Panasonic of North America 927123K User Manual 48486

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Date Submitted1999-07-16 00:00:00
Date Available1999-08-04 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-10 12:37:37
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Document Title48486.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

t T E N T ATI V E — Digital Video Camera
Operating Instructions
Mode d’emploi
Model No. PV-DV950
EXHiBiT 3t__5_ .
FCC iozArJlL'Lizlk.
OUR REF.:_£|x£311;EgLi'-
Before use, please read these instructions oompleteiy.
Things YouSohuId Kn
diety Precautions
Your "WIN Palmcorder is designed to record and play back in Standard Play (SP) mode only.
This Palmcorder is equipped with the HQ System to provide excellent video pictures. It is
recommended that only cassette tapes that have been tested and inspected for use in VCR
machines with the "W1” mark be used.
This symbol wants the user that uninsulaled
C AUT|0N voltage within the unit may have sufficient
max OF “in,“ mock magnitude to cause electric shock.
Therefore, it is dangerous to make any kind
of contact with any inside part of this unit.
payers Burueo
ammo»: 1b REDUCE me nlsx OF ELECTRIC snack.
no not HEHWE covErt (on BACK)
no msEmcuELE "hrs mane
REFER sEmncme ouAuFlEo sEnvicE PERSONNEL
This symbol alerts the user that important
literature concerning the operation and
maintenance of this unit has been included.
Therefore. it should be read carelulty In orde
to avoid any problems. '
The above markings are located on the appliance bottom cover.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Flules. Operation is subject to the following ,
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device ‘
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with Part 15 and part 18 of the 1
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful i
interference when operated in a residential environment. '
if this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on. use the equipment in another location i
and/or utilize an electrical outlet different from that used by the receiver.
If necessary, consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. You may
find the booklet, ‘Somethlng About lnterference’ available from FCC local regional offices
helpful. ,
FCC Warning: To assure continued FCC compliance, use only the shielded inlet-lace
cable with ferrite cores provided with Adaptec products, use only the
shielded interface cable with Radius products when connecting digital
video camera and computer.
Also, any unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment would
void the user's authority to operate.
For assistance, ca“ 1-300-211-P ANA(7262)_ 3 l
Before Recording
standard necessaries ..
The 3 Type: oi Power suppfie
I Supplying Pmrirum an AC MainsJaek .
I Supplying Power from lhe Cigarette Lignler Jack
in a Car
I Supplying ewer
Inserling il'ie Cassette
I LP Mode .
Using the Finder.
Using lhe LCD Me a
Attaching the Shoulder Strap
Basic Operations
Heoomlng. .23
Checking" e nature sHeoorded
(Rec-swig Check)...
Recording Youraeii (Recording wilh
lhe LCD Monllor Peeing Forward).
Manually Foaming on the Suhjecl (Manual Focus)
Enlarging Vour Subieoi or Widening
(he Flewrd'ng Angle (Zooming iii/om) ..
Using lhe Movie Camera as a Digilal still Camera
Recording in the Wide Mode (Wide Mode) .
Recording with Minimised Camer- Shake
(Eleclrunlc Image SlebiEzefl
Reoerdng Sliil Flames ......
Vievnng the Just Recorded Scenes on
the Movie Camera (Playback)
I Adlustirtg the Sound Volume.
Searching ior a Scene You Want to P y
Playing Back In Slow Motion (Slow Mellon Playback) as
Playing Back Sill Plclures and Wanting Them
One by One (SIIII Playback/Frame Advance Playback) .34
Playing Beat on a TV
(Wrih the Output Terminal Box
After Use
Adva ced Operalions
Viewing Reoorded Scenes During Recording
Pause (Camera Search)
Searching ierlhe End of m sea e
on e Cumin (Blank Search)"
Searching (or the Beginning oi Recorded Scenes
Marked wllh Index Signal (Index Search) ..
Faring inIOut.
Recordan in Va
Recording with Spatial Functions (Digilll Funciions). 45
I Wipe Mode
I MIX Mode
Recording wllh alura Colors (White Balance)
Adjusting lhe While Balance Manually
Adjusting lhe Shuiier‘Sgeed Manually
Adjusting me Iris (F Number) Manually.,
Recording with Fixed Brightness (AE Leek
Other Convenient Functions....
Adding New Sound on a Flewnled casselte
(Audio Dubbing)
Remote Conlrolle
I heerting the Button-lype Bellery.
I Using ihe Remote Controller...
Copying onto an S-VHS (or VHS) Cassenle
Using with lg Video Equipment (Rewrding)
Copying with the Help oi en Ediling Conimiie
Using ine Morrie Camera with a Video Frinlar 7
Notes. Others
Filler KillWide Conversion Lens
Optional Accessories“
Using lhe Menu Scree
Menu Functions...
Setting the Date and Time
Adjusting ihe LCD Mflnllor .
Ceulluns ior Use.
I Condensatlo
I Video Head Clogg g and Remedy
I Optimum Use oi lhe Buttery
I Piece/minus ier Slorage.
I LCD Menilerend Luis Heed.
I Cleaning the Finder
I Repeat Playback.
I unit-l Video System
I Focus....
I While Beienee Arfiustment
l CoiorTernpereIure .
I Time Code...
I Memory Slop Function
Indications on me LCD Morliiorfin lhe finde
Belore Requesting Service (Problems a Solutions)
CH 2025
4. vsnsisfl
. @
7. VF02494
B. VYFsmzs
Standard Accessories
LAC Aduplor(-D16,1T)
To supply power to m. Movie Camera
To chem the Eatery.
DC Input Cabla and Ac Malns Cable
(4 1s, 17)
To comm the AC Mamorio the Movie Camera and
lo an AC Mains Jack.
2. Battery Pack (4 17)
To supply "19 Movie Camera wlm power.
3. Remote Conlmller and Button-Type Battery
(4 58. 61)
4. Output Terminal Box [DOCKJNG STATION]
H 35, 35, fl)
Equipped with AV Jacks. Edit Jack and Headphones
7. Shoulder Strap (4 22) .
3. Lane Cap (4 22', 50)
Accessolres standard
1. Bloc d’alimenlallonlchnrga (v) 16, 17)
Pour alimemnv Is caméscope.
Pour charger la banefie.
cibla d'onlnée cc ct clbla d'allmunmlon
secleur (# 1B, 17)
Four raccomer la blue d‘alimnhllonlcharge au
camésoope et a une prise d'allmenlation socieuv.
2. Batterle (-i 17)
Four allmsnler ls cuméseope.
3. Télécommnnde at pile-boulon (d SB, 51)
4.Suppor1 d’acclwll vldéo [DOCKING
snmom (4 35, as, as)
Equipé de prises audio/W150, d‘unn prise de
montage m d’une prisu do casque flaunts.
5. cable d‘lnterlace DV (-l 65)
6. Jan de llltres/convsrtlsseur grand angle
(4 68)
7. Bundoullére (4 22)
8.Capucllon d'abjectlf (9 22, 50)
9. Chmon da neltoyage H 83)
Four nenoyav I’oblectil e! la mltsur LCD.
10.6uum (4 19)
Controls and Components
0 Revnrse Search Bultoanewlnd/Revlaw
Button/Recordlng Check Button [11]
(-D 24, 31, 32, 37)
9 Forward Search Button/Fast Forward]
Cu. Button [Db] (-) 32, 37)
9 stlll Button/Pause Button [I l] (4 30, 34)
o Fads Button/slop Button [I] (4 31, 42)
6 Play Button [b] (9 31)
0 Multl-Functlon [PUSH] Dlal (i 29, 30, 31, 34,
38, 43. 48, 51, 52, 70, 75, 77)
0 Mode Selector [AUTO/MANUAL/AE LOCK]
(1 23, 26, 43. 49, 50, 51, 52, 53)
Q Menu Elmon [MENU] (-D 29, 30, 38, 43, 46,
47, 4B, 70, 75)
0 Whllo Balance Button [W3] (4 49, 50)
a) LCD Monltor (4 21 ;
m Speaker (4 31)
(p Flnder (4 21)
(b Eyepiece Corrector Knob (-) 21)
0 VCR (Playback) Mods/Gamma (Recordlng)
Mode Sutton (and Lamps) (-0 23, 31)
9 Recording start/Stop Button (-b 23)
0 Power Switch [POWER ONIOFH (-) 21, 23)
0 Cassette Compartment Close Button
[PUSH TO CLOSE] (4 19)
® Grlp Bel! (4 22)
.1 3.
Commandes et composants
o Touche de repérage arrlérenoucha do
raboolnagelrepérnga ardércltouchc do
vérlllcatlon d'cnroglstrcment [<1]
(-) 24, 31, 32, 37)
9 Touche de repérnge avantltouche d'avanc.
raplde/repérage avant [Db] (4 32, 37)
9 Touch: d’lmaga llxeltouche do pause [I I]
(4 31, 34)
0 Touch» 119 londullauchc d‘arrét [I] (-i 31, 42)
e Touche de lecture [b] (4 31)
e Molette multlloncllons [PUSH] (4 29. 30, 31,
34, 33.4145, 51. 52. 70, 75, 77)
0 Interruntaur de sélecflon do mode
(9 23, 26, 43, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53)
e Touche de menu [MENU] (4 29, 30, 38, 43,
46, 47, 49, 70, 75)
9 Touche de réglage do In balance Hes blancs
[W3] (4 49, so)
0 Monltour LCD (9 21)
0 Haul-parlour (4 31)
9 Vluur (4 21)
® Benton du correcteur d’oculalm (4 21)
0 Touche (at lémolns) du mode
magnétomope (lecturcymodu cnméacope
(enrcglstlemenl) (9 23, 31)
9 Touche dc dipanlarrét d'anreglmmcnt (-b 2:1)
® Interrupteur d'ullmemallon
[POWER ONIOFFJ (-o 21, 23)
0 Touche do vcrroulllaga du compartlmunt de
calsctle [PUSH TO CLOSE] (4 19)
0 Courrols de polgnée (-D 22)
«m- ,___.. “w“.u ,
® Zoom Lever [Win (4 27)
® Photoshot Button [PHOTO SHOT] (-) 28)
0 LCD Monitor Open Lmr [LCD OPEN]
(4 21)
Q DV Termlnll [DV INIOUT] (9 85)
To Input/output digital signals.
Canned it to dgltal video aqulpmem with IEEE|394~
compatible DV Input/outrun terminal.
w Battery Compartmunt Covur Open Lever
Q Cassette Elect Human [TAPE EJEC’T] (d 19)
9 cal-am Compartment (-b 19)
® cassette Companm-nt Window (-0 19)
0 Accessory Shea
Ta Attach the stereo Zoom Microphana (optional).
9 Shoe Cover
When using um Shoe. remove the Shoe Cover by
sliding it In the mrecflon M the arrow.
9 Battery Eject aner (-0 17)
09 Cover for Dc Input cable Slot H 16)
0 Levler du mm [WIT] (-b 17)
® Touche d'lnstantnné [PHOTO SHOT] (-0 28)
0 L-vter d’ouverture du mnnlteur LCD
[LCD OPEN] (9 21)
Q Borne DV [DV INIOUT] (~) 65)
Pour Pumas/some ass sigmux numériques.
La mncordar A I'apparen vidéa mmérlque plr me
home d'emréelde sortie DV oompatibie IEEE1894v
Q anler d'ouverture flu couvercle du
compartimem do battene [BATT DOOR
opsm (4 17)
a) Tuuche d'électlon du companlmem do
“Siam [TAPE EJEC'I] (i 19)
e Compartment da cassette (4 19)
@ Fenétre du compartlment de caslutto (9 19)
0 Grille pour accusorles
Pour fixer Ie micro mom sléréo (en option).
@ Punneau de la grlfle
Lows da l'utlllsailon Us In gm, owdr Ie plumau de
in edits en la faltanl glisser dun! la dlrsction no la
6 Levler d’électlon de buttons (4 17)
@ Convercle do In fonts du sibl- d'entréc cc
(4 16)
GD Shoulder Strap Holders (4 22)
0 Microphone Jack [EXT MIC]
To connccl an extremal microphone or audio
equipment (Connocflng lo inls luck deacliveles lira
buiIl-in microphone)
Jaw: M3~type
Impedance: Less than 4.7 kohm
Type: Stereo
(When conneciing a
mono microphone. no
sound is recorded on lho
rlghl channel.)
Sensitivity: Approx —50 dB
Power Source
lor Microphone: Not available
9 Lens
9 Support Leg (4 31)
G Tripod Hecaplacio
To mount ine Movie camera on an optional tripod.
® Mulll Terminal [MUL'n] (4 35, 36. 53)
0 Remote Control Sensor (4 52)
@ Focus Billion [FOCUS] (4 26)
Q Microphone (built-in, stereo)
Q Manual Focus Ring (4 26)
0 Lens Cap (4 as, 50)
Q White Balance Sensor (4 37)
a) Tally LED (4 2:9)
6) Patios d’mache de la handoullere (4 22)
Q Prise de micro [EXT MIC]
Pour ruccoroer un rnlcro amneur cu un apparel]
audio 0.3 connexion e cede prise mar lo micro
incorpcre hors circuit)
Prise: Type M3
Impedance: Molns do 4,7 konms
Type: Shérfio
(Lorsqu'on mcoorde un
micro mono. aucun son
n'esr anrsgisiré sur is
canal droit.)
Slnslbilité; Environ —50 118
Source d'fllirnenhtion
pour le micro; N'ul pas dlspcnible
CD object"
0 Pied do support (4 31)
G Fltcepiacle du irépied
Pour mentor in ceméscope sur un tropied an option.
0 Home multl [MULTI] (4 35. as, 63)
Q Capieur do fildcommande (4 62)
GB Touche de mise on point [FOCUS] (4 26)
Q Micro (Incorporé, eMréo)
® Bague do mine on point menuelle (4 26)
0 Cepuchon d'objeclli (4 36, 50)
Q Cemeur de in balance do: bilncs (4 87)
0 Témoin d'enreglstrernenl (4 23)
The 3 Types of Power Suppl/es
1) AC Adaptor (supplied) to supply power from an AC
mains tank
2) Car Battery Charger (opfinnali to supply power trom
a Cigarette Lighter Jack
3) Battery (supplied) H W)
I Supplying Power from an AC Mains Jack
Sllde the [BATT DOOR OPEN] Lever
upward to open the Battery
Compartment Cover.
2 Insert the battery-shaped connector of the
Dc Input Cable 0 Into the Movie Camera.
and close the Battery Compartment Cover.
3 Connect the other end of the Dc input
Cable to the Ac Adaptor.
4 Connect the AC Mains Cable to an Ac
mains lack.
o Belora disconnecting the Ac Mains Cable. set the
[POWER ON/OFH Switch to [OFF].
0 It you use the Movie Cement for n long time, It
Lighter Jack In a Car
You can use the optional Car Battery charger
AG-CFISOP to supply the Movie Camera with power trim
the Cigarette Lighter Jack In a (art
In addition. you can also use it to charge the Movie
Camera's Battery.
o After use, be sure to disconnect the Car Buttery
charger from the cigarette Lighter Jack.
‘ Be sure to start the car engine before you connect the
Car Battery Charger, omerwise the Ibse may blow.
¢ Use the Dc Input Cable supplied with the Movie
Camera tor connecting, not the one supplied with the
Les trois types d'alimentatian
t) Bloc d'aiimenhtion/chargs (Iouml) oour elirnemer Io
camésoope a pertlr d‘une nrise escteur
2) Chargeur sur a'htnwdgare (en option) pour lllrrmttorlo
a) Batteria (ioumle) (9 17)
l Alimentation it partir d’une prIse senteur
1 Faire glisser Ie Ievler [BATr DOOR
OPEN] vers Ie haut pour ouvrIr Ia
couvercle du compartlment de batterie.
lnsérer Ie connecteur en forme de
batterie du céble d’entre’e CC 0 dens le
That Is oouvercle de la tents du cable d'erttrée CC 9
vets set at is soulever. Fairs passer le cable d'entrée
CC par la tents et retermer le oouvercle du
companiment de batterie.
3 Haccorder I'autre extre’mite’ flu cible d’emrée
CC en bloc d'alimentetlonlcharge. .
Raccorder Ie cable d’ellmentatlon
secteur é une prlse secteur.
o Avantde debrancherte oithle d'aiirneniation eecteur,
meme I’interrupteur [POWER ONIOFF] sur tom.
o Loreque Ie eeméecope hnctlonne pendant une
tongue durée, II e‘éci'relme. Cecl not normal.
I Allmentation a partIr de la prlse pour
allume-cigare d’une voIture
It est possible d’ut‘llser In chergeur sur allumn~clgere
AG-CHSOP pour elimentsr Ie cemésoope a.pertir de la
prise pour allumeclgere d'una voituret
o Utiliser is able dentree CC touml avec ie caméra
pour ellectuer le branchemem, et non oeiul tnuml evec
l Supplying Power with the Battery
The Battery was only minimally charged before shipping.
Therefore. lully Charge it More you use it tar the first
1 Place the Battery on the Ac Adaptor as
shown above and slide it horizontally
until It stops.
2 Connect the AC Mains Cable to an AC
mains jack.
3 When all four charge Lamps on the AC
Adapter are lit, charging Is finished.
4 Remove the Battery by sliding it in the
opposite direction of Step 1 above.
this) disconnect the AC Mains Cable.
5 Slide the [BATT noon OPEN] Lever.
6 Open the Battery Compartment Cover.
7 insert the Battery with 0 pointing
8 Close the Battery Comparhnent Cover,
so that it locks with a click.
Removing the Battery
Open the Battery Cnmpartment Cover and push the
Battery Eject Lever 8.
0 Hold your hand over the Battery Compartment to
prevent the Battery ilvm dropping.
0 Betcre remcving the Battery. set the [POWER
ON/OFF] Switch to [OFF].
Be sure to insert the Battery with the [A] mark pointing
Into the Movie Camera. Ii you insert it wnh the mark
pointing outside. it could damage the Movie Camera.
I Alimentation a partir de la batterie
Avant l‘expédition. la hettede a été changee au minimum.
Par consequent, li taut Ia charger completement avam de
I’utillser pour la premiere leis.
Placer Ia batterle sur Ie bloc
d'aiimentatianleharge comma lndiqué
sur I'lllustratlon ci-dessus, et la taire
glisser blen a font! horizontaiement.
Raccorder ie eébie d’eiimentatlon
secteur au bloc d’alimentetionlcharge.
Lorsque Ies quatre témoins de charge
du blot: d’alimentationlcharge sent tous
aiiumés, in charge est termlnée.
4 Retirer In batterie en la faisent gilsser
dens is direction opposée A cells de
i’étape t cl-deseus.
e Dehrancher aussi ie cable d’alimentalion seciaur.
5 Falre glisser ie ievier [BA'iT noon
6 Ouvrir ie couverele du compartIment de
insérer Ia betterle de maniére que la
marque o solt orientée vers l'intérieur.
Retermer Ie couvercie du compeniment
de batterie de manlere qu’ll s'eneilquette.
Retrall tie la batterle
Ouvrir Ie muvarcie du compartiment rte betterle et
pcusser Ie levier (rejection de battens 9-
. Placer la main au—deseus du eernpartiment de batterie
pour évitef que la battens lefties.
o Avant de retirer la battens. mettre l'intenupleur
(POWER ON/OFF] sur tort-1. .
Attention l
Veiiier e Insérer ie hatterie en orieniant la marque [A] i
vars I'Inteneur du cemesoope. ccmme indique oi-dessus. .
Si on i'insére even is marque ofientee vets l‘exterieur, on - ‘
risque d'endommager ie caméseepe.
Charging Time and Maximum Time tor
Continuous Recording
Max. th'tlnuoua
Recordln Time
es min. (70 min.)
ButteryNo. ChargingTIme
Supptild " 30min. 7
(The times shown in the above chen are approximations.
The itourse in parentheses show the recording time when
using the LCD Monitor)
The times listed above tor your tttlormatlon infiltrate the
duration oi recording pertormed at an ambient
temperature oi we and 50% relative humidity. The
charging time may be longer when you charge the
Battery at higher or lower temperature.
0 During use and charging, the Battery becomes warm,
The Movie Camera. too. becomes warm during use.
0 When you repeatedly stop and restart recording. the
rsootulng time per Battery Is shorter than listed above
a ti you do not use the Battery tor a long time. please
read the precautions tor Storage (a sat.
when the Charge Lamps Flash
when the Inlemel temperature oi the Battery or the
ambient temperature is extremely high or low, the Charge
Lamps on the AC Adaptor ilash.
when the charge Lampsviiashslouriy
The Battetyis being charged, but charging takes longer
than normalty.
When the charge Lamps flesh In pairs
Charging is not possible. When the temperature becomes
appropriate tor charging. the Charge Lamps stop flashing
and charging starts
Using the charge Confirmation Marker
You can use this marker to easily distinguish between
charged and discharged Batteries.
For example, slide the knob so that the red dot 1°)“ is
visible alter the charging Is oornpleted.
.1 s.
Durée de charge at (lures maxlmele
d'enregiatrement contlnu
nurse maximalfl
Durie de charge o‘enreglslremertt
latter-m ssmwommt
(Les durées Indiquéas dans le tableau old-sue sent
approximatives. Les hombres entre parentheses indiqueni la
curse d‘ertregltrement Iorsque te nmileur LCD est utlhe.)
Les duress figment dans la tableau ct-dassue Ineiouent la
durée d'errregistremnis eliectues a me temperature
ambiante de 20°C Qt avec una humidité relative de M. ll'
est possible que la dum- no charge soil plus tongue
Iorsqu'on charge Ia batterie a urre temperature plus dime
ou plus bases.
0 Pendant I'utiltsatian et la marge, la bait-rte s'éohautte. Le
camésoopa s'eoheuiie ausst torsou‘ll fonctlonne.
o Lorsqu'on arrala oi qu‘on reprerid I'eriragisirement a
plusieurs reprises. la dum d'anregistrement per betteri-
serfi plus courts que les valeurs indiouéea dans la tableau
- Si ran n'utllise pas ta betterie pendant um tongue dureo.
lire Ia section Precautions pour la rangement (4 82).
Lorsque Ies témolna its charge clignotant
Lorsque to temperature Int-me de la betterie on in
temperature ambiante sent exoessivement hauies on
basses. lee temolna do charge du bloc
d'elimenlationlcharge clignoteni.
Loreque les témolns rte charge cllgnbtent
La charge de la battens est en ooura, male ta charge
prend plus de temps qu'a l‘ordinalre.
Lorsque tea temolns de charge ctlgnotent per paires
il est Impossible d‘eliecmor Ia charge. Lorsque to
temperature redevlent adequate pour la uterus, lee
tannins do charge oessent de cigttoter at Ie charge
Utilisation du repere de confirmation die charge
Ce repene pennet tie determiner incitement sl Ies
batteries sent chergéos on non.
Par exempts. latte gtisaar le bouton do maniare que to
point rouge (O) o sott visible sores oue la charge all «6
Inserting the Cassette
1 Sllds the [TAPE EJECT] Lever o
upward to open the Cassette
2 Insert the cassette.
Insert the cassette with It: window in position 0.
3 Close the Cassette Compartment and
press the [PUSH T0 CLOSE] Button to
lock the cassette Compartment.
a II the Movie Camera ls supplied with power, the above
operation step t can be operated without luming on the
Movie Camera.
e When opening or dosing the Cassette Compartment.
push down the Grip Belt so that It does not obstruct the
opening and closing of the Cassette Compartment.
Otherwise the Grip Belt may prevent the Cassette
Compartment Irom opening completely. or It may get
caught under the Cassette Compartment Cover and
prevent it lrorn dosing properly.
0 When Inserting the cassette. make sure it laces In the
right direction and then push in straight am until it
Slope .
0 When you Insert a cassette onto which you have
recorded before, use the Camera Search Function
(a 37) to search tor the position horn which you want
to continue recording.
a When you insert a new cassette. rewind the tape to the
beginning betore shrting to record.
Preventing Accidental Eraaure ot Recordings
Opening the cassette's erasure prevention slider o
(sliding It in the direction oi the (SAVE) arrow) prevents
recording To record again, close the erasure prevention
slider (slide It in the direction oi the [REC] arrow).
Insertion de la cassette
1 Falre gllsser le Ievier [TAPE Eaecn 0
were ie haut pour ouvrlr Ie
compartlment de cassette.
2 Insérer Ia cassette.
Interer la cassette en placent sa lenitre a la position 9,
3 Retermer Ie oompartlment de cassette
et appuyer sur la touche [PUSH T0
CLOSE] pour verroulller Ie
compartlment de cassette.
- Loreque Ie camescope est alimente. Ii est possible
d'etieotuer roperation de I‘eiape t ci-dessus sans qu'il
suit necessaire d'elturner la oamésoupe.
i Lorsqu'on ouvne ou qu'cn terrne le compartirnem da
cassette. misser la cwrrole de poignee de manlere
qu'elle ne gene pas I’ouverture ou ltt termeture du
oompartlmem do cassette. Sinon, la oourrole de
potgnee rlsquere d'empeoher le oompartirnent de
cassette do s‘ouvrir comptetament. on one pourra so
coincer sous la couveroie du oornpanirnent de cassette
et I'empecher tie so reienner oorrecwrnenl.
o Lersqu’on inure la cassette. veIIIer a co ou'alie solt
enentee dans la bon sens puts ta pousser a fond vers
Is has.
- Lorsqu'on insbre une cassette sur Iaquelle on o deft
enregtstré. utilisar Ia ionction redrerohe can-escape
(4 37) pour rememher la position b panirde Iaquelie
on vent poureuivre I'enreglstrement.
o Lorsqu'on Insere une nowelie tasselte. reboblner Ie
bands luaqu’au debut avant d'enclencher
Prevention de I'etlacement accident-I flee
Lmsqu'on ouvre la gllseiere do protection centre
l’eiiacarnent de la cassette o (lonou'on la tait gllsser
dans la sens de la ileche (SAVED, Il elt Impossible
d‘enreglstrer, Pour enragisirer a noweau, lefmer In
gllssiere de inflection oontre I'ettecement (Ia lalre oilseer
dens le sens de la tlecne [HECIL
I LP Mode
The desired recording speed can be selected with
[REC-SPEED] on M. Menu. (4 70-73)
it you ulcer th- LP Mode. the possible recording
time II 1.5 “ml: I: long as In the SP Mode.
Recording In (he LP mode does not deteriorate ma
picture quality. However. the playback picture may
contain "ionic-like panama and certain functions may be
- In the iallowing cans, mosaic-like pairems may appaar
in the playback picture, or the piciura may nor be
played back correctly:
- when a cassette recorded in iha LP Mode on mls
Mavis camera ls played back on orhar digital video
- When a casein: recorded In Ilia LP Mode on oihar
dlglial video aquipmenl is played back on his Movie
(-) 33. 34)
- When ualng glue Cam Search Funcn‘on. (4 37)
- As ma recording track width In the LP Models smaller.
man the head wldlh, recording new sound omo an
already recorded ceaseile (audio dubbing) (4 so) is
not possible. '
I Mode LP
La vliam d’enrogllrremam désirde hem aire
selacilormde a i’alde do l’élfimeni [REC-SPEED] aur I!
menu. (4 70-73)
Larsqu'nn lalectiorme la mode LP. la durée
d'anregistremem posalhla an |,5 fol: plus longue
qu’nn mode SP.
L'enregistrament an mods LP ne déiériom pas la qualiié
de l'image. Youialols, ll se paui qua I‘lmagc de leciure
Dentienna dss moms en moanique at qua canal-lea
ionciions na soiant pas corvecismam uiillaables.
- Dans les aas suivanis. ll as! possible que des "mils an
mosaique npparaissem din: rimage da ismura on one
I'image no eoii pas corraciemarli lue:
. Loraqu'una casselle anrsgisiréa an mode LP sur ee
camésedpe as! me sur un auire apparail vidéo
- Lorsqu'une cassella anregistrae an mode LP sur un
auirs appareil vidéo numériqua es! lue sur co
~ Lnrequ'una mans enreglsiréa en mode LP cures
wmawope es! Iue sur un appareil vldéo numariqus ne
possédanl pas 19 made LP.
- En mode lecture au ralanil ou leciure lrama par trams:
(4 33, 34)
- Lorsqu’on utilise Ia inaction recherche caméscope.
(9 37)
0 Comma la Iaraaurde la plugs d'anreglsiromarii an
mode LF ea! plus padre qUB Ia lirgaur de la iaie, II as!
impossible d'cnreglalrer da nouveaux sons aur una
casselta data eflmgistrée (raplquags sonore) (4 55).
Using the Finder
Betore using the Finder. adjust it to your eyesight so that
the indications in the Finder are clear and easy to read.
1 Set the [POWER ONIOFF] Switch to
2 Slide the Finder backward.
The angle at the Finder can be adjusted upward.
However, be sure to slide the Finder backward unh’l it
stops. botare turning it upward.
0 Ba cerelul not to get your fingers pinched when
turning the finder upward.
3 Adjust by sliding the Eyepiece
Corrector Knob 0.
You can adjust the brightness oi the Finder on the
Menu. (-. 70.73, 77)
Using the LCD Monitor
it is also possible to record while vlewmg the picture on
the opened LCD Monitor.
1 Set the (power: DN/OFF] Switch to
2 Push the [LCD OPEN] Lever and turn
out the LCD Monitor approximately 90“ 4
in the direction of the arrow.
The Finder turns oit.
Adlusting the Angle
3 Adjust the angle of the LCD Monitor
according to the desired recording
0 he LCD Monitor rotates upward a maximum at
180' 0 and downward a maximum at 90' 9 train
Its normal vertical postman. Trying in tometuliy
rotate it beyond this range couid seriously damage
the Movie Camera
0 You can atrium the color level and brightness at the
LCD Monitoron the Menu. (-0 70-73. 77)
cloning the LCD Monitor
Push the LCD Monitor close until the [LCD OPEN] Lever _21_
with a click.
