Orbit Irrigation Product 57592A Water Timer (WT2DC-Receiver) User Manual

Orbit Irrigation Product Inc. Water Timer (WT2DC-Receiver)

User Manual

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Date Submitted1999-02-24 00:00:00
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Document TitleUser Manual
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Orbit” Irrigation Products Inc. - 845 N4 Overland Rd.
North Salt Lake, Utah 84054
mm in Hung Km
REV 1/97
User’s Manual
Sprinkler Timers by Orbit"
Manual para el Usuzu'io
Reguladmes para aspersorcs de riegc de Orbit®
'Manuel de l‘utilisateur
ngrammamuis pour syslémes d‘armsage par Orbit
How to Program
Orbit” SuperSlm" and WaterMaster"
Dual Program Sprinkler Timers
With BuilHn Wireless Remote Control
Cémo programar
Reguladores para aspersores de doble programacién
0mm SuperStar' y WaterMnsuer"
can control l‘emolo numbing integmdu
Comment Programmer
Lm systémes d’armsage Orbit"p SupferStar0 at WaterMasuar“
Programmateurs 2 double pmgrammation
avcc lélécommande incnrporée
Date Purchased
Fecha de compra:
Dale d'achal:
Table of Contents
Section One: Introduction...
Section Two: Getting Started.
Section Three: Programming.
Section Four: Manual Operation
Section Fiv * Wireless Remote Features
Section Six: installation
Other Quality Products and Accessories.
The inlorumuuu in this mmllml u; pnmlily intended form: user who will nub a mum schedule and enter mm
schedule imam Conlrolkl‘. This plumm 15 intended in u: used us in sulomatk limerconlm rfryrulivnting 24 VAC
ungauuu valves, as mum in mi» manual.
Help: Before returning this Controller to the store, contact Orbit“
Technical Service at:
OrbitaTechnical Service.- 1-800-488-6156
Trademark Notice
Sufism“ and Wuchasler" are registered tl‘adanarkx of Omit" Irlig-liovl Pmduclxv Inc.
Seccién uno: Introduccién
Seccir‘m dos: Para comenzar
Seccién (res: ngmmacién.
Secciou cuatro: Operacion manual .
Seccion cinco: Caractei’l‘sticas del control remotn inalambrico...
Seccién sei .Instalacién
Solucién de problemas .l
Otros pmductos y accesorios de Cfllldad
En‘l'ru arm—“rm me mum 5: ha mpamdn pmnordmlnmnle was r] usual-m que vlyn n autumn nu program; A:
rlego y 1:0me -l Regulndor. Esle prodllcm se la prepnmdfl pm mm come cumulmuulummco u regulndm'
5m netlver viivulns d: lmgemlin tie 24 VCA, segdn u ascribe =n esbe nunul
ugerencia: Antes de devolver este Regulador al almacén, sirvase
ponerse en contacto con la seccién de servicio técnico de 0rbit®,
llamando a:
Servicio Mounted-8004886156
Aviso de mama registrada
Sllpersm‘ y Walchnster' son mums mglslradm u= la mmynfiifl omimzfiguriun emu-ms inc.
_ Alltres accessoiles et prodllits de qualité
Table of Contents
Section on: Introduction.
Section deux: Pour commencer
Section trois: Programmation
Section queue: Manuel d‘utilisation
Section cinq: Fonctions de controle 21 distance ,
Section Six: Installation
L‘mfmllutinn mnlenue dons cc numue] a as védlgée principzlemenl pour l'ntilisateurqni veul étnhlir lm pmgumme
(“mushy a inuodnirc De programme sul‘ le pmgmmnm c: pmdntt esx emu wk lumen 3. Elle nu'l‘lsé comm:
prom-ammsmeul' auwmnfiquc pour I'sclwmiun d: van-m d'ilrlgallons de 24 vcn. comma décnt in; N: manual.
Aide: Avant de retourner cc pmgrammateur au détaillant, contactez
le servlce technique d'Orbit au numéro suivant:
Service technique d’Orbit: 1-800-483-6156 \
Avis de marque enregistrée
SuperSmr’ u WnlerMuzlm‘ sonldex marquesenregisnées de in complignie Omilflnignrion mums, Inc.
Section One
Tilank you {or seleelmg an Orbii“ Spdnkler Canlrolies.
entailm designers ilave oombined Inc simplioaly or
ineclmnicnl xwiiclici will! Iii: accuracy Tifdlgiliil
elsoiiaalcs no glue yml a clinimllei malls born easy in
pmgmm and ealiemely veisaliie Tile 0 Conuniler
provides canvcliience anal lleiribailay. leaing you run a
fully aulonialie. seminillpmaaio. or n manual wavering
pragmm for all your walering needs. Tnis Conrmller also
adds lire convenience and fleailailily or, wimiess lemon:
Please iead iliis manual ournpleaely before you begin on
program and use lire Cnllimlibl, A few omie muse iloaabie
design feaaures include;
Aim-Glance Simplicity
By luming do inlnry dial in one ornine innings you earn
leview pmgmnimmg or znsily make changes.
Amonais Programmable
By inserling awo AA alkaline balisiies ylni can pmgnm
lire Cunimller priorao insulliilg ilin irs peominenl
Wireless Rename Cnnlml
Wiin alie use oriiie wireless lemme imnlmirler. lne
Conimiiercan be opcramd via Wirclm minors annual, up
lo me feel from die oonaroller, Yon can ininals a manual
winningcycle 0le 10.30.01 so islianlss, foraii or any
individual asalion. aneiienl l‘or malnienanoe. repairs, and
syaiem shrimp and sliul-akiwu. Tile Comrades allows up
lo 6 indepeiidenl liansmillel-a. Tile unnvenienl urn) iiglal
on llae Conapiier laoe velar-i wileiess aransinission.
Fail-Safe PwnmlNon-Volaiilt ngram
lithe Timer loses AC power, ailmia " g program will not
be iosi. Aner me AC pnwiorremms‘ me Timer will will]
lie iasl program iiiao memory and alien will be no need lo
bmgmmi rrbolla ills AC power is iosl and rise ballerier
are dead or missing. rile user will only need is repel ibe
lime and dine: ail nines pmgraili sellings are neid in nnn~
vulnliic memory, and lileie is no need for reenliy.
