PHILIPS Consumer Electronics SC763-765-90 Baby Monitor User Manual
Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Baby Monitor
User Manual
CONTENTS Clmgmtulamm: Spcdal Featuns Important lnfumnlim Quick Rercmncc Getting the Unils Ready rm Use Haw m Usc the Baby Monilm thlem Solving Teclmial Smcificaliom’ .. mNmawaiauaN'N In iNDICE Unldad dc Bebé. Unidnd dz Padres a Felicitxdones Caruaerr s Ewhl lnforrnauun Imponame Referenda Ripida prepamrm Unklzd “pant eI Um. Cémo usar e] Mm'xilm dc: Behé Resulver thlclmx Eupeclfimdonec Témm.... SOMMAIRE UnltE béhé... Unite parenus Felix, Liam . Functions spécnzks Information impmume, lnswllamm mpkk,, Comment preparer les unilés Comment utilise! l: hnhyphm: Résnluunn des mum; Caraaérisuquas ledmiqucs .51 . 31 .52 .33 54 swam ox= 3an § K $6“ ”0 fix ‘ [a One Year Limited Warranty Garantia Limitada de Un Aflo Garantie Iimitée i un an mfilxliwnmm mu mmm 1“:an mumm- m mum-1 may OD mm mm, Ndhfllimk QM? Sunfnlinmami mun in main mummzwunwt mliw BABY Momma 9c SC765 Bksv MONITOR sac SC765 - BABY UNIT TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1-1 iner light me supply: 1.2 Buuery 10W 11g“ , mum 3 x 1.2v AAA; rechargeable NIMH for Parcm Unit (included), 1.5 On/ofg push hum," - cpuuml Ixmcmzs 4 x 1. M for Baby Unit (nm Included); AC puwcr udupurr uov AC saw two mummy- ‘ 1-4 M" h , , _ 1-5 D33krrrglvlfixnr>lyr k \\wmA—/ 1-6 ' - medngm A Channel selecuun swuch , up [0500 feel 1-7 Battery compartment cover hummhy 1-8 AC poweradapm (ChannclA) w Hz (Channel 13) ESPECIFICACIONESTECNICAS hum: dc mum. mm a x 1 zv AAA um) NiMH mmrguhlm pm umdau dc Pudru lmandaQ - pun“ opamnlu 4 x 1 sv- mm M pm Umdad uL- Bebe (no Inchfldflfi) PARENT UNIT - Adnpudw dc ulunenumon dv.‘ ample alwflw 12W AL sou; (dm Induklun) - anmjs: dc umemn; 9 mm m commit. wnfinux, zoom. / 2-1 Charging We “Q1! Man; a; M\___// z-z Power light - ham 600 pILs 2-3 Link “qu Frmmphg Lie mm 2-4 mudapeuker 7 mom (Cum-l A) 2-5 Volume comml / On/orr awilch / _ you M1}; (mm) 137 2-6 Charging base ’ ' 2-7 / Battery campam-nem cover 2-3 Chdnnel scream 249 Bell dip CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES 2-10 DC power supply indfi v ,,_. 211 AC pawn adapter [2 Palm rcchargablwl 5 x 1.2v MA; NiMH pour l’unilé pamnm (mmpr‘m ; - pm Oyfimmcllc.» 4 x LSV, M pour I’uniné béhé (mm wmpriMm)‘ \ - Adzpvzwur d'aIimcnmu'nn 120V AC, 60 Hz (dcux udapmwurs cumpm): Pkg: a: roman-n: - jusqu'?! 182 ppm l‘quuuu‘rdc mummlon: 7/9065 z(uml A) — 907. MHZQJIHIB) Buv MchmR SIC SC765 ém Momm sac sc765 —“ CONGRATULATIONS ! mu have ind purchaszd a high-performance mrdless' Baby Munimr dull law you lislen m yuur child lmm wherevef ynu are in and mound the house. Now yu'u can he immediately nwure Of your dlild’s as even while mnying on will) ynur own zlcljv‘lfleh, The memo: makes aura Lhilt me sound recepuon ih of u very high qualily by using the [meal lechnlilngics. Please mild [hm guide completely berm: umg die Baby Monimr for the first Lime, and keep il rm refercnce in the future. Make sure [hm you Observe all me: warnings m that yhu dun'l expose yuumelf m’ your child in any risk. The Baby Monitor has heen wslcd [0 meet hll necessary mgulumms and smhdaids, SPECIAL FEATURES - Pager-size Parent unit 0 Superior sound and u mnge of up w 600 feet thanks to 900 MHz [ethnology 0 Super-mmiuve with cunnecuon confirmmun signal - Rechargeable bakeries in Parent unit - Out-of-mnge indication - TWO channels for reduced interference - Charging base for Pumnl unil - Balmry—low ixldimmrs - Two AC power adapters BABY Momma 9: £765 lMPOR’TANT lNFORMATION - This product is ml! intendzd m he used ‘ a mafia-I monitor. - Check your child's activity at regular intervals as this monitor does not detect silent HCHVily. - Do not immerse my part (if the Baby Monimr in water or export: it In mtlislure. Never use netlr a lmlhruh, mm hzmin, kitchen Sink‘ wet basement, swimming pool, etc. - To prevent entanglement never place the Baby Monitor in the cnh m playpen or within the read] or me Ivahy. Keep all uniL't and power cards out of reach or children This monltor it not a toy. - Ensure that the unit» are properly venulrlted. Never cover the unirh and do not place them on it rug. lled, sofa or similar surface that may prevent proper venulatlon. - no not the your mtlnlwr heir a soume of heat such to n mdhtor, strive, TV ur nd-ler applkweex that produce heat - Never remove the Coven of are units. There are no wacr-seMceahle pflmr inside. This pmtluct should unly he Wed by qualified service personnel. 0 Do not use th‘ui Bnhy Mot-um if: ~ the AC power adaplcr or lts cord h- damaged; - the unit-l have been expmed to liquid; or - the uniLs' have been dropped or damaged. - Operate the Baby Monitor only with the AC power adapters supplied. - the the AC power adapters only with standard household elemhul Outlets (120 volt AC / 60 HZ). - Do not defeat the purpose of the polarized plug rm |he AC power adapter. Never tamper with the plug. - Route the power card so that it is not walked on or pinched hy items placed on it, - Unplug the AC power adapters from the power mulels it the units are not to be ruled for a long period of lime. - Use rechargeable MM?! (3 x 1.2v, AAA) hatteries only for the Pam unit. Dr) not use any other type of battery. dot mom swc SC765 Sifflemems uigus Le.» plleh tie l‘unllé parents he he recharge-m pas. Abroence de son uu récepuon iaihle Les unilés soul trop pmcheh. Le v0lume est [top haul. m pllex hon! uséen, L'unlte n'efit pus asst: ulirnentée. Les unites sun! hots portée. fnihle. rllu com-ant. ‘u“vt1_—i ume es! trop '_‘—Toumez le htmum'd_u Elrlignez l'unité parents de l'unité héhé, Toumez le huumn de volume tie l'unité parents en sens commire des nlguilles d'une manure, Remplrtcez [ex piles rechargeahlex, hechu-gez er piles de l'unlté parents. VEl-mez sl l'adapmeur cm. de I’unlté héhé est enfiche dam: une prise qul donne kapprochez l’unite parents de l'unite hehe. volume dam le tent den“ uiguilles dune monue. 