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3-CCD Presenter Camera System
lnstallation and Operations Manual
Visibly Better.“
Table Of Contents
mt; TL“ was
l. Meet Your Presenter System
V Congratulations on your Purchase
Y Presenter System Components . .
V Main Docking Station Jacks and Swhches
Y Tracking Ring Package Jacks, Witches, and Assembly .
V Tracking System Keypad Buttons
II. Connect Vour Presenter System
V Installing the Camera System a v v
~ Removrng the CameraMan Connector Block
- Mounting the Main Docking Station
V Connecting to the Main Docking Station v v . . .
~ Connecting the Camera hian Cable
- Connecting a Keypad/Controller
. Connecting to the RSBZ Part
V Tracking Ring Power Pack Assembly
- Tracking Ring Sensors
Ill. Configure Your Presenter System
V Configuring the Main Docking Station . . .
VContiguringthe Tracking System Keypad v ,,
- Tracking 5mm Keypad
- Understanding the Panning Motion
. KeOrienting the Pan Arrows
V Other Corriigurations .
. Maxrmum Pan/Tilt Travel
- aritoTliACK V‘hndorvs
lV. Use Your Presenter System
VSustemStaitUp . .
- Tracking Ring Package
. ”10:11‘
' Rechargeable Battery
~ Optional Auxiliary Battery Pack
- Audio SWilch
V USing autoiRACK v .
V Using autoTRACK Views ”A . v
V U5ing the Subyect Position and Pan/Tilt Arrows
V Using autoFIND and Tracking Freeze
7 Using Location Presets . . . . .
V Controlling the Zoom, Focus and IMAGE .
V Controlling the Camera Setup Mode
V. Appendices
V A Specifications and Clearance Diagram
VB Troubleshooting
V C Pinout Connections
V D Typical System Diagram i
VEGIossaryotTerms . .
vrsuy Better.‘
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8005328034 Customer Support
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CameraMan® SCCD Presenter Camera System Installation and Operations Manual ~ 8) 200i ParkerVrsroanc
I ism
, . Z9
Congratulations On Your Purchase
5 Eel ‘mem
Your new Parkervision Presenter Camera System uses proven automatic track‘ng technology to help improve your distance looming,
telemedicine and videoconterencing applications rou should use the manual in ooniunction with the installation and operations
manual that came with your CameraMan MCD samurai
' "W
This manual covers the comectron, configuration, and usage of your new Presenter Camera
System Along with basic pan, tilt, zoom, focus and IMAGE control of your CameraMan
camera, the Presenter Camera System boasts advanced features and functionality The
system comes w'th an input/output Main Docking Station, the Tracking Ring Package wrth
built-in microphone, and the wiretess RF (or hardWired) Tracking System Keypad from which
auloTRACK Views and othertradsing functions are controlled
If you have questions regarding the installatnn or operation ol your CameraMan 3ch
General Pan/Tilt camera, refer to the installation and operations manual included wrth the
You’ll see three icons in this manual
n This icon alertsyou to importantinstmctions in the operation and maintenance
ol your Camera Control Keypad
n This icon alerts you to tips or noteworthy suggestions in the operation, use or
maintenance ol your Camera Control Keypad
This icon refers you to the MCD Camera installation and Operations Manual
that came with your camera
The terms Visibly Better, lMAGE, and Dignal RF 900, are registered trademarks ol ParkerVrslon,
Inc in the United States of America. The terms CanieraMan and Parkerlfision are registered
logos in the Unrted States of America. Federal law prohibits any commercial use ot tirese
registered trademarks and logos
Tie manufacturer reserves the right to diange spedlications and warranty at any time Without
notce or obligation
Refer all Warranty and Servicing to the ParkerViSion Product Support listed in the back of the
installation and operations manual that came With your CameraMan camera
No part ot this manual maybe copied or reproduced without express written consent ol
Parkerl/ision, Inc.® l998 ParkerViSion, Inc
DURACELL® is a registered trademark of Duracell, inc
amass? 3.5!“ ‘I “t We ~
t) 2001 ParkerVision, Inc - Meet Your 3CCD Presenter Camera System
Your 3420) Presenter Camera System should
include these components:
. One BCCD Main Docking Station
- One 10’ Main Docking Station Cable
~ One Tracking Power Pack
- One Tracking Ring Sensor
~ One Tracking Ring Bell
~ One Power Pack Charger
~ One SCCD Tracking System Keypad
~ One 3CCD Presenter Camera System Operations Manual
~ One BCCD Tracking Ring Package Quick Relerence Card
- One Tracking Ring Power Pack Pouch
~ Cameralllan Keypad Cable (Cr-pin phone) ~ 25 leet
- Two Rubber Duck Antennas
Presenter System Components
mewmvzw :
technology, assist the cameraMan in automatically tollowing you around the room, If you have purchased this as an upgrade, then
”W W The Presenter Camera System comes with various pieces that using both infrared (IR) and iadioheguency (RF) autoTltACK A
W your package will include all the necessary components except the camera.
Product Description Main Docking Station
The Presenter Camera System contains the following components
Main Docking Station
The Main Docking Station is the I/O center of your Presenter Camera System It comes
standard With two RF frequencies (alternate channels are available for special order) Alter you
connect it to your CameraMan camera, you can control the camera’s Video and audio out as
well as its movement Via the tracking ring, tracking keypad, or another external control deyice Multifunductor Cable
The Main Docking Station consists or
Tracking Ring with
' Main Docking Station with two antennas. Built-in Microgrione
° lll’ multiconductor cable With 37~pin D-sub contractors
Tracking Ring Package
The Tracking Ring Package uses Paikerl/ision’s patented autnTltltCll'M technology to
communicate with your Camerahlan camera By wearing the Tracking Ring, you can move
lieet/ throughout the room While the camera automatically tollows your every more This gives
you the freedom to gelup trom the conlerence room table and walk to a flip-chart without
depending on a human camera operator or a system With a fixed or static-view camera The Tracking Power Pack
Tracking Ring Package consists of
{WM} Power Pack Charger
' Tracking Ring With built-in microphone
G Tracking Power Pack With a huiltin l2 Hour Rechargeable Battery Tracking Power Pack Belt
Tracking Power Pack Belt
Tracklng Power Pack Pouch
Power Pack Charger
Tracking System Keypad
The Tracklrg System keypad (7) lets you control camera features such as
atitoTltACK Views, location presets and martial pan/tiltturittions in ether a wireless RF,
or hardwried nude With icons illustrating every autoTliACK View button, you can eauly
understand what each camera View should look like
Also available (sold separately) Auxiliary Battery Pack
' Auxrliary Battery Pack (24 hr).
