PO FUNG ELECTRONIC UV6R Amateur Radio User Manual I
- 1. user manual I
- 2. user manual II
user manual I
DUAL-BAND TRANSCEIVER USER'S MANUAL Mlblfl WEE] WEB CONTENT 1.8AFETV1NFORMAT1ON . . . . 2. FEATURES AND FUNC'HONS: 01 02 3. UNPACMNG AND CHECKWG EOU‘PMENTS: 0:5 4.0PTIONALACCESSOR1ES' . . . 5 NsTALLAT1oN OFACCESSORIES' . 51 NsT/LLLTNGTHEANTENNA 52 WSTALUNG THE EELTCUP . . . . 5 a MTCRONEADSET1N5TALLATTON or EXTERNAL 54 BATTERY 1NsTALLATTON s BATTERY CHARG‘NG 7 BATTERwNFoRMATIoN 71N1T1ALusE . . . . . . .. Tz BATTERYTIPS . . . . . . . 7 3 PROLONG BATTERY UFE' . . . . T4 BATTERY STORAGE . . . . . . a RAD10 OVERVIEW 817RADWOOVERVIEW' . . . . . . 52 COMMAND/KEV DEFTNTTION . . . . 9 'Lcn' DISPLAY 1m 1750 Hz TONE FORACCESS To REPEATERS 11 BASIC OPERA‘HON . . . . . . 11 1 mm ONVOFFNDLUME CONTROL . . 11 2.T1ansm11ana Recewe 04 04 04 04 05 as us 07 '07 D7 07 03 09 09 1a 12 . 13 13 1a 13 113 ruNcTToN vex“ (vows OPERATED TRANSMSS‘DW 13 11 4 AMTOLK (keypad LackeflAulumaucaHy) 11 5 VFO/Channe1mode 115.5ELECT1NGAFREOUENCVOR CHANNEL 117 TDR 1mm Wa‘ch/Dua‘ Rmmmm . . . 11 a cam (09.121: ChanneU' . . . . 119 MEMVCH 151w: 1w Mammy Channew' . 14 14 15 15 15 V15 12 ADVANCED OPERATION: 13 12.1 SETMENU nEschTTON . . . . . . .45 12 2 sHoRTcuv MENU OPERA'HON 2n 1231‘squ1sou2Lcu) 21 124 FUNCHON ‘vo “ (VOTCEOPERATEDTRANSMTSSTONT 21 12 5 SELECT WTDEEAND 0R NARROW BAND ww . . 21 12s ma1mmwucmnumnsczpnom 21 12 7 TOT(TRI\NSMISSION T111212; . . . . . . 21 12a CTcss/Dcs 21 12.9 AM 22 1210 mwsnnmr TONE or TRANsMTmNG cons) 22 1211 sc—REwsc/w REsuME METHOD) 22 1212 mmmofimwmmnwgaemmy 23 12.13 ECHBUSY CHANNEL LOCKOUT} . . . . . 23 1214 srmmmzcncm or FREQUENCYSH‘FYy . .23 1215 orpsmmgoumcvsmm . . . . . .23 1216 STE(TA1LTONE ELIMATIOM 24 13 RESET(Reslare To DeVauk Semng) 24 14 COPYING . . . . . . . . . . 724 15 CTcss TABLE. . . . . . . . . 725 16 DCS TABLE 25 17 TECHN‘CALSPEC‘F‘CAT‘ON 27 171 RECE‘VERr . . . . . . . . . .27 17ZGENERAL' . . . . . . . . . 725 1e TROUBLESHOOTING: . . . . . . 729 19.WARRANTV.(BeI1er buythe Tamas m1cca1dea1er) 31 mm TmCEIEH 1. SAFETY INFORMATION: The tollowmg satety precautions shall always be observed during operation. service and repair oi this equipment. - This equipment shall be serviced by qualified technicians only - Do not modiry the radio Tor any reason ' Do not use any portable radio trial has a damaged antenna lf a damaged antenna comes into Conlacl with your skin. a minor burn can result - Turn afl your radio prior to entering any area with explosive and tiammable materials. 0 Do not charge your battery in a location With explosive and flammable materials - To avoid electromagnetic interterence and/or compatibility conliicts, turn on your radio in any area where posled notices instruct you lo do so - Turn oil your radio belore boarding an aircrart Any use oi a radio must be in accordance With airline regulations or crew instructions. - Turn off your radio belore entering a blasting area - For vehicles with an air bag. do not place a radio in the area over an airbag or in the air bag deployment area 0 Do not expose the radio to direct sunlight over a long time, nor place it close to heating source. - When transmitting With a portable radio. hold the radio in a vertical position with the microphone 3 to 4 centimeters away from your lips Keep antenna at least 2 5 centimeters away lrom your body when transmitting WARNING: ll you wear a radio on your body, ensure the radio and its antenna are at least 2.5 centimeters away from your body when transmitting 01 2. FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS: ' Dualapand handheld transceiver with display function menu on the display "LCD" ' lncorporales 105 nodes "DOS" and 50 privacy codes "CTCSS" programmable - Function "VOX" (voice operated transmission) cAlarm lunction - Uplo128 memory channels - Broadband (wide) / Narrowband (Narrow). selectable - High power/ low (5 WM W) selectable - Display illumination and programmable keyboard - Function "beep" on the keyboard - Dual Watch/dual reception - Selectable Frequency step 2 5/5/6.25/10I‘iZ.5/25 kHz - Function "OFFSET" (lrequency ottset lor repeater access) - Battery saving funclion "SAVE" - Timer transmission "TOT" programmable - Selecting the Scan Mode - Function Busy Channel Lock "BCL" - BuilI-in RX CTCSS/DCS scan - Buillain LED flashlight - Programmable by PC a Level Threshold "sdueicn" adiuslabie lrom a to 9 - Cross band reception/transmission - Tone end of transmission - BuilHn Key lock 02 3. UNPACKING AND CHECKING EQUIPMENTS: Carefully unpack the transcelver We recommend that you ldenllty the items llsted m the tolloWlng betore discardlrlg the packlng rnaterlal ll any items are mlsslng or have been damaged durlng shlpmenl, please contact your dealers lrnmedlately Ball Cllp Note: llems lncluded ln the package, may dlffer from those listed in the table abuve dependlng on the country oi ourohase. For more inIormatiorl, consult your dealer or vendor 4. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: M®96flf Pwu cm: lsasl sassmulsmshm Flagrant can. Emma Mlunpfiom Note: Consult the dealer or retaller for Informallon about optlons avallable _03 5. NSTALLATION OF ACCESSORIES: 5.1. NSTALLING THE ANTENNA: install the antenna as shown ln the llgure below and turn II clockwlse until it stops. Now: I When installing the antenna. don't rotate it by its top. holding it by lIS base and turn I ll you use an external antenna, make sure the 'SWR' is ahout 1 5 t or less, to avold damage to the Iranscelver‘s llnal transistors. I Do not hold the antenna wllh your hand or wrap the ouIsIde at it to avoid had operation 01 the transceiver. I Never transrnlt wIIhouI an antenna 5.2. INSTALLING THE BELT CLIP: ll necessary, InsIall the hell sllp at the rear ol the ballery compartment cover as shown in the hgure below. Note: Do not use any klnd oi glue Iu fix the serew on the belt clip The solvents Glue may damage the battery casing. 04— 5.3. MICRO-HEADSET INSTALLATION OF EXTERNAL: Plug the external Worn-headset Connector ml!) the jack 01 'SP 8t MIC' at the transceiver as shown in the figure below 5.4. BATTERY INSTALLATION: - When attaching the battery, make sure the battery is in parallel and in good contact with the aluminum chassis The battery botloni is aboul t to 2 oentimelers below the boltoni or the radio's body 'Align the battery with the guide rails on the aluminum chaSSis and slide it upwards until a 'click' is heard C The battery latch at the bottom locks the battery - Turn off the radio berore renioving the battery I Slide the battery latch, at the boItom of the radio's body, in the direction indicated by the arrow - Slide down the battery lor about 1 to 2 centimeters. and then remove the battery horn the radlo‘s body. _05 6. BATTERY CHARGING: Use only the chargerspeclfled by the manufacturer The chargers LED indicates the charging progress LED INDICATION Red LED flashes. whlle Green LED glows CHARGING STATUS Standby (no-load) Charging Red LED solidly glows Fully Charged Green LED solidly glows Error Red LED tiashes. while Green LED glows Please Iallow these steps: - Plug the power cord into the adapter ' Plug the AC Connector of the adapter Irltc the AC outlet Socket ‘ Plug the DC connector DHhe adapter Into the DC socket on the back DI the charger - Place the radio with the battery altached, or the battery alone, in the charger - Make sure the battery is in good oonract with the charging terminals The charging process initiates when the red LED lights. c The green LED iighls about 4 hours later indioaling lhe battery is fully charged Then remove lhe radio With the battery attached or the battery alone rrom the changer. os— mm TmCEIEH 7. BATTERY IN FORMATION: 7.1. NITIAL USE: New batteries are shipped uncharged fully lrorn the factory Charge a new battery for 5 hours belore initial use The maximum battery capacity and pertormance is achieved atter three lull charge/discharge cycles If you notice the battery power runs low, please recharge the battery WARNING: ITo reduce the risk at iriyury, charge only the battery specified by the manutacturer Other batteries may burst, causing bodily injury and property damage. lTo avoid risk at personal inyury, do not dispose ot batteries in a tirel Dispose ot batteries according to local regulations (e.g. recycling). Do not dispose as household waste I Never attempt to disassemble the battery 7.2. BATTERY TIPS: 0 When charging your battery, keep it at a temperature among 50- 40 0. Temperature out ot the limit may cause battery leakage or damage. - When charging a battery attached to a radio, turn the radio 0" to ensure a lull charge. - Do not cut ottthe power supply or remove the battery when charging a battery. 0 Never charge a battery that is wet. Please dry it With a soft cloth prior to charge. - The battery will eventually wear out When the operating time (talk—time and standby time) is noticeably shorter than normal performance. it is time to buy a new battery. 7.3. PROLONG BATTERY LIFE: - Battery pertormance will be greatly decreased at a temperature below on. A spare battery is necessary 07 in cold weather The cold battery unable to work in this situation may work under room temperature, so keep it tor later use - The dust on the battery contact may cause the battery cannot work or charge Please use a clean dry cloth to Wipe it betore attaching the battery to the radio. 7.4. BATTERY STORAGE: - Fully charge a battery betore you store it tor a long time, to avoid battery damage due to overs discharge - Recharge a battery atter several months' slorage(Li-lon batteries 6 months), to avoid battery capacity reduction due to oversdlscharge. - Store your battery in a cool and dry place under room temperature, to reduce self-discharge 08
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