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Data Networking




ISO Reference Model
for Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI)
In this report:

Datapro Summary

OSI Standards Progress ..... 6

The goal of Open Systems Interconnection (OS!) was designed to enable dissimilar computers in multivendor environments to share information transparently. The OSI structure
calls for cooperation among systems of different manufacture and design. There are seven
layers of the OSI model that communicate between one end system and another. The layers
cover nearly all aspects of information flow, from applications-related services provided at
the Application Layer to the physical connection of devices to the communications medium
at the Physical Layer. All seven layers have long since been defmed and ISO protocols
ratified for each layer, though extensions have been made occasionally. Although the model
has changed the way we look at networking, the dream of complete OSI-compliance has not
come to fruition. The causes are varied, but this is essentially because OSI protocols are too
expensive and too complex compared with other protocols that have become de facto standards in their own right. Even so, it is important to understand the model because, although
the complete stack of protocols is not much used today, the model has formed the way we
think of the structure of networks, and the model itself is always referred to in intemetworking matters.

OSI Management ................ 8
OSI and the Future •....••....•.. 9

Note: This report explains the OSI SevenLayer Reference Model at
all layers; compares OSI
to other architectures;
rationalizes the need for
standards testing and verification; examines the
case for OSI; profiles
major testing organizations; and outlines OSI
Management standards
and status.

The proliferation of computerized data processing systems in the late 1960s produced a need for
compatible data communications networks in
the 1970s. Several proprietary network architectures were developed for mainframe-to-tenninal
communications, including ffiM's SNAin 1974.
Although many of these proprietary architectures were based on a layered model, none was
compatible with any other. The CClTI's X.25
host interface to the packet networks standard
was ratified in 1976 but this is not a complete
network architecture. In 1977 the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) formed
ISO Technical Committee 97 (TC97), Subcommittee 16 (SC16), to embark on a worldwide

-By Marina Smith
Senior Analyst
email: smithma@mcgraw-hill.com

1997 The McGraw-HUI Companies, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited.
Dalapro Information Services Group. Dellan NJ 08075 USA

@ August

standardization effort and confront the issue of
incompatibility head-on. The purpose of TC97!
SC 16 was to develop a model and define the
protocols and interfaces required to support an
open system. The goal of OS! was, and still is,
to enable dissimilar computers in multivendor
environments to share information transparently.
With this capability, it was thought that global
digital networks could become a reality. As we
shall see, however, much of the OSI goal has in
fact come about through widespread use of de
facto protocols such as TCPIIP and from multivendor initiatives formed to ensure interoperability such as the ATM Forum, a standards-setting body in its own right.

The Open System
The ISO defines a system as a set of one or more
computers and associated software, peripherals,
tenninals, human operators, physical processes,
information transfer means, etc., which form an
autonomous whole capable of performing information processing and/or information transfer.
An open system is one that obeys OSI standards
in its communication with other systems.

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ISO Reference Model
for Open Systems·
Interconnection (OSI)


An application process is an element within a system that
performs information processing for a particular application. The
application process can be manual (a person operating a banking
terminal), computerized (a program executing in a computer center and accessing a remote database), or physical (a process control program executing in a dedicated cQIllPuter attachedto industrial equipment and linked to a plant control system).
The OSI structure calls for cooperation among systems of different manufacture and design. This includes coordinating activities such as the following:
• Interprocess communications-the synchronization between
OSI application processes and the exchange of information
• Data representation-the creation and maintenance of data
descriptions and transformations for reformatting data exchanged between systems
• Data storage-storage media, file systems, and database systems for providing access to and management of stored data
• Process and resource management-how application processes
are declared, initiated, controlled, and acquired
• Integrity and security-information processing constraints that
must be ensured during open systems operations
• Program support-the definition, compilation, testing, linking,
storage, and transfer of and access to programs executed by the
application processes
The OSI model is concerned only with the exchange of information between open systems.

The Layering Concept
Layering is a basic structuring technique used in the OSI model.
Each layer is composed of an ordered set of subsystems, with
logically related functions grouped together. The OSI model
breaks down internetworking activities between systems into two

Data Networking

distinct groups. Communications-oriented functions are sepa. rated from user-oriented functions; features which move informa~on across a network are distinct from features which handle and
format information.
There are seven layers of the OSI model that communicate
between one end system and another end system. The layers
cover nearly all aspects of information flow, from applicationsrelated services provided at the Application Layer to the connectioJ;l of devices to the communications medium at the Physical
Layer. Below the Physical Layer, the media itself corresponding
to '1..ayer 0"-such as wire, cable, or through-the-air communication-is not addressed by the model. Application, Presentation,
Session, Transport, Network, Data Link, and Physical Layers
have been defined (see Table "The Seven Layers of OSI"). The
table describes the OS.! model's seven layers and their purposes.
In the model, information flows down from Layer 7 to Layer 1,
and then out over a physical transmission medium. At the receiving end, the information flows into another end system and up
from Layer I to Layer 7, until it is received by a user.
The seven layers can be divided into two functional groups:
the Transport Platform (Layers I to 4) and the Application Platform (Layers 5 to 7). The Transport Platform's function is to get
data from one system to another without errors. The Application
Platform's function is to interpret the data stream and present it to
the user in a usable form (see Figure "Application and Transport
Each layer contributes functions to the communications task.
For example, the Link Layer enables communications across a
single physical connection, while the Network Layer provides
end-to-end routing and data relay. Services at the upper-layer interface--providing communications to the next~higher layerare provided by each layer, usually described by a service specification for the layer. Services at each layer are provided by a
layer entity. Each layer entity communicates with its peer at the
same layer on another system, providing services specified in the
service specification.

The Seven Layers of 051





Applications and application interfaces for
OSI networks. Provides access to lower-layer
functions and services.



Negotiates syntactic representation for the
Presentation Layer and performs data



Coordinates connection and interaction
between applications. Establishes a dialog,
manages and synchronizes the direction of
data flow.



Ensures end-to-end data transfer between
applications, data integrity, and service
quality. Assembles data packets for routing by
Layer 3.



Routes and relays data units among network


Data Unk

Transfers data units from one network node
to another over a transmission circuit.
Ensures data integrity between nodes.


Delimits and encodes the bits onto the
physical medium.

