Orion Electric Co 7A740 17-inch Color Monitor User Manual
Orion Electric Co Ltd 17-inch Color Monitor Users Manual
Users Manual
j SAFETY INSTRUCTION | Read all a! lhsse inslmclluns. SAFETY INS TRUCTION 2 2 Save these inslmctlons for Iale! uses CAUTIONS 4 t 3 Fotmw all wamtngs and tnsllucltons marked on the plodufl FCC HF INTERFERENCE STATEMENT i 4 Unptug thts product horn the watt oullel [more cleaning HAS/C coNcsProf ADJUSTMENT 5 Do not use lieutecteanersoraerosot cleaners. Use a damp clom tor eteantrtg cot/momma FUNCTIONS 7 5, Do not use mtsproduct near water HEAR V/EW r; 6 Do not ptaee trus producl on an unstabte can, stand or table D~SUB CONNECTOR PWASMNMENTS M The product may tatt causing senousdamage lo the product MAME m5 HIGHTCONNECTIONS M 7 stotsanu openth to the cabtnelandthe back oreeuern are proureea tor ventilation to ensuvs vehable opetatton DI (he product and to violent ll Imm SPECIFICATIONS 15 ovemeatmg these upentngs must not be blocked by ptactng me product on a bed, HOW TO INSTALL OR REMOVE A m T/sW/VEL STAND 15 sola, mg or other stmttat surtace. Tms product should never be placed heat or over — a heal Ye tster TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE 17 g Thts prwufi should no( be placed m a buHHn tnstaHat-on umess proper ventilalton wtCHTrGE HINWEISEfGERMAN/ 15 ts provided as ms producl shouto oe opetaled horn the type or power source tndtcaled on the rnarhtng IaDeL h you are not sure at the type 0! power avattapte, eonsuh your ueater or tecat power company 9 ms product IS eqmppsd urth a 3 wire groundtng type plug havrtg a thtratgreunomgt pin. Tnts IS a sater lealuret h you are unable to men the ptug unto the outtet, contacl your etectrtnan to veplace your oesotete outlet Do not deteat the purpose ot the gmundmg-lype ptugv to Do not allow anythtng to rest on the power card no not tomte this product where persons will walk on the core tt. tt an sxlenston cord is used Wllh mts pmducl. make sure that the lutal ot the ampere ratings on the products pluggeo thto the extenston com do not exceed the extenspn cord ampete rattng. Alsc‘ make sure that me totat ot aH ptoducts ptuggeo mlu the watt outlet does not exceed ts amperes Th 5 Month) Was ‘2. NEVET push OMECIS UT any kind “110 "NS producl through cabtnel S|OTS 35 [hey may Ma'nmmn'fl oy lso 90m much flangemus voltage pornts or shaft 001 parts that ooute result tn a "sit or tue Owned PKWY or eteetnc shock. Never spill any kmd et homo on the pvoducl K! Do not attempt Io service thts product yoursett. as opemrtg or vemovmg covers may expose you to dangerous vottage pomts or other nsks Reiet att sen/Icing to servtee personnel. t wsrnucmm MANUAL lemucnoN MANUAL SAFETY INSTRUCTION 14. Unplug inis produa irorn Ihe wall millet and reler sewiclrig lo onaimed service personnel under me ioiiowing condilloiis A. When ine power cord or plug rs damaged or irayeo. a. li liquid has been spriieo ililo (he produci 0 ii ine producl has been exposed (0 rain or waier D. It Ins Produd does not operale normally when the operating inslmcilofls are lolloweo. Adjust