19660004870_Skipwith_Magnetic_Tape_Recording 19660004870 Skipwith Magnetic Tape Recording
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• https:llntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19660004870 2018-05-05T01 :47:47+00:00Z CAS t.s tiL ~ COpy NASA SP.5038 TECHNOLOGY SURVEY -Technology Utilization DiviSion- MAGNETIC T APE RECORDING I\I~~ " ...... .\. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION NASA SP-5038 TECHNOLOGY SURVEY Technology Utilization Division MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING By Skipwith W. Athey, Ph. D. (Prepared Under Contract NASw - 945) NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Washington, D. C. January 1966 NOTICE This document was prepared under the sponsorship of the NatIOnal Aeronautics and Space AdmmistratlOn Neither the United States Government nor any person actmg on behalf of the Umted States Government assumes any liability resultmg from the use of the mformatlOn contamed in thil;; document, or warrants that such use will be free from privately owned rights For Sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price $1 25 Foreword The Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has established a technology utIlization program for "the rapid dissemination of information . . . on technological developments ... which appear to be useful for general mdustrial applIcatIOn." From a variety of sources, mcluding NASA Research Centers and NASA contractors, space-related technology IS collected and screened; apd that whIch has potential industrial use is made generally available. InformatIon from the nation's space program is thus made available to American industry, including the latest developments in materials, processes, products, techniques, management systems, and analytical and design procedures. Magnetic tape recorder technology dIffers somewhat from the technology of some of the other fields that are being covered. The magnetic tape recorder is a highly developed device and ItS detailed technology IS hidden below a thick layer of practical engineering design. It is therefore difficult to extract technology per se from the tape recorder field, nor would this be very useful under the objectives of the survey program. Hence, this partIcular survey does not deal to as great extent as some others with specific details of technology but broadly covers two aspects of the applied technology in the development of which NASA has participated. One area of technology which IS specifically NASA sponsored is that which has led to the development of miniature severe-environment tape recorders for satellite and space probe use. In this area NASA has directly sponsored innovation, emphasizing reliability If not new concepts. The biggest dollar impact of NASA work on tape recorder technology has been as a major customer for commercial ground-based tape recorders for telemetry data acquisition and related purposes. It would be impossible to extract NASA's specific contributions to data acquisition and data reduction technology from the mass of application lore and knowhow which has been built III IV FOREWORD up in this area. As a major customer, however, NASA has had a strong indirect influence on the recorder development that has taken place through purely commercial channels. This survey, therefore, diScusses the entire range of recorder technology with emphasis on the miniature high environment recorder and work in which NASA may be seen to have had a major influence. THE DIRECTOR, Technology Utilization Division National Aeronautics and Space Administration Acknowledgments Ideally, a survey is complete and precise; tlllS one is neither as complete nor as precise as I would have liked to make it. Some of its shortcomings can be charged to the difficulty of obtaining information in time to include it. The "cut-oft' date" of the information is uneven; the average cut-off date was toward the end of 1964 although some 19_65 i:nformation is mcluded. Other faults, however, involving sms both of commission and omission, are chargeable only to the particular approach I have taken and for which I must accept full responsibility. Thanks are naturally due to the NASA contractors and subcontractors who have cheerfully supplied information. Equal thanks are due to those recorder manufacturers who, although not specifically suppliers of new recorder technology under contract to NASA, halve given the writer much information about their techniques. The following organizations have been of considerable help in supplying information in general terms: Ampex Corporation, Mincom Division of the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, Consolidated Electrodynamics Corporation, Sangamo Electric Company, Genisco Data, Borg-Warner Controls, Tech-Center Division of Cook Electric Company, College HIll Industries, Leach Corporation, Precision Instrument Company, Radio Corporation of America, Astro-science Corporation, Lockheed Electronics Company, Ralph M. Parsons Company, Raymond Engineering Laboratory, Inc., and of course, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology . In the course of performmg this Survey, I visited Goddard Space Flight Center, Lewis Research Center, the George C. Marshall Space'Flight Center, the Manned Spacecraft Center, Langley Research Center, Wallops Station, and the Flight Research Center. The cooperation and assistance, particularly of the Technology UtilIzation Offices of these Centers was esv VI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS sential to the accomplishment of this task. It is perhaps appropriate to smgle out Mr. Pleasant T. Cole, manager of the Recording Techniques Group at Goddard Space Flight Center, whose orIginal persistence led to the preparation of this Survey; Mr. John Warden of the Patent Office at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who somehow managed to obtain contractor data in quantities well beyond my expectations from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory files, and Mr. Leonard Ault of the Congressional Relations Office of Goddard Space Flight Center for hIS tireless efforts in digging out other mformation from NASA files. SKIPWITH W. ATHEY CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2 THE FIELD OF MAGNETIC RECORDING.. Entertainment Recording Instrumentation Recordings Transverse Recording . Digital Recording Aubome Recording . The Scope of This Survey Grollnd-Based Recorders Flight Recorders 1 5 5 7 9 10 12 12 13 16 CHAPTER 3 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TAPE RECORDER 19 19 22 24 The Recording Medium Recording and Reproducing Transducers The Tape Moving Mechanism Eledronics Summary 27 29 CHAPTER 4. RECORDING METHODS. 31 33 Linear or Analog Recording . FM Recording Special FM Recording Systems. Puls¢ Duration Modulation Puls¢ Amplitude Modulation . Puls¢ Code Modulation (PCM) Puls¢ Recording Waveforms Oth¢r Recording Methods 35 41 42 46 48 52 55 CHAPTER 5. HEAD-TAPE INTERACTION 57 65 74 76 Head-Tape Geometry-Biased Recording Head-Tape Geometry-Pulse Recording Future Requifements vn VITI CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 6. TAPE MOVING SYSTEMS Configurations The Open Loop Tape Velocity at Capstan and Head Closed-Loop Recorders Maintainmg Tension in the Closed Loop Zero-Loop Configurations Recorders of Unusual Configuration Tape Reeling Mechanisms Reeling Motors Brake Tension Control Servo Reeling Devices Reeling Irregularities Tape Housekeeping Rewind, Fast-Forward, and Search Data Reduction Functions Transverse Recorders Unusual Dnve Schemes CHAPTER 7 DISTURBANCES TO TAPE MOTION 77 18 80 94 95 96 102 103 105 106 111 114 116 118 120 121 122 126 127 R~~ 1~ Instantaneous Time Error Flutter Sources Flutter Redudlon Disturbance Compensation Techniques 129 1 30 1 32 1 36 CHAPTER 8 TAPE RECORDER HEADS-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Head Types Head Materials Head Strudure Head PreciSion Erase Heads CHAPTER 9 MAGNETIC TAPE Magnetic Properties of Tape Tape Base Materials Tape Bmders Tape Manufadurin9 Procedures Other Tape Properties SpeCial Tapes CHAPTER 10 RECORDER ELECTRONICS Signal Electronics-Dynamic Range Signal Equalization Implementation of Recording Fundlons Other Signal Problems Pulse Techniques Control Eledronlcs 141 141 143 144 1 52 153 155 156 158 159 160 162 164 167 167 171 112 114 115 176 CONTENTS IX Pa.ge CHAPTER 11 TAPE RECORDER MECHANICAL COMPONENTS Modular Construction of Flight Recorders. Motors Bearings Clutches Brakes GUides Drive Belts Vibration Isolation. Torquing Springs . CHAPTER 12. METHODS OF TESTING AND EVALUATING TAPE AND RECORDERS Distortion Testing Signal-to-Noise Ratio Testing Flutter-Testing Time-Displacement Error Testing Dropout Testing Tape Testing Environmental Tests CHAPTER 13. MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS Reel-to-Reel, Record-Only Recorders Reel-to-Reel Recorders, Responsive to Playback Commands The Endless-Loop Recorder Unusual Recorder Formats Miniature Transverse-Scan Recorders Drive Systems for Miniature Recorders Special Problems of Space Probe Recorders CHAPTER 14 COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS The Interplanetary Monitoring Platform (IMP) OGO-A Nimbus Central Data Processmg FaCility CHAPTER 15. UTILIZATION FACTORS IN MAGNETIC RECORDING APPENDIX References Index Author Index 181 183 187 191 196 198 198 199 200 202 203 203 205 207 211 212 213 213 215 217 224 238 256 263 264 270 271 272 281 289 292 301 307 311 317 325 CHAPTER 1 Introduction NASA's contribution to tape recorder technology may appear to lie in such glamorous devices as the tape recorders of the Tiros and Nimbus satellites which -receive signals carrying weather info~ation during an orbit around the earth and then transmit those signals back to the ground when the satellite is in view of ground stations. These quite important recording devices are, however, only useful as members of a complex hierarchy of devices all of which participate in the ultimate process of obtaining information from NASA's efforts. Their existence and utility is based on the existence of many more prosaic recordmg devices which have been involved in the development of such spectacular units. Satellite recorders must operate without maintenance, must show great reliability, and must consistently deIrver performance closely related to the needs of the program in whICh they are used. Such recorders must be conservatively desIgned and exhaustively tested. They invariably sacrifice peak of state-of-the-art performance for reliability and the ability to eXlst m unfriendly environments. The development of such recorders represents the combination of considerable effort by many manufacturers and government laboratories, but the average home hi-fidelity fan can purchase for $150.00 in a local furniture store a recorder which appears to have considerably higher performance specifications.' The differences in environment and reliability are responsible, of course, for this peculiar situation. The output of one of the speciahzed satellite or space probe recorders will invariably be recorded on the ground by a commercial instrumentation recorder of conservative design but of considerably higher performance than the device in the satellite. The output of this ground recorder will be reproduced and analyzed agam and again through the use of further conventional commercial recorders. In the development of almost every smgle piece of NASA hardware of any degree of complexity beyond a single bolt and nut, con1 2 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING ventional or commercial magnetic recorders have been involved. Quantities of data have been collected from tests in the laboratory, at ground test sites, in static firing tests, in ballistic vehicle firings, and in prelIminary orbital shots leading to the development of the complete booster/satellite combinations now in use. The use of magnetic recording in the development process far outweighs the amount of recording done either on the ground or in flight in satellite or space probe programs. It is as a major user, directly and indirectly, of such test recording procedures, that NASA has made its real contribution to tape recorder technology. As a most demanding customer with almost lmlimited requirements in magnetic recording, NASA, its contractors, its subcontractors, and its sub-sub-contractors have represented a great part of the market influence which has encouraged the development of recorders of improved performance by commercial manufacturers. In this role lies NASA's greatest importance as a supporter of tape recorder technology. It would be impossible to extract and present III an organized manner the mass of knowhow that NASA and its contractors have obtained about the use of magnetIC recording. Occasionally a specific development can be traced to the needs of a particular NASA program but, as often as not, other government programs, directly or indirectly, have had sufficiently silllilar requirements that it is difficult to separate the NASA influence from that of other organizations. It was to deal somehow with this massive NASA influence that the format of the present Technology Survey was evolved. The entire range of current tape recorder technology is presented here in survey and outline form. Except in isolated cases, no attempt is made to say that NASA has been responsible for this or that aspect of the commercial recorders currently available. It is beheved that the technology for the acquisition of which NASA IS at least in part responsible can best be made available to industry by presenting a broad view of the current state of the art. Both to the user and to the potential desIgner of sophisticated magnetic recording equipment such a survey should provide some assistance. It is hoped that the user will be made sufficiently aware of the capabilIties and limitations of magnetIC recording that he can make proper system decisions in his utilizatIOn of magnetic recording. To the designer this report may not seem as sophisticated a document as it will to the user, but it may, by emphasizing the user's problems and interest, guide in some small measure the development of new recording instruments. In specific mstances, the breadth of the survey will make it possible to present material not adequately presented preVIously in either periodical or INTRODUCTION 3 textbook literature. Although not exhaustive, the coverage has been designed to be complete enough to give warning where problems of development or extension of recording capabIlities may exist. The purpose of magnetic recording IS t~ receive electrical signals of a wide variety and to record and store those signals in a form which allows their accurate reproduction at a later time. The ideal recorder is one for which the only difference between the electrical signal received by the recorder and that reproduced by the reproducer is the gross time delay between recording and reproduction. All the characteristics of the electrical signal should be preserved perfectly. To describe the accuracy of reproduction, the same terms may be used that are used to describe the accuracy of transmission of an electrical signal through some transmIssion means. Typically, such transmIssion is described in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, bandwidth, and- distOrtion-of various-types;-iridiiding botli-phase-and amplitude. Of relatively small importance in most transmission systems is any disturbance of the time scale of the signal, although such disturbances are encountered in sky wave radio transmission and VHF transmission subject to variable diffraction. Time scale disturbances are, however, inherent in any recording process. The state of the recordmg art can thus be described in terms of the standard electrical characteristics of the transmission system, to which must be added specification of disturbances of the time scale of the input signal. As in most complex systems, the various electrical performance characteristics as well as the time scale disturbance are interrelated in the typical recording system. Likewise, almost every element involved m the recording part of the process and the mechanism transporting the recording medium has some effect on all the characteristics by which the performance of the overall system is described. In addition to the effect of the recording and reproducing process on the signals handled as in a transmission system, the storage process has another dimension. This dimension is the volume of storage medium required to preserve a signal or signals of particular performance characteristics and lasting for a given length of time. This storage volume parameter is supplementary to the "nonsignal" parameters which recording shares with other transmission systems. Such nonsignal parameters include volume, power consumption, and physical dimensions as well as weight. The presentation of the recording art is made for several purposes, including advising the reader what he may find available in the way of 4 MAGNETIC TAPE RF)CORDING caprubilities of solving his recording problems as well as the tutorial purpose of establishing the design principles which have led to this current state of the art. To accomplish both these purposes, the survey presentation is organized at several levels. Initially the interrelationship between the elements of the process and the effects on recording performance will be described in general terms. The several elements of the recording process will be separated and characterized in gen~ral terms. Under each of these elements the basic design principles will be presented, and in this process, the effect of the elements on performance will be analyzed. Where necessary, separate analyses will be presented of the relationship between process elements which cannot actually be separated in such a straightforward manner. At the conclusion of thIS synthetic process a final presentation of complex complete recording systems will be made, and these complex systems will be analyzed to show design philosophy, informatIOn flow, and the complex tradeoffs necessary between the various elements of a complete recording system. CHAPTER 2 The Field of Magnetic Recording It would be neIther practical nor appropriate to include in this survey, in detail, every current application of_magnetic recorders-impractical because the field is too wide, inappropriate because this NASA-supported study should not range too far from NASA's specific interests in recorders. To place NASA's areas of greatest concern in perspective, this initial section will, however, contain a brief description of the entire broad field of recording applications. In light of the background so presented the selection of the parts to be covered in detail on the basis of N AHA.'s interests and uses will then be discussed. Covering in detail only selected types of recorders and recorder applications will fortunately not result in the omission of any important technology. The field' of magnetic recording contains such internal relationships that all important aspects of recorder technology will necessarily be covered in descrihing the relatively limited area in which NASA is interested. There will be, however, one deliberate omission-rapid start/stop mechanisms for tape transports to be used as memories for digital computers will not be covered, on the hasis that their technology is in no way NASA-inspired. ENTERTAINMENT RECORDING Magnetic recording first made a name for itself in the field of sound entertainment (broadcasting and disk recording). Wire recorders had extensive use as "electronic notebooks" in W orId War II, and crude metal-tape recorders were used for such special applications as 1minute voice recorders for speech training in the 40's. Not until modern tape made of plastic and oxide became available and ac bias made improved signal-to-noise ratio and fidelity possible did magnetic recording have any impact on broadcastmg and professional sound recording. The reusability of magnetic tape, the high signal5 6 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING to-noise ratio it provided (originally seeming almost limitless), and the opportunity it gave for simple editing made tape appear to be the answer to nearly every sound recording problem. Although disillusion set in after the initial enthusiasm and few of the potentials of tape proved to be as great as originally predicted, the net utility and performance level of the magnetic recorder has continued to increase over the years. It h'as not displaced the disk record and may very well never do so, but It is now essential to the modern field of high - ' fidelity disk recording. Although the tape signal-to-noise ratio has proved not to be limitless and, about 3 or 4 years ago, appeared to be the factor setting an absolute upper limit to the utility of magnetic tape for sound, recent developments have lowered the noise barriers once more and even greater signal-to-noise ratio is now available. The development of the use of magnetic recording for sound naturally branched into two paths. One path led to the home recorder used by the enthusiast to record sounds generated by him or his musical (or other) friends or to record sound radio broadcasts. With the increased availability of such recorder/reproducers in the home, the market for commercially prerecorded tape has developed until it is now a major factor in the United States entertainment market. A wide range of recorders for such application is available, from extremely crude battery-operated units costing a few dollars to equipment which, at least in its nominal specifications, has performance equivalent to that of professional recorders. Except for the crudest of "uch recorders, they all follow the same mechanical scheme. They dIffer in such sometimes controversial refinements as the use of torque motors for supply and takeup reeling rather than less expensive clutches or brakes of nominally poorer performance. The current amateur recorder is, on casual examination, clearly related in mechanical scheme to the first post-World-War-II professional audio recorders; it may not, however, approach even the earliest models in refinement and performance. The other main path of development of the entertainment sound recorder was dIrected to professional use. Except for minor variations, this development has consisted of refinement of baSICally the same recorder that was introduced immedIately following World War II. Those early recorders were used for recordmg radio broadcasts for later scheduling, and for recording the master tapes from which disk records would later be made. Such recorders could be used for editing their own tapes and the science and art of editing tape by physically cutting and splicing it reached a high degree of refinement. Within this general field, specialization has naturally taken place; semiportable equipment IS available for broadcast recording in the TaE FIELD OF MAGNETIC RECORDING 7 field and bulky equipment of extremely high performance has been developed for production of master tapes in the studio. The first magnetic sound recorders of 1946-47 were close copies of the German broadcast equipment developed during World War II (Hansell [1945]) (Ranger [1947]) (Lindsay and Stolaroff [1948]). They delivered qujte satisfactory tape moving performance for applicatIons where the human ear was the judge of the smoothness of tape motion and there has therefore been little encouragement for improvement in sound recorder mechanical design. The parallel development of magnetic recording for sound in motion pictures used the same mechanisms as were already in use for motion picture optIcal sound tracks, and such mechanisms are in use to this day. The relatively stiff sprocketed film is simply coated with magnetic material and placed in basically the same mechanisms that were developed -for optical recording -(Miller: [1947]). Attempts have been made to apply this motion-picture based technique of sprocketed tape handling to instrumentation recording WIthout much success. Interestingly enough, a part of the motion picture recordmg technique was carried over later to instrumentation recorders but in such a form that, although the parent equipment and its descendants resemble each other physically, they do not really operate on the same principles. INSTRUMENTATION RECORDINGS It was soon obvious that, by simply runnmg the tape faster, sound recorders could be adapted for the recording of scientific information in analog form. For scientific use one does not usually know what the spectrum of the signal to be recorded will be, so it is necessary to expect any signal amplitude at any frequency. The high-frequency preemphasis which contributed heavily to the signal-to-noise ratlO of sound recording was therefore not usable for scientific applications. The signal-to-noise ratio achieved by early instrumentatlOn recorders was naturally much worse than would have been expected by scaling up from the sound recorders which preceded them. By modern standards, the first instrumentation recorders were rather crude. The signal-to-noise ratios were marginal for many applicatiOns and they had a lot of flutter. ThIS flutter included some at relatively low frequencies which might have bothered the audio user and, with higher bandwidths, the high-frequency flutter originating in tape scrape and in the vibration from unsupported tape also became important. These early recorders, nevertheless, made possible the acquisition of data which previously had been inaccessible and they were hailed with enthusiasm. Certain of their shortcomings were, perhaps, inadequately evaluated. The broademng of the spectrum 178~0-6f>-2 8 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING of a desired signal by the broadband flutter that was invariably present somehow did not seem important to many early users, and many early recordings may reproduce data signals which resemble the Hutter characteristics of the recorder more closely than they do the characteristics of the instrument from which the data was acquired. Only recently has the subtle damage which this broadening of spectrum can do been fully understood and an intensive effort made to elIminate it (Ratner [1965]). It was not long before the instrumentation user demanded recording equipment with better signal-to-noise ratio and with dc response. FM recording on the tape was then introduced to supplement direct or analog recording. Even with the relatively high flutter of early instrumentation recorders, FM recording offered advantages in signalto-noise ratio and permitted obtaming dc response. Broadband flutter was, of course, the major limitation on the utility of FM recordmg, and flutter compensation techniques were soon devised (Peshel [1957'] ) . These techmques removed a good deal of the noise produced by the flutter but left the initial flutter in the recovered data. It is only quite recently that this data flutter has received major attention. Flutter reduction has been the mam mechanical design goal of instrumentation recorder designers. The original open-loop tape handling system borrowed from audio recording soon began to give place to so-called "tight-loop" tape drives which minimized the amount of unsupported tape and the consequent high-frequency flutter problems and provided improved isolation of the uniform tape motion from external disturbances (Schoebel [1957]). As the use of instrumentation recording broadened, Instrumentation engineers adapted new kinds of modulation to their systems for telemetering data. They became interested therefore in recording these new kinds of modulation. The tape recorder had to be able to deal with pulse amplitude modulation, pulse width modulation, and pulse position modulation as well as frequency modulation. More recently, pulse code modulation has acquired great importance for telemetering precise data, and more sophisticated pulse schemes such as pulse frequency modulation and single-sideband frequency modulation have come into use. The characteristics of instrumentation recorders had to be modified to deal adequately WIth such modulation schemes, and the instrumentation recorder has gradually become a complex modular assembly made up of a basic tape moving mechanism plus an almost lImitless number of plug-in units to adapt the recorder to the many types of signals it must handle. THE FIELD OF MAGNETIC RECORDING 9 TRANSVERSE RECORDING While in the mIddle 1950's sound recording for entertainment was developing in a straightforward nonspectacular way and the performance of instrumentation recorders was likewise slowly improving, the rotary-head recorder, developed to record entertainment television signals, suddenly- appeared on the scene and made available greatly increa.c;ed recording capability (Ginsburg [195'7] ). ThIs recorder used transverse recording paths across a WIde tape in order to obtain hIgh head/tape speed without correspondingly high longitudinal tape speed. Because the signal recovered from the relatively narrow track used in this recorder was nonuniform in amplitude, a frequency modulation scheme was used. This modulation system violated all the normal rules of FM and could almost be proved by engineering calculations to be impossible (Anderson [1957]). However, the particular form of signal distortion-wliicnit produced did little-damage totne visual effect of a television picture reproduced from such a modulation scheme. Since this visual effect was the ultimate criterion for evaluating this recording technique in its mitial application, this "impossible" recording mode was quite successful. It made possible recordings with a bandwidth of greater than four megacycles and the instrumentation engineer soon attempted to apply this recorder to his requirements. In these more severe applications, the peculiar transfer characteristic of the "video recorder," quite satisfactory for television use, made it a relatively poor analog recorder but quite a good pulse recorder. Abo~t the time that the video recorder became available for instrumentation use, interest developed in so-called predetection recording (Klokow and Kortman [1960]). In predetection recording a data signal is intercepted in the telemetry receiver IF before it has been passed through the final demodulator and is heterodyned down into a band which can be recorded directly on an instrumentation recorder. In simplest terms this scheme has the advantage that the instrumentation engineer gets a "second chance" in his choice of the demodulation mode with which he will recover his final data signal. When the received signal is marginal in quality it gives him an opportunity to derive the optimum amount of information by optimizing his second detector. Since frequency modulation is almost universally employed for the RF transmission link of telemetered data, the predetection recording is made from an FM carrier. The signal-to-noise ratio improvement of FM over AM then takes place after pla,yback and the requirements on signal-to-noise ratio in the recorder are therefore not severe. Relatively low signal-to-noise ratios in predetection recorders are quite useful. More recently, the predetection technique has been 10 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING applied where no existing recorder has the necessary characteristics to record the post-detection signal, i.e., in the case of single sideband frequency modulation of data onto the multiplex input to the telemetering transmitter. Longitudinal tape speeds have been pushed up to 120 inches per second and the number of cycles recordable per inch has been greatly increased, and predetection recording is now done with both the rotary head and longitudinal recorder (Riley [1962]). The difficulty of eliminating the tIme base instability in the rotary-head recorder, resulting from switching its rotatmg heads four times per head drum turn, has somewhat delayed its acceptance for predetection recording. The linear recorder, now able at 120 inches per second to record a 1% megacycle bandwidth, has almost monopolized the predetection field. The wider bandwidth of the rotary-head recorder is essential, however, for some predetection applications, and with newly developed timestabilization and slow-switching techniques it now provides the best overall time stability of any recorder (-+-25 nsec) (Ampex [1964]). DIGITAL RECORDING The term "digital recording" is used here, in a somewhat inaccurate sense which it has acquired through extensive use, to cover magnetic recording in equipment peripheral to digital computers. "Digital recording" in the more general sense, i.e., the recording and reproduction of pulses which represent numbers in the typical digital computer format, is widely used in instrumentation recording. However, the digital recorder, in the sense of this particular subtopic, provides mass memory for a digital computer. Since the digital computer operates on the prinCIple that all the data with which it deals is in the form of binary numbers, every binary digit of each number has almost equal importance for the accuracy of the overall results of the computation. Although errorchecking and error-correcting techniques are available, the data stored m the memories of a computer must be essentIally perfectly accurate if the computer IS to be successful. When magnetic tape recording is used for the mass memory functIOn, it is required to conform to this rigid standard of accuracy. The design of a tape recorder for association with a computer must obviously be extremely conservative; the density with which digital computer data is recorded has lagged by 5 or 10 to 1 below the density used for other recording applications. When the need for extensive mass memory for computers first became apparent, magnetic recording on drums and disks soon was ttpplied to this service, and continues to be so applied to this day. The drum or disk produces a continuous flow of data, but any par- THE FIELD OF MAGNETIC RECORDING 11 ticular piece of data is not accessible at any particular instant; it becomes accessible when the drum or dIsk has turned. Computer systems and static electronic submemories were designed to complement drum and disk memories and deal with this inherent accessIbility delay. Part of the requirements of such rotary memories were carried over to initial applications of tape memories. The tape memory of the recorder of a modern digital computer is typically used to "dump" relatively large masses of data either into a static electronic memory or into a subsidiary drum or disk memory, and, similarly, to accept a batch of data from one of the submemories in a relatively sporadic operation. An essential requirement of a computer tape transport is therefore the ability to start and stop very rapidly on command. A modern computer may operate at a bit rate from about 100 kilobits per second up to a megabit per second or higher. A delay in- starting-of-a millisecon-d or two--on-the part-of a tape transport represents the passage of a long time in computer operation. Digital tape recorders for computer use therefore typically start m between ljz and 10 milliseconds and stop in about the same length of time. The rapid stop is essential to effiCIent utilization of the tape area, since a longer stop period means that a larger area of the tape is not available for recording data. Fast start/stop transport mechanisms for digital computers usually use storage columns in which the tape is retamed by vacuum or, in some transports, by an array of rollers mounted on light movable spring-loaded arms which store a few feet of tape. These storage mechanisms provide a supply of tape to the heads and capstans while the relatively massive reels are being accelerated or take up the tape while they are being decelerated. Several tracks (usually 7 to 16) are recorded across the width of digital computer tapes and, as the density of the recording on the tape goes higher, it becomes more difficult to maintain the proper time relationship between data spread across the various tracks. Fixed misalignment between head and tape produces "static skew," and other than pedect guiding of the tape as it passes the head results in "dynamic skew." Both effects damage the tIme relationships between the data on the several tracks. The reduction of dynamic skew remains a major problem in computer tape transports. The problem is so severe that formats are often designed to avoid insofar as possible requiring association of data distributed across the tape, and to favor distributing the data in a given "word" serially along an individual track. Complex local storage buffers have been designed to permit the data from various tracks to be stored locally at the relatively irregular rate at which it may arrive from the far-from-flutter-free 12 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING tape transport so that, at the other end of the buffer, the local computer clock can move the data out at the precise rate the computer requires (Gabor [1960]). AIRBORNE RECORDING The term "airborne recording" is used here to cover the applIcation of all those recorders, usually rather small and light, which must perform on aircraft, missiles, or satellites. Such recorders must operate unattended with great reliability and survive rather unfriendly environment. They generally have a balance between design factors quite different from those of equipment used in friendly environments on the ground. The term "airborne" is often not quite accurate because in quite a few applications recorders of this class do not fly in a vehicle of some sort but must meet all of the other requirements typical of "flying" conditions. The term is chosen for convenience rather than accuracy. It was initially extremely difficult to provide any kmd of reliable performance in unfriendly environments and early airborne recorders were extremely crude. But recorders for such programs now as Nimbus, OGD and OSO are quite impressive performers even by groundbased standards. Such superior performance is, however, the exception, and a deliberate choice is often made to minimize the performance requirements placed on the airborne recorder at the cost of placing more severe requirements on the ground recorder which will receive the playback from the airborne unit. Compensating means sometimes are also provided for correcting errors produced in the airborne unit to produce an overall data transmission link of a quality impossible to achieve otherwise. THE SCOPE OF THIS SURVEY The primary development of tape recorder technology for NASA use has been in the area of the small airborne high-reliability recorder. At the same time, NASA has been a major customer of ground-based equipment and NASA engineers and contractors have devised elaborate systems for sophisticated application of such ground-based equipment. In a deliberate and arbitrary way the scope of this survey is limited to these two fields. By definition, therefore, the "high-fidelity" audio recorder is eliminated, but where audio recording is associated with Instrumentation recording In the form of a voice monitor or a cue track it is included, at least by reference. That a bio-medical recorder for use in the Gemini program happens also to carry a voice track does not elIminate It from the survey. Nor are certain instrumentation recorders which can also be used for audio service eliminated on this arbitrary basis. THE FIELD OF MAGNETIC RECORDING 13 The dIgital recorder, In the sense of the fast-start/stop recorder for computer peripheral use, is specifically eliminated as being beyond the scope of the survey. Most of the technology of such recorders, except for the fast-start/stop mechanism itself is, however, covered. The magnetIC recorders covered in this survey include, naturally, not only the recorders developed specifically for NASA's uses but also commercially avaIlable units which NASA has purchased. These commercially available units include "off the shelf" items in the case of large ground-based recorders as well as airborne recorders developed for other services which have been purchased and used by NASA. In this discussion of recorder types no distinctIOn will be made between those developed for and those simply purchased by NASA. The classificatIOn of recorders will be based on technical characteristics rather than sponsorship. Recorders employed-by NASA can 'be divided Into two groups roughly on the basis of size and weight. One group of recorders is Intended to be installed in a more or less fixed position on the ground. Such recorders can be large and heavy and are usually provided with fairly friendly environments during operation. The other large group of recorders for NASA's applications is made up of those which are air or space-borne. Such recorders are subjected to unfriendly environments in both operation and nonoperating modes, must be small and light, and must use very little power. Recorders of this second class are not accessible for maintenance or for changing the recording medium. They therefore must be extremely reliable and must provide operating modes which use and reuse the recording medium very effectively. GROUND-BASED RECORDERS The products of six manufacturers dominate the field of groundbased recorders currently purchased and installed. These recorders have basic similarities and differ only in certain performance figures and in the flexibility with which they may be applied to different tasks. Mechanically, such recorders are typically reel-to-reel devices, usually taking a full 14-inch diameter reel, and employ a closed-loop tape metering system (chapter 6). They all employ some form of tension servo designed to regulate the tension at the entrance (and sometimes the exit) of the closed loop. These tension servos may themselves be of the (electrical) open- or closed-loop type and range from those which determine tension by measuring differential supply pressure in an air-lubricated turn around post to those which shine a. light past the tape reel onto a photocell to determine how much tape remains on the reel. 14 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING Typically these machines use torque motors for takeup and for supply reel holdback. Some use mechanical hrakes for starting and stopping but others use dynamic braking of the torque motors themselves for dealing with transient condItions. These latter usually employ some sort of solenoid-operated ''brute force" dog brake to lock the reels when the recorder power is shut off. These machines may also be divided into those which do and do not use differential capstans. Those not using differential capstans use a single capstan for defining both the exit and the entrance of the closed metering loop. These machines depend on the maintenance of entrance and exit tensions to assure tension withm the closed loop but, as discussed in chapter 6, they are not alone in requiring this condition. The differential-capstan machines are further divided into two groups. One type employs a "two-diameter" capstan (described later), with separate pinch rollers causing the tape to touch the larger or the smaller diameter of the capstan in order effectively to meter more tape out of the closed loop than is metered in. The other type of differential-capstan machine employs either two capstans of different diameter driven at the same speed or capstans of the same diameter driven at slightly different speeds to accomplish the same end. Most of these machines provide tape lifting facilities of one kind or another so that the tape does not run across the heads when it is being moved rapidly forward or rewound. These may either 'be literal tape lifters which operate to move the tape away from the heads or may accomplish the same result by moving the heads away from the tape. The implication of the provision of this feature is that much shuttling back and forth of the tape is often involved, as it is indeed for certain applications of such recorders. In a tracking station a recorder may simply be used to record an original tape which is then taken off the machine without rewinding since the station procedures are usually based on minimum local tape handling and minimum use of the machines which do the essential initial recording. Auxiliary to the work of such recorders, sometimes in the station, and more often in data reduction centers, much shuttling back and forth, rewinding and dubbing of tapes takes place and the tape lifters are useful in these applications. Currently available ground machines provide wide variation in their flutter and time dIsplacement error performance. The (absolute) time displacement error varies at present with commercial machines from plus or minus a quarter millisecond to plus or minus half It microsecond at a tape speed of 120 inches per second. Two machines may have similar flutter performance alt.hough they differ to this degree in time displacement error performance. The 10w-time-dIs- THE FIELD OF MAGNETIC RECORDING 15 placement-error machines have improved low-frequency flutter but the high-frequency flutter follows about the same pattern as in other recorders. The combined flutter of the low-time-error machines therefore is SImilar to that of more conventional machines. The goal in all recorders tends to be limitation of the amount of unsupported tape in the vicinity of the heads, since this unsupported tape is generally believed-to be the source of the high-frequency flutter -which-for many wideband applications is the significant flutter. Such machines invariably are fitted with speed-control servos. This control mechanism can be a rather straightforward device which makes a record of the precise frequency of the local power at the time that the recording is made so that the machine can be locked to the local power , on playback. It may also permit locking a recorder reference tone to a local crystal OSCIllator at the reproduce point WIthin a half-microsecond on playback. In accomplishing this-wide range of-speed control, the machines use both direct and alternating current motors; at one time one manufacturer used a number of very small dc motors to minimize the rotatmg mass, and in another case, a printed circuit motor is used for the same reason. In general, dc motors seem to be preferred for tighter speed control. Starting and stoppmg such recorders is an important problem and significant differences exist between the various models in the way in which they treat the tape during such transient conditions. The modern recorder usually starts in a rather complex way, often bringmg the supply and takeup reels up to speed before the pressure roller clamps the tape against the capstan in order to mmimize starting transients. (Some manufacturers emphasize that they do not do this.) When the start-stop controlling mechanism fails or is misadjusted, errors may be produced in the recordings and the tape damaged may be beyond repair. The user's choice between recorders often is made on the basis of how well the individual unit deals with the start-stop condition rather than on some of the numbers in the overall specification. Although many tape recorders still in use on the ground have vacuum-tube electronics, all those currently supplied for the more sophisticated services are entirely solid state. Occasionally tubes may be found in the servo motor-drive amplifiers of a machine which is otherwise solid state. As described later (chapter 4), there are many different record and playback "modes," almost everyone of whICh requires its individual electronics assembly. Broadband FM, direct record, PAM, PDM, PCM, and predetection recording modes are all encountered in modern installations. In tracking stations it is common for each of 16 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING these modes to be provided for almost every track of multitrack recorders since such tracking stations have to deal with the output of a wide range of satellites with a correspondingly wide range of recording ~equirements. In data reduction statIOns, more limited flexibility may be provided, although in some central data handling Installations the full range of normal modes is required and is extended by special playback modes required by peculiar recordIng conditions. This latter condition is particularly true where data is recovered by playback from an airborne unit and is to be reduced on the ground. It is a major feature in such recorders for most of their applications that they be easily and logically convert~d from one mode of operation to another and that several tracks on the same tape can successfully be used simultaneously In different modes. Ground-based recorders are subjected to routine preventIve maintenance and to continuous calibration and checkout procedures. Important features of such recorders are long head wear and uniformity and stabIlity of calibration. Difficulty in providIng these features may not be crippling, however, since in a particular situation an expensive and elaborate maintenance procedure may be worth while if it makes available an otherwise unavailable special recording mode. Typically such machines operate in rooms in which human beings are reasonably comfortable and, although they may be subjected to dampness or dust, the environment is usually similar to that of the laboratory In which the equipment was developed. FLIGHT RECORDERS TypIcally the flight recorder is small, light, and uses very little power. These characteristics outweigh the importance of most of the electrical performance features which are significant in groundbased equipment. The exact specifications of a spaceborne recorder usually are determined by deciding how much the miniature unit can be simplified at the price of elaborate methods of processing its output on the ground. Flutter, for example, may be accepted in a flight recorder with the specific intent of using elaborate flutter compensation at some later process in the reduction of the data from the recorder. The tape in a flight recorder may be transported from reel-to-reel or supplied from and taken up into an endless loop. Although the reel-to-reel configuration has fewer uncertain mechanical problems, it usually limits the playback modes available and requires relatively complex control techniques. Most endless-loop recorders are so constructed that continuous slippage takes place between many layers of tape in the tape pack. Reel-to-reel recorders often have been used THE FIELD OF MAGNETIC RECORDING 17 where an endless-loop machme was more logical because of the potential unreliability of the loop device. Flutter in flight recorders may be acceptable when it is up to 10 or 20 times as severe as in ground-based equipment. Either providing enough mass for straightforward flutter reduction techniques or a refined enough mechanical filter or servo control mechanism usually adds too much undesirable -weight or complexity for adequate reliability in unmaintained equipment. One percent peak-to-peak flutter is perfectly acceptable for a flight recorder. The usually severe environment of the flight recorder also requires that such items as pressure rollers or resilient elements be used with care because of problems of failure of the specialized materials involved. Many flight recorders even eliminate the capstan pressure roller entirely by providing a large wrap around the capstan. __There_are_two_major_classesofspacebornerecorders. One class is used in satellites where the typical application IS to obtain data during an entire earth orbit and to return it to a receiving ground station during the relatively short time when the satellite is in radio view of the ground station. These recorders therefore have relatively slow record and fast playback characteristics. The other class of recorder, used mainly for deep space probes, operates in exactly the opposite way. Data is recorded in real time at a fairly conventional rate but is played back at an extremely slow rate because of the bandwidth limitations of transmission over interplanetary distances. The high ratio of record to playback speeds raises both electronic and mechanical problems in this application. For some space applications, where the playback speed may be one one-thousandth of the record speed, the problem is particularly severe. The most important single characteristic that distinguishes the flight recorder from one based on the ground, in the current period of relatively large boosters and somewhat relaxed weight and power requirements for such machmes, is the extreme reliability required. A recorder that is to be used for space or satellite probe application must usually have an unattended failure-free life of at least 1 year. The problems of mechanical reliability under these conditions have proven to be the most severe to overcome. A secondary class of flight recorders includes those which do not play back on command to produce signals to be telemetered to 2. ground station but in which the tape itself, along with the recorder, is recovered. These fall roughly into two groups. In studying reentry conditions t.he recorder travels with a reentry test object and records what happens during the severe accelerations and decelerations of reentry. Such a recorder must be able to wit.hstand