity. Up to 200 Radio Channel Units (RCUs), including setup, locate, and voice. About 195 can be used for voice. ■6-Sector configuration. Single antenna, omni, three- or six-sector configuration. Up to seven transmit antennas, as defined by user, diversity receive antennas, and optional built-in duplexers. ■Compatible with Series I. Can be used in the same system with Series I Cell Sites. ■All digital interfaces. All data and voice communications between the MSC and Cell Site is by Digital Signal level 1 (DS1) interfaced facilities. The Digital Cross-Connect (DSX-1) interface between the DS1 and cross connect panel provide the radio frame connections and eliminate the need for D4 channel banks. ■Programmable radio channels. Programmable radio channels eliminate the need for manual tuning of cavity combiners or the setting of Dual In-line Package (DIP) switches. ■Combine any channels. No separation restrictions on channels combined. ■Downloading of power levels and channel assignments. Downloading of power levels and channel assignments can be accomplished from a single location, such as the MSC. ■Less maintenance. Fewer replaceable parts; most faults are software-detectable. Limited inventory spares needed. ■Easy update to digital channels. Series II positions the system to support digital radio technology with minimum cost, effort, and replacement of equipment. RCU slots accommodate both analog and DRUs and EDRUs. Analog and digital radios may be mixed on a slot-by-slot basis.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page2-12 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Introduction to Series II Cell TechnologyCell Site Equipment Functional OverviewEquipment Frames The equipment frames used in Series II Cell Sites (Figure 2-3) and their dimensions are given below.■Radio Channel Frame (RCF) - 26" wide by 20" deep by 80.5" high, total height = 70" (to top of main bay) + 10" (interconnect panel) The Series II radio channel equipment is housed in cabinets. The Radio Channel Frame (RCF) has openings on the side for interframe wiring of the Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) bus, which should be installed "red stripe up". Control and data are transferred over the TDM bus. These frames are installed side by side so that they may be interconnected by one TDM bus, if there are two frames, or two TDM buses, if there are three frames. Cabinet covers are removable for maintenance, allowing easy access to the equipment without requiring the clearance space needed to open hinged doors. The Radio Frame Set (RFS) consists of one, two, or three RCFs. The first RCF is the P-RCF (RCF 0), the other two RCFs are "growth" RCFs (RCF 1 and RCF 2).■Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF) - Same dimensions as RCF. One or two Linear Amplifier Frames (LAFs)are provided per Cell Site.■Antenna Interface Frame (AIF) - 26" wide by 20" deep by 84" high. Antenna interface equipment accommodates up to seven antenna faces, thus permitting implementation of omni-only, three-sector/120-degree, six-sector/60-degree, or other special antenna configurations. One or two Antenna Interface Frames (AIFs) are provided per Cell Site.The Series II Cell Site equipment frames have greater hardware capacity, are more compact, and allow more flexibility than Series I equipment.The equipment code for the equipment frames mentioned above are identified below.■Radio Channel Frame (Primary) J41660A-1 or J41660A-2 (UL* Listed) *■Radio Channel Frame (Growth) J41660B-1 or J41660A-2 (UL* Listed)■Linear Amplifier Frame (Primary) J41660C-1 or J41660A-2 (UL* Listed)■Antenna Interface Frame (Primary) J41660E-1 or J41660A-2 (UL* Listed)■Antenna Interface Frame (Growth) J41660F-1 or J41660A-2 (UL* Listed)■Facilities Interface Frame J41660G-1 or J41660A-2 (UL* Listed)* Registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 2-13Introduction to Series II Cell Technology■Optical Interface Frame J41660H-1   Figure 2-3. Cell Site ArchitectureRadio Channel Frames and Radio Equipment Functional OverviewThe radio frame set (Figure 2-4) consists of a primary RCF and up to two growth RCFs connected by one or two Time-Division Multiplexed (TDM) buses (which should be installed "red stripe up") and controlled by the primary RCF. The primary RCF is unique in that it contains the Cell Site controller (the Radio Control Complex [RCC]) on the uppermost shelf (shelf 0) in addition to five radio shelves below (shelves 1 through 5).VoiceTrunksandDataLinksRFRadio Frame SetRFRFDS1InputsRadioChannelFrame 0(Optional)LinearAmplifierFrame 0FacilitiesInterfaceFrameRadioChannelFrame 1RadioChannelFrame 2LinearAmplifierFrame 1(Includes RadioControlComplex)(Optional)AntennaInterfaceFrame 0AntennaInterfaceFrame 1RX0  RX 1TX  Primary Growth Growth(RCF0)(RCF1)(RCF2)(LAF0)(LAF1)(AIF0)(AIF1)(FIF)(High-PowerAntennas)((Optional) (Optional)
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page2-14 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Introduction to Series II Cell Technology Figure 2-4. Radio Channel FramesThe RCC consists of two identical controllers (redundant controllers). One controller is active (on-line) and one is standby (off-line). The RCC provides intelligent control of the Cell Site equipment and performs call processing in conjunction with the ECP complex.The primary RCF may contain a combination of AMPS setup, locate, and voice channel radios; setup and locate radios are simply AMPS radios configured to perform setup and locate channel functions. The RCC can configure an RCU or a Single-Board RCU (SBRCU) to perform one of three functions: ■Setup—To establish calls with AMPS mobile subscribersRCC 0 RCC 1Shelf 0Shelf 1FansShelf 3Shelf 4Shelf 5Shelf 2Primary RCF 0 Growth RCF 1 Growth RCF 2Radio Test ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio ShelfRadio Shelf
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 2-15Introduction to Series II Cell Technology■Locate—To assist with handoffs when the established call can be better served by an adjacent sector or cell■Voice—To carry the AMPS over-the-air callsSetup and locate radios are restricted to shelf 1 and/or shelf 2 of the primary RCF, whereas voice radios may be installed in any of the five radio shelves of the primary RCF or any of the six radio shelves of a growth RCF. Normally, at start-up, there are two setup radios (one active and one standby) and two locate radios (both active).Up to two Growth RCFs may be added. Each growth RCF contains six radio shelves, housing 72 RCUs in each growth RCF for a maximum capacity of 200 analog radios or 86 digital radios or various combinations. (A minimum of two analog radios are always required for setup and locate functions.).Twenty-one channels, referred to as setup or control channels, are set aside to accomplish the setup function. That is, 21 channels in each of the cellular frequency spectrums (block A and block B) are not used as voice channels.Setup radios perform the receive and transmit functions required to set up an AMPS or IS-54 TDMA call, but not a CDMA call. CDMA uses its own control channels to set up a CDMA call.There are AMPS-only mobiles, IS-54 compliant TDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobiles, IS-136 compliant TDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobiles, and IS-95A and IS-95B compliant CDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobiles. A TDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobile allows the call to be served on either TDMA or AMPS channels, which increases the chances that the call will be served if no TDMA channels are available during setup or handoff. The same holds true for a CDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobile.If a Cell Site has the TDMA DCCH feature, the DCCH—not the setup radio—is used to set up TDMA calls for IS-136 compliant TDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobiles.AMPS locate radios (also referred to as analog locate radios), which receive but do not transmit, assist only in the handoff of an AMPS call. As explanation, a handoff decision for an AMPS call is based on Cell Site measurements of signal strengths received from the mobile station. In contrast, the handoff decision for a TDMA or CDMA call is based on mobile measurements of signal strengths received from radios at neighboring sites. This latter type of handoff is referred to as mobile-assisted handoff.A feature known as the Digital Verification Color Code (DVCC) verification feature can ensure a high success rate for the TDMA mobile-assisted handoff procedure. For this feature, there is a digital locate radio available to each physical antenna face, or sector, neighboring the serving face.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page2-16 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Introduction to Series II Cell TechnologyAny combination of AMPS radios (RCUs, SBRCUs) and TDMA radios (DRUs, EDRUs) can reside in the primary RCF or in a growth RCF. RCUs, SBRCUs, DRUs, and EDRUs can sit side-by-side in the same radio shelf.* The DRU occupies two adjoining RCU slots in the shelf, and the EDRU occupies one RCU slot in the shelf; either unit provides a 3-to-1 voice channel capacity advantage over the RCU.CDMA radios are installed in their own growth RCF (See Figure 2-5), which is designed to house 12 CDMA radios—two (redundant) radios per shelf. (One CDMA radio is active and one is standby).CDMA radios cannot be installed in the primary RCF, nor can they be intermixed with RCUs, SBRCUs, DRUs, or EDRUs in the same growth RCF. Since there can be up to two growth RCFs in a radio frame set, the Series II Cell Site can accommodate up to 24 CDMA radios.There are two test radios listed below:■The Radio Test Unit (RTU)■TDMA Radio Test Unit (TRTU) These radios can be used to test AMPS or TDMA radios, respectively, along with their associated RF paths. When installed, the test radios reside in shelf 3 of the primary RCF.The CDMA Radio Test Unit (CRTU) can be used to test CDMA radios and their associated RF paths. The CRTU consists of two hardware components:■The CRTU interface (CRTUi) ■The CRTU module (CRTUm)The CRTUi allows the RCC to communicate with the CDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobile located in the CRTUm. When installed, the CRTUi resides in shelf 0 of the primary RCF, and the CRTUm resides in the FIF or is mounted on a Cell Site wall.* Due to DC power limitations, it is recommended that no more than five EDRUs, with no other radios, reside in the same radio shelf. This restriction does not apply if the P-RCF is equipped with List N and the G-RCF is equipped with List E.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 2-17Introduction to Series II Cell Technology    Figure 2-5. Series II CDMA Radio Channel Frame (RCF)034024 162 170040 046 052 058 064 070 076 082 088 098 104 110 116 122 128 134 140 146152TN1853ALMACT44WWR1ALMONOFFACTTN1853ALMACT430AA5V+-V-INOFF44WWR1ALMACTONOFFTN1703ALMNVMACTJ2J3430AA5V+-V-INOFFTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1702ALMACTNVMTN1852ALMACTNVMTN1852ALMACTNVMTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACT ACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMTN1701ALMACTTN1702ALMACTNVMTN1701ALMACT034024 162 170040 046 052 058 064 070 076 082 088 098 104 110 116 122 128 134 140 146152TN1853ALMACT44WWR1ALMONOFFACTTN1853ALMACT430AA5V+-V-INOFF44WWR1ALMACTONOFFTN1703ALMNVMACTJ2J3430AA5V+-V-INOFFTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1702ALMACTNVMTN1852ALMACTNVMTN1852ALMACTNVMTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACT ACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMTN1701ALMACTTN1702ALMACTNVMTN1701ALMACT162 170034024 040 046 052 058 064 070 076 082 088 098 104 110 116 122 128 134 140 146152TN1853ALMACT44WWR1ALMONOFFACTTN1853ALMACT430AA5V+-V-INOFF44WWR1ALMACTONOFFTN1703ALMNVMACTJ2J3430AA5V+-V-INOFFTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1702ALMACTNVMTN1852ALMACTNVMTN1852ALMACTNVMTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACT ACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMACTTN1701ALMTN1701ALMACTTN1702ALMACTNVMTN1701ALMACT162 170034024 040 046052 058 064 070 076 082 088 098 104 110 116 122 128 134 140 146152162 170034024 040 046 052 058 064 070 076 082 088 098 104 110 116 122 128 134 140 146152162 170034024 040 046 052 058 064 070 076 082 088 098 104 110 116 122 128 134 140 146152
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page2-18 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Introduction to Series II Cell TechnologyFrom an RCC perspective, the CRTUi and CRTUm together look like a single maintenance unit, just like the RTU or TRTU.Facilities Interface Frame (FIF) The Facilities Interface Frame (FIF) (see Figure 2-3) provides the digital interface between the DCS and radio channel frames via shelf-mounted Data Service Units (DSUs) or Channel Service Units (CSUs). These units perform network interface compliance, format conversion, and network monitoring functions for a T1 or E1 line.An alarm control panel, which is an optional panel mounted in the FIF, can collect up to 18 user-defined alarms.* User-defined alarms are gathered from alarm sensors external to the Cell Site frames; they include miscellaneous alarm conditions, such as fire, forced entry, high temperature, and alarms from ancillary co-located equipment.*An Increased Cell Alarms enhancement available in ECP Release 7.0 added another 12 user-defined alarms and 12 equipment alarms for use in the cell. The Increased Cell Alarms enhancement is described in the User-Defined Cell Site Alarms (UDA) Optional Feature document (401-612-057).
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Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-13Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)Contents■Contents 3-1■TDMA Overview 3-3TDMA/AMPS Dual-Mode Operation 3-3TDMA System Access 3-4TDMA Radio Interface 3-4Radio Channel Types 3-4Digital Control Channel 3-5Digital Control Channel (DCCH) Forward Link, orDownlink, Logical Channels 3-5DCCH Feature Offerings 3-6Short Message Service (SMS) 3-6Sleep Mode 3-6Private Networks 3-6Channel Organization for Forward DCCH Superframes 3-6Digital Traffic Channels 3-7DTC Dedicated Control Channels 3-7Digital Verification Color Code Channels 3-8Handoff and Handoff Types 3-8Mobile-Assisted Handoff Procedure 3-9
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-2 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)■HandOff Based on Interference (HOBIT) / INterference Look-Ahead (INLA) Enhancements 3-11Service Measurements (SM) 3-13■Switch-Based TDMA Voice Coder/ Decoder (Vocoder) 3-15Facilities Concentration 3-15Vocoder / Echo Canceller Pooling 3-16Platform for Multiple Speech Coding Algorithm Support 3-16Semi-soft Handoff (intra-DCS, inter-DCS) 3-17Intra-DCS Semi-soft Handoff 3-17Inter-DCS Semi-soft Handoff 3-17Packet Mode Transport 3-18Packet Pipe (PP) Implementation 3-18Cell Sites Supported by the Switch-Based Vocoder feature 3-18Use of DS1 and/or DFI boards at the cell 3-18Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M) 3-19Cell Site OA&M 3-19Diagnostic subsystem (DN) 3-21Measurement subsystem (MEAS) 3-21Configuration Utilities subsystem (CFUT) 3-21ECPC OA&M Support of the Cell Site 3-21Feature Activation and Installation 3-22■Separate Access Thresholds for DCCHs and DTCs (SEPA) 3-23■Two-Branch Intelligent Anntenna (TBIA) 3-27EDRU and DRM implementation of TBIA 3-27TBIA Performance 3-27TBIA Availability 3-28TBIA Activation 3-28
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-3Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)TDMA OverviewThe Series II TDMA technology conforms to the TIA IS-54 standard (sometimes called North American TDMA), which allows the servicing of three digital calls within the same frequency range previously used for one AMPS call. IS-54 TDMA radio transmissions occur in the same frequency bands (System A and System B) as AMPS radio transmissions. IS-54 TDMA provides a basic modulation efficiency of three calls per 30-kHz of bandwidth. A 30-kHz channel is subdivided into six timeslots for TDMA transmissions. Two timeslots are required for each call when using full-rate voice encoders (vocoders). Timeslots 1 and 4 form user channel 1, timeslots 2 and 5 form user channel 2, and timeslots 3 and 6 form user channel 3.Each Digital Radio Unit (DRU) or Enhanced Digital Radio Unit (EDRU) is assigned an RF channel number (carrier) using the RC/V Cell Site Trunk Member form (ctm) or Vocoder Relocation feature allows EDRUs to be assigned via the RC/V TDMA Packet Pipe Member form (tpptm), as well as the ctm and dcch forms. The modulated output carries three independent, full-rate channels of information. Assuming a frequency reuse factor similar to the analog design, the resulting capacity with TDMA is one call per 10 kHz of spectrum or three times that of the AMPS system. However, for TDMA systems, special studies have shown that there is room for placing cells closer together because of TDMA’s higher tolerance to interference and/or reducing the frequency re-use factor from the traditional seven to six, five, or even four, further increasing system capacity. TDMA/AMPS Dual-Mode OperationThe TIA IS-54 standard includes provision for future service additions and expansions of system capabilities. The architecture defined by the TIA IS-54 standard permits such expansion without the loss of backward compatibility with older mobile stations. A TDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobile complying with the TIA IS-54 standard can obtain service by communicating with either TDMA radios or AMPS radios at the Cell Site. Whether the communication is TDMA or AMPS depends on the availability of either system in the geographic area of the mobile station as well as the preferred call mode of the mobile station. The preferred call mode can be TDMA-only, AMPS-only, or dual-mode TDMA (either TDMA or AMPS). There are two types of TDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobiles: IS-54 compliant mobiles and IS-136 compliant mobiles. IS-54 compliant mobiles can only access the TDMA system via the analog control channel (ACC)_also known as the setup channel, whereas IS-136 compliant mobiles can access the TDMA system via the ACC or the DCCH.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-4 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)TDMA System Access Mobile origination and page response messages are transmitted to/ received from the TDMA Cell Site over the ACC, unless the DCCH feature is in effect at the Cell Site and the accessing mobile is an IS-136 compliant mobile. In the latter case, mobile origination and page response messages may be transmitted to/ received from the TDMA Cell Site over the DCCH. TDMA Radio Interface The TDMA radio interface between the serving Cell Site and the mobiles is a three-layered communications architecture. The physical layer is referred to as the air interface, which is a standardized IS-54 TDMA system. The physical layer not only supports the functions required for the transmission of bit streams on the air interface, but also provides access capabilities to the upper layers. The uppermost layer carries messages that are transparent to the Cell Site; the messages convey call control and mobile management information between the MSC and the mobile station. TDMA transmission is in the form of a series of frames, each of which is divided into a number of timeslots. In IS-54 TDMA, each frame is partitioned into six equally sized, non-overlapping timeslots. In IS-54 TDMA full-rate operation, individual mobile stations take turns using the reverse channel (mobile ? cell) and may put a burst of data in the assigned timeslots. In the forward channel (cell ? mobile), the Cell Site is usually transmitting continuously with the mobiles listening only during their assigned timeslots. The Cell Site is also repeating a reference burst, and all mobiles synchronize on the reception of that burst. A mobile station must know not only which two timeslots 1&4, 2&5, or 3&6, to use for transmission, but also which two timeslots to use for reception. In IS-54 TDMA, those timeslots are the same. The TDMA frames used in the forward and reverse directions are staggered by a little more than one timeslot duration to allow the same timeslot pair to be used in both directions, hence avoiding the requirement for the mobile station to transmit and receive simultaneously. The mapping of assembled DCCH slots into superframes and hyperframes applies only to the forward DCCH (cell ? mobile). There are no superframe or hyperframe structures for the reverse DCCH (mobile ? cell). Some characteristics of the IS-54 TDMA frame are: ■Frame length = 1944 bits (39.99999 milliseconds) ■Timeslot duration = 324 bits (6.666666 milliseconds) ■Data rate = 20.57613 milliseconds Radio Channel Types Each of the repetitive timeslots (1, 2,..., 6) across TDMA frames forms a physical channel. (A physical channel always uses the same timeslot number in every TDMA frame.) Thus, IS-54 TDMA provides six physical channels per RF channel
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-5Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)(carrier). As defined in TIA IS-54 and IS-136, there are two overall categories of logical channels that can be mapped onto the physical channels: a. Digital Control Channels (DCCH) (IS-136 only) - A DCCH is a collection of logical channels used for transmission of control information and short user data messages between the Cell Sites and mobile stations. b. Digital Traffic Channels (DTC) (IS-54 and IS-136) A digital traffic channel is a collection of logical channels used for transmission of user information and related control messages between the Cell Sites and mobile stations. A TDMA omni cell or cell sector is allocated a subset of RF channels. One RF channel is assigned to each TDMA radio. The TDMA RF channel is designated as either C0, C1, C2, through C n, where Cn is the last TDMA RF channel provided in the cell. Each TDMA RF channel is divided into 6 timeslots. All but one of the TDMA RF channels can support three digital traffic channels. The exception (i.e., C0) can support up to two digital traffic channels on timeslots 2&5 and 3&6; timeslots 1&4 are dedicated to carrying the digital control channel. Two additional TDMA RF channels, designated C1 and C2, can also be assigned to carry digital control channels via the RC/V dcch form. C0, C1, and C2 need not have the lower RF channel numbers of the allocation; no ordering of RF channel numbers is implied. Digital Control Channel The IS-136 DCCH is based on the IS-54 standard. The call control and other features specified in IS-54 are part of IS-136.The DCCH is used in place of the analog control channel (ACC). The DCCH performs the setup function for mobile subscribers using IS-136 compliant mobiles. The DCCH is carried by a TDMA radio (DRU, EDRU) configured as a DCCH radio, and the ACC is carried by an AMPS radio (RCU, SBRCU) configured as a setup radio. Since a TDMA radio provides a basic modulation efficiency of three user channels (1 - 3) per 30-kHz of bandwidth, the DCCH radio may also carry digital traffic. The DCCH is carried on user channel 1. Typically, there is one DCCH per physical antenna face, or sector, in a TDMA system. Up to three DCCHs are allowed per sector. Digital Control Channel (DCCH) Forward Link, orDownlink, Logical ChannelsThe DCCH provides IS-136 compliant mobiles with a continuous frame-oriented means of communication across the air interface. When not involved in an actual call, the mobile stations monitor RF channel C0. The information sent to all mobile station includes information about the system and how the mobile stations should access the system. If a mobile station is in the process of originating a call, a control channel will be used to notify that mobile station that it should tune to a specified RF channel to complete the call. If a mobile station is idle and a call comes in for it, the mobile station is paged over a paging channel. The forward DCCH (cell mobile) consists of the following logical channels.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-6 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)■Broadcast Control CHannel (BCCH) - Used to carry generic, system-related information. Broadcast channels are used for such functions as (1) frame synchronization of the mobile station, (2) conveyance of DCCH structure parameters and parameters that are essential for a mobile to access the system, and (3) conveyance of the broadcast short message service (SMS) ■SMS Point-to-point, Paging, and Access Response Channel (SPACH)- Used to deliver short messages to a specific mobile station (in the context of SMS services) and carry signaling information necessary for access-management functions. SPACH channels are shared, point-to-point, unidirectional (forward-only) control channels. Broadcast channels are shared, point-to-multipoint, unidirectional (forward-only) channels. ■DCCH, Shared Channel Feedback (SCF) - Support for SCF includes support for the encoding of SCF flags. ■DCCH, Reserved Channel -The Reserved Channel is for future use, to ensure upward compatibility with first generation mobiles. The reverse DCCH (mobile ? cell) consists of a random access channel (RACH). The RACH is used by IS-136 compliant mobiles to request access to the system. At any given moment, a mobile station accesses only a limited number of the channels appearing on its radio interface.DCCH Feature Offerings Short Message Service (SMS)Enables users to receive visual messages with the potential for up to 256 alphanumeric characters on their IS-136 compliant mobiles. Transmission of short messages permits a mobile to function as a pager. Projections show SMS will increase the percentage of completed terminations. Sleep ModeExtends the battery life of portables, increasing talk time between recharging. Allows subscribers to make longer and more frequent calls. Private NetworksDCCH development has made it easier for service providers to offer closed wireless systems with customized feature packages for user groups in an office or campus environment. Channel Organization for Forward DCCH SuperframesThe DCCH radio must transmit a burst at a fixed power level in timeslots 1 and 4 of every TDMA frame to allow mobiles to make power measurements. Thus, the DCCH radio must always have its RF carrier turned on and set at a fixed power level. It can be used to carry digital traffic channels, but the carrier power level remains fixed; the DCCH radio is ineligible for dynamic power control.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-7Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)The reverse DCCH (mobile ? cell) consists of a random access channel (RACH). The RACH is used by IS-136 compliant mobiles to request access to the system. At any given moment, a mobile station accesses only a limited number of the channels appearing on its radio interface. Digital Traffic Channels The digital traffic channel is dedicated to the transport of user and signaling information between the Cell Site and the mobile station, and between the mobile station and the Cell Site. A digital traffic channel implies a forward and reverse pair of communication paths. Currently, the digital traffic channel only carries encoded speech at a full-rate information rate. In the future, the digital traffic channel will be able to carry either encoded speech or user data.  When half-rate speech coding is defined for IS-54 TDMA, the digital traffic channel will be able to carry encoded speech at one of two information rates (i.e., full rate or half rate). The half-rate channel makes use of half as much radio resources as the full-rate channel, which leads to a two-fold increase in spectrum efficiency. When a Cell Site supports half-rate coding (future), each physical channel on a TDMA radio will be able to carry one half-rate channel, meaning that a TDMA radio will be able to support six user channels (one user channel per physical channel.) DTC Dedicated Control Channels There are two separate dedicated control channels associated with a digital traffic channel. These channels are the slow associated control channel (SACCH) and the fast associated control channel (FACCH). Dedicated control channels are point-to-point bidirectional channels used after call establishment for signaling and control. The digital traffic channel transmits either user information along with SACCH data, or it transmits FACCH data in a blank-and-burst mode. FACCH is transmitted in the data fields normally used for user information (speech data). FACCH and user information cannot be sent simultaneously. Table 3-1. Logical Channel Minimum Slots Maximum SlotsLogical Channel Minimum Slots Maximum SlotsF-BCCH (F) 3 10E-BCCH (E) 1 8S-BCCH (S) 0 15RESERVED (R) 0 7SPACH (NOTE) 1 32 - (F + E + S + R)
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-8 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)Digital Verification Color Code ChannelsDigital verification color code (DVCC) is the TDMA counterpart of the AMPS supervisory audio tone (SAT). There are 255 DVCC codes as opposed to three SAT codes, which provide greater assurance that a TDMA radio is listening to the right mobile instead of a co-channel interferer. The same 255 DVCC codes are available to each TDMA Cell Site. DVCC values range from 1 to 255. It is recommended that each Cell Site be assigned one distinct DVCC value, meaning that all of the digital traffic channels for a particular Cell Site will have the same DVCC. A simplistic assignment method is to assign a DVCC value that corresponds to the Cell Site number. At a TDMA Series II Cell Site, a TDMA radio serving a mobile call continuously transmits a coded DVCC * on the digital traffic channel to the mobile, and the mobile continuously loops back the coded DVCC to the TDMA radio. ■If the TDMA radio receives the correct DVCC, the serving cell knows that continuity exists on the digital and that the call is still active. ■If the TDMA radio receives no DVCC for a translatable timeout interval (ranging from two to 20 seconds, specified using the RC/V ceqface form), the serving cell considers the call to be lost and releases the digital traffic channel and associated trunk member. ■If the TDMA radio receives the wrong DVCC, the serving cell knows that the mobile is in a fade condition and that either the mobile or the TDMA radio is receiving a remote interfering signal. The cell initiates a handoff and temporarily blocks the digital traffic channel experiencing the interference, making the channel unavailable to handle traffic. The interference level at which the cell blocks a channel is determined by certain translatable values. Interference is considered unacceptable when (1) the signal strength measured on the digital traffic channel falls below a certain translatable signal-level threshold, (2) the frame error rate (FER) detected on the digital traffic channel exceeds a certain translatable FER threshold, or (3) the bit error rate (BER) detected on the digital traffic channel exceeds a certain translatable BER threshold. For digital transmissions, signal quality depends on the accuracy of the received frame and bit sequences. Handoff and Handoff Types A handoff is the passing of a call from one traffic channel to another traffic channel to provide better service and higher quality communication to the mobile user. Conditions that can trigger a handoff include poor signal strength and poor signal quality. Handoff is required to maintain a call in progress as the mobile station passes from one Cell Site coverage area to another. As defined in TIA IS-54, there are three types of handoff: 1. Intra-cell handoff - Handoff within the same Cell Site2. Inter-cell handoff - Handoff between neighboring Cell Sites within the same MSC
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-9Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)3. Inter-MSC handoff - Handoff between neighboring Cell Sites controlled by two different Cell Sites in two different MSCsNOTE:For all three types of handoff, the serving cell initiates the handoff by sending a handoffrequest message to the MSC. Included in the message is a list of optimal Cell Site candidates to which the call may be switched. The MSC selects a candidate from the list and initiates the handoff-related procedure. There are cases where the MSC will initiate a handoff without direction from the Cell Site, for the purpose of traffic balancing or maintenance, such as to transfer all calls from a particular Cell Site to another so that the Cell Site can be taken off-line for testing. The Series II platform supports the following additional types of handoff: ■TDMA to TDMA ■TDMA to AMPS ■AMPS to TDMA ■AMPS to AMPSMobile-Assisted Handoff Procedure The TIA IS-54 standard recommends the TDMA mobile-assisted handoff (MAHO) procedure for TDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobiles when they are served on TDMA digital traffic channels. The mobiles measure the signal strength of neighboring antenna faces and report the measurements to the serving cell to determine optimal candidate faces for handoff.The mobile-assisted handoff is a process where a mobile in TDMA mode, under direction from a Cell Site, measures signal quality of specified RF channels. These measurements are forwarded to the Cell Site upon request to assist in the handoff process.During initial call setup, the serving cell sends the mobile a Measurement Order Message that contains a list of up to twelve frequencies, called MAHO channels. Each frequency corresponds to a setup channel, DCCH channel, or a beacon channel (an analog voice channel or digital traffic channel kept on at constant power to support MAHO) associated with a physical antenna face that neighbors the serving face. * A coded DVCC is a 12-bit data field containing the 8-bit DVCC and four protection bits; it is sent in each timeslot of the digital traffic channel.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-10 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)NOTE:The beacon radio can also be used for voice communications, but its carrier power level remains fixed. The beacon radio is ineligible for dynamic power control. When the call is established, the mobile makes signal strength measurements of the twelve (or less) MAHO channels, once per second, and reports the measurements to the serving cell. In addition, and also at a once-per-second rate, the mobile measures both the signal strength and signal quality of the serving cell and reports the measurements to the serving cell. It is from these measurements that the Cell Site selects the most promising handoff candidates. While the mobile is measuring the received signal strengths of the neighboring MAHO channels and the received signal strength and quality of the serving cell, the serving cell is measuring the received signal strength and quality of the mobile. The serving cell analyzes both the cell-initiated and mobile-initiated measurements to determine if a handoff will provide better service to the mobile user.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-11Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)HandOff Based on Interference (HOBIT) / INterference Look-Ahead (INLA) EnhancementsFor TDMA, interference on a serving channel is detected when any of the following measurements exceeds its threshold: 1. BER Threshold - Uplink Bit Error Rate (cell BER) (cell2 form) 2. FER Threshold - Uplink Frame Error Rate (cell FER) (cell2 form) 3. TDMA BER Avg. Sample - Downlink Bit Error Rate (mobile BER) (fci form) When excessive cell or mobile BER or excessive cell FER cause a handoff trigger and no better server can be found through the normal handoff process, the Handoff Based on Interference for TDMA (HOBIT) feature allows the call to be handed off to another radio channel on the serving logical antenna face (LAF) in order to escape the interference. However, the previous implementation of the HOBIT feature allowed a handoff to another channel on the same Logical Antenna Face (LAF) when it detected interference, regardless of whether the interference was caused by a weak signal in a low noise/interference area or whether there truly was high noise/interference in the signal. This meant that a mobile in a relatively weak serving area could have a BER and/or FER higher than the respective BER and/or FER threshold. In the previous implementation of HOBIT, this would cause a handoff to another channel on the same LAF. However, after the handoff, the mobile would still be in the same weak serving area and the BER and/or FER would not be improved. The minimum amount of time that can pass before another handoff is allowed is set in: Min HO int. for TDMA (fci form) In the previous implementation of HOBIT, the Minimum Handoff Interval for TDMA, also known as hobitime, would expire and the unimproved BER and/or FER would result in yet another handoff to another channel on the same LAF. In this way, HOBIT handoff could continue throughout the duration of the call without improving voice quality. Additionally, this continuous handoff increased the likelihood that calls would be dropped and, thereby, could actually add to the rate of dropped calls. Enhanced HOBIT was designed to eliminate excessive HOBIT-triggered handoffs that were previously caused by HOBIT’s inability to distinguish between low signal strength in the serving area and actual noise or interference on the signal channel. Eliminating excessive HOBIT-triggered handoffs decreases the number
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-12 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)of dropped calls. This, in turn, increases the number of completed calls, which increase both subscriber satisfaction and provider revenue. The Enhanced HOBIT feature minimizes dropped calls by comparing uplink and downlink signal strength measurements to new, provider-definable uplink and downlink signal strength thresholds to determine whether the serving logical antenna face (LAF) should be added to the handoff candidate list. In this way, the E-HOBIT feature avoids handoffs within the same LAF if the handoff is based on weak signal strength only. The three new signal strength thresholds used by the E-HOBIT feature are: 1. uhtdm Uplink HOBIT to Dual Mode (Fci form) Range (0-127) 2. dhtdm Downlink HOBIT to Dual Mode (Fci form) Range (0-31) 3. dhta Downlink HOBIT to AMPS (only) (Fci form) Range (0-31) All three of these thresholds are provider-definable, which gives the Service Provider a great deal of control over HOBIT handoffs to TDMA or AMPS channels. Setting the three parameters above determines the Allowable Handoff Type, which can be either of two values:1. Dual Mode (HOBIT allowed to either TDMA or AMPS) 2. AMPS (HOBIT allowed to AMPS only). The Allowable Handoff Type AMPS option will enable a service provider to direct HOBIT handoffs from TDMA radios to AMPS radios, even if a second TDMA radio is available on the same face. This allows providers to deploy their radios more effectively. NOTE:These enhancements only affect the handoff criteria for potential candidate channels on the serving LAF. They do not affect handoff criteria to neighbor sectors or cells. A complementary feature to HOBIT, Interference Look Ahead (INLA), improves the quality of calls by ensuring that a handoff is made only to a channel that has an acceptably low level of interference. INLA does this by taking the signal strength measurements of the candidate channel and comparing them against predefined INLA thresholds for TDMA or AMPS to determine if the level of interference on the candidate channel is acceptable or not. The INLA thresholds are: INLA threshold - AMPS (RSSI) (ECP form) Range (0-31) INLA threshold - TDMA (RSSI) (ECP form) Range (0-31)
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-13Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)At most, three searches are made for a clear handoff channel. Previously, the call would be handed off on the last attempt regardless of interference. Enhanced INLA eliminates any HOBIT-initiated handoffs to channels with excessive interference. For all handoff triggers other than HOBIT, INLA actions remain unchanged. The INLA feature complements the HOBIT feature by ensuring that a HOBIT-initiated handoff is not made to a noisy channel. While Enhanced HOBIT minimizes the number of dropped calls caused by interference, INLA improves the quality of handoffs by preventing a handoff from one channel with an unacceptable interference level to another channel with an equally unacceptable interference level. Lucent strongly recommends that these two features be used together to both minimize the number of dropped calls and improve the quality of calls that are handed off. Based on these three thresholds, and assuming that the serving LAF is the only potential handoff candidate, the possible results of HOBIT/INLA are: Handoff from TDMA to TDMA or AMPS, handoff from TDMA to AMPS, or the handoff is aborted. The Enhanced HOBIT/INLA features work with TDMA-compliant mobiles. Other than that, the Enhanced HOBIT feature has no additional, specific hardware requirements. Enhanced HOBIT/INLA feature require ECP and Cell Release 12.0. Lucent strongly recommends that both Enhanced HOBIT and INLA be used together for maximum effectiveness. No new FAF or QFAF provisions will be required to support the HOBIT or INLA enhancements. E-HOBIT and INLA are activated when the fields below are set to "y." HO INT TDMA (cell2 form) INLA (cell2 form) Service Measurements (SM)HOBIT/INLA introduces the six new Service Measurements below: Series 2 TDMA ECP Logical Antenna Face Counts (ECP-LAF-TDMA) 1. ECP-LAF TDMA Field 11 - HOBIT Request Aborted Due to Interference Series II TDMA Logical Antenna Face Counts (LAF-TDMA) 2. LAF-TDMA Field 46 - HOBIT Request to Dual Mode of Serving Face 3. LAF-TDMA Field 47 - HOBIT Request to AMPS Due to Weak Uplink Signal 4. LAF-TDMA Field 48 - HOBIT Request to AMPS Due to Weak Downlink Signal
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-14 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)5. LAF-TDMA Field 49 - HOBIT Request with Weak Uplink Signal 6. LAF-TDMA Field 50 - HOBIT Request Aborted Due to Weak Downlink Signal For complete details regarding the Enhanced HOBIT Feature, please refer to Lucent Technologies Practices document 401-612-237, HandOff Based on Interference (TDMA). Handoffs based on interference will be made only to a TDMA time slot on a different DRU from the serving DRU. If no such time slot is available, the call will be handed off to an analog channel.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-15Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)Switch-Based TDMA Voice Coder/ Decoder (Vocoder)Currently, vocoders and echo cancellers used in the Autoplexr TDMA system are located in the Digital Radio Units (DRUs) and the Enhanced DRUs (EDRUs) at the Cell Site (CS). This feature relocates the vocoders and echo cancellers from the EDRUs to the Packet Handler for Voice (PHV3 and/or PHV4) boards at the 5ESS-2000 DCSr (Digital Cellular Switch). Implementation, then, requires PHV3 and/or PHV4 boards at the DCS. This feature does not relocate the vocoders from the DRUs to the DCS. This feature will henceforth be referred to as the "Switch-Based TDMA Vocoder Relocation" feature. The Switch-Based Vocoder feature is offered to the customer on a per cell basis. The feature is switched on via a Qualified Feature Activation File (QFAF) (i.e., the feature is "QFAF-able"). It does not impact the mobiles and has no external product or OEM dependencies. The Switch-Based Vocoder feature provides the following benefits: 1. Facilities concentration2. Vocoder/Echo Canceller pooling3. Platform for multiple speech coding algorithm support (n>=2)4. Semi-soft handoff5. Packet mode transportThe benefits and rationales are discussed below. Facilities Concentration Speech carried via TDMA is compressed and digitized (encoded) into an 8Kb/s stream by the voice coder/decoder (vocoder) located inside the mobile unit. The channel coder adds error protection to the 8Kb/s stream, which results in a 13 Kb/s stream that is then broadcast over the air to the Cell Site (CS). When the CS receives the 13 Kb/s stream, the channel coder strips the error protection bits off and performs error correction which leaves the 8Kb/s stream. The vocoder in an EDRU radio board then decodes the 8Kb/s stream into a 64Kb/s u-law/a-law Pulse Code Modulated (PCM) stream. The 64Kb/s PCM stream is sent to the DCS at the Mobile Switching Center (MSC) via a Digital Switch level 0 (DS0). A DS0 carries a single mobile’s conversation (i.e., 64Kb/s PCM stream) between the CS and the DCS. It is the 64Kb/s PCM stream (and the overhead bits required for transport) that requires the exclusive use of one DS0 to transmit the stream from the CS to the DCS. If the CS vocoder were relocated at the DCS, then the much smaller 8Kb/s stream would not require the exclusive service of one DS0 to be transmitted from
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-16 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)the CS to the DCS. This would free up DS0s to carry more traffic, thereby increasing the number of calls per facility and decreasing the number of facilities required. Therefore, for Release 12.0, vocoders inside the EDRU radio boards at the CS have been relocated to the Packet Handler for Voice (PHV) boards at the DCS. This feature provides a concentration of at least 3 to 1 TDMA calls on the facilities between the DCS and the Series II CSs. As the system evolves, this concentration will increase. However, this feature will not impact pre-existing system performance or call setup times. Vocoder / Echo Canceller PoolingEach radio time slot requires one vocoder and one echo canceller. That is, each time slot requires a vocoder/echo-canceller pair. Relocating the vocoders to the DCS centralizes them and lets the provider pool them, which reduces the number of vocoders required. The number of vocoders needed can be set by the technician depending on the expected traffic and service grade (i.e. blocking rate) instead of depending on the number of radios needed to physically cover a service area. Because the echo cancellers are included with the vocoders in the Packet Handler for Voice (PHV) boards they are also centralized and pooled. These echo cancellers are part of the standard feature package. Customers who do not want to use the standard echo cancellers or who want to install third party echo canceller boards, can use the RCV mechanism, which is also provided, to bypass the PHV echo cancellers. Platform for Multiple Speech Coding Algorithm SupportThe EDRU previously supported a maximum of two speech coding algorithms which could be switched on a per call basis. Relocating the vocoders to a centralized platform allows the EDRU to support multiple (two or more) speech coding algorithms. In the 5ESS-2000 DCS Switch, each PHV board can support one type of algorithm. As new algorithms are standardized, this feature makes it easier to implement and support these future speech coders. Additional PHV boards can be added or existing PHV boards can be downloaded with the new algorithms. Then, calls can be assigned to a particular vocoder based on the algorithm requested by the mobile.* This architecture supports packet mode transport. In packet mode transport, overhead/control bits are added to the 8 Kb/s stream.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-17Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)Semi-soft Handoff (intra-DCS, inter-DCS)The definition of a TDMA semi-soft handoff is: ■Different Frequency (hard handoff at the CS) ■Same Vocoder / Echo Canceller (soft handoff at the DCS) The Switch-Based Vocoder feature improves the voice quality of a call during handoff in two ways: 1. It reduces the amount of processing needed for handoff because reassignment and switching of some components is not necessary. 2. Because the same vocoder/echo-canceller pair are used throughout, you do not have the degradation of voice quality observed whenever a new vocoder and echo canceller pair is needed for a handoff. The reason for the degradation of voice quality observed when a new vocoder/echo-canceller pair is needed is that algorithms for echo cancellers require an initial training period to adjust to the particular characteristics of the voices in each conversation. If a new vocoder and echo canceller is not needed for a handoff, then any degradation of voice quality observed in the past will no longer occur with semi-soft handoff. Intra-DCS Semi-soft HandoffA Semi-soft handoff within the DCS (Intra-DCS) forces the same vocoder/echo canceller pair to be used when the mobile switches from one frequency to another, as long as the new frequency is provided by the same CS (intra-cell) or by the same sector (intra-sector). Intra-DCS Semi-soft Handoff is also used when the mobile switches from one frequency to another and the new frequency is provided by a different CS (inter-cell) but where that CS terminates on the same DCS (intra-switch). For this functionality to work in a DCS with more than one Packet Switching Unit (PSU), all the PSUs within the DCS have to be interconnected via Packet Handler for Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) boards (PHA boards). The Switch-Based Vocoder feature supports Intra-DCS semi-soft handoff. Inter-DCS Semi-soft HandoffCurrently, the Switch-Based Vocoder feature does not support Inter-DCS semi-soft handoff. However, we will define it here to complete the discussion of handoff types. Inter-DCS semi-soft handoff forces the same vocoder/echo canceller pair to be used when the mobile switches from one frequency to another and the new frequency is provided by a CS that terminates on another switch (inter-DCS). The interconnection of a collection of PSUs from a group of switches can be used to create a large, virtual vocoder pool across a large coverage area (e.g. nationwide).
