Orion Electric Co 7I740 Personal Computer User Manual users manual
Orion Electric Co Ltd Personal Computer users manual
users manual
Wigwaanfisfiyyua; How 00 use ibis manual I: I5 wen esw to be. 41 ll".- Lul Flt-ass wad .I|i:: gui t:.1n.~l..lly E’ Svflil'fl ‘Id'II U 5 ITS’ JE , we: ya. neuir. ft! For yo ur safety. rem em her to turn off the smem and to diam-mam all flu». (:(Irl|$ and cables before opening the system chassis. in To avoid electric shock, do no! open the muniluv lralvle chassis. . WW wwwwwwwvwmww Mum -m.wmmm“§m 2.1 Fron'Viuw Microchona Monimr A— (ID-ROM Drive cn-nom om: _, — Eject Bunnn CD-ROM Drive LED FDD LhD — Floppy Disk Drive ———§ FDD Elect Bumn [I-lgumzl Rear View Mouse TV Capture Card MIDMGarre non low“) COM1 GOMZ — Tel. Llne —— LAN (Onion) unc USE puns mm Linn-mt lI-AgumJJ Una-In $®§Mfi§fl£fi£ $23,535? ffii‘f’fi ‘? 3 Plug in file keyboard and mouse lI-rgumAj Kwhmrc and rrcuso cmnoztnra at: a' rm “our WWI. ficnnsct tra kevbaarc tor-9 kevboard com-actor were: flue. Scnnsct tra rouse to the mavsa zonractcr More: year “mama-m ifim'i: This model provides the ahililv rn upgrade! its mmpnnnms and add option that qivee your svslem greater flexibility. This chapter describe- how to properly open and close tile chelsil. remove and replace lhe inlemal metal smash, as well as lnmll upliunal cmnponbnls m uwrad: ones. corn?! or I'm-slum nf imnmnzr cpr inzo'ecl “eta men 0‘ ownmne'ls m",- '-':l ws‘l’sfliv‘. Are you ready? "0 male v-cmng inside vou' son-pute' easie' 09 an 'e Nu awe pacer ligrting 5nd 5 dean 6 1d ounfo-sble workspace l" "l l. teapotar 1- dnsocnr-t'ct cslzles cr fen-m; am- ocmmne'ts, make me you note we no " of he oz-wnenz-‘s am! slots so hat VOL or reassen’ble the ”stem or c: . Rules [on nluy II D szumecz all AL: powers/Jana no we." canons! and all set-metals. 1 re svslam may as dsmsged ll you nefipl zo enme of add any cavoe wr. a me paws'csble I3 stll amnesia}. 2l 3 Man. an"; pleszhums (31 leluuulwnul' ml'cll limos: '|ul" l"e .. "nut" in tr e: «Mr-"r nl po'wflal wimy m nl:x:l~ cal Al‘cm Wm m ‘l' rl flag ‘hn nq.|i|1rrc:nr. Lil Pease mi. 3 awards rte-turning <4" the ocmcuter before elector-wt an or; per cherals lron' t'e canons: Fain-e to us so new result in damage to tra evs‘lem been 4! Tc m-ui lhlsl -'=iuhl Inn: E'y .El“h um”: pl ln xl ‘nnml r 4-41 m lhn mmm r nl-nzsis flush 3!- ‘hr‘ pawzr suaplv. bnfzwz "ft” has" to wow nn 1he system are cerio: callv lhromhor. 