a severe mechanical en- 18 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING vironment and survive so that the tape may be recovered. A related application is one in which transmission is blacked out by flame attenuation of boost~rs or separating rockets during part of a research investigation. To obtain the data that normally would be transmitted via radio waves to the ground during this blackout condition, a recorder records continuously and reproduces continuously, the reproduced signal having a fixed delay relative to the recOrded signal. By recording both the original and delayed signals on the ground, a flame-attenuation blackout of 10 to 50 seconds would not cause any data to be lost. The recorder and tape do not, of course, have to be recovered, but the construction must be as rugged as that of a recoverable unit. Another group of recorders producing ,recoverable tape is associated with manned space flights. These recorders have to survive a somewhat rugged environment but, since they travel with a man, they are usually treated little worse than the man. They must be reliable and have long playing times to produce archival records over an exrended mission of information otherwise transmitted directly. Beyond this, the requirements on these units are not too severe. CHAPTER 3 The Elements of the Tape Recorder Certain common elements are basic to the operation of every magnetic -tape recorder. These are a re~ording medium,' recording and reproducing transducers, a mechamsm for moving the medium past the transducers, and electronic devices which process the input and output signals (and sometimes control the tape-moving mechanism). Each element affects the performance characteristics of the complete recorder, and the influence of each element interacts wIth that of the others. THE RECORDING MEDIUM Although several forms of magnetic recording media are currently in use, one form monopolizes most applications. This medium consists of a thin plastie backing or base on which is coated microscopic magnetic oxide particles dispersed in and bound to the base by a thermoplastic or partially thermosettrng binder. The action of this form of medium will be discussed in detail (chapter 9) ; that of the less common forms will be reviewed briefly in relationship to the rather specialized applications to which these forms have been applied. Other media of some importance include metallic nickel-cobalt layers electroplated or electroless-deposited on a "base metal" carrier, usually of phosphor bronze or similar material, and metallic coatings of the same general type placed on a plastic base. When the oxide-particle recording medium moves past the magnetic field of the recording head, each of the very large number of particles in the magnetic coating is somewhat differently affected by the recording field. When a particular section of the medIUm has moved away from the record field, remanent magnetization is left in the medium. Just as the magnetic material is made up of many different particles, the remanent magnetization is made up of the magnetic effect of a large number of individually magnetized particles. When this com- 19 20 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING posite remanent field is passed over the intercepting gap of the reproducing head, each magnetized particle has its individual effect in inducing flux into the reproduce head and, hence, signals into the recorder output. The net process is thus one of transmitting the signal from the input of the recorder to the output of the reproducer in the form of the integrated influences of a very large number of individual particles. That the coating is particulate rather than continuous is thus important to the recording process and the total number of particles is a significant operating parameter. Interaction between the large number of individual particles also makes the operation of the medium complex. In most information transmission systems a certain number of samples (electrons, film grains, magnetic particles) proportional to the average instantaneous value of a signal is transmitted. The number of such samples received is subject to a statistical random variation around the average to an extent dependent on the number of samples involved. This is an elaborate way of saying that in the magnetic recording system, as in any other discrete-sample (electron, grain, particle) system, the fundamental signal-to-noise ratio of the received signal depends on the number of samples transmItted, or in this case, on the number of magnetic particles involved (Schade [1948]). This signal-to-noise ratio is roughly proportional to the square root of the number of particles. There are, of course, other sources of noise beside thlS basiC one (Mee [1964]), but in general, the more particles in the magnetic medium, the better the signal-to-noise ratio. An important qualification to that last statement is: "all other thmgs being equal." When particle size changes, almost all the other magnetic properties of the particle change. The total remanent flux and the magnetic stabIlity of the medium decrease if one simply changes particle size without changing anything else (same total volume of magnetic material). The art of making the modern magnetIc particle dispersion includes, among other things: (1) obtaining enough total remanent magnetism; (2) having as large a number of particles as possible; (3) holding the particles mechanically firmly on the base; (4) retaining other important magnetic characterishcs such as "squareness ratio" and high saturation magnetization; and ( 5) making the particle dispersion perfectly umform (see chapter 9) . The tools available to the magnetic medium (tape) designer mclude making minor changes in the chemical (and hence magnetic) properties of the particles as well as changing their size. The exact nature of the oxides used by the various tape manuIacturer3 IS probably guarded by them more carefully than any other trade secret. It will THE ELEMENTS OF THE ToAPE RECORDER 21 not be possible to discuss other than the crudest outlines of the influences at work in this field because most knowledge is maintained on a completely proprietary basis. In any group of very fine particles the same agttating influences which lead to the familiar Brownian Movement are at work. There is thus a certain thermal energy contained in the fine magnetic particles of a tape. If the particles become smaller, the amount of thermal energy of each particle eventually becomes greater than its magnetic energy. Under these circumstances although a particle can be magnetized and aligned in a magnetic field, it immediately reverts to random alignment when the field is removed (superparamagnetism) (Mee [1964]). With partICles this fine, the tape would not be able to retain any remanent magnetism even at room temperature. Before reaching this extreme state of instability, there are intermediate states for intermediate particle sizes where only a slight increase in temperature or a slIght amount of mechanical work (bending around a mechanical guide) will affect the remanent magnetism of a recorded tape, a situation which is not tolerable for precislOn recording and reproducing. For proper recording and reproductlOn to take place, the magnetic medium must come into close contact with the record and reproduce transducers. This means that the surface of the tape must be extremely smooth and the actual magnetic material must not be shielded from the transducers by a perceptible layer of binder. At the same time, the tape must be mechanically strong enough to retain the magnetic materIal in position when subject to frictional movement across the head. The smoothness of the tape and head surfaces also controls the uniformity of speed with which the mass of magnetic particles is moved past the transducer. If either surface is rough, the medium will fail to contact the head and the relative movement of the medlUm past the head will tend to be irregular. Therefore surface properties are also SIgnificant in determming the signal-to-noise ratio. Action affectmg the signal-to-noise ratio thus occurs at the surface of the tape, or more exactly, the surface at which the tape and the transducers interact. WIthin the tape an analog to surface smoothness, that is, the uniformity of dispersion of the magnetic particles, similarly affects signal-to-noise ratio. The gaps of the recording and reproducing transducers deliberately introduce sharp discontinuities m the external effects of the magnetic properties of these transducers. At these points of sharp discontinuity the detailed structure of the medium mteracts with the transducers. N onulllformity in the detailed structure of the tape, that is, of the uniformity of dispersion and, hence, microscopic uniformity of magnetic properties, is examined 22 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING in the recording and reproducing process. Hence, although made of particles the tape must, in a sense, act as if it were perfectly uniform for additional noise not to be created in the record and reproduce process. The factors discussed so far seem concentrated on the signal-tonOIse ratio. Suppose, now, that the thickness of the medium were increased. Assuming their size is maintained the same, the number of particles involved in recording would also be increased. From what was said above this would appear to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. It would do so, but only for long wavelengths, that is, for signals reqUIring low recording resolution. To record with high resolutIOn, that is, with good mechanical definition on the tape, the influences of the recording and reproducing transducers must be limited to short distances along the direction of tape motion. As we will see elsewhere, increasing the distance of portions of the medium from the transducer decreases the definition with which the transducer is able to specify the record and reproduce points for those portions of the medium (Eldridge [1960]). This happens in the parts of the thick coating far from the transducer. Therefore, for good performance at both short and long wavelengths, the tape coating must be as thin as possible and still produce a large enough reproduce signal. Desirable characteristics of the medium are, then, that It have as large a number of partIcles per unit volume in the coating as possihle, that the coatmg be physically as smooth as possible, that the dISpersion of particles within the coating be very uniform, and that the magnetic properties of the material be such that as thin a coatmg as possible can be used for a given signal. The importance of these properties of the medIUm is only slightly influenced by the properties of other parts of the record system. RECORDING AND REPRODUCING TRANSDUCERS Except for very special applications, most magnetic tape recordmg and reproducing transducers in use today are of one single desIgn. The recording transducer or head consists of a closed magnetic circuit, usually made of laminated high-permeability metal, in which a gap of controlled dimensions is provided. On this magnetic circuit are wound coils for inducing a magnetomotive force in the circuit. A typical recording head is made of laminations roughly of the shape of the letter "Ot placed together tip to tIp to produce a structure which usually looks lIke an 0 with flattened sides and a rounded top and bottom. One of the two gaps in the structure IS made as small as pOSSIble and the other is made of controlled dimensions. TIllS assembly produces a {Tinging flux at the controlled gap which has elements along the directIOn of tape movement past the gap and hence is able THE ELEMENTS OF THE T.APE RECORDER 23 to pl'oduce a longitudinal remanent magnetization in the tape. The physical forms of such record heads may vary widely but the essential elements will be the same (chapter 8). The typical reproduce head of the modern tape recorder is sensitive to rate of change of flux or dcp/dt. The magnetic and electrical structure of such a head is esssentially identlcal.to that of the record head. The operatmg gap in the reproduce head, however, is usually conSIderably smaller than that m the record head, and the windings of the coil are designed to match the input Impedance of reproducmg amplifiers rather than the output impedance of the recording drivers. When the gap of such a head encounters the flux pattern recorded on the tape, flux passes into the magnetic circuit and change III that flux induces voltage in windings, hence dcp/dt. SpeCIal reproduce heads are sometimes used. They may, for example, be sensitive to the value of the flux rather than to its rate of change. These are particularly useful where the tape moves so slowly on reproductIOn that very lIttle voltage is induced by a change in flux. Such flux-sensitive heads include those in which the presence of the flux from the tape m the front gap modulates the reluctance of a partiaUy-saturated magnetic circuit supplied with an external flux source so as to change the total amount of flux in the circuit. The external flux applied is usually alternating and the output signal is thus a carrier modulated by the tape flux. Many variations of this scheme have been used. Another common flux-sensitive head is made by introducing a piece of semiconductor material particularly sensitive to the RaIl effect into either the front or the back gap of the head. These specialized forms of heads will be considered later. An important characteristic of the common heads just descrIbed is that they define sharply the fringing flux field at the point where they contact the tape. This requires extreme precision and accuracy of mechanical construction. Typically, the mating faces of head gaps are lapped to optical finishes as are the rounded surfaces of the front of the head which contaots the tape. The head structure is usually made of a ferrite or of metal laminations from 2 to 6 IDlls in thICkness. Ferrites are particularly hard and, if they are properly constructed of proper materIals, have a very long wear life. Ferrites also become particularly useful at relatively high frequencies where losses in most magnetic metals increase (above 2 megacycles per second). The lines defining the sides of the gap of a preCISIOn head must be perfectly parallel and perfectly straight to produce good resolution and maximum utIlization of the recording medium. ThIS accuracy must be accomplished with magnetic metals which tend to be rather soft and to gall. Techniques of constructIOn of such precIsion heads 78lH128 0---65---3 24 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING have been greatly refined in the last few years; heads of almost any desired mechanical characteristics can now be made, although this was not true 10 years ago. The accuracy with which a head interacts with the tape is determined largely by the accuracy of construction and the finish of the front of the magnetic head. The head also must not vibrate and must be stiff enough so that it does not, by moving, become a part of the problems of maintaining uniform relative head-tape motion. THE TAPE MOVING MECHANISM The function of the tape moving mechanism is to move the magnetic medium in a smooth and uniform manner past the recording and reproducing transducers. The designer's problems include both preventing irregularities of motion originating within the mechanism itself and protectmg the tape motion from external influences which may tend to force the mechanism to move in an irregular manner. To perform these functions properly the tape moving process is usually separated into two steps. One step is that of supplymg the tape from a supply reel and windmg it up on a takeup reel, referred to here as "Tape Reeling." The second step is that of metenng the movement of the tape past the transducers with umformity, referred to as "Tape Metering." The design of the complete mechanism involves designing as smooth a metermg mechanism as poSSI'ble and providing a reeling mechanism which protects the movement within the metering mechanism from disturbing mfluences originating in the supply and takeup process or outside the recorder proper. All parts of the tape moving mechamsm, with emphasis on those charged with metering the tape, must be designed to minimize the typical irregulanties of mechanical devices. Such irregularities are nonuniformity of rotation from tooth effects in gears, motion jerks from splices m drive belts, nonuniformity of torque with rotation in bearings, out-of-roundness or runout in rotating members, and chatter or stick-slip problems everywhere in the mechanism. In addition, llonuniformity in drive from the prime mover, originatmg in cogging in alternating current motors and commutator effects in direct current motors, must be minimized. In the takeup and supply mechanism, lumped together in the "reeling" function, other sources of irregularIty of motion are encountered. Typically, elements of the reeling mechanism move more slowly and have lower rotational rates than those withm the metering mechanism, and they often include frictional devices such as clutches or brakes. The supply and takeup reels are often not part of the recorder but are brought to the recorder after a history of handling THE ELEMENTS OF THE ~APE RECORDER 25 which is not under the recorder designer's control. Reels which have become warped or bent can seriously influence the operation of the recorder. lib many flight recorders s an endless loop replaces the supply and takeup reel. Such devices have entirely different motion irregularity problems, resulting primarily from the requirement that the layers of tape slide continuously past each other without chatter or hang-up. Errors in any of the elements ofthe tape moving mechanism will, of course, produce irregularities in the time scale of the reproduced signal. In effect, such irregularities add a peculiar kind of noise to the overall transmission. The significance of this noise will be discussed in detail later. In addition to the obvious first order effeot of the signal not coming out at the expected time, there are second order effects of modulation of the time scale which produce spurious signals particularly difficul,t to separate from the desired SIgnals. A particular point of interaction between the medium and the moving mechanism is the generation of high-frequency random speed variation at the point of friction between the medium and the transducer. Wherever the tape is not continuously supported and, at one end or the other of its unsupported section, passes with friction over some portion of the mechanism, any lack of smoothness of the tape or of the device over WhICh it passes will tend to shock-excite the unsupported tape into both lateral and longitudinal vibration. The effect of this vibration is to produce a type of random speed variation with a broad irregular spectrum which creates a kind of noise particularly difficult to deal with. It is thus essential that the mechanism designer make all parts which contact the tape as smooth as possible and minimize the amount of unsupported tape in the tape path he chooses. Air lubrication to support the tape completely free of frictional movement is a powerful technique for dealing with this frictional excitation problem. In the simplest tape recorder mechanisms the metering mechanism may be driven by a governor-controlled or synchronous motor and straightforward techniques may be used to provide the varying speed-torque characteristics necessary for the supply and takeup reels. In high performance recorders, however, some sort of servo control of the tape speed is almost universal. At this point there is interaction between the electronic elements of the recorder and the mechanical elements. For the most sophisticated servo speed controls, interaction takes place between the medium and the electronic and mechanical elements of the recorder. (This speed· control interaction is supplementary to the fundamental mechanism/medium/electronic interaction taking place at the transducer.) 26 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING Speed control servos range from simple to complex. The simplest servo control is used in connection with the synchronous motor drive of the recorder and involves the recording of the frequency of the supply mains power by modulating it onto a carrier of the tape. This carrier is played back while reproducing and the power frequ\ncy derived therefrom is compared with the frequency of the reproducing power source. Compensation is then provided to lock the two power systems together. This type of servo guarantees that the average speed of the recorder and reproducer are identical and therefore that there will be no gross time error (Davies [1954]). It makes no compensation, however, for instantaneous speed variations. More sophisticated servos have recently come into use in which an approximately 100 kilocycle SIgnal is recorded at the same time as the desired information signal. This 100 kc signal is played back in reproduction and is compared with a local crystal oscillator-generated signal. The instantaneous error between the timing of these two signals operates in a very fast-acting servo loop so as to minimize the time displacement between the recorded 100 kc signal and the locally generated signal (Schulze [1962] ). Within the last 5 years, the capabilities of such precision servos have progressed from providing a gross time displacement of plus or minus 5 microseconds at the normal maximum tape speed to current time displacement accuracy of a half-microsecond. The discussion so far has been limited to the characteristics and performance effects of the tape moving mechanisms of essentially isolated recorders. Only indirect reference has been made to such external disturbing influences as variation in the supply power, voltage or frequency, mechanical shock and vibratIOn. Large groundbased recorders do in practice operate in an environment which is essenHally isolated. However, in many important applications, recorders are subject to extremely hostile enVIronments. The tape moving mechanism then must be able to perform its basic function without being seriously affected by such an environment. Such a tape moving mechanism must not be seriously affected by wide temperature variation or thermal shock and also must continue to move the tape smoothly under severe mechanical shock and vibration. The design of such mechanisms often involves avoiding design solutions which would be satisfactory if the environment were not severe but which may magnify vibration effects or react catastrophicn.lly to shock. Specific design factors will be dIscussed in greater detail later (chapter 11). The severe environment mechanical design decisions may, however, be characterized by citing a few specifics. A formal decision is often necessary between shock mounting and hard mounting the entire recorder, depending on the nature of the THE ELEMENTS OF THE ~APE RECORDER 27 vibration environment and the structure of the device in which the recorder is mounted. The design of a capstan bearing assembly, a relatively straightforward process for a ground-based recorder, involves for a shock-environment recorder discarding many potentially useful ball bearings because they cannot survive shock; reevaluating bearing loads and load life, and perhaps discarding whole system designs because the recorder must also operate in a vacuum with its lubrication limitations. Although vibration and temperature problems may cause difficulties with electronics it is in the mechanical elements of the recorder that the severe environment raises the most difficult design problems. ELECTRONICS The electronics of a magnetic tape recorder must conform generally only to the electronic requirements of other typical electronic equipment for similar environments. In only a few specific areas is specialized electronic performance required for the recorder. These include equalization and mput amplifier signal-to-noise ratio. The recording and reproducing process usually involves laying down a magnetic pattern on the tape, the intensity of which is roughly proportional to the intensity of the current passing through the recording head. A reproducing device sensitive to the flux in the tape would then approximately reproduce, except for secondary effects, an output signal identical to that applied to the recording head. The most commonly used reproduce transducer is, however, a device sensitive not to flux but to rate of change of flux. The output signal therefore tends to be the time derivative of the record signal. The signal emerging from the reproduce transducer must thus be integrated in order to recbnstruct the recorded signal in the output. In the linear (analog) recording mode, and in many nonlmear recording modes, this integration of the signal takes place in the electronics. It is often accompanied by the post-emphasis or equalization needed to compensate for wavelength (and hence frequency) signal intensity losses occurring in recording and reproduction as well as to remove the effect of preemphasis applied to improve signal-to-noise ratio. Both recording and reproduction are scanning processes m which the mechanical characteristics of the transducers interact with those of the medium to produce typical wavelength-sensitive responses. As in all scanning processes, both recorded and reproduced signals tend to decrease in amplitude Wlth decreasing wavelength on the tape. Again, as in all scanning processes, there are actual nulls in the system response where the effective gap dimensions of transducers bear certain relationships to the wavelengths of signals recorded on the tape (Westmijze [1953]). Equalization to compensate for these mechani- 28 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING cal effects must accompany the integrating process if the signal is to be restored to its original form. Any equalIzation process equalizes the noise generated both in the tape and in the early stages of the electronic equipment along with the desired signal. Magnetic recorders therefore have rather complex and nonuniform output noise spectra. Combined with the degradation of signal-to-noise ratio produced by the nonuniform spectra is the normal tendency, as the storage capacity of the medium is pushed farther and farther, for the signals reproduced to become smaller and smaller. The net result is that the input amplifier which handles the signal from a reproducing transducer in a magnetic recorder must deal with a very severe signal-to-noise problem. In recorders operating at the limIts of the state of the art, the noise capabIlity of the input amplifier rather than the noise of the recording medIUm may determine the system noise performance. Many a recorder manufacturer has been embarrassed when he found he could not take advantage of an improvement in the recording medIUm because the nOIse m the mput circuits of his reproducing eqUIpment masked the improvement in the characteristics of the medium. The interrelationship between the medIUm nOIse and system noise IS quite complex and will be discussed later (chapters 5, 9, 10). Where precise control of the movement of the tape is obtained WIth a servomechanism this relationship is further complicated. Relatively fastacting servos have recently been introduced to magnetic recorders to ('ontrol the motion of the tape, particularly on reproduction, by attempting to minimize electrically the time error in a reference signal recorded on the tape. The degree to WhICh this time error can be reduced is a measure of how much the overall performance of a recording system which depends not only on amplitude but also on time accuracy can be Improved. Studies have recently shown that there is a practical and theoretical maximum to the degree to which thIS improvement can be accomplished (Develet [1964]). This limit on improvement is typical of many such situations in which error compensating schemes, for which the Improvement available has no theoretical limit, reach a practical limit when noise generated either in the original system or in the correcting system succeeds in confusing the compensation process. Although electronic elements are essentIal to the transducing of signals relative to magnetic tape, the magnetic recording process is basically a mechanical one. The complete process generates an electrical signal which depends on the combined effects of mechanically dispersed separate partIcles which contribute, dependmg upon their mechamcal position and the smoothness of their mechanical movement, THE ELEMENTS OF THE TAPE RECORDER 29 to the magnetic flux intercepted by a mechamcal gap in a reproducing transducer. Therefore, except for improvement in input amplifiers, t.o which improvement there is a theoretical upper limit, progress in magnetic recorders is made prImarily through improvement in mechanical elements. SUMMARY This brief discussion attempts to relate the various elements of the recording system to show the way in which their qualities interact with each other. The organization of the analytlC portion of this Technology Survey is based on treating each of the individual elements and their interactions more deeply. For this reason several chapters are labeled wit.h the detailed elements which make up the recorder and reproducer. To these element chapters are added certain chapters/on interaction. Specifically, the head/tape mteraction process cannot be discussed $dequately by considering the head and the tape alone and therefore the two are discussed in a combmed section. Irregular tape motion in the form of flutter and time dIsplacement error is related to both the tlLpe reeling and the tape metering mechanism as well as in part to hell-d/tape interaction. Therefore a separate section analyzes tape motion irregularity. The section immediately following this one is entitled "Recording Methods" and deals with the various ways in which the basic magnetic recording process can be used to produce overall system-transmission to optimize certain qualities. This section clearly partakes of elements of all the other sections. There is also a brief an!l-lysis of the storage capabilIty of magnetic recorders and a discussion of the degree to which the theoretical storage ~pability is currently realized in practical recorders. Beside the analysis of recorder elements and how they effect recorder performance, several sections have been added to make the Survey complete. One of these is on "Methods of Testing and Evaluating Recorders" and one is on "Complete Recordmg Systems." This last section deals with the methods which are used by systems engineers to recognize the limitations of each portion of the system and to desIgn the system so as to mimmize t.he effect of these limitations. A third section partakes of both analysis and system specIfication m describing the problems and current solutions peculiar to the airborne miniature tape ,recorder in which NASA's specific development efforts have been concentrated. Page intentionally left blank Page intentionally left blank CHAPTER 4 Recording Methods Modern magnetic tape---a dIspersIOn of magnetIc oxide particles earried on a plastic hae:kmg-was first put into widespread use at the end of World War II. Some tape recorders used methods of recording with this new type of tape which had been devIsed when the available magnetic recordmg media were quite different. Recordmg methods better adapted for wire or for tape rolled from magnetic metals were thus used in some early tape recorders (Begun [1937]). The recorded magnetIc field was often perpendicular to the surface of the tape, or was induced to lie in the plane of the tape by placing recording head pole PIeceS on opposite sides of the tape. Such older recording techniques have essentially disappeared from practical use. "Longitudinal recording," that is, with the remanent flux directed along the direction of tape motion, induced by fringmg flux surrounding a gap in a closed magnetIC structure in contact with one side of the medium, is almost universally used. Some research and advanced development work is now being done in other than longitudinal recording and in ways of achIeving longitudinal recording by other t han the currently used means ('Mee [1964]). What is now substituted for the orIginal variety of methods of impressing the magnetic impulses on the tape is a variety of ways in which the mformation to be record~d is processed before it is placed on the tape and is reprocessed after reproduction. This processing involves either recording the mput signal directly or converting it to pulse, FM or other form in a "coding scheme." The almost universally employed frmgmg recording field is produced by a precisely controlled gap placed in a magnetically soft structure. By some means, the informatIon to be recorded is caused to vary the magnetomotive force applied to the magnetIc structure and t he fringing field surrounding the gap in the structure correspondingly varIes the magnetic intensity operating on the magnetic material of 31 32 MAGNETIO TAPE REOORDING the tape. As longitudinal recording densities have increased and methods like those of magnetic tape recording have been applied to drum and disc computer files, methods of recording other than by the use of a -fringing field have been investigated. No great strides have been made in thIS area but some current work in the use of so-called "horseshoe heads," as yet unpublished, shows promise. The various recording methods (coding schemes) used with magnetic tape fall broadly into two categories. One method, which might be referred to as the "linear" method, operates on the basis that the transfer characteristic of magnetic tape can be made to be approximately linear. By transfer characteristic is meant the relationship between the instantaneously applied signal magnetomotive force and the remanent magnetism in the tape. This is the basic mechanism used for audio recording which gave tape recording its practical start during W orId War II. Linear recording is achieved by mixing the recorded signal with a high frequency ibias. In the absence of the bias the transfer characteristic of magnetic tape is far from linear. By a somewhat related mechanism called the use of "dc bias," a similar linear effect can be produced. There is, however, a vast philosophical difference between the ways in which dc bias linearization and ac bias linearization take place. Much of the fundamental or semi fundamental research and advanced development work applied' to the magnetic recording process has been concerned with explaining and thereby, hopefully, mastering the ac bias process of linearization (Spratt [1964]). Many incomplete and even erroneous explanations of this process have been widely accepted and publicized primarily because relatively few people have gone into the subject in any depth. It is now correct to say, however, that the linearization process is fairly well understood, although the precise mechamsm cannot be pinpointed in detail. The process is well enough understood to use a current statement of its mechanism as a tool for evaluating development of heads, tapes, and head-tape interaction devices. The linear recording process was referred to above as being "approximately linear." Of the entire scope of variation of linearized remanent magnetism from maximum positive to maximum negative, only the center one-third in amplitude is linear enough to be considered essentially free of distortion. The center linear portion is bounded by two non-linear portions of a shape which is apparently inherent in the ac biased tape recording process. The distortion introduced in audio recording by the shape of these curved end portions of the transfer characteristic is relatively accepta:ble to the human ear. Tape record- RECORDING ME'l1HODS 33 ing, therefore, acquired an InItial reputation of bemg a "linear process which overloads gracefully." In a way, this is unfortunate because the graceful overload is a term properly descrIptive only of audio recording. In teclmlCal recording the intermodulation distortion caused by the overload can be disastrcus. Any method of usmg magnetic tape which depends on the linearity of the so-called linear portion, and also on limiting the signal excursions to the linear portion, necessarily limits the degree of utilIzation of the tape. For many applIcations, not very much of the linear portion is adequately linear enough, and other recording modes have had to be devised. These recording modes do not in general depend on linear propertIes of the tape but solely on its ability to indicate that it is magnetized in one direction or another or not magnetized at all. Such recording modes, to which the term "pulse recording" can conveniently be applIed, depend only to a secondary degree on linearity of transfer characteristi~ of the tape. Some current sophisticated uses of pulse recording do require that the tape transfer characteristic be under control, but for the purpose of a general review of recording modes, pulse recording can be considered to depend only on a "plus, minus, or zero" signal from the tape. Pulse recording on tape can be dIvided into two mam mechamsms. One of these carries information in the variation in pulse start and stop times. The other depends only on the presence, absence or polarity of the pulse within a more or less fixed time pattern. In the first group of time dependent pulse recording methods are pulse duration modulation (PDM), pulse positIOn modulation (PPM), and pulse frequency modulation (PFM); both of the latter are variants of PDM. The non-t,ime-dependent pulse recording methods are based on digital pulse modulation such as is employed in memory devices for computers. 'With thIS type of modulation, the recorder is asked only to deal with pulses, the number, position and polarity of which carry the total sIgnal. The relationshIp of the recorder to a signal already in digital form is in this case clearcut. Where the signal is in analog form, it must be encoded by a relatively complex scheme before it. can be recorded in pulse form. LINEAR OR ANALOG RECORDING The essence of the analog recordmg process is that it can be considered to be essentially linear. The action of the high-frequency bias which makes this lmear operation possible is treated in detail under "Head-tape Interaction." One applIcation note IS, however, appropriate to discuss here since It deals with the actual degree of linearity achieved. 34 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING The audIO recordist and many instrumentation recording engineers will usually quote a fairly definite figure for the difference in the output between a signal which causes one percent third harmonic distortion in an analog recording system and a signal which produces three percent third harmonic distortion. The signal which represents full saturation of the tape is also usually quoted as having a fixed relationship to the one percent signal. There are differences between tapes, although they are surprisingly small, in the values quoted for these numbers. It is safe to say that the shape of the semilinear transfer characterIstic is roughly the same for all tapes. The way of arriving at the signal levels representing various amounts of distortion bears comment here, however. If one operates an analog recorder by adjusting level and bias so as to produce normal operatIOn with an output signal containing one percent thIrd harmonic dIstortion, this signal output level can be called "zero leveL" If the input signal level is then increased until the output signal dIstortion reaches three percent third harmonic, the level change is almost invariably 6 db, or 2 to 1 in voltage. When the input level is increased until the output level essentially stops increasing, saturatIOn is considered to be reached (the output level sometimes decreases with increased level where the higher level may produce tape erasure). This output level is often quoted to be 13% or 14% db above the one percent third harmonic output level. This figure must, however, be used with considerable care, since it depends on a peculiarity of the instrumentation typIcally used to measure the phenomenon. If one operates a tape recorder so as to get an actual instantaneous mputloutput plot of the transfer characteristic, one finds, as stated above, that the linear part of the characteristic extends only over onethird of the total positIve-to-negative saturation characteristic. Measurements show that if the one percent distortion point is considered to be reached with a signal swing from plus unity to minus unity in output voltage, the saturation point will represent a swing from plus three to minus three units approximately. This represents, on an absolute basis, about 9 or 9% db as measured in the la:boratory. The difference between the 9% db and the 13% or 14% db figure results from the use of the typical linear full wave rectifier meter in measuring the higher figure. The meter is not "concerned" by the fact that the output wave has changed from the sine wave for which it is normally calibrated to read into a square wave. As saturation increases and the corners of the sine wave are filled out to become a square wave, the meter sImply interprets this filling out as increased output. WIth the t.ypical non-sinusOIdal signal WIth whICh the instrumentation recorder deals, this misinterpretation by the meter can be quite serious. RECORDING ME'IlHODS 35 Further consideratIOn of the linear recording process is postponed for discussion under "Head-tape Interaction." The nonlinear recording modes will be discussed in approximately historical order, starting with the FM mode and proceeding through such older pulse modes as the PDM and PWM to PCM variations thereon. PAM (pulse amplitude modulation) WIll be discussed in this section out its requirement of recording linearity WIll be referred to the appropriate later section of the Survey. FM RECORDING Shortly after the introduction of magnetic recording for scientific recordmg of analog signals it became apparent that there were many analog recording applications for which a simple extension of audio recording techniques was not adequate. This was particularly true for signals containing dc components and for signals for which the signal-to-noise ratIO of existing analog recorders was inadequate. To deal with these two recording problems FM recording was the first new recording mode to be introduced. In the current form of FM recording the input signal frequency modulates an oscillator, the output of which is recorded on the tape. Typically, saturation recording is used on the tape, that IS, the FM carrier is applied either as a rectangular or sme wave signal directly to the recordmg head at such an amplItude as to saturate the tape either in one direction or another. The function of the tape is thus limited to storing the times of the axis crossings of the FM signal. A standardIzed set of FM values and relationships has been in use for many years. The center carrier frequently is usually %0 the number of mches per second at which the transport is operating m kc, i.e, 13.5 kc for 15 inches per second. Recently these carner frequenCIes have been doubled WIth consequent improvement in system bandwidth. Typically the FM carrIer IS modulated 40 percent and, up until recently, the bandwidth in kc has always been % the tape speed in mches per second; for example, 2.5 kc for 15 inches per second. Systems WIth twice and even four tImes these bandwidths have been introduced withm the last few years. More recently, FM systems WIth bandwidths up to 400 kc for recorders operating at 120 inches per second have appeared to complement the 1% megacycle bandwidth analog recordmg capabIlity (table 4-1). 36 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING TABLE 4-l.-FM Recoriling Bandwidths Standard Response Tape speed IpS Bandwidth Carner 120 60 30 15 0--20, 000 cps 0--10, 000 cps 0-- 5,000 cps 0-- 2,500 cps 0-- 1,250 cps 625 cps 0-312 cps 0-- 108 Kc 54 Kc 27 Kc 13.5 Kc 675 Kc 338 Kc 1. 68 Kc 7~ 3% 1% Extended Response Tape speed IpS 120 60 30 15 7~ 3% 1% Bandwidth 0--40, 000 0--20, 000 0--10, 000 0-- 5,000 0-- 2,500 0-- 1,250 625 0-- cps cps cps cps cps cps cps Carner 216 Kc 108 Kc 54 Kc 27 Kc 135 Kc 675 Kc 338 Kc Double Extended Response Tape speed IpS 120 60 30 15 7~ 3% 1% Bandwidth 0--80, 000 0--40, 000 0--20,000 0--10, 000 0-- 5,000 0-- 2,500 0-- 1,250 cps cps cps cps cps cps cps CarrIer 432 Kc 216 Kc 108 Kc 54 Kc 27 Kc 13 5 Kc 675 Kc Wldeband Tape speed IpS BandwIdth 120 400 Kc CarrIer 900 Kc RECORDING METHODS 37 The FM recording system currently used usually offers 10 to 15 db better signal-to-noise ratio than the corresponding analog signal-tonoise ratio obtained at a given transport speed. These Illcreased signal-to-noise ratIOS are purchased dIrectly at a loss in recorded bandwidth, of course. The noise III the FM record system is limited almost entirely to the FM noise_produced by flutter in_the recorder. When an FM record system is operated WIth proper limiting, the output is insensitive to the amplitude modulation produced by the recorder noise and instantaneous speed variation or flutter produces the only important noise. For many FM recording applications a steady carrier of 100 kc is recorded at the same time as the signal on the same or an adjacent track. By playing back this carrier through a separate discriminator, a signal representing the flutter; noise is obtamed. This flutter signal can be applied to the data signal discriminator in such a way as to compensate for much of the flutter noise. Improvements in signal-to-nOlse ratio of 6 to 12 db are achieved by this compensation technique. Although this compensation reduces the noise from flutter, it does not remove the flutter from the recorded data signal (chapter 7). There is some confusion in the present usage of the terms "narrow band FM" and "wide band FM" depending on the application for which such recording is applied. For the purposes of this discussion, the terms shown m the table will be used to refer to "narrow bandwidth FM," "extended bandwidth FM," and "double extended bandwidth FM." "Wide band FM" will be used to refer to the 200 and 400 kc systems used with the 1% megacycle analog recorder. The term "narrow band FM" has occasionally been applied to the analog recording of FM/FM telemetered signals such as those following the standard IRIG FM/FM channel scheme. Reference to such recording will be made here only as a special case of analog recording. The frequency mUltiplexing of the IRIG multichannel scheme would not operate were the rest of the system nonlinear. Unless the recording is in the linear analog mode, interchannel modulation would destroy the utility of the telemetering system (IRIG [1960]). A typical FM-mode electronic assembly provided as an accessory to a ground-based im;trumentation recorder uses a voltage controlled multi vibrator oscillator to generate the FM signal. Much proprietary SOphIsticatlOn goes mto these veo's and there are dozens of different models on the market. Multiloop positive and negative feedback IS used to stabilize these veo's. Since the FM recording mode system is expected to carry dc, the veo's and their associated amplifiers are usually chopper-stabilized. The output of an FM record electronic unit is a rectangular wave usually designed to have such current and voltage levels as to be applicable directly to a record head. Some 38 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING manufacturers, however, provide a head driver which is basically a relatively high powered linear amphfier marehed precisely to the head which can accept a variety of input signals which are not in proper form for direct application to the head. The FM recording mode may be used in a satellite, space probe, or high environment recorder because it optimizes some recorder transfer charactel'lstics that are not necessarily those for which the groundbased recorder uset purchases an FM system. Such flight recorder electronics are therefore optimized for lightness, low power, and high reliability in severe environments, usually at the cost of the typical stability refinement just mentioned. The FM playback electronics unit accepts a signal either directly from the head or from a head preamplifier which is used for all recording modes. There is still some variety in the types of discriminator used in FM playback units commercially supplied but the majority are of the pulse-counter type or the more elaborate phase-locked-loop type. A typical FM playback unit would receive input signals which are successively negative and positive spikes representing the axis crossings of the recordmg rectangular wave. After amplification these spikes are often converted to unidirectional form and applied to a oneshot multivibrator or delay line device which produces from each spike a pulse of standard length. When this pulse is severely clipped, it becomes a constant-energy or constant-charge pulse. In the simplest discriminator, this train of constant energy pulses is applied to an averaging circuit which may not be more complicated than a resistor/ condenser combination, but usually is that combination followed by a filter of fairly complex design. The filter is low pass, designed to cut off just above the useful data bandwidth, to maintam uniform phase and amplitude characteristics up to the cutoff and to attenuate as rapidly as possible beyond cutoff so as to eliminate the carrier represented by the pulse train from the output. Typically a maximally-flat amplItude response or maximally-flat time delay response (optimum phase equalization) option is provided in the filter, often with a swireh. The performance of such a very simple system depends on heavy limiting in the record unit to assure that the axis crossings which are applied to the tape are defined as sharply as possible. This must be followed after reproductIOn from the tape by equally severe limiting to eliminate the effects of signal amplItude variation inherent in the tape recording process. The degree to which the "constant energy" pulses are in fact constant energy is also dependent on stabilized time determining elements in the multi vibrator and heavy and accurate limiting of the pulse amplitude. For a flight recorder much of the RECORDING ME'l'HODS 39 refinement may be eliminated in the interest of low power and low weight with the result that the system may be slightly tape amplitude variation sensitive but, of course, much less so than an anaJog system. The phase-locked-loop discriminator has been extensively discussed in the literature (as has, of course, the simple discriminator just described) and no elaborate description of It will be undertaken here (Gilchriest [1957]). It will be enough to describe the general principles on which it operates. In the phase-locked-loop discriminator, the shaped and limited input signal is compared in a phase detector with the signal from a local voltage-controlled osClllator. The output of the phase detector IS used to vary the frequency of the local oscillator so as to keep it locked in phase with the mcoming signal. The control voltage from the phase detector to the voltage controlled oscillator is the output signal. This is clearly a more complex device than the simple averaging detector described before and its use has therefore been limited to sophisticated FM recording reqUlrements. Its great advantage is that it may be made extremely stable and may be made to give a useful output signal over a wider range of signal-to-noise ratios than the simple pulse counter discriminator. To a certain extent it also is easier to add a flutter; compensation signal to such a discriminator. ' The phase-locked-loop discriminator IS used almost universally in ground station telemetry equipment to interpret the output of FM/FM telemetry systems (McRae and Sharla-Nielsen [1958] ). Such a telemetry discriminator invariably has an input for a flutter compensation signal. This flutter compensation technique is currently more widely applied to the telemetry discriminator than it is to the FM record system itself. In other words, an FM/FM telemetry signal which has been analog-recorded will usually have a 100 kc reference signal recorded along with it and this reference signal will be used to eliminate flutter noise from the output of the individual telemetry discriminator. Flutter compensation is considered m more detall m chapter 7 j certain aspects of this compensation are mentioned here because they relate to the performance of FM recording as a coding scheme. The FM flutter compensation techmque is very useful but it is f'harply llmited in the improvement that it can provide, in much the same way that the desirable features of FM recording are limited as a higher level of performance is sought. For example, the typical flutter compensation scheme operates by deriving m a reference discrimmator, as explain_ed above, a signal proportional to the flutter noise generated in the recorder. The flutter noise signal is delayed, as it passes through the reference discrimmator, relative to the data sig788-028 <>-69---4 40 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING nal; the data signal must be correspondingly delayed if accurate compensation is to be achieved. For a wide band system, achieving this delay without distorting the prime data can be very dIfficult (Ott [1962]). It is also appropriate to anticipate chapter 7 by noting that straightforward FM flutter compensation removes only flutter noise and does not remove flutter from the data. Only very elaborate correction schemes can make this next step of improvement beyond the simple compensation. The video recorder, primarily designed for broadcast use, introduced a new series of FM recording techniques to the magnetic recording field (Ginsburg [1957]). The video recorder appears at first examination to operate in an FM mode which violates every rule of FM t.ransmission. The carrier frequency is usually about. 