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-18 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)Packet Mode TransportThe Switch-Based Vocoder feature implements a packet mode transport Link Access Protocol on D-channel (LAP-D/Frame Relay variant) to transmit voice frames between the CS and the DCS. Packet mode transport is implemented as a step towards evolving to an architecture based on a packet mode backbone using packet mode standards such as ATM or Frame Relay (FR). In the future, this architecture will allow system components (i.e. Cell Sites, Switches, etc.) to hook into established ATM/FR wide area networks and to achieve connectivity with each other. Packet Pipe (PP) ImplementationIn the Series II CSs, the PP transport software is implemented in the EDRU. One of the six Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) that previously processed the vocoder and echo canceller algorithms has been reused to support the PP transport protocol. Installing this feature in field-deployed CSs only requires a download of new software to the DSP. The CS does not require any hardware changes to support this feature. The FRPH and PHV packet handler boards are not supported on the Classic Switch Modules (SMs). Therefore, at least one SM-2000 per DCS is required to implement this feature. Pre-existing trunk terminations on the Classic SMs, however, do not need to be changed to implement this feature. Changes can be made within the 5ESS-2000 DCS switch to re-route the DS0s coming into the Classic SMs out to an SM-2000. Today, those DS0s are sent to outgoing PSTN trunks. The Switch-Based Vocoder feature is supported on T1 and E1 voice/data trunks. T1 voice/data trunks are four-wire voice/data trunks that carry 24 duplex channels via 64Kb/s time slices. E1 voice/data trunks are four-wire voice/data trunks that carry 30 duplex channels via 56Kb/s time slices. Cell Sites Supported by the Switch-Based Vocoder featureThe Switch-Based Vocoder feature supports Cell Sites (CSs) with some or all of the following configurations: ■All EDRUs and DRUs with vocoders in the CS■All EDRUs with vocoders in the DCS■Mixed configuration of all EDRUs with vocoders in the DCS and all DRUs with vocoders in the CSUse of DS1 and/or DFI boards at the cellFor TDMA Cells, the following applies: Switch-based vocoder packet pipe (PP) has been successfully implemented on Series II TDMA cell sites that have traditional DS1 boards installed. However, the
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-19Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)traditional DS1 board only supports a 56Kb packet pipe rate. Also, the DS1 board is manufacturer discontinued and is being replaced by the 3500B DFI board. That means that switch-based vocoder packet pipe can also be implemented on the new TDMA PCS minicells, which have the 3500B DFI boards installed. Additionally, the 3500B DFI board supports both the 56Kb and the 64Kb packet pipe rates. For CDMA Cells, the following applies: Switch-based vocoder packet pipe (PP) implementation on CDMA cell sites requires that DFI boards be installed at the cell. Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M)To facilitate Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M), the Switch-Based Vocoder feature uses new and/or modified: 1. Recent Change (RC/V) screens 2. Technician Interface (TI) input commands and output reports 3. Status Display Pages (SDP). These forms allow the technician to: —Designate each cell as being configured with the vocoder in the cell or the vocoder in the DCS—Assign a vocoder algorithm to each PHV board at the DCS—Assign radio timeslots to Packet Pipes (PPs)—Assign DS0s to PPs—Bypass the echo cancellers in the PHV boards at the DCSTo facilitate Packet Pipe (PP) maintenance, Man-Machine Language (MML) commands are also provided with the Switch-Based Vocoder feature. Existing input and output commands and status display pages used for maintenance of TDMA PPs on the Executive Cell Processor Complex (ECPC), the cell, and the 5ESS-2000 DCS Switch have been updated to reflect that PP maintenance does not apply specifically to CDMA technology. Cell Site OA&MImplementing the PP protocol changes the structure of CS trunks from full rate 64Kb/s DS0s that can handle only one call, to groups of DS0s that support a parameterized number of multiplexed calls. This impacts trunk maintenance, as described below. Maintenance actions (such as remove, restore, diagnostics) that were previously performed on a trunk (DS0) basis are now also performed on a PP trunk basis, if the Switch-Based Vocoder feature is implemented. The difference is that when a maintenance action is performed on a DS0 it affects only one call, whereas when a maintenance action is performed on a PP, it can affect more than one call.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-20 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)The Maintenance Request Administrator (MRA) at the Radio Control Complex (RCC) continues to handle all such maintenance requests (i.e., remove, restore, diagnostics). Those translations in the RCC have been updated to check and report the status of PP trunks, in addition to the status of pre-existing trunks. Maintaining PP status allows the RCC to take appropriate action for any maintenance requested on a PP. Therefore, a CS with a mixture of DRUs and EDRUs, and with the Switch-Based Vocoder feature implemented, continues to support all the OA&M of pre-existing trunks as well as that of the new PPs. The RCC also supports both technician-initiated and autonomous maintenance actions requested for a PP. Additionally, the RCC/EDRU detects and reports any PP failure(s) back to the ECPC (i.e. transmit identification [XID] packets are not received in time, voice packets do not arrive when expected, etc.). The CS receives, recognizes, and acts on PP status messages received from the ECPC. For CS EDRUs for which the vocoder has been relocated at the DCS, vocoder-specific OA&M has been disabled and all other OA&M functionality remains. EDRU testing that requires a vocoder has been re-implemented to be independent of the need to have a vocoder at the CS. The following radio-related OA&M subsystems that reside in the Radio Control Complex (RCC) have been redesigned: Configuration Utilities (CFUT) Diagnostics (DN) Measurement (MEAS) These subsystems, which operate within the CS, have been redesigned because certain functions performed by the Vocoder no longer exist in every EDRU. In particular, for those EDRUs whose vocoders have been moved to the DCS, there are: ■No Vocoder MUTE/UNMUTE settings■No Vocoder Tx/Rx Gain settings■No Vocoder Tx Tones generatedThe only EDRU-specific Diagnostic test impacted by the Switch-Based Vocoder feature is the Baseband Transmission Level test. Voice-band tests include the Baseband Transmission Level Test of the DN subsystem and Audio Level Measurements of the MEAS subsystem. The MEAS subsystem performs Audio Level Measurements in both Transmit (Tx) and Receive (Rx) directions. Voice-band tests use a Clock And Tone (CAT) board to generate and detect a tone, and a TDMA Radio Test Unit (TRTU) to emulate a mobile phone.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-21Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)Because the voice encoding/decoding (vocoding) functions are still necessary to carry out voice-band tests, Vector Sum Excited Linear Predictive (VSELP) vocoding is provided by an EDRU’s Packet Pipe Digital Signal Processor (PP DSP) that talks only to Time Slot 2. The RCC changes the operating mode of an EDRU’s PP DSP to VSELP vocoding mode before conducting any voice-band test. When the PP DSP operates as a VSELP vocoder, the muting functions default to off and the Tx/Rx Gains default to 0x4000 (i.e., there is no Vocoder Gain setting, no MUTE/UNMUTE setting, and no Tx Tone). The RX/TX Audio Level Measurements are not affected by the Network Transmission Level (NTL). To perform the DN, MEAS and CFUT test functions, the RCC directly controls the DSPs of the EDRU via the TDM message "RMRCC2DSP". This message is relayed by the Maintenance Handler (MH) subsystem of the EDRU to an appropriate DSP while the EDRU is in the maintenance mode. Below is a summary of the radio-related OA&M subsystems that reside in the RCC, and how they are affected by the Switch-Based Vocoder feature.Diagnostic subsystem (DN)■The Baseband Transmission Level Test is performed only on Time Slot 2, without any Vocoder Gain settings based on NTL. ■The Diagnostics are not affected by the absence of the MUTE/UNMUTE settings. ■The pre-existing Diagnostics continue to function, without the Tx Tones from the EDRU and the Test Radio. ■The system performs a PP DSP version check. Measurement subsystem (MEAS)■Tx/Rx Audio Level Measurements are no longer affected by NTL because the Vocoder Gain settings are no longer supported. ■Audio Level Measurements are only performed on Time Slot 2. ■The other measurements made by the Technician Interface (TI) "MEAS" remain unchanged. Configuration Utilities subsystem (CFUT)■The CAT Tone can only be connected to Time Slot 2. ■There are no MUTE/UNMUTE settings. ECPC OA&M Support of the Cell SiteIn the Switch-Based Vocoder feature, the RC/V DB for the ECPC Subsystem allows the technician to specify a group of contiguous DS0s (1 to 8) on one DS-1
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-22 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)to make up one Packet Pipe (PP). The RC/V DB restricts the width of a PP to 1 DS0 for Series II CSs. The ECPC Subsystem supports the Cell Site(s) as follows: ■Provides the maintenance commands for PPs and notifies the CS of PP status changes■Handles PP failure messages from the CS■Supports OA&M of trunks and PPs■Supports audits for pre-existing CS trunks and for the new CS PPsFeature Activation and Installation The Switch-Based Vocoder feature is offered to the customer on a per cell basis. Therefore, customers may opt to have some cells with vocoders at the DCS and some cells with vocoders in the CS mixed within the same system. The feature is switched on via a Qualified Feature Activation File (QFAF) (i.e., the feature is "QFAF-able"). It does not impact the mobiles and has no external product or OEM dependencies.Feature activation data is downloadable to the cell sites via translations. The ECPC RC/ V DB software and the RCV interface allow the customer to assign this feature to particular CSs and specifies which CSs have the feature implemented, so that the correct images can be downloaded and activated at the cell sites. At the cell site, a new NVM image is downloaded into those EDRUs for which the Switch-Based Vocoder Feature is activated, to support the Packet Pipe (PP) protocol at both the DSP and the EDRU main controller. Call processing and OA&M software execute properly for either state of an EDRU, with this feature activated or without.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-23Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)Separate Access Thresholds for DCCHs and DTCs (SEPA)This section describes the feature called "Separate Access Thresholds for DCCHs and DTCs"(SEPA), developed in response to AMUG 36-12. The SEPA feature is a standard feature which does not require activation. It is being introduced in Cell Software Release R12.0 and ECP Release 12.0 for the Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) Cellular (850 MHz) and PCS (1.8 GHz) Series II product family. The SEPA feature interfaces and functions with the TDMA R12.0 cell site and the ECP R12.0 (MSC) in both the Cellular and PCS configurations. Let us begin our discussion of the (SEPA) feature, with some definitions and background information. To begin, let us look at the Digital Control Channel (DCCH). The DCCH transmits the control information needed to set-up and handle a digital call between a Cell Site and an IS-136-compliant digital mobile station. For the purpose of discussing the SEPA feature, the DCCH carries: ■Page Response messages that the mobile sends to the cell site in response to a paging messages that the cell site has sent to the mobile ■Mobile-Origination messages that the mobile sends to the cell site to alert the cell site that the mobile is initiating a call. The DCCH is carried on user channel 1 of a TDMA Digital Radio Unit (DRU) or Enhanced DRU (EDRU). Because the DRU and the EDRU carry three channels, a DCCH DRU or EDRU can carry two Digital Traffic Channels (DTCs) in addition to the DCCH. A DTC transmits the actual content, the digitally-encoded speech, of a call. The DCCH sends messages from the cell site "down to" the mobile on its downlink (aka forward link) over three logical channels: 1. SPACH (SMS Point-to-point, Paging, and Access Response Channel) 2. BCCH (Broadcast Control Channel) 3. SCF (Shared Channel Feedback) The SMS point-to-point, Paging, and Access Response Channel (SPACH) carries messages from the cell site to the mobile. SPACH is itself divided into the three following subchannels according to the type of message carried: 1. SMS Channel: Delivers short messages to a specific mobile unit when the SMS feature is active2. Paging Channel: Delivers pages and orders3. Access Response Channel (ARCH): Conveys call handling information in response to a mobile unit attempt to access the system
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-24 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)To access a digital cellular network, an IS-136 mobile must first access a DCCH. The "Access Threshold"of a cell site is a parameter that is used to determine whether a mobile will be granted access to the cell site. Starting with Cell Release 8.0, the determination is made by comparing the Mobile Power Class (MPC) of the mobile to the Access Threshold of the cell site. MPCs are recognized for Class-I, Class-II, Class-III, and Class-IV mobiles. Class I and Class II mobile are higher-powered; Class III and Class IV mobiles are lower-powered and often used in buildings and cars. A service provider can lower the Access Threshold parameter to make it easier for Class III and IV mobiles to access the cell site. In any event, the determination is left completely up to the Service Provider. The SEPA feature allows the Service Provider to set the currently existing minimum received signal strength required to access the DCCH, the RSS_ACC_MIN threshold, to a relatively low value. This way, if a mobile requests access to a DCCH but the DCCH is busy, the mobile can "camp on" the SMS Channel (defined above) of the DCCH. For the mobile to "camp on" the DCCH, means that the mobile will continue monitoring the busy/idle status of the DCCH until the DCCH is free to service the mobile or until a timeout occurs. Once a mobile has successfully accessed a DCCH and acquired synchronization, it decodes the data sent "down" to it by the cell site over the Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH) of the DCCH. BCCH data is sent from the cell site "down to" the mobile on its downlink (aka forward link). The BCCH logical channel is used to send system-related overhead and control information, such as system identification, neighbor lists of other DCCHs, and the DCCH frame structure of the cell, to the mobiles. The BCCH transmits this information to the mobile over three BCCH subchannels: 1. Fast Broadcast Control Channel (F-BCCH) 2. Extended Broadcast Control Channel (E-BCCH) 3. Short Message Service Broadcast Control Channel (S-BCCH) The Fast BCCH sends time-critical data from the cell site to the mobile. The Extended BCCH (E-BCCH) broadcasts information that is less time-critical than F-BCCH information, such as Neighbor Cell Lists and Signal Strength Measurements, to the mobiles. The E-BCCH channel also plays a major role in Mobile-Assisted Channel Allocation (MACA). Mobile-Assisted Channel Allocation (MACA) requires an IS-136-compatible mobile with MACA capability. MACA is the process by which a cell site asks a mobile that has accessed one of its DCCHs to measure and report the downlink signal strength of the serving DCCH and of the idle channels at the cell site. The cell site uses these measurements to determine which of the available channels offers the best downlink channel quality.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-25Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)The MACA_TYPE parameter, which is in the MACA message sent by the E_BCCH from the cell site to the mobile, tells the mobile when to generate a MACA report. In the SEPA feature, the MACA_TYPE parameter is fixed to Report MACA at Page Responses and Origination. Therefore, every time the IS-136 mobile sends an Origination or Page Response to the cell site, it also sends a MACA report. The MACA_STATUS parameter, that is in the MACA message sent by the E_BCCH from the cell site to the mobile, tells the mobile which MACA function(s) to perform and to report back to the cell site. In the SEPA feature, the MACA_STATUS parameter is fixed at MACA STM enabled, indicating that the IS-136 mobile will perform and send a Short Term Received Signal Strength (ST_RSS) measurement for the current DCCH. The ST_RSS value reported by the mobile is an average of at least four measurements of the serving DCCH’s signal strength. How is this measurement used? Let us return to the subject "Access Threshold." The Separate Access Thresholds for DCCH and DTC (SEPA) feature introduces an additional cell site Access Threshold- the DCCH_SETUP_ACCESS parameter. When the cell site receives an Origination or Page Response from an IS-136 mobile camped on the SMS Channel of a DCCH, it also receives the MACA report of the serving DCCH’s signal strength (ST_RSS). The cell compares the DCCH’s signal strength (ST_RSS) to the DCCH_SETUP_ACCESS parameter. The call is set up only if the signal strength of the serving DCCH (ST_RSS) is greater than or equal to the DCCH_SETUP_ACCESS threshold. This SEPA feature is only applicable for mobiles with MACA capability. For mobiles without MACA capability, the additional cell site Access Threshold check is not made and the call proceeds as usual. The DCCH_SETUP_ACCESS parameter is a per-sector, translatable parameter for which there is an RC/V change to the ceqface form. The SEPA feature introduces a second additional cell site Access Threshold, the ISS_DR_DCCH parameter. The ISS_DR_DCCH parameter indicates whether the Insufficient Signal Strength Directed Retry feature is enabled for the serving DCCH/ sector. By setting the ISS_DR_DCCH parameter, the service provider controls the conditions under which a Directed Retry will occur. A call will be given directed retry when all of the following conditions are met: ■The ST_RSS measurement is below the cell site’s DCCH_SETUP_ACCESS threshold.■The ISS_DR_DCCH Directed Retry feature is enabled for the serving DCCH/ sector.■In the last ISS_DR_DCCH received by the cell site, the Directed Retry bit is not set.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-26 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)For either of the two combinations of conditions below: ■The ST_RSS measurement is below the DCCH_SETUP_ACCESS threshold.■The ISS_DR_DCCH’s Directed Retry bit is set for the serving sector.- or -■The ST_RSS measurement is below the DCCH_SETUP_ACCESS threshold.■In the last ISS_DR_DCCH received by the cell site, the Directed Retry bit is not set.The following two actions will be taken: A Reorder message will be sent from the cell to the mobile to allow the mobile to attempt an Origination.- and - A Release message will be sent to the mobile to allow it to attempt a Page Response. The ISS_DR_DCCH parameter is a per-sector, translatable parameter for which there is an RC/V change to the ceqface form. The SEPA feature also has two new Service Measurement Counters as follows: TEDRTORIGINS is a count of the Directed Retries on DCCH Origination, which are caused by the ST_RSS measurement being below the cell site’s DCCH_SETUP_ACCESS threshold. TEDRTORIGINS is measured at the Cell and pegged (i.e., counted) per Physical Antenna Face (PAF). TEDRTRTERMINS is a count of the Directed Retries on DCCH Termination, which are caused by the ST_RSS measurement being below the cell site’s DCCH_SETUP_ACCESS threshold. TEDRTRTERMINS is measured at the Cell and pegged (i.e., counted) per PAF.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 3-27Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)Two-Branch Intelligent Anntenna (TBIA) EDRU and DRM implementation of TBIAThe Two-Branch Intelligent Anntenna (TBIA) feature is implemented in the Enhanced Digital Radio Unit (EDRU) and the Dual Radio Module (DRM), which are both digital radios. The TBIA feature does not apply to analog equipment or to analog signals on digital equipment. The EDRU is in the Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) family of products and is used in the Series II Classic, Series IIe, Series IIm, Series IImm, and Personal Communications Systems (PCS) TDMA Minicell products. The DRM is in Lucent’s Flexent family of products. The TBIA feature does not have or add a separate EDRU or DRM Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) image. Both the existing EDRU NVM images (packet pipe & non-packet pipe) incorporate the new software. The TBIA feature requires TDMA R13 software.The TBIA feature is implemented via software modifications in the Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) in the EDRU and the DRM. No changes need to be made to any Cell Site hardware. Therefore, the TBIA feature does not impact an existing base station’s RF footprint, antennas, size, or power. The TBIA feature does not require any external products and has no OEM dependencies. The TBIA feature has no impact on mobiles. Therefore, no particular mobile types are required.For both the EDRU and the DRM, the TBIA feature is applied to the:■Digital Traffic Channel (DTC)■Digital Control Channel (DCCH)TBIA Performance The critical aspect of the TBIA feature is that in an interference dominated environment, it provides better voice quality on the reverse link (Mobile to Base Station) by reducing the perceived Bit-Error Ratio (BER) on the order of 3 dB, in the presence of co-channel interference. That is, on average, BER decreases by a nominal 3 dB when compared to the Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) technique previously used by the EDRU and the DRM to combine receive diversities.The level of improvement depends on the distribution of co-channel users in neighboring cells. Using software processing, The TBIA feature allows each 30 kHz TDMA channel, to reduce or eliminate the effects of co-channel interference within the EDRU’s or DRM’s field of view using baseband processing that combines the spatially separated diversities and applies the adaptive interference rejection. The TBIA feature’s baseband processing is able to steer a spatial null at one co-channel interferer.In a noise limited environment, the TBIA feature equals the performance of the existing maximal ratio combining technique used and does not significantly degrade the performance (received SINR or lost call rate) of the EDRU or DMR.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page3-28 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)Therefore, while the TBIA feature does not improve Carrier-to-Noise (C/N) performance it does not degrade it.NOTE:When the TBIA feature is turned on, the service provider may witness lower average C/I measurements derived from PLM data. This does not mean that the interference levels have worsened; rather, it is due to improved BER performance in the presence of the interference.Finally, while the TBIA feature does not increase the existing capacity or range of a base station in a noise limited environment, it can be used with a tower top Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) to provide interference rejection and range extension on the reverse link in a noise limited environment.TBIA Availability To expedite the TBIA feature to customers in the field, Lucent is releasing it in two phases. Phase one incorporates the adaptive interference rejection technique, versus the previously used Maximal Ratio Combining technique, into the differential path of the DSPs in the EDRU and the DRM. Phase two of the feature will add the adaptive interference rejection technique into the trellis equalization path.TBIA Activation The TBIA feature is activated by a Qualified Feature Activation File (QFAF) on a per Cell Site basis. There are no QFAF activation translations for selecting the differential detection path versus the equalization path in the EDRU or the DRM.The TBIA feature is enabled (or disabled) from the Mobile Switching Center (MSC) by translations which select adaptive interference rejection mode, or maximal ratio combining mode, on a logical face by face basis for the DTC and a sector by sector basis for the DCCH.
