Partner Tech BH-1000 BLUETOOTH HEADSET User Manual new
Partner Tech Corporation BLUETOOTH HEADSET new
My my mobile phone can noi find the Headsel? H lhr.‘ 11mm i, no! ur pniliiig mode, yum mobile plinuc will not find the Headset. Please sel ihe Headset imo pairing mode bemie rrnning your mabile phone in semch fur ill: Ell-[000 BlueiuoLh chdaci (Pleuac icfcz in the User Manual for detailed i‘nsimcu‘oiisi. Additional information Guidelines lur sue and efficient uie Noie: Read iiru iulurmuuori befure using lb: BH—IOUD Bliieiooih Headset Changes m modificnlinns m um BlHODD Bliiclnoih chuscr linl expressly approved by Panucr Tech my void the um’s au'hnrity to npmre m: equipment l’lcuxe uhcck fur imy cxcqruuim ilnc iu navioml rcquuvmcun ur hmmuom, m usage of Blucuvntli cquipmcm hefnre using min pmdiicl Produc‘ care nu imt sum ynui pmduc' In liquid nl muimii: or lu liiimiiliiy iJu uur cxpmc you: pmduul m cxtmmc high or low leinneralures Us: nfiwii-nrigiiial acccsinriex nun [mill in lua: 0[ performance. durug: lu (he prodliul fire, Elwin» mu k or iujul)’. The mrranry does not cowi produn failures which um been maimed by m cl non-Dilguml accessmics. Do 110i rxpuw you! prudiiul w in candies. cigarettes or cigais etc Du run rim ilimw or try u. bend the plodurl as rough imimcur could damage u. nu imt kcep Ilie producl u an am: pm“: in dust and din Only use a sofl cloih we claim yum pmdiici lfyou will nol be uung Ilie modiisl i‘or in while. um it in i place mu u dry fin: from dump, dusl iiud 3mm“: iumpmium 13 14 Radio frequency expasure Yum Bluelomh mam n a mdio lmnsmiuer and rectum when m opcmuun. n wlmnumuuln wllh m BlugwuLh vqulpped moms deuce by recemng and transmming mdm frequency (RF) cleclromagnefit fields m (be tl‘cqucncy mugs mu re 2500 MHz. The umpm puwcr or um rudm "mammal r; m: ImW. Drwing (“hack the News and regulannm m! the use of mobile phuuca and mm, rm eqmpmcnl In rm mesh Mum you dmc, Aircralt Turn your Blutwulh MM 011 harm boardmg any anrcmfi Travel Charger The charge! As acsrgrrcd for ruaoar use unly. D0 uul m n for umdoun. The charger must I): connec'ed to me designed puwcr sources as marked @ Whm Acmowng me rrml charger hem rm under. new! pull m: uhugfl curd only. ih‘ rr may damag: rue chargcr, Children Caution Dn nor aHnw cluldvcn 10 may wnh ynur Harmer, as me 1mnll mm "my muse chukmg hazard Battery Information how hatmy Fm um um: use. plug [he udup‘sl mlu me Headse' and charge it a! least 2 hours mm] the led unlirnlor lums an Bduzry m: : @@@@@ Only qualified amuse (mum are mnhorized to remove or replace the battery. The lcchmgcablc hancry has a long mm: Ivfe iftreated pmpcrly The ballery can only be rha («mm-alum range -m‘ A: m Use 1h: mm m fnom lcmpcmiurc for maximum 1mm camcilv The batlcry Dapam') may be minced n‘ upemlmg m culd cnvlmnmtrnl The Headsm has 10 be recharged awry m0 momhs, when it has no! been used 1m a mug pcnud 15 1a Warranty Card Product Senal Number Mfg. Ref. it Date of Purchase (yy/mm/dd) Warranty valid unhl (yy/mm/dd) Dislributor's endorsement Remarks: Kw““A““A““A“unuuuuuuuunuuuuuuuuu Limited Warranty this pmducl i predueed under . 