user manual
Sphinx_ICS.bookk Page 1 Monda ay, April 9, 20122 1:33 PM TO OSHIBA A AT27 70, Ex xcite 10 0 AT270, Excite 10 AT275, RE EGZA Tablet AT270,REGZ ZA Tabllet AT5 570 Us ser Info ormatio on Guid de Sphinx_ICS.bookk Page 2 Monda ay, April 9, 20122 1:33 PM Sphinx_ICS.bookk Page 1 Monda ay, April 9, 20122 1:33 PM Doc um u e nt at ion ■ A comprehensiive online Use er’s Manual is preinstalled on your tablet. To o access it, tap the Online M Manual icon on o All Apps main screen. ■ Refer to the online User’s Ma anual for detailed informatio on and instruct ctions co oncerning eac ch item in this manual. ■ The online Use er’s Manual insstalled on you ur tablet is the latest availablle at the production time e. Please checck for the e most up-to-da ate online Useer’s Manual. http://www.tosh Safet y I c ons Safetty icons are us sed in this ma anual to bring important inforrmation to youur attention. Each h type of icon and a its implica ation are identified as shown n below. Indicates a potentially ha azardous situa ation, which co ould result in ddeath or ury, if you do n not follow instrructions. serious inju Pay attentio on! A caution iinforms you th hat improper use u of equipmeent or failure to follow ins structions mayy cause data loss or damag ge your equipm ment. Please read d. A note is a hint or advice that helps you make best uuse of your equipment. Quickk St a r t U np pa ck t he bo ox 1. R Remove the co omponents and d tablet from the t box. Save the packing m materials in ca ase you need them later. 2. Remove the doccumentation paackage for imp portant informa ation. All product specificationss, configuration ns, prices, sys stem/componeent/options availability are all subjectt to change wiithout notice. Chee ck t he c om m pone nt s Yourr tablet comes s with: ■ AC A adaptor (2-pin or 3-pin) ■ Power cable ■ Several documents, including g Instruction Manual for Safety and Co omfort. It may also ship p with docume entation for oth her software th hat may be pree-installed on our tablet. yo Some software e may differ fro om its retail ve ersion (if availa able), and mayy not include usser manuals or o all program functionality. If anyy of the items are missing o r damaged, co ontact your de ealer immediattely. User Inforrmation Guide Sphinx_ICS.bookk Page 2 Monda ay, April 9, 20122 1:33 PM Conne c t ing t he AC A a da pt o or 1. Plug the USB conn nector of the p power cable in nto the USB po ort on the AC aadaptor. 2-pin 3-pin Depending on the model, eitther a 2-pin orr 3-pin AC ada aptor will be buundled w the tablet. with 2. Plug the t power connector of the ppower cable intto the docking interface on yoour tablet. 3. Plug the t AC adapto or into a live wa all outlet. You can charge e the tablet byy connecting th he power cablle to a USB poort on a computer. How wever it is not rrecommended d because it ta akes much lonnger time to o fully charge the battery. Turnin g on/off t he h pow e r Press an nd hold Powerr button to turn n on the tablett. The tablet will w vibrate to inndicate the status. To turn off o the tablet, prress and hold Power button for approxima ately 2 secondss and select OK K. User Informaation Guide Sphinx_ICS.bookk Page 3 Monda ay, April 9, 20122 1:33 PM Quickk Tour The following figure e shows each h important part of your table et. 10 11 12 13 15 14 15 13 16 17 15 15 1. Displa ay screen 2. Web Camera (front) 3. Ambinet light sensor or 4. Web Camera indicato ophone 5. Micro 6. Powe er button 7. Multi fun nction switch 8. Volume down/up button hone/Microphone 9. Headph o jack combo 10. Micro U USB port 11. Memorry media slot 12. SIM ca ard slot* 13. Spea akers 14. Docking interface 15. Wire eless communiccation ante ennas (not show wn)* 16. Cam mera (back) 17. Cam mera flash * Proviided with some models. Producct appearance dep pends on the moddels you purchased. User Inforrmation Guide Sphinx_ICS.bookk Page 4 Monda ay, April 9, 20122 1:33 PM Sw it chin ng on for t he Firstt T im e When sta arting to use th he tablet for th he first time, th here are a few basic settingss that will need to be b configured before the tab blet is ready fo or use as deta ailed below: 1. Presss and hold Po ower button on n the tablet to turn on the po ower. Durin ng the initial sttart-up processs you will be presented with h the Setup Sccreen. 2. Choo ose your preferred system lannguage and tap p Start to start the initial setupp process. 3. Conn nect to a Wi-Fi network. You can c tap Skip an nd turn Wi-Fi on n later in Settin ngs app. For de etails, please reefer to the Wi-Fii networks secttion in the onlinne User’s Manual. 4. Set date and time or o enable autom matic date & tim me and tap Next to continue.. 5. Regisster or sign in with w a Google™ ™ account. You u can also skip this step by tappping Not now. 6. Choo ose whether to o use Google L Location Serviice™ and tap Next to continnue. 