Panasonic of North America GA-120-COLR Connected Color Radio User Manual 00 Introduction 1 6

Panasonic Corporation of North America Connected Color Radio 00 Introduction 1 6


user manual 2

Black plate (35,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-35If the parking brake warning light ison, the EPB has detected an errorin another system and is operatingwith reduced functionality. To applythe EPB when this light is on, lift upon the EPB switch and hold it in theup position. Full application of theparking brake by the EPB systemmay take longer than normal whenthis light is on. Continue to hold theswitch until the parking brake statuslight remains on. If the parkingbrake warning light is on, seeyour dealer.If the EPB fails to apply, the rearwheels should be blocked toprevent vehicle movement.EPB ReleaseTo release the EPB, place theignition in the ON/RUN position,apply and hold the brake pedal,and push down momentarily onthe EPB switch. If you attempt torelease the EPB without the brakepedal applied, a chime will sound,and the DIC message STEP ONBRAKE TO RELEASE PARKBRAKE will be displayed. The EPBis released when the parking brakestatus light is off.If the parking brake warning light ison, the EPB has detected an errorin another system and is operatingwith reduced functionality. Torelease the EPB when this light ison, push down on the EPB switchand hold it in the down position.EPB release may take longer thannormal when this light is on.Continue to hold the switch until theparking brake status light is off.If the light is on, see your dealer.Notice: Driving with the parkingbrake on can overheat the brakesystem and cause prematurewear or damage to brake systemparts. Make sure that the parkingbrake is fully released and thebrake warning light is off beforedriving.Automatic EPB ReleaseThe EPB will automatically release ifthe vehicle is running, placed intogear, and an attempt is made todrive away. Avoid rapid accelerationwhen the EPB is applied, topreserve parking brake lining life.For maximum EPB force whentowing a trailer or parking on a hill,pull the EPB switch twice. If you aretowing a trailer and parking on a hill,see Driving Characteristics andTowing Tips on page 9‑54 for moreinformation.
Black plate (36,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-36 Driving and OperatingBrake AssistThis vehicle has a brake assistfeature designed to assist the driverin stopping or decreasing vehiclespeed in emergency drivingconditions. This feature uses thestability system hydraulic brakecontrol module to supplement thepower brake system underconditions where the driver hasquickly and forcefully applied thebrake pedal in an attempt to quicklystop or slow down the vehicle.The stability system hydraulic brakecontrol module increases brakepressure at each corner of thevehicle until the ABS activates.Minor brake pedal pulsation orpedal movement during this time isnormal and the driver shouldcontinue to apply the brake pedal asthe driving situation dictates.The brake assist feature willautomatically disengage when thebrake pedal is released or brakepedal pressure is quicklydecreased.Hill Start Assist (HSA)This vehicle has a Hill Start Assist(HSA) feature, which may be usefulwhen the vehicle is stopped on agrade. This feature is designed toprevent the vehicle from rolling,either forward or rearward, duringvehicle drive off. After the drivercompletely stops and holds thevehicle in a complete standstill on agrade, HSA will be automaticallyactivated. During the transitionperiod between when the driverreleases the brake pedal and startsto accelerate to drive off on a grade,HSA holds the braking pressure toensure that there is no rolling. Thebrakes will automatically releasewhen the accelerator pedal isapplied within the two‐secondwindow. It will not activate if thevehicle is in a drive gear and facingdownhill or if the vehicle is facinguphill and in R (Reverse).Ride Control SystemsTraction ControlSystem (TCS)The vehicle has a Traction ControlSystem (TCS) that limits wheel slip.The system operates if it sensesthat one or both of the front wheelsare slipping or beginning to losetraction. When this happens, thesystem reduces engine power and/or applies brake pressure to theslipping wheel(s).The system may be heard or feltwhile it is working, but this isnormal.TCS automatically comes onwhenever the vehicle is started.To limit wheel slip, especially inslippery road conditions, the systemshould always be left on. But, TCScan be turned off if needed.dflashes to indicate that TCS isactive. See Traction Control System(TCS)/StabiliTrak®Light onpage 5‑21 for more information.
Black plate (37,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-37If there is a problem detected withTCS, SERVICE TRACTIONCONTROL is displayed on theDriver Information Center (DIC).See Ride Control System Messageson page 5‑37. When this messageis displayed and dcomes on andstays on, the vehicle is safe to drivebut the system is not operational.Driving should be adjustedaccordingly.If dcomes on and stays on, resetthe system.To reset:1. Stop the vehicle.2. Turn the engine off and wait15 seconds.3. Start the engine.If dstill comes on and stays on, thevehicle needs service.Notice: Do not repeatedly brakeor accelerate heavily when TCS isoff. The vehicle's driveline couldbe damaged.TCS can be turned off by pressingand releasing the TCS/StabiliTrakbutton. When TCS is turned off, icomes on, and the appropriate DICmessage also displays. See RideControl System Messages onpage 5‑37. With TCS turned off, thesystem does not limit wheel slip.Driving should be adjustedaccordingly. See Traction Off Lighton page 5‑21 for more information.Press and release the TCS/StabiliTrak button again to turn thesystem back on.It may be necessary to turn thesystem off if the vehicle gets stuckin sand, mud, or snow and rockingthe vehicle is required. See If theVehicle Is Stuck on page 9‑10 formore information. See also WinterDriving on page 9‑8for informationon using TCS when driving in snowyor icy conditions.Adding non‐GM accessories canaffect the vehicle performance. SeeAccessories and Modifications onpage 10‑3for more information.StabiliTrak®SystemThe vehicle may have a vehiclestability enhancement system calledStabiliTrak. It is an advancedcomputer-controlled system thatassists with directional control of thevehicle in difficult driving conditions.StabiliTrak activates when thecomputer senses a differencebetween the intended path andthe direction the vehicle isactually traveling.
Black plate (38,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-38 Driving and OperatingStabiliTrak selectively appliesbraking pressure to the vehiclebrakes to help steer the vehicle inthe intended direction.StabiliTrak comes on automaticallywhenever the vehicle is started.To assist with directional control ofthe vehicle, the system shouldalways be left on.When StabiliTrak activates, dflashes on the instrument panel.A noise may be heard or vibrationmay be felt in the brake pedal. Thisis normal. Continue to steer thevehicle in the intended direction.See Traction Control System (TCS)/StabiliTrak®Light on page 5‑21 formore information.If a problem is detected withStabiliTrak, SERVICESTABILITRAK is displayed on theDriver Information Center (DIC).See Ride Control System Messageson page 5‑37. When this messageis displayed and dcomes on andstays on, the vehicle is safe to drivebut the system is not operational.Driving should be adjustedaccordingly.If dcomes on and stays on, resetthe system.To reset:1. Stop the vehicle.2. Turn the engine off and wait15 seconds.3. Start the engine.If dstill comes on and stays on,the vehicle needs service..To turn off both StabiliTrak andTCS, press and hold the TCS/StabiliTrak button, located on theinstrument panel, until iand gilluminate and the appropriateDIC message is displayed. SeeRide Control System Messageson page 5‑37.
Black plate (39,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-39When StabiliTrak is turned off,the system will not assist withdirectional control of the vehicleor limit wheel spin. Drivingshould be adjusted accordingly.See Traction Control System(TCS)/StabiliTrak®Light onpage 5‑21 for more information..Press and release the TCS/StabiliTrak button again to turnthe system back on.If cruise control is being used whenStabiliTrak activates, cruise controlwill automatically disengage. Pressthe cruise control button toreengage when road conditionsallow. See Cruise Control onpage 9‑40 for more information.Limited-Slip DifferentialVehicles with a limited-slipdifferential can give more traction onsnow, mud, ice, sand, or gravel.It works like a standard differentialmost of the time, but when tractionis low, this feature allows the drivewheel with the most traction tomove the vehicle.Selective Ride ControlThe vehicle may have a ride controlsystem called Selective RideControl. The system provides thefollowing performance benefits:.Reduced Impact Harshness.Improved Road Isolation.Improved High-Speed Stability.Improved Handling Response.Better Control of Body RideMotionsTo switch from TOUR to SPORTmode, move the shift lever to theleft while the transmission is inD (Drive).TOUR: Use for normal city andhighway driving. This settingprovides a smooth, soft ride.SPORT: Use where road conditionsor personal preference demandmore control. This setting providesmore “feel,”or response to roadconditions through increasedsteering effort and suspensiontuning.The setting can be changed at anytime. Based on road conditions,steering wheel angle, and vehiclespeed, the system automaticallyadjusts to provide the best handlingwhile providing a smooth ride. TheTOUR and SPORT modes will feelsimilar on a smooth road.
Black plate (40,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-40 Driving and OperatingCruise ControlWith cruise control, the vehicle canmaintain a speed of about 40 km/h(25 mph) or more without keepingyour foot on the accelerator. Cruisecontrol does not work at speedsbelow 40 km/h (25 mph).On vehicles with the TractionControl System (TCS) or theStabiliTrak®system, it may begin tolimit wheel spin while you are usingcruise control. If this happens, thecruise control will automaticallydisengage. See Traction ControlSystem (TCS) on page 9‑36 orStabiliTrak®System on page 9‑37.{WARNINGCruise control can be dangerouswhere you cannot drive safely ata steady speed. So, do not usethe cruise control on windingroads or in heavy traffic.(Continued)WARNING (Continued)Cruise control can be dangerouson slippery roads. On such roads,fast changes in tire traction cancause excessive wheel slip, andyou could lose control. Do not usecruise control on slippery roads.The cruise control buttons arelocated on the steering wheel.1(On/Off): Press to turn thecruise control system on and off.An indicator light will turn on or off inthe instrument panel cluster.*(Cancel): Press to disengagecruise control without erasing theset speed from memory.RES/+ (Resume/Accelerate):Move the thumbwheel up to makethe vehicle resume to a previouslyset speed or to accelerate.SET/−(Set/Coast): Move thethumbwheel down to set the speedand activate cruise control or makethe vehicle decelerate.Setting Cruise ControlIf the cruise button is on when not inuse, it could get bumped and go intocruise when not desired. Keep thecruise control switch off when cruiseis not being used.1. Press 1to turn the cruisecontrol system on. The indicatorlight in the instrument panelcluster comes on.
Black plate (41,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-412. Get to the speed desired.3. Move the thumbwheel downtoward SET/−and release it.The desired set speed brieflyappears in the instrument panelcluster.4. Take your foot off the acceleratorpedal.Resuming a Set SpeedIf the cruise control is set at adesired speed and then the brakesare applied or the *is pressed, thecruise control is disengaged withouterasing the set speed from memory.Once the vehicle reaches about40 km/h (25 mph) or more, move thethumbwheel up toward RES/+briefly. The vehicle returns to theprevious set speed and stays there.Increasing Speed While UsingCruise ControlIf the cruise control system isalready activated:.Move the thumbwheel up towardRES/+ and hold it until thevehicle accelerates to thedesired speed, and thenrelease it..To increase the speed in smallamounts, move the thumbwheelup toward RES/+ briefly, thenrelease it. Each time this isdone, the vehicle goes about1.6 km/h (1 mph) faster.Reducing Speed While UsingCruise ControlIf the cruise control system isalready activated:.Move the thumbwheel towardSET/−and hold until the desiredlower speed is reached, thenrelease it..To slow down in small amounts,move the thumbwheel towardSET/−briefly and then release it.Each time this is done, thevehicle goes about 1.6 km/h(1 mph) slower.Passing Another Vehicle WhileUsing Cruise ControlUse the accelerator pedal toincrease the vehicle's speed. Whenyou take your foot off the pedal, thevehicle will slow down to theprevious set cruise control speed.Using Cruise Control on HillsHow well the cruise control workson hills depends upon the vehicle'sspeed, load, and the steepness ofthe hills. When going up steep hills,you might have to step on theaccelerator pedal to maintain thevehicle's speed. When goingdownhill, you might have to brake orshift to a lower gear to maintain thevehicle's speed. When the brakesare applied the cruise controlshuts off.
Black plate (42,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-42 Driving and OperatingEnding Cruise ControlThere are three ways to end cruisecontrol:.To disengage cruise control,step lightly on the brake pedal;when cruise control disengages,the indicator light will not be lit..Press *on the steering wheel..To turn off the cruise control,press 1on the steering wheel.Erasing Speed MemoryThe cruise control set speed iserased from memory by pressing 1or if the ignition is turned off.Object DetectionSystemsUltrasonic Parking AssistIf available, the Ultrasonic RearParking Assist (URPA) systemassists the driver with parkingand avoiding objects while inR (Reverse). URPA operates atspeeds less than 8 km/h (5 mph).The sensors on the rear bumperdetect objects up to 2.5 m (8 ft)behind the vehicle, and at least20 cm (8 in) off the ground.{WARNINGThe URPA system does notdetect pedestrians, bicyclists,animals, or any other objectslocated below the bumper orthat are too close or too farfrom the vehicle.(Continued)WARNING (Continued)To prevent injury, death,or vehicle damage, even withURPA, always check behind thevehicle and check all mirrorsbefore backing.How the System WorksURPA comes on automaticallywhen the shift lever is moved intoR (Reverse). A single tone soundsto indicate the system is working.URPA operates only at speeds lessthan 8 km/h (5 mph).An obstacle is indicated by audiblebeeps. The interval between thebeeps becomes shorter as thevehicle gets closer to the obstacle.When the distance is less than30 cm (12 in) the beeping is acontinuous tone for five seconds.
Black plate (43,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-43To be detected, objects must be atleast 20 cm (8 in) off the ground andbelow trunk level. Objects must alsobe within 2.5 m (8 ft) from the rearbumper. The distance at whichobjects can be detected may beless during warmer or humidweather.Turning the System On and OffThe URPA system can be turned onand off using the park assist buttonlocated next to the shift lever.The LED next to the park assistbutton lights up when the system ison and turns off when it has beendisabled.When the system is off, PARKASSIST OFF displays on the DriverInformation Center (DIC). Themessage disappears after a shortperiod of time.URPA defaults to the on settingeach time the vehicle is started.When the System Does NotSeem to Work ProperlyThe following messages may bedisplayed on the DIC:SERVICE PARK ASSIST: If thismessage occurs, take the vehicle toyour dealer to repair the system.PARK ASSIST OFF: If the URPAsystem does not activate due to atemporary condition, this messagedisplays on the DIC. This can occurunder the following conditions:.The driver has disabled thesystem..The ultrasonic sensors are notclean. Keep the vehicle's rearbumper free of mud, dirt, snow,ice, and slush. For cleaninginstructions, see Exterior Careon page 10‑98..The park assist sensors arecovered by frost or ice. Frost orice can form around and behindthe sensors and may not alwaysbe seen; this can occur afterwashing the vehicle in coldweather. The message may notclear until the frost or ice hasmelted..An object was hanging out of thetrunk during the last drive cycle.Once the object is removed,URPA will return to normaloperation..The bumper is damaged. Takethe vehicle to your dealer torepair the system..Other conditions, such asvibrations from a jackhammer orthe compression of air brakes ona very large truck, are affectingsystem performance.
Black plate (44,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-44 Driving and OperatingSide Blind ZoneAlert (SBZA)The vehicle may have a Side BlindZone Alert (SBZA) system. Readthis entire section before using thesystem.{WARNINGSBZA does not detect vehiclesrapidly approaching outside of theside blind zones, pedestrians,bicyclists, or animals. Failure touse proper care when changinglanes may result in injury, death,or vehicle damage. Always checkfor other vehicles and use theturn signals when changing lanes.When the system detects a vehiclein the side blind zone, amber SBZAdisplays will light up in the sidemirrors. This indicates that it may beunsafe to change lanes. Beforemaking a lane change, alwayscheck the SBZA display, check theoutside and rearview mirrors, lookover your shoulder for vehicles andhazards, and use the turn signal.SBZA Detection ZonesThe SBZA sensor covers a zone ofapproximately one lane over fromboth sides of the vehicle,or 3.5 m (11 ft). This zone starts ateach side mirror and goes backapproximately 5.0 m (16 ft). Theheight of the zone is approximatelybetween 0.5 m (1.5 ft) and2.0 m (6 ft) off the ground.The SBZA detection zones do notchange if the vehicle is towing atrailer. So be extra careful whenchanging lanes while towing atrailer.How the System WorksLeft Side MirrorDisplayRight Side MirrorDisplayWhen the vehicle is started, bothoutside mirror displays will brieflycome on to indicate that the systemis operating. While driving forward,the left or right side mirror SBZAdisplay will light up if a vehicle isdetected in that blind zone. If youactivate a turn signal and a vehiclehas been detected on the sameside, the SBZA display will flash togive you extra warning not tochange lanes.SBZA displays do not come onwhile the vehicle is approaching orpassing other vehicles. At speedsgreater than 32 km/h (20 mph),SBZA displays may come on when
Black plate (45,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-45a vehicle you have passed remainsin or drops back into thedetection zone.SBZA can be disabled throughvehicle personalization. See VehiclePersonalization on page 5‑40 formore information. If the SBZA isdisabled by the driver, the SBZAmirror displays will not light upduring normal driving.When the System Does Not Seemto Work ProperlyOccasional missed alerts can occurunder normal circumstances and willincrease in wet conditions. Thesystem does not need to beserviced due to an occasionalmissed alert. The number of missedalerts will increase with increasedrainfall or road spray.If the SBZA displays do not light upwhen the system is on and vehiclesare in the blind zone, the systemmay need service. Take the vehicleto your dealer.SBZA is designed to ignorestationary objects; however, thesystem may occasionally light updue to guard rails, signs, trees,shrubs, and other stationary objects.This is normal system operation; thevehicle does not need service.SBZA does not operate when theleft or right corners of the rearbumper are covered with mud, dirt,snow, ice, or slush, or in heavyrainstorms. For cleaninginstructions, see Exterior Care onpage 10‑98. If the infotainmentdisplay still shows the SIDE BLINDZONE SYS. UNAVAILABLEmessage after cleaning the bumper,see your dealer.The SBZA displays may remain onif a trailer is attached to the vehicle,or a bicycle or object is extendingout to either side of the vehicle.When SBZA is disabled for anyreason other than the driver turningit off, the driver will not be able toturn SBZA back on using vehiclepersonalization. The SIDE BLINDZONE ALERT ON option will not beselectable if the conditions fornormal system operation are notmet. Until normal operatingconditions for SBZA are met, youshould not rely upon SBZA whiledriving.SBZA Error MessagesThe following messages mayappear on the infotainment display:SIDE BLIND ZONE ALERTSYSTEM OFF: This messageindicates that the driver has turnedthe system off.SIDE BLIND ZONE SYS.UNAVAILABLE: This messageindicates that the SBZA system isdisabled because the sensor isblocked and cannot detect vehiclesin the blind zone. The sensor maybe blocked by mud, dirt, snow, ice,or slush. This message may alsoactivate during heavy rain or due toroad spray. The vehicle does notneed service. For cleaning, seeExterior Care on page 10‑98.
Black plate (46,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-46 Driving and OperatingSERVICE SIDE BLIND ZONEALERT SYSTEM: If this messageappears, both SBZA displays willremain on indicating there is aproblem with the SBZA system.If these displays remain on aftercontinued driving, the system needsservice. Take the vehicle to yourdealer.FCC InformationSee Radio Frequency Statement onpage 13‑20 for FCC information.Rear VisionCamera (RVC)This vehicle may have anRVC system. Read this entiresection before using it.The RVC system can assist thedriver when backing up bydisplaying a view of the areabehind the vehicle.{WARNINGThe RVC system does not displaypedestrians, bicyclists, animals,or any other object locatedoutside the cameras field of view,below the bumper, or under thevehicle.Do not back the vehicle usingonly the RVC screen or by usingthe screen during longer, higherspeed backing maneuvers,or where there could becross-traffic. Perceived distancesmay be different from actualdistances.Failure to use proper care beforebacking may result in injury,death, or vehicle damage. Alwayscheck before backing by checkingbehind and around the vehicle.An image appears on the navigationscreen with the message CheckSurroundings for Safety when thevehicle is shifted into R (Reverse).The navigation screen goes to theprevious screen after approximately10 seconds once the vehicle isshifted out of R (Reverse).To cancel the delay, do one of thefollowing:.Press a hard key on thenavigation system..Shift into P (Park)..Reach a vehicle speed of8 km/h (5 mph).Turning the Rear Vision CameraSystem On or OffTo turn the RVC system on or off:1. Shift into P (Park).2. Press the CONFIG button toenter the configure menuoptions.3. Select Display.
Black plate (47,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-474. Select Rear Camera Options.5. Select Camera. When acheckmark appears next to theCamera option, then the RVCsystem is on.SymbolsThe navigation system may have afeature that lets the driver viewsymbols on the navigation screenwhile using the RVC. The UltrasonicRear Park Assist (URPA) systemmust not be disabled to use thecaution symbols. The error messageRear Parking Assist SymbolsUnavailable may display if URPAhas been disabled and the symbolshave been turned on. SeeUltrasonic Parking Assist onpage 9‑42.The symbols appear and maycover an object when viewing thenavigation screen when an object isdetected by the URPA system.To turn the symbols on or off:1. Shift into P (Park).2. Press the CONFIG button toenter the configure menuoptions.3. Select Display.4. Select Rear Camera Options.5. Select Symbols. When acheckmark appears next to theSymbols option, symbols willappear.GuidelinesThe RVC system has a guidelineoverlay that can help the driver alignthe vehicle when backing into aparking spot.To turn the guidelines on or off:1. Shift into P (Park).2. Press the CONFIG button toenter the configure menuoptions.3. Select Display.4. Select Rear Camera Options.5. Select Guidelines. When acheckmark appears next to theGuidelines option, guidelines willappear.Rear Vision Camera ErrorMessagesSERVICE REAR VISION CAMERASYSTEM: This message candisplay when the system is notreceiving information it requires fromother vehicle systems.If any other problem occurs or if aproblem persists, see your dealer.
Black plate (48,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-48 Driving and OperatingRear Vision Camera LocationThe camera is located above thelicense plate.The area displayed by the camera islimited. It does not display objectsthat are close to either corner orunder the bumper and can varydepending on vehicle orientation orroad conditions. The distance of theimage that appears on the screen isdifferent from the actual distance.The following illustration showsthe field of view that the cameraprovides.A. View displayed by the camera.B. Corner of the rear bumper.When the System Does NotSeem to Work ProperlyThe RVC system may not workproperly or display a clear image if:.The RVC is turned off. See“Turning the Rear CameraSystem On or Off”earlier inthis section..It is dark..The sun or the beam ofheadlamps are shining directlyinto the camera lens..Ice, snow, mud, or anything elsebuilds up on the camera lens.Clean the lens, rinse it withwater, and wipe it with asoft cloth..The back of the vehicle is in anaccident. The position andmounting angle of the cameracan change or the camera canbe affected. Be sure to have thecamera and its position andmounting angle checked atyour dealer.
Black plate (49,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-49FuelUse of the recommended fuel isan important part of the propermaintenance of this vehicle. To helpkeep the engine clean and maintainoptimum vehicle performance, werecommend the use of gasolineadvertised as TOP TIER DetergentGasoline.Look for the TOP TIER label on thefuel pump to ensure gasoline meetsenhanced detergency standardsdeveloped by auto companies. A listof marketers providing TOP TIERDetergent Gasoline can be found eighth digit of the VehicleIdentification Number (VIN) showsthe code letter or number thatidentifies the vehicle's engine.The VIN is at the top left of theinstrument panel. See VehicleIdentification Number (VIN) onpage 12‑1.Recommended FuelIf the vehicle has a 2.4L L4 engine(VIN Code C), use regular unleadedgasoline with a posted octane ratingof 87 or higher. If the octane ratingis less than 87, an audible knockingnoise, commonly referred to asspark knock, might be heard whendriving. If this occurs, use agasoline rated at 87 octane orhigher as soon as possible. If heavyknocking is heard when usinggasoline rated at 87 octane orhigher, the engine needs service.If the vehicle has the 3.6L V6 engine(VIN Code D), use premiumunleaded gasoline with a postedoctane rating of 91 or higher. Youcan also use regular unleadedgasoline rated at 87 octane orhigher, but the vehicle's accelerationcould be slightly reduced, and aslight audible knocking noise,commonly referred to as sparkknock, might be heard. If the octaneis less than 87, a heavy knockingnoise might be heard when driving.
Black plate (50,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-50 Driving and OperatingIf this occurs, use a gasoline ratedat 87 octane or higher as soon aspossible. Otherwise, you coulddamage the engine. If heavyknocking is heard when usinggasoline rated at 87 octane orhigher, the engine needs service.Gasoline Specifications(U.S. and Canada Only)At a minimum, gasoline shouldmeet ASTM specification D 4814 inthe United States or CAN/CGSB‐3.5or 3.511 in Canada.Some gasolines contain anoctane-enhancing additive calledmethylcyclopentadienyl manganesetricarbonyl (MMT). We recommendagainst the use of gasolinescontaining MMT. See Fuel Additiveson page 9‑50 for additionalinformation.California FuelRequirementsIf the vehicle is certified to meetCalifornia Emissions Standards, it isdesigned to operate on fuels thatmeet California specifications. Seethe underhood emission controllabel. If this fuel is not available instates adopting California EmissionsStandards, the vehicle will operatesatisfactorily on fuels meetingfederal specifications, but emissioncontrol system performance mightbe affected. The malfunctionindicator lamp could turn on and thevehicle might fail a smog‐check test.See Malfunction Indicator Lamp onpage 5‑16. If this occurs, return toyour authorized dealer for diagnosis.If it is determined that the conditionis caused by the type of fuel used,repairs might not be covered by thevehicle warranty.Fuels in ForeignCountriesNever use leaded gasoline or anyother fuel not recommended in theprevious text on fuel. Costly repairscaused by use of improper fuelwould not be covered by thevehicle warranty.To check the fuel availability, ask anauto club, or contact a major oilcompany that does business in thecountry where you will be driving.Fuel AdditivesTo provide cleaner air, all gasolinesin the United States are nowrequired to contain additives thathelp prevent engine and fuel systemdeposits from forming, allowing theemission control system to workproperly. In most cases, nothingshould have to be added to the fuel.However, some gasolines containonly the minimum amount ofadditive required to meet U.S.Environmental Protection Agency
Black plate (51,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-51regulations. To help keep fuelinjectors and intake valves cleanand avoid problems due to dirtyinjectors or valves, look for gasolinethat is advertised as TOP TIERDetergent Gasoline. Look for theTOP TIER label on the fuel pump toensure gasoline meets enhanceddetergency standards developed bythe auto companies. A list ofmarketers providing TOP TIERDetergent Gasoline can be found customers who do not use TOPTIER Detergent Gasoline regularly,one bottle of GM Fuel SystemTreatment PLUS, added to the fueltank at every engine oil change,can help clean deposits from fuelinjectors and intake valves. GM FuelSystem Treatment PLUS is the onlygasoline additive recommended byGeneral Motors. It is available atyour dealer.Gasolines containing oxygenates,such as ethers and ethanol, andreformulated gasolines might beavailable in your area. Werecommend that you use thesegasolines, if they comply with thespecifications described earlier.However, E85 (85% ethanol) andother fuels containing more than15% ethanol must not be used invehicles that were not designed forthose fuels.Notice: This vehicle was notdesigned for fuel that containsmethanol. Do not use fuelcontaining methanol. It cancorrode metal parts in the fuelsystem and also damage plasticand rubber parts. That damagewould not be covered under thevehicle warranty.Some gasolines that are notreformulated for low emissionscan contain an octane-enhancing additive calledmethylcyclopentadienylmanganese tricarbonyl (MMT);ask the attendant where you buygasoline whether the fuel containsMMT. We recommend against theuse of such gasolines. Fuelscontaining MMT can reduce sparkplug life and affect emission controlsystem performance. Themalfunction indicator lamp mightturn on. If this occurs, return to yourdealer for service.
Black plate (52,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-52 Driving and OperatingFilling the Tank{WARNINGFuel vapor burns violently and afuel fire can cause bad injuries.To help avoid injuries to you andothers, read and follow all theinstructions on the fuel pumpisland. Turn off the engine whenrefueling. Do not smoke near fuelor when refueling the vehicle.Do not use cellular phones. Keepsparks, flames, and smokingmaterials away from fuel. Do notleave the fuel pump unattendedwhen refueling the vehicle. This isagainst the law in some places.Do not re-enter the vehicle whilepumping fuel. Keep children awayfrom the fuel pump; never letchildren pump fuel.The tethered fuel cap is behind thefuel door on the vehicle's passengerside. Turn the fuel capcounterclockwise to remove. Whilerefueling, hang the tethered fuel capfrom the hook on the fuel door.Reinstall the cap by turning itclockwise until it clicks{WARNINGFuel can spray out on you if youopen the fuel cap too quickly.If you spill fuel and thensomething ignites it, you could bebadly burned. This spray canhappen if the tank is nearly full,and is more likely in hot weather.Open the fuel cap slowly and waitfor any hiss noise to stop. Thenunscrew the cap all the way.Do not top off or overfill the tank andwait a few seconds before removingthe nozzle. Clean fuel from paintedsurfaces as soon as possible. SeeExterior Care on page 10‑98.
Black plate (53,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-53{WARNINGIf a fire starts while you arerefueling, do not remove thenozzle. Shut off the flow of fuel byshutting off the pump or bynotifying the station attendant.Leave the area immediately.Notice: If a new fuel cap isneeded, be sure to get the righttype of cap from your dealer. Thewrong type of fuel cap might notfit properly, might cause themalfunction indicator lamp tolight, and could damage the fueltank and emissions system. SeeMalfunction Indicator Lamp onpage 5‑16.Filling a Portable FuelContainer{WARNINGNever fill a portable fuel containerwhile it is in the vehicle. Staticelectricity discharge from thecontainer can ignite the fuelvapor. You can be badly burnedand the vehicle damaged if thisoccurs. To help avoid injury to youand others:.Dispense fuel only intoapproved containers..Do not fill a container while itis inside a vehicle, in avehicle's trunk, pickup bed,or on any surface other thanthe ground.(Continued)WARNING (Continued).Bring the fill nozzle in contactwith the inside of the fillopening before operating thenozzle. Contact should bemaintained until the filling iscomplete..Do not smoke whilepumping fuel..Do not use a cellular phonewhile pumping fuel.
Black plate (54,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-54 Driving and OperatingTowingGeneral TowingInformationOnly use towing equipment that hasbeen designed for the vehicle.Contact your dealer or traileringdealer for assistance with preparingthe vehicle for towing a trailer.See the following trailer towinginformation in this section:.For information on driving whiletowing a trailer, see “DrivingCharacteristics andTowing Tips.”.For maximum vehicle and trailerweights, see “Trailer Towing.”.For information on equipment totow a trailer, see “TowingEquipment.”For information on towing a disabledvehicle, see Towing the Vehicle onpage 10‑94. For information ontowing the vehicle behind anothervehicle such as a motor home, seeRecreational Vehicle Towing onpage 10‑95.Driving Characteristicsand Towing Tips{WARNINGThe driver can lose control whenpulling a trailer if the correctequipment is not used or thevehicle is not driven properly.For example, if the trailer is tooheavy, the brakes may not workwell —or even at all. The driverand passengers could beseriously injured. The vehicle mayalso be damaged; the resultingrepairs would not be covered bythe vehicle warranty. Pull a traileronly if all the steps in this sectionhave been followed. Ask yourdealer for advice and informationabout towing a trailer with thevehicle.The vehicle can tow a trailer whenequipped with the proper trailertowing equipment. For traileringcapacity, see Trailer Towing (ExcepteAssist) on page 9‑57 or TrailerTowing (eAssist) on page 9‑59.Trailering changes handling,acceleration, braking, durability, andfuel economy. With the addedweight, the engine, transmission,wheel assemblies, and tires areforced to work harder and undergreater loads. The trailer also addswind resistance, increasing thepulling requirements. For safetrailering, correctly use the propertrailering equipment.The following information hasimportant trailering tips and rulesfor your safety and that of yourpassengers. Read this sectioncarefully before pulling a trailer.
