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Document ID | 96353 |
Application ID | o1UZCj+nzSuLwZ9Jwnaf+g== |
Document Description | User Manual |
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Document Type | User Manual |
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Filesize | 120.32kB (1503993 bits) |
Date Submitted | 2000-04-14 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 2000-04-26 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2000-04-14 09:26:14 |
Producing Software | Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows |
Document Lastmod | 2000-04-14 09:41:01 |
Document Title | User Manual |
Document Creator | Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows |
BABY Momma
SM: SC762
1-1 I-‘nWe’l’ light
1-2 Buttery low light
1-5 On/Off push humm
1-4 Micmphone
1-5 DC power aupply i 'k
1-6 Channel mlecliun Swild'l
1-7 Baum; ammunmem cnver
1-8 AC power adapter
2-1 Chmgng hm Light ,
2-2 Fewer ligtu
2-3 Sound-level Kym
2-4 Inudspeuker
2-5 VOIIII’M wmml / On/Off switch
24 Changing base
2-7 Battery onmpmmem cover
2-8 Channel selemzr
29 8:1: clip
2-1'0 DC powcr supply isck
2-11 AC power adapter
Balm Henna: sac scm
m mm
4 Mafia 6 x I. . “flammable NiCd fur Pumm Umx lincludcu)‘.
— Optimal Imncries i x 15 . M For Baby Unit mm mcludud);
4 AC puma- Adan!“ [20V AC 60 Hz (KW!) muludcd)
- Output “Inge W DC, zoo-m.
medng range:
- up In 500 {m1
Tnnsmh‘km Manda: D
— 49.830 MHz (Orland A
- 49.110 mu (annd uH H
new as final-don-
- Film 4 x 1,zv: um niqud—admk) magnum mm umdau de ham
- Mus (kam 4 x I5Vzl'l10M par-l Umdad dc Bubé lnu mtluldn»):
- Adam dc animal?“ de um“: ullcrm IZOV AC' SOHZ 11.105 Indmdus):
- Voitm' dc (m’mdfin: 9 voluun dc tum-Xenia: ummun, 200m.
m dc open-nab":
- hm 300 pm
PM 4:
- 49 830 mu (Cum!
can 5
- Piles mama‘s 4 x 11V; mod punt l'umxé pumnm (wmpmy;
- PM nwmndlee 4 x L5 ,M puur rum-m hdhe (nun mmpmm;
- Adapt-xxx d‘aljmmulkm c uuv AC, an m (uuux udzpumurs mmprm;
—Tcmkm dc scrvio: .c. 9 v, zoom.
Flag a Mme-um:
- mu; 100 mm
uf-ffo' Ar
BABY Momma
Power light
1-2 Emery low light
L3 oil/off push huuon
1—4 Microphone
14-5 DC power supply pick
16 Channel seledion switch
17 Battery compunmem cuvcr
143 AC power uduplei
2-1 dimming hue light
2-2 Power lighl
2-3 Sound-level ligns
274 Laudspeukcr
2-5 Volume control / oli/ofl awiidi
2-6 Charging base
2-7 Battery mmpunmcm cover
2.9 Channel selector
23 Bell dip
2410 DC power supply jack
2-11 AC power udilpler
sac SC762
in Homo-i sac scm
Met WY!
4 Bulimia 4 x 1.2V: rixhzigmhli: NK'A fur Pam“! Um! (included);
A upmml imam; 4 x 15V; AA fur Bub/y Unit (m): included),
A AC pow/ct adapmr 120V AC, 60 Hz (qu included)-
- Onlpm voltage 9v DC, 200m.
- up m 34» fun
transmission fieqnendm: g
- 49330 MHz lam-ml A
- (am MHz lulu-ind uH A
have de abandon:
- New 6 x 12V; (Ipo niquizl-admiu Nuumuhlus pun! unidisd du bdrm
4 1111!!le
- Pila» optimum ‘ x LSV, u'w AA pm Umdud ill: Bcbé (nn lnclulih ;
- Adamdm dv: 11le dc unflmw allcrm 120V AC, SDI-Ix (um [mini/Jim):
- Volta”: de (mmcién: 9 volume dc “mien“: continua, 200m.
