Panasonic of North America 96NKX-HNC710 HomeHawk Outdoor User Manual Installation Manual English

Panasonic Corporation of North America HomeHawk Outdoor Installation Manual English

User Manual

Installation GuideHomeHawk OutdoorModel No.    KX-HNC710Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic product.This document explains how to configure the outdoor camera using amobile device.Please read the supplied installation guide of KX-HN7001/KX-HN7002/KX-HN7003/KX-HN1007 for further details.Charge the batteries for about 8 hours before camera installation(page 12).Please read this document before using the unit and save it for futurereference.For assistance, please contact us at 1-800-272-7033 or visit our Website: for customers in the U.S.A.Please register your product: in ChinaHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   1 2017/12/27   15:55:02
IntroductionAccessory information ...............3Important InformationGraphical symbols for use onequipment and theirdescriptions ...............................5About this system ......................5For your safety ...........................6Important safety instructions ......8Privacy and rights of portrait ......8Other information .......................8SetupPart names and functions ........11Battery charging forcameras ...................................12Turning the power on forcameras ...................................12Registering the camera ...........12Installation ...............................13AppendixSpecifications ..........................16FCC and other information ......18Customer services ...................20Limited Warranty (ONLY FORU.S.A.) .....................................212Table of ContentsHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   2 2017/12/27   15:55:02
Accessory informationSupplied accessoriesNo. Accessory item/Part number QuantityAEthernet cable/PNWYAB700W01 1BUSB cable/ PNWYAC700W00 1CWall mounting screws 25 mm (1 inch)/PNWYAC700W022DSuspension wire tool–Safety wire: 1/XXXX– Washer: 1The washer for attaching safety wire to cameraøxx mm (xx inches)/xxxx– Screw: 1The screw for attaching the safety wire to a wallor ceiling xx mm (xx inches)/xxxx– Screw safety wire: 1The screw safety wire for attaching the safetywire to the camera øxx mm (xx inches)/xxxx1A B C DOther informationRDesign and specifications are subject to change without notice.RThe illustrations in these instructions may vary slightly from the actualproduct.For assistance, please visit 3IntroductionHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   3 2017/12/27   15:55:02
TrademarksRiPhone and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.RAndroid and Google Play are registered trademarks or trademarks ofGoogle Inc.RMicrosoft, Windows, and Internet Explorer are either registeredtrademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the UnitedStates and/or other countries.RWPA™ and WPA2™ are registered trademarks or trademarks ofWi-Fi Alliance®.RAll other trademarks identified herein are the property of theirrespective owners.NoticeRHomeHawk Front Door is referred to as front door camera or camerain this document.RHomeHawk Outdoor is referred to as outdoor camera or camera inthis document.RFor installation, accessing User’s Guide, etc, refer to the suppliedInstallation Guide of KX-HN7001/KX-HN7002/KX-HN7003/KX-HN1007.4For assistance, please visit   4 2017/12/27   15:55:02
Graphical symbols for use on equipmentand their descriptionsSymbol Explanation Symbol ExplanationAlternating current(A.C.)Class P equipment(equipment in whichprotection againstelectric shock relies onDouble Insulation orReinforced Insulation)Direct current (D.C.) “ON” (power)Protective earth “OFF” (power)Protective bondingearthStand-by (power)Functional earth “ON”/“OFF” (power;push-push)For indoor use only Caution, risk of electricshockAbout this systemRThis system is an auxiliarysystem; it is not designed toprovide complete protectionfrom property loss. Panasonicwill not be held responsible inthe event that property lossoccurs while this system is inoperation.RThe system’s wireless featuresare subject to interference,therefore functionality in allsituations cannot beguaranteed. Panasonic will notbe held responsible for injury ordamage to property that occursFor assistance, please visit 5Important InformationHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   5 2017/12/27   15:55:02
in the event of wirelesscommunication error or failure.For your safetyTo prevent severe injury and lossof life/property, read this sectioncarefully before using the productto ensure proper and safeoperation of your product. WARNINGPower connectionRUse only the 5.0 V, 1.0 A orhigher power source.RDo not overload power outletsand extension cords. This canresult in the risk of fire orelectric shock.RCompletely insert the ACadaptor/power plug into thepower outlet or micro-USBconnector into the power supplydevice’s micro-USB jack.Failure to do so may causeelectric shock and/or excessiveheat resulting in a fire.RRegularly remove any dust, etc.from the AC adaptor/power plugby pulling it from the poweroutlet, then wiping with a drycloth. Accumulated dust maycause an insulation defect frommoisture, etc. resulting in a fire.RUnplug the product from poweroutlets if it emits smoke, anabnormal smell, or makes anunusual noise. Theseconditions can cause fire orelectric shock. Confirm thatsmoke has stopped emittingand contact us at from power outlets andnever touch the inside of theproduct if its casing has beenbroken open. Danger of electricshock exists.RNever touch the plug with wethands. Danger of electric shockexists.RDo not connect non-specifieddevices.InstallationRDo not place or use this productnear automatically controlleddevices such as automaticdoors and fire alarms. Radiowaves emitted from this productmay cause such devices tomalfunction resulting in anaccident.RDo not allow the power cord tobe excessively pulled, bent orplaced under heavy objects.RDo not mount the bracket in alocation higher than 2.2 m (7feet 3 inches), in an unstablelocation, in a location subject to6For assistance, please visit InformationHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   6 2017/12/27   15:55:02
frequent vibration, on a ceiling,or on a weak wall. (Do notmount on gypsum board,concrete blocks, woodenmaterials exposed to theoutdoors, walls with very roughsurfaces, or surfaces that arenarrower than the width of thewall mount bracket.) There is arisk of injury if the product falls,or of fire or electric shock ifwater enters the product.RKeep small parts (screws,washers, etc.) out of the reachof children. There is a risk ofswallowing. In the event theyare swallowed, seek medicaladvice immediately.Operating safeguardsRUnplug the product from poweroutlets before cleaning. Do notuse liquid or aerosol cleaners.RDo not disassemble the product.RNever put metal objects insidethe product. If metal objectsenter the product, turn off thecircuit breaker and contact anauthorized service center.MedicalRConsult the manufacturer of anypersonal medical devices, suchas pacemakers or hearing aids,to determine if they areadequately shielded fromexternal RF (radio frequency)energy. Wireless LAN featuresoperate between 2.412 GHzand 2.462 GHz with a peaktransmission power of 100 W.RDo not use the product in healthcare facilities if any regulationsposted in the area instruct younot to do so. Hospitals or healthcare facilities may be usingequipment that could besensitive to external RF energy. CAUTIONInstallation and locationRNever install wiring during alightning storm.RAlthough this product conformsto the IPX5* code, do notintentionally expose it to water. *IPX5 indicates that the productis protected against water jets:water projected at all anglesthrough a 6.3 mm (1/4 inches)nozzle flow rate of 12.5 liters/minute at a pressure of 30 kN/m2 for 3 minutes from adistance of 3 meters (9 feet 10inches).RAlthough this product conformsto the IP6X* code, do notintentionally expose it to grit anddust.*IP6X indicates that the productis protected against grit andFor assistance, please visit 7Important InformationHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   7 2017/12/27   15:55:02
dust: this product has shownthe capabilities of preventingdust from entering inside theproduct after the product was ina device that contained dustwith a diameter of 75 μm or lessfor 8 hours and was shaken andremoved from that device.RThe USB cable is used as themain disconnect device. Ensurethat the AC outlet is installednear the product and is easilyaccessible.Preventing accidents andinjuriesRThe safety wire must be usedwhen mounting the product.There is a risk of injury if theproduct falls.RDo not put your ear(s) near thespeaker, as loud soundsemitted from the speaker maycause hearing impairment.Important safetyinstructionsWhen using your product, basicsafety precautions should alwaysbe followed to reduce the risk offire, electric shock, and injury topersons, including the following:1. Use only the power cordindicated in this document.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSPrivacy and rightsof portraitWhen installing or using thecamera, please take intoconsideration the rights of otherswith regard to privacy.It is generally said that “privacy”means the ability of an individualor group to stop information aboutthemselves from becoming knownto people other than those whomthey choose to give theinformation. “Rights of portrait”means the right to be safe fromhaving your own image taken andused indiscriminately withoutconsent.Other informationThis product has a rechargeablelithium ion battery. Do not throwinto fire, apply heat, or charge,use, or leave in a hightemperature environment.– Doing so may cause fluid leak,overheating, or explosion.8For assistance, please visit InformationHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   8 2017/12/27   15:55:02
Routine careRWipe the outer surface of theproduct with a soft moist cloth.RDo not use benzine, thinner, orany abrasive powder.Camera image qualityRCamera images may have thefollowing characteristics.– Colors in images may differfrom the actual colors.– When there is light behindthe subject (i.e.,backlighting), faces mayappear dark.– Image quality may bereduced in dark locations.– Images may appear hazywhen there are outdoor lightsin use.Notice for product disposal,transfer, or returnRThis product can store yourprivate/confidential information.To protect your privacy/confidentiality, we recommendthat you erase information fromthe memory before you disposeof, transfer, or return theproduct.Notice for built-in batteryATTENTION:A lithium ion battery that isrecyclable powers the product youhave purchased. Please call1-800-8-BATTERY(1-800-822-8837) for informationon how to recycle this battery.WARNING for Lithium Ion(Li-Ion) Battery:Risk of fire and burns. Do notopen, crush, heat above 50 °C(122 °F) or incinerate. Followthe instructions in the operatinginstructions.Remove the built-in rechargeablebattery before disposing of thecameras. Do not dismantle orreplace the battery so that you canuse the camera again. This couldcause fire or an electric shock.For assistance, please visit 9Important InformationHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   9 2017/12/27   15:55:02
Replace it at an authorized servicecenter.1234567RDisconnect the power cord fromthe camera when removing thebattery.RPerform steps (A) to (G), liftthe battery, and then remove it.Notice10 For assistance, please visit InformationHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   10 2017/12/27   15:55:02
Part names and functionsAGJHBDEFNMLKICAWhite LED lens HSpeakerBLens IMSETUPN button*1CInfrared sensors JPower slide switchDLED indicator KCharging LEDEMicrophone LCamera nutFLight sensor MUSB cover/connection*2GInterface cover NWall mounting adaptor*1 Used when performing initial setup.*2 Used to connect the USB cable when charging.LED indicatorsYou can use the LED indicators to confirm the status of the cameras.Refer to the supplied Installation Guide for more details.For assistance, please visit 11SetupHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   11 2017/12/27   15:55:02
Battery chargingfor camerasRThis camera has an internalrechargeable battery.RTurn the camera off beforecharging the battery. If thecamera is turned on whilecharging, it may take longer tocharge.RMake sure to charge the batteryindoors and in a dry location.RCharge the battery in a locationwith a temperature between5°C and 40°C (41°F and104°F). The battery cannotcharge in locations outside ofthese temperatures.1Open the micro-USB jackcover (A).2Insert the USB cable (B) intothe micro-USB connector.1211 5.0 V, 1.0 A or higher powersourceTurning the poweron for camerasOpen the cover on the rear of thecameras, and then slide the powerswitch to ON.Registering thecameraThis procedure is not requiredfor devices that were includedas part of a bundle.Before you can use the camera, itmust be registered to the accesspoint.If the camera is not registered toan access point, the camera’sLED indicator blinks in amber.You can register each camera byusing the registration buttons orthe [HomeHawk] app.Note:RBefore registering the camera,make sure the AC adaptors ofthe access point and cameraare connected and each deviceis powered.12 For assistance, please visit   12 2017/12/27   15:55:02
Using registration buttons1Access point:Press and hold MSETUPN untilthe LED indicator blinks slowlyin green.2Camera:Press and hold theregistration button until theLED indicator blinks slowly ingreen.RWhen registration iscompleted, the camerasounds one long beep.Note:RIf registration fails, the camerasounds several short beeps.Using the appWhen you register the camera byusing the [HomeHawk] app, youcan assign a name to yourdevices. For more information,refer to the User’s Guide.InstallationInstallation precautionsRDo not use an impact driver.(This may lead to damagedscrews or over-tightening.)RMount the camera on the stablelocation with a height of 2.2 m(7 feet 3 inches) where the unitcan be adequately supportedwhen installing.RDo not mount the camera on asoft material. It may fall down,break or cause injury.Installing the camera1Open the interface cover (A),then slide the power switch(B) to on.2Secure the screw safety wireto the screw hole (C) of thecamera using a driver, andthen pass the wire through thering of the screw safety wire(D).3412For assistance, please visit 13SetupHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   13 2017/12/27   15:55:03
3Drive the wall mountingscrews into the wall.1 Longer than xx mm (xx/xx inches)2 Space xx mm (xx/xx inches)1 2Note:RUse the following templatewhen determining thelocation of the screw holes.(1 3/32 inches)28 mm4Mount the wall mountingadaptor to the wall and thenattach the camera to the wallmounting adaptor.1 Wall mounting screws2 xx mm (xx/xx inches)125Adjust the camera angle.Note:RAttach the safety wire whileit is bent.RAttach the safety wire highon the wall so that thecamera does not strike14 For assistance, please visit   14 2017/12/27   15:55:03
anyone in the event thecamera detaches from thewall.RDo not hang from thecamera or stand.For assistance, please visit 15SetupHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   15 2017/12/27   15:55:03
SpecificationsRStandardsWireless LAN:IEEE 802.11b/gRFrequency rangeWireless LAN:2.412 GHz – 2.462 GHz(channels 1 – 11)RRF transmission powerWireless LAN:100 mW (peak transmissionpower)REncryptionWPA™/WPA2™-PSK (AES)RPower source5.0 V, 1.0 A*1RBattery performanceStandby: xx hoursOperating time: 8 hoursROperating conditions-20 °C – 50 °C (-4 °F – 122 °F)up to 90 % relative air humidity(non-condensing)RTransmitting range30 m (100 feet) indoors100 m (300 feet) outdoorsRImage sensor1.0 megapixel CMOSRMinimum illuminancerequired*2IR-LED: 0 lx*2White LED: 1 lx*2RFocal lengthFixed 0.2 m (0.7 feet – infinity)RAngular field of view (cameraangle)Horizontal: 150°Vertical: 85°RMotion detection methodPyroelectric infrared sensor(PIR sensor) and visual sensorRPIR sensor detection range(when the surroundingtemperature is approx. 25 °C(77 °F))Horizontal: 170°Vertical: 19.1°Detection range: 5 mRVisual sensor detection rangeHorizontal: 150°Vertical: 90°RAdjustable mounting angles*3Horizontal: xxVertical: facing forward – facingdown approx. xx (adjustablewhen mounting)RIP ratingIP65*4RDimensions (height × width ×depth)Approx. 97.7 mm ´ 71 mm ´93.9 mm (3 7/8 inches ´2 13/16 inches ´ 3 11/16 inches)RMass (weight)Approx. xx g (xx lb)*1 Only when charging.*2 The infrared LEDs thatsurround the camera lens willilluminate in low-lightconditions.16 For assistance, please visit   16 2017/12/27   15:55:03
*3 Adjustable when mounting.*4 Water resistance is onlyassured if the camera isinstalled correctly according tothe instructions in theInstallation Guide, andappropriate water protectionmeasures are taken.For assistance, please visit 17AppendixHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   17 2017/12/27   15:55:03
FCC and otherinformationThis device complies with Part 15of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following twoconditions:(1) This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) thisdevice must accept anyinterference received, includinginterference that may causeundesired operation.Privacy of communications maynot be ensured when using thisdevice.CAUTION:Any changes or modifications notexpressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance couldvoid the user’s authority to operatethis device.NOTE:This equipment has been testedand found to comply with the limitsfor a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designedto provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in aresidential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses, andcan radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed andused in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radiocommunications. However, thereis no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment doescause harmful interference toradio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of thefollowing measures:– Reorient or relocate thereceiving antenna.– Increase the separationbetween the equipment andreceiver.– Connect the equipment into anoutlet on a circuit different fromthat to which the receiver isconnected.– Consult the dealer or anexperienced radio/TVtechnician for help.Some devices operate atfrequencies that may causeinterference to nearby TVs andVCRs. To minimize or preventsuch interference, this deviceshould not be placed near or ontop of a TV or VCR. If interferenceis experienced, move this device18 For assistance, please visit   18 2017/12/27   15:55:03
further away from the TV or VCR.This will often reduce or eliminateinterference.FCC RF Exposure Warning:RThis product complies with FCCradiation exposure limits setforth for an uncontrolledenvironment.RTo comply with FCC RFexposure requirements, thedevice must be installed andoperated 20 cm (8 inches) ormore between the product andall person’s body.RThis product may not becollocated or operated inconjunction with any otherantenna or transmitter.RFor body-worn operation, thedevice must be used only with anon-metallic accessory. Use ofother accessories may notensure compliance with FCCRF exposure requirements.FCC Warning:To ensure compliance with FCCemissions limits, use only theprovided USB cable with ferritecore when connecting the unit to acomputer.Notice:RFCC ID can be found on therear of the unit.For assistance, please visit 19AppendixHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   19 2017/12/27   15:55:03
Customer servicesYou may also contact us directly at: 1-800-272-7033,Monday - Friday 9 am to 9 pm; Saturday - Sunday 10 am to 7 pm, EST.Accessories! Services DirectoryShopfor all your Panasonic gearGo to Get everything you need to get the most out ofyour Panasonic products Accessories & Parts for your Camera, Phone, A/V products, TV, Computers & Networking, Personal Care, Home Appliances, Headphones, Ba!eries, Backup Chargers & more…For Product Informa"on, Opera"ng Assistance, Parts, Owner’s Manuals, Dealer and Service infogo to the hearing or speech impaired TTY: 1- 877-833-8855 As of June 2015 20 For assistance, please visit   20 2017/12/27   15:55:03
Limited Warranty (ONLY FOR U.S.A.)Limited Warranty Coverage (For USA Only)LaborOne (1) YearPartsOne (1) YearTo submit a new repair request and for quick repair status visit our Web Site at Products Limited WarrantyOnline Repair RequestMail-In Service--Online Repair RequestIf your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials or workmanship, Panasonic Corporation of North America (referred to as “the warrantor”) will, for the length of the period indicated on the chart below, which starts with the date of original purchase (“warranty period”), at its option either (a) repair your product with new or refurbished parts,(b) replace it with a new or a refurbished equivalent value product, or (c) refund your purchase price. The decision to repair, replace or refund will be made by the warrantor.During the “Labor” warranty period there will be no charge for labor. During the “Parts” warranty period, there will be no charge for parts. This Limited Warranty excludes both parts and labor for non-rechargeable batteries, antennas, and cosmetic parts (cabinet). This warranty only applies to products purchased and serviced in the United States.This warranty is extended only to the original purchaser of a new product which was not sold “as is”.Home Network System ProductsmicroSD card (Included model only) 90 days  N/AWhen shipping the unit, carefully pack, include all supplied accessories listed in the Owner’s Manual, and send it prepaid, adequately insured and packed well in a carton box. When shipping Lithium Ion batteries please visit our Web Site at as Panasonic is committed to providing the most up to date information. Include a letter detailing the complaint, a return address and provide a daytime phone number where you can be reached. A valid registered receipt is required under the Limited Warranty.IF REPAIR IS NEEDED DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD, THE PURCHASER WILL BE REQUIRED TO FURNISH A SALES RECEIPT/PROOF OF PURCHASE INDICATING DATE OF PURCHASE, AMOUNT PAID AND PLACE OF PURCHASE. CUSTOMER WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE REPAIR OF ANY UNIT RECEIVED WITHOUT SUCH PROOF OF PURCHASE.Product or Part NameFor assistance, please visit 21AppendixHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   21 2017/12/27   15:55:03
Limited Warranty Limits and Exclusions(As examples, this excludes damages for lost time, travel to and from the servicer, loss of or damage to media or images, data or other memory or recorded content. The items listed are not exclusive, but for illustration only.)This warranty ONLY COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage. The warranty ALSO DOES NOT COVER damages which occurred in shipment, or failures which are caused by products not supplied by the warrantor, or failures which result from accidents, misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandling, misapplication, alteration, faulty installation, set-up adjustments, misadjustment of consumer controls, improper maintenance, power line surge, lightning damage, modification, introduction of sand, humidity or liquids, commercial use such as hotel, office, restaurant, or other business or rental use of the product, or service by anyone other than a Factory Service Center or other Authorized Servicer, or damage that is attributable to acts of God.THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES EXCEPT AS LISTED UNDER “LIMITED WARRANTY COVERAGE”.THE WARRANTOR IS NOT LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY.ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, ARE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY.PARTS AND SERVICE, WHICH ARE NOT COVERED BY THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the exclusions may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. If a problem with this product develops during or after the warranty period, you may contact your dealer or Service Center. If the problem is not handled to your satisfaction, then write to:                          Consumer Affairs Department                          Panasonic Corporation of North America                          661 Independence Pkwy                                           Chesapeake, VA 23320As of June 201522 For assistance, please visit   22 2017/12/27   15:55:03
23NotesHNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   23 2017/12/27   15:55:03
ACReconnect the AC adaptor to the access point.If your product is not working properly. . .IMPORTANT!Visit our Web site:• FAQ and troubleshooting hints are available.Use the HomeHawk app to access the User’s Guide.  and refer to the Troubleshooting section. Turn the power switch of the camera ON/OFF.BFor your future referenceWe recommend keeping a record of the following information to assistwith any repair under warranty.Serial No. Date of purchase(found on the bottom of theaccess point or the rear of theoutdoor camera)Name and address of dealerAttach your purchase receipt here.Two Riverfront Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102-5490© Panasonic Corporation 2017   HNC710_(en_en)_1227_ver.010.pdf   24 2017/12/27   15:55:03

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