Tracking Power Pack Pouch
”W CameraMan® 3th Presenter Camera Systemlnstallatron and Operations Manual . ©2001 ParkerVision,lnc
Main Docking Station
' A WW
Take a look at the back 01 your Main Docking Station The diagram below slows the various connections and configuration switches. ”W
- ANTENNA - RF receivers tor the tracking power pack
- RF CHANNEL SELECT - Used to select which RF channel the Main Docking
Station WI|| use to communicate With the Tracking Ring Package
~ AUDIO: LEVEL SWITCH - Used to configure the level of the balanced
audio (thl) output, available for ether LlNE or MIC level, depending on
the type of audio system interfacing With the CameraMan wstein The
unbalanced output is LINE only
AUDIO: LEVEL ADJUST - Used to fine tune the level at the audio
outputs“ '
or channel MM
- ti
rem m.» w
OUT Jacks
Pvi (om Jada
PVI COM JACK - ficonductor llltt jack used for communication with the
Tracking System Keypad in hard-Wired mode
RSZBZ PORT- Standard DB-9 (lemale) connector pro/ides M232
communications capability for devices like PCs or other vendorcontrol
~ AUXILIARY COMMUNICATIONS PORT A - Provides communications to
select CameraMan peripherals Do not use unless othenmse specrfied
~ AUDIO: BALANCED JACK - Standard XLK-type connector provides
balanced line or mic level audio output to connect to a standard mixer or
similar audio equipment
%% Audio Level
Aux Com Poii
Balanced Jack
S-VIDEO VIDEO OUTJACK - Provldes direct SVrdeo Video output through
standard miniDIN Jack (cable not provided)
COMPOSITE VIDEO OUT lACK - Prowdes direct composrte video output
through standard ENC-type lack (cable not provrdedl.
R985 IN and OUT JACKS - ¢p0$lll0ll modular handset |acks used tor
RSASS communications between the camera system and other (ameraMan
Out Jack Video Out Jack
Audio Level
Unbalanced Jack
AUDIO: UNBALANCED JACK - Standard RCAtype connector provide;
unoalancedy line level only mono audio output to connect to a standard
ml‘El or Similar audio equipment
BASE UNIT PORT - 37pm Dsub connector provides communication
between the Main Docking Station and the Camera System Via a 10’ multi-
conductor cable
DC POWER - Power input lor the Main Docking Station
Page 3
, W
©2001ParkerVision,lnc - Meet Your 3£CD PresenterCarnera System W W
Tracking Ring Package
”W in” Before connecting. or using your Tracking Ring package, take a murmur Ieam what the various buttons, sw'nches and iatks I
are tor.
Power Pack
7 POWER INDICATOR lEDs ~ Lets you know when“.N
power is ON Treat and when bdiIEIIES are LOW ‘
v POWER SWITCH - Used to turn Power Pack and
Tracking Ring on and off
v AUDIO SWITCH - Used to turn Tracking Klng
microphone on and oII
[v TRACKING RING PORT~ Used to connect
Tracking Ring to power pack (see page 13)
to connect the optional auxrlrary battery
pack tore/tended use Isee page 14).
V CHARGER PORT-Used to connect battery charger
to power pack
' RF CHANNEL SWITCH Used to select the RF
channel the power pack wrii use to communicate
With the Docking Station (they should be the same)
Tracking Ring Assembly
Belt 439mm}, Using the pouch,
ciip power pack
f, on belt as shown
Front Sensor
Tracking Ring Port
WW CameraMan® 342Gb Presenter Camera System Imtallation and Operations Manual - ©2001 PaIKEIVISIOIT, Inc
A} ix” i
Tracking System Keypad
or , 3 , ‘ W
Next, take a look at the front 0! your Tracking System Keypad. It is the control (enter for your Presenter Camera System ,
and iscorrrposedolthetollowing features W
V SUBJECT POSITTON CONTROLS - Used 7 ON LED~ tIIumtnates when batterres
to hnetune the mutton of the subject are placed tn the keypad or tundron
whtle tn autoTRACK mode \ buttons are pressed
Used to recall preset looatrons the ’
HOME button is consrdered PKESET t.
Y TRACKING FREEZE ~ Used to drsengage
autoTRACK, and freeze the camera ‘x
movement whlle rn autoTRACK mode
, ruarm
n rnitrrrrl
W SETUP - Used tn conjunctron wuh
other controls for keypad eustornrzatron
V autoTltACK VIEWS - Used to change and camera setup
the posrtron and perspecuve of the ”I”
presenter in the vrdeo frame while
bemg tracked by the camera (choose
between Trght, the, Rvght and Left)
V IMAGE CONTROLS - Used to brighten
and darken the vrdeo prcture
J autoIMAGE - Used to allow the camera
to automattcalty adjust brrghtness and
darkness for each vtdeo picture
v zoom (rnrourj ~ Used to control
("9 “alums: of the camera vtew~~ /V PANITILT- Used to Controls the camera’s
up/down, and left/fight movement
tn Camera Setup Modes
' MW (10W 1") ‘ Uied to Uung the PAN/TILT arrow buttons
toggle theatre/fen menu dental drsenqages the autoTRACK mode
on and off
-Bars(loarnOUT)- Usedtotoggle
the onscreen color bars on am of!
V FOCUS » Used to V MODE ~ Used, when
manually adjust vtsual pressed simultaneously
clarity ol the vrdee wtth Setup Button to
prcture turn the keypad’s
Camera Setup Mode on
and oft
Page 5
©2001ParkeNiston,tnc ~ Meet Vour 3ch Presenter Camera System ”W
Installing the Camera System
" uni; , ‘ Mr y:
if/ '/ Now that you've identified the componems of your Presenter Camera System as well as their individual buttons, ports and lacks, i
W W you can begin connecting them to your CamoraMan camera.
Removing the CameraMan Connector Blocli (Upgrade Only)
Three is; screw;
I1 you are performing an initial installation ot a system package, asopposed to an ihioigh connector
upgrade, this IS not necessary
Use the lollowrng procedure to remove the CameraMan Connector Block (WW "5“
i Turn the POWER swrtch on the back of the Camera OFF
2 Disconnect all cables lrom the hadk ot the camera
3 Remove the screws that hold the connector block in place
A Pull the connector block out, unplugging it horn the DB-37 connector The Main
Docking Station cable plugs into this port
Mounting the Main Docking Station
You can mount the Main Docking Station With any orientation, but you must mount rt Within
lu‘ of the autoTRACk camera (use only the supplied CameraMan cable to connect the two
unrtsl Mount the Main Dodiing Station usrng the loiiowmg guidelines
i Mount the Main Docking Station in the desired location Be sure to leave enough
space tor access to the connections on the back panel,
2 Verity that the POWER with is OFF on the front ol the Main Docking Station
3 Mount or place the CameraMan Power Supply in a convenient location near the A ,
autoTRAC‘c Docking station m oi Main Doiklng Station
4 Plug the 5 5mmferiiale connectoriiom the power supply cord into the oc POWER
rack in the back of the docking station Do NOT plug it diredly into the back
of the camera
5 Plug the other end of the power supply into a 120 VAC outlet
6 Connect the antennas to the appropriate connectois and position then both to
paint vertically lor optimum perlorrnance
For best performance, locate the antema in free space, at least 6' lrom the
camera or any Wires, metal surlaces, wall, etc
n Make sure the Docking Station it at least I toot away lrornteh oamrea unit
9 See the Main Docking Station Clearance diagram on page 24
Multi- Camera Applications
lna multicamera application, refer to the mullicamera section of the General Pan/Tilt
Operations Manual Follow the appropnaie procedure, using the RSABS connections on the
back ot the Main Docking Station instead of the connections on the back 01 the camera
Page 6
5” CarrieraMan® 3CCD Presenter Camera System installation and Operauons Manual . O zooi ParkerVision, lnc
Connecting to the Main Docking Station
e 3 mi! n W , WW
Now you can begin connecting your Main Docking Station to your CanieraMan Camera System and your camera control devices. 3 % 5
Connecting the CameraMan Cable
The autoTRACK camera connect to the Main Docking Station using the supplied CameraMan il)‘
multiconductor cable With DD37 connectois on both ends.