Alana: dc Mm
- ham 300 pix
lrumend- 1k mm
- 49,850 MHz (Canal A)
- mm MHz (Canal 11)
- Film menu-gable»- 4 x LZV; NiCd pour l'unize plran's (mmpri. );
- Film orlixmdla‘ c x 1.5 , AA pnur I'unjlt hem (nun Compr (5:41);
- Adarmlmr d'ul'n'cnntim ca. 120V Ac, 60 Hz (dcux :depulluum' uimpm);
- “rumm- dc sun/Rx 1c. 9 v, zoom.
range de M
— juqul'i 100 mm
mm dc Wall:
— (ammubml A)
- 49mm (mml u)
[efé make fiu'
ted Warranty
tada de Un A
Snemfimmmanddquala mpxmcmmvmmmm
nu documm unnmm an {Nauru rm wmuwfl may
Garantie mi ée a un an
One Year L
Garantia L
93. ca—
152 :a
$35 122"
5. 5.5. 533. c:
O x xnmn-narfi
04 é En ca; $2: 3. 5...
1:2 En in 9.3 235:
1: a: . SE
4555. Micah?
can»; an Wag . ~m
car—E.— an 59.3
. 255
555555 5}???
5.252 Evzrai.
sang 5 again, in a. cs.
N 55 n_ 25:5: an. EA.
mains $35,515 ..
BAsv Mcmmk
sac SC761
rim Mormon sac scm
You have just purchased a high-performance amine» Baby Mrmimr um
It's yuu listen to your child rmm wherever ynu are in and around the
Immune Nuw you can he immediately aware of your mums cn‘es even while
carrying on Ml]! your mm mm . The mommr makes sure: that the
sound recepdim is or“ a very high quality by using me latest technologies
Please read this guide mmpiereiy before using the Baby Mnnimr {m are
firm rime and keep u fur rcfcfcnce in me iurure. Make sure that yuu
“Men/e all me wzminp 50 mi you arm exprue ynumclf or your child (0
any risk. The Baby Muniwt has been resred to meet all necessary
regulations and madam
- variable and nzchmgeahle
. Charging base for mien uni!
- sound-level lighm
. Bauzryvlmv indimlum
' T‘Wn channels [or reduced inlerfemnce
- Rangedupwaoo I'm
- Two pawn adapters
BABY Momma snc SC762
- This product 15 nor inrenried to he used as 2] medical monitor.
- Check your child's activity at regular imiervn . h rhu- munimi‘ dries nu!
- Do not immense any part of the Baby Monitor in warer or expose it to
moisture. Never use heir A hathruh, msh basin, kimhen sink, wer
basement. swimming pool. ewr
- To prevent entanglement never place the Baby Monitor in the crib or
playpen or wlthin the reach of the baby. Keep all units and power
cords out of reach of children This monitor is no! u my
0 Ensure that the unim lire properly ventilated Never cover the unim
and do rim place rhem on ri rug, bed. hllffl or Almilar surface that may
prevent proper ventilation.
- - Do not use your monitor near a stmree of hell: such are a radiator,
stove, TV or other appliances that produce heal.
- Never remove the covers of the units. There are no user-serviceable
parts inside, This product should only be serviced by qualified. service
- Do our use this Baby Monitor if:
- (he Ac power adapter or in- cord n damged;
- the units have been armed to liquid; or
- the units have been dropped or: darrnged
- Opemle die Baby Monitor only with (he Ac power adapters nipplied
- Use me Ac power adapters only with rearward household electriml
curlers (120 volt AC / 60 HZ).
- Do not defeat the purpose of die polarized plug on the Ac power
adapler. Never mmper with the plug.
- Route the power cord so that it is not walked on or pinched by items
placed on “it.
- ' Unplug the AC power adapters fmm the power ourlew if the units are
nor to he used for a long period of nine.
- Use rechargeable Med (4 x 1.2v, AA) wineries only for the Parent
unit. Do not use any other type of h ,ttery.
Bier Manner
sac SC761
res unite; mm lrop
Le volume or imp
Les plies de
I‘unité parents
ne fie
rechargem [Km
Les piles mm uséex.
rum-e n'exl pas ussez
Les unites mm hms
Le volume est tmp
Eluignez l'uriire piirenu de
l'unilé hebe.
Trmmez le htyumn de
volume tie l‘unite parents en
Mans cunn'ture dex aiguillen
d'une monue.
Remplucez les piles
rechargeable. ,
Rechergez les piles de
l'unité parean,
verifiez si l'adnpmleur ca.
d...- l'unité béhé est enflché
darn urie prise qui dome
du Coumnl.