1he unease. Immpe' as ldll’n; £4 co~ponents amount-um; console on a card or pm; or- e It or p mum nose canine. m ”fififiwwwwfifififlfififi‘; 5.1 Faciory pram display mods 5.2 Pteset 3053.22 2m" Fall 274x744"- ~n Dll"dl;:;ul‘$ i 5§|mm1571fnmx577m'mjfinvlun Bzml Nul Weig": 2mm (31035 We cm 25.3; rémurm Inva' shadw: vac-It aSIAnfi 5&1th cm! 19 -.fi°&w% Specification Pt man- u hwlwwn IJ) Ham: a; Fl‘J Hut Mann: 3! Llfiflflflfifl S'Muhll'fl m Pam Farm-- ”00!” fiOOWflsfififi’fi: nummmmmmflmamfi. M ' 3:30:11!qu inn"? Illxibcccm m we uh : 5 9- Fr rant “Minx-W . A“: ”UIUK sun” A" JI SEGA. 5!“ sunny; SCSI BUS. Null M‘s Blue 1: amt“ no! em. . I Gauntlet NIFR Fm A mm mm 4):ch u =:|" 'c-v.u Jr's-n EI‘C M cf 5 ‘ IriuauFb-l N3" Mm cw Dam! AMP. - um? icy-cit Venn-n Rn: r Mflmnc Wm! cn '.\.-.r.... m u‘ lama": k‘cnnrrv; 'nn:wn | b Uth‘fiA-z'r: l}: 04:11: amt paw-Ma's"); Ixi‘v’R '.I.1|. |lfl7~hli FCI Em mum ah: 50 '- Inn; le-oy Rugumm wann'nl 1 TN!» 3 W I fit Fun 1m:- zuu-rnbv Mm “mamwmmmxw 7. 1 7.1.1 Abs!" “1. IIOS Thn Ma nhrlafl R10 mi: Irzutn‘owzut System! am a: the h-dgr heaven swr 4M; ate-53°», < [l riwes‘ zfidec. etc] are Operati-g inter Scmv-a'eck' ‘chs LE. 05-2 (rd 9:- mh la B 05 Sam: {also called CMfJb ':-e p! |s s‘J’ile nus":- ‘lt ens Lumqutsno“ owl/m: an: sol mu >lulbc V b Luul gunsliu‘l fl mu ~.-i|1 (Inn-n a BIOS unl il is u! u' g .. I I. cared b;- 'cl“u-: canal-f Iur ing rl'c filn'fl CM ur'pei iI ' idn Starr ocnduztcvl rzfnvs ff. the " is stave: “h rm. inhca'fl h mums 12min: Ell"?- nich pm -i;9'- an oar. - -n mn pnragrrlm Vn |r| hr‘rdwnrn ran a'im In ‘his artful we. will Inf-It m We varimf . mrnn'; n-d opt sort: 3 in thc award l'le. RM ||1 fingmm Thu mainmmd aanfstmlr . Flash R as zen tn unarmed va softwara 1h919bv elim fining w. nNd tr, . "rm",- an'lm ‘hP R IDS Ch 5 an 7ha Naif-hoard. Prwduvafl Fn' umm ng 7h: BIOS ‘ol cw his sectim "h: 47-1111 R 35 imuum n "Nut mower («y-ste'n‘s ROMRn-u: Or 3 Mnrrcr-fv a firm m inr M an int]. ... Jr, amndflr‘l NOS. Thi': mmrs-hnrir 41m: Intn p'vzms ayi- slaw-dart! IR I &T mmnvfizln inn b rpm wflfflm Using Setup In germ-ml. mu m: r'c nmw cr' - ‘n higflight itzmn,nrd (Pagebnwru knvr. m nhnngc fn' annr'nl hr F are <5“:- k: a: lit. In ' cm mark-m with an arm: "ditms hat here is a subn'enu fa- " s ‘urct‘cn. A g'a'vcut its” msrknd wzh s 1 >: inn catee zhat zhs iten s native ade‘ Pa can" r‘se be sexism: “an armher item and It! availabililv ls Usual-cum or “an aim “med warn. G'wvul ile'nr. sis Iu‘ i"luumlkx| display wily and ::un|:=?