PLANER CHEVAL TECH VMTB125 Cruz Tablet User Manual


User manual

Download: PLANER CHEVAL TECH VMTB125 Cruz Tablet User Manual
Mirror Download []PLANER CHEVAL TECH VMTB125 Cruz Tablet User Manual
Document ID1399721
Application IDd+96h64KFxVIT9JnoAfsLQ==
Document DescriptionUser manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize92.52kB (1156504 bits)
Date Submitted2011-01-04 00:00:00
Date Available2011-01-04 00:00:00
Creation Date2010-11-16 10:53:37
Producing SoftwareAdobe Acrobat 7.0 Image Conversion Plug-in
Document Lastmod2010-11-16 10:56:50
Document TitleUser manual
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 7.0

status bar
touch screen
Your Home screen may look dlftereni lf you rearrange its lcons.
DC charger Sort yacket
Icons *
Home Back Search
“L? —a ' W
. s- 1.3
Adtuttnn wl-Fl
networks «o connect to «he lnlernet
Join an axlsflnn network
redurre a password appear wrth a lock rcon)
rn the screen shows a« «he top oi «he screen,
Cram a new nehuork
ihC available Wl r networks iha« you can choose lrorn
Tum wI-Fi of! to save power
So to Seillngsy tap Turn Wt'Fl On or on
SD card reader
Minl use port
Volume up/down
Headphone yack
SD Card
Tap the screen, tap Seltrngs rcon shown rn the menu Cruz Tablet uses local Wrarr
Tap Turn vwsFr On or 0th wall a moment as Cruz Tablet detects networks rn ranger
«hen select a network lt necessary enter a password and tap Join (Networks that
Once you low a WraFr networkr Cruz Tablet automatrcally yorns r« wheneyer «he
network rs rn range ll more than one preyrous network rs rn ranger Cruz Tablet yorns
«he one most recently used When Cruz Tablet yorns a Wr-Fr networhr «he Wl>Fl rcon
choose ‘M-Fi, then tap Turrl Networks On or oil. Cruz Tablet drsplays a lrst ot all
ll you know you're not gorng to be usrng WrFr, you can turn rt oil to saye bauery.
Cruz Tablet One Veer L'
Velocity Micro Electronics, lnc.
75 l r’l Whrtrsprrrr: h'rr triy i'tltiilr'lnrl'iy Vr’\ 14247
hhhrvrrrun rnrrrrrrr
‘ted warranty
Cruz lablcl ohlraalans tor the hardwars product are lrmrtcd «a the «arms rth hsrsrr Cruz laulst warrants thrs Cruz
Taiuiei'hralldei‘ l ant are p'urititletgdiliri ‘Jei rrr nr C'lrti jllri uyurrrrrrtrrshrrr urrrtev ‘iliiiiidi use luv 4 trerrurt rrl ONE
(‘i ‘FAan—rnrzh, crate ntr arlpr.rrhose ,lhr- nrrgrnal , or .erpurrh
arrse and a yalrd old or r
Addlnd nholu
We lar‘i‘y Fern—rd) ll a hardy- re oelert
aslrcrr and rzrtha- rlertpern—rr-«ed up an
yes w thl'l the War» ty Perladr at
Email Set Up
Doublesclrck «he Emali rcon shown to the menu Type rn your emarl address and
password and iollow «hc emarl setup rnlructrons
Sending Email
Tap «ho Emali rcon shown tn the mcnu
Type a name or emarl address rn «he To ileldr or top [+1 to add a name lrdm your
Tap Cc/BCC/From rt you want to copy the message «o others or change «he
account you send the message lrorn. ii you haya morc «han one emarl account you
can tap «ho From held to change «he account you‘re sendrng to.
Enter a suhlnclr then your message
Tap Send.
Choose a pho«o lrom «he Gallery than «ap Ema-i Phcla Vnu
can also copy and pas«o pho«os The photo rs sont usrrrg your
nelault omnrl account
say. a dratt or a mas-ao- rap Soyo rho nossego rs sayoo n the draits mailbox
naplyto a menace Open a message and tap reply to the sender r type your
message «hon tap Sand Frlos or rmsgos attached to tho
rrrr«ral nressago aren‘t son« bnck
Forward a man-ad. upon a muswgn and tap Fonword Add one or morn omarl
addresses type your message and then «up Send When you
«orwuro a messagcy you can rnclude «hr- «rles or lmages
nliuchcn to «ho orrgrnol mos-ago
unread memo-a Tap a marlborr to see us messages Unread messages are
shown rrr reu When you open a mulltron Marl loads «he number
ol most recent messages specrlred rn your Mali sellrnos. rl lhe
mCssngcs hayont already been loaded au«oma«rsalry
head a mesa-pa tap a maroon then tap a message Who a message top or
to soc the next or proyrous mossaoo Double—lap «ho aroa to
zoom rn or zoom out
Follow . Ilnk Tap «no r.nk rn biucr rt can take you to a wnbpaqcy open a
many or pho«os To re«urn «o Marl press «he Hume buuon and
tau Marl
5. an attached onoto Tap ure pho«o «hen «ap Save image
to Gallant
Quick Start Guide
at : ~t u
insert so card wrih updated software rnto Cruz Tablet a« the top rlghi hand corner.
Press yoiumeaup key and hold. «hen press power key and hold lor ass seconds.
The Cruz Tablet screen shows boolsup logo Cruz
When «he Cruz Tabie« screen shows lcon‘ r« means so card rs updalrng.
After SD card updalrng, Cruz Tablet wlii le'huoiup
Battery Mod-i
Cruz Tablet has an rnternal rechargeable oaltery The battery rcon rn «he upper-rrght
corner or the status bar shows the battery level or Charging status
Buttery Model
Cruz Tablet rs usrhg a Swrtchrng Adapter wrth the rnput oi locaaov, output at 5v
Keep your Cruz Tablet oul ol the Sun Heat wrli degrade your battery‘s pertormance
Faliure to lottow «hese saiety rnstructrons could resull rn lrre, electrrc shock or o«her
.nyury or damage
Cnrrylnp and Hundllnn Cruz Tablet
Cruz Tahleicon«arns sens-live componanls Do not dicpr disassemble open crushr
Dandy punriurEr shred, parnt, or rnsert lorergn obyects rnto Cruz Tablet
Gloss Parts Handling
The outsrde coyer ol the Cruz, Tabiel screen rs made ol glass Thrs glass could
break rt Cruz Tablet rs dropped on a hard surtace or receryes a substantral rmpacl lt
the glass chrps or cracks, do not touch or attempt to remoye «he broken glass y
contact VeioCity Mrcro cuslomer care. it the Cruz tablet cracks due to mrsuse or
abuse - rl rs not covered under the warranty
Avoiding Water and Webress
Do not use rn ralny or near an open waler source. ll the Can Tablet gets wet, unplug all
cables and lum oil belore cleaning and allow to dry beloro «urnrng on agarn Do not
attempt to dry wr«h external heat such as microwave oven. or harr dryer
Repairing or Modltytnd Cruz Tablet
Never atlempt «o reparr or modrly Cruz Tablel yourseli Drsessemblrng Cruz Tablet
may cause damage that rs not covered under the warranty
Choking Hazards
Cruz Tablet cohlarn small parts whrch may present a chokrhg hazard to chrldren
Keep Cruz Tablet and rts accessorres away lrom chrldren
Keeping Cruz Tablet wnhin Aoceptebie Temper-lures
Operate Cruz Tablet rn a place where «he temperature rs between D“ and 35’s: (32°
to 95°F) Low or hrgh temperature condrlrons mrghl «emporarrly shorten battery lrte
or cause Cruz Tablet «o iemporarrly stop workrng properly
Cruz Tablet is a multi-task,
touch screen tablet providing
unlimited possibilites.
Cruz through ebooksy Videosy games. and the
Web, wr«h one touch Wrth a user iilendly
Andrordw interface the Cruz Tablet contarns all
the lunctrons you need tor home or on the moye
Explore «hrs qulck user gurde to learn more
Benefit of using Cruz Tablet
The Cruz Tablet rs a puriablcy hrgh porlormanco touch screen labie« runnrng «he Andrordw 70 rntorlaco.
Wrth a Ilghi wcrght and slrm look, «he Cruz Tablet rs the pcriect tool to streamlrne your operatrons idr
trusrness. ramrly and errlertarnmenl
The Cruz Tablet has iuil Wei: browser support and pruvldes a rlcher Cxperlence than iradllionai Erbuuk
readers The Cruz Tablet proyrdes a hrgh oualr«y audro and crrsp brroht screen lor you «o enyoy onlrne
snoop-no moyrcs, socral medra and E-books It accesses «o oycr rooyooo rn store yra rts rn hutll E-book
irorary portal applrcatron The Cruz Tablet has an open portal lor downioadrng apps. magazrnes and yrdeos
lrom a broad array oi content pmvldersr l« comes wr«h upgradrng storage oi so card. and up to to hours
battery backup so you are able «o onloy contrnuous browsing.
The poweriul CPU and large RAM capecrty support «he muilr medra touch screen periormance ol «he Cruz
Tablet and allow you «o Cnluy supcrlast data speeds on Wm connoctrons
Features and Applications
Andruld'“ Irlicr‘acn
Cnlrne Book s«ore
Vrdeo Playback
Photo Gallery
OiiiCeSuite" Wewer
ASTRO" Frle Manager
etauodym Mobrle Messenger
Alarm Clock
Changes or mbdrlrcalrons not expressly approyed by the party responsrble ior
compirance could uord «he user‘s aulhorrty to operate «he edurpmenl
Note «he manulacturer rs not responsrhle ior any radro or «y rnterrerence caused by
unauthorrzed modrtrcalrbns «o «hrs edurpmenl. Such modrtrcahons could yord «he
usCr‘s aulhorrly to operate «ho courpmen«
Nate: «hrs edurpmenl has been tes«ed and tound to comply wr«h the irmrls tor a
class b drgr«al deyrcc, pursuant «o Part l5 ol «hc FCC rules. Thcsc irmrls arc
dosrgned «o prcyrdo reasonable protectron agalnst harmiul rnlerterence rn a
resrdentral rnstaliatron
Thrs equipment genera«es uses and can radra«c radro lreouency energy and rl no«
rnslalled and used rn accordance wr«h the lnsiluctlansy may cause harmlul
rnterlerence «o radro communrcatrons However. «here rs no guarantee «ha«
rnterlerence wrli not occur to a partrcuiar inswiiatlcnr
li thrs eourpment docs cause harmlul rnterlcronco «o radro or toleyrsron
reception whrch can be determrned by turnrng the enurpment oil and on the
user rs encouraged to try to correct the rnterterence by one or more ol the
lollowrng measures
l Reorrenl or reloca«e the receryrng an«enna,
2 lncrease the separatron between the edurpment and receryer
a Conncc« «hc equlpmcni rn«o an outlci on a crrcurt drrlcrcnt lrom that «o whrch the
receryer rs connected
4 Consul« lhc dcalcr or an Cxpcrlcnccd radro/TV «cchrrrcran lor hclp
Thrs deyrce complres wrth F-art |5 oi «he FCC Rules Cperatron rs sub,ec« «o «he
ioiiuwlng iwCl CDi’idiliDflS: (i) [his dcvtCC may not Cause harmiul lnlCriCrcrlcc, and
(2) «hrs doyrce mus« accep« any rn«erlorence recerycd. rncludrng rn«erlerence that
may cause undesrred operahon.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
Thrs eourpmenl complres wr«h FCC radrairon exposure lrmrls sel lorlh lor an
uncontrolled enyrronment Thrs deyrco rs desrgned lor handheld operalron only,
The antennals) used ior «hrs «ransmrtler musl not be coitocated or operatrno rn
conyuncuon wr«h any other an«enna or «ransmrtter wr«hrn a host deyrce, except rn
accordance wr«h FCC mul«r-«ransmr««er produc« procedures
Learn more
For complete rnstructrons and rmportant satety informatlurly or to download a lull
users manual please yrsr« wwwsrneoniin-corn
Seryrce hotlrne- «immortal?

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Modify Date                     : 2010:11:16 10:56:50+08:00
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