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Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-14Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Contents■Contents 4-1■CDMA Overview 4-4Transition to CDMA 4-4CDMA Advantages Compared with AMPS and TDMA 4-5Capacity 4-7■CDMA/AMPS Dual-Mode Operation 4-8■Lucent Technologies CDMA Architecture 4-9Hardware Requirements 4-9Speech-Handling Equipment at the DCS 4-10Call Setup 4-12Mobile-to-Mobile Calls 4-13Radio Equipment 4-14Radio Control Complex (RCC) 4-14CDMA Series II Cell Site Radio Control Complex (RCC) Shelf Changes 4-14Cabinet Configurations 4-15Radio Shelf 4-22TDM Bus Addresses 4-23Circuit Pack Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and Connectors 4-24
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-2 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Radios and Radio Equipment 4-24CDMA Channel Constituents 4-24CDMA Channel Unit (CCU) - CDMA Release 1 4-25Thirteen-kbps Channel Unit (TCU) - CDMA Release 2 4-25Mobile Switching Center (MSC) 4-25Enhanced CDMA Channel Unit (ECU-3V(Q)) - CDMA Release 5 4-25Enhanced CDMA Channel Unit (ECU-3V(L)) - CDMA Release 7 4-26CDMA Cluster Controller (CCC) 4-26CDMA Channel Unit (CCU) 4-27Bus Interface Unit (BIU) 4-30Analog Conversion Unit (ACU) 4-30Baseband Combiner and Radio (BCR) 4-30Synchronized Clock and Tone (SCT) 4-31Digital Facilities Interface (DFI) 4-31CRTU Components 4-31CRTU interface (CRTUi) 4-32CRTU mobile (CRTUm) 4-33CDMA Series II Configuration Options 4-34CDMA Subcell Configuration 4-34Typical Configurations 4-35Timing Requirements 4-3515-MHz Reference Frequency 4-35Reference Frequency and Timing Generator 4-36Installing an RFTG 4-36Field Upgrade of an RFTG 4-36CDMA Series II Cell Site Generator Input 4-39■New Features and Upgrades 4-40Cell Site Synchronization Failure Warning &Correction: Phase 1 4-40New CDMA Cluster Controller (CCC) Board with Increased SRAM 4-40■Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Double Density Growth Frame (DDGF) 4-42CDMA DDGF Description 4-42DDGF Architecture 4-42
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-3Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Frame Architecture 4-42CDMA Radio Complex (CRC) Circuit Packs 4-42Frame Configuration 4-46Using the DDGF in a Series II Analog Cell Site 4-47Cell Site Requirements 4-47Configurations Supported for DDGF 4-47Series II Configurations and Cell Site Line-Up Supported for DDGF 4-47Circuit Pack Placement for Series II Cell Site DDGF Configurations 4-48Recent Change and Verify (RC/V) forms 4-51 DDGF Interface 4-52RFTG 4-52CDMA DDGF Power Requirements and Distribution 4-55CDMA DDGF +24 Volt Power Requirements 4-55+24 Volt Power Distribution 4-55 Grounding Requirements 4-55Volt DC Return (Grounding) 4-55Frame and Base Station Grounding 4-56Cable Installation for the DDGF 4-57Connecting the DDGF to Frames in a Series II 4-59Time Division Multiplex (TDM) Bus 1 4-65TDM Bus Termination and Interconnection Cabling 4-65CDMA Radio Test Unit Module and Interface 4-65CRTUm and RSP Interaction 4-65CDMA Radio Test Unit Module (CRTUm) 4-67CRTUi/CRTUm/RCB/RSP Control And RF Interface 4-68DDGF Impact on RF Testing 4-69Alarms 4-69415AE (or 415AC) DC-To-DC Converter Alarms 4-71CDMA CRC Shelf Circuit Pack LED Indicators 4-71
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-4 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)CDMA Overview   CDMA is a method that increases voice traffic on the existing cellular frequency spectrum. CDMA is defined within the IS-95 document, which was produced by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TR45.5 Subcommittee on Wideband Spectrum Digital Technology. CDMA promises to increase the capacity of current AMPS cellular networks by as much as ten-fold, as well as provide for new user applications and improved quality of service. The Series II CDMA technology conforms to the TIA IS-95 standard.CDMA uses a direct sequence spread spectrum technology. In this technology radio signals are spread across a single 1.23 MHz-wide frequency band. Individual calls are modulated by the three unique Pseudo-random Number (PN) codes during transmission and decoded using those three codes during reception. Signals that do not contain the code matches are treated as noise and ignored. By using this method, a large number of CDMA calls may occupy the same frequency spectrum simultaneously. Two or more users communicate simultaneously over the same wide frequency band. (The wide frequency band is referred to as the CDMA carrier.) To distinguish between users, the system assigns each user a distinct binary code.The system spreads the transmitted power over a wide frequency band so that the power per unit bandwidth (watts per hertz) is very small. Then, at the receiver, the signal is compressed into its original narrow band while leaving the power of other (interfering) signals scattered over that same extremely wide transmission band.With CDMA, the bandwidth of a user’s data is spread over a larger bandwidth (1.23 MHz) by multiplying it by a binary code (sequence). The same code is used by the receiver to undo the spreading and recover the original data—accomplished by multiplying the received signal by the known code and filtering through a low-pass filter. The other users’ data, whose codes do not match, are not despread in bandwidth; they contribute only to the noise and represent a self-interference generated by the system. There is no hard limit on the number of system users.Transition to CDMA CDMA, TDMA, and AMPS can coexist in the same cellular system. Initially, CDMA will be assigned to 1.23 MHz of the cellular frequency spectrum, which is the minimum practical spectrum that CDMA can use.A set of Cell Sites capable of covering the entire geographic area will be identified and equipped with CDMA radio equipment. (The number of Cell Sites will be far fewer than required by AMPS, as clarified in the following section, Advantages Compared with AMPS and TDMA.) Although only the selected Cell Sites are equipped with CDMA radio equipment, the 1.23-MHz segment of spectrum for the
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-5Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)CDMA carrier is set aside in all Cell Sites in the local area (that is, the area of coverage), to prevent mutual interference between AMPS and CDMA transmissions.The CDMA technology can be added to the Series II Cell Site by (1) adding one or two CDMA growth radio channel frames (RCFs), (2) replacing the reference frequency generator with a reference frequency and timing generator (RFTG) to support timing based on a Global Positioning System (GPS), and (3) adding a GPS antenna.AMPS and TDMA technologies can be supported in other RCFs, if desired. A typical technology integrated configuration will consist of a primary RCF for AMPS and a CDMA growth RCF for CDMA.CDMA Advantages Compared with AMPS and TDMAThe real advantage of CDMA is the way it exploits the sporadic nature of conversation. People speak only about 35% of the time during a typical telephone conversation. When users assigned to the CDMA carrier are not talking, all others on the carrier benefit with less interference. The voice activity factor reduces mutual interference by 65%, increasing the actual carrier capacity by three times.Other advantages include:■One radio per site - Only one radio is needed at each omnidirectional Cell Site or at each sector of a multi-sector Cell Site■Frequency reuse factor of 1 - Unlike current AMPS and TDMA access technologies, which require frequency engineering to avoid co-channel (same channel) interference in nearby cells, the same block of CDMA spectrum may be reused in every cell or sector. CDMA, by its very design, can decode the proper signal in the presence of high interference.In AMPS and TDMA, frequency management is both a critical and difficult task to carry out. Since the frequency reuse factor is 1 for CDMA, no frequency management is needed for CDMA.■No hard capacity limit - The number of users that can use the same CDMA carrier and still have acceptable performance is determined by the total interference power that all of the users generate in the receiver. The question is NOT, “Is there a conflict that will produce interference?”, but “Do enough conflicts occur often enough to degrade the quality to an unacceptable level?” Spread spectrum takes advantage of the fact that at any given time, there will be enough open holes in the spectrum for enough information to get through.The odds of a conflict depend only on the likelihood of two or more users landing on the same frequency at the same time. The more users, the more
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-6 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)collisions. Signal quality is measured as a bit error rate (BER). For voice, a BER of 10-3 or better (10-4 is better) is considered acceptable. (A BER of 10-3 means that one out of a thousand bits is faulty.) ■Low RF power - CDMA requires less RF power than AMPS or TDMA to transmit and receive over the same distance with comparable quality. Thus, mobile subscribers with portable equipment will require lower RF power levels to obtain acceptable call quality, thereby lengthening portable battery life and talk times.The reduced RF power requirement also provides the ability to transmit over greater distances with the same power level used for existing technologies. The reduced RF power requirement is, in part, due to the presence of multipath RF signals.■Multipath exploitation - Whereas AMPS and TDMA suffer losses and interference due to naturally occurring multipath RF signals, CDMA signal quality actually improves under such conditions. This characteristic greatly improves in-building RF penetration.CDMA receivers (called rake receivers) use three or four parallel correlators to receive and track separately the strongest of signals in multiple paths. The receiver then combines the signals constructively (in-phase) and uses the result to demodulate the signal. While there is fading on each arrival, the fades are usually independent of one another. A loss in performance occurs only when all correlators experience fades at the same time.The multiplicity of correlators is also the basis for soft handoff.■Soft handoff - Soft handoff permits a call to be carried by two or more cells or two or more sectors at the same time while the mobile station is traveling through a handoff zone. The difference in arrival time of signals from the cells or sectors is treated just as multipathing—the mobile receiver combines the signals constructively.A handoff in AMPS or TDMA, referred to as a hard handoff, is performed on a “break before make” basis: the old link is dropped before the new link is established. In contrast, a soft handoff in CDMA is performed on a “make before break” basis: the old link is dropped only after the mobile chooses the new link—the one carrying the best quality signal.A soft handoff virtually eliminates the interference, clipping, and clicks commonly associated with a hard handoff. Since every cell uses the same CDMA carrier, the only difference in transmission is the binary codes (sequences); there is no handoff from one frequency to another frequency. The probability that a CDMA call will be discontinued if the handoff command is received in error is substantially reduced.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-7Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)■High level of security - Should a spread-spectrum signal be intercepted, the data cannot be decoded without the knowledge of the appropriate binary code. ■Spread-spectrum transmission is not totally secure, but it is private. A casual listener will not be able to intercept the message.For microcell and in-building systems - CDMA is a natural waveform suitable for microcell and in-building wireless systems because of its tolerance to noise and interference.Capacity The major system factors determining the capacity of the CDMA system are as follows:■Voice duty cycle (@ 3.5)■Frequency reuse factor (1)■Number of sectors in the cell (1 to 6)■Processing gain■Required Ec/IoThe processing gain of the CDMA system is given by the ratio of the binary code rate (1.2288 Mbit/s) to the baseband data rate (9.6 or 14.4 kbit/s). For a baseband data rate of 9.6 kbit/s, the processing gain is approximately 21 dB.Ec/Io is a signal-quality measurement, where Ec is the energy per bit, and Io is the interference power per hertz. (Ec/Io at the baseband is closely related to the carrier-to-interference [C/I] ratio received at the RF.) The higher Ec/Io, the better the signal quality.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-8 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)CDMA/AMPS Dual-Mode OperationThe GPS equipment provides precise timing of data packets between the 5ESS-2000 Switch DCS and the Series II Cell Site. The GPS also provides precise timing for the 20-ms packets transmitted by the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) radios. The SCT boards are added to the TDM bus (which should be installed "red stripe up"). The DFI is REQUIRED for CDMA packet pipes. A CDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobile station complying with the TIA IS-95 standard can obtain service by communicating with either CDMA radios or AMPS radios at the Cell Site. Whether the communication is CDMA or AMPS depends on the availability of either system in the geographic area of the mobile station as well as the preferred call mode of the mobile station. The preferred call mode can be CDMA-only, AMPS-only, or dual-mode CDMA (either CDMA or AMPS).There are two types of CDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobiles: ■IS-95A compliant mobiles ■IS-95B compliant mobiles IS-95A compliant mobiles can only access the CDMA system via 8-kbit/s vocoders, whereas IS-95B compliant mobiles can access the CDMA system via 8-kbit/s or 13-kbit/s vocoders. A 13-kbit/s vocoder, as compared to an 8-kbit/s vocoder, provides better sound fidelity.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-9Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Lucent Technologies CDMA ArchitectureThe Lucent Technologies CDMA architecture (see Figure 4-1) is built on the current Series II platform, consisting of the Series II Cell Site, the 5ESS®-2000 Switch DCS, and the ECP complex (See). CDMA requires new speech-handling equipment at the switch and new radio equipment at the Cell Site.Figure 4-1. High-Level View of the Lucent Technologies CDMA ArchitectureHardware Requirements New hardware required to implement Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) in a Series II Cell Site. Series II Cell Sites must be equipped with the following CDMA equipment: ■One CDMA growth radio cabinet, which includes one shelf of CDMA radio equipment per antenna face ■Global Positioning System Receiver (GPS), Reference Frequency and Timing Generator (RFTG), and associated Synchronized Clock and Tone (SCT) boards ■Digital Facilities Interface (DFI) supporting two T1 or E1 and providing two physical DS1 (Digital Signal - Level 1) interfaces. ■Radio Control Complex (RCC) shelf, which requires 8 Mbytes of RAM (Random Access Memory) for Cell Release 6.0 ■Optional test equipmentTo support CDMA, the DCS must have a 5ESS-2000 Switch DCS as one of its switch elements. As an alternative, existing DCSs can be used as hub switches for CDMA Cell Sites. That is, CDMA traffic can be routed through the Definity DCS to a 5ESS-2000 Switch for processing.With R12.0, vocoders have been relocated to the switch. This feature is referred to as “Switch-Based Vocoder." To know more about this feature and the benefits it provides, refer to Chapter 3. BIT/SCM PACKETSPACKET PIPEBIT/SCMSERIES II Cell Site5ESS®-2000 SWITCH DCSTXANT RX ANTsDIV0DIV1PACKETS(T1 LINE) CDMARADIO SETCDMACLUSTERPACKETMUX/VOCODERVOCODERLAC &AIFDEMUX
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-10 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Transmission trunking for CDMA traffic between the MSC and the Cell Site is known as a packet pipe. A CDMA packet pipe, which has a variable bandwidth from two to eight DS0s, saves T1 (or E1) facilities by concentrating conversations approximately 3.5 to 1. For example, assuming 8-kbit/s vocoders and 64-kbit/s T1 channels, two-, four-, and eight-DS0 wide packet pipes can handle respectively 6, 14, and 30 simultaneous CDMA calls. (One vocoder is required for each CDMA call.) Each packet pipe is dedicated to one and only one CDMA cluster at the Cell Site. Switch-based vocoder packet pipe (PP) implementation on CDMA cell sites requires that DFI boards be installed at the cell.All CDMA trunks must be located in the 5ESS-2000 Switch DCS, but AMPS and TDMA trunks can still be located in a DEFINITY Switch DCS. NOTE:Currently, a CDMA cluster can support up to 14 traffic channels (one user per channel), requiring a 4-DS0 wide packet pipe for 8-kbit/s vocoders or a 6-DS0 wide packet pipe for 13-kbit/s vocoders. (Packet pipes configured for wider bandwidth are reserved for future, higher capacity CDMA clusters.) You can use the variable width packet pipe feature to set or change the size of packet pipes.Up to 90 simultaneous CDMA calls can be carried on a single T1 facility. A T1 (or E1) facility can carry any combination of AMPS, TDMA, and CDMA traffic, as well as Cell Site data links (signaling channels).The remaining new circuitry consists of the CDMA Radio Module (CRM) that serves one face. The CRM is located on the CDMA radio shelf. The CRM will be discussed in detail later in this chapter. The basic Radio Frequency (RF) combiners, Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF), and filter assemblies have not changed from the AMPS/TDMA. Series II Linear Amplifier Circuits (LACs) in existing systems require a Version 12 firmware upgrade. Speech-Handling Equipment at the DCSTo process CDMA calls, the 5ESS-2000 Switch DCS must be equipped with a packet switching unit (PSU) cabinet. The interface to the PSU is through the switching module (SM) of the 5ESS-2000 Switch; an SM can interface with only one PSU.The PSU handles CDMA traffic to and from the mobile station through the Cell Site. The following types of plug-in units within the PSU perform the CDMA voice processing:■Protocol Handler for Voice (PHV) - The PHV contains 12 CDMA vocoder circuits and, therefore, can support up to 12 CDMA calls. The PHV transmits packets to and receives packets from the mobile station through the Cell Site.In the forward direction (toward the mobile station), the vocoder
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-11Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)compresses 64-kbit/s pulse-code modulation (PCM) digital voice to produce a much lower data rate, and then assembles the compressed data into packets. In the reverse direction (from the mobile station), the vocoder reverses the operation.Two different types of vocoders are available: one that compresses data to 8 kbit/s and one that compresses data to 13 kbit/s. (The 8 kbit/s vocoders are located on PHV-1s, and the 13-kbit/s vocoders are located on PHV-2s.) The higher the compression rate (13 kbit/s is higher), the better the sound fidelity in terms of both frequency response and inherent noise.The vocoder generates data at one of four variable rates depending upon the speech activity of the user. The data rate may be full rate, half rate, quarter rate, or eighth rate. Variable rate signal coding permits “bandwidth on demand” for data transmission, thereby raising capacity.NOTE:Currently, a 5ESS-2000 Switch DCS can have either all 8-kbit/s vocoders or all 13-kbit/s vocoders but not a mixture of both. In addition, an entire cellular geographic service area (CGSA) must operate at the same vocoder rate: the mixing of 8-kbit/s and 13-kbit/s vocoders in a CGSA is not supported.■Frame Relay Protocol Handler (FRPH) - The FRPH provides the interface between the packet pipes (Refer to Table 4-1) and the frame relay packet switching platform. ■A single FRPH can handle 46 CDMA calls when 8-kbit/s vocoders are employed, or 42 CDMA calls when 13-kbit/s vocoders are employed. Accordingly, a single FRPH can terminate three packet pipes, assuming Table 4-1. Packet Pipe Capacity No. of DS0s8-kbit/s Service 13-kbit/s Service56-kbit/s Channels (No. Of DS0s x 4 - 3) 64-kbit/s Channels (No. Of DS0s x 4 - 2) 56-kbit/s Channels (No. Of DS0s x 3 - 3) 64-kbit/s Channels (No. Of DS0s x 3 - 2)2   5   6   3   43   9 10   6   7413 14   9 10517 18 12 13621 22 15 16725 26 18 19829 30 21 22
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-12 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)that the packet pipes connect to CDMA clusters each having a 14 traffic channel capacity. For lower capacity CDMA clusters, a single FRPH can terminate considerably more packet pipes.Each FRHP is dedicated to certain packet pipes and therefore certain CDMA clusters. A packet pipe is a static (dedicated) connection path from the FRPH to the CDMA cluster. All hardware, DS0s, and TDM bus timeslots in the path are assigned statically (“nailed up”) in accordance with the translations.■Protocol Handler for Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) (PHA) - The PHA provides the ability to interconnect to other PSUs. This allows packet pipes terminating at the FRPH in one PSU to communicate with a PHV residing in another PSU. PHAs may be connected directly using a point-to-point connection, or can be connected through an ATM center stage for larger offices.Call Setup A CDMA traffic-channel path is static except for the connections between the FRPH and the PHV, and the PHV and the PSTN. Those connections are set up and torn down dynamically by the call processing and data base node (CDN). The CDN receives a call setup message from one of the following: the PSTN or Cell Site via a DCS or Cell Site data link. The CDN, working with the 5ESS-2000 Switch DCS, decides how to complete the call.The 5ESS-2000 Switch DCS chooses a PHV to handle the call and then sends the PHV identification to the CDN. The CDN, in turn, sends the PHV identification to the Cell Site. (The Cell Site includes the PHV identification in the address portion of the packets so that the FRPH knows how to route the packets through the switch.) The CDN also sends the trunk group and member associated with the packet pipe to the 5ESS-2000 Switch DCS so that the switch knows which FRPH to use to complete the traffic-channel path (see Figure 4-2).
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-13Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-2. Series II Cell Site Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Communications PathMobile-to-Mobile CallsBecause the voice processing is performed at the switch, vocoders are bypassed for mobile-to-mobile calls, which improves call quality. Packet exchange at the switch involves only the two FRPHs participating in the mobile-to-mobile call. (It could involve only one FRPH if both mobiles are communicating through the same CDMA cluster.)DCS DATA LINKS (SS7)Cell Site DATA LINKS (BX.25)PACKET PIPEPHAPHVSWITCHING MODULEPACKET SWITCHING UNIT (PSU-2)5ESS®-2000 SWITCH DCSFRPHFRAME SELECTORVOCODER100-MBIT/S BUSPSTN CELLPCM DFICommunicationsModule ATMInterconnectSMCDNCDNCSNSS7NCSNSS7NDUAL X.25 LINKSOMP RPCNECPFRPHATMDEFINITIONS PERTAINING TO CDMA HARDWARE:Frame Relay Protocol HandlerAsynchronous Transfer Mode PHAPHVProtocol Handler For ATMProtocol Handler For Voice(T1) (T1)DLNDLNCNI/ IMSSS7NSS7NDLNDLNCNIDFI DFITSIU(64-KBIT/SCIRCUITSWITCH)SS7NRPCNAdministrativeModuleECSU DFI* ECHO CANCELLER*CDNACDNDCI LINKS
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-14 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Radio Equipment Radio Control Complex (RCC)The Central Processing Units (CPUs) of the fully redundant Radio Control Complexes, RCC 0 and RCC 1, communicate over the update bus (See Figure). The active RCC updates the standby RCC memory over the update bus. Each RCC uses its own system bus to communicate with the: ■Alarm/FITS (Factory Installation Test Set) interface, which monitors up to 18 user-assignable external alarms ■Network Control Interface (NCI), which provides communications between the active RCC and the Time Division Multiplex (TDM) bus (which should be installed "red stripe up"); one NCI is required per TDM bus ■Communications Processor Interface (CPI) to send and receive data link messages ■Random Access Memory (RAM) ■CDMA Radio Test Unit (CRTU) Interface Board (CRTUi) - ■Peripheral units, such as Clock And Tone (CAT), Radio Channel Unit (RCU), etc., over the TDM bus. The CDMA equipment connects directly to the TDM bus. A CDMA growth frame may be added to an existing system by either extending the current TDM bus, or by adding a new NCI in each RCC and connecting the CDMA growth frame to the new TDM bus. A TDM bus should always be  installed "red stripe up."CDMA Series II Cell Site Radio Control Complex (RCC) Shelf Changes CDMA uses the traditional RCC shelf (see Figure 4-3). However, there are several changes to the RCC memory. When the RCC is used with Cell Release 5 and earlier, only four Mbytes of RAM memory is required (TN169). However when the RCC is used with Cell Release 6 and later, the CDMA software requires more than 4 Mbytes of memory; 8 Mbytes of RAM is required. This applies when any Radio Frame Set (RFS) is equipped with CDMA radios. Within a single RCC, 2 4-Mbyte boards could be placed on each side of the RCC, or a new 8-Mbyte board (TN1710) could be used to replace the 4-Mbyte boards in slots 072 and 102. The CRTUi, which resides in RCC Slot 15, acts as an interface between the RCC (via the TDM bus) and the CRTU Mobile (via RS-422). The CRTUi controls all CRTU functions that are needed to support functional and diagnostic processes.Although the CRTUi sits in the RCC shelf, it is not considered part of the RCC maintenance object at the MSC. In addition, the CRTUi is accessible from either side of the RCC regardless of which RCC side is active as long as there is power to the side on which the CRTUi resides.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-15Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)The heart of the CDMA system is the CDMA radio shelf, which consists of both CDMA modem equipment and RF equipment. Only a single RF transmitter/receiver is required for each antenna.Each of the two CDMA clusters in a CDMA radio shelf holds multiple CDMA modems referred to as channel elements. A channel element can be configured as an overhead channel or voice (traffic) channel. The main function of a channel element configured as a traffic channel is to spread the narrowband signal coming from the MSC and despread the wideband signal coming from the air interface.In the forward direction, each CDMA cluster merges its multiple channel-element output into a serial digital stream for input to the CDMA radio set. The CDMA radio set combines the serial digital streams from the CDMA clusters, converts the serial digital baseband data to analog baseband signals, and up-converts the analog baseband signals to RF. The RF passes through a high-power amplifier (LAC) and a transmit filter to the transmit antenna. In the reverse direction, the received RF passes through the receive antennas, receive filters, and low-noise amplifiers to the CDMA radio set. The CDMA radio set down-converts the RF to analog baseband signals, converts the analog baseband signals to serial digital baseband data, and passes the data to the CDMA clusters for processing.The timing to the CDMA system is provided by a GPS receiver in the RFTG. The original application of the satellite-based GPS was to precisely locate a ship or airplane in latitude, longitude, and altitude. The satellite-based GPS has grown to have other applications such as establishing precise worldwide time that could aid in synchronizing digital communications. In a CDMA system, the importance of the combined synchronization process between transmitter and receiver cannot be overstated; if synchronization is not both achieved and maintained, the desired signal cannot be detected by the receiver.The GPS antenna, which is approximately one foot high, can be placed anywhere near the Cell Site that is appropriate for the best reception of the required number of GPS satellites. The GPS antenna is usually mounted on the outside of a building, not on a tower.NOTE:For GPS antenna installation procedures, refer to the CDMA GPS Antenna Installation Guidelines (401-610-160).Cabinet Configurations A typical Series II CDMA configuration (see Figure 4-3) contains a CDMA growth frame attached to one existing FDMA/TDMA frame. Initially, only two radio cabinet configurations are supported. Future configurations will support up to three CDMA radio frames, including a CDMA-equipped RCC frame. This configuration will yield a total of 15 CDMA radio shelves, three in the first frame and six in the remaining two frames.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-16 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-3. CDMA Cell Site EquipmentThere are certain Series II cabinet configuration rules that apply to how CDMA and FDMA/TDMA radio equipment are configured:1.  The FDMA/TDMA radio shelves may not occupy the same radio cabinet as CRMs. 2. If both FDMA/TDMA and CDMA are required, a minimum of two RCF frames is required. 3. There is a maximum of one CDMA shelf for omni, and three CDMA shelves for a three-sector configuration, (i.e., one per face). The CDMA shelves must be located within the same RCF frame. An all-CDMA system has a maximum of 15 CDMA shelves: three in RCF0, six in RCF1, and six in RCF2 (see Figure 4-4). RFTGAIFCDMA GROWTH RCFCDMA RADIO SHELFCDMA RADIO SHELFCDMA RADIO SHELFCDMA RADIO SHELFCDMA RADIO SHELFCDMA RADIO SHELFSHELF 0SHELF 1FANSSHELF 3SHELF 4SHELF 5SHELF 2
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-17Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)There are three types of equipment shelves on the CDMA Growth Radio Frame. These shelves are listed below: 1. The interconnect panel which is used to distribute the 15.00-MHz reference frequency from the RFTG to the radio shelves and to interconnect Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) radio equipment to both existing transmit and receive antenna faces 2. CDMA radio shelves (numbered 0 through 5 from top to bottom) which contain the following equipment: ■Power converters that require +24 volt, 45 amp. feeder and return ■One or two CCCs - each CCC contains 7 CCUs■As many as 14 CCUs (CDMA Channel Units) - each CCU contains two CEs (8-kbps vocoders) ■One or two Baseband, Bus and Analog (BBA) trio circuitsFor CDMA 1.0, there is one radio shelf per antenna face. Because CDMA 1.0 supports omni, two-sector, and three-sector cells, there may be 1, 2, or 3 CDMA radio shelves. Additional shelves will be supported in future CDMA releases. 3. Fan units - Provide cooling to both upper and lower equipment shelves. The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) shelf contains the circuit packs needed to perform the spread spectrum processing on CDMA channels. A CDMA channel consists of the following equipment: ■A CDMA Channel Unit (CCU) ■CDMA Channel Elements (CEs)CDMA radios are installed in their own growth RCF, which is designed to house 12 CDMA radios—two (redundant) radios per shelf. (One CDMA radio is active and one is standby). CDMA radios cannot be installed in the primary RCF, nor can they be intermixed with RCUs, SBRCUs, DRUs, or EDRUs in the same growth RCF. Since there can be up to two growth RCFs in a radio frame set, the Series II Cell Site can accommodate up to 24 CDMA radios.The TDM buses interconnect the RCC with the other units in the primary and growth RCFs. TDM buses are installed "red stripe up." The interconnections are accomplished as follows:■On the primary RCF, the TDM bus interconnections are accomplished via AYD4 and AYD12 paddleboards (circuit boards) that mount onto the wiring side of certain backplane pinfields. Each of these paddleboards has a connector that provides termination to flat ribbon cable, thus providing the means to complete the necessary interconnections.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-18 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-4. Radio Frame Set Having Two CDMA Growth RCFs (TDMs install "red stripe up")■On the CDMA growth RCFs, the TDM bus interconnections (see Figure 4-5) are accomplished via P3 and P30 connectors located on the wiring side of each of the backplanes. Each connector provides termination to flat ribbon cable, thus providing the means to complete the necessary interconnections.CAT(2)RCC0 RCC1Primary—RCF08 RCU12 RCU12 RCU12 RCU12 RCUTDM0TDM1InterconnectionPanel AssemblyMEMAFISystem Bus 0RCC1RCC0T11 RTUShelf 0Shelf 1FansShelf 3Shelf 4Shelf 5Shelf 2NCI1RCU(≤56)CPI NCI0SCT(2)DS1(≤3 DFIs)DS1T1 DFI(≤5 DFIs)DFITDM0SCT(2)CDMA ShelfCDMA ShelfCDMA ShelfCDMA ShelfCDMA ShelfCDMA ShelfInterconnectionPanel AssemblyCDMA ShelfCDMA ShelfCDMA ShelfCDMA ShelfCDMA ShelfCDMA ShelfInterconnectionPanel AssemblyCDMA Growth—RCF1 CDMA Growth—RCF2TDM1TDM1RTU CRTUiUpdateBusCPU(≤8)Radio Set(≤8)Cluster(≤16)Radio Set(≤16)Cluster
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-19Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Figure 4-5. Physical View of TDM Buses at the CDMA Series II Cell Site (TDMs install "red stripe up") (Sheet 1 of 3)01 345678910111213141508 0902 03 04 05 06 07PCURCU12VPCU5VCAT200 01 0A 0B 0CRCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCUBBN2161701 345678910111213141518 1912 13 14 15 16 17PCURCU12VPCU5VCAT210 11 1A 1B 1CRCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCUBBN2161701 3456789 10 1112130F2E 3E 4E 5E 6E 7EPCURCU12VPCU5VDS120E 1E 1F 2FRCURCURCURCURCURTURCURCUBBN2BBN1BBN1141501 345678910111213141528 2922 23 24 25 26 27PCURCU12VPCU5VDS1220 21 2A 2B 2CRCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCUBBN2BBN1BBN1161701 345678910111213141538 3932 33 34 35 36 37PCURCU12VPCU5VDS1230 31 3A 3B 3CRCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCURCUBBN2BBN1BBN116170 1 3456789 10 111213141516171819 20 21 225D6D7D0D 1D5D 4D3D2D1D0D 4DPCUAFINCI5V1GRWTHGRWTHGRWTHNCI0CPIMEMCPUPCUAFINCI5V1GRWTHGRWTHCRTUiNCI0CPIMEMCPUDFIRCC 1RCC 0 2GRWTHGRWTH7D6D 2D3D 7FKEY: = AYD4 = AYD3Front View Of Primary RCF—RCF0SLOT ADDRRCCShelf 0RCUShelf 1RCUShelf 2RTUShelf 3RCUShelf 4RCUShelf 5SLOT NUMTDM022W30122W302TDM0BBM1/BBN1BBM1/BBN1BBM1/BBN1BBM1/BBN122W30022W304TDM022W303BATDM0TDM1TDM0A BTO/ FROM SHEET 2= TDM-BUS SLOT CONNECTION= AYD12
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-20 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Figure 4-6. Physical View of TDM Buses at the CDMA Series II Cell Site (TDMs install "red stripe up") (Sheet 2 of 3)KEY: Front View Of First CDMA Growth RCF (GRCF1)CDMAShelf 0CDMAShelf 1CDMAShelf 2CDMAShelf 3CDMAShelf 4CDMAShelf 5Slot NUM22W11622W11522W114TDM122W118SLOT ADDRTDM0TDM0TDM122W117CTDM122 22W113 PCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCSCT1 3456782 9 1011 13141516171819202122 23 24 251241 4240 43 4CPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCC1 3456782 9 1011 13141516171819202122 23 24 251201 0200 03 0CPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCSCT1 3456782 9 1011 13141516171819202122 23 24 251251 5250 53 5CPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCC1 3456782 9 1011 13141516171819202122 23 24 251211 1210 13 1CPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCDFI1 3456782 9 1011 13141516171819202122 23 24 251261 6260 63 6CPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCC1 3456782 9 1011 13141516171819202122 23 24 251271 7270 73 7C= AYD3 = TDM-Bus Slot Connection= P3,P30 To/From ABB CADFI
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-21Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Figure 4-7. Physical View of TDM Buses at the CDMA Series II Cell Site (TDMs install "red stripe up") (Sheet 3 of 3)Front View of Second CDMA Growth RCF (GRCF2)DMAShelf 0DMAShelf 1DMAShelf 2DMAShelf 3DMAShelf 4DMAShelf 5Slot Num22 W12322 W124TDM1Slot AddrTDM122W119 PCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCSCT1 3456782 9 1011 13141516171819202122 23 24 2512 41  42 40 43  4CPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCC1 3456782 9 1011 13141516171819202122 23 24 2512 01  02 00  03  0CPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCSCT1 3456782 9 1011 13141516171819202122 23 24 2512 51  52 50  53  5CPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCC1 3456782 9 1011 13141516171819202122 23 24 251211 1210 13 1CPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCDFI1 3456782 9 1011 13141516171819202122 23 24 2512 61  62 60 63  6CPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCCPCUBCR5VCCUCCUACUBIUCCUCCUCCUCCUCCU7123456CCC1 3456782 9 1011 13141516171819202122 23 24 2512 71  72 70  73  7CADFI22 W12122 W12222 W120Key:  = AYD3 = TDM-Bus Slot Connection =P3,P6,P30 =To/From Afrom  GRCF1TDM1TDM1TDM1