4 megacycles, the modulating signal has a bandwidth of 4lh or 5 megacycles, and the maximum FM deviation is considerably less than this bandwidth. Part of t.he FM spectrum so generated is cut off or "folded over" at zero frequency and another part of it is suppressed by the limited bandwidth of the recorder. This peculiar modulation scheme might never have been tried were t.he particular applIcation for which it was first attempted not itself peculiar in that the overall result was to be judged as a TV picture by t.he human eye. Obviously, this recording scheme inherently produces hIgh distortion, but the particular kind of distortion involved appears to be such as to be easily tolerated by the eye viewing a television signal so treated. More recently, sophisticated versions of this modulation scheme have been developed in which the violations of normal FM recording relationships are largely compensated for. Such video-type recording systems are now able to produce relatively low dIstortion and quite impressive bandwidths. A rotary-head recorder can also be used for predetection recording, that IS, for recording a signal directly from a receiver IF before it has entered the second detector. The received signal in this case is always frequency modulated, and is heterodyned down from the IF frequency to one which fits the recorder bandwidth. It is not passed through the FM modulator and demodulators used when putting an analog signal through the recorder, but is recorded direct. The video recorder, because it uses a rotary head rather than the fixed head of other instrument.ation recorders, has flutter and time displacement error characteristics quite different from those of the longitudinal recorder. The FM noise characteristics likewise differ. The process of developing adequately stable rotary-head recorders for sophisticated broadcast use including color television has reached the point where it is now possible by the use of variable electrical delay lines to reduce the total time instability to -+-25 nanoseconds. These tech- RECORDING MET-HODS 41 mques are now available for making extremely stable predetection recordings (Klokow and Kortman [1960]) (Ampex [1964]). SPECIAL FM RECORDING SYSTEMS Analog recording of telemetered data on ground recorders for the space effort has been concentrated on FM/FM telemetry. Because of the standardization. offered by the IRIG telemetry agreement, there has been a tendency to limit data transmissIOn to the characteristics and bandwidths of the IRIG standard bands. Recently, however" many users have found the rigid limits of these bands, with their constant percentage deviation and hence their carefully ordered increase in bandwidth from one end of the standard band to the other, unnecessarily confining. New FM/FM standards have therefore arbitrarily been used by some organizations and an alternate constantbandwidth system is being considered by IRIG to supplement the previous constant-percentage-bandwidth system. Many of the telemetry ground equipment manufacturers also offer nonstandard constant-bandwidth systems despite the pressure to use the IRIG standards. A further development of the full utilization of FM/FM, not for long-distance telemetry but simply for convenient test-data handlmg, is the introduction by some manufacturers of complex multiplexing systems to provide many more channels than either the present or the proposed IRIG standards do. Such equipments consist basically of modular units that permit putting 75 or more uniform FM data channels of 1 to 2 kcps bandwidth on the direct record tracks of an instrumentation recorder operating at a moderate speed (Martin [1963]). There is a continual ebb and flow of interest in the telemetering commumty in the various methods of telemetry and, correspondmgly, mterest in the recording problems these forms raise. FM/FM telemetry is still considered perfectly satisfactory by some groups domg quite complex work. Other groups have abandoned it almost completely for PCM, and still others use mIXed systems. Each group maintains a position that is largely based on the way in which its partICular field has developed. The recorders and auxiliary equipment available in the commerCial market have characteristics that have been arrived at by the interaction of the characterIstics of previously available eqUIpment and the changing needs of users. It IS therefore qUIte impOSSIble to predict the future direction of development of telemetry recording equipment. Analog recording can probably be expected toadecline m importance with a corresponding mcrease in importance of PCM and wideband FM, recorded either directly or in a predetection mode. 42 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING PULSE DURATION MODULATION Pulse duration modulation (PDM) was introduced to the magnetIc tape recording field about the same time as was FM modulation. In pulse duration modulation, the modulating signal is caused to vary the time of occurrence of the leading edge, the trailing or both edges of a train of equal-amplitude pulses forming a pulse carrier (fig. 4-1). --, I I I I I --, I I I I I L __ L--'-_-J I I I I I IL __ I I I I I I I I I IL __ --, I I I I I TIMED r-- r-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -....I..,---J __ .J r-- I I I I I I I I __ JI I I I I I I __ .JI I TIME - - b rI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _J L_ -,I -, I I I I I I I I I I I -, rI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _J L_ TIME-c (after Black "Modulatwn Theory") }'IGURE 4-1-Pulse-duration-modulation (PDM) wave forms (a) Leadmg edge of pulse fixed, trailing edge modulated, (b) trailIng edge of pulfi;e fixed, leading edge modulated, (c) both edges of pulse modulated symmetrically around center This modulation system does not require a linear amplitude characteristic in the recording process, which IS concerned only with establIshing with accuracy the start and stop times of the pulses. With PDM, during modulation the short-term area average changes and hence the ac axis moves. In fact, one method of extracting the mformation from PDM pulses is simply to determine the average value of the signal by a filtering process. Because the axis moves, the transmission system must handle the movement with fidelity. ThIS means that the auxiliary equipment, 'including all the signal circuits within the recorder proper, must be linear if the system is to be linear overall. The tape Itself, because it is concerned on,ly RECORDING ME'IlHODS 43 with pulse times, is relieved of amplitude linearity. Particularly in early use of magnetic recording for scientific data collection, the price of ltuxiliary circuit linearity was gladly paid for the advantage of eliminating the need for tape linearity. There are many ways in which duration modulated pulses may be produced. ~ FIgure 4-:2 shows two ways of accomplishing this for pulses in which the trailing edge alone is modulated. The conversion technique shown at a is known as uniform sampling because the successive pulse durations are proportIOnal to values of the signal at uniformly-spaced SIgnal sampling times. The procedure here is to sample the signal at uniform intervals and convert each sample to a steady value which remains until the time of the next sample, at which time the steady value changes to that associated with the new sample. This gives a peculiar kind of PAM (pulse-amplitude-modulated) wave as shown. This PAM wave is then added to a sawtooth generated by the same synchronizer as drives the original signal sampling process. The combined signals are then passed through a slicer which is a device with the property that its output is zero when its input is below a certain value and is a maximum when its input is above that value. In effect, it takes a slice of the wave at the point marked "slicer level" and converts it into pulses which are positive when the input signal is above that value and zero when it is below. The result is a pulse-durahon-modulated wave. The production of such a uniform sampling wave is somewhat complex. A somewhat simpler technique for derivmg the PDM wave is shown in b of figure 4-2 and is known as natural sampling. The sawtooth is simply added to the signal wave and passed through a slicer as before. The output is PDM, but differs in form from the PDM derived by the first method because the lengths of the sampling intervals are dependent upon the values of the signal. This I~ a much simpler signal to generate but it is much more complex to regenerate at the end of the transmission system. The usual practice is to regenerate it as if it were a uniform-samplmg signal and to accept the distortion produced by the nonuniform sampling times. The purpose in describing in such detail the mechanics of PDM sIgnal generatIOn is to emphasIze one of the significant characteristics of pulse transmission systems. This characteristic IS that one almost lllvariably knows some specific thing about the pulse arrival time which often makes it possible to improve the overall time stability of the transmIssion system. This knowledge, for example, may be t hat the starting times of the pulses are exactly evenly spaced. With tlus knowledge a system can be devised for recreating at the far end of the system pulses WIth exactly the same startmg times and lengths 44 MAGNETIO TAPE REOORDING /",--- r:'" « _ • 1 TlME---', ~-- --.-~--:f-':'" .... _--, SIGNAL PAM SAWTOOTH SWEEPWAVE - - - - - - SLICING LEVEL COMBINED WAVES JLJlJL PDM TlME ___ a SAWTOOTH AND SIGNAL COMBINED nJlJL PDM (after Black "Modulation Theory") FIGURE 4-2.-Methods of generating PDM. (a) Uniform sampling, (b) natural samplmg as those that we-re fed into the system. Thus the time instability of the recoidermay be removed. The same function can be performed for pulse amplitude modulation and for pulse code modulation. In the latter case, not only are the times of the pulses known but also the amplitudes in that the information is contained only in whether the pulse is present or not or, for some more elaborate coding schemes, whether the pulse has the value "one" or "zero." The usual PDM recording practice is to convert the rise at the beginning of a PDM pulse and the fall at its conclusion to either bidirec- RECORDING ME'lIHODS 45 tional or unidirectional spike signals for recording on the tape. The circuits immediately associated with the tape recordmg process itself need deal only with these spikes and therefore need not have dc response. A "boxcar" circuit or bIstable multIv~brator or, for the most modern equipment, one of the more sophisticated modern alternates to these circuits, is used to convert the spikes back into a tram of [o=~~-=I.~I. --- -- -- ---, l!'_~_~_~_'!._~_~ x x x ~ 1010100 o I 0 I 0 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x Xx)( 0 0000010 I 1 1 1 1 I 4-6.-Bit-serial PCM on tape. FIGURE The word at the left is the first transmitted and is -followed, after a space, by that indicated in the line with it at the right as made up of 7 X's representing arbitrary digits. To conserve tape, adjacent tracks spread across the tape are used for successive words transmitted, the array being arranged so that there Is an essenthllly steady fiow of wo.rds onto the tape In this example the space between the last word entered on the 7th track and the second word entered on the 1st track is such as to give the same word-start spacing as the inter-word spacing Since the words on each track are considered indindually, only track to track timing erro.rs greater than a full word length could confuse such a recording system. L'WOflO y 1 a I 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 : 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 I 10 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 :0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 : 1 10 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 o 0 1 II 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 : 1 1 1 1 1 a 0 1 1 1 1 01 1 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1:=1 5 ----l b a FIGURE c d 4-7.-Bit-paraUel PCM recordlDg. (a) Successive words are recorded in strips across the tape width for, this case, perfect time alignment between tracks (the words for this figure are the same as for figure 4-6), (b) III this case there is severe IDter-track jitter which makes it difficult to see even visually which bits belong to which words, (c) ID this case the bits are spread out farther along the tape and the displacement is systematic such as would be caused by skew, S represents the word to word spacing needed with this much skew if no confusion is to exist between individual bits of successive words, (d) the situation of (c) but with close word spacing where interference occurs between the words and no simple technique will untangle the words III the presence of this much skew. 52 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING An IRIG standard now exists for recorders designed to receive parallel PCM recording (IRIG [1960]). It is a relatively conservative standard because of the difficulties of achieving close packmg density. Many tape recorders are currently available which meet this standard and which operate satisfactorily at longitudinal pulse packing densities of 1,000 bits per inch. These recorders operate in thIS way without any compensating schemes and without correcting possible errors in bit arrival times; they achieve correct operation simply through maintenance of close mechanical tolerances and uniform tape motion. There are, however, methods available for packing bit parallel PCM much more densely than even with current techniques and also for achieving equivalent high density through the use of bit serial PCM. PULSE RECORDING WAVEFORMS The simplest pulse waveform conceptually is the return-to-zero or RZ pulse. This might consist of a recordmg current (and hence recorded flux) waveform such as shown in figure 4-8a. A "one" is represented by a positive going pulse and a "zero" by a negative going pulse. This particular waveform is used in elementary equipment but its inefficient use of bandwidth has restricted its use. It is a redundant coding system since there are two flux transitions per bit of information required. A slightly more efficient waveform is one which remains at either the positive or the negative maximum excursion possible III the absence of a signal. A "one" in this system is represented by an isolated pulse from one extreme of signal to the other or, in the case of tape, from saturation in one direction to saturation in the other direction. At the end of the pulse the original value is resumed and two flux transitions are required for each "one." A "zero" is represented by the absence of a pulse. This is called "return-to-bias" or "RB" recording (fig. 4-8b). In NRZ coding, redundancy is sharply reduced by assigning, at the most, a single transition to each separate bit. The information derived from this coding scheme in a recorder IS whether the flux changed or not. There are several ways in which these two basic pieces of information can be used to give a binary coding scheme. In "straight" NRZ, shown in figure 4-8c, a flux change indicates that the symbol following a given symbol is different from the first symbol. Thus the change from zero to one is indicated by a flux change. When a series of ones follow each other, no flux change is indicated, but when the last one IS followed by a zero, there is another flux change. The socalled NRZI coding, which is shown in figure 4-8d, indicates a one by RECORDING o 0 o o 000 a RZ L -_ _ _ _ b---...I C 53 METHODS ----,LSlSl____;---- nJ,...----- d L -_ _ FIGURE RB NRZ NRZI 4-8.-Digital recordmg wavefonns. (a) In RZ recording of the fonn shown here, the binary bits of the word given above the waveform are indIcated by downward pulses for O's and upward pulses for l's, (b) for "return-to-bias" or RB recordmg in the fonn shown here, a pulse is transmitted for a one and no pulse for a zero, (c) for "non-return-to-zero" or NRZ recording the signal value does not change unless there is a change m the value of the digit, that is, the horizontal line at the left indicates that the flrst 2 digits are the same as each other, the next downward flux change mdicates that the succeedmg digit differs from the precedmg one, as with the next 4 flux changes since there is a steady alternation of l's and O's (sometimes called NRZ (change), (d) in NRZI recording a flux change represents a 1 and no flux change 11 0 (sometimes called NRZ (mark». a flux change and a zero by no flux change. The primary advantage of . NRZI over NRZ is that there is a one-to-one relationship between the signal and the symbol. If there is an error, only the symbol for whIch the error is made is lost. In straight NRZ, if a flux transition were missed, all successive symbols would be exactly opposite to what they should be until synchronism was somehow regained. These straightforward coding processes have the difficulty that there may be long "floats" in which a particular data combination produces extremely long signal pulses. Low-frequency phenomena in the recorder may therefore affect the accuracy of data contaming such long floats. The NRZ process uses at a maximum one flux reversal per bit of information and on the average uses less than this number. Where there are, for NRZ, long periods of identical symbols, or, for NRZI, long strings of zeros, the coding IS very efficient in that fewer flux transItions are used. It is essential for this efficient coding to work that the timing of the flux transitions or their absence be accurately known. So called "phase modulation" or "Manchester" coding techniques have been introduced to elimmate some of the problems of providing 54 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING accurate time information in interpreting binary symbols (Hoagland [1963]). Phase shift or phase modulation coding is also called selfclocking. It is so called because there is an Identifiable pulse signal in each "cell" in which a binary bit may be found. A signal may therefore be derived from each cell to keep the system in synchronism or to provide a clock. Figure 4-9a shows such a coding scheme. In this particular version of phase shift coding, the zero is represented by a downward flux transition in the middle of the bit cell and a one by an upward transitIOn in the cell. In order to maintain this relationship it is necessary for additional flux transitions to be introduced from time to time when two identical transitions must follow each other. In other words, an extra downward transition must be provided between successive ones and an extra upward transition between successive zeros. There is, however, a derivable output spike, either positive or negative, in the center of each bit cell and this output spike can be used to synchronize a local clocking scheme. In this system it is possible, with proper design, for the rate of data flow (recorder tape speed) to be quite irregular and still to detect properly the piece of inI I 10 010 0 I I 1 I 01 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 I MANCHESTER 1 bl I I I I 1 DIPHASE tl t! t! t: t! t! t! t! t 1 I I I I I I I FIGURE 4-9.-Phase-shift or phase-modulation digital recording wave forms. (a) The "Manchester" form of phase-shift coding designates a zero with a downward flux change in the middle of the "bit cell" and a one with a corresponding upward flux change, (·b) this phase·shift coding, known as "modified diphase," indIcates a zero by having no flux change durmg the "bit cell" and a one by havmg such a flux change, decoding being accomplished by examining the successive values of the wave form at the arrows, which are %, of the way through the "bit -cell," III determining whether the values are the same for successive examinations (a one) or different (a zero), a flux change always being provided between successive "bit cells" for timmg. REOORDING METHODS 55 formation contained ifl each binary cell. Many versions of this coding have been devIsed with various advantages for particular applIcations. Some of these schemes optimIze the simpli~ity of creating the code and others optimize the accuracy of detecting the output (Gabor [1960]) . A speCIfic version of phase shift coding described as "modified q.iphase" has been specifically applied to the Gemini onboard PCM recorder. This coding scheme carries the information in whether there is a phase transitIon within the "bit cell" or not. As illustrated in figure 4-9b, thIS particular code gives a phase transition within the bit cell for a one and no such transItion for a zero. There is always a flux transition at the start of each bit cell from which the clocking scheme can be operated. Detection of the data III this code can be performed - by examining-the instantaneous signal value three-quarters of the way through the bIt cell, as shown by the arrows in the figure. If the signal value changes between any successive pair of examinations, the digit in the bit cell observed is a zero; if the value remains the same, the digit is a one. Basically the phase shift modulation coding scheme can be seen to have two fundamental frequencies. One of these has the length of two bit cells for a full cycle and the other has the length of a single bit cell. In a simplified way, one might say that the system runs either at one or the other of these two frequencies. In practice, of course, the shift between the two waveforms is irregular and unpredictable, and the result is that a broad spectrum is generated. Basically, however, the highest frequency present in a phase shift modulation coding process is twice that in NRZ. The price of the extra bandwidth IS gladly paid in many applications for the improved accuracy with which the data is derived. OTHER RECORDING METHODS Tho several recording modes described in this section do not by any means exhaust the possibilities that have been employed. Only a few other modes have, however, had any extensive use. Perhaps the most important of these is what is called "Carrier Erase." In carrier erase, the tape is prerecorded WIth a continuous tone signal of high amplitude and of frequency well above the intelligence to be recorded. The recorder sImply dc-erases the carrIer in proportion to the intensity of the information signal, which is applied directly to the record head. This technique has the advantage of extreme simplicIt.y 788-0280---«>---5 56 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING in the recorder and not much complexity in the reproducer, since the signal is obtained in the form of a modulated carrier which is relatively easy to demodulate. Although of low recording density, the simpliCIty and fair linearity of the process have led to its extensive use in very small) severe-service recorders. CHAPTER 5 Head-Tape Interaction A convenient way to analyze the difficult subject of interaction bet~~enhead _and tape is t~ postuJ.ate an _ele~ent~ry idealized _tape recording process and then to examine in some detail the performance of this process and the factors influencing that performance. As the examination proceeds, it will become apparent what practical changes are advisable in making and reproducing the recording, first, to produce useful results, and then to refine those results. By this procedure, the complex interaction between the elements involved can be developed with a minimum of repetitive analysis. For the first test recording, let the recorder consist of a tape moving mechanism and a recording head of the type commonly used in modern recorders, i.e., one which produces the recording flux as a fringing field surrounding the recording gap. This recording head is driven from an appropriate linear amplifier which applies test signals directly to the recording head. The tape is smoothly driven at one of the currently standard speeds. After making a test recording and rewinding the tape, it should be possible to reproduce the recorded signals. The recording head could be used for reproduction, but it is more instructive to use a modern reproduce head with slightly different characteristics from those of the record head. The output of this head is connected to another linear amplifier uniform in frequency response. Two things would be obvious on examining the reproduced output: First, the output would be badly distorted, mostly with odd harmonics, to a degree almost independent of the input signal level. Second, the frequency response of the system would be nonuniform, being roughly "humped," peaking somewhere at the geometric average of the lowest frequency and the highest frequency that the recorder could reproduce. The signal-to-noise ratio would not appear -to be too bad, but, since no signal could be reproduced without distortion, there would be no reference signal .level for which the signal-to-noise ratio measurement 57 58 MAGNETIC TAPE R1!)cORDING could be specified. Consider now why the hypothetical recorder would operate in the manner just described. In the first place, the transfer characteristic of the head-tape combination, i.e., a plot of instantaneous input voltage versus instantaneous output voltage, is a severely curved line when an alternating current signal is applied directly to the recording head. The curvature is symmetrical around zero voltage and the distortion produced by the curvature therefore consists entirely of odd harmonics. (See fig. 5-1.) Br RECORDED INDUCTION ON TAPE RECORDING SIGNAL CURRENT FIGURE 5-1.-Unblased magnetic recordmg. With the distorted portion of the normal tape transfer characteristIc between A and B bemg used the rerorded waveform and resulting output are sharply dIstorted. This transfer characteristic is often likened to two initial magnetization curves of the magnetic recording medium placed back to back. Although it resembles these curves, the mechanism involved is quite different from that involved in forming the initial magnetization curves. Having chosen a particular tape speed, the relationship of applied frequency and recorded wavelength is now determined. If there were a means for determining the strength of the flux recorded in the tape, an examination would show that placing a current in the recording head constant at all test frequencies would produce flux in the tape approximately constant at all wavelengths. When this constant-flux recording was reproduced we would find, at least at low frequencies, that the output from the reproducing amplIfier was proportional to 59 HEAD-TAPE INTERACTION frequency. This would result from the dependence of the reproducing head output, not on the amplitude of the flux, but on the rate of change of flux. The classic 6 db per octave rise of a differentiated signal thus occurs since, in effect, the input signal has been differentiated in the reproducing process. In a real recorder/reproducer, however, this 6 db per octave rise would not be maintained as higher frequencies (shorter wavelengths) were approached and the response would eventually flatten out and turn down very sharply. The response would eventually go to zero at a frequency which could be calculated to be that at which the reproducing head gap was effectively one wavelength long (fig. 5-2). (In I WAVELENGTH - 01 60 ~ 001 0001 ~ 50 D "0 - 40 ..... ~ I ~ 30 Q. ~ V => o 20 10 ,....- 1/ o / 1,\ \ \ ~"" FREQUENCY ___ FIGURE 5-2.-Elementary recorder frequency response. To improve the rather discouraging performance of this tape recorder, which perhaps was the situation that Valdemar Poulsen faced when he invented the first tape recorder at the turn of the century, distortion might be attacked first. The rather unpleasant transfer characteristic of the figure suggests that adding a fixed magnetization to that of the signal so as to shift the operating point of the recorder up from zero to a fairly straight part of the transfer characteristic might help. This would reduce the size of the reproduced signal since less of the total "flux swing" would be used and the noise output of the recorder would increase but the transfer characteristic would straighten out quite well (fig. 5-3). Many modern dictation recorders and even some semiprofessional audio ones use this so called "dc bias" mode of operation. Assuming for the moment that the better linearity of the 60 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING dc-biased signal is satisfactory, the next concern might be with the very poor frequency response. Br ----------~~4-rT---f---------H RECORDING SIGNAL CURRENT I---I-oc BIAS FIGURE 5-3 -Recording with dc bias. The useful part of the characteristic from A to B is shorter than tor the unbiased condition of figure 5-1, but the output IS undistorted. Since the signal is differentiated in reproduction, an integrating equalizer, that is, one with a 6 db per octave downward slope with frequency, could be inserted in the reproducing channel. This would straighten out quite successfully the low frequency portion of the frequency response curve, but the flattening out and droop at high frequencies would be intensified. Some kind of high frequency boost would now be needed; a resonant or feedback RC equalizer could supply enough high frequency gain in the reproducer output to flatten out the response of the complete recording system over a reasonable frequency range (fig. 5-4). The equalization would increase the high frequency noise in the output just as it increased the high frequency signal. The overall signal-to-noise ratio would thus be degraded by the equalization. The final signal-to-noise ratio achieved thus depends on the frequency,range the recorder attempts to cover. The test device would then be a usable magnetic recorder; it is probable that half a million recorders usmg the same design principles have been commercially sold for amateur and office dictation use within the last 10 years. Such It device is still rather crude and many techniques are now available to improve the performance by several orders of magnitude. First, the dc bias could be removed and ac bias could be added. That is, a steady ac signal of about ten times the maximum signal amplitude could be added to the signal in the recording head. 61 HEAD-TAPE INTERACTION 01 60 (In) WAVELENGTH001 0001 I 50 .a 40 ~ I ~ 30 Q. - f-- ,- /' ~. -- ../ I- /' ::> 20 ..,- 10 / ~r ~ o o b r-- i'~ V , 1--"\ 1- I, \ ~ ..... ~ V ~ 1\ \ FREQUENCY - - - FIGURE 5-4.-Equalization of elementary recorder. (a) Basic unequalized frequency response, (b) simplified results of, on the left, mtegratlon and equalization to remove normal differentiatlOn of d~/dt playback head, and on the right, of a peaked equalizer to remove the effects of scanning losses. It would be found that this would improve the signal and reduce the noise of the reproduced recording. (This biasing technique was the development step that made modern recording possible.) Second, the reproducing head gap could be made as narrow as possible so as to reduce the wavelength and hence raise the frequency at which the output response goes to zero. The recorder would then r~uire less high frequency reproduce equalization and would handle an increased bandwidth. The record current would still be constant with frequency. If nothing were known about the energy spectrum of the input signal (the usual situation with scientific recording), this record current relationship could not be changed. If, however, something were known about the spectrum of the input signal, as is, for instance, the case in audio recording for entertainment purposes, certain frequencies could safely be preemphasized on the basis that the input signal would not contain significant high-intensity components at these frequencies and there would be little possibility of overloading the tape. A decision was made, early in the development of audio recording, based on the assumption that there was little high-frequency energy in a typical audio signal, to preemphasize high frequencies. Having preemphasized these frequencies, they can be deemphasized in reproducing. That is, less high-frequency reproduce equalization would be 62 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING used, less high-frequency noise would appear in the output, and the signal-to-noise ratio would be improved. A little low frequency preemphasis could also be used, but high-frequency preemphasis would have the maximum effect. The recorder as now described is essentially that used for both professional and nonprofessional audio recording. The technique of deciding the amount of preemphasis from the knowledge of the spectral characteristics of the input signal has been described in glowing terms here. In theory this is what is done with an audio recorder; in practice, a study of the actual spectral distribution almost proves that it cannot successfully be done. In other words, a scientific investigation of the spectrum is unable to account for the amount of preemphasis that can be used without harm. The most recent change in audio preemphasis/deemphasis, introduced with a view to improving signal-to-noise ratio, came about as the consequence of some work which showed that the spectrum distribution of music would not permit such preemphasis! (McKnight [1959 J) Nevertheless, the new equalization is quite successful and is now almost universally employed for "master" recording (original recording as the basis for mass reproduction of disc or tape copies for home use) . To record a very wide band of frequencies, say twice that of the initial recorder, tape can be run twice as fast and all equalizers and similar devices correspondingly scaled up in frequency. This process can be continued, scaling up many times in bandwidth from the initial audio range. By increasing tape speed, higher-frequency rooording can take place at the same wavelength. There is a point at which, however, frequency, per se, becomes a limiting factor in certain of the rooorder elements. Eddy current and hysteresis losses begin to limit the usefulness of record and reproduce heads and the heads must be made of Imaterials designed for use at these higher frequencies. As the abilities of the basic tape recorder are pushed higher and higher, second order effects begin to be important and the action of the recorder must be analyzed in greater and greater detail. For example, further investigation would show that there are several complex frequency-sensitive losses which add to the basic reproducing wavelength losses (McKnight [1960]). These losses produce perceptible effects even for the elementary recorder, but become more important for more sophisticated recorders. There is a loss of signal as the portion of tape involved is placed farther and farther away from both the record and reproduce head. This "spacing loss," as it is called, is a function of recorded. wavelength. Scanning loss, discussed above, comes mainly from the finite size of the reproduce heads although some characteristics of the record head gaps also affect wavelength response. A widely misunderstood phenomenon called demagnetiza- HEAD-TAPE INTERACTION 63 tion loss is also found. It results from a tendency of the tiny permanent magnets placed in the tape on recording to demagnetize themselves, this effect being greater as the magnets get shorter and the wavelength correspondingly shorter. There is another loss which is a functIOn of the thickness of the magnetic material on the tape. This is a form of spacing 1'oss, that is, of loss dependent on spacing of the material away from the head; thIS spacing differs for different depths in the tape, so that only part of the tape is effectively in contact with the head. The phenomenon has been studied recently in great detail, particularly for digItal recording (Eldridge [1960]). The analytic process of separating the effects of all these losses has been discussed extensively in the literature (McKmght [1960]) (Wallace [1951]). The basic process by which ac bias causes the record characteristic to become linear is often described as being quite mysterious. The current understanding- of this-phenomenon is-not, however,-quite so uncertain as thIS typical reaction implIes. A more accurate descrIption IS: 1. The process of anhysteretic magnetization is generally con- sidered to be an adequate description of the gross effects of ac bias as the magnetic tape passes through the biased recording fields. An essentially anhysteretic magnetization process takes place when a section of tape is brought up to the record head and passes beyond it. As it approaches the head the bias and signal field get progressively stronger to a peak level and then, as the tape section leaves the head, they gradually fall off. This is precisely the process involved in anhysteretic magnetization where a sample of magnetic material is placed in a field varying just as described. 2. The process by which anhysteretic magnetization takes place is not fully understood at present, although the characteristics produced are faIrly well understood to be dependent on the interaction between the magnetic fields of the partIcles rather than on properties of the magnetic particles themselves. (Schwantke [1958] ) (Daniel and Wohlfarth [1962] ) (Eldridge [1961]). 3. The detailed process which goes on as the tape approaches the head, passes it, and passes on is not fully understood because the actual magnetic fields present have not been adequately explored. For example, the magnetic field to which the tape is subjected is directed along the surface of the tape in one direction as the tape approaches the head and IS along the surface of the tape in the other direction as the tape leaves the head. At some point in the process the field direction must rotate; just 64 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING how this takes place and how it affects a set of dispersed magnetic particles IS not clearly worked out as yet (Mee [1964]). If the emphasis is placed on recordings where the time of the starting and stopping of pulses contains the significant information, such characteristics as lmearity and frequency response are not of primary importance. The same tape movmg mechanism can be used but the current applied to the record head can be chosen to give as much magnetIzation in the tape as is possible to produce tape saturation. To indicate the start of a pulse this saturating current can be turned on or the current direction can be instantaneously reversed. Alternately, a positive pulse can be recorded by turning on a pOSItive saturating current and turning it off at the end of the pulse, allowing the current to fall then to zero. A negative pulse can be recorded by turning on a saturating current in the opposite direction and the end of the pulse indicated by turning this pulse off. This is called "RZ" or "return-to-zero" recording. Alternately, the current can be turned on in one direction or another to indicate the start or stop of a pulse. This is called "NRZ" or "non-return-to-zero" recording. NRZ recording, because It is more important, will be analyzed in further detail. If this recording IS reproduced with a flat linear amplifier and a conventional reproduce head, a positive output pulse will appear for each positive going recording current transition and corresponding record flux transition; a negative pulse will appear for each negative current transition and flux transition. A satisfactory pulse recorder seemsrthus to have been provided without very much effort. The elements descrIbed are actually the only essential ones in a modern pulse recorder, but for efficient pulse recording, refinement is required. HIgh pulse recordmg density and sharply defined reproduced pulses are needed, and the mechamsm involved in achieving the proper denSIty and sIgnal level in such recording must be analyzed. When the pulse current through the recording head is turned on or turned off instantaneously, it effectively maps the external flux field of the recording head onto the tape (Eldridge r1960]). (This is the subject of a later analysis.) When this mapped field passes the reproduce head, it produces an output signal essentially proportional to the instantaneous rate of change of dIfference in the amount of flux passing into the two halves of the reproduce head, one on each side of the reproduce gap. Operating on this difference, it is'found that the ability of the reproduce head to define the position of the pulse on the tape IS three to six times as poor as that of the record head in placing it there. This is a fundamental relationship, independent of detailed HEAD-TAPE INTERACTION 65 head design. To improve the pulse packing density, attention, therefore, should be directed primarIly to the reproduce head. The technique of employing the recorder simply to carry information on pulse starting and stopping times opens up its use for many recording modes quite dIfferent from the linear analog mode first discussed for the basic test recorder and first used in audio recording. These different modes, such as PDM, PCM, FM and other modulations, permit optimizing various perfonnance parameters of the complete recording process and providing best fits between a recorder and the rest of a system in which it IS used. This subject is discussed in detail under "Recordmg Methods." By introducing the initIal crude tape recorder and gradually refining it for various applIcations the basic processes of interaction between tape and head have been discussed in a systematic way. For a g~Ileral review, _thIS outline treats the subject in adequate depth. Certain parts of the head-tape interactIOn process whIch have detailed importance will now be discussed more fully. HEAD-TAPE GEOMETRY-BIASED RECORDING The geometrical elements of the head and tape which enter significantly into the record/reproduce process are the shape of the head pole pieces, the dimensions of the head gap, the spacing between the head and the recording medium, and the depth of the recording medium. Each of these geometrical factors has some effect on the response at short and long wavelengths. These wavelength effects are some of the tape recording factors about which our current understanding is most complete. The most critical dimension of the record and reproduce gap is its length; the depth of the gap and size of the corresponding rear gap in the head structure are also important in detenninmg head performance. The ultimate high-frequency (short-wavelength) limitation to recorder response is the length of the reproduce gap. In an mdirect way, the length of the record gap may also influence this limit but the primary effect lies in the reproduce gap. There is always one critical tape wavelength at which the total amount of flux in one direction and the other included within the gap, and therefore affecting the head, is independent of the position of the gap along the tape. At this particular wavelength no output signal is produced. This is an example of a scanning process which typlCaUy has a null at one particular wavelength. As with other scanning processes, at wavelengths shorter than the wavelength of the first null there is still some response from the head, and at even shorter wavelengths, a succession of addItional nulls. The characterIstic shape of response from such a scan- 66 MAGNETIC TAPE R:E>CORDING ning structure is a sin x/x function and is encountered in any process in which waveforms are scanned by a structure WhICh integrates all portIOns of the wave included within the structure length. Daniel and Axon (Daniel and Axon [1953]) have analyzed the experimental fact that a measurement of the so-called gap nulls and the shape of the scannmg effect for magnetic recording does not precisely follow the sin x/x formula. They postulate certain other interrelated phenomenon, giving a more exact function for the response. They include possible mechanisms for the observed fact that the effective length of the gap, judged from the position of the response nulls, is longer than the physical gap (fig. 5-5). 10~---------.----------------,----------------, O~-------------- ___ iii 10 ~ U) g 20 _ __ J "" ~ __ .. ~ ______________ 01 ~ ~ 4OL-________ ~ ..... 30 _ _ _ __J 10 GAP LENGTH/WAVELENGTH 100 (after Mee) FIGURE 5-5 -Reproducing gap-loss functions (a) Simple sm x/x formula, (b) more complete formula (see text). A longer gap includes more flux withm the gap pole pieces and therefore produces a greater long-wavelength output. However, the response of such a long gap will fall off faster with decreased wavelengths and at any particular wavelength it is Impossible to say without calculation whether widening the gap will increase or decrease the response. The choice of the reproduce gap length is therefore an important one related to the total bandwidth WhICh the recorder is designed to cover. The discussion so far has referred to wavelengths HEAD-TAPE INTERACTION 67 in purely sinusoidal terms. The Daniel and Axon analysis and the sin x/x function do refer to sinusoidal functions; the same sort of gap ('ffeet, however, occurs in pulse recordIng and determines the digital packIng denslty achievable (Eldridge [1960]). The surface of the typical recordIng and reproducing head facing the tape forms a gradual smooth curve. The tape is stretched over this curve so as to contact the head over a specific length of tape. The radius of the curve and its relationship to the rest of the geometry of tape movement In the recorder determines the manner in whIch the tape approaches and leaves the head pole pieces. This rate of approach and the length of head-tape contact affects the response of the recorder at wavelengths of the order of the length of this contact. When the frequency of the SIgnal recorded on the tape is low enough so that the recorded wavelength exceeds the total length of head-tape contact, the amount of flux which succeeds in entering the pole structure depends on the relationship between the contact length and the wavelength. The result of this dependence is that there IS a scanning effect producing variations in response at these extremely long wavelengths quite analogous to the gap-length phenomenon occurring at much shorter wavelengths. The low-frequency scanning effect does not produce nulls in response as sharp as those of the hIgh-frequency gap scanning phenomenon but produces response variations of a few db. These variations in response are sometimes called "head bumps." The shape of the pole pieces and hence the rate at which the tape approaches and leaves the head affects the amplitude of the head bumps. At extremely long wavelengths the head-bump phenomenon may in some cases, by setting the lower frequency limit, determine the number of octaves that can be covered at a given speed by a particular recorder In the direct recording mode. The depth of the gap, although not as fundamental as its length, IS an Important parameter of reproduce head design. Gap depth is naturally related to the useful life of the head, in that any head wear resulting from abrasion from contInued passage of tape reduces the gap depth. The fraction of the fringing flux from the tape which IS "collected" by the pole pieces and induced to cross the gap in the process of being introduced into the magnetic circuit of the head depends on the reluctance of the gap compared to the reluctance of the rest of the head magnetic circuit. As the gap becomes extremely short, ~ven though the reluctance of the rest of the magnetic circuit, constructed of soft magnetic material, is very low, the reluctance of the gap may be small enough to approach that reluctance if the gap is also deep. The magnetics of the process that goes on in the reproduction of 68 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING magnetic tape recording is easiest to analyze by analogy to the corresponding recording action. Calculation of the amount of flux which crosses the gap on record, and hence the amount of flux involved in the fringing field, involves the magnetomotive forces induced in t he magnetic circuit. The source of magnetomotive force is, of course, the current in the record coil and the total magnetomotive force rise is usually considered to be developed between the two ends of the coil. The magnetomotive force drop in the magnetic circuit with a relatively long gap almost always appears across the gap itself. This magnetomotive force across the gap is the driving force for the fringing flux which actually links the tape and does the recording. On reproduction, the flux fringing out from the tape, driven by the remanent permanent magnetomotive force originally developed by the recording fields, appears across the gap and the effective magnetomotive force across the gap drives flux through the pickup coils. If the gap is so small that the reluctance of the soft magnetic circuit and of the gap are about the same, much of the magnetomotive force drop appears along the magnetic circuit and is not avail ruble for inducing fluX: and hence voltage, in the pickup coil. One way of looking at these gap dimension phenomena is to consider that the actual gap has a shunting effect on a theoretical gap of infinite reluctance. This shunting effect, and the effect of wear on gap depth, make the choice of the gap depth important in the design of a magnetic head. A deep gap will wear for a long time but will have high shunting and hence less output, all other things being equal. It IS generally accepted that the factor which determines the recording resolution of the record gap is not the gap length but the sharpness of the gap trailmg edge. This is an indirect way of stating that the rate at which the recording flux falls off at the trailing edge of the gap determines the precision with which the record head locates on the tape the point at which a particular signal is recorded. The gap length has a secondary effect on the recording phenomenon. This secondary effect is related to the head-tape spacing and the recording medium depth. The practical effect of recording gap length is to influence the relationship between optimum bias for a particular test frequency and the tape thickness for linearIzed recording (McKnight [1961]). For pulse recording, the record gap length has little effect except on the amount .of record current necessary to produce tape saturation. In any case, the record gap is always considerably longer than the reproduce gap. The spacing between the head and the tape and the thickness of the active coating on the tape combine to form the third factor of head-tape geometry which influences the record/reproduce process. 69 HEAD-TAPE INTERACTION The same basic process is involved in determining the effect of the thickness of the medium and of the head-tape spacing. The effect of these geometric factors can be analyzed by inspecting an infinItely thin layer of medium and determining how the spacing of this layer from the record or reproduce gap affects the signals transduced by the gap. Figure 5-6 shows the fields to which an elementary (infinitely thin) layer of tape is subjected as it moves past a recording gap at various distances from the gap. The parameter ylg, the ratio of the distance from the surface of the head to the gap length, obviously controls sharply the intensity of the maximum field to which the tape is subjected. Figure 5-7 shows the way in which the field intensity along the direction of tape movement in the center of the gap varies with spacing from the head surface. Assuming for the moment that the gap-length is 1.0 mil and the tape coating is 0.3 mil thick (rather t.ypical values), and that the coating hes actually in contact with the surface of the head, it is apparent that the intensity of the field in the center of the gap for the nearest layer of the tape is about 1.5 times that for the layer farthest from the head. For the field at the edge of the gap the ratio of near-layer intensity to far-layer mtensity is almost infinite. It is thus quite obvious that the recording field intensity is sharply mfluenced by spacing. H (after Dumker) FIGURE 5-6.