1 Vemy that the POWER swrtch is turned OFF on the lront of the Main Docking Station
before making this connection
2 Connect the D837 male connector to the back of the Cameralvtan camera and secure the
connection using the two connector screws located on the cable connector This ensures that
the cable does not become dislodged duet) the motion of the CameraMan camera
3 Connect the other end of the CameraMan cable to the BASE UNIT connector on the back
ot the Main Docking Station.
Verity that the CameraMan Cable is supported so that the camera does notdrag the
cable as it moves. It the camera drags the cable, then system performance may be
Connecting a Keypad/Controller
The Tracking System Keypad can be handy/red to the Main Docking Station usrng a Cameralvlan
keypad Cable (provided separately)
l Connect one end of the cable to the ill-11 type yack located in the battery compartment
of the keypad (Remove batteries)
2, Connect the other end of the cable to the R141 type jack to the back oi the Main Docking
Station, labeled PVI COM
3 The [ED on the keypad should illuminate momentarily, indicating that the keypad is ready
Using cable otherthan supplied cable tor the Pill COM port may cause damage The
Tracking System keypad can he hard-wired up to a maximum distance at ZSO’
Connecting to the RS-Zsz Port
The Presenter Camera System prowdes tor its-232 communications uSing the DEB act on the back at
the Main Docking Station, labeled its—232 This RSZBZ port can be used to control theCamerahlan
camera from extemal devices, such as a PC or other vendor control system (i e , AMK or Crestron)
Connect to this port usmg a standard computer cable wnh a DD9 connector This port operates at
9600 Baud (19,200 with CameraMan SHOT Director), Ho Parity, and software hand-shaking using
CameraMan High Reliabrluy or Rasc protocols (only High Reliabilny with SHOT Director) The LED
located above the RS-232 port indicates communication act'mty
Verity which protocol is being used by checking the PROTOCOL swrtch
(switch bank is switch 1) on the back of the Cameraman camera, and which Baud rate
(9600 or l9,200) is needed by checking sWitch bank AJ
m“ For more information on setting the PROTOCOL on your Caineralvlan camera, see the
installation and Operations Manual that came wnh the camera
1 “t “, my"
©2001 ParkerVision, Inc - Meet Your BCCD PresenterCamera System
Pvl (OM conneciion
up ca 250
, £3
RSZBZ connection to PC or ,
other control device
Rare Configuration
Page 7
Tracking Ring Power Pack Assembly
WW .
Now you're ready to assemble the Tracking Ring Package and learn how to wear hproperty to ensure that your CameraMan
camera tollows you around the room.
Tracking Ring Power Pack Assembly
Usrng the Power Pack Pouch, attach the Tracking Power Pack directly to your clothing by
cloning ltto your warstlne orsklrt or to the Tracking Ring Power Pack Belt.
The Tracking Power Pad< must be worn so the antenna hangs looseh Do not
place the Power Pack in your pocket. This interleres With the RF Signal and may
affect the audio and tracking capabilny
Tracking Ring Sensors
t ldentlty the sensois
Front Sensor equipped Wlth a bulltin microphone and tracking sensor it
is identified by the rrialn connector to the Power Pack
Back Sensor. equipped With the built-in tracking sensor only
Slip the Tracking Ring around your neck.
(tip the Tracking Ring strap closed to torm a complete drcle around your neck
4 Verity that the Front Sensor is lying tlat and centered lust above chest level, and the
Back Seroor is lying flat on the badk of your collar.
5 Plug the rllain connector into the port on the top of the Tracking Ring Power Pack
The Front and Back Sensors require a direct Iineofrsrght link With the camera The
presenter must exercise caution to ensure no ctothing or hair covers either Sensor
About the sensors
You should understand how the autoTlTACK Tracking Sensors work to obtain the maleurn
pedoimance levels. The autoTltACK mode is an exclusive ParkerVislon feature that enables
the subyect wearing the Tracking Ring Package to be traded automatically by the camera
Since the Tracking Sensois require a direct iineot-sight link wth the camera, the
subject must exercise caution to ensure no clothing or hair covers the Sensors This
ensures constant communication with the Cameralvlan camera
The Front Sensor should be lying hat and centered on the body, yust above chest level The
Back Sensor should he flat against the back ol the collar or neck When a presenter turns
around to poirt to a llipchart, for example, the Back Sensor continues to receive the infrared
tracking signal trom the camera
With the proper postloning oi the senson, the CameraMan camera provides 360° 01
coverage tor the presenter wearing the Tracking Ring
Page a
Ensure that no halr
or article oi clothing
covers the Tracking
Ensure thai
the Mr: lle
llat on the
trotlt and back
antenna should hang
loosely out ot hole in
1) LQQAfi
CameraMan® 3ch Presenter Camera System Installation and Operations Manual ~ 0 2001 ParkerVision, inc
Configuring the Main Docking Station
J S a Si; PE W
a or
Before you can begin to use your new Presenter Camera System, you need to configure its components. W
There are two settings on the back 01 the Main Docking Station Whld’l
must be set as lollows’
1 Set the RF CHANNEL swrtch to the denied channel This must match
the setting on the Tracking Ring Power Pack It you experience airy
problems on one of the channels, sw'dch both to the alternate channel
(Factory Delault UP posrtion/one dot)
RF mwst
2 Set the AUDIO LEVEL switch to the desrred audio output
- To have a miclevel audio signal, set this swrtch to MIC
- To have a linelevel audio output, set this swrtch to LINE
~ This switch setting Will apply to the balanced audio output only
Step l
(Factory Default. MIC) RFChanriel Switches must match 5m”
3 Set the AUDIO LEVEL ADJUST to the desrred volume level.
Step 1
Audio Level Swrtch
g Reler to Appendix A for specifications on the audio outputs.
Powering Ug
Before you can configure the rest of your Presenter Camera System you need to
turn the system power ON.
Switch on the POWER button on the front ol the Main Docking Station The
CarneraMan camera should automatically enter its position calibration mode and then
stop at the 0“ Pan/O‘ Tilt position Verify that the base is now facing in the direction you
pointed the FIIONT label when mounting
. Main Docking
For more intoimation on mounting the CameraMan, see the installation and 5m," power
Operations Manual that came With the camera 5mm
Page 9
©2001 PaikeiVisron, Inc ~ Meet Your KCD PresenterCameia System W
Configuring the Tracking System Keypad
mltfifll it 3
Tracking System Keypad
Check the KEVPAD ADDRESS rotary switch (located in the battery compartment ot the
keypad) and verify that the seiected setting corresponds to the setting of the BASE UNIT
ADDRESS sWitch on the back of the autoTRACK camera. it the two are dnterent, adyust them
so that they correspond
For more information on configuring the BASE UNIT ADDRESS on the camera and KEY?“ “m: A e compartment
keypadreter to the Cameraman (amera Installation and Operations Manual
that came With the camera
it the Tracking System Keypad is being used in the Wireless RF mode
1 Instali the supplied AA batteries in the Tracking System Keypad by remoying the
battery door and inserting the batteries into the battery compartment
2 Alter installing the batteries, replace the battery door and press one oi the pan keys
3 Look to verify that the LED on the front of the keypad illuminates This indtcates
that the batteries are installed property
n it the LED does not illuminate, the batteries may be installed backwards Reverse
the way the batteries are inserted, and try agam
n It the batteries are inserted improperiy, it erI not damage the keypad, the keypad
erI simpiy not work
It the Tracking System Keypad is being used in the hard-wired mode, connect the CameraMan
Keypad Cabie to the Rl-11 type rack Located in the battery compartment of the Tracking System
Keypad. Remove the batteries first
You do not need batteries installed in the Tracking System Keypad when it is being
used in the hard-Wired mode
Press the PAN and TILT arrows one at a time and verriy that the camera rs responding to the
keypad The COM LED on the from of the camera should flash with every command received
by the camera It the autoth LED on the front of the camera is not illuminated, press
one of the tour autoTRACK View buttons on the keypad This should cause the autoTltACK
LED to begin flashing
g Retei to pages t5 through 22 Tordetaiis on using the Tracking System Keypad
Page 10
W CameraMari® KCD Presenter Camera System Installationand Operations Manuai ~ ©200t PakerVision,inc
rm“ X
Configuring the Tracking System Keypad
t? §V&P‘I thew
W ’//
You can control the (ameraMan camera's panning motion with ehher the PAN/TILT anows on the bottom, or, when using A W
autoTItACK, the SUBJECT POSITION arrows on the top ot your Tracking System Keypad. Understanding how the camera moves
will help you stay in control of your presentations.
