Safety, Facility And Equipment Identification 152491 Catalog
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Re-Form Eco-Friendly Sorbents
• Green to produce. Green in use.
• 50% more absorbent then polypropylene sorbents.
• Safe. Class A Fire Retardant
Eco-Friendly Sorbents
for ID Pal™Printer
• B-432 heat shrink wire markers
• See pg. 44
Raised Panel Labels for
TLS 2200®Printer
• Create quick and easy labels on
demand, that provide the durability
and strength you need
• See pg. 47
Safety Services
• Facility Slips/Trips/Falls Audit
• Graphical Confined Space
Procedure Service
• See pg. 98
MarkWare Lean
Tools Software
• New tools to support and
sustain your lean
• See pg. 60
Subscribe to
Lockout Pro Online
• New online version of
Lockout Pro Software
• See pg. 97

Safety Signs
Visual Warnings
Numbers & Letters
Printers & Software
Regulatory Marking
Labels & Tags
Pipe Markers
Safety Services
View our full product offering plus so much more:
Now includes pages focused on key
compliance and safety issues such as:
• Lean Manufacturing, Maintenance and Reliability
• Lockout Tagout
• Slips, Trips, Falls
• Arc Flash
• Hazard Communications
• Voice / Data Communications
• Spill Containment
• Exit Routes
• Pipe Marking
See pages
• Full product offering
• Detailed product information
• New products
• White papers
• Webinars
• Product Literature
• Interactive product demos
• Press releases
• Tradeshows
• Promotions

Lean Manufacturing & Maintenance
Companies across a broad range of industries are
adopting lean manufacturing practices in order to
boost their efficiency and competitiveness. However,
many of those implementing lean experience
difficulties sustaining the gains and promoting
ongoing improvements.
Brady’s visual workplace solutions help
manufacturers sustain their lean initiatives through
the creation of a visual workplace, where critical
information is posted right at the point of need. This
ensures that lean best practices remain clearly visible,
readily understood, and consistently adhered to long after
the kaizen or rapid improvement event is over.
Lean Visuals Deliver Results
The effective implementation of visual systems can
produce dramatic results:
• 15% increase in throughput
• 70% cut in materials handling
• 60% decrease in floor space
• 80% decrease in flow distance
• 68% reduction in rack storage
• 50% decrease in physical inventory time
• 96% decrease in defects
Source:, QMI\Visual-Lean Institute
How Can Lean Visuals Help You?
Manufacturers are often surprised to learn that only a small fraction
of their activities actually add value for their customers. It’s not
uncommon that 90% or more of facility activities are considered waste!
A primary cause of waste is information deficits – employees simply lack
the knowledge they need to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. This
leads employees to waste valuable time and motion searching, waiting,
retrieving, reworking or just plain giving up! A visual workplace eliminates
questions, generating significant improvements in productivity, quality, customer
satisfaction, safety, and more.
Online Resource for Visual
Workplace Ideas & Solutions
Go online to the website below for additional
• application ideas • best practices
• articles • web casts
• and so much more!

Lean Manufacturing & Maintenance
5S Workplace Organization
Standard Work
How Can Lean Visuals Help You?
Visual devices play an important role in many lean concepts, including 5S, Standard Work, Quick Changeover, and
Just-In-Time Inventory Management. The photos below illustrate just a few of the many applications for using visuals in
lean manufacturing.
Quick Changeover
Kanban (Pull) Production Visual Management

Lean Maintenance & Reliability
Lean manufacturers know that maintaining optimum equipment performance is critical, since they typically have less safety
stock to rely on in the event of unexpected breakdowns. Equipment visuals such as those shown below are especially
useful to those implementing autonomous, preventive and predictive maintenance programs.
Incorporating visuals into your reliability program can provide important benefits:
• Simplified operator-based care training
• Faster detection of operating abnormalities
• Quicker troubleshooting and root cause analysis
• Reduced stores inventory
• Fewer unplanned MRO purchases
• Improved safety and employee morale
PM Inspection
Parts Management Equipment ID
Predictive Maintenance
Lean Visuals Deliver Results
The effective implementation of visual systems can
produce dramatic results:
• 15% increase in throughput
• 70% cut in materials handling
• 60% decrease in floor space
• 80% decrease in flow distance
• 68% reduction in rack storage
• 50% decrease in physical inventory time
• 96% decrease in defects
Source:, QMI\Visual-Lean Institute

Lean Maintenance & Reliability
GlobalMark®2 Industrial Label Maker
HandiMark®Portable Label Maker
The GlobalMark2 Industrial Label Maker is a benchtop
printer that features multicolor output and a built-in plotter
cutter. The GlobalMark creates large labels up to 4” wide
and can even print directly on magnets and tag stock.
For more information, see page 54.
The HandiMark is a portable printer
that allows you to create durable
labels whenever and wherever
needed. The rugged design offers
easy-to-use formatting options and a
variety of label media types and colors.
For more information, see page 52.
MarkWare™Lean Tools Software
MarkWare Lean Tools software works with Brady’s sign and label printers, making it even easier for
you to create a visually instructive workplace. The software program provides versatile drawing tools
and hundreds of premade templates that speed the design of signs, labels and tags used in lean
production, maintenance, warehouse and safety applications. For more information, see page 60.
5S Marking Tapes
Brady offers a wide range of products for marking floors,
workbenches and more. Use these products to maintain
order, identify hazards, and provide directional guidance.
For more information, see page 37.
Raised Panel Labels
Brady’s B-593 Raised Panel Labels allow you to create
your own professional-looking control panel and
nameplate legends, eliminating the need for expensive
engraved phenolic tags.
For more information, see page 47.
Sign & Label Printers
Brady label printers are essential tools for implementing a visual workplace, making it easy for you to
create visuals onsite and on-demand. For more information, see page 44.
Go online to the website below for additional
• application ideas • best practices
• articles • web casts
• and so much more!
Online Resource for Visual
Workplace Ideas & Solutions

Comply with New Regulations, Increase Safety
and Save Costs with Proper Identification.
There is a risk when working on live, energized electrical circuitry that can result in serious injury or death
from a phenomenon known as Arc Flash. Arc Flash is a short circuit through the air that flashes between
one live conductor to another conductor or to ground, causing a severe, explosive release of energy. It
can be caused by a worker coming too close to a high-amp source with a conductive object, dropping a
tool that makes contact with live components, breaks or gaps in wiring insulation or even poor
maintenance practices. Arc Flash has the potential to generate extremely high heat, a forceful blast
and intense light, caused by the rapid expansion of metallic components transforming from a solid
to a gas in a fraction of a second. Experiencing an Arc Flash can cause severe injuries like loss of
vision and hearing, third and fourth degree burns, along with the potential for severe electrical shock.
Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, has become more involved in the Arc Flash issue and has begun citing
employers for failure to protect workers from the dangers of Arc Flash incidents. While no specific standard exists regulating Arc
Flash, OSHA utilizes Section 5(a)(1) of the OSH Act, often referred to as
the General Duty Clause, by basing enforcement actions on an
employer’s duty to “furnish to each of his employees
employment and a place of employment which are free
from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to
cause death or serious physical harm…” To provide
guidance on best practices for protecting employees
from Arc Flash hazards, OSHA refers employers to the
NFPA 70E Standard, “Standard for Electrical Safety in the
NFPA 70E contains specific guidelines for working with
energized equipment and includes information on safe work
practices and maintenance requirements. Also included are
suggested protective measures, such as equipment labeling
and personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure safe
operations, along with methods for determining the severity of the
potential hazard.
Numerous changes have been made in the new 2009 edition of NFPA 70E that include more explicit equipment labeling
requirements, along with changes to PPE required for each hazard category. Generic warning labels are no longer considered
sufficient enough to provide the necessary information a worker needs to protect themselves when working on energized equipment.
NFPA 70E-2009 requires equipment to be field marked with a label containing the available incident energy or the required level of
The level of Arc Flash risk for each piece of equipment is dependent on a number of factors. Since the degree of risk may vary, even
among similar equipment, labeling must be customized to represent the hazard present. Further, with the changes in PPE
requirements found in NFPA 70E-2009, even hazard specific labeling created under the previous edition of NFPA 70E may be
inadequate. For full details on the latest best practices, please refer to the 2009 edition of NFPA 70E.
Arc Flash
What Needs to be Labeled, By Whom?
The NEC states that any of the following types of electrical
equipment located in manufacturing and commercial
establishments (other than dwelling occupancies) must be
field marked with a warning label if subject to examination,
adjustment, service or maintenance while energized:
• Switchboards
• Panelboards
• Industrial control panels
• Meter socket enclosures
• Motor control centers
The labeling requirement is the responsibility of the employer,
not the manufacturer or installer of the equipment.

Arc Flash
Stock Labels
Brady provides several stock labels that can display this information. The
vinyl checkbox label shown here can be easily written on with pen or
marker. An over-laminate can then be applied to protect the printing from
harsh environmental conditions. For more information, see page 72.
Printers & Software
For Product Information:
Arc Flash Label Printing Systems
Brady's Make-it-Yourself printing systems and software features Brady's performance 300 or 600 dpi thermal transfer printers
optimized to print Brady media and your Arc Flash labeling requirements. The printers are designed to be a convenient, flexible and
cost-effective way to create, modify and print labels on demand. For more information, see page 72.
High-Volume Labeling Solution
•Tight registration creates less waste
•Higher volume: up to 7,000 labels
per day
•Heavier industrial environments
•Also ideal for rating plates, bar
codes, general i.d., wire & cable
marking, raised panel labels & more
Mid-Volume Labeling Solution
•Just load, click, print. It’s that simple.
•Medium volume: up to 5,000 labels
per day
•Lighter manufacturing environments
•Also ideal for printing rating plates
industrial bar codes, general i.d., wire
& cable marking, raised panel labels
Portable Labeling Solution
•Print whatever, whenever.
•Auto label, size and text formating
•Also ideal for printing bar codes,
general i.d., wire & cable marking,
raised panel labels
All-in-one Safety Solution
•Prints in one color, multiple spot colors, blended colors and full process color
•Optional built-in cutter for cutting out characters and shapes
•Also print pipe markers, right-to-know labels, safety equipment labels,
safety precautions, safety procedures, lockout procedures, energy source
identifers, lockout tags, hazcom, hazard warnings, emergency egress
and more...
•For more information, see page 54.
Labels & Tags
Custom Arc Flash Labels
Brady can print complete custom arc flash labels and more.
For additional information, visit.

Hazard Communication
About one in every four workers routinely comes in
contact with hazardous chemicals while performing
his or her job.
In many cases, the chemicals may be no more dangerous than those used at home. But in the workplace,
exposure is likely to be greater, concentrations higher, and exposure time longer. Reactions to chemical
exposures range from slight skin, eye, or respiratory irritation to like-threatening cancers, blood diseases, and
debilitating lung damage.
OSHA developed the Hazard Communication
Standard (HCS) to protect workers
from these dangerous exposures.
The standard is based on a simple
concept – that employees have
both a need and a right to know
about the hazards and identities of the chemicals they are
exposed to while working. They also need to know what they can
do to protect themselves. Additionally, when employers have
information about the chemicals being used, they can take steps
to reduce exposures, substitute less hazardous materials, and
establish safe work practices to prevent illnesses and injuries
caused by these substances.”
Hazard Communication tops list of OSHA
OSHA's top general violation for 2006 - with fines
totaling $1.5 million - were violations of the Hazard
Communication Standard (HCS). In the last year, over
3,400 companies were fined for failure to comply with
one or more aspects of the standard. Brady offers a
complete range of products that help companies develop
and follow a comprehensive, cost-effective hazard
communication program that increases employee safety
and avoids costly OSHA fines.
Understanding Chemical Warning Labels
The NFPA* Diamond and the New Color Bar above are the two
most commonly used chemical label warning systems. These
systems identify the hazards of a material by four principal
•Health Hazard —which ranks the specific material’s
probable severity to personal health
•Fire Hazard —which ranks the specific material’s
susceptibility to burn
•Instability —which identifies a specific material’s potential
to become unstable and release energy
•Specific Hazard —which identifies the specific material’s
special hazard potential or any special protection that may be
Use the chart to the right when determining the specific rating
to be used to identify each of the above specified hazards.
*NFPA — National Fire Protection Association Hazardous Material
Signal (Code #704M)
OSHA Federal Hazard
Communication Standard 29CFR
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Federal Hazard
Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200 has become known as the “Right-To-Know” law. This standard gives both employers and employees
a right-to-know about the hazardous chemicals they use in the workplace. It is designed to reduce the incidence of chemical source injury and
illness in the workplace.

1-888-272-3946 11
Hazard Communication
Pre-Printed Signs & Labels
Brady offers a variety of
pre-printed write on signs and
labels for hazard marking of
hazardous chemicals.
For more information, see
page 62.
Label Printers and Software
Quickly design customized, professional looking RTK signs and RTK labels with Brady's labeling software and printers.
Printers & Software
For Product Information:
GlobalMark®2 Industrial Label Maker
The GlobalMark 2 Industrial Label Maker is a benchtop printer that features
multicolor output and a built-in plotter cutter. The GlobalMark Printer creates large
labels up to 4” wide and can even print directly on magnets and tag stock.
For more information, see page 54.
ChemLabel™Hazardous Material Labeling Software
Brady’s ChemLabel Software helps keep employees safe by ensuring properly
labeled chemicals. Poorly and inaccurately labeled chemicals and other dangerous
materials represent potentially serious safety problems. Brady’s new ChemLabel™
Hazardous Material Labeling Software will make it easy to create and print labels
for hazardous substances. This Windows®-based software package offers a
complete set of tools to handle virtually any hazardous material labeling application.
For more information, see page 61. Windows®is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Training Posters & Aides
Brady offers a variety of posters, training and
informational products to help educate employees.
For more information, see page 62.
Regulatory Marking
MarkWare™Facility Identification Software
MarkWare Software covers all your
safety and facility identification needs in
one powerful package. Use your PC to
quickly design professional looking signs
and labels. Print directly to a Brady
labeling system or most Windows®
inkjet/laser printers. Use preformatted templates provided for quick
& easy label creation. Or freely customize label layouts to your own

Lockout / Tagout
Why Lockout/Tagout?
OSHA Focus - #1 most cited violation for general industry
Best Practice - Being adopted across industries & geographies
Saves Lives - Prevents an estimated 120 fatalities and 50,000 injuries annually
Cut Costs - Significantly; both lost time and insurance costs
Improves Productivity - Minimizes equipment downtime
OSHA 29 CFR §1910.147 The
control of hazardous energy
(a) Scope, application and purpose
(1) Scope. (i) This standard covers the servicing and
maintenance of machines and equipment in which
the unexpected energization or start up of the
machines or equipment, or release of stored energy
could cause injury to employees. This standard
establishes minimum performance requirements for
the control of such hazardous energy.
(2) Application. (i) This standard applies to the control of
energy during servicing and / or maintenance of
machines and equipment.
(3) Purpose. (i) This section requires employers to establish a
program and utilize procedures for affixing appropriate
lockout devices or tagout devices to energy sources,
and to otherwise disable machines or equipment to prevent
unexpected energization, start-up or release of stored energy in order
to prevent injury to employees.
4 Step Plan for creating an effective energy
control program
(1) Create energy control policy and procedures
(2) Identify all energy control points
(3) Equip employees with the proper lockout tools and
warning devices.
(4) Train employees and promote awareness of safe
work practices.
Lockout Procedure Development
Documented energy control procedures are required by OSHA and represent a
critical component of an effective LOTO program. Procedures serve as a check
sheet, helping employees to avoid mistakes and reducing the risk of accidents and
injuries. The use of clear, documented procedures also speeds lockout activity, which
in turn reduces downtime and enhances operational productivity.
Brady is the global leader in
Lockout / Tagout Solutions
Brady was first to respond to the new OSHA legislation in 1990, and has
maintained its position as the leading Lockout solutions provider ever since.
Today, Brady offers a comprehensive package for Lockout / Tagout compliance.

1-888-272-3946 13
Lockout / Tagout
For Product Information:
Printers & Software
Policy & Procedures
Brady Lockout PRO™ 3.0 Enterprise Graphical Procedure Writing Software provides all the
tools you need to create an effective, compliant energy control program with standardized
procedures that are easy to follow. Lockout tags and labels can be printed for each energy
source and are cross-referenced to the procedure, making lockout activities virtually
foolproof. NEW online version available. For more information, see page 97.
Energy Control ID
Identify all energy control points with
Brady’s line of energy source
identification signs, labels and tags.
For more information, see page 73.
Proper Lockout Tools &
Warning Devices
Brady offers a complete line of Lockout / Tagout
tools and devices to cover all of your needs.
For more information, see page 84.
Employee Training &
Satisfy OSHA’s Lockout / Tagout training
requirements with Brady’s Safety Training and
Awareness aids.
For more information, see page 66.
Graphical Lockout Procedure Service
Brady’s comprehensive service provides machine specific OSHA CFR 1910.147
compliant lockout procedures. Brady’s Graphical Lockout Procedure Service offers a
zero energy state assessment, development of graphical lockout procedures,
installation of procedures and energy source tags and easy maintenance instructions.
For more information, see page 98.

Slips / Trips / Falls
OSHA recognizes the significance of
slips, trips and falls accidents.
The agency states that “Slips, trips, and falls constitute the majority of general
industry accidents. They cause 15% of all accidental deaths, and are second only to
motor vehicles as a cause of fatalities. The OSHA standards for walking /
working surfaces apply to all permanent places of employment, except
where only domestic, mining, or agricultural work is performed.”
The OSHA Walking and Working Surfaces Standard: Subpart D 29 CFR 1910.21-30,
identifies requirements intended to minimize Slips, Trips and Falls in the workplace.
20% of workplace
injuries are caused
by slips, trips falls.
These result in an average of 11 days
away from work and $40,000 cost per
10 steps to preventing slips, trips
and falls in the workplace:
1. Assess your slips/trips/falls needs
2. Mark aisles & passageways
3. Provide traction on slippery surfaces
4. Improve safety on stairs
5. Mark emergency evacuation routes
6. Post safety signage & labeling
7. Warn of temporary hazards
8. Inspect scaffolds & ladders
9. Control and clean oil & spills
10. Train your employees
We can evaluate your facility with our
Slips / Trips / Falls Audit Service.
A comprehensive evaluation of your
facility’s walking and working surfaces,
with itemization of both required and
recommended steps to minimize slips,
trips and falls.

Slips / Trips / Falls
Aisle Marking Tapes
Aisle marking tape is a quick, easy way
to identify aisles and passageways in
your facility.
For more information, see page 37.
Anti-Skid Tapes
Anti-Skid Tape is available in a
variety of sizes and material to suit
all of your floor traction needs.
For more information, see page 38.
Stair Safety
Anti-Skid Tape cleats are easy to
install and increase traction on
stairs and slippery surfaces.
For more information, see page 38.
For Product Information:
Evacuation Marking
Clearly mark emergency evacuation
routes and exits.
For more information, see page 37.
Safety Signage
Brady has over 20,000 stock
signs available. For more
information, see page 22.
Scaffolding and
Ladder Tags
Provides system, procedural and
legal compliance. For more
information, see page 75.
Oil & Spill
Keep facility work and traffic areas
free from leaks and spills.
For more information, see page 76.
Safety Signs
Visual Warnings
Labels & Tags
Facility Slips / Trips / Falls
Audit Service
A comprehensive evaluation of your facility's
walking and working surfaces, with itemization
of both required and recommended steps to
minimize slips, trips and falls.
For more information, see page 100.

Spill Containment
Need a better way to absorb spills?
SPC's extensive line of polypropylene and recycled cellulose-based sorbent
products all provide for effective clean-up of spills and leaks throughout your
facilities. SPC sorbents are specially fabricated to effectively absorb almost all
oils, coolants, solvents, chemicals and water-based fluids.
Do your sorbents comply?
Regulated by OSHA:
• Clean, dry workplace floors [29 CFR 1910.22(a)(2)]
• DOT-specified containers and suitable quantities of
absorbents shall be kept available for response to spills
[29 CFR 1910.120(j)(1)(vii)]
Regulated by EPA:
• Sorbent materials are one option for preventing oil spills from
reaching waterways EPA: [40 CFR 112.7(c)(1)(vii)]
• EPA requires you to control sources of storm water runoff EPA:
[40 CFR 122.26]
• EPA requires transporters to clean up any hazardous waste
discharge EPA: [40 CFR 263.31]
Clean up oil and petroleum-based
spills on land or water with
specialized sorbents that don’t
absorb water.
Spill Prevention Control and
Countermeasures Plan (SPCC):
The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC) is a
facility-specific comprehensive description of a facility’s containment and
countermeasures that would prevent an oil spill from occurring as well as
procedures to respond and clean up an oil spill that does occur. Driven by
the EPA’s Federal Water Pollution Control Act (as amended by the Clean
Water Act), this ruling is designed to prevent discharges of oil and
oil-related materials from reaching navigable waters and adjoining
shorelines. The SPCC Plan consists of three parts:
1. Operating procedures that prevent oil spills
2. Control measures to prevent a spill from reaching the environment
3. Countermeasures to contain, clean up, and mitigate the effects of an oil
spill that reaches the environment
SPC sorbents are far more efficient, safe and cost-effective than granular
absorbents. Granular absorbents and clays, on the other hand:
• Are more expensive to dispose of
• As silica, are considered a health hazard by OSHA
• Provide limited chemical resistance
• Are messy and difficult to clean up
• Can introduce a slip hazard
• Can damage equipment and products

1-888-272-3946 17
Spill Containment
NEW! Re-Form Eco-Friendly Sorbents
• Green to produce. Green in use.
• 50% more absorbent then oil-based polypropylene sorbents.
• Safe. Class A Fire Retardant.
Eco-Friendly Sorbents
Universal Pads, Rolls and SOCS
For most facility clean-up needs; oils, coolants, solvents
and water-based fluids.
• MRO Plus™Series
• MAXX Enhanced GP™ Series
• BattleMat™- High Traffic
• Slikwik®Soc
Oil Only Pads, Rolls and Socs:
Will not absorb water. Equally effective in soaking up
petroleum-based solvents and paints, vegetable oils and
other non-water soluble chemicals.
• ENV – MAXX Enhanced series
• SPC series
• Oil Plus series
• Oil Only Socs
Portable Spill Kits
Be prepared with SPC’s emergency spill kits.
Chemical Sorbent
Pads & Rolls
Clean up chemicals with the Universal
Plus Series.
For Product Information:

The standard specifies administration
for a generic telecommunications
cabling system that will support a
multi-product, multi-vendor
environment. It provides a uniform
administration approach that is
independent of applications, which
may change several times throughout
the life of the telecommunications
infrastructure. It establishes guidelines
for owners, end users, manufacturers,
consultants, contractors, designers,
installers and facilities administrators
involved in the administration of the
telecommunications infrastructure.
Use of this Standard is intended to increase
the value of the system owner’s investment in the
infrastructure by reducing the labor expense of maintaining the system, extending the useful
economic life of the system and providing effective service to users.
Immediate identification of wires, cables
and assets is essential.
Faster identification of network assets in order to perform moves, adds, and changes to the
network while minimizing the interruption of network services to the businesses IT serves.
Identification of cables and panels specifically in areas of telecommunications, electrical, and
datacomm is directly connected to performance. The ability for professionals to map a cables
path across connected components is important in reducing the time taken to troubleshoot and
locate networking problems.
The Complete Datacomm Solution:
• Printing Systems
• Materials
• Software
• Services
The ANSI/TIA/EIA 606 Standard
An Integrated, Seamless
Brady is the only company to provide an integrated and seamless solution to assist customers with their need to identify,
document, and manage their cable and network assets. Stop following a tangle of cables and easily document every
aspect of the network, including horizontal and backbone cables, hardware, assets, pathways, locations, air blown fiber,
data center racks, users and more.
Voice / Data Communications

1-888-272-3946 19
Printing Systems
TLS2200®Thermal Labeler
•Print whatever, whenever.
•Auto label, size and text formating
•Ideal for printing bar codes,
general i.d., wire & cable marking,
raised panel labels
IDXPERT™Handheld Labeler
•Print whatever, whenever.
•Auto label, size and text formating
•Ideal for printing faceplate labels,
cables, racks, public networks and
general ID
Wrap-around General ID Flags / Tags
Voice / Data Communications
For Product Information:
LabelMark™Labeling Software
LabelMark™software allows you to easily
format cable,
faceplate and closet labels.
The software includes templates for all the
Brady labels designed for your application,
and has built in
templates to automatically
format 110 block and patch panels.
NetDoc™Network Documentation
NetDoc®Network Documentation and Cable
Management Software provides you with the
tools you need to manage cabling, network,
telephone and legacy connections. NetDoc®
allows you to easily document horizontal and
backbone cables, hardware, assets, pathways,
locations, users and much more!
Whether installing your software for the first time or
maintaining an existing database, NetDoc Customer Support is
available when needed. Our Support Specialists are committed
to getting you the fast accurate answers you need in order to
be successful.
Printers & Software

