OPPO Mobile Telecommunications R8006 Mobile Phone User Manual C Users Vphone Desktop 13095 English 2

GuangDong Oppo Mobile Telecommunications Corp., Ltd. Mobile Phone C Users Vphone Desktop 13095 English 2

User Manual

Download: OPPO Mobile Telecommunications R8006 Mobile Phone User Manual C  Users Vphone Desktop 13095 English 2
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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2014-04-10 00:00:00
Date Available2014-04-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-04-08 16:24:48
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Document TitleC:\Users\Vphone\Desktop\13095_English 2.doc
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Document Author: Vphone

Contents in this user manual may differ from the actual mobile device, and is subject to software
serwce providers.
Than k you for choosing the fashionable and cool owe.
R8006 is a muchscantrolled mobile device. A tap on the screen allows you to enable corresponding
iunctmn, as is intuitive and handy. With a wealtli or entertaining apps accessible, 3 tap Wlll trigger
the magic for marvelous experience.
Music becomes simple and easy for yaprenioyment With a dedicated music player suppnrklng
multiple audio formats; a 1: megapixel digital camera assists you to capture every memorable
moment of your life; GPRS/EDGE/WCDMA/4G FDDVLTE and WiFI provide you with fabulous net
aiming experignce; any fancied am) can be installed ta your heart's content With the latest
Andrnldtechnnlogy, which is oisuperp compatibility, extensibility and reliability; not m mention
aiuetoutti 4.0, perfect audio quality and ultra-large screen, get ready for ceaseless fun and joy!
Please read this user manual carefully before using (MS device,
www.cppotliai.corri v1.0
No part or this user manual may be reproduced, transmitted, dlstrlouted or stored in any rorm or by
any means Without prior written permission afOPPO
oven operates a policy oi ongoing development 7hus, opeo reserves the right to make changesand
modirications to any or the products described in this document without prior notice.
The contents of this document are provided “as is‘ Except as required by applicable laws, no
warranties of any kind, express or [mulled] are made in relation to the accuracy, reliability or
contents or this document.
Please make sure backups or written records are made fur important contents and data stored in your
device since loss or damage could be caused in use, maintenance, battery replacement or ior other
reasons To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances shall DPPO or
any or its licensors be liable for any loss or data or income or any special, incidental, consequential
or indirect damages howsoever caused.
The third-party software provided with this ueVice may have been created and may be owned by
persons or entities not alriliated with or related to OPPO OPPO does not own the copyrights or
intellectual property to the third-party applications As such, owo does not take any responsibility
ror end~user support, functiunamy or the applications, or the information provided in the applications
or associated materials. 0W0 does not provide any warranty ror the third-party a lications
By uslng the applications you acknowledge that the applications are provided ”as! with no warranty
oi any kind, neither express nor implied, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law
You iurther acknowledge that owe makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, including
but not limited to warranties or title, merchantability or l-itness fur a particular purpose or that the
applications Will not lnrringe any thirdrparty patent, ccpyrlghl, trademark or other rights
Prnducl suepiies as well as related applications ano accessories may vary by region.
Please check with your the dealers appointed by two tor details
This devtce may contain commodity, technology or software Subject to export laws and regulations
from Thailand and other countries. Diverslnn contrary to law is prohibited.
$- fetx
Please familiarize yourself With the follnwing
concise regulations. Not following these
regulations might be dangeruus or illegal.
switch onarouna madlcal equipment
Hospitals or healthcare organizations
might own equipments whlzh are
Further information about safety is pro
inthis user manual.
$9 [>&
Switch on safely
no not switch the devlce on when
phone use is prohibited or when it
may cause interference or danger.
Road safety comes first
Please obey all local laws and
regulations. it's best to drive the
vehicle With both hands. Rnad safety
shall come first before mnblle device
use while driving.
switch on at 3:: at. on
Please do not use the device at gas
station (service station) or places in
close proximity to fuel or chemicals.
swllch on when taking an airplane
Your device may cause interference.
Phone use on airplane is dangerous
and illegal.
sen ve to wireless frequency.
Please obey all regulations or rules.
All Wireless devices might be
susceptible to interference and effected
in perrormance.
siiviteli ouarnunu blasting areas
Please obey all related rules and
regulations. on not use this device
around blasting areas.
Appropriate use
use the devrce only at aPprupriate places.
Please do not touch the antenna area
after it is switched on unnecessary.
Qu ed service
The device can only be installed or
maintained by qualified service staff.
Sn fall
Acccssorlcs and bakery
Please use the exclusive accessories
and battery provided by oppo.
Accessnrles not provided by OPPO mlght
cause phone damage and danger.
Wller resistance
Vour devlce ls not water-reslstant.
Please keep lt dry.
Connect to another I‘MVIEB
when :nnnectlng to annther device,
please check the instructions ofthe
device for safety details. Please dn not
connect to incompatible products.
II Ahnul Thll Ill-r Mum-I
Yhis usermanual wovmes concise informanon
almul hawm use the device. Please referm 'Use
Intruducllun” and ”Basil: functions"forbaslc
operations cf the aevlee.
You will see the following nstrucnanil icons in nus
uslr manual:
(A) Cannons about safety or device iuncuons.
)An cpllnn of submenu ynu shnuld selezz
to perform a function.
[l 1] A key on the devlce. Fur example:
[Funcrion key].
I 91 Tips about phone use.
II 5' till Funciionl
camera and Vi eo recorder
Use the devlce as a camera nr 3
Video recorder.
Media player
Use the devlce tn play musl: and
videos of MP3, MP4 and omer
Use eluemom wireless technolngy
k0 vansmxl phokos, video records
or other personal data, or tn
cannecuo other devices,
Access to Internet vla wal will be
easier, better and faster.