7. Enterr your name to personalize soome apps. Tap p Next to contin nue. 8. Tap Next to agree the privacy poliicy and other te erms. 9. You ta ablet is now se et up and readyy to use. Tap Finish to exit Setup Screen. Get ting to Know t he H om m e Sc re e n The Hom me screen is your starting po oint for using all a the installed d applicationss on your tablet. Yo ou can custom mize the Home e screen to dis splay the widgets, app shorttcuts, wallpape ers and other shortcuts you prefer. 1. All Apps 4. Hom me 2. App shorttcuts 5. Rece ent apps 3. Back 6. Syste em bar User Informaation Guide Sphinx_ICS.bookk Page 5 Monda ay, April 9, 20122 1:33 PM Item Description All Ap pps Tap to see alll your apps and d widgets. App shorrtcuts Tap to open a an app. Backk Return to the previous screen. Home Return to the default Home screen. Rece ent apps Tap to see the e thumbnails of o your recently y used apps. The System b bar is located permanently att the bottom of the screen. Naviggation buttons, notification ico ons, the currennt time and status icoons are all disp played. System bar Acce ssing the Online U Use r’s M a nua l To be enefit most from your tablet,, we recomme end that you sp pend a short tiime referring to the e online User’s s Manual whicch can be accessed by follo owing steps beelow: 1. Ta ap All Apps ( ) on top rig ght corner of a Home scree en. 2. Ta ap the Online Manual icon. Config guring Au ut omatic Pow e r Do ow n M ode By de efault the yourr tablet is set tto automatically switch to sle eep mode afteer 2 minutes of ina activity. In the event that thiss period is nott sufficient for your needs, itt can be changed in the Setttings screen.. For details, please refer to the Display ssection in the online e User’s Manu ual. To re esume from sle eep mode, pre ess Power buttton. Howeverr the screen reemains locke ed. You can un nlock the scree en by following steps below w: 1. Press and hold d the lock icon ( iccon ( ) and an unlock ico on ( ring with a camera ) while it turns into a white ). 2. Slide the ring towards the apppearing lock or slide the ring to owards the cam mera to open Camera app. User Inforrmation Guide Sphinx_ICS.bookk Page 6 Monda ay, April 9, 20122 1:33 PM Not es o n t he LCD D Bright n ess Cont rol The LCD D screen brightness can be adjusted eithe er manually orr automaticallyy. Under ce ertain operatin ng conditions, e.g., very high h ambient tem mperatures, yoour tablet might au utomatically dim m the LCD briightness in ord der to maintain n a reasonablee system temperatture. This is a normal protecctive feature an nd you might not n be able to manually adjust the LCD brightn ness during th e auto dimmin ng period. Charging g t he Batt t e r y When th he battery pow wer becomess low you mus st recharge it to avoid losinng any data. Proc e dure You can charge the ba attery when the e tablet is eith her on or off by y connecting tthe AC adaptor. ■ Off An iccon shaped like an actual ba attery - a batte ery meter with flashing bordeers appe ears in the center of the scre een allowing you y to keep tra ack of the batteery level. When n the battery is s fully charged d, the meter re eaches its full capacity. ■ On wise, a battery y meter on the e right side of the t System Ba ar indicates th e battery Likew level.. Cha rgiing t im e The follo owing table shows the app proximate tim me required to fully charge a discharg ged battery when the AC a adaptor is con nnected to the tablet. Charging tim me Battery type Time Battery (1 1 cell, 15.2Wh) about 8 hours Please be awa are that the cha arging time when wh the tablett is on is affectted by ambient tempe erature, the tem mperature of the t tablet and how you are uusing the ta ablet - if you make heavy usse of external devices for ex xample, the baattery might scarcely charge at all d during operatiion. Bat t e r y ex ha ust e d t im e The follo owing table sho ows the appro oximate exhau usted time of a fully chargedd battery. Batte ery exhausted d time Battery type Time Battery (1 1 cell, 15.2Wh) about 7 hours (in use e) about 3 days (sleep mode) Please be awa are that the ba attery exhauste ed time will be e affected by hhow you a using the ta are ablet. User Informaation Guide Sphinx_ICS.bookk Page 7 Monda ay, April 9, 20122 1:33 PM Copy yright © 2012 by TOSHIB BA Corporatio n. All rights re eserved. Under the copyrighht laws, this ual cannot be reproduced in n any form without the prior written permisssion of manu TOSH HIBA. No pate ent liability is a assumed, with respect to the e use of the innformation conta ained herein. First edition April 2012 Discl a im e r This manual has been validated and reviewed d for accuracy. The instructioons and descrriptions it conttains are accu urate for your tablet at the tim me of this mannual’s produ uction. Howev ver, succeedin ng tablets and manuals are subject to chaange without notice e. TOSHIBA assumes no lia ability for dam mages incurred d directly or inddirectly from errorss, omissions or o discrepancie es between th he tablet and the manual. Tra de e m a rk s Goog gle, Android an nd Google Ap pps are tradem marks of Google Inc. Availability