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Data Networking

ISO Reference Model
for Open Systems
Interconnection (051)

Standards Organizations
Several standards testing and
verification bodies have been
organized by vendor consortiums, govemment agencies,
and independent organizations. They have found that
developing conformance
specifications, producing testing suites, and conducting
comprehensive testing are
complicated, expensive, and
time consuming. Regional differences can stymie attempts
at verification. The trend for
these organizations, therefore,
is to cooperate with each
other, sharing resources and
expertise. A primary objective
is demonstrating interoperability among different vendors;
i.e., proving that standards
really work and fostering enduser interest. Many agencies
have tried vainly to involve
more end users but are
backed primarily by the

ANSI (American National
Standards Institute)
11 W.42nd Street
New York NY 10036, U.S.A.
Fax: +12123980023

World Headquarters
2570 West EI Camino Real
Suite 304
Mountain View, CA 940401313, U.S.A.
Phone: +1 4159496700
Fax: +14159496705

European Office
Boulevard Saint-Michel 78
1040 Brussels, BELGIUM
Phone: +32 2 732 8505
Fax: +32 2 732 8485

Asia-Pacific Office
Hamamatsucho Suzuki
1-2-11 Hamamatsucho,
Tokyo 105, JAPAN
Phone: +8133438 3694
Fax: +81 3 3438 3698

IEEE (The Institute Of
Electrical And Electronics
The Institute Of Electrical And
Electronics Engineers, Inc.
1828 l Street NW, Suite 1202
Washington DC 20036-5104,
Tel: +1 908 981 0060
Fax: +19089810027

IBM's SNA is also a layered architecture, following rules of
layering similar to OSI and other layered architectures. There are
good reasons for layering: layering simplifies change; components inside a layer can be changed without affecting any other
layers in that node. Layers are like structured programming-but
for teleprocessing systems. Because there are rigid interfaces between levels, fewer people need to react to changes, allowing
them to be implemented faster. There is no better way of achieving complex functions. Layering allows each network function to
be made "transparent," unaware and independent of other functions at other layers, thus enabling any layer to be modified without changing the entire monolithic architecture.
Each layer may support one of several different protocols
designed for specific network applications; the choice of a specific protocol is optional, allowing users to tailor networks to
their own design. Each layer defines functions crucial to the communications process at that layer, independent of the other layers.
However, a layer may perform functions hinging on functions
performed in the layers immediately above or below. A layer can
only communicate with another device or network node at its peer
layer. Messages exchanged between peer layers are "enveloped"
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IEEE Corporate Office
345 E. 47th Street
New York, NY, 10017, U.S.A.
Tel: +1 2127057900
IEEE Operations Center
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ, 08855-1331,
Tel: +1 908981 0060
IEEE European Operations
Center (Brussels)
Tel: +32 2 770 2242
Fax: 32 2 770 8505
E-mail: memserviceeurope@ieee.org

ISO (International
Organization for
ISO Central Secretariat
1, rue de Varembe
Case Postale 56
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel: + 4122 749 0111
Fax: + 4122 733 34 30
INTERNET: central@iso.ch
X.4OO: c=ch; a=4oonet; p=iso;
e=isocs; s=central
Please note: Copies of ISO
standards can be ordered
from local standards offices.

ITU (International
Telecommunications Union)
Place des Nations
CH - 1211 Geneva 20
Tel: +412273051 11
Fax (Group 3): +41 22 733
Fax: (Group 4): +41 22 730

European Computer
Manufacturers Association
Rue du Rhone 114
CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 849 6000
Fax: +41 22 849 6001
Telex: 413237 ECMA CH

Electronic Industries
Association (EIA)
Electronic Industries
2500 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201-3834
Tel: +1 703 907 7500
Fax: +1 703 907 7501

with messages from other layers and passed through these other
layers on the way to their destination, picking up and then shedding these other protocol layers along the way. For example, if
layer seven at one end system must send a message to layer seven
at another, it must travel down through six layers at its own end
and then up through six layers at the other, until it reaches layer
seven at its opposite (peer) layer.
Each network node (a network user, computer, terminal) is
equipped with this layer mechanism. However, not all intermediate nodes need all seven layers. Network nodes, in particular,
must only route and transmit data packets-functions at the bottom three layers of the OS! model. Layer 4 through 7 functions
are not required and, therefore, not included in network node software. Data packets processed in these nodes reach only Layer 3
and are then routed elsewhere (see Figure "Message Movement
Among OS] l.o.yerS'). A node communicates with its peer in another node sending or receiving data. Data transfer is routed from
Layer 7 down to Layer 1 at the transmitting node, then along the
network to Layer 1 at the receiving node, and finally from Layer I
up to Layer 7. Peer layers communicate by the same method.

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ISO Reference .Model
for Open Systems
Interconnection (051)




does not provide services to a layer above it. Some of the services
provided by this layer, other than information transfer, are the

Application and Transport Division

• Identifying intended communications partners



• Determining current availability of the intended partners


• Agreeing on responsibility for error recovery
• Agreeing on procedures for controlling data integrity

The Presentation Layer (Layer 6) allows an application to interpret the meaning of information exchanged, Information is formatted and translated at this layer. Aspects of Layer 6 include data
syntax, which is the data to be transferred between layers, and the
presentation image syntax, which is the data structure thatapplication entities refer to in their dialog, or the set of actions that may
be performed on the data structure.
Services provided to the Presentation Layer include the



Data Unk

• Establishing the authority to communicate

The Presentation Layer



Data Networking



• Transforming data syntax, primarily code and character set
• Transforming and selecting the presentation syntax, the adaptation and modification of the presentation data (the OSI view)
Functions within the Presentation Layer include session establishment request; data transfer; negotiation and renegotiation of
data syntax and presentation image syntax; and session termination request.

The Session Layer
The seven layers are divided into two functional groups.

The Session Layer (Layer 5) allows cooperating presentation
entities to organize and synchronize their dialog and to manage
data exchange. It provides the following services:

The message initiated at the Application Layer is passed from
layer to layer, through the various OSI layers, encapsulating control information in the process. A fully encapsulated message
enters the cable at Layer 1. The procedure is reversed at the receiving end. Each item of control information is processed at its
appropriate layer, and the message itself passes up to Layer 7.
Data transfer essentially is a packaging process at the transmitting
node and an unpackaging process at the receiving node.