Accessorles calenuar w:
Calculamr : l
Vour Device, m m“, 1 I
"‘m‘ “m“ -- Multlmndla Applications . l
use lnlrndutriun an; 9"“
Basl: steps fur vhune one a on C m
lnslall me sm are and Damery ln Fla W ‘
smcn 071/on H II? managemen
PC connections
Device passward and unlcck [,7
l l
Charge m devloe n 353;: “men ”5
Nelwurk modes l Em"
oneranng system 13 Emma,
Tnuch canmfl and keys )4
Landscape made and hackligm 15
lnalcamls 15
' 18
my“ mamas m Yrouhlshoatlng.. . so
cau'm“ ‘5 "calm and samv l . . . . . 3;
Banerv sewrilv 33
a l r l . . ,, . . . . ls
Pfinthsgf‘ "'5 20 Care and maintenance 33
$5551” ii Fund-Imenhl Perfonmnce par-mews.“
:75ch 23 Help You get In know ln-s dewce a:
Accal orle
You are pmvided With the fnllawing standard
Mamie aeyrae
User manual Quick arm
am {able Emmi-s
standard configurations arms aeyice include:
one phone oewce, one charger, one use data
came, on Earphunl, one usermanual and one
quick guide (ard.
Additional accessones :an be oursnaseu from
local dealers.
Aldo! ecessorres shown in the above
lllustration may vary differ from actual
Accessories (battery, charger, etc.) can
only be used on matched o ai oppo
products To protect your benefit, please
conduct battery true-false inquiry and
register your product in time.
Warranty maintenance is unavallable when
troubles are caused for using the accessories
on other products,
Your device
I Keys and parts
hm: key
um Sansnr/
mums sensor
0 O
From mm M Camera um
Rlar (amlra
w [Ens
Volume kzy
Mom: m
um m
usB Cable and
:hargar mnneclcr
cal ng , Mnklmedla awlafloni.
Dtalpad Muslc player
Can history Plzylm
Comm; Swing as nngmn:
Favorites Player smings
Plumebook Camem
FavorRiS Flle manual-Ian. ..
Grauus treating new fo‘der
Mixing», , . ....
Messaging . . .. Mlcm SD (ard extension supper!
Saving seumgs 21
SMSSEWHBS Pc connections . . ., H . .25
lefiahon semngs I leeless(ounecdons,, , » . A .36
Seamus .
General swings 21
Snund semngs 22 Erawsev
me assistam
Use Insmductlon
- 3 steps 'or phone operation
SIM card Inlormauon
When subscnbmg fur network access, you wm get a
p‘ugv‘ype 5m cardl wnnn carrres your mrorrnation,
such as pm eode and ayauaoxe serwce ootrons.
Install the SXM card
Nease tum off the ohone, the SIM card, as shown
vn tne rouowrne figure sm mrd gap outwards, the
metal face up: from the swde wrtn tne sue oi the
pros and other chJens mto tne 5m card tray at the
mp or the hole, the SIM card may wul automatmany
you uwnsen the tray, As shown be‘ow SIM card
gap outward, meta‘ face-up:
All Infim‘mabon In relallon to network
:onnectron, as wen as your :an mg \nmanzauon,
cnnlacls smred in the 5m eard ononeoook,
commomeation logs and some SMS messages
are an saved m the metal wane area or the SIM
A won-mg: Tn avnid card data \nss and damage,
visas: avmd touehmg the metal wane area uf
the 5m came Keep the SIM card away vrom
elem-iety and magnet
Service network wm be unahle to acoess once
me 504 card ‘5 damaged.
The SIM card an be removed fmm your newce
and olaeed In any other de em suooort nf
curmsvunding network serwe, and me device
wm automatrcauy reads data on the card,
- switch on/nlf
swncn on
Insert the SIM card, TF card and battery fallowlng
the mslrucllens abate, press and hold the power
key umi‘ it gwes a response uf vthraliun.
Once a SIM card Is \nsertea m, me name WM check
aulamancauv the avanabmtv cf the SIM card,
Switch at:
First make sure You have pmperly saved yourdata.
Press and mm the pawer key and men seten Dower
nff m we Dov-up menu, or press and note the power
key In swttehed an.
oasis reset
"the wane Freezes, tang presstne pawernutton
(about a semnas) ran operate after the finger .s
reteased agam after \ang by 3 secands to reboot,
1r yuu long press the power button rut tea lung
(about 15 seconds), you need to us: the use
cunnemun lo actwate the maemne.
Remove SIM are
When you need to remove the SIM aardflum on
your mmputer, \nsenthe SIM card tray at the
tap onne hole mm the sue or me pms and other
amen: {mm the side, the SIM card trey wm
aulnmaucallv pop up, and then remove the SIM
card slot, as shown belaw:
Aunt". You must stutter. air the aewce before
remowng the sm card and me memary care,
Du nut tnsett m remuve the 5m card Dr Mammy
mrd with external Dawer suppty connectmn,
ntherwise {K may cause data ‘05: or damage.
Ula Introductlon
- novice password and unlock
Sl-ndhv screen Ind iinloek
in power-on status, press the sowerkey nrlce, the
device would switch off the screen oeckiioht and
enter standby mode to seve power; the oeekiight
would he switched on by pressing the power key
once again. The screen wouid oe iocked to prevent
unintended touches, so you need unlock it manually
lino operation is conducted fora specilied time, the
device would enter stendoy mode and you need
uniock it again ior further operations.
set password
To prevent iliegol use, you can set device oossword
fur protection. Ifnii feature is activated, you must
enter the password each time you switch it on to
uniock the device,
in case you have largollen your device password,
you are sunposed to contact yourdealerorihe iocei
authorized service centerto iinoiock it.
unhiook SIM card
To prevent iiiegoi use, you mavadnptPlN
(personal identification number) code to
protect your SIM card.
when thisieature is activated, you must enter
the PIN code each limE You switch ml the
device to unlock nil SIM card and make in
answer a phone talk you may caneei 5m core
protection, in which mode iiieoai use cannot
be prevented.
Aw may your 5m card would he oiocked oy
the network ii'you enterincdrrect uasswnrds
continuousiy for three times, and the device
wouid inouire your PUK code.
Do not enter anvthlng iiyou do not know,
bring the SIM card to your network service
proVidervor solution, or ten times' incorrect
entering wiii cause your 5m cord become
useiess. your network service providerwiii set
e standard Pm roryour sim card.
You need to modify it to he Your private
Password as soon as possioie.
lCharge the de 9
Connect the chirgerwlm the pewersuggly, ur
cennectthe d: e to a pc usa cable, plug the
end orthe use table lhtb the charger cpnnectbror
the devlce to startcharglng.
