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UNISTRUT METAL FRAMING NO. 12 TM UNISTRUT C O R P O R A T I O N Unistrut Sales & Distribution 1140 W. Thorndale Ave. Itasca, IL , 60143 U.S.A. Tel: (800) 468-9510 Fax: (630) 773-4210 TM UNISTRUT Metal Framing ® GENERAL ENGINEERING CATALOG ® Unistrut Canada 585 Finley Avenue Ajax, Ontario, L1S 2E4 Canada Tel: (905) 683-8131 Fax: (905) 683-8987 North American Edition NO. 12 A WORLD OF SUPPORT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS… TM T I O N UNISTRTU Ave. horndale 1140 W. T 143 60 IL Itasca, ® O R A C O R P 10 00) 468-95 Phone: (8 4210 377 ) 30 FAX: (6 g—a ing Catalo ing system. r e e in g n E l fram eneral satile meta ut No.12 G r l e tr v is t n s U o e m a technica ld’s to th r te o e a e m W r o c e lc th e to W e to framing ion was nsive guid evised edit riendly as the metal the -r y ll comprehe fu is m to user-f tive for th xing syste rking and e o d one Our objec n -w -i d b r a m h u y th signed for ol as e d d n to a s e h a c e n w e th il r refe deta From data, every escribes. system it d d updated technical an sier. expanded ll as our job ea y e k a m ings as we elp you to w a r d t c u d purpose: that will h eds of pro r n d o n ti u a h m r in fo al in conta tly. ing pages ng technic nd efficien The follow aterial and supporti decision, quickly a em ying ndary descriptiv ying or bu if c e p ed its lege s c t n h ie ig r r e e p x th make you’ve e and ut system, iscover an exciting tr is n U e se r with th out to d r way, the ia b e il a h e m it ’r E fa u . e o s ’r y If you system If not, lus rst hand. al support nd combinations, p fi n o ty ti li n ti e a v s n r ve to co tions a ical lternative hannel sec companying techn our c f o s n efficient a e z by y with ac etailing do mited only li ccessories s a ie d pages — d it n a il s ib g s of pos of fittin hundreds en a world p o l il w n— t informatio system jus g . n in o m ti a a fr in l nd a imag istrut meta tions, new fittings a n U e th , s g sec keep h idea ew framin signed to eak-throug e n r d d b ll n y a fi n l a — ’l m u n Like editio er. Yo ing strong crete inserts in this tt e g s p e e k n class of co st whole new by putting you first. trut the fir is n U t s e r d fi a t m Unistru lishes a on has g innovati . This catalog estab in s a e c n u and ents that of quality six contin tement of ta -s e r t n A tradition rs and specifiers on importa use eflects an r d n a choice of d r a try stand ® new indus . n io it trad tion ut Corpora © 1999 Unistr t h g ri Copy TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL ENGINEERING CATALOG NO. 12 ■ Introduction ................................................ 1-19 Unistrut Metal Framing Systems.............................. 4-7 Quality Assurance and R&D ................................. 8-10 Materials and Finishes ........................................ 11-13 Design Fundamentals ......................................... 14-15 Conversion Factors .................................................. 16 Reference Tables and Guide Specification ........ 17–19 ■ 15⁄8" Framing System ................................. 20-179 Channels and Combinations .............................. 20-67 P1000 – P3300 Channel ................................ 20-45 P4000 – P9200 & Pierced Channel ................ 46-67 Nuts, Bolts and Hardware................................... 68-79 General Fittings ................................................ 80-127 Flat Plate & 90° Angle Fittings ....................... 80-92 Angular,“Z” & “U” & Wing Fittings ............... 93-104 Post Bases, Brackets & Beam Clamps ......... 105-121 Trolley, Special Application ........................ 122-127 Pipe/Conduit clamps, supports and Hangers ................................................... 128-147 Electrical Accessories ..................................... 148-165 Concrete Inserts ............................................ 166-179 ■ 11⁄4" Framing System ............................... 180-197 ■ 13⁄16" Framing System .............................. 198-217 ■ Special Metals and Fiberglass ................. 218-236 Stainless Steel & Extruded Aluminum ............ 220-225 Fiberglass ....................................................... 226-236 ■ Index ..................................................... 237-250 3 UNISTRUT METAL FRAMING THE ORIGINAL STRUT SYSTEM Featuring The Unique Weldless Connection ■ Hex-head bolt connects fitting to channel as it is threaded into spring nut. ■ Chamfer in nut eases starting of the bolt. ■ Nut teeth create a strong, vise-like grip when tightened against the inturned channel edges. ■ Channel edges and nut’s tapered grooves act as guides to provide foolproof alignment of connection. ■ Nut teeth grip the channel’s inturned edges, tying the channel sides together in a "box" configuration for added strength. ■ Spring allows precision placement anywhere along channel length, then holds nut in position while connection is completed. 4 UNISTRUT METAL FRAMING THE ORIGINAL STRUT SYSTEM Strong, Fast, Economical and Adjustable 1 Insert the spring nut anywhere along the continuous slotted channel. The rounded nut ends permit easy insertion. A 90° clockwise turn aligns the grooves in the nut with the inturned edges of the channel. 2 Fittings can be placed anywhere along the channel opening, permitting complete freedom of adjustment. The need for drilling holes is eliminated. 1 3 Insert bolt through fitting and into the spring nut. (See illustration 5 for end view showing nut in place) Additional channel sections can now be bolted to the fitting already in place by following procedure described in steps 1–3. 5 4 Tightening with a wrench locks the serrated teeth of the nut into the inturned edges of the channel, to complete a strong, vise-like connection. 5 UNISTRUT METAL FRAMING THE ORIGINAL STRUT SYSTEM Serving Design Professionals for Over 60 Years Unistrut products have been helping to build a better world since 1924. Used extensively in nuclear, industrial and commercial construction markets for over 60 years, Unistrut Metal Framing has set the standard for product design, quality and performance. The initial Unistrut concept — a simple spring nut and bolt connecting a fitting to a continuous slotted channel — has evolved into a comprehensive engineered building and support system. Unistrut — The Original Metal Framing System There is only one Unistrut Metal Framing System. It incorporates the innovative product improvements that our research and development group has created to give you the most complete and flexible support system available. Backed by our worldwide network of engineering and distribution centers, Unistrut provides customers with total-resource capability. principal cities in North America to serve you quickly and directly. Many Service Centers are equipped to design and supply drawings for any type of metal framing application and also offer fabrication and installation services. Over 50 Unistrut Service Centers — stocking standard Unistrut components — are located in This catalog is a comprehensive presentation of Unistrut Metal Framing components plus technical data required by design, specification and construction professionals. ® 6 UNISTRUT METAL FRAMING THE ORIGINAL STRUT SYSTEM The Most Complete Metal Framing System — Offering Three Channel-Width Options Adjustability, demountability and reusability are engineered into each of the three Unistrut channel series. Each series offers channels of varying depth and gage plus a complete line of fittings and accessories. 15⁄8” (41mm) width 1 5⁄8" VARIOUS HEIGHTS AVAILABLE 15⁄8" width Series Channel begins on page 20. Designed to carry the heaviest loads and provide the widest variety of applications, the 15⁄8" series has become the accepted standard for use in mechanical, electrical and general construction applications where supports and attachments must meet the highest strength requirements. 11⁄4” (32mm) width 1 1⁄4" VARIOUS HEIGHTS AVAILABLE A framing system designed for medium loads, the 11⁄4" series is especially suitable for use in the OEM, commercial and display markets. It maintains a lightness in scale and a clean line that makes it aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. 11⁄4" width Series Channel begins on page 180. 13 ⁄16” (21mm) width 13 ⁄16" VARIOUS HEIGHTS AVAILABLE ⁄ " width Series Channel begins on page 198. 13 16 A unique half-size reduction of the 15⁄8" channel-width series, this smaller channel size can be used to carry light loads economically in applications such as instrumentation, retail displays and light-duty laboratory supports. It also provides the flexibility found in all Unistrut framing systems. 7 QUALITY ASSURANCE Y T I L A U Q F ATEMENT O A ST hip in the s r e d a le d n a on’s growth ti a r o p eveloping r d o f C o t lt u u s e r t Unistr c ustry is a dire d in g ality with u in q m f a o fr s l d r a d meta n e highest sta th g finishing. in d in n ta a in g a in r tu c and m fa stringent aterials, manu t s m o w m a r e th to t n c o e resp ng are based ti s te d n a ia r rcial grade e e m m o c e h Design crit T d standards. n a s e dopted d a o c d n y a tr s d e p indu lo e epted by program dev c c e a c n d a n r a u s d s e -a it ty d quali n has been au o ti a industry. r o g p n r ti o a r C e t n u e tr -g is r n e by U nuclear pow e th f o 1, s e ti li ti ix B, 10CFR2 d n e p p A member u 0 5 ing to 10CFR catalog. conform ted products clear Power Engineering la e -r ty fe sa t u urance N For Unistru , consult our .4 Quality Ass 9 -1 9 A 2 Q N SA C d n n a o s Associati ANSI N45.2 dian Standard a n a C r u yo to Conformance vailable. a o ls a UNISTRUT m Progra C O R P O R A T I O N TM Unistrut is committed to being the “best” in the metal framing industry. In order to meet this goal, Unistrut has adopted the philosophy of “Zero Defects and Continuous Improvement”. This means on-going reviews of our manufacturing processes, operating procedures and quality systems to find ways of improving efficiency, productivity and quality. It means establishing process controls and problemprevention techniques to ensure that superior quality is built into every Unistrut product. Our drive to be the best includes not just quality products, but on-time delivery and prompt resolution of customer needs and concerns. At Unistrut, quality is number one. 8 ® Quality Assurance Manual CONTROL NO. ______ QUALITY ASSURANCE Product Testing is an Important Part of Unistrut‘s Quality-Assurance Program. We utilize our own testing facilities, as well as those of independent testing laboratories, to determine design loads with proper and adequate safety factors. These design loads are indicated, where applicable, throughout the catalog. Loads are based on AISI Specification For The Design Of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members, August 1986 Edition, December 1989 Addendum. Destructive and non-destructive testing procedures are used to test for variables such as corrosion, conductivity, electro-static dissipation, ultra-violet resistance, wind resistance, dimensional accuracy, material integrity and slip resistance. Fixture testing of Unistrut brackets establishes design loads and technical specifications. In short, if there’s a specification to meet, Unistrut will develop a test to quantify and verify it. Using design properties of the Unistrut framing members, load data given in this catalog, and/or design procedures of the American Iron & Steel Institute Specification For The Design Of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members, August 1986 Edition, December 1989 Addendum, it is possible to design any type of structure within the capabilities of the system. Assemblies or connections that cannot be calculated using provisions of the AISI specifications must be established by application-specific tests. Regular QC checks assure that our products continue to meet rigid Unistrut quality-control standards. 9 PRODUCT RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT A Leader Knows How to Listen… The original Unistrut Metal Framing System was the product of a single-minded search for a better, faster, more economical way to build structural supports. That spirit of innovation continues to fuel Unistrut research and development programs, that have resulted in literally hundreds of new fittings, channel designs and accessories. Our research and development process starts with the customer. First, we listen. Then we get to work on ideas to meet the customer’s needs. That approach has kept us a step ahead in product development ever since we introduced the Unistrut Metal Framing concept in 1940. Unistrut research and development engineers also have We stay in touch with changing customer needs by listening to the professionals who specify and use Unistrut products every day. A steady-stream of new-product and special-application prototypes helps keep the Unistrut metal framing system as current as today’s customer needs. 10 extensive experience in product “design-for-application” projects. New products, materials, coatings and systems-development expertise are available through Unistrut’s manufacturing facilities. Customers who have utilized Unistrut’s research and development capabilities include members of the nuclear-power, automotive, aerospace, environmental-protection industries and engineering profession. If you have a special need or a unique application, turn to Unistrut for engineering and design assistance. Helping you is the cornerstone of our R&D effort. MATERIALS AND FINISHES Framing Members Unistrut channels and continuous inserts are accurately and carefully cold-formed to size from low carbon strip steel. One side of the channel has a continuous slot with inturned edges. Secure attachments may be made to the framing member with the use of hardened, toothed, slotted nuts which engage the inturned edges. Raw steel shall conform to the following ASTM specifications. GAGE FINISH 12 GR & HG PG 14 ASTM NO. A570 GR 33 A653 GR 33 GR & HG PG A570 GR 33 A653 GR 33 16 GR & HG PG A366 A653 GR 33 19 GR A366 Fittings Unistrut fittings, unless noted otherwise, are punch-press made from hot rolled, pickled and oiled steel plates, strip or coil, and conform to ASTM specifications A575, A576, A635 or A36. The fitting steel also meets the physical requirement of ASTM A570 GR 33. The pickling of the steel produces a smooth surface free from scale. after insertion through the slotted opening in the channel. Two toothed grooves in the top of the nut engage the inturned edges of the channel and, after bolting operations are completed, will prevent any movement of the bolt and nut within the framing member. All bolts and nuts have Unified coarse screw threads. The standard framing nut is 1⁄2" and conforms to ASTM Specification A576 GR 1015 (material only). Screws conform to SAE J429 GR 2 (also meets and exceeds ASTM A307). PRE-GALVANIZED (PG) Finishes SPECIAL COATING PERMA-GREEN® II (GR) When specific applications require other than standard available finishes, special finishes can be supplied per customer requirements. Channel and parts are carefully cleaned and phosphated. Immediately after phosphating, a uniform coat of a highly effective rust-inhibiting acrylic enamel paint is applied by electro-deposition and thoroughly baked. Color is Perma-Green per Federal Standard 595a color number 14109 (dark limit V-). The resulting finish will withstand 400 hours of salt spray when tested in accordance with ASTM designation B-117. ELECTRO-GALVANIZED (EG) Parts, screws and nuts are coated with zinc electrolytically to commercial standards (ASTM B633 Type III SC1). Nuts and Bolts PLAIN (PL) Unistrut nuts are made from steel bars. After all machining operations are complete, they are thoroughly case hardened. Nuts are rectangular with ends shaped to permit a quarter turn clockwise in the framing member Plain finish designation means that the channel retains the oiled surface applied to the raw steel during the rolling process. The fittings have the original oiled surface of the bar-stock material. Material (steel strip) is coated with zinc by hot-dip process prior to roll-forming or press operations. The zinc coating weight is G90 conforming to ASTM Specification A653 GR 33. HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED (HG) Material is coated with zinc after being roll-formed or after all manufacturing operations are completed, conforming to ASTM specification No. A123 or A153. WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS Weights given for all materials are approximate shipping weights. All dimensions subject to commercial tolerance within published specifications. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE SPECIFICATION CHANGES WITHOUT NOTICE . WHILE EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ASSURE THE ACCURACY OF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS CATALOG AT THE TIME OF PUBLICATION, WE CANNOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR INACCURACIES RESULTING FROM UNDETECTED ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. THE BLUE COLOR USED ON UNISTRUT COMPONENTS ILLUSTRATED IN THIS CATALOG IS FOR GRAPHIC ENHANCEMENT ONLY, AND DOES NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL PRODUCT COLOR. 11 MATERIALS AND FINISHES Perma-Green® II The performance of Unistrut’s Perma-Green II far exceeds that of conventional finishes. And compared to competitive “high-performance” coatings, TANK 1 Perma-Green II provides First stage superior resistance to hot alkaline cleaning of chalking, checking and channel. fading and is far less vulnerable to common acidic atmospheres, solvents and alkalis. Just as important, PermaGreen II is the result of an environmentally neutral process that virtually eliminates the TANK 7 TANK 8 toxic metals First stage Second stage commonly found deionizer deionized in competitive water rinse to water rinse remove excess to prepare paint-based sealer. channel for finishes. E-Coating. Sealer Iron Phosphate Prepared Steel E-Coat TANK 2 TANK 3 TANK 4 TANK 5 Second stage hot alkaline cleaning of channel. Channel is rinsed to remove cleaning solution. Channel is phosphated to produce an iron phosphate coating. Channel is Sealer is rinsed to applied. remove excess phosphate solution. TANK 9 TANK 10 TANK 11 TANK 12 OVEN Electrodeposition tank applies the acrylic Perma-Green® II to all surfaces. First stage permeate rinse to remove excess E-Coat. Second stage permeate rinse to prepare channel for surfactant. Surfactant rinse to prepare channel for cure. The cure process dries the channel and cross links the acrylic thermoset resins. Unistrut Perma-Green II is a factory applied, electrodeposition acrylic coating with superior rust protection and faderesistance. The acrylic coating is a proprietary formulation and is essentially “heavy-metal” free. The electrodeposition coating process provides a smooth, hard, durable surface which is completely cured. This inhibits introduction of airborne contaminates which can adversely affect sensitive manufacturing environments. Before the electrodeposition acrylic coating is applied, Unistrut channel and fittings are 12 TANK 6 thoroughly cleaned and coated with an iron phosphate conversion coating. Unistrut’s unique, custom-designed “prep” process consists of eight separate steps, the most thorough in the industry. The cleaning, phosphating and electrodeposition coating processes are continuous and, unlike “batch” processing, result in a uniform quality coating. Production samples are tested on a continuous basis for corrosion resistance. Unistrut Perma-Green II exceeds 400 hours salt spray (1⁄8" creep from scribe) when tested to ASTM B117. Unscribed samples exceed 600 hours salt spray. MATERIALS AND FINISHES The pregalvanized zinc coating conforms to a G-90 thickness designation per ASTM A653. The zinc thickness is .75 MIL or .45 oz./sq. ft. of surface area. Zinc Coating STEEL SUBSTRATE PREPARATION Eight stage continuous cleaning, phosphate process. Substrate after “prep”: sealed iron phosphate conversion coating. COATING Thermoset acrylic Color: Green Federal STD. 595A, Color No. 14109, Dark Limit V-. Hardness: 2H. Coating Process: Anodic Electrodeposition. Unistrut products are available in three types of zinc coatings: electroplated, pregalvanized and hot dip galvanized. Zinc coatings offer two types of protection: 1. Barrier: The zinc coating protects the steel substrate from directcontact with the environment, 2. Sacrificial: The zinc coating will protect scratches, cut edges, etc. through an anodic sacrificial process. The service life of zinc coating is directly related to the zinc coating thickness. As shown in graph, when the zinc coating is double, the service life is double under most conditions. PERFORMANCE Scribed: exceeds 400 hours per ASTM B117. Unscribed: exceeds 600 hours per ASTM B117. Chalk: nominal at 1,000 hours per weatherometer G-23 test. Checking: None at 1,000 hours per weatherometer G-23 test. Fade: Less than 50% compared to standard epoxy E.C. coatings. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Formulated as a “heavy metal”-free coating (trace elements only). Outgassing in service: essentially none at 350°F for 24 hours. * Service Life is defined as the time to 5% rusting of the steel surface 11 21 32 43 54 65 75 86 97 108 118 70 129 L RA RU 60 50 30 Electroplated Zinc– ASTM B633 Type III SC1 LIFE OF PROTECTION VS. THICKNESS OF ZINC AND TYPE OF ATMOSPHERE 80 40 Salt Spray: This coating is offered on Unistrut channel and tubing and is a wellproven, time-tested performer for indoor and outdoor applications. For severe corrosion applications, hot dip galvanizing, as described below, is a good alternative. INE AR LM E ICA RIN A M ATE PER Service Life, Years* PERMA-GREEN® II TECHNICAL DATA P TRO TEM AN L URB TRIA SUB DUS Y IN TEL RA ODE M HEAV AL USTRI Y IND 20 10 .25 In the electroplating process, the part to be zinc coated is immersed in a solution of zinc ions. An electric current causes the zinc to be deposited on the part. Zinc plated parts typically have a zinc coating of .2 to .5 MIL and are recommended for dry indoor use. Pregalvanized ZincASTM A525 Pregalvanized steel is zinc coated by a hot dip process. Steel strip from a coil is fed through a continuous zinc coater which cleans, fluxes and coats the steel with molten zinc. After cooling, the steel is recoiled. 0.4 .50 0.8 .75 Oz. of Zinc/Sq. Ft. of Surface 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 1.3 Thickness of Zinc in Mils 1.7 2.1 2.6 3.0 3.4 4.2 4.7 5.1 3.8 Hot Dip Galvanized– ASTM A123 OR A153 In hot dip galvanizing, the finished part is immersed in a bath of molten zinc. This method results in complete zinc coverage and a thicker coating than pregalvanized or plated zinc. The zinc coating is typically 2.6 MIL or 1.5 oz./sq. ft. of surface area. This is the coating of choice for applications where severe corrosion is a design factor. 13 DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS A) BEAMS Beams are structural members loaded at right angles (perpendicular) to their length. Most beams are horizontal and subjected to gravity or vertical loads, e.g. a shelf support. However a vertical member can act as a beam under certain conditions, such as a curtain wall mullion subjected to wind loading. The bending moment developed in a beam is dependent on (a) the amount of load applied, (b) the type of loading applied, and (c) the support conditions. b) Continuous Beam Any simple beam that is supported at one or more intermediate points is a continuous beam. A mezzanine joist that passes over three or more columns is an example of a continuous beam. c) Fixed-End Beam 1) Types of Beam Loading a) Point Load material is measured by its “Modulus of Elasticity” or "E". The larger a material’s "E", the stiffer it is and the less it deflects. For example, steel is about three times stiffer than aluminum and as a result, deflects only one-third as much. Do not confuse stiffness with strength. Two materials may have identical strengths yet still have different "E’s". A high-strength aluminum may be as strong as steel and still deflect three times as much. The load charts and tables give calculated deflections for the loads shown. In many cases, a final design will be determined by the maximum deflection, not the maximum load. 4) Bending Moment A load concentrated onto a very small length of the beam is a point load. b) Uniform Load Supports that prevent the beam from rotating into a natural deflected curve, produce a fixed-end beam. A welded end connection to very rigid support produces a fixedend beam. d) Cantilever Beam A load spread evenly over a relatively long length of the beam is a uniform load. Point and uniform loads can be placed on a beam in any combination. A series of point loads can approximate a uniform loading. The load charts and tables are based on a uniform load unless identified otherwise. A cantilever beam is a fixed-end beam that is supported at one end only, while the other end is unsupported. Unistrut brackets are examples of cantilever beams. 3) Deflection 2) Support conditions a) Simple Beam A simple beam has supports that prevent movement left and right, or up and down, but do not restrain the beam from rotating at the supports into a natural deflected curve. Most Unistrut Metal Framing connections produce simple beams. The load charts and tables are based on simple beams unless identified otherwise. 14 Is it strong enough? This is the final consideration for any beam. A beam must not only hold up the anticipated loads, but must also have sufficient additional capacity to safely hold unforeseen variations in applied loads and material strengths. This additional capacity is called a safety factor and is usually regulated by the various design codes and standards. A beam’s strength is usually measured by an allowable bending moment or an allowable stress. The traditional approach is the allowable stress method, where a beam is determined to have a maximum allowable stress (in pounds per square inch) which is not to be exceeded. The approach of the current AISI “Specification For The Design Of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members” is to use a maximum allowable bending moment (in inchpounds) which is not to be exceeded. Bending moment divided by a beam’s section modulus or "S" equals stress. B) COLUMNS All beams deflect under load. The amount of deflection is dependent on (a) the amount of load, (b) the support conditions, (c) the stiffness of the beam’s crosssectional shape, and (d) the stiffness of the beam material. The stiffness of the beam’s crosssectional shape is measured by its “Moment Of Inertia” or "I". The larger a beam’s "I", the stiffer it is and the less it will deflect. A beam’s "I" can change for each major axis. The "I" of both major axes (I 1-1 and I 2-2) are provided. The stiffness of a beam’s Columns are structural members that are loaded parallel to their length. Most columns are vertical and are used to carry loads from a higher level to a lower level. However any member subjected to compression loads, such as a diagonal or prop brace, is a column. A column fails by “buckling”, which is a sudden loss of straightness and subsequent collapse. Allowable column load is dependent on (a) the length of column, (b) the type of loading, (c) the support conditions, and (d) the column’s cross-sectional shape and material. DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS 1) Column Length b) Pinned Top – Fixed Bottom The column length is measured from braced point to braced point. A braced point is where the column is restrained from lateral movement (translation) in all directions. C) BOLT TORQUE 2) Types Of Column Loading a) Concentric Loading Loads applied to the center of gravity of the column cross-section are considered concentric. A beam that passes over and rests on the top of a column is an example of concentric loading. b) Eccentric Loading Any load which is not concentric is eccentric. The amount of eccentricity (in inches) has a major effect on the load-carrying capacity of any particular column. A load that is transmitted to a Unistrut Metal Framing column using a standard fitting bolted to the slot face is considered eccentric. The top is restrained against lateral movement (translation) but, is allowed to rotate. The bottom is restrained against rotation and lateral movement. This is a common support condition and is used to construct the allowable column load applied at the Slot Face tables. "K" equals .80. c) Pinned Top – Pinned Bottom Based on the support conditions, an appropriate "K" value is selected. This “K” value, which mathematically describes the column end conditions, is used in the column design equations. The most common support condition combinations are as follows: Bolt torque values are given to ensure the proper connection between Unistrut Metal Framing components. It is important to understand that there is a direct, but not necessarily consistent, relationship between bolt torque and tension in the bolt. Too much tension in the bolt can cause it to break or crush the component parts. Too little tension in the bolt can prevent the connection from developing its full load capacity. The torque values given have been developed over many years of experience and testing. BOLT SIZE FOOT LBS. N.m The load tables give allowable loads for both concentric (loaded at C.G.) and certain eccentric (loaded at slot face) loading. Allowable loads for other eccentric loading must be determined by a qualified design professional. 3) Support Conditions a member with a large "r" makes a better column than a member with a small "r". Each axis of a column has a different "r". Typically the axis with the smallest "r" determines the final design. Both ends are restrained against lateral movement (translation) but, are allowed to rotate. "K" equals 1.0. d) Fixed / Free Top – Fixed Bottom 1⁄4" 20 5 ⁄8 " 5⁄16" 18 3⁄8" 16 1⁄2" 13 11 3⁄4" 10 6 11 19 50 100 125 8 15 25 70 135 170 These are based on using a properly calibrated torque wrench with a clean dry (non-lubricated) Unistrut fitting, bolt and nut. A lubricated bolt or nut can cause extremely high tension in the connection and may lead to bolt failure. It must be noted that the accuracy of commercial torque wrenches varies widely and it is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that proper bolt torque has been achieved. a) Fixed Top – Fixed Bottom The top is restrained against rotation but is allowed to move laterally. The bottom is restrained against rotation and lateral movement (translation). "K" equals 1.2. 4) Cross-Sectional Shape Both ends are restrained against rotation and lateral movement (translation). K equals .65. The cross-sectional shape of a column member determines the value of it’s “Radius of Gyration” or "r". In general, 15 CONVERSION FACTORS To Convert From Length Inch [in] Foot [ft] Yard [yd] Mile (U.S. Statute) [mi] Area Square Inch [in2] Square Foot [ft2] Square Yard [yd2] Square Mile [mi2] (U.S. Statute) Acre Acre Volume Cubic Inch [in3] Cubic Foot [ft3] Cubic Yard [yd3] Gallon (U.S. Liquid) [gal] Quart (U.S. Liquid) [qt] Mass Ounce (Avoirdupois) [oz] Pound (Avoirdupois) [lb] Short Ton Force Ounce-Force Pound-Force [lbf] Bending Moment Pound-Force-Inch [lbf-in] Pound-Force-Foot [lbf-ft] Pressure, Stress Pound-Force per Square Inch [lbf/in2] Foot of Water (39.2 F) Inch of Mercury (32 F) Energy, Work, Heat Foot-Pound-Force [ft-lbf] British Thermal Unit [Btu] Calorie [cal] Kilowatt Hour [kW-h] Power Foot-Pound-Force /Second [ft-lbs/s] British Thermal Unit /Hour [Btu/h] Horsepower (550 Ft. Lbf/s) [hp] Angle Degree Temperature Degree Fahrenheit [F] 16 To Multiply By To Convert From Multiply To By Millimeter [mm] Meter [m] Meter [m] Kilometer [km] 25.400 000 0.304 800 0.914 400 1.609 347 Millimeter [mm] Meter [m] Meter [m] Kilometer [km] Inch [in] Foot [ft] Yard [yd] Mile (U.S. Statute) [mi] 0.039 370 3.280 840 1.093 613 0.621 370 Square Millimeter [mm2] Square Meter [m2] Sqare Meter [m2] Square Kilometer [km2] 645.16 0.092 903 0.836 127 2.589 998 Square Millimeter [mm2] Square Meter [m2] Sqare Meter [m2] Square Kilometer [km2] 0.001550 10.763 915 1.195 991 0.386 101 Square Meter [m2] Hectare 4046.873 0.404 687 Square Meter [m2] Hectare Square Inch [in2] Square Foot [ft2] Square Yard [yd2] Square Mile [mi2] (U.S. Statute) Acre Acre 0.000 247 2.471 046 Cubic Millimeter [mm3] Cubic Meter [m3] Cubic Meter [m3] Litre [l] Litre [l] 16387.06 0.028 317 0.764 555 3.785 412 0.946 353 Cubic Millimeter [mm3] Cubic Meter [m3] Cubic Meter [m3] Litre [l] Litre [l] Cubic Inch [in3] Cubic Foot [ft3] Cubic Yard [yd3] Gallon (U.S. Liquid) [gal] Quart (U.S. Liquid) [qt] 0.000061 35.314 662 1.307 950 0.264 172 1.056 688 Gram [g] Kilogram [kg] Kilogram [kg] 28.349 520 0.453 592 907.185 Gram [g] Kilogram [kg] Kilogram [kg] Ounce (Avoirdupois) [oz] Pound (Avoirdupois) [lb] Short Ton 0.035 274 2.204 624 0.00110 Newton [N] Newton [N] 0.278 014 4.448 222 Newton [N] Newton [N] Ounce-Force Pound-Force [lbf] 3.596 941 0.224 809 Netwon-Meter [N-m] Newton-Meter [N-m] 0.112 985 1.355 818 Netwon-Meter [N-m] Newton-Meter [N-m] Pound-Force-Inch [lbf-in] Pound-Force-Foot [lbf-ft] 8.850 732 0.737 562 Kilopascal [kPa] 6.894 757 Kilopascal [kPa] 0.145 038 Kilopascal [kPa] Kilopascal [kPa] 2.988 980 3.386 380 Kilopascal [kPa] Kilopascal [kPa] Pound-Force per Square Inch [lbf/in2] Foot of Water (39.2 F) Inch of Mercury (32 F) Joule [J] Joule [J] Joule [J] Joule [J] 1.355 818 1055.056 4.186 800 3600000 Joule [J] Joule [J] Joule [J] Joule [J] Foot-Pound-Force [ft-lbf] British Thermal Unit [Btu] Calorie [cal] Kilowatt Hour [kW-h] 0.737 562 0.000948 0.238 846 2.78-7 Watt [W] 1.355 818 Watt [W] 0.737 562 Watt [W] 0.293 071 Watt [W] Kilowatt [kW] 0.745 700 Kilowatt [kW] Foot-Pound-Force /Second [ft-lbs/s] British Thermal Unit /Hour [Btu/h] Horsepower (550 Ft. Lbf/s) [hp] Radian [rad] 0.017 453 Radian [rad] Degree 57.295 788 Degree Celsius [C] (F° -32)/1.8 Degree Celsius [C] Degree Fahrenheit [F] 1.8xC°+32 0.334 562 0.295 301 3.412 142 1.341 022 REFERENCE TABLES AND DATA FORMULAE ON COMMON BEAM LOADINGS CANTILEVER BEAMS P P a V max. = P V max. = W WL M max. = 2 3 WL max. = 8EI L L M max. = PL max. = V PL3 3EI V V max. = P L M max. = Pb 2 max. = Pb (3L-b) 6EI V M M M b SIMPLE BEAMS L P P 2 R= L R R V P 2 P 2 PL M max. = 4 3 PL max. = 48EI R= V max. = M L R R V a W 2 W 2 WL M max. = 8 3 5WL max. = 384EI V max. = M b L R1 R2 R1= Pb L Pa R2= L V max. = Pa L Pab M max. = L Pab(a+2b) 3a(a+2b) max. = 27EIL V M BEAMS FIXED AT ONE END, SUPPORTED AT OTHER L P 2 L R1 P 3W R1= 8 5P R1= 16 11P 16 3PL M max. = 16 V max. = V PL3 max. = 0.009317 EI L R1 V 3L 8 max. at x = 0.447L M a M 5W 8 WL M max. = 8 L V max. = 2 R1= Pb (a+2L) 2L3 b Pa 2 2 R2 R2= 3 (3L -a ) 2L R1 V M at point of load = R1a max. at x = 0.4215L 3L 4 3 max. = WL 185EI M at fixed end = Pab (a+L) 2L3 M BEAMS FIXED AT BOTH ENDS L P 2 P P 2 PL M max. = 8 3 max. = PL 192EI V max. = L V W 2 WL M max. = 12 3 max. = WL 384EI 2 R1= Pb3 (3a+b) L b a V max. = L V L R1 2 R2 R2= Pa3 (a+3b) L V 2 M1 = Pab L2 2 M R – Reaction M – Moment P – Concentrated Load M M1 W – Total Uniform Load V – Shear L – Length M2 M2 = Pa2 b L – Deflection E – Modulus of Elasticity I – Moment of Inertia 17 REFERENCE TABLES AND DATA CONVERSION FACTORS FOR BEAMS WITH VARIOUS STATIC LOADING CONDITIONS All Beam Load tables are for single-span (simple) beams supported at the ends. These can be used in the majority of the cases. All Be There are times when it is necessary to know what happens with other loading and support conditions. Some common arrangements are shown below. Simply multiply the values from the Beam Load tables by factors given below LOAD FACTOR DEFLECTION FACTOR 1.00 1.00 2. Simple Beam, Concentrated Load at Center .50 .80 3. Simple Beam, Two Equal Concentrated Loadcs at 1/4 pts 1.00 1.10 4. Beam Fixed at Both Ends, Uniform Load 1.50 .30 5. Beam Fixed at Both Ends, Concentrated Load at Center 1.00 .40 6. Cantilever Beam, Uniform Load .25 2.40 7. Cantilever Beam, Concentrated Load at End .12 3.20 1.30 .92 9. Continuous Beam, Two Equal Spans, Uniform Load on Both Ends 1.00 .42 10. Continuous Beam, Two Equal Spans, Concentrated Load at Center of One Span .62 .71 11. Continuous Beam, Two Equal Spans, Concentrated Load at Center of Each Span .67 .48 LOAD AND SUPPORT CONDITION 1. Simple Beam, Uniform Load SPAN 8. Continuous Beam, Two Equal Spans, Uniform Load on One Span EXAMPLE I PROBLEM: Determine load and deflection of a P 1000 beam continuous over one support and loaded uniformly on one span. 5' -0" SPAN 5' -0" SOLUTION: A. From load table for P1000 on page 24 load for a 5'-0" span is 680# and deflection is .35". B. Multiply by factors from Table above. Load = 680# x 1.30 = 884# Deflection = .35" x .92 = .32" 18 SPAN EXAMPLE II PROBLEM: Determine load and deflection of a P 5500 cantilever beam with a concentrated load on the end. 3' -0" SOLUTION: A. From load table P5500 on page 57 load for a 3'-0" span is 2190# and deflection is .09". B. Multiply by factors from Table above. Load = 2190# x .12 = 263# Deflection = .09" x 3.20 = .29" GUIDE SPECIFICATION PART I - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Provide all Unistut Metal Framing material, fittings and related accessories (Strut System) as indicated on the Contract Drawings. B. Provide all labor, supervision, engineering, and fabrication required for installation of the Strut System in accordance with the Contract Drawings and as specified herein. C. Related work specified elsewhere. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer’s qualifications: 1. The manufacturer shall not have had less than 10 year’s experience in manufacturing Strut Systems. 2. The manufacturer must certify in writing all components supplied have been produced in accordance with an established quality assurance program. B. Installer’s qualifications: 1. Installer must be a Unistrut trained manufacturer’s authorized representative/installer with not less than 5 years experience in the installation of Strut Systems of this size and conformation. 2. All Strut System components must be supplied by a single manufacturer. C. Standards: 1. Work shall meet the requirements of the following standards. Federal, State and Local codes. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members August 19, 1986 Edition, December 11, 1989 Addendum. American Society for Testing And Materials (ASTM). 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Structural Calculations and Shop Drawings 1. Submit structural calculations for approval by the project engineer. Calculations may include, but are not limited to: a. Description of design criteria. b. Stress and deflection analysis. c. Selection of Unistrut framing members, fittings, and accessories. 2. Submit all shop/assembly drawings necessary to completely install the Strut System in compliance with the Contract Drawings. 3. Submit all pertinent manufacturers published data. Standard 595a color number 14109 (dark limit V-). Finish to withstand minimum 400 hours salt spray when tested in accordance with ASTM B 117. 2. ELECTRO-GALVANIZED (EG) Electrolytically zinc coated per ASTM B 633 Type III SC 1 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. All material is to be delivered to the work site in original factory packaging to avoid damage to the finish. B. Upon delivery to the work site, all components shall be protected from the elements by a shelter or other covering. 1.05 GUARANTEE A. Separate guarantees shall be issued from the erector and manufacturer, valid for a period of 1 year, against any defects that may arise from the installation or manufacture of the Strut System components. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 3. PRE-GALVANIZED (PG) Zinc coated by hot-dipped process prior to roll forming. The zinc weight shall be G90 conforming to ASTM A 653. 4. HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED (HG) Zinc coated after all manufacturing operations are complete. Coating shall conform to ASTM A 123 or A 153. 5. SPECIAL COATING / MATERIAL (Describe as applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. A. All Strut System components shall be as manufactured by UNISTRUT CORPORATION or approved equal as determined by the Architect or Engineer of record in writing 10 days 3.02 prior to bid date. A. 2.02 MATERIALS A. All channel members shall be B. fabricated from structural grade steel conforming to one of the following ASTM specifications: A 570 GR 33, A 653 GR 33 C. B. All fittings shall be fabricated from steel conforming to one of the following ASTM specifications: A 575, A 576, A 36 or A 635 3.03 C. Substitutions A. Any substitutions of product or manufacturer must be approved in writing ten days prior to bid date, by Architect or Engineer of record. 2.03 FINISHES A. Strut System components shall be finished in accordance with one of the following standards: 1. PERMA-GREEN® II (GR) Rust inhibiting acrylic enamel paint applied by electrodeposition, after cleaning and phosphating, and thoroughly baked. Color is per Federal EXAMINATION The installer shall inspect the work area prior to installation. If work area conditions are unsatisfactory, installation shall not proceed until satisfactory corrections are completed. INSTALLATION Installation shall be accomplished by a fully trained manufacturer authorized installer. Set Strut System components into final position true to line, level and plumb, in accordance with approved shop drawings. Anchor material firmly in place. Tighten all connections to their recommended torques. CLEANUP Upon completion of this section of work, remove all protective wraps and debris. Repair any damage due to installation of this section of work. 3.04 PROTECTION A. During installation, it shall be the responsibility of the installer to protect this work from damage. B. Upon completion of this scope of work, it shall become the responsibility of the general contractor to protect this work from damage during the remainder of construction on the project and until substantial completion. 19 CHANNELS & COMBINATIONS Page P1000 12 Gage 23 P1100 14 Gage 32 P2000 16 Gage 36 P3000 12 Gage 40 P3300 12 Gage 43 P4000 16 Gage 46 P4100 14 Gage 50 P5000 12 Gage 53 P5500 12 Gage 56 Closure Strips 59 Pierced Sections 60 P9000 Series 12 Gage 62 MATERIAL FINISHES DIMENSIONS Unistrut channels are accurately and carefully cold formed to size from low-carbon strip steel. All channels are available in: Perma Green II (GR), pre-galvanized (PG), conforming to ASTM A653; Hotdipped galvanized (HG), conforming to ASTM A123 or A153; and plain (PL). Imperial dimensions are illustrated in inches. Metric dimensions are shown in millimeters and rounded to one decimal place. Spot-welded combination members are welded 3" (maximum) on center. STEEL: PLAIN 12 Ga. (2.7 mm), 14 Ga.(1.9 mm) ASTM A570 GR 33 16 Ga. (1.5 mm) ASTM A366 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Index LOAD DATA STANDARD LENGTHS 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL STEEL: PRE-GALVANIZED 12 Ga. (2.7 mm), 14 Ga. (1.9 mm) and 16 Ga. (1.5mm) ASTM A653 GR 33 For other materials, see Special Metals and Fiberglass section. 20 Standard lengths are 10 feet (3.05m) and 20 feet (6.10m). Tolerances are +1⁄8" (3.2 mm) to +1⁄2" (12.7 mm) to allow for cutting. Special lengths are available for a small cutting charge with a tolerance of ±1⁄8" (3.2mm). CURVED CHANNEL Many Unistrut 15⁄8" (41mm) channel sections are available as curved pieces in both single and combination styles. Contact your local Unistrut Service Center or Unistrut Corporation for ordering information. All beam and column load data pertains to carbon steel and stainless steel channels. Load tables and charts are constructed to be in accordance with the SPECIFICATION FOR THE DESIGN OF COLD-FORMED STEEL STRUCTURAL MEMBERS AUGUST 19, 1986 EDITION with DECEMBER 11, 1989 ADDENDUM published by the AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. CHANNELS & COMBINATIONS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1000 SERIES P1001 P1001A P1001B P1001C P1001 3 P1001 A3 P1001 B3 P1001 C3 P1001 D3 P1001 C41 P1003 P3000 SERIES 14 GA. page 32 12 GA. page 40 P1004A Electrical Fittings P1100 SERIES Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings P1000 Nuts & Hardware 12 GA. page 23 P3000 P3300 SERIES 16 GA. page 36 12 GA. page 43 P2001 P2001A P2001B P3300 P2001C P4000 SERIES P4100 SERIES 16 GA. page 46 14 GA. page 50 P4000 P4001 P4003 P4004 P4100 P5000 SERIES P5500 SERIES P9000 SERIES 12 GA. page 53 12 GA. page 56 12 GA. page 62 P5000 P5001 P5500 P5501 P9000 P3301 11⁄4" Framing System P2000 Concrete Inserts P2000 SERIES P3001 P4101 See page 180 for 1-1⁄4" width channels and combinations and page 198 for 13⁄16" channels and combinations. P9200 Combinations not shown in catalog are available on special order. Consult factory for details. 21 System P1101C ⁄ Framing P1101B 13 16" P1101A Spec. Metals & Fiberglass P1101 Index P1100 CHANNELS & COMBINATIONS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL CHANNEL SELECTION CHART Nuts & Hardware Width General Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Electrical Fittings KO T SL HS DS H3 Height Channel Steel Concrete Inserts Hole Pattern Styles Material & Thickness Channel Dimensions In P1000 58 1⁄ P1100 15⁄8 mm In Stainless Steel Alum. mm 41 58 1⁄ 41 12 ga 12 ga .109 41 15⁄8 41 14 ga 14 ga — P2000 58 1⁄ 41 58 1⁄ 41 16 ga — — P3000 15⁄8 41 13⁄8 35 12 ga — — P3300 58 1⁄ 41 78 22 12 ga 12 ga — P4000 15⁄8 41 13 16 ⁄ 21 16 ga 16 ga .078 P4100 58 1⁄ 41 13 16 ⁄ 21 14 ga — — P5000 15⁄8 41 31⁄4 83 12 ga — — P5500 58 41 7 16 62 12 ga — .109 1⁄ ⁄ 2⁄ * * * Not available in aluminum. • This reference chart reflects the available channels and hole patterns manufactured by Unistrut Corporation. • Stainless steel sections are also available on special order in "T," "SL" and "HS" hole pattern. • Metric equivalent for material thickness: 12 ga. (2.7 mm); 14 ga. (1.9 mm); and 16 ga. (1.5 mm). Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System CHANNELS & COMBINATIONS IN DESCENDING ORDER OF STRENGTH Channel S in3 I in4 Area in2 Weight Lbs/Ft Channel S in3 I in4 Area in2 Weight Lbs/Ft P5001 1.716* 5.578* 1.794 6.10 P9000 .203 .164 .384 2.05 P1004 A 1.673 4.079 1.978 6.70 P3301 .202 .177 .797 2.70 P5501 1.153 2.811 1.453 4.94 P1000 .202 .185 .556 1.90 P1001 C41 1.145 1.860 2.223 7.60 P1100 .166 .149 .417 1.42 P5000 .628 1.099 .897 3.05 P3000 .154 .121 .503 1.70 P1001 .572 .930 1.112 3.80 P4101 .141 .114 .574 1.94 P1101 .456 .741 .834 2.84 P2000 .140 .124 .340 1.16 P3001 .431 .593 1.007 3.40 P4001 .125 .101 .478 1.64 P5500 .391 .523 .726 2.47 P3300 .072 .037 .398 1.35 P2001 .379 .616 .681 2.32 P4100 .053 .025 .287 .97 P9200 .297 .278 .489 2.23 P4000 .048 .023 .239 .82 * Effective section properties. 22 P1000® & P1001 CHANNELS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 3 ⁄8" 9.5 22.2 9 ⁄32" .915" 1 .710" 1 5⁄8" 23.3 1 18.0 41.3 2 2 Pierced channels are found on pages 60 and 61. 9.5 7.1 Weight: 190 Lbs/C Ft (283 kg/100 m) P1001 Nuts & Hardware ⁄8" 41.3 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" General Fittings 3 1 5/8" Channels P1000 41.3 3 1⁄4" Pipe/Conduit Supports 1 5⁄8" 82.6 1 Electrical Fittings 1 Concrete Inserts 2 2 Weight: 380 Lbs/C Ft (566 kg/100 m) 3500 11⁄4" Framing System 3000 P1000 P1001 2000 1500 ⁄ Framing LOAD (Lbs) 2500 13 16" 1000 500 36 48 60 72 84 *Maximum allowable uniform load. Channel Weight Allowable Moment 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 SPAN (In) Material Thickness Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm P1000 1.90 2.8 5,080 570 .105 2.7 P1001 3.80 5.7 14,390 1630 .105 2.7 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA Index 24 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 0 System BEAM LOAD* Nominal thickness of 12 gage strip steel is .105 inches. 