Novelda AS X4M02 Radar sensor capable of detecting distance to objects without on-board MCU User Manual

Novelda AS Radar sensor capable of detecting distance to objects without on-board MCU

User Manual

SummaryX7  is  ”n  industri”lized  UWB  r”d”r  module intended for custom ”((lic”tion develo(mentX7 DatasheetX radar sensor moduleXeThru D”t”sheet by 8ovelda ASA Prelimin”ry - 4uly . 
8oveld” ASwww.xethru.comCo(yright ©  8oveld” AS A Prelimin”ry - X7 D”t”sheetP”ge Table of Contents6ist of 1e”tures  __________________________________________________________________ 9rder Inform”tion _______________________________________________________________ 7ech”nic”l D”t”  _________________________________________________________________ Antenn”  ________________________________________________________________________ Connectors  _____________________________________________________________________ -(in XeThru Interf”ce Connector  _________________________________________________ USB Connector  _________________________________________________________________ 0lectric”l S(ecific”tion  ____________________________________________________________ X7 3W Revisions  _____________________________________________________________ Identifying 3W revision  __________________________________________________________ X7 rev.  ___________________________________________________________________ X7 rev.  ___________________________________________________________________ X7 rev.  ___________________________________________________________________ X7 rev.  __________________________________________________________________ 7odule User 2uide  _______________________________________________________________ Pl”cing the Sensor 7odule ________________________________________________________ Connecting the X7 to ” 3ost System  ____________________________________________ Interf”cing vi” USB  ___________________________________________________________ Interf”cing vi” UART __________________________________________________________ U(gr”ding the 1irmw”re Using the Bootlo”der  _______________________________________ Regul”tory A((rov”l  ______________________________________________________________ C0/0TSI  ______________________________________________________________________ 1CC A((rov”l  _________________________________________________________________ X7 Block Di”gr”m  _______________________________________________________ R”d”r 1unction”l Descri(tion ___________________________________________________ 1CC Regul”tory 8otices  _______________________________________________________ Schem”tics, Bill of 7”teri”l ”nd PCB 6”yout ___________________________________________ Softw”re Resources  ______________________________________________________________ XeThru 0mbedded Pl”tform X0P _________________________________________________ XeThru 7odule Connector  _______________________________________________________ Su((ort ”nd Resources  ___________________________________________________________ Discl”imer  ______________________________________________________________________ 
8oveld” ASwww.xethru.comCo(yright ©  8oveld” AS A Prelimin”ry - X7 D”t”sheetP”ge  6ist of 1eaturesR”d”r sensor using X UWB r”d”r SoCBuilt-in ”ntenn”s7ulti(le interf”ce o(tionsUSBUARTSPIICSingle su((ly volt”ge, . - .V9n-bo”rd multi-color 60D1CC certified (endingC0/0TSI ”((roved (ending. 9rder Information9rder CodeItem Descri(tion 79Q 7PQX7 X7 X R”d”r Sensor  79Q: 7inimum 9rder Qu”ntity7PQ: 7inimum P”ck”ge Qu”ntity
8oveld” ASwww.xethru.comCo(yright ©  8oveld” AS A Prelimin”ry - X7 D”t”sheetP”ge  7echanical Data 7echanical drawing of the sensor module in mm AntennaX7 h”s two differenti”l ”ntenn”s o(timized for the X UWB r”d”r SoC, one for tr”nsmit ”nd one for receive. The ”ntenn”s ”re direction”l (”tch ”ntenn”s with integr”ted Wi1i filter filtenn” o(tmized for fre)uencies between . ”nd . 23z with ” ty(ic”l o(ening ”ngle of ° ”zimuth ”nd elev”tion.
8oveld” ASwww.xethru.comCo(yright ©  8oveld” AS A Prelimin”ry - X7 D”t”sheetP”ge Illustration of ° azimuth and ° elevationX7 antenna (lot Connectors. -(in XeThru Interface ConnectorThe -(in he”der is com(”tible with other XeThru sensors such ”s X7 ”nd c”n be used to (ower ”nd communic”te with X7. I/9 volt”ge is .V. Refer to the X7 schem”tics ”nd the Atmel SA7 S d”t”sheet for ”ddition”l det”ils of o(er”tion.