Th: power ican an the upweprighl camera! the
screen Wlll keep scrolllng, lryaur dewce has been
swltehed off, the display will show a lmage
lndlcanng charging status
rne pawerican an the uaaer-rieht carnerar the
sereen wlll keep seralllng, "your deylce has been
swltehea art, the display wlll show a lmage
indicating charglng status. lrthe device has been
ayerused under law pawer, it may take a whlle fur
the charglng lndlcatarta appearnn the screen.
when the puwer lndlcatar an the upper~rlght comer
Showsfull and stops scralllng, the battery ls lully
chargedu The screen wlll Show a battery full lmage
lflhe device is charged in newer-err made. While
charging, the device may heat up, as ls nurmal.
Awe-nut. Please ensure the battery is properly
Plated and use OPVO-apvmved dflli cable and
adamanThe adaptershall he lnslalled near me
egulpment and shall be easllv aceesslalunls
charger ls lar lndoar use anlwhe chargerautput
manage/current ls 5VdC/IA,
For Voursecurll‘lr lryau need to talkoh the
devtce in process orcharglng, please dlsconnecl
the charger before you use the de e and
continue to charge arter you are r hed.
When the battery ls iully charged, dlseohnect
the AC pawerautlet Wlth the devrce and charger,
charging time shall netexceed lz hours.
Please lollow the security speclilcatlbhsstrlctly,
l Network modes
The device supports bpth ze GSM and 36
chMA/LTE FBI} and LTE TDD as well as data
transmlssloh mode ofGPRS/EDGE/WCDMA/HSPA
+/LTE,al|anng accessto wlreless network
whenever and whereverpasslble.
I Operating system
The device emplays Andmld operating system
wlth superb campahplllty, extens-blllty and
rellabllltyl allowing you ta lnstall snftware,
games and other applicatlansattaralng tb
yourprelerehee and enloy eaolerexperlehce.
Ula Introductlon
. Tnuch canlrol and keys
Yhis device uses the latest capacitive touch screen.
Corresponding averations can be enabled by a tan
an the screen, as is more intuitiVe and comment.
eerare you start:
1. Please make sure that your hands are clean and
2. Please uselingertips to press the intended screen
leans ar featherclouch KEYS preclselvi There IS no
need K0 press hard.
3. To preVent scratchingi please do not use pen,
pencil in ether sharp nbjecls tn tap urwme en
the screen
Bisic tnuelt actions
1. Tap
Use iingertlps to touch icons or options on the
screen to enable aclluns.
2. Tap and hold
iratner actlans are m be performed an a me ur
applicallun, please lap and huld the icon until the
apticn list pops up.
3. Drag
llse ringers ta tap and mid an icon and drag
the {can Any icon on the desktop can he
moved by holding and dragging.
4. slide
slide yourfingerqulcklv ta scraii the screen.
Dragging Vpur ringertg slide w’ l not select m
actiVate anything an the screen. You can wait
until tne scm ing sts artaucn any area of
the screen ta step it. Touching the screen to
step scrolling Will not select or activate
anything. ln the contact list, you can slide up
or down to scroll the screen and find certain
numbers. wnile Viewing phetps, yuu can slide
lefl or right to View the previous nr next phatd.
s. Double-tap
Yap the screen twice qulckly, while vlewlng
Photosi you can double-tap the touch screen
to zoom in, and doubleclan again td worn out.
5. Zoum in/put
wnile Viewing pnatos, web pages, emails or
maps, Vdu can mam in or {ml by pinching your
u-ndscepe mode we Inc
Purlraix and landscape arlemallon modes
A lm ufaunlicatmns sucn es browser, 5M5 ediung,
phnm viewlng are ln support orscreen in portra
or landscape orlenlauun to match your using harms
arm make me devlce mare handy and more suilehle
for vour needs. You mucn enable the Ann: Roxanen
made before u g ths reaxure by selecnng Seuings
-Dlsplay—eAuto rotate screen. Rotate the device,
rer certaln euplicenons the screen layuul will also
rotate correspandlngly, and adjust autnmatlcally :o
smune new screen orlentatlon.
IAdjusl me maul on:
You can use sen-ngs to actlvate screen brlghtness
sum adjustmem, by Whlch the screen or yourdevic:
can edjusr ms hackl n: brlghtness aulumalically
accordlnu to the ambient liqm. Thus, me device
can pwvlde you Mr. much clearer oumoor vlewlng
:ondmons, and reduce lts brlghtness unner oark
rondmons for less eye lrrlrarron as well as lower
newer eunsumptmn,
Select SettlngsaDlsplay-a arlgnxness-Automanc
hr nmess adjustmem. Moreover, wmle you are
using me calling lunczlen Wllh me de e in close
nroxlmlty to vourface, your dewce will lock the
screen and turn omne backllght automatlcally lor
oanery power savlng
Use lntroductlon
- lndlcatnrs
A signal strength
WiFI is ConflEClEC.
a van have new 5M5. « wm is avallahle but nut connected.
”u “EVE missed calls. Bluetaom is activated.
KP usa connectlon is activated,
Battery DDWEI level.
}( Silentmadeisaclivated.
Clock alarm is activated.
A Inn: The alums used in this manual are for
“station only, and may differ frurll ynur
device. These shall be subject In flclual display
36 network |s connected, of the flame.
HSDPA is activated.
EDGE function is activated.
You have new email
vibration made is activated.
The sound is muted.
current Input method: to View the currently used ' "Ii" Inier'ue
Inputmethod. we screen
Input method semn 0 set the input methnas
through inputmethad saulng.
The inputmethaa settmg menu Includes the
mummy Dvfions:
1. Engl'sh 'nputham :set opera mg habits for
sngnsh .nput, \ncludmg Auto add space and
Auto capitauze inmal letter,
2, vmme when tapped: set the keypad ta a.
vibral: when tapped. mm
3. Play much Lone when tapped: set the keypad 2:33?
to play much mne when tapped. mum
Tapnle Menu keys: in the uperi "9 area to
access has screens The deskmD alav lnclud:
basic status or the device and shortcuts for
some ofthe Drugrams.