Exit Routes
Support a quick and safe exit of
your building during an emergency
The events of 9/11 have led to a greater focus on exit route markings and
safety. This has also led to the increasing use of photoluminescent signs and
exit pathway markings. The main reason is that photolum signs continue to
remain visible even in electrical “lights-out” conditions.
Luminous egress path markings shall be required in most new and existing buildings having
occupied floors located more than 75 feet above fire department vehicle access:
• All steps shall have a solid and continuous stripe applied for the full length.
• All handrails shall be marked with a solid and continuous stripe for the entire length.
• Doors through which occupants must pass shall be provided with luminous markings
complying with sections 1027.6.1 – 1027.6.3.
• Photoluminescent or other luminous UL 924 listed exit signs shall be installed in
accordance with section 411.7 (exit marking).
Regulated by OSHA: CFR 1910.33 – 39
• Every exit must be marked by a clearly visible sign with the word EXIT in plainly legible
letters at least 6 inches high and with at least a ¾” stroke width.
• Exit signs shall be illuminated either by internal or external means by a “reliable” light
source giving a value of not less than 5 foot-candles on the illuminated surface.
• When the way to an exit is not readily apparent, signs or markings similar to exit signs
shall be provided which also provide directional information. Where arrows are used,
they shall be obvious as to the direction of the exit.
• Any door, passage or stairway that is not an exit but looks as though it could be an exit
must be marked with a sign reading “NOT AN EXIT”.
• An emergency action plan must be in writing, kept in the workplace and available to
employees for review.
NFPA 101-2000 The Life Safety Code
• An employer who is in compliance with the Life Safety Code is also deemed to be in
compliance with the corresponding OSHA section requirements.
NEW 2009 International Building Code
Evacuation Marking
Clearly mark emergency evacuation routes
and exits.
For exit signs, see page 25.
For marking tape, see page 37.
The GlobalMark®2 Industrial Label Maker is a
benchtop printer that features multicolor output
and a built-in plotter cutter.
For more information, see page 54.
Make Your Own Egress
Print your evacuation maps on clear
acetate and it glows in the dark.
Contact Brady for more information.
Custom Glow
Evacuation Maps

1-888-272-3946 21
Pipe Marking
ASME (ANSI) Standard A13.1-2007
The ASME (ANSI) Standard for pipe identification is a widely used guideline in determining pipe identification requirements.
The purpose of the standard is to “assist in identification of hazardous materials conveyed in piping systems and their
hazards when released into the environment. Pipes are defined as conduits for the transport of gases, liquids, semi-liquids or
fine particulate dust.”
Brady Pipe Marking Systems Meet the
ASME (ANSI) A13.1-2007 Standard
The Brady Pipe Marking System instantly tells you all you need to know…
pipe contents…direction of flow…whether hazardous or safe.
Brady Pipe Marking Systems Meet the
ASME (ANSI) Size Recommendations
The A13.1-2007 standard also makes recommendations as to the size of
letter height and length of color field for various pipe diameters. These
recommendations are shown in the table.
Brady Pipe Marking Systems Meet ASME
(ANSI) Color Recommendations
Unmarked pipes mean danger – to both life and property. Numerous injuries have
occurred through ignorance of pipe contents, particularly when outside agencies are
called in under emergency conditions.
Fire Quenching Fluids
Toxic & Corrosive Fluids
Flammable Fluids
Combustible Fluids
Potable, cooling, boiler feed,
and other water
Compressed Air
White on Red
Black on Yellow
Black on Orange
White on Brown
White on Green
White on Blue
Classification Color Scheme
Outside Diameter
of Pipe or Covering Size of Letters
3⁄4" to 11⁄4"1⁄2"
11⁄2" to 2" 3⁄4"
21⁄2" to 6" 11⁄4"
8" to 10" 21⁄2"
Over 10" 31⁄2"
NOTE: For pipes less than 3⁄4" in diameter,
a permanently legible tag is recommended.
Brady Pipe Marking Systems Meet
the ASME (ANSI) A13.1-2007 Standard
“Markers shall be located so that they are readily visible to plant personnel from
the point of normal approach.” Brady Pipe Markers instantly tell you all you need
to know about pipe contents, direction of flow and whether hazardous or safe.
Brady Recommendations for Marker Placement
Pipes shall be marked...
Brady offers a full range of services—whether your job is large or small, we can help you with:
●Facility Marking Assessment Services
Let Brady help ensure the accuracy and completeness of your facility's pipe marking and safety signage needs with this cost-effective solution. A Brady Project
Manager will inspect your facility, assess your current safety identification program and prepare a comprehensive report providing corrective actions and a
complete list of required and recommended identification products.
●Turnkey Services
From engineering to installation, responsibility for getting your marking job done right
rests with Brady. Use of high-quality materials provided by Brady, selected and installed
by marking professionals in accordance with your specifications, assures you of a
complete, reliable, cost-effective identification system
For Product Information:
Pipe Markers

About Safety Signs
About Safety Signs
Indicates an immediate hazard;
a hazard capable of producing
irreversible damage or injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation;
a hazard capable of resulting in severe but
not irreversible injury or damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.
Provides information of a general
type in order to avoid confusion or
Think, Be Careful, Safety First
Includes notices of general practice and
rules relating to health, first aid, medical
equipment, sanitation, housekeeping
and general safety.
ASME (ANSI Z535) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA 1910.145) Specifications for
Accident Prevention Signs require the use of Safety Signs to indicate and define specific hazards that, without
identification, may lead to accidental injury to workers and/or the public or to property damage.

Safety Sign Material Guide
Safety Sign Material Guide
Brady®offers a sign material for virtually every application. Whether the sign is used indoors or outdoors, in
mild or harsh environments, we have the material to match your application. Select the right sign for your
application dependent upon the factors listed in the table below.
Protected Indoor(I) Average Outdoor Chemical Abrasion
Material Descriptions Graphics Self-Sticking Outdoor(O) Durability (Yrs) Resistance Resistance Upper Temp Limit
B-302 High Performance Polyester Yes Yes I/O 8 Excellent Excellent 230° F, 100°C
B-946 Self-Sticking Vinyl No Yes I/O 5 Fair Good 180°F, 82°C
B-997 Bradylite®Reflective Vinyl No Yes I/O 4-6 Good Good 200°F, 93°C
B-324 BradyGlo™Polyester No Yes I - Good Good 230°F, 110°C
B-928 Write-On Vinyl No Yes I/O 2 Good Good 176°F, 93°C
B-347 BradyGlo™Plastic No No I-Good Good 194°F, 110°C
B-401 BradyTuff™Plastic Yes No I/O 2 Good Good 150°F, 66°C
B-793 Polystyrene No No I/O 1-3 Poor Good 165°F,74°C
B-836 Temporary Sign Fluted Polypropylene No No I/O 1 Good Good 130°F,54°C
B-450 Polyethylene Plastic No No I 3-5 Good Good 180°F,82°C
B-382 BradyGuard™Fiberglass Yes No I/O 8 Good Good 175°F, 79°C
B-1 Engraved Plastic No No I/O 5-8 Good Good 193°F, 89°C
B-555 BradyTuff™Aluminum Yes No I/O 5-8 Excellent Excellent 212°F, 100°C
B-959 Reflective Aluminum No No I/O 5-8 Good Good 196°F, 80°C
B-995 Diamond-Grade™Reflective Aluminum No No O7Good Good 200°F, 93°C
B-811 Magnetic Vinyl No No O 2-4 Good Good 158°F,70°C
B-120 Premium Fiberglass Yes No I/O 15 Excellent Excellent 190°F, 88°C
B-140 BradyLam™Fiberglass Yes No I/O 15 Excellent Excellent 230°F, 110°C
B-320 BradyLex™Fiberglass Yes No I/O 8 Good Good 175°F, 79°C
FG- Premium Fiberglass Signs – B-120
●Made of our highest quality, longest lasting sign material
●Will not peel or fade
●Guaranteed for 15 years
●Ideal for outdoors or harsh environments
AL- Aluminum Signs – B-555
●Superior abrasion and chemical resistance, indoors or out
●Protected graphics keep message clear
●Weather and sunlight resistant
●Stands up to spills, washdowns
and cleanings
PL- Plastic Signs – B-401
●Economically priced, perfect for light duty or temporary use
●Protected graphics for durability
●1 to 2 year outdoor life
●Over 2000 stock legends
SS- High Performance Polyester Signs – B-302
●Bright graphics on flexible material, sticks to almost any shape
or surface
●Lasts up to 8 years outdoors, longer indoors
●Stands up to repeated spills and cleanings
●Permanent adhesive holds where others fail
Or, make your own signs with Brady’s Make-It-Yourself system –
PowerMark™or GlobalMark®
!Brady also offers custom signs, labels and tags. Visit page 31 for details.
Sign Pricing on Page 30

FG - 10 x 14 - 70602
AL - 10 x 14 - 40706
PL - 10 x 14 - 22142
SS - 10 x 14 - 84130
AL - 10 x 14 - 40728
PL - 10 x 14 - 22164
AL - 10 x 14 - 40754
PL - 10 x 14 - 22190
PL - 10 x 14 - 22178
SS -3
1/2x 5 - 89170 SS - 10 x 14 - 84376 SS - 10 x 14 - 85184
AL - 10 x 14 - 40970
PL - 10 x 14 - 22406
FG - 10 x 14 - 47050
AL - 10 x 14 - 40964
PL - 10 x 14 - 22400
SS - 10 x 14 - 84530
AL - 10 x 14 - 40972
PL - 10 x 14 - 22408
SS - 10 x 14 - 84538
AL - 10 x 14 - 43518
SS - 7 x 10 - 65950
SS - 10 x 14 - 65949
FG - 7 x 10 - 70248
FG - 10 x 14 - 70249
AL - 7 x 10 - 40988
AL - 10 x 14 - 40989
PL - 7 x 10 - 22424
PL - 10 x 14 - 22425
SS -3
/2x 5 - 87748
SS - 7 x 10 - 84562
SS - 10 x 14 - 84563
AL - 10 x 14 - 41191
PL - 10 x 14 - 22627
Admittance Signs
Confined Space
Safety Signs
Safety Signs
Admittance Signs
Biohazard Sign Chemical & Hazardous Materials
Sign Materials - Pricing on Page 30
AL - Aluminum
FG - Premium Fiberglass
PL - Plastic
SS - Self-Sticking Polyester
B-324 - Glow-in-Dark Self-Sticking
B-347 - Glow-in-Dark Plastic
Permit Required Confined Space, Do Not Enter 1910.146(c)(2)
Exposed employees must be informed of the existence and location of and the danger posed by permit-required confined spaces through the posting of danger
signs or by any other equally effective means.
A sign reading “DANGER – PERMIT – REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE, DO NOT ENTER” or using other similar language satisfies the requirement.
Accident Prevention 1910.145(c)(2)
Caution signs shall be used only to warn against potential hazards or to caution against unsafe practices. All employees shall be instructed that caution signs
indicate a possible hazard against which proper precaution should be taken.
1910.146(c)(2), 1910.145(c)(2)
Alert Signs Blank Signs
Sign Pricing on Page 30
!Make your own signs wherever,
whenever you want with Brady’s
Benchtop Printers. See pg. 54
PL - 10 x 14 - 25804 PL - 7 x 10 - 22433AL - 10 x 14 - 40772
SS -3
1⁄2x 5 - 83911SS -3
1⁄2x 5 - 83883 AL - 10 x 14 - 42954
PL - 7 x 10 - 25376
PL - 10 x 14 - 25377
PL - 10 x 14 - 25357 PL - 10 x 14 - 25361
AL - 10 x 14 - 43014
SS - 7 x 10 - 95018
PL - 10 x 14 - 25611

Frameless Exit Sign - $88.14
SS - 7 x 10 - 84827 Electrical
SS - 3 x 3 - 89153
Electrical Hazard
AL - 10 x 14 - 41054
PL - 10 x 14 - 22490
SS - 10 x 14 - 84674
AL - 7 x 10 - 41065
PL - 10 x 14 - 22502
SS - 7 x 10 - 84687
Description Black Red Green White Price
Wall Mounted Exit Sign 37851 90885 90887 80753 $168.03
Single-sided sign w/bracket 38097 90839 90841 80754 $201.59
Double-sided sign w/bracket 38098 90840 90842 80755 $319.19
Clear mounting clips are available for additional security from vandalism &
theft—Catalog No. 87806 (4 clips per package) $5.87
B-324 - 7 x 10 - 73509
B-324 - 10 x 14 - 73510
B-347 - 10 x 14 - 80282
B-324 - 7 x 10 - 80215
B-324 - 10 x 14 - 73513
B-347 - 7 x 10 - 80283
B-347 - 10 x 14 - 80284 B-324 - 10 x 7 - 80217
B-324 - 14 x 10 - 80218
B-324 - 7 x 10 - 73542
B-324 - 10 x 7 - 80219
B-324 - 14 x 10 - 80220
B-324 - 7 x 10 - 73545
B-324 - 10 x 14 - 80250 Red Exit - 8.25 x 15.25 - 87807
Green Exit - 8.25 x 15.25 - 87808
Safety Signs
Safety Signs
High Voltage 1910.305(b)(3)
Covers for boxes shall be permanently marked “High Voltage.” The marking shall be on the outside of the box cover and shall be readily visible and legible.
Access Area Marking 1910.303(g)(1)
Sufficient access and working space must be provided and maintained about all electric equipment to permit ready and safe operation and maintenance of the
1910.305(b)(3), 1910.303(g)(1)
1910.37(Q), 1910.38(a)(2), 1910.120(1)(2), 1910.37(q)(1),(3),(4),(6),(8)
FG - 7 x 10 - 71565
FG - 10 x 14 - 47005
AL - 7 x 10 - 43109
AL - 10 x 14 - 43110
PL - 10 x 14 - 25533
SS - 7 x 10 - 84876
SS - 10 x 14 - 84877
FG - 10 x 14 - 45471
AL - 10 x 14 - 40668
PL - 10 x 14 - 22104
SS - 10 x 14 - 84084
B-324 - 7 x 10 - 73540
Not an Exit 1910.37(Q)
Any door, passage, or stairway that is not an exit or a way to get to an exit, but looks as though it could be an exit must be marked with a sign reading “NOT
AN EXIT,” or must be identified by a sign telling what it is, such as “to basement,” “storeroom,” “linen closet,” or whatever it may be.
Evacuation Route 1910.38(a)(2), 1910.120(1)(2)(vi) (Informational marking)
Elements of an emergency response plan. The employer shall develop an emergency response plan for emergencies which shall address, as minimum, the
following:...(vi) Evacuation routes and procedures.
Exit 1910.37(q)(1),(3),(4),(6),(8)
Exits shall be marked by a readily visible sign. They must be of such size, color and design as to be readily visible, contrasting with the colors
and decorations around them. A sign reading “EXIT,” with an arrow showing the directions, must be placed in every location where the direction of travel to get
to the nearest exit is not immediately obvious.
!Brady also offers a full line of
arc flash signs, labels and
training tools. Visit
Sign Pricing on Page 30
FG - 10 x 14 - 71545
SS - 7 x 10 - 84068
SS - 10 x 14 - 84069
SS - 7 x 10 - 84859 SS -3
1⁄2x 5 - 84875
SS -3
1⁄2x 10 - 84949

Safety Signs
Safety Signs
FG - 14 x 10 - 69074
AL - 14 x 10 - 43294
PL - 14 x 10 - 25717
SS - 14 x 10 - 86091
B-324 - 14 x 10 - 80162
FG - 14 x 31⁄2- 47039
FG - 24 x 4 - 71655
AL - 10 x 7 - 43295
PL - 10 x 7 - 25718
SS - 14 x 5 - 90367
B324 - 14 x 5 - 80241
92405 92406 92404
97615 49807 49061* 97614
B-324 - 5 x 14 - 80202
B-324 - 5 x 14 - 80242
B-493 – 45366 - $21.87
/2”H x 10”W x 4”D
B-493 – 45368 - $21.87
/2”H x 10”W x 4”D
B-450 -12 x 9 -70998(L-style)
B-450- 12 x 18 -96908(V-style)
L-style - $15.55
V-style - $22.11
Fire Safety
Floor Signs
Flammable: Keep Fire Away
Storage cabinets in which you keep flammable liquids, such as gasoline, must be labeled in conspicuous lettering, "Flammable – Keep Fire Away."
Fire Extinguisher Marking 1910.157(c)(1)
If you are using portable fire extinguishers, you must mount, locate and identify them so that they are readily accessible to employees.
Fire Hose 1910.158(c)(1)
Where reels or cabinets are provided to contain fire hose, the employer must be sure that they are conspicuously identified and used only for fire equipment.
The ASTM guide for recommended uses of Photoluminescent safety markings describes recommended uses and information on installation of photoluminescent
safety markings to supplement emergency lighting.
Phosphorescent Floor Signs address section 4.2.1 Floor Mounted Markings
Made of B-819 Vinyl Film. Size is 17” diameter.
Price: $34.84
*Made of B-808 BradyGlo™ Polyester. Size is 17” diameter.
Price: $41.84
Floor Signs
Sign Pricing on Page 30
SS - 7 x 10 - 85354
18"H x 41
8” x 8”
6”H x 9”W x 4”D
V1AE01A - V Style
6”H x 9”W x 4”D
V1EW03A - V Style
6”H x 9”W x 4”D
V1FL15A - V Style
6”H x 9”W x 4”D
V1FE15A - V Style
18"H x 81
/2"W x 31
SP818V - V Style
6”H x 9”W x 4”D
V1FA03A - V Style
B-324 - 31⁄2x 10 - 73538

Safety Signs
B-324 - 7 x 10 - 80248FG - 10 x 14 - 47010
AL - 10 x 14 - 42654
PL - 10 x 14 - 25077
SS - 10 x 14 - 88371
FG - 10 x 14 - 72118
AL - 10 x 14 - 42660
PL - 10 x 14 - 25083
SS - 10 x 14 - 88379
SS - 5 x 14 - 88418
28” x 20” - 49115
18 gauge steel - $94.49
28” x 20” - 49116
18 gauge steel - $94.49
PL - 14 x 20 - 95494
FG - 24” x 18” - 95452
PL - 14 x 20 - 95468
Security Scoreboards
No Smoking 1910.106(e)(6)
Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent the ignition of flammable vapors. Sources of ignition include but are not limited to open flames; lightning; smoking…
Battery Charging Area 1910.178(g)
Battery charging installations shall be located in areas designated for that purpose.
Hydrogen gas is generated in battery charging areas. Smoking shall be prohibited in the charging area.
No Smoking, No Open Flames, No Water Reactive Materials 1910.106(d)(7)
Open flames and smoking shall not be permitted in flammable or combustible liquid storage areas. Water reactive materials may not be stored in the same room with
flammable or combustible liquids.
PL - 10 x 14 - 22984 FG - 10 x 14 - 47192
AL - 10 x 14 - 42563
PL - 10 x 14 - 23040
SS - 10 x 14 - 88186
Machine & Operational
Safety Signs
Sign Materials - Pricing on Page 30
AL - Aluminum
FG - Premium Fiberglass
PL - Plastic
SS - Self-Sticking Polyester
B-324 - Glow-in-Dark Self-Sticking
B-347 - Glow-in-Dark Plastic
B-493 - polystyrene
FG - 10 x 7 - 72293
FG - 14 x 10 - 73486
AL - 10 x 7 - 42696
PL - 10 x 7 - 25119
PL - 14 x 10 - 25120
SS - 10 x 7 - 88427
28” x 20” - 49117
18 gauge steel - $94.49
PL - 14 x 20 - 95496
Brady also offers other state specific No-Smoking signs.
Visit and search by the state name.
!Brady also offers custom signs
and labels.
Visit page 31 for details.
New Jersey Smoke-Free Air Act
N.J.S.A. 26:3D-55
FG - 10 x 7 -110977
FG - 14 x 10 -110976
AL - 10 x 7 -110973
AL - 14 x 10 -110972
New Jersey State Smoking Ban
PL - 10 x 7 -110975
PL - 14 x 10 -110972
SS - 10 x 7 -110978
SS - 14 x 10 -110979
Sign Pricing on Page 30
AL - 10 x 14 - 42441 PL - 10 x 14 - 23012
PL - 10 x 14 - 95424

Safety Signs
Safety Signs
B-959 - 30 x 30 - 94150
B-959 - 18 x 18 - 94185 B-959 - 18 x 18 - 94181
B-959 - 24 x 24 - 94163
25 MPH
B-959 - 24 x 18 - 94209
B-959 - 24 x 18 - 94210
10 MPH
B-959 - 24 x 18 - 94211
15 MPH
B-959 - 24 x 18 - 94212
20 MPH
B-959 - 24 x 18 - 94213
B-959 - 30" Dia - 94307
B-959 - 24 x 18 - 94197
B-959 - 24 x 24 - 94192
B-959 - 24" - 94148
B-959 - 30" - 80072
B-959 - 24 x 18 - 94199
B-959 - 24 x 24 - 94234
B-959 - 30 x 30 - 94235
B-959 - 18 x 12 - 80106
B-959 - 24 x 18 - 94195
B-959 - 24 x 24 - 80099
B-959 - 12 x 12 - 94174
B-959 - 18 x 12 - 91362 B-959 - 18 x 12 - 94175B-959 - 18 x 12 - 91360 B-959 - 18 x 12 - 91388
B-959 - 6 x 12 - 91387
B-959 - 18 x 12 - 91356
$250 Fine:
B-959 - 6 x 12 - 80049
$350 Fine:
B-959 - 6 x 12 -112500
FG - 18 x 12 - 75227
FG - 12 x 18 - 75190
Traffic Control
B-959 - 18 x 12 - 94116
B-959 - 18 x 12 - 94130 B-959 - 18 x 12 - 94119 B-959 - 18 x 12 - 94120
B-959 -
18 x 12
- 80078
Sign Materials
FG - Premium Fiberglass
B-959 - Reflective Aluminum
●No person shall install or maintain in any area of private property used by the public any sign, signal, marking or other device intended to regulate, warn
or guide traffic unless it conforms to the MUTCD.
●Minimum reflective standards required, no more non-reflective signs allowed
●Day/night inspection and maintenance of all signs is required
●All signs must conform to the standard sizes, shapes and colors called for in MUTCD
●All supports require breakaway sockets or posts
●Minimum mounting height is 5' from the bottom of the sign to the top of the ground in rural or low-volume areas
●Minimum mounting height is 7' from the bottom of the sign in urban or heavily traveled area
A New Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Eff. 1/16/01
Sign Pricing on Page 30
B-959 - 18 x 30 - 94152

Safety Signs
Safety Signs
Roll Mounted
1⁄16" thick foam tape, Standard Package: 1 roll
Size Cat Number Price
1" x 36 yds. 19811 $61.93
Base Cat Number Price
161⁄2lb 86336 $131.58
35 lb 86345 $195.02
Catalog Number Price
86339 $127.53
Sign Accessories
Mounting Tape
• Indoor/Outdoor B-156 double-faced foam tape
• Bonds well to rough, irregular surfaces
• Service range: 50°F to 180°F
Movable Sign Posts
●17" diameter, 35 pound cast iron base with
11⁄2" diameter, 48" pipe is pre-drilled for
signs that are 18" x 18", 24" x 18", or 24" x
24" in size
Sign Base
●Ideal for temporary use
●Securely mounts with three expansion bolts
●Accepts U-channel Posts
●Cast aluminum base is 15" in diameter and
includes post mount stub and hardware
B-959 - 18 x 18 - 94142
B-959 - 24 x 24 - 94143
B-959 - 30 x 30 - 94144
B-959 - 36 x 36 - 94145
High Intensity Stop Sign
●High intensity, reflective aluminum, signs offer
the highest day and night visibility
●Ideal for long-term outdoor use
●MUTCD compliant
Size Description Color Cat # Price
8' Closed profile White 97208 $49.36
8' Closed profile Green 97210 $49.36
8' Open profile White 97207 $42.45
8' Open profile Green 97209 $42.45
Tuff-N-Light U-Channel
●Ideal for traffic and industrial signage
●Closed profile posts are 6 times torsionally
stronger than steel posts
●Open profile posts for signs up to 12" x 18"
●Length is 8'
U-Channel Sign Posts
●Ideal for mounting and installation of
traffic signs and utility signage
●Baked green enamel finish on
hot-rolled, high-tensile strength steel
for years of maintenance-free
●Weight: two pounds per linear foot
●Hardware sold separately below
●3⁄8" holes, 1" on center
Vandal-Proof Tufnut™
●Plated steel nut secures tightly to
prevent sign theft
●5⁄16" nut for use with U-Channel Sign
Posts (sold above)
●Set includes: 2 bolts, 2 washers and 3
Traffic Control
Sign Pricing on Page 30
95044 24" x 24" $164.38
Length Cat. No. Price
6' 95047 $28.17
8' 97204 $35.47
10' 97205* $50.78
12' 97206* $54.61
Post Driver 87982 $230.54
*Posts will ship via motor freight
Catalog Number Price
97211 $11.96

Safety Signs / Sign Pricing
Safety Signs / Sign Pricing
MATERIAL 6 x 12 12 x 12 18 x 12 18 x 18 24 x 18 24 x 24 24” 30" 30" 30 x 30 36 x 36
Triangle Triangle Diameter
Reflective Aluminum (B-959) $22.77 $32.29 $44.17 $63.75 $84.66 $111.61 $87.18 $134.20 $159.47 $159.47 $231.93
Safety Banners
NNeeeedd HHeellpp FFiinnddiinngg AA SSiiggnn??
Brady has thousands of sign legends.
Visit the sign section of bbrraaddyyiidd..ccoomm
and use our “Search by Legend Feature”.
●Constructed of heavy duty 10mil Vinyl (Indoor use only)
●Banners are 3.5’ x 10’
●Price is $291.25 ea.
MATERIAL 3 x 3 31/2x 5 5 x 14 7 x 10 10 x 14 12 x 18 14 x 31/214 x 20 24 x 4 24 x 18
FG - Premium Fiberglass (B-120) $1.52 $13.19 $23.93 $33.47 $11.30 $15.10 $62.16
AL- Aluminum (B-555) $11.87 $19.74
PL - Plastic (B-401) $9.81 $13.90 $34.10
SS - High Performance Polyester (B-302) $2.24 $8.20 $8.38 $11.53
BradyGlo™ Polyester (B-324) $13.64 $13.64 $27.64
BradyGlo™ Plastic (B-347) $23.74 $54.04
Cat. No. 50909
Cat. No. 50907 Cat. No. 50911
Cat. No. 50901
Cat. No. 50902
Cat. No. 50910 Cat. No. 50905
Cat. No. 50900
Cat. No. 50904