-Fields surrounding the recording gap 70 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING IO __----~----r-----r_----._--~ 8o X • x o 10 y/g (after Mee) Fl/dt" reproducing head FIGURE higher frequencIes, for which the effective permeability of the magnetic material of the head may be low, invalidate the statement that most of the magnetomotive force appears across the gap. It is more accurate to say that a controlled amount of the total magnetomotive force appears across the gap (chapter 5). The two baSIC kinds of reproduce heads are the so-called "d /dt" and flux-sensitive heads. The d /dt head is almost identical III construction to the record head just described and "obtains its information" about the flux in the magnetic tape by determining the voltage induced in the reproduce head winding as the flux intercepted by the gap and passed through the head changes with time (fig. 8-2). The output of such a head is effectively the time derivative of the flux intercepted. The r.emanent flux induced in the tape by the record head is almost linearly proportional to the record current. The overall transfer characteristic of a record/reproduce system using the d /dt head is therefore differentiated. In a particular record/reproduce system, such differentiation may be a disadvantage or an advantage. 'When the rate of movement of tape is extremely slow, the d /dt output is correspondmgly low. For such appbcatIOns, heads of a dIfferent baSIC operating mode are often used. These are so-called fluxsensItive heads, of whIch there are two basic types. In one type, the flux mtercepted by the head from the tape is introduced in the same magnetlc CIrcuit as the flux induced by an aUXIliary signal appbed to some auxIliary windmgs. A pickup winding detects changes induced m the aUXIliary signal as the tape flux modifies the magnetic characterIstIcs of the nonlinear magnetIC cirCUIt used. This IS the so-called "modulator head" (fig. 8-3). A varIation of thIS type is one in whICh the tape flux is caused to vary the reluctance of a TAPE RECORDER HEADS 143 magnetic path where the reluctance is externally measured by some method other than the carrIer technique described. The second type of flux-senSItIve head employs the so-called "Hall effect." The Hall effect occurs when a steady current and a magnetic flux are applied orthogonally to a material exhIbIt.ing the Hall phenOlJlenon. _The Hall effect occursjn_most of the common semiconductors, and IS especially strong in gallium arsenide. The "Hall voltage" appears across electrodes orthogonal to the current and flux directIOns and IS proportlonal to the product of the flux intenSIty and the steady current intensity. Although very simple and quite effective in many applications, Hall effect heads suffer from thermal sensitivity and many other complicatmg properties which have been dISCUssed in the literature (Stein [1961a]). MAGNETIC CORE MAGNETIC \._,"~_M_A_GN_E-- /dt reproduce heads are almost identical in construction. Reproduce heads usually have much smaller gaps than record heads and there are differences in the windings on the core structure for the two types. For each head application there is an optimum number of turns and size of wire for the winding. 146 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING POLE PIECES CORE COIL FIGURE 8-5.-Stylized rendering of the elements of a video recording head (see text). For a record head the wire is usually heavier and the winding is designed to induce as many ampere-turns in the head as possible with the recording amplifier availahle. In the corresponding reproduce heads, the wire may be finer and more turns may be desirable to obtain as much induced voltage as possible, but the winding is also optimized for the reproduce amplifier chosen (chapter 10). For multitrack record heads the winding size required may lead to serious space problems. Cross-talk between the tracks of a multitrack head poses a continual problem. In recording, there is, of course, simple transformer action between the adjacent magnetic structures with their windings. The bodies of the heads themselves may be shielded from each other but the fringing flux at the gap may result in a transfer between adjacent cores which resembles transformer action. This may be influenced by the presence of the magnetic material of the tape as it moves past the head. For the reproduce head, there is, of course, also transformer pickup, hut because of sensitivity of the head, it is also possible for one track to pick up the signal directly from the adjacent track. The flux source in this case is in the track rather than in the core structure. In pulse recording there is relatively little flux available in an adjacent track from the record current in a given track, but in carrier or FM recording, where there is always a large signal present in every track, a small cross-talk flux can produce a detectable recording (Davies [1961]). On reproduction, the transformer action cross-talk is usually limited to relatively high frequencies since these are the hardest to shield. Adjacent-track flux pickup in the reproducing process is usually limited to long-wavelength and hence TAPE RECORDER HEADS 147 low-frequency signals. An array of pole tips and gaps in a multitrack head is a fairly sophisticated magnetic structure and quite unusual means are sometimes needed to provide adequate shielding between tracks at the pole tips, both for record and reproduce (fig. S-4b). Because flux-sensitive heads are used in specialized applications, their construction is likewise specialized. Modulator and variablereluctance heads may resemble conventional d4>/dt heads quite closely except for extra windings and additional applied magnetic circuits. The Hall-effect head can take basically two forms. In one of these, the Hall materially itself is placed in close contact with the tape. The Hall material itself is not magnetic and, as a result, it is unable to resolve finely the detailed structure of short-wavelength recordings. Two methods are currently used to improve the resolution of the Hall effect head. One of these is to surround the head material itself with a magnetic structure of some sort and to make the Hall material extremely thin (fig. 8-6) . If the magnetic material is a typical recording-head metal, this method works fairly well. There has been interest in using the Hall material for extremely high-frequency reproduce heads, since the Hall effect is essentially independent of frequency. In order to accomplish this high-frequency application, it is necessary to use ferritic materials as the defining magnetic structure, and the wear limitations of ferrites limit the use of this technique. The mor:e commonly used method of defining ·the reproduced area for the Hall effect head is to place it in the back gap of a conventional C-core reproduce head. This leads to all t.he typical difficulties of the standard reproduce head, including high-frequency losses in the HALL EffECT ELEMENT FIGURE 8--6.-A Hall-effect reproducing head with pole pieces to increase resolution. 148 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING head metal itself, but it does give as good resolution as a conventional head. At the same time the head is flux sensitive and can be used at an extremely low tape speed (fig. 8--7). The front surface of any magnetic head must be extremely smooth. This is essential for: good head-tape contact, and for low head and tape wear. Since the typical recording head material is mechanically soft, it is difficult to produce a very high finish on such a surface. Since this soft material carries a very small gap which must be clearly defined, the process of polishing the head metal must avoid "smearing" the gap. The head lapping pr.ocess is thus often a magnetic head manufacturer's most closely guarded secret. Most manufacturers have, by now, managed to work out individual processes which produce reasonably uniform results. TAPE FRONT GAP C-CORE HALL EFFECT ELEMENT FIGURE 8-7.-A "back-gap" Hall-etrect head. The magnetic head is, however, not all gap and pole pieces. Except in the simplest application where a full width track is recorded on the tape the actual operating magnetic head is surrounded by an inactive surface against which the tape bears. One way of dealing with this surface is to eliminate it (fig. 8--8). That is, the individual heads of a multitrack structure are allowed to project from the supporting mechanism and the tape is permitted to bear against the pole pieces only. An alternate approach is to fill all the spaces between the poles with plastic, and the so-called "all-metal head" has also come into use recently. The all-metal head is arranged so that the active magnetic pole pieces are surrounded, except for microscopic gaps, by a uniform metal surface against which the tape bears. Figure 8--9 shows representative examples of heads employing these different const.ructions. TAPE RECORDER HE ADS 149 (photo courtesy Ampea1 Corp. ) FIGURE 8--8.-Typical multitrack heads with relief between pole pieces. (photo oowrtesfl Consoli dated Electrodynami cs Corp.)' FIOURE 8-9.-Typical metal-faced heads. On right and left of center, narrow- and wide-tape interleaved head stacks and, on left, a digital read/write head combination. In these complex head structures, nonuniform weal' of the various head elements can result in excessive overall head wear, excessive loss of tape-head contact and excessive tape wear. Head wear is further involved in maintaining head cleanliness and the corresponding relationship between maintenance and reliable head and tape life. This is discussed further in chapter 5, but one factor should 150 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING be emphasized here as a complication of the entire question of head structure. This factor is the change in the cross section of the gap in the head as the head wears and the corresponding change in the fraction of the available flux that appears across the gap. The degree to which the gap is an interruption in the lo,y-reluctance flux path is therefore dependent on the amount of head wear. The cross section of the gap also affects the eddy current and hysteresis losses that take place in the head at high frequencies. It is therefore important in head design to determine how head wear and gap performance must be balanced. As much as any other consideration this is the reason for the cont-inuing search for better magnetic and gap materials for magnetic heads. The tape recorder head defines the record and reproduce point on the tape with great precision in the direction in which the tape is moving. In the direction at right an~les to this, across the tape, the head defines the recording location with c.onsiderably less precision. The head width~ which varies from about 10 thousandths of an inch to 30 or 50 in most high-performance recorders, effectively determines the lateral resolution of the data on the tape. The oontrast is marked between 12,500 cycles per inch along the direction of tape motion and 14 or perhaps 32 tracks per inch a-eross the width of the tape. The low lateral density is often cited as an argument for trying some other method of recording than magnetic for a particular application. The argument holds, for example, that optical systems are able t.o focus an image point in two dimensions whereas magnetic reeording seelllS limited to detailed focusing in one dimension only. There have been many at.tempts to increase the number of tracks per inch across the tape with a view to using the tape surface more efficiently for storage. There are theoretical limits to how narrow a t.rack can be used but these limits are seldom approached in any practical head. There is therefore considerable justification for at.tempting to increase the lateral track density. A specific investigat.ion of what can be done by straightforward methods to increase the track density was undertaken in 1964 by .ret Propulsion Laboratory (Clement [1~64]). The investigation so far has concerned itself with determining the performance obtainable using commercial techniques to provide a large number of tracks per inch. The first successful experimental heads built under this program are shown in figures 8-10 and 8-11. Twelve tracks are fitted in this head onto quarter-inch tape which, when interleaved, would produce 24 tracks per quarter inch or 96 tracks per inch. Each track is 0.006 inch wide and the track-to-track pitch is 0.020 inch. TAPE RECORDER HEADS 151 (photo courtesy Jet Propulsion Laboratory) FIGURE 8-10.-A 24-track interleaved head combination tor 1J& -inch tape, general view, showing guides closely adjacent (see text) . (photo courtesy Jet Propulsion Laboratory) "'!GURE 8-11.-Cutaway view ot one 12-track unit ot the heads of figure 8-10. !78~O'..l8~1l 152 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING When head elements are spaced this closely, interaction between heads becomes a severe problem as does the physical task of fitting the large number of coils and windings into the small space available. The results so far of the investigation show that at this track density reasonable cross-talk values (down 34 db) can be obtained for pulse recording, presumably at about 1,500 bits per lineal inch. The results show promise that the final goal of the program, which is to record at 100 tracks per inch at a density of 10,000 bits per lineal inch, may well be achieved. HEAD PRECISION The physical construction of individual heads varies from application to application and manufacturer to manufacturer. Although the general principles are the same, different manufacturers succeed to a different degree in providing adequate precision and rigidity. As mentioned above, the typical C-core head is fabricated by lapping the pole tips of the two "C's" to an optical finish and placing them together with a gap spacer in the form either of a shim or an evaporated coating. In the multitrack head it is essential that all the gap planes align with each other.. A typical "gap scatter" specification, that is, for the total distance between the extremes of the center lines of the gaps relative to the nominal common center, is a total of 100 microinches. The center lines of all the gaps in a multitrack head should thus be included between two parallel lines 100 microinches apart. Great precision is obviously required in head manufacture and, as mentioned in chapter 6, it is important that the head be aligned accurately with the rest of the mechanism. At one time, most heads were mounted by potting them in plastic; this is still the practice for most audio heads. However, a gap-scatter tolerance as tight as that given above is easily exceeded if a head made of any conventional plastic is subjected to external forces-it will simply bend. Therefore ceramic and metal stiffening structures are included in modern heads. At present, heads are widely available which meet the gap scatter and other precision r.equirements of instrumentation recorders. However, meeting these mechanical requirements and at the same time maintaining the electrical and magnetic properties of the head is not yet under complete manufacturing control. The manufacturer can invariably make heads which meet all the specifications, but his yield of such heads is low. The sometimes extraordinary cost of precision multitrack heads is primarily the result of this situation. TAPE RECORDER HEADS 153 ERASE HEADS The heads on which this chapter has concentrated are those which record and reproduce the signal. It is usually necessary to perform also the function of erasure of the tape. This is particularly important in audio recording but the erase function is often omitted. in the instrumentation recorder. It is generally considered somewhat more satisfactory to erase instrumentation in bulk by passing it through a saturating ac magnetic field which is slowly reduced to zero and thereby leaves the tape in an essentially unmagnetized condition. In pulse recording, the recording current usually saturates t.he t.ape and no erasure is needed because the previous tape history has only a minor effect on the record left. on the tape by a saturating signal. Only in direct analog or FM recording is the erase function significant to the recording tasks covered in this survey. For example, in the OGO and Nimbus satellite recorders described in chapter 13 a special three-stage permanent-magnet erase head performs the erase function without the use of any power. This is accomplished by passing the tape past three successive permanent magnets, one of which is intended to saturate it in one direction and another to demagnetize it and to magnetize it slightly in the other direction. The third magnet is so arranged that as the tape passes, its field, combined with the field of the next proceeding magnet, subjects the tape to a net field which decreases gradually to zero. In this way essentially complete demagnetization of the tape is provided without using any power. The erase function as normally performed by applying a strong highfrequency current to a head requires large amounts of power since erasure cannot be guaranteed unless the initial record magnetomotive force is adequate to saturate the tape. Page intentionally left blank " Page intentionally left blank CHAPTER 9 Magnetic Tape The first magnetic recording media were flat steel bands and much work was done on improvmg the properties of the magnetic material from which the bands were produced. Just before 'World War II, plastic tape employmg a dIspersed magnetic powder as the storage material became availwble. Some of the early powder tapes contained integral magnetic material, that IS, the tape was a homogeneous mIXture of plastIC binder and magnetic particles. This tape mtroduced a whole new series of recording parameters, but suffered from the inseparability of mechaOlcal and magnetic propertIes. To give the tape reasonable strength it had to have a certam mmlmum thickness. Although in the early days, the importance to the recording process of the thickness of the magnetic layer was not fully understood, It was realized that the thick tape reqUIred for adequate strength did not work too well. Modern magnetic tape began with the mtroductlOn of a plastic film base on which a dispersed magnetIC partIcle mixture was coated. This type of tape has undergone continuous refinement since its introduction. A steady improvement has been seen in many parameters such as, for example, an increase in the shortest wavelength WhICh can be recorded. The improvement in audIO short wavelength performance, which IS now, of course, even more important for SCIentific recording, has resulted from improvements in several aspects of tape structure. The surface smoothness and the uniformity of dispersion of the magnetIC particles has been improved, and both of these factors affect the signal-to-noise ratio. Better OXIdes have provided adequate performance with thinner coatings and permit tighter packing of information. Perhaps more important than anything else, the uniformity of tape has steadily been improved. The properties most desIrable in magnetIC recordmg tape for scientific use may be summarIzed as follows 155 156 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING 1. The tape must reproduce a signal of adequate amplitude and signal-to-noise ratio. 2. The tape must be capable of packing informatIOn at as hIgh a density as possible. 3. The output of the tape must have short term and long term uniformity. 4. The tape must he physically durable, with one set of standards for normal environments and another set for severe environments. 5. The tape must be compatible with the mass of tape already in use on the basIS of which most recorders have been designed. Optimization of the above characteristIcs are important for NASA's space and other research programs as well as for the applications of almost all tape users in the scientIfic field. The specIfic characteristics of magnetic tape which affect the above performance parameters wlll be briefly discussed. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF TAPE The first five pages of chapter 5 of "Physics of Magnetic Recording" by C. D. Mee give an excellent brief summary of the significant magnetic criteria and properties of magnetic tapes (Moo [1964]). In this brIef section, Mee makes a synthesis of all the important magnetic properties in the clearest terms and it would be inappropriate to attempt to improve on his analysis. It is appropriate to note, however, that his brief introduction IS the opening section of a 96page chapter on a detailed analysis of the properties of magnetic tape. In the material which follows here, the magnetic propertJies of tape will be discussed only to the extent that they interact with the other properties of tape. Since the introduction of coated-plastic tape, the magnetic medium used has almost invariably been some form of iron oxide. The early recording oxides differed little from those occurring In nature. They were basically of cubic structure, with little shape amsotrophy; the net coercivity was quite low and the remanent magnetization was little more than half the saturation magnetization. Low coercivity usually means relatively poor packing density on the tape and a low remanentto-saturation ratio means low output. Later, it became possihle to produce and control acicular or needle-lIke magnetic partIcles with higher coercivities and better remanent ratios (-0.8). Since then, t.he refinement of acicular particles has resulted in a steady increase In practical packing density. Gamma ferric iron oxide has been the workhorse material for mag- MAGNETIC TAPE 157 netic tape for fifteen years. Variations in productIOn of this oXIde have resulted in some differences in shape and some slight changes in magnetic characteristics. One manufacturer IS said to have tried one thousand different ferritic materials wIthout succeeding in turning up one magnetic material which was clearly superIOr to gamma ferric Iron oxide as a magnetic recording medIUm. CUbIC partIcles of coercivity and other properties comparable to those of the acicular partIcles have been developed by "doping" the basic gamma ferric iron oXIde with cobalt. The lower shape anisotrophy along with the tendency to instabIlity usually assocIated wIth cobalt ferrites appears to produce the unfortunate effect of making short-wavelength recorded materIal subJect to thermal and mechanical erasure. However, if the same net remanent magnetization can be obtamed with smaller particles, a better signal-to-noise ratio results because there are more particles per signal sample than with conventional oxides. One oxide material other than the familiar gamma ferric Iron oxide has shown some signs of becoming a useful magnetic material. This is chromium dIoxide, which is now being examined by both AmerIcan and European manufacturers for tape use. At present, its manufacture is more accurately con.trolled but much more involved than the slight variation on paint pigment manufacture which has been used for iron OXIde production in the past. It IS, therefore, a more predictable but more expensive material than iron oxide. At least one Japanese manufacturer has used a magnetic metal powder in place of the oxide and others have tried similar variations on a small scale. n is probable that metallic coatmgs may shortly begin to play an important part in the magnetic tape field. By a metallic coating is meant a more or less monohthic sheet of metal with magnetic properties, plated or otherwise fastened to a plastic base. Cobalt-mckel plated on beryllium copper has been used by Univac in computer t.:'tpe transports in the interest of ruggedness. Thin, high-coercivity, uniform magnetic platings on plastIc bases may, however, become quite important in the near future as several manufacturers have demonstrated considerable interest and effort in developing such tapes. Several tape manufacturers have brought out high-resolution wideband tapes within the last few years. These tapes have thinner coatings than those typical 5 years ago and yet have approximately the same output sIgnal level on conventIOnal recorders. The exact basis of the improvement achieved IS a manufacturing secret. The 1.5 megacycle, 120 inch-per-second recorder would not exist, however, were these tapes not available, since marginal performance is obtained from such recorders when using the best high-resolution tapes of 5 158 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING years ago. Similarly, other properties of tapes have occasIOnally been optimized for a particular applIcatIOn. At the time the 3M Company introduced a line of tape recorders and prerecorded tapes which provlded a 15 kcps bandwidth at 1% inches per second (8,000 cycles per inch), it was quite apparent that the success of this new process was in great part due to a lower noise tape (Goldmark et al. [1960]). Since that time this tape has been described m the literature but its use for audio frequencies has been emphasized (von Behren [1963]). Other manufacturers have brought out, however, what they describe as lower noise tape. It is expected that gradual improvement in tape noise will be made during the next few years. N ewer oxides may be coming into use, since a better signal-to-noise ratio would imply that a larger number of particles were being used. TAPE BASE MATERIALS Current magnetIC tape has a base of some acetate plastic or of one of the polyesters. Acetate is limited at present almost entirely to home audio use, since it has inferior mechanical properties. Polyesters, of which DuPont Mylar is certamly the most WIdely used, are employed for the tape base in a wide range of thicknesses, depending on the relative importance of mechamcal strength or of compactness of storage. For severe environments, special treatments are given the tape base to enable it to withstand mechanical and thermal stresses. One treatment mvolves passing the tape through a thermal cycle at the same time that it is bemg stretched slightly, mechanically. Such tape has been popularly called "Sanforized" tape. To withstand such temperatures as are involved in a sterilization process for interplanetary probes, the tape must not be seriously effected by being retained at a temperature of 145 0 Centigrade (295 0 Fahrenheit) for 36 hours. At these temperatures the polyesters have a tendency to "block." Blocking IS a rather graphic way of saying that a roll of tape after passing through a temperature cycle no longer resembles a roll made out of a wound-up strip but rather a solid cylindrical block of somewhat the same shape as a hockey puck. Part of the blocking is caused by increased adhesion by the binder from layer to layer but the basic problem IS that the polyester tape base tends to change properties at these temperatures. The only material currently available which shows promIse of replacing the polyesters as a tape base IS H-film, a new material manufactured by DuPont. H-film is descrIbed as a polYlmide and has recently been renamed Kapton. Its properties closely resemble those of the polyesters but it is able to WIthstand considerably hIgher temperatures. H-film tape has successfully withstood such sterilizatIOn temperatures. The limitation MAGNETIC TAPE 159 to the use of H-film at present appears to be that It is stIll classed as an experimental product and mass production facIlities are only now being completed. It was expected to be avaIlable III quantity III 1965, TAPE BINDERS The oxide is dIspersed as completely as possIble in a plastic bmder. Until about 1960, most tape binders were polyvinyl plastics like "Saran," and were fully thermoplastic. Recent development eftort has resulted in the availabilIty of binders able to produce smoother surfaces, to maintam a better dispersion of the oxide particles, and to wIthstand the thermal stress of tape use better. Tape wear is largely dependent on the mteractlOn between the bmder and the oxide in the final tape coatmg. Since the OXIde is a. poor thermal conductor, much local heat is often genera.ted in the tape and cannot be conducted away. Tape wear often results from this localized he,'\tmg. At the tape speeds lllvolved m rotary-head recording, which may reach 1,500 inches per second, the thermal characterIstIcs of the binder are partIcularly important. Only recently has more than one manufacturer been able to produce a tape adequate for rotary-head recorder serVIce. Many current bmders for hIgh-performance tape appear to be related to the polyurethanes. The chemIstry of these }jinders IS such that almost the full range from completely thermoplastic to almost completely thermosetting can be covered ,yit h baSICally the same type of materIa.1 by changing the number of crosslinkages developed between molecules In the polymerIzatIOn process. Because the binder deterioratIOn whIch occurs in high-temperature stenhzation dIffers from that whIch occurs when the heat IS generated from local frICtion as III the rotary-head recorder, the hIgher-temperature binders developed primarily for high-speed recording are not necessarily successful with high-temperature sterilIzatIOn. One company has recently announced a 600 0 (F) tape (pUJrkinson [1965]). ThIS tape IS understood to have a metallic magnetIc coatmg deposited on a nonmagnetic stainless-steel base. A tape usable at such high tempera.ttlres IS, of course, attractive for use on board a spacecraft that must be sterIlized. However, the metallic base may be expected to gIve the tape handllllg propertIes sufficiently dIfferent from those of plastic-base tapes as to require fundamental changes in the mechal11cal deSIgn of the recorder. The (hfficulty of accommodating such changes METHODS OF TESTING AND EVALUATING 205 value, that is, one varying instantaneously from plus 1 volt to minus 1 volt, has an average value of 0.636 volt and an rms value of 0.707 volt. All the rectifier meter "knows" is that a signal with an average of 0.636 volt has been applied to it, and it cannot distinguish well between a square wave or a sine wave having the same average value. If a square wave which varies from plus 0.636 volt to minus 0.636 volt, with perfectly sharp transitions, is applied to such a meter, it will produce the same deflection as a sine wave of 1 volt peak value. If calibrated to read the rms or effective value of an applied sine wave, this meter WIll indIcate 0.707 volt whether the I-volt-peak sine wave or the 0.636-volt square wave is applied. If one were to measure the output of an overdriven tape recorder with a peak-reading meter, it would be discovered that the peak value of the square wave produced by the overloading of the tape would be about 9.5 db hIgher than the peak value of a sine wave which was reproduced with 1 percent hannonic distortion. The typical fullwave linear rectifier meter would, however, interpret thIS level difference about 4 db higher (20 loglo 1.0/0.636). Care must therefore be used in interpreting the manufacturer's saturation specification for the use of a recorder in applications requiring wavefonns other than sinusoida1. Intermodulation is seldom specified for tape recorders despite its importance. It can be tested in any of the conventional methods, subject to the limitations mentioned above which origmate in the equalization. SIGNAL-TO·NOISE RATIO TESTING The peculiar equalization necessary to produce uniform response in a tape recorder is not only responsible for peculiarities in distortion response but in more important peculiarities in noise response. Because of the large amount of post-equalization reqmred, the noise spectrum out of the tape recorder tends to have the same shape as that of equalization. This is the result of an approximately uniform noise output from the tape being equalized along with the signal by the equalizers (chapter 10). With scientific recorders it is a typical practice to specify several different noise levels in order to guide the user toward proper applIcation of the recorder. One method of presenting the noise level of the tape recorder is shown in figure 12-1. The frequency response of the recorder for some reference input level, such as that for 1 percent output distortion for the distortion reference frequency, is plotted, centered around "0 db." The nOIse over the entire recorder bandwidth is measured with an averaging meter and this noise level is indicated by drawing a horizontal line, the ends of which are located at the upper and lower transmission limits of the filter with 206 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING +20 +10 IP-...... l\ !. o ''\' CD 9 ... -10 ...J ~ -20 ...J I- ~ -30 I- C :::;) ~ 0 0-40 E f- -50 -- F - -60 100 IK 10K lOOK FREQUENCY-CPS (after aft Ampem Corp. drawing) FIGURE 12-1.-Tape recorder frequency response and noise display. In this method of presenting the recorder performance, A represents the saturation output signal available from the tape (related to pulse or FM signal levels), B represents a plot of the 1% disto.rtlOn frequency response, over which is laid a cross hatch indicating the specification limits, C represents the noise level observed in a band at the output of the recorder which has filtered limits represented by the ends of the line C. Similarly for D and E and F the vertical position of the line and the horizontal location of its end indicates the noise level and band limits for the particular measurement, respectively. which this noise was measured. The vertical position of the line indicates the level of the noise signal relative to the reference signal level. Other lines are drawn for narrower noise-filter bands and typically these include a whole series of half-octave or third-octave filters. (The half-octave and third-octave filter values roughly plot out the shape of the post-equalization of the recorder.) This detailed noise specification is essential to the user of the recorder who wishes to "dig" a particular kind of signal out of the nonnal recorder noise. If he is shown the way in which the signal-to-noise ratio for a particular narrow band of frequencies varies over the recorder pass band, he is better able to decide how to apply the recorder than if simply given a single broadband noise value. It should be emphasized that the exact way in which the noise band, of any width, is filtered is most important in determining the actual signal-to-noise figure that can be quoted, particularly for the verywide-band recorder (Ratner [1965]). METHODS OF TESTING AND EVALUATING 207 {; As of the moment of writing this survey, it is difficult to say whether tape or equipment is the major limitation of recorder noise. It is standard practice to attempt to make high-performance recorder electronics provide a noise level somewhat better than that determined by the tape itself. As tapes have been improved, the manufacturer has been forced to improve his input system. The state of the art is currently such that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to achieve this electronic design goal. Signal-to-noise ratio has been discussed in considerable detail in chapter 10. It is appropriate to add here only that it ~s often a practice to indicate a system noise and an equipment noise. The system noise is that measured with erased tape running through the entire system and the equipment noise is that measured with the equipment operating as close to normal as possible but without tape contacting the reproduce head. Typically, the equipment noise is measured with tape moving but isolated from the head by a spacer so that such noises as hum from taklmp and-supply or capstan motors are included in the overall noise measurement. Many ingenious schemes have been proposed for improving the relative signal-to-noise ratio of the tape recorder by such techniques as automatic switching between channels as a function of applied level. Although for specific applications such techniques may be useful, they are not considered to lie within the scope of this survey. FLUTTER TESTING In the simplest terms one may say that flutter is measured with a flutter bridge. The simplest flutter bridges are derived from the deviceS qesigned for disk- and film-recording measurements in theatrical and other audio systems. These often consist of a Wien bridge selective circuit tuned to discriminate against the particular test frequency used and calIbrated to indicate the amount of average deviation from this frequency as the test signal is fed through the bridge. A simpler form of the flutter meter used with scientific recorders is now preferred as a more sophisticated audio flutter meter. Such a flutter meter is basically an FM detector. A test signal is recorded on the tape and is then reproduced through this FM detector. If no flutter were present, there would be no signal output from the detector. Flutter appears as the output signal from the detector and may be measured in many ways. Flutter is sometimes recorded on a graphic recorder particularly when detailed analysis of the flutter performance is being made in the process of recorder development. Flutter may alsq be averaged and calibrated to indicate as a r~ figure. The more critical flutter meters present single- or two-sided peak-toflutter data. 208 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING ~ As has been discussed in cha.pt.er 7, flutter occurs at a wide ra.nge of frequencies. In the specificatIOn of flutter it is essential that the bandwidth of the flutter components included in the measurement be noted. An audio flutter-measuring device of good quality may use a test frequency of 3,000 cycles per second and include all flutter frequencies up to 250 cycles per second. According to commonly accepted practice, in this band up to 250 cycles per second, all those flutter frequencies are included which are perceptible to the ear. For a scientific recorder, however, such a narrow band of flutter frequencies does not describe recorder performa.nce adequately. The recorder tha.t is to be used for FM recording, particula.rly for WIde band FM recording, is limited in its FM signal-to-noise ra.tio by Its flutter performance. If, for example, an FM band 10 kilocycles wide is to be recorded in actual use of the recorder, no flutter measurement of this recorder would be adequate unless it included flutter frequencies up to the same 10 kilocycles per second. It is, therefore, necessary to make a much wider band flutter measurement on such a recorder than on an audio recorder. The test frequency obviously must be much higher than 3 kilocycles to measure a 10 kc bandwidth and typically this test frequency is 10, 50, or 100 kilocycles per second. It is also a practice to present the results of the flutter measurement by passmg the output of the FM detector through a varia.ble ba.ndwidth filter and to plot a level of output from this filter as a. function of the filter ba.ndwidth. The data are then labeled "cumulative flutter components up to a frequency of-," where that frequency is the hOrIzontal aXIS (fig. 12-2). As a more conservative means of presenting flutter, peak-to-peak values ¥ 100 II 4 ~ 90 f:! ¥ 4 It 80 j~ ~ 60 ~40 l..--- I-- 1&.1 30 ~ 20 5 10 ~ 0 > ::E u 10 33/4 / 70 Ii 50 II 1718 /'" - :.- :- ,...." / V ~2 l..- ~ .... ~ I.- j..to 100 I-- 15 30 J,...-' ~ ~ I-"'" 60 V i"""" IK 10K HIGH CUTOFF FREQUENCY. CPS FIGURE 12-2.-Cumnlative flutter presentatIon, with a fixed lower band llmit and a variable lugh cutoff frequency METHODS OF TESTING AND EVALUATING 209 are usually given. (Current flutter performance of a high class instrumentation ground-based recorder may be 0.3% peak-to-peak with a bandwidth of 10 kIlocycles per second.) Although the plot of the measured peak-to-peak flutter of a particular high performance recorder may display a few irregularities at the lower filter bandwidths, it is usual for a smooth, slight rising curve of flutter versus filter bandwldth to be presented for high-frequency filter cutoffs. The flutter produced above about 1 kilocycle per second is almost all "hash" produced by shock exertation of the tape from scraping and friction. The smoothness of the flutter curve so presented often masks flutter problems which may be important for certain applications, particularly in FM recording. The most exacting flutter performance measurement is made by searching the output of an FM detector with a narrow-band filter. Typically a fixed-bandwidth filter is traversed through the frequency region from zero to approximately 10 kcps or higher. Often this traverse is done by an automatic graphic recorder. An automatic traverse with a one-third octave bandwidth filter is not possible with any commercially available filter since it would require continuous filter adjustment. However, different parts of the spectrum can be examined with different fixed bandwidths to approximate the same results (fig. 12--3). It is the usual practice to reduce such a detailed flutter spectrum measurement to the flutter per cycle basis. This means that the results are presented as if a I-cycle-wide filter had been traversed through the flutter spectrum. Traversmg with such a narrow filter would be a tedious and inaccurate process. With a 10-cycle filter, however, the search can be done quite easily~ven more so for a 50- or 100-cycle filter. The total flutter energy intercepted in a lO-cycle band can usually be assumed to be 10 times as great as that mtercepted in a 1 cycle band and in the same proportion for other bandwidths. If the scale of the flutter spectrum is thus modified to take care of the ratio of bandwidths, 10-, 50-, or lOO-cycle data can be presented as 1 cycle data. Such a detailed flutter spectrum is most useful for FM recording of complex signals, the spectrum of which must be searched in later analysis. As noted above, the typical flutter spectrum is fairly smooth with pronounced spikes Ql' local irregularities at particular frequencies. These spikes often appear at the vibration frequency when a recorder is tested under vlhration. Otherwise, they occur at frequencies related to once-around reels, capstans, capstan idlers, guide rollers, etc. Although the broadband flutter, and hence FM noise performance, of a recorder may be quite adequate for some applications, the ..,~ 10-~ .... .... zUJ rlAr ~ 10-6 ~ UJ 0: ~ 10- 7 o III Z ~ ::l 10-8 10- 9 J!1 " 10 !\ ~~ 20 30 ~ .. r-~ \\0 J' ~ 40 50 60 'M ""1 70 80 90 " ~: ~~~ v \I 100 200 300 400 500 600 , ~ ~ \~ 700 800 900 1000 FREQUENCY (CpS) FIGURE l2-3.-Typical instrumentation reeorderjreprodueer flutter spectrum. The flgure is traced from an original plotted by a graphic recorder-the calibration was adjusted for the di1ferent bandwidths used above and below 100 cps to give results in flutter per cycle. METHODS OF TESTING AND EVALUATING 211 use of such a recorder for detailed subsequent spectrum analysis may be severely limited if large flutter spikes are present. It is therefore sometimes a practice to specify the l-cycle flutter spectrum for an application in which detailed analysis will later be required. As a practical matter the usual high-performance flutter measurement is made with a telemetry discriminator and the crystal oscillator source. The IRIG specification, for example, calls out the discriminator made by a particular manufacturer, without comment, as being the proper instrument to use for routine flutter measurements. Ratner (Ratner [1965]) points out that the practice of specifying broadband flutter in a lO-kcps band is not very useful with 400-kcps FM systems now in use. TIME-DISPLACEMENT ERROR TESTING Time-displ{l.OOlP,ent error is n()w be.ing ~ut~ely tested as an important recorder characteristic. Time-displacement error is closely related to flutter since in the simplest sense it is proportional to the time integral of flutter (chapter 7). In the information-theoretical sense, time-displacement error may be the measurement more fundamentally related to the ability of the tape recorder to transmit information. The time-displacement error is a direct measure of a contribution to the total uncertainty of the value of the recorded variable at a particular time. With a given signal-to-noise ratio the value of a particular variable at a particular time is known to a certain level of accuracy, as limited by the noise. At the same time, the total time displacement error is a measure of the uncertainty with which it can be stated at what time the variable had the specified value. Two kinds of time displacement error testing are normally used. The most common is the so-called pulse-to-pulse test which is related not only to the more fundamental considera.tions noted above, but to the utility of the recorder for certain classes of pulse recording. Performance for PDM, PFM, a.nd PCM recording is evaluated with this kind of pulse-to-pulse measurement. The pulse-to-pulse measurement is made by synchronizing a good oscilloscope with each pulse reproduced by a recorder. A crystalcontrolled pulse signal is then fed into the recorder and the oscilloscope set to trigger the start of its sweep as each pulse arrives. The actual pulse itself next in line is seen at the far end of the oscilloscope trace. Jitter along the base line of the pulse at the end of the line is a measure of the stability of the pulse-to-pulse spacing or relative time displacement error. No specific method for recording this is usually available although a time exposure of the oscilloscope display gives a better measure of the total pulse-to-pulse error than visual observa.tion. 212 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING Visual methods are also used for absolute time-displacement error measurement. A standard method of making thIS measurement consists of recording a crystal-controlled square wave directly on the tape and reproducing this square wave to be displayed on an oscilloscope. The oscilloscope horizontal sweep is triggered from the same crystal oscillator as was used for recording. In the oscilloscope display, the jitter along the base line of the transitions of the square wave is a direct measure of the time-displacement error between the local crystal and the reproduced square wave. Depending On the performance of the recorder, a wide range of display techniques may need to be used; time-displacement error of this class in instrumentation recorders varies from -+-0.2 microsecond to ±0.25 millisecond. DROPOUT TESTING Dropout testing is essential in the production of digital magnetic tape and its pre-evaluation for use. No tape can be sold today for digital use unless it has been 100 percent tested for some particular dropout performance. The cost of (digital) computer tape is often related directly to the packing density for which it has passed 100 peroent dropout free test. For many applications in instrumentation recording such dropout testing is also important. A dropout test consists of recording a pulse or other signal on a tape and reproducing this signal while observing the continuity of the reproduced level. Automatic dropout testing involves signal level detectors which indicate a dropout when the signal drops below a particular value. An extremely elruborate dropout tester has been built by one firm in which several different decreases of signal level are separately measured, if the signal drops 3 db at one point, this is noted as a "3 db-dropout"; if it drops as low as 6 db below normal this is noted as a "6 db-dropout," and so on for several different decreases in signal level. Although this device has been proposed as a useful and sophisticated tool for placing instrumentation and dIgital tapes in order of quality for dropouts, its primary utility is to the manufacturer of tape who is interested in observing the level of performance of his tape-manufacturing process. For the tape user, a dropout is usually an error, and he is interested in specifying one particular level of dropout which he can barely tolerate and is interested only in whether the tape achieves no dropouts as deep as that level or not. The user is also concerned with the presence or absence of dropouts as a function of recording density. The computer tape manufacturer, therefore, tests his tape first for dropouts at a high recording density. For example, he may test first at 800 pulse bits per inch. If the tape METHODS OF TESTING AND EVALUATING 213 passes this test, it is put into the "800-bit-per-inch" bin and sold at the highest possible price. Tape which fails this test may then be tested at 556 bits per inch and, if it passes, placed in the "556~bit" bin. This may progress on down through one or two intermediate stages until the tape either passes or fails a 200 hit per inch test. If it fails this test it is no longer considered useful for computer tape and is often sold to the unfortunate instrumentation tape buyer. So little tape passes the more sophIsticated of these tests and even some of the less sophistIcated ones that the inspection process involved in computer tape manufacture also involves means for repairing dropouts. It IS a typical practice when a dropout is found by the automatic tester to have an operator attempt to polish out the nodule or tape defect which caused the dropout. From observing the level of activity of such inspectors in a tape manufacturing plant, one concludes they are responsihle for the salability of mal!Y reels of otherwise unusable computer tape. TAPE TESTING The testing of tape is now a fairly standardized operation and there are military specifications for tape of various kinds. Such tests include the measurement of the physical and mechanical properties of the tape, a simple measure of its output level, short-wavelength performance, and signal-to-noise ratio mcluding both dc and ac noise. These tests have the value of being standardized and of having commercial validity because they are agreed to as a formal specification. The substance of these tests is best obtained from the appropriate milItary or NASA procurement specIfication. For many applications these standardIzed tests do not go far enough. For example, lubrICation of the tape is all-important for endless-loop service. No standardized tests are availabl~ for tap~ lubrication but it is certain that the user of an endless-loop recorder requires some kind of test to estrublish whether the tape can be used in his recorder at all or not. In the same way, for many applications, the actual life of the tape must be tested, particularly under extreme environments. No standardized tests have been worked out for these special cases, ENVIRONMENTAL TESTS Tape recorders and tape for satellite and space probe use must pass severe environmental tests. Typical vihration, shock, temperature, humidity, and the rest of the space environment tests can be applied to the recorder. These need differ m no fundamental way from any other environmental tests. Exceptions may, however, need to be 214 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING taken because the tape itself cannot pass a really severe heat test. Specialized ways of applying heat tests and of attempting to assure recorder reliability without the full application of the tests is often, therefore, necessary. Other tests which recorders can pass if carefully desIgned but which require careful design are those of shock and vibration. Recorder VIbration testing and isolation is discussed in chapter 11. CHAPTER 13 Miniature High-Environment Recorders As a valuable means of documentation, the tape recorder has accompanied every step of development of space technology. The la.rge, ground-based instrumentation recorder has partiCllpated in the process of developing space technology from the beginning and will continue to do so WIth steady refinement from its "pre-space" form. Tape recorders small and rugged enough to accompany experimental vehicles did not, however, exist when the space program started. Such recorders had to he developed from the crudest of beginnings to meet the Increasing requirements of progressively more sophisticated programs. The first rugged mmature recorders were intended to ride right along with test rockets, the resulting recordings being recovered after the test and reproduced on ground equipment. The recorder was required only to withstand the test environment and then simply to allow the record to survive the abrupt return to earth. In later stages, rocket sled recorders had to continue to record during shocks comparable to those encountered in a crash landing. As the technology progressed, recorders which could survive insertion into orbit and then play bltCk data to the ground on command were needed. Ruggedness, SUl"Vlval and performance were no longer enough; the recorder also had to use very little power and t.o be small and light in order to be included in the payload of the tiny booster capacities initially available. The technology was inadequate 00 the tasks of the initial attempts. The flight recorder acquired at one time a very bad reputation in the space program because recorder failure at a crucial moment could cause the l~ of most of the time and energy that went into a large experimental project. This temporary reputation, combined with all the other problems of developing a new device, resulted in the subsequent Bight recorder development program being best described as 215 216 MAGNETIO TAPE REOORDING conservative. If one considers the situation where a large part of the utility of a smgle sateUite launching, which may cost many million dollars, may depend on data which is recorded on relatively fragile, normally heat-sensitive magnetic tape, the conservatism seems more than justified. NASA has purcha,sed many types of recorders a,s have other government agencies. NASA has also sponsored, directly or through subcontractors, the development of recorders to meet requirements where no commercially avwilable unit met the need. This development has been concentrated in the field of flight recorders for severe environments. As a major customer for ground-based recorders and the various other eqUlpments involved in data acquisition and reduction, NASA has naturally influenced the development of this equipment cla,ss as well, as would any major customer. Direct NASA sponsorship of new recorder technology, however, has been concentrated on the fl'ight recorder. The historian of the art of high-environment recording encounters certain difficulties because of the nature of the space program. Relatively small quantities have been needed of each specific recorder developed for a particular application. There may have been a couple of engineering models, a prototype or two, and a certruin number of flIght models, some of which were actually flown and 'Others of which were employed entirely in preflight testing. Detailed instruction books and the usual amount of documentary ma.terial generated in the process of producing a production device is often lacking because of the small quantities involved. More documentation could very well have been done for some of these units, but the speed with which the space program has moved forward has militated against it. The result is that there is very little formal documentation many specific recorders, some of which included features which were genuine innovations. In the following sections, an attempt 18 made to include those recorders for which the best documentatIOn is available, emphasizing the innovative features. To assure a,s complete a review of the art as possible, many recorders developed for other services of the government are included, a,s are recorders which are proprietary developments of manufacturers. Despite the impres:;ive performance capability demonstrated by flight recorders currently being applied to the most advanced space programs, some of the older and less sophisticated "workhorses" are still in use. They should therefore be included in any general review of the development of the present state of the art of high-environment recorders. To provide thIS historical function and at the same time to describe the current state of the art, the next sections of this chapter will consider in order: or MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 217 (1) the reel-to-reel recorder used with ground-based playback from physically-recovered tape, (2) the reel-to-reel recorder commanded in flight to play back its recorded data, and (3) the endless-loop recorder. The unusual recorder formats required for special tape drives will then be discussed, as will transverse-scan flight recorders. Finally, certain mechanical design problems peculiar to miniature recorders will be considered. REEL-TO-REEL, RECORD-ONLY RECORDERS One of the earliest forms of miniature high-environment recorder to be developed and used is shown. in figures 13-1,2,3 and 4. Recorders of this type were developed and supplied by several companies including Leach Corporation, Borg-Warner Controls, Astro-Science, and Cook Electric. This recorder usually held 50 to 100 feet of half-inch or I-inch tape in a reel-to-reel configuration. It is no criticism of the device to say that it was "brute force;" the entire objective was to get a mechanically rugged device into as small a space as possible. In some of the early sounding rockets in which it was used, not more than a 3- or "4-inch diameter tube was available for all the instrumentation and the recorder had to share this space with other devices. The flutter was often high and the carrier-erase technique of recording (chapter 4) was widely used since this permitted dc response and required minimum record electronics complication without the flutter-sensitivity of FM. The initial tape metering and tensioning mechanism was extremely elementary. Some recorders used capstans with rubber pinch rollers in a conventional manner with mechanical drag on the supply reel and a slipping clutch on the takeup reel. The design concentrated entirely on getting some kind of a record under extremely high impact; the actual amount of power used was often not too important. Particularly with the short record time required, the design could be somewhat inefficient and still be satisfactory. When longer record times were demanded and the recorders were used in more sophisticated systems the efficiency and hence the method of tape drive had to be reexamined. The following slightly edited statement by the chief engineer of one of the pioneer manufacturers of this class of recorder is selfexplanatory in its coverage of the development of current capability: "The original machine was puck-driven by a dc motor and was used for carrier-erase recording only. Since the original development, a gear drive has 'been substituted for the puck drive and an ac motor 218 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (photo courle8fl Leach, OOrp.) FIGURE 13-1.