Panasonic of North America 93312137 User Manual 8

Panasonic Corporation of North America 8


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Document ID11778
Application ID6Yc63wINwfxyvdHL2pgQMQ==
Document Description8
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize43.5kB (543810 bits)
Date Submitted1998-11-05 00:00:00
Date Available1998-12-01 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-07-09 23:42:44
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-07-09 23:42:46
Document Title8

FOG ID .ACJ93312137
Operating Instructions
Mode d’emploi
Istruzioni d’uso
Manual de Instrucciones
Multi—Scan Color Monitor
Ptease read these instructions thoroughly before operating the dtsplay monitor,
‘ wa v9 3 9; 9 as . c sud'szs‘smfl
1333 pamcmo w 1 mum em WM pemm
S! uaqu finld 6m u! xeueuue: am 0» pexaauuoo ea Emu NMOHE DEMUXOO 8! mm 6m 9M
MIN/“(El 99mm m N Jana» aw mm Denim
s» ualum 5n|d sq) u! |Eu1wa|amoypa133uuoa sq ‘snw anjg pamo|oo s! qaguM 9ng GILL
JO NEBUE) pamowa m fr [auns uueg aux A0 10 3 lane. Bu) Aq pamew s! qoguM Ema
aux ux lemma) am 0! DQDSUUDD ea tsmu MmBAflNV-Naaaa Pamcnca S! uOIuM elm aux
SMOHO' se peaaon ’5nyd moA uw syeuguue) an.“ Bulimuapg sBuwgm
gamma? sq) WM puudsauoa Lou op saueudde sgu; 10 pea sugeuj sq) m seam pemcqoo 914) u
an Jummg
punaN :an|g
we; ZMO||3AfluE-UGSJ9
spa: fiugmouo; 3141 mm eauepmnae u! pammoa an; pea| sugew Sgt” u! 59ng aql iLNVLHOdWI
uepguaaw pauuenb e unsuua assam ‘1qnop Aug u» u
mopq UMCIL|S SE apes 51mm au) amasqo aseam “paw; sq 0) s; fimd meu E n
NEHL LE'ILflO LEMOOS EHL HOfl EWEVllflSNn SK Sffld Gamnow 03]..le EHJ. dl
('>|'n uoa ) GHOO Em'ld ov 0
:~ . zsuonneoajd
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sdwvm smvm ms
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mun mofl paseqamd aAEq noA mouM tum)
mesa am u‘w unsuoc aseeyd 'asn 0) pm: Aamod JadOJd am Emulasuoo sucusanb Aue emu noA ”
‘smmnpuoo Aauu! am m auo m uouemsu! am
us 10 ‘qmaqs Aamo an.” uo Jzadde “w 05va mew aul pue ‘pamuaovuvn s! 195 pics at“
humus moA u! sapexdaan aux JO) amudmdde s! 145qu as DJOCI 2 asn xsmu noA edema u|
:sa§nun03 ueadoma Jog
(‘au‘AL pmg 51g lug/A pamew 55195 51103 aul) Epeueg pue 56mg psuun am ul pesn spma JaMOd JO,
Euaum uonoa|as em 10; v a|qeL unsuoa asea|d nun moA JD] Sunex manna am c| Sujpmaae panalas
aq1snu1135 woo SIM. “pas" aq flew sws p10: elm JJ‘S Muo ‘mou am uo “5 chqm sxgun 105 "pasn
sq Aem 513; pm: HS 10 MS sdfl; '3\QEUO xsap e no palunmu em usgum suun 103 vansqm vso
F’UE nansu m 9 DUE (a amfiu) 9)sz QL-Q VV‘BN E w 5an emu: em Epeueo DUE selExs pauun aux ux
tepeueg pue 333215 pazgun am 103
1 amfiu am x00] ”3M pue squawembaj 33-333 193m 15mm [as man an jO 9108111633) enema; an“
“pesopua mu 5: 195 [MUD am 4; JG '(as man yeulfiuo em enema} 0) has
rsaceu s» ;| 11 sauuapmfi fiu!M0|\O} am asn xoous 31A)39\81U8A81d 01 pasn aq1smu pus uoneuussp m
Mums an) 0; SungOQJE paneps uaeq seq pug pasopua uasq seq nun snuuo; 165 we: Jamod aul
Q The X-rays generated ll'l this unit are shielded sutltciently High voltage. Max. 27.0 W
I For ergonomic reasons. it is recommended not to use blue characters on a dark background
Doing so may produce insullicient contrast that could lead to eye strain
CE Conformity
92 / Bl /EEC and 93 / 68/ EEC Art 5 with regard to "Electromagnetic CDmllalllJlllly", and
C G This device complies with the requtremenls ol the EEC directive 89 / 336 / EEC as amended by
73 / 23 / EEC as amended by 93 / 68 / EEC Art, 13 With regard to " Salety"
Required item Relative to Standard Value Relative to those Exceeding Standard Value Remarks
EM | at s l 344
ESD az as l
RADlATED RF at as 7
TRANSIENT F / a at £3 M
#l .Satislies slandards with no problems in perldrmance and reliability
#2 Eilects may appear tempurznty on the screen but there will be no problem in reliabrllty
33 There is learnt the prnaucr breaking down.
#4 ' I! a signal cable other than that specilted is used, it may be the cause at electromagnetic wave
interruplton to peripheral devices.