Utilisation du Vlseur
Avant d‘utiiisar ls visaur. is regular A sa we do mentors
qua les indications clan: la viseur soisnt claims at hien
1 Mettre l’interrupteur [POWER omen-1
sur [ON].
Fairs glleser le vlseur vers l'errlére.
L'angie du Viseur pout étra réglé vers to hem.
Toutetois. vaiiier a taire misser le visaur a tuna vars
l‘artiére event do to tourner vers ie haut.
0 Lorsque vous tournez le vleaur were le ham. veiilez
it no pas vous pincer les daigts.
3 Régler en falsam gllsaer le bouton du
correcteur d’oculaire 0.
On your regier la luminosiié du vlsaur sur to menu.
(-0 mm. 77)
Utilisation du monlteur LCD
ii est eusai possible u‘enregistier tout en visianneni
I'image surle moriiteur LCD nuven.
ii Mettre I'lnterrupteur [POWER ONIOFF]
sur [ON].
2 Pousser ie Ievier [LCD OPEN] at
tourner te monlteur LCD d'envlron 90°
dens ie sens de is fléche.
Le viseur s‘éteint,
Régiage da i'arigia
Ftégler i’engle du monlteur LCD selon
i'engle d’enregistrement desire.
o Le moniteur LCD pent etra toume vars ls hem os
rapport a sa mien verticals nunnale. St i'on
assets dc to iaire tuumer an toryent eu-daie de ces
iiniites, on risque d'aridomninger le cemésoope,
- On pent i'égier la niveau de coulauretde
luminosité du moniieur LCD sur la menu.
(-t 7073, 77)
Fermaturo du monlhur LCD
Pouuer le moniteur LCD iusqu'e cs one is levier [LCD
OPEN] s’encliquette.
Handling the Lens Cap
1 Open the end ol the Grip Belt and pull it
through the loop of the Lens Cap’s
Before you start recording, remove the Lens Cap,
2 You can hook the removed Lens Cap
onto the Grlp Belt.
When not achielty recording. always attach the Lens
Cap to the Lens to protect It.
A dlusting the Grip Belt
You can adjust the Grip Sell to the size of your hand,
3 Open the Grip Belt Cover and adjust
the length ol the Grip Belt.
Attaching the Shoulder Strap
Before you go recording outside, we recommmu that you
attach the Shoulder Strap to prevent the Movie Camera
irom dropping accidentally.
4 Pull the end at the Shoulder Strap
through the Shoulder Strap Holder on
the Movle Camera.
5 Fold the end at the Shoulder Strap back
and pull It through the Shoulder Strap
Length Adjuster.
Putt tt out more than 2 cm 0 horn the Shoulder Strap
Length Adjustereo that it cannot efip on.
Manipulation du capuchon
d'ob/ectif ~
1 Ouvrlr l’extrémlté de la courrole de
polgnée et la tlrer par la boucle du ill du
capuchon d'oblectll.
Avlnt do commencer it anreqistrer. retirer Ie
capuchdn d‘obiectil.
2 ii est possible d’accrocher le capuchcn
d'obiectll retire sur la courrole de
Larsqu'on n'enregletre pas, t'rxer ls capuchon
d’objectil sur I'objectil pour protege! celuld.
He'glage de la courroie de polgne'e
ll est possible as reyler la oourroie de poignée e la tellle
de se main.
3 Ouvrlr la pane de la oourrole de
polgnée st régler la longueur de la
courrole de polgnée.
Fixation de la bandaullére
Avaht d‘eller enmgistrer en exterleur. nous vous
recon-"tendons de fixer Ia bundouliere nitn d‘empecher
une chute occidentelle du camesoope.
4 ‘I1rer l'extrémlté de le handoultere per le
support de bendeullere du ceméscope.
5 Filer l'extrémlté de la bendoullére vars
l'errlere et le tlrer par I'élément de
réglage de longueur do handoullere.
Ln river l plus ca 2 cm 0 do relément de réglege de
longueur do handoultere afin qilelle he risque pl! lie
so déialre.
When the Mode Selector is set to [AUTO] 0, you can
simply turn on the Movie Camera and press the
Start/Stop Button to start recording. and the locus and
white balance are adjusted automatically.
0 Depending on the light source and recording situalian.
correct automatic locueing and white balance
adjustment may not be possible. In such cases. adjust
them manually.
Focus: l-h 26}; While Balance: (-) 45, 50)
1 Set the [POWER ONIOFF] Switch to
I!“ [CAMERA] Lamp Iighls. 9
2 Press the StarllStop Button.
Recording starts.
The [RECORD] Indication appears briefly and then
changes to [REC]. o
3 Tc pause recording:
Press the Start/Stop Button again.
The [PAUSE] Mutton appears. 9
4 To finish recording:
Set the [POWER ONIOFF] Switch to
0 Il you leave the Movie camera In the Recording
Pnuu Mode for more than 5 mlnutn. it
automatic-w switch" off to protect the tape and
to conserve battery power. To mum. recording
tram lhls condition, lot the [POWER ONIOFF]
Swlwh lo [OFF] and then to [ON] eq-th.
The Telly LED 9 rights during receming m indicate that
recording is being pencnned. .
it you select [OTHERS] on the Menu and then set
[T ALLY-LED] to [OFH. lhe Recording Lamp dues nol
light. (» 7am) .
Lorsque l‘lmarmpteur de selection dc mode est mia eur
[AUTO] 0, li eullit de meitre le cameecope en circuit at
d'appuyer eur la liouche marche/arrat pour endencher
i'enregistrement: la miea au point at In balance dc:
biancs seront automatiquement regieas.
0 Scion Ia source lumlneuse et la situation
d'enregistrernent. ie réglaga correct de la miee au paint
autemathue at da Ia balance ties Diane: peut s‘avémr
impossible. Dans ce cas, lea regier manueilement.
Mise eu point: (-t 26); Balance des talents: (-) 4s, 50) .
1 Mettre l’lnterrupteur [POWER ONIOFF]
sur [ON].
Le témcin [CAMERA] s‘eilume. e
2 Appuyer sur la touche marchelarrét.
L'erueglslrement s‘enclendle.
L‘indieetion [RECORD] apparail brlé'vemsnl puts est
remptacee par [REC]. o
3 Pour Interrompre momentanérnent
Appuyer i nouveau sur la touche
L'Indicaticn [PAUSE] apparatl. o
4 Pour erréter i'enreglstremeht:
Meltre I'Interrupteur [POWER ONIOFF]
eur [OFF].
0 SI on [date la caméneope en mode pause
d‘cnreylalrament pendant plus no clue minutes, II
he mattr- autcmnthuement hora circuit alln do
Myer I. hand- at d‘iconemleer I'M-rule de la
baltarlo. Pour reprendre l'cnregietrement a partlr
do cert 6111. maltre I'lntarrupllur [POWER ONIOFFJ
aur [OFF] pull a newenu aur [ON].
Témnin d’enrtegietrement
Le temcln d'enreqiatrement Q a'aiiurne pendant
I‘enregistremem pcur Indiquer qua I‘enregislremenl est
si i’on aelectlonne [OTHERS] sur ie menu at qu'enaulte
en met [TALLY-LED] sur [on-1. le remain
28 d'enregieirement ne s'allume pas. (9 70-73)
Checking If the Picture ls Recorded Ve’riflcalion du bon déroulemenr de
(Recording Check) l'enreglstrement
l l d' I M
To play back the llnal fuw seconds of “15 last recorded we! "c. 1°" mug 8mm. )
SW“ "‘ me R°°°“""V Pause M0“ Pour visionner les flamers: umndes as In derniéra
séquence enregislrés an mode pause d’enrsglsiremenl.
1 Press lhe Reverse Search Button [44]
0 briefly "1 the Recording P8036 Mode. 1 Appuysr brlévemenl sur la touche de
The [CHK] Imm amps“ repérag’e arrlére [<1] 0 en mode
Arm checking. the Movie Camera mums Io me pause d snraglslrement.
Rmmmg Pan“ MM" Vindication [CHK] apparanr 9
0 For Recordlng Check. the Movie Camera must be in U“ h" h Vé""°?"°" ”mug" '° "mm‘m rem“
the same mode (SP or LP) as used Vor recording, au mod. pause d enrsgrslremenl.
mm” m. ”am“ mu" " ”mm" 0 Pour anoduer Ia mmcanon u'em-glsvemem, le
caméscopa do" élre dims re meme mode qua oelui
qua I'on avail uHflsé pour rsnreaisfrlment (SP cu LP).
slnon I‘image dc lemurs ssra delurmée.
Recording Yourself
(Recording with the LCD Monitor Peeing Forward)
This makes it possible to record yourself while viewing
the picture on the LCD Monitor or to Show the persons In
ircnt oi the Movie Carnem the picture being recorded.
1 Open the LCD Monitor and turn I! so
that it faces forward (lens side).
Opening the LCD Monith automatically turns off the
Finder. However. when you turn the LCD Monltcr
forward. me picture also appears in the Finder.
This lets you aim the Movie camera and view the
picture in the Finder, white the persons in rront oi the
Movie Camera can check the picture on the LCD
Monitor during recording.
Mirror Mode
When recording yeurseli with the LCD Monitor lacing
forward. the picture as it is being recorded might look
unusual to you, If you prefer seeing yourself on the LCD
Monitor the way you see yourself in a minor, select the
Mirror Mode:
Selecting [OTHERS] on the Menu and then setting
[SELFRECJ to [MIRROR] reverses the picture on the
LCD Monitor and shows it as a mirror-image.
(» 70-73) 4 «
However, even if you have selected the MIrror Mode. the
picture is recorded in the normal way.
0 In the Mirror Mode. only the lollcwinu indications are
.' Recording
1 Recording Pause
E1: Remaining Battery Power
When the General Warning/Alarm indication [ I 1 appears.
turn the LCD Monitor backward so that you can confirm
the actual Wamlng/Aiarm indication.
Enreglsfrement de sci-meme ‘
(enrogletrnmcnt lvec le monlteur LCD orients ver:
Cecl pennet de s‘enregismr echmeme totn en vlelcnnent
I’lmaqe am is monlteur LCD. ou tie montrer l'imege en
mars d'enreglstrernent aux pemcnnes pleases en lace
du camescope.
1 Ouvrlr Ie monlteur LCD et le tourner de
menlere qu’ll scit face it l'avant (cété
Lorsqu‘en ouvre le moniteur LCD. le vieeur est mls
amomatiquemsnt hers circuit. Teuteiois. lersqu'on
tourne le monltwr LCD were I'avent. I'image apperait
ausst' dens la vlseur.
Cecl permet de pointer to caméeccpa dans in
direction vculue de et visionner I’imige cans to
viseur. tancrrs que les personnes placees devant le
ceméscopa peuvenl verifier I’lmege sur le moniteur
LCD pendant l'enreglstrement.
Mode mlrclr
Lorsqu'on s‘unregistra sol»rneme avec la monneur LCD
oriente vars I'avant. l‘lmage—telle nu‘elle eat
anreglstrée—peurre volts paranre lnhebituella. Si vpua
prelerez yous voir sur la moniteur LCD de la mAme i
mar-tare qua dans un miroir. Islaetlcnnez te mode mlroir:
Lorsqu'on sélectionna [OTHERS] sur le menu at
qu'snsuile on regle [SELF-REC] stir [MIRROR]. rimege .
est renveriée sur le monlteur LCD et apparalt oornme
une Image an mlroir (-l 70-73)
Tcutelois. meme si l'on e selectionnc Ie mode rnlnoir.
l'image est enreglstrée en mods nonnel.
0 En mode mlmir. ies indhatlone sulvantes seulament
- Enregistrernent
ll: Pause d‘enregistument
: Energle restant dens Ia battens ‘
Loreque I'indicaticrt d'avertiseemenilatanne generals [ .’ J
apparalt, tourner la monitaur LCD vera l'arriere rte
manlere h pouvolr verifier i1ndlcation
d'evenlmmeni/alarme achiella.
Manually Focusing on the Subject
(Manual Focus)
This mskss it pnsslbi! to adjust the locus manually for
subjects and recording situations tor which automatic
locating is not precise.
1 Set the Mods Selector to [MANUAL].
The [MNL] Indication tippers.
2 Press the [FOCUS] Button to make the
[MF] Indication 0 appear.
3 Turn the Focus Ring on the Lens to
adjust the tocus.
Changing Back to Automatic Focusing
Keop the [FOCUS] Button pressed until the [MFj
imitation diam
Hint tor Manual Focus Adjustment
o it you adjust ills teens in tbs wide-angle selling. the
subjcct may go out 01 locus when you enlarge it.
Theaters, some the sweet 0 balm you adjust the
focus, an that lbs picture remains locum when you
zoom out 0. ’
Miss au point manual/e sur la suite!
(min au paint manuelle) .
Ceci per-net da Mgler manuallsment la miss an point
pour les sujets at las situallms d‘enmglstiemenl pour
Iasquels Is was an point automaiique manque da
1 Mettre l'intarrupteur de selection de
mode sur [MANUAL].
L'indication [MNL] apparait.
2 Appuyer sur la touchc [FOCUS] pour
taire apparaitre i'Indicatlon [MF] 0.
3 Tourner Ia bague da misc all point sur
i’cbjectif pour régier la mlse au point.
Retour a la mise au palm nutnmatique
Maintcnir in touche [FOCUS] enlonoée Iusqu‘a cs que
ilndfllion [MF] disparaisscu
Suggestion pour ie régiage manual dc ll mice
au point
sSi l'on rhgle la mlsn au point dans la réglsgc grand
angle. I! an peut qua Is sujel son llou lorsqu'on
i'agrundit Par consequent. carsndlr ls sujat e avant do
réglar Ia mlsa au point, dc mantr- qua I'imaac rests
bien miss an point bisqu'on élotgne is sujet nu zoom
Enlarging Your Subject or Widening
the Recording Angle
(zooming lit/Out)
Recording dose-ups of your subjects and recording wide-
angie shots adds special eflem to your videos.
1 To record a wider view (Zooming-out):
Push the [win Zoom Lever toward [W].
To enlarge your subiect (Zooming-in):
Push the [WIT] Zoom Lever toward [T].
n The Zoom Magnification indlcaiion appears for a
few seconds.
a The tanner you push the [WIT] Zoom Lever toward
(W) or [T]. the faster the zooming speed becomes.
0 During recording, the zooming speed ls slower
than during recording pause.
Enlarging Vour Subjects Even More (Dlgltal
Selecting one oi the two settings for (D.ZOOM) on the
Menu makes it possible to lurthar sniarya the subject.
a x30: Digital mounting up to Suxi
a Man: Digital zooming up to iznx.
- up to 12x. Ihe zooming ls done optically.
o The higher the Digital Zoom Magnlficelion is. the lower
is the picture quality
0 u you set [D.ZOOM) on the Menu to (sex) or [120x],
the [D.ZOOMJ indication appears.
Recording Extra Close-up Shots oi Small
subjects (Macro Close-up Function)
When the zoom magnification is 1x. the Movie Camera
can focus on sumlacls down to e distance of
approximately 30 mm bemen lens and subject This
allows recording very small subjects such as insects.
0 When you have zoomed to the tale setting. predse
housing is only possmls on subjects no doser than L2
Agrendissement du sujet cu
élargissement de I’angle
(rapprochement/élcipnmnem au zoom)
L'enregistrement de gros plans do: sujeis ou
I'enregistrement en grand angle aioulent des eiiets
spéciaux a vos videos.
Pour enreglstrer une vue plus large
(e'lolgnement au zoom):
Pousser Ie levler de zoom [Wfl] vers [W].
Pour egrandir Ie sujet (rapprochement au
Pousser lo levler de mom [wrr] vars [T].
o Lindication d‘agrandissemem au zoom apparalr
pendant quelques secondes.
- Plus on pousse le Ievler de zoom lw/T) vers [W] on
[T], plus is viiesse do zoom augments.
o Pendant I‘enregisirement. Ia vllasse de zoom est
plus ienie one pendant la mode pause
Pour agrandir encore Ies sujetl (mom
On peul agrandir davanlaoe lea sujets en aélscllonnant
I'un des deux réglages de [DZOOM] sur Ie menu.
H 70, 72)
. x30: Zoom numérique lusqu’e 30x.
0 xtzo: zoom numMoue y’usou'a tan.
o Jusou’é 12x. to zoom est optique.
0 Plus l'agrandissemem an zoom numerlque as! grand.
plus la qualiie de l'Image eel mediocre.
. Si i'on rbgle [ozooM] sur le menu a [30x] ou lizflx].
rindicallon [DZOOMI apperalt.
Enreglstrement dc petite eujet en trio gros plan
(function ores plan macro)
Lorsque ragrendissemenl eu mom est oe 1x, 16
camésoope peul efiectuer la mise au point sur les nujets
places a nun dlsnnoe mlnlmele d'envlron 30 m as
rohJecfii. Cecl permet d'enlegislrer de ties perils suiels,
des insecles par example.
- Lorsqu'on a mix le zoom au raglage teleobjecm. to
miss an point no sore precise qu' sur des sujets
piaoés 41 au moins 12 metres de l'obieclil.
Using the Movie Camera as a
Digital Still Camera (Photeahvt)
Will: this iuncfion, you can record still pictures Mitt sound
tor approximately 7 seconds each.
This tunction is convenient tor example tor pictures that
you want to prini on a Video Printer.
1 Press the [PHOTO SHOT] Button. (This
function can be used during recording,
The Movie Camera records a still picture ior
approximately 7 seconds and men switches over to
the Recording Pause Mode
0 The image on the LCD Monitor or in the Finder also
stands still
ll you select [SHUTTER] to low on the Menu, the
screen blinks briefly and a simulated shutter click
sound can be heard when you press the [PHOTO
SHOT] Button.
0 With me still pictures that you have recorded in the
Photoshot Mode, you can do [he tollowing:
- index Search (4 so)
(However, searching ior the pictureis) rewrdedtat
[sHUTl’EHi to [ON], “the visual stimuli allect and
the click sound are also recorded. (There is a slighl
delay between pressing the (PHOTO SHOT]
Sutton and "IQ neural start oi recording. The visual
shutter ellecl and click sound may occur with slight
deity finer recording ol m. still picture has started.)
0 The picture quality deteriorates slightly.
0 Using the Photomot Function makes the
Remaining Tape Time Indication disappear.
Resuminn normal recording makes the Remaining
Tape Time indieaiion appear again.
Utilisation du came‘scope comme
appareil photo nume’rlque (Instanhné)
Cane lonelien permet d'anreoiatrer des images iixas
d'envrron sent secondes chacune avec des mus.
Cette lonction permet commodemeni d'imprlmer des
images sur une impnmants video par example
1 Appuyer sur la touche [PHOTO suoTl.
(Cette tonction peut étre aussl utlllsée
pendant l'enregistrement.)
La camesoopa enregisire um! image fixe pendant
environ sept secondes puis passe au mode pause
0 L’image sur ie monlteur LCD cu clans lo viseur est
dussi immobile,
Si i'on régle [SHUTTER] sur la menu a [UN],
l'écran clignote briavement at un decllc
d'cbturaleur slmulé est émis iorsqu‘on lppuie sur
la touche [PHOTO 314011.
- Ave: I'imege nxe qua I'm a enraglstree en mode
lnstantané, on pout utilise! Ies functions suivantes‘
- Recherche d'index (a as) (Toutelais. ll pouna
dire impossible de recheroner ias images
enregistrees au debut de la bande.)
‘ sr i‘un regle [SHUTTER] eur Ia menu a [ON], i’erlat
d’obturaieur visual at is dealt: sonore son! oussi
enragislres. (ii y a un certain decalege emre la
"lenient oil l'on Ippule sur la touche [PHOTO
SHOT] et le déout de i'enregisirement reel. L'etiet
d‘ooniraieur visual el le dedic sonore pourroni se
produiro aver: un léqer retard aprea qua
l'enregisirernent do i‘irrlnge line 1 commence.)
0 La quafité de I'image est legeramani degradée.
0 Lorsqu'on utilise le iorlcuon instants“, Vindication
on terms resiant lur la oande dispnum. Lersqu'on
reprend i'enreglsiremenl normal. i'lndimibn du
iemps restant sur in bands Mepparait.
Recording In the Wide Mode
(Wide mode)
This mode lets you record in [he VInds~Screen Iormat.
1 Press the [MENU] Button.
The Menu appears.
2 Turn the [PUSH] Dlal to selec1 [WIDE].
3 Press the [PUSH] Dial to seiec] [ON].
4 Press the [MENU] Button to exit the
0 In ms Wide Mode, black bars appear at the top and
bottom of the LCD Monilur and ms FIndev screen,
Cunmlllng m- Wlde Mod-
Sel [WIDE] on the Menu Io [OFF].
PICTURE woman.
+30 f” mun-o
Enreglstrement en mode gland
(Mods grand écrln)
ca mode perms! d'enreglstrer en mode grand seven.
1 Appuyer sur la touche [MENU].
La menu appurlfi.
2 Tourner Ia molefle [PUSH] pour
sélecllonner [WIDE].
3 Appuyer sur la molehe [PUSH] pour
sélectlonner [ON].
4 Appuyer his sur la louchs [MENU] pour
abandonner Ie menu.
o En mode grind écran, das have: nolres apparalssem
an haul at on has du monneur LCD e! de [ocean du
viseur. o
Annulauon flu mod. grind scran
HagIsr I'éIémenI [WIDE] du menu sur [OFF].
Recording with Minimised Camera
Shake (Eleni-mile Image Stabilizer)
In recording situations where shaking oi ii’ie Movie
Camera is likely to happen. ior example when you have
zoomed in on a distant subiect or when you record willie
walking. you can use this iunction to stabilize me image,
0 in use oi very strong camera shake. ii may not be
possible to stabilize the picture.
1 Press the [MENU] Button,
The Menu appears.
2 Turn the [PUSH] Dial to select [EiS].
3 Press the [PUSH] Diei to select [on].
4 Press the [MENU] Button to exit the
The [Els] indication 0 appears
0 in a dimly lit place, the Electronic image Stabilizer
Function may not work. in this case. the [EiS]
indication flashes.
0 Under fluorescent lamps. the picture brightness may
fluctuate and tile coiols may be unnatural.
o The picmre quality may deteriorate slightly.
o The subject becomes slightly emerged.
Cancelling tile Eleolrol'lic image stabilizer
Set [EIS] on the Menu to [OFF].
Recording Still Pictures
Vou can record still pictures of any deeirod dumlion
together with sound either in the middle oi a normal
recording or irom the Recording Pause Mode.
1] Press the Still Button [ll].
Cancelling the Still Picture Recording Mode
Press the Siiii Bulton [ll] again.
Enregistrement aver: Ie mains de
tremblement possible
(shbiileateur électrorrique de i'Iirlege)
Duns certaines situations d’enregisiremerlt durant ieeqllelies ie
calrlésoope risque tort lie irerrlbier. parexeinpie iorsqu’on
rapproche un sujet distant itu zoom on ou‘oii mregislm tout en
merchant. orl peiil uiil'ser cette inaction pourstabiliser i'iinage.
t Si is caméscope tremble excessivenleill. ii pain elre
impossible de stabifiser I'image.
Appuyer sur la touche [MENU].
Le menu apparaii.
Tourner ia moiette [PUSH] pour
séiectionner [EIS].
3 Appuyer sur la molette [PUSH] pour
séiectionner [ON].
4 Appuyer sur la toucile [MENU] pour
abandonrter Ie menu.
L‘indication [E18] 0 apparan.
i Dans un endroit trop iaibienlentéelairé, il est possible
que la Ioncti'on stabiliseteur éiectronlque as image no
soil pas ulilisabiet Dans no one. [indication [SIS]
0 Sons ecialrage de iampes fluorescenies. il est possible
qu‘ii y alt oes fluctuations de la luminosiie do I'imege el
que Iss oouieuu manquenl ole nemrel.
o it est possible qua Ia quellié de i'image soit legelemeni
' Le sujet est iégeremsnt agrendi.
o Loraqu'on utilise uri trepied. ii est ooneeilié de regier
i'éiément [EIS] sur [OFF].
Annuiatlon de la ioncllon stebliisateur
électronlque de l‘lmage
Hégier I’éiément [Eis] on menu sur [OFF].
Enregistrement d'imagee fixes
li est possible d'al'msgistrer do: images film de in dllrtie qua
i'oll desire one is son. eoii en ooure d'erlllegistremerlt normal.
soil a pain“! du mode penile d'enregisimment.
fl Appuyer sur la touche d'image flxe [I I].
Annuiation du mad. d’enregilirement d‘image film
_30_ Appuyer a noweau sur la toilette d'lillege iixe [ll].
0 vowuq-nu ----- m
Viewing the Just Recorded Scenes
on the Movie Camera (Playback)
You can play back recorded scenes right alter recording.
1 Press the [VCR/CAMERA] Button so
that the [VCR] Lamp 0 lights.
2 Press the Rewlnd Button [«1 to
rewind the tape.
- Flewind the tape to the point where the recording
- It the tape reaches the peglnning, rewinding
automatically steps.
3 Press the Play Button [b] to start
4 To stop playback:
Press the Stop Button [I].
l Adjustlng the Sound Volume
Keep the [PUSH] Dial a pressed until the [VOLUME]
lnefieation 0 appears. Then. tum the [PUSH] Dial to
adjust the volume.
Yo make the [VOLUME] tndlcation disappear. press the
[PUSH] Dlal again until the [VOLUME] Inmaation has
Making the Datel‘nme lndlcatlen Appear
This Movie Camera automatically records the date and
tlme, however not directty In the picture but as part at the
sub code (4 54).
To make the Date/Time lndlcallen appear. set
[DATE/TIME] on the Menu to the desired setting.
Using the support Leg tor Euy-teVlew
Extending the Support Log 0 tram the underside of the
Movle Camerl makes It easier to view the playback
plctune on the LCD Monitor.
Visionnement sur Ie caméscope
des sequences que I’on vient
ll est possible d'eflectuer la lecture des sequences que
I'on vienl d'enregistrer.
1 Appuyer sur la touche [VCR/CAMERA1de
manlére que le te'moln [VCR] o s’ellume.
2 Appuyer sur la touche de rebohlnage
[<4] pour reboblner Ia bande.
o Reboblner la bands [usqu'au point on
l'enregistrement a commence.
' Larsque la bends attelnt Ia debut, le rebahinnge
s'errete amomatiquemem.
3 Appuyer sur la touche de lecture [b]
pour enclencher la lecture.
4 Pour arreter la lecture:
Appuyer sur la touche d‘errét [I].
l Héglage du volume eonore
Melntenlr la molette [PUSH] 9 enioncée iusqu'e ce que
I'inoicatlon [VOLUME] 0 apparelsse. Ensuite, toumer la
molene [PUSH] pour regler le volume.
Pour annular Vindication [VOLUME], maintanlr la molette
[PUSH] enlunceejusqu'a ce que l’lndication [VOLUME]
ait disparu.
Amchage do l‘lndlcatlon de date/heme
Oe cameseope enregtelre eutematieuement In data at
I'heure. non dlrectemenl dens t'imege, male comma
panic du sous-code (4 H4).
Pour laire apparatus I'indlcatlon de date/hours, meme
I'élémem [DATE/TlME] du menu au Wage désiré.
Utlllaatlon du pled do support pour factiiter Ia
Lorsqu’on deplete le pied de support 9 du dessous du
caméscope. II eara plus lacile do vlelenner I'image sur le
meniteur LCD. '
Searching for a Scene You Want to
Play Back
Cue Playback
Keep the Oue Button [in o pressed durlng playback.
Review Playback
Keep the Ftevlew Button [1110 pressed during
Search Lock Function
For longer Cue of Review Playback, press the Cue
Button [»1 or the Revlew Button [44] only briefly As
this locks the search function. you do not need in keep
the button pressed tore long time.
0 To resume normal playback. press the Play Button [b].
a In Cue and Review Playback, pictures with last-moving
subjects may cantain mosaic-like patterns.
Hyper Check Funetlon
0 I! you press the Fut~forward Button [>>] during last-
tomardlng at the tape or the Rewind Emmn(<1]
during manning of the tape. Cue Fleybeck or Review
nues tor as long es you keep the Button
pressed. ,
r Betare and alter activating Cue Playback or Review
Playback, the picture may momentarily be distorted.
Recherche d’une se‘quence que
I'on de'sire vielonner
Lecture repérege'event
Malntenir la icuohe de repérege event [»] 0 entmcee
pendant Ia ledure.
Lecture repérage urrlére
Maintenlr la toucne de raperege arriere [<4] 9
entencee pendant le lecture.
Fonctlon venoulllege de recherche
Pour eflectuer une lecture reperege avant ou lrrtare plus
Iongue, eppuyer brlevement sur In touche de repérage
event [Db] no as repérage erriére [<4]. La function as
recherche étani ulors vencuillee. || n'est pas nécessaire
do meintenir Ia touche Iengtemps entoncée.
- Pour raprendre la lecture ncrrnale, appuyer eur Ia
towns as lecture [>].
o Lors de la lecture repérage event on arriére, lee Images
de eulels en «placement rapids peuvent cantenir des
mottts en mosaique.