23 P1000 & P1001 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL BEAM LOADING DATA Span mm Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Index Max. Allowable Uniform Load Deflection at Uniform Load Lbs kN In mm Uniform Loading at Deflections Span/180 Lbs kN Span/240 Lbs Span/360 kN Lbs kN 24 610 P1000 P1001 1690 3130 * 7.5 13.9 0.06 0.02 1 1 1690 3130 * 7.5 13.9 1690 3130 * 7.5 13.9 1690 3130 * 7.5 13.9 36 914 P1000 P1001 1130 3130 * 5.0 13.9 0.13 0.07 3 2 1130 3130 * 5.0 13.9 1130 3130 * 5.0 13.9 900 3130 * 4.0 13.9 48 1219 P1000 P1001 850 2400 3.8 10.7 0.22 0.13 6 3 850 2400 3.8 10.7 760 2400 3.4 10.7 510 2400 2.3 10.7 60 1524 P1000 P1001 680 1920 3.0 8.5 0.35 0.20 9 5 650 1920 2.9 8.5 490 1920 2.2 8.5 320 1630 1.4 7.3 72 1829 P1000 P1001 560 1600 2.5 7.1 0.50 0.28 13 7 450 1600 2.0 7.1 340 1600 1.5 7.1 220 1130 1.0 5.0 84 2134 P1000 P1001 480 1370 2.1 6.1 0.68 0.39 17 10 330 1370 1.5 6.1 250 1240 1.1 5.5 170 830 0.8 3.7 96 2438 P1000 P1001 420 1200 1.9 5.3 0.89 0.50 23 13 250 1200 1.1 5.3 190 950 0.8 4.2 130 640 0.6 2.8 108 2743 P1000 P1001 380 1070 1.7 4.8 1.14 0.64 29 16 200 1000 0.9 4.4 150 750 0.7 3.3 100 500 0.4 2.2 120 3048 P1000 P1001 340 960 1.5 4.3 1.40 0.79 36 20 160 810 0.7 3.6 120 610 0.5 2.7 80 410 0.4 1.8 144 3658 P1000 P1001 280 800 1.2 3.6 1.99 1.13 51 29 110 560 0.5 2.5 80 420 0.4 1.9 60 280 0.3 1.2 168 4267 P1000 P1001 240 690 1.1 3.1 2.72 1.55 69 39 80 410 0.4 1.8 60 310 0.3 1.4 40 210 0.2 0.9 192 4877 P1000 P1001 210 600 0.9 2.7 3.55 2.02 90 51 60 320 0.3 1.4 50 240 0.2 1.1 NR 160 NR 0.7 216 5486 P1000 P1001 190 530 0.8 2.4 4.57 2.53 116 64 50 250 0.2 1.1 40 190 0.2 0.8 NR 130 NR 0.6 240 6096 P1000 P1001 170 480 0.8 2.1 5.61 3.15 142 80 40 200 0.2 0.9 NR 150 NR 0.7 NR 100 NR 0.4 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware In Channel *Load limited by spot weld shear. NR = Not Recommended Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 4. See page 66 for lateral bracing load reduction charts. 24 P1000 & P1001 CHANNELS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN P1000 P1001 3400 6360 15.1 28.3 9600 23820 42.7 106.0 9500 23560 42.3 104.8 9320 23130 41.5 102.9 9100 22610 40.5 100.6 36 914 P1000 P1001 3000 6190 13.3 27.5 7640 23190 34.0 103.2 7400 22610 32.9 100.6 7000 21640 31.1 96.3 6490 20460 28.9 91.0 48 1219 P1000 P1001 2570 5970 11.4 26.6 5910 22310 26.3 99.2 5530 21270 24.6 94.6 4980 19560 22.2 87.0 4430 17460 19.7 77.7 60 1524 P1000 P1001 2230 5690 9.9 25.3 4780 21180 21.3 94.2 4390 19560 19.5 87.0 3850 16870 17.1 75.0 3330 13590 14.8 60.5 72 1829 P1000 P1001 1970 5360 8.8 23.8 4090 19790 18.2 88.0 3680 17460 16.4 77.7 3140 13590 14.0 60.5 2650 9570 11.8 42.6 84 2134 P1000 P1001 1760 4970 7.8 22.1 3600 18150 16.0 80.7 3170 14980 14.1 66.6 2630 10130 11.7 45.1 2160 7030 9.6 31.3 96 2438 P1000 P1001 1580 4510 7.0 20.1 3220 16270 14.3 72.4 2770 12120 12.3 53.9 2240 7750 10.0 34.5 1800 5380 8.0 23.9 108 2743 P1000 P1001 1430 4030 6.4 17.9 2910 14120 12.9 62.8 2450 9570 10.9 42.6 1930 6130 8.6 27.3 ** 4250 ** 18.9 120 3048 P1000 P1001 1290 3610 5.7 16.1 2640 11750 11.7 52.3 2180 7750 9.7 34.5 ** 4960 ** 22.1 ** ** ** ** Nuts & Hardware 610 K = 1.2 General Fittings 24 Lbs K = 1.0 Pipe/Conduit Supports kN K = .80 Electrical Fittings Lbs K = .65 ⁄ Framing > 200 2 In I 2 cm 4 In Axis 2 - 2 S 4 cm In 3 r 3 cm I 4 In cm In S cm 4 3 In r cm 3 In cm P1000 .556 3.6 .185 7.7 .202 3.3 .577 1.5 .236 9.8 .290 4.7 .651 1.7 P1001 1.112 7.2 .930 38.7 .572 9.4 .915 2.3 .472 19.6 .580 9.5 .651 1.7 I - Moment of Inertia S - Section Modulus Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section r - Radius of Gyration 25 Index Channel 13 16" ELEMENTS OF SECTION System 11⁄4" Framing System mm Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. kN **KL r In Max. Allowable Load at Slot Face Channel Concrete Inserts Unbraced Height 1 5/8" Channels COLUMN LOADING DATA P1000 CHANNEL COMBINATIONS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5/8" Channels P1001 A 1 5⁄8" 41.3 Nuts & Hardware 3 1⁄4" 82.6 1 .710" 1 18.0 .915" 23.3 2 General Fittings 2 Weight: 380 Lbs/C Ft (566 kg/100 m) P1001 B Pipe/Conduit Supports 1 5⁄8" 41.3 3 1⁄4" 82.6 1 Electrical Fittings 1 2 2 Concrete Inserts Weight: 380 Lbs/C Ft (566 kg/100 m) P1001 C 11⁄4" Framing System 3 ⁄4" Framing System 1 5⁄8" .761" 41.3 1.677" 42.6 1 82.6 1 1 1.574" 40.0 .864" 19.3 13⁄16" 2 22.0 2 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Weight: 380 Lbs/C Ft (566 kg/100 m) Index Channel 26 Weight Allowable Moment Material Thickness Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm P1001 A 3.80 5.7 18,660 2110 .105 2.7 P1001 B 3.80 5.7 18,660 2110 .105 2.7 P1001 C 3.80 5.7 15,970 1800 .105 2.7 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA P1000 CHANNEL COMBINATIONS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5⁄8" 1 5/8" Channels 41.3 2.472" 123.8 1 Nuts & Hardware 4 7⁄8" 62.8 1 2.403" 61.0 2 General Fittings 2 Weight: 570 Lbs/C Ft (848 kg/100 m) 1 5⁄8" Pipe/Conduit Supports 41.3 4 7⁄8" 123.8 1 1 .847" .778" 21.5 19.8 2 Electrical Fittings P1001 A3 2 1 5⁄8" 123.8 1 .847" .778" 21.5 19.8 2 11⁄4" Framing System 1 ⁄ Framing 4 7⁄8" 41.3 2 13 16" P1001 B3 Concrete Inserts Weight: 570 Lbs/C Ft (848 kg/100 m) System P1001 3 Allowable Moment Weight Lbs/Ft kg/m Material Thickness In-Lb N•m In mm P1001 3 5.70 8.5 31,890 3600 .105 2.7 P1001 A3 5.70 8.5 32,820 3710 .105 2.7 P1001 B3 5.70 8.5 37,570 4240 .105 2.7 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA Index Channel Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Weight: 570 Lbs/C Ft (848 kg/100 m) . 27 P1000 CHANNEL COMBINATIONS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5/8" Channels P1001 C3 3 1⁄ 4" 82.6 Nuts & Hardware 1.354" 34.4 1 3 1⁄ 4" 1 82.6 1.896" 1.930" 48.2 1.320" 33.5 49.0 General Fittings 2 2 Weight: 570 Lbs/C Ft (848 kg/100 m) Pipe/Conduit Supports P1001 D3 3 1⁄4" 82.6 35.2 Electrical Fittings 1.388" 1 1 3 1⁄4" 82.6 47.3 1.862" 2 Concrete Inserts 2 Weight: 570 Lbs/C Ft (848 kg/100 m) P1001 C41 11⁄4" Framing System 3 1⁄4" 82.6 3 1⁄4" 82.6 1 13⁄16" Framing System 1 2 Weight: 760 Lbs/C Ft (1131 kg/100 m) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Index 2 Channel Weight Allowable Moment Material Thickness Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm P1001 C3 5.70 8.5 18,710 2110 .105 2.7 P1001 D3 5.70 8.5 17,580 1990 .105 2.7 P1001 C41 7.60 11.3 28,800 3250 .105 2.7 28 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA P1000 CHANNEL COMBINATIONS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5/8" Channels P1003 2 Nuts & Hardware 1 3⁄16" 1.244" 1 47 64" 1 4" General Fittings .486" 2 Pipe/Conduit Supports 31.6 1 30.2 44.1 12.5 101.6 Electrical Fittings Weight: 332 Lbs/C Ft (494 kg/100 m) 46.8 ⁄16" 4" 101.6 1 7 4 ⁄8" 2 2 ⁄16" 11.1 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" 7 123.8 ⁄ Framing 1 11.1 11⁄4" Framing System 41.3 7 Weight: 670 Lbs/C Ft (997 kg/100 m) Weight Lbs/Ft kg/m Allowable Moment In-Lb N•m Material Thickness In mm P1003 3.32 5.0 6,560 740 .105 2.7 P1004 A 6.70 10.0 42,080 4750 .105 2.7 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA Index Channel System 1 27⁄32" 1 5⁄8" Concrete Inserts P1004 A 29 P1000 CHANNEL COMBINATIONS BEAM LOADING DATA Span 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Channel Deflection at Uniform Load In Uniform Loading at Deflections Span/180 In mm 24 610 P1004 A P1001C41 9350*† 41.6 6270* 27.9 0.01 0.02 0 1 9350*† 6270* 36 914 P1004 A P1001C41 9350*† 41.6 6270* 27.9 0.05 0.07 1 2 48 1219 P1004 A P1001C41 7010 4800 31.2 21.4 0.08 0.13 60 1524 P1004 A P1001C41 5610 3840 25.0 17.1 72 1829 P1004 A P1001C41 4680 3200 84 2134 P1004 A P1001C41 96 2438 108 Lbs kN mm Lbs kN Span/240 Span/360 Lbs kN Lbs kN 41.6 27.9 9350*† 6270* 41.6 27.9 9350*† 6270* 41.6 27.9 9350*† 6270* 41.6 27.9 9350*† 6270* 41.6 27.9 9350*† 6270* 41.6 27.9 2 3 7010 4800 31.2 21.4 7010 4800 31.2 21.4 7010 4800 31.2 21.4 0.13 0.20 3 5 5610 3840 25.0 17.1 5610 3840 25.0 17.1 5610 3250 25.0 14.5 20.8 14.2 0.19 0.28 5 7 4680 3200 20.8 14.2 4680 3200 20.8 14.2 4680 2260 20.8 10.1 4010 2740 17.8 12.2 0.26 0.39 7 10 4010 2740 17.8 12.2 4010 2490 17.8 11.1 3640 1660 16.2 7.4 P1004 A P1001C41 3510 2400 15.6 10.7 0.34 0.50 9 13 3510 2400 15.6 10.7 3510 1910 15.6 8.5 2790 1270 12.4 5.6 2743 P1004 A P1001C41 3120 2130 13.9 9.5 0.43 0.64 11 16 3120 2010 13.9 8.9 3120 1510 13.9 6.7 2200 1000 9.8 4.4 120 3048 P1004 A P1001C41 2810 1920 12.5 8.5 0.53 0.79 13 20 2810 1630 12.5 7.3 2670 1220 11.9 5.4 1780 810 7.9 3.6 144 3658 P1004 A P1001C41 2340 1600 10.4 7.1 0.76 1.13 19 29 2340 1130 10.4 5.0 1860 850 8.3 3.8 1240 560 5.5 2.5 168 4267 P1004 A P1001C41 2000 1370 8.9 6.1 1.03 1.54 26 39 1820 830 8.1 3.7 1360 620 6.0 2.8 910 410 4.0 1.8 192 4877 P1004 A P1001C41 1750 1200 7.8 5.3 1.34 2.02 34 51 1390 640 6.2 2.8 1040 480 4.6 2.1 700 320 3.1 1.4 216 5486 P1004 A P1001C41 1560 1070 6.9 4.8 1.70 2.56 43 65 1100 500 4.9 2.2 830 380 3.7 1.7 550 250 2.4 1.1 240 6096 P1004 A P1001C41 1400 960 6.2 4.3 2.09 3.15 53 80 890 410 4.0 1.8 670 300 3.0 1.3 450 200 2.0 0.9 *Load limited by spot weld shear. Framing System Max. Allowable Uniform Load †Bearing load may govern capacity. See page 67. Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 4. See page 66 for lateral bracing load reduction charts. 30 P1000 CHANNEL COMBINATIONS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Lbs kN Lbs K = .80 K = 1.0 K = 1.2 kN Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 610 P1004 A 12190 P1001C41 12770 54.2 56.8 42600 48120 189.5 214.0 42250 47860 187.9 212.9 41680 47420 185.4 210.9 40990 46890 182.3 208.6 36 914 P1004 A 12010 P1001C41 12510 53.4 55.6 41760 47480 185.8 211.2 40990 46890 182.3 208.6 39700 45910 176.6 204.2 38130 44720 169.6 198.9 48 1219 P1004 A 11750 P1001C41 12160 52.3 54.1 40590 46590 180.6 207.2 39210 45540 174.4 202.6 36930 43800 164.3 194.8 34140 41680 151.9 185.4 60 1524 P1004 A 11420 P1001C41 11730 50.8 52.2 39080 45440 173.8 202.1 36930 43800 164.3 194.8 33360 41090 148.4 182.8 29000 37770 129.0 168.0 72 1829 P1004 A 11010 P1001C41 11230 49.0 50.0 37240 44040 165.7 195.9 34140 41680 151.9 185.4 29000 37770 129.0 168.0 22730 32990 101.1 146.7 84 2134 P1004 A 10510 P1001C41 10680 46.8 47.5 35060 42380 156.0 188.5 30840 39170 137.2 174.2 23850 33850 106.1 150.6 16740 27350 74.5 121.7 96 2438 9910 P1004 A P1001C41 10090 44.1 44.9 32550 40470 144.8 180.0 27040 36270 120.3 161.3 18450 29320 82.1 130.4 12820 21270 57.0 94.6 108 2743 P1004 A P1001C41 9160 9470 40.7 42.1 29710 38310 132.2 170.4 22730 32990 101.1 146.8 14580 24200 64.9 107.6 10130 16800 45.1 74.7 120 3048 P1004 A P1001C41 8310 8820 37.0 39.2 26530 35880 118.0 159.6 18450 29320 82.1 130.4 11810 19600 52.5 87.2 8200 13610 36.5 60.5 ELEMENTS OF SECTION cm2 I In4 S cm4 In3 r cm3 In I cm In4 S cm4 In3 r cm3 cm 1.978 12.8 4.079 169.8 1.673 27.4 1.436 3.6 1.121 .753 1.9 P1001 C41 2.223 14.3 1.860 2.3 2.411 100.4 1.484 24.3 1.041 2.6 I - Moment of Inertia .915 46.7 1.204 19.7 In P1004 A 77.4 1.145 18.8 S - Section Modulus Spec. Metals & Fiberglass In2 Axis 2 - 2 r - Radius of Gyration 31 Index Channel Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section System 13 16" ⁄ Framing 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts 24 Nuts & Hardware mm Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. K = .65 General Fittings Channel Pipe/Conduit Supports In Max. Allowable Load at Slot Face Electrical Fittings Unbraced Height 1 5/8" Channels COLUMN LOADING DATA P1100TM & P1101 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1100 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" 3 ⁄8" 3 ⁄8" 9.5 9 ⁄32" Nuts & Hardware 41.3 22.2 .896" 1 .729" 1 5⁄8" 22.8 1 18.5 41.3 2 General Fittings 9.5 7.1 2 Pierced channels are found on pages 60 and 61. Weight: 142 Lbs/C Ft (211 kg/100 m) Pipe/Conduit Supports P1101 1 5⁄8" 41.3 3 1⁄4" 82.6 1 Electrical Fittings 1 Concrete Inserts 2 2 Weight: 284 Lbs/C Ft (423 kg/100 m) BEAM LOAD* 2000 11⁄4" Framing System 1800 Framing System LOAD (Lbs) 1600 1400 P1100 1200 P1101 1000 800 600 13⁄16" 400 200 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 0 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 SPAN (In) *Maximum allowable uniform load. Index Channel Weight Lbs/Ft kg/m P1100 1.42 2.1 P1101 2.84 4.2 Allowable Moment In-Lb N•m In mm 4,170 470 .075 1.9 11,470 1300 .075 1.9 Nominal thickness of 14 gage strip steel is .075 inches. 32 Material Thickness Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA P1100 CHANNEL COMBINATIONS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5⁄8" 82.6 1 .729" .896" 1 22.8 18.5 2 Nuts & Hardware 41.3 General Fittings 3 1⁄4" 1 5/8" Channels P1101 A 2 Weight: 284 Lbs/C Ft (423 kg/100 m) 1 5⁄8" Pipe/Conduit Supports P1101 B 41.3 82.6 1 1 2 Electrical Fittings 3 1⁄4" Concrete Inserts 2 Weight: 284 Lbs/C Ft (423 kg/100 m) P1101 C 1 5⁄8" 42.4 82.6 1 1.583" .771" ⁄ Framing 1 40.2 .854" 13 16" 3 ⁄4" 21.7 19.6 2 2 Weight Allowable Moment Material Thickness Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm P1101 A 2.84 4.2 14,180 1600 .075 1.9 P1101 B 2.84 4.2 14,180 1600 .075 1.9 P1101 C 2.84 4.2 12,500 1410 .075 1.9 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA Index Channel Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Weight: 284 Lbs/C Ft (423 kg/100 m) System 1.666" 1 11⁄4" Framing System 41.3 33 P1100 & P1101 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL BEAM LOADING DATA Span Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware In Channel mm Max. Allowable Uniform Load Deflection at Uniform Load Lbs kN In mm Uniform Loading at Deflections Span/180 Span/240 Lbs kN Lbs Span/360 kN Lbs kN 24 610 P1100 P1101 1390 1850* 6.2 8.2 0.06 0.02 1 1 1390 1850* 6.2 8.2 1390 1850* 6.2 8.2 1390 1850* 6.2 8.2 36 914 P1100 P1101 930 1850* 4.1 8.2 0.13 0.05 3 1 930 1850* 4.1 8.2 930 1850* 4.1 8.2 720 1850* 3.2 8.2 48 1219 P1100 P1101 700 1850* 3.1 8.2 0.23 0.12 6 3 700 1850* 3.1 8.2 610 1850* 2.7 8.2 410 1850* 1.8 8.2 60 1524 P1100 P1101 560 1530 2.5 6.8 0.36 0.20 9 5 520 1530 2.3 6.8 390 1530 1.7 6.8 260 1300 1.2 5.8 72 1829 P1100 P1101 460 1270 2.0 5.6 0.51 0.28 13 7 360 1270 1.6 5.6 270 1270 1.2 5.6 180 900 0.8 4.0 84 2134 P1100 P1101 400 1090 1.8 4.8 0.70 0.38 18 10 270 1090 1.2 4.8 200 990 0.9 4.4 130 660 0.6 2.9 96 2438 P1100 P1101 350 960 1.6 4.3 0.92 0.51 23 13 200 960 0.9 4.3 150 760 0.7 3.4 100 510 0.4 2.3 108 2743 P1100 P1101 310 850 1.4 3.8 1.16 0.64 29 16 160 800 0.7 3.6 120 600 0.5 2.7 80 400 0.4 1.8 120 3048 P1100 P1101 280 760 1.2 3.4 1.43 0.78 36 20 130 650 0.6 2.9 100 490 0.4 2.2 70 320 0.3 1.4 144 3658 P1100 P1101 230 640 1.0 2.8 2.03 1.14 52 29 90 450 0.4 2.0 70 340 0.3 1.5 50 220 0.2 1.0 168 4267 P1100 P1101 200 550 0.9 2.4 2.81 1.55 71 39 70 330 0.3 1.5 50 250 0.2 1.1 30 170 0.1 0.8 192 4877 P1100 P1101 170 480 0.8 2.1 3.56 2.02 91 51 50 250 0.2 1.1 40 190 0.2 0.8 30 130 0.1 0.6 216 5486 P1100 P1101 150 420 0.7 1.9 4.48 2.52 114 64 40 200 0.2 0.9 30 150 0.1 0.7 NR 100 NR 0.4 240 6096 P1100 P1101 140 380 0.6 1.7 5.73 3.13 146 79 30 160 0.1 0.7 NR 120 NR 0.5 NR 80 NR 0.4 *Load limited by spot weld shear. NR = Not Recommended Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 4. See page 66 for lateral bracing load reduction charts. 34 P1100 & P1101 CHANNELS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 24 610 P1100 P1101 2720 4990 12.1 22.2 36 914 P1100 P1101 2330 4860 48 1219 P1100 P1101 60 1524 72 K = .80 K = 1.0 K = 1.2 Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 7160 17880 31.8 79.5 7090 17690 31.5 78.7 6960 17380 31.0 77.3 6800 17000 30.2 75.6 10.4 21.6 5360 17420 23.8 77.5 5190 17000 23.1 75.6 4900 16300 21.8 72.5 4530 15440 20.2 68.7 1890 4690 8.4 20.9 3730 16780 16.6 74.6 3540 16030 15.7 71.3 3250 14780 14.5 65.7 2940 13260 13.1 59.0 P1100 P1101 1590 4470 7.1 19.9 2880 15960 12.8 71.0 2690 14780 12.0 65.7 2430 12840 10.8 57.1 2160 10460 9.6 46.5 1829 P1100 P1101 1390 4210 6.2 18.7 2390 14960 10.6 66.5 2210 13260 9.8 59.0 1950 10460 8.7 46.5 1710 7420 7.6 33.0 84 2134 P1100 P1101 1230 3920 5.5 17.4 2070 13770 9.2 61.3 1890 11460 8.4 51.0 1640 7850 7.3 34.9 1400 5450 6.2 24.2 96 2438 P1100 P1101 1100 3560 4.9 15.8 1850 12400 8.2 55.2 1650 9390 7.3 41.8 1400 6010 6.2 26.7 1180 4180 5.2 18.6 108 2743 P1100 P1101 1000 3180 4.4 14.1 1670 10850 7.4 48.3 1470 7420 6.5 33.0 1220 4750 5.4 21.1 ** 3300 ** 14.7 120 3048 P1100 P1101 910 2850 4.0 12.7 1530 9110 6.8 40.5 1330 6010 5.9 26.7 ** 3850 ** 17.1 ** ** ** ** Nuts & Hardware Lbs General Fittings kN Pipe/Conduit Supports Lbs ⁄ Framing > 200 In 2 I 2 4 cm In Axis 2 - 2 S 4 cm In 3 r 3 I 4 cm In cm In S 4 cm 3 r 3 In cm In cm P1100 .417 2.7 .149 6.2 .166 2.7 .597 1.5 .183 7.6 .225 3.7 .662 1.7 P1101 .834 5.4 .741 30.8 .456 7.5 .942 2.4 .366 15.2 .451 7.4 .662 1.7 I - Moment of Inertia S - Section Modulus Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section r - Radius of Gyration 35 Index Channel 13 16" ELEMENTS OF SECTION System 11⁄4" Framing System mm K = .65 kN **KL r In Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. Electrical Fittings Channel Max. Allowable Load at Slot Face Concrete Inserts Unbraced Height 1 5/8" Channels COLUMN LOADING DATA P2000TM & P2001 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P2000 3 ⁄8" 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" 3 ⁄8" 9.5 9 Nuts & Hardware ⁄32" .890" 1 .735" 22.6 1 18.7 41.3 2 General Fittings 9.5 7.1 1 5⁄8" Pierced channels are found on pages 60 and 61. 41.3 22.2 2 Weight: 116 Lbs/C Ft (173 kg/100 m) P2001 Pipe/Conduit Supports 1 5⁄8" 41.3 3 1⁄4" 82.6 1 Electrical Fittings 1 2 Concrete Inserts 2 Weight: 232 Lbs/C Ft (345 kg/100 m) BEAM LOAD* 1400 1200 P2001 800 600 Framing System LOAD (Lbs) 11⁄4" Framing System P2000 1000 400 13⁄16" 200 0 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 SPAN (In) *Maximum allowable uniform load. Index Channel Weight Allowable Moment N•m Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb P2000 1.16 1.7 3,520 400 .060 1.5 P2001 2.32 3.4 9,530 1080 .060 1.5 Nominal thickness of 16 gage strip steel is .060 inches. 36 Material Thickness In mm Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA P2000 CHANNEL COMBINATIONS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM ) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5⁄8" 1 5/8" Channels P2001 A 3 1⁄4" 82.6 1 .735" .890" Nuts & Hardware 41.3 1 18.7 2 22.6 General Fittings 2 Weight: 232 Lbs/C Ft (345 kg/100 m) P2001 B 1 5⁄8" 3 1⁄4" Pipe/Conduit Supports 41.3 82.6 1 Electrical Fittings 1 Concrete Inserts 2 2 Weight: 232 Lbs/C Ft (345 kg/100 m) P2001 C 1 5⁄8" 1.664" 42.3 82.6 40.3 .851" .774" 21.6 19.7 2 Allowable Moment Material Thickness Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm P2001 A 2.32 3.4 11,640 1320 .060 1.5 P2001 B 2.32 3.4 11,640 1320 .060 1.5 P2001 C 2.32 3.4 10,340 1170 .060 1.5 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA Index Weight Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 2 Weight: 232 Lbs/C Ft (345 kg/100 m) Channel System 1 1.586" ⁄ Framing 1 13 16" 3 1⁄4" 11⁄4" Framing System 41.3 37 P2000 & P2001 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL BEAM LOADING DATA Span Channel Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware In mm Max. Allowable Uniform Load Deflection at Uniform Load Lbs kN In mm Uniform Loading at Deflections Span/180 Span/240 Span/360 Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 24 610 P2000 P2001 1170 1370* 5.2 6.1 0.06 0.01 1 0 1170 1370* 5.2 6.1 1170 1370* 5.2 6.1 1170 1370* 5.2 6.1 36 914 P2000 P2001 780 1370* 3.5 6.1 0.13 0.05 3 1 780 1370* 3.5 6.1 780 1370* 3.5 6.1 600 1370* 2.7 6.1 48 1219 P2000 P2001 590 1370* 2.6 6.1 0.23 0.11 6 3 590 1370* 2.6 6.1 510 1370* 2.3 6.1 340 1370* 1.5 6.1 60 1524 P2000 P2001 470 1270 2.1 5.6 0.36 0.20 9 5 430 1270 1.9 5.6 330 1270 1.5 5.6 220 1080 1.0 4.8 72 1829 P2000 P2001 390 1060 1.7 4.7 0.52 0.28 13 7 300 1060 1.3 4.7 230 1060 1.0 4.7 150 750 0.7 3.3 84 2134 P2000 P2001 340 910 1.5 4.0 0.72 0.39 18 10 220 910 1.0 4.0 170 820 0.8 3.6 110 550 0.5 2.4 96 2438 P2000 P2001 290 790 1.3 3.5 0.91 0.50 23 13 170 790 0.8 3.5 130 630 0.6 2.8 80 420 0.4 1.9 108 2743 P2000 P2001 260 710 1.2 3.2 1.17 0.64 30 16 130 660 0.6 2.9 100 500 0.4 2.2 70 330 0.3 1.5 120 3048 P2000 P2001 230 640 1.0 2.8 1.41 0.79 36 20 110 540 0.5 2.4 80 400 0.4 1.8 50 270 0.2 1.2 144 3658 P2000 P2001 200 530 0.9 2.4 2.13 1.13 54 29 80 370 0.4 1.6 60 280 0.3 1.2 40 190 0.2 0.8 168 4267 P2000 P2001 170 450 0.8 2.0 2.87 1.53 73 39 60 270 0.3 1.2 40 210 0.2 0.9 30 140 0.1 0.6 192 4877 P2000 P2001 150 400 0.7 1.8 3.78 2.03 96 52 40 210 0.2 0.9 30 160 0.1 0.7 NR 110 NR 0.5 216 5486 P2000 P2001 130 350 0.6 1.6 4.66 2.53 118 64 30 170 0.1 0.8 30 120 0.1 0.5 NR 80 NR 0.4 240 6096 P2000 P2001 120 320 0.5 1.4 5.90 3.17 150 81 30 130 0.1 0.6 NR 100 NR 0.4 NR 70 NR 0.3 *Load limited by spot weld shear. NR = Not Recommended Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 4. See page 66 for lateral bracing load reduction charts. 38 P2000 & P2001 CHANNELS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Lbs kN P2000 P2001 2260 4120 10.1 18.3 5660 14600 25.2 64.9 5600 14450 24.9 64.3 36 914 P2000 P2001 1750 4020 7.8 17.9 3460 14240 15.4 63.3 3350 13900 48 1219 P2000 P2001 1230 3880 5.5 17.3 1950 13720 8.7 61.0 60 1524 P2000 P2001 900 3700 4.0 16.5 1250 13060 72 1829 P2000 P2001 680 3490 3.0 15.5 84 2134 P2000 P2001 520 3250 96 2438 P2000 P2001 108 2743 120 3048 Lbs kN Lbs kN 5500 14200 24.5 63.2 5370 13900 23.9 61.8 14.9 61.8 3170 13330 14.1 59.3 2970 12640 13.2 56.2 1880 13120 8.4 58.4 1780 12110 7.9 53.9 1670 10890 7.4 48.4 5.6 58.1 1210 12110 5.4 53.9 1140 10550 5.1 46.9 1070 8640 4.8 38.4 870 12250 3.9 54.5 840 10890 3.7 48.4 790 8640 3.5 38.4 740 6150 3.3 27.4 2.3 14.5 640 11300 2.8 50.3 610 9440 2.7 42.0 580 6510 2.6 29.0 550 4520 2.4 20.1 410 2960 1.8 13.2 490 10190 2.2 45.3 470 7770 2.1 34.6 450 4990 2.0 22.2 420 3460 1.9 15.4 P2000 P2001 330 2640 1.5 11.7 380 8950 1.7 39.8 370 6150 1.6 27.4 350 3940 1.6 17.5 ** 2740 ** 12.2 P2000 P2001 280 2370 1.2 10.5 310 7550 1.4 33.6 300 4990 1.3 22.2 290 3190 1.3 14.2 ** ** ** ** Nuts & Hardware kN General Fittings Lbs K = 1.2 Pipe/Conduit Supports kN K = 1.0 Electrical Fittings 610 K = .80 Concrete Inserts 24 K = .65 11⁄4" Framing System mm Channel Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. Lbs > 200 ⁄ Framing **KL r In Max. Allowable Load at Slot Face I In2 cm2 In4 P2000 .340 2.2 .124 P2001 .681 4.4 .616 Axis 2 - 2 S cm4 r I In3 cm3 In cm In4 5.2 .140 2.3 .605 1.5 .151 25.6 .379 6.2 .951 2.4 .303 I - Moment of Inertia S cm4 r In3 cm3 In cm 6.3 .186 3.0 .667 1.7 12.6 .373 6.1 .667 1.7 S - Section Modulus Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section r - Radius of Gyration Index Channel 13 16" ELEMENTS OF SECTION System Unbraced Height 1 5/8" Channels COLUMN LOADING DATA 39 P3000TM & P3001 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P3000 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" 3 ⁄8" Nuts & Hardware 9 41.3 22.2 9.5 3 ⁄8" .784" 1 .591" 1 3⁄8" 19.9 1 15.0 34.9 2 2 General Fittings 9.5 7.1 ⁄32" Weight: 170 Lbs/C Ft (253 kg/100 m) Pierced channels are found on pages 60 and 61. Pipe/Conduit Supports P3001 41.3 1 5⁄8" Electrical Fittings 2 3⁄4" 69.9 1 1 2 Weight: 340 Lbs/C Ft (506 kg/100 m) BEAM LOAD* 3000 2500 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts 2 LOAD (Lbs) P3000 2000 P3001 1500 Framing System 1000 13⁄16" 500 0 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 SPAN (In) * Maximum allowable uniform load. Weight Index Channel Allowable Moment Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb P3000 1.70 2.5 3,870 P3001 3.40 5.1 10,840 N•m In mm 440 .105 2.7 1220 .105 2.7 Nominal thickness of 12 gage strip steel is .105 inches. 40 Material Thickness Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA P3000 & P3001 CHANNELS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Lbs kN 24 610 P3000 P3001 1290 2660* 5.7 11.8 0.07 0.03 2 1 1290 2660* 5.7 11.8 1290 2660* 5.7 11.8 1290 2660* 5.7 11.8 36 914 P3000 P3001 860 2410 3.8 10.7 0.15 0.08 4 2 860 2410 3.8 10.7 860 2410 3.8 10.7 590 2410 2.6 10.7 48 1219 P3000 P3001 650 1810 2.9 8.1 0.26 0.15 7 4 650 1810 2.9 8.1 500 1810 2.2 8.1 330 1620 1.5 7.2 60 1524 P3000 P3001 520 1450 2.3 6.4 0.41 0.23 10 6 420 1450 1.9 6.4 320 1450 1.4 6.4 210 1040 0.9 4.6 72 1829 P3000 P3001 430 1200 1.9 5.3 0.59 0.33 15 8 290 1200 1.3 5.3 220 1080 1.0 4.8 150 720 0.7 3.2 84 2134 P3000 P3001 370 1030 1.6 4.6 0.80 0.45 20 12 220 1030 1.0 4.6 160 790 0.7 3.5 110 530 0.5 2.4 96 2438 P3000 P3001 320 900 1.4 4.0 1.03 0.59 26 15 170 810 0.8 3.6 120 610 0.5 2.7 80 400 0.4 1.8 108 2743 P3000 P3001 290 800 1.3 3.6 1.33 0.75 34 19 130 640 0.6 2.8 100 480 0.4 2.1 70 320 0.3 1.4 120 3048 P3000 P3001 260 720 1.2 3.2 1.64 0.93 42 24 110 520 0.5 2.3 80 390 0.4 1.7 50 260 0.2 1.2 144 3658 P3000 P3001 220 600 1.0 2.7 2.40 1.33 61 34 70 360 0.3 1.6 60 270 0.3 1.2 40 180 0.2 0.8 168 4267 P3000 P3001 180 520 0.8 2.3 3.11 1.84 79 47 50 260 0.2 1.2 40 200 0.2 0.9 30 130 0.1 0.6 192 4877 P3000 P3001 160 450 0.7 2.0 4.13 2.37 105 60 40 200 0.2 0.9 30 150 0.1 0.7 NR 100 NR 0.4 216 5486 P3000 P3001 140 400 0.6 1.8 5.15 3.00 131 76 NR 160 NR 0.7 NR 120 NR 0.5 NR 80 NR 0.4 240 6096 P3000 P3001 130 360 0.6 1.6 6.56 3.70 167 94 NR 130 NR 0.6 NR 100 NR 0.4 NR 60 NR 0.3 Nuts & Hardware kN General Fittings Lbs Pipe/Conduit Supports kN Electrical Fittings Lbs Concrete Inserts mm Span/360 11⁄4" Framing System In Span/240 System kN Span/180 ⁄ Framing Lbs Uniform Loading at Deflections 13 16" mm Deflection at Uniform Load Spec. Metals & Fiberglass In Channel Max. Allowable Uniform Load NR = Not Recommended *Load limited by spot weld shear. Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 4. See page 66 for lateral bracing load reduction charts. 41 Index Span 1 5/8" Channels BEAM LOADING DATA P3000 & P3001 CHANNELS COLUMN LOADING DATA Unbraced Height 610 P3000 P3001 3040 5660 13.5 25.2 36 914 P3000 P3001 2720 5480 48 1219 P3000 P3001 60 1524 72 K = 1.0 K = 1.2 kN Lbs kN 8890 21550 39.5 95.9 8800 21310 39.1 94.8 8640 20910 38.4 93.0 8440 20410 37.5 90.8 12.1 24.4 7520 20960 33.5 93.2 7310 20410 32.5 90.8 6930 19510 30.8 86.8 6460 18400 28.7 81.8 2390 5240 10.6 23.3 6390 20130 28.4 89.5 5990 19160 26.6 85.2 5310 17550 23.6 78.1 4600 15570 20.5 69.3 P3000 P3001 2090 4940 9.3 22.0 5430 19070 24.2 84.8 4870 17550 21.7 78.1 4130 15020 18.4 66.8 3460 11940 15.4 53.1 1829 P3000 P3001 1830 4610 8.1 20.5 4680 17770 20.8 79.0 4080 15570 18.1 69.3 3340 11940 14.9 53.1 2450 8350 10.9 37.1 84 2134 P3000 P3001 1610 4230 7.2 18.8 4110 16230 18.3 72.2 3480 13240 15.5 58.9 2600 8840 11.6 39.3 ** 6140 ** 27.3 96 2438 P3000 P3001 1420 3800 6.3 16.9 3640 14450 16.2 64.3 3000 10570 13.3 47.0 1990 6770 8.9 30.1 ** 4700 ** 20.9 108 2743 P3000 P3001 1230 3380 5.5 15.0 3240 12440 14.4 55.3 2450 8350 10.9 37.1 ** 5350 ** 23.8 ** ** ** ** 120 3048 P3000 P3001 1070 3020 4.8 13.4 2890 10250 12.9 45.6 1990 6770 8.9 30.1 ** 4330 ** 19.3 ** ** ** ** General Fittings 24 Lbs K = .80 Lbs Pipe/Conduit Supports kN K = .65 kN Electrical Fittings Concrete Inserts 11⁄4" Framing System Framing System Lbs Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. > 200 ELEMENTS OF SECTION Channel Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" mm Channel Lbs **KL r In Max. Allowable Load at Slot Face kN Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section I S In2 cm2 In4 cm4 P3000 .503 3.2 .121 P3001 1.007 6.5 .593 r In3 cm3 5.0 .154 2.5 24.7 .431 7.1 I - Moment of Inertia 42 Axis 2 - 2 I S r cm In4 cm4 In3 cm3 In .490 1.2 .205 8.5 .253 4.1 .639 1.6 .767 1.9 .411 17.1 .506 8.3 .639 1.6 In S - Section Modulus cm r - Radius of Gyration P3300TM & P3301 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P3300 ⁄8" 3 ⁄8" 9.5 9 ⁄32" .517" 13.1 7 ⁄8" 1 .358" 9.5 7.1 22.2 1 9.1 2 Pierced channels are found on pages 60 and 61. 41.3 22.2 Nuts & Hardware 3 2 General Fittings 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" Weight: 135 Lbs/C Ft (201 kg/100 m) 1 5⁄8" Pipe/Conduit Supports P3301 41.3 1 44.5 1 Electrical Fittings 1 3⁄4" Concrete Inserts 2 2 Weight: 270 Lbs/C Ft (402 kg/100 m) BEAM LOAD* 2000 1400 P3301 11⁄4" Framing System P3300 1200 1000 800 600 13 16" 400 200 System 1600 ⁄ Framing LOAD (Lbs) 1800 0 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 24 SPAN (In) * Maximum allowable uniform load. Allowable Moment Material Thickness Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm P3300 1.35 2.0 1,810 200 .105 2.7 P3301 2.70 4.0 5,080 570 .105 2.7 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA Index Weight Channel Nominal thickness of 12 gage strip steel is .105 inches. 43 P3300 & P3301 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL BEAM LOADING DATA Span mm Max. Allowable Uniform Load Deflection at Uniform Load Lbs kN In mm Uniform Loading at Deflections Span/180 Span/240 Span/360 Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 24 610 P3300 P3301 600 1660* 2.7 7.4 0.10 0.06 3 1 600 1660* 2.7 7.4 600 1660* 2.7 7.4 400 1660* 1.8 7.4 36 914 P3300 P3301 400 1130 1.8 5.0 0.22 0.13 6 3 360 1130 1.6 5.0 270 1130 1.2 5.0 180 860 0.8 3.8 48 1219 P3300 P3301 300 850 1.3 3.8 0.40 0.23 10 6 200 850 0.9 3.8 150 730 0.7 3.2 100 480 0.4 2.1 60 1524 P3300 P3301 240 680 1.1 3.0 0.62 0.37 16 9 130 620 0.6 2.8 100 460 0.4 2.0 60 310 0.3 1.4 72 1829 P3300 P3301 200 560 0.9 2.5 0.89 0.52 23 13 90 430 0.4 1.9 70 320 0.3 1.4 40 210 0.2 0.9 84 2134 P3300 P3301 170 480 0.8 2.1 1.20 0.71 31 18 70 320 0.3 1.4 50 240 0.2 1.1 30 160 0.1 0.7 96 2438 P3300 P3301 150 420 0.7 1.9 1.58 0.93 40 24 50 240 0.2 1.1 40 180 0.2 0.8 30 120 0.1 0.5 108 2743 P3300 P3301 130 380 0.6 1.7 1.95 1.19 50 30 40 190 0.2 0.8 30 140 0.1 0.6 20 100 0.1 0.4 120 3048 P3300 P3301 120 340 0.5 1.5 2.47 1.47 63 37 30 150 0.1 0.7 20 120 0.1 0.5 20 80 0.1 0.4 *Load limited by spot weld shear. Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 4. See page 66 for lateral bracing load reduction charts. Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware In Channel 44 P3300 & P3301 CHANNELS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 2110 4110 9.4 18.3 36 914 P3300 P3301 1790 3820 48 1219 P3300 P3301 60 1524 72 K = 1.2 Lbs kN Lbs kN 7100 16740 31.6 74.5 7030 16390 31.3 72.9 6770 15800 30.1 70.3 5920 15080 26.3 67.1 8.0 17.0 6250 15880 27.8 70.6 5920 15080 26.3 67.1 4360 13760 19.4 61.2 3030 12150 13.5 54.0 1400 3470 6.2 15.4 5440 14680 24.2 65.3 3830 13260 17.0 59.0 2450 10900 10.9 48.5 1700 8080 7.6 35.9 P3300 P3301 1080 3070 4.8 13.7 3720 13120 16.5 58.4 2450 10900 10.9 48.5 1570 7450 7.0 33.1 ** 5170 ** 23.0 1829 P3300 P3301 860 2640 3.8 11.7 2580 11230 11.5 50.0 1700 8080 7.6 35.9 ** 5170 ** 23.0 ** 3590 ** 16.0 84 2134 P3300 P3301 ** 2250 ** 10.0 1900 8990 8.5 40.0 ** 5940 ** 26.4 ** 3800 ** 16.9 ** ** ** ** 96 2438 P3300 P3301 ** 1930 ** 8.6 ** 6890 ** 30.6 ** 4550 ** 20.2 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 108 2743 P3300 P3301 ** 1670 ** 7.4 ** 5440 ** 24.2 ** 3590 ** 16.0 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 120 3048 P3300 P3301 ** ** ** ** ** 4410 ** 19.6 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Nuts & Hardware P3300 P3301 K = 1.0 kN General Fittings 610 K = .80 Lbs Pipe/Conduit Supports 24 K = .65 Lbs Electrical Fittings kN Concrete Inserts Lbs 11⁄4" Framing System mm Channel Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. kN > 200 ⁄ Framing **KL r In Max. Allowable Load at Slot Face I Axis 2 - 2 S r I In2 cm2 In4 cm4 In3 cm3 In cm In4 P3300 .398 2.6 .037 1.5 .072 1.2 .306 .78 .145 P3301 .797 5.1 .177 7.4 .202 3.3 .471 1.2 .289 I - Moment of Inertia S cm4 r In3 cm3 In cm 6.0 .178 2.9 .603 1.5 12.0 .356 5.8 .603 1.5 S - Section Modulus Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section r - Radius of Gyration Index Channel 13 16" ELEMENTS OF SECTION System Unbraced Height 1 5/8" Channels COLUMN LOADING DATA 45 P4000TM & P4001 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P4000 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" 3 ⁄8" 3 ⁄8" 41.3 22.2 9.5 1 Nuts & Hardware ⁄16" .470" 11.9 20.6 1 1 .343" 2 General Fittings 9.5 6.4 ⁄4" 13 Pierced channels are found on pages 60 and 61. 8.7 2 Weight: 82 Lbs/C Ft (122 kg/100 m) Pipe/Conduit Supports P4001 1 5⁄8" 41.3 1 5⁄8" Electrical Fittings Concrete Inserts 41.3 1 1 2 2 Weight: 164 Lbs/C Ft (244 kg/100 m) BEAM LOAD* 700 11⁄4" Framing System 600 P4000 LOAD (Lbs) 500 P4001 400 Framing System 300 200 13⁄16" 100 0 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 SPAN (In) *Maximum allowable uniform load. Index Channel Weight Lbs/Ft kg/m P4000 0.82 P4001 1.64 Allowable Moment In-Lb N•m In mm 1.2 1,210 140 .060 1.5 2.4 3,140 350 .060 1.5 Nominal thickness of 16 gage strip steel is .060 inches. 46 Material Thickness Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA P4000 CHANNEL COMBINATIONS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5⁄8" Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels P4003 41.3 31.5 1.240" 2 ⁄16" 61.9 1 1 General Fittings 7 30.4 1.198" 2 Pipe/Conduit Supports 2 Electrical Fittings Weight: 246 Lbs/C Ft (366 kg/100 m) 11⁄4" Framing System 1 1 82.6 ⁄ Framing 3 1⁄4" 41.3 2 13 16" 2 Weight Allowable Moment Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb P4003 2.46 3.7 8,450 P4004 3.28 4.9 13,380 N•m Material Thickness In mm 950 .060 1.5 1,510 .060 1.5 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA Index Channel Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Weight: 328 Lbs/C Ft (488 kg/100 m) System 1 5⁄8" Concrete Inserts P4004 47 P4000 & P4001 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL BEAM LOADING DATA Span mm Max. Allowable Uniform Load Lbs Deflection at Uniform Load Uniform Loading at Deflections Span/180 Span/240 Span/360 kN In mm Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 24 610 P4000 P4001 400 690* 1.8 3.1 0.11 0.04 3 1 400 690* 1.8 3.1 380 690* 1.7 3.1 250 690* 1.1 3.1 36 914 P4000 P4001 270 690* 1.2 3.1 0.24 0.14 6 4 220 690* 1.0 3.1 170 690* 0.8 3.1 110 490 0.5 2.2 48 1219 P4000 P4001 200 520 0.9 2.3 0.42 0.25 11 6 130 520 0.6 2.3 90 410 0.4 1.8 60 280 0.3 1.2 60 1524 P4000 P4001 160 420 0.7 1.9 0.66 0.40 17 10 80 350 0.4 1.6 60 260 0.3 1.2 40 180 0.2 0.8 72 1829 P4000 P4001 130 350 0.6 1.6 0.93 0.57 24 15 60 250 0.3 1.1 40 180 0.2 0.8 30 120 0.1 0.5 84 2134 P4000 P4001 110 300 0.5 1.3 1.25 0.78 32 20 40 180 0.2 0.8 30 140 0.1 0.6 20 90 0.1 0.4 96 2438 P4000 P4001 100 260 0.4 1.2 1.70 1.01 43 26 30 140 0.1 0.6 20 100 0.1 0.4 20 70 0.1 0.3 108 2743 P4000 P4001 90 230 0.4 1.0 2.18 1.27 55 32 20 110 0.1 0.5 20 80 0.1 0.4 10 50 0.0 0.2 120 3048 P4000 P4001 80 210 0.4 0.9 2.65 1.59 67 40 20 90 0.1 0.4 20 70 0.1 0.3 NR 40 NR 0.2 *Load limited by spot weld shear. NR = Not Recommended Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 4. See page 66 for lateral bracing load reduction charts. Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware In Channel 48 P4000 & P4001 CHANNELS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Lbs K = 1.0 K = 1.2 kN Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 610 P4000 P4001 1380 2650 6.1 11.8 3720 10020 16.5 44.6 3680 9800 16.4 43.6 3610 9430 16.1 41.9 3520 8980 15.7 39.9 36 914 P4000 P4001 990 2440 4.4 10.9 2010 9480 8.9 42.2 1960 8980 8.7 39.9 1880 8150 8.4 36.3 1780 7130 7.9 31.7 48 1219 P4000 P4001 690 2200 3.1 9.8 1130 8720 5.0 38.8 1100 7830 4.9 34.8 1060 6350 4.7 28.2 1000 4620 4.4 20.6 60 1524 P4000 P4001 500 1920 2.2 8.5 720 7750 3.2 34.5 710 6350 3.2 28.2 680 4260 3.0 18.9 ** 2960 ** 13.2 72 1829 P4000 P4001 380 1630 1.7 7.3 500 6550 2.2 29.1 490 4620 2.2 20.6 ** 2960 ** 13.2 ** 2050 ** 9.1 84 2134 P4000 P4001 ** 1370 ** 6.1 370 5140 1.7 22.9 ** 3400 ** 15.1 ** 2170 ** 9.7 ** ** ** ** 96 2438 P4000 P4001 ** 1170 ** 5.2 ** 3940 ** 17.5 ** 2600 ** 11.6 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 108 2743 P4000 P4001 ** 1010 ** 4.5 ** 3110 ** 13.8 ** 2050 ** 9.1 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 120 3048 P4000 P4001 ** ** ** ** ** 2520 ** 11.2 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** > 200 ⁄ Framing **KL r 11⁄4" Framing System 24 Nuts & Hardware kN K = .80 General Fittings Lbs K = .65 Pipe/Conduit Supports mm Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. Electrical Fittings Channel Concrete Inserts In Max. Allowable Load at Slot Face In 2 I 2 cm In 4 Axis 2 - 2 S 4 cm 3 In r 3 cm In I cm In 4 S 4 cm In 3 r 3 cm In cm P4000 .239 1.50 .023 0.96 .048 0.79 .308 0.78 .091 3.80 .112 1.80 .617 1.60 P4001 .478 3.10 .101 4.20 .125 2.00 .460 1.20 .182 7.60 .224 3.70 .617 1.60 I - Moment of Inertia S - Section Modulus Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section Index Channel 13 16" ELEMENTS OF SECTION System Unbraced Height 1 5/8" Channels COLUMN LOADING DATA r - Radius of Gyration 49 P4100TM & P4101 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P4100 3 1 5 ⁄8 " 7 ⁄8 " ⁄8 " Nuts & Hardware 1 ⁄4 " ⁄8 " 41.3 22.2 9.5 9.5 6.4 12.2 .480" 1 1 13 20.6 ⁄16" .333" 2 General Fittings 3 Pierced channels are found on pages 60 and 61. 8.4 2 Weight: 97 Lbs/C Ft (144 kg/100 m) Pipe/Conduit Supports P4101 1 5⁄8" ⁄16" 1 5⁄8" 1 Electrical Fittings Concrete Inserts 41.3 20.6 13 41.3 1 13 ⁄16" 20.6 2 2 Weight: 194 Lbs/C Ft (289 kg/100 m) 1000 BEAM LOAD* LOAD (Lbs) 11⁄4" Framing System 900 800 P4100 700 P4101 600 500 Framing System 400 300 200 13⁄16" 100 0 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 SPAN (In) *Maximum allowable uniform load. Channel Weight Index Lbs/Ft Allowable Moment kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm P4100 .97 1.4 1,330 150 .075 1.9 P4101 1.94 2.9 3,550 400 .075 1.9 Nominal thickness of 14 gage strip steel is .075 inches. 50 Material Thickness Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA P4100 & P4101 CHANNELS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 2.0 4.0 0.11 0.05 P4100 P4101 300 790 1.3 3.5 1219 P4100 P4101 220 590 60 1524 P4100 P4101 72 1829 84 24 610 P4100 P4101 36 914 48 Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 3 1 440 910* 2.0 4.0 410 910* 1.8 4.0 270 910* 1.2 4.0 0.25 0.14 6 4 240 790 1.1 3.5 180 790 0.8 3.5 120 550 0.5 2.4 1.0 2.6 0.43 0.25 11 6 140 590 0.6 2.6 100 470 0.4 2.1 70 310 0.3 1.4 180 470 0.8 2.1 0.69 0.39 17 10 90 400 0.4 1.8 70 300 0.3 1.3 40 200 0.2 0.9 P4100 P4101 150 390 0.7 1.7 0.99 0.56 25 14 60 280 0.3 1.2 50 210 0.2 0.9 30 140 0.1 0.6 2134 P4100 P4101 130 340 0.6 1.5 1.36 0.78 35 20 40 200 0.2 0.9 30 150 0.1 0.7 20 100 0.1 0.4 96 2438 P4100 P4101 110 300 0.5 1.3 1.72 1.03 44 26 30 160 0.1 0.7 30 120 0.1 0.5 20 80 0.1 0.4 108 2743 P4100 P4101 100 260 0.4 1.2 2.22 1.27 56 32 30 120 0.1 0.5 20 90 0.1 0.4 10 60 0.0 0.3 120 3048 P4100 P4101 90 240 0.4 1.1 2.75 1.61 70 41 20 100 0.1 0.4 20 70 0.1 0.3 NR 50 NR 0.2 *Load limited by spot weld shear. mm Span/360 Nuts & Hardware 440 910* Lbs Span/240 General Fittings In mm Span/180 Pipe/Conduit Supports kN In Uniform Loading at Deflections Electrical Fittings Deflection at Uniform Load Concrete Inserts Max. Allowable Uniform Load NR = Not Recommended Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" ⁄ Framing Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 4. See page 66 for lateral bracing load reduction charts. 11⁄4" Framing System Channel System Span 1 5/8" Channels BEAM LOADING DATA 51 P4100 & P4101 CHANNELS COLUMN LOADING DATA Unbraced Height Lbs P4100 P4101 1620 3030 7.2 13.5 5320 12000 23.7 53.4 5270 11720 23.4 52.1 914 P4100 P4101 1340 2790 6.0 12.4 4870 11320 21.7 50.4 4160 10680 48 1219 P4100 P4101 1020 2500 4.5 11.1 3800 10350 16.9 46.0 60 1524 P4100 P4101 780 2180 3.5 9.7 2540 9110 72 1829 P4100 P4101 610 1840 2.7 8.2 84 2134 P4100 P4101 ** 1550 96 2438 P4100 P4101 108 2743 120 3048 General Fittings 36 K = 1.0 kN Pipe/Conduit Supports 610 K = .80 Lbs Electrical Fittings Concrete Inserts 11⁄4" Framing System Framing System 24 Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. K = .65 kN Lbs K = 1.2 kN Lbs kN 4810 11250 21.4 50.0 4160 10680 18.5 47.5 18.5 47.5 2980 9620 13.3 42.8 2070 8330 9.2 37.1 2620 9210 11.7 41.0 1680 7330 7.5 32.6 1160 5240 5.2 23.3 11.3 40.5 1680 7330 7.5 32.6 ** 4830 ** 21.5 ** 3350 ** 14.9 1760 7590 7.8 33.8 1160 5240 5.2 23.3 ** 3350 ** 14.9 ** 2330 ** 10.4 ** 6.9 1300 5830 5.8 25.9 ** 3850 ** 17.1 ** 2460 ** 10.9 ** ** ** ** ** 1320 ** 5.9 ** 4470 ** 19.9 ** 2950 ** 13.1 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** P4100 P4101 ** 1140 ** 5.1 ** 3530 ** 15.7 ** 2330 ** 10.4 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** P4100 P4101 ** ** ** ** ** 2860 ** 12.7 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** > 200 ELEMENTS OF SECTION Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" mm Channel kN **KL r In Max. Allowable Load at Slot Face Lbs Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Channel Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section 2 I 2 In cm In P4100 .287 1.9 P4101 .574 3.7 4 S 4 3 cm In .025 1.0 .053 .114 4.7 .141 r 3 cm Index In .87 .298 2.3 I - Moment of Inertia 52 Axis 2 - 2 I cm In .76 .447 1.1 4 S 4 cm In .106 4.4 .212 8.8 S - Section Modulus 3 r 3 cm In cm .131 2.1 .609 1.5 .261 4.3 .609 1.5 r - Radius of Gyration P5000TM & P5001 CHANNELS 3 ⁄8" 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" 41.3 22.2 9.5 3 ⁄8" 1.750" 9 ⁄32" 3 1⁄4" 9.5 7.1 44.5 82.6 1 1 38.1 General Fittings 1.500" 2 2 Pierced channels are found on pages 60 and 61. Weight: 305 Lbs/C Ft (454 kg/100 m) 1 5⁄8" 41.3 Pipe/Conduit Supports P5001 Nuts & Hardware P5000 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 6 1⁄2" Electrical Fittings 165.1 1 1 Concrete Inserts 2 2 Weight: 610 Lbs/C Ft (908 kg/100 m) BEAM LOAD* 11⁄4" Framing System 12000 10000 P5000 LOAD (Lbs) 8000 P5001 13 16" 4000 2000 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 SPAN (In) Channel Allowable Moment Material Thickness Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm P5000 3.05 4.5 15,790 1,780 .105 2.7 P5001 6.10 9.1 33,910 3,830 .105 2.7 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA Index *Maximum allowable uniform load. Weight Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 0 System ⁄ Framing 6000 Nominal thickness of 12 gage strip steel is .105 inches. 53 P5000 & P5001 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL BEAM LOADING DATA Span Channel Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware In mm Max. Allowable Uniform Load Deflection at Uniform Load Uniform Loading at Deflections Span/180 Lbs kN In mm Lbs kN Span/240 Lbs kN Span/360 Lbs kN 24 610 P5000 P5001 5260† 6170*† 23.4 27.4 0.03 0.01 1 0 5260 6170*† 23.4 27.4 5260 23.4 6170*† 27.4 5260 6170*† 23.4 27.4 36 914 P5000 P5001 3510 6170*† 15.6 27.4 0.07 0.02 2 1 3510 6170*† 15.6 27.4 3510 15.6 6170*† 27.4 3510 6170*† 15.6 27.4 48 1219 P5000 P5001 2630 5650† 11.7 25.1 0.12 0.05 3 1 2630 5650† 11.7 25.1 2630 5650† 11.7 25.1 2630 5650† 11.7 25.1 60 1524 P5000 P5001 2110 4520† 9.4 20.1 0.18 0.08 5 2 2110 4520† 9.4 20.1 2110 4520† 9.4 20.1 1920 4520† 8.5 20.1 72 1829 P5000 P5001 1750 3770 7.8 16.8 0.26 0.11 7 3 1750 3770 7.8 16.8 1750 3770 7.8 16.8 1330 3770 5.9 16.8 84 2134 P5000 P5001 1500 3230 6.7 14.4 0.36 0.15 9 4 1500 3230 6.7 14.4 1470 3230 6.5 14.4 980 3230 4.4 14.4 96 2438 P5000 P5001 1320 2830 5.9 12.6 0.47 0.20 12 5 1320 2830 5.9 12.6 1130 2830 5.0 12.6 750 2830 3.3 12.6 108 2743 P5000 P5001 1170 2510 5.2 11.2 0.59 0.25 15 6 1170 2510 5.2 11.2 890 2510 4.0 11.2 590 2510 2.6 11.2 120 3048 P5000 P5001 1050 2260 4.7 10.1 0.73 0.31 19 8 960 2260 4.3 10.1 720 2260 3.2 10.1 480 2260 2.1 10.1 144 3658 P5000 P5001 880 1880 3.9 8.4 1.06 0.44 27 11 670 1880 3.0 8.4 500 1880 2.2 8.4 330 1690 1.5 7.5 168 4267 P5000 P5001 750 1610 3.3 7.2 1.43 0.60 36 15 490 1610 2.2 7.2 370 1610 1.6 7.2 250 1240 1.1 5.5 192 4877 P5000 P5001 660 1410 2.9 6.3 1.88 0.79 48 20 380 1410 1.7 6.3 280 1410 1.2 6.3 190 950 0.8 4.2 216 5486 P5000 P5001 580 1260 2.6 5.6 2.35 1.00 60 26 300 1260 1.3 5.6 220 1130 1.0 5.0 150 750 0.7 3.3 240 6096 P5000 P5001 530 1130 2.4 5.0 2.94 1.24 75 31 240 1130 1.1 5.0 180 910 0.8 4.0 120 610 0.5 2.7 *Load limited by spot weld shear. †Bearing load may govern capacity. See page 67. Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 4. See page 66 for lateral bracing load reduction charts. 54 P5000 & P5001 CHANNELS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL K = .80 K = 1.0 kN Lbs kN Lbs K = 1.2 kN Lbs kN 610 P5000 P5001 5120 7730 22.8 34.4 12130 30390 54.0 135.2 12030 30170 53.5 134.2 11870 29790 52.8 132.5 11660 29330 51.9 130.5 36 914 P5000 P5001 4310 7650 19.2 34.0 8650 29840 38.5 132.7 8430 29330 37.5 130.5 8050 28490 35.8 126.7 7590 27460 33.8 122.1 48 1219 P5000 P5001 3310 7540 14.7 33.5 5520 29070 24.6 129.3 5320 28170 23.7 125.3 5020 26670 22.3 118.6 4690 24830 20.9 110.4 60 1524 P5000 P5001 2660 7390 11.8 32.9 4000 28080 17.8 124.9 3840 26670 17.1 118.6 3590 24320 16.0 108.2 3330 21460 14.8 95.5 72 1829 P5000 P5001 2240 7200 10.0 32.0 3160 26870 14.1 119.5 3020 24830 13.4 110.4 2800 21460 12.5 95.5 2570 17330 11.4 77.1 84 2134 P5000 P5001 1940 6960 8.6 31.0 2650 25440 11.8 113.2 2510 22670 11.2 100.8 2310 18070 10.3 80.4 2100 12930 9.3 57.5 96 2438 P5000 P5001 1730 6660 7.7 29.6 2310 23790 10.3 105.8 2170 20170 9.7 89.7 1980 14260 8.8 63.4 1780 9900 7.9 44.0 108 2743 P5000 P5001 1570 6280 7.0 27.9 2070 21920 9.2 97.5 1930 17330 8.6 77.1 1730 11270 7.7 50.1 1540 7820 6.9 34.8 120 3048 P5000 P5001 1440 5800 6.4 25.8 1880 19830 8.4 88.2 1740 14260 7.7 63.4 1550 9130 6.9 40.6 ** ** ** ** > 200 ⁄ Framing **KL r 11⁄4" Framing System 24 Nuts & Hardware K = .65 Lbs General Fittings kN Pipe/Conduit Supports Lbs Electrical Fittings mm Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. Concrete Inserts Channel 2 In P5000 P5001 Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section .897 I 2 cm 4 In 5.8 1.099 Axis 2 - 2 S cm 4 In 3 r cm 3 In I 4 cm In S cm 4 3 In r cm 3 In cm 45.7 .628 10.3 1.107 2.8 .359* 14.9 .442* 7.2 .695 1.8 1.794 11.6 5.578* 232.2 1.716* 28.1 1.864 4.7 .719* 29.9 .884* 14.5 .695 1.8 I - Moment of Inertia S - Section Modulus Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Channel 13 16" ELEMENTS OF SECTION System In Max. Allowable Load at Slot Face r - Radius of Gyration * These are effective section properties. 55 Index Unbraced Height 1 5/8" Channels COLUMN LOADING DATA P5500TM & P5501 CHANNELS P5500 3 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" ⁄8" 9 7 2 ⁄16" ⁄8" 41.3 22.2 9.5 1.336" 9.5 7.1 33.9 61.9 1 1 28.0 2 2 Weight: 247 Lbs/C Ft (368 kg/100 m) Pierced channels are found on pages 60 and 61. P5501 1 5⁄8" 4 7⁄8" 41.3 123.8 1 1 Concrete Inserts 2 2 Weight: 494 Lbs/C Ft (735 kg/100 m) 5000 BEAM LOAD* LOAD (Lbs) 4500 Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System ⁄32" 3 1.103" Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 4000 P5500 3500 P5501 3000 2500 2000 13⁄16" 1500 1000 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 500 0 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 SPAN (In) *Maximum allowable uniform load. Index Channel P5500 P5501 Weight Allowable Moment Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm 2.47 4.94 3.7 7.4 9,830 29,000 1110 3280 .105 .105 2.7 2.7 Nominal thickness of 12 gage strip steel is .105 inches. 56 Material Thickness Standard Lengths 10' 20' Finishes PL GR HG PG Other Materials SS EA P5500 & P5501 CHANNELS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 9.7 20.8 1219 P5500 P5501 1640 4680* 60 1524 P5500 P5501 72 1829 84 48 kN Lbs kN 1 0 3280 4680* 14.6 20.8 3280 4680* 14.6 20.8 3280 4680* 14.6 20.8 0.09 0.03 2 1 2190 4680* 9.7 20.8 2190 4680* 9.7 20.8 2190 4680* 9.7 20.8 7.3 20.8 0.15 0.08 4 2 1640 4680* 7.3 20.8 1640 4680* 7.3 20.8 1430 4680* 6.4 20.8 1310 3870 5.8 17.2 0.24 0.13 6 3 1310 3870 5.8 17.2 1310 3870 5.8 17.2 910 3870 4.0 17.2 P5500 P5501 1090 3220 4.8 14.3 0.34 0.19 9 5 1090 3220 4.8 14.3 950 3220 4.2 14.3 630 3220 2.8 14.3 2134 P5500 P5501 940 2760 4.2 12.3 0.47 0.26 12 7 930 2760 4.1 12.3 700 2760 3.1 12.3 470 2510 2.1 11.2 96 2438 P5500 P5501 820 2420 3.6 10.8 0.61 0.34 16 9 710 2420 3.2 10.8 540 2420 2.4 10.8 360 1920 1.6 8.5 108 2743 P5500 P5501 730 2150 3.2 9.6 0.78 0.43 20 11 560 2150 2.5 9.6 420 2150 1.9 9.6 280 1520 1.2 6.8 120 3048 P5500 P5501 660 1930 2.9 8.6 0.96 0.52 24 13 460 1930 2.0 8.6 340 1840 1.5 8.2 230 1230 1.0 5.5 144 3658 P5500 P5501 550 1610 2.4 7.2 1.39 0.75 35 19 320 1610 1.4 7.2 240 1280 1.1 5.7 160 850 0.7 3.8 168 4267 P5500 P5501 470 1380 2.1 6.1 1.88 1.03 48 26 230 1250 1.0 5.6 170 940 0.8 4.2 120 630 0.5 2.8 192 4877 P5500 P5501 410 1210 1.8 5.4 2.45 1.34 62 34 180 960 0.8 4.3 130 720 0.6 3.2 90 480 0.4 2.1 216 5486 P5500 P5501 360 1070 1.6 4.8 3.06 1.69 78 43 140 760 0.6 3.4 110 570 0.5 2.5 70 380 0.3 1.7 240 6096 P5500 P5501 330 970 1.5 4.3 3.85 2.11 98 53 110 610 0.5 2.7 90 460 0.4 2.0 60 310 0.3 1.4 Nuts & Hardware 2190 4680* 914 Lbs General Fittings P5500 P5501 36 kN Pipe/Conduit Supports 0.04 0.01 P5500 P5501 Lbs Electrical Fittings 14.6 20.8 610 mm Span/360 Concrete Inserts 3280 4680* 24 Lbs Span/240 11⁄4" Framing System In mm Span/180 System kN In Uniform Loading at Deflections ⁄ Framing Deflection at Uniform Load 13 16" Channel Max. Allowable Uniform Load Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Span 1 5/8" Channels BEAM LOADING DATA *Load limited by spot weld shear. Index Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 4. See page 66 for lateral bracing load reduction charts. 