Pantech HWP-2100 WLL Telephone (CDMA) User Manual

Pantech Co., Ltd. WLL Telephone (CDMA) Users Manual

Users Manual

Download: Pantech HWP-2100 WLL Telephone (CDMA) User Manual
Mirror Download []Pantech HWP-2100 WLL Telephone (CDMA) User Manual
Document ID268638
Application IDIFfqR4g+95RSwMz8ygIEGw==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize187.37kB (2342173 bits)
Date Submitted2002-09-06 00:00:00
Date Available2002-09-06 00:00:00
Creation Date2002-09-06 18:06:51
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2002-09-06 18:07:11
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

va-zzmsw 30525171514
Wireless Local Loop
Fixed Wireless Terminal
HWP-2100 & HWP-2200 User’s Guide
g yourpliiiité
In August 1996 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States with its action in Report and
Order FCC 96-326 adopted an updated safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic
energy emitted by FCC regulated transmitters. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standard
previously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies. The design of this phone complies with the FCC
guidelines and these intemational standards.
Use only the supplied or an approved antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could
impair call quality. damage the phone, or result in violation of FCC regulations.
Do not use the phone with a damaged antenna. Ifa damaged antenna comes into contact with the skin, a minor
burn may result. Please contact your local dealer for replacement antenna.
This device was tested for typical operations with the antenna of the device kept 2.5 cm. from the body. To
maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, maintain a 2.5 cm. separation distance between the
user's body and the device, including the antenna.
For more information about RF exposure, please visit the FCC website at
mm mm” mm mm; _$_
“Hum Nwrezmsn mnsznmsllH lls
mums Nwrizwivn mnzs,|1|ms'l'i“l1 $
1. Introduction
CONTENTS ' ., . v TheWLL Males; LimJ me)1amha|isdaslgmdmpmvide usarswilh ruiirange nl
mmunim’on services In CDMA (Code Divis'ari Mumpie Amess) networks. Belore using the
pram. piease lead why this dwaptar.
HWP 521002200Ma'n Fsamrws
-. Is-ZDOD support as no
Data vale: wasps (mu)
Badman! mwafiimy
New Sun HM Algermim
Elimmed Hard Hindu”
True WEI (Immfimal NbHIs Suhsaber Idemifimfifln)
-. Main pmw (Qualcmim MSMSDOD)
-. is-7o7 Data capehllly
PC Fax Tmmming/Fieeeivirg
Modem Q‘ginafiunflelminaflnn
e Speed mm
a Emergency cail Hal-1
,_ Hm Une
-. Alarm Reminder
,_ Baflely 5am;
-. Line Sigrid Tone
Dial Tone
Warning Tune
-. Seamy (mix Rania)
-. OTASP (mer—meAiv—samas vaisianir‘g)
-. sus (Slum Message Service)
VMS (Vnies Mseege Samba)
Page Serviee
Massage Sewiea
,_ Voeudu Select
8K QCELP(QJaImIrm Code availed Llnear Prad'ininri)
,_ CaU Wailing '
-. eeii meaniing'
fl Gail Tlansier '
-. Thee-way Call'ng‘
~ : 3,513“ dependant
HWP~2| [II/£23“ Product feamres
-4 line an: LCD.
smug Dslgn Vealms Mocsssories
Do ml dsasemde of filler Ihe WLL nenmml w your vwn.
. Dn m1 mum annsnnz mm; m ml.
, Do m1 mm the wu. Emilia! in m a! maid mass. Be careM ml m mm m terminal at In
spill any fluid on n Thls may muss Irrsvmaue damage.
Maid terminal shade and madam. Sbre me hermina! in Bsale plans.
Do nm use me (armlnal mat a; Wash/es or in mus where MWe Equids are used.
Du nHI wipa ma WLL lerrrl'nal wilh a menial sdufim like $0le at thirmr.