of Goog gle application ns, services, and features may vary by couuntry, carrier, phone model, and manufacturerr. Bluettooth is a trade emark owned by its propriettor and used by b TOSHIBA uunder license. Wi-Fi is a registere ed trademark o of the Wi-Fi Allliance. Other trademarks and a registered d trademarks not n listed abov ve may be useed in this ual. manu CE Co om plia nc ce This produc ct is carrying th he CE-Mark in n compliance with w the relateed European Directives. Responsible ffor CE-Marking g is Toshiba Europe GmbH,, Hammfeldd damm 8, 4146 0 Neuss, Germ many. The com mplete and offfficial EU Declaration of Conformityy can be found d on TOSHIBA A’s web site om on the Internet. Cana dian Re gu ulat or y In nformat io n (Canada only) This digital apparatus does not e exceed the Cla ass B limits for radio noise eemissions from digital appara atus as set outt in the Radio Interference Regulation of thhe Canadian Depa artment of Com mmunications.. Note that Canadian n Department of Communic cations (DOC) regulations pprovide, that changes or modific cations not exp pressly approv ved by TOSHIBA Corporatioon could void perate this equ uipment. your authority to op al apparatus m meets all requirrements of the e Canadian IntterferenceThis Class B digita nt Regulationss. Caussing Equipmen Cet appareil numérique de la cla ass B respecte e toutes les ex xgences du Rèèglement sur le ma atériel brouileu ur du Canada.. User Inforrmation Guide Sphinx_ICS.bookk Contact an a authorized TOSHIBA serrvice provider for details reg garding how too dispose of the tab blet and the ba attery. Inform ation for Wireless Devic e s Wire le ss devic e s a nd your he a lt h Wirelesss products, like e other radio d devices, emit radio frequenc cy electromagnnetic energy. The T level of en nergy emitted by Wireless products howe ever is far mucch less than the electromagne etic energy em mitted by wirele ess devices lik ke for examplee mobile phones. e Wireless products operate e within the guidelines found d in radio frequuency Because safety sta andards and recommendati ions, TOSHIBA believes Wireless product cts is safe for use by b consumers. These standa ards and recommendations reflect the coonsensus of the sccientific commu unity and resu ult from deliberations of panels and comm mittees of scientistss who continually review an nd interpret the e extensive research literatuure. In some situations or environments, the use of Wireless produc cts may be resstricted by the proprrietor of the bu uilding or resp ponsible repres sentatives of the t organizatioon. These situations may for example include: ■ Using g the Wireless s products equ uipment on bo oard of airplanes, or ■ In any other enviro onment where the risk of inte erference to other devices oor ed as harmful. servicces is perceived or identifie If you are e uncertain of the policy tha at applies on th he use of wireless devices i n a specific organization or o environmen nt (e.g. airports s), you are enc couraged to assk for authoriza ation to use th he Wireless de evice prior to turning on the equipment. Ca na d a - I ndust r y Ca na da (I C) This tablet complies with w RSS 210 o of Industry Canada. Operatio on is subject to o the following g two condition ns: (1) this dev vice may not ccause interferen nce, and (2) th his device musst accept any interference, including interrference that mayy cause undesired operation n of this tablet.. The term m “IC” before th he equipment certification nu umber only sig gnifies that thee Industry Canada technical spec cifications werre met. User Informaation Guide Sphinx_ICS.bookk Page 9 Monda ay, April 9, 20122 1:33 PM Devvic e a ut horrizat ion This device obtains s the Technica al Regulation Conformity Certification and it belongs to the device class off radio equipm ment of low-pow wer data comm munication syystem radio on stipulated in n the Telecom mmunications Business Law of Japan. statio The following restrrictions apply: ■ Do D not disassemble or modiffy the device. ■ Do D not install th he embedded wireless module into other device. TOSH HI BA Supp port If you u require any additional hellp using your tablet or if you u are having pproblems opera ating the table et, you may ne eed to contac ct TOSHIBA fo or additional teechnical assisstance. Be fo ore you c a ll Some e problems yo ou experience e may be relatted to software e or the operaating system so it is important th hat you investtigate other so ources of assistance first. B Before acting TOSHIB BA, try the fol lowing: conta ■ R Review trouble eshooting secttions in the do ocumentation supplied withh your so oftware and/o or peripheral d devices. ■ Iff a problem oc ccurs when yo ou are running g software app plications, connsult the so oftware docum mentation for ttroubleshootin ng suggestions and consideer calling the so oftware company's technica al support dep partment for assistance. ■ C Consult the res seller or deale er from where you purchase ed your tablett and/or