PHILIPS Consumer Electronics SBCSC767-90 Baby Monitor User Manual
Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Baby Monitor
User Manual
CONTENTS Baby Unil . pmm Unil Congratulations Special Features Impfmnl Information Quick Reference. Getting the UniLs' Ready for Use . How 10 Use the Baby Monitor Problem Solving . Technical Specifications mmmbflmwwb iNDICE Unidad de Bebé .. Unidad de Padres i Felid "lune Cariluedsrlus Especiale; Informaddn lmponanw Referencia Mpida Prepamr lus llnidad pm 2] Us< Clinic usllr el Munilm dc Behé Resolver thlemas mpecmuicllmei rec SOMMAlliE Unite bébé Unilé [menu Félidmlkmfi .l roviczmm spéciales Information lmpmlzmc lnsullztilm mpidem Comment préparer les unites Cnmmenl ufiliser ls babyphmie Résolution dcs [KOHEHK‘S Curadérisliqua‘ lcdmiqm One Year Limited Warranty Garantia Limitada de Un Aflo Garantie Iimitée a un an mnhdium.m mi: dam-n i! primut nncnlnmnklupluiwd nap-r mminm Nahum: Smfiml'muuddu'nn in! suhmmaur-pmmmnmiw [efé maize My; MW Ldémmeafiw ‘ pmups 5m Momma sac SC767 BABY UNIT L1 Mlanplmne 142 Power light L5 Transmit light 14 Tnlk pushhutton 1-5 Loudspeaker 1»6 Volume cuntml / On/Off wvilch L7 DC power supply jack L8 Transmit On/orf nwildl 10 Channel selection switch 1- lo Buttery compartment cnver 1-11 Temperature indjc'uitm 1-12 AC pflwcr adapter PARENT UNIT z-l Charmng base light 242 Microphom: ' 2-5 Power light 24 Link light 2<5 Loudspeaker 2-6 Volume cumml / On/olr switch 7,7 Squad-level lighur 2-8 Charging hast 2-9 Battery comparrmm cover 2-10 Talk pushl’mnon 2-11 chznml selecmr 242 Belt dip 2-15 DC power mpply jack 2-14 AC power adapter 5st Momma sac 55757 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Power mpply: - Bandits 4 x l.zv, rechargeable NlCd for Parent tlnlr (Included); 4 Optional humm 4 3: 1.5V; M for Baby Uni! (nut included); A AC puwcr adupmr lzw AC, 60 Hz (lwo lncllldcd): - Output voltage w DC, zoom. Opt-"lung nun: A up w 600 rm 1-1“,an bequmcls: ~ 9063 MHz (Channel A) — 907.1 MHz (Channel ll) ESPECIFICAClONEsTECNlCAs hum: d: tumult-don: - Pil'n 4 x l,zv, up“ nlqucl-clldmlll mwrmhlcfi mm umdlul dc Padre.» (lnulmdzla); - Pllax omkmnlm 4 x LSV: Lip“ M plum Unmd dc Hehé (nu Incluldux); - Adimzldw dc ullmunuunn at: surname ulmrm uov AC, 6011: (um incluldrm): — Vulmy.‘ dl.‘ opumcifinl 9 VOMM dt: curricula umflnuu, 200m. Ale-nee a opendbnx - ham 600 plm Era-alumina dc autumn: — 9065 MHZ (Cnmll A) — 907,1 MHz «final I!) CARACTERIHIQUES TECHNIQUES “mm - Film rufl'lxrguhlus 4 x l.zv, NlCd pour l’unilé parents“ (mmpn - Film ommnullml 4 x l. M pour l'unjté héhé (non 00mde - Adapmluur d’xlimununlln - 1mm.“ dt: male dc mammn - iuwu‘i 162 menus l-‘réqumm dc mnmlulom — 906.5 MHz (anal A) - 9071 MHz (canal u) 43 BABY Mummk a: $767 Certification FCC ("Ail equincmmr 3 am um 4.1 dédflré nonfat-m1: mix 1mm rm pour has nppmiin digimux Lit cm,“ is reimnr dc la Pumi: 15 out mask-minus m; emails pull zippiincr unc prutclziun misimruihlc comm Ics “anaemia-s démngtzmns mlci uuline dzma un cnvimnncmem nifiidenll an équ'qmntm cnxtmlm, infirm: a pen: émL’tlrc um frequencus mdiu. s’ii n'csl pus immune a mum dam Ic rmpm a» inumamns, ii pcul firmer an» imcrfémncm gem in ummflll“ mm, [hm irnprmhie dc ummlr uc cu imt mnm m: an: ptfszmltnmk pm; dam uni: imwlliuion Np ‘fiquci (1.1 equirnmenr tngtmlm that ilmfénznns ximm h récfipuun dew . gnaux mdiu nu w, l'uulimmurvciIk-n a 1.5 supplilntn‘ cn prcmmt l'um: den menum- nun/amen: - Augmenxer m diaum (mm: m équincmtm at If: mil—[min - Dépliicur nu 31mm in pmiuon dc nttnm: dc [fictzplumr - Connmur m (wiperrwnz i une prim: dépmdnm d'un «1mm dim-mm. - Curmulwl' uri lechniclen radio/TV intnérlllmué. Cut apparel] numériquc dc iz chime Ll 0:1 ulnlomu: h L'- nofliu: NM'INIB du Canada. Adlpflflllt d’aummudon c.a. a“ U]. Bhv Momma SM: SC767 CONGRATULATIONS ! You have just purchased n high-perfon-nunce c()rd|ess Baby Munimr that im- yuu listen to ynur child from wherever you are in and nmund the hum-e, Now you (2m he immediately aware of ynur child's cries even while carrying on with your own ucu‘v . The monitor makes sure that me sound reocpniun is of it very high quality by using the latest tzdmologi ' As well us listening u) ytyur baby, ynu an use [he nmniuir to comfort 1! with the talk- ' k I'unctjnn. And whzn the family gets [Jim little bit older, the mnnimr n be used in n twtywzly intercom. Please read this gunde completely before using the Baby Monitor fnr the iii-st lime, and keep it. far mfermc/c in the future. Make sure mar you (swerve all the warning so dun yc/u dnn'! expme youmelf or your child w any rink, The Baby Munitnr hex been ten-ted tn meet all mommy regulations and mmiunir, SPECIAL FEATURES ' Talk-hadt function to comfort baby - Superior sunnd ilnd a mnge of up to 600 feet thanks to 900 MHz mchnnlogy - Twn»way communication intercom - Supersemiuve with wnncclion confirmation - Sound-level lights - Portable and rechargeable - Out-of-mnge signal - Two Channels for reduced interference - Redurgeuhle batteries in Parmt unit - charging has: for Parent unit - Battery-low indimmrs - Two AC power adapvers - Baby mom lempemmre indimmr BABV Momma 5: 3.767 lMPOR’l'ANT INFORMATION - nus product u nut intended to be used as a medical monitor - Check your child’s activity at regular intervals as this momtor docs mu detect silent activity. - Do not immerse any pan of the Baby Monitor in wale: or expme iI m muih'ture. Never use near a bathtub, wash basin, kimhen sink, wci basement, swimming pool. etcr - Tu prevent enulnglement never place the Baby Monilor in the cnh or playpen or within me reach of die baby. Keep all units and power cards out of reach nf children Thin monitor is not a my. - Ensure that the units are properly Vemflnled. Never cover the units and db m)! place them on a rug. bed, sofa or similar surface that my prevent pmper venlllatinnr - Do not use your mnnlror nexlr a source of hear ml». as a radiator, slave, TV or other npplia yes um produce heat ' Never remove the covers of die unitsr There are no user-serviceable puns inside. This product shuuld only be serviced hy qualified service personnel. ‘ Do not me this Bxhy Manllm if: - the AC prrwer adapter or its cord Ls damaged; ~ the min have been exposed in liquid; or ~ the min have been dropped or damaged. - Operate rhe Baby Mrmitor only with the AC power adapters sum-died. - Use the AC pnwer adapters only with mm household elccn'iml outlets (120 vnlr AC / 60 Hz), - Do not defeat the purpose of the polarized plug on the AC power adapter. Never tamper wirh rhe plug, - “cure the pnwer curd so Lh‘dl it is rm: walked on or pindled by ileum placed on it. - Unplug the AC power adapters from the power outlets it the units are not to be used for a long period of lime. - Use rechargeable NiCd (4 x 1.2v, AA) banana rmly fur rhrr Parent unit. Do not use any other type cl balmy. E‘sr MONITOR sac SC767 Simemems Les unites soul imp Eloignez l'unilé parents tie fligun prudish. l‘unilé héhé. Le volume e.