Function hyper-vértficetlon
o SI I'on appule sur la toucne d'avlnce replde I»)
pendent I‘evance raplde tie In bench, ou sur la ioucne
de reboblnaqe [<4] pendant Ie reboblnege de la
bende. la lecture repelege event 00 enters ocntinuere
eusel longtamps qua l'un malntient Ia tom enloncea.
o Mmetalafindelulecturerepérapsaventuu
arrlere. ll est mm que rlmege salt momenunément
Playing Back In Slow Motion
(Slow Manon Pllyback)
1 Press the Play Button [D].
2 Press the Slow Marlon/Frame Advance
Button [<1] or [I>] on the Remote
Pressing the [<1] Button mans slw moliorl playback
In reverse dlrecuon. and preaslng the 11>] Button
starts slow motion playback ln lorwam dlrecuon.
Scenes racorded in the SP Mada an played back at
approxlmalely 1/5lh ol (ha normal speed.
Scenes recorded in the LP Mode are played back at
approximately Hard oi ma normal speed.
Rasumlng Normal Playback
Prass lite Play Button [b].
Playback continues with normal speed,
0 During slow mollon playback in reversa dlraction, the
Tlma Coda Indlcatlon may not be accurate,
Lecture au ralenti
1 Appuyer sur la touche de lecture [b].
2 Appuyer sur la louche de lecture on
ralenllnrame par trams [<1] ou [Iv] de la
Lorsqu'nn appula sur la lawns {<1}, la llcture au
ralenti s'anelancha vars rarrlére. at lorsqu‘on aww'a
sur la lotmha [F], la laaura au ralami s'enclencha
vars I'avanl.
Las séquenoaa anragislrées an mode SP sent
reoroduiles a environ un clnqnlamo da Ia mam
Les sequences enreglalraos an mode LP son!
raprcdullas a environ urt Hers da Ia vilessa normals.
Reprlaa de la lecture normals
Appuyar aur la (oucha do lecture [b],
La leclure as poursull a la vilaaaa normals,
- Pendant la lecture on ralemi vars I'lmars. il est
walnut qua [indication da code lamporal manque de
Playing Back Still Pictures and
Advancing Them One by One
(Still Playback/Frame Advance Playback)
You can Ireeze the action during playback and auvence
the still pictures one by one.
1 Press the Play Button m.
2 Press the Pause Button [I I].
The playbadt picture stops In the Still Playback
3 Press the Slow Motion/Frame Advance
Button [] de la
Lorsqu'on appuio sur la touohe [q 1. l‘lmage Iixe
avarice trame par trame vars l'arriAre. Lorsqu'on
appuia sur la louche [l-l, l‘lmage lixe evanee trams
par trams vers I'avertI.
Reprise de la lecture normele
Awuyer sur la twelve de lecture [b].
Le lecture se poursult a la vitesse normals.
0 SI I'on maintierlt la touate [Iv] es la telécommande
enlonoee pendant plus d'une seconde pendant Ia
lecture name par trarne, le caméscope passere au
mode lecture eu ralenfi evec un- vitesse rte lecture
Interleure a cello du mode lecture on ralenll normal.
o SI on Ialsse le cantéscope done to rrtode lecture Image
tlxe pendant plus as cniq mlnutee, ll pessara all made
arret pour evltar cue lea tales video ne s'usent
0 Pendant In lecture trame par treme. il est possible que
l'indlcation du code temporal manque rte precision.
utilisation du cadre" Jog (lecture Jog)
Sl I'cn tnurno |l ceuran Jog (molette [PUSHD 0 du
caméscooe en mode Image tlxn, ll est possible «avancer
lea Images fixes une par une were ravam nu vets I'arrlere.
Playing Back on a TV
(with the Output Terminal Box [DOCKING STATION]
Attaching the Output Terminal Box [BOOKING STATION]
to the Movie Camera make: It possflwle to play back
recorded scenes on a TV.
1 Attach the Output Terminal Box
(-0 53)
2 Connect the Video and Audio Output
Jacks to the Video and Audio Input
Jacks on the TV.
Use the Av Cabletnot supplied) 0 to oonneot to the
TV. Ii your TV is equipped with an s-Video Jack. also
connect the S~Video Cable (not Supplied) 9
e Before connecting, turn oil both the Movie Camera and
the TV.
0 it a cassette recorded with copyright protection signal
is played back, the ween becomes blue. However.
scenes recorded with this Movie Camera do not
contain a copyright protection signal.
Making the indications Appear on the TV
Press the [DISPLAY] Button 0 on the Remote Controller.
The 0n»Screen Indications also appearon the TV
Playing Back the Sound vie Headphones
Using the [PHONE] Jack 9 on the Output Terminal Box
[DOCKING STATION] allows you to listen in the playback
sound vie headphones
Even it the sound I: played back via headphones. the
sound from the Movie Camera’e built-in speaker can also
be heard. It you want to mute the sound irom the
speaker, lower the volume (9 31).
Lecture sur un te'le’vlseur
(lvlc In support d‘lcemil video [DOCKING STATION]
Si I'on recoorde le support d‘eccueil video (DOCKING
STATION] au camescope. ii est possible d‘etiaotuar in
lecture des sequences enregislrées sur un teiévieeur.
1 Ftaccorder ie support d‘accuell video ‘
2 Raccorder lee prises de sortie video at
audio aux prises d’entrée vide’o et audio
du téiévieeur.
Utiliser Ie cable sumo/video (vendu separemenli 0
pour ettectuer le raccordement au télevieeur. Si Ie
televrseur est équipé d'une prise S-Video. racoordar
aussi le treble S-Vldéo (vendu separément)e.
e Avantd‘ettectuer Ie raocordemenl. mettra le
caméscope at is televiseur hers circuit.
0 si une mesetle enreglstrée evec un signal de
protection de dmtts d'aulaur est lue, I‘ecren devient
bleu. Toutetois, lee séquenoes enregistreee avec ca
meecope ne oontiennent pas de signal rte protection
do droils d'euleur.
Attichege des indications eur i’écren du
Appuyer sur la touche [DISPLAY] 9 de la telecommande.
Les indications a team apparaissenr aussl sur lécren du
Reproduction du son au ceeque
En utilisam Ia prise [PHONE] 9 du support d‘accuell
vldéo [DOCKING STA'HON], on peut leather Ie son
reproduit sur la eesque d'éooute.
Meme si la son est émis eur ie cesque d'écouta. to sun
sera ausei audible our ie haut~parleur Incorpore du
camescope. SI I‘on veut oouper Ia son lur Ia haut‘parleur.
baleser 19 volume (-t 31).
Alter Use
1 Take out the cassette. (4 19)
2 set the [POWER ONIOFF] switch to
3 Retreat the Finder and close the LcD
4 Take out the Battery. (-> 17)
Attaching the Lem Cap 0
After use. anach the supplied Lens Cap to the Lens to
protect it.
Removing the Output Terminal Box [BOOKING
It the output Terminal Box [DocKlNG STATiON] is
attached to the Mwie Camera, remove it in the (allowing
5 Turn the Locking Handle in the
direction at the arrow 9-
6 Pull off the output Terminal Box
[DOCKlNG STATION] in the direction of
the arrow 9.
Aprés I’utlllsatlan
1 Retirer Ia cassette. (4 19) .
2 Mettre I'lnterrupteur [POWER ONIOFF]
sur [OFF].
3 Retracter ie viseur et termer Ie moniteur
4 Hetlrer la batterie. (4 17)
Finn-m nu cupuchon foal-cm o
Apvés I'ulillsalion. fixer is capuchon d'cbjectil iournl a
i'ohjactii pour la prewger.
Retralt du support d’accuell vldéu [DOCKING
Si in support d’aooueii video [DOCKING STATION] est
mocurdé au caméscopa, r'eniavar as la manme
5 Tourner la polgnée de verrouiilage
dans la sens de la tléche 9.
6 Détecher Ie support d‘accuall vidéo
[DOCKING STATION] dans ie sens da Ia
"bone 9.
Viewing Recorded Scenes During I/islonnement de séquences
Recording Pause enreglstrées pendant Ia pause
(“mm “mm d’enreglstrernent (Recherche can-4mm
You can view rammed scenes when the Movie Cams", Ii est possiblo de visionnerdes sequences unreglstrées
is In the Recording Pause Made. larsqus la camésoow est en mode pause
The Camera Search Funcllan is eorwlnlent to Search tor d‘anregisttvmenl,
a scene lrorrl which you want to stall recording a new La tonctlon $0"!de cemésoope DEM 49 VEOHGMNEV
scene with smooth scene-tmcane transition, oommodémenl um: séquence A part" da Iaquelle on
desire meter-char I'erlregistrernant d‘urle rlcuveila
1 Keep the Reverse Search Button [<1] zzqmfizj‘w‘ ""° “mm" “Up“ entre “5
or the Forward Search Button [»1 q“ '
pressed for more than 1 second. 1 Malntenlr entoncée Ia touche de
Pressan the [<4] Button plays back the picture in reperage errlére [<4] on do repérage
reverse direction. avant [Pb] pendant plus de une
Pressing the [Vb] Button plays back the picture in seconde.
WM“ d'mc'm Lorsqu'an appuie aur la touche [<4], l-image est Iue
vets I'arrIAre.
Starting to Record from the Desired Posltlon Lnrsqu'orl appule surla tuuche [Pb]. l’lmaga est lue
vars l'llvant.
2 Release the pressed Search Button. ,
The Movie Camera is in the Recording Pause Mo“ Enelennhement do I enregletrement fl partir
d'une petition vouluo
3 Press the Stan/Stop Button to start 2 Relécher Ia touche do recherche
recordlng. . entencée.
The Mcvle Camara starts recording a new scene with Le améscope est en mode pause d'enregistremant.
“mm “e"‘HM‘ene “a""um' 3 Appuyer sur la touche marche/arrét
. In the Camera Search Mode, the picture may contain PW" enclencher l’enreglstrement.
mcsaic-ilka patients. Hat/lever, this Is a phenomena" L5 Gammon commas} ”799mm “M “WWW
particular to digital video and completely normal. séquenoe Wee u"! trlflsl'w" will"a “we '”
0 it the Recording Speed Mode (SP/LP) ol the previous . E" was “chm“ “mm, H n new q“, ”mags
and the "SW WWW are dillarent. "1° “9M" oontlenne den moms tn moseique. Touhefols. no
picture may be dislnfled- phenomena partlculiar a la video numerlqua ast tout it
tell normaL
O SI la made US vitesse d'lnmglstremerll (SPILF) do
I‘anreglslremerlt precedent at an neutral enreglslremant
rte sent pas idenllques. limllge de lecture nouns airs
AUDlil OS"
MlC LEVEL —20l firm at
+3; manure
Searching for the End of the
Recorded Part on a Cassette
(Blank Search)
war. are Blank Search Function, you can quickly locate
the end at the recorded part on a cassette (or a blank
part between recordings).
1 Press the [VCR/CAMERA] Button so
that the [VCR] Lamp lights. 0
2 Press the [MENU] Button.
The Menu appears.
3 Turn the [PUSH] Dial to select
4 Press the [PUSH] Dial to select [ow].
Approldmately 1 second before the end of the lee!
recorded scene. the Movie Curr-era switches over to
the Still Playback Mode.
0 It there is no blank pat! on a cassette, the Movie
Garnet-i stops at the and 01 the tape. 4
0 When the Blank Search has finished. you can press the
[VCR/CAMERA] Button so that the [CAMERA] Lamp
lights, and then start recording. The new scene ls
recorded with a smooth trerunlon tram the last to the
Recherche de la fin d’une partie
enreglstre’e sur une cassette
(Recherche d‘upace vierge)
La lenction recherche d'espaoe vierge perms! de repérer
rapldemorll la tin dune panie enreglsirée sur une
cassette (cu un intervene vlerge erltre dee
1 Appuyer sur la touche [VCR/CAMERA]
de maniére que la témoin [VCR]
s'allume. 0
2 Appuyer sur la touche [MENU].
Le menu apparail.
3 Tourner Ia molette [PUSH] pour
sélectlonner [5.SEAHCHJ.
4 Appuyer sur la molette
séiectlonner [ON].
Environ line seconds event is fin de le demiére
sequence enregistree. Ie ceméseope passe an mode
image iixe.
[PUSH] pour
0 Si le meselte ne contlent pas d’espm vierge, Is
camempe s'anete a la fin de la bande.
0 Urle tots que la recheruhe d'espace Merge est
termlnéa, on peut appuyer sur la touche
[VCR/CAMERA] de marliera que la “main [CAMERA]
s‘nllume. puis oummenoer a enragmrer. Le notmlle
sequence est enreglstiee avec une transition eouple
emre Ia sequence precedents et la nouvelle sequence.
AUDio our 512 MIX
MIC LEVEL —al.le fl” on
Searching for the Beginning of
Recorded Scenes Marked with
Index Signal
( In dex Search)
Index Search
To allow easy searching lor desired scenes, this Movle
Camera automatically records index signeie during
recording as iollows:
o Fhoiiustlcl Index Signal
To search tor still pictures recorded in tile Phcteshot
Mode r-o 23),
A photoshol index signal is amumallcally recorded
every time yeu record a still picture in the Pheloshot
6 scene Index Signal
To search tor the beginnlng oi recorded scenes.
A soene index signal ls auiemetlcally recorded in the
mummy cases:
O When you start rewrding alter Inserting a cassette.
- Depending on the setting or [INDEX] an the Menu
(i 70-73):
[2HOUR]: An index signal is recorded when
recording Is restarted ailer a lapse oi ,
more then 2 hours,
[DAY]: An index signal ls recorded when
recording is resterled alter the date
has manged since the last recording
(While an index signal In being . the [iNDEX]
Indication flashes for a law seconds)
Recherche du de'but
d ‘enregislrements marques d'un
signal d’index
(Recherche d'lndex)
Recherche d‘lndex
Pour perinettre de rechercner iacilsment les sequences
desirées. ce cemésnope enreglslre emcmatiqnemenl des
signaux d‘index pendant i'enregisiremeni. comma Indlque .
0 Slng d'lndmr d'lnsteniané
Pour lecherctier des images fixes eniegislrées erl
mode instantené (4 25).
Un signal d'irrdex d'iristlmlene est nutomellquemenl
enregistre a ail-qua Iais que rim enregisire une image
le9 en mode lnsteniené,
0 Signal d‘index de sequence
Pour rechercher Ie debut de sequences enregistrees.
Url sign-I d'index de sequence est eutemeliquement
enreglsire dens les one eulvanls:
0 Lnrsqu'nn enclerlche I'enregistrement spies avoir
Inséré line Cam.
- Salon le regIage de [INDEX] sur le menu
(a 70-73):
[ZHOUFI]; url signal d'lndex es1 enregistré Inrsque
I'enregislrerrlenl eel reiance spree l.ln
deiai de plus de deux ileum.
[DAY]: Un signal d'index est enreqleiré lersque
l'megmreinem est relance upres qua In
date all change epres le demler
enregisi' remem.
(Loisque i'erlreglstrement d‘un signal dindex
est en wills. [inflation [INDEX] dignote
pendant quelques seenrides.)
Searching tor Photnshat Pictures
(Phateshct index Search)
a Press the [VCR/CAMERA] Button on the Movie
Camera so that the [VCR] Lamp lights.
l Set [INDEX] on the Menu to [PHOTO]. (4 70. 74) (he
Initial setting is [PHOTOIJ
Photcshet Index Search In Forward Direction
Press the Index Button [m] 0 on the Hemuta Controller.
Phctcshet ind-x Surch In Reverse Direction
Press the Index Button («419 on the Remote Contmller.
- At every press of the corresponding button, the tape is
laat-lorwarded or rewcund to the next still picture
recorded in the Photcshot Mode.
After reaching the not“ still chum, the still picture Is
played back continually. however the sound any tor
approximately 4 seconds. (It you leave the Movie
Camera in the Still Playback Made 101 more than 6
minutes, It switches over to the Stay Mode to protect
the video heads against excessive wear)
0 The Phatoshot Index Search may not work correctly for
still pictures recorded near the beginning at the tape.
0 It you keep the [M41 or [»t] Button prance tor more
than 2 seconds, the Intro Search Functtcn ls activated
and it plays back all still pictures recorded in the
Photeshot Mode on the cassette one after another for a
few seconds each. '
(To cancel the Intro Search Function, press the Play
Button P10 or the Stop Button [I] o.)
Recherche d'lmagss fixes
(Recherche d'lndex d'instlntané) A
o Appuyer sur la touche [VCR/CAMERA] du csméscope
de manlére que la témuin [VCR] s'allumer
0 Registrélément [INDEX] du menu surlFHDTO],
i-o 70. 74)
(Le tléglage inItiaI est [moron
Recharctm d’Index d'lnahntlné ver- I'avent
Appuyer sur la touche d‘index [m] o de la
Recherch- d'lndcx d‘InstantAné vcrn I'mlére
Appuyar sur la luucha d‘imlex [Md] 9 de la
- A chaque pressian sur la touche curraspor-dantu. Ia
bands est avancee repldement cu rebounds iusqu'e
I'imags fixe sulvante enregistrés en mode inatsntané.
Antes avoir attain! l'i‘meqe iixe suit/ante, I'imagfl the est
Iue ccntlnuellement avec Ie son (pendant environ
quatre seconds: seulementl. (SI on lame le
caméscope an mode image llxs pendant plus de slx
minutes, iI pass an mode met pour éviler une usure
excessive dos tétes video.)
0 II eat possible que la recherche d’ittdetr d'irutnntané rte
tunctlcnne nus cornsctemsnt pour des Images llxas
enreglatrées prfis du debut do Is bends.
- Si l'on malntlent Ia touche [m] ou [ml snfoncee
pendant plus de deux ascondes, Ia tnnctIon recherche
d'Intro est actlvde st elle enectue la lemm- de toutea
Ins images fixes enreqlstréas en made irutsntané sur
is cassette indhllduellemenl pendant quelquee
secondes ctiscune. (Four annular ta lenction recherche
d'Intm, appuyer sur la tranche Ge lecture [D] 0 ou sur
la Wm d'flrth [I] o)
Searching lor the Beginning at Recorded
Scenes (Scene Index Search)
' Press the NOR/CAMERA] Button on the Movie
Camera so that the [VCR] Lamp lights.
0 Set [INDEX] on the Menu lo [SCENEL (4 70, 74)
Scene Index Surch In Forward Directlen
Press the Index Button [m] 0 on the Remote
Scene Index Search In Reverse Dlrectlon
Pres the Index Button [H1] 9 an the Remote
- When you brtelly press the corresponding button once.
the [St] Indication apneals and the semen tor the next
scene merited with an Index signal starts. Alter the
Scene Index Search has started, every time you press
the button. the Indication changes successively [tom
[82] to [SQ]. end the beginning ol the scene
corresponding to the selected number ls located. 0
Alter reaching the desired scene, playback starts
automatically. (At a time. Scene Index Search in
lomard or reverse direction Is possible up to the ninth
scene marked with Index signal lrom the present tape
posltionr] ,
o It the Interval between two scene Index signals is less
o The Scene index Search may not work correctly tor
scenes recorded near the beginning at the tape.
- ll you keep the [l«] or [m] Hinton pressed tor more
then 2 seconds. the Intro Search Functlon is activated
and it plays back the beginning at all scenes marked
with an Index signal on the cassette one utter another
tor e lew seconds ouch.
(To cancel the intro Search Function. Press the Play
Button [b] 9 or the Stop Button [I] a.)
Recherche du debut de sequences
enreglstrées (recherche d‘lndex de sequence)
a Appuyer sur la touche [VCR/CAMERA] du cemoscupe
ee maniere we le temoln [VCR] s'alllurne. /
- Mglerralement [INDEX] du menu sur [SCENE].
(4 70. 74)
Recherche d'Index do sequence were l‘mnt
Appuyer sur la touche d'index [M] o de la
Recherche d‘Index de léqulncl were I'errlere
Appuyer sur la touche d’index [N1] 3 115 In
o Lorsqu'on dermis une lots brievemsm sur la touctte
ooneepnndante, Vindication [SI] Wren 91 la recherche de
la sequence suivente marquee that signal d'lndex
commence. e cheque presston eur la louehe, I'Indicefion
passe suwessivementde [3213 [SE]. at to “but de |l
slquenoe correspondent nu numero ehoisi est reperé. 0
Am; qua Is sequence desiree e are attelnte. ls lecture
s'enclenche automatiquement. (En tine settle lots. la
recherche d'index de sequence vers l'lvent ou vert I'arriere
estpossihle jusqu'a Is newleme sequence (msrquee d‘un
sign-I mum) a pnrtirde la position as bends actuelle.)
o Si t‘ecnn entre deux signeux d'index de sequence est
inlerieur e une minute, il est possible que la recherche
d’lndex de sequence no lonotInnne pas correcternentt
0 ti est possible que la recherche d‘lndex dc sequenc-
ne tonctienrte pas ourrecternent pour les sequences
enregistréee pres dtl debut 69 ll bands.
0 SI I'cn melntient is tpuche D14] on [M] entoncée
pendent plus de deux secundes. ls lonctten recherche
tfinho est actives et eIIe etfectue la lecture on debut de
tomes les séquenoes marquees d'un signal d'index sur
le cassette Mrvkiuellernent pendant oueloues
eecondes chacUne, (Pour annuler la lonction recherche
dintro. eppuyer sur la touche de lecture P10 ou sur
la tnuche Warren-16.)
Fading ln/Out
Fading In 0
Fading-In lets you make the picture and sound appear
gradually from a white screen at the beginning of a
1 With the Movie Camera in the
Recording Pause Mode, keep the Fade
Button [I] pressed.
The picture gradually disappears.
2 When the picture has completely
disappeared, press the Start/Stop
Button to start recording.
3 Approximately 3 seconds after the
recording has started, release the Fade
Button [I].
The picture gradually appears again.
Fading Out a
Fadingout lets you make the picture and sound
disappear gradually into a white screen at the end 0! a
7] During.recording, keep the Fade Button
[I] pressed.
The picture gradually dlsappears.
2 After the picture has completely
disappeared, press the start/stop
Button to stop recording.
The Movie Camera is in the Recording Pause Mode.
33 Release the Fade Button [I].
Ouverrure/fermerure en fondu
Ouverture en iondu 0 ~
L'ouverlum en tondu pennei de laire app-ram
pmgressivemant l'lrnaqe et la son a partir d'un Goran
blanc au debut d'une sequence.
1 Le caméscopa étant en mode pause
d‘enreglstrement, malntenlr Ia touche
de tondu [I] entoncée.
L‘image disparalt progressivoment.
2 Une fois que I’image a aampl'etement
disparu, appuyer sur la touche marchel
arrét pour enoiencher I’enreglstrernent.
3 Environ trols secondas apr'es Ie debut
de l'enreglstrement, relacher Ia touche
de fondu [I].
L'irnape raapparatt progressivement.
Fermeture en fondu a
La iermelure en londu pennet de faire dlspamilre
pmgresslvemenl I'imaga el le son Vere un Goran blanc a
la [in d‘une sequence.
71 Pendant I’enregistrement, malntenlr la
touche do fondu [I] entoncée.
L'image disparatt progressivemenl.
2 Une fols que I’Image a completement
dlsparu, appuyer eur Ia touche marche/
errét pour arreter l'enregistrement.
La camesoope est en mode pause d'enreglstrement.
3 Helacher Ia touche de tondu [I].
Els m
DfuucrlDNoofF were
x 120
In Various Situations
(Programs AE)
This tunctlon lets you select Automatic Exposure settings
optimlzed for special recording situutlons.
1 Set the Mode Selector Switch to [MANUAL].
‘ The [MNL] lndlcatlnn appears.
2 Press the [MENU] Button.
The Menu appears.
3 Turn me [PUSH] Dlal to select [moms].
4 Press the [PUSH] Dial to select the
desired madatl K L [n'u‘eMtl- [ 10'
l 8'" l)-
tl you have adjusted the "tuner speed (9 50 or the
iris H 52), it Is not posslbte to select a Progmme AE
Press the [MENU] Button to salt the Menu.
The indication ol the selected made appears.
I “s. 1 Sports Mods 0
To record scenes with [airman/tug subjects such as
sports scenes.
[is] Portrait Mode 9
To make sumects stand out sharply [mm the
[i] Law Light Mode 6
To record dark scenes more brightly.
[m] Sputllgm Mud-3°
To record subjects understrong spotlights"
[ a“ 1 em 5 Snow Mouse
To moon! extremely bright scenes such as snow
slopes and beames.
Cancelllng the Progreme AE Functlan
Set [PHOGAE] on the Menu to [OFF].
Enre istrement en diverses
slrua ions (pregame A5)
Celte venation panel as selectionner les rsgleges
d’exposnion automattque convenanl ls mleux pour
dtttérentas situations d‘enregistrement.
1 Meme I’Interrupteur de sélection de ;
mode sur [MANUAL].
L'indtcation [MNL] appmlt.
2 Appuyer sur la touche [MENU].
Le menu upperait.
3 Tourner Ia molette [PUSH] pour
sélectlonner [PROGAE].
4 Appuyer sur la molette [PUSH] pour
se'lectlonner Ie mode voulu ([ ‘fx ], [is ,
[ELI-low “It .
Si te vitesse de rebturateur (q 51) on Ie diaphragm l
(-0 52) ant eté reams. aucun mode as program AE ne
peut sue “Immune.
Appuyer sur la touche [MENU] pour
abandonner Ie menu.
L‘indicetlon du mods selectionne apperan. i
t 58. 1 Mode sport 0
Pour annglstrerdcs sequences wumnt des sums se ,
deplacant monument, use Images do span parexemple.
[ T6] Mode portrait 9
Pour que In quets se detedtent nettememde “mire-plan. ‘
[3] Mode talbte Iumlnoslté 9
Pour enmglstrer plus clalmment des sequences
[ 1 Mode projecteuro ‘
Pour I'enreglsuemem dc subjeméclalrés par un ‘
[ a“t 1 Mode Mer et neigeo
Pour l'enregistnement dens dos fieux nil la netge an au
hood de le mot.
Annuletlon de la tunctlon de programs AE
Régler i'élément [PHOGAE] du menu sur [OFFL
Sports Mode
0 When playinp bedt scenes recorded In the Sports
Mode. you can enioy slow motion
very sharp images with fine details.
and still playback ol
0 Avoid reccnfing under fluorescent. mercury-vapour or
natriurn temp: in this mode, as the color end the
brightness at the playback picture might fluctuate.
0 When recording subjects ill try strong lights or with
much light reflection, the
vertical streaks at light.
0 When the scene Is not suificlentiy lit. the ( lg 1
Indication flashes,
0 When using this mode for recording indoors. the
playback picture may nick-r.
O itis not possible to select the Sports Model 3&1
together with the Gain-up Mode [GAINUP] on the
Portrait Mode
0 When using this made tor recording indoors. the
piaybedt picture My flicker.
0 it is not possible to select the Portrait Mode [55]
together with the Gain-up Mode [GAINUP] on the
Lew Light Mode
0 It may not be pee-ibis to suMeientty brighten up
extremely dark wanes.
Spot Light Mode
0 It the recorded subject is extremely bright the picture
may appear wn‘nish.
surtatSnow Mode
o it the recorded subject II mremeiy hrlght. the picture
may appear whitish.
o iiyou have etfiusted the shutterspeed (4 51) urine
lite (4 52). It is not possible to select 3 Programs AE
M065 ([ ‘8. iv it'di [til- infie'fl)
playback picture may contain
Mode sport
0 Lorequ'on etlectue in lecture tie sequences
enreglstrées en mode sport, les images tauméee nu
relenti et tee images fixes peurront etre repmduiles Iris
nettement dens tout Ieurs details.
0 Dane oe mode, évlter d'enregietref sous I‘écleirigs de
Iempes fiuoreecentes. a vepeur de mercure on an
sodium. car tee couleurs et la Iurru'noeité tie: images
Iues pourraient Gite irregutieres.
r Lorequ'on enregiltre des suiets intensément echires
ou avec beaueoup de réllexlons iumineutes. il est
pcssibte qua lee images tues centiennent ties striee
lumineueet venioeles.
0 Lorsque recleirage est ineuifisem, I'intficntion [ 3s ]
o Lorequ'on utilise ee mode pour enregisltet en Interieur.
II est possible one I'imepe iue tremble,
0 La mode sport [ x ] ne peut pes lire séieetionne evec
la mode d’augmentetion de gain [GAINUP] en! to menu
Mode portrait
o Lorsqu'on utilise ce mode pour enregistrer en Interieur.
ii ext possible qne I'Image Iue tremble.
0 Le made ponrait [ 53] ne peut pes Acre selectionne
avec to mode d‘eugmemeticn rte geln (GAINUPI eur te
Mode laible iuminnslté
0 It peut etre impossible d‘ectllrclr sutlisnmment ues
sequences execssivement eembres.
Mode projecteur
a Si Ie eujet est inteneement éclaire. it 59 pent Que lee
images nbtenues soient tres pet .
Matte mer et neige
0 Si in sujet est intensernsnt éclelre. it se pelt! we Ies
images ohtenuee sotent tree pales.
0 Si in vilesee de rooturateur (4 51) on Io diaptttlgme
(-) 52) em em males, les modes de prunreme A5
(1 is. this]. iii-i-iouie’fliinewwempasene
séiecn‘annee, . ‘
Recording with Special Functions
(Digital Functions)
There are 5 diflemfll modes available for adding special
digllll plcture enacts.
0 Wlpe Mode [WIFE]
It gradually replaces a plow-e 0! (he lest recorded
scene with lhs picture ol the new scene. Ilka drawing
a curtain. For details, H 47).
e Mlx Made [MIX]
it gradually iades out the picture ol the last mounted
scene whlle landing in the picture of the new scene.
Far delails, (e 45).
e Strobe Mod- [STRDBE]
It mums the pictures wiih a stroboseope-Ilke effect.
9 Gain-up Mode [GAINUP]
It electronically brightens up the pimure.
o in Ihis mode. adjust the locus manually.