4l BABV Momma 1 m: SC765 RESOLUTION DES PROBLEMES u plupm des pmhlemcs peuvem elm rémlus m cflectuunl quelques pails (chm u simples. Le lémoin d'ulimenwlinn ne s'ullume pas. l— lmerférenc - nu mnuv s: récepfiun 7mm Ia ammnnde a: volume omorr dam: le stm (11:3 signifies d'nne mum L'unilé parems n'esl pas niluméel Les piles sum plates. Rechargez-Ics nu rcmpiucez- lean, Unite bébé mane héhe n'esl pas nllumée‘ Place: Ie séleaeur On/Olf en puss-km On. L‘adzlpulwur 0.34 n'est pas enflché nu lea piles sol-l: plates Bnfichez I'adzpmeur can. on template: lea piles» L'adapmeur cu. cat mfiché dam- une rinse mumle qul n: fnmflome pas. Si I2 prise ts! equipée d'un imermmeur, placez~le en [xwilim 0.1 Les unites son: réglées sur des mmux Mel-ems. D'aum ammls 06:11; Camel Ics Wells (lei mam. aches. Recepfion de slgmmx Essay“ de changer de um]. d‘zuues équipemcnm, L'unilé héhé n'esl pas Allumez l'um'lé hébé. alimemée. new; les deux unite» sur le méme anal. AA?! Momma SEC SC765 QUICK REFERENCE Tl) mnnllnr yuur bahy: 1. Clmncct one Of the enclosed AC power adapters Lu the Baby unit and the olher [0 me Pumfll unit churgmg base. 2, mm on [he Buhy unit and place it near the baby's bed. (Make sure that the unit ix always om 0! tench cf the baby, a: least 4 feel away, Never place we uni! lnmde the baby's bed m playpen!) 3, Place the Parent unit in the churglng lame, 4. Switch the Parent um on m lln acceptable sound level. Every time sound is detected from or neur the baby, it is lmmimiuzed [0 the Parent um'l. 5. Adjust me sound level on the Parent unli requhed. Note Befme wing the Parent um‘r ua‘ a portable um'r, make sure that the batteries are charged/by 4: km: 12 boars, BAav Momma _ soc SC765 GETTING THE UNITS READY FOR Use The first amp is m supply power to me uniLs. Both the Farm! unit and uh: Baby unit can ha: powered either by batteries 0: by the AC puwcr supply udnpmm. The: rcd'mrgeuhle batteries for me pumu unit me mmr (Tu idemjfy the numbered mm, ruler to figure 1 for the Baby mm and In figure 2 for the Parent unit.) Baby Unit T0 power (he Baby uni! timer: - Connect the AC power adapter (1-8) m a standard household elechicll 0mm, and men «mum the: mrd from me AC [kw/er adapter w the DC power jack (1-5) 0! the Baby unit. ar - Remove the: Mum compartment caver (1-7) by unwewing the small screw and undippingr Pu: four 15V, AA haueria (mu Lnduded) inside lhe Baby unit as Outlined inside lhe cmnmnmenl. Pu: fine «wer back in plums. If 11mm are installed and. die AC power adapter is conneaaL me uni mes the AC power. If there is an AC power failure, the hatter-1a: take over. 11m Baby uni! (zpcmws mrdlexsly for up to 30 hours on fresh hauzfl'zx. The red battery-low light (1-2) an the Baby uni! flashes when m: battery power is low. If this happens immll fresh Inner-Lea. B’ABV MONH'OR sac SC765 Certification FCC Cc! aquipcmm u em we a as cunfnrmc aux limilas fixém pour Ics uppinrcda digimux dc dam is relevant 111: 1:1 Fame 15 (km neglcmcnu FCC, étudi puur uppnncr um: pmluujun miwnnublc comm Im mafimncu démnguunt ' (m km utilise dum un unvimnuemm: rawulcnuul. c“! équipcmcnl ungondrc, unliw a pan! émcmc dcs fiéqucmcs mum . n u pm. mane c; mum dunx Ic mum um inmunmm. .1 paul cuwr due inwr mum. génnm kn communammm mdifl n m impwihxc dc gut-Ann: um: um mmrféruncu» “a w nrlzwntcnml dam um: immumm npécxfiqu . m1 équipcmcm cugmum mu» inmrfémncm gum“ m mumm do xlgnuux mdiu flu TV. I'uLlImmur Vciflum n lcs mppumur un pram": l'unc dun "mum. mvum - Augmumcr la diuauuc (mm: but équlpcmcm u! [e rlzccpluur. - Den] ou mum in pmum du l'unwnnc dc Mccpu‘nn. - Crmnuutur l cquipcmcnl a unc pm dépundam d’un cimlil diffemm. - Consulmr un technician radio/TV expenmcmz», Cm upparcll numénquc dc la claw: u m conform; a In nun-nu mam-nus du Cumau, Adapmeur d'aumentaflon 2.x agree 111. 39 BABY Momma sac 5065 Clip de ceinture Si les piles tie l’uriite parents sum hien eharge‘es, vous pouvez vous halatler thins un rayon dnnné, en mute liberté de mouvemeni, mm en émuuint voue béhé. Utilisez le dip tie eeimure (2-9) pour auaeher l‘unilé parents a VOS vétemenm et girder de 1:1 mm: [eh mains libresi Comment économiser I’alimentatian électn‘qne Pour économih'cr l’énefgje, on peat cnuper l'unite‘ héhé en phwm l'interrupreur Orl/Ofl (1-3) en position oft. Pour échnomiser l’énergie. on peut couper l‘unice parents en plagim la cummcinde de vulume Orl/Olf dc hmilé (2-5) en pastijnn Off. Remplacement des piles mchargeables Les piles rechargeuhIex de l'unilé parenrr. writ ues puissnnlcs er écnnomlques. e: peuvent oer-fir longwmps. Toutefnis, hmqu’elles commencemnt A perdre leur effiuclté, on pourru les templacer comm suit: - Enlevez le erniverele du wmparfimenl tie pileti (2-7) en dew-mart la petite vis el en le dedipsant. znlevez les vieillcs piles ct mince-let a un service (k récupémtion specialise. - Dispoeez les mluvelles piles i.zv, m NiMi-i darts l'unilé palm-its en respeeranr le