• Session-connection establishment-creation of an exchange
between presentation entities

The Layers
A number of objectives were considered by the reference model's
designers: to limit the number of layers to make the system engineering task of describing and integrating the layers as simple as
possible; to create boundaries between layers at points where the
description of services can be small and the number of interactions across each boundary is minimized; and to collect similar
functions in the same layer. Table "The Seven Layers of OSf'
summarizes the OSI Reference Model's layers; more detailed
descriptions follow for each layer.

The App6cation Layer
The Application Layer (Layer 7) is the highest layer, providing
the means for the application process to access the OSI environment. Its function is to serve as the passageway between application processes using Open Systems Interconnection to exchange
information; consequently, all application process parameters are
made known to the OSI environment through this layer.
All services directly usable by the application process (i.e.,
systems and applications management functions) are provided by
the Application Layer. It differs from the other layers in that it

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• Session-connection release
• Normal data exchange
• Expedited data exchange
• Interaction management-allowing presentation entities to
take turns exercising control functions
• Session-connection synchronization
• Exception reporting-permitting the presentation entities to be
notified of exceptional situations
• Activity management

The Transport Layer
The Transport Layer (Layer 4) provides transparent data flow
between session entities, freeing the Session Layer from responsibility for cost-effective and reliable data transfer. Layer 4 provides information interchange according to a user-specified reliability level and end-to-end control. Transport protocols transfer
information from one end of a physical connection to another and
ensure that it is delivered correctly_ Layer 4 protocols are used
after a route has been established through the network by the
network-layer protocol.
The services provided by this layer include the following:
• Transport-connection establishment to complete a connection
between session entities

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Datapro Infonnation Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA

Data Networking

ISO Reference Model
for Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI)




Message Movement Among OSI Layers

Message moves from Layer 7 through ~
the other layers to reach Layer 7
at the opposite end
















- - - - - - - - -

Data Link






Data Link

- - - - - - --

Data Link

L . - -__r------L~

- - - - - - - - -






End System

Network Node

End System

Intermediate nodes in an OSI network require only bottom-layer functions of the OSI modeL Note how peer layers communicate only with their
peers; i.e., Layer I talks to other Layer Is but not to Layer 2s.

• Data transfer, in accordance with the agreed quality of service
• Transport-connection release

• Noting errors for reporting unrecoverable errors to the transport layer
• Sequencing network control data units

The European Computer Manufacturers Assn. (ECMA) has
defined this layer in its Transport Protocol standard, ECMA-72.
In the early 199Os, as the popularity of the OSI protocols began to wane and TCPIIP began to take over, a number of hybrid
stacks were developed whereby data streams could "cross over"
from one type of stack to another, in either direction. The crossover point was at the Transport Layer in all cases. This allowed
applications to reach their intended destinations whichever system they were using, and encouraged interoperability. Although
this was in keeping with the aims of the ISO, it made possible
migration to the newly-popular TCPIIP stack, and aided the eventual near-demise of the OSI stack as a complete set of protocols.

The Network Layer
The Network Layer (Layer 3) provides the means to establish,
maintain, and terminate connections between systems. Its basic
service is providing transparent data transfer between transport
The services provided by this layer encompass the following:
• Establishing network connections for transporting data between transport entities through network addresses
• Identifying connection endpoints
• Transferring network service data units
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• Row control
• Releasing the network connection
The Network Layer is where routers and, nowadays, some LAN
switches operate. They are indifferent to the type of network and
can therefore be used to pass data from one type of network to
another, for example from Ethernet to Token-Ring. Although
many routers have OSI protocol support, in fact it is little used, IP
being by far the preferred protocol for this layer. Given the importance of the Internet, which today runs almost entirely on IP, this
can only increase. However, the remarks made earlier as to how
the model has formed the way we think about networks holds
particularly true for this layer and Layer 2-nobody can talk coherently about networking without mentioning these layers.

The Data Link Layer
Data Link Layer 2 provides the procedural and functional means
to establish, maintain, and release data link connections between
two network nodes or network entities and to transfer data frames
(or packets). This layer also detects and may correct errors that
occur in the Physical Layer.
Services provided by the Data Link Layer to the Network
Layer include data link connection, sequencing, error notification, flow control, and data unit transfer.
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Layers are sometimes divided into sublayers, for several reasons. Layer functions are often divided into separate modules to
handle the service interface of the layer beneath it. This avoids
"rewriting" the entire layer. The Data Link Layer of the IEEE 802
Local Area Network (LAN) standards is divided into a Logical
Link Control (LLC) sublayer and a Media Access Control (MAC)
sublayer. The MAC sublayer depends on characteristics of the
underlying" Physical Layer. Any layer may originate a message to
fulfill its responsibilities. The message may not bypass any layer
en route to its destination. If a message leaves the node, it will end
up in another node at the same layer that originated the message.
It is at Layer 2 that bridges and most LAN switches reside. All
such devices have a MAC address table for all the end stations
(which all have MAC addresses).
The Physical Layer
The lowest of the OSI layers is Physical Layer I. It provides the
electrical, mechanical, functional, and procedural characteristics
for activation, maintenance, and deactivation of a physical connection. Physical Layer standards specify physical interfaces
(connectors) connected by a physical medium.
Services provided by this layer include the following:
• Activating and deactivating physical connections
• Data circuit identification
• Sequencing
• Transmitting physical service data units either synchronously
or asynchronously
• Fault condition notification

Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
ASN.I is a specification language adopted for the OSI Reference
Model, giving standards developers a common method for defining syntax. ASN.I is somewhat analogous to grammatical rules
defining the English language, with the exception that it is not
procedural. Just as English grammar specifies notation (punctuation symbols) and word classifications (such as nouns and verbs),
ASN.I specifies the rules that help standards developers define
complex data types in terms of simple building blocks.
ASN.I was first formally described and published in 1984, in
the ITU-T X.409 standard entitled "Message Handling Systems:
Presentation Syntax and Notation." It is now described (in less
readable fashion) in two later documents: ITU-T X.208 (ISO
8824), entitled "Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One
(ASN.l)," and X.2OO (ISO 8825), "Basic Encoding Rules for
Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.l)."
According to ASN.I, each fragment of information must possess a type and a value. For example:
.• Device-Status could be a type (in this case, it is a Boolean tyj,e)
• Zero or One are the possible values
This is specified in ASN.I notation as such:
Device-Status ::= Boolean
Boolean ::= I (or 0)
This is a very simple example; ASN.I is a powerful grammar,
capable of specifying very complex data types. Hence, it will
continue to be the grammar of choice for specifying open systems
standards and protocols.