Circuit Breaker
A oimaii breaker ploiocls liae Timers powea supply lraile
cirealil breaker ia-ipm‘iclln he leaelbeileaal-l l||b itrmlnnl
Lexmi Language Cnvers
Available in Spanish, leeh, ilnlinll, German and English
Flow. 1: Looadon or Onnlrols on me Timer
1. Digital Dlsplay
A large LCD(Liqiiid stlal Dispiiiy) snows alie ilsne of
day mail indleales many or are piugmmming sealingi, Tile
display is oamplelsly inlemalive will all aillar epnlrnls.
z. Prngramming Keys
Tile nines nas seven pusii billion keys for scrap and
progml enuy. Walking in colljlaalcalon wiila lire rosary
dial, lire keys are used in eel llu: limenrnny, warn-lag
lime. wniel-illg days, slalrl limes. and oiller runollrans,
3. Rotary Dial
The helm nfllmTimer ls lhe rurili'y dinl. This dllHype
dial mikes il easy in use which (unclloll is curl-enrly
selected and/or in which made me Tlrnztr is lei lo opanilc.
4a Reset Button
visas and ielnlse reiel hillvn ls nae-r me aims and dare. MI! noes l
rial ieinnve dievselary inns! rails-re pingmra ls ails liner
rum-dpvogr-lni. wieii lease main fax more llama z radian-rl
Ill: lime. dale. and user iii-lanes man. To pinvanlm
insiderlal i-sa lbesailsn brass-ed bio rile panel and mnllbe l
mini will. a small puinufl esp-er mail .i . pm a pencil lili 1
Notable Programming Features
Twu Willem-lg Programs—Summary
nie Timer gives you die oplioii or using any ornli oiiiiese
independem pmgraina: Note duia einn ianlion can
independemiy be eel la timer A or B or lion. A and B
Tins program lala ymi aeiiednie seieoled smions no wales
on specific rlays orlini week or ad wnlcl'evcly 2nd day.
Fromm-A repeals ilseileominuoiisly in sneeeaaive
Provides lwu opainns: One liar odd oreven day waaermg or
one for inlssvais ranging rioni everyday lo every mi diiy.
This iealuie is designed in meea ole growing needs and
reruieoons imposed oy local govemmniiis and an conserve
WnlAr. The Timur nulmnnlilznily calculaler odd null well
days loy dole) foreaeii mania and makes adjuslrnenla lnr
leap years do provide one odd and even walieria-ig lllroiign
llie yenr 2095.
Start-Time Stacklng
Tile Tlialer laas alle ialelligenpe lo “lane " suit limes lllll
overlap if you emu- iwo or more llarl limes ill-n overlap
(in llla same or in dilinmnrprpgrnaus), lire Timer will mal
aoaivnle iwo smimns al lire same lime. lnsimd, ills Timer
neilvnies lire firsislalion nnii alien acu‘valles lire nexl
siaa'onlriin sequence aner llle fiisl sluioii firn'slles ill
prosea walering dalralion.
Tile Time: will NOT slack all alae nsxl calendar day.1'iais
prevenls lire Timer fmm vinllling an odd or even day
warming schedule.
Manual and Semi-Automatic Modes
Tile Timer gives you analmberoriaaamlai and mi-
alllloarlnla‘e modes forneaibila’ty in mica-lag. Ym
ciin ovesaide lire Ti er's nuooronu'e programming in
ii vaaiely of ways.
Section Two
Getting Started
pnigmmming iile Timer can hr. mcmplislled in insr a few
basic saeps Before you begin programming. il ia imporlana
lo insiail me ballery‘ seillle alme oldly and one, and
eslsbliaii a walering plan.
Install the Batteries
The Timer reqnim Mn AA Musics us maintain the lime
and dale in case uiAC powerioss, In a lypica iiaiialiori,
fully charged ballerina should provide suifieieol power for
approalioalely one year or operafion.
0 Remuvc ilieierniilizl carver.
0 lnrerl awo AA baileries inlo alie bmlery onmpnrlrsieai,
0 Remm lliie wnniiul cover w in closed position.
Week or missing nannies can calms llm lime and dale in
be nmsedzfia a palm failure. if llais liappens. you will
need In insull fully eliargod hermetic; and re-cmcr ill: lime
and dare. All oriier program aeaiags will be mniiaraineli in
lmn—vcllrile memriayi
Set the Time of Day and Date
ii line is me firsi lime ilie Timer has been programmed
you should press are small recessed billion labeled lam.
Pressing RES!!! dots nut affect the finery inflfllied Jail-
saie piugrlms [See Figiue 2].
Wm rm
- - - -
Figure 2. Programming Keys
9 Turn lire roiaiy dial in lire Time/Dale posilion [See
Figiue 31,
0 lziaow will appear in ille display will ailsee nrmws
prilraiing in nu: year (Y), manila (M), anal day (D).
o Press and laid me + iaey m ndvnnm: rile elaeir w lire
camel lime ordsy Use rile » key To go in rmrg,
Wil=ll rile omml lime of day is mulled, press rile
lamina key as lack in lilo lime
To increase or deems: more iapidiy, iaold down eiiner lire
+ or - keys uniii lire display goes inlo rapid advance
0 A blinking cursor will appear above line nrmw fprliis
year ml manila (lvn, or dale (D) when programming
[See Figure A].
0 Use the e and — keys in nel iile mneoi year and men
pmss mun.
0 Use liae + and » keys lo sol aiae eorieol manila and
alien press salami.
0 Use rile + and e keys in rel ills col-awl dale and alien
press l-m'El.
Figure 3: LCD Display wlili summarily liaioamulloll
Gfl/TION- lfo waurillg schedule is "9! emerald iilro ills
Timer. aha/newly marginal/nibmfe program will turn ml
each Malian every day/m la miiiulon. To amidnccillzlrml
valve oelivalion, elriler:
I ) mm ihe ralnry dial to OFF
2) enter in walerlng alkaline
Establish a Watering Plan
Tu help ymi visualize haw has! In program (he Timer, it
miglaa be helpful lo make a wnlering plan on paper. Tnis
will help you eaiabiiala wiainii dnys and limes yola waol lo
Section Three
The Timilas alvo programs win ean aelup an onnlrol n
variely ofwalering plans. Depending on your needs, you
can use elirieror born programs.
Enter the Watering Schedule
in any Order
You have “it! uplkzn or enreling your wnloring schedule In
whumver order yml like, This team“: makes il vzry easy to
mlew and change ynulwalerillg schedule. Your sailings
can he chmgmi alnny rime—while you‘re iemng lip rile
lniLlnl schrmllc, nr anel years nfnpfinliml
Start-Times for Program-A or -B
ND!!! A rial-l lime is me rim flfdlxy that the pmgmm
begin-1 warming rhefim xmliarl, and all other station: will
film/allow in replace. min are not sspanm Star! lime:
far each «Mimi Sign miles 4p Im! cm‘r‘espoflfl w Jpeq'fic
rial/“nus. lfynu mm more Niall one man ll'ml', lzll stations
pmgmmmtd m ”palm: will waleragnl’n [m mquzncz).