only inose conirols Ihat are covered by iire operating insimclloiis since improper aflluslmenl ul omer controls may resull in damage and will clleii require axlensive work by a qualilied lechnicraii to restore normal operaiion. E. II Ills pmducl has been dropped 01 me Cabinet has been damaged. F. II (he product exhlblls a fllsIlnd change in perlormance, lndlcatlng a need tor service. > women The power supply cord is use-1 as me main disconnecl devree, ensure iris! irie socket-outlet ls localedfinslalled near the equipment and is easily axesszble. b >AWEHTWN Le Como" d‘alrmenlalloll es? utlllsé comma mlermpleur ge'nélal. La prise lie coalalll 11011 élre erués ou lnsiallée l-I pmxrmllé dll maléflel EI éIIB lacile ifaccés CAUTION TO SERVICE PERSONNEL POWER SUPPLV CORD IS USED AS MkIN POWER BISCDNMEO‘I DEYlCEiNZV. THISPEQDUCT. UNPLUG THIS PHQDUCT FROM THEWALLOU‘ILET BEFORE REMOVING THE BACK MafiNDSEBVKHN wsml/cnorr MANUAL b NEVER REMOVE THE BACK COVER Rermval OI the back cover should be carried out only by qualmed personnel This (isptay immloi contains high voltage inside. P DO NOT USE IN HOSTILE ENVIRONMENTS T0 prevenl shock 01 fire hazaid Do not expose Ills mil to rain or molstule, This unll is designed I0 he used in the olfice or home. Do not subject me unit It) vizralioils. dusl oi corrosive gases. P KEEP IN A WELL VENTILATED PLACE Ventilation holes are provided on the cabinet I0 pfevenl the lerrpelaluve tram rising. Do noi oover me unii or plaoe anyinrng on me lop oi unii. Ventilation holes are provided also on (he bottom ol the mbinel. ) AVOID HEAT Avoid placing [he unii in direcl sunshine or near a heating appliance. p BE CAREFUL or MAGNETIC FIELDS Do noi place a magnet. speaker system, iloppy disc drive or anymrng whim will generals magnei'ern near lhe unit. A magnetic field may cause blurred colors or aisienion oi me orsplayod panern. > To ELIMINATE EVE mmuz Do nor use the onn against a bright back ground and wnere sonllgni or omer light sources will sirine direcny on me moniior. p BE CAREFUL or HEAVY OBJECT Neilherim mon’nor its?" nor any omer heavy obied should rest on the power cord. Damage lo a war card can muse fire or electrical shock. INS NUCTION MANUAL FCC HF INTERFERENCE STATEMENT BASIC CONCEPT OF ADJUSTMENT P > MORE: 1, RECOMMENDED SIGNAL TIMING CHART TI‘tts equtpment has been tested and/eunu to empty wrtn the trmus tor a “_.| —._.| Classfldtgttat uevree, putsttanl to Fan vs at me FCC Ftutes These trnrrts are my" 35,11,“ t desrgnecttapmvruereasonatrteprotectrorragarnsttranrrtuttnterterencerna A; 0 LA r __, resrdentrat rnstattatron I3: tnrs equrprnent generates, uses and can radate mdru trequency energy and, 2mm“ £52!“ r/ M! rnstatted and used tn accordance wtlh the rnstructruns, may cause narmrut rnterterence [a rauru camrnunrcatrons However, rnere rs m7 guarantee n.sua mpur SIGNAL Ihal mterterence wrtt nut eccur rn a pamcu/al rnstattarrorr tn t z a A s 5 r s s m tttnrsequrpmentdeescausenarrrrtutrnterterertaetcradroertetevrsron “4 mo 720 W “a m m m m. m .m reeeptron wnrcncanbedetermrnerttryturnrngtnaequrpmentottsndun, tne user w“ v 350 me an Aw rm 500 w) tea rsu rues tsencautagedlolrywcortecuhemtet'letettceDyonenrmoteofmeIa/lowrng m M P051 MEGA MEGA MEGA POM MosI P051 MEGA PQSt Posn measures I1 MEGA P03! MEGA NEGA POSI POSI POSI MEGA P05} POSI HE} 3146? 