Nutek ATCB Car Alarm Transmitter User Manual

Nutek Corporation Car Alarm Transmitter

User Manual

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Document ID382779
Application IDGW2COankbeWq4ctpfmH58Q==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize39.09kB (488582 bits)
Date Submitted2003-12-18 00:00:00
Date Available2003-12-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2003-10-20 01:38:56
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 5.0.5 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2003-10-20 10:19:58
Document TitleUser Manual

User's Manual
Transmitter Programming Guide
These transmitters makes use or Icons (symbols) to identity the reac-
tion your security system/keytess entry/and or remote start system,
where applicable will have when any Icon (button) Is pressed
These loons are programmed at time oi Installation to meet the needs oi
the Individual and to complement the vehicle that the system is mulled
in, To replace a transmitter or add transmitters. please toliow the
programming instructions listed on the pages ol this manual.
' Where So Equipped
Lock And Arm Alarm, also Initiate and
terminates 'Panic
Unlock And Disarm, also Initiates and
terminates “Panic. Programmable to
unlock drivers door and or all more.
Look and armlunlock and disarm. May
be programmed to unlock driver‘s door
or all doors, Also will Inltlate and
terminate ‘Panici
Pulsed or switched output to control
Remote Trunk Release or optional
device connected to channel 3.
When pressed and release two times.
wit provide pulsed mnput or activate the
Remote Start option when installed,
When so equipped. this button can be
used to operate an optional device
connected to channel 4.
When so equipped, this button can be
used to operate an optional device
connected to channel 5.
Sorne ot the more popular options available tor the unused Option
Buttons ol our transmitter are:
As 95 4 Remote Gare a Door lnlertace (APSZKCMSFUZF only)
AS 9075 Remote car a after
AS 9t53 Remote window roll up
As 9256 Remote trunk release relay
Nthou h the most common use ol the transmitter buttons are shown
on the rent page at this guide. any button or button combination can be
programmed into any receiver channel. Additionally, it all 4 buttons are
used and you require access to a 5th channel. you would program a
combination oi buttons to control the 5th tum: ion. i.e... you have
pro rammed lock tor arm, unlock tor disarm, trunk tor trunk release,
an OPTl tor garage door operation, andoycu’ve added a whdow up
module that want independent control . you would program un-
lock and t buttons pressed simultaneously into the receiver to con-
trol this tunctlort independently. Also, it you do not pr ram a transmit-
ter button lnlo channel 2 which is the separate unl disarm chan-
nel then whatever button is programmed into channel I Will serve
as both lock/arm a unlock/disarm.
NOTE: It is important to remember that dung the programing mode
each hdividual step must be cornpl ad within 15 ascents oi
the previous step. It the 15 second time limit expires between
steps, the unit will automatically exit the program mode, This
is indicated by a long chirp from the siren.
Non alarm models will flash Marital lights only to confirm the
transmitter code has been lea nd 5 ed.
NOTE: Because the system may be capable ol soundin a siren. the
vehicle horn, or both. w ere the siren chirp is re erenced be
w, the each may chirp. the horn may beep. or both devices
may soun .
1) Enter the vehicle. and turn the ignition switch to the on position
2 Press and release the valet push button switch three times.
3 The dash mourned LED will llash 1x, and the siren will chirp 1x
hdicating that the system is ree lo awept prograrrmlng oi channel
at which rs amt/lock. dIsarm/un 2, and pant: functions.
4) Press and hold the look or lock/unlock syrrbol button of the transmit-
ter you men to program tor 4 seconds or uni! a long chirp is heard
lrom the siren.
'Ftepeat step 4 lot each transmitter you wish to programfl
NOTE It your transmitter button has the Lock/Unlock icon on one
button. press and release the valet push button switch 2 times
then move on to step we. A
5) Press and release the valet ush button switch one true to advance
to channel 2. The siren will irp 2 times and the dash mounted LED
will Flash 2 times, indicating that the unit is ready to accept wan
ming for channel or 2 which is only used lor separate and
unlock button transmitters, and is the disarm/unlocklunlock 2 and
6) Press and hold the tntloclt symbol button ol the transmitter wish
to program tor 4 seconds or until a long chirp is heard cm the
s ren.
“Repeat step 6 tor eadt transmitter you wrsh to program'._
7) Press and release the valet push button switch one time to ad-
