PEGATRON 04182 Personal Navigation Device User Manual User MAnual
PEGATRON CORPORATION Personal Navigation Device User MAnual
User MAnual
NAVIGATE HF PRO GPs-IHandsfree Car Kit for Apple iPhone NAVIGATE HF PRO GPS-lHandsIree Car Kit for Apple iPhone NaviEate Wm“ \ _' NAVIGATE HI PRO CPS—I Hands Free Car Kll NAVIGATE HF FRI! BPS-I Hands Free Car KiI In! Apnln IPhnnu Vout NAVIGATEHF Pm] IS especially deslgm‘d la ttavtgate ano make hands llee calls Wlth your phone The NAVIGATE HF PRU lntemal GPS antenna enhances the IPItOnE satelllta signals to ensure and and reliable navtgatton wherever you are. Using the NAleATE HF rlta you wlll racotve loud and clear voice dlrecllons Hands free calls want with tntegmted Bluemath technology and the tPhune wlII becnarged at the samettme The NAVIGATE NF PRU mount is secure and tested In DEM Standards » MADE IN GERMANY The modular system allows you to exchange the lPhone cradle, once the next generatlun at Phone IS avallable Vuu do nut have to purchase another costly unlt but only exchange the cradle and you are set The cradle may be used as a stand alone chargtng cradle as well, Whal is included? I NAVIGATE HFPHI] unll z Ctauh lot lPhnrle 3 Charger Cable 4 Suctlon Mann! 5 Sucthn Mount Adapter 6 Alcohol cleaning tissue 7 Instruclluns Appltances dESCllplIUn ~ NAVIGATE HF Pno Unll APPLIANCES DESCRIPTION 1, NAVIGA‘IE NF Pltu umr |.|.|NIEGNAYEI1 EFS ANYENNI th5 null comes with a built In GPS recetvtett to enhance the iPhnrte salelllte signal leceplmn It thl ensure the most exact hawgatlan experlence comblned wtth the navtgallnn soflware installed on your tPhone Especlally in areas at puur satelltle slgnal receptlon (l ex ln Cltle‘s wrth tall hulldlngs) the integrated GPS antenna ensures a much more tellable satelllte Slql‘al reception (Mare Helm/S under Jedlnlm/ specificatlons", n lnstmchans". Security advrse”) t.z. BLUETOOTN mums FREE DALI. recmtomtsv The bulll tn Bluetooth technology allows hanos lree calls, A eluetoom pairing mode button IS located on the MIME upper rlghl Sldltv Beluw the Button. a blue LED Ilght wlll llnslt when pathng the phone and ll thI he constantly llluminaled once the lPhane IS patted (More delalls under I. technical Spectfizallarls”, Jltslmcllons”, "Security advlse‘) 1.3. ENHANCED SOUND QUALITY AND VOICE DIRECTIGNS On We lower back area the NAVIGATE NF PHD speaker IS lntegratedo ensunng substantlally clear volce dlrectiuns and enhanced voice calls Even while wlmlows and sunrool are open and ether background nulses exlstt recelpl of voice directlons is clear and loud, because the speakers sound slgrtals are rellected all the wtndshleld and dlslrl txned throughout the cat tntettot IA.VOI.IIME cannot Volume may be adjuSIEd wnh lIlL‘ volume conttul bmnns located on the top rign The (t) bunun allows louder and the (—l button lower volume Setllngs ThlS easy to reach volume control ensues tndtvtdual sound aqlustment to your personal needs. wtthutlt being dlsuacted. while dnving, |.5.ACBE$S FDR EXYENNAL MICHOPNONE h lemale adapter is located on the unlt‘s Ielt slde to comecl an external mtemphnrte wtth a 2 5 mm lack to be attached I. ex at the sun VISlDl area (Mari: details undLV "lethnlm/ Spectllcallulto" .,lnstructlans“. ~5€ELlVlly advlse") 1. CRADLE DESIGNED FflR IRIII'IIIE 2.1.IN GENERAL This cradlespecihcally designed for the iPhone may be removed Irnrn the NAVIGATE IIF PRO unit and opamdasasepaaiemarginguadlemy Tlentodu- lar desrgn allows it to simply