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ISO Reference Model
for OpenSyatems
Interconnection (OSI)

Data NetworKing

OSI Standards Progress
There are four stages in the developmerit cycle: working paper;
committee draft (CD), previously known as a draft proposal; draft
international standard (DIS); and international standard (IS). A
working paper is developed in the first stage. When it matures and
contains well-developed technical concepts, it is registered as a
CD. Passage advances the CD to the DIS level, and the document
is considered sufficiently stable to serve as the basis of initial
implementations. At the DIS level, the document is distributed for
a 180-day ballot. The DIS may require multiple ballots. A successful ballot elevates the DIS to the level of IS and completes
ISO's process.
The entire process usually takes between four and eight years.
Here we can see one of the reasons for the lack of popularity for
the protocols involved. The ITU-T was formerly the CCITT,
under whose aegis these standards were set. The CCITT has now
been devolved into the International Telecommunications Union
(ITU). Telecommunications standards can be set over a long
period of time as the voice and WAN world needs to ensure high
quality and complete interoperability between systems. Data networking, on the other hand, in many cases exists in isolated
LANs, and though these are almost always today connected to the
outside world in some manner, a gateway of some sort, often IP,
gives enough connectivity. For Wide Area Networks (WANs) the
same needs may apply as for voice but there is a lot of crossover
between the types of device used and the WAN manufacturers
have adopted the same standards as are used in LANs in many
cases. With the new standard, Asynchronous Transfer Mode
(ATM), the standard was set for WANs, but became developed by
the LAN vendors far more quickly. Given the fast-moving nature
of LAN developments, with low-cost high-volume products
appearing in ever greater numbers and new high-specification
models ensuring replacements in ever-shorter times, it is easy to
see that a standards process that takes up to eight years to complete is not workable. LAN standards today are proposed one
year and a first version out the next. Again, the ISO process that
demands a complete standard before the first release is ignored.
as soon as a halfway working standard can be given out, it is, with
a further release the year after. A case in point is the new LAN
standard for virtual LANs, being developed by the IEEE 802.lq
working group-the first release, planned for mid- to late 1997,
has only the facilities for port-switching LANs, whereas the idea
of completely separating the logical from the physical LAN
(which is what a virtual LAN can do) needs far more than that to
be efficient.
A list of standards organizations, together with contact details,
associated with the OSI Reference Model and other standards
mentioned here is given at the end of this report.

OSI Applications Standards
In the early 1990s, applications at Layer 7 were considered the
driving force of OSI acceptance. In particular, the ISO electronic
mail standard for message handling systems (MHSs)-or
X.400-was becoming popular in commercial implementations.
Two versions, one in 1984, and another in 1988, were unratified
draft international standards. The standard was given a big boost
in 1989, when the Aerospace Industry Assn. (AlA) adopted X.400
to interconnect its diverse electronic mail networks. Gateways to
proprietary E-Mail systems were also developed that year, and
dozens of vendors rolled out X.400-based products. In addition,
the ISO adapted XAOO as the message medium for electronic data
interchange (EDI). In this context, X.400 was to be used as the
communications method to· store and forward trade documents
and business forms conforming to ANSI X 12, the European EDIFACT, and de facto EDI standards. Alas, MHSIX.400 proved

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Data Networking

ISO Reference Model
for Open Systems
Interconnection (051)

costly and complicated to implement, and was overtaken by
other, simpler, electronic mail standards, particularly, since the
mid-199Os, Internet mail based on IP.
One component of successful E-Mail internetworking is directory services (OS), with the ISO version known as X.500. Again,
this seems to be unworkable and, while no international standard
has taken over, Novell's NOS and Banyan's StreetTalk provide
most of the directory functionality in use today. Microsoft is also
in the process of developing a similar function. In today's open
networking environment, reliance on proprietary software is unusual (unless as pre-standard releases) and it can only be concluded that X.500 proved more or less unworkable, although
Banyan declared its StreetTalk to be based very much upon X.500
and obviously drew upon it for a lot of the ideas.
X.500 specifies an on-line directory for message communications, ultimately allowing network providers to map a common,
interconnected directory of worldwide users. X.500 dictates naming conventions, how users access directory information, and
what services are available.
The OSI protocol pair for office automation, Office Document
Architecture (aDA) and Office Document Interchange Format
(ODIF), has been an international standard since 1988 (ISO
8613). It was also specified in the various governments' GOSIP
procurement standards until the demise of GOSIP worldwide in
the early 199Os. aDA and ODIF facilitate the exchange of office
documents-such as letters, memoranda, and business reportsamong dissimilar systems. Moreover, the standard specifies the
formatting and exchange of compound documents-those containing combinations of text, images, and graphics. Several ISO
working groups are attempting to strengthen and extend the standard in such areas as the inclusion of audio, spreadsheet data,
color graphics, document security, and various layout and presentation styles.
The OSI standard for sending and sharing data files-File
Transfer, Access, and Management (FTAM)-is also a finalized
international standard. It is a Layer 7 component of the Manufacturing Automation Protocol (MAP), which was developed from
networking efforts in the manufacturing industry. It spread
quickly in Europe and made significant progress in domestic
business applications, but the file protocol used with Transmission Control Protocol/lnternet Protocol (TCPIIP)-File Transfer
Protocol (FfP)-was also well established in the U.S., however,
and generally more popular than FTAM. FTPhas since taken over
from FTAM for most file transfer and is the established way of
downloading large files from Internet sites. It was thought that
FfAM would become the standard for EDI transfers but, again, it
became apparent that it was too cumbersome, and that was when
X.400 became popular for that. The difference in use between
X.400 (or any messaging system) and FTAM (or any other file
transfer protocol such as FfP), is that file transfer is real time
while X.400 is store and forward. With any store-and-forward
system, there can be long delays while the information gets
through the network-with FfAM and FTP any delays during
transmission are usually brief, but are variable depending upon
bottlenecks on a large system such as the Internet.
The Layer 7 protocol for network management, Common
Management Information Protocol (CMIP), is now an International Standard. CMIP is a communications protocol between the
agent process, and management agents at each managed OSI
node. The real work of managing network processes is located
within each node's managed objects at individual OSI layers. In
other words, each layer must have its own network management
system, which OSI does not specify. CMIP allows a centralized
management process to either modify the value of an attribute, or
request its value (read its status) at each of the layers. While
CMIP has been more or less superseded by the Simple Network