31469 3169 (1239 37873 $575 5367: um 68677 63931 ~ReanenlolrelucateIhelecetvtngantenrtz m A us 31.777 31 31.777 211" 25mm 21113 IESCH 20,577 1‘561 15630 N m B m 3513 3513 3813 1556 3200 1616 113! 2092 Ims 1037 -Increaselnesepatattonbetweenmeequwmemandtscetvsh WP c m m, m, m, 2 m 3 32 2,02 “52 20‘ ms -Ccnnacttneequrpmentrntoan out/atonacrrcurtdrtterenttrcmrnatta wnrcn Acme 9 us 25m 421 5:22 17m 200 mm mm mu meat? um mumwwswnnmm m n most moat mu asouu sow rswo 55067 mm 64997 500 u m emu sa uzsa tees: N 577519 tam rrrss tsses mas ISGSI -Consu/tthe dealeraranaxpertencedtadto. Wtecnntctan/orhetp v 5m: am; am 0064 cm aces mos ow cuss um um um WI? 11 1 7 I 1049 057! 7 N! 0503 I) l -OntrsAteMedmterfamaweshwldMMm m ."tuma 2°“. tszs: "09: $2120 I’m um a?“ 35353 $23; Frnattyranycnangescrmoartrcatrcnswtneequrpmenteytneusernet DUIFNE 1012505 29322 25175 astm moot) 49500 55sz 55m 9.5 mm express/yappruueabythegrarrteeormanutacturerwutdvotdtne users WERLACE? "0 "0 "0 “0 N0 N0 “0 N0 M0 M0 atmwrt re a rate suctr ur men, (I I” e” ‘7 Atso II has to user setturg modes which you can store excepI Iot tactory senrng mode > Dec COMPLIANCE NOTICE Displaying user mode except Iot laclory selling modes. please aurust tne momlot screen tor yoursett Trus urgrtat apparatus does not exceed tne Class B tumts tor tame notse emtsstcns tram fltglIaI apparatus set out in me tadto rnterterence regulatron at Canaatau M” ma" me “we" “I“ ‘s “we" “7 me "mm” ”m“ '" '“‘°'° WWW" Department oI Communicahons. 2. THE WAY OF ADJUSTMENT > AVIS DE CONFORMATIDN AU MDCIDOCI When you wanl to ad|u51 lhe screen, ptease reter Io lunclton oI controls Le present apparett numérique n emet pas de brutls tadto~sIec|thues dépassanl Ies Those screen data are automalmafly storeu lo me memory wun m mtcm ptecessnr trrrutes appltqués aux appatetls numenques as Class B d'aptés tes régIemettls sur te uraurttage tadto-eIecltique concuent par te mrnrstere ues communicahons du Canada. 5 .. ....... r . .v . ,. .. Wmvcmmw“ mmwmum“ ® MENU eunou ' rowan INDICATORlLED] (a; SELECT BUTTON ‘ ® POWER swncn ® ADJUST BUTTONS (DOWN 5 up; A. POWER swncmcb) Tums lhe power ON or OFF There WlII be 2 seconds ueley nelore lne dlsplay appears The power LED(nex\ IO lne power swllch) Ilghls when The power ls lumen ON The power is Illmed on by pressrng me power swllch agaln ane me power LED goes em 54 MENU Acuvales arm exrls me Orr Screen Display 105m The bullon can also be used |O move previous menu or slalus There are lnree OSD menus or slams “ley are USER CONTHOquPOSITION, vmsmou, H-SIZE, Vrsle, PINCUSHION, BRIGHTNESS, CONTRAST, COLOR TEMPERATURE, COLOR CONTROL, VIDEO LEVEL, zoom, DEGAUSS, INFORMATION. LANGUAGE, RECALL. EXIT]. SUB MENU | (TRAPEZOID, PARALLELDGRAM, PINBALANCE, ROTATE. V-LINEARITV‘ EXIT) anfl sue MENU z 1H-MOIHE, V-MOIRE, OSD