“ [mp Toumez is human ale haul, volume de l'unité parcnu en sens contmire den algullles d'une marine, Les piles dz Lell pilels stint uxées, Remplucez les pile); hmile parents recllargellbles, ne se reuhargenl pas. Absence de emn Lhnké n'enl pill mine: Her: e: lea pilen on reception alimemée, l'unllé parents. laible verifier xi l'mhpulleur CAI. de l’unlte bebé ell: enflché urns une prise qui dome du wurnnt. Les unites stunt hols Rapprochez l’unlte parents portée. dc l‘unilé héhé. Le volum-T est uop Tournez le htmuzn du faihle. volume dam“ I: sens deal aiguillcs d‘une mnnlre. 4I BA“ Mormon 9c SC767 Blair Momma sac SC767 RESOLUTION DES PnoaL‘EMEs chx REFERENCE Lu pluparr des pmhlémes peuvenl éue résolus err eflmunm qudquei perils m monimr your halvy: less assez simplex 1. Connect (me of the enclosed AC power adapters to the Baby uni! and me Olhcf m the Parent unit charging base. Le [émuin Unité par-ems Tuurnez In command: a: d'ulimcnmliun L'unilé parean n'esl volume On/Olf dam Ie sens ne s'allume rm nllmnée. dcs uiguillca d‘une mom“: pus. 2 mm on lhe Baby mm and place it near the baby's bed. (Make sure Lhal Lhc unit is Les piles son! platen Marga-Its on template} always out of reach of the baby, at least 4 les, feet away, Never plaice the unit inside the baby's bed or playpen!) um NM L‘unité héhé n'esz pas Place: le sélzaeur On/Off 5, Place he Pmenl unit ln me charging bane. ulluméer en pmfiuon On. L'zdaputegr c n'ext Enfichcz l'ulapmeur car on my; enfiche m1 les fernphcez Its piles plies non! plates. 4, Switch the Parent unik (an m an acceptable sound level. Every Lime sound is detected L'adapuwur m. cat si la prise ea éqnipée dun fmm or near mg baby, in is u-ammmzzd in enfilché dams uric prise irlzmlptem: placeble en are ancnl unil. murale qui me posilion OIL foncdonnc rm. 5. Adina“ the sound level on the Parent unit as lmerlérences Les uniléa mm réglées W1 [cs dcux unilés sur It: required. an mauvaise sur des mmux meme mm]. récepliun dilTéanq. D'auneq appflmils um Coupe: les appareils des memos. - . “Eccption ck sigmux Nou- d'uuu-cs équipemcms. anal. Ego/but using the Pam-m uni! as a portable L'unilé héhé n'esl pas Allumzz l'unilé héhé. um't, make sum (but Ibe hairefiav are alimcnwe. cbavyedfiw at term 12 bums. BABY MchTOR m: SC767 GETTING THE UNITS READY FOR Us: The rust step is to supply power to the units. Both the Patent unit and the Baby unit can he puweted either by batteries or by the AC power supply adapters. The redurgeuhle batteries for me Patent unit an: infillldlzdt (To identify me numbered pulls, refer to figure 1 for the Baby uni! and In figure 2 for the Parent uniL) Baby Unit T0 power the Bahy uni! either: - (hnnect die: AC power adapter (1-12) to it sundzld huufiel’kid electric.“ millet, and then connect the ulrd film the AC [xwver adapter Lt) me DC pnwer jack (1-7) at the Baby unit tir - Remove the battery cummnment cover (1-10) by unmwlng the small screw and undlpplngr Put four LSV. AA batteries (no! included) inside the Baby unit rig oudined inside the mmpmment. Put me criver hack in place. if batteries are installed anti the AC pawer adapter “5 cmmeatd. the unit we“ the AC powerr If there is an AC power failute. the batten-ks aka (wet. The Baby unit opcmuza airdlessly for up to 30 hours on item haneries, The red power light (1-2) an the Baby unit flashes when the ham power it lriw, If [hits happens imitall fresh ballistics. 1,1. ;“\\ Bin Marmot 5M: SC767 Température de la chambre de bébé L'unité héhé est équipée trim thermrimetre qui measure la tempémiure de la chznlhre. L'l [mpémmrc upproxjmzltive de la chambre, en °F, est indiquée [mt un thnngemcm dc muleur. Clip de ceinture Si [es piles dc l'unité parents son! hien chmgézs, Vnus puuvez vtius halatler dams un rayon dtxnné, en mute l‘thetlé dc mouvement, umt en ecouumt volts béhé. Uu’lisez le clip tie (xinmte (2-12) pnur utmchet l'unité parean it vote véwmznts et garder rte la mrte [es mim- lihtest Le dip tie ceinture pent s'enlever en dédipsllnt ie hflut el en la gli. m vets it: has. Comment économiser I'alimentatlon électrique Pout economiwr rel-term. on pet» cuuper l'unlté bébé en plwm l'inLerrupleut On/OIT (1-8) En potiififln Ol'fr Your éctmumihet l'énergiet (m pcut aruper l'unité pntenm en plaqunt la commands dz volume On/Off tie l'unilé (2-6) en pttsititm Off. Remplacament den piles rechargeable: Les piles rechtugezhles dc l’unlté parents mm trés puimntcs et éconnmiques, at peuvent scrvlr lmgtemps. Toutei‘nls, lolsqu'elles commencemnt i perdre lent elm-ache, on poum les mmleCel‘ comma wit: - Enlevex It: muvercle du ctlmpanlmenl deli piles (2-9) en dév'mam la petite viii et en le détzlipsant. Enlevez (es vieilles piles ct confiebles A “11 service de técupér-ltitln spédalisé. - Dispm‘ez Ies quime nouvel] pile 1.2v. AA NiCd dims l'unilé parenls en respecumt le de reprls i l'inlérieur du crimpaniment, Recliptsez ie muvercle et re ssez la petite visa BABV Momma S: SC767 _—____—_ Pour répondre a votre béhé Pour mssurer vorre hébé, mus- pnuvez lui pal-[er en ufilisanl lhnue pom. Pour uuliscr eette ronctlnn hidireaionnelle: - Réglez les deux unites enmme decrit dans‘ le chapllm precedem, pour surveiller les hruits de hehé. - Allumez le haul-parleur de l’unilé béhé (1.5) en tit-them le cummande de volume Qn-olr (1-6) et réglcz le volume a mi-(nnrse envimn (s). - Tenez enfoncé le houtnn “Talk" (2-10) de l‘unité parents et pnrlez daimmenl dam le microphone (1-2). - ttehiehez le hnurnn ‘mk' de, que vous 11ch fini. Tnut ee que vous dites est hummus de l'urute pnrents uu hmu-pztncur de l'unite héhé. liege: le volume du heut-perleur de l'unite bébé (15) an nivcau stmhnilé en ufilifianl h mmmflndt d: volume On/Olf (16) dc l’unlté belie. NB Pendant qua mm eqftmcez le bauwn “Tau " de 1 mm: parents, lemma! prove-nan: dc l’unité bébfl mt peutpas 6m emendu nurl‘tmwe' pawns. lnterphano bidirectlon’nel Quand vm enranm set-om grands. et que vous ne devrez plus ulil‘mer eel appereu comme hahyphone. vmls pout-rez l‘tttilleer cnmme irlclphom: hidimdinnnel. Paur <1: Fain, réglez [es unites comme vaus mun-kl l: faint pour parler a voue héhé. A present. coupez Ia fnnclion d'écoule