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Management Protocol (SNMP) in the LAN, CMIP is still popular
for WAN management, showing once again how different the two
worlds can be. SNMP has taken up the structure for management
that OSI set up with CMIP and now does the job of managing
networks perfectly well. (For more information, see the OSI
Management section featured later in this report.)
Other Layer 7 protocols include distributed Transaction Processing (TP), designed to interconnect different transaction computing systems across OSI networks; Remote Database Access
(RDA), a protocol for integrating database management systems;
and Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS), ISO 9506, a
manufacturing protocol that requires extensions for specific
manufacturing device types.
Connection Methods
Every layer of the OSI Reference Model, except the Physical
Layer, supports both connection and connectionless mode (this is
one of the reasons the protocols are so complex and expensive to
implement-{)ther technologies are one or the other). Connection-oriented service requires a connection establishment phase, a
data transfer phase, and a connection termination phase; a logical
connection is set up between end systems prior to data exchange.
These phases define the necessary sequence of events for successful data transmission. Connection-oriented service capabilities include data sequencing, flow control, and transparent
error handling.
In a connectionless service, such as Switched Multi-megabit
Data Service (SMDS), each Protocol Data Unit (PDU) isjndependently routed to the destination; no connection establishment
activities are required, since each data unit is independent of the
previous or subsequent one. Connectionless-mode service transfers data units without regard to establishing or maintaining connections. In connectionless mode, transmission delivery is uncertain due to the possibility of errors. This appears contrary to the
goal of network design--users want to ensure that messages
reach their destination. In reality, connectionless-mode communication simply shifts responsibility for message integrity to a
higher layer, which checks integrity only once, rather than requiring checks at each lower layer. Alternatively, each data unit might
contain the error recovery mechanism.
In connection-oriented networking, such as ATM, a connection is established for the whole data stream just once, and all
packets or cells follow that path. There is now also what might be
thought of as a hybrid never dreamed of in OSI-IP switching,
where the first packet is examined but the rest follow the path of
the first through the switch, despite the connectionless nature of
the protocols involved. This depends on having a switched network. Multiprotocol Over ATM (MPOA) will perform the same
function when standardized late in 1997.
Lower-Layer Protocols
Lower-layer OSI protocols for Layers 1 through 3 are welldefined veterans and in many cases borrowed from existing EIA,
IEEE, or ITU-T standards_ Connectionless communications at the
lower layers of the OSI model is well established and is found, for
example, in LANs and metropolitan area networks (MANs).
While the original OSI model-described in ISO 7498-was
connection oriented, the ISO foresaw the need for connectionless service and issued an addendum to that protocol (ISO 74981
ADI). The ISO standard for Network Layer service, ISO 8348,
contains connectionless service (in ADl) in addition to the connection mode.

OSI Security
By definition, an open system is one that encourages communications between different applications or users. Unfortunately, an

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open system can also encourage illegal eavesdropping and information theft or destruction. Notorious examples of white-<:ollar
crime, corporate espionage, and network intrusions by computer
worms and viruses have alarmed information processing professionals, and raised a general awareness of computer security issues. The concepts of information security and open systems are
antithetical; nevertheless, the ISO has taken steps to provide a
secure environment within the OSI Reference Model.
International Standard 7498, Part 2 addresses a security
architecture within the general OSI model. It describes security
measures that can be provided by specific layers in the model.
Specific security standards are not yet defined, however, but
are under study by working group JTC1, Subcommittee 27
for Information Technology Security Standards, plus other subcommittees.
SC2l, concerned with maintaining and defining the upper
three layers of the OSI Reference Model, stabilized several network management and security standards in 1991. The Security
model is composed of six frameworks that work together across
all seven layers of the OSI Reference Model: authentication,
access control, security audit, nonrepudiation, confidentiality,
and integrity.

The Manufacturing Automation Protocol and Technical Office
Protocol (TOP) were originally developed by General Motors and
Boeing Computer Services, respectively; to automate manufacturing functions on the factory floor and in the "back office." Both
are based on the OSI Reference Model, using formal standards
for each layer where possible. MAP, in particular, is probably the
best-known example of a formal multilevel OSI implementation
and is achieving substantial industry acceptance.
Version 3.0 added a Presentation Layer to the profile and
implemented a version of the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS), the protocol for transferring factory and robotics
information, ISO 9506. Other Layer 7 protocols specified are
FfAM, Network Management, and Directory Service. Middle
layers implement ISO connection-oriented protocols, although
these must be bypassed for time-critical applications. At the lower
transport layers, MAP specifies the IEEE 802.4 token bus system
employing a Type F coaxial connection to a 75-ohm cable. Although MAP was taken up widely in some countries, notably
Japan, it has not been further pursued generally. LANs have
moved on and few new LANs use token bus or coaxial cable now
(except that in the new field of home LANs, coaxial cable is often
employed for its ease of use, but standard Ethernet is universally
installed here).

Transmission Control ProtocollInternet Protocol was developed
by the U.S. government's Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) for its research network, ARPANET. By 1986,
TCPIIP had gained a following of commercial users seeking a
protocol that could be used as a common denominator for multivendor computer networks. TCP and IP are actually two separate
protocols, occupying middle layers number Four (Transport) and
number Three (Network), respectively, of the OSI Reference
TCPIIP has been implemented on almost every type of computer and is especially successful in commercial Ethernet LAN
environments. The reason TCPIIP is so popular is because it is
free and its development was paid for by the U.S. government. It
avoids the connection-orientedlconnectionless dilemma by essentially avoiding it. OSI provides a richer set of network options,
but these may not be compatible in different networks. Users
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cannot communicate across different networks if they implement
different options at these layers.
Despite OSI's early promise, a majority ·of networks no:w use
TCPIIP for LAN interconnectivity. The Internet, the. tool and
plaything "Of the 1990s that is ARPANET's grandchild, runs
almost exclusively on IP, though ATM is hidden now in the infrastructure, and we can expect this to increase as ever more bandwidth is needed. TCPIIP is also used for Ethernet LANs, and
Novell has recently withdrawn its proprietary IPX from new NetWare installations, preferring instead to migrate customers to
pure IP.