dessin repris A l‘inlérleul' du eompauimenc Ileclipsa le cauvercle et revissez la petite Vis. éABV Momma sat: SC765 Parent: Unit: The yarenr unit uses rechargeahle batteries. These are already iosraiierl, hut first they must he charged for at least 12 hours as follows: - Connect the AC power adapter <2-11) It) a sranriard household elecuiml other. and rhen connect the cord from the AC power adapter to are DC power jack (2-10) of the chnrging base (2-6). - place the parent unit insule the charging hase. fire red light (2-1) on me charging hase llgth. me parent unit tern he upemied mtw but you shtyuld leave it in the charging base so that the hatteries are fully charged (12 to 14 hours). The unit operates on AC power while in the charging haee. if there is an AC power failure the batteries Luke iwer. when Lhe 174mm are Fully charged, the Puffin! unit can he L'iken Hut til the chargrng hase and used mrrilessly for up to 12 hnrns, Chlrglnx the bltterles The red power light (2-2) on the Patent unit flashes when the battery power ls lhw Now For "uranium battery life make saw that the mbmgrahld harmful" are fully datbarged hlgfirre charging. The rechargeable imtenes are easily redurged via the charging hue as fnllnws: - Make sure that the AC power adapter is connected to the charging hase. - Place the Parent unit inside the chafing base; the batteries sum in recharge (the red light on the charging hase lights). Fully discharged batteries take about 12 to 14 hours to fully charge. N0“ the red light (2.1) (m the charging hm 441mm ”ghe- when the Parent unit is placed mveeriy m the charging hm, BABV Momma SIC SC765 How To USE THE BABY Momma me Baby Mnnilnr can he used as u listtming deviie in monitor ynur I'mby‘s wunds fmm ‘A distance. aernre uaing me Baby Munilur nuke sure mm you have supplied power lu Lhe uniLs‘ as described in llie previous clmpler. Monitoring Baby's Sounds - Set the Channel selection swildl (1-6) on the: Baby mm m channel A. - Push the On/Oif Swild’l (1-3) (m the: Mhy uni! IO lum E! (m. - Pmivjon llie Baby unil u! lensl 4 feel away rm.- me baby so m lhe microphone (1-4) am fuck up Inhy. . - Tn help text dun the unwl are working properly, place some soft source Of sound (an adult apealdng softly or a milk) playing low) near an the Baby unit, - Mme away fmm the Baby unil with me rareru unil. News Do norplace Haw um“! and Pamnl unit loo claw urge-(her while operating. alherwire the HTH'LV will giwa blgb-plxb yruml. - Se! ihe channel selecliun switch (mlhe Parent mm (2—3) ln channel A. - Swilcll on me l-arenl unil using llie Volume oil/or! control (2-5) and alljuu me volume ln ahmu mill-mnge, fire red power light (2.2) Lights. The green Link lighl (2-3) lights if the rarenl unit and me Bahy unil are communicating willi end) (fihflr. guy Momma sac SC765 le hmil lest lie l'unilé hébé devruir nulinlenanl s'enwndre nu! le lumi- pllrleur (24> lle l'unilé purean. Réglez le volume lie l'unité [mman (275) uu niveuu snulmilé. Des que vnus uurez pu verifier si les deux unilés funcLionnenl umeelemenl, vnus pnuvez enlever llx source de bruit lest. wan/4m ” éfimfi bum? m dull? , 113mm, yaw ”gmlmj Wme e Comment svlter Ies imerfénnns Les deux mules uLilisem une vedmnlng‘le amHmerféremx permmm lie réduire les lisques d'inlerference en pmvenflnc: d‘auuex signaux éml's, par ample. par (1&6 Léléphunes suns m on (human bahyphones, Si mutekflx lie.» inlerferences we manifemiem, ou xi la récepdlm mum em mnuvniae, réglez les dzux unués sur le ulna] B. as qul pourmil ill-néliorer Ill qunmé sonnre, NB Valle: mufimrs 11 ce que- [ell- demo amm- swim: rigkielr xur kl Mm zanal, Cr qul puma: d’uptfmfl'er la rag-prion. Comm-n: “rm-r tl In uni“: communiqunnt comm-mane Le wrnoin de connexion van (2-5) de Purine parents s‘allume cmh'nuellemem plmr mnnner qua l'unile pallems el Yul-mt bébe clmmuniquenl cnmcvzmem. Ce lémnin s‘éleim cl l’unité pal-ems émet un son aigu xi l‘uniLé béhé es! hers ponéc penllnnl plus lie 30 sewndcs nu si le signal es! bloqué. Pour zrrétcr eel avctu's'sement sonnre, e ye: une des pmcédumx suivanles: - Rappmchez l'unilé pflrmlx lle I'unité hébe (1a disunce maximzlle de ftmclinnncmen! est d]: 182 mélxrj dam den (nndifinm; opfimales.) - chliis'mez ul-l auue mm] [mm les deux unitéx. - VénTuzz xi les deux unites sum alimenlées correctemenl (les piles som—elles Faihles?) Si le snn aigu ne s'flnéle pals, nuvrez le couverde du compflnjmem des pile. lle l'um'lé puean’ (2-7) el réglez le sélecreur inlerieur en pnsifion 3g, N'ouhliez pn ' vmls coupe: le sun nigu a l‘uide de cet inlerrupleur, vous ne saute: plus .i l'unilé perem- recon [oujours des eignaux. Replacez Cel inlerrupleur en posiLion originals des que Vnus suuhzlilez unmet n nlmveflu les deux unilés. 