Black plate (55,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-55Pulling a TrailerHere are some important points:.There are many laws, includingspeed limit restrictions that applyto trailering. Check for legalrequirements..Do not tow a trailer at all duringthe first 1 600 km (1,000 mi) thenew vehicle is driven. Theengine, axle, or other parts couldbe damaged..During the first 800 km (500 mi)that a trailer is towed, do notdrive over 80 km/h (50 mph) anddo not make starts at full throttle.This reduces wear on thevehicle..The vehicle can tow in D (Drive).Use a lower gear if thetransmission shifts too often..Obey speed limit restrictions.Do not drive faster than themaximum posted speed fortrailers, or no more than90 km/h (55 mph), to reducewear on the vehicle.Driving with a TrailerTowing a trailer requires experience.Get familiar with handling andbraking with the added trailerweight. The vehicle is now longerand not as responsive as thevehicle is by itself.Check all trailer hitch parts andattachments, safety chains,electrical connectors, lamps, tires,and mirror adjustments. If the trailerhas electric brakes, start the vehicleand trailer moving and then applythe trailer brake controller by handto be sure the brakes are working.During the trip, check regularly tobe sure that the load is secure, andthe lamps and trailer brakes areworking properly.Towing with a Stability ControlSystemWhen towing, the sound of thestability control system might beheard. The system is reacting to thevehicle movement caused by thetrailer, which mainly occurs duringcornering. This is normal whentowing heavier trailers.Following DistanceStay at least twice as far behind thevehicle ahead as you would whendriving the vehicle without a trailer.This can help to avoid situationsthat require heavy braking andsudden turns.PassingMore passing distance is neededwhen towing a trailer. Because therig is longer, it is necessary to gofarther beyond the passed vehiclebefore returning to the lane.Backing UpHold the bottom of the steeringwheel with one hand. To move thetrailer to the left, move that hand tothe left. To move the trailer to theright, move your hand to the right.Always back up slowly and,if possible, have someoneguide you.
Black plate (56,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-56 Driving and OperatingMaking TurnsNotice: Making very sharp turnswhile trailering could cause thetrailer to come in contact with thevehicle. The vehicle could bedamaged. Avoid making verysharp turns while trailering.When turning with a trailer, makewider turns than normal so thetrailer will not strike soft shoulders,curbs, road signs, trees, or otherobjects. Use the turn signal well inadvance and avoid jerky or suddenmaneuvers.Turn Signals when Towing aTrailerThe turn signal indicators on theinstrument panel flash wheneversignaling a turn or lane change.Properly hooked up, the trailerlamps also flash, telling otherdrivers the vehicle is turning,changing lanes, or stopping.When towing a trailer, the arrows onthe instrument panel flash for turnseven if the bulbs on the trailer areburned out. Check occasionally tobe sure the trailer bulbs are stillworking.Driving on GradesReduce speed and shift to a lowergear before starting down a long orsteep downgrade. If thetransmission is not shifted down, thebrakes might have to be used somuch that they would get hot and nolonger work well.The vehicle can tow in D (Drive).Use a lower gear if the transmissionshifts too often.When towing at high altitude onsteep uphill grades, engine coolantboils at a lower temperature than atnormal altitudes. If the engine isturned off immediately after towingat high altitude on steep uphillgrades, the vehicle could showsigns similar to engine overheating.To avoid this, let the engine runwhile parked, preferably on levelground, with the transmission inP (Park) for a few minutes beforeturning the engine off. If theoverheat warning comes on, seeEngine Overheating on page 10‑19.Parking on Hills{WARNINGParking the vehicle on a hill withthe trailer attached can bedangerous. If something goeswrong, the rig could start to move.People can be injured, and boththe vehicle and the trailer can bedamaged. When possible, alwayspark the rig on a flat surface.If parking the rig on a hill:1. Press the brake pedal, but donot shift into P (Park) yet. Turnthe wheels into the curb if facingdownhill or into traffic if facinguphill.2. Have someone place chocksunder the trailer wheels.
Black plate (57,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-573. When the wheel chocks are inplace, release the brake pedaluntil the chocks absorb the load.4. Reapply the brake pedal. Thenapply the parking brake and shiftinto P (Park).5. Release the brake pedal.Leaving After Parking on a Hill1. Apply and hold the brake pedalwhile you:1.1. Start the engine.1.2. Shift into a gear.1.3. Release the parking brake.2. Let up on the brake pedal.3. Drive slowly until the trailer isclear of the chocks.4. Stop and have someone pick upand store the chocks.Maintenance when TrailerTowingThe vehicle needs service moreoften when pulling a trailer. See theMaintenance Schedule onpage 11‑3. Things that areespecially important in traileroperation are automatictransmission fluid, engine oil, axlelubricant, belts, cooling system, andbrake system. Inspect these beforeand during the trip.Check periodically to see that allhitch nuts and bolts are tight.Engine Cooling when TrailerTowingThe cooling system may temporarilyoverheat during severe operatingconditions. See Engine Overheatingon page 10‑19.Trailer Towing(Except eAssist)Before pulling a trailer, there arethree important considerations thathave to do with weight:.The weight of the trailer..The weight of the trailer tongue..The total weight on yourvehicle's tires.Weight of the TrailerHow heavy can a trailer safely be?For a vehicle with a V6 engine, itshould never weigh more than454 kg (1,000 lbs). But even thatcan be too heavy.It depends on how the rig is used.For example, speed, altitude, roadgrades, outside temperature, andhow much the vehicle is used to pulla trailer are all important. It candepend on any special equipmenton the vehicle, and the amount oftongue weight the vehicle can carry.
Black plate (58,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-58 Driving and OperatingSee “Weight of the Trailer Tongue”later in this section for moreinformation.Maximum trailer weight is calculatedassuming only the driver is in thetow vehicle and it has all therequired trailering equipment.The weight of additional optionalequipment, passengers, andcargo in the tow vehicle must besubtracted from the maximumtrailer weight.Ask your dealer for traileringinformation or advice, or write us atour Customer Assistance Offices.See Customer Assistance Offices(U.S. and Canada) on page 13‑4orCustomer Assistance Offices(Mexico) on page 13‑5for moreinformation.Weight of the Trailer TongueThe tongue load (A) of any trailer isan important weight to measurebecause it affects the total grossweight of the vehicle. The GrossVehicle Weight (GVW) includes thecurb weight of the vehicle, anycargo carried in it, and the peoplewho will be riding in the vehicle.If there are a lot of options,equipment, passengers, or cargo inthe vehicle, it will reduce the tongueweight the vehicle can carry, whichwill also reduce the trailer weight thevehicle can tow. If towing a trailer,the tongue load must be added tothe GVW because the vehicle willbe carrying that weight, too. SeeVehicle Load Limits on page 9‑10for more information.The trailer tongue (A) should weigh10 to 15 percent of the total loadedtrailer weight (B).After loading the trailer, weigh thetrailer and then the tongue,separately, to see if the weights areproper. If they are not, adjustmentsmight be made by moving someitems around in the trailer.
Black plate (59,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-59Total Weight on Your Vehicle'sTiresBe sure the vehicle's tires areinflated to the upper limit for coldtires. These numbers can be foundon the Information label. SeeVehicle Load Limits on page 9‑10.Make sure not to go over theGVW limit for the vehicle, includingthe weight of the trailer tongue.Trailer Towing (eAssist)The vehicle is neither designed norintended to tow a trailer.Towing EquipmentHitchesUse the correct hitch equipment.See your dealer or a hitch dealerfor assistance..The rear bumper on the vehicleis not intended for hitches. Donot attach rental hitches or otherbumper-type hitches to it. Useonly a frame-mounted hitch thatdoes not attach to the bumper..Will any holes be made in thebody of the vehicle when thetrailer hitch is installed? If thereare, seal the holes when thehitch is removed. If the holes arenot sealed, dirt, water, anddeadly carbon monoxide (CO)from the exhaust can get into thevehicle. See Engine Exhaust onpage 9‑28.Safety ChainsAlways attach chains between thevehicle and the trailer. Cross thesafety chains under the tongue ofthe trailer to help prevent the tonguefrom contacting the road if itbecomes separated from the hitch.Leave enough slack so the rig canturn. Never allow safety chains todrag on the ground.Trailer BrakesDoes the trailer have its ownbrakes? Be sure to read and followthe instructions for the trailer brakesso they are installed, adjusted, andmaintained properly.Because the vehicle has antilockbrakes, do not tap into the vehicle'sbrake system. If this is done, bothbrake systems will not work well,or at all.
Black plate (60,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 20129-60 Driving and OperatingConversions andAdd-OnsAdd-On ElectricalEquipmentNotice: Do not add anythingelectrical to the vehicle unlessyou check with your dealer first.Some electrical equipment candamage the vehicle and thedamage would not be covered bythe vehicle's warranty. Someadd-on electrical equipment cankeep other components fromworking as they should.Add-on equipment can drain thevehicle's 12‐volt battery, even ifthe vehicle is not operating.The vehicle has an airbag system.Before attempting to add anythingelectrical to the vehicle, seeServicing the Airbag-EquippedVehicle on page 3‑31 and AddingEquipment to the Airbag-EquippedVehicle on page 3‑32.
Black plate (1,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-1Vehicle CareGeneral InformationGeneral Information . . . . . . . . . . 10-3California Proposition65 Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3California PerchlorateMaterials Requirements . . . . 10-3Accessories andModifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3Vehicle ChecksDoing Your OwnService Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4Hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5Engine CompartmentOverview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9Engine Oil Life System . . . . . 10-12Automatic TransmissionFluid ...................... 10-13Engine Air Cleaner/Filter . . . . 10-13Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15Engine Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16Engine Overheating . . . . . . . . 10-19Overheated EngineProtectionOperating Mode . . . . . . . . . . . 10-20Power Steering Fluid(2.4L L4 Engine) . . . . . . . . . . 10-21Power Steering Fluid(3.6L V6 Engine) . . . . . . . . . . 10-21Washer Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22Brake Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-25Starter Switch Check . . . . . . . 10-26Automatic Transmission ShiftLock Control FunctionCheck ..................... 10-26Ignition Transmission LockCheck ..................... 10-27Park Brake and P (Park)Mechanism Check . . . . . . . . 10-27Wiper BladeReplacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27Headlamp AimingHeadlamp Aiming . . . . . . . . . . 10-28Bulb ReplacementBulb Replacement . . . . . . . . . . 10-31Halogen Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31High Intensity Discharge(HID) Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31Headlamps, Front TurnSignal and ParkingLamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-32Taillamps, Turn Signal,Stoplamps, and Back-UpLamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-33License Plate Lamp . . . . . . . . 10-34Replacement Bulbs . . . . . . . . . 10-35
Black plate (2,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-2 Vehicle CareElectrical SystemHigh Voltage Devices andWiring ..................... 10-35Electrical SystemOverload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-35Fuses and CircuitBreakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-36Engine CompartmentFuse Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-36Instrument PanelFuse Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-40Rear CompartmentFuse Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-42Wheels and TiresTires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-44Winter Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-45Tire Sidewall Labeling . . . . . . 10-46Tire Designations . . . . . . . . . . . 10-48Tire Terminology andDefinitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-49Tire Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-51Tire Pressure MonitorSystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-53Tire Pressure MonitorOperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-54Tire Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-57Tire Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-58When It Is Time forNew Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-59Buying New Tires . . . . . . . . . . . 10-60Different Size Tires andWheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-61Uniform Tire QualityGrading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-62Wheel Alignment andTire Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-63Wheel Replacement . . . . . . . . 10-63Tire Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-64If a Tire Goes Flat . . . . . . . . . . 10-64Tire Sealant and CompressorKit (With Pressure ReliefButton) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-67Tire Sealant and CompressorKit (With Pressure DeflationButton) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-74Storing the Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit . . . . . . . . . . . 10-82Tire Changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-83Compact Spare Tire . . . . . . . . 10-89Jump StartingJump Starting (with orwithout eAssist) . . . . . . . . . . . 10-90Jump Starting (On-boardwith eAssist Only) . . . . . . . . . 10-93TowingTowing the Vehicle . . . . . . . . . 10-94Recreational VehicleTowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-95Appearance CareExterior Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-98Interior Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-101Floor Mats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-104
Black plate (3,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-3General InformationFor service and parts needs, visityour dealer. You will receivegenuine GM parts and GM-trainedand supported service people.Genuine GM parts have one ofthese marks:California Proposition65 WarningMost motor vehicles, including thisone, contain and/or emit chemicalsknown to the State of California tocause cancer and birth defects orother reproductive harm. Engineexhaust, many parts and systems,many fluids, and some componentwear by-products contain and/oremit these chemicals.California PerchlorateMaterials RequirementsCertain types of automotiveapplications, such as airbaginitiators, seat belt pretensioners,and lithium batteries contained inRemote Keyless Entry transmitters,may contain perchlorate materials.Special handling may be necessary.For additional information, andModificationsAdding non‐dealer accessories ormaking modifications to the vehiclecan affect vehicle performance andsafety, including such things asairbags, braking, stability, ride andhandling, emissions systems,aerodynamics, durability, andelectronic systems like antilockbrakes, traction control, and stabilitycontrol. These accessories ormodifications could even causemalfunction or damage not coveredby the vehicle warranty.Damage to vehicle componentsresulting from modifications or theinstallation or use of non‐GMcertified parts, including controlmodule or software modifications, isnot covered under the terms of thevehicle warranty and may affectremaining warranty coverage foraffected parts.GM Accessories are designed tocomplement and function with othersystems on the vehicle. See yourdealer to accessorize the vehicleusing genuine GM Accessoriesinstalled by a dealer technician.Also, see Adding Equipment to theAirbag-Equipped Vehicle onpage 3‑32.
Black plate (4,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-4 Vehicle CareVehicle ChecksDoing Your OwnService WorkeAssist Vehicles Only{WARNINGNever try to do your own serviceon eAssist components. You canbe injured and the vehicle can bedamaged if you try to do your ownservice work. Service and repairof these eAssist componentsshould only be performed by atrained service technician with theproper knowledge and tools.All Vehicles{WARNINGYou can be injured and thevehicle could be damaged if youtry to do service work on a vehiclewithout knowing enough about it..Be sure you have sufficientknowledge, experience, theproper replacement parts,and tools beforeattempting any vehiclemaintenance task..Be sure to use the propernuts, bolts, and otherfasteners. Metric and Englishfasteners can be easilyconfused. If the wrongfasteners are used, partscan later break or fall off.You could be hurt.If doing some of your own servicework, use the proper servicemanual. It tells you much moreabout how to service the vehiclethan this manual can. To order theproper service manual, see ServicePublications Ordering Informationon page 13‑16.This vehicle has an airbag system.Before attempting to do your ownservice work, see Airbag SystemCheck on page 3‑33.Keep a record with all parts receiptsand list the mileage and the date ofany service work performed. SeeMaintenance Records onpage 11‑17.
Black plate (5,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-5HoodTo open the hood:1. Pull the interior hood releasehandle located to the left of thesteering column below theinstrument panel.2. Go to the front of the vehicleand push the secondary hoodrelease handle toward the driverside of the vehicle.3. Lift the hood.To close the hood:1. Before closing the hood, be sureall the filler caps are on properly.2. Lower the hood 30 cm (12 in)above the vehicle and release itso it fully latches. Check tomake sure the hood is closedand repeat the process ifnecessary.
Black plate (6,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-6 Vehicle CareEngine Compartment Overview2.4L L4 Engine
Black plate (7,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-7A. Engine Air Cleaner/Filter onpage 10‑13.B. Engine Cover.C. Engine Cooling Fans (Out ofView). See Cooling System onpage 10‑15.D. Engine Oil Fill Cap. See EngineOil on page 10‑9.E. Engine Oil Dipstick (Out ofView). See Engine Oil onpage 10‑9.F. High Voltage Cable(Orange Color).G. Transmission Fluid Cap.See Automatic TransmissionFluid on page 10‑13.H. Brake Master CylinderReservoir. See Brakes onpage 10‑22.I. Battery (Under Cover).See Battery on page 10‑25.J. Coolant Surge Tank andPressure Cap. See EngineCoolant on page 10‑16.K. Engine Compartment FuseBlock on page 10‑36.L. Windshield Washer FluidReservoir. See Washer Fluid onpage 10‑22.
Black plate (8,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-8 Vehicle Care3.6L V6 Engine
Black plate (9,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-9A. Engine Air Cleaner/Filter onpage 10‑13.B. Power Steering Reservoir andCap. See Power Steering Fluid(2.4L L4 Engine) on page 10‑21or Power Steering Fluid (3.6LV6 Engine) on page 10‑21.C. Engine Oil Fill Cap. See EngineOil on page 10‑9.D. Engine Oil Dipstick. See EngineOil on page 10‑9.E. Engine Cover.F. Transmission Fluid Cap andDipstick. See AutomaticTransmission Fluid onpage 10‑13.G. Brake Master CylinderReservoir. See Brakes onpage 10‑22.H. Coolant Surge Tank andPressure Cap. See EngineCoolant on page 10‑16.I. Battery Cover. See Battery onpage 10‑25.J. Engine Compartment FuseBlock on page 10‑36.K. Windshield Washer FluidReservoir. See Washer Fluid onpage 10‑22.Engine OilTo ensure proper engineperformance and long life, carefulattention must be paid to engine oil.Following these simple, butimportant steps will help protectyour investment:.Always use engine oil approvedto the proper specification and ofthe proper viscosity grade. See“Selecting the Right Engine Oil”in this section..Check the engine oil levelregularly and maintain theproper oil level. See “CheckingEngine Oil”and “When to AddEngine Oil”in this section..Change the engine oil at theappropriate time. See Engine OilLife System on page 10‑12..Always dispose of engine oilproperly. See “What to Do withUsed Oil”in this section.
Black plate (10,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-10 Vehicle CareChecking Engine OilIt is a good idea to check the engineoil level at each fuel fill. In order toget an accurate reading, the vehiclemust be on level ground. Theengine oil dipstick handle is a yellowloop. See Engine CompartmentOverview on page 10‑6for thelocation of the engine oil dipstick.Obtaining an accurate oil levelreading is essential:1. If the engine has been runningrecently, turn off the engine andallow several minutes for the oilto drain back into the oil pan.Checking the oil level too soonafter engine shutoff will notprovide an accurate oil levelreading.2. Pull out the dipstick and clean itwith a paper towel or cloth, thenpush it back in all the way.Remove it again, keeping thetip down, and check the level.When to Add Engine OilIf the oil is below the cross-hatchedarea at the tip of the dipstick, add1 L (1 qt) of the recommended oiland then recheck the level. See“Selecting the Right Engine Oil”inthis section for an explanation ofwhat kind of oil to use. For engineoil crankcase capacity, seeCapacities and Specifications onpage 12‑2.Notice: Do not add too much oil.Oil levels above or below theacceptable operating rangeshown on the dipstick are harmfulto the engine. If you find that youhave an oil level above theoperating range, i.e., the enginehas so much oil that the oil levelgets above the cross-hatchedarea that shows the properoperating range, the engine couldbe damaged. You should drainout the excess oil or limit drivingof the vehicle and seek a serviceprofessional to remove theexcess amount of oil.See Engine Compartment Overviewon page 10‑6for the location of theengine oil fill cap.Add enough oil to put the levelsomewhere in the proper operatingrange. Push the dipstick all the wayback in when through.Selecting the Right Engine OilSelecting the right engine oildepends on both the proper oilspecification and viscosity grade.See Recommended Fluids andLubricants on page 11‑14.SpecificationUse and ask for licensed engine oilswith the dexos1™approvedcertification mark. Engine oilsmeeting the requirements for thevehicle should have the dexos1
Black plate (11,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-11approved certification mark. Thiscertification mark indicates that theoil has been approved to the dexos1specification.Notice: Failure to use therecommended engine oil orequivalent can result in enginedamage not covered by thevehicle warranty. Check with yourdealer or service provider onwhether the oil is approved to thedexos1 specification.Viscosity GradeSAE 5W‐30 is the best viscositygrade for the vehicle. Do not useother viscosity grade oils such asSAE 10W‐30, 10W‐40, or 20W‐50.If in an area of extreme cold, wherethe temperature falls below −20°F(−29°C), an SAE 0W‐30 oil shouldbe used. An oil of this viscositygrade will provide easier coldstarting for the engine at extremelylow temperatures. When selectingan oil of the appropriate viscositygrade, always select an oil thatmeets the dexos1 specification orequivalent. See “Specification”formore information.Engine Oil Additives/EngineOil FlushesDo not add anything to the oil. Therecommended oils with the dexosspecification and displaying thedexos certification mark are all thatis needed for good performance andengine protection.Engine oil system flushes are notrecommended and could causeengine damage not covered by thevehicle warranty.What to Do with Used OilUsed engine oil contains certainelements that can be unhealthy foryour skin and could even causecancer. Do not let used oil stay onyour skin for very long. Clean yourskin and nails with soap and water,or a good hand cleaner. Wash orproperly dispose of clothing or ragscontaining used engine oil. See themanufacturer's warnings about theuse and disposal of oil products.Used oil can be a threat to theenvironment. If you change yourown oil, be sure to drain all the oilfrom the filter before disposal. Neverdispose of oil by putting it in thetrash or pouring it on the ground,into sewers, or into streams orbodies of water. Recycle it by takingit to a place that collects used oil.
Black plate (12,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-12 Vehicle CareEngine Oil Life SystemWhen to Change Engine OilThis vehicle has a computer systemthat indicates when to change theengine oil and filter. This is basedon a combination of factors whichinclude engine revolutions, enginetemperature, and miles driven.Based on driving conditions, themileage at which an oil change isindicated can vary considerably. Forthe oil life system to work properly,the system must be reset every timethe oil is changed.When the system has calculatedthat oil life has been diminished, itindicates that an oil change isnecessary. A CHANGE ENGINEOIL SOON message comes on. SeeEngine Oil Messages on page 5‑35.Change the oil as soon as possiblewithin the next 1 000 km (600 mi).It is possible that, if driving underthe best conditions, the oil lifesystem might indicate that an oilchange is not necessary for up to ayear. The engine oil and filter mustbe changed at least once a yearand, at this time, the system mustbe reset. Your dealer has trainedservice people who will perform thiswork and reset the system. It is alsoimportant to check the oil regularlyover the course of an oil draininterval and keep it at theproper level.If the system is ever resetaccidentally, the oil must bechanged at 5 000 km (3,000 mi)since the last oil change.Remember to reset the oil lifesystem whenever the oil is changed.How to Reset the Engine OilLife SystemReset the system whenever theengine oil is changed so that thesystem can calculate the nextengine oil change. To reset thesystem:1. Turn the ignition to ON/RUN withthe engine off.2. Press the DIC MENU button onthe turn signal lever to enter theVehicle Information Menu. Usethe thumbwheel to scroll throughthe menu items until you reachREMAINING OIL LIFE.3. Press the SET/CLR button toreset the oil life at 100%.4. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFF.
Black plate (13,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-13The system is reset when theCHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONmessage is off and the REMAININGOIL LIFE 100% message isdisplayed.If the CHANGE ENGINE OILmessage comes back on when thevehicle is started, the engine oil lifesystem has not been reset. Repeatthe procedure.Automatic TransmissionFluidHow to Check AutomaticTransmission FluidIt is not necessary to check thetransmission fluid level.A transmission fluid leak is the onlyreason for fluid loss. If a leakoccurs, take the vehicle to yourdealer service department and haveit repaired as soon as possible.There is a special procedure forchecking and changing thetransmission fluid. Because thisprocedure is difficult, you shouldhave this done at your dealerservice department. Contact yourdealer for additional information orthe procedure can be found in theservice manual. To purchase aservice manual, see ServicePublications Ordering Informationon page 13‑16.Change the fluid and filter at theintervals listed in MaintenanceSchedule on page 11‑3, and besure to use the fluid listed inRecommended Fluids andLubricants on page 11‑14.Engine Air Cleaner/FilterThe engine air cleaner/filter islocated in the engine compartmenton the driver side of the vehicle.See Engine Compartment Overviewon page 10‑6for more informationon location.When to Inspect the Engine AirCleaner/FilterInspect the air cleaner/filter at thescheduled maintenance intervalsand replace it at the first oil changeafter each 80 000 km (50,000 mi)interval. See Maintenance Scheduleon page 11‑3for more information.If you are driving in dusty/dirtyconditions, inspect the filter at eachengine oil change.How to Inspect the Engine AirCleaner/FilterTo inspect the air cleaner/filter,remove the filter from the vehicleand lightly shake the filter to releaseloose dust and dirt. If the filterremains covered with dirt, a newfilter is required.
Black plate (14,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-14 Vehicle CareTo inspect or replace the engine aircleaner/filter:2.4L L4 Engine1. Remove the six screws on top ofthe engine air cleaner/filterhousing.2. Lift the filter cover housing awayfrom the engine air cleaner/filterhousing.3. Pull out the filter.4. Inspect or replace the engine aircleaner/filter.5. Lower the filter cover housingtoward the engine.6. Install the six screws on the topof the housing to lock the coverin place.3.6L V6 Engine1. Remove the screws on top ofthe engine air cleaner/filterhousing.2. Lift the filter cover housing awayfrom the engine.3. Pull out the filter.4. Inspect or replace the engine aircleaner/filter.5. Lower the filter cover housingtoward the engine.6. Install the screws on the top ofthe housing to lock the cover inplace.{WARNINGOperating the engine with the aircleaner/filter off can cause you orothers to be burned. The aircleaner not only cleans the air; ithelps to stop flames if the enginebackfires. Use caution whenworking on the engine and do notdrive with the air cleaner/filter off.Notice: If the air cleaner/filter isoff, dirt can easily get into theengine, which could damage it.Always have the air cleaner/filterin place when you are driving.
Black plate (15,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-15Cooling SystemThe cooling system allows theengine to maintain the correctworking temperature.When it is safe to lift the hood:2.4L L4 EngineA. Engine Cooling Fans (Outof View)B. Coolant Surge Tank andPressure Cap3.6L V6 EngineA. Engine Cooling Fans(Out of View)B. Coolant Surge Tank andPressure Cap{WARNINGAn electric engine cooling fanunder the hood can start up evenwhen the engine is not runningand can cause injury. Keephands, clothing, and tools awayfrom any underhood electric fan.{WARNINGHeater and radiator hoses, andother engine parts, can be veryhot. Do not touch them. If you do,you can be burned.Do not run the engine if there is aleak. If you run the engine, itcould lose all coolant. That couldcause an engine fire, and youcould be burned. Get any leakfixed before you drive the vehicle.Notice: Using coolant other thanDEX-COOL®can cause prematureengine, heater core, or radiatorcorrosion. In addition, the enginecoolant could require changingsooner. Any repairs would not becovered by the vehicle warranty.Always use DEX-COOL(silicate-free) coolant inthe vehicle.
Black plate (16,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-16 Vehicle CareEngine CoolantThe cooling system in the vehicle isfilled with DEX-COOL®enginecoolant mixture. See RecommendedFluids and Lubricants on page 11‑14and Maintenance Schedule onpage 11‑3for more information.The following explains the coolingsystem and how to check and addcoolant when it is low. If there is aproblem with engine overheating,see Engine Overheating onpage 10‑19.What to Use{WARNINGAdding only plain water or someother liquid to the cooling systemcan be dangerous. Plain waterand other liquids, can boil beforethe proper coolant mixture will.The coolant warning system is setfor the proper coolant mixture.With plain water or the wrong(Continued)WARNING (Continued)mixture, the engine could get toohot but you would not get theoverheat warning. The enginecould catch fire and you or otherscould be burned. Use a 50/50 mixture of clean, drinkablewater and DEX-COOL coolant fornon-eAssist engine(s). Use a 50/50 mixture of deionized water andDEX-COOL coolant for eAssistengine(s).Use a 50/50 mixture of deionizedwater or clean, drinkable water andDEX-COOL coolant. If using thismixture, nothing else needs tobe added.This mixture:.Gives freezing protection downto −37°C (−34°F), outsidetemperature..Gives boiling protection up to129°C (265°F), enginetemperature..Protects against rust andcorrosion..Will not damage aluminum parts..Helps keep the proper enginetemperature.Notice: If an improper coolantmixture is used, the engine couldoverheat and be badly damaged.The repair cost would not becovered by the vehicle warranty.Too much deionized water orclean, drinkable water in themixture can freeze and crack theengine, radiator, heater core, andother parts.Never dispose of engine coolant byputting it in the trash, pouring it onthe ground, or into sewers, streams,or bodies of water. Have the coolantchanged by an authorized servicecenter, familiar with legalrequirements regarding usedcoolant disposal. This will helpprotect the environment andyour health.
Black plate (17,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-17Checking CoolantThe vehicle must be on a levelsurface when checking thecoolant level.Check to see if coolant is visible inthe coolant surge tank. If the coolantinside the coolant surge tank isboiling, do not do anything elseuntil it cools down.If coolant is visible but the coolantlevel is not at or above the markpointed to, add a 50/50 mixture ofdeionized water or clean drinkablewater and DEX-COOL coolant.Be sure the cooling system is coolbefore this is done.If no coolant is visible in the coolantsurge tank, add coolant as follows:How to Add Coolant to theCoolant Surge Tank{WARNINGYou can be burned if you spillcoolant on hot engine parts.Coolant contains ethylene glycoland it will burn if the engine partsare hot enough. Do not spillcoolant on a hot engine.Notice: This vehicle has aspecific coolant fill procedure.Failure to follow this procedurecould cause the engine tooverheat and be severelydamaged.{WARNINGAn electric engine cooling fanunder the hood can start up evenwhen the engine is not runningand can cause injury. Keephands, clothing, and tools awayfrom any underhood electric fan.{WARNINGSteam and scalding liquids from ahot cooling system can blow outand burn you badly. They areunder pressure, and if you turnthe surge tank pressurecap —even a little —they cancome out at high speed. Neverturn the cap when the coolingsystem, including the surge tankpressure cap, is hot. Wait for thecooling system and surge tankpressure cap to cool if you everhave to turn the pressure cap.
Black plate (18,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-18 Vehicle CareThe coolant surge tank pressurecap can be removed when thecooling system, including the surgetank pressure cap and upperradiator hose, is no longer hot.1. Turn the pressure cap slowlycounterclockwise. If a hiss isheard, wait for that to stop.A hiss means there is stillsome pressure left.2. Keep turning the cap andremove it.3. Fill the coolant surge tank withthe proper mixture to the markpointed to on the front of thecoolant surge tank.4. With the coolant surge tank capoff, start the engine and let it rununtil the upper radiator hosestarts getting hot. Watch out forthe engine cooling fans. By thistime, the coolant level inside thecoolant surge tank may belower. If the level is lower, addmore of the proper mixture to thecoolant surge tank until the levelreaches the mark pointed to onthe front of the coolantsurge tank.5. Replace the cap. Be sure thecap is hand–tight and fullyseated.Notice: If the pressure cap is nottightly installed, coolant loss andpossible engine damage mayoccur. Be sure the cap is properlyand tightly secured.
Black plate (19,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-19Engine Overheating2.4L L4 EngineThere is a engine coolanttemperature warning light on theinstrument panel cluster thatindicates an overheated enginecondition. See Engine CoolantTemperature Warning Light onpage 5‑22 for more information.3.6L V6 EngineThere is a coolant temperaturegauge and a engine coolanttemperature warning light on theinstrument panel cluster thatindicate an overheated enginecondition. See Engine CoolantTemperature Gauge on page 5‑13and Engine Coolant TemperatureWarning Light on page 5‑22 formore information.If the decision is made not to lift thehood when this warning appears,get service help right away. SeeRoadside Assistance Program (U.S.and Canada) on page 13‑9orRoadside Assistance Program(Mexico) on page 13‑9.If the decision is made to lift thehood, make sure the vehicle isparked on a level surface.Then check to see if the enginecooling fans are running. If theengine is overheating, the fansshould be running. If not, do notcontinue to run the engine andhave the vehicle serviced.Notice: Engine damage fromrunning the engine withoutcoolant is not covered by thewarranty.If Steam Is Coming from theEngine CompartmentSee Overheated Engine ProtectionOperating Mode on page 10‑20 forinformation on driving to a safeplace in an emergency.If No Steam Is Coming fromthe Engine CompartmentIf an engine overheat warning isdisplayed but no steam can be seenor heard, the problem might not betoo serious. Sometimes the enginecan get a little too hot whenthe vehicle:.Climbs a long hill on a hot day..Stops after high-speed driving..Idles for long periods in traffic..Tows a trailer.If the overheat warning displays withno sign of steam:1. Turn the air conditioning off.2. Turn the heater on to the highesttemperature and to the highestfan speed. Open the windowsas necessary.3. In heavy traffic, let the engineidle in N (Neutral) while stopped.If it is safe to do so, pull off theroad, shift to P (Park) orN (Neutral), and let theengine idle.