exchange the cradle. once the new generation oi iPhone is available. (More details under . lechnical specifications“. ,.Instruclrbn5". "Security advise“) 2.2.MIBRDPNONE It sensmve microphone IS located on the crodlc‘s lower right corner? (More details under Jet/weal specifications". Jnsimctions‘, .,Securityai1wse“) 2.3. FNDNE ACTIVATING BUTTON On the cradles from lower part. a phone activating button is located to allow connection and disconv nectitm of incoming calls. Pressing this button will also connect to the last dialed Dr received phone number This easy to lind profile button enhances mailmoepiimvmiie-mmmdiomsam use ~ less distraction lrorri tralfic is ensured {More delirtls under . Technical specifications ". "instructions“, "Sewnty advise") Cradle designed Ioi iPhone 2.4.IIRI IGRIF ADAPTER SYSTEM The cradle comes wtlh the well-known HRI lGRlP 4-Hole-Systeni located on the back to be combined With the distinguished HR/ iGRlP A-Pmng System located on the tram ol the NAVlGAI‘E If PRO unit. Thecradle also may be mhinedwlm my HRIiGRIP mount. which use the same thong-System. The HR! iGRIP 4-Hole~System on the hack DI the mvtoarsnrm mlL again maybe attached in any HR! IGRIP mount via the twang—System. (More details under ~Technical specificatraris". .Instrucliufls“. ,Secilnty.rrivi‘se"l 2.5. ELECTRICAL CONTACTS When combining the cradle and NAVIGATE NF PRO unit. the integrated contacts on back nl cradle and iront cl NAVIGATE If FRI] unit build up a Circuit These eIeCUlCHl contacts enable exchange or navn- gation and voice data as well as energy supply oi the NAVIGATE NF PRC unit (More details under “Technical specifications”, . Insrmctions ‘, ”Security advise") Charger Cable » Suction Mount Sflem 3. CHARGER CABLE 3.|.CNARGER CABLE FOR THE CIGARETTE LIGHTER The power supply is ensured via the approx. 2 Meter (approx. 6 it.) long charger cattle to be installed in the car aligned in gaps on dash and console. [More details under ., Technical specifications". “Instructions“. .,Seculity advise") 3.2tAGCESS FDR POWER SUPPLY AT CRADLE A micro USE B female adapter is located on cradles lower left Slfi The chargers mlcm USE B male adapter has to be installed at this access The micro USE 8 male adapters angled design makes sure. that me able is led right below the dash min the direction at the power outlets. (More details under “Technical specificalluns", ,Instructiorrs‘ Security am/rse‘) 3.3.ACCESS TO THE CAR CIRCUIT The chargers male adaptor fits most car power out» lets and cigarette lighters and may be used lot car's izv , end truck's 2iv pow supply {More details under ..Teclrnrcal specifications". ”instructions“. “Security adwse") It SUCTIITN MOUNT SVSVTEM A.|. IN GENERAL The suction mount allows to install the NAVIGATE llF Pm] GPS-I Hands Free Car Kit inside the car in drivers View and ream The Car Kit I5 designed to fit most cars. preierred installed eimer iett or right of the steering wheel on the lower part or the Wind- shield. the SHCLIOH mount technology makes it possible to attach the device without damaging any sunace by using screws or glue The most impor— tant advantage or a Suctlnrt mount however is its Fleitlhll'ity amt mnhilily sinus it may he removed any— time from the vehicle and may be installed again in any other vehicle [More details under ”Technical specifications". .,instmctrnns': .Securrty adwse‘l 4.2. msutmtou The warm momt‘s HR] iGRlP thong—System hat; to be attached to the "meat-e NF PRO HR] lGRiP A—HoIo-System located on back oi the unit The mmmctnmimeanacredmmyflamosmwn surface, like i ex. windshield or on too or sell adhesive adapter {More field" under .TEEhIIlCaI specifications”. . instructions“, .Secunty atMse ") 4.3. INDIVIDUAL ADJUSTMENTS AND $511!!!