Orion Electric Co 9E716 19-inch Color Monitor User Manual
Orion Electric Co Ltd 19-inch Color Monitor Users Manual
Users Manual
1reDOC CQIIPIJANCE NOTICE This dighl apparams does "01 SWIM Class B limiulor radio noise emissions lmm dgflal aopelalus seloul in me radio interference Nglfiafitm 01 Canadian Depamnenl OI Conwnm ) AVIS DE CDNFORIM'HON AU nuance) Le presenlepparell mménqus n'émelpasde bruits melectriques newsman! I5 Elma: wfis aux appereils mménquesds Class B d'aorés les reglemanls sur la bra-flags Moe oormem par u meter. desoenumnioalims ou Canada on 93122- rnzuu ‘l'l'lé D-SUB INPUT SIGNAL we error emeemeose: w m era w m 50 m M m 600 500 758 758 “Hi POSI MEGA user near Posr P05! um P05! 9054 ,n ruse Ne w rues/«Few Posr suns mas sues «use 37m rem mu um um m! '$|.777 31.777 ("177 2M" 20.400 th mm 20.877 MSG! $510 We ”new; emf, em mm met me Ev MK! MN KAI] L556 3201 1516 H3! 1M L0|B to!" o r r, Lem we me am um use “or as 4 WWW—mar. m rem v.22 rmr mm nesz . WWWWEW sooor um some {3 ; 14.26! “260 mm "Jam 13m "356 muss W756 |G£fl om rose arose once we coo-rouse um 0.044 “Em—7 1301 wee Lore 0575 new eminsrn mm 0.521 0.994! 1112: run um um mm mm mm rem urea re.oos| 36125175 75.32; 25m $6000 wow 43500 56250 66.000 94.5 mm 37 no mnomnononononono Also it has 10 user sehiug nodes wruen you can sme except lor laclofy same mode Displaying usermoda axoepl for (army sermg maesmw can see 1401 PRESET' when you select me memory mall), please ad‘usnne monitor screen (or yoursell. Mel met. me screen dare Is shred w me memory with in micro processor, 2. THE WAY OF ADJUSTMENT When you want |o afljusl the screen, prease reler lo luncllon ol commie These screen data are ammllcalry stored Io me memory wnn |n micro processor. wsmlmmrrmwu mn-mmnu-mxn $ "‘. 0 men swncn 1 POWER lnnuromsn) ouwsr surrorsnown 5 up) OSELEBT sullen mull amen A. POWER ONIOFF(<_')) TmlmpowsiONorOFFl There willbezssoonds delaybelole WWW“ mmarLEmmnwmmuswfidllliwlsmnMpwsrislumedofl. ThemsrislumedollbypresainglmpomrswilmagainammspowerLED goesoul. B. MENU kill/ales and exils me On Screen Display. There aroma OSD menu scream. They all USER CONTROHBRIGHTNESS. CONTRAST , H-POSITION. H-SIZE. V-POGITION, VS'ZE, PINOUSHION, THAPEZOID. PARALLELOGRAM, PIN—BALANCE, ROTATION, WEE MOE-TEMP, DEGMJSS, RECALL. LANGUAGE). .a. ssizzv mzuu «nus C. SELECT The soled bolwn allows user lo malls ma desired adiuslmem wilh changing icon-color. Dr ADJUST( V A) The Adiusl billion allows user lo choose the lcolls(conlmsjin (he menu. Priming ma adjust blmml ‘v' or ‘A' will slap lnrougn all available admslmenl bwsleonlmls). In addition mis adjust bullon can be used In adiusum iconsleonuols) that is salami and aclivaled via its selsclbullon. Press the Adjust lumen, Anal mlelillg all lhe desired aquslmems. me On Screen Display will disappear wiln puss-lg me rnellu human, 1. SELF-TEST DISPLAY When mare is maignal inpul(No comedic“), me On Screen Display will shew. WSWMANUAL ~ ”49mm lezuu «we $ 2. AUTO REGISTRATION mmiiorhas loweselnwdesJiiheaimmvidsoisone oliliepiesei illodes, me mailer will aiilomaibaliy Sims any ciisiom display sailings into me parmaneni iliemoly. ‘l'beilearealsuiousermodasiliaiailewywiasavemenialomuisplaysemngs man in any video mode il'iaiis not um oime prasei video modes. Aifllisimeilisaie automatically veg'mimd without pressing any billions Up to iousermdss are wed aulomaiicalyon a ~firsxvliifirsboiil' basis. 