0 The why you set fine stall lime is inn mine for boll.
progmiumrrn Lb: rotary dial lo llil: Six“ “nus
posilion inrne pilgrim that you wsnl in rel np, The
displly will show In A or B depcliding on which
prugmm you live sflflcied.
The display will show-— i- -l anil n blinking snisni in
arm 1 letninn [See Figure 5],
0 Sel llle rim yon want in begin wnierlng for run rime
lnsing me i or - keys. linen press me ZN'lsn key.
The dlsplny will ulvmc: in START 1 Fat addillmlsl
Man limes. slrnply iepenl lllis plnoedlire by rising llie
i and 7 keys in iniir llle nine. illen press ENTllL
Remember, End! flan time will affiliate all ataxia/u
min-m pmgninlmeiiro opemle lime an nol
swam}: stint limeifar Each Milan. Slim lime: in; m):
, mmpnnd to specific mzll'lmx.
Figure 5: LCD Dilplly wlm sun Tlml
Watering Duration
for Program-A or -B
wale: nor/i program; require warning dwmilnnr m be
0 "film Ill: rwnry Lfill (0 me SlaflonDllrsxlnn poslllon
in eiliier line A an plogrnni. The lllxplny will now
which program yml linvs solemn Willi in “A" or“l3"
nnilriie - -M|NS aniline cursm' blinking nlsialion
“I" [See Figure 6].
Figur- a: Shlinn nurallil-i lnr Plugram A
o Yell can 5:1 ll-le watering inlralion {mm 1 in 99
min-lies. Pius aini huld llle e key In nilvmnce lne
number of mlnllbs. ornse lht -key in go in reverse.
when pies; 11mm Wlirn rile ininules are iii. a snlirl
“A" nr “B" will nppeir over rilllon l and llie clllsoi
will nilvallfle in Marion z and coalinlle lllinlllng.
0 Simply repeal lliese skps no rel walering dmallmls for
smiiom 2 lilrmrgll s (or 2 rinollgli 12),
0 Toikip a slallon, plus llu: um key
To erase piennnisly pinglmimeii wnrel-lng millions
press the am key.
ASSlgmng Watering Days
for ngram A
0 Turn lilo ralary ifial lo Wllzring nnys in program A.
The display will Show all “A“ mind the cursor will blink
under the days of weak M, T, W, T, F, S, S (Mondny‘
Tnnday, etc.) [Set Figure 7].
Flglm 7: Lu) nbplny willl Tunneling Day)
0 Press mm In aelivsln milling 011 Monday. An
mw nppzm lniier M and me cursm will lilvsnee w
mrsnay (Tr'). prerl mm in nslivrie wniiinng on
liiis dflyk Repeal mm (Mp; fin n“ day: isms week
6 To skip i any, press um.
To ilelele ll previonsly eniensii day. pies CLBAR.
If you wanl lo wnler way second day, press the NEXT
key In advance lllc cursor kl “an". men press 1mm.
Nole: llyml crime in Weller lei/”y 2nridlry, yon Danna!
rel spin-pie liays gm; weekfw winning.
Assigning Watering Intervals
for Program -B
Pmynm l! is nseil lo willsr lll spzaific inlervnls helwmn
dnys (I in 231. pron mini ur =v=n calendet miles. Tl|=
Time! has n leay-ymr oompnnsnlor and will enrnle
willommiwe lo lie and and even relied-lie lanolin rile
yeai- ms.
0 ann she rotary ilinl w Winning lnleml m cursor
will blink no me lzfi 01m: Whid Inlbriml [See
Figure 31.
Figural: lCD ulsplny wllil wmnng lnleml
0 Preys nnii liolii [IE + or - keys lo select line nnnnlssr
nldny; helm warning, Exnmple: ll ynn mill in
waleronpe every 10 Mys, sel me inleml al in.
0 Ti. neilyrlle llie waleiing lnrerval. press mm.
ane: [Ian interval n/ “3" i: cinelclimday. 1h: Tlmtl'wl'll
iwlerfar ills rim rime may. and then again every "3“
0 Ta seleclolid maven day walering. press um. Tile
Cursnr will muvclo either llie odd or em selling men
press mm.
0 To class B schedule, press culnw Tu enlern new
snlwllile, piers "rm.
Reviewing and Changing Your
Tile Orbil Tilnel lets you eerily review a complere
wnlering plan.
Forexsmple. lo review ngrnm—A waieling siarl limes.
simply rarn rile loony dial in Ilw Start “mes posirion in
ngrmn—A and check the limbs mu hive been enlisted
Using llle um key. you can nilvnnce lllmngil llle
sineiilile willirnii rein at cislliming any programming
if you wanl lo clinnge mi slim limes. walerlllg days. or
interval. simply lollnw Ina dilutions formal program,
Aner leviewmg in changing . wnlellng schedule,
lclliember lo Ium Il|= lnliiry illal back lo Aer if yun wnnl
Ihz Timer [0 auloinalically follow your pmgmn.
Ready for Automatic Operation
Afierpwgmmming is complole. min llle lovary ilial lo
Am [See Flglm 91.
Tile Tiinsr is now lillly pmgminroeii and newly in use In
rill: wwmfic mode. in lummllc inoiie. enols program
niu opelsle rennenlinlly. smiling wirll Program-A.
flglln a: mayinr Aulnmalic eporaim
Section Four .
and Manual
The oiilir Tlmcr llss ll|e allillry to override llie annomnlic
pmgmm wlll'mutdlstm‘bing rile piesel program.
Using the Semi-Autumatic Mode
[All riall'an: cycle mm both A a B program)
0 Turn me rosary dial In mo men pits: ine MANUAL
my. Tile displny will snow “AB". “MANUAL", lino
ALL will be blinking [Sm ngine I0], This
iniiissier all six (nrlwelve) sullons in fine A mid B
programs will it ’ tmnlllczlly waler fur lllelr
assigned llnrnrions in sequence,
0 Ta nctivale llle insignia wsiei nnrnlsnns in me Amid
a pmgmms for each siarinn, pnss mm.