Tapthe status bar attne top loe Screen and
drag yournngerdown to open the notwlcatmns
I Main menu I Inn-n methods
Tap the cenmh [shuncuu Iccn ax the bunnm arm: . Qwerty keypad input
screen. The menu conuins bum-m looks, settings , ,
and 3H [he iunllca ns yuu have Insla|led. van can “W“ “a" “E ”mm“ '" a 5""“3' '“e‘h‘m
5““ up w aw" “I we” more panels :2:er Input. The keypad mterface Is as
smm (a "when
Svmho‘ man: lewd
- swlkch lnvuk men-o4:
Tn inn-n nreml i text, yau can use OPPO mum
method or othzrlnpul methods Installed me
your aewce. van can tap and hold the text \nput
field and se‘ecr 'lnvul methods' In the upuons
use to View avmlahle mum memuds.
- sex Input men-ad
Salem SeuingsaLanguagefikeybuardolnpur
methods semngs to access curresyunding mum
method semng Interfacel whlch Includesme
munmng npnons:
Vou can hrlng up the mam menu by tapping the Icon - calllnp
.n the transparent barat the bottom or screen. you can m“ m mm ”mm" by “WM
the £01an icnn at me lower left corner nf the
screen In standby mode, orselect the oral tab
In the menu. "you have mtssed calls, the
phone lean .n the transparent bar at the bottom
The mm” has a ”warm” m" singlemnei orthe screen wlll snow the number of mlssed
screen dlsplay rot more shortcuts and wldgets. “”5»
. nialpad
Van can enterthe number you wantto call
Tap the shortcuts for speedy access otthe programs
you need; Tap and hold the selected shortcut lcons
m muye drdelete them.
By slldlng left or rlghtpn the screen you can Vlew
more Danels. Loca' n otthe current panel is
tndltated In the scrollbar at the bottom oithe “'“W “" "‘9 “‘a‘pa‘l ”“ ““9"“ "”mb'"
5mg", wtll match contact hlstory automatlcally.
you can also add the entered numberdlrestly
Tap the left tcon ln the transparent barat the bottom '0 exlsm contests or add a new contact to
arthe screen, you can accesscalllng tonctton; tap phnne orsm card
the rlght ‘lctm In the transparent bar, you can access
messaging functlun. cc." hlstory
Yourcall logs are recorded In the call hlstory
customlzlng module] lncludlng mlssed calls, recelyed calls,
dlaled calls, etc. You can also new the call
mslory by taoplng the tall key ln the standby
screen; Tapto amen then you can ylew detalls
orlogs as well as perrorm acllans lncludlng
callinB, deletlng and sending messages.
The desktuv allows certaln customlzed sailings.
you can open the mam screen lnterrace by tapping
the [Maln screen key]. set wallpapers and add
wtdgets as well as new shortcuts to the desktop.
You can also add appllcatlon lcons you want to the
desktop by holdlng and dragglng the lcohs from the
menu page
II It: lunctlonl
. Contact;
Search ior car-tact: Tap th: [Search] Icon at the
upper rlgntcornerto searcn for a conkach select the
cuntasuuund and van can vlew snntastdetail, call,
Dr send message.
New :ontazt: Tap the [New] man at the upper ngnt
:orner to add a new contact.
. Favorltes
Svnchmnlzed mtn Dhunehunk (avariles.
I Phanebook
You can save names and numbers to both pnone
and SIM :ard.
ln the unanstmak senings, you can set display
status (Phone, SIM, Only shnw cunncts wltn
numhers), expo" contests In T cam or lmport
VCard filesfmmT card to santasts l t.
. contacts
Managlng runwan ls provlaea for all contacts
stared m the dev a, Van can add new contacts,
Search FanDecifled mutant, and select the
suntan round ta call, em, semi message, add
to Faverllesl etc.
- Faunrltes
You can add Canal" snntast ta Favorites, and
adjust its lnsat‘mn ln Favontas accardlng in your
. Grouns
Pruvlde default groups (Frlends, FamHy, vlps).
- Messaglna
To enable messaglng reature, tab the message icon
attne lower rlgnt corner ln standby mode erselect
the messages tab in the menu screen. lfyoti have
unread messages. the message icon tn the
transparent bar at the bottom or the screen sill
snow the number orunread messages,
Tnls dev-ce is endowed wlth powerful and handy
messaging functlurl, allowing you to read, write and
stare text messages and multimedia messages, and
naulng lmplemented lntegratlon ofSMS and MMS as
well as managemen conversational style. it
supports message search, scheduled sms sending,
and multiple messages masking. Recall/ed and sent
messages are placed in the same list, as allows
integrated management.
.smrage settings: you can set the SMS to be deleted
when their number reacnes tne maxlmum limit, as
well as control the numbers orsMs and MMS for
eacn conversation.
mMs settlngs: set dellverv report lormultimedia
message and auto Search function,
mo cation settinas: set tne status barto display
message notilications and the device to remind With
Vlbratlon when notificatldns arrive.
You can perform various customlzed settings
lor yourdev-ee. Tap the Menu key ml to
access i select settings to
enterthe main screen and then select to
set General seulngs, sound, Display and
Security frnm the bottom orthe screen.
.General settings
1. Flight mod ~All Wireless connections will be
unconnectedin ' htmode.
zr WIFI: you can simply and easily activate Wiri,
scan and connect to w networks.
you can also Derfnrm advanced settings
including WlFl sleep strategy and static lP,
3. aluetootn: you can simply and easlly
activate aluetootn, setthe devlce to be
Visible or not for another dewce, scan and
oalrwltn other Bluetooth devices, setttie
dev-ce name and storage location,
4. Network: Vau can enable 36 network,
launch the data access Function or mobile
network, set data roaming, APN (Aceess
Folnt Mame), network operator and VPN
(virtual Prlvale Network)
5. call settlngs you can set lntelllgent dlal, w dlal,
Cannect natlee. Auta redial, Reject with message
Press iner key to end tne call, Fixed dial, Call
furwardlng, etc.
6. Lemma! Select Thil, RusslanNietndmese,
lndaneslan,cnlnese or Engllsn,
7. lnout metndds settlng: vou can select the current
lnout method and perform assoclated settlngs.
9.1lme and date: Aura-update onlme (network
connected requlred), set tlme zone, date and
tlnre, select date format and use 26-hour
9. Install and debug: lt allows you to mstall
apallcatluns not arm/Idea by e~market, change
lnstallat-cn locatlon, ylew and control runmng
serylee, enable debug mode wnen use connectlon
activated, set rne screen neverto sleev wnen
cnarglng, allaw analug locatlan.
