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Document ID | 402424 |
Application ID | HBBZZcXdHk0Kot+IU6kojw== |
Document Description | Users Manual |
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Document Type | User Manual |
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Filesize | 52.9kB (661254 bits) |
Date Submitted | 2004-03-05 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 2004-03-05 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2004-01-09 15:29:13 |
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Document Lastmod | 2004-01-13 14:05:03 |
Document Title | ページ) |
Document Creator | å°åˆ·M |
Document Author: | h_matsunuma |
J é X7OBTHSIGXLEnglithm Pngcl Tucsdny, Nuvembcru, 7.00: 7:15 PM
Taiwanese 5
Indoneslan 7
Malay ' 9
Thai A. 1
J é X705‘fl—(Slcxljnglimnn rages Tuesday, Nnvrmhcr 11, was 7:15 PM
English Contents
Important Inhrmalln
Salely Conshemflnns.
cm and Malnmnanu.
Hundsnt Overview.
Gnfllng sum 10
charging me cry 1a
Cpemflcn offlafiery Levew Inmmr.
Low Banery wammg
Punlng on ma headset
Using the headset
Basin Opnrallun
Farmer 10 Phon
Inmmlng and Te
Making a Call
Vomme comm
Tmns'emng sound mm phone In muse
Some uHhe services 57. this manual are mt suppmu by nu
nelworxs‘ This alsn sppllus 10 lbs GSM Inlamallmal Emurgen-
cy Number 112‘
0mm your network uperakar nr service pmvtdcr [1 you are In
daublwhetheryou can use a pemcular service or not.
Emergency can can nm he made when SIM Is no! lns|alled.
u depends on the phone
J é X7DB'I'H54exLEnngsLEm raga Tmeary,Nevanbrrn,zqu 7:15PM é L
A? $33 Important Information
Thank yau for purchasing mIs Panasonic headset, Please ensure me bafiery 1s Mly charged herons use
Townlcn this decIaraflon leIaIes Is In canlarrnny wnn (he apprupnnle standards EN cm 325 and EN 301 489-7 IollowIng Ihe
pmvlskms of Radio Equlpmsni and Telecommunlcaflon Equlpmem dIracIIve 195515150 wnn requiremenrs wavering EMC dIrecuve
menu/EEC and Law Venege dlrenllve wan/EEC,
Safefy Consldzrnfions
The VoIIowIng Inrarmaflm should be read and undersme as n pmvmes delalls thdw wru enema yau m operate year neerrser In a
manner which Is both safe In you and your envlrunmeni. and conforms In regal requiremems regsnflng me use arneeasar.
This equipmenI shouId onIy be charged wim
approved charglng equrar-nenr to ensure
oprlrnum penannanca and avoId damage Io
yourheodseI. other usage wIII invalrdara any
upprovolgiven Io IhIs apparanrs and may be
dangerous. Ensure Ihe VOIIuge ranng arme
Travel Charger is eornparIaIe wun rne area of
use when wuvslring abwod
ATraveI Charger EB—CAxmxx rs supplied with
me MaIn KIL
now xx idemifies Ihe charger regIan.
SwiIch on yuur headsev when In an uIrcroII.
The use cl heudsan In on eIrclqu may be
dangerous Io me cpsrunon or me aircraft.
Fullure Io observe INS Inflrucfion may lend to
Ihe suspension ordeniul oIheodseIseMces Io
Vhe oIIender, or Iegol acfian or bth,
II Is advised noI‘ Io use me eqqumem ar e
rerueurng pnIm. Users are reminded 10 observe
reenieriens on he use 01 radio aquipmem in
fuel deems, chemical plums or where bIosIIng
operoIIons are in progress. Never expose rhe
baflerv ra exverme Iempevmwes [In excess or
Care musr aeraken when mingiheheodsefin
cIose pmxImIIy to persenaI madIcuI flevkzes,
such as pacemakers and hearing arasr
J é X7CIBTHSchLEngllshfin PagaS anmny,Nnvembcr mm; 71I5 m
For mosi enicieni use hold one neadsei as you
wouid any nurmcll heudser.