Fight W: Semi-Automatic Watering M Stallnfls
Asslgneli ID A Ind B FPOQI‘IIIIQ
More: Waienllrmlwns irriglwil 10 mm I in pmgnnn A
will miller firm {hm more (0 Milan 1 In pmemn B
befar: advancing to inn srmnli Malian and wl‘ll Malina:
alternating allly thou nlallollr assigned a walerlrlg
dumllmi willwmr whzrl using the mil/11min!
rpm-nuromluic mode [See Figure u 1.
Flour- ll: semwlulomalls waleing Emeud in! A [Id 5
mgr-ins, All sullen.
(Allrum'mlr cyclf lanes, A prrgnrrn wily}
0 To arrivals eaeli slallbnl assigned walering duredons
for me A program only. press rile MANUAL key,
followed by llie leT key, Tbls wili amivnl: undone
wills assigned wnen'llg lumlions in me A pmgmvn
only To in e lnis ssrnibnruraalie wrrering, press
mm: [See Flgm 12].
(durmdmrr ryele rues, E'pragmm oulyl
rel lbe ll program only, press meMAnuAl key.
followed by pressing die um key rwo dirfinerumer.
lliis will eerivale only lnase slnlinns wlln assigned
wrlering durarioos in use B pingmm only, Tn inlnere
mil semi-aullnnalie warming press auras.
apurelz: urmal Wmlngln EllhlrllllAan mem only
Using Manual Operation
Tile manual operan‘on mode allows you lb sal durruiuns In
any Mill: six {or twelve) billions firm I In 99 minlms.
0 Turn llre rolary dml lo Aura,
0 press ruerrAnuAn lley. Then press rrmllneellbles,
The myplny will ShDW I blinking mmoron Malian l
along wilh , , MINS [See Figure 13].
figure is
0 Tn eel lrle numberolminllles far waeriug dumlon,
press and bold me + key in advlnce lo desired number
oi warming mlnules Lise lire . key lo go in reverse.
Press amen lo begin wales-mg.
0 Tu skip uslrnlon, press nzxr undl me cursdnls
blinking overlie mllan number you wish in program,
Enample: To sel surrion 3 lbrfive rninulel. press rlle
MANUAL key; lben press llle rrsrlr lray five limes m
selesl lire mnnlml opemllon mode and adv-mew
wuering forslallorl 3; using rile + d. . key, eel me
manual wnlering dnlnlinn in fire rninlnes; lnen press 1
EN!“ [see figure 14). q
Flour-ll: lilanual naming sinllan afor l=lre mlnules l
6 Ta uebvere eleb slalionr assigned wrlering duralions ane: Aflsrlhe MAM/AL rm, has been pushed, Ila Q
seleca'ru is m rnbde nil/en do seconds rile display
mums lo lllr lime oirlay,
Interrupting or Haltlug Timer
The Time! has several lxlillrlll frames lhnl allow llll: llsn
lo momenlarily inlerlllpl or null llre eleclsical onlpnl lo lire
slmiorl valves.
To mmmlarlly inlemrpl lire eleeluenl onlpul lolne
slallsns, press lire (ll’l-VAU'm neslilvra bnunn on lire
baud lleld wilclm lranslulller. This is useful for
making n quick repair at pallern adjuelnrenl in lira
sprinkler sysuerrl. To resurl lbs eloelrieal unipuL ,
ply press in opp/AUTO insulin billion once sguin. ;
NOTE: Tile progrsnn wrll rem whele ll wullld nave.
llad lna lnlarnrpriun nor oceuned. For inslluee, rile
Tuner dues nol try so implore any uulonullis wnlering
which is losl due la llla inlarrnplion.
1b lurll or diarbnlinne seml-eurosnslle or nulliul
wnmnng, press me an. key once. Tlre Timer will
mvm lb ymlr urlginul anremalie wrrei-lng plan. 5
Using the User Selectable Rain
Delay Mode i
To slop unlnrnalie welermg rural, 48, el 72 bolus. use
lbe uAln new mode key.
Wm: lbs rosary diul kl m Arno, press rile nAllr billAr
key mum “is T er will force a 24—hour inremrplion
of all senednlrd w. mg. Anal 24 burns Ihe Tuner
will rnlomalieally relnm loils inillal wnlering
To lneresse ms rain delay lb 43 or 72 naurr simply
presl llle lAiN DELAY key lgilin unlil me desired delay
linre is displayed.
Tu cancel lne min delay mode. yufl clarAn
[See Figure lsl,
Note: While in ruin delay malls. lbs inner will display
lberemeining Imurs (oonnring dawnl lo lbs end mire
mpled delay alrernuing wills rile current due and
dnra No olner key besides emu isaeeeyxed wln‘le lire
Timer is in lire rain delay mode. (Wireless uperailon is
slill possible)
Figure! . Displny showlng rialn Delay
Complete System Shut Down
To sum mesyuem down, lurn lire rolury dill lo the DUI
poeirlon. TileTimerremsins programmed bnl willnol
Section Five
Usmg Remote
Setting up the Wireless Featum
Till: Wilelfis Remote lemurs iii the Timer alluw ynu in
openne lire Timerrlrnn np lo 200 feel swny using be blind
neld Wirelesr nurrmiuer. You can nun on all serious or
a speeifie llalion, for a numberofinrnules. Tnir reanne is
espesiully nelprul in noubleslrdenng. making sdyuslnlenu
rnd repairs. performing ndlluibnnl wale-ins, nnd fol narr
up rind smurl‘luwn rime sprinkle. sylrem,
0 Fllsl. insllll x 9'vnlt nlknline ballery intn the hand held
Tlansrrliller [see Figure 16]. To lesl llue ballery, press
llre oer/Arm naslmle buried on llle Transmi rel. “file
red ligmob lbc Transminer will ligbl up for lwo
seconds. and rinse audible beeps will be llcnd. Aller
sunnined use (approx. one year) rlre bm‘mry will
weaken, and lne red llgnl will dim. Repleee lbs barren,
wlrsn lbs llgln begins lb dun orirrlle operanng
disrunle begins lo lessen.