9mm dImEWLL letminal am remme me SMPS (Man Made Pawer Sum) when yrmdu
m use matum'nal for rm
The new): battery can be ope-med amer hawng bemg charged long enough (lmre Ihfln ac '
hows). 0mm in an dismarge.
memm banerymnbeused unlywhenthe pnwerism.
1.20!) . maPackags amumvamswnswsmm- . wmammr
Thank yuu hr huymg our pmdual. Pwease check whemer "12 product pankage camams Ihe
{alumna someones:
' WLL Flume
-usafs Mami- -Sfiew5~
|wwv~z|oni uwvemw mas mans-n m
1.3 Name and Function ofEach Part
mum am A (um Bum
mm I-m ’ , » , mm mm.
1mm] mu Hm
mzv mun a
Imp-nous an-zzmsw zonzsn re rsq-ixim
LED will be mnrad on when errand pmr
some: is supplied.( A pluglnvkmg mm
in us.
Bispllys inrnnnnden m m wu mninni
mlns (4 liner of I6 crunch“)- Will be
mvznsd mmdnrnis
Germ Mermppiylmmsms mine
wu. lumuul
A wfl mm wiridr dm mica (Mulem.
R1Fiili.lmm|=l mlmlmhblg
. mmmmlmlwillhmmdmmnfi'u
ynu press uid min the pawerlmnml fer:
waxpkaphmflmnm droffwim
mpmehnnm wnn rinsinmenymr
[msrioaicmkveicernau and SMS.
lnpm mama mlmhus nr nunwic dimfi
«19. '. m. and enmenrurn inanr.
nemm med minimum mlns, min up
lingmg. m mere mum rim, uni ldjiul
ir-ndn mmdnnng Lhndli
Rex-lieu men dzphnm lllmhus, adj“! up
"3 veirnnenrdnngniwdmwmdepimir
i ugzkifi'.‘ ringing. mm 1mm mum nuns. and man
manhudnmdming IlichU
Chm: man muill.
Sun: in; uninp ind eneek "min and
mama numbers when irkphm numbers
ne mniwai.
nmmnm uiephene numhus.
_ an nemuwmrnmnmm mode.
ms Musing:
Mnb uii ramp! in me ufl-hwk mic er mm
n ull|o|bt inddided Idzphrmummher.
1.4 ICON
Venous Imus are fl'qwiayed nu me first line or me LCD men to indium one sailing-stains and
wrung—sums Mme priene.
Vanws icons are fiilyed nu ma filfl fine 01 he LCD semen to inflate me selfirig-stahls and
meran'igsiams 01 the phone.
Indlrmsma received signai sirengin and reieies In ire quality 01 service.
There are 5 bars disphyed h graduated iangina Five bars displayed next in me
Amerina synmi indicate drebesisignai strengirr and quamy eisennee.
wnereeriy warning; 3 peereignaisrremm Marsewiwoondiu‘m exis15.
ii a cendzien exists mum is clashing manna icon. me phone is capatfle m eniy
manglnally dependenie phmia mien. and me phone is in danger m being
when here are ne has depinyed an die screen. a all may not be piaeed or
ramived and me mndiidn mm no signal Is being renewed Iroin the service
provider ii the needs area.
1.4.2 Off-Hook [can
(0 - Appearsansiofihook Nufing mepiwneisproeessingaeaii
1.4.3 Battery Icon
indimesmes dfiieirstaleiiritemalha
The heneryerrs-r displayed in a range m Amisnnrrgeer) Ino-
bmm ma baiuiyfiirengm Is wealmhq, “19 phone beeps la iridimis a
barren rediags is needed.
1.4.4 Power Icon
[9 - indimieeirie exiernai bemery.
|nwumnn Nwr-zzms-n muzs.|7m15'l'\ ‘lve $ |
1.5 ”shill/w WLL Terminal {INSTALLING ANTENNA)
Tum on the power when as Shawn an ms Name. The WLL terminal mm on and a bag:
Generll OWNS sound ls MW.
m enmmnmjmkasmmbdaw.