-~ "u an: ten-lash: lit: an. 112 7.1.3 Getting Help " w mtm' Il'al xi . r'g dun-s will d windy rl-m d l' 3: Jr nnlm cm; fer 'lm hi its" “0 exit thc- Heln'v‘findwc mass «so. lights-l A brief fiescv ::io' of sore liar ranted selemo‘ ws‘e supear at he rig“. ltf’u {I [led Item Help] ol xle strum area“. A Fi-‘nl Note nhnut Scrap No: a system; hsw- t-e sarra Setup. '. h a me bssc lost and ‘urvn-m o" the Sou :~ o'cgrarr remains the same ‘or sll evstervs. InleNG r‘ozremoam and mloset cowbnrat one mauve custon om’lgatnor s. -or exsnple. wu may Ind zhal wur Seine nrav‘ mam «as 5 Parent nummr or aflznes 'ro~| the msln menu dismayed m the manual Inese m smw mat; ‘es re: a «zoned -Z-:r not user cont curable:- or. wut ”slam Main Menu Stanly ans' (re s'vsts” L', pnwnrzd on. rm-lidrv. 1 CPU 1nd zaullu: mu. 1.“.M a a vnfizsrled. ‘wo. will see the res: Punt DI“. w an!“ 5m? ‘J "e>s'.lllet-< , owe vcu enter 1ha Awar: RIOS (THOR ‘ will axssr an me screen. The M: 1 I- never; SBI-2 “mums and two exr 1“ -. o art-H t'le Award FIGS first“: :-~cgmm. up U'il (y, I"<: Main Main. 1| Inwr. 3am; k: le 1mm oat- Use tho a-rnw kxvgn u: wlcu: an'cnu .I-e xlems a‘d mass {Enter} to 9mm Md qnte-t—r: smut: “mu... cues Smup milin- (fix-fight -:::- 1954-200: Awem want-we . Mum's-ha b M.“ “116th - ”1...“va m.“ b )m 1m. . way-spmm, vhr'mbu'qniu h ”HMS-l Bh' QM ”I'Mlnflsng th me. a htia! ausuiplm“ 91 each mar lflh‘téd selectior EDD-N1?- |hn hnmzrn (I! :h: many! s Mm “no rum Ian! mum, 1m arm-n nau- Sc. hall-nu h.»ul aw. u-s rm 1m» Mr ¢n.l mum-Mu Standard CMOS Features This f “st rr-anu is were the west oasic far-aware ‘ rm. 5:1 Ir-l-znmiior regardnr-g he s‘uszerf cloak. DE he u an - 1d flow, .. gem-om. lo ante he slams? . IE\T:H_ Ice-1 w Ill I'll: rem; Upcn ; ~traffic the S:;ndar:l IZMIDS setup sc'ccn. 3-01 w' —,m~ a weer. like that Dec-1: ”um-um- 01“th Mllnrfll'llm hamm- ham)“: mun-1m: musl- Sm- mum M . m- mm DIE 1m din?” ‘i'lv filf'hw mm- "Thrall“, mmummn- “Ml-rm“! Date and 11mg Use the amw kevs t~> Move to anzl henlig't t~e Gets mzia' Sales! the Mont." w usir»; t'e Pgbr and F'QJJ keys ms is now most settings wall be ocnh; area. "is“, move 0 the day. yea' and the uh the s "now we; to “man sen-“g he awl-elem date and tire. IDE Primary Masher, IDE Pri mary Slave, IDI: Seumdary Master. IDE Seconda'y Slat-n Thusu' uu an: lo he: Ml ID: InaleI VE’fi. ..IJ- HUM: cf (2th 4 “AW d "1 1l'l tn cow-m IDI: crlmllr. Th:- lI'Z Fr rrmy Vnnrrr .. . dcvirc: an lhn priv-n'fl -F mannnl IDE Pnrrmy 5.1- T-n l- lam-amt Inl’ Smnvoev Master 'd VDE Sew-cars" air 0 inosifv 11m dwizm an we sacrum: charrel. Advanced BIOS Features ‘m; rner 1 zmvidn'. azmss tn wore advanced BIOS can": minor. - . nzs zhat deal 7- .h overall pedomw-ue a! he wale": an: per 2 mal sezuo‘ Ims sszxm a ' Jul nus-arc pumtiu". Ycu haw. . m -vmmn ham "all" mun-J (uh tun-sou.