Flwu 15: lull-lung Tranrrniller Belury
0 To lesl lire wireless syslern, bold Ill: Transmilrer near
llle Timer (lira Timer mnrr nave lire bansiormer
inslrllell) and press lire our/Arno mums bnlron on
Ihc Tmlslnllur. ll powered coneelly. lire real liglu on
rile (x: ofllle Timer (lubeled mr Allin) wlll flush
several limes, as will die red liglnon rile Trensmiuer,
NOTE- ll lire Trunlmiller und Timer do nor relpbnd
accordingly, sneer power soulless. ll mliy nlsb be
limessny lo plbgrnm lire Transmrller lo lue Tuner
(see Prugmmnving llln Truuamlller on pngfl)
Operating the Timer Using the
Wireless Features
Tile wireless leslnre allows yml lb perlenn semi,
aulomalls limed wales-lug eyeles Tile normal aulomane
pmgmn of die Times and lie wlmless ferrule operabes
independeruly. Howeyer,llie wirelem operalion lsas
priorily over any olller Timer program,
(Ta rum ml one swim/“or a specific watering dmurlrn
using ills wn-slrsr nrmsnrmer)
0 Pm lne desired slalion bullnn rm lire Trnnsmnler
(number 1, z. 3, ere). Tim Transmiller will beep bnee,
and llre red liglll will rum on [See Figure 17].
o Pm be desired wnrermg durnlinn an bullon (enoore
2, 10.30, broil minule dnr-unanr). Tue Tmnsmiller
will beep llnee limes lo conl‘lrm rile command. The
Timer': led lignl will linen several limes lo
acknowledge reoeipr or llre wireless signal [See Figure
in During wireless warn-lug lbs Timer dirplly wlll
snow use ncll've rlarlon being wruered in “A" lbors
llre slnlion number), snow amuse and eonnl dewn
lne number or rnlnlims remarnlog lor lnsl sullen.
0 Nole lion lire rm billion nursl be pressed willrin la
smmds el lire desired slalibn humm iwliiie lire red
indiealln ligln ls slill Ill] or you will need lb repeal lire
0 NOTE: Tbs wireless wnlarlng nns priorily ovetuiy
inner Timer rnnelron (including nnlomnlie, semi,
anlbrnulie, or nranuall. ll llle wireless leulnre inlerrnprs
a illnelioning eulomeaie program, llre wireless
wobering will mall. and rsberwsnls live Timer will
seven back is die nlnomalle program. However, any
lime oceurring during rile wireless wsrsring will be
losr. Tlre wirelnss ftnwl‘c will also override die rain
delay, or Timer 0“? modes,
0 To slop wireless winering .siluvly press lbe ore/Arno
mum: blnron on rile Transnduer,
(To mm an nusmrirrnrfur e lgreifie wintering dumriml
using lll- winters muslm'wd)
0 press llre All. bullon on lbs Transmiuer. Tue
Tmnsmiller will beep oneel nnd lire red liglrl will lum
on [See Figure 17].
0 press lire desired wllzling dnrrnibnolr bliunn (choose
L m, 30, or all minnle durnnons). Tne Trunsmllier
will haw lines limes lo cunfirm lire sommnnd. Tue
Timer's red liglllwrll ndsn severdl limes lo
ueknbwledge reeeiprof rile wireless signal [See figure
17). During Wll‘clcss wavering. lbs Tlmrrdisplsy will
slow rue relive slulion being walered (an “A" above
lire srulirrn number), snow mimm‘ll, and eennl duwn
lire number or uriruues remaining for each llnnon.
None llml aselr slnlion will be ncrivrnad, “girdle“ oi
the programming in me er.
0 u) slop wireless wulering, simply press ineorr hmmn
on me Trunrmluer.
rumour Utii and norrsnur tom
ssuou mom.
arrr nuo moor... anriou
ALL summon
visor... Tmmilustrmn
M imuzwunm
Figure 17: Watering Uslnn erelul Home“ Features
(Nola Aoorrt Untrrg the wtrelnu Rrourle Forums)
0 Rfltwmbcr tltrll the wireless iesnrres Inv: ptiortty over
uorruul timer opct‘aljnns. Aliirougir rho Timer will
reiuru or the nurorunrie program, the rims speur nuriug
no wireless uyele will be lost For this reusou
interrupting z euueuriy running nuioruuiic (or lami-
nuroornsle or urnuuoi) mgr-urn may err-rue some dmious
orme curreurly ruuurug automatic program not to water
or inis shoe.
The wireless Wlitring fenlnco do not “Stuck" us do rhe
Timer orogr—nms. A new wireless rornrunuo w|II cancel
tlu: cnncnlly muurug wireless eommnud.
Anon suslnmm‘l use (Ippmx one year) the mo nelo
Tmsmiflerbxltliy win weuken. and the red trgnr will
dim. Rapist: rue ooriery when the tighrtregirrs io drm of
' ire onernring drsoruue hagins to lessen.
ir rue Transmitter and Timer do not rcspnnrl
fippmpt‘ialely. chuck power sources. it may also be
necessary so pmgmm [he Trnuunuler no the Tuner (see
Programming die Trlnmliller oeiowl.
rue nomint riurrnnoe your runnmirrer wr opersre is
200 leer line 0! ergnl The rouge is reduced when
onnrurirriug Ihmugh wniis, snnronery, merut riding, etc
For best results hold the iinnsmiusr nbove your Mad or
immediniely‘ in front or your
Programming the Transmitter
it my not he neeensnry rouse ihis prnoeduus for models
SUM wiflt it T‘mnsmitia' imludni. since tit: Tmt miller mid
Tuner ltavz ntrnndy neeu wognmmbd no wotk toguher.
However. if you replnoe your-Tronsmruer or old addruouut
Tinnxrrriueis (up In six perreteivet] you mtlxl code the
Transmitter lo the finer. To pmgtfim me Truusrrritier
o wtrrle running the Truusmluer in one lrnud. uress nnd
mum: Ill: ‘rnANsun‘mu momma btimm Mind in the
nunery somprruueur of me Timer. The wd irrnrcuror y
E _
light on the Tuner will mm on. Press the MP bun ion
the Truusuriuer. The Trunsuriuer will beep three rime
tilt! the led indicator light on the Timu Will
indirating the grog-rum coding rsnomplso:
0 Report Steps 1 sun 2 for up ro six transmitters
Why You May Want Add tional
o Security. Your gnnknucnn worn on your wuresiug
system while your homo uud gimgt are looked.
Conventsncx Ymti neighbor at fllcml call chad yum
watering system it you are on vueulon It my also he
convmiem to have in separate Transnitnt: in more lil-‘ill
one location (gangs, kurnen. ere).
Lois: tr you mlspluce or lose your Transmitter. you
nnys u back-up.
, solemn
Section Six
Timer Location
0 Select n lornion near n oundsro electriest ouster Avoitli
uslng nn antlerconltollcd by on Orr/orrswiictr.
6 The inner should not bu esposen to tire wentireroi
opernted oi rempernrures neiow 14“ degrees or abov:
ti 3" dcgtice‘ Fahrenheit (40° c + 45“ C)
o innulinriou wm‘ks hm ruside n gnmgz or pmmcted am.