H~POSI. OSD V~POSL EXIT). ‘CONTBGLS‘AND‘FUNCTIONS ussn CONTROL (eulvales when you press me Menu bullonj SUB MENUl (awl/ates when you press the seleci bultorl ailel choosing "SUB MENUV‘ vla ms adlusl (ml blnlolli SUB MENU2 ladivales when you press the selecl bullon aflel choosing “SUB MENU?" vla Ihe adiusl (VIA) bulloni C. SELECT The select bullon allows user lo «mate the desired adiuslmenl wlln changlng lean-color. D. ADJUST ( V A) The must [when allows user to choose lhe Iccnqcomrolsiln me menu Presslng me adjusl bunun “v or “A" wlll slep lhlough all avanable adjuslmerll rconsleorrlrols). ln addilioll mas adausl bullorr can be used To ad|us| me rconslconlrols) lhal ls seleclefl and acllvalefl we The selecl bullon Press The Adiusl blmon. Aller eompleung all me nesrred adjuslmerllsl me On Screen Dlsplay WlII dlsaweal wrm pressmg The menu bullon. WSTRUCNONMANIIAL N. n CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS t. SELFATEST DISPLAY wrien more is no signal mpuiiNo oonnecironi ttie On Screen Display Will snow NO conneclion Check Storm! Cable 2. AUTO REGISTRATION This monilor tias |0 preset mooes. ll Ihe cuirenl Video is one OI the preset modes. the motor will aoromaucaity store any custom arsoiay seIIings mic irie permanent memory. There are aiso to user mooes Ihai allow you to save the cuslom display settings made to any vlflec mode [hat is nOI one oi the preset Video modes Aaiustmerits are attlomahcally iegisIeied mthout pressing any buttons Up IO 10 user modes are slated automairoaiiy on a Tim-INFNsI-Oul' basis 3. 050 MENU DESCRIPTION USER CONTROL IE H, POSITION(HovanIaI posilion) Moves images horizouiaiiy On~sueen teittvi or ngiiti AL E] v. POSITION(VenicaI posilion) Moves images vemoaity ori-soreen upiA) or otowrri v). H. SIZEIHorizanIal Size) Increase“; or tiecreaseivt size oi image horizontally. v, 5t25(veriicai Size) increase“; or decrease( v) size oI Image Venically PINCUSHION Ad|us| Ihe side Pin—cushlon or banelliitg. SUB MENU 1 Display Sub Menu it IflIZEID] g ,. .. .. msmucmNmrm‘i CONT OLS AND FUNCTIONS a} BntOiiTNEss increase Or decrease tire intensityiiiiumiriatrorii oi the image. 0 CONTRAST increase or decreases the strengtritiigriiriess or crimessi oi trie image 3K COLOR TEMPERATURE Adiusi the color-temperature. II selecl the Icon u! OOIw-Iempevalme. Ihs conIlOI menu pane] OI ooiortempeiature is tisplayed. Selecl Ihe BGOOK of GSOOK by “DOWN“ “UP" bullort. ® COLOR CONTROL Adjusl the 0010! OI Red, Green and Blue Tn change Ihe mo! 0! R GB scveln. select “REIT “GREEN“ Oi “BLUE" and adjust 1M 'UF" "DOWN” DuIIofls J'lI VIDEO LEVEL Selects IM video Ievel 0! In! video gIaDhIC card II Ihe intensity oi image is itigii seteot i ov a. ti low seIecl a W $UB MENU 2 Display Sub Menu 1 ZOOM Uses the Av bulion IO zoom iii 01 out. DEGAUSS Manually itemag neiizes Ihs CRT, This can be used ii the dispiay becomes disootoroo AIIOw a minimum OI 20 mtriules to etapse Delween each oegauss The monitor atso will automatioaity degauss wiien power is applied III INFORMATION Displays the cuirenI mode, user modes and iaotory