Panasonic of North America LB-DM9 Data Archiver User Manual Microsoft PowerPoint DataArchiver

Panasonic Corporation of North America Data Archiver Microsoft PowerPoint DataArchiver


User manual final 2

231Optical disc library system for long-term data archiving using Blu-ray disc™ technologyDataArchiver unit(Preliminary)Sustainable storageLow T.C.O.Long term archivingSuitable for preserving valuable data•Less migration with long media life, 50-year longevity•Reducing the cost for data migration, operation cost, media purchasing and electric powerEnergy-saving and natural-resource-saving data preservation•No electric power required for media storage since the media can be preserved for long time in the office environment•No media disposal is necessary on data migrationHigh data density/high capacity•12 BD-R discs held in ultra thin magazine makes 1.2TB/magazine and 108TB/unit maximum.•Magazine can be taken out from the unit and stored in a shelf. Magazine can be managed by RFID in itHigh performance•216MB/s read and write•200ms of access timeDataArchiver unitand its mediaCharacteristics
System configuration examplesNAS connection(CIFS protocol)Magazine shelf-Each magazine is managed by its RFID-Surveillance function with RFID-Door lock mechanism with user identificationLANDA ManagerNAS head with magazine management functionDataArchiver unit Client PCExample of generic IT sysmeServerArchivingVideo sourceVTR Video ingestionsystemData archiving systemLANSASFiled video dataDataArchiver unit Example of video archiving system :Video data flow

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