PAC PAC-LP User Manual

PAC International Limited Users manual

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Users manual

Draft 1 20441 Operation and Installation Instructions © 1999Page 1INTERNATIONAL Data SheetLow Profile Multi-Output Format Proximity ReaderOperation and Installation InstructionsFeatures••••Easy Installation••••Reads ISO Cards (PAC P.N. 21030)••••Status LED indicates Access Authorized••••Rated for Indoor and Outdoor use••••Offered in Dark Grey or Off-White Colors••••Outputs in PAC Output Format, Wiegand26, 32, 64 Bit Format, ANSI MagstripeDescriptionThe KeyPAC Low Profile (PAC Part Number 20441) proximity reader is an accessory commonlyused on a majority of access control systems. The Low Profile uses pre-encoded ISO proximitycards (PAC Part Number 21030). Each card is encoded with a unique code that outputs a serialnumber to the access control system.The Low Profile is weather resistant and suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Cards are read at adistance of up to 4 inches.This reader is also available in off-white by ordering PAC Part Number 20446.How the Reader is UsedThe Low Profile is connected to a reader input on a door controller, time and attendance unit orcontrol panel,  that can except a PAC format, Wiegand 26/ 32/ 64 Bit format or ANSI Magstripeformat. The Low Profile detects and reads the unique embedded coding from each ISO card whenit is presented within 4 inches of the reader. The Low Profile will then output this coding, that hasbeen received by the card, to the receiving door controller, time and attendance unit or controlpanel.How the Reader OperatesThe Low Profile has an LED to indicate reader status. When the reader's LED is red the reader isready to read a card and output the coding to the control panel. When a valid card is read theoutput will begin sending the information to the control panel. If the card is valid, the control panelwill activate and output to the Low Profile turning the LED to green. This change of the LED willmost commonly indicate a Access Granted condition or an acknowledgment that the control panelhas received and logged the coding from the card.
Draft 1 20441 Operation and Installation Instructions © 1999Page 2Items Included with the Low Profile1 Low Profile Proximity Reader1 Reader Backplate1 Metal Oxide Varistor (to wire across the lock)10 Crimp ConnectorsConnecting the Low Profile  to the Control Panel or Wiegand Interface UnitConnect the Low Profile to the Door Controller, Time and Attendance unit  or Control Panel asdescribed in the Operation and Installation Manual provided with the corresponding unit. Usefive wires, six wires if tamper is used, to connect the Low Profile reader to the controlling unit.Length: 1m Gauge: 7/0.2, 0.22mm²Colour Signal NotesBlack 0V Return (power and signal)Red +12V Power, unregulated +12V DC (nominal) Full details includingcurrent use are in the specification section on the back pageof these instructionsYellow SOUNDER Sounder input, active low. If not used then crimp the end toprevent shorts.White DATA1DATASIGNALWiegandMagstripePAC - signal outputGreen DATA0CLOCKn/cWiegandMagstripePAC - Not connected. Crimp the end to prevent shortsBrown VCA/LEDVCA/LEDVCA/LEDWiegand - Valid Code Accept, lights LED, active low below+4.5VMagstripe - Valid Code Accept, lights LED, active low below+4.5VPAC - Connect to door controller reader channel, LEDBlue DR1-TAMPERWiegandMagstripePAC - Tamper connection (connected to 0V inside reader)
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Document ID61639
Application IDZhj25/LWefP3MlXSR55z3g==
Document DescriptionUsers manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize1.91kB (23842 bits)
Date Submitted1999-10-04 00:00:00
Date Available1999-12-20 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-23 08:46:05
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-05-23 08:46:06
Document TitleUsers manual

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