8oveld” ASwww.xethru.comCo(yright ©  8oveld” AS A Prelimin”ry - X7 D”t”sheetP”ge Pin 8ame Ty(e VCC_0XT Power, . - .V 28D Power 79SI/RX I/9 7IS9/TX I/9 SC65 I/9 nSS I/9 nR0S0T In(ut with (ull-u( I9/WA50UPI/9 I9/SWC65 I/9 I9/SWDI9 I/9 I9 I/9 I9 I/9 I9 I/9 I9 I/9 I9 I/9 I9 I/9. USB ConnectorUSB micro ty(e B connector su((orting USB . 3igh S(eed. This connector c”n be used to (ower ”nd communic”te with X7. 0lectrical S(ecificationParameter Value CommentSu((ly Volt”ge VDD_0XT . - .V Su((ly Volt”ge USB . - .V I9-volt”ge r”nge, nomin”l -. - .V V  minI3 .V 7inimum in(ut high threshold volt”geV m”xI6  .V 7”ximum in(ut low threshold volt”geTy(ic”l (ower consum(tion TBD mW 0x(ected ”round  mW
8oveld” ASwww.xethru.comCo(yright ©  8oveld” AS A Prelimin”ry - X7 D”t”sheetP”ge Parameter Value Comment9(er”ting Tem(er”ture r”nge °C to +°C Power consum(tion of X7 is de(endent of firmw”re running in the 7CU. X7 3W RevisionsX7 uses the X7 h”rdw”re. This section desribes ”ll 3W revisions of X7 th”t h”s been used in (roduction, the difference between them ”nd how to identify wh”t 3W revision your X7 is.Some 1W versions m”y re)uire ” s(ecific 3W revision. If ”((lic”ble, this will be described in the 1W version section of this d”t”sheet.. Identifying 3W revision 3ow to identify 3W revision of X7. X7 rev.Initi”l 3W revision used for (roduction of X7.. X7 rev.Added Wi1i filter on Tx ”ntenn”.
8oveld” ASwww.xethru.comCo(yright ©  8oveld” AS A Prelimin”ry - X7 D”t”sheetP”ge 1unction”lity is identic”l with (revious 3W revisions.. X7 rev.Initi”l 3W revision used for (roduction of X7.7CU ch”nge from 7B to 7B version.1unction”lity is identic”l with (revious 3W revisions.. X7 rev.This is ” future 3W revision not yet in (roduction. This 3W revisions is re)uired to meet the re)uirements for 1CC ”nd 0TSI regul”tion.Added met”l shield box on X UWB r”d”r SoC.Re(l”ced  73z cryst”l with  73z oscill”tor.Added com(onents for 07I su((ression.Added ”ddition”l decou(ling for 7CU ”nd SDRA7.Added filter on VDDP66USB dom”in.Im(roved 7CU (ower delivery routing.Incre”sed thickness of inner co((er l”yers from  to  µm.1unction”lity is identic”l with (revious 3W revisions. 7odule User 2uide. Placing the Sensor 7oduleThe sensor module should be (rotected from environment”l surroundings such ”s moisture. 7ost firmw”re ”lgorithms ”ssumes the sensor to be still with no movement or vibr”tions during o(er”tion.When (l”cing the sensor, (”y ”ttention to the following:Point the sensor in the direction of the object or zone to monitorBe ”w”re of indirect reflections. An object  meter ”w”y m”y ”lso give ”ddition”l reflections vi” the floor, the ceiling or w”lls ”t longer dist”nces8e”rby met”llic objects should be ”voided, es(eci”lly in the sign”l (”th to the sensor's observ”tion ”re”The sensor c”n be (l”ced on st”tic non-moving surf”ces such ”s:9n ” desk9n ” w”llBehind ” w”ll *In the ceilingBehind the ceiling *1irmw”re ”lgorithms in the sensor module ”re sensitive to vibr”tions. If vibr”tions occur, the sensor m”y re(ort movement in ”n em(ty detection zone.If ” sensor c”sing is re)uired, the m”teri”l should be of ” kind th”t does not ”ttenu”te the high fre)uency sign”ls in the sensor´s m”in direction. Recommended m”teri”ls ”re ABS ”nd other ty(es of non-conductive (l”stics *.