Black plate (20,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-20 Vehicle Care2.4L L4 EngineIf the engine coolant temperaturewarning light no longer displays, thevehicle can be driven. Continue todrive the vehicle slowly for about10 minutes. Keep a safe vehicledistance from the vehicle in front.If the warning does not come backon, continue to drive normally.3.6L V6 EngineIf the temperature overheat gauge isno longer in the overheat zone or anengine coolant temperature warninglight no longer displays, the vehiclecan be driven. Continue to drive thevehicle slowly for about 10 minutes.Keep a safe vehicle distance fromthe vehicle in front. If the warningdoes not come back on, continue todrive normally.If the warning continues, pull over,stop, and park the vehicleright away.If there is no sign of steam, idle theengine for three minutes whileparked. If the warning is stilldisplayed, turn off the engine until itcools down. Also, see OverheatedEngine Protection Operating Modeon page 10‑20.Overheated EngineProtectionOperating ModeThis emergency operating modeallows the vehicle to be driven to asafe place in an emergencysituation. If an overheated enginecondition exists, an overheatprotection mode which alternatesfiring groups of cylinders helpsprevent engine damage. In thismode, there is significant loss inpower and engine performance.2.4L L4 EngineThe engine coolant temperaturewarning light comes on theinstrument panel, to indicate thevehicle has entered overheatedengine protection operating mode.Driving extended distances and/ortowing a trailer in the overheatprotection mode should be avoided.3.6L V6 EngineThe engine coolant temperaturewarning light comes on theinstrument panel, to indicate thevehicle has entered overheatedengine protection operating mode.The temperature gauge alsoindicates an overheat conditionexists. Driving extended distancesand/or towing a trailer in theoverheat protection mode shouldbe avoided.
Black plate (21,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-21Power Steering Fluid(2.4L L4 Engine)The vehicle has electric powersteering and does not use powersteering fluid.Power Steering Fluid(3.6L V6 Engine)See Engine Compartment Overviewon page 10‑6for information on thelocation of the power steering fluidreservoir.When to Check Power SteeringFluidIt is not necessary to regularlycheck power steering fluid unless aleak is suspected in the system oran unusual noise is heard.A fluid loss in this system couldindicate a problem. Have thesystem inspected and repaired.How to Check Power SteeringFluidCheck the level after the vehicle hasbeen driven for at least 20 minutesso the fluid is warm.To check the power steering fluid:1. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFFand let the engine compartmentcool down.2. Wipe the cap and the top of thereservoir clean.3. Unscrew the cap and pull itstraight up.4. Wipe the dipstick with aclean rag.5. Replace the cap and completelytighten it.6. Remove the cap again and lookat the fluid level on the dipstick.When the engine is hot, the levelshould be at the hot MAX level.When the engine is cold, the fluidlevel should be between MIN andMAX on the dipstick.What to UseTo determine what kind of fluid touse, see Recommended Fluids andLubricants on page 11‑14. Alwaysuse the proper fluid.
Black plate (22,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-22 Vehicle CareWasher FluidWhat to UseWhen windshield washer fluid isneeded, be sure to read themanufacturer's instructions beforeuse. If operating the vehicle in anarea where the temperature may fallbelow freezing, use a fluid that hassufficient protection againstfreezing.Adding Washer FluidOpen the cap with the washersymbol on it. Add washer fluid untilthe tank is full. See EngineCompartment Overview onpage 10‑6for reservoir location.Notice.When using concentratedwasher fluid, follow themanufacturer's instructionsfor adding water..Do not mix water withready-to-use washer fluid.Water can cause the solutionto freeze and damage thewasher fluid tank and otherparts of the washer system.Also, water does not clean aswell as washer fluid..Fill the washer fluid tank onlythree-quarters full when it isvery cold. This allows forfluid expansion if freezingoccurs, which could damagethe tank if it iscompletely full..Do not use engine coolant(antifreeze) in the windshieldwasher. It can damage thewindshield washer systemand paint.BrakesThis vehicle has disc brakes.Disc brake pads have built-in wearindicators that make a high-pitchedwarning sound when the brake padsare worn and new pads are needed.The sound can come and go or beheard all the time the vehicle ismoving, except when applying thebrake pedal firmly.{WARNINGThe brake wear warning soundmeans that soon the brakes willnot work well. That could lead toa crash. When the brake wearwarning sound is heard, have thevehicle serviced.Notice: Continuing to drive withworn-out brake pads could resultin costly brake repair.
Black plate (23,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-23Some driving conditions or climatescan cause a brake squeal when thebrakes are first applied or lightlyapplied. This does not meansomething is wrong with the brakes.Properly torqued wheel nuts arenecessary to help prevent brakepulsation. When tires are rotated,inspect brake pads for wear andevenly tighten wheel nuts in theproper sequence to torquespecifications in Capacities andSpecifications on page 12‑2.Brake linings should always bereplaced as complete axle sets.Brake Pedal TravelSee your dealer if the brake pedaldoes not return to normal height,or if there is a rapid increase inpedal travel. This could be a signthat brake service might berequired.Brake AdjustmentEvery time the brakes are applied,with or without the vehicle moving,the brakes adjust for wear.Replacing Brake System PartsThe braking system on a vehicle iscomplex. Its many parts have to beof top quality and work well togetherif the vehicle is to have really goodbraking. The vehicle was designedand tested with top-quality brakeparts. When parts of the brakingsystem are replaced, be sure to getnew, approved replacement parts.If this is not done, the brakes mightnot work properly. For example,installing disc brake pads that arewrong for the vehicle, can changethe balance between the front andrear brakes —for the worse. Thebraking performance expected canchange in many other ways if thewrong replacement brake partsare installed.Brake FluidThe brake master cylinder reservoiris filled with DOT 3 brake fluid asindicated on the reservoir cap. SeeEngine Compartment Overview onpage 10‑6for the location of thereservoir.There are only two reasons why thebrake fluid level in the reservoirmight go down:.The brake fluid level goes downbecause of normal brake liningwear. When new linings areinstalled, the fluid level goesback up.
Black plate (24,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-24 Vehicle Care.A fluid leak in the brakehydraulic system can also causea low fluid level. Have the brakehydraulic system fixed, since aleak means that sooner or laterthe brakes will not work well.Do not top off the brake fluid.Adding fluid does not correct a leak.If fluid is added when the linings areworn, there will be too much fluidwhen new brake linings areinstalled. Add or remove brake fluid,as necessary, only when work isdone on the brake hydraulic system.{WARNINGIf too much brake fluid is added, itcan spill on the engine and burn,if the engine is hot enough. Youor others could be burned, andthe vehicle could be damaged.Add brake fluid only when workis done on the brake hydraulicsystem.When the brake fluid falls to a lowlevel, the brake warning light comeson. See Brake System WarningLight on page 5‑19.What to AddUse only new DOT 3 brake fluidfrom a sealed container. SeeRecommended Fluids andLubricants on page 11‑14.Always clean the brake fluidreservoir cap and the area aroundthe cap before removing it. Thishelps keep dirt from entering thereservoir.{WARNINGWith the wrong kind of fluid in thebrake hydraulic system, thebrakes might not work well. Thiscould cause a crash. Always usethe proper brake fluid.Notice.Using the wrong fluidcan badly damage brakehydraulic system parts. Forexample, just a few drops ofmineral-based oil, such asengine oil, in the brakehydraulic system candamage brake hydraulicsystem parts so badly thatthey will have to be replaced.Do not let someone put inthe wrong kind of fluid..If brake fluid is spilled on thevehicle's painted surfaces,the paint finish can bedamaged. Be careful not tospill brake fluid on thevehicle. If you do, wash itoff immediately.
Black plate (25,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-25BatteryThis vehicle has a standard 12‐voltbattery. Refer to the replacementnumber on the original battery labelwhen a new standard 12‐volt batteryis needed.eAssist vehicles also have a highvoltage battery. Only a trainedservice technician with the properknowledge and tools should inspect,test, or replace the high voltagebattery. See your dealer if the highvoltage battery needs service. Thedealer has information on how torecycle the high voltage battery.There is also information availableat eAssist system high voltagebattery is cooled with air drawn fromthe vehicle interior. The cold airintake for the battery is locatedbehind the rear seat, on the fillerpanel. Do not cover the intake.{WARNINGBattery posts, terminals, andrelated accessories contain leadand lead compounds, chemicalsknown to the State of California tocause cancer and reproductiveharm. Wash hands after handling.Vehicle Storage{WARNINGBatteries have acid that can burnyou and gas that can explode.You can be badly hurt if you arenot careful. See Jump Starting(with or without eAssist) onpage 10‑90 or Jump Starting(On-board with eAssist Only) onpage 10‑93 for tips on workingaround a battery withoutgetting hurt.Infrequent Usage: Remove the12‐volt battery black, negative (−)cable from the battery to keep thebattery from running down.Extended Storage: Remove the12‐volt battery black, negative (−)cable from the battery or use abattery trickle charger.Remember to reconnect the batterywhen ready to drive the vehicle.
Black plate (26,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-26 Vehicle CareStarter Switch Check{WARNINGWhen you are doing thisinspection, the vehicle couldmove suddenly. If the vehiclemoves, you or others couldbe injured.1. Before starting this check, besure there is enough roomaround the vehicle.2. Firmly apply both the parkingbrake and the regular brake.See Parking Brake onpage 9‑34.Do not use the acceleratorpedal, and be ready to turn offthe engine immediately if itstarts.3. Try to start the engine in eachgear. The vehicle should startonly in P (Park) or N (Neutral).If the vehicle starts in any otherposition, contact your dealer forservice.Automatic TransmissionShift Lock ControlFunction Check{WARNINGWhen you are doing thisinspection, the vehicle couldmove suddenly. If the vehiclemoves, you or others could beinjured.1. Before starting this check, besure there is enough roomaround the vehicle. It should beparked on a level surface.2. Firmly apply the parking brake.See Parking Brake onpage 9‑34.Be ready to apply the regularbrake immediately if the vehiclebegins to move.3. With the engine off, turn theignition on, but do not start theengine. Without applying theregular brake, try to move theshift lever out of P (Park) withnormal effort. If the shift levermoves out of P (Park), contactyour dealer for service.
Black plate (27,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-27Ignition TransmissionLock CheckWhile parked, and with the parkingbrake set, try to turn the ignition toLOCK/OFF in each shift leverposition..The ignition should turn toLOCK/OFF only when the shiftlever is in P (Park)..With the key access ignitionsystem, the ignition key shouldcome out only in LOCK/OFF.See Ignition Positions (KeyAccess) on page 9‑16 or IgnitionPositions (Keyless Access) onpage 9‑18.Contact your dealer if serviceis required.Park Brake and P (Park)Mechanism Check{WARNINGWhen you are doing this check,the vehicle could begin to move.You or others could be injuredand property could be damaged.Make sure there is room in frontof the vehicle in case it begins toroll. Be ready to apply the regularbrake at once should the vehiclebegin to move.Park on a fairly steep hill, with thevehicle facing downhill. Keepingyour foot on the regular brake, setthe parking brake..To check the parking brake'sholding ability: With the enginerunning and the transmission inN (Neutral), slowly remove footpressure from the regular brakepedal. Do this until the vehicle isheld by the parking brake only..To check the P (Park)mechanism's holding ability:With the engine running, shift toP (Park). Then release theparking brake followed by theregular brake.Contact your dealer if service isrequired.Wiper Blade ReplacementWindshield wiper blades should beinspected for wear and cracking.See Maintenance Schedule onpage 11‑3for more information.Replacement blades come indifferent types and are removed indifferent ways. For proper typeand length, see MaintenanceReplacement Parts on page 11‑16.
Black plate (28,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-28 Vehicle CareTo replace the windshield wiperblade:1. Pull the windshield wiperassembly away from thewindshield.2. Lift up on the latch in the middleof the wiper blade where thewiper arm attaches.3. With the latch open, pull thewiper blade down toward thewindshield far enough to releaseit from the J-hooked end of thewiper arm.4. Remove the wiper blade.Allowing the wiper blade arm totouch the windshield when nowiper blade is installed coulddamage the windshield. Anydamage that occurs would notbe covered by the vehiclewarranty. Do not allow the wiperblade to touch the windshield.5. Reverse Steps 1 through 3 forwiper blade replacement.Headlamp AimingThe headlamp aiming system hasbeen preset at the factory.If the vehicle is damaged in anaccident, the aim of the headlampsmay be affected and adjustmentmay be necessary.It is recommended that a dealeradjust the headlamps. To re-aimthe headlamps yourself, use thefollowing procedure.The vehicle should be properlyprepared as follows:.The vehicle should be placed sothe headlamps are 7.6 m (25 ft)from a light‐colored wall..The vehicle must have all fourtires on a level surface which islevel all the way to the wall..The vehicle should be placed soit is perpendicular to the wall orother flat surface..The vehicle should not have anysnow, ice, or mud on it.
Black plate (29,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-29.The vehicle should be fullyassembled and all other workstopped while headlamp aimingis being performed..The vehicle should be normallyloaded with a full tank of fuel andone person or 75 kg (160 lbs)sitting in the driver seat..Tires should be properly inflated.Headlamp aiming is done with thevehicle's low-beam headlamps.The high-beam headlamps will becorrectly aimed if the low-beamheadlamps are aimed properly.To adjust the vertical aim:1. Open the hood. See Hood onpage 10‑5.BaseUplevel2. Locate the aim dot on the lens ofthe low‐beam headlamp.3. Measure the distance from theground to the aim dot on thelow‐beam headlamp. Record thedistance.
Black plate (30,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-30 Vehicle Care4. At the wall, measure from theground upward (A) to therecorded distance fromStep 3 and mark it.5. Draw or tape a horizontal line (B)on the wall the width of thevehicle at the height of themark in Step 4.Notice: Do not cover a headlampto improve beam cut-off whenaiming. Covering a headlamp maycause excessive heat build-upwhich may cause damage to theheadlamp.6. Turn on the low-beamheadlamps and place a piece ofcardboard or equivalent in frontof the headlamp not beingadjusted. This allows only thebeam of light from the headlampbeing adjusted to be seen on theflat surface.BaseUplevel7. Locate the vertical headlampaiming screws, which are underthe hood near each headlampassembly.8. Turn the vertical aiming screwuntil the headlamp beam isaimed to the horizontal tape line.Turn it clockwise orcounterclockwise to raise orlower the angle of the beam.
Black plate (31,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-319. Make sure that the light from theheadlamp is positioned at thebottom edge of the horizontaltape line. The lamp on theleft (A) shows the correctheadlamp aim. The lamp on theright (B) shows the incorrectheadlamp aim.10. Repeat Steps 7 through 9 forthe opposite headlamp.Bulb ReplacementFor the proper type of replacementbulbs, see Replacement Bulbs onpage 10‑35.For any bulb changing procedurenot listed in this section, contactyour dealer.Halogen Bulbs{WARNINGHalogen bulbs have pressurizedgas inside and can burst if youdrop or scratch the bulb. You orothers could be injured. Be sureto read and follow the instructionson the bulb package.High Intensity Discharge(HID) Lighting{WARNINGThe low beam high intensitydischarge lighting systemoperates at a very high voltage.If you try to service any of thesystem components, you could beseriously injured. Have yourdealer or a qualified technicianservice them.After an HID headlamp bulb hasbeen replaced, the beam might be aslightly different shade than it wasoriginally. This is normal.
Black plate (32,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-32 Vehicle CareHeadlamps, Front TurnSignal and ParkingLampsBase Headlamp AssemblyThe base model vehicle has ahalogen high-beam headlamp, alow-beam/Daytime RunningLamp (DRL) headlamp, and aturn signal/parking lamp on theheadlamp assembly.To replace one of these bulbs:1. Open the hood. See Hood onpage 10‑5.A. Low-Beam Headlamp/DRLB. High-Beam HeadlampC. Parking/Turn Signal Lamp2. If replacing a headlamp bulb,remove the dust cover from theback of the headlamp housingby turning counterclockwiseone‐quarter turn.3. Remove the bulb socketfrom the headlamp byturning counterclockwiseone‐quarter turn.4. Remove the bulb from thesocket. If replacing the high/low‐beam bulb, pry the two clipson either end of the bulb and pullstraight out.5. Install the new bulb in thesocket.6. Install the bulb socket by turningclockwise one‐quarter turn.7. If a headlamp bulb wasreplaced, install the dust coverin the back of the headlamphousing by turning clockwiseone‐quarter turn.
Black plate (33,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-33Uplevel Headlamp AssemblyThe uplevel model vehicle has ahigh intensity discharge (HID) high/low beam, a dedicated DRL, and aparking/turn signal lamp on theheadlamp assembly. See HighIntensity Discharge (HID) Lightingon page 10‑31 for more information.To replace one of these bulbs:1. Open the hood. See Hood onpage 10‑5.A. DRL LampB. Parking/Turn Signal Lamp2. Turn the bulb socketcounterclockwise to remove itfrom the headlamp assembly.3. Pull the bulb straight out fromthe socket.4. Push the new bulb into thesocket and reinstall the socketinto the headlamp assembly byturning it clockwise.Taillamps, Turn Signal,Stoplamps, and Back-UpLampsA. Back‐Up LampB. Turn Signal LampTo replace one of these lamps:1. Open the trunk. See Trunk onpage 2‑12.2. Remove the fasteners and pullback the trunk trim.3. Remove the four plastic wingnuts holding the taillampassembly in place.4. Pull out the taillamp assemblyand disconnect the wiringharness.5. Turn the bulb socketcounterclockwise to remove it.6. Pull the old bulb straight out ofthe bulb socket.7. Reverse Steps 1 through 6 toinstall.
Black plate (34,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-34 Vehicle CareLicense Plate LampThe license plate lamps for thisvehicle are on the trunk lid.To replace one of these bulbs:1. Open the trunk. See Trunk onpage 2‑12 for more information.2. Push the end on either of thelamp assemblies (passengerside shown) and then move thelamp assembly down to removeit from the trunk lid.A. Bulb SocketB. BulbC. Lamp Assembly3. Turn the bulb socket (A)counterclockwise to remove itfrom the lamp assembly (C).4. Pull the bulb (B) straight out ofthe bulb socket.5. Push the replacement bulbstraight into the bulb socket andturn the bulb socket clockwise toinstall it into the lamp assembly.6. Move the lamp assembly intothe trunk lid, engaging theclip side first.7. Push on the lamp side oppositethe clip until the lamp assemblysnaps into place.
Black plate (35,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-35Replacement BulbsExterior Lamp BulbNumberBack-Up Lamp 921LLDaytime RunningLamp (Uplevel) 3157K LCPFront Turn Signal/Parking Lamp3757NAKLCPHeadlamp HighBeam (Base) H9Headlamp LowBeam (Base) H11LLLicense Plate Lamp W5WLLRear Turn Signal 3757NAKLCPFor replacement bulbs not listedhere, contact your dealer.Electrical SystemHigh Voltage Devices andWiring{WARNINGExposure to high voltage cancause shock, burns, and evendeath. The high voltagecomponents in the vehicle canonly be serviced by technicianswith special training.High voltage components areidentified by labels. Do notremove, open, take apart,or modify these components.High voltage cable or wiring hasorange covering. Do not probe,tamper with, cut, or modify highvoltage cable or wiring.Electrical SystemOverloadThe vehicle has fuses and circuitbreakers to protect against anelectrical system overload.When the current electrical load istoo heavy, the circuit breaker opensand closes, protecting the circuituntil the current load returns tonormal or the problem is fixed. Thisgreatly reduces the chance of circuitoverload and fire caused byelectrical problems.Fuses and circuit breakers protectpower devices in the vehicle.Replace a bad fuse with a new oneof the identical size and rating.If there is a problem on the road anda fuse needs to be replaced, thesame amperage fuse can beborrowed. Choose some feature ofthe vehicle that is not needed to useand replace it as soon as possible.
Black plate (36,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-36 Vehicle CareHeadlamp WiringAn electrical overload may causethe lamps to go on and off, or insome cases to remain off. Have theheadlamp wiring checked right awayif the lamps go on and off orremain off.Windshield WipersIf the wiper motor overheats due toheavy snow or ice, the windshieldwipers will stop until the motor coolsand will then restart.Although the circuit is protectedfrom electrical overload, overloaddue to heavy snow or ice maycause wiper linkage damage.Always clear ice and heavy snowfrom the windshield before using thewindshield wipers.If the overload is caused by anelectrical problem and not snow orice, be sure to get it fixed.Fuses and CircuitBreakersThe wiring circuits in the vehicle areprotected from short circuits by acombination of fuses and circuitbreakers. This greatly reduces thechance of damage caused byelectrical problems.To check a fuse, look at thesilver-colored band inside the fuse.If the band is broken or melted,replace the fuse. Be sure to replacea bad fuse with a new one of theidentical size and rating.Fuses of the same amperage canbe temporarily borrowed fromanother fuse location, if a fuse goesout. Replace the fuse as soon aspossible.To identify and check fuses, circuitbreakers, and relays, see EngineCompartment Fuse Block onpage 10‑36,Instrument Panel FuseBlock on page 10‑40, and RearCompartment Fuse Block onpage 10‑42.Engine CompartmentFuse BlockTo remove the fuse block cover,squeeze the three retaining clips onthe cover and lift it straight up.Notice: Spilling liquid on anyelectrical component on thevehicle may damage it. Alwayskeep the covers on any electricalcomponent.
Black plate (37,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-37Engine Compartment Fuse BlockThe vehicle may not be equippedwith all of the fuses, relays, andfeatures shown.J-CaseFusesUsage6 Wiper12 StarterJ-CaseFusesUsage21 Rear PowerWindows22 Sunroof24 Front PowerWindows25Passive Entry/Passive StartModule —Battery 2(eAssist)26 Antilock BrakeSystem Pump27 Electric Park Brake28 Rear WindowDefogger41 BrakeVacuum Pump42 Cooling Fan K243 Not Used
Black plate (38,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-38 Vehicle CareJ-CaseFusesUsage44TransmissionAuxiliary Oil Pump(eAssist)45 Cooling Fan K159 AIR PumpMini Fuses Usage1TransmissionControl Module —Battery2Engine ControlModule Battery3Air ConditioningCompressor Clutch5Engine ControlModule Run/Crank8Ignition Coils —Even (Six CylinderEngine), IgnitionCoils —All (FourCylinder EngineMini Fuses Usage9Ignition Coils —Odd(Six CylinderEngine)10Engine ControlModule —SwitchedBattery (from EngineControl ModuleRelay)11Six Cylinder Engine:Post CatalyticConverter OxygenSensor Heater,Mass Air FlowSensor, Flex FuelSensor13Run/Crank forTransmissionControl Module andFuel System ControlModule14Cabin HeaterCoolant Pump(eAssist)Mini Fuses Usage14Motor GeneratorUnit Coolant Pump(eAssist)16Run/Crank foreAssist PowerInverter Module17 Airbag Module —Run/Crank18 Vented Seats(eAssist)23Variable EffortSteering (ifequipped) or eAssistPower InverterModule29 Power Lumbar, Left30Power Lumbar,Right or Power PackCooling Fan(eAssist)
Black plate (39,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-39Mini Fuses Usage31Passive Entry/Passive StartModule —Battery 1(eAssist)32 Body ControlModule 633 Heated Seat —Front34 Antilock BrakeSystem Valves35 Amplifier36Adaptive ForwardLighting (AFL)Motors —Battery37 Right High Beam38 Left High Beam46 Cooling Fan RelayMini Fuses Usage47Six Cylinder Engine:Pre CatalyticConverter OxygenSensor Heater,Canister PurgeSolenoid. FourCylinder Engine: Preand Post CatalyticConverter OxygenSensor Heaters,Canister PurgeSolenoid, Mass AirFlow Sensor.48 Fog Lamps49Right High IntensityDischargeHeadlamp50Left High IntensityDischargeHeadlamp51 Horn52 Cluster Run/CrankMini Fuses Usage53Run/Crank for InsideRearview Mirror,Rear Vision Camera54Run/Crank for:Heating, Ventilationand Air Conditioning55Outside RearviewMirror, UniversalGarage DoorOpener, FrontWindow Switches56 Windshield Washer60 Heated Mirror62 Canister Vent64Adaptive ForwardLighting (AFL)Module —Battery65 Not Used66 AIR Solenoid(eAssist)67 Fuel System ControlModule
Black plate (40,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-40 Vehicle CareMini Fuses Usage69 Regulated VoltageControl Sensor70Ultrasonic ParkingAssist/SideBlind ZoneMini Relays Usage7Engine ControlModule9 Cooling Fan13 Cooling Fan15 Run/Crank16 AIR Pump17 Rear WindowDefoggerMicroRelaysUsage1Air ConditioningCompressor Clutch2 Starter4 Wiper Speed5 Wiper Control6Cabin HeaterCoolant Pump(eAssist)10 Cooling Fan14 HeadlampLow BeamUltra MicroRelaysUsage11TransmissionAuxiliary Oil Pump(eAssist)Instrument Panel FuseBlockThe instrument panel fuse block islocated in the instrument panel, onthe driver side of the vehicle. Toaccess the fuses, open the fusepanel door by pulling down atthe top.Press in on the sides of the door torelease it from the instrument panel.
Black plate (41,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-41Pull the door toward you to releaseit from the hinge.Instrument Panel Fuse BlockThe vehicle may not be equippedwith all of the fuses, relays, andfeatures shown.Fuses Usage1Steering WheelControls Backlight2Body ControlModule 73Body ControlModule 54 Radio5 OnStar6 Power Outlet 17 Power Outlet 28Body ControlModule 19Body ControlModule 410Body ControlModule 8(J‐Case Fuse)11Front HeaterVentilation AirConditioning/Blower(J‐Case Fuse)
Black plate (42,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-42 Vehicle CareFuses Usage12 Passenger Seat(Circuit Breaker)13 Driver Seat (CircuitBreaker)14 Diagnostic LinkConnector15 Airbag16 Trunk17Heater VentilationAir ConditioningController18 Pre‐Fuse for Fuses4 and 519Infotainment andCenter StackDisplays, Head‐UpDisplay, PreferredDevice InterfaceModule, Rear SeatInfotainment(eAssist)20 Automatic OccupantSensingFuses Usage21 Instrument PanelCluster22 Discrete LogicIgnition Switch23 Body ControlModule 324 Body ControlModule 225Rear HeaterVentilation AirConditioning/Blower26 AC/DC InverterRelays UsageR1 Trunk RelayR2 Not UsedR3 Power Outlet RelayRear Compartment FuseBlockThe rear compartment fuse block islocated on the left side of the trunkbehind a cover. Vehicles witheAssist do not have a rearcompartment fuse block.
Black plate (43,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-43The vehicle may not be equippedwith all of the fuses, relays, andfeatures shown.Mini Fuses Usage5 Not Used6Heated SteeringWheel —Run/Crank(without eAssist)Mini Fuses Usage7 Not Used8 Not Used12 Not Used15 Not Used16 Not UsedMini Fuses Usage17 Not Used18Passive Entry/Passive StartModule —Battery 1(without eAssist)19 Not Used20Run/Crank for RearSunshade (withouteAssist), VentilatedSeats (withouteAssist)21 Not Used22 Not Used23 Not Used24 Not Used25 Not Used26 Not Used27 Not Used28 Not Used29 Not Used
Black plate (44,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-44 Vehicle CareMini Fuses Usage30 Not Used31ElectronicSuspension Control(without eAssist)32Rear SeatInfotainment (withouteAssist)33 All‐Wheel Drive(without eAssist)J‐CaseFusesUsage1 Not Used2 Not Used3 Not Used4 Not Used9 Not Used10 Not Used11 Not Used13 Not UsedJ‐CaseFusesUsage14 Not Used34 Not Used35Passive Entry/Passive StartModule —Battery 2(without eAssist)36 Not Used37 Not UsedRelays UsageK1 Not UsedK2Run/Crank Relay forSeat Ventilation(without eAssist),Sunshade (withouteAssist)K3Run Relay forHeated SteeringWheel (withouteAssist)K4 Not UsedWheels and TiresTiresEvery new GM vehicle hashigh-quality tires made by aleading tire manufacturer.See the warranty manual forinformation regarding the tirewarranty and where to getservice. For additionalinformation refer to the tiremanufacturer.{WARNING.Poorly maintained andimproperly used tires aredangerous..Overloading the tires cancause overheating as a resultof too much flexing. Therecould be a blowout and aserious crash. See VehicleLoad Limits on page 9‑10.(Continued)
Black plate (45,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-45WARNING (Continued).Underinflated tires pose thesame danger as overloadedtires. The resulting crashcould cause serious injury.Check all tires frequently tomaintain the recommendedpressure. Tire pressureshould be checked when thetires are cold..Overinflated tires are morelikely to be cut, punctured,or broken by a suddenimpact —such as whenhitting a pothole. Keep tires atthe recommended pressure..Worn or old tires can cause acrash. If the tread is badlyworn, replace them..Replace any tires that havebeen damaged by impactswith potholes, curbs, etc.(Continued)WARNING (Continued).Improperly repaired tires cancause a crash. Only thedealer or an authorized tireservice center should repair,replace, dismount, and mountthe tires..Do not spin the tires inexcess of 55 km/h (35 mph)on slippery surfaces suchas snow, mud, ice, etc.Excessive spinning maycause the tires to explode.Winter TiresConsider installing winter tires onthe vehicle if frequent driving onsnow or ice covered roads isexpected. All season tires providegood overall performance on mostsurfaces, but they may not offer thetraction or the same level ofperformance as winter tires onsnow or ice covered roads.Winter tires, in general, aredesigned for increased traction onsnow and ice covered roads. Withwinter tires, there may be decreaseddry road traction, increased roadnoise, and shorter tread life. Afterchanging to winter tires, be alertfor changes in vehicle handlingand braking.See your dealer for detailsregarding winter tire availability andproper tire selection. Also, seeBuying New Tires on page 10‑60.If using snow tires:.Use tires of the same brand andtread type on all four wheelpositions..Use only radial ply tires of thesame size, load range, andspeed rating as the originalequipment tires.Winter tires with the same speedrating as the original equipment tiresmay not be available for H, V, W, Y,and ZR speed rated tires.
Black plate (46,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-46 Vehicle CareIf winter tires with a lower speedrating are chosen, never exceed thetire's maximum speed capability.Tire Sidewall LabelingUseful information about a tireis molded into its sidewall.The examples show a typicalpassenger vehicle tire and acompact spare tire sidewall.Passenger (P‐Metric) Tire Example(A) Tire Size:The tire size is acombination of letters andnumbers used to define aparticular tire's width, height,aspect ratio, construction type,and service description. See the“Tire Size”illustration later in thissection for more detail.(B) TPC Spec (TirePerformance CriteriaSpecification):Originalequipment tires designed toGM's specific tire performancecriteria have a TPC specificationcode molded onto the sidewall.GM's TPC specifications meet orexceed all federal safetyguidelines.(C) DOT (Department ofTransportation):TheDepartment of Transportation(DOT) code indicates that thetire is in compliance with theU.S. Department ofTransportation Motor VehicleSafety Standards.(D) Tire Identification Number(TIN):The letters and numbersfollowing the DOT (Departmentof Transportation) code are theTire Identification Number (TIN).The TIN shows themanufacturer and plant code,tire size, and date the tire wasmanufactured. The TIN ismolded onto both sides of thetire, although only one side mayhave the date of manufacture.(E) Tire Ply Material:The typeof cord and number of plies inthe sidewall and under the tread.(F) Uniform Tire QualityGrading (UTQG):Tiremanufacturers are required tograde tires based on threeperformance factors: treadwear,traction, and temperatureresistance. For more informationsee Uniform Tire QualityGrading on page 10‑62.
Black plate (47,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-47(G) Maximum Cold InflationLoad Limit:Maximum loadthat can be carried and themaximum pressure needed tosupport that load.Compact Spare Tire Example(A) Tire Ply Material:The typeof cord and number of plies inthe sidewall and under the tread.(B) Temporary Use Only:Thecompact spare tire or temporaryuse tire has a tread life ofapproximately 5 000 km(3,000 mi) and should not bedriven at speeds over 105 km/h(65 mph). The compact sparetire is for emergency use when aregular road tire has lost air andgone flat. If the vehicle has acompact spare tire, seeCompact Spare Tire onpage 10‑89 and If a Tire GoesFlat on page 10‑64.(C) Tire Identification Number(TIN):The letters and numbersfollowing the DOT (Departmentof Transportation) code are theTire Identification Number (TIN).The TIN shows themanufacturer and plant code,tire size, and date the tire wasmanufactured. The TIN ismolded onto both sides of thetire, although only one side mayhave the date of manufacture.(D) Maximum Cold InflationLoad Limit:Maximum loadthat can be carried and themaximum pressure needed tosupport that load.(E) Tire Inflation:The temporary use tire orcompact spare tire should beinflated to 420 kPa (60 psi).For more information on tirepressure and inflation see TirePressure on page 10‑51.(F) Tire Size:A combination ofletters and numbers define atire's width, height, aspect ratio,construction type, and servicedescription. The letter T as thefirst character in the tire sizemeans the tire is for temporaryuse only.