vance to channel 3. The siren wfll chirp 3 times and the dash
mounted LED will Flash 3 times, indicating that the unit is ready
to accept programming tor channel it 3 which Is the trunk re-
lease/enamels output channel 0! the system.
8) Press and hold the "Mme symbol button oi the trarmiler you
wllshtoprogamtom oruvllalongd‘kprshaardlromthe
s ren.
”Re eat step a lot each transmitter ou wish to program“.
9) rose and release the valet ush non switch one time to advance
to channel 4 It so u' . The siren wrllchup 4 lines and the
dash mounted LED l 4 tines indicatin thatlhe unit is ready
to accept programming tor channel ll 4. up 1 device (where
to)°l§ress and hold the Option button oi the transmitter you wish to
rogram tor 4 seconds or unti a long chirp ls heard from the siren
'Flepeat step 10 lor each transmitter you wish to_ ogram‘.
11) Press and release the valet push button swrtch one time to ad-
vametodnmetsilsoefiu' ,Thasirenwlllch 5tlrnesand
the dash mouthed LED w sh 5 times. indicet'ng tthe unit is
readytoacceptprogranminglorchannellls optionaldevbelwhere
12)Pres%p:gzt hold the second Option button of the transmitter you
”Repeat step 12 lor each transmitter you wish to program“.
NOTE: Belore you begin to erase the lost or stolen transmitteds)‘ have
all transmitters available that you wish to remain programmed.
These will be used during t e program process to identily
transmitters that will continue to be used.
Enter the transmitter program mode:
1. Turn the ignition switch to the "ON“ position.
2. Within to seconds, press and release the valet/program swrtch
three times. (Siren emits 1 short chirp indicating channel 1 has
been entered)
3. Within 10 Seconds, press and hold the ARM or ARM/DISARM
button oi the first transmitter you wish to remain stored into the
control unit until a single chirp IS heard lrom the siren.
(R1 t this tor each transmitter you wish to rerna'n stored in the control
uni .
The receiver stores up to tour transmitters. To be certaii all transmitter
slots in the receiver are occupied with transmitters you wish to con»
tinue to use. and all others are erased, you will have to tilt all four
receiver slots. Il h st 3 you identilled one transmitter. you will have
to till the additional 3 s ole. if in step 3 you identified two transmitters.
you Will have to tilt the additional two slots. etc.“
4. Press and hold an unused button or combination oi buttons until a
long chirp is has lrom the siren. Release and press the button or
button combination agaln and again until all remaining slots are lull
NOTE: The button or combination cl buttons entered w I also control
the arm or amt/disann function until additional transmitters are
added. All unwanted transmitters are now deleted.
To reprogram a receiver channel with e dilterent transmitter button
once a code has been stored. there wil be two 1
1. Enter the transmitter proqam mode at the receiver channel to be
reprogrammed. Using any unused button or combination of but-
tons. push out the stored code by ressing the unused button until
a long chirp is heard. then rowel additional times. Alter this. you
can add an desired unused transmitter button. This action erases
only the bu stored ol the transmitter you are programming. All
other codes will remain stored
. Enter die transmitter ram mode. Us'ng any transmitter button
press and hold until a chi is heard. It a singe chirp or mutti e
chirps. (up to 7 chirps , are eard, the unit is indicating that e
transmitter has alrea been pro rammed elem/here n the re
oerverc Release the transmitter bu and Within 5 seconds press
and hold untl a lo chirp heard. This action lorces the unit to
erase all stored as oi that transmitter.
The unit then exits the Erogram mode the siren emits the ogram mode
exit chirp pattern. All ansmttter buttons tor that transm must now
be reprogrammed Any other transmitter stored in the unit's memory
still remam operational. It the button is released and not pressed again
within the 5 second period no change in programming has been made
to the receiver channel. The programmer can move onto a dilterent
channel or erase the transmitter codes as described in 1 above.
ii the transmitter packaged with your system included the APS-ZKAFL
(Flashlight Transmitter) pressing the button located on the side. oi
the transmitter will cause he light on the end oi the unit to turn on.
The light will turn off when the button is released.
Caution! Always point the light ewa from you and the eyes oi others.
This a bright hi it htensity LED ioh should not be directed toward
or into the eyes 0 anyone.
You can progra'm any individual channel without reprogramming all
channels. To go directly to a particular receiver channel lollow the
chart below:
Form Nu 115-55"!

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