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-22 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)In addition, all TDM buses are terminated via AYD3 termination paddleboards that mount onto the wiring side of certain backplane pinfields. (TDMs install "red stripe up").If the radio frame set consists of only the primary RCF and a CDMA growth RCF and assuming that shelf 4 and/or shelf 5 of RCF1 is populated with CDMA equipment, an AYD3 termination paddleboard is installed on the wiring side of RCF1 shelf 5, slot 24. In addition, to generate clock signals for TDM1, redundant CAT units are installed in RCF1 shelf 4, slot 24, and RCF1 shelf 5, slot 24.NOTE:The CDMA radio test unit interface (CRTUi) board installed in shelf 0, slot 15, of the primary RCF allows the RCC to communicate with the IS-95B compliant mobile station located in the CRTU module (CRTUm).Radio ShelfThe CDMA radio shelves use a new backplane that is not compatible with FDMA/TDMA radio frames or shelves.There is a maximum of one CDMA shelf for omni configuration, and one CDMA shelf per face for three-sector configuration. Figure 4-8 shows the CDMA radio shelf. CDMA radio shelves may be configured per face. However, cabinet configurations may allow the CCUs on a shelf to service any of three associated faces. CDMA radio shelves may be configured per face (A dual shelf arrangement will be available in the future)..Figure 4-8. Fully Loaded CDMA Radio Shelf With BBA Redundancy40AA3ACUBIUCCU7CCU6CCU4CCU3CCU2CCU1CCU5CCU7CCU6CCU4CCU3CCU2CCU1CCU5BCRCCCCCCBIUACUBCRSTDFI40AAC3SIDE 1 SIDE 2CDMA CLUSTER BBACDMA CLUSTERBBA(5V) (5V)
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-23Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)A single shelf connects to one input of a 4:1 combiner located in the interconnection panel assembly (IPA). The output connects to the appropriate LAC. A dual shelf connects to two inputs of a 4:1 combiner in the IPA. The output connects to the appropriate LAC. This configuration allows more radios on an antenna face.CDMA radio shelves may be configured nonredundant with only side 2 (right) equipped or redundant where both sides are equipped.Each CDMA radio shelf (See Figure 4-8 on page 22) contains:■One or two CDMA Channel Unit Clusters (CUCs). A CUC consists of the following equipment types: —One CCC —CCUs, TCUs, or ECUsThe use of 8-kbps speech vocoders or 13-kbps vocoders must be uniform within an MSC. An MSC is will  support either 8-kbps speech vocoders or 13-kbps vocoder, but not both. ■One or two Baseband Combiner and Radio (BCR), Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and Analog Conversion Unit (ACU) trios. One (right side) is always active; the other (left side) is optionally redundant. The BCR, BIU, and ACU are known collectively as the BBA. ■Either a SCT board or DFI board - The SCTs provide timing to all CDMA circuits in the frame, while DFIs terminate the T1 facilities between the Cell Site and the Mobile Switching Center (MSC). Later versions will support Nonvolatile Memory (NVM)updating. TDM Bus AddressesTDM bus cables are installed "red stripe up." There are TDM bus addresses for the following slot positions in the CDMA shelf: slots 4, 12, 13, 21, and 24. Sheets 2 and 3 of the figure identify the TDM bus addresses—in hexadecimal format—for the various slot positions within the CDMA RCF1 and RCF2.The pin designations for the slot address are BA0 (LSB) through BA6 (MSB). The logic values for BA0 through BA6 are unique for each of the slot positions connected to the TDM bus. The 7-bit address for a slot position is established by grounding an address pin for a logic 0, and leaving an address pin unconnected for a logic 1. The 7-pin address for a slot position is realized only when a unit is installed in that slot position: each of the seven address pins is connected to a pull-up resistor on the installed unit.The backplanes for the CDMA shelves are identical; therefore, each CDMA shelf has an associated, four-pole switch used to select unique logic values for the upper slot-address bits BA4, BA5, and BA6. The switches, identified as SW1
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-24 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)SHLF ADR, are soldered to 8-pin paddleboard connectors that mount onto the wiring side (rear side) of the backplane. Refer to the following tables for the default switch settings in the primary RCF, first CDMA growth RCF, and second CDMA growth RCF.TDM bus cables are installed "red stripe up." The TDM1 cabling in the CDMA RCF2 starts at the top of the frame, whereas the TDM1 cabling in the AMPS/TDMA RCF2 starts at the bottom of the frame. The cabling arrangement allows the redundant SCT boards to be installed in shelves 0 and 1 of CDMA RCF2 instead of shelves 4 and 5, which allows the SCT boards to be accessed at TDM bus addresses 2C and 3C instead of 6C and 7C. (SCT units configured for TDM bus timing—also applies to CAT units— must be located near the center of the TDM bus to achieve similar clock delays throughout the bus.) The relocation of SCT boards in CDMA RCF2 compensates for the following software limitation: software cannot access the SCT board at TDM bus address 7C (shelf 5) because address 7C is too high—address 78 is the uppermost limit. Circuit Pack Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and ConnectorsThe Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) radio shelf are almost identical to the existing Series II equipment. There are three LEDs; one red, one yellow, and one green. The red LED indicates that an alarm has occurred on the circuit pack. The yellow LED indicates that NVM is in the process of being updated into this circuit pack from the MSC. The Green LED indicates that the circuit pack is active.The BCRs, SCT, and 430AA 5-volt power converters each have ON/OFF switches to manually control the circuit pack. Each BCR has an output adjustment screw that can be used to set its output power. The SCT has two SMA (subminiature A) connectors that can be used to connect to external test equipment, such as the HP8921A. The 430AA 5-volt power converters have + and - 5 volt test access points. These jacks provide a test point for VOM (volt-ohm-meter) test access. The inputs and outputs to the IPA function the same as FDMA/TDMA signals. Radios and Radio Equipment The following paragraphs provide a description of the CDMA radio architecture. Refer to Figure 4-9 while reading the following discussion.CDMA Channel ConstituentsA CDMA Channel Element (CE) contains the circuitry necessary to perform forward and reverse link CDMA spread spectrum processing. CDMA CEs are held in circuit packs called:
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-25Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)1. )CDMA Channel Unit (CCU) - CDMA Release 12. )Thirteen-kbps Channel Unit (TCU) - CDMA Release 23. )Enhanced CDMA Channel Unit (ECU-3V(Q)) - CDMA Release 54. )Enhanced CDMA Channel Unit (ECU-3V(L)) - CDMA Release 7CDMA Channel Unit (CCU) - CDMA Release 1CDMA Release 1 introduced a CDMA Channel Element (CE) that is comprised of one CDMA modulator/demodulator (modem) that supports one 8-kbps voice coder/decoder (vocoder) (i.e., one CDMA channel).The CDMA Channel Unit (CCU) is a circuit pack that holds two 8-kbps CEs.The CDMA Channel Unit Cluster (CUC) can contain up to 7 CCUs = 14 8-kbps CEs.The CDMA radio shelf can support two CUCs = 14 CCUs = 28 8-kbps CEs.Thirteen-kbps Channel Unit (TCU) - CDMA Release 2CDMA Release 2.0 introduced a CDMA Channel Element (CE) that is an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) modem that supports either  8-kbps or 13-kbps vocoding, but not a combination of both.A Thirteen-kbps Channel Unit (TCU) is a circuit pack that holds two of these 8-kbps or 13-kbps CEs.The CDMA Channel Unit Cluster (CUC) can contain up to 7 CCUs = 14 8-kbps or 13-kbps CEs.The CDMA radio shelf can support two CUCs = 14 CCUs = 28 8-kbps or 13-kbps CEs.Mobile Switching Center (MSC)The use of either 8-kbps vocoders or 13-kbps vocoders must be uniform within an MSC. An MSC is restricted to support either 8-kbps vocoders or 13-kbps vocoders, but not both. Enhanced CDMA Channel Unit (ECU-3V(Q)) - CDMA Release 5CDMA Release 5.0 introduced the Enhanced CDMA Channel Unit (ECU-3V(Q)); a circuit pack that holds ten 8-kbps or 13-kbps CEs.A CDMA Channel Unit Cluster (CUC) can contain up to 4 ECUs = 40  8-kbps or 13-kbps CEs.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-26 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Enhanced CDMA Channel Unit (ECU-3V(L)) - CDMA Release 7CDMA Release  7.0, introduced the ECU-3V(L); a form, fit and function replacement to the ECU-3V(Q). Initially, the ECU-3V(L) circuit pack holds ten 8-kbps or 13-kbps CEs.Also, like the ECU-3V(Q), the CDMA Channel Unit Cluster (CUC) can contain up to 4 ECUs = 40  8-kbps or 13-kbps CEs.The software for the ECU-3V(L) is released in two phases.In Phase 1,  the ECU-3V(L) operates identically to the ECU-3V(Q) introduced in Release 5.0.  That is, the Phase 1 software allows the ECU-3V(L) to support 10 CEs. Additionally, its maintenance is the same as that for the ECU-3V(Q) and there are no changes to the Recent Change/Verify (RC/V) screen or the Status Display Pages (SDP). The Phase 2 software implements the major difference between the ECU-3V(L) and the ECU-3V(Q), which is that the  ECU-3V(L) will support 16 CEs instead of 10 CEs.  In addition to supporting 8 kbps and 13 kbps for voice applications, the ECU-3V(L) also supports 9.6 kbps and 14.4 kbps full duplex, or raw, data rates.From a maintenance interface perspective (Technician Interface(TI),RC/V,SDP, etc.), this pack can continue to be called a “CCU”. However, the increased number of channel elements in Phase 2  need to be reflected in the RCV screen.  The RCV screen at the MSC must be updated to reflect that a ECU-3V(L) has been installed.The ECU-3V(L) is slot-compatible with the ECU-3V(Q), TCU, and CCU.The ECU-3V(L) can be mixed with the ECU-3V(Q) in the same cluster.  However, the ECU-3V(L) and/or the ECU-3V(Q) cannot be mixed with TCUs or CCUs in a single CDMA cluster.The ECU-3V(L)  provides Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) support for the Cell Site Modem (CSM) ASIC chips and the digital combiner . The ECU works with mobiles that conform to ANSI-J008 and EIA/TIA/IS-95A standards.CDMA Cluster Controller (CCC)Provides a control and data interface between the TDM bus and up to seven CDMA channel units (CCUs). The CCC manages the CCUs.A CCC and its CCUs form a CDMA cluster; there may be up to two CDMA clusters on a shelf. Both CDMA clusters may be active.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-27Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Each CCC terminates the dedicated packet pipe associated with its CDMA cluster. The CCC extracts the voice data from the incoming packets and distributes the data to the appropriate CCUs for processing. In the reverse direction, the CCC receives voice data from its CCUs, assembles the data into packets, and then multiplexes the packets onto the packet pipe.CDMA Channel Unit (CCU)A CCU is a circuit pack that hold the CEs. A CE contains the necessary circuitry to support one CDMA channel. It can be configured as an overhead channel (pilot/sync/access or page) or a traffic (voice) channel.The CCU performs the digital baseband signal processing, including spreading and despreading. Currently, four types of CCUs are supported, as follows:1. CDMA Channel Unit (CCU) contains two 8-kbps CEs2. Thirteen-kbps Channel Unit (TCU) contains two 8-kbps or 13-kbps CEs3. Enhanced CDMA Channel Unit (ECU-3V(Q))contains ten 8-kbps or 13-kbps CEs4. Enhanced CDMA Channel Unit (ECU-3V(L)) contains ten to sixteen 8-kbps or 13-kbps CEsNOTE:Each CE can be configured to interface with either an 8-kbit/s or 13-kbit/s vocoderTable 4-2 List shelf number and switch position settings.The CDMA radio shelf can contain up to 14 CCUs and each CCU can be configured with either 2, 10, or 16 CEs. Table 4-2. Shelf Number and Switch Position SettingsShelf NumberSwitch Position Settings*12341 Don’t Care ON ON ON2 Don’t Care ON ON OFF4 Don’t Care ON OFF ON5 Don’t Care ON OFF OFF* ON = Logic 0, OFF = Logic 1
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-28 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)   Figure 4-9. CDMA Radio ArchitectureGroups of CCUs are logically connected to form clusters. Each cluster is controlled by a single CDMA Cluster Controller (CCC). The CDMA Radio Channel Frame shelf can hold two CCCs, and therefore, two CDMA Clusters. The CCC provides the interface between the CCUs and the RCC. The CCC supports the call processing functions for each of the channel elements.Packet PipeTo/ FromMSCCDMA Radio Shelf Common EquipmentCDMA ClusterTXAnt RX AntsDiv0  Div1LAC &AIFCDMA ModemsRFTGGPSAntennaCDMA Radio SetCDMA ClusterCDMA ModemsIF÷RFD÷A15-MHz Reference FrequencyGPS Time, 2PPS, & 19.6608 MHzCDMA ClockGeneratorTo/ FromMSCPacket PipeDigital Analog2PPS1PPSDefinitions:One-half Pulse Per Second (0.5 Hz) StrobeOne Pulse Per Second (1.0 Hz) Strobe IFRFIntermediate FrequencyRadio Frequency(Also Known As 2-second Tic)GPS Time&1PPS
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-29Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)NOTE:Currently, an entire cellular geographic service area (CGSA) must operate at the same vocoder rate; the mixing of 8-kbit/s and 13-kbit/s vocoders in a CGSA is not supported.In addition, each CDMA shelf contains a BIU/BCR/ACU, known as a BBA trio and an optional redundant BBA trio. The BBA contains the Bus Interface Unit (BIU) (TN1702), the Analog Conversion Unit (ACU) (TN1853), and the Baseband Combiner and Radio (BCR) (44WRI)Table 4-3. Shelf Number and Switch Position SettingsShelf NumberSwitch Position Settings*12340Don’t Care OFF ON ON1Don’t Care OFF ON OFF2Don’t Care OFF OFF ON3Don’t Care OFF OFF OFF4Don’t Care ON ON ON5Don’t Care ON ON OFF* ON = Logic 0, OFF = Logic 1Table 4-4. Shelf Number and Switch Position SettingsShelf NumberSwitch Position Settings*12340Don’t Care ON OFF ON1Don’t Care ON OFF OFF2Don’t Care OFF ON ON3Don’t Care OFF ON OFF4Don’t Care OFF OFF ON5Don’t Care OFF OFF OFF* ON = Logic 0, OFF = Logic 1
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-30 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Bus Interface Unit (BIU)The Bus Interface Unit (BIU) provides the interface between the BCR, ACU and the TDM bus (which is installed "red stripe up"). It provides power conversion and alarm control functions. The BIU provides a control bus interface between the TDM bus and its associated analog conversion unit (ACU) and baseband combiner and radio (BCR). It also provides power conversion for its associated ACU and BCR.TThe BIU has an on-board converter circuit that converts +24 Vdc to a precise +5 Vdc, +5.2 Vdc and +12 Vdc. The ACU sources the + 5 Vdc and +5.2 Vdc, while the BCR sources all three voltages.Analog Conversion Unit (ACU)The ACU performs baseband combining from the CEs, digital/analog and analog/digital conversion, filtering, and IF mixing. The output is a 1.2288 Mbps to the BCR associated with the particular face for CDMA 1.0, and to the BCR associated with any equipped face for CDMA 2.0 and later. The ACU also combines the digital transmit signals from the two CDMA clusters and then converts the signals to analog for input to the BCR. The Analog Conversion Unit (ACU) digitally combines signals form the CCUs, performs a Digital-to-Analog conversion, and limits the signal with a low-pass filter. Each ACU has six analog outputs, which represent the I and Q signals to each of three sectors. In the reverse direction, the baseband signals from up to three (in the cross-connected configuration) BCRs are ' sampled and sent to each CE. In the reverse direction, the ACU converts the analog receive signals from the BCR to digital and then distributes the digital signals to the two CDMA clusters.Baseband Combiner and Radio (BCR)The BCR is a wideband Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) RF transceiver, that combines the 1 (inband) and Q (Quadrature) signals form the ACU and converts them to RF with an RF upconverter. In the reverse path, the BCR receives RF signals and down-converts them to baseband for the ACU. The BCR is always associated with one face. Accepts analog signals from and sends analog signals to its associated ACU. The BCR is responsible for RF transmission and reception. The Baseband Combiner Radio (BCR) combines (sums) the I and Q signals from each of the ACUs and converts the signals to RF with an RF up-converter. In the reverse path, it receives RF signals and down-convert to Baseband. A BCR and its associated BIU and ACU form a CDMA radio set—the BBA (for BCR-BIU-ACU). Since the BBA is a single point failure for a sector, redundant BBAs—one active and the other in standby mode—may be installed for increased
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-31Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)reliability. (A BBA pair is redundant.) For OA&M purposes, the BBA is treated as a single maintenance unit.Synchronized Clock and Tone (SCT)Generates the CDMA clock signals for the entire CDMA growth RCF. In addition, if so configured, the SCT can perform the following TDM bus functions: bus clock generation and monitoring for the TDM bus, maintenance tone generation, and maintenance tone detection.Usually, redundant SCTs are installed in a CDMA growth RCF, in shelves 0 and 1.Each CDMA radio shelf has a TDM enable switch (SW2) on the wiring side (rear side) of its backplane. The TDM enable switch only has meaning for a shelf if an SCT is installed in that shelf. When the switch is in the DISABLE position (switch arm on DISABLE side pressed in), the SCT provides only CDMA clock signals. When the switch is in the ENABLE position (switch arm on ENABLE side pressed in), the SCT provides both CDMA clock signals and TDM bus functions. The TDM bus functions include all functions performed by the CAT: bus clock generation and monitoring for the TDM bus, maintenance tone generation, and maintenance tone detection and measurement. TDM bus cables are installed "red stripe up."Digital Facilities Interface (DFI)Provides serial-to-parallel and parallel-to-serial data conversion between the T1 or E1 lines and the TDM buses internal to an RCF. The DFI provides two physical carrier line interface ports; currently, only one port is supported.The Series II platform uses TDM timeslots to “nail up” the logical connection between a packet pipe on the T1 or E1 line and the associated CDMA cluster.Usually, one or two DFIs are installed in a CDMA growth RCF, depending upon how many CCUs are installed in the frame. DFIs may be installed in shelf 2 and/or shelf 3 of a CDMA growth RCF.NOTE:The DFI is not dedicated to the CDMA radio architecture; it can also interface with RCUs, SBRCUs, DRUs, and EDRUs. A DFI may reside in any slot previously reserved for the DS1 plug-in unit.The CDMA clusters and radio sets are controlled through the RCC. The RCC consults with resident translations data base to set up the logical connections between the packet pipes on the T1 or E1 lines and the associated CDMA clusters in the cellCRTU Components The CRTU consists of two hardware components(see Figure 4-10); The CRTU interface (CRTUi), and the CRTU module (CRTUm). The CRTUi is a plug-in board
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-32 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)installed in the primary RCF through which the RCC communicates with an IS-95B compliant mobile station in the CRTUm. From an RCC perspective, the CRTUi and CRTUm together look like a single maintenance unit, just like the RTU or TRTU.The term CRTU will be used in this document except when it is necessary to distinguish between the CRTUi and CRTUm components.NOTE:The term CRTU will be used in this document except when it is necessary to distinguish between the CRTUi and CRTUm components.NOTE:Be aware that the port designations J1 and J2 on the PCS CDMA Minicell RSP map to port designations J2 and J1 on the Series II Cell Site RSP or Cellular CDMA Minicell RSP—the port designations are reversed. As clarification, J1 on the PCS CDMA Minicell RSP allows access to the transmit filter panels, whereas J1 on the Series II Cell Site RSP allows access to the receive filter panels.CRTU interface (CRTUi)The CRTUi provides a transparent communication interface between the RCC and the CRTUm, and between the RCC and the RSP. The CRTUi plugs into TDM bus 0 (TDM0) at shelf 0, slot 15 of the primary RCF, and has a translation indicating its installation. The CRTUi apparatus code is TN1854.The CRTUi contains the firmware needed to run the CDMA functional tests. In response to functional test messages from the RCC, the CRTUi carries out the specified actions and returns the test information to the RCC. The message exchange is through TDM0. TDM bus cables are installed "red stripe up." The CRTUi faceplate has three light-emitting diode (LED) indicators: one red, one yellow, and one green. Their meanings are as follows.Red LED 0Controlled by the CRTUi; lighted during the self-test initiated upon powerup or after a reset and goes off after successful completion of the self-test; lighted during normal operation if the CRTUi has a board error or is insane.Yellow LED 0Controlled by Cell Site system software; lighted during non-volatile memory (NVM) update.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-33Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Green LED 0Controlled by the CRTUi; lighted when a CDMA functional test is executing.CRTU mobile (CRTUm)The CRTUm consists of an IS-95B compliant CDMA/AMPS dual-mode mobile, a duplexer containing a three-port RF circulator, an EIA-422 to TTL signal converter, and a 24-Vdc to 12-Vdc power converter. The duplexer provides separate RF transmit and receive paths for the single-ported, CDMA/AMPs dual-mode mobile.The CRTUm has RF connections through the RCB-associated RF switches and RSP to the directional couplers of the transmit and receive filter panels at the antennas. The CRTUm is mounted in the facilities interface frame (FIF) or on a Cell Site wall, and uses standard 24-Vdc power.Figure 4-10. High-Level View of the CRTU Test SystemTXAntRCCCDMAAMPSLAC &AIF RX AntsDiv0   Div1RSPCRTUmCRTUiTXAntRCCCDMAAMPSLAC &AIF RX AntsDiv0  Div1RSPCRTUmCRTUi5ESS®-2000 Switch DCSTo/FromECP ComplexOMPTime SlotInterchangeUnitPCM Packet PipeDIGITAL TRUNK UNITT1 LinesPSTNMSCFrame RelayProtocolHandlerMOSTToneGeneratorDigitalFacilitiesInterfaceDigitalFacilitiesInterfaceProtocolHandlerfor VoiceCRTUmCRTUiDefinitions:   CDMA Radio Test Unit Module   CDMA Radio Test Unit Interface MOSTRSPMObile Station Test (feature)Radio Switch PanelSeries II Cell SiteSeries II Cell SiteDFIDFIT1 LinesCDMA PathTDMBusTDMBus RFTDMBusTDMBus RF
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-34 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)The CRTUm in the Series II Cell Site or Cellular CDMA Minicell is identified as KS-24237 L1 (407537018). The CRTUm in the PCS CDMA Minicell is identified as KS-24237 L2 (407537026).The CRTUm in the Series II Cell Site is used to test CDMA radio equipment but not AMPS radio equipment; the RTU is used to test AMPS radio equipment.NOTE:The CRTUm in the Series II Cell Site or Cellular CDMA Minicell is identified as KS-24237 L1 (407537018). The CRTUm in the PCS CDMA Minicell is identified as KS-24237 L2 (407537026).The CRTUm in the Series II Cell Site is used to test CDMA radio equipment but not AMPS radio equipment; the RTU is used to test AMPS radio equipment. Figure 4-11. CDMA Subcell Configuration—BBA Interconnections Shown Only For One Side (Side 1, Side 2)CDMA Series II Configuration OptionsCDMA Subcell ConfigurationIn the CDMA growth RCF, two sets of three consecutive shelves may be interconnected to form two subcells see Figure 4-11. The top three shelves form RFANALOGSHELF 2/ 5DIGITALTO/ FROMSECTOR 1/ 4TO/ FROMSECTOR 2/ 5TO/ FROMSECTOR 3/ 61/ CLUSTER2/ CLUSTERACUα, β, γBASEBAND BASEBANDα, β, γαβγαααBCR1/ CLUSTER2/ CLUSTERACUα, β, γα, β, γαβγβββBCR1/ CLUSTER2/ CLUSTERACUα, β, γα, β, γαβγγγBCRγSHELF 1/ 4SHELF 0/ 3
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-35Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)one subcell, and the bottom three shelves form the second subcell. Any CE within a subcell is available to any of the three sectors formed by the subcell. The electrical interconnections between the side-1 BBAs or the side-2 BBAs of a subcell are accomplished via backplane cabling. However, the actual enabling of the interconnections is controlled via translations, specifically, via the Sub Memb field on screen 13 of the RC/V Series II Cell Equipage Common form (ceqcom2). The following configurations are possible using the Sub Memb field:■All three CDMA shelves interconnected to form a subcell■Any two of the three CDMA shelves interconnected to form a subcell■No CDMA shelves interconnected and hence no subcell configuration—each CDMA shelf operates independently.The CDMA subcell configuration is required for the softer handoff feature.Typical ConfigurationsFinally, Table 4-7 below contains different configurations available for the Series II Cell Site with CDMA. Note that each row represents a different set of configurations options. The table does not represent all possible combinations. Because AMPS and TDMA may be combined within a single RCF, listing all possible configurations would produce a very large table. The table reflects combinations of RCFs where AMPS and TDMA are NOT mixed within a frame. Combinations of AMPS and TDMA may be derived from the data specified in the table. Timing Requirements 15-MHz Reference FrequencyThe RTU and each Radio Channel Unit (RCU) require a stable 15-MHz reference frequency signal. This signal is supplied by the RFG in the AIF and is applied to a 1:6 RF power divider in the Interconnection Assembly. The reference signal is distributed to the RTU shelf and four RCU shelves by a 1:12 RF power divider located on each shelf. The sixth port on the 1:6 power divider in the Interconnection Assembly is not used and must be terminated into a 50-ohm resistive load. The 1:12 power divider on the RTU also has unused ports that must be terminated into 50-ohm resistive loads. However, due to the requirement that CDMA components at neighboring sites be synchronized, the Reference Frequency Generator (RFG), used for AMPS and TDMA is not adequate. Instead, a Reference Frequency and Time Generators (RFTG) and a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna is required to synchronize the Cell Sites, and the MSC to Universal Coordinated Time (UCT).
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-36 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Reference Frequency and Timing GeneratorThe RFTG is similar to the standard reference frequency generator in that it provides a precise and stable 15-MHz reference frequency signal to all of the Cell Site radios.The RFTG is different from the standard reference frequency generator in that it has an internal GPS receiver, which is used to synchronize CDMA transmission and reception. The reference frequency generators, themselves, are disciplined (synchronized) by GPS timing.For Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) to work within the stringent timing requirements, synchronization must be maintained between neighboring Cell Sites and between the Cell Sites and the Mobile Switching Center (MSC). The Global Positioning System (GPS) is used in performing this function by providing pulses to synchronize the Cell Sites and the MSC to Universal Coordinated Time (UCT). The GPS received signal is used to distribute a universal synchronized reference clock to the CDMA components. If the GPS signal is lost or the GPS receiver fails, the system clock at the Cell Site will drift. This does not immediately affect system performance since back-up timing is provided by a rubidium oscillator, which will maintain synchronization with the other Cell Sites to within +/-10 us for 24 hours. Synchronization can be assumed for no more than 24 hours without relocking on to the GPS signal. If that time period elapses without resynchronizing, all CDMA radiation will stop. If the rubidium oscillator also fails, there is a backup oscillator which may be either an ovenized crystal or another rubidium oscillator. The ovenized crystal can maintain synchronization to within the +/-10 us for 4 hours after loss of the GPS signal (provided Cell Site temperature remains constant to within 2 degrees Celsius); the backup rubidium oscillator can maintain synchronization for up to eight hours after loss of GPS signal. Installing an RFTGThe RFTG, KS24019 L1, mounts in the Series II AIF J41660E-2. To mount the RFTG, remove the existing RFG shelf ED-2R849-31, and replace it with the RFTG shelf. To mount the RFTG, you need a field mounted GPS Antenna kit 847683349. You also need a GPS surge protector kit 847780475 to protect the GPS antenna input. You need one surge protector kit per GPS antenna.Field Upgrade of an RFTGCells equipped with a 50dB gain antenna may include the installation of a 24dB in-line attenuator instead of replacing the 50dB antenna with a 26dB gain antenna. Otherwise, a 10dB in-line attenuator may be installed instead of replacing the 50dB antenna with a 40dB gain antenna.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-37Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)RFTG KS24019, L1 (407 163 500) is field upgradeable to KS24019, LIB (407 658 269) using the field upgrade kit 847 849 866 in Table 4-5 below. RFTG KS24019, L1A (407 529 132) is field upgradeable to KS24019, LIB (407 658 269) using the field upgrade kit 847 849 874 in the Table 4-5 below.KS24019, LIB is the replacement for both KS24019, L1 and KS24019, LIA.To remove and replace the RFTG modules without disrupting CDMA service, the Cell software must be R7.1 Beta 02 build (APX07.10), or later. For Cells not equipped with R7.1 or later, removal and replacement of the RFTG modules should be done during those hours when traffic is light. The RFTG module remove/replace procedure is not disruptive to AMPS/TDMA service regardless of cell software. Traffic, transmission, AC and DC power drain, service, maintenance, and reliability are not adversely affected. To remove/replace RFTG modules:1. Remove a all CDMA sectors from service.2. Perform the in-field change of modules as per the ECP.3. Return cells to service.Table 4-5. Field Upgrade KitField Upgrade Kit 847 849 866Item Description Part Number Qty1 Rubidium Controlled Oscillator KS 24019 L102A 12 Crystal Controlled Oscilla-tor KS 24019 L104B 13 Label KS 24019 LIB 1Table 4-6. Field Upgrade KitField Upgrade Kit 847 849 874Item Description Part Number Qty1 Crystal Controlled Oscilla-tor KS 24019 L104B 12 Label KS 24019 LIB 1
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-38 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).Table 4-7. Examples of CDMA (with Series II) Configurations Primary (RCF0)  Growth (RCF1)  Growth (RCF2) Traffic Channels  Traffic Channels  Traffic Channels Config  Physical  Config  Physical  Config  Physical TDMA  28 DRU  TDMA  36 DRU  CDMA  168 2-*CE/CCU  56 EDRU  72 EDRU  360 8-CE/CCU Analog  56 RCU  TDMA  36 DRU  CDMA  168 2-CE/CCU     72 EDRU  360 8-CE/CCU TDMA  28 DRU  Analog  72 RCU  CDMA  168 2-CE/CCU  56 EDRU     360 8-CE/CCU Analog  56 RCU  Analog  72 RCU  CDMA  168 2-CE/CCU        360 8-CE/CCU TDMA 28 DRU  CDMA 168 2-CE/CCU  CDMA 168 2-CE/CCU  56 EDRU  360 8-CE/CCU  360 8-CE/CCU Analog 56 RCU  CDMA 168 2-CE/CCU  CDMA 168 2-CE/CCU     360 8-CE/CCU  360 8-CE/CCU CDMA 84 2-CE/CCU  CDMA 168 2-CE/CCU  CDMA 168 2-CE/CCU  180 8-CE/CCU  360 8-CE/CCU  360 8-CE/CCU CDMA  84 2-CE/CCU  CDMA  168 2-CE/CCU  TDMA  36 DRU  180 8-CE/CCU  360 8-CE/CCU  72 EDRU CDMA  84 2-CE/CCU  CDMA  168 2-CE/CCU  Analog  72 RCU  180 8-CE/CCU  360 8-CE/CCU   CDMA 84 2-CE/CCU  CDMA 168 2-CE/CCU  None  180 8-CE/CCU  360 8-CE/CCU   CDMA  84 2-CE/CCU  TDMA  36 DRU  TDMA  36 DRU  180 8-CE/CCU  72 EDRU  72 EDRU CDMA  84 2-CE/CCU  Analog  72 RCU  TDMA  36 DRU  180 8-CE/CCU     72 EDRU CDMA  84 2-CE/CCU  TDMA  36 DRU  Analog  72 RCU  180 8-CE/CCU  72 EDRU  CDMA  84 2-CE/CCU  Analog  72 RCU  Analog  72 RCU  180 8-CE/CCU     CDMA 84 2-CE/CCU  None    None  180 8-CE/CCU
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-39Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)CDMA Series II Cell Site Generator Input In Figure 4-12 the leftmost divider is used for the 15.00-MHz reference generator input, just like the standard Series II Cell Sites. The topmost SMA connector on the divider, (J7), is used for the 15.00-MHz input from the RTFG in the AIF. The six other SMA connectors (J1 through J6) are outputs. There is one output for each CDMA shelf used. Each output connects to a 1:3 divider on the CDMA radio shelf. One output from the 1:3 divider provides timing to Base Band Combiner and Radio 1 (BCR1), a second output provides timing to BCR2, and a third output provides timing to the SCT (if an SCT is on the shelf). Figure 4-12. Reference Frequency and Timing Generator (RFTG)J8J9Antenna10 MHz TestPointRef0Ref1J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6Ref. Freq. & Timing Gen.P1J7J8J9Ref0 Ref1No GPS15 MHzAlmStdbyOnSwitch
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-40 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)New Features and UpgradesCell Site Synchronization Failure Warning &Correction: Phase 1This section covers the Phase 1 implementation of Cell Site Synchronization Warning and Failure Correction for the Reference Frequency and Timing Generator (RFTG) and its associated base station Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna.The Reference Frequency Timing Generator (RFTG) consists of two redundant plug-in modules interconnected by a housing frame. The left module is referred to as REF0 and the right module is referred to as REF1. Hardware errors from these two modules are now treated separately and generate a new status display icon on Status Display Page (SDP) 2138. Therefore, there are now two icons on SDP 2138: one for each RFTG module, REF0 and REF1.There is also a third icon, labelled “Cell_Sync”, on SDP 2138. The Cell_Sync icon warns against a possible synchronization problem. Cell_Sync status is sent to the Read-Only Printer (ROP) and is displayed as MINOR, MAJOR, or CRITICAL, based on combinations of errors from the:■RFTG modules■Synchronized Clock and Tone (SCT) board■CDMA Cluster Controller (CCC)Additionally, GPS Status has also been modified to display only hardware errors directly related to the GPS hardware (i.e., the GPS Receiver and the GPS Antenna). This feature does not require File Activation File (FAF) execution.New CDMA Cluster Controller (CCC) Board with Increased SRAMCDMA R7.0 introduces new hardware: a new CDMA Cluster Control (CCC) board with increased Static Random Access Memory (SRAM). SRAM is a type of memory which requires electrical power to maintain its contents but does not require constant refreshing. This new CCC board was designed with larger SRAM to ensure that it would accommodate the growth in software loads beyond Cell/ECP R12 and CDMA R7.0, with their ever increasing growth of features and capabilities.Although the new CCC board is not required in Cell/ECP R12.0 or in existing CDMA systems, its implementation is strongly recommended because its need will increase substantially when software load sizes increase after R12.0. Additionally, all new CDMA Cell Site systems produced after CDMA R7.0 will use the new CCC board.Whether used exclusively or in combination with existing CCC boards, the new CCC boards perform all existing OA&M and Call Processing functions using PCS, traditional Cells, or analog radios. While the new CCC board (TN1852B) is not
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-41Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)compatible with cell loads prior to G50Y11.00 (CDMA R6.0), it is compatible with G50Y11.00 and subsequent cell loads.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-42 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Double Density Growth Frame (DDGF)CDMA DDGF Description The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Double Density Growth Frame (DDGF) is a new product designed in response to customer requests for higher CDMA channel capacity, with full-power amplification, made available at the lowest cost possible. In particular, the DDGF increases CDMA channel capacity in a Series II Analog Cell Site. When used with a full-power SII MLAC amplifier, the DDGF supports up to 12 CDMA carriers partitioned into two-six-sector configurations. DDGF Architecture  Frame ArchitectureFigure 4-13 shows how the DDGF frame is partitioned into four quadrants: two quadrants in the top of the frame, two quadrants at the bottom of the frame, and the fan shelf in between. The two quadrants on the top left and bottom left of the frame are numbered 1 and 2. The 2 quadrants on the top right and bottom right of the frame are numbered 3 and 4.Each of the four quadrants in the DDGF contains an independent, triple-height (i.e., containing three rows of shelves) CDMA Radio Complex (CRC). Each CRC contains three CDMA half-shelves arranged one on top of the other in a vertical stack. There are a total of 12 half-shelves in the DDGF. The six half-shelves from the top left to the bottom left of the frame are numbered 0 to 5. The six half-shelves from the top right to the bottom right of the frame are numbered 6 to 11. Figure 4-14 shows the half-shelves.Each half-shelf of the DDGF contains 10 circuit pack slots, numbered 1 to 10 beginning with the left-most slot and proceeding to the right. An example is shown in Figure 4-14, which illustrates the circuit packs and where they are placed in shelves 6, 7, and 8 of the DDGF.CDMA Radio Complex (CRC) Circuit PacksIn the following discussion regarding the DDGF circuit packs, the term CDMA Channel Unit (CCU) will apply to either, or both of, the Two-Channel Element CCU or the enhanced Ten-Channel Element CCU. In addition, a grouping of one to four CCUs is called a "cluster." Each cluster is supported by a CDMA Cluster Controller (CCC).