E) Mel lawman. me WLL humus] goes tome wuiing mode.
As lung as ma WLL mminal is in ms walling mus, mm m antenna dimrm so mama
Hssw value «mum on LCD Men is maximum,
INwr-zmu nwraawsn mzsn u mm M $ |
Wall Brackak Mounting
Forms mmewal place “19 mwrm’ng Nils whevelhe WLLtermhal sham! behs‘la‘led. and
flu” Mo acemd'ngto Hillel‘s. Q Immhe FEMALAZ crime wail braekel'nla me WLLlsnnlrfl\ body, and genflypush imhe
pans 31. az
Al A2
/ W.“
+ ,__ 7
S? c:
+ Emu at =
E % w: mm
1 44 ,
Moms", PI": 1mm cz
Ilse" screws lmom 01, Q helm. am pull mebooydwmwd. M this lakes place. make
sure ahamhs fish?“ between “12 screw head and the wa\|,\es1 he body hangs askew
wmmmu-ype /
6 w.“ — Wall
ET / 7 Saw-h Nu m:
€ Mm m wall
wm Brick“
saw __ 1.0mm
O an-wwdenwan.squmaummwmawm _
|> wiser n the tatepham nunhsr you want, 3rd mm |ha handset to make e
The dtaled utapmne numvdl be dsptayed an |he LCD sureen
2.3.4 Listut Recent Gals
The WLL tsrrm'nal stems 10 telephone numbers you have recsnwy dlalsd which
‘ Si ‘umhenasetmmekeemlltamseleaedtet mmbsr. youfiflusehmflkflaqumafl-
- TammwfiphunenumbermlbedlsptayedofltheLCDm
Press RECALL htmon.
Hem" nu is eyed on the LCDscreen,
‘nwnzmns NwP-zzms-n malanmns'vlllzz a; |
Prefi [1lEDIT
The harmed heleplwne mmherswiH be displayed
Mm ms 5" wrscr m the Mama-13 name; you warl, and hook Mflha handse'l m mks
3 ml
The dialed telephune numbeer be d'spmyed an the LCD screen:
El Editing Telephone Number
Editlhe Hsphone number using [CLEAR] and [u] - [9] buttons, Press [STORE]
when many.
23.5 To Edi! ms 810er TsIspmns Number To edit stated telephone number. same! [11Addrsss Seam].
m Press [s‘rona
‘nwuwas muzaoen mu lvisls'l'l’laa $
CURITELfi C URITEL1 To sail the shared |e|sphone numberwhsn Name Search is selected
(D Inputa name to search.
Edmng Name
Edinhe name using [CLEAR] and [0] ~ [9] humans. Press [STORE] when ready.
Use [LIP1480WN] buttons in move me ">" cursor to the address you wanl to mm.
Press {8 RE] m check me shoved telephone Number.
i] Edin'ng Mammy Address
Edit the momsry eddies using [0] ~ |9] humans. Press [STORE when ready.
E n Tel haneNunmelEdilmammberusin CLEAR and ~ humans.
Press oEthenmaw. M I [0] [9]
,; wan-mun
,, mamas:
lnqumei nwmzmm: mun mus-m Kiss 43
23.610 Erase the Stored Telephone Nuntel To delete the lelephune numberwhen [2] NAME is selected To delelelhe nelephone numberwhen Address Search ls selemed
G] Use [UPleOWN] blmcns Io move the ‘>” curserle the address you wanl lo delete.
(9 Salsa an address and press [SIOHEJ
mes mil nu
- Press [11m delete the eeleded telephone
(um rvurrber
- The selecled telephone number wil be
- Pmss [21m uneel deletion and mum to (he previous slap.
[ml-2mm. Mums—17 arms mans in Aw as $ J
3. Using Menu Made
Howawranu-u Opemflnns
HWP21UD Flaw - Chart of Menu Operation
I‘VMuma I
Mam 2mm” |
4.11me M0
1:1; m- imam
sun-mung. .DS\:‘auq ;
|~wmm nwrzzwnv mazalv .. mm Hm _$_
3.1. Tamils: Volume - Pres [2110 select Key Esau
»Use [UH/[DOWN] bunmsm adjusl me volume, and press [mas] I0 save the changes
The mews in Me lullcwig subsediuns aredisplayed when file handset ls mlaflacllsd loan you have made.
