Partner Tech BK-320 Car Kit (Bluetooth) User Manual
Partner Tech Corporation Car Kit (Bluetooth)
User Manual
Mute / Un-mule To mute the headset sound dump a call press the Volume up and de~n bullon lor 2 seconds and you hear t tone, which means the iunction has been activated Upcn activatrne the mute function. the person on the other side won' thear you. but you can hear all sound generated irom the other side To un~mute. press the Volume up and down bullon cnee. Transferring a call hakween headset and mobile phnna To transler a call irom headset to the mocile phone press volume down bullmi lor ahuul three seconds. atter near 2 peeps. wnrch means you have each successiully transierrtne the call. To transier a call irom mobile to headset. iniiiata lt lrom the menus phone. tir detail please reler to your mocite phona' s user guide) HilMEMH/mfl: i, fliWfiMlfl/WN: roam! Iilflfllfllillllflfi‘Fi/nl aRVpli Hfillliilglm‘mli ' E111} maunmnfimmlt - I! ilnimnfiifiwifll ' ifllilflb: l. mat-n. “mamas“ ngeuoflnmn Vol» mltewmnnnmnnmm l"! : Humming!“ lfiflfiflllfluflgfilfilfl ' “commemorate ” (N. Mfimlfimflfi¥m ~ ”iUJHEfiE/Hi L UilflifiE/Iiilfli fiufifilil iilflr'fiilufihfm'FVoI-Eivoh nfimiifififlflwfii. 151m mfluflfii‘lifififfiflfiflflir Ii iflnimlfifiifiwfilr iliflflfii L meson: “Emiiflkflflné W§¥VLQEHD§E Vol 5 wwfifiimfiflfifllflflfi'fim $§|£r 15¥1fliliéi§fl§5fl§ lflflifiMHmifllEfiiflQfi v ilMfiiflinSl’ifilli’E. tilt Wfiififiiififllll¥fims MSN I Skype Function if you Plug in USE dangle on Your PCv Iaplap etc you can use me [BK-320 as a Wireless microphone an MSN / Skype chatting. Throa-way call selore use this lunctlori please make sure that you have suoscnoed three- way call service lront your mobile phone sennce. To start a three-way call by long pressing the Answer-rig outton lor spout three seconds until it been twice when the third party is calling To end the three way can long pressing the Answering ouhon lor about three seconds. it you do not wlnl to perform the three-way call immediately. you may keep the some call waiting and answer the wading can by press the hnswenng bullun once. when you would like to “an in. three-way call ieliow (nu procedure shove Ioiohcco MSM/Skvne IME: zmrctuxwflnfizuse Dona ie tflflak—SZUHNSM/skrnetmfi lllfiliifi " Hills: mmssnumnznum‘ét’mfi Ifilfilfliifllfl’fiflfl‘flat ° flBwifiEfiRflmifiMflflM P0125? mime ERIE”!!! film llililfifililfivi llll Jiltfiflmltfiiiwill ' flié'FfilEfikl’hT—NMFIUM Eflflfllifi'afl Zfiflll'filfllfl fining]!!! filli’flii Mi? fiflEflEmKflfl—fimflfil: fiklEfiflB‘NHfli mnlami fillmlfi ~ fifififlliflT'fl‘M lfiFfiE flfimfififlflfimtfi Wfiuififilfilflflfiflflfi_ EB ME- MSN/Skvna m5: EmPCtfiAmflmfliUSB Donnie . WREKfiZUHDSMSN/Skvoetfii lilfimfliis Efiifliii RBI iiiMIEZWHIfliAmBSfi i’ltflflfifi ifliififlfliwmgs flififiififlifikfiflfiiwmfl Us)? hflfiz mifimlififl5lflfllfi “Sawiiflfifilfififlflmfifirlfl fiEfil‘lifififilMlEfiifimfil. flfiwfilififitflifimflufl Efiiilié‘fiw fikQIWflAS fiflififiwlfi—E fiikfiiliflli’fi fii’QRflLfitfiflWfl—iflflfilifi: fi&!:fiili5¢wl§i.#$§im‘i filiafl‘fl' . Kiifillii'FfiRTaE HIRE iliémIEMF-lflmfiii fiflfiflfkfififlfiwafiflfiifiiflfi in“; Connect wlth speaker base While the headset plug tnlc the speaker case. i! could perterm as a car kit I speakerphone The runcrion as tollow. . To answera incoming call press the answering button or headset once 0 To ending a call press the multi function button at the speaker ease. . To War on by press and hold the multi lunction hutien aboul 5 seconds until this LED indicator turns red. the headset and the speaker case will turn on at the meantime NEE—HEW“? ‘WJMI ' mflflfiifi'lfi ' 1m Wnllflmfllfifllflflififlfl 1731.2 ' i llllIB—fi—‘Ffimltzlfi an ° 2. filflB—flflfim—TEEQ mlfllmfilflfi ° 3. IIQ—Mlflffl'FNflfilIQM fiflnfivfilflfififllfiflm