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The ideal drive for simple and cost-
effective positioning
SINAMICS S110: The compact single-axis servo drive with
integrated safety function.
Converter for basic positioning tasks
The perfect solution for a wide range
of applications
Typical examples for using
SINAMICS S110 drives include:
Handling equipment
Feed and withdrawal equipment
Stacking units
Automatic assembly machines
Laboratory automation
Tool changers
Adjuster axes
Tracking equipment
e.g. solar panels
Medical technology and health systems
e.g. patient beds
Unique in its class – integrated safety
SINAMICS S110 frequency converters
distinguish themselves as a result of the
integrated safety functions. All of the
relevant safety directives can be
implemented without incurring any
significant additional costs.
Reliably positioning single axes –
quickly and precisely
For many applications in machinery and
plant construction, machine axes must
be positioned as simply as possible –
however also quickly and precisely.
SINAMICS S110 was specifically designed
for this purpose.
When it involves moving a machine axis
reliably and with adequate performance
from one position to another then
SINAMICS S110 is the optimum choice.
Everything that a positioning drive
SINAMICS S110 integrates all of the requi-
red positioning functions and can control
both synchronous as well as induction
servomotors. It supports the wide variety
of encoder types most frequently used in
practice. An analog +/-10 V setpoint inter-
face, a pulse/direction interface, a USS
interface as well as various fieldbus inter-
faces are available to connect a
SINAMICS S110 drive unit to a higher-
level control.
Totally Integrated Automation with
SINAMICS S110 is the ideal positioning
drive suitable for applications in conjunc-
tion with the SIMATIC automation system.
All components of the automation solution
can be programmed, parameterized and
commissioned using a standard, inte-
grated engineering platform – seamlessly
without any system transition. With its
fieldbus interfaces, SINAMICS S110 is flex-
ible and can be integrated into the widest
range of system environments.
The positioning specialist
Onboard safety functions
Ideal for use with SIMATIC
Can be used with every control
The optimum drive for every application
The drive family for leading edge drive solutions that are fit for the future
SINAMICS offers the optimum drive
for each and every drive task – and
all of the drives can be engineered,
parameterized, commissioned and
operated in the same standard
fit for every drive application
Wide range of power ratings from
0.12 kW to 120 MW
Available in low-voltage and medium-
voltage versions
Standard functionality using a com-
mon hardware and software platform
Standard engineering using just two
tools for all drives: SIZER for engineer-
ing and STARTER for parameterizing,
commissioning and diagnostics
High degree of flexibility and combi-
Standard and integrated in the
The SINAMICS S110 positioning drive
has the same look and feel as the
SINAMICS S120 motion control drive
system. It is possible to quickly and
simply migrate to SINAMICS S120
if a drive solution, equipped with
SINAMICS S110, requires an even higher
For basic applications For demanding applications For basic servo
For sophisticated applications For basic and sophisticated
For applications with high power ratings
Low voltage
Medium voltage
STARTER — for fast commissioning, optimizing and diagnostics
Standard engineering tools
GL150 / GM150 / SM150 / SL150
V/f control/vector control
0.8 – 120 MW
Closed-loop speed/
torque control
6 kW – 30 MW
Test stands,
V/f control/vector control/servo control
0.12 – 4500 kW
0.12 – 90 kW75 – 2700 kW
0,55 –
18,5 kW 0.37 – 250 kW
0.75 – 7.5 kW
0.37 – 90 kW
0.12 – 3 kW
V/f control/FCC/vector control with and without encoder
V/f control
Pumps, fans,
conveyor belts Conveyor systems Pumps, fans, conveyor belts, compressors, mixers, crushers, extruders
SIZER — for simple planning and engineering
Pumps, fans, compressors, mixers, extruders,
crushers, rolling mill lines, mine hoist
drives, excavators, test stands, ship’s drives,
conveyor belts, blast furnace blowers
Rolling mill drives,
wire-drawing machines,
extruders and kneaders,
cable railways and lifts,
test stand drives
Production machines (packaging machines, textile and
printing machines, paper machines, plastics machines),
machine tools, plants, process lines and rolling mills
75 – 1200 kW
applications in
machinery and
plant building
Pumps, fans,
0.75 – 7.5 kW
V/f control/FCC/
vector control
without encoder
V/f control/
Positioning functions for all generally
encountered applications
”MDI“ mode
The ”MDI“1 mode is the simplest way of
positioning using SINAMICS S110. The
positioning parameters (velocity, target
position/travel distance – optionally also
acceleration rates) can be entered from
the higher-level control, and are activated
by the start command. If required, indi-
vidual parameters for positioning travel
can be modified as the axis moves.
”Traversing blocks“ mode
Simple traversing profiles can be imple-
mented in the ”traversing blocks“ mode.
Up to 16 position or traversing distances
can be saved in the drive together with
the corresponding velocity and accelera-
tion parameters. These traversing blocks
can be executed either sequentially or
according to additional criteria.
