PAX Technology S300RF PINPAD User Manual
PAX Technology Limited PINPAD Users Manual
User manual
’ ® QPAX Installation Manual S300 PIN Pad PIN 200312000000128 PAX TECHNOLOGY LIMITED reserves the right to change product technology specificatinns without notifying. @:AX PAX TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Room 24m, 24/}: Sun Hung Km Cenue, 30 Uarbom Road, Wanchai, (mg Kong Tc] +852725X8 8808 1 252722023300 Frmml, dm\lcl@pux com 11k Webmmtwwwpax com‘lk PAX TECHNOLOGY UMITED W7 — jPAX PAXTECHNO OGYLIM‘TED Abstract: Thankycu tor purcnesrng 5300 MIS Plead. You new nave a muiti»functional, securrty, convenlent PleadIhis manuai crovidesyou witn a basrc insteliaticn guide. In ordertc luily understand the performance ofssoo, and torsecurrty reasons, piease spend some time read tne manuai RubberFad SAM card cover Barcode Namepiale RubberPad Product Description 0/ Installation Cabie 9 1) SAM card instauatron Open up SAM card cover wnicn rs in tne trcnt ot tne unit, unpiug tne cabie. Insen SAM card into one at tne Mayhem SW} SAM card connectors tame tne cable back and put tne cm 5‘0. Cover back In piece, wntcn IS showed as beiow. Touch scrsen Privacy shieid Keypad IC Card Slot fgal FAX FAX TECHNO OGY LIM‘TED 2) Connect the Power and communlcallon line There may be several different cables according to ditterent conflgurallun,such as USE and COMLAN and COM E 9 LAN and COM connect a Ethernet cable to the LAN sockel or a R8232 cable to the COM socket Then connect the Adapter and Power on the Plead Instruction 1 ) Power On/Olt Power On: After lnserllng the cable mto the umt and connect the Adapter. the umt IS powered on by the cable automatrcally. Power on: Unplug the cable trorn the devlce thus the unlt lost pcwerwmch IS power off 2) Magnellc swlpe When pulllng a magnetlc card along the slot. make the magnellc stnpe face the machrne Elsdlrecllonal pulhng the magnetrc card 5 acceptable, It IS recommended trorn up to down. and wtth a steady speed, 3) lo card operallonal descrlpllon When lnseri a card. make the contact ol the card upward. Gently Insen and wrthdraw the card In order to protect the contact on card and lo card connector. 4) Electromc srgnature 5300 support electromc slgnature Please be sure to use the stylus or 3300, Do not use metal or sharp eclects to operate the touch screen, so as not to damage the touch screen, W — jPAX PAXTECHNO OGYLIMiTED Specifications Basic configuration CPU 32-bit ARMII Memory 64MB DDR RAM 128MB NandFlash Display a 5—inch 240x320 lrue color LCD, LED backilghl Keypad 10 alphanumeric keys, 5 functionai keys Touch screen: support Electronic signature Peripheral Perl: 1 R3232 PM or ‘i USB Port or 1 LAN Fan Power Supply: 005w 1.0A Magnelic Card Reader: lsomi Track i/2/3. Bidirectional Swipe IC Card Reader: EMV 2000‘ qPBocz o compliani SAM slois: 1.up lo alsome usa USB OTG‘ suppon Dongie Working Environment Temperalure ot~5o‘c<32'l‘~122‘1=) R H 10%~90% (non-condensing) Slorage Environmenl Temperalure: , zoo-mic (74'F~158'F> R.H :5%~95% (nonrcondensing) Weighi: 2909 Dimensions: 167mm x 81mm x 50mm (L x w x H. including privacy shield) apiional Bum—in TCP/iP moduie(1DM/100Mfuli duplex) Emit-in contactless card reader module (13.56MHZ, (olor LCD RF indltalori Notice at Installation and Use , Please hole the rating vollage Use the dewce neither over voitage ricr low voitage r When this device Is connected to the host, make sure use proper cable 7 Protect the cable When the cable is broken, do not use the device W — jPAX PAXTECHNO OGYLIM‘TED , Do not place the device at any places with direct sunlight. high temperature. humidity. dusty, or tull ot corrosive gas. r Keep it away trom liduid. , Do not insert any stuff except card into the IC card slot thus may lead to severe damage ot the device. , When the device has troubles please contact maintenance personnel it is not allowed to fix it by Customer PIN Protection This is a handheld device The followmg methods are suggested to ditter any disclosure ot cardholder’s PIN or passwords when using the device 1) Use the privacy shield and keep awareness when input PlN. 2) Cardholder should Keep alert when input PIN and be aware ot use body or hand as shield to protect their PlN 3) Merchant should properly install surveillance devices to avoid capture of cardholder's PIN or passwords. FCC Regulatlons This device complies with part is of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the tollowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interierence received. including interterence that may cause undesired operation This device has been tested and found to comply With the limits for a Class E digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are designed to proVide reasonable protection against harmful interierence in a residential installation This equipment generates uses and can radiated radio trequency energy and. it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmtul interterence to radio communications. However‘ there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation lt this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be determined by turning the equipment of and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interterence by one or more ot the following measures: W — jPAX PAXTECHNO GYLIM‘TED sRearlenl or relocale the recelvlng anlenna. rlncrease lne separallon berween lhe equipmenl and receiver -Connec| lhe equlpmem lnIG an oullel on e clrcull differenl frum that m whlch lne recelver ls conneeled Consult the dealer or an experlenced radio/TV Iechnlclan ldr help cnanges or modlflcallons not expressly approved by Ihe party lespcnslble ldr compllance could vold the user‘s aulnorrly lo operate the equlpmenl. RF Exposure lnforma on Thls devlce meels lhe government‘s requiremenls lar exposure |o radlo waves ans devlce ls designed and manufactured nol Io exceed me emlsslon llnucs ldr exposure Io radlo lredueney (RF) energy sel by me Federal Communrealrdns Commlsslon of me u s. Governmenl. Thls devlce complles wllh FCC radrallon exposure llmils sel forth for an uneonlrolled envlmnmenlv
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Page Count : 6 Create Date : D:20130507055302 Modify Date : D:20130507055302 Producer : Corel PDF Engine Version Author : sunxx Creator : CorelDRAW Title : S300英文说明书 GTS PDFX Version : PDF/X-3:2002 Trapped : FalseEXIF Metadata provided by