3. 080 MENU DESCRIPTION 1} EQEIDIHB BRIGHTNESS increase or dwease me inlenailyiillumlnafioil) oi the image. CONTRAST Increase or decreases lime sirengmflgmness or mass) DI the imam. H. Posmomllorizonial posliion) Moves images hovizoniafly oil-screen leiiivi ei rigiiii A). H. $IZE(Hodzomal Sim) increase“) Of decreasei v) Size 01 image nuizoviiaily. V. POSITIONNemcaI position) Moves Images vertically oil-sues" iipiA) ordwniv). V. SlZElVerlical Size) Increase“) ordeaeasqv) size oi image Vsniaslly. PINCUSHION Must me sit P‘nwshien D! Dwelling. TRAPEZDID Musi me asplay aides in be parallel. INSYHIICTIONMAMUAL l9A99|12||017AM‘I"I‘Il0 $ El WWI/AL PARALLELOGHAM misimeiiioiiiieaspieyeaes. PIN~BALANCE Aeiusi me culvamre 01 me ieli ewe rigm sides oi me screen image ROTATION Aeiusi ills moi image. MOIRE Adjustihe moire level oIma screen. (Realises me unical eiieel oi wavy hneson lbs display image. These aliens ale lisuaIy more noiieeabie on large my aieas or all black e while check board panems) COLOR-TEMP Milisi ills mice-lemma. II seieciiiie boil oieelor»iemperailiie. the cmimi menu panel ul oeioi~iempeieiun is displayed. SelectmemKormey‘DOWW'UP'bmim. To change me coluei R,G.B ween. seieciille “USER'ihen, pvess me “SELEC‘I' billion and seieci ‘RED' “GREEN’ orflUE" and adjiisi me ‘UP' "DOWN" billion. DEGAUSS Manually eenlagleiizes ihe out This can be usee ii me display becomes aseoiereii. Allow a minimum ei eo lllinuies lo elapse between seen eegauss. The "miner also will animuiicaly aegeues whgn war is awlied. RECALL Reaeisihe coiliml lunctims back lathe uiig'nal iauory pieseivaiues. Ill mist loi me Recall inaction to work. ills liming miisi iel under one DI llie Iaciofy wsei liming "mes. LANGUAGE Select a hngnags among ENGLISH. DEUTSCH. FRENCH. SPANISH, PORTUGUESE vm E. AC INLET Pawsr m 004mm PPIIIOTE: Pmrmtuudumpmdfimnmdemmmml, F. D—SUB CONNECTOR OF SIGNAL CABLE Comm“: the analog RGB signal wlpul 001mm! 0! IBM P812, or wmpalhls mum. b ACCESSORY I. POWER CORD 2. INSTRUCTION MANUAL I'NSTHUCIION MANUAL mug-(muquv. u RED VIDEO GREEN VIDEO BLUE VIDEO GROUND GROUND RED GROUND GREEN GROUND MAKING THE RIGHT CONNECTIONS I. Make sure Illa powerw mis manila! and IN wmwler system is Iumed OFF. 2. Connect ms DSUB 001an signal able Io mum. 3. Connect one end ol me power wdw mis muninx and me other and to me wall whet. 4. Tum [his MINI ON. 5. Stan you syslsm. mama" MANUAL lusevzzneznn «mm $ 3' az‘ 7 7 ~ ‘ |§4 ”my lezuu n-mu $ \ P PICTURE TUBE 19 ' (16V) diagonal measwemenl Del Type 028ml! Film Bled Maltix Semanm High resolution screen Dark Feeephu Glassm Him canvas! screen 90' Defiecfion and 29.11"me Mediw Lenefpowereomunmien la ’ Visual Screen Diagonal"- Fllsquale qpe semen Ami-Smile Charge Few" Elsamslallc charge elknmlea H'wie'flsilba coal. Ami—Glare. Anli-Rellealen) sum/new- Glara