Black plate (48,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-48 Vehicle Care(G) TPC Spec(Tire Performance CriteriaSpecification):Originalequipment tires designed toGM's specific tire performancecriteria have a TPC specificationcode molded onto the sidewall.GM's TPC specifications meet orexceed all federal safetyguidelines.Tire DesignationsTire SizeThe following is an example of atypical passenger vehicletire size.(A) Passenger (P‐Metric) Tire:The United States version of ametric tire sizing system. Theletter P as the first character inthe tire size means a passengervehicle tire engineered tostandards set by the U.S. Tireand Rim Association.(B) Tire Width:The three‐digitnumber indicates the tire sectionwidth in millimeters fromsidewall to sidewall.(C) Aspect Ratio:A two‐digitnumber that indicates the tireheight‐to‐width measurements.For example, if the tire sizeaspect ratio is 60, as shown initem C of the illustration, it wouldmean that the tire's sidewall is60 percent as high as it is wide.(D) Construction Code:A letter code is used to indicatethe type of ply construction inthe tire. The letter R meansradial ply construction; theletter D means diagonal orbias ply construction; and theletter B means belted‐biasply construction.(E) Rim Diameter:Diameter ofthe wheel in inches.(F) Service Description:Thesecharacters represent the loadindex and speed rating of thetire. The load index representsthe load carrying capacity a tireis certified to carry. The speedrating is the maximum speed atire is certified to carry a load.
Black plate (49,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-49Tire Terminology andDefinitionsAir Pressure:The amount ofair inside the tire pressingoutward on each square inch ofthe tire. Air pressure isexpressed in kPa (kilopascal)or psi (pounds per square inch).Accessory Weight:Thecombined weight of optionalaccessories. Some examples ofoptional accessories areautomatic transmission, powersteering, power brakes, powerwindows, power seats, and airconditioning.Aspect Ratio:The relationshipof a tire's height to its width.Belt:A rubber coated layer ofcords that is located betweenthe plies and the tread. Cordsmay be made from steel or otherreinforcing materials.Bead:The tire bead containssteel wires wrapped by steelcords that hold the tire ontothe rim.Bias Ply Tire:A pneumatic tirein which the plies are laid atalternate angles less than90 degrees to the centerline ofthe tread.Cold Tire Pressure:Theamount of air pressure in a tire,measured in kPa (kilopascal)or psi (pounds per square inch)before a tire has built up heatfrom driving. See Tire Pressureon page 10‑51.Curb Weight:The weight of amotor vehicle with standard andoptional equipment including themaximum capacity of fuel, oil,and coolant, but withoutpassengers and cargo.DOT Markings:A code moldedinto the sidewall of a tiresignifying that the tire is incompliance with the U.S.Department of Transportation(DOT) Motor Vehicle SafetyStandards. The DOT codeincludes the Tire IdentificationNumber (TIN), an alphanumericdesignator which can alsoidentify the tire manufacturer,production plant, brand, anddate of production.GVWR:Gross Vehicle WeightRating. See Vehicle Load Limitson page 9‑10.GAWR FRT:Gross Axle WeightRating for the front axle. SeeVehicle Load Limits onpage 9‑10.GAWR RR:Gross Axle WeightRating for the rear axle. SeeVehicle Load Limits onpage 9‑10.
Black plate (50,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-50 Vehicle CareIntended Outboard Sidewall:The side of an asymmetrical tire,that must always face outwardwhen mounted on a vehicle.Kilopascal (kPa):The metricunit for air pressure.Light Truck (LT‐Metric) Tire:A tire used on light duty trucksand some multipurposepassenger vehicles.Load Index:An assignednumber ranging from 1 to 279that corresponds to the loadcarrying capacity of a tire.Maximum Inflation Pressure:The maximum air pressure towhich a cold tire can be inflated.The maximum air pressure ismolded onto the sidewall.Maximum Load Rating:The load rating for a tire at themaximum permissible inflationpressure for that tire.Maximum Loaded VehicleWeight:The sum of curbweight, accessory weight,vehicle capacity weight, andproduction options weight.Normal Occupant Weight:Thenumber of occupants a vehicleis designed to seat multiplied by68 kg (150 lbs). See VehicleLoad Limits on page 9‑10.Occupant Distribution:Designated seating positions.Outward Facing Sidewall:Theside of an asymmetrical tire thathas a particular side that facesoutward when mounted on avehicle. The side of the tire thatcontains a whitewall, bearswhite lettering, or bearsmanufacturer, brand, and/ormodel name molding that ishigher or deeper than the samemoldings on the other sidewallof the tire.Passenger (P-Metric) Tire:A tire used on passenger carsand some light duty trucks andmultipurpose vehicles.Recommended InflationPressure:Vehiclemanufacturer's recommendedtire inflation pressure as shownon the tire placard. See TirePressure on page 10‑51andVehicle Load Limits onpage 9‑10.Radial Ply Tire:A pneumatictire in which the ply cords thatextend to the beads are laid at90 degrees to the centerline ofthe tread.Rim:A metal support for a tireand upon which the tire beadsare seated.Sidewall:The portion of a tirebetween the tread and the bead.
Black plate (51,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-51Speed Rating:An alphanumeric code assignedto a tire indicating the maximumspeed at which a tire canoperate.Traction:The friction betweenthe tire and the road surface.The amount of grip provided.Tread:The portion of a tire thatcomes into contact withthe road.Treadwear Indicators:Narrow bands, sometimes calledwear bars, that show across thetread of a tire when only 1.6 mm(1/16 in) of tread remains. SeeWhen It Is Time for New Tireson page 10‑59.UTQGS (Uniform Tire QualityGrading Standards):A tireinformation system that providesconsumers with ratings for atire's traction, temperature,and treadwear.Ratings are determinedby tire manufacturers usinggovernment testing procedures.The ratings are molded into thesidewall of the tire. See UniformTire Quality Grading onpage 10‑62.Vehicle Capacity Weight:The number of designatedseating positions multiplied by68 kg (150 lbs) plus the ratedcargo load. See Vehicle LoadLimits on page 9‑10.Vehicle Maximum Load on theTire:Load on an individual tiredue to curb weight, accessoryweight, occupant weight, andcargo weight.Vehicle Placard:A labelpermanently attached to avehicle showing the vehiclecapacity weight and the originalequipment tire size andrecommended inflation pressure.See “Tire and LoadingInformation Label”under VehicleLoad Limits on page 9‑10.Tire PressureTires need the correct amount ofair pressure to operateeffectively.Notice: Neither tireunderinflation noroverinflation is good.Underinflated tires, or tiresthat do not have enough air,can result in:.Tire overloading andoverheating which couldlead to a blowout..Premature orirregular wear..Poor handling..Reduced fuel economy.
Black plate (52,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-52 Vehicle CareOverinflated tires, or tires thathave too much air, canresult in:.Unusual wear..Poor handling..Rough ride..Needless damage fromroad hazards.The Tire and LoadingInformation label on the vehicleindicates the original equipmenttires and the correct cold tireinflation pressures. Therecommended pressure is theminimum air pressure needed tosupport the vehicle's maximumload carrying capacity.For additional informationregarding how much weight thevehicle can carry, and anexample of the Tire and LoadingInformation label, see VehicleLoad Limits on page 9‑10. Howthe vehicle is loaded affectsvehicle handling and ridecomfort. Never load the vehiclewith more weight than it wasdesigned to carry.When to CheckCheck the tires once a month ormore. Do not forget the compactspare tire, if the vehicle has one.The compact spare should be at420 kPa (60 psi). For additionalinformation regarding thecompact spare tire, seeCompact Spare Tire onpage 10‑89.How to CheckUse a good quality pocket-typegauge to check tire pressure.Proper tire inflation cannot bedetermined by looking at the tire.Check the tire inflation pressurewhen the tires are cold, meaningthe vehicle has not been drivenfor at least three hours or nomore than 1.6 km (1 mi).Remove the valve cap from thetire valve stem. Press the tiregauge firmly onto the valve toget a pressure measurement.If the cold tire inflation pressurematches the recommendedpressure on the Tire andLoading Information label, nofurther adjustment is necessary.If the inflation pressure is low,add air until the recommendedpressure is reached. If theinflation pressure is high, presson the metal stem in the centerof the tire valve to release air.Re‐check the tire pressure withthe tire gauge.Return the valve caps on thevalve stems to prevent leaksand keep out dirt and moisture.
Black plate (53,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-53Tire Pressure MonitorSystemThe Tire Pressure Monitor System(TPMS) uses radio and sensortechnology to check tire pressurelevels. The TPMS sensors monitorthe air pressure in your tires andtransmit tire pressure readings to areceiver located in the vehicle.Each tire, including the spare (ifprovided), should be checkedmonthly when cold and inflated tothe inflation pressure recommendedby the vehicle manufacturer on thevehicle placard or tire inflationpressure label. (If your vehicle hastires of a different size than the sizeindicated on the vehicle placard ortire inflation pressure label, youshould determine the proper tireinflation pressure for those tires.)As an added safety feature, yourvehicle has been equipped with atire pressure monitoring system(TPMS) that illuminates a low tirepressure telltale when one or moreof your tires is significantly under‐inflated.Accordingly, when the low tirepressure telltale illuminates, youshould stop and check your tires assoon as possible, and inflate themto the proper pressure. Driving on asignificantly under‐inflated tirecauses the tire to overheat and canlead to tire failure. Under‐inflationalso reduces fuel efficiency and tiretread life, and may affect thevehicle's handling and stoppingability.Please note that the TPMS is not asubstitute for proper tiremaintenance, and it is the driver'sresponsibility to maintain correct tirepressure, even if under‐inflation hasnot reached the level to triggerillumination of the TPMS low tirepressure telltale.Your vehicle has also beenequipped with a TPMS malfunctionindicator to indicate when thesystem is not operating properly.The TPMS malfunction indicator iscombined with the low tire pressuretelltale. When the system detects amalfunction, the telltale will flash forapproximately one minute and thenremain continuously illuminated.This sequence will continue uponsubsequent vehicle start‐ups aslong as the malfunction exists.When the malfunction indicator isilluminated, the system may not beable to detect or signal low tirepressure as intended. TPMSmalfunctions may occur for a varietyof reasons, including the installationof replacement or alternate tires orwheels on the vehicle that preventthe TPMS from functioning properly.Always check the TPMS malfunctiontelltale after replacing one or moretires or wheels on your vehicle toensure that the replacement oralternate tires and wheels allow theTPMS to continue to functionproperly.See Tire Pressure MonitorOperation on page 10‑54 foradditional information.
Black plate (54,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-54 Vehicle CareFederal CommunicationsCommission (FCC) Rules andwith Industry CanadaStandardsSee Radio Frequency Statement onpage 13‑20 for informationregarding Part 15 of the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC)Rules and with Industry CanadaStandards RSS-GEN/210/220/310.Tire Pressure MonitorOperationThis vehicle may have a TirePressure Monitor System (TPMS).The TPMS is designed to warn thedriver when a low tire pressurecondition exists. TPMS sensors aremounted onto each tire and wheelassembly, excluding the spare tireand wheel assembly. The TPMSsensors monitor the air pressure inthe tires and transmits the tirepressure readings to a receiverlocated in the vehicle.When a low tire pressure conditionis detected, the TPMS illuminatesthe low tire pressure warning lightlocated on the instrument cluster.If the warning light comes on, stopas soon as possible and inflate thetires to the recommended pressureshown on the tire loadinginformation label. See Vehicle LoadLimits on page 9‑10.A message to check the pressure ina specific tire displays in the DriverInformation Center (DIC). The lowtire pressure warning light and theDIC warning message come on ateach ignition cycle until the tires areinflated to the correct inflationpressure. Using the DIC, tirepressure levels can be viewed.For additional information anddetails about the DIC operation anddisplays see Driver InformationCenter (DIC) on page 5‑25.The low tire pressure warning lightmay come on in cool weather whenthe vehicle is first started, and thenturn off as the vehicle is driven. Thiscould be an early indicator that theair pressure is getting low andneeds to be inflated to the properpressure.A Tire and Loading Informationlabel, attached to your vehicle,shows the size of the originalequipment tires and the correctinflation pressure for the tires whenthey are cold. See Vehicle LoadLimits on page 9‑10, for an exampleof the Tire and Loading Informationlabel and its location. Also see TirePressure on page 10‑51.The TPMS can warn about a lowtire pressure condition but it doesnot replace normal tiremaintenance.
Black plate (55,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-55See Tire Inspection on page 10‑57,Tire Rotation on page 10‑58 andTires on page 10‑44.Notice: Tire sealant materials arenot all the same. A non-approvedtire sealant could damage theTPMS sensors. TPMS sensordamage caused by using anincorrect tire sealant is notcovered by the vehicle warranty.Always use only theGM-approved tire sealantavailable through your dealer orincluded in the vehicle.Factory-installed Tire Inflator Kitsuse a GM approved liquid tiresealant. Using non-approved tiresealants could damage the TPMSsensors. See Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit (With PressureRelief Button) on page 10‑67 or TireSealant and Compressor Kit (WithPressure Deflation Button) onpage 10‑74 for informationregarding the inflator kit materialsand instructions.TPMS Malfunction Light andMessageThe TPMS will not function properlyif one or more of the TPMS sensorsare missing or inoperable. When thesystem detects a malfunction, thelow tire warning light flashes forabout one minute and then stays onfor the remainder of the ignitioncycle. A DIC warning message alsodisplays. The malfunction light andDIC warning message come on ateach ignition cycle until the problemis corrected. Some of the conditionsthat can cause these to comeon are:.One of the road tires has beenreplaced with the spare tire.The spare tire does not have aTPMS sensor. The malfunctionlight and DIC message shouldgo off after the road tire isreplaced and the sensormatching process is performedsuccessfully. See “TPMS SensorMatching Process”later in thissection..The TPMS sensor matchingprocess was not done or notcompleted successfullyafter rotating the tires. Themalfunction light and the DICmessage should go off aftersuccessfully completing thesensor matching process.See "TPMS Sensor MatchingProcess" later in this section..One or more TPMS sensorsare missing or damaged. Themalfunction light and the DICmessage should go off when theTPMS sensors are installed andthe sensor matching process isperformed successfully. Seeyour dealer for service..Replacement tires or wheels donot match the original equipmenttires or wheels. Tires and wheelsother than those recommendedcould prevent the TPMS fromfunctioning properly. See BuyingNew Tires on page 10‑60.
Black plate (56,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-56 Vehicle Care.Operating electronic devices orbeing near facilities using radiowave frequencies similar to theTPMS could cause the TPMSsensors to malfunction.If the TPMS is not functioningproperly it cannot detect or signal alow tire condition. See your dealerfor service if the TPMS malfunctionlight and DIC message comes onand stays on.TPMS Sensor MatchingProcessEach TPMS sensor has a uniqueidentification code. The identificationcode needs to be matched to a newtire/wheel position after rotating thevehicle’s tires or replacing one ormore of the TPMS sensors. TheTPMS sensor matching processshould also be performed afterreplacing a spare tire with a roadtire containing the TPMS sensor.The malfunction light and the DICmessage should go off at the nextignition cycle. The sensors arematched to the tire/wheel positions,using a TPMS relearn tool, in thefollowing order: driver side front tire,passenger side front tire, passengerside rear tire, and driver side rear.See your dealer for service or topurchase a relearn tool.There are two minutes to matchthe first tire/wheel position, andfive minutes overall to match allfour tire/wheel positions. If it takeslonger, the matching process stopsand must be restarted.The TPMS sensor matchingprocess is:1. Set the parking brake.2. Turn the ignition to ON/RUN withthe engine off.3. Use the MENU button to selectthe Vehicle Information Menu inthe Driver InformationCenter (DIC).4. Use the thumbwheel to scroll tothe Tire Pressure Menu Itemscreen.5. Press the SET/CLR button tobegin the sensor matchingprocess.A message asking if the processshould begin should appear.6. Press the SET/CLR button againto confirm the selection.The horn sounds twice to signalthe receiver is in relearn modeand the TIRE LEARNINGACTIVE message displays onthe DIC screen.7. Start with the driver sidefront tire.8. Place the relearn tool againstthe tire sidewall, near the valvestem. Then press the button toactivate the TPMS sensor.A horn chirp confirms that thesensor identification code hasbeen matched to this tire andwheel position.9. Proceed to the passenger sidefront tire, and repeat theprocedure in Step 8.
Black plate (57,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-5710. Proceed to the passenger siderear tire, and repeat theprocedure in Step 8.11. Proceed to the driver side reartire, and repeat the procedurein Step 8. The horn sounds twotimes to indicate the sensoridentification code has beenmatched to the driver side reartire, and the TPMS sensormatching process is no longeractive. The TIRE LEARNINGACTIVE message on the DICdisplay screen goes off.12. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFF.13. Set all four tires to therecommended air pressurelevel as indicated on the Tireand Loading Information label.Tire InspectionWe recommend that the tires,including the spare tire, if thevehicle has one, be inspectedfor signs of wear or damage atleast once a month.Replace the tire if:.The indicators at three ormore places around the tirecan be seen..There is cord or fabricshowing through the tire'srubber..The tread or sidewall iscracked, cut, or snaggeddeep enough to show cord orfabric..The tire has a bump, bulge,or split..The tire has a puncture, cut,or other damage that cannotbe repaired well because ofthe size or location of thedamage.
Black plate (58,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-58 Vehicle CareTire RotationTires should be rotated every12 000 km (7,500 mi). SeeMaintenance Schedule onpage 11‑3.Tires are rotated to achieve auniform wear for all tires.The first rotation is the mostimportant.Any time unusual wear isnoticed, rotate the tires as soonas possible and check the wheelalignment. Also check fordamaged tires or wheels.See When It Is Time for NewTires on page 10‑59 and WheelReplacement on page 10‑63.Use this rotation pattern whenrotating the tires.Do not include the compactspare tire in the tire rotation.Adjust the front and rear tires tothe recommended inflationpressure on the Tire andLoading Information label afterthe tires have been rotated.See Tire Pressure onpage 10‑51 and Vehicle LoadLimits on page 9‑10.Reset the Tire Pressure MonitorSystem. See Tire PressureMonitor Operation onpage 10‑54.Check that all wheel nuts areproperly tightened. See “WheelNut Torque”under Capacitiesand Specifications onpage 12‑2.{WARNINGRust or dirt on a wheel, or on theparts to which it is fastened, canmake wheel nuts become looseafter time. The wheel could comeoff and cause an accident. Whenchanging a wheel, remove anyrust or dirt from places where thewheel attaches to the vehicle. Inan emergency, a cloth or a papertowel can be used; however, usea scraper or wire brush later toremove all rust or dirt.
Black plate (59,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-59Lightly coat the center of thewheel hub with wheel bearinggrease after a wheel change ortire rotation to prevent corrosionor rust build-up. Do not getgrease on the flat wheelmounting surface or on thewheel nuts or bolts.When It Is Time forNew TiresFactors such as maintenance,temperatures, driving speeds,vehicle loading, and roadconditions affect the wear rateof the tires.Treadwear indicators are one way totell when it is time for new tires.Treadwear indicators appear whenthe tires have only 1.6 mm (1/16 in)or less of tread remaining. See TireInspection on page 10‑57 and TireRotation on page 10‑58 for moreinformation.The rubber in tires ages over time.This also applies for the spare tire,if the vehicle has one, even if it isnever used. Multiple conditionsincluding temperatures, loadingconditions, and inflation pressuremaintenance affect how fast agingtakes place.Tires will typically need to bereplaced due to wear beforethey may need to be replaceddue to age. Consult the tiremanufacturer for more informationon when tires should be replaced.Vehicle StorageTires age when stored normallymounted on a parked vehicle. Parka vehicle that will be stored for atleast a month in a cool, dry, cleanarea away from direct sunlight toslow aging. This area should befree of grease, gasoline, or othersubstances that can deterioraterubber.Parking for an extended period cancause flat spots on the tires thatmay result in vibrations whiledriving. When storing a vehicle forat least a month, remove the tires orraise the vehicle to reduce theweight from the tires.
Black plate (60,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-60 Vehicle CareBuying New TiresGM has developed and matchedspecific tires for the vehicle. Theoriginal equipment tires installedwere designed to meet GeneralMotors Tire Performance CriteriaSpecification (TPC Spec)system rating. Whenreplacement tires are needed,GM strongly recommendsbuying tires with the sameTPC Spec rating.GM's exclusive TPC Specsystem considers over a dozencritical specifications that impactthe overall performance of thevehicle, including brake systemperformance, ride and handling,traction control, and tirepressure monitoringperformance. GM's TPC Specnumber is molded onto the tire'ssidewall near the tire size. If thetires have an all‐season treaddesign, the TPC Spec numberwill be followed by MS for mudand snow. See Tire SidewallLabeling on page 10‑46 foradditional information.GM recommends replacing allthe tires at the same time.Uniform tread depth on alltires will help to maintain theperformance of the vehicle.Braking and handlingperformance may be adverselyaffected if all the tires are notreplaced at the same time. SeeTire Inspection on page 10‑57and Tire Rotation on page 10‑58for information on proper tirerotation.{WARNINGTires could explode duringimproper service. Attempting tomount or dismount a tire couldcause injury or death. Only your(Continued)WARNING (Continued)dealer or authorized tire servicecenter should mount or dismountthe tires.{WARNINGMixing tires of different sizes,brands, or types may causeloss of control of the vehicle,resulting in a crash or othervehicle damage. Use thecorrect size, brand, and typeof tires on all wheels.{WARNINGUsing bias-ply tires on thevehicle may cause the wheelrim flanges to develop cracksafter many miles of driving.(Continued)
Black plate (61,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-61WARNING (Continued)A tire and/or wheel could failsuddenly and cause a crash.Use only radial-ply tires withthe wheels on the vehicle.If the vehicle tires must bereplaced with a tire that does nothave a TPC Spec number, makesure they are the same size,load range, speed rating, andconstruction (radial) as theoriginal tires.Vehicles that have a tirepressure monitoring systemcould give an inaccurate low‐pressure warning if non‐TPCSpec rated tires are installed.See Tire Pressure MonitorSystem on page 10‑53.The Tire and LoadingInformation label indicates theoriginal equipment tires on thevehicle. See Vehicle Load Limitson page 9‑10 for the labellocation and more informationabout the Tire and LoadingInformation label.Different Size Tires andWheelsIf wheels or tires are installed thatare a different size than the originalequipment wheels and tires, vehicleperformance, including its braking,ride and handling characteristics,stability, and resistance to rollovermay be affected. If the vehicle haselectronic systems such as antilockbrakes, rollover airbags, tractioncontrol, and electronic stabilitycontrol, the performance of thesesystems can also be affected.{WARNINGIf different sized wheels are used,there may not be an acceptablelevel of performance and safety iftires not recommended for thosewheels are selected. Thisincreases the chance of a crashand serious injury. Only use GMspecific wheel and tire systemsdeveloped for the vehicle, andhave them properly installed by aGM certified technician.See Buying New Tires onpage 10‑60 and Accessories andModifications on page 10‑3foradditional information.
Black plate (62,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-62 Vehicle CareUniform Tire QualityGradingQuality grades can be foundwhere applicable on the tiresidewall between tread shoulderand maximum section width.For example:Treadwear 200 Traction AATemperature AThe following information relatesto the system developed by theUnited States National HighwayTraffic Safety Administration(NHTSA), which grades tiresby treadwear, traction, andtemperature performance. Thisapplies only to vehicles sold inthe United States. The gradesare molded on the sidewalls ofmost passenger car tires. TheUniform Tire Quality Grading(UTQG) system does not applyto deep tread, winter-typesnow tires, space-saver, ortemporary use spare tires,tires with nominal rim diametersof 10 to 12 inches (25 to 30 cm),or to some limited-productiontires.While the tires available onGeneral Motors passenger carsand light trucks may vary withrespect to these grades, theymust also conform to federalsafety requirements andadditional General Motors TirePerformance Criteria (TPC)standards.All Passenger Car Tires MustConform to Federal SafetyRequirements In Addition ToThese Grades.TreadwearThe treadwear grade is acomparative rating based on thewear rate of the tire when testedunder controlled conditions on aspecified government testcourse. For example, a tiregraded 150 would wear one anda half (1½) times as well on thegovernment course as a tiregraded 100. The relativeperformance of tires dependsupon the actual conditions oftheir use, however, and maydepart significantly from thenorm due to variations in drivinghabits, service practices anddifferences in roadcharacteristics and climate.Traction –AA, A, B, CThe traction grades, fromhighest to lowest, are AA, A, B,and C. Those grades representthe tire's ability to stop on wetpavement as measured undercontrolled conditions onspecified government testsurfaces of asphalt andconcrete. A tire marked C mayhave poor traction performance.
Black plate (63,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-63Warning: The traction gradeassigned to this tire is based onstraight-ahead braking tractiontests, and does not includeacceleration, cornering,hydroplaning, or peak tractioncharacteristics.Temperature –A, B, CThe temperature grades are A(the highest), B, and C,representing the tire's resistanceto the generation of heat and itsability to dissipate heat whentested under controlledconditions on a specified indoorlaboratory test wheel. Sustainedhigh temperature can cause thematerial of the tire to degenerateand reduce tire life, andexcessive temperature can leadto sudden tire failure. The gradeC corresponds to a level ofperformance which allpassenger car tires must meetunder the Federal Motor SafetyStandard No. 109. Grades B andA represent higher levels ofperformance on the laboratorytest wheel than the minimumrequired by law. Warning: Thetemperature grade for this tire isestablished for a tire that isproperly inflated and notoverloaded. Excessive speed,underinflation, or excessiveloading, either separately or incombination, can cause heatbuildup and possible tire failure.Wheel Alignment and TireBalanceThe tires and wheels were alignedand balanced at the factory toprovide the longest tire life and bestoverall performance. Adjustments towheel alignment and tire balancingwill not be necessary on a regularbasis. However, check thealignment if there is unusual tirewear or if the vehicle is pulling toone side or the other.If the vehicle vibrates when drivingon a smooth road, the tires andwheels might need to berebalanced. See your dealer forproper diagnosis.Wheel ReplacementReplace any wheel that is bent,cracked, or badly rusted orcorroded. If wheel nuts keep comingloose, the wheel, wheel bolts, andwheel nuts should be replaced.If the wheel leaks air, replace it.Some aluminum wheels can berepaired. See your dealer if any ofthese conditions exist.Your dealer will know the kind ofwheel that is needed.Each new wheel should have thesame load-carrying capacity,diameter, width, offset, and bemounted the same way as theone it replaces.
Black plate (64,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-64 Vehicle CareReplace wheels, wheel bolts, wheelnuts, or Tire Pressure MonitorSystem (TPMS) sensors with newGM original equipment parts.{WARNINGUsing the wrong replacementwheels, wheel bolts, or wheelnuts can be dangerous. It couldaffect the braking and handling ofthe vehicle. Tires can lose air,and cause loss of control, causinga crash. Always use the correctwheel, wheel bolts, and wheelnuts for replacement.Notice: The wrong wheel canalso cause problems with bearinglife, brake cooling, speedometeror odometer calibration,headlamp aim, bumper height,vehicle ground clearance, and tireor tire chain clearance to thebody and chassis.See If a Tire Goes Flat onpage 10‑64 for more information.Used Replacement Wheels{WARNINGReplacing a wheel with a usedone is dangerous. How it hasbeen used or how far it has beendriven may be unknown. It couldfail suddenly and cause a crash.When replacing wheels, use anew GM original equipmentwheel.Tire Chains{WARNINGDo not use tire chains. There isnot enough clearance. Tire chainsused on a vehicle without theproper amount of clearance cancause damage to the brakes,suspension, or other vehicle(Continued)WARNING (Continued)parts. The area damaged by thetire chains could cause loss ofcontrol and a crash.Use another type of tractiondevice only if its manufacturerrecommends it for the vehicle'stire size combination and roadconditions. Follow thatmanufacturer's instructions.To avoid vehicle damage, driveslow and readjust or remove thetraction device if it contacts thevehicle. Do not spin the wheels.If traction devices are used, installthem on the front tires.If a Tire Goes FlatIt is unusual for a tire to blow out,especially if the tires are maintainedproperly. See Tires on page 10‑44.If air goes out of a tire, it is muchmore likely to leak out slowly.
Black plate (65,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-65But if there is ever a blowout, hereare a few tips about what to expectand what to do:If a front tire fails, the flat tirecreates a drag that pulls the vehicletoward that side. Take your foot offthe accelerator pedal and grip thesteering wheel firmly. Steer tomaintain lane position, and thengently brake to a stop, well off theroad, if possible.A rear blowout, particularly on acurve, acts much like a skid andmay require the same correction asused in a skid. Stop pressing theaccelerator pedal and steer tostraighten the vehicle. It may bevery bumpy and noisy. Gently braketo a stop, well off the road,if possible.{WARNINGDriving on a flat tire will causepermanent damage to the tire.Re-inflating a tire after it hasbeen driven on while severelyunderinflated or flat may cause ablowout and a serious crash.Never attempt to re-inflate a tirethat has been driven on whileseverely underinflated or flat.Have your dealer or an authorizedtire service center repair orreplace the flat tire as soonas possible.{WARNINGLifting a vehicle and gettingunder it to do maintenance orrepairs is dangerous without theappropriate safety equipment andtraining. If a jack is provided withthe vehicle, it is designed only forchanging a flat tire. If it is used foranything else, you or others couldbe badly injured or killed if thevehicle slips off the jack. If a jackis provided with the vehicle, onlyuse it for changing a flat tire.If a tire goes flat, avoid further tireand wheel damage by driving slowlyto a level place, well off the road,if possible. Turn on the hazardwarning flashers. See HazardWarning Flashers on page 6‑4.
Black plate (66,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-66 Vehicle Care{WARNINGChanging a tire can bedangerous. The vehicle can slipoff the jack and roll over or fallcausing injury or death. Find alevel place to change the tire.To help prevent the vehiclefrom moving:1. Set the parking brake firmly.2. Put an automatictransmission in P (Park) ora manual transmission in1 (First) or R (Reverse).3. Turn off the engine and donot restart while the vehicleis raised.(Continued)WARNING (Continued)4. Do not allow passengers toremain in the vehicle.5. Place wheel blocks on bothsides of the tire at theopposite corner of the tirebeing changed.This vehicle may come with a jackand spare tire or a tire sealant andcompressor kit. To use the jackingequipment to change a spare tiresafely, follow the instructions below.Then see Tire Changing onpage 10‑83. To use the tire sealantand compressor kit, see TireSealant and Compressor Kit (WithPressure Relief Button) onpage 10‑67 or Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit (With PressureDeflation Button) on page 10‑74.When the vehicle has a flat tire (B),use the following example as aguide to assist you in the placementof wheel blocks (A).A. Wheel BlockB. Flat TireThe following information explainshow to repair or change a tire.
Black plate (67,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-67Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit (WithPressure Relief Button)System IdentificationIf the vehicle has the tire sealantand compressor kit shown above,see the operating instructionsthat follow.If the vehicle has the tire sealantand compressor kit shown above,follow the operating instructionsunder "Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit (With PressureDeflation Button).{WARNINGIdling a vehicle in an enclosedarea with poor ventilation isdangerous. Engine exhaust mayenter the vehicle.(Continued)WARNING (Continued)Engine exhaust contains carbonmonoxide (CO) which cannot beseen or smelled. It can causeunconsciousness and even death.Never run the engine in anenclosed area that has no freshair ventilation. For moreinformation, see Engine Exhauston page 9‑28.{WARNINGOverinflating a tire could causethe tire to rupture and you orothers could be injured. Be sureto read and follow the tire sealantand compressor kit instructionsand inflate the tire to itsrecommended pressure.Do not exceed the recommendedpressure.