OSI Management
Since the first draft of the seven-layer ISO model was produced in
1978, extensions to the basic model have been developed to more
adequately represent all of the functions required by large-scale,
multivendor networking environments. OSI Management is an
extension to the original reference model that specifies transfer of
network management information in the Application Layer and
support for network management functions at Layers 4, 5, and 6.

Advantages and Disadvantages to OSI·Based
Network Management
In addition to solving the problem of managing heterogeneous
environments, OSI-based network management played a part in
bringing about a new phenomenon-the unbundling of network
management from network products. In a proprietary enVlron- .
ment, a given vendor's products are primarily manageable only
by products developed by that vendor. The promise of OS I helped
to split that one-to-one relationship, making it possible for any
OSI-based network management system (NMS) to manage any
OSI Management-conformant device. Despite being widely supported, CMIP has in the end lost out to SNMP in the LAN environment, but the initiative encouraged the widespread publication
of private Management Information Bases (MIBs) so that heterogeneous networks could be managed under SNMP. In the WAN,
CMIP is both widespread and popular. Here, there is not such an
open environment due to lack of customer demand for it, and such
interoperability as there is must be reliable. WAN management is
vital--LAN management is still often, wrongly, treated as a
The market (both vendors and users)widely criticized ISO for
moving too slowly in its efforts to ratify OSI Management standards. Vendors are wisely unwilling to develop products based on
standards that are not yet final. In an effort to open the door to
new OSI~based network management system products, SC21
WG4 defined groups of network management functions that were
to be covered within OSI-based network management: fault, configuration, performance, accounting, and security management
specifications. These principles, if not the actual protocols, have
been established as the expected field to be covered by any network management system (NMS), and this is one of the areas that
OSI has changed networking profoundly.
Another disadvantage of standards-based network management is that OSI standards merely provide a menu of options.
There are numerouS gaps and ambiguities in OSI Management
standards that could be interpreted differently, leading to incompatible implementations.

Standards Documents
OSI Management standards can be broadly categorized into four


Functions--what network management is, according to OSI


Services--how network management functions are accomplished


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ISO Reference Model
for Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI)

Information Structure-terms and categories describing
what is managed (e.g., "management information")
Protocols-describe means of transporting network management information

Taken together, these four areas describe a generic package for
network management systems, and how these products relate to
the network devices they manage (called managed objects in OSI
A blueprint document, Management Framework OMNIPoint,
places the OSI Management environment in perspective by
describing terms and the scope of OSI network management.

OSI Management Functions
OSI Management functions are described in the Systems Management standards (IS 10040, IS 10164-1 through 10164-7, and
N 10164-8 through 10164-12). Management using three models:

The Organizational Model---describes ways OSI Management can be distributed administratively


The Information Model-provides guidelines for defining
managed objects and their interrelationships, classes, and


The Functional Model-describes network management

The Functional Model outlines how ISO has partitioned network
management into five functional areas: fault management, configuration and name management, performance management,
accounting management, and security management. ISO originally described each of these areas in its own standard. Further
studies revealed that functions overlapped; therefore, ISO reorganized the documents in December 1988 into their present Systems Management form.
Fault management provides the detection, isolation, and correction of abnormalities in network operation. Configuration
and name management facilities permit network managers to
control the configuration of the system, network, or layer entities.
Changed configurations may isolate faults, alleviate congestion,
or meet changing user needs. Performance management enables
the network manager to monitor and evaluate the performance of
the system, network, and layer entities. Data from performance
management may be used to initiate configuration changes and
diagnostic testing to allow a satisfactory level of performance.
Accounting management facilities help determine and allocate
costs for the use of a network manager's communications resources. Security management facilities permit the management
of those services providing access protection of communications



Services are described, in part, in the Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) standard, IS 9596. Services use
primitives, or command types, to accomplish network management functions. Examples of CMIP commands include GET,
SET, GET REPORT, CREATE, and DELETE. While service
primitives are somewhat abstract, they are important building
blocks for composite commands used by network management
applications to obtain vital data on the status and activity of network devices.
Common Management Infonnation Services (CMIS) include
a detailed abstract model of open systems management services.
These fall into three categories--event notification, information
transfer, and control. Event notification allows one system to notify another that some event of importance has occurred.

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Information Structure
The most important standards in this category are Structure of
Management Information (SMI), Parts I, 2, and 4 (CD 1Ol6?-I,
-2, and -4). (Part 3 is not missing; rather, ISO merged Part 3 mto
Part 4.) Included in these standards is an explanation of the
object-oriented paradigm, used to model a network in terms of
object classes and attributes. In object-oriented environments, a
variable (for example, a variable called Bridge) is defined both in
terms of the operations that can be performed on it and the values
of attributes it can possess. For example, Bridge can have an
attribute such as Status, which may have a value of Busy; a network management system may obtain this value via a Get operation, or alter it via a Set operation.
Objects (including their attributes and operations) are stored
in a MIB, sometimes called an Object Library. The SMI documents just listed provide syntax and semantics for information in
the MIB; however, no single ISO standard defines exactly what
the OSI MIB will contain, nor how vendors and users can register
objects in the standard MIB.
In the TCPIIP world, an Internet Standard MIB exists for
objects managed using SNMP. This MIB functions in an analogous role to the proposed OSI MIB, although the administration
and rules governing the two are sure to differ.
MIB includes all information needed to make management
decisions. MIB is a conceptual repository of all OSI management
data in an OSI environment. The MIB concept does not imply any
form of physical or logical storage for management infonnation,
however, and its implementation is outside the scope of OSI standards. Rather, the SMI defines the abstract syntax and the semantics of information, so that it can be represented in OSI protocol

Common Management Information Protocol, IS 9596, is the primary OSI Management protocol. CMIP specifies procedures for
the exchange of basic management information between open
systems interconnected by OSI protocols.
X.500.-The Directory
The Directory is a related standard designed to manage namerelated infonnation concerning protocol layers and network
nodes. These services connect the actual names used in the network with names and addresses understood by human users. The
Directory is defined in CD 9594.