ploflem eliminated Invar 3mm Mask P INPUT SIGNAL DSIB INPUT Analog RGB mm: 0.7Vppl75 n Sync: TTL Level P SWEEP FREQUENCV Hedmmal' 30-70I0'IzlAuletmficaly) Venlml; SO-ISONZIAIIWMW) P VIDEO BANDWIDTH IIDMHI Max P DISPLAY AREA“! ' Viewable Sin) Presel : 346mm 255mm Full : aesmmx 275mm P POWER INPUT RC IUD-240V. WIFHEE VOLTAGE) P POWER CONSUMPmN "Mammal Pm Saving: Less than sw P DlmcndexDxH) 510mm x 565mm x 565mm (Galen Box) P WEIGHT mm Weight : ma G'ese wag-l : Mg P RESOLUTION lzeowsx 1024 IInBflIML) P DDC me > osmn Sc'nn Display) PPIICTE: Ymicalspea‘flcanensamwaiemu mange minouvnon'ce, CAREFULLY SET THE MONITOR UPSIDE DOWN A. INSTALLING THE TILT/SWIVEL STAND I. Aligl me slam will the slots in the bottom DIN WWW insert lhe TIII/SWWBI SIaM into (he SIDE 2. Push lhe Till/Swivel Stand lllmeIowam Illa Ironl OI (he menncv unlil Ihe latches dick inlu me locked pesillen. B. REMOVING THE TILTISWIVEL STAND a. Push the melt el the cover back downward. b. Pull the slew to me reevelme manila and lift lhe sland. msmucnou MAM/AL» v.34 ntzz- man-4 ~|‘t’1 is ] re. seruiiaum-l'i‘irs q; \ 3; 53a . $526 w. newwwr m é ) ween Sic damn. dafldas Geral ml! in nine 240V1220V1Schm The video card should be oomplemy Stem cinema“ wire sealed in 73 S“- v Die swam some jedemittlei mgangiiar sein‘ um rm einzfn m. l N I 4 Power and computer PWE' switch should mm omen oltal dasGsfél scnnell von der Stromverwgwg zu rennen ; be "' “9 0“ PM“ > Acme-i Sis demlleren aaraut. dai eie Netzanschluflleilung nicht , media iscn be m och sonslwie besehé wlnt. , The signal mus should be mmvtetety connected n “5mm " am to the video cam/mum > Ottmn Sie niernels uas Germ! Im tnrreren betrrieen sich Teile mix gelanniener swinung. Check mnecwtov bent or pushed-in pins. ) Bevel Si! das Gelil mimosn. ziehen Sis bills den Nslzslew aus 69! Power switch should be In the ON wsitiofl and the Stem. Sénbem Sis das Gemflann mil sham lemme" (kemslalls pweroont should be connected. trumnassen) Laws". Mjustsizs and position eonlmls to afljust the b Des Germ let tunksnlstfin nach 50155022 image. b Bauenzmaswng: Die in desem Gem sustenance Rfinrgenstmhung is! ausmhend waitappranmretyren seconds am making eegesafim (omen; in (Mm Abstand weniw als 1.0mm). adiuslmanls before chem; urdswmeclion me me Beschleunigmgsspfinmm mew mew ZSKV. signal upweling OFF the monitor. P sue" Sic das Geraan uinam ergonomisch gnnsugen Oflatfl und sotgen Simnl table should be completely anathed w the $69 dank. dafl def Swish des Moniwvs "it nun 150924|~37fi - v—wwW‘”_-V_"m’fi , , miner. gepn'nmPenphelie sithelwstsmist Check the pin aesigiments ene sigtal tlmmings or b Maschinenliminhmmvemmmng a. esev. "1.01.91 : Der we monitor and your video cant. amelrsptarmezogene mml betragt 7mm) otter weniger Wei ISO 7779. Mm elemenl that maybe musing electrical interim nwaytrom the monitor. Fan Sle mm Fragen haben, auldte Bediemngsantenung ksins Anvwodigeben knnn, so komskfieren Sie bitte den nachsten Fachhéndter, Adjustms side wmm control. 15m ~~ msmumiou MAMIAL mil/cm" nme»
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