The Tuner should nor oe mounted outdoors.
Nore- no disrorrre-orrrr the ‘rr-rrnrrnlner- orrri 17mm will
operure or rs approximately 200 [eel lore nfsigm This
din-muss can he opinion by nbrlat‘lm such or writ/r.
anminobiln, mzwldtdutg. um. To achieve [heltluktmnm
nmolnrr nfrorrge. mount the flnlerus high on the wattor is
mntwilcnrfar operorr'orr and union
Figure la: trimming the Titmr
Mounting the Timer
0 Srmw aNo, K screw at eye !=v=ll=|ving (ill screw
hzxstl exigmled out from the will about ”2 infill sz
expanding anchors in plastu or mosnury if neeessury.
Slip the keyhole in the boots orthe timzrever dre
uttm‘lai scytw.
0 Screw arm. 8 umw tltwttgh Cflbh Dflhe two holes at
the boom 0fli1= timer box into the will we: Flgtut 13]
Install two AA mimics, and re-enm the lime and date
as required.
Wiring the Electric Valves
If Ilia dtstmtm hflwcmt Ill: "met mu] anvlss is undzr
700 (wt, uoe WnrerMssrer sprinklfl wire orzn gauge
plastic jackenedrnenuosinl wire to connect the timer to
the Volvo. mire disrsurs is ovcl'700 feet, use to
gouge wire. Tlu: wire can be buried in she ground;
/ Susan: Inna wnr
ce-rrrnen Wm
Figure 15: wiring virtues
howeva. tor morerrrrneeriou wires can be pulled
through PVC pipe und hurlnd undergroum’. Bc cmftil
to mini burying the wires ru iocorious where they
could be dnmrrgesi by digging or rreuehiug in his
Each value has rwo wires. One wire is to be connected
as the common. The common wit-cs for all me ynlyes
onu ire connecred nogetner no one common wire going
to tile inner. The ortrer vutve wire is no lie counseled
to the specific suruou wire rim: will aonrroi rhnr vtlve
[See Figure ml
All wires should be joined logerner using wire mus,
solder, or vinyl nurse For ndaiuouni proreoriou ro
wmupmof rmnecu’ons u WatuMmet‘ grease up can
lie used.
To avoid glunlul torrnids. nnly one vrllve should h:
connected m eurir mititm,
Connecting Valve Wires
to the Timer
0 Remove cover by sliding it down.
0 Determine which vulve you want to connect to which
snuiou. connocteach valve wlrc to iis swtmt term
ilnhelert [6 or 142) by tusentng tltt tonic win:
0 It may ix ueoessnry to“open" the terminal to allow for
wire inreriirru orreuroynl. To do this. ximyly prssr
“ward on thc mo lornted on top onhe Iamlnni.
0 Couueer the eomurou wire to riusrsrnuiuul lntselnd
“COM" [See Figure m1.
To Slallori Valve
Flwro 10; cmneonngvanr- Wins
Connecting Pump Start or Master
Valve to the Timer
0 Connors one wire in she tannin]! runrked “min
0 Hook ihe second wine to she renmust marked “Peon
The two wtr=s should siren behooked my no is met
valve or pomp suns retry mm! um vohs AC tor-mi
(coil side). szzrlo incl] (Odell A qualified deal-rid“
may he required to iusrsli a pump sinrt relay.
To Pump start Relay
Figuru 21: cementing Pump start and Tmislomtet
Connecting the Transformer
0 Willi the cutter 0", 111mm: two ticmiinal holex labeled
“nun," Make sure the transformer is not plugged in,
Insert one ulthe rum power lends 1mm tit: transformer"
into each leimiiidl.
0 Plug in transformer |SM Plgtim 21].
0 Slide the cover hack on until it suuus.
I Trouble Shooting
Problem/Possible Cal-m
One an more valves du not turn on:
I, Fuully solennin.
2. Wire broken a. nol muscled
3. Flow columl slam screwed down, shulling valve all.
4. nglilmlnlllg, u lncdmcx.
smlnns turn on when they are nnl
supposed ID:
1. Wm. pressllm in loo lngn
2. More than mic 5m" lime is pmgmmmad.
One statinn is slack on and W!“ not shut
1. Funky valve.
2. Particles 0mm 0! debris Muck In vulva.
3. anu dlaphlfigm Iaully
All valves do not turn an:
I. Tmmfmn’lel dcllml've ol nelcumlr/lzled
2. Programming mortal
3. Cilcuil bvmkzl' nu ban nipped.
Timer will nnl power up:
l. amun hrenkel- hns been finned.
1 Thinsfnlrml' nm plugged illlo an dpunlldnnl AC outlet.
Valves continue In turn ml 2nd ofl’whm they
m not programmed to:
I. May: man on: slnrl lime ls pmgl'nlnllled with
nverillwlng ichedules.
1. Exam: presslln:
Circuit breaker trips repeatedly:
l. Shun in wiring er mlcnnids
I Other Quality Prfldllcts
and Accessories
Antonlatlc Rain Shut-Off
an uulnmndt min shulrnfl,
annual your 0mm dnlzl' I0
rnnrlnue ml min moazlS7091
dlllomauc mm shuH‘lli switch.
Th: mill slnu-dlr may
commas m lhc Timzl and
pmvenls 0v=l~watenllg during
miny periods.
Wealher Ruslsmm
Timer Box
Allnm all-And v “nsulllltion of
mcsl hands m
lilncrs, UL nd.
Automatic Valvfi
Bumble, mmormsivc plmic
mnsnnnnlon, mlmmnm, valves
are nvullnnln in unli-sipmm nr
llrdighl valves, wilh safe, luw
Antnmutic Converters
Bumble "all cmmsivc plank
cnmuunum, comm mun
brands urplnuljc orbmss vnjves
m nulmnun.
Grass Cups
Pmlzcls low vulmgp wlm (mm
crmnslml or sham.
Please call toll-free
Drbile lrrlgnn'on Pmdluul Inc.