Rzppmchez l'unité parents
dc l'unilé bébé,
Tourmtz 1: buumn du
Volume dans le sens des
fliguilles d’une monue.
BABY Momma
sac SC762
L'l plupnrl des pmhl‘emes peuvcm em: résolus en cflccmunl quelques perim-
(em assez simples.
Lt: lémoin
n: s'allume
on mauvnise
Unite plums
L'unité pamnrs n'esl
pas ullumée.
Les piles writ plates.
Unit! bébe
L’unlté héhé n‘exl pus
L'adapmrgur ca. n'm
pas enfiche nu lea
piles mm places.
L'aulapuieur (1.11. cs:
enfiché dam' une prise
mumlc qui n:
fonclinnm pas.
Les unites 50m réglécs
Récept‘mn de sigmux
d‘autrcs équipemenm.
L‘unité héhé n'est pas
sur (125 cammx méme anal.
Baum Emma» qéem Cnupez lcs appareils
drs mama. flames.
mime: 13 command: a:
vulumc On/orr dams le sens
dcs niguillcs d‘une mantle.
Redwrgebles cu remplucez-
Place: IA! aéleaeur On/Off
en position Onl
En dim l'adaputeur ca. ou
remplfloez les piles,
Si la prise est équipée mm
interrumcur, placez-le en
mysika On,
Réglez lea dm unkés slur le
Essnyez (in: changer dc
Allumez l’unité héhé,
d" Mom sac scm
To monimr you! hzhry:
1, 0mm one of the cndmuxl AC power
zuhpnzfs m the Bahy unit and mg other 10
lb: Parent unit charging base.
2. ‘Nm on the Entry unit and place it new the
bahst bed (Make sure that lhe unit is
always out of reach of the baby, at least 4
feel away. Never placc me unu inside the
hahy‘s bed of playpen!)
3. Place she pmm unit in the charging busc,
4. Swiidm lhe Parent unu on to an naepuble
sound lcvtl. Every lime sound is dflccted
[mm or mm the baby. u is anmiimd m
the Pawn! uniL
5. Adjust the sound level on the hum unit a-
reqm'e‘ (L
Befummfngtbel’umu unilnsapomhle
unit, maksumtbaltbehaweriam
BABV Momma snc SC762
The Fust step is (0 supply power to the units. Earth the Parent unit and the
Baby unit can he poweted either by batteries or by the AC pnwet supply
udzplem The rechargeable htrueries fur Lite Patent um! are included. (To
identify the numbered put-m, fete: to figure 1 far the Baby unit and to
figure z for me Parent unit.)
Baby Unit
m power the Baby unit either:
' Connect the AC power adapter (1-8) to 2 standard househttld
elect-lull (rudet. and. then connect the cord l‘mm the AC power
adapter to the DC puwer iudt (1-5) of the Baby unit.
‘ lienmve me battery cmrrpamnent cuver (1-7) by unscrewing me
small screw and undlpping. Put taut 1.5v, AA mum“ (not
induded.) inside the Entry unit as outlined inside the compartment
Put the mver back in place.
ifhmlzerlen are inrsmlied and die AC power adapter is connected, the unit
use»; the AC ptywer. if there in an AC power failure, the batteries take (wet,
The Behy unit operates ctyrdlemly for up to 30 11mm an fresh batteries, The
red battery-low lifl'tt (1-2) an the Baby unit flames when the battery power
is low. if this happens install fresh batteries.
afar Mcnrml 5m scm
Cerfififltion FCC
C4: équipanulk a 615 nflé a dédzn’: amfonm aux Iimilcx rime pnut km uppumil»
drama the am rt raummdc L‘r Fame 15 du “Eglumenu FCC. étud llul’
appnnut um: Imam». mun-1mm comm k 'ntctfért:mx;\ dlzmngmnws hi un [Ch
rum dam. un envinmnatwm léziiduukl (11 Lqutpumunt cngcmlre. uLiliM: a: punt
émtmn: At:- trflqmm rAdio ' flux pas 1mm ‘ r util am in mpca Link
immutitmx, il nun mm dc. Mm genumi )mmunit:rtinns mum ii at
unprbxl'w: dc mm... qua: wt incrfémnoes m - méwntumnt [XIX duna unc
utmlhram Muldfiqrm St at éq'm‘pcm‘mt engendm tum mmrfémuex génunt 1a
rum-um 11m warm radio on TV, ruminant velllcru a m nuppfimur un pmmmt
I‘um: den mun-Rs advalutx
Auyneflwr la Mm cmN m c-quipcmcnt at it: réccpwut,
Déphoct on mm” In notation dc I‘nmnne dc recepunn,
(km-react m L'qulpcmcnt ) um: pm: dépuntlunt d’un cirt. it different,
Comullcl un techmden r‘dio/TV ancnmcnlé.