OSI and the Future
The world needs a network of computers, similar to standards for
international telephony, to link users across oceans and continents. A few years ago, most industry analysts perceived OSI as
the answer. Although endorsed by such prominent vendors as
IBM, DIGITAL, and Hewlett-Packard, OSI's once-bright future
as the premier means of interconnecting multivendor computer
networks is now dimmed. Where OSI was too complex, slow, and
expensive, TCPIIP stepped in to fill the gaps. The OSI Reference
Model also had some technical glitches and holes that prevented
it from being widely implemented. These will probably never
now be repaired. As an internetworking protocol, TCPIIP has
proved its worth and is a popular and commercially succ~ssful
method of linking users across diverse networks. OSI IDlddlelayer protocols 3 through 5, the altematives to TCPIIP, are not as
simple to implement in the real world. SNMP, the network management protocol for TCPIIP networks, is also a proven, comm7rcially successful solution. As long as vendors and users requIre
practical networking products, they will continue using TCPIIPbased protocols-standard or not.

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In reality, OSI and other layered architectures .do not serve
every application and are not a panacea. Proprietary architectures
, will continue to thrive alongside both de j(lCto and de jure standards-based networks, especially for closed user groups (where
internetworking is not a requirement) or in time-sensitive applications intolerant of layered protocols' high overhead,
All others who desire internetworking must realize that the
associated protocols are still evolving-nothing is truly cast in
iron. In market-based economies, products that do .not satisfy
market needs will not gain widespread favor. Therefore, prospective users must evaluate OSI protocols and their adoption with an

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. eye toward future standards developments. As it stands now, OSI
will not be the interconnection standard of the future .. Significant
portions of it, however, have most certainly contributed to the
evolution of international standards. The OSI 7-Layer model itself, however, has proved itself over and over. This view of data
communication has become universally accepted, with even
SNA-which is layered differently-often explained in the OSI
model's terms. While the standards and protocols may not
develop, the structure has added greatly to a common understanding of networking and has now also stood the test of time. -


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Data Networking





ISO Reference Model for
Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI)
In this report:

Datapro Summary

051 Standards Progress ..... 6

The goal of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) is to enable dissimilar computers in mul-

051 Management ..•..•.........• 9
051 and the Future .....••..... 11

Note: This report updates
the OSI's status at all
seven layers; compares
OSI to other architectures;
rationalizes the need for
standards testing and verification; profiles major
testing organizations; and
outlines OSI Management
standards and status.

tivendor environments to share information transparently. The OSI structure calls for cooperation among systems of different manufacture and design. With this capability, global
digital networks can become a reality. There are seven layers of the OSI model that communicate between one end system and another. The layers cover nearly all aspects of information flow, from applications-related services provided at the Application Layer to the physical connection of devices to the communications medium at the Physical Layer. Although
all seven layers have long since been defined and ISO protocols ratified for each layer, the
ISO committees must keep refining and extending specific sections of the model by rewriting existing definitions and adding new protocols.

The proliferation of computerized data processing systems in the late 1960s produced a need for
compatible data communications networks in
the 1970s. Several proprietary network architectures were developed for mainframe-to-tenninal
communications, including IBM's SNA in 1974.
Although many of these proprietary architectures were based on a layered model, none were
compatible with any other. The CClTf's X.25
host interface to the packet networks standard
was ratified in 1976 but is not a complete network architecture. In 1977 the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) formed
ISO Technical Committee 97 (TC97), Subcemmittee 16 (SC16), to embark on a worldwide
standardization effort and confront the issue of
incompatibility head-on. The pUIpOse of TC97/
SC 16 was to develop a model and define the protocols and interfaces required to support an open
system. The goal of OSI was, and still is, to enable dissimilar computers in multivendor environments to share infonnation transparently.
With this capability, global digital networks can
become a reality.

1993 McGraw-Hili, Incorporated. Reproduction ProhibRed.
Datapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA


The Open System
The ISO defines a system as a set of one or more
computers and associated software, peripherals,
terminals, human operators, physical processes,
infonnation transfer means, etc., which fonn an
autonomous whole capable of perfonning information processing and/or infonnation transfer.
An open system is one that obeys OSI standards
in its communication with other systems.
An application process is an element within a
system that performs infonnation processing for
a particular application. The application process
can be manual (a person operating a banking terminal), computerized (a program executing in a
computer center and accessing a remote database), or physical (a process control program executing in a dedicated computer attached to industrial equipment and linked to a plant control
The OSI structure calls for cooperation
among systems of different manufacture and design. This includes coordinating activities such
as the following:
• Intetprocess communications-the synchronization between OSI application processes
and the exchange of infonnation
• Data representation-the creation and maintenance of data descriptions and transfonnations for refonnatting data exchanged between systems

JUNE 1993


ISO ~nc. Model tor


Data Networking

Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI)


• Data storage---storage media, file systems, and database systems for providing access to and management of stored data
• Process and resource management-how application processes
are declared, initiated, controlled, and acquired
• Integrity and security-information processing constraints that
must be ensured during open systems operations
• Program support-the definition, compilation, testing, linking,
storage, and transfer of and access to programs executed by the
application processes
The OSI model is concerned only with the exchange of information between open systems.

The Layering Concept
Layering is a basic structuring technique used in the OSI model.
Each layer is composed of an ordered set of subsystems, with
logically related functions grouped together. The OSI model
breaks down internetworking activities between systems into two
distinct groups. Communications-oriented functions are separated from user-oriented functions; features which move information across a network are distinct from features which handle and
format information.
There are seven layers of the OSI model that communicate
between one end system and another end system. The layers
cover nearly all aspects of information flow, from applicationsrelated services provided at the Application Layer to the connection of devices to the communications medium at the Physical
Layer. Below the Physical Layer, the media itself corresponding
to "Layer 0"-such as wire, cable, or through-the-air communication-is currently not addressed by the model. Application,
Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link, and Physical Layers have been dermed (see Table 1). The model described
in Table 1 is OSI's seven layers with their purposes. In Table I,
information flows down from Layer 7 to Layer I, and then out
over a physical transmission medium. At the receiving end, the
information flows into another end system and up from Layer 1 to
Layer 7, until it is received by a user.