so oftware - they y are your besst resource forr current information and suupport. TOS SH I BA t e ch hnic a l sup por t If you u are still unab ble to solve the e problem and d suspect that it is hardware related, visit TOSH HIBA technica al support web bsite http://ww p/worldwide/. User Inforrmation Guide Sphinx_ICS.bookk FCC C Regulatio ons: FCC Thiss device comp plies with partt 15 of the FCC C Rules. Operration is subjeect to the follow wing two cond ditions: (1) This device ma ay not cause h harmful interferrence, and (2)) this device m must accept an ny interference g interference tthat may caus se undesired operation. receivved, including Thiss device has been tested an nd found to co omply with the e limits for a C lass B digital device, pursua ant to Part 15 of the FCC C Rules. These e limits are de esigned to prov vide reasonabble protection against harmfful interfference in a re esidential insta allation. This equipment gen nerates, uses and can radia ated radio frequ uency energy and, if not insttalled and use ed in accordance with the insstructions, ma ay cause harm mful interfference to radio communica ations. Howeve er, there is no guarantee thaat interference e will not occu ur in a particcular installatio on If this equip pment does ca ause harmful interference too radio or telev vision receptio on, which h can be deterrmined by turn ning the equip pment off and on, o the user iss encouraged to try to correct the interfference by one e or more of th he following measures: -Reorient or reloca ate the receivin ng antenna. -Incre ease the sepa aration betwee en the equipment and receiv ver. -Connect the equip pment into an outlet on a cirrcuit different from that to wh which the receiv ver is connectted. -Consult the dealer or an experie enced radio/T TV technician for f help. Chan nges or modific cations not exxpressly appro oved by the pa arty responsiblle for compliance could void d the user‘s authority to operate the eq quipment. RFF Exposure e Informa tion (SAR) This device meets the governme ent’s requirem ments for expos sure to radio w waves. This device is designed and man nufactured not to exceed the emission lim mits for exposu ure to radio uency (RF) ene ergy set by the e Federal Com mmunications Commission of the U.S. Go overnment. frequ The exposure stan ndard employss a unit of mea asurement kno own as the Sppecific Absorpttion Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by b the FCC is 1.6W/kg. Tes sts for SAR arre conducted uusing standard operating positiions accepted d by the FCC w with the EUT transmitting att the specified power level in n different channels. The highest SAR value for the d device as repo orted to the FC CC is 0.584 W//kg when plac ced next to the e body. has granted an Equipm ment Authoriza ation for this device with all reported SAR R levels evalua ated The FCC as in compliance with w the FCC R RF exposure guidelines. SA AR informationn on this devic ce is on file witth the FCC and can be fo ound under the e Display Grant section of oet/ea/fccid aftter searching on FCC ID: VUIPDS4330LB This device is compliance with S SAR for general population /uncontrolled eexposure limitts in ANSI/IEE EE ad been tested d in accordance with the me easurement m methods and procedures C95.1-1999 and ha speciified in OET Bulletin 65 Sup pplement C. User Informaation Guide Sphinx_ICS.bookk Page 9 Monda ay, April 9, 20122 1:33 PM SAR R 1g Band Posittion (W//kg) WLAN2 2.4G Body(0cm Gap) 0.5584 IC Re egulations: This device complies with Industtry Canada lic cense-exempt RSS standardd(s). Operation is subject to o the follow wing two conditions: (1) th his device may y not cause intterference, an nd (2) th his device mus st accept any iinterference, including interference that m may cause und desired operattion of the e device. ada applicablees aux appare eils radio exem mpts e aux CNR d'IIndustrie Cana Le prrésent appareil est conforme de liccence. L'exploitation est auttorisée aux de eux conditions suivantes: (1) l'a appareil ne do oit pas produire e de brouillage e, et (2) l'u utilisateur de l''appareil doit a accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique suubi, même si le brouillage est e fonctionnem susce eptible d'en co ompromettre le ment." al apparatus co omplies with Canadian ICES S-003. This Class B digita Cet appareil numérique de la cla asse B est con nforme à la no orme NMB-0033 du Canada. Code Selection featture is disabled for products s marketed in tthe US/Canad da. The County For product availab ble in the USA A/ Canada markets, only cha annel 1~11 caan be operated d. Selection of otherr channels is not n possible. IMPO ORTANT NOT TE: IC Ra adiation Expos sure Statemen nt This EUT is compliance with SA AR for general population/un ncontrolled expposure limits in IC RSS-102 2 and had been tested in accordance w with the measurement meth hods and proccedures speciffied in IEEE 15 528. User Inforrmation Guide
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