unculhorissd madmcuii'nns or uriucnmenis
muv carnage lhe neadsei and vielclle
amicable reguiuiiorulhe use oi an
Unapproved modificcnion or aflcchmenf may
resull in me mvuiduiian oi your guamniee -
ih’s does no? uileci vow smiuiury righisl
th equbmsm should only be used wiln
Panasonic approved accessories is ensure
oprlmum performanceand (weld damage 10
your headset Panasonic is nor responsible in!
damages caused by using non—Panasonic
unarmed accessmes.
This Panasonic handset is designed
manulaciurea and lesred |o ensure mm ii
complies wiln Ihe spec cilons ccveflng RF
exposure guidelines appl collie al lhe lime ui
pgémiuclue, in accordance wiln a; and USA
Pieass rater in our webs-ire iur lurasl
inlormcfion/ucndcrds and compliance in
your comm/[region 0! use
FCC Shier-wilt
This device cumplla wlih Part 15 of the FCC rules.
Operalion Is suhiea In lbs iuiiuwlng rwu cmflilians:
(l ) Thls device may nnl cause nanniul Invarlmnoe.
and (2) This device musl awepl any Interference received,
including inieriaranoe Ihal may cause undeslled operatic ,
Standards New Zealand
J é X7nBfllS|cxl_Ehglilefm Pngcfi TuesdnyMevombcrllrms 1: L5 PM é ®
Extreme temperotures "luv have a (emDolarv
etteet on the aperotion at your headset, his is
normal and does not indicate a laull.
Keep metallic items that may accldemally
touch the terminals away item the
aatlenes can couse property damage. inlurvor
bums ii terminals are touched with o
conductive moteriol lite. metal jewellery. keysu
Do not mooliy or dhassemble lhe equipment, etc).
Ihere ore no user serviceable ports lnsiae.
Atwaus charge the [mum in e well ventilated
area, not ‘ln alrecl sunlight, between +5=c and
45°C. ll 5 noi pussible to recharge the battery
Do not subject lhe equipment to exoestve it it is outsiae the temperature range.
vlaratlon or shoals.
When connecting the headset to an external
Do not drop device. reao the operollng inslmctions oi the
equipmenl tor the correct connection ono
sotety precautions. Ensure the heaaset ls
Avoid contact with liouias. lithe equipment compatible With the product it is being
becomes wet. contoot your dealer. connected to.
V» \. When disposing oi any packing materials or
rt an equipment check with your local
Do not leave the equipment in airecl sunltgnl (m. oulhorities lor lnlermatlon on recycltng,
or a humid, dusty or not orea. ‘
Never Ihww a battery min a fire, it may
eh eel
% _$_X7OBTHSmLEryglish.lm new Tuesdaymwmhn um; 7:15 pm
Thls EB-Bme Headsel can he mnmalad wilhnul wlms lo a mmpallble phone that suppons Blueloalh" wireless lechnnlngy.
Thls glvcs you wnplele lrezdom (or making and mcelvlng calm while on "10 move oral (he owes.
Real] lhls user‘s gulde laremlly balms uslng me headsen Mme delallealnlormsllm ls pruvifled by year phone's own users gulde.
Do nnl use W5 Bluatcmh Headset (EE-BHWO) users gulde ln plane ofyour phone‘s usnr‘s nulda, which prwldes Impunanl safely
and malnlenarwe lnlonnallm.
Chargers and batteries
shack (he rmdel numbar at any charger helura uslrlg [I wllh lhls dmllm. 7m slueluulh Headset Esstm ls lnlended lur use wllh
the followlrlg margars: Ea-cmo. EB~CDXTD
Warning! Uss only bananas and chargers appmvad by Panasmlclor ass with lhls pamcular enemy Tm use ciarvy clher
A types Wm Invalldale any appnwnl Drwnrmnly applying an m: aocasom and may he dmgzmusv
For avallablllly or approved made: and charger; please check mm your lucsl dealer.