Custom Signs
Custom Signs
Custom Signs
●Customize your signs with our logo or other graphics
●Make signs up to 80” wide
●Print banners with full-color photos
●Print on special order materials up to 1.5” thick
●UV ink with 5-7 year life span
●Print Graphical Lockout Procedure Placards
Part 3.5" x 5" 4" x 6" 5" x 7" 7" x 10" 9" x 12" 10" x 14" 12" x 18" 14" x 20" 18" x 24" 20" x 28" 24" x 36"
High Performance Polyester Signs (B-302) CST1001 $32.04 $32.40 $32.63 $33.22 $33.82 $34.41 $40.93 $41.53 $53.39 $54.58
Self-Sticking Vinyl Signs (B-946) CST1002 $44.92 $45.27 $46.18 $47.44 $49.12 $53.52 $54.12 $79.50 $82.86 $86.21
Self-Sticking Bradylite Reflective Vinyl Signs (B-997) CST1003 $49.70 $52.91 $59.89 $66.67 $73.45 $87.03 $123.79 $189.87 $246.14 $348.16
Self-Sticking BradyGlo Polyester Signs (B-324) CST1004 $65.68 $67.87 $77.48 $82.36 $88.45 $99.19 $125.02 $155.23 $201.82
Self-Sticking Write-On Vinyl (B-928) CST1005 $52.66 $54.43 $56.54 $59.64 $61.80 $66.40 $68.95 $86.47 $96.15
BradyGlo Plastic Signs (B-347) CST1009 $82.07 $84.60 $87.85 $97.48 $107.89 $117.30 $145.08 $183.14 $238.08
BradyTuff Plastic Signs (B-401) CST1008 $33.22 $33.82 $36.78 $37.97 $39.15 $42.71 $46.27 $60.51 $67.63
Temporary Sign-Fluted Polypropylene (B-836) CST1016 $30.30 $30.82 $31.19
Polyethylene Plastic Signs (B-450) CST1012 $45.00 $45.85 $48.37 $49.55 $52.69 $54.99 $83.31 $87.96 $114.34
Engraved Signs (B-1) CST1018 $29.48 $32.08 $37.26 $42.89 $47.64 $58.93 $67.04 $90.97 $109.94
BradyTuff Aluminum Signs (B-555) CST1019 $50.19 $51.79 $54.99 $58.73 $61.94 $69.41 $75.82 $90.77 $103.58 $134.55
Premium Fiberglass Signs (B-120) CST1023 $60.38 $62.48 $66.65 $71.19 $75.01 $84.08 $97.70 $109.83 $125.10 $161.38
BradyLam Signs (B-140) CST1024 $48.13 $51.95 $57.33 $63.93 $70.55 $86.75 $123.02 $199.08
BradyLex Signs (B-320) CST1026 $21.30 $26.58 $39.15 $54.88
BradyGuard Signs (B-382) CST1025 $56.00 $57.84 $59.62 $62.14 $66.15 $72.14 $102.50 $120.63 $228.78
Magnetic Vinyl Signs (B-811) CST1022 $49.20 $52.39 $58.84 $65.10 $71.37 $83.89 $119.57 $144.69 $169.74 $335.64
Custom Sign Pricing
!Create custom lockout
procedures using Lockout
Pro™ Software and Brady can
print them onto rigid signs.
See pg. 97 for details.
MMaatteerriiaallPart 6" x 12" 9" x 12" 12" x 18" 18" x 18" 18" x 24" 20" x 28" 24" x 24" 24" x 36"
Reflective Aluminum Signs (B-959)
CST1020 $65.18 $69.61 $82.26 $115.03 $145.07 $206.47 $276.00
Diamond-Grade Reflective Aluminum Signs (B-995)
CST1021 $128.28 $159.49 $279.40 $402.25 $427.91
MMaatteerriiaallPart 6" x 12" 9" x 12" 12" x 18" 18" x 18" 18" x 24" 20" x 28" 24" x 24" 24" x 36"
Reflective Aluminum Signs (B-959)
CST1020 $65.18 $69.61 $82.26 $115.03 $145.07 $206.47 $276.00
Diamond-Grade Reflective Aluminum Signs (B-995)
CST1021 $128.28 $159.49 $279.40 $402.25 $427.91

Custom Signs / Material Descriptions / Pictos
Custom Signs / Material Desc.
Protection 1
Protection 2
Protection 1
61. Head
Protection 2
Flammable 1
Flammable 2
16. Keep Out 17. No
18. Fire
19. Eye Wash
20. Radiation 21. No
22. Low
No Food/
25. Air
26. Apron
27. Down
28. Left
29. Right
30. Up
31. Biohazard
32. Boots
35. Corrosive
36. Corrosive
38. Dust
41. Electrical 1 42. Electrical 2 43. Electrical 3 44. Explosive 45. Eye
49. Fire
53. Fork
54. Face
55. Full
Protection Suit
56. Gloves 57. Goggles 1
58. Goggles 2 62. Hot
64. Laser 66. Lockout/
Tagout (Tag)
68. Men 69. Men/
70. No
71. No
77. Poison
78. Recycle
80. Safety
Cross in Circle
81. Safety
84. Telephone 85. Trip 88. Women 89. Static
90. Smoking 92. Parking (P) 93. No
Parking (P)
98. Fire
99. Do Not
100. Safety
Cross 2
101. Radiation
102. Radiation
No Admittance 2
104. No Cell
105. No Cell
106. No Guns
107. No
108. Stop
109. Surveillance
Premium Fiberglass Signs: (B-120) – Our highest quality, longest
lasting sign material. Guaranteed not to chip, fade, rust, shatter or
peel for 15 years. Sign legend is embedded within the sign panel,
protecting it on both sides from weathering, abrasion, impacts and
chemicals. Ideal for indoor or outdoor use. The sign is 0.100" thick.
Service temperature range is -40˚F to 190˚F. It has rounded corners
with 3/16" mounting holes.
BradyLam™ Signs: (B-140) – The BradyLam™sign legend is
printed on polyester film that is permanently bonded to a fiberglass
backing. The sign is then over-laminated with Tedlar®to protect the
graphics. The sign legend is protected from UV light, dirt and harsh
chemicals. The sign is guaranteed indoors and outdoors for 15 years
(dependent on user definition of failure and climatic conditions).
Fiberlam signs are 0.11" thick and have a service temperature of
-40˚F to 212˚F. They have rounded corners with 3/16" mounting holes.
High-Performance Polyester: (B-302) – Self-Sticking Laminated
Polyester signs are surface-printed polyester with a polyester
over-laminate. These signs are particularly suited for outdoor
applications (8 years) and in harsh environments where excellent
abrasion and chemical resistance is required beyond an unprotected
surface-printed label. The SS Laminated Polyester signs have a cold
temperature, permanent adhesive that makes the sign able to be
applied in temperatures as low as 0˚F on almost any shape or
surface. The average thickness is 0.008", and the service
temperature is -40˚F to 230˚F.
BradyLex™Signs: (B-320) – BradyLex™signs are made of Lexan®
and Tedlar®PVF film. This combination is bonded to a rigid fiberglass
panel. This total construction is strong as well as resistant to corrosion
and abrasion. It is 0.070" thick and the graphics are protected. There
is an average outdoor durability of 8 years. The service temperature
range is -40˚F to 175˚F. Radius corners with 3/16" grommeted holes.
Self-Sticking BradyGlo™Polyester Signs: B-324 – Legend is
printed on the 0.008" polyester film with acrylic adhesive. Charging
time is 5 minutes at 1000 lux of light (60 mins. at 54 lux). BradyGlo™
Polyester is non-toxic, non-radioactive and explosion safe allowing for
sanitary disposal. This product glows for +10 hours after the lights
go out. Exceeds the following standards: ASTM, IMO, ISO/CD, PSPA,
DIN, NFPA and OSHA. There is a 5 year life on the adhesive and the
printed legend. The glowing properties of the sign never expire. Not
recommended for outdoor applications. Service temperature range
is -40˚F to 230˚F. Minimum application temperature of 50˚F. Square
corners without holes.
BradyGlo™Plastic Signs: (B-347) – Legend is printed on polyester
film that is applied to rigid polystyrene. Total product
thickness is 0.041". Charging time is 5 minutes at 1000 lux of light
(60 mins. at 54 lux). BradyGlo™Plastic is non-toxic, non-radioactive
and explosion safe allowing for sanitary disposal. This product glows
for +10 hours after the lights go out. Exceeds the following standards:
ASTM, IMO, ISO/CD, PSPA, DIN, NFPA and OSHA. There is an expected
5 year service life on the printed legend. There is a consistent glow
life and unlimited rechargability throughout the service life. Not
recommended for outdoor applications. Service temperature range
is -40˚F to 194˚F. Has square corners with 3/16" mounting holes.
BradyGuard™Signs: (B-382) – BradyGuard™signs are sub-surface
printed. The two-ply reinforced construction makes it resistant to
impacts, abrasion, chemicals and corrosion. BradyGuard™sign
legends are printed on the backside of clear acrylic that is then
bonded to a fiberglass panel, protecting the legend. Total thickness
is 0.100". Good durability in harsh and extreme environments,
indoors and outdoors -40˚F to 175˚F. Rounded corners with four 3/16"
grommeted mounting holes.
BradyTuff™Plastic Signs: (B-401) –The legend on this polystyrene
sign construction is protected with a clear coat for increased chemical
and abrasion resistance. This strong plastic sign is easy to handle,
mount and store. Signs stay legible for up to 2 years outdoors, even
in the harshest conditions. The total construction is 0.063" thick.
Service temperature is -20˚F to 150˚F. Corners are rounded with 3/16"
mounting holes.
Polyethylene Plastic Signs: (B-450) – Polyethylene plastic signs
are linear polyethylene sheets containing UV light stabilizers that are
surface printed. These signs are 0.055" thick. The average outdoor
durability is 3 to 5 years. Is flexible enough to be mounted on curved
areas. Service temperature is -40˚F to 180ºF. Square corners with
3/16" holes (high visibility signs have 2 keyhole slots on each side).
BradyTuff™Aluminum Signs: (B-555) – BradyTuff™Aluminum
signs are made of 0.040" aluminum panels. The legend is printed
on the aluminum panel and protected with a clear coat film. This
durable sign construction has superior abrasion and chemical
resistance indoors or outdoors. Stands up to spills, wash-downs and
cleanings. The average outdoor durability is 5 to 8 years. Service
temperature of -40˚F to 212˚F. Radius corners with 3/16" mounting
Polystyrene Signs: (B-793) - The legend of a Polystyrene sign is
printed onto a 0.060" thick surface. These economical signs have
good impact resistance but should not be exposed to chemicals. The
Polystyrene material is slightly flexible. The average outdoor durability
of Polystyrene signs is 1 to 3 years. Service temperature of -30˚F to
165˚F. Square corners without holes. Used for vehicle placards which
are slid into holders.
Magnetic Vinyl Signs: (B-811) - Magnetic Vinyl signs are used as
temporary, reusable and movable signs. The legend is printed onto a
vinyl surface that is bonded to a magnetic sheet. The total thickness
of this construction is 0.025". The average outdoor durability is 2 to
4 years. Service temperature of 0˚F to 158˚F. Square corners without
Self-Sticking Vinyl Signs: (B-946) - Self-Sticking Vinyl signs are
printed with weather resistant inks and are particularly suited for use
in outdoor applications where weatherability is a key consideration
(5 year durability). The material is 0.005" thick and has a permanent
cold temperature adhesive. The application temperature is as low as
0˚F. Service temperature of -40˚F to 180˚F. Square corners without
Reflective Aluminum Signs: (B-959) – Reflective Aluminum signs
are primarily used for traffic control. The legend is printed onto the
engineer-grade reflective sheeting that is then applied to an
aluminum panel. The total thickness of the sign can range from
0.042" to 0.090" depending on size for added strength. These signs
meet the MUTCD requirement for reflectivity. Reflective Aluminum
signs are corrosion and rust resistant. The average outdoor durability
of this sign is 7 years. Service temperature of -40˚F to 180˚F. Radius
corners with four 7/32" corner holes or two centered 3/8" post holes.
Diamond-Grade™Reflective Aluminum Signs: (B-995) –
Diamond-Grade™Reflective Aluminum signs are primarily used for
traffic control. The Diamond-Grade™Reflective material provides
ultimate luminance and visibility, even during daytime hours. The
legend is printed on the Diamond-Grade™Reflective sheeting which
is then applied to the aluminum panel. Total sign thickness is 0.097".
Meets MUTCD, ASTM E-810 for coefficient of retro-reflection, and
ASTM E-811 for nighttime color. Accepted by the FHWA and the DOT.
The average outdoor durability of this sign is 7 years. Service
temperature of -40˚F to 212˚F. Radius corners with four 7/32" corner
holes or two centered 3/8" post holes.
Self-Sticking Bradylite®Reflective Vinyl Signs: (B-997) -
Bradylite®Reflective Sheeting is excellent for use outdoors in cold
climates. The cold temperature adhesive can be applied in
temperatures as low as -10˚F. It has excellent weatherability (4 to 6
year outdoor life). The reflectivity meets MUTCD requirements. The
total thickness of this construction is 0.007". Service temperature of
-40˚F to 200˚F. Square corners without holes.

Custom Sign Order Form
Custom Sign Order Form
2. Header: (English / Spanish)
No Header (Fill in colors below)
4. Quantity: ––––––––––
5. Pictogram #: ––––––––––
(See previous page then enter # here)
6. Finishing: No Holes
4 Corner Holes 2 Post Holes
Foam Tape 2 Side Holes
Other Show required hole
placement in the
box to the right
Distributor Information
Distributor: Contact:
Account #: Fax #: Phone #:
General Information - Fax completed form to your local distributor
Company Name: Name:
Address 1: Phone #:
Address 2: Fax #:
City: ST: Zip: Email:
Item Information
1. Material:
Premium Fiberglass (B-120)
Self-Sticking High Performance Polyester (B-302)
Self-Sticking BradyGlo (B-324)
BradyGlo Plastic Signs (B-347)
Brady Tuff Plastic Signs (B-401)
Brady Tuff Aluminum Signs (B-555)
Magnetic Vinyl Signs (B-811)
Reflective Aluminum Sign (B-959)
Self-Sticking Bradylite Reflective Sign (B-997)
Other ______ Material List (pg 32) and enter B# here
3. Size: (Height x Width)
3 1/2" x 5" 5" x 7"
4" x 6" (B-302 & B-946 only)
7" x 10" 9" x 12"
10" x 14" 12" x 18"
14" x 20" 18 x 24"
Other: –––––– x ––––––
(Height) (Width)
Additional charge for other sizes.
Draw sign layout and text in box below (show picto placement if applicable)
Order Quote Artwork Attached Ship Via: ––––––––––– P.O. # or Request # : –––––––––––––––––––––––––
______________ on ______________
(Text Color) (Background Color)
Lower text will be black unless specified.
Brady to arrange Layout as shown

Visual Warnings
Visual Warnings
BradyLink Warning Posts
●Bases and tops are made of polyethylene -
posts are made of polystyrene
●Non-conductive, Non-rusting
●Fillable base
●Post dimension: Lg - 3" O.D., Sm - 2.5" O.D.
●Post height: Lg - 41", Sm - 40"
●Base dimension: Lg - 16" dia., Sm - 14" dia
Striped Warning Posts
●Barricade potentially hazardous areas with
portable, non-rusting, polyethylene posts & chain
●Black & Yellow striped posts come with tops and
fillable bases
●Not intended to support heavy weight
BradyLink Warning Chain
●Made of polyethylene
●Link design prevents kinking
●Standard package: 100 feet
●Indoor Use Only
Connecting Links
●Use for more permanent applications or to
repair chain link
●Made of B-900 polyethylene
●Standard package: 36 links
Tensabarrier™Barricade System
●Black posts are 40" high
●Pull out black/yellow belt is 7.5' long
●14" diameter base weighs 26 pounds
Bradycone™Warning System
●Made of high impact, weather-resistant materials
●Easy stacking for storage
●Yellow Cones available in two sizes: 25" and 35"
Post Catalog Number
Box of 1 Price Box of 6 Price
Black LG 92116 $67.27 92119 $383.47
White LG 92117 $67.27 92120 $383.47
Yellow LG 92118 $67.27 92121 $383.47
Black SM 80943 $342.89
Catalog Number
Color Size 1/Box Price 6/Box Price
Blk/Yllw LG 92122 $95.66 92123 $554.20
Blk/Mag. LG 92126 $95.66 92127 $554.20
Blk/Yllw SM 80946 $505.58
Catalog number
Color Size Box of 1 Box of 6 Price
Blk/Yllw LG N/A 92125 $584.10
Catalog Number
Size Size
Color 11⁄2" Price 2" Price
Yellow 78234 $168.98 78238 $197.45
3” Yellow – 37860 $375.98
White 78235 $168.98
Orange – 78241 $197.45
Alternating Blk/Yllw – 78254 $238.72
Weight Per 100' 4 lbs. 6 lbs.
Catalog Number
Size Yellow Price
2" 78246 $37.15
Cat. No. Description Price
80125 Post w/ Black/White Stripe Belt $332.43
80127 Post & “CAUTION-DO NOT ENTER” Belt $332.43
Height Description Number Price
25" Cone w/“Safety First” legend 77201 $46.41
35” Cone w/ “Safety First” legend 77203 $71.18
35" Yellow cone, blank 77205 $60.14
- 9lbs. Weight Ring 77208 $33.78
warning posts
tensabarrier bradycone

Visual Warnings
Visual Warnings
Reversible Floor Stands
• Alert employees and visitors of potential floor
• Made of lightweight corrugated polypropylene
material (B-836)
• Stand size: 12" wide by 20" high (closed)
• Standard package: 1 unit
Floor Stands
• Alert employees and visitors of potential floor
• Made of durable Polystyrene Plastic
• Printed with same message on both sides
• Size: 12” wide by 20” high
• Standard package: 1 unit
The Brady Boys
●Made of high-impact polyethylene
●Interlocking - no tools or added parts needed
●Weight: 5
lbs. each
●41"h x 31”w x 1”thick each
●Standard package: box of two
Handy Cone™Floor Signs
• Collapsible, spring-loaded, pyramid-shaped
signs set up in seconds
• Stored in a 2” diameter tube
• Standard package: 1 unit
Identoline®Underground Warning
• Made of heavy-duty B-720 polyethylene material
• Tape is 4.0 mil. thick with a tough tensile strength
of 1750 psi
• Easily identified - APWA (American Public Works
Association) color coding
• Overcoated graphics provide long-lasting legibility
and hold color values
• Roll size: 6" x 1,000 ft.
• Standard package: one roll
Detectable Identoline®Warning
• Made of tough B-721 metal detectable
polyester material
• Subsurface graphics seal the legend from
acids, alkalis and other soil substances
• Easily identified - sharply printed legend on
APWA color-coded background
• OSHA approved - meets OSHA regulation
1926.956(c)(1) covering location or under-
ground utility lines
• Foil is 4.5 mils
• Standard package: one roll
Legend Number Price
Caution-Out of Service 92270 $294.21
Legend Number Price
Warning-People Working 47380 $61.95
Caution - Wet Floor 47382 $61.95
Utility APWA Size Catalog
Class Color W X L Number Price
Electric* Red 3" x 1,000’ 91295 $64.31
Electric Red 6" x 1,000’ 91296 $108.29
*Legend appears on one line
Utility APWA Size Catalog
Class Color W X L Number Price
Electric Red 2" x 1,000’ 91601 $143.30
Water Blue 2” x 1,000’ 91603 $143.30
Legend Cat. No. Price
Caution-Slippery When Wet/Wet Floor 92280 $39.11
Caution-Men Working Above/Below 92285 $39.11
Caution-Men Working/Hazardous Area 92281 $39.11
Legend Number Price
Caution - Tripping Hazard 47243 $39.47
Danger - Persons Working Above 47239 $39.47
handy cone
floor stands
Heavy Duty Floor Stands
• Alert employees and visitors of potential floor
• Made of heavy-duty polypropylene
• Wording appears on both outside panels
• Stand height: 243⁄4" (closed)
• Standard package: 1 unit
Legend Number Price
Blank 104808 $39.14
Wet Floor 104809 $39.14

Visual Warnings
Visual Warnings
Barricade Tape
• Provides fast, on-the-spot warning
• Made of non-adhesive B-912 Polyethylene
• 3” Width
●Standard package: one roll
Reinforced Barricade Tape
• Provides fast, on-the-spot warning
●Standard package: one roll
●250 lbs tensile strength
Woven Barricade Tape
●Made of B-903 polypropylene
●Contains ultraviolet inhibitors for permanent
outdoor marking
●Standard package: one roll
Re-Pulpable Barricade Tape
●Made of 100% strong woven, biodegradable
cotton material
●Tape will break down if accidentally
introduced into the system
●Standard package: one roll
Pennant Barricade Tape
• Tough and durable flag barricade can be used
• Pennants are 18" x 18" triangles spaced evenly
across tape
• 15 pennants on 83' tape, 25 pennants on 113' tape
Catalog Number
Legend Color 3" x 200' 3" x 1000'
Black/Yellow 91212 91450
Black/Yellow 91224 91451
Black/Yellow 91455
Black/Red 91200 91201
Black/Red 102824
Price $30.26 $57.26
Legend Color Size Number
Black/Yellow 3" x 500' 91100
Black/Yellow 3" x 500' 91102
Black/Yellow 3” x 500’ 91104
Price $70.69
Size Color Number Price
3⁄4" x 150' Black/Yellow 91172 $8.03
2" x 200' Black/Yellow 91176 $23.38
2" x 200' Black/Red 91179 $23.38
Size Catalog
Legend Color W X L Number
Caution Black/Yellow 3" x 50 yds. 91083
Danger Black/Red 3" x 50 yds. 91084
Price $36.69
Size Catalog No. Price
83 ft (15 Pennants) 58388 $71.77
113 ft (25 Pennants) 58389 $104.25
barricade Tape
Use yellow and black for physical hazards, red and white for fire protection equipment, black and white for traffic and housekeeping markings, magenta and yellow
for radiation hazards.
Safety Color Code for Marking Physical Hazards
Biodegradable Flagging Tape
●Made with 69% wood fiber
●Non-toxic - will not harm wildlife, livestock
or the environment
●Complete degradation will occur in 6 to 12
months depending on environmental
●Roll size: 3" x 50 yds.
●Standard package: one roll
Legend Color Number Price
Caution Black/Yellow 91090 $8.74
Danger Do Not Enter Black/Red 91089 $8.74

Visual Warnings
Visual Warnings
Stripes & Solid Reflective Tape
• Give an extra margin of safety in low light
• Made of B-957 reflective tape
• Each roll: 15 ft.
Glow-in-the-Dark Floor Tapes
●Made of B324 phosphorescent surface printed
●Designed for safe Low Level Lighting egress
pathway marking during power outages and
emergency situations
●Each roll: 15 ft.
Glow-in-the-dark Arrow Tape
●BradyGloTM B-324 tapes exceed ASTM E
2072-00 standard specifications
●Designed for safe LLL (Low Level Lighting)
egress pathway marking during power outages
and emergency situations
●Standard package: one 5 yd. roll
Legend Color Cat. No. Price
Caution Black/Yellow 58255 $62.58
Black/Yellow 58257 $62.58
Width Black & Yellow Red & White Price
2" 76308 76309 $59.39
3" 76312 76313 $78.18
Solid Color Tapes
Catalog Number
Width White Yellow Orange Price
2" 78985 78986 78989 $52.34
3” - 78988 - $68.86
Width Catalog No. Price
2" 90971 $72.56
3” 90972 $89.31
Width Catalog No. Price
2" 90973 $72.56
3" 90974 $89.31
Legend Size Cat. No. Price
Caution 3" 92414 $75.58
Caution/Do Not Enter 3" 92415 $75.58
Caution/Watch Your Step 3" 92416 $75.58
CFR 1910.22(b)(2)
Permanent aisles and passageways must be appropriately marked.
Where mechanical handling equipment is used, sufficient safe clearances shall be allowed for aisles, at loading docks, through doorways and
wherever turns or passage must be made. Aisles and passageways shall be kept clear and in good repairs, with no obstruction across or in aisles
that could create a hazard.
Mark Aisles & Passageways
Caution signage shall be used to warn against potential hazards or to caution against unsafe practices.
Yellow and Black Caution Tape-29 CFR 1910.145(c)(2)
aisle tape
Striped Warning & Check Tape
●Made of B-950 vinyl
●Locked-in colors - sealed beneath protective
layer of abrasion resistant clear vinyl
●Permanent adhesive
●Stands up to the toughest indoor conditions
●Meets OSHA specifications
●Standard package: one 18 yd. roll
Wid. Blk/Ylw Rd/Wht Blk/Wht Grn/Wht Mag/Ylw Price
1" 55300 55294 55290 - $18.30
” 55301 $27.37
2" 55302 55296 55292 90019 $36.15
3" 55303 55297 55293 90020 55314 $50.13
2" 76317 $36.15
3” 76319 $50.13
Width Catalog No. Price
2" 76430 $72.56
3" 76431 $89.31
Width Catalog Number Price
2" 76432 $63.97
3" 76433 $84.15
Warning Message Tapes
●Stands up to the toughest indoor conditions
●Meets OSHA specifications
• Each roll: 60 ft.
Anti-Skid Tape w/ Hazard Message
●Mark dangerous areas of your plant
●Made of B-819 matte anti-slip overlaminate
●Each roll: 3” x 54 ft.