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-43Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-13. Quadrant and Half-shelf Numbering of DDGF (Front View)Shelf 0Shelf 11Shelf 5Shelf 10Shelf 4Shelf 3 Shelf 9Shelf 2 Shelf 8Shelf 1 Shelf 7Shelf 6Quadrant 1Quadrant 2Quadrant 3Quadrant 4Fans
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-44 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-14. Illustration of Circuit Packs Populating the CRCApparatusBlankApparatusBlankApparatusBlankSlot#1CCCP3EQL016Slot#2CCUP4EQL022Slot#3CCUP5EQL028Slot#4CCUEQL034Slot#5CCUP7EQL040Slot#6BIUP8EQL046Slot#7ACUP9EQL052Slot#8BCRP10EQL062Slot#9SECP13EQL072Slot#10415P15EQL0801234 AESCTApparatusBlankApparatusBlankApparatusBlankSlot#1CCCP3EQL016Slot#2CCUP4EQL022Slot#3CCUP5EQL028Slot#4CCUP6EQL034Slot#5CCUP7EQL040Slot#6BIUP8EQL046Slot#7ACUP9EQL052Slot#8BCRP10EQL062Slot#9PRIP13EQL072Slot#10415P15EQL0801234 AESCTApparatusBlankApparatusBlankApparatusBlankSlot#1CCCP3EQL016Slot#2CCUP4EQL022Slot#3CCUP5EQL028Slot#4CCUP6EQL034Slot#5CCUP7EQL040Slot#6BIUP8EQL046Slot#7ACUP9EQL052Slot#8BCRP10EQL062Slot#9DFIP13EQL072Slot#10415P15EQL0801234 AEShelf 8SCT boards arealways installedin half-shelves 6 & 7of quadrant 3.Shelf 6Shelf 7The SCT slots inall the otherquadrants areleft unequipped.The older 415ACmay also be used.Quadrant 3 (Front View)
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-45Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)CRC circuit packs are enumerated below and Table 4-C lists the Circuit Pack apparatus code, half-shelf location, slot location, and function of all circuit packs. The circuit packs that populate the CRC are:1. One to Four CDMA Channel Units (CCU), or a "cluster"2. One CDMA Cluster Controller (CCC)3. One Baseband Combiner/Radio (BCR)4. One Bus Interface Unit (BIU)5. One Analog Conversion Unit (ACU)There are no redundant BCRs, ACUs, or BIUs in each CRC quadrant. The BIU contains the:1.  TDM bus interface to support the BCR and ACU2.  DC-DC converters required to supply voltages of +5V, -5.2V, and 12VTogether, the BCR, BIU, and ACU are commonly known as the BBA. For each quadrant, if the BBA and the CDMA cluster are not interconnected, any handoff will be a soft hadoff. The BBA and the CDMA cluster can also be interconnected for softer handoff. Interconnection is controlled by a translation.6. Two Synchronized Clock and Tone Units (SCTs) and one Digital Facilities Unit (DFI)The two Synchronized Clock and Tone (SCT) circuit packs in the CRC are always installed in the two uppermost, front-right half-shelves, numbered 6 and 7, of quadrant 3. The SCTs generate 19.6608 MHz and the TDM bus clocks. The TDM SCT switches must be enabled on the backplane of shelves 6 and 7.The Digital Facilities Interface (DFI) for each CRC is located in the lowest half-shelf. The DFI provides the software interface between the TDM bus and one T1 or E1 digital transmission line. Each DS1 can carry 24 Digital Level 0 signals (DS0s time slots in the domestic DS1 mode). The T1/E1 line links the DDGF site to the Mobile Switching Center (MSC). 7. One Power Converter Unit (PCU)Lastly, each half-shelf has one 415AE DC-to-DC power converter to convert the +24 VDC main power to +5 VDC. (The older 415AC may also be used.)NOTE:There is no difference between one CRC quadrant and another except that the SCT boards are always installed in the two uppermost, right-most half-shelves, numbered 6 and 7, of quadrant 3. The SCT slots in the other CRC quadrants are left empty.+_
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-46 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Frame ConfigurationIn addition to the partitioning of the DDGF frame and the circuit packs it supports, the DDGF is configured with:■A fan shelf for cooling■A15-MHz reference frequency distribution network, to support CDMA timing■An RF distribution network located in the Interconnection Panel Assembly (IPA) on top of the DDGF■DC power distribution■DC power circuit breakers■An optional CDMA Radio Test Unit module (CRTUm), in the bottom of the frame, to support CDMA testing requirementsTable 4-8. Table of CRC Circuit Packs Apparatus, Slot Installation, and FunctionSlot(s) Installed In Circuit Packs Apparatus Code Eql Shelves Installed In Board Function01 CCC TN1852B 016 0 to 11 CDMA        Clus-ter        Controller02 ECU1/TCU1TN1711, TN1712, TN1716, TN1718022 0 to 11 CDMA      Chan-nel       Unit (CCU)03 ECU2/TCU2TN1711, TN1712, TN1716, TN1718028 0 to 11 CCU04 ECU3/TCU3TN1711, TN1712, TN1716, TN1718034 0 to 11 CCU05 ECU4/TCU4TN1711, TN1712, TN1716, TN1718040 0 to 11 CCU06 BIU TN1702 046 0 to 11 Bus             Inter-face      Unit07 ACU TN1853 052 0 to 11 Analog        Con-version  Unit08 BCR 44WR1 062 0 to 11 Baseband Com-biner and Radio09 SCT TN1703 072 Only 6 & 7 Synchronized Clock and  Tone unit09 DFI TN3500B or TN1713B072 2, 5, 8, & 11 Digital        Facili-ties    Interface10 PCU 415AE or the older 415AC08 0 0  to  11 DC /DC     P ower          Converter    Unit
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-47Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)These will be examined more closely in the sections that follow.Using the DDGF in a Series II Analog Cell SiteCell Site RequirementsThe CDMA DDGF may only be installed in an indoor, controlled-access Series II base station operating on DC power. To install a DDGF into an Analog SII cell site, the Cell Site must be equipped with the following: 1. Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF): The LAF contains the Modular Linear Amplifier Circuits (MLACs) that amplify and transmit signals. Each transmit amplifier can support up to four CDMA radios. There can be up to two LAFs depending on the configuration of the Cell Site.2. Antenna Interface Frame (AIF): The AIF houses:1. Transmit and receive filters2. Receive pre-amplifiers3. The Reference Frequency and Timing Generator (RFTG/RFTGm-II)The DDGF is a CDMA growth frame and therefore needs a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna, in addition to an RFTG/RFTGm-II in order to establish proper frame timing. The DDGF usually replaces one of the two growth frames in a Series II cell site. (System software allows up to two growth frames in a Series II cell site). Configurations Supported for DDGFThe DDGF supports the three configurations listed below and illustrated in Figure 4-15, Figure 4-16, and Figure 4-17. The three configurations supported are:Configuration 3: DDGF with SII Primary FrameConfiguration 4: DDGF with SII Primary and SII CDMA Growth FramesConfiguration 5: DDGF with SII Primary and SII Analog Growth FramesConfigurations 1 and 2 are no longer supported and so are not listed here. However, for historical reasons Configurations 3, 4, and 5 have retained their original numbering and will continue to be referred to as Configuration 3, Configuration 4, and Configuration 5. Series II Configurations and Cell Site Line-Up Supported for DDGFEach of the three Series II cell site configurations which use the DDGF contains at least one and no more than two LAFs and at least one and no more than two AIFs. All the frames used for each configuration, and the way in which the DDGF is used in each configuration, are illustrated in the three figures below and in the table following the figures.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-48 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Because of RCC and MLAC limitations, the maximum  number of CDMA radios that a Series II cell site can support is 12. Therefore, all the CRC quadrants of the DDGF cannot be populated with CDMA radios. The quadrants that can be populated depends on how the DDGF is being used at the Series II cell site.Because the SCT boards are always installed in CRC quadrant 3, the TDM bus cable from the other radio frame always connects to CRC quadrant 3 first. Additionally, TDM bus cables are always installed "red stripe up." Therefore, the sequence in which the CRC quadrants are populated is:1. Quadrant 32. Quadrant 43. Quadrant 24. Quadrant 1 Circuit Pack Placement for Series II Cell Site DDGF ConfigurationsFor each of the configurations 3, 4, and 5, already defined, the information below lists the following:■How the quadrants of the DDGF are populated■The specific circuit packs used for each configuration■The slot into which each circuit pack may be installed for each configurationTable 4-9. DDGF Configuration SchemesConfiguration Number Primary RCF 1st  Growth RCF 2nd Growth RCF DDGF Quad-rants Populated1     2     3     4Configuration 3: SII Analog RCF DDGF Y Y Y YConfiguration 4: SII Analog RCF CDMA RCF DDGF is 2nd CDMA RCF NNYYConfiguration 5: SII Analog RCF SII Analog RCF DDGF is 1st CDMA RCF YYYY
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-49Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Configuration 3: All four CRC quadrants (i.e., the entire frame) can be populated to obtain the maximum number of CDMA radio channels supported by the SII cell site. RCV Configuration 3 (s2-ddgf) is a four quadrant ddgf (12 shelves). Figure 4-15. Configuration 3: AIF, LAF, and SII Primary, with DDGF as 1st CDMA Growth FrameCircuit Pack Shelf Number(s) Slot Number(s)SCTs 6, 7 9DFIs 2, 5, 8, 11 9CCCs All 1CCUs 2, 3, 4, 5BBAs All 6, 7, 8 T1Receive (Rx) AlarmTransmit (Tx) TDMAIF 1 AIF 0 LAF 1 LAF 0 1 3 RCF 0 FIF24DDGF
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-50 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Configuration 4: Two of the CRC quadrants can be populated, to obtain the maximum number of CDMA radio channels supported by the SII cell site. RCV Configuration 4 (s2-c-ddgf) is a two quadrant ddgf (6 shelves). Figure 4-16. Configuration 4: AIF, LAF, SII Primary, SII CDMA Growth, with DDGF as 2nd CDMA Growth FrameCircuit Pack Shelf Number(s) Slot Number(s)SCTs 6, 7 9DFIs 8, 11 9CCCs 1CCUs 2, 3, 4, 5BBAs 6, 7, 8T1Receive (Rx) AlarmsTransmit (Tx) TDMAIF 1 AIF 0 LAF 1 LAF 0 1 3 RCF 0 SII CDMAGrowth1FIF24 2DDGF
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-51Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Configuration 5: Four of the CRC quadrants can be populated, to obtain the maximum number of CDMA radio channels supported by the SII cell site.RCV Configuration 5 (s2-s2-ddgf) is a four quadrant ddgf (12 shelves). Figure 4-17. Configuration 5: AIF, LAF, SII Primary, SII Analog(i.e., non-CDMA) Growth, with DDGF as 2nd Growth Frame and 1st CDMA Growth FrameRecent Change and Verify (RC/V) formsThe Recent Change and Verify (RC/V) forms used with the DDGF are:■cell2: How the DDGF frame is being used (e.g., first growth frame, etc.)■ceqcom2: Operation of equipment, such as circuit boards, on the DDGF shelvesCircuit Pack Shelf Number(s) Slot Number(s)SCTs 6, 7 9DFIs 2, 5, 8, 11 9CCCs All 1CCUs 2, 3, 4, 5BBAs All 6, 7, 8 T1Receive (Rx) AlarmTransmit (Tx) TDMAIF 1 AIF 0 LAF 1 LAF 0 13RCF 0RCF 1 FIF24DDGF
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-52 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)■ceqccu: Configure the CCCs■ceqcloc: Configure timing, such as the timing of the SCT and DFI boards■ceqface: PN offset, Pilot/Sync/Page, etc■pptg: Trunks■pptm: Set up Packet Pipes, trunk status, DS1 board number, DS0 channel assignment, etc■sub: CRTU information DDGF InterfaceTable 4-10, lists the connections between the DDGF and supporting SII equipment.RFTG The RFTG, which is housed in the Series II Antenna Interface Frame (AIF), provides CDMA radio equipment with the clock generation and distribution it needs to meet CDMA timing requirements.The RFTG consists of two reference units that are disciplined by Global Position System (GPS) signals received by the GPS antenna.1. The unit on the left-hand side (side 0) is identified as REF0. REF0 of the RFTG is a 15-MHz Rubidium oscillator (Rb) unit (RFTG-Rb). It provides a 15 MHz sine wave reference frequency and one pulse per second (1 PPS) timing signal. The 15-MHz reference frequency is distributed over a 50-ohm system incorporating power splitters and coaxial cable, shown in Figure 4-18, below. The RFTG distributes the 1PPS timing signal to the DDGF SCT.Table 4-10. Connections Between DDGF and Supporting SII EquipmentConnections between DDGF and AIF (RFTG/RFTGm-II) and GPS timing signals(RS-485, 15 MHz) RF receive cablesConnections between DDGF and LAF RF transmit cablesConnections between DDGF and FIF T1 or E1 linesConnections between DDGF and Primary Frame TDM bus,Alarm lines
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-53Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-18. 15-MHz Reference Frequency Distribution Scheme2. The unit on the right-hand side (side1) is identified as REF1. REF1 is a 15-MHz Ovenized temperature-controlled Crystal Oscillator (XO) unit with a built-in GPS receiver, RFTG-XO. The GPS receiver generates the 1PPS and GPS time message.The REF0 and REF1 units work together as redundant units. These two units are interconnected to provide:■Phase lock■Failure detection■Autonomous switchingDuring normal operation, the Rb unit is active, and supplies the 15-MHz reference frequency and a 1PPS timing signal. The XO unit is activated by an autonomous failure triggered sequence if the Rb unit fails. The RFTG is shown in Figure 4-19.1 to 6PowerDivider1 to 3PowerDividerBCRBCRSCT1 to 3PowerDividerBCRBCRSCT1 to 3PowerDivider BCRBCR1 to 3PowerDivider BCRBCR1 to 3PowerDividerTerminated 50 OhmTerminated 50 Ohm1 to 3PowerDividerTerminated 50 OhmTerminated 50 Ohm15 MHzReferenceSignalfromRFTG/6 dbPadShelf 6andPart of IPA (top of the DDGF)BCRBCRBCRBCRRFTGm-II
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-54 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-19. Reference Frequency and Timing Generator (RFTG)J8J9Antenna10 MHz TestPointRef0Ref1J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6Ref. Freq. & Timing Gen.P1J7J8J9Ref0 Ref1No GPS15 MHzAlmStdbyOnSwitch
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-55Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)RS-485 communication data ports are provided by both RFTG units for unit status inquiry and GPS Time information. The RS-485 duplex serial interface communicates to and from the RFTG to both the SCTs in CRC shelves 6 and 7 of the DDGF.If you are installing a new RFTG, refer to Base Station CDMA Reference Frequency Timing Generator and Antenna System - Description, Operation, Installation and Maintenance Guidelines, document number 401-660-128.CDMA DDGF Power Requirements, Distribution, and CalibrationCDMA DDGF +24 Volt Power RequirementsBecause of losses in the power distribution system, the input voltage available at a DDGF can range from 0.75 to 0.5 volts below the battery plant voltage. The input voltage range measured at the frame input can vary between +25 to 27.25 V DC. This range varies depending on the float voltage of the batteries used in the cell site. For simplicity, the nominal input voltage specified is +24 V DC.+24 Volt Power DistributionThe 24-volt Returns in the DDGF connect to a Common Return Bus Bar inside the frame. The twelve +24-volt feeders are then distributed to a series of 20-amp, three-amp, and two-amp circuit breakers located in the power distribution assembly. They are shown in Figure 4-19. The outputs from the twelve 20-amp circuit breakers feed the 415AE DC-to-DC converters on each CRC shelf. (The older 415 AC may also be used.These DC-to-DC converters supply the +5 volts at 60 amps maximum required for the circuit packs on each CRC shelf. The twelve 20-amp circuit breakers also feed the +24-volts required on each CRC shelf for the BIU/CCC/SCT circuit packs. The three three-amp circuit breakers feed the +24 volts required for the three fan groups, and the two-amp circuit breaker feeds the optional CRTUm module.Power feeder connections on the top of the DDGF IPA are run to the 30-amp circuit breakers in the Series II Power Cabinet.CDMA Power CalibrationInstallation Engineering Handbook 226, Section 31 contains power calibration procedures for all 850 CDMA products including:1. Cellular CDMA Growth Frame2. Double Density Growth Frame (DDGF)3. CDMA Hybrid Minicell4. Classic CDMA Minicell5. CDMA Adjunct6. Cellular CDMA Compact Minicell
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-56 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)These procedures should be performed after integrating the CDMA frame to the MSC and after all CDMA diagnostics have passed all tests. The CDMA product being calibrated must be installed and integrated before performing the procedures in Handbook Section 31.  Table 4-11 contains a list of the CDMA integration handbook sections that MUST be completed before starting CDMA power calibration.This power calibration procedure requires that the CDMA cabinet has been successfully booted to an ECP via datalinks.  The CSC (RCC) must be updated to the correct NVM and all diagnostics (CSC and CDMA) must pass.  If these requirements have not been met, refer to the appropriate CDMA Integration Handbook Section (see Table 4-11).Test equipment (CSTS, BSTS, or power meter) MUST be calibrated prior to beginning the CDMA power calibration.  For test equipment calibration, refer to Handbook 226, Section 30.!CAUTION:Proper Electrostatic Discharge practices, including use of wrist straps, must be used when handling circuit packs to prevent damage of components sensitive to ESD.!CAUTION:To prevent personal injury and/ or damage to cell equipment, never disconnect RF cables while any RCU or BCR is in the TRANSMIT state (TX LED ON).Table 4-11. Related Installation Engineering Handbook SectionsSection DescriptionGlossary Terms and Acronyms1 Equipment Description And Planning30 Test Equipment Calibration414 CDMA Database Translations424 CDMA Minicell and Compact Minicell Integration441 CDMA Growth Frame Integration442 CDMA Double Density Integration443 CDMA Adjunct Integration445 CDMA Compact Growth Integration
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-57Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)!CAUTION:The HP8481H Power Sensor Head may be permanently damaged if a 30dB attenuator is not connected between the sensor head and the foam jumper measurement point.Pilot-only calibration is used for the LAC/MLAC amplifiers.  The pilot-only calibration generates a constant pilot with the paging, sync, and traffic channels disabled.[1] Update cell translation forms with the following data.  Note the original data so that it can be restored after power has been set:■Update ceqface:Pilot Channel Gain (dgu)108Paging Channel Gain (dgu)0Sync Channel Gain (dgu)0■Update ceqcom2:LAC TypelMax Power13.5BCR Attenuation Factor (dB)10NOTE:The BCR Attenuation Factor was in the ceqface form prior to ECP 12.0.NOTE:Repeat this procedure for the CDMA clusters associated with each carrier.  There should be one cluster for each carrier.[2] If inhibited, allow call processing:alw:cell a, cp[3] Switch all faceplate switches (BCR and RCU) to OFF.[4] Remove all BBAs from service:rmv:cell a, bba b; ucl!CAUTION:To prevent personal injury and damage to cell equipment, never disconnect RF cables while radio units are transmitting.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-58 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)[5] Disconnect the foam jumper cable from the transmit antenna associated for the CDMA cluster being adjusted.  The foam jumper is the cable connecting the transmit filter J4 port to the antenna cable at the cell hatch plate.[6] Use an ITE-6924 test cable to connect the HP8921A or HP8935 RF In port to the foam jumper cable, or connect the HP437B/ HPE4418A power meter sensor through the 30dB attenuator to the foam jumper cable. Do not use a test cable with a power meter unless an offset value is entered in the meter.[7] Operate the faceplate switch on the BCR to be adjusted to AUTO and use the following command to unconditionally restore the BBA for the desired sector and carrier:rst:cell a, bba b; uclb = BBA member being adjusted.[8] Verify the BCR ACT LED comes on.[9] If this is a new CDMA cell site and there is no analog service, then the pre-amp may have never been adjusted.  If the pre-amp has never been adjusted for this cell site, then adjust the LAC/MLAC pre-amp to electrical center before adjusting the first BCR.  To do this, turn the LAC pre-amp from its minimum power level to its maximum power level and then set it at the electrical mid-point.NOTE:Anytime a LAC pre-amp is adjusted, all the RCUs and BCRs transmitting on that LAC must be re-adjusted.[10] The metering device should display the approximate desired power. If the reading is beyond the maximum and minimum values shown in Table 4-12, ensure that the ceqface and ceqcom2 forms are correct and verify the BCR transmit path before attempting to adjust the BCR.[11] Adjust the BCR faceplate pot to achieve the desired level as specified in Table 4-12.Table 4-12.MeteringDevice ApproximateMinimum DesiredPower ApproximateMaximumCSTSBSTS 29 dBm0.8 W 33 dBm2 W 41 dBm13 WHP437BHPE4418A(30dB Attn)-1 dBm0.8 mW 3 dBm2 mW 11 dBm13 mW
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-59Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)BCR Attn = 10,  Pilot DGU = 108,  Page/Sync DGU = 0/0Amplifier type = l,  Max_power = 13.5[12] When the desired level is set, operate the BCR faceplate switch to OFF.[13] To set power on a multiple carrier system, repeat steps [7] through [12] for each remaining carrier cluster on the sector the metering device is connected to.  If a LAC/MLAC pre-amp was adjusted to electrical center, do not re-adjust it.[14] When BCR power for all carriers of this sector have been set, disconnect the metering device from the foam jumper and connect the foam jumper back to the antenna cable.[15] Repeat steps [5] through [14] for each BCR associated with the remaining sectors.[16] When power is set for all BCRs, restore the original Pilot, Page, Sync, Max Power, and BCR Attenuation values to the ceqface and ceqcom2 forms.[17] Ensure that all the CDMA clusters have been adjusted and that the transmit antennas have all been reconnected.[18] Switch all faceplate switches (BCR and RCU) to AUTO.[19] Perform a cell stable clear:init:cell a: scGrounding Requirements The DDGF requires two separate kinds of grounding, as follows:1. 24 Volt DC Return (Grounding) 2. Frame Grounding (FRM_GRD)Volt DC Return (Grounding)The +24 V DC return feeders are connected to the return bus at the Battery/Rectifier power plant. The return bus in the Battery/Rectifier power plant is bonded to the grounding system with the appropriate grounding conductor.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-60 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-20. Double Density Growth Frame (top panel removed to expose circuit breakers - Rear View)Frame and Base Station GroundingAll equipment frames are bonded to the grounding system at a minimum of two locations. Additionally, the DDGF is bonded to adjacent existing radio equipment frames. All base station grounding must follow the guidelines provided by Lucent Technologies document 401-200-115, Grounding and Lightning Protection Guidelines for Lucent Technologies Network Wireless System Cell Site, or the warranty may be voided.119876543 10Shelf Circuit Breakers (11 through 0)10 2CRTUFan 2Fan 1Fan 0FansCRTUm
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-61Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Cable Installation for the DDGF Cable installation for the DDGF is as follows:Transmit coax connections are made from the DDGF Transmit Power Combiner in the IPA to the LAF Transmit In. Receive coax connections are made from the AIF Receive Power Dividers to the DDGF Receive Power Dividers.Figure 4-21. Frame Ground From Adjacent CabinetGround WireKnock OutDouble Terminal LugRear of FrameFront of Frame
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-62 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).Figure 4-22. Ground Wire Connections Between FramesExisting Knock Out in Frame Green Wire 5 Inches Radius Minimum            (Back View)
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-63Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Connecting the DDGF to Frames in a Series IIConnecting the DDGF to Series II frames requires cables similar to those used when connecting a CDMA Growth Radio Frame. The following guidelines apply to installing these cables:1. The nominal impedance for all RF paths is 50 ohms. 2. CDMA transmit path: The transmitter outputs from the BCR are cabled to a common 4:1 power combiner in the IPA. The IPA can accommodate up to six 4:1 transmit power combiners for either an omni, three-sector or six-sector configuration. The outputs from the 4:1 power combiners at the top of the DDGF IPA are then cabled to the appropriate LAF input.3. CDMA receive path: A 1:4 dividing scheme similar to the transmit path combining scheme is used for the receive path. There are two receive paths (RX0 and RX1). The IPA can accommodate up to twelve 1:4 power dividers (six for RX0 and six for RX1) for either an omni, three-sector or six-sector con-figuration. The inputs to the 1:4 power divider at the top of the DDGF IPA for the installer are cabled from the appropriate AIF output.4. Transmit/Receive: J101/J102 are transmit/receive signaling for quadrants 3 and 4.  J105/J106 are transmit/receive signaling for quadrants 1 and 2.Additionally, the following note applies to all cabling connected to the DDGF.The alarm cables are to be run on the cable racks to the proper bay. Additional slack is to be stored on the rack or top of the bay in a neat manner. All protection requirements are to be followed.!CAUTION:! No nylon ties are to be used to secure cables on the cable racks.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-64 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Figure 4-23. DDGF IPATX 0TX 1TX 2 RX0 0RX0 1RX0 2 RX1 0RX1 1RX1 2Shelf 012 345 67 891011                                            (Top of Cabinet - Front of IPA)              Attenuator15 MHzReference Cable  fromRFTG                     (Rear of IPA)To Next CabinetGroundTo NextCabinetGroundTo HaloGroundGround  To Halo+24 V (Red) +24 Rtn (Gray)DC Power InputJ101 J102 J103 J104 J105 J106T1 Out T1 InAlarmsRS-485/1-PPS
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-65Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-24. Top of LAF 0, MLAC Power Divider InputsLAC 0 LAC 2 LAC 3 LAC 1Filter 3Filter 2Filter 1Filter 04321 4321 4321 4321
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-66 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-25. Top of LAF 1, MLAC Power Divider InputFilter 3Filter 2Filter 1Filter 0LAC 4 LAC 6 LAC 54321 4321 4321
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-67Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-26. Top of AIF 0, RX 0, and RX 1 Power Divider Outputs (front view)Top ViewJ2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7(PD7 - Antenna 3) (PD8 - Antenna 3)(PD5 - Antenna 2) (PD6 - Antenna 2)(PD3 - Antenna 1) (PD4 - Antenna 1)(PD1 - Antenna 0) (PD2 - Antenna 0)Diversity 0 Diversity 1Front of Cabinet
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-68 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-27. Top of AIF 1, RX 0, and RX 1 Power Divider OutputsTop ViewJ2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7(PD13 - Antenna 6) (PD14 - Antenna 6)(PD11 - Antenna 5) (PD12 - Antenna 5)(PD9 - Antenna 4) (PD10 - Antenna 4)Diversity 0 Diversity 1Front of Cabinet
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-69Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Time Division Multiplex (TDM) Bus 1A Series II Cell Site equipped with a DDGF is installed using two TDM buses, with the DDGF using the second TDM Bus (TDM Bus 1). The TDM Bus is a 2.048-MHz 8-bit Time Division Multiplexed bus which provides voice, data, or control connectivity to the CCC, BIU, and SCT/DFI circuit packs on the CRC backplane. Transfer of TDM bus control channel messages between the core processor (RCF 0, RCC Shelf) and a port board are performed by the RCF 0, RCC shelf Network Control Interface (NCI). The CAT in RCF 0 provides the clock timing for TDM Bus 0, while the SCT in the DDGF provides the clock timing for TDM Bus 1. TDM bus cables are installed "red stripe up."  TDM Bus Termination and Interconnection CablingTDM bus 1 (installed "red stripe up") is always terminated at the DDGF backplane connector (P13, shelf 0) by inserting a AYD3 TDM bus termination board.Some newer TDM bus cables include a strain relief.  The cable is doubled back across the top of the connector, and a plastic strain relief is added to hold the cable in place.  This causes the cable to extend further from the backplane, making the latch clamps insufficiently long enough to capture the connector.Remove the strain relief.  Depress the small tab located at each end of the connector with a ballpoint pen while pulling the plastic strain relief away from the connector.CDMA Radio Test Unit Module and InterfaceCRTUm and RSP InteractionThrough an RS-422 data link, the CRTUm (CDMA Radio Test Unit module - an embedded CDMA test mobile) along with a Radio Test Unit (RTU) Switch Panel (RSP) allows for on-site radio diagnostics and repair as well as diagnostics from a central office. The CRTUm consists of two major components:1. CRTUm2. CRTUm interface (CRTUi) circuit pack that plugs into growth slot #15 of the RCC shelf in RCF 0NOTE:The CRTUi and CRTUm communicate on the RS-422 link using the CRTUm data port. The Radio Test Unit (RTU) Switch Panel (RSP) enables testing of CDMA hardware. AMPS and Digital (CDMA only for DDGF) testing is done in conjunction with the RSP Control Board (RCB), AYD8, residing in the rear of the RTU shelf in RCF 0. An AYD12 adapter board allows the CRTUi to communicate with the RS-422 data links.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-70 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-28. TDM Bus Installation. TDM bus cables are installed "red stripe up." (Configuration 3)Shelf 6 Shelf 0Shelf 7 Shelf 1Shelf 8 Shelf 2Shelf 9 Shelf 3Shelf 10 Shelf 4Shelf 11AP1 or P14TAYD3 BusTermination(P13)TDM Bus 1 Connects to CCC, BIU, SCT/DFI slot.ATFansTAA AA TA AA ADDGF RCF 0 (Primary)Shelf 0EQL 042EQL 162P14P13TDM Bus 1AYD12EQL 120EQL 024Shelf 1(AYD3)(AYD4)(TDM Bus 0)A AA TAAAAAA(Back View)FansShelf 5TDM Bus 1 Cable to be installedCables installed when shippedInternal Backplane Trace(Back View)
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-71Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)Figure 4-29. TDM Bus Installation. TDM bus cables are installed "red stripe up." (Configurations 4 and 5)CDMA Radio Test Unit Module (CRTUm)The CRTUm data interface is a nine-pin data connector. Power is supplied to the CRTUm through a two-pin connector. The CRTUm communicates with the Baseband CDMA Radio (BCR) via a test RF path established by the RSP test switch matrix. The RF interface is coupled from a mobile antenna coupling adapter through a duplexer and filter circuit to SMA Jacks for separate transmit Shelf 6 Shelf 0Shelf 7 Shelf 1Shelf 8 Shelf 2Shelf 9 Shelf 3Shelf 10 Shelf 4AP1 or P14ATAYD3 BusTermination(P13)TDM Bus Connects to CCC, BIU, SCT/DFI slot.FanATA AA AATA AA AFanTAA AA AATA A A AA AA ADDGF RCF 1 (Analog or CDMA Growth) RCF 0 (Primary)TDM BUS 1 TDM BUS 0 AYD12EQL 66-120EQL 13-162Shelf 4Shelf 5AYD4 Bus ConnectorEQL042AYD3AAAAAA(Back View) (Back View) (Back View)Shelf 5Shelf 11Fan
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-72 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)and receive ports for test purposes. External attenuators are required to balance out the transmit and receive path losses. The (Tx and Rx) attenuators, which are external to the CRTUm, are part of the overall CRTU test path.There are two options for mounting the CTRUm, and a different CTRUm is used for each option. The CTRUm may be:1. Wall-mounted2. Housed in the bottom of the DDGFInstallation kits include power jumpers and instructions. A DDGF circuit breaker provides the power to the CRTUm.Figure 4-30. CDMA Radio Test Unit ModuleCRTUi/CRTUm/RCB/RSP Control And RF InterfaceThe CRTUi connects directly to the RSP, or through the RCB RF switch interface via a coaxial interface. In a cell site with multiple Test Units (TUs), i.e., AMPS RTU, TDMA RTU (TRTU) or CDMA RTU (CRTU), the RCB is responsible for switching CRTUm+24 VDC FromCircuit Breakerin PowerDistribution Shelf(2 pin connector)9-Pin DataConnectorSMA Jacks Tx Rx-26 db -40 dbTo RCB RF Switchor RSP Test Switch to AYD12Slot #15 ofRCC of RCF 0Matrix(EQL # 120)Rear of UnitFront of UnitTable 4-13. CRTUm RF and DC Power RequirementsCRTUm Requirements UnitsTX Output at Mobile Antenna Connector -57 to +23 dBm (200 milliwatts max.)RX Input at Mobile Antenna Connector -25 dBm to -104 dBm (869 MHz to 894 MHz)DC Voltage +19.0 to +28.5 V dcDC Current 2.0 amps max at 19 V dc
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-73Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)the RF interfaces between the multiple TUs to the test paths. Only the TRTU and the CRTUi can control the RCB for their test functions. The RCB defaults to RTU control normally. The RSP responds to commands from the CRTUi via the RCB to determine which test paths need to be established. The CRTUi, upon request of the RCC, is able to request parameter reporting, update parameter changes and autonomous actions of the CRTUm. DDGF Impact on RF TestingRF testing of a cell site is done by connecting the CDMA Radio Test Unit module (CRTUm) to the cell site transmit and receive path filter panels. An RTU Switch Panel (RSP) is used in the interconnection to allow the CRTUm to interact with any chosen sector.Addition of the DDGF to the cell site does not change how this RF testing is done because the DDGF adds radio capacity only; it does not affect the RF paths of the cell. Therefore, RF testing will continue to be based on the primary frame type, and will be independent of whether the growth frame is DDGF or another allowed frame type.Alarms The Alarm/FITS Interface (AFI) circuit pack in the RCC shelf of RCF 0 provides the interface for all the cell and hardware alarms. (In addition, the FITS testing computer can also be connected to the AFI board through a RS-488 connector at the front). The four major alarm categories are: 1. Amplifier alarms2. Frame alarms3. Users alarms4. AIF alarms. Table 4-14. CRTUi/CRTUm/RCB/RSP Control Interface CRTUiBackplane PinCRTUiSignal AYD12Backplane PinRSPSignal SignalDescription046 SAGECTR 314 Sage Control Signal147 GPIO 215 General Purpose I/O and Hard Reset040 SER0RXDR 308 Serial Port 0 Receive043 SER0RXDR 311 Data from CRTUm142 SER0TXDR 210 Serial Port 0 Transmit
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-74 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)The DDGF uses the same type of frame alarms as the Series II CDMA Growth Frame. Therefore, the frame alarm handling is identical to Series II. The alarms are connected to the AFI pins normally allocated to a Series II growth frame. These AFI pins are located in the Primary Radio Channel Frame.Frame alarms provide the status of the Power Converter Units (PCUs), temperature, and fans of the frame. There are 12 alarm signals (six for PCUs and six for fans) routed via cable to the IPA at the top of the DDGF. Shelf alarms carry the status of the shelf PCU. The PCU alarms in the DDGF are wired such that an alarm can indicate a failure of the power converter in DDGF shelf 0, or in DDGF shelf 6, or both.Fan alarms provide the status of the fans. For any fan that stops rotating, a failure alarm is generated for the fan and the failure is reported back to the AFI using the same interface cabling as the 415AE (or 415AC) alarms.140 SER0TXDR 208 Data to CRTUm139 SER1TXD 207 ANT_SEL+ Serial Port 1137 SER1TXD 205 ANT_SEL- Transmit Data to RSP035 RSPREQ1 303 RTU_ACT Control Request of RSP by CRTUi033 SER1RXD 301 ANT_MSG_ACK+ Serial Port 1032 SER1RXD 300 ANT_MSG_ACK- Receive Data from RSP138 Ground 206 Ground134 Ground 202 GroundTable 4-14. CRTUi/CRTUm/RCB/RSP Control Interface  (Contd)Table 4-15. DDGF Alarms Alarm Name Description IPA J103 Pin NumberFAL0L Fan 0 Failure 7FAL1L Fan 1 Failure 8FAL2L Fan 2 Failure 9FAL3L Fan 3 Failure 10FAL4L Fan 4 Failure 11FAL5L Fan 5 Failure 12PWR_AL_SH0_SH6 PCU Failure Shelf 0, 6  1PWR_AL_SH1_SH7 PCU Failure Shelf 1, 7  2PWR_AL_SH2_SH8 PCU Failure Shelf 2, 8  3
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 4-75Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)415AE (or 415AC) DC-To-DC Converter AlarmsThe alarms on each CRC shelf are 415AE (or the older 415AC) power unit alarm and circuit pack alarms. Alarms and/or faults associated with the circuit packs are handled at the pack level.The Power Unit Alarm (relay contact) and LED Indicators are as follows:■Low output voltage alarm if the output voltage falls below 80% of nominal (RED LED turns ON, relay contacts close)■High output voltage alarm if the output voltage is greater than 120% of nominal (output turns OFF, unit latches OFF, RED LED turns ON, relay contacts close). The input voltage must be disconnected before the latch will clear■Red LED on faceplate indicates an alarm■Green LED on faceplate indicates the presence of input voltage■Single isolated contact closure upon LV alarm or HV shutdown■Relay contacts connected to the backplane [ALM1 (Pin 113) and ALM2 (Pin 014)]. The ALM2 pin is connected to ground. A relay closure connects ALM1 to ALM2 which indicates an alarm (Logic 0)+5 V DC performance is not guaranteed below +20 V DC input to 415AE (or the older 415AC).CDMA CRC Shelf Circuit Pack LED IndicatorsThe CDMA CRC shelf Circuit packs have various Light Emitting Diode (LED) indicators on their faceplates. These LEDs indicate either operational or alarm conditions. PWR_AL_SH3_SH9 PCU Failure Shelf 3, 9  4PWR_AL_SH4_SH10 PCU Failure Shelf 4, 10 5PWR_AL_SH5_SH11 PCU Failure Shelf 5, 11  6Table 4-15. DDGF Alarms  (Contd)