Black plate (68,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-68 Vehicle Care{WARNINGStoring the tire sealant andcompressor kit or otherequipment in the passengercompartment of the vehicle couldcause injury. In a sudden stop orcollision, loose equipment couldstrike someone. Store the tiresealant and compressor kit in itsoriginal location.If this vehicle has a tire sealant andcompressor kit, there may not bea spare tire and tire changingequipment, and on some vehiclesthere may not be a place to storea tire.The tire sealant and compressorcan be used to temporarily sealpunctures up to 6 mm (¼ in) in thetread area of the tire. It can also beused to inflate an underinflated tire.If the tire has been separated fromthe wheel, has damaged sidewalls,or has a large puncture, the tire istoo severely damaged for the tiresealant and compressor kit to beeffective. See Roadside AssistanceProgram (U.S. and Canada) onpage 13‑7or Roadside AssistanceProgram (Mexico) on page 13‑9.Read and follow all of the tiresealant and compressor kitinstructions.The kit includes:A. On/Off ButtonB. Selector Switch (Sealant/Air orAir Only)C. Pressure Relief ButtonD. Pressure GaugeE. Air Only Hose (Black)F. Sealant/Air Hose (Clear)G. Power PlugTire SealantRead and follow the safe handlinginstructions on the label adhered tothe compressor.Check the tire sealant expirationdate on the sealant canister.The sealant canister should bereplaced before its expiration date.Replacement sealant canisters areavailable at your local dealer. See“Removal and Installation of theSealant Canister”following.There is only enough sealant to sealone tire. After usage, the sealantcanister and sealant/air hoseassembly must be replaced. See“Removal and Installation of theSealant Canister”following.
Black plate (69,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-69Using the Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit to TemporarilySeal and Inflate aPunctured TireFollow the directions closely forcorrect sealant usage.When using the tire sealant andcompressor kit during coldtemperatures, warm the kit in aheated environment for five minutes.This will help to inflate the tirefaster.If a tire goes flat, avoid further tireand wheel damage by driving slowlyto a level place. Turn on the hazardwarning flashers. See HazardWarning Flashers on page 6‑4.See If a Tire Goes Flat onpage 10‑64 for other importantsafety warnings.Do not remove any objects thathave penetrated the tire.1. Remove the tire sealant andcompressor kit from its storagelocation. See Storing the TireSealant and Compressor Kit onpage 10‑82.2. Unwrap the sealant/air hose (F)and the power plug (G).3. Place the kit on the ground.Make sure the tire valve stem ispositioned close to the groundso the hose will reach it.4. Remove the valve stem cap fromthe flat tire by turning itcounterclockwise.5. Attach the sealant/air hose (F)onto the tire valve stem. Turn itclockwise until it is tight.6. Plug the power plug (G) into theaccessory power outlet in thevehicle. Unplug all items fromother accessory power outlets.See Power Outlets on page 5‑6.If the vehicle has an accessorypower outlet, do not use thecigarette lighter.If the vehicle only has a cigarettelighter, use the cigarette lighter.Do not pinch the power plugcord in the door or window.7. Start the vehicle. The vehiclemust be running while using theair compressor.
Black plate (70,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-70 Vehicle Care8. Turn the selector switch (B)clockwise to the Sealant + Airposition.9. Press the on/off button (A) toturn the tire sealant andcompressor kit on.The compressor will injectsealant and air into the tire.The pressure gauge (D) willinitially show a high pressurewhile the compressor pushes thesealant into the tire. Once thesealant is completely dispersedinto the tire, the pressure willquickly drop and start to riseagain as the tire inflates withair only.10. Inflate the tire to therecommended inflationpressure using the pressuregauge (D). The recommendedinflation pressure can be foundon the Tire and LoadingInformation label. See TirePressure on page 10‑51.The pressure gauge (D) mayread higher than the actual tirepressure while the compressoris on. Turn the compressor offto get an accurate pressurereading. The compressor maybe turned on/off until thecorrect pressure is reached.Notice: If the recommendedpressure cannot be reached afterapproximately 25 minutes, thevehicle should not be drivenfarther. The tire is too severelydamaged and the tire sealant andcompressor kit cannot inflate thetire. Remove the power plug fromthe accessory power outlet andunscrew the inflating hose fromthe tire valve. See RoadsideAssistance Program (U.S. andCanada) on page 13‑7orRoadside Assistance Program(Mexico) on page 13‑9.11. Press the on/off button (A) toturn the tire sealant andcompressor kit off.The tire is not sealed and willcontinue to leak air until thevehicle is driven and thesealant is distributed in the tire;therefore, Steps 12 through18 must be done immediatelyafter Step 11.Be careful while handling thetire sealant and compressor kitas it could be warm afterusage.12. Unplug the power plug (G) fromthe accessory power outlet inthe vehicle.13. Turn the sealant/air hose (F)counterclockwise to remove itfrom the tire valve stem.14. Replace the tire valvestem cap.15. Return the sealant/air hose (F)and the power plug (G) back intheir original locations.
Black plate (71,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-7116. If the flat tire was able to inflateto the recommended inflationpressure, remove themaximum speed label from thesealant canister and place it ina highly visible location. Do notexceed the speed on this labeluntil the damaged tire isrepaired or replaced.17. Return the equipment to itsoriginal storage location inthe vehicle.18. Immediately drive the vehicle8 km (5 mi) to distribute thesealant in the tire.19. Stop at a safe location andcheck the tire pressure.Refer to Steps 1 through 11under “Using the Tire Sealantand Compressor Kit withoutSealant to Inflate a Tire(Not Punctured).”If the tire pressure has fallenmore than 68 kPa (10 psi)below the recommendedinflation pressure, stop drivingthe vehicle. The tire is tooseverely damaged and the tiresealant cannot seal the tire.See Roadside AssistanceProgram (U.S. and Canada) onpage 13‑7or RoadsideAssistance Program (Mexico)on page 13‑9.If the tire pressure has notdropped more than 68 kPa(10 psi) from the recommendedinflation pressure, use thecompressor kit to inflate the tireto the recommended inflationpressure.20. Wipe off any sealant from thewheel, tire, and vehicle.21. Dispose of the used sealantcanister and sealant/airhose (F) assembly at a localdealer or in accordance withlocal state codes and practices.22. Replace it with a new canisteravailable from your dealer.23. After temporarily sealing atire using the tire sealant andcompressor kit, take thevehicle to an authorized dealerwithin 161 km (100 mi) ofdriving to have the tire repairedor replaced.
Black plate (72,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-72 Vehicle CareUsing the Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit withoutSealant to Inflate a Tire(Not Punctured)To use the air compressor to inflatea tire with air only and not sealant:If a tire goes flat, avoid further tireand wheel damage by driving slowlyto a level place. Turn on the hazardwarning flashers. See HazardWarning Flashers on page 6‑4.See If a Tire Goes Flat onpage 10‑64 for other importantsafety warnings.1. Remove the tire sealant andcompressor kit from its storagelocation. See Storing the TireSealant and Compressor Kit onpage 10‑82.2. Unwrap the air only hose (E)and the power plug (G).3. Place the kit on the ground.Make sure the tire valve stem ispositioned close to the groundso the hose will reach it.4. Remove the tire valve stem capfrom the flat tire by turning itcounterclockwise.5. Attach the air only hose (E) ontothe tire valve stem by turning itclockwise until it is tight.6. Plug the power plug (G) into theaccessory power outlet in thevehicle. Unplug all items fromother accessory power outlets.See Power Outlets on page 5‑6.If the vehicle has an accessorypower outlet, do not use thecigarette lighter.If the vehicle only has a cigarettelighter, use the cigarette lighter.Do not pinch the power plugcord in the door or window.
Black plate (73,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-737. Start the vehicle. The vehiclemust be running while using theair compressor.8. Turn the selector switch (B)counterclockwise to the Air Onlyposition.9. Press the on/off button (A) toturn the compressor on.The compressor will inflate thetire with air only.10. Inflate the tire to therecommended inflationpressure using the pressuregauge (D). The recommendedinflation pressure can be foundon the Tire and LoadingInformation label. See TirePressure on page 10‑51.The pressure gauge (D) mayread higher than the actualtire pressure while thecompressor is on. Turn thecompressor off to get anaccurate reading.The compressor may be turnedon/off until the correct pressureis reached. If the tire is inflatedhigher than the recommendedpressure, press the pressurerelief button (C), if equipped,until the proper pressurereading is reached. This optionis only functional when usingthe air only hose (E).11. Press the on/off button (A) toturn the tire sealant andcompressor kit off.Be careful while handling thetire sealant and compressor kitas it could be warm afterusage.12. Unplug the power plug (G) fromthe accessory power outlet inthe vehicle.13. Disconnect the air onlyhose (E) from the tirevalve stem, by turning itcounterclockwise, and replacethe tire valve stem cap.14. Return the air only hose (E)and the power plug (G) back totheir original locations.15. Return the equipment to itsoriginal storage location inthe vehicle.
Black plate (74,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-74 Vehicle CareRemoval and Installation of theSealant CanisterTo remove the sealant canister:1. Remove the plastic cover.2. Unscrew the connector (B) fromthe canister (A).3. Pull up on the canister (A) toremove it.4. Replace with a new canisterwhich is available from yourdealer.5. Push the new canister intoplace.6. Screw the connector (B) to thecanister (A).7. Slide the plastic cover back on.Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit (WithPressure DeflationButton)System IdentificationIf the vehicle has the tire sealantand compressor kit shown above,see the operating instructionsthat follow.If the vehicle has the tire sealantand compressor kit shown above,follow the operating instructionsunder "Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit (With PressureRelief Button).
Black plate (75,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-75{WARNINGIdling a vehicle in an enclosedarea with poor ventilation isdangerous. Engine exhaust mayenter the vehicle. Engine exhaustcontains carbon monoxide (CO)which cannot be seen or smelled.It can cause unconsciousnessand even death. Never run theengine in an enclosed area thathas no fresh air ventilation. Formore information, see EngineExhaust on page 9‑28.{WARNINGOverinflating a tire could causethe tire to rupture and you orothers could be injured. Be sureto read and follow the tire sealantand compressor kit instructionsand inflate the tire to its(Continued)WARNING (Continued)recommended pressure. Do notexceed the recommendedpressure.{WARNINGStoring the tire sealant andcompressor kit or otherequipment in the passengercompartment of the vehicle couldcause injury. In a sudden stop orcollision, loose equipment couldstrike someone. Store the tiresealant and compressor kit in itsoriginal location.If this vehicle has a tire sealant andcompressor kit, there may not be aspare tire and tire changingequipment, and on some vehiclesthere may not be a place to storea tire.The tire sealant and compressorcan be used to temporarily sealpunctures up to 6 mm (¼ in) in thetread area of the tire. It can also beused to inflate an underinflated tire.If the tire has been separated fromthe wheel, has damaged sidewalls,or has a large puncture, the tire istoo severely damaged for the tiresealant and compressor kit to beeffective. See Roadside AssistanceProgram (U.S. and Canada) onpage 13‑7or Roadside AssistanceProgram (Mexico) on page 13‑9.Read and follow all of the tiresealant and compressor kitinstructions.
Black plate (76,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-76 Vehicle CareThe kit includes: A. Selector Switch (Sealant/Air orAir Only)B. On/Off ButtonC. Pressure GaugeD. Pressure Deflation Button(If equipped)E. Tire Sealant CanisterF. Sealant/Air Hose (Clear)G. Air Only Hose (Black)H. Power PlugTire SealantRead and follow the safe handlinginstructions on the label adhered tothe sealant canister.Check the tire sealant expirationdate on the sealant canister.The sealant canister should bereplaced before its expiration date.Replacement sealant canisters areavailable at your local dealer. See“Removal and Installation of theSealant Canister”following.There is only enough sealant to sealone tire. After usage, the sealantcanister and sealant/air hoseassembly must be replaced. See“Removal and Installation of theSealant Canister”following.Using the Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit to TemporarilySeal and Inflate aPunctured TireFollow the directions closely forcorrect sealant usage.
Black plate (77,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-77When using the tire sealant andcompressor kit during coldtemperatures, warm the kit in aheated environment for five minutes.This will help to inflate the tirefaster.If a tire goes flat, avoid further tireand wheel damage by driving slowlyto a level place. Turn on the hazardwarning flashers. See HazardWarning Flashers on page 6‑4.See If a Tire Goes Flat onpage 10‑64 for other importantsafety warnings.Do not remove any objects thathave penetrated the tire.1. Remove the tire sealant andcompressor kit from its storagelocation. See Storing the TireSealant and Compressor Kit onpage 10‑82.2. Unwrap the sealant/air hose (F)and the power plug (H).3. Place the kit on the ground.Make sure the tire valve stem ispositioned close to the groundso the hose will reach it.4. Remove the valve stem capfrom the flat tire by turning itcounterclockwise.5. Attach the sealant/air hose (F)onto the tire valve stem. Turn itclockwise until it is tight.6. Plug the power plug (H) into theaccessory power outlet in thevehicle. Unplug all items fromother accessory power outlets.See Power Outlets on page 5‑6.If the vehicle has an accessorypower outlet, do not use thecigarette lighter.If the vehicle only has a cigarettelighter, use the cigarette lighter.Do not pinch the power plugcord in the door or window.7. Start the vehicle. The vehiclemust be running while usingthe air compressor.8. Turn the selector switch (A)counterclockwise to theSealant + Air position.
Black plate (78,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-78 Vehicle Care9. Press the on/off button (B) toturn the tire sealant andcompressor kit on.The compressor will injectsealant and air into the tire.The pressure gauge (C) willinitially show a high pressurewhile the compressor pushes thesealant into the tire. Once thesealant is completely dispersedinto the tire, the pressure willquickly drop and start to riseagain as the tire inflates withair only.10. Inflate the tire to therecommended inflationpressure using the pressuregauge (C). The recommendedinflation pressure can be foundon the Tire and LoadingInformation label. See TirePressure on page 10‑51.The pressure gauge (C) mayread higher than the actualtire pressure while thecompressor is on.Turn the compressor off to getan accurate pressure reading.The compressor may be turnedon/off until the correct pressureis reached.Notice: If the recommendedpressure cannot be reached afterapproximately 25 minutes, thevehicle should not be drivenfarther. The tire is too severelydamaged and the tire sealant andcompressor kit cannot inflate thetire. Remove the power plug fromthe accessory power outlet andunscrew the inflating hose fromthe tire valve. See RoadsideAssistance Program (U.S. andCanada) on page 13‑7orRoadside Assistance Program(Mexico) on page 13‑9.11. Press the on/off button (B) toturn the tire sealant andcompressor kit off.The tire is not sealed and willcontinue to leak air until thevehicle is driven and thesealant is distributed in the tire;therefore, Steps 12 through18 must be done immediatelyafter Step 11.Be careful while handling thetire sealant and compressor kitas it could be warm afterusage.12. Unplug the power plug (H) fromthe accessory power outlet inthe vehicle.13. Turn the sealant/air hose (F)counterclockwise to remove itfrom the tire valve stem.14. Replace the tire valvestem cap.15. Replace the sealant/airhose (F), and the powerplug (H) back in theiroriginal location.
Black plate (79,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-7916. If the flat tire was able to inflateto the recommended inflationpressure, remove themaximum speed label from thesealant canister (E) and placeit in a highly visible location.Do not exceed the speed onthis label until the damaged tireis repaired or replaced.17. Return the equipment to itsoriginal storage location inthe vehicle.18. Immediately drive the vehicle8 km (5 mi) to distribute thesealant in the tire.19. Stop at a safe location andcheck the tire pressure.Refer to Steps 1 through 11under “Using the Tire Sealantand Compressor Kit withoutSealant to Inflate a Tire(Not Punctured).”If the tire pressure has fallenmore than 68 kPa (10 psi)below the recommendedinflation pressure, stop drivingthe vehicle. The tire is tooseverely damaged and the tiresealant cannot seal the tire.See Roadside AssistanceProgram (U.S. and Canada) onpage 13‑7or RoadsideAssistance Program (Mexico)on page 13‑9.If the tire pressure has notdropped more than 68 kPa(10 psi) from the recommendedinflation pressure, inflate thetire to the recommendedinflation pressure.20. Wipe off any sealant from thewheel, tire, and vehicle.21. Dispose of the used sealantcanister (E) and sealant/airhose (F) assembly at a localdealer or in accordance withlocal state codes and practices.22. Replace it with a new canisteravailable from your dealer.23. After temporarily sealing a tireusing the tire sealant andcompressor kit, take thevehicle to an authorized dealerwithin a 161 km (100 mi) ofdriving to have the tire repairedor replaced.
Black plate (80,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-80 Vehicle CareUsing the Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit withoutSealant to Inflate a Tire(Not Punctured)To use the air compressor to inflatea tire with air only and not sealant:If a tire goes flat, avoid further tireand wheel damage by driving slowlyto a level place. Turn on the hazardwarning flashers. See HazardWarning Flashers on page 6‑4.See If a Tire Goes Flat onpage 10‑64 for other importantsafety warnings.1. Remove the tire sealant andcompressor kit from its storagelocation. See Storing the TireSealant and Compressor Kit onpage 10‑82.2. Unwrap the air only hose (G)and the power plug (H).3. Place the kit on the ground.Make sure the tire valve stem ispositioned close to the groundso the hose will reach it.4. Remove the tire valve stem capfrom the flat tire by turning itcounterclockwise.5. Attach the air only hose (G) ontothe tire valve stem by turning itclockwise until it is tight.
Black plate (81,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-816. Plug the power plug (H) into theaccessory power outlet in thevehicle. Unplug all items fromother accessory power outlets.See Power Outlets on page 5‑6.If the vehicle has an accessorypower outlet, do not use thecigarette lighter.If the vehicle only has a cigarettelighter, use the cigarette lighter.Do not pinch the power plugcord in the door or window.7. Start the vehicle. The vehiclemust be running while using theair compressor.8. Turn the selector switch (A)clockwise to the Air Onlyposition.9. Press the on/off button (B) toturn the compressor on.The compressor will inflate thetire with air only.10. Inflate the tire to therecommended inflationpressure using the pressuregauge (C). The recommendedinflation pressure can be foundon the Tire and LoadingInformation label. See TirePressure on page 10‑51.The pressure gauge (C) mayread higher than the actual tirepressure while the compressoris on. Turn the compressor offto get an accurate reading. Thecompressor may be turned on/off until the correct pressure isreached.If you inflate the tire higherthan the recommendedpressure you can adjust theexcess pressure by pressingthe pressure deflationbutton (D), if equipped, untilthe proper pressure reading isreached. This option is onlyfunctional when using the aironly hose (G).11. Press the on/off button (B) toturn the tire sealant andcompressor kit off.Be careful while handling thetire sealant and compressor kitas it could be warm afterusage.12. Unplug the power plug (H) fromthe accessory power outlet inthe vehicle.13. Disconnect the air only hose(G) from the tire valve stem byturning it counterclockwise, andreplace the tire valve stem cap.14. Replace the air only hose (G)and the power plug (H) andcord back in their originallocations.15. Place the equipment in theoriginal storage location inthe vehicle.
Black plate (82,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-82 Vehicle CareThe tire sealant and compressor kithas an accessory adapter located ina compartment on the bottom of itshousing that may be used to inflateair mattresses, balls, etc.Removal and Installation of theSealant CanisterTo remove the sealant canister:1. Unwrap the sealant hose.2. Press the canister releasebutton.3. Pull up and remove the canister.4. Replace with a new canisterwhich is available from yourdealer.5. Push the new canister intoplace.Storing the Tire Sealantand Compressor KitTo access the tire sealant andcompressor kit:1. Open the trunk. See Trunk onpage 2‑12.2. Lift the cover.With Pressure Relief ButtonWith Pressure Deflation Button
Black plate (83,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-833. Turn the wing nutcounterclockwise to remove it.4. Remove the tire sealant andcompressor kit.To store the tire sealant andcompressor kit, reverse the steps.Tire ChangingRemoving the Spare Tire andToolsThe equipment you need is locatedin the trunk.1. Open the trunk.2. Remove the spare tire cover.3. Turn the retainer nutcounterclockwise and removethe spare tire.4. Place the spare tire next to thetire being changed.A. ScrewdriverB. Tow Hook (If Equipped)C. JackD. Wrench (In Bag)E. Trim Removal (If Equipped)F. Fastener (If Equipped)The jack and tools are stored belowthe spare tire.Place the tools next to the tire beingchanged.
Black plate (84,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-84 Vehicle CareRemoving the Flat Tire andInstalling the Spare Tire1. Do a safety check beforeproceeding. See If a Tire GoesFlat on page 10‑64 for moreinformation.2. Turn the wheel wrenchcounterclockwise to loosen thewheel nut caps.If needed, finish loosening themby hand. The nut caps will notcome off of the wheel cover.The edge of the wheel covercould be sharp, so do not try toremove the cover with your barehands. Do not drop the cap orlay it face down, as it couldbecome scratched or damaged.Store the wheel cover in thetrunk until you have the flat tirerepaired or replaced.3. Turn the wheel wrenchcounterclockwise to loosen all ofthe wheel nuts, but do notremove them yet.Notice: Make sure that the jacklift head is in the correct positionor you may damage your vehicle.The repairs would not be coveredby your warranty.4. Position the jack head, asshown.Set the jack to the necessaryheight before positioning it belowthe jacking point.5. Attach the jack lift assist tool tothe jack by fitting both ends ofthe jack and tool over oneanother.
Black plate (85,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-85{WARNINGGetting under a vehicle when it isjacked up is dangerous. If thevehicle slips off the jack, youcould be badly injured or killed.Never get under a vehicle when itis supported only by a jack.{WARNINGRaising the vehicle with the jackimproperly positioned candamage the vehicle and evenmake the vehicle fall. To helpavoid personal injury and vehicledamage, be sure to fit the jack lifthead into the proper locationbefore raising the vehicle.{WARNINGLifting a vehicle and getting underit to do maintenance or repairs isdangerous without theappropriate safety equipment andtraining. If a jack is provided withthe vehicle, it is designed only forchanging a flat tire. If it is used foranything else, you or others couldbe badly injured or killed if thevehicle slips off the jack. If a jackis provided with the vehicle, onlyuse it for changing a flat tire.6. Turn the jack handle clockwiseto raise the vehicle far enoughoff the ground for the compactspare to fit under the vehicle.
Black plate (86,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-86 Vehicle Care7. Remove all of the wheel nuts.8. Remove the flat tire.{WARNINGRust or dirt on a wheel, or on theparts to which it is fastened, canmake wheel nuts become looseafter time. The wheel could comeoff and cause an accident. Whenchanging a wheel, remove anyrust or dirt from places where thewheel attaches to the vehicle.(Continued)WARNING (Continued)In an emergency, a cloth or apaper towel can be used;however, use a scraper orwire brush later to remove allrust or dirt.9. Remove any rust or dirt from thewheel bolts, mounting surfaces,and spare wheel.10. Install the compact spare tire.{WARNINGNever use oil or grease on boltsor nuts because the nuts mightcome loose. The vehicle's wheelcould fall off, causing a crash.11. Put the wheel nuts back onwith the rounded end of thenuts toward the wheel. Turneach nut clockwise by handuntil the wheel is held againstthe hub.12. Lower the vehicle byturning the jack handlecounterclockwise.Lower the jack completely.{WARNINGWheel nuts that are improperly orincorrectly tightened can causethe wheels to become loose orcome off. The wheel nuts shouldbe tightened with a torque wrench(Continued)
Black plate (87,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-87WARNING (Continued)to the proper torque specificationafter replacing. Follow the torquespecification supplied by theaftermarket manufacturer whenusing accessory locking wheelnuts. See Capacities andSpecifications on page 12‑2fororiginal equipment wheel nuttorque specifications.Notice: Improperly tightenedwheel nuts can lead to brakepulsation and rotor damage. Toavoid expensive brake repairs,evenly tighten the wheel nuts inthe proper sequence and to theproper torque specification. SeeCapacities and Specifications onpage 12‑2for the wheel nuttorque specification.13. Tighten the wheel nuts firmly ina crisscross sequence, asshown.14. Lower the jack all the way andremove the jack from under thevehicle.15. Tighten the wheel nuts firmlywith the wheel wrench.Notice: Wheel covers will not fiton the vehicle's compact spare.If you try to put a wheel cover onthe compact spare, the cover orthe spare could be damaged.Storing a Flat or Spare Tireand Tools{WARNINGStoring a jack, a tire, or otherequipment in the passengercompartment of the vehicle couldcause injury. In a sudden stop orcollision, loose equipment couldstrike someone. Store all these inthe proper place.Store the spare or flat tire in one ofthe ways shown below. Storageinstructions will vary depending onthe bolt that came with the vehicleand how it attaches to the vehicle.This vehicle will have a slide infastener or a screw in fastener.
Black plate (88,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-88 Vehicle CareStoring a Flat or Spare Tire andTools With a Screw in Fastener1. Turn the wrenchcounterclockwise to removethe fastener.2. Replace the fastener with theone provided in the foam.3. Turn the wrench clockwise totighten the fastener.4. Replace the foam, jack andtools, and the tire.5. Turn the retainer nut clockwiseto secure the tire.6. Place the floor cover onthe wheel.Storing a Flat or Spare Tire andTools With a Slide In Fastener1. If the flat tire is larger than thespare tire, use the longermounting bolt.2. Slide the shorter bolt to removeit from the floor and insert thelonger one.3. Replace the jack and tools intheir original storage location.4. Place the tire, lying flat, facingup in the spare tire well.5. Turn the retainer nut clockwiseto secure the tire.6. Place the floor cover on thewheel.The compact spare is for temporaryuse only. Replace the compactspare tire with a full-size tire assoon as you can.
Black plate (89,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-89Compact Spare Tire{WARNINGDriving with more than onecompact spare tire at a time couldresult in loss of braking andhandling. This could lead to acrash and you or others could beinjured. Use only one compactspare tire at a time.If this vehicle has a compact sparetire, it was fully inflated when thevehicle was new; however, it canlose air after a time. Check theinflation pressure regularly.It should be 420 kPa (60 psi).After installing the compact spareon the vehicle, stop as soon aspossible and make sure the sparetire is correctly inflated. Thecompact spare is made to performwell at speeds up to 105 km/h(65 mph) for distances up to5 000 km (3,000 mi), so you canfinish your trip and have the full-sizetire repaired or replaced at yourconvenience. Of course, it is best toreplace the spare with a full-size tireas soon as possible. The spare tirewill last longer and be in goodshape in case it is needed again.Notice: When the compact spareis installed, do not take thevehicle through an automatic carwash with guide rails. Thecompact spare can get caught onthe rails which can damage thetire, wheel, and other parts ofthe vehicle.Do not use the compact spare onother vehicles.Do not mix the compact spare tire orwheel with other wheels or tires.They will not fit. Keep the spare tireand its wheel together.Notice: Tire chains will not fit thecompact spare. Using them candamage the vehicle and candamage the chains too.Do not use tire chains on thecompact spare.
Black plate (90,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-90 Vehicle CareJump StartingJump Starting(with or without eAssist)For more information about thevehicle battery, see Battery onpage 10‑25.If the battery has run down, try touse another vehicle and somejumper cables to start your vehicle.Be sure to use the following steps todo it safely.{WARNINGBatteries can hurt you.They can be dangerous because:.They contain acid that canburn you..They contain gas that canexplode or ignite..They contain enoughelectricity to burn you.If you do not follow these stepsexactly, some or all of thesethings can hurt you.Notice: Ignoring these stepscould result in costly damage tothe vehicle that would not becovered by the warranty.Trying to start the vehicle bypushing or pulling it will notwork, and it could damagethe vehicle.The jump start positive is locatedunder a trim cover in the enginecompartment on the driver side ofthe vehicle.
Black plate (91,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-91This post (A) is used instead of adirect connection to the battery.1. Check the other vehicle. It musthave a 12-volt battery with anegative ground system.Notice: Only use a vehicle thathas a 12-volt system with anegative ground for jumpstarting. If the other vehicle doesnot have a 12-volt system with anegative ground, both vehiclescan be damaged.2. Position the two vehicles so thatthey are not touching.3. Set the parking brake firmly andput the shift lever in P (Park).See Shifting Into Park onpage 9‑25.Notice: If any accessories areleft on or plugged in during thejump starting procedure, theycould be damaged. The repairswould not be covered by thevehicle warranty. Wheneverpossible, turn off or unplug allaccessories on either vehiclewhen jump starting the vehicle.4. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFFand switch off all lights andaccessories in both vehicles,except the hazard warningflashers if needed.{WARNINGAn electric fan can start up evenwhen the engine is not runningand can injure you. Keep hands,clothing and tools away from anyunderhood electric fan.{WARNINGUsing a match near a battery cancause battery gas to explode.People have been hurt doing this,and some have been blinded.Use a flashlight if you needmore light.Be sure the battery has enoughwater. You do not need to addwater to the battery installed inyour new vehicle. But if a batteryhas filler caps, be sure the rightamount of fluid is there. If it is low,add water to take care of thatfirst. If you don't, explosive gascould be present.Battery fluid contains acid thatcan burn you. Do not get it onyou. If you accidentally get it inyour eyes or on your skin, flushthe place with water and getmedical help immediately.
Black plate (92,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-92 Vehicle Care{WARNINGFans or other moving engineparts can injure you badly. Keepyour hands away from movingparts once the engine is running.5. Connect one end of the redpositive (+) cable to the jumpstart positive (+) post (A). Use aremote positive (+) terminal if thevehicle has one.6. Do not let the other end of thered positive (+) cable touchmetal. Connect it to thepositive (+) terminal of thegood battery (B). Use a remotepositive (+) terminal if the vehiclehas one.7. Connect one end of the blacknegative (–) cable to thenegative (–) terminal of thegood battery (C). Use a remotenegative (−) terminal if thevehicle has one.Do not let the other end touchanything until the next step. Theother end of the negative (–)cable does not go to the deadbattery. It goes to a heavy,unpainted metal engine part orto a remote negative (–) terminalon the vehicle with the deadbattery.8. Connect the other end of theblack negative (–) cable to anunpainted heavy metal enginepart (D) away from the deadbattery, but not near engineparts that move.9. Start the engine in the vehiclewith the good battery and runthe engine at idle speed for atleast four minutes.10. Try to start the vehicle that hadthe dead battery. If it will notstart after a few tries, itprobably needs service.Notice: If the jumper cables areconnected or removed in thewrong order, electrical shortingmay occur and damage thevehicle. The repairs would not becovered by the vehicle warranty.Always connect and remove thejumper cables in the correctorder, making sure that thecables do not touch each otheror other metal.
Black plate (93,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-93Jumper Cable RemovalA. Heavy, Unpainted Metal EnginePart or Remote Negative (–)TerminalB. Good Battery or RemotePositive (+) and RemoteNegative (–) TerminalsC. Dead Battery or RemotePositive (+) TerminalTo disconnect the jumper cablesfrom both vehicles:1. Disconnect the blacknegative (−) cable from thevehicle that had the deadbattery.2. Disconnect the blacknegative (−) cable from thevehicle with the good battery.3. Disconnect the red positive (+)cable from the vehicle with thegood battery.4. Disconnect the red positive (+)cable from the other vehicle.5. Return the caps over thepositive (+) and negative (–)terminals to their originalpositions.Jump Starting (On-boardwith eAssist Only)If the vehicle fails to crank and thereis no other vehicle available for ajump start, it may also be jumpstarted by using the eAssist batteryto charge the 12-volt battery. Usethe following procedure to activatethe on‐board jump start using theDIC controls.
Black plate (94,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-94 Vehicle CareDIC ButtonsA. SET/CLRB. w x (Thumbwheel)C. MENUWith the ignition key in the runposition, proceed as follows:1. Press MENU (C) on the turnsignal lever until VehicleInformation Menu is displayed.Use w x (Thumbwheel) (B) toscroll through the menu itemsuntil Jump Start is displayed.2. Press SET/CLR (A) to activatethe jump start.3. The system will then ask forconfirmation. If yes is selected,the jump start will begin and thedisplay will show JUMP STARTACTIVE, WAIT TO START.4. When the jump start is complete,the display will show JUMPSTART COMPLETE.ATTEMPT START.If the vehicle is started, the on‐board jump start function will beautomatically disabled. If the vehiclecranks but does not start, theprocedure may be repeated again.If the vehicle start is stillunsuccessful, the jump start can beattempted using the previous jumpstarting procedure under “JumpStarting (with or without eAssist).”On‐board jump starting may beunavailable due to the 12-voltbattery charge level, the eAssistbattery charge level, powercapability, or an issue with theeAssist system. In these cases, thedisplay will not be available becauseof the power issue, or the DIC willdisplay JUMP START DISABLED.SEE OWNERS MANUAL.TowingTowing the VehicleNotice: To avoid damage, thedisabled vehicle should betowed with all four wheels off theground. Care must be taken withvehicles that have low groundclearance and/or specialequipment. Always flatbedon a car carrier.Consult your dealer or aprofessional towing service if thedisabled vehicle must be towed.See Roadside Assistance Program(U.S. and Canada) on page 13‑7orRoadside Assistance Program(Mexico) on page 13‑9.To tow the vehicle behind anothervehicle for recreational purposes,such as behind a motor home, see“Recreational Vehicle Towing”inthis section.