The seven layers can be divided into two functional groups:
the Transport Platform (Layers 1 to 4) and the Application Platform (Layers 5 to 7). The Transport Platform's function is to get
data from one system to another without errors. The Application
Platform's function is to interpret the data stream and present it to
the user in a usable form (see Figure 1).
Each layer contributes functions to the communications task.
For example, the Link Layer enables communications across a
single physical connection, while the Network Layer provides
end-to-end routing and data relay. Services at the upper-layer interface-providing communications to the next-higher layerare provided by each layer, usually described by a service specification for the layer. Services at each layer are provided by a
layer entity. Each layer entity communicates with its peer at the
same layer on another system, providing services specified in the
service specification.
Layers are sometimes divided into sublayers, for several reasons. Layer functions are often divided into separate modules to
handle the service interface of the layer beneath it. This avoids
"rewriting" the entire layer. For example, the Link Layer of the
IEEE 802 Local Area Network (LAN) standards is divided into a
Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer and a Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer. The MAC sublayer depends on characteristics of the underlying Physical Layer. Any layer may originate a
message to fulfill its responsibilities. The message may not bypass any layer en route to its destination. If a message leaves the
node, it will end up in another node at the same layer that originated the message.
IBM's SNA is also a layered architecture, following rules of
layering similar to OSI and other layered architectures. There are
good reasons for layering: layering simplifies change; components inside a layer can be changed without affecting any other
layers in that node. Layers are like structured programming-but
for teleprocessing systems. Because there are rigid interfaces between levels, fewer people need to react to changes, allowing
them to be implemented faster. There is no better way of achieving complex functions. Layering allows each network function to

Table 1. The Seven Layers of OSI





Applications and application interfaces for
OSI networks. Provides access to lower-layer
functions and services.



Negotiates syntactic representation for the
Presentation Layer and performs data





Coordinates connection and interaction
between applications. Establishes a dialog,
manages and synchronizes the direction of
Ensures end-ta-end data transfer between
applications, data integrity, and service
quality. Assembles data packets for routing
by Layer 3.



Routes and relays data units among network


Data Link

Transfers data units from one network node
to another over a transmission circuit.
Ensures data integrity between nodes.


Delimits and encodes the bits onto the
physical medium.

JUNE 1993

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Data Networking

ISO Reference Model for


Open Syatem.
Interconnection (OSI)



Standards Organizations and
Testing Agencies
Although standards are indispensable for computer internetworking, they are useless
unless vendor claims of compatibility can be tested and
users can be ensured of 00quiring products that comply
fully with the standards. In
general, vendor claims of
standards compatibility are
suspect unless verified by an
impartial testing agency. Additionally, compatibility claims
can mean different things to
different people. For users, it
is a good idea to probe vendor
claims of standards compatibility to determine what is
compatible with what, and at
what levels.
Several standards testing and
verification bodies have been
organized both here and
abroad by vendor consortiums, government agencies,
and independent organizations. They have found that
developing conformance
specifications, producing testing suites, and conducting
comprehensive testing are
complicated, expensive, and
time consuming. Regional differences can stymie attempts
at verification. The trend for
these organizations, therefore,
is to cooperate with each
other, sharing resources and

expertise. A primary objective
is demonstrating interoperability among different vendors;
i.e., proving that standards
really work and fostering enduser interest. Many agencies
have tried vainly to involve
more end users but are
backed primarily by the vendors.
In the U.S., primary testing
and certification agencies include the Corporation for
Open Systems (COS), the
National Institute of Science
and Technology (NIST), and
Bell Communications Research (Bellcore). Several
smaller organizations and certain vendors, however, also
offer testing services. Europe
is represented by the Standards Promotion & Application
Group (SPAG); Japan by the
Promoting Conference for OSI
(POSI). Standards organizations are listed below:
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
1430 Broadway
New York, NY 10018
(212) 642-4900
ANSI X3 Secretariat
Computer and Business
Equipment Manufacturers
Assn. (CBEMA)

be made "transparent," unaware and independent of other functions at other layers, thus enabling any layer to be modified without changing the entire monolithic architecture.
Each layer may support one of several different protocols designed for specific network applications; the choice of a specific
protocol is optional, allowing users to tailor networks to their own
design. Each layer defines functions crucial to the communications process at that layer, independent of the other layers. However, a layer may perform functions hinging on functions performed in the layers immediately above or below. A layer can
only communicate with another device or network node at its peer
layer. Messages exchanged between peer layers are "enveloped"
with messages from other layers and passed through these other
layers on the way to their destination, picking up and then shedding these other protocol layers along the way. For example, if
layer seven at one end system must send a message to layer seven
at another, it must travel down through six layers at its own end

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Suite SOO, 311 First Street,
Washington, DC 20001-2178
(202) 737-8888
Be" Communications Research (Be"core)
60 New England Avenue
Piscataway, NJ 08854-4196
(908) 699-2000
Customer Service Hot Line:
(800) 521-CORE
Corporation for Open Systems(COS)
Suite 400, 1750 Old Meadow
McLean, VA 221 02-4306
(703) 883-2700
Telex: WU16503157578 MCI
European Computer Manufacturers Assn. (ECMA)
Rue du Rhone 114
CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland
(+41) 22 735 36 34
Telex: 413237 ECMA CH
Electronic Industries Assn.
1722 Eye Street NW, Suite
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 457-4900
International Organization
for Standardization (ISO)
1, Rue de Varembe
Case Postale 56
C8-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
(+41) 22 33 34 30
International Telegraph and
Telephone Consultative
Committee (CCITT)
General Secretariat
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
(+41) 22 99 51 11
Fax: (+41) 22 33 72 56
Telex: 421 000 UIT CH
Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers
345 E. 47th Street
New York, NY 10017
(212) 70~7900
Fax (publications): (212) 70~
IEEE Service Center
(published standards):
445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box
Piscataway, NJ 0885~1331
(908) 981-1393
Fax: (908) 981-9667
Telex: 833-233
Mr. Jerry Mulvenna, Chairman
OSINET Steering Committee
NIST Building 225, Room
Clopper Road
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Standards Promotion & Application Group SA (SPAG)
Avenue Louise 149, Box 7
10SO Brussels, Belgium
(+32) 2 535 08 11
Telex: 20307 SPAG B
National Institute of Standards and Technology
U.S. Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
(301) 97~2000

and then up through six layers at the other, until it reaches layer
seven at its opposite (peer) layer.
Each network node (a network user, computer, terminal) is
equipped with this layer mechanism. However, not all intermediate nodes need all seven layers. Network nodes, in particular,
must only route and transmit data packets-functions at the bottom three layers of the OSI model. Layer 4 through 7 functions
are not required and, therefore, not included in network node software. Data packets processed in these nodes reach only Layer 3
and are then routed elsewhere (see Figure 2). A node communicates with its peer in another node sending or receiving data. Data
transfer is routed from Layer 7 down to Layer 1 at the transmitting node, then along the network to Layer 1 at the receiving
node, and finally from Layer 1 up to Layer 7. Peer layers communicate by the same