10.Yraffl: statlst-es: you can cneck statlsucs of
onone calls, messages, network data traffic.
1:. kestare faclurv settlngs: Vuu can select to clear
all data ln tne device or restore ractnry semngs
and ureserve lmportantsettlng ltems,
12. About your phone: It keens status
lniarmatlon, legal lnrormatlon, model
number, Andrcld versi n, baseband verslon,
kernel verslcn and bulld number, etc
I sound settings
1. Silent: You can enable m disable sllenl mode,
ln which all sounds are mules except mama
and alarms.
2.1neomlng call vlbratlcn: set the mode or
lncomlng call Vlbfaklam
3.1ncome call nngtone: set lnccme rlngtone.
You can select rlngtones from system and
memory card and adjust tn valume,
a. Message tone: set message tone. You can
select rlngtanes Ham system and memory
card and adlusl rneir volume.
nable or mute key tone for dallpad.
5. ooeratlon tone: Enable ormute doeratlon
tane for screen touch.
7. Screen lock tone: Enable or mute the tone
torscreen lack and unlock
a. Touch feedback: Enable or mute the feedback
ulbratlon emltted when soft key pressed or
certaln ul actlons perfurmed.
5, Key ton
. Display
).Brlghlness: set lt to auta aalust Dr change
brightness manually.
2.Auto rotate screen: set tne screen display to
rotate autematleally wnen yourdevlce lsset ln
landszave vlew, and adjust lt automatlcally to
sult tne new screen enentatlon.
3.5creem rlmeeut: Adlust the delay tlrne forscreen
autn luck.
4 Ammauon setrlng: Select anlmarlun made rur
swltenl wlnduws. You can select nu animatlun,
same anlmatiens and all ammalions.
I securlly
1,leucaliun:nli7ize wlreless network or cps
satellltes far locating.
2.5eeurlty settlngs; set screen lock, SIM card
lock, Dasswum vlsmle, certmcate storage, etc.
3.?rivncy protect. Set arwney preteetlan and
change the password.
4.Ac:ounts Elsyrlcz Use tnls feature to
svncnranlze, transfer an: recelve nata ar
I clack
Vnu can Set mare thin um! alarms, sel alarm
names, tlme, tune vnlume, alert type and
repeat (you can set the alarm to he aetlvaten
an speelne days on week) an delete alarms
I Calendar
The newee provldes a eelenaer ln traeltlennl
style, and lt :an be alsplayea ln month, week
or day View. Set an a calendar aeeuunt, Jump
to speclfied date, v‘lew memes from calendar
and create, modlly and delete memes alrectly
and convenientlyt
I calculator
Provide handy calculatlng functlan to perform
aaslcmatnema calculatiuns,
Life assistant
- FM rad
In Idlescreen, press mam menquM ramow open
FM ream. Te use me FM radm you need to plug m
we earphone,wmchmncmnsasemenna
r, n” Th: FM radm suapnns background play, m FM
.merremwnenu'smaymg press[Ba:k{or[Home]
key, me radm wm canmue playmg m nadground,
Tu smp waymg, vmt havemgn back m the m
Interlace and press “man to dose radio
music player
Tn use me "“4le playerrunctton, you can tip the
muslc player pptton to access musl: player lnterrace.
It supports duversrrled muslc formats tnclunlng MP3,
WAV, AAC, AMR, APEr FLAC, as well as features ol
runnlng in the background and dragging progress
bar to control playback progress, allpwrng you to
enlov yourrayorlte muslc wneneverano wherever
eve, add and oelete playnsts.
Setting a: ringtane: Set tne currently playmg
muslc as rmgmne.
PI yer settings: ln repeat mode, you can select to
repeat slngle track or all tracks, nrdlsable repeat
mode; you can also enaple or olsaple tne snurlle
play vldeos from vldeofulders.1’hevlde° player
supports dlversifled vldeo rormats incluomg MP4
and 39?, play-no ln full screen, oraggmg progress
her to control playpaek progress. us nanoy and
easy leatures :an meet your nally neeos ofvldea
Mu tlmulll Bgllc Ions
- camera
This oevtee provtoes camera runctlon. Tap the
camera optlon to access camera lnterrace.
Incorporating a from camera lens ots
mega xels arm a rear camera lens or 13
megap-xelc, the dcvic: supports photo talnng
as well as v‘ldeo recorolng. lts oowerrul pnoto
taking funchun allows you to capture every
wanderful moment oryour lure at any t-me.
- r =III-n-genl=llt
Manage mes slnred in memory card.
Create a lolder: Create a new fnlder,
Eon: Mark files to cut] copy, delete arseno vla
I PC connections
.cnarne nan
1. under oower-ottcondi on, use the bundled data
table to connect your device to a USB oorton the
PC, and men yourdevice will start charging
automatically through the usla port.
2. under power-on condition, use tne bundled data
cable to connect yourdeyice to a use dorton tne
oc, the device Will display use setting ooiians
select "0an charging“, and tnen yourdevice will
start charging tnrougn tne use oort,
1. under power-on condition, use tne bundled data
cable to connect tne device to a USB Don on the
pc, and select "storage device" in the pop-up llst.
ll you select "Not enquire next time' tne saved
status will display directly in tne notification.
2. When properly connected, the PC will disolay
"Found new disk", select tnis disk, and tnen you
can operate tne PC to add, delete, edit and move
files in the device and the memory card.
9 n Vour device will start charglrlg automatlcally
when connected to a USB port on a PC,
: wireless connections
. sluetootli
rnis flevlce ls in compliance w-tn aluetootn 4,0
+EDR standard. Witn aluetontn, you can launcn
wireless mnneclinns [D aluetoutn~enabled
electronic devices nitnin a distance (If m in,
saving you tne trouble ufrequirlng a connection
cable and providing a more convenient way ror
data transmission, before using Bluetootn, you
must activate aluetbbtn in tne dsvlre and
petfnrm necessary settings by select Main menu
Scan for available dev-ces around you, select
the device you want to oalrwltli. The Bluetooth
indicatorwill appear in tne status barwnen tne
aluetuotn reature is activated.
Ann-ii... in some regions, certain restrictions
may exist or using tne Bluetootn feature.