57 P5500 & P5501 CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL COLUMN LOADING DATA Unbraced Height **KL r Channel mm Lbs kN Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. K = .65 Lbs K = .80 kN K = 1.0 K = 1.2 Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 24 610 P5500 P5501 4490 8540 20.0 38.0 12060 31180 53.6 138.7 11930 30870 53.1 137.3 11710 30350 52.1 135.0 11430 29720 50.8 132.2 36 914 P5500 P5501 3810 8390 16.9 37.3 8560 30420 38.1 135.3 8260 29720 36.7 132.2 7760 28560 34.5 127.0 7200 27140 32.0 120.7 48 1219 P5500 P5501 3080 8190 13.7 36.4 5810 29360 25.8 130.6 5540 28120 24.6 125.1 5130 26060 22.8 115.9 4700 23540 20.9 104.7 60 1524 P5500 P5501 2610 7920 11.6 35.2 4480 28000 19.9 124.6 4230 26060 18.8 115.9 3860 22830 17.2 101.6 3480 18900 15.5 84.1 72 1829 P5500 P5501 2290 7590 10.2 33.8 3730 26340 16.6 117.2 3480 23540 15.5 104.7 3120 18900 13.9 84.1 2760 13610 12.3 60.5 84 2134 P5500 P5501 2050 7160 9.1 31.8 3250 24370 14.5 108.4 2990 20560 13.3 91.5 2630 14400 11.7 64.1 2290 10000 10.2 44.5 96 2438 P5500 P5501 1860 6620 8.3 29.4 2910 22100 12.9 98.3 2640 17120 11.7 76.2 2270 11020 10.1 49.0 1940 7650 8.6 34.0 108 2743 P5500 P5501 1710 5970 7.6 26.6 2640 19530 11.7 86.9 2360 13610 10.5 60.5 2000 8710 8.9 38.7 1680 6050 7.5 26.9 120 3048 P5500 P5501 1580 5380 7.0 23.9 2430 16660 10.8 74.1 2140 11020 9.5 49.0 1770 7050 7.9 31.4 ** ** ** ** > 200 ELEMENTS OF SECTION Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware In Max. Allowable Load at Slot Face Channel Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section 2 I 2 4 In cm In P5500 .726 4.7 .523 P5501 1.453 S 4 3 cm In 21.8 .391 r 3 cm Index I In cm In .848 2.2 9.4 2.811 117.0 1.153 18.9 1.391 3.5 6.4 I - Moment of Inertia 58 Axis 2 - 2 4 S 4 3 cm In .335 13.9 .412 .669 27.8 .824 S - Section Modulus r 3 cm In cm 6.8 .679 1.7 13.5 .679 1.7 r - Radius of Gyration CLOSURE STRIPS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1184 PVC Nuts & Hardware P1184 .020" (0.5) .085" (2.2) 1 5⁄8" Material: Paintable PVC. Color: Green, Grey. (41.3) Pipe/Conduit Supports 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Finish: Zinc bonderized, plain. General Fittings Standard Length: 10'. Standard Length: 10'. Weight: 11 Lbs/C Ft (16.5 kg/100 m) Weight: 27 Lbs/C Ft (40.2 kg/100 m) P3184 P Standard Length: 10'. 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Finish: Green, pre-galvanized, plain. 11⁄4" Framing System .085" (2.2) .040" (1.0) 1 5⁄8" Material : G.E. Noryl® Plastic. Color: Green, Grey. (41.3) Weight: 9.4 Lbs/C Ft (14.0 kg/100 m) Weight: 47 Lbs/C Ft (69.9 kg/100 m) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" ⁄ Framing P3712 P P3184 F Standard Length: 10'. .040" (1.0) 1 5⁄ 8" (41.3) Finish: Green, pre-galvanized, plain. Weight: 90 Lbs/C Ft (134 kg/100 m) 3" (76.2) Material: Plastic. Color: Black. Note: Use with P3170, P3270, and P3370 series concrete insert. .040" (1.0) Index Standard Length: 16'. System Standard Length: 10'. Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings P3184 1 1⁄16" (27.0) Weight: 5.4 Lbs/C Ft (8.0 kg/100 m) 59 PIERCED CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1000 DS Nuts & Hardware 7 22.2 ⁄8" Slots are 7⁄8" (22.2) Wide 3 1⁄2" (88.9) on Center 3 ⁄4" (19.1) 41.3 1 5⁄8" 2 3⁄4" (69.9) General Fittings 7 1 5⁄ 8" 41.3 Weight: 173 Lbs/C Ft (257 kg/100m) "T" SERIES 1 3⁄16" (30.2) Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports 22.2 Standard Lengths: 10' and 20'. Note: For beam load capacity, use 70% of P1000 load chart. D 1 1⁄ 8" 7 ⁄8" Slots are 9⁄16" (14.3) Wide 2" (51) on Center (22.2) Part Number Concrete Inserts (28.6) 11⁄4" Framing System ⁄8" Standard Lengths: 10' and 20'. Note: For beam load capacity, use 85% of appropriate load chart. P1000 T P1100 T P2000 T P3000 T P3300 T P4000 T P4100 T P5000 T P5500 T Depth "D" In mm 15⁄8 15⁄8 15⁄8 13⁄8 7 ⁄8 13 ⁄16 13 ⁄16 31⁄4 27⁄16 41 41 41 35 22 21 21 82 62 Material Thickness Weight In mm Lbs/C Ft kg/100m .105 .075 .060 .105 .105 .060 .075 .105 .105 2.7 1.6 1.5 2.7 2.7 1.5 1.6 2.7 2.7 185 136 113 165 130 79 87 300 242 275 202 168 245 193 118 129 446 360 13⁄16" Framing System "KO" SERIES 7 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass ⁄8" (22.2) Knockouts 6" (152.4) on Center D 6" (152.4) Part Number Standard Lengths: 10' and 20'. Note: For beam load capacity, use 95% of appropriate load chart. 60 P1000 KO P1100 KO P2000 KO P3000 KO P5000 KO P5500 KO Depth "D" In mm 15⁄8 15⁄8 15⁄8 15⁄8 31⁄4 27⁄16 41 41 41 35 82 62 Material Thickness Weight In mm Lbs/C Ft kg/100m .105 .075 .060 .105 .105 .105 2.7 1.9 1.5 2.7 2.7 2.7 190 140 117 170 305 247 283 208 174 253 454 368 PIERCED CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1000 H3 ⁄8" 3 ⁄8" 9.5 9 ⁄32" .915" 1 .710" 1 5⁄8" (47.6) 23.3 1 18.0 41.3 2 2 Standard Lengths: 10' and 20'. Note: For beam load capacity, use 90% of P1000 load chart. For column load capacity, use 68% of P1000 load chart. Pipe/Conduit Supports Weight: 175 Lbs/C Ft (260 kg/100 m) "SL" SERIES 1 Electrical Fittings ⁄2" (12.7) (25.4) 3" (76.2) Standard Lengths: 10' and 20'. Note: For beam load capacity, use 85% of appropriate load chart. Part Number P1000 SL P1100 SL P2000 SL P3000 SL P3300 SL P4000 SL P4100 SL P5000 SL P5500 SL Depth "D" In mm 15⁄8 15⁄8 15⁄8 13⁄8 7⁄8 13 ⁄16 13⁄16 31⁄4 27⁄16 41 41 41 35 22 21 21 82 62 Material Thickness In mm .105 .075 .060 .105 .105 .060 .075 .105 .105 2.7 1.9 1.5 2.7 2.7 1.5 1.9 2.7 2.7 Weight Lbs/C Ft kg/100 m 185 136 113 165 130 79 87 300 242 275 202 168 246 193 118 129 446 360 Concrete Inserts D Slots are 13⁄32" (10.3) Wide 4" (101.6) on Center 11⁄4" Framing System 1" D 1 7⁄8" ⁄16" (14.3) Dia. Holes 1 7⁄8" (47.6) on Center (47.6) Standard Lengths: 10' and 20'. Note: For beam load capacity, use 90% of appropriate load chart. Part Number P1000 HS P1100 HS P2000 HS P3000 HS P3300 HS P4000 HS P4100 HS P5000 HS P5500 HS Depth "D" In mm 15⁄8 15⁄8 15⁄8 1-3⁄8 7⁄8 13 ⁄16 13⁄16 31⁄4 27⁄16 41 41 41 35 22 21 21 82 62 Material Thickness In mm .105 .075 .060 .105 .105 .060 .075 .105 .105 2.7 1.9 1.5 2.7 2.7 1.5 1.9 2.7 2.7 Weight Lbs/C Ft kg/100 m 185 136 113 165 130 79 87 300 242 275 202 168 246 193 118 129 446 360 Index 9 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" ⁄ Framing "HS" SERIES 61 System 1 7⁄8" 9.5 7.1 9 ⁄16" (14.3) Dia. Holes 1 7⁄8" (47.6) on Center 22.2 General Fittings 3 Nuts & Hardware 41.3 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" P9000 & P9200 TELESTRUT® TELESTRUT TUBING P9000 Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL PATENT PENDING 9 General Fittings ⁄16" (14.3) Dia. Holes 1 7⁄8" (47.6) on Center 1 5⁄8" 41.3 1 7⁄8" Pipe/Conduit Supports (47.6) 1 5⁄8" Note: Can be used with 15⁄8" (41mm) fittings. 41.3 1 1 2 2 TELESTRUT TUBING P9200 Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Weight: 205 Lbs/C Ft (305 kg/100 m) 11⁄4" Framing System PATENT PENDING 9 ⁄16" (14.3) Dia. Holes 1 7⁄8" (47.6) on Center 1 7⁄8" Framing System 1 7⁄8" (47.6) 1 7⁄8" 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 47.6 Note: Allows telescoping of P9000 and all 15⁄8" (41mm) Unistrut channels. 1 47.6 1 2 2 Weight: 223 Lbs/C Ft (332 kg/100 m) Telestrut Weight Index Lbs/Ft P9000 P9200 2.05 2.23 Allowable Moment kg/m In-Lb 3.1 3.3 5,060 7,470 N•m In mm 570 840 .105 .105 2.7 2.7 Nominal thickness of 12 gage strip steel is .105 inches. 62 Material Thickness Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA P9000 & P9200 TELESTRUT® FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5/8" Channels TELESTRUT TUBING General Fittings Nuts & Hardware P9200 9 Pipe/Conduit Supports ⁄16" (14.3) Dia. Holes 1 7⁄8" (47.6) on Center PATENT PENDING P9000 Electrical Fittings Note: See Hardware section for rivets and gravity pins. Concrete Inserts BEAM LOAD* 2500 1500 ⁄ Framing P9200 1000 13 16" LOAD (Lbs) P9000 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 500 0 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 System 11⁄4" Framing System 2000 240 SPAN (In) Index *Maximum allowable uniform load. 63 P9000 & P9200 TELESTRUT® 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL BEAM LOADING DATA Span Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware In Telestrut mm Max. Allowable Uniform Load Deflection at Uniform Load Lbs kN In mm Uniform Loading at Deflections Span/180 Span/240 Span/360 Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 24 610 P9000 P9200 1690 2490 7.5 11.1 0.06 0.05 2 1 1690 2490 7.5 11.1 1690 2490 7.5 11.1 1690 2490 7.5 11.1 36 914 P9000 P9200 1120 1660 5.0 7.4 0.14 0.12 4 3 1120 1660 5.0 7.4 1120 1660 5.0 7.4 800 1350 3.6 6.0 48 1219 P9000 P9200 840 1240 3.7 5.5 0.25 0.22 6 6 840 1240 3.7 5.5 670 1140 3.0 5.1 450 760 2.0 3.4 60 1524 P9000 P9200 670 1000 3.0 4.4 0.39 0.34 10 9 570 970 2.5 4.3 430 730 1.9 3.2 290 490 1.3 2.2 72 1829 P9000 P9200 560 830 2.5 3.7 0.56 0.49 14 12 400 670 1.8 3.0 300 510 1.3 2.3 200 340 0.9 1.5 84 2134 P9000 P9200 480 710 2.1 3.2 0.77 0.67 19 17 290 500 1.3 2.2 220 370 1.0 1.6 150 250 0.7 1.1 96 2438 P9000 P9200 420 620 1.9 2.8 1.00 0.87 25 22 220 380 1.0 1.7 170 280 0.8 1.2 110 190 0.5 0.8 108 2743 P9000 P9200 370 550 1.6 2.4 1.25 1.10 32 28 180 300 0.8 1.3 130 220 0.6 1.0 90 150 0.4 0.7 120 3048 P9000 P9200 340 500 1.5 2.2 1.58 1.37 40 35 140 240 0.6 1.1 110 180 0.5 0.8 70 120 0.3 0.5 144 3658 P9000 P9200 280 410 1.2 1.8 2.25 1.94 57 49 100 170 0.4 0.8 70 130 0.3 0.6 50 80 0.2 0.4 168 4267 P9000 P9200 240 360 1.1 1.6 3.06 2.7 78 69 70 120 0.3 0.5 50 90 0.2 0.4 40 60 0.2 0.3 192 4877 P9000 P9200 210 310 0.9 1.4 4.00 3.48 102 88 60 90 0.3 0.4 40 70 0.2 0.3 NR 50 NR 0.2 216 5486 P9000 P9200 190 280 0.8 1.2 5.15 4.48 131 114 NR 70 NR 0.3 NR 60 NR 0.3 NR 40 NR 0.2 240 6096 P9000 P9200 170 250 0.8 1.1 6.32 5.49 161 139 NR 60 NR 0.3 NR 50 NR 0.2 NR 30 NR 0.1 NR = Not Recommended Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 4. See page 66 for lateral bracing load reduction charts. 64 P9000 & P9200 TELESTRUT® FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL kN Lbs kN Lbs K = 1.2 kN Lbs kN 24 610 P9000 P9200 3420 4420 15.2 19.7 8230 10530 36.6 46.8 8140 10450 36.2 46.5 7990 10310 35.5 45.9 7810 10130 34.7 45.1 36 914 P9000 P9200 3240 4240 14.4 18.9 8010 10330 35.6 46.0 7810 10130 34.7 45.1 7480 9820 33.3 43.7 7070 9430 31.4 41.9 48 1219 P9000 P9200 3010 4010 13.4 17.8 7710 10040 34.3 44.7 7350 9700 32.7 43.1 6760 9130 30.1 40.6 6040 8450 26.9 37.6 60 1524 P9000 P9200 2750 3740 12.2 16.6 7320 9660 32.6 43.0 6760 9130 30.1 40.6 5840 8250 26.0 36.7 4720 7180 21.0 31.9 72 1829 P9000 P9200 2470 3440 11.0 15.3 6840 9210 30.4 41.0 6040 8450 26.9 37.6 4720 7180 21.0 31.9 3330 5630 14.8 25.0 84 2134 P9000 P9200 2180 3130 9.7 13.9 6280 8670 27.9 38.6 5190 7630 23.1 33.9 3520 5910 15.7 26.3 2440 4150 10.9 18.5 96 2438 P9000 P9200 1890 2810 8.4 12.5 5630 8050 25.0 35.8 4210 6690 18.7 29.8 2690 4570 12.0 20.3 1870 3180 8.3 14.1 108 2743 P9000 P9200 1630 2490 7.3 11.1 4900 7350 21.8 32.7 3330 5630 14.8 25.0 2130 3610 9.5 16.1 1480 2510 6.6 11.2 120 3048 P9000 P9200 1410 2180 6.3 9.7 4080 6570 18.1 29.2 2690 4570 12.0 20.3 1720 2930 7.7 13.0 ** 2030 ** 9.0 Nuts & Hardware Lbs K = 1.0 General Fittings kN K = .80 Pipe/Conduit Supports Lbs K = .65 Electrical Fittings mm Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. ⁄ Framing 11⁄4" Framing System **KL > 200 r I Axis 2 - 2 S In2 cm2 In4 cm4 In3 P9000 .384 2.5 .164 6.8 .203 P9200 .489 3.2 .278 11.6 .297 r cm3 I S r In cm In4 cm4 In3 cm3 3.3 .653 1.7 .164 6.8 .203 4.9 .754 1.9 .278 11.6 .297 I - Moment of Inertia S - Section Modulus Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section In cm 3.3 .653 1.7 4.9 .754 1.9 r - Radius of Gyration Index Telestrut 13 16" ELEMENTS OF SECTION System In Max. Design Load Applied at Telestrut Col. Face Concrete Inserts Unbraced Height 1 5/8" Channels COLUMN LOADING DATA 65 LATERAL BRACING REDUCTIONS LATERAL BRACING LOAD REDUCTION CHARTS ▲ ▲ % OF ALLOWABLE LOAD RETAINED Nuts & Hardware General Fittings ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 100 ▲ ▲ 90 Pipe/Conduit Supports ▲ 90 ▲ 80 ▲ 70 ▲ 60 ▲ ▲ ▲ 50 P1000 P3000 P3300 P5000 P5500 P9000 P9200 40 30 ▲ 20 ▲ 10 ▲ ▲ % OF ALLOWABLE LOAD RETAINED 100 0 Electrical Fittings 80 70 60 50 40 30 P1100 P2000 P4000 P4100 20 10 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 12 24 Concrete Inserts DISTANCE (In) BETWEEN LATERAL BRACES 100 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ % OF ALLOWABLE LOAD RETAINED 11⁄4" Framing System Framing System 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 70 ▲ ▲ 60 50 ▲ 20 P1001 P1001C41 P3301 P4001 P5001 P5501 P1004A 10 96 108 120 108 120 70 60 50 40 30 P1101 P2001 P4001 P4101 20 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 DISTANCE (In) BETWEEN LATERAL BRACES Index 84 80 10 0 66 72 ▲ ▲ 80 ▲ 60 90 ▲ ▲ 30 48 100 ▲ ▲ 90 40 36 DISTANCE (In) BETWEEN LATERAL BRACES % OF ALLOWABLE LOAD RETAINED 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 108 120 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 DISTANCE (In) BETWEEN LATERAL BRACES BEARING LOADS FOR CHANNEL & COMBINATIONS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL BEARING LOADS ON UNISTRUT CHANNELS Bearing Length 15⁄8" (41 mm) Bearing Length 15⁄8" (41 mm) Bearing Length 31⁄4"(92 mm) LOAD LOAD General Fittings Nuts & Hardware LOAD Lbs kN P1000 5000 22.2 3500 15.6 8000 35.6 P1100 3500 15.6 2500 11.1 5500 24.5 P2000 2000 8.9 1500 6.7 3000 13.3 P3000 5000 22.2 3500 15.6 8000 35.6 P3300 6000 26.7 4000 17.8 9000 40.0 P4000 2200 9.8 1700 7.6 3500 15.6 P4100 3400 15.1 2600 11.6 4800 21.4 P5000 4000 17.8 2000 8.9 5500 24.5 P5500 5000 22.2 3500 15.6 8000 35.6 P9000 5000 22.2 3500 15.6 8000 35.6 P9200 5000 22.2 3500 15.6 8000 35.6 Electrical Fittings kN Concrete Inserts Lbs 11⁄4" Framing System kN Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" Lbs Pipe/Conduit Supports Maximum Allowable Loads System Maximum Allowable Loads ⁄ Framing Maximum Allowable Loads Channel Safety Factor — 21⁄2 67 NUTS, BOLTS & HARDWARE Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Page Channel Nut Selection Chart 70 Channel Nuts With Springs 72 Channel Nuts Without Springs 73 General Fittings Top Retainer Nuts Stud Nuts 74 75 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Hardware 74 MATERIAL Unistrut channel nuts are manufactured from mild steel bars, and after machining operations are completed, they are case hardened, assuring positive biting action into the inturned edge of the Unistrut channel. The standard channel nut conforms to ASTM A576 GR 1015. Screws conform to SAE J429 GR 2 (also meets and exceeds ASTM A307). FINISHES Nuts, bolts and washers are electro-galvanized (EG), ASTM B633 Type III SC1 finish, unless otherwise noted. 68 Many hardware items are also available in stainless steel. Consult factory for ordering information. THREADS All threads on the nuts and bolts are Unified and American coarse screw threads. DESIGN BOLT TORQUE BOLT SIZE FOOT LBS. N.m 1⁄4" 20 5 ⁄8" 5⁄16" 18 3⁄8" 16 1⁄2" 13 11 3⁄4" 10 6 11 19 50 100 125 8 15 25 70 135 170 DIMENSIONS Imperial dimensions are illustrated in inches. Metric dimensions are shown in parenthesis or as noted. Unless noted, all metric dimensions are in millimeters and rounded to one decimal place. Many Unistrut nuts, bolts and hardware items are also available in standard metric dimensions. Consult factory for ordering information. CHANNEL NUT LOAD DATA 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PULL-OUT AND SLIP LOADS Torque Lbs kN Lbs - 10 2500 11.1 1700 7.6 125* 170 58 - 11 2500 11.1 1500 6.7 100* 135 12 - 13 2000 8.9 1500 6.7 50 70 1400 6.2 1000 4.4 35 50 1000 4.4 800 3.6 19 25 800 3.6 500 2.2 11 15 ⁄" ⁄" 12 7 16 ⁄ " - 14 38 ⁄" - 16 P1000 P3000 P5000 P5500 5 16 ⁄ " - 18 Ft Lbs N•m 14 - 20 600 2.7 300 1.3 6 8 12 - 13 1500 6.7 1500 6.7 50 70 38 - 16 1000 4.4 800 3.6 19 25 800 3.6 500 2.2 11 15 ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" 12 P3300 5 16 ⁄ " - 18 14 - 20 600 2.7 300 1.3 6 8 12 - 13 1400 6.2 1000 4.4 50 70 38 - 16 1000 4.4 750 3.3 19 25 800 3.6 400 1.8 11 15 ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" 5 16 ⁄ " - 18 14 P1100 & P4100 14 - 20 600 2.7 300 1.3 6 8 12 - 13 1000 4.4 1000 4.4 50 70 38 - 16 1000 4.4 750 3.3 19 25 800 3.6 400 1.8 11 15 600 2.7 300 1.3 6 8 ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" 5 16 ⁄ " - 18 14 ⁄" - 20 16 P2000 & P4000 Nuts & Hardware ⁄" kN General Fittings 34 Pipe/Conduit Supports Resistance to Slip Electrical Fittings Allowable Pull-Out Strength Concrete Inserts Channel 11⁄4" Framing System Gage Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" ⁄ Framing * May require 3⁄8" or 1⁄2" thick fitting. Nut design loads include a minimum safety factor of 3. Note: Refer to the Channel Nut Selection Chart on the following two pages for the part number. System Channel Nut Size/Thread 69 CHANNEL NUT SELECTION CHART Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Channel Nut Part Number CHANNEL Nut Size/ Thread Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings P1000 70 P1006-0832 #8 P1006-1024 #10 - 24 P1006-1420 14 - 20 P1006T1420 14 - 20 P1007 5 16 P1008 38 - 16 P1008T 38 - 16 P1009 7 P1010 1 - 13 P1010T 12 - 13 P1012 58 - 11 P1012S 58 - 11 P1023 34 - 10 P1023S 3 - 10 P1024 7 - 9 P1024S 78 ⁄" - 9 P3006-0832 #8 - 32 P3006-1024 #10 - 24 P3006-1420 14 P3007 5 16 P3008 38 P3009 7 16 P3010 1 - 13 P3013 12 - 13 ⁄" ⁄" - 32 ⁄ " - 18 ⁄" ⁄" ⁄16" - 14 ⁄2" ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" ⁄4" ⁄8" ⁄" - 20 ⁄ " - 18 ⁄" - 16 ⁄ " - 14 ⁄2" ⁄" P1100 P2000 P3000 P3300 P4000 P4100 P5000 P5500 CHANNEL NUT SELECTION CHART 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL #6 - 32 P3016-0832 #8 - 32 P3016-1024 #10 - 24 P3016-1420 14 ⁄" - 20 P4006-0832 #8 - 32 P4006-1024 #10 - 24 P4006-1420 14 P4007 5 P4008 3 P4009 7 P4010 12 - 13 P4010T 12 - 13 P4012 58 - 11 P4012S 5 - 11 P4023 3 - 10 P4023S 3 ⁄4" - 10 P5506-0832 #8 - 32 P5506-1024 #10 - 24 P5506-1420 14 P5507 5 16 P5508 38 P5509 7 P5510 12 ⁄" P2000 P3000 P3300 P4000 P4100 P5000 P5500 General Fittings P3016-0632 P1100 Pipe/Conduit Supports P1000 Nuts & Hardware CHANNEL Nut Size/ Thread - 20 ⁄16" - 18 Electrical Fittings - 16 ⁄" ⁄8" ⁄4" ⁄" 11⁄4" Framing System ⁄" - 20 ⁄ Framing ⁄" Concrete Inserts ⁄16" - 14 ⁄" 13 16" ⁄ " - 18 - 16 System ⁄8" ⁄" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass ⁄16" - 14 - 13 Index Channel Nut Part Number 71 CHANNEL NUTS WITH SPRINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1006-0832 thru P1024S CHANNEL NUTS WITH SPRINGS Weight/C Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware Part Number Note: Use with P1000, P1100, P2000 & P3000 channels. Size & Thread Lbs kg P1006-0832 P1006-1024 P1006-1420 P1007 P1008 P1009 P1010 #8 #10 1⁄ 4" 5⁄ 16" 3⁄ 8" 7⁄ 16" 1⁄ 2" - 32 - 24 - 20 - 18 - 16 - 14 - 13 7 7 7 6 10 9 12 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.7 4.5 4.1 5.4 P1012S P1023S P1024S 58 - 11 - 10 - 9 21 21 21 9.5 9.5 9.5 ⁄" ⁄" 7⁄8" 34 P4006-0832 thru P4023S CHANNEL NUTS WITH SPRINGS Weight/C Note: Use with P3300, P4000 & P4100 channels. Size & Thread P4006-0832 P4006-1024 P4006-1420 P4007 P4008 P4009 P4010 #8 #10 1⁄4" 5⁄16" 3⁄8" 7⁄16" 1⁄2" - 32 - 24 - 20 - 18 - 16 - 14 - 13 P4012S P4023S 5 - 11 - 10 3 ⁄8" ⁄4" Lbs kg 7 7 7 6 9 9 8 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.7 4.1 4.1 3.6 11 11 5.0 5.0 P5506-0832 thru P5510 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Part Number Note: Use with P5500 channels. 72 CHANNEL NUTS WITH SPRINGS Weight/C Part Number P5506-0832 P5506-1024 P5506-1420 P5507 P5508 P5509 P5510 Size & Thread #8 #10 1⁄4" 5⁄16" 3⁄8" 7⁄16" 1⁄2" - 32 - 24 - 20 - 18 - 16 - 14 - 13 Lbs 7 7 7 6 10 10 12 kg 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.7 4.5 4.5 5.4 CHANNEL NUTS WITHOUT SPRINGS Nuts & Hardware CHANNEL NUTS WITHOUT SPRINGS .9 .9 1.8 1.8 #6 #8 #10 1⁄4" - 32 - 32 - 24 - 20 P3006-0832 P3006-1024 P3006-1420 P3007 P3008 P3009 P3010 #8 #10 1 ⁄4" 5 ⁄16" 3 ⁄8" 7 ⁄16" 1 ⁄2" - 32 24 20 18 16 14 13 6 6 6 6 9 9 11 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 4.1 4.1 5.0 P1012 P1023 P1024 5 - 11 - 10 - 9 20 20 20 9.1 9.1 9.1 ⁄8" ⁄4" 7 ⁄8" 3 Pipe/Conduit Supports 2 2 4 4 P3016-0632 P3016-0832 P3016-1024 P3016-1420 Electrical Fittings kg Lbs kg P3016-0632 P3016-0832 P3016-1024 P3016-1420 #6 #8 #10 1⁄ 4" - 32 32 24 20 2 2 4 4 .9 .9 1.8 1.8 P3006-0832 P3006-1024 P3006-1420 P3007 P3008 P3009 P3013 #8 #10 1⁄4" 5⁄16" 3⁄8" 7⁄16" 1⁄2" - 32 24 20 18 16 14 13 6 6 6 6 9 9 8 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 4.1 4.1 3.6 P4012 P4023 58 - 11 - 10 10 10 4.5 4.5 ⁄" ⁄" 34 ⁄ Framing Weight/C 13 16" Size & Thread Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Part Number 11⁄4" Framing System CHANNEL NUTS WITHOUT SPRINGS P3006-0832 thru P4023 Concrete Inserts Lbs Index Note: Use with P1000, P1100, P2000, P3000, P5000 & P5500 channels. Size & Thread General Fittings Weight/C Part Number System P1012 thru P3016-1420 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Note: Use with P3300, P4000 & P4100 channels. 73 CHANNEL NUTS TOP RETAINER NUT P1006T1420 P1008T P1010T P4010T Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL UNISTRU T UNIST RU T Weight/C P1006T1420 P1008T P1010T P4010T Size & Thread 14 ⁄" ⁄" 1⁄2" 1⁄2" - 38 20 16 13 13 Lbs 7 10 12 8 kg 3.2 4.5 5.4 3.6 Note: For appropriate channel see Channel Nut Selection Chart. P2378-1 thru P2382-3 STUD NUTS Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Part Number Part Number A Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System B 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Index P2378-1 P2378-2 P2378-3 14 P2379-1 P2379-2 P2379-3 5 16 P2380-1 P2380-2 P2380-3 P2380-4 P2380-5 P2380-6 Note: Use with P1000, P1100, P2000 & P3000 channels. All Stud Nut grooves are serrated. Special stud lengths and thread lengths can be supplied upon request. 74 Size & Thread P2381-2 P2381-3 P2381-4 P2381-5 P2381-6 P2381-7 P2382-2 P2382-3 ⁄" - 20 ⁄ " - 18 38 ⁄" - 16 12 - 13 58 - 11 ⁄" ⁄" "A" Stud Length In "B" Thread Length In 7 5 Weight/C Lbs kg 1 ⁄8 1 ⁄8 13⁄8 ⁄8 ⁄8 11⁄8 8 9 9 3.6 4.1 4.1 7 5 7 ⁄8 1 ⁄8 13⁄8 ⁄8 ⁄8 11⁄8 12 12 13 5.4 5.4 5.9 7 ⁄8 11⁄8 13⁄8 15⁄8 17⁄8 21⁄8 5 ⁄8 ⁄8 11⁄8 13⁄8 15⁄8 17⁄8 13 13 13 15 16 16 5.9 5.9 5.9 6.8 7.3 7.3 7 ⁄8 11⁄8 13⁄8 15⁄8 17⁄8 21⁄8 1 ⁄2 ⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 13⁄4 14 15 17 18 19 20 6.4 6.8 7.7 8.2 8.6 9.1 11⁄8 13⁄8 5 18 20 8.2 9.1 1 7 7 3 ⁄8 ⁄8 7 HARDWARE FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5/8" Channels FLAT HEAD MACHINE SCREWS x 7 HHCS025075EG 1 ⁄4" x 3 ⁄4" 1.3 0.6 HHCS025150EG 1 ⁄4" x 11⁄2" 2.6 1.2 HHCS031125EG 5 ⁄16" x 11⁄4" 3.6 1.6 HHCS037075EG 3 ⁄8" x 3 ⁄4" 4.0 1.8 HHCS037087EG 3 ⁄8" x 7 ⁄8" 4.4 2.0 HHCS037100EG 3 ⁄8" x 1" 4.5 2.0 HHCS037125EG 3 ⁄8" x 11⁄4" 5.3 2.4 HHCS037150EG 3 ⁄8" x 11⁄2" 6.0 2.7 HHCS037200EG 3 ⁄8" x 2" 7.6 3.4 HHCS037225EG 3 ⁄8" HHCS037250EG 3 HHCS050094EG HFMS031100EG 5 16 HFMS050100EG 12 ⁄ " x ⁄" x 1.2 0.5 1" 2.6 1.2 1" 9.3 4.2 ROUND HEAD MACHINE SCREWS Concrete Inserts 0.5 ⁄4" ⁄" 58 Part Number Weight/C Size x 1 2 ⁄4" 8.4 3.8 ⁄8" x 21⁄2" 9.2 4.2 HRMS025050EG 14 x 12 1.0 0.5 1 ⁄2" x 15 ⁄16" 9.1 4.1 HRMS025075EG 14 x 34 ⁄" 1.2 0.5 HHCS050119EG 1 ⁄2" x 13⁄16" 10.2 4.6 HRMS025100EG 14 x 1" 1.5 0.7 HHCS050150EG 1 ⁄2" x 11⁄2" 11.6 5.3 HRMS031100EG 5 16 ⁄ " x 1" 2.6 1.2 HHCS050175EG 1 ⁄2" x 13⁄4" 13.1 5.9 HRMS031125EG 5 16 ⁄ " x 11⁄4" 3.0 1.4 HHCS050200EG 1 ⁄2" x 2" 14.6 6.6 HRMS037100EG 38 x 1" 4.1 1.9 HHCS050225EG 1 ⁄2" x 21⁄4" 16.0 7.3 HRMS037125EG 38 x 11⁄4" 4.7 2.1 HHCS050250EG 1 ⁄2" x 21⁄2" 17.5 7.9 HRMS037150EG 38 x 11⁄2" 5.3 2.4 Lbs ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" 11⁄4" Framing System 1.0 1 x ⁄" kg System ⁄16" HHCS025044EG ⁄" ⁄ Framing kg 14 13 16" Lbs HFMS025062EG kg Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Weight/C Size Lbs Index Part Number Weight/C Size Electrical Fittings Part Number Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware HEX HEAD CAP SCREWS 75 HARDWARE HEX SLOTTED MACHINE SCREWS CONE POINT SET SCREWS Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL General Fittings Part Number Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Part Number Weight/C Size HSHS025050EG 14 HSHS025062EG 14 Lbs kg HCSS025100EG 14 ⁄" 1.3 x 1⁄" 3.9 1.8 38 x 11⁄2" 4.5 2.0 x 2" 6.1 2.8 x 1.4 0.6 HCSS031150EG x 58 1.5 0.7 HCSS037150EG HSHS025075EG 14 ⁄" x 34 HSHS031100EG 5 16 x HSHS031125EG 5 16 x 1⁄" 3.0 HSHS031150EG 5 16 x 11⁄2" 3.4 HSHS037125EG 38 ⁄" ⁄ " ⁄ " ⁄ " ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" ⁄ " ⁄" 1" kg 2.8 5 16 x Lbs 12 12 ⁄" Weight/C Size ⁄" 1.7 0.8 HCSS037200EG 38 1" 2.6 1.2 HCSS050150EG 12 x 11⁄2" 8.5 3.9 1.4 HCSS050200EG 12 x 2" 11.4 5.2 1.5 HCSS062150EG 58 x 11⁄2" 14.5 6.6 HCSS062200EG 58 x 2" 23.0 10.4 14 14 x 1⁄" 5.3 2.4 ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" HEXAGON NUTS 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts SQUARE NUTS Part Number Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass HSQN025EG 76 Size 14 ⁄" Weight/C Lbs kg 0.9 0.4 Part Number Size Weight/C Lbs kg HHXN025EG 14 ⁄" 0.6 0.3 1.2 0.5 HSQN031EG 5 16 1.6 0.7 HHXN031EG 5 16 HSQN037EG 38 2.7 1.2 HHXN037EG 38 1.6 0.7 4.8 2.2 ⁄ " ⁄" ⁄ " ⁄" HSQN050EG 12 5.8 2.6 HHXN050EG 12 HSQN062EG 58 10.7 4.9 HHXN062EG 58 7.3 3.3 ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" HSQN087EG 78 ⁄" 24.9 11.3 HHXN087EG 78 ⁄" 19.0 8.6 HSQN100EG 1" 36.3 16.5 HHXN100EG 1" 28.3 12.8 HARDWARE FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5/8" Channels LOCK WASHERS Nuts & Hardware FLAT WASHERS Weight/C 0.8 0.4 HFLW031EG 5 16 1.0 HFLW037EG 38 HFLW050EG Weight/C Lbs kg HLKW025EG 1 ⁄4" 0.25 0.1 0.5 HLKW031EG 5 ⁄16" 0.41 0.2 1.5 0.7 HLKW037EG 3 ⁄8" 0.63 0.3 12 3.5 1.6 HLKW050EG 1 ⁄2" 1.32 0.6 HFLW062EG 58 7.7 3.5 HLKW062EG 5 ⁄8" 2.20 1.0 HFLW075EG 34 11.0 5.0 HLKW075EG 3 ⁄4" 3.80 1.7 HFLW087EG 78 ⁄" 15.3 6.9 HLKW087EG 7 ⁄8" 6.0 2.7 HFLW100EG 1" 18.8 8.5 HLKW100EG 1" 8.8 4.0 ⁄ " ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" RIVET P9010 3 ⁄4" (19.1) General Fittings ⁄" Size GRAVITY PIN P9209 1 ⁄4" 2 3⁄8" (6.4) (60.3) 1 7 ⁄8 " Concrete Inserts HFLW025EG 14 Part Number Pipe/Conduit Supports kg Electrical Fittings Lbs 1 ⁄2" (47.6) 11⁄4" Framing System Size (12.7) 2 1⁄8" (54.0) 17⁄32" 13 16" ⁄ Framing (13.5) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass P9000, or P1000H3 System Part Number Index P9200 For use with P9000, P9200 & P1000 H3 For use with P9000, P9200 & P1000 H3. Wt/C 10.0 Lbs (4.5 kg). Wt/C 10.0 Lbs (4.5 kg) 77 HARDWARE STEEL THREADED ROD Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Thread per Inch Size Weight/C Ft. Lbs kg HTHR025 14 ⁄" 20 13 5.9 HTHR031 5 16 18 20 9.1 HTHR037 38 ⁄" 16 30 13.6 HTHR044 7 16 14 30 13.6 HTHR050 12 13 53 24.0 HTHR062 58 11 84 38.1 HTHR075 34 10 124 56.2 HTHR087 78 ⁄" 9 170 77.1 HTHR100 1" 8 223 101.2 ⁄ " ⁄ " ⁄" ⁄" ⁄" Load Carrying Capacity of Threaded Hot Rolled Steel Conforming to ASTM A575 and A576 Nominal Diameter 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Part Number Framing System 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Index Maximum Safe Load at 650°F (343°C) In In2 mm2 Lbs kN 38 0.068 0.126 0.202 0.302 0.419 0.552 0.693 0.889 1.053 1.293 1.515 1.714 2.048 2.292 43.9 81.3 130.3 194.8 270.3 356.1 447.1 573.5 679.4 834.2 977.4 1105.8 1321.3 1478.7 610 1,130 1,810 2,710 3,770 4,960 6,230 8,000 9,470 11,630 13,630 15,690 18,430 20,690 2.7 5.0 8.0 12.0 16.8 22.1 27.7 35.6 42.1 51.7 60.6 69.8 82.0 92.0 ⁄ 1⁄2 5⁄8 3⁄4 7⁄8 1 11⁄8 11⁄4 13⁄8 11⁄2 15⁄8 13⁄4 17⁄8 2 78 Root Area "Extracted from American Standard Code for pressure piping (ASA B31.1-1973, with permission of the publisher, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center, 345 E. 47th Street, New York, New York)." HARDWARE FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Lbs kg HRCN025 1 ⁄4" - 20 7 ⁄8" 1.9 0.9 HRCN031 5 ⁄16" - 18 13⁄4" 7.5 3.4 HRCN037 3 ⁄8" - 16 13⁄4" 9.0 4.1 HRCN044 7 ⁄16" - 14 13⁄4" 10.4 4.7 HRCN050 1 ⁄2" - 13 13⁄4" 10.0 4.5 HRCN062 5 ⁄8" - 11 21⁄8" 18.0 8.2 HRCN075 3 ⁄4" - 10 21⁄4" 28.0 12.7 HRCN087 7 ⁄8" - 9 21⁄2" 55.0 25.0 HRCN100 1" - 8 23⁄4" 73.0 33.1 General Fittings Weight/C Length Pipe/Conduit Supports Size/Thread CRADLE CLIP P2485 Concrete Inserts P2485 Cradle Clip P1000 Channel Lateral Brace P1000T Channel Stiffener P1000 Channel Transverse Brace L L 11⁄4" Framing System Threaded Rod 1 1⁄4" P3008 Nut (31.8) 3 ⁄8" x 1" Hex Head Cap Screw P1546 13 16" Refer to seismic bracing systems catalog. ⁄ Framing Cradle clip only, order other items seperately. Wt/C 3.0 Lbs (1.4 kg) System Cradle Clip Electrical Fittings Part Number Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels STEEL COUPLER NUTS Root Area Root Diameter Radius of Gyration 50% 4,500 PSI 31,026 kPa 75% 6,750 PSI 16,540 kPa 100% 9,000 PSI 62,053 kPa In In2 mm2 In mm In mm Lbs kN In mm In mm In mm 38 0.068 0.126 0.202 0.302 0.419 0.552 43.87 81.29 130.3 194.8 270.3 356.1 0.314 0.425 0.536 0.652 0.730 0.838 7.98 10.80 13.61 16.56 18.54 21.29 0.0785 0.1063 0.1341 0.1630 0.183 0.210 1.99 2.70 3.41 4.14 4.65 5.33 610 1130 1810 2710 3770 4960 2.7 5.0 8.1 12.1 16.8 22.1 14 20 24 30 35 40 356 508 610 762 889 1016 12 16 20 24 28 33 305 406 508 610 711 838 10 14 16 20 25 28 254 356 406 508 635 711 ⁄ ⁄ 5⁄8 3⁄4 7⁄8 1 12 79 Index Rod Size Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Clip Spacing (L) Rod Stress at Max. Allowable Rod Compression @ 100% GENERAL FITTINGS Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Page Flat Plate Fittings 82 Ninety Degree Fittings 86 Angular Fittings 93 “Z” Shape Fittings 94 “U” Shape Fittings 96 Wing Shape Fittings 101 Post Bases Brackets and Braces Beam Clamps Trolleys Special Application Fittings Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts End Caps Partition and Display Fittings 105 106 112 122 124 126 127 MATERIAL Fittings, unless noted, are made from hot-rolled, pickled and oiled steel plates, strip or coil, and conform to ASTM specifications A575, A576, A635, or A36. The fitting steel also meets the physical requirements of ASTM A570 GR 33. The pickling of the steel produces a smooth surface free from scale. Many fittings are also available in stainless steel, aluminum and fiberglass. Consult factory for ordering information. FINISHES Fittings are available in: PermaGreen II (GR), electro-galvanized 80 (EG), conforming to ASTM B633 Type III SC1; Hot-dipped galvanized (HG), conforming to ASTM A123 or A153 and plain (PL). APPLICATION All parts drawings illustrate only one application of each fitting. In most cases many other applications are possible. The channels shown in the illustrations are P1000, 15⁄8" square, except where noted otherwise. All 9⁄16" diameter holes use 1 ⁄2" x 15⁄16" hex head cap screws and 1⁄2" nuts – P1010, P4010 or P5510 – depending on the channel used. Nuts and bolts are not included with the fitting and must be ordered separately. DESIGN BOLT TORQUE BOLT SIZE FOOT LBS. N.m 1⁄4" 20 5 ⁄8" 5⁄16" 18 3⁄8" 16 1⁄2" 13 11 3⁄4" 10 6 11 19 50 100 125 8 15 25 70 135 170 DIMENSIONS Imperial dimensions are illustrated in inches. Metric dimensions are shown in parenthesis or as noted. Unless noted, all metric dimensions are in millimeters and rounded to one decimal place. DESIGN LOAD Design load data, where shown, is based on the ultimate strength of the connection with a safety factor of 2.5, unless otherwise noted. DESIGN LOAD DATA 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL DESIGN LOAD DATA FOR TYPICAL UNISTRUT CHANNEL CONNECTIONS P1026 General Fittings P1325 P2235 P1026 P1458 P1579 P1346 Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 12 ga. 1500 6.7 1000 4.4 2000 8.9 1500 14 ga. 1000 4.4 650 2.9 2000 8.9 16 ga. 750 3.3 500 2.2 1500 6.7 Lbs kN 6.7 2000 8.9 1000 4.4 1500 6.7 1000 4.4 900 4.0 90o Fittings (When used in position shown) LOAD LOAD Flat Plate Fittings LOAD LOAD Concrete Inserts LOAD Pipe/Conduit Supports Channel Thickness LOAD LOAD Electrical Fittings LOAD LOAD Nuts & Hardware 90o Fittings (When used in position shown) P1326 P1346 P1065 kN Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 12 ga. 3000 13.3 500 2.2 500 2.2 1200 5.3 1000 4.4 14 ga. 2000 8.9 500 2.2 500 2.2 1200 5.3 800 3.6 16 ga. 1500 6.7 500 2.2 500 2.2 1000 4.4 600 2.7 13 16" Lbs Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Both ends of beams supported. System P1068 ⁄ Framing P2484 11⁄4" Framing System LOAD Channel Thickness Load diagrams indicate up to three design loads, one for 12 gage sections (P1000), one for 14 gage sections (P1100), and one for 16 gage sections (P2000). Load data is based on P1010 nut and 1⁄2" bolt. Index Safety factor = 21⁄2 based on ultimate strength of connection. 81 FLAT PLATE FITTINGS P1959 P1960 P1961 (41.3) 1 1⁄2" 1 3⁄8" (38.1) (34.9) Tapped Hole Part Number General Fittings P1062 P1063 P1064 P1964 P2471 P2490 Bolt Size Hole Size Weight/C Lbs kg 5 16 11 32 38 7 16 18 18 17 16 15 14 ⁄ " ⁄" 1⁄2 " 5⁄8 " 3 ⁄4" 7⁄8 " ⁄ " ⁄ " 9⁄16" 11⁄16" 13 ⁄16" 15⁄16" P2862 P2863 P2864 Material: 3⁄8" (9.5) thick. 8.2 8.2 7.7 7.3 6.8 6.4 Part Number P1959 P1960 P1961 U.S. Std. Thd Size Weight/C Lbs kg 38 ⁄ "-16 ⁄ "-13 5⁄8"-11 12 21 20 19 P1065 3 1⁄2" 5 1 ⁄ 8" (88.9) (41.3) Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports 1 5⁄ 8" P1062, P1063, P1064, P1964, P2471, P2490 Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Part Number P2862 P2863 P2864 Bolt Size 5 ⁄ " ⁄" 1 ⁄2" Hole Size Weight/C Lbs kg 11 18 18 17 ⁄ " ⁄ " 9 ⁄16" 16 38 32 7 16 8.2 8.2 7.7 P1924 Wt/C 38 Lbs (17.2 kg) P2325 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 3 1⁄4" Framing System (82.6) 5 1⁄4" 13⁄16" (133.4) 3 5⁄8" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (92.1) Index Wt/C 35 Lbs (15.9 kg) 82 Wt/C 55 Lbs (24.9 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16 " (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm 9.5 9.1 8.6 FLAT PLATE FITTINGS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1066 1 5/8" Channels P2324 5 3⁄8" (136.5) Nuts & Hardware 7 1⁄8" (181.0) 3 5⁄8" General Fittings (92.1) Wt/C 75 Lbs (34.0 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports P1925 Wt/C 56 Lbs (25.4 kg) P1067 4 7⁄8" (123.8) 7 1⁄4" Electrical Fittings (184.2) 1 5⁄ 8" Concrete Inserts (41.3) 1 5⁄ 8" (41.3) Wt/C 78 Lbs (35.4 kg) P2079 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 50 Lbs (22.7 kg) P1941 (82.6) 9 1⁄8" (231.8) 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" ⁄ Framing (88.9) 3 1⁄4" System 3 1⁄2" Wt/C 94 Lbs (42.6 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16 " Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Index Wt/C 73 Lbs (33.1 kg) ⁄" 6.4 mm 83 FLAT PLATE FITTINGS P1380 A P1036 1 3 ⁄2" (88.9) 5 3⁄8" (136.5) 3 1⁄2" Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL (88.9) 3 1⁄2" General Fittings (88.9) Wt/C 80 Lbs (36.3 kg) P1334 P1380 3 1⁄2" 5 3⁄8" (88.9) (136.5) Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 58 Lbs (26.3 kg) 3 1⁄2" 3 1⁄2" (88.9) Concrete Inserts (88.9) Wt/C 105 Lbs (47.6 kg) P1873 P1031 3 5 ⁄8" 5 3⁄8" (136.5) (136.5) Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 70 Lbs (31.8 kg) 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 3 5 ⁄8" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" (136.5) Index Wt/C 150 Lbs (68.0 kg) 84 Wt/C 80 Lbs (36.3 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16 " (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm FLAT PLATE FITTINGS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1356 1 5/8" Channels P1028 5 3⁄8" (136.5) 3 1⁄2" 5 3⁄8" (88.9) Nuts & Hardware (136.5) General Fittings 3 1⁄2" (88.9) Wt/C 70 Lbs (31.8 kg) P1358 Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 105 Lbs (47.6 kg) P1726 5 3⁄8" (136.5) 5 3⁄8" 3 1⁄2" 5 3⁄8" (88.9) (136.5) P1953 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 148 Lbs (67.1 kg) P1950 9 1⁄8" (231.8) 1 9 ⁄8" (231.8) ⁄ Framing 3 1⁄2" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" (88.9) 5 3⁄8" (136.5) Wt/C 240 Lbs (108.9 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16 " Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Index Wt/C 176 Lbs (79.8 kg) System Wt/C 105 Lbs (47.6 kg) Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings (136.5) ⁄" 6.4 mm 85 NINETY DEGREE ANGLE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1026 P1723 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Tapped 5⁄16" - 18 Thd. 2" Nuts & Hardware (50.8) 1 7⁄8" (47.6) 1 7⁄8" (47.6) General Fittings 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 38 Lbs (17.2 kg) Wt/C 34 Lbs (15.4 kg) P1068 P1281 P1282 P1283 A 1 5⁄8" Electrical Fittings (47.6) 2 1⁄ 4" (57.2) Concrete Inserts Part Number "A" Dimension In mm P1281 P1282 P1283 Wt/C 38 Lbs (17.2 kg) 11⁄4" Framing System 1 7⁄8" (41.3) P2626 3 31⁄2 4 76.2 88.9 101.6 Weight/C Lbs kg 49 54 61 22.2 24.5 27.7 P1315 3 ⁄4" Framing System (19.1) 2 1⁄8" 1 ⁄2"- 13 Stud 13⁄16" (54.0) 2 1⁄8" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (54.0) 1 7⁄8" (47.6) Index Wt/C 40 Lbs (18.1 kg) 86 1 7⁄8" (47.6) Wt/C 45 Lbs (20.4 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16 " (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm NINETY DEGREE ANGLE FITTINGS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5⁄8" A (41.3) 1 5/8" Channels P1750 P1538 A thru P1538 D 2 5⁄8" (66.7) Nuts & Hardware 1 1⁄2" (38.1) 1 7⁄8" (47.6) 37⁄8 57⁄8 77⁄8 97⁄8 P1538 A P1538 B P1538 C P1538 D Weight/C Lbs kg 98.4 149.2 200.0 250.8 61 84 107 130 1 5⁄16" General Fittings "A" Dimension In mm (33.3) 27.7 38.1 48.5 59.0 Wt/C 38 Lbs (17.2 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports Part Number P1747 P1498 P1499 2 5⁄8" A (66.7) 3 7⁄8" (98.4) 1 1⁄2" (38.1) (63.5) Electrical Fittings 2 1⁄2" B 1 7⁄8" 1 5⁄16" (47.6) In "A" mm "B" P1498 P1499 47⁄8 67⁄8 123.8 174.6 In 21⁄2 41⁄2 mm 63.5 114.3 Weight/C Lbs kg 65 85 29.5 38.6 P1458 Wt/C 66 Lbs (29.9 kg) 11⁄4" Framing System Part Number Concrete Inserts (33.3) P1326 3 1⁄2" 4 1 ⁄8 " (57.2) (104.8) 1 7⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" (36.5) System 2 1⁄4" ⁄ Framing (88.9) Wt/C 58 Lbs (26.3 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16 " Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Index Wt/C 58 Lbs (26.3 kg) ⁄" 6.4 mm 87 NINETY DEGREE ANGLE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1346 P1325 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 7 1 ⁄8" (47.6) Nuts & Hardware 4 1⁄8" (104.8) 3 7⁄8" 1 7⁄16" (36.5) General Fittings (98.4) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 58 Lbs (26.3 kg) Wt/C 78 Lbs (35.4 kg) P1822 P1823 3 1 ⁄4 " 1 7⁄8" 3 1⁄4" (47.6) 1 5⁄8" (82.6) 1 7⁄8" (82.6) 1 5⁄8" (41.3) (47.6) 2" Electrical Fittings (41.3) (50.8) 2" Concrete Inserts (50.8) Wt/C 55 Lbs (24.9 kg) P1821 P1934 3 1⁄4" (82.6) 2" 1 5⁄8" (41.3) (50.8) 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 55 Lbs (24.9 kg) 2 1⁄4" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (57.2) 1 5⁄8" 1 5⁄8" (41.3) (41.3) 7 4 ⁄8" (123.8) Index Wt/C 71 Lbs (32.2 kg) 88 Wt/C 75 Lbs (34.0 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16 " (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm NINETY DEGREE ANGLE FITTINGS P1033 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1037 2" Nuts & Hardware (50.8) 5 3⁄8" (136.5) 2" 3 1⁄2" General Fittings (50.8) (88.9) Wt/C 58 Lbs (26.3 kg) P1038 Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 80 Lbs (36.3 kg) P1034 3 1⁄2" 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 2" 3 1⁄2" (50.8) (88.9) Wt/C 80 Lbs (36.3 kg) P1035 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 58 Lbs (26.3 kg) P1029 2" (50.8) 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 3 1⁄2" 2" 5 3⁄8" 3 1⁄2" (50.8) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" ⁄ Framing (88.9) (136.5) (88.9) Wt/C 105 Lbs (47.6 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16 " Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Index Wt/C 80 Lbs (36.3 kg) System 2" (50.8) Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings (88.9) ⁄" 6.4 mm 89 NINETY DEGREE ANGLE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1357 P1359 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 5 1 ⁄8" (41.3) 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 3 1⁄2" Nuts & Hardware (88.9) 2 1⁄4" 4 1⁄8" (57.2) General Fittings (104.8) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 70 Lbs (31.8 kg) Wt/C 105 Lbs (47.6 kg) P1382 P1381 4 1⁄8" 4 1⁄8" 5 1 ⁄8" (41.3) 1 5⁄8" (104.8) (104.8) (41.3) 1 7⁄16" 1 7⁄16" (36.5) Electrical Fittings (36.5) 3 1⁄2" 3 1⁄2" Concrete Inserts (88.9) (88.9) Wt/C 105 Lbs (47.6 kg) P1290 P1291 1 7⁄8" 1 (47.6) 7⁄8" (47.6) Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 105 Lbs (47.6 kg) 3 7⁄8" 3 7⁄8" (98.4) 13⁄16" (98.4) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 3 1⁄2" 3 1⁄2" (88.9) (88.9) Index Wt/C 101 Lbs (45.8 kg) 90 Wt/C 101 Lbs (45.8 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16 " (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm NINETY DEGREE ANGLE FITTINGS P1579 P1727 1 7⁄8" 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 3 7⁄8" (47.6) (98.4) 1 3⁄16" (30.2) 1 3 ⁄2" 3 1⁄ 2" (88.9) Nuts & Hardware (88.9) 2 1⁄ 4" (57.2) 5 3⁄8" General Fittings (136.5) Wt/C 154 Lbs (69.9 kg) P1728 Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 103 Lbs (46.7 kg) P2235 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 5 3⁄8" 3 1⁄2" 3 1⁄2" (88.9) (88.9) (136.5) (104.8) Electrical Fittings 4 1⁄8" 4 1⁄8" 1 7⁄16" (104.8) Concrete Inserts (36.5) Wt/C 135 Lbs (61.2 kg) 1 1⁄2" 3 3⁄4" 3 ⁄2" (38.1) (95.3) (88.9) B ⁄2" (12.7) 1 ⁄2" (12.7) 1 1 7⁄8" (63.5) 3 1⁄ 2" (88.9) Wt/C 97 Lbs (44.0 kg) A 1⁄2" (38.1) (47.6) 2 1⁄2" 13 16" 1 Part Number In "A" mm In "B" mm P1130 P1131 65⁄8 85⁄8 168.3 219.1 4 6 101.6 152.4 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16 " Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Weight/C Lbs kg 190 242 86.2 109.8 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (57.2) 1 System 2 1⁄4" ⁄ Framing P1130 P1131 Index P1713 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 154 Lbs (69.9 kg) ⁄" 6.4 mm 91 NINETY DEGREE ANGLE FITTINGS P1956 Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1957 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 5 3⁄8" 5 3⁄8" (136.5) (136.5) 13 13 (20.6) (20.6) ⁄16" 1 4 ⁄8" ⁄16" (104.8) General Fittings 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 1 7⁄16" 1 7⁄16" (36.5) (36.5) 4 1⁄8" Continuous Weld Continuous Weld Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports (104.8) Wt/C 230 Lbs (104.3 kg) Wt/C 230 Lbs (104.3 kg) P2484 W Concrete Inserts P2484 4" 4" 11⁄4" Framing System (101.6) 13 (101.6) 13 ⁄16" (20.6) 1 9⁄16" 4" ⁄16" (20.6) 1 9⁄16" (39.7) (39.7) (101.6) 7 ⁄ 8" 7 ⁄8" (22.2) Framing System (22.2) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Continuous Weld Index Wt/C 134 Lbs (60.8 kg) 92 4" (101.6) Wt/C 134 Lbs (60.8 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16 " (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm ANGULAR FITTINGS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5/8" Channels P1546, P2094 thru P2100 1 1⁄16" (27.0) A B C 821⁄2o 75o 671⁄2o 60o 521⁄2o 45o 371⁄2o 371⁄2o .46 .42 .38 .33 .29 .25 .21 .21 39⁄16 39⁄16 31⁄2 33⁄8 31⁄4 3 31⁄2 211⁄16 90.5 90.5 88.9 85.7 82.6 76.2 88.9 68.3 In mm 111⁄16 111⁄16 13⁄4 17⁄8 21⁄16 25⁄16 113⁄16 25⁄8 42.9 42.9 44.5 47.6 52.4 58.7 46.0 66.7 Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 58 Lbs (26.3 kg) P2094 P2095 P2096 P2097 P2098 P1546 P2099 P2100 "C" mm Electrical Fittings P2101 thru P2104 1 1⁄16" (27.0) A 1 1⁄16" 2 1⁄16" (27.0) (52.4) P2101 P2102 P2103 P2104 "A" Degree "B" In mm .17 .13 .08 .04 31⁄4 35⁄16 35⁄16 35⁄16 82.6 84.1 84.1 84.1 "A" Degree rad In mm 821⁄2o 75o 671⁄2o 60o 521⁄2o 45o 371⁄2o .46 .42 .38 .33 .29 .25 .21 33⁄16 33⁄16 31⁄8 31⁄8 31⁄16 31⁄8 3 81.0 81.0 79.4 79.4 77.8 79.4 76.2 30o 221⁄2o 15o 71⁄2o rad 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 58 Lbs (26.3 kg) Part Number Concrete Inserts B ⁄ Framing P1186, P2105 thru P2110 B (63.5) Wt/C 58 Lbs (26.3 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16 " Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 13 16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 2 1⁄2" P2105 P2106 P2107 P2108 P2109 P1186 P2110 "B" Index Part Number A System (27.0) "B" In Nuts & Hardware 1 ⁄16" "A" Degree rad General Fittings 1 Part Number ⁄" 6.4 mm 93 "Z" SHAPE FITTINGS P1045 P1347 Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 1 1⁄16" 2 1⁄8" General Fittings (27.0) (41.3) (41.3) Wt/C 55 Lbs (24.9 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports 1 5⁄8" 1 5⁄8" (54.0) Wt/C 55 Lbs (24.9 kg) P1453 P1454 P1001 P5000 1 Splice ⁄4" Electrical Fittings (6.4) Offset 3 1⁄4" Concrete Inserts (82.6) 3 15 32 " 1 7⁄8" (88.1) (47.6) Wt/C 38 Lbs (17.2 kg) P1479 A thru P1479 E P1730 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 1 5⁄8" 1 5⁄8" (41.3) (41.3) 1 7⁄8" (47.6) Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 70 Lbs (31.8 kg) 13⁄16" A Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Part Number P1479 A P1479 B P1479 C P1479 D P1479 E "A" Dimension In mm 4 5 6 7 8 101.6 127.0 152.4 177.8 203.2 Weight/C Lbs kg 81 92 104 115 127 36.7 41.7 47.2 52.2 57.6 Tapped 5 ⁄16" - 18 Thd. Index Wt/C 54 Lbs (24.5 kg) 94 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16 " (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm "Z" SHAPE FITTINGS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1736 1 5⁄8" 1 5⁄8" (41.3) (41.3) 1 7⁄8" 3 1⁄2" 3 1⁄2" (88.9) (88.9) 1 7⁄8" 1 5/8" Channels P1734 (47.6) 1 7⁄8" 1 7⁄8" Nuts & Hardware (47.6 ) (47.6) General Fittings Tapped 5 ⁄16" - 18 Thd. Wt/C 70 Lbs (31.8 kg) P2360 Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 70 Lbs (31.8 Kg) P5560 13 13 ⁄16" ⁄16" (20.6) (20.6) 9 9 ⁄32" (7.1) Hole 1 ⁄8" (3.2) Thick 1 ⁄32" (7.1) Hole ⁄8" (3.2) Thick Concrete Inserts P1000 P1100 P2000 Electrical Fittings (47.6) P5500 Wt/C 11 Lbs (5.0 kg) 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 9 Lbs (4.1 kg) P3345 P3045 P3000 P3300 7 1 1⁄16" 1 1⁄16" ⁄ Framing (34.9) ⁄8" (22.2) 13 16" (27.0) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (27.0) 3 3⁄4" 3 3⁄4" (95.3) (95.3) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16 " Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Index Wt/C 47 Lbs (21.3 kg) Wt/C 53 Lbs (24.0 kg) System 1 3⁄8" ⁄" 6.4 mm 95 "Z" & "U" SHAPE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P5545 P4045 P5500 P4000 P4100 2 7⁄16" Nuts & Hardware (61.9) 13 1 1⁄16" ⁄16" (20.6) (27.0) 1 1⁄16" (27.0) General Fittings 3 3⁄4" 3 3⁄4" (95.3) (95.3) Wt/C 67 Lbs (30.4 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 47 Lbs (21.3 kg) P2469 P1001A3 (shown) or P5501 P1320 1 7⁄8" Electrical Fittings (47.6) 1 ⁄2" - 13 Thd. 3 ⁄4" 4 7⁄8" (19.1) (123.8) Concrete Inserts 2 5⁄32" 1 1⁄16" (54.8) 1 2 ⁄8" (27.0) (54.0) Wt/C 63 Lbs (28.6 kg) P1363 A thru P1363 E 1 7⁄8" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 93 Lbs (42.2 kg) (47.6) 13⁄16" Part Number Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass A 96 P1363 A P1363 B P1363 C P1363 D P1363 E "A" Dimension In mm 4 5 6 7 8 101.6 127.0 152.4 177.8 203.2 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16 " (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm Weight/C Lbs kg 78 89 101 112 124 35.4 40.4 45.8 50.8 56.2 "U" SHAPE FITTINGS P1376 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P4376 Nuts & Hardware P3300 P4000 P4100 5 3⁄8" 3 1⁄2" (136.5) General Fittings (88.9) Wt/C 128 Lbs (58.1 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 85 Lbs (38.6 kg) P4376 A P1376 A Electrical Fittings P3300 P4000 P4100 5 3⁄8" (136.5) 5 3⁄8" Concrete Inserts (136.5) P4377 P3300 P4000 P4100 7 1⁄4" ⁄ Framing P1377 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 130 Lbs (59.0 kg) 7 1⁄4" (184.2) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" (184.2) System Wt/C 197 Lbs (89.4 kg) Wt/C 265 Lbs (120.2 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16 " Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Index Wt/C 176 Lbs (79.8 kg) ⁄" 6.4 mm 97 "U" SHAPE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P3047 P1047 5 3⁄8" (136.5) 5 3⁄8" (136.5) 1 5⁄8" Nuts & Hardware 1 21 32 1 3⁄8" (41.3) " (34.9) 21 1 (42.1) 32 " General Fittings (42.1) P3000 Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 88 Lbs (39.9 kg) Wt/C 84 Lbs (38.1 kg) P4047 P5547 5 3⁄8" 5 3 ⁄8 " (136.5) (136.5) 1 21 32 1 " (42.1) Electrical Fittings 13 32 2 7⁄16" (61.9) " (42.1) ⁄16" (20.6) Concrete Inserts P3300 P4000 P4100 P5500 Wt/C 108 Lbs (49.0 kg) Wt/C 71 Lbs (32.2 kg) 11⁄4" Framing System 21 P1455 1 ⁄4" (6.4) Plate 1 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System ⁄4" (6.4) Offset 5 5⁄16" (134.9) Index Wt/C 58 Lbs (26.3 kg) 98 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16 " (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm "U" SHAPE FITTINGS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5/8" Channels P1048 P1049 P1050 A (41.3) 1 1⁄2" In "A" mm P1048 P1049 P1050 71⁄4 81⁄2 103⁄8 "B" In mm 41⁄8 104.8 53⁄8 136.5 71⁄4 184.2 184.2 215.9 263.5 Weight/C Lbs kg 105 120 130 47.6 54.4 59.0 (38.1) P1383 P1732 Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings B Part Number Nuts & Hardware 1 5⁄8" 5 3⁄8" 5 3⁄8" (136.5) (136.5) 1 7⁄8" 1 2132 " 1 5⁄8" (47.6) (42.1) (41.3) Electrical Fittings 1 2132 " (42.1) Concrete Inserts Tapped 5 ⁄16" - 18 Thd. Wt/C 88 Lbs (39.9 kg) P5543 6 ⁄32" 32 " 1 7⁄8" 3 11⁄16" (47.6) (93.7) 1 ⁄8" 2 (41.3) 15 32 " ⁄ Framing (10.3) 5 11 (161.1) 13 (62.7) 1 11⁄16" 13 16" (42.9) All Holes 9⁄32" (7.1) Dia. ⁄4" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 