Orolia 88-100 Manoverboard Beacon 121.5 MHz Wristwatch (Class B User Manual User Guide for Wristwatch PLB
Orolia Ltd Manoverboard Beacon 121.5 MHz Wristwatch (Class B User Guide for Wristwatch PLB
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- 1. User Guide for Wristwatch PLB
- 2. Updated Users Manual
User Guide for Wristwatch PLB
\\ SML SERVERLDOCUMENTS‘DflTnIiOnSpecs Safe Marine Lw. safe Marine lelmed User Guide for WRIST WATCH PLB GAS 8059 I 6060 Any enquiries reganding this dummem should be addrssed to: The Quality Manager safe Marine Limited Aslro House Segenswonh East Fareham Hampshire PO15 5TX web: www.safemarlne.co‘uklsmlhmne email: enquiriesgsafemanne‘oouk The copyright In this flwumam Is “and m Sufi Marina “Mud, and mouclpiedshouiduse nonlyfwmepufposeforwhich itwasssued. Tho regimen! am“ not us» the Minor! in any munnlr thll is conpefllve with or delflmernl lo M comm-mini masts 0! sale Mame Linihed, Not shall lhe redpiem publish mm 0! make It avalllble In my m party or in my arm wwy divides (ha contents or any lechnical expertise evident therein without safe Marine Linizd prior written uww-l. Q Sale Mnflne ”Mot! 1993. COMMERCIAL IN CONHDENCE um Issue 1 Page1of11 \\ SML SERVERLDOCUMENTSIDafinRIonSpew USGSOSQ Issue 1 Prepared Checked & Authorised D. Abelen y - G.Cheadle - Quality Ma 39 Document Change History Issue Date By Authority to Comment . Change 1 06/02/01 M. Macias N/A Issue 1 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Glossary , , . References 21. .2. “pp—tag La Transmitter .................. 1. Transmitter control 2. ARM 3; CONFIRM Button Comm 3. Water Sensor 4. LED indicate 5. Audio Feedback. 3.2. Antenna. 3.3. Battery 3.3.1. Precautions in Using Batteries 3.3.2. Battery Storage Precautions 3.4. LCD Timepiece Features and Function 3.4.1. Switch control-.. 3.4.2. Setting sequence 3.4.3. Alarm Function 3.4.4. ChIme ....... 3.4.5. Chronograph 3.5. WWPLB Housing 3.6. Houslng Stm 4. Specifications 4.1. Environmenta 3.1. 3.1. 3.1. 3.1. 31. iob'o'u'c'm'mboh'q'qhb'mbnininb-in'a'a'ab 413.2: ETSI EN 300 152 European standard Sif' Maiini LN. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE Page 2 0111 \\ SML sERVERLDOcUMENTSMnBimSpees USGGOSQ Inn! 1 1 . INTRODUCTION This User Guide Is Intended to outline to the end user Ihe funmlnns and operations of lhe wrist watch PLB unit. Both varianE of the unit are covered, GAS 6059 and GAS 6060. GAS 6059 is the 121.5 MHz Ememency channel unit. GASSOEO Is the 121 .65 MHz lest channel unit Slfa Maths Lid. COMMERClAL IN OONFIDENCE Page 3 0111 \\ SML SERVERLDOCUMENTSMIMSP‘CJ USGSOSS lane 1 1.1. 1 .2. Glossary The following abbreviations are used in this document EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon DF Direction Finder PLB Personal Locator Beacon WWPLB Vilrist Watch PLB MOB Man Overboard References EN 50014: 1997 EN 50020: 1994 ETSl EN 300 152 European Telecommunications standard BASEEFA EXN 2C approved for use in Zone 2 areas. Overview The Wristwatch Personal Looetor Beacon is a wrist worn low power radio transmitter with an Inteng antenna and a built-in time movement (Watch). The WWFLB ls comprised of a radio transmitter and antenna. LCD time movement, av Lithium battery (CRZ), Fibreglass housing with rugged watchstrap. The WWPLB is intended to be worn by personal at sea or offshore oil installation. One of the major hazards is falling overboard and either not being noticed or not being able to locate the person once in the water. The WWFLB significantly increases the chance of locating a person lost overboard at sea. When the activated (manually or when immersed in water), the WWFLB transmits a signal on the international SAR