345 Norm Ovaland Rd. - ler snll Luke, Umll 34054
Seccién mo
9 . ,
Gmcias pm‘ seleocialmr lm Contralndol pnrn mpflsmes dc
0mm. Lad dimlndms dc 0mm nnn cnmbimldo la
slnnpllcldnd dz inlzmlpwrcx mecdnicos con ln =xactiwA dc
clamcnms glecudnicm dlglmlzs pm pmpdlclonnrl: lm
Culnmllldorque es mum (flail Lie plummn comb
unzmndlmcme Vblsfifl| El Cummladm de Olbllfi
pmpdmdnn convenimcm y llcnmilldud. [ulnixiéndnle
halter "so do un vmgmmrl de negn wlllplelmlcm:
alllnmx'dlm, scml—nmulrnddcn o mnnunl. pan slam
tadix sdl; mama/den dc rlcgd. Eslc Conlrvlador mmbiéll
incomm'a in wnveniencll y la mxibilidad dcl mnlmi
remnm lnnldrnbrlcd.
Sine»: leer lode me manual anus dc unpanr n
pmglmlulry n usnr cl Regnlnddr. Emu mum dc IN mfa
mllllllzx clmnerlsliclls dzl dlseflo s: inclllycn Ills
Slmplicidad en disel'm
Hacienda giral t! dial a chalqmal'a dc Ias num
posicionex, mud pubdc exunnnzrla pmgralnncién 0 ml»
cmlbim call fncilidld.
ngranmclén a control remom
lusermndn dni balen’ns (plllu) nlmhnlls AA usled puade
pmgrnmnre] Cnlllmladm allies dc lllslillarlu an in
nlnlcncnsn pennalmlle.
Cnntrul rel-min innlémhricn
CD“ cl nsn dc] lunsmisnl rzlnoln lnnldmm‘eo a
cdnlmlndnn- [made meme funninnur per mm de]
Cflml rclllom illnlélflhric». :l min dlsianclu maximu dz
200 die; lsfl metros) dei conllvladul levd plledc lnmnr
lm clad de lingo nnannnl dc 2. 10.30 6 60 mimllm. [mm
Ifldli lns cyclones 0 pm cudn nu: tn [mailldividllflL
a excelzllupam mnmcnimimm. mpnlllcicllcl y pan
ulcendel y npngnrel siswmn. El Conlmlsflcrpmnine qllc
Se urn Ilusm nn nndxinnn ad 6 wnmnnlsnm independielnzs.
La cnlwclliullc lul LED qlle slé Ln 5! l'mml: del
cdnmlndor vmifica 1a nnnnnnnidn illulz'lmhrlcu.
Program dz praleccién calm-n
l'allnslMemnrln no vnlddl del progrlma
Si c! Regulador x qucda an norrielvlc (CA), ml 56 perdmr'l
el pragmnucxixlnnlt. Ulla m qua rd rumpus la
Commie. cl Reglllndm mlvm' n nllllnml filllml)
pmgmmll quE kam an ln memoria, dd lnnnwl quc 1m
ham musidlld d: reprogrnman En el mo lie we in
peldienl ln commit (cm y Ills hmclins we unburnn o
hlcilzmn lnlln, e] lunario sdln lendrfi qua vnlvel' n fijuh
Ilmn y ln lrclnn, Ins delltfis mares del program- 52 undrdn
an In memnrili lm vulfllll y 110 “hm nunidnd de alumna
dz "new -
lnterrllptor de circuims
Ull llllelmplnr d: cimuims pmlage el nhmdcnnlgnm dc
mag-fa dc lds Regllladnrcs En nl ma dz qlle d
inhm‘upmr dc ciwnlms se desconnclim, s: pued:
uposiciomrpor dchajn dc la emblem dd ln terminal.
Cublertas en distinms idiumns
s: lrdnrn dispnllibles en cspm‘mL annals. ilalinl’w, nlundn
e lngléi.
nunnclén 1: ublcaeidu d- nonlmlls anal Reguladm
1. Pnnlalla digital
Ulla pmldlagmfle LCD muslm In hum dz! din 2 indies
ln lllnyorla a: lns Vilnius dc plagramacién Emma
ntiprncidud complain cnlm ln pnnlallll y TODAS Ins
demés emu-um,
2. Team de prognmacién
El Ragnladomm sine twins palm ln pmgrunrncldn.
0mm 99 turn an rrnn‘unza con el rolmm y'mlrmu‘ Ins
uclu pueden fijnr la lrdm dcl din. In lnm db ri=gu,1ns dills
rig “an, lnr Mills tie inicin y nuns funclomei
3. Selector glratorin
El elzmalm principal dc] Regulsdm as e] selecmf
gimmrifl. Esle elements lipu dial ficilila vacllél lie Ills
illlwicllcs s: ha seleccinmxlo fiCQlInlmnlle yln an qué mndu
a: nu fijlldu cl chuiadlor pm w fumlmlnmlenm.
A man para repusicionsr
BI bdnsn pm mpnslclrmal rand ln horn y la fechn pm nn
quiln e] mgr-ma dc ymlaxifill cnmm llns insmiado pm-
ln fAbticA. pm zvilzr an. Sc Inga" accidemnlmznl:
annular. cl bolén mi lmslndd en cl pawl y se den:
cpnmir can nn ubjero pequeilo punlizgudl). col-m ln pnllln
d: nn Inpicem o rm ml lnpiz,
Funciones importantes lie
Bus pmgrnmdn dc riegn-Remnnen
El Rbguladnrl: an Ia opcién dc nsnr walquizmn TDDAS
exlws plum-nan independltmas: Tengn en cumin qua Dada
eslscifln as pnedc fijn lndbpcndimlemenlc yn sell an 105
plvgramds ADE oclllos dosAyB
Eu: progmllla l= pelmil= pmgmmm‘ esmciunes
ulccclonndu para regatta dim. err-demons dz ln semann
Pmbl'emes at mm pnsihlu
Une vanne on plusieurs ne s'activemt) pie:
1. Snlénui‘dll, défecliieux
2. Pi! cassé on non comment/s.
3. Tige dc coma: do flux visas: Imp loin. bloqnani ainsi
u venue
4 ngrarninntion incurred:
us stations s‘activent alws qn'ellefi ne Ie
devralent pas
l. Passion fie l'eau imp élzvée
213m mi plusiellrs humus dE démrmge aanl
Una fies stations es! hlnquée et ne s'arréte
i. Vanni: défcclueuse
2. Puriicules d: midi on Mr]: uniiicés rims la vnnna
a. Diaphragm a: in mm “1mm”.
Toutex I5 vanner ne s’nuvrent pas:
i. Le umimmnmur n’estpns commie ml ii an
1. Ln pragmmnmlmn as! immune.
3. Le disioncum s‘csi Malena“.
Le prommmateur lie s‘active pas:
i. Le disjnnooeui es: niécleiiché.