0 Same alter-image dlswrtion may oewr during
rewrdlng with the Galnmp Function.
3 Monotone Morh [MONO]
m plcture is recorded in black and willie.
o The Digital Function mnnol be used when the
Electronic Image Stabilizer Funcllon or the Digital
Zoom Funetlon Is antivlbd, or when [PICTURE] on me
Menu ls set to [FRAME].
When you mm to use a digital iunctlon. make sure
that [DZOOM] and [EIS] on the Menu are set tn [OFF]
and mm {PICTURE} ls sel to [NORMALL
Enregistrement aver: functions
spéciales (functions numtvlqm)
5 mode: difiérents gem dlsponible- pour ejoutar des
eflets d'image numerlques specie-ix.
0 node vol-t [WIPE]
ll remplaee pregressivemenl une image de la
demiére sequence enteglnrée par une image de la
nowelle sequence, even un ellel d'owerlure de
Mean. Pour plus de détafls. (-0 47].
0 Mode mlnm [MIX]
ll eliecwe progressivemenl une lermature en londu
tie l'image de la demure sequence anreglslrée tout
en eiiemam une owerture en fmdu clans I'lmege de
la nouvelle séquence, Peui plus as details, (-0 48).
0 Mode mbosoope [STROEE]
ll enieglstre Ies images evec un eiiel de
0 Mode augmentation du galn [GAINUP]
ll eclalreit electroniqusmem I‘lmaqe.
- Dans ee nude, régler mnnueilemenl la mise au
O u 051 possible que des dlslorslons sulvlm l'image
le pmduisem pendant l'eniegletremenl avec la
ioncilen ti'eugmentetion du van.
9 Made monochrome [MONO]
L'imege eel enmglslnée en nalr et blanc.
0 Les lonctlons numellques na pewem pas Sire utilises
Iersque la ionction stublllslleur electronique de I'lmege
en la lonctlon zoom numenque est arrives, on iorsque
l'élémem [PICTURE] du menu "t réglé sur
[FRAMELarsqd’on vent utiliser unn lonelier!
numeliquo, velller a végler its elements {DZOOM} at
[as] du menu lur [OFF] e! rélsment [FICTURE sur
Recording with Special Functions
(Digit-l Functions) (Cami-mm)
Selecting the Desired Digital Function
1 Press the [MENU] Button.
The Menu appears.
2 Turn the [PUSH] Dial to select
o The Dlgilel Function mnnnt be used when the
Electronic lmaga Stabilizer Function or the Digital
Zoom Function ls eclivaled, or when [PICTURE] on
the Menu is set in [FRAME].
When you want to use a digital lunction, make sure
that [D.ZOOM] and [EIS] on the Menu are est la
[om and that [PICTURE] is m to [NORMAL],
3 Press the [PUSH] Dial to select [SELECT].
The [MENU (UJ-‘uncrloNn Menu appears.
4 Pmss the [PUSH] Dial to select the
desired digital function.
5 Press the [MENU] Button to exit the
Menu. .
- The picture has the selected digital Iuncficn now.
However. the eflect fifths Wipe Function find the
Mix Function only become vlsible when actually
recording In the respective mode. (9 47. 48)
0 "you have selected [GAlNUP] on the [MENU
(D.FUNCTION)] Menu, It is not possible to select the
Manual White Balance Mode.
0 Il you have adjusted the shutter speed (9 5!) ar the
iris (4 52). it is not ponible to select [GAlNUF'] on me
' lliunotpos’lbletoselecttnaSpomMods[3&[orlhe
Ponralt Mode [is] together with the Glin-up Mode
[GAINUP] on ma [MENU (D.FUNCTION)] Menu.
Cancelling the Digital Function
Set [D.FUNCiTON] on the Menu in [OFF].
Enreglstremeni avec fonctlons
spe'ciales (lonetlons num‘rlques') (nulls)
selection de l. innctlon numérlquv voulue
1 Appuyer sur la touche [MENU].
Le menu appamil.
2 Tourner la molette [PUSH] pour
se’lectlonner [D.FUNCTION].
0 Les fonctlons numerlques ne peuvent pas Que
ullllsés Iorsque la loneliun slabilisaleur électmnique
do l'lmaga ou Ia loncllon zoom numénque es!
wives. nu Iorsque r'élérrlent [PICTURE] du menu
est réglé sul [FEAME].Lcrsqu'on you] utilise! une
lcnctlon numeriqua, veiller A réglel [es our-tents
[D.ZOOM] at [EIS] du menu eur [OFF] at I'élément
3 Appuyer sur la molette [PUSH] pour
sélectlonner [SELECT].
La menu [MENU (D.FUNCYION)] apparatl.
4 Appuyer sur la molette [PUSH] pour
sélectlanner la lonctlon numérlque
5 Appuyer fois sur la touche [MENU] pour
nbandonner le menu.
0 L‘lmlge aura elols I'ellet numénque sdlncllonné,
Twlelals. I’elleclde la lonction volel at as la function
mince Sela visible uulsment laraqu’on emaglanem
dens lo mode commandant (4 47. 48).
' Si l'cn sélectionne [GAINUP] sur la menu [MENU
(D.FUNC'l10N)], la made an belanca manueIle fies
bluncs in pan! pas sue aéiedlnnné.
o s; is vitesse do I'oblulaleul (# 51) cu in dlaphraqme
(# 52) omen moles. I'élémant [GAINUP] du menu
[MENU (D.FUNClTON)] ne pout pas one sélaclionné.
¢ Lomodespofl 3&19tlemoduponmfllfi51nepewem
pas one sélectlmnés woe lo mode d'luglnmlalion do gain
[GAINUF] sur le menu [MENU (D.FUNCITON)].
Annulatlnn de i‘lonctionnumérlque
-4& Male! I'élémenl [D.FUNCTION] du menu sur [OFF].
Recording with Special Effects
(Dlgllal Functions) (Continued)
I Wlpe Mode
ll gradually replaces a still picture ol the last recorded
scene wllh lhs moving picture at the new scene, like
drawing a curtaln.
After performing steps 1-3 on page 45:
1 Select [WIPE] on the [MENU
(D.FUNCTION)] Menu. (4 4s)
2 Press the [MENU] Button to exlt the
The [WIPE] Indication appears.
3 Press the Start/Stop Button to start
The normal recordlng starts.
4 Press the Start/Stop Button to pause
The last plcmre is stored In memory.
5 Press the Start/Stop Button to start
recordlng agaln.
The last picture at the prmus scene ls gradually ‘
replaced by the new scene.
Enregistrement aver: effal‘s
spéclaux (met- spéclaux) (tulle)
I Mode valet
lI nmplacs progmssivamanl une image line as In
sequence snreglstrée an aamler par unu Image
animée de la nowelle séquenm, avec un allet
d‘uuvanure as rideau.
Am: wolr uthctué Ia: imp-3 | b 3 rte la page 45:
1 Sélectlonner [WIPE] sur Ie menu [MENU
(D.FUNCTION)]. (4 4G)
2 Appuyer sur la touche [MENU] pour
abandonner ls menu.
L'indlmllun {WIPE} apparalt.
3 Appuyer sur la touche marchelarrét
pour enclencher I‘enreglstrement.
L'enregistremsnt normal s'endenche.
4 Appuyer sur la touche marchelarrét
pour lnterrompre momentanément
La demiér- image est mémorlsée.
5 Appuyer sur la touche marchdarrét
pour pounulvre l'enreglstremant.
La demiare image da la sequence préeedenle est
progressivnmanl remplaoée par le nouvelle
Recording with Special Functions
(Digital functions) (Continued)
l Mix Mode
tt gradually hides out a still picture or the last recorded
wane while fading in the mwing picture or the new
Afhr pnrhrming steps 1-3 an page 45:
1 Select [MIX] on the [MENU
(D.FUNCTION)] Menu. l-» 46)
2 Press the [MENU] Button to exll the
The [MIX] indication appears,
3 Press the start/Stop Button to start
The normal reconfing smarts,
4 Press the Start/Stop Button to pause
The last picnlre is stored in memory.
5 Pmss the Start/Stop Button to start
recording again.
The implcture grldually fades out while me new '
scene fades in.
Enregistrement aver: effets
spéclaux (met; lplcluvx) (mitt)
l Mode mixage
Ii eflectue progressivemeni une fenneture on iendu de in
damiére séquenca enregisiréa tout en eHectuam une
ouvmure an inndu dens I'imags animée de la nouvella
April avoir efleclua Ies éllpu | l 3 de ll page 45:
1 Sélactlonner [MIX] sur la menu [MENU
(D.FUNCTION)]. (-r as)
2 Appuyer fois sur la touche [MENU] pour
abandonner Ia menu.
vindication [Mix] apparait.
3 Appuyer sur la toucha marchelarrét
pour enclancner I'enreglstrement.
L'enregistrement normal s’mclerlcna.
4 Appuyer sur la touche marchelarrét
pour Intarrompre momentanément
La damlére image as! mémqrisde.
5 Appuyer sur la touche mnrche/arrét
pour poursulvre I’enreglstrsment.
Lu damiére image s’efiflca prograssivement pendant
que la nmrvelle séquerm uppuralt.
Recording with Natural Colors Enreglstrement aux couleurs
Mm“ mm“) naturellcs (Silence des blnncn)
This Movie Camera amomaflcally adiusls the while
balance to ensure lhat the pictures are recorded wlth
natural colors. For cenaln types cl sublecls and lighting
conditions, however. lhis Aulc White Balance Adjustment
Mode may not be able to ensure natural colors
(9 57. as). In lhese cases, adjust the white balance
Ce cemescope regla anlometiouemenl la balance des
blancs afin d‘ubtsnir des enreqlmmenls aux cculeurs
naturelles. Tcutefois, pour canelns types 63 suiets el de
ccndllions d'écleirage, II est posslhle que ce mode de
reglege auwrrullque de la balance ass clam: ne
permette pas d'oblenlr des muleurs naturalles
manu‘w' , (-v 57. ea). Dans 1755 Gas, nagtar manuellement Ia .
be] des bl .
1 Set the Mode Selector Swllch to am m
[MANUAL]: _ ~ 1 Meme l’interrupleur de sélecllon de
The [MNL] lndrcehcn appears. mode sur [MANUAL].
L“ o r NL n.
2 Press the MB] Button. m m “NM “ppm
Repeatedly press the MB] Buflon lo select the
desired While Balance Mode. 2 Appuyer 5'" h ‘WChe [W-Bl-
Appwer plusieurc lols sur la touche [W5] pour
The 5 change In the following order. selealonner la mode de la balance des blancs vculu,
0 Indoor (Incandescent Lamp) Mode (71k)
9 Indoor rlumwmmmifi)
e OmdoerMode (—>j:-)
0 Lock Mode mu)
Les nudes apparalssem dens I‘crdre suivenl:
0 Mode interieur (lamp: e lncandascence) (M
0 Lersque la source as lumlere 951 one nmpoule
0 Mode pleln l r
0 Mode venoulllage (m)
0 Il wu telacl [GAINUF] on the [MENU (D.FUNCTION)j
Menu. you cannot select or change the While Balance
MW- ' SI I'on seleclr'onne [GAINUPI sur r. menu [MENU
(D.FUNCTION)L II no sera pas pcsflble de sélectionner
Relurnlng ‘0 fhfi All” WM“ Balance on do changer la mode balance des blancs
Adjustment Mod.
Sm m9 Mode Sflaflnr Swim! 1° [AUTO]. Relour nu mode réglege nulomathue de la
balance flee Manes
Mallrs hutenupteur oe selection ca mode sur [AUTOl
Adjusting the White Balance
Use the Manual White Balance Adfuslnnnt Mode lor all
types ol linhtlng outside the range 0 (4 as), as me Auto
White Balance Adjuslmeni Mode can only ensure natural
colors lor the types at lighting within that range. For
optimum result under almost any types cl lighting, we
recommend that you adjust the wnlte balance menualty
lcr each new scene.
1 Attach the Lens Cap and zoom in untll
the entire screen becomes white.
2 Set the Mode Selector Switch to
The [MNL] indication appears.
3 Keep the [w.B] Button pressed until the
[3-4] Indlcatlon stops flashing and
remalns lit.
0 The Manual While Balume Adjustment Is now
finished. If you want to use this setting aaeln later
on, ler example alter having uted Automatlc White
Balance Adlualmenl, you can recall it by pressing
the [w.B] Button 4 tlmes. (In We case, the [5-4]
Indlcallon flashes)
0 When the [5-4] Inoicallon remalns llaahlng under
weak illuminatlon. the Manual White Balance
Adluslmem cannot be set manually.
Returning to the Auto Whlte Balance
Adjustment Mode
Set the Mods Selector Swine- to [AUTO].
Fléglege manuel de la balance des
blancs ‘
thillser la mode de réglaqe manual de la balance des
blancs pour lous Ies types d‘edairege non complia cans
Ia plane 0 (vfi as). car le mode de reglage automatique
de la balance on Manes permet d'assuler l'nbtenllon de
couleurs neturelles pour lea types o'édalrane compris
dans cette plage semement. Pcur omenlr des léeultata
opurnaux cans praliquemenl toutes les conditions
d'eclalrage. nous recommendone de regler manuellement
la balance des blame a cheque nowelle sequence,
1 Fixer le capuchon d‘objectif et
rapprocher au zoom jusqu‘e ce que
I’écran devlenne entlerement blanc.
2 Mettre I'lnterrupteur de sélectlon de
mode eur [MANUAL].
vindication [MNL] epparall.
3 Meintenlr la touche [w.B] enlonce'e
jusqu'a co que l'lndlcatlon [BIA] erréte
de cllgnoter et reste continuellement
- Le leglage manual tie la balance den blams esl
melntenant tennine, Sl vous desire: utllluf oe
noweau ce réglage ulterleurernent, per example
apree avolr utilse le regleae automallque de la
balance dea blame, vous powez Ie rapoeler en
apnuwnl quatlle lols sur la tom [w.e]. (Duns 09
Gas, rlndicaticn m4] cllgnote.)
o Lorsque l'indcetlon [5-4] cllgnote per bible
lumlnoelle, II n'esi pea pcscble cc réqlev
manuelIemenl la balance dea Menu.
Retour au mode réglege automethue de le
balance des blnncs
Metlre I'interrupleur de sélectlcn de mode sur [AUTO],
Adjusting the Shutter Speed
To uhleve special creative ellecfis or to com with special
lighting situations or laslamlon wanes. you can adjust
the shutter ma'nuufly,
1 Set the Mode Seiemr Swltch to
The [MNL] lndicalion appears.
2 Press the [pusm Dlal.
If you have adjusted |hs shutter speed. it is not
possible to select a ngrame AE Mode (l ‘S. 1.
[all til. (I lorl 511) or me Gain-up Mode
[GAINUF] on (he [MENU (Bruncnonn Menu.
3 Turn the [PUSH] Dlal to adjust the
shutter speed.
Range 01 shutter Speed Adlustment
1/60 —‘l (5000 s
The standard shutter speed h 1/60 s.
The nearer to [118mm] 3 unlng you select, molester me
shlmer speed becomes. ,
Relumlng lo the Normal Shlmer Speed
Set the Mods Salaam Swllfih lo [AUTO].
Héglage manual de la vltesse
Pour oblenlr unains allele creams ou pour s'idlpla' A
“mines situations d‘ecI-Irnge ou aux sequences lux
mowemenls rupides, on new réglev mmuellenienl
1 Meme I’lmerrupteur de sélecllon de
mode sur [MANUAL].
L’indleellan [MNL] lpperall.
2 Appuyer sur la molene [PUSH].
Sl la vileue do l'oblumleur a are 1 lee. les mode:
63 PwmmeAE (l 3&1. (emu. [ lou (awl).
alnsi que la mode daugmenlaflon de gain (GAINUPj
du menu [MENU (D.FUNCTION)] ne p-uveni pu
élre sélecilannés.
3 Tourner In molette [PUSH] pour ne'gler
la vltesse d‘abturaleur.
Flage de réglage de In vllesee d'oblurateur
1/80 A 1/9000 5
LA vltesse donuralenr normal: as! de ”so 1.
Plus ll Wrasse d'oblur-leur selenium“ est prune de
[1/8000]. plus la village d‘omurehur est recite.
Retour i I. vnesae d‘oblumaur normals
Meme l'imenupteur de sanction de mode sur [AUTO].
Adjusting the Iris (F Number)
To achieve special creative elleels or to cope wltn special
quhling situations or tasl~ectlnn scenes. you can adjust
the iris (F number) manually.
1 Set the Mode Selector Switch to
The [MNL] Indication appears.
2 Press the [PUSH] Dial twice.
The [bF] Indication appears.
3 Turn the [PUSH] Dlal to adjust the iris.
Range of lrls Adjustment
CLOSE (Closed) -0 F16.0..,F1.7 9 OPEN (Opened)
The nearer to [CLOSE a value you select. the darker the
piaure becomes.
The nearer to [OPEN] a value you select. the brighter the
picture becomes.
The figures wilh «is show the Gain-up value. ll you
increase the value too much. the picture quality
Returning“) the Normal lrls Value (F Number)
satthe Mode Selector Switch to [AUTO].
' Manually adlustlng the shutter speed (4 51) after
perlunning manual iris adjustment changes the iris
back to automatic adlustmenl.
merelora, it you want to adjust bath the shutter speed
and Irle manuatly. be sure to adjust the shutter speed
0 It you have edit-mo the iris. It a: not possible to selecl
I! PWBAE M069“ ’& 1. [£51.13]. Illofla‘fll)
or the Gain-op Mode [GAINUF] on the [MENU
Réglage manual du diaphragme
Pour ebtenlr curtains ellels créalils ou ppur s'adapler a
oenaines siluations d'eclttirage ou aux sequences aux
mouvemenls rapides. on peut régler manuellerrrent ie
1 Mettre l’interrupleur de selection de »
mode sur [MANUAL].
L'Indicalion [MNL] apparait.
2 Appuyer deux leis sur la molette
L‘Indication [b F] apparalt.
3 Tourner Ia molette [PUSH] pour régler
le dlaphragme.
Plage de réglage du dlaphragme
CLOSE (lerme) -0 F1 S.O...Fl,7 fl OPEN (wt/art)
Plus Ia valour selectionnee est procna de [CLOSE]. plus
l'image deviant loncee.
Plus Ia vaieur sélectionnee est proohe de [OPEN]. plus
i'image deviant Claire.
Les nombres aeoornpagnes de +63 indiquent la valeur
d'augmentatinn at grain. SI l’on augmenle exoessivemenl
la valeur. I'image deviant "radium.
Fletour a la valeur de dlaphragme normals
Meme I'interrupleur de salacfion de mode sur [AUTO],
0 si la vilesse d'oblurataur (# 51) est régléa
manuallement apres que la raglaae rnanuel du
diaphragme ait em ntlectué. le dlaplrragma retoumera
automaliquement nu reglage aulcrrlethue. SI vans
desire: régler la vase d'ebturaleur alnfl que lo
diaphragme, value: a regler d‘abord la vltesse
0 SI Ia diaphragme at Me regle, les modes do programe
AE (I in l [alt [ti- l-I nu lo‘el). air-SI qua la mode
d‘eugmenmtiun ea gain [GAINUP] ciu menu
[MENU (D.FUNCTION)] ne peuvent pas Mre
Recording with Fixed Brightness Enreglstrement avec Iuminosité
(AE Lock) Iixe
(function verroulllage AE)
The AE Lodz Function lets you record a subject with the
same brightness even when the lighting conditions
change greatly. For example. when you record a person
who moves from a bright to a dark place, of vine versa.
this lunctlon prevents the person's (ace lrom becoming
La fimclicn vsrrculllaga AE pemtel d'anrsglslrer un suiet
avec une luminosité Identiqus. méme lotsque Ins
conditions de la lumiére variant da lam imponanle. Par
exemple, iorsqu‘on enregislra um psrsonne ee déplacanl
MEN” 0’ WW» d'un endrvit bien éclaive a un endrolt sombre. ou vice
versa, cette lonntion empéclie que la visage du sujet
1 Push the [WIT] Zoom Lever toward m Mumpmsdflrmmflmmfi
to zoom In on the subject.
1 Pousser le Ievier de zoom [WIT] vers [T]
2 Set the Mode Selector Swltch to [AE pour rupprocher le sujet au zoom.
IRS LAE’IJOCK] Imicaliyr wysars- W t“ m 2 Meme I'Interrupteur de selection de
e "g nass 0 9 pm we Is now E 0 9
value it had at the moment on setting the switch to mode sur ME LOCK}
L'indicallofl [AE LOCK] appamil.
La Iuminasité as I'image est désqrmals vermuillea
sur la valeur qu'eite avail au moment an réglage as
l'intarmpleuv sur [AE LOCK].
cancelling the AE Lock Function
Set the Made Selector Switch w [AUTO] Or [MANUAL].
Annulullon us In tonctlon varroullhge AE
Meme I'intsnupteuv de sélectlon do mode sur [AUTO] nu
Locklng the Brightness at a Dashed Lev-l
Altar Slap 1 above, set lbs Mode Selector Switch to
[MANUAL] Io adjust the brightness manually (a 51. 52),
and me“ “1 “15 Mm saw“ ME" '° “E LOCKI‘ Vcrroulllnr la minimum a un ntvuu voulu
Apns I'élape I décrite ei-dessus, msnre d’nbord
l‘iniermpteur de selection ds mode sur [MANUAL]. puis
réglcr la Iumlnosllé manusllamant (4 51, 52) st metlrs
I'Inlormptuur its selection dc mode sur [AE LOCKL
MEMORY rcoue
Other Convenient Functions
Zebra Pattern
Using Ihe Zebra Pattern makes it easy to adjust the
brightness of the picture to an optimum level, even Deidre
you start wording.
If you set [ZEBRA] on the Menu to [ON], diagonal white
bands (Zebra Pattern) appear on the LCD Monitor er In
the Finder on parts of the picture which are overexposed
(extremely brightly lit and shiny subjects).
Tu prevent recording or overexposed, whitish pictures.
manually adlust the shutter speed (4 51) and/er iris/gain
(4 52) so that the Zebra Pattern disappears.
However. when recording a person wearing a white shirt.
adjust so that the Zebra Pattern over the has just
disappears but remain: distinctly over the white shirt. Ii it
disappears over the white shirt. the picture becomes too
or caurse. the Zebra Pattern Is not recorded onto the
Autres fanctlon utlles
Image zébrée
La ionch'on image zébree iaeflite Ie réglage da Ia
luminosite de l‘image sur uh nivaau optimal. meme an
debut d’enreglstremem.
Si i'éIGmant [ZEBRA] du menu est raglé sur [ON], fies
bandes blanchee diagonaies (image zebra!) apparaitrent
sur Ie monitaur LCD cu sur le viseur dens lea zones
surexposées de I'imege (sujets extremement luminaux nu
Pour empecher I‘enreglstrement d’images suraxposées
bianchétres. régler in vttesse d'obmmteur manneliement
(a 51) et/au Ie diaphragm/gain (a 52) aiin qua I'lmage
zébrée disparaisee,
Cependant, lors de l'enreqistrement d’une personne
nonant une miss blanche. enectuer Ie régiage de
lawn 1! ce que I'Image zébree disparelsse au
mais rests visible aur Ia chemise hienche. Si i'image
zébrée disperuit de la chemise. I'imape Sara trap sombre.
Eien snr. I‘image zéeree no new pas enresistrée surla bands.
III- .Nonmr. FRAME
AUDIO—Rscotzbir tom
MIC LEVEL -2oe um one
+33 +6d5 .AUTO
Other Convenient Functions
Picture Mode
it you set [PICTURE] on the Menu to [FRAME] tor
recording (4 70. 72), the still picture can be played back
with Increased clarity.
NORMAL: Select this mode lor normal recording,
FRAME: As the pictures are recorded as trames.
their vertical resolution is was higher
then In home! recording.
However. fast movements in the picture
become somewhat jerky.
Use this mode tor recording still pictures
that you want to print or import into
computer applications.
0 It you set [PICTURE] to [FRAME], ii is not possible to
use a digital tunction. (4 45)
Microphone Sensitivity Level
You can adlust the microphone sensitivity tor recording
and audio dubbing by selecting a desired setting tor [MIC
LEVEL] on the Menu (9 72.74)
AUTO: To record with automatically edlusted
optimum Iml.
-zoee: To record with reduced volume.
-lOdB: To record with slightly reduced volume. '
DdE: To record the sound with default
sensitivityt Loud sounds may become
+3dB' To record with slightly Increased volume.
+6dB: To record with Increased voturne.
0 When you set [MIC LEVEL] to any other setting than
[AUTO]. the Microphone Sensitivity Level Indication, tor
example [MIC +SdB], may be displayed in red to wem
that the sound being recorded is distorted. in this case,
sotect a lower setting tor [MIC LEVEL] or set [MIC
When recording in the Mirror Mode. the [M] Indication is
displayed in red, (mer. It you have set [acumen] on
the Menu to [OFF]. the [M] Indication does not appear)
Autres fonctlon utiles (suite)
Mode d’enreglstrement
Si I'élément [PICTURE] dlt menu as! réglé sur [FRAME]
pour I'enreoistrement (4 70. 72). lee images fixes
peuvent etre vues eve: plus de dame,
NOFIMALseIecu‘onner to mode pour un enregtstrement
Les Images sont enregistrées an trames avec
une resolution verticals supérieure de 5096 a
l‘enreglstrvment normal.
Cependant, lee mowemems rapldee dans
I'lmige devlendront quelque peu saocwee.
Utiliser ce mode pour enreglstrer des images
fixes oevent Airs imprimeu ou lmponéee dens
des Iogicieie d'ordinateur.
0 Si i‘élément [PICTURE] est réglé sur [FRAME]. iI n’est
pas possible d'utiliser un etiet numérique. (4 45)
vaeau de sensibllité du micro
Il est possible do régler la sensihfiné du mien: pour
l'enregistrement et la repiqueoe more an selectionnam un
réglnue desire pour remnant [MIC LEVEL] sur ie menu (4
AUTO: Pour entegistrer evec un nlveau optimal reglé
-20dB: Pour enreglstrer em on volume réduili
-|0dB: Pour enreqistter avec un volume léghrement réduit.
one: Pour enregistrer I9 son avec la senelbillté par
déieut. Lee sons torts risquent de devenlr
quelque peu détorrnést
+3113: Pour enregislrer avec un volume iégélement
+SdB: Pour enregistrer avec un volume augmeme.
- sr l‘élément (MIC LEVEL] est réglé our un régiage aulre
qua [AUTO], Vindication du niveau do sensibliite m1
micro, par momma [MIC +5118]. pawn: ere attichée en
rouge pour Indiquer qua Ie son ectueliement enregietre
est detomie. Dans oe one. selectlenner un régleoe de
velour plus petite pourt‘éiément [MIC LEVEL] ou régler
Lots do I‘enreghlrement en mode miroir, Vindication [M]
epparait an rouge. (Touielois, si I'eument [COUNTER] du
menu a ere new erOFfl, rindication [M] n’eppatlil pas.)
Adding New Sound on a Recorded
(Audio Dubbing)
To perform nudlo dubbing, the Remote Controller is
You can add music or narrallon on a recorded cassette.
0 II [AUDIO REC] on the Menu has been set to [1 Sblll.
periormlng audio dubbing wlll completely erase the
pmlously recorded cound.
Therelore. il you intend to perlonn audio dubbing but
also want to keep the original sound. be sure to sel
[AUDIO REC] on the Menu to [12m] beleve making the
original recoding.
o It is not possible to penerm audlo dubbing onto
recordings made In the LP Mods. (4 20)
1 Insert the recorded cassette and set the
[POWER ONIOFF] Switch to [ON].
2 Press the [VCR/CAMERA] Button so
that the [VCR] Lamp llghts.
3 At the palm from whlch you went to
Insert the new sound, switch the Movie
Camera over to the Stlll Playbackllode.
4 Press the [A.DUB] Button on the
Remote Controller.
5 Press the Pause Button [II] on the
Remote Controller to start audlo
stopplng Audlo Dubblng
Press ma Pause Sultan [I I] on the Hen-nuts Controller.
The Movie Camera [5 again in the Stlll Playback Mode.
Alout de nouveaux sons sur une
cassette enregistrée
(Heplquegl whore)
Peur effecluer Ie replqulge Ionone, II but ullllnr Ia
Le repiquage senate perrnet d‘alouler us Is muslque nu
une narration au son enragistre inilielemenl eur une
0 SI I'm a rams I'élémenl [AUDIO REC] du menu luv
[1 shit]. la rullsullon du r-plqucge sonare unmet:
eomplitemenl Ies sons pricedemment enreglstres.
Par consequent. lorsqu'm veut elfecluer un replquage
snnore mels qu‘on veut eussl oonservar le eon Inltlal.
velller a régler I'élément [AUDIO REC] du menu sur
[1 Zbill avanl d‘ellecluer I'enregislremem Inlllal,
O II n'est pas posslhle as réafieer un replquage wmre
aur des enregislremenls efleclues en mode LP, (a 20)
1 lnsérer la cassette enreglstrée et mettre
l’inlerrupteur [POWER ON/OFF] sur
2 Appuyer sur le touche [VCR/CAMERA]
de manlere que le témoln [VCR]
"3 Au polnt a partir duquel on veut lnsérer
“le nouveau son, fairs passer le
caméscope eu mode Image llxe.
4 Appuyer sur la touche [A.DUB] de la
5 Appuyer sur la touche de pause [I I] de
la Iélécommende pour enclencher le
replq uege sonore.
Arrét du replquage sonore
Appuyer sur la louche de pause [I I] de In Mummmande.