-The Leach Model MTR--862 miniature high-environment recorder. (ph~o ]j~IGURE courle8fl ABtro-Science Oorp.) 13-2.-The Astro-Science Model TR-1875 miniature high-environment recorder. The tape path can be deduced from the parts of the tape visible as well as positions of the two reels on the extreme lower left and right with the pinch roller visible in the center left. This view shows early-1900's electronic construction in the rear of the mechanism. MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT REOORDERS 219 (a) (b) (photos rour.tesy Cook Eleotric Co. ) FIGURE 13-3.-Front (a) and rear (b) views of tbe Cook Model MR-51 bighenvironment tape transport. Note in (a) tbat the takeup reel is surrounded by a rugged housing to protect tbe recorded data. Note also, in (b) tbe gear-tootb-tonewheel speed-sensing mechanism. The tape path is clear in this unit as are the pressure pads for maintaining head/tape contact. 220 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (photo courte8Y Borg-Warner (Jontrol8) FIGURE 13--4.-The Borg-Warner Model R-10l miniature high-environment recorder (the photograph is of an early version of this recorder which bas been renumbered) . The small space for electronics shown in this photograph probably indicates that this particular unit took advantage of the simplicity of carrier-erase record'ing technique to limit the amount of plectronics necessary. has been employed to improve the speed regulation and environmental immunity of the machine. The simplicity of the machine is what makes its high-environment characteristics possible. Basically, it has a single capstan with a permanently engaged rubber pinch roller. The supply reel is held by means of a friction brake and the take-up reel is driven by means of a rubber-covered roller driving the perimeter of the reel. Slippage occurs in the center drive for the rubber-covered roller. The tape path is simply across the head and through the pinch roller onto the take-up reel. "Environmental test data have proved that it can start and run at 400 G's sustained acceleration with less than 3 percent peak-to-peak flutter. The machine will run at 600 G's sustained acceleration if started at a lower level with the same flutter characteristics. Shock tests have been performed up to 610 G's for 3 milliseconds. In this case, the peak-to-peak flutter does not exceed 2 percent. Higher shock levels up to 1,200 G's for shorter durations have been performed. In these tests, a stutter is observed with a recovery time approximately 50 milliseconds. The machine operates through extremely high vibration environment with a random input to the shaker of 0.8 G2 per cps." MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 221 The development of this basic type of recorder was carried much further. Larger reels, more sophisticated. tape moving mechanism, and more conventional electronics were added to its ca.pahilities. Units of this general class, using 8ibout one-inch-wide tape moving from reel-to-reel in a very straightforward array, eventually acquired differential capstans and quite sa.tisfactory ta.pe motion. Such recorders were available essentially as commercial items fairly early in the high-environment testing business and were supplied by several organizations. An example of a typical recorder of somewhat larger capacity than the original cylindrical units developed before the move to differential capstans is shown in figure 13-5. It is essentially a small IRIG-standard instrumentation recorder for severe environment. Quite a few straightforward tape recorders were developed for such record-only service as rocket sled data collecting a.nd ejection seat testing, where size was relatively less important. These recorders differed radically in format and appearance from the miniature cylindrical type just discussed. A typical example is shown in figure 13-6. They use 1-inch-wide tape, operate between 10 and 120 inches per second, and usually record on from 8 to 15 data tracks, with rms flutter below 1 percent. They a.re driven by shunt-wound dc motors, often governor-controlled, and usually weigh between 9 and 20 pounds. A feature of these recorders is that the tape, as it is recorded, passes into a cassette (shown on the right in the figure) of very rugged construction. The idea is that, even though the recorder mechanism itself may not survive the impact, the tape in the cassette will do so. Recorders were also designed to allow the record to survive reentry tests by being ejected just before impact of the reentry vehicle itself so that the recorder could be recovered after not quite as rugged an impact as that suffered by the test vehicle proper. Such recorders often actually recorded under rela.tively mild environments. One version of such a. device is shown in figure 13-7. It is 51h inches in diameter by about 7 inches long when encased, and weighs 5.3 pounds. It holds 900 feet of quarter-inch tape, operating at 45 inches a second for 3.6 minutes. In one particular application for this unit, IRIG FM subcarriers are recomed and flutter compensation can be applied to improve the overall flutter performance. Clearly an offspring of the original reel-to-reel rugged recorder, but very specialized and subjected only to about the same environment as an astronaut is a recorder recently developed for bio-medical use in the Gemini spacecraft. It is shown in figure 13-8. The over.all dimensions are 9 x 6.5 x 1.7 inches and the weight 4 pounds plus a half pound for tape. It records seven cha.nnels in direct mode for 222 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (a) (b) (phOt08 courte8Y L each Corp.) FIGURE 13-5.-The Leach Model MTR-l200 high-environment recorder. (a) A closeup view of the reel and head structure, (b) an exploded view of the entire recorder showing another version of modular electronic elements. MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 223 (photo courtesy Oook Electric 00.) FIGURE 13-6.-The Oook Electric MR-31E high-environment tape transport. Note the rugged construction of the cassette, upper right, designed to protect the recorded tape no matter what happens to the recorder. 100 hours using a tape capacity of 880 feet, operating at 0.0293 inch per second. Such data as electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram signals, blood pressure, temperature, respiration, and galvanic skin response are recorded by this device. The use of a direct record mode at this very low speed is relatively unusual. The playback of the data from this recorder is done through a special preamplifier designed to deal with the phase problems existing at the very low fmquencies involved in bio-medical recording. The tape is played back after recovery from the capsule (along with the astronauts) at 16 times its record speed or at 0.4688 inch per second. It is copied onto another tape, also operating at 0.4688 ips in an FM mode to preserve low frequencies and dc response. The first copy is then played back at 16 times its record speed or at 71h inches per second through a conventional FM-mode pla.yback amplifier for final data reduction. Thus a 256-to-l speed increase is achieved. 224 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (photo courtesy Cook Electric Co.) FIGURE 13-7.-The Cook Model DR-25--2 recording system designed for recoverable-capsule service (see text) . The recorded-tape cassette of rugged construction is visible to the right of the center line. REEL-TO-REEL RECORDERS, RESPONSIVE TO PLAYBACK COMMANDS The recorder shown in figure 13-9, designed for use on the Mariner A program, is at the same time one of the last stages in the development of the recorder type discussed above and an early example of the recorder group of the current heading. This recorder was developed to replace one similar to that shown in figure 13-5, but with capacity to accept playback command. It records and plays back at the same speed. The recorder carries 80 to 90 feet of I-inch tape which passes a 14-channel record and playback head driven by a differential-capstan scheme at 15 ips. The two capstans each have rubber pinch rollers and the downstream capstan (the one on the takeup side) is driven at 2 percent faster surface speed than the upstream capstan. The pinch roller pressures are so adjusted that the upstream capstan is MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 225 (photo courtesy Cook Eleotric Co.) FIGURE 13--8.-Tbe Cook Model DR--3OC--7 biomedical rerording system. This is the Gemini biomedical recorder. Note the single head with its thick pressure pad (right of upper center) and the extremely long thin motor (above and to right of head). the metering element and the tape moves essentially at the speed of the surface of this capstan. The downstream capstan is designed to slip but in so doing to maintain a controlled tension in the tape. The drive motor for this unit is a 6,000 rpm, 400-cycle hysteresis synchronous one requiring 3112 watts and operating at an efficiency of approximately 40 percent. In the development of these transports it. was discovered that conventional motor design could not approach this efficiency by as much as 2 to 1 and a specialized design was required. The capstan is driven at 600 rpm through a two-stage reduction using Mylar belts. The capstan pulls the tape off the supply reel and the supply reel drive is supplied by a Mylar belt to the takeup reel through a clutch differential. The belting and pulleys are so arranged that the takeup reel is always slightly overdriven. This, of course, requires that a maximum amount of slippage 'b e dealt with. That is, the full difference in speed between the supply and takeup reel is consumed in the clutch. Driving in this fashion avoids the use of two separate clutches, one acting as a brake on the supply reel and the other acting as a clutch on the takeup reel, with the consequent potential unreliability. One of the interesting aspects of this recorder is that, with indirect drive of the takeup, a complex belting system, and a motor with an efficiency of 40 percent, it still can be accelerated or reversed in 1 second. 226 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (photo from a NASA report) FIGURE 13-9.-A reel-to-reel tape transport designed for the Mariner A program. This recorder, although never flown, was given at least preliminary vibration tests and survived them. It is interesting to note that there was no means of relieving the pressure between the. pressure roller and the capstan and it was therefore possible for a flat to develop on the pressure roller. The probability of the elastomer surviving a temperature cycle and a long storage period with a continuously applied pressure seems not very great. A basic problem of a reel-to-reel recorder that must record and playback on command is that it must not only be able to reverse itself, but must he provided with various safety mechanisms to be sure that the tape is, in fact, stopped or reversed before the end is pulled off the reel. On many occasions the author of a paper who is busy apologizing for some shortcomings of an endless-loop recorder justifies the use of such a recorder on the basis of its avoidance of the complications of control of a reel-to-reel device. Given the control complications, the recorder engineer immediately attempts to put as much storage capacity into the recorder as possible to justify them. The Mariner A recorder described above was therefore probably the MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 227 only reel-to-reel recorder subject to ground command which held as little tape as 75 feet. It does not seem possible or profitable to attempt to follow in detail the development of the current reel-to-reel ground commandable recorder. There are many such recorders currently available in a relatively fixed format, plus a few somewhat unusual ones for special applications. The discussion of this section will be limited to a description of representative recorders of this class. The most widely-used reel-to-reel flight recorder has the reels mounted co-axially, uses differential capstans, substitutes tape wrap for the pressure roller at the capstan and maintains reel tension by means of N egator springs. Examples of such recorders are shown in figures 13-10, 11, and 12. The Negator spring-tensioning system is implemented differently by each manufacturer and sometimes varied by the individual manufactur,e r for different applications. A representative tensioning system is shown in the photograph figure 13-13 and in the diagram figure 13-14. (photo courtes1/ Leach Corp. ) FIGURE IS-IO.-The Leach Model MTR-2IOO coaxial-reel flight recorder. 228 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (photo courtesy Precision Instrument Co.) FIGURE 13-11.- Tbe PI type PS--S03T coaxial-reel flight recorder. Many of these recorders operate at one speed for record and another playback. Some of the more subtle aspects of achieving this dual-speed operation are discussed in a later section. Two rather straightforward ways of achieving dual-speed operation are shown in figures 13-15, 16, and 17. Figure 13-15 shows a capstan-drive system operated at two speeds by a single motor operating always at the same speed. It involves the use of a magnetic clutch to perform the speed. shift. (It may be assumed that this is for a unit which records relatively slowly and then plays back rapidly.) In the slow-record mode, the motor. drives the shaft pulley and clutch element combination labeled "High Speed Input" through a plastic belt speed. reduction. This jackshaft is belted to another intermediate shaft which carries the flywheel and which, in turn, is belted to another jackshaft which is so labeled in the drawing. The second jackshaft turns somewhat slower than the flywheel and, in turn, the pulley labeled "Low Speed. Input" is driyen at a still lower speed by an a.dditional plastic belt. When the magnetic clutch is not activated (this is the condition shown in the drawing) , the low speed input drives by clutch friction the shaft labeled "Clutch Output." This shaft is belted in turn to one of the two capstans which is connected by still another belt to the second capstan for differential action. When the clutch is activated, the cross-hatched fo~ MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 229 (photo courtesy Ralph M. Parsons Co.) FIGURE 13-12.-The Parsons Model AlR-940 coaxial·reel flight recorder. This particular version of this recorder is currently being supplied to the N.AJSA Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base and is representative of the large number of variations on this basic format manufactured by the Parsons Company. (photo courtesy Ralph M. Parsons Co.) FIGURE 13-13.-Negator springs as employed to provide holdback and takeup torque in a coaxial-reel recorder. The "S" configuration of the springs can be S('en, as can the gears needed to transmit the spring torque to an output shaft. 230 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (drawing oourtesy Ralph M. Parsons 00.) FIGURE 13--14.-Exploded mechanical schematic of the Negator tension system shown in figure 13--13. This configuration of springs forces the two reels to rotate in opposite directions. (from a Leach Oorp. drawing) 13--15.-A solenoid-clutch-operated speed-change mechanism for a differential-capstan flight recorder driven by a eingle motor (see text). FIGURE MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 231 member, which is mounted by a bellows to the output shaft of the clutch, is drawn away from the low-speed input point and presses against the high-speed input. The clutch output then is driven at the higher speed. The mode chosen when the clutch is activated is the high-speed mode because the high-speed. mode obviously lasts for shorter length of time. The clutch current is therefore needed only for a short time. The particular form of clutch shown desirably does not have any movi,ng magnetic elements, The flywheel is used as an intermediate element in the low-speed drive where its filtering action will be more effective because the filter action is more important at the low speed, This explanation and drawing is somewhat over-simplified and diagrammatic but is intended to illustrate here the principle of the active clutch for speed change. An alternate method of obtaining two-speed operation which involves two motors but no mechanical clutches is illustrated in figures 13-16 and 17, which were provided by the manufacturer. In this operation, the speed of the capstan A is dependent on the algebraic sum of the speeds of the two possible drive pulleys Band C. For lowspeed operation the starting friction of the high-speed motor multiplied by the belt reduction from that motor to pulley C essentially locks C in a fixed position. The low speed motor then drives Band B in turn drives the capstan A. With the control logic switch in the other position, pulley B is essentially locked and the speed of A is dependent on the speed of pulley C. In this particular device, as shown in the photograph of figure 13-17, there is also a reduction ratio within the differential proper. The nearer large pulley carries the pivots for the small pulleys and the entire structure rotates as one. The far pulley is locked to the smaller diameter of the two pulleys on the center shaft. If B, the far pulley, is locked in position and C is caused to rotate, the small idler pulleys on the outside of C rotate around their own pivots as well as the whole assembly rotating. The motion of the small pulleys is transmitted to the larger center shaft pulley according to the reduction ratio between the two pulley-pairs involved. This larger center pulley drives the capstan. The assembly then provides, if B is allowed to rotate, an output speed which is the alegbraic sum of Band C but modified hy the small pulley diameters involved. Many versions of the co-axial reel-to-reel recorder are availllible commercially and they have been applied for many different services. The general physical arrangement of these recorders is apparent from the photographs. Although the developers of these units emphasize individual novel features in recommending their use there is a certain '188-0080-60----16 232 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING TAPE BELT REDUCTION CAPSTAN BELT REDUCTION (drawing courtesy Ralph M. Parsons Co. ) 13-16.-A two-motor two-speed flight recorder drive system using a differential to connect the separate drives to the capstan without clutches (see text) . FIGURE (photo courtesy Ralph M. Parsons Co.) 13-17.-A plastic-belt-driven differential capstan drive for a flight recorder, such as used in the system of flgure 13-16 and as described in the text. ]j'IGURE MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 233 similarity between the various designs which will be described by reference to figure 13-12. (This figure is chosen not to recommend or criticize its particular design but because the photograph shows the tape path more clearly.) It will be noted that the tape is led around two sides of the case from its exit from the reel to its engagement with the capstan. This is done to minimize the twist imparted to the tape in transferring from between the reels located at two different levels. Although the twist cannot be avoided, the unequal stress it places on the tape is minimized by spreading it out over a long distance. Another common feature visible in this recorder is that the path of the tape around the capstan is so arranged as to provide almost a 270 0 wrap. (The capstan is the lighter-colored roller nearer the camera, just to the left of the head.) The same kind of wrap is provided at the far capstan but it appears from the photograph that the actual wrap is accomplished with an unflanged roller, while the side guiding of the tape is being handled by a flanged roller some distance from the capstan. It will be further observed that the case of this recorder is quite ruggedly constructed and has provision for gasket sealing against the environment. The electronics is also of modular construction which is typical of such devices. In figure 13-10 a somewhat lighter construction of recorder is shown where a somewhat different technique is employed to minimize the amount of tape twist. It must be realized that there are many forms of these recorders and that every manufacturer individually modifies his principal design for different applications. However, the general functional and structural concept appears to be quite sound, which explains the wide use of this general format. In addition to the co-axial recorders just discu!'Eed., which have been very widely applied, it seems appropriate to d~ribe in some detail some specific NASA-sponsored recorders which have been developed for particular programs. Three such' recorders will therefore be described in the following paragraphs. A coaxial-reel recorder of fairly standard fonnat but exhibiting some unusual features was recently developed for the Gemini program. This recorder is. designed to receive two channels of PCM data from on-board systems of the Gemini capsule, to record this data for 4 hours at 1% inches per second and to play it back on command at 22 times t.hat speed or 41.25 inches per secohd. The playback occupies 10.9 minutes. The general arrangement of t.he recorder can be seen from figure 13-18. This recorder uses quarter-inch tape wound on reels of relatively low inside/outside diameter rat.io but adaptable to direct play- 234 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (photo courtesy Radio Corp. 01 America) FIGURE 13-18.-The Gemini PCM recorder. The two 90° tape twists are arranged to provide edge-guiding forces (see text) . back on standard NAB reel recorders. The tape tension is maintained by a series of four N egator springs operating between two reels which rotate in opposite directions. With the low inside/ outside diameter ratio of the reels and opposite directions of rotation, the addition of a single flywheel brought the residual rotational inertia of this unit to a very low value. The tape path contains two rather sharp 90° twists as can be seen in the front of the picture. Although this produces the nonunifonn stresses in the tape which have been discussed elsewhere, this recorder is SO designed that the lateral aligning forces, by which the tape in being twisted attempts to regain its original fonn, are used to provide a positive edge guiding influence and are claimed to reduce the skew to an extremely low value. Another interesting feature of this recorder, about which no detailed data is aV3Jilable, is the use of the speed-change mechanism. The two speeds are achieved through two different plastic belt mechanisms connecting the motor to the capstan at different reduction ratios. The shift between the two belts at the capstan is achieved by what is MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 235 described by the manufacturer as a "hysteresis speed changer." This device, which appears to operate somewhat like a hysteresis synchronous motor, energizes one of two stationary coils to transmit the motor power to a selected belt transmission system. This recorder employs a modified diphase recording technique to achieve a high packing density and self-clocking action. The packing density is 2,730 bits per inch and the modulation scheme guarantees one flux change per bit cell. A one is represented by a change of flux in the center of the cell and a zero by the absence of such change. The reproduce scheme involyes having a precision one shot mult.ivibrator time an interrogation of the flux value three-quarters of a bit cell after the start of the cell. If the flux value is the same as at the last inquiry the bit under examination is a one; if it differs, the bit is a zero (Katz [1964]). This particular self-clocking mode appears to have certain advantages for relative high packing density. The self-clocking feature is used to derive a control signal for operating a phase-locked-loop playback scheme. In t.his system the data is esSIe!ltially read out by a multivibrator oscillator in a phase-locked-loop which is locked to the clocking impulses in a somewhat loose manner. The particular playback scheme provides an output which is smooth in time jitter or short-term jitter but follows long-term speed variations so as to guarantee accurate data, although leaving some irregularities in output bit rate. Perhaps the most sophisticated reel-to-reel commandable recorder flown so far is that employed to record the output of the A VCS (Advanced Video Camera System) and HRIR (High Resolution Infrared) systems aboad the Nimbus satellite. Two different forms of this particular recorder are used for these two applications but the two are almost identical physically in the t."''O cases. The basic unit is shown in figure 13-19 (Burt, Clurman and Wu [1963]). The following description, adapted from that. of the designers of t.his recorder, is a general review of its design techniques. The tape is stored on and exchanged between two parallel co-axial reels approximately % of an inch apart. As the tape leaves one reel, it passes around a series of four rollers and enters the second reel. The axes of two of the rollers are inclined at slight angles to the reel axis in order to lead the tape out of the plane of one reel and into the plane of the second. These angles are computed so that if all components are perfect t.he tape will track perfectly. To correct for any unavoidable small errors, however, two of the rollers are slightly crowned to provide a restoring action for any small lateral displacements of the tape. 236 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (photo courle8fl Radio Corp. 01 AmerictJ) FIGURE 13-19.-The Nimbus AVeS and HRIR tape transport. The tape passes around one of the rollers twice-<>nce upon leaving one reel and again upon leaving the second reel. This roller is belt driven by the motor and serves as the tape drive capstan. The capstan has an effective tape wrap of nearly 360 0 • The double contact of the tape with the capstan constitutes in effect a closed-loop system; this tends to cancel out at the capstan disturbing torques due to some low-level transients in the tape tension. The tension from the tape outside of the closed loop is provided by Negator springs which torque the two reels in opposite directions. The presence of the steady torque from the springs permits the large wrap around the capstan to develop enough fr.iction to avoid the use of pressure rollers. It is interesting to note that whereas for 1,200 feet of tape one of the reels turns about 750 times, the relative number of turns between the reels in this case which is the number of turns the Negators have to deal with is only 50, or %5 of that value. Since two speeds are required in this recorder, although different speeds for the two applications, a planetary belt reduction scheme is used similar in principle if not in execution to the one discussed above. For the A ves system this recorder runs at the same speed on record and playback. For, the HRIR system the record speed is ¥I6 of the playback speed. The record speed is 30 ips, as is the playback speed for the A YeS, and the HRIR record speed is 1% ips. MINIATURE HIGH -ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 237 This recorder is quite good in flutter performance, delivering about 0.02 percent rms between 0.5 and 30 cycles per second and 0.10 percent rms between de and 5,000 cycles per second. Despite these rather impressive flutter figures, as noted in chapter 14, it is necessary to compensate for picture displacement in the high-resolution vidicon pictures handled by this recorder. In AVeS service, a 60 kcps-bandwidth signal is recorded in FM mode. The actual subcarrier deviation is from 73 to 120 kcps, indicating that the modulation scheme resembles that used for rotaryhead video recorders. The HRIR data has a bandwidth of 5 kcps and is also recorded in FM mode. Erasure for the Aves is accomplished with no power consumption through the use of a 3-permanentmagnet de erase scheme. This method is not usable for the HRIR because the latter carries two tracks, recorded in opposite directions, and the unused track would be ruined by permanent magnet erase. The recorder used for OGO for orbital data storage had to be of reel-to-reel format because of the long storage time required (12 hours). This recorder, which actually is the predecessor of the Nimbus unit described above, uses the same general physical layout ("Weintraub, D'Amanda and Resek [1964]). Two forms of the same recorder are used in OGO. The first for EGO (the Eccentric Orbiting Observatory) is the one which requires the long storage time. The highly eccentric orbit of this satellite has an apogee of 60,000 miles and a perigee of 400 miles. The second OGO, known as POGO (for "Polar Orbiting Geophysical Observatory"), is scheduled for later launch with an apogee of 570 miles and a perigee of 160 miles. In EGO the data may be collected for a continuous 12-hour interval and played back in 1l1-/2 minutes. In the POGO mission, data is collected for 3 hours and played back in 51h minutes. In either case, a total storage capacity of 4.3 X 10 7 bits is provided. The OGO recorder has an effective tape packing density of 3,375 bits per linear inch but it achieves this by providing 9 tracks with an individual track density of only 375 bits per inch. It is designed for a very good error rate, between 1 X 10 5 to 5 X 106 bits per error. For EGO the record speed is 0.296 ips for 12.2 hours and the playback speed is 18.96 ips for 11.4 minutes. For POGO the record speed is 1.18 ips for 3.05 hours and the playback speed is 37.9 ips for 5.7 minutes. In each case the recorder is responsible for conversion from serial input to parallel recording and from parallel recording back to serial output. An interesting difference between this and the Nimbus recorder is that the two reels travel in the same direction and the residual angular 238 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING momentum is reduced by a necessarily larger flywheel than needed for Nimbus. One extreme was perhaps reached in the coaxial-reel commandable flight recorder with the lOB-bit unit developed for the Mariner program. This unit carries 1,800 feet of 1-inch tape and records on seven data tracks and one sync track at 24 ips. The gross data input rate is 83,333 bits per second, and this can be played back at 84, 168, 336, or 672 bits per second. The record-playback speed ratio reaches a maximum of 1,000-to-1, and the slowest playback speed is 0.024 ips. The particular recorder developed for this program uses many of the techniques discussed later under the Mariner 106-bit and 1Q7-bit endless-loop recorders. The lOB-bit unit also had to provide a phaselocked-loop playback scheme to operate at four different speeds. In _ this recorder, serious consideration had to be given to the effects of sterilization temperatures as high as 145 0 C for the first time. Figure 13-20 is a photograph of the prototype lOB-bit recorder. (photo from a NASA report) 13-20.-The recorder designed to store 10" bits of information, developed by Raymond Engineering Laboratory Inc. for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mariner program. One reel is visible; the other is located in a symmetrical posiltion on the other side of the mounting plate. FIGURE THE ENDLESS-LOOP RECORDER Mechanisms for supplying strips of material from a reel-like pack and returning it to the same pack have existed for many years. Endless-loop motion picture projectors have long been available, using a storage geometry which resembles closely that of the current endless- MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 239 loop flight recorder. For some time, endless-loop tape recorder cartridges have been commercially available from several manufacturers. These commercial cartridges are used primarily for "point of sale" message repeater devices in retail stores or for storing commercial announcements for radio stations. Although most such commercial tape packs hold only a few feet of tape, some have a capacity that reaches or even exceeds that of current endless-loop flight recorders. The existence of these commercial endless-loop tape cartridges and their successful use for many years did not produce a cartridge technology that could be relied on to provide reliable endless-loop flight recorders. This is simply because the commercial tape cartridge does not have to have the level of reliability of the flight recorder cartridge and because it is not subjected to any kind of severe environment. The commercial and flight recorder cartridges are identical in principle. The tape is wound in each case on a one-sided reel of the sort that would be called in the motion picture industry a "flange." The tape is supplied from the center of the pack by being pulled out between the inner layer of the pack and the hub of the flange or reel. After passage through the recording mechanism it is wound-up on the outside of the pack. With a simple flat flange as described, the hub of the flange follows the tape as it is pulled off and hence rotates at a speed which is the linear velocity of the tape divided by the circumference of the hub. The hub-flange combination is therefore over-driven as far as the rest of the tape pack is concerned since every other part of the pack is larger in diameter than the center. This overdriving force is that which winds the tape up on the outside of the pack. The same geometry guarantees that every layer of the tape pack is moving at a different speed from its inside or outside neighbors. Since the tape is pulled out at a certain linear speed at the inside and wound up at the same linear speed at the outside, the linear tape speed is the same at all points. However, as the diameter of the ind'ividual layers increases gradually from the tnnennost to t.he outermost layer, the rotational velocity of each layer must correspondingly decrease. This relationship is responsible for the continuous slip. With the geometry just described there is a holdback force opposing the pulling of the tape from the inside of the capstan, made up of whatever holdback force in the external mechanism opposes the winding up of the tape on the outside transmitted through the interlayer friction of the pack to the inside layer. If the friction between layers is high, these forces will be transmitted freely through the pack. However, if the interlayer friction, which is certain to be nonuniform from layer to layer and probably to be of the stick-slip type, is too 240 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING high, the pack will probably jam. Any practical application of such a pack thus requires that there be interlayer lubrication. (No one has ever been able to reduce the interlayer friction to the point where it is too low for tape windup.) The supply and takeup forces produced by and working on the pack are thus created by a complex relationship between the rotating friction of the supporting flange and hub and the tape interlayer friction, which in turn is based on the coefficient of friction between the layers and the interlayer forces which depend on the tightness of the pack. For the commercial application of this principle, development was largely by frustration. Endless-loop tape packs always have had a reputation for jamming more easily than any other kind of tape recording equipment. Gradually a body of practical know-how on tape lubrication and pack geometry has grown up. The same process had to take place in the development of the endless-loop flight recorder, but had to proceed by a somewhat more systematic route. If the ratio of the inside to the outside diameters of an endless-loop tape pack is low, that is if the ratio approximate6 unity, the relative 'velocity between layers is also low. Put simply, if n is the ratio of the outside diameter to the inside diameter and there are m layers, the interlayer velocity is the mth root of n multiplied by the velocity of the outside of the pack. Early recorders (Project Vanguard, for example) used only 75 feet of tape in a very slim pack. The interlayer problems were relatively small for this recorder. As the tape length requirements grew, to 200, 300, 600 and now 1,200 feet, in as compact. a recorder as possible, the interlayer problems have grown as well. In the earliest endless-loop flight recorders, the tape pack performed the normal supply and takeup ·functions in much the same way that these must be performed for an open-loop recorder. A single capstan was used which pulled the tape forward over the heads against the holdback force of the tape beinf;r pulled off the center of the pack. There is invariably a holdback force at the center, no matter what. the bulk of the pack does, because of the friction involved in extracting the inner layer from the space between the next layer of tape and the hub. This holdback force, however, is relatively irregular, and as the pack size grows, the irregularity grows. Thus, as larger tape packs and better tape moving performance were demanded, a basic change from the ori~nal open-loop tape-metering configuration was required. The change was to the differential capstan, a configuration which placed the burden of maintaining tension across the heads entirely on two capstans, the up-stream one rotating slightly faster than the down-stream one. The pressure of the roller holding the tape against the up-stream or supply capstan is adjusted MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMEN'Jl RECORDERS 241 to a force great enough to assure that this capstan does the actual metering of the tape and orercomes as far as possible irregular holdback forces in the pack. The down-stream capstan, being slightly over-driven, slips continuously, with somewhat less roller pressure, to maintain the tension across the heads. With a solid hub-flange combination, there is continuous overdrive of the flange relative to each layer of the tape in the pack, since the hub rotational rate is dependent on the minimum or inner diameter. Friction between the edges of the tape and the flange provides a force tending continuously to wind the tape up. This force is one of those involved in providing take-up of the entering section of tape on the outside of the pack. As packs increased in size the friction between the flange and the rest of the pack increased to the point where ballbearing rollers were substituted for the flange in the interest of reducing the total motor. load. When rollers were substituted, much of the wind up force, present with the solid flange, disappeared, since there is no positive drive from the hub to actuate the rollers. Although not a problem in medium-sized cartridges, for larger cartridge packs it was found necessary to put steps in the diameter of the rollers so as to guarantee that there would be a certain amount of overdrive to the outer layers of the tape (Stark [1964]). Obviously, the interlayer friction problem requires that the tape have good lubricating properties and the difficulty of obtaining these properties has been one of the leading forces slowing down the development of the endless-loop recorder. The mechanical interrelationships in such a device are discouragingly complex. For example, unless the interlayer frjction is low enough the pack will jam up and the recorder will simply not work; the major tape takeup force, however, is generated by the interpack friction and the two influences must somehow be reconciled. Inherent in any such recorder is a twisting and warping of the tape as it leaves the center of the pack. The effect of this distortion on the tape path must be prevented from causing flutter at the head. Endless-loop recorders developed recently for the Aeronomy Group at Goddard Space Flight Center, have therefore provided a shallow groove, as wide as the tape, in the capstan pressure roller to improve the guiding of the tape at this point. Work is currently under way in the Aeronomy Group to study the "peel off" geometry in detail and to provide positive guiding of the tape during this entire operation. In addition to "jamming up" of the pack, a basic tape handling problem with endless-loop recorders is that under certain conditions a "loose loop" may be formed. This means that with marginal takeup forces severe mechanical environment stresses may cause a loose loop 242 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING of tape to appear between the end of the useful tape path and the takeup function in the pack. The tape used in such r.ecorders tends to shrink on heating; the amount of tape which is placed in the pack must therefore be so adjusted that the pack will neither jam from over-shortening of the tape nor throw a loose loop. The pack must be somewhat loose to control intrapack friction and yet means must be provided fo:r taking up possible excess tape. For example, adjustment of the diameters of the tapered pack-support rollers can control the takeup relationship. An endless-loop recorder may be required to ope~ate during the launch phases of a space operation and this means it will be required to continue to operate under shock and vibration, as well as perhaps at severe temperature extremes. Under some circumstances this may be an ad vantage; some endless-loop machines throw a loop wn1ess they are operated during launch. Recently an endless-loop recorder with a particularly large tape pack could not be flight-qualified until snubbers were designed to maintain the pack in position in the non-operating mode during launch. Without the snubbers, a loose loop appeared as the pack "shook down" during the launch vibration. A general treatment of the static and dynamic characteristics of the endless-loop tape pack presents ext.raoroinary analytic problems. Certain rather simple relationships have been established between the parameters of the pack but any att.empt to construct a mat.hematical model has resulted in conclusions largely inapplicable to the practical tape pack (General Kinetics [1963]). Quite a few modifications of the basic circular pack in the endlessloop recorder have been tried to minimize the intrapack friction. One particular concept which has been thoroughly investigated on paper but does not seem to have found its way into much flight equipment is that of the so-called "square-loop" tape pack. Figure 13-21 shows the basic difference between a square-loop and a circular-loop array. The idea behind the square loop is simply that the only friction between the layers of a square loop configuration occurs at the corners. If the size of the square can be increased and the radius of the corners left the same, the length of tape may be increased almost without limit without increasing the amount of friction. No friction occurs between layers during the straight travel between the corners because the linear speed of the tape in all parallel paths is the same. Therefore, for example, if one has a 3-inch diameter circular tape pack one can, as it were, cut the pack apar.t into four quadrants and insert lengths of straight tape between those quadrants. In theory this decreases the amount of friction for the amount of tape stored. In practice the large add'i.tion to size resulting from this configuration MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRON:&IENT RECORDERS 243 o b FIGURE 13-21.-Endless-loop tape configurations. The compact circular tape pack of (a) can be "cut apart" and straight segments of tape added thereto to produce the larger storage arrays of (b) and (c) without adding interlayer friction (see text). and the greater difficulties of controlling the tape over the straight portion compared to the geometric simplicity of dealing with it in a circular pack have prevented extensive use of this concept. The inertia-compensated recorder and one other reentry recorder discussed elsewhere use modified versions of this particular configuration. In these two recorders the loop is not square but oval and there are simply two straight portions between semicircular ends (fig. 13-21c). In the application for which these recorders are designed other characteristics necessarily reduce the effectiveness of the reduction in friction and in most cases the internal friction for. the guiding necessary to produce the oval loop configuration loses much of the advantage of the reduced friction. The many problems discussed above may make it appear that the endless-loop recorder could not successfully meet the challenging requirements of flight application. It is a tribute to the skill, resourcefulness and persistence of the engineers who have undertaken the development of such recorders that the low-to-medium-capacity endless-loop recorder can now be described as a very reliable device. One has only to note the long and useful lives of many such units in unattended space application, as described in the following pages, to be convinced of this accomplishment. 'Vith the current level of technical effort directed toward increasing the tape capacity of the endless-loop recorder, it can be anticipated that it soon will be possible to remove the modifier "low-to-medium-capacity" from the sentence above. The endless-loop recorder has specific application to the satellite and space probe field because it permits operating continuously without having to provide the complex control modes involved in reversing a reel-to-reel recorder. One of the first of these units to fly was that on Score I which carried 35 feet of tape in an endless-loop and recorded 244 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING at 3% inches per second for 4 minutes. Its major purpose was to repeat voice and teletype messages on ground command. The Vanguard II recorder carried a 75-foot continuous loop of tape and operated on interrogation from the ground station to repeat data on cloud brightness. The tape capacity, number of tracks, and general performance level of the endless-loop recorder have gradually increased. The Tiros satellite contained a recorder employing a 200-foot endless tape loop for storing the data for the low-resolution radiometer. This was in addition to the reel-to-reel recorders used for the weather pictures themselves. The Orbiting Solar Observatory which has appeared in two forms, OSO-1 and OSO-2, has in each case employed a somewhat larger endless-loop recorder. A 285-foot loop was used in OSO1 to store analog FM data and the same length of tape was used in OSO-2 to store PCM data. A somewhat smaller recorder, following the modular scheme of construction discussed in chapter 11, was developed for the UK-2 international satellite. Other recorders of this class are used to store spacecraft situation and grid data aboard Nimbus. Recorders of 106 _ and 107 -bit capacity have also been built for the Mariner program. The Tiros endless-loop radiometer recorder has successfully operated for more than 2 years in orbit. The design of this unit is interesting in being an intermediate between the simple recorders of the Vanguard series and the sophisticated units currently being produced. The overall mechanical drive scheme of the recorder is shown in figure 13-22. It has several interesting features. In this recorder the holdback force was provided entirely by the opposition of the tape to being pulled out from the center of the endless-loop cartridge, that is, it was an open-loop transport. Two motors were used, a de motor for the high-speed playback mode, and a two-phase, 137.5 cps ac record motor operating at 4,125 rpm. It was felt that the dc motor could be used despite the brush problems in the vacuum because being the high-speed unit it operated for a relatively short time (Falwell, Stark and White [1963]). An interesting feature of the two-speed drive is that the record motor operates during the playback operation. The overrunning spring clutch shown in the drawing allows the playback motor to drive the capstan while essentially ignoring the relatively slow rotation produced by the record motor. One of the gear-driven switches, labelled the "Time-Sharing Switch," is driven at 256 rpm by a plastic belt and through gear reduction provides a switching function between various input signals, sampling each of the signals for approximately 6 seconds. The other gear-driven switch is that for playback timing. MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 245 RECORD.4 INCH/SEC TIME-SHARING r::---~~::::--':'------' i~~ ~ I I iI TWO-PHASE 137.5 CPS RECORD MOTOR 4125 RPM 2.721l \, TAPE REEl do PLAYBACK MOTOR WITH MAGNETIC SHIELDING REOUCTION 5000 rpm Q FLYWHEEl (from a N ABA report) ~'IGeRE 13-22.