8oveld” ASwww.xethru.comCo(yright ©  8oveld” AS A Prelimin”ry - X7 D”t”sheetP”ge .  .  *: Different m”teri”ls will ”ttenu”te the sign”l. A((lic”tion note reg”rding this to(ic is found ”t. Connecting the X7 to a 3ost SystemThe X7 c”n be connected to ” host system in two w”ys:Vi” USBVi” the interf”ce connector using the UART interf”ceSome Profiles h”ve 2PI9 interf”ce th”t c”n be en”bled ”nd o(er”te ”s the only control interf”ce for ” sensor module. The 2PI9 interf”ce is described in the Profile ch”(ters of this d”t”sheet... Interfacing via USBWhen interf”cing vi” USB, this interf”ce will t”ke (recedence. X7 uses ” st”nd”rd 7icro USB-B connector... Interfacing via UART Atmel AVR ATmega shown as exam(le host. U(grading the 1irmware Using the BootloaderThe module´s firmw”re m”y be u(d”te over USB or the seri”l (ort. XeThru 0x(lorer c”n be used to u(d”te the module firmw”re.60D will be (ur(le during firmw”re u(gr”des. Regulatory A((rovalX7 is designed to meet UWB R1 s(ecific”tions of 1CC ”nd 0TSI.
8oveld” ASwww.xethru.comCo(yright ©  8oveld” AS A Prelimin”ry - X7 D”t”sheetP”ge Some regul”tory s(ecific”tions ”lso s(ecify how the sensor is used. Users of X7 must check regul”tory re)uirements for their own use c”se ”nd determine whether the regul”tory ”((rov”ls obt”ined from 8oveld” ”re sufficient for their (roduct.. C0/0TSIThis ch”(ter will cover the C0/0TSI ”((rov”l of the X7.. 1CC A((roval1CC ”((rov”l of X7 is (ending.The X7 module meets 1CC P”rt  re)uirements for UWB tr”nsmission e)ui(ment intended for unlicensed indoor use or outdoor use when not (erm”nently inst”lled ”s s(ecified in 1CC P”rt ., . ”nd ..1CC ID: ADQX7 1CC A((rov”l listing (ending... X7 Block Diagram7odule clock and (ower systemClocks:
8oveld” ASwww.xethru.comCo(yright ©  8oveld” AS A Prelimin”ry - X7 D”t”sheetP”ge The systems clocks ”re derived from ”  73z cryst”l oscill”tor connected to the m”in microcontroller, ”nd ”  73z oscill”tor connected to the 8oveld” X UWB im(ulse r”d”r chi(. The communic”tion between the microcontroller ”nd the X r”d”r chi( uses SPI (rotocol. The SPI communic”tion clock is set u( to run ”t  73z.7e”n out(ut (ower of X7 de(ends on the Pulse Re(etition 1re)uency PR1 ”nd tx_(ower settings in the X r”d”r chi(. PR1 is set to . 73z ”nd tx_(ower is set to 7edium  in X7. Both the PR1 ”nd tx_(ower c”n be ch”nged by the microcontroller but c”nnot be . 1or further descri(tion of the r”d”r chi(, (le”se refer to ch”nged to com(ly with 1CC regul”tionsthe X d”t”sheet.Power:The module is (owered extern”lly from either the USB (ort or ”n extern”l (ower su((ly. If both (ower sources ”re connected, the USB t”kes (recedence over the extern”l (ower.Antennas:The ”ntenn”s ”re embedded onto the PCB ”nd c”nnot be ch”nged by users. Ple”se refer to the Antenn” ch”(ter in the X7 d”t”sheet for det”ils on the ”ntenn”s... Radar 1unctional Descri(tionThe module uses the 8oveld” X im(ulse r”d”r chi(. Ple”se refer to the X d”t”sheet for ” det”iled descri(tion... 1CC Regulatory 8otices7odification Statement8oveld” AS h”s not ”((roved ”ny ch”nges or modific”tions to this device by the user. Any ch”nges or modific”tions could void the user’s ”uthority to o(er”te the e)ui(ment.Interference StatementThis device com(lies with P”rt  of the 1CC Rules. 9(er”tion is subject to the following two conditions:  this device m”y not c”use interference, ”nd  this device must ”cce(t ”ny interference, including interference th”t m”y c”use undesired o(er”tion of the device.R1 0x(osureThis e)ui(ment com(lies with 1CC r”di”tion ex(osure limits set forth for ”n uncontrolled environment. This tr”nsmitter must not be co-loc”ted or o(er”ting in conjunction with ”ny other ”ntenn” or tr”nsmitter.1CC Class B Digital Device 8oticeThis e)ui(ment h”s been tested ”nd found to com(ly with the limits for ” Cl”ss B digit”l device, (ursu”nt to (”rt  of the 1CC Rules. These limits ”re designed to (rovide re”son”ble (rotection ”g”inst h”rmful interference in ” residenti”l inst”ll”tion. This e)ui(ment gener”tes, uses ”nd c”n r”di”te r”dio fre)uency energy ”nd, if not inst”lled ”nd used in ”ccord”nce with the instructions, m”y c”use h”rmful interference to r”dio communic”tions. 3owever, there is no gu”r”ntee th”t interference will not occur in ” (”rticul”r inst”ll”tion. If this e)ui(ment does c”use h”rmful interference to r”dio or television rece(tion, which c”n be determined by turning the e)ui(ment off ”nd on, the user is encour”ged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following me”sures:
8oveld” ASwww.xethru.comCo(yright ©  8oveld” AS A Prelimin”ry - X7 D”t”sheetP”ge Reorient or reloc”te the receiving ”ntenn”.Incre”se the se(”r”tion between the e)ui(ment ”nd receiver.Connect the e)ui(ment into ”n outlet on ” circuit different from th”t to which the receiver is connected.Consult the de”ler or ”n ex(erienced r”dio/TV technici”n for hel(.6abelling Re)uirements for the 3ost DeviceThe host device sh”ll be (ro(erly l”belled to identify the modules within the host device. The certific”tion l”bel of the module sh”ll be cle”rly visible ”t ”ll times when inst”lled in the host device, otherwise the host device must be l”belled to dis(l”y the 1CC ID of the module, (receded by the words "Cont”ins tr”nsmitter module", or the word "Cont”ins", or simil”r wording ex(ressing the s”me me”ning, ”s follows:Contains FCC ID: 2AD9QX4M02 Schematics, Bill of 7aterial and PCB 6ayoutSchem”tics, bill of m”teri”l ”nd PCB l”yout files for X7 c”n be downlo”ded from Software Resources. XeThru 0mbedded Platform X0PThe XeThru 0mbedded Pl”tform X0P is ”n o(en source code (roject th”t will run on the X7 ”nd X7 r”d”r develo(ment kits to su((ort occu(”ncy ”nd res(ir”tion monitoring ”((lic”tions.X0P comes ”s ” re”dy-to-go Atmel Studio  (roject ”nd im(lements ”ll core function”lities for e”sy h”rdw”re module im(lement”tion.XeThru 0mbedded Pl”tform c”n be downlo”ded from. XeThru 7odule ConnectorThe XeThru 7odule Connector is ” softw”re used to communic”te with ”ll XeThru r”d”r sensor modules from ” host com(uter through ” seri”l interf”ce. XeThru 7odule Connector m”kes ” com(lete API of the modules ”v”il”ble in host environments such ”s 7AT6AB, Python, C++ ”nd C. This m”kes it e”sy to st”rt stre”ming ”nd ”n”lyzing r”d”r d”t” on multi(le levels r”w r”d”r d”t”, b”seb”nd d”t”, (ulse do((ler d”t”, detection lists, res(ir”tion ”nd (resence ”nd directly to ”n environment ide”lly suited for develo(ment of new ”lgorithms.XeThru 7odule Connector includes ”ll document”tion necess”ry to im(lement the seri”l (rotocol of X7 in ” host microcontroller.XeThru 7odule Connector c”n be downlo”ded from
8oveld” ASwww.xethru.comCo(yright ©  8oveld” AS A Prelimin”ry - X7 D”t”sheetP”ge  Su((ort and ResourcesDevelo(ment su((ort, resources, links to develo(ment (”rtners ”nd resellers c”n be found on 8oveld”'s web site Disclaimer8oveld”™, XeThru™ ”nd others ”re registered tr”dem”rks or tr”dem”rks of 8oveld” AS. 9ther terms ”nd (roduct n”mes m”y be tr”dem”rks of others.DISC6AI70R: The inform”tion in this document is (rovided in connection with 8oveld” (roducts. 8o license, ex(ress or im(lied, by esto((el or otherwise, to ”ny intellectu”l (ro(erty right is gr”nted by this document or in connection with the s”le of 8oveld” (roducts. 0XC0PT AS S0T 19RT3 I8 T30 89V06DA T0R7S A8D C98DITI98S 91 SA60S 69CAT0D 98 T30 89V06DA W0BSIT0, 89V06DA ASSU70S 89 6IABI6ITY W3ATS90V0R A8D DISC6AI7S A8Y 0XPR0SS, I7P6I0D 9R STATUT9RY WARRA8TY R06ATI82 T9 ITS PR9DUCTS I8C6UDI82, BUT 89T 6I7IT0D T9, T30 I7P6I0D WARRA8TY 91 70RC3A8TABI6ITY, 1IT80SS 19R A PARTICU6AR PURP9S0, 9R 898-I81RI820708T. I8 89 0V08T S3A66 89V06DA B0 6IAB60 19R A8Y DIR0CT, I8DIR0CT, C98S0QU08TIA6, PU8ITIV0, SP0CIA6 9R I8CID08TA6 DA7A20S I8C6UDI82, WIT39UT 6I7ITATI98, DA7A20S 19R 69SS A8D PR91ITS, BUSI80SS I8T0RRUPTI98, 9R 69SS 91 I819R7ATI98 ARISI82 9UT 91 T30 US0 9R I8ABI6ITY T9 US0 T3IS D9CU708T, 0V08 I1 89V06DA 3AS B008 ADVIS0D 91 T30 P9SSIBI6ITY 91 SUC3 DA7A20S. 8oveld” m”kes no re(resent”tions or w”rr”nties with res(ect to the ”ccur”cy or com(leteness of the contents of this document ”nd reserves the right to m”ke ch”nges to s(ecific”tions ”nd (roducts descri(tions ”t ”ny time without notice. 