Cc! apparel! numéflqm: dt: I1! diam: l! m conform: It L'l normw NMBOOS du Canada.
Adapt-mar d’anmenm'lon ca. agree U].
BABY Momma SIC SC7b2
Clip de ceinture
Si les piles diz‘ l'umlé ryArean hon! lnen Clwrgées, Vous pouvez vous haluder
(limi- url rayon donné, en [mule libemé de mnuvsmsm, mm en écouuln!
vote béhé. Uljlisez le dip dz: csinluis (2-9) pour nlmcher l‘umlé parents a
vos vétemenw el garder de la Mine les mains limes. Ls dip de ceinlure
psul s'enlever en dédipsam le liuul El en [e glii m vsrs 1: mi
Comment écnnomiser I'alimentation électrique
Paul- écnnumiier l'énergie, on peuz cuuper i‘unilé héhé en placlm
l'lnnen'upleur Orl/Off (1-3) en pmm'on OIL
Pnur économirler l'énergie‘ on peul cuuper l‘umzé pill-ems en plucum lil
climmande de volume On/Off de l‘unilé (25) en position Off.
Remplacamont del pllcs nchargelblu
(cs piles lechnrgenhles de l‘uniwe puenm limit Lréx pulssanles ct
ecmwmlques, et peuvenl nervlr Ilmglempn. Touterois, lonsqu‘elles
unmmmemm ll perdre leur efflcllclté, on pcyuml les nemplncer comme
- Enlevcz ls muvsrcls du cumpzniment des piles (7,7) sn deviiiam la
petite W er en ls déclipsam. Enlevez lei- visillei piles cl mnficz—les a
un service dc récupému‘nn ipsmliis
- DispOseZ les quatre nuuvelles piles 11V, AA NiCd dimi- l'unlle
parenls en respeculm le (less (cpl-is a l'inlerieur du camrxmimem.
Reclipscz le onuvemle e: revusez In petite vis.
dim "mum sac scm
Parent Unit
The Pam unit was mahargcahle lumes. These me already installed. but
rm they must he charged for at last 12 hl)ul‘.\ i fallow:
~ Canned Lhc AC power adapt“ (2-11) u) u smndmd household
damml outlet, and men annex! the curd fmm the AC pcwer
udapmt m ills DC power m (2710) of the changing hams (2-6).
- Phce the anl. unit ins'ule: the dmrging bass. The ml light (2-1) (m
me din-gang base ligmi.
The Parent unit can he operated nnw hit you shuuld leave it in the
charging base so that the batteries are fully charged (12 m 14 lulurs) The
unit open-us on AC pwwer while in die charging basis, if there is an AC
power failure the hauedes lake aver.
When me hanen’es are fully charged, me Parent unit can he wken (rut nf
ms charging hose and used wrdlessly rm up to 12 lmum,
cw», tho hm
The red power light (2-2) on the Parent unii flashes when (he buuery
power is low.
For mwu'mum battery we make sure [but the rechargeable bum are
fidly dkclm'yed beg/m drawing.
The rechargeable Inna-in: are easily winged via me charging hllse as
- Make: we than the AC power adapm Li “mailed in ms charging
- Place dis PM unit ml: the dial-mug base; the harm-lei sum in
Mchzlge (the red ligln on (he dial-gins base lighli).
Fully discharged halteries lake about 12 m 14 lmuis to fully charge.
me red ligbt (2-1) on the charging have alwaylv lx'glm wben {be Parent
unit isplaoed Wily in the dmrging base,
BABY Momma ilC SC762
How TO Use THE BABY Mom-ron
The Baby Monitor cm be used as a listemng deuce to monitor your baby's
sounds from a distance
Before using the Baby Monitor make sure that yml have aupplied power to
the unit. JS described in the previous chapter.