Le cnméseepe reloumera au made image llxe.
Playlng Back the Sound Recorded with Audlo
Lecture des sons enreglstrés avec la replquage
o I! you set [AUDIO REC] on the Menu lo[12bit] hr the O Lorsqu'ovl ragle I'élémenl [AUDIO REC] du menu sur
original recording. the sound added wilh audio dubbing
end the original sound are played back as follows
depending an me setting selected lor [AUDIO] on the
VCR Mode Menu (4 7074):
am The original sound alone Is played back.
512: The dubbed sound alone Is played back.
MIX: The orlglna] sound and the sound added with
audio dubblng are played haw togetherl
0 Do not perform ludlo dubbing onto unmcorded
punt ol the tape. Thla could cause the playback
picture and sound to be dlmned.
a ll you reset the Tape counter lo zero at the polnt where
you want the audio dubbing in end and turn an the
Memofy Slop Fumion (-. as), the audia dubbing
eutcmetleelly stops when the tape reaches that point.
Habit] pour renregistremeni original, lee sans ainulés
avec la repiqusge aanors el Ies sans orlginaux serum
repmdults de la maniere sulvanla. selon la iéglage de
I‘élémenl [AUDIO] surle menu du mode
magnélcseope (-) 70—74):
STI: Lecture dll son original aeulamanl.
STZ: Leclure du son repique seulamsnt.
MIX: Lecture simultanée du son Original 9! du son
ainute avec le mplquage sonoro.
0 Ne pal ”tamer de replqunge mnore sur In
pafllefl nan anmglatréu do I! panda. Cecl
rllquerlll do deform" l’Im-ga et le non a ll lecture.
0 Si I'on remst Ie anmpteur do panda a zero eu point at-
run veut qua le repiquage aonore finisse et qu‘m met
Ia lenction 3th mémoire (9 59) en clrouit, le
repiquaga somm s‘arrétera automallquemenl Ioraque
Ia bands unra attelnt ce point.
Remote Controller
Using the wireless Remote Controller supplied with the
Movie camera allows operating most of the Movie
Camera's major iunctlms irorn a distance.
Buttons on the Remote Controller
0 Indication Output Button [DISPLAY] (-v
To display the iunoiipn and operation indications on a
connected TVA
@ Date and Time Button [DATE/TIME]
(a 31)
To make the Date/Time Indkmtim appear or
disappear in the pictuna during recording and
0 Indication Shli‘t Button [COUNTER/Tc]
(-0 93)
To select the desired Counter indication.
o Reset Button [RESET] (-b as) A
To reset the Tape Counter to zen), a
@ AudloDubblngButton [A.DUB] (-t 55)
To penorm audio dubbing.
9 Recording Button [REC] (-) 65)
To dub digital signals input into the Movie Camera via
the DV Input/Output Terminal. press the [REC]
Sutton and the [PLAY] Button togetheri
Lorsqu'on utilise Ie iélécommande tournla aver. Ie
carriéscope. on peut commander in distant» Ia plupan
das foncii'ans principals: an new.
Touche: de la téiécummande
o Touche de sortie d'indicetions
[DlSPLAY] (-D 35)
Pour fain) upperaitre lee Indications de ionctluns et
de ionctionnemenl sur un mews“ raceordé.
9 Touche de date et heure [DATE/TIME]
(4 31)
Four fairs apparaitre cu dispersive I'lndicution de
date/heme dens I’lrnage pendant I’enregistrement at
In lecture.
0 Touche de changement d'indlcetions
[COUNTER/TC] (4 93)
Pour séiectionner les indications as eompleur
o Touche de remlse a zéro [RESET]
(4 89)
Pour rememe Ie commeur da bends h mm
9 Touche de repiquege sonore [A.DUB]
(» 56)
Four réallser un nepiguage swore.
e Touche d'enregistrement [REC] (-b 65)
Pour repiquor do; signeux numénques pmenant au
cemésoope par In home dermis/sortie DV. uppuyer r
simultanémem sur la; touches [REC] at [PLAYL
0 Controls for Recording and Sound
Photoshot Button [PHOTO SHOT]
(4 28)
To record still pictures.
Recording StartJStop Button
[REC/PAUSE] (4 23)
To start end pause recording
Zoom/Sound Volume Buttons
To zoom in and out. (9 27)
To adiust the volume or the playback sound. (-o st)
0 Controls for Playback/Menu Setting
Rewind/Review Button [<1]
To start review playback (-r 32) ii pressed during
normal pleybadr; and to rewind the tape
it pressed In the Saw Mode.
Also Io mlvaie the Camera Search Funcn'nh (-b 37)
in reverse direction It kept pruned in the Recording
Pause Mode. Preselnq it briefly ”Wales the
Recording Check Function (-4 24). '
Fast-forwardICue Button [>>]
To start out playback (4 32) H pressed during
normal playback; and to last-lament the tape if
pressed in the Stop Mode,
Also to activate the Camera Search Function (G 37)
in torward direction it kept pressed In the Recording
Pause Mode.
Play Button [b] (4 31)
To start playback,
0 Commandos d'enreglstrement et de
volume sonore
Touche instantane [PHOTO SHOT]
(4 23)
Pour enregistrer dos Images fixes.
Touche do marchelarrét
d’enreglstrement [REC/PAUSE] (-> 23)
Four enclendter at intemompre l’enmgtstrement.
Touches de zoom/volume sonore
Pour rapprocher et elolgner eu zoom. H 27)
Pour iégiei Ie volume du son a la lecture. (9 31)
@ Commandos de lecturelréglage du
Touche de rehoblnagelrepérege arrlére
Pour endencher In lecture repérege nrn’ere (-» 32)
lorsqu'on eniance la rouehe pendent Ia lecture
normal»: at pour reboolner Ia bends Ionou'on
I'enfonce en mode arm,
Et aussi pour mlver Ia inaction recherche
mmeecope (4 37) were i'orrlere Iorsqu'on melntlem
Ia touche enioncée en mode pause d’enreglslrernent.
S! on I'enionce briévemenl, In fonctlon de verification
d’enreglstrernent sore acfivée (4 24).
Touche d'evance repldelrepérege event
Pour reeliser Ia lecture repérage event (4 32) Si I‘on
appule our la mocha pendant ll lecture normale; et
pour evencer rapldemefll la bends Iorequ'on
l'enlonoe en mode erret,
El aussl pour activer la ionction recherche
cumescope (-r 87) were I'event icrsqu'on maimient Ia
louche enlonoée en mode pause d‘enreglstremem.
Touche de lecture [b] (4 31)
Pour enclenchar in lecture.
9 Slow MotIonIFrame Advance Button
[ 4, I'] (" 33, 34)
To perlcrrn Slow Motion Playback it pressed In the
Normal Playback Mode; and to pencrm Fmrne
Advance Playbadl it pressed in the Stlll Playback
(4l: in te'vetse direction. I»: in lotward direction)
Index Search Button [m , m]
(-D 40, 41)
To search for recorded scenes marked with an index
signal and for sllll Images recorded in the Fhutoshol
(H4: in worse direction. M: in lorward direction)
Stop/Set Button [I] (4 31)
To stop the tape.
Pause/Select Button [I I] (4 34)
To pause playback. The playback picture stands still.
Uslnn the Menu Button [MENU]
Pressing the Menu Button [MENU] tisplays the Menu.
In thls case, the tunctions of the following buttons are
Faun Button -> Select Button
Tc Selma items on the Menu.
Stop Button —> Set Button
To set the mode tor the selected item.
0 The Inc and the shutter speed mum be ediusted with
the Remote Controller. ll you want to ediuet them
manually, use the [PUSH] Dlel on the Mevle camera.
(-0 51, 52)
e Touche de lecture au ralentlltrame par
trame[ 4, lb] (-b 33, 34) .
Four attectuer la lecture au ralentl lecsqu'on I'enlonce
en mode lecture nemlale; at pour aflectuef Ia lecture
trame par trame Iersqu'en renlonce en mode lecture
d’lmege rm.
1 .| vers rentere, P: vars l'mnt)
Touche de recherche d’index
[K4 , m] (-l 40, 41)
Four rechercher dee sequence: enraglatreea
marquees d‘un signal d'IndAx et doe Images tlxea
enreglslrées en mode instantané‘
(144: vars l‘an’iere, Dbl: Vere I’avent)
Touche d'arrétlréglage [I] (-’ 31)
Pour erreler la bends,
Touche de pause/sélectlonn I] (-b 34)
Four Interrcmpre rnomentanérnent Ia lecture. L'lmage
de lecture reste lmmohlle.
Utlllsetlon de la touche [MENU]
Le rnenu aware“ Iorsqu'on appule sur la touche [MENU].
Dans ee nee, Ies tonctions ties tcuches suivanles sent
Touche de pause a muche de lélectlon
Pour eeleqicnner les elements sur le menu.
Touche d'erret —» touche de reglage
Four regIer la mode de I'élement selectlonné.
o Le dephragme et la vltess! d'obturateur ne pewent
pas etre reglés avoc Ia télécemnunde. Pour tee régler
ntanuellemem. teurner Ia molette [PUSH] du
camescope. (a 51. 52)
1 2 3
Remote Controller (Continued) Télécommende (tulle)
I Replacing the Button-type Battery
When the button-type battery is exhausted. replace It with
a null CH2025 battery.
(the life at the battery is about 1 year. However, it
depends on the lrequenw of use.)
1 Pull out the Battery Holder while slldlng
the stopper with a pointed object In the
direction of the arrow 0.
2 After taking out the old Battery. Insert
the new button-type battery with the
stamped (+) mark facing downward.
3 Insert the Battery Holder Into the
Remote Controller.
0 Keep me button-type battery out at the tench at
0 Make sure you Insert ma battery with Its poles correctly
Replace battery with Panasonic PART NO.
VSBWDDM (CHZOES) only. Use of anottm battery
may present a risk at lire or explosion.
Caution-buttery mey explode If mistreated. Dispose
at used battery promptty. Keep away lrom children.
Do nut recharge. disassemble or dlspoee ol in fire.
l Remplacement de lo plle-bouton
Lorsque Ia pile-benton eel epuleée, Ia romplacar par une
pile GEMS neuve. (La durée (is Vin de la plle—bouton
est d'emrimn un en. thefols. cetta durée dépend de la
lréquenoe d'utilisation.)
1 Extraire Ie support de plle~bouton tout
en lalsant gllsser Ia butée a l’alds d’un
ohlet polntu dune Ie sens de la I‘Iéche
2 Aprés avolr retire la pile usages,
Insérer Ia nouvelle plle-bouton en
orientent In marque (+) gravée vers Ie
3 Insérer to support do pile-bouton darts
Ie télécommande.
o Connrvor la plle—bouton hots do portee dc:
o Velller a Insérer la pile-bouton en oriental“
oorramment see poledtée.
N'ulr'liser qu‘une pile de rechnnge Panasonic (piece
numéra VSBWINXM (CRZOZSD). L‘utilisetlon d’uns
autre pile peut sntratner un risque d‘lneendle eu
d‘exploslon. Attention - Le pile risque d‘exploser sl
ello n'est pee menipulée ave: precemlen. Dlsposer
promptemem do tout- pile usagee. Gerda! have de la
panes den enlanls. Ne pee Ia recharger. la démonier
nu I; later IU tau.
l Using the Remote Controller
1 Set the [POWER ONIOFF] Switch on the
Movie camera to [ON].
0 when the [CAMERA] Lamp lights, you can use the
rewrdng luncflone. o
o It you went to use the playbook iumaiom. press the
won/CAMERA] Button so met the [van] Lamp
lights. 9
2 Aim the Remote Controller at the
Remote Control Sensor onrthe Movie
Camera and press the appropriate
Distance to the Movle Camera: Less men 5 metres.
Angle: Approximately 15‘ up. down, Ieit and right
irom center axis.
0 The operetive range described above Is veild for using
the Remote Controller Inflows.
When using it outdoors or under strong fights. it may
not work eonealy even within the above range.
0 Vimhin a dimnce oi about 1 metre. it is also possible to
use the Remote Controller from the side (LCD Monitor
Selecting the Remote Controller Mode
When usingtwo Movie Cameras at the some time,
selecting ditlerent Remote Connoiler Modes makes it
possible to operate them s'eperateiy.
0 ii the Remote Controller Mode set on the Movie
camera and on its Remote Controller are not metched.
the [REMOTE] Irltfieetion appears.
0 Replacing the buttorrtype battery in the Hermite
Controller automatically resets it to the [vein] Mode.
- Set [REMOTE] on the Menu to the desired Remote
Controller Mode. (# 70-73)
9 Press the [a] Button and the [I] sum-m
This selects the [VCRZ] Mode.
9 Press the [b] Button Ind the [I] Button
This selects the [VCRl] Mode.
I Utilisation de la téieeommende
1 Mettre l'interrupteur [POWER ONIOFF]
du camésoope sur [ON].
0 Lorsoue ie lemoin [CAMERA] est ellurné. ii est
possible d‘utillser lee ionstions fl'enregistrement. 0
- Four utiliser les ionctions de iecture, eppuyer sur la
touche [VCR/CAM ERA] de manlere que lo lémnifl
[VCR] s‘ellums. Q
Pointer Ia télécommende vers le
oapteur de te'le‘commende du
ceméecope et oppuyer sur la touche
Distertce eu raméscope: mine as vino metres.
Angie: Enwron 15° vets Ie heut, ls bee, Ia gauche et
la drolts per rapport a ran oentrel.
o Le plage d'utilisefion deems cI-dessus est applicable
pour I'utilisetiort de is téléoonvnenoe en intérleur.
SI i'on utilise la telecomrnende en pieln eirou sous un
éclairage Intense, elle risque de ne pas ionciionner
correctement. meme dans la Iimite do Is plege lndiquée
- A une distance maximale d'environ un metre. li est
eussi possible d‘utlllser Ia telecommenoe sur is cute
(cote du monkeur LCD).
selection du mode de teléoommende
Si I'art utilise simultanement deux teleoommandss, on
pourra uliliser seperément ies fleux téteoornmendes en
seiectionnent fles modes as téléoornrriende differents.
0 Si ie mode de telecommahde regio surle oarnésoope
et oelui régié our on telecommemie ne conespmdent
pas. i‘lndieetion [REMOTE] eppareit.
o Lotsqu'on rempteoe ls pne-bouton de la
telecommande. cello—cl sere eutorrtethuemem nemise
eu mode [VCFH].
o Mgler i'elémem [REMOTE] on menu au mode de
teleoommende desire. (-) 70-73)
9 Appuvar ximulunément sur la touche [4] et eur
Is touctve [I].
Cecl selectienno eutnmetiquernent in mode [VCRZ].
o Appuyer slmuiunément sur Ie touehe [I'] at sur
la touohe [l].
Ceoi selectlorme emomethuemenl to mode [VCHl].
Copying onto an S-VHS (or VHS)
Ii you aim the Omput Terminal Box [DOCKiNG
STATION]. you can copy cassem recorded with this
Movie Camera onto S-VHS or VHS cassettes.
Attaching (he Output Terminal Box [DOCKING
1 Insert the plug of the Output Terminal
Box [DOCKING STATION] into the
underside of the Movie Camera and
lock it with the Screw o.
. Eelore copying. press the [DISPLAY] Bmlon on me
Remote Controller (0 35) so moi no Indicalion:
appear. Otherwise. the Counler Indication and iuncllon
Indications or: also recorded onto an cam.
0 among the Support Log 0 irom in. under-id- of in.
Ouw Tamlnal Box (BOOKING STATION] makes it
easiereo view lne playbook plclure on in! LCD Monitor.
capie sur une cassette 3- VHS
(Oil VHS) (Repiqulne)
Si I'on rnncorde is support o'uocusll vldéo [BOOKING
STATION}. II ssi possible oe copier dos cassettes
enregisuées avec oe numlscope sur des cassoiles 5-
Fix-lion du support d’aocuall video [DOCKiNG
1 lnsérer la fiche du support d'accuell
vldéo [DOCKING STATION] sous Ie
caméscope e! la fixer i I'olde de la vis
- Avam d’efl’ecluer la cople. appuyer sur la toucne
[DISPLAY] do In iéléoommonda (a 35) do maniere
qu‘euoune Indication n'apparuhn. Sinon‘ Vindication
du complwr ei lea indioalions do: ionollons serom
nuul ennui-1rd" our Ia camel
- Larsqu'en deolale ls pied do support 0 cu dassoua du
suppon d‘lmreil vldéo [BOOKING STATION}, II sen!
plus laolo do visionner l'image sur la monileur L004
After connecting all equipment as shown above. pertorm
the Iollowing operations:
1 Movie Cemere:
Set the [POWER ONIOFF] Switch to
2 Movie Camera:
Insert the recorded cassette.
3 Movie Camera:
Press the [VCR/CAMERA] Button so
that the [VCR] Lamp lights.
4 von:
Insert an unrecorded cassette with
Intact erasure prevention tab.
As some settings (enamel Input. tepe speed, etc.) on
the VCR are neoessary. please refer to your VCR' s
opemting Instrudions.
5 Movie Camera:
Press the Play Button [b] to start
6 vcn: ' ,
Start recording.
7 vca.
Press the Pause or Stop Button to stop
8 Movie Camera:
Press the Stop Button [I] to stop
0 Outpul Terminal Box [BOOKING STATION]
0 S- Video Cable
0 AV Came
Apres avoir rmordé tous les apperelle comma Indlqué
ei-dessus. eflmuer ies operations eulvnntee:
1 Caméscopa:
Mettre I‘interrupteur [POWER ONIOFF]
sur [ON].
2 Carnéscope:
Insérer In cassette enreglstrée.
3 Caméscope:
Appuyer sur la touche [VCR/CAMERA]
de maniere que Ie témoin [VCR]
Inserer une cassette vlerge dont In
Ianguette de protection centre
I'efleoement est Intacte.
Cenaine reglages (entree extArieure, vltesse de le
bande. etc.) deveni 6tre memes our Ie
magnétoscope, veuiliez coneulter la mode d‘empIoI
de votre magnetoscope,
5 Caméscope:
Appuyer sur la touche de lecture [b]
pour enclenoher la lecture.
6 Magnétoscope:
Enciencher I’enregistrement.
7 Magnétoscopa:
Appuyer sur la touche de pause nu
d'arret pour erréter I’enreglstrement.
8 Caméscope:
Appuyer sur la touche d'arrét [I] pour
arréter Ia lecture.
0 Support d'accuell vidéu [BOOKING STA’HON]
a cam S-Vlddo
0 Cable audio/video
* DU Nuance cum hum
Menu —1v . Caner»
Elli n to 3
w ”or new,“
Uslng with Digital Video Equipment
Ii you connect this Movie camera with other Digital Video
equipment (lor example another Movie Camera 0! the
same type) equipped with DV Input/Output Terminal
(IEEEl394) using the Wcable (optional). you can dub
high-quality picture and sound In the digital termat.
1 [Playback Unit]
Insert the recorded caneettl and press the
wen/omen] Button so that the [VCR] Lamp
2 [Recording Unit]
Insert a cassette onto which you want to perform
duhblng and press the [VCR/CAMERA] Button so
out the [VCR] Lamp "gnu.
3 [Playback Unit]
Press the Playback Button [b] to etart playback.
4 [Recording Unit]
Whlh pressing the [REC] Button, press the
[PLAY] Button (both on the Remote Controller).
Recording alarls,
Stopplng Recording
Press the Pause Sutton [I I] or the Stop Bulton [I] to ’
step recording.
- Regardless of the setting lor [AUDIO-REC] on the
Menu ollhe recording unit, dubbing is pertormed in the
same audio recording mode as that ol the cassette in
the playback unit.
a The lower part of the picture may be distorted.
However. this is not a mallunctiun and does not eilect
the actual recording.
0 "you start dubbing wilhout connecting the DV Cable,
an Error Message appears. and a random picture may
be recorded for a short moment.
a It the playback unit plays back an unrecorded part at
the tape. a random picture Is recorded.
Utilisation d’appareils vIde’o
51 Fort racccrde ca cemescope un autre appareil video
numérlque (par example A In autre ceméecope du meme
type) équlpé d'une borne d'enlreelsom'e DV (IEEE1394)
a raids du cattle DV [loumi]. il est possible d'ellecluar
une duplication de l‘image el du son oe lies name quallié
en rermal numerique.
1 [Apparel] de lecture]
Inaérer Ie cassette enreglntree e! appuyer aur la
touche [VCR/CAMERA] de mnnlere true le termin
[VCR] s'ellume.
2 [Apparel] d‘enreglslrement]
lnserer le cassette sur lequelle on déelre
eflactuer Ia duplication et appuyer eur Ia louci‘le
[VCR/CAMERA] de manlére due in ternoin [vcn]
3 [Appareli de lecture]
Press the Playback Button [b] to start playback.
4 [Apparell d‘enreglstrement]
Tout en rrrelnlenent le touehe [REC] entoncée,
appuyer lur Ia leuche [PLAY] (toulu daux sur la
L'enregistrement commence aiors.
Arret de I'enreglstrement
Appuyer sur la touche de pause [I I] ou sur la touche
d‘arret [I] pour arreter i'enregistrement.
n Que! qua soil Ie reglage de [AUDIO-REC] aur Ie menu
de I'eppareii d'enreglstremem. le duplication aera
ellectuée dana to mm mode d’enrepistremenl audio
que celui de in cassette de l‘eppareil de lecture.
- ll est possible que la panie Iniérieure de l'lmage salt
deterrnéa.Tomelais, oeci n‘esl pas une anemalle et
n’aliecte pas I'enreglstrement lul-rrréme.
- isi I'appareii as lecture etiectue la lecture d‘une partle
non enrepistree de la bande. une Image aera
enregislree eu hasard.
0 I! the playback unit plays back an unrecorded pan cl
me tape, a random picture ls recorded.
‘ Special Features
PC Connection
A live Image can be transferred directly to your PC (Personal Computer) via a DV lnterlace Cable (not
supplied) using products from Adapter: or Digital Origin (iormerly Radius).
Using these products allows you to capture live images onto your PC. edil the captured Image, etc.
- For more detailed information, please see the Adaptec and Digial Origin
(formerly Radius) brochures in this box or visit their web site at:
hltp:llwww.adaptec.coml1394 or http:llew.dIgitanrigin.comIDVP
- For assistance on Adaptec products, call 1-800-442-7274
For assistance on Digital Origin (formerly Radius) products,
call 1-800-572-3487
DV InpuIIDutpul (LUNK " A")
DV Interface Connector
cable (6404 pin)
(not supplied)
[AUDIO our]
Copying with the Help
of an Editing
ll you connect the Movie Camera to an Editing Controller
0 equipped with 5-pin Edit Jack. this Movie Camem‘s
playback iunctluns can be conlroflad from the Editan
(The Outpm Terminal Box [BOOKING STATION] is
When Edlllng wllh 11m. Code
Press the [COUNTER/TC] Button on the Remote
Controller to make the ‘I'Ime Code amen
- When the Time Code is displayed. the Time Code
Signal is output from the Edit Jack.
0 When the Count“ Indication is displayed, the Linear
Tape Cuunier Signal is output
0 To EdltJeck
Q EditJack
9 Connect the AC Adaptor.
e VCFI (optional)
6 To EdilJuck
0 TVioptionel)
Copie é I'alde d’une table do
Si l'on remade la oaméseope a nun table de montage 0
éeuipée d'une prise de montage a dnq bmchee, Ies
functions do lecture de 00 unuseope poummt étte
eommandées A panlr de In table de montage.
(ll inui alors utiliser le support d‘accueil video [DOCKING
Montage ave: code temporal
WW sur la touche [COUNTER/m] do in
telecommande pour fain-J apparatus Ie code temparei.
- Lorsqus Ie code temporal upparait, ls llgnel de code
temporal est émis par la prise de monlege,
o Lorsque I'lndleaxion du compteur upparafl. Is signal de
oomptaur do bane linéalre est émis.
0 Vers le prise de montage
9 Prise de marriage
0 Rammerle Nee d'nlimentationlcharne.
e Magnéloseope (err option)
0 vars la prise do montage
o Télévlseururn cpxlon)
Using the Movie Camera with a
Video Printer
Ii you connect the Movie Camera to a Video Primer, you
can print still pictures from scenes recorded with the
Movie Camerer
Movie Camera:
1 Set the [POWER ONIOFF] Switch to
[ON] to turn the Movie Camera on.
2 Insert a recorded cassette and press
the [VCR/CAMERA] Button so that the
[VCR] Lamp lights.
5 Press the Play Button m.
Video Printer:
3 Turn the Video Printer one
4 lithe Video Printer is equipped with
Electronic Image Stabilizer Function
and/or Moving/Still Picture Mode,
adjust them according to the picture
being Input.
6 Store the Image In memory.
7 Start printing.
0 Read the operating instructions at the Video Printer 0-
a Video Cable (nipplleti with the Video Printer)
9 S-Vldeo Cables (suppfied with the Movie Camera and
Video Printer)
For eddltional iniormafion about compatible video printers
please centat Panasonic at (8005244448. or by e mail
to pbissumOpanasunIctcoi-n
Utilisation du came‘scope avec une
imprimente vide’o
SI I'on recounts Ie magnétnseope a une imprimanta
video. il est possible d'imprimer das Images fixes tirées
as sequences enregistrées evec la cemésocper
1 Mettre I'interrupteur [POWER ONIOFH
sur [ON] pour mettre Ie caméscope en
2 Insérer une cassette enreglstrée et
appuyer aur la touehe [VCR/CAMERA]
de maniére que le témoln [VCR]
5 Appuyer sur la touche de lecture [b].
lmprlmante video:
3 Mettre I'Imprlmante vldéo en circuit.
4 Si I'lmprlmante vidéo est e'quipée de la
tonctlon stabilisateur d'lmege
numérlque etlou du mode Image
tixelanimée, Ies régler selon I‘image
6 Mémorlser l‘lmage.
7 Enclenchar l’impression.
- Lire la mode d'emploi do l'Imprlmame video 0.
0 Cable video (leumi evcc I'Imprlmante video)
9 CAbIes S-Vidéo (ioumis avec le camescope et
I'Impn'mente vIdéo)
Pour plus us details concement lee imprimanles video
mmpatibles, s'adreeaer a Panasonic en telepncnant an
(800) 524~1448.ou en envuyant un message par caurrier
£7, élsctronlque au pbtssuptflpanasonlcfiom.
omuvo we»:
assume m an
Ammo em m lax
lie-9550's! u
we LEVfl. -m 40. a-
+3 mom
Using the Menu Screen
This Movie Camera displays (he semngs oi various
functions in Menus ho mks ii easy in select the desired
functions and sailings.
1 Press the [MENU] Button.
The Menu appeals.
2 Turn the [PUSH] Dlal to select the llem
to be set.
Tulning me [PUSH] Dial changes the highlighlad
3 Press the [PUSH] Diel to set the
selected Item to the desired mode.
Every mess moves the cursor].] to me nexl mode.
Dlsplaylng the camera Mode Menu 0
Pm! the [MENU] sullen In the Recording Pause
1 While li'le Menu is displayed, lecnrdlng is net possible.
if During reeovdng. displaying the Menu Is not possible.
Displeylng abecR-Mode Menu 9
Prmenmmmmme] Lamp Mil.
o Whlle the Menu is displayed, playback Is not~ possible.
0 During playback, displaying the Menu is possible.
Ufllisation de I'écran de menu
Ce caméscope fail apparallre Ies regimes de diverses
loncilons dens on menus pour lacllllel In seledlon des
ioncilons et lies realms “sires.
1 Appuyer sur la louche [MENU].
Le menu apparel
2 Tourner la molt-me [PUSH] pour
sélectionner l‘élémenl e régler.
Lclsqu‘on ioume Ie molelie [PUSH]. I'elémenl mls en
velour es! change.
3 Appuyer sur la molette [PUSH] pour
régler l’élémenl sélecllonné all made
A cheque pleselon sul la "melts, is curseur [Q]
passe au mode sulvem.
Afllchage du menu du mode umeeoope 0
Appuyer am in touch: [MENU] en mode paus-
- Pendanl que la menu eppereil, iI n'est pee possible
- Pendant l'enregistremenl. ll n'esl pee possible do lalre
eppalallre Ie menu.
Amchnge du menu «in mode m-gnilosoopa 9
Appuyer lur la lauche [MENU] lnrlque le lemoln
[VCR] ell nllume.
- Pendant que le menu apperall. ii n'est pas possible
n'eilectuer le leclule.
- Pendent la lecture. II est possible de fails epperallra Ie
Exiting (he Menu
1 Press the [MENU] Button again.
Note About me Snmnga Mud- on the Menu
The saunas you selected on the Menu are mainlalnod
when you Ium (ha Movie Camera 0”. However. If you
disconnect the pawn: supply unil (Bane-y or AC Adapter)
from (ha Mwle 05mm More fuming It on. me selectud
settings may no! he mlnmlmd,
Abandon du munu
1 Appuyer a nouveau sur la touche
Rmrqun concern-m In Malaya: mam: lur Ie
Ls- néglagas que You I sélediannés sur la menu sum
ounssrvés si ron met I! ceméscope hon dmult,
Twinlols, s! I'on débruncha I'unilé d‘alimanhllon (batmrie
cu bloc d‘allnmnaflonlmugs) du caméacopa swam do Is
mama hors circuit, leg Magus Minna“ risque"!
d'élre annuléu.
D.ZDDM OOFF x30 mo
9——PHOG.AE OOFF Js. is
i a”
g—J:_ QOFF oN
MIC LEVEL —2M -|0dB 0113
' +36 +503 CAUTO
Menu Functions
Camera Mode Menu
Electronic Imago Stahlllar [£13] (4 30)
Digital Zoom [DZOOM] (9 27)
Dial!!! Function[u.FuNt:TloN] (* 4G, 47. 4!)
