P Q Controls RFBDA-418 418 MHz Remote Control Receiver User Manual Operators Manual

P Q Controls Inc 418 MHz Remote Control Receiver Operators Manual

Operators Manual

REV DESCRIPTION DATE- ORIGINAL RELEASE 01/11/99NEXT HIGHER ASSEMBLY DESCRIPTION   418MHz RADIO SYSTEMDocument No:26799Rev:     -P-Q Controls, Inc.95 Dolphin Rd.Bristol, CT 06010PHONE: (860) 583-6494FAX: (860) 583-6011Sheet:1 of  2Scale:N/ATitle:OPERATORS MANUAL418MHz RADIO SYSTEM WARNING:  P-Q Controls, Inc. products areintended as general purpose switches. They areNOT safety devices and as with any generalpurpose devices, malfunctions may occur. If P-Qproducts are used to initiate an operation wherefalse operation could be dangerous, POINT-OF-OPERATION GUARDING DEVICES must beinstalled and maintained to meet all approriateOSHA and ANSI machine safety standards. P-QControls, Inc. shall not accept resonsibility forinstallation, application or safety of systems.Originator:FCheck: Project Engineer:Transmitter: Installation drawing C-10305Pistol Grip Transmitter: Installation drawing C-10306
P-Q Controls, Inc. Doc.  No:26799Sheet:2 of  2Rev:     -Each transmitter is factory preset to a unique address and configured for a specific RF frequency (418 MHz).  As thetransmitter address is fixed, the receiver must be configured to match.  The address, which is also the serial number, andthe RF frequency can be found on labels on the back of the case and at the bottom of the battery compartment.Each switch position on the transmitter activates a corresponding output on the receiver board. The Pistol Grip styletransmitter also incorporates a trigger mounted transducer for use in controlling the receiver’s analog output. See thereceiver’s installation drawing for details on this output.The only serviceable item in the transmitter is the battery.  If the receiver will not link or drops out repeatedly after a fewseconds of operation, the battery should be replaced.  Use a 9 V Alkaline or Lithium battery.  Lithium batteries are superiorfor temperatures below –20°C (-4°F).  The battery will last for 20 to 30 hrs of actual operation.  The transmitter willautomatically turn itself off after 4 seconds of inactivity. This translates to weeks of operation in typical applications.Receiver: Installation drawing D-10307The receiver is also factory preset to a unique address and configured for a specific RF frequency (418 MHz).  Check toconfirm that the transmitter and receiver address and frequency match.  The address can be changed to match thetransmitter if necessary.  The DIP switches on the board can be adjusted to match the 16 bit transmitters address.Each output stage on the receiver board can be activated by its corresponding switch position on a transmitter. Refer tothe receiver’s installation drawing for the electrical specs on these outputs.Receiver EnclosureThe receiver board must be housed in the enclosure provided or in a dry area.  Condensate drain holes, 1/8" dia, arerecommended at the lowest surface of the enclosure.  We recommend that all entry holes for power, output and antennawires be made at the bottom surface.  If silicone RTV is used inside the enclosure, a non corrosive type such as DowCorning RTV738 is recommended.  Standard silicone RTV can be used if the enclosure is left open until it fully cures.Acetic acid, which is released by standard silicone RTV during cure, can cause severe circuit corrosion.Antenna: PQ P/N B-10309-QW or B-10309-HWFor best performance, the above referenced antennas should be used. The receiver antenna should be connected to theBNC jack on the receiver board using 50 Ω coaxial cable.  When installing a radio on a machine for the first time, theantenna should be located initially on the center of the cab roof.  This location provides an adequate ground plane andgood results on most vehicles.  Once the system is operated with this antenna location and performance documented, theantenna can be moved to a more convenient location.  In general a location with line of sight to the operator will work well.If performance in any location is less than that on the cab roof, another location should be tried.Applications AssistanceP-Q controls applications engineers will be happy to assist you with the installation of your RF control system.  Please feelfree to call or FAX if you have any questions.

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