n Moditkation of the tolloiving features is not reourred for system operation, but they
are availabie it needed
For information on configuring your CameraMan camera, refer to the Installation
and Operations Manual that mine With the camera
Understanding the Panning Motion
The PAN/TILT and SUBJECT POSITION arrows on your Tracking System Keypad are designed
to help you maneuver the camera both in and out 01 autoTRACK mode
The default setting, shown in Example i, is designed to operate as if you are facing the
Cameraivian camera. Some examples oi applications that would benefit from the defauit
settings are,
- Distance Learning where you are the instructor,
- Presentations where you are the presenter and the audience members are watching
you on a monitor
- Videoconferences where the you are an onscreen participant
- Any other appiication where you, the keypad controlier, need to be on camera
However, there are applications in which you do not need to face the camera (Example 2)
so the defauit setting Will not work. In these cases, you can stand BEHIND the camera But
when you want the camera to move right the pictu re moves left These applications require
that you reorient the FAN arrows. Some examples of appiicatioiis that might benetit from
this reorientation are
- Presentations where you are not the presenter, but are controlling the camera's
~ Videoconleiences where you are a moderator, but not an onscreen participant
~ Applications where you are in a control room controlling the camera
. Any other application where the keypad controller does not need to be on camera
ReOrienting the Pan Arrows
To reorient (reverse) the default setting of the PAN arrows on your Camera Control Keypad,
use the tollowrng procedure:
1 Press the TRACKING FREHE and SETUP buttons simultaneously
2 The keypad will beep alter about two seconds
3, Release the protons.
n This Will aoo reverse the operation of the SUBJECT POSITION arrows
.{A s" ‘9 ”it!“
Example i (Delault setting‘, Facing toward the camera
so you are seeing yourseil The camera sees you.
You are fac'ng the FRONT otthe camera.
@ f 639
Your line of sight
4 g
' ‘v \
tit ,
Example 2 Facing away from the camera so you see the
talent, or onscreen participants The camera sees what
you see. You are taciing the BACK ot the camera.
_ Your line of sight
Pi IX)
(iii f
©2001 ParkerVision, inc - Meet Your 3£CD Presenter Camera System W
Other Configurations
um e , ‘ f
in” «W The following cordigurations, like the panning orientation, would apply to your specific application need.
I] Before changing the autoTRACK Window size, you will need in power up the tracking r'ng package. iieier to page13s
Maximum Pan/Tilt Travel
Once the CameraMan camera is innalled, you can configure the maximum PAN/‘nthettingsto
the application The camera has a manmum PAN range 01359", but comes programmed wrth
iactory default settings of fit)” of PAN and $25" of TILT if desired, use the ioIIowrng procedure
to change the maximum position settings
1 Press and hold SETUP
2 Press and hold one of the PAN/TILT arrows until achievrng the desired maXimum position
3 Release SETUP
4. Listen for two beeps to indicate that the maxrmurn position for that direction has been set damp Button
M ran/riiihmwis
iao' Detauli Pan setting 359' Maximum washings 50” Delai'lmiwrss
autoTiiACK Windows
Each autoTRMK View includes a preprogrammed Window This wrndow is an invisiole area around the
presenter where the Tracking Ring’s movement does not cause CameraMan to PAN orTILT, Once the
presenter moves in a direction outside of the invrsrble autoTRACK window, the CameraMan continues
to autoi'iiACK This eliminates unnecessary camera motion, provrdes better picture quality tor videotaping
and minimizes the amount oi updating necessary at lower CODEC update rates in videoconterercing
innahie auloiRaCK Window
'— Video Frame
Each aintoTRACK View has a preprogrammed wrndow Each Window is set at a predetermined
iactory default, and in most applications does not need to he adiusted
Proper Window sizes are tactsrydeterrnined for best results Parken/ision recommends that you
do not alter or adjust the Window size
it a change in Vihndow size is absolutely necessary MOW“
I Press and release the desrred autoTiiACK View view Buttons
2. Press and release both SETUP and the desired sumscr posmori arrow simultaneously
as lolnws. Lett Arrow Decrease Pan VWndow
Rigm Arrow increase Pan VWIidow Sum Mm
Down Arrow Decrease Tilt ‘Mndow trim
Up Arrow Increase Tilt Window
3 Press and hold the selected autoTRACK View until you hear 2 beeps indicating that the new wrndow
Size has been set Seiup Button
Page 12
y” in”
W CameraMan® 342GB Presenter Camera System Installation aid Operations Manual - © 200i Parkenfision, inc
System Start Up
‘tmfitfiime so I?”
Once all necessary connections and cordigurations are made, you are ready to start up the rest ot the system.
Tracking Ring Package
i Power ON the CameraMan camera wnh the POWER switch on the Mam Docking Station
2‘ Set the Tracking Ring Power Packs Power swrtch, located onthe top of
the unit, to ON The Power ON LED on the Power Pack will illuminate
hthe PowerON LED on the top of the Tracking Ring Power Pack does not
|IIurninate, refer to the Troubleshooting section 01 this manual
3 Verify that the TRACKING UNIT STATUS LED on the camera‘s display panel rs
illuminated, indicating the communrcatron link between the camera and the Tracktng Ring
4 Press one at the tour autoTRACK View buttons on the keypad to actwate the autoTRACK
functionality ot the Camera System (the camera erI not track untrl one of the autoTRACK
buttons is pressed) Once you are in autoTRACK mode, the autoTRACK LED on the
camera’s display panet thI Illuminate
It the autoTllACK LED on the Camerantan’s display panel rs blinklng, CameraMan is in
autoTRACK mode, but the lrnk between CameraMan and the Tracking Ring rs not active
To establish thn Irnk, move Into the CameraMan’s tleldotvrew (see the autoTRACK MODE or
Troubleshootrng sections of the manual tor further assrstance).
Rechargeable Battery
The Tracking Ring Power Pack comes with a built-in iZ-Ivour Rechargeable Battery When the
battery rs runnng low, the Battery Low LED on the top at the Tracking Ring Power Pack
illuminates At this the the Tracking Power Pack should be recharged or an Auxiliary Battery
Pack should be attached to the Tracklng Ring Power Pack.