en réghlu l‘imcrmyxeur On/Off (1-8) de l'unite héhé slur Off. Your uttl'uter l'ttnite pamnm cornme intmphmlc: . Tcnaz enfoncé le human “Talk" (2-10) dc l’unité parents « parka dairemenl dam le miemphone (2-1), . Edna ce houtnn des que vein zumz finl. Pour “Miser l‘unité hébé (xrmme inherphnrw: ' Tenet enforwé IE huumn “Talk" (1-4) dc I'unllé hébé ct [aria claimmcm dam le micmphnnl: (1-1). - mehez ce bmmm des- que vous aurez fini. NB Si l'on puma Ie brmrun “Talk".d’une det- um“ -, 11m impair-He d'enlefldre un xlgnalpmwmnrde l'uune um’lé, En d'aume: mots, une sealepe-rsrmne peutpmlera lafoisrl 3B Elev Momma sac 5C767 h“ Parent Unit The Parent unit uses reehergeuhle bllllerics. These he already installed, but first they must he charged for u! lensr 12 hours as follows: - Connecr the AC power adapter (2-14) to a standard household eleeuiml tyutlet. and then connect the card from me AC power adapter to me xx: power jack (2-15) of me charging base (243), - place the Parent unit inside the charging base. The red light (2-1) on the dullging base lighn. The Parent unit din he typemlxd nUW hut ylyu should leave it in the charging hue so 11121 the hauen'zs are fully charged (12 to 14 hauls). The unit opemtes on AC power while in the charging base. If there is tin AC power failure the haueries ntlre over, When the hunch-es are fully diniged. the Parent unit rein he tttlren our of me cursing base and used cordlessly for up In 12 hhuts. Charging tho banal-In The red power light (2-5) on lhe Parenx unit flushes when the bauery power it; low, Not, For maximum bwrery life malat» sure that [be rwbavyeahle butterm- are fill/y dtscbamed before cwamy, The rechargeable batteries are msily recharged viz the charging base ml Follows: - Make sure that the AC power adapter is umnccued w the chmging base. ' Place the Farm unit inside the charging base; the batted recharge _(the red light on the charging base lights). Fully distharged batteries ulte tthout 12 Lo 14 hours to fully charge Note We red light (2-1) on the charging base always/{141725 when the Parent unrr isplaced correctly in the ebmgmg run-e. -smzo EASY MONIWR slc SC767 How To Use THE BABY MONITOR The Baby Monitor cm be used in uuee ways: n as a l'menlng device to monimr yum baby’s sounds {mm a dismnce, - n- a talk-hack dcvice for mlklng m and cnmfum‘ng yuur baby, or - as a two-way inlefcom. Before using me Baby Monitor make sure that you have supplied power m the unln as described in me previuus chap-en Monitoring Baby‘s Sounds ' Set the Channel selection switch (1-9) on the Baby unit (0 dunnel A. - Set d'le Thmmil OHIOIT switch (1-8) on the Baby unit to 011. The men Tmmmil light (1-3) lighls. - Polllunn the Baby uni: ll: least 4 Feel away from the huhy m dull the micmphnnn (1-1) can pld: up baby's soul-m. - Tn lwlp 1:51:th the units are working pmperly, place some soft source of sound (an adult speaking softly or a mun playing law) near m the Baby unil. - Move away {mm the Baby uni; with the Parent unk. Mm Do not place Baby unit and Parent yum mo elm-e Mgether while upmtmg. Orberwiw the was will give- “ high-pitch wand. - Set the Channel selection switch on the Parent unll (2-11) to channel A. - Switch ml the Parent uni! using the Volume 0n/oll comm] (24) and adlusl the volume to about mid-range, The red power light (2-3) 113ml Tlu: given Link my}; (24) 1mm if lhe perenl unit and the Baby unit are communimling with each nLher. sf" Human sac sc7s7 u: hmil m ue l'um'zé bale dlcvmu mumwmm n’cnwndrc NH le huuepnleur (2-5) de l'uniu': mm we: le volume dc l'llnllé mmms (2-6) nu nlveuu mhflnfi, Dex que um um pu vérifiu «i let dcllx unnfm fnnuumncnt eunmemenl, vllm fume: enleve. I: nmme de Mu‘x (m. m («that led W hat chm: unit-n ufllhtm um: wchnnlugic unLi-lmwfémnuu punmmum (kt K’duirc lat mum d'hmtféwm m Immanuel: u'uum mum: am, pm exemple. par Au lam-(mes mm [i w d'wma hahyphnncfi SJ wumfoln dun inmrfemnnn M: mnllcmm ou a la mmn mm)": m nauvm, my“ 1's deux um ml 10 ml Is, at: qul pom-mi amelkm In qual'né more, N. Velllrz knows a cc que 15 am 10!in 904011:sz sur le méme canal 0; gal per-rm 4mm L1 mm, 7mm an man now- ks! mm 114: nil/call 30mm dA: I'unilé parenlk 12-7) me avcmmm vlnuellemunl dam hmilxdc héhé nirmc I: uunmzndu du WflUmI: m ' plus hm. PluH fun m k: son “2.11 1k: l'ln'lé new, plus numbl'cux nun! [w mebm 74 allumur. emu-um vérfler a In “he. enmmunlqu-m mmmm k: lénmh de m.- wen (24) de I'unlré pamnm n’zllumc umu’nucllumcm pnur mmquc l'unue menu a rum-m new commumqucnl nmmenx. Cc min seam a I'un'lé parents 6mm un wrl aigu ld l'uxume héhé all hlml pmee pendant [dun dc so mum an n lc signal at hlnque, Plvur melee (11 mm um, um une dc.» pmcédum mum: . Bappwdmt l’um'ne [lam de l'unibé bebé (h dimlnlz: men-male ue fiMmflnc-um de 132 mm llxnu (11:1 lxmdln’um opfimilmJ - (2le un me am] puur [all neux mum. - vane. .i k5 doux unhec mm nlimuntécn ummmem (Ins piles ulna-nun» name). 55 le sun z'wx ne lea-me (1:5, (nvlcz le umvcnzlu du ummmmum dew pill-A dc hmlne rum (2-9) a new; 11: nfleaeur inléricur en pusikllm E N'mlhlh pm n m unupa 11: non uigu a l'uidc de LL'l inwrrupmur, mm ne Mum plus si run-ms [m “spun lax-lows (ll-5 slylaux. Replanez om inmnuplcul' en pol-“flan «final: as quc vow: “mam udlism‘ a now/mu luv deux unites 37 BABY MONITOR sac 56767 COMMENT UTILISER LE BABYPHONE Le huhyphunc pent are utilisé tie Lm'w mam’éms différmles: - mmme apparel] d'écoule, pour surveillef a distunoe les hmiLs' émis par béhé - mnune [Apparel] bitiireetionnel qu‘l permer (h! purler er tie mshuref bebe, ou - con-line inlet-phhne hidireuionnel. Avnnl d‘ufilifim’ cc habyphime vérifiez 12 home ulimenudun élecuiqut: (lea unites cumme déctit darin- le chapitre precedent. Ecouto d“ bruits de hibé ~ Reflex le sélecteur die canal (L9) de l'uniilé hébé our le cam] Al . Place: l’imerrupteur On/Off (18) de l'unlLé héhé xur Oni be lérml‘ln vefl. ale mmmiwkm (LS) s'ull'ume. - Flue: l‘unl'té bébe a nu mains 1,25 m dc béhe dc mmlére tell: que le manphom (1-1) puistse mpm les hrulLi emu par lull O Poul meVOir Vén'fitr si 12.1 deux unkés fimukmncnl manner“, dismz une Source de bruit (dance, bell: qu‘un adulte qui purle douoement ou une mdio ememnt faihlcmenl) pres dc l'unile béhé. - FJoignez-vous de I‘unilé béhé avec l'unite parents, NB Ne mppmcbez pas mp I unite? be‘bé e! l’um‘té parents en fimctx‘ormement. Cela prtmmi't engendrer ml SOY! sumigu dam' les dew: unitéx: - Réglez le sélecteur de cam] de l'unité parems (2-11) 31" le canal A, 0 Allumez l'unjté parents 5! I'llide the 1:1 commands dc volume (2-6) cl réglez le volume A mienuise. le lémoin rouge (2-3) s'allume. Le (Email) ven dc connexim (2-4) s’allume b'i I‘unité pal-ems cl I‘uniié héhé elm-em en communlmtinn mumelle. 