3 (19.1) P5500 Material : 1⁄8" (3.2) thick. Wt/C 97 Lbs (44.0 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16 " Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Index Wt/C 18 Lbs (8.2 kg) System P2237 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 95 Lbs (43.1 kg) ⁄" 6.4 mm 99 "U" SHAPE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1043 A P1737 5 3⁄8" (136.5) 7" (177.8) 1 5⁄8" 3 9⁄32" (41.3) 1 2132 " (83.3) 3 1⁄4" (42.1) Nuts & Hardware (82.6) General Fittings P1001A 1 5⁄8" P1001(shown), P1101, P2001, P4004 or P5000 (41.3) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 105 Lbs (47.6 kg) P2473 Wt/C 128 Lbs (58.1 kg) P1001A3 (shown) or P5501 7" P4043 (177.8) 3 9⁄32" (83.3) 1 5 ⁄8 " Electrical Fittings (41.3) 4 7⁄8" Concrete Inserts (123.8) 1 7⁄8" P4004 (shown), P1001, P1101, P2001, or P5000 (47.6) Wt/C 106 Lbs (48.1 kg) P1044 P1973 13 1 7⁄8" P1001 (shown), P1101, P2001 or P4004 ⁄16" (20.6) (47.6) Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 197 Lbs (89.4 kg) 2 1⁄4" (57.2) 3 2532 " 13⁄16" (96.0) 1 1⁄16" (27.0) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 1 2132 " 1 5⁄8" 1 5⁄8 " (41.3) (41.3) (42.1) Index Wt/C 70 Lbs (31.8 kg) 100 Wt/C 53 Lbs (24.0 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16 " (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm "U" AND WING SHAPE FITTINGS P2326 3 P1000 (shown), P1100, P2000, P4001 or P4101 1⁄2" (88.9) P2328 P1001(shown), P1101, P2001, P4004 or P5000 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Nuts & Hardware 1 7⁄8" 1 7⁄ 8" (47.6) (47.6) 3 9⁄32" 32 (83.3) " (42.1) 7" 5 3⁄8" General Fittings 1 21 (177.8) (136.5) P2329 Wt/C 209 Lbs (94.8 kg) P1001(shown), P1101, P2001, P4004 or P5000 3 1⁄2" Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 171 Lbs (77.6 kg) P1046 A Electrical Fittings (88.9) 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 4 1⁄32" (102.4) 1 7⁄8" (47.6) " Concrete Inserts 32 1 5 64 " (27.4) (42.1) Wt/C 257 Lbs (116.6 kg) 11⁄4" Framing System P2472 R-L 1 7⁄8" 1 7⁄8" (47.6) 1 5⁄8" (42.9) 2" (41.3) (50.8) R-As shown L-Opposite hand 1 21 32 5 1 ⁄8" " R-As shown L-Opposite hand (41.3) (42.1) Wt/C 60 Lbs (27.2 kg) 13 16" 1 11⁄16" ⁄ Framing (47.6) Wt/C 75 Lbs (34.0 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16 " Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Index P2341 R-L Wt/C 76 Lbs (34.5 kg) ⁄" 6.4 mm 101 System 1 (136.5) 21 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 5 3⁄8" WING SHAPE FITTINGS P2343 R-L P2223 3 3⁄4" 1 7⁄8" (95.3) (47.6) Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 3 1⁄2" 2" (88.9) General Fittings (50.8) R-As shown L-Opposite hand P2224 Wt/C 76 Lbs (34.5 kg) P2225 1 7⁄8" 3 3⁄4" (47.6) Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 119 Lbs (54.0 kg) (95.3) 3 7⁄8" 3 7⁄ 8" (98.4) Concrete Inserts (98.4) 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 115 Lbs (52.2 kg) Wt/C 155 Lbs (70.3 kg) P2227 P2228 5 13 32 5 13 32 " (137.3) " (137.3) 1 7⁄8" (47.6) 1 7⁄8" Framing System (47.6) 3 7⁄ 8" 2" (98.4) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" (50.8) 1 21 32 " (42.1) 1 5⁄8" Index (41.3) (42.1) Wt/C 177 Lbs (80.3 kg) Wt/C 113 Lbs (51.3 kg) 102 1 5⁄8" 1 21 32 " (41.3) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16 " (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm WING SHAPE FITTINGS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 3 3⁄4" P2345 (95.3) 1 5/8" Channels P2229 5 13 32 " (137.3) 1 7⁄8" (47.6) Nuts & Hardware 3 7⁄8" (98.4) 2" (50.8) 5 13 32 " P2347 (137.3) 3 3⁄4" (95.3) 1 7⁄8" 9 5⁄32" (47.6) 3 7⁄8" 1 21 32 " 1 5⁄8" 1 5⁄8" (42.1) (41.3) Wt/C 150 Lbs (68.0 kg) Concrete Inserts (98.4) (98.4) (41.3) P2344 R-L 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 193 Lbs (87.5 kg) P2226 3 3⁄4" 3 3⁄4" (95.3) ⁄ Framing (95.3) 13 16" 3 7⁄8" (98.4) 3 7⁄8" System (42.1) Electrical Fittings (232.6) 3 7⁄8" 1 21 32 " Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 93 Lbs (42.2 kg) Wt/C 230 Lbs (104.3 kg) P2346 (41.3) (42.1) (41.3) (42.1) 1 5⁄8" 1 21 32 " 1 5⁄8" 1 21 32 " General Fittings 9 5⁄32" (232.6) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (98.4) R-As shown L-Opposite hand Wt/C 217 Lbs (98.4 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16 " Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Index Wt/C 176 Lbs (79.8 kg) ⁄" 6.4 mm 103 WING SHAPE FITTINGS P2230 3 3⁄4" (95.3) Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 3 7⁄8" General Fittings (98.4) 9 Ê" (232.6) 1 21 32 " Pipe/Conduit Supports (42.1) 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Wt/C 310 Lbs (140.6 kg) P2245 3 3⁄ 4" (95.3) 5 3⁄8" Electrical Fittings (136.5) 3 3⁄ 4" (95.3) Concrete Inserts Fitting notched for continuous vertical. P2348 3 3 ⁄4 " (95.3) 9 5⁄32" (232.6) Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 315 Lbs (142.9 kg) 3 7 ⁄8 " Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" (98.4) 1 21 32 " 1 5 ⁄8 " (42.1) (41.3) Index Wt/C 274 Lbs (124.3 kg) 104 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16 " (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm POST BASES FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1887 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Nuts & Hardware 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 1 5/8" Channels P2453 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 4 Holes 7 ⁄16" (11.1) Dia. 1 15⁄16" 5 ⁄8" 5" (15.9) (15.9) (127.0) 1 11⁄16" 3 1⁄8" (42.9) (79.4) 5" (127.0) Wt/C 297 Lbs (134.8 kg) Wt/C 116 Lbs (52.6 kg) P2072 P2072 A 4 Holes 3 ⁄4" (19.1) Dia. 6" 3" (41.3) (76.2) 3" 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 6" (152.4) (76.2) 3" 3" (76.2) (76.2) 1 ⁄4" (6.4) Concrete Inserts ⁄4" (6.4) Electrical Fittings (152.4) 1 5⁄8" 1 Pipe/Conduit Supports ⁄8" 6" (152.4) Wt/C 373 Lbs (169.2 kg) P2073 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 307 Lbs (139.3 kg) P2073 A P1001A 6" (152.4) (76.2) 3" (88.9) 6" (152.4) (76.2) ⁄ 4" 1 ⁄4" 3" 3" (76.2) (76.2) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (6.4) (6.4) 6" (152.4) Wt/C 325 Lbs (147.4 kg) Wt/C 408 Lbs (185.1 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16 " Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Index 1 3 1⁄2" 3" (41.3) ⁄ Framing 1 5⁄8" 4 Holes 3 ⁄4" (19.1) Dia. 13 16" P1001A System 5 General Fittings (49.2) ⁄" 6.4 mm 105 BRACKETS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1769 P1771 1 1⁄16" 1 3⁄16" 1 3⁄16" 1 1⁄16" (27.0) (30.2) (30.2) (27.0) 8 1⁄2" 10 1⁄2" 6 ⁄8" (215.9) (155.6) General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 (266.7) 1 3⁄16" (30.2) 5 1 ⁄8" Material:1⁄4" (6.4) thick steel. Part No. Gage P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 Uniform Design Load Lbs kN 800 600 400 P1773 Electrical Fittings Concrete Inserts Wt/C 206 Lbs (93.4 kg) 1 3⁄16" 3 1⁄4" 12 1⁄2" 3 1⁄4" 14 1⁄2" 3 3 ⁄4" (368.3) 1 3⁄16" 5 ⁄4" (146.1) 1 3⁄16" (30.2) 1 5⁄8" 2 ⁄2" (30.2) 2 1⁄2" 1 5⁄8" (63.5) (41.3) P1773, P1775 LOAD CHART Safety Factor 21⁄2 6" (152.4) Material:1⁄4" (6.4) thick steel. Wt/C 264 Lbs (119.7 kg) P1777 5 Vertical Channel Part No. Gage P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 ⁄16" (7.9) Thick Uniform Design Load Lbs kN 900 800 450 6" (152.4) 4.0 3.6 2.0 Material:1⁄4" (6.4) thick steel. Wt/C 295 Lbs (133.8 kg) 1 3⁄16" (30.2) 5 1⁄4" (133.4) P1777 LOAD CHART 3 1⁄8" (79.4) 16 1⁄2" Safety Factor 21⁄2 (419.1) 5 3⁄4" 13⁄16" (146.1) 1 3⁄16" (30.2) 2 1⁄2" Vertical Channel Part No. Gage P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 5 1 ⁄8" (63.5) (41.3) 6" (152.4) Material:1⁄4" (6.4) thick steel. Wt/C 385 Lbs (174.6 kg) Index NOTE When used for mechanical supports, load capacities of brackets and fittings should be in compliance with the American Standard Code for Pressure Piping. 106 (27.0) (79.4) 3 (41.3) 1 1 1⁄16" 3 1⁄8" (82.6) (317.5) (82.6) 3 1⁄8" (79.4) (63.5) 11⁄4" Framing System Material:1⁄4" (6.4) thick steel. (30.2) (30.2) (27.0) Framing System 3.6 2.7 1.8 ⁄16" (7.9) Thick P1775 (95.3) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 5 1 3⁄16" 1 1⁄16" (27.0) (101.6) (41.3) Vertical Channel Safety Factor 21⁄2 1 1⁄16" 4" 1 5⁄ 8" P1769, P1771 LOAD CHART (41.3) Wt/C 174 Lbs (78.9 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports (95.3) (30.2) 4" (111.1) 3 3⁄4" 1 3⁄16" (101.6) 4 3⁄8" Uniform Design Load Lbs kN 1200 900 600 5.3 4.0 2.7 BRACKETS (15.9) 2" A (50.8) I C I 1" (25.4) B 13 ⁄16" (20.6) 7 ⁄16" II 1 5⁄8" (11.1) Dia. (41.3) 9 ⁄32" (7.1) Dia. 2" (50.8) II III A 3" C (76.2) B C In mm In mm P2491 R-L P2492 R-L P2493 R-L P2494 R-L P2495 R-L P2496 R-L P2497 R-L P2498 R-L P2499 R-L P2500 R-L P2501 R-L P2502 R-L P2503 R-L 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 152.4 203.2 254.0 304.8 355.6 406.4 457.2 508.0 558.8 609.6 660.4 711.2 762.0 115⁄16 27⁄16 215⁄16 37⁄16 315⁄16 47⁄16 415⁄16 57⁄16 515⁄16 67⁄16 615⁄16 77⁄16 715⁄16 49.2 61.9 74.6 87.3 100.0 112.7 125.4 138.1 150.8 163.5 176.2 188.9 201.6 Weight/C In mm Lbs kg 3 5 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 511⁄16 65⁄16 7 76.2 127.0 177.8 76.2 101.6 127.0 152.4 177.8 203.2 127.0 144.5 160.3 177.8 67 92 120 152 173 223 266 308 355 400 445 493 545 30.4 41.7 54.4 68.9 78.5 101.2 120.7 139.7 161.0 181.4 201.8 223.6 247.2 Material : 12 Gage Steel. C B 5⁄8" A Part Number 1" (15.9) (25.4) Pipe/Conduit Supports 13 ⁄16" (20.6) 7 ⁄16" (11.1) Dia. 9 ⁄32" (7.1) Dia. 1 5⁄8" (41.3) ⁄8" A C (15.9) 3" B (76.2) Vertical Channel C 1" (25.4) Part No. Gage P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 13 ⁄16" (20.6) 9 ⁄32" (7.1) Dia. 7 ⁄16" (11.1) Dia. 1 5⁄8" (41.3) * Allowable moment for fitting only. Channel may determine overall capacity. P1075 4 ⁄4" Safety Factor - 21⁄2 * Allowable moment for fitting only. Channel may determine overall capacity. P15931 1 ⁄16" (27.0) 4 3 ⁄4 " (120.7) (120.7) 3" 4 5⁄8" (117.5) (76.2) Vertical Channel Material: 1⁄4" (6.4) thick steel. Wt/C 229 Lbs (103.9 kg) 13 16" P1000 P1100 P2000 P4001 5 7⁄8" (149.2) ⁄ Framing P1001 P1101 P5000 P2001 7 1 ⁄2 " (190.5) Part No. Gage P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 Allowable Moment* In-Lbs N•m 5100 4400 3200 Part No. Gage Allowable Moment* In-Lbs N•m P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 13000 1470 9100 1030 6500 730 Vertical Channel 576 500 360 Material: 1⁄4" (6.4) thick steel. Safety Factor - 21⁄2 Wt/C 272 Lbs (123.4 kg) Safety Factor - 21⁄2 NOTE Index (27.0) 3 Uniform Design Load Lbs kN 300 1.3 250 1.1 200 0.9 Concrete Inserts 3" (76.2) 5 Electrical Fittings R - As shown L - Opposite hand C 11⁄4" Framing System III When used for mechanical supports, load capacities of brackets and fittings should be in compliance with the American Standard Code for Pressure Piping. 107 System 2" (50.8) 1 1⁄16" Nuts & Hardware Illustration ⁄8" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 5 General Fittings P2491 R-L thru P2503 R-L 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL BRACKETS P2231 P2232 13 ⁄16" (20.6) 1 ⁄4" (6.4) Pipe/Conduit Supports Electrical Fittings Weight/C Vertical Channel Uniform Design Load Lbs kN In mm Lbs kg Part No. Gage P2231 6 152.4 191 86.6 P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 1600 1200 800 7.1 5.3 3.6 P2232 12 304.8 292 132.4 P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 800 600 400 3.6 2.7 1.8 A P2231 A P2232 A 13 ⁄16" (20.6) ⁄4" (6.4) Safety Factor 21⁄2 Part Number "A" Weight/C Lbs kg Part No. Gage P2231A 6 152.4 191 86.6 P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 1600 1200 800 7.1 5.3 3.6 P2232A 12 304.8 292 132.4 P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 800 600 400 3.6 2.7 1.8 A ⁄16" Safety Factor 21⁄2 (20.6) Part Number "A" Weight/C Lbs kg Part No. Gage P2233 18 457.2 436 197.8 P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 600 450 300 2.7 2.0 1.3 P2234 24 609.6 536 243.1 P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 450 330 220 2.0 1.5 1.0 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass A Index NOTE When used for mechanical supports, load capacities of brackets and fittings should be in compliance with the American Standard Code for Pressure Piping. 108 Uniform Design Load Lbs kN mm 5 3 ⁄8 " (136.5) Vertical Channel In ⁄4" (6.4) Uniform Design Load Lbs kN mm (88.9) P2233 P2234 13 Vertical Channel In 3 1⁄2" Concrete Inserts 11⁄4" Framing System "A" (88.9) 1 Framing System Part Number 3 ⁄2" 1 13⁄16" Safety Factor 21⁄2 1 General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL BRACKETS ⁄16" (20.6) Part Number "A" In Weight/C mm Lbs ⁄4" 5 3⁄8" Part No. Gage 12 14 16 600 450 300 2.7 2.0 1.3 12 14 16 450 330 220 2.0 1.5 1.0 P2233A 18 457.2 436 197.8 P1000 P1100 P2000 P2234A 24 609.6 536 243.1 P1000 P1100 P2000 General Fittings (136.5) Uniform Design Load Lbs kN kg 1 (6.4) Vertical Channel Nuts & Hardware Safety Factor 21⁄2 13 Part Number "A" Weight/C In mm Lbs kg P2513 6 152.4 161 73.0 P2514 12 304.8 261 118.4 P2515 18 457.2 361 163.7 P2516 24 609.6 461 209.1 1 ⁄4" (6.4) 3 3⁄4" (95.3) A When installed in inverted position use 60% of loads shown. Vertical Channel Uniform Design Load Lbs kN Part No. Gage P1000 P1100 P2000 P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 12 14 16 1200 800 600 600 400 300 5.3 3.6 2.7 2.7 1.8 1.3 P1000 P1100 P2000 P1000 P1100 12 14 16 12 14 400 270 200 300 200 1.8 1.2 0.9 1.3 0.9 Electrical Fittings Safety Factor 21⁄2 Concrete Inserts 2" (50.8) 11⁄4" Framing System P2513 thru P2516 Pipe/Conduit Supports A P2513 A thru P2516 A "A" Weight/C In mm Lbs kg P2513A 6 152.4 161 73.0 P2514A 12 304.8 261 118.4 P2515A 18 457.2 361 163.7 P2516A 24 609.6 461 209.1 ⁄4" (6.4) 3 3⁄4" (95.3) A When installed in inverted position use 60% of loads shown. Vertical Channel Part No. Gage P1000 P1100 P2000 P1000 P1100 P2000 P1000 P1100 P2000 P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 12 14 16 12 14 16 12 14 16 Uniform Design Load Lbs kN 1200 800 600 600 400 300 400 270 200 300 200 150 5.3 3.6 2.7 2.7 1.8 1.3 1.8 1.2 0.9 1.3 0.9 0.7 ⁄ Framing 1 Part Number 13 16" Safety Factor 21⁄2 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 2" (50.8) System P2233 A P2234 A 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Index NOTE When used for mechanical supports, load capacities of brackets and fittings should be in compliance with the American Standard Code for Pressure Piping. 109 BRACKETS AND BRACE FITTINGS P2542 thru P2546 2" (50.8) Safety Factor 21⁄2 Part Number "A" Dimension In mm Weight/C Lbs kg P2542 12 304.8 502 227.7 P2543 18 457.2 692 313.9 P2544 24 609.6 882 400.1 P2545 30 762.0 1072 486.3 P2546 36 914.4 1262 572.4 Vertical Channel Part No. Gage P1000 P1100 P2000 P1000 P1100 P2000 P1000 P1100 P2000 P1000 P1100 P2000 P1000 P1100 P2000 12 14 16 12 14 16 12 14 16 12 14 16 12 14 16 13 ⁄16" (20.6) Nuts & Hardware A 6 1⁄4" General Fittings (158.8) 3 ⁄8" P1001 11/2' 1' 2' 21/2' 3' 8.9 6.2 4.4 5.8 4.0 2.9 4.4 3.1 2.2 3.6 2.5 1.8 2.9 2.0 1.4 TUBULAR KNEE BRACES -1 8 /2' ⁄16" (20.6) Concrete Inserts 1 17 32 " (38.9) 1" (25.4) P2452 17 4 58 -2 0 6 -3 58 24 24 58 24 11/2' 2' 21/2' Part Number (41.3) Design Loads Compression = 1500 Lbs (6.7 kN) Tension = 300 Lbs (1.3 kN) P HEIGHT Electrical Fittings 13 24 P 1' P /2' A 58 1 1 5⁄8" 32 " Dia Hole (13.5) P2458-18 P2458-24 P2458-30 P2458-36 "A" Dimension Weight/C In mm Lbs kg 18 24 30 36 457.2 609.6 762.0 914.4 116 149 181 214 52.6 67.6 82.1 97.1 KNEE BRACE 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System 1 0 45° 13 5⁄8" (346.1) 16 5⁄8" (422.3) 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 2000 1400 1000 1300 900 650 1000 700 500 800 560 400 650 450 320 WIDTH P2458-18 thru P2458-36 P Pipe/Conduit Supports (9.5) Uniform Design Load Lbs kN -3 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Design Axial Load 1200 Lbs (5.3 kN) 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Material: 1⁄4" (6.4) thick steel. 13 5⁄8" (346.1) Wt/C 277 Lbs (125.6 kg) Index NOTE When used for mechanical supports, load capacities of brackets and fittings should be in compliance with the American Standard Code for Pressure Piping. 110 BRACE FITTINGS TUBULAR BACK BRACES A 1 17⁄32" 1" (25.4) (38.9) 914.4 1066.8 1219.2 1371.6 1524.0 1828.8 2133.6 2438.4 205 237 270 302 334 400 465 530 Nuts & Hardware ⁄32" (13.5) Dia. Hole 36 42 48 54 60 72 84 96 93.0 107.5 122.5 137.0 151.5 181.4 210.9 240.4 General Fittings P2459-36 P2459-42 P2459-48 P2459-54 P2459-60 P2459-72 P2459-84 P2459-96 Weight/C Lbs kg 1 5⁄ 8" (41.3) 8' 6' 5' ADJUSTABLE BRACE 5 P 24 59 -9 24 59 24 6 -8 4 59 -7 24 4 /2 P 2 5 4 P 245 9-6 31/2 P 245 9-5 0 3 P 2 2459 9-48 4 4' 3' -4 45 2 9- 36 1' ° 1' 3' 2' 4' 5' 6' Concrete Inserts 30 4. 60o - 30o maximum, minimum brace angles are indicated for maximum effect. P2815 P 1 2' 3. The arc line that intersects the point formed by the intersection of the two lines, indicates the brace required. P 6 ° 2. Along this vertical line locate the (maximum useable) horizontal bracing height line. BRACING HEIGHT 1. The vertical lines of the graph correspond to the center to center line dimension of the uprights. 7 P Pipe/Conduit Supports 8 7' Electrical Fittings ⁄16" (20.6) 60 13 7' CENTER TO CENTER OF UPRIGHT ADJUSTABLE BRACE P2815 D 13 ⁄16" 13 (20.6) 1 ⁄8" (46.7) 13 ⁄16" 1 ⁄16" (27.0) Wt/C 307 Lbs (139.3 kg) ⁄16" 3 3⁄4" (20.6) 30° (.17π) Min. Min. 13 1 (27.0) (95.3) 5 3⁄8" 5 7⁄8" (149.2) 1 1⁄16" ⁄16" (20.6) (136.5) (47.6) 13 30° (.17π) (20.6) 1 7⁄8" 13 16" (149.2) (47.6) (47.6) ⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 5 ⁄8" 1 ⁄8" 1 ⁄8" 7 (20.6) 13 2 3⁄8" (20.6) (60.3) ⁄16" 4" (101.6) Wt/C 497 Lbs (225.4 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Index 7 7 7 11⁄4" Framing System 17 "A" Dimension In mm System Part Number ⁄ Framing P2459-36 thru P2459-96 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL ⁄" 6.4 mm 111 BEAM CLAMPS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P2675 1 7⁄8" (47.6) Nuts & Hardware 3 ⁄8" X 1 1⁄2" Set Screw and Nut Included Rod Size up to 3⁄8" General Fittings 5 ⁄8" (15.9) Design Load 250 Lbs (1.1 kN) 2 1⁄16" Design Load 150 Lbs (.7 kN) (52.4) Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports 2 Holes 9⁄32" (7.1) Dia. 4 Holes 13⁄32" (10.3) Dia. Rod Size up to 3⁄8" Clamp Materials: .105" (2.7) thick steel. P3016-1024, or P3016-1420 Channel Nut Insulator Clamp P2675 is designed for light duty rod suspension. It also may be used with P3016-1024 or P3016-1420 nut as illustrated above for mounting insulators, etc. Wt/C 33 Lbs (15.0 kg) P2676 2 5⁄8" (66.7) 1 11⁄4" Framing System ⁄2" X 2" Set Screw and Nut Included Framing System 1⁄8"(3.2) 7 2 7⁄8" ⁄8" Swivel Nut and Jam Nut not Included 9 2 Holes ⁄16" (14.3) Dia. 2 Holes 7⁄16" (11.1) Dia. Rod Size up to 1⁄2" Rod Swivel 15° (0.8π) All Directions Clamp Materials: 1⁄8" (3.2) thick steel. Wt/C 72 Lbs (32.7 kg) 112 Rod Size up to 1⁄2" (22.2) (73.0) 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Index Thick Design Load 500 Lbs (2.2 kN) Design Load 300 Lbs (1.3 kN) Clamp P2676 provides a means of rod suspension where a free swing of up to 15o (0.8 ) is required. Clamp will accommodate 1⁄4" (6.4), 3⁄8" (9.5), or 1⁄2" (12.7) rods. Order swivel nuts P2679-4,-6, or -8 as required. Clamp may also be used with P2677 as illustrated in application drawings on page 113. BEAM CLAMPS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P2677 1 5/8" Channels P2682 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 3 25⁄32" (96.0) ⁄16" (4.8) 3 ⁄8" X 2" Screw, Nut, and Lock Washer Included 1 ⁄2" 2 1⁄2" (63.5) (12.7) 3 1 ⁄4" (44.5) Nuts & Hardware 3 P2676 1 ⁄8" (3.2) Thick ⁄16" (11.1) Dia. General Fittings 1 1⁄4" (31.8) P2682 Rod Size up to 1⁄2" P2677 Rod Size up to 1⁄2" Rod Swivel 15° (0.08π) All Directions Wt/C 55 Lbs (24.9 kg) Rod Swivel 15° (0.08π) All Directions Design Load 500 Lbs (2.2 kN) Electrical Fittings Hanger clevis for up to 1⁄2" (12.7) rod suspension from wood ceilings. May also be used with P2677 as illustrated in application drawings. Clevis hanger to be used with P2676 or P2682 to provide angle adjustment and 15° (0.08 ) free swing for up to 1 ⁄2" (12.7) rod suspension. Order swivel nuts P2679-4, -6, or -8 as required. Wt/C 30 Lbs (13.6 kg) P2679-4, -6, & -8 P2674 SWIVEL NUT 1 ⁄4" X 1 1⁄2" 1 ⁄4" 11⁄4" Framing System Screw, Nut, and Lock Washer Included 3 (44.5) 1 ⁄8" (3.2) Thick 13 Hole Concrete Inserts 7 13 32 ⁄ " (10.3) Dia. (20.6) ⁄ Framing ⁄16" • Use with P2676 and P2677. • Order size as required. Rod Size up to 3⁄8" Wt/C 17 Lbs (7.7 kg) Part Number Design Load 250 Lbs (1.1 kN) P2679-4 P2679-6 P2679-8 Thread Size 14 ⁄ "-20 ⁄ "-16 1⁄2"-13 38 Weight/C Lbs kg 4 5 6 Index Clevis hanger to be used with P2675 to provide angle adjustment for up to 3⁄8" rod suspension as illustrated. Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" P2675 System Rod Size up to 1⁄2" Pipe/Conduit Supports 4 Holes 1.8 2.3 2.7 113 BEAM CLAMPS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1648 S thru P1653 S Set Screw Size C Included Nuts & Hardware Continuous Weld B 7 ⁄8" (22.2) 2 1⁄2" (63.5) 2 1⁄2" (63.5) "A" In Part Number 14 P1648 S P1649 S P1649 AS P1650 S P1650 AS P1651 S P1651 AS P1652 S P1653 S Concrete Inserts P2398 S P2401 S P2403 S Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System D For beams under 7⁄8" (22.2) thick flange. Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Tapped Hole Size A ⁄ ⁄ 3⁄ 8 3⁄ 8 1⁄ 2 1⁄ 2 5⁄ 8 5⁄ 8 3⁄ 4 5 16 - 20 - 18 - 16 - 16 - 13 - 13 - 11 - 11 - 10 "B" In mm 18 3.2 3.2 3.2 4.8 4.8 6.4 6.4 7.9 7.9 ⁄ ⁄ 1⁄8 3⁄ 16 3⁄ 16 1⁄4 1⁄4 5⁄ 16 5⁄ 16 18 38 ⁄ x 11⁄2 ⁄ x 11⁄2 3⁄ 8 x 11⁄2 1⁄ 2 x 11⁄2 1⁄ 2 x 11⁄2 1⁄ 2 x 11⁄2 1⁄ 2 x 11⁄2 5⁄ 8 x 11⁄2 5⁄ 8 x 11⁄2 38 "D" In mm 78 ⁄ ⁄ 7⁄8 15⁄16 15⁄16 15⁄16 15⁄16 15⁄16 15⁄16 22.2 22.2 22.2 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 33.3 33.3 78 Weight/C Lbs kg 67 67 67 100 100 130 130 160 160 30.4 30.4 30.4 45.4 45.4 59.0 59.0 72.6 72.6 Design Load Lbs kN 650 650 650 1100 1100 1600 1600 2400 2400 2.9 2.9 2.9 4.9 4.9 7.1 7.1 10.7 10.7 Set Screw Size C Included Continuous Weld D 3 5⁄8" (92.1) 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass "C" In B Tapped Hole Size A 3 1⁄4" (82.6) For beams between 3⁄4" (19.1) to 15⁄8" (41.3) thick flanges. "A" In Index Part Number P2398 S P2401 S P2403 S 114 "B" In 1 1 3 3 ⁄4 - 20 ⁄8 - 16 1 ⁄2 - 13 ⁄8 ⁄16 1 ⁄4 mm 3.2 4.8 6.4 "C" In 3 ⁄8 x 2 ⁄2 x 2 1 ⁄2 x 2 1 In "D" mm Weight/C Lbs kg 121⁄32 111⁄16 111⁄16 42.1 42.9 42.9 109 156 201 49.4 70.8 91.2 Design Load Lbs kN 800 1300 1900 3.6 5.8 8.5 BEAM CLAMPS RETAINER STRAP P1654 A thru P1661 A P1654 A & P1655 A 12 Gage 7 ⁄16" (11.1) Hole 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 7 ⁄8" (22.2) 1" (25.4) 17 32 ⁄ " (13.5) Hole A 1 3⁄8" 1 ⁄2" (12.7) General Fittings P1656 A thru P1661 A Nuts & Hardware A (34.9) In mm P1654 A P1655 A 6 9 152.4 228.6 7 10 P1656 A P1657 A P1658 A 6 9 12 152.4 228.6 304.8 P1659 A P1660 A P1661 A 6 9 12 152.4 228.6 304.8 kg 177.8 254.0 25 34 11.3 15.4 P2675 P2675 9 12 15 228.6 304.8 381.0 35 47 59 15.9 21.3 26.8 P1648 S Thru P1651 AS, and P2398 S Series 9 12 15 228.6 304.8 381.0 33 45 57 15.0 20.4 25.9 P2676 P2676 P2676 P1796 S 1 - 13 X 11⁄2" Concrete Inserts P1271 S 1⁄ 2" Beam Clamp Used With Lbs Pipe/Conduit Supports Weight/C mm Electrical Fittings "A" In ⁄2" - 13 X 11⁄2" Set Screw Included 11⁄4" Framing System For beams under 7⁄8" (22.2) thick flange. Flange Width Set Screw Included 7 ⁄8" (22.2) 7 ⁄8" (22.2) ⁄ Framing 1 3⁄4" (44.5) 13 16" 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 2 Holes 9⁄16" (14.3) Dia. 1 1⁄2" (38.1) 1 ⁄4" (6.4) Design Load Each 500 Lbs (2.2 kN) Use in Pairs Only Wt/C 95 Lbs (43.1 kg) 3 1⁄2" (88.9) For channel height 15⁄8" (41.3). Design Load Each 480 Lbs (2.1 kN) Use in Pairs Only Wt/C 91 Lbs (41.3 kg) 115 Index 3 ⁄8" (9.5) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 1 5⁄8" (41.3) System Strap Part Number BEAM CLAMPS P2785 P2786 3 ⁄8" Hex Nuts and "U" Bolt Included Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 ⁄4" (6.4) 1 ⁄4" (6.4) ⁄8" (22.2) 3" (76.2) 3 ⁄8" (85.7) 5" (127) Design Load Each 1000 Lbs (4.4 kN) Use in Pairs Only • For use with Beams up to 3⁄4" (19.1) Flanges and with Channels P1000, P1100, P2000, P3000, P3300, P3301, P4000, P4001, P4100, and P4101. Design Load Each 1000 Lbs (4.4 kN) Use in Pairs Only • For use with Beams up to 3⁄4" (19.1) Flanges and with Channels P1001, P1101, P2001, P3001, P5000, and P5500. Wt/C 83 Lbs (37.6 kg) Wt/C 92 Lbs (41.7 kg) P2824-6,-9,-12 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts 7 ⁄ 8" (22.2) 3" (76.2) 3 General Fittings ⁄8" Hex Nuts and "U" Bolt Included 7 Pipe/Conduit Supports Electrical Fittings 3 3 ⁄16" (4.8) 13⁄16" Framing System Clamp Requires 1 ⁄2" Diameter Rod and 2 Hex Nuts Sold Seperately Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 3 ⁄16" (4.8) A Index Part Number P2824-6 P2824-9 P2824-12 116 "A" In mm 21⁄2 - 6 63.5 - 152.4 51⁄2 - 9 139.7 - 228.6 81⁄2 -12 215.9 - 304.8 Weight/C Lbs kg 125 140 171 56.7 63.5 77.6 Design Load Lbs kN 500 500 500 2.2 2.2 2.2 BEAM CLAMPS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P2867 A Up to 6" 1 5/8" Channels P2867 Up to 6" (152.4) Nuts & Hardware (152.4) 5" 3 3⁄8" General Fittings (127.0) (85.7) 1 ⁄4" (6.4) Thick 1 3" (76.2) Pipe/Conduit Supports ⁄4" (6.4) Thick 3" (76.2) • Includes: "J" Bolt, "U" Bolt and Hex Nuts. • For use with Channel P1001, P1101, P2001, P3001, P5000, and P5500. Electrical Fittings • Includes: "J" Bolt, "U" Bolt and Hex Nuts. • For use with Channels P1000, P1100, P2000, P3000, P3300, P3301, P4000, P4001, P4100, and P4101. Wt/C 143 Lbs (64.9 kg) (152.4) 5" 3 3⁄8" (127.0) 1 ⁄4" (6.4) Thick • Includes: Center Rod, "U" Bolts and Hex Nuts. • For use with Channels P1000, P1100, P2000, P3000, P3300, P3301, P4000, P4001, P4100, and P4101. Wt/C 280 Lbs (127.0 kg) ⁄4" (6.4) Thick Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 3" (76.2) 1 3" (76.2) • Includes: Center Rod, "U" Bolts and Hex Nuts. • For use with Channels P1001, P1101, P2001, P3001, P5000, and P5500. Index (85.7) System Up to 6" (152.4) ⁄ Framing Up to 6" 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts P2868 A P2868 13 16" Wt/C 134 Lbs (60.8 kg) Wt/C 298 Lbs (135.2 kg) 117 BEAM CLAMPS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1386 P1379 S Clamp Requires 1 1 Set Screw Included Nuts & Hardware ⁄2" - 13 X 11⁄2" Hex Head Cap Screw and 1⁄2" Channel Nut Not Included. 1 General Fittings ⁄2" (12.7) ⁄2" - 13 X 11⁄2" Clamp Requires 1 ⁄2" x 13⁄16" Hex Head Cap Screw and 1⁄2" Channel Nut Not Included. 1" (25.4) 1 7⁄8" (47.6) 3 ⁄8" (9.5) 1 Pipe/Conduit Supports ⁄4" (6.4) Electrical Fittings Lbs kg 27 12.2 P1000 P1100 P2000 Design Load Each (Use in Pairs Only) Lbs 600 500 450 Channel Style kN 2.7 2.2 2.0 P1000 P1100 P2000 Weight/C Lbs kg 75 34.0 Design Load Each (Use in Pairs Only) Lbs 600 500 450 kN 2.7 2.2 2.0 P1272 S P1985 S P1986 S 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Weight/C Channel Style 3 1⁄4" (82.6) D 13⁄16" Framing System A Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 1 1⁄4" (31.8) "A" Part Number Index In P1272 S P1985 S P1986 S 118 14 ⁄ ⁄ 3⁄ 8 38 Flange Thickness mm 6.4 9.5 9.5 In mm 34 Up to ⁄ Up to 3⁄4 7⁄8 to 2 Up to 19.1 Up to 19.1 22.2 to 50.8 Set Screw "D" Included 38 12 ⁄ -16 x 1 ⁄ ⁄ -13 x 11⁄2 1⁄2-13 x 11⁄ 2 12 Weight/C Lbs kg 39 62 74 17.7 28.1 33.6 Design Load Per Pair (Use in Pairs Only) Lbs kN 450 1000 900 2.0 4.4 4.0 BEAM CLAMPS M29 SWIVEL BEAM CLAMP Supports 3⁄8", 1⁄2", 5⁄8", 3⁄4", 7⁄8 " hanger rods. 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 ⁄2" - 13 X 11⁄2" Nuts & Hardware Set Screw and Nut Included 1 1⁄4" (31.8) 20° 30° (0.11π) (0.17π) Pipe/Conduit Supports 3 ⁄4" (19.1) 1 1⁄16" (27.0) Electrical Fittings • For use with M2708 series swivel nut. (See page 177.) Design Load 750 Lbs (3.3 kN) • It fits flanges up to 0.8" (20.3) thickness. Material: Malleable Iron. Wt/C 83 Lbs (37.6 kg) Patent No. 2953874. COLUMN INSERT P3087 Concrete Inserts For 3⁄4" (19.1) to 8" (203.2) pipe sizes. General Fittings 5 ⁄32" (4.0) P3087A ⁄ Framing P3087B Channel Adjusting Screws Included • Unistrut channel not included. • Part number P3087 consists of: 1 piece P3087A and 1 piece P3087B and 2 set screws. Wt/C 136 Lbs (61.7 kg) P1000 P1100 P2000 Design Pull Out Load Design Slip Load Lbs kN Lbs kN 1000 700 500 4.4 3.1 2.2 800 500 300 3.6 2.2 1.3 Index • Adjusting Screws Included. Channel Part Number Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" A - 1" (A - 25.4) Safety factor of 3. 119 System 11⁄4" Framing System A BEAM CLAMPS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL FLANGE CLAMP PLLC025 Z Nuts & Hardware Cup point set screw and lock nut included. T X U W V General Fittings Y S X, Y are threaded holes. Pipe/Conduit Supports Set Screw Size "Z" Rod Size Part Number PLLC025 14 ⁄" 14 Weight/C ⁄" Lbs kg 16.0 7.3 "X,Y" In Material: Malleable Iron. "S" PLLC025 "T" "V,W" mm In mm In mm In mm 58 16 1 25 17⁄16 37 34 19 ⁄ ⁄ 14 ⁄ X 20 FLANGE CLAMP Z T Cup point set screw and lock nut included. X Framing System Safety Factor: 5 Part Number FM Material: Malleable Iron. Y Rod Size Set Screw Size "Z" 3 3 PFL037 PFL037 T PFL050 PFL050 T (When used for sprinkler systems only.) V U W 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass "U" In PFL037 thru PFL050 T 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Dimensions Part Number ⁄" ⁄" 1⁄2 " 1⁄2 " Weight/C Lbs ⁄" ⁄" 3⁄8" 3⁄8" 8 38 28 28 40 40 8 38 Max. Allowable Load kg Lbs kN 12.7 12.7 18.1 18.1 550 550 700 700 2.4 2.4 3.1 3.1 Dimensions Part Number "T" In Index PFL037 PFL037 T PFL050 PFL050 T 120 111⁄16 111⁄16 2 2 "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" mm In mm In mm In mm In mm In 43 43 51 51 19⁄16 19⁄16 123⁄32 123⁄32 40 40 44 44 78 22 22 25 25 34 19 19 23 23 1 1 13⁄32 13⁄32 25 25 28 28 7 16 ⁄ ⁄ 1 1 78 ⁄ ⁄ 34 29 32 ⁄ ⁄32 29 mm ⁄ 11 ⁄ Tapped Hole 17⁄32 13 1 ⁄2 Tapped Hole 38 BEAM CLAMPS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL FLANGE CLAMP V R V T ⁄" ⁄" 5⁄8" 3 ⁄4" 53 91 186 334 24.0 41.3 84.4 151.5 440 630 1200 1880 2.0 2.8 5.6 8.4 mm In mm In mm 7 9 13 16 11⁄2 115⁄16 211⁄32 3 38 49 60 76 78 22 29 37 45 12 Material: Malleable Iron Dimensions PLF3037 PLF3050 PLF3062 PLF3075 "X" "W" In mm 1 13⁄8 113⁄16 23⁄16 25 35 46 55 In "V" mm 0 – 13⁄16 0 – 19⁄16 0 – 23⁄16 0 – 13⁄4 In 0 – 30 0 – 40 0 – 56 0 – 70 "T" mm 38 ⁄ ⁄ 5 ⁄8 3⁄4 9 32 10 13 16 19 12 In ⁄ ⁄ 11 32 1 ⁄ ⁄ 2 58 "R" T Z ⁄ 15⁄32 17⁄16 13⁄4 FLANGE CLAMP Concrete Inserts PLF9037 thru PLF9100 "S" V Threaded Rod & Nut Not Included S W X V Weight/C Rod Size Part Number 38 ⁄" ⁄2" 5⁄8 " 3⁄4 " 1" PLF9037 PLF9050 PLF9062 PLF9075 PLF9100 1 Lbs kg 55 122 200 367 1101 Max. Allowable Load Lbs kN 25.0 55.4 90.7 166.5 500.0 440 630 1260 1880 3150 2.0 2.8 5.6 8.4 14.0 In mm In mm 34 19 24 28 35 55 1 13⁄16 13⁄8 13⁄4 21⁄2 25 30 35 45 63 Safety Factor: 5 Material: Malleable Iron Dimensions PLF9037 PLF9050 PLF9062 PLF9075 PLF9100 "X" "W" In mm 1 13⁄8 111⁄16 2 3 25 35 43 51 76 In 3⁄4 1 11⁄8 11⁄4 13⁄4 - "V" mm 111⁄16 23⁄8 23⁄4 31⁄4 33⁄4 19 - 42 26 - 60 29 - 69 32 - 82 45 - 95 In 12 ⁄ 21 ⁄32 13 ⁄16 1 11⁄2 "T" mm 13 17 21 25 38 ⁄ 15 ⁄16 11⁄8 13⁄8 23⁄16 "S" Index Part Number 11⁄4" Framing System Part Number General Fittings kN 121 System Safety Factor: 5 Lbs ⁄ Framing (When used for sprinkler systems only.) kg 13 16" FM Max. Allowable Load Lbs 38 PLF3037 PLF3050 PLF3062 PLF3075 Weight/C Pipe/Conduit Supports Rod Size "Z" Part Number Nuts & Hardware S X Electrical Fittings W Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Threaded Rod & Nut Not Included 1 5/8" Channels Z PLF3037 thru PLF3075 TROLLEY ASSEMBLIES 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL TROLLEY ASSEMBLY P2749* P2749 N † 1 1⁄4" 1 3⁄16" (31.8) (30.2) Nuts & Hardware 1 21⁄32" (42.1) 9 ⁄32" (7.1) Dia. Hole 3 9 (4.8) (7.1) ⁄32" ⁄16" 7 ⁄16" (11.1) 3 ⁄4" Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings (19.1) 1 1⁄4" (31.8) Design Load Clevis Material: 12 gage. Part Number *Wheel bearings are stainless steel, and should not be lubricated. † "N" indicates acetal wheels. P2749 P2749 N Lbs kN 50 10 P2750* P2750 N † Weight/C .2 .04 Lbs kg 21 13 9.5 5.9 TROLLEY ASSEMBLY 1 1⁄4" (31.8) 9 Electrical Fittings ⁄32" (7.1) Dia. Hole 1 3⁄16" 1 23⁄32" (30.2) (43.7) 9 ⁄16"x 9⁄32" (14.3 x 7.1) Slots 9 ⁄32" 1 ⁄4" (6.4) Concrete Inserts 1" (25.4) 1" (25.4) Clevis Material: 12 gage. ⁄16" (11.1) 1" (25.4) Part Number 3 1⁄8" (79.4) *Wheel bearings are stainless steel, and should not be lubricated. † "N" indicates acetal wheels. P2750 P2750 N Design Load Weight/C Lbs kN Lbs kg 100 20 .4 .1 55 32 24.9 14.5 TROLLEY ASSEMBLY P2751* P2751 N † 1 1 ⁄4 " (31.8) Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System (7.1) 7 1 15⁄32" 13⁄16" 23 (37.3) 1 ⁄32" (43.7) 4 23⁄32" (105.6) 1 ⁄4 " 2 7⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (6.4) 3 1" (25.4) 1" 1" (25.4) 1 ⁄4" (6.4) (25.4) 3 1⁄ 8" Clevis Material: 12 gage. Index (61.9) ⁄4" (19.1) Dia. *Wheel bearings are stainless steel, and should not be lubricated. † "N" indicates acetal wheels. 122 (79.4) Part Number P2751 P2751 N Design Load Weight/C Lbs kN Lbs kg .4 .1 63 40 28.6 18.1 100 20 TROLLEY ASSEMBLIES TROLLEY ASSEMBLY P2949 1 5⁄16" Nuts & Hardware 1 3⁄16" (33.3) 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL (30.2) 3 13⁄32" 9 15 (7.1) 1 ⁄16" (49.2) 13 ⁄16" 1 (20.6) ⁄4" (6.4) ⁄8" Pipe/Conduit Supports 5 ⁄32" General Fittings ⁄16" (14.3) Dia. (15.9) 5 ⁄8" 1 1⁄4" (15.9) (31.8) Design Load In P1000 600 300 100 Wheel bearings are stainless steel. Do not lubricate. Wt/C 46 Lbs (20.9 kg) Lbs kN 150 225 437 .7 1.0 1.9 Electrical Fittings RPM 1 5⁄16" 1 3⁄16" (33.3) (30.2) ⁄ Framing 3 Holes 9 ⁄16" (14.3) Dia. 11⁄4" Framing System TROLLEY ASSEMBLY P2950 3 13⁄32" (86.5) 9 ⁄32" 13 16" 15 (7.1) 1 ⁄16" (49.2) 13 ⁄16" (20.6) 13 ⁄16" (20.6) 1 ⁄4" (6.4) 15 ⁄16" 13 15 (20.6) (23.8) ⁄16" (23.8) 3 1⁄2" (88.9) Wheel bearings are stainless steel. Do not lubricate. Wt/C 110 Lbs (49.9 kg) RPM 600 300 100 Design Load In P1000 Lbs kN 300 450 600 1.3 2.0 2.7 Index ⁄16" Concrete Inserts 9 System (86.5) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Hole 123 SPECIAL APPLICATION FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL CHANNEL TROLLEY SUPPORT P1834 1 Hole 9 ⁄16" (14.3) Dia. 5 1 ⁄8" (41.3) Requires ⁄ " x 2 1⁄2" 3 Bolt and ⁄8" Nut (not included) 38 Nuts & Hardware CHANNEL TROLLEY SUPPORT 1 Hole 9 3 1⁄2" ⁄16" (14.3) Dia. (88.9) P1834 A 3 3 ⁄4" (95.3) Requires 3⁄8" x 2 1⁄2" Bolt and 3⁄8" Nut (not included) 3 3⁄4" (95.3) 2 Holes 7 ⁄16" (11.1) Dia. General Fittings 2 Holes 7 ⁄16" (11.1) Dia. 1" (25.4) See page 122 for trolleys. Design Load 1200 Lbs (5.3 kN) 1" ADJUSTABLE HINGE CONNECTION P1354 2 1⁄8" 4" (101.6) (54.0) 2 1⁄8" 4" (54.0) Concrete Inserts (101.6) 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 68 Lbs (30.8 kg) P5349 Design Load 2500 Lbs (11.1 kN) Wt/C 220 Lbs (99.8 kg) ADJUSTABLE HINGE CONNECTION Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 102 Lbs (46.3 kg) P1843 (25.4) See page 122 for trolleys. Wt/C 109 Lbs (49.4 kg) CURTAIN SLIDER P1201 P1202 P1203 LADDER RUNG 1 5⁄ 8" 13⁄16" Framing System (41.3) 1 5⁄8" 13 (41.3) (20.6) 7 2 Holes 9 ⁄32" (7.1) Dia. ⁄8" (22.2) A 13 ⁄16" ⁄16" (20.6) 5 ⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (7.9) Design Load 20 Lbs (.1 kN) P1201 P1202 P1203 Index Wt/C 6.5 Lbs (2.9 kg) 124 Part Number "A" Weight/C In mm Lbs kg 12 15 18 304.8 381.0 457.2 186 221 254 84.4 100.2 115.2 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm SPECIAL APPLICATION FITTINGS P2354 R-L P2355 R-L REEL RACK SUPPORTS FOR 11⁄4" AND 2 " PIPE A 5 3⁄8" Max. Allowable Load Part No. Gage Lbs P1000 P1100 P2000 5 3⁄8" (136.5) Vertical Channel 12 14 16 kN 3000 2000 2000 Nuts & Hardware A 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 13.3 8.9 8.9 (136.5) 1⁄ 2 Lbs kg 31.8 50.8 220 252 99.8 114.3 General Fittings 76.2 92.1 mm WALL LADDER BRACKET P1204 thru P1208 13 ⁄16" (20.6) Part A 2" B (50.8) 13 "A" "B" Weight/C Number In mm In mm Lbs kg P1204 P1205 P1206 P1207 P1208 23⁄8 43⁄8 63⁄8 83⁄8 103⁄8 60.3 111.1 161.9 212.7 263.5 6 8 10 12 14 152.4 203.2 254.0 304.8 355.6 113 164 216 267 318 51.3 74.4 98.0 121.1 144.2 ⁄16" (20.6) 13 ⁄16" (88.9) 8 7⁄8" (0.25π) (225.4) 1 1⁄16" 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 1 7⁄8" (20.6) (47.6) 13 ⁄16" (27.0) 3 1⁄2" 37 1⁄2° ⁄ Framing 3 1⁄2" 45° (0.21π) (88.9) (88.9) 1 7⁄8" (20.6) 13 16" 3 1⁄2" (225.4) (27.0) (47.6) 3 3⁄4" 3 3⁄4" (95.3) (95.3) Wt/C 213 Lbs (96.6 kg) Wt/C 220 Lbs (99.8 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 Index 1 1⁄16" 8 7⁄8" 371⁄2O (.21π) STAIR TREAD SUPPORT P2655 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 45O (.25π) STAIR TREAD SUPPORT P1944 Pipe/Conduit Supports 14 Electrical Fittings 3 35⁄8 In Concrete Inserts P2354 R-L P2355 R-L Right Hand mm Weight/C 11⁄4" Framing System Left Hand In Std. Pipe Size System "A" Part Number ⁄" 6.4 mm 125 SPECIAL APPLICATION FITTINGS & END CAPS P2470-50 P2470-75 P2470-100 PIPE COUPLING FITTING AXLE SUPPORT FOR 11⁄4" (31.8) STANDARD PIPE 1 1 3⁄4" (12.7) (44.5) Notched for 5 3⁄ 8" 1 1⁄4" (136.5) 3 1 ⁄2 " Std. Pipe General Fittings Part Number Pipe Coupling Size In ⁄ ⁄ 1 34 Lbs kg 77 93 103 34.9 42.2 46.7 2 1⁄2" (63.5) 3 25⁄32" (96.0) Wt/C 148 Lbs (67.1 kg) P1280 A, P2280 A P1280, P2280 P1180, P4280, P5280, P5580 Material: .075" (1.9) Concrete Inserts Material: .060" (1.5) 11⁄4" Framing System 500# (2.2 kN) Weight/C 12 P2470-50 P2470-75 P2470-100 500# (2.2 kN) (88.9) Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports P2454 ⁄2" Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Part Number Use With Channel P1280 P2280 P1000 P2000 Material: .075" (1.9) Weight/C Lbs kg 11 11 5.0 5.0 Part Number Use With Channel P1280 A P2280 A P1000 P2000 Weight/C Lbs kg 11 11 5.0 5.0 Part Number Use With Channel P1180 P4280 P5280 P5580 P1100 P4000 P5000 P5500 Weight/C Lbs kg 12 5 22 17 5.4 2.3 10.0 7.7 PLASTIC WHITE END CAPS P2860-33 P2860-50 P2860-55 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System P2860-10 1" Index (25.4) 1" (25.4) 1" (25.4) 1" (25.4) Use with P1000, P1100, P2000 channels & P9000 Telestrut. Use with P3300 channel. Use with P5000 & P1001 channels. Use with P5500 channel. Wt/C 3.4 Lbs (1.5 kg) Wt/C 2.5 Lbs (1.1 kg) Wt/C 5 Lbs (2.3 kg) Wt/C 4.7 Lbs (2.1 kg) 126 PARTITION AND DISPLAY FITTINGS 2 1⁄4" (57.2) A 4 Holes Countersunk for 5 ⁄16" (7.9) Dia. Flat Head Machine Screw 2" Hole for #8-32 Metal Tapping Screw .030" (0.8) Thick 2 1⁄4" (57.2) (50.8) 7" Finish: Electro-galvanized and stainless steel. (177.8) Nuts & Hardware (42.1) (42.1) CORNER COVER Patent Number 3075621 Part Number K2099 K2100 Dimension "A" In mm Weight/C Lbs kg 4 63⁄4 250 500 101.6 171.5 1 P2571 P2573 P2575 113.4 226.8 CORNER ANGLE P2582 Panel Thickness In mm Part Number ⁄4 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 Weight/C Lbs kg 6.4 9.5 12.7 3 General Fittings Material: Cast iron. 4 4 4 1.8 1.8 1.8 MOLDING P2584 1 Electrical Fittings ⁄8" (3.2) Hole for 5⁄16" (7.9) Dia. Flat Head Screw 1 3⁄ 8" (34.9) 1 (44.5) to 1⁄2" (12.7) thick recommended) ⁄8" (3.2) (3 ⁄8" (9.5) Holes for #8 Self Tapping Screw 1 3⁄4" 1 3⁄8" P2584 (34.9) Pipe/Conduit Supports 1 21⁄32" 1 21⁄32" P2571 P2573 P2575 Partition Panel 1 3⁄4" Patent Number 3075621 Concrete Inserts PARTITION BASE PLATE K2099 K2100 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Wt/C/Ft 20 Lbs (29.8 kg/100 m) P4003 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 1 .040" (1.0) Finish: Electro-galvanized. Wt/C 15 Lbs (6.8 kg) ⁄2" (12.7) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (41.3) 2 7⁄16" (61.9) 3 1⁄4" (82.6) .040" (1.0) 1 ⁄2" (12.7) Index 1 5⁄8" P4004 System POST CAP P2662 ⁄ Framing POST CAP P2661 Finish: Stainless steel and zinc bonderized. Standard lengths of 12' (3.7 m) and 14' (4.3 m). 13 16" Finish: Electro-galvanized. Patent Number 3075621 Wt/C 15 Lbs (6.8 kg) 11⁄4" Framing System (44.5) Finish: Electro-galvanized. Wt/C 17 Lbs (7.7 kg) 127 PIPE/CONDUIT CLAMPS, SUPPORTS AND HANGERS Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Page Pipe/Conduit Clamps 129 Pipe Hangers 139 Pipe Rollers Reference Tables 143 144 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Pipe Brackets 140 MATERIAL Unistrut pipe supports, unless noted, are punch-press made from hot-rolled, pickled and oiled steel plates, strip or coil, and conform to ASTM specifications A366, A575, A576, A635, or A36. The fitting steel also meets the physical requirements of ASTM A570 GR 33. The pickling of the steel produces a smooth surface free from scale. dipped galvanized (HG), conforming to ASTM A123 or A153; Perma-Green II (GR), and plain (PL). Many items are also available in stainless steel. Consult factory for ordering information. DIMENSIONS Imperial dimensions are illustrated in inches. Metric dimensions are shown in parenthesis or as noted. Unless noted, all metric dimensions are in millimeters and rounded to one decimal place. FINISHES Pipe supports are available in: electro-galvanized (EG), conforming to ASTM B633 Type III SC1; Hot- 128 APPLICATION Unistrut pipe clamps, pipe hangers, brackets and rollers are designed for the support of electrical and mechanical services. Supports to meet nearly every requirement can be attained using Unistrut Metal Framing components. DESIGN BOLT TORQUE BOLT SIZE FOOT LBS. N.m 1⁄4" 20 5 ⁄8" 5⁄16" 18 3⁄8" 16 1⁄2" 13 11 3⁄4" 10 6 11 19 50 100 125 8 15 25 70 135 170 Note: When tightening 1⁄4" screws used with a two piece pipe clamp, a torque of 5 foot pounds (60 inchpounds) should be used. DESIGN LOAD Design load data, where shown, is based on the ultimate strength of the connection with a safety factor of 5.0, unless otherwise noted. PIPE/CONDUIT CLAMPS PIPE CLAMPS FOR RIGID STEEL CONDUIT Design Load (31.8) Slotted hex head screw and nut included. Finish: Electro-galvanized. Number In P1109 P1111 P1112 P1113 P1114 P1115 P1117 P1118 P1119 P1120 P1121 P1123 P1124 P1126 38 ⁄ ⁄ 3⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 5 6 8 12 O.D. Size Thickness In mm Gage mm .675 .840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.563 6.625 8.625 17.1 21.3 26.7 33.4 42.2 48.3 60.3 73.0 88.9 101.6 114.3 141.3 168.3 219.1 16 16 14 14 14 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 1.5 1.5 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.4 3.4 P1211 thru P1217 Weight/C Lbs 10 11 15 17 19 29 34 40 47 62 67 80 102 130 kg 4.5 5.0 6.8 7.7 8.6 13.2 15.4 18.1 21.3 28.1 30.4 36.3 46.3 59.0 Design Load Lbs kN 400 400 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 UNIVERSAL CLAMPS FOR RIGID OR THINWALL CONDUIT 12 ⁄ ⁄ 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 P1211 P1212 P1213 P1214 P1215 P1217 Slotted hex head screw and nut included. Finish: Electro-galvanized. 34 P1425 thru P1431 Design Load Gage mm Lbs kg Lbs kN 16 16 16 14 14 14 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.9 1.9 1.9 10 11 12 18 20 22 4.5 5.0 5.4 8.2 9.1 10.0 400 400 400 600 600 600 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 PIPE CLAMPS FOR THIN WALL CONDUIT (E.M.T.) Design Load Part Number 1 1⁄ 4" (31.8) Slotted hex head screw and nut included. P1425 P1426 P1427 P1428 P1429 P1430 P1431 P1118 P1119 P1120 P1121 Pipe Size In 38 ⁄ ⁄ 3⁄ 4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 12 O.D. Size Thickness Weight/C Design Load In mm Gage mm Lbs kg Lbs kN .577 .706 .922 1.163 1.510 1.740 2.197 2.875 3.500 4.000 4.500 14.7 17.9 23.4 29.5 38.4 44.2 55.8 73.0 88.9 101.6 114.3 16 16 16 14 14 12 12 12 12 11 11 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.0 3.0 9 11 12 15 18 29 33 40 47 62 67 4.1 5.0 5.4 6.8 8.2 13.2 15.0 18.1 21.3 28.1 30.4 400 400 400 600 600 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 4.4 4.4 129 11⁄4" Framing System In Weight/C System Number Thickness ⁄ Framing Pipe/Conduit Size 13 16" Part Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (31.8) Index 1 1⁄4" Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Design Load Finish: Electro-galvanized. Nuts & Hardware 1 1⁄4" Pipe Size General Fittings Part Pipe/Conduit Supports P1109 thru P1126 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL PIPE/CONDUIT CLAMPS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Design Load P2024 thru P2070-84 PIPE CLAMPS FOR O.D. TUBING Slotted hex head screw and nut included. 1 1⁄4" Nuts & Hardware (31.8) P2024 - P2029 P2030 - P2035 P2037 - P2052 P2053 - P2066 P2067 - P2070-84 Part Number P2024 P2025 P2026 P2027 P2028 P2029 P2030 P2031 P2032 P2033 P2034 P2035 P1430 P2037 P2038 P2039 P2040 P1117 P2042 P2043 P2044 P1118 P2046 P2047 P2048 P2049 P1119 P2051 P2052 P2053 P1120 P2055 P2056 P2057 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Finish: Electro-galvanized. O.D. Size In 14 ⁄ 3⁄8 1⁄2 5⁄8 3⁄4 7⁄8 1 11⁄8 11⁄4 13⁄8 11⁄2 15⁄8 13⁄4 17⁄8 2 21⁄8 21⁄4 23⁄8 21⁄2 25⁄8 23⁄4 27⁄8 3 31⁄8 31⁄4 33⁄8 31⁄2 35⁄8 33⁄4 37⁄8 4 41⁄8 41⁄4 43⁄8 mm Lbs kg 6.4 9.5 12.7 15.9 19.1 22.2 25.4 28.6 31.8 34.9 38.1 41.3 44.5 47.6 50.8 54.0 57.2 60.3 63.5 66.7 69.9 73.0 76.2 79.4 82.6 85.7 88.9 92.1 95.3 98.4 101.6 104.8 108.0 111.1 8 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 29 28 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 40 41 43 45 46 47 56 58 60 62 62 64 66 3.6 3.6 4.1 4.5 5.0 5.4 6.4 6.8 7.3 7.7 8.2 8.6 13.2 12.7 14.1 14.5 15.0 15.4 15.9 16.8 17.2 18.1 18.6 19.5 20.4 20.9 21.3 25.4 26.3 27.2 28.1 28.1 29.0 29.9 PIPE CLAMPS IN SPECIAL MATERIALS P1109, P1211, P1425, P2024 SERIES 130 Weight/C Design Load Lbs (kN) 400 (1.8) 600 (2.7) 800 (3.6) 1000 (4.4) Part Number P1121 P2059 P2060 P2061 P2062 P2063 P2064 P2065 P2066 P2067 P2068 P2069 P2070 P2070-61 P2070-62 P2070-63 P2070-64 P1124 P2070-66 P2070-67 P2070-70 P2070-71 P2070-72 P2070-73 P2070-74 P2070-75 P2070-76 P2070-77 P2070-80 P2070-81 P2070-82 P2070-83 P2070-84 P1126 Material Steel Strap, Everdur Hardware Copper Coated Steel Strap & Hardware Aluminum Stainless Steel 304 or 316 Plastic Coated Steel Straps O.D. Size Weight/C In mm Lbs kg 41⁄2 45⁄8 43⁄4 47⁄8 5 51⁄8 51⁄4 53⁄8 51⁄2 55⁄8 53⁄4 57⁄8 6 61⁄8 61⁄4 63⁄8 61⁄2 65⁄8 63⁄4 67⁄8 7 71⁄8 71⁄4 73⁄8 71⁄2 75⁄8 73⁄4 77⁄8 8 81⁄8 81⁄4 83⁄8 81⁄2 85⁄8 114.3 117.5 120.7 123.8 127.0 130.2 133.4 136.5 139.7 142.9 146.1 149.2 152.4 155.6 158.8 161.9 165.1 168.3 171.5 174.6 177.8 181.0 184.2 187.3 190.5 193.7 196.9 200.0 203.2 206.4 209.6 212.7 215.9 219.1 67 70 72 73 74 76 77 78 79 88 90 92 94 96 98 99 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 117 119 121 123 125 126 128 129 130 30.4 31.8 32.7 33.1 33.6 34.5 34.9 35.4 35.8 39.9 40.8 41.7 42.6 43.5 44.5 44.9 45.4 46.3 47.2 48.1 49.0 49.9 50.8 51.7 52.6 53.1 54.0 54.9 55.8 56.7 57.2 58.1 58.5 59.0 Add Suffix To "P" Number E CC AL SS or ST PC 16 ga. 14 ga. 12 ga. 11 ga. 10 ga. Design Load Lbs (kN) 1000 (4.4) Example P1109 E P1109 CC P1109 AL P1109 SS P1109 PC PIPE/CONDUIT CLAMPS PARALLEL CLAMPS FOR RIGID CONDUIT AND PIPE Nuts & Hardware P1563 thru P1573 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Finish: Electro-galvanized. In mm Gage .675 .840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 4.500 17.1 21.3 26.7 33.4 42.2 48.3 60.3 73.0 88.9 101.6 114.3 14 14 14 14 14 12 12 12 12 12 12 mm 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 Weight/C Lbs kg 27 29 30 31 38 40 47 66 78 87 90 12.2 13.2 13.6 14.1 17.2 18.1 21.3 29.9 35.4 39.5 40.8 Pipe/Conduit Supports ⁄8 ⁄2 3 ⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 1 Thickness Electrical Fittings In 3 P1563 P1564 P1565 P1566 P1567 P1568 P1569 P1570 P1571 P1572 P1573 Slotted hex head screw and nut included. O.D. Size ONE HOLE CLAMP FOR O.D. TUBING 1 11⁄4" Framing System P2008 thru P2020 Concrete Inserts Pipe Size ⁄4" X 3⁄4" Round Head 13 16" ⁄ Framing Machine Screw and Channel Nut Not Included Finish: Electro-galvanized. 14 ⁄ ⁄ 3⁄8 1⁄2 5⁄8 3⁄4 7⁄8 1 5 16 6.4 7.9 9.5 12.7 15.9 19.1 22.2 25.4 Thickness Gage mm 16 16 16 16 14 14 14 14 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 Weight/C Lbs kg 4 5 5 6 8 9 10 11 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass P2008 P2009 P2010 P2012 P2014 P2016 P2018 P2020 O.D. Tube Size In mm 1.8 2.3 2.3 2.7 3.6 4.1 4.5 5.0 Index Part Number System Part Number General Fittings 1 3⁄8" (34.9) 131 PIPE/CONDUIT CLAMPS Design Load P2558-5 thru P2558-60 SINGLE PIECE PIPE STRAP Supporting Rib on P2558-40, P2558-50, P2558-60 Hole Size B Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL C A ± 1⁄8" Part Number Electrical Fittings "A" "B" In In mm 1 7 73.0 79.4 85.7 95.3 98.4 146.1 158.8 174.6 187.3 200.0 228.6 254.0 ⁄2 ⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 5 6 2 ⁄8 31⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄4 37⁄8 53⁄4 61⁄4 67⁄8 73⁄8 77⁄8 9 10 3 In "C" mm In Thickness mm In (mm) 18 9 ⁄32 7.1 7 ⁄16 11.1 7 11.1 11 17.5 ⁄16 ⁄16 ⁄" (3.2) 14 ⁄" (6.4) Weight/C Lbs kg 23 26 31 35 39 94 114 133 152 176 198 225 10.4 11.8 14.1 15.9 17.7 42.6 51.7 60.3 68.9 79.8 89.8 102.1 Design Load Lbs (kN) 500 (2.2) 1000 (4.4) UNI-CLIP SUPPORT P2609 thru P2617 P2426 thru P2431 The Uni-Clip supports exceed load requirements for American Standard Code for Pressure Piping (1967), and National Electric Code (1971). Patent No. 2863625. Material: Stainless steel type 301. UNI-CLIP SUPPORTS FOR THINWALL CONDUIT (E.M.T.) UNI-CLIP SUPPORTS FOR RIGID STEEL CONDUIT Part Number P2609 P2611 P2612 P2613 P2614 P2615 P2617 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Nominal Pipe Size P2558-05 P2558-07 P2558-10 P2558-12 P2558-15 P2558-20 P2558-25 P2558-30 P2558-35 P2558-40 P2558-50 P2558-60 Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Hardware sold separately. 