Black plate (95,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-95Recreational VehicleTowingRecreational vehicle towing meanstowing the vehicle behind anothervehicle such as a motor home.The two most common types ofrecreational vehicle towing areknown as dinghy towing and dollytowing. Dinghy towing is towing thevehicle with all four wheels on theground. Dolly towing is towing thevehicle with two wheels on theground and two wheels up on adevice known as a dolly.Here are some important thingsto consider before recreationalvehicle towing:.What is the towing capacity ofthe towing vehicle? Be sure toread the tow vehiclemanufacturer'srecommendations..What is the distance that will betraveled? Some vehicles haverestrictions on how far and howlong they can tow..Is the proper towing equipmentgoing to be used? See yourdealer or trailering professionalfor additional advice andequipment recommendations..Is the vehicle ready to betowed? Just as preparing thevehicle for a long trip, make surethe vehicle is prepared to betowed.Dinghy Towing from the FrontWhen dinghy towing, the vehicleshould be run at the beginning ofeach day and at each RV fuel stopfor about five minutes. This willensure proper lubrication oftransmission components.Use the following procedure todinghy tow the vehicle from the frontwith all four wheels on the ground:1. Position the vehicle being towedbehind the tow vehicle and shiftthe transmission to P (Park).2. Turn the engine off and firmly setthe parking brake.3. Following the manufacturer'sinstructions, securely attach thevehicle being towed to thetow vehicle.
Black plate (96,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-96 Vehicle Care4. Turn the ignition to ACC/ACCESSORY and shift thetransmission to N (Neutral). SeeIgnition Positions (Key Access)on page 9‑16 or IgnitionPositions (Keyless Access) onpage 9‑18.5. Release the parking brake onlyafter the vehicle being towed isfirmly attached to the towingvehicle.When towing the vehicle forextended periods of time, start thevehicle as often as possible toprevent battery drain. This shouldbe done when the tow vehicle isparked.Dinghy Towing from the RearThe vehicle was not designed to betowed from the rear with all fourwheels on the ground.Dolly Towing from the Front(Front-Wheel Drive)Vehicles with front-wheel drive canbe dolly towed from the front.Use the following procedure todolly tow the vehicle from the front:1. Attach the dolly to the towvehicle following the dollymanufacturer's instructions.2. Drive the front wheels ontothe dolly.3. Shift the transmission toP (Park).
Black plate (97,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-974. Firmly set the parking brake.5. Use an adequate clampingdevice designed for towing toensure that the front wheels arelocked into the straight-aheadposition.6. Secure the vehicle to the dollyfollowing the manufacturer'sinstructions.7. Release the parking brake onlyafter the vehicle being towed isfirmly attached to the towingvehicle.8. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFF.Dolly Towing from the Front(All-Wheel Drive)Vehicles with all-wheel drive cannotbe dolly towed.Dolly Towing from the RearThe vehicle cannot be dolly towedfrom the rear.
Black plate (98,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-98 Vehicle CareAppearance CareExterior CareWashing the VehicleTo preserve the vehicle's finish,wash it often and out of directsunlight.Notice: Do not use petroleumbased, acidic, or abrasivecleaning agents as they candamage the vehicle's paint, metal,or plastic parts. If damageoccurs, it would not be coveredby the vehicle's warranty.Approved cleaning products canbe obtained from your dealer.Follow all manufacturerdirections regarding correctproduct usage, necessary safetyprecautions, and appropriatedisposal of any vehicle careproduct.Notice: Avoid using highpressure washes closer than30 cm (12 in) to the surface of thevehicle. Use of power washersexceeding 8,274 kPa (1,200 psi)can result in damage or removalof paint and decals.Rinse the vehicle well, beforewashing and after, to remove allcleaning agents completely. If theyare allowed to dry on the surface,they could stain.Dry the finish with a soft, cleanchamois or an all-cotton towel toavoid surface scratches and waterspotting.Finish CareOccasional hand waxing or mildpolishing should be done to removeresidue from the paint finish. Seeyour dealer for approved cleaningproducts.Notice: Machine compoundingor aggressive polishing on abasecoat/clearcoat paint finishmay damage it. Use onlynon-abrasive waxes and polishesthat are made for a basecoat/clearcoat paint finish on thevehicle.Foreign materials such as calciumchloride and other salts, ice meltingagents, road oil and tar, tree sap,bird droppings, chemicals fromindustrial chimneys, etc., candamage the vehicle's finish if theyremain on painted surfaces. Washthe vehicle as soon as possible.If necessary, use non-abrasivecleaners that are marked safefor painted surfaces to removeforeign matter.To keep the paint finish looking new,keep the vehicle garaged orcovered whenever possible.Protecting Exterior Bright MetalPartsRegularly clean bright metal partswith water or chrome polish onchrome or stainless steel trim,if necessary.For aluminum, never use auto orchrome polish, steam, or causticsoap to clean. A coating ofwax, rubbed to a high polish,is recommended for all brightmetal parts.
Black plate (99,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-99Cleaning Exterior Lamps/Lenses and EmblemsUse only lukewarm or cold water, asoft cloth, and a car washing soapto clean exterior lamps and lenses.Follow instructions under "Washingthe Vehicle" later in this section.Windshield and Wiper BladesClean the outside of the windshieldwith glass cleaner.Clean rubber blades using a lint-freecloth or paper towel soaked withwindshield washer fluid or a milddetergent. Wash the windshieldthoroughly when cleaning theblades. Bugs, road grime, sap, anda buildup of vehicle wash/waxtreatments may cause wiperstreaking.Replace the wiper blades if they areworn or damaged. Damage can becaused by extreme dustyconditions, sand, salt, heat, sun,snow, and ice.WeatherstripsApply silicone grease onweatherstrips to make them lastlonger, seal better, and not stick orsqueak. See Recommended Fluidsand Lubricants on page 11‑14TiresUse a stiff brush with tire cleaner toclean the tires.Notice: Using petroleum-basedtire dressing products on thevehicle may damage the paintfinish and/or tires. When applyinga tire dressing, always wipe offany overspray from all paintedsurfaces on the vehicle.Wheels and Trim —Aluminumor ChromeUse a soft, clean cloth with mildsoap and water to clean the wheels.After rinsing thoroughly with cleanwater, dry with a soft, clean towel.A wax may then be applied.Keep the wheels clean using a soft,clean cloth with mild soap andwater. Rinse with clean water. Afterrinsing thoroughly, dry with a soft,clean towel. A wax may thenbe applied.Notice: Chrome wheels and otherchrome trim may be damaged ifthe vehicle is not washed afterdriving on roads that have beensprayed with magnesium,calcium, or sodium chloride.These chlorides are used onroads for conditions such asice and dust. Always wash thechrome with soap and water afterexposure.
Black plate (100,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-100 Vehicle CareNotice: To avoid surface damage,do not use strong soaps,chemicals, abrasive polishes,cleaners, brushes, or cleanersthat contain acid on aluminum orchrome-plated wheels. Use onlyapproved cleaners. Also, neverdrive a vehicle with aluminum orchrome-plated wheels through anautomatic car wash that usessilicone carbide tire cleaningbrushes. Damage could occurand the repairs would not becovered by the vehicle warranty.Steering, Suspension, andChassis ComponentsVisually inspect front and rearsuspension and steering system fordamaged, loose, or missing parts orsigns of wear. Inspect powersteering lines and hoses for properhook-up, binding, leaks, cracks,chafing, etc. Visually check constantvelocity joints, rubber boots, andaxle seals for leaks.Body Component LubricationLubricate all key lock cylinders,hood hinges, liftgate hinges, and thesteel fuel door hinge unless thecomponents are plastic. Applyingsilicone grease on weatherstripswith a clean cloth will make themlast longer, seal better, and not stickor squeak.Underbody MaintenanceUse plain water to flush dirt anddebris from the vehicle's underbody.Your dealer or an underbody carwashing system can do this. If notremoved, rust and corrosion candevelop.Sheet Metal DamageIf the vehicle is damaged andrequires sheet metal repair orreplacement, make sure the bodyrepair shop applies anti-corrosionmaterial to parts repaired orreplaced to restore corrosionprotection.Original manufacturer replacementparts will provide the corrosionprotection while maintaining thevehicle warranty.Finish DamageQuickly repair minor chips andscratches with touch-up materialsavailable from your dealer to avoidcorrosion. Larger areas of finishdamage can be corrected in yourdealer's body and paint shop.Chemical Paint SpottingAirborne pollutants can fall uponand attack painted vehicle surfacescausing blotchy, ring-shapeddiscolorations, and small, irregulardark spots etched into thepaint surface.
Black plate (101,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-101Interior CareTo prevent dirt particle abrasions,regularly clean the vehicle's interior.Immediately remove any soils. Notethat newspapers or dark garmentsthat can transfer color to homefurnishings can also permanentlytransfer color to the vehicle'sinterior.Use a soft bristle brush to removedust from knobs and crevices on theinstrument cluster. Using a mildsoap solution, immediately removehand lotions, sunscreen, and insectrepellant from all interior surfaces orpermanent damage may result.Your dealer may have products forcleaning the interior. Use cleanersspecifically designed for thesurfaces being cleaned to preventpermanent damage. To preventoverspray, apply all cleaners directlyto the cleaning cloth. Cleanersshould be removed quickly. Neverallow cleaners to remain on thesurface being cleaned for extendedperiods of time.Cleaners may contain solvents thatcan become concentrated in theinterior. Before using cleaners, readand adhere to all safety instructionson the label. While cleaning theinterior, maintain adequateventilation by opening the doors andwindows.To prevent damage, do not cleanthe interior using the followingcleaners or techniques:.Never use a razor or any othersharp object to remove a soilfrom any interior surface..Never use a brush with stiffbristles..Never rub any surfaceaggressively or with excessivepressure..Do not use laundry detergents ordishwashing soaps withdegreasers. For liquid cleaners,use approximately 20 dropsper 3.78L (1 gal) of water.A concentrated soap solution willleave a residue that createsstreaks and attracts dirt. Do notuse solutions that contain strongor caustic soap..Do not heavily saturate theupholstery when cleaning..Do not use solvents or cleanerscontaining solvents.Interior GlassTo clean, use a terry cloth fabricdampened with water. Wipe dropletsleft behind with a clean dry cloth.Commercial glass cleaners may beused, if necessary, after cleaningthe interior glass with plain water.Notice: To prevent scratching,never use abrasive cleaners onautomotive glass. Abrasivecleaners or aggressive cleaningmay damage the rear windowdefogger.
Black plate (102,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-102 Vehicle CareFabric/CarpetStart by vacuuming the surfaceusing a soft brush attachment. If arotating brush attachment is beingused during vacuuming, only use iton the floor carpet. Before cleaning,gently remove as much of the soilas possible using one of thefollowing techniques:.Gently blot liquids with a papertowel. Continue blotting until nomore soil can be removed..For solid soils, remove as muchas possible prior to vacuuming.To clean:1. Saturate a clean lint-freecolorfast cloth with water orclub soda. Microfiber cloth isrecommended to prevent linttransfer to the fabric or carpet.2. Remove excess moisture bygently wringing until water doesnot drip from the cleaning cloth.3. Start on the outside edge of thesoil and gently rub toward thecenter. Rotate the cleaning clothto a clean area frequently toprevent forcing the soil in to thefabric.4. Continue gently rubbing thesoiled area until there is nolonger any color transfer fromthe soil to the cleaning cloth.5. If the soil is not completelyremoved, use a mild soapsolution followed only by clubsoda or plain water.If the soil is not completelyremoved, it may be necessary touse a commercial upholsterycleaner or spot lifter. Test a smallhidden area for colorfastness beforeusing a commercial upholsterycleaner or spot lifter. If ringformation occurs, clean the entirefabric or carpet.Following the cleaning process, apaper towel can be used to blotexcess moisture.
Black plate (103,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Vehicle Care 10-103Instrument Panel, Vinyl, andOther Plastic SurfacesUse a soft microfiber clothdampened with water to removedust and loose dirt. For a morethorough cleaning, use a softmicrofiber cloth dampened with amild soap solution.Notice: Soaking or saturatingleather, especially perforatedleather, as well as other interiorsurfaces, may cause permanentdamage. Wipe excess moisturefrom these surfaces aftercleaning and allow them to drynaturally. Never use heat, steam,spot lifters or spot removers.Do not use cleaners that containsilicone or wax-based products.Cleaners containing thesesolvents can permanently changethe appearance and feel of leatheror soft trim and are notrecommended.Do not use cleaners that increasegloss, especially on the instrumentpanel. Reflected glare can decreasevisibility through the windshieldunder certain conditions.Notice: Use of air fresheners maycause permanent damage toplastics and painted surfaces.If an air freshener comes incontact with any plastic orpainted surface in the vehicle,blot immediately and clean with asoft cloth dampened with a mildsoap solution. Damage caused byair fresheners would not becovered by the vehicle warranty.Care of Safety BeltsKeep belts clean and dry.{WARNINGDo not bleach or dye safety belts.It may severely weaken them. Ina crash, they might not be able toprovide adequate protection.Clean safety belts only with mildsoap and lukewarm water.
Black plate (104,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201210-104 Vehicle CareFloor Mats{WARNINGIf a floor mat is the wrong size oris not properly installed, it caninterfere with the acceleratorpedal and/or brake pedal.Interference with the pedals cancause unintended accelerationand/or increased stoppingdistance which can cause acrash and injury. Make surethe floor mat does not interferewith the pedals.Use the following guidelines forproper floor mat usage:.The original equipment floormats were designed for yourvehicle. If the floor mats needreplacing, it is recommendedthat GM certified floor mats bepurchased. Non-GM floor matsmay not fit properly and mayinterfere with the accelerator orbrake pedal. Always check thatthe floor mats do not interferewith the pedals..Use the floor mat with thecorrect side up. Do not turnit over..Do not place anything on top ofthe driver side floor mat..Use only a single floor mat onthe driver side..Do not place one floor mat ontop of another.Removing and Replacing theFloor MatsPull up on the rear of the floor matto unlock each retainer and remove.Reinstall by lining up the floor matretainer openings over the carpetretainers and snap into position.Make sure the floor mat is properlysecured in place.Verify the floor mat does notinterfere with the pedals.
Black plate (1,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Service and Maintenance 11-1Service andMaintenanceGeneral InformationGeneral Information . . . . . . . . . . 11-1Maintenance ScheduleMaintenance Schedule . . . . . . . 11-3Special Application ServicesSpecial ApplicationServices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-9Additional Maintenanceand CareAdditional Maintenanceand Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-10Recommended Fluids,Lubricants, and PartsRecommended Fluids andLubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-14Maintenance ReplacementParts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-16Maintenance RecordsMaintenance Records . . . . . . 11-17General InformationYour vehicle is an importantinvestment. This section describesthe required maintenance for thevehicle. Follow this schedule tohelp protect against major repairexpenses resulting from neglect orinadequate maintenance. It mayalso help to maintain the value ofthe vehicle if it is sold. It is theresponsibility of the owner to haveall required maintenance performed.Your dealer has trained technicianswho can perform requiredmaintenance using genuinereplacement parts. They haveup‐to‐date tools and equipment forfast and accurate diagnostics.Many dealers have extendedevening and Saturday hours,courtesy transportation, andonline scheduling to assist withservice needs.Your dealer recognizes theimportance of providingcompetitively priced maintenanceand repair services. With trainedtechnicians, the dealer is the placefor routine maintenance such as oilchanges and tire rotations andadditional maintenance itemslike tires, brakes, batteries, andwiper blades.Notice: Damage caused byimproper maintenance can lead tocostly repairs and may not becovered by the vehicle warranty.Maintenance intervals, checks,inspections, recommended fluids,and lubricants are important tokeep the vehicle in good workingcondition.The Tire Rotation and RequiredServices are the responsibility of thevehicle owner. It is recommended tohave your dealer perform theseservices every 12 000 km/7,500 mi.Proper vehicle maintenance helps tokeep the vehicle in good workingcondition, improves fuel economy,and reduces vehicle emissions.
Black plate (2,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201211-2 Service and MaintenanceBecause of the way people usevehicles, maintenance needs vary.There may need to be morefrequent checks and services.The Additional Required Services ‐Normal are for vehicles that:.Carry passengers and cargowithin recommended limits onthe Tire and Loading Informationlabel. See Vehicle Load Limitson page 9‑10..Are driven on reasonable roadsurfaces within legal drivinglimits..Use the recommended fuel.See Recommended Fuel onpage 9‑49.Refer to the information in theMaintenance Schedule AdditionalRequired Services ‐Normal chart.The Additional Required Services ‐Severe are for vehicles that are:.Mainly driven in hilly ormountainous terrain..Frequently towing a trailer..Used for high speed orcompetitive driving..Used for taxi, police, or deliveryservice.Refer to the information in theMaintenance Schedule AdditionalRequired Services ‐Severe chart.{WARNINGPerforming maintenance workcan be dangerous and cancause serious injury. Performmaintenance work only if therequired information, proper tools,and equipment are available.If they are not, see your dealer tohave a trained technician do thework. See Doing Your OwnService Work on page 10‑4.
Black plate (3,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Service and Maintenance 11-3MaintenanceScheduleOwner Checks and ServicesAt Each Fuel Stop.Check the engine oil level.See Engine Oil on page 10‑9.Once a Month.Check the tire inflationpressures. See Tire Pressure onpage 10‑51..Inspect the tires for wear. SeeTire Inspection on page 10‑57..Check the windshield washerfluid level. See Washer Fluid onpage 10‑22.Engine Oil ChangeWhen the CHANGE ENGINE OILSOON message displays, have theengine oil and filter changed withinthe next 1 000 km/600 mi. If drivenunder the best conditions, theengine oil life system might notindicate the need for vehicle servicefor more than a year. The engine oiland filter must be changed at leastonce a year and the oil life systemmust be reset. Your trained dealertechnician can perform this work.If the engine oil life system is resetaccidentally, service the vehiclewithin 5 000 km/3,000 mi since thelast service. Reset the oil lifesystem when the oil is changed.See Engine Oil Life System onpage 10‑12.
Black plate (4,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201211-4 Service and MaintenanceTire Rotation and RequiredServices Every 12 000 km/7,500 miRotate the tires, if recommendedfor the vehicle, and perform thefollowing services. See TireRotation on page 10‑58..Check engine oil level and oillife percentage. If needed,change engine oil and filter, andreset oil life system. See EngineOil on page 10‑9and Engine OilLife System on page 10‑12..Check engine coolant level. SeeEngine Coolant on page 10‑16..Check windshield washer fluidlevel. See Washer Fluid onpage 10‑22..Visually inspect windshield wiperblades for wear, cracking,or contamination. See ExteriorCare on page 10‑98. Replaceworn or damaged wiper blades.See Wiper Blade Replacementon page 10‑27..Check tire inflation pressures.See Tire Pressure onpage 10‑51..Inspect tire wear. See TireInspection on page 10‑57..Visually check for fluid leaks..Inspect engine air cleaner filter.See Engine Air Cleaner/Filter onpage 10‑13..Inspect brake system..Visually inspect steering,suspension, and chassiscomponents for damaged, loose,or missing parts or signs ofwear. See Exterior Care onpage 10‑98..Check restraint systemcomponents. See Safety SystemCheck on page 3‑19..Visually inspect fuel system fordamage or leaks..Visually inspect exhaust systemand nearby heat shields forloose or damaged parts..Lubricate body components.See Exterior Care onpage 10‑98.
Black plate (5,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Service and Maintenance 11-5.Check starter switch. See StarterSwitch Check on page 10‑26..Check automatic transmissionshift lock control function. SeeAutomatic Transmission ShiftLock Control Function Check onpage 10‑26..Check ignition transmission lock.See Ignition Transmission LockCheck on page 10‑27..Check parking brake andautomatic transmission parkmechanism. See Park Brake andP (Park) Mechanism Check onpage 10‑27..Check accelerator pedal fordamage, high effort, or binding.Replace if needed..Visually inspect gas strut forsigns of wear, cracks, or otherdamage. Check the hold openability of the strut. See yourdealer if service is required..Check tire sealant expirationdate, if equipped. See TireSealant and Compressor Kit(With Pressure Relief Button) onpage 10‑67 or Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit (With PressureDeflation Button) on page 10‑74..Inspect sunroof track and seal,if equipped. See Sunroof onpage 2‑21.
Black plate (6,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201211-6 Service and Maintenance
Black plate (7,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Service and Maintenance 11-7Footnotes —MaintenanceSchedule Additional RequiredServices —Normala) Or every two years, whichevercomes first. More frequentreplacement may be needed if thevehicle is driven in areas with heavytraffic, areas with poor air quality,or areas with high dust levels.Replacement may also be needed ifthere is a reduction in air flow,excessive window fogging, or odors.b) Check all fuel and vapor linesand hoses for proper hook‐up,routing, and condition. Check thatthe purge valve, if the vehicle hasone, works properly. Replace asneeded.c) Or every four years, whichevercomes first.d) Do not directly power wash thetransfer case output seals. Highpressure water can overcome theseals and contaminate the transfercase fluid. Contaminated fluid willdecrease the life of the transfercase and should be replaced.e) Or every five years, whichevercomes first. See Cooling System onpage 10‑15.f) Or every 10 years, whichevercomes first. Inspect for fraying,excessive cracking, or damage;replace, if needed.
Black plate (8,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201211-8 Service and Maintenance
Black plate (9,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Service and Maintenance 11-9Footnotes —MaintenanceSchedule Additional RequiredServices —Severea) Or every two years, whichevercomes first.b) Check all fuel and vapor linesand hoses for proper hook‐up,routing, and condition. Check thatthe purge valve, if the vehicle hasone, works properly. Replace asneeded.c) Or every four years, whichevercomes first.d) Do not directly power wash thetransfer case output seals. Highpressure water can overcome theseals and contaminate the transfercase fluid. Contaminated fluid willdecrease the life of the transfercase and should be replaced.e) Or every five years, whichevercomes first. See Cooling System onpage 10‑15.f) Or every 10 years, whichevercomes first. Inspect for fraying,excessive cracking, or damage;replace, if needed.Special ApplicationServices.Severe Commercial UseVehicles Only: Lubricate chassiscomponents every 5 000 km/3,000 mi..Have underbody flushing serviceperformed once a year.
Black plate (10,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201211-10 Service and MaintenanceAdditionalMaintenance and CareYour vehicle is an importantinvestment and caring for it properlymay help to avoid future costlyrepairs. To maintain vehicleperformance, additionalmaintenance services may berequired. It is recommendedthat your dealer perform theseservices —their trained dealertechnicians know your vehicle best.Your dealer can also perform athorough assessment with amulti‐point inspection to recommendwhen your vehicle may needattention. The following list isintended to explain the services andconditions to look for that mayindicate services are required.BatteryThe battery supplies power tostart the engine and operate anyadditional electrical accessories..To avoid break‐down or failure tostart the vehicle, maintain abattery with full cranking power..Trained dealer technicians havethe diagnostic equipment to testthe battery and ensure that theconnections and cables arecorrosion‐free.
Black plate (11,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Service and Maintenance 11-11Belts.Belts may need replacing ifthey squeak or show signs ofcracking or splitting..Trained dealer technicianscan inspect the belts andrecommend replacementwhen necessary.BrakesBrakes stop the vehicle and arecrucial to safe driving..Signs of brake wear may includechirping, grinding, or squealingnoises, or difficulty stopping..Trained dealer technicians haveaccess to tools and equipmentto inspect the brakes andrecommend quality partsengineered for the vehicle.FluidsProper fluid levels and approvedfluids protect the vehicle’ssystems and components.See Recommended Fluids andLubricants on page 11‑14 forGM approved fluids..Engine oil and windshieldwasher fluid levels should bechecked at every fuel fill..Instrument cluster lights maycome on to indicate thatfluids may be low and needto be filled.HosesHoses transport fluids and shouldbe regularly inspected to ensurethat there are no cracks or leaks.With a multi‐point inspection, yourdealer can inspect the hoses andadvise if replacement is needed.LampsProperly working headlamps,taillamps, and brake lamps areimportant to see and be seen onthe road..Signs that the headlamps needattention include dimming, failureto light, cracking, or damage.The brake lamps need to bechecked periodically to ensurethat they light when braking..With a multi‐point inspection,your dealer can check the lampsand note any concerns.
Black plate (12,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201211-12 Service and MaintenanceShocks and StrutsShocks and struts help aid in controlfor a smoother ride..Signs of wear may includesteering wheel vibration, bounce/sway while braking, longerstopping distance, or uneventire wear..As part of the multi‐pointinspection, trained dealertechnicians can visually inspectthe shocks and struts for signsof leaking, blown seals,or damage, and can advisewhen service is needed.TiresTires need to be properly inflated,rotated, and balanced. Maintainingthe tires can save money, fuel, andcan reduce the risk of tire failure..Signs that the tires need to bereplaced include three or morevisible treadwear indicators; cordor fabric showing through therubber; cracks or cuts in thetread or sidewall; or a bulge orsplit in the tire..Trained dealer technicians caninspect and recommend theright tires. Your dealer can alsoprovide tire/wheel balancingservices to ensure smoothvehicle operation at all speeds.Your dealer sells and servicesname brand tires.Vehicle CareTo help keep the vehicle lookinglike new, vehicle care products areavailable from your dealer. Forinformation on how to clean andprotect the vehicle’s interior andexterior, see Interior Care onpage 10‑101 and Exterior Care onpage 10‑98.Wheel AlignmentWheel alignment is critical forensuring that the tires deliveroptimal wear and performance..Signs that the alignment mayneed to be adjusted includepulling, improper vehiclehandling, or unusual tire wear..Your dealer has the requiredequipment to ensure properwheel alignment.
Black plate (13,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Service and Maintenance 11-13WindshieldFor safety, appearance, and thebest viewing, keep the windshieldclean and clear..Signs of damage includescratches, cracks, and chips..Trained dealer technicians caninspect the windshield andrecommend proper replacementif needed.Wiper BladesWiper blades need to be cleanedand kept in good condition toprovide a clear view..Signs of wear include streaking,skipping across the windshield,and worn or split rubber..Trained dealer technicians cancheck the wiper blades andreplace them when needed.
Black plate (14,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201211-14 Service and MaintenanceRecommended Fluids, Lubricants, and PartsRecommended Fluids and LubricantsUsage Fluid/LubricantEngine OilUse only engine oil licensed to the dexos1 specfication, or equivalent, ofthe proper SAE viscosity grade. ACDelco dexos1 Synthetic Blend isrecommended. See Engine Oil on page 10‑9.Engine Coolant (3.6L V6 Engine) 50/50 mixture of clean, drinkable water and use only DEX-COOL Coolant.See Engine Coolant on page 10‑16.Engine Coolant (2.4L L4 Engine) Always use the pre‐mixed 50/50 mixture of deionized water andDEX-COOL Coolant available at your dealer.Hydraulic Brake System DOT 3 Hydraulic Brake Fluid(GM Part No. 88862806, in Canada 88862807).Windshield Washer Optikleen®Washer Solvent.Hydraulic Power Steering System DEXRON®-VI Automatic Transmission Fluid.Automatic Transmission DEXRON®-VI Automatic Transmission Fluid.
Black plate (15,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Service and Maintenance 11-15Usage Fluid/LubricantKey Lock Cylinders Multi-Purpose Lubricant, Superlube(GM Part No. 12346241, in Canada 10953474).Hood Latch Assembly,Secondary Latch, Pivots, SpringAnchor, and Release PawlLubriplate Lubricant Aerosol (GM Part No. 12346293, in Canada 992723)or lubricant meeting requirements of NLGI #2, Category LB or GC-LB.Hood and Door Hinges Multi-Purpose Lubricant, Superlube(GM Part No. 12346241, in Canada 10953474).Weatherstrip Conditioning Weatherstrip Lubricant (GM Part No. 3634770, in Canada 10953518) orDielectric Silicone Grease (GM Part No. 12345579, in Canada 992887).
Black plate (16,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201211-16 Service and MaintenanceMaintenance Replacement PartsReplacement parts identified below by name, part number, or specification can be obtained from your dealer.Part GM Part Number ACDelco Part NumberEngine Air Cleaner/Filter 55560894 A3128CEngine Oil Filter2.4L L4 Engine 12605566 PF457G3.6L V6 Engine 89017525 PF63Passenger Compartment Air Filter 13271191 CF176Spark Plugs2.4L L4 Engine 12620540 41–1083.6L V6 Engine 12622561 41–109Wiper BladesDriver Side –65 cm (25.6 in) 25892079 —Passenger Side –45 cm (17.7 in) 25882578 —
Black plate (17,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Service and Maintenance 11-17Maintenance RecordsAfter the scheduled services are performed, record the date, odometer reading, who performed the service, and thetype of services performed in the boxes provided. Retain all maintenance receipts.Date OdometerReading Serviced By Services Performed
Black plate (18,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201211-18 Service and MaintenanceDate OdometerReading Serviced By Services Performed
Black plate (19,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Service and Maintenance 11-19Date OdometerReading Serviced By Services Performed
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Black plate (1,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Technical Data 12-1Technical DataVehicle IdentificationVehicle IdentificationNumber (VIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1Service Parts IdentificationLabel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1Vehicle DataCapacities andSpecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2Engine Drive Belt Routing . . . 12-4Vehicle IdentificationVehicle IdentificationNumber (VIN)This legal identifier is in the frontcorner of the instrument panel, onthe left side of the vehicle. It can beseen through the windshield fromoutside. The VIN also appears onthe Vehicle Certification and ServiceParts labels and certificates of titleand registration.Engine IdentificationThe eighth character in the VIN isthe engine code. This codeidentifies the vehicle's engine,specifications, and replacementparts. See “Engine Specifications”under Capacities and Specificationson page 12‑2for the vehicle'sengine code.Service PartsIdentification LabelThis label, in the trunk, has thefollowing information:.Vehicle IdentificationNumber (VIN)..Model designation..Paint information..Production options and specialequipment.Do not remove this label from thevehicle.
Black plate (2,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201212-2 Technical DataVehicle DataCapacities and SpecificationsApplication CapacitiesMetric EnglishAir Conditioning Refrigerant R134aFor the air conditioning system refrigerant chargeamount, see the refrigerant label located under thehood. See your dealer for more information.Engine Cooling System2.4L L4 Engine 9.6 L 10.1 qt3.6L V6 Engine 7.1 L 7.5 qtEngine Oil with Filter2.4L L4 Engine 4.7 L 5.0 qt3.6L V6 Engine 5.7 L 6.0 qtFuel Tank2.4L L4 Engine 60.0 L 15.8 gal3.6L V6 Engine, AWD 74.0 L 19.5 gal3.6L V6 Engine, FWD 70.5 L 18.6 gal
Black plate (3,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Technical Data 12-3Application CapacitiesMetric EnglishTransmission Fluid* (Drain and Refill)2.4L L4 Engine, 6–Speed Automatic 5.0 L 5.3 qt3.6L V6 Engine, 6–Speed Automatic 5.0 L 5.3 qtWheel Nut Torque 150 Y110 lb ft*See Automatic Transmission Fluid on page 10‑13 for information on checking fluid level.All capacities are approximate. When adding, be sure to fill to the approximate level, as recommended in thismanual. Recheck fluid level after filling.Engine SpecificationsEngine VIN Code Transmission Spark Plug Gap2.4L L4 Engine R Automatic 0.9 mm (0.035 in)3.6L V6 Engine 3 Automatic 1.10 mm (0.043 in)
Black plate (4,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201212-4 Technical DataEngine Drive Belt Routing2.4L L4 EngineBelt removal and installationrequires special tools. See yourdealer for service.3.6L V6 Engine
Black plate (1,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Customer Information 13-1CustomerInformationCustomer InformationCustomer SatisfactionProcedure (U.S. andCanada) .................... 13-1Customer SatisfactionProcedure (Mexico) . . . . . . . . 13-3Customer Assistance Offices(U.S. and Canada) . . . . . . . . . 13-4Customer Assistance Offices(Mexico) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-5Customer Assistance for TextTelephone (TTY) Users (U.S.and Canada) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-6Online Owner Center . . . . . . . . 13-6GM Mobility ReimbursementProgram (U.S. andCanada) .................... 13-7Roadside Assistance Program(U.S. and Canada) . . . . . . . . . 13-7Roadside Assistance Program(Mexico) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-9Scheduling ServiceAppointments (U.S. andCanada) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-12Courtesy TransportationProgram (U.S. andCanada) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-13Collision Damage Repair(U.S. and Canada) . . . . . . . . 13-14Service PublicationsOrdering Information . . . . . . 13-16Reporting Safety DefectsReporting Safety Defects tothe United StatesGovernment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17Reporting Safety Defects tothe CanadianGovernment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18Reporting Safety Defects toGeneral Motors . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18Vehicle Data Recording andPrivacyVehicle Data Recording andPrivacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18Event Data Recorders . . . . . . 13-19OnStar®.................... 13-20Navigation System . . . . . . . . . 13-20Radio FrequencyIdentification (RFID) . . . . . . . 13-20Radio FrequencyStatement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-20Customer InformationCustomer SatisfactionProcedure (U.S. andCanada)Your satisfaction and goodwill areimportant to your dealer and toBuick. Normally, any concerns withthe sales transaction or theoperation of the vehicle will beresolved by your dealer's sales orservice departments. Sometimes,however, despite the best intentionsof all concerned, misunderstandingscan occur. If your concern has notbeen resolved to your satisfaction,the following steps should be taken:STEP ONE: Discuss your concernwith a member of dealershipmanagement. Normally, concernscan be quickly resolved at that level.If the matter has already beenreviewed with the sales, service,or parts manager, contact the ownerof your dealership or the generalmanager.