36 lift-v Mum SIC 55767 me Im xmmd rut-u the Baby unit, should now he heurtl him the hiulhpeilrer (2,5) or the Parent unit. Alum the volume on the Pilrem unit (26) h required Once you have confirmed (but the unils are working cut-Italy, you cm remove the source or the Lesl sound. Avoldlng IWQ Both mils the ami-imerfcmnct: technology it) mduce ute ehtlnue oi inlederence from (Ihtr fimuls naming from, say, witness telephones or other hnl'ry monim if interference does mm or ii silund reception is poor, in Witching both units in channel 3 ln tmpmve the sound quality, Now Alwayi make my Ibal [be channel Sll/lfcbt‘s lm bulb imm- are in to the sameposmon. ‘lbl'x mum" optimum reception, Sand-two! lighs The parent unit has sound-level llghls (2-7). which visually alen you to baby's sounds evm when the volume comm] is turned down, The louder the wad reoeiverl from the Baby unit, he more liglls light. Chadd»; that an wilt; an In touch The glee-i Link light (24) or the Parent unit lighLK atntinunsly to Show that the Pawn! unit and Ihc Baby uni! am in much with cad] (llhcr. This light I'lahhea and the Wren! unit beeps if the Baby unit L‘i out of range for male nun 30 seconds or if the signal is blockuL Til stilp this beeping, try one of the following - Mwe the Patent uni closet in the Baby unit. (The maximum npemling disarm: is 600 feet in ideal eonriitiont.) 0 Switch bod! units in the: other channel. - chedr that hath mm are pflwered correctly (lnw batteries?) lithe beeping still (Ines not stop, open the Parent unit's Mllcry' cmnpnnmelll cover (2-9) and set the switch inside to the on position ( a). Run-ember. ifytlu swildl on the beeping with lhis' awllch you will no longs know if the Pm unit is receiving n or not. Put the Witch hack to ils original position when yuu want to we the Links again. BAEV Momma SEC SC767 Talking back to your baby Tn comfnn your baby you cm mlk m it from lhe 1mm unit. To use me talk-hack fildlity: - Set up bath units ‘JS described in the previous chapter for mnru'mring baby munch. - Swltdi on the loudspeaker hf vhe Baby uni! (1-5) using me Vhlumc Oil/Off cunmll (1-6) and adjust it to clhuul mid-range: (level 5). - Press“ and hold Lhe Talk pushhumm (240) on the Plimm uni! and milk dearly ‘inw zhe micmphnm: (2-2). - Release the Talk humm when you are finished. Whatever you say is Lmnsmluled [mm Lhe Parent unit and an he heard (in the Baby unit loudspeakel: Adjust d'le volume of the Bzhy unk loudspeaker (L5) to die level yuu prefer using the Volume On/Ol'f «mu-cl (1—6) on me Baby unit No!- ‘wblle m Tull: balm an m Pam! mm A pin-m m, the ngnalfmm the Baby um: cannot be beam ml the lawmaker uflbe Parent unit. Two-way intercom When ymlr child grown older or when you are not mnnilnn‘ng your baby, you can use the Baby Monimr as a two-way intercom, To do this, set up the units as yml did fm talking had‘ (a your baby. an switch on that monitoring function by selling the Tmnamil On/Ofl' switd'l (1-8) (m (h: Baby unit to on“, To use ihe Parent unit as an inmnm: - Pres-s and bald the Talk pushhulmn (2-10) on [I]: Parent unit and talk clearly into file microphone (2-2), - Rclezise the Talk hunnn when you are finished To use the Baby unii as an intercom: 0 Press and hold the Talk pushhuufin (1-4) (in the Baby unil and talk clearly inm the mimpmmr: (1-1) - Release the Talk hulmn when you are finished, Note While the Talk button an eilber unit if pushed in, a sign/11 frnm the allm um“: cannot be beard. m other words; only (my person should 474ml: at a rim, Io Bur Human sac SC767 Unité Parents L‘unii‘é patents utilise (Its piles rechargeables. Ellcs mm déiii lnsmllées. mam dniveni A zvam mun: premiém uullsaljon A em: chargécs pendant flu moim 12 Mum cmnme suit: - rim-mm I'zdnpmmnr an. (2414) a um: pn'se élecuique domcsdque mndard, puis mccmdez ll: cmlnn ile l'ndapmwur an. nu jack d‘nlimenunitm CA (2413) du chalgeur (28). - phcez imam pm dams le clmrgeun l: Lémoln mug: (2-1) (in thank-cur s'zllume, A présem, on pm. miliscf runine purenns’. Mails i] an préfémhle de la lam: silt son dungcur, pour qut: 16A piles mien: hien rrdmrgéex (12 ii 14 hm). Quand die as sur le chargeur. cent unllé luncflonne en m, a une pal-me dc ca, Ies piles premem le relzlx, Dés‘ que les piles mm pleinemem uhnlgées, luniie puncnm ptul em mic-e du changcut c! millxée mm; fil pend-um un mumum de 12 heme.» 511 y mm «in pllu Le témoln muse d‘allmemadlm (2-5) dc l'unilé purcnls ally-int: quunil Iex mum deviennem faihles. NH Pour ulqgmenler b: meme am plies, velllez a w 414 tiles $0th wmlemenlplales mm: de [es vecbwgen ll em m ladle dc lechargel’ les piles rcdurgmhles en uh'lisant comm: suit le chzlgcur: - Vérifia hi I'adapmmr cu. est mccindé nu chin-gem. - Disptm hinire patents hut mn diamem; les piles mmme'mxnt A se md’nlger (le lémoin muge sur le uhugeur est nllumé). D15 pile-s umlemenl déchnrgées mm plainemerll redlai'gées en quelque 12 i 14 helm 35 BABY MONITOR snc SC767 COMMENT PREPARER LES UNITES Tout d'abm‘d, il fllul alimenLer lea unilés en alummr Tan! l’unilé héhé que l'unilé parenls peuvem 6:er alimemées pm piles on pm udapmwum . (pour identifier Ies élémems numémlés, alrlsullez In figure 1 pour l‘unilé béhé er la figure 2 pour l’um'té parenm.) Unité Bébé Pour alimemer l'unhe béhé, vuus pnuvez: - racmxrdm l'udupmeur (Lu. (1-12) h une prise: elecmque domeslique surnrlnuL puis r ‘yrder le curdnn de l'ndaplaleur ea. uu jnck d‘ulimematlun c.c. (L7) de lunllé héhé (N - enlevef 1c wuverde du cumpaniment des plles (1-10) en dévxwlm lxl peme v1.1 el en In démchflntr Dispose: qua-re filleh AA de 1.5 v (non wmprllles) dam l‘unité hébé comme dexfiine dam [e companiment. Replflmz le couverde e: fixez-le 51 on ll insert deh piles et n‘l l‘mlapmeur an. est mccardé‘ l‘unine utilise l‘allmenudun am, $11 y a une panne d’flllmenmu‘on c,n., lea- piles plenum-ll le relals. ’ L'unibé bébé fonmonne sans m pmhrnr so heurels si [es piles snnr Fraid'les. Le témoin rouge d‘alimematlon (1-2) (Le l'unilé béhe dismxe 5; Its piles viennent a fnihlin s cm 1: ms, installer: rles piles framheu 34 BA" MW“)! sac SC767 Baby Room Temperature The Baby unrt has a dremuxneter that measures the lempemmre ‘m lhe mm The appmxinm mom (empemmre, in “F. is indiumd by a change in colmt Belt clip when Ihe hanuic. of line Parent uml an: charged, Lhz unit can he carried around giving you freedom 06 movemenl while sun monlmn'ng your baby, Use the hell