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page4-76 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 5-15Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsContents■Contents 5-1■CDMA Adjunct 5-3Overview 5-3High Level Interface for the CDMA Adjunct 5-3Supported Technologies 5-4Traffic Capacity 5-5RF Coverage Area 5-5Physical Aspects of CDMA Adjunct 5-5CDMA Adjunct Components 5-5Dimensions and Weight 5-8Physical Appearance of the CDMA Adjunct 5-8CDMA Adjunct Physical Positioning and External Equipment 5-8CDMA Adjunct Frame LineUp 5-8External Equipment Supported by the CDMA Adjunct 5-9CDMA Adjunct Antenna Connections 5-9CDMA Adjunct to Host Cell Inter-frame Hardware Interfaces 5-10RF Distribution Paths 5-11Transmit Paths 5-11Radio Testing 5-16
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page5-2 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsRadio Test Paths 5-16CDMA Adjunct Testing Hardware Connections 5-17Transmit Amplifiers 5-19Input Voltage and Power 5-20Environmental, Safety, and Handling Requirements 5-21Environmental Requirements 5-21External Controlled Environment 5-22External Uncontrolled Environment 5-22Internal Environment 5-22Safety Requirements 5-22UL and Cell Site A 5-23Electromagnetic Compatibility 5-23Electrostatic Discharge 5-23Suggested DFI and DS-1 Configurations for use with the CDMA Adjunct 5-24
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 5-3Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsCDMA AdjunctOverview The CDMA Adjunct is one of several members of the CDMA Minicell product family. Its development was driven by the need to add a small amount of CDMA capacity to existing Series IIm (Minicell) and Series IImm (Microcell) cell sites. In particular, the CDMA Adjunct is a single frame that adds CDMA capability to Series IIm (Minicell) and Series IImm (Microcell) cells. When used with a Series IIm (Minicell) or Series IImm (Microcell) cell site, the CDMA Adjunct Frame adds:■Omnidirectional CDMA Service with 1 to 3 Carriers■Two-Sector CDMA Service with 1 Carrier per Sector■Three-Sector CDMA Service with 1 Carrier per SectorHigh Level Interface for the CDMA AdjunctMost of the external interfaces supported by the CDMA Adjunct are to the host Series IIm (Minicell) or Series IImm (Microcell) cabinets, and there are no external interfaces to the MSC. The Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna signal interface and the power interface are the only ones that do not connect directly to the host cell.Figure 5-1 shows the following high level external interfaces supported by the CDMA Adjunct Frame to the host (Series IIm (Minicell) or Series IImm (Microcell)) cell:■Global Positioning System (GPS) Interface■Transmit (Tx) and Receive (Rx) Interfaces to the host’s antennas■DC (only) prime Power Interface■CRTU Control and Test Interfaces■TDM Bus Interface■Reference Frequency and Timing Generator (RFTG) Interface■Alarm Interface
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page5-4 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsFigure 5-1. CDMA Adjunct Frame External InterfacesSupported Technologies The CDMA Adjunct supports only CDMA technology at cellular frequencies as defined in FCC Code of Federal regulations, Part 22, Subpart K. AMPS and TDMA technologies are not supported by the CDMA Adjunct or by any member of the CDMA Minicell product family. These products are focused on international start-up systems with no embedded AMPS subscriber base, or on domestic and international applications where CDMA is overlaid on an existing AMPS or TDMA system. When the CDMA Adjunct is added to a Series IIm (Minicell) or Series IImm (Microcell) host cell, the host cell supports only the AMPS technology; it can not support the TDMA technology. For reference, the U. S. domestic cellular transmit and receive frequency bands are given in Table 5-1.Table 5-1. U. S. Domestic Cellular Transmit And Receive Frequency Bands    Cellular  CDMA  AdjunctPower InterfaceTDM Bus InterfaceAlarm InterfaceTx & Rx InterfaceRFTG  InterfaceCRTUmInterfaceGPS  InterfaceNote: All interfaces, except for power, connect to a SIIm or SIImm host cell.Frequency Band Transmit Frequency, MHz Receive Frequency, MHzA 870.030 to 879.990 825.030 to 834.990 A’890.010 to 891.480 845.010 to 846.480 A”869.040 to 870.000 824.040 to 825.000B 880.020 to 889.980 835.020 to 844.980 B’891.510 to 893.970 846.510 to 848.970
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 5-5Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsTraffic Capacity The CDMA Adjunct hardware does not limit its traffic capacity; instead, the air interface is the limiting factor for traffic. RF Coverage Area The RF coverage area of a cell depends upon the RF rating of its transmit amplifier and the internal losses in the transmit path from the amplifier’s output to the antenna. The CDMA Adjunct with the Series IIm (Minicell) supports only 1 high-power, 13-watt carrier per directional sector. The CDMA Adjunct with the Series IImm (Microcell) supports only 1 low-power carrier per directional sector.Physical Aspects of CDMA Adjunct CDMA Adjunct ComponentsThe CDMA Adjunct components are illustrated in Figure 5-2 and listed below:■Zero to Three Transmit Amplifiers■CDMA Radio Complex■DC Distribution Hardware■Environmental Conditioning Equipment■Synchronized Clock And Tone (CAT) boards■CRTUm■Cascade and Notch Filters, as needed■Miscellaneous RF Interconnection Hardware.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page5-6 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small Cells Figure 5-2. CDMA Adjunct FrameFigure 5-2 is not an exact representation and is not intended to show exactly where within the CDMA Adjunct frame each piece of equipment is mounted. The equipage is based on the following assumptions concerning the host cell:■TDMA radios are not installed when the CDMA Adjunct is installed.■The CDMA Radio Test Unit interface (CRTUi) is mounted in the host cell’s Radio Control Complex (RCC) shelf.■The single-antenna Test Radio Switch Panel (TRSP) is replaced with the multiple-antenna TRSP), suitable for supporting CDMA radio testing.■CAT boards remain in the host cell and SCT boards are installed in the CDMA Adjunct.■Unused DFIs in the Small Cell’s Radio Control Complex and Channel Service Unit slots in the frame are populated as needed for additional CDMA traffic.■The RFG is replaced with the RFTG. New cables are added to:■Bring the GPS input from the CDMA Adjunct to the RFTG  Notch/CascadeCRTU & RFEnvironmental EqptDC DistributionTxAmps&PowerCDMARadioComplex
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 5-7Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small Cells■Deliver the 15 MHz reference frequency and 1 second clock pulse from the RFTG to the CDMA Adjunct■Connect Transmit (Tx) and Receive (Rx) signals from the CDMA Radio Test Unit module (CRTUm) in the CDMA Adjunct to the Radio Test Unit control board in the host cell■Control the CRTUm.When there are no transmit amplifiers in the CDMA Adjunct, it uses the transmit power amplifier located in the host cell. When the CDMA Adjunct contains its own amplifier, the allowable number of amplifiers varies from 1 to 3 based on the number of sectors in the cell.The CDMA Adjunct uses the facilities interfaces provided in the host cell to communicate with the MSC. In other words, the CDMA Adjunct uses the DFI and DS1 lines that are in the host cell or connected to the host cell. The CDMA Adjunct and the host cell share a common TDM Bus (installed "red stripe up"). Therefore, the DFI and Cell Site Unit boards needed to support CDMA traffic do not reside in the CDMA Adjunct frame. Because the host cell RCC already has enough slots to house the number of DFI boards needed to support the additional CDMA traffic, and because there is sufficient mounting space elsewhere in the host for the Cell Site to support both the analog and digital traffic, no mounting space for these items is required in the CDMA Adjunct. As shown in Table 5-2, the Series IIm (Minicell) supports up to 3 DS1s. Because Series IIm (Minicell) has at most 21 voice channels and 2 data links (assuming analog radios), there are up to 49 DS0s available for CDMA. As shown in Table 5-2, Series IImm (Microcell) supports up to 11 DS1s. Because Series IImm (Microcell) has at most 63 voice channels and 2 data links (assuming analog radios), there are up to 199 DS0s available for CDMA.Table 5-2. CDMA Adjunct Line ConnectionsSeries IIm (Minicell) Series IImm(Microcell)  3 DS1s  11 DS1s21 Voice Channels  63 Voice Channels  2 Data Links (analog radios)   2 Data Links(analog radios)49 DS0s 199 DS0s
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page5-8 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsDimensions and WeightThe nominal dimensions of the CDMA Adjunct Frame are 75" H x 30" W x 30" D. The nominal weight of the CDMA Adjunct Frame less than or equal to1000 pounds.Physical Appearance of the CDMA AdjunctThe physical design and appearance of the CDMA Adjunct Frame is similar in size, color, and markings to the following members of the CDMA Minicell product family: MiniPrimary, MiniGrowth, and MiniAntenna Interface.CDMA Adjunct Physical Positioning and External EquipmentCDMA Adjunct Frame LineUpThe CDMA Adjunct is a single frame. Therefore its allowable frame lineup is just 1 frame. This frame is added to a Series IIm (Minicell) or Series IImm (Microcell) frame lineup that can consist of 1 to 3 frames. Although the CDMA Adjunct is just a single frame, it supports several configurations. The frame lineup shown in Figure 5-3 does not necessarily show the exact placement of frames within a particular lineup; it is only intended to list the number of frames required. Frame electrical design drawings give the relative frame locations within each lineup.Figure 5-3. CDMA Adjunct Frame LineUpThe CDMA Adjunct to small cells is a single frame of equipment for all supported configurations. Regardless of the number of sectors in the host cell, there is only 1 CDMA Adjunct Frame associated with each host cell. The CDMA Adjunct does not include any auxiliary frames of equipment needed to power the CDMA Adjunct or to provide battery backup; these must be supplied independently. Series II mor SII mm( 1, 2, or 3Cabinets)CDMAAdjunctFrameSIIm/mmSectorsAdjunctSectorsAdjunctCarriers/Sector1231231 to 311
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 5-9Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsThe CDMA Adjunct Frame supports the following configurations:■1 Sector, 1 to 3 Carriers per Sector■2 Sectors, 1 Carrier per Sector ■3 Sectors, 1 Carrier per SectorThe configurations relative to the Series IIm/mm sectors are shown in Table 5-3.The current Series IIm (Minicell) and Series IImm (Microcell) cells do not support omnidirectional cells with more than 2 transmit antennas, thus setting the limitation above for an omnidirectional, 2 carrier CDMA Adjunct configuration. If a Series IIm (Minicell) or Series IImm (Microcell) configuration with three transmit antennas becomes available, then the CDMA Adjunct will be expected to support it.The CDMA Adjunct Frame is equipped with the same number of sectors as its host cell. Because the CDMA Adjunct must use the antennas of the host cell, it must have the same configuration as the host cell. Series IIm (Minicell) and Series IImm (Microcell) are available in 1-sector, 2- sector, or 3-sector configurations, where the 1-sector configuration may have 360° of coverage. Therefore, the CDMA Adjunct is available in 1- sector, 2- sector, and 3-sector configurations. This availability does not permit multiple directional CDMA sectors to be added to an omnidirectional (1-sector) host cell.External Equipment Supported by the CDMA AdjunctThe CDMA Adjunct Frame provides a termination for an external GPS antenna. The GPS antenna cable terminates at an RFTG.CDMA Adjunct Antenna ConnectionsThe CDMA Adjunct connects to antennas that reside in the host Series IIm (Minicell) or Series IImm (Microcell) cell. Each radio in the CDMA Adjunct requires access to 1 Transmit (Tx) port and 2 Receive (Rx) ports in the host cell. The CDMA Antenna Connections are shown in.Table 5-3. Frame Equipage TableSeries IIm/mmSectors CDMA AdjunctSectors CDMA AdjunctCarriers per Sector1 1 1 to 32 2             13 3             1
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page5-10 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsFigure 5-4. CDMA Adjunct Antenna ConnectionsCDMA Adjunct to Host Cell Inter-frame Hardware InterfacesThe host cell does not supply power to the CDMA Adjunct. The CDMA Adjunct accepts only DC as its power source; it does not operate directly from AC power. The CDMA Adjunct does not have a direct connection to the DS-1 or E1 lines that go to the MSC; it accesses these facilities through its TDM Bus connection to the host cell.Also, note that the Transmit (Tx) cables that connect the CDMA Adjunct to the input of the amplifier in a Series IImm (Microcell) may be a smaller size than the Transmit (Tx) cables that connect the CDMA Adjunct to the transmit input of a duplex filter panel.Figure 5-5 shows the physical interfaces to the CDMA Adjunct. The CDMA Adjunct’s external interfaces are listed below:■Input cable from the GPS antenna■Output cable to connect the GPS signal to the host cell■3 RF transmit cables connected to the host cell (1 antenna per supported sector)■External source of nominal 24 Volts DC power■3 RF Receive cables to support Diversity 0 (1 antenna per supported sector)BCRCDMA Tx Ampl.TxRx0Rx1CDMA AdjunctGPSSIIm or SIImmDuplex FilterPanelDuplex FilterPanelTx1/Rx1Tx0/Rx0SIIm/mm TxAmpl.Tx0Tx1Rx1Rx0~ 7 dB~ 7 dB
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 5-11Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small Cells■TDM Bus (with "red stripe up") supplied from the host cell■Alarm cable connected to the host cell to report alarms■3 RF receive cables to support diversity 1 (1 antenna per supported sector)■CRTU control interface cable from the host cell■Transmit (Tx) cable connected to the Radio Test Unit Control Board in the host cell■Receive (Rx) cable connected to the Radio Test Unit Control Board in the host cell■1 second clock pulse cable from the RFTG in the host cell■15 MHz RFTG output to the host cell. Figure 5-5. CDMA Adjunct Frame External InterfacesRF Distribution Paths Transmit PathsDirect Connections to Filter Panels in the Host Cell 0The transmit path for each sector served by a CDMA Adjunct is connected at a high RF power level to Series IIm (Minicell) or to Series IImm (Microcell) through duplex filter panels in the host cell. Figure 5-6 shows the complete CDMA Adjunct transmit path with direct connections to duplex filter panels in the host cell.■1 CDMA radio for each CDMA carrier■1 Transmit Amplifier for each CDMA carrier■Interconnecting Cables     Cellular    CDMA    AdjunctPowerTDM BusAlarms1 to 3 Tx Signals1 to 3 Rx0 Signals1 to 3 Rx1 Signals15 MHz RFTGm InputCRTUmControl Tx & Rx from CRTUmto RCB1 sec. clock pulseGPS signal from ant.GPS signal to host
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page5-12 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small Cells■Duplex filter panels to provide transmit access to the host cell’s Receive Diversity 1 Antenna (Rx Div 1).■Notch and Cascade filter for the B-Band Transmit Filter Assembly.■Duplex Filter Panel is for the A-Band Receive Filter AssemblyFigure 5-6. CDMA Adjunct/Host Cell Transmit PathThe above applies to single sector cells with 1 or 2 CDMA carriers. Therefore, when 2 CDMA carriers are used, 2 transmit amplifiers and 2 distinct filter panels for the CDMA transmit inputs must be provided. All transmit filter panels, simplex or duplex, are located within the host cell; thus, they are not required in the CDMA Adjunct. However, they must be accounted for when determining the overall CDMA transmit link budget.The transmit amplifier has an output power rating sufficient for the CDMA downlink RF coverage area to equal or exceed to that of the host cell’s downlink AMPS coverage area. This allows the cell to serve the existing AMPS coverage area with acceptable quality CDMA service. Therefore, the AMPS and CDMA coverage areas are consistent.The transmit path loss from the output of the transmit amplifier in the CDMA Adjunct to the Transmit (Tx) output port of the host cell’s filter panel does not exceed 3.5 dB. Note that this implies an allowable range for the loss of the RF cable between the CDMA Adjunct and the Transmit (Tx) filter panel in the host cell. BasebandCombinerRadioTxAmpl.TransmitFilterReceiveFilterDir. Cplr.Tx/RxNote: SIIm & SIImm use identical duplex filter panel components, but differentmounting hardware; therefore, the adjunct transmit paths are electrically thesame, except for the gain setting of the transmit amplifier in the adjunct.CDMA Adjunct Host Cell
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 5-13Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsIf the transmit amplifier’s gain adjustment range is insufficient to work with both Series IIm (Minicell) and Series IImm (Microcell) when the Baseband Combiner Radio is adjusted for full power output, then the Baseband Combiner Radio output may need to be attenuated for the Series IImm (Microcell) application. This approach retains the full range of Baseband Combiner Radio output power adjustment for power control.Direct Connections to a Series IImm (Microcell) Host Cell 0The transmit path for each sector served by a CDMA Adjunct, connected to Series IImm (Microcell) through the low level input of the Series IImm (Microcell) transmit amplifier, contains:■A CDMA radio for each CDMA carrier■Interconnecting cables. NOTE:This implementation cannot be used when a CDPD CDMA Adjunct is present because the CDPD CDMA Adjunct must use the amplifier’s low level input port. When it is used, the available output power of the transmit amplifier must be partitioned between the analog and the CDMA channels.Also, Series IIm (Minicell) cannot support this implementation because Series IIm (Minicell) employs narrow band, high power, auto-tuned cavity combiners that cannot pass the nominal 1.23 Megahertz CDMA signal. Figure 5-7 shows the complete CDMA Adjunct Transmit Path With Direct Connections to the Input of the Transmit (Tx) Amplifier in a Series IImm (Microcell), including both the CDMA Adjunct and the Series IImm (Microcell) cell.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page5-14 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsFigure 5-7. Series IImm (Microcell)/CDMA Adjunct Transmit (Tx) Path Using Series IImm (Microcell) AmplifierReceive Paths 0The receive path between the CDMA Adjunct and the host cell is the same for both Series IIm (Minicell) and Series IImm (Microcell).Figure 5-8 shows a complete receive path, including both the CDMA Adjunct and the host. The receive path for each sector served by the CDMA Adjunct contains:■1 CDMA radio with 2 Diversity Receive (Rx) inputs for each CDMA carrier.■Interconnecting Cables and RF Combiners and Splitters.■An attenuator to provide signal strength to the CDMA Adjunct radio (BCR) that is identical to that of the RCU.Path Using SIImm Amplifier21:1 2:1AMPSRadio Coupler TransmitAmplifierTxCDMA AdjunctPart of SIImm Equipment50 OhmsBasebandCombinerRadioTo TxAntennaTxFilter
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 5-15Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small Cells Figure 5-8. CDMA Adjunct/Host Cell Receive PathsThere are other RF splitters downstream of the 1:6 splitter in the host cell. However, the exact value of these downstream splitters has no effect on the receive path gain from the antenna in the host cell to the CDMA radio in the CDMA Adjunct.All receive filter panels, which include low noise preamplifiers, are located within the host cell; thus, they are not required in the CDMA Adjunct. However, the gain and noise figure of the receive panels must be accounted for in determining the gain and noise figure to allocate to the equipment in the CDMA Adjunct. The host CellularAdjunct/Host Cell Receive PathsTransmitFilterReceiveFilterDir. Cplr.: Only 1 diversity path is shown.ebandbinerioPreampDuplex Filter Panel1:NSplitterTo RCUsTo CDPD AdjunctTx0/RRx0AttenuatorCDMA Adjunct Host CellTable 5-4. The following values apply to Figure 5-8Series IIm Series IImN (Splitter outputs in host)       6       6Nominal Attenuation (in CDMA Adjunct) 7 dB 7 dB
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page5-16 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small Cellscell must contain duplex transmit/receive filter panels to support the CDMA Adjunct. If the cell has only simplex receive and transmit panels, the panels must be replaced with duplex panels. Receive Path Gain and Noise Figure 0Because the CDMA Adjunct contains the same CDMA radio as the CDMA Minicell, it is designed for the same noise figure and for the same range of receive signal input as the CDMA Minicell. However, the receive path of the CDMA Adjunct differs from the receive path of the CDMA Minicell in one important aspect. The CDMA Adjunct’s receive path consists of an attenuator in the CDMA Adjunct itself, plus a 1:N splitter in the common part of the receive path in the host cell. The components in the host cell are not changed because host cells are already in the field. Therefore, all components necessary to make the receive path gain of the interconnected CDMA Adjunct and host cell match that of the CDMA Minicell were added to the CDMA Adjunct.The major components in the receive path are the receive preamplifier, the receive filter, miscellaneous RF dividers and directional couplers, the radio, and the interconnecting cables.The receive path gain measured from the antenna input of the duplex filter panel in the host cell to one diversity input of the baseband combiner radio in the CDMA Adjunct is 23 ± 3 dB.The noise figure measured from the antenna input of the duplex filter panel in the host cell to one diversity input of the baseband combiner radio is 5.5 dB or less at midband.The receive path gain and noise figure of the total path, consisting of some components in the host cell and other components in the CDMA Adjunct, are equal to the values that are acceptable for the CDMA Minicell.Radio Testing Radio Test PathsThe CDMA Adjunct maintenance strategy uses the units below:■CDMA Radio Test Unit module (CRTUm)■CDMA Radio Test Unit interface (CRTUi)■Test Radio Switch Panel (TRSP). These units will be jointly referred to as CRTUm/CRTUi/TRSP. The TRSP is illustrated in Figure 5-9. The CRTUm resides in the CDMA Adjunct. The CRTUi resides in the small cell controller of the host cell. The TRSP also resides in the Host Cell. The CRTUm in the CDMA Adjunct is controlled by the CRTUi in the Host Cell over an RS-422 interface link.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 5-17Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsThe CDMA Adjunct provides an RF Test Signal Distribution Circuit that consists of 2 parts:1. Test the components in every diversity receive path2. Test the components in every transmit path.The circuit provides all the components needed to test any of the CDMA Adjunct configurations.The receive transmit test path in the CDMA Adjunct is designed so that no software changes from Series II cell tests are necessary. The CDMA Adjunct is tested using the Series II functional and diagnostic software. The test path losses are within the range tolerable by this software so that no changes are necessary.The CDMA Adjunct is capable of testing both simplex and duplex antenna configurations. Duplex configurations require additional transmit/receive separation circuitry for the TRSP. This capability is provided by a combiner/divider on the duplex filter panel.The CDMA Adjunct is capable of testing both diversity receive paths. Each diversity receive path is tested, though not simultaneously. The TRSP is switched between the diversity receive paths to connect each one to the test radio RF ports.The CDMA Adjunct does not provide for the testing of analog or TDMA radios. When the CDMA Adjunct is used with a Series IIm (Minicell) or Series IImm (Microcell) host cell, the host cell tests the analog radios, and no TDMA radios may be equipped.All unused RF ports in the test circuitry are terminated with 50 Ohm loads.CDMA Adjunct Testing Hardware ConnectionsThis section describes the hardware connections needed to execute functional and diagnostic tests related to the CDMA radios in the CDMA Adjunct. All the hardware associated with testing the CDMA radio, except for the radio itself and the CRTUm, is located in the host cell. Figure 5-9 is a high level sketch of the Test Radio Switch Panel (TRSP), located in the host cell, that is used to perform the CDMA radio tests. This switch panel is the same one currently used in the CDMA Minicell. AMPS test connections are made directly to the test ports, while CDMA test connections require external RF combiners and splitters for some configurations.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page5-18 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsFigure 5-9. Test Radio Switch Panel (TRSP)For CDMA testing the Test Radio Switch Panel (TRSP) in the host cell is able to switch each of the incident transmit input ports to the test radio; these ports cannot be combined into a single signal. If all incident Transmit (Tx) signals from independent sectors were combined, and they contained multiple CDMA signals using the same RF carrier, the CRTU could not uniquely determine which carrier to synchronize to. This restriction precludes using the existing small cell Test Radio Switch Panel (TRSP). Nevertheless, when there are multiple CDMA carriers, all at the same frequency, serving the same sector (e.g. a multi-carrier omnidirectional configuration), these carriers at the same RF frequency must be combined to permit CDMA testing. This is accomplished with RF combiners external to the Test Radio Switch Panel (TRSP) for CDMA inputs only. These combiners are not required for sectorized cells with one CDMA carrier serving each sector. No combiners are used on any test ports that are associated only with AMPS signals so that existing AMPS test software and its pass/fail thresholds remain unchanged when the CDMA Adjunct is installed.The incident Transmit (Tx) test ports of all antennas serving CDMA traffic, that are radiating into the same sector, at the same RF frequency are combined via an RF From 1 to 6 TxIncident PortsFrom 1 to3 Rx0Incident Ports*From 1 to3 Rx1Incident Ports** Small cells allow only 3sets of diversity antennas,so all 6 ports are neverused.From 1 to 6 TxReflected PortsFrom 1 to3Rx0ReflectedPorts*From 1 to3 Rx1Reflected Ports*1:71:71:7RTU Switch PanelRIRIRIR1R0 To CRTU Rx via RCBTo CRTU Tx via RCB
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 5-19Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small Cellscombiner external to the Test Radio Switch Panel (TRSP). The common output of that combiner is connected to only one Transmit (Tx) incident port of the Test Radio Switch Panel (TRSP). So, even though CDMA may require 2 Transmit (Tx) antennas to serve a common sector, only one Test Radio Switch Panel (TRSP) port for Transmit (Tx) incident is used on the Test Radio Switch Panel (TRSP). Thus, an omnidirectional host cell with a two-carrier CDMA Adjunct (where each carrier is at the same RF frequency) needs 2 Transmit (Tx) incident port connections to the Radio Test Unit (RTU).Transm it Amplifiers The CDMA Adjunct previously supported only the Transmit Power Amplifier (TPA). In CDMA release 6.0, the TPA for CDMA Minicells has been replaced with the Enhanced TPA. The Enhanced TPA improves CDMA Minicell Call Processing and Operations, Administration & Maintenance and Performance. Its installation, however, does not alter the functionality of the CDMA Cellular Minicell.The enhanced High-power TPA (HTPA) is identical in function to its predecessor except that it is more resistant to thermal stress and therefore more environmentally adaptable. The power constant for an HTPA amplifier is 0.0001834, which increases the maximum power to 9 Watts. This change affects the ceqcom2 form, in which the maximum power allowed in the form is also 9 Watts. Additionally, the following RC/V error message is generated for out of range values:"The Max Pwr of a BBA assigned to an HTPA LAC must be 0.5 - 9.0 watts."The Enhanced TPA can be equipped on one Physical Antenna Face (PAF) or all PAFs.The alarm signals for the transmit power amplifier are software compatible with those of the Series II Cell Site’s Modular Linear Amplifier Circuits (MLACs).The CDMA Adjunct obtains its receive signal inputs from the host cell’s Receive (Rx) antennas and the associated RF distribution from the antenna. The Series IIm (Minicell) and Series IImm (Microcell) cells were designed to have sufficient receive ports to do this. Figure 5-10 is a sketch of the receive path connections between the host cell and the CDMA Adjunct. Neither Figure 5-10 or Figure 5-11 are intended to show complete interconnection details.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page5-20 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsFigure 5-10. CDMA Adjunct Receiver PathsThe CDMA Adjunct is capable of sharing the host cell’s duplexed Transmit (Tx) antennas on a per-sector basis, and it is also capable of using a simplex Transmit (Tx) antenna in the host cell on a per-sector basis. Because the CDMA Adjunct contains no filters, except for cascade and notch filters, the CDMA Adjunct can not support its own antennas; it must use the antennas of the host cell. Figure 5-11 is a sketch of this implementation of the transmit path interconnection between the Series IIm (Minicell) host cell and the CDMA Adjunct.Input Voltage and Power The CDMA Adjunct is powered independently of the host cell and can only be powered from a +24 Volt DC (+24 VDC) source.Duplex FilterPanel  01:6DividerRCURx0Rx1Tx0/Rx0 Tx1/Rx1Tx2BasebandCombinerRadioRx0Rx1Note: Only 1 sector is shown, othersectors are similar.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 5-21Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small Cells  Figure 5-11. CDMA Transmit Path (Smm Only)Environmental, Safety, and Handling RequirementsEnvironmental requirements: The conditions under which the equipment must operate. Safety requirements: How the equipment affects the well-being of personnel who operate the equipment or who are in its vicinity                                                         Handling requirements: How the equipment survives the rigors of shipping and storage. The specifications that follow call for the CDMA Adjunct to meet the same environmental, safety, and handling requirements as the host cell to which it is connected.Environmental RequirementsThe 3 basic environments in which the equipment can operate are listed below. Because the environment is defined from the viewpoint of the equipment, an external environment, as seen by the equipment, does not necessarily imply that the equipment is outdoors.External controlled environment: An environment in which the equipment is located inside a building that has its own heating and air conditioning systems to control the temperature and humidity to which the equipment is subjected.                              External uncontrolled environment: An environment in which the equipment is located outdoors with no heating or cooling equipment provided externally.                        Internal environment: The environment inside the equipment; does not necessarily imply that equipment is indoors.BasebandCombinerRadioCDMA Adjunct [no antennas]RCUTx0 Rx1Rx0SIImmNote: Only 1 sector is shown, other sectorsare similar.Small CellTx Amp.N:1M:1Dir. Cplr.for CDPD CDMA Tx
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page5-22 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsExternal Controlled EnvironmentThe CDMA Adjunct designated for use in an external controlled environment (commonly assumed to be an "indoor" environment) meets its performance requirements under the environmental conditions shown in Table 5-5.The basic environmental conditions apply for steady state operation. The short term environmental conditions apply for not more than 72 consecutive hours, and not more than 15 days per year.External Uncontrolled EnvironmentCDMA Adjunct designated for use in an external uncontrolled environment (commonly assumed to be an "outdoor" environment) meets its performance requirements under the environmental conditions shown in Table 5-6..The basic environmental conditions apply for steady state operation.Internal EnvironmentThe environmental control system within the CDMA Adjunct is designed such that all components operate within a safe temperature and humidity range and satisfy all performance and reliability requirements when the frame is subjected to the external environmental conditions given in Table 5-6.Safety Requirements Lightning Protection and Grounding 0A ring ground arrangement as described in Customer Information Bulletin (CIB) 148 is installed and all the CDMA Adjunct frames are connected to it.Table 5-5. CDMA Adjunct External Controlled Environment SpecificationsControlledEnvironmental Range Temperature, deg. C Relative Humidity,Non-Condensing Altitude, FeetAbove Sea LevelBasic Range +4.5 deg. C to +38 deg. C 20% to 55% -200 ft. to +10,000 ft.Short Term Range  + 2 deg. C to +49deg. C  0% to 80% -200 ft. to +10,000 ft.Table 5-6. CDMA Adjunct External Uncontrolled Environment SpecificationsControlledEnvironmental Range Temperature, deg. C Relative Humidity,Non-CondensingAltitude, FeetAbove Sea LevelBasic Range -40 deg. C to +46 deg. C 5% to 95% -200 ft. to +10,000 ft.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 5-23Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsAll equipment that ultimately interfaces with an RF antenna will not be damaged or degraded by 10 strikes of an input surge waveform of 8 x 20 microseconds duration, 20 kilovolts open circuit voltage, and 10 kilo-amperes maximum current capacity applied at the frame RF antenna interface connector. The equipment has the same level of protection typically used for equipment located outdoors with direct connections to towers and long facility feeders (see ANSI-C62.41).All equipment that ultimately interfaces with the input DC power feeders and the user alarm interface is protected from lightning strike, except that 500 volt/500 amperes surge values apply. All equipment that ultimately interfaces with the facilities input and the RS-422 amplifier alarm interface, when connected to transmit amplifiers in either the Linear Amplifier or External Transmit Amplifier Frames, is also protected from lightning strikes.UL and Cell Site A The CDMA Adjunct complies with UL 1950, 3rd edition, and with Cell Site A-C22.2 approval guidelines. The CDMA Adjunct as a whole is UL listed and its components is UL recognized.Electromagnetic Compatibility FCC regulations in "Code of Federal Regulations, Telecommunications", Part 15, Subpart C, and Part 22, Subpart K, published by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, 1992, is satisfied by each CDMA Minicell product; and the CDMA Adjunct complies with Part 15, Subpart C as a Class B device. Compliance with part 15 as a Class B device means that the product could be installed in a residential environment.The CDMA Adjunct has interfaces to other frames and circuits in an actual installation. FCC testing was done with terminations that best represent the actual operating environment that the given product will experience. Because the CDMA Adjunct is part of a system that also includes Series IIm (Minicell) or Series IImm (Microcell) cabinets, the effects of that system on the CDMA Adjunct’s performance was accounted for in the product test.Electromagnetic emission and susceptibility requirements in IS-56B is satisfied by the CDMA Adjunct. Electrostatic DischargeThe CDMA Adjunct is designed to have a reliability of no more than 5900 failures in 109 hours. Because the CDMA Adjunct is similar to a MiniPrimary Frame without a Radio Control Complex, its reliability is that of the frame, after subtracting the failure rate allocation for filters and for the Radio Control Complex.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page5-24 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular CDMA Adjunct to Small CellsSuggested DFI and DS-1 Configurations for use with the CDMA AdjunctThe following table shows some possible assignment of DFIs and DS1s that minimize the effects of a single DFI or DS1 failure on the combined traffic handling capacity of the host cell plus the CDMA Adjunct. Other assignments may accomplish the same end. There may be other possible assignments.  Table 5-7. Suggested DFI and DS-1 Configurations for use with CDMA AdjunctFacilitiesConfigurations DFI-1 DFI-2 DFI-3 CommentsDS1-A DS1-B DS1-A DS1-B DS1-A DS1-B1 DFI, 1 DS1 DL-0, DL-1 Loss of1 DFI or1 DS1 causes total loss of serviceAMPS  AMPS  AMPS CDMA  CDMA  CDMA  1 DFI, 2 DS1 DL-0 DL-1 Loss of1 DFI causes total loss of service. Loss of1 DS1 maintains at least 1 technology on each sector.AMPS   CDMA  AMPS   CDMA CDMA   AMPS 2 DFI, 2 DS1 DL-0 DL-1 Loss of1 DFI or1 DS1 maintains at least 1 technology on each sector.AMPS   CDMA  AMPS   CDMA  CDMA   AMPS 2 DFI, 4 DS1 DL-0 AMPS   DL-1 CDMA  Loss of1 DFI or1 DS1 maintains at least 1 technology on each sector.AMPS   CDMA   CDMA AMPS 3 DFI, 3 DS1 DL-0 DL-1 Loss of1 DFI or1 DS1 maintains at least 1 technology on each sector.AMPS  AMPS  AMPS CDMA  CDMA  CDMA 3 DFI, 3 DS1 DL-0 CDMA  DL-1 CDMA AMPS  CDMA Loss of 1 DFI or1 DS1 maintains at least 1 technology on each sector.AMPS AMPS αβγαβγααββγγααββγγββαγαγαβγγαββαβγαγ