Visual Warnings
Visual Warnings
Aisle Markermatic
●AMA-2 Aisle Markermatic automatically
dispenses, spaces and applies 2" or 3" diameter
Roll Mounted Dots
●Places Roll Mounted Dots at 121⁄2" intervals
●Dotted line approach uses less tape than
conventional solid striping
Color Size Number Price
Black & Yellow 1" x 60' 78146 $41.92
Black & Yellow 2" x 60' 78147 $83.84
Black & Yellow 3" x 60' 78148 $125.78
Black & Yellow 4" x 60' 78149 $167.66
Black & Yellow 6" x 60' 78150 $215.37
Legend Size Number Price
Caution 6" x 24" 78160 $278.50
Watch Your Step 6" x 24" 78163 $278.50
Reflective Stripe 6” x 24” 78161 $239.07
Photo-Lum Stripe 6” x 24” 78162 $239.07
Black(50/pkg) 3⁄4" x 24” 78192 $52.68
Black (50/pkg) 6” x 24” 78195 $310.65
Catalog Number Price
55544 $1,237.02
Anti-Skid Floor Tape
●Made of B-916 adhesive-backed polyester tape
coated with durable aluminum oxide grit
●Bonds permanently to clean, dry floors
●Works indoors and outdoors
●Withstands grease and oil
Color Size Cat # Price
Black 1" x 60' 78189 $32.57
Black 2" x 60' 78190 $65.28
Red 2" x 60' 78198 $71.30
Safety Yellow 2" x 60' 78091 $71.30
Clear 2” x 60’ 78188 $71.30
Black 4" x 60' 78191 $129.14
Safety Yellow 4" x 60' 78092 $142.82
Black 6" x 60' 78193 $195.66
Black 12" x 60' 78194 $386.70
Heavy Duty Anti-Skid Tapes
●Aggressive adhesive system engineered to with-
stand harsh applications
●Durable "high slip resistance" with deeply
textured silicon carbide grit
●Ideal for machinery, forklifts, loading docks,
ramps and platforms
●NSFI - National Flooring Safety Institute
certified for "high traction"
●Each roll: 60 ft
Hazard Marking Diecut Cleats
●Made of B-916 grit coated polyester tape
●Standard package: 24 cleats
Warning Stripe Anti-Skid Tape
●Provides visibility of hazardous areas
●B-916 Adhesive backed plastic tape with an
oxide grit coating
Glow-in-the-Dark Anti-Skid Tapes & Cleats
●Made from B-918 grit-coated polyester tape
●Material is non-toxic, non-radioactive, environmentally friendly and installs easily
●Tape and cleats comply with ASTM E-2072 and ASTM E2073 standard specifications
for photoluminescent safety markings and standard test methods for luminance of
photoluminescent markings
!Brady also offers a
Slips / Trips / Falls
Audit Service.
A comprehensive
evaluation of your
facility’s walking and
working surfaces, with
itemization of both
required and
recommended steps to
minimize slips, trips
and falls.
Color Size Number Price
Black 2" x 60' 110020 $69.20
Black 4" x 60' 110019 $136.89
Black 6" x 60' 110018 $207.40
Black 12" x 60' 110017 $409.91
Catalog No. Description Size Price
99048 Glow-in-the-Dark ANTI-SKID Tape Roll 1" x 60' $40.33
99049 Glow-in-the-Dark ANTI-SKID Tape Roll 2" x 60' $80.67
99050 Glow-in-the-Dark ANTI-SKID Tape Roll 4" x 60' $161.33
99052 Glow-in-the-Dark ANTI-SKID Tape Roll 6" x 60' $242.00
99053 Glow-in-the-Dark ANTI-SKID Tape Roll 12" x 60' $484.00
99054 Glow-in-the-Dark ANTI-SKID Cleat Solid 6" x 24" (10/pack) $479.76
78162 Black with Glow Stripe 6” x 24” (24/pack) $239.07
78161 Black with Reflective Stripe 6” x 24” (24/pack) $239.07

Visual Warnings
Visual Warnings
Vinyl Arrows
●Made of B-933 vinyl tape
●Standard package: 100 arrows per pkg.
Vinyl Dots
• Made of B-933 self-sticking vinyl tape
• Standard package: 500 dots (Glow is 100)
Catalog Number
Size Yellow Red Price Glow* Price
2” 55324 $77.72
3" 55325 55338 $134.63 58316* $125.50
5” 55327 $312.46
*Made of B-324 photoluminescent vinyl film, quantity per
package is 100 dots
●Footprint size: 12"
●Bright yellow color or B-324 Glow-
in-the dark with 10+ glow life
Blank and Reflective Bradystake™
Warning Stakes
●Blank stakes with no sign assembly
●Stake size: 66" tall, 3 3/4" wide
Aisle Marking Tapes
●Made of long-wearing B-725 vinyl tape
●Applies quickly and sticks tightly
●Standard package: one 36 yd. Roll
●Tape does not work with Universal Line
Catalog Number
Size Yellow Red Price Glow* Price
3" 55353 56919 $32.57 93275* $130.52
5” 55355 - $75.90 -
*Made of B-324 Photoluminescent vinyl film
Catalog Number Material Qty. Price
55356 (Left) Yellow Vinyl 1 $2.13
55357 (Right) Yellow Vinyl 1 $2.13
31550 Removable 5 sets $69.81
55359 (Right) Glow 1 $14.39
55358 (Left) Glow 1 $14.39
Catalog Number
Color With Points No Points Price
Orange 96950 $23.65
Yellow 96951 96921 $23.65
Blue 96952 $23.65
Green 96953 $23.65
White 96954 96928 $23.65
Red 96955 $23.65
Dark Brown 96957 $23.65
Orange on White Reflective 96922 $51.71
Black on Yellow Reflective 96923 $51.71
Catalog No.
Size Yellow Red Green White Blue Price
2" 58200 58201 58202 58203 58220 $33.04
3" 58250 58251 58252 58253 58221 $50.06
4” 102838 102836 102834 102837 102833 $62.82
direction arrows aisle dots
foot prints
warning stakes
Roll Mounted Dots
●Made of B-933 vinyl tape
●Single roll of dots will mark over 1,000 lineal
feet of aisle or passageway
●Standard package: one roll of 1,000 dots
Catalog Number
Size Yellow White Price
2” 55349 $155.73
3" 55332 55350 $269.10
Marking Flags
●Marking flags are ideal for ground marking
●Flags are 4"H x 5"W and attach to a 30",
15.5 gauge steel rod
●Custom legends available, contact your local
Brady distributor for more information
●100 per package
Legend Color Cat. No. Price
Buried Electric Line Black/Red 98168 $25.07

Description Cat. No. Price
Misc. PPE Dispenser MPPE $62.87
Miscellaneous PPE Dispenser
• Foam bottom
• Wall or table mount
• Size: 91/2"H x 111/2"W x 91/2"D
Description Cat. No. Price
Bouffant Cap Dispenser PD524E $88.44
Beard Cover Dispenser PD325E $88.44
Desc. Size (HxWxD) Cat. No. Price
Single 5" x 10.93" x 4.12" GD01 $31.47
Double 10" x 10.375" x 4.12" GD02 $43.28
Triple 15" x 10.375" x 4.12" GD03 $49.27
Description Cat. No. Price
Deluxe Glove Dispenser GD03DL $74.54
Head Wear Dispensers
• Middle divider makes it easy to separate
• White acrylic with see-through lid
• Table top only
• Size: 111/2"H x 153/8"W x 9"D
Bouffant Cap / Beard
• Table or wall mount for easy access
• Size: 14"H x 12"W x 8"D
Dust Mask Dispenser
• Unique cutout design that allows you to reach
in the opening to easily remove
• Holds more than 30 masks
• Size: 121/2"H x 6"W x 6"D
Deluxe Glove Dispenser
• The deluxe triple is mounted horizontally and
allows you to change one box without affecting
the others
• Size: 1113/16"H x 20"W x 4"D
Glove Dispensers
• The single, double and triple units are all
vertically mounted on either wall or counter
Deluxe Visitor Spec
• Each dispensers holds approx. 20-25 glasses
• Wall mount only
• Size: 18"H x 8"W x 4"D
Description Cat. No. Price
Dust Mask Dispenser M420 $55.32
PPE Dispenser
• Store bouffants, booties, gloves, ear plugs,
etc. and pull it out from the 4" round opening
• Wall or table mount
• Dispenser Dimensions: 10"H x 10"W x 10"D
Head Wear Dispensers
• Middle divider makes it easy to separate
• White acrylic with see-through lid
• Table top only
• Size: 111/2"H x 153/8"W x 9"D
Description Cat. No. Price
‘Hairnets’ PD240E $81.72
Description Cat No. Price
Deluxe Visitor Speck Dispenser MVSD $72.71
Deluxe w/cover (not shown) MVSDL $76.41
Economy Dispenser (171
/4”x8”x4”) EHMVSD $63.17
Description Cat. No. Price
‘Sanitary Headwear’ PD241E $113.10
Description Cat. No. Price
PPE Dispenser DPE $66.00

Description Cat. No. Price
Holder 2011L $44.23
Holder w/o Cover 2011 $31.58
Description Cat. No. Price
Double Bottle PD997E $77.06
Single Bottle (6 1/4” W) PD995E $58.75
Description Cat. No. Price
Dispenser PD439G $83.32
Description Cat. No. Price
Ear Plug Tray EPD $65.69
Description Cat. No. Price
Dispenser 2019L $44.23
Dispenser w/o cover 2019 $31.58
Description Cat. No. Price
Shoe Cover Dispenser
PD322E $88.00
Description Cat. No. Price
Dispenser tray PD205A $30.95
Tray with lid (not shown) PD206A $43.59
Double Bottle Eye Wash Station
• Proper usage instructions silk-screened on door
• Wall or table mount
• Size: 10"H x 101/4"W x 7"D
Large Capacity Eye Protection
• Rugged clear acrylic unit can be wall or table
• Holds approximately 35 pairs
• Size: 121/4"H x 18"W x 91/4"D
Safety Glasses Holder
• This compact unit holds 4-6 pairs of glasses
• Wall or table mount
• Size: 3"H x 9"W x 6"D with 6" high back plate
Large Capacity Ear Plug
• Removable inner slanted shelf
• Holds a standard box of 200 disposables
• Size: 13"H x 12"W x 8"D
• Wall or table mount
Compact Ear Plug Dispenser
• Cushioned foam bottom
• Wall or table mount
• Size: 3"H x 9"W x 6"D with 6" high backplate
Shoe Cover Dispenser
• Holds over 50 pairs of poly shoe covers
• Table top or wall mount
• Size: 14"H x 12"W x 8"D
Clear Acrylic Dispenser Tray
• Use on tabletop or mount on wall
• Size: 3"H x 9"W x 6"D with 6" backplate
Description Cat. No. Price
Dispenser PD701E $118.76
Ear Plug Dispenser
• Holds 100 to 150 pairs
• Wall or table mount
• Dispenser size: 13"H x 6"W x 8"D
Divided Hearing Protection
• Use two different kinds of hearing protection.
• Table top use only
• Dispenser size: 111/2"H x 153/8W x 9"D
Description Cat. No. Price
Divided Hearing Protection PD265E $113.64

Numbers & Letters
Numbers & Letters
Indoor Numbers & Letters (B-498)
●B-498 plastic coated cloth numbers & letters
with pressure sensitive adhesive
●Black characters on a yellow background
●Permanent or Repositionable: once applied,
numbers & letters are there to stay...unless
you want to change them
●Order by card only
Indoor Numbers & Letters
Combo Packs (B-498)
●B-507 plastic coated cloth tape with pressure
sensitive adhesive
●Number packs contain all numbers from 0-9;
number of cards vary according to their frequency
of use
●Standard package: 25 assorted cards; 32 markers
per card
Outdoor Numbers & Letters
Combo Packs (B-946)
●B-946 premium outdoor grade vinyl with
permanent pressure sensitive adhesive
●Black characters on a yellow background
●Standard package: 25 assorted cards, 10
markers per card
Cat Markers Charac. Card Size
Num Per Card Height H x W Price
3410-* 78 3⁄8"1⁄2" x 11⁄32" $2.78
3420-* 32 5⁄8"3⁄4" x 9⁄16" $2.78
3430-* 10 1” 11⁄2" x 7⁄8" $2.78
3440-* 10 115⁄16"2
1⁄4" x 7⁄8" $3.92
3450-* 62
1⁄2"x11⁄2" $5.52
3460-* 53
7⁄8" 5” x 13⁄4" $8.14
Stock Cards: Numbers 0-9; Capital Letters A-Z;
Dash; Arrows and Blanks available. Add the
number or letter you need after the 4 digit
Catalog Number
Card Size Charac.
Letters Numbers H x W Height Price
34251 34252 3⁄4"x9⁄16"5⁄8" $41.79
Catalog Number
Card Size Charac.
Letters Numbers H x W Height Price
97602 97603 11⁄2" x 7⁄8" 1" $45.62
15 Series Numbers & Letters
●B-946 premium outdoor grade vinyl with
permanent pressure sensitive adhesive
●Designed for permanent applications in
severe outdoor environments as well as
indoors. Special acrylic adhesive adheres
strongly, making marker removal difficult
Aluminum Utility Panels
●Twenty mil. (.020”) aluminum
panels are designed for ruggedness
●Flexible to conform to pole curve
●Standard package: 25 panels
Cat. Markers Charac. Marker Size
No. Per Card Height H x W Price
1530-* 10 1" 11⁄2" x 7⁄8" $2.91
1534-* 10 115⁄16"2
1⁄4" x 7⁄8" $3.21
1550-* 62
1⁄2"x11⁄2" $4.37
Catalog Overall Marking Recom. Max.
Number Size Size Markers Markers
97198 13⁄4"x71⁄4" 13⁄4"x61⁄2" B-946 8
B-997 8 $32.76
97199 13⁄4" x 12" 13⁄4" x 111⁄4" B-946 12
B-997 11 $37.44

Numbers & Letters
Numbers & Letters
Indoor/Outdoor Numbers &
Letters (B-946)
●Black Helvetica Medium characters on a
white background
●Superior chemical resistance - resists oil,
grease, water and mild solvents
●UV resistance
●Designed for permanent applications in
severe outdoor environments as well as
●Superior abrasion resistance
●Stock cards: numbers 0-9; capital letters
A-Z; dash
Bradylite®Reflective Numbers &
Letters (B-997)
●Made from Engineering Grade B-997 Bradylite®
Reflective Material - reflects light 100 times
brighter than a plain white surface
●Will perform despite storms, snow, humidity and
other tough
environmental conditions
●For Low Temperature Applications
Can be applied at temperatures as low as -10°F
●Standard package: 25
3-Series Glow-in-the-Dark / Ultra
Reflective Numbers & Letters
• 7x more reflective than other reflective materials
• Black characters w/ glow-in-the-dark border on
a highly reflective silver background
• Glow-in-the-dark boarder illuminates character
for distinct definition in blackout conditions
• Designed for permanent application in severe
outdoor environments as well as indoors.
• Standard package: 10 identical characters
Gothic Quick-Align®Ten Packs
●B-933 vinyl film w/ permanent adhesive
●Order in 10 packs only, no broken packages
●Standard package: 10 identical characters or
arrows per pack; five $, & and punctuation per
●Refill your Quick-Align Kit (sold to left)
Gothic Quick-Align®Kits
●B-933 vinyl film w/ permanent adhesive
●Self-spacing, self-aligning diecut characters
●Industrial grade vinyl resists temperature
extremes, abrasion and common solvents
●Each kit contains: 20 each of A, E, I, L, N, O,
R, S, T, and numbers 0-9; 10 each of
remaining letters; and 5 each of $, & and
Cat. Charc. Marker Markers
No. Height Size per Card Price
9712-* 5⁄8"3⁄4" x 21⁄32" 20 $2.78
9713-* 1" 11⁄2"x11⁄16" 10 $3.50
9714-* 115⁄16"2
1⁄4"x113⁄16"5 $4.07
Cat. Marker Size Letter
No. H x W Height Color Price
5890-* 17⁄8"x13⁄8"1
1⁄2" Yellow/black $20.06
5000-* 27⁄8"x13⁄4"2
1⁄2" Yellow/black $24.85
5905-* 11⁄2" x 1” 1” Yellow/black $18.20
5910-* 11⁄2" x 1” 1” Black/orange $18.20
Catalog Character Marker
Number Height Size Price
3000-* 2" 27⁄8"x11⁄2" $1.09
3010-* 3” 31⁄2"x21⁄2" $1.35
3020-* 5” 6" x 3" $2.75
Catalog Number
Size Black Price
1” 5010-* $5.09
2" 5050-* $5.54
3” 5100-* $7.18
4" 5140-* $9.73
6” 5180-* $14.97
Gothic Style Kit
Catalog Number
Size Black Price
1" 52203 $232.76
2" 52207 $257.43
3" 52211 $330.82
4" 52215 $450.91
Magnetic Numbers
●Number height is 1
●Perfect for safety scoreboards (see sign section)
●15 each of 0-3, 8 each of 4-9
Catalog Character
Number Height Price
57624 11⁄2" $72.39

IDPal™Labeling Tool
Sign and Label Printers
Catalog # Description Price
IDPAL ID PAL Labeling Tool
(Includes full label cartridge (PAL-750-439) $99.00
IDPAL-AC AC Adapter $33.00
IDPAL-HC Carrying Case $30.00
IDPAL-IG Impact Guards $9.00
ID Pal™Printer & Accessories
• Extremely easy to use
• Affordably priced
• Creates small labels from 3/8” to 3/4” wide
• Super-tough industrial labels
even stick to rough, curved or textured surfaces
• Rugged construction…withstands a 4 ft. drop
onto concrete
Black/White Black/White Black/Clear
(B-499) Price (B-423) (B-430) Price
3/8" x 19' (9mm x 5.79m) PAL-375-499 $25.24 3/8"x21'(9mm x 6.4m) PAL-375-423 PAL-375-430 $18.64
1/2" x 19' (12mm x 5.79m) PAL-500-499 $25.24 1/2"x21'(12mm x 6.4m) PAL-500-423 PAL-500-430 $18.64
3/4" x 19' (18mm x 5.79m) PAL-750-499 $28.54 3/4"x21'(18mm x 6.4m) PAL-750-423 PAL-750-430 $20.71
Material Black/White Black/Yellow Black/Red Black/Blue Black/Green Black/Orange Price
3/8" x 21' PAL-375-439 PAL-375-439-YL PAL-375-439-RD PAL-375-439-BL PAL-375-439-GR PAL-375-439-OR $19.67
(9mm x 6.4m)
1/2" x 21' PAL-500-439 PAL-500-439-YL PAL-500-439-RD PAL-500-439-BL PAL-500-439-GR PAL-500-439-OR $19.67
(12mm x 6.4m)
3/4" x 21' PAL-750-439 PAL-750-439-YL PAL-750-439-RD PAL-750-439-BL PAL-750-439-GR PAL-750-439-OR $22.78
(18mm x 6.4m)
Black Black
Wire & Cable Wrap Around Marking
Built-in wire marking mode with 10 preset lengths
makes wire ID fast and easy.
B-499 - Nylon cloth for wrap around wire and cable markers
General Use Polyester Tape
Great for Voice/Data applications.
Prints up to 4 lines of print.
B-423 - Polyester tape for smooth, flat surfaces
B-430 - Clear Polyester tape for smooth, flat surfaces
Indoor/Outdoor Grade Vinyl Tape
B-439 - Super-tough vinyl tape – perfect for voice, data, audio, video, HVAC control, bins, safety and electrical applications
BlackBlack BlackBlackBlackBlack
Equipment ID (B-439)
Wire ID (B-499)
Tool & Asset ID (B-439)
Voice / Data ID (B-423)
Tool ID (B-439)
Bin ID (B-439)
...and many more.
An affordable
label and wire
designed for the
tool box
.187” x 7’ Price .250” x 7’ Price .375” x 7’ Price
PAL-187-CONT $43.75 PAL-250-CONT $50.05 PAL-375-CONT $55.23
Continuous Cut-to Length PermaSleeve Markers
B-432 - Black on white PermaSleeve heat shrink wire markers
!View an online interactive demo of
ID Pal™ printer. To view visit:
Interactive Demo

TLS 2200®Thermal Label Printer
Catalog # Description Price
TLS2200 Printer (Includes hard case, battery pack,
battery charger, test labels (PTL-19-423),
R6210 ribbon, cleaning strip, communications
cable, manual and Quick Start Guide) $795.00
R4310 Black Ribbon $26.83
R6010 Black Ribbon $26.83
R6210 Black Ribbon $26.83
TLS2200-AC AC Power Supply $117.93
TLSHM-QUICKCH Battery Quick Charger $115.49
TLS 2200®& Accessories
•Permanent, Quick, Crisp Labels
•Built-in Electrical and Voice/Data Symbols
•Autotext Sizing TLS 2200®reads your label size
and style, selects the most suitable type size, and
instantly registers it for printing
•Variable Font Sizes from 1 (4 point) to 19 (72
Label Dimensions Maximum Characters/ Maximum Lines Of
Wire Part Labels/ Inch (mm) Inch (mm) Line For Font: Text For Font:
Gauge Material Number Roll AB2710 2710
16 to 22 Vinyl Cloth 500 0.500 (12.70) 0.500 (12.70) 11 53521
10 to 16 Vinyl Cloth 750 0.250 (6.35) 0.750 (19.05) 521311
10 to 16 Vinyl Cloth 500 0.500 (12.70) 0.750 (19.05) 11 53842
10 to 12 Vinyl Cloth 500 0.375 (9.52) 1.000 (25.40) 83210 53
10 to 12 Nylon Cloth 500 0.375 (9.52) 1.000 (25.40) 83210 53
10 to 12 Vinyl Cloth 500 0.500 (12.70) 1.000 (25.40) 11 53311
10 to 12 Vinyl Cloth 250 0.750 (19.05) 1.000 (25.40) 18 7510 53
10 to 12 Nylon Cloth 250 0.750 (19.05) 1.000 (24.40) 18 7510 53
10 to 12 Vinyl Cloth 250 1.000 (25.40) 1.000 (25.40) 24 10 7 10 53
10 to 12 Nylon Cloth 250 1.000 (25.40) 1.000 (25.40) 24 10 7 10 53
4 to 10 Vinyl Cloth 750 0.250 (6.35) 1.500 (38.10) 52116 85
4 to 10 Nylon Cloth 750 0.500 (12.70) 0.500 (12.70) 52116 85
4 to 10 Vinyl Cloth 500 0.500 (12.70) 0.500 (12.70) 11 5316 85
4 to 10 Nylon Cloth 500 0.500 (12.70) 1.500 (38.10) 11 5316 85
4 to 10 Vinyl Cloth 250 0.750 (19.05) 1.500 (38.10) 18 7516 85
4 to 10 Nylon Cloth 250 0.750 (19.05) 1.500 (38.10) 18 7516 85
4 to 10 Vinyl Cloth 250 1.000 (25.40) 1.500 (38.10) 24 10 7 16 85
4 to 10 Nylon Cloth 250 1.000 (25.40) 1.500 (38.10) 24 10 7 16 85
Lg. Cable Vinyl Cloth 100 1.000 (25.40) 2.500 (63.50) 24 10 7 23 14 9
Lg. Cable Vinyl Cloth 100 1.000 (25.40) 4.000 (101.60) 24 10 7 23 22 15
Lg. Cable Vinyl Cloth 50 1.500 (38.10) 6.000 (152.40) 37 15 10 64 32 21
General Adhesive Wire & Cable Markers
• Industrial strength Vinyl Cloth (B498) and Nylon Cloth (B499) designed to
conform to curved surfaces
• Printer automatically calibrates label and prints multiple lines of wire code legend
Self-Laminating Adhesive Wire & Cable Markers
• Extra-durable B427 material features a clear trailer that wraps over print area to
protect the printed text
• Exceptional adhesion to Cat. 5 cable and electrical wires and cable
Label Dimensions Max. Characters/ Max. Lines Of
Part Labels/ Inch (mm) Inch (mm) Inch (mm) Line For Font: Text For Font:
Application Material Number Roll AB C 2710 2710 Price
2 pair Fiber, Single/Multi-Mode Vinyl Self-lam. 250 1.000 (25.40) 1.000 (25.40) 0.375 (9.53) 24 10 7311 36.77
25 pair Copper, 4-12 pair Fiber Vinyl Self-lam. 100 1.000 (25.40) 2.500 (63.50) 0.750 (19.05) 24 10 7842 32.01
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper Vinyl Self-lam. 100 1.000 (25.40) 3.375 (85.73) 1.125 (28.58) 24 10 7 12 12 8 15.64
50 pair Copper, 24 pair Fiber Vinyl Self-lam. 100 1.000 (25.40) 4.000 (101.60) 1.000 (25.40) 24 10 7 10 53 38.12
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper Vinyl Self-lam. 500 0.500 (12.70) 1.500 (38.10) 0.500 (12.70) 11 53 521 56.94
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper Vinyl Self-lam. 250 0.750 (19.05) 1.500 (38.10) 0.500 (12.70) 18 75 521 42.28
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper Vinyl Self-lam. 250 1.000 (25.40) 1.500 (38.10) 0.500 (12.70) 24 10 7521 54.50
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper Vinyl Self-lam. 250 1.500 (38.10) 1.500 (38.10) 0.500 (12.70) 37 15 10 52 1 54.86
50 pair Copper, 24 pair Fiber Vinyl Self-lam. 100 1.500 (38.10) 4.000 (101.60) 1.000 (25.40) 37 15 10 10 53 51.56
100 pair Copper, 36 pair Fiber Vinyl Self-lam. 50 1.500 (38.10) 6.000 (152.40) 1.500 (38.10) 37 15 10 16 85 34.09
Sign and Label Printers
!View an online interactive demo of
TLS 2200®printer. To view visit:
Interactive Demo