- m 1.1 mm “mum-g 8mm”. kw“ Minna.- 0- ”I! mu um um: mm Hum-u n a In no n. latch link t-J “on mu: m: n- “on an m: m mm“ mu (wan on; . WA ll.- 5.11.1. l Unn- nn: 39513 ; ma- mum“ 9“qu a! 5-3" n. mu » ma 9 5 -n~‘ll(~ F'- WM 0- flmm: 13.0 in: SKEAL ELGunAExU m mu- nu: n sun-v Drum n mm“ nmn “wt “Al b Ann-VIN; Hotectlon F-nn chDisahlnr. 1911: huitir arm-3 11: fo‘ mtmcn Gas nst boot 7 us Ir-Iecfion. Ihls fun'r‘v’nus won: 1 arc-aid»:- mum camp c v‘-.|.-. n'ctnstitn by who omtrd 961V nr t~e boot emcees. CPU Infernal Each:- vases o‘ Diseblss Ihe -wub~' Iulsuml Czcl'e we " -hi= wmld 0an kn mm ad for trwbteswotnn pumoses External (ache ' amen :>' D ht! mnl 9 rx‘m'n Pfizhr‘ rrflrncn' GnrcrfllI-fl wmld onrv be B'sabed 10! (lcubls's‘tuuli'ly pulcusez CPU L2 Cache ECC (hedging ”mac. n- ni.—..-.!~.ln.-. FCC iErra' Checking and (211931 19: tithe Cl’... “3 Land cum-m wJ-e. -eneua"y. 7.5 Advanced chip“! helium Thir- mtvr, nor , cafe 15 arr-fenced ocnf Qumim cpt-zns re “mg to me mslnbze'c at asez. I flese calms ars rare? changed 1:7 (1 aser. 1mm man rm; Slllnl'llv in a 7.1 Muffin. MA“ 3; sag-nun" lulu snuwzua xzuuzmuun 1 “nu-tn want new, at an.) PLVH'QMQ In“! nun-u 1m Ann noun up. «A tins-ac, mum “in lMlanvu has] ”him: a»: c-u awn-l ma tun-mt W Kakd Sq”! Natal can an manna-v (Mammy mm rundown; chfla OHM 9 ‘ ~t~ m: S-gkad MINCE“: P$I(:im Mia FL Gunfih I1 ’ui-t\VN H "v; nun-mu T.‘ f‘luadfbhh Mung Emit MM mun-mar HM! m an. hn Ann and ‘ Sun-mm an." aqua “m IA“ fulfil. ’l mm W V" ”the 13 fl ANA!“ mu “Liv Ail mm ten mun Slnm 1mm mum. and Win.“ and UK ml'd W"! liner mu man-1mm“ new mun-um" m» 501k] M164 lat-4h. hm mans-1 nan nan-an Afl'wn' | iwm- nvm an)“, I US In] Mal "nag mm! us Ia‘al v y] abmu Ins-55m u..|l.‘.n:-.vnn “wt-n rsl'lm ' fihl-iltlkllh .> 3 Bank on, )-' .4.‘S [ll-HAM liming mam simhg is normallad hr,- thp DRQV thin:- r-figiszavs. The “irn -gs woman-“no: irw his register are dammem on (H system dmigr 7A lmogrmed Peripherals Tlli ' 1 rz'hrv mrianls mrnxnmuz ‘Wfifiafldl ucmxnnu. r-m-yu- m: Vuny‘J‘n- um hummu- m sun-15m aw rum-Nu um hug-SI»: mm nanny ma urn-nun mm vault/nu mmutm Dunlmlltmh muses-um” Wrfl-NM! murww. mr-muhm gunman a mum mm“. ~.'«-w.'n \ ma 3» “(flu r Can mu, h mm, wanxwrpm- r.‘ t , ruin: llflllllmlhl Nat rim momma- fih’fltvi’kfl I Wnlni h Mal “kl! uncut“ Ilit’nm n “mag-nu- went-1m. manna.- urr an: m non ”mm-on“. Malta-ugh“: smut.” stun-4m: in no Mr umsw wuan MHM'I HI Am.“ {kl-Mm mm- ?b-n- We index: n cumm- nsmsn-u :umm . ” ,‘h\\vm H" NW! lull. !” Winn! lklm 7. 