Monitoring Baby‘s Sounds
0 Set the Channel selectian swltch (16) on the Baby unit to channel A.
0 Push the On/On‘ aW'ilCh (1-3) on the Baby unit to turn it on.
- Ponirjtm me Baby unit at leust 4 feet away from the baby so that the
mlcmphone (1-4) tum pick up baby’s souncht.
- To help lent dun the units are warklng properly, place mm soft
source of sound. (an adult speaking softly or a radio playing low)
nem- to the Bahy unit.
- Move away firm the Baby unit with the Parent unit.
Do nolplace Baby arm and Parent unit ma elm-e together while
operating. arm-mm m unis will give u bx'gb—pixcb suund.
. Set the Channel selection awimh on the Parent unit (2-8) It)
dumne] A.
- Switch on me Parent unit using the Volume On/OIT control (2-5) and
adjust the volume (0 about mid-range. The red power ugh: (2-2)
BK" Plenum sac sc7sz
I: bruit [fit de l'unilé héhé dcvrm maimenzml s'enLendre sur le lmut—
pulls“! (24) de l'unilé mm Réglez le volume de l'unité pmm (2-5) nu
nimu mitél D65 que vous murez pu vérlfler si les deux unués
fixn'xmnent ummcmem, vtms pouvez cnlever In scum-e de hmit lest.
Comm-fit Mb" I“ Inn-“fine“
Si wutcfois dos interféremes se mnflemiem. uu si la récepdon wnme east
mauvnme, W les deux umlés mt u canal B, ce qui puurmlt améllurer la
qualité some.
Vm‘llex mfoms a ce- que let am: unilév mien! régléex M It m‘m
canal Ce quipennel d 731?!me la récepmm
Timolu do whom mm
Les témmm de nivenu mum: de I‘unilé [ntean‘ (2-3) vmxs uvermssem
visuelIement des hmiu: dc héhé mime sl I: command: du vulume est uu
plus has. Plus km. av le non new dz l'unlne hehe, plus nnmhreux mm les
témoins ) s‘allumer.
BAKV Momma snc SC761
Le habyphtme pent éue uLLlisé comme npparexl d‘écuule, puur surveiller a
dismnce les bruins émis par babe
Avunl d‘uuliser Ce hnhyphnne, vén‘flez in home ulimenuuitm élcclrique des
unilés mmme décrit dam“ le (mom précédent.
Ecoute des bruits de hébé
' Réglez le selecteur dc until (1-6) de l'unité béhé xur le cam] Al
0 Place: l'inwrmpteur On/Off (1-5) de anté héhé sur On.
O Place: l'unité héhé i nu mutt-m 1,25 m. de hébé dc rzutnlére tulle que
le micmphnne (1-4) [mime Canter [es hruits émia par lul.
- Pvur pouvnir vérifler xi les deux unites fanmonnem mmnt,
(Expose: une source d: hmit (We, («11g qu'un ldulte qui parle
dnueemcm m1 unc who émzmmz faiblcmmo pres dc l‘unixé bébé.
- EIoignez-wm dc l’unité behé avec l’unué parents.
Ne ruppmcbez pm- my l’unfté héhé at I ‘um‘té parents en
fimcttonnemem Calla painful: engendm an son sumigu Illlm [ex
deux unitéxv ‘
v- Réglez le séletxcur de anal dz l'uniLé parents (2-8) wt 12 canal A.
- Allumez l'unité parents a Paid: de in cummande dc vnlumc (2-5) e!
réglez le Volume it mi-cnunie, be témoin mugs (2-2) s'allume.
BR“ Mormon sac SC762
Th: [El smmd From the Baby unit, should now be: heard From the
londspfiker (24) only: mm um Adina the volume on the Parent unit
(2-5) as mqmmd. 0m: you have mnfimuxl that thc units um workmg
meaty. you cm remove (In: mum: of Ike m. munch
Avoiding laud-“net
If Imerferm does fxxur or if sound necqnmn lfi punt, try switching both
units to channel 3 m impfove the sound quality,
Aluuys malaexun.» that the chunnelmtwbax rm barb units are w m the
same Milton. 1ch mum optimum recepuun,
Sound-4M lights
The Pawn! unit has mund-level lights (2-3), Whidl visually ain't you n)
baby‘s munds even when the volume comm! is turnzd down. The louder
the sound waived from the Baby uniL. the mate Lights light.