Powerful, efficient and reliable
The SINAMICS S110 single-axis drive
can control linear axes just the same as
rotary axes in-line with the particular
application requirements. Axes can be
positioned to absolute target points or
moved through relative distances. An
optional following error monitoring func-
tion that can be activated immediately
issues an alarm if irregularities occur
while traversing. The zero speed monitor-
ing at the end positions also has an alarm
function. When required, jerk limiting
can ensure that the axis starts and stops
smoothly. As a consequence, even sensi-
tive products or containers filled with
liquid can be efficiently moved but at the
same time carefully with low associated
”Jog“ mode
Goods randomly arriving on a conveyor
belt can be brought into a precise posi-
tion using the “jog” mode. Epos function-
ality can also be simply used to clamp
workpieces using the travel to endstop
Epos2 positioning functions
Linear/rotary axes
Point-to-point positioning,
Traversing profiles
Flying positioning
Travel to fixed endstop
Jerk limiting
Motion monitoring, standstill
Monitoring travel range limits
Linear and
rotary axes
Travel to
on the fly
Jerk limiting
1 MDI: Manual Data Input
2 Epos: Easy Positioning
One of the most universal and
safest positioning drives
Universal connection to higher-level
The SINAMICS S110 positioning drive is
available with a PROFIBUS or PROFINET
interface and supports standard proto-
cols such as PROFIdrive and PROFIsafe
for connection to a higher-level control
system. SINAMICS S110 can be optimally
integrated into the SIMATIC automa-
tion system via PROFIBUS and PROFINET.
Further, SINAMICS S110 can also be
connected to a higher-level control via
CANopen, USS protocol, +/- 10 V analog
or pulse/direction interface.
Safety-based motion
The positioning functions of the SIN-
AMICS S110 are complemented by an
extensive set of integrated safety func-
tions. These safety functions support the
straightforward implementation of inno-
vative safety concepts in compliance with
the appropriate standards. As the safety
functions are integrated they respond
very quickly in critical situations to avoid
damage to man and machine.
Versatile single-axis servo drive
As drive converter for standard posi-
tioning tasks, SINAMICS S110 operates
quickly and efficiently. This can involve
machinery axes with a higher dynamic
performance, which define the primary
process of a machine or plant, as well as
also actuator axes that are less critical
from a time perspective. SINAMICS S110
positions synchronous and induction mo-
tors with power ratings of up to 90 KW.
Open and connection-friendly for all
SINAMICS S110 can be used with various
motors, also from other manufacturers.
However, the best and simplest way is
to select a complete solution with a
Siemens motor. Both SIMOTICS S-1FK7/
1FT7 synchronous servomotors as well
as also the smooth-running SIMOTICS
M-1PH8 induction motors have electronic
rating plates and a digital DRIVE-CLiQ
interface that permits drive systems to be
quickly commissioned.
Safety functions are either controlled
using integrated safety-relevant input
terminals or via PROFIBUS/PROFINET us-
ing the PROFIsafe profile.
Increased safety and productivity with
integrated safety functions
Safe Torque Off (STO)
Safe Operating Stop (SOS)
Safe Stop, Cat. 1 (SS1)
Safe Stop, Cat. 2 (SS2)
Safe Direction (SDI)1
Safely Limited Speed (SLS)
Safe Speed Monitor (SSM)
Safe Brake Control (SBC)
low-voltage motor
SIMOTICS M-1PH8 main motor
1 from firmware release V4.4
Single-axis SINAMICS S110 positioning drive
connected to a higher-level control via PROFIBUS interface
(e. g. SIMATIC)
positioning drive
induction motor
with PROFIdrive profile
1-ph. 230 V/
3-ph. 400 V AC
Selection and ordering data
Power Modules
Rated power Rated
output current
Frame size PM340 Power Module
Without line filter With integrated line filter
kW AOrder No. Order No.
Line supply voltage, 1-ph. 200 ... 240 V AC
0.12 0.9 FS A 6SL3210-1SB11-0UA0 6SL3210-1SB11-0AA0
0.37 2.3 FS A 6SL3210-1SB12-3UA0 6SL3210-1SB12-3AA0
0.75 3.9 FS A 6SL3210-1SB14-0UA0 6SL3210-1SB14-0AA0
Line supply voltage, 3-ph. 380 ... 480 V AC
0.37 1.3 FS A 6SL3210-1SE11-3UA0 -
0.55 1.7 FS A 6SL3210-1SE11-7UA0 -
0.75 2.2 FS A 6SL3210-1SE12-2UA0 -
1.1 3.1 FS A 6SL3210-1SE13-1UA0 -
1.5 4.1 FS A 6SL3210-1SE14-1UA0 -
2.2 5.9 FS B 6SL3210-1SE16-0UA0 6SL3210-1SE16-0AA0
37.7 FS B 6SL3210-1SE17-7UA0 6SL3210-1SE17-7AA0
410.2 FS B 6SL3210-1SE21-0UA0 6SL3210-1SE21-0AA0
7.5 18 FS C 6SL3210-1SE21-8UA0 6SL3210-1SE21-8AA0
11 25 FS C 6SL3210-1SE22-5UA0 6SL3210-1SE22-5AA0
15 32 FS C 6SL3210-1SE23-2UA0 6SL3210-1SE23-2AA0
18.5 38 FS D 6SL3210-1SE23-8UA0 6SL3210-1SE23-8AA0
22 45 FS D 6SL3210-1SE24-5UA0 6SL3210-1SE24-5AA0
30 60 FS D 6SL3210-1SE26-0UA0 6SL3210-1SE26-0AA0
37 75 FS E 6SL3210-1SE27-5UA0 6SL3210-1SE27-5AA0
45 90 FS E 6SL3210-1SE31-0UA0 6SL3210-1SE31-0AA0
55 110 FS F 6SL3210-1SE31-1UA0 6SL3210-1SE31-1AA0
75 145 FS F 6SL3210-1SE31-5UA0 6SL3210-1SE31-5AA0
90 178 FS F 6SL3210-1SE31-8UA0 6SL3210-1SE31-8AA0
Please contact your local Siemens sales person or order the drive unit directly through:
Control Units Power Module PM340 Control Unit CU305 SINAMICS S110
Order No.