“ The sumo" muunl may be acjuswd lndlvulually lu amen vlew and reach Releaslng ur ngmening the plasllc head screw. lwled an (he side Ol lhe mnunl. allows any adaption vertically to the wlndshleld The nghmning wneel mmume mum alltms m adjlfl tn driver‘s view try up lo 60' l" all dIYBCl-lnns and to freeze the dwtce atthef tn pontutl or landscape formal, This swwel llghtenlng mechantsm nuldst compared (a any alter hall ymm wvel deslgns. your amine mew vtbrminn [me m place. n l5 venom mended to use Wide screen formal (landscape) wllsn navigamng wllh yml lPhum lor ballet and easy view 0! map and drtvtng tnstmctians, (More dent/Is under Jecl'mrcal specifications”, Jnsllucnms“, "Secullly advise? Suction Mmm Adapter 5. SUETIDN MDUN'I ADAPYER 5.|.lN GENERAL The suctmn mount may be mstalled on top of the flaws Smoalh am flal surface lnslallauun nl lhIS adapler system must he considered In all mumnes and states with restricted laws concerning attach. menl 01 devices to the windshield The adapter plate lS espeually designed lat cars having a larmt distance between steenngvlmeel and lvtndshleld such as spans Cars. Family Vans, SUVS, 4by4 Vehicles Mow Names, Buses, Lighlwelghl Transpunsliofl Vehicles and YrUCkS. Ihe 308mm alluws ln5lfl| Iatim ml the sucu‘un mounl Wlthin dnvet's NEW and reach and makes I! easier ln use the NAVIGATE NF PM GPSJ Hands Fm! Car Kll. (More delay/s under Jechnical syecv'ficauons '1 .Insrrucnons ", "Sawfly mise') 5.2,INSTILLATION The adapter must hemmed selfiamesively on top cl [he dashmatd. (MOIE dEMAIS unmet Jechniral specifications', «Inslmcllans‘, ,Secur/ty adwse') Accessnrie's Ba AEDESSOHIES 5.LAI.CUNI1L CLEANING TlSSUE The alcohol cleaning llssue must he used lo clean the area 01 inslallauon 01 lbs suction mount or suction mount adapter. (Mom details wide! ~Tl.’clh’lh’:al specificaliuns‘. Just/actions", ”Security advise") 0.2. INSTRUCTIONS These very delailed mslructions musl be read pflov Inslallation and Malian M the NMIIGATE HF PHI! GPSJ Hands Free Car Kil. NAVIGA‘IE HF PRO UNIY 5. HR/ mp 4—Hole—Syfitem wuh cunlacls muemom Pamnq Buum Blumonlh 1m Ughl Volume Comm 1‘) Volume Comm (4 2 Wau Speakeu 2,5 mm Am» my External Mmmpnnne HR/ lamp 4 Prungsysmm mm contacts CRADLE ‘H 12 13 14 15 Spnng chp Rubber Foam Paumng Male Connector (or Phone Phone Acnvamg Bunon Mluophunu Micro USB 8 Arms: HR/ wGR‘P 4-H0‘E System mm cum-16K (D vmm ham NIH/{GATE Hf PRO Unll — Cradle my" ®\ rgh: mu @ hm Charger Came f Sumo“ Mcum . Suclmn Mow“ Maple! CHARGER cAnLi we m mgnrcnc | wghmr Adapter 17 LED Operaung Ugh! 1a Approx 2 Meter (5 n ) long Cable 19 make use B Adapter sucncm mourn m vMum sumo“ Cup 51 Suuvnn Rt-muvul may ;2 Suuannver 23 ngnmmng Screw rm vemca» Adju>lmmw 24 ngmemng wneew rm Swwew Adluslmem 25 HR/ wGRIPAvang—Sysmm SUCTIBN MOUNY ADAP'IER 16 Smoulh Sufism Z7 waflunn Iran“! 