2. Le lmnsfvnnueur n'asi m mnmie Dune prise CA
Lu Vflm continent is s’allulner cl 5
s'arréter sans avolr été prugrarnmées h set
i. Plus d‘uiie heme de mmi‘ge est progmmmé me in:
plans xe ehevnnchnnl.
2. Pression excessive,
Le disjuncteur mniinue a se fléclencher
l. Court-elminl dims le chhlnge on 12: inlénnides.
Autres accessoires et PI‘Ddllii'S de
Sysiéme d‘arrét autnmathue lors de temps
Pnur 9mm. III| syslérne d'ana
nuirnnntiqne his i= lungs
piuviuve mime: vntre
déuillaiiIOi‘hii pm" inhaler
I'mlemlpleur. mom: omi:
57091, poll! ane- nlllomniqie
Inn die lamps piuvim. Cu
inleimpm g cannme
fmileinem m progmlninzleilr a cmpfichc un armiigc
imiiil: dummies périodes pluvieuses.
Boitier d“ pragmmmaienr
résistant aim intmpérles
0! homer permet no: inslallnlimi
exién'eine dc Lu phlpflll dc;
pmgmiimnmnrr a; mm diversci
a monugc iniénwr. canes UL.
Vannes airmmaliques
Dex mm mummiqna solidex,
en plallqne mm cmmsil, smil
dispmiihlos en upfinns unlirsiplinn
w normalc avec une Ieiuion has“
ms danger.
Cnnvenisseurs airtmmztiqnes
Des gonverrinenrs solidu, en plmique
nan cmmif, enuvmissenl les wants an
plaslique m an Iailnn de in pllrpm des
marques en mm aummaiiques.
Capurilons 5 grams
Pmlégnn ks fils dc hm lcmlon
can“: In corrosion on us couns-
Veuillez contacter:
0mm lirigxilinn Pmi‘hiclslnn
B45 Noni: Oven-ma Rd. - Noah s-ii mm. Uinh 34054
Federal Communications Cunnnission Radio and Television Interference Statement
for a Class ‘B’ Devlce
1m; equipmuritlins in" mini mid mm in comply wind: is In: Milan E digiml mice. pulsumn m pail lSuInzFOC am
The: llm‘ m defiignbd m providu Jul-amiable mumm- ingxiimi hxnnfm inieilcmiu m a residential insirlllllmi. rim nqniimmll.
genemes, use! um can urinal: mun 11:qu mm mm. ifnni immiiei mi mm m mill-nor. mm live inuruclimla. may “we
liiirmlnl inlufensuz in radio mmumim ,
User Instructions:
ii II: uquipinznl am cause himnliAl inlzrfziemz m min or whim! (DWfiDlI. which un bu minim by mining the equipmuil o"
and a... m. “g. i; umnugeil m my mama me imam-vim i-y one nfihe Inllwwiiig "ms-m:
¢ ammo. meme m4 mining uniennu.
0 liieruu m: uwmiion him “he nquipmnik and new
~ 001mm iii: (mm imn n. mnlci an ll mum niflem [mm mm mm. m Main-1 is mmmad.
0 mini. me nailzrnfmi experienced radio/IV Icchmcmn {nvhelp
mm m modirKI-lleni ml expressly approved by om? could min In: mm mm in opemc "Equipment.
Declaracién de la Comisién Federal de Comnnicaeiones sobre interferencins de
radio y televisién para mi disposltlvo de chse "B"
a.“ hqliipn i- sidn exumlfmln y se in: Ilrgmln u L! coneluslfln as qne tulip]: now Im Itmiles nsmbleciilm pm un dispmilivo mgiul lie
due a. lie Amado con a «mum I5 ii: in; Reglls ile Ia rcc. Em iimm m tun du-igmdn om [Irma means-i ”amiable comm
inimfaenciu vcligmneii llllailltlil‘itlfl'“ reside ’ Eve wquipu gen-1mm: y [mm irmiiiarunmgi’ii dc rminfrmurneia y. ii nnsi:
imi- y we um H! mm» can In inmnwiuns. put new immia peligma en emviuniflcmm sh: mm.
Instrucciones para el usnario:
s. =i “we also 1mm ' pdignnu pm Ia “we“ ii: main 0 mums... Io unit M an:-
sqiipau insln .i uminamniirde eunqi‘rlu mummies" figuieiifln unnde ll: xii-mm maid
a: “gunman y amt-do el
o Cuiulluliidlrencinri “minis" 1k Iiiuiie'iaiecepmm.
0 Animal: |1I minis" emit: a uquipn y el incaplnr
. Cmin ti equipo m in mm“: qui: calf m m an a diltmiii: ad qu “a swam ti rwqum.
o Cmmli: n dlsmlmidnr n n in mi.» gingham-lo 4c mimv
1m sin-him n “mincm we no mm iidn iiwuhmias equifiulnenlc ymr omr pm" niinlar in Marina (kl nsnann pan
upcm el nqu'ipli
Déchration relative aux interférences radii) et television par le Federal
Communications Commission (Délégnt‘lnn des communications fédéraler) pour
dispositll‘s de classe "B"
on Equipuriml . m me n xmuvé summit]: mm: In uni-nu mlll’wei m diwiiirr d; aim ii, mlvrm vim-cit is m i.
iéglemeniniim me. an I! H mm mnglm i; Man a 1mm ime pmlminn min-mm; mm dmi imzi “Venues nuirihln im ll‘uiie
insullulimi Mxidunfidln m éqiiipzmem plum ulilm in mm emenir in Magic dc fréqimnce main a. 5) ii m jun lnsulle at mine
inivlmla immi ii "an mania, mum“ niilsiblei aux wninuli’mlinni milii).
Instructions pour l'utilisateur:
s éqxi‘ipemuu mm an immense, mums mu farm-m; de m‘linnn ieiemini, c. qui pm a» déieiininé eri nllnnum a magnum
l‘Amipemznl, l'uiilia-Wflevuiiesflyfl o! mimnium par hm“ mmsuimuu:
0 Drunk: oiiiémmnum ml depluei'bei nmennes ile lieu-flux.
o Augmenler in imam enlm “magma i: “new...
s Conneeie/l‘muipemenl «MS in win wrunciicu'iidifl‘u'izm dentin” uuqurl hréwpiavm «ii-me,
o Cummimuiiim m on Imhnieien mm qualifié,
Daclllflgclllfilii wiles nwdificalinmimn Elm-whim exnmséinmu pnromi- livum'iiaiinulerl‘nilnriiniion ue V’nliliialfiurcmunmlu
l‘unlmii’nn a; rampant...

Source Exif Data:
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