37 BAav Momma s: SC765 COMMENT UTILISER LE BABYPHONE It: hzhyphnne peut are utilisé citmme apparel! (l'Ecflule, [Km mweillef a distance les bruln émis par belie. Avam d’utilimr ce hahyphtme, vérifiez In home alimenlzlilm élevmique (11:6 unités txinlme décrit thins le chapitre précédenh Ecoute des bruits de hébé ' Réglez le sélecle'ur dc anal (16) d: l‘unilé héhé but I: canal A. A Plum l‘inhen'uple'ur Uri/Off (1-3) (1: l‘unilé héhé sur On. - Placez l’unilé béhé ii an mains 1.25 m. dc héhé dc: "unlike Iellt: que le micmphone (1-4) puisse caplet Iefi bmits e'mis par Iui. - Pour poulmir vén‘fief 31 (as deux unkésl fwlinnnent oofleclemem, dial-me: urle source de bruit (deuce, telle qu'un adulte qui pane doueemem nu u_ne fldk) émemni faihlement) pm dc I’mitle hehé, - Elnignez-vcmt; tie l‘unibé béhé avec l'urtite [menu NB Ne mppwcbezpas imp I'um'nz bike at Puma; [1am en foncn'onnement. Cela pauflult‘ engendmr an wn Jumlguhdans les dew: um'tés. - Réglez Ie séktzteur de aml d: l‘unité pare-ms (28) sur k canal A, - Allumez l’unile parents 3 Paid: de la cmnmznde dc volume (2-5) cl reglez le volume A mi-coulse. le tenuiin rouge (24) s'allume. Le témoin ven de otmnexinn (2-3) s’allume si l'unilé pawns el I'unké héhe cntrem en cummunicltitm mutuelle, shiv Mchml sac sc7ss The lest sound from the Baby unit, should now be heard from the loudspeaker (24) of the Parent unit. Adjust the volume on the Parent unit (2.5) as required. Once you have cunf'u-metl thnt the umLs’ are working wrrettly, you em remnye the source at me test munti Avnldlng Interference Both unim use and-inmrfcl'enm technology at Mince the chance 0! inlerferemze From nLher signau turning rrtyrn, say, cm'dless telephones or other baby nwnitms, If interference does we“ or ‘tf suund reception ‘ls pom, Lry mating both units to channel 3 to irnprnve the sound quality, Note Always make tum lbw [be channel $11!”ch rm bulb unm an M m rbv same pm'fmm. Hus emumt optimum reception. Chockln| thlt the unit: In In nut-h The green Link light (2-5) of the Parent unlt lights txlntlnumly to show that the Parent unit and the Baby unit are in much with each other. This light flashes and the parent unit beeps if the Baby unit is nut Grunge for more than 30 wounds or if the signal is blocked. To stop his beeping, u'y (me of the following- - Move the Parent unit claim to the Baby unit. (The maximum operating distanue it 600 feet in ideal candifinns‘.) - Switch both units in the other channel. - Check that both units tire powered currently (10W batteries?) If the beeping still does nnl smp, upen the Parent unit's bauery cnrnpurtrnent mm (24) and set the switdi inside to the off msitinn (a). Remember, if you witch off the beeping with this switd) you will no lnnget know if the Parent unit is receiving signals or not. Put the switdi hack to ils original position when you want to use die units again BABV MONHDll sat “1765 Belt clip when lhe hlmeries uf the Parent unit are charged, me unit am be aimed around giving you freedom of movemeoi while sull moniionog your Inhy Use the beli dip (2-9) to munch me unit (0 you clothing and m keep your hands free. Saving Power To save power, [he Baby unii um he nwud’md oil by pushing me unit's On/ofrmuli (1-5) io mm ii nl'f . To save power, me pnreru urui can he switched off by selling me unit’s Volume comm] arr/air SWllCh (2's) io me off position. Replacing the Rechargeable Batteries The immiscible lulmries or me Parent uoii zue very energy cffidcm and cost effective. an/J can be used for a long lime However, when they begin «i lose meir effectivenem they should be replaced as follows: - Remove zlie buriery cornpiimnem cover (2-7) by unsuewing the small screw and undipplng Remove are old rim-nus and dispme of them in an envimnmenmlly friendly manner. - Put llw new 3.6V (3 x1.2v. AAA) NiMH lumery pack inside me pare-oi unii in ouilineii inside rlie cornpanmeni Clip die cover hack in place and secure me small mew. Blisv Momma sac sc7ss Unité Parents L'unlné parean uiilise des piles redmrgeuhles. Elles sum déifi lmullées, mills dmvem - uvam mule premlei-e uulisimon - étre chnrgées pendanl uu mains 12 heures conime suit: - mt » lrdcz l'ndnpuxleur ea. (241) ii une prLs‘c‘ élecLl-‘lque domesuque s mlurd, puls macardez le cordon ile l’fldflpwleur co. nu jack d'ulimenwfion QC (2-10) du chargeur (2-6), - place; l‘unité parents dims le cluirgeur; lc (émuin rouge (2-1) du cllzlrgeur s'iillume. A présem. on peui uuliyer l'unilé parents. Minis il est préfémble de la luieer my Mm dlnrgeur, pour que le. pil . snienl Merl rcdwrgées (12 a 14 lieures). Quund elle esl nu le chargeur, cene uni-e foncLinnm: en en S'll y u une ponne ile u I .» piles prennem le remix. Dés que les piles Mm: pleinemflm dlmgées. l'unilé parenm peui eire reu'rée du chmgc'ur er uulisée sans ril pendzlm un maximum de 12 lieures. Chnrxomnnt do: pnn Le lémoin rouge: d'ul'lmenmuon (22) de l'unilé pawn»; clignme quund lax batteries Memenl fail)!“ NB Pour augmenter h: Iimgévué 11m piles, Willa a m- qu'zlles mien: totalement plates umm de les- VEC’JIH‘KKI. I] e»! In?» ladle de rcchaxgcr [es piles rechargenhlcs en un'liszm comm: suit le chargeur: - Véririez si l‘udnpmcur c.:i. esl mcmrdé im chugeurl - Dispose: l'unilé pawl-Lu; our son chargeur, les piles commencenl a se redixrger (le lémoin rouge sur le chargeur est allurnel Des piles unzlemenl (15ch mm pleinemem rechalgées en quelque 12 ii 14 heures. BABY Momma , at: SC765 COMMENT PREPARER LES UNlTEs Tum d‘atxxd, il ram ulimcnler les unites en comm. Tum l‘unile hébé que l'unilé parents peuvem em ulimemées par piles on par adapmeurs (pour idenu‘fler [es élémenm numémlés, mnsulm la figum 1 pour l'unilré hébé er la figure 2 pnur runue parean.) Unité Bébé Pour ulimemer l‘unité bébé, vous puuvez: - memrder rndnpmeur c.;\. (149) a une [wise elemque demurque standard, puis raccorder le mrdnn de l'adnplaleur czar nu izck d‘alimemzfitm crcr (1-5) d: l'unilé héhé nu - enlevef le wuvercle du cumnmimem dcs piles (1-7) en dévlssam la petite vls en en la démchann Dispose: quake piles M d: 15 V (non cumprlses) dams l'um’lé hébé comm: detaciné dam le mmpdflimcm. Replace: le cuuverde el fimz-le. Si on u iméré def; piles eL 31 l'adapureur c a. em mccmdé, I‘uniué utilise l‘nlimemnuon car S‘ll y a une'mnne d’zlimenun‘nn c.a., ks piles prennem le relzis. ' L'unité bébé fnncuonne sans fil petulant 30 heum si ks piles mm hid-res. Le wmmn mum dc mveuu den- pile:- (1-2) (12 “mix! béhé dignou si la piles vimncnl A faihlir. s; -r le as, immllez dca piles [mu-es, m,“ Mormon 5m: SC765 FCC Statement Warning: charmer. ur mudrrrenduru to mm unit not expreessly uppmved by d‘n: puny renprmmhxe rur mmnmnee could vurd me u.