Auto Expuure Mode: [FHOGAE] (fi 43)
wide-Sore." Formal Becoming [WIDE] (43)
Shut!!! Effect [SHUTTER] (92!)
Recording Speed Mod! [REC-SPEED] (# 20)
Recording Mode [PICTURE] (455)
Audlo Becoming Mada [AUDIO-REC] (4 56)
Microphono SonuIlIvIty iml [Mic LEVEL] (4 55)
Functions des menus
Menu du mode cuméscope
o Foncflon mblllsallur llactronlqu- dc Plunge
[EIS] (4 an)
0 Zoom num‘rlqua [DZOOM] (9 21)
a Foncllons numeflquu lawns-now (9 u, 47,
Mod" d'exposlllun lutonuflque [PROGAE]
(9 43)
Made d’unugistremem 5mm! écrun [WIDE] (429)
Efle! d'oblumtmlr [SHUTTER] (+28)
Mod. d'enreglmm-m [REG-SPEED] (4 20)
Mod. d'enmglatnmom [PICTURE] (4 55)
Mod. enroglnmmenl ludlo [AUDIO-REC] H 56)
9 mmu de sanslbllm uu micro [MIC LEVEL]
&_ one; oN
REMOTE oorr vent vcaz
@——1NDEX can znoun
L m
Zebra Pltum [ZEBRA] (-0 54)
Wind Buffer [WIND OUT]
I! you set [WIND CUT] to [ON]. Ihe noln ot Ihe wind
hitting the Microphone Is reduced. However, this also
causes a slight deterioration oi the sound
reproduction in the on: range.
Courmr Display Mode [COUNTER] (4 9:4)
counter amt passer] (4 as)
To reset the caumerto zero.
However, the Time Code cannot be reset.
one and 11m; Indication [DATE/TIME] (4 31)
Omar llemsIOTNERS]
I' you set [OTHERS] to [ON]. me [MENU(DTHEHS)]
Menu appears.
Sun-Rocordlng [SELF-REC] (4 25)
LCD Lighllng Mode [LCD an (4 77)
LCD and Find-r Ad1ument [LCD/EVF SET]
(" 77)
Remain Controller Mode [REMOTE] (462) ‘
Scene Index Mode [INDEX] (439)
Tully-LED RALLY-LED] (4 23)
new and Time Selling [CLOCK SET] H 15]
0 Image zébrée men] (9 54)
Q nan-mam dc suuml [wme cur]
Lorsqu'on regie I‘élémsnl |wmo cur] sur [ON], Is
scuttle du vlnt snr ie micro est réduit. Toumois. cad
cause aussi une Iégére “gradation de la
reproduction SDHOIB darts ies graves.
Mod. lmchaga do comptnur [COUNTER] (# 93)
naming a 16m flu eompteur [ensss‘n (4 as)
Four remettrs Ie compisur A zero. Tomelois, ii n‘est
pas possible 69 ran-ems is code tampons] a zéro.
Indicallort de la an- at as i‘heure [DATE/TIME]
(9 31)
Autm éiénwttl [OTHERS]
Si i’nn régle I'éiément [OTHERS] sur [ON]. Is menu
menurommsn apparait.
Enreglstremem dl lei-mane [SELF-REC] (4 25)
Mode idling: LCD [LCD B.L] (4 77)
Hui-g. du LCD 3! du vlnllr [LcD/EVF SE]
B 77)
Mode filécnmmande [REMOTE] (4 82)
Mada Index de léquenn [INDEX] (+39)
E'moln d'anreglstrement [TALLV-LED] (9 23)
Mghge do I. data at as ”new. [CLOCK SET]
(* 75)
_xm_ “ mm—
was ”new scans hm ML W m DN
555an 005 ON LBD/EVF snow on wnsx ammo scene
won om srz wx COUNYER our; UNEAR 355mm ow oN
o—~ itc-sPEEmss u- mom (cone mm | srz mx
u. n. ”um m—— DATE/TIMEQOFF on on: Mic LEVEL >m an an
‘AUYDPRINTIBFF aN 0—~me ms vcm vcnz ‘ +3: +u .Aurc
Minimum Elm Emma-l
VCR Mode Menu Menu du moda magnétoscape
0 man Surch [INDEX] (940.40
3 Blank Search [B.SEARCH] (4 an)
9 Audio Ouiput Mode [AUDIO] (a 57)
o meg-ding Speed Mode [REC-SPEED] (-4 20)
Microphom Sensitivity level [we LEVEL]
(4 55) '
Auiomafl: Printing [AUTOPRINT]
LCD ngmmg Mode [LCD B.L] (a 77)
LCD and Finder Adjustment [LCD/EVF SE‘U
(4 77)
Counter Display Mud. [COUNTER] (-) 93)
0 Count-r Reset [C.RESET] (4 99)
To moi the counter in zero.
Howevar. ihe Tune Code camel be mseL
Rum“; Conlroiiar Mada [REMOTE] (462)
on. and 11m. Samng [CLOCK SET] (4 75)
ban and 11m indlcuiion [DATE'TIME] (4 31 )
.74 .
o Richerch d'lndlx [mum (44am)
9 Hechamhe d'liplce visfgo [5.5mm] (q as)
9 Mod- do scrlll ludlo [AUDIO] (» 57)
0 Made muse d'mrvglltrement [5159511550]
(-' 20)
vaanu d: nlnsibiiiié du micro [Mic LEVEL]
(4 55)
imprassicn automallque [AUTOPRINT]
Modl éclulrlgc Lcn [Lcn SJ.) (4 77)
flégllyl an LCD ll du vinur [LGD/EVF SET]
(" 77)
Mode amen-go d. con-pun: [COUNTER] (-» 93)
new“!!! i urn fill commur [CBESET] (~D 89)
Four rememro Io oompisur a 16m TouMoia, II n'esx
pas pmsible do rumours Ia code iempowl a 16m.
indication (in i. m. at de i'hour- [DATEmME]
(-b 31)
0 Mod: filécommanda [REMOTE] (4 an)
0 R‘gi-go fie la Gale a: do rhoura [CLOCK SET]
(a 15)
Setting the Date and Time
it (he Mvvie Camera is in the Camera Mode, press lhe
[MENU] Bunion, selec] [OTHERS], and then set [CLOCK
SET] to [ON].
ll me Mavis Camera I: in the VCR Mods. Pies! me
[MENU] Button. and than as! [CLOCK SET] (0 [ON].
The menu shown above [5 now appeared. (4 7073)
For exampln: To let lho clock lo 15m October 1998,
2:30 PM.
Turn (ha [PUSH] Dial ta I'M In [1996].
Press the [PUSH] mu] la “lac: [MONTH].
Turn the [PUSH] Dlal ta Min [OCT].
mu (ho [PUSH] Dlll lo select [DAV].
5 Turn [he [PUSH] mm] to m to [15].
6 Puss the [PUSH] Dlal to mm [noun].
7 Turn lha [PUSH] ms! to set In [2m].
8 Prul me [PUSH] DI-I to mm [MINUTE].
9 Turn the [PUSH] Dlal to u! lo [30].
1 Om;- m- [MENU] Button to finish !ho dale and
time setting.
The opemlion a! the clock starts lrom [00] seconds.
Re’glage de la date at de I'heure
Si Ie caméscope as: an mode alumna. sopuyer sur la
luuche [MENU]. sélectionner [OTHERS], puIS régler
l‘élémenl [CLOCK SET] sur [ON].
Si 15 uméseupe est en mode magn‘tosoope. uppuyer
Sur la lauche [MENU] puIS War I'élémenl [CLOCK SEI]
sur [ON]. Le menu momré cI-dessus appavah alors
(-o mm)
Fur “ample: Pour rSgler l'hcnoge au 15 mare
1998, 2:30 PM
1 Taumor la moi-m [PUSH] pour régler a [1996].
2 Appuy-r sur la melm [PUSH] pour sélecflnnner
[MONTH] (mols).
3 Toumer l. molane [PUSH] pour régm ”0011.
4 Appuyar sur In mom's [PUSH] pour “manner
[DAV] 00W)-
5 Tournur In molm [PUSH] pour r‘glar a [15].
6 Appuycr lur In Malone [PUSH] pour “lecllnnner
[HOUR] (hours).
7 Toumer In mam [PUSH] pour réglcr a [2m]
8 Appwsr sur ll molnlhe [PUSH] pour sélectlonner
[MINUTE] (minutes).
9 Tourm- In men-m [PUSH] pour Mgleri [30].
1 DAppuyer lur Ia touch: [MENU] pour tarmlner l-
régllgl d. h dale it at I'heure.
Le compte dss secondes s’sndenche alovs A partir
de [00].
a its small improcisions in the time indication can occur.
we recommend that you confirm that ihe time shown is
correct beiore you start recording. when the [CLOCK
BATI'EHV] Indication appeals. charge the built-In
lithium battery and set the date and time again.
a The years change in the iollowing order:
1990—>1991—> .,_—-2089—>|990—t..
Charging the Built-in Lithium Battery
The hulk-in battery maintains the opil‘atloti ol the clock.
When the [CLOCK BATiERY] Indlcailon appears. the
builHn lithium battery is discharged, Chums tho
discharged battery In the toll “no way and uttor charging
is finished. set the date and time.
1 Connect the Ac Adaptor to the Movie
Camera and to an Ac mains jack.
(-> 16)
2 Leave the Movie Camera turned off.
3 Leave the Movie Camera in this
condition for approximately 4 hours.
Alter charging lor 4 hours. the built-in lithium battery
can power the clock ior approximately 3 mantra.
0 Do légéres imprédslom do Vindication do i’heuro
pow-n! se produiro. nous rocommandonc do verifier sl
l'heuro indlquée est corrects event do oommencer a
onreglstrer. Lorsquo vindication [CLOCK BATTERY]
apparaii. charger la pile eu lithium mot-puree at rogier
a nouveau la date at I'heuro.
a Les nnnéee changom dam l'ordro sulvani:
1990 —v 1991 —- —> 2059 —>1990 —>,.
Charge de la plle au lItthrn Incorporée
La pile lnoorporée assure Io towionnement do I'horioge.
Loroque Vindication [CLOCK BATI'EHYJ apparait, Ia pile
incorporée est coma-goo. Charger In pile riéchargoo do
la manure suivante. at une loin Ia charge tonnlnee. rapier
la date at l‘heure,
1 Brancher le bloc d’ailmontationlcharge
au caméscope et a une prise secieur.
(-i 16)
2 Lalsser ie oaméscope hors circuit.
3 Laisser ie caméscopo dens cot état
pendant environ quatre heures.
Lorsque la pile nu lithium incorporéo n are charges
pendant 4 houros. olle pom hire lanaionnor l'honope
? p'endants moi! environ.
”new! q...
ccwrsr- m
Adjusting the LCD Monitor
Ii the Movie Camera is in the Camera Mode, press the
[MENU] Bunch, sliect [OTHERS], and than eel
[LCD/EVF SET] in [ON].
ii the Movie Camera Is In the VCR Mode. prose the
[MENU] Button. and then eel [LCD/EVF SEI'] to [ON].
The following items now appeartkb 70-74)
Len Brightnoss [LCD BRIGHT]
To adlust lhe brightness oi the LCD screen. The Bar
Indication is divided inn 3 steps. The more vertical bars
are shown. the brighler is the screen.
LCD Color Level [LCD COLOR]
To adjult the color uluraficn oi the LCD screen. The Bar
indication is divided Into 8 steps. The more vertical bars
are shown. the stronger are (he colors.
Finder Brightnlsl [EVF BRIGHT]
To adjust 019 brightness oi the Finder. The Ear indk-Aiion
is divided into 5 steps. The more vertical bars are shown.
the brighter Is (he screen.
1 Press the [PUSH] Dial to select the item
that you want to adjust.
2 Turn the [PUSH] Dial. Turning it
increases or decreases the number or
vertical bars of the Bar Indication.
Boosting the Brightness of the Whole LCD
Selting [LCD B.L] on the Menu in [BRIGHT] brightens up
the LCD Monitor.
-Thsse adiusimsms have no influence on the actually
recorded piclure,
Re‘glage du moniteur LCD
Si la caméscope as! an made fiamésoope. appuyer sur la
tom [MENU], sélsctionner [OTHERS], pun Iégler
I‘élémenl [LCD/EVF SET] sui (om.
Si is cameseope as! in mode msgnéiosccpe. uppuyer sur
la Icucha [MENU] puls r‘gier l'élémeni [LCD/EVF SEi']
sur [ON]. Lo menu monlre cI-dessus apparel! aims.
H 7074)
Lumlnosiié (in LCD [LCD BRIGHT]
Four rider Ie Inminosite de I'écran LCD. L'mdicaiim a
barre; commend huii elements. Plus les barre! verticals:
sent nombrauses. plus I'écrun est cleir.
NIve-u do couleur an LCD [LCD COLOR]
Pour regier In saturafinn do muleurde I'éoran LCD.’
L'Indlcaiion I! barres commend huir éiérnenis, Pius res
barres vertical” eon! nomhrsuses. plus les oouisurs eon!
Luminoflu du viseur [EFV BRIGHT]
Pour régler is luminoshé du visaur. L'indirarlon a barren
commend huit elements. Pius [as harms venlcaies soni
nombreuses. plus l'écran est clalr.
1 Appuyer sur la moiette [PUSH] pour
séiecllonner l'éiémen! que l’on veut
2 Tourner in molette [PUSH]. Lorsqu'on la
tourne, le nombre de barres verticsles
de Vindication a barres augments ou
Accentuaiion de la iuminosité genéraIe du
monneur LCD
Lorsqu‘on regle I'élémeni [LCD B.L] du menu sur
(swarm, Ie monileur LCD s'eclaircit.
OCes régiages n‘oni pas d‘aiiei sur I‘lmage ehreuislreo.
Cautions for Use
Take care that no water enter: the Mwie
Camera when using it In the rain and snow or
on the beach.
0 The Movie Camera and the cassette could become
damaged. (it might not be repairable.)
Keep the Movie Camera may from magnetized
equipment (TVs, TV games, etc.).
a If you use the Movie Camera on or mere TV, the
electromagnetic: radiation may cause picture and sound
- Strong magneto fieids generated by speakers and
large motors may damage the recordings on the tape
and distort the picture.
a The electromagnetic radiation from micro-computers
can adversely Influence the Movie Camera and cause
picture and sound (amnion.
- It the Movie Camera Is adversely Influenced by
magnetized equipment and does not work correctlyv
turn the Movie Camera ott. remove the Battery or
disconnect the Ac Adaptor and Insert the Battery or
connect the AC Adapter again. Then turn the Movie
Camera on.
Do not use the Movie Camera near a radio
transmitter or high-voltage power line.
a If you record near a radio transmitter or higtwoitage
power line, the recorded picture and sound may be
adversely influenced.
Do not use the Movie Camera tor surveillance
and other industrial applications.
0 It the Movie camera Is being used tor a long time. Ihe
inside temperature could rise excessively and this may
cause mallunctidn.
0 This Movie Camera is not designed tor inwetrial use,
Take care that no sand and fine dust enters the
Movie Camera when using It on a beach or
similar plecoo.
0 Sand and dull could denuga the Movie Camera and
cassette. (Be ooretul when Inserting and removing the
Pre'cautions d ’utllisation
Vellier a ea qua da l'eau ne penitre pas dam Ia
caméacepe Iorsqu‘on l'ulliise sous la piuie en
la nelge on a la piage.
- Le earnescope at In cassette risquent d‘étre
Irréparablement endomrnagés.
Ne pas placer is cemenope i proximlté
immediate d’apparelia magnétiques
(televisaurs, leux video, etc.).
0 Si I'on utilise le car/teacups our on a proxlrnlte d'un
téléviseur, Il est possible que les radiations
électmmagneliquas deiorment I’imeqa et la son.
- Les champs magnetiques puissams piodulie par les
enoeimas at lss gres meteors risquent d‘endornmager
les anregistrements our hande et de deiormer l'imege.
- Les radiations électrornagnétiques emlsas par Ias
micMrdinateurs rlaquant de perturber le caméscope
et de uuserdes délerrnations da l'irnage at du son.
a Si Ie toncilonnement du cameseope eat perturbe par
des appareils magnetiques. rnettre la caniéscope hora
circuit, enlevar la baitsrle eu debranoher le bloc
d'ailmenialion/charge, puis remeltre la battens on
plane ou rebrancher Ie bloc d'alirnentatloNGharde.
Flemeure ensuite la camésoope en circuit
Ne pas utiliser ie caméscope a proximité d'un
érnetteur da radio ou d’une ilgne i haute
- SI I‘en enregistre a proximite d'un ematteur de radio on
d'une ligne a hams tension, rlmage et ie son
enregistrés pourreni titre penurbes.
Ne pas utiliser ie caméscopa pour la
surveillance ou pour d'autrtes applications
0 Si l‘on ieit tenotionner le oaméseope pendant une
longue durbe. as temperature interns risque do s'elevar
sxoeseivemant at de causer das anomalies.
- Ca caméseope n’ast pas destlne a un usage industrial.
Vellier a no qua du settle on do: petites
particulars ne penatrant pas done is ceméscopa
iorsqu'on l'uttiise a la plugs on an plain air.
- La sable ll Ia paussiere risqueni d'endommager le
canesoope et la cassette. (Fairs penicullamnent
attention en inserant et en retlrant la cassette.)
Take care not to drop the Movie Camera when
carrying It.
0 strong shocks could clamps the body of the Movie
Camera and cause meiluncllon.
0 When carrying, hold the Movie Camera by the arm
Bell or Shoulder Strap and handle it with care.
Do not spray insecticide or volatile agents on
the Movie Camera.
- Such agents could deform the body and cause the
surlace coating tn peel all.
0 Do not leave the Movie Camera in direct contact with
rubber or plastic products tor a long time,
Do not use benzlne or thinner for cleaning.
- They could deform the body and cause the surlece
coetlng to peel off.
- Eelore cleaning, remove the Battery or unplug the AC
Mains Cable 1mm the AC mains jack.
O Wipe the Movie Camera with a Soft, deen cloth, To
remove persistent Steins, wipe with a cloth moistened
with mild detergent diluted with water. and then finish
with a dry cloth.
After uu, always take out the cassette and
remove the Battery or unplug the AC Mains
Cable from the AC mains lack.
- it you leave the unette in the Movle Camera, ihe tape
can become loosened and dam .
i ll you leeve the battery in the Movle Camera ior a long
time. the voltage level may drop very law so that the
Battery cannot be used any more even altar charging.
Velller i ne pas Ialaeer tomber ie came’acope
innqu'on le transporte.
- Les choc: vlolents risquent d‘endommager le corps du
oernéscope et de caueer dee anomalies de
l Lorequ'on transporte le mméscope, le lonir per la
connole de polgnée ou par In bendoullere, et le
manlpuler evec saint
Ne pas vaporlaer d'insecticldes ou d'egents
volatile aur le came-Dope.
- De tel: agents risquenl de determer Ie corps an
carnéscope et d’écailler se sunace.
- Ne pas leisser Ie caméscope dlreclement en contact
ever: des produlte en caoutd’louc an en plasthue
pendent une tongue durée.
Ne pas utiilur de benzlne ou de diluent pour le
O Gee pradults risquent de deionrler le corps du
can-escape et d'écailler sa sunece.
0 Avant de nettoyar Ie mméseope, retirer Ia betterle ou
debrencher in cable d'ellmentation sectaur do Is pills
- Essuyer Ie carneeoope aver: url chliion doux et sec.
Four eliminer lee teches persistenles, eseuyer even: up
chiffon humecté d'un detergent doux dilué a read. puis
avec un d‘tiflon sec.
Aprbe I'utilisetlon, tdulours retirer Ie caeutte et
enlever le betterle, ou débrancher Ie oAbIe
d'allmentatlon eecteur de la prise eecteur.
- SI on leisee la cassette dens le méempe, Ia bands
risque do so detendre at oe t'ebimer.
- Sl an leisee Ia cassette darn le caméecope pendant
une longue durée. le nivsau de tension risque de
balsser oxaeeslvsment. et il eera alors impossible de
remlllser la betterle. meme apres l'evoir charges.
I Condensation
Determining Whether Condensation Has
Formed Inside and Remedy tor Condensation
Ii the Condensation Indication flashes alter you turn on ‘
the Movie Camera, condensation has icrmed inaido the
Movie Camera. In ink case. the Movie Camera
automatically switches all after a law seconds.
Remedy as follows:
1 Take out the cassette.
All other functions do not work Depending on the
amount oi condensation. it may not be possible to
take out the cassette. In this case. wait 2 - 3 hours
belora taking out me cassette.
2 Leave the Cassette Compartment open and
wait for2 -3 hours.
The required time depends on the amount oi
condensation and the ambient temperature
3 After 2 - 3 hours, turn the Movie Camera on
and check If the Condensation indication I:
not displayed.
Even iI the Condensation Indication is no longer
displayed, wait 1 more hour lor added aalety before
using the Movie Camera again.
Pay Attention to Condensation Even Belore the
Condensation Indication Appears.
a As condensation forms gradually. the Condensation
indication may not appear lor the first to - 15 minutes
alter condensation has iormed inalde.
- In an extremely cold place. the condensation could
freeze and turn into frost. in such a case, it takes an
additional 2 - 3 hour! ior the Inost to lirst melt into
condensation and then to be dissolved.
Remedy for a Fogged-up Lens
Set the [POWER ON/OFF] Swlioh to [OFF] and leave the
Movie Camera In this condition for about 1 hour. when
the lens has reached about the same temperature as its
surroundings. It amornaticalty clears up.
I Condensation
Pénétratlon de la condensation dans la
cemésoope et remeda
si Vindication do condensation cilgnote acres qu'on alt
mi: Ia camésoopo en circuit, cola signlfioque do In
condensation s'est ionnée a l'inlerieur du camescope.
Dane do no la caméscope eat this automatiouemem
hora circuit quelquas seeondea plus lard.
Y temédier de la maniére suivante:
1 Eniever la cassette.
Toutes Ias antral fonctlons som Inutiliaablaa. Salon in
quantito do condensation. II pout etre impossible
d'ertievar Ia cassette. Dans on use. attendre deux a
trois heuras avant d'eniever Ia mesene.
2 Lalsser Ie compartlrnent do cassette ouven
et attendre deux it trols haures.
La duraa Moesaaire depend do la ouamité do
condensation et de la iempéiature amblante.
3 Daux ou trois heurea plus tard, maltr- Ia
caméscope en circuit at verifier al
I'Indlcatlon do condensation n’aat plua
Meme si I'Indicalion de condensation n'est plus
aiiicitee. attandre encore una heure par meeure do
précaution auppidmentalre avant de recommencer a
uh’liser Ie cambecopa.
Falre attention a la condensation avant méme
qua I'Indlcallon do condensation n‘apparalase.
- La condensation se formant pmgreesiventent, il eat
pouible qua Vindication de condensation n'opparalaao
pas pendant Ias drx a quinza minutes suivant to debut
do la formation do condensation.
0 Dans un endioit trés lroid, Ia condensation risque de
gelor. Dans oe cas. Ii laudra encore deux a troll houres
de plus pour que le gel londa pols se dissoudet
Hemede a la formation de buee aur l'obiectit
Meltre I‘iniarrvpteur [POWER ONIDFF] Sui“ [OFF] at
lalseer le cernésoooe done cat “at pendant une heura
envlront L'obiactii s'écialrclra automaliquement me his
que aa temperature sera Mentions a la temperature
I Video Head Clogging and Ftemedy
Ii the video heads (which contact the tape) are dirty, the
playback picture contains rectangular blocks oi picture
noise or the whole screen becomes blue. li they are very
dirty. the recording pariorrnarlce deteriorates and in the
worst case. recording may not be possible at all.
Causes of Dirty Video Heads
O A lot at dust in the air.
0 High-temperature and highhumldity environment.
a Damaged tape.
. Long-time use.
Periodic Inspection
To ensure optimum picture quality. we recommend that
you have worn out parts such as video heads replaced
alter approximately 1000 hours oi use. (However. this
depends considerably on the conditions or use such as
temperature, humidity and dust.)
lOptlmum Use of the Battery
Special Characteristics of the Battery
This Battery l! a rechargeable llihlum~ic|r| battery. Its
ability to generate electric energy Is based on an internal
chemlcal reaction. This reaction is easily influenced by
smhlent temperature and humidity. and the uselul
operation time that the Battery can provide becomes
shorter at high and low temperatures. when used in
extreme” coid surroundings. the Battery may only be
able to provide apprcitlmatety 5 minutes at operation
time. It the Battery becomes extremely hat, a protection
motion is activated and prevents the use at the Battery
ier some time.
After Uae, Always Tales out the Battery.
Be sure to remove the Battery lronr the Movie Camera. (It
it is ietl In the Movie Camera, a small antcunt oi electric
current ls consumed even It the Movie Camera Is tumed
nit.) Leaving the Battery lmertsd In the Movie Cam-re tor
a very long time could cause it to become excessively
discharged. so that it cannot be used any more even alter
Discardlng a Battery That Has Become
- The usable lite oi the Battery is limited.
0 Do not throw the Battery In a fire because it could
explode. '
Keep the Battery‘a Terminals Clean.
Be caretul that the terminals (the two small round
openings) do not get plugged up with dust. din or other
II you accidentally drop the Battery, confirm that the
Battery ltaeii and the terminals are not ceiormed.
Inserting a deionned Battery in the Movie Camera or
attaching it to the AC Adapter could damage the Movie
Camera or the AC Adapter.
l Remede it I'encrassement des tétes
Lorsaue Ies tetes video (qul sent an contact avec la
bands) sent amasseea. l'lmage Iue contleni des
par-alias rectangutsiras on team devienl errtierement
olau. Si 155 tetes sent tres ancrassees, la quallte de
tenreglatrarnent timlnue at I'enregietremertt peul meme
devenir tout a tail impossible.
Causes de I'ancrassement dee tetes vldéo
0 Air tree pousslereux
a Environnemenl tree chaud at tree humlde
0 Bends endommagée
e Utilisation tres longue
Inspection periodlque
Pour gerentlr tine qualité d‘irnage optimate. nous
recommendons de remplacer Ies pleees usees Ielies que
ies tetea vldec toutes lea mllle heures d'utillsation
environ. (Tautefais. ceoi depend oonsidérabtemem des
conditions d'utllisatlon telles que la tampemture.
i'humidite et la pousslere.)
l Bon usage de la batterle
Caractérlsthuea partlculléres de la hatterle
Cette balterte est une belterie aux Icns-IItthm
rechargeable. 5a capacilé de production d‘énergie est
bases sur une reaction chlmique interns. Celts réaction
est ladlement influences par la temperature at I'humidite
emplantas. et la duree do lcnctionnemenl utile de la
hatierie dIminue lorsque la temperature est
excessivement haute ou basse. St on i'utilise par lamps
tree treid. la helierie pwna assurer seulement cinq
minutes de lonciimnemem. Si la battens s'échauila
excessivement, une ianotion de protection a'enctenche
pour empéeher l’uiilleatlon de la hatierle pendent on
certain temps.
Toulours ratlrar Is banerle aprbs l'trtlllaatlon.
Velller a retirer Ie batteria du caméscope. (S! on la ialsse
den: Ie carnéscope. une petite quantité de ceurani sere
consommee meme sl I'on met Ie carnéscope hots circuit.)
St on Ialsse Ia hatierie dana Ia camesoope pendant une
tree tongue duree, elie risquera de es décharger
excessivement at de ne plus pouvolr etre reutilisée.
meme cores avoirdle charges.
Elimination d'une battarie Inutlllsebie ‘
0 La duréa devle de la battens est IImltAe. ;
0 Ne pasjeter Ia batterie an teu car eIIe risquerait
Velller a la propreté des bornes de la betterle.
Veiilare es que les bcmes (lea daux petites oweriures
rondes) ne solant pas obsirueas per do Ia poussiere cu
d'autres substances.
SI la battens tornbe, s'essurer que la batterle elle~meme
at ies homes no solant pas deformeee.
Si I‘on Inaere urie battens deiorrnee dans la cemescope
on at on in like en bloc d'afimentatlon/charge. on risquera
d‘endornrnager Ie ceméacope ou Ie bloc d'alimentationl
l Precautions tor Storage
Belore storing the Movie Camera, Take out the
Cassette and Remove the Battery.
Store all Went in a dry place where the temperature
remains relatively constant.
(Recommended temperature ls ls'C . 25‘0 and
recommended relative humidity is 41m - ems.)
Movie Camera
0 Wrap it with a soil cloth to prevent dust tram entering.
- Extremely low or high temperature shortens the Battery
- Storing it in pieces with oily smoke and a lot or dust
could cause the terminals to get msty, and this can
result In malluncilon.
- Do not allow metal objects (such I! necklacll and
hair pins) to touch the battery terminals. Short-
circutting may occur and generate heat. and
touching it in this condition could inflict serious
- Store the Battery in discharged condition. It you store
the Battery tor along time. we recommend that you
charge it once a year and completely use up the
charge before storing it again in discharged condition.
0 Rewind the tape to its beginning belore storing.
Leaving the cassette with the tape stopped hallway tor
more than 5 months (depending on the storing
condition) loosen; the tape. Be sure to rewind it to the
0 Futtnccassette in Itscasetosture it
Dust. direct sunlight (ultraviolet rays) and humidity
could damage the tape. Dust connins hard mineral
particles and cassettes with dust damage the video
heads and other parts at the Movle Camem. Make it a
habit to always put the cassette bank Into its case.