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Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 6-16Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)Contents■Contents 6-1■CDPD Overview 6-3Interfaces 6-3Transmit (Tx) 6-4Diversity Receive (Rx) 6-4Channel Assignment, Hopping Versus Dedicated Channel 6-4Sectorized Setup Versus Omni 6-4Linear Amplifier Circuits (LACs), per Sector, which CDPD Will Sniff 6-4LACs, per Sector, which CDPD Will Transmit 6-5Channels per Sector 6-5T1 Multiplexer 6-6Typical Configurations 6-6Hardware 6-8Combiner Network Assembly KS21604, L23 6-94:1 Combiner KS21604, L22 6-9LAC Splitter Network KS21604, L24 6-9Detailed Diagrams of Supported Configurations 6-10
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page6-2 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)Grounding and Lightning Protection 6-23Related Documentation 6-23
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 6-3Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)CDPD OverviewCDPD interfaces with the Series II Cell Site to provide wireless data services through a commercial public mobile data communications network. CDPD provides this data communication in a manner that routes each data packet individually, based on the destination address carried in the packet and the knowledge of current network topology. CDPD also allows for multiple destination data (multicasting) packets on a single channel. External packet data equipment is able to access the Cell Site Radio Frequency (RF) transmission and reception paths when the CDPD feature is enabled by a "Feature Activation File" (FAF) entry. Functional and diagnostic tests will not work properly unless the feature is enabled and the appropriate new translations are entered for the cell. New Cell Site hardware (6-port LAF combiner) interfaces the packet data equipment to the Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC) for amplification and transmission of the packet data signal. The CDPD equipment samples the Cell Site radio transmitter signals to detect any packet data that may be transmitted over the normal cellular RF frequencies. The CDPD detector monitors Cell Site radio channel activity to prevent packet data radios from simultaneously using the same channel as a voice Cell Site radio. Interfaces Series II systems configured with CDPD all share some basic connections see Figure 6-1 However, Since Series II systems have many variations, the corresponding CDPD system has variations as well. The parameters that may be different for each system and contribute to differing Series II/CDPD hardware configurations are described in the following paragraphs. Figure 6-1. Series II CDPD ConnectionsTo T1 facilities DS1SIITXRX0RX1 (optional)SNIFF (optional)Alarms (optional)DS0Interface PanelCDPDT1 Mux(Add/Drop)Series II CDPDT1 MUX(ADD/
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page6-4 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)Transmit (Tx)All Series II CDPD systems are configured such that the CDPD transmit signal is amplified by the Series II Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC). Diversity Receive (Rx)The standard Series II/CDPD system uses receive diversity (connections from two independent receive paths) for improved performance. If only a signal receive antenna is available, the second CDPD receive input must be properly terminated. Channel Assignment, Hopping Versus Dedicated ChannelCDPD may be implemented on Series II either with sniffing and hopping or on a fixed channel. The sniffing and hopping configuration allows CDPD to use channels assigned to the Cell Site when they are idle, thereby providing much more CDPD capacity during off-peak Cell Site radio usage. This configuration requires a sniff connection. A dedicated channel configuration always provides CDPD capacity, even if all Cell Site channels are in use, as may be the case during peak usage hours. This configuration does not require a sniff connection. A combination of the two may be used if more than one CDPD radio is in service. Sectorized Setup Versus OmniSectorized setup more preferable than omni, because it requires no additional hardware to support CDPD sniffing. Omni setup is supported, but it requires combining the omni setup transmission path with each of the other sector transmission paths. This is necessary for two reasons:1. Setup radio diagnostics use idle voice channels to conduct tests; when the omni path is combined and made available to the CDPD sniffer, CDPD will not interfere with the setup radio diagnostics2. Sniffer diagnostics require the setup channel for measurement purposes. A 4:1 combiner is used to support these diagnostics. This combiner may also be used to support sniffing on multiple Linear Amplifier Circuits (LACs) (see next paragraph). Linear Amplifier Circuits (LACs), per Sector, which CDPD Will SniffThe most basic CDPD system that supports hopping will sniff only one Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC) on each sector. This configuration requires one direct connection on each sector between the Series II sniff port and the CDPD sniff port
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 6-5Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)on the Mobile Data Base Station (MDBS) Interface Panel (except for cells with omni setup, which require a combiner in the path).Series II systems with more than one LAC per sector will support sniff combining on up to four LACs (three if omni setup is used), thereby providing a larger selection of channels to the CDPD and increased CDPD capacity. This configuration requires a combiner (a 4:1 is provided) between the Series II sniff ports and CDPD sniff port. However, combining sniff ports is beneficial only if there is ample excess power (headroom) on the LAC selected as the CDPD transmit amplifier. This LAC must have enough headroom available to amplify all the CDPD radios connected to the LAC in addition to the Cell Site radios already on the LAC. For example, if all Cell Site channels are in use on LAC 1 and CDPD selects a channel typically used by the Cell Site on LAC 2, then the first LAC must have enough power to supply all of its Cell Site radio channels plus one more for CDPD. For Series II systems with more than one LAC per sector and no headroom on LACs, CDPD should be configured to sniff on one LAC only. This LAC must be the same one that amplifies the setup channel. The setup channel must be available to be measured by CDPD sniffer diagnostics. LACs, per Sector, which CDPD Will TransmitAll CDPD system configurations transmit packet data through only one Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC) on each sector. If CDPD is sniffing and hopping among channels that are normally transmitted on this LAC, total power required from this LAC is unchanged from normal Cell Site radio operation. If CDPD is sniffing and hopping among channels that are not normally transmitted on this LAC, CDPD may be transmitted through either of the LACs, so long as sufficient power is available from the LAC to handle the additional CDPD radios. Channels per SectorThe must basic CDPD system will have one CDPD radio per sector. Series II will support up to four CDPD radios per sector via the addition of 4:1 combiners and dividers in the transmit, receive, and sniff paths. More channels provide more capacity as long as a sufficient number of radio channels are idle and available to CDPD. Alarm Support 0The CDPD equipment provides two normally open alarm contacts. These may be optionally connected to the Cell Site Alarm Interface Module.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page6-6 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)T1 MultiplexerThe standard Series II CDPD system multiplexes the CDPD DS0 connection (V.35 interface) onto one of the DS1 (Digital Signal - Level 1) trunks supporting Series II via a Lucent Technologies Paradyne T1 multiplexer (Model 3160). Customers may optionally provide their own T1 multiplexer equipment. One DS0 line running at 56 kbps will support one MDBS transceiver bank with up to 6 CDPD channels. the combined data rate from 6 CDPD channels will typically be less than 56 kbps. In cases where all channels are in use and transmitting at near maximum capacity, the MDBS will throttle back throughput to fit in 56 kbps. When redundancy is supported (CDPD software Release 1.0 and beyond), two or three DS0 lines may be used to support one MDBS transceiver bank with up to 6 CDPD channels. Typi cal Configurations Some typical Series II/ CDPD configurations are shown in the figures contained in this section. In each case, only one sector is shown; all other sectors are identical. Figure 6-2. One CDPD Channel per Sector4:1 9:1LAFCombinerNetworkAssemblySNIFF TXLACpre-amp LACfrom omni setupor other LACSon same sector4:1(opt.)TX Filter TestCouplerTX6:1 RX Filter TestCoupler4:1 9:14:1 9:1 6:1 RX Filter TestCouplerRX0RX1Pads Interface PanelMODEMXCVR TXRX0RX1SNIFFTXRX0RX1RCURCFMDBSOriginal SII EquipmentCDPD EquipmentAIF
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 6-7Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)Figure 6-3. Two to Four CDPD Channels per Sector4:1 9:1LAFCombinerNetworkAssemblySNIFF TXLACpre-amp LACfrom omni setupor other LACSon same sector4:1(opt.)TX Filter TestCouplerTX6:1 RX Filter TestCoupler4:1 9:14:1 9:1 6:1 RX Filter TestCouplerRX0RX1Interface PanelMODEMXCVR TXRX0RX1SNIFFTXRX0RX1RCURCFMDBSOriginal SII EquipmentCDPD EquipmentAIFPad4:1 Combiner/DividersPad (opt.)MODEMXCVR TXRX0RX1SNIFF
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page6-8 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)Figure 6-4. CDPD with Omni SetupHardware The hardware required to interface with external packet data equipment is available as either a kit purchased and installed when the packet data feature is enabled for an existing cell or as part of a Series II configuration ordered directly from the factory (see Figure 6-5). The new hardware kits support Cell Site configurations that employ the Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC) in the forward transmit path, up to the following maximum configurations: ■Directional setup cells with up to six directional voice sectors ■Omnidirectional setup cells with up to three directional voice sectors 4:1 9:1LAFCombinerNetworkAssemblySNIFF TXLACpre-amp LAC4:1(opt.)TX Filter TestCouplerTX6:1 RX Filter TestCoupler4:1 9:14:1 9:1 6:1 RX Filter TestCouplerRX0RX1TXRX0RX1RCF AIF4:14:14:1TXRX0RX1Voice SectorVoiceRCUSetupRCU9:1LAFOmni LACSplitterNetworkLACpre-amp LAC TX Filter TestCouplerTX6:1 RX Filter TestCoupler9:19:1 6:1 RX Filter TestCouplerRX0RX1AIFfrom other LACSon same sectorto sniff combiners on up to 2 more sectorsOmni Setup Sector
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 6-9Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)■Configurations with up to four LACs per sector. Dual server groups are not supported by CDPD. When CDPD is installed in a dual-server group cell, CDPD should be assigned to channels in the outer server group. These same frequencies will service CDPD in the inner server group area.  New components used in the CDPD hardware interface are described below. Combiner Network Assembly KS21604, L23The Combiner Network Assembly in the Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF) replaces the existing 3:1 combiner in the Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC) input path. It is required for each LAC whose frequencies are available for packet data calls. The Combiner Network Assembly and its connections to the CDPD equipment include sniff, transmit, and modem-transceiver receive functions.Up to three Radio Frequency (RF) signals from the radios in the Radio Channel Frames (RCFs) may be applied to input ports 1 through 3 of the Combiner Network Assembly; typically, the three inputs come from the RCF. In the past, a fourth input was used for simulcast setup. However, simulcast setup is no longer supported. The output of RF sensing port 5 is applied to sniffer circuitry in the CDPD equipment to allow detection of active transmitting radios in the RCFs. When an idle frequency is found, the packet data radio may transmit its RF signal through port 6 of the Combiner Network Assembly. The loss from input ports 1 through 4 to output port 7 is the same as the nominal loss of the original 3:1 combiner (middle of the adjustment range). Therefore, output port 7 of the Combiner Network Assembly will provide the same signal level at the LAC preamplifier input for packet data radios, Radio Channel Units (RCUs), Digital Radio Units (DRUs) or Enhanced Digital Radio Units (EDRUs) as does the original LAC combiner it replaces (assuming the same level of inputs for both cases). Minor adjustment of LAC output power level (using the LAC preamplifier trim pot) may be required when packet data equipment is installed. 4:1 Combiner KS21604, L22This combiner is used to support sniffing on up to four Linear Amplifier Circuits (LACs) on the same sector. The sense port of each Combiner Network Assembly is connected to the 4:1 input port (unused ports must be terminated) and the 4:1 output port is connected to the MDBS sniff input port. LAC Splitter Network KS21604, L24This splitter network is only used in configurations with omni setup and directional voice/CDPD sectors. This custom splitter replaces the 3:1 combiner in the omni LAC path and provides the same nominal level at the corresponding output. The remaining three output ports provide the proper levels to interface with the 4:1 sniff combiner.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page6-10 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)Figure 6-5. Functional DiagramDetailed Diagrams of Supported ConfigurationsTable 6-1 lists the Supported Configurations. A detailed diagram is shown for each of the configurations listed in the table.  TO LACPREAMPTXRX0RX1SNIFFPACKET DATAMODEMTRANSCEIVERMDBSINTFCPANELCOMBINERNETWORKASSEMBLYKS21604L23A1 INPUT2 INPUT3 INPUT4 INPUT56CDPDSNIFFCDPDTXFromRCF(s)Via 9:1CombinersFrom SimulcastSetup (if used)FromAIF ReceiveDistributionVia 1:6Splitters7OUTPUTTable 6-1. CDPD Modem Transceiver Configuration per Sector One Modem Transceiver per Sector Directional Setup  Omnidirectional Setup One LAC per sector  One LAC per sectorMultiple LACs per sector-              Sniffing on one LACMultiple LACs per sector-              Sniffing on one LAC
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 6-11Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)Multiple LACs per sector-              Sniffing on multiple LACsMultiple LACs per sector-              Sniffing on multiple LACsMultiple Modem Transceivers per Sector One LAC per sector One LAC per sectorMultiple LACs per sector-               Sniffing on one LACMultiple LACs per sector-               Sniffing on one LACMultiple LACs per sector-              Sniffing on multiple LACs Multiple LACs per sector-               Sniffing on multiple LACsTable 6-1. CDPD Modem Transceiver Configuration per Sector  (Contd)One Modem Transceiver per Sector
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page6-12 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)Figure 6-6. One Modem Transceiver Per Sector, One LAC per Sector -Directional Setup VOICE SECTORLAC12347INTERFACE PANEL MDBSFROMRCFRANSMITCOMBINERNETWORKASSEMBLYSNIFF5TX6TO LACPREAMPFROM AIFRECEIVEDIST. VIA1:6 DIVIDERSFROMSIMULCASTSETUP(IF USED)TXRX0RX1SNIFFMODEMTRANSCEIVER
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 6-13Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)Figure 6-7. One Modem Transceiver per Sector, Multiple LACs per Sector -Sniffing on One LAC - Directional Setup VOICE SECTORLAC12347INTERFACE PANEL MDBSFROMRCFRANSMITCOMBINERNETWORKASSEMBLYSNIFF5TX6LACFROMRCFRANSMITTO LACPREAMPTO LACPREAMPFROM AIFRECEIVEDIST. VIA1:6 DIVIDERSFROMSIMULCASTSETUP(IF USED)EXISTING3:1 COMBINERTXRX0RX1SNIFFMODEMTRANSCEIVER
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page6-18 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)Figure 6-12. Multiple Modem Transceiver per Sector, One LAC per Sector -Directional SetupVOICE SECTORLAC12347INTERFACE PANEL MDBSTXRX0RX1SNIFFFROMRCFRANSMITCOMBINERNETWORKASSEMBLYSNIFF5TX6TO LACPREAMPFROM AIFRECEIVEDIST. VIA1:6 DIVIDERSMODEMTRANSCEIVERTXRX0RX1SNIFFMODEMTRANSCEIVER1:41:41:41:4FROMSIMULCASTSETUP(IF USED)
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 6-23Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)Figure 6-17. Multiple Modem Transceiver per Sector, Multiple LACs per Sector - Sniffing on Multiple LACs - Omnidirectional SetupGrounding and Lightning ProtectionGrounding and lightning protection are provided by connecting the external packet data equipment to the Cell Site's ring ground. Related Documentation Related Cell Site documentation is Lucent Technologies 401-660-101, Cell Diagnostic Tests. Documentation for the CDPD equipment listed in Table  is provided in the following Lucent Technologies documents:VOICE SECTORLAC123474:1INTERFACE PANEL MDBSTXRX0RX1SNIFFFROMRCFRANSMITCOMBINERNETWORKASSEMBLYSNIFF5TX6LACFROMRCFRANSMITLACFROMRCFTRANSMITOMNI SETUP SECTORTO LACPREAMPTO LACPREAMPTO LACPREAMPTO SNIFF COMBINERS ONUP TO 2 MORE SECTORSFROM AIFRECEIVEDIST. VIA1:6 DIVIDERSMODEMTRANSCEIVERTXRX0RX1SNIFFMODEMTRANSCEIVER1:41:41:41:4SNIFFCOMBINERFROMSIMULCASTSETUP(IF USED)12347COMBINERNETWORKASSEMBLYSNIFF5TX6OMNI LACSPLITTERNETWORKTable 6-2. CDPD Documentation Document Number Document Title401-401-100  MDBS Installation Manual 401-401-101  MDBS User's Guide 401-401-102  CDPD Subscriber information Update Guide
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page6-24 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)401-401-110  CDPD MD-IS Operations Manual 401-401-111  CDPD Administration Server Operations Manual 401-401-112 Network Management System User's Guide. 401-401-113 CDPD MD-IS Complex Hardware Reference ManualTable 6-2. CDPD Documentation  (Contd)Document Number Document Title
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Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 7-17Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site Options Contents■Contents 7-1■General 7-2■Series IIe Cell Site 7-4■Compact Base Station (CBS) 7-6CBS Documents 7-7■Series IIm T1/E1 MiniCell 7-8Installing the TRTU and DRU(s) 7-8Installing the T-EDRU and EDRU(s) 7-8Cabinet Descriptions 7-8Series IIm T1/E1 Minicell Documentation 7-8■Series IImm T1/E1 MicroCell 7-9AMPS/TDMA Mix with DRU Radios 7-9AMPS/TDMA Mix with EDRU Radios 7-10Radio Self Power Upgade 7-10Restoring Cell to Service 7-12
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page7-2 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site OptionsGeneralThere are many possible options and combinations of Cell Site hardware and new hardware/software options are continually being developed to enhance the AUTOPLEX System 1000. To determine which hardware/software options are currently available, please contact a Lucent Technologies Account Executive.  Table 7-1. Technology Options - Related Documentation Document Number  Title 401-610-006 Planning Guide 401-610-036 Data Base Update 401-610-055  Input Message Manual 401-610-057  Output Message Manual 401-610-075  System Routine and Corrective Maintenance 401-610-077  ECP/CDN Recovery/Messages Audits Manual 401-610-078  Cell Site Audits Manual 401-610-079 System Recovery 401-610-120  Recommended Spare Parts, Tools, and Test Equipment 401-610-135 Service Measurements 401-610-151 Daily Operations 401-612-064  Multiple System Subscriber Administration (MSSA) 401-660-101  Series II Cell Site Diagnostic Test Descriptions 401-660-106  Series I and II Cell Translations Applications Guide 401-660-108  Cellular Operations Systems Performance Analysis and Cellular Engineering Users Guide401-660-115  Series IIm T1/E1 Minicell Description, Operation, and Mainte-nance 401-661-111 Series II Microcell Implementation, Installation, and Mainte-nance Guidelines401-661-116 Universal Fiber Microcell Implementation, Installation, and Maintenance Guidelines401-661-215 Universal Fiber Microcell Primary Remote Administrator (PRA) User Guide401-661-216 Universal Fiber Microcell Secondary Administrator (RA) User Guide 401-703-000 PCS CDMA Systems Product Overview
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 7-3Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site Options401-703-203 PCS CDMA Minicell Guidelines for Systems Acceptance and Tes t 401-703-201 PCS RF Engineering Guidelines for PCS CDMA Implementa-tion401-703-301 PCS CDMA Minicell Description, Operation, and Maintenance401-612-131 PCS CDMA Minicell CATV Distribution Optional Feature SD2R236, Issue 7  AUTOPLEX System Application Schematic Table 7-1. Technology Options - Related Documentation  (Contd)Document Number  Title
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page7-4 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site OptionsSeries IIe Cell SiteSeries II Cell Site Release 4.34 and later (with the ECP running APXEC5.1 or later Generic) provides for a Series IIe Cell Site. The information contained herein is based on Series II Cell Site Release 5.06 and later. The Series IIe is a small capacity Cell Site based on the standard Series II Cell Site hardware and software. Call processing for Series IIe is identical to the Series II Cell Site. Series IIe offers the Receive Calibration Generator (RCG) and the redundant Reference Frequency Generator (RFG) as optional equipment. A reduction in hardware and the offer of non-redundant hardware from the Series II Cell Site tailors the Series IIe for smaller market applications. The Series IIe is intended to economically address the Rural Service Area (RSA), and some outlying Metropolitan Service Areas (MSA). The Series II Primary Radio Channel Frame (P-RCF) and the Antenna Interface Frame (AIF) were redesigned for Series IIe. The Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF) remains unchanged and contains a standard Series II linear amplifier. The ECP Recent Change and Series II cell software have been enhanced to incorporate Cell Site translations specific to this product. Translations provide equipage data fields for optional hardware and a unique cell identification.  Table 7-2. Series IIe Configurations                         R4.34 R5.06Model Configuration PackageMax. Capacity of Model Configuration Package without Additional FramesMax. Capacity with Additional FramesAntenna Configuration  OMNI  OMNI  OMNI3 Sectored6 SectoredPrimary Radio Frame   1   1     1 Growth Radio Frames  0   0     2 Analog Radio Channel Units  10  32  176 Linear Amplifier Frame   1   1     2 240-Watt Linear Amplifier Circuit 1   4     7 Antenna Interface Frame  1  1   2 Transmit Filter Assembly 1  4   7 Receive Filter Assembly 2  8  14 Digital Radio Channel Units 0  0  86
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 7-5Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site OptionsThe "Model Configuration" Series IIe Cell Site only allows an omnidirectional setup and voice configuration, analog radios, and equipage of up to 32 radios. Cell Release 5.06 provides for growth greater than 32 analog radios, TDMA, sectorization, support for all microcell configurations, a second LAF, a second Antenna Interface Frame, and duplex as well as simplex filter arrangements. Figure 7-1. Series IIe Radio Frame SetAT&T AT&TAT&T AT&TAT&T AT&T AT&T AT&TAT&T AT&TAT&TAT&TAT&TAT&TFITSFAIL5V +-OFFV INFAIL FAILFAILACTFAILACTFAIL FAIL FAILFAIL5V +-OFFV INFITSFAIL012CONV 0+5V0660300/AF1022 0420/NC12036 0600540480/CP1 0/NC10094082072 1141081021/NC100/CPU 1/MEM1/CPU0/MEM 1/CP1 1/NC11138120 128 1321/NC121441/AF1154+5V170CONV1162CAT/DS-1AT&T12V -ROFFV IN+12V-+12VAT&T5V +-OFFV INAT&TAT&TFAILACTAT&TCHANNEL NO.FAILSTBYTXAT&TCHANNEL NO.FAILSTBYTXAT&TCHANNEL NO.FAILSTBYTXAT&TCHANNEL NO.FAILSTBYTXAT&TCHANNEL NO.FAILSTBYTXAT&TCHANNEL NO.FAILSTBYTXAT&TCHANNEL NO.FAILSTBYTXAT&TCHANNEL NO.FAILSTBYTXCHANNEL NO.FAILSTBYTXAT&TCHANNEL NO.FAILSTBYTX1CONV 0 RCU2DS1143RCU4RCU5RCU6RCU7RCU8RCU9RCU10RCU11RCU12RCU13RCU15+5CONV/COMB   0 16          17  SWITCH12V -ROFFV IN+12V-+12V5V +-OFFV INAT&TAT&TFAILACT1CONV 0 RCU2DS1143RCU4RCU5RCU6RCU7RCU8RCU9RCU10RCU11RCU12RCU13RCU15+5CONV/COMB   0 16          17  SWITCH12V -ROFFV IN+12V-+12VAT&TCHANNEL NO.FAILSTBYTX5V +-OFFV INAT&TFAILACT1CONV 0 RCU2DS1143RCU4RCU5RCU6RCU7RCU8RCU9RCU10RCU11RCU12RCU13RCU15+5CONV/COMB   0 16          17  SWITCHAT&TNetwork SystemsAUTOPLEXAT&TNetwork SystemsAUTOPLEXAT&TNetwork SystemsAUTOPLEX     PrimaryRadio Frame Linear Amplifier      Frame Antenna Interface         FrameTransmit Filter PanelReceive Filter PanelReceive Filter Panel     Radio Test Unit            SwitchCC Shelf 0CU Shelf 2an PanelLAC Reference FrequencyGenerator (1 Oscillator)CU Shelf 10 RCUsTU Shelf 3 RTU, 1 DS1
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page7-6 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site OptionsCompact Base Station (CBS)The Compact Base Station (CBS) (see Figure 7-2) is a Cell Site where Series II technology is repackaged into a compact cabinet designed for an outdoor environment. The CBS shares many of the Series II advantages such as compatibility with Series I, all digital interfaces, easy maintenance, on-site diagnostics, and programmable radio channels. The CBS contains three bays: ■The Radio Channel Bay (RCB)■Linear Amplifier Bay (LAB)■Antenna Interface Bay (AIB). The CBS radio channel equipment is housed in the RCB. The CBS accommodates up to 32 radio channel units and contains a single Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC) which can be equipped to deliver either 100 or 240 watts total average Radio Frequency (RF) output power when measured at the amplifier output. The transmit and receive filter panels can be optioned for either “A” or “B” band operation, and an integrate duplexer option is also available. For additional information, refer to Lucent Technologies Customer Information Bulletin (CIB) 182, Introduction to Series II Compact Base Station and Lucent Technologies 401-660-060, Compact Base Station Description, Operation, and Maintenance.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page7-8 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site OptionsSeries IIm T1/E1 MiniCellThe Series IIm MiniCell is designed to provide high-power, low-channel capacity cellular coverage for rural environments where wide area coverage is desired and low traffic is expected. It provides high Radio Frequency (RF) transmit power to cover a large geographic area. The Series IIm is connected to the Mobile Switching Center (MSC) via T1/E1, wired, or microwave facilities. A single primary cabinet may be used to provide as many as 8 cellular radio channels. One channel is used for set-up communications and the remaining 7 channels are used for voice. Installing the TRTU and DRU(s) In Series IIm and Series IImm cells, the TRTU is installed in slot 22 of the radio shelf in the primary cabinet. (For more information see Chapter “Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions,” Section “Installing the TRTU and DRU(s)”.Installing the T-EDRU and EDRU(s)In Series IIm and Series IImm cells, insert T-EDRU in slot 22 of radio shelf in primary cabinet. When installing in the Series IIm/IImm cabinet, EDRUs (44WR8) require two shelf slots. Lucent Technologies recommends equipping these radios in even numbered shelf slots only (i.e., positioned in slots 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, etc.). (For more information see Chapter “Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions,” Section “Installing the TRTU and EDRU(s)”.Cabinet Descriptions The primary Series IIm cabinet may be combined with up to 2 growth cabinets where each growth cabinet can provide as many as 8 additional radio channels for voice communications. Although a battery back-up system is provided in each cabinet, an extended battery back-up cabinet can be installed to provide a longer backup time. Cabinets designed for outdoor installation are AC-powered and are equipped with heat exchangers to maintain a tolerable interior temperature regardless of outdoor environment. Cabinets designed for indoor installation may be either AC or DC powered. Series IIm T1/E1 Minicell DocumentationSeries IIm T1/E1 Minicell Description, Operation, and Maintenance (401-660-115)Series IIm-T1 Minicell and Series IImm-T1 Microcell Introduction and Ordering Guide (230 CIB).
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 7-9Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site OptionsSeries IImm T1/E1 MicroCellThe Series IImm MicroCell system uses a Series II Cell Site and is: ■Compact ■Low-power Radio Frequency (RF) ■High-channel capacity ■Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS) and/or Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). Cabinets designed for outdoor installation are AC-powered and are equipped with heat exchangers to maintain a tolerable interior temperature regardless of outdoor environment. Cabinets designed for indoor installation may be either AC or DC powered. Series IIm and IImm AC cabinets have a "fold up lip" on:1. the top of the front door2. the rear (heat exchanger equipped) door3. both of the pedestal area covers.This lip prevents any water sitting on top of the door edge from being sucked into the cabinet when the door or pedestal cover is opened.To address concerns about door latches breaking in the field, the door latching mechanism consists of four individually operated one quarter turn latches. To further increase security, the top and the bottom latch are equipped with hasps that can accommodate a pad lock.To address concerns about gaskets coming off in the field and water getting into the cabinets, door gaskets are placed on the mating surface of the cabinet drip lip.For details, refer to 401-660-117 "Small Cell Installation" and 401-660-116 "Series II Description, Operation, and Maintenance.AMPS/TDMA Mix with DRU Radios The Series IImm primary cabinet permits a maximum of 19 transmit SBRCU radios, a setup radio, a receive-only locate radio, and two test radios. Because test radios are not required in the growth cabinets, the growth cabinets can accommodate 21 SBRCU radios.Because an RCU is twice the width of an SBRCU, the installation of RCU radios is limited the number of transmit radios that can be accommodated. When the cell is configured to support AMPS and TDMA, one locate radio must be an RCU or SBRCU and the other locate radio may be a locate EDRU (L-EDRU) or a locate DRU (L-DRU). The Radio Test Unit (RTU) for the RCU and SBRCU must be
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page7-10 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site Optionslocated in radio shelf slot 21, and if at least one DRU or EDRU is installed, a TDMA RTU (TRTU) or a test EDRU (T-EDRU) must be installed. The TRTU is four slots wide and occupies slots 22 through 25 and the T-EDRU is two slots wide and occupies slots 22 and 23. AMPS/TDMA Mix with EDRU Radios When EDRUs are used, an EDRU can be placed in any two adjacent slots starting with an odd numbered slot. The number of EDRUs that can be installed on the radio shelf is limited by the shelf power supply and the cabinet heat dissipation.There are two types of Series IImm primary and growth cabinets. They are differentiated by the cabinets’ production date. Cabinets manufactured prior to December 1995 provide 20A service to the radio shelf, and cabinets manufactured after this date provide 30A service to the radio shelf. When EDRUs are installed, the +5-volt PCU 415AC should be replaced with +5-volt PCU 430AB regardless of the cabinet’s manufacture date and the number of EDRUs to be installed. NOTE:Prior to replacing any electrical component in the radio shelf, the cell or sector should be taken off line and the power to the component being replaced should be shut off.A single circuit breaker rated at either 20A or 30A, depending on the cabinet manufacture date, supplies power to the radio shelf at 5-volt and +12-volt PCU. The 20A RCU circuit breaker (CB1) in the Series IImm cabinet permits the operation of up to nine EDRUs and two analog RCUs. If ten or more EDRUs are to be installed, the +5V CONV circuit breaker must be replaced with a 30A circuit beaker.In addition, the feeder line to the new 30A circuit breaker must be changed from a 12 AWG wire to twin 10 AWG feeders. If the number of EDRUs to be installed is ten or more, a 12-volt power converter unit (PCU) 419AC must be replaced with PCU 419AE .Radio Self Power Upgade The introduction of EDRU radios may require a radio power supply upgrade. This upgade involves replacing +5-volt PCU 415AC with +5-volt PCU 430AB, and possibly replacing 20-A RCU circuit breaker CB1 with a 30-A circuit breaker. Prior to replacing any electrical component in the radio shelf, the cell or sector should be taken off line and the power to the component to be replaced should be shut off. If circuit breaker CB1 is to upgraded from 20A to 30A, power to the cabinet must be turned off.1. To remove a cell from service, use the dial-up terminal to log on to the MSC and perform the following:■Inhibit call processing, routine diagnostics, and functional test of the cell by entering the following commands:
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 7-11Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site Options—inh:cell a,cp (where a = cell number)—inh:cell a,rtdiag—inh:cell a,ft su—inh:cell a,ft lc■Wait for all in-process calls to complete [all voice RCU, SBRCU, DRU and EDRU Tx (Transmit) LEDs OFF].■Remove all beacon radios (if equipped) from service by entering the following code:—rmv:cell a,ra b;ucl (where a = cell number and b = radio number of beacon)■Remove cell data links to/from MSC by entering the following code:—rmv:cell a,dl 1       2. If a +5-volt PCU 415AC is to be replaced by a +5-volt PCU 430AB, set RCU circuit breaker CB1 to the OFF position and then replace the +5-volt PCU board. Set RCU circuit breaker CB1 to the ON position. If RCU circuit breaker CB1 needs to be replaced, perform the following; otherwise restore the cell back to service.3. To replace RCU circuit breaker CB1, perform the following:■On DC cabinets, remove the 24-volt supply.■On AC cabinets, set the main AC circuit breaker to OFF. The cell will run for about 10 minutes using the backup battery power. Remove the side access panels from the AC pedestal to gain access to the battery positive leads and disconnect the battery.■Remove the four machine screws from the front four corners of the circuit breaker panel and remove the top cover. It may be necessary to clip (remove) cable ties that secure the power wires in order to provide additional installation space.■Remove the machine screws from the DC circuit breaker panel.■Remove 20A RCU circuit breaker CB2 from the circuit panel. Remove two 5/16 nuts from the circuit breaker power terminals and disconnect the power wires.■Install the new 30A circuit breaker by reversing the sequence in which the circuit breaker was removed. ■Ensure that the circuit breaker is oriented correctly and that line and load power wiring is correctly replaced on the circuit breaker. ■Ensure that the circuit breaker power terminal nuts are adequately torqued.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page7-12 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Mini, Micro, and Fiber-Link Series II Cell Site Options■Using a 1/8-inch stamp and white ink to stamp “30 A,” which indicates the value of the new circuit breaker.■Reinstall the top cover on the panel; reinstall the circuit breaker panel. ■Ensure that the power wiring is not kinked or pinched when sliding the panel back into the cabinet. ■Secure the panel using four machine screws. ■Re-install cable ties that were previously removed.■On DC cabinets, restore power to the cabinet and then restore the cell back to service.■On AC cabinets, use antioxidant compound to prevent high resistance caused by oxidation and reconnect the positive battery leads.■On AC cabinets, set the main AC circuit beaker to ON and then restore the cell back to service.Restoring Cell to Service To restore the cell back to service, use the dial-up terminal that is logged on to the MSC and do the following:a. Restore cell data links by entering the following commands:b. rst:cell x,dl 0;ucl   where x = cell numberc. rst:cell x,dl 1;ucl       d. MSC automatically boots cell under test. Verify by entering the following command:e. op:cell x where x = cell numberf. Wait for the boot process to complete (approximately 5 minutes when equipped with 56 kbps datalinks, and 20 minutes with 9.6 kbps datalinks). When the boot process is complete, each RCU displays its channel number. Make sure that RCFs are alarm free.