Black plate (2,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201213-2 Customer InformationSTEP TWO: If after contacting amember of dealership management,it appears your concern cannot beresolved by your dealership withoutfurther help, in the U.S., call1-800-521-7300. In Canada,contact General Motors of CanadaCustomer Care Centre at1‐800-263-3777 (English) or1-800-263-7854 (French).We encourage you to call thetoll-free number in order to give theinquiry prompt attention. Have thefollowing information available togive the Customer Assistancerepresentative:.Vehicle IdentificationNumber (VIN). This is availablefrom the vehicle registration ortitle, or the plate at the top left ofthe instrument panel and visiblethrough the windshield..Dealership name and location..Vehicle delivery date andpresent mileage.When contacting Buick, rememberthat your concern will likely beresolved at a dealer's facility.That is why we suggest followingStep One first.STEP THREE —U.S. Owners:Both General Motors and yourdealer are committed to makingsure you are completely satisfiedwith the new vehicle. However,if you continue to remain unsatisfiedafter following the procedureoutlined in Steps One and Two, youcan file with the Better BusinessBureau (BBB) Auto Line®Programto enforce your rights.The BBB Auto Line Program is anout-of-court program administeredby the Council of Better BusinessBureaus to settle automotivedisputes regarding vehicle repairs orthe interpretation of the New VehicleLimited Warranty. Although you maybe required to resort to this informaldispute resolution program prior tofiling a court action, use of theprogram is free of charge and yourcase will generally be heard within40 days. If you do not agree with thedecision given in your case, youmay reject it and proceed with anyother venue for relief availableto you.You may contact the BBB Auto LineProgram using the toll-freetelephone number or write themat the following address:BBB Auto Line ProgramCouncil of Better BusinessBureaus, Inc.4200 Wilson BoulevardSuite 800Arlington, VA 22203-1838Telephone: program is available in all50 states and the District ofColumbia. Eligibility is limited byvehicle age, mileage, and otherfactors. General Motors reservesthe right to change eligibilitylimitations and/or discontinue itsparticipation in this program.
Black plate (3,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Customer Information 13-3STEP THREE —CanadianOwners: In the event that you donot feel your concerns have beenaddressed after following theprocedure outlined in Steps Oneand Two, General Motors of CanadaLimited wants you to be aware ofits participation in a no-chargeMediation/Arbitration program.General Motors of Canada Limitedhas committed to binding arbitrationof owner disputes involvingfactory-related vehicle serviceclaims. The program provides forthe review of the facts involved byan impartial third party arbiter, andmay include an informal hearingbefore the arbiter. The program isdesigned so that the entire disputesettlement process, from the timeyou file your complaint to the finaldecision, should be completed inapproximately 70 days. We believeour impartial program offersadvantages over courts in mostjurisdictions because it is informal,quick, and free of charge.For further information concerningeligibility in the Canadian MotorVehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP),call toll-free 1-800-207-0685, or callthe General Motors Customer CareCentre, 1-800-263-3777 (English),1-800-263-7854 (French),or write to:Mediation/Arbitration Programc/o Customer Care CentreGeneral Motors of Canada LimitedMail Code: CA1-163-0051908 Colonel Sam DriveOshawa, Ontario L1H 8P7The inquiry should be accompaniedby the Vehicle IdentificationNumber (VIN).Customer SatisfactionProcedure (Mexico)Did you get the Warranty ExtensionPlan? This plan is recommended byGeneral Motors to supplement thewarranty included with the newvehicle purchase.See your dealer for details.Customer AssistanceProcedureOwner satisfaction and goodwill arevery important to your dealer andGeneral Motors.Normally, any problem with thetransaction, sale, or usage of thevehicle must be handled by yourdealer sales or service departments.
Black plate (4,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201213-4 Customer InformationHowever, we recognize thatdespite the good intentions of allparties involved, sometimes amisunderstanding may occur.If you have a problem that has notbeen satisfactorily handled throughthe normal means, we suggest thefollowing steps:STEP ONEExplain your case to your dealerservice agent, service manager,dealer sales agent, or salesmanager, depending on your case.Make sure that they have allnecessary information. They areinterested in your continualsatisfaction.STEP TWOIf you are not satisfied, pleasecontact the general manager or yourdealership owner to ask for theirhelp. If they are not able to resolveyour case, ask them to contact theright people at General Motors forsupport, if needed.STEP THREEIf your case is not resolved in areasonable amount of time by yourdealer, please call the GeneralMotors Customer AssistanceCenter (CAC) and provide thefollowing information:.Name.Address.Phone number.Model year.Brand.Vehicle IdentificationNumber (VIN).Mileage.Delivery date.Description of the problem.Dealership name.Dealership addressSee Customer Assistance Offices(U.S. and Canada) on page 13‑4orCustomer Assistance Offices(Mexico) on page 13‑5for moreinformation.Customer AssistanceOffices (U.S. and Canada)Buick encourages customers to callthe toll-free number for assistance.However, if a customer wishes towrite or e-mail Buick, the lettershould be addressed to:United StatesBuick Customer Assistance CenterP.O. Box 33136Detroit, MI 48232-5136www.Buick.com1-800-521-73001-800-832-8425 (For TextTelephone devices (TTYs))Roadside Assistance:1-800-252-1112
Black plate (5,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Customer Information 13-5From Puerto Rico:1-800-496-9992 (English)1-800-496-9993 (Spanish)From U.S. Virgin Islands:1-800-496-9994CanadaGeneral Motors of Canada LimitedCustomer Care Centre, Mail Code:CA1-163-0051908 Colonel Sam DriveOshawa, Ontario L1H (English)1-800-263-7854 (French)1-800-263-3830 (For TextTelephone devices (TTYs))Roadside Assistance:1-800-268-6800All Overseas LocationsPlease contact the local GeneralMotors Business Unit.Mexico, Central America andCaribbean Islands/Countries(Except Puerto Rico and U.S.Virgin Islands)General Motors de Mexico, S. deR.L. de C.V.Customer Assistance CenterAv. Ejercito Nacional #843Col. GranadaC.P. 11520, Mexico, D.F.01-800-466-0818Long Distance: 011-52-53 29 0818Customer AssistanceOffices (Mexico)To contact the Customer AssistanceCenter (CAC), use the phonenumbers listed in this section.Customer assistance is availableMonday through Friday, 08:00 to20:00 hours, and Saturdays from08:00 to 15:00 hours.All e-mail inquiries to the CustomerAssistance Center (CAC) should besent to: Mexico City5329-0818From Other Mexico Locations01-800-466-0818United States and Canada1-800-521-7300Costa Rica00-800-052-1005Guatemala1-800-999-5252Panama00-800-052-0001Dominican Republic1-888-751-5301El Salvador800-6273Honduras800-0122-6101
Black plate (6,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201213-6 Customer InformationCustomer Assistance forText Telephone (TTY)Users (U.S. and Canada)To assist customers who are deaf,hard of hearing, or speech-impairedand who use Text Telephones(TTYs), Buick has TTY equipmentavailable at its Customer AssistanceCenter. Any TTY user cancommunicate with Buick by dialing:1-800-832-8425. TTY users inCanada can dial 1‐800‐263-3830.Online Owner CenterBuick Owner Center (U.S.)www.buickownercenter.comInformation and servicescustomized for your specificvehicle —all in one convenientplace..Digital owner manual, warrantyinformation, and more..Storage for online service andmaintenance records..Buick dealer locator for servicenationwide..Exclusive privileges and offers..Recall notices for your specificvehicle..OnStar and GM CardmemberServices Earnings summaries.Other Helpful Links:Buick —www.buick.comBuick Merchandise —www.buickmerchandise.comHelp Center — (Frequently AskedQuestions).Contact UsMy GM Canada GM Canada is apassword-protected section where you can saveinformation on GM vehicles, getpersonalized offers, and use handytools and forms with greater ease.Here are a few of the valuable toolsand services you will haveaccess to:.My Showroom: Find and saveinformation on vehicles andcurrent offers in your area..My Dealers: Save detailssuch as address and phonenumber for each of yourpreferred GM dealers..My Driveway: Access quick linksto parts and service estimates,check trade-in values,or schedule a serviceappointment by adding thevehicles you own to yourdriveway profile..My Preferences: Manage yourprofile and use tools and formswith greater ease.To sign up, visit the My GM.casection within
Black plate (7,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Customer Information 13-7GM MobilityReimbursement Program(U.S. and Canada)This program is available toqualified applicants for costreimbursement of eligibleaftermarket adaptive equipmentrequired for the vehicle, such ashand controls or a wheelchair/scooter lift for the vehicle.For more information on the limitedoffer, visit orcall the GM Mobility AssistanceCenter at 1-800-323-9935.Text Telephone (TTY) users, call1-800-833-9935.General Motors of Canada alsohas a Mobility Program. Call1-800-GM-DRIVE (463-7483) fordetails. TTY users call1-800-263-3830.Roadside AssistanceProgram (U.S. andCanada)For U.S.‐purchased vehicles, call1-800-252-1112; (Text Telephone(TTY): 1‐888‐889‐2438).For Canadian‐purchased vehicles,call 1-800-268-6800.Service is available 24 hours a day,365 days a year.Calling for AssistanceWhen calling Roadside Assistance,have the following informationready:.Your name, home address, andhome telephone number..Telephone number of yourlocation..Location of the vehicle..Model, year, color, and licenseplate number of the vehicle..Odometer reading, VehicleIdentification Number (VIN), anddelivery date of the vehicle..Description of the problem.CoverageServices are provided up to 5 years/160 000 km (100,000 mi), whichevercomes first.In the U.S., anyone driving thevehicle is covered. In Canada, aperson driving the vehicle withoutpermission from the owner is notcovered.Roadside Assistance is not a part ofthe New Vehicle Limited Warranty.Buick and General Motors ofCanada Limited reserve the right tomake any changes or discontinuethe Roadside Assistance program atany time without notification.
Black plate (8,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201213-8 Customer InformationBuick and General Motors ofCanada Limited reserve the right tolimit services or payment to anowner or driver if they decide theclaims are made too often, or thesame type of claim is mademany times.Services Provided.Emergency Fuel Delivery:Delivery of enough fuel for thevehicle to get to the nearestservice station..Lock‐Out Service: Service tounlock the vehicle if you arelocked out. A remote unlockmay be available if you haveOnStar®. For security reasons,the driver must presentidentification before thisservice is given..Emergency Tow from aPublic Road or Highway:Tow to the nearest Buick dealerfor warranty service, or if thevehicle was in a crash andcannot be driven. Assistance isalso given when the vehicle isstuck in sand, mud, or snow..Flat Tire Change: Service tochange a flat tire with the sparetire. The spare tire, if equipped,must be in good condition andproperly inflated. It is the owner'sresponsibility for the repair orreplacement of the tire if it isnot covered by the warranty..Battery Jump Start: Service tojump start a dead battery.Services Not Included inRoadside Assistance.Impound towing caused byviolation of any laws..Legal fines..Mounting, dismounting,or changing of snow tires,chains, or other traction devices..Towing or services for vehiclesdriven on a non-public roador highway.Services Specific to Canadian‐Purchased Vehicles.Fuel delivery: Reimbursementis approximately $5 Canadian.Diesel fuel delivery may berestricted. Propane and otherfuels are not provided throughthis service..Lock-Out Service: Vehicleregistration is required..Trip Routing Service: Detailedmaps of North America areprovided when requested eitherwith the most direct route or themost scenic route. There is asix request limit per year.Additional travel information isalso available. Allow threeweeks for delivery.
Black plate (9,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Customer Information 13-9.Trip Interruption Benefits andAssistance: Must be over250 kilometers from where yourtrip was started to qualify.General Motors ofCanada Limited requirespre-authorization, originaldetailed receipts, and a copyof the repair orders. Onceauthorization has been received,the Roadside Assistance advisorwill help you make arrangementsand explain how to receivepayment..Alternative Service:If assistance cannot be providedright away, the RoadsideAssistance advisor may givepermission to get localemergency road service. You willreceive payment, up to $100,after sending the original receiptto Roadside Assistance.Mechanical failures may becovered, however any cost forparts and labor for repairs notcovered by the warranty are theowner responsibility.Roadside AssistanceProgram (Mexico)As a new owner, your vehicle isautomatically enrolled in theRoadside Assistance program.The services are available at nocost under the terms and conditionsof the program. The RoadsideAssistance program is not part of,or included, in the coverageprovided by the new vehiclelimited warranty.Roadside Assistance providesassistance to the driver andpassengers while driving the vehiclewithin your city of residence or onany passable road in Mexico, theUnited States, and Canada.Services are subject to thelimitations described in the followingpages. Program coverage varies bycountry.Roadside Assistance is available24 hours a day, 365 days ofthe year.This program expires two yearsfrom the date of the invoice for thevehicle, regardless of vehiclemileage and changes invehicle ownership.For more information about therenewal of this program at the endof its term, contact the BuickCustomer Assistance Center at01-800-466-0818.Services Provided.Flat Tire Change: If unable tochange a flat tire, RoadsideAssistance will provide towingservice to the nearest authorizedBuick dealership. It is theowner's responsibility for therepair or replacement of the tire.This service is limited to thetransfer of the vehicle to therepair facility..Emergency Fuel Delivery:Delivery of enough fuel for thevehicle to get to the nearestservice station.
Black plate (10,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201213-10 Customer Information.Lock-Out Service: Service tounlock the vehicle if you arelocked out..Battery Jump Start: Service tojump start a dead battery..*Emergency Messages:Transmission of urgent phonemessages..*Emergency Calls: Call foremergency services..*Dealership LocationAssistance: Informationregarding addresses andtelephone numbers forBuick dealers..Emergency Towing: Tow to thenearest dealer for warrantyservice if the vehicle cannot bedriven.If the vehicle is involved in anaccident during the commissionof a crime, administrativeviolation, or breach of trafficregulations, RoadsideAssistance will not provideservice.When the vehicle is notaccessible to be towed, allmaneuvers required to access itwill be at the owner's expense.If the vehicle is in another cityoutside of your residence,Roadside Assistance is limitedto moving the vehicle to thenearest dealer. If you would likethe vehicle moved to a differentdealer, you will be asked tocover the difference in cost atthe time of the move.If the vehicle cannot be receivedby the nearest Buick dealer dueto scheduling conflicts, thevehicle will be taken to a safeplace where it will remain for upto 48 hours until it can be takento the dealer. If the storage costsexceed the amount authorized,the owner is responsible to paythe difference at the time ofservice. Contact RoadsideAssistance for more informationon authorized amounts..*Trip Interruption: This serviceis provided if you are preventedfrom further usage of yourvehicle while traveling and it isnot possible for the nearestBuick dealership to repair thevehicle the same day, requiringthe vehicle to stay at thedealership for a night or more.If this happens, in addition to thepreviously listed services andprior to confirmation by thedealership, you are entitled tochoose one of the followingalternatives, within the limits ofexisting Roadside Assistanceprogram guidelines. If the costsexceed the amount authorizedfor these services, you must paythe difference at the time ofservice.Roadside Assistance willcoordinate hotelaccommodations for all vehicletravelers for up to two nights.
Black plate (11,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Customer Information 13-11A rental car will be provided forup to two days and the vehiclemust be returned to its originaldestination, excluding vehicleswith a carrying capacity greaterthan 3.5 tons.Complimentary Transportation:If you prefer to continue yourtrip to the intended destinationor return to your place ofresidence, and the trip requiresmore than eight hours driving onthe road, transportation for thedriver and passengers by firstclass bus or coach commercialairline will be provided to alocation chosen by RoadsideAssistance, depending onavailability at the chosendestination. Restrictions applybased on vehicle specifications.If you are on the road, taxiservice to the nearest busstation or airport will beprovided..*ComplimentaryTransportation for Vehicle PickUp: Transportation to pick upyour vehicle after repairs arecomplete. Once the dealer hasreported that the vehicle hasbeen repaired, RoadsideAssistance will provide bus orcommercial airline one-wayservice (subject to availability)for the person designated by youto collect your vehicle at thedealership's location if you or thedesignated person are not in thesame town or city as thedealership.*These services are not provided forU.S. or Canada residents. Allservices provided in the U.S. andCanada are at the owner's expenseand will be reimbursed by RoadsideAssistance.Services Not Included in RoadsideAssistanceRoadside Assistance does notcover or reimburse services forthe following:.Events caused by fraud orbad faith by the driver..Vehicle immobilization situationsdue to a major force orunforeseen circumstances, suchas natural phenomena of anextraordinary nature,earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,and other cyclonic storms..Vehicle immobilization situationsarising from car accidentscaused by the driver of thevehicle or third parties. Thismeans any occurrence thatcauses physical injury to theoccupants and/or the vehiclecaused by external forces..Acts of terrorism, riot or uproar,armed forces or police actionswhich prevent timely delivery ofassistance services.
Black plate (12,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201213-12 Customer Information.Food service, beverages,telephone calls, or other extracosts. Accommodation costsapply only to Mexico per theterms and conditions of theRoadside Assistance program..Any damage to the vehiclewithout intent, derived from theservices provided..Cost of towing a trailer whenchoosing a Buick dealer that isnearest to the temporary storagefacility for the disabled vehicle..Cost of all maneuvers requiredto access the vehicle when itis not available to be towed..Cost of fuel provided.Routine vehicle repair costs arenot covered by the RoadsideAssistance program. For moreinformation, see your new vehiclewarranty.Contacting Roadside AssistanceRoadside Assistance services are ofno cost to you and available24 hours a day, 365 days a year.Costs are only incurred in situationsthat exceed the limits of theprogram, some of which are listedpreviously in this section.To contact Roadside Assistance byphone, use the following numbers:Mexico01-800-466-0818United States1-866-466-8197Canada1-800-268-6800E-mailasistencia.buick@gm.comBuick reserves the right to makeany changes or discontinue theRoadside Assistance program atany time without notification.Scheduling ServiceAppointments (U.S. andCanada)When the vehicle requires warrantyservice, contact your dealer andrequest an appointment. Byscheduling a service appointmentand advising the service consultantof your transportation needs, yourdealer can help minimize yourinconvenience.If the vehicle cannot be scheduledinto the service departmentimmediately, keep driving it until itcan be scheduled for service,unless, of course, the problem issafety related. If it is, please callyour dealership, let them know this,and ask for instructions.If your dealer requests you to bringthe vehicle for service, you areurged to do so as early in the workday as possible to allow for sameday-repair.
Black plate (13,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Customer Information 13-13Courtesy TransportationProgram (U.S. andCanada)To enhance your ownershipexperience, we and our participatingdealers are proud to offer CourtesyTransportation, a customer supportprogram for vehicles with theBumper-to-Bumper (Base WarrantyCoverage period in Canada),extended powertrain, and/orwarranties specific to e-Assist inboth the U.S. and Canada.Several Courtesy Transportationoptions are available to assist inreducing inconvenience whenwarranty repairs are required.Courtesy Transportation is not apart of the New Vehicle LimitedWarranty. A separate bookletentitled “Warranty and OwnerAssistance Information”furnishedwith each new vehicle providesdetailed warranty coverageinformation.Transportation OptionsWarranty service can generally becompleted while you wait. However,if you are unable to wait, GM helpsto minimize inconvenience byproviding several transportationoptions. Depending on thecircumstances, your dealer canoffer one of the following:Shuttle ServiceShuttle service is the preferredmeans of offering CourtesyTransportation. Dealers may provideshuttle service to get you to yourdestination with minimal interruptionof your daily schedule. This includesone‐way or round‐trip shuttle servicewithin reasonable time and distanceparameters of your dealer's area.Public Transportation or FuelReimbursementIf the vehicle requires overnightwarranty repairs, and publictransportation is used instead ofyour dealer's shuttle service, theexpense must be supported byoriginal receipts and can only be upto the maximum amount allowed byGM for shuttle service. In addition,for U.S. customers, should youarrange transportation througha friend or relative, limitedreimbursement for reasonable fuelexpenses may be available. Claimamounts should reflect actual costsand be supported by originalreceipts. See your dealer forinformation regarding the allowanceamounts for reimbursement of fuelor other transportation costs.Courtesy Rental VehicleYour dealer may arrange to provideyou with a courtesy rental vehicle orreimburse you for a rental vehiclethat you obtain if the vehicle is keptfor an overnight warranty repair.Rental reimbursement will be limitedand must be supported by originalreceipts. This requires that you signand complete a rental agreementand meet state/provincial, local, andrental vehicle provider requirements.
Black plate (14,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201213-14 Customer InformationRequirements vary and mayinclude minimum age requirements,insurance coverage, credit card, etc.You are responsible for fuel usagecharges and may also beresponsible for taxes, levies,usage fees, excessive mileage,or rental usage beyond thecompletion of the repair.It may not be possible to provide alike vehicle as a courtesy rental.Additional ProgramInformationAll program options, such as shuttleservice, may not be available atevery dealer. Please contact yourdealer for specific informationabout availability. All CourtesyTransportation arrangements willbe administered by appropriatedealer personnel.General Motors reserves theright to unilaterally modify,change, or discontinue CourtesyTransportation at any time and toresolve all questions of claimeligibility pursuant to the terms andconditions described herein at itssole discretion.Collision Damage Repair(U.S. and Canada)If the vehicle is involved in acollision and it is damaged, have thedamage repaired by a qualifiedtechnician using the properequipment and quality replacementparts. Poorly performed collisionrepairs diminish the vehicle resalevalue, and safety performance canbe compromised in subsequentcollisions.Collision PartsGenuine GM Collision parts are newparts made with the same materialsand construction methods as theparts with which the vehicle wasoriginally built. Genuine GMCollision parts are the best choice toensure that the vehicle's designedappearance, durability, and safetyare preserved. The use of GenuineGM parts can help maintain theGM New Vehicle Limited Warranty.Recycled original equipment partsmay also be used for repair. Theseparts are typically removed fromvehicles that were total losses inprior crashes. In most cases, theparts being recycled are fromundamaged sections of the vehicle.A recycled original equipment GMpart may be an acceptable choice tomaintain the vehicle's originallydesigned appearance and safetyperformance; however, the history ofthese parts is not known. Such partsare not covered by the GM NewVehicle Limited Warranty, and anyrelated failures are not covered bythat warranty.Aftermarket collision parts arealso available. These are made bycompanies other than GM and maynot have been tested for the vehicle.
Black plate (15,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Customer Information 13-15As a result, these parts may fitpoorly, exhibit premature durability/corrosion problems, and may notperform properly in subsequentcollisions. Aftermarket parts are notcovered by the GM New VehicleLimited Warranty, and any vehiclefailure related to such parts is notcovered by that warranty.Repair FacilityGM also recommends that youchoose a collision repair facility thatmeets your needs before you everneed collision repairs. Your dealermay have a collision repair centerwith GM-trained technicians andstate‐of‐the‐art equipment, or beable to recommend a collisionrepair center that has GM-trainedtechnicians and comparableequipment.Insuring the VehicleProtect your investment in theGM vehicle with comprehensive andcollision insurance coverage. Thereare significant differences in thequality of coverage afforded byvarious insurance policy terms.Many insurance policies providereduced protection to the GMvehicle by limiting compensationfor damage repairs by usingaftermarket collision parts. Someinsurance companies will notspecify aftermarket collision parts.When purchasing insurance, werecommend that you ensure thatthe vehicle will be repaired withGM original equipment collisionparts. If such insurance coverageis not available from your currentinsurance carrier, consider switchingto another insurance carrier.If the vehicle is leased, the leasingcompany may require you to haveinsurance that ensures repairs withGenuine GM Original EquipmentManufacturer (OEM) parts orGenuine Manufacturer replacementparts. Read the lease carefully, asyou may be charged at the end ofthe lease for poor quality repairs.If a Crash OccursIf there has been an injury, callemergency services for help. Do notleave the scene of a crash until allmatters have been taken care of.Move the vehicle only if its positionputs you in danger, or you areinstructed to move it by apolice officer.Give only the necessary informationto police and other parties involvedin the crash.For emergency towing seeRoadside Assistance Program (U.S.and Canada) on page 13‑7orRoadside Assistance Program(Mexico) on page 13‑9.
Black plate (16,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201213-16 Customer InformationGather the following information:.Driver name, address, andtelephone number..Driver license number..Owner name, address, andtelephone number..Vehicle license plate number..Vehicle make, model, andmodel year..Vehicle IdentificationNumber (VIN)..Insurance company and policynumber..General description of thedamage to the other vehicle.Choose a reputable repair facilitythat uses quality replacement parts.See “Collision Parts”earlier inthis section.If the airbag has inflated, see WhatWill You See after an AirbagInflates? on page 3‑26.Managing the Vehicle DamageRepair ProcessIn the event that the vehicle requiresdamage repairs, GM recommendsthat you take an active role in itsrepair. If you have a pre-determinedrepair facility of choice, take thevehicle there, or have it towed there.Specify to the facility that anyrequired replacement collision partsbe original equipment parts, eithernew Genuine GM parts or recycledoriginal GM parts. Remember,recycled parts will not be coveredby the GM vehicle warranty.Insurance pays the bill for the repair,but you must live with the repair.Depending on your policy limits,your insurance company mayinitially value the repair usingaftermarket parts. Discuss this withthe repair professional, and insist onGenuine GM parts. Remember,if the vehicle is leased, you may beobligated to have the vehiclerepaired with Genuine GM parts,even if your insurance coveragedoes not pay the full cost.If another party's insurancecompany is paying for the repairs,you are not obligated to accept arepair valuation based on thatinsurance company's collision policyrepair limits, as you have nocontractual limits with that company.In such cases, you can have controlof the repair and parts choices aslong as the cost stays withinreasonable limits.Service PublicationsOrdering InformationService ManualsService Manuals have the diagnosisand repair information on theengines, transmission, axle,suspension, brakes, electrical,steering, body, etc.Service BulletinsService Bulletins give additionaltechnical service informationneeded to knowledgeably serviceGeneral Motors cars and trucks.
Black plate (17,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Customer Information 13-17Each bulletin contains instructionsto assist in the diagnosis andservice of the vehicle.Owner InformationOwner publications are writtenspecifically for owners and intendedto provide basic operationalinformation about the vehicle.The Owner Manual includesthe Maintenance Schedule forall models.In-Portfolio: Includes a Portfolio,Owner Manual, and WarrantyBooklet.RETAIL SELL PRICE:$35.00 (U.S.) plus handling andshipping fees.Without Portfolio:Owner Manual only.RETAIL SELL PRICE:$25.00 (U.S.) plus handling andshipping fees.Current and Past ModelsTechnical Service Bulletins andManuals are available for currentand past model GM vehicles.ORDER TOLL FREE:1-800-551-4123 Monday - Friday8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Eastern TimeFor Credit Card Orders Only(VISA-MasterCard-Discover),visit Helm, Inc. write to:Helm, IncorporatedP.O. Box 07130Detroit, MI 48207Prices are subject to changewithout notice and without incurringobligation. Allow ample timefor delivery.All listed prices are quoted inU.S. funds. Make checks payablein U.S. funds.Reporting SafetyDefectsReporting Safety Defectsto the United StatesGovernmentIf you believe that your vehiclehas a defect which could causea crash or could cause injury ordeath, you should immediatelyinform the National HighwayTraffic Safety Administration(NHTSA) in addition to notifyingGeneral Motors.If NHTSA receives similarcomplaints, it may open aninvestigation, and if it findsthat a safety defect exists in agroup of vehicles, it may ordera recall and remedy campaign.However, NHTSA cannotbecome involved in individualproblems between you, yourdealer, or General Motors.
Black plate (18,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201213-18 Customer InformationTo contact NHTSA, you maycall the Vehicle Safety Hotlinetoll-free at 1-888-327-4236(TTY: 1-800-424-9153); go to; orwrite to:Administrator, NHTSA1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.Washington, D.C. 20590You can also obtain otherinformation about motorvehicle safety from Safety Defectsto the CanadianGovernmentIf you live in Canada, and youbelieve that the vehicle has a safetydefect, notify Transport Canadaimmediately, and notify GeneralMotors of Canada Limited.Call Transport Canada at1-800-333-0510 or write to:Transport CanadaRoad Safety Branch80 rue NoelGatineau, QC J8Z 0A1Reporting Safety Defectsto General MotorsIn addition to notifying NHTSA(or Transport Canada) in asituation like this, please notifyGeneral Motors.Call 1-800-521-7300, or write:Buick Customer Assistance CenterP.O. Box 33136Detroit, MI 48232-5136In Canada, call 1-800-263-3777(English) or 1-800-263-7854(French), or write:General Motors of Canada LimitedCustomer Care Centre, Mail Code:CA1-163-0051908 Colonel Sam DriveOshawa, Ontario L1H 8P7Vehicle DataRecording andPrivacyThis GM vehicle has a number ofsophisticated computers that recordinformation about the vehicle’sperformance and how it is driven.For example, the vehicle usescomputer modules to monitor andcontrol engine and transmissionperformance, to monitor theconditions for airbag deploymentand deploy airbags in a crash, and,if so equipped, to provide antilockbraking to help the driver control thevehicle. These modules may storedata to help your dealer technicianservice the vehicle. Some modulesmay also store data about how youoperate the vehicle, such as rate offuel consumption or average speed.These modules may also retain theowner’s personal preferences, suchas radio pre-sets, seat positions,and temperature settings.
Black plate (19,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012Customer Information 13-19Event Data RecordersThis vehicle has an Event DataRecorder (EDR). The main purposeof an EDR is to record, in certaincrash or near crash-like situations,such as an airbag deployment orhitting a road obstacle, data thatwill assist in understanding how avehicle's systems performed. TheEDR is designed to record datarelated to vehicle dynamics andsafety systems for a short period oftime, typically 30 seconds or less.The EDR in this vehicle is designedto record such data as:.How various systems in thevehicle were operating..Whether or not the driver andpassenger safety belts werebuckled/fastened..How far, if at all, the driver waspressing the accelerator and/orbrake pedal..How fast the vehicle wastraveling.This data can help provide a betterunderstanding of the circumstancesin which crashes and injuries occur.Important: EDR data is recordedby the vehicle only if a non-trivialcrash situation occurs; no data isrecorded by the EDR under normaldriving conditions and no personaldata (e.g., name, gender, age, andcrash location) is recorded.However, other parties, such as lawenforcement, could combine theEDR data with the type ofpersonally identifying data routinelyacquired during a crashinvestigation.To read data recorded by an EDR,special equipment is required, andaccess to the vehicle or the EDR isneeded. In addition to the vehiclemanufacturer, other parties, such aslaw enforcement, that have thespecial equipment, can read theinformation if they have access tothe vehicle or the EDR.GM will not access this data orshare it with others except: with theconsent of the vehicle owner or,if the vehicle is leased, with theconsent of the lessee; in responseto an official request by police orsimilar government office; as part ofGM's defense of litigation throughthe discovery process; or, asrequired by law. Data that GMcollects or receives may also beused for GM research needs or maybe made available to others forresearch purposes, where a need isshown and the data is not tied to aspecific vehicle or vehicle owner.