28 Sm! adhnxlvl: Pudqu INSTRUCTIONS CI! MBINITION PIamflhc manic umnlhe NAVIGATE IIF mu mn Make sure the HR/ GRIP 4-Prong—Syslem Is cumpleIEIy ”1mm lnlu w: HR] IGRIP 4—HDIB— Syslem and press [he NAVIGATE NF PRU unvl upwards and me cradle downwards unul yuu nouce a chck New Dom umls are lvghlIy engaged Nuw pIace rm NNIIEATE NF mm mm (IVE! ufldll! umlblmad (mu) [he HR/ lGII’ A—Prung— System or me sucnan muunl Make sure [he HR/ ramp 4 Pmnq—Syslem rs cumulfler Imwlcd lnlu nu In! Combumuun me HR/ IGRIP 4»Hule»Syslem and press the mount upwards and (he MVIGATE NF PRO wIlII (he cred lecnmbimzd downwards umiI you name a dink, Now bum units are lightly engaged BflIurv rurnuumg the mount with me devm make sure ma! ma sum-mm muum‘s 4 prongs palm wnh me Short (Ibiamle to me outer shape In the mp Ihls ensures mm mm adapters are engaged even m one sham Installauon In (he VehICIe INSYALLAYIGN IN THE VEHICLE AND SECURITY ADVIBE PIeaSe evaIuate where (0 lnsIaIl (he NAVIGATE“= PRU GPS-l Hands Free Car Kn mside your vehlcle Make sure to man me devlce wrrhin duver’s reach and vuew Ensure malymrmew m lhe traffic rs not evaded and me ammy m upmu: your vehicle is m ubsmned under any clvcumsvances The rmagp. shows mu best locauon whem lo insIaII mu NAVIGATE ur PRO UPS»! Hands Free car Ku on me wmdshmld Almmalrvely me dnvlcc may he INN msraued on “on mowng awde wmnows or wun me seltadneswe adapter an (up 01 u» dashboard _Never msull me NAVIGATE Mr- M GPS [Hands Free Car Kit on top or m the Bperamn area 01 an anhag or me munrrg mm The "men: "F m and us char ger cable mus! ml mhrhir from operanng your volume It musr um mlurlme - me vlew lo lhe mm: and me envrronmenl around you - me readmg of MI mslrumenls ~ mu vrew lo a” rear yrew mwurs - mu opmarion m We arruags - me use of any switchesy shiIlerfi mu pedals Puma respeu all rustricnons hy law a! your wunlry 0151310 can cermng [he use a! sucIIun muums mslaHed Io mu windshield MI arguments and seumgs muu be dmc pmor drNing Suction Mount InstaHaunn SUCTION Maul" INSTALLATWN AND SECURWV ADVICE Area 0! lnslatlalion must be Qmmm and Hal Cteavt surface thoroughly wtm Supplied alcuhul cleanmg ussue Ammant lemperature 01 mslallatton must be at least WC (5071 ulhethse u IS recommended m warm up suction cup and swung at msuttauon ustng for example a hatrdvyer to ensure a perlect sucttnn bum tn the Sltrlace Ptace [he NAVIGATE HF Pm) GPS—I Hands Free Car Ktt an destred area at mstzuattnn G) Press the sucttm mount unto the surface and at the same ttme press m top at the Suctlun twat to ensure suctton‘s ahsatute flat altgflmefll m surface (2). Nuw push the suction; lever Iawards me surlxce uf tnslaltallon (0 create a Vacuum between suctton and Suctton Mount mslaltatlon surface (a Vcnfy u the gunman muunt u tnslatlett property and ugmty To remuvc the Sultan mnunl tom the Suclton tever back ® and putt the suctmn removat flap to release the vacuum between suclmn and surtace @ This ensuves easy suclmn rumoval wtlhnut causing any damage nu ma SuClIOH mnurtt -Nem expose mu mam mourn mum sun ugut and mgn uempmtum (or a tortan pf‘rtod at ttme The suction cup may ue damaged and defurmcd and the suction power may be reduced tf exposed to tempefatwes am 470: 1160'F)matde your car Verify always netom urn/mg 7 nspmatty m areas or tempcruttne changes the «mum utp's vacuum Slmnglh SEII adheslve Maple! lnslallallol! SELF-ADHESIVE ADAPTER INSTALLATION AND SECURITY ADVICE Arcd DI lllslallnllun musl he Ilal Clean surIacE rhorougnly wrm supplled alcohol cleanlng (issue n we surluce has been [mated With 1] slllconu based dashboard delufgnnl (dashbnard shunnlr surlacc must be cleaned wllh an awmprlaln srlrcene remu— qu agrmr to ensurf- a sell ddhcswc srronq and ril'lmemvlll hum] mulrayu u mpvul‘lrv ul n'slalldtlul‘ lllllSI bu at was! "v \a II,“ fl UIIlNWl‘rC I! l'» Nil Ullmln'llllcd