To assure Continued CE compliance the user must use the provrded 1.5 m shielded video
signal cable with bonded lerrtte cores at boln ends of the Cable.
Handle correctly in accordance with the instruction manualt
EMI : Electromagnetic lnterlerence ESD : Electrostatic Discharge
RF zRaoio Frequency F l 8: Fast Burst
As an Enseev STAR! Panner, Display Monitor Division, AVG Company, Matsushlta Electric
Industrial Co, Ltd, has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR! guidelines (or
energy ellrcrency.
Federal Communications Commission Requirements I
This equipment has been tested and tound to comply with the limits for Class E! digital dQVICESstp:rsrualclt
to Part 15 ot the FCC Rules. These ltmits are designed to pmwde reasonable protection agadin ' a 2m:
intertsrence in a residential installation. This equipment generates. uses, and can radiate gal .'°‘ rzouen ey
energy and. il not insratled and used in accordance With the instructions, may cause nan-n u maertreutarc
to radio communicalions. However. there is no guarantee that intenerence Will not occur in a D h <3n an
installation. It this equipment does cause harmlut lntertarence in radio or televrsron receptrnnfiw If dc“
be determined by turning the equipment 011 and on, the user is encouraged to try lo correct e in e 9
once by one or more or the following measures;
- Reonent or relocate the receivrng antenna. t a receiver
— r lhes aration between thee women an . _
— ggnertzietthe eggipment into an outlet urn a circuit drtterent from that to which the receiver rs
— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/W technician tor help. . _
— Include ferrite core kit within shipping box; and provided instructions that it user IS gorng to use
BNC connectors, they must attach terrlte core to their separately purchased ENC cable.
FCC Warning' 7 -
To assure coniinued compliance, the user must use grounded power supply cord, and the
arm/tried shielded video interface cable with bonded territe cores. Ii BNC cable is going to be
used. the user must mount the provided Territe core onto the ENC cable. Reler to page 22 for
lerrite core kit mounting instructions. Also. any changes or modifications not eitpressly
approved by the party respnns late (or compliance could void the users authority to operate
this device.
me vs ¢ at s 56 ‘ s sma'wwsssma
9 H puels Joxguow
9 L»! smpeuuoo
SH suoueaugoadg
VL-l smaoo a|qnml ;|
SL-l spew zesajd
EH Aiomew sepow Ammo
8 H ma1sA31ueuJabeuew JGMOd
O H sluemlsnlpv
67| empaomd uoueJado
B‘l uouwedo
EH pJoo JSMOd gv
A-I suouoauuog
9»! seweN
9-1 sajmeej
H Suouneoajd
smewapeu palaisgfiauo Slueluoo ;0 alqel
swamps); [us-dun; ale alaq palsy semen unpaid
quflu |aToW
$301 10 113m m was em u; uO!}ECJ[)_h)uap_\ u! pge a; aseuamd mm ;o DIOOSJ |u3ueuuad
e 32 199mm sun ugelaj pus DSDMOJG seeds eu) u; uun sun )0 tequmu |euas 5514; men p|nous noA
mama xaeq Sn um punm aq New pnpo‘d sun 10 Jaqmnu [BUGS BILL
pJOOGH s‘JaLuo1sng
I Usage Method
Ferrite core kit
Ferrite core kit installation
When the ENC connector type signal cable is used. connect the accessory lerriie core kit.
The cannectiun will not contorrn tn the FCC-B type slandard it the ferrite core kit IS not installed.
This may cause signal reception disturbance in televisions, radios and other equipments.
I Precautions
Ferrite core kit v T|s~wrap Signal cable with BNC connectors
(supplied) ipiece (supplied) ipiece (commercially available) 1piece
tThe BNC connector type signal caoie
is not supplied. Either purchase a
cable on the open market or use the
signal cable used lor the computer.
Attach the ferrite core to the BNC connector cable where it separates
into five cables.
After mounting the ferrite core, pinch it until it locks. Make sure that the ?
cables are not bent or pinched by the ferrite core ‘
Secure the five BNC connector cables together with the tie»wrap to
prevent the territe core from moving about.
n Connect a BNC connector that matches the signal output of the computer
in use. (Reler to page 6)
OTAL 04 pages
UCT—Zl~1‘3‘38 25:28 2456 35 5557 934
1) lnstallation location
. Avoid direct sunlight arid heat sources such as heaters.
Heat adversely allects the cabinet and the parts Keep the power
cord away lrom heat sources, tailing to do so could cause lire or
electrical shock.
install in a well ventilated locatton
To prevent the temperature trom llSlng inside the set. there are
ventilation holes in the cabinet. Make sure that they are not
Obstructed. Install the unit at least chm tram walls, and do not
install it in a book cabinet or lying on its side. which could block the
ventilation holes. Failure to observe this precaution could cause
tire or equrpment breakdown.
- Do not install in a location with a great deal ol moisture or dust.
Avoid wet locations such as a kitchen drainboard, bathroom or
washing machine; also avoid locations with a great deal ol steam.
water vapor or dust, Failure to observe this precaution could cause
fire, electrical shock or equipment breakdown,
2) Precautions in use
- Handle the power cord carelully.
Do not place any heavy obiects on top ol the power cord. add legs
to it, tie knots in it or pull on the cord when unplugging it. ll the
power cord is damaged (tor example it the wtres are exposed or
broken) there is danger ol causrng lire or electrical shock.
~ Do not place anything on top oliiie main unit.
Do not place any toreign obiect such as a container containing
water or another liquid. or a solvent or cloth soaked tn a solvent, or
a metal obiect such as a paper clip, on the unit ll the object is
knocked over the Ilqmd can Spill and enter the interior DI the unit,
causmg lire, electrical shock or equipment breakdown
~ Handle the cabinet caretulty.
ll a volatile solvent or adhesive comes into Contact with the
cabinet. the surtace can be damaged or the paint might come otl
It a rubber or Vinyl obiect is in contact with the cabinet tor along
time, the sunace can be stained.
- Avoid magnetism.
Use the unit removed lrom any object such as a speaker that uses
a magnet or an object such as a motor or transformer that
generates a strong magnetic tteld. The magnetism can distort the
color or cause tearing oi the image in the screen.
- Avoid disrupting reception
Use ot this unit near a television or other display unit can result in
both interfering with the other‘s reception. tearing ot the Images
and noise. Keep them as tar apart as possible.
- When movtt’tg this unit, be carelul not to apply shock to it. Always
unplug the power cord lrom the outlet and disconnect all other
external cables and cords Be especially carelul with the CRT.
3) Care of this unit
~ Clean this unit With a Soil, dry cloth
ll it becomes very dirty. wipe it with a cloth that has been soaked in
neutral detergent diluted with water and then wrung out thoroughly,
then dry with a dry cloth.
Use at a chemically treated cloth or gloss—producing cleaner can
damage the suriace or cause the paint to come oil.
Do not rub the surtace ot the CRT wlth a hard oblect or Strike it
with anything. Doing so can scratch it
”imam“ ani s A 99 s 15 254 PM
museums g L
ufizu (2H 99 = A») 1 (A) vzo‘L x (H) can DUE 39mm H LZ ‘..5L '..9L ‘HEL usowloew
pue VSSA ‘ngg ‘ng Bugumem 10 SJquEO in; 091012“ 0910 Aouenbau mama/x
pue ZH» L6 011H>| 05 m Kauanhau muozuou uuM auop s! Bug/mono; ouewomv ~
ueasumm mac (9
menuoa ufigq pue
uoumqsaj qfigq ‘uquuaAaJd Anomaeps duels ‘uogpauax M0! fiugpngJd ‘maLufigd |ELSMQ
QUE 609} wen ‘xeoo (sums-11W pug uonaauaH-zlue ‘exem-uuv) svasv nesuenpv
“(wand IOD tutu 93'0 uuM swag/“6M um g‘ov / semen! 0‘91) uOU! LL 3! ueews aul -
P83” LHO Muenb 145m (9
‘ Jamdmoo
dousap e uodn psnwsm sq ueo Jouuow am pue gamma; sq ueo pums Jouumu at“~ -
|ngw€n pums Jouuow (V
‘uoulpuca anwudO am u! pasn aq uea JOHUDUJ Amdsgp
em ‘pJEpuElS (muuqu meg Amdsgq) QGG (uonegaossv spjepueus mumwae
03pm) VSEM 914101smmwomequamdwoo E uuM uogzequwoa u! nun Sm! fiugsn Ag -
D691 E! Z/ L OCIG VSBA (8
‘saunapgnfi (1419199 mtg/«es 12>qu 'squss_wwa) ZS‘QQ‘L pue
(meg; ouaufizmvouoma AOuanbau—mut) Seuuapgnfi H Hdw S,UBDBMS 0; suuoyuoo u ~
111216qu mung ASHBNB am 01 Summon lnnpmd 3qu .
‘SpJEpUElS (Buueufigs luewsfieuew JaMOd Aadsn] uouegaossv
spmpuzxg saguouaee 06pm) SWdG VSHA EL]! 01 311110;qu 19m Jemdwoo E LugM
uoueungoa u! {gun sun fiugsn Aq passajddns sq qu uuudumsuoa Jamod Amdswp SLLL ~
MpueuMnewawumgAug (2
Aaydsm aux uo (suoueqm xgs) uoneao‘ pauaxajd Aug 19 snuem ueams-uo aux lBS ~
uanas—uo pue suounq [quuoa v sul uuM Ausee paunoued aq UPS smaunsnlpv .
”pewmas aq UEO usguedg JD ueuzu ‘usufiua ‘uouajj names ;0 Eng
‘Ssfienfium 9 UI G’QEHEAE s; nuaw uanas—uo ax“. ,
Amdsp uaams-uo em fiuwsn weulsnfpe |e115gc| (L
Swd wussszu-o
$81 mead
Front view
n E El Operation Keys
These keys are used tor screen adjustment.
Detaits are given starting on the H) page,
Pitot LED
When power is turned ON, the lamp lights
up green; when the unit goes into power
management mode. the tight turns yettow.
a Power switch
This turns the power ON and OFF. Press to
turn the power ON; press again to turn the
power OFF.
E El PORTfB (BNC connector)
To the computer video output.
AC inlet
Connect the power cord.
PORT»A (Mini D»Sub15 pin connector)
To the computer video output
7 Red BNC connector
8 Green or Sync. on Green
ENC connector
——m V.5ync. BNC connector
10 H‘synct or Composite sync
BNC connector
9 Biue BNC connector
we 06? m 9 E6 5 swfl’wnscsm-o
fiupsn em nufl Jamduma sq; m masks
|zufigs am 01 Eusploase pauuoo
uoueJado sways/<5 xeql pea aseahj
wepauuoosgp fiugwoaaq won
u JuaAaJd o; Anus“ Bmd an;
fiuynoes snaps em uewfiu,
edm ONE! m 9823 I
sun £0 mmauuoa OBPM em 01 apqes
aux w apys Jame am pauuog mun
Ae|d5|p 3141 w spgs use; an." uo amen
aux us 6an at" c) sJaznduJoa a|ddv
Jo; JQJCEPE uugsJaAuoo an“ mauung
smmdwoo away
0) uogpauuoo JO) pameQl s! Jexdepe
uoggamoo amanme Anepxawwoa v
pumas Jaldepe JO
firm! am uu smems aux uamB 7 E
qsoxugoew 9 oi -
09pm sfimdmm am m laauucg
~papauuoasgp Eugmooaq mm; ‘1’
1g wand 01 Knufin Smd am
Guynoes smaws an) uamfiu,
B I3
elquedwoo 10 0d war ue 0L -
pamauuoasgp Eugutooaq won
1! wallajd o) Anufig; 5n|d am
Euynaas smens am uamfiu,
“uonsanb u! aumaew am 10 |Enueu1
unpjm‘fiu; su) 0; jaw ‘Jemdwoa Jame Aue 01 spam sq m s! uouaauuon u Sugmono;
sq: 0) 19433 JDLOBUUGG oapgA S'Aalndwoa au] 01 pus Jame sq; wauuaa uaql pus ‘uun
am ;0 JESJ aux uo Jopauuoc ugd 9L an-Q gugLu sq; a; ayqeo yeufiws peuddns am 10 pua
ago oauung 9er u! Jelndwoo am uuM sauepmose u! jeulp mm pomew uogpauuoo
uouoauuog elqeo xeufigs 1
wmpaaold u oauuoo aux Ev uuouad 5101341 to: am
an" pue [sandman am [a A'lddns Jamod an; ya sum: MGM/V S U 01109 U U 00
Hewet 9959 99,“P?FE‘9E‘_
Find the power supply card enclosed in the shipping canon Connect the
power supply cord to the connector marked “AC W" on the rear side 0!
the monitor. Connect the other side at the cable to an electrical outlet
Always use the power supply card with the ground line attached.
Connect the ground line properly to use the monitor safely.
Use the power supply cord enclosed the shipping canon to use
this unit saiely.
3. Power on
Figure 1 Figure 2
The monitor can use an AC power voltage at either 50 or GD Hz. Turn the
power switch at this unit (Figure 1) on‘ then turn the switch 01 the computer
(Figure 2) on
Rater to the ltem “Operation" on page lg to perlorm the desired settings
Always use the power supply card that is enclosed
with the unit.
AC power cord
power cord that conforms to the lollowing
It the enclosed power suley cord is not used, use a
regional standards,
US A. . UL Switzerland. . SEV
Canada. .CSA Britain BASED / BS
Germany VDE
in other regions, tor salety please use an AC plug card that complies With each country's
selety regulations
l 955mm)?“
m v: s we as é n swownsssm-n
4'sadsozls_ 1 HLQ
9’m I! m d D E
g; z; 55 g uaams nuam aux 126117 c) emu: eouu A9» T 314155st
U 53 3:1, 0 smawnsnlpe
7 eulemdwoa pup, Mousm 01 sfiuluas an] ames 0) As» | am 53915 “v
K lqfifi
W m 4 > m
lauau - lsAaxEloflwuuemssald ‘s
"uompuoa pausap sq) uses; a
umusoa H 4-
flLS— Figéglg
‘A- H
m u s? m , m <1 D m
(9; O a 0 fluew am Amdslp 01Aa>| E aux ssaJd
U 3 3:1“ 0 usams nuaLu am mm) ‘sod i; 3253 am 139165 a) As» E em ssaxd a
mum i I
_ 9“ SEE
Izl <1 D E]
“I 3L 3? M
o; 0 c D
D E £1» [El nuew an) Ae|dsgp 0) flax E am sad 1
Lueuusnlpz uomsod |etuczgmH
ampeomd uouewdo
mums SSHEBED 15 B 11 u 0 Q
uonlscd GSO afienfiufl echw A snow H G/@ U
. §§§ M 5? W9
13A51 oapm nmau dwsL mung uouema G? O E D
mamas ‘sod x; as gsauxufiug 5:1)qu U z: [E
“usams zuawlsnipe am Jews 0; Ae>| @ sq; scald (g
‘1uouauue Max 8 DUB E aulfiu‘sseid flq 119!”pr Sr Sm (z
“uaams nuaul 9q101um1910w§6>| E sq; ssmd (1
sum; 55 paxmdswp aJe uun sun 10; pa‘snfpe an man 1914) suogmun; aul
ueaJos nuew
‘maupa|38|9540|8Ae|13nIp2 UL
_ | snuew suxg
we); nuam 9106199 nualu ugew sAmdst
uoueJedo ogseg
SelteTest menu (No Signa screen)
This display Indicates that the monitor is operating hurmeiiy. When one at the toituwihg
conditions occurs. press one at the 4 operation keys to call the appropriate display
Nu Signal Error
tH 74.9kHz
tv 50.0 Hz ‘
No signal (The computer is not connected The horizontal or vertical sync. signal are
or the mains power to the computer is outside at the permitted range (the value ol
disconnected] the horizontal sync. signal will be displayed
in red and the value ot the vertical sync.
Signal wtii he displayed in white)
Adjustment menu
0 Contrast 1 Adiust the screen contrast to match the brightness level in the room.
Pressrng the 2 key toggles between brightness and contrast.
rect operation
Even it the menu screen does not appear. the contrast can be adiusted by
pressing the [Z or 5 key. It the E and E keys are pressed at the same time.
the maxtmum level (100) Will be set.
i} Brightness : Adiust the brightness to match the brightness level in the room so that the
level will be easy to see Pressing the 12 key toggles between contrast
and brightness.
Note It the E and 8 keys are pressed at the same time on the
Brightness adjustment screen. the standard level (50) will be set.
4‘ Size gt PCS. 1 Press the E key to select the zoom / horizontal position I horizontal size
(vertical DOSlllon / vertical Size adjustments.
Zoom 1 Both the horizontal and vertical size ol the image can be adjusted at the
same time; however, the aspect ratio cannot be changed.
H. Position : The horizontal position at the image can be adjusted
H. Size : The horizontal size oi the image can be adjusted.
Note: Setting the image in the center oi the screen to start will make the
adjustment easier
E V. Position : The vertical poslliori or the image can be adjusted.
1 V. Size 2 The vertical size at the image can be adjusted.
Note Setting the image in the center 01 the screen to start will make the
adjustment easier.
uonlpuca leuuuu Japun A L 0 am
wax M L[/\ (0) Z] aux unM Dames sq uea A we A L 0 Bull;
pesn Smaq namdwoo ammpaqznew aq uea |aAe||eufizs NU! OGPM 9M Z \9/\81 OBDIA GT?
“9091 E "101mm
“0 9905 ueams 9m 'spuo:>es as lanE Jo) nauuouad snoueJado on an? 919m H
aux ampaq Mamypammg mam ism 1mm 01 umyaj sfiuluas aul) 'DGUEJSJ Sugsq
sSuguas em mum sump; uaams nuam an“ “passaJd 5; (ON) A9» @ em uauM (z
Amps; 10 sum |E SBuguas} sfiumas [eulug ox Mme) : Hausa) ‘summ ueams
nuam am pue paneoaj 818 sfiuguas BL” ‘pessald sg[saA)&s>1 E aux uaqM (L
Moms; )0 sum an m sfimues an”) sfiuguas mugug an) m ujnzaj o| s|qgssod 9; || ; “QQQH G.
SBmEA 135 sq) m sauou axe} paueoeu sq xouuea smma Assn sv ,
sAea £3 pus E! unM aauajapajd |EuosJad umzw 01 IO|DD am ISnIpV (z
“flex [g 9m HI'M (am) a Tusslfi) 5) ‘(pSD u wares (L
“gauajajaJd muoswd uns 0) 95mm aux |u sssuauuM aux \Sn[pE 01 angssod s! n ; 10|03 Jag“
‘uasms Newsnrpe 10103 JQSfl sul Jams 018512 uunmado mm;
sq; uo flax [E sq; SSaJd ‘palamas uaau seu (10103 Jesn) g uauM [aued
uaams—uu an" 10 ans pneuqqfiu moucq 9m 32 paiwdsgp eq 1|!M[z] (z
‘(Jssm 9/ (mama +mums) v / (M0099)
E / M0091) a / (ooaws + NOUES) 1139195 01 ska» E PU? E! 9!“ ssa‘d (L
'afiem| au) ;0 ssauaqu 9131431st 0‘ emwssod s! u ; dLUGL Jo|oo
‘133 aqugm(og)1ena\pmpue)s am ‘awn ewes sul {E passajd an? 559” E pug El 9m H vaycN
“an" [eguozuou e o) emelaj afieww uaams em po SSBUUa/xa 8L” s)snlpe pnuo: Sui ; uouema 73
uowumsgp memoranmed Ac; panama aq uEa afiew! and ; mejfimanejgd U
Mommsgp mpgozaden 101 pamauoo aq uefl 362m! Sui ; mozgdgjL U
lufiu Due
us} aq; 01 93u9|eq uogqsnauwfi ems eu) |sn!pe 01 smgssod s! u : WEE 'U|d ems D
SJQUJOS mm an“
m uoyuoxswp ungusnsugd (eoguarx IO] paxoauoa aq ue: 65mm 31“ ; Jaujoo 1nd A H
uoyuomp 1eueq m; pepauua aq uea 352m! Sui j UOIanQUId A B
‘szuemsnme memo‘auemd / pgozedeu / eauemq uogqsmuld apgs / ABUJOB
uozusnaugd yemuaA / uoqunamd [acme/x am mass m Keg Z am SSQAd : AJISLUOQE) U
7 A nusw luemsmpv
E ; Qwfl'wnessmfl
Adjustment rnenu
Moire reduction 1 Moire patterns are caused by intenerence or the CRT dot pitch and Video
signal due to the resolution oi the input signal, video pattern, elc..
producing patterns at horizontal stripes (Horizontal moire pattern) or
vertical stripes (Vertical moire patternt.
H, Moire : . The moire correction circuit can be switched On and on with the ifl key.
- When the metre correction circuit is swttcheo On with the E (On loll] key,
the adiustment screen menu appears.
- Aoiusl with the 8 and El keys so that the stnpeo moire pattern is in rts optimum
V_ Moire : 4 The morre correction circuit can be switched On and Oil with the i key.
~ When the moire correction circuit is swrtched On with the E (OH / Oil) key,
the adjustment screen menu appears.
- Adiusl with the a and El keys so that the Striped metre pattem is in is
optimum condition.
It the moire reduction is overcorrected, the picture quality (tor example rocus,
vertical line stabilrty. etc.) will sometimes be affected.
Keep this adjustment within the range in which the picture quality is not affected.
Language 2 The language of the On-Screen Display can be selected trorri among
German, French, English. Italian and Spanish.
Select With the E or fl keys.
OSD Position 2 It is possible to adjust the DOSlllOl’t that the on—screen panel is to be
The panel will rotate in a counterclockwise direction every time the [2]
key rs pressed.
Degauss Z Use this function to reduce the irregular colors in the image The degaussing
operates tor approximately five seconds alter selection.
Use this tunction when irregular colors occur in the image alter moving the
monitor or the changing the screen angle,
Note: Be inrormed that a continued use at this lunclion cannot result in a
salislactry etrect. (Try to keep an interval at about 30 minutes or so
between operations)
(9/0 Signal IThis displays the input synchronization signal trequehcy.
Intormatron on the input Screen mode (resolution, horizontal and vertical
synchronization trequencyl will be displayed on the display monitor There are
occasions sometimes when some screen modes in use do not display any
resolution. Dtrect displayed allow this to be displayed on screen by pressing the
El key even when the menu screen is not displayed
t m \R say an
Wd ZZZ'Sh'S as w 9‘ SwflNNES‘SLGfl
— — ES'VL V309 89.4 X VZOL ZH SL‘BQSL X 7301 39W
7 ~ > V 99 u fzt'ev veg x ass? ZH 91 be veg x 295 new
’ * 50 98 Ql'lE 7801 X 0921 VZH 99 )E 730} X OBZL VSHA
‘ ¢ 00 99 59 as ' em x vam ZH 93 Ha ESL >< mm mm
7' f — LO 0L bv‘gs 9m x vzm ZH 0L 19 ESL >< VZDL vsa‘f
’ + + 9098 ' 29'99‘ 009 x 009 ZH 9919 009 x 008 WAS
A 5" A urge za'ev 097 x 0179 ZH 98)? 0917 x ova vsarx
4" — was LV'LS osv x owe ZH 0939an X (we vm
femuaA [EluozuoH (ZH) [ll—Mi
, A Aausnbax, Aauanbau uounyosau 990W
Aumodmufis ouflg |EcrueA |epuozuoH
zasaxd uaaq seq 8m?! Bugmouo) em ug Gugwu an“~
apow 1esaJd
‘peJalStSaJ 51 xuamxsnipe em 'Spuo:>as 03 mqu 101 pamado mu 5! A6» [sued mm; B u
'Da)e)s!63) s; amen pmsnlpe am ‘pessatd 31 As), 5) an) uauM (g
n 3snlpe us!“ pug uaams 030 am mm; psxsnlpz sq c| Luau am maps (a
‘uun fieldsyp sq; 01 pamsxbm sq o) |eu6ws jamdmco at“ mm” (L
EiEp luaulsflhfi 19mm) mmoH A
mm yzanueA enulu |E;uuzuoH pm cam
umfiomnmd plozadeu acuewo uolusnougd apls uuyusnauwd mguaA
azxs mum uomscd my” Amman auxsmgua,‘ Aouanbau mma,‘
an; 121uozuoH unrusod [EmozucH mama mus [exuozuuH lauanbau (EwazucH
“smelting/mum au; ul 350u1619 panalsgfim an we mqmuzp sql .
awed auxsmwaA AauanbaAHEoguaA Awemd‘aufisxewozuuH buanbaxuewozuuH
exep Mau SE pamsgfiaj sq um Aaux ‘V Suwonn) 91mm Aue Luau Jamp 9pr \uamsnlpe meu am n -
“sapom |asam S‘JBSH se paJaxsgfim Awau sq uea sapow SL 0) dn -
Mowew sapow Amdsgq
'(3_LVLS djO us Aluo)
paseamj SI uonpun. maweaeuew Jamod epgs muumu at“ we ‘smadde uagms |eu6gg ON euL
‘pued mm; sq) uo 5&9» [133 ‘E an m aum SSGJd (z
Eugsn all: ncfi exempjeu am JO) s|erm2w uugaado sq) peag (1
nonounj xuamafieuew JaMOd am we“ waxsfis em 952mm 0) MDH
iuewgfieuew Jamod paauEApv : My
\ 4:0 oasoa>§ suEMw > MOIIGAJ m0 xma anus 350
\ idO ! 0659 > \ suEM§L> Mom 1 we was GNSdSnS
\ 550 “5953 > \ suemsn >EM0V13AJ me name Aa—ONVLS
{ NO - l {EWGN name \ wav anus NO
2 “WA mums), i muggy “may ‘lsmmuaans 3123de
Mmeq 3mm an un paxzalpun Se swufigs mdm u) asuodsei u! afiueun sapow
pegn 5ugaq eJEMpJQu am 10; S|BnuEW unumado aul nnsuca sseaxd nonmado fiugpmfiau a|oN
plepums SWdG VSEA an m lulo|uca 051813nm pasn Buweq pJEOq 09pm pue namdwca auL
”nun Amdsup 314qu uondmnsuoa JQMOd sssuddns ues uchoun; 59:41
wnflpums SWdO V'SBA at“ o) suumuoa 10»qu sgul
wens/(s 1uawefieuew Jamod
lf Trouble Occurs
~ When trouble uccurs,1urn the power OFF immediately and
coniaci your dealer.
li smoke comes our or irrrs uml or a bad ado! or sirange noise comes our, coniinulng
is use irre unri can cause a The or eleclllcal shock Turn rho power OFF immdrarely.
unplug iha power coro irorn lhe ouiler and Eonlacl your dealer
- Absolutely do not remove the rear cover.
There are vans ai hlgn volrage rnsroe, so muchlng ihenr can cause an elaciroal
shook Leave inspeclion aarusimerri and cleanrng oi ine inierlor is your dealei
4 Do not put anyThlng inside.
ll louo or a iorergn porecr shoulu ge‘ rrrsrae accidentally rrnrnaoralely lurn ihe power
OFF, unplug lira power com rrom ihe uullel and ooniaci your dealer. Conlinuing lo
use (he unrl can cause 3 hrs. eiecinoal shock or breakdown oi ihe unrr.
if trouble occurs with the display unit, panorm the following checks and lake
the indicated action; if the trouble persisis, please consult with your dealer
There is no
power card i plug
power swiieh
Signal cable
The power saving lunclran
mrghi have aoroo in so me
prior LED wrrl be yellow)
Plug ihe power cord rnio lne oullel curreoily.
Press the power swoon ‘
Connecl lhe signal cable covrecliy
Release lhe puwer savrno lunciron by oporalrng
me mouse or keyboard.
Fm addilinnal delalls please read ihn Operairon
Manual oi ihe hardware you are using.
The image is we large or loo
small, or rr is displaced irorn
ihe correcl puslliun
The mono IS no: regisiereo
Perinrm ihe oesrreo serimgs and mm save ihem
oy waning 20 seconds or pressing rhe DJ ‘Exn” key.
Tha orsplay color is abnormal
(Example) The colol is
uneven or allcciur
The image dislumljn ano or
rm is large.
is mere samelhlng ihai pmduces
a magnelli: lreid nearby?
lExarnplesl Television moniiol,
anoiher oompuier display unrl.
speaker, elE : was ihe
cvleniaiion nl Ihe mommr
perhaps changed while ri was in
Remove ihe source 01 ihe magnenc lreio
Perform oegaussing
Make sure your cable is corraor
Conneci lhe signal conneclnr correolly
Try a drilerenl Oilenlallon
The background or ihe Image
rs origin
The background or lhe image
is colored
The oharaoiar gels panally
The image is dark.
The tumoulev in use rs Maoinlosh
The srgnal ouipui oi ihe oompuiar
in use is improper,
Press ine operaxrng keys [Ii and Ti] rogelher al
rho same rirna, Ynu can ihsn aorusr ihis urrii wiih
rho signal union! or me compuler One more
pressing or ekeouhon ol recall can cancel ihis
‘This iunoiion rs eliecirve lor a specllled
cumpuler liihare rs no pinblem in normal use,
avoid The use orihis iunoiron
Characiers camml be soon
clearly ihe image is loo oark
Is rho imagc signal level oorrecily
is me orrghlness ur coniiasl
Edluslmenl iurneo all lhe way
Check rho video signal level irorn rho oompuier
and adlusi il in me correci diieclion
Adlusl lhe bligmrless and conirasi
The screen size and
posriron no nol change
is rha rnpui synohronrzairon srgnal
wrxhin ‘lrle operallng iange”
Check iho Video oulpul mooa iron. nro oornourer.
and seleci a mode wrihrn lhe orsplay unri
operaiing range.
For oelails, please lead me Opeiaiion Manual or
lire hardware you are usrng.
The ironi panel keys larl io
Ave 2 or more keys being
operated a: me same Wile”
Operaie only one key al a lime
u 9 rmfismfl
am am;
IBINDGA mwozuuH anyg uaajg pea auksamedag
ousodmog ems was pas auAsauscdan
amg (uaals) Dag uasAg-uo-DUAS
DNASA ONAS'H Ema Naaus) flea ”mews
{Swen 912 NM Jamdmoa sq) m masks |Eufigs
em 01 Eugpmose memos ‘M0|eq emfiu aux ox Hummea
punmfi mufiws amg a
fog 91 punmfi [Eufigs UGGIO L
yeufigs JuAs mamaA v1 punmfi |Eufigs DRE 9 J
mufi‘s'ouxs mxuuzuaH m Apunmg 9
was 2L panels v
punmg u leufils ems 9
punmg 01 mums MQBAQ z Jowauuuo an'G [uuu
”ago 5 {was pm 1 uwd 9L m sxuewufiwsse uld
amzu leufigs Iaqmnu uyd aweu |Eu5ys Jaqmnu uld JOIOQUUOO an‘G 1u|w
uamdwoa am afiewep A‘zw a/qeo plepuexs-uou v wasmo/f
A'q amen e ampemuew o: admaue Jo alqeo aw £1,1qu xou ca
(NEH one 2591) 305 ‘(uch or; ‘(dm gm xuauusnipe ayfiug news
my 9’91 mmaM s‘uun ugew
1 mm m: x cw x so: under: x mfiraq x uwlM sumsuawlq
(uogxmaflo Gumzs JaMod Buunp) M v >/ an M gm unudwnsuofl named
(ZH 09/09] ona-ool ov IaMOdeuy
(ucuesuapuoo uN) Vans 0) g zmpmmH
(1.796 01 w) 3.52 m g almmadmal suompum 5uuemdo
(QQL x vzo‘ L) mm zcz x me esm mega
ZH 99 I (A) sau-lvzo'1x(H>smp use"; ucvmmsa; wnngew
(dM) MW 99; spoycyexxd ummgxew
mums ‘ssnefiag ‘uomsod ago ‘aEEnBuE1 ‘auow ~A
‘sucw H ‘(A HA L0) wew 0;pr ‘uesag ‘1uaw;sn¥p2w|03 [BSH
‘Uasn 'GC)dWLZ + macs ‘xoose smog ‘caawa * xooea)
Cwal myoo ‘uogmma ‘(wenfimanmed 'pluladeu ‘ me ”d 9an
‘Aautog ugd 1“ ‘uulqsmmd -A) Mauoag '(ans '/\ muguscd ,A
‘azls -H ‘uomsud H wooz) ‘scd y axis ‘ssauwfiug ‘1sEuuog flaws-g uaaps-uo
A9» Cl] ‘3 E ‘Efl 130 / NO Armed [aued luau smuuog
mneuum md g aux; 33 333 mans JaMud
9 x ONE ‘1su-d mama) Jopauum ansAq 1u1w u!d 9L leufils smpauucg
zH D'og; oz zH 0-09 afiueu Anuanbeu |eawuaA ’
zwi one 01sz 0 us afiuea Aauanbau |EluozuOH efiueg Bunexado
Iuaeifivuwuks ‘(xemas mu ausodwoc Al H ‘uaAel 1m uonmedas A / H uauezguomms
(mums sufls mm) MA 0 L '[[Eufils aux; mum) mm [0 may 12u6¢g
6012112 595 can 1Eu5ys 1ndu|
zeoo (Me‘s-WV pue uo‘zzaneaflue ‘SJEID'WUW svusv uaouwpv mamman mews
mu mu / man/flu mung ‘(035 mm) asua‘szmd nous mn-paw Baa 53mg / Apoq luaasamnu
wm SZ'D um! wt]
uaans 12“ [ememam Lu: 9 aw man 0 91) uaul u so“ No
mama/10mm, 10 asodlnd
am 10; aauou anmmM afiueuo a: aaalqns 312 suoyeamoads
After the display stand as been removed store I! m the
Monltor Stand baxlhe playwassh ped
Observe the tollowtng instructions it the unit is to be used With the display stand removed.
Repeat this procedure in the reverse Order it the display stand is to be reattached
[I Lay the screen down ship a suit object (cushion, etc ) to avoid scratching
fl Grasp the bottom of the display stand as
indicated in the illustration.
5 Apply pressure With your lingers to the
area shown in the illustration and lift the
stand slightly in an upward direction. This
will release the lock,
El Once the lock has been E This will separate E Place the unit on top of
released, remove your lingers the stand lrom the the computer to be
and firmly lift upwards at an main unit used pr on a tanletop,
Store the display stand in
the box or other receptacle
in which the computer was

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