When you n'lscannsul me puwerwfd nl any mam-y, grasp and pull the vlugl nnl me coral
Haw can I use my headset?
Vou can connecl yaur EB-BHX‘IO headserl to your rmlhlle phnrls um: - ar aw devise wllh Ell/small: wlreless temnnmgy mal
supporls me Headset profile orlhe Handsfree pmfila This users gulumcuses on how an uselhe headset wilh your moblle phlane.
Van need lo haves phone whh pum-ln Ell/emu: capahllllyl or a Dhnrla wllh a Blusmulh adamer mnnsued m IL
When the handul ls mnnedsd lo yaw rmblle phonn, you can use voice oemml Io mm, calls (lfywr prnm suppufls (an mmlnn),
The mm pan be lucked away In your ppm: or ln a bag, Vuu nan handle lnoamlng and wlgplng calls, and adjusllhe volume, uslng
me hullans on ma napalm
@% fl?"
J %Bm5lcx|_tng1uh.m Pagan Tu:m:ry,Nnvcmhfl 11,2003 7:15 PM
Headset Overview
Fron‘r Side
anume Up
Function Elmo"
mum ugm
Volume Dawn
son Ear Arm
Effifi 4?
Charging P011
é X7DBTHSuxA_EngI.ish,fin Nch Msdxy.Nnchbcr tum; 7:15 PM
Headset Overview
, comma avmoadmrumlims.
inflame; meme! volume.
Decreases speaksrvduma
Providnx vm/al cum chum haudxefflahls mus/RED).
flak up you vaha mm.
AHaches hendxel to n'vhrarmn ea.
‘ meemndwvorce,
Connecrs the my rm ban-NV fins/gar
JéTmlmlsmjngmm rage la madly, Nnvcmbcl IL. was 7:15 pm gét
Getting Started
Eefnm you can use yuur headset ynu must firsI:
>Chlrg¢ lha headset battery. using BVI apprcpnale Panasonic X70 charger
>Pfllr the headset WM 5 device, tar emmpls. a mublle phone.
Compatible Panasonic X70 chargers:
Charging The Bafiery Operation of Battery Level Indicator
>USE lhfi EBACAx‘m or Elwnxm. When me battery level is lull the RED ludlnatarwlll be turned
>Read me Instmctlun manual carefully. on
>Avnid uslng ln extremely hlgn urluwtcmperemres curldhluns.
[Use wlmln a temperature ranga MST-390;
STEP: Low Buttery Warning
1 Plug me AC adapter or be auaplorla the chsmlrlg port orme When the battery charge falls low
"mm When ow hallely ls mnnlng But all puwen me headset beeps
2 When start mammal the RED lmlramrvm! "gm every 30 sennnds and the RED lndlcalnrflash twice every 5
‘SECDMS, cmvge me balleryas descrlbed navel
mswamlng wlll be app-Jared mlywhsrl phflnn Islrl mle made.
«MP 4? fill
fl? WI l®
Pufling on the handset
1 Place the ear hank behmd yourear.
J é X70BfllS|=xLEnglixhlm Page 11 Tufiday.NnVnnb<1 11.1003 7:15PM
Using ‘rhe hendszf
Once ya" have palm! me headsel w1m your phone, you can
make and recelve caHs usmg me hesdm as long as it Is “med
2 Make sure 1ha mlanpnone w; pamflng mam; yuur mum, 0" “d W‘W" farm N we Imus 4 up (0 W m (30 “) “W's
31 |
or up no 5 m us ll) Indoors with no solid oblens In between For
best paflmmance, use |he neaasa and pmne In the same
TD adjus? the ear hank for left-ea! USE:
J é xmnmswdjnglvshfin Page]: Ntsdayfluvembcr 11.2003 7:15PM
Basic Operation
1 Turn haadul OFF.
2 Press and hula awn (uncflnn hunnn (m7
The usar wiu hear lwwne heapx
The ELUE Imrcaturwm Ilghl
The headset wIH paflurm s diam/arable
mode 7mm Ihe phone,
3 You 09mm Ihfl phone m hand (a (he haadsgl
4 When mu 5 ' Emar muemm Passkev‘ message appears,
antsrihe passkzy ' coco "
Tum headset ON Pai mg to Phone
Hold down lhe funcflun man for 3 seconds. _
The userwlll hear beeps (law lone In mun bane), Pairing the heads“ with a Phone
Th: BLUE headset lndtcamr wHI hlan once. vnu palrme heausat wwh ma phone by nmflng mo a ”51 a! paired
lmmsflng mil Ihe Manse! IS DN. defines Ml"! pthB. THEME dwlcss {hm mognlu eadn 01th
when my canned. Once yuu nave pawreu your headsetwim me
Turn headset OFF phanu, you do mfl nead Io pair n again unm ym wan! m m u wnn
Hold down m8 lundlon hullun fur Ssemmts zrwlhfl dev‘ce.
The wr l h lane to low (one when me
"95,117; 35332? (h g ) NOTE: yau mus! palryour husdsel am pnm more you can
make a call.
J é_X7OBTHSchLEnyisth Page 13 Tmsdny,anmhu lr.zlxu 71|5PM
Incoming a Terminuflng u call
Making and answering calls
Prlnne lumlanallly ls slll! avzllame when me meager ls mnheclnd. Yea can maka and answer calls using ole bullovls on the head»
set. er uslng me keys m the phone, as usual.
Answer a call Rejecting a call
1 Press me funuloll hullon
Then ycm will hear hlgh lune beeps nnce.
During conversallnn mu BLUE llldlcalnl
llgms every Insecondsr
NOTE: mm phone rings llrsl. wall unlll
lhe neeaeel unge. men wees me call handlmg mun".
Terminating a call
NOTE: Durlng comersallnn only _
1 Press m lunellgn hulwn
Then you wlll hem-sew lune beeps once,
And me ELUE lnulmmwlu stun elmklng
every 4 seconds.
It Is ‘Slnnd»hy“ mane
NOTE: Durlnp rlnglng (one only
1 Press and huld dawn lhe lunellen human
1m 2 semnns.
Then you wlll hear lwlone beeps once.
Ami me BLUE lnmnalarwlll slant hHrlkIrlg
every 4 seconds,
ll is 'S|and»by' mode,
Making a Call
Using voice dialling
NOTE: Dwmg gummy mode
1 Riff ‘"5$31fi'e°sflf§}}‘i2n°e“£§sp onus:
Anon e beep. value dial es yau nnnmlly
Redialling last dial number
NOTE: Dunng “stand—w mode
1 Press and mm dawn ms mnenon tor1
Then yeuwill hear mgh mm: beep once:
Afler ‘he balp‘ Ias| dis! numberwm he dw-
‘J é X70BTH$chLEngluhbn mge 14 mmymovcmbu 1mm; 7:15 PM
Volume Control
Increasing and Dacrsasmg Volume
NOTE: Yuu an adjust me headset speaker volume durlng a
can, anha ring volume when you are nm engagadina
To Increase speaker vowume, press the vm.
Mme Up aunon.
When the maxwmum voiume Ievu! we
reached. mu will hear low [one heap:
Tn decrease speakervomma. mess ma
Vowume Down auuon.
When (he mlnlmum volume level Is
‘reached, you will hear low bone been,
fin ‘QPW
4‘ é X7flBmSchl'BxglixILnn Page 15 Tucsonyflnvcmbu 11.2003 7:15 PM
Transferring sound from phone fo handset
Transferring sound lrom phone to headset
"you make a can usmgyaurphnne‘ ym can transferihe sauna
lame headsal mna headset ‘s on. paired with the Mafia and
within range,
NOTE: During wnvevsauon usrng a phone
1 Press The (uncllcm human once.
Then you wm Mar Jaw Inns heap ones.