I“ Wallll ll) Uw wll mflrmw (um ma 11lele ul msralrarrrur uung lur exumplc a narraryur m unsure u pcrIecl sull anlmslvn Imnd to me sulfate Remuuu (he adheslve's prmecllvle lull and press suumu cup adaplel. applymg suong pressure. un cleaned surIacc Allow I3 hours to cure below ins’lul ling me sucnen moqu onto {he adapterr To remove me adapter. u ls recommended to use a narrdryer to make me udhESNe pllahIE belcre pullan all the dlsc Irum me surface Any selladheswe resrdues may he removed by hand ruhhlng Culuul ru lnsmlldllun surlucn mgm mum lrum Lolour 0! area aruunu sumac ol rrrsral l.luun ulrm sunu: ruuu Due to naylrgm Luvulcd suvlaurx lroup Inmv urrgurul r-nluur Lumpamd nu sur Inccs exposfld m uaylrgm Dc ml anacrr me adapml un Ian (1! an arruag or m mu uperaliun area 01 any allbag ludrvrdual Aayusrmeurs INDIVIDUAL ADUSTMENTS AND SETTINGS AND SEQUIN" ABVICE The sucmn mounl may be adlusled vemcally lo adapt (0 (he mclmanan OI [he wlndsllleld Release [he plastic head side screw. adjust me sucuurr centre arm eilhel upwards or duwnwards and ughlen the screw The swivel option alluws to adjust the NAVIGATE HF PM! GPS—I Hands Free Car Kit Individually mm deslmd positiofl and VIEW as well mm ellhur pmrall or landscape lormal Raluase the swivel‘s lighmnlng wheel and adjust to your needs Desired adjustment must be freely} Wilh (he Ughmmng vmnol ll ls ramm— mended (0 USE: wide screen lormal (landscape) when rraurgaung wnh your |the lor helm and cam MM 0! map and dnvlng rnsrruururrs WARNING' All adjuslmurlls rrrrrl selllngs must be done pnor dnvlng Connectlon to Car Clrcull CONNECTION 10 CAR CIRCUII AND SECURITY ADVICE loser! the charger cable's male MICRO USB B adapter mm the Iemale MlCRO USB B lllsefl located on me cradles lower left slde (Please note- The larger slde DI the male adapter needs w face upwards). lnsen rne male CLA lClgarelle nghter Adapter) into lhew‘s power under or crgaretle lrglrter. lnslall lno approx 2 Meter (6 It.) long cable lrorn [he devrce lo the power outlel Th? NAVIGATE NF PHI] GPSV/ Hands Free Car Kit works only lI cannELIEd (0 [Mt Cal's electrical Clrcull Use only fiupplltd car Chfllgcr mule Only approved tar charqer cables may be used More lnro you find here www lGRIRus/shop Make sure the charger cable ls not inslalled loose rnside your car Thls could rnhloll you from operating your vehlcle properly lr me NAVIGATE HF PRU CPS-l Hands Free Car Kll ls lnslal— led Close to an alr Venl. [he heallrlg fullnlun needs to be reduced or lhls specllll: alr venl needs lo be snur all, lo ensure proper cnargmg ol lhe IPl’mflev ll your Phone is exposed lo dlrect sun Ilghl and heat lt mlgl’ll swirclr of! me power supply recepllon and constant charglrlg ls not guaranteed lPhurlE Insemon lnlo Cradle IPHONE INSEI‘IYIDN INTO CRADLE IND SECURH’Y ADVICE Insert lhe lPhrme carelully llllo the cradle Make sure rtre lPllone's Iemnle adapler perms to llw cradle‘s male adapter ® Fold the aprlng loaded clrp upwards @ and slrde the phone lrr uprlqlll pnslllon onln me male adapter located lrlslde rlru cradle on rtre bulmm ®. Now engage the cllp on lap ol tne cradle wllh [he lPhone and ensure perIeCI fll ® To remove iPhorlu 1mm cradle fold lhu spllng loadcd Llip upwards @ and slldc the Phone carelully ml the cradlc's male adapter lrllu an uprlgnt dllELllflll (Q When complemly separated lrurn cradle’s male adapter you may remove rPhunll lrorrl cradle Q) As long lPhnrw’x tumult» drlapllrl urul crade's male adzpler