To remarge the battery:
I Turn OFF the Trackrng ang Power Pack
2 Set the much on the lront or the Battery Charger to TRACKING POWER PACK
3. Plug the Battery Charger Into an electrical outlet and connect rt to the Power Pack
The Battery Charger takes two to three hours to recharge the Trackrng Ring
Power Pack
The LED on the Battery Charger indicates when the battery is lully charged. If a battery IS
very low, the LED on the charger flashes slowly When the battery it fully charged, the tED
on the charger flashes quickly
Top view or Power Pack illustrating power switch and on no
aquTRMK View
buttonson ameraMart dlspiay
Keypad panel autoTrack and
Tracking Unit Status
LEDS (ON when actlve)
Top new at Power Pack
illustrating battery Low light
Trackulg Power
Pack watch on
back at battery
Topwew at Power Pack
iiluslratlrlg battery
charger yack
Page 13
© 2001 ParkerVrsron, inc . Meet Vour BCCD PresenterCamera Syntem W
System Start Up
Optional Auxiliary Battery Pack
An optional Rechargeable Auxdiary Battery Pack IS aiailable to connect With the Tracking
Power Pack for extra long use When attached to the Tracking Power Pack, the Auxiliary
Battery Pack overrides the builtin thour Batte'y If you need more than 12 hours of use,
connect the Auxiliary Battery Pack to the Tracking Power Pack This provides up to 2A hours
of use
To recharge the Auxiliary Battery Pack:
1 Turn Off the Tracking Power Pack
2 Set the swrtch on the front of the Battery Charger to AUXILIARY BATTERY PACK
3 Plug the Battery Charger into an electrical outlet and connect the Auxiliary Battery
Pack to the charger
9 To get the marimum houn of use, use the lzahour butt-in battery first until the
Battery tow light illuminates, and then attach the Auxiliary Battery Pack for an
additional 14 hours, gwing you a total of 35 hours of use.
n The Battery Charger takes 11 to 6 hours to recharge the Auxrliary Battery Pack
Audio Switch
To activate Audio:
1 Set the AUDIO swrtch on the top of the Tracking Ring Power Pack to ON
2 Speak at a normal level
It you decide not to use the Audio leature ol the Tracking Ring Package, the AUDIO switch on
the top 01 the Tracking Power Pack shoukl be set to OFF
Page 14
Auriliary Battery Pack plugged into
Power Pack and mounted on Tracking
ring Power Pack Belt
Autiiiary Battery
Pack swrich on
battery charger
Top mew at Power Park illustrating audio
Mitch aN Oil light
‘mf'fl, K '
CameraMan® BCCD Preseriter Camera System Installation and Operations Manual - ©2001 ParkerIfisiothc
koala ME!-
Vour Presenter Camera System‘s ability to tollow a presenter around the room is unmatched in the industry. Now that you‘ve
Using autoTRACK
connected, configured, and powered up all the system components. you can begin to put them to use.
autoTRACK Mode
autoTRACK mode enables the CameraMan camera to follow a presenter who rs wearing the
Tracking Ring Package. To engage the autoTRACK mode, press one of the tour autoTRACK
thew buttons on the Tradong Swtem Keypad
lr you are using a Deluxe Camera System With Personal Locator Keypads, use the
followmg procedure
1 When you are ready to begin autoTRACKing, press lOCK on the Chairperson
Lotator Keypad to disable all Personal toeators trom controlling the camera
2 Press one of the lour autoTRACK View buttons on the Tracking System
3 When you are finrshed amoTRACKing, press UNLOCK on the Chairperson
Locator Keypad
For more iniormalion on the Personal totatcr Keypads, see the CameraMan
Personal Locator System Operations Manual
If the LOCK button is not used and a MV TURN button is pressed while autoTRACKing,
then the system disengages the amoTliAtK mode and goes to the MV TURN position.
The autoTRACK mode’s operation requires the subyect to be in the lieldot-vew oi the
autoTRACK camera Once the subject enters the held-ol-vrew, the camera moves to lock onto
lineol-sight tracking
If the subject becomes obscured lroni its lineolsight, then the camera stops tracking and
returns to the HOME poshion (see page 2” However, momentary breaks (e g, someone
walking through the lineotflght) has minimal effects to the tracking penormance
may . mama m f»
0 not Parkerilision, Inc - Meet Your 3{CD Presenter Camera System
100° Field-OHM
Page 15
Using autoTRACK Views
“933MB? If, I of,” ,
% % One of the keys to your Presenter Camera System is its abIIity to not only track you around the room, but memorize various i/Iews
”W and presets. These help you to make more etleciive and dynamic presentations
autoTRACK Views Overview
Vou can choose from four autoTRACK Views to engage the
autoTRACK mode These Views can be stored and recalled (mm
the Tracking System Keypad by pressrng one oi the autoTRACK
View buttons
For example, when you niakea presentation, you can change from
a close head shot with the TIGHT autoTRACK View button, to
emphasrze facial expressions, to a full body shot by pressing the
WIDE autoTRACK View button Presenters can also share the
ndeo screen w'nh a flipchart or other key presentation areas With
the LEFT oi RIGHT autoTRACK View buttons
Each autoTRACK View stores and recalls a ZOOM perspective won
an IMAGE and focus setting.
Changes In the Subject Position within the Video Ira me also can be
stored. These Iunctions enable the suhiect to tinetune their position
in each oi the autoTRACK Views
For example, you may want to Zoom In ing mly closer on the WIDE
auooTRACK View or adiust your poy‘tron in the video frame more
to the leh or right This prowdesyou with the flexibility to customize
each autoTRACK View to suit your needs
The autoTRACK lfiews can be reset to accommodate these
changes using the procedures on the following pages
Page 16
”W CaneiaMaii® MCD Presenter Camera System Installation and Operatons Manual - to not ParkerVisron, Inc
flight autoTRACK new
teli autoTRACK new
mm Eur-Inl-
,, is “m, m w
Using autoTRACK Views
Press the TIGHT antaTliACK View button The video lrame should show
- a close head shot of you This View is used to emphasue lanai expressrom g.
If you would like to alter your image rn this View, you erI need to reset the
right View ~ 52.1351.
To SET or CHANGE the light autoTItACK View
I After pressvng TIGHT View, use the SUBJECT POSITTON arrows to position yoursell
in the middle oi the Video frame.
Use the manual ZOOM buttons to set the needed Zoom perspettwe, it needed
Use the manual FOCUS buttons to set the local polnt, u needed
Use the manual IMAGE buttons to set the needed baht/dark contrast, rl needed
Press and hold TIGl-ll' until you hear two beeps indicating the new settlng ls stored
To RECALL the tight autoTRACKVIEW:
' Press and release TIGHT View The camera retails the information stored With the
TIGHT button
Press the WIDE autoTRACK View button. The Video frame should show a Wide
body shot of you If you would like to atier your image in the new you erI
need to reset the Wide View.