preset modes INSYRUCTIONMANIIAL 1D @ LANGUAGE Select a language among Ehgllsh. Deulscn, Fungus Espallél, Portuguese. >D< RECALL Resels the wnuol tunaturrs back lo the ongtnal lactory preset values trr order lor the Recall Iunctlon to wovk. the llmlhg musl tall under one ol the lacloly preset Itmmg modes 1] EXIT Relums to prevtous menu or slatus SUB MENU1 fl TRAPEZOID Adjusls the ursplay sntes to be parallel. m PARALLELOGRAM Adjusts the I?" of Ihe msplay Sides PIN-BALANCE Amust the curvature at the letl and rlght stoes ol lhe sereerr rmagev ROTATION Adjusts me ull ol tmage. V-LINEARITV Adjusl yemcal lrheaury, El 111 EXIT Helums lo pfevlous menu or status. WSTRI/C‘IION MAMML RQLS AND FUNCTIONS SUB MENU 2 H-MOIRE Reduces the opltcal ellecl of honzonlal wavy lines on the display lrrlage These elleets are usually more nohceaule on large gray aleas or on black 5 white check board patterns. V-MOIRE Heduees the optical etlecl oI vemcal wavy llhes on the fllsplay urrage, These elleets are usually more nolioeable on large gray areas or on blaah a whrte check beam pallemst El 050 H-POSI. Moves the OSD posiliolt lo lelt of ngm. 050 west Moves the 050 posllroh Iv up or down, EXIT Returns to previous menu or slams. lfi msmucnou MANUAL l: F‘é' REAR VIEW Qfik £3,322 E. AC INLET Power cord connecllon > > NOTE: Power cam rs used as mam power msca/mecl name In um; yloflucl F. D-SUB CONNECTOR OF SIGNAL CABLE Connect lo (he analog RGB signal oquuI Connecw oI IBM PS/Z‘ Or wmpaNDIe campuIer. © AC INLET ® D-SUB CONNECTOR OF SIGNAL CABLE } ACCESSORY |. POWER CORD 2. INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1.1. v .. . v .. . .;mmy¢no~mw4L g; DeSUB CONNECTOR 4 PIN ASSIGNMENTS b PIN ASSIGNMENT$ Fla 1 RED VIDEO 9 2 GREEN VIDEO 10 GROUND a BLUE vao 11 GROUND 53 GROUND 12 sDAuov DDCI 5 GROUND 13 H-SVNC.(01 H+V sway s , RED GROUND m V-SVNC .7 GREEN GROUND 15 SCLUor DDCI a BLUE GROUND D-SUB MAKING THE RIGHT CONNECTIONS 1‘ Make sure the power Io mis manila! and (he compuler sysIsm 15 mm OPE z Cannes! me D-SUE Connemara! signal cable lo syslem. 3 Connect one end OI the power cord to this monitor and the Olhev end lo Ihe We” Must. 4. Turn mls manner ON. 5 Stan your syslemv msmucmfl MAM/AL <- 14 SPECIFICATIONS > on n " (tev; magonaI measuvemenl Do! Type 0 27mm Pucn Black Malnx Screen Dark Faceplate ems mgr. conuasI screen 90" Deflecuon and 29.1mm Diameier Neck my lesululmn scveen Lowev power consumpuon us “ VIsual Screen ngonal FuII—squale Iype scveen Ann-Stan: Chavge Face EIECIIO stalwc charge ehmmatsd H.-v.ew(smca coal, Ann-Giana Ann-Reflection) Sunace GIale probIem eliminated Invar Shadow Mask > INPUT SIGNAL D-SUB mpu'r Analog FIGB Vldeo: 0 7Vpp / 75 II Sync v m. LeveI > SWEEP Fnsousucv Honzomar 30~70KH1(AqumaI|caIIyI Vemcai, SO-ISDHzIAulomalbcaIIyI P VIDEO BANDWIDTH I IOMHI Max. b DISPLAV AREA FuII Slze’ 324 X 244mm Pvesel Size: 305 x 225mm D MAX. RESOLUTION IZBO riots x 10241Ines D POWER INPUT AC 100-2401 50/60HZIFREE VOLTAGEI > POWER cousump‘non 90 Wans(Max.) Power Savmg’ Less Ihan sw > Dimensions (wx Dx H) 560mm X 520mm X 495mm ICann Box) > walem Nelwelgmz "95m; GmssWeIgm, |95Kg > BBC 1/25 > omen Screen Display) >>N©Tiz Technica! speafitahons are sub/ed 10 change when: fiance. 