\ mummy w operate me equipmenr, NOTE: The equipmenr has been reued and found [0 comply wim the nmzu for n Clam L! digiml device, Wumuzml (I) Fun 15 of (he FCC Rules. Them: Iimim are depigncd w nrrmde mwnuhlc pnxuuion uguumi harmful inrerferenee in n mulunml immdun. 11m equipmeur Bener-nrer, rm, and mm r-udxnre mdru fmqucncv cnmgy end. if nm inunned and mad in nemnxnnre wun dre lmtrucuum, my enme hnrmful inmrfemncc m mdlu mmmunwuunm. Hue/ever; m guardnwe rnnr inwrfcruncc will run. ueeur in n pnru'eular inmllndun. If dr'u equipmunt drm came harmful imerferenee m mdjn nr relev epn'un, wh|d| em he dcwmxmcd by luming are equipmenr off and rm, me uscr a. cnmumged ru Lry w unmet dre hwrfcmwc by one or mum of rhe following mmaumu 0 human! or reloerue die receiving unwnnrr, . Incmuw me semi-4mm between the equipmem and receiver. - Connect me equipmenr inn) an nude! on n eneun diFfercm from dun u) wmen me reeerver u umneued, . comm]! me duller or an errpenenued mun Tv wchnlclnn fur help, in nu me and u drum uppumnur complies with Canadian muons, m. ayprovzd AC power Ind-pm- BA“ MONITOR ac SC765 PROBLEM SOLVING Mm! pmhlema inn he fixed in, carrying out a few simple checks Power iridiciimr dues nm light. my». digi- Pamt unit Unit is not turned 0“. Turn lhe anume On/ Off cnmtol dockwisfi Batteries are exha “med. “mime m mphce. My unit Um! is no: turned on. Push lhe 0n/Off awitch to turn it on AC adapmr L~ not Plug in AC ndnrue’l 01 plugged in or Baum-ks replace hanefim are exhaumd. If the utility millet has a swildl' make awe it ‘s turned on AC «damn- plugged inm an oude: that is not Watkins. Interference or pom reception Unit-1 (m differflfi channels. Move units away [mm appliances of switch on nulby appliances omi- appliances causing inierrcmm, Receiving signals from other equipmeni. Enhy unii is not powered. Bl“ MDMTDR INSTALLATION RAPIDE Ptvur aurvcillcr hébé: 1. Racwrdzz l'un des cidapmicurs can joins ii l'uniLé he’shé £1 l'num: uu chin-gem- dc l‘uniié (uremia. 2, Allumez l'unilé héhé e! plucez-la prbs du iii ck: hébé. (Veillez 3 Ce que l'unité héhé mil. touiours hum de ponée dc hébé, ii an mun-us 1.25 metre.) 5, Pluccz l'unilé parents dam 1: churgeur, 6. Mlumez ex Mule: l‘unite parents nu him vnlume. Tout son came prés dc mire béhé sen retransmhi dam; I'unjne parenni. S. Réglez comemem 1c nivtnu mnm'e dc I'unilé parenm. NB Avam d’un‘lim l’um‘re’pumtx L'Umme unifie’ pmmble, mum-mm qua lei- pim- (ml in} cbmxées pendant m4 muim 12 17mm 33 iO sac 55765 BABY MONITOR sic SC765 |NFORMATION |MPORTANTE - Cu pruduit n'cwt pup armcu nnur .\ rvir du mlmimur médmll. - Sun'ulllcz réguliémmcm uu qut: Em vum: m a: m appzllL-AI m: M1cclc ms run mum“ «Hencicustm - Nu plunuuz uuuunr: panic dc cc hahyphom: (hm l'uu‘ a M I'flrptwn pm a I’humidile. Nu l’uulm pun pmn d'um: hmgmmc, d‘un rm»), d’nn é'vtcr dc u, dam un nnuwnl humidc, pn‘m d'nnc nuanu ac . Pour evitur rnur accident, nu pluuuz jun-uh 4.1: humpmmu am un hem-can w danx un nurc, nu a made d'un bet-rel Mflnwrwz nu. unioé.‘ cl lea mum-u d‘alitrwnwdnn hm dc purnau dcs cnfimtn. a- halwphonc n'u-A pan un tuner. - Vuiuuz n tx: uuu lea unitcfl wlcm unnmumm venuléea. Ne lea mum/m: 1mm, nu luu plum nan aut unu muqucmn un la, un mmpé nu mule num- surface «mum qul pourfllll gunur lz home vemilallm dc I‘apmlcll. - N-uuruuz («mm lu hahypmmc pm d'unc mum on duller" wuu qu'un fldlawur‘ un téchwd, un rem-u nu tome source prom-(sank dc u emu-m, . Nunluvuz 1mm lcs muwrdw dun unxcm. n n'y a pair dc meet-n a uluumir a l’lntérleur. Cu pmduit ne puu: are unnurum. Que pardu pumrma qual' ' - N'uullrmz pan uu baby/phone nu - l’udzpwwur nu 1u arrunn d' uncouth)“ ca «rummage, - m unltéx cm are tzxptmécm a un llqukh: qudumquc, on a - lcfi until-J mm mmhécs nu nm ere cmhnnngécs. cu - Nu mm fnnmnnnur (x: huhyphonc qu’Zl l'aide dcs adzmruurs ca, loumi». . uur ‘z lure adflpmcum . . unzquumunr dam an prim 6mm“ (it) (were mndzrd (120 volt c ./ 60 Hz). - Nu uu m mm'm 1u syflému du la fiuhu put muu nur I'Mlnplrtwur cu, Nu mutzhcz pas n acne fiche. - u'mnnnez lu warm d‘ulirtwmuliun du mute—re u-Jlu qu'un nu fluid“: puss demus um qu’il nu mil unrmu par nun - Nu difldL‘ht’L lea udunruruun. u. dare prises quu si la “um; nu sum plus utillxém lung‘wmps. - N'u -z punt l‘uniré [menu quu dun pita. m‘hnmnbkfi mun (5 x sz, AAA). N'ulfliscz pas d’auu'ux rypun uu plus, 31 sin Momma sxc SC765 High ptwlled nms: Parent unit batteries do my! charge, No mum! or very weak recepuinn Units are rm close mgether. Move Parent unit away from Baby umr. Vulumc too high. ___..—....._—l—_ Battery llfe lx at an end, Uru'r nut recelvlng enouyr power. Units are (ml of range. Tum volume COnHOI on Purenr umL munwrdockwinev Replace rechargeable batteries. Redmrge butter-lent ln Parent unit Ensure Baby unlt AC udnpter ls plugged in and outlet is supplying power. an: Parent unit closer to Baby unit. Volume is set mu low, I3 “mm volume comm] clockwifize. am Momm m: sc7ss shy Momm sac sc7ss FELICITATIONS ! Vous venez d'ucquém un huhyphone . a: suweiller vmre héhé, on que vou . we: dam' ou pres de Von's muLsun. Vtyus pouvez vuquer Lmnquillemem vars vilés, taut en. dmm qua vuua enlcmdmz le momdre Cd dc béhé. Ce huhyphone hénéfide des lmhmflogxes les plus récemes. Lu xécepmm sonore es! done de ués bonne qualilé. m fil dc qualité qui mus pemmmu Um uuemivemenl. as made d'emplni uvanl d‘uuliser voue hahyphom pmu' la pmmére fnis, a umwwsz-lc migneusemenL Veillcz in respecwr um lea avenisscmcnm, afln dc nc ms mus expuscr, ni exyxmer vnlrc héhé. au muindm risque. u. habyphonc 51 em mm nvec min pm" “mm-2 a mum; les non-mes e! a mus [es reglemenm, Foucnons SPEClALEs 0 Units parents ultra-commute - Son dc gflnde qualilé. ponée pmme de 200 m. grace A I: lechnnlngle 900 MHZ - Cunflrmnmm d: mnne'xixm - Pugs mhargenhles dams l‘unne parents - Signal 'hm's [xmée' - Deux tznaux pflur réduire les interferences - chxxgeur dc hume pan—nus - Témnins d: niveau (ks piles - Deux adapmleum m. 5m Momm 9c sass " UNITE BEBE 141 Témoin d‘flllumage 1-2 Témnin de niveuu (ms piles 1-5 Bflumn On/OH 1-4 Microphone 1-5 Jack d‘ulimenmmm c.c. 1-6 Sélecleur dc cnml 1»7 Coumde du cumpunjmem (its plies H! Adapmleur cu. Instrucciones para el Manejo Monitor de Bebé sin Cordén sac SC765 UNlTé PARENTS 2-1 Témnm du dmgeur 2-2 Témmn 4‘muumage 2-5 ‘Témoin dc connexion 2-4 HauK-mrleur 2-5 Command: du volume / hnulon On/Ofl' 26 Chargeur 2-7 Cmrvercle du wmpanimcnl des piles 2-8 Sélecteur dc (anal 2-9 Clip dc ccimurc 2-10 Jack d’zlimmmtkm c.c. 2-11 Adamwur ca. 30 IS BABY MONITOR SC S(.765 UNIDAD DE BEBE 1-1 1-2 1—5 1—4 1—5 1—6 1—7 1—8 Luz dc alimemacién Luz dc hnju nivel dc pilas Inmrmpmr dc: encenclidwapaquo Micrfifom) Comma): de in para alimenmcidn dc curricula cuminuu Selector dc mm] Tupn dc] companunienm dc: pilzls Adapuumr dc ulimcnuxdén dc curriemc ullcmn UNIDAD DE PADRES 2- 1 2-2 2-5 2-4 2-5 2—6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-1 1 Luz dc esucmn de carga Luz d: zlimenuclén " Luz dc «maxim Akavoz Cuntml dc volumen / imerrupwr dc encmdkh/apugadn Eimmn dc (alga Tapa a: compammimm dc pflah Selector d: canal Clip dc alrrca Cnnecmr dc ‘yack par-l aumnmdon dc am-ieme continua Adzprzldnr dc alimenmdfin dc con-km: elk-m: I6 Mode d’emploi Babyphone sans Fil sac SC765 29 am Momma m: sass Bk“ Momma sac scus ‘ i FELICITACIONES ! Acuhu dc udquirir un Monjmr de Behé m cmdén de alto remiimienlo que permits air a su behé en 40mm Sc cncuemm sea dent“) en ]05 ulredzdores de In a. . Ahom puede dame menus inmedx mmenle cuundo su hebé em llnmndo min miemms reulim ms pmpifla ncljvichdes. E] monitor megum que l‘.| recepcit’m dc] sonidn sea de muy ulm mlidud pm‘ el um de las Lilljmus lecnnlngl’as. Sirvuse 1m 2513 gum complemmeme mm a: mum: par primem vez e] Monitor dc Bebé. y guz‘udelzx pm su referencifl en el rmum, Asegflrese dg nbsenmr mam Ins avism [mm m) exponer a ningfln fiesgo a s: mismo ni u m hehé. 1:1 Monitnr a: Bebé ha sido summidn u pmebfls pam mmplir con rode.» hm reflux y normals necesufins, CARACTERISTICAS ESPECIALES , - Unsdau de Padres muy compacla - Sonido superior y un alum: dz husm 600 pies gflclflu n tecnolofia de 900 MHz 0 Confin'nuumn de amnion 0 P1125 reurgahles en la unidnd de Pndm; . Sefinl dc fuera de alcance - um mmles pm inlerfemndz rcducidz - Emma de my; pm unidml tie Padres - Inmcudmes dc bajo nivel de p As - Dos adaptations d: ulimenlzdfin (ll: amicme allema BABY MQNHDR m: sc7ss 51“ Norman INFORMACléN |MPORTANTE sac SC765 we pmduliu nu mm di. fludu pm m mm monitor mum. Cnmpmhflr l'.| ugflvxdfld dc ~u hiju - mun-alum mgulzmzs puma que mt mom-m nu datum umvidud an sdcnciu. Nu sumurgir mug-m pane dcl Murmur dt: m en mm m cxrkmcdn : humudnd. Numzl w" mu dt: un mm, lavabo, pdcu‘ «um. "mind“, pisu u. m Pam pmenir mmplicucnmes nu culmur "um: d Mommy dc W en la ulna n curmlim u denim del a mm dc] hcbé. Mamcncr «nm in nm'dndua v Ruido dc mm) 11110 Us unidades M: enmemmn dam term um (16 mm. Volumen demflsiadfl ulm. L'm pilax de In 1-1 Vida mu etc has pilus ulrdunus cléczmm mum dc] ulcunce dc 10» um. Euc monitor no u» un unidad dc ha Ilegudt) a su fin, Jugucuz. Pubes no se mgumm: de que lax unldadufl (men mum“ mum-mm No um! amen. nuncu In unidadc» y m) culocurhm sob“: um allomhfl, mma , stuff 0 «uperfim mm: qua pueda pan/«nit u mamas" mama. No mm a murmur cem de um fucnw dc cum wkm mm un mdhdm: (5mm, rv u (mm «pumm- d'uc produccn am". No mum- nuncx Ian up“ de m unldzdm No Ac cum-mun an cl mum: plaza»! qua mum“ wrwcm par cl usual-$0. rm pfllluan M- m amndkk) mumme pol pummal dc memo elm-21h. No hm: um) dc um Murmur dc mm m e] «dummy: we alum-nucmn dc mm akcmu 0 w «MM m dmudo; hm un' dun han Wm, apnea» 2 MM" 0 la» unmadm hzn mm xummgklax 0 «him L1 unidad nu liene sufiuienxe zlimenmdon. N0 hay sonido n recepclén muv déhu. L'm unidzdes aslin fuzm dcl alliance Open: a Monika! dc Bebe mumeme cm- d adapvzdur dv: dime-um dc ctm’imtu ulna-nu sumnwudu, Um [on adapmmm dc ulirmnuck'm dc arms-m alum xolzmcnlc um um»: uléflrium uumw.‘ c undam (120 val-rim nnrimuc mam / 60 Hz). Nu anular d pmpxifliw dc la davija pulzvlfldz mm a Miami!” dc alimcnucifin ck: ulrrlcmu. ultema. "um mnipuhr Ia dawn-l Cunducir cl cordon cléctricu dc mum qul: nu sea pimduni mmdo por animlm mkudm enema, Dwnchufar lm adapmdnrw dc ulimenwcil’m dc um 21mm dc m um dc curricmc . an unidudcv no van a wr millndms dunmc m- lamp pfliudDdC fiempo. Hut m p32.» rcclruuhlua dc mm (3 x 1,zv, up» MA) Miami: pm 1: unidad dc Padmm Nu unar ningl’m (xm lip" dc pih. m volumen Eh pueblo demzsizdn hflin. I8 27 mm. Glnr cl (xmtxul d: volumen Movcf unidfld dc Padres leins dc 13 unidud a; Bebe. Gimr e! cumml (l: volumen en la unidald Lie Padres en el senddo contmrio del wk)“, Susutuir 1m» pflus recargnbleb. Hangar Ins pun en la unidad the Padres. Magnum de que el udapmmr dc commie.