To SET or CHANGE thewide autoTlTACK VIEW: , mum
l After pressrng WIDE View, use the SUBJECT POSITION arrows to position yourself . ‘ T; ..
m the mrddle ol the video frame "
Use the manual ZOOM buttons to set the needed Zoom perspective, It needed . ‘
Use the manual FOCUS buttons to set the local point, t needed
Use the manual IMAGE buttons to set the needed light/dark contrast, rl needed
Press and hold WIDE until you hear two beeps, indicating the new settrng rs stored
To RECALL the with autoTRACK VIEW:
- Press and release WIDE View The camera recalls the information stored rn the WIDE
Page 17
34 are; Iv ‘ Q t; 1 1:2»,
©2001 ParkerWsyan, Inc ~ Meet Your MCD Presenter Camera System 7
Using autoTRACK Views
ll the stayed appear: too lar prezthe tEFl WW to
to the "gm lrl the lrarrie mm thewbyect summon
Manual Panlfilt Arrows
Press the up, down, right, or left PAN/TILT arrows to pan or tilt the autoTRACK camera
in that direction. Manual Par/
a By pressing any of the PANIHLT arrows in the Camera Control section or the
Tracking System Keypad, you will disengagethe autoTRACK mode
9 To reactivate the autoTRACK mode, press any of the tour autoTltACK View ' " ,
buttons This Wl“ engage the autoFIND mode when the presenter is in the iieldot .- A n x r K t i , i u a
View, CameraMan locks unto hneofsiqht tracking in the View selected "W "
Page 19
©2001Parkervisioriilric ~ Meet Your 3{CD PresenterCamera System v
Using autoFIND and Tracking Freeze
”W W These Presenter Camera System teams will help you to take controt of your presentations.
When you press an autoTRA(K Vie/V button to enable autoTRACK, the CameraMan wtil (nice CameraMan reache: the HOME mutton,“
automaticaty mom panmngnwvaid ine HOME position (see page 21), toohng tor rne valt stop it you are not in the hetootuew Once
Tracking Ring Sensor This prmfi IS known as atrtoEtND you emerthe hetdotuew
tw’ Eieidoi-uew
I1 you are not in the autoTRACK node and are out 01 the hektof-view, to actuate
the autoEiND teature you must press any of the tour autoTRACK View buttons The
autoTitACK LED on the CameraMan‘s display panel Wiii then begin blinking until the
camera moves to loft onto tineotsight trachng The light Witt then stay illumireted to
indicate that you are in the camera’s lined-sight
Tradring Freeze
While tn the autoTRACK mode, the presenter can stop or "treeze' the camera's movement by
pressing the TRACKING FREEZE button
n By pressmg the TRACKING FREEZE button, the autoTRACK mode wiii disengage
For example, you may want to use this feature when making a presentation in tront ot a
"What You maybe offset to the right or Iett autoTRACK new and be making notes on
the hiuchart.
Now you can press the TRACKING FREEZE button and wait away 1mm the tlipchartwhite still
speaking This enabies the camera to freeze and lock on the tIipchatt so that those either
attending the vuteoconterence, or Viewing the Videotape, can continue to study it whitethe
you, the speaker, are no longer in the Video frame
To reactivate the autoTRACK mode, simply piei: any of the tour autoTRACK View
buttons This will engage the autoFIND mode when you are Within the heldot-
view, Cameraman will lock onto tineotsight tracking in the View setected
Page 20
W CameiaMan® KID Presenter Camera System installationand Operations Manual ~ ©2001 ParkerVision, Inc
the camera moves to iotk onto mt-aght
’ LPresenter
ailto'iRACK Mode Status LED
' is ON when iotked unto tineoivaght tracki’tg
' Binksdunng autoHND
542 t
it you want to walk away’irom the ftioenan
and lock the camera into pflfllion
preszthe TRACKiNG EWEEE button, Which Witt
asp the Lamera's movement unni you reactivate
the autoTRNCK “IMHO"
Using Location Presets
‘lI’rSi k"! MM
Loation Presets allow you to make your presentations more diect‘we by incorporating other media, such as maps, tlipcharts, .
overheads, etc" Using the Presenter Keypad, you can store and recall a PAH/TILT position, ZOOM perspective, FOCUS and an a %
IMAGE tor each location Preset
Home (Preset ll _. _
The first Location Preset positron is the HOME position This is the Preset location that you
will use most otten
For example, you may want to program the HOME position at a podium or the conterehce
room table, where most of the speaking is likely to tale place This Preset can be recalled at
any time during a yideoconteience or videotaping session
n The HOME position is also used as a default position while inthe tracking mode
This means that during tracking, if the lineolsrght between the camera and the
Tracking Ring is obstructed, the camera will automaticaliy return to the HOME
posrtion Please see pages l5 and 20 for more inlormation
n The location Preset HOME button is lactory set for the autoTltitCK Camera to be
taang straight ahead [ut the direction of the tram" Iahd on the bottom 01 the
camera.) This factory setting can be reset by the presenter to accommodate his or
her needs.
Preset 2 and Preset 3
The other two Locatron Presetan he used to store key presentation areas such as a map or
other Visual aids These Presets can also he recalled at any true during a vrdeocorterence.
To SET or CHANGE Home, Presetz, or Preset 3:
l. After selecting a Preset use the PAN/T iLT arrows to more the camera to the desired
2 Only when desired, use the manual ZOOM buttons to set the needed Zoom perspective
3. Only when desired, use the manual FOCUS hintons to set the tocal point
4 Only when desrred, use the manual IMAGE buttons to set the needed light/dark
5 Press and held any ot the three Location Preset buttons (HOME, PRESEH
or PPESETB) urtil you hear two beeps.
To RECALL a Lomion Preset
~ Press and release the desired Location Preset button (HOME, PRESETZ or PRESETE)
The CameraMah will then move to the merriorued location and recall the rntormation Step 2
stored for that Preset
n Pressing any of the Location Presets on the Tracking System Keypad Will disengage
the autoTRACK mode.
9 To reactivate the autoTRACK mode, simply press any ot the four autoTRACK View
buttons The camera erI then go into the autoPlND mode until you are in the
camera‘s ilneOf-Slghl The Camera erI then begrntracking you inthe view selected
or amateurs?“ . , .
mm sleei
ltlmE msm
Page 21
O 20m Parkertlrsron, lnc ~ Meet Your KCD PresenterGrmera System W
Controlling the Zoom, Focus and IMAGE
' * These control features help ensure that your video looks great..whethei you control the image, or Ietthe camera do it
W W automatically.
image Settings Focus Setting
The lMAGE setting adiuss the picture brightness in
the Video frame
The Focus setting adjusts the lens for Visual clarity of the
Video picture To control the locus
Manual Setting
By pressmg either IMAGE button, the camera's
image control Will automatically become a manual
- Press the top FOCUS button to adjust the lens tor
objects closer to the camera
- Press the bottom FOCUS button to adiust the lens
tor obiects farther lrorn the camera
To Manually Control Image:
. Press the top lMAGE button to bngtiten the picture ,
~ Press the bottom lMAGE button to darken the picture Z___L___°°m P9“ “we _ _ _
~ Press the Zoom ltt button tor the camera to
n The Image can be adjusted manuallyand can be stored zoom intor a lighter View
m a location PM or an autoTRACK VIEW - Press the Zoom OUT button lor the Camera to
9 For example, you may want to use the Manual image zoom out W a ”mm “W
setting Mien you are not fully satisfied that the Video
image is as dark or light as u should be Othenuise, The Zoom can be adllleed manually and
the image sett‘irg Will automatically adiiist itself to the can be stored in a Location Preset or
lighting conditions in all areas of the room an autoTRACK View
Automatic Setting
In this mode, (woman will automatically aoust the
Image (light 84 dark) tor each camera View
. Press the autolMAGE button to enable
automatu operation of the CameiaMan’s
Image tunctian
The autolMAGE can be stored in a location Preset or an
autoTltACK View
Page 22
W CameraMan® MED Pisentei Camera System installation and Operations Manual ~ to Not ParkerVision, Inc
Controlling the Camera Setup Mode
W“ ”Him
The Camera Setup Mode buttons (with green text) on your keypad allow you to adjust the camera“; settings via tour onscreen WW
mews These adjustments should he made by qualhied technical personnel only.