132 Conduit Size In 38 ⁄ ⁄ 3⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 12 O.D. Size In mm .675 .840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 17.1 21.3 26.7 33.4 42.2 48.3 60.3 Weight/C Lbs kg 1.6 2.3 3.2 4.1 5.1 6.3 10.0 0.7 1.0 1.5 1.9 2.3 2.9 4.5 Part Number P2426 P2427 P2428 P2429 P2430 P2431 Conduit Size In 12 ⁄ ⁄ 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 34 O.D. Size In mm .706 .922 1.163 1.510 1.740 2.197 17.9 23.4 29.5 38.4 44.2 55.8 Weight/C Lbs kg 1.7 2.4 3.6 4.6 5.9 8.0 0.8 1.1 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.6 PIPE/CONDUIT CLAMPS STAND-OFF PIPE CLAMPS P3409 thru P3417 A B Pipe Clamp 11⁄4" Wide C D Hardware included. P3409 P3411 P3412 P3413 P3414 P3415 P3417 100 150 175 200 300 400 500 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.3 1.8 2.2 25 35 40 50 70 80 120 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 O.D. Size Safety factor of 5 "A" In mm In .675 .840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 17.1 21.3 26.7 33.4 42.2 48.3 60.3 11⁄8 11⁄4 15⁄16 11⁄2 111⁄16 13⁄4 2 "B" "C" mm In mm 28.6 31.8 33.3 38.1 42.9 44.5 50.8 21⁄8 25⁄16 21⁄2 23⁄4 31⁄4 31⁄2 4 54.0 58.7 63.5 69.9 82.6 88.9 101.6 Pipe/Conduit Supports ⁄ ⁄ 3⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 12 kN Weight/C Gage mm Lbs kg 14 14 14 14 12 11 10 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 3.2 3.4 14 15 19 22 34 49 55 6.4 6.8 8.6 10.0 15.4 22.2 24.9 Electrical Fittings 38 P3409 P3411 P3412 P3413 P3414 P3415 P3417 Lbs Patent No. 3417951. Pipe Size In kN ONE-PIECE CABLE & CONDUIT CLAMPS M5025 thru M5060 Concrete Inserts Part Number Load "E" Lbs Nuts & Hardware E Load "D" Number General Fittings Part Finish: Electro-galvanized. 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL C Finish: Electro-galvanized. ⁄ ⁄ 3⁄ 4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 13⁄4 2 23⁄8 23⁄4 31⁄4 33⁄4 4 43⁄8 43⁄4 12 9.5 12.7 19.1 25.4 31.8 38.1 44.5 50.8 60.3 69.9 82.6 95.3 101.6 111.1 120.7 In 7 16 ⁄ 9 16 ⁄ 13 16 ⁄ 11⁄16 15⁄16 19⁄16 113⁄16 21⁄16 27⁄16 213⁄16 35⁄16 313⁄16 41⁄16 47⁄16 413⁄16 "B" "C" mm In mm 11.1 14.3 20.6 27.0 33.3 39.7 46.0 52.4 61.9 71.4 84.1 96.8 103.2 112.7 122.2 58 41.3 44.5 50.8 57.2 63.5 69.9 76.2 82.6 92.1 101.6 114.3 127.0 133.4 142.9 152.4 1⁄ 13⁄4 2 21⁄4 21⁄2 23⁄4 3 31⁄4 35⁄8 4 41⁄2 5 51⁄4 55⁄8 6 Gage 14 14 14 14 14 14 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Weight/C mm Lbs 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 6 7 12 15 19 20 25 35 41 60 74 91 100 115 125 ⁄ Framing 38 "A" mm kg 2.7 3.2 5.4 6.8 8.6 9.1 11.3 15.9 18.6 27.2 33.6 41.3 45.4 52.2 56.7 13 16" In Spec. Metals & Fiberglass M5025 M5026 M5028 M5030 M5032 M5034 M5036 M5038 M5041 M5044 M5048 M5052 M5054 M5057 M5060 Max O.D. Size Index Part Number System A 11⁄4" Framing System B 133 UNICUSHION P2600 UNICUSHION®: ISOLATION MATERIAL General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL • 25 feet per carton. • Cut to length as shown in charts. CLAMP SELECTION & CUTTING GUIDE EMT CONDUIT Nominal Size Use with Clamp Unicushion Length In mm 38 ⁄" 1⁄2" P1426 P1111 13⁄4 21⁄8 44 54 3 ⁄4" 1" 11⁄4" 11⁄2" P1112 P2032 P2035 P2037 23⁄4 35⁄8 43⁄4 51⁄2 70 92 120 140 2" P1117 63⁄4 171 UNICUSHION FEATURES • Shock absorption • Protection from corrosion and abrasion • Allowance for expansion and contraction • Sound and vibration isolation • Stability in use from - 50° F (-47° C) to + 350°F (+177° C) • Flexible elastomer material • Will not support combustion COPPER TUBING TYPE K OR L Nominal Size Use with Clamp Nominal Size 3 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" ⁄8" 1⁄2" 3⁄4" 1" Unicushion Length In 1 mm P1111 P2030 P2031 P2034 2 ⁄8 3 31⁄4 41⁄4 54 76 83 108 1 1 ⁄4" 11⁄2" 2" 21⁄2" P2037 P2038 P2042 P2046 1 5 ⁄4 6 71⁄2 9 133 152 190 228 3" 31⁄2" 4" 5" P2051 P2055 P2059 P2067 11 121⁄4 14 171⁄2 280 310 355 445 6" 134 Use with Clamp P2070-66 3 20 ⁄4 Unicushion Length In STANDARD PIPE OR RIGID CONDUIT Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/Carton 2.5 Lbs (1.1 kg) 527 14 mm ⁄" ⁄" P2026 P2027 11⁄16 11⁄2 27 38 1 ⁄2" 5⁄8" 3⁄4" 1" P2028 P2029 P2030 P2032 21⁄8 21⁄4 3 35⁄8 54 57 76 92 11⁄4" 11⁄2" 2" 21⁄2" P2034 P1430 P2040 P2044 41⁄2 51⁄4 63⁄4 81⁄4 114 133 171 210 3" 31⁄2" 4" 5" P2048 P2052 P2056 P2064 10 111⁄4 121⁄2 16 254 286 318 406 6" 8" P2070-62 P2070-82 19 25 483 635 38 UNICUSHION 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL CLAMP SELECTION & CUTTING GUIDE 22 27 38 54 41⁄2 45⁄8 43⁄4 114.3 117.5 120.7 1 47⁄8 5 51⁄8 51⁄4 ⁄4 ⁄ 1 11⁄8 19.1 22.2 25.4 28.6 P2029 P2030 P2031 P2032 2 ⁄4 3 31⁄4 35⁄8 57 76 83 92 1 31.8 34.9 38.1 41.3 P2033 P2034 P2035 P1430 4 41⁄2 47⁄8 51⁄4 101 114 124 133 P2037 P2038 P2039 P2040 1 5 ⁄2 6 61⁄2 63⁄4 140 152 165 171 P1117 P2042 P2043 P2044 1 7 ⁄4 71⁄2 8 81⁄4 184 190 203 209 P1118 P2046 P2047 P2048 3 8 ⁄4 91⁄4 91⁄2 10 222 235 241 254 P2049 P1119 P2051 P2052 1 267 273 280 286 78 1 ⁄4 13⁄8 11⁄2 15⁄8 3 1 ⁄4 17⁄8 2 21⁄8 1 2 ⁄4 23⁄8 21⁄2 25⁄8 3 2 ⁄4 27⁄8 3 31⁄8 1 3 ⁄4 33⁄8 31⁄2 35⁄8 3 44.5 47.6 50.8 54.0 57.2 60.3 63.5 66.7 69.9 73.0 76.2 79.4 82.6 85.7 88.9 92.1 10 ⁄2 103⁄4 11 111⁄4 1 3 ⁄4 37⁄8 4 41⁄8 95.3 98.4 101.6 104.8 P2053 P1120 P2055 P2056 11 ⁄2 113⁄4 12 121⁄2 292 298 305 318 1 108.0 111.1 P2057 P1121 13 131⁄2 330 343 4 ⁄4 43⁄8 mm P2059 P2060 P2061 14 141⁄4 143⁄4 355 362 375 123.8 127.0 130.2 133.4 P2062 P2063 P2064 P2065 15 151⁄2 16 161⁄4 381 394 406 413 53⁄8 51⁄2 55⁄8 53⁄4 136.5 139.7 142.9 146.1 P2066 P2067 P2068 P2069 161⁄2 17 171⁄2 173⁄4 419 432 445 451 57⁄8 6 61⁄8 61⁄4 149.2 152.4 155.0 158.8 P2070 P2070-61 P2070-62 P2070-63 181⁄4 181⁄2 19 191⁄4 464 470 483 489 63⁄8 61⁄2 65⁄8 63⁄4 168.9 165.1 168.3 171.5 P2070-64 P1124 P2070-66 P2070-67 193⁄4 20 201⁄2 21 502 508 521 533 67⁄8 7 71⁄8 71⁄4 174.6 177.8 181.0 184.2 P2070-70 P2070-71 P2070-72 P2070-73 211⁄4 213⁄4 22 221⁄2 540 552 559 572 73⁄8 71⁄2 75⁄8 73⁄4 187.3 190.5 193.7 196.9 P2070-74 P2070-75 P2070-76 P2070-77 223⁄4 231⁄4 231⁄2 24 578 591 597 610 77⁄8 8 81⁄8 81⁄4 200.0 203.2 206.4 209.6 P2070-80 P2070-81 P2070-82 P2070-83 241⁄2 243⁄4 25 251⁄2 622 629 635 648 83⁄8 81⁄2 215.9 219.1 P2070-84 P1126 26 261⁄4 660 667 General Fittings ⁄8 11⁄16 11⁄2 21⁄8 In Pipe/Conduit Supports mm Electrical Fittings In Concrete Inserts mm Unicushion Length 11⁄4" Framing System P2025 P2026 P2027 P2028 In 7 Use With Clamp System 3 6.4 9.5 12.7 15.9 O. D. Size ⁄ Framing ⁄4 ⁄ 1⁄2 5⁄8 38 mm Unicushion Length 13 16" In 1 Use With Clamp Spec. Metals & Fiberglass O. D. Size Nuts & Hardware O. D.TUBE Index O. D.TUBE 135 PIPE/TUBING CLAMPS Controlled Squeeze Shoulder Bolt Includes cushion, clamp and hardware. A Materials: Clamp: Electro-galvanized or stainless steel. Cushion: Thermoplastic elastomer. TUBE SERIES 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Assembly Part Number Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Index CUSH-A-CLAMP® ASSEMBLY 004T008 thru 098N106 009N012 thru 106N114 General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Copper & Steel Tube O. D. Size B PIPE SERIES Copper Water Pipe (Nominal) 004T008 006T010 008T012 14 38 ⁄ ⁄ 1⁄2 14 010T014 58 ⁄ 12 012T016 34 ⁄ 58 014T018 016T020 78 ⁄ 1 34 018T022 020T024 11⁄8 11⁄4 1 022T026 024N028 026N030 13⁄8 11⁄2 15⁄8 11⁄4 028N032 030N034 13⁄4 17⁄8 032N036 034N040 038N044 040N046 042N048 046N052 050N056 056N062 058N064 064N072 066N074 072N080 082N090 2 21⁄8 23⁄8 21⁄2 25⁄8 27⁄8 31⁄8 31⁄2 35⁄8 4 41⁄8 41⁄2 51⁄8 098N106 61⁄8 Assembly Part Number Nominal Pipe Size ⁄ 3⁄8 009N012 14 011N014 38 014N018 12 017N022 34 021N026 1 027N032 11⁄4 030N034 11⁄2 038N044 2 046N052 21⁄2 056N062 3 064N072 31⁄2 072N080 4 089N096 5 106N114 6 ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ 11⁄2 DIMENSIONS "A" In .25 .37 .50 .54 .62 .67 .75 .84 .87 1.00 1.05 1.12 1.25 1.31 1.37 1.50 1.62 1.66 1.75 1.87 1.90 2.00 2.12 2.37 2.50 2.62 2.87 3.12 3.50 3.62 4.00 4.12 4.50 5.12 5.56 6.12 6.62 "B" mm 6.4 9.4 12.7 13.7 15.7 17.0 19.1 21.3 22.1 25.4 26.7 28.4 31.8 33.3 34.8 38.4 41.1 42.2 44.5 47.5 48.5 50.8 53.8 60.2 63.5 66.5 72.9 79.2 88.9 91.9 101.6 104.6 114.3 130.0 141.2 155.4 168.1 136 004T008 004 - Cushion Size 4⁄16" (6.4) T - With Controlled Squeeze Shoulder Bolt 008 - Clamp Size 8⁄16" (12.7) Weight/C "C" In mm In mm Lbs kg .62 .82 .94 .98 1.06 1.13 1.20 1.29 1.31 1.44 1.50 1.57 1.70 1.76 1.82 1.95 2.07 2.17 2.20 2.32 2.35 2.45 2.57 2.82 2.94 3.07 3.32 3.57 3.95 4.20 4.45 4.57 4.95 5.57 6.01 6.57 7.07 15.7 20.8 23.9 24.9 26.9 28.7 30.5 32.8 33.3 36.6 38.1 39.9 43.2 44.7 46.2 49.5 52.6 55.1 55.9 58.9 59.7 62.2 65.3 71.6 74.7 78.0 84.3 90.7 100.3 106.7 113.0 116.1 125.3 141.5 152.7 166.9 179.6 .98 1.13 1.34 1.34 1.54 1.54 1.68 1.82 1.82 1.95 1.95 2.08 2.21 2.34 2.34 2.47 2.60 2.73 2.73 2.86 2.86 3.04 3.23 3.67 3.79 3.92 4.17 4.42 4.79 4.99 5.42 5.54 5.92 6.54 6.92 7.54 8.23 24.9 28.7 34.0 34.0 39.1 39.1 42.7 46.2 46.2 49.5 49.5 52.8 56.1 59.4 59.4 62.7 66.0 69.3 69.3 72.6 72.6 77.2 82.0 93.2 96.3 99.6 105.9 112.3 121.7 126.7 137.7 140.7 150.4 166.1 175.8 191.5 209.0 10 11 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 17 17 18 18 19 20 33 35 35 37 39 41 46 47 49 51 55 57 60 55 70 88 94 110 125 130 130 140 4.5 5.0 5.9 5.9 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.8 6.8 7.7 7.7 8.2 8.2 8.6 9.1 15.0 15.9 15.9 16.8 17.7 18.6 20.9 21.3 22.2 23.1 24.9 25.9 27.2 24.9 31.8 39.9 42.6 49.9 56.7 59.0 59.0 63.5 Part Numbers are "coded" to designate cushion size and clamp size. Examples: C Patent Numbers: 4,516,296; 4,934,635 009N012 009 - Cushion Size 9⁄16" (14.3) N - With Standard Bolt 012 - Clamp Size 12⁄16" (19.1) CUSH-A-CLAMP® ASSEMBLY OMEGA SERIES Nuts & Hardware 004M007 thru 034M040 1 5/8" Channels PIPE/TUBING CLAMPS General Fittings A C E D Pipe/Conduit Supports B Dimensions In mm mm In mm In mm .25 6.4 1.81 46.0 .06 1.5 .62 15.7 "E" In Weight/C mm Lbs .20 5.1 3.4 4 1.5 1.8 5.5 2.5 6 6.5 2.7 2.9 7.1 3.2 7.8 8.1 3.5 3.7 8.4 3.8 17 20 7.7 9.1 19 8.6 004M007 006M008 14 38 008M011 ⁄ ⁄ 14 12 38 ⁄ ⁄ 14 ⁄ .37 .50 9.4 12.7 1.90 48.3 2.20 55.9 .06 .06 1.5 1.5 .62 15.7 .75 19.1 .20 .26 5.1 6.6 010M013 012M015 58 ⁄ 12 38 ⁄ .62 15.7 2.32 58.9 .06 1.5 .75 19.1 .26 6.6 34 58 12 .75 .87 19.1 22.1 2.41 61.2 2.56 65.0 .06 .06 1.5 1.5 .75 19.1 .75 19.1 .26 .26 6.6 6.6 014M017 ⁄ ⁄ 7⁄ 8 016M019 018M020 1 018M021 11⁄8 020M024 021M026 11⁄4 022M026 13⁄8 024M028 026M030 12 032M036 034M040 038M044 ⁄ 3⁄ 4 ⁄ 34 ⁄ 1 1 11⁄4 1⁄ 15⁄8 11⁄2 11⁄4 027M032 028M032 030M034 ⁄ 13⁄4 78 1⁄ 2 12 1⁄ 18 2⁄ 2 1.00 25.4 2.68 68.1 .06 1.5 .75 19.1 .26 6.6 1.05 1.12 26.7 28.4 2.68 68.1 2.82 71.6 .06 .06 1.5 1.5 .75 19.1 .75 19.1 .26 .26 6.6 6.6 1.25 31.8 3.00 76.2 .08 2.0 1.25 31.8 .26 6.6 1.31 1.37 33.3 34.8 3.12 79.2 3.12 79.2 .08 .08 2.0 2.0 1.25 31.8 1.25 31.8 .26 .26 6.6 6.6 1.50 38.1 3.65 92.7 .08 2.0 1.25 31.8 .26 6.6 1.62 1.66 41.1 42.2 3.77 95.8 3.90 99.1 .08 .10 2.0 2.5 1.25 31.8 1.25 31.8 .26 .33 6.6 8.4 1.75 44.5 3.90 99.1 .10 2.5 1.25 31.8 .33 8.4 1.87 2.00 47.5 50.8 4.02 102.1 4.15 105.4 .10 .10 2.5 2.5 1.25 31.8 1.25 31.8 .33 .33 8.4 8.4 2.12 53.8 4.40 111.8 .10 2.5 1.25 31.8 .33 8.4 2.37 60.2 4.71 119.6 .10 2.5 1.25 31.8 .33 8.4 Kg 20 9.1 23 10.4 32 14.5 32 14.5 34 15.4 Concrete Inserts In "D" 11⁄4" Framing System In "C" 36 16.3 41 18.6 44 20.0 Note: Not intended for use with metal framing components. Can be mounted to any flat surface. 137 System In "B" ⁄ Framing In "A" 13 16" Copper Copper Pipe & Steel Water Size Pipe Tubing (Nominal) O. D. (Nominal) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Part Number Patent Pending. Index Materials: Clamp: Electro-chromate or stainless steel. Cushion: Thermoplastic elastomer. Electrical Fittings Includes clamp and cushion. CUSH–A–CLAMP® ASSEMBLY U-BOLT SERIES UB1⁄2PA thru UB12PA Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels PIPE/TUBING CLAMPS 30° A General Fittings 30° (0.17π) Pipe/Conduit Supports C D B (0.17π) A 1 ⁄2" thru 6" assembly. B Electrical Fittings Includes U bolt, cushion, and hardware. D 8" thru 12" assembly. Concrete Inserts Materials: U Bolt: Electro-galvanized finish. Cushion: Thermoplastic elastomer. 11⁄4" Framing System Part Number UB1/2PA UB3/4PA Framing System UB1PA UB1-1/4PA 13⁄16" UB1-1/2PA UB2PA UB2-1/2PA Spec. Metals & Fiberglass UB3PA UB3-1/2PA UB4PA UB5PA Index UB6PA UB8PA Dimensions Pipe Size (Nominal) "A" "B" "D" In In mm In 12 ⁄ 3⁄4 .84 1.05 21.3 26.7 1.60 1.80 40.6 45.7 .68 .68 17.3 17.3 14 1 1.31 33.3 2.05 52.1 .68 17.3 14 1⁄ 11⁄2 1.66 1.90 42.2 48.3 2.54 2.78 64.5 70.6 1.24 1.24 31.5 31.5 38 2 2.37 60.2 3.32 84.3 1.24 31.5 38 21⁄2 3 2.87 3.50 72.9 88.9 3.88 4.50 98.6 114.3 1.24 1.24 31.5 31.5 12 31⁄2 4.00 101.6 5.00 127.0 1.24 31.5 12 4 5 4.50 5.56 114.3 141.2 5.50 6.59 139.7 167.4 1.24 1.24 31.5 31.5 12 6 6.62 168.1 7.81 198.4 1.44 36.6 58 14 mm In mm ⁄ -20 UNC-2B ⁄ -20 UNC-2B 14 ⁄ -20 UNC-2B ⁄ -16 UNC-2B ⁄ -16 UNC-2B 38 ⁄ -16 UNC-2B ⁄ -13 UNC-2B ⁄ -13 UNC-2B 12 ⁄ -13 UNC-2B ⁄ -13 UNC-2B ⁄ -13 UNC-2B 12 ⁄ -11 UNC-2B UB10PA 8 10 8.62 10.75 218.9 273.1 9.84 12.25 249.2 311.2 1.44 1.65 36.6 41.9 58 UB12PA 12 12.75 323.9 14.25 362.0 1.65 41.9 34 Note: Not intended for use with metal framing components. 138 "C" ⁄ -11 UNC-2B ⁄ -10 UNC-2B 34 ⁄ -10 UNC-2B C PIPE HANGERS "J" CONDUIT AND PIPE HANGER J1205 thru J1280 J1205 N thru J 1280 N (Plastic Coated) 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Nuts & Hardware Rod Size A Listed "T" Bolt Size as Listed Plastic Coated ("N" Suffix) G Plastic Coated C Pipe/Conduit Supports "T" Bolt and Nut Included E Hanger Rod Suspended IMPERIAL J1205 N J1207 N J1210 N* J1212 N J1215 N* J1220 N* J1225 N J1230 N* J1235 N J1240 N* J1250 N J1260 N* J1280 N 21 22 25 29 31 35 74 81 88 182 203 236 458 12 38 3 ⁄ ⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 5 6 8 38 ⁄ ⁄ 3 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 1 ⁄2 1 ⁄2 5 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 3 ⁄4 7 ⁄8 13⁄4 17⁄8 21⁄4 23⁄4 3 33⁄8 4 41⁄4 43⁄4 51⁄2 6 7 10 Pipe Size "A" "B" 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 12.7 12.7 12.7 15.9 15.9 19.1 22.2 44.5 47.6 57.2 69.9 76.2 85.7 101.6 108.0 120.7 139.7 152.4 177.8 254.0 "C" ⁄ x 21⁄4 ⁄ x 21⁄4 1⁄4 x 23⁄4 1⁄4 x 31⁄4 1 ⁄4 x 31⁄2 1⁄4 x 4 3 ⁄8 x 41⁄2 3⁄8 x 5 3⁄8 x 51⁄2 3⁄8 x 61⁄2 3⁄8 x 71⁄2 3 ⁄8 x 81⁄2 3⁄8 x 12 "D" 14 13 32 18 14 13 32 18 ⁄ ⁄ 13⁄32 13⁄32 13⁄32 13⁄32 9 ⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9 ⁄16 9⁄16 9 ⁄16 9⁄16 ⁄ ⁄ 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄8 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 "E" "F" "G" x 3⁄4 x 3⁄4 x 3⁄4 x 3⁄4 x 3⁄4 x 3⁄4 x 11⁄4 x 11⁄4 x 11⁄4 x 11⁄4 x 11⁄4 x 11⁄4 x2 9 16 78 9 16 78 "E" ⁄ ⁄ 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 9⁄16 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 1 Load Lbs Electrical Fittings "B" ⁄ ⁄ 1 13⁄8 11⁄2 15⁄8 17⁄8 17⁄8 21⁄8 21⁄4 21⁄4 25⁄8 45⁄8 300 300 300 300 300 300 500 500 500 600 600 600 700 "F" "G" Load kN 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 19.1 19.1 19.1 19.1 19.1 19.1 25.4 22.2 22.2 25.4 34.9 38.1 41.3 47.6 47.6 54.0 57.2 57.2 66.7 117.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.12 Concrete Inserts "A" 11⁄4" Framing System J1205 J1207 J1210 J1212 J1215 J1220 J1225 J1230 J1235 J1240 J1250 J1260 J1280 20 21 24 27 29 33 71 78 85 178 199 231 449 Pipe Size METRIC Part Number kg/C Part Number kg/C J1205 J1207 J1210 J1212 J1215 J1220 J1225 J1230 J1235 J1240 J1250 J1260 J1280 9.1 9.5 10.9 12.2 13.2 15.0 32.2 35.4 38.6 80.7 90.3 104.8 203.7 J1205 N J1207 N J1210 N* J1212 N J1215 N* J1220 N* J1225 N J1230 N* J1235 N J1240 N* J1250 N J1260 N* J1280 N 9.5 10.0 11.3 13.2 14.1 15.9 33.6 36.7 39.9 82.6 92.1 107.0 207.7 12 ⁄ ⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 5 6 8 3 "C" 14 ⁄ x 21⁄4 ⁄4 x 21⁄4 1⁄4 x 23⁄4 1⁄4 x 31⁄4 1⁄4 x 31⁄2 1⁄4 x 4 3 ⁄8 x 41⁄2 3⁄8 x 5 3⁄8 x 51⁄2 3⁄8 x 61⁄2 3⁄8 x 71⁄2 3 ⁄8 x 81⁄2 3⁄8 x 12 1 "D" 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 3.2 x 19.1 3.2 x 19.1 3.2 x 19.1 3.2 x 19.1 3.2 x 19.1 3.2 x 19.1 3.2 x 31.8 3.2 x 31.8 3.2 x 31.8 6.4 x 31.8 6.4 x 31.8 6.4 x 31.8 6.4 x 50.8 *Standard glass drainline and glass process pipe sizes. Minimum safety factor of five (5) on ultimate load. 139 System Lbs/C ⁄ Framing Part Number 13 16" Part Lbs/C Number Spec. Metals & Fiberglass D Index F B General Fittings A PIPE ROLLERS FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL SWIVEL CEILING FLANGES 1 5/8" Channels M30 & M31 3 1⁄4" (82.6) Supports 3⁄8", 1⁄2", 5⁄8", 3⁄4", 7⁄8" hanger rods. 4 5⁄8" (117.5) Nuts & Hardware 3 1⁄4" (82.6) 1 9⁄16" (39.7) 4 5⁄8" (117.5) 1 5⁄8" (41.3) H 3 ⁄4" (19.1) General Fittings UL Pipe/Conduit Supports For pipe sizes 3 ⁄4" to 2". 20° 30° (0.11π) (0.17π) Part Number Mounting Bolt Size Material: Malleable Iron. M30 M31 Electrical Fittings Note: See page 177 for swivel nuts. Hole "H" Weight/C Design Load In mm Lbs kg Lbs kN 38 7 16 12 9 16 18.1 18.1 40 40 18.1 18.1 1220 1450 5.4 6.4 ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ Patent No. 2953874. Wt/C 40 Lbs (18.1 kg) PIPE ROLLER FOR 1⁄2" - 4" PIPE P2474 Concrete Inserts Saddle by others. Requires 2 each 1⁄2" x 15⁄16" bolts and 1⁄2" channel nuts per assembly. Sold separately. Design Load 500 Lbs (2.2 kg) A Wt/C 268 Lbs (121.6 kg) Cast iron rollers. Sold in pairs. CHART FOR DIMENSION A Pipe Size In 12 ⁄ ⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 3 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System 2 1⁄2" (63.5) 140 Insulation Thickness No Insulation In mm 1" In (25.4) mm 11⁄2" In 61⁄2 61⁄2 61⁄2 61⁄2 61⁄2 61⁄2 61⁄2 61⁄2 61⁄2 65⁄8 61⁄2 61⁄2 61⁄2 61⁄2 61⁄2 65⁄8 65⁄8 7 7 71⁄4 165 165 165 165 165 168 168 178 178 184 65⁄8 65⁄8 67⁄8 67⁄8 71⁄8 71⁄8 71⁄2 71⁄2 75⁄8 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 168 (38.1) mm 2" In (50.8) mm 21⁄2" In (63.5) mm 3" In (76.2) mm 168 168 175 175 181 181 191 191 194 67⁄8 67⁄8 71⁄8 71⁄8 73⁄8 73⁄8 73⁄4 73⁄4 77⁄8 175 175 181 181 187 187 197 197 200 73⁄8 73⁄8 71⁄2 71⁄2 77⁄8 77⁄8 8 187 187 191 191 200 200 203 8 8 81⁄8 81⁄8 83⁄8 203 203 207 207 213 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄16" Diameter 14.3 mm 13 ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 17⁄8" (47.6 mm) On Center 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄" 6.4 mm 4" In (101.6) mm 9 229 PIPE ROLLERS Saddle by others. 2 1⁄2" (63.5) • Pipe roller will fit standard saddles. • Select proper roller from chart. Electrical Fittings • Requires 2 each 1⁄2" x 15⁄16" bolts and 1⁄2" channel nuts per assembly. Sold separately. Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings A Nuts & Hardware PIPE ROLLER FOR 1" - 8" PIPE P2474-1 thru P2474-4 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P2474-1 P2474-2 P2474-3 P2474-4 Parts are shipped loose and are easily assembled when installed. Weight/C mm Lbs kg 34 171.5 190.5 215.9 242.9 299 304 311 319 135.6 137.9 141.1 144.7 6⁄ 71⁄2 81⁄2 99⁄16 Concrete Inserts Design Load 750 Lbs (3.3 kN) "A" In 11⁄4" Framing System CHART FOR ROLLER PART NUMBER SELECTION Insulation Thickness No Insulation 1" (25.4) 11⁄2" (38.1) 2" (50.8) 21⁄2" (63.5) 3" (76.2) 4" (101.6) 12 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-1 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-4 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-4 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-2 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-4 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-3 P2474-4 P2474-4 P2474-4 P2474-4 P2474-4 P2474-4 13 16" Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9 16 13 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄ " Diameter 14.3 mm ⁄16" (20.6 mm) From End 78 1 ⁄ " (47.6 mm) On Center Spec. Metals & Fiberglass ⁄ ⁄ 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 5 6 8 34 ⁄ Framing In Index Pipe Size System Part Number ⁄" 6.4 mm 141 PIPE ROLLERS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL PIPE ROLLER FOR 6" - 16" PIPE P2475 2" (50.8) • Requires 2 each 1⁄2" x 15⁄16" bolts and 1⁄2" channel nuts per assembly. Sold separately. Saddle by others. Design Load 1500 Lbs (6.7 kN) 3 1⁄2" 3 3⁄4" TO (88.9) (95.3) A CHART FOR DIMENSION A Pipe Size In 6 8 10 12 14 16 Wt/C 680 Lbs (308.4 kg) No Insulation In mm 91⁄2 101⁄8 103⁄4 111⁄4 115⁄8 121⁄8 241 257 273 286 295 308 1" In (25.4) mm 101⁄4 260 Insulation Thickness 11⁄2" (38.1) 2" (50.8) In mm In mm 101⁄2 11 115⁄8 121⁄8 121⁄2 13 267 279 295 308 318 330 103⁄4 113⁄8 12 121⁄2 127⁄8 133⁄8 273 289 305 318 327 340 21⁄2" In (63.5) mm 3" In (76.2) mm 4" In (101.6) mm 11 113⁄4 121⁄4 123⁄4 13 137⁄8 279 299 311 324 330 352 113⁄8 12 121⁄2 13 133⁄8 14 289 305 318 330 340 356 117⁄8 121⁄2 13 131⁄2 14 141⁄2 302 318 330 343 356 368 PIPE ROLLER FOR 16" - 24" PIPE P2476 Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings 3" (76.2) Material: Cast iron rollers. Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware Sold in pairs. 2" (50.8) • Requires 4 each 1⁄2" x 15⁄16" bolts and 1⁄2" channel nuts per assembly. Sold separately. Saddle by others. 11⁄4" Framing System Design Load 2000 Lbs (8.9 kg) 3" (76.2) Framing System Material: Cast iron rollers. CHART FOR DIMENSION A 3 1⁄4" (82.6) A 13⁄16" Wt/C 1046 Lbs (474.5 kg) Insulation Thickness Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Pipe Size In Index 16 18 20 24 1 1 ⁄2" (38.1) 2" (50.8) 21⁄2" (63.5) 3" (76.2) 4" (101.6) In mm In mm In mm In mm In mm 356 368 381 410 1 368 381 394 422 7 135⁄8 141⁄8 151⁄4 14 141⁄2 151⁄2 356 368 393 13 ⁄8 141⁄8 143⁄4 157⁄8 352 359 375 403 14 141⁄2 15 161⁄8 14 ⁄2 15 151⁄2 165⁄8 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9 16 13 16" 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄ " Diameter 14.3 mm 142 346 359 387 ⁄ (20.6 mm) From End 1 ⁄ " (47.6 mm) On Center 78 ⁄" 6.4 mm PIPE BRACKETS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P2481 1 ⁄4" (6.4) 3 1⁄ 2" Nuts & Hardware (88.9) For 1⁄2" pipe to 11⁄2" pipe. 4" P2482 3 P1000 Lbs kN P1100 Lbs kN P2000 Lbs kN 90 85 85 85 40.8 .4 .4 .4 Pipe/Conduit Supports (101.6) Weight/C Lbs kg General Fittings Design Load (Channel Upright Listed) ⁄8" (9.5) Electrical Fittings 4 3⁄8" (111.1) For 2" pipe to 3" pipe. 139 185 63.0 .8 P1100 Lbs kN 120 .5 P2000 Lbs kN 95 .4 ⁄ Framing PIPE BLOCK FOR 2" (50.8) TO 8" (203.2) PIPES P2243 11⁄4" Framing System P1000 Lbs kN 13 16" Hole Size 7⁄16" (11.1) System 4" (101.6) Weight/C Lbs kg Concrete Inserts Design Load (Channel Upright Listed) 1" 3" (76.2) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (25.4) Clamp Requires bolt and channel nut. Sold seperately Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9 16 13 16" 15⁄8" 41.3 mm 14 ⁄ " Diameter 14.3 mm ⁄ (20.6 mm) From End 1 ⁄ " (47.6 mm) On Center 78 Index Wt/C 40 Lbs (18.1 kg) ⁄" 6.4 mm 143 ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT) - THIN WALL Tubing Size (Nominal) Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels PIPE/CONDUIT REFERENCE DATA In In 38 General Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Electrical Fittings Inside Diameter mm Weight Of Tubing In mm Lbs/Ft kg/m ⁄ ⁄ 0.577 0.706 14.7 17.9 0.497 0.626 12.6 15.9 .23 .29 0.34 0.43 3 ⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 0.922 1.163 1.510 1.740 23.4 29.5 38.4 44.2 0.830 1.055 1.388 1.618 21.1 26.8 35.3 41.1 .44 .64 .95 1.10 0.65 0.95 1.41 1.64 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 2.197 2.875 3.500 4.000 55.8 73.0 188.9 101.6 2.075 2.731 3.356 3.834 52.7 69.4 85.2 97.4 1.40 2.30 2.70 3.40 2.08 3.42 4.02 5.06 4 4.500 114.3 4.334 110.1 4.00 5.95 12 Table furnished by American Iron and Steel Institute, New York. INTERMEDIATE METALLIC CONDUIT (IMC) Conduit Size (Nominal) 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Outside Diameter In 1 Framing System 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Index In Inside Diameter mm In mm Weight Of Conduit Lbs/Ft kg/m Weight of Conduit and Conductor Lbs/Ft kg/m ⁄2 ⁄ 1 11⁄4 0.815 1.029 1.290 1.638 20.7 26.1 32.8 41.6 0.745 0.954 1.205 1.553 18.9 24.2 30.6 38.9 .60 .82 1.16 1.50 .89 1.22 1.72 2.23 0.12 1.13 1.82 2.67 0.37 0.55 0.83 1.21 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 1.883 2.360 2.857 3.476 47.8 59.9 72.6 88.3 1.793 2.266 2.727 3.346 45.5 57.5 69.2 85.0 1.82 2.42 4.01 4.43 2.71 3.60 5.97 6.59 3.42 5.04 7.75 10.69 1.55 2.29 3.52 4.85 31⁄2 4 3.971 4.466 100.9 113.4 3.841 4.336 97.5 110.1 5.73 6.38 8.53 9.49 13.46 16.37 6.11 7.41 34 144 Outside Diameter 1 5/8" Channels PIPE/CONDUIT REFERENCE DATA RIGID STEEL (HEAVY DUTY) CONDUIT In 12 ⁄ ⁄ 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 5 6 0.622 0.824 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 3.548 4.026 5.047 6.065 34 Not Lead Covered mm In mm In mm Lbs/Ft kg/m Lbs/Ft kg/m Lbs/Ft kg/m 15.8 20.9 26.6 35.1 40.9 52.5 62.5 77.9 90.1 102.3 128.2 154.1 .840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.563 6.625 21.3 26.6 33.4 42.2 48.3 60.3 73.0 89.9 101.6 114.3 141.3 168.3 1.063 1.297 1.563 1.969 2.234 2.719 3.313 3.938 4.438 4.938 6.296 7.358 27.0 32.9 39.7 50.0 56.7 69.1 84.2 100.0 112.7 125.4 159.9 186.9 .85 1.13 1.68 2.28 2.73 3.68 5.82 7.62 9.20 10.89 14.81 19.19 1.26 1.68 2.50 3.39 4.06 5.48 8.66 11.34 13.64 16.21 22.04 28.56 1.2 1.8 2.6 4.3 5.9 8.5 11.5 16.5 19.0 24.8 35.9 50.7 1.79 2.68 3.87 6.40 8.79 12.65 17.11 24.55 28.33 36.91 53.42 75.45 1.0 1.4 2.3 3.6 4.5 7.2 10.2 14.5 17.5 21.5 30.8 43.4 1.49 2.08 3.42 5.36 6.70 10.71 15.18 21.56 26.04 32.00 45.83 64.59 General Fittings Lead Covered In Nuts & Hardware Maximum Weight* Of Conduit And Conductor Weight of Conduit Pipe/Conduit Supports O. D. Of Coupling Exception: If made up with threaded couplings, it shall be permissible to support straight runs of rigid metal conduit in accordance with Table 346-12, provided such supports prevent transmission of stresses to termination where conduit is deflected between supports. Maximum Spacing Between Pipe Supports Nominal Pipe Size Maximum Span Nominal Pipe Size Maximum Span In Ft m In Ft m 1 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 2.13 2.74 3.05 3.35 3.66 3.96 4.27 4.88 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 19 22 23 25 27 28 30 32 5.79 6.71 7.01 7.62 8.23 8.53 9.14 9.75 Concrete Inserts 346-12. Supports. Rigid metal conduit shall be installed as a complete system as provided in Article 300 and shall be securely fastened in place. Conduit shall be firmly fastened within 3 feet (914 mm) of each outlet box, junction box, cabinet, or fitting. Conduit shall be supported at least every 10 feet (3.05 m). Electrical Fittings * Maximum weight equals weight of rigid conduit plus weight of heaviest conductor combination (from the National Electrical Code Handbook.) The above spacing based on a combined bending and shear stress of 1500 PSI when pipe is filled with water and the pitch of the line is such that a sag of 0.1 in. between supports is permissible. Table 346-12 Support for Rigid Metal Conduit ⁄2 - ⁄4 1 11⁄4 - 11⁄2 2 - 21⁄2 3 & larger mm Ft m 13 - 19 25 32 - 38 51 - 64 76 & larger 10 12 14 16 20 3.05 3.66 4.27 4.88 6.10 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 3 Index In 1 13 16" Maximum Distance Between Supports Conduit Size 11⁄4" Framing System O. D. Of Conduit System I. D. Of Conduit ⁄ Framing Conduit Size (Nominal) 145 SCHEDULE 40: STEEL PIPE Pipe Size (Nominal) In Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels PIPE/CONDUIT REFERENCE DATA 38 ⁄ ⁄2 3⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings 1 Outside Diameter Inside Diameter In mm In mm 0.675 0.840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.563 6.625 8.625 10.750 12.750 14.000 16.000 18.000 20.000 24.000 17.1 21.3 26.7 33.4 42.2 48.3 60.3 73.0 88.9 101.6 114.3 141.3 168.3 219.1 273.1 324.9 355.6 406.4 457.2 508.0 609.6 0.493 0.622 0.824 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 3.548 4.026 5.047 6.065 7.981 10.020 11.938 13.126 15.000 16.876 18.814 22.626 12.5 15.8 20.9 26.6 35.1 40.9 52.5 62.7 77.9 90.1 102.3 128.2 154.1 202.7 254.5 303.2 333.4 381.0 428.7 477.9 574.7 Pipe Weight Lbs/Ft 0.57 0.85 1.13 1.68 2.27 2.72 3.65 5.79 7.58 9.11 10.80 14.60 19.00 28.60 40.50 53.60 63.30 82.80 105.00 123.00 171.00 Pipe and Water Weight kg/m Lbs/Ft kg/m 0.85 1.26 1.68 2.50 3.38 4.05 5.43 8.62 11.28 13.56 16.07 21.73 28.27 42.56 60.27 79.76 94.20 123.22 156.26 183.04 254.47 0.653 0.982 1.360 2.054 2.913 3.602 5.105 7.866 10.78 13.39 16.31 23.26 31.51 50.29 74.65 102.00 122.10 159.30 201.90 243.30 345.50 0.97 1.46 2.02 3.06 4.34 5.36 7.60 11.71 16.04 19.93 24.27 34.61 46.89 74.84 111.09 151.79 171.70 237.06 300.46 362.07 514.15 SCHEDULE 80: STEEL PIPE 11⁄4" Framing System Pipe Size (Nominal) Framing System 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Pipe Weight In In mm In mm Lbs/Ft kg/m 0.675 0.840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.563 6.625 8.625 10.75 12.75 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 24.00 17.1 21.3 26.7 33.4 42.2 48.3 60.3 73.0 88.9 101.6 114.3 141.3 168.3 219.1 273.1 323.9 355.6 406.4 457.2 508.0 609.6 0.423 0.546 0.742 0.957 1.278 1.500 1.939 2.323 2.900 3.364 3.826 4.813 5.761 7.625 9.564 11.376 12.500 14.314 16.126 17.938 21.564 10.7 13.9 18.8 24.3 32.5 38.1 49.3 59.0 73.7 85.4 97.2 122.3 146.3 193.7 242.9 289.0 317.5 363.6 409.6 455.6 547.7 0.74 1.09 1.47 2.17 3.00 3.63 5.03 7.66 10.3 12.5 15.0 20.8 28.6 43.4 64.3 88.5 106.1 136.5 170.8 208.9 296.4 1.10 1.62 2.19 3.23 4.46 5.40 7.49 11.40 15.33 18.60 22.32 31.00 42.56 64.59 95.69 131.70 157.89 203.13 254.18 310.87 441.09 ⁄ ⁄ 3⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Index Inside Diameter 38 12 146 Outside Diameter Pipe and Water Weight Lbs/Ft 0.801 1.191 1.668 2.481 3.555 4.395 6.309 9.497 13.16 16.35 19.98 28.69 39.89 63.20 95.40 132.50 159.30 206.20 259.30 318.30 454.70 kg/m 1.19 1.77 2.48 3.69 5.29 6.57 9.39 14.13 19.58 24.33 29.73 42.67 59.36 94.25 141.97 197.18 237.06 306.85 385.88 473.68 676.66 1 5/8" Channels PIPE & TRAPEZE HANGERS REFERENCE DATA SCHEDULE 40: PVC PLASTIC PIPE In mm 14 .540 .675 .840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 6.625 8.625 10.750 13.7 17.1 21.3 26.7 33.4 42.2 48.3 60.3 73.0 88.9 114.3 168.3 219.1 273.1 ⁄ ⁄ 1⁄2 3 ⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 4 6 8 10 mm .354 .483 .608 .810 1.033 1.364 1.592 2.049 2.445 3.042 3.998 6.031 7.943 9.976 9.0 12.3 15.4 20.6 26.2 34.6 40.4 52.0 62.1 77.3 101.5 153.2 201.8 253.4 Pipe and Water Weight Lbs/Ft kg/m Lbs/Ft kg/m .081 .109 .161 .214 .315 .426 .509 .682 1.076 1.409 2.006 3.535 5.305 7.532 0.12 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.47 0.63 0.76 1.01 1.60 2.10 2.99 5.26 7.89 11.21 0.12 0.19 0.29 0.44 0.68 1.06 1.37 2.11 3.11 4.55 7.44 15.90 26.75 41.35 0.18 0.28 0.43 0.65 1.01 1.58 2.04 3.14 4.63 6.77 11.07 23.66 39.81 61.53 Electrical Fittings 38 In Pipe Weight Nuts & Hardware In Inside Diameter General Fittings Outside Diameter Pipe/Conduit Supports Pipe Size (Nominal) Pipe Size (Nominal) In 2 In 21⁄2 In 3 In 31⁄2 In 4 In 5 In 6 In 8 In 10 In P1000 P1000 P1001 P1001 P5500 P1001 P5501 System P3000 11⁄4" Framing System P1000 ⁄ Framing 11⁄2 (460) 2 (610) 21⁄2 (760) 3 (910) 4 (1220) 5 (1520) 6 (1830) 7 (2130) 8 (2440) 9 (2740) 10 (3050) In 11⁄2 13 16" 1 In 11⁄4 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Span of Trapeze Ft (mm) Concrete Inserts CHANNEL SELECTION FOR SPRINKLER PIPE TRAPEZE HANGERS P1004 A 2-P1004 A Index • Based on NFPA-13-1989 Section Modulus Table 3-10.1.7(a) • For Schedule 40 Pipe Note: The table is based on a maximum allowable bending stress of 15 KSI and a midspan concentrated load from 15 ft of water-filled pipe, plus 250 lb. 147 ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Page Electrical Fittings Nuts & Hardware Receptacles Fixture Hangers General Fittings Accessories and Connectors Junction Boxes Swivel Hangers Cable Entrance Tubing and Accessories 153 154 155 159 160 161 162 MATERIAL Unistrut fittings, unless noted, are made from hot-rolled, pickled and oiled steel plates, strip or coil, and conform to ASTM specifications A575, A576, A635, or A36. The fitting steel also meets the physical requirements of ASTM A570 GR 33. The pickling of the steel produces a smooth surface free from scale. Maple cable saddles, cable clamps and bus bar clamps are made from kiln-dry maple treated with paraffin to a depth of 1⁄16" (1.6mm). Special sizes of clamps can be fabricated upon request. Porcelain cable Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports In-Channel Joiners 150 148 clamps are made by the dry process and white glazed. Cable saddles are fiberglass-reinforced polyester. FINISHES Components listed in this section are available in: electro-galvanized (EG), conforming to ASTM B633 Type III SC1; Hot-dipped galvanized (HG), conforming to ASTM A123 or A153, Perma-Green II (GR), and plain (PL). Note: Many Unistrut Metal Framing components, when used with appropriate closures, are UL® listed, and CSA approved. DESIGN LOAD Design load data, where shown, is based on the ultimate strength of the connection with a safety factor of 2.5, unless otherwise noted. DIMENSIONS Imperial dimensions are illustrated in inches. Metric dimensions are shown in parenthesis or as noted. Unless noted, all metric dimensions are in millimeters and rounded to one decimal place. UNISTRUT RACEWAY FILL CHARTS 14 THWN, THHN XHHW T, TW THW RH RHH, RHW 72 48 46 30 27 19 Number and Conductor Size (AWG) 12 10 8 6 54 37 36 25 22 16 34 29 28 20 13 13 17 13 13 10 7 7 12 10 7 7 5 5 P5500, & -KO Gage Number and Conductor Size (AWG) 14 12 10 8 6 Gage THWN, THHN XHHW T, TW THW RH RHH, RHW 40 26 26 17 15 10 THWN, THHN XHHW T, TW THW RH RHH, RHW 30 21 20 14 12 9 19 16 15 11 7 7 9 7 7 6 4 4 6 5 4 4 3 2 P1000, & -KO, P1100 & -KO, P2000 & -KO 14 Number and Conductor Size (AWG) 12 10 8 6 141 93 91 59 53 37 105 73 58 49 44 32 33 27 26 20 14 14 23 19 15 15 10 10 P5000, & -KO Number and Conductor Size (AWG) 12 10 8 6 Gage Number and Conductor Size (AWG) 14 12 10 8 6 Gage 14 THWN, THHN XHHW T, TW THW RH RHH, RHW 88 58 57 37 33 23 THWN, THHN XHHW T, TW THW RH RHH, RHW 193 128 125 81 73 51 42 35 34 24 16 16 20 16 16 12 9 9 14 12 9 9 6 6 105 101 98 67 60 44 91 78 75 54 36 36 45 37 35 28 19 19 32 27 20 20 13 13 C.S.A. APPROVED ⁄ Framing MAXIMUM NUMBER OF WIRES FOR TYPES T, THHN, THW, THWN, TW, R, RH, RHH, RHW OR XHHW 14 12 10 8 6 P3000, &-KO P3300, P4000 A B A B A B A B A B 6 6 5 4 2 10 10 8 6 3 5 4 4 3 2 10 10 6 4 2 4 3 - 6 6 - 10 10 8 6 4 10 10 10 9 6 10 10 8 6 4 10 10 10 8 6 P5000 &-KO Spec. Metals & Fiberglass P1000, &-KO P1100, &-KO P2000. &-KO P5500, &-KO Index Raceway Wire Size AWG 13 16" Suitable for number of wires in Column A when installed to support and supply electric discharge type lighting fixtures when raceway wiring is suitable for at least 75° C except wire suitable for 60° C may be used when clearance between fixtures and raceways is at least 1 ⁄2" (12.7). Also suitable for number of wires in column B when installed to support electric discharge type lighting fixtures when raceway wiring is suitable for at least 75° C and clearance between fixtures and raceway is at least 1⁄8" (3.2). System 11⁄4" Framing System 66 46 44 30 27 20 66 57 55 39 26 26 Electrical Fittings P3300, P4000 Nuts & Hardware The following tables represent maximum number of conductors when raceway is not employed with fixtures or where the clearance between fixtures and raceway is greater than 1⁄2" (12.7). In all cases the snap-in cover is required to complete raceway enclosure. Gage General Fittings Unistrut channel is listed by Underwriters' Laboratories as a surface metal raceway. Snap-in closure strip is used to complete the raceway. Accessory parts listed by Underwriters are noted on drawings. Pipe/Conduit Supports P3000, & -KO Concrete Inserts U.L. LISTED 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Unistrut channels are also certified by Canadian Standards Association. 149 ELECTRICAL FITTINGS CABLE SADDLES P1753 FG P1754 FG 2" (50.8) A Maximum Cable Diameter "A" Part Number P1753 FG P1754 FG P1753 PO P1754 PO Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Weight/C In mm In mm Lbs kg 213⁄16 33⁄4 3 4 71.4 95.3 76.2 101.6 3 41⁄2 3 41⁄2 76.2 114.3 76.2 114.3 12 17 75 95 5.4 7.7 34.0 43.1 General Fittings Material: FG - Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester, PO - Dry Process White Glazed Porcelain MAPLE CABLE SADDLES P2649 A thru P2649 H 1 5⁄ 8" (41.3) A • 3⁄8" Flat Head Machine Screw included. Hole Size • Specify hole size when ordering. Pipe/Conduit Supports Electrical Fittings Concrete Inserts 11⁄4" Framing System • Order channel nuts as required. B Hole Size Part Number Material: Maple hardwood paraffin impregnated. In P2649 A P2649 B P2649 C P2649 D P2649 E P2649 F P2649 G P2649 H 0 1 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 over 4 1 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 1 5⁄8" (41.3) P2645 A thru P2645 H "A" "B" Weight/C mm In mm In mm Lbs kg 0 - 25.4 25.4 - 38.1 38.1 - 50.8 50.8 - 63.5 63.5 - 76.2 76.2 - 88.9 88.9 - 101.6 over 101.6 3 31⁄2 4 41⁄2 5 51⁄2 6 76.2 88.9 101.6 114.3 127.0 139.7 152.4 13⁄4 2 21⁄4 21⁄2 23⁄4 3 31⁄4 44.5 50.8 57.2 63.5 69.9 76.2 82.6 31 38 47 57 68 80 94 14.1 17.2 21.3 25.9 30.8 36.3 42.6 MAPLE CABLE CLAMPS A • 3⁄8" studs, square nuts and washers included. • Specify hole size when ordering. B • Order channel nuts as required. Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System Hole Size Part Number Material: Maple hardwood paraffin impregnated. 150 P2645 A P2645 B P2645 C P2645 D P2645 E P2645 F P2645 G P2645 H Hole Size In 0 1 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 over 4 "A" and "B" Dimensions mm 1 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 0 - 25.4 25.4 - 38.1 38.1 - 50.8 50.8 - 63.5 63.5 - 76.2 76.2 - 88.9 88.9 - 101.6 over 101.6 In 31⁄2 4 41⁄2 51⁄2 6 61⁄2 7 Weight/C mm Lbs kg 88.9 101.6 114.3 139.7 152.4 165.1 177.8 84 102 121 165 189 215 243 38.1 46.3 54.9 74.8 85.7 97.5 110.2 ELECTRICAL FITTINGS 4" (101.6) BUS BAR MAPLE CLAMPS P2647 A thru P2647 F 1 5⁄8" (41.3) • 1⁄2" studs, square nuts and washers are included. 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL • Channel nuts must be ordered separately. A Nuts & Hardware • Bus bar maple clamps also available in 1⁄4" (6.4) x 2" (50.8) and 1⁄4" (6.4) x 6" (152.4) B General Fittings 4" (101.6) 7 3⁄8" (187.3) 1⁄4" In mm 9 32 215.9 241.3 266.7 292.1 317.5 342.9 ⁄ 7.1 20.6 33.3 46.0 60.3 73.0 13 16 ⁄ 15⁄16 113⁄16 23⁄8 27⁄8 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Lbs kg Electrical Fittings 8⁄ 91⁄2 101⁄2 111⁄2 121⁄2 131⁄2 mm 421 191.0 465 210.9 509 230.9 553 250.8 597 270.8 631 286.2 MAPLE CABLE CLAMPS P1690 thru P1697 11⁄4" Framing System Material: Paraffin impregnated maple hardwood. P2647 A P2647 B P2647 C P2647 D P2647 E P2647 F 12 Wt/C • Use with steel clamp and Everdur hardware. Order clamp separately. Hole Size ⁄ Framing • Specify hole size when ordering. In "A" mm 58 P1690 P1691 P1692 P1693 P1694 P1695 P1113 E P1115 E P1117 E P1118 E P1119 E P1120 E 0 1⁄2 3⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 - ⁄ 1 11⁄2 13⁄4 21⁄4 21⁄2 P1696 P1697 P1121 E P1123 E 21⁄4 3 - 3 4 In Wt/C mm Lbs kg 15.9 25.4 38.1 44.5 57.2 63.5 12 1⁄ 21⁄8 25⁄8 3 35⁄8 41⁄8 38.1 24 54.0 42 66.7 54 76.2 65 92.1 84 104.8 107 10.9 19.1 24.5 29.5 38.1 48.5 57.2 - 76.2 76.2 - 101.6 45⁄8 53⁄4 117.5 123 146.1 163 55.8 73.9 0 12.7 19.1 31.8 38.1 50.8 - Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Hole Size Index Material: Paraffin impregnated maple hardwood. Order Steel Clamp Number 13 16" A Part Number Concrete Inserts In No. Bus Sepa- No. Bars rators Per Leg "B" System "A" Part Number Pipe/Conduit Supports (5.4) Maple Separator 151 ELECTRICAL FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL PORCELAIN CABLE CLAMPS P1787 A thru P1795 B • Use with steel clamp and Everdur hardware. Hole Size Nuts & Hardware • Order clamp separately. A General Fittings Material: Dry process porcelain white glaze. Part Number In mm Lbs ⁄ ⁄ 5⁄8 9.5 12.7 15.9 17⁄8 47.6 36 32 31 16.3 14.5 14.1 3 P1115 E ⁄ 1 11⁄8 19.1 22.2 25.4 28.6 23⁄8 60.3 57 56 55 48 25.9 25.4 24.9 21.8 P1117 E 11⁄4 13⁄8 11⁄2 15⁄8 31.8 34.9 38.1 41.3 2 ⁄8 73.0 83 82 75 67 37.6 37.2 34.0 30.4 P1119 E 13⁄4 17⁄8 2 21⁄8 44.5 47.6 50.8 54.0 4 101.6 185 180 160 140 83.9 81.6 72.6 63.5 P1120 E 21⁄4 23⁄8 21⁄2 25⁄8 57.2 60.3 63.5 66.7 12 4⁄ 114.3 200 200 195 190 90.7 90.7 88.5 86.2 P1121 E 23⁄4 27⁄8 3 31⁄8 69.9 73.0 76.2 79.4 51⁄8 130.2 260 240 240 235 117.9 108.9 108.9 106.6 P1123 E 31⁄4 33⁄8 31⁄2 35⁄8 82.6 85.7 88.9 92.1 18 6⁄ 155.6 387 367 360 350 175.5 166.5 163.3 158.8 P1794 P1794 A P1794 B P1794 C P1124 E 33⁄4 37⁄8 4 41⁄8 95.3 98.4 101.6 104.8 71⁄4 184.2 600 580 550 540 272.2 263.1 249.5 244.9 P1795 P1795 A P1795 B P1124 E 41⁄4 43⁄8 41⁄2 108.0 111.1 114.3 71⁄4 184.2 550 500 490 249.5 226.8 222.3 Pipe/Conduit Supports Electrical Fittings Concrete Inserts P1790 P1790 A P1790 B P1790 C 11⁄4" Framing System P1791 P1791 A P1791 B P1791 C Framing System P1792 P1792 A P1792 B P1792 C 13⁄16" Weight/C mm P1789 P1789 A P1789 B P1789 C P1793 P1793 A P1793 B P1793 C Spec. Metals & Fiberglass "A" In P1788 P1788 A P1788 B P1788 C Index Hole Size 38 P1787 A P1787 B P1787 C 152 Order Steel Clamp Number P1113 E 12 ⁄4 78 7 kg RECEPTACLES FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL • 125 V, 15 amp receptacle, NEMA configuration S-15R, cover plate. P2553 Wire Connectors • #6 screws, nuts and wire connectors included. 1 5/8" Channels DUPLEX GROUNDED RECEPTACLE P2557 • Leads are 14 gage 105°C plastic covered. Nuts & Hardware • Ground wire is green 16 gage. Oval Head 6" (152.4) General Fittings #6-32 X 1" Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports P3016-0632 P3184 Closure Finish: White powder coat. Wt/C 38 Lbs (17.2 kg) 1⁄4" x 5⁄8" P2763 P2764 P2765 RECEPTACLE UNIT Concrete Inserts RECEPTACLE BOX P2761 P2762 7 ⁄8" Knockout 1⁄4" x 5⁄8" 11⁄4" Framing System ⁄8" Knockout 13 16" ⁄ Framing Includes Nuts and Screws Includes Nuts and Screws P3016-1420 Weight/C Lbs kg Single Duplex 88 88 39.9 39.8 P2763 P2764 P2765 125V 250V 277V Lbs kg NEMA Receptacle Configuration 108 108 108 49 49 49 5-15R 6-15R 7-15R Weight/C Index P2761 P2762 Outlet Outlet Spec. Metals & Fiberglass P3016-1420 Part Number Part Number System 7 153 FLUORESCENT FIXTURE HANGERS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL FLOURESCENT FIXTURE HANGERS P2537 P5537 1 Nuts & Hardware ⁄4" X 1" RHMS and Sq. Nut Included FLOURESCENT FIXTURE HANGERS P2539 P3539 P5539 1 ⁄4" X 1" RHMS and Sq. Nut Included A A 1 5 ⁄8 " (41.3) 5 9 Part Number Design Load 120 Lbs (.5 kN) P5537 "A" P1000 P1100 P2000 P3000 P5500 • Hanger provides 1⁄8" (3.2) space between channel and fixtures. Design Load 120 Lbs (.5 kN) Materials: 18 gage (1.2). Use With Channel Weight/C Part Number In mm Lbs kg 27⁄16 61.9 19 8.6 P2539 31⁄4 82.6 22 10.0 P3539 P5539 RACEWAY HANGERS P2755 P2756 P2757 A Use With Channel "A" P1000 P1100 P2000 P3000 P5500 Weight/C In mm Lbs kg 13⁄4 44.5 17 7.7 11⁄2 29⁄16 38.1 65.1 15 18 6.8 8.2 RACEWAY HANGERS P2855 P2856 P2857 A 2 3⁄4" (69.9) 4 1⁄4" (108.0) 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts P2537 ⁄4 " X 3 ⁄4 " Carriage Bolt and Sq. Nut Included Materials: 18 gage (1.2). 9 ⁄32" (7.1) Sq. Hole 9 Framing System ⁄32" (7.1) Sq. Hole Use with Channels: P1001, P1101, P2001, P5000, & P5500. Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" 1 ⁄32" (7.1) Dia. Hole • Hanger provides more than 1 ⁄2" (12.7) space between channel and fixtures. Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings 1 ⁄8" (41.3) Design Load 120 Lbs (.5 kN) Material: 14 gage (1.9). Index In P2755 P2756 P2757 154 9 16 ⁄ ⁄ 78 13 32 ⁄ Design Load 120 Lbs (.5 kN) Material: 14 gage (1.9). "A" Part Number Use with Channels: P1000, P1100, P2000, P3000, P3300, P4000, P4001, P4100, & P4101. Weight/C mm 14.3 22.2 10.3 Lbs 44 44 44 kg 20.0 20.0 20.0 "A" Part Number P2855 P2856 P2857 Weight/C In mm Lbs kg 9 16 14.3 22.2 10.3 32 32 32 14.5 14.5 14.5 ⁄ ⁄ 78 13 32 ⁄ ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES SPLICE FITTINGS Back Clevis P2869 14 (1.9) Gage 6 3⁄4" (171.5) In mm Plate Back Nut Clevis Number Number Weight/C Lbs kg P3922 P1000 P1100 P2000 15⁄8 41.3 P2377 P2517 P2869 100 45.4 P3923 P3000 13⁄8 34.9 P3377 P2517 P2869 97 44.0 P3924 P4000 13 ⁄16 20.6 P5377 P2517 P2869 80 36.3 P3925 P5500 15⁄8 41.3 P2377 P5517 P2869 103 46.7 P3926 P5000 15⁄8 41.3 P2377 P5017 P2869 106 48.1 Pipe/Conduit Supports Clevis Number "A" General Fittings ⁄4" X 5⁄8" Flat Head Machine Screws and 4 Hole Splice Plate Nut Included CONDUIT SWING FITTING P2534-50 P2534-75 2" (50.8) 4 13⁄16" (122.2) 2" (50.8) 11⁄4" Framing System Material: 16 gage (1.6). 1 Electrical Fittings Use Assembly With Number Channel Nuts & Hardware Threaded Plate Nut Concrete Inserts P3922 thru P3926 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 2" (50.8) 2 Holes Ground Wire Bushing Not Included 13 16" P2534-50 For 1⁄2" Rigid Conduit P2534-75 For 3⁄4" Rigid Conduit ⁄ Framing ⁄32" (7.1) 3⁄16" (4.8) (.08π) 15° (.08π) Design Load 300 Lbs (1.3 kN) Index 15° Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 1 ⁄4" X 3⁄4" Slotted Hex Head Screws and Nuts Included • Conduit hanger fittings allow a free swivel of 15° in one direction. • Fitting may be mounted to the slot side of the Unistrut channel or to the back. System 9 Wt/C 96 Lbs (43.5 kg) 155 ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5/8" Channels P2535 CONDUIT HANGER CONNECTION FOR 3⁄4" CONDUIT 1 ⁄4" X 5⁄8" Flat Head Machine Screws and P3016-1420 Nuts Included P2536 CONDUIT HANGER CONNECTION FOR 1⁄2" CONDUIT 1 ⁄4" X 5⁄8" Flat Head Machine Screws and P3016-1420 Nuts Included 7 Nuts & Hardware ⁄8" (22.2) Dia. 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 4" (101.6) General Fittings 1 3⁄32" (27.8) Dia. Design Load 400 Lbs (1.8 kN) Material: 12 gage (2.7). Pipe/Conduit Supports 5 1⁄8" (130.2) Design Load 200 Lbs (.9 kN) Material: 16 gage (1.5) Wt/C 28 Lbs (12.7 kg) P2522 Wt/C 36 Lbs (16.3 kg) END CONNECTORS FOR 1⁄2" CONDUIT P3521-50 OUTLET BOX CONNECTION ⁄4" X 5⁄8" Flat Head Machine Screws and 1 15⁄16" P3016-1420 Nuts Included Electrical Fittings 1 2 1⁄4" (57.2) Concrete Inserts ⁄4" X 5⁄8" Flat Head Machine Screw and P3016-1420 Nut Included 11⁄4" Framing System 3 Knockouts 7 ⁄8" (22.2) Dia. Material: 12 gage (2.7). Wt/C 35 Lbs (15.9 kg) P2521-50 P2521-75 Framing System 13⁄16" ⁄8" (22.2) Dia. 1 6 1⁄4" (158.8) Wt/C 27 Lbs (12.2 kg) 1 P5500 A 5 ⁄4" X ⁄8" Flat Head Machine Screw and P3016-1420 Nut Included 1 ⁄4" X 5⁄8" Flat Head Machine Screw and P3016-1420 Nut Included 2 1⁄16" (52.4) 1 3 ⁄8 " (34.9) For Unistrut channels P1000, P1100, & P2000. Material: 12 gage (2.7) Part Number P2521-50 P2521-75 156 END CONNECTORS FOR 1⁄2" & 3⁄4" CONDUIT P5521-50 P5521-75 END CONNECTORS FOR ⁄ " & 3⁄4" CONDUIT 12 A Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 7 P3000 1 3⁄16" (49.2) 1 3⁄16" (30.2) 1 15⁄16" (30.2) (49.2) Conduit Size A In 12 ⁄ ⁄ 34 Material: 12 gage (2.7). Weight/C Lbs kg 27 26 12.2 11.8 Part Number P5521-50 P5521-75 Conduit Size A In 12 ⁄ ⁄ 34 Weight/C Lbs kg 27 26 12.2 11.8 ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES END CONNECTOR FOR 1⁄2" & 3⁄4" CONDUIT P5021-50 P5021-75 END CONNECTOR FOR 1" CONDUIT P2521-100 P5000 A 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Tapped for 1" Conduit Thread ⁄4" X 5⁄8" Flat Head Machine Screw and P3016-1420 Nut Included Nuts & Hardware 1 P1000 1 ⁄4" X 5⁄8" Flat Head Machine Screw and P3016-1420 Nut Included 1 5⁄8" 2 1⁄16" (52.4) General Fittings (41.3) Material: 12 gage (2.7). 31 30 Material: 12 gage (2.7). 14.1 13.6 Wt/C 24 Lbs (10.9 kg) END CONNECTOR FOR 1" CONDUIT P5021-100 END CONNECTOR FOR 1" CONDUIT P5521-100 Tapped for 1" Conduit Thread Tapped for 1" Conduit Thread P5000 P5500 Material: 12 gage (2.7). Wt/C 24 Lbs (10.9 kg) Wt/C 28 Lbs (12.7 kg) P1180 W thru P5580 W WIREWAY END CAPS Part Number Material: .075" (1.9) P1180 W P1280 W P2280 W P3280 W P4280 W P5280 W P5580 W Use With Weight/C Lbs kg P1100 P1000 P2000 P3000 P4000 P5000 P5500 12 11 11 15 5 22 18 ⁄ Framing Material: 12 gage (2.7). 