Mmflfllnflllmlfiflfl - sfiE—EEHWZ émfi¥i fiflflfifififilfifl. m fifigmfifillfifiulfifiii‘ifimfl fiilii. L flfifiii m—ramxzcis ilw'rli iiililis flifiwmf'flfifii mlEHEFMiRfliSs 3. it“ fimfli'flflimfi3m IEWNSWfiEflfia—‘ifllflflffl fim‘tlfimfiffimfifiimt Declaration of Conformity FCC statement This device complies wllh part 15 or the FCC rules Opsrali‘on is subject to the lollowtng two conditions: (i) This device may not cause harmtui interrercnoe. and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including lnterierence that may cause Undestred operation. Fcc RF Exposure requirements: This dance and its sniennetsi must not he eta—located or operallon in coniunotion with any other antenna or lransmmer. Nari m5 MANuFAcrl/RER IS nor RESPONSIELE FORANVRAMJ on W wrsnrsnsrrcs uusza er umuwonrzsn Moors/omens rd 1le EuulPMENT SUCN Moulrlmrlous COULD vorp m5 ussns AUYNDRIYY m OPERATE we EoulFMENr choral Communication commission interference Sl-Iilmllll This equipment has been tested and round to comply with the limits for a Class E digital device. pursuant to Part 15 or the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmtul interference in a residential installation. rhis equipment generates. uses and can radiate radio lreouency energy if M i m FCC i‘ifi'll xflilfi‘éFCC iii! |5 our filif’llfimuTfi WNW ' (”Kn-fli‘flfi’éifififii‘fifl ' E (filililfifiikiiifilflfifl! ‘ ElEFWEififiWEHIfl “lift?“ ‘ FCC RF Exposure ml: K“lEEillT‘illHfitmiiflfllfiiliifli‘flfilfil—M fimflfili’fi in f i’sflflfllflfifliéflxfilfifiilfi ‘ il'rfilflflfll MREIMG‘PHI ' KEEHIJFlI fitflfllmflfilfl fiwfiitfialliftmlmflilmm “one.“ iifllfiifl FCC Ell!!! KfilfiSFCC iii! |5 fiflir Riiffiilflm‘u'Ffi mar: (l)t§lm¥§n’$ifimi!¥vfi. E (Zfiilfififi’llfififl‘§¥m. Eii'fllfitififiiifififl fifiz¥ftfl Fcc RF Exposure lik- KfilRflifiTflfiflififififflifififlmfilflfflfi fifl‘tflfiliii’fi. it $fifl¥ififih§fl$§lififififlt iflfifi$flifli sandman, Kflflfifi‘hfis Mauritian fififlfilfiilfl'fiKflififlfillt. And, it not installed and used in accordance With the instructions. may cause harrntul interterence to radio wmmunlcatlons However, there Is no guarantee (hal interrerenoc Will not occur in a panicular installation if this equipment does cause harmiul interference to radio or television reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment on and orh the user is encouraged to try to correct the rnterierence by one or Ihe loilowlng measures- - Reonenl or relocate the receiving antenna, . increase the separation belwssn the equipment and receiver 0 Connect the equipment mln an outlet on a circuit dilierent lroni that to which the receiver is connected 0 consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician ior help. CE Summon! lmpenanl Notice. This device is a 2.4GHZ FHss Bluetootn headset. intended ror diode and home uses in all EU and EFTA member states. The Bluetoolh trademarks are owned by Bluetoolh siG, Inc" us A. CE is}? llilllli 2 mfilh 2, “EH! FMSS E§§|fl ' Sl‘ia‘ri Eli E EFYA Pfifitlfififl ' mmflzmtmmfi Blurroorh Elm siuetcoth Sici, inc, it“, pm E ' flt‘tflflfiéxflfl '!"“‘!9' CE Fifi lliillll Rial}! 2.40Hz FHSS KEEN" ii? E EU & EFTA Ffifis‘xfllm. (fib’étulnflflo Elueleottt ms}; Biuetoptlr Sis. inc. USA ENE, 93 ilhifixikfl' MI9I3 B'K-szti Blueluuth Mlgl; BK-320 B Bluelnuth Mi9I3 B'K-szti 9 Bluetooth
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Page Count : 1 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6 About : uuid:39c62566-1737-4d96-83a9-100eada427c3 Modify Date : 2005:12:27 18:10:18+08:00 Create Date : 2005:12:27 18:09:01+08:00 Metadata Date : 2005:12:27 18:10:18+08:00 Document ID : uuid:d2b928fd-6c7b-47d8-ad2e-464b4a945558 Format : application/pdf Creator : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Image Conversion Plug-inEXIF Metadata provided by