am more you muq ml rlnnu ve rPnone Irorn cradle The cradle accommodates me tPurle only ll you use a nerd plasrrc case a slllcone case, a Ilexlble 5le or a Slmllar pmlecllve ploducl wrtn your lemme you must veparate urrs llem rrorn your Mom oelore lnSelllng mm the cradle. wmnmcl Dr) not lrlsm and remove |Plluflc wltlll: driving @/v BLUEYOOTN PAIRING AND SECURIIV ADVICE Tn cunnecl yuur lthe wrm the mum: NF m cps I Hands Frau Car Kl! enabltng you (0 make hands lrco calls you need lo oar via Bloetootn ootn duvlces Please vollow these steps. 1 Illsel'l (he lPhOfle mm the cradle Of the NAVIGA'IE nr Pm) and connect to ma car‘s clrcull z Acllvalc your lPImnc‘s Blueroom sctnrrgs lulla— wlrl SETTWGS” GENERAL" and ‘BLUE TOOTH” 3 Pm“ on [he NAVIGATE HF PRO Blumoulh palrmq button lot at least E! sl'lconds Q) ("112 blue LED Wlll flash ®] 4 The NAVlEATE HF PHD wrll show up on me lPhnne msplay as available oevrce Conlrrm password (0000) on do: rPlrone and lype "CONNECT" 6 Now me rPlronn ls pared wrtn the NAVIEME HF Pm: (the blue LED ls constantly illumlnaled) tn slandby mode, I'll: blue LED ls swllched oll' etuetaour palllllg (99 (ll de setlrngs m mull: wllmgs All adjustmEnIS and settlrlgs must be dune prlcr to dnvmg Dlscunecl Blueluom palrlng 7 Phone acllvalllg bmwfl and maklng calls DISCHNECI BLUETDO'IN PAININE AND SECURITY ADVICE The NAVIGATE llFPlln GPS»! Hands Free Car Kn may he parred wrtn up lo a drllerenr phones ll you want lo dtscorlnecl all devices press the wrem HF PRO Blueumm panrng nunon lur al leasr a secmds urlul me LED swrlones nfl ll you swllch of! me lPhune Blueloorh setllngs, you have In bulld up a new conneclmn wllh the NAVIGATE HF PRO GPS-l Hands Free Cal Krt (Read Blur-loam pan mg) WARNlNG. All adjustments and sclllllgs must he done pnor to dnvlng. PHBNE ACTIVATIHE BUTTON AND MAKING PHONE CALLS thle aclwallng build" On mu qum ooltom pan or the cradle a pllolw Lall achvaurlq bulmn rs located. lncormng calls may I]: renewed by pressrng lllls lumen and calls may no termmaleu as well ll you press tnrs bnlmn. the Phone wlII dlal me numoer 01 your lasl tall Thls easy to much ploflle bmon was rccepllon or plume callswmleanvrng and does not » compared to lunch semen operalmrl 7 mm lronr operating youl cal Volume Control 7 Integrated Mlcmpmne — Access for exlernal Mlclophane Nnvlflm uslng NAVIGME HF PRO VOLUME CONTROL AND SECURITY ADVICE Ta anyusl the volume. press lhe volume comm! but— Ions located on [he nghl OI [he NAVIGATE NF PRO GPSJ Hands Free Cal KlI. For mud swings I‘I press the upper humm and 1m mule Settings H press me lowel nunun Loudness may be adjusIed ln 14 slaps WARNING: All adyuslmems and selllngs must be done pllol Io dllwng l-l laud sclllllgs lrl mule selllrlgs lllleglsleu llllkmpllone INTEGRATED MICRHPHONE A sensiliye microphone ls lecaled en lower “QM lll me cradle Trlls mlcmphune ensures perIecl volce lranmlsslerl, ll me NAVIGATE our mo cps-l Hands free Car KII ls lrlslallea wilhln drlva's leach and ulew. exlmull mikmpllulle AEGESS FOR EXTERNAL MICROPNDNE AND SECURITV ADVICE A 2 5 mm access ls Incalflfl u" the IBII SldL‘ OI mu NAVIGATE IF PRO UN! [0 conned an enemal mlcm~ pnene [XIEmal mlcmphmes are essenllal lor cars havmg a larger dlSIanCE belween sleermg We! and wlndshleId Such as Sports Cars Famlly Vans SUVS 4hy4 vehicles Molar Homes Buses ngrllwelghl Transpollallan Vehicles and Trucks II [he external mlclepnullc's 2 5 mm jack is ln
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