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 13 16" 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 5.4 5.0 5.0 6.8 2.3 10.0 8.2 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass ⁄4" X ⁄8" Flat Head Machine Screw and P3016-1420 Nut Included ⁄4" X 5⁄8" Flat Head Machine Screw and P3016-1420 Nut Included Index 5 Concrete Inserts 1 1 Pipe/Conduit Supports ⁄ 3⁄4 Electrical Fittings 12 P5021-50 P5021-75 Weight/C Lbs kg 11⁄4" Framing System Conduit Size A In System Part Number 157 ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P2541 SPACER CLEVIS 7 ⁄8" DIA. (22.2) UNISTRUT Channel 1 Nuts & Hardware ⁄8" (3.2) 2" (50.8) 2" (50.8) 1 21⁄32" (42.1) P2541 P2540 Wiring Stud Nut 4" (101.6) General Fittings Flourescent Fixture Wt/C 24 Lbs (10.9 kg) P2540 P2540 A WIRING STUD NUT Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Material: 12 gage (2.7). Concrete Inserts A 12 ⁄ " American Standard Pipe Thread "A" mm 11⁄8 28.6 15.9 5 ⁄8 10 8 4.5 3.6 Wt/C 11 Lbs (5.0 kg) 1 1⁄2" (38.1) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" 1 3⁄16" (30.2) POLYPROPYLENE WIRE RETAINER 1 1⁄2" (38.1) Index Retainer may be easily pushed into channel to support wires until closure strip is installed. Wt/C .30 Lbs (.1 kg) 158 ⁄4" x 20 Thd. Weight/C Lbs kg In P2552 Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System P2540 P2540 A 1 Design Load 320 Lbs (1.4 kN) Material: Sintered metal. Part Number FIXTURE STUD NUT P3116-125 JUNCTION BOXES FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL JUNCTION BOX P2811 * See note below. Wt/C 135 Lbs (61.2 kg) * See note below. JUNCTION BOX JUNCTION BOX P2813 Wt/C 155 Lbs (70.3 kg) * See note below. Wt/C 175 Lbs (79.4 kg) JUNCTION BOX P2814 ⁄ Framing * All Junction Boxes illustrated on this page are: 13 16" ■ UL listed, CSA approved. Spec. Metals & Fiberglass ■ Junction boxes are for P1000, P1100 or P2000 channels. ■ All channel entries in box are 11⁄8" (28.6) diameter finished holes with no bushing needed. All knockouts are 7⁄8" (22.2) diameter. Index ■ 1⁄4" x 5⁄8" flat head machine screws and P3016-1420 included. * See note below. System * See note below. 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings P2812 Wt/C 155 Lbs (70.3 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware JUNCTION BOX 1 5/8" Channels P2810 Wt/C 195 Lbs (88.5 kg) 159 IN-CHANNEL JOINERS P2900 P2901 Jam screws included. Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P1000 General Fittings P1000 Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Jam screws included. Material: Cast aluminum. Material: Cast aluminum. Wt/C 20 Lbs (9.1 kg) Wt/C 35 Lbs (15.9 kg) P2903 Concrete Inserts P2902 11⁄4" Framing System Jam screws included. Jam screws included. P1000 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System P1000 Material: Cast aluminum. Wt/C 27 Lbs (12.2 kg) 160 Material: Cast aluminum. Wt/C 45 Lbs (20.4 kg) SWIVEL HANGERS SWIVEL HANGERS M2137 M2150 A A Nuts & Hardware SWIVEL HANGERS M2037 M2050 3 3 ⁄8" (9.5) DIA. B ⁄8" (9.5) DIA. 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL General Fittings B 1" (24.5) A M2037 38 M2050 1 In "B" mm ⁄ " - 16 2 31⁄32" ⁄2" - 13 3 2 ⁄4" 67.5 69.9 Weight/C Lbs kg Part Number 23 M2137 M2150 32 M2250 10.4 14.5 3 In "B" mm ⁄8" - 16 2 29⁄32" ⁄ " - 13 23⁄4" 12 67.5 69.9 Weight/C Lbs kg 27 45 12.2 20.4 SWIVEL HANGER M2350 ⁄8" (9.5) DIA. 3 ⁄8" (9.5) DIA. (44.5) 1 3⁄4" (44.5) ⁄2" - 13 THD. ⁄ Framing 1" 1 (24.5) ⁄2" - 13 THD. Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 1 System 1 3⁄4" 3 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts SWIVEL HANGER "A" Electrical Fittings "A" 13 16" Part Number Pipe/Conduit Supports A Wt/C 18 Lbs (8.2 kg) Wt/C 20 Lbs (9.1 kg) 161 P16F 1 3⁄4" (44.5) 2 Slot Size 3 ⁄4" (19.1) X 7 ⁄8" (22.2) Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels CABLE ENTRANCE TUBING 1 1 23⁄32" (43.7) 2 7 ⁄32" (5.6) P21H 2 3⁄16" (55.6) 2 Slot Size 3 ⁄4" (19.1) X 7 ⁄8" (22.2) 7 ⁄32" (5.6) 1 Concrete Inserts Slot Size 17⁄32" (13.5) X 7 ⁄8" (22.2) BEAM LOAD* 1 2 Slot spacing 11⁄4" (31.8) on center. 2 5⁄32" (54.8) 7 ⁄32" (5.6) 4000 3500 P16F LOAD (Lbs) 3000 Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System ⁄32" (5.6) 1 Slot spacing 11⁄4" (31.8) on center. Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Slot Size 17 ⁄32" (13.5) X 7 ⁄8" (22.2) 7 P21H 2500 2000 1500 13⁄16" 1000 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 500 0 24 36 48 60 Index 162 Allowable Moment Weight Lbs/Ft kg/m P16F 1.78 2.6 P21H 2.97 4.4 84 96 108 120 144 168 SPAN (In) * Maximum allowable uniform load. Channel 72 In-Lb Material Thickness N•m In mm 4800 540 .105 2.7 11370 1280 .135 3.4 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS AL CABLE ENTRANCE TUBING Lbs kN P16F P21H 1600 3790 7.1 16.9 0.06 0.05 2 1 1600 3790 7.1 16.9 914 P16F P21H 1070 2530 4.8 11.3 0.13 0.11 3 3 1070 2530 48 1219 P16F P21H 800 1900 3.6 8.5 0.23 0.19 6 5 60 1524 P16F P21H 640 1520 2.8 6.8 0.36 0.30 72 1829 P16F P21H 530 1260 2.4 5.6 84 2134 P16F P21H 460 1080 96 2438 P16F P21H 108 2743 120 Lbs kN Lbs kN 9600 17700 42.7 78.7 3300 6200 14.7 27.6 4.8 11.3 9000 16900 40.0 75.2 3100 6000 13.8 26.7 690 1900 3.1 8.5 8300 16000 36.9 71.2 2900 5700 12.9 25.4 9 8 440 1280 2.0 5.7 7500 15000 33.4 66.7 2700 5400 12.0 24.0 0.52 0.42 13 11 310 890 1.4 4.0 6600 13900 29.4 61.8 2400 5100 10.7 22.7 2.0 4.8 0.71 0.58 18 15 220 660 1.0 2.9 5600 12600 24.9 56.0 2200 4700 9.8 20.9 400 950 1.8 4.2 0.93 0.76 24 19 170 500 0.8 2.2 4500 11300 20.0 50.3 1900 4300 8.5 19.1 P16F P21H 350 840 1.6 3.7 1.18 0.95 30 24 140 400 0.6 1.8 3600 9900 16.0 44.0 1600 3900 7.1 17.3 3048 P16F P21H 320 760 1.4 3.4 1.45 1.18 37 30 110 320 0.5 1.4 2900 8300 12.9 36.9 1400 3500 6.2 15.6 144 3658 P16F P21H 270 630 1.2 2.8 2.09 1.70 53 43 80 220 0.4 1.0 2000 5800 8.9 25.8 1100 2800 4.9 12.5 168 4267 P16F P21H 230 540 1.0 2.4 2.85 2.31 72 59 60 160 0.3 0.7 ** 4230 ** 18.8 ** 2300 ** 10.2 *K = 0.80 **KL r Nuts & Hardware mm General Fittings 36 In Pipe/Conduit Supports 610 kN Electrical Fittings 24 Lbs Concrete Inserts mm Max. Design Load Applied at Column Face* Max. Column Load Applied at C.G.* 11⁄4" Framing System In Uniform Load at Deflection Span/240 Deflection at Uniform Load > 200 Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 2 I 2 4 Axis 2 - 2 S cm 4 In 3 r cm 3 In cm In P16F .416 2.68 .168 7.0 .192 3.1 P21H .749 4.83 .490 20.4 .455 7.5 I - Moment of Inertia In I 4 cm In .650 1.7 .210 .820 2.1 .590 S 4 cm 3 r 3 In cm In cm 8.7 .240 3.9 .725 1.8 24.6 .540 8.8 .900 2.3 S - Section Modulus Index Channel Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section Spec. Metals & Fiberglass ELEMENTS OF SECTION System Max. Allowable Uniform Load Channel ⁄ Framing Span Column Data 13 16" Beam Data 1 5/8" Channels DESIGN LOAD DATA r - Radius of Gyration 163 CHANNEL/TUBE CONNECTORS P2820 P2940 SPLICE FITTINGS P2822 P2932 5 3⁄ 8" (136.5) 3 3⁄4" (95.3) Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels CABLE ENTRANCE FITTINGS Splice Fitting Assembly Secured to Flat Side with Hardware Provided 1 5⁄8" (41.3) General Fittings 9 7 3" (76.2) Use Either Threaded Hole ⁄16" (14.3) Dia. Holes ⁄16" (11.1) Dia. Holes Part Number Use With Weight/C Lbs kg P2820 P2940 P16F P21H 116 148 Part Number Use With Weight/C Lbs kg P2822 P2932 P16F P21H 97 122 52.6 67.1 90° RACK FITTING P2823 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Splicing should occur within the top one quarter of column height. LOCKING CLIP P2821 Framing System P4000 13⁄16" 44.0 55.3 P2821 Locking Clip 5" (127.0) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Cable Hook supplied by others. Index Exclusive Cable Hook Locking Clip prevents Cable Hook removal. Wt/C 66 Lbs (29.9 kg) 164 Wt/C 3 Lbs (1.4 kg) CABLE ENTRANCE BRACKETS CABLE BRACKETS 1 5⁄ 8" (41.3) 3 ⁄16" (4.8) x ⁄4" (19.1) Slots 2 3⁄4" (69.9) on Center Nuts & Hardware 3 1 5/8" Channels P2920 thru P2924 B A Use with P16F or P21H. General Fittings L "A" 12 5⁄ 81⁄4 11 133⁄4 191⁄4 mm 139.7 209.6 279.4 349.3 489.0 In "B" mm 12 3⁄ 31⁄2 31⁄2 31⁄2 31⁄2 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 In 78 ⁄ ⁄ 78 15⁄8 15⁄8 15⁄8 Weight/C Uniform Design Load mm Lbs kg Lbs kN 22.2 22.2 41.3 41.3 41.3 90 120 300 340 430 40.8 54.4 136.1 154.2 195.0 500 325 275 220 160 2.2 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.7 Electrical Fittings P2920 P2921 P2922 P2923 P2924 "L" In Safety factor of 3. CABLE BRACKETS P2928 P2929 P2930 Concrete Inserts Part Number Pipe/Conduit Supports Material: 12 gage steel. B ⁄ Framing A Use with P16F or P21H. Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" L Material: 12 gage steel. P2928 P2929 P2930 "L" In 6 12 18 "A" mm In 152.4 304.8 457.2 1 3 ⁄2 31⁄2 31⁄2 "B" mm 88.9 88.9 88.9 Weight/C Uniform Design Load In mm Lbs kg Lbs kN ⁄8 15⁄8 15⁄8 22.2 41.3 41.3 92 320 420 41.7 145.1 190.5 500 250 170 2.2 1.1 0.8 7 Index Part Number System 11⁄4" Framing System 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Safety factor of 3. 165 Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels CONCRETE INSERTS Page Heavy-Duty Inserts 170 Standard-Duty Inserts 172 Light-Duty Inserts 174 General Fittings Spot Inserts End Caps and Accessories 178 179 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Hardware 176 MATERIAL Cold-formed inserts are manufactured from standard 12 Gage (2.7 mm) Unistrut channel sections conforming to ASTM A570 GR 33 or ASTM A653 GR 33, unless otherwise noted. Hot-rolled inserts, as noted, are manufactured from carbon steel meeting physical requirements of ASTM A283 GR D. To inhibit concrete seepage, all inserts (except spot inserts) are provided with closure and end caps or foam filler, unless otherwise requested. Most concrete inserts are also available in stainless steel on special order. Consult factory for ordering information. 166 APPLICATION A wide range of heavy-duty to lightduty “continuous” and “spot” concrete inserts is available for use in pre-cast, pre-stressed or poured-in-place concrete floors, walls or ceilings. FINISHES Cold-formed, standard-duty, light-duty and spot concrete inserts in this section are available in Perma-Green II (GR), hot dipped galvanized (HG), conforming to ASTM A123 or A153; Pre-galvanized (PG), conforming to ASTM A653 GR 33 and plain (PL). Hot-rolled inserts are hot-dipped galvanized (HG) conforming to ASTM A123 or A153. DESIGN LOAD Design loads, where shown, are based on 3,000 PSI concrete, unless noted. STANDARD LENGTHS Insert lengths range from 3 inches (76 mm) to 20 feet (6.10m) with a tolerance of ±1⁄4-inch (6.4mm). DIMENSIONS Imperial dimensions are illustrated in inches. Metric dimensions are shown in parenthesis or as noted. Unless noted, all metric dimensions are in millimeters and rounded to one decimal place. Custom-designed inserts are available on special order. Consult factory for ordering information. 1 5/8" Channels CONCRETE INSERT SELECTION CHART HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE INSERTS General Fittings Nuts & Hardware Page 170 P3770 Series P3760 Series P3754 Pipe/Conduit Supports P3780 Series STANDARD DUTY CONCRETE INSERTS P3270 Series P3170 Series 11⁄4" Framing System LIGHT DUTY CONCRETE INSERTS ⁄ Framing Page 174 13 16" P3370 Series Spec. Metals & Fiberglass SPOT INSERTS Index Page 176 P3245 System P3740 Series Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Page 172 M24 M26 167 LOAD CHART BY LENGTH Insert Length In/mm Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels CONCRETE INSERT SELECTION CHART Spot Inserts General Fittings 3" (76) 4" (102) Pipe/Conduit Supports 6" (152) Electrical Fittings 8" (203) 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts 10" (254) 13⁄16" 16" (406) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Framing System 12" (305) 18" (457) Index 20" (508) 168 Part Number Weight/C Lbs M26/M2812 M3245 M24/M2512 P3249 P3349 P3250 P3350 P3782-6 P3772-6 P3762-6 P3742-6 P3251 P3351 P3782-8 P3772-8 P3762-8 P3742-8 P3252 P3352 P3783-10 P3782-10 P3773-10 P3772-10 P3763-10 P3743-10 P3762-10 P3742-10 P3783-12 P3773-12 P3782-12 P3772-12 P3763-12 P3754 P3743-12 P3762-12 P3742-12 P3253 P3353 P3254 P3354 P3783-18 P3773-18 P3763-18 P3743-18 P3255 P3355 54 52 52 85 68 100 81 467 307 153 103 130 102 569 366 192 128 159 122 752 671 490 425 249 167 230 152 854 549 773 484 288 210 192 269 177 227 174 270 185 1159 725 403 265 357 231 Anchor Spacing Max. Allowable Point Load Min. Spacing Between Point Loads Max. Allowable Uniform Load kg In mm Lbs kN In mm Lbs kN 24.5 23.6 23.6 38.6 30.8 45.4 36.7 211.8 139.3 69.4 46.7 59.0 46.3 258.1 166.0 87.1 58.1 72.1 55.3 341.1 304.4 222.3 192.8 112.9 75.8 104.3 68.9 387.4 249.0 350.6 219.5 130.6 95.3 87.1 122.0 80.3 103.0 78.9 122.5 83.9 525.7 328.9 182.8 120.2 161.9 104.8 – – – 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 4 8 4 8 4 4 8 8 5 5 10 10 5 8 5 10 10 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 4 4 – – – 76 76 102 102 102 102 102 102 152 152 152 152 152 152 203 203 102 203 102 203 102 102 203 203 127 127 254 254 127 203 127 254 254 102 102 102 102 203 203 203 203 102 102 1500 1000 800 500 400 800 500 8000 6000 2800 2500 1000 750 8000 6000 2800 2500 1200 1000 7700 7700 5500 5500 2800 2300 2800 2300 7700 5500 7700 5500 2800 2500 2300 2800 2300 2000 1500 2000 1500 7700 5500 2800 2300 2000 1500 6.6 4.4 3.5 2.2 1.8 3.6 2.2 35.6 26.7 12.5 11.1 4.4 3.3 35.6 26.7 12.5 11.1 5.4 4.4 34.3 34.3 24.5 24.5 12.5 10.2 12.5 10.2 34.3 24.5 34.3 24.5 12.5 11.1 10.2 12.5 10.2 8.9 6.7 8.9 6.7 34.3 24.5 12.5 10.2 8.9 6.7 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 4 – 4 – 4 4 – – 5 5 – – 5 3 5 – – – – 12 12 8 8 8 8 12 12 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 102 – 102 – 102 102 – – 127 127 – – 127 76 127 – – – – 305 305 203 203 203 203 305 305 1500 1000 800 500 400 800 500 8000 6000 2800 2500 1000 750 8000 6000 2800 2500 1200 1000 10000 7700 7000 5500 5000 4500 2800 2300 10000 8500 7700 5500 5000 5000 4500 2800 2300 2000 1500 4000 3000 15400 11000 5500 4200 4000 3000 6.6 4.4 3.5 2.2 1.8 3.6 2.2 35.6 26.7 12.5 11.1 4.4 3.3 35.6 26.7 12.5 11.1 5.4 4.4 44.5 34.3 31.1 24.5 22.2 20.0 12.5 10.2 44.5 37.8 34.3 24.5 22.2 22.2 20.0 12.5 10.2 8.9 6.7 17.8 13.3 68.5 48.9 24.5 18.7 17.8 13.3 1 5/8" Channels CONCRETE INSERT SELECTION CHART LOAD CHART BY LENGTH (continued) 24" (610) P3783-24 P3773-24 P3763-24 P3743-24 P3256 P3356 Max. Allowable Point Load Min. Spacing Between Point Loads Max. Allowable Uniform Load Lbs kg In mm Lbs kN In mm Lbs kN 1463 903 519 339 399 277 663.8 409.7 235.5 153.8 181.0 125.6 11 11 11 11 4 4 279 279 279 279 102 102 7700 5500 2800 2300 2000 1500 34.3 24.5 12.5 10.2 8.9 6.7 10 10 10 10 12 12 254 254 254 254 305 305 15400 11000 5500 4200 4000 3000 68.5 48.9 24.5 18.7 17.8 13.3 Nuts & Hardware Part Number Anchor Spacing Weight/C General Fittings Insert Length In/mm 1061.1 647.5 379.5 247.0 288.6 206.6 245.5 Max. Allowable Uniform Load In mm Lbs kN In mm Lbs/Ft kN/m 10 10 10 10 4 4 8 254 254 254 254 102 102 203 7700 5500 2800 2300 2000 1500 1000 34.3 24.5 12.5 10.2 8.9 6.7 4.4 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 254 254 254 254 305 305 305 9400 6700 3400 2800 2000 1500 1000 137.2 97.7 49.5 40.9 29.2 14.4 22.7 Load data is based on use of 3000 PSI concrete. Electrical Fittings Continuous Concrete Inserts 713 435 255 166 194 139 165 Min. Spacing Between Point Loads Concrete Inserts Lbs/C Ft kg/100m P3780 P3770 P3760 P3740 P3270 P3370 P3170* Max. Allowable Point Load *When used in pre-stressed concrete “T” Beam. 11⁄4" Framing System LOADING CONDITIONS Max. Allowable Pt. Loads Maximum Allowable Uniform Load The maximum allowable point load may be placed anywhere along the insert.* The maximum allowable uniform load must be placed as a series of point loads with the minimum spacing Maximum Allowable Uniform Load ⁄ Framing Maximum Allowable Point Load between point loads as listed; where no single point load may exceed the maximum allowable point load. * All loads placed less than 2" from the end of an insert must be reduced by 50%. MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE TO ACHIEVE RATED PULL-OUT CAPACITY A Concrete Insert Series A A P3170 P3740 P3270 P3370 Edge Distance "A" In mm 17⁄8 3 3 3 48 76 76 76 Concrete Insert Series P3754 P3760 P3770 P3780 Edge Distance "A" In mm 3 4 5 61⁄2 76 102 12 165 Index Insert 169 System Anchor Spacing Weight 13 16" Concrete Insert (Series) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Insert Length In/mm Pipe/Conduit Supports CONTINUOUS CONCRETE INSERT LOAD CHART: Lbs/Ft (kg/m) 1 5/8" Channels HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE INSERTS P3782-6 thru P3783-24 13 2" P3780 SERIES HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE INSERT 50 ⁄16" (20) 2 7⁄8" Nuts & Hardware 6 7⁄8" 5 ⁄8" 1 7⁄8" 72 173 48 0.16 15 4 1 1 ⁄2" ( 38) 1 5⁄16" 0.20" 5 33 General Fittings This table is subject to loading conditions on page 169. Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Insert Length No. of Anchors In mm 6 8 10 12 10 12 18 24 152 203 254 305 254 305 457 610 Lbs 2 3 P3782-6 467 P3782-8 569 P3782-10 671 P3782-12 773 P3783-10 752 P3783-12 854 P3783-18 1159 P3783-24 1463 P3780 Series Continuous 7.1 Lbs/Ft Material: Hot formed steel. Max. Allowable Point Load Anchor Spacing Weight/C Part Number In mm Lbs kN In 211.8 258.1 304.4 350.6 341.1 387.4 525.7 663.8 4 6 8 10 4 5 8 11 102 152 203 254 102 127 203 279 8000 8000 7700 7700 7700 7700 7700 7700 35.6 35.6 34.3 34.3 34.3 34.3 34.3 34.3 — — — — 4 5 8 10 10.6 kg/m 10 254 7700 34.3 10 11⁄4" Framing System (20) 2 1⁄16" 6 1⁄4" 1 5⁄16" Framing System 1 1⁄2" ( 38) 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Index mm 6 8 10 12 10 12 18 24 152 203 254 305 254 305 457 610 Continuous 170 2 3 kN — — — — 102 127 203 254 8000 8000 7700 7700 10000 10000 15400 15400 35.6 35.6 34.3 34.3 44.5 44.5 68.5 68.5 254 9400 Lbs/Ft 137.2 kN/m 7 ⁄16" 0.14 0.16" 52 160 7 34 4 ⁄8" 11 • For all attachments "T" head bolts are required (see page 179). • Furnished with foam filler in place. • Many metal framing components are not compatible. Verify before use. • Maximum distance between 3.5 insert end and anchor center must not exceed 11⁄2" (38). 22 This table is subject to loading conditions on page 169. In Lbs 40 13⁄16" Part Number mm Max. Allowable Uniform Load P3770 SERIES HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE INSERT 1 1⁄2" No. of Anchors Min. Spacing Between Point Loads kg P3772-6 thru P3773-24 Insert Length • For all attachments "T" head bolts are required (see page 179). • Furnished with foam filler in place. • This insert is not intended for use with metal framing components. • Maximum distance between insert end and anchor center must not exceed 11⁄2" (38). Weight/C Anchor Spacing Material: Hot formed steel. Max. Allowable Point Load Min. Spacing Between Point Loads Max. Allowable Uniform Load Lbs kg In mm Lbs kN In mm Lbs kN P3772-6 P3772-8 P3772-10 P3772-12 P3773-10 P3773-12 P3773-18 P3773-24 307 366 425 484 490 549 725 903 139.3 166.0 192.8 219.5 222.3 249.0 328.9 409.7 4 6 8 10 4 5 8 11 102 152 203 254 102 127 203 279 6000 6000 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 26.7 26.7 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 — — — — 4 5 8 10 — — — — 102 127 203 254 6000 6000 5500 5500 7000 8500 11000 11000 26.7 26.7 24.5 24.5 31.1 37.8 48.9 48.9 P3770 Series 4.5 Lbs/Ft 6.5 kg/m 10 254 5500 24.5 10 254 6700 Lbs/Ft 97.7 kN/m 2" 3 1⁄2" 1 1⁄2" ( 38) 1 3⁄16" 90 50 5 ⁄16" 30 0.11" 7 ⁄8" 8 3 22 This table is subject to loading conditions on page 169. No. of Anchors In mm 6 8 10 12 10 12 18 24 152 203 254 305 254 305 457 610 Continuous 2 3 Anchor Spacing Weight/C Part Number Material: Hot formed steel. Max. Allowable Point Load Min. Spacing Between Point Loads mm Max. Allowable Uniform Load Lbs kg In mm Lbs kN In Lbs kN P3762-6 P3762-8 P3762-10 P3762-12 P3763-10 P3763-12 P3763-18 P3763-24 153 192 230 269 249 288 403 519 69.4 87.1 104.3 122.0 112.9 130.6 182.8 235.5 4 6 8 10 4 5 8 11 102 152 203 254 102 127 203 279 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 — — — — 4 5 8 10 — — — — 102 127 203 254 2800 2800 2800 2800 5000 5000 5500 5500 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 22.2 22.2 24.5 24.5 P3760 Series 2.6 Lbs/Ft 3.8 kg/m 10 254 2800 12.5 10 254 3400 Lbs/Ft 49.5 kN/m Pipe/Conduit Supports Insert Length • For all attachments "T" head bolts are required (see page 179). • Furnished with foam filler in place. • Many metal framing components are not compatible. Verify before use. • Maximum distance between insert end and anchor center must not exceed 11⁄2" (38). General Fittings ⁄16" (15) 8" 5 3⁄4" (203.2) 3" 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 1 5⁄8" In mm 12 304.8 P3754 Weight/C Anchor Spacing (41.3) Max. Allowable Point Load Min. Spacing Between Point Loads Lbs kg In mm Lbs kN In mm 210 95.3 8 203.2 2500 11.1 3 76.2 P3712P Max. Allowable Uniform Load Lbs kN 5000 22.2 Index 1'-0" (304.8) Part Number Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Load (76.2) Insert Length 11⁄4" Framing System (146.1) (76.2) 3" System 13 16" ⁄ Framing • Use with P1010 nuts. • A styrene bead end cap that fits inside the channel to inhibit concrete seepage included. • Closure strip P3712 P included. • All nuts and fittings for P3200 series concrete inserts will fit. • The recommended design load when used for curtain wall anchorage is 5,000 pounds and is based on use in average, good conrete. The design load includes 1/3 increase in load as permitted by AISI Specifications and Uniform Building Code when stresses are produced by wind or earthquake and other loads.. • The recommended design load is based on using 2 P1010 nuts at no less than 3" O.C. and no closer than 2" to either end of the insert. The distance between the insert centerline and the concrete edge must be a minimum of 3" Concrete Inserts HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE INSERT P3754 171 193 Electrical Fittings 9 P3760 SERIES HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE INSERT Nuts & Hardware 25 1" P3762-6 thru P3763-24 1 5/8" Channels HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE INSERTS STANDARD DUTY CONCRETE INSERTS 1 5/8" Channels 3 20 ⁄4" P3740 SERIES STANDARD DUTY CONCRETE INSERT P3742-6 thru P3743-24 9 ⁄16" (15) 3 1⁄4" 82 Nuts & Hardware 1 9⁄16" 1 1⁄2" ( 38) 7 40 1 ⁄4 " ⁄8" 22 11 18 2 ⁄16" 0.10" 6 • For all attachments "T" head bolts are required (see page 179). • Furnished with foam filler in place. • Many metal framing components are not compatible. Verify before use. • Maximum distance between insert end and anchor center must not exceed 11⁄2" (38). General Fittings This table is subject to loading conditions on page 169. Framing System 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass No. of Anchors In mm 6 8 10 12 10 12 18 24 152 203 254 305 254 305 457 610 2 3 Continuous Anchor Spacing Weight/C Part Number Max. Allowable Point Load Min. Spacing Between Point Loads Max. Allowable Uniform Load Lbs kg In mm Lbs kN In Lbs kN P3742-6 P3742-8 P3742-10 P3742-12 P3743-10 P3743-12 P3743-18 P3743-24 103 128 152 177 167 192 265 339 46.7 58.1 68.9 80.3 75.8 87.1 120.2 153.8 4 6 8 10 4 5 8 11 102 152 203 254 102 127 203 279 2500 2500 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 11.1 11.1 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 — — — — 4 5 8 10 — — — — 102 127 203 254 2500 2500 2300 2300 4500 4500 4200 4200 11.1 11.1 10.2 10.2 20.0 20.0 18.7 18.7 P3740 Series 1.7 Lbs/Ft 2.5 kg/m 10 254 2300 10.2 10 254 2800 Lbs/Ft 40.9 kN/m P3165 P3170 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Insert Length Material: Hot formed steel. INSERT FOR PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE mm HOLD DOWN SPRING FOR PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE INSERT P2865-10 P2865-15 P2865-20 2 7⁄8" (73.0) ⁄8" 1 5⁄8" (15.9) (41.3) 5 Anchors 8" (203.2) On Center 3 3⁄4" (95.3) 4" A Load (101.6) • P2865 spring sold separately. • Use channel nuts designed for P3300. See pages 70 to 74. 4" A (101.6) B Load P3712P Maximum allowable load/Ft. 7 ⁄8" (22.2) Concrete A B Lbs Kn Lbs Kn Light Weight 425 Normal Weight 500 1.9 2.2 800 1000 3.6 4.4 • For use with P3165 and P3170 inserts. Recommended for use on every other anchor to hold inserts in place. Safety factor 3. Index Part Number P3165 P3170 172 Length Ft mm Weight/C Lbs kg 10 20 1650 3280 3048 6096 748.4 1487.8 Part Number P2865-10 P2865-15 P2865-20 "A" In 1 11⁄2 2 Weight/C mm Lbs kg 25.4 38.1 50.8 2 2 2 .9 .9 .9 P3270 SERIES CONCRETE INSERTS P3249 thru P3252 P3252 13 P3249, P3250, P3251 ⁄16" 1 5/8" Channels STANDARD DUTY CONCRETE INSERTS (20.6) 1 1⁄2" 2 ⁄8" (38.1) (73.0) 3 1 ⁄8" 12 Ga. (2.7) (34.9) P3249 P3250 P3251 P3252 kg Lbs kN Lbs kN 85 100 130 159 38.6 45.4 59.0 72.1 500 800 1000 1200 2.2 3.6 4.4 5.4 500 800 1000 1200 2.2 3.6 4.4 5.4 *Safety factor of 3 P3253 thru P3270 P3280 (>50.8) 2 7⁄8" (73.0) In/Ft mm 12" 16" 20" 24" 32" 36" 40" 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 305 406 508 610 813 914 1016 1219 1524 1829 2134 2438 2743 3048 3658 4267 4877 5486 6096 P3704 Part Number P3253 P3254 P3255 P3256 P3257 P3257A P3258 P3259 P3260 P3261 P3262 P3263 P3264 P3265 P3266 P3267 P3268 P3269 P3270 Weight/C Max. Allowable Point Load* Min. Spacing Between Point Loads Max. Allowable Uniform Load* Lbs kg Lbs kN In mm Lbs kN 227 270 357 399 527 616 661 786 1003 1173 1390 1560 1741 1947 2334 2717 3116 3530 3882 103.0 122.5 161.9 181.0 239.0 279.4 299.8 356.5 455.0 532.1 630.5 707.6 789.7 883.1 1058.7 1232.4 1413.4 1601.2 1760.8 2000 2000 2000 2000 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 — 12 12 12 — 305 305 305 2000 4000 4000 4000 8.9 17.8 17.8 17.8 2000 8.9 12 305 2000 Lbs per Ft 29.2 kN per meter 13 16" Insert Length 1" (25.4) Index (When used for sprinkler systems only.) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 3" (76.2) 11⁄4" Framing System • Use channel nuts designed for P3000 channel (See page70 to 74). • P3280 end cap used when distance to first anchor is up to 2" (50.8 mm). • P3704 end cap is used when end distance to first anchor is over 2" (50.8 mm). • Nail or anchor inserts to forms every 16 (406 mm) to 24 (610 mm) inches. • Includes closure and end caps unless otherwise requested. ⁄ Framing ⁄8" (3.2) >2" P3270 SERIES CONCRETE INSERTS 2" ( 50.8) 1 8" (203.2) FM General Fittings Lbs Pipe/Conduit Supports 76 102 152 203 Electrical Fittings mm 3 4 6 8 Max. Allowable Uniform Load* Concrete Inserts P3712P Use channel nuts designed for P3000. See pages 70 to 74. In Max. Allowable Point Load* Weight/C Part Number P3712P (41.3) System Insert Length 1 5⁄8" (When used for sprinkler systems only.) FM Nuts & Hardware 7 *Safety factor of 3 173 1 5/8" Channels LIGHT DUTY CONCRETE INSERTS P3370 SERIES CONCRETE INSERTS P3349 thru P3352 Nuts & Hardware P3352 Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings P3349, P3350, P3351 13 ⁄16" FM (When used for sprinkler systems only.) 1 1⁄2" (38.1) 2 ⁄8" (60.3) 7⁄8" (22.2) (20.6) 3 Use channel nuts designed for P3300. See pages 70 to 74. 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Concrete Inserts P3712P 11⁄4" Framing System Insert Length In mm 3 4 6 8 76 102 152 203 Weight/C Part Number P3349 P3350 P3351 P3352* Framing System 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Index Max. Allowable Uniform Load Lbs kg Lbs kN Lbs kN 68 81 102 122 30.1 36.7 46.3 55.3 400 500 750 1000 1.8 2.2 3.3 4.4 400 500 750 1000 1.8 2.2 3.3 4.4 *P3352 has punched out anchors. 174 Max. Allowable Point Load Safety factor of 3. 12 Ga. (2.7) P3712P LIGHT DUTY CONCRETE INSERTS 1 5/8" Channels P3370 SERIES CONCRETE INSERTS P3353 thru P3370 >2" 8" (203.2) 2 7⁄16" 2 3⁄8" (61.9) (60.3) 1" Nuts & Hardware (>50.8) P3703 General Fittings (25.4) ⁄8" Pipe/Conduit Supports 2" ( 50.8) 1 (3.2) P3380 Concrete Inserts P3353 P3354 P3355 P3356 P3357 P3357A P3358 P3359 P3360 P3361 P3362 P3363 P3364 P3365 P3366 P3367 P3368 P3369 P3370 Max. Allowable Uniform Load* Lbs kg Lbs kN In mm Lbs kN 174 185 231 277 370 416 463 555 694 832 971 1110 1249 1387 1665 1942 2220 2497 2775 78.9 83.9 104.8 125.6 167.8 188.7 210.0 251.7 314.8 377.4 440.4 503.5 566.5 629.1 755.2 880.9 1007.0 1132.6 1258.7 1500 1500 1500 1500 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 — 12 12 12 — 305 305 305 1500 3000 3000 3000 6.7 13.3 13.3 13.3 1500 6.7 12 305 1500 Lbs per Ft 21.9 kN per meter System mm 305 406 508 610 813 914 1016 1219 1524 1829 2134 2438 2743 3048 3658 4267 4877 5486 6096 Min. Spacing Between Point Loads ⁄ Framing 12" 16" 20" 24" 32" 36" 40" 4' 5' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' Max. Allowable Point Load* 13 16" In/Ft Part Number Weight/C Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Insert Length 11⁄4" Framing System (When used for sprinkler systems only.) Index FM Electrical Fittings • Use channel nuts designed for P3300 channel (See page #70 to 74). • P3380 end cap used when distance to first anchor is up to 2" (50.8 mm). • P3703 end cap is used when end distance to first anchor is over 2" (50.8 mm). • Nail or anchor inserts to forms every 16 (406 mm) to 24 (610 mm) inches. • Includes closure and end caps unless otherwise requested. *Safety factor of 3. 175 SPOT CONCRETE INSERTS & ACCESSORIES 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL SPOT INSERT P3245 Nuts & Hardware 2 1⁄4" (57.2) 1 5⁄8" (41.3) • For 1⁄4", 3⁄8", or 1⁄2" size attachment or hanger rod. • Insert nuts to be ordered separately. • Safety factor of 3. Finish: Electro-galvanized. Finish: Pre-galvanized. Part Number Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings 2" (50.8) 3" (76.2) P3245 Weight/C Part Number Max. Allowable Point Load Lbs kg Lbs kN 54 24.5 1000 4.4 P3245-N4 P3245-N6 HSQN050 SPOT INSERT Concrete Inserts M24 Size/ Thread 1 ⁄4 - 20 ⁄8 - 16 1 ⁄2 - 13 3 M2506 thru M2524 Weight/C Lbs kg 6 5 6 2.6 2.3 2.6 SQUARE NUT FOR M24 2" (50.8) 3 3⁄4" (95.3) 11⁄4" Framing System 2 1⁄4" (57.2) Framing System 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 13⁄16" FM (When used for sprinkler systems only.) • Ribs along sides of slot give extra strength to case. • Insert nuts M2506 thru M2524 to be ordered separately. • Safety factor of 5. Finish: Electro-galvanized. Part Number Finish: Electro-galvanized. Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass SQUARE NUT FOR P3245 INSERT P3245-N4 P3245-N6 HSQN050 Part Number M24 176 Weight/C Max. Allowable Point Load Lbs kg Lbs kN 52 23.6 800 3.6 M2506 M2508 M2510 M2512 M2523 M2524 Size/ Thread 14 ⁄ ⁄ 1⁄ 2 5⁄ 8 3⁄ 4 7⁄ 8 38 - 20 - 16 - 13 - 11 - 10 - 9 Weight/C Lbs kg 13 14 14 12 11 10 5.9 6.4 6.4 5.4 5.0 4.5 SPOT CONCRETE INSERTS & ACCESSORIES CONCRETE SPOT INSERT FOR SWIVEL OR RIGID CONNECTION M26 2 7⁄16" (61.9) 7 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL ⁄8" (22.2) 1 3⁄4" Nuts & Hardware (44.5) 2 5⁄8" (66.7) (When used for sprinkler systems only.) Patent No. 2953874 Part Number M26 Material: Malleable iron. SWIVEL NUT FOR M26, M29, M30, AND M31 INSERT Max. Allowable Point Load* Weight/C Lbs kg Lbs kN 63 28.6 1500 6.7 RIGID NUT FOR M26, M29, M30, AND M31 INSERT M2808 thru M2824 (When used for sprinkler systems only.) FM Finish: Cadmium. (When used for sprinkler systems only.) Patent No. 2953874 kN 75 180 360 640 1000 0.3 0.8 1.6 2.8 4.4 Lbs 15 15 20 18 15 Size/ Thread kg 6.8 6.8 9.1 8.2 6.8 M2808 M2810 M2812 M2823 M2824 38 ⁄ -16 ⁄ -13 5⁄8-11 3⁄4-10 7⁄8-9 12 Weight/C Lbs kN Lbs kg 610 950 1500 1500 1500 2.7 4.2 6.7 6.7 6.7 12 11 14 13 11 5.4 5.0 6.4 5.9 5.0 ⁄ Framing ⁄8-16 ⁄2-13 5 ⁄8-11 3 ⁄4-10 7 ⁄8- 9 1 Lbs Part Number Max. Allowable Load* 13 16" M2708 M2710 M2712 M2723 M2724 3 Weight/C Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Max. Allowable Load Part Size/ Swivel** Number Thread System FM Finish: Cadmium. 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts M2708 thru M2724 General Fittings FM Pipe/Conduit Supports • For use with M2708 thru M2724 and M2808 thru M2824 nuts only. • See allowable loads below. • Safety factor of 5. 30° 0.17π 20° 0.11π Electrical Fittings Swivel Action Range Index ALLOWABLE LOADS * The Fixed Position safe load ratings are for inserts and nut only and are based on the minimum of the following two conditions. 1. Load carrying capacities of threaded hanger rod as listed in the American Standard Code for Pressure Piping, 1967. 2. Laboratory tests of ultimate strength in any fixed rigid position with a safety factor of 5. ** The Swivel Action safe load ratings assures the swivel movement of the nut before the hanger is subjected to a severe bending stress, in conformance with the American Standard Code for Pressure Piping, 1967. 177 END CAPS & ACCESSORIES END CAP ANCHORS P1703 P1704 P3704 P4703 END CAP ANCHORS P3703 Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 15⁄8" (41 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 2 7⁄16" (61.9) Part Number P1703 P1704 P3704 P4703 Channel P1000 P1000 P3000 P4000 "A" In 13 32 2 ⁄ 317⁄32 3 23⁄8 Weight/C mm Lbs 61.1 89.7 76.2 60.3 30 37 20 27 kg 13.6 16.8 9.1 12.2 SINGLE PIECE END CAPS P2407 P3280 P3380 Material: 12 Gage. Wt/C 17 Lbs (7.7 kg) JOINT COVERS P3663 P4663 Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts P3300 Material: 12 Gage. Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings A Material: 14 Gage. Material: 16 Gage. Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Part Number Channel Weight/C Lbs kg P2407 P3280 P3380 P1000 P3000 P3300 10 8 5 4.5 3.6 2.3 Part Number P3663 P4663 178 Use With Insert Series P3270 P3370 P4270 Weight/C Lbs kg 10 4.5 6 2.7 HARDWARE FOR CONCRETE INSERTS FOR P3740, P3760, P3770 & P3780 SERIES General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels TEE-HEAD BOLTS P3780 Recommended Torque Maximum Allowable Slip Load Maximum Allowable Pull-Out* mm In (N•m) Ft-Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs 30 40 50 30 40 50 40 60 30 40 50 55 60 45 60 50 75 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 11⁄2 25⁄16 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 21⁄4 25⁄16 13⁄4 25⁄16 2 3 26 26 26 60 60 60 190 190 60 60 60 119 190 386 386 199 637 19 19 19 44 44 44 140 140 44 44 44 88 140 285 285 147 470 7.6 7.6 7.6 10.2 10.2 12.2 1700 1700 1700 2300 2300 2750 9.1 9.1 9.1 17.0 17.0 17.0 41.2 41.2 17.0 17.0 17.0 26.5 41.2 64.3 64.3 38.0 92.6 2045 2045 2045 3815 3815 3815 9260 9260 3815 3815 3815 5950 9260 14450 14450 8550 20820 Electrical Fittings 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 16 20 20 24 24 Bolt Length Concrete Inserts P3760 and P3770 40TH12125 EG 40TH12150 EG 40TH12200 EG 40TH16125 EG 40TH16150 EG 40TH16200 EG 41TH16150 EG† 41TH16231 EG† 60TH16125 EG 60TH16150 EG 60TH16200 EG 60TH20225 EG 61TH16231 EG† 61TH20175 EG† 61TH20231 EG† 80TH24200 HG 81TH24300 HG† Bolt Size (mm) 11⁄4" Framing System P3740 Part Number ⁄ Framing *These loads are based on T-Bolt capacity. For load capacity of installed concrete inserts, refer to appropriate insert load chart. † High tensile bolts. Note: Nuts are supplied with T-Bolts. These T-bolts and nuts are available in metric dimensions only. 13 16" INSERT NUT P3760 and P3770 P3780 P3736 P3737 P3766 P3767 P3786 P3787 Thread Size/ (UNC) 3 ⁄8 ⁄2 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 1 ⁄2 5 ⁄8 1 Maximum Allowance Pull-out Kn Lbs 5.4 8.0 5.4 8.0 8.0 15.1 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass P3740 Part Number 1200 1800 1200 1800 1800 3400 Index For Use with Insert Series System For Use With Insert Series Pipe/Conduit Supports T-head bolts can be inserted anywhere along the channel and turned 90° to lock into postion Finish: Electro-galvanized. 179 1 5/8" Channels 11⁄4" FRAMING SYSTEM Page 11⁄4" Width Channels Nuts & Hardware Channel Nuts End Caps & Closure Strips 187 189 190 MATERIAL Unistrut channels are accurately and carefully cold formed to size from low-carbon strip steel. STEEL: PLAIN 14 Gage (1.9 mm), ASTM A570 GR33 19 Gage (1.0 mm) ASTM A366 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings General Fittings 181 STEEL: PRE-GALVANIZED 14 Gage (1.9 mm), 19 Gage (1.0 mm) ASTM A653 GR 33 Channel nuts are manufactured from mild steel bars conforming to ASTM A576, GR 1015, and are case hardened. Fittings are made from hot rolled, pickled and oiled steel plate or strip and conform to ASTM A570 GR 33. Many framing channels are available in special metal on request. Consult factory for ordering information. 180 FINISHES All channels and fittings are available in: Perma-Green II (GR), Pre-galvanized (PG), conforming to ASTM A653 GR 33 and plain (PL). Nuts are available in plain or electro-galvanized (EG) finish. Fittings are available in Perma-Green II or plain. STANDARD LENGTHS Standard lengths are 10 feet (3.05M) and 20 feet (6.10M). Tolerances are +1⁄8" (3.2 mm) to +1⁄2" (12.7 mm) to allow for cutting. Special lengths are available for a small cutting charge with a tolerance of ±1⁄8" (3.2mm). APPLICATION A framing system designed for medium loads, the 11⁄4" series is especially suitable for use in the OEM, commercial and display markets. It maintains a lightness in scale and a clean line that makes it aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. THREADS All threads on the nuts and bolts are Unified and American coarse screw threads. DESIGN BOLT TORQUE BOLT 1⁄4" 20 SIZE FOOT 6 LBS. N .m 8 5⁄16" 18 3⁄8" 16 11 19 15 25 DIMENSIONS Imperial dimensions are illustrated in inches. Metric dimensions are shown in parenthesis or as noted. Unless noted, all metric dimensions are in millimeters and rounded to one decimal place. A1000 & A1001 CHANNELS FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 9 ⁄32" 3 ⁄16" 1 1⁄4" 31.8 9 ⁄32" 17.5 7.1 7.1 Nuts & Hardware 1 1⁄4" 11 ⁄16" 1 5/8" Channels A1000 18.0 .706" 4.8 31.8 1 1 13.8 .544" General Fittings 2 2 Weight: 104 Lbs/CFt (155 kg/100m) 1 1⁄4" Pipe/Conduit Supports A1001 31.8 1 1⁄4" 2 1⁄2" 1 1 63.5 1 1⁄4" Electrical Fittings 31.8 31.8 2 Concrete Inserts 2 Weight: 208 Lbs/CFt (310 kg/100m) BEAM LOAD* ⁄ Framing 1500 13 16" 1000 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 500 0 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 SPAN (In) 120 144 168 192 216 240 *Maximum allowable uniform load. Channel Weight Allowable Moment Material Thickness Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm A1000 1.04 1.5 2,160 240 .075 1.9 A1001 2.08 3.1 6,090 690 .075 1.9 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA 181 Index 24 System A1000, A3301 A1001 A3300, A4001 A4000 A5000 2000 LOAD (Lbs) 11⁄4" Framing System 2500 A1000 CHANNEL COMBINATIONS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL A1001 A 1 1⁄4" 31.8 Nuts & Hardware 1 1⁄4" 31.8 2 1⁄2" 63.5 1 General Fittings 1 1⁄4" 31.8 13.9 17.9 2 .544 .705 2 Weight: 208 Lbs/CFt (310 kg/100m) Pipe/Conduit Supports A1001 B 1 1⁄4" 31.8 31.8 1 1⁄4" Electrical Fittings 2 1⁄2" 1 1⁄4" Concrete Inserts 11⁄4" Framing System 63.5 1 1 31.8 15.9 15.9 2 .625 .625 Weight: 208 Lbs/CFt (310 kg/100m) A1001 C 1 1⁄4" 31.8 32.8 Framing System 1.290" 2 1⁄2" 30.7 13⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass .585 .665 2 Weight Allowable Moment Material Thickness Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm A1001 A 2.08 3.1 7,920 895 .075 1.9 A1001 B 2.08 3.1 7,920 895 .075 1.9 A1001 C 2.08 3.1 6,770 765 .075 1.9 182 1 63.5 1 1.210" Channel Index 1 14.9 16.9 2 Weight: 208 Lbs/CFt (310 kg/100m) Standard Lengths 10' 20' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA A3300, A3301, A4000, A4001 & A5000 CHANNELS 4.8 .440" 3 ⁄4" 19.1 1 2 1 1⁄4" 7.1 11.2 2 .310" Weight: 78 Lbs/CFt (116 kg/100m) 1 2 2 Weight: 156 Lbs/CFt (232 kg/100m) ⁄16" ⁄32" 4.8 .363" 5 ⁄8" 1 2 ⁄8" A5000 5 ⁄8" 6.7 2 .262" Weight: 45 Lbs/CFt (67 kg/100m) 9 ⁄32" 1 1⁄4" 11 ⁄16" 3 ⁄16" 9 1 31.8 15.9 2 Weight: 90 Lbs/CFt (134 kg/100m) ⁄32" 31.8 17.5 7.1 1.349" 2 1⁄2" 31.8 15.9 1 1 1⁄4" 1 15.9 1 1⁄4" 5 7.1 9.2 4.8 2 7.1 34.3 63.5 1 Electrical Fittings 3 7.1 9 31.8 17.5 Concrete Inserts 1 1⁄4" 11 ⁄16" Pipe/Conduit Supports A4001 11⁄4" Framing System ⁄32" 19.1 38.1 19.1 1 7.9 A4000 9 31.8 3 ⁄4" 1 1⁄2" 3 ⁄4" 1 Nuts & Hardware ⁄16" ⁄32" 31.8 17.5 General Fittings 3 7.1 9 1 ⁄ Framing ⁄32" 1 1⁄4" 11 ⁄16" 29.2 1.151" 13 16" 9 A3301 2 2 System A3300 1 5/8" Channels FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Lbs/Ft kg/m Material Thickness In-Lb N•m In mm Standard Lengths A3300 .78 1.2 960 110 .075 1.9 16' A3301 1.56 2.3 2,590 290 .075 1.9 16' A4000 .45 0.7 480 50 .040 1.0 16' A4001 .90 1.3 1,230 140 .040 1.0 16' A5000 1.67 2.5 6,690 760 .075 1.9 10' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA Index Allowable Moment Weight Channel Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Weight: 167 Lbs/CFt (249 kg/100m) 20' 183 A1000, A3300, A4000, & A5000 SERIES CHANNELS FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5/8" Channels BEAM LOADING DATA Span Channel Nuts & Hardware In General Fittings 24 Pipe/Conduit Supports 36 kN In mm 610 A1000 A1001 A3300 A3301 A4000 A4001 A5000 720 1400* 320 840* 160 330* 2230 3.2 6.2 1.4 3.7 0.7 1.5 9.9 0.07 0.03 0.11 0.07 0.14 0.06 0.04 914 A1000 A1001 A3300 A3301 A4000 A4001 A5000 480 1350 210 580 110 270 1490 2.1 6.0 0.9 2.6 0.5 1.2 6.6 1219 A1000 A1001 A3300 A3301 A4000 A4001 A5000 360 1010 160 430 80 210 1110 A1000 A1001 A3300 A3301 A4001 A5000 1524 Concrete Inserts 60 1829 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Index Uniform Loading at Deflections Span/180 Span/240 Span/360 Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 2 1 3 2 4 2 1 720 1400* 320 840* 150 330* 2230 3.2 6.2 1.4 3.7 0.7 1.5 9.9 720 1400* 280 840* 110 330* 2230 3.2 6.2 1.2 3.7 0.5 1.5 9.9 670 1400* 190 840* 80 330* 2230 3.0 6.2 0.8 3.7 0.4 1.5 9.9 0.16 0.09 0.25 0.15 0.32 0.18 0.09 4 2 6 4 8 5 2 480 1350 170 580 70 270 1490 2.1 6.0 0.8 2.6 0.3 1.2 6.6 440 1350 120 570 50 230 1490 2.0 6.0 0.5 2.5 0.2 1.0 6.6 300 1350 80 380 30 150 1490 1.3 6.0 0.4 1.7 0.1 0.7 6.6 1.6 4.5 0.7 1.9 0.4 0.9 4.9 0.29 0.16 0.46 0.27 0.56 0.33 0.15 7 4 12 7 14 8 4 330 1010 90 430 40 170 1110 1.5 4.5 0.4 1.9 0.2 0.8 4.9 250 1010 70 320 30 130 1110 1.1 4.5 0.3 1.4 0.1 0.6 4.9 170 830 50 210 20 80 980 0.8 3.7 0.2 0.9 0.1 0.4 4.4 290 810 130 350 160 890 1.3 3.6 0.6 1.6 0.7 4.0 0.45 0.25 0.73 0.43 0.49 0.24 12 6 19 11 12 6 210 810 60 270 110 890 0.9 3.6 0.3 1.2 0.5 4.0 160 790 40 200 80 890 0.7 3.5 0.2 0.9 0.4 4.0 110 530 30 140 50 630 0.5 2.4 0.1 0.6 0.2 2.8 A1000 A1001 A3301 A4001 A5000 240 680 290 140 740 1.1 3.0 1.3 0.6 3.3 0.65 0.37 0.61 0.74 0.34 16 9 16 19 9 150 680 190 80 740 0.7 3.0 0.8 0.4 3.3 110 550 140 60 650 0.5 2.4 0.6 0.3 2.9 70 370 90 40 440 0.3 1.6 0.4 0.2 2.0 210 580 250 120 640 0.9 2.6 1.1 0.5 2.8 0.90 0.50 0.84 1.01 0.47 23 13 21 26 12 110 540 140 60 640 0.5 2.4 0.6 0.3 2.8 80 410 100 40 480 0.4 1.8 0.4 0.2 2.1 50 270 70 30 320 0.2 1.2 0.3 0.1 1.4 84 2134 A1000 A1001 A3301 A4001 A5000 96 2438 A1000 A1001 A3301 A5000 180 510 220 560 0.8 2.3 1.0 2.5 1.15 0.66 1.10 0.61 29 17 28 15 80 410 110 490 0.4 1.8 0.5 2.2 60 310 80 370 0.3 1.4 0.4 1.6 40 210 50 250 0.2 0.9 0.2 1.1 108 2743 A1000 A1001 A5000 160 450 500 0.7 2.0 2.2 1.46 0.83 0.77 37 21 20 70 330 390 0.3 1.5 1.7 50 250 290 0.2 1.1 1.3 30 160 190 0.1 0.7 0.8 120 3048 A1001 A5000 410 450 1.8 2.0 1.03 0.96 26 24 260 310 1.2 1.4 200 240 0.9 1.1 130 160 0.6 0.7 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System 72 Deflection at Uniform Load Lbs mm Electrical Fittings 48 Max. Allowable Uniform Load *Load limited by spot weld shear. Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. 184 A1000, A3300, A4000, & A5000 SERIES CHANNELS FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Lbs kN Lbs kN 610 A1000 A1001 A3300 A3301 A4000 A4001 A5000 1790 3450 1020 2380 610 1290 2650 8.0 15.3 4.5 10.6 2.7 5.7 11.8 4890 12890 2330 9540 1490 4980 5970 21.8 57.3 10.4 42.4 6.6 22.2 26.6 4800 12650 2270 9270 1450 4790 5830 21.4 56.3 10.1 41.2 6.4 21.3 25.9 4630 12260 2190 8830 1400 4470 5580 20.6 54.5 9.7 39.3 6.2 19.9 24.8 4430 11780 2080 8280 1280 4080 5280 19.7 52.4 9.3 36.8 5.7 18.1 23.5 914 A1000 A1001 A3300 A3301 A4000 A4001 A5000 1550 3300 640 2160 380 1140 1850 6.9 14.7 2.8 9.6 1.7 5.1 8.2 3980 12310 1030 8890 670 4510 3100 17.7 54.8 4.6 39.5 3.0 20.1 13.8 3760 11780 1010 8280 650 4080 3000 16.7 52.4 4.5 36.8 2.9 18.1 13.3 3380 10910 970 7280 620 3360 2840 15.0 48.5 4.3 32.4 2.8 14.9 12.6 2950 9840 930 6050 570 2490 2660 13.1 43.8 4.1 26.9 2.5 11.1 11.8 1219 A1000 A1001 A3300 A3301 A4000 A4001 A5000 1320 3100 420 1910 260 950 1400 5.9 13.8 1.9 8.5 1.2 4.2 6.2 3250 11510 580 7970 380 3860 2070 14.5 51.2 2.6 35.5 1.7 17.2 9.2 2910 10570 570 6890 370 3090 1980 12.9 47.0 2.5 30.6 1.6 13.7 8.8 2460 9010 550 5110 ** 2020 1860 10.9 40.1 2.4 22.7 ** 9.0 8.3 2050 7110 ** 3550 ** 1400 1720 9.1 31.6 ** 15.8 ** 6.2 7.7 A1000 A1001 A3300 A3301 A4001 A5000 1130 2850 290 1620 770 1140 5.0 12.7 1.3 7.2 3.4 5.1 2710 10490 370 6790 3010 1580 12.1 46.7 1.6 30.2 13.4 7.0 2340 9010 360 5110 2020 1500 10.4 40.1 1.6 22.7 9.0 6.7 1890 6580 ** 3270 1290 1390 8.4 29.3 ** 14.5 5.7 6.2 1520 4570 ** 2270 ** 1270 6.8 20.3 ** 10.1 ** 5.6 1829 A1000 A1001 A3301 A4001 A5000 980 2550 1340 620 970 4.4 11.3 6.0 2.8 4.3 2320 9230 5360 2130 1310 10.3 41.1 23.8 9.5 5.8 1930 7110 3550 1400 1230 8.6 31.6 15.8 6.2 5.5 1500 4570 2270 ** 1120 6.7 20.3 10.1 ** 5.0 1170 3170 ** ** 1010 5.2 14.1 ** ** 4.5 84 2134 A1000 A1001 A3301 A4001 A5000 850 2210 1120 510 860 3.8 9.8 5.0 2.3 3.8 2000 7740 3950 1560 1130 8.9 34.4 17.6 6.9 5.0 1610 5240 2610 1030 1060 7.2 23.3 11.6 4.6 4.7 1210 3360 ** ** 950 5.4 14.9 ** ** 4.2 ** 2330 ** ** 840 ** 10.4 ** ** 3.7 96 2438 A1000 A1001 A3301 A5000 740 1920 950 770 3.3 8.5 4.2 3.4 1730 6080 3030 1010 7.7 27.0 13.5 4.5 1350 4020 2000 930 6.0 17.9 8.9 4.1 ** 2570 ** 830 ** 11.4 ** 3.7 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 108 2743 A1000 A1001 A5000 650 1670 710 2.9 7.4 3.2 1500 4810 920 6.7 21.4 4.1 1150 3170 840 5.1 14.1 3.7 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 120 3048 A1001 A5000 1470 660 6.5 2.9 3890 850 17.3 3.8 2570 770 11.4 3.4 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 24 36 48 60 72 > 200 Index **KL r 1524 General Fittings kN Pipe/Conduit Supports Lbs Electrical Fittings kN Nuts & Hardware K = 1.2 Concrete Inserts Lbs K = 1.0 11⁄4" Framing System kN K = .80 System Lbs K = .65 ⁄ Framing mm Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. 13 16" In Channel Max. Allowable Load at Slot Face Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Unbraced Height 1 5/8" Channels COLUMN LOADING DATA 185 ELEMENTS OF SECTION & BEARING LOADS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL ELEMENTS OF SECTION Channel Nuts & Hardware In2 I cm2 In4 Axis 2 - 2 S cm4 In3 r I S r cm3 In cm In4 cm4 In3 cm3 In cm A1000 A1001 .305 .610 1.97 3.94 .061 .303 2.5 .086 12.6 .242 1.41 3.97 .447 .705 1.1 1.8 .078 .156 3.2 6.5 .125 .250 2.05 4.10 .506 .506 1.3 1.3 A3300 A3301 .230 .460 1.48 2.97 .017 .078 .7 .038 3.2 .103 .62 1.69 .269 .411 0.7 1.0 .052 .104 2.2 4.3 .084 .167 1.38 2.74 .477 .477 1.2 1.2 A4000 A4001 .123 .245 .79 1.58 .007 .031 .3 .019 1.3 .049 .31 .80 .239 .354 0.6 0.9 .028 .056 1.2 2.3 .045 .089 .74 1.46 .477 .477 1.2 1.2 A5000 .492 3.17 .359 14.9 .266 4.36 .854 2.2 .143 6.0 .229 3.75 .539 1.4 Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section S - Section Modulus r - Radius of Gyration Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings I - Moment of Inertia LOAD DATA FOR UNISTRUT SECTIONS SUBJECT TO CRUSHING LOADS 11⁄4" Framing System LOAD Framing System LOAD Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Channel listed. Load at Center of Member. Channel Index A1000 A3300 A4000 A5000 Allowable Load 186 Load at End of Member. Channel Lbs kN 3000 3000 1400 2500 13.3 13.3 6.2 11.1 Safety Factor of 21⁄2 Channel listed. A1000 A3300 A4000 A5000 Allowable Load Lbs kN 2000 2000 1000 1800 8.9 8.9 4.4 8.0 Safety Factor of 21⁄2 NUT SELECTION CHART & LOAD DATA 1 5/8" Channels FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PULL-OUT AND SLIP LOADS ⁄8" - 16 A1000 5 ⁄16" - 18 A3300 1 ⁄4" - 20 A5000 3 ⁄8" - 16 A4000 Max.Allowable Pull-out 14 19 Resistance to Slip Torque Lbs kN Lbs kN Ft Lbs N•m 900 4.0 500 2.2 19 25 900 4.0 500 2.2 11 15 900 4.0 500 2.2 6 8 300 1.3 400 1.8 19 25 Nuts & Hardware 3 Gage General Fittings Channel Pipe/Conduit Supports Nut design loads include a minimum safety factor of 3. NUT SELECTION CHART A1000 A1006-1420 1 A1007 5 A1008 3 - 16 A3006-1420 1 - 20 A3007 5 A3008 3 ⁄8" - 16 A3016-0832 #8 - 32 A3016-1024 #10 - 24 A3016-1032 #10 - 32 A3016-1420 1 - 20 A4006-1420 1 - 20 A4007 5 A4008 3 - 16 A5006-1420 1 - 20 A5008 A4000 A5000 - 20 ⁄8" ⁄4" Concrete Inserts ⁄16" - 18 ⁄ Framing ⁄4" 13 16" ⁄4" 11⁄4" Framing System ⁄16" - 18 ⁄16" - 18 ⁄8" ⁄4" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass A5007 ⁄4" A3300 Electrical Fittings Use With Channel Nut Size/ Thread 5 ⁄16" - 18 3 ⁄8" - 16 Index Channel Nuts Part Number System Nut Size/ Thread 187 UNISTRUT NUTS CHANNEL NUTS WITH SPRINGS A1006-1420 A1007 A1008 CHANNEL NUTS WITH SPRINGS A4006-1420 A4007 A4008 Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL General Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports A1006-1420 A1007 A1008 Thread Size 1 4"-20 ⁄ 5 16 ⁄ "-18 3 ⁄8"-16 Weight per 100 Lbs kg 6 6 6 2.7 2.7 2.7 CHANNEL NUTS WITH SPRINGS A5006-1420 A5007 A5008 Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Part Number Note: Use with A5000 channel. 11⁄4" Framing System Part Number A5006-1420 A5007 A5008 Thread Size 1 4"-20 ⁄ 5 16 ⁄ "-18 3 ⁄8"-16 A3016-0832 thru A3016-1420 Weight per 100 Lbs kg 6 6 6 2.7 2.7 2.7 CHANNEL NUTS WITHOUT SPRINGS Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Note: Use with A1000, A3300, A4000 & A5000 channels. Part Number Index A3016-0832 A3016-1024 A3016-1032 A3016-1420 188 Thread Size #8 #10 #10 1 ⁄4" - 32 - 24 - 32 - 20 Part Number A4006-1420 A4007 A4008 Thread Size 1 ⁄4"-20 ⁄16"-18 3⁄8 "-16 5 A3006-1420 A3007 A3008 Weight per 100 Lbs kg 5 5 5 2.3 2.3 2.3 CHANNEL NUTS WITHOUT SPRINGS Note: Use with A1000, A3300, A4000 & A5000 channels. 