7 Power Management Snap Per-"air Munngnrffln enemy moat eff 1: cvn atvle of cam. . In nnf g-ln- yn V4 an: ill IF a'nor (Cn' I‘ use [ mun-m , Fltm‘luvl-l , mus-mi».- . mun-«nun mum-«3m V190!” TM 3130? ~ ill! aaumugw 3 smarter-mum hum . hmmfinukln m _ -WA=I.'.E-vn amm- 15-owmn Ila-w." ovvzlvnwn Mlnm mum Inna-mm.- «Inn-m; n run-km l’ Angina-1. ACPI funaion TN“: optio'! all-m5 7m in ennhlafdissbla -hn Aware and9 “ma' Interface. v-hitn mas harm-mm .- nu. axailable to the scouting 515th are oFers mot-wad pnwnv management. To flue on ACP was“. you mm L6? an ACFI OR sum as Windows 08. anr Mnnngcmem P’c". rl‘nrp ‘ 111 min- N'e. ' mmnm nf G Mcgm'y a: cwr. vuu' .u optms in the sub-“em. There are tires as‘ e Maraaefient, zwo c" wflc' rave ‘izeed maze settings: M ni’nurr puar vrnewrcm. Ema Mkl’. - ' h‘ 9.11.» vJMnJ-i 7.8 PnP/PCI Configumliuns "n.- FCI IF: uml Cuz‘vux en: hwconrwI; ‘us was amongst] to culnue> l-_\ c' |7 moms 11-0 and a} Fmvirlp a .’-il’":|f!f in'._ -n nonmetal canvas. sum as Yew-wk cs'fls. E DE or as 1 tenth-Jinn v‘ms zhusu anal: w.“ ls 32-1)! Dszx an" Luca! E.s supzmvl Iu' I’Iu; dc Pia-4. U:- x: ‘J‘JUI expat-sin! ms ' version m "CI beau: m ’ system BIOS abmrmticallvh ,'nrr-inns mflwa'fl ‘n. . oen'pr-ens s. si-mlifgi-q the ins men of rm fiple imarfam fwdn. I “xs Sen. > Menu prauidas tcnf-mrazion ocmons ior th; PCI Bus nrd as ssslgred “BSOUWGS. m-uc rum weary-w. my mum umlxh a lw nava- ; l mu Influx man-34mg», Alp W Pu “Eh Ann lw mun ”mum mi lim- spa-mm Ina-Jun os-Julu'm Plum mm: run-aim PX “I!“ m. rt MAM“: hzlknlnlm .. w. ,..., M. >M4 4.x. PM? 05 Instal ed Set to Yes 1‘ you cps-at ‘g svstam 5 Jonas Flu; & 9:4; s- It‘h .1-. Vv‘lnsc-r-s‘ 95 7.9 PC Heal!!! Slain: he mboar: ra'c-lé'e nor ID! 5 0 IE “IO; -1- 0166“? Th? Cu “in! Zul"uul¢l.vus u ll".- Evil!!!" rd -'.'I’.;. unfit speeds-m PPM. lulaliurl gel in W! n! Il'f. "ml CI'U It‘s. as well as (re (47mm 19 ml'ngm. n ma! "mu: ed. ~2 um." wiL be s-nwn ;, ”as" “H“ nl’l' ”132V ”I‘ll“ WI llfi b 3 ”N mv 331V 1 11V A UV n 445m “an.“ mini“...- m aw sstsu .'-| omit-w f‘ “vuuflwlvv m kl ‘fimfl' W.‘ "film-IA 7.10 Frequency I Voltage Control Use his "new lo 5515:in wu- mnl'cl «PIP'g: I:>' l'chencyg'vu has mnuxumnuun tn! awn-n m'wam: mg n oo~ k'mu In» San mum-vow». Fl! mu m. ran-mu, I! xmn- NVL "r "I in Mill Firm“ Mm J Autn Dam DIMMfPCI clk when cnnh d, any fill-11h PSI rlnrk nm ir 1.3.9 will b: dmhkzd zu "ecu“: EM J Spread Spectrum re ce'eun I! the cut «1; value delalm ~ad bv the same“ assure: to re:qu Em raclsuon peek. Users srrzuld name-11mm change 1 .