- ullemn de la unkind the Sam esté enchufndn y la toms de cmfleme suminisn‘e Mom Ia unidzd dc Pad-res mis' term a la unidzd dc Behé en el sznudu den rem}, BABY Momma RESOLVER PROBLEMAS L1 mayoria de los pmblemfls puedt: resulm new-Jo a who um cuanms verificudones send] s E] indiuldm dz alimenmuén L‘x unkind no hu nu Se iluminfl. cunectuda. Lu pilas estin descargadas (1 a uudax fl adaptadnr dc con-lent: altema pilas than dcfignsmdas. El adapudor dc wn-ieme aim-m Imerferencia (J Lela unidadcs main mccpcién fundnnan con £514 cunccflda. Unkhd dc Bebe L1 unidad no ha sidn Pam mandarin puL-m e! encendldn. innenupux de aIVnetmdén cam enchufadn <7 [as sidn enchufzdn en um mm (Le mrricnw que no fundma. difemmes mmles. Otms apzmum causal: inmrferencia. Mcepcién dc seflales d: mm equipos. [2 unidad dc Behé no sido Gimr cl com“)! de volumen / inlemlpmr a: mcendjdo/ flpflpdn m a scnfldn dd rel"; Camus d: nuevn o susmu' irlas. mm: Lle h unkind dc BehéA Enchu r el adamdnt de corrieme 21mm 0 mm In piles. no Si r mm: dc «mime me un immumm. zwgfirew dz quc hayz mun cmmxdo (on), ha Fi'flr amhns “mam al Descmecm apamlns (zermnw Enccnde' la lmidzd d: my Momma REFERENCIA RAPmA Film 51 mnnjmreo dc: su bebé: 1, Cumulur um at [M udapmdores dc nlimenmcu‘m de mn-ieme all/emu a la unidad dc Behé y el 0m) Ll la esmcién dz 1:qu11 de la unjdad de Padres. 2. Encender la unidad dc Bebé y colocm'lfl cert: (I: la cuml dc! hehé. (begun-arse de que la unidad dz Bebe esté siempre Iuem del alcancc dc] bebé, es decir, par lo menus a 4 pics de munch.) 3, Column 1: unidad dc Padres en la esmen dc curga, 4, Bncender la unldad dc Pndm n un nivel de 50me umpmhleA Coda vez que sonido dz 0 (mm del hehé es detecudo. In sen-1] ex mimimilida a la unidad dc Pad-res. 5. Ajuslar e! nivel dc sonidn En la unidad dc Padres ammo st dukes. Nam Anna" He usur la unit/ad de Padres cmm) unu unidadpomin'l, usegu’rexe de que las pilm' buyun sidv cargadzupur [a menm' dumnte 12 harm". sac SC765 am Momma sac 5065 BA“ Momma sic sc7ss PREPARAR LAS UNIDADES PARA El. USO Declaracién de la FCC Em: uquinu h:1 7.111“ M)mL:r.idu 1 pmchfl» y at: ha cncumndu qw: cumplu can 11» El primer pm, es “minis“, “Meme m a m “mam Tim, 1, 11mm palm un 1111411111111,“ dixiwl dc a 1; dc umcrdu con In Film: 1; dc 11.5 “mm dc P1111":- coma L-1 “mad de EM mm 5“ 31mm” 0 b'm Reflux 111- 11 Fcc lawman mum-11 111; Cumunimciumzs dc 1m» 11 B 1111.1 Bum hm 1.1111, 11 ignudu» pm pmporcmnur pram: Km mzonzlhlc comm interfcmnuu par 10 (1 pm udamdures de ulimenmcifin dz com-nu menu. (Pal: idenLifimr 1.15 pitezas numemdas, comulte 1». figun 1 pam Ia uni‘hd dc Bebé y figum 2 pan 11 unidad dc Padres.) pcmm ul npcmmc an un unmmn unmemcu. m; cqulpfl genera, m, y pucdc 111 '.1r cncqya 111: mdivfrumcnda y, dc no u mmmdu y mun saga“ 131 11mm um pucdc mum imufcrc 1:1 mm Lx)municucmm:x dc mdin. No hay pranu‘u dc qua 11 inmrfumncul nu 0mm: cn unu Imulucién mmmm En d cum dc ‘ Unidad de Bebé quc um: cqlupu mum: imafmcn en la mccpcifm dc mdin 0 (claw . recommmm quc cl 1»an 11> Camila 111111]an unu n m» dc 11» “Menu mcdidxm: pm uhmenmr 111 uni G. de Bebe‘: - Aumnmr 1:1 dinmnciu mm m.- aquipn y 1:1 It ‘pum - Gmecmr el udapmdm dc alimenlzcién a: «meme aim (1-3) a - Camblar dc lugnr (121mm 1m nucvu 11 pmicwn a. 1mm. memo“ um coma elécuim dnrné. cu estfirvhr, y mtmces comm el cmuén . Cunumr cm: cquipo 11 um mm dc un cnrcuiw cleuricu d mu, dexde el udflpmdflr dc: alimenmd(m dc «menu: almm zl coneclor - Consults" a un lécnlw dc mdkflwlwmén um: wnga expat-imam, W , dc iuck de currienw cmL‘mua (1-5) de la unidad dc Bebe. “m" “WW" W ‘ 0 Adnpudor dc alumna-sou dc wrrlzmc alum probada por el 1 - neum la up: del compammienm dc pihs (1-7) al ammnar el hbonwfio dc "es-Indore (UL) tomulo pequefln y dmharlz. Cokur cnnun mm dc 1.5v, um AA (no incluldas) demm dc In umdad dc Bebe dznn'o dd compartlmienw cot-no sg indicu, Mom: I: mm de nuevo en su mum ' Si Ins p‘dms esun two-lulu y el udapwdm de alimenudén dc con-km 5mm: em mum), la unidad uflnzz Ia zlinmmacién dc «mime ullcmn. 51 we hwm-umpe la mumenudOn dc conical: swarm. Ins pilas son usfldas pan la alimentzcmm I2 uni/dad d: Bché mnckma sin Cmdén dumme “nab 30 harm» on“ pills nucvzs. u luz mix d: hajn nivcl a: paws (1-2) en la unidzd dc Bebe desmlla Cuandn cl nivel dc zhmnmdén dc In pilzs cs haio Bummer; 5 mquefido insular pflas nucvus. ~ BABY Momma ac SC765 Clip de correa Cuundn 1:15 pm de m unidad dc Padres cm; mrgmkns, k. “rm-1m [mode llevnrse encimu en los Alrededmes nfredemln Ina-mad dc mmrimienm mienmx $6: cuminlia c] munimren dc: su hehé. um e] clip de com (2-9) pm mean In unidad a su mpfl y mamenfi ms mnm 1m. Ahorro de Energia Pun-d ahnmlr energm, In unidzd de Behé [made 35 desctmcdmh fiiundu d interruptor dc encendjchlnpagndn (143) de 1: unidnd n In pmidl‘m dc zpagadn. P J mom" enzrgia. la unidad dc Padres [mede set dtammzmdz filandn cl cunuol dc vnlumen / inzerrupmr dc mndjdo/apugydo (245) de la unidad a In msidén de amgado (OFF) Sustituir Ia: Pllas Recargables Las pilas recaxgxhles de la unidnd dc Pudms (Lawn un gun femur-demo energéfico y son ecxmdmlcm y puedren W dumnle un M) largo. Sin embargo. cuandn empimp a penler su eiecnvidad deben mm cot-m: xigue: - Mum! Ia mpg dc] cmnpammienm dz ribs (7,7) a] dcmomillar cl pcquchn lomilk) y demharla. Refiflr Ia; pilzs vie'ps y descchzrhb mmidcrdndn mud” emmgm . - Colour Ins pflas nucvas dc NiMH d: 1,2v, fipo AAA, damn de la unidad dc Padxes denim dcl Commflimicnlo como se indim. Colour dc nucvn la mpa m an lugar y fi‘prl‘a am d ptqueflo mmflln. 