13⁄16" Framing System Note: Use with A3300 & A4000 channels. Note: Use with A1000 channel. Weight per 100 Lbs kg 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Part Number A3006-1420 A3007 A3008 Thread Size 1 4"-20 ⁄ 5 ⁄16"-18 3⁄8"-16 Weight per 100 Lbs kg 5 5 5 2.3 2.3 2.3 CHANNEL END CAPS & CLOSURE STRIP A1280 A4280 END CAP Material: .075" (1.9) Material: .075" (1.9) Note: Use with A1000 channel. Note: Use with A4000 channel. Wt/C 3 Lbs (1.4 kg) END CAP A5280 A1184 CLOSURE STRIP Electrical Fittings Wt/C 7 Lbs (3.2 kg) Concrete Inserts .020" (0.5) Standard Length 10 Feet. 11⁄4" Framing System 1 1⁄4" (31.8) Material: .075" (1.9) Note: Use with A5000 channel. Wt/C 14 Lbs (6.4 kg) Wt/C Ft 21 Lbs (31.3 kg/100M) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 3 ⁄32" (2.4) System ⁄ Framing CLOSURE STRIP 13 16" A1184P Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware END CAP 1 5/8" Channels FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1" Index (25.4) Wt/C Ft 21 Lbs (31.3 kg/100M) 189 FLAT PLATE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL A1063 A1065 2 3⁄4" 1 1⁄4" (69.9) General Fittings Nuts & Hardware (31.8) Wt/C 17 Lbs (7.7 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) A1191 A1066 4 1 ⁄4 " (108.0) Electrical Fittings 13 1⁄4" Concrete Inserts (336.6) 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 87 Lbs (39.5 kg) Wt/C 26 Lbs (11.8 kg) A2324 A1036 2 3 ⁄4 " Framing System (69.9) 5 3⁄4" 2 3 ⁄4 " (146.1) 13⁄16" (69.9) 3" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (76.2) Wt/C 27 Lbs (12.2 kg) Index Wt/C 39 Lbs (17.7 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 13 32 58 11⁄4" 3 16 31.8 mm 4.8 mm ⁄ " Diameter 10.3 mm 190 ⁄ " (15.9 mm) From End 12 1 ⁄ " (38.1 mm) On Center ⁄ " FLAT PLATE & NINETY DEGREE FITTINGS FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL A1026 1 5/8" Channels A1031 4 1 ⁄4 " (108.0) 1 19⁄32" (40.5) 2 3 ⁄4 " Nuts & Hardware (69.9) 1 7⁄16" General Fittings (36.5) Wt/C 17 Lbs (7.7 kg) A1068 A1326 Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 34 Lbs (15.4 kg) 1 1⁄ 4" (31.8) 1 1⁄4" Electrical Fittings (31.8) 3 9⁄32" (83.3) 1 25/32" Concrete Inserts (45.2) A1325 2 3⁄4" 2 3⁄4" ⁄ Framing (69.9) (69.9) 1 25⁄32" 3 9⁄32" (45.2) Wt/C 27 Lbs (12.2 kg) Hole Spacing Width Thickness 13 32 58 11⁄4" 3 16 10.3 mm 11⁄2" (38.1 mm) On Center 31.8 mm 4.8 mm ⁄ " (15.9 mm) From End Index Wt/C 38 Lbs (17.2 kg) Hole Size ⁄ " Diameter Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" (83.3) System A1458 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 27 Lbs (12.2 kg) Wt/C 17 Lbs (7.7 kg) ⁄ " 191 NINETY DEGREE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL A1033 A1037 2 3⁄4" (69.9) Nuts & Hardware 119⁄32" (40.5) 4 1⁄4" (108.0) 1 19⁄32" General Fittings (40.5) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 34 Lbs (15.4 kg) Wt/C 30 Lbs (13.6 kg) A1038 A1357 2 3⁄4" (69.9) 2 1⁄2" Electrical Fittings (63.5) 125⁄32" (45.2) Concrete Inserts 1 19⁄32" (40.5) 1 1⁄4" (31.8) 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 30 Lbs (13.6 kg) Wt/C 30 Lbs (13.6 kg) A1331 A1332 2 3⁄4" 2 3⁄4" (69.9) (69.9) Framing System 3 9⁄32" 3 9⁄32" (83.3) (83.3) 5 1 ⁄32" 1 5⁄32" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" (29.4) (29.4) Index Wt/C 75 Lbs (34.0 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 13 32 58 11⁄4" 3 16 10.3 mm 11⁄2"" (38.1 mm) On Center 31.8 mm 4.8 mm ⁄ " Diameter 192 Wt/C 75 Lbs (34.0 kg) ⁄ " (15.9 mm) From End ⁄ " NINETY DEGREE & "Z" SHAPE FITTINGS FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL A2235 1 5/8" Channels A1579 2 3⁄4" (69.9) 2 3⁄4" (69.9) Nuts & Hardware 3 9⁄32" 125⁄32" 1 1⁄4" 1 1⁄4" (31.8) (31.8) Wt/C 59 Lbs (26.8 kg) A2120 Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 44 Lbs (20.0 kg) A4120 3 ⁄16" (4.8) Hole ⁄16" (4.8) Hole 3 3 1 ⁄8" ⁄4" (34.9) (19.1) Electrical Fittings 3 General Fittings (83.3) (45.2) 13 ⁄16" 13 ⁄16" (20.6) A1000 A4000 (20.6) 1 15⁄16" 1 15⁄16" 1 ⁄8" (3.2) Thick 1 ⁄8" (3.2) Thick Wt/C 7 Lbs (3.2 kg) A5120 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 9 Lbs (4.1 kg) 3 Concrete Inserts (49.2) (49.2) A1045 2 7⁄8" ⁄16" (4.8) Hole (73.0) (36.5) 13 16" A1000 ⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 1 1⁄4" A5000 (31.8) 1 15⁄16" (49.2) 1 ⁄8" (3.2) Thick Wt/C 13 Lbs (5.9 kg) Wt/C 25 Lbs (11.3 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 13 32 58 11⁄4" 3 16 10.3 mm 11⁄2" (38.1 mm) On Center 31.8 mm 4.8 mm ⁄ " Diameter ⁄ " (15.9 mm) From End Index 13 (20.6) System 2 ⁄ 8" (66.7) ⁄ Framing 1 7⁄16" 5 ⁄ " 193 "Z", ANGULAR & WING SHAPE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL A3345 A4045 2 7⁄8" 2 7⁄8" (73.0) (73.0) 1 7⁄16" 1 7⁄16" Nuts & Hardware (36.5) (36.5) 3 A3300 ⁄4" 5 A4000 ⁄8" (15.9) General Fittings (19.1) Wt/C 21 Lbs (9.5 kg) A5045 A2109 A2110 A2111 7 2 ⁄8" (73.0) (57.2) B 2 1⁄2" Concrete Inserts (63.5) Part Number Framing System 13⁄16" .29 .25 .21 125⁄32 13⁄4 13⁄4 45.2 44.5 44.5 1 1⁄4" (36.5) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass mm (31.8) B "A" Degree 521⁄2 45 371⁄2 A2125 A2126 A2127 2 15⁄16" (74.6) 2 21⁄32" (67.5) "B" rad In mm .29 .25 .21 11⁄4 11⁄4 19⁄32 31.8 31.8 32.5 1 1⁄4" (31.8) Wt/C 17 Lbs (7.7 kg) Index In A2084 A 1 7⁄16" Wt/C 90 Lbs (40.8 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 13 32 58 11⁄4" 3 16 10.3 mm 11⁄2" (38.1 mm) On Center 31.8 mm 4.8mm ⁄ " Diameter 194 521⁄2 45 371⁄2 "B" rad Wt/C 23 Lbs (10.4 kg) A2125 A2126 A2127 Part Number "A" Degree A2109 A2110 A2111 Wt/C 33 Lbs (15.0 kg) 11⁄4" Framing System A 2 1 ⁄4 " A5000 Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 23 Lbs (10.4 kg) ⁄ " (15.9 mm) From End ⁄ " WING & "U" SHAPE FITTINGS A2341 R-L A2472 R-L 1 5/8" Channels FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 7⁄16" 1 7⁄16" Nuts & Hardware (36.5) (36.5) 1 19⁄32" 1 19⁄32" (40.5) General Fittings (40.5) R-As shown L-Opposite hand R-As shown L-Opposite hand Wt/C 33 Lbs (15.0 kg) A2223 Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 26 Lbs (11.8 kg) A2345 1 7⁄16" (36.5) 1 7⁄16" 1 19⁄32" (40.5) (40.5) Concrete Inserts 1 19⁄32" Electrical Fittings (36.5) Wt/C 34 Lbs (15.4 kg) A1047 1 7⁄16" 4 1 ⁄2 " (36.5) 3 1⁄4" 1 1⁄4" (82.6) (31.8) ⁄ Framing (114.3) 13 16" 1 19⁄32" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (40.5) A1000 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 13 32 58 11⁄4" 3 16 10.3 mm 11⁄2"" (38.1 mm) On Center 31.8 mm 4.8 mm ⁄ " Diameter ⁄ " (15.9 mm) From End Index Wt/C 43 Lbs (19.5 kg) Wt/C 52 Lbs (23.6 kg) System A2227 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 41 Lbs (18.6 kg) ⁄ " 195 "U" SHAPE FITTINGS & TUBING CLIPS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL A4047 A3347 4 1⁄2" 4 1⁄2" (114.3) 5 (114.3) ⁄4" Nuts & Hardware ⁄8" (15.9) 3 (19.1) A4000 General Fittings A3300 Wt/C 34 Lbs (15.4 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 37 Lbs (16.8 kg) A5047 A5043 4 1⁄2" (114.3) 5 3⁄4" 2 1⁄2" 1 1⁄4" (146.1) (31.8) Electrical Fittings (63.5) 1 1⁄4" Concrete Inserts A5000 (31.8) A5000 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 58 Lbs (26.3 kg) Wt/C 50 Lbs (22.7 kg) A2608 thru A2617 UNI-CLIP® 1" (25.4) Part Number Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System A2608 A2609 A2611 A2612 A2613 A2614 A2615 A2617 Pipe Size In mm 14 ⁄ ⁄ 1⁄2 3⁄4 1 11⁄4 11⁄2 2 38 6.4 9.5 12.7 19.1 25.4 31.8 38.1 50.8 O.D. Size In mm 0.540 0.675 0.840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 13.7 17.1 21.3 26.7 33.4 42.2 48.3 60.3 Index Stainless steel, Type 301. Patent No. 2863625. Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 13 32 58 11⁄4" 3 16 10.3 mm 11⁄2" (38.1 mm) On Center 31.8 mm 4.8 mm ⁄ " Diameter 196 ⁄ " (15.9 mm) From End ⁄ " Weight/C Lbs kg 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.4 3.2 4.7 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.1 1.5 2.1 BRACKETS FOR 11⁄4" (32 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL A A 2" (50.8) 2" (50.8) C 1" (25.4) 5 ⁄8" (15.9) 1" (25.4) B 5 ⁄8" (15.9) 3 B General Fittings C 3 ⁄16" (4.8) Holes ⁄32" (10.3) Dia. ⁄16" (4.8) Holes 13 ⁄32" (10.3) Dia. Left Pipe/Conduit Supports Right Material: 14 Gage Steel. A1000 200 Lbs (.9 kN) A4000 130 Lbs (.6 kN) A2491 R-L A2492 R-L A2493 R-L Safety Factor of 21⁄2 "A" "B" "C" In mm In mm In mm 6 8 10 152.4 203.2 254.0 2 21⁄2 3 50.8 63.5 76.2 3 5 7 76.2 127.0 177.8 Weight/C Lbs kg 38 56 73 Electrical Fittings Part Number 17.2 25.4 33.1 Concrete Inserts Design Uniform Load (Channel Upright Listed) A2494 R-L thru A2497 R-L A 2" (50.8) A C C 3" (76.2) 3" (76.2) 3 ⁄16" (4.8) Holes 13 ⁄32" (10.3) Dia. 1" 1" (25.4) (25.4) 5 ⁄ 8" (15.9) C 5 ⁄8" (15.9) B ⁄ Framing C B 9 ⁄16" (14.3) 3 ⁄16" (4.8) Holes 13 16" 2" (50.8) 13 ⁄32" (10.3) Dia. Right Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 9 ⁄16" (14.3) Left Material: 14 Gage Steel. Part Number Design Uniform Load (Channel Upright Listed) A1000 200 Lbs (.9 kN) A4000 130 Lbs (.6 kN) Safety Factor of 21⁄2 A2494 R-L A2495 R-L A2496 R-L A2497 R-L "A" 11⁄4" Framing System 13 9 ⁄16" (14.3) "B" "C" In mm In mm 12 14 16 18 304.8 355.6 406.4 457.2 31⁄2 4 41⁄2 5 88.9 101.6 114.3 127.0 In 3 4 5 6 mm 76.2 101.6 127.0 152.4 Weight/C Lbs kg 94 105 145 175 System ⁄16" (14.3) 42.6 47.6 65.8 79.4 197 Index 9 Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels A2491 R-L A2492 R-L A2493 R-L 13 16 Page 13 16 ⁄ " Width Channel Series 199 Channel Nuts 203 End Caps & Closure Strip 203 General Fittings 204 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels ⁄ " FRAMING SYSTEM MATERIAL Channels are accurately and carefully cold formed to size from low-carbon strip steel. STEEL: PLAIN 19 Gage (1.0 mm) ASTM A366 STEEL: PRE-GALVANIZED 19 Gage (1.0 mm) ASTM A653 GR 33 All nuts are manufactured from mild steel bars conforming to ASTM A570 GR 33. Fittings are made from hot rolled, pickled and oiled steel plate or strip and conform to ASTM A570 GR 33. FINISHES Channels are available in: Perma- 198 Green II (GR), electro-galvanized (EG), with zinc electrolytically to commercial standards ASTM B633 Type III SC1; Pre-galvanized (PG), conforming to ASTM A653 GR 33 and plain (PL). Nuts are available in plain or electrogalvanized (EG) finish. Fittings are available in Perma-Green II, electrogalvanized (EG) or plain. STANDARD LENGTHS P-6000 – 16 Feet (4.88m) P-7000 – 10 Feet (3.05m) Tolerances are +1⁄8" (3.2 mm) to +1⁄2" (12.7 mm) to allow for cutting. Special lengths are available for a small cutting charge with a tolerance of ±1⁄8" (3.2mm). APPLICATION A unique half-size reduction of the 15⁄8" channel width series, this smaller channel size can be used to carry light loads economically in applications such as instrumentation, retail displays and light-duty laboratory supports. It also provides the flexibility found in all Unistrut® framing systems. DESIGN BOLT TORQUE BOLT FOOT N.m SIZE LBS. 1⁄4" 6 8 20 DIMENSIONS Imperial dimensions are illustrated in inches. Metric dimensions are shown in parenthesis or as noted. Unless noted, all metric dimensions are in millimeters and rounded to one decimal place. P6000 CHANNEL & COMBINATIONS FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5/8" Channels P6000 13 ⁄16" ⁄16" 20.6 ⁄16" 13 3 ⁄16" ⁄32" 4.8 11.8 .463" 3 ⁄16" 11.1 4.8 2.4 20.6 1 1 8.4 .350" General Fittings 2 2 Weight: 37 Lbs/C Ft (55 kg/100m) 13 ⁄16" Pipe/Conduit Supports P6001 20.6 ⁄16" 1 5⁄8" 1 41.3 1 Electrical Fittings 20.6 13 20.6 13 ⁄16" Concrete Inserts 2 2 Weight: 73 Lbs/C Ft (109 kg/100m) P6001 C Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" ⁄ Framing 11⁄4" Framing System P6001 B P6001 A System 3 Nuts & Hardware 7 Lbs/Ft Material Thickness Standard Lengths PL kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm P6000 .37 .55 500 60 .040 1.0 16' P6001 .73 1.09 1,360 150 .040 1.0 16' Other Materials Finishes GR HG PG SS EA 199 Index Allowable Moment Weight Channel P7000 & P7001 CHANNELS P7000 Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 3 ⁄16" 13 ⁄16" 7 ⁄16" 4.8 ⁄16" 3 ⁄32" 13 20.6 11.1 2.4 .243" General Fittings 2 .163" P7001 20.6 Electrical Fittings ⁄16" 13 ⁄32" 10.3 13 1 ⁄16" 13 1 20.6 10.3 ⁄32" 2 Concrete Inserts 2 Weight: 52 Lbs/C Ft (77 kg/100m) LOAD GRAPH* 500 450 P6000 P6001 P7000 P7001 400 LOAD (Lbs) 350 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System 4.1 Weight: 26 Lbs/C Ft (39 kg/100m) 13 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 4.8 6.2 10.3 1 ⁄32" 1 2 Pipe/Conduit Supports 3 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 18 24 30 36 * Maximum allowable uniform load weight. Index Channel 200 Weight 42 48 60 72 SPAN (In) Allowable Moment Material Thickness Standard Lengths Lbs/Ft kg/m In-Lb N•m In mm P7000 .260 .39 180 20 .040 1.0 10' P7001 .520 .77 430 50 .040 1.0 10' Other Materials Finishes PL GR HG PG SS EA P6000 & P7000 SERIES CHANNELS FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 220 410* 80 190 1.0 1.8 0.4 0.8 24 610 P6000 P6001 P7000 P7001 170 410* 60 140 30 762 P6000 P6001 P7001 36 914 42 Lbs kN Lbs kN Lbs kN 0.06 0.02 0.10 0.07 2 1 3 2 220 410 80 190 1.0 1.8 0.4 0.8 220 410 60 190 1.0 1.8 0.3 0.8 170 410 40 140 0.8 1.8 0.2 0.6 0.8 1.8 0.3 0.6 0.12 0.06 0.18 0.12 3 1 5 3 170 410 40 140 0.8 1.8 0.2 0.6 150 410 30 110 0.7 1.8 0.1 0.5 100 410 20 80 0.4 1.8 0.1 0.4 130 360 110 0.6 1.6 0.5 0.17 0.10 0.19 4 2 5 130 360 100 0.6 1.6 0.4 90 360 70 0.4 1.6 0.3 60 310 50 0.3 1.4 0.2 P6000 P6001 P7001 110 300 100 0.5 1.3 0.4 0.25 0.14 0.29 6 4 7 90 300 70 0.4 1.3 0.3 70 300 50 0.3 1.3 0.2 40 210 30 0.2 0.9 0.1 1067 P6000 P6001 P7001 100 260 80 0.4 1.2 0.4 0.36 0.19 0.37 9 5 9 60 260 50 0.3 1.2 0.2 50 240 40 0.2 1.1 0.2 30 160 20 0.1 0.7 0.1 48 1219 P6000 P6001 P7001 80 230 70 0.4 1.0 0.3 0.43 0.26 0.49 11 6 12 50 230 40 0.2 1.0 0.2 40 180 30 0.2 0.8 0.1 20 120 20 0.1 0.5 0.1 60 1524 P6000 P6001 70 180 0.3 0.8 0.74 0.39 19 10 30 150 0.1 0.7 20 120 0.1 0.5 20 80 0.1 0.4 72 1829 P6001 150 0.7 0.56 14 110 0.5 80 0.4 50 0.2 18 Nuts & Hardware 457 P6000 P6001 P7000 P7001 Span/360 mm General Fittings In Pipe/Conduit Supports kN mm Span/240 Electrical Fittings Lbs In Span/180 13 16" ⁄ Framing * Load limited by spot weld shear. Notes: 1. Above loads include the weight of the member. This weight must be deducted to arrive at the net allowable load the beam will support. 2. Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. 3. Allowable uniformly distributed loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. ELEMENTS OF SECTION In I 2 cm In 4 S 4 cm 3 In r 3 cm In I cm In 4 S 4 cm In 3 r 3 cm In cm P6000 .105 .68 .009 .4 .020 .33 .294 .75 .012 .5 .029 .48 .333 .85 P6001 .211 1.36 .044 1.8 .054 .88 .457 1.16 .023 1.0 .057 .93 .333 .85 P7000 .073 .47 .002 .1 .007 .11 .148 .38 .007 .3 .017 .28 .306 .78 P7001 .146 .94 .007 .3 .017 .28 .220 .56 .014 .6 .034 .56 .306 .78 I - Moment of Inertia S - Section Modulus Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 2 Axis 2 - 2 Axis 1 - 1 Areas of Section Index Channel Concrete Inserts Channel Uniform Loading at Deflections Deflection at Uniform Load 11⁄4" Framing System Max. Allowable Uniform Load System Span 1 5/8" Channels BEAM LOADING DATA r - Radius of Gyration 201 P6000 & P7000 SERIES CHANNELS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL COLUMN LOADING DATA Unbraced Height Nuts & Hardware In mm Lbs 457 P6000 P6001 P7000 P7001 520 1170 280 680 2.3 5.2 1.2 3.0 610 P6000 P6001 P7000 P7001 380 1130 190 610 762 P6000 P6001 P7000 P7001 36 General Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports K = .80 K = 1.0 kN Lbs kN Lbs 1120 4410 530 2870 5.0 19.6 2.4 12.8 1090 4300 520 2700 4.8 19.1 2.3 12.0 1.7 5.0 0.8 2.7 630 4250 300 2610 2.8 18.9 1.3 11.6 610 4060 290 2320 280 1080 140 530 1.2 4.8 0.6 2.4 400 4040 190 2290 1.8 18.0 0.8 10.2 914 P6000 P6001 P7000 P7001 210 1020 100 450 0.9 4.5 0.4 2.0 280 3790 130 1890 42 1067 P6000 P6001 P7001 160 950 380 0.7 4.2 1.7 48 1219 P6000 P6001 P7001 130 860 320 60 1524 P6000 P6001 72 1829 P6000 P6001 24 Electrical Fittings K = .65 kN 18 Concrete Inserts Maximum Column Load Applied at C.G. Lbs 30 **KL r K = 1.2 kN Lbs kN 1030 4130 500 2420 4.6 18.4 2.2 10.8 960 3920 480 2080 4.3 17.4 2.1 9.3 2.7 18.1 1.3 10.3 580 3750 280 1820 2.6 16.7 1.2 8.1 540 3370 270 1290 2.4 15.0 1.2 5.7 390 3750 190 1820 1.7 16.7 0.8 8.1 370 3260 ** 1190 1.6 14.5 ** 5.3 350 2670 ** 830 1.6 11.9 ** 3.7 1.2 16.9 0.6 8.4 270 3370 130 1290 1.2 15.0 0.6 5.7 260 2670 ** 830 1.2 11.9 ** 3.7 240 1900 ** 570 1.1 8.5 ** 2.5 210 3500 1440 0.9 15.6 6.4 200 2920 950 0.9 13.0 4.2 190 2010 610 0.8 8.9 2.7 180 1400 ** 0.8 6.2 ** 0.6 3.8 1.4 160 3150 1100 0.7 14.0 4.9 150 2400 730 0.7 10.7 3.2 140 1540 ** 0.6 6.9 ** 130 1070 ** 0.6 4.8 ** 90 700 0.4 3.1 100 2330 0.4 10.4 100 1540 0.4 6.9 ** 990 ** 4.4 ** ** ** ** 70 570 0.3 2.5 70 1620 0.3 7.2 70 1070 0.3 4.8 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** > 200 LOAD DATA FOR UNISTRUT SECTIONS SUBJECT TO CRUSHING LOADS LOAD LOAD Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Channel Max. Allowable Load at Slot Face Center of Member. Index Channel P6000 P7000 Recommended Load Lbs kN 1000 1300 4.4 5.8 Safety Factor of 21⁄2 202 End of Member. Channel P6000 P7000 Recommended Load Lbs kN 700 900 3.1 4.0 Safety Factor of 21⁄2 CHANNEL NUTS & END CAPS CHANNEL NUT WITH SPRING CHANNEL NUT WITH SPRING P7006-0832 thru P7006-1420 Nuts & Hardware P6000-0832 thru P6006-1420 1 5/8" Channels FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Max. Allowable Pull-out Lbs kN 14 ⁄ "-20 250 1.1 #8 - 36 #8 - 32 #10 - 32 #10 - 24 1⁄4"- 20 Weight per 100 Lbs kg 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 END CAP FOR P6000 Ft/Lbs N•m 150 0.7 6 8 Part Number Thread Size P7006-0836 P7006-0832 P7006-1032 P7006-1024 P7006-1420 #8 - 36 #8 - 32 #10 - 32 #10 - 24 1⁄4"- 20 P7280 Weight per 100 Lbs Kg 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 END CAP FOR P7000 Material: .048" (1.2) Material: .060" (1.5) Wt/C 1 Lbs (0.5 kg) ⁄ Framing Wt/C 3 Lbs (1.4 kg) CLOSURE STRIP 13 16" P6184 P 1⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (1.6) System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts P6280 kN Pipe/Conduit Supports P6006-0836 P6006-0832 P6006-1032 P6006-1024 P6006-1420 Lbs Electrical Fittings Thread Size Torque For use with P7000 channels. For use with P6000 channels. Part Number Resistance To Slip General Fittings Nut Size/ Thread .706" (17.9) Index Material: Plastic. Standard Length: 10 Feet (3.05 m). Wt/C Ft 4 Lbs (6.0 kg/100m) 203 FLAT PLATE FITTINGS P6062 P6065 1 7⁄8" (47.6) 13⁄16" (20.6) General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 2 Lbs (0.9 kg) Wt/C 5 Lbs (2.3 kg) P7325 P6924 1 5⁄8" Electrical Fittings (41.3) (68.3) 13⁄16" (20.6) 1 7⁄8" Concrete Inserts (47.6) Wt/C 7 Lbs (3.2 kg) Wt/C 5 Lbs (2.3 kg) P6925 P7324 2 7⁄16" (61.9) Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System 2 11⁄16" 3 3⁄ 4" (95.3) 13⁄16" 1 7⁄ 8" (47.6) 13⁄16" (20.6) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" (20.6) Index Wt/C 10 Lbs (4.5 kg) 204 Wt/C 7 Lbs (3.2 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄32" Diameter 7.1 mm 13⁄32 " (10.3 mm) From End 11⁄16" (27.0 mm) On Center 13 16 18 ⁄ " 20.6 mm ⁄" 3.2 mm FLAT PLATE FITTINGS FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P6067 1 5/8" Channels P6066 2 15⁄16" (74.6) 4" General Fittings Nuts & Hardware (101.6) Wt/C 11 Lbs (5.0 kg) P6962 Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) P6356 A Electrical Fittings 1 7⁄8" (47.6) 2 5⁄16" (58.7) 2 5⁄16" Concrete Inserts 1 7⁄8" (58.7) (47.6) Wt/C 10 Lbs (4.5 kg) P6726 A (74.6) 13 16" (74.6) (47.6) 193 Wt/C 22 Lbs (10.0 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9 32 13 32 13 16 18 ⁄ " (10.3 mm) From End 1 ⁄ " (27.0 mm) On Center 1 16 ⁄ " 20.6 mm Index Wt/C 15 Lbs (6.8 kg) ⁄ " Diameter 7.1 mm Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 2 15⁄16" 1 7⁄8" System 2 15⁄16" 2 15⁄16" (74.6) ⁄ Framing P6358 A 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 19 Lbs (8.6 kg) ⁄" 3.2 mm 205 FLAT PLATE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P6334 P6380 1 7⁄8" 2 15⁄16" (47.6) Nuts & Hardware (74.6) 1 7⁄8" 1 7⁄8" (47.6) General Fittings (47.6) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 11 Lbs (5.0 kg) Wt/C 15 Lbs (6.8 kg) P6036 P6380 A 1 7⁄8" 2 15⁄16" Electrical Fittings (47.6) (74.6) 1 7⁄8" 1 7⁄8" (47.6) Concrete Inserts (47.6) 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) Wt/C 11 Lbs (5.0 kg) P6031 P6028 2 15⁄16" 2 15⁄16" Framing System (74.6) (74.6) 1 7 ⁄8 " Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" (47.6) 2 15⁄16" (74.6) Index Wt/C 11 Lbs (5.0 kg) 206 Wt/C 14 Lbs (6.4 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄32" Diameter 7.1 mm 13⁄32 " (10.3 mm) From End 11⁄16" (27.0 mm) On Center 13 16 18 ⁄ " 20.6 mm ⁄" 3.2 mm NINETY DEGREE FITTINGS FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P6026 1 5/8" Channels P6068 1 1⁄8" 13 ⁄16" (28.6) (20.6) ⁄16" Nuts & Hardware 15 1 1⁄4" (23.8) General Fittings (31.8) P6281 P6282 P6283 Wt/C 5 Lbs (2.3 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 5 Lbs (2.3 kg) P6069 1 1⁄ 8" A (28.6) 15 ⁄16" Electrical Fittings (23.8) 2" Part Number "A" P6281 P6282 P6283 In mm Weight Lbs kg 2 21⁄2 3 50.8 63.5 76.2 8 9 10 Concrete Inserts (50.8) 3.6 4.1 4.5 P6326 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) P6346 27 ⁄32" (21.4) 15 ⁄16" (58.7) 2 3⁄16" Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9 32 13 32 13 16 18 ⁄ " Diameter 7.1 mm Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) ⁄ " (10.3 mm) From End 1 ⁄ " (27.0 mm) On Center 1 16 ⁄ " 20.6 mm Index Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) 13 16" (55.6) System 2 ⁄16" ⁄ Framing (23.8) 5 ⁄" 3.2 mm 207 NINETY DEGREE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P6458 P6325 1 7⁄8" 1 7⁄8" (47.6) (47.6) Nuts & Hardware 1 1⁄4" 2 5⁄16" (31.8) (58.7) 27 ⁄32" General Fittings (21.4) Wt/C 11 Lbs (5.0 kg) P6033 P6037 1 1 ⁄8 " (28.6) Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) 2 15⁄16" 1 1⁄8" (74.6) 1 15⁄16" (28.6) Concrete Inserts (49.2) 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 11 Lbs (5.0 kg) Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) P6038 P6357 1 7⁄8" Framing System (47.6) 1 1⁄4" 13⁄16" (31.8) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 1 1⁄8" (28.6) 1 15⁄16" (49.2) Index Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) 208 Wt/C 10 Lbs (4.5 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄32" Diameter 7.1 mm 13⁄32 " (10.3 mm) From End 11⁄16" (27.0 mm) On Center 13 16 18 ⁄ " 20.6 mm ⁄" 3.2 mm NINETY DEGREE FITTINGS FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P6359 1 5/8" Channels P6579 1 7⁄ 8" (47.6) 1 1⁄4" Nuts & Hardware (47.6) 1 7⁄ 8" (47.6) 1 7⁄8" (31.8) 2 5⁄16" General Fittings (58.7) Wt/C 15 Lbs (6.8 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 15 Lbs (6.8 kg) P6917 P6728 13 1 7⁄8" ⁄16" (20.6) 2 15 (47.6) ⁄16" (74.6) (58.7) 27 Electrical Fittings 2 5⁄16" ⁄32" (21.4) 1 7⁄8" (47.6) 27 ⁄32" (21.4) 2 5⁄16" Concrete Inserts (58.7) 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 21 Lbs (9.5 kg) P7235 P6918 1 7⁄8" (47.6) 1 7⁄8" 1 7⁄8" (47.6) ⁄ Framing (47.6) 2 5⁄16" (58.7) (47.6) 13 16" 1 7⁄8" 27 ⁄32" 2 5⁄16" (21.4) System Wt/C 22 Lbs (10.0 kg) Wt/C 18 Lbs (8.2 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9 32 13 32 13 16 18 ⁄ " Diameter 7.1 mm ⁄ " (10.3 mm) From End 1 ⁄ " (27.0 mm) On Center 1 16 ⁄ " 20.6 mm Index Wt/C 21 Lbs (9.5 kg) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (58.7) ⁄" 3.2 mm 209 NINETY DEGREE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P6130 P6290 15 ⁄16" (23.8) 2 3⁄16" Nuts & Hardware (55.6) 3 ⁄4" 2 3⁄16" (19.1) (55.6) 1 7⁄8" (47.6) 7 2 ⁄16" 3 ⁄4" 15 ⁄16" (61.9) (19.1) 4" (101.6) General Fittings (23.8) Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 32 Lbs (14.5 kg) Wt/C 15 Lbs (6.8 kg) P6381 P6291 15 2 5⁄16" ⁄16" (58.7) 13 ⁄16" (23.8) (20.6) 27 ⁄32" (21.4) 3 2 ⁄16" Electrical Fittings (55.6) 1 7⁄8" 1 7⁄8" (47.6) Concrete Inserts (47.6) 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 15 Lbs (6.8 kg) Wt/C 15 Lbs (6.8 kg) P6382 P6887 2 5⁄16" (58.7) 27 ⁄32" Framing System (21.4) 15 ⁄16" 1 31⁄32" 13 ⁄16" (23.8) (20.6) (50.0) 1 31⁄32" (50.0) 2" 13⁄16" (50.8) 1 7⁄8" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (47.6) Index Wt/C 15 Lbs (6.8 kg) 210 Wt/C 28 Lbs (12.7 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄32" Diameter 7.1 mm 13⁄32 " (10.3 mm) From End 11⁄16" (27.0 mm) On Center 13 16 18 ⁄ " 20.6 mm ⁄" 3.2 mm NINETY DEGREE & ANGULAR FITTINGS P6331 1 5/8" Channels FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P6332 1 7⁄8" 1 7⁄8" (47.6) 2 5⁄16" (58.7) 27 ⁄32" 27 (21.4) Nuts & Hardware (47.6) 2 5⁄16" ⁄32" (58.7) General Fittings (21.4) Wt/C 19 Lbs (8.6 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports P6546 P7097 P7098 P7100 P7101 Wt/C 19 Lbs (8.6 kg) Electrical Fittings C B P7097 P7098 P6546 P7100 P7101 "B" mm 15 23.8 26.2 30.2 33.3 26.2 ⁄16 1 ⁄32 13⁄16 15⁄16 11⁄32 1 In mm 113⁄16 17⁄8 123⁄32 119⁄32 17⁄8 46.0 47.6 43.7 40.5 47.6 "C" Degree rad 60o 521⁄2o 45o 371⁄2o 30o .33 .29 .25 .21 .17 ⁄ Framing P6186 P7108 P7109 P7110 C "A" In mm "C" Degree (31.8) P7108 P7109 P6186 P7110 Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) 27 32 1 ⁄ 113⁄16 113⁄16 113⁄16 46.8 46.0 46.0 46.0 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9 32 13 32 13 16 18 ⁄ " Diameter 7.1 mm ⁄ " (10.3 mm) From End 1 ⁄ " (27.0 mm) On Center 1 16 ⁄ " 20.6 mm o 60 521⁄2o 45o 371⁄2o rad Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Part Number .33 .29 .25 .21 Index 1 1⁄4" 13 16" A System 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) "A" In Concrete Inserts Part Number A ⁄" 3.2 mm 211 "Z" SHAPE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P6045 P7045 P6000 1 7⁄8" Nuts & Hardware (47.6) 13 ⁄16" P7000 (20.6) 1 1⁄16" 13⁄32" (27.0) General Fittings 13⁄32" (10.3) Wt/C 6 Lbs (2.7 kg) P6347 P7347 P7000 Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 7 Lbs (3.2 kg) P6000 15 13 17 ⁄16" ⁄32" (13.5) (23.8) Concrete Inserts ⁄16" (23.8) ⁄16" (20.6) 15 Wt/C 6 Lbs (2.7 kg) Wt/C 7 Lbs (3.2 kg) P6454 P6453 P6001 Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System (10.3) 1 ⁄8" (3.2) 13⁄16" 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 15 ⁄16" 1 27⁄32" (23.8) (46.8) Wt/C 5 Lbs (2.3 kg) Index Wt/C 9 Lbs (4.1 kg) 212 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄32" Diameter 7.1 mm 13⁄32 " (10.3 mm) From End 11⁄16" (27.0 mm) On Center 13 16 18 ⁄ " 20.6 mm ⁄" 3.2 mm "Z" AND "U" SHAPE FITTINGS FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P7758 1 7⁄8" 13 ⁄16" 1 7⁄8" (47.6) (47.6) (20.6) 1 5/8" Channels P6758 13 ⁄16" 13 ⁄16" (20.6) Nuts & Hardware (20.6) P7000 13 ⁄32" (10.3) 1 1⁄16" P6000 (27.0) 1 1⁄16" General Fittings (27.0) Wt/C13 Lbs (5.9 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports P6737 2 23⁄32" 2 15⁄16" (74.6) 27 ⁄32" (21.4) ⁄32" (21.4) A 1 5⁄8" Electrical Fittings 27 (69.1) (41.3) P7000 20.6 10.3 12 10 Weight/C kg For Use With 5.4 4.5 P6000 P7000 P6048 P6001 Concrete Inserts ⁄ ⁄ 13 32 Lbs Wt/C 16 Lbs (7.3 kg) 11⁄4" Framing System 13 16 mm P7048 3 5⁄8" (92.1) 3 3 ⁄4" 3 ⁄4" (95.3) P6000 P7000 13 16" 2 3⁄16" 3 ⁄4" (55.6) 2 1⁄16" (19.1) (52.4) Wt/C 14 Lbs (6.4 kg) Wt/C 10 Lbs (4.5 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9 32 13 32 13 16 18 ⁄ " Diameter 7.1 mm ⁄ Framing (19.1) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass P6047 P7047 "A" In ⁄ " (10.3 mm) From End 1 ⁄ " (27.0 mm) On Center 1 16 ⁄ " 20.6 mm Index Part Number System P6047 P7047 Wt/C 12 Lbs (5.4 kg) ⁄" 3.2 mm 213 "U" SHAPE FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P6376 P7376 13 ⁄16" (20.6) 13 ⁄32" Nuts & Hardware (10.3) 1 7⁄8" 1 7⁄8" (47.6) (47.6) P7000 General Fittings P6000 Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 17 Lbs (7.7 kg) Wt/C 11 Lbs (5.0 kg) P6376 A P7376 A 13 ⁄16" (20.6) 13 ⁄32" Electrical Fittings (10.3) 2 15⁄16" 2 15⁄16" (74.6) Concrete Inserts (74.6) P7000 P6000 13 P6377 Wt/C 16 Lbs (7.3 kg) P7377 ⁄16" (20.6) 13 ⁄32" (10.3) Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 26 Lbs (11.8 kg) 4" 4" (101.6) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" (101.6) P7000 P6000 Wt/C 24 Lbs (10.9 kg) Index Wt/C 36 Lbs (16.3 kg) 214 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄32" Diameter 7.1 mm 13⁄32 " (10.3 mm) From End 11⁄16" (27.0 mm) On Center 13 16 18 ⁄ " 20.6 mm ⁄" 3.2 mm "U" SHAPE FITTINGS & SPECIAL APPLICATIONS FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL 1 5/8" Channels P6455 1 1 7⁄8" ⁄8" (3.2) (47.6) Nuts & Hardware P6044 13 ⁄16" (20.6) P6001 General Fittings 2 7⁄ 8" (73.0) Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) P6973 ACETAL SLIDE P6349 13 ⁄32" (10.3) Electrical Fittings 1 1⁄4" (31.8) 3⁄16" 13 ⁄32" ⁄16" ⁄16" (21.4) (20.6) (20.6) (4.8) Dia. 13 13 5 Pipe/Conduit Supports Wt/C 9 Lbs (4.1 kg) ⁄16" Concrete Inserts (7.9) Wt/C 1 Lbs (0.5 kg) 11⁄4" Framing System Wt/C 8 Lbs (3.6 kg) ACETAL SLIDE P6353 (4.8) Dia. 27 ⁄32" System 3⁄16" ⁄ Framing (31.8) 11⁄16" (17.5) 13 16" 1 1⁄4" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (21.4) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9 32 13 32 13 16 18 ⁄ " Diameter 7.1 mm ⁄ " (10.3 mm) From End 1 ⁄ " (27.0 mm) On Center 1 16 ⁄ " 20.6 mm Index Wt/C 1 Lbs (0.5 kg) ⁄" 3.2 mm 215 BRACKETS, BEAM CLAMPS AND TUBING CLIPS Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P6127 - P6129 1 1⁄8" (28.6) Safety Factor 21⁄2 C A C 1 1⁄8" B (28.6) Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings P6000 Part Number "A" "B" "C" Weight/C Lbs kN In mm In mm In mm Lbs kg 150 150 130 .7 .7 .6 61⁄2 81⁄2 101⁄2 165.1 215.9 266.7 21⁄2 31⁄4 4 63.5 82.6 101.6 21⁄2 31⁄2 41⁄2 63.5 88.9 114.3 30 40 50 13.6 18.1 22.7 Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings P6127 P6128 P6129 Uniform Design Load P6379 S P6386 11⁄4" Framing System 5 ⁄16" (7.9) - 18 X 1 1⁄2" Set Screw Included Requires 1⁄4" x 3⁄4" (19.1) Machine Screw and Channel Nut Not Included 13⁄16" Framing System (20.6) 1⁄ 4" Use in pairs. 13⁄16" (6.4) 1 ⁄4" 9⁄32" (7.1) Dia. (6.4) Requires 1⁄4" x 3⁄4" (19.1) Machine Screw and Channel Nut Not Included 7⁄8" (22.2) 1⁄8" (3.2) 7 1 ⁄ 8" Use in pairs. Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (47.6) Index Wt/C 13 Lbs (5.9 kg) 216 Wt/C 4 Lbs (1.8 kg) Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9⁄32" Diameter 7.1 mm 13⁄32 " (10.3 mm) From End 11⁄16" (27.0 mm) On Center 13 16 18 ⁄ " 20.6 mm ⁄" 3.2 mm TUBING CLIPS 1 5/8" Channels FOR 13⁄16" (21 MM) WIDTH SERIES CHANNEL P6805 thru P6810 9 ⁄32" (7.1) Dia. Size A 14 ⁄ ⁄ 1⁄2 1⁄4 1⁄4 3⁄8 38 6.4 9.5 12.7 6.4 6.4 9.5 O.D. Tube Size "B" In mm 14 ⁄ ⁄ 1⁄ 2 3⁄ 8 1⁄ 2 1⁄ 2 "C" 6.4 9.5 12.7 9.5 12.7 12.7 38 Weight/C In mm 34 19.1 25.4 31.8 22.2 25.4 28.6 ⁄ 1 11⁄4 7⁄8 1 11⁄8 Lbs kg 1 2 3 2 2 3 0.5 0.9 1.4 0.9 0.9 1.4 Pipe/Conduit Supports P6805 P6806 P6807 P6808 P6809 P6810 O.D. Tube Size "A" In mm Nuts & Hardware Part Number General Fittings ⁄32" (10.3) 13 ⁄16" (20.6) Size B C 13 Electrical Fittings Material: 16 Gage (1.5) TUBING CLIPS 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts P7008 thru P7020 Tubing Size A Part Number O.D. Tube Size "A" In mm Weight/C Lbs kg 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 .45 .45 .91 .91 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.3 ⁄ 6.4 7.9 9.5 12.7 15.9 19.1 22.6 25.4 ⁄ 38 ⁄ ⁄ 12 58 34 ⁄ ⁄ 1 78 Hole Size Hole Spacing Width Thickness 9 32 13 32 13 16 18 ⁄ " Diameter 7.1 mm ⁄ " (10.3 mm) From End 1 ⁄ " (27.0 mm) On Center 1 16 ⁄ " 20.6 mm Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 14 5 16 Index P7008 P7009 P7010 P7012 P7014 P7016 P7018 P7020 13 16" P7000 System (7.1) Dia. Hole ⁄ Framing 9⁄32" ⁄" 3.2 mm 217 1 5/8" Channels SPECIAL METALS AND FIBERGLASS Page Stainless Steel Fiberglass 223 226 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware Aluminum 220 MATERIAL STAINLESS STEEL Channels: ASTM A 240 (Type 304) Sintered nuts: ASTM B783 (Type 316N2-33) Fittings: ASTM A240 (Type 304) or ASTM A276 (Type 304) Type 316 stainless also available for most products. Contact factory for specific material availability. ALUMINUM Channels (Extruded): ASTM B221 (Type 6063-T6) Fittings: ASTM B209 (Type 1100F or Type 5052-H32) Nuts: ASTM B221 (Type 6063-T5) 218 FIBERGLASS Components are available in fire-retardent Polyester or Vinylester resin systems, unless otherwise noted. LOAD DATA (BEAM & COLUMN) To determine maximum allowable beam and column loading for channels in this section, multiply the load data in the appropriate mild steel channel sections of this catalog by the following factors: CHANNEL MATERIAL BEAM LOAD COLUMN LOAD % FACTOR % FACTOR EXTRUDED ALUMINUM STAINLESS STEEL FIBERGLASS 33.0% 33.0% 100.0% 100.0% see p. 227 see p. 227 LOAD DATA (SLIP & PULL OUT) EXTRUDED ALUMINUM To determine nut slip resistance, multiply load data for appropriate nut by 75%. To determine nut pull-out load, multiply load data for appropriate nut by 50%. STAINLESS STEEL For design assistance, consult Unistrut customer engineering. FIBERGLASS See page 228 for nut slip resistance and pull-out strength. PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Most fittings and channels shown in this catalog, are available in aluminum or stainless steel. Consult factory for ordering information. DIMENSIONS Imperial dimensions are illustrated in inches. Metric dimensions are shown in parenthesis or as noted. Unless noted, all metric dimensions are in millimeters and rounded to one decimal place. SPECIAL METALS AND FIBERGLASS CHANNELS Channels are available in both Type 304 and Type 316 stainless steel materials. P1100 CHANNEL NUTS Stainless steel channel nuts are shown on page 222 of this catalog. P7000 Pipe/Conduit Supports P6000 FITTINGS Most fittings as shown in this catalog are available in stainless steel. ALUMINUM (Extruded-EA) P1000 P1001 P4000 P4001 Electrical Fittings Pages: 223-225 CHANNELS Extruded Aluminum channels are made from 6063-T6 material. Concrete Inserts CHANNEL NUTS Use stainless steel channel nuts as shown on page 222. P5500 A1000 A4000 A4001 P6000 P6001 P7000 P7001 FIBERGLASS Polyester (PE) Vinyl Ester (VE) ⁄ Framing FITTINGS Most fittings as shown in this catalog are available in aluminum. CHANNELS Fiberglass channels are available with choice of resins. To indicate resin choice for polyester, insert "PE" after the part number and "VE" for vinyl ester. Pages: 226-236 CHANNEL NUTS Channel nuts are available in vinyl ester resin only, see page 228. F1000 F1001 F3300 F3301 11⁄4" Framing System P4000 P1101 Index FITTINGS Fittings are available in choice of both resins, polyester (PE) and vinyl ester (VE), see page 229. 219 System P3301 P3000 13 16" P3300 P1001 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass P1000 General Fittings Page: 220 and 221 Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels STAINLESS STEEL (SS) P1001 SS P1000 SS Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels STAINLESS STEEL CHANNELS 3 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄ 8" 9 ⁄32" ⁄8" ⁄8" 9.5 41.3 9.5 3 1⁄4" General Fittings 1 ⁄8" Material Thickness In mm .105 2 Standard Lengths 10' 20' 2.7 Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 190 283 Material Thickness In mm .105 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 2.7 380 566 P1101 SS 3 ⁄8" Concrete Inserts Material Type 304 316 1 2 2 P1100 SS 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" 9 ⁄32" 3 ⁄8" .896" 1 .729" 5 1 ⁄8" 9.5 Material Type 304 316 Material Thickness In mm .075 41.3 22.2 7.1 41.3 1 5⁄8" 9.5 3 1⁄4" 1 22.8 1 18.5 41.3 2 11⁄4" Framing System 1 82.6 23.3 1 18.0 41.3 2 Material Type 304 316 Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports 3 .915" 1 .710" 5 2 Standard Lengths 10' 20' 1.9 Lbs/Ft kg/m Material Type 304 316 211 P3300 SS Material Thickness In mm .075 1 2 2 Weight/C 142 82.6 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 1.9 284 422 P3301 SS 13⁄16" Framing System 1 5⁄8" 41.3 22.2 7.1 Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 3 ⁄8" 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" 9 .517" Index 220 ⁄8" 9.1 2.7 41.3 22.2 7.1 Standard Lengths 10' 20' 1 5⁄8" 9.5 1 3⁄4" 22.2 1 2 Material Thickness In mm .105 9.5 13.1 7 .358" ⁄8" ⁄32" 1 Material Type 304 316 3 1 2 44.5 2 Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 135 41.3 201 Material Type 304 316 Material Thickness In mm .105 2.7 2 Standard Lengths 10' 1 20' Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 270 402 STAINLESS STEEL CHANNELS & CLOSURE 3 41.3 22.2 7.1 ⁄8" 9.5 9.5 3 ⁄8 " 13 ⁄16" 19.9 1 15.0 .784" 34.9 1 .591" 1 3⁄8" In mm .105 2.7 10' Material Type 304 316 Weight/C 20' Lbs/Ft kg/m 170 41.3 22.2 6.4 9.5 .470" 9.5 11.9 20.6 253 2 .343" Material Thickness In mm .060 1 Standard Lengths 10' 20' 8.7 Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 1.5 82 122 13 ⁄16" 7 ⁄16" 3 ⁄16" 13 ⁄16" 3 ⁄32" 3 20.6 11.1 ⁄16" 4.8 .463" 20.6 4.8 .350" 2 Material Type 304 316 13 13 ⁄16" 7 ⁄16" 3 3 ⁄16" ⁄32" 20.6 11.1 2.4 4.8 4.8 .243" 10.3 1 .163" ⁄32" 1 6.2 4.1 2 2 2 Material Thickness In mm .040 ⁄16" 11.8 1 8.4 2.4 1 3 Pipe/Conduit Supports P7000 SS P6000 SS Electrical Fittings 316 Standard Lengths ⁄8" Weight/C Standard Length 1.0 Lbs/Ft kg/m 16' 37 (41.3) 7 3 ⁄8" ⁄8" 3 ⁄8" (22.2) (9.5) 304 316 55 1 5⁄8" "HS" SERIES SS, "T" SERIES SS Material Type (9.5) Material Thickness In mm .040 1.0 Standard Length Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 10' 36 P1184 SS P6184 SS Concrete Inserts 304 Material Thickness 3 1 2 2 2 Material Type 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" 1 ⁄4" Nuts & Hardware ⁄8" General Fittings 1 5⁄8" 7 ⁄8" 9 ⁄32" 3 1 5/8" Channels P4000 SS 39 CLOSURE STRIP 9⁄16" (14.3) Dia. Holes 1 7⁄8" (47.6) on Center D 11⁄4" Framing System P3000 SS 7 Slots are 9⁄16" (14.3) Wide 2" (51) on Center ⁄8" 1 1 ⁄8" W Standard length 10 Ft. (22.2) 13 16" 7 "HS" System ⁄ Framing 1 ⁄8" (47.6) (28.6) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 1" (25.4) "T" P1000* P1100* P3000* P3300* P4000* 5 1 ⁄8 15⁄8 13⁄8 7 ⁄8 13 ⁄16 41 41 35 22 21 Material Thickness In mm .105 .075 .105 .105 .060 2.7 1.6 1.6 2.7 1.5 Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 185 136 165 130 79 275 202 112 193 110 Material: Stainless steel type 304. Part Number Use with Channels P1184 SS P1000, P1100, P3300, P4000 P6184 SS P6000, P7000 Width "W" In mm Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 15⁄8 41 27 40 13 16 21 10 15 ⁄ Index Part Number Depth "D" In mm *Add suffix "T SS" or "HS SS" as required. For example: "P1000 T SS" 221 Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels STAINLESS STEEL CHANNEL NUTS P1006 U-1420 P1008 U P1010 U P4006 U-1420 P4008 U P4010 U For use with P1000, P1100, P2000, and P3000 channels. For use with P3300, P3301, P4000 and P4001 channels. Material: Sintered type 316 stainless steel with pre-galvanized spring. Material: Sintered type 316 stainless steel with pre-galvanized spring. General Fittings P5506 U-1420 P5508 U P5510 U Electrical Fittings P1006 U-1420 P1008 U P1010 U Pipe/Conduit Supports Part Number ⁄4"-20 ⁄8"-16 1 ⁄2"-13 3 7 10 10 Part Number 3.2 4.5 4.5 P4006 U-1420 P4008 U P4010 U Size/ Thread 14 ⁄ "-20 ⁄ "-16 1⁄2"-13 38 Weight/C Lbs kg 7 9 9 3.2 4.1 4.1 A1006-1420 SS A1008 SS For use with A1000 (11⁄4") channels. Material: Sintered type 316 stainless steel with pre-galvanized spring. Concrete Inserts 11⁄4" Framing System Framing System 1 Weight/C Lbs kg For use with P5500 channels. Part Number Size/ Thread 1 P5506 U-1420 P5508 U P5510 U ⁄4"-20 ⁄8"-16 1 ⁄2"-13 3 Material: Wrought type 304 stainless steel with pre-galvanized spring. Weight/C Lbs kg 7 10 10 Part Number 3.2 4.5 4.5 A1006-1420 SS A1008 SS Size/ Thread 14 ⁄ "-20 ⁄ "-16 38 A4006-1420 SS A4008 SS A5006-1420 SS A5008 SS For use with A3300, A3301, A4000 and A4001 (11⁄4") channels. For use with A5000 (11⁄4") channels. Material: Wrought type 304 stainless steel with pre-galvanized spring. Material: Wrought type 304 stainless steel with pre-galvanized spring. Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Size/ Thread Part Number A4006-1420 SS A4008 SS Size/ Thread 14 ⁄ "-20 ⁄ "-16 38 Weight/C Lbs kg 5 5 Part Number 2.3 2.3 A5006-1420 SS A5008 SS Size/ Thread 14 ⁄ "-20 ⁄ "-16 38 Weight/C Lbs kg 6 6 2.7 2.7 Weight/C Lbs kg 6 6 2.7 2.7 Index NOTES Most fittings, as shown in this catalog are available in stainless steel or aluminum. It is recommended that stainless steel channel nuts be used with aluminum channels. For channel nut pull-out and resistance to slip information, refer to page 69 and 218. 222 P1000 EA P1001 EA 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 3 ⁄8" 9.5 5 1 ⁄8" 7 ⁄8" 3 ⁄8" 1 5/8" Channels EXTRUDED ALUMINUM CHANNELS 9.5 (22.2) (41.3) ⁄8" 3 ⁄8" 9.5 (22.2) 3 1⁄4" Lbs/Ft kg/m 2.8 76 113 Aluminum Type 6063-T6 Material Thickness In mm .109 2.8 Standard Lengths 10' 134 1 5⁄8" 1 5⁄8" (41.3) (41.3) 7 ⁄8 " 3 ⁄8" 9.5 3 ⁄8" 9.5 In mm .078 2.0 3 ⁄8" 9.5 .109" (2.0) (2.8) 20' Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 45 67 Aluminum Type 6063-T6 Material Thickness In mm .078 1.8 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Concrete Inserts .078" (41.3) Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 66 98 1 5⁄8" 1 1⁄4" ⁄8" 9.5 7 ⁄8" (31.8) 3 ⁄8" 9 ⁄32" 9.5 (22.2) (7.1) .109 2.8 9 ⁄32" (7.1) (31.8) (61.9) Standard Lengths 10' 20' ⁄16" 1 1⁄4" 2 7⁄16" Material Thickness In mm 11 (17.5) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 3 ⁄ Framing A1000 EA (41.3) 6063-T6 ⁄8" 1 5⁄8" Standard Lengths 10' 7 (22.2) 11⁄4" Framing System Material Thickness ⁄8" 9.5 ⁄16" P5500 EA Aluminum Type 199 Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 97 144 Aluminum Type 6063-T6 Material Thickness In mm .075 1.9 Standard Lengths 10' 20' System 13 3 (22.2) (20.6) 6063-T6 Lbs/Ft kg/m P4001 EA P4000 EA Aluminum Type 20' Weight/C Pipe/Conduit Supports Weight/C 13 16" .109 Standard Lengths 10' 20' Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 40 60 223 Index 6063-T6 Material Thickness In mm General Fittings (82.6) When used 1 5⁄8" with P3184 EA. (41.3) Aluminum Type Nuts & Hardware ⁄8" 9.5 Electrical Fittings 7 3 A4001 EA A4000 EA Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels EXTRUDED ALUMINUM CHANNELS 1 1⁄4" 1 1⁄4" (31.8) (31.8) 11 ⁄16" 9 ⁄32" (7.1) 9 ⁄32" 9 (7.1) (17.5) ⁄16" 9 ⁄32" (7.1) (17.5) 5 ⁄8" General Fittings (15.9) Pipe/Conduit Supports 11 ⁄32" (7.1) Aluminum Type 6063-T6 Material Thickness In mm .050 1.3 1 1⁄4" .050" .075" (1.3) (1.9) Standard Length Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 16' 25 37 (31.8) Aluminum Type 6063-T6 Material Thickness In mm .050 1.3 Standard Length Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 16' 40 60 P6001 EA P6000 EA 13 ⁄16" Electrical Fittings (20.6) ⁄16" 13 ⁄16" ⁄16" 3 ⁄16" (4.8) (11.1) (20.6) 3 ⁄16" Concrete Inserts (4.8) 7 ⁄16" (11.1) 3 ⁄16" (4.8) 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 13 ⁄16" (20.6) 11⁄4" Framing System Aluminum Type 6063-T6 Material Thickness In mm .040 1.0 Standard Length Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 16' 12 18 P7000 EA Aluminum Type 6063-T6 Material Thickness In mm .040 1.0 Standard Length Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 16' 20 30 P7001 EA 13⁄16" Framing System 7 3 (4.8) 13 13 (20.6) (20.6) ⁄16" ⁄16" 3 ⁄16" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass (4.8) 7 ⁄16" (11.1) 3 3 (4.8) (4.8) ⁄16" ⁄16" 7 ⁄16" 3 ⁄16" (4.8) (11.1) 13 ⁄32" 13 ⁄16" (10.3) (20.6) Index Aluminum Type 6063-T6 224 Material Thickness In mm .040 1.0 Standard Length 10' Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 9 13 Aluminum Type 6063-T6 Material Thickness In mm .040 1.0 Standard Length 10' Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 17 25 CLOSURE STRIP P1280 EA P4280 EA P5580 EA END CAPS Nuts & Hardware P3184 EA 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 6063-T6 10' Use with Channel P1280 EA P4280 EA P5500 EA P1000 EA P4000 EA P5500 EA Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 21 31 Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 3.5 1.5 4.9 General Fittings Standard Length Part Number 1.6 0.7 2.2 System Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" ⁄ Framing 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Aluminum Type 1 5/8" Channels EXTRUDED ALUMINUM CLOSURE & END CAPS Index NOTES For aluminum channels it is recommended that stainless steel channel nuts shown on page 222 be used. Most fittings shown in the General Fittings Section of this catalog are available in aluminum. Contact your local Unistrut Service Center for assistance. 225 FIBERGLASS CHANNELS AND CONCRETE INSERTS 1 5/8" Channels 2 F1001 F1000 1 5⁄ 8" (41.2) 3 9 ⁄32" (7.1) 3 1⁄4" ⁄ 4" 1 (82.5) Nuts & Hardware (19.0) 1 5⁄8" 9 (41.2) General Fittings Fiberglass Type Pipe/Conduit Supports 3 Polyester Vinyl Ester PE ⁄32" 1 5⁄8" (7.1) Standard Lengths 10' 20' VE (41.2) Fiberglass Type Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 68 Polyester 101 Vinyl Ester PE Standard Lengths 10' 20' VE Lbs/Ft kg/m 136 202 2 9 ⁄32" (7.1) 2" (41.2) Electrical Fittings 1 (50.8) 3 ⁄4" 9 (19.0) ⁄32" 3 (7.1) 1" 1 5⁄8" Concrete Inserts (25.4) Fiberglass Type Polyester Vinyl Ester PE Standard Lengths 10' 20' VE Fiberglass Type Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 47 Polyester 70 Vinyl Ester PE Standard Lengths 10' 20' VE 7 ⁄8" 1 1⁄8" Lbs/Ft kg/m 140 CONCRETE INSERT 1" 1" (25.4) (25.4) Slots are 9⁄16" (14.3) Wide 2" (51) on Center Weight/C 94 F1248 (22.2) ⁄4" (19.0) (41.2) F1000 T F3300 T Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Weight/C F3301 F3300 1 5⁄8" 2 5⁄8" (66.6) 13⁄16" (28.6) 1 5⁄8" Part Number F1000 T P3300 T Fiberglass Type Polyester PE PE Vinyl Ester VE VE Standard Lengths 10' 20' (41.2) Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 68 47 101 70 1 5⁄8" (41.2) Fiberglass Type Polyester Vinyl Ester PE VE NOTES Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass ⁄ 4" (19.0) • Include suffix of "PE" or "VE" for selected resin. Example: F1000 PE (polyester resin). • All cut channel ends must be sealed with fiberglass sealant. See page 235. 226 Standard Length 10' Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 100 149 FIBERGLASS CHANNEL BEAM AND COLUMN DATA 30" 36" 48" 60" 72" Poly 0.07 0.04 0.11 0.15 0.09 0.24 0.27 0.16 0.43 0.42 0.24 0.67 0.61 0.35 0.98 1.07 0.62 1.72 1.70 0.97 2.68 2.44 1.40 * Vinyl 0.07 0.04 0.12 0.17 0.10 0.27 0.30 0.17 0.48 0.48 0.27 0.75 0.69 0.39 1.10 1.20 0.69 1.92 1.91 1.09 2.99 2.78 1.57 * Poly — — — — — — 810 — 240 410 — 120 240 1220 70 100 520 30 60 270 20 30 160 10 Vinyl — — — — — 620 910 — 270 460 2350 140 270 1370 80 115 590 35 70 310 23 34 180 12 Poly — — — — — — — — — — — 240 480 — 140 200 1040 60 120 540 40 60 320 20 Vinyl — — — — — — — — — — — 270 540 — 160 230 1170 70 135 610 45 70 360 23 3650 7300 2550 3370 6740 2350 2960 5920 2070 2450 4900 1710 1800 3600 1260 1010 2020 700 260 520 180 NR NR NR Nuts & Hardware Vinyl 2150 6350 990 1440 4240 670 1080 3180 500 870 2550 400 730 2130 340 540 1590 250 440 1280 200 370 1070 180 Max. Allowable Column Load (Lbs) General Fittings 24" Poly 1720 5080 790 1150 3390 530 860 2540 400 690 2040 320 580 1700 270 430 1270 200 350 1020 160 290 850 140 Uniform Load @ Max. Deflection = 0.50 In (Lbs) Pipe/Conduit Supports 18" F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 Max. Allowable Deflection @ Max. Uniform Load @ Uniform Allowable Max. Deflection Beam Load (Lbs) Beam Load (In) = 0.25 In (Lbs) Electrical Fittings 12" Part Number METRIC 762 914 1219 1524 1829 Poly 2 1 3 4 2 6 7 4 11 11 6 17 15 9 25 27 16 44 43 25 68 62 36 * Vinyl 2 1 3 4 3 7 8 4 12 12 7 19 18 10 28 30 18 49 49 28 76 71 40 * Poly — — — — — — 3.6 — 1.1 1.8 — 0.5 1.1 5.4 0.3 0.4 2.3 0.1 0.3 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.7 0.1 Vinyl — — — — — 2.8 4.0 — 1.2 2.0 10.5 0.6 1.2 6.1 0.4 0.5 2.6 0.2 0.3 1.4 0.1 0.2 0.8 0.1 Poly — — — — — — — — — — — 1.1 2.1 — 0.6 0.9 4.6 0.3 0.5 2.4 0.2 0.3 1.4 0.1 Vinyl — — — — — — — — — — — 1.2 2.4 — 0.7 1.0 5.2 0.3 0.6 2.7 0.2 0.3 1.6 0.1 Concrete Inserts Vinyl 9.6 28.2 4.4 6.4 18.9 3.0 4.8 14.1 2.2 3.9 11.3 1.8 3.2 9.5 1.5 2.4 7.1 1.1 2.0 5.7 0.9 1.6 4.8 0.8 Max. Allowable Column Load (kN) 16.2 32.5 11.3 15.0 30.0 10.5 13.2 26.3 9.2 10.9 21.8 7.6 8.0 16.0 5.6 4.5 9.0 3.1 1.2 2.3 0.8 NR NR NR 11⁄4" Framing System 610 Poly 7.7 22.6 3.5 5.1 15.1 2.4 3.8 11.3 1.8 3.1 9.1 1.4 2.6 7.6 1.2 1.9 5.6 0.9 1.6 4.5 0.7 1.3 3.8 0.6 Uniform Load @ Max. Deflection = 12.5 mm (kN) ⁄ Framing 457 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 F1000 F1001 F3300 Max. Allowable Deflection @ Max. Uniform Load @ Allowable Max. Deflection Uniform = 6.4 mm (kN) Beam Load (kN) Beam Load (mm) 13 16" 305 Part Number Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Beam Span or Column Height (mm) System Beam Span or Column Height 1 5/8" Channels IMPERIAL Index BEAM LOADS: Allowable uniformly distributed beam loads are listed for various simple spans, that is, a beam on two supports with a safety factor of 2. If load is concentrated at the center of the span, multiply load from the table by 0.5 and corresponding deflection by 0.8. COLUMN LOADS: Table lists the total allowable axial load for various unsupported column heights based on a minimum safety factor of 3. Eccentric loads should be reduced according to standard practice. NOTES: Long span beams should be supported in such a manner as to prevent rotation and twist. * Deflection is in excess of 3.00 inches; mid-span support is recommended. NR=Not recommended. 