| CPU Host/ PCI Clock “I- r. am an Int: Nu select he CPU.'PI3I Bus clack 0m! clanking r-rr,’ mun saris-ls svfmm damngn. 8.1 8.2 Specifications Adaptzr Cunfigumlian yr— CATV-VHFfLHF enwfll‘l ' conexmn FUSION mm Ch'p Tune! .I2 Una unl(Cl)rrucllu MJB L?” In) | PV-BT878F'N+ Hamlwun Inmlhlion ‘II ?I 3! II insullfly ”J“, and inlu Illa slul is an Tizull, vuu can lbfiovs the curvzfiulls} hm" urcr tn hiuw la irslalhlia’l o! lhiz card. Once the and . fim'l',’ . m "(t-plug lh': curvn' ZEI I:Z-. tcnnmt m: CA'I‘v'J‘cH =IJl-F amanml to "Jun tum inm- pnn n! 1"! bani. Flu: I’d BLdlu «III: lu zlm audit) mzuLl mil 0! ihli car: JZ. fwd plug ll‘e blhe I I'm z:..diu m: iuw "JEC" comm. a" he rnul" I" And. after comp sting the above Moos. yo; my twain to install 1hn app car-tn softwae. 3.3 8.3.1 Software lnsfullution Instal mien driver Wi'dmm |)"-.' ' Turn nn wtm rnmm'n’ and IR! it o: 1 up vs . '.'.' ‘dows ewes. 3. tuc< cancer ct was: ‘ESC' (9 aka the wizard. -'. Put the futoFJn unve' uric w."- HC-les 2m; f-z-‘a 'ew seondsi. Clak 'PV-BT878PN-‘ a" I": | wstalatm w wow. 5. C cl 'ln=t4ll Drivel“. 6. Ciel: NEXT" m" retry massage: tzux. 74 Cram: 'ch I want tn restart my rmnpmm now“ am disk finish“ to resin“: Wink-1m. 3. Am: remnvoxi'wnzmes. vaMA‘B will detect the "av w axed he’d-fills 21d Wiald . ' ssalzha Lin-m lul .I|is flew new. MQSMWPJWQQMQ-m‘ 35 3 iii re ,'f‘-'|lflJ-\'8'.'1|||EJ MM Ills '. Buul 7I - svslem |'>'.'|\'\'i| " I 1?’ thn n' m". 7 Now dows av ' segir- tM "Up an” sear-m My raw C‘1'a‘9f5 f~:r "FCI Ca’c‘. Click a" he ‘ Next bltonA 3. Sulecl snatching (w 1105! “ll of d!~.~e'~3»nnested to use. Li|c< "'\=.I" tulle". A Saint! CD 36V ilcrn rr‘d stun lil'vn' 3:2: in!» I've con-11m. Click 51 hr: ‘Nnxr" h..1'.nn. 9) W "idows driver fik‘; searsh "nr the: cqu. "AMP Van: Mndnr‘fi Lic< on the "hen” bumn U W ndows finds ‘9‘1Ul mannrr rv-fldn! ‘AMTI ‘v'nizrs Mm 641 the ' Fir 1d" lumen |-' 1hn rlifinhvfld nmdnfl "n—m a‘ affirm-hoisting ta com-1h: rv-adm- river, m: " . 1?! Buying Drwew‘flzafl‘ illaznli'ueto mmpotnth: 1m. man 1h.- "Ws" Des-ea fo't'e Voiw Modrn‘ w n'cdafl zlizk nunn "Next" 0mm 3 Salsa seeming its r'os'. fi'. 0‘ dr'nmr sugqnszm to x,. CIA-J: thr. Wax!" onto-v u. Selozt CLI-HOM its“. L': ck the “New!“ bato- IO‘ Suck the ‘hnizh' Dawn. 1 1. NUV’.‘ ',”.\|'\'E '.'Uf"Blsl€d meteluna the 4‘ W913 ml the "1:08!“
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.05 for Windows Modify Date : 2000:09:29 14:42:08+09:00 Author : NICE1 Create Date : 2000:09:29 14:41:06 Creator : Microsoft Word 9.0 Page Count : 21 Page Mode : UseNoneEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools