
User Manual

Customer SupportCL-01.005October, 2001____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________179370 Page 1 of 9NXRMU52000-3 ( = “RMU”)  INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSRevision Record:Date Description Written by Rev.Oct-01 Initial release Amit Gelber -The FCC Wants You to KnowThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:a)  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.b)  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.c)  Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.d)  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician.FCC  Warning  !Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturercould void the user authority to operate the equipment under FCC Rules.This document contains proprietary information that is the sole property of NEXUS Telocation Systems Ltd.The document is submitted to the recipient for his use only. By receiving this document; the recipient undertakesnot to duplicate or to disclose, in part or the whole, any of the information contained herein; to any third party;without a-priory written permission from NEXUS Telocation Systems Ltd.
Customer SupportCL-01.005October, 2001____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________179370 Page 2 of 9Important!For proper, reliable functioning of the RMU, read the installation instructions carefully.Before installing the RMU, pay attention to those basic rules: • Before installing the RMU in the vehicle, check that the correct voltage is supplied. • Do not install the RMU close to heat sources (heating system outlets). • Install the RMU in watertight locations ONLY. • Do not install the RMU in the engine compartment. • Do not install the RMU behind the fuse box. • Insulate all loose cables. • Secure the RMU with screws or strips. • Install the RMU in the passenger compartment or in the trunk. • Conceal the RMU, including cables, when installing.
Customer SupportCL-01.005October, 2001____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________179370 Page 3 of 9Wiring Connections:The RMU (Ver. 1.7), uses “Molex” type connector (Serial number 70553-0014), as following: 15 14 13 12 11 10 987654321Pin  1 : GroundPin  2 : +12vPin  3 :+Rx DataPin  4 :- Rx DataPin  5 :+Tx DataPin  6 :- Tx DataPin  7 : Output “B”Pin  8 : LEDPin  9 : Output “A”Pin  10 : Output “C”Pin  11 : Input “A”Pin  12 : Input “B”Pin  13 : Input “C”Pin  14 : Input “D”Pin  15 : Output “Gnd.”
Customer SupportCL-01.005October, 2001____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________179370 Page 4 of 9Wiring Diagram:
Customer SupportCL-01.005October, 2001____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________179370 Page 5 of 9Connecting the Wires - Connector 1ELECTRICAL INTERFACEPin Name Description1 Ground.2 Vcc (+ 12V).Power Supply.Vcc Range (8-17 Volt)3 RS 422 (Rx+)4 RS 422 (Rx-)5 RS 422 (Tx+)6 RS 422 (Tx-)Serial Port.7OUTPUT BOFF = 0 Volt.ON = 12 Volt / 130 mAmp8OUTPUT LED 12 mAmp max9OUTPUT AOFF = 0 Volt.ON = 12 Volt / 130 mAmp10 OUTPUT COFF = 0 Volt.ON = 12 Volt / 130 mAmp.11 INPUT ADefault: Active High. (>3.0 Volt)12 INPUT BDefault: Active Low. (< 0.6 Volt)13 INPUT CDefault: Active Low. (< 0.6 Volt)14 INPUT DDefault: Active Low. (< 0.6 Volt)15 OUTPUT GND. Internal Loop.Wire 1: Connect Wire 1 permanently to the vehicle body. The connection site must beprotected against corrosion.Wire 2: Connect Wire 2 to a permanent positive connection (+) in the fuse box.Wire 3: See Option 2.Wire 4: See Option 1.Wire 5: See Option 1.Wire 6: Optional connection to alarm system.Outlet A. Connect through relay to the output of an additional alarm systemsiren.
Customer SupportCL-01.005October, 2001____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________179370 Page 6 of 9Connect according to the diagram:Note:  The connection numbers correspond to the BOSCH 12V 40A relay.Wire 7: Outlet B. Do not connects. Insulate outlet B.Wire 8: Optional connection for distress button.Outlet C. Can be use as an distress button outlet.Wire 9: Do not connect. Insulate Wire 9.8530C8687A87NO NCExternal SirenOutput+12vWire 6Distress ButtonO.NWire 8
Customer SupportCL-01.005October, 2001____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________179370 Page 7 of 9Installing AntennasImportant!Proper installation of the antennas is vital for the reliable functioning of the RMU.Very important: • Do not shorten or lengthen the antenna cables. • Do not position the antennas near the vehicle computer or any other transmitter. • Do not combine antennas. • Position antennas at least 10 cm away from metal. • Antennas can be installed horizontally or vertically. The cable can be rolled up. • Antennas can be fixed or held in position using adhesive tape or strips.Optional Antenna Sites :Front dash board: Inside the upper section of the dash board. The antennasare positioned above the window line.Rear dash board: Between the shelf and the metal surface. Position as faraway as possible from the metal. Mount above thewindow line.On the vehicle ceiling: The RMU can be installed in trucks or cars that have aspace (at least 10 cm) between the ceiling covering andthe ceiling. Antennas can be distributed.
Customer SupportCL-01.005October, 2001____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________179370 Page 8 of 9OptionsOption 1:Wires 4 and 5: Split alarms. No connection to an additional siren. Wires 4 can serve and 5 as currentdetector (up to maximum 1.5 Amp.).Option 2:Wire 3: Positive (+) output (up to 130mA) to an external relay.The output (Wire 3) can be used to operate an external relay. The relay serves toconnect/disconnect an accessory in the vehicle, e.g. indicators, additional siren,etc.The relay is controlled by the control center.Siren+12vWire 4Wire 585308687A87CNONCWire 3
Customer SupportCL-01.005October, 2001____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________179370 Page 9 of 9The RMU kit includes:Electrical diagram - BOSCH 12V 40A relayC-308685NC-87ANO-87

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