- Completely wind the rape lorward and then rewind it
once every halt year. Leaving the cassette tor more
than a year without windinglrewlnding it may deform
the mssette hecsuse oi stretching and shrinking ot the
tape due to changes in temperature and humidity. Also.
the tape may stick together.
0 Do not place the cassette near strongly magnetized
obiects or equipment.
a The tape surface is coated with microscopic magnetic
particles and they record signals. such objects as
magnetic necklaces and toys have stronger magnetic
lorce than commonly thought, and this could erase the
recorded contents and cause noise in picture and
l Precautions pour la rangement
Avant de ranger to caméscope, retirer Ia
cassette at enter/er la hatterie.
Hanger tous les appareils darts un endroir sec a
temperature reiativernont consume.
(La tempérelure reoomnrandée est do we 1! 25’s et
I'humldlté relative recommendee est de 4056 d SW.)
0 L'envelopper dans un chitlon doux pour empecher la
poussiere d'entrer.
0 Des temperatures excessivemant basses ou hautes
diminuent Ia durée de vie de la banana.
n Eviter de la renger dans un endrolt comment des
lumees hulleuses on da Ia pousslere. car lee comes
pourraient rculller et causer des anomalies de
0 Ne pas mattr- lee borne: de la hatterie en contact
ever: do: octets metalllquel (outliers ou eplngie: l
chevwx par example). urt court-circuit rilqueralt
do produtre de la chaleur at de censor do: hrniuree
corporeilu graves.
- Veiller e ce que la batterie soit completement
dechargée avant de la ranger. SI l'on range la battens
pendant une tongue pénode. il est conseille de la
charger une iols par an at d'en utiliser oompiétement to
charge event de la ranger A nouveau a I'etat dechar
- Hebohiner Ie bands lusou'au debut avant de la ranger.
St on lame Ia cassette ranges pendant plus de six
mois avec sa bands enrculee a micourse. la hands
risquera de es detendre (salon Ies conditions de
rengement). Veiller a In reboblner lusnu'au debut.
l Metire Ia cassette dens son boltier avanl do In ranger.
La pousaiere. ies raynns (ultraviolets) directs du eoleli
et l'humidlté risquent d'enoommeger Ia bands. La
poussiere cantlent des partiwles minéralea dures qui
peuvent endommager Ies rates video et les autres
pieces du caméseope. Prendre thabltude do loujours
ranger la cassette dens eon boitier.
o Bobiner cornpletement Ia hands vars I'avant puts la
reaobiner une leis tous les six mots Si an lalsse Ia
cassette pendant plus d‘une entree sans Ia
bobiner/rebobiner. ie cassette dsquera de se detonner
et la bande de ee dilater cu do retracir sous reliet des
changements do temperature er d'humidlte. Le bends
pourreil aussl presenter dea adherences.
- Ne pas placer la cassette e proximité d'appareils ou
d‘obiets tenement magnétiquee.
- La surlace de la bands est recouverre de particulee
magnétiques microscopiques pennetmnt d‘enreglslrer
des signeux. Des oblets tels qua dos oolllers ou des
Jouets possedent un champ rrtannéthue plus meant
que ce que i’cn pence habtmellemeht. qui pent ellacer
la contenu des enregletrernents er center dos parasites
darts I'irnage et Ie son.
l LCD Monitor and Lens Hood
LCD Monitor
0 in places where big changes in tempemture ecwr.
condensation may ierm on the LCD Monitor. Mpe it
with a soft, dry cloth.
0 When the Movie camera is very cold when it Is turned
on. the picture on the LCD Monitor is inilielly a little
darker than nnrmaliyt However. as the internal
temperature rises. the LCD Monitnr regains its normal
- Extremely high precision technology is employed in
producing the LCD Monitor. The result is more than
99.99% etiective pixels with a mere 040m at the pixels
inactive or always lit.
Lens Hood
- it you want to attach a filter irom the Filter Kit
(supplied), be sure to first remove the Lens Hood,
Hwever. during ramming in the Cinema Mode with a
filter attached. the tour earners of the picture may
become dark (vignettlng effect). when you push the
[W/T] Zoom Lever toward [W].
l Cleaning the Finder
Il dual has entered the Finder, clean It in the ioliowing
Unscrew the screws o.
Hemove the Eyecup.
Remove the dust with a blower brush (not
4 Fleettach the Eyecup.
5 Tighten the screws a.
l Repeat Playback
. It you keep the Playback Button [b] pressed tor more
than 5 seconds. the Movie Camera switches over to
the Repeal Playfiedt Mode and the [H PLAY] Indication
appears. (T o cancel lne Repeat Ptayaack Mode. set
the [POWER ONIOFF] switch to [OFFIJ
l Moniteur LCD e! pare-sole" d'ohjectit
Monlteur LCD
- Dans des endroits soumis a de grandee variations as
temperature. |i est possible que de la condensation se
lerme sur le moniteur LCD. L'esauyer avec un ctrlifon
deux at sec.
- Si is cemescope est tree iroid lorsqu‘on is me! an
circuit, Ie monlteur LCD apparalt d'ebord un peu plus
inncé qua d'nebitude. Tomeieis‘ au iur et A mesure
que la temperature interns s'eleve. le meniteur LCD
retrouve ea Iuminoeité normals.
- Le monlteur LCD 5 are iabriqué en utilisent une
technologia sophisliquee. Lie results! m que 99.99“
des pixels sent siliceous, et seulement 0.0156 des
pixels sent Inactiis ou continueliement ellumes.
Pare~soleii d'ohjectlt
0 Si I‘cn veut fixer un flitre du ieu de flllres (Icurni). velller
a enlever d'abard Ie pare-soieii d'ohlectii. Touteioh,
lors de i’ennzgistrement en mode grand écran evec un
iiilre ilxe, Ies quetre coins de ”megs rtsquent de
deventr tomes (site! vignette) Iorsqu‘on pousse la
Ievier du zoom [Wm vars [W].
l Nettoyage du viseur
Si de la poussibre a penetre dens Ia viseur, l‘élimtner tie
in manlére suivenu:
1 Deenrrer lee via 0.
2 Hetlrer t'ailieton.
3 Helirer la puussiére a l‘eide d‘une brcsse
enumerate (vendue séperément).
4 Remettre i'celiietnn en place.
5 Resurrer ies vis a.
l Lecture répétée
- SI l'on mainiient Ia mile de lecture [b] enioneée
pendent plus de clnq secondes. le carnéseope passe
eu mode lecture repétée el Vindication [Ft PLAY]
apparelt. (Pour ennulerle mode lecture repetée. meme
I'interrupteur [POWER ONIOFH sur mm.)
l Digital Video System
In the digital video system. picture and sound are
convened Into dig‘tal signals and recorded onto the tape.
This completely olg'lai recording allows recording and
playback oi picture and sound with minimum quality
In addition. such date as Time Code, Data and Time are
also automaticaln recorded as digital signals.
0 Superior picture resolution
0 Excellent slynal-lomise ratio
- Stable pictures
- Mlnirnised quality deterioration In dubbing
- Minimised cross color distortion
0 PCM digital sound
- No picture deterioration in LP Mode
0 6.35 min-wide tape
a Compact cassette with long recording time
0 Minimised quality deterioration in editing
0 Tune Coda editing
Compatibility with S-VHS or VHS Cassettes
As this Movie camera uses a digital method ior recording
picture and sound, more is no compatibility with
conveno‘cnal Swirls or VHS video equipment using
analog recording methods.
In addition, the size and shape of the cassette are
completely dilierent.
Compatibility with Output Signals
As tna video and audio signals output irom the audio and
video output Jacks are analog — the same as in
conventional video systems — you can connect this
Movie Camera to your s-VHS or VHS VCR or TV ior
POM Digital Sound
For recording oi the sound, this Movie Camera otters the
choice between two different PCM Audio Recording
0 16 bit, 48 kHz, 2 channels
0 l2 bit, 32 kHz, 4 channels
The no hit, 48 kHz. 2 channels" Mode otters superior
recording sound quality
The “12 hit. 32 kHz. 4 channels' Mode lets you record the
original sound in stereo on two channels and the dubbed
sound in stereo on two separate channels.
Sub Code
The digital recording system alters the added capability
of recording luo code containing various data,
The following date is recorded as sub code on this Movie
- “the code
n Recording date and time
0 index signals tor locating still images recorded in the
WWW Mode
0 Index signals tor locating the beginning at scenes
marked with index signal
l Systems video numérique
Dans ie systems video numérique. I'Image et la son will
corwertis en signaux numériques ei unregistrés sur in
nude. Cet enreglstrernant entiéremonl nurnérique
perrnet d’enreglstrer at ca lira rimage et le son avec uric
pone do qualite minimale.
En outre, les donnees tones que la code temporal, la date
at l‘neure sont aussi automallquernem enregieiréee sous
tonne de algnaul numeriques.
0 Tree bonne resolution des images
0 Excellent rapport signaVbruit
0 Images stables
0 Ports de qualite minimele iors du repiquags
o Distorslon mlnimale dea couleurs
- Son numerlque POM
0 Aucune dellflaraiion de rlmage en mode LP
0 Sande de 6,35 mm do large
- Cassette compacts a tongue duree d‘enregistrament
e Forte de oualile minimale lors du montage
- Montage a code temporal
competiblllte’ avec les cassettes S-VHS on VHS
Ca caméecope utilisant une rnétitode numerique
d'anreglsiroment de l'image et du son, II n'est pas
compatible avec les appareils video S-VHS on VHS
trediticnnels utilisant des memodas d'enregistrernent
En outre. Ia taille de la cassette est considerablement
Compatibilite avec les slgnaux de sortie
Les slgnaux video at audio emis par lea prises de sortie
audio et video étarii analoglques — oornrne oeux dos
systernes video traditionnels —, II est possible do
raccorder ce mmescope a un magnetoscope S-VHS on
VHS cu a un iéievlseur pour la lecture.
Son numérlque PCM
Pour enregistrer is son, as caméscope olire le cilolx
entne deux modes d‘enregistremenl audio PCM
' 16 bits 48 kHz, 2 canaux
0 I2 bits, 32 kHz. 4 oanoux
Le mode “to bits, 48 kHz. 2 canaux'ottre une tree honne
ouslité de son d'enregistrement.
Le mode "12 bits. 32 lii-tz. 4 unaux' permet d‘enregistrer
is con original eur deux caneux et la son reploue sur
deux canaux sépnres, an sléréo.
Le systerne d'enregistrarnent nurnerlque oiire autsl Ie
possibllité d‘enreglstrer un sousoode oontenant diversas
Les donnéoa suit/antes sent enregietrées comma sous-
code surce cambsoope:
- Code temporal
- Date et heure de I‘énregistmmenl
o Signaux d'lndex pour reperer lee images fixes
enrsgistrees en mode instanhrlé
e Signaux d‘index pour reperer Ie debut des secuertces
rnarquéea d'un signal d'iridex
l Focus
it you look at an object through a magnifying uses and
move it closer or lunhar away tram your eye. you will
reach a point where the obiect becomes ole-w visible,
Being focused or in locus means that the subject can be
seen with optimum clarily and sharpness.
Human Eyes
Human eyes have lenses as well. and when we look at
objects at different distances. the shape of these lenses
changes emomalicelly so that we can always see these
objects clearly.
Movie Camera
The image 0! the subject enters the Movie Camera
through the lens and is convened Into an electric signal
(video signal) tor recordng onto rrtagnetlc tape. The
focus ls Adjusted either manually or autumnficnlnr by
moving a iocuslng lens.
Auto Focus Adjustment
The Auto Focus System automatically moves the internal
focusing lane forward or backward and adjusts the locus
so that the subject can he seen clearly.
The Auto Focus Adjustment has the following
0 It adjusts until the vertical contours of the subject are
as sharp and clean as possible.
a it adjusts the low: on the subjects with strong contrast.
' It adjusts the focus on the subject In the center at the
LCD Monitor or Finder. '
Unlike human eyes. the lens at the Movie camera
cannot instantaneously change the locus irom a nearby
to a dishnt subject and vice verse.
I Miss au point
Lcrequ'on regards un objet avec une loupe et qu‘on le
mpprocha cu qu'on raioigne de l‘oeil. an atteindre un
point auquel l‘objet an nettemem visible. On dlt one let
sujel est mic nu pclnt lorsqu’ll pout elre vu avuc la clans
at ta nenele opiimales.
L'oell humaln
L'oell humeln poseade eussi dae ientllles, et lorsau'on
regarde lies objets pieces a differentee distances. in
tonne de cee lentiliae change automatiquement, de
meniere que les objete eolent tuujdurs neltement vlslbles,
L'tmage du sujet entre dans le camescupe par l‘objecill et
est convent on signal electrique (signal video) wur
I’enregleiramenl sur band- megnétigue. Le mise au point
est was toll rrtanuellemeni salt autommtquemenl per le
depiaoemant d'une ientille do rnlse au palm.
Mlee au point eutenwthua
Le systeme de mise en point automatique deplece Ie
lantllle de mlsa eu point inteme were i'evant cu vars
terriere el regle Ia rnise au point fie manlere que le sujei
eoil netternent visible.
Le reglage amomafique de la miee au point passede Ies
carameristhuee suiventes:
- ll elfectue le regiege jusqu’a ea cue les contours
verticaux du sujet soiem eussl cleirs et nets one
a II régle la mlse au point eur lee sujete pessédant un tort
- II regle la mlae au point ear le sujet place au centre du
monlieur LCD cu du vlseur,
A la dlllervnoe de I'oell humain. I‘objectil du cem‘scope
ne pant pes changer I. miss nu point d'un objet ploche
a un objel eloigné. et Moe verse, can! un certain retard.
For the lollowlng subjects and recording
situations, the Auto Focus system cannot
provide precise adjustment.
Use the Manual Focus Mode instead. (-t 26)
0 Recording etblectl with - pm ol It near “to
Movie Camer- and another part lur- etrrey lrerri It
A: the Auto Focus adjusts on the center part of the
image. it is often Imvcssrbie to bring the nearby and
distant parts at the subject intn locus.
When you want to record a person with a distant
mountain in the back, it Is not pombie to locus on
0 Recording subjects behind glass covered with
dirt or dust
As the locus ls adjusted on the dirty glass, the
subject behind the glass is out at locus. When
recording a subject across a street on which cars are
running. the focus may be adjusted on the cars.
0 Recording subjects In dark surroundings
As the amount at light intormatlen entering through
the lens is greatiy reduced. the Movie Camera cannot
adjust the locus precisely.
0 Recording subjects surrounded by objects with
shiny surlaceo or much light reflection
As the Movie Camera adjusts the lows on objects
with shiny surfaces or much light reflection, the
subject may go out at focus.
Therefore. when recording at a laioe or the sea.
evening scenes, fireworks, or under special types ol
lighting, the subject may be out of tours.
9 Recording lest-moving subjects
As the Intemei focusing lens is moved mechanically.
it cannot follow last-moving subjects without delay.
Therefore. subjects Ilka children running back and
forth may temporarily go out or locus.
9 Subjects with weak contra-t
As the Movie Camera adjusts the locus based on
vertical contours in the picture. subjects with little
contrast such as a white wall may be out at locus.
Le eystéme do mise on point eutomnthue ne
peril pe- reellser un reglege precle pour les
sujete et les situations d'enreglstrement
Dans cos ens, utiiieer la mode (is mlse on point
manuelie. (4 26)
o Enregimment de sulets dont tine plrtie est
mpprochee et r-rrtre sleignée du contempt:
Cnmme la mise eu point s'eflectue sur la penis
centraie as image, It est souvent impossible
d'ohtenir une bohns miss an point A la lois sur les
parties disiantos et les parties prochss flu sujat.
st i'cn vsut enregisirer une personne places devsnt
une montagne, iI n'est pas possible d'obtenir une
miss au point satistalsants sur les deux plans a la
e Enreglstrement de sujets places derriére des
vltreo convenes do pouseibre ou de boue
Comma la mise au point est réglée sur la vitre sale,
Ie sujet place derriere la ville sate tlou.
Si l‘an enregmre un sujet place (is I'auire cote d'une
rue darts lsqueile des vultures circuient. II est
possible que is mise au point as regie sur les
9 Enreglstrement de sulets dans un environment
Comma Ia quantlté de Iumiare entrant per l'obtsctil
est considérsblerhent réduite, le Camésoope ne peut
pas ellectuer une mlse eu point precise.
o Enregistrement do sulets entourée d'objete lux
nurtsces briilsntee ou trio rellechlsantes
Cornme le cameos régle la mise nu point sur les
oblets aux surtaces brill-mes ou tres rélléchlssames.
il est possible que le sujei soil lieu.
Par comsqusnt, lorsqu‘orr enrag'stre a proximite d'un
lac ou de la mer, des sequences do soiree. des leux
d'artilica, ou sous certaihs types d'édeirage. lI est
possible que le sujel sblt lion.
9 Enreglltrement de sujeu se dept-cent
Comma Ia ientlile do miss an point Inierne so déplace
melanlquement, site he peril pen sulvre les
meuvernents de sujets se “plscsnt rapidemenl sans
uh certain retard. Par consequent, lee sujets tiers que
rites eniants courunt en tous sens pourrorit sire
momentanément nous.
o Sujeu: aux contraem l-lhlee
Comma le ceniesccpe regte la mise err point sur la
base des oontouu vertlceux de l’image. les sujsts
tnlblernent oenuestes tels que des murs bistros
pourront etre torts.
I White Balance Adlustment
While most recording with a Movie Camera is probably
done outdoors under sunlight. video recording is also
done very often under artificial light sources, both Indoors
and outdoors. However. each oi these light sources gives
the subiect slightly dillerenl colors.
Human Eyes
Human eyes can easily adjust to diilerent kinds oi lighting
and see an object with the same colors even under
diiierent lighting.
Movie Camera
Unlike human eyes, the Movie Camera does not have lite
innate ability to adapt to changes In lighting, and they
inlluence the colors being recorded. Therolore,
depending on the light source. the picture would be
recorded with a bluish or reddish Hrlt. Tn minimise lhe
influence of the lighting on ihe colors of the subject. an
adjustment called White Balance Adjustment is
White Balance Adlustmen!
The White Balance Arfiustment detenrllnes the color 0!
the light and edlusts the colors so that white remains pure
white. A5 White is the basic color oi the entire color
spectmm, it while is reproduced correctly. lhe other
colors are correct and neutral, too.
Auto White Balance Adjustment
This Movie Camera stores the optimum settings ior
several common light sources in memory. The Movie
Camera judges ihe recording situation by determining the
lint oi the light received through the lens and by the White
Balance sensor (~) 15). and it selects the setting tor the
most similar tint. This function ls called Auto While
Balance Adjustment.
However, as the white balance settings lor only a low
light sources are stored in memory. the white balance is
not correctly adjusted for other lighting conditions,
For the range at diilerent types or lighting within which
the Auto White Balance Function can provide precise
adjustment reier lo the chart (4 ea). For recording under
lighting conditions omside this range, the Auto White
Balance Function does not work oorrecth. and lire
recorded picture has a red or blue cast. However, the
some also appfiee, lithe subject ls lit by more than one
light source. even it these light sources are within this
I Réglage de la balance des blance
Bian que la piupart des enragistnemenis an ceméscope
soietil eilectues sous la lumiere aolalre. ils pouvent aussi
etre stream Mus scialrage artificial. an pleln elr ou en
Interleur. Toutefole. checune des dildrentes sources
d'ecleirage donne au suiet des coulaurs bian
L'oell hum-in
L‘oeil hurnein {adapts lacilemant a divers types
d'eciairage et pent reconrtnl'lre qu‘un obiet a une seuie et
meme couieur, meme sous dilleranis éclairagesl
A la oiltemnoe do i'oeil humain, Ie camesccpe n‘a pas la
capecile de e'adapter aux chengements d‘eclalrege. at
ceux-ci influencent renreglstrement dos oouiaurs. Par
consequent, selon le source d'eclelrege, rimage
enreglsuoe aura une teinte bleulee ou mogeatre. Pour
mini leer i'inlluence de l‘éclairege sur lee oouieurs du
euiet,r eut efiectucr un reglege appele reglage de la
balance des biancs.
Re‘glage de la balance dos blanc-
Le rléglage de la balance des blancs determine la oouleur
de la Iumiere at regie lee couleurs do maniore que le
blanc reste purernenl bianc. Cor-rime le blenc est la
couleur de base du spectre dee couleurs tout eniier. si la
blanc est reprodult correctement, lee autros couleurs
seront aussi reproduites correctement et nelurellement.
Raglage automathue do in balance ties blonds
Ce centescope mentor-lee les regisgee ootimaux des
quelques sources lumineuses hebltuetles. Le ceméscepe
évalue Ia situation d‘enreglstrement err determinant ia
teinta de la Iumiere recite par I‘objectil at per lo cepieur
de in balance des blencs (4 15). at n selectionne la
réglege pour la ieinte la plus slmilelre. Cette tonction est
appelee reglege eutomalloue de la balance oes blancs.
Toutelois. comma to nombre de ragiages de la balance
des blancs correspondent aux plusleurs sources
d'eciairage mémorisées est limité, Ia balance dos blancs
ne sere pas reglee ccrrectement pour d'eutres conditions
Pour la garnrne des diliérente types d'eciairege dens
lacuelle ls lonclien de réglege eulometique de la balance
des blancs perrnet d'obtenlr un raglage precis, so
reporter au tableau (m as). Pour enregislner dam des
conditions d'ecleirage dltlerentes da cellos de cette
gsmme, la lonetlon do reglage emomatidue do In balance
des biance rte lonelier-me pas correctemenl, et rirnage
enregistree e une telnte bleuatre ou rougeatre. Toutetols.
ceci sore aussl Is in: si la sujel est eclaire par plusieurs
sources d'écieirege. meme el oes sources d‘éciaimge
sent comprises dons cetw gamma.
I Color Temperature
Every light source has It: own color temperature
meuured In Kelvin (XL The higher the Kelvin value, the
more bluish the Igttt; the lower the value, we more
reddish the light. The Kelvin value Is related to the tint ol
the light. but not directly to its Mgr-rams.
The range 0 Indicated in me mummtien above shows the
light source. ior which this Movie camera can prwiele
precise white balance edluetmem and, therefore. natural
colors In the rammed pictures, when using the Full Auto
Mode. For light sources with this range, lulu-t the
white balance manually (9 50). Also, additional lighting
may be necessary.
0 Control range of thin Mavis Oerriere': Auto White
Bel-nee Adjustment Mode
Blue sky
Ciouoy sky (Hal-r)
TV screen
White fluorescent lamp
2 houre'uller sunrise or belare sunset
1 hour after sunrise orirelure sunset
Halogen light bulb
Incandescent light bulb
Sunrise or sunset
l Température de couleur
Cheque source lumineuee possede une temperature as
cculeur partlwllere. st cello velaur est mesuree en Kelvin
(K). Flue Ie veleur an Kelvin eet elevée, plus is wuleur es
la Iumiere se rapproche du bleu; plus Ia valeur est been,
plus Ie cauleur do Is lumiére se repprocite du rouge. Le
vaieur en Kelvin varia salon Ia teinte de la Iurrtlere. at nan
direclement salon le Iumlnositét
Ln plege 0 lnulquee dam I'llIu-tretien ci-deseue indlque
res eouroec Iumlneusee pour Ieequelles ce cemewope
pout ellectunr un reglage precll de la balance des
Dim el done produlre des eeuleurc netureiles dens lee
images enreglsuées, lersqu'un utilise la mode
enlierernent automalique. Pour Iss source! lumineuses
non comprises dens cette plugs, régler mnuliiemenl Ia
balance due Mam t-) 50). En outre. un act-inns
supplementelre pourra etre ntcesselre.
0 Plans as controls de la balance use blame
eulemalique de ce ceméseepe
Ciel degage
Gel ewvert (pluls)
Ecren de televiseur
Lumiere solalre
Lempe liunrescenle blenche
Daux heuree spree la lever du eeleil on event 19
oouotter du soieil
Une heure epres ie lever du soleii on event Ie
couchsr du eoiell
lepe halogens
Lampe a lncentleecence
Lever cu Gaucher du solail
Lumiere d‘une bougla
6396 9 QOOQQQ
I Time Code
Time Code signals are the data which imitates the time
In hours. minutes. seconds and Irames (30 immeslseci
Having this data included In the recording gives every
single picture on the tape its own address.
a The Time Code is automatlul‘ly recorded as pan ol the
sub code with every recording you make.
a When you insert a new (previously unrecorded)
cassette. the Time Code automatically starts from zero.
ll you Insert a recorded cassette. the Time Code
continues where the time code at the last previous
scene stopped. (In this case, the zero Indication
[0hzoom:00s:00i1 may appear after inserting the
cassette, but when the recording starts, the Time Code
records from the previous value.)
0 You cannot reset the Time Code to zero.
0 In playback modes other than the Normal Playback
Mode, the Time Code may not be displayed (or not be
0 Unless the Time Code is recorded continuously irom
the beginning at the tape. precise editing may not be
possible. To ensure that the Time Code Is recorded
without interruption, we recommend that you use the
Camera Search Function (-0 37) or Blank Search
Function (-> 38) belore starting to record a new scene.
I Memory Stop Function
The Memory Slop Function Is convenient lot the following
Rewinding or fast-forwarding the tape to a
desired position
1 Reset the Tape Counter at the tape position
lrom which you went to play back later.
(" 73)
2 Set [COUNTER] on the Menu to [MEMORY].
(4 70-74)
Start playback or recording.
After playoaok or reoording is llnishad:
Press the [VCR/CAMERA] Button so that the
[VCR] Lamp lights.
5 Rewind the tape.
The tape automatically stops approximateiy at the
position at which you reset the counter to zero.
Stopping the editing automatically in the audio
1 Reset the Tape Counter to zero at the tape .
position at which you want the editing to
2 Set [COUNTER] on the Menu to [MEMORY].
Play back a still picture at the point at which
you want the audio dubbing to start.
4 sum the audio dubbing.
The audio duoolng automaticalty stops approximately
at the position at which you reset the counter to zero.
I Code temporel
Les signeux do code temporal not let; donnees oui
Indlquent Ie temps err names. minutes. secondes et
tramea (30 tramasls). En Integrant oes donnees a
l‘enreglstrement. on dormers une adresse individueIIe A
chacune dos Images de la oande.
- Le code temporel est automathuement enregistre
oomme partie du code auxiliaire a cheque
enregistrernent que l'on eneohre,
- Lorsqu‘on insere une cassette neuve (vierge). to code
temporal s‘enolenche automatlouemem a partir de
zero. Si l’on Insere une cassette enregistrée, is code
temporal se poursuit e parllr du point oil to demiere
séquenoe précédemment enreglstree s'est terminee.
(Dana 09 pas, il est possible due Vindication zero
[onzommooszooq appereisse spree qu‘on ait insére la
cassette, mats iorsque l'enreglstrernent commence. Ie
code temporal ehregistre a partir de la velour
0 ii n'est pas possible do remettre is code lemporei a
0 Dane lee modes as Iechrre eulres due Ie mode lecture
normals. ii est possible que to code temporal
n'apperaisse pas (ou qu'll solt incorrect).
- Saul si la code temporal est enregistré de manlere
continue depuis Id début de la bands, II peut étre
Impossible d'ellectuar Ill\ montage preois. Pour parentir
que la code temporal soit anragietre sens interruption, il
est male d'utilieer la lortcllon recherche meow
(9 37) ou ia lonction recherche d'upace vidrge (-v 38)
event d'snolenoher I'enregistrement d‘une nouvelle
I Fonctlon arret memoirs
La ionction erret memoirs est commode pour lea
operations suhrarrtea.
Reboblnage ou avarice raplde de la bends
luaqu'e la position desires
Remettre Ie compteur do bande i in position
de la hands e portlr da laquelle on desire
eflectuer in lecture ultérleurement. (4 73)
2 Regler I’élément [COUNTER] du menu sur
[MEMORY]. (670—74)
Enclencher la lecture on I'anreglstrement.
Apres la lacuna on a la fin de renregistrement:
Appuyer sur la touohe [VCR/CAMERA] de
maniere que lo temoln [VCR] s‘allume.
5 Rebuhlnor Ia bande.
Le bends s‘arrete epproxlmeh'vemenl a la position a
Iaouelle on a remis Ie compleur e zem,
Arrét eulomathue du montage pour la
replquage sonore
Remettra le compteur de hands a zero a la
position de la bands a laquelle on veut one
Is montage s'arrete.
2 Renter l'élement [COUNTER] du menu aur
[MEMORY]. (en-74)
3 Etlactuer in lecture d'une image tixe on
point de la bande euquel on veut que lo
replquage eonore commence.
4 Enclencher le rapiquage sonore.
Le repiouaqe sonore s‘arrete automatieuement vars
la position a leouelie on a remie ie compteur a zero,
Indications on the LCD Monitorfin Indlcations sur la moniteur
the Finder LCD/dens Ie viseur
o Romatnlng Battery Power 0 Energle Intent clans Ia batterlo
As the remaining battery power decreases. the Au fur at a mesuro qus l'énergie restant dans la
indication changes I: fotlows: banana dlminua. Vindication change da Ia martian
®4@~E*D*D suit/ante:
When the battery is completew discharged. the E _. -' Er -' D —r E
D D) Initiation flashes. > Larsque Ia bettarla ostoomplatoment dscnargée.
(When yuu are using the Ac Adaptor. the Eli I'indieation D (D) disnots.
indication may appear‘ however. this has no meaning (Lorsqu'on miles to bloc d'ellmontation/cherga, II est
In this case.) possible Que rindlnation E} apparatsse: totnetots;
csci pout etre ignorb dans ce ms)
9 Remaining Tapa 11mg
The remaining tape time is displayed in minutos. 0 Temps rostant lur le bands
(Vllhan it bloomers less then 3 minutes. the Indicatlnn Le temps reotant sur in bands uppar-Tt en mhutas.
starts to than) (Lorsqua co temps deviant Intétlaura trots minutes,
0 It a recordlng lasts lass than 15 seconds. the Vindication so met a cllgnotar.)
Remaining Tape Time canndt be displayed - SI un enregisiramont dure mains as qulnza
correctly. secondes, to terms ramnnt sur la hands no poun-
- The displayed remaining taps time may be shorter pas apparatus consctamanii
than the actual remaining tape time. - il est possible qua is tornpo mum am in bands
indlqué suit plus court que la tomps racism sur la
9 Wide-Screen Mode (4 29) bands reel.
When racnrdlng In the Wlde Mode, this indication is
displayed.’ 9 Mode d'enrogletromlm grand term (4 2B)
. ‘ Lorsqu'on enregislra en termat grand écran. outta
0 mutational“ 27) »= Indication apparait.
Wit!" lit. Dtgtml Zoom Function Is activated, this
indication Is displayed. 0 Zoom numérlque (9 27)
Lormua Ia Venetian do zoom numértque erst aetlvée.
Dlgtul functions (9 45) cans Indication apparatt.
when a Digltai functian Is activated. the
corresponding indication ls displayed Fonctlons numérlquo: (d 45)
Lorsqu'un ettat numértque oat saliva, vindication
comepondmte apparait.
10 x WEST
9 Recording Speed Mode (4 20)
The selected Recording Spood Mode Is displayed.
SP: standard Mode
LP: Long-play Mode
9 Tape Counter, Time Coda (# 93)
The Tape Counter. Memory Slop Function orTlme
Code Indium Is displayed.
0 Zoom Magnification (-b 27)
when you push me [W/T] Zoom Lever up or dawn,
the Zoom Magnification Indlcellon and the Zoom
Gauge are displayvdl
Racordlnq Mode
(-D 23, 26, 43, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53)
AUTO: This appears when the Mods
Selector Swiich Is sei 00 the [AUTO]
MNL: This appears when lhe Mode
Selector Swilch is set to Illa [MNL]
This appears when ihe Mode
Selector Switch ls sei to lilo
[AE LOCK] position.
Electronic Image Stabilizer (4 30) :
EIS: When the Digital Elemronic Image
Shhlllmlion System is Mill/alto.
inla indication is displayed.
Audio Recording Mode (-b 56)
mil/15m: The lndlcalion of the Audlo
Recording Mode that was selecled
Ior recording is displayed during
9 Mode do vltesse d'enreglslremeni (4 20)
Le mod! do mess d’enreglslrerneni selectionne
SP: Mode mas-d
LP: Mode longue durée
e Compteur de bande, code iomporei (5 93)
Le oompieur do bands. In foncilon anvil mémlre ou
rindlcelion as code temporal appurolssanli
o Agrnndissemeni au zoom (4 27)
Lorlqu'on pousse Io levier de zoom [WIT] vars Is
haul au vevs Ie has. I‘Indlcailon d'aglandissemum an
zoom el Ia jauge do zoom apparelssont
Mode d'enreglslromeni
(4 23, 25. 43, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53)
AUTO: Celts indication upperait luvsque
l1nrorrupleur do selection do mode
est mil sur {AUTO}
MNL: cane Indication uppers" bisque
l'iniernlptsur de séieciion do mode
esI mi: sur [MNLL
Gem indloalion apparali Iorsque
finiermpleur do selection de mode
esi ml: sur [AE LOCK].
stabiliseleur élecironlque de I'image (-0 30)
Els: Lowe ls ioncuon slabiiuleur
d'image numérlque est actives, cells
indllallon apparalt
Mode d'enregistremonl audio (4 56)
mm Gbii: L'Indienllon du mode
d'enrsglsimmenl undid qul avail éié
séiocilonnée pour i‘onreglslremem
apparel! pendant Ia lecture.
0 Tape Run Indications
REC: Recording (-) 23)
PAUSE: Recording FIND! (4 23)
PLAY: Playback (4 31)
F: Fasl-ierward (a 32)
new; Hewlnd (4 31)
CHK: Recording check (-4 24)
ADUE: Audio dubbing (9 55)
ADUE: Audo dubbing pause (4 55)
PHOTO: Recording In the Photoshol Mode
(4 23)
BLANK: Blank Search (9 35)
R PLAY: Repeat playback (4 as)
a When recording with me LCD Monilurlaclng iorwurd
using me Mirror Mode, only Ina Remaining Bellery
Power lndimlion, the Recording Indimiion [O] and me
Recording Pause Indication [II] are displayed.
9 Shutter Speed
It appears when yau manually adiusl ihe shutter
speed, (4 51)
q; "is Value (F NumberVGsIn-up Value
These Mo Indeaiions appur Inge”! when you
manually must the his and gain. H 52)
0 indications du “filament de la bands
REC: Enreflslumem (9 23)
PAUSE: Pause d'enreglslremenl (-) 2:4)
PLAY: Lemme (-o 31)
FF: Avanue rapids (-. 32)
new: Rebobinage (4 31)
CHK: Verification d'emegialremenl (4 24)
Anus: Rapiqnage some (-0 55)
AVDUB: Pause da replquege more (-) 56)
PHOTO: Enreoislremem an mode instamané
(4 28)
BLANK: Recherche d'upuca vlerge (4 38)
H PLAY: Lecture répéflée (~' 53)
l Lorsqu'on enreoietre ave: Ie meniieur LOO urilnte ven
i‘avanl en utilise"! la mode rnirolr, Vindication d’énergie
mslentdans la banana. I'indiullon d'enreglstmmem
[Q] at Vindication de pause d'emeglslremenl [I I]
seulamenl apparalssenl,
0 vllessa d‘obturaleur
Elle apparel: lorsqu'on rigle manuallement Ia vitesse
d‘oblurmsur. (1 51)
GB Valeur do diaphnng-Iaur
d‘nugmaniauon du 9an
Gee max Indications appamimm lirnullanémem
lonqu‘m régle milemom la dlaphragme nl
I'nugrnamuiion an gain. (4 52)
Changing lha indications
By chamlng the setting for [OOUNYER] on Ina Menu
(070-74) or by rapuudly pursuing the [COUNTER/Tc]
Button on the Remote Controller (-b 58), me Counter
Display Mode can be Mm in the order shown In "15
above illustrations Q In @:
® Taps Counlar Indicgiion
® Tape Counhar Indication with saluted Memory Step
@ Time Coda lndlcalion
® Na Indieaiion
(In Ihls "mos, only me Tune Run Indlcaricns.
warning/Alarm lamina, Data/fume Indulloni,
Programs AE Moog Indeailom. Manual Poms Mods
Indication. Whit: Emma Mod- Irldiutlons. Ind
Zoom Magnificaiion 1mm- can be displayed.)
Chanson-rent an Indication-
En changeanl la mine as rélémenl [COUNTER] du
munu (470-74) ou en exemnt dss pres-Ions
succeulves sur la Iouche [COUNTER/TC] do In
(éléocmmande (fl 58). la mode fl'lificnags do nompieur
pen! We changé dang i'ondre lndiqué dans les
“luau-nous (D a G) cl-deesus:
® Indication du ourmteur ds binds
® Indloutlnn du compuur de bands uvec indie-Man
d'enet memoirs acfivée
© lndicallon on code ismparel
G) Aucuna Indication
(Dans ea mode. lea lndleallons do «mm us Is
bonds. In lndlullons d'nvonlnamenl/ullme. 15s
lndlofllen do duo/Mum. lea Indlcalion- du mode dc
programs A5. 19: indlulions du mods do miss au
point m-nntlle. lss lndlufinns an mode balance ass
blame at I'lmiloetlon d‘ngmndissamoni an Zoom
saulsmem appuralssent.)
12 1 00 I 00 AM
JAN 231998
0 Microphone Sensitivity Level
This Indication shows the selected microphone
sensiiivity for recording. When It is displayed in red, ‘rr
Indicates that the sound being recorded is distorted,
Ii you set [MIC LEVEL] on the Camera Mode Menu
(4 72). or [MIC LEVEL] on the VCR Mode Menu (‘P
74) to [AUTO]. the Microphone Sensitivity Level
Indcation does not appear.
0 Index (-b 39)
mosx: The [INDEX] make-tum Ilashes tor a law
seconds while an index signal is being
Search Number (-) 41)
51: The figure Indicates which number of
scene ahead Irorn the present scene is to
be played back.
0 Manual Focus (4 26)
It you select the Manual Focus Mode, the [MP]
Indiution ls displayed.
When the Movie Camera iS in the Auto Made. this
indication is not displayed.
0 White Balance Mode (9 49)
“Die White Balance Mode orient the following .
possible settings: .
#: Indoor (Incandescent Lamp) Mode
Indoor (liuorescentlarnp) Mode
Outdoor Mode
Lock Mode
When the Movie Camera is in the Auto Mode, none
of the above 3 indications are displayed,
@ Zebra Pattern
ti you eat [ZEBRA] on the Menu H 73) to [ON]. the
[ZEBRA] indication is displayed.
(B Wind Buffer [WIND-CUT]
II you set [WIND-CUT] on the Menu (4 73) to {ON]_
the [WIND-CUT] indication is displayed.
m Niveau de sensibillté du micro
Cells indication monnI Ie niveau de sensibilite du
micro selectionne pour I'enreglstrement. Lorsou'elle
est rouge. eels signifie due to son en oours
d'enregistrsment est dalorme. SI l'on regie I'elemerit
(MIC LEVEL] on menu du mode caméscope (-l 72)
on I'élénvent [MIC LEVEL] du menu du mode
magnéioscope (4 74) cur [AUTO]. I'Indioaiion du
nhreau de sensibilite du micro n‘apparalt pas.
Q Index (4 39)
INDEX: L'indicetlon [INDEX] dignote pendant
queloues ascondee pendant qu'un signal
d'index est enregiatre.
Numéro de recherche (4 41)
St: Le hombre indiqus ts numero de la
sequence precedent la sequence actuella
qul doit etre Iue.
® Mlse all point manualle (4 26)
Lorsqu‘nri aelectionne la mode mise an point
ntanuelle, I'Indcation [MF] apparait.
Loreque ie camésoope est en mode eulornaiioue,
cede Inflation n'apparatt pee.
0 Mode balance den blanoa (9 49)
Le mode balance des blanes olive Ies reglepea
4? Mode interleur (lamps a lncandesoence)
Loraque Ia source as lumiere est uric
ampoule iluorescente
-A Mode pleln elr
5-4: Mode varroulllage
Lorsque ie oaméeoope eaten mode autemalloue,
aucune oes trots Indications ci-desaus n'epparalt.
® Image zebrée
SI I‘anicle [ZEBRA] du menu (-D 73) est reglé sur
(ON), l'indiution [ZEBRA] est afilchée.
0 Réducteur de souffle [WIND-CUT]
SI I'am‘cie [wmnam ou menu (-r 73) est regle sur
[ON], I'Indicaiion [WIND-CUT] est lIIichée.
12 1 00 100 AM
JAN £1996
VOLUME (-)| | | |____. (+)
0 Programe AE Mode (4 48)
The Programe AE Funclion ailers me ioliowing
Spam Mode
Perlrali Made
Lw Lith Mode
Spot-Light Mode
Surl 5. Snow Made
0 Suund Volume (-D 31)
Use this indication lo adjust ihe volume oi lhe
playback sound mm the built-In speaker.
Vlfilh the [VCR] Lamp IiL keep me [PUSH] Dlei
pmssed unlil the [VOLUME] Induction appears.
Then mm me [PUSH] Dial IO adjusl the volume.
® Dale and Time (-v 31)
The llme Is Infllcaled In the 12-hoursyslem,
The bunt-In battery is discharged.
@ Warning/Alarm
When any 01 lne loilwrlng Indlmlions lights or
flashes. confirm the condition oi the Mavis Camera '
WARNING. Condnneellon has occurred. H 60)
m: The erasure prevention slider oi lne
ineened cassette Is closed (set to
No cassette is inserted.
The needs are dirty.
During recurding, lhs hpe has reached
lie and.
Wrong Remote Connuner Made Is
selected. (-v 82)
0 Mode programs AE (-D 43)
Le function as programme AE elire Ias regiages
ix : Mods sport
5: Mode portrait
a: Mode iaible Iumlnosité
m : Mode Pmieclsur
a' .; Mode Mer et neiye
Volume sonore (» 31)
Ullllser cane indication pour régler ie volume du son
de ieclure emls par Ie haul-pensurincurporé. Le
lémein [VCR] éteni allumé. mainienir Ie moietle
[PUSH] enionue |usqu'a ce que rindlcalion
[VOLUME] appereieee. Teumer ensulte Is moieile
[PUSH] pour regler le volume.
Dale e! name (-0 31)
L‘heure est indlquée an systems l2 heures.
La belterle inwrporée est déchergée.
Lorsque I‘une dee indications eulvanles e'allume ou
dignote,véri1lerl'elat du carnésocpe.
WARNING: De la condensation : es1 tormee (d 30)
N: La glissiEre 66 protection contra
reliacement de in cessane Insérée esl
lermée (miee sur (SAVED.
La cassetle n'e pus ate miss an place.
WARNING: Lee mes vidée wnt encressées.
-END: Pendent I'enreglstremenl. Ie heme eel
errivéa en fin do course.
REMOTE: Un mode m léléeovnmenda Inadéquat e
élé séleetionne. (0 62)
Before Requeszifrg Ser‘u‘l’w
(Problems til Solutions)
Power Supply
The Movie Camera rims not turn on.
Is the Battery or the AC Adapter connected
correctly? Comm” tho connection. (4) re)
The Movie camera has turned Ml
ll you leave the Movie Cantata m Illt’ Recording
Pause Mode for more than 5 minutes, it
automatically sthches all to pmlnd the tape and
to oonserve battery power. fr: PS)
The Movie Camera quickly turn: oft.
Is the Battery discharged’l When the Remaining
Battery Power Indication Is flashing or the D]
Indication is displayed, the Battery is discharged.
Charge the Battery or insert a iuiiy charged
Battery. (4 17. 90)
Has condensation termed? ii the Movie Camera is
brought lrom a evict to I warm place,
mans-alien may form inside. in this case. the
Movie Centers Automatically switches on and no
operation can be performed except taking out the
means. Walt until lbs Condensation Imitation
dsappears. (4 ac)
The Battery dllchargel quickly.
is the Ballery hilly charged? charge it until all 4
charge Lumps on the AC Adaptor light. (-) 17)
Are you using the Hillary in 5 place where the
lemurs is le iow’l The ambient
temperature greatly influences the Battery's
performance. Ils operation ilrne becomes shorter
in a cold piece. (-0 st)
Has the Battery reached the end 01 Its service
"is? The service life oi "to Battery Is limited. It
depends on the way the Battery Is used, but when
the operation urns even uner proper charging Is
too short tor normal use. the service Ille oi the
Battery has mun-a us end.
Avant de faire appel 5 an technician
(Problémes & Solutions)
Le 0-111“pr ne 0. met pus en circuit.
Le belterie ou le bloc d'ailrnenlaiion/dlarqe som-
ils correctemsnt branches? Verifier is
branchement. (4 to)
Le carnéscepe s'est ml: nutnrnethuemem
hors circuit.
Si vous Ie'ssez Ie caméscope en mode pains
d‘enregistrement pendant plus do cinq mlnmas. ii
so rnet automatiquernent hora circuit ufln do
protlgef In bands el de conserve! I‘énergie de la
bulletin. (4 23)
Le ceméscopa n met npidement hor- clrnun.
. La halterle est-elk “charges? Si Vindication
d'énergie reslant dens in betterie dignote ou eI
vindication D] eppuralt. glor- In battens est
déchargée. Charge: is buttons on Insérez une
battens oomplbremenl churnee. H 17, 90)
De la condensation s'est-elle lorrnée‘l SI ls
cemtscope est transports d'un enfirolt fluid a ufl
endroii mend. Ii pent y avoir tonnation do
condensation dam is oemémpe. Dans as as. Ie
mesmpe so met eutornatiquerneni hots ulrcufl
et uucuhe operation n'esl plus pantie a
I'axeeption du retrnii do is camite. Attends: qua
i‘lndication de condensation all disparu. (-) no)
Lu butterio u dichlrge mpldemenl.
Le bane-re est—ails complement charges?
Chergez-ia jusqu'a es que too: Is: qualro tomolns
do charge du bloc d'elimenhlion/charge
s'ullument. (a 17)
: Le oatierie est-ulle utillsée dens uh end-oh 0
temperature ire: bum? Ln temperature emblems
a me Influence consider-hie surle
tonctionnement de la battens. 5: euro: do
toncllohnement diminue dans un endrolt lroid.
(9 at)
La durée ds vie on in battens esteile renninée7
La durée de vie de la Militia est llmltée, Ele
dépmd de la nuniare don! on utilise la battens.
meis sl Ie durée Us iomlionnernent eat trop courts
pour assurer une utilisation normeie mama npnle
qu‘on en charge Ie battens. ceie sigrrmeque la
duree de vie de la baiterie est terminée.
Normal Recording
Recording cannot be started even tnwgh the
Movie Camera In lupplled with pewter and the
cassette to inserted correctly.
is the erasure prevention sllder ot the useatte
poem I! It I: open (setto [SAVEJL recording is not
possible. (4 19)
Has the tape reached In and? Insert a new
cassette. (4 19)
is tire Movie Camera tumed on? (4 23)
Is the [VCR] Lamp lit? If it is lit. recording Is not
possible. (4 81)
Is the Condensation Indication [WARNING]
diaplayed7 When condensation has termed. no
functions except taking out the cassette can be
operated. Wait until the Condensation lndlcafion
disappears. (4 so)
other Recording
The picture on the LCD Monitor/in the Finder
suddenly stenda still tor a few seconds.
Did you press the [PHOTO SHo'n Button? ll you
press the [PHOTO SHOT] Button. 3 still picture is
recorded tor approximately 7 seconds. Alter
approximately 7 awards, the Movie Camera
swims: back to the Becoming Pause Mode.
(" 23)
Did you press the Still Button [r m "you press
the Still Button [I I]. the picture stands still. simply
press this button again to retum to the normal
moving picture. (4 30)
The Auto Focus Function does not work.
Is the Manual Focus Mode selected? ll you select
the Auto Focus Mode, the locus I: adjusted
automatlcaliy. (q as)
: II the subject or recording situation suitable tor
the Auto Focus Mode? The Auto Focus Function
does not work correcity for some kinds of sublecta
and recording situations. in this use. use the
Manual Focus Mode to adnm the roots. (4 es)
Audio dubbing cannot be pertonnod.
la the erasure prevention slider oi the cassette
open7 itit is open (setto (SAVED. editing Is not ,
possible. (-r 19)
Are you trying to eat parts at the tape recorded in
line LP Mode? Aa thetraoks recorded in the LP
Mode are nenwer than the heads. audio dubbing
is not possible. (-t 20)
Enregiatrement normal
Ft: L'enrsglatrenrent no putt on One encienche
meme l| ta oenréeoope ea ailments et is
M correcternent In“
La gllsslere as protection contra i'etteeement de la
cassette est-ails ouverte7 sl eiie est ouvarte
(misc sur (SAVED, II n'est pas poeslble
d’enregistrer. (4 19)
La bands est-elle arrives err fin de course?
lnserez une nouvalle cassette. (4 19)
Le camescope est-ll an arm“? (-0 23)
LA témain [VCR] est-ii allumé‘l Lorsqu'il eat
ailurné, ranregistremant n’est pas possible.
(i 31)
L'indioation de condensation [WARNING]
apparaitalla? Loraque de la condensation s‘est
tonnes, aucuna operation n'eet plus possible a
I'exooption du rotralt de la cassette. Attandez qua
i'lndication de condensation nit dispam. H 80)
Autre enregietrerrlent
Pt: L‘image du montteur Lchaeur n'lmrnobiliee
aoudnln pendant qualquea seconded.
Avez-vous eppuye sur la touche [PHOTO SHOT)?
Si voua appuyez aur la touche [PHOTO SHO'I1.
une image fixe est Wetrée pendant environ
sept saccndes. Agree environ sept secendes. Ie
cameecope repasse all made pause
d'enregletremenlL H 28)
Avez-voul appuyé sur la twcne d'lmege this [I I]?
Lorsqu'on appule sur la touche d‘imaga fire [I I].
I'image s1mrnobillse. II sumt d'appuyer a notrveau
sur cette touche pour retcumer a image anlmee
normale. (-9 30)
P2: La function mile au point automathue ne
tenctionne pas.
Le mode miss on point manualle est-ii
selectionne’l Lorsque voue selectionnez la mode
miss eu point autornatique. la mise au point est
reglée automatiquement. (4 26)
Le sujet ou in situation d'enreglatrement oorMent-
ll au mode miss in point amomatique7 La
tonfllcn mise en polnt automathue no tonotionne
pas cerrecternent pour cartalns type: do suieia at
da situations d'enregietremant. Dans as use,
regar Ia miee au point en utilisant la mode miss
on point manuetle. (4 es)
P1: impossible d‘ettectuer ie repiquege unore.
51-1: La gllsshre de protection contra l’ettaoomeni de la
cassette eat-oils ouverte'l SI eite eat cuvane
(mlse sur (SAVED, fl n'elt pas possible d'ettetfluer
Ie montage. (9 19)
Essayez-voua dc mentor des parties tie la bands
enregistreea an mode LP? Lee plagee
enrepiatrees en mode LP ersnt piue etmitas que
lea teies. ll n'est pas possibte d'ettectuer le
repiquaoe aonore. (a 20)
The Time Code booemaa incorrect.
In the Slow Motion Playback Mode in tevem
drectlon. the counter 01 the Time Code Indication
may not be stable. however, this Is not a
The Remaining Tape Time Indication
I! you record a all“ picture In the Photeshot Mode.
the Remaining Tape Time Indication disappears
temporarily. However, it you switch the Movie
Camera over to the Normal Recording Mode, it
appears again.
The Remaining Tape Time Indie-Ila“ does not
match the actual remaining tape time.
Ii scenes of less than 15 seconds are recorded
successively. the remaining tape time Is not
Indium correctly.
The Remaining Tape Time Indication may show a
remaining tape time that is 2 - 3 minutes shorter
than the actual remaining tape time,
Playback (Picture)
No playback picture I: reproduced when
pressing the Play Button [>].
Did you prea- the [VCR/CAMERA] Button so that
the [VCR] Lamp lights? When the [VCR] Lamp Is
not Ilt, no playback iunciions can be operated
(4 31)
Monte-lilac patterns appear In the picture
during Cue, Review or Slow Motion Playback.
This phenomenon is a characteristic of the digital
video system. This is not a malfunction. (d 32)
lwant to play back the picture on a TV.
It you mam the Output Tarmlrtui Box [BOOKING
STATION] to the Movie camera, you can connect
the Movie camera to eTV. (9 35)
The Movie Camera is correctly connect to a
TV, but no playback picture la reproduced.
Did you select “Wdco Input" on the TV? carefully
read the operating instructions tor your TV and
select the channel than matches the input hols
used (or connection.
The playback picture Is not reproduced
Are the video heads on the Movie camera dirty? It
the video heads are dlny. the picture cannot be
played back cleany.
La coda temporal eat Incorrect.
En mode leclure lu mlenll ven I'artllm. il est
possible que lo comptaur de l’lruticetlon on code
tamporei ne eoit pea reguller. eeol n'est pas une
vindication du temps reetant aur Ia band.
SI vous enregistrez une image fixe en mode
instantané, I'Indication du temps restam sur la
hands disparalt rnementanément. Toutetois. si
voue lattes passer lo antescope au mode
enregimrament normal, one reapperait.
L'Indicallon du hmpa reatant luv to bande ne
correspond pea au temp. rcatant em I- bande
Si des sequences do mains de qulnze seeondcs
uni élé enreqistrées auooeeelvement. Ia temps
restent sur la bende n'eet pea indlque
Il est possible oue I'mdimlion du temps {8mm
sur to bands indique une duree Interleum dc dam:
a trois minutes au temps restent sur la bands reel,
Lecture (Image)
Aucune image do lecture n'eat reprodulta
Ioraque vane appuya: our Ia touche de lecture
[b 1.
Avez-vous appuye our Ia tmxche [VCR/CAMERA]
de maniere oue Ie lémoin [VCR] s'allume7 ,
Lorsque ie témoin [VCIR] n'eat pas allume. aucune
ionciion de lecture n’esl tttiiisable. (4 81)
Du motlla an mosaique apperalssem dens
l‘lmage pendent Ia lecture repérage event.
reperage arrlere en la lecture eu relenti.
Ca phenomena est particuller an systems video
numéthue. Ce n'esi pas une anomalie. (4 32)
Ja deal-e vlsionner I'Image our un téiéviscur.
Si vous raccordez Ie support d’aowell video
[DOCKING STATION] au camesoope. vuus
pewez raccorder Ie can-escape a un léléviseur.
(-) 35)
La cameecope est correctemcnt reccordé a un
televleeur. male aucune image do lecture n'eet
Avez~vuus selectionné ‘Enlree video“ sur la
iéiéviseut’l Lisex attentivement Ie mode demploi
du télévlseur at selectionnex Ie anal qul
correspond aux prises d‘entree utlllaeea pour Ie
L'Imaye do lecture n'est pea reprodulte
Les tMss video du oamesoope soni-ellee
encressées'l Si lea tetaa vidéo loni encrassees,
i'image ne peui pas etre reprodulte netternent.
Playback (Sound)
P1: No sound I: played back from the Movie
Camera's bum-In speaker.
is the volume set too low? With the [VCR] Lamp
Ih, keep the [PUSH] Dial pressed until the
[VOLUME] indication appears. Then turn the
[PUSH] Dial to adiusl the volume. i-r 31)
Dltlarerrt sounds are played back together.
[5 [AUDIO] set to [MIX] on the VCR Mode Menu?
Ii you have perlormed audio dubbing on a
cassette for which you set [AUDIO REC] to main
[or recording. the Original sound and the sound
dubbed with audio clubbing ale played back
together. It is also possible to play them back
individually. (a 57)
Pa: The original sound was erased by parlortnina
audio dubbing.
ll you penomt audio-dubbing on a recording made
in the [16bill Mode (4 56), the onginei sound is
erased. ll you want to keep the original sound. he
sure to select the [Izbit] Mode for the original
The cassette cannot be taken out.
Is the Movie Camera supplied wl1h power? Is the
Ac Adapter corracuy connected or the Battery
correctly inserted? To remove the cassette. the
Movie Camera must be supplied with power,
however. It is not necessary to eat the [POWER
ON/OFF] Switch to [ON].
No operation except taking out the cassette
can be performed.
la the Condensation Indication [WARNING]
displayed? ll condensation has [armed inside the
Movie Camera. it automatically switches efl and
prevents any operation except taking out the
cassette. Wait until the Condensation Indication
disappears. (-t 80)
The Remote Controller does not work.
Is the button-type battery In the Fiat-note Controller
exhausted? I! the Remote Oomroller does not
work when you use it near the Flernole Comroilar
Sensor on the Movie Camera. the Mon»typs
battery is exhausted. Replace it wilh a new
battery. (4 51)
Is the correct Remote Controller Mode selectad7
It the Movie camera‘s setting lor [REMOTE] on
the Menu and the mode selected on the Remote
Connoller are not matched. operating the Movie
Camera with the Remote Controller is not possible
and the [REMOTE] Indication is displayed.
(4 62)
Lecture (son)
Aucun eon n'eat emls per lo haut—parleur
Incorpore du um‘scope.
Le volume est'fl réqlé imp baa7 L8 témoin [VCR]
Mant aiiume, malntenir Ia We!!! [PUSH]
enloncee [usqu'l De qua [Indication [VOLUME]
apparaisse. Tourner ansttite Ia molelte [PUSH]
pour regier Ia votuma. (4 81)
Diner-nu acne aont emi- elmultanérnent.
L'élérrtent [AUDIO] est-ll rams aur [MIX] dens Ie
menu du mode magnétoscope? st vuus ave:
allactue Ia replquage aonom sur une cassette
pour Iaquelle veus avez regle [AUDIO FtEC] stir
[12th pour I'enragisuernent le son unglnal et la
son repiqué avec la repiquage sonore sent
reproduits sl'rnultanérnant, II est aussl possible de
les repmduire repayment, (4 57)
Le lull original a any meal lore du replquane
Si voua raallsaz Ie repiquape aunore sur un
enreglstrernanl eltectué en mode [1 obit] (# 56), lo
son original eera atlacé. Si vous voulez conserve!
Ie eon original, veillez a aeiactbnner la mode .
[12blt] pour I'anregistremenl original. 5
II eat Impossible da nflrer Ia cassette.
La camesoope est-II allume‘l Lo bloc
d'alimentationlcharge est-ii oorrectement raccorde
cu Ia battens est-elle correclemant Insérée? Pour
retirer la cassette, la cemésoope doll etre allumé:
toulelols. iI n‘est pea necessaire do manra
I'inlermpleur [POWER onion-1 sur [ONL
Aucune opérltinn n‘eat possible a I'axceptlon
du retralt de la canons.
L'Imflcalion do condensation [WARNING]
apparafbeile? Si no la condensation s'est larmee .
dans la caméscope, II so met automathuamem
hots circuit et auwne operation n‘esl plus ‘
possible a I‘aweption flu relrait do in cassette. t
Attends: qua Vindication de condensation alt
dlaparu. (-r 90)
La telecommande no lonctlonne paa. .
La pile
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Create Date                     : 2001:06:10 12:37:37
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Title                           : 48486.pdf
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