Nutek ATRJB TRANSCEIVER User Manual 128 8841 SS92p P65

Nutek Corporation TRANSCEIVER 128 8841 SS92p P65

(SS92P) UserMan

128-88411 of 8Your Alarm and/or Remote Start unit has a configurable receiver that allowsthe transmitter to be programmed to operate the Lock/Unlock functions withone transmitter button or with two transmitter buttons (separate Lock/Unlock). In addition, the receiver also allows driver priority function. Thisdriver priority function takes place when ever a particular transmitter isused to unlock the vehicle regardless of the selection of one button or twobutton operation.The following indicates the receiver programmable slots:1 Lock/Unlock or Lock2 Unlock if Programmed3 Trunk Release and/or Remote Start (Optional on some models)4 Auxiliary Output5 Auxiliary Output6 Driver 1 Priority or Seperate Output7 Driver 2 Priority or Separate OutputReceiver channels 6 or 7 will accept the programming of transmitterchannel 1 if used as the Lock/Unlock button, or Channel 2 when separateLock/Unlock buttons are programmed. In this way, whenever the transmitteris used to unlock the vehicle, channel 6 or 7, when programmed, willprovide a pulsed ground output. This output can be connected to the driverpriority function of the vehicle to reset preset user features. Please consultwith your installation center technician to see if this feature is available inyour vehicle.NOTE: A total of 4 transmitters may be programmed into any receiverchannel.Force programming a transmitter, removing a transmitter, or reprioritizing atransmitter is covered later in this manual.Also, if you do not program a transmitter button into channel 2, which is theseparate unlock/disarm channel, then whatever button is programmed intochannel 1 will serve as both lock/arm & unlock/disarm.NOTE: The RED Button serves as a function button in combination with otherbuttons explained in your owner’s manual. This button may not be used tooperate a receiver channel.NOTE: The Option Button is predetermined and programmed for access toTime Start, and Temperature Start & Check so it cannot be used for multiplebutton operation of any other feature. It will however operate for any singlebutton programming.This transmitter is also capable of one button programming for certain modelModel SS92Programming Guide
128-88413 of 8Audiovox Alarms. If your alarm is one of these models, then when step 3 iscompleted on the following page, you can turn the ignition switch off andprogramming with the default button configurations for the first four chan-nels will be complete.TO ENTER THE PROGRAM MODE:1. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON” position.2. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet/program switch threetimes.(Siren emits 1 short chirp indicating channel 1 has been entered.)3. Within 10 seconds, press and hold the button of the first transmitter youwish to control the Lock & Arm feature of your security system until a longchirp is heard from the siren.(Repeat this for each transmitter you wish to operate the Lock & Armfeature.)4. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet program switch onetime.(Siren emits 2 short chirps indicating channel 2 has been entered.)5. Within 10 seconds, press and hold any unused button(s) of the firsttransmitter you wish to control the Unlock/Disarm feature of your securitysystem until a long chirp is heard from the siren.NOTE: This channel is used only if you desire separate control of theLock/Unlock feature. If you wish to operate the Lock/Unlock features froma single button, move onto step 6 as whatever button is programmed intochannel 1 will control both Lock & Arm/Unlock & Disarm.(Repeat this for each transmitter you wish to operate the Unlock/Disarmfeature.)6. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet program switch onetime.(Siren emits 3 short chirps indicating channel 3 has been entered.)7. Within 10 seconds, press and hold any unused button(s) of the firsttransmitter you wish to control Channel 3 output (Trunk Release), until along chirp is heard from the siren.(Repeat this for each transmitter you wish to operate the Channel 3output.)8. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet program switch onetime.(Siren emits 4 short chirps indicating channel 4 has been entered.)9. Within 10 seconds, press and hold any unused button(s) of the firsttransmitter you wish to control Channel 4 output (Auxiliary Output 1), untila long chirp is heard from the siren.(Repeat this for each transmitter you wish to operate the Channel 4output.)3
128-88414 of 810. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet program switch onetime.(Siren emits 5 short chirps indicating channel 5 has been entered.)11. Within 10 seconds, press and hold any unused button(s) of the firsttransmitter you wish to control Channel 5 output, (Auxiliary Output 2) untila long chirp is heard from the siren.(Repeat this for each transmitter you wish to operate the Channel 5output.)12. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet program switch onetime.(Siren emits 6 short chirps, indicating channel 6 has been entered.)13. Within 10 seconds, press and hold the unlock button, (or any unusedbutton(s)), of the first transmitter you wish to control Channel 6 output,(Driver Priority 1) until a long chirp is heard from the siren.(Repeat this for each transmitter you wish to operate the Channel 6output, Driver Priority 1.)14. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet program switch onetime.(Siren emits 7 short chirps indicating channel 7 has been entered.)15. Within 10 seconds, press and hold the unlock button (or any unusedbutton(s)) of the first transmitter you wish to control Channel 7 output,(Driver Priority 2) until a long chirp is heard from the siren.(Repeat this for each transmitter you wish to operate the Channel 7output, Driver Priority 2.)NOTE:  Channels 6 and 7 can be used as a separate output to control afunction other than driver priority. Simply programming any unusedtransmitter button other than the unlock button will allow completeindependent control of these outputs.ERASING TRANSMITTERS IF THEY HAVE BEEN LOST OR STOLEN:NOTE: Before you begin to erase the lost or stolen transmitter(s), have alltransmitters available that you wish to remain programmed. These will beused during the program process to identify transmitters that will continueto be used.Enter the transmitter program mode:1. Turn the ignition switch to the “ON” position.2. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet/program switch threetimes.  (Siren emits 1 short chirp indicating channel 1 has been entered.)3. Within 10 seconds, press and hold the ARM or ARM/DISARM button ofthe first transmitter you wish to remain stored into the control unit until asingle chirp is heard from the siren.(Repeat this for each transmitter you wish to remain stored  in the controlunit.)The receiver stores up to four transmitters. To be certain all transmitter4
128-88415 of 8slots in the receiver are occupied with transmitters you wish to continueto use, and all others are erased, you will have to fill all four receiver slots.If in step 3 you identified one transmitter, you will have to fill the additional3 slots. If in step 3 you identified two transmitters, you will have to fill theadditional two slots, etc...4. Press and hold any unused button or combination of buttons until a longchirp is heard from the siren. Release and press the button or buttoncombination again and again until all remaining slots are full.5. Repeat this procedure with the appropriate transmitter buttons for allother receiver channels. REPRIORITIZING A TRANSMITTER’S PROGRAMMING:To reprogram a receiver channel with a different transmitter button once acode has been stored, there will be two options:1. Enter the transmitter program mode of the receiver channel to bereprogrammed. Using any unused button or combination of buttons, pushout the stored code by pressing the unused button until a long chirp isheard, then repeat 3 additional times. After this, you can add any desiredunused transmitter button. This action erases only that particular receiverchannel, all other codes will remain stored.2.  Enter the transmitter program mode. Using any transmitter button, pressand hold until a long chirp is heard. If a single chirp or multiple chirps, (upto 7 chirps), are heard, the unit is indicating that the transmitter hasalready been programmed elsewhere in the receiver. Release thetransmitter button and within 5 seconds press and hold until a long chirp isheard. This action forces the unit to erase all stored codes of thattransmitter.The unit then exits the program mode. The siren emits the program modeexit chirp pattern. All transmitter buttons for that transmitter must now bereprogrammed. Any other transmitter stored in the unit’s memory stillremain operational. If the button is released and not pressed again withinthe 5 second period, no change in programming has been made to thereceiver channel. The programmer can move onto a different channel orerase the transmitter codes as described in 1 above.RECHARGING THE BATTERY:You will notice a decrease in transmitter range as the battery conditiondeteriorates. There is also a low battery indicator that indicates no bars inthe LCD panel, as shown on the left, when thebattery charge level begins to fall. Transmitterbattery recharging is required as the batteryindicator dictates, which depends upon frequency ofuse.5
128-88416 of 86To charge the battery using the supplied USB charger shown below:Connect the mini “B” type USB connector tothe port located on the side of the trans-ceiver as shown in the diagram.This device complies with FCC Rules Part 15 Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference and2. This device must accept any interference that may be received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Note: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TVinterference caused by unauthorized modifications to thisequipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority tooperate the equipment.
128-88417 of 8Attention: Transmitter Ordering DepartmentImportant:  To help us expedite your order, please print all of the informationlegibly and mail this form and your payment according to the instructionsbelow.Be certain to specify MODEL NUMBER found on back of your transceiver___________1) Name:___________________________________________2) Address:_________________________________________3) City:________________State:________Zip Code:__________4 Telephone Number:( )_____________________5) Total Number Of Transmitters Required:_______Cost Per Transmitter is:        $125.00Multiply By Number Of Transmitters            X6) Enter Total Amount Enclosed                     _______(New York State Residents must include the appropriate sales tax)7) Method of Payment:     Mastercard  Visa Check or Money Order (do not send cash)Make Checks Payable To Audiovox CorporationCredit Card Number:___________________________________Credit Card Expiration Date:        ____/___/____8) Mail this form along with your payment to:Transmitter Ordering DepartmentAudiovox Corporation  150 Marcus Blvd.,  Hauppauge N.Y. 11788Credit card purchasers can order additional or replacementtransmitters by phone. Simply dial 1 - 800 - 645 - 4994, and followthe instructions from the operator interface7ORDER FORM FOR TRANSCEIVERS  SS92P
128-88418 of 8© 2010 Audiovox Electronics Corp., 150 Marcus Blvd., Hauppauge, NY 11788                              128-8841WWW.audiovox.comFor Customer ServiceVisit Our Website AtProduct Information, Photos,FAQ’s Owner’s Manuals

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