Option OGI0337 3.75G USB Modem User Manual User Manaul I

Option NV 3.75G USB Modem User Manaul I


User Manaul I

Safety & Certification LeafletPage: 1 of 4Option® Copyright: This document may not be duplicated, nor distributed to third parties without prior and written permission of Option® nv.iCON® XYFCC-ID: NCMOGI0337Safety & Certification LeafletYour iCON® XY is like a mobile phoneYour iCON® XY uses the same technology as a mobile phone. It is important that you always obey all safety regulations related to mobile phone use. If you have any doubt about the safe operation of your iCON® XY you should remove the iCON® XY from the PC and seek advice from authorized personnel.Handle with careThis device is designed to be plugged directly into the USB port of a computer, however, every precaution should be taken to avoid stress on the device should the computer be lifted, moved, relocated or packaged. Should regular movement of this nature be envisaged, an extender cable (sometimes supplied with the device) should be used so as to avoid damage to the device. It should be noted that any damage sustained as a result of the aforementioned mishandling will be regarded as “User Damage” and shall render the product warranty null and void.  1. Safety Measurements Please be sure to read the following safety information. Failure to do so could put yourself and others at risk.1.1 General recommendations for use Always handle the iCON® XY with care and keep it in a clean and dust-free location. Do not expose the device to sources of naked flames or incandescent heat. Do not allow the iCON® XY to come into contact with liquids (e.g. spray water or rain) or moisture and avoid exposing it to high levels of humidity. Do not drop or throw the iCON® XY and do not attempt to bend it. Do not paint your device. Do not attempt to take the iCON® XY apart yourself. There is a risk of injury. Your warranty would also be voided. Do not touch the antenna of the iCON® XY unnecessarily. This applies to both internal and external designs. 1.2 On the move: Handle the iCON® XY with care during a journey. We recommend that you disconnect the device from your notebook and place it in your luggage for safe keeping. 1.3 Ambient temperature: Do not expose the iCON® XY or its antenna to ambient temperatures outside the permissible range of 0 to +40 degrees Celsius. 1.4 Explosive atmospheres: Always keep your computer switched off in potentially explosive atmospheres. It may be rare, but your computer is capable of producing sparks that could cause an explosion or a fire. Areas of potentially explosive atmospheres are always clearly signed. These include petrol stations, the lower deck of boats, petrol and chemical storage depots, loading stations, or any place in which the air is contaminated by chemicals or particles such as dust, wood fibres, flour or metal dust, etc. Do not transport or stow your computer and its accessories in a compartment of a vehicle that contains flammable gas, moisture or explosive devices. 1.5 Demolition zones – construction sites: Switch off your notebook in demolition zones. This will help to prevent interference with the radio signal used in demolition operations. 1.6 Prohibited use on aeroplanes: The use of a wireless communications device in an aeroplane may cause interference and is prohibited. Remove the iCON® XY if you intend to use your notebook during the flight. Alternatively, you could activate the flight mode of PARAM_APP_NAME. Do not use on the ground before take-off without the express permission of the flight crew.
Safety & Certification LeafletPage: 2 of 4Option® Copyright: This document may not be duplicated, nor distributed to third parties without prior and written permission of Option® nv.1.7 Prohibited use in hospitals: Make sure that you are not in breach of any local restrictions or regulations. Authorities often request that you switch off all electronic devices in the immediate vicinity of hospitals. This is a recommendation that Option® fully supports. If the iCON® XY is used in the proximity of sensitive electronic equipment, the device could interfere with this equipment. If you intend to use your notebook in this kind of environment, you must remove the iCON® XY beforehand. 1.8 Interference from radio signals: Option®takes into account the findings of health authorities and expert committees that have investigated the potentially undesirable effects of the radio-frequency radiation emitted by the iCON® XY.1.9 Immunity to interference: Electromagnetic interference is a disturbance of the normal workings of a device, based on how the device responds to radio signals from an external source. Occasionally, for example, you may hear a brief noise emitted by audio equipment, such as a radio or loudspeaker. However, these audible signals do not affect the equipment's ability to perform correctly. European Commission Directive 2004/108/EC regulates all types of electronic equipment, their interference signal levels, and their immunity to interference signals from external sources. Any item of equipment that complies with this directive will, in all probability, be unaffected by interference signals. However, all wireless communication devices are capable of receiving interference signals that could affect their performance. 1.10 Pacemakers, implanted defibrillators & other medical implant devices It may be that some types of pacemaker or implanted defibrillator suffer interference when the iCON® XY is operated in the immediate proximity of the implant. Before you operate the iCON® XY, you should therefore seek the advice of a doctor who has specialist knowledge of your type of implant. Health authorities in many countries offer advisory services for the safe use of medical equipment and implants and they will be able to inform you, for example, about the safe distance to be kept between your mobile device or radio and the implant. Companies that distribute or supply Option® hardware take into account the advice of health authorities or national consulting services and recommend that there should, at the absolute minimum, be a distance of 20 cm between the iCON® XY or other mobile wireless terminal devices and the implant. 