Important Note: it your system includes a CameraMan SHOT Director, make these adtustments only with the SHOT Director
Do not use the Keypad
Ad'usting the Camera Setup Mode Settings
SETUP and MODE Buttons
To enter the camera setup mode
- Press and hold the SETUP and MODE buttons Simultaneously tor Z 5 seconds. The keypad
should beep once
- Release both buttons
. The camera will flash, and an O'l-SCtEEn menu Will appear when t enters the camera
setup mode
MENU EDIT arrows
To select a settrng, or the value of a setting, use the PAN/TlLT MENU EDIT left/fight, and
lip/down arrows on your keypad
~ tllt UP: movesthe onscreen cursor up
. tilt DOWN. moves the onscreen cursor down
. pan RlGH‘t increases, orchanges the setting
- pan [EFT decreases, or changes the setting
To change between the various on-screen setttngs menus.
- Place the cursor on the first Ilne ol the menu using the menu edit UP and DOWN
- Select the menu page (M) usrng the menu edit LEFT and RIGHT arrows
For more information on the onscreen camera settings and their tunctronaltty,
refer to the Camerahlan installation and operations manual that came wrth your
When accessing the onscreen camera settings, do not change the BAUD RATE
as this may impact the camera’s communrcatron links
MENU Button
Press me Menu button to toggle between the onscreen settings menu and the Video image
BARS Button
Press the Bars button to toggle between the onscreen color bars ant the video image
White Balance Button
Press the button next to the Wto automatically set the whte balance in the camera setup
Once all adjustments have been made, the camera must be returned to the system mode tor
normal operation Just tolow the same directions to enEr camera setup mode lhsted above)
he 1mm“ fl
SETUP button MODE button
m: m
MENU EDlT allow;
MENU outton
BARS button
WHl'lE MUNCE button
Page 23
©2001 Parkervisron, Inc . MeetYourMCDPresenterCamera System , W
Main Docking Station
Video Out (75 on“)
Audio Out (80 db SPL into MIC)
Appendix A: Specifications and Clearance Diagram
The iolwving specifications are lorthe Main Docking Station, Tracking Ring Package, and Track'ng System Keypad, For
specifications on your CameraMan camera refer to the installations and operations manual that came with your camera
c Composite or SVideo
V VS l Ol/pp Sync negative C: Burst 0,286 Vpp
VBS l OVpp Composrte
l". l OVpp Sync negative C Burst G 300 Vpp
VBS‘ I 0 Vp-p Composne
Unbalanced (RCA) OdBv +/- GdBv into AOK ohms
. Balanced
(XLR) Line Level OdBm +/»6dBm into 600
Mic Level ABdBv +/» 6dBv into 150 ohms
RS-BZ Port i DEG (lemale) connector
Power US 120V, 60Hz AC power supply, lNTL 100-2on, 5060Hz AC
l00 W maximum consumption
Temperature T 32° to l00° F
Humidity i 0 to 95% non-condensrng
Dlrnemrons i ll64'lx665'Wx26“H
Weight . l0 lip
Tracking R‘ng Package
Tracking Range c . Up to 60' from autoTRACK Camera
Mreless Audio c c . 60' from Main Decking
RF Tracking Freq: . Standard A/B: 2093 MHz/212 5 MHz
Speual H/I. 213.0 Mll7J207 6 MHZ
v. . Special L/N 212 0 MHz/2071 MHz
Drmensrons .. .46'l.xZ$“Wxii0'H
Battery life. ... . . 12 hours per charge
24 hour auxiliary battery (optional)
Tracking System Keypad
RF Range 60’ lrom autuTRACK Camera (typical)
Hard-Wired Range 250‘ from autoTRACK Camera (typical)
Power (2) AA DURACELL® batteries
Dimenspns . 7.0“ ix Z 20' W x 0 85' H
Page 24
Station Clearance Dia ram
9 More space is needed for the antennas.
mare w
(ameraMan® BCCD Presenter Camera System lristallation and Operatiom Manual ~ 0 2001 ParkerVisrcn, lnc.
Appendix B: Troubleshooting
‘9 “may
Should you have any problems with your (ameraMan Preserder (amen System, please reter to the following guide After referring . ”W
to the guide, should you stil have questions, please contact your autlwiized ParkerVision reseller, or call Pat‘tervision Product
Support armament sszeoai or (904) 737-1367. '
Problem: The CamenMan autoTitACK Camera wil not tollw the Tracking Front oi CameraMan Camera
Ring Package.
Solution l Is the POWER LED on the CameraMan‘s front panel illuminated?
, If it IS illuminated, proceed to step #2
- If it IS not illuminated, make sure the Main Docking Station is
plugged tn and its POWER switch located on the hunt panel IS
moved to the ON position The POWER LED on the front at the
Main Docking Station should beillumrnated
Z, I: the TRACKWG UtttT STATUS LED on the camera's liont panel
- Il it rs ou, proceed to step it}
' It n is OFF, make sure the Tracking King Power Pack is powered
. ll it is still OFT, cited the Battery LOW LED on the top of the
Trarking Ring Power Pack. It the Battery LOW LED lS illuminated,
then the battery is low and needs to be recharged
- it both the ON LED and the LOW LED on the top of the Potter
Pack are not illuminated, then the battery may be completely Stepl SIepZ Steo3
discharged and needs to be tulty recharged ls raven tED iztRAckinc liautoTRMK tro
. on7 UNl'i STATUS lladttng7
- It the battery lS fully charged and the TRACKING UNlT BTATUS LED tee out
is still OFT, check that the RF CHANNEL switdt on the back oi
the Main Docking Station matches the position at the RF Channel
switch on the back at the Tracking Ring Power Pack PM w
3 ls the autoTRACk [ED on the camera‘s display panel illuminated or iatrerycriargedt N "'
~ it it is ON, proceed to step 04
. it t IS OFF, use the Tracking System Keypad to select one at the
tour autoTltACk ‘liew buttons pp gm, is, m
4. ii the POWER and the TltACKlNG UNlT STATUS LEDs are illumi'iated, "f W“; W
and the autoTRACK LED IX blinking, ‘ m
- Check to make sure that the Tradting Ring Sensors are attached
property and are not covered by hair or clothing
» Be sure that you are standing rn the fieidotyiew or the camera
Page 25
‘ I 33a tax-II
©2001 ParkerVision,lnc ~ Meet Your KCD PresenterCameia Syxtem W
Page 26
Appendix B: Troubleshooting
The CameraMan (amera’s autoTRAClt operation is irregular.
l Check the Battery LOW LED on the top of the Tracking Ring Power Pack ll
the LED is illuminated, the battery is low and needs to be recharged.