clip (2-12) to much 111: mm lo you clothing and so keep your hands free. The bell djp m be lemuved hy undipping the mp and hliding it downwards. Savlng Power To save power. the Baby unit can he swnched of! by selling the unu'x On/ Off switch (1-8) In the Off position, To serve powet, the Patent unit can be switched off by setting the unit‘s Volume comm! Oil/ON switch (26) u) lhe OH pmiu’on, Replacing the Rechargeable Batteries The rechalgclhle hdlwrb oflhe Pmm urur are very energy efficient and an effective, am] an be ward [or a long lime. However, when they begm m lave M elkcflvmars they should be replaced as follow- ~ Ram-M: me lumen-y cnmpflnmcnl mver (2-9) by umuewing the mull 5m and undipping. Remove the old hauerles and dismse of lhem in an ammuy friendly manner. - m the four new 1.2mm NiCd batten . mule the Parent unit as (unlined inside the armament. Clip the cover hack in place and m the mall m. BA“ MONINR sac SC767 Ban Mauve! sac SC767 PROBLEM SOLVING |NSTALLATION RAPIDE Mus! problems cm be fixed by mnying Out a few simple checks. Pour sun/«fillet héhé: 1 anmdez l‘un dc»; adaptnteurs . jnints n minim héhé a l'imlm nu chzigeui dc hmité mans. Power imljultur Turn the Volume On/ Off comm] clockwise. does not light. Unit is not turned (in. 2. Aniline: I'uniié héhé a plxez-lu pres du lil dc hébé. (Veillez fl ce que hxnilé béhé soil loupunt hon; dc ponée de babe, i an moms 1.25 mane.) Recharge or replace. Baby unit Unit is not turned on. Set Orl/off awitd-l to die 0" PM“iorL 5. Placez l‘unilé parents dams Ie uhtugeur. AC adapter ill mt plugged in of Batteries are exhausted. Plug in AC adapter Or replace Haul-lei. if the un‘lity outlet has ii switch. make isure ll is fumed on. AC adapter plugged into an outlet thnl is mil working. 4, Allqu cl réyez I'unilé parents au hon volume, Tout son Cipié pfés ue vim belie sen mammals dens l'unilé parents. Set hath unils m the amt: channel. Interference or Units on different pom recepLinn channels. 5. mega curfeuclncnl le niveau sonme de l'unilé parents. cum appliances musing interfemac. Mme units away from appliances or switch off nmrby appliznaes. Receiving signals fmm other equipment. Try switching channels. NB Awmd'utiliwrl'unm'pamm wmme um're' pannble, maz—wmque les pile: um été cbmgéespendam nu maim- 12 beams. Baby unit is no! powcfed. Tum anhy unit on. I2 33 BAN MoNlmn SM: SC767 lNFORMATlON lMPOR‘I’ANTE - (x pmduil nm nus cuncu pour scrvir dr: mun' ‘ur mL- ‘ . Surveillcz regnnemmenl ct: que fail vnuc new: car cc! uppurcil m: dercac pap kn amvi ilcncieu.’ - Ne plunge: uucun: panic de m hahyphnnc dam l‘mu, a m: l'cxnmcz p11 a rnummue. Nr: l'uullxez pux préx d'unu baignuirv, d'un hwhflr d'un em: dc minne, um un mun-ml humidc, pm d’une plsdne em. - Puur em: mu: accident, nu phlccz 1mm (x habyphune dam un hcrwzru nu dun» un purc. on a mum d’un babe. Mnmmnez km umtéa a m comm. d'nlum-nmmm hum dc puma dus cnfunm. a: hzhvnhunc nut rm un |uu<.~l. - wuluz a w qua lac unne. mien: currm‘lcmenx Vundlécm N1: lax ruwuvrez mm», he lost place: pun xur um: mnqunnu, un m. un wnupé nu mute mum: Nurfuce slmllaim qui mun-m gene: In home ventllmkm dc lunnmu. - N'unlm 1mm» le hairyplwm pres d’une source dc uhalcur tulle qu‘un fldiflwur, un murmur, un relévlueur nu mum wurw pmdubwnr de la chaluur. - N'mlcvcz iumu'm km cuuvurulcsi d‘m mixer, 11 my a pan dc pram a cnm'm r a l'lmencun Cc pnxlui: nc pcux cm mlmlcnu qua par du personnel qualifié. - N'umsm rm on mhyphunc Ni: dzpureur an. an lc wrunn d'ullmunmlion c.“ urulmnlmlxé; - lcs unites um em expander; a un mum quclclmquc, uu xi , km unmm mm wmbecx (m cm are endnmnwgecn, - Ne Hum functiunncr u: babyphnnc qu’i ram nun adaptamuni m. fmlmix. - mm; [cs adaptzleum an, uniqucmcnl am am pm elm-rum domamquc» standard (120 volt c.u./ 60 Hz). - Ne dam” jamais h: ayxxérm: dc u mm pularixée nu: mummy 0.2. Na wuchcz '» a mm mm. - uinpnm 1c urdon d’ullmunullion dc mnnrem (elk: qu'on m: mmne pax damn a qu’il nr.‘ soil cuinoé par riun. - Ne dénchcz [cs adnpmwum “mums ltmgbempu. - N'uLil'xwz pour l'unixé pamnns que dcs’ piles mvhurgwblcs Nin (4 x sz, M), dus prixcs quc s! 10»; unixéa no mm pm N’uLiJieecz pm.- d'uuum tyne» dc rules. 32 BAIY Human SM: SC767 Units are mo dose mgcdmr. ane Parent uni! away from Baby unir. High mid-led noise Tum vnlume comml on Parent uni! utmnwrd' (wkwise, Volume (00 high. Battery life B m an end. Replace rechargeable batteries, Uni! nm receiving Recharge batteries in enough power, Parent unit Ensure Baby unit AC adapim Ls plugged in and curler is supplying power. Move Pawn]. unit Elmer to Baby unn. Units are rm: of range. Tum volume mum)! clockwise. J_ Vblurm: is sex mo law. I3 EASY MoNiml SIC SC767 FCC Statement Warning hungux or modificmons u) rh'n- unit not tzxpmmly approved by rhe party responsible for cornplianee maid vein ihe mcr’n anrhurity u) urxzmm the equipment. NOTE: This equipment hari been [gated and inane tn enrnply wir.h rhe limim fur a Clam B digilal deviee, pursuant (A) Part is of the FCC Kuhn. Thaw: Iimih are designed m pmvrtle narrarnable pmteninn :| r. harmful interference In a reudential imlleuiinr Thn eeirrprnmt generams, mica, anti cm radiate mdiii frequeney energy and. if net "mulled and wed in uctxlrdflmx: with the inqruuiuna, may cause harmful inverferenee w radiu ixirnmuriimdiim. Huwcl’cr, mere in mi guaraniee thin! lnrerierenee will run occur In a paniculiir inmllalllm. li‘ dim equipment dim muse harmful irnerfereme m mdlu ur «devisinn reeemim, whieh tan be determined by iurrilng ere equipment off and on, (he user in enuiuflged e) uv w eunecr the inrerferenae Ivy nne or more of rhe feiiewing rneanuna: - Randell! rrr reluune the reeeiving xii-ileum. - RICK-AM: rhe riepamlrrn between the equipmenr and reeerven - Connect me equipment inw an (index on a eireuir different from am m which the mcelvm' Ix umneimd. - Cumuli the dealer or an tarpenene/ed mdki TV reelinielan for help Thu Clare. 