1.11 Hearing aids: People with hearing aids or cochlear implants may, in individual cases, perceive interference noise when they are using, or in the close presence of, a mobile terminal device. The intensity of the disturbance depends ultimately on the type of mobile terminal device, the type of hearing aid/implant and the distance between them. With increasing distance between the terminal device and the hearing aid/implant, the effect of the interference signal can be reduced.1.12 Children: Do not allow children to play with the iCON® XY. They could injure themselves or others, or accidentally damage the device. The smaller parts of the iCON® XY have sharp edges, which could cause injury or become detached and pose a risk of asphyxiation1.13 Driving: Do NOT use the iCON® XY while driving. Always park the vehicle first. 1.14 SIM cards: To minimize the risk of electrostatic discharge (ESD), you should avoid touching the SIM card slots of the iCON® XY. Do not remove or insert a SIM card unless the iCON® XY has been disconnected from the computer.1.15 Accessories: Use only accessories that have been approved by Option®. Do not use incompatible products under any circumstances. If accessories of third-party manufacturers are used, Option®cannot guarantee that these accessories will work properly and correctly unless they have been tested and approved by Option®.1.16 Safe distance: The intensity of the radio-frequency radiation emitted by the iCON® XY has been rigorously tested for compliance with requirements concerning the specific absorption rate (SAR). These tests simulate the absorption by human body tissue of radiation emitted by a mobile communications device. iCON® XY meets FCC requirements governing the specific absorption rate (SAR). The measurements were carried out in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Appendix C of OET Bulletin 65 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for evaluating the compliance of mobile and portable devices with the
Safety & Certification LeafletPage: 3 of 4Option® Copyright: This document may not be duplicated, nor distributed to third parties without prior and written permission of Option® nv.FCC limits for human (general population) exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. The device was tested in all applicable USB directions at a distance of 5 mm from the phantom object. FCC guidelines specify a limit of 1.6 W/kg averaged over a mass of 1 g for single-platform devices, in this case a notebook platform. iCON® XY meets the requirements governing the specific absorption rate (SAR) as specified in the recommendation of the Council of Europe. In the Council of Europe's recommendation, the limit value for the specific absorption rate (SAR) was, based on ICNIRP guidance, set at 2.0 W/kg over a mass of 10 g (Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC). Further details are available on request. For daily users, we recommend that a minimum distance of 20 cm be maintained from the antenna. Users who have concerns about mobile radio radiation are advised to restrict the duration of their calls and position the antenna as far as possible away from the body2. Certification requirements2.1 Federal communications commission noticeThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, we cannot guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or television technician for help.2.2 ModificationsThe FCC requires the user to be notified of all changes or modifications that are made to the device that are not expressly permitted by Option® or can annul the user's authorization to use the equipment2.3 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesirable operation.2.4 Information concerning the radio frequency energy burdenThe radio frequency energy burden is tested for compatibility with the SAR requirements in a notebook, as stipulated by the FCC. Users who are worried about the possible effects of the mobile radio frequency are advised to restrict the duration of their calls and position the antenna as far as possible away from the body. 2.5 Manufacturer's disclaimer statementChanges may be made to the information in this document without notice and are not an obligation on the part of the manufacturer. The manufacturer does not give any guarantee for the quality, accuracy or suitability of the document, neither explicitly nor implicitly, irrespective of its purpose of use. The manufacturer reserves the right to modify the contents of this document and/or the associated products at any time. There is no obligation to notify persons or organizations about the changes. Under no circumstances is the manufacturer liable for direct, indirect, special or accidental damage, or damage caused by the use or inability to use the product or the documentation, even if notification has been given of the possibility of such danger.
Safety & Certification LeafletPage: 4 of 4Option® Copyright: This document may not be duplicated, nor distributed to third parties without prior and written permission of Option® nv.2.6 CE MarkingThis device has been tested to and conforms with the essential requirements of the European Union and attained the CE marking. This product complies to the essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC issued by the commission of the European Community. Compliance with this device implies conformity to the following standards:1. Efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum (Article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive)Applied standard(s) :  EN 301908-1&-2EN 3015112. Electromagnetic compatibility (Article 3.1b of the R&TTE Directive)Applied standard(s) :  EN 301 489-1EN 301 489-7 / -243. Safety and Health (Article 3.1a of the R&TTE Directive)Applied standard(s) :  EN 60950EN 62311A notified body has determined that this device has properly demonstrated that the requirements of the directive have been met and has issued a favorable certificate of expert opinion. As such the device will bear the notified body mark 0700 after the CE mark.2.7 System requirementsUSB 2.0 slotMust be supplied by a SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) circuit with limited power.For questions regarding your product or FCC declaration, contact:Option | Gaston Geenslaan 14 | 3001 Leuven | Belgium | www.option.comTo identify this product we refer to the Part, Series or Model number found on the product.

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