2 Il the battery is drarged, you may need to change the RF frequency on which
the CameraMan is currently operating To do this, change the posnion ot
the RF CHANNEL switch on the back of the Main Docking Station and RF
CHANNEL suntd'i on the back of the Tracking Ring Power Pack to the oppoute
setting (both swtch pontons must match)
3 Impect the CameraMan Camera’s location to yerriy that no obstructions, ouch
a: the main power cable, are impeding its ability to freely pen left and right
or tilt up and down
4 Veriiythat both antennas are connected to the Main Docking Station and
that no Wires or metal ohiects are touching either antenna
5 Check the battery in the Tracking System Keypad
Note: The Keypad takes (2) AA batteries With a lilespan at two
to three months With average use The Keypad Will indicate that its
battery is Iowwth a long beep when any button IS pressed. At that
time, the hatmry should be replaced
The Tracking Ring Unit’s audio is not working.
i Checkto make sure that the AUDIO switch lS set to the ON position
2 Check the top at the Tracking Rim; Power Pack to make sure the Tracking
Ring is plugged into the port marked TRACKING KlNG
3. Check to see ii the AUDIO LED on the back of the Docking
Station illuminates when the microphone r receiVing audio
The LED will only illuminate while speaking into the Tracking Ring
A If the AUDIO LED on the back of the Main Docking Station illuminatesand
you are still not receivmg audio, you may have a Wiring problem lrom the Main
Docking Station to the audio system ltthis is the case, please contact your
CameraMan System installer
RF Switch fiet
to the same
Ol i‘
Aurio LED ON7
CameraMan® KCDl’resenw Camera System Installation and Operations Manual ~ ©2001ParkerVi3ion,lnc.
Appendix B: Troubleshooting
1 fifi am
the Tracking System Keypad wil not control the autoTliACK Camera
when used in the wireless iiF mode
1 Verity that the batteries are installed in the keypad property, Keypad Address
2 Verrfy that the BASE urnr ADDRESS when on the back of the W” x, ‘
auto'I'RACK Camera, and the BASE UNIT ADDRESS sw'tch in the battery
compartment of the keypad are set to the same setting
3 Verity RF command switch on the back at the autoTRACk Camera rs
set to ENABLE (Swrtch Bank BA)
4. Verity that the LED on the front of the Tracking System Keypad
illuminates tor a lew seconds when the battery is first installed
Cable in Wl (om M7
The Tracking System Keypad will not communicate with the
autoth Camera in a "lurdw'red' mode.
1 Verity that the CameraMan Keypad Cable is connected horn the WI
COM port on the back of the Main Docking Station to the Rttt Jack in
the battery compartment of the Tracking System Keypad
2 Does the LED on the trout ol the keypad come on for
a few seconds whenthe keypad istirst plugged in? lt not,
replace cable with a ParkerVrsion supplied cable only.
5 ‘IlDEU cahrrusrrv:
vrbm nu‘
The autoTliACK Camera’s Video is not working properly.
ii Verity that the VIDEO SELECI' switch on the back at the autoTRACK
Camera is set property
2. Verty that the appropriate vrdeo connection is being used on the back
of the Mam Docking Station, ether SVIDEO or COMPOSI'iE VIDEO
OUT (see page 3)
3 temy a solid connection of the CameraMan Cable to both
the Main Docking Station and the autoiriACK Camera
Does SWllth on camera march tonnectronl
No communications through the R932 port.
1 Verity thatthe cable being used rswired correctly.
Zr Verfly that the PROTOCOL SELECT swttrzh (Syntch Bank i,- Swhch l)
and the Baud rate (9600 or l9,200) tSwrtch bank A7) on the back of
the autoTliACK Camera is set properly
3 Does the COM LED above the RS23Z port on the back of the Main
Docking Station blink When you send a command through this port?
- lt not, change the cable and retry
l: PROTOCOL Doesthe KS»Z3Z
Page 27
© 2001 ParkerVrsron, Inc - Meet Your KCD Presenter Camera System ”5”
pi“; fiMPMe-Emfllx
Appendix C: Pinout Connections
v” W Vou’ll find the following pinout tonnemions on the bark of your Main Docking station, lime diagrams are for your reference. '
Pin Signal
V c
l IZv
2 W
3 Ground y Ground / C Ground
4 Signal A SV d C cl
5 SignalB i eo onne or
6 Ground
Video (lep)
Pin Signal
l Ground Ground
2 Signal A
3 Signal B Campanile Video
4 Ground BNC Connector
R5485 (75 ohms)
Four poution
Modular Handset
+ 18V DC
Pin Signal
2 Transmit
3 Receive
5 D P
9~pin Female D9 Sub 5 Ground Tmiwiwer
1,4,6-9 Not Used
Pin Signal
i Common
Balanced g 29:3; Unbalanced
Audio Out 9 Audio Our
Page 28
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W CameraMan® KCD Presenter Camera System installation and Operauom Manual . © 2001 ParkerVisron, Inc
Appendix D: Typical System Diagram
5 ' 3 ' WWW
Below is a typical setup for your Presonur (“Amara System. The items in the diagram are not to sale. ”WW
Cammum Symm II Cam
— R846!)
—— Comm Vldao om
— SW» 001
Audio 0m (smote line] mic loval)
Power Simply Main Doclrino Simon / / /
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CameraMan System II;
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wanking sensors common in
Tmzkim Rm Power Pack! RF Transmmsr
son RFlnkto Docking sum -
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1mm Rm Fume
Page 29
0 2001 ParkerVrsron, inc - Meet Vour MCD Presenter Camera System W
Appendix E: Glossary of Terms
the use of the CarneraMan system.
. aiitoFlND' - A feature at the autoTRACK Camera which enables
the camera to automatlcally search for a Tracking Devrce worn
or held by a presenter that is not in the camera‘s fieldotview
~ autoTRACK' - An exdusrve and patented tedtnology of
PaikerVision whnh allows a presenter to be automatically
tracked by a robotic motion control camera
- autoTRACK Mode“ - The exclusive mode ol operation used by
ParkerVision’s autoTRACK camera system which automatically
tracks a presenters movements
~ autoTRACK Views’ — Any of lourcamera views selected by the
presenter where the presemer appears in either a close camera
View, a Wide angle camera view, a Iettot-center camera view or
a rightot-center camera view, while being automatically tracked
by the camera
- CameraMan autoTllACK Camera - A robotlc, vrdeo tracking
camera that uses a patented technology called autoTRACk
to automatically track an presenters movements in
vldeoconterencing or vrdeotaping applications
~ Field-ol‘Vrew - The area in front of the autoTRACK Camera where
it can communicate with and locate the Tracking Der/ice worn
or held by the presenter.
- Focus - Adiusts the lens for visual clarity at the video frame
a IMAGE » Adjusts picture brightness in the video frame.
. Linebt-Sight - An unobstructed line between the CameraMan
autoTRACK Camera and the Tracking Device worn or held by
the presenter
. Location Preset - A leature that allows a presenter to program
a specitrc camera view and location that can be recalled at
anytime at the touch of a button.
- Tracking System Keypad - A handheld keypad used bye
presenter to control camera lunctmns and tracking features
utiliZing wireless radio frequency communications
~ RF - An abbreviatlon for Radio Frequency that e a technology
used in Wireless or hard-Wired communicahors
The following are terms used throughout the Presenter Camera System Operations Manual that will assist you in understanding
- Subyect Position’ - The posdlon or location of a presenter
wearing or holding the Trad
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