Belt clip
When (ht: batteries of the: Parent unit are charged, lhz: unit cm he aimed
umund giving you fresdam or movement while still monitoring your lmhy,
Use the belt dip ax» to 11de me unit to you dmhing and so keep your
lmntls Free. The bell dip can he remuvcd hy unclipping (ht: mp and sliding
it downwartts.
Saving Power
To save power, are Bllhy unit ctn he swltdietl oft by pushing Lhe unit’s
Orl/Off twitch (1-3) (0 turn it off .
To save power, the Parent unit can he switched off by selling the unit‘s
Volume cantml On/Off switch (2-5) m the Off ptlsldon.
Roplulng the Rachlrgenbln Batteries
Thle Mbfll’gflhle laments of thz Put-em unit are very energy efficient and.
cost effective, and mm he Wed R" a long time, Htrwever, when they begin
to {one lhflir effectiveness they xhnuld be replaced all folltywm
- Remnve the battery companmem caver (2-7) hy umcvwing the
small savw and undipping, [kmnve (h: old batteries and dispose of
them in an environmentally frizndly manner.
- Put the four new 1.2v, AA Nico haucnus imidc the Parent unit as
outlined inside Lhtf Cflmpaflmcm. Clip lhc cover hack in plat-s and
sacrum the small screw ‘
mm Mount): sac SC762
Unité Parents
L‘unié pnrems utilise des piles mdmrgmhles. flies sont (16in insullléss,
mm dolivent ~ mum. mm: pfemién: lllflisfluon - Elre chargées pend-1m uu
mains 12 haunt mum-m mil.-
- mocortlez I’zldapulcur car (2711) fl une prise éleunqu/c domestique
mnzhnL pul's mom-um I: cordon dc l'udnpmw’ur m. ltu lack
d‘alimcnmfim at: (7.40) du chm-gem (2—6).
- plzmz l‘llnllté parents (has u. chalgeur; le [énmin rouge (2-1) du
charges)!“ s‘nllumei
A present, on pen! utilise: l'unue pat-ems, Mills ll es: prelértthle dc lit hustler
xur son chargeur, pour que les pita when! hien redmrgées (12 It 14
Iteum). and elk- eat sur le dun-gent, oeue unite fonctjnnne an all"
a une mnne de um, lea piles: prennent Ie mulls.
Des que ks piles mm pleinement dungées, l'unlte pntenu peuz are reuléc
dn aha-gent e: un‘lixée sans fil pendant un maximum dc 12 heuml.
Chapman «m pun
Le (61min rouge d‘ah’mmm‘nm (2-2) dc I‘unllé parents digmlte qunnd les
batteries deviemwnt fziblm
Pour augmler Ia Iongéuité det piles, mile: a c! qu Wat stlimr
Imalemem‘pldles mm de Its recbmyer.
ll est m facile dz tedurger [es piles tedtztgcahles en utilisam comm suit
le dulgcun
- Vérificz st l'adapuleur CA, at income at. chxgeur.
- Dis-m l'unilé parents wt son drmgeur, Ies piles (xlmmtnuenl a s:
techalger (k [Elwin rouge sur le diligent est allumé).
Del pill-s trulcmmtt déchalgées soot pleinemenl rcdtatgées en quelque u
a 14 hangs.
BAEV Momma sac SC761
Tout d‘fllxn'd, ll luut alimemer leh uniLéi en (numm. Tun! l‘um‘lé héhé quc
l'unilé pnrenm peuvem em: ulimemécs par piles nu pm adupmzeurs .
(pour idenLifier lea élémenm numéflflé, mmullez lu figum 1 pour l'unilé
béhé e! In figure 2 pour l’umlé parents.)
Unité Bébé
Pour ulimcmer l‘unimé bébé vnus pouvez:
- mccmder l’fldflpuneur an. (143) a une prise élecu-ique dxxmzsn‘quz
stand-1rd. p . raccorder le cnrckm dc l'adnmteur c u jack
d’flllmenlaliun ac. (1-5) de I'unité héhé
- enlevar le muvemle du campanimem dcs piles (1-7) en demxan: In
penile vls et en la dead at. 01:5me quake pil ' AA dc 1.5 V
Source Exif Data:
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PDF Version : 1.3
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Modify Date : 2000:04:14 09:41:01+08:00
Create Date : 2000:04:14 09:26:14+08:00
Creator : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Producer : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Page Count : 25
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