» Press [CLH] h relurnlolheMenu Mada.
11,110 alfjustlne ringer volume
Rlngemlmle is used to adiusl ma llngsr and new message alen vulume.
31.310 adjusnhe handsslvolums
Earplsce vollma v used m alum volume.
-Press [MENU] mm. -
-Fr$s[|]|osaleetValume. lg . fill}?
-Press[l1losaecmmger. ' ,
~Use [UH/[DOWN] blmns In adjust Ihe volume. and pass {STORE} lo save Ihe changes
you have made.
* -Pm[CLFl1mremm nolheWallMode.
- Pm [MENU] mm.
4 Press m (D sdect Vulllm
- Press [31 (0 select Earpleee.
, Use [UH/[DOWN] humans «7 zaps: Ihe vdume, am pmss [STORE] |l7 save lha dlanges
you have made.
- Has [MR] In relumlolhe Menu Mode.
3.1.2, To adjusnhs key beep volume
Kay been; volume can be set to ad‘psl volume,
3.1.4. To SENS! the manage vulume,
The meumlning SMS message alert vulume mu be sello adlus1 volume.
“71 ,
. Plus [MENU] hulls".
[mp-noos- Mums.” mzs,ma.vs-|-w<= $
- Press [MENU] bunm
-vas[1]|n sewect Volume.
~Press(4] to sew Massage.
- Use [UPHDOWN] humns In affjlm me mums, and press [STORE] m save me menses
you have made.
- Preslememlumlams MmuMode.
- PresslMBlJ] Mon.
- Frssslzl in salsa Dmflay.
These «may item are amessbla les the handsm is h aml.
3.21. Badduhl
Use Baddgmtn selme LCDandkeypsd Mgnfimm always an. mm, 10
seconds' or 30 seconds.
-Pvess [MENU] human. - Press [MENU] bumm.
-Pm[2]huselelesflay. -Pl$s[2]mssiecmisp|ay.
thes [1] m salad 5mm - Puss [31m smmm Number.
3.2.4. Dismay Versinn
ma current vevsinn at me wu. lamina! gamma ws displayed
|uw.zum nwpezmsm mazsw u wanna“: _$_
- Pm [MENU] hullon.
47165 [21 m mm mspray.
- Press [41m sew Vasm
3.3. Alean
33.1 . Fads
Use Fade In setflna‘enh beepwhen IhE pmne is loslng same
. Prss [MENU] bunnn.
- Pm p] to seled Alefls.
- P755 [31m sewed 5mm:
3.3.4. Roam Ringer
Use Roam Hingefbc 521 ringerm suundmn) urnmsuunduo upon reoepu’an niamam
. Press menu] bmon.
- Pass p] h sew News
-Frass m a: gem Fade:
2 mm.
x: mum
8.32. Minute
Use Nnnute In set an alert to been 10 seconds beduve me and 0V every minute during a call.
. Prat; [MENU] mum
- Press p] «a sewem Alerts.
- Press [41m gem Roamfiw'nga:
5.4. Time lnlarmatibn L851 Call Tlms cm Functimn (LAST CALL)
:Prsss [3] Ibsslefl Nani. Use L351 Call in display informafinn about me last ca” (hatwas made.
-Prass[2]lnseledl Fade:
3 3.3. Service
u m Samoa alsn Is on, n beeps when Inshg sewing and when it reauquirs service. u
service dens ale em it does ml beep when losing or findmg service.
mw-zmna mums-w munmws-l'm-s
»Press MENUIbunm.
~Pless[|]loselectlaslcall,Hume Call Time Check Fule'Dn (HOME CALL)
Use Home Calls w cispmybolh Ihetctal “me In minutes and seconds 01
hum saws and the numbercfl fills
- Press [MENU] mm.