227 FRP SPRING NUTS F1008 VE F1010 VE General Fittings Material: Fiberglass reinforced plastic with vinyl ester resin. Size/ Thread Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Part Number Weight/C Lbs kg 38 F1008 VE F1010 VE ⁄ "-16 UNC ⁄ "-13 UNC 4.2 4.0 12 FRP HEX NUTS 1.9 1.8 Concrete Inserts 11⁄4" Framing System Size/ Thread Part Number FHXN037 VE FHXN050 VE FHXN062 VE FHXN075 VE FHXN100 VE In 38 58 ⁄ "-16 UNC 1⁄2"-13 UNC 5⁄8"-11 UNC 3⁄4"-10 UNC 1" - 8 UNC ⁄ 5⁄ 8 7⁄ 8 7⁄ 8 11⁄4 FRP THREADED RODS Index FTHR037 VE FTHR050 VE FTHR062 VE FTHR075 VE FTHR100 VE 228 mm Lbs kg 16 16 22 22 32 2.4 2.2 6.1 5.4 20.5 1.1 1.0 2.8 2.5 9.3 • It is NOT recommended that FRP threaded rod be used in conjunction with steel or PCV coated steel beam clamps or nuts. • Threaded shear could occur due to insufficient thread engagement. • Seal exposed FRP threads after installation of threaded rod and hex nuts. Available in 8 Ft lengths. Part Number Weight/C "T" 13⁄16" Framing System FRP CHANNEL NUTS Size/ Thread 38 ⁄ "-16 UNC ⁄ "-13 UNC 5⁄8"-11 UNC 3⁄4"-10 UNC 1"- 8 UNC 12 • Channel nuts are self locking and designed for use with F1000 only. • For strength factors see Spring Nuts at left. T Material: Fiberglass reinforced plastic with vinyl ester resin. F3008 VE F3010 VE Weight/C "T" Size/ Thread Part Number 3 In mm Lbs kg ⁄4 11⁄16 19 28 5.5 5.0 2.5 2.3 3 ⁄8"-16 UNC ⁄2"-13 UNC 1 FRP FLAT WASHERS T Material: Fiberglass reinforced plastic with vinyl ester resin. Spec. Metals & Fiberglass F3008 VE F3010 VE • Designed for use with F1000 only. • Resistance to slip 450 Lbs (2.0 kN) per bolt. • Pull out strength 700 Lbs (3.1 kN) per bolt. • Safety factor of 3. Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FIBERGLASS CHANNEL NUTS, HARDWARE AND ROD Weight/C Lbs/Ft kg/m 7.0 12.0 18.0 28.0 50.0 10.4 17.9 26.8 41.7 74.4 Material: Fiberglass reinforced plastic with vinyl ester resin. Part Number Size FFLW037 VE FFLW050 VE FFLW062 VE FFLW075 VE FFLW100 VE 38 Weight/C Lbs kg ⁄" ⁄" 5⁄8" 3⁄4" 1" 12 1.3 0.6 FRP ROD COUPLERS Minimum thread engagement must be 3⁄4". T Material: Fiberglass reinforced plastic with vinyl ester resin. Size/ Thread In mm Lbs kg ⁄8"-16 UNC ⁄2"-13 UNC 5 ⁄8"-11 UNC 3 ⁄4"-10 UNC 1"- 8 UNC 2 2 2 2 23⁄4 51 51 51 51 70 7.8 7.0 13.7 12.7 44.0 3.5 3.2 6.2 5.8 20.0 Part Number FRCNO37 VE FRCNO50 VE FRCNO62 VE FRCNO75 VE FRCN100 VE 3 1 Weight/C "T" FIBERGLASS CLOSURE AND GENERAL FITTINGS CLOSURE STRIP F1065 1 5/8" Channels F3712 P 3 1⁄2" Nuts & Hardware (88.9) .100" (2.5) 1 5⁄8" Material: Noryl® Plastic General Fittings (41.3) Standard Length: 10 Ft. Weight/C: 11.6 Lbs (5.3 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports Weight/C Ft: 10.5 Lbs (15.6 kg/100 m) F1066 F1924 5 1⁄2" (139.7) 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 3 1⁄4" Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings (82.6) 11⁄4" Framing System Weight/C: 18.0 Lbs (8.2 kg) F1067 F1925 7 4 ⁄8" (123.8) ⁄ Framing 8" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" (203.2) System Weight/C: 11.0 Lbs (5.0 kg) 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 5 1 ⁄8" (41.3) Weight/C: 20.6 Lbs (9.3 kg) Weight/C: 16.0 Lbs (7.3 kg) Index NOTES • Include suffix of "PE" or "VE" for selected resin. Example: F1000 PE (polyester resin). • All cut channel ends must be sealed with fiberglass sealant. See page 235. 229 F1036 F1941 4 5⁄8" 10" (117.5) (254) 4 5⁄ 8" Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels FIBERGLASS GENERAL FITTINGS General Fittings (117.5) Pipe/Conduit Supports Weight/C: 25.7 Lbs (11.7 kg) Weight/C: 19.0 Lbs (8.6 kg) F1028 F1031 7" 6" (177.8) (152.4) 4 5⁄8" 7" (177.8) Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings (117.5) 11⁄4" Framing System Weight/C: 25.4 Lbs (11.5 kg) Weight/C: 32.8 Lbs (14.9 kg) F1334 F1380 A 3 1⁄2" 5 3⁄8" (88.9) Framing System (136.5) 3 1⁄2" 3 1⁄2" (88.9) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" (88.9) Weight/C: 19.2 Lbs (8.7 kg) Weight/C: 25.4 Lbs (11.5 kg) Index NOTES • Include suffix of "PE" or "VE" for selected resin. Example: F1000 PE (polyester resin). • All cut channel ends must be sealed with fiberglass sealant. See page 235. 230 FIBERGLASS GENERAL FITTINGS 1 5/8" Channels F1358 F1356 5 3⁄8" (136.5) 3 1⁄2" 3 1⁄2" General Fittings Nuts & Hardware (88.9) 3 1⁄2" (88.9) (88.9) Weight/C: 42.7 Lbs (19.4 kg) Pipe/Conduit Supports Weight/C: 19.2 Lbs (8.7 kg) F1726 F1380 6" (152.4) 7" Electrical Fittings (177.8) 4 5⁄8" Concrete Inserts (117.5) 7" (177.8) 11⁄4" Framing System Weight/C: 77.5 Lbs (35.2 kg) F1950 F1873 10" 5 3⁄8" (254) ⁄ Framing (136.5) 5 3⁄8" Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13 16" (136.5) 7" (177.8) Weight/C: 110.8 Lbs (50.3 kg) Weight/C: 77.5 Lbs (35.2 kg) System Weight/C: 42.7 Lbs (19.4 kg) Index NOTES • Include suffix of "PE" or "VE" for selected resin. Example: F1000 PE (polyester resin). • All cut channel ends must be sealed with fiberglass sealant. See page 235. 231 1 5/8" Channels FIBERGLASS GENERAL FITTINGS F1326 F1953 10" (254) 4 5⁄8" (117.5) Nuts & Hardware 4" (101.6) 1 7⁄16" General Fittings (36.5) Pipe/Conduit Supports Weight/C: 71.2 Lbs (32.3 kg) Weight/C: 28.0 Lbs (12.7 kg) F1381 F1359 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 1 5⁄ 8" (41.3) 1 11⁄16" 4 1⁄2" (42.9) (114.3) Electrical Fittings 4" (101.6) 4" (101.6) 3 1⁄2" Concrete Inserts (88.9) 11⁄4" Framing System Weight/C: 78.0 Lbs (35.4 kg) F1382 Weight/C: 78.0 Lbs (35.4 kg) F1934 4" (101.6) 1 5⁄8" 3 1⁄4" (82.6) (41.3) 1 5⁄8" (41.3) 1 11⁄16" 13⁄16" Framing System (42.9) 2 1⁄4" (57.2) Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 3 1⁄2" (88.9) 1 5⁄8" (41.3) Weight/C: 51.2 Lbs (23.2 kg) Weight/C: 78.0 Lbs (35.4 kg) Index NOTES • Include suffix of "PE" or "VE" for selected resin. Example: F1000 PE (polyester resin). • All cut channel ends must be sealed with fiberglass sealant. See page 235. 232 In mm In mm In mm In mm 3.5 3.8 4.3 4.8 5.5 6.1 6.3 6.8 9.1 9.8 0.840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 4.500 21 27 33 42 48 60 73 89 102 114 0.920 1.130 1.395 1.740 1.980 2.455 2.955 3.580 4.080 4.580 23 29 35 44 50 62 75 91 104 116 0.840 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.000 4.500 21 27 33 42 48 60 73 89 102 114 — 0.890 1.195 1.507 1.757 2.132 2.650 3.132 3.632 4.132 — 23 30 38 45 54 67 80 92 105 Electrical Fittings kg 7.7 8.3 9.4 10.6 12.2 13.4 13.8 15.0 20.0 21.7 FIBERGLASS CLEVIS HANGERS FC010 VE thru FC120 VE • Hanger rod and hex nut sold separately. A Material: Fiberglass reinforced plastic with vinyl ester resin. Part Number Nominal Diameter Weight/C Lbs FC010 VE FC015 VE FC020 VE FC025 VE FC030 VE FC040 VE FC060 VE FC080 VE FC100 VE FC120 VE 1" 11⁄2" 2" 21⁄2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 22 27 32 44 52 75 119 199 321 437 11⁄4" Framing System B Safety factor 3 at 120°F (49°C). Max. Pipe O.D. "A" kg In 10 12 15 20 24 34 54 90 146 198 12 1⁄ 2 25⁄8 31⁄4 37⁄8 51⁄8 71⁄8 91⁄8 113⁄8 131⁄2 mm 38 51 67 83 98 130 181 235 289 343 Dimension "B" In 4 41⁄4 51⁄8 51⁄4 71⁄8 83⁄4 111⁄2 145⁄8 181⁄4 213⁄8 Bolt Length mm In 102 108 130 133 181 222 292 371 454 543 34 3⁄ 41⁄4 47⁄8 5 61⁄4 73⁄4 93⁄4 12 131⁄2 161⁄2 mm 95 108 134 127 159 197 248 305 343 419 Hanger Rod 12 ⁄" ⁄" 1⁄2" 1⁄2" 1⁄2" 5⁄8" 5⁄8" 5⁄8" 5⁄8" 5⁄8" 12 Concrete Inserts Lbs Pipe/Conduit Supports Filament Wound (FRP) Rigid Steel Max. Allowable Load Lbs kN 200 200 200 200 300 400 600 600 600 600 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 1.33 1.78 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.67 233 System ⁄2" 3 ⁄4" 1" 11⁄4" 11⁄2" 2" 21⁄2" 3" 31⁄2" 4" PVC Coated Steel ⁄ Framing 1 PVC Schedule 40 & 80 Weight/C 13 16" F1111 PE F1112 PE F1113 PE F1114 PE F1115 PE F1117 PE F1118 PE F1119 PE F1120 PE F1121 PE Pipe Size Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Part Number Conduit Outside Diameter Index Material: Thermoplastic Polyester. General Fittings • Standard hardware includes nylon hex bolt and nut. • If stainless steel hardware is preferred, indicate by adding letter "S" after the part number. Example: F1111 PES. Nuts & Hardware UNIVERSAL PIPE CLAMPS F1111 PE thru F1121 PE 1 5/8" Channels FIBERGLASS PIPE CLAMPS AND HANGERS 1 5/8" Channels FIBERGLASS BRACKETS & BEAM CLAMPS F2493 thru F2501 1" Nuts & Hardware (25.4) CL of 7⁄16" Mounting Holes C F2493 F2494 F2496 F2499 F2501 1" General Fittings (25.4) Pipe/Conduit Supports Lbs kg In mm In mm In mm 386 406 429 450 574 175 184 195 204 260 10 13 16 22 28 254 330 406 559 711 12 12 12 12 12 305 305 305 305 305 10 10 10 10 10 254 254 254 254 254 1600 1100 850 725 480 Weight/C Part Number A B Max. Allowable Uniform Load Lbs kN Dimensions "A" "B" "C" 7.12 4.89 3.78 3.23 2.14 * Allowable load is based on total load, uniformly distributed over the length of the rack. Safety factor 2. F2502 F2504 F2506 1" (25.4) B Concrete Inserts C C Lof 7⁄16" Mounting Holes Electrical Fittings A kg In mm In mm In mm 722 830 955 327 376 433 28 34 40 711 864 1016 23 26 29 584 660 737 21 24 27 533 610 686 750 750 750 Part Number F2502 F2504 F2505 1" (25.4) "A" SINGLE BEAM CLAMP F5660 VE F5661 VE Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Lbs Max. Allowable Uniform Load Lbs kN Dimensions Weight/C "B" "C" 3.34 3.34 3.34 DOUBLE BEAM CLAMP F5662 VE F5663 VE Set screw included. 13⁄16" Available in vinyl ester only. Set screw included. Spec. Metals & Fiberglass Ultimate load = 300 Lbs (1.3 kN). Part Number F5660 VE F5661 VE Use with FRP Rod Size 38 ⁄" ⁄" 12 Ultimate load = 300 Lbs (1.3 kN). Weight/C Lbs kg 43.8 43.8 19.9 19.9 Part Number F5662 VE F5663 VE Index NOTES Indicate resin choice by inserting the letters "PE" or "VE". 234 Use with FRP Rod Size 38 ⁄" ⁄" 12 Weight/C Lbs kg 93.3 93.3 42.3 42.3 POST BASE FOR F1000 POST BASE FOR F1001 F5611 VE Nuts & Hardware F5610 VE 1 5/8" Channels FIBERGLASS POST BASE & SEALANT 2 Holes 7 ⁄16" (11.1) Dia. 6 5⁄8" 4 Holes 7 ⁄16" (11.1) Dia. (168.3) ⁄2" 1 ⁄2" (12.7) 6 5⁄8" (168.3) General Fittings 1 (12.7) 3 ⁄4"" (19.1) 3 (19.1) (177.8) 2 1⁄8" 7 1⁄4" (217.5) (184.2) Electrical Fittings (54.0) 8 9⁄16" Pipe/Conduit Supports ⁄4" 7" Weight/C: 103 Lbs (46.7 kg) 11⁄4" Framing System SEALANT • Seals exposed fibers after any field cuts. • Restores gloss and luster to weathered fiberglass. ⁄ Framing UNISTRUT SEALANT ® • Available in quart (ES-Q) or gallon (ES-G) cans Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass FLAMMABLE LIQUID 13 16" • Seals exposed FRP threads after installation of threaded rod and hex nuts. System ES-G ES-Q Concrete Inserts Weight/C: 166 Lbs (75.3 kg) Weight Per Piece: 12 Lbs (5.5 kg) Weight Per Piece: 3 Lbs (1.4 kg) 235 FIBERGLASS FRAMING SYSTEM REFERENCE TABLES Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF FRP THREADED ROD Properties Thread shear strength using —fiberglass nut in tensile load Transverse shear on threaded rod —double shear ASTM-B-565 Traverse shear on threaded rod —single shear Compressive strength —longitudinal ASTM-D-695 Flexural strength ASTM-D-790 Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Flexural modulus ASTM-D-790 (106) Torque strength using fiberglass nut —lubricated with SAE 10W30 motor oil Dielectric strength ASTM-D-149 Water absorption 24 hour immersion —threaded ASTM-D-570 Coefficient of thermal expansion —longitudinal Max. recommended operation temp. —based on 50% retention of ultimate thread shear strength Flammability 38 ⁄ -16 UNC 1,250 Lbs (5.6 kN) 3.000 Lbs (13.3 kN) 1,600 Lbs (7.1 kN) 54,000 PSI (37,200 K Pa) 55,000 PSI (37,920 K Pa) 2.0 PSI (1.4 K Pa) 8 Ft Lbs (11 N•m) 12 ⁄ -13 UNC 2,200 Lbs (9.8 kN) 5,000 Lbs (22.2 kN) 2,600 Lbs (11.6 kN) 54,000 PSI (37,200 K Pa) 55,000 PSI (37,920 K Pa) 2.0 PSI (1.4 K Pa) 18 Ft Lbs (24 N•m) 58 ⁄ -11 UNC 3,100 Lbs (13.9 kN) 7,500 Lbs (33.4 kN) 3,800 Lbs (16.9 kN) 54,000 PSI (37,200 K Pa) 55,000 PSI (37,920 K Pa) 2.0 PSI (1.4 K Pa) 35 Ft Lbs (48 N•m) 35 KV/In (88.9 KV/cm) 34 ⁄ -10 UNC 4,500 Lbs (20.0 kN) 12,000 Lbs (53.4 kN) 6,200 Lbs (27.6 kN) 54,000 PSI (37,200 K Pa) 55,000 PSI (37,920 K Pa) 2.50 PSI (1.7 K Pa) 50 Ft Lbs (68 N•m) 1-8 UNC 6,500 Lbs (28.9 kN) 22,000 Lbs (97.9 kN) 15,000 Lbs (66.7 kN) 65,000 PSI (44,814 K Pa) 60,000 PSI (41,366 K Pa) 2.75 PSI (1.9 K Pa) 110 Ft Lbs (148 N•m) 1% 5 x 10-6 In/In/°F (7.8 cm/cm/°C) 200°F (93°C) Self-extinguishing Electrical Fittings RESIN SYSTEMS Two standard composite resin systems are available. For most applications, polyester fire-retardant (FR-P) is the more widely used. A vinyl ester composite fire-retardant resin system (FRVE) is recommended where strong acids such as hydrochloric acid, strong alkalies such as caustic soda, organic solvents and halogenated organic conditions exist. (An abbreviated "Corrosion Resistance Guide" is provided below to guide in the selection of the proper resin system for individual application.) Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Corrosion Resistance Guide Chemicals 75°F (24°C) 160°F (91°C) Acetic acid 5% Acetic acid 25% Aluminum potassium sulfate 5% Ammonium hydroxide 10% Ammonium nitrate Benzenesulfonic acid 5% Calcium chloride Carbon tetrachloride Chlorine dioxide 15% Chromic acid 5% Copper sulfate Diesel fuel, No. 1 Diesel fuel, No. 2 Ethylene glycol Fatty acids 100% Ferrous sulfate Fluosilicic acid 0-20% Hydrochloric acid 1% Hydrochloric acid 15% Hydrochloric acid 37% Kerosene Magnesium chloride FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-VE FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-VE FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P *FR-VE-210° (99°C) FR-P FR-VE-150° (66°C) FR-P FR-P FR-P *FR-VE-100° (38°C) *FR-VE-150° (66°C) *FR-VE-150° (66°C) (Call) FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-VE (Call) FR-P *FR-VE-180° (82°C) *FR-VE-150° (66°C) FR-P FR-P Chemicals Methyl alcohol 10% Naphtha Nitric acid 5% Nitric acid 20% Phosphoric acid 10% Phosphoric acid 30% Phosphoric acid 85% Sodium bicarbonate 10% Sodium bisulfate Sodium carbonate Sodium chloride Sodium hydroxide up to 50% Sodium hypochlorite 5% Sodium nitrate Sodium silicate Sodium sulfate Sulfuric acid 0-30% Sulfuric acid 30-50% Sulfuric acid 50-70% Trisodium phosphate 25% Trisodium phosphate-All Water, Distilled 75°F (24°C) FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-VE FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-VE FR-VE FR-P FR-VE FR-P 160°F (91°C) *FR-VE-150° (66°C) FR-P FR-P *FR-VE-120° (49°C) FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-P FR-VE FR-P *FR-VE-120° (49°C) *FR-VE-120° (49°C) FR-P *FR-VE-210° (99°C) FR-P FR-P FR-VE *FR-VE-180° (82°C) *FR-VE-210° (99°C) *FR-VE-210° (99°C) FR-P FR—Fire-retardant P—Polyester resin VE—Vinyl ester resin * Not recommended to exceed this temperature Call—Call for recommendations Information contained in this chart is based on data from raw material suppliers and collected from several years of actual industrial applications. Temperatures are not the minimum nor the maximum (except where specifically stated but represent standard test conditions. The products may be suitable at higher temperatures but individual test data should be required to establish such suitability. The recommendations or suggestions contained in this chart are made without guarantee or representation as to results. We suggest that you evaluate these recommendations and suggestions in your own laboratory or actual field trial prior to use. 236 124 BRACKETS (Shelf) 15⁄8" Series 11⁄4" Series 13 ⁄16" Series Fiberglass 106 197 216 234 BRACKETS (Stairs) 125 CABLE ENTRANCE TUBING/ACCESSORIES 162 CHANNEL SPLICES (Also See Flat & “U” Fittings) In-channel Joiners (15⁄8") Concrete Insert Joint Covers Raceway Fitting 59 189 203 59 225 229 221 COLUMN INSERT (15⁄8") 119 CONCRETE INSERTS Fiberglass Heavy Duty Light Duty Spot Inserts Standard Duty 226 170 174 176 172 75 20 181 198 223 226 60 220 62 160 178 155 DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS 14 ELECTRICAL FITTING (15⁄8") 148 END CAPS 15⁄8" Series 11⁄4" Series 126 189 237 Nuts & Hardware CLOSURE STRIPS 15⁄8" Series 11⁄4" Series 13 ⁄16" Series Concrete Inserts Extruded Aluminum Fiberglass Stainless Steel General Fittings BRACKETS (Ladder) Pipe/Conduit Supports 110 Electrical Fittings BRACE FITTINGS (15⁄8") Concrete Inserts 112 216 234 CHANNEL 15⁄8" Series 11⁄4" Series 13 ⁄16" Series Extruded Aluminum Fiberglass Pierced Stainless Steel Telestrut Tubing 112 134 150 129 152 132 196 217 216 233 211 BEAM CLAMPS 15⁄8" Series 13 ⁄16" Series Fiberglass CAP SCREWS (Steel) CLAMPS 15⁄8" Series Beam 15⁄8" Series Cushioned 15⁄8" Series Maple 15⁄8" Series Pipe 15⁄8" Series Porcelain 15⁄8" Series Uniclip (SS) 11⁄4" Series Uniclip (SS) 13 ⁄16" Series Tubing Clip 13 ⁄16" Series Beam Fiberglass 11⁄4" Framing System ⁄ " Series 68 187 203 228 222 System 13 16 93 194 CHANNEL NUTS 15⁄8" Series 11⁄4" Series 13 ⁄16" Series Fiberglass Stainless Steel ⁄ Framing ANGULAR FITTINGS 15⁄8" Series 11⁄4" Series PAGE 13 16" ALUMINUM (See Extruded Aluminum) SUBJECT Spec. Metals & Fiberglass PAGE Index SUBJECT 1 5/8" Channels SUBJECT INDEX 1 5/8" Channels END CAP (continued) 13 ⁄16" Series Concrete Inserts Plastic (15⁄8") (Protection) Wireway 203 178 126 157 FLAT PLATE FITTINGS 15⁄8" Series 11⁄4" Series 13 ⁄16" Series Fiberglass 82 190 204 229 EXTRUDED ALUMINUM 223 FLOURESCENT FIXTURE ACCESSORIES 154 FIBERGLASS Channels Fittings Hardware Sealant 226 229 228 235 HARDWARE Fiberglass Stainless Steel Steel 228 222 75 HINGES 15⁄8" Series 124 JUNCTION BOXES (15⁄8" ) 159 LADDER FITTINGS (15⁄8" ) 124 MAPLE CABLE CLAMPS (15⁄8" ) 150 FITTINGS 15⁄8" Series Angular Bracing Electrical Flat Ninety Degree Partition/Display Pipe Coupler Post Bases Special Application “U” Shape Wing Shape “Z” Shape 11⁄4" Series Angular Flat Ninety Degree “U” Shape Fittings Wing Shape “Z” Shape 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings SUBJECT Nuts & Hardware SUBJECT INDEX PAGE 93 110 148 82 86 127 126 105 124 96 101 94 194 190 191 195 194 193 SUBJECT MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (See Also Individual Product Types) NINETY DEGREE FITTINGS 15⁄8" Series 11⁄4" Series 13 ⁄16" Series Fiberglass PAGE 11 86 191 207 232 NUTS (Channel) (See Channel Nuts) NUTS (Fastener) Fiberglass Steel 228 76 PARTITION/DISPLAY FITTINGS (15⁄8" ) 127 PIPE AXLE SUPPORTS (15⁄8" ) 126 PIPE BRACKETS (15⁄8" ) 143 PIPE COUPLING FITTINGS 126 13 Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass ⁄16" Series Angular Flat Ninety Degree “U” Shape “Z” Shape Aluminum Fiberglass Stainless Steel 238 211 204 207 213 212 219 229 219 125 PIPE ROLLERS (15⁄8") 140 STUD NUTS (15⁄8") 74 PORCELAIN CABLE CLAMPS 152 SWIVEL HANGERS 161 105 235 TELESTRUT Tubing Rivet Gravity Pin POST BASES 15⁄8" Series Fiberglass QUALITY ASSURANCE 8 RECEPTACLES (15⁄8") 153 REEL RACK BRACKETS (15⁄8" ) 125 62 77 77 THREADED ROD Couplers Fiberglass Steel Stiffener 79 228 78 79 79 TROLLEYS (15⁄8") 122 SCREWS (Fastener) 75 “U” SHAPE FITTINGS 15⁄8" Series 11⁄4" Series 13 ⁄16" Series 96 195 213 WASHERS (Fastener) Fiberglass Steel 228 77 WING SHAPE FITTINGS 15⁄8" Series 11⁄4" Series 101 194 “Z” SHAPE FITTINGS 15⁄8" Series 11⁄4" Series 13 ⁄16" Series 94 193 212 SLIDES (Curtain) 15⁄8" Series 13 ⁄16" Series SPECIFICATIONS Project Guide Materials & Finishes Special Metals and Fiberglass SPECIFICATIONS 15⁄8" Channels 15⁄8" Electrical Accessories 15⁄8" Fittings (General) 15⁄8" Pipe/Conduit Supports 11⁄4" Channels, Nuts, Fittings 124 215 19 11 218 20 148 80 128 180 13 16" ROD STIFFENER Nuts & Hardware STAIR SUPPORT FITTINGS (15⁄8") General Fittings 139 233 PIPE HANGERS 15⁄8" Series (Inc. Plastic Coated) Fiberglass Pipe/Conduit Supports 220 218 222 132 196 217 Electrical Fittings STAINLESS STEEL Channels Fittings Hardware Pipe Clamps (Uniclip) Pipe Clamps (Uniclip) Pipe Clamps (Uniclip) Concrete Inserts 198 166 68 128 196 216 134 233 132 196 217 11⁄4" Framing System SPECIFICATIONS (continued) 13 ⁄16" Channels, Nuts, Fittings Concrete Inserts Nuts, Bolts, Hardware PIPE CLAMPS 15⁄8" Series 11⁄4" Series 13 ⁄16" Series Cushions & Assemblies Fiberglass Uniclip (SS) 15⁄8" series Uniclip (SS) 11⁄4" series Uniclip (SS) 13⁄16" series 239 System PAGE ⁄ Framing SUBJECT Spec. Metals & Fiberglass PAGE Index SUBJECT 1 5/8" Channels SUBJECT INDEX Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER 004M007 004T008 006M008 006T010 008M011 008T012 009N012 010M013 010T014 011N014 012M015 012T016 014M017 014T018 016M019 016T020 017N022 018M020 018M021 018T022 020M024 020T024 021M026 021N026 022M026 022T026 024M028 024N028 026M030 026N030 027M032 027N032 028M032 028N032 030M034 030N034 032M036 032N036 034M040 034N040 038N044 038M044 040N046 042N048 046N052 050N056 240 PAGE 137 136 137 136 137 136 136 137 136 136 137 136 137 136 137 136 136 137 137 136 137 136 137 136 137 136 137 136 137 136 137 136 137 136 137 136 137 136 137 136 136 137 136 136 136 136 PART NUMBER 056N062 058N064 064N072 066N074 072N080 082N090 089N096 098N106 106N114 40TH12125 40TH12150 40TH12200 40TH16125 40TH16150 40TH16200 41TH16150 41TH16231 60TH16125 60TH16150 60TH16200 60TH20225 61TH16231 61TH20175 61TH20231 80TH24200 81TH24300 A1000 A1000 EA A1001 A1001 A A1001 B A1001 C A1006-1420 A1006-1420 SS A1007 A1008 A1008 SS A1026 A1031 A1033 A1036 A1037 A1038 A1045 A1047 A1063 PAGE 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 179 179 179 179 179 179 179 179 179 179 179 179 179 179 179 179 179 181 223 181 182 182 182 188 222 188 188 222 191 191 192 190 192 192 193 195 190 PART NUMBER A1065 A1066 A1068 A1184 A1184P A1191 A1280 A1325 A1326 A1331 A1332 A1357 A1458 A1579 A2084 A2109 A2110 A2111 A2120 A2125 A2126 A2127 A2223 A2227 A2235 A2324 A2341 R-L A2345 A2472 R-L A2491 R-L A2492 R-L A2493 R-L A2494 R-L A2495 R-L A2496 R-L A2497 R-L A2608 A2609 A2611 A2612 A2613 A2614 A2615 A2617 A3006-1420 A3007 PAGE 190 190 191 189 189 190 189 191 191 192 192 192 191 193 194 194 194 194 193 194 194 194 195 195 193 190 195 195 195 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 188 188 241 Nuts & Hardware General Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Electrical Fittings Concrete Inserts 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 11⁄4" Framing System FC010 VE FC015 VE FC020 VE FC025 VE FC030 VE FC040 VE FC060 VE FC080 VE FC100 VE FC120 VE FFLW037 VE FFLW050 VE FFLW062 VE FFLW075 VE FFLW100 VE FHXN037 VE FHXN050 VE FHXN062 VE FHXN075 VE FHXN100 VE FRCN037 VE FRCN050 VE FRCN062 VE FRCN075 VE FRCN100 VE FTHR037 VE FTHR050 VE FTHR062 VE FTHR075 VE FTHR100 VE HCSS025100EG HCSS031150EG HCSS037150EG HCSS037200EG HCSS050150EG HCSS050200EG HCSS062150EG HCSS062200EG HFLW025EG HFLW031EG HFLW037EG HFLW050EG HFLW062EG HFLW075EG HFLW087EG HFLW100EG PAGE System 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 226 232 230 231 231 232 231 230 232 232 231 231 229 229 232 230 231 232 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 228 228 226 226 226 229 235 235 234 234 234 234 PART NUMBER ⁄ Framing F1113 PE F1114 PE F1115 PE F1117 PE F1118 PE F1119 PE F1120 PE F1121 PE F1248 F1326 F1334 F1356 F1358 F1359 F1380 F1380 A F1381 F1382 F1726 F1873 F1924 F1925 F1934 F1941 F1950 F1953 F2493 F2494 F2496 F2499 F2501 F2502 F2504 F2506 F3008 VE F3010 VE F3300 F3300 T F3301 F3712 P F5610 VE F5611 VE F5660 VE F5661 VE F5662 VE F5663 VE PAGE 13 16" 188 188 188 188 188 183 183 194 196 183 224 183 224 188 222 188 188 222 194 196 193 189 183 188 222 188 188 222 196 194 196 193 189 226 226 226 228 228 230 230 230 229 229 229 233 233 PART NUMBER Spec. Metals & Fiberglass A3008 A3016-0832 A3016-1024 A3016-1032 A3016-1420 A3300 A3301 A3345 A3347 A4000 A4000 EA A4001 A4001 EA A4006-1420 A4006-1420 SS A4007 A4008 A4008 SS A4045 A4047 A4120 A4280 A5000 A5006-1420 A5006-1420 SS A5007 A5008 A5008 SS A5043 A5045 A5047 A5120 A5280 F1000 F1000 T F1001 F1008 VE F1010 VE F1028 F1031 F1036 F1065 F1066 F1067 F1111 PE F1112 PE PAGE Index PART NUMBER 1 5/8" Channels PART NUMBER INDEX Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER HFMS025062EG HFMS031100EG HFMS050100EG HHCS025044EG HHCS025075EG HHCS025150EG HHCS031125EG HHCS037075EG HHCS037087EG HHCS037100EG HHCS037125EG HHCS037150EG HHCS037200EG HHCS037225EG HHCS037250EG HHCS050094EG HHCS050119EG HHCS050150EG HHCS050175EG HHCS050200EG HHCS050225EG HHCS050250EG HHXN025EG HHXN031EG HHXN037EG HHXN050EG HHXN062EG HHXN087EG HHXN100EG HLKW025EG HLKW031EG HLKW037EG HLKW050EG HLKW062EG HLKW075EG HLKW087EG HLKW100EG HRCN025 HRCN031 HRCN037 HRCN044 HRCN050 HRCN062 HRCN075 HRCN087 HRCN100 242 PAGE 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 PART NUMBER HRMS025050EG HRMS025075EG HRMS025100EG HRMS031100EG HRMS031125EG HRMS037100EG HRMS037125EG HRMS037150EG HSHS025050EG HSHS025062EG HSHS025075EG HSHS031100EG HSHS031125EG HSHS031150EG HSHS037125EG HSQN025EG HSQN031EG HSQN037EG HSQN050 HSQN050EG HSQN062EG HSQN087EG HSQN100EG HTHR025 HTHR031 HTHR037 HTHR044 HTHR050 HTHR062 HTHR075 HTHR087 HTHR100 J1205 J1205 N J1207 J1207 N J1210 J1210 N J1212 J1212 N J1215 J1215 N J1220 J1220 N J1225 J1225 N PAGE 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 176 76 76 76 76 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 PART NUMBER J1230 J1230 N J1235 J1235 N J1240 J1240 N J1250 J1250 N J1260 J1260 N J1280 J1280 N K2099 K2100 M2037 M2050 M2137 M2150 M2250 M2350 M24 M2506 M2508 M2510 M2512 M2523 M2524 M26 M2708 M2710 M2712 M2723 M2724 M2808 M2810 M2812 M2823 M2824 M29 M30 M31 M5025 M5026 M5028 M5030 M5032 PAGE 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 139 127 127 161 161 161 161 161 161 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 177 119 140 140 133 133 133 133 133 243 Nuts & Hardware General Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Electrical Fittings Concrete Inserts 220 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 91 91 126 157 59 59 221 93 124 124 124 125 125 125 125 125 129 129 129 129 129 129 115 118 126 126 225 157 86 86 86 11⁄4" Framing System P1101 SS P1109 P1111 P1112 P1113 P1114 P1115 P1117 P1118 P1119 P1120 P1121 P1123 P1124 P1126 P1130 P1131 P1180 P1180 W P1184 P1184 PVC P1184 SS P1186 P1201 P1202 P1203 P1204 P1205 P1206 P1207 P1208 P1211 P1212 P1213 P1214 P1215 P1217 P1271 S P1272 S P1280 P1280 A P1280 EA P1280 W P1281 P1282 P1283 PAGE System 74 222 73 72 73 72 73 72 86 85 89 84 89 89 89 84 89 89 100 100 94 101 98 99 99 99 82 82 82 82 83 83 86 107 32 61 221 60 61 220 60 221 32 33 33 33 PART NUMBER ⁄ Framing P1010 T P1010 U P1012 P1012 S P1023 P1023 S P1024 P1024 S P1026 P1028 P1029 P1031 P1033 P1034 P1035 P1036 P1037 P1038 P1043 A P1044 P1045 P1046 A P1047 P1048 P1049 P1050 P1062 P1063 P1064 P1065 P1066 P1067 P1068 P1075 P1100 P1100 HS P1100 HS SS P1100 KO P1100 SL P1100 SS P1100 T P1100 T SS P1101 P1101 A P1101 B P1101 C PAGE 13 16" 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 23 60 223 61 61 221 60 61 220 60 221 23 27 26 27 26 27 26 28 28 28 223 220 29 29 74 222 72 72 72 72 72 74 222 72 72 PART NUMBER Spec. Metals & Fiberglass M5034 M5036 M5038 M5041 M5044 M5048 M5052 M5054 M5057 M5060 P1000 P1000 DS P1000 EA P1000 H3 P1000 HS P1000 HS SS P1000 KO P1000 SL P1000 SS P1000 T P1000 T SS P1001 P1001-3 P1001 A P1001 A3 P1001 B P1001 B3 P1001 C P1001 C3 P1001 C41 P1001 D3 P1001 EA P1001 SS P1003 P1004 A P1006 T1420 P1006 U-1420 P1006-0832 P1006-1024 P1006-1420 P1007 P1008 P1008 T P1008 U P1009 P1010 PAGE Index PART NUMBER 1 5/8" Channels PART NUMBER INDEX Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER P1290 P1291 P1315 P1320 P1325 P1326 P1334 P1346 P1347 P1354 P1356 P1357 P1358 P1359 P1363 A P1363 B P1363 C P1363 D P1363 E P1376 P1376 A P1377 P1379 S P1380 P1380 A P1381 P1382 P1383 P1386 P1425 P1426 P1427 P1428 P1429 P1430 P1431 P1453 P1454 P1455 P1458 P1479 A P1479 B P1479 C P1479 D P1479 E P1498 244 PAGE 90 90 86 96 88 87 84 88 94 124 85 90 85 90 96 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 118 84 84 90 90 99 118 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 94 94 98 87 94 94 94 94 94 87 PART NUMBER P1499 P1538 A P1538 B P1538 C P1538 D P1546 P1563 P1564 P1565 P1566 P1567 P1568 P1569 P1570 P1571 P1572 P1573 P1579 P1593 P1648 S P1649 AS P1649 S P1650 AS P1650 S P1651 AS P1651 S P1652 S P1653 S P1654 A P1655 A P1656 A P1657 A P1658 A P1659 A P1660 A P1661 A P1690 P1691 P1692 P1693 P1694 P1695 P1696 P1697 P16F P1703 PAGE 87 87 87 87 87 93 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 91 107 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 162 178 PART NUMBER P1704 P1713 P1723 P1726 P1727 P1728 P1730 P1732 P1734 P1736 P1737 P1747 P1750 P1753 FG P1754 FG P1753 PO P1754 PO P1769 P1771 P1773 P1775 P1777 P1787 A P1787 B P1787 C P1788 P1788 A P1788 B P1788 C P1789 P1789 A P1789 B P1789 C P1790 P1790 A P1790 B P1790 C P1791 P1791 A P1791 B P1791 C P1792 P1792 A P1792 B P1792 C P1793 PAGE 178 91 86 85 91 91 94 99 95 95 100 87 87 150 150 150 150 106 106 106 106 106 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 245 Nuts & Hardware General Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Electrical Fittings Concrete Inserts 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 105 105 105 105 83 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 162 102 102 102 11⁄4" Framing System P2070 P2070-61 P2070-62 P2070-63 P2070-64 P2070-66 P2070-67 P2070-70 P2070-71 P2070-72 P2070-73 P2070-74 P2070-75 P2070-76 P2070-77 P2070-80 P2070-81 P2070-82 P2070-83 P2070-84 P2072 P2072 A P2073 P2073 A P2079 P2094 P2095 P2096 P2097 P2098 P2099 P2100 P2101 P2102 P2103 P2104 P2105 P2106 P2107 P2108 P2109 P2110 P21H P2223 P2224 P2225 PAGE System 131 131 131 131 131 131 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 PART NUMBER ⁄ Framing P2010 P2012 P2014 P2016 P2018 P2020 P2024 P2025 P2026 P2027 P2028 P2029 P2030 P2031 P2032 P2033 P2034 P2035 P2037 P2038 P2039 P2040 P2042 P2043 P2044 P2046 P2047 P2048 P2049 P2051 P2052 P2053 P2055 P2056 P2057 P2059 P2060 P2061 P2062 P2063 P2064 P2065 P2066 P2067 P2068 P2069 PAGE 13 16" 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 115 88 88 88 124 124 124 84 105 82 83 88 83 125 85 85 92 92 82 82 82 82 100 118 118 36 61 60 61 60 36 37 37 37 131 131 PART NUMBER Spec. Metals & Fiberglass P1793 A P1793 B P1793 C P1794 P1794 A P1794 B P1794 C P1795 P1795 A P1795 B P1796 S P1821 P1822 P1823 P1834 P1834 A P1843 P1873 P1887 P1924 P1925 P1934 P1941 P1944 P1950 P1953 P1956 P1957 P1959 P1960 P1961 P1964 P1973 P1985 S P1986 S P2000 P2000 HS P2000 KO P2000 SL P2000 T P2001 P2001 A P2001 B P2001 C P2008 P2009 PAGE Index PART NUMBER 1 5/8" Channels PART NUMBER INDEX Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER P2226 P2227 P2228 P2229 P2230 P2231 P2231 A P2232 P2232 A P2233 P2233 A P2234 P2234 A P2235 P2237 P2243 P2245 P2280 P2280 A P2280 W P2324 P2325 P2326 P2328 P2329 P2341 R-L P2343 R-L P2344 R-L P2345 P2346 P2347 P2348 P2354 R-L P2355 R-L P2360 P2378-1 P2378-2 P2378-3 P2379-1 P2379-2 P2379-3 P2380-1 P2380-2 P2380-3 P2380-4 P2380-5 246 PAGE 103 102 102 103 104 108 108 108 108 108 109 108 109 91 99 143 104 126 126 157 83 82 101 101 101 101 102 103 103 103 103 104 125 125 95 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 PART NUMBER P2380-6 P2381-2 P2381-3 P2381-4 P2381-5 P2381-6 P2381-7 P2382-2 P2382-3 P2398 S P2401 S P2403 S P2407 P2426 P2427 P2428 P2429 P2430 P2431 P2452 P2453 P2454 P2458-18 P2458-24 P2458-30 P2458-36 P2459-36 P2459-42 P2459-48 P2459-54 P2459-60 P2459-72 P2459-84 P2459-96 P2469 P2470-50 P2470-75 P2470-100 P2471 P2472 R-L P2473 P2474 P2474-1 P2474-2 P2474-3 P2474-4 PAGE 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 114 114 114 178 132 132 132 132 132 132 110 105 126 110 110 110 110 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 96 126 126 126 82 101 100 140 141 141 141 141 PART NUMBER P2475 P2476 P2481 P2482 P2484 P2484 W P2485 P2490 P2491 R-L P2492 R-L P2493 R-L P2494 R-L P2495 R-L P2496 R-L P2497 R-L P2498 R-L P2499 R-L P2500 R-L P2501 R-L P2502 R-L P2503 R-L P2513 P2513 A P2514 P2514 A P2515 P2515 A P2516 P2516 A P2521-50 P2521-75 P2521-100 P2522 P2534-50 P2534-75 P2535 P2536 P2537 P2539 P2540 P2540 A P2541 P2542 P2543 P2544 P2545 PAGE 142 142 143 143 92 92 79 82 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 156 156 157 156 155 155 156 156 154 154 158 158 158 110 110 110 110 247 Nuts & Hardware General Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Electrical Fittings Concrete Inserts 154 154 154 126 126 126 126 82 82 82 172 172 172 117 117 117 117 160 160 160 160 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 164 164 123 123 40 61 60 61 221 60 40 73 73 73 73 73 73 11⁄4" Framing System P2855 P2856 P2857 P2860-10 P2860-33 P2860-50 P2860-55 P2862 P2863 P2864 P2865-10 P2865-15 P2865-20 P2867 P2867 A P2868 P2868 A P2900 P2901 P2902 P2903 P2920 P2921 P2922 P2923 P2924 P2928 P2929 P2930 P2932 P2940 P2949 P2950 P3000 P3000 HS P3000 KO P3000 SL P3000 SS P3000 T P3001 P3006-0832 P3006-1024 P3006-1420 P3007 P3008 P3009 PAGE System 150 150 150 150 150 125 127 127 113 112 112 113 113 113 113 113 122 122 122 122 122 122 154 154 154 153 153 153 153 153 116 116 159 159 159 159 159 111 111 164 164 164 164 116 116 116 PART NUMBER ⁄ Framing P2649 D P2649 E P2649 F P2649 G P2649 H P2655 P2661 P2662 P2674 P2675 P2676 P2677 P2679-4 P2679-6 P2679-8 P2682 P2749 P2749 N P2750 P2750 N P2751 P2751 N P2755 P2756 P2757 P2761 P2762 P2763 P2764 P2765 P2785 P2786 P2810 P2811 P2812 P2813 P2814 P2815 P2815 D P2820 P2821 P2822 P2823 P2824-6 P2824-9 P2824-12 PAGE 13 16" 110 158 153 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 127 127 127 127 127 134 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 86 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 151 151 151 151 151 151 150 150 150 PART NUMBER Spec. Metals & Fiberglass P2546 P2552 P2557 P2558-05 P2558-07 P2558-10 P2558-12 P2558-15 P2558-20 P2558-25 P2558-30 P2558-35 P2558-40 P2558-50 P2558-60 P2571 P2573 P2575 P2582 P2584 P2600 P2609 P2611 P2612 P2613 P2614 P2615 P2617 P2626 P2645 A P2645 B P2645 C P2645 D P2645 E P2645 F P2645 G P2645 H P2647 A P2647 B P2647 C P2647 D P2647 E P2647 F P2649 A P2649 B P2649 C PAGE Index PART NUMBER 1 5/8" Channels PART NUMBER INDEX Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER P3010 P3013 P3016-0632 P3016-0832 P3016-1024 P3016-1420 P3045 P3047 P3087 P3116-125 P3165 P3170 P3184 P3184 EA P3184 F P3184 P P3245 P3245 N4 P3245 N6 P3249 P3250 P3251 P3252 P3253 P3254 P3255 P3256 P3257 P3257 A P3258 P3259 P3260 P3261 P3262 P3263 P3264 P3265 P3266 P3267 P3268 P3269 P3270 P3280 P3280 W P3300 P3300 HS 248 PAGE 73 73 73 73 73 73 95 98 119 158 172 172 59 225 59 59 176 176 176 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 178 157 43 61 PART NUMBER P3300 HS SS P3300 SL P3300 SS P3300 T P3300 T SS P3301 P3301 SS P3345 P3349 P3350 P3351 P3352 P3353 P3354 P3355 P3356 P3357 P3357 A P3358 P3359 P3360 P3361 P3362 P3363 P3364 P3365 P3366 P3367 P3368 P3369 P3370 P3380 P3409 P3411 P3412 P3413 P3414 P3415 P3417 P3521-50 P3539 P3663 P3703 P3704 P3712 P P3736 PAGE 221 61 220 60 221 43 220 95 174 174 174 174 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 178 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 156 154 178 178 178 59 179 PART NUMBER P3737 P3740 P3742-6 P3742-8 P3742-10 P3742-12 P3743-10 P3743-12 P3743-18 P3743-24 P3754 P3760 P3762-6 P3762-8 P3762-10 P3762-12 P3763-10 P3763-12 P3763-18 P3763-24 P3766 P3767 P3770 P3772-6 P3772-8 P3772-10 P3772-12 P3773-10 P3773-12 P3773-18 P3773-24 P3780 P3782-6 P3782-8 P3782-10 P3782-12 P3783-10 P3783-12 P3783-18 P3783-24 P3786 P3787 P3922 P3923 P3924 P3925 PAGE 179 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 179 179 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 179 179 155 155 155 155 249 Nuts & Hardware General Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports Electrical Fittings Concrete Inserts 224 203 203 203 203 203 207 206 206 208 206 208 208 215 212 213 213 204 204 205 205 207 207 216 216 216 210 203 221 211 203 207 207 207 210 210 208 207 211 211 206 207 212 215 215 205 11⁄4" Framing System P6001 EA P6006-0832 P6006-0836 P6006-1024 P6006-1032 P6006-1420 P6026 P6028 P6031 P6033 P6036 P6037 P6038 P6044 P6045 P6047 P6048 P6062 P6065 P6066 P6067 P6068 P6069 P6127 P6128 P6129 P6130 P6184 P P6184 SS P6186 P6280 P6281 P6282 P6283 P6290 P6291 P6325 P6326 P6331 P6332 P6334 P6346 P6347 P6349 P6353 P6356 A PAGE System 60 61 60 53 157 157 157 126 157 124 56 223 61 60 61 60 56 222 72 72 72 72 72 222 72 72 222 156 156 157 154 154 99 96 98 95 126 225 157 199 224 221 199 199 199 199 PART NUMBER ⁄ Framing P5000 KO P5000 SL P5000 T P5001 P5021-50 P5021-75 P5021-100 P5280 P5280 W P5349 P5500 P5500 EA P5500 HS P5500 KO P5500 SL P5500 T P5501 P5506 U-1420 P5506-0832 P5506-1024 P5506-1420 P5507 P5508 P5508 U P5509 P5510 P5510 U P5521-50 P5521-75 P5521-100 P5537 P5539 P5543 P5545 P5547 P5560 P5580 P5580 EA P5580 W P6000 P6000 EA P6000 SS P6001 P6001 A P6001 B P6001 C PAGE 13 16" 155 46 223 61 221 61 221 60 221 46 223 47 47 222 72 72 72 72 72 222 72 72 74 222 73 72 73 72 100 96 98 50 61 61 60 50 126 225 157 97 97 97 178 178 53 61 PART NUMBER Spec. Metals & Fiberglass P3926 P4000 P4000 EA P4000 HS P4000 HS SS P4000 SL P4000 SS P4000 T P4000 T SS P4001 P4001 EA P4003 P4004 P4006 U-1420 P4006-0832 P4006-1024 P4006-1420 P4007 P4008 P4008 U P4009 P4010 P4010 T P4010 U P4012 P4012 S P4023 P4023 S P4043 P4045 P4047 P4100 P4100 HS P4100 SL P4100 T P4101 P4280 P4280 EA P4280 W P4376 P4376 A P4377 P4663 P4703 P5000 P5000 HS PAGE Index PART NUMBER 1 5/8" Channels PART NUMBER INDEX Index Spec. Metals & Fiberglass 13⁄16" Framing System 11⁄4" Framing System Concrete Inserts Electrical Fittings Pipe/Conduit Supports General Fittings Nuts & Hardware 1 5/8" Channels PART NUMBER INDEX PART NUMBER P6357 P6358 A P6359 P6376 P6376 A P6377 P6379 S P6380 P6380 A P6381 P6382 P6386 P6453 P6454 P6455 P6458 P6546 P6579 P6726 A P6728 P6737 P6758 P6805 P6806 P6807 P6808 P6809 P6810 P6887 P6917 P6918 P6924 P6925 P6962 P6973 P7000 P7000 EA P7000 SS P7001 P7001 EA P7006-0832 P7006-0836 P7006-1024 P7006-1032 P7006-1420 250 PAGE 208 205 209 214 214 214 216 206 206 210 210 216 212 212 215 208 211 209 205 209 213 213 217 217 217 217 217 217 210 209 209 204 204 205 215 200 224 221 200 224 203 203 203 203 203 PART NUMBER P7008 P7009 P7010 P7012 P7014 P7016 P7018 P7020 P7045 P7047 P7048 P7097 P7098 P7100 P7101 P7108 P7109 P7110 P7235 P7280 P7324 P7325 P7347 P7376 P7376 A P7377 P7758 P9000 P9010 P9200 P9209 PFL037 PFL037 T PFL050 PFL050 T PLF3037 PLF3050 PLF3062 PLF3075 PLF9037 PLF9050 PLF9062 PLF9075 PLF9100 PLLC025 PAGE 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 217 212 213 213 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 209 203 204 204 212 214 214 214 213 62 77 62 77 120 120 120 120 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 120 PART NUMBER SEALANT UB1/2PA UB3/4PA UB1PA UB1-1/4PA UB1-1/2PA UB2PA UB2-1/2PA UB10PA UB12PA UB3PA UB3-1/2PA UB4PA UB5PA UB6PA UB8PA PAGE 235 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 r Fo u d od n EEorm Se FRct Inf Pr at UNISTRUT C O R P O R A T I O N ® n io UNISTRUT® METAL FRAMING CD-ROM PRODUCT APPLICATION GUIDE (No. IND 700) The Unistrut CD-ROM Catalog and Design Tool is an electronic version of Uinistrut's definitive General Engineering Catalog with all the interactive features needed to make it an efficient, easy-to-use design tool. Menu icons provide simple point-andclick access to product descriptions, application information, parts cross-reference, technical data and project planning tools. PRIMEANGLEtm SLOTTED ANGLE This 54-page highly-illustrated brochure is designed specifically for maintenancerepair-operations professionals. Featuring six different Unistrut support systems, this brochure is filled with full-color photographs of projects completed with one or more Unistrut products. With Unistrut support systems, projects can be made faster, easier, stronger and safer. SEISMIC BRACING SYSTEMS (No. SBS-2) Versatility and ease of assembly are highlighted in this six-page color brochure describing the PrimeAngle Slotted Angle System. Descriptions, drawings and load tables are provided for each of three basic PrimeAngle sections used alone or in various combinations. System connectors, hardware and accessories are fully described and illustrated. INDUSTRIAL SQUARE TUBING (No. TEL-E8) Use of Unistrut Metal Framing products in seismic bracing applications is the subject of this 52-page engineering catalog. Included are design procedures, detail drawings and load tables for trapeze hangers and single pipe hangers as approved by the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. Also included is specification data for channels, fittings and hardware. MEDICAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS (No. UMMS-300) Telespar® is a unique system consisting of square perforated telescoping tubing, fittings and accessories. This 8-page color catalog offers specifications, applications, design data and corresponding tube and bolt size chart. Discover the limitless possibilities of Telespar Systems. Unistrut Medical Support Systems catalog details general specifications and information highlighting supports for X-ray equipment, gas columns, CRT monitors, microscopes and surgical lighting. This descriptive brochure also serves as a work-sheet for architectural and healthcare professionals to arrive at the optimum installation package. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS • CRT Monitors • X-Ray Machines • Service Columns • Microscopes • Surgical Lighting • Gas Columns • Injector Systems FALL ARREST SYSTEMS (No. FA-100) TM UNISTRUT ManSafe Fall Arrest Systems TM Color application photos and detailed product data highlight this 10-page brochure on the ManSafe Fall Arrest System, designed to help protect those who work in high or hazardous locations. Detail drawings and descriptive text explain use of the unique ManSafe concept in horizontal, vertical and sloping applications. General system specifications and performance-certification information is also included. ADJUSTABLE CEILING GRIDS (CG-100) Build support flexibility into any space with ceiling grids from Unistrut. This full-color, brochure details three easy-to-assemble systems and a variety of compatible fittings, fasteners and accessories. These easy-to-install systems create support grids which offer many important advantages, both functional and aesthetic. Enduse application photographs compliment illustrations of each system. Performance-Certified Safety Systems UNISTRUT® ELECTRICAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS This comprehensive 20-page brochure for users and specifiers includes electrical application tips, descriptions of system components and supporting technical information. Full-color photos, detailed drawings and complete engineering data facilitate design of lighting fixture supports, trapeze hangers, cable-tray supports and related electrical projects. GRATING SYSTEMS (No. G-3) Unistrut presents the United Interlock® Plank Grating System. Grating can be used for flooring, walkways, mezzanines, stair treads, architectural wall coverings and more. This 20-page brochure includes applications, installations and product features, with special attention to gauges, surfaces and finishes. Complete with color photos, load tables and charts. CONCRETE INSERTS (No. 1) Unistrut offers the broadest range of concrete insert styles and accessories in the industry. This fully-illustrated brochure presents a complete line of cold-formed and hot-formed concrete inserts, featuring a full-range of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty continuous inserts and accessories, plus a selection of spot inserts for both precast and general construction applications. ROOFTOP WALKWAY SYSTEMS (No. RRS-1) Roofwalks® Rooftop Walkway systems provide access to rooftop equipment, safeguard workers against slipping and protect against roof dishing and puncture. This 4-page full color fold-out describes the various systems available for your roofing needs. For your convenience, a Business Reply Main card has been included on the following page. To receive any of the literature described on this page, please check the appropriate boxes on the reply card and we will be happy to fill your request. ® UNISTRUT C O R P O R A T I O N FILL OUT AND MAIL THESE RETURN CARDS NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILES IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 71 ITASCA IL POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE ® UNISTRUT CORPORATION 1140 W THORNDALE AVE ITASCA IL 60143-9839 NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILES IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 71 ITASCA IL POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE ® UNISTRUT CORPORATION 1140 W THORNDALE AVE ITASCA IL 60143-9839 NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILES IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 71 ITASCA IL POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE ® UNISTRUT CORPORATION 1140 W THORNDALE AVE ITASCA IL 60143-9839 Yes, I'd like information on the following: ❏ Unistrut ® Metal Framing CD-ROM ❏ Product Application Guide (No. IND 700) ❏ PrimeAngletm Slotted Angle ❏ Seismic Bracing Systems (No. SBS-2) ❏ Industrial Square Tubing (TEL-E8) ❏ Medical Support Systems (No. UMMS-300) ❏ Fall Arrest Systems (FA-100) ❏ Adjustable Ceiling Grids (CG-100) ❏ Unistrut ® Electrical Support Systems ❏ Concrete Inserts (No. 1) ❏ Grating Systems (No. G-3) ❏ Rooftop Walkway Systems (No. RRS-1) ❏ Have a Representative Call ❏ Other NAME FIRM DATE ADDRESS ® CITY ZIP STATE TYPE OF BUSINESS PHONE Yes, I'd like information on the following: ❏ Unistrut ® Metal Framing CD-ROM ❏ Product Application Guide (No. IND 700) ❏ PrimeAngletm Slotted Angle ❏ Seismic Bracing Systems (No. SBS-2) ❏ Industrial Square Tubing (TEL-E8) ❏ Medical Support Systems (No. UMMS-300) ❏ Fall Arrest Systems (FA-100) ❏ Adjustable Ceiling Grids (CG-100) ❏ Unistrut ® Electrical Support Systems ❏ Concrete Inserts (No. 1) ❏ Grating Systems (No. G-3) ❏ Rooftop Walkway Systems (No. RRS-1) ❏ Have a Representative Call ❏ Other NAME FIRM DATE ADDRESS CITY ® ZIP STATE TYPE OF BUSINESS PHONE Yes, I'd like information on the following: ❏ Unistrut ® Metal Framing CD-ROM ❏ Product Application Guide (No. IND 700) ❏ PrimeAngletm Slotted Angle ❏ Seismic Bracing Systems (No. SBS-2) ❏ Industrial Square Tubing (TEL-E8) ❏ Medical Support Systems (No. UMMS-300) ❏ Fall Arrest Systems (FA-100) ❏ Adjustable Ceiling Grids (CG-100) ❏ Unistrut ® Electrical Support Systems ❏ Concrete Inserts (No. 1) ❏ Grating Systems (No. G-3) ❏ Rooftop Walkway Systems (No. RRS-1) ❏ Have a Representative Call ❏ Other NAME FIRM DATE ADDRESS CITY TYPE OF BUSINESS ® ZIP STATE PHONE Unistrut Sales & Distribution 1140 W. Thorndale Ave. Itasca, IL , 60143 U.S.A. Tel: (800) 468-9510 Fax: (630) 773-4210 The Unistrut® Metal Framing System UNISTRUT CANADA 585 Finley Avenue Ajax, Ontario, L1S-2E4 CANADA (905) 683-8131 Fax: (905) 683-8987 …Engineered solutions you can count on! DISTRIBUTION SERVICE CENTERS To serve you directly and dependably, there are over 50 Unistrut distribution service centers located throughout North America. For the nearest Unistrut Service Center, consult your local telephone directory or contact Unistrut Diversified Products Co. UNISTRUT systems and products are manufactured under one or more of the following United States and Canadian patents and patent applications. UNITED STATES PATENTS 3,721,463 3,861,107 3,877,275 3,888,440 3,888,441 3,914,063 3,927,499 3,928,930 3,948,012 3,968,624 3,994,111 4,073,114 4,277,923 4,278,228 4,289,415 4,562,681 4,575,295 4,593,514 4,616,799 4,784,552 4,822,199 4,830,531 4,840,525 4,895,331 1,007,824 1,039,948 1,130,971 1,135,925 1,245,886 1,255,069 1,263,531 1,267,265 1,320,196 4,926,592 5,046,291 DES297,668 CANADIAN PATENTS 52,439 57,636 596,548 1,007,823 TRADE NAMES UNISTRUT systems and products are sold under many protected trade names including the following: BRITE-LINE, MR STRUT (& DESIGN) N1000, P1000, PERMA GREEN, ROOFWALKS, TELESPAR, TELESTRUT, UNI-CLIP, UNI-CUSHION, UNISTRUT (& DESIGN), UNITED INTERLOCK METAL FRAMING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION Publication date December, 1997 UNISTRUT METAL FRAMING NO. 12 TM UNISTRUT C O R P O R A T I O N Unistrut Sales & Distribution 1140 W. Thorndale Ave. Itasca, IL , 60143 U.S.A. Tel: (800) 468-9510 Fax: (630) 773-4210 TM UNISTRUT Metal Framing ® GENERAL ENGINEERING CATALOG ® Unistrut Canada 585 Finley Avenue Ajax, Ontario, L1S 2E4 Canada Tel: (905) 683-8131 Fax: (905) 683-8987 North American Edition NO. 12
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