-l\1eehanicaJ schematic of the drive mechanism of the Tiros infrarro data recorder. The function of this switch is to ensure that the playback cycle only continues for the length of the endless loop and that the recorder is switched ba,ck into the record mode when the entire tape has been played back. The function of the switch is rather simple since it counts the number of revolutions of the playback motor and then operates the mode reversing switch. An interesting method has been used to remove playback jitter in this recorder. Since one of the required recorder functions is to convert the input serial information to parallel for recording and then to convert it back from parallel to serial, a storage buffer is needed for playback. In the jitter-removal system, the reproduced word is placed in paranel in a storage register in a conventional manner. If the storage register is not full at the point when the next serial word should be read out of it, a series of zeros is automatically transmitted until a signal is received indicating that the register is full. The word is then read out of the register while another word is being fed into the second layer of the register. The series of zeros and the output word are both timed by a local crystal clock and the data 246 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING rate is therefore perfectly uniform. The cost of this method of compensating for recorder jitter is that the transmitted data word varies in length from 9 to 15 bits rather than simply having the same length as the input data \Yord (Townsend, Feinberg, and Lesko [19631). The dc motor used for playback is servo-controlled through the signal generated by a tachometer ac generator placed on its output shaft. This somewhat unusual arrangement was felt to give a better weight-efficiency ratio than was obtainable with the synchronous motors then available. A photograph of this recorder is sho'n1 in figure 13-23. A rather similar recorder, although mounted on a square rather than a round structure and differing in details, is also used aboard the Nimbus weather satellite, primarily to store PCM orbital data on spacecraft. sensors and grid data. An endless-loop recorder which represents rather clearly the state of the art at the time of its development is that used on the UK-2 satellite. This was the first recorder in which the concept of modu- (photo courtesy Raymond Engineering Laboratory) FIGURE 13-23.-Tbe Tiros I infrared recorder. MINIATURE 247 HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS .Jarization was formally used. The development of this recorder through breadboard, engineering test model and prototype was undertaken in-house at the Goddard Space Flight Center. The recorder is an endless-loop unit holding about 300 feet of quarter-inch-wide tape. In record mode it operates at 0.15 ips and in playback at 12 ips. The two-speed. ope.ration is achieved by means of a single motor which rotates in one direction for record and in the other direction for playback. The speed reduction for the two modes is accomplished by a technique shown in figure 13-24. Two overrunning clutches are involved in the speed change technique. In record mode, the motor drives the intermediate shaft but the overrunning clutch on that shaft is disengaged and the belt between that shaft and one of the capstans therefore does not transmit any power. MOTOR R = RECORD P = PLAYBACK (from a N A8A report) 13-24.-Mechanical schematic of method of obtainmg two speed drive in the UK-2 recorder by reversing the direction of a. single motor (see text). FIGURE The intermediate shaft drives the rim of a Mylar-covered wheel mounted on the auxiliary shaft next to it at a reduced speed. The belt from this shaft then drives the second capstan through an overrunning clutch. The direction of operation of that clutch is such that in the record mode this belt drives the capstan positively. The two capstans are belted together. When the motor is reversed, the overrunning clutch on the intermediate shaft engages and the belt. from 788--Q28 0--65--17 248 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING that shaft to the capstan then supplies power to it and, through the interconnecting belt, to the other capstan. The direction of rotation of the overrunning cluteh on the second capstan shaft is such that it is then disengaged from the record auxiliary shaft. The hysteresis synchronous motor is driven by a 100 cycle per second square wave which is generated by countdown from a 400 cps tuningfork-controlled oscillator. The frequency and hence the speed provided is claimed to be accurate within 0.1 percent. A remote-controlled endles.'l-loop recorder requires a timing device to deliver a message that all that has been recorded has been played back so that the recorder can be restored to record mode. In this unit the timing mechanism is a solid-state oscillator operating at approximately 7 cycles per second. When playback is desired, the command rec~iver, triggered from the ground, supplies a pulse to the playback timer relay which switches the record-playback circuit into playback and turns on the 7 -cycle oscillator which then feeds a 1,000pulse divider. At the end of a thousand pulses, or approximately 140 seconds, an output pulse is sent by the pulse divider to the recordplayback mode relay, returning the recorder to the record mode. Endless-loop recorders for use in deep-space probes have very low power consumption and slow playback speeds. For example, a breadboard l()6-bit PCM storage recorder for use in the Mariner programs has a total power input of 0.425 watts with a record speed of 3.6 inches per second and a playback speed of 0.03 inch per second. To play back the entire loop of tape at this low speed requires 33 hours. The rigid timing required for successful data transmission over interplanetary distances requires that space-probe recorders be locked in playback bit rate to an internal spacecraft clock. This recorder therefore employs a phase-locked-loop servo to drive the playback motor. Typically, the output of the phase-locked-loop oscillator in such a servo is a square wave and a hysteresis-synchronous motor of maximum efficiency (low damping) may jitter with this input waveform. Any ripple in the output of the phase-locked-loop driving amplifier will cause further motor jitter. A special gated-integrator technique was developed for this recorder to minimize the ripple. To insure a satisfactorily-uniform output bit rate, an additional lockedoscillator clocking system had to be used. In this scheme the output bits are put into a one-bit-deep register out of which they are clocked by a local VCO. This VCO is locked to the somewhat jittery bit rate coming off the tape through a filter which assures that the oscillator rate will not jitter fast but may change at a relatively slow rate. This matching between high-speed input jitter and low output data rate MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 249 change is accomplished with storage only one bit deep. A photograph of this recorder is shown in figure 13-25. Figure 13-26 shows a lOT-bit version of the lO6-bit Mariner recorder made by the same contractor. It differed from the 106-bit unit in holding 700 instead of 300 feet of tape and in using four rather than two data tracks. Mylar "pinch belts" are used to maintain contact between tape and capstan. The flight recorder used in the successful Mariner IV mission which, in July, 1965, sent to earth the first closeup pictures of Mars, combined (photo courtesy Raymond Engitneering La/)oratm-y) FIGURE 13-25.-The 1oo-bit storage-capacity recorder built by Raymond Engineering Laboratory for the Mariner program. features of the 106-bit and lOT-bit breadboards. This unit had a record speed of 12.84 ips and a playback speed of 0.01 ips, giving a playback data rate of 8.33 bits per second with a recording density of 833 bits per inch. Two tracks were used on a 330-foot loop of lf2" tape, giving a usable storage capacity of 5.2 X 106 bits. A two-capstan drive system with polyester pinch belts was used. This recorder lay dormant in space for the more than seven months of the flight to Mars and was then successfully turned on to record 21 digitally-encoded 240,000-bit pictures. It then operated in playback mode for eighteen days to transmit the entire picture series to earth twice. The Orbiting Solar Observatory (OSO) program has used continuous loop recorders for orbital data storage. The first of these operated successfully for 11 weeks for a total of 1,000 hours of information recording during 1,380 orbits on OSO-l (fig. 13-27). This first OSO recorder handled analog FM data recording at 0.60 ips for 95 minutes on 285 feet of quarter-inch tape. Playback was accomplished in 5.2 250 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (trom a N ABA report) FIGURE 13--26.-The Mariner program 107-bit endl_ess-Ioop recorder, built by Raymond Engineering Laboratory Inc. The paths of the elastic "pinch-belts" which substitute for the pressure roller in providing tape-capstan friction are clearly apparent in this picture. (photo CO'Urtesy Raymond Engineering Laboratory) FIGURE 13--27.-The OSO-l (8-16) Orbiting Solar Observatory endless-loop analog recorder. MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 251 minutes at a tape speed of 11.0 ips. This recorder was 7 inches in diameter and 3 inches high, weighing 5 pounds. A second version of this recorder similar in mechanical characteristics but manufactured by another organization was used to record PCM data for OS0-2. Stark has described an endless-loop recorder with very large tape capacity (1,200 feet), which was recently developed by the Aeronomy Group at Goddard Space Flight Center (Stark [1964]) (fig. 13-28). (N A.BA. photograph) FlGUBB 13-28.-An experimental l,200-foot capacity endless-loop flight recorder developed by the Aeronomy Group at Goddard Space Flight Center. The endless-loop recorders described immediately above are all of the so-called classic type. The tape is in the form of a flat circular pack and the supply is from the inside of the pack, which causes the pack as a whole to rotate, and the takeup is on the outside of the pack. NASA has carried out and sponsored a considerable amount of work on this particular class of endless-loop structure. There are, however, other means of storing an endless-loop of tape in compact form. One of these, shown in figure 13-29, stores the tape in two levels in the standard format to conserve space. The tape is wound onto the outside of one pack and is pulled from the center of that pack to be wound on the outside of the other pack. It then is drawn from the center of the second pack. A very unusual endless-loop construction is that shown in figure 13-30. The tape is strung back and forth in a series of loops and the entire array of loops is wound around a drum. The tape is carried out of the pack by a belt similar to the Cobelt (see below), and the entire 252 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (photo courtesy Borg-Warner Controls) FIGURE 13-29.-The Borg-Warner R302 endless-loop recorder which stores the tape loop at two levels to provide improved tape handling. structure is rotated by an enveloping wide belt. Short endless-loop recorders have also been built with the tape simply random-stored, that is, left loose in a bin, as shown in figure 13-31. This is not, of course, a compact construction but is a very simple one. In this recorder a belt is also used to carry the tape in and out of the bin. A somewhat unusual endless-loop recorder developed for reentry studies is shown in figure 13-32. This top view emphasizes the extremely rugged construction and the unusual loose tape pack which is essentially the conventional endless-loop configuration expanded from a circle to an oval. An elruborate procedure is followed in getting the tape from the inside to the outside of the storage loop to avoid the twist stretching of the edges of the tape discussed elsewhere. The tape irave]s counterclockwise around the outside of the pack and on the lower side of the pack, that is, toward the bottom of the picture, passes just below the center of the picture around a roller. This roller guides it around a very similar roller somewhat above it and to the left and the tape is then carried around an unusually-shaped fixed guide. This guide is clearly of a form which translates the tape from one plane to another in such a way that no part of it is stressed more than any other. The price of the very heavy friction encountered at this guide MINI A TURE HIGH-ENVIRONl\IEN'I1 RECORDERS 253 TAPE EDGE ClAMPING BElT ADJUSTMENT ROLLERS MOUNTING SCREWS TAPE LOADING DRI V E ROllER (drawing courtesy Ralph M. Parsons Company) FIGURE 13-30.-The Parsons Model CRB-80 continuous rotary-bin recorder/reproducer (see text) . is apparently willingly paid for the smooth transition this technique provides. The first roller referred to above is mounted on a pivoted arm and is apparently spring-loaded to take care of stretch of the pack. The arm rotation is also damped by a plastic belt pressed against its outer surface. The manufacturer of this device stresses the advantages of this particular tape configuration and guiding technique 'for avoiding bindup between the layers of the tape under severe acceleration. This unit is understood to survive 100 G's acceleration without binding and to be operable with somewhat reduced performance at 80 G's acceleration continuously. A particular version of this unit operates at 30 inches a second and reaches a maximum delay time of 40 seconds, which means a storage of 100 feet of tape. An interesting point is made by the manufacturer in discussing the use of this recorder for short-term time delay for bridging the reentry flame attenuation period. The life of the recorder in active service 254 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING is dependent on the tape life and this tape life depends on the number of cycles rather than any actual number of hours. For example, a 40second-delay loop is circulated 900 times during a 10-hour period while a 20-second loop circulates 1,800 times in the same period. The manu- (photo c011.rte8Y Ralph M. Par80ns 00.) FIGURE 13-31.-The Parsons CLR--225 "bin" recorder. This technique of storing a relatively short loop of tape in random coils in a fiat bin has been widely used. (photo courtesy Litton Ind.) FIGURE 13-32.-The Westrex Model RA-l683-B reentry recorder/reproducer. MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRON MEN'll RECORDERS 255 facturer points out that a 30-second tape loop operating continuously for a period of 30 hours exhibits serious loss of high frequency response. No tape apparently now available will exceed this performance. The statement is made that 1,500 to 1,800 cycles per operation may be considered the tape life limit for acceptable high frequency response. A 30-second tape loop therefore has a life of approximately 12 to 15 hours within specifications. An orbital tape recorder operating in a 90-minute orbit and interrogated on each pass goes through 16 double cycles, that is, one of record and one of playback, every day. There are orbital recorders which have operated for a year or more under these circumstances, representing a total number of tape passes of 6,000 or more. It is not intended as a criticism of the reentry unit discussed above to comment that the additional tape strain and friction which is introduced in the interest of making this machine survive an extremely severe shock and vibration environment increases the tape friction and hence shortens the tape life. The basic technique used to provide the compensation of the socalled inertia-compensated recorder shown in figure 13-33, is to fill the recorder operating volume with .a fluid of approximately the same specific gravity as the tape. This recorder also has other interesting features. The tape is in an oval loop endless-loop configuration, some (photo courtesu Oollege Hill Ind,. Division) FIGURE 13-33.-The College Hill Industries inertia-compensated recorderl reproducer Model 005. The mechanism by which the tape travels from the inside to the outside of the oval loop is not easily followed in this photograph but careful examination will show tbe corrugations on the outside of tbe capstan (lower right) resulting from the slitting technique and also the sharp radius on each head preceding the active gap as described in the text. 256 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING of the difficulties of which are discussed elsewhere. The presence of the inertia compensating fluid surrounding the tape can, to a certain extent, improve the lubrication of the tape layers but the hydrodynamics of the situation are far from simple and it appears that some of the tape bind complications that have occasionally arisen result from the presence of this liquid. In order to operate a tape recorder, as it were, under a liquid, it, is necessary to take certain precautions to insure that the recorder operates in a normal manner. The typical pinch roller and capstan construction is somewhat reduced in effectiveness by the tendency of the inertia-compensating liquid to lubricate the contact between these elements. A specialized technique is used in this particular recorder to overcome this difficulty. The actual capstan driving the tape is of rubber and the tape is pressed against it by a metal roller. To insure friction between the capstan and the tape even in the presence of the fluid, slits are placed in the surface of the capstan at an angle to the center line of the tape. These slits apparently act as squeegee pumps to clean out the fluid so that good adhesion takes place between the capstan and the tape. Another somewhat unusual aspect of this recorder is that the tape is operated in a Moebius strip. The ta.pe is coated on both sides and the center of the tape passes through the mechanism twice before the same point on the recording surface is reached for the second time. This extends the recording time at the cost of the possibility of printthrough from tape layer to tape layer. However, the presence of the compensating fluid probably minimizes the importance of this printthrough since the separation between the layers is maintained by the fluid. The same fluid film which tends to reduce interlayer friction and print-through in the pack also tends to keep the tape away from the heads. In order to reduce the thickness of the layer at the record and reproduce point the tape is passed around a sharp radius (0.004 inch) under a pressure of 10 to 15 grams just before it encounters the head gap. This reduces the thickness of the residual fluid film to 1 micron, which provides satisfactory high-frequency response for the applications considered (Monopoli [1962]). UNUSUAL RECORDER FORMATS Several unusual drive mechanisms have been developed for and applied to flight recorders to overcome some of the fundamental problems of such recorders. Although the general scheme of the recorders using these novel drives resembles closely the schemes of recorders discussed under the three classifications covered above, the drive mecha- MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMEN'Il RECORDERS 257 nisms change the design philosophy of these recorders enough to make it advisable to consider them separately. This section is therefore devoted to the "Cobelt" and "Iso-elastic" drive schemes. The Cobelt drive scheme was first applied to a recorder designed for use on a rocket sled. This recorder had several features designed to permit it to operate satisfactorily under heavy vibration and accelerations up to several hundred G's. In this recorder, shown in figure 13-34, no conventional reels are used. Instead the recorder is constructed very solidly of a "sandwich" of heavy metal plates which are assem'bled rigidly on both sides of precision spacers only 0.001 inch thicker than the tape width. The tape, instead of being supported between reel sides, is handled by the blocks of metal which form the body of the recorder. When the recorder is assembled, the entire tape guide function is carried out by these side plates. For withstanding shock, this construction is much superior to one using a reel of any kind since a reel side must necessarily be relativ.ely flimsy. In order to maintain contact of the tape with the head, the Cobelt drive is used here. This, as can be seen in the photograph, consists of an auxiliary plastic belt which presses the tape toward the heads. This belt also provides the drive normally supplied by the capstan and pinch roller. The tape is thus both pulled along by friction with the (photo courtesy Genisco Data) FIGURE 13-34.-The Genisco Data Model 10-110 tape transport. The Co belt return path can be seen directly above the four heads, as can the way in which the massive base plate is hollowed out to support the rolls of tape. The depressed portion of the structure is actually as deep as the full tape width and the housing is completed by laying a flat plate over the structure seen here. 258 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING Cobelt and pressed by it against the heads. The only disadvantage of use of the Cobelt drive outside of this particular equipment is that the lateral guidance of the tape, unless it is severely constrained as it is in this recorder, is affected by the straightness of the driving belt. There is a tendency for the tape to wander to follow the belt and the technique therefore seems limited at the moment to use where it is as precisely guided as in this particular recorder. The "Iso-elastic" drive technique, which is illustrated in figure 13-35, was introduced to improve the tape drive and reeling functions by combining them in a unique way. (0) (SEAMLESS MYLAR) I b) L MOTOR 4-3 4-1 BELT UNMOUNTED (UNSTRESSED) BELT MOUNTED (STRESSED) NOT ROTATING BELT MOUNTED AND TRANSMITTING TORQUE (from aNABA report) FIGURE 13-35.-Schematic representation of the principle of the Iso-elastic tape drive. The principle on which this drive operates is clearly described in this drawing. The reel packs are driven at a constant velocity at their periphery by a polyester belt. Tape tension is determined by the difference in the surface speeds of the two driven capstans which transfer motion to a so-called Iso-belt under a nonslip condition. The tension in the tape MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 259 results from the physical properties of the Iso-belt and is not dependent on the transfer of forces through dynamic friction as in more conventional systems. A brief description of some recorders developed around this principle follows, adapted from JPL-SPS 37-25 Vol IV p.217-227. A series of tape recorders, primarily designed for space probes, was developed to prototype form using this drive system. At the time of initiating this development program, a series of specific requirements existed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for space probe recorders. These are shown in table 13-1. The tape transport mechanism which was developed to meet the general requirements of the 108 bit recorderl reproducer of table 13-1 is shown in figure 13-36. The major elements defining the specific features of its operation are (1) the Iso-elastic belt system, (2) a specialized differential drive, (3) tape guides and heads, (4) the supporting structure, and (5) reliability considerations. The Iso-elastic belt is a seamless polyester belt which rides directly on the outer layer of the tape on each reel pack. The belt is driven by two capstans, a fast capstan and a slow capstan. Sufficient pretension is applied to the belt by the tension idlers that a nonslip condition is maintained between the capstan surface and the belt. A schematic representation of the mechanics of the Iso-elastic principle is shown in figure 13-35. The effective operating tension Tx' results from the fact that the magnetic tape is inelastic when compared to the elastic properties of the drive belt. Therefore the peripheral speeds of the tape pack "are, in effect, synchronized by the inelastic coupling of the tape itself between them regardless of the relative diameter of either. FIGURE 1~6.-A (from a NASA report) 10' bit-capacity developmental spaceprobe recorder employing the Iso-elastic drive principle. 260 TABLE MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING 13-1.-Tape Recorder-Reprod1Wer General Requirements 108 Bit recorder-reproducer Storage capacity, information bits _______ _ Total volume, including electronics ______ _ Weight, exclusive of electronics __________ _ Power consumption, 400 cycles __________ _ Sterilization __________________________ _ Two-speed operation ___________________ _ Bit error probability ___________________ _ >10 8 bits (NRZ) 10 x 14 x 3 in. <101b <4w 125 0 C 50:1 ratio 10-5 107 Bit recorder-reproducer, two-motor drive Storage capacity, information bits _______ _ Total volume, including volume for electronics __________________________ _ Tapewidth ___________________________ _ Bit packing density for lOS bit error probability __________________________ _ N umber of channels ___________________ _ High speed ___________________________ _ Lowspeed ____________________________ _ Speed change mechanism _______________ _ Weight, e~clusive of electronics __________ _ Flutter, hlgh-speed ____________________ _ Stop-start distance, low-speed ___________ _ Power consumption, motors only ________ _ Hermetic sealing ______________________ _ 107 bits (NRZ) 6 x 6 x 2% in. y. in. 1,000 bits/in. 4 12 in./sec 0.5 in./sec Mylar-belt differential <31b <10% <0.15 in. <6w 0.1 atm residual, 2 yr 10 7 Bit recorder-reproducer, single-motor drive Storage capacity, information bits _______ _ Package size, including volume for electronics _____________________________ _ Tape width ___________________________ _ Bit packing" density for lOS bit error probability _________________________ _ Number of channels ___________________ _ High speed ___________________________ _ Lowspeed ____________________________ _ Speed change mechanism _______________ _ Weight, exclusive of electronics __________ _ Flutter, high-speed ____________________ _ Stop-start distance, low-speed ___________ _ Power consumption ____________________ _ Hermetic sealing ______________________ _ 107 bits (NRZ) 6 x 6 x 2% in. y. in. 1,000 bits/in. 4-8 15 in./sec 1.5 in./sec Drive frequency change to motor <31b <2% <0.1 in. <2w 0.1 atm residual, 2 yr In the practical case of the recorder, initial tension is supplied by the tension idler. This is required to account for the change in length of the Iso-elastic belt because of the change in geometry resulting from the variable amount of tape on each pack as a consequence of operation. This assembly and those described later were designed on the basis of MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 261 a resultant zero spring rate of the assembly so that the initial tension would be held constant. The special differential mechanism reierred to above is one in which two motors drive two elements of a differential at slightly differing speeds. The differential so operates that when the motors are driving the differential pulleys in the same direction the output speed is the average of the sum of the two pulley speeds. 'Yhen the motors are driving in opposite directions the output velocity is the average of the difference of the two speeds. The Iso-elastic belt structure displaces the tape transversely relatively little, but in order to guarantee extremely good guidance so that low amplitude modulation from lateral motion of the tape will occur, a long trough guiding system is used in this recorder. The overall guide length is approximately 9 inches. It was discovered in analyzing the vibration sensitivity of tape packs of the size required for this machine in a system of reasonable stiffness that the resonant frequency of the tape-mass-supporting-structure combination was well within the range of vibration frequencies to which the overall mechanism would be subjected. The concept was therefore introduced of providing support for the entire recorder assembly not only at its borders but also at the reel hub shafts to increase the effective rigidity of the overall system. A 107 -bit recorder meeting another set of requirements in the table was developed with the view to providing a much smaller package. The general arrangement of this recorder is shown in figure 13-37. The same type of differential was used in this mechanism as in the lOB-bit recorder, but because of size problems, the differential itself had to be reduced considerably in diameter. This meant that the spider belt within the differential might exceed its life cycle. Although several attempts were made to substitute other materials for the Mylar when it was discovered that a very short failure-free life was predictaJble, it was necessary to estimate that this recorder could not successfully operate with the differential concepts originally proposed over the necessary active life cycle. Another 107-bit recorder was therefore developed in an attempt to simplify construction on the basis of what had been learned in the first lOT-bit unit. In this recorder, a single motor driving the capstan peelley through a single polyester belt was substituted for the differential. The two speeds were achieved by running the motor at 12,000 rpm with a 400 cycle per second power supply and at 1,200 rpm with a 40 cycle per second power supply. This recorder (fig. 13-38) appears, as a prototype, to meet most of the requirements indicated in Table 13-1 and promises a useful set of flight hardware in the future. 262 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (from a NASA report) FIGURE 13-37.-A. 10' bit-capacity spaceprobe recorder employing two motors and a plastic-belt differential drive (see text). (from a N ABA report) r'IGURE 7 13-38.-The improved 10 bit-capacity spaceprobe recorder employing a Single motor drive. MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 263 MINIATURE TRANSVERSE-SCAN RECORDERS For dealing with megacycle bandwidths and massive data storage, the rotary-head video-type recorder has been proposed for flight servine. The mechanical complexity and short head and tape life of this class of recorder did not originally hold out much hope of adapting it to an application requiring such high reliability and ruggedness. However, in 1961 a %-cubic-foot, 4O-pound rotary-head recorder was d.esigned specifically for flight service. This unit had a bandwidth of over 4 megacycles and recorded for 20 minutes. Although this recorder has not flown it was an interesting demonstration of the feasibility of this technique. More recently, two separate programs have been undertaken by NASA to investigate the potentiality of the rotary-head recorder for two-speed operation. A group at the Flight Research Center is investigating the high-speed record, low-speed playback capabilities of the helical scan industrial television recorder to see if two-speed operation can be achieved for this unit. Recently an extensive investigation of many aspects of rotary-head recorder application was completed by Ampex Corporation for Goddard Space Flight Center. The Ampex study covered a wide range of experiments and can only be summarized in the briefest outline here. The broadly stated objectives were: 1. To evaluate existing or proposed magnetic tapes usable for this class of recorder and to determine whether tape life could be adequately defined or predicted, 2. To evaluate the factors which influence head life and to attempt to define head life quantitatively, 3. To evaluate and propose methods for achieving various time base-expansions (up to 50/1 expansion), and 4. To evaluate generally methods of applying rotary-head recorders to space. Many results of the investigation were encouraging. It was found that tape usually showed initial dropouts which disappeared after a few passes, then settled down to a uniform number of fixed dropouts over a given life and then suddenly developed a sharply increasing number of dropouts as the oxide binder apparently failed mechanically and the end of tape life was indicated by clogging of the head. "Good" tape apparently can be selected by automatic dropout testing, which divides tape samples into groups which differ by an order of magnitude in error or dropout rate, the lower rates shown in this test being well correlated with long life. The study indicates that current tape should survive 600 passes under 1'OO1-to-1'OO1 condit.ions and 3,000 '188--008 ~5---18 264 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING passes for loop service. The lower reel-to-reel figure apparently results from damage in end-of-reel handling. Head life factors are extremely complex, and the study showed that several suspected influences had no actual effect, such as damage from a "shock wave" phenomenon propagated ahead of the head tip as it indented the tape. The conclusions included confirmation that bidirectional operation, which seems almost unavoidable in space application of such recorders, is not an optimum operating condition. This results from another conclusion, which is that the tip shape of the head wears to a true circular arc inclined toward the direction of travel, and the head therefore operates peculiarly when the direction is reversed. Head wear goes down very rapidly with speed, as could be expected, with, for example, an e{(pected number of feet of tape traversed before wearout eight times as great at 30 ips as at 1,500 ips. A test bed recorder operated so well at high-time-expansion ratios in these tests that the following prediction is made of achievable expansion performance: Signal-to-noise ratio, 36 db (video SIN) total time displacement error, 15 microseconds, potential time expansion ratio with usable SIN ratio, 150/1, and shortest wavelength recoverable, 85 microinches (12,000 cycles per inch). Although the breadboard recorder delivered at the conclusion of this study is designed only for further investigation of influences and design £actors for this class of recorder and not as a first step for rotary recorders into space, the conclusion can probably be drawn that the step is inevitable in due time. DRIVE SYSTEMS FOR MINIATURE RECORDERS Although there are situations in which a high-environment recorder has few limitations on its size, weight, and power consumption, advanced technology needs to be brought to bear on the recorder drive problem when these limitations are present. This discussion is directed to the situation where maximum efficiency, minimum weight and maximum reliability must be achieved. Many of the characteristics of motors used for miniature recorders and the considerations involved in motor choice are discussed in chapter 11. The discussion in this section is limited to specialized matters such as the choice as to whether one motor or two should be used and how fast the motor should be designed to rotate. In the Lockheed report referred to above, the point is made that the hysteresis-synchronous motor has great advantages of speed, accuracy, reliability and low noise generation, although the low efficiency of these motors is a strong disadvantage. They are partiCUlarly susceptible to the fact that when attempts are made to increase their efficiency, the damping against jitter oscillation becomes very poor. As the report points out, MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRONMEN'!1 RECORDERS 265 a deliberate choice to accept some jitter is often made in the interest of efficiency. In applying the hysteresis synchronous motor, the operating speed and hence the number of poles and the supply frequency must be established. Although the motor is usually expected to be more efficient in every way the faster it runs, there is a limit to usable motor speed because the higher the speed the greater the burden on the speed reduction unit. In figure 13-39, motor efficiency is plotted versus rotational speed for a typical hysteresis-synchronous motor, where the frictional losses are assumed to lie largely outside the motor. In figure 13-40, the output torque of the motor as well as the torque of a typical duplex-pair bearing, which represents the frictional losses within the motor, is plotted against motor speed. The difference between these curves, which is the relative net power, is also plotted; it is interesting to note that it is higher for lower speeds. A significant comment is made in the report apropros of this unusual result, that, although optimum efficiencies can be obtained at speeds less than 2,000 rpm, peak efficiency shifts toward higher speeds as the power is increased. Two thousand rpm therefore appears an optimum motor speed. Having chosen a speed one must somehow standardize the supply frequency. 60 ~ 30 V 1000 ,....... ~ ~ 3000 5000 DESIGN MOTOR SPEED (rpm) 7000 (after Lockheed [1962]) FIGURE 13-39.-Motor efficiency versus design motor speed for a typical O.3-watt synchronous motor (typical spacecraft record power level). Many such motors have been designed for 400 cps because of their history of use in aircraft systems. Under normal circumstances, 400 cps produces much too fast a motor for spacecraft service but it is desirable to use a frequency which is derived from 400 cycles. One hundred cps is about as low a frequency as can be used without requiring oversized inductive components in the power supply, and also 266 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING 1.00 ,.....---..---r-----,.------r---r-----, 0.08 I-l.-~..=_--+---+---+_-~--__l ·7 0.061---~1 --3001_--+----1-----1----11.5 2 ... ~ f: ~ 1.4 .., ~ ~ ~ O.04I----t--~:__-+-=-.j.;;;;;;;:=:J--_i 1.3 ~ ... 1.2 ~ 0.02 f---......",;...--+--+--=-C::--~f----11.1 ... > 1.0 o L-_......L_ _....L_ _...l...-_ _L-_........J'--_---l 8.9 1000 3000 5000 ~ ...n:: ...J 7000 OESIGN MOTOR SPEED (after Lockheed [196~]) FIGURE 13-40.-Torque and power l'elationships in the motor of figure 13-39. (a) Output torque of equivalent frictionless motor, (b) available output torque with typical bearings, (c) torque requirement of a typical duplex-pair bearing set, (d) relative net power output. permits using a relatively small number of poles for a 2,OOO-rpm motor. A primary decision which must be made in the spacecraft recorder is how it shall be operated at two different speeds. There are several ways in which two-speed operation can be achieved. These include running a single motor at two different speeds with a fixed reduction, using a single motor and selecting different reduction ratios with solenoid-operated clutches, running the motor in one direction for one speed and in the other direction for the other speed with a differential to change speeds, and providing two independent motor-speed-reduction systems. A table comparing the single and double motor approach is reproduced here from the report (table 13-2). In the report from which this data came, the two-motor drive system is recommended for the particular class of recorders emphasized in the report but it is not necessarily the universal best choice. The schematic perspective drawings of figures 13-41 and 13-42 show the differences between typical single- or two-motor spacecraft recorder drive. Other systems for providing two-motor operation are discussed under specific recorders in previous sections of this chapter. A preliminary feasibility and breadboard study of an illtermittentmotion digital tape recorder/reproducer was sponsored by the Jet MINIATURE TABLE HIGH-ENVIRONMENT RECORDERS 267 13-2.-0omparison of Single- and Double-Motor Drives for Olass I Spacecraft Recorders Type Advantages Single-motor __ Less weight. Smaller plan size. Lower cost. Double-motor _ Low-speed motor designed for purpose allows greater efficiency. Smaller depth. Easily modularized because of split drive. All-belt drive. Fewer parts, less complicated. Disadvantages Greater depth required. Compromise motor design increases power required at low speed. More complicated. Transmission requiring pressure-run drive for reversal. Harder to modularize because of interdependence of record and reproduce drives. Additional weight of motor. Larger size. Higher cost (additional motor). Propulsion Laboratory during 1963. The interest in this program originated in a requirement in typical interplanetary space probes for recording the output of such devices as ion chambers and GeigerMuller tubes which have extremely large dynamic ranges (from 1 count per hour to 100,000 counts per second), operate asynchronously and, despite the wide dynamic range, have a low average data rate when the output is converted to digital form (maximum of 20 bits per second) . These requirements suggested the desirability of a device capable of recording, uniquely, one bit at a time, placing such recorded bits on a magnetic tape in a regular fashion and having the capability of synchronous read out. To achieve these ends, the following basic systems considerations were established: 1. The recorder-reproducer is to record and playback only upon receipt of a command pulse. 2. The maximum stepping rate is to be 200 steps per second or greater. 3. Size and physical configuration shall be such as to store 105 bits. 4. No standby power shall be supplied to the recorder-reproducer. 268 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING RECORD-REPRODUCE MOTOR CAPSTANS LOCATED AT © II< ® (from a NASA report) FIGURE 13-41.-Mechanical arrangement of a typical single-motor spacecraft recorder. This is a perspective representation of essentially the same elements shown in figure 13-24. The reference letters are appropriate to the report in which this drawing first appeared. 5. Ultimate life expectancy of the recorder-reproducer is to be about 108 steps. (Storer [1963]). A successful breadboard model of this unit was completed. A general view is shown in figure 13-43. A special quarter-inch tape, perforated with standard 8-mm motion picture film sprocket holes and silicon-lubricated on the oxide side, was used. The reels, in this case, were torqued by a Negator spring in a stacked-reel configuration. The magnetic actuator visible in the photograph required refined and careful design. It consists basically of an armature which swings back and forth through a 6° arc between two pole pieces of highpermeability metal. A permanent magnet is inserted in the magnetic circuit so that the armature will be held against whichever pole piece MINIATURE HIGH-ENVIRON:&IEN'l1 269 RECORDERS REPRODUCE MOTOR CAPSTANS LOCATED AT ® & ® (from, a NASA r eport) FIGURE 13-42.-Mechanical arrangement of a typical two-motor spacecraft recorder. This drive method limits the number of overrunning clutches required to one. (from FIGURE a NASA report) 13--43.-Bread!board intermittent-motion spacecraft recording mechanism (see te~t). 270 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING it has contacted last. The motion is transmitted to the tape from the actuator through a small sprocket engaging the tape perforations. This study, although very preliminary, does establish the feasibility of the use of such an intermittent recording mechanism. The breadboard was tested with a loop of tape at a rate of 200 steps per second for a continuous period of 5 days before failure. This amounted to over 90 million accumulated steps and failure was due simply to wearout of the armature pivot shaft.. This mechanism gives hope of making proper recordings of many intermittent phenomena which, up to now, have been left. unrecorded because of the continuous drain that normal recording techniques would place on the spacecraft power supply. SPECIAL PROBLEMS OF SPACE PROBE RECORDERS In addition to the normal flight recorder problems which are covered above, there are some peculiar to space probes. Any tape recorder that must undergo a sterilization at high temperature for interplanetary use encounters a whole new series of environmental stresses which have not been significant in any previous development. Just how to make recorders survive this process is not, as yet, well known. Tape, naturally, is the weakest link in the recording process as far as withstanding heat is concerned and tape temperature problems are discussed in chapter 9. The same temperature problems occur with plastic drive belts, and many other parts of the recorder may be damaged by heat. For example, the head is almost always constructed partially of plastic and few plastics will withstand sterilization temperatures. The result is distortion of the head and resulting poor head performance. At the moment, this entire subject is under intensive study, but as of the time of the survey, there are no "guarant.eed methods" for assuring that a flight recorder will survive the temperature cycle. Because the space probe must transmit its data over such long distances, data rates reproduced from the onboard recorder are always very low. A problem which must always be solved in any tape recorder which plays back at such low speed is that of dealing with the extremely small playba.ck voltages obtained from a conventional dcp/dt playback head. Typically, at 0.03 ips, playback voltages do not exceed 100 microvolts. However, although the voltages are tiny, the bandwidth needed is correspondingly low, and surprisingly, without any very spectacular development, most contractors have had little difficulty in providing conventional playback amplifiers for these signals. Flux sensitive heads have therefore not been promoted for space-probe service as yet. CHAPTER 14 Complete Recording Systems It probably would be fairly realistic to say that the magnetic recorder is currently a necessary evil in any complex electronic data gathering system. The recorder has been gathering technical data for us for 15 years or more, and the technical personnel involved in the gathering process are now completely accustomed to the peculiarities of the recorder. Although ItIl occasional complaint expresses the discontent which the typical user feels from time to time about the shortcomings of his recorder (Ratner [1965]), and one occasionally hears of proposals to replace magnetic recording with a photographic or similar technique, by and large the technical community suffers in silence with the recorder problems of the current state of the art. Like a benevolent tryant, the magnetic recorder impressed men originally by being so much better than anything else available that it was accepted gladly. Disenchantment with the new regime soon set in, however, with the realization that the recorder was not quite as good as it was originally expected to be. The gradual step-by-step improvement from year to year of recorder capabilities has, however, kept the using public from extensive overt expressions of unhappiness with recorder limitations. Nevertheless, the tape recorder does have many shortcomings, and great ingenuity is employed in its application today to minimize the effects of those shortcomings. Typically, a tape recorder is used in a complex system. A great deal of the system design must now be based on satisfying the recorder limitations, that is, on so designing the balance of the system as to minimize the effect of the imperfections in the recorder. Until something better comes along, this necessarily must be the way in which data acquisition operates. One of the purposes of this chapter is to discuss the way in which this compensating process takes place and the overall results so achieved. 271 272 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING The approach here will be simply to describe several typical datagathering systems in which tape recorders are used. These wiII include two rather simple and one rather complex satellite recorder applications. In another application, a ground-based recorder is used directly with a satellite, where the experimenters responsible for the satellite have specifically rejected the use of an on-board recorder. The final example will be one of the use of magnetic recorders in a ground installation for research and development data gathering and analysis in some of its more complex forms. This latter system is representative of many of the data reduction systems which are associated with the complex gathering systems. The Interplanetary Monitoring Platform (IMP) is an example of a research satellite employing no on-board recorder and making the necessary compromises inherent in the decision not to carry a recorder. The information presented is intended to show the complexity of data and coding involved in the basic satellite decisions and some aspects of the data reduction problem inherent in the lack of the on-board recorder. The neit Operational Plan presented is that for the Orbiting Geophysical Observatory, OGO-A also known as EGO for its extremely eccentric orbit. The recorder developed by RCA for use in this program is described in chapter 13 which includes a discussion of the provision in the recorder design for its use both in EGO and POGO. The data reduction and ground recording requirements of this satellite are covered here. The third Operations Plan discussed is that of Nimbus. Nimbus is the most complex of the satellites involved and requires overall system performance of the recording channel greater than any previous satellite. It involves two separate on-board recording functions, the recorders for which are discussed in chapter 13. It also employs the particular flutter compensation technique discussed in the section immediately preceding the description of the Nimbus operational plan below. THE INTERPLANETARY' MONITORING PLATFORM (IMP) The mission of the Interplanetary Monitoring Platform project (IMP) is described as follows in NASA-GSFC Operations Plan 1064, paragraphs 1.0, 1.1 and 1.1.1 through 1.1.5: Mission The Interphmetary Monitoring Platform (IMP) Project consists of a series of spacecraft which wiII contain scientific experiments to provide comprehensive data from the intensity and charge spectra of cosmic rays, information on the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field. COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 273 Objective8 There are fiye objectives of the IMP project. The objectives may be detailed as indicated below: 1. To make a detailed study of the radiation and environment of cislunar space and to monitor this region over a significant portion of a solar cycle. (This infonnation necessary for support of ProJect Apollo requires that an operational IMP be in orbit at all times during this project.) 2. To study the quiescent properties of the interplanetary magnetic field and its dynamical relationship with particle fluxes from the sun. 3. To develop a solar-flare prediction capability for Apollo. 4. To extend our knowledge of solar-terrestrial relationships. 5. To further the development of relatively inexpensive spin-stabilized spacecraft for interplanetary investigatIOns. Figure 14-1 is a photograph of IMP. (from a NASA photograph) FIGURE 14-1.