Palm 710000 1900MHz GSM/GPRS PDA Communicator User Manual 287811

Palm Inc 1900MHz GSM/GPRS PDA Communicator 287811


CRN 5889 question 1

  Palm Solutions Group    400 N. McCarthy Blvd Milpitas, CA   95035-5112  DDaavviidd  WWoooo  Global Compliance Manager Palm Solutions Group 400 N. McCarthy Blvd Milpitas, CA  95035-5112 TTeell::  440088--550033--11558877  FFaaxx::  440088--550033--88333300  EEmmaaiill::  DDaavviidd..WWoooo@@CCoorrpp..PPaallmm..CCoomm    Attestation of future FCC user manual amendment   This is to confirm the following user manual amendment will be immediately incorporated into Palm’s Tunsten W (FCCID# 03W710000) manual:  We will add the following into the FCC statement currently in our manual:  “use only with the specific Palm accessories that this phone has been tested for compliance with"  or "SAR compliance for body-worn operating configurations is limited to the specific belt-clips/holsters/accessories tested for this filing".  Replacing the following statement”  " Use of accessories not provided by Palm”.  If there is any question with this, please contact me immediately.  Best regards,     David Woo Palm Solutions Group

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