Please lndulre tne local autnorities or serv-ce
Druvlders rbrdetalls. Tu preserve battery
power and ensure device security, DIEase
deactivate tne aluetootn reature wnen it is not
used, and do not pair nitn unknown devices.
obstacles between tne devices sucn as walls
and otnerelectronic devices may cause
interference to its functmrllngi
Mu Nmed BB": Ion
- network I E ‘l
Thls device supports both 26 GSM and 30 WCDMA/ m“ _ _ >
LTE FDD and LTE TDD as well as data transmission You can lag in directly by setting email account.
mode or GPRS/EDGE/WCDMA/HSPA+ILTE,aHow[l-lg it features a fresh interface and handy operation.
aecess to wireless network wneneyerand wherever
possibleAvailaoillty ortne serwce requires network ' Browser
suwurr "om nerwork service provider» Perform inns devlce is endowed wrth ooweriul lnternet
neeessary settings oetore using thistunction by iunetlon, supporting GFRS/EDGE/WCDMA/
selecting Main menuo5ettinos—w‘relessanetworks HsDoA m mgneaeea internet aecess aria
..Network settings. Fordetalled inrormation about mingyng you “naively ”mama experience.
actual use and charge, please inquire your network merehtering the browser interraee, enterthe
sew-ca vruvmer- website address and click the outton to start
rWiFi your surfing.
Within WlFI~rcvered areas, you can searcn lor WlFl . gukmuk: you can set bqukmarks furynur
wireless signal and connect to network. Before Mama Names, in m bogkmark menu, yet.
using the WlFI to surf the lnternet, you need to can mate new foldgrs, move seemed
activaw WIFI 3"" ”mm" necessary SEWHQS bY bookmarks [ma the folders, mark and delete
selm Main menu-Sellinas-Wlrelessane‘wcrks’ mulXiDIe bookmarks or delete all baokmarks,
WlFI settings. Your device will automatically Search rank bookmarks rreely according to your
for availaole networks; then select to add a network. preference By taaamg and holding a ooakmark
it may incuradditional charges, or requlre you to you 53,, mag up bookmark management
nmain oassword or install certificate (irst to add option; (.aeiudlno edit oooknierk, send oook
certain WiFis. Please enterthe password and tan mark, copy URL and delete bookmark).
”Connect" or moort certi cate. when the device is
connected to Wiri, the wm indictor will appear in settings
the status oarand show its Slgnal strength. I r :Rmm News“ webs“;
More oarsindlcates stronger signal. H 5‘“ V
Downloads; Vou can clear download history or
min-min. Enabling night mode will disconnecrall can“, a” damn,“ [35km
wireless connections.
Multlm | EB": (Ian
1. Page :ontent semngs
Sex text 5118(5maH, normal, large, em), ser defauk
zoom (far, mmexe, near), seleck wnezheno open
page In overvlew, select text encoomg mexhoa.
swrrcn un/afl'lmage mad 9, enable/disable page
’aulwfll, enable Java- u 1, enable/disable ulng- rs.
open In background, ant.
2, Prlvacv semngs
Oplmns mcmde dear cache, clear msmry, clear all
cuukle om, memoflx: rorm aara, clear form aara.
accepr cookres, memonze farm data, sek Iocaxiun
3. Securixy senings
You can sex whllherm memorize usernameand
Disswnrd fnrwehsites, crearau memorized
passwords, select wnemer ta snow secumy warnings
(when secumv \ssue occurs abou: websrtes),
nsm appllnnion
Such Informauon she” be supplied by your SIM card
network service pruvider. Service cunLents may vary
depending an your SIM card me. Please check win
your ngtwork sgrvlce nroVI er for datalls.
The rollowing answers to ire uently asked you dam. displays a... a. sarwce
““95““5 ‘5" "9'” ”19'" 5"“Y "59 W3"? "W check the signal strength indicator
service. Be ore you as ormaintenance, p ease "were ‘5 no network 5' '
gnal, you may be
conduzk a Slmple lnspectlon la save your time In a basement or a blind area nfa building;
3"“ “’5" move to anotherarea and try again.
, There is also a chance that your location is
FIN cod required not covered by the network; if so, you may
Enter effective PIN code supplied with your SIM Innull‘e Your network servrce DmVlder in
card, Please contact your network service supply network service to the area-
provlder immediately irynu do not know.
Poor audio quality
If your call is disturbed ay echo or nolse,
P" “'1' '5 "awe" please end the call and redial. The network
lrthe PIN code is entered incorrectly forthree smite Provider may transfer you m .3
times, your sm card would be blocked; the PUK better ime.
code would oe required to unblock it. Please
contact your network service prayioer No sound (or incoming call
immediately. If neither does the keypad has no sound
either, please check whether the volume
sm card is required is zero. If not, please check rlrig type and
Ensure that your SIM card is properly Installed, ”Wm “RW-
and check ifsm card works normally. lfitis
damaged or malfunctioning, please bring it to
Your network service Drovlder fnr solutlan.
Decreased standby tune
This can be caused by poor lotal signal, and the
device has to keep searching fur signal. or long
battery service might also cause this trouble,
and you need replace it with a new battery
Please switch the device off if you do not want
to answer phone calls.
unable to power on
check the battery level or charge the battery.
You may switch on the device to check it during
charging. The battery may over discharge it not
used for a long time. in this case.‘ '5 unable to
power an, and there will be no response rara
long time after it starts charg ng. You can not
poweran until the battery resumes.
unable to send messages
You need to check your seryice center number.
The SMS is posstblv not activated, Dl’ the
message recipien valld. or you local network
servrce pravlder may not support the service.
Trouh hootlnl
unable to charge
There are three possibilities:
1. The charger cannot function normally.
vou can contact the nearest authorized
service Lerller or dealer.
2. The environment temperature KS
inappropriate. vou can try charging in
another envrronment.
3, Poor contact. You can check the charger
unable to establish aluetooth connection
Ensure that both parties have their aluetooth
features activated for and are set tn he
Visible. Reactivate the aluetooth devices to
be connected, and search again manually
when the dewces are in searching mode.
unable to and uata to pnoneoook
The number or contacts saved ln SIM card IS
limited, whilethe numberuf contacts save
lathe devrce is not. Please check the
Dhunebuuk capacity and Ensure the SIM
card phoneoookls notqu.
outgoing calls are not connected
Flrst ensure the called party is pnwered ant
Ensure Your have accessed the right cellular
network. Then check whether ynu have set can
barrlng fur the phnne number you are dlallng.