8oveld” does not m”ke ”ny commitment to u(d”te the inform”tion cont”ined herein. Unless s(ecific”lly (rovided otherwise, 8oveld” (roducts ”re not suit”ble for, ”nd sh”ll not be used in, ”utomotive ”((lic”tions. 8oveld” (roducts ”re not intended, ”uthorized, or w”rr”nted for use ”s com(onents in ”((lic”tions intended to su((ort or sust”in life.SA10TY-CRITICA6, 7I6ITARY, A8D AUT979TIV0 APP6ICATI98S DISC6AI70R: 8oveld” (roducts ”re not designed for ”nd will not be used in connection with ”ny ”((lic”tions where the f”ilure of such (roducts would re”son”bly be ex(ected to result in signific”nt (erson”l injury or de”th S”fety-Critic”l A((lic”tions without ”n 8oveld” officer's s(ecific written consent. S”fety-Critic”l A((lic”tions include, without limit”tion, life su((ort devices ”nd systems, e)ui(ment or systems for the o(er”tion of nucle”r f”cilities ”nd we”(ons systems. 8oveld” (roducts ”re not designed nor intended for use in milit”ry or ”eros(”ce ”((lic”tions or environments unless s(ecific”lly design”ted by 8oveld” ”s milit”ry-gr”de. 8oveld” (roducts ”re not designed nor intended for use in ”utomotive ”((lic”tions unless s(ecific”lly design”ted by 8oveld” ”s ”utomotive-gr”de.
Regulatory Information USA Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could oid the use’s authoity to opeate the euipet.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.RF exposure safety The X4M02 is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission. Labelling Requirements for the Host Device The host device shall be properly labelled to identify the modules within the host device. The certification label of the module shall be clearly visible at all times when installed in the host device, otherwise the host device must be labelled to display the FCC ID of the module, preceded by the words "Contains transmitter module", or the word "Contains", or similar wording expressing the same meaning, as follows: Contains FCC ID: 2AD9QX4M02 UWB devices may not be employed for the operation of toys. Operation onboard an aircraft, a ship or a satellite is prohibited.
Regulatory Information Canada Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could oid the use’s authoity to opeate the equipment.Les changements ou modifications non expressément approuvés par la partie responsable de la conformité pourraient annuler l'autorisation de l'utilisateur d'utiliser l'équipement. This deice coplies ith Idusty Caada’s licece-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference; and (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. RF exposure safety The X4M02 is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the ISED.  Le X4M02 est un émetteur et un récepteur radio. Il est conçu pour ne pas dépasser les limites d'émission pour l'exposition à l'énergie radiofréquence (RF) établie par l'ISDE. Labelling Requirements for the Host Device The host device shall be properly labelled to identify the modules within the host device. The certification label of the module shall be clearly visible at all times when installed in the host device, otherwise the host device must be labelled to display the IC of the module, preceded by the words "Contains transmitter module", or the word "Contains", or similar wording expressing the same meaning, as follows: Contains IC: 22782-X4M02Le’équipement hôte doit être correctement étiqueté pour identifier les modules dans l’équipement. L'étiquette de certification du module doit être clairement visible en tout temps lorsqu'il est installé dans l'hôte, l’équipement hôte doit être étiqueté pour afficher l'IC du module, précédé des mots "Contient le module émetteur", ou le mot "Contient", ou un libellé similaire exprimant la même signification, comme suit: Contains IC: 22782-X4M02CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B)

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