. Free [4190 saecl Twme Into
- Press [21m select Home Calls:
SAZ. Hoam Call Tune Check Functinn (ROAM CALL)
Use Roam Callsmdlsday both mm] mm lime in ninums am sseondsand me
runbef cl m‘ls.
mu mm W
ulnlm ‘
z mu
«mun: ‘
s< an ml
mmmewul mm.
3.43, All Calls Funmion (ALL CALLS)
Use Ail Gulh to May bolh mhlal all film ‘n mimmss am semndsand the
numbered talk.
(m m
I = an a."
fin r s
- IllENlLS
1 m
-Press [MENU] hmkm.
3.5.4. Speed Dialing Funmion (Speed Dial]
Thlsmenuisnsed mmmtttsspeedaamgonarnutt. Fwexample, “the rturrbs
0123456735 is stated mdeflhe mm 2, you an makemtt bypreslttg [zt formere
tnsnt second tntrtsott-nook sale.
3 5.6. Beep Length Adiusl Funmion (Beep Lengm)
Thtstutmionalms you to change the duration utWLL teminat beep hue.
- Press [MEMJ] human.
-Ptss[61tnse1ect Features -Press[MENU] bum
-Ptes[4]mss|etflSpeed mats. »Prss[6]laselefl Features
- Pm: [film sated Beep Latytrt.
‘tin-zwoa Nwrzzms-w szanE'l'l'iSG 49
fi 1
3.6.7. Voice Privaw 3.6.9. Data/Fax Set Func1ion
Use Vme Privacy in set voice privacy in standard or enhanced. Due to infrasuuwurs Iimlia'liors, mere are itstames when ihe handset sollwaie camel
determine il an imming CDMA ml contains voice or data iniurrnatt‘dn. in these cases,
rite handset must be set in "datia mods" to accept the incoming data ininnnatt‘cn.
-Press[MENU] human.
Press [5] tn salad Features
fleas 171 tn sated Voice Privacy.
. Puss [mam] btmm.
. Pressiaj tuseieetreaturee
- Pmlgj hselectDaIa/Fax.
3.6.8. Alarm Reminder FunctioniNaim Reminder) 7
Alarm reminder enabiasine alarm ring when the specified timeis reached. The ring 3.6.10. Retest Nurn Edit Function
Mfims when ymr pidt up Ihe handseL The dam is dreamed. 4.6111 Narmfirne 35.101. Hetsci Set
mt turn can mm
-Prsss [MENU] tnrttnn. - Pm [MENU] tnmnn.
-Press[5]inse(echeamres ~Pressisitnseisctreamms
-Pressmmeeiecmiarm. -Prassio]tosaiectneied Numer.
- Press [1] ioseisctstea Set
va-zmns Nwrzzmsq7 maze |7 mews'l'HS! q;
3.6.102. Reject Call Number Inpul 37.2. Dial Tone Frequency
muunNE rum
, mm 1
= mm m
- Pm [MENU] hmn.
- Puss [E] h selalfi Features
-Prss [u] Inseleu Reject Numer.
-Pvess P] In seled Cull Nu 1mm.
37,3. WamTone Frequsnw
3.x Setup
3 7 1. Data Ram
‘anzmns Nwr-zzme-w mus wms-vmsn _$_
3.7.4. Vuuodsr Select 3.7.6, Diamme Mods
lnwmmni nwnzmn maanmsu-wsz 43
3,8. NAM Selup 3.8.3. Auto NAM PHL

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.4
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2002:09:06 18:07:11-03:00
Create Date                     : 2002:09:06 18:06:51-03:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Page Count                      : 42
Mod Date                        : 2002:09:06 18:07:11-03:00
Creation Date                   : 2002:09:06 18:06:51-03:00
Producer                        : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Metadata Date                   : 2002:09:06 18:07:11-03:00
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: PP4HWP-2100

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