If you are still having trouble aftertrying the
ups almve, please take dawn the fullows Items:
- Devlce model and serial number;
- Detalls of warranty card;
a Trouble description.
Then contact the local dealer or oPPo service
I nary uni-(y
I About the banerv
Litbiunn ion battery
t24ln mAnl
Up to 480 minutes
Tnese battery talk and standby times can only
be reacned in certain optimized network
conditions or surroundlngs. The actual talk and
standby times may differ according to the
following condltinns:
LUse addltmnal vuncttons such as music player
Video, games, internet and alnetootn
lransmis n, etc.
2.Leave seryrce area frequently orslay out of
serylce area fur a long time.
3.Use the device beyond the local network
service area.
H lth nds at
twee tne aevree in talk mode repeatedly.
-ln order to avoid battery performance
degradation and standby time decrease,
please charge the battery under a
temperature between 5': and zs'c.
The battery can be charged and discharged
fur hundreds uflimes but will be aging.
when the service time In transmisslnn mode
and standby mode decrease by neli, yau
need purcnase a new battery.
- Precautions tor battery use
o Please do not dispose of battery
may cause burning and explosion.
a fire, aslt
o Please do not exeit pressure foicibly during
battery installation. Otherwise, it may cause
battery leakage, overheat, explosion and a tire
c Please do not shortrcircuit the battery with a
cable, :Ilp or nthcr melalllc objects, and do nut
put the battery togetherwlth metallic objects
like necklace, as it may cause battery leakage,
overheat, explosion and a fire.
. Please do not weld battery terminals.
Otherwise, it may cause battery leakage,
overheat, explosion and a fire.
0 Do not allow the battery liquid to enter your
eyes, as it may cause a risk orgoing blind.
If that happens, do not rub, flush your eyes With
water and seek immediate medical assistance.
Please do not disassemble or mooiry the battery,
as it may cause battery leakage, overheat,
explosion am: a rite.
. Please do not place or use the battery near
rlre, heater or in other high temperature
places Otherwise, it may cause battery
leakage, overheat, explosion and a rlre.
- if there is any abnormal phenomenon Ilke
overetemperature, dlscoloratlon,
deformation, bulging, leakage, etc, during
operation, charging or preservation, please
cease to use and replace the battery to
avoid any safety trouble.
o if battery lloulo comes into contact with
skin ortlothes, yourskin mightgetburnt.
please lmmedlately flush wlll‘l clean water,
and seek medical assistance If necessary,
- in case of battery leakage or strange smell
emitted, please immediately move it away
from open flame in order to avold fire or
- Please keep the battery rrom moisture.
Otherwise, l't may cause battery overheat,
fuming and corrosion.
o Do not place or use the battery under direct
sunlight, neara car or in otherhigh
temperature areas. Otherwise, battery leakage
and overheat may occur and cause battery
performance degradation and lifespan decrease.
Keep the battery in ventilated areas Without
direct sunlight.
. The battery can be charged and discharged for
hundreds of limes at lease but will eventually
wear out. When standby time and talk time of
the devtce decrease noticeably, please replace
the battery according to specified model.
- no not dlspose of the battery as household
waste. Dispose of the battery according to local
. Caution risk or explosion if battery is replaced
by an incorrect type.oispose of used batteries
according to the instructions.
ernlng: Please do not charge the battery for
over 11 hours.
H "I 301115 at:
l Freciut us for charger use
oPiease use OPPOcappmved charger.
lPlease connect the charger to specified
alternating current, as other voltages may
cause leakage or a fire and damage your
device and charger.
OPlease do not use short-crrcuited charger,
as it may Cause electric shock, fuming or
damage the charger.
oplease do not use damaged charger or power
cable. Otherwise, it may Cause Electric Shock
fuming or a fire, or damage the device.
'Please do not place the charger near a
cantalner with water In order to avoid
charger overheat, electric leakage and
other damages caused by splashing water.
an the charger is exposed to water or other
liquid, please immediately unplug itfrom
power socket in order to avoid overheat,
fire, electric shock and charger damages.
oPlease do not disassemble or modify the
charger, as it may cause personal inyury,
electric shock, fire and charger damages
0 Please do not use the charger at places of high
humidlty lrke a bathroom. otherwise, it may
cause electric shock. a fire and charger damage.
- Please do not touch the charger, cable or power
socket with wet hands, as it may cause electric
o no not place heavy objects on power cord or
modrfy the cord, as it may cause electric shock
and fire.
a Before cleaning and maintenance, please
disconnect the power plug from the socket.
o Disconnect the plug by pulling on the charger.
Pulling on the power cord may damage the cord
and cause electric shock and fire.
0 Do not charge the battery under the following
conditions- direct sunlight, humidity, dust at
huge ration (as troubles might be caused);
areas nearTV, radio or other electrical
appliances (as image orsound effect might be
IWhen chars 9i please place the phone in an
environmentthat hasa normal room
temperature and good ventilation. if is
recommended to charge the phone in an
enwronment With a temperature that ranges
from 5>c~25'c.
Please ensure to use only the charger offered
by the manufacturer. Using unauthorized
charger may cause danger and violate the
authorization of the phone and the
guarantee article.
or. rig safely
As the mobile phone has powerful vorce call
function, you can get communications almost
anytime/anywhere. wnile enjoying thls
advantage of mobile phone, each usershaii
also perform certain responsibilities.
o oriwng shall come hrst when you are driving
a car. "you decide to use the dense while
drlwng, be sure to obey relevant regulations
ofthe area orthe countrys
operating environment
Th‘ls special regulatlon shall be observed
wherever you are. And you shall switch off
the device when phone use is prohibited or
when it may cause rnterrerence or danger.
a Mobile phone may interfere with normal
operations of electronrc equipment and
medical dewces. Please observe related
regulations while you are using the device
in these areas.
Please check your power on/off settings to
ensure that our mobile phone would not power
on automatically in the process.
Please do not use mobile phone around Door
signal or high accuracy electronic equipment.
Interference from radio wave may cause mis-
operation or other trouhles for electronic
equipment. You need to pay more attention when
usln the device around the followmg dewces:
hearing aid, pacemaker and other medical
electronic devices, fire detector, automatic door
and other automatic control deVices.