Aner the heap, mm wm he (rm-inferred
NOTE: To transfer me sound (mm the
"254155! in the pm“, raur to ma pmns's user flaw
J é x7fllZTlTha biliary ls loo low, The Indlcelor Ilghion live headssl
flashes tea am: you new low beep charge Ihe headset bet.
iery (of appteximelely 1.510 2 himrs.
>The headset has been exposed to extreme temperatures, Lei
me nzausel test for a while in room temperature, lnen itlm II
on again,
>The beadssi has been in pairing mode (or more than a min»
charging during a call
You should noicnatge lite needsei during a can. The nail mignl
he dlscmnecied.
Disconnection during a call
iftne Biueteetn dlswnnsciefl during the use, etert pairing
a [rain ka l vow? / vuwewni
2 lane / RM]
apprmdmalely 21 g
up in 5 n
up to 125 n
up to 2 n
eiueleam u xpecilicelicn
Up in m meiers
J é X7UBTHSKBDo npl anempr la disassemble yeur prndudr The produci does nnr ecnleln consumer sewlceuhle cr replaceable cempanenls
Only Panasonic service partners snoula periprrn scnrlea
>no nol keep rne pmduci in an area mine are cusranu uln, Only use a can panic clmh in clean your pruducl
>lryou WlH ner be using in. produu iera wnlle. slere ll in a piece ml is dry, free (mm damp. dusl and exlreme iemperalwesr
an an
J é x7oiamSt=xi_£ngJisii.m Page 19 Tummymmmimqua 7:15PM
Radlo frequency exposure
Your B/usiaolh headsei is a mdln iransmilier and receiver. When in opsraflm. it mmmunlcaies wiiii a smimitv equlpped mubile
dsvlm hy remiving an Iransmilflng radii: lrequenw (RF) elecimmagnelic fleifls (microwaves) in ma frequancy range mu m 2500
MHz. m: wlpul power nfihe mdioiransmittei Is iowi 0m! wan.
Your Biuamom hnadse! is designad to opgi‘ale In mpilanns mm the RF expusure guldellms and "ms 521 by naiianal suthartiies
and lniemaiiomi neaiin agencies men used wim any cumpauble FanasanlcorPanasnnli: manna phone,
Check me laws and ieguiaiinns nu me use ni mobile phones and hands he equlpmem in |hu areas where you drive.
Aiways give iuii aiienuun in driving and puit affine mad and 9am berm making or amwaflng a all ii urwing wndillans so lemme
RF energy my afieclsome eiecimnic sysiems In mimveiiictes sum as car stem seven, equipmeni etc, Checkwlih your vahlda
manufamursrs representative in be sure Mai yaw "while prune MElualooth hmsei will mi aim the electronic sys12ms In your
Electronlc equipment
Most modern elzcllonlc equlpmeni Is shielded 1mm RF enemy. Howevnr, main eiecimnlc equlvment is nui, ihem’arfi
no nol use your Emmott. heidssi riser medical eqidpmentwilhuul requesting permisslun. "you are uslm any pemnai medical
devices ea, a pacemaker m a hearing aid‘ pieasg read In yuur finite phone's Users can tar {unhar lnlormaiion.
Tum your Bmeroom headset OFF heme boarding any aimmfi. To prevent Inienereme with cummimimflon systems, ynu must ml
us: your Bluemnm hasdsisl while the plans Ls in the air.
MP flifi
% J é X70BTHSA¢>
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF
File Type Extension : pdf
MIME Type : application/pdf
PDF Version : 1.4
Linearized : No
Create Date : 2004:01:09 15:29:13Z
Modify Date : 2004:01:13 14:05:03+09:00
Page Count : 24
Creation Date : 2004:01:09 15:29:13Z
Author : h_matsunuma
Producer : Acrobat PDFWriter 4.05 Windows
Mod Date : 2004:01:13 14:05:03+09:00
Metadata Date : 2004:01:13 14:05:03+09:00
Title : ページ)
Creator : h_matsunuma
EXIF Metadata provided by