1; dlgul uppflmmn eirmpllia wirh Canadian lass-coal mammedAiCpowea-iuhpm- BM! Momul SM: SC767 FEucrrAnous ! Vnua venez d‘floquén’r un hairyphnne sam rrl de qualire qui vans perineum de aurveiiier vane héhé, nu quiz vous suyez dam (yu pres rie vnae maisun. Vans pfluVC'l vnqucr u—anquillemem 1 ms acumen, tout en chum que vous enrenrirez Ic mnimlm cri dc héhe. Ce hahyphnne hénéficie des itdimflogc‘i lee plus mum. La mpfinn simme eat dimc dc ues home qlnlilét Gn‘ree a eer apparail qui vous pennei d‘emendre héhe‘. mun pom/(52 1“).st ie mm’urcr cn hn pananr (foncunn “mlk- rm. El quand vmre ram-lie ma queique pen plus agee, ii was setvim rl'inierphrrnr hidircctimnel! Lim muvemeni Ge mode d‘ernplol uvani d'ulfliser vuue habyphune pour la premiéfe leis, ei unmet-I: noigneusemem. Veillez El reupeaer unis ies zivcm'xsemems, ufin dc ne pas vim expmer. ni expose! vane bébé, an moindre risque, be habyphone a éié Lexié ave: sn'in pour middle a mum ks non-m et a mus: [es regkmenis, FONC'I'IONS SPECIALES . Ponaion ‘uilk-hadt” pour mwnr voue enhnt - son dc gramle qualilé, punée proche de 200 m, grace a la lechnnliigje W0 MHz - lnlelphone ian 0 Ten-oi" dc lempéumle dc I: chamhre dc bébé . Sigml "hots panic" ' Témoins visllids du nivcau sombre - Deux canaux pour réduire lee imerférenc - - Pics Marni-ables dams l'nniiié parean - chamrr die runs-re parerls - Témoins d: niveau (la piles - Dc“: adspmcuns ca JI BABV Momma UNn-é BEBE 1-1 1-2 1-5 1-4 15 1—6 1-7 1-8 L9 1-10 141 1-12 Micmphone Témuin d‘allumzlge Témuin de Lram'niwinn Buumn [mussoix du microphone Hflut-parleur Commande du volume / Bhutan On/Off jack d’ulimenmu'un c c Boumn On/Off du hahyphum: Sélcczeur de amal Couverde du comparfimem dcs piles Indicnreur dz mmpémmre Adapmteur c.a. UNITE PARENTS 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-15 2-14 Témmn du changeur , Micmphflnc Témoin d‘allumage Témoin d: connexinn Haul-patient Cnmmznde du v'mlume / human On/orf Témuins vimels de nivcau scrum Chargeur Couverde du companimem (ks piles Bqumn paussnir du micm Sélecleur de canal Clip dc minture Jack d‘alimenlatiun c A Adapmleur an. 30 sac SC767 lns'crucciones para el Manejo Monitor de Bebé sin Cordén sac SC767 IS BABV Manual 55: SC767 UNIDAD DE BEBE 1»1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 Miaéfnno Luz dc ulimtmmcién Luz dc mnsmisién Bulén pulsadnr dc huhlnr Altavoz Cnnlm] de volumen / lmen-uplor d: encendido/apagudn Cnnccmr dc jack para unmemcmn d: cumme continua Mnnilm (m1 imermpmr d: encendido/upagatk: Saleem! dc cmzll Tnpn dc] comparfimienm de pikjs [mlicxcidn dc lemperdlum Adapmdor d: alimenudén dc conieme alwrm UNIDAD DE PADRES 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 245 2»6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-1 1 2-12 2-13 2-14 Luz dc estatlén dc arga Micréfonu Luz (k alimenudfln Luz dc mnfln’fin Almvnz Cnmml de mlumen / inmrmpwr d: encemfiM/apayiw Luces del nivel dc fim’lidn Estacién dc mm Tana dc compammitnm a: pflas Balm: pulsador dt: hahlar Seletxm' dc anal Clip dc Cmea Oonecmr dz jack pm alimenmdén dc (xmiente «manna Adnpmdxxr de alimenlndén de con-isms allemz I6 Mode d’emploi Babyphone sans Fil sac SC767 Z9 BABY MONHUR sac SC767 Declaracién de la FCC we cquinl) hu aid“ mmcu'do u pnlcl’xls y w ha cncummdn qua aumpla cun 1m limit x mm uu u-upuelnvu digital dc cl c u u wank) uun lu puma ls du Ina Reflux.“ dc lu FCC Klum‘amn Federal (It: Cumunimulmel dc It». E.E.U.ILI. Emu ham silk) dmignadm pan! pmpurL my mum. n rumuuhla cumru inwrfcren A pcqudi l ul upcmlsc m un amumu dumuucu. ma auumu gum-m, UM], y pucdc mdizxr analgm ala mdiufremenclz y, da no .\ r immlmlu y wan sagun Illa lnmucdonux, puudc mum lnlcrferuncix curl cumurl' udlmux da mllu No luly gummiu ua qua I3 mmrfcmnm ml mum an um immhudn paniculalc En d CHM) da qut: am: aquluu aux: lmalfal-anuluu uu I2 lemma" dc mdiu u mlcv an. m rucomienda quu cl uuuzrio lu <1)qu nwdiunu: um: u mfia ua In); aigulenlm madlalnu: . Aurmmuu Ia distancla cum: em: cqulpn y al mama - Camhiar dc lunar u alumr ua nuavu la punldén de la anwna rammum . Cnntmr eue equlm u um mm da: un drculto alemm dlfamw. - umulm u un lea-men dc udlwlulcv'ullén quu (any anal-imam Adapts-1m- de nummudnn dc con-lame alum prelude por el llbofllntb de magnum-e- (UL) 18 in Holman sac SC767 i FELICITACIONES! Amhn dc udquid: lm Monilor dc Bebe sin curdzm dc ulm rendhrfienlo qua perms-a oi: u m hd‘lé en dam]: u mulenuc u damn en Ins ulrcdcdnres de la cm Mm. [made use menu inmcdinmmeme c umlu su babe elel Ilomndn min mmum realm ans pmpifls umvidudau El mum-m usegum q“: In recepck’m dd somdo m dz muy alm ulaul pm el um de lau liln‘mas momma Adam a: air a su hehé, uswd punk uullmr el monitor para h‘ummfliurle am In funcifln dc inlercnmummdlm. Y L'uandn la familia s: hm un poco maym', cl mlmimr puma ser uullzudn cumo un aquipo dc ‘mmmnmiacil’m hidiraauumul. Simse km est: guiz compleumenw antes de uuhznr por primem Va 91 Monitor de Bebe. y Mulch para nu relerencm an e] future, Asegfirese de (m: (odes Ins uvisos mm no exponer n ningfin 112530 a xi mismu ni lx su hehé. I'J Mlniun' dz Bebe ha sidu somefido ;\ pmcbua pam cumplir con mam; Ins my» y non-ms necesnri , , CAaAc'r-tESTlCAs ESPECIALES Fun-don dc imermmunicxclén para u-anquilizar :| su hehé leidn mum y un dance dc haxu 600 pies gmcias a lecnulugiu de 900 MHz Mmfllllllniadfill bidirectional lndicndm dc lempemmm dd warm del hehé Seial dc fiwm (k: alcmc: mm pm indkncifil visual dc] nivel de sunidn Dos mmles pm imerfererldn reducidn Film recumbles en la unidzd dc Pumas - Emdén d: mug: pm unidzd dc Padxes - [madam d: Min nivd dc pilzs - Dns adapudmvs dc alimcnucién dc Cnn’ienl: allemn ca... BAB’V MONITOR sac 5C767 INFORMACléN |MPORTANTE b: \. s clan-any Q3?!“ “ s » "Rx §\«~\\ - M pnxluau no 1: a dl. fludu pm um comu munimr medic . . Cnmpmhflr la uuiwdnd dc nu hiju a inwrvulm mgulam pucuu) qul: um: mommy nu (lemma uui A an xilcn ' - Nu humeral! ninguml [HM del Mlmiulr dc uché en ugufl ni aponulo a humtdad. Numa. mu! cure: dc un hang, lavuhfl, pilcw. lu'mmu muyzdu. pixirw, ac. - Pam pmenlr mmpliczlclunw nu 001012" nunca cl Munlwr dc Dché en la cum 0 col-mum 0 denuu del alumce del babe. Munwnur mans m unldadea y mudlmex elem-1m” fuum dc] ulumw dc It“ nmm. Ede munlxur no us un lugucw, - mgummu dc qua Ills uniualdm eaten vemdaqu cum-unmenm. N0 ulnar numm hm unmade» y no wlucarlax whn: una ulfombm, cam , suffl o Nupurfldu almllal- qua puada pmenlr la vendlncmn comm. ‘ NU uflliala‘ cl mnnlmr uerca (11: um fueflfi.‘ 4c calor talus cumu un ndmdur, am, w 11 mm «palm. qlle pmdnoerl allot. - N0 rcu'rur nunc s tapas dc Ian unidad Nu sc clwuenmn en cl lnmnor pm» quc max (en savicm [101 d uauam. he prlxluclu duhel‘d w aumdidu wlammm nor pc mal dc cw mllfiudo. - No ha 1.7 m0 dc cm Mlmiulr dc Bebe »l - cl adapmdm dc alimentack‘m dc mn'xm/c almrm 0 m mnkm um durum); - Ian unldadlal han laud“ lupus-ma a liq :; u - In unldadec hun sido aumelgmaa 0 dflnxdan. , - Operar la Monitor dc Babe flamemc cun cl adapudur u lanunmmn dc curricula: nkuma suminihtl'ddo. . Una! 1m adapmdm'ex dc allmcmacmn dc cxm’icnw allcma solzmwmc can mmzw cléfiricas' dmnéaticzm (mandala, (120 volljuo currienm alm-na / 60 Hz). . Nu annular cl panu) de la laviya polarizzlda mm adamdur dc alimcnu n dc curricula alwrm. Nunca manipulur la cluv 14. - Cunduc cl curdén cléarico dc mum-d quc nu ma nixadu ni umpadu pm aniculus collledmt cncimn. - Dcscnchufar 1m adapmdum dc ullmcnmcién dl: urrienu: almma dc la.» wmam dc ourricnm al lam unldadux no van a set udlinda» dunmc un largo pcriodo 1k: [lemma - u.