TLS 2200®Thermal Label Printer
Terminal Block,
Patch Panel &
Face Plate Labels
• Use individual labels or
continuous tape
General Industrial Labels
• White polyester with permanent adhesive
Fits Wire Diameter Approx. Sleeve Dimensions Max. Characters/ Max. Lines Of
Inch (mm) Inch (mm) Wire Part Sleeves/ Inch (mm) Inch (mm) Line For Font: Text For Font:
Min Max Gauge Number Roll AB 2710 27 10 Price
0.023 (0.58) 0.080 (2.03) 28-18 100 1.015 (25.78) 0.182 (4.63) 22 00 100 42.64
0.046 (1.17) 0.110 (2.79) 22-16 100 1.015 (25.78) 0.235 (5.96) 22 00 100 45.20
0.062 (1.57) 0.150 (3.81) 18-12 100 1.015 (25.78) 0.335 (8.50) 22 90 210 50.33
0.094 (2.39) 0.215 (546) 16-10 100 1.015 (25.78) 0.439 (11.15) 22 96 311 60.97
0.125 (3.18) 0.320 (8.13) 12-6 100 1.015 (25.78) 0.645 (16.38) 22 96 521 89.81
0.187 (4.75) 0.450 (11.43) 8-1 100 1.015 (25.78) 0.851 (21.62) 22 96 311 103.84
1.015 (25.78) 0.950 (24.13) 1-500 50 1.015 (25.78) 1.660 (42.16) 22 96 16 85 71.72
0.046 (1.17) 0.110 (2.79) 22-16 100 1.765 (44.83) 0.235 (5.96) 41 00 100 60.71
0.062 (1.57) 0.150 (3.81) 18-12 100 1.765 (44.83) 0.335 (8.50) 41 17 11 31 1 67.43
0.094 (2.39 0.215 (5.46) 16-10 100 1.765 (44.83) 0.439 (11.15) 41 17 11 31 1 82.10
0.125 (31.8) 0.320 (8.13) 12-6 100 1.765 (44.83) 0.645 (16.38) 41 17 11 52 1 120.82
0.187 (4.75) 0.450 (11.43) 8-1 100 1.765 (44.83) 0.851 (21.16) 41 17 11 73 2 139.63
0.450 (11.43) 0.950 (24.13) 1-500 50 1.765 (44.83) 1.660 (42.16) 41 17 11 16 85 97.14
Polyester Label Dimensions Max. Max.
Part Labels/ Material Inch (mm) Inch (mm) Char./ Lines/
Diagram Number Roll Color AB Application Per Line Label Price
■500 White 0.500 (12.70) 0.500 (12.7 m) Patch panel & face plates—label ea. port 11 5 39.21
■500 Clear 0.500 (12.70) 0.500 (12.7 m) Patch panel & face plates—label ea. port 11 5 36.52
1 White 0.375 (9.50) 50 ft (15.2 m) Patch panel & face plates—cont. tape, cut-to-size 50 3 54.37
1 Clear 0.375 (9.50) 50 ft (15.2 m) Patch panel & face plates—cont. tape, cut-to-size 50 3 50.46
1 White 0.500 (12.70) 50 ft (15.2 m) Patch panel & face plates—cont. tape, cut-to-size 50 5 54.37
1 Clear 0.500 (12.70) 50 ft (15.2 m) Patch panel & face plates—cont. tape, cut-to-size 50 5 50.46
●1 White 0.240 (6.10) 30 ft (9.1 m) Terminal blocks—cont. tape, cut-to-size 5 N/A 39.58
●1 White 0.318 (8.08) 30 ft (9.1 m) Terminal blocks—cont. tape, cut-to-size 7 N/A 40.68
●1 White 0.375 (9.53) 30 ft (9.1 m) Terminal blocks—cont. tape, cut-to-size 8 N/A 41.30
Label Dimensions Maximum
Part Labels/ Inch (mm) Inch (mm) Max. Char./ Max. Lines/ Bar Code
Number Roll ABPer Line of Text Characters Price
750 0.500 (12.70) 0.200 (5.08) 13 2035.79
750 0.500 (12.70) 0.275 (6.99) 13 3037.64
500 0.500 (12.70) 0.500 (12.70) 13 5033.11
750 0.650 (16.51) 0.200 (5.08) 18 2239.71
750 0.750 (19.05) 0.250 (6.35) 20 2240.95
750 0.900 (22.86) 0.250 (6.35) 25 2443.62
750 1.000 (25.40) 0.275 (6.98) 28 2447.64
500 1.000 (25.40) 0.375 (9.52) 28 4439.21
500 1.000 (25.40) 0.500 (12.70) 50 5839.21
250 1.000 (25.40) 1.000 (25.40) 28 12 4 27.73
100 2.000 (50.80) 1.000 (25.40) 52 12 11 22.10
100 2.750 (69.85) 1.250 (31.75) 50 13 18 32.12
750 1.500 (38.10) 0.250 (6.35) 42 2857.17
500 1.500 (38.10) 0.500 (12.70) 42 5843.85
100 3.000 (76.20) 1.900 (48.26) 50 22 20 32.12
100 4.000 (101.60) 1.900 (48.26) 50 22 25 38.36
PermaSleeveTM Wire Marker Sleeves
• Full Circle heat-shrinkable PermaSleeves are made of white polyolefin (3:1 shrink ratio)
• Withstands temps from -65°F to 221°F
• Flame-retardant and Self-extinguishing
• Meets MIL-2305315 (Class 1) Standard
Sign and Label Printers

Size (H x W) Hole
Diagram Catalog No. Color inch mm Size(mm) Qty. Price
PTLEP-167-593 WHITE 1.5 x 1.2 38.1 x 30.5 22.5 100 $89.95
PTLEP-167-593-BK BLACK 1.5 x 1.2 38.1 x 30.5 22.5 100 $89.95
PTLEP-167-593-GN GREEN 1.5 x 1.2 38.1 x 30.5 22.5 100 $89.95
PTLEP-167-593-RD RED 1.5 x 1.2 38.1 x 30.5 22.5 100 $89.95
PTLEP-167-593-YL YELLOW 1.5 x 1.2 38.1 x 30.5 22.5 100 $89.95
PTLEP-168-593 WHITE 1.9 x 1.2 48.3 x 30.5 22.5 100 $99.95
PTLEP-168-593-BK BLACK 1.9 x 1.2 48.3 x 30.5 22.5 100 $99.95
PTLEP-168-593-GN GREEN 1.9 x 1.2 48.3 x 30.5 22.5 100 $99.95
PTLEP-168-593-RD RED 1.9 x 1.2 48.3 x 30.5 22.5 100 $99.95
PTLEP-168-593-YL YELLOW 1.9 x 1.2 48.3 x 30.5 22.5 100 $99.95
PTLEP-169-593 WHITE 1.8 x 1.8 45.7 x 45.7 30.5 100 $105.95
PTLEP-169-593-BK BLACK 1.8 x 1.8 45.7 x 45.7 30.5 100 $105.95
PTLEP-169-593-GN GREEN 1.8 x 1.8 45.7 x 45.7 30.5 100 $105.95
PTLEP-169-593-RD RED 1.8 x 1.8 45.7 x 45.7 30.5 100 $105.95
PTLEP-169-593-YL YELLOW 1.8 x 1.8 45.7 x 45.7 30.5 100 $105.95
PTLEP-171-593 WHITE 0.49 x 1.06 12.5 x 27 n/a 200 $99.95
PTLEP-171-593-BK BLACK 0.49 x 1.06 12.5 x 27 n/a 200 $99.95
PTLEP-171-593-GN GREEN 0.49 x 1.06 12.5 x 27 n/a 200 $99.95
PTLEP-171-593-RD RED 0.49 x 1.06 12.5 x 27 n/a 200 $99.95
PTLEP-171-593-SL SILVER 0.49 x 1.06 12.5 x 27 n/a 200 $99.95
PTLEP-171-593-YL YELLOW 0.49 x 1.06 12.5 x 27 n/a 200 $99.95
PTLEP-173-593 WHITE 1 x 2 25.4 x 50.8 n/a 100 $75.95
PTLEP-173-593-BK BLACK 1 x 2 25.4 x 50.8 n/a 100 $75.95
PTLEP-173-593-GN GREEN 1 x 2 25.4 x 50.8 n/a 100 $75.95
PTLEP-173-593-RD RED 1 x 2 25.4 x 50.8 n/a 100 $75.95
PTLEP-173-593-SL SILVER 1 x 2 25.4 x 50.8 n/a 100 $75.95
PTLEP-173-593-YL YELLOW 1 x 2 25.4 x 50.8 n/a 100 $75.95
PTLEP-176-593 WHITE 1 x 3 25.4 x 76.2 n/a 50 $59.95
PTLEP-176-593-BK BLACK 1 x 3 25.4 x 76.2 n/a 50 $59.95
PTLEP-176-593-GN GREEN 1 x 3 25.4 x 76.2 n/a 50 $59.95
PTLEP-176-593-RD RED 1 x 3 25.4 x 76.2 n/a 50 $59.95
PTLEP-176-593-YL YELLOW 1 x 3 25.4 x 76.2 n/a 50 $59.95
PTLEP-174-593 WHITE 1 x 4 25.4 x 101.6 n/a 50 $75.95
PTLEP-174-593-BK BLACK 1 x 4 25.4 x 101.6 n/a 50 $75.95
PTLEP-174-593-GN GREEN 1 x 4 25.4 x 101.6 n/a 50 $75.95
PTLEP-174-593-RD RED 1 x 4 25.4 x 101.6 n/a 50 $75.95
PTLEP-174-593-SL SILVER 1 x 4 25.4 x 101.6 n/a 50 $75.95
PTLEP-174-593-YL YELLOW 1 x 4 25.4 x 101.6 n/a 50 $75.95
TLS 2200®Thermal Label Printer
Catalog No. Size HxW (mm) Header Price
PTL-37-483-DANGER 1.9” x 3.0” (48.26 x 76.20) Danger $44.67
PTL-37-483-WARNING 1.9” x 3.0” (48.26 x 76.20) Warning $44.67
PTL-38-483-DANGER 1.9” x 4.0” (48.26 x 101.60) Danger $53.67
PTL-38-483-WARNING 1.9” x 4.0” (48.26 x 101.60) Warning $53.67
Use with ribbons: R6010 - Black or R4410 - White
Pre-printed arc flash headers for TLS 2200
Raised Panel Labels for TLS 2200
Sign and Label Printers
Recommended ribbon for use with respective material.
Acceptable ribbon for use with respective material.
UL These materials are UL recognized with its respective ribbon.
CSA These materials are CSA approved with its respective ribbon.
These materials are UL & CSA approved with its respective ribbon.
AGA These materials are AGA approved.
^ R6210 ribbon included with printers.
Series Series Series Series
B#’s Material R4310 R4410 (colors) R6010 ^R6210
109 Tag
321 Polyolefin
342 Polyolefin
351 Vinyl
352 Vinyl
353 Paper
412 Polypropylene
422 Polyester
423 Polyester
424 Paper
426 Polyimide
427 Vinyl
428 Polyester
430 Polyester
432 Polyester
433 Polyester
435 Polyester
437 Tedlar
439 Vinyl
457 Polyimide
459 Polyester
461 Polyester
473 Polyester
477 Polyimide
478 Polyimide
479 Polyimide
483 Polyester
486 Polyester
488 Polyester
489 Polyester
495 PEN
498 Vinyl Cloth
499 Nylon Cloth
642 Tedlar
7546 Polyester
7566 Polyester
7576 Polyester
8425 Polyolefin
Tedlar ®is a registered trademark of DuPont.
TLS 2200 Ribbons
Part Number Description Length ft (m) Price
R4310 R4310 black ribbon 75 ft (22.90 m) $26.83
R6010 R6010 black ribbon 75 ft (22.90 m) $26.83
R6210 R6210 black ribbon 75 ft (22.90 m) $26.83
R4410-BL R4410 blue ribbon 75 ft (22.90 m) $31.71
R4410-RD R4410 red ribbon 75 ft (22.90 m) $31.71
R4410-WT R4410 white ribbon 75 ft (22.90 m) $31.71

IDXPERT™Handheld Labeler
Sign and Label Printers
Two printer layouts—identical
functionality and supplies.
More Types of Labels
• Colored Continuous tapes for equipment ID
and safety warnings
• PermaSleeveTM wire marker sleeves
• Self-Laminating wire & cable markers
• Terminal Block markers
• Patch Panel markers
• Face Plate & Outlet markers
• General-purpose industrial die-cut labels
More Sizes
• Prints from .06" up to 1.25" characters
on label stock up to 1.5" wide
More Symbols
• Code 39 and 128 bar codes
• 82 Symbols including electrical, voice/data,
safety & protection, warning, and machine
& operational
More Brains
• Drop Lock & GoTM Smart CartridgesTM
are fast to install and remove
• Electronically pre-calibrated to orient the
label just the way you need it with no
special keys to press
• Print stand-alone or from a PC (with
optional Brady LabelMarkTM software
• Memory to store frequently used set-ups
Prints Clean & Fast
• Users of dot-matrix printers will benefit
from crisp, non-smearing thermal transfer
print quality, faster print speed and more
text-editing and symbols capabilities
Less Waste
• Edge-to-edge printing on continuous tapes
so you don’t pay for unused label material
• Die-cut labels are pre-cut to the size you
need—no waste
• Runs on 6 AAs or optional AC power supply
Indoor/Outdoor Grade
Facility & Safety Labels
This indoor/5 year outdoor vinyl is very pliable
and conforms well to smooth or rough surfaces
such as pipes, walls, doors, panels, shelving, bins
and equipment. Aggressive permanent
adhesive. Excellent resistance to oils, detergents,
dirt, grime and many solvents.
• B-580 Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl material
• Permanent adhesive, good for rough surfaces
• Temp Range -40˚F to 248˚F (-40C to 120C)
BK on WT
BK on WT
BK on WT
BK on OR
BK on OR
BK on OR
BK on YL
BK on YL
BK on YL
BK on CL
BK on CL
BK on CL
WT on RD
WT on RD
WT on RD
WT on GN
WT on GN
WT on GN
WT on BL
WT on BL
WT on BL
RD on WT
RD on WT
RD on WT
!View an online interactive demo of
IDXpert™ printer. To view visit:
Interactive Demo
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (mm)
Diagram Part Number Labels per AB A B
XC-500-580-WT-BK 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 0.500 9.14m 12.70m
XC-1000-580-WT-BK 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.000 9.14m 25.40m
XC-1500-580-WT-BK 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.500 9.14m 38.10m
XC-500-580-OR-BK 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 0.500 9.14m 12.70m
XC-1000-580-OR-BK 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.000 9.14m 25.40m
XC-1500-580-OR-BK 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.500 9.14m 38.10m
XC-500-580-YL-BK 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 0.500 9.14m 12.70m
XC-1000-580-YL-BK 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.000 9.14m 25.40m
XC-1500-580-YL-BK 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.500 9.14m 38.10m
XC-500-580-CL-BK 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 0.500 9.14m 12.70m
XC-1000-580-CL-BK 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.000 9.14m 25.40m
XC-1500-580-CL-BK 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.500 9.14m 38.10m
XC-500-580-RD-WT 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 0.500 9.14m 12.70m
XC-1000-580-RD-WT 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.000 9.14m 25.40m
XC-1500-580-RD-WT 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.500 9.14m 38.10m
XC-500-580-GN-WT 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 0.500 9.14m 12.70m
XC-1000-580-GN-WT 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.000 9.14m 25.40m
XC-1500-580-GN-WT 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.500 9.14m 38.10m
XC-500-580-BL-WT 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 0.500 9.14m 12.70m
XC-1000-580-BL-WT 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.000 9.14m 25.40m
XC-1500-580-BL-WT 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.500 9.14m 38.10m
XC-500-580-WT-RD 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 0.500 9.14m 12.70m
XC-1000-580-WT-RD 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.000 9.14m 25.40m
XC-1500-580-WT-RD 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.500 9.14m 38.10m
Catalog No. Description Price
XPERT-ABC Printer*(ABC Layout) $399.95
XPERT-HC-ABC Hard Case for ABC Layout $75.00
XPERT-KEY Printer*(KEYBOARD Layout) $399.95
XPERT-HC-KEY Hard Case for KEYBOARD Layout $75.00
XPERT-AC AC Adapter $9.95
LABXPERT-SER-USB Serial-to-USB adapter for PC cable $36.04
PCCABLE-1 Spare PC Cable for Upgrades Only $17.97
PCK-4 Cleaning Kit $25.00
LM4 LabelMarkTM software (single user) $249.00
*Printer ships with: Hard Case, 1.5" Cont. Tape, PC cable, Product CD

IDXPERT™Handheld Labeler
Sign and Label Printers
Wire & Cable Markers – PermaSleeveTM Sleeves
• B-342 Heat Shrink Material (3:1 shrink ratio) • Temp Range -67˚F to 275˚F (-55C to 135C)
• Self-extinguishing—meets material & physical properties of MIL-DTL-23053/5C Class 1,
MIL-M-81531, MIL-STD-202F, method 215 and UL 224
Wire & Cable Markers – Self-Laminating
• Printer automatically “multiple repeats” your text in the white print area • UL recognized
• B-427 Vinyl Self-Laminating material, resistant to water, • Temp range
oil, solvents and abrasion -94˚F to 158˚F (-70C to 70C)
Part Qty. per Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (mm)
Diagram Number
500 0.500 0.750 0.375 12.70mm 19.05mm 9.53mm BK on WT
250 1.000 0.750 0.375 25.40mm 19.05mm 9.53mm BK on WT
500 0.500 1.000 0.375 12.70mm 25.40mm 9.53mm BK on WT
250 0.750 1.000 0.375 19.05mm 25.40mm 9.53mm BK on WT
250 1.000 1.000 0.375 25.40mm 25.40mm 9.53mm BK on WT
250 0.500 1.250 0.375 12.70mm 31.75mm 9.53mm BK on WT
250 1.000 1.250 0.500 25.40mm 31.75mm 12.70mm BK on WT
250 1.500 1.250 0.500 38.10mm 31.75mm 12.70mm BK on WT
450 0.500 1.500 0.500 12.70mm 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on WT
250 0.750 1.500 0.500 19.05mm 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on WT
250 1.000 1.500 0.500 25.40mm 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on YL
250 1.000 1.500 0.500 25.40mm 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on WT
227 1.500 1.500 0.500 38.10mm 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on WT
100 1.000 2.500 0.750 25.40mm 63.50mm 19.05mm BK on WT
100 1.000 2.500 0.750 25.40mm 63.50mm 19.05mm BK on YL
100 1.500 2.500 0.750 38.10mm 63.50mm 19.05mm BK on WT
85 1.000 4.000 1.000 25.40mm 101.60m 25.40mm BK on WT
100 1.000 4.000 1.000 25.40mm 101.60m 25.40mm BK on YL
85 1.500 4.000 1.000 38.10mm 101.60m 25.40mm BK on WT
50 1.500 6.000 1.500 38.10mm 152.40m 38.10mm BK on WT
Wire Gauge* Max Wire Diameter
16-10 Gauge .16" (4mm)
16-10 Gauge .16" (4mm)
12-10 Gauge .21" (5mm)
12-10 Gauge .21" (5mm)
12-10 Gauge .21" (5mm)
10-4 Gauge .27" (7mm)
10-4 Gauge .27" (7mm)
10-4 Gauge .27" (7mm)
10-4 Gauge .32" (8mm)
10-4 Gauge .32" (8mm)
10-4 Gauge .32" (8mm)
10-4 Gauge .32" (8mm)
10-4 Gauge .32" (8mm)
3 Gauge-2/0 .53" (14mm)
3 Gauge-2/0 .53" (14mm)
3 Gauge-2/0 .53" (14mm)
3/0-400 kcmil .85" (22mm)
3/0-400 kcmil .85" (22mm)
3/0-400 kcmil .85" (22mm)
500-900 kcmil 1.3" (33mm)
*Approx based on AWG for THHN wire
Wire & Cable Markers – Adhesive Wrap-Around
• Printer automatically “multiple repeats” your text for 360˚ legend • UL recognized
• B-498 Vinyl Cloth Material with special adhesive stays put, • Temp Range -40˚F to 175˚F
but marker can be removed and reapplied if necessary (-40C to 70C)
Part Quantity per Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (mm)
Diagram Number
ABA B Color
300 0.500 0.500 12.70mm 12.70mm BK on WT
275 0.500 0.750 12.70mm 19.05mm BK on WT
225 0.500 1.000 12.70mm 25.40mm BK on WT
165 0.500 1.500 12.70mm 38.10mm BK on WT
200 1.000 1.000 25.40mm 25.40mm BK on WT
225 0.750 1.000 19.05mm 25.40mm BK on WT
200 1.000 1.250 25.40mm 31.75mm BK on WT
165 1.000 1.500 25.40mm 38.10mm BK on WT
95 1.000 2.500 25.40mm 63.50mm BK on WT
60 1.000 4.000 25.40mm 101.60mm BK on WT
Wire Gauge* Max Wire Diameter
22-16 Gauge .11" (2.8mm)
16-10 Gauge .16" (4mm)
12-10 Gauge .21" (5mm)
10-4 Gauge .32" (8mm)
12-10 Gauge .21" (5mm)
12-10 Gauge .21" (5mm)
10-4 Gauge .27" (7mm)
10-4 Gauge .32" (8mm)
3 Gauge - 2/0 .53" (14mm)
3/0 - 400Kcmil .85" (22mm)
*Approx based on AWG for THHN wire
Part Quantity per Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (mm)
Diagram Number
AB A B Color
100 1.015 0.235 25.78mm 5.96mm BK on WT
100 1.015 0.335 25.78mm 8.50mm BK on WT
100 1.015 0.439 25.78mm 11.15mm BK on WT
100 1.015 0.645 25.78mm 16.38mm BK on WT
1 roll (cont.) 8 ft. 0.235 2.45m 5.96mm BK on WT
1 roll (cont.) 8 ft. 0.235 2.45m 5.96mm BK on YL
1 roll (cont.) 8 ft. 0.335 2.45m 8.5mm BK on WT
1 roll (cont.) 8 ft. 0.335 2.45m 8.5mm BK on YL
1 roll (cont.) 8 ft. 0.439 2.45m 11.15mm BK on WT
1 roll (cont.) 8 ft. 0.439 2.45m 11.15mm BK on YL
1 roll (cont.) 8 ft. 0.645 2.45m 16.38mm BK on WT
Wire Gauge* Wire Diameter Range
22-16 Gauge .046-.110" (1.22-2.8mm)
18-12 Gauge .062-.150" (1.6-3.8mm)
16-10 Gauge .094-.215" (2.4-5.5mm)
12-6 Gauge .125-.320" (3.2-8.1mm)
22-16 Gauge .046-.110" (1.22-2.8mm)
22-16 Gauge .046-.110" (1.22-2.8mm)
18-12 Gauge .062-.150" (1.6-3.8mm)
18-12 Gauge .062-.150" (1.6-3.8mm)
16-10 Gauge .094-.215" (2.4-5.5mm)
16-10 Gauge .094-.215" (2.4-5.5mm)
12-6 Gauge .125-.320" (3.2-8.1mm)
*Approx based on AWG for THHN wire

IDXPERT™Handheld Labeler
Sign and Label Printers
Terminal Block Markers
• These specially designed narrow-width markers automatically set to fixed spacing and separation between leg
ends and automatically rotate to top-down orientation for perfect alignment on terminal blocks. Printer can
auto-serialize to save additional time. B-428 Vinyl Cloth material.
• Temp Range -40˚F to 175˚F (-40C to 70C)
• UL Recognized
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (mm)
Width of Strip Diagram Part Number
Labels per Cartridge
ABA B Color
.240" wide 1 roll (cont.) 0.240 20 ft. 6.10mm 7.9m BK on WT
.318" wide 1 roll (cont.) 0.318 20 ft. 8.07mm 7.9m BK on WT
.375" wide 1 roll (cont.) 0.375 20 ft. 9.53mm 7.9m BK on WT
Bins & Storage I.D., General Industrial I.D., Component I.D.
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (mm)
Material Notes Diagram Part Number
Labels per Cartridge
ABA B Color
Permanent Nylon Cloth
(round label)
300 .375" dia. 9.53mm dia. BK on WT
Permanent Nylon Cloth
(round label)
300 .500" dia. 12.70mm dia. BK on WT
Permanent Nylon Cloth 275 0.750 0.500 19.05mm 12.70mm BK on WT
Permanent Nylon Cloth 250 0.900 0.500 22.86mm 12.70mm BK on WT
Permanent Nylon Cloth
(round label)
165 1.500 0.500 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on WT
Permanent Nylon Cloth
(round label)
300 1.500 0.750 38.10mm 19.05mm BK on WT
Ultra Polyester
for textured surfaces
500 1.000 0.500 25.40mm 12.70mm BK on WT
Ultra Polyester
for textured surfaces
100 2.000 0.500 50.80mm 12.70mm BK on WT
Ultra Polyester
for textured surfaces
100 2.000 1.000 50.80mm 25.40mm BK on WT
Metalized Polyester 500 1.000 0.500 25.40mm 12.70mm BK on SV
Metalized Polyester
(black border)
500 1.130 0.500 28.70mm 12.70mm BK on SV
Metalized Polyester 500 1.500 0.500 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on SV
Metalized Polyester 325 1.500 0.750 38.10mm 19.05mm BK on SV
Metalized Polyester 100 2.000 1.000 50.80mm 25.40mm BK on SV
Gloss Polyester 350 0.500 0.500 12.70mm 12.70mm BK on WT
Gloss Polyester 250 1.500 0.750 38.10mm 19.05mm BK on WT
Gloss Polyester 250 1.000 1.000 25.40mm 25.40mm BK on WT
Gloss Polyester 250 1.500 1.250 38.10mm 31.75mm BK on WT
Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl (colored supplies)
1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 0.500 9.14mm 12.70mm BK on YL*
Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl (colored supplies)
1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.000 9.14mm 25.40mm BK on YL*
Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl (colored supplies)
1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.500 9.14mm 38.10mm BK on YL*
*also available in Red, Orange, Green, Blue, White, and Clear— refer to Facility ID Tapes on Page 454
A variety of sizes and extra-aggresive adhesives for bins, drawers, tools and equipment and components inside
of panels.
B-483 Ultra-Aggressive
Permanent adhesive for
textured/powder-coated surfaces
• Temp Range -40˚F to 248˚F
(-40C to 120C)
• UL Recognized
B-580 Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl
• Permanent adhesive, good
for rough surfaces
• Wide range of colors
• Temp Range -40˚F to 248˚F
(-40C to 120C)
B-428 Metalized Polyester
• Permanent adhesive
• Silver finish
• Temp Range -40˚F to 176˚F
(-40C to 80C)
• UL Recognized
• Works best on flat surfaces
B-499 Nylon Cloth Material
• Permanent adhesive
• Pliable, for rough or smooth surfaces
• Temp Range -94˚F to 194˚F
(-70C to 90C)
• UL Recognized
B-422 Gloss Polyester
• Permanent adhesive
• For smoother surfaces
• Temp Range -40˚F to 212˚F
(-40C to 100C)
• UL Recognized

IDXPERT™Handheld Labeler
Sign and Label Printers
Voice/Data Cable Markers
Ideal for marking data cabling, this cable marker’s protected printing offers superior abrasion resistance and resistance
to dirt, oils, solvents and water. Marker features a clear, non-printed area which wraps around and overlaminates the
printed text. Printer automatically “multiple repeats” your text in the white print area. B-427 Vinyl Self Laminating material.
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (mm)
Sized to Fit
Part Number
# per Cartridge
ABC A B C Color
2 pair Fiber/Coaxial, Single/Multi Mode
250 1.000 1.000 0.375 25.40mm 25.40mm 9.53mm BK on WT
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper
250 0.500 1.250 0.375 12.70mm 31.75mm 9.53mm BK on WT
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper, Fiber, Coaxial
250 1.000 1.250 0.500 25.40mm 31.75mm 12.70mm BK on WT
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper
250 1.500 1.250 0.500 38.10mm 31.75mm 12.70mm BK on WT
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper
500 0.500 1.500 0.500 12.70mm 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on WT
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper
250 0.750 1.500 0.500 19.05mm 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on WT
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper, Fiber, Coaxial
250 1.000 1.500 0.500 25.40mm 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on WT
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper, Fiber, Coaxial
250 1.000 1.500 0.500 25.40mm 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on YL
CAT-5, 4 pair UTP Copper, Fiber, Coaxial
250 1.500 1.500 0.500 38.10mm 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on WT
25 pair Copper, 4-12 pair Fiber, Coaxial 100 1.000 2.500 0.750 25.40mm 63.50mm 19.05mm BK on WT
25 pair Copper, 4-12 pair Fiber, Coaxial 100 1.000 2.500 0.750 25.40mm 63.50mm 19.05mm BK on YL
25 pair Copper, 4-12 pair Fiber, Coaxial 100 1.500 2.500 0.750 38.10mm 63.50mm 19.05mm BK on WT
50 pair Copper, 24 pair Fiber, Backbone
100 1.000 4.000 1.000 25.40mm 101.60mm 25.40mm BK on WT
50 pair Copper, 24 pair Fiber, Backbone
100 1.000 4.000 1.000 25.40mm 101.60mm 25.40mm BK on YL
50 pair Copper, 24 pair Fiber, Backbone
100 1.500 4.000 1.000 38.10mm 101.60mm 25.40mm BK on WT
100 pair Copper, 36 pair Fiber, Backbone
50 1.500 6.000 1.500 38.10mm 152.40mm 38.10mm BK on WT
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (mm)
Material Notes Diagram Part Number
Labels per Cartridge
ABA B Color
Ultra Polyester
for textured surfaces
500 1.000 0.500 25.40mm 12.70mm BK on WT
Ultra Polyester
for textured surfaces
100 2.000 0.500 50.80mm 12.70mm BK on WT
Ultra Polyester
for textured surfaces
100 2.000 1.000 50.80mm 25.40mm BK on WT
Gloss Polyester 500 1.000 0.500 25.40mm 12.70mm BK on WT
Gloss Polyester 500 1.500 0.500 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on WT
Gloss Polyester 250 1.500 0.750 38.10mm 19.05mm BK on WT
Gloss Polyester 250 1.000 1.000 25.40mm 25.40mm BK on WT
Gloss Polyester 1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.000 9.14mm 25.40mm BK on WT
Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl (colored supplies)
1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 0.500 9.14mm 12.70mm BK on YL*
Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl (colored supplies)
1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.000 9.14mm 25.40mm BK on YL*
Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl (colored supplies)
1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 1.500 9.14mm 38.10mm BK on YL*
*also available in Red, Orange, Green, Blue, White, and Clear— refer to Facility ID Tapes on Page 454.
Voice/Data I.D. for Racks, Bays, Frames, Public Network & Data Centers
B-422 Gloss Polyester
• Permanent adhesive
• Temp Range -40˚F to 212˚F
(-40C to 100C)
• UL Recognized
B-483 Ultra-Aggressive Polyester
• Permanent adhesive for
textured/powder-coated surfaces
• Temp Range -40˚F to 248˚F
(-40C to 120C)
• UL Recognized
• Resistant to abrasion, water, oil and solvents
• Temp range -94˚F to 158˚F (-70C to 70C)
• UL recognized
Voice/Data Patch Panel, Outlet
& Faceplate Markers
B-422 Gloss Polyester
• Permanent adhesive for smoother surfaces
• Temp Range -40˚F to 212˚F (-40C to 82C)
• UL Recognized
Dimensions (in.) Dimensions (mm)
Application Diagram Part Number
Labels per Cartridge
ABA B Color
Label Each Port 350 0.500 0.500 12.70mm 12.70mm BK on WT
Label Punch Blocks or
Multiple Ports on Cont. Tape
1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 0.375 9.14mm 9.53mm BK on WT
Label Punch Blocks or
Multiple Ports on Cont. Tape
1 roll (cont.) 30 ft. 0.475 9.14mm 12.07mm BK on WT
Label Faceplate 500 1.000 0.500 25.40mm 12.70mm BK on WT
Label Faceplate 500 1.500 0.500 38.10mm 12.70mm BK on WT
B-580 Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl
• Permanent adhesive, good
for rough surfaces
• Wide range of colors
• Temp Range -40˚F to 248˚F
(-40C to 82C)

HandiMark®Portable Label Maker
Sign and Label Printers
Catalog # Description Price
42001 HandiMark®Portable Label Maker
(Includes rechargeable battery & battery charger, hard carrying case, 1 roll of
2” sample tape, black ribbon, cleaning strip, tutorial and symbols reference chart) $795.00
42006 HandiMark AC Power Supply $117.93
42124 HandiMark Quick Charger $115.49
HandiMark®Printer & Accessories
Durable Tapes
Easy to load
Pipe Markers
Panel & Switch I.D.
Asset I.D.
Bin & Shelf I.D.
Equipment I.D.
Instrumentation I.D.
Size Catalog #
One size fits
all tape widths
Black White Red Blue Green Price
2" x 75' (51 mm x 23 m) 42011 42012 42013 42014 42015 $31.85
Industrial Grade Ribbons
Super-tough, smear-proof, easy-to-load
ribbons last for years outdoors.
Text Sizes .08" to
(2mm to 43mm)
113 Built-in Symbols
Create Custom
Anytime, Any
& Anywhere
●Create custom labels whenever and wherever you need them
●Rugged construction designed for use in industrial environments
●Super-tough vinyl tapes are specially formulated to perform for years outdoors and
in industrial environments
●Lightweight, weighs 2.2 lbs
●Runs on a rechargeable battery or AC power
●US Patent #'s 5,318,370; 5,918,989; 5,951,177; 6,113, 293; 6,142,686;

Handimark®Portable Label Printer
Sign and Label Printers
Outdoor Grade Vinyl Tape
Labels adhere well to pipes, walls, equipment, doors – most clean, dry surfaces.
• Withstands temperatures from 180°F to -40°F
White Clear Yellow Green Red Blue Orange Black Grey Gold Price
Description Catalog Number
" x 50'
13 mm x 15.2 m
42018 42076 42022 42026 42030 42034 42038 42042 42046 42054 $43.88
1" x 50'
25 mm x 15.2 m
42019 42077 42023 42027 42031 42035 42039 42043 42047 42055 $61.20
2" x 50'
51 mm x 15.2 m)
42021 42079 42025 42029 42033 42037 42041 42045 42049 42057 $91.85
Reflective Tape (B-584)
●Suitable for indoor or outdoor use
●Reflective capabilities are ideal for
reading labels in low light
conditions with a flashlight or
from a vehicle
●Applications include utility pole and box
labeling, door labeling, labeling rooftop
equipment and equipment that needs to
be viewed from a road side
Repositionable Vinyl
Tape (B-581)
●Vinyl tape has a special
adhesive that allows easy
removal of label to reapply
again…and again
●Best choice for indoor marking
where frequent repositioning is
required, such as shelves
Tape (B-529)
●Ideal, low-cost label
●For use indoors on
smooth, flat surfaces
●Available in three sizes, white only
Tamper Resistant Tape (B-530)
●Tape destructs into tiny fragments when
tampered with, making removal very
tedious and difficult
●White only
113 Built-in Symbols
!View an online demo of the HandiMark®
and other Brady printers. To view visit:
Interactive Demo
Description Catalog Number
Size Yellow White Price
1/2" x 50' (13 mm x 15.2 m) 42103 42100 $46.56
1" x 50' (25 mm x 15.2 m) 42104 42101 $65.21
2" x 50' (51 mm x 15.2 m) 42105 42102 $98.50
Description Catalog Number
Reflective Reflective Reflective
Size Silver Orange Yellow Price
1" x 33' (25 mm x 10 m) 42062 42066 42064 $105.17
2" x 33' (51 mm x 10 m) 42063 42067 42065 $151.79
Size Catalog Number
White Price
1/2" x 50' (13 mm x 15.2 m) 42068 $37.23
1" x 50' (25 mm x 15.2 m) 42069 $47.89
2" x 50' (51 mm x 15.2 m) 42071 $66.54
Size Catalog Number
White Price
1/2" x 50' (13 mm x 15.2 m) 42137 $53.21
1" x 50' (13 mm x 15.2 m) 42138 $70.53
2" x 50' (13 mm x 15.2 m) 42139 $105.17

GlobalMark®2 Industrial Label Maker
Sign and Label Printers
Arc Flash Labels
Equipment ID
Cut Characters
Guage Labels
Catalog # Description Price
76798 GlobalMark 2 MonoColor Model (prints 1 color) $2,495
76800 GlobalMark 2 MultiColor Model (prints multi spot, blended & full proccess color) $3,495
76801 GlobalMark 2 Color & Cut Model (prints same as MultiColor + cuts characters) $4,495
90835 Value Plus Package (MarkWare software, extended warranty, 1 roll tape + 1 ribbon) $685.29
102741 Quick Label Application Card (see pg. 57 for more information) $53.45
GlobalMark®2 Industrial Label Maker
Graduated Ruler
GlobalMark®2 Industrial Label Maker
●Color touch screen interface... Quick & Easy!
●Multicolor spot printing or Full-color process printing
●Super tough vinyl tapes for indoor & prolonged outdoor use
as well as: tag stock, magnetic and static cling!
●Cuts characters & shapes!
●Patent # D481,415
Brady File Management Utility allows you to:
●Transfer files from your PC to your GlobalMark and from your GlobalMark to your PC
●Manage your existing GlobalMark files
●Update your GlobalMark operating system when upgrades are available.
Simple to run when connected to your PC
Choose from 3 GlobalMark®Models:
●Prints in one color, multiple spot colors,
blended colors and full process color
●Unit has an additional built-in cutter for cutting out characters and shapes
●With optional MarkWare™ label making software, import and print full color logos, artwork, even
●Tape Saver feature
●Prints the same color options as the Color & Cut system, including the optional MarkWare™
software enhancements, without the additional built-in character cutter
●Prints one color on one color tape. It is compatible with MarkWare™ software
●Color touchscreen display
GlobalMark Version 2 Logo Concepts
GlobalMark Version 2 Logo Concepts
GlobalMark Version 2 Logo Concepts
Touch... Print...
Don’t Settle for
a Generic

GlobalMark®2 Industrial Label Maker
Sign and Label Printers
Description Catalog # Price
Std. Glow - 41⁄4" x 50' 76711 $305.39
Std. Glow - 21⁄2" x 50' 76712 $195.42
Std. Glow - 13⁄8" x 50' 76713 $122.12
Standard Glow Tape
Tape (B-582) glows in darkness 10 hours,
meets ISO, DIN & ASTM standards
Reflective & Magnetic Tape
●Reflective B-584 permanent adhesive & shines back
at viewer brightly when light shines on label
●Magnetic B-509 is non-adhesive & prints direct on material
Visit for High-Intensity
BradyGlo Tape
Silver Yellow
Tag Stock B-551 Material
●Print direct to tag stock
●Meets OSHA 50 lb. pull requirement
Repositionable B-581 Vinyl Tape
●Special adhesive allows you to easily remove the
label and re-apply again...and again
●Label of choice for indoor marking where frequent
repositioning is required, such as storage shelves
Description Catalog Number
White Yellow Red Green Blue Black Brown Gold Grey Purple Orange Clear Price
4" x 100' 76542 76547 76552 76556 76560 76564 76568 76572 76576 76590 76594 97734 $221.98
3" x 100' 76543 76548 ——————— ———$197.31
2.25" x 100' 76544 76549 76553 76557 76561 76565 76569 76573 76577 76591 76595 97735 $147.97
1.125" x 100' 76545 76550 76554 76558 76562 76566 76570 76574 76578 76592 76596 97736 $98.63
0.5" x 100' 76546 76551 76555 76559 76563 76567 76571 76575 76579 76593 76597 97737 $61.60
Indoor/Outdoor Grade Vinyl Tape
●Labels adhere well to pipes, walls, equipment, windows – most clean, dry surfaces
●Conforms well to irregular, curved or rough surfaces – it even stands up to grease,
oil and most industrial chemicals
●Five-year average outdoor durability in temperatures from 180˚F to -40˚F
(82˚C to -40˚C)
●Patent Number D481.414
View an online demo of the
GlobalMark®and other Brady
printers. To view visit:
Interactive Demo
Description Catalog Number
Tape No. Per
Cartridges Pkg. White Price
Reflective (B-584)
4" x 50' 1 76705 96060 99219 $305.39
21⁄4" x 50' 1 76706 96061 99220 $195.42
11⁄8" x 50' 1 76707 96062 99221 $122.12
Magnetic (B-509)
41⁄4" x 25' N/A 76688 76686 $122.12
21⁄2" x 25' N/A 76689 76687 $91.57
Description Catalog Number
Size White Price
41⁄4" x 50' 76714 $183.22
31⁄4" x 50' 76715 $158.77
21⁄2" x 50' 76716 $122.12
Description Catalog Number
Size White Yellow Price
4" x 100' 76697 76701 $219.85
21⁄4" x 100' 76698 76702 $146.56
11⁄8" x 100' 76699 76703 $97.68
1⁄2" x 100' 76700 76704 $61.07

GlobalMark®2 Industrial Label Maker
Transfer Tape
●Leaves cut characters pre-spaced for
applying to desired surface
Static Cling B-515 Material
Brushed Gold B-575 Material
●Adhesive, but semirigid
Metallized B-565 Polyester Tape
●Permanent adhesive
●Great choice for multicolor OEM
labels, rating plates, etc.
Alert employees of chemicals
with Right-to-Know Labels.
Available in NFPA Diamond and Color
Bar Format.
Right-to-Know Pre-print Labels
for GlobalMark®Printer
●Outdoor grade vinyl adhesive
●Color Bar or NFPA 704M diamond formats
●4 color diamond or bars are pre-printed so
these only require 1-color print pass (black)
through printer
Description Catalog Number
Size Clear Price
4" x 50' 76690 $77.80
Description Catalog Number
Size Gold Price
4" x 50' 76685 $122.12
Description Catalog Number
Size Price
4.25" x 100' 76720 $305.39
2.50" x 100' 76721 $193.42
1.375" x 100' 76722 $122.12
Size Catalog Number Price
41⁄4" x 200' 76737 $61.02
Right-to-Know Labels
Size Diamond Bar Diamond only Format Labels Cartridge
Vinyl: 21⁄4" x 4" 76732 (240/roll) 76730 (240/roll) $158.77
4" x 6" 76733 (170/roll) 76731 (170/roll) $232.07
4“ square 76729 (240/roll)
(diamond only) $232.07
21⁄4" x 21⁄4" 51860 51854 51861 76734 (365/roll) $158.77
11⁄8" x 3” 76735 (300/roll) 76736 (300/roll) $109.90
Hand-Applied Overlaminates for RTK Labels–B-674
Quantity Catalog Price
Size Per Pkg. Number Per Pkg.
11⁄2" x 21⁄2" 50 64984 $ 4.16
21⁄2" x 21⁄2" 50 58476 $ 7.65
31⁄2" x 51⁄2" 50 58706 $20.45
41⁄2" x 61⁄2" 50 64985 $27.86
71⁄2" x 101⁄2" 50 58708 $67.98
Protect your printed labels with a pressure
sensitive polyester overlaminate.
Right-to-Know Ribbon
Catalog Price
Description Size Number Per Cartridge
RTK Black Ribbon 4.11” x 200’ 96089 $103.79
Exclusive use with RTK labels below
Sign and Label Printers
Brady offers a variety of software
to help with your RTK needs.
For more information see pg. 60
RTK Software

GlobalMark®2 Industrial Label Maker
Industrial Grade Print Ribbons
●Super-Tough smear-proof ribbons assure your printed text lasts for years
outdoors and in an industrial environment
●Ribbons ship self-contained in cartridges that drop straight in to the
GlobalMark™with a "click"
●2 and 4-color "paneled" ribbons are used to print labels and signs
containing more than 1 print color
●Patent D481, 755
(Not available for MonoColor)
(Not available for MonoColor)
QuickLabel Application Card
●QuickLabel is a specialty application for printing pre-made labels provided
on a CF (compact flash) card for use with the GlobalMark systems.
●Prints directly from your Globalmark without the need of a PC.
●Ready to print, format is error free, hassle-free.
●Text is editable.
Enter corresponding number from booklet
key that ships with card.
Scroll through list and preview label at the
same time.
Includes new pictos:
Sign and Label Printers
Description Catalog Number Price
QuickLabel Application Card 102741 $53.45
Single Color Print Ribbon Cartridges – 200 ft./roll
Size Catalog No. Price
Black White Red Blue Green Magenta Yellow Orange Process Cyan Process Yellow Process Magenta
4.11" x 200 ft. 76739 76741 76743 76745 76747 76749 76751 76752 76759 76760 76761 $103.79
Two Color Print Ribbon Cartridges – 200 ft./roll
Size Catalog No. Price
Black and Red Black and Blue Black and Yellow Black and Orange Black and Green Red and Blue
4.11" x 8" Panels 76763 76775 76767 76771 76779 - $105.78
4.11" x 16" Panels 76762 76774 76766 76770 76778 76782 $105.78
Four Color Print Ribbon Cartridges – 200 ft./roll
Size Catalog No. Price
Black/Red/Blue/Green Black/Red/Blue/Yellow Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black Black/Red/Orange/Blue
4.11" x 8" Panels 76787 76791 76795 51447 $107.79
4.11" x 16" Panels 76786 76790 76794 N/A $107.79

1 Color Ribbon
Size Catalog Number
Black White Red Blue Green Price
6.25" x 200' 13511 13513 13595 13596 13597 $166.22
8.8" x 200' 13510 13512 13514 13515 13516 $187.00
Security Procedures
Special Events
Hazard Notification
Catalog # Description Price
13500 PowerMark®Sign and Label Maker (Includes: Printer, keyboard, parallel cable and USB cable) $4,995.00
80712 Value Plus Package (MarkWare software, extended warranty, 1 roll tape + 1 ribbon) $709.52
Indoor/Outdoor Grade Vinyl Tape
Signs adhere well to walls, doors, and most clean, dry surfaces - withstands temps. from 180°F to 140°F.
Clear White Yellow Red Blue Green Orange Price
Description Catalog Number
4" x 50' 59529 13538 13539 13540 13541 13542 13543 $138.51
7" x 50' N/A 13651 13652 13654 13656 13655 13653 $193.93
10" x 50' 59532 13562 13563 13610 13611 13612 13613 $249.36
Standard Glow Tape
Tape (B-582) glows in darkness for 10 hours and
meets ISO, DIN & ASTM standards
• Customize your stairwell signs
Roll Form Pipe Markers
Size Catalog # Price
4" x 33' 13582 $180.08
7" x 33' 13587 $249.36
10" x 33' 13592 $332.51
2 Color Paneled Ribbons -
8" long panels
Size Catalog No. Price
6.25" x 200' 13523 $193.93
8.8" x 200' 13522 $214.71
2 Color Paneled Ribbons - 15" long panels
Size Catalog Number
Black/Red Black/Green Black/Yellow Price
6.25" x 200' 13521 13705 N/A $193.93
8.8" x 200' 13520 13707 13526 $214.71
Emergency Evacuation Signs
Industrial Grade Ribbons
Custom Signs
on the Spot
When You Need
Reflective B-584 Tape
●Reflective capabilities are ideal for reading labels
in low light conditions with a flashlight or from a vehicle
Larger Signs (up to 10”)
Visit for
High-Intensity BradyGlo Tape
PowerMark®Sign & Label Maker
Sign and Label Printers
Description Catalog Number
Size Silver Yellow Price
4" x 33' 13580 51584 $180.08
7" x 33' 13585 51585 $249.36
10" x 33' 13590 51586 $332.51
4 Color Paneled Ribbons - 15" long panels
Size Catalog Number
Width Blk/Red/Blu/Ylw Blk/Red/Blu/Grn
6.25" x 200'
(158mm x 60.8m) 13531 13535 $249.36
8.8" x 200'
(224mm x 60.8m) 13530 13534 $277.08
(used to create 4 color signs up to 15"long)

MiniMark™Industrial Label Printer
4" x 110' 52087 52086 52090 52093 52091 52094 52096 $125.95
2.25" x 110' 52074 52073 52075 52077 52076 52078 52079 $89.20
1.125" x 110' 52062 52060 52063 52065 52064 52066 52067 $57.70
Description Catalog #
Super Tough Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl Tape
Tape Cartridges, 1 per pkg.
Wire Markers
Pipe & Valve ID
General ID
Equipment ID
Bin & Shelf ID
Catalog # Description Price
52041 MiniMark™ Industrial Label Printer
(Surf on Signs Software, USB cable, quickstart,
power cord and cleaning kit) $1,195.00
52159 ValuePLUS Package for MiniMark™
(Includes: 1 roll each 4" and 2.25" white vinyl tape;
MarkWare™ software; and 1 roll of black ribbon) $595.00
The new Brady MiniMark™ Industrial Label Printer offers
an affordable sign and label making solution that is
compact, fast, and incredibly versatile.
• VERSATILE - Uses continuous tapes
and basic die-cut labels
• DURABLE MATERIALS - Designed specifically for
industrial & commercial
• EASY - Supplies are easy to load
• FAST - Prints up to three inches per second
• COMPACT - Doesn’t take up a lot of space only
8"H x 10.25"D x 7"H
White Vinyl w/ Preprinted Stripe (B-588)*
1 roll per pkg.
The Next Small
Thing in Fast
Description Catalog #
Yellow Stripe Orange Stripe Red Stripe Price
2.25” x 100’(w/ 1
/2” stripe) 110349 110348 110347 $142.25
3” x 100’ (w/ 3
/4” stripe) 102995 103011 103013 $177.95
4” x 100’ (w/ 1” stripe) 102996 103010 103012 $198.95
*Use ribbons for B-588 tape
White Clear Yellow Green Red Blue Orange Price
Description Catalog #
White Clear Yellow Green Red Blue Orange Black Grey Purple Gold Brown Price
.5” x 100’ 102940 102939 102941 102943 102942 102944 102945 102946 102947 102950 102948 102949 $61.90
1.125” x 100’ 102952 102951 102953 102955 102954 102956 102957 102958 102959 102962 102960 102961 $94.45
2.25” x 100’ 102964 102963 102965 102967 102966 102968 102969 102970 102971 102974 102972 102973 $132.25
4” x 100’ 102976 102975 102977 102979 102978 102980 102981 102982 102983 102986 102984 102985 $188.95
General Purpose B-588 Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl Tape
1 per pkg.
Description Catalog # Price: $157.45
White Black Red Green Yellow Blue Orange
4” x 290’ 103026 103025 103027 103029 103030 103028 103031
Ribbons For B-588 Vinyl
Tape Cartridges, 2 per pkg.
Description Catalog # Price: $102.85
Ribbons for Super Tough Vinyl
Tape Cartridges, 2 per pkg. 4.4” x 290’
White Black Red Blue Green
52044 52042 52045 52047 52059
Sign and Label Printers

MarkWare™Facility Id Software
Description Catalog #
31⁄2" x 5" (4 labels/sheet) 12906 12909 12912 12923 13029 12900 12903 12926 $68.94
5" x 7" (2 labels/sheet) 12907 12910 12913 12922 12901 12904 12925 $68.94
7" x 10" (1 label/sheet) 12908 12911 12914 12921 13027 12902 12905 12924 $68.94
MarkWare™Facility Identification Software
All Your Safety and Facility Needs in One Powerful Package.
• Use your PC to quickly design professional looking signs and labels
• Print directly to a Brady labeling system or most Windows™ inkjet/laser
• Preformatted templates make sign and label creation quick and easy - or,
customize layouts to your own specs
• Import logos and photos or create bar codes using 15 different
• Link label contents to information stored in spreadsheets and databases
• MarkWare’s built-in library gives you ready access to over 1000
high-quality, scalable safety symbols and industrial pictograms
Sign & Label Blanks for MarkWare™Software
• Adhesive backed polyester sign blanks are compatible for use with inkjet and laser printers
Warning Prohibition Mandatory First Aid Fire Safety Haz Chem Tools English and Foreign
Language Headers
Public Info.
Cat. No. Description Price
20700 MarkWare Software Kit $599.00
20711 MarkWare Software Kit + Laminator $699.00
20700L MarkWare LEAN Tools Kit $624.37
20711L MarkWare LEAN Tools Kit + Laminator $724.89
NEW!MARKWARE™ Lean Tools software includes all of the features and functionality of
MARKWARE™ Facility Identification software, plus new tools to support and sustain your
lean transformation. Whether you are implementing 5S, Total Productive Maintenance, Standard
Work, Kanban, or other lean concepts, MARKWARE software helps you post critical information at the
point of use. Employees gain the knowledge they need to work effectively and efficiently.
• Achieve faster machine setups and changeovers.
• Detect operating abnormalities at a glance and at a distance.
• Simplify training of operators and other non-technical staff responsible for routine machine inspection and care.
• Enable more efficient route-based monitoring of numerous PM points in condition-based maintenance
Compatible with these Brady Printers:
GlobalMark®& GlobalMark®2, PowerMark®, MiniMark™
HandiMark®, Labelizer Plus*, VersaPrinter*
as well as your laser and inkjet printers.
*Obsolete printers, no longer for sale.

ChemLabel™Hazardous Material Labeling Software
Brady’s ChemLabel Software Helps Keep Employees Safe by Ensuring Properly Labeled
Chemicals. Poorly and inaccurately labeled chemicals and other dangerous materials
represent potentially serious safety problems. Brady’s new ChemLabel™ Hazardous Material
Labeling Software will make it easy to create and print labels for hazardous substances. This
Windows-based software package offers a complete set of tools to handle virtually any
hazardous material labeling application.
Cat. No. Description Price
50987 ChemLabel Software $495.00
Brady Lockout PRO™ 3.0 Enterprise Graphical Procedure Writing Software provides all the tools
you need to create an effective, compliant energy control program with standardized procedures
that are easy to follow. Lockout tags and labels can be printed for each energy source and
are cross-referenced to the procedure, making lockout activities virtually foolproof.
NEW Online Version Available
For more information, see page 97.
Lockout PRO™Graphical Procedure Writing Software
LabelMark™ software allows you to easily format cable, faceplate and closet labels. The software
includes templates for all the Brady labels designed for your application, and has built in
templates to automatically format 110 block and patch panels.
NetDoc™Network Documentation
NetDoc® Network Cable Management Software provides you with the tools you
need to manage cabling, network, telephony and legacy connections. NetDoc®
allows you to easily document horizontal and backbone cables, hardware, assets,
pathways, locations, users and much more! The NetDoc® web-enabled solution
provides complete ANSI/TIA/EIA 606A documentation compliance. And, its
seamless integration with Brady's LabelMark™ label design software gives you a
complete documentation and labeling solution to help increase productivity,
reduce costs, and improve user services!
For more information visit:
LabelMark™Labeling Software
Cat. No. Description Price
LM4 LabelMark Software $249.00
For more information on any of the software programs listed,
visit and search by the software name.
More Information -

Suggestion Box
• Black acrylic box w/ a lockable top & side pocket
• Pocket measures 5"H x 4"W x 13/8"D
• Top drop slot is 9" wide. Wall or table mount
• Box Dimensions: 12"H x 113/4"W x 43/4"D
Safety Information Centers
Safety Information Centers
Right To Know Compliance
• Compliance center includes red polystyrene
board, binder rack and
MSDS binder (2023)
• 1.5” MSDS binder w/ 300 sheet capacity
• Center size: 20"H x 14"W x 41/2"D
Double Right To Know Compliance
• This center includes red polystyrene board, 2
binder racks and two MSDS binders
• Center size: 20"H x 29"W x 41/2"D
Economy Right To Know Center
• Includes MSDS “V” sign, 8"H x 141/2"W x 6"D
• 1.5” MSDS binder w/ 300 sheet capacity
Binder Holders
• PVC coated steel racks designed for holding
binders up to 3" ring diameter
• Size: 9"H x 14"W x 41/2"D
Standard Right To Know Center
• Tough acrylic RTK board can hold up to 100
training booklets and our largest MSDS binder
• Includes our 11/2" binder and 10 training booklets
• Center size: 30"H x 24"W x 41/2"D
MSDS Metal Cabinet
• Made of 20 gauge powder coated steel
• Wall mountable
• Front panel pulls down to reveal a guide to
Haz-Mat labels
• Equipped center includes:
2 - 21/2" MSDS Binders (2024)
25 - Right To Know training booklets (2101)
1 - Binder training insert (BR801B),
• Cabinet size: 221/2"H x 261/2"W x 6"D
Job Site Center
• Includes Job Site binder with fold
away handles.
• Binder has 2 sets of 1" nylon
rings that will hold approximately
400 pages.
• PVC coated wire rack can be
mounted anywhere you need it.
• Center size: 121/2"H x 14"W x 43/4"D
Description Cat No. Price
Suggestion Box MC111E $97.19
Description Cat No. Price
Compliance Center 2010 $66.81
Compliance Center w/inserts RK018A $79.67
Compliance Center w/o binder 2010NB $52.53
Spanish Compliance Center 2010SP* $66.81
*Board is Spanish with Bilingual Binder (2026)
Description Cat No. Price
Double RTK Compliance Center 2010DB $126.83
Spanish Double RTK Center* 2010DBSP $126.83
*Board is Spanish with Bilingual Binder (2026)
Description Cat No. Price
Economy RTK Center 2007 $76.77
Rack & Binder w/inserts RK085A $57.41
Rack & Binder Only 2005 $47.40
Description Cat No. Price
Yellow Binder Holder 2014 $29.47
White Binder Holder 2014W $29.47
Description Cat No. Price
Standard Right to Know Center 2001 $135.79
Board Only 2012 $108.66
Bilingual version* 2002 $135.79
*includes 5 English booklets, 5 Spanish booklets and
a bilingual binder
Description Cat No. Price
MSDS Metal Cabinet RK623E $281.86
Description Cat No. Price
Job Site Center 2032 $50.60

Safety Information Centers
Safety Information Centers
MSDS/Job Site Safety Document
• Holds one 3-ring binder in a very rugged,
weather resistant and lockable polystyrene
• Table top or wall mount.
• Center size: 131/2"H x 131/2"W x 43/4"D
Standard MSDS Binders
1/2" diameter rings hold 275-300 sheets, 21/2"
diameter ring holds 400-500 sheets and 3"
diameter ring hold 600 sheets
• These binders have a durable Polyethylene cover,
36" chain and pair of sheet lifters
MSDS Training Binder Insert
This detailed binder insert package contains:
• OSHA Haz-Com Standard highlights and
overview of program requirements
• Compliance checklist
• Two 15 page RTK training booklets,
• Mini RTK poster (Spanish/English)
• 50 clear sheet protectors
• A-Z index tabs
• Binders sold separately to the left
Information Centers
• Rugged red poly backboard comes with white
PVC coated wire basket, which allows for
high visibility and convenience of holding
important papers
• Tear resistant 3-ring binder holds
approximately 300 sheets and comes with
• Mounting hardware included
• Center size: 20"H x 14"W
Standard Operating Procedures
• Poly backboard w/ white PVC coated wire basket
• Rugged binder holds approximately 300 sheets
and comes with an attached chain
Lockout Procedure Station
• Backboard made from durable polystyrene
• Includes pre-drilled holes and hardware for wall mounting
• 3-ring, 1.5” binder made from 55 gauge polyethylene
• Backboard dimensions: 20”H x 14”W x 4.5”D
Striped MSDS Binder
●High quality vinyl binder neatly organizes and protects MSDSs
●Safety-striped for high visibility w/ 2" spine and holds up to 400 MSDSs
MSDS User’s Guide
●Included with purchase of striped MSDS Binder
●Features colorful illustrations and explanations
●Ideal for use as employee handout to help meet MSDS training requirements
Description Cat No. Price
MSDS/Job Site Center JS1 $102.42
Description Cat No Price
Binder Insert BR801B $12.50
Description Cat No. Price
Emergency Information Center IC326E $66.81
Description Cat No. Price
Procedures Center SM681A $69.77
Description Cat No. Price
Station With Binder & 25 Forms LOSP22 $73.59
Description Cat No. Price
Standard Binder (11⁄2" ring) 2023 $19.23
Bigger Binder (21⁄2" ring) 2024 $26.91
Biggest Binder (3" ring) 2025 $28.18
Bilingual Standard Binder (11⁄2" ring) 2026 $19.23
Bilingual Bigger Binder (21⁄2" ring) 2027 $26.91
Bilingual Biggest MSDS Binder (3") 2028 $28.18
*Insert is catalog #BR801B
Cat No. Description Price
58678 MSDS Binder $37.02
58679 MSDS User’s Guide $9.30

Hazard Communication (RTK)
Hazard Communication (RTK)
RTK Blank Labels for MarkWare or ChemLabel Software
• Use MarkWare™or ChemLabelTM Software (sold separately) to create your own
Right-To-Know Container Labels
• Compatible for use with most laser printers
NFPA Diamond w/ Hazard Classification
31⁄2" x 5" 2" x 2" Price
Vinyl-NFPA 59254 59255 $68.94
Paper-NFPA - 59263 $41.37
Blank NFPA Placards
• Place directly on storage tanks, processing
tanks and vessels, feed hoppers, pipelines
and other potentially hazardous equipment
• Placards meet National Fire Protection
Association's Code No. 704M and Federal
Standard 313
• Made of B-946 outdoor grade vinyl material
• Use 3” Quick-Align Numbers & Letters (sold
Color Bar
31⁄2" x 5" 2" x 2" Price
Vinyl-ColorBar 59242 59243 $68.94
Paper-ColorBar - 59247 $41.37
NFPA Diamond
31⁄2" x 5" 2" x 2" Price
Vinyl-ColorBar 59254 59255 $68.94
Paper-ColorBar 59262 59263 $41.37
5" x 3" Container Labels
●Economical option for secondary container
●Choose from paper or vinyl materials in
NFPA Diamond or HMIG Color Bar formats
●Standard package: 500 labels per roll
2" x 11⁄4" Laboratory Labels
●Choose from paper or vinyl materials in NFPA
Diamond or HMIG Color Bar formats
●Write-on labels allow you to customize your
●Standard package: 500 labels per roll
!Labeling Software
Brady offers software options
to help with RTK labeling.
see pg. 61 for details
OSHA Standards
The Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) Federal Hazard
Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200 has
become known as the “Right-To-Know” law. This
standard gives both employers and employees a
right-to-know about the hazardous chemicals they
use in the workplace. It is designed to reduce the
incidence of chemical source injury and illness in
the workplace.
In order to accomplish this, employers are
required to:
1. Have Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on
file for every hazardous chemical in the
workplace available to all employees during
their work shift.
2. Train employees about the potential hazards,
how to identify and safely work with hazardous
chemicals and the proper personal protection
necessary when working with hazardous
chemicals. Employees must be trained before
they start a work assignment.
3. Identify and list all of the hazardous chemicals
in the workplace.
4. Have a written hazard communication program
available for employees, OSHA and outside
contractors who enter the workplace.
5. Have labels on all hazardous chemical
containers that:
• List the name and address of the
• List the chemical name
• List the type of potential hazard that exists
• List the precautions necessary
• List target organ information
• Are easily related to the appropriate MSDS on
6. Maintain reports, records and logs for the entire
7. Certain states require that you report all of this
information to a state agency, department of
labor, health department or fire department
depending on the state law that is in effect.
Hard work is necessary to come into compliance
with the law. Brady offers a wide variety of
products to keep your work to a minimum, while
enabling you to implement a complete program
that will bring your company into compliance with
the Hazard Communication Standard.
Standard Catalog
Size Package Number Price
71⁄2" sq. 10 58502 $46.19
Material Format Number Price
Paper HMIG Color Bar 58260 $46.32
Vinyl HMIG Color Bar 58261 $102.55
Paper NFPA 58262 $46.32
Vinyl NFPA 58263 $102.55
Material Format Number Price
Paper HMIG Color Bar 58268 $21.64
Vinyl HMIG Color Bar 58269 $43.27
Paper NFPA 58270 $21.64
Vinyl NFPA 58271 $43.27

Hazard Communication (RTK)
Hazard Communication (RTK)
Hazardous Information
• Placards graphically explain the NFPA
Hazard Identification Coding System
• B-120 premium fiberglass
NFPA Placard Kits
• Vinyl kits come complete with 10 blank NFPA
placards, and 10 characters each of
0–4,W, , OXY, ACID, COR and ALK
• Fiberglass kits come complete with 1 blank
NFPA placard, and 10 characters each of 0 – 4,
Blank NFPA Placards
• Place directly on storage tanks, processing
tanks and vessels, feed hoppers, pipelines and
other potentially hazardous equipment
• Meets National Fire Protection Association's
Code No. 704M and Federal Standard 313
• Add Gothic style Quik-Align®numbers and
letters (sold separately) to mark the corners
RTK Wallet Card
●Handy reference of the NFPA Hazard
Identification Coding System
●Ideal for distribution to employees following
formal hazard communication training
●Card size: 2 1⁄8"x33⁄8"
●Standard package: 25 cards
NFPA Version
Material Size Cat No. Price
B-120 10" x 14" 78788 $23.93
Material Placard Charac. Cat Price
Size Size No.
B946 Vinyl 10" sq 4" 50053 $196.66
B120 Fiberglass 11" sq 4" 50055 $132.34
B946 Vinyl 15" sq 6" 50054 $320.76
B120 Fiberglass 16" sq 6" 50056 $209.26
# per Cat.
Material Size Pack No. Price
B-120 Fiberglass 11" sq. 1 58656 $20.65
B-120 Fiberglass 16" sq. 1 58510 $37.21
B-946 Vinyl 5" sq. 10 58501 $29.35
B-946 Vinyl 10" sq. 10 58503 $109.24
B-946 Vinyl 15" sq. 10 58504 $209.51
Catalog Number Description Price
58515 English $58.20
89257 Spanish $58.20
HMIG Self-Laminating Labels
• Label and overlay all in one - self-adhesive
polyester label includes polyester laminate cover.
• Write in the appropriate rating on the left side. The
right side shows the index for required ppe.
• Standard package: 25 labels
Right To Know Training Books
• 15 page RTK training booklet
• Available in English or Spanish
• Sold in packages of 10 or 25
Description Cat No. Price
English - 10 Pack 2101-TEN $12.15
OSHA Record Keeping Center
• OSHA requires all companies with 11 or more
employees to prepare, maintain and post records
of work related illnesses and injuries
Description Cat No. Price
OSHA Record Keeping Center OR305E $128.69
!View our full offering of hazard
communication products online at:
There’s More Online
Number Size Price
60332 2" x 31⁄2" $23.94

Hazard Communication (RTK)
Posters & Hazardous Waste
Laminated Safety Posters
• Laminated safety posters are designed to
provide continued reinforcement of your
ongoing safety program
• Concise, easy to understand explanations of
key safety topics and their specific issues
• All posters are laminated on both sides
• 24”W x 18”H
• Plexi-glass holder available
SH1824 - $56.21)
53200(English) | 53201(Spanish) - $30.98
PS128E - Emergency First Aid - $23.48 FLSP - Forklift Safety - $23.48
FESP - Fire Extinguisher Safety - $23.48 PS125E - Bloodborne Pathogens - $23.48LOSP8 - Lockout Safety - $23.70
BLSP - Back Lift Safety - $23.48
53119 - Haz Mat Warning Chart - $30.98
Hazardous Waste Labels
●Labels comply with all current Federal
regulations regarding identification of
hazardous waste materials for transportation
Universal Waste Labels
●Meet universal waste requirements, 40 CFR
●Standard package: 100 labels
PCB Markers
• Use PCB warning labels and signs to satisfy
EPA 40 CFR Part 761 Subpart C for
identification of PCB contaminated equipment
or to mark PCB waste
• Made of B-946 self-sticking vinyl
• Standard package: 50 Identical Markers
Description Size 50/pkg Price
Hazardous Waste 6" x 6" 63268 $27.76
Non-Regulated Waste 6" x 6" 63274 $27.76
Non-Hazardous Waste 6" x 6" 63275 $27.76
Hazardous Waste 4" x 6" 63269 $27.76
Cat. No. Description Price
60351 6" x 6" Vinyl $53.49
60362 6" x 6" Paper $26.75
Cat. No. Description Price
87028 EPA Reference 761.44(a) $87.27

Hazardous Material Shipping
Placards for Cargo Tanks
●Flipping numerals give you the
flexibility to set-up any 4-digit
identification number in seconds
●Conveniently flip to a new number and placard
when your load changes
●Durable, heavy-duty aluminum frame assures
stability in the wind and saves money on placard
replacement costs
Placards for Welding Supply and
Medical Vans
●Standard Flip-File Systems contain three or
more panels in one frame
●Self-contained placards slide easily on four
aluminum hinges
●Four stainless steel fasteners securely lock in
your chosen legend
●Deep-formed aluminum frame provides
stability and excellent wind protection
Placards for General
●Flip-File Frame holds three placards
●Approved for use by private and fleet carriers
Vehicle Placards
●Placards meet D.O.T. Requirements HM-181
●B-946 self-sticking vinyl (SSV) placards
may be applied directly to your vehicle and
provide over 5 years outdoor durability
●Placards have square corners and no holes
●Placard size: 103⁄4" x 103⁄4"
Vehicle Conspicuity Tape
The tape is available in roll form or prepackaged kits
containing enough material to mark a trailer per the
NHTSA Regulation.
●Meets NHTSA's rule under 49 CFR, Part 571 for
enhanced visibility and detection
●B-752 diamond grade reflective material
●Warranted to perform for a minimum period of 7
●2” x 50 yds with presealed edges
●Meets NHTSA
Hazardous Material Shipping
63240 – $86.12
Waste Disposal
●Available in B-933 self-sticking vinyl
●Label size: 6” x 6”
●Standard package: 100 labels
Legends Included
●Flammable 3
●Corrosive 8
●Combustible 3
●Poison 6
Legends Included
●Flammable Gas 2
●Non-Flammable Gas 2
●Oxygen 2
●Explosive 1.4
●Blasting Agents 1.5d
●Flammable Gas 2
●Inhalation 2
●Non-Flammable Gas 2
●Flammable 3
●Spontaneously Combustible 4
●Dangerous When Wet 4
●Flammable Solid 4
●Oxidizer 5.1
●Organic Peroxide 5.2
●Inhalation 6
●Poison 6
●Corrosive 8
●Misc. 9
Description Cat No. Price
Flammable 63409 $4.16
Flammable - Blank 60378 $4.16
Corrosive 63420 $4.16
Non-Flammable Gas 63407 $4.16
Description Cat No. Price
Cargo Tank Placard 63214 $75.21
Description Cat No. Price
Welding/Medical Supplies 63200 $25.81
Description Cat No. Price
General Commodities 59955 $57.52
Split Frame Version 59956 $68.68
Cat No. Description Price
76436 DOT-C2 7"White/11"Red (Alternating) $527.30
60352 - $55.03
60361 - $55.03

Valve Tags
Valve Tags
Stamped Brass Valve Tags (B-907)
●19 gauge cartridge brass (40 mils thick)
●11⁄2" diameter
●Standard package: 25 identical tags
Blank Stainless Steel Tags
●Ideal for harsh environments or where a
stainless steel material is specified
●Tag hole is 3⁄16"
●Standard package: 25 tags
Recommends the use of a permanently legible tag for identification of materials in pipes less than 3⁄4" (19mm) in diameter.
ASME A13.1
Durable Plastic Tags (B-418)
●Durable Plastic Tags are lightweight,
non-corrosive, non-conductive and impact
●Tag withstands temperatures between -40°F
to 260°F
●Rounded corners and hole punched
●Tags are sold individually
Blank Aluminum Tags (B-906)
●Anodized aluminum is dyed to offer color-coding
options not available with brass tags
●Available in twelve colors
●Choose from 11⁄2" or 2" round styles
●Standard package: 25 tags
Blank Brass Valve Tags (B-907)
●Standard package: 25 identical tags
●Customize your own brass tags with Brady
steel stamps
Steel Stamps
●Customize your own valve tags onsite using
Blank Brass Valve Tags
Valve Chart Frames
●Use Valve Chart Frames to display your valve
tag charts
●Use valve tag chart to list up to 50 locations
●Rugged extruded, clear anodized aluminum
frame comes with clear plastic window
●Frame holds 8" x 11" valve
tag charts
Bottom Line Catalog
Number Sequence Number Price
1 - 25 23200 $33.90
26 - 50 23201 $33.90
51 - 75 23202 $33.90
76 - 100 23203 $33.90
Color 3”x11
” 4”x21
White 87696 87697
Orange 87694 87695
Red 41924 41925
Yellow 41922 41923
Black 41920 41921
Blue 41926 41927
Brown 87710 87711
Tan 87712 87713
Grey 87698 87699
Green 41928 41929
PRICE $2.08 $2.25
Tag Tag Catalog
Size Shape Number Price
11⁄2" Round 44400 $42.90
11⁄2" Square 44401 $42.90
2" Round 44402 $55.99
2" Square 44403 $55.99
2” 2” 11
” 11
Color Round Square Round Square
Black 87612 87637 87605 87619
Blue 49907 87641 49902 87629
Gold 87608 87633 87601 87615
Green 49908 87642 49903 87630
Light Blue 87613 87638 87606 87620
Natural 49909 87643 49904 87631
Olive Drab 87609 87634 87602 87616
Orange 87611 87636 87604 87618
Pink 87610 87635 87603 87617
Red 49906 87640 49901 87628
Violet 87607 87632 87600 87614
Yellow 49905 87639 49900 87627
PRICE $48.18 $48.18 $32.07 $32.07
Size Shape Number Price
11⁄2" Round 23210 $13.37
2" Round 23211 $15.35
11⁄2" Square 23212 $16.07
2" Square 23213 $23.07
Catalog Number Price
23309 $26.03
Charac. # of Catalog
Type of Set Size Charac. Number Price/Set
Letter Set 1⁄4" 27 23240 $ 67.46
Number Set 1⁄4"9 23241 $ 23.40
Letter Set 1⁄2" 27 23242 $110.20
Number Set 1⁄2"9 23243 $ 46.68

Valve Tags
Solid “S” Hooks
●Standard package: 100 “S” Hooks, sold in full
packages only
41⁄2" Beaded Chain
●Standard package: 100 chains, sold in full
packages only
#16 Jack Chain
●Approximately 25 links per foot
●Standard package: 50 feet of chain, sold in
full packages only
Lead Seals
●12" wires with pre-fitted lead seals fit easily
around pipes or valves
●Use with Hand Sealing Press
●Standard package: 250
F. Zinc Wire Clamps - Double Ferrule
●Use to secure or splice Stainless Steel Wire
●Standard package: 50
G. Stainless Wire (48 mil)
●30' rolls
Valve Tags
Colored Nylon Ties
●8” Nylon tie provides easy fastening
●Sold in Packs of 100
Brady offers a variety of stock and custom valve tags to fit your application.
Visit for the full product line.
Custom Valve Tags Available
Brady also offers a variety of other custom products
including; signs, labels, tags, banners, display boards and
pipe markers. For more information contact your
local brady distributor.
Catalog For Valve
Number Size Stems Up To Price
23305 13⁄4" O.D. 1⁄2" $31.40
23304 11⁄2" O.D. 3⁄8" $30.94
23303 11⁄4" O.D. 1⁄4" $29.30
Stainless Steel
98862 13⁄4" O.D. 1⁄2" $35.42
Catalog Number Description Price
23306 #6 Brass $20.58
Catalog Number Material Price
23308 Brass #16 $42.80
98859 Stainless Steel $41.53
Catalog Number Material Price
23301 Copper $54.46
Catalog Number Color Price
98848 Black $17.07
98849 Blue $17.07
98850 Green $17.07
98851 Natural $17.07
98852 Orange $17.07
98853 Purple $17.07
98854 Red $17.07
98855 Yellow $17.07
F. Zinc Wire Clamps
Catalog Number Price
38090 $16.60
G. Stainless Steel Wire
Catalog Number Price
38091 $12.20

Self-Sticking Vinyl Pipe Markers
Pipe Markers
Self-Sticking Vinyl Pipe Markers
• Markers meet the requirements of the ASME (ANSI)
A13.1 Standard for the identification of piping system
contents when used with Directional Flow Arrow Tape
• Markers supplied on a coated backing material that
makes handling and installation easy
• Marker ends should be banded with Brady Directional
Flow Arrow Tape to indicate pipe content flow direction
• Durable B-946 material ideal for indoor and outdoor
Outside Letter Order
Diameter Height Style Description Style* Price
8" or greater 31⁄2" Style 1HV: One 4" x 24" 1HV $4.47
marker per card
21⁄2" to 77⁄8" 2" Style 1: One 21⁄4" x 14" $2.20
marker per card 1
3⁄4" to 23⁄8"3⁄4" Style 4: Four 11⁄8" x 7"
markers per card 4 $2.20
less than 3⁄4"1⁄2" Style 3C: Three 21⁄4"x23⁄4" markers 3C $2.20
per card plus 8 strips of Arrow Tape
Size Chart
CITY WATER Green 7054 –*
COLD WATER Green 7055 –*
COMPRESSED AIR Yellow 7058 –*
COMPRESSED AIR Green 7059 –*
CONDENSATE Yellow 7061 –*
WATER RETURN Yellow 7088 –*
GAS Yellow 7119 –*
HEATING RETURN Yellow 7125 –*
HEATING SUPPLY Yellow 7127 –*
HOT WATER Yellow 7146 –*
HOT WATER RETURN Yellow 7148 –*
HOT WATER SUPPLY Yellow 7149 –*
MEDICAL AIR Yellow 7184 – *
MEDICAL VACUUM White 7186 – *
NATURAL GAS Yellow 7196 –*
NITROGEN Green 7198 –*
OXYGEN Green 7210 –*
STORM DRAIN Green 7273 –*
Background Catalog
Legend Color No.
Directional Flow Arrow Tape
• Durable B-946 material withstands the
elements indoors or out
• Provides 360° visibility
• Supplied in liner-mounted rolled form -
use two bands per marker
Self Sticking Vinyl Arrows
• Mounted on easy-to-use dispenser cards
• Durable B-946 material withstands the elements
indoors or out
Solid Color Pipe Banding Tape
• Durable B-946 material withstands the
elements indoors or out
• Meets ASME color field size recommendation
when used in combination with worded
legends and directional flow arrows
• Supplied in liner-mounted rolled form
• Use two bands per marker
NEW ASME(ANSI) Standard A13.1-2007
to view the standard and
to request your free printed sample
Roll Size Blk/Ylw Wht/Grn Wht/Rd Price
1" x 30 yds 91424 91425 91426 $25.54
2" x 30 yds 91420 91421 91422 $51.01
4" x 30 yds 91287 91290 91288 $101.99
Roll Size Wht/Blu Blk/Wht Price
1" x 30 yds 91427 91413 $25.54
2" x 30 yds 91423 91417 $51.01
4" x 30 yds 91289 91409 $101.99
Size Blk/Ylw Wht/Grn Qty per Card Price
/4”x 7” 76507 76503 2 $2.20
/8”x 7” 93242 93257 4 $2.20
Roll Size Yellow Green Red Orange Price
1" x 30 yds 36301 36304 36302 91428 $20.56
2" x 30 yds 55260 55263 55261 91430 $41.11
4" x 30 yds 36287 36290 36288 91432 $82.20

Snap-On & Strap-On Pipe Markers
Pipe Markers
BradySnap-On™& Strap-On Pipe Markers
• Designed for pipes that have an outside diameter between 3⁄4" and 6"
(including insulation)
• May be applied to dirty, oily, greasy or rough surfaces
• All stock BradySnap-On™ Strap-On Markers meet ASME (ANSI)
• Strap-On Supplied as a flat sheet with slots to accommodate
BradyLock™ Fastener straps. Styles F - H come with nylon straps
Outside Letter Style
Diameter Height Description* Price
3⁄4" to 13⁄8"1⁄2" Style A $4.37
11⁄2" to 23⁄8"3⁄4" Style B $6.02
21⁄2" to 37⁄8"1
1⁄4" Style C $11.12
4" to 6" 11⁄4" Style D $11.91
BradySnap-OnTM Markers Size Chart
Outside Letter Style
Diameter Height Description Price
6" to 77⁄8"1
1⁄4" Style F $12.30
8" to 97⁄8"2
1⁄2" Style G $17.45
10" to 15" 31⁄2" Style H $21.97
Strap-On Style Marker Size Chart
(BLANK) Yellow 4010-*
COMPRESSED AIR Blue 4034 – *
WATER SUPPLY Green 4050 – *
DOMESTIC HOT WATER Yellow 4051 – *
HOT WATER RETURN Yellow 4081 – *
HOT WATER SUPPLY Yellow 4082 – *
NATURAL GAS Yellow 4097 – *
Background Catalog
Legend Color No.
B-689 High Performance Pipe Markers
• PVF overlaminated polyester construction seals in and protects graphics
• Markers resist abrasion, chemicals, high humidity and outdoor weathering
• Ideal for pipes up to 77⁄8" in diameter
• Choose from more than 125 stock legends or create your
own custom legend
Size Chart
Outside Max. Char. Letter Style
Diameter Per Marker Height Description* Price
Coiled Wrap-Around
1⁄2" to 13⁄8" 22 1⁄2" Style 0 $6.97
11⁄2" to 23⁄8" 13 3⁄4" Style l $9.05
21⁄2" to 77⁄8" 13 11⁄4" Style ll $12.97
*When ordering, please indicate the catalog number for your desired legend
followed by the letter code (0, I, II, or HPHV) that corresponds with your
desired size and style.
Fire Protection Water Red 5689-*
Compressed Air Blue 5660-*
Condensate Yellow 5662-*
Hydraulic Fluid Yellow 5710-*
Mill Water Green 5725-*
Background Catalog
Legend Color No.
Snap-On Cable Markers
• Fits on 1
/2diameter cables
• Pre-coiled for easy installation
• Use on dusty, dirty, oily or scaly pipe surfaces
• Printed on durable vinyl
• Outdoor durability from 5 to 8 years
Custom pipe markers are available.
for more information
Custom Pipe Markers Available
Catalog Background/ Length of
Legend Number Legend Color Field Price
Caution Fiber
Optic Cable 47659 Orange/Black 5" $4.41
*When ordering, please indicate the catalog number for your desired legend followed
by the letter code (F-H) that corresponds with your desired size and style.

7” x 5” Arc flash & shock hazard
• Labels come with the hazard category and PPE
requirements preprinted
• B-933 Vinyl can be written on with a pen or marker
3.5” x 5” Text & pictogram 3.5” x 5” Text Only2" x 4" Arc flash & shock hazard; table
• Meets current NEC labeling requirements
• Made of durable B-302 Polyester with overlaminate to withstand harsh environments
4" x 6" Arc flash hazard only; checkboxes
Catalog # Qty. Header Price
102307 100/roll WARNING $126.15
101950 5/pack WARNING $10.11
102308 100/roll DANGER $126.15
101951 5/pack DANGER $10.11
Catalog # Qty. Header Price
102309 100/roll WARNING $126.15
101952 5/pack WARNING $10.11
102310 100/roll DANGER $126.15
101953 5/pack DANGER $10.11
Catalog # Qty. Header Price
101517 100/roll WARNING $69.36
101519 10/pack WARNING $10.04
101518 100/roll DANGER $69.36
101520 10/pack DANGER $10.04
Catalog # Qty. Header Price
99460 5/pack WARNING $10.73
99461 5/pack DANGER $10.73
Basic Arc Flash Labels
Arc Flash Labels with Preprinted Hazard Categories
Catalog # Qty. Header Price
99462 5 WARNING $11.64
99463 5 DANGER $11.64
110.16 Flash Protection
Switchboards, panelboards, industrial control panels, meter socket enclosures, and motor control centers that are in other than dwelling occupancies and are
likely to require examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while energized shall be field marked to warn qualified persons of potential electric arc flash
hazards. The marking shall be located so as to be clearly visible to qualified persons before examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance of the equipment.
FPN No. 1:
NFPA 70E-2004, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, provides assistance in determining severity of potential exposure, planning safe work practices,
and selecting personal protective equipment.
FPN No. 2:
ANSI Z535.4-1998, Product Safety Signs and Labels, provides guidelines for the design of safety signs and labels for application to products.
NFPA70 National Electric Code
Arc Flash Training Poster
• Highlights the common causes of arc flash
and provides safe work practices and
personal protection equipment requirements
• Laminated on both sides to stand up to
industrial environments !Brady also offers a full line of
arc flash signs, labels and
training tools. Visit
Catalog # Size Price
104571 18” x 24” $24.15

Labels / Tags
Labels / Tags
●Made with B-851 polyester unless otherwise indicated, 10 per package (cardstock 100 per package)
●Size is 3" x 53⁄4" with 3⁄8" metal grommet
Cat. No. 65372
Blank both sides
Cat. No. 76168 Cat. No. 76171
*Cat. No. 76192
Accident Prevention Tags
Cat. No. 86533
Cat. No. 86643 - Card Stock
Cat. No. 86537
●Tags meet OSHA Standard 1910.145 for accident prevention (10 tags per package)
Inspection & Material Control Tags
Cat. No. 86441
3" x 53⁄4" Laminated
Cat. No. 86446
3" x 53⁄4" Laminated
Cat. No. 86615
4" x 7" Polyester
Cat. No. 86620
4" x 7" Polyester
Cat. No. 86614
4" x 7" Polyester
Cat. No. 86624
4" x 7" Polyester
Cat. No. 86442
3" x 53⁄4" Laminated
Cat. No. 86611
4" x 7" Polyester
●Self-sticking polyester
●Standard package: 5
●Orange markers meet
Standard ZG3.22
●Sold individually
1 Marker Per Card – Marker Size – 2
" x 9"
4 Markers Per Card – Marker Size – 1
18 Markers Per Card – Marker Size –
SS -3
x 5 - 86783 SS -3
x 5 - 86861 SS -3
x 5 - 86868
SS -3
1⁄2x 5 - 86203SS -3
1⁄2x 5 - 86204
Catalog Number
Style A Style B Style C
1 Marker/ 4 Markers/ 18 Markers/
Legend Card Card Card Price
120 Volts 44104 44204 44304 $2.56
120/208 Volts 44159 44259 44359 $2.56
240 Volts 44110 44210 44310 $2.56
277/480 Volts 44160 44260 44360 $2.56
480 Volts 44115 44215 44315 $2.56
Single Phase 44129 44229 44329 $2.56
Three Phase 44131 44231 44331 $2.56
Machine & Equipment Labels
Voltage Labels
●Price is $9.92
• National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA) recommends use
of "Mr. Ouch" labels on transformers
located in public areas
• Meets both NEMA Standard and
Underwriters Laboratory
Performance Standard #969
• Made from B-927 tamper-resistant
film to prevent defacing and vandalism
Mr. Ouch Labels
Cat. No. 65373
†Cat. No. 65350
†Part numbers identified by a cross have a larger hole without a grommet to accommodate padlocks.
*Part numbers identified by an asterisk have a self-adhesive, clear overlaminate flap which is pressed
over the face of the tag for permanent protection.
Material Price
Heavy duty laminated tag (B-837) $20.19
Economy Polyester (B-851) $15.09
Material Price
Polyester $14.41
Cardstock $47.14
8" x 41⁄2" - 46347 - $3.76ea.

Scaffold Status Holder & Tag
●.060" thick plastic tag with clear front pocket
●Tag slides into the clear pocket
●Size: 12" x 41⁄2" - accommodates tags with a
size of 53⁄4" x 3"
●Sold as a Holder only or as a Kit
Heavy Duty Laminated Tag (B-837) Price
53⁄4" x 3" 86452 86453 $20.19
Economy Polyester (B-851) Price
53⁄4" x 3" 86572 86573 86574 $14.41
Cardstock Tags (B-853) Price
53⁄4" x 3" 86684 $47.14
Scaffolding Tags
●B-837 plastic and B-851 polyester tags withstand moisture, grease and dirt and come complete with
nylon fasteners. Sold 10 per package
• B-853 card stock are sold 100 per package and includes string fasteners
●Textured write-on surface allows for authorized signatures, dates and other special instructions
●Tags feature two chamfered corners and a 3⁄8" grommeted hole
Cat. No. 86458 - $20.96 Cat. No. 86459 - $20.96 Cat. No. 65501 - $20.96
●Constructed of Brady's durable B-851 polyester with a 1 mil polyester overlay
●Size is 3" x 53⁄4" with 3⁄8" metal grommet (10 tags with nylon fasteners)
Self-Laminating Tags
●Constructed of durable cardstock
●Size is 3" x 53⁄4" with 3⁄8" metal grommet
●100 tags with string fasteners
Production Status Tags
Cat. No. 86751 - $47.14 Cat. No. 86776 - $47.14
●B-851 Rigid Polyester
●Size is 3" x 53⁄4" with 3⁄8" metal grommet
●Standard package: 25 tags Includes plastic lock-on ties
Recharge Maintenance/Inspection
Cat. No. 76222 - $35.95 Cat. No. 65371 - $35.95
●Label size: 5⁄8"x11⁄2"
●Made of durable, write-on polyester material
●Standard package: 364 identical labels
Cat. No. 82587 - $35.79
Cat. No. 82588 - $35.79
Write-On Inspection Labels
Description Cat No. Price
Holder Only 48111 $24.44
Holder Kit (holder + 3 tags) 48112 $32.83

Forklift™ Tag
Assists with the requirements of 1910.178 (q) (7) pre use preventative
maintenance and safety inspection for forklift trucks. The FORKLIFT™
holder is permanently attached to the cage of the forklift truck and displays
the prohibition sign and the script “DO NOT USE”. The FORKLIFT™insert
shows in written and graphic format the daily or pre-shift, inspections that
should be carried out by the first user.
Cat. No. Description Qty./UOM Color Size Price
104128 Forklift Holder 10/BOX White 11 1/2" x 6" $50.00
104129 Forklift Inserts 100/PK Blue/Yellow 5 3
/8" $271.25
104130 Forklift Kit* 1/KIT $114.70
*Kit includes 10 holders, 10 status inserts and 1 pen
Assists with the identification and preventative maintenance requirements of a
range of equipment, and may assist with the requirements of CFR 1926.1053 (a)
(12), (b) (17) (i) (ii) and CFR 1910.25 (d) (1) (X) US Patent # 314,016
Cat. No. Description Qty./UOM Color Size Price
104122 Multitag Holder 10/BOX White 21
/4" $62.00
104123 Multitag Inserts 100/PK Green 2" x 61
/2" $155.00
104124 Multitag Kit 1/KIT $86.80
*Kit includes 10 holders, 10 inserts and 1 pen
Designed to work in conjunction with existing permit to work systems and
assist with the requirements of CFR 1910.146 (c) (2), (d) (11) and (f) (2).
ENTRYTAG®acts as a visual reminder to authorized personnel and assists
in instructing non authorized personnel of the critical requirements con-
tained within the permit to work. The system clearly states the minimum
requirements of entry to the confined space or whether the area is in pro-
hibition and cannot be entered.
Cat. No. Description Qty./UOM Color Size Price
104119 Entrytag Holder 10/BOX White 111
/4" x 6" $77.50
104120 Standard Inserts 100/PK Green 53
/8" $271.25
107967 Man In Tank Tag 100/PK Yellow 2” x 6 1
/2” $155.00
104121 Entry Tag Kit* 1/KIT $114.70
*Kit includes 10 holders, 20 inserts and 1 pen
Scaffolding Tags
• SCAFFTAG®provides system, procedural and legal compliance
• Provides a clear inspection trail giving integrity and control of work carried out
• Essential for companies working with ISO9000 clients
Cat. No. Description Qty. Color Size Price
104111 Holders 10/Box White 113
/2" $62.00
104112 Holders 10/Box Red 113
/2" $62.00
104113 Inspection Inserts 100/Pkg Green 31
/8" $155.00
104114 Caution Inserts 100/Pkg Yellow 31
/8" $155.00
104115 Standard Kit* 1/Kit White $108.50
104116 Scafftag II Holder 10/Box White 111
/2" x 6" $92.23
104117 Inspection Inserts 100/Pkg Green 53
/8" $175.00
104118 Scafftag II Kit* 1/Kit $139.50
*Kits include 10 Holders, 20 Inserts and 1 Pen
LADDERTAG™ is a complete ladder safety management system. Regu-
lations require ladders to be checked for damage, faults and wear before
use by an authorized user, and may assist with the requirements of CFR
1926.1053 (a) (12), (b) (17) (i) (ii) and CFR 1910.25 (d) (1) (X)
Cat. No. Desc. Qty. Color Size Price
104125 Holder 10/BOX White 21
/4" $62.00
104126 Inserts 100/PK Yellow 2" x 61
/2" $155.00
104127 Kit* 1/KIT $86.80
*Kit includes 10 holders, 10 inserts and 1 pen
Micro Tag
A safety system which is particularly useful for identifying small plant,
equipment, lifting gear and safety harnesses. Color coded and date qualified,
the system also has the facility to render equipment in a ‘prohibition status’
should it be found to be faulty between inspection dates. Meets the
requirements for OSHA CFR 1926.502 (d) (21) Personal Fall Arrest systems.
Cat No. Description Qty. Color Size Price
104143 Microtag Kit* 1 $62.00
104152 Next Inspection Date Due 100 Green 17
/4" $77.50
104155 Next Inspection Date Due 100 Red 17
/4" $77.50
104157 Next Inspection Date Due 100 Yellow 17
/4" $77.50
*Kit includes 20 holders, 40 cables ties and 1 pen

Sorbent Products
Sorbent Products
Actually, start at the end, in the trash. One of the best ways to help you pick the right
sorbent is to see what they look like when you’re done with them. Take a look…
These sorbents are being used in a traffic area – choose a tough sorbent
like BattleMat™or one of our HT rolls to get durability and high absorbency.
Too much sorbent for the application. Save some money by choosing a
medium or lightweight pad.
Not Enough Sorbent! Consider a heavyweight pad to increase performance and cut
down on the number of lighter pads you go through everyday. Start with MRO-100
it’s our number one selling product for a reason; or go GREEN with Re-Form! The
RFP100 Re-Form Plus pad made from recycled cellulose materials, is up to
50% more absorbent.
Looks like this sorbent is containing a leak – consider using a SOC
for containing leaky equipment. SPC offers a variety of SOCs to meet your needs.
There is a negative financial impact of using clay to clean up your leaks, drips and spills. It may be cheaper to buy,
but the benefits stop there. For example, a facility that uses sorbents to clean up 32 gallons of oil on average each
month may expect to spend as follows*:
Using Clay:
• 8 - 30lb. bags @ $9 each = $72
• 2 disposal drums @ $350 each = $700
• Total spend = $772
Using SPC Sorbents
• 1 bale of pads @ $76 = $76
• 1 disposal drum @ $350 = $350
• Total spend = $426
Still not convinced… consider these points:
• OSHA considers silica a serious health hazard.
• Granular clean-up is difficult and labor intensive.
• The small particles can easily enter and damage machinery or your finished product.
• Clay has limited chemical resistance.
* This is a basic analysis using estimations and averages. Individual situations will vary.
Contact your BRADY/SPC Regional Sorbent Sales Manager to do a more in-depth and
customized analysis of your costs.

Sorbent Products
Sorbent Products
29 CFR 1910.22(a)(2)
Clean, dry workplace floors.
40 CFR 112.7(c)(1)(vii)
Sorbent materials are one option for preventing oil spills from reaching waterways
29 CFR 1910.120(j)(1)(vii)
DOT-specified containers and suitable quantities of absorbents shall be kept available for response to spills
Important Related OSHA and EPA Regulations
Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan
The EPA issued its final rule amending the SPCC under the authority of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. This regulation became
effective as of August 16, 2002.
What is an SPCC Plan?
An SPCC Plan is a facility-specific comprehensive description of a facility’s containment and counter measures that would prevent an oil
spill from occurring as well as procedures to respond and clean up an oil spill that does occur.
The SPCC plan addresses the following three areas:
•Operating procedures that prevent oil spills
•Control measures installed to prevent a spill from reaching the environment
•Countermeasures to contain, clean up, and mitigate the effects of an oil spill that reaches the environment
Surveying a facility for potential trouble spots, proper sorbent usage and product selection can be extremely
beneficial. For example, environmental and site surveys uncover excellent opportunities for product
standardization and consolidation, especially at larger plants where various departments buy sorbents from
different sources. As a value-added service, SPC and its distributors can help plants make better application
decisions and reduce costs.
Environmental Survey
SPC’s Environmental Survey is a free service – helping facilities keep their employees and their equipment clean and safe,
while coming into compliance with OSHA, EPA and SPCC regulations. This detailed survey asks the right questions and
identifies the way in which SPC and its distributor can provide solutions for the proper use of sorbents in the plant.
Many organizations use these surveys as an “Environmental Audit” and keep them on file.
Cost Savings Worksheet
Seeing is believing! This simple worksheet helps you compare the sorbents you are currently buying with our
recommendations – automatically calculating the price difference and displaying your cost savings.
Cross Reference
This web-based tool allows you to quickly choose which SPC sorbent products are the best alternative to the ones you may
be currently using. You can find it at Click on the manufacturer; then select the product being used. you’ll
quickly learn which SPC products can be use to do the best job for you. Our website is fully functional information resource center
for both your spill containment and greater safety and identification needs.
SPC offers a FREE Facility Environmental Survey

Sorbent Products
Sorbent Products
SPC introduces an eco-friendly family of
high-performance sorbent products
Green to produce. Green in use. The production process
used for Re-Form™sorbent material takes less away from our environment.
Re-Form sorbents are made from a minimum of 85% recycled newsprint and
other cellulose, unlike oil-based polypropylene sorbents. And, the better
absorbency of Re-Form means you’ll have less sorbent material to dispose of.
Better Absorbency The unique construction of Re-Form™
sorbent material offers superior absorbency. In fact, Re-Form sorbents have
been tested to be 25-50% more absorbent than oil-based polypropylene
sorbents, so you’ll use less product to get the job done. Less waste makes
this sorbent both green and lean!
Eco-Friendly Sorbents
Cat. No. Description Size Qty.
RF100 Heavy Weight 15” x 19” 100
RF300 Medium Weight 15” x 19” 100
RF500 Light Weight 15” x 19” 100
Re-Form Plus (with perforated coverstock)
RFP100* Heavy Weight 15” x 19” 100
RFP300* Medium Weight 15” x 19” 100
RFP500* Light Weight 15” x 19” 100
• For basic drips and spills
• Netted construction adds durability
Re-Form™Plus Pads
• For drips, spills and wiping applications
• Spunbound coverstock withstands foot traffic
Cat. No. Description Size Qty.
Re-Form Plus (perforated with coverstock)
RFP28-DP* Heavy Weight Double Perfd. 28.5” x 150’ 1
RFP14P* Heavy Weight 14.25” x 150’ 1
RFP328-DP* Medium Weight Double Perfd. 28.5” x 150’ 1
RFP314P* Medium Weight 14.25 x 150’ 1
• For drips, spills and wiping applications
• Spunbound coverstock withstands foot
Cat. No. Desc. Size Qty.
MS-50 SOC 3” x 4’ 40
MS-412 SOC 3” x 4’ 12
MS-806 SOC 3” x 8’ 6
MS-124 SOC 3” x 12’ 4
Re-Form™Multiwik SOCS
• Routine spill containment and control
• Universal economy SOC
See for yourself! Try Re-Form sorbents risk-free. Your initial case comes w/ a money back guarantee.
Visit for complete details and to request a free sample of Re-Form.

Cat. No. Type Size Qty.
Heavy Weight
MRO100* Pad 15” x 19” 100/case
MRO100-2* Pad 15” x 19” 50/bale
MRO50 Pad 30” x 30” 50/bale
MRO150DND** Pad 15” x 19” 150/case
MRO15 Roll 15” x 150’ 1/case
MRO15P* Roll 15” x 150’ 1/case
MRO15DP* Roll 15” x 150’ 1/case
MRO24DP* Roll 15” x 73’ 1/case
MRO30 Roll 30” x 150’ 1/case
MRO30P* Roll 30” x 150’ 1/case
MRO30DP* Roll 30” x 150’ 1/case
Medium Weight
MRO300* Pad 15” x 19” 100/case
MRO315P* Roll 15” x 150’ 1/case
MRO350DP* Roll 30” x 150’ 1/case
*Perforated to help you use only what you need
**Dispense-n-dispose system, also perf’d.
MRO Plus
• The standard in all-purpose, gray
maintenance sorbents
• Three-ply construction makes it stronger,
more durable and reduces lint
HT Series
• Built for durability and high absorbency
• Economical for high traffic busy areas
• 2-ply construction makes it stronger
• Durable, abrasion-resistant upper layer
• Tough construction; ideal as walk-on mats
• Camouflage-print print masks spills and soils
Universal Pads and Rolls
Use these all-purpose sorbents to clean up oils, coolants, solvents and water-based fluids anywhere in your facility. Around machinery, under
leaky pipes or fittings, in messy traffic areas, for general maintenance projects – they are your first choice for indoor spill control. Plus, their
gray color masks spills and stains – helping you resist the urge to pick up the sorbent before it is fully saturated.
GP - General Purpose
• Single-ply dimpled construction
• Made with exclusive MAXX technology
• MXU1000 absorbs up to 23x it weight in oil
Cat. No. Type Size Qty.
Heavy Weight
GP100 Pads 15” x 19” 100/bale
GP30 Roll 30” x 150’ 100/bale
Light Weight
GP200 Pads 15” x 19” 200/bale
GP500 Pads 15” x 19” 100/bale
MXU1000 Pads 15” x 19” 100/bale
UXT™Xtra Tough
• Premium sorbent pads and rolls for your
thoughest applications
• High performance sorbents made to handle
virtually any liquid
• Spunbound coverstock on both sides for
maximum durability and strength
Cat. No. Type Size Qty.
Heavy Weight
UXT100* Pads 15” x 19” 100/case
UXT15P* Roll 15” x 150’ 1/case
UXT30DP** Roll 30” x 150’ 1/case
Light Weight
UXT200* Pads 15” x 19” 200/case
**Double perforated
Cat. No. Type Size Qty.
Heavy Weight
BM15** Roll 15” x 150’ 1/case
BM30** Roll 30” x 150’ 1/case
BM30X Roll 30” x 150’ 1/case
BM100* Pads 15” x 19” 100/bale
**Double perforated
Cat. No. Type Size Qty.
Heavy Weight
HT15* Roll 15” x 150’ 1/case
HT555** Roll 15” x 150’ 1/case
HT30** Roll 30” x 150’ 1/case
Medium Weight
HT153* Roll 15” x 300’ 1/case
HT303** Roll 30” x 300’ 1/case
**Double perforated
Sorbent Products
Sorbent Products
Call for pricing.
Order by the case or bale.
Call for pricing.
Order by the case or bale.
!Additional products are available
online at
Feature: MRO GP UXT HT
Durability ✓✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Low Linting ✓✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Absorption ✓✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓✓
Relative Cost $$ $ $$ $$

Cat. No. Type Size Qty.
Heavy Weight
ENV100 Pads 15” x 19” 100/bale
Medium Weight
ENV150 Roll 30” x 150’ 1/bale
ENV300 Pads 15” x 19” 100/bale
ENV50 Pads 30” x 30” 50/bale
Light Weight
ENV200 Pads 15” x 19” 200/bale
ENV500 Pads 15” x 19” 100/bale
MXO1000 Pads 15” x 19” 100/case
ENV Series
• Contractor grade oil-only sorbents
• Absorbs petroleum-based liquids while
repelling water
• Efficient, non-dimpled single-ply construction
• MXO1000 absorbs up to 23x its weight in oil
• Made with exclusive MAXX technology
Oil Only Pads and Rolls
Specialized for oil and other petroleum-based spills, oil only pads and rolls will not absorb water and will float indefinitely. These sorbents are
unaffected by temperature and impervious to rot and mildew. Ideal for outside use, SPC’s oil only products are equally effective in soaking up
petroleum-based solvents and paints, vegetable oils and other non-water soluble chemicals.
SPC Series
• Hydrophobic nature makes it ideal for outdoor
• Heavier and bonded to enhance strength and
reduce linting
• Dimpled and perforated, single-ply
• Made with exclusive MAXX technology
Cat. No. Type Size Qty.
Heavy Weight
SPC100 Pads 15” x 19” 100/bale
SPC50 Pads 33” x 39” 50/bale
SPC150 Roll 38” x 144’ 1/bale
SPC152 Roll 19” x 14