frequency which rescuers would home onto using a speoiai radio receiver and antenna. These receivers are tuned to 121.5Mhz, which is the International frequency for Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon's (EFIRB's). The WWFLB transmits a swept tone on that emergency frequency. The swept tone signal is of sufficient power to be heard by a special receiver fitted on a vessel I oil platform or a rescue vessel I helicopter listening on the emergency frequency of 121.5 MHz. The homing direction finder equipment is also used to locate the WWPLB I MOB. Slte Marina Ltd. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE Plus 4 01 11 \\ SML SERVERLDOCUMENTS‘DJMM USGSDSQ Issuet 3. WWPLB features and Functions 3.1. Transmitter The WWPLB features a Radio Frequency Transmitter with a built in antenna. The design is developed to transmit on the 121 .5MHz frequency. The EI'SI EN 300 152 European standard is used as a guidance for the RF transmitter development. 3.1 .1. Transmitter Control The transmitter can-be set into one of 3 modes 1. Off. 2. Test — Temporarily transmitting at 1110” of full power. 3. Transmitting — Pennenentiy firing on full power. The activation system can be triggered by one of 2 methods 1. Manually Zt Automatically — by water Immersion 3.1.2. ARM 8; OONFIRM Button control Status Verification To verify the arming status of the VWVPLB, press and hold the ARMING button only. The WWPLB will acknowledge with beeps and LED flashes while the button is pressed. A single ‘beep-beep‘ with an accompanying LED flash indicates that the water activation is disanned. Continuously repeating 'beep-beep' with [ED flashes indicates that water activation is armed Test Mode To put the WWPLB In test mode, press and hold the CONFIRM button. At 3 seconds there is a single beep and a single LED flash to confirm WWPLB test mode followed by low Power RF Transmission. The intemal sounder will buzz to indicate when the unit is transmitting. Once the CONFIRM button Is released, the transmission ceases 5110 Marine Ltd. WMMERCIAL |N CONF|DENCE Page 5 of 11 \\ SML SERVER\_DOCUMENTS\DeIInIIonSpeos USW 3.1.3. 3.1 .4. 3.1.5. Issue I ARM To set the WWPLB in ARM mode it takes two steps: Step 1: Press the CONFIRM button 3 times. A smote beep and LED flash wilt confirm step one. Step 2: Press the ARMING button once The WWPLB will acknowledge with o doublebeep mdLED flash. Once it is ARMED the LED will flash once every minute to Indicate the! It Is in ARM mode. DISARM ' To DISARM the WWPLB It takes two steps: Step 1: Press the CONFIRM button 6 times. A single been and LED flash will confirm step one. Step 2: Press the ARMING button once. The WWPLBwiIIacknowhdge wiihadoublebeepandLEDilas-h, Transmit (Manually) To start transmitting manually, press and hold both the ARMING and CONFIRM buttons for 3 seconds. The WWPLB will acknowledge with a double Deep and LED flash. The WIM’LB wIII know start to Transmit on full power. To stop transmitting the Disable Transmitting sequence mustbe performed. Disable Transmitting To Stop transmlttlng manually. press and hold both the ARMING and CONFIRM buflons for 8 seconds. The VIIWPLB wIII acknowledge with a double beep and LED flash. Water Sensor The VIMIPLB housing has 2 stainless steel sensors that are exposed the outside of the maln houslng. Thm sensor Pins make contact to the WWPLB circuit via contact Clips that are solder into the WWPLB board. To minimise false water activation the unit must be submerge into water for a minimum for 4 seconds. The Water Activation Sensor wfll only function when the WWPLB is in the ARMED mode. LED indicator The LED Indicator is used as a vlsual feed back