- r 135 plhlr. m llrgublm dc Nicd (4 x 1,2v, lipu AA) mlammm para la unldad dc padm. Nu uxzr ningfin mm [lpo dc plla. BA“ Mormon SIC SC767 Lam umdades se Mover unidad dc Pndms encuenlmn demand!) leios dc la unidad dc Bebé. cert: um de um. Volumen dzmzsizdn alml Girl-Jr cl ctmlml dc vnlumen en la unidad d: Padres en cl smudo comm-in del relo', lax pilas de la L1 Vida mu de las pilm. Susn'mir Ins pilas unidzd dc ha llepdn a su fin. remrphles. Padres no se alum. la unldad no time Rmrgar lax pflas en la suficienle allmenladén, unidad dc Padxes, Asegunme ll: que el adaplador dc can-lent: slit-ma (1: la unidad dc Bebe eslé enchuffldn y la [0m (14: commie sumim‘su-e Muver In unidad dc Padxes mfis Cam 3 la unidzd dc Behé. El volumen es puesm Gim el cnnlml dc voiumen damsiado min. en el senlillo del reloi. 12>; unidades cfilfin film dz] ale-ante. 27 BABY MONITOR sac SC767 RESOLVER PROBLEMAS L'x mayon‘n de 105 problems pucd/c resolverse llevxndo a calm unws' cuanms verificudunes sendllns. El indicldnr (h: ulimenlacidn no se ilumiml. Inmferencia 0 main mcepdén Unkhld d: Padru Ln unidzld m) ha sidfl cnneculda. Lns pilu esu‘ln dewrgudm a anudas. Unldad dc Bebe h unldad rm ha sldo encendlda. El adaptadpr d: commie altema no csu’l enchufado o 125 pllas man desgasmdas. m adapladnr dc comeme altema ha sido end'lufmkl en unz lama dc onrrienlc que no fuminna. 1.3.5“ unidndes furlcionan can diferemes camles. Otms apamms causan interferencizl, Recepcién dc sefizlcs dc: mms cquipfls. Ln unidad dc Behé nc esfi conecmda. 16 Gimr cl cumml d: volumen / imerrupmr dc encendidn/ upaglldfl en cl semidn (m mloi. Cargzlrizls (Le nuevo 0 sustituirlu Colour el interrupter de encendido/amado en la posldém dz emendido (on). Enchu ll: cl zdapudnr de comeme allema o sustimir las pllas. Si 12 mm dc comeme pose: un inwrruplm, asegfirm dc quc haya sido cnnectadn (on). Fiiar amhas “mums nl mismo emu]. Dcicnnecmr ummos lrllentzr seleccimlar mm mm]. Encender la unidzd dc Bebe. Bin Momma su: sc7s7 REFERENCIA RAPlDA Pm cl mnnitmen dc rm hehé: l. Comm uno (k 105 adnpwdores dc alimenmcix‘m dz «mien-e ullcma a la unidnd de Bebe y 1:1 mm a In camcit’m dc any. a: I: unidad a: Pndms. 2. Encender In unidzd dc Behé y colocurla cam dz 1: cum del hehé, (Aseguml‘se de que la unidad dc Bebe eslé siempre film dd «lance del hebé. es devil. por lo menos a 4 pics dc dist-11min.) 3. (“out Is unkind dz Padres en la emcién . ‘ n . ‘ . ‘ . . “MW: mmmmm de mg; 4 ‘, m 4. Enctmkr Ia unidzd dc Padres a un nivel dc sonidn accpuhle. (lads vez que mnidn deoccrmde‘l bebéqidtlcclzdn, la scflzl mammfiluhmmaddzmmes. 5. mmdnivcldemmidnenlaunidadde Padmcmlmsedme. Hold an: 43 usarla untdadde Padml coma and “WW megaimw de que 1m piles bajm m cavgadab'pur In menus (Immune 12 bums. I9 BABY Mormon SM: SC767 PREPARAR LAS UNIDADES PARA EL USO El primer [mm es suministrar corrimle allemu a [as umdades. Tnnm In unidad dc Padres com la unidad dc Bebe pucden sat ulimenmdas 0 hien poi pi‘zh‘ (7 [xx mummies de alimemndén dc curriente ulwrnfl. (pm idenuflcui 135 piezas numemdns, consults I2 flgum 1 pm in unidad dc Bebe y figurd 2 pam la unidnd de Padres.) Unidad de Bebé Pam nlimemzr In unidad dc Behé: ~ Concern: d adapt-film dc: nlimenmfidn (k: currieme fillerna (1-12) a um mm electric; domésum esumiar, y enmnccs- conccmr el can!!!“ deflde el adapmdor dc alimenndlin de con-lame ulternu a] commun- de fuck (1: cordeme continua (1-7) de la unldad de Bebe. - Reunr lu um del oompammiemi) dc pilas (1-10) at deuomular el mmfllo pequelm y dew-chant Colour cum-o piles dc 1,5V, lino AA (no induidas) dentm de la unidad de Bebe demo del compzrlimixmm came 5; indim. Mormr la um de nuevn en an pmicim. Si 12:6 pilH-‘l mm immladas y cl adamadm a: zl'mwmadén dc carrienw altema eslé concafldo, la unidad mum la alimenucién dc con-ism allema. Si 5: imermmpc la aunwnmdm d: conkme alwma, m pills sun “$3sz pam 13 alimenmién La unidad dc: Bebé fumim sin cordfin dumnle “mm 30 horas om [71125 nuevaf» la luz mja dc alimenmdén (1.2) en la unidad dc Bcbé defllellzl mandn eI nivcl de alimenmdén dc 135 mm as hair). Enmnces es requmm insular pihs imam. ‘ 20 his: Mom-m sic sc7s7 Temperamn en el Cuartn del Bebé L1 unidad dc Bché time un wrmémeuo que and: la mmpemmm en el mam). u urmpcmmm upmiummm an cuano, en "F. cs imiimmi pm mi mmhio en el 001m. Clip de cornea Omndu has pilas de la umdzld d: Pudms CbLfin mngId-‘ls, la unidud puede “misc endmz en [03 alrededmes ofteuendo libefmd Lle muvimicnu) min-urns se tomimifl d monilomo as m bebé. Usar el clip d: (1011211042) pm micur I: M a m mpa y mnmcnzr ms manm libres. £1 clip d: mm [male m mimdn dextmbzndn In pane mperim y deslizéndnln hacia ninja Aborro de Energla Pam nhmmr entry's, I: umdad de Bebé puede set descunecwdzl Manda e] inmmpmr d: encendkm/npapido (1—8) dc In unjdad u 15 pmidfm dc apagzdo (OFF). I'um ahamr enefjn, Ia unidad de Padres puede ser dexconecmda filando cl COHM’O‘ dc volrumen / mmmptm de encendsdu/amgzdo (2-6) de la unidzd a In mam de upagadn (OFF). Susfitlir las Pilas Reta-gable: us pills acrylics d: In unidad de Padres zienen un gun mndimienm alagéfiou y sun awnémitzs. y pucdcn misc duranle un perimlo Lll‘go. Sin emhmgo, ouzndn cmpiaan a man an cfcclividzd deben susumime comn sign: pcquefln tomilln y deslmhnrla. Rcfirdl‘ Ims piles viejas y dmedmrlas considenndn medidxs ecolOguA - am Ins umm pilzs nuem de nSqueLmdmio dc 1,2v, Lipo AA, damn d: 1: unkind dc Padms' demo del compammiemo como se indim. Onlnmrde nuevo 12 laps! en su lug" y fijnrla con el pequefio vm-nilh 15 BABY Momma sac SC767 Intercomunicacién con su bebé para mmqulllzar a su bebé se lc puede huhlar desde la unldad ds Padres. para usar la furlaén dc inwrcomunjcadfin: . Pmpamr nmbm' unidzldes mm 52 descnhe en el clpilulo amerlor [mm cl mlmiloreo Lie snnidos del hché. - Conecwr e! allavoz (1.5) dle la umdad dc Behé usarldn el cunuul dz: vulumen / inlanuplor dc encendldo/apagadn (15) y uiusmr el valumen mas 0 menus ul nivel media (5). - Pulsar y mllmencf uprimidn el hmén d: Hahltlr (2-10) en la unidxd dc Padres y lublllr clammente al middfuno (2-2). - Sollar cl hmfin de Hilhlnr culmdo haya mrmimldu. u: qua usled dig: es umsmitfldu dcsde Ia unidad dc Padres y [made an mud-min vl'x el nluvoz de 1: unidad. dle Bebe. Aiuslnr cl volumerl del almvoz (1-5) de la unkind de Bebe all rllvel prefefidc Lhflrkk) e] control dc volumen/ inlenupmr de encenmmx/npumldn (1-6) en in unidad. dc Bebe. Natl Mlermm x1 ”runway“ gull-ado el boa!” dd Habkdr en la unidad 41.4 Padres, In Mai de la 14an 114 Halli no sci [mode airpqr a} “Ital/oz dd la unldad dt Padres. lntnmamunicaclén Bldimcclonal Cumin el niflo 0 la n‘lfia se hace maylrr o clmmk) m) se esté monimmmk) a su bebé, cl Mmlrm dc Bebe se puede usar Como un cqulpp dc inlemnmxmkzldén hkfimcdnnzl. pal-a clln. prepamr lax unidadcs de la l'l'll'sma mama-a qua pan hahlllr cm su hebe. Ahom desolmecur Ia fundbn dc monitorco mloanda cl lmemlpun dc mmdidn/amgzdn (1—8) en la unldad d: Behé en la main-(m d: apaydn (om. Para usar la unldad dc padres coma un equipo dc inurcpmunluu'on: - Pulsar y manlener Oprimidn e] boKm d: Hahlar (2-10) en la unildad de Padres y hahlar daramenlc all miuéfmm (2-2). - Sollzr e! bolén dc szlar cuando haya len'ninado. Pam usar la unidad dc Bebe sumo un cquipo dc lmercomuniucmn: ' Pulsar y manuner upn‘midn cl bmdn dc Hahlalr (1-4) en la unkind dc Bebe y hahlr‘u dammenle 31 mic-Mono (1-1). ' Sollzr e] bmfm dc Hahlar Luanda hayzx terminadn. Nam Cuumlo el boxzin deHabIar en malquizr unidad xe mmienepulwlo, no se [2110115 escucbur um serial de 14 mm with“, B decry. mlammlre mm persona dehe lmbtam la vez. 7.4 liar Mom sac SC767 Unidad de Padres L1 unidnd dc padres usa plLls margahles. Esms pllas w Vlenen msmladas, pm prime-o dchcn set armdas dumnle pm 10 menus 12 hams dz la signicme mncm: . Cnnmar e] adapudor dc mm‘enlc allernll (2-14) ll um lama eléctficl domes!“ 15151111312 y dcspués mnlcclzlr cl cmdén desdc el adapmlm de alimmucil’m aI cnnccmr dc jack dc mrrleme amunua (2-13) dz: 1: maid-l de tulgu (LB). - Com: Ia unkind dc Padres dcnlm de la cslzlcl’én dc mrgll. L'l luz mia (2-1) en la mum Lie mg. sf entendcrfl. I: unidad dc Pndnss 31mm pued: set usada pen) debe deizln-‘e en la macmn de carp dz mantra que L-ls puns exlén compleulmenu urgadas (12 2 M hams). Ia unkind funciona can ulimenwdl'm dc con-lame allernz Mimi em:- en la amnion dc mtg: Si la nlimenlndén dc cnm'eme allemzl m inmrumpe, lax pills son usadas par-l la alimenlacién dc corneme. Ouando [as pihs esan complemrnenle laxgudas, la unldad dc Padres pueda sac-use de la mdfin dc carp y um'lulxe sin cordfin hnsm 12 hams. Cam! In pt!” la luz waist) to}: de enmenucién (2-3) en la unldad dc Pad-res pal-[laden Wanda cl nivcl dc alimenlzcif'm dn la» pllas esm hail). Nata Paul arm will WW depfla usegurmse dz qua 1m pans mmgahles estdn complemmeme descargum— ama- de m cargu. [as pill-4 “rambles son mil-perm urgdxs d: nuzvo por la esuu'rm d: alga Como Siguc: - Asewmse dz: qua d adzpmdm dc alimel-lmcifin dc mniente alternz cue cumin 2 la estacic’m dc alga. - Colour la unldad dc Padl‘cs dmml de la eslacién dc carga; 1 ~ pllas onmielmn a amuse dz nuevu (la luz m]: en la esmdén de mfg: Se cncientkl lrllas mmplmmuu: dmlgadzs undam npmm'madzmenle de 12 a 14 horas en mlgalsc nulls-em: de nuevo. 2! .« BABY Momma sac SC767 Cémo USAR EL Mormon DE BEBE El Monitor dz Bebe pucde usme dc Lres mzncm: - mum un dispusifivo de escuchn pm vigilnr 1m stmidm de su behé desde um distanciz, - coma un dismxs'm‘vn de intercomunimdt‘m pm hahlar can y Lmnqu‘ll‘zzar 3 m1 hehé, u - mmo unu innercomumc m hidimcdumxl. Ames d: usar el Monitor dc Bebe msegfirese de que st: hayu suminisuudn alimenmcién a las unidudes Como st: ha descrim en el mpilulo amnion Monitoreo de lo: Snnidas dal Bebé - Fijur e] selecmr dc Canal (1-9) en la unkind de Behé en 9! Canal AA Pane: el inxerruptm dc encendidn/apagxdn (L8) en la unidnd dc Behé en la pmiddn dc enmdwn (ON). La luz Verde dc hmmbdm (1-5) se endende. Cflloar 1a unldad dc Behé pnr k) menos u 4 pics de dLsuncL-n del bebé dc msnefl que el mmmfom (l-l) pued: anur (as smudm' dc! - Pam ayudar 2 compmbar quc m unkhdca fundnnen dcbidamemc, pmvcer um fuemg dc mnidn mic (un aduun qua hahla con vnz ha'p n um mun con el valumun halo) cum dc I: unidzd dc Bebe, - Aleiarse con la unidad dc Padres dc la unmm dc Bebe. Nata Newark mlidaddesehéyla unldaddel’ndmdcmmdajmlmunaa mm mlenhmfimcfiman. SI no, m unldadapmduclnin ml erddrr de hm alto. - Fiiar el selector dc Gmal (2.11) en la unidad de Padres 9.1 canal A. - Encender la unidad dc Padxes usandn cl Contml dc volumen / inlefrupmr dc encendidu/amgadn (M) y ajusmr e] volumsn m 0 menus a media nivel. la luz mia dc Alimentzdfin (2-5) se endemic. u m: Verde dc Confldfm (24) 55 ilumina n 1: unidad dc: Padrcs y la unidad dc Bcbé estfin comunimndo entre si. 22 Ball! Manna! sac SC767 Bmkknlcmudmdxflklzunklzddulk: hum Lichen-[J nine pnr u] ulmvoz (2-5) dc u. unidzd «m Pubes. Aim: cl v(l|umcn un m uniuuu dc mum. (my, dc my mum "nu vez qne m hm cmwcncidn quc Ins unidzulun unL’m lunrjxmundu dghuhmcnmu x mm quimrla mum dc] mnmn uu pmthu, 2/ Q/ ’. Evltzr Intuit-ml: Ami-m int-dad‘s umn Mimi: dc um inmrflzcncin pm mdum 1:1 mum) dc hummus dc (mm mahkm quc mm, pm cmplo, uu willows un curdén u 0mm mun'nm dc MM. SK la ‘nufctmda (tune, n men. In mcupnfin ca débll, lnwnw ummmr 3mm uniladm al (“and I! mm minor." Iu culkkn.‘ dc mum» Nata mum's: sample dcque hi selectorex do canal en ambar unldadex at!" fljados a la mkma [nnldnfu acu- Awpum mama-61x 61mm tum hide-dons dd am! (4. lonldo L’l MIAMI dc Padm Me him mmdum dc] mvel do wnldo (2-7), quv.‘ vimlmmu: k' akmm want-lo hay mnidox del bebc An Luandn c) amt-ml du “Hum eat: em mmicifin bah. Cumin) mm (new: as e] aonldu mihldo dank.- la unilad dc Babe, mm: min sc Hun-Wan Ian luwxv Con-m qua In M utén en cunutto untu sl la luz vcldc dc Min 414) «n In unidzd uu Pudns sv: ilumjml umu'nuxmum: pin mmrquclz unidzddc ”1“th wudaddu MMufléntm amm)cnm: u. Em Int-w amy y la ulb'dzddc Mesquite mm» bums u la umuau an Bebe uufi run-u dd alum: duran: mu (k 30 mum» 0 Ni lu ml m bloqumdu. Para dumu dam umm, inflnxr um dc kn hummus - Mun-r]: unidxddc Palmmfinmuz u lu unkhd deuehé. (Lu dbnnda dc upmdén minim (s 1k: 600 pin up clmdiu’unm iduulm'.) 0 Cummm anal-s unidxbs xl 0m) cmul. - mun-am quc d um «k: L—. nummmu’fin dc umhax unjdudcs m unnmn Q haju nivd 1k: [ribs z). 54 la mitifin dc mum hum ludavfz nu be ram, Him! In up: dul umpammicrmy dc [ihs d: l: unihd dc Paths (29) y fiizlr d imamnwr inmmu u n pusilién dc amp-b ( K) nun-mic, n' m Mun I: uni-in nu mnnn humus median“: um immupuu y—u ml 41: gm 5 I: mihd dc Mm nu mu'hiundo winks; 0 no. Valve! 1: colour cl ifln-mpur m s! pariah crux-an cunndu w dumc mar m unhladm» dc nuuvu. Z!
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