'ck quality enntrel tireie s We warrant this pmdud [0 he fiee of defects in material uiitl weiltinnnship Undel nnirnnl usage, ifrheie is uiiy nruhleni or defecl round, yuu may gel wnrranty scrvlcc from the nienihureits) whnin ynu heughr trerii l-lease nute the fulluwuigs when requesting wanniiry seniee i please ask yiiur elisrritiurrii m inpm / enelnrse the necessary elata ml the warramy card And do keep well this warranty card fur the purpose of aft rsnle seisviee request I warranty card is requested ll) he glvcn/sem back the d|snibutol(s) wtrh the dcfcctlvc product, The distributors will not he iespnnsihle for pmviding sny wsrrnnry servtees when the wsirauty cxld is not presented ZJZXcluslon for lnrwxlramy service ' This warranty esrd is not presented te the distribuwr er aulhoriRd service center ofthe product. ' The data on the presented warranty card is erased, remarked, or untompleted. i e Losl of Serial number, manufacmrcr‘s retereiiee numbers(M1gc Rel Nos),\varran|y expiring riate ' Any defect contributed to the uses themselves for the causes tit'iriiprtiper handling, shuse, misuse ‘Any uet'eet caused by external eireurnstaiice problems, including accldcnlx, clcclm powershockt explosion . . . , ole 3.1'ht: users should hear all the transportation ehurgets) to and fro bclwccn the users and the uistnhuitirs tir aulhonzcd service center erihts product 4.Distnhiituis or the aulhomcsl serviee centers keep the nghls or repair or replneeirierii when pmcccd wui-runty semee. 1a KeA“A“A“A“A“A“A“A“A“A“A“A“usesueueueuuuu 20 22 iififiiflififl Mfl' BH—1000E33H2fi E3 ii 23 in is m E“ m afifiwmfi fimmmma E mgmafifl mm Hmfiaxm fi 111 28 R3 Ea fifi BE fi§fiim m§MEE JJJJJ Eigflfl (EEE‘E 20 agsfimaa ggfixfiflfififixfiflifififiimkfi " ifixflflfififiEiflflgflfifiéEfisflafifififl FCC itfi‘filfi tkfifis FCC 72513! 15 ENE? : fiiy'fi’izflifiéli'Ffiiififiii (l)$!§§fi$§ii’si§fiifig¥9§ ' H (Z)K§§§25fi§fk§¢1@9rfi¥i§ ' E¥éfl€§i§fiiitfiflfli§fi2¥fl v Fcc RF Exnasuvc tifi: lifiififiikixfifléfiiMiWiEEflSiifiiTiflimfifififiiflf ~‘ iii 1 iflfifififlbfifixfifififififli ' fifi§§ifiwfififi£fiafl¥i§ ' KflfiflKfifi fl ktfiigiéflgwfléfigflfifliéfif‘fitéfififiwfilflfit v CE 355 i§7fi§§l§ : Kfififi 2. “EM FHSS EHE“ ' {Eéfi EU E EFTAFHEEEAEHW 4312312: Efiib‘flifii *‘ B\u=\eo(h fifia Bwueteom Sm. Me. . u s. A Firm/a v Mbfifiifliflfl - Mfl' mfiflfi BEEF(muctcmh)E—Vifififlifliéflfilfizflsmi 1h ' $¥RM infifiHfifiiEfifi’u/fiifl KWEIEK xmzmmmm; * ENE fmfifitié‘éiflmi “Mafia-5.45: mum figfififiém a B‘uelwrhflkflfi $F§2m¥fi fififiafi - WEE! ”p 5»: unausniaw Scwermhc and Medwcal) fiw~52,45uz ~ 2‘ ABGHIEQEET ' flfltfimfiitfififlffilfiifi ' 1mm fiflfliififliflfiffifififl ' (”flank WAR ~ BII-lmflfii‘fiflfi awmmggfimmgfifimfiflufiflmfifl ii! ' nJliiDRE§§§§§E§D3flE ~ FDA ' fifiifi QEH ' ETH’A‘RE‘JEEflWuMS‘EB‘JEKfiEE 5115 < uiéflifiévfififiéfi ‘ P9512) ® BH71000§§H4Q G IW~Z4DVWEE 6 H?! 0 QEGEHEEM) 0 fifii¥m 21 BH71UOUE§FH1QSEI 1m 3 IT! 3mm fmumm ,,,\\ 7 \ )// {GH‘FWEH (527 22
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 10 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6 About : uuid:e0502a10-4e08-43e1-8748-5c751446c1f4 Modify Date : 2004:09:09 10:16:48-04:00 Create Date : 2004:09:09 10:16:39-04:00 Metadata Date : 2004:09:09 10:16:48-04:00 Document ID : uuid:967585a2-5b31-4c08-8ee2-eceb3759d8c6 Format : application/pdf Title : 手冊-new.cdr Creator : CorelDRAW 版本 10.0 Author : suer Producer : Corel PDF Engine Version 10.410EXIF Metadata provided by