for Mode settlng confirmation (to. one flash/minute to indicate ARM status) and Button pressed oonfln'natlon. The LED is imbedded into the WWPLB board. A clear lens is used to conduct the LED light through the Wristwatch housing. When the WWPLB unit is in ARM mode, the LED will flash once every Minute. The LED will also flash for Button pressed confinnation, Mode set confirmation and Test transmit or Full power transmit Swept Tone Audio continuation. Audio Feedback The VWVPLB circuit board drives a Piezo-Electn'c as a sounder. The sounder is located inside the rear cover oi the unit, and buzzes when required sate Marine Ltd. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE Faye 6 of 11 \\ SML SERVERLDOCUMENTS‘DefinitionSpr 3.2. Antenna USGSOSQ Issue 1 The antenna is an etched trace on a printed circuit board with the same dimension as the WWPLB board. The antenna is design is part of a ‘sandwicl'r' assembly. Both the WWPLB board and the antenna board are mounted into a plastic spacer washer thus making it a single assembly. 3.3. Battery Ihe)battery is a cylindrical crimp-sealed Manganese Dioxide Lithium Battery (spiral ype . —Type CRZ -Nominat Cagacitfi 750mAh -Nomlnel Voltage 3 Volt —Max Discharge Current 1000mA Operating Temperature Range 40°C ~ +70°C -Weight 11 9 -Dimensions Height 27.0 mm Diameter 15.6 mm -Batteqi_helf life 10 years - Nominal capacity is delennined to an and voltage of 2.0V when the battery is allowed to discharge at a standard current level at 23°C. 3.5.1. Precautions in Using Batteries . Avoid inserting batteries into antistatic materials or wrapping with any oondudive sheets, this may cause a voltage drop or consumption of the capacity. - Do not place two or more batteries loosely in a bag or a container. extemal shorts between batteries may cause a voltage drop or reduced capacity. 313.2. Battery storage Precautions . Avoid storing batteries at unusually high or low temperatures Keep batteries in a tow-humidity location with little temperature variation. If batteries are kept in a humid place, moisture may condense on them exerting an adverse influence on their electrical maracteristics. o Keep batteries away from direct sunlight. 5110 Mama Ltd. COMIERCIAL iN CONFIDENCE Page7etlt \\ SML SERVERLDOCUMENTS‘DITIIMW 11566059 Issue 1 3.4. LCD TImeptece Features and Functions Built-in LCD Time Movement. The movement uses 4 extemal push buttons (Stan, Reset, Mode and Light) tor setting and adjustment. The following features are included: 1. 2. 7. 8. Hour, Minute, Seconds and Day of the Week Month and Date Chronograph 1/100 Second with Lap/Split Control 4 Year Calendar New with Chime 30 Second correction for synchronisation 1224 Hour display for user‘s option Maximum count: 23Hours 59 Minutes 59 Seconds. 3.4.1 . Switch Control Normal Readout: 1. 2. Press START once: Momh. Date and Day of Week Press RESET once: Alenn Time Press MODE onoe: Chronograph Function Press LIGHT once: EL Light 3.4.2. Setting Sequence A) Non-rial Time Setting Sale Marine Ltd. 1. Press Mode 3 times to get normal time setting mode. ‘Seo' will start flashing, press Start for synchronisation. Press Reset once: "Min' flashing, press Start to advance. Press Reset once: ‘Hour’ flashing, press Stan to advance (‘A’ is AM, ‘P' is PM and “H' is 24 hour format). Press Reset once: 'Dete' flashing. press Start to advance. Press Reset once: “Month” flashing, press Start to advance. Press Start once: “Day of Week’ flashing, press Stan to advance. COMMERClAL IN CONFIDENCE Pm B 0111 \\ SML SERVERLDOCUMENTSDIfinllonSpm USGSOSQ issue 1 3.4.3. 3.4.4. 3.4.5. 3.5. 3.6. 