CU305 DP 6SL3040-0JA00-0AA0
CU305 PN 6SL3040-0JA01-0AA0
CU305 CAN 6SL3040-0JA02-0AA0
Accessories for Control Units
MMC card SINAMICS S110 for storing
the safety license or to back up
project data
Basic Operator Panel BOP20 6SL3055-0AA00-4BA0
Safety license (Extended Functions) 6SL3054-0AA10-0AA0
A Power Module PM340 with a mounted Control Unit CU305 form
a functional SINAMICS S110 positioning drive.
SINAMICS S110 - drive converters for basic positioning tasks
Frame size FS A FS B FS C FS D FS E FS F
Drive type AC/AC unit, modular
Degree of protection IP20
Line supply voltage Vline /power ranges
1-ph. 200 ... 240 V AC 0.12 ... 0.75 kW
(0.16 ... 1HP) –––––
3-ph. 380 ... 480 V AC 0.37 ... 1.5 kW
(0.5 ... 2.0HP)
2.2 ... 4 kW
(3 ... 5.4 HP)
7.5 ... 15 kW
(10.2 ... 20.4 HP)
18.5 ... 30 kW
(25.15 ... 40.8HP)
37 ... 45 kW
(50.3 ... 61.2 HP)
55 ... 90 kW
(74.8 ... 122.4 HP)
Positioning functions
Point-to-point positioning; absolute/relative; linear/rotary axis; flying positioning; traversing blocks (max. 16)
Monitoring functions Traversing range limits, following error, standstill, motor temperature
Additional technological functions BICO technology, technology controller
Safety functions acc. to EN 954-1,
Cat. 3, EN 61508, SIL 2 or
EN ISO 13849-1, PLd
STO: Safe Torque Off, SOS: Safe Operating Stop, SS1, SS2: Safe Stop 13, Safe Stop 2,
SBC: Safe Brake Control, SDI (Safe Direction)3,4, SLS: Safely Limited Speed3, SSM: Safe Speed Monitor3
Communication interfaces PROFINET, PROFIBUS DP, CANopen, RS232/USS protocol, pulse/direction, +/–10 V analog interface
Communication profiles PROFIdrive, PROFIsafe
Encoders that can be connected HTL/TTL; SSI; DRIVE-CLiQ, additional encoders via SMC interface module
Onboard inputs/outputs 14 DI, 24 V, floating; 4 DI/DO, 24 V; 1 AI (12 bit); 1 PTC/KTY temperature sensor connection
Safety-related onboard inputs/outputs 23 F-DI, 24 V; 1 F-DO, 24 V
Line supply frequency 43 ... 63 Hz
Output voltage Vline
Output frequency 0 ... 300 Hz
Motors Synchronous motors, induction motors
Closed-loop control technique Servo control, speed control, position control
Control performance Positioning: 4 ms
Tools Engineering: SIZER, commissioning: STARTER
Typical applications Pick & place tasks, high-bay racking units, simple handling tasks, positioning rotary tables, positioning
adjuster and actuator axes in all machinery construction sectors
1 DI: Digital Input, DO: Digital Output; AI: Analog Input
2 F-DI/F-DO: fail-safe digital input/output; when not used for safety, each F-DI can be used as two standard DIs.
3 also available without encoder
4 from firmware release V4.4
Everything at a glance
Siemens AG
Industry Sector
Motion Control Systems
P.O. Box 31 80
The information provided in this brochure contains merely
general descriptions or characteristics of performance which
in actual case of use do not always apply as described or which
may change as a result of further development of the products.
An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only
exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract.
All product designations may be trademarks or product names of
Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for
their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.
Additional information on SINAMICS is provided under
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Visit our Industry Mall to place your electronic order directly
via Internet:
Subject to change without prior notice
Order No.: E20001-A40-P670-V2-7600
DISPO 21500
WÜ/40853 GD.MC.GM.SIPR.52.2.11
WS 03124.0
Printed in Germany
© Siemens AG 2012

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