Please use this device under a ’10 C~45 C
temperatureand a 35%~85% humidity. when
using this device, try to keep away from normal
telephone, TV, radio and office automatic
equipment as far as you can in order not to
influence the performance of these equipments
and your device.
on rare occasions, using the device in some
vehicles may affect the electronic dei/ices of the
car. On this occasion, please do not use the
dEVICE to avoid losing security guarantee,
when connecting the deVice or its accessories
to other devices, please read the user manual
and familiarize yourself wllh the safety
information. Do not connect to incompatible
H (h ands elx
udd anal health and safety formation
- Please do not use the device ifantenna is
damaged, athermse, it may cause personal
Do not place the device near ii , gllelu. Lard
or other magnetic oblects, a ' forma '
stored in floppy disc, deposit card and
creditcard might be corrupted by the
magnetic radiation from the device.
Please place dra 9 pin and other metallic
ooiects far away from phone receiver. As
there is a magnetic field when the speaker
is working, these small metallic objects
may be attracted to the device and personal
inlury or phone damage may be caused.
Keep the device out of moisture, water or
other liquid, as it may cause overheat,
electric leakage and trouoles.
Do not force the display or use it to beat
other ooiects. omerwrse, it may cause
display damage and liquid leakage oi the
LCD. Please do not touch the display I the
glass oversplate is broken to avoid iniury
to yourflnger hy glass cullet or crack.
cover with glass membran necessary and
oring the device to a nearest OPPOcauthnnzefl
seriilce center for maintenance. The llquid of
the LCD may cause a risk of going ollnd if it
enters eyes. on thls occasion, (lush your eyes
with clean water immediately (do not run your
eyes) and seek me lcal assistance.
o no not disassemble or madlfv the device.
otherwise, it may cause phone damage,
electric leakage and circuit troubles.
0 Use only OPPOcapproved batteries and
chargers for your device. Using other products
may cause battery leakage, overheat explosion
and fire.
0 Due to the used enclosure maternal, the GSM
moolle phone shall only he connected to a use
interface OF Verston 2.0 or higher, The
connection oto so called power USE ls prohlhlted.
o A socket outlet that ls installed near equipment
and that shall be easily accessible.
o Excessive sound pressure irom earphones and
headphones can cause hearing loss.
I care and malntenance
your phone ls a product or superior design
and craftsmanship and should oe treated
with care. The following suggestions will
help you observe warranty terms and
Increase Its lifesnan.
0 Dn not knock, shake or drop the device to
avald troubles and fire.
I [)0 net plate thE batten/r phone or (harfier
‘ln mlcmcwave oven or high voltage
equipment. ethermse, it may cause circuit
damage, fire, explosion or other accidents.
0 Do not use the devlce around flammable,
explosive gas or at highcpressure places,
as it may cause device damage and fire.
a Do not place the devlce in areas under
temperature, high humidity orvllth lots or
dust, as ltmay cause trouoles.
- Please keep the Gamma out ofthe reach of
children in order to prevent children from
taklng lt as toy and causing Injuries.
a Do not place the device on uneven nr
unstable surface to avoid troubles and
damages caused by potential drop.
H (h ands at:
. vaur devlce. battery and ehargerare not water- - Electromagnetic radiation
resistant, please do not use in bathroom or
other men humidity areas, and do nut let it get
wet in rain.
a Users of heart pacemaker, hearing aid.
implanted :ochlear or other dewces shall
follow medical advice when using thisdevice.
- use soft, clean, dry cloth to clean the device,
battery and charger.
- Do not use ethanol, thinner agent. benzene or
other solutlan to clean the device.
0 socket men dlrt mav cause poor contact or
power down and result in charging failure.
Please clean it regularly.
. Do not place the device near heating appliances,
for example, inside pr on top ora mlcraewave
oven. baking oven or radiator. Phone
overheating may cause explosion.
- Use only supplied nr approved substltute
antenna. unapproved antenna and modified
accessories may eamage the device and violate
administrative regulations of radio dewces.
0 Please do run paint tne device. Paint can sing
tne moving parts and prevent proper operation,
EU Regulatory Confurmance
Hereby, OPPO Mobile Telecommunications
Carpv, Ltd. declares that this devlce Is In
compliance h the essential requirements
and other relevant provlslnns of Directive
(E 0700
Notice: Observe the natinnei local regulilians
in the lemma where the device IS to be used.
This eeyice may be restricted for use in some
orall memberszates of the European unian
A Wlmlnl: Before using the deVice, please
read the health and safety information
carefully to ensure healthy and safe
Their warranty and environment-friendly
use periods may differ from that of the device
For details, please refer to the warranty
Descnption ssmwcnm/rnmr: anemone mguau mohll: phona
Model owo Rams
Operatlng temperature »1u'c~45'c
Netwnrk band frequency
Standard battery
Mann: 1359 (standard battery Included)
GSM/GPRS/EDGE ssu/suo/mou/xsoo
WCDMA ass/90012100
FDDVLTE 17DD/1300/2100/260D
DC3.8V 24:0 mAh Litmum [on battery
Mam screen
Camera lens
5" TFY (x280x7zn WVGA)
cmos l3megap?xels+5megapixels
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operah'on.
NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible forany radio or TV interference caused
by unauthorized modifications or charges to this equipment. Such modifications or
changes could void the user’ 5 authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rule. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reoeph'on, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on. the user is encouraged to
tryto correctthe interference byone or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the reoeiving antenna.
- Increase fire separation betweenflie equipment and receiver.
-Omnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
reoeiver is connected.
The SAR I‘lnit of USA (FCC) is 1.6 W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. Device
types OPPO Rm [FCC ID: R9C—R8006) has also been tested against this SAR limit.
The highest SAR value reported under this standard during product certification for
use when properly worn on the body is 1.244 W/kg and for head is 0.262 W/kg.
Si rnulta neous RF exposure is 1.536W/Kg.
This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the handset
kept lfinm from file body.
To maintain ccrnpliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, use accessories that
maintain a 10mm separation distance between the user's body andthe back of the
handset. The use of belt clips, holsters and similar accessories should not contain
metallic components in its assembly. The use of accessories that do not satisfy these
requirements may not comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, and should be

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