7. Press Mode once: Setting oompleted, relum to normal time readout. B) Alarm “Ines Setting 1. Press Mode twioe, Alarm Time "Hour“ flashing, press Start to advance. 2. Press Reset once, Alarm Time ‘Min‘ flashing, press Start to advance. 3. Press Mode onoe, setting is completed, retum to normal lime readout. Alarm Function 1. Armed Alarm by pressing Star! & Reset slmultaneously, ‘ALM' flag will appear. 2. Disarrned Alarm by pressing Start & Reset simultaneously, "ALM' flag will disappear. Chime 1. Chime is activated by pressing and holding Reset, than pressing Mode once, the “SU through SA" flags appear. 2. Deactivate Chime by pressing and hotding Reset then pressing Mode once. the ‘su through SA" flags disappear. Chronograph Press Mode once to get into “Chronograph' mode. Use me start button to start and stop a counting event. During a counting, pressing Reset will enter the watch into LAP time mode, meaning 1 portion of the counting is registered on the display while the counting continues until completed by pressing Start then press of Reset. The timing can be reset back to “0:00:00' by stopping the counter and pressing Reset. WWPLB Housing The WWPLB main housing is made of fibreglass. Fibreaass is proven to be an excellent material to enclose RF radiators, like antennas from the elements. Fibreglass is also mgged and can be made to be watertight at high water pressure. Housing Strap The total length of the WWPLB induding the strap is 295mm long. It is a requirement to have the VWilPLB be wont by people with small to large wrists diredly on their wrist or on their wrist over a survival suite. The strap is design to be easily replaced in case it Is damaged. A Stainless steel wristband pin secures each of the straps. Sale Marius lel. COMMERCIAL lN CONFlDENCE Page 9 M11 \\ SML SERVERLDOCUMEWSMMSW 4. Specifications 41. Environmental * Operating Temperature Range: -20°c ~ +70°C ’ Water Pressure Rated: to 50 metres or 5 atm A2. Electrical RF transmitter ' Frequency: 121 .5MHz (121.65MHZ GAS 6060) " Class of Emission ASX ' RF Power. Up to -25 dBm " Frequency Emir: +I— 3.5KHz " Duty Cycle: 10036 ’ Modulation Type: Sweep downward from 113KHz to SOOHz With sweep repetition rate of 3Hz ' Modulation duty-cycle: 4095 (When unit is activated) Puwer ' Voltage: 3.2 Voits max. (CR2 Lithium Battery) ' Current draw: 20uAmps Quiescent 110mAmps Transmitting Sate Mame Lid. COMMERcmL IN‘ commence USGSOSS issue i Pageioulii \\ SML SERVERLDOCUMENTSlDefinIkmSpus USG6059 Issue 1 4.3. Approvals 4.3.1. Ex rating The WWPLB is certified under the European Standard which specifies the construction and testing of intrinsically safe apparatus, intended for use in potentlally explosive atmosoheres and for associated apparatus, which is intended for connection In intrinsically safe circuits which enter such atmospheres. The WWPLB is rated ‘EEx ib IIB T5" Willi the applicable standards: -EN 50020: 1994 -EN 50014: 1997 4.3.2. ETSI EN 300 152 European Standard A formal review by the Marine Type Approvals agency (DERA) determined that the WWPLB is not subject to meet all 01 the specifications set by the ETSI EN 152 Standard for maritime Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs). The following is a list of test required under the R&T|'E directive; . For Radio Testing: EN 300 152 Clause 5.1 Frequency Error Clause 8.5 Radiation produced by the operation of the test facility Clause 8.6 Spurious Emissions . For EMC Testing EN60945: 1997 Clause 9.3 Radiated emissions from enclosure port Clause 10.4 Immunity to radiated radio frequencies Clause 10.9 Immunity to electrostatic discharge Sale Marine Ltd. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE F‘Qe 11 of 11
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