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Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page7-14 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-18Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsContents■Contents 8-1■General 8-4■Radio Channel Frame (RCF) Description 8-5Series II Cell Site Radio Control Complex (RCC) Buses 8-11Series II Cell Site Radio Control Complex, Shelf 0 ED-2R832-30 8-14Power Converter 430AB +5V 8-14Alarm/FITS Interface (AFI) UN166 8-14Alarm Adapter Interface for Increased Cell Alarms AYD10 8-15Network Control Interface (NCI) TN168C 8-15Communications Processor Interface (CPI) TN167 8-168-Megabyte Memory (MEM) Board TN1710 8-16Core Processor Unit (CPU) UN524 or HCPU UN530 8-16Digital Service (DS1) TN171 8-17Digital Facilities Interface (DFI) TN1713B 8-17Series II Cell Site Radio Channel Unit Shelves ED-2R833-30 8-17Transmit Combiner BBN-2 8-19Receive Divider BBN-1 8-19Receive Switch BBM-1 8-19
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-2 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsClock and Tone (CAT) Board TN170 8-19Power Converter 419AE (+12V) 8-20Radio Channel Unit ED-2R836-30 8-20Digital Radio Unit ED-2R920-30 8-20Enhanced Digital Radio Unit 44WR8 8-20Radio Shelf Power Upgrade 8-20Installing the  TRTU and  DRU(s) 8-20Installing the  T-EDRU and EDRU(s) 8-21Series II Classic Radio Frame 8-26Series II Cell Site Fan Panel Assembly ED-2R824-31 8-28Series II Cell Site Radio Test Unit Shelf 3 ED-2R835-30 8-29Radio Test Unit ED-2R837-30 8-30TDMA Radio Test Unit ED-2R921-30 8-30Series II Cell Site Radio Channel Unit Shelves 4 and 5 ED-2R834-30 8-30Series II Cell Site Interconnection Panel Assembly ED-2R831-30 8-31Series II Cell Site Busbar Assembly Unit, KS24355, L1 8-39■Series II Mobile Switching Center (MSC) Interface 8-41■Series II Cell Site Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF) 8-44Series II Cell Site Linear Amplifier Circuit J41660CA-1 8-46Linear Amplifier Circuit (LAC) Drawings 8-50Series II Cell Site Linear Amplifier Module ED-2R840-30 8-52Series II Cell Site Linear Amplifier Unit (LAU) 8-53Series II Cell Site, 20-LAM LAC Versus 10-LAM LAC 8-55Series II Cell Site Linearizer Unit ED-2R841-30 8-56■Series II Cell Site Frame Interface Assembly ED-2R838-30 8-61■Series II Cell Site Antenna Interface Frame (AIF), Overview 8-64Series II Cell Site Reference Frequency Generator (RFG) Shelf 8-69Series II Cell Site Receiver Calibration Generator ED-2R845-30 8-69Series II Cell Site Radio Switch Panel 8-76Series II Cell Site Radio Test Unit (RTU) Switch Panel 8-76
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-3Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsSeries II Cell Site Receive, Alarm, and Power Distribution Panel ED 2R851-30 8-76Series II Cell Site Receive and Power Distribution Panel ED-2R853-31 8-77Series II Cell Site Duplexer Filter Panel ED-2R848-31 8-77Series II Cell Site Receive Filter Panel ED-2R846-31 8-78Series II Cell Site Transmit Filter Panel ED-2R847-31 8-79■Series II Cell Site Equipment Summary 8-83Series II Cell Site, Related Documentation 8-84
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-4 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsGeneralSeries II Cell Site hardware is designed, arranged, and packaged on a functional basis. Although there is a considerable amount of hardware involved, each hardware unit is straightforward in its purpose, and specific hardware units are associated with specific functions. Service reliability to the cellular subscriber is provided in many different ways by the design and functional grouping of hardware. This functional grouping of hardware, combined with diagnostic tests, provides a direct and time-saving approach to maintenance tasks.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-5Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsRadio Channel Frame (RCF) DescriptionThe Primary Radio Channel Frame (P-RCF) (see Figure 8-1) is equipped with a fully redundant Radio Control Complex (RCC). The RCC is the Cell Site controller — this includes communication with the Mobile Switching Center (MSC) and control of voice and data communication with subscriber units and the Cell Site maintenance equipment. The Radio Channel Units (RCUs) in the P-RCF serve functionally as setup, locate, and voice channel radios. Each of 2 Growth RCFs can contain up to 72 RCUs. The Primary Radio Channel Frame J41660A-2 and the growth Radio Channel Frame J41660B-2 weigh approximately 800 pounds each fully loaded and have the following dimensions: 26" wide by 22" deep by 81" high Total height = 70" to top of bay + 10 1/2" for the interconnection panel.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-8 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions The major hardware units are listed in the tables below.   Table 8-1. Primary Radio Channel Frame Hardware (J-41660A) Item Max Qty Code Eq. LocInterconnection Panel    1  ED-2R831-30 80 Tx, Rx Power Dividers (9:1) 21  KS24235, L5  Radio Control Complex (Shelf 0)    1  ED-2R832-30  66 +5V Power Converter    2  415AB   Alarm/FITS Interface    2  UN166      *Alarm Adapter Interface for        Increased Cell Alarms        (Installed in Cable Tray Assembly)  1(Optional) AYD10Network Control Interface    4  TN168   Communications ProcessorInterface    2  TN167   Core Processor Unit 2 UN5248-Megabyte Memory Board   2   TN1710  High Capacity Processor Unit (HCPU) 2 UN530Bus Interface Board 1 TN2245Digital Facilities Interface (DFI)   1  TN1713B or TN3500BRadio Channel Unit Shelf (Shelf 1 and Shelf 2)   1  ED-2R833-30  57,48 Transmit Combiner    2  BBN2+12V Power Converter    2  419AE Radio Channel Unit   24  ED-2R836-30   Digital Radio Unit  12 ED-2R920-30   Power Converter Unit 2 430AB (Req’d for EDRU)   Enhanced Digital Radio Unit Maximum 12per shelf.23 per RCF0,40 per RCF1,16 per RCF244WR8Clock And Tone (CAT)   2  TN170Receive Switch Divider (Manual) (Switchable)   4  BBN1 or BBM1Fan Panel Assembly    1  ED-2R824-31 42 Fan   6 406029041
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-9Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsRadio Test Unit (Shelf 3)    1  ED-2R835-30  30 Transmit Combiner    1  BBN2+12V Power Converter    1  419AE Radio Channel Unit    8  ED-2R836-30   Digital Radio Unit   4 ED-2R920-30 Digital Radio Unit    Power Converter Unit 430AB(Req’d for EDRU)  Enhanced Digital Radio Unit Maximum8 per shelf 44WR8 TDMA Radio Test Unit (TRTU)   1  ED-2R921-30  Radio Test Unit (RTU) 1 ED-2R837-30 Digital Facilities Interface (DFI)   1  TN1713B or TN3500B+5V Converter    1  430AB Receive Switch Divider (Manual)    2  BBN1 Radio Channel Unit Shelf(Shelf 4 and Shelf 5)   2  ED-2R834-30 13, 21 Transmit Combiner    1  BBN2+12V Power Converter    1  419AE Radio Channel Unit  12  ED-2R836-30   Digital Radio Unit   6 ED-2R920-30   Power Converter Unit 430AB (Req’d for EDRU)   Enhanced Digital Radio Unit Maximum 12 per shelf 44WR8Digital Facilities Interface (DFI)   1  TN1713B or TN3500BReceive Switch Divider (Manual)    2  BBN1   Table 8-1. Primary Radio Channel Frame Hardware (J-41660A)  (Contd)Item Max Qty Code Eq. Loc
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-10 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions*Busbar Assembly Unit(Manufactured 5/98 or later)   2 KS24355, L1   Circuit Breaker, Plug-In, 15.0 A   2 KS24356, L6   Circuit Breaker, Plug-In, 25.0 A 10 KS24356, L8   Circuit Breaker, Plug-In,  5.0 A   3 KS24356, L4Note: This table is for hardware identification only. Do not use this table for ordering hardware items. * Replaces Circuit Breaker Assembly ED-2R826-30and Capacitor Panel Assembly ED-2R829-30.Table 8-2. Primary Radio Channel Frame (P-RCF) Radio Shelves 0 through 5Controls and Indicators  Circuit Pack/Unit Control/Indicator Type Function+5V Converter 430AB   -5V  Test Jack  Test Point — Monitor -5V    +5V  Test Jack  Test Point — Monitor +5V    Off  LED (Red)  Indicates converter is off    V in  LED (White) Indicates +24V to converter Alarm/FITS Interface UN166 Fail  LED (Red)  Indicates board failure Comm. Proc. Interface TN167 Fail  LED (Red)  Indicates board failure Network Control Interface TN168  Fail  LED (Red)  Indicates board failure 8-Megabyte Mem. Board TN1710  Fail  LED (Red)  Indicates board failure Core Processor UN524 Fail  LED (Red)  Indicates board failure   Act  LED (Green) Indicates active (on line) DS1 Board TN171 Fail  LED (Red)  Indicates board failure or CLF LED (Amber) Indicates T1 or E1 line fault DFI Board TN1713B or TN3500B SYNC LED (Green  Indicates on line  +12.0V Power Converter 419AE    R  Test Jack  Test Point — Monitor +12V                              Return -12V Test Jack Test Point — Monitor -12V  +12V Test Jack Test Point — Monitor +12V    Off  LED (Red)  Indicates converter is off   V In  LED (White) Indicates 24V to converter Table 8-1. Primary Radio Channel Frame Hardware (J-41660A)  (Contd)Item Max Qty Code Eq. Loc
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-11Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsThe following paragraphs describe the major functions performed by the RCF. Series II Cell Site Radio Control Complex (RCC) BusesThe Radio Control Complex (RCC) Figure 8-3 can accommodate up to three Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) buses. The ones currently used are TDM bus 0 and TDM bus 1, which are installed "red stripe up."  TDM bus 2 is for future growth. Each P-RCF is equipped with the following: ■One Radio Control Complex (RCC) shelf ■Carriers and backplane boards for the four Radio Channel Unit (RCU) shelves ■Carrier and backplane for the Radio Test Unit (RTU) shelf Radio Channel Unit      ED-2R836-30Digital Radio Unit        ED-2R920-30Enhanced Digital Radio Unit   44WR8Auto/Off Switch Switches Radio Channel Unit On/Off   Fail  LED (Red)  Indicates Radio Channel failure  StdBy LED (Amber)  Indicates Radio Channel Unit is in StandBy Mode. Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) update in process. Tx LED (Green) Indicates Radio Channel Unit is transmitting  Screw Slot  Potentiome-ter  Adjusts Output Level ofRadioClock & Tone  Fail  LED (Red)  Indicates Board Failure Board TN170  Act  LED (Green)  Indicates Active (On Line)  Radio Test Unit ED-2R837-30 Auto/Off  Switch  Switches Radio Channel Unit On/Off   Fail  LED (Red)  Indicates Radio Channel failure TDMA Radio Test Unit ED-2R921-30 Auto/Off Switch  Switches Radio Channel Unit On/Off Table 8-2. Primary Radio Channel Frame (P-RCF) Radio Shelves 0 through 5Controls and Indicators (Contd) Circuit Pack/Unit Control/Indicator Type Function
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-12 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions■Backplane wiring for the six shelves. The backplane wiring includes all cabling, terminating boards, and adapter boards required to make the TDM bus interconnections between shelves and between frames. In Cell Sites having only a P-RCF, communication between the RCC and all the circuits under its control is by TDM bus 0. In Cell Sites having a P-RCF and one or two Growth RCFs, communication is by TDM buses 0 and 1. Radio Channels Units (RCUs) communicate with either side of the RCC by TDM buses 0 or 1. Each bus is connected to the Core Processor Unit (CPU) by a Network Interface (NCI) circuit board and the associated system bus. For each side of the RCC, one NCI circuit is needed with each TDM bus. Only two NCI circuit boards are needed in each side of the RCC to accommodate 200 radio channels. The P-RCF can handle up to 56 channels and each of two Growth RCFs can handle up to 72, for a total of 200. The backplane slot assignments and the TDM bus fixed addresses for the RCC shelf assembly are shown in Table 8-3. Table 8-3. Time Division Multiplex Bus Addresses EQL Board Type  TDM Bus TDM Bus Address (Hex) 66-012 Power Converter  N/A  N/A 66-022 Alarm/FITS Interface  N/A  N/A 66-030 Reserved  2  7D 66-036 NCI  2  6D 66-042 Reserved  1  5D 66-048 NCI  1  4D 66-054 Reserved  0  3D 66-060 CPI  0  2D 66-066 NCI  0  1D 66-072 Memory  0  0D 66-082 Core Processor  N/A  N/A 66-094 Core Processor  N/A  N/A 66-102 Memory  0  4D 66-108 NCI  0  5D 66-114 CPI  0  6D 66-120 Reserved  0  7D
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-13Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsThe Update bus is the means by which the Core Processor in the active side of the RCC updates the memory and diagnoses problems in the standby or mate side. When the active processor places the mate in the update mode, all the memory write operations are copied to the mate over the Update bus. A series of buffers on the Core Processor board provide the Update bus with an interface to the System bus.Each side of the RCC has a dedicated System bus. Each of the two System buses links its CPU with a number of peripheral circuit boards. The basic peripheral circuits include the following: ■Memory ■Communication Processor Interface (CPI) ■NCI ■Alarm/FITS Interface (AFI). For each side of the RCC, the minimum configuration requires only one CPU and one AFI and at least one of the following: Memory, CPI, and NCI boards. The update bus is the means by which the Core Processor in the active side of the RCC updates the memory and diagnoses problems in the standby or mate side. When the active processor places the mate in the update mode, all the memory write operations are copied to the mate over the Update bus. A series of buffers on the Core Processor board provide the Update bus with an interface to the System bus. The Update bus is the means by which the Core Processor in the active side of the RCC updates the memory and diagnoses problems in the standby or mate side. When the active processor places the mate in the update mode, all the memory write operations are copied to the mate over the Update bus. A Series of buffers on the Core Processor board provide the Update bus with an interface to the System bus.66-126 NCI  1  0D 66-132 Reserved  1  1D 66-138 Reserved  2D 66-144 Reserved  3D 66-154 Alarm/FITS Interface  N/A  N/A 66-162 DS-1 1  7F 66-170 Power Converter  N/A  N/A Table 8-3. Time Division Multiplex Bus Addresses  (Contd)EQL Board Type  TDM Bus TDM Bus Address (Hex)
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-14 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions  Figure 8-3. Radio Control Complex (RCC) - Shelf 0 ED-2R832-30Series II Cell Site Radio Control Complex, Shelf 0 ED-2R832-30The Radio Control Complex (RCC) is the Cell Site controller and is equipped with two identical sides — side 0 and side 1. The on-line side receives/sends control and data information from/to the Mobile Switching Center (MSC) and from/to Cell Site units. The off-line side tracks what the on-line side is doing, so that it may come on-line as needed. Only one side is on-line at a time. Circuit packs within the RCC are listed and described below. Power Converter 430AB +5VOne power converter unit is used with each side to convert battery voltage from +24 to +5 volts. The 430AB is a higher capacity version of the 415AC. The output current rating on the 415AC converter is 35 amperes. It has a built-in programmable over-current protection circuit. If or when the total current drain exceeds the programmed level by more than 20 percent, the converter shuts down. Alarm/FITS Interface (AFI) UN166The alarm and Factory Installation Test Set (FITS) interface circuit pack provides the interfaces required to store/process Cell Site alarms back to the MSC. In addition, this circuit pack contains the circuitry necessary to interface the FITS to PWRCONV415ACCTN16 7PICTN16 7PINTN16 8CCI0NTN16 8CCI0MEMBDMEMBDCCSC 0 CSC 1#%OREPROCC#%OREPROCAFIUN166AFIUN166012 022 030 036 042 048 054 060 066 072 082 094 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 154 162PWRCONV170415AC#%#%DS13TN1713 B# UN524 CPU and TN1710 MEMORY used together (Original configuration)% UN530 CPU and TN2245 BIB used together must also have NCI = TN168C Version 2:2(CDMA applications)
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-15Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptionsthe Cell Site. The FITS provides a number of diagnostic tests used to initially check out the Cell Site after installation. This circuit board provides the interfaces needed between the associated Core Processor Unit (CPU) and the following alarm devices: ■User-defined alarm devices (up to 18) ■The Primary and Growth Radio Channel Frame (RCF) alarm devices ■The Antenna Interface Frame (AIF) alarms ■The Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF) alarms Alarm Adapter Interface for Increased Cell Alarms AYD10The Alarm Adapter Interface board AYD10 is installed on the cable tray assembly on top of the Series II Primary or Growth Frame to provide 24 additional user-definable alarm inputs to the RCC backplane. The introduction of the AYD10 board takes advantage of the large number of TTL inputs provided by the AFI circuit board, which contains more of these TTL inputs than generally required. The AYD10 board, which provides optical isolation for each alarm input, converts the alarm inputs to TTL-comparable signal inputs for RCC backplane delivery via the AFI. When the AYD10 board is used, the alarm inputs are configured for either open-on alarm or close-on alarm through the RCC software.The Alarm Adapter Interface board AYD10 contains two multi-pin connectors, J1 and J2, and three terminal block connectors, J3, J4, and J5. All connections between the AYD10 board are interfaced through terminal block connectors J3, J4, and J5. Alarm inputs are received through connector J2.Network Control Interface (NCI) TN168C The NCI synchronizes control channel messages between the CPU and the distributed network of port circuit packs that are connected to the Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) bus, which is always installed "red stripe up." The NCI interfaces with the CPU through a 512-byte System Dual Port Memory. The NCI has been provided with the “Archangel” functionality. This means that it functions as a full-duplex message switch between the CPU and the microprocessors in the port boards (“Angels”). Besides being the mediator of the CPU, the Archangel monitors the sanity of all the Angels and reports any changes it detects to the CPU. TN168C replaces TN168B which, in turn, replaces TN168.NOTE:The High Capacity Processor Unit (HCPU) configuration on the RCC shelf, requires this NCI card to be a TN168C version 2:2 or later.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-16 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsCommunications Processor Interface (CPI) TN167The CPI board is part of the core processor complex. The CPI is a multiprocessor circuit that provides the data connectivity between the RCC and any of the other terminating entities in the cellular system. The CPI manages two point-to-point programmable, full-duplex, independent data links that implement the X.25 protocol. The number of CPI circuit boards used in each side of the RCC depends on the number of data communication channels required. As stated above, each CPI can accommodate up to two data channels. 8-Megabyte Memory (MEM) Board TN1710One memory board is used with each side of the RCC. The memory circuit pack has a storage capacity of 8 Mbytes. It contains a 1-Mbyte by 36 Dynamic Random Access memory (DRAM) memory array which includes a 32-bit data array with one parity bit for every eight bits of data. The memory and interrupt control logic-write-protect and parity error latching functions are contained in each circuit pack, which provides independent operation on a per-pack level. NOTE:The High Capacity Processor Unit (HCPU) configuration places the 8 Mbyte memory provided by the TN1710 board onto the CPU board. The slot occupied by the TN1710 board is replaced by a TN2245 Bus Interface Board (BIB).Core Processor Unit (CPU) UN524 or HCPU UN530Core Processor Unit (CPU) UN524 - One core processor board is used with each side of the RCC. The core processor controls the core processor complex which is made up of the Alarm, Failure Interface board, Network Control Interface (NCI) board, Memory (MEM) board, and the Communications Processor Interface (CPI) board. One CPU is used in each of the two identical sides of the RCC. This arrangement comprises a duplex controller that provides reliability through redundancy. In this arrangement, the CPU in one side (active side) is always in control of the call processing, while the CPU in the other side (the mate) is kept in a dormant state, and its memory is continually being updated. In the event of a component failure in the active side of the RCC, this mode allows an immediate transfer of control from the active CPU to the mate with a minimum loss of control information. On each side of the RCC, the CPU uses the system bus to communicate with the other circuit boards on the same side. NOTE:For the High Capacity Processor Unit (HCPU) configuration, the UN524 CPU board is replaced by the UN530 HCPU board, this board contains both the processing and memory functionality.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-17Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsDigital Service (DS1) TN171The DS1 card supplies the digital interface for the DS1 (Digital Signal - Level 1) interface facility. This signal interface is bipolar return-to-zero at a 1.544-Mb/s rate. A DS1 signal consists of 24 DS0 (Digital Signal - Level 0) channels. The Cell Site data communication links are capable of operating at 9.6- or 56-kb/s rates. Up to 14 DS1 boards are used in an RFS. TN171has been replaced by TN1713B (below).Digital Facilities Interface (DFI) TN1713BThe DFI card supplies the digital interface for the Conference of European Postal and Telecommunications (CEPT) facility. This signal interface is high density binary three at a 2.048-Mb/s rate. A CEPT signal consists of 31 digital signal channels. Up to 14 DFI boards are used in an RFS. Dip switches on the DFI card must be set to either 75-Ohm (coaxial cable) or 120-Ohm (twisted pair). The DS-1/E1 board currently supplied at the factory is the TN1713B, which is a cost reduced TN3500.The TN3500 has been upgraded to a TN3500B, which is backwards compatible with the TN3500, and can be used for CDMA applications.Series II Cell Site Radio Channel Unit Shelves ED-2R833-30One dual-height Radio Channel Unit (RCU) is used on the Primary Radio Channel Frame (P-RCF). It consists of two RCU shelves sharing a common backplane. The units contained on each shelf are listed and described below.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-19Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions   Figure 8-5. Radio Channel Unit (Rear View) - Shelf 1, Shelf 2 ED-2R833-30 (Figure 2 of 2)Transmit Combiner BBN-2 One of these units is used to combine the transmit Radio Frequency (RF) outputs of 12 RCUs into 3 groups of 4 RCUs. Each group has a common RF output cable.Receive Divider BBN-1One of these units is used to divide  the Receive RF input into 3 groups of 4 RCUs. Each group has a common RF input cable.Receive Switch BBM-1One of these units is used to allow the RCU to switch it’s receive input to any of the Receive Antenna systems at the Cell Site.Clock and Tone (CAT) Board TN170One CAT board is located on shelf 1 and another CAT board is located on shelf 2. This board provides the clock signals necessary for the transfer of data on the Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) bus, which is always installed "red stripe up." Tones generated by this board are used during testing. Two CAT boards are used on the P-RCF. The TN170B is a valid replacement for this board.SHELF 2SHELF 1EQL 162REC0RCUREC1RCUFREQ.REF.RCUONNECTORSECEIVEEQL 162DIST.RCUIVIDER RCUREF FREQ.REAR VIEWTRANSMIT3EQL 012OUTPUTSCONNECTORSCOMBINERTRANSMITINPUTS12EQL 012
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-20 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsPower Converter 419AE (+12V)One +24-volt to +12-volt power converter is used on this shelf. Radio Channel Unit ED-2R836-30Twelve RCUs are used on a shelf. The RCU contains baseband signal processing circuits and a transceiver. The RCU can be used for setup, locate, or voice channel service. Control outputs are provided from the RCU to dynamically switch received inputs. Digital Radio Unit ED-2R920-30The DRU is the digital radio used with the Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA) system. The DRU occupies 2 slots on a shelf. Given that the DRU occupies 2 slots, the number of DRUs that can be housed in the P-RCF is half the number of RCUs, which is 28 DRUs. For the 2 Growth RCFs, the number of DRUs that can be housed is also half the number of RCUs, that is, 36 DRUs apiece. Altogether, an RFS fully-configured with DRUs can house 99 DRUs, including voice and locate radios. Call setup is done by the DCCH with no setup radios required.Enhanced Digital Radio Unit 44WR8The EDRU is an enhanced version of the DRU that is fully backward compatible with the DRU. Like the RCU, the EDRU occupies 1 slot on a shelf. Two EDRUs can be installed for every DRU. Due to software limitations, the maximum number of EDRUs supported is 23 EDRUS per RCF0, 40 EDRUs per RFC1, and 16 EDRUs per RCF2. The total number of EDRUs per cell should not exceed 79.Radio Shelf Power Upgrade The radio shelf power delivery system may require upgrading as a function of the number of DRUs and EDRUs installed. Installing the  TRTU and  DRU(s)This section provides installation instructions for the TRTU and DRU(s). Diagnostic testing should be performed on each installed modular  component (TRTU and DRU). Although a cell may be populated with both DRUs and EDRUs, it may not house both a TRTU and a T-EDRU. That is, a cell  can have either a TRTU or a T-EDRU installed, but not both.The diagnostic test for the TRTU should be run before testing the  DRU(s). The diagnostic test for the DRU(s) may be run separately after each  component is installed, or collectively after a group of components are  installed.In Series II Classic cells, insert the TRTU (ED 2R921-30) into RCF 0, Shelf 3 (EQL 132), Slots 11 and  12. In Series IIm and Series IImm cells, insert TRTU in slot 22 of radio shelf  in primary cabinet.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-21Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsInsert the DRU(s) (ED 2R920-30) into the RCF slots. Each DRU uses two shelf slots. Lucent Technologies recommends installing these radios in even numbered shelf slots only (i.e., positioned in  slots 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, etc.).Verify that the RCF penthouse is wired  correctly for each DRU installed.Installing the  T-EDRU and EDRU(s)This section provides installation instructions for the T-EDRU and EDRU(s). Diagnostic testing should be performed on each installed modular  component (T-EDRU and EDRU). Although a cell may be populated with both DRUs and EDRUs, it may not house both a TRTU and a T-EDRU. That is, a cell  can have either a TRTU or a T-EDRU installed, but not both.Installing a Test EDRU (T-EDRU) 0To replace a TRTU with a T-EDRU:1. The TRTU is removed from service2. The TRTU is physically replaced with the T-EDRU3. The T-EDRU personality is dowloaded into the T-EDRUPlaced the T-EDRU in the left hand slot of the two slots occupied by the TRTU. The test radio output must be +4dBm, but the T-EDRU’s unadjusted output power is +10 dBm.  A front panel adjustment can vary the output power by +3 to –4 dB.  To accommodate this difference, the cell software  automatically lowers the T-EDRU output power by one VRAL step for a difference of -4dB.  This changes the T-EDRU output to +6dBm.  Then, manually calibrate  the output level to +4 dBm.  This calibration must be performed any time a T-EDRU is placed into service. !CAUTION:Any time a T-EDRU is installed or replaced for any reason, the power setting procedures in this section must be performed BEFORE allowing the T-EDRU to perform diagnostics.The following procedure is performed at the cell site to replace a TRTU or a defective   T-EDRU with a  T-EDRU. The cell site technician should be equipped with a PC and a dial-in connection to the OMP. If a PC dial-in connection to the OMP is not available,  the cell site technician should be in verbal contact with an operator at the MSC who can enter and read commands and messages to and from the OMP. To remove a TRTU or a defective T-EDRU, perform the following:1. Remove the TRTU or the defective T-EDRU from service by entering the following command at the OMP:
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-22 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptionsrmv:cell a, trtu;ucl <Enter>Where a is the cell number. The ECP responds with: IP all specified cell ACTM   30 RMV:CELL  a TRTU, COMPLETED         DEVICE  - tty+MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS #nnnnnn*30 OP:CELL a TRTU, MANUAL, RMVD         DEVICE  - tty+MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS #nnnnnn2. Remove the TRTU or the defective T-EDRU from radio shelf slot 11 and insert the new EDRU in its place. In Series II Classic  cells, insert the T-EDRU (44WR8) into RCF 0, Shelf 3 (EQL 132), Slot 11. In Series  IIm and Series IImm cells, insert the T-EDRU in slot 22 of the radio shelf in the primary  cabinet.3. On the ceqcom2 RC/V form, verify that T-EDRU equipage is as follows:■TDMA RTU -Status (Indicating that the primary cabinet is equipped with a T-EDRU radio). Set to e■TDMA RTU- Slot (Indicating radio shelf slot location). Set to either 11 or 12 (11 Recommended)■TDMA RTU - DVCC (Specifies digital verification code of cell). Generally cell number is use except for 3, 45, 136, and 162.■Radio type edru4. Download new generic software for T-EDRU by entering the following at the OMP:dnld:cell a trtu <Enter> ECP responds with: PFA   34 REPT:CELL a NVM UPDATE MAIN CONTROLLER COM-PLETEDUNIT SUCCESSFULLY UPDATE TRTU
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-23Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsDEVICE  - tty+MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS #nnnnnn5. Diagnose the T-EDRU to ensure that it is working properly by entering the following at the OMP: dgn:cell a, trtu <Enter>ECP responds with: IP all specified cell ACTALL TESTS PASSED6. On the T-EDRU’s front panel, set the TX switch to OFF.7. Enter the follow configuration commands at the OMP:•  cfr:cell a, trtu;start <Enter>ECP responds with: IP all specified cell ACTM   30 CFR:CELL  a TRTU, ALL WENT WELL         DEVICE  - tty+•  cfr:cell a, trtu;config 150:chanl e <Enter>Note: Channel number must be specified to configure T-EDRU
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-24 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsECP responds with: IP all specified cell ACTM   30 CFR:CELL  a TRTU, ALL WENT WELL          DEVICE -tty+•  cfr:cell a, trtu;xmit 300 <Enter>ECP responds with: IP all specified cell ACTM   30 CFR:CELL  a TRTU, ALL WENT WELL         DEVICE -tty+   8.  Set up and calibrate power meter to measure power in the 4 dBm range.9.10. The cable that carries the T-EDRU transmitter input is located at the front panel of the RTU Switch Panel where the test radio gains access to the transmit and receive paths. Disconnect that cable. The jack designation for a Series II classic cell is J1. Using the appropriate adapter, connect  the power meter sensor to the cable.11.12. Estimate the length of cable, in feet, from the back of the T-EDRU to the point where the power meter is connected to the cable.  Multiply that cable length in feet by 0.25 dB to compensate for cable loss.  Subtract the resulting quantity from +4dBm.  This is what the power meter should read when the T-EDRU power is adjusted in step 12, below.  For example, the cable length for a PCS TDMA Minicell is approximately 2 feet, so the estimated cable loss is 0.5 dB, and the  measured output at the power meter should be +4 dBm – 0.5 dB = +3.5 dBm.13. Set TX switch on T-EDRU front panel to AUTO. TX green LED should light.14. Using potentiometer on T-EDRU front panel, adjust radio transmit output power to the power level determined in step 10.15. Set TX switch on T-EDRU front panel to OFF. TX green LED should go off.16. Remove the power meter from the cable and reconnect the switch panel cable.17. To turn off the configuration command, enter the following on the OMP :•  stop:cfr;cell a, trtu  <Enter>ECP responds with:
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-25Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsIP all specified cell ACTM   35 CFR:CELL  a ABORTED, OVERRIDE HIGHER PRIORITY         DEVICE  - tty+MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS #nnnnnn18. Set TX switch on T-EDRU front panel to AUTO. TX green LED should light.19. Restore T-EDRU to operational status by entering either command on the OMP:init:cell a:sc <Enter> OR rst:cell a, trtu;ucl <Enter>20. Restore T-EDRU to service by entering the following at the OMP:rst:cell a, trtu;ucl <Enter> (to restore the test radio)OR init:cell a:sc <Enter> (to restore all radios)The diagnostic test for the T-EDRU should be run before testing  the EDRU(s). The diagnostic test for the EDRU(s) may be run separately after  each component is installed, or collectively after a group of components are  installed.Installing EDRUs 0Insert EDRU(s) into the slots of the RCF(s) or of the radio shelf in the Series IIm/IImm cabinet. When installing in the  Series IIm/IImm cabinet, EDRUs (44WR8) require two shelf slots. Lucent  Technologies recommends equipping these radios in even numbered shelf slots  only (i.e., positioned in slots 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, etc.).If five or more EDRUs are to be installed in a radio shelf  or a single RCU shelf, verify that shelf power supply system is upgraded. Power upgrade required for installing EDRUs is a function of the number of EDRUs to be installed, and the cabinet type in which the EDRUs are installed. Power to the radio shelf is supplied by +5-volt and +12-volt power converter units (PCUs). If five or more EDRUs are to be installed in a radio shelf  or on a single RCU shelf, verify that shelf power supply system is upgraded. The power upgrade is done by replacing +5-volt and +12-volt PCUs and their corresponding circuit breakers with PCUs and with circuit breakers having a higher current capacity.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-26 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsVerify that the RCF penthouse is wired  correctly for each EDRU installed.Series II Classic Radio FrameTwo Series II classic radio frames are supported; Series II-01 (J-41660A-1) and Series II-02 (J-41660A-2). Regardless of the cabinet type and the number of EDRUs to be installed, the +5-volt PCU 415AA should be replaced with +5-volt PCU 430AB. The two primary difference in the radio shelf power supply system between the two frame types are the current capacity of the 5-volt circuit breaker and the +12-volt PCU. When to Replace +5V CONV Circuit Breaker 0The +5-volt (+5V CONV) circuit breaker in the Series II-01 frame is rated at 12.5A and will permit the operation of up to eight EDRUs and two analog RCU. If nine or more EDRUs are to be installed, replace the +5V CONV circuit breaker with a 25A circuit beaker.The +5V CONV circuit breaker in the Series II-02 frame is rated at 15A and will permit the operation of up to nine EDRUs. If ten or more EDRUs are to be installed, replace the +5V CONV circuit breaker with a 25A circuit beaker.When to Replace +12-Volt PCU 0The +12-volt PCU (419AA), installed in the Series II-01 (J-41660A-1) frame, permits the operation of up to eight EDRUs and two analog RCU. If nine or more EDRUs are to be installed, replace 12-volt PCU (419AA) with PCU (419AE).The 12-volt PCU (419AC), installed in the Series II-02 (J-41660A-2) frame, permits the operation of up to eight EDRUs. If nine or more EDRUs are to be installed, replace 12-volt PCU 419AC with PCU 419AE.Power Converter Unit and Circuit Breaker Replacement 0Replacement of the +5-volt PCU and associated circuit breaker on J41660A-1 and J41660B-1 bays are required for each radio shelf when four or more DRUs or up to eight EDRUs are to be installed on the shelf. .If a power  supply upgrade is not necessary, proceed to the next section.To replace +5 volt circuit breaker on RCF ED-2R826-31 Circuit Breaker Panel (bottom of bay), perform the following:1. On power distribution bay, set all circuit breakers assigned to the RCF 0, 1, and 2 (as equipped) to OFF.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-27Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions2. Set all circuit breakers on RCF circuit breaker panel to ON. Wait 30 seconds for any residual charge in RCF capacitor panel to discharge, then set breakers to OFF. 3. Remove four machine screws from front four corners of circuit breaker panel and remove top cover. It may be necessary to clip (remove) cable ties that secure power wires in order to provide additional installation space.4. Remove two machine screws from shelf +5V CONV circuit breaker for shelf being modified.5. Remove circuit breaker from panel. Remove two 5/16 nuts from circuit breaker power terminals and disconnect power wires.6. Install new 15A circuit breaker, for DRU/EDRU installation.7. Ensure that circuit breaker is oriented correctly, and that line and load power wiring is correctly replaced on circuit breaker. 8. Ensure that circuit breaker power terminal nuts are adequately torqued.9. Using an 1/8-inch stamp and white ink, stamp “15A” on the front and side (90 degrees) of the replacement breaker.10. Replace all required circuit breakers on panel being modified.11. Reinstall top cover on panel; reinstall circuit breaker panel in RCF. 12. Ensure that power wiring is not kinked or pinched when sliding panel back into RCF. 13. Secure panel using four machine screws. 14. Re-install cable ties that were previously removed.15. Repeat this procedure on all RCF bays as required.Replace Shelf Designation Labels  (Customer Option) 01. Replace two shelf  designation strips per shelf to include TDMA circuit packs:■ Front label on shelf  designation bar identifies circuit pack nomenclature and slot numbering.■Back label on shelf designation bar  identifies circuit pack locations and associated ED number.2. Attach new shelf  designation labels directly over original labels on RTU Shelf 3 (RCF 0) and all  RCU shelves in the cell under test as follows:■RCF 0 Shelf 0 (RCC shelf)—FRONT       No Change—BACK         No Change■RCF 0 Shelf 1, 2  and RCF 1 Shelf 4, 5 (CAT shelf)
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-28 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions—FRONT        C846908291—BACK          C846908309■RCF 0 Shelf 3 (RTU  shelf)—FRONT        C846909489— BACK         C846909497■All other RCU  shelves—FRONT       C846908069—BACK          C846932978Series II Cell Site Fan Panel Assembly ED-2R824-31The fan panel assembly contains six variable-speed cooling fans that operate from +24 volts. Three fans are mounted facing the front and three are mounted facing the rear. Each fan has an over-heat alarm circuit.  Figure 8-6. Fan Panel Assembly ED-2R824-31FAN 3P10FAN 4FAN 0P6ASSEMBLYREAR OF FANINSIDE LEFTTB1 LOCATEDTB117P9REAR VIEWLEVEL 42FAN 2FAN 1P8P7FRONT VIEWJ13P12P11FAN 5
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-29Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsSeries II Cell Site Radio Test Unit Shelf 3 ED-2R835-30One Radio Test Unit (RTU) is used (see Figure 8-7). This shelf differs from the ED-2R833-30 shelf in that it has eight Radio Channel Units (RCUs) in place of 12. It also has a DS1 (Digital Signal - Level 1) or Digital Facilities Interface (DFI) board in place of the Clock And Tone (CAT) board, and it has one RTU. The RTU is described below. Figure 8-7. Radio Test Unit (RTU) - Shelf 3 ED-2R835-30CAUTIONA2-RTU IN A4-RTU OUT
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-30 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment DescriptionsRadio Test Unit ED-2R837-30The RTU is a transmitter and receiver used to test the Cell Site RCU transmit and receive paths. The RTU works with the RTU switch located in the Antenna Interface Frame (AIF). The RTU transmits on the mobile transmit frequencies and receives on the Cell Site transmit frequencies.TDMA Radio Test Unit ED-2R921-30The TDMA Radio Test Unit is used to test Digital Radio Units.Series II Cell Site Radio Channel Unit Shelves 4 and 5 ED-2R834-30Two of these shelves are used. Each shelf (see Figure 8-8) has 12 Radio Channel Units (RCUs) and has a DS1 (Digital Signal - Level 1) or Digital Facilities Interface (DFI) card in place of the Clock And Tone (CAT) board (EQL 162)..Figure 8-8. Radio Channel Unit - Shelf 4, Shelf 5 ED-2R834-30PCU19AA012ED-2R836-30ED-2R836-30038024ED-2R836-30048 060+- INFF2V OFF+AUTO2+12VONV 012V2V R-3AT&TAT&TSTBYTXOFFAUTOSTBYTXFAILRCURCUCHANNEL NO.FAILOFFCHANNEL NO.AUTO4RCUAT&TSTBYTXFAIL5OFFAUTOCHANNEL NO.RCUOFFAT&TSTBYTXFAILLEVEL 13 (SHELF 5)CONV1BBN1180174PCU415AA170ED-2R836-30 TN171162156LEVEL 21 (SHELF 4)V INOFFAT&TAT&T/DIV+5V171615-+5VACTFAILAT&TDS114AT&TSTBYTXFAIL13RCUOFFAUTOCHANNEL NO.072ED-2R836-306AUTOCHANNEL NO.RCUED-2R836-30084ED-2R836-30108ED-2R836-30ED-2R836-30096ED-2R836-30ED-2R836-30ED-2R836-301441321207STBYTX OFFAUTOFAILRCUAT&TTXAT&TCHANNEL NO.9RCUAT&TSTBYTXFAILOFFAUTOOFFAUTOCHANNEL NO.8RCUAT&TSTBYTXFAILOFFAUTOCHANNEL NO.STBYFAILCHANNEL NO.TX12RCUAT&TSTBYFAIL1110RCURCUAT&TAT&TOFFAUTOCHANNEL NO.STBYTXFAILOFFAUTOCHANNEL NO.STBYTXFAILCHANNEL NO.
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-31Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions Figure 8-9. Radio Channel Unit (Rear View) - Shelf 4, Shelf 5 ED-2R834-30Series II Cell Site Interconnection Panel Assembly ED-2R831-30The G1 interconnection panel assembly provides the coax-connector interface to and from the Primary Radio Channel Frame (P-RCF). The G2 interconnection panel assembly (see Figure 8-11) provides the coax-connector interface to and from the growth RCFs. These interfaces include the following: ■The transmit and receive Radio Frequency (RF) signals to and from the Antenna Interface Frame (AIF) and the Linear Amplifier Frame (LAF) ■The 15-MHz reference frequency input from the AIF ■Test radio RF to and from the AIF In addition to the above interfaces, the interconnection panel assembly contains up to 21 RF power dividers used to combine transmitter outputs and to divide and distribute receive RF to the Radio Channel Units (RCUs). Also, the interconnection panel assembly contains one power divider used to distribute the 15-MHz reference frequency used by the RCUs.ONNECTORSWITCHECEIVEIVIDEREQL 162DIST.RCU RCUREF FREQ.REAR VIEW(SHELF 4)LEVEL 21(SHELF 5)LEVEL 133OUTPUTSCONNECTORSCOMBINERTRANSMITINPUTS12EQL 012REC0RCUREC1RCUFREQ.REF.RCUTRANSMIT
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page8-32 401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions  Figure 8-10. Interconnection Panel ED-2R831-30J102J104J106LEVEL 80543210J1J2J3J4J5J66J9J10J11J7J8J1J2J3J4J5J6J1J2J3J4J5J6J9J10J11J9J10J11J7J8J7J8J9J10J11J1J2J3J4J5J6J7J8J101J103J105J1106COM5J9J9J9J10J11J8J8J8J10J10J11 J11J9J82341J2J3J4J5J6J7J2J3J4J5J6J7J2J3J4J5J6J7J2J3J4J5J6J7J1J1J1 J1J10J11J9J10J8J11J9J10J8J11J9J10J11J8J9J10J8J9J10J9J10J9J10J9J10J9J10J11J9J10J11J9J10J11J8J8J8J8J8J8J8J11J11J11J11J11J9J10J11J9J10J8J8J11REAR VIEWJ2J3J4J5J6J7J2J3J4J5J6J7J1J2J1J2J1J2J1J2J1J2J1J2J1J2J2J2J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J1J2J1J2J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J1 J1 J1J1FRONT VIEWP101 P102
Lucent Technologies — ProprietarySee notice on first page401-660-100 Issue 11 August 2000 8-33Series II Cell Site Equipment Descriptions Figure 8-11. Interconnection Panel ED-2R831-30The tables that follow identify the Interconnection Panel connectors.P1036COM5J9J9J9J10J11J8J8J8J10J10J11 J11J9J82341J2J3J4J5J6J7J2J3J4J5J6J7J2J3J4J5J6J7J2J3J4J5J6J7J1J1J1 J1J10J11J9J8J2J3J4J5J6J7J1J10J11J111J115J112LEVEL 80543210J1J2J3J4J5J66J9J10J11J7J8J1J2J3J4J5J6J1J2J3J4J5J6J9J10J11J9J10J11J7J8J7J8J9J10J11J1J2J3J4J5J6J7J8REAR VIEWJ9J10J8J11J9J10J11J8J9J10J8J9J10J9J10J9J10J9J10J9J10J11J9J10J11J9J10J11J8J8J8J8J8J8J8J11J11J11J11J11J9J10J11J9J10J8J8J11J2J3J4J5J6J7J1J2J1J2J1J2J1J2J1J2J1J2J1J2J2J2J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J1J2J1J2J3J4J5J6J7J3J4J5J6J7J1 J1J1FRONT VIEWTable 8-4. Radio Channel Frame Interconnection Panel (ED-2R831-30)Connector Identification Jack (Plug)  Conn Type  Function REF  TNC  15 MHz Reference Input SET UP 0†  N  Set Up Antenna (for future use) RTU IN†  N  Radio Test Unit Input RTU OUT†  N  Radio Test Unit Output TRANSMIT ANTENNA OUTPUTS 0 N Tx Antenna 0

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