-Tbe Interplanetary Monitoring Platform (IMP) tlight unit. 274 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING The orbit of IMP is extremely eccentric with an apogee of 110,000 nautical miles and a perigee of 105 nautical miles. The period is 98.5 hours. In this respect IMP is similar to the Orbiting Geophysical Observatory (OGO) but. almost every other aspect of its plan differs. Despite the extreme distance over which data must often be transmitted in such an eccentric orbit, the information from IMP will be transmitted direct to the ground recording installation without onboard tape recorder delay. Because the total amount of information to be transmitted in any unit time is relatively low, a certain amount of digital on-board storage has been provided for part of the experiment. Otherwise the data is transmitted directly. That is, the output of a part.icular sensor modulates the telemetry transmitter directly through an encoder and the data is recorded in real time on the ground. Some nine experiments carried on this spacecraft are divided according to the type of output obtained from each. The output signals from four of these experiments are in analog form and those from the other five are in digital form. The output of these multiple signal sources must, of course, be sampled. This sampling is not in the simple iterative form used for the conventional PCM commutatordecommutator system, ~nce the input signals are not in identical format. For example, to quote from the Operations Plan: "Rb-vapor magnetometer: the Rb-vapor magnetometer output will directly modulate the transmitter for 81.92 seconds once every 5.46 minutes." Similar statements are made concerning each of the other three analog experiments. A certain period of time during which the analog signal is telemetered directly is assigned to each experiment. The digital experiments are sampled on a more conventional basis in which instantaneous sampling of the output is done at regular intervals and the samples are stored in a small on-board digital memory. The digital data in the memory is then extracted on an irregular time schedule compatible with the analog sampling. The basic digital encoding technique is via PFM with which a modified burst FM analog coding has been integrated. The coding technique and experiment array may be understood from the following quotation from the Operations Plan (paragraphs,, : Experiment Outputs Following is the list of experiments grouped according to the output of each (analog or digital) : Analog Low-energy proton analyzer (Ames) COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 275 Plasma probe (MIT) Thermal-ion and electron spectrometer (GSFC) Fluxgate magnetometers (GSFC) Digital Range vs. energy loss (University of Chicago) Total energy vs. energy loss (GSFC) Neher-type ion chamber (University of California) Othogonal Geiger counter telescope array (GSFC) Optical aspect sensor (GSFC) Analog The outputs (between 0 and plus 5 volts dc) of the analog experiments are converted into frequency outputs from 15 to 5 kc by analog oscillators. Zero volts corresponds to approximately 15 kc while plus 5 volts corresponds to approximately 5 kc. Several inputs may be gated into a single oscillator. The oscillator outputs are later divided by 16, so that the modulating frequency is in the range of 5/16 to 15/16 kc. Digital The outputs of the digital experiments (except the optical aspect sensor) are fed into the DDP (Digital Data Processor) which does much of the accumulation and digital subcommutation. The output of the DDP goes to a series of pulsed digital oscillators which accept three bits of information and encode this as one of eight discrete frequencies in the band from 5 to 15 kc. These oscillator outputs are also later divided by 16. The eight possible frequency levels correspond to the eight possible combinations of 3 bits. Thus digital information, which is already in a digital form, may be easily encoded. Figure 14-2 shows the IMP telemetry format for "normal" sequences. The ground receiving station instructions for acquiring the telemetry data from IMP are somewhat unusual in that, for example, the satellite has no command channel, cannot. be commanded to operate in any particular way and therefore transmits all the time. This means that no command data must be transmitted or recorded and several modes of recording operation are ne<>essary to guarantee that all the data is dbtained from the compromise transmission design required by continuous operation of the satellite. There are two different recording modes provided for. In one, the tape recorder operates at 1% inches per second and all data is recorded on one set of duplicated recorders. In the second mode, the data is recorded simultaneously at 1% and 30 inches per second, again with individual recorders duplicated. The following note' about additional safety 276 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING I ' I .. I I .. I I • I I I ~ - - 'TO'''\' o --@ II. 1I "",,-.c.'If ~ 110 • .. .0 v, 1....1....1 ."MGol. Of C.MIC.A.ttO) '''UX ....~" ... @ (UMIY 0' (.MltAr.o) ® ~l?12'n??lilanllal??al??illaZ2?2??1 ... •• " .@. tOM (.""Wac.&.,,,"W 0' (,1tt.U') @ .~ 1\ ~O•• (""\'I 9. @. !.MC..G.'" \.0•• .. ---@ 'l 1......"( \.0" ® - - 1'O~A\. 'MI.• •'( " t T (@ ...." ..... ) - - - - 1???2l1llllllilll'??IZ2 lillllll> C,""".I.a. lU\lW 0' c..\.Ir) DIG.IT .. L. t.LOt .. ® @ ( ! ) I - -_ _ __ G.I.'.I. .. '~\.c..C.O.t. 101 to" c. ... c. • . 100 ,; .., S ~ :! .. • • 10 II .~ Itt I I I 7 I 2 2 2 - - TOT"'\. U4E...f.'t' "1\ 1."'1..6" ...OU 010 .. <~ I I I ? Z 2 ? 2 2 Ciaot.lGot.R "1.\.I.~Pt. I 2 2 2 2 2 , 2 t.A.~\~) I I I 2 I~ (UM,.,. 0" C.MIC. .. ctO) IS "NALO~ Z ? ? I 2 c..rc. ? ? to'" ? 2 , 7 6..M P \ . I . ' » ) - - - - - - - - - - - - 'LU .. Go..".. c.loU.VI.l.a(UNlY OT '" Z c. ... \-".} 2 1 7 7 7 2 7 7=::4> t)IGt,'U.\. c.\.OCk. ®)-----+-------~~--~--------<~)------ 001 "0 to,,", c;.M.....l.a(u ...., zt> =:::zt> G. ... ,.l. • 2 ? 2 2 Z ? I I Z ? 2 2 ? I 2 it> • '" aUG OUT 0,. DDP ...o~ .. cz:z:tzz;z:Ol ..M..\.o. tt."D Ou1' C.ON1'U.OU~ .....0 .I.to.".o aU.'T "",. ,,1...'O ..... NC.r. ,,1trt.....wl.1'I." " ,,(0 ,. ~t.tO"D """D OUT) 4. " '.. "c. 1'1.~1.""'I.T"'t t.1.Q\,l'E.Nc..1. 1 • • \1. . ,• • • ,1.c..O.. M a\,l"'T\ (~&"") ,. .... !. 0.'. 'I.e.. 'OL.\..OW'NGo "0.'.'1.(. aL..MK 6'tH(. (.MA.MNt.L. eUa,,., ""-«.1. 0.1..4 "Cot. P'OL.LOWINf'." 0.0. ,t.e.. .~"M" "~"'MP,",'M" .....:,t, ~ t: .CV,ft ' ••• "'NC. O.c.. '.n. ~,,~t.1'~ OI"1'''~ '''fl. (from FIGURE II N ABA report) 14---2.-The IMP telemetry format for "normal" sequences. The terminology is typically somewhat obSCure. The format designates what information is transmitted in what channel for each frame. The entire process is sequential here, that is, a frame in which samples from each channel are transmitted in time order is followed also in time order by another frame in which a new set of samples is transmitted in each at the various channel times. For some experiments (note "flux gate A" in frame 3), the entire frame is occupied with a data transmission. A frame identification symbol is transmitted in the zero ehannel and there are other circumstances under which all or part of this sequence are preempted for steady transmission of certain data. factors in obtaining a complete record quoted from the Operations Plan is of interest (paragraph : "There will be at least 30 minutes of recorded telemetry overlap between stations, 15 minutes of recorded overlap between tapes of 1% COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 277 inches per second and 10 minutes of recorded overlap between tapes of 15 ips and 30 ips." The reference to speeds of 15 to 30 ips undoubtedly means that, since either Ampex FR-lOO or FR-600 recorders may be used, the FR-600 with its somewhat more modern heads and electronics is capable of adequate band width at the lower speed. The track assignments for the two recorder speeds describe pretty clearly the recording technique. Track 1 for the low speed (1% ips) mode direct (analog) records the AGC levels of the receivers in the form of IRIG Channel 1 and 3 VCO outputs. Track 2 carries the control track in the form of 60 cps modulated on 1 kcps in order to permit synchronization of the recorder on playback. Tra,ck 3 records the phase-detected data signal derived from the diversity combiner in direct mode. Track 4 carries the Minitrack time standard in the form of 1 kc modulated with binary-coded-decimal time, recorded in direct mode. Track 5 carries the phase-detected data signal in an FM recording mode. Track 6 carries the Minitrack t.ime standard in the form of serial decimal time code recorded in FM, and Track 7 carries a voice commentary and WWV t.ime, recorded direct. By using both FM and direct mode recording, data signal response down to direct current with a relatively wide overall channel bandwidth can be obtained. The track assignments for the high speed (15/30 ips) record scheme are similar. Track 1 again carries the receiver AGC signals, direct recorded in the form of VCO outputs. Track 2 carries a direct recording of Minitrack time in the form of 1 kcps modulated with binarycoded-decimal time, mixed with the standard speed control track (60 cps) modulated, in this case, on 18.24 kcps (for playback synchronization) . Track 3 records directly the phase-detected signal from the diversity combiner and Track 4, also direct recorded, carries a 10 kcps reference frequency derived from the Minitrack format generator. Track 5 carries a direct recording of WWV time from t.he WWV receiver. Track 6 carries an FM recording of t.he Minit.rack t.ime standard in t.he form of a serial decimal t.ime code and Track 7 carries a direct-recorded voice commentary. Not only in the eccentricity of its orbit but also in much of its data handling is IMP an unusual satellite. Because data must be recorded when the satellite is quite far from the earth, the data rates have been held down as low as possible. Pulse frequency modulat.ion is chosen as the first step in the encoding scheme as it appears to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio with relatively simple encoding and decoding equipment. The use of comb filters permits the decoding of PFM data at an optimum signal-to-noise ratio by picking up noise only in 278 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING the total bandwidth of all the comb filters combined rather than in the bandwidth from the bottom of the first filter passband to the top of the last filter p3$band (chapter 4). With these very low recording rates, the tapes are reproduced for data reduction at 16 times the recorded rate. (Data recorded at 1% ips is reproduced at 30 ips.) The mixture of digital and analog data on one channel is somewhat unusual, as is the method of transmitting an 8-bitdigital sample. In this technique, mentioned above, 8 different pulse repetition frequencies appear at the output of the PFM encoder. A burst of the selected frequency is transmitted, chosen on the basis of the number between o and 7 that is to be transmitted at a particular time. In other words, 3 bits of digital data are converted to octal form and transmitted as the pulse frequency corresponding to that number. This technique was undoubtedly chosen because the system has the relatively good signal-to-noise ratio required to transmit the analog information effectively. This signal-to-noise ratio makes octal coding possible with the corresponding improvement in transmission efficiency over straight digital coding. Because the reduction of the data from IMP is, although not standard, relatively simple, it provides a good sample of the basic techniques involved in any satellite data reduction. The actual reduction process is described in the following (edited) quotation from the Operations Plan (paragraphs 9.2 through 9.6). A block diagram of the functions involved is given in figure 14-3. 9.2 Analog-Telemetry Tape to Digital-Computer Tape Telemetry data is designed to be recorded at 1% ips, on tape compatible with Ampex FR600 playback equipment operating at 30 ips, allowing a theoretical reduction of processmg time approaching 16/1. This feature of the IMP telemetry system YIelds a substantial improvement in the rate of processing data. Information recorded on tape at the acquisition stations must be of uniformly high quality; a major problem in formulating a processing philosophy can develop if station operations are other than satisfactory. Systems operation will be set up on the assumption that the data-acquiSItion stations will perform adequately. The problem of correctly recording coded time on tape simultaneously with telemetry information will be checked by an on-board satellite clock. Necessary to the PFM encoding technique is the utilization in the data-processing operation of comb filters, the function of which is to improve the SIN ratio by reducing the noise bandwidth. The conditioned signal is sampled at a particular rate and in a particular mode determined by the output of the frame, channel, and sequence sync detector under the control of the programmer. The time code is recovered in a separate operation which depends upon an initial automatic or manual readin of time, and subsequent updating using the reference fre- COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 279 -ANALOG TAPE SIMULATED MASTER DATA TAPE (TEMPORARY) RAW WORK TAPE (LINE CORRECTEDJ-- (TEMPORARY) RAW WORK TAPE _ _ _ EXPERIMENTER'S AND OA AND PP TAPES/ " EXPERIMENTERS PRINTOUT (from a NASA report) FIGURE 14--3.-Block diagram IMP data reduction system (see text). quency recorded on the telemetry tape. The sampled signal is converted to a digital form and stored sequentIally in the magnetic-core memory of the output buffer which produces the digital tape. Each time a frame sync pulse is detected, the updated time, frameA and sequence identification are also stored in the memory. A nag bit indicates the correspondence of updated time and recorded time. At the appropriate time, the entire sequence of stored characters is dumped on an output digital magnetic tape. Since the analog-to-digital tape-conversion process operates at 16/1 ratio relative to acquisition time, there is no need for preprocess editing of tape. During the initial processing of step I (fig. 14-3), both visual and recorded displays will monitor the quality of tape recording and playback of satellite information. For those samples of data during which there is insufficient SIN ratio to accurately recover the data, a flag will be recorded, indicating a signal-dropout condition. Special purpose processing equipment will be employed for the Rbma~etometer signal when the spacecraft is within 5 earth radIi (2% of orbItal period). In summary, the equipment consists of: (1) FR600 playback tape deck. (2) Comb filters. (3) Synchronizer detector and identifier. 1f88-008 ()........65..-19 280 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING (4) Analog-digital conversion (discriminator providing a precision of 1/1000, and filter-tooth detector providing a precision of 1/100). (5) Time decoder. (6) Programmer-control. (7) Core memory buffer and tape drive. (8) Digital tape deck. 9.3 Master Data-Tape Production The output tape from step I consists of a string of BCD characters with tape identification, time, and data recorded in a single block corresponding to an individual sequence. A prime function of step II is to check the time-code data for accuracy with reference to the satellite clock and to perform the necessary corrections. In addition, the informatIOn content will be checked and corrected, for character-count consistency. The information is put into format logically with correct time and identification, and a master data tape is generated and printed simultaneously. In addition, a punched-card log of the telemetry tapes recorded on the digital master data tapes will be maintained for summary and searching functions in step III. The medium-scale computer of the Data Processing Branch, Data Systems Division, will also be used for this phase of IMP information processing. These master data tapes will form the library from which the experimental data tapes will be prepared. 9.4 Experimental Data-Tape Production The experimenter's data tapes will be prepared using the master data tapes produced in step II as mput. The accompanying telemetry-tape log on punched cards will provide a means for automatically reading a master data tare at random, so that a chronological data sequence can be readIly generated. In addition, it will provide documentation for both steps II and III. The prime function of step III is to decommutate the individual experimenter's data to separate tapes in different formats and provide an accompanying printout. 9.5 Master Trajectory-Data Production This operation is principally a merging of data and an extensive computational effort which produces the final master trajectory information. It is best accomplished on a large-scale computer system such as the IBM 7090, which is planned to be employed for this purpose. Approximately 2 hours of 7090 time will be required per week of trajectory. Duplication of the trajectory tapes and the printouts for each of the experimenters will be accomplished on the 7094 computer in the Data Processing Branch. 9.6 Data Evaluation The station telemetry tapes will be received by the Data Processing Branch for evaluation and reduction. A representative cross sample from each station will 'be reviewed for quality and quantity of usable data and checked against expected sta- COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 281 tion performance. A summary of tapes by station will be maintained as a control input for statIon operation and as a guide for processing. Tapes will then be arranged in chronological order to enable processing in a time-history sequence. It is anticipated that there will be three categories of tapes. They are (1) unusable tapes resulting from inadequate signalto-noise ratio, interference, or operator error; (2) questionable tape requiring extra handling to recover the data; and (3) good tapes of sufficient quality to warrant immediate machine processing. The first class of tapes will be retained for archival purposes and possible exploitation as the state of the art is advanced. The remaining two categories will be processed through the system described in the preceding paragraphs of this section. OGO-A As described in the Operations Plan (Paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2, Plan 11-64) : The primary objective of the Orbiting Geophysical Observatory program is to conduct large numbers of significant, diversified geophysical experiments for obtaining a better understanding of the earth-sun relationships and the earth as a planet. The secondary objective of the program is the development and operation of a standardized observatory-type oriented spacecraft consisting of a basic structure and a subsystems design which can be used repeatedly to carry large numbers of easily integrated scientific experiments in a wide variety of orbits. OGO-A is the first mission in the OGO program and is also referred to as EGO for Eccentric Orbiting Geophysical Observatory. For data handling, eccentric is the key word because it refers to the very wide range of distances this satellite will have from the earth. Actually the apogee is 149,000 kilometers (80,400 nautical miles) and the perigee is 275 kilometers (148 nautical miles). The rotational period of the satellite is 63.85 hours, a figure many times that usually considered to be a reasonable satellite period. In the OGO-A mission, magnetic tape recorders have the following tasks to perform: 1. Ground-station recording of FM/FM telemetry data on con- ditions aboard the Atlas and Agena launch phase. 2. On-board recording of the data from a large number of experinwnts in the form of wideband PCM. This on-board data is stored during the orbit period and "dumped" at a high rate of speed while the satellite is in view of a ground station. 3. Recording at ground stations of PCM data telemetered via playback from the on-hoard recorder. 4. Recording at ground stations on a semi-continuous basis of 282 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING special purpose telemetry which produces data on the spacecraft incompatible with the PCM telemetry and which hence is transmitted FM/PM. This data consists primarily of noise and electrical phenomenon measurement related to a study of of very low frequency (VLF) radio transmission. Another function is required of magnetic recording in the launching of the vehicle and its injection into orbit. This function has now become so routine as hardly to require mentioning. The Minitrack function is performed in that a transponder aboard the spacecraft is interrogated from various of the ground stations and returns a signal to the ground station which is received by a complex extended antenna array on the ground. This antenna array is so instrumented as to give precision phase and amplitude information from the received signal, from which information the spacecraft's relative slant range and track can be determined. Typically the raw Minitrack phase and amplitude data are recorded, as well as computed phase data reduced to digital numerical form and slant range calculations in digital form. This recorded information is used later to determine the spacecraft's track and orbit with precision. There is some overlap between the functions of the various recording subsystems. For example, data from the sensors on board the spacecraft which determine operating conditions during launch and orbit injection are telemetered to the ground by a system having quite different ground station recording requirements from that used with spacecraft sensors for determining orbital conditions. The orbital satellite sensors are carefully integrated with the PCM system used for transmitting the data from the orbital experiments, and use the same telemetry transmitters and receivers. The Atlas and Agena launch vehicle sensors are independently instrumented for the individual parts of the vehicle and are telemetered with still another system with its own ground recording requirements. The extremely eccentric orbit and correspondingly long orbit time of OGO is unusual. During much of the orbit, little information can be obtained for the satellite whether it is in "view" of the ground station or not. Data is collected relatively slowly in distant parts of the orbit and then "dumped" relatively fast while the satellite is near the earth. For satellites with a more nearly circular orbit the data is collected slowly and dumped fast, not because of change in distance between satellite and earth but because only in a limited part of the orbit is the satellite in "view" of the relatively few tracking stations available. (Compare these two modes of operation with that of IMP, discussed earlier.) However, OGO has three different basic bit rates in its PCM system. COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 283 These are 1,000, 8,000, and 64,000 bits per second. All data which is recorded is taken at 1,000 bits per second but data which can be transmitted in real time direct from the spacecraft to the ground station can be obtained at any of the three bit rates. Depending on receiving conditions and the signal-to-noise ratio of the telemetry link, the ground station can command real time data at a rate appropriate to the transmission conditions obtaining. Recorded data is always played back at a 64 to 1 increase in speed in order to take full advantage of the short time during which the satellite is in good "viewing" distance. To make the playback of data completely independent of the timing within the orbit, two tape recorders are provided. One of them records at any particular time and the other is ready to take over when for any reason the operation of the first is interrupted. A simple operation interrupt would occur when the first recorder came to the end of its tape. Under these circumstances, the second recorder would then proceed to record. Another interruption might be the demand from the ground that the tape recorder play back its recorded data. The following quotation from the operations plan document will indicate clearly the format used for the recorders (part of paragraph 4.3.1-4.2) : The OGO-A Observatory will carry two on-board magnetic tape recorders for storage of PCM data. The data will be stored at the rate of 1,000 bits per second and played back on command at 64,000 bits per second. The data is played back in reverse order from which it was recorded. Each of the two spacecraft recorders is capable of recording for a maximum of 12 hours. When one recorder has been filled, recording is automatically switched to the second recorder. When the spacecraft accepts a command to play back stored data, one of the following two sequences takes place depending on which recorder is in operation at that time: 1. If data is being recorded by the first recorder when the command is given to play back, recording will be switched to the second recorder while the first recorder is playing back. Upon completion of first recorder playback, recording will revert back to the first recorder and that data stored by the second recorder (during playback of the first recorder) will then be played back. ~. If data is being recorded by the second recorder when the command is given to play back, data will continue to be recorded by the second recorder while the entire first recorder is played back. Upon completion of firSt- 284 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING recorder playback recording will be switched to the first recorder and all data stored by the second recorder will be played back. The time required to complete a playback sequence depends on the amount of data stored. Playback of one completely filled recorder requires 11.25 minutes. Because the total period of this satellite is 63.85 hours, the 24-hour recording capability does not, of course, cover the entire orbit. It does not even cover the entire relatively distant part of the orbit. For example, 20 hours into the first orbit, which is about 12 hours before apogee, the spacecraft is 132,000 kilometers from the earth. At apogee it is 150,000 kilometers away at some time after 32 hours, and at 54 hours it appears from extrapolation on the subsatellite plot that it would be about 100,000 kilometers from the earth. It appears, therefore, that the recording scheme is not used necessarily to assure that the data will be dumped when the satellite is near the earth but rather to assure that the data will be received when the satellite, even though distant from the earth, is in clear view of any specific receiving station. The ground recorders for this satellite are used in a fairly typical manner during each of the several phases of the flight. The Goddard Space Flight Center Space Tracking and Data Acquisition Network (STADAN) records the data from the normal tracking part of the operation, that is, during the stable established orbit, on seven-channel Ampex FR-600 recorders. The tape recorder speeds will be 30 inches per second for a 64,000 bits per second bit rate, 3>3,4 inches per second for 8,000 bits per second and 33,4 inches per second for 1,000 bits per second. All seven channels of the recorder and its monitor voice track are used. The track assignments are quite typical of such an application. For example, in the ca.se of the wideband POM telemetry, track 1 and track 7 are considered to be relatively poor tracks because of the possibility of edge damage to the tape and the most important data are placed on tracks 3, 4, and 5. Track 1 records the receiver AGC's and a 10-kcps reference frequency. These signals are mUltiplexed by using the 10 kcps reference frequency direct and mixing it with FM telemetry subcarrier signals placed in IRIG channels 1, 3, 5, and 7, to cover the AGC's of the four receivers used in the double-diversity system. Track 2 takes the raw unconditional PCM data from the receiver outputs after it has been passed through one of the receiver-pair diversity combiners. It is recorded as a direct signal. Channel 3 is also recorded direct and consists primarily of conditioned PCM data which has passed through a signal conditioner. Track 4 carries the direct recording of the time standard system which involves decimal time of COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 285 day derived from the time standard generating system. Track 5 is also recorded direct and records the bit-rate clock which has been derived from the PCM synchronizer and signal conditioner. The purpose of recording the bit-rate clock is to permit quick reduction of the PCM data in the acquisition station if the local PCM synchronization is operating correctly. Since the raw, unconditioned PCM data is available in the record, a better synchronizing job may be done later on playback if the ground-station job is inadequate. Track 6 is an FM-recorded time-standard system which gives a serial decimal time code, a key input to any such tracking operation. Track 7, which is also recorded direct carnes the command signals that have been sent from the command transmitter to the satellite. Track 8, which is really the voice monitor track, carries a direct audio recording of the voice commentary and also contains the WWV reference time. The special-purpose telemetry transmitted in FM/PM form is recorded on an identical recorder somewhat differently implemented. On track 1, as before the receiver AGe's are modulated onto IRIG subcarriers and recorded directly. On track 2 there is a mixture of the binary time code from the time-standard system and the control track signal which is used to synchronize the playback of the recorder to the power system of the playback point. The control track signal is a 60 cps signal amplitude-modulated on an 18.24-kcps carrier. On track 3, the FM data output, direct from the diversity combiner, is direct recorded. On tracks 4 and 5 there are two separate 10 kcps reference signals recorded from the time-standard system. On track 6 the serial decimal time code is recorded via FM from the timestandard system. On track 7 the satellite commands are recorded direct, and on track 8, the monitor track again, the voice commentary and WWV time are recorded. A significant difference between the implementation of the two recorders is the absence of the control track signal from the PCM recorder. Since any time error can always be removed from a PCM signal by storing it in a buffer at an irregular rate containing time errors and clocking it out under an accurate time reference, the absolute speed of the playback recorder is not important. For the specialpurpose telemetry, where the signal is in FM/FM form it is important that the playback be synchronous with the original recording if the data is to be transmitted accurately and hence the control track is needed. It is also significant that it appears that the accuracy of the playback from a conventional recorder is good enough here that no flutter or wow compensation is considered to be necessary. It is further interesting to note that the tape speed, 'as of the time of producing the document from which this data is taken, for the special purpose 286 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING telemetry had not been decided, although it was assumed at that time that it would be 30 inches per second near perigee and 15 inches per gecond at all other times. An interesting compatibility problem is shown by the handling of the vehicle sensors from the Atlas and Agena vehicles. This data is to be recorded primarily by the Manned Space Flight network stations and is therefore recorded on their standard tape units which use not half-inch but one-inch tape. The one-inch machines are not used intensively in this application since many of the tracks are empty. The compatibility problem arises in that the data for both these vehicles will be reduced by the Lockheed Missiles and Space Company which has responsibility for the Agena data. 'Since Lockheed uses a halfinch standard data format, all data taken by the Manned Space Flight network on one-inch machines must be transferred to half-inch tape before Lockheed can deal with it. The track assignments for the one-inch machines are as follows: On track 1 the diroot video output from the 244.3 megacycle telemetry receiver is recorded. (This seems somewhat strange because an edge track is easily damaged.) On track 2 a voice monitor is recorded and on track 3 a 100 kcps reference signal which will be used later for FM flutter compensation. Tracks 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 are not used. Track 5 contains WWVH timing, and track 7 records the 244-mcps signal strength frequency modulated on a 10.5 kcps VCO, and the 244mcps video signal strength modulated on a 5.4 kcps VCO. Track 9 carries the direct video, described as a backup, but probably the primary track, since it is more protected from edge damage than track 1. Track 11 carries serial decimal time and track 13 carries a 50 kcps reference. When these data are transferred to a half-inch machine the track assignments are: Track 1 244.3-mcps video, track 2 voice, track 3 WWVH timing, track 4 the signal strength (AGC), track 5 the video backup, track 6 serial decimal time, and track 7, the 50 kcps reference. In specifications for the on-board recorder forming part of a complete data transmission system the problems, discussed in chapter 13, of providing a reliable enough unit within the space, weight and power limitations of satellite use must be considered. The performance of the on-board recorder must, in the interest of system efficiency, be limited as far as possible. Therefore a study of the tradeoff between limitation of the performance level required of the on-board recorder and the possible complexity this limitation adds to ground recording and data reduction must be performed. COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 287 The state of the flight recorder art can be expected to be inadequate to provide completely the performance required from the on-board recorder if the precision of that unit were to determine the overall system precision. It is naturally not possible to abandon an entire line of research because at first glance the on-board recorder appears to require techniques beyond the state of the art. It is, however, possible so to design the complete data transmission system that the limitations of the on-board recorder are formally integrated into the system and the data redudion technique provides automatically for correction of initial recorder deficiencies. A complete recording and data recovery system can then be devised which permits an overall accuracy higher than that delivered by the original recorder itself. Before deciding that the state of the art is inadequate to provide satisfactory on-board recorder performance it is necessary to examine the state of that art very carefully. Many ingenious recording modes and permutations of standard coding systems have been used to avoid the on-board recorder limitations directly. The simple compensation techniques used, for example, in FM flutter compensation in the ground-based recorder can be extended to the flight unit. The reference tone can be transmitted to the flight unit at the same time that the data is transmitted and reproduced from the flight unit at the same time that the data. is reproduced. Without the system being concerned with where the flutter originates, a conventional flutter-compensation operation performed on the data reproduced from the ground recorder will remove most of the flight-recorder flutter at the same time. The decision in the case cited to use FM recording might, of course, involve initially a careful consideration of whether the increased bandwidth of the FM system was worth the overall data improvement that the complex double-FM transmission system involved. In the same way, the decision to use PCM recording for on-board data always involves an acceptance of the greatly increased bandwidth that PCM requires over direct recording. As accuracies required have increased, the decision to accept the bandwidth problems of PCM is apparently being accepted more freely by system designers. After selecting the flight recorder recording mode with care, the quality of the data played back using routine compensation techniques or using redundant coding to increase accuracy may still be too low to provide adequate overall system performance. Complex compensation can then be considered. By complex compensation is meant an approach in which the entire data transmission system is designed 288 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING specifically to provide compensation for a fully expected and engineered-in limitation of the on-board recorder. A classic example of this sort of compensation is used in recording the data from the Nimbus AVCS (Advanced Video Camera System). Whereas for the earlier Tiros weather picture satellite with its relatively low 300-line-per-picture video resolution, adequate pictures could be reproduced from the on-board recorder without compensation for its flutter, this is no longer possible with the 800-line-per-picture images produced by Nimbus. In order to deal ~ith such highresolution pictures when the satellite recorder has typical on-board recorder flutter, a compensating system peculiar to the signal involved has been devised. When the satellite is interrogated and the signal is telemetered to the ground station, a reference tone is transmitted along with the video signal. This reference tone is recorded at the same time as the video signal and is played back by the satellite recorder simultaneously with it. It therefore has the same time irreglarities as the video signal. Either at the time of reception by the ground station or after reproduction from a high-performance ground recorder system, the reference tone is passed through a discriminator. The instantaneous amplitude of the signal recovered from the discriminator is proportional (in a conventional discriminator) to the instantaneous flutter in the satellite recorder. That is, its instantaneous value is proportional to the instantaneous fractional speed error in the recorder. The signal is then integrated, producing now a signal proportional to the instantaneous displacement of the point on the tape being reproduced from the position it would have if the tape motion were perfectly regular. Since this is a scanning system which produces television pictures by "painting" them onto a monitor screen, the disturbance produced by the existence of flutter will be the displacement of picture elements from their proper positions when they are laid down at a uniform rate by the scanning beam. The reference signal, which is now proportional to time displacement along the tape, is also proportional to time displacement along the scanned picture line. The derived reference signal is therefore used to add a corrective displacement to the uniform sweep of the cathode ray tube beam which is "painting" the television picture in such a way as to restore the picture elements to their proper positions. The brightness of the scanning beam is dependent both on its current/voltage product and its velocity; the disturbance of the uniform movement of the scanning beam should normally produce irregularities in brightness. However, in this case, the bright- COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 289 ness variation, which is proportional to the rate of change in the displacement and hence to the flutter, appears to be unimportant. Displacement of the picture element is apparently a severe enough fault that, when it is corrected by the means described, the residual brightness errors appear invisible. NIMBUS The Nimbus weather satellite data handling system is one of the most complex applications of magnetic recording to satellite data. Essentially all data from the satellite is returned to the ground from on-board recorders and the precision required of the data is such that compensation for on-board recorder irregularities must be provided. One of the Nimbus recorders is also unusual in that the record and playback speed are the same, although the recorder is actually used to "dump" the data in a fraction of the orbit time. The television cameras in Nimbus have a large angular coverage toward the earth. If Nimbus has taken a picture of one part of the earth, about two minutes elapse before it has reached such a position that the desired overlap between the current picture and one just taken occurs. The angle of coverage and overlap are such that Nimbus need only take about 33 pictures per orbit. Eight seconds are required to scan a single Nimbus picture off the sensitive surface of the vidicon. Actual recording during an entire orbit therefore lasts only a little over 4 minutes. This 4 minutes of recording is then played back for a ground station at exactly the same rate at which it was recorded, in effect a dumping operation, although carried out at the recording speed. There are many similarities between the video systems of the Nimbus and the earlier Tiros. Tiros produced pictures with an equivalent horizontal and vertical resolution of about 300 television lines whereas Nimbus has a resolution capability of 800 lines in both directions. It was permissible to playback the Tiros television signal from the onboard recorder and place it directly on the cathode ray tube monitor on the ground for photographic recording without compensating for deficiencies in the on-board recorder. However, the higher resolution of Nimbus showed up the flutter and wow of the on-board recorder as unacceptable errors in geometry of the reproduced picture. Compensation for the on-board spacecraft irregularities was therefore provided, as discussed in the preceding section. The Nimbus system includes not only the so-called AVCS or Advanced Vidicon Camera System for daytime pictures of the earth but 290 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING also the so-called HRIR or High Resolution Infrared monitoring system. The HRIR system is in effect a crude mechanically scanned television system operating in the infrared and thus permitting pictures to be obtained at night when starlight would not be adequate to produce pictures in visible light. Along with this double imaging system the satellite transmits data from several other on-board sensors besides the image forming ones and must send extremely accurate attitude and position determining data. The attitude and position data is necessary so that the precise relationship between the pictures taken and the position of the satellite over the earth can be established so that properly-integrated continuous picture coverage can be obtained. In order to use the pictures most. effectively, a grid system indicating latitude and longitude lines, is generated in a computer on the ground and applied to the final images produced so that the weather pictures are accurately referenced to the earth. The satellite therefore has a recorder for the video system, a recorder for the HRIR system and a recorder for the PCM, attitude and other satellite on-board data. The operation of these systems is best understood by the following quotation from the Nimbus Data Handling System (NDHS) Manual (X650-64--189, paragraph 3.2) : Typical Data Handling Sequence A typical sequence of data handling operations at the NDHS during and immediately following a normal 8-minute station pass is described below. Since a high degree of flexibility' is inherent in the NDHS data processing system, the sequence of operations indicated are representative rather than absolute. After spacecraft acquisition, ground and spacecraft time correlation is performed by the Command Console Operator. Then, the spacecraft is commanded to transmit "A" stored data, a direct A VCS picture, and stored HRIR data. The following PCM data sequence occurs: "A" stored raw data are received and recorded at the station over approximately a 4-minute interval; during this interval the Computer Subsystem calibrates and records attitude data and selected parameters required for meteorological data processing (metro parameters). Following the 4-minute playback, the Computer Subsystem provides a synopsis listing of computer-recommended command instructions and mode status, based on an analysis of "A" stored data. During the time remaining to the end of the station pass, selected. "A" real time parameters are received, calibrated, COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 291 and printed out. This provides data for a near real time evaluation of the effect on the spacecraft of commands transmitted during the current pass. The "B" telemeter is considered a backup data source and "B" real time data would be received when it is not possible to receive" A" data. Concurrent with PCM data sequence described above, the following meteorological data sequence occurs: The direct AVCS picture is received during the first 3 minutes of a station pass which occurs during earth day, thereby providing picture data for assessment of A VCS performance in real time. Following the direct picture period, the spacecraft is commanded to transmit stored A VCS data, which are then received and recorded over approximately a 4-minute interval. During this period, time points are stripped off and stored in the Computer Subsystem approximately every 8 seconds. Meanwhile, the computer uses part of each 8-second interval to calculate time/position points. The remaining free time of the Computer Subsystem is used to smooth the attitude data and write a tape containing calibrated metro data and smoothed attitude information. The smoothed attitude and metro data tape is rewound. At the GILMOR NDHS the attitude and metro data tape is then transmitted to the Goddard NDHS via the wideband data link. The smoothed attitude data are also retained in the computer core storage for calculation of time/attitude points at the end of the A VCS reception period. Continuing with a consideration of the meteorological data sequence, reception of HRIR data also starts at the time of spacecraft acquisition and continues for about 7 minutes. When reception :i3 complete, the following events occur: The A VCS-HRIR Mincom recorders A and B are rewound and HRIR gridding begins using Mincom A for data playback. At the G ILMOR NDHS the tp"idded HRIR data are transmitted to the Goddard NDHS VIa the wideband data link. The transmission of the data is simultaneous with the gridding process and is completed approximately 17 minutes after the start of spacecraft interrogatIon. During HRIR gridding, Mincom B is played back for the computation of A VCS horizontal and vertIcal sync Qffsets. As soon as the HRIR gridding and offset synchronization activities are completed, AVeS gridding is started. It requires approximately 32 minutes. Transmission of the gridded triplets from the GILMOR NDHS to the Goddard NDHS is automatic and simultaneous with gridding. At the GILMOR NDHS, the transmission of the gridded A VCS data begins immediately' after transmission of the PCM Engineering Units Tape descrIbed below. 292 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING The off-line processing sequence is less fixed and will depend upon the requirements established by the NTCC for the particular station pass. Typical off-line processing would be performed as follows: Off-line processing of PCM "A" stored data can begin at. the end of the acquisition period, starting with the reduction of the entire "A" stored record to engineering units. Simultaneously, a sync summary is printed out to prOVIde a complete hiStory of interrupt words, mode changes and bad frames, sub frames or words. The Engineering Units tape produced at the GILMOR NDHS is transmitted to the Goddard NDHS for further analysis. The spacecraft status (electrical energy balance and nitrogen status) is completed and the results printed out. These data are also punched on paper tape for transmission to the NTCC when this processing is performed at the GILMOR NDHS. Selected items are limit-checked (Limit Summary Module), function listed (Data Listing Module) and subjected to the averages and extremes routine (Average and Extreme Module). These results are printed out and made available to the NTCC. The seqhence of operations described for this typical case requires a station pass of 8 or more minutes. It should be noted, however, that a pass time of little more than 6 minutes would suffice for all but the 3 minutes of the HRIR data. A pass time of little more than 4 minutes would allow the reception of the "A" stored record and most of the stored A VCS data (assuming no direct picture). Pass time in excess of 8 minutes, of course, would allow reception of additional real time data. A common variation of the above sequence will be the interrogation of "A" real time data prior to the receipt of "A" stored data. The alteration of the sequence in which PCM data are acquired from the spacecraft poses no data handling problems since the telemetry computer program can automatically recognize the type of data ("A" stored, "A" real time or "B" real time) being input and will automatically initiate the appropriate data processing subroutines. CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING FACILITY NASA Technical Note D-1320 describes in detail "A Central Facility for Recording and Processing Transient Type Data." This facility was constructed at Lewis Research Center to accomplish the objectives which are set forth in this edited quotation from the introduction to the technical note referred to: In 1954 a central automatic data processing system was placed in operation at the Lewis Research Center. This system met COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 293 all design objectives and is still in operation; however, it is only useful for processing steady-state-type data. Since that time, advances in the state of the electronic art have made it possible to build a data system capable of recording and automatically processing transient-type data. Increasing quantities of such data are recorded at thIS center as a result of experiments such as vibration testing, heat-transfer experiments, and rocket testing. The data system described in this report came as a natural outgrowth of the need for an improved means of processing transient-type data and the proven usefulness of a central automatic data processing system. This system makes possible the analysis of data by mathematical techniques that would be too time-oonsuming if done manually, and gives results of much greater accuracy than could be attained by older methods of processi~. Recordmg is done by two types of equipment, which may be classified as analog and digital. These two recording systems are independent and complement each other. The analog system has the advantage of high-frequency response, while the digital system gives greater accuracy but with lower frequency response characteristics. This facility was installed, of course, to fulfill the data processing requirements of the Lewis Center as a research operation. The particular choice of equipment and data reduction techniques was related directly to this function of the Lewis Center. However, almost every function that is performed in this facility is directly related to a function which is now performed in data reduction from essentially every NASA or military flight or research program. Certain aspects of the techniques involved are specialized to the Lewis Center needs of transmitting data over long distances within the Center and concern the problems of long telephone cables. Other parts of the operation are essentially identical with those that would be performed for flight data originating from a boost vehicle, a satellite, or some reentry test vehicle. In a typical flight program there is a certain amount of local use at the data acquisition station of raw, unreduced data. This function is very similar to the quick-look facility which is described in the Lewis operation. Whereas at Lewis the data is recorded at the time of the test and the tape is immediately available, for most flight operations the data is recorded fairly remotely from the central management of the flight. Either tapes must be transmitted to a data reduction facility, or the data itself may be transmitted by land lines. In some cases, immediately after acquisition, crucial data is played back at reduced speed to fit the transmission bandwidth of the land lines available and thus transmitted to interested parties hundreds of miles away. 294 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING The following description of the Lewis installation is derived directly from the material of the technical note, and is not intended to be an exhaustive review since the best source of that is the technical note itself. Digital System The digital recording system has 128 input channels. The voltage resolution is 0.1 percent of full scale which results in an overall system accuracy of 0.25 percent of full scale. It operates at a sampling rate of 4,000 samples per second. This sampling rate is limited by the analog-to-digital converter available and may be distributed among channels as desired. For example, if there are 12 channels of data being sampled, the sampling rate for the individual channel would be 333 times per second. The operation of this digital system is carefully designed around minimizing the amount of complex and expensive equipment needed. This system, therefore, has as few analog-to-digital converters as possible, in this case, only one. By multiplexing, it is possible to use this single converter with great efficiency. In more complex systems several converters may be used with even more complex multiplexing systems. The multiplexing performed for this data recording system consists in switching in a systematic way between the selected ones of the 128 input channels to connect these to from 1 to 8 output channels. For example, the multiplexing scheme might be for channels 1 through 16 to be sampled in rotation and the samples connected to output channell, at the same time input channels 17 through 32 would be likewise treated and the output sent to output channel 2, and so forth. In this way 128 input signals are made available 8 at a time to the recording system. In this particular unit, the switching is accomplished with oil-damped sealed reed switches which are switched by magnets which rotate past the array of switches arranged in drum form. The eight output channels of this multiplexer are fed to "analog storage units." These storage units, in effect, open a switch for a short period of time and arrange for an internal capacitor to store charge to produce a voltage equal to the instantaneous value of the input signal at the time of switch opening and then to close the switch and hold the charge on the capacitor. This is in effect a "sample and hold" circuit. In order, then, these eight samples are interrogated by the analogto-digital converter. The converter used in this particular system employs successive approximation to provide a complete conversion in 22 microseconds with an ll-binary-bit output. The unit is operated at two different speeds, either 1,000 or 4,000 conversions per second depending on the recording mode. OOMPLETE REOORDING SYSTEMS 295 The output of the analog-to-digital converter is recorded on tape and is sent at the same time to various "quick look" facilities. In the quick-look facility provision is made for examining the data after it has passed through all stages of the reduction process except recording and reproduction. The digital information is presented on numerical displays and is also reconverted to analog form for this purpose by plotting on an x-y recorder or put into other visual presentation form (storage oscilloscope, etc.) for examination by the operator. The recording operation is performed on 8 parallel tracks in a digital "tape handler." The data word consists of the 10 data digits plus the polarity digit produced by the ll-bit converter plus 7 other bits which identify the individual data word. In other words, each successive data number as converted by the analog-to-digital converter is identified serially in recording. The 8th track serves to keep a complete running record of the data on a larger scale. In addition to the individual data reading identification provided by the 7 word bits, the so-called "ancillary coding" on track 8 further indexes the data as to block number, test number and facility (of origin) number. For the complete index identification, the ancillary code requires some 96 frames. The terms "word," "frame," and "block" will be identified as they are used here to avoid confusion. A data "frame" is the series of 8 bits or pulses which are laid across the 8 tracks in the digital recorder and a word is made up of 3 such frames. On tracks 1 through 7 there are word number identification bits 1 through 6 and a parity bit. The 8th track for this frame carries an ancillary coding bit. Frame 2 contains the 7th word bit and the polarity bit and bits 1 through 4 of the binary number which constitutes the date, followed by an additional parity bit and ancillary coding on track 8. In this ca...