15. msmumon MAmlAL ‘ HOW TO INSTALL on REMOVE A TILT/SWIVEL STAND CAREFULLY SET THE MONITOR UPSIDE DOWN A. INSTALLING THE TILT/SWIVEL STAND | Aug" me slam wiIh me sIoIs in (he bonom at me momlor and INSEI‘I Ihe TvIVSvaeI Slam into me 54015. 2‘ Push me fill/Swivel Slam Iflmly Inward me Item 01 me momtov mm the Ialches dick Into Ihe locked posmon. B. REMOVlNG THE TILT/SWIVEL STAND a. Push the hook or the cover back downward D PM me sland lo the may nI ms mommy and mt Ihe stand, mm“ mm unlunnnnluunnnv luunnn unwnunnluunnnlnuunnn luulln‘ lunnnnu IIIIIIIllIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Hook wsmucnoN MANUAL-m , ~ 15 17 ' PROBLEM , CHECK THESE ITEMS No mime” “ " ‘ ‘ The vuea card should be mmple|ely (No! |n me! 34va We) sealed in us 5ch. Power switch anfl Compmev We! swnlch sheulfl be m Ihe ON posllionl The slgnal cable should be cowlelely counseled lo Ihe video cam/comma. Check conneclof 10V bent or pushed-m pins. LED rm Ihe monitor I: no\ IIQ Power swnch should be in the ON poslllcn and (he power cam should be connecledv Dllpllylmagbh not Adjusl snze arm posmon conlrols I0 adlust ms cemerm, me well or too large unage. msplay ski and pctlllork Wau apploxlmamly len seconds anal makmg wem no! saved adjuslmenls belcre changing a: dlscoflnechofl (he Signal or powering OFF Ihe monilcr. Image h’molllng o'r' Slgnal cable should be complslely atlached 10 me unmble tomoulen Check lue pin asslgumems and slgual limmmgs of me monllov auu your video card. Plclure bounces nrlwnve Move elaclllcal lhal maybe causlng aleclrlcal palm-ll: pmeul In mlsflevence away mm the mailer (he yielum Edge: 0! (ha dlsplny hug. ~ Adjust (he side pun-cushlon oculroll are cumd ulnar invmd‘ w bulmrd v » ‘n/Nsml/cnou MANUAL > Achlcn Sis damun dafldas Gem mu in em 24mm) Sclmko- Smcmose eingesleckt wuul > Die smallness some ledemil uel zuganglim 59m. um hen elnem evll auln'elenden Nollall Gas ceral schnell von der Slromvevsongung zu Irennen. ) Mme“ Sis deswellersn damn, dafl fie Nelzanschlufllsilung nichl mecmlvsch Deanspmchl noon sons1wie besmémgl wud. P Mnen Sie uiemals Gas Gerél! lm Inneren befinden swh Teile ml! gefihrficher Spannung. P Bevel Sie das Gerfll leifligen, zishen Sie bme den Nellsleckel ans dev S|edBauanzulassung: Die In cuesem Gevil emslenende legensnahlung is1 ausreicflend abgeschirml (onwosls in u. l m Absland weniger als 1.0mm). Die sescmeuulgungsspanuuug belmgl maximal stv. > Slelen Sie das Gsrél an elnem ergonomisch glinsligen on am und serge" Sie Gaff". dafi Ger semen des MOMOVS rm ham I8092$|>3.7.8 geprl‘mev Paripneue sichergersmm m > Mascuiueulamuulormauousvemmuuug 3. GSGV. lB.0|.91 'Dev ameusplaubazogene Schaldmdlpegel belragl mam Oder wemger gsméfl 150 7779. Falls Sle dennoch Hagen haben‘ an! die Bedienungfinlenung keme Anlwmk gene" kann. so km'akualsn Sie Dine den néchslen Fachhéndler W57RUC1ION MANUAL ~
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