14 HIV Momma sac SC76S Unidad de Padres u unidad dc padres w pilus “fumbles. Esws pikls ya vienen immludzw, perm pdmem dehen m ungudm dumnte pm 10 menns 12 bums d: m siguicme murmur: - 0mm“ 21 adamdm d: cnm'emc ultema (2-11) a um mm elécm‘cr dnmém esmmhr, y después (10116ch e] corddn dcsdc el udupudm dz ulimenmcidn ul com-rm d: jack dc con-flame mnunuu (2-10) dc L1 e Tm dc curgu (2-6). - Culncixr la unidad dz Padres denu'o de 13 esmc‘u’m dc alga, u luz Injn (2.1) an In esmdén de mtg] fie encendem. u um’dfld de Padres alum! puede scr usada pem debt: deiarse en In esmdén de amp d: manem que ms pilus cstén cumplelamenne curguchxs (12 u 14 horas) L1 unwed funcmna own alimenmdfin dc wrflente ulternn mienu-ds eszé en la csuwil‘m dc «my Si la Mimenmcién dz cm'flmc alien-n xe interrurnpe, [as pflas son umdus par-l la alknenwcién dc cm'itme. Cuandu 1:5 mm Mn amplemmeme mrgzdax. la unkind dre Padres [made sumlsc dc In esmdén de carp y udhzurse asin cm-dfin hams 12 hnrds. Clrpr In plln La luz lesfigo roia dc alsmenmdon (2-2) en la unkind de Padrex pan-min cuamlo cl nivel de almmcmn da lax puns em huju. Nona Pam mm min rim maxim depiln megumm de que Impilw Marynhles man clrmplcmmeme descargada; antes in xu zmya. u- pilas mmblcs son fficilmenm (21330125 de nuevo pm 12 cmdfin dc (mg: cnmn sigue: - Ascgumrse dc que el adapmdm dc alimenucién dz: wn-ieme altema me conecmdo a 1.1 csmrjfin de (21:32. - Colour la unidad d: Padres demo de la esmcién dz (Hiya; 1m; piL'Js corniemn a amuse dc nuevu (la luz mi: en la esla Tm de calyx St: mciend-E). Pilus mmplewmane dzscargadzs lardnn upmximadammlc dc 12 a 14 ham en urgmm mulmcnte dc nuevor 2! BABY Momma a: 5065 Cc’mo USAR EL Mom-ran DE B El Monitor dc Bche puede usiu'se Como un dlqmsiivo dc maxim pan vigilnr an» sunidos dc su hebé desde um Jazmin, Antes dc ar el Mum‘lur dc Bché usegfirese de que se hnya sunlinisundu ulimenmcién u m unidadcs coma Se ha damn en el mpimlo anterior. Monitoren de Ius Snnidos del Bebé - Fijar el Selena)! 4: Canal (1-6) en 1:1 unidzd de m en el mm] A - Pam encenderlo pulsar el interrupux dc mtfndithnpamtkr (1-3) encima de la unidad dc mhe. - Culocu Ia unidad d: Behé pm 10 mm a 4 pits. an dismncin dd behé dc manem que el micromna (14) [made ctpur [m son-(1m M . Para Ayn/Jar z compmhar que Ian uni/Jules fut-dorm deh'dameme, pmveer um fuzme dz sol-Aida haio (un adnlm qua mhlz con voz ha‘p o um radio con el volumen hub) cam dc Ia unidad dc Bebe. - Alejame con la unldad dc Padres de la unidad dz Bebe. Nata Na Colocarla (midaddemy la mu'daddeMM Maw/unlit mm K Wu minurmj‘ufldmlan. SI m1, [at unidadarpmdudrfln rm mnwdelmm will), 0 Fijar cl selector dc Gina] (248) en la unidml dc Padlw a] canal A, - Encmdcrlaunidaddck’axhesmambd ammdcvolunwn/ inwrmpmr dc emcmfidn/amgtdn (2-5) y ailmzr a volumm 11-15 0 menos 41 media nivel. L'l luz min dc Alimcmzclén (2-2) s: endemic, 1.3quveldechonflxidnfl-SJselllmlinzsihunkhlderkcsyh unkind dc Bebé esu’m comunimmk) cube si. > 11 an“ Momm sac SC765 m sonidn de pmem dcsde lu unidnd de Bebe uhom dchem (lime: por el ulmvnz (24) [la in unidad dc Pad Ajusmr el volumen en la unidad de Padres (25). de m mwmnn. Una vez que Sc hzyu wnvenddn que Ins unidades 15m [undnmmdo dtzbidameme, se pucde quiuxr In fuemc del mnidn dc muchra. JIM/f Evlflr Intarfamncla Amlm unidadcs usan chmlogm dc anti lmerfercndn mm reduu‘r e] n“: go dc inwrfemmia dc (mn- scfiales que vengan, pm eiempln, dc Leléfmm. .in cmdfin u (sum mxmmms dc hebé, Si lu inwrferenda zxmrre. 0 sea, La recedem a dew. imam wrunuw amlm unidades uI mm] 5 para meiwml la calidad de wraidn, Nola Cmmmrse mmpm de que [w snlwmm- dz canal m 14va umdudux min fijadm a la mixma [xm'cttim Em mwgum mopcwn optima. Comprnblr qua In unldldn min an com-cw antr- ll la luz Verde dc Cfmmdfin (2-5) de la unldnd dz Padres fie Hun-Aim wnlinuameme pam mosh: que la unkind dc Pndms' y la unwed Lie Bebe ash/an en cnnhlm enne at. Em luz se «pag- y la unkdad dc Padres mm: (more hm d In unkind de Bebe em fuefl del nlmnce dun-ante mix de 30 segundm 0 si la semi usti bloqu-da. pun. delzmcr dichm mum, hemm- unn dc Im- snguimvm: ' Mmhunkhddehfies‘mismuhunflwdeflebé. Oadiwmjach qmdf‘m mam es de 600 pics Min umdidm was.) - Conmulxr amhas umdxdes 31 mm wul - Cumpmhar que el nivel de la aunmnmdm dc umhas unidadcs sen mnecm (,; bnio nivel (1: pins- 0. Si 1: emisifin d: “mos hreves lodavia no it pm, ahrir Ia mp3 dd cmnmm‘xmenw de puns an 1: unidad dc Pndws (2—7) yr fijar el min-mp“); inmmo a la midfin dz apagnki ( g ), chucrde, Se dcsmncm la emisién dc (onus braves medium: este inlerruptm ya nn 8: mm si la umdad de Padres m4 rem iendn seflales 0 no. Valve: 3 colour cl inlen'upmr m m [xxs'idén mm] cuandn se dmce usax 1:45 unidndes de nuevo. Z3
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2000:04:14 18:55:11+08:00 Create Date : 2000:04:14 18:53:41+08:00 Creator : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Producer : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows Page Count : 24EXIF Metadata provided by