Novatel Wireless NRM-6835 MINSTREL m500 Wireless CDPD Modem User Manual

Novatel Wireless, Inc. MINSTREL m500 Wireless CDPD Modem covers

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March 2001 APREL Project No.:    Consulting * Research * Training * Certification Testing  Since 1981FCC ID: NBZNRM-6835Exhibit 9User’s Manual
NNNNoooovvvvaaaatttteeeellll    MMMMiiiinnnnssssttttrrrreeeellll    mmmm555500000000PrefaceCautionTo satisfy FCC RF exposure compliance requirements for portable transmitting devices, the user should generally maintain a separation distance of 4 cm between the person’s body, and the device and its antenna. The hands and wrists have a higher exposure limit because they are extremities, and the device should be used in a hand-held, hand-operated configuration only. This device has been tested for compliance with a separation distance of 4 cm from a person's body. The operating configurations of this device generally do not support normal transmissions while it is carried in pockets or holsters next to a person’s body.Technical SupportIf you have any questions or comments about your Minstrel m500, please contact the Novatel Wireless Technical Support Team.WWW: support@novatelwireless.comPhone: 1-888-888-9231RequirementsThe following items are required to set up and use your Minstrel m500:•A Palm m500/505TM handheld computer;•Desktop software that allows you to communicate between your desktop PC and the Palm m500/505™;•Modem application software for the Palm m500/505™ (included with your Minstrel);•An account with a Wireless IP network service provider in your area;•Application software for your Palm m500/505™ such as an e-mail client and web browser.Wireless IP service is available from your local cellular carrier in most North American cities. Check your product packaging or for network provider contact information.
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Document ID141856
Application IDYrGXZPx3b1F6caSEifk5bg==
Document Descriptionex9 manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize120.87kB (1510886 bits)
Date Submitted2001-03-27 00:00:00
Date Available2001-05-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-03-20 14:35:59
Producing SoftwareAcrobat PDFWriter 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-03-20 14:46:31
Document Titlecovers.PDF
Document CreatorMicrosoft Word
Document Author: artb
FCC ID Filing: NBZNRM-6835

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