-.e bit 1 is the most significant and bit 10 the least significant. of the data bits. Data frame 3 contains data bits 5 through 10 and an additional parity bit as well as the ancillary coding data. The parity bits here are, as usual, placed in the 7th position to guarantee that the 7 bits in a row always contain an odd number of ones. If t.he data information has an even number of ones, t.he parity bit is made unity and if the data bits have an odd number of ones the parity bit is made zero. The ancillary coding actually does not. fit frame by frame but. is transmitted at every other frame and really does not enter into the frame proper. A "block" is a group of 32, 64, or 128 data words. The blocks of data are numbered in sequence, starting with 1 from t.he beginning of the reel of magnetic tape; t.he block number essentially indicates reel data time and is useful for editing the data later. A "reading" which is a special term used in this particu781H)28~20 296 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING lar data reduction system, consists of any number of blocks of data needed to record a data event from one facility. Thus a reading is bounded at the beginning by the start of the recording from a facility and at the end by the stopping of the record equipment after the data event. The ancillary coding track contains the following information in order: (Every other frame is used, that is, there is no recording in odd-numbered but only in even-numbered frames and up to 96 frames are needed to contain the complete unit of ancillary data.) First, a block start indication, the one piece of data that is recorded in both even and odd frames (1 and 2). It is followed by the block number in binary number form, the reading number in the same form, an identification of the facility number in the same form, and finally, an identification of the computer program which is to be used in later reduction of the data. The ancillary code concludes with a single index bit in frame 94 (always a one) which notes the end of the code. This kind of ancillary coding is universal in data acquisition because it is always essential to identify each piece of information with its exact time of occurrence and the corresponding physical event. Reference is made in describing the satellite data acquisition techniques to such items as "'VVYV reference time" and "binary-coded-decimal real time"; these data perform essentially the same task as does the ancillary coding described here. Data editing takes place, once the recordings have been made, in order to identify important or erroneous parts of the data. Various display systems are designed for displaying in numerical or graphical form the various pieces of data and their location for an operator who scans through the recorded data. The ancillary coding is essential to locating this data within the mass recorded on a single tape. In the editing process, data of interest is selected and all errors are identified eitJler by the operator or automatically by the equipment. Such errors might be incorrect frame identification, a loss of consecutive order in blocks or the like. When the data is to be transferred to a computer for reduction, the same error identification is automatically performed, and information on the errors is transmitted simultaneously to the eomputer along with the data from the tape. The individual interested in the results of this recording and data reduction can, in the editing process, select the items of particular interest to him and can decide exactly what is to be done with the data and so indicate by establishing a specialized computer program. ·When he has completed his selection, the data reduction process is then automatic and the tape may either be played over telephone lines to the computer or may be physically transported to a digital tape playback unit at the computer. COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 297 Analog System In the analog data reduction and acquisition process in this facility the methods of data identificat.ion are quite similar to those of the digital facility. A 14-track analog tape recorder is used, 12 tracks being assIgned to parallel recording of 12 sets of data and 2 tracks being used for identification and playback system control. Every 50 milliseconds a marker signal is :placed on one of the control tracks; a binary block number, identIfying serially each individual 50-millisecond interYaI from the start of the recording, is placed on the same track between these markers (a "block" has now become a 50-millisecond interval). FM recording with a bandwidth of 0 to 10 kcps is used for the analog system. With this wide frequency response, analog data recording is used for high-frequency analysis; it may be accompanied by simultaneous digital data-taking if several aspects of a single experiment are to be analyzed. Because the analog system is subject to drift of gain and zero, careful calibration procedures are followed. Seven "zones" occur in sequence on the tape after the start of the record. Zone one carries the record number on one of the control channels (this is a 4-digit binary-coded-decimal number, the first two digits of which identify the facility of origin and the last two the reading number) ; this zone lasts for 2 seconds. Zone two is the zero-calibrate zone; for 3 seconds the transducers from which data are to be recorded are set to zero and the corresponding FM frequency recorded on the tape. Zone three carries a 3-second full-scale calibrating signal corresponding to the zero-calibration of zone two. Zone four is called the "pre-data" or "non-usable-data" zone and lasts from 150 milliseconds to 2 seconds, during which, automatically or manually, the normal operation of the transducers is reestablished. After t.his pre-data zone has passed, zone five or the "usable data" zone then occurs to the end of the test. The end of t.he test data zone is established by the sending of a "stop" command from the test facility. A l%-second zerocalibrate signal followed by another 1%-second full-scale-calibrate signal is automatically recorded on the tape. The zones are identified by signals on the control channels as well as by block and reading numbers. The output of the analog tracks can be analyzed either by an analog or a digital computer. For the analog computer, the functions of compensating for drift of gain and zero during the experiment as well as for wow and flutter may be required. The same search functions as in the digital system are necessury for editing and for informing the computers as to their data reduction duties. Facilities are provided for looking at the results of the records either in graphical or numerical form, and automatic search is provided. 298 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING The analog data may be played back at the speed at which it was recorded or at one-half, one-quarter, one-sixteenth, or onethirty-second of normal recording speed. These slower playback speeds are required because the analog computer is seldom able to handle the full bandwidth of the actual experimental data. Slow speeds are also required because for precision data analysis, the data may be digitized and analyzed by the digital computer. The digitizing process is, of course, limited in speed to the capability of the analog-to-digital converter. This brief description of the particular facility installed at the Lewis Research Center parallels closely what might be said for the somewhat more elaborate data reduction facility at Langley Research Center and in many other government and industrial installat.ions. Likewise the data reduction processes involved in handling data from satellit.e and space probe experiments is parallel to, although obviously not identical with, the techniques used at Lewis. Multiplexing, for example, is performed onboard the vehicle for most flight experiments. Elaborate identification is not possible on the vehicle; identification is usually supplied in the ground data acquisition system. Timing data and signals derived on the ground for synchronizing the later demultiplexing operation are usually provided at the time of ground acquisition. Quick-look facilities are also provided at the data acquisition point to indicate whether, in fact, the experiment from the flight vehicle is proceeding properly and to decide if it is not, what if anything can be done about this. For example, in the special-purpose telemetry on board the IMP satellite, certain data about low-frequency radio transmission are transmitted continuously to the ground. The experimenter in this case happens to have access to a large (150-foot diameter) receiving antenna and installation and can listen directly to his dat.a as it is received from the satellite. Without requiring transmission of data to him from an acquisition facility within the NASA complex, the experimenter can determine that certain commands should be sent to the satellite to modify its operation to extend the utility of the experiment. This is a rather special kind of "quick-look" ability! Typically, the data output from almost all data acquisition plants in the NASA complex except the self-sufficient ones such as those at Lewis and Langley is eventually copied and transmitted to experimenters in various parts of the United States who will use the data in different ways. The functions indicated from this brief description of the Lewis Center are, however, essentially those which will be used by the various experimenters. For example, vibration data from the COMPLETE RECORDING SYSTEMS 299 launch vehicle of the Agena is transmitted to Lockheed, the contractor for the vehicle. (This is referred to above in connection with the OGO-A satellite.) Lockheed engineers will look at the actual vibration data on oscilloscopes or on oscillograph charts and may then perform either analog or digital spectrum analysis of this vibration. Whatever the nature of the data from a satellite or space experiment, it receives the same general sort of handling for each user. The Lewis data handling facility is therefore a representative "microcosm" of the world of data reduction. Page intentionally left blank Page intentionally left blank CHAPTER 15 Utilization Factors in Magnetic Recording Ten chapters of this survey, following the introduction, were concerned with the nature and performance of elements of magnetic recorders. Chapter 13 discussed methods of testing and evaluating recorders. Chapter 13 surveyed the' special requirements of miniature high-environment recorders and some of the ways in which these requirements are met. In chapter 14 attention was shifted to the use of the recorder in a complete system and to an almost philosophical discussion of what the task of the recorder is within such a system. What now are the utilization factors with which we should be concerned~ The external performance specifications of the magnetic recorder have been continuously improved since its first use for technical data recording. The bandwidth of the recorder has been widened, the signal-to-noise ratio has been improved and the flutter and distortion have been reduced. At the same time, the effectiveness with which the magnetic recording medium is utilized has increased. The longit.udinal density of recording, for example, has increased from 500 cycles per inch for the original hi-fidelity broadcast audio recorders operating at 30 inches per second to 8 kilocycles per inch for home audio use, and 12,500 cycles per inch routinely for data recorders----now 17,000 cycles per inch is in the offing. Some increase in lateral packing density has also been made but not all in the same order of magnitude. These individual increases have resulted in an overall increase in the amount of data recorded per square inch of medium. For this recording density to increase, both the medium and the methods of using it had to be improved. Controlled very narrow gaps, improved head finishes, and, most important, increases in uniformity and surface smoothness of magnetic tape, have all contributed to the improved density. It is tempting to try to establish a criterion for individual recorder 301 302 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING performance on the basis of achieved recording density. With care, this can be done, but the value of the criterion is limited. It has been suggested that one might set a criterion for recorder packing densities on the basis of the classic Shannon information theoretical measurement of channel capacities (Shannon [1948]). The Shannon channel capacity statement is so beautifully simple that it is often misinterpreted; the misinterpretation is particularly easy in the case of magnetic recording. Recording density will be briefly analyzed here using a "conservative" approach to the Shannon criterion: 0= Wlog2 (S+N) N This classic Shannon formulas states only that, for a communication channel with a bandwidth in cycles per second of W, with an average signal power of S, and a "white" noise power of N, the capacity in bits per second is W times the logarithm to the base 2 of signal plus noise power over noise power (and this is the important part) fo1' an optimum coding method. The Shannon channel capacity is the capacity for optimum coding but not necessary for any less than optimum coding. The optimum method of coding is definitely not implied or included in the formula. If we take the full width of a strip of magnetic tape and consider that this is a communication channel, the coding process for this channel will include the decision as to how many tracks the tape shall be divided into, what the spacing between tracks shall, be and the particular mode of recording to be used on the individual track. One might try to evaluate the performance of a particular code choice by comparing the total information per linear inch of tape with that for optimum coding or for ultimate channel capacity. Unfortunately, this cannot be done because, although the calculation can be performed for the individual tracks, no such calculation can be performed for the tape as a whole. There is no meaning to the term signal-to-noise ratio or bandwidth for a one inch strip of tape until the decision has been made, for example, to use a one-inch wide record/reproduce head combination with it or to divide it into 20 separate tracks of a given width. The Shannon criterion, therefore, cannot directly be used with magnetic tape to compare any recording mode choice with the ultimate capacity of the tape. The Shannon criterion is useful, however, in another sense. Slightly restated, the Shannon channel capacity formula gives the capacity in digital terms, i.e., in binary bits per second, of an analog channel of a given bandwidth and signal-to-noise ration. The Shannon criterion, therefore, can be used, not as a statement of the ultimate UTILIZATION FACTORS 303 but as a statement of analog capacity in digital terms. Having stated capacity in this way for an individual track as a specific channel, one can then obtain overall performance figures for a given width of tape containing several tracks. This overall performance figure is a measure of the effective storage density on the tape. This conversion to digital form permits comparing analog and digital coding choices on the basis of total information capacity. An indirect method is also available for deriving a figure of merit for the effectiveness with which a given coding choice, particularly an analog one, is used in a given recorder. If, following Eldridge (Eldridge [1963a]), one determines for a given tape and head combination the width of the track which will give unity signal-to-noise ration, this track width can be used as a criterion of recorder performance. One can, for example, measure with care the signal-tonoise ratio and bandwidth capabilities of a practical narrow track on a piece of tape. In performing this measurement, the tape and the rest of the parameters of the record/reproduce unit can be specified. Then, using the theoretical relationship that for a given longitudinal recording density, the power signal-to-noise ratio is proportional to track width, the figure which Eldridge experimentally verified, one can derive the track width for unity signal-to-noise ratio. This Wo as Eldridge calls it, is the smaller the more effectively the tape is used. If, for example Wo is smaller in one case than in another, the track width necessary for a given higher t/w,n unity 8ignal-to-noi~e ratio will also be less for the first than for the second case. It, therefore, will be possible to pack more information on a given width of the tape in the first case than in the second. One could postulate a situation requiring no mechanical guardbands between tracks and placing as many tracks of width W 0 across the tape as possible. One could then derive the individual track channel capacity for zero signal-to-noise ratio in this case and multiply by the number of tracks, thereby obtaining a figure for total information recorded on the width of the tape. Although not a true statement of Shannon's criterion for an ideal channel, this is a useful figure for comparing recorder performance. This ultimate capacity is not a practical number, since guardbands are necessary and a zero signal-tonoise ratio system is not useful for most applications. However, the calculation provides a means for comparing recorder performance where two recorders may be coded and operated in completely different ways. It would otherwise be difficult to calculate, under these circumstances, whether one was really doing a better job than the other. Such a determination is useful in deciding which way to direct the development of a high performance recorder system when several means of coding are available and a choice between them is difficult. 304 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING The preceding discussion referred to the problem of specifying analog system capability in digital terms. The discussion implied that so specifying analog capability is useful because it gives a coherent basis for a performance comparison between digital and analog systems for accomplishing the same thing. This comparison can be made, however, only for the recorder itself and not for the overall system. Given an analog signal which must be recorded, the user's criterion is "How much tape must be used to record the desired signals with the desired characteristics?" If the signal is to be recorded directly in analog form, the calculation of tape utilization is very straightforward. To record the same signal in digital form, all the criteria and design parameters involved in analog-to-digital conversion as well as the accompanying limitations of sampled data systems must be considered. The Nyquist criterion that slightly more than two samples per cycle can transmit. completely the information contained in an analog signal is sometimes used in calculating the conversion efficiency. Users of sampled data systems, most of them admittedly working at very slow data rates (in the order of a few cycles per second) , find this too optimistic a calculation by far (Edwards [1964]). Ten, twenty, and even thirty samples per cycle are often used when attempting to collect data in this form (chapter 4). The primary difficulty arises here because the bandwidth of the system is seldom under complete control. In other words, in much data collection, certain useful slowly varying data must be extracted from a very noisy band containing disturbances of frequencies much higher than the highest in the data of interest. If one samples at just slightly more than two samples per cycle of the useful data, one also samples the unwanted data at the same time and the phenomenon of "aliasing" or "frequency folding" results in the desired data being distorted by the presence of undesired data of higher frequency (Susskind [1957]). The data can be filtered before sampling to eliminate these higher disturbing frequencies. In so doing, one must be careful not to change the amplitude of the desired data, i.e., the filter must have extremely uniform amplitude and phase response in the useful pass band. A filter designed to have this conservative inband characteristic will not attenuate out-of-band disturbances very rapidly. To obtain a particular accuracy of the sampled data in the most conservative way, the filter must attenuate signals at any frequency where aliasing or frequency folding can take place. The potentially disturbing signal at this frequency must be attenuated to below the accuracy percentage desired. In practice, this means that the two samples per second criterion must be applied, not to the upper useful UTILIZATION FACTORS 305 frequency, but to the highest frequency· 01 possible disturbing signal which UJ not attenuated below the desired accuracy percentage. A simple example may illustrata this: To obtain data samples with an accuracy of one percent, undesired signals must be attenuated by 100 to 1 or 40 db. With an 18 db per octave presampling filter of essentially flat response up to the upper useful frequency,40 db attenuation would be reached at a frequency 6 to 8 times that of the upper useful one. This means that the two samples per cycle criterion must be based on, say, 8 times the upper useful frequency or 16 samples per cycle of the useful frequency. For higher accuracies the situation is correspondingly more severe. The problem in the tape recorder may actually not be this bad because external physical influences may reduce the amplitude of undesired signals of frequency higher than the upper useful band. How much this amplitude is reduced, however, is not usually known, and it is therefore almost impossible to make a general specification of what the sampling characteristics should be for an analog-to-digital conversion system. Since these conditions cannot be specified, it is essentially impossible to compare an analog-to-digital conversion followed by digital recording with direct analog recording as a method of coding for magnetic recording. Although, as Eldridge shows, narrow track digital recording is by far the most effective way to use magnetic tape, this advantage may have little significance in the practical case. There are, however, circumstances under which this process of conversion to digital and recording on narrow tracks may be extremely useful. The use of digital recording as the ultimate standard of efficiency is, however, an oversimplification. The factors derived from the discussion above should be brought into any analysis of tape recorder utilization. Page intentionally left blank Page intentionally left blank APPENDIX Review of General References Since this survey was not designed to be a definitive text on magnetic recording, it is appropriate to include here capsule reviews of the major textbooks to which reference has been made. These capsule reviews are intended to direct the inquiring worker toward the source most useful to him for solution of particular problems. By characterizing the emphasis and point of view of each of the works as a. whole, these reviews may help a newcomer to the field decide which ones might well become part of his technical library. The reviews represent the personal opinions of the author. The most recent work is "Magnetic Tape Recording" by H. G. M. Spratt (Spratt [1964]) now in its second edition. Mr. Spratt is an Englishman and almost all the illustrations and equipment references in his book are to English or Continental equipment. The Spratt book stresses both the characteristics and the manufacture of magnetic tape and concentrates on magnetic recorders used for sound. The emphasis on sound and audio phenomena is somewhat disconcerting, but does not disguise the excellence of the fundamental approach to magnetic recording problems. For example, Spratt paraphrases four different explanations of the action of high-frequency bias in linearizing analog recording. Spratt has extracted from the applicable current literature most of the recent descriptions and analyses of the fundamental processes of magnetic recording. The sections on tape manufacturing, tape materials, and tape testing are rel~tively complete and contain information not found elsewhere. The sections on the principles of sound reproduction and electroacoustics fall beyond the scope of this survey as do the descriptions of audio tape recorders. Spratt does not refer dirootly to pulse recording or to the use of recording in connection with computers, but he does include excellent references to dropout problems. The Spratt book, although specialized, can be recommended to a newcomer on the basis that its author is very careful to include as 307 308 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING many aspects of magnetic recording as possible and to take no controversial position on issues which have not been resolved. Although its emphasis misses the area of interest in this survey, it is actually as broad as any text in English which attempts to deal in detail with the major parts of magnetic recording. For a detailed discussion of the magnetics and the relationship between head and tape in pulse recording, "Digital Magnetic Recording," a recent book by A. S. Hoagland of IBM, can be recommended (Hoagland [1963]). This book summarizes the current understanding of the relationships most important in magnetic pulse recording and is remarkably free of any commercial biases. It, however, does not consider any of the mechanism of drum, disk or tape recording and has little to say about dropouts. It is particularly useful in giving numerical approximations to field distributions around the magnetic heads in terms that can be used to analyze head-tape system performance. The title, "Physics of Magnetic Recording," of a new text by C. D. Mee (Mee [1964]), also now of IBM, although accurate, is somewhat misleading. Mee considers every aspect of the head, the tape and the interaction between the two in considerable detail. There probably are more accurate references here to the important work currently going on in increasing the understanding of the fundamentals of magnetic recording than in any other text. The bibliography is particularly useful, being relatively brief but clearly critical, in that the author appears to have read and analyzed each reference and to have decided on specific criteria to include it. I will confess to a prejudice against the "bubble" mechanism which is promulgated by Mr. Mee as an aid to the understanding of the action of ac bias, but other workers in the field may not suffer from this prejudice. The bubble theory, it should be pointed out, is not advanced as an explanation but simply as a study or calculation aid by Mr. Mee. This text is the second in a series of monographs on selected topics in solid state physics edited by E. P. Wohlfarth. It is easily missed in a technical library or book store because it seems to be classified under Solid State Physics and to be alphabetized under W for Wohlfarth. This isolation is not appropriate to the really basic utility of this text. An earlier book which covers most of the areas of magnetic recording of interest to NASA is "Magnetic Tape Instrumentation" by Gomer L. Davies (Davies [1961]). This text covers the state of the entire field of magnetic tape instrumentation in approximately 1960. It includes more discussion of magnetic recording mechanisms of the instrumentation type than any other reference in English. However, APPENDIX 309 because it covers a very wide range and is a relatively short book, the coverage is not very deep for anyone subject. It is to be recommended for a rather complete study of data irregularities resulting from flutter and of criteria for flutter performance in instrumentation recorders. "Magnetic Recording Techniques" by \V. Earl Stewart (Stewart [1958]) appeared in 1958 and is another relatively short book on magnetic recording with an emphasis on audio recording. Three-eighths of the book is devoted to appendices on magnetic recording standards of audio, some definitions of magnetic quantities, a magnetic and sound recording glossary, and the text of four papers written by others. These appendices are of mixed utility at the present time because the standards are obsolete as is some of the technical work quoted in the light of current understanding of the magnetic recording process. Most of the material dates from 1953 but it does represent the best work that was available at that time. In addition to these five English texts, each of which covers all of magnetic recording to some extent, there are a number of more specific works directed to the user of specific devices such as, for example, the video tape recorder for broadcast use. I do not believe these texts are useful for an introduction to any subject except that for which each is specifically written. The five general works are therefore recommended to the newcomer. There is a sixth work on magnetic recording on which some comment should be made. It is "Technik Der Magnetspeicher" edited by Fritz Winckel (Winckel [1960]), a collection of the work of 14 German engineers and scientists in a rather massive (612 pages) German review of the field of magnetic recording as of 1960. I am familiar in detail only with certain portions of this book. It appears to be extremely complete in its coverage of some of the important parts of magnetic recording technology but it is also padded with rather specific material on equipment and on special problem solution, most of which is now obsolete. I also believe, on the basis of rather solid evidence, that some of the theoretical analyses contained in this text are simply incorrect. This is necessarily a controversial subject, but the book can be used with profit by an experienced worker in magnetic recording since many of the analyses, controver~ial or not, are extremely complete. The newcomer to the field, even if well equipped with a reading knowledge of German, should approach this book with care. Page intentionally left blank Page intentionally left blank References Ampex Corporation, 1964, "Ampex FR-900 Instrumentation Recorder," (brochure) 2109S, August 1. C. E. Anderson, 1957, "The ~lodulation System of the Ampex Video Tape Recorder," Jour. Soc. Mot. Pic. & TV Engr., vol. 66, pp.I82-184; April. E. Bahm, 1963, "L'ltra-Reliable ~Iotors for Spacecraft Tape Recorders," J.P.L. Space Programs Summary. Xo. 37-23. Yol, IV. pp. 2~270; August I-September 30. -ibid, "Development of a Hysteresis-Induction Motor," J.P.L. ·Space Programs Summary, No. 37-24, vol. IV, pp. 229-233; October I-November 30. E. Bahm, 1964, "Developments of a Hysteresis Motor for Spacecraft Tape Recorder Applications," J.P.L. Space Programs Summary, No. 37-26, vol. IV, pp.13&-138; February I-March 31. G. P. Bakos, 1964, "Design Aspects of Ferrite Magnetic Heads," Proe. Int. Conf. on Mag. Rec. (MAGREC), London, pp. 8&-87; July 6--10. M. F. Barkouki and I. Stein, 1962, ''Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of RZ and ~RZ Recording Characteristics," 1962 West. Elect. Show and Con. (WESOO~), Paper No. 8.1; August. S. J. Begun, 1937, "Recent Developments in Magnetic Sound Recording," Jour. Soc. Mot. Pic. Engr., vol. 28, pp. 464-472; May. E. E. Bisson, 1964. "Friction and Bearing Problems in the Vacuum and Radiation Environments of Space," "AdYllDCed Bearing Technology," NASA SP-38, Washington. E. E. Bisson and W. J. Anderson, ed., 1964, "Advanced Bearing Technology," NASA SP-38, Washington. B. M. Brenner and G. ~Ieyer, 1964, "Time-Base Errors in Analogue Recording," Proc. Int. Conf. on Mag. Rec. (MAGREC), London, pp. 26--29; July 6--10. A. D. Burt, S. P. Clurman and T. T. Wu, 1963. "Design of Satellite Tape Recorders after Tiros I," .Jour Soc. of Mot. Pic. & TV Engr., ,-o\. 72, pp. 788791; October. W. G. Clement, 1964, "A Xew Head for Recording Twenty-Four Tracks on Quarter-Inch Magnetic. Tape," J.P.L. Space Programs Summary, No. 37-27, vol. IV, pages unknown; April I-May 31. P. T. Cole, 1963, "A Recording and Reproduction Technique for Pulse Code Modulation," Internal Memo, NASA Goddard Space l<'light Center. P. T. Cole, H. J. Peake and C. F. Uice, 1962, "Application of the Modularization Concept to Satellite Tape Recorders," NASA Technical Note TN D-1451; November . .J. H. Conn, 1964, "Vibration Isolation of Satellite Tape Hecorders," NASA Technical Memorandum TM X-942; February. L. G. Cox, 1962, "A Wide-Range Wow and Flutter Indicator," Jour. -Soc. Mot. Pic. & TV Engr., vol. 71, pp. 9-12; January. E. D. Daniel, 1955, "Flux-Sensitive Reproducing Head for Magnetic Recording Systems," Proc. Instn. Elec. Eng. (Brit.), vol. 102, part B, 442--446; July. 311 788-028 ~65---21 312 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING E. D. Daniel, 1963, "A Preliminary Analysis at Surface-Induced Tape Noise," Proc. at the 1963 Intermag. Conf., Sect. 7: 7-1-1-7-1-5; April. E. D. Daniel and P. E. Axon, 1963, "The Reproduction of Signals Recorded on Magnetic Tape," Proc. Instn. Elec. Eng. (Brit.), vol. 100, part ITI, pp. 157167; May. E. D. Daniel and E. P. Wohlfarth, 1962, "Fine Particle Magnetic Recording Media," Jour. Phys. Soc. Japan, vol. 17, p. 670. G. L. Davies, 1954, "Magnetic Recorders for Data Recording under Adverse Environments," IRE Trans. on Audio, vol. AU-2, pp. 133-137; SeptemberOctober. G. L. Davies, 1961, "Magnetic Tape Instrumentation," McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N.Y. J. A. Develet, Jr., 1964, "Fundamental Accuracy Limitations for Pilot-Tone Time-Base Correction," IEEE Trans. on Audio, vol. AU-12, pp. 53-55; MayJune. S. Duinker, 1960, "Durable High-Resolution Ferrite Transducer Heads Employing Bonding Glass Spacers," Philips Res. Rep., vol. 15, pp. 342-367; Augnst. R. A. 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Rec., pt. 4, pp. 53-62. E. P. Skov, 1964, "Noise Limitations in Tape Reproducers." Jour. Audio Eng. Soc.• vol. 12. pp. 280-293; OctOber. H. G. M. Spratt, 1964. "Magnetic Tape Recording," Temple Press Books. Ltd., London. England. K. 'V. Stark, 1963, "Positive Drive, Non-Drag Overriding Clutch," Patent disclosure, dated May 24, 1963. K. W. Stark, 1964, "Development of a 1,200 Foot Endless-Loop Tape Transport for Satellite Applications." NASA Technical Note ~ D-2316. I. Stein. 1961a. "Pulse Resolution from Magnetic and Hall Reproduce Heads," 1961 West. Elec. Show & Conv. (WESCON). Paper 13-3. I. Stein. 1961b, "Analysis of the Recording of Sine Waves," IRE Trans. on Audio. vol. AU-9. pp. 146-155; September-October. W. E. Stewart. 1958. "Magnetic Recording Techniques." McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. 'V. F. Storer. 1963. "An Intermittent McXion Digital Tape Recorder-Reproducer," JPL Space Programs Summary No. 37-24. vol. IV, pp. 222-229; October INovember 30. P. 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Page intentionally left blank Page intentionally left blank Index Acceleration, reel, 114 AGe level recording, 277 Amplification effect, vibration, 201 Amplifier, reproduce input, 167 Analysis, reliability; 181 Anhysteretic magnetization, 63 Assignments, track, 277 AVCS (Advanced Vidicon Camera System)-Nimbus,287 AVCS recorder, 235 Bandwidth, fiutter, 208, 209 in phase shift coding, 55 Bearings, duplex pair, 265, 266 effect of shock on, 195, 199 torque variation in, 191 Belt, butt joint in, 91 capstan drive, 90, 91 pla'stic, 91, 199, 225, 258, 259 plastic, fabricating, 200 plastic, failure problems, 261 Bias, AC, 5 AC, effect on overload in record amplifier, 171 Bias intensity, effect of, 68 Biased recording, AC-, 66 AC-, understanding, 93 DC-, 59, 60 Bit-parallel PCM, 51 Bit-serial PCM, 51 Blackout, fiame, recorders for, 253 Block,295,297 Blocking (of tape), 158 Brake, string, servo hold,back, 114 Brake holdback, 105 servo, 83, 112 Braking, dynamic, 82 Brakes, constant-torque, 198 Capacity, channel, 302 Capstan, 80 differential, 78, 79, 98, 221, 230, 240 single two-diameter, 98, 99, 101 dual, 98, 99 pusher, 92 Capstan drive, 80, 81,90 Capstan surface finish, 93, 94 Carrier erase, 55, 217, 220 Cartridge, reel, 105 Choice, recording method, 41 Chromium dioxide, 157 Class I modular fiight recorder, 184186 Classification, fiight recorder, 184-186 Cleaning, tape, 119 Closed-loop configuration, 78, 79 Olutch,overrunning,l97 in two-speed operation, 247 non-drag, 197 spring, 196, 197 Coating, gravure, 160 knife, 160 Coaxial reels, 104 Cobelt drive, 257 Coding, ancillary, 295,296 optimum, 302 Cogging,81,90,187 Commutation, 188 Compatability, tape, 165 tape Width, 286 Compensation, fiutter, 8, 221, 237 electronics of, 73 limits of, 28, 137 picture element displacement, 288, 289 for on-board recorder limitations, 286,287 Compliance, vacuum, 84, 119 Conversion, analog-to-digital, 294 CondUctivity, surface (of tape), 165 ConfigUrations, recorder/reproducer, 78 Constant-current recording, 172 Constant-flux recording, 58, 172 Construction, modular (mechanical) , 244 typical electronic unit, 176, 177 ContinUous-loop analysis, 121, 122 Coupling, tape-capstan, 100 317 318 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING Creep,tape,atcapstan,97 Crosstalk in heads,146 d~/dt reproduce heads, 142 daDlage, tape,l14 daDlping, Dlotor, 90 vibration, 201, 202 Data reduction plan, 279 DC-biased recording, 60 DC response in recording, 8 Delay, bin, recorder/reproducer, 123 precision for correlation, 121, 123 DeDlagnetization loss, 62 Density, inforDlation-packing on tape, 301 lateralrecording,l50 Detection, reel diaDleter, 111 Dill'erential, plastic belt, for two-speed operation, 261 Differential for two-speed drive, 231,232 Differentiated output (of heads), 59, 60 Dill'erentiation in reproduce heads, 142 Digitizing of analog data, 138, 298 Diphase coding, 55 Diphase recording, 54 DiscriDlinator, FM recording, 38 phase-locked-loop,39,137 pulse counter, 38, 137 Display noise data, 206 Dispersion of tape coating, 21 Distortion, FM recording, 40 Disturbance, tiDle, in transverse-scan recorder, 125 Drive, Bight recorder, two-speed, oneDlotor, 227, 248, 268 two-speed, one Dlotor versus two, 266-269 two-speed, two Dlotor, 231, 232, 266, 267,269 tape, by capstan, 92, 100 by pressure roller, 92, 100 longitudinal for transverse-scan recorder, 124 Dropout depth, 212 Dropouts, 160 dependence on recording density, 212, 213 DUDlping, data, with identical record and reproduce speed, 289 DynaDlic range, 169 Dynamics of endless-loop tape pack, 242 EGO (OGO-A), 237 Editing, data, 296 Efficiency, motor, 188, 191, 265, 266 ElastoDlers, probleDls with, 92, 93, 131, 226 Electronics, Bight, 177, 218, 222 FM record, 37 ground-based, 176, 177 Equalization, ell'ect on distortion, 203, 2M effect on noise, 60, 205, 206 effect on signal-to-noise ratio, 170 eleD1entary recorder, 61 phase, 172 pulse, 175 Equalization of phase-shift-Dlodulation pulse signals, 175 Equalizer, reproduce, 60, 61 Equivalent Dlechanical circuit of openloop recorder, SO, 89 Era-se, perDlanent magnet, 153, 237 Errors, channel-to-channel time, 138 head..switching, 174 tiDle displaceDlent, 127-129 correction with variable delay line, transverse-scan recorder, 139 Unlit to correction of, 28 Expansion, tiDle-base, 263 "55 d/~" loss, 73 Failure, bearing, 192, 193 Feedback, tachoDleter, 246 Fields, recording, 69, 70 Filters, comb, 278 high-D18ss Dlechanical, 132, 133, 13r. Finish, head surface, 148 tape surface, 161 FlaDle-blackout recorders, 18, 253---255 ]<'lexibility, recorder, 15 ]<'lutter, 115 broadband, 132 cUDlulative, 208 INDEX Flutter, 6-43------<:Jontinued data, computer removal of, 137, 138 signal spectrum broadening by, 7 }<'lutter analysis, 132 Flutter and time dLsplacement error, relation between, 14, 129 }<'lutter compensation, 37, 39, 287 }<'lutter effects, 7 Flutter in data, 137, 138 }<'lutter meter, 207 }<'M recording, 8, 36 wideband, 37 }<'ll recording standards, 35, 36 }<'lux, constant-, recording, 172 Flux distribution in tape, pulse, 74, 75 }<'lywheel, viscous-damped, 133 Force, holdback, in endleEl8-loop recorders, 240 takeup, in endless-loop recorders, 240 Forces, tape motion disturbing, broadband, 94 low frequency, 94 }<'ormat, telemetry, 276 }<'rame,295 Frequency, supply for AC motors, 265 }<'requency limitations, recording, 62 Frequency response, 206 Friction, interlayer in endleEl8-l00p recorders, 239,242,243 }<'riction between capstan and tape, 93,94 }<'ringing effect, 141 Gap, record, 68 Gap depth, 65, 67 etIect of head wear on, 150 Gap length, reproduce, 65 Gap loss, reproduce, 66 Gap spacers, 144 Gemini, 221, 234 Geometry, head-tape, transverse-scan recorder, 125 Gridding (for Nimbus program), 291 Guides, tape, 198 air-lubricated, 118 319 Guides, tape, 11-28--0mtinued coupling of moving to tape, 198 crowned-roUer, 235 fixed,118 moving, 118 non-twist, 199 Guiding, tape, 104,118 Guiding, trough, 261 H-film, 200, 158 HRIR (High Resolution Infrared) monitoring system, 289 HRIR recorder, 235 Hall effect, 143 Head, C-core, 142, 144, 14;) ferrite, 144 flux-sensitive reproduce, 142, 143 Hall-etIect, 143,147, 148 metal-taced, 148, 149 modulator, 142,143 multitrack, 145, 149, 151 narrow-track, 150, 151 plug-in, 86 retractable, 86 video recorder, 145, 146 Head assembly, transverse recorder, 125 Head bUmps, 67 Holdback, brake, 217 servo, 111 string, 113 torque-motor, 107 Hold-down, reel, 116,117 IMP (Interplanetary Monitoring Platform),273 Impedance, reproduce amplifier input, 168 Induction m /dt head, at low-speed, 270 Overload measurement, effect of measuring instrument on, 34, 204 Orientation (of tape), 162 Oxide, cubic iron, 157 "doped," 157 gamma ferric iron, 156 iron, in 'tape, 156 PAM waveforms, 41 POM, concept of, 48 POM encoding, 48 POM recorder for Gemini, 233, 234 POM recording standards, IRIG, 52 PDM generation, 43, 44 PDM recording, 44 application of, 45 PDM waveforms, 42, 45 PFM,46,274 POGO,237 Parallel, bit-, recording, 49-51 Parity bit, 49, 295 Parity check, 49 Pa'rticle number (in medium), 20, 157 Path, tape in coaxial-reel recorder, 229,233 Permeability, effect of tape, 72 Phase equalization, 172 Phase-locked-loop playback, 238 Phase-modulation digital coding, 54 Phase-shift coding, 54 POOse-shift digital recording, 54 Point of recording,biased recording, 72 Polishing, head, 144 Polyurethane binders, 159 Powder, metal, as tape material, 157 Power, motor, 266 Precision, reel, 116, 117 Precision plate, 84, 120 Predetection recording, 9, 40 Preemphasis, 7,61 Preload, bearing, 194 duplex-pair, 194 spring washer, 194 Print-through, 163 Print-through erasure, 163 Protection of recorded data, 219, 223, 224 rugged cassette for, 221 Puck drive, 91, 92, 217 Pusher capstan, 79,92 Pulse recording process, 64, 7-1 Q, in vibration, 201 "Quick look," 293, 298 RB waveforms, 52, 53 RZ recording, 64 RZ waveforms, 52, 53 Rates, varying POM data, 282 Ratio, inside-outside diameter, in endless-loop recorders, 240 Record point, 72 Recorder, AVC8, 236 bin, 252, 254 biomedical, 221, 225 coaxial-reel, 227-230, 234-236 continuous rotary-bin endless-loop recorder, 251, 253 ejection-seat testing, 221 endless-loop, 245-247, 249, 250-255 distributed, 122 two-level, 251, 252 HRIR,263 inertia-compensated, 255 intermittent motion, 267, 269 322 MAGNETIC TAPE Recorder A VCS-Continued Iso-elastic drive, 10" hit capacity, 259 10' hit capacity, two-motor, 262 10' hit capacity, two-motor, 262 Mariner A, 226 Mariner, 10" bit capacity, 248, 249 10' bit capacity, 249, 250 10" bit capacity, 238 Nimbus, 202 OGO, 202 on.board, OGO-A, 283 080-1,250 oval-pack endless-l{)()p, 252 PCM on-board, 233, 234 recoverable, 215 rec<>vera'ble-capsule, 221, 224 reel-to-reel, 82-89, 218-220, 222-230, 234, 236, 238 reentry, 254, 255 rocket sled, 221, 257 Tiros IR, 245, 246 UK-2, 246, 247 Recorders, by manufacturer Ampex, AN/GLH-3, 124 FL-300, 122 FR-100,112 FR-600,87 FR-l200, 85, 111 FR-l300, 82, 83, 114 I<'R-1400/600, 86 SP-300,83 Astro-Science, M-101, 100 TR-1875, 218 Borg-Warner, R-101, 220 R-302,252 College Hill Industries, model 005, 255 Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., VR-2800, 84, 135 VR-3600, 84, 119 Cook Electric Co., DR-25-2, 224 DR-3Oc-7, 225 MR-31E,223 MR-51,219 Genisco Data, model 10-110, 257 Honeywell, model 7700, 104 model 8100, 82 Leach, MTR-362, 218 MTR-1200, 222 MTR-2100, 227 RECORDING Recorders, by manufacturer-Con. Mincom Division, Ticor II, 88, 134 Parsons, AIR-940, 229 CLR-225, 254 CRB-SO, 253 Precision Instrument Co., PI-200, 105 PS-303t,228 8angamo, model 480, 123 West rex, RA-1683-B, 253 Recording, AGC level, 285, 286 analog of FM multiplex, 37 diphase, 235 launch vehicle data, 281, 282 Minitrack, 282 time code, 285, 286, 296 Reel-to-reel, 79 Reeling, tape, 77 Reeling motors, series, 107 Reels, coaxial, 100, 105, 227 Repetitive data analysis recorder/reproducer, 122 Reproducing fields, 73 Resolution, pulse, factors influencing, 76 record,64 record vs. reproduce, 64, 75 Resonance, tape motion, 115 Response, short-wavelength, 155, 157 Reversing signal in reel-to-reel recorder, 226 Ringing, motor, 81, 90 Rotor resistance, induction motor, 107 STADAN (Space Tracking and Data Acquisition Network), 284 Sample and hold circuit, 294 Samples per cycle, 304 Sampling, natural (PDM), 43, 44 uniform '( PDM) , 43, 44 signal,274 Sampling rates, 304 Salient pole motor, 88 "Sanforized" tape, 158 Saran, as binder, 159 Scanning losses, 65 Scatter, gap, 152 Score, Project, 243 Se11'-clocking coding, 54 INDEX Sensor, tape tension, air lubricated, 110 tensiometer, 84, 100 Serial recording, bit-, 49--51 Serial-parallel conversion, 50 Servo, low-mass speed servo, 132, 134, 136 phase-locked-loop playback, 235 reproduce speed, for Oight recorder, 179 drag disc speed, 136 speed, transverse-scan recorder, 178 tension, magnetic amplifier, 84 tight-loop speed, 103, 104, 132, 134, 136 Shunting, gap, 68 Shuttle, tape, 121 Signal, input (on reproduction), 167 Signal-to-noise ratio, 6, 7 Skew, 11, 199 Slip, interlayer, in endless-loop recorders, 239 "Slow switches" (transverse-scan recorder), 138 Spacing, head-tape, 69 measured, 74 minimum, 73 Spacing loss, 62,70, 73 Spectrum, llutter, 209, 210 reproduce input signal, 169, 170 Speed change, differential for, 232 magnetic clutch for, 228, 230 Speed changer, hysteresis, 235 Speed changing for computer, 298 Speed control, recording/reproducing, 176, 178 tight-loop servo, 103, 104, 132, 134, 136, 178 Speed measurement, tape, 97 Speed-torque relationship; induction motor, 107 reeling, 106, 107 Springs, Negator, 202, 227, 234, 236 Sprocketed medium, 96 Stabilizer, rotary, 133 Starting the recorder,15 Static electricity, 120, 165 Sterilization temperature problems for space probe recorders, 158, 270 Stiffness, head, 152 323 Strength, reel, 117 Stresses, tape-twisting, 118 Structure, spacecraft, 200 Structure of record head, 142, 145 Structure of reproduce head, 142, 145 Structure of multitrack head, 145 Superparamagnetism, 21 Surface of head, metal front, 149 relieved front, 148,149 treatment of front, 148, 149 Tachometer, armature-voltage, 88 Takeup, clutch, 217, 225 Takeup drive, rubber-roller, 220 Tape, all metal, 5, 31 high-temperature, 159 metallic-coated, 157 sandwich, 162 unsupported, 8, 15 Tape durability, 162 Tape life (transverse-scan), 263 Tape limpness, 162 Tape pack, special shape, 242 Tape properties, 156 Technology, bearing, 195 Tensiometer tension sensor, 108, 100 Tension maintenance with vacuum, 103,104 Tension servo, closed-loop, 108, 116 open-loop, 108, 115 Thermal effects (on tape) , 158, 159 Thermoplastic binders, 159 Thermosetting binders, 159 Thickness of tape coating, 69 Thickness loss, 63, 70,73 Time code, recorded, 277 Time displacement error, 103 Time stability, current best recorder/ reproducer, 10 Timing, playback in satellite recorders, 244, 248 Tiros, 1, 244 Torque motor, 107 Torque variation, bearing, 195 Tradeoff of on-board vs_ ground recorder requirements, 286, 287 Transport,tape, high-mass, 135 Transverse-scan recorder, 124 miniature, 267 Tubes vs_ solid-state electronics, 15 324 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING Twist, tape, 118, 233 avoidance through special guiding, 252, 259 elimination of stress from, 100 for edge guiding, 234 in endless-loop recorders, 241 mress from, 199 UK-2 satellite, 244, 247 Unbiased recording, 58 Unbiased recording of sine waves, 74 Vacuum, bearings in, 192, 193 Vacuum grip of tape to capstan, 102 Vanguard, Project, 240, 244 Vertical component, recording fields, 71,72 Vibration, tape, 132 Video recording technique, 40 Waveforms, digital recording, 53 effect of unusual on stability of AC motor operation, 190 Width, track, for unity signal-to-nois~ ratio, 303 Windings, head, 145, 146 ~'ord, data, 49, 295 Wow, 128 Zero loop (recorderjreproducer configuration), 78,79 Author Index Ampex Corporation, 10, 41, 139 Anderson, C. E., 9 Anderson, W. J., 195 Axon, P. E., 66 Bahm, E., 188, 190, 192 Bakos, G. P., 144 Barkouki, M. F., 74 Begun, S. J., 131 Bisson, E. E., 192, 19:1 Brenner, B. M., 127 Burt, A. D., 235 Clement, W. G., 150 Clurman, S. P., 235 Cole, P. T., 175, 183 Conn, J. H., 202 Oox, L. G., 127 D'Amanda, A. 'V., 237 Daniel, E. D., 63, 66, 71, 74, 143, 161 Davies, G. L., 26, 127, 137, 146, 173, 308 Develet, J. A., Jr., 28 Dinsmore, J. A., 148 Duinker, S., 144 Edwards, R. A., 304 Eldridge, D. F., 22, 63, 64, 67, 71, 74, 75,161,303 Falwell, R. C., 244 Fan, G. J., 73 Feinberg, P., 241 Fling, W. D., 178 Gabor, A., 12,54 General Kinetics, Inc., 242 Gilchriest, C. E., 39 Ginsburg, C. P., 9, 40 Goldmark, P. C., 1.58 Goodell, J. D., 158 Guckenburg, W. P., 158 Halli!ell, C. W., 7 Hare, D. G. C., 178 Hoogland, A. S., 54, 175, 308 IRIG, 31, 52 Jorgensen, F., 138,172 Katz, A. S.,235 Kietz, E., 126, 173 Kinney, E. S., 102 Klokow, R. E., 9, 41 Kortman, C. M., 9, 41 Lesko, J. G., Jr., 246 Licht, J. H., 91, 200 Lindsay, H., 7 Lipschutz, L. D., 74 Lockheed Electronics Co., 183, 184, 26;:;, 266 Martin, D. W., 41 McKnight, J. G., 62, 63, 68, 127 ~fcRae, D. D., 39 Mee, C. D., 20, 21, 31, 63, 156, 158, 308 Meyer, G., 127 Miller, W. C., 7 Monopoli, R. V., 256 Moskovitz, I., 138 Oliver, B. M., 49 Ott, O. J., 40 Parkinson, G., 159 Peake, H. J., 183 Pear, C. B., Jr., 127,134 Peloschek, H. P., 149 Peshel, L. R., 8, 136 Pierce, J. R., 49 Price, R. L., 174 325 326 MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDING Ranger, R. H., 7 Ratner, V. A., 8, 206, 211, 271 Raymond Engineering Laboratory, Inc., 192, 200 Reeves, A. R., 48 Resek, R. B., 237 Rice, C. F., 183 Riley, L., 10 Rochelle, R. W., 46 Schade, O. H., 20 Scb:arla-Nielson, H., 39 Schoebel, K. W., 8 Schulze, G. H., 26, 127, 178 Schwantke, G., 63 Selsted, W. T., 79,95, 178, 198 Shannon, C. E., 49, 302 Shew, L. F., 76 Skov, E. P., 167 Snyder, R. H., 79 Spratt, H. G. M., 32, 307 Stark, K W., 196, 241, 244,251 Stein, I., 74 Stewart, W. E., 309 Stolarofl', M., 9 Storer, W. F., 268 Studer, P. A., 188 Susskind, A. K, 304 Sweeney, J. F., 127 Townsend, 1\£. R., 24G Uberr, P. W., 193 von Behren, R. A., 158 Yrolijks, M. H. M., 144 Wallace, R. L., Jr., 63, 73 Weinreb, M. B., 192 Weintraub, N., 237 Westmijze, W. K, 27, 72 White, A., 91, 200, 244 Wholfarth, E. P., 63 Winckel, F., 309 Wolf, W., 80,127 Wu, T. T., 235 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1965 o-788-{)28 "Tile aeronautical and Jpace activitieJ of the United StateJ Jhall be conducted JO aJ to contribute ... to tbe <:xpanJion of human knowledge of phenomena in the atmoJphere and Jpace. 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