Black plate (20,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201213-20 Customer InformationOnStar®If the vehicle is equipped with anactive OnStar system, that systemmay also record data in crash ornear crash‐like situations. TheOnStar Terms and Conditionsprovides information on datacollection and use and is availableat (U.S.) (Canada), or bypressing the Qbutton andspeaking to an advisor. See OnStarOverview on page 14‑1for moreinformation.Navigation SystemIf the vehicle has a navigationsystem, use of the system mayresult in the storage of destinations,addresses, telephone numbers, andother trip information. Refer to thenavigation manual for informationon stored data and for deletioninstructions.Radio FrequencyIdentification (RFID)RFID technology is used in somevehicles for functions such as tirepressure monitoring and ignitionsystem security, as well as inconnection with conveniences suchas key fobs for remote door locking/unlocking and starting, andin-vehicle transmitters for garagedoor openers. RFID technology inGM vehicles does not use or recordpersonal information or link with anyother GM system containingpersonal information.Radio FrequencyStatementThis vehicle has systems thatoperate on a radio frequency thatcomply with Part 15 of the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC)rules and with Industry CanadaStandards RSS‐GEN/210/220/310.Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions:1. The device may not causeharmful interference.2. The device must accept anyinterference received, includinginterference that may causeundesired operation of thedevice.Changes or modifications to any ofthese systems by other than anauthorized service facility could voidauthorization to use this equipment.
Black plate (1,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012OnStar 14-1OnStarOnStar OverviewOnStar Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1OnStar ServicesEmergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-4Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-5OnStar Additional InformationOnStar AdditionalInformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-5OnStar OverviewIf equipped, this vehicle has acomprehensive, in-vehicle systemthat can connect to a live Advisorfor Emergency, Security, Navigation,Connection, and DiagnosticServices.OverviewThe OnStar system status light isnext to the OnStar buttons. If thestatus light is:.Solid Green: System is ready..Flashing Green: On a call..Red: Indicates a problem.Push Qor call 1-888-4-ONSTAR(1-888-466-7827) to speakto an Advisor.Push Xto:.Make a call, end a call,or answer an incoming call..Give OnStar Hands-Free Callingvoice commands..Give OnStar Turn-by-TurnNavigation voice commands.Requires the available Directionsand Connections service plan.Push Qto connect to a liveAdvisor to:.Verify account information orupdate contact information..Get driving directions. Requiresthe available Directions andConnections service plan..Receive On-DemandDiagnostics for a check on thevehicle’s key operating systems..Receive Roadside Assistance.
Black plate (2,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201214-2 OnStarPush ]to get a priority connectionto an Emergency Advisor available24/7 to:.Get help for an emergency..Be a Good Samaritan orrespond to an AMBER Alert..Get crisis assistance andevacuation routes.OnStar ServicesEmergencyWith Automatic Crash Response,the built-in system can automaticallyconnect to help in a crash even ifyou cannot ask for it.Push ]to connect to anEmergency Advisor. GPStechnology is used to identify thevehicle location and can providecritical information to emergencypersonnel. The Advisor is alsotrained to offer critical assistance inemergency situations.SecurityOnStar provides services like StolenVehicle Assistance, Remote IgnitionBlock, and Roadside Assistance,if the vehicle is equipped with theseservices. OnStar can unlock thevehicle doors remotely, if it isequipped with automatic door locks,and can help police locate thevehicle if it is stolen.NavigationOnStar navigation requires theDirections and Connectionsservice plan.Push Qto receive directions orhave them sent to the vehiclenavigation screen. Destinations canalso be forwarded to the vehiclefrom Google Maps™ The OnStarmapping database is continuouslyupdated. Visit forcoverage maps.Turn‐by‐Turn Navigation1. Push Qto connect to a liveAdvisor.2. Request directions.3. Directions are downloaded tothe vehicle.4. Follow the voice-guidedcommands.
Black plate (3,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012OnStar 14-3Using Voice CommandsDuring a Planned RouteCancel Route1. Push X. System responds:“OnStar ready,”then a tone.Say “Cancel route.”Systemresponds: “Would you like tocancel route directions to yourdestination?”2. Say “Yes.”System responds:“OK, route canceled.”3. Say “Goodbye.”Exits voicecommands.Route Preview1. Push X. System responds:“OnStar ready,”then a tone.2. Say “Route Preview.”Systemresponds with the next threemaneuvers.3. Say “Goodbye.”Exits voicecommands.Repeat1. Push X. System responds:“OnStar ready,”then a tone.2. Say “Repeat.”System respondswith the last direction given, thenresponds with “OnStar ready,”then a tone.3. Say “Goodbye.”Exits voicecommands.Get My Destination1. Push X. System responds:“OnStar ready,”then a tone.2. Say “Get my destination.”System responds with miles tothe destination, then respondswith “OnStar ready,”then a tone.3. Say “Goodbye.”Exits voicecommands.Other Navigation ServicesAvailable from OnStarOnStar eNav: Allows subscribersto send destinations from GoogleMaps™and totheir Turn-by-Turn Navigation orscreen-based navigation system.When ready, the directions will bedownloaded to the vehicle.Destination Download: Push Q,then request the Advisor todownload directions to thenavigation system in the vehicle.After the call ends, push the “Go”button on the navigation screen tobegin driving directions.Destinations can also bedownloaded on the go. Forinformation about eNav, DestinationDownload, and coverage maps
Black plate (4,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201214-4 OnStarConnectionsOnStar Hands-Free Calling allowscalls to be made and received fromthe vehicle. The vehicle can alsobe controlled from a cell phonethrough the OnStar mobile app. for coverage maps.Hands-Free Calling1. Push X. System responds:“OnStar ready.”2. Say “Dial.”System responds:“Please say the name ornumber to call.”3. Say the entire number withoutpausing, including a “1”and thearea code. System responds:“OK calling.”Retrieve My Number1. Push X. System responds:“OnStar ready.”2. Say “My Number.”Systemresponds: “Your OnStarHands-Free Calling numberis number.”End a CallPush X. System responds:“Call ended.”Store a Name Tag for SpeedDialing1. Push X. System responds:“OnStar ready.”2. Say “Store.”System responds:“Please say the number youwould like to store.”3. Say the entire number withoutpausing. System responds:“Please say the name tag.”4. Pick a name tag. “Systemresponds: ”About to store <nametag>. Does that sound OK?”5. Say “Yes”or “No”to try again.System responds: “OK, storing<name tag>.”Place a Call Using a StoredNumber1. Push X. System responds:“OnStar ready.”2. Say “Call <name tag>.”Systemresponds: “OK, calling<name tag>.”Verify Minutes and ExpirationPush Xand say “minutes”then“verify”to check how many minutesremain and their expiration date.OnStar Mobile AppWith an iPhone®orAndroid™-based mobile device,an OnStar mobile app can bedownloaded. The vehicle can beremote started, if equipped, orthe doors can be unlocked fromanywhere there is cell phoneservice. It can also check the fuellevel, tire pressure, and oil life.It can connect to an OnStar Advisoranytime. For OnStar mobile appcompatibility or further information,see
Black plate (5,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012OnStar 14-5DiagnosticsOnStar Vehicle Diagnostics willperform a vehicle check everymonth. It will check the engine,transmission, antilock brakes, andmajor vehicle systems. It alsochecks the tire pressures, if thevehicle is equipped with the TirePressure Monitoring System. If adiagnostics check is neededbetween e-mails, push Q, andan Advisor can run a check.OnStar AdditionalInformationTransferring ServicePush Qto request account transfereligibility information. The Advisorcan assist in canceling or removingaccount information. If OnStarreceives information that vehicleownership has changed, OnStarmay send a voice message to thevehicle, requesting updatedaccount information.Reactivation for SubsequentOwnersPush Qand follow the prompts tospeak to an Advisor as soon aspossible after acquiring the vehicle.The Advisor will update vehiclerecords and will explain the OnStarservice offers and options available.How OnStar Service WorksAutomatic Crash Response,Emergency Services, Crisis Assist,Stolen Vehicle Assistance, VehicleDiagnostics, Remote Door Unlock,Roadside Assistance, Turn-by-TurnNavigation, and Hands-Free Callingare available on most vehicles. Notall OnStar services are availableeverywhere or on all vehicles. Formore information, a full descriptionof OnStar services, systemlimitations, and OnStar terms andconditions, see or (Canada);contact OnStar at 1-888-4-ONSTAR(1‐888‐466‐7827) orTTY 1‐877‐248‐2080; orpush Qto speak with an Advisor.OnStar services require a vehicleelectrical system, wireless service,and GPS satellite technologies to beavailable and operating for featuresto function properly. These systemsmay not operate if the battery isdischarged or disconnected.
Black plate (6,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201214-6 OnStarOnStar service cannot work unlessyour vehicle is in a place whereOnStar has an agreement with awireless service provider for servicein that area, and the wirelessservice provider has coverage,network capacity, reception, andtechnology compatible with OnStar’sservice. Service involving locationinformation about the vehicle cannotwork unless GPS signals areavailable, unobstructed, andcompatible with the OnStarhardware. OnStar service may notwork if the OnStar equipment is notproperly installed or it has not beenproperly maintained. If equipment orsoftware is added, connected,or modified, OnStar service maynot work. Other problems beyondOnStar’s control may preventservice such as hills, tall buildings,tunnels, weather, electrical systemdesign and architecture of thevehicle, damage to the vehicle in acrash, or wireless phone networkcongestion or jamming.See Radio Frequency Statement onpage 13‑20 for informationregarding Part 15 of the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC)rules and Industry CanadaStandards RSS-GEN/210/220/310.Services for People withDisabilitiesAdvisors provide services to helpsubscribers with physical disabilitiesand medical conditions.Push Qfor help with:.Locating a gas station with anattendant to pump gas..Finding a hotel, restaurant, etc.,that meets accessibility needs..Providing directions to theclosest hospital or pharmacy inurgent situations.TTY UsersOnStar has the ability tocommunicate to the deaf,hard‐of‐hearing, or speech‐impairedcustomers while in the vehicle.The available dealer‐installedTTY system can provide in-vehicleaccess to all of the OnStar services,except Virtual Advisor and OnStarTurn‐by‐Turn Navigation.Onstar.comThe website provides access toaccount information, manages theOnStar subscription, and allowsviewing of videos of each service.Get subscription plan pricingand sign up for OnStar VehicleDiagnostics. Click on the“My Account”tab on thehome page.
Black plate (7,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012OnStar 14-7OnStar Personal IdentificationNumber (PIN)A PIN is needed to access some ofthe OnStar services, like RemoteDoor Unlock and Stolen VehicleAssistance. You will be promptedto change the PIN the first timewhen speaking with an Advisor.To change the OnStar PIN, callOnStar and provide the Advisor withthe current number.WarrantyOnStar equipment may bewarranted as part of the new-vehiclelimited warranty. The manufacturerof the vehicle furnishes detailedwarranty information.LanguagesThe vehicle can be programmedto respond in French or Spanish.Push Qand ask an Advisor.Advisors can speak French orSpanish.Potential IssuesSome OnStar services are disabledafter five days. OnStar cannotperform Remote Door Unlock orStolen Vehicle Assistance after thevehicle has been off continuouslyfor five days. After five days, OnStarcan contact Roadside Assistanceand a locksmith to help gain accessto the vehicle.Global PositioningSystem (GPS).Obstruction of the GPS canoccur in a large city with tallbuildings; in parking garages;around airports; in tunnels,underpasses, or parkinggarages; or in an area with verydense trees. If GPS signals arenot available, the OnStar systemshould still operate to callOnStar. However, OnStar couldhave difficulty identifying theexact location..In emergency situations, OnStarcan use the last stored GPSlocation to send to emergencyresponders..A temporary loss of GPS cancause loss of the ability to senda Turn-by-Turn Navigation route.The Advisor may give a verbalroute or may ask for a call backafter the vehicle is driven into anopen area.Cellular and GPS AntennasAvoid placing items over or near theantenna to prevent blocking cellularand GPS signal reception. Cellularreception is required for OnStar tosend remote signals to the vehicle.Unable to Connect to OnStarMessageIf there is limited cellular coverageor the cellular network has reachedmaximum capacity, this messagemay come on. Push Qto try thecall again or try again after driving afew miles into another cellular area.
Black plate (8,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 201214-8 OnStarVehicle and Power IssuesOnStar services require a vehicleelectrical system, wireless service,and GPS satellite technologies to beavailable and operating for featuresto function properly. These systemsmay not operate if the battery isdischarged or disconnected.Add-on Electrical EquipmentThe OnStar system is integratedinto the electrical architecture of thevehicle. Do not add any electricalequipment. See Add-On ElectricalEquipment on page 9‑60. Addedelectrical equipment may interferewith the operation of the OnStarsystem and cause it to not operate.PrivacyThe complete OnStar PrivacyStatement may be found Privacy-sensitiveusers of wireless communicationsare cautioned that the privacy of anyinformation sent via wireless cellularcommunications cannot be assured.Third parties may unlawfullyintercept or access transmissionsand private communicationswithout consent.
Black plate (1,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012INDEX i-1AAccessories andModifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3Accessory Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-25Adaptive ForwardLighting (AFL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4Add-On ElectricalEquipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-60Additional Information,OnStar®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-5AdjustmentsLumbar, Front Seats . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5Air Cleaner/Filter, Engine . . . . . 10-13Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1Air Filter, PassengerCompartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10Air Intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10Air Vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9AirbagAdding Equipment to theVehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-32Airbag SystemCheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-33How Does an AirbagRestrain? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-26Passenger SensingSystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-27What Makes an AirbagInflate? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-25What Will You See after anAirbag Inflates? . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-26When Should an AirbagInflate? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-24Where Are the Airbags? . . . . . .3-23AirbagsPassenger Status Indicator . . .5-15Readiness Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-14Servicing Airbag-EquippedVehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-31System Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-21Alarm SystemAnti-theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-13All-Wheel Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-32AM-FM Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17, 7-19AntennaSatellite Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-26Anti-theftAlarm System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-13Alarm System Messages . . . . .5-38Antilock BrakeSystem (ABS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-33Warning Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-20Appearance CareExterior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-98Interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-101Assistance Program,Roadside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-7, 13-9Audio Players . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-26CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-26CD/DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-29MP3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-32Audio SystemBackglass Antenna . . . . . . . . . . .7-25Radio Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-24Theft-Deterrent Feature . . . . . . . . 7-3AutomaticClimate Control System . . . . . . . . 8-1Headlamp System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Black plate (2,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012i-2 INDEXAutomatic Transmission . . . . . . . 9-29Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13Manual Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-31Shift Lock ControlFunction Check . . . . . . . . . . . 10-26AuxiliaryDevices . . . . . . . . . . 7-38, 7-41, 7-44BBattery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-25Jump Starting . . . . . . . . 10-90, 10-93Load Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8Power Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8Voltage and ChargingMessages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-33Blade Replacement, Wiper . . . 10-27Bluetooth . . . . . . . . . . 7-57, 7-59,7-64, 7-70Brake System Warning Light . . . 5-19Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22Antilock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-33Assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-36Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23Parking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-34System Messages . . . . . . . . . . . .5-33Braking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3Break-In, New Vehicle . . . . . . . . . 9-15Bulb Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-35Fog Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5Halogen Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31Headlamp Aiming . . . . . . . . . . . 10-28Headlamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31Headlamps, Front TurnSignal, and ParkingLamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-32High Intensity Discharge(HID) Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31License Plate Lamps . . . . . . . 10-34Taillamps, Turn Signal,Stoplamps, andBack-up Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . 10-33Buying New Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-60CCalibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4CaliforniaFuel Requirements . . . . . . . . . . .9-50Perchlorate MaterialsRequirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-3Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-3Camera, Rear Vision . . . . . . . . . . 9-46Canadian Vehicle Owners . . . . . . . . iiiCapacities andSpecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2Carbon MonoxideEngine Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-28Trunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12Winter Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8Cautions, Danger, andWarnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ivCD Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-26CD/DVD Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-29Center Console Storage . . . . . . . . 4-2Chains, Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-64Charging System Light . . . . . . . . 5-16CheckEngine Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-16IgnitionTransmission Lock . . . . . . . . 10-27Child RestraintsInfants and YoungChildren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-36Lower Anchors andTethers for Children . . . . . . . . .3-42Older Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-34Securing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-50, 3-52Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-39Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-36
Black plate (3,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012INDEX i-3CleaningExterior Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-98Interior Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-101Climate Control SystemsAutomatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1Dual Automatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5, 5-6Cluster, Instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9Collision Damage Repair . . . . . 13-14Compact Spare Tire . . . . . . . . . . 10-89Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-34Compressor Kit,Tire Sealant . . . . . . . . . .10-67, 10-74Connections, OnStar®. . . . . . . . . 14-4Control of a Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3Convenience Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3Convex Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16CoolantEngine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16Engine TemperatureGauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-13Engine TemperatureWarning Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-22Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15Engine Messages . . . . . . . . . . . .5-35Courtesy TransportationProgram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-13Cruise Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-40Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-25Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-34Cupholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1Customer Assistance . . . . . . . . . . 13-6Offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-4, 13-5Text Telephone (TTY)Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-6Customer InformationService PublicationsOrdering Information . . . . . . 13-16Customer SatisfactionProcedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1, 13-3DDamage Repair, Collision . . . . . 13-14Danger, Warnings, andCautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ivData Recorders, Event . . . . . . . 13-19Daytime RunningLamps (DRL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3Defensive Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3Delayed Locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11Devices,Auxiliary . . . . . . . . . . 7-38, 7-41, 7-44Diagnostics, OnStar®. . . . . . . . . . 14-5Differential, Limited-Slip . . . . . . . 9-39Distracted Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2Dome Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6DoorAjar Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-34Delayed Locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10Power Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11Drive Belt Routing, Engine . . . . . 12-4Drive SystemsAll-Wheel Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-32Driver Efficiency Gauge . . . . . . . 5-12Driver InformationCenter (DIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25DrivingCharacteristics andTowing Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-54Defensive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3Drunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3For Better Fuel Economy . . . . .1-27Highway Hypnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7Hill and Mountain Roads . . . . . . . 9-7If the Vehicle is Stuck . . . . . . . . .9-10
Black plate (4,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012i-4 INDEXDriving (cont.)Loss of Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5Off-Road Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5Vehicle Load Limits . . . . . . . . . . .9-10Wet Roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6Winter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8Dual Automatic ClimateControl System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4DVDRear Seat EntertainmentSystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-47DVD/CD Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-29EElectric Parking Brake Light . . . 5-19Electrical Equipment,Add-On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-60Electrical SystemEngine CompartmentFuse Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-36Fuses and CircuitBreakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-36Instrument Panel FuseBlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-40Overload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-35Rear Compartment FuseBlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-42Emergency, OnStar®. . . . . . . . . . 14-2EngineAir Cleaner/Filter . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13Check and Service EngineSoon Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-16Compartment Overview . . . . . . .10-6Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16Coolant TemperatureGauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-13Engine (cont.)Coolant TemperatureWarning Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-22Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-15Cooling System Messages . . .5-35Drive Belt Routing . . . . . . . . . . . .12-4Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-28Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-24Overheated ProtectionOperating Mode . . . . . . . . . . . 10-20Overheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-19Power Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-36Pressure Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-23Running While Parked . . . . . . . .9-28Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-20Engine OilLife System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-35Entry Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7Equipment, Towing . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-59Event Data Recorders . . . . . . . . 13-19Exit Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7Extender, Safety Belt . . . . . . . . . . 3-19Exterior Lamp Controls . . . . . . . . . 6-2Exterior Lamps Off Reminder . . . 6-2
Black plate (5,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012INDEX i-5FFeaturesMemory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8Filter,Engine Air Cleaner . . . . . . . . . 10-13Flash-to-Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3Flashers, Hazard Warning . . . . . . 6-4Flat Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-64Changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-83Floor Mats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-104FluidAutomatic Transmission . . . . 10-13Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-23Power Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22Fog LampsBulb Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5Folding Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16Front Fog LampLight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-25Front SeatsAdjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4Heated and Ventilated . . . . . . . .3-10Front Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-49Additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-50Filling a Portable FuelContainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-53Filling the Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-52Fuels in Foreign Countries . . . .9-50Gasoline Specifications . . . . . . .9-50Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11Low Fuel Warning Light . . . . . . .5-24Recommended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-49Requirements, California . . . . .9-50System Messages . . . . . . . . . . . .5-36Fuel EconomyDriving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-27FusesEngine CompartmentFuse Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-36Fuses and CircuitBreakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-36Instrument Panel FuseBlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-40Rear Compartment FuseBlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-42GGarage Door Opener . . . . . . . . . . 5-46Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-46GasolineSpecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-50GaugesDriver Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-12Engine CoolantTemperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-13Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11Odometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11Speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11Tachometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11Warning Lights andIndicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8General InformationService and Maintenance . . . . . 11-1Towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-54Vehicle Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-3Glove Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1GM Mobility ReimbursementProgram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-7
Black plate (6,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012i-6 INDEXHHalogen Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31Hazard Warning Flashers . . . . . . . 6-4Head Restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2Head-up Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29HeadlampsAdaptive ForwardLighting (AFL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4Aiming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-28Automatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3Bulb Replacement . . . . . . . . . . 10-31Daytime RunningLamps (DRL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3Flash-to-Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3High Intensity Discharge(HID) Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-31High-Beam On Light . . . . . . . . . .5-24High/Low Beam Changer . . . . . . 6-2HeatedSteering Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3Heated and Ventilated FrontSeats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10Heated Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17HeaterEngine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-24Heating and Air Conditioning . . . 8-1High Voltage Devices andWiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-35High-Beam On Light . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24Highway Hypnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7Hill and Mountain Roads . . . . . . . . 9-7Hill Start Assist (HSA) . . . . . . . . . 9-36Hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3How to Wear Safety BeltsProperly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14IIgnition Positions . . . . . . . . 9-16, 9-18Ignition Transmission LockCheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27Immobilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14Infants and Young Children,Restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36Infotainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2Instrument Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiiJJump Starting . . . . . . . . . .10-90, 10-93KKey and Lock Messages . . . . . . . 5-36Keyless EntryRemote (RKE) System . . . . . . . . 2-3Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Black plate (7,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012INDEX i-7LLabeling, Tire Sidewall . . . . . . . . 10-46Lamp Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36LampsDaytime Running (DRL) . . . . . . . 6-3Dome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6Exterior Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2Exterior Lamps OffReminder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2Headlamps, Front TurnSignal, and ParkingLamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-32License Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-34Malfunction Indicator . . . . . . . . .5-16Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6Sun Visor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7Lap-Shoulder Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15LATCH SystemReplacing Parts after aCrash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-50LATCH, Lower Anchors andTethers for Children . . . . . . . . . . 3-42LightStabiliTrak®OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-21LightingAdaptive Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7Illumination Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6LightsAirbag Readiness . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-14Antilock Brake System(ABS) Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-20Brake System Warning . . . . . . .5-19Charging System . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-16Cruise Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-25Electric Parking Brake . . . . . . . .5-19Engine CoolantTemperature Warning . . . . . . .5-22Engine Oil Pressure . . . . . . . . . .5-23Flash-to-Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3Front Fog Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-25High-Beam On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-24High/Low Beam Changer . . . . . . 6-2Low Fuel Warning . . . . . . . . . . . .5-24Safety Belt Reminders . . . . . . . .5-14Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-24Taillamp Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-25Lights (cont.)Tire Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-23Traction Control System(TCS)/StabiliTrak®. . . . . . . . . .5-21Traction Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-21Limited-Slip Differential . . . . . . . . 9-39LocksDelayed Locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10Power Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11Loss of Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5Low Fuel Warning Light . . . . . . . . 5-24Lower Anchors and Tethersfor Children (LATCHSystem) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42Lumbar Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5Front Seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Black plate (8,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012i-8 INDEXMMaintenanceRecords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-17Maintenance ScheduleRecommended Fluidsand Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-14Malfunction Indicator Lamp . . . . 5-16Manual Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-31Mass Storage Media (MEM) . . . 7-35Memory Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8Memory Seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7MessagesAnti-theft Alarm System . . . . . . .5-38Battery Voltage andCharging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-33Brake System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-33Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-34Door Ajar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-34Engine Cooling System . . . . . . .5-35Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-35Engine Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-36Fuel System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-36Key and Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-36Messages (cont.)Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-36Object Detection System . . . . .5-37Ride Control System . . . . . . . . . .5-37Starting the Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . .5-38Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-39Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-39Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-33Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-40MirrorsAutomatic DimmingRearview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-18Convex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16Folding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16Heated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-17Manual Rearview . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-17Park Tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-17Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16Monitor System, TirePressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-53MP3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-32NNavigationVehicle Data Recordingand Privacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-20Navigation, OnStar®. . . . . . . . . . . 14-2Net, Convenience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3New Vehicle Break-In . . . . . . . . . . 9-15OObject Detection SystemMessages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37Object Detection, Side BlindZone Alert (SBZA) . . . . . . . . . . . 9-44Odometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11Off-RoadRecovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5OilEngine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-9Engine Oil Life System . . . . . 10-12Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-35Pressure Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-23Older Children, Restraints . . . . . 3-34Online Owner Center . . . . . . . . . . 13-6
Black plate (9,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012INDEX i-9OnStar®Additional Information . . . . . . . .14-5Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-4Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-5Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-2Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-2Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-1Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-2OnStar®System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-28Operation, InfotainmentSystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12OrderingService Publications . . . . . . . . 13-16OutletsPower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6Overheated EngineProtectionOperating Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-20Overheating, Engine . . . . . . . . . . 10-19Overview,InfotainmentSystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4, 7-6, 7-8Overview, OnStar®. . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1PParkShifting into . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-25Shifting out of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-26Park Tilt Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17ParkingAssist, Ultrasonic . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-42Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-34Brake and P (Park)Mechanism Check . . . . . . . . 10-27Over Things That Burn . . . . . . .9-27Passenger Airbag StatusIndicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15Passenger Compartment AirFilter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10Passenger Sensing System . . . 3-27Perchlorate MaterialsRequirements, California . . . . . 10-3PersonalizationVehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-40PhoneBluetooth . . . . . . . . 7-57, 7-59,7-64, 7-70PowerDoor Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6Protection, Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8Retained Accessory (RAP) . . .9-25Seat Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5Steering Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-19Pregnancy, Using SafetyBelts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19PrivacyRadio FrequencyIdentification (RFID) . . . . . . . 13-20ProgramCourtesy Transportation . . . . 13-13Proposition 65 Warning,California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
Black plate (10,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012i-10 INDEXRRadio FrequencyIdentification (RFID) . . . . . . . . 13-20Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-20RadiosAM-FM Radio . . . . . . . . . . .7-17, 7-19CD/DVD Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-29Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-24Satellite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-23Reading Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6Rear Seat EntertainmentSystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-47Rear Seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11Rear Vision Camera (RVC) . . . . 9-46Rearview MirrorAutomatic Dimming . . . . . . . . . . .2-18Rearview Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17Reclining Seatbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6RecommendedFuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-49Recommended Fluids andLubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-14RecordsMaintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-17Recreational VehicleTowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-95Reimbursement Program,GM Mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-7Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3Remote Vehicle Start . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8Replacement Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . 10-35Replacement PartsAirbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-33Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-16Replacing Airbag System . . . . . . 3-33Replacing LATCH SystemParts after a Crash . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50Replacing Safety BeltSystem Parts after a Crash . . . 3-20Reporting Safety DefectsCanadian Government . . . . . . 13-18General Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18U.S. Government . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17RestraintsWhere to Put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-41Retained AccessoryPower (RAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-25Ride Control SystemsEnhanced TractionSystem (ETS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-39Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-37Selective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-39RoadsDriving, Wet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6Roadside AssistanceProgram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-7, 13-9RoofSunroof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-21Rotation, Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-58Routing, Engine Drive Belt . . . . . 12-4Running the Vehicle WhileParked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-28
Black plate (11,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012INDEX i-11SSafety Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-20Extender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-19How to Wear Safety BeltsProperly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-14Lap-Shoulder Belt . . . . . . . . . . . .3-15Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-14Replacing after a Crash . . . . . .3-20Use During Pregnancy . . . . . . . .3-19Safety Defects ReportingCanadian Government . . . . . . 13-18General Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18U.S. Government . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17Safety Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11Safety System Check . . . . . . . . . . 3-19Satellite Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23Scheduling Appointments . . . . . 13-12Sealant Kit, Tire . . . . . . .10-67, 10-74SeatsAdjustment, Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4Head Restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2Heated and VentilatedFront . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-10Lumbar Adjustment, Front . . . . . 3-5Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7Power Adjustment, Front . . . . . . 3-5Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11Reclining Seatbacks . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6Securing ChildRestraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50, 3-52SecurityLight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-24Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-13Security, OnStar®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2Selective Ride Control . . . . . . . . . 9-39ServiceAccessories andModifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-3Doing Your Own Work . . . . . . . .10-4Engine Soon Light . . . . . . . . . . . .5-16Maintenance Records . . . . . . .11-17Maintenance, GeneralInformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1Service (cont.)Parts Identification Label . . . . .12-1Publications OrderingInformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16Scheduling Appointments . . . 13-12Servicing the Airbag . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31Shift Lock Control FunctionCheck, AutomaticTransmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-26ShiftingInto Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-25Out of Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-26Side Blind Zone Alert . . . . . . . . . . 9-44Signals, Turn andLane-Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4Spare TireCompact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-89Specifications andCapacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2Speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11StabiliTrakOFF Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-21System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-37
Black plate (12,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012i-12 INDEXStart Assist, Hills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-36Start Vehicle, Remote . . . . . . . . . . 2-8Starter Switch Check . . . . . . . . . 10-26Starting the Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-20Starting the VehicleMesssages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4Fluid, Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21Heated Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3Wheel Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2Wheel Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2Stoplamps and Back-up LampsBulb Replacement . . . . . . . . . . 10-33StorageMass Media (MEM) . . . . . . . . . . .7-35Storage AreasCenter Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2Convenience Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1Glove Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1Storing the Tire Sealantand Compressor Kit . . . . . . . . . 10-82Stuck Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10Sun Visor Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7Sun Visors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20Sunroof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ivSystemInfotainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2TTachometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11Taillamp Indicator Light . . . . . . . . 5-25TaillampsBulb Replacement . . . . . . . . . . 10-33Text Telephone (TTY) Users . . . 13-6Theft-DeterrentSystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14, 2-15Immobilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-14Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5, 5-6TiresBuying New Tires . . . . . . . . . . . 10-60Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-64Changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-83Compact Spare . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-89Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-48Different Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-61If a Tire Goes Flat . . . . . . . . . . 10-64Inflation Monitor System . . . . 10-54Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-57Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-39Pressure Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-23Pressure Monitor System . . . 10-53Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-58Sealant andCompressor Kit . . . . 10-67, 10-74Sealant and CompressorKit, Storing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-82Sidewall Labeling . . . . . . . . . . . 10-46Terminology andDefinitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-49
Black plate (13,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012INDEX i-13Tires (cont.)Uniform Tire QualityGrading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-62Wheel Alignment and TireBalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-63Wheel Replacement . . . . . . . . 10-63When It Is Time for NewTires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-59Winter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-45TowingDriving Characteristics . . . . . . . .9-54Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-59General Information . . . . . . . . . .9-54Recreational Vehicle . . . . . . . . 10-95Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-57, 9-59Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-94TractionControl System (TCS) . . . . . . . .9-36Control System (TCS)/StabiliTrak®Light . . . . . . . . . . . .5-21Limited-Slip Differential . . . . . . .9-39Off Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-21Selective Ride Control . . . . . . . .9-39Trailer Towing . . . . . . . . . . . 9-57, 9-59TransmissionAutomatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-29Fluid, Automatic . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-39Transportation Program,Courtesy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-13Trunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12Turn and Lane-ChangeSignals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4Turn SignalBulb Replacement . . . . . . . . . . 10-33UUltrasonic Parking Assist . . . . . . 9-42Uniform Tire QualityGrading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-62Universal Remote System . . . . . 5-46Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-49Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-46Using This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Black plate (14,1)Buick LaCrosse Owner Manual - 2012i-14 INDEXVVehicleCanadian Owners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iiiControl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3IdentificationNumber (VIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-1Load Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-10Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-33Personalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-40Remote Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-13Towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-94Vehicle CareStoring the Tire Sealantand Compressor Kit . . . . . . . 10-82Tire Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-51Vehicle IdentificationService Parts IdentificationLabel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-1Ventilation, Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9Visors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20Voltage Devices andWiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-35WWarningBrake System Light . . . . . . . . . . .5-19Warning Lights, Gauges, andIndicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ivCautions and Danger . . . . . . . . . . . .ivHazard Flashers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4Washer Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-22WheelsAlignment and TireBalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-63Different Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-61Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-63When It Is Time for NewTires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-59Where to Put the Restraint . . . . 3-41Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-40Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-19WindshieldWiper/Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3WinterDriving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8Winter Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-45Wiper Blade Replacement . . . . 10-27Wiring, High VoltageDevices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-35

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