Nortek Security and Control 00134 15.231 User Manual 10006532A indd

Nortek Security & Control LLC 15.231 10006532A indd

Users Manual

DXS-F1SUPERVISEDLONG RANGEFALL DETECTIONPENDANTTRANSMITTEROperation InstructionsPRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe Model DXS-F1 is a battery powered, miniature, water-resistant*, supervised fall detection pendant transmitter designed for use with Linear PERS Consoles.The transmitter is supplied with an adjustable lanyard with a breakaway release.When a person’s fall is detected by the transmitter’s internal accelerometer, or when the pendant’s button is pressed, a digitally coded wireless signal is sent to the companion Console. The signal indicator on the transmitter lights green when the unit is activated. When activated using the pendant’s button, the transmitter can send a signal for up to 30 seconds per activation. To insure sending a complete signal, press the pendant’s button for a minimum of two seconds.The DXS-F1 transmitter is factory set to a unique code, so no fi eld coding is required. Consoles must be programmed to the transmitter’s code before system testing and operation. Refer to the Console instructions for details on programming.After the fi rst activation, the transmitter will send a status signal every two hours. Every two hours the transmitter also tests for a low battery. If the battery tests low, a low battery signal is sent. If the transmitter is activated with a low battery, the signal indicator will light red.The transmitter is sealed to provide water-resistance. The unit’s battery is not replaceable. The transmitter should be disposed of properly at the end of its battery life. Please contact your service provider for environmentally responsible options.* NOTE: Water resistance not tested by ULFEATURESENABLING STATUS & PROGRAMMING SYSTEM TESTING LIMITED WARRANTYThis Nortek Security & Control product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for twenty four (24) months. This warranty extends only to wholesale customers who buy direct from Nortek Security & Control or through Nortek Security & Control’s normal distribution channels. Nortek Security & Control does not warrant this product to consumers. Consumers should inquire from their selling dealer as to the nature of the dealer’s warranty, if any. There are no obligations or liabilities on the part of Nortek Security & Control LLC for consequential damages arising out of or in connection with use or performance of this product or other indirect damages with respect to loss of property, revenue, or profi t, or cost of removal, installation, or reinstallation. All implied warranties, including implied warranties for merchantability and implied warranties for fi tness, are valid only until the warranty expires. This Nortek Security & Control LLC Warranty is in lieu of all other warranties express or implied.All products returned for warranty service require a Return Product Authorization Number (RPA#). Contact Returns at 1-855-546-3351 for an RPA# and other important details.IMPORTANT !!! Radio controls provide a reliable communications link and fi ll an important need in portable wireless signaling. However, there are some limitations which must be observed.• For U.S. installations only: The radios are required to comply with FCC Rules and Regulations as Part 15 devices. As such, they have limited transmitter power and therefore limited range.• A receiver cannot respond to more than one transmitted signal at a time and may be blocked by radio signals that occur on or near their operating frequencies, regardless of code settings.•  Infrequently used radio links should be tested regularly to protect against undetected interference or fault.•  A general knowledge of radio and its vagaries should be gained prior to acting as a wholesale distributor or dealer, and these facts should be communicated to the ultimate users.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and Industry Canada license exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Les changements ou modifi cations non approuvés expressément par la partie responsable de la conformité pourrait annuler l’autorité de l’utilisateur à faire fonctionner l’équipement.INSTRUCTIONS FORTHE INSTALLERACTIVATE THE TRANSMITTER TO PERMANENTLY ENABLE STATUS REPORTINGTHE INDICATION THAT STATUS REPORTS ARE BEING SENT IS THE SIGNAL INDICATOR BLINKING 3 TIMES AFTER EACH TRANSMITTER ACTIVATIONPROGRAM THE TRANSMITTER INTO THE CONSOLE BY PLACING THE CONSOLE INTO PROGRAM MODE, THEN SEND A SIGNAL TO THE CONSOLE FROM THE TRANSMITTER. REFER TO THE UL LISTED PERS-2400B, PERS-3600B, OR PERS-4200 CONSOLE'S PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS FOR DETAILS.PLACE THE CONSOLE IN "TEST" MODE AND ACTIVATE THE TRANSMITTER. VERIFY THAT THE SIGNAL WAS RECEIVED AND THAT THE SYSTEM REPORTS AS REQUIRED.IF THE SIGNAL INDICATOR LIGHTS RED, THE BATTERY IS LOW AND THE TRANSMITTER NEEDS TO BE REPLACEDIMPORTANT !    TEST SYSTEM WEEKLY !THE MANUFACTURER STRONGLY RECOMMENDS THAT YOU TEST THIS EQUIPMENT FREQUENTLY. OVER A PERIOD OF TIME, NO ELECTRONIC PRODUCT IS BETTER THAN THE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE IT RECEIVES. THEREFORE, FROM THE TIME OF INSTALLATION, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO TEST THE SYSTEM AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK.THE PENDANT IS DESIGNEDTO BE WORN WITH THE BUTTONTOWARDS THE CHEST TO ALLOWEASY THUMB PRESS ACTIVATIONAND PROVIDE THE WEARER WITHA DISCRETELY STYLED DEVICEACTIVATIONBUTTON2-COLORSIGNAL INDICATORLANYARDBREAKAWAYRELEASELENGTHADJUSTERGREEN = BATTERY OKRED = BATTERY LOWINTERNALFALL DETECTIONACCELEROMETERPRINTER’S INSTRUCTIONS:INSTR,INSTL,DXS-F1 - P/N: 10006532 X1 - INK: BLACK - MATERIAL: 20 LB. MEAD BOND - SIZE: 8.500” X 5.500” - TOLERANCE: ± .125” - FOLDING: 3 FOLD ALTERNATE, FINISH WITH LOGO SHOWING - SCALE: 1-1USA & Canada (800) 421-1587 & (800) 392-0123(760) 438-7000 - Toll Free FAX (800) 468-1340www.nortekcontrol.comBYCopyright © 2015 Nortek Security & Control LLC  10006532 X1

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