OKIN Refined Electric Technology JLDP05052 BT Control Box User Manual 6 x

OKIN Refined Electric Technology Co., Ltd. BT Control Box 6 x

Users Manual

发行部门 Issued by:研发部 R&D dept. Creation date:2017.04.13 产品说明书(功能说明) Founder: Peter Product specification APP 蓝牙系统说明书(JLDK.) APP Blue Tooth system Specification (JLDK.) version:  1 Page 1 for 4 一、 产品外观直视图ProductAppearanceAPP 蓝牙系统 - JLDK. APP blue tooth – JLDK. 二、产品外形尺寸图DimensionDrawings无/ NONE
发行部门 Issued by:研发部 R&D dept. Creation date:2017.04.13 产品说明书(功能说明) Founder: Peter Product specification APP 蓝牙系统说明书(JLDK.) APP Blue Tooth system Specification (JLDK.) version:  1 Page 2 for 4 三、产品功能描述ProductFeatures 1、通过 APP 控制,可自主选择沙发。Through APP control, can choose sofa independently. 2、单个沙发可实现三电机控制、阅读灯控制、七彩杯灯光控制以及灯带控制。Can achieve three motor control, reading lamp control, seven colors cup lighting control and lamp belt control by single sofa. 3、七彩杯颜色与灯带同步。The color of the cup is synchronized with the lamp belt.  4、具备 USB 充电功能,支持 2A 充电。USB charging port, support 2A charging . 5、具有备用开关,能够实现电机控制。The motor can be controlled with spare switch. 5、常用休闲沙发或影院椅。For leisure sofas and cinema armchairs. 四、产品性能参数的主要要求 PerformanceData1、APP 控制开关 APP control 2、适用于直通电路 For Direct circuit 3、其它参数如附表 Other data is shown in the following table. 输出 Output USB 输出电压 USB output voltage 5V USB 输出电流 USB output current 2A 输入 Input  输入电压范围Input voltage range 29V 环境Environment室内使用 Indoor use 其它 Other 电源线 Cable
󱉦󰯁󱯰SMPS/󱉦󰯁 Main motor-Backrest/reclineSingle motor-Head tiltSingle motor-Lumbar󲲝󰃖󱯰Connectingline󲈎󰾊󰃘󱐃Bluetoothcontrol boxEmergency switch󰶠󰒠Cup holder1󰒠Cup holder2󰄃USB socket 5 电器连接图 Electrical connection diagram
发行部门 Issued by:研发部 R&D dept. Creation date:2017.04.13 产品说明书(功能说明) Founder: Peter Product specification APP 蓝牙系统说明书(JLDK.) APP Blue Tooth system Specification (JLDK.) version:  1 Page 3 for 4 七、产品常见问题FAQ问题一: 沙发不能够工作  A: My sofa doesn’t work.  回答:请按照以下步骤排查:  Q: Please take the following steps to check your sofa. 1. 先检查开关电源指示灯是否点亮;Check the SMPS light  (1.1 点亮为正常;1.2 非点亮即检查开关电源线路连接情况,在连接正常情况下指示灯仍未点亮,请更换开关电源重试)  1.1 If the SMPS light is on, the system works.  1.2 If the SMPS light is off, please check whether there is a disconnection. If all items are connected properly but the light is still off, please replace the SMPS and retry.  2. 再检查开关按键按下后,背光是否点亮;Press a switch key and check the LED light  (2.1 一般情况下,点亮即为正常;特殊情况下,指示灯点亮却无法正常工作的,需更换手控开关或驱动器(主要因产品本身线路情况影响导致无法正常工作);2.2 如未点亮,需检查从开关电源至手控开关的整条线路是否正常(如接口未连接、线材被压破等),线路连接正常指示灯仍未亮则需更换手控开关。  2.1 If the LED light is on, the system works. If the light is on but the sofa still doesn’t work, please replace the switch or the actuator, for the circuit of the product might be the major cause of the fault.  2.2. If the LED light is off, please check whether there is a disconnection or any cuts or crimps in cables. If the connection and the cables are in good condition but the light is still off, please replace the switch. 八、安装注意事项ProductionInstallation九、维护保养MaintenanceInstructions1、非防水产品不允许置于潮湿区域,且所有产品不允许用水清洗,只能使用酒精擦拭;Please do not use the non-water proof products in damp environment. No products can be washed with water. Cleaning with alcohol is allowed.  六、产品的主要使用范围Environment
发行部门 Issued by:研发部 R&D dept. Creation date:2017.04.13 产品说明书(功能说明) Founder: Peter Product specification APP 蓝牙系统说明书(JLDK.) APP Blue Tooth system Specification (JLDK.) version:  1 Page 4 for 4 2、外观使用塑料材质,且含有许多元器件,请轻拿轻放,正确安装;Please handle the product with care and install it properly to avoid any breaks in plastic material or in small components. 3、遵守安全操作规程,不超负荷使用产品,及时消除不安全因素;  Please follow the specification and eliminate insecurities in time. Overload is not allowed.  4、产品使用环境温度:常温下使用;Ambient temperature: room temperature.  5、相对湿度:不大于80%。Relative humidity: no more than 80%. FCC:AnyChangesormodificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoidtheuser’sauthoritytooperatetheequipment.Thisdevicecomplieswithpart15oftheFCCRules.Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation.ISEDRSSWarning:ThisdevicecomplieswithInnovation,ScienceandEconomicDevelopmentCanadalicenceexemptRSSstandard(s).Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcauseinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterference,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperationofthedevice.LeprésentappareilestconformeauxCNRd'ISEDapplicablesauxappareilsradioexemptsdelicence.L'exploitationestautoriséeauxdeuxconditionssuivantes:(1)l'appareilnedoitpasproduiredebrouillage,et(2)l'utilisateurdel'appareildoitacceptertoutbrouillageradioélectriquesubi,mêmesilebrouillageestsusceptibled'encompromettrelefonctionnement.FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment .This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body.   ISED Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with ISED radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment .This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Le rayonnement de la classe b repecte IC fixaient un environnement non contrôlés.Installation et mise en œuvre de  ce  matériel  devrait  avec  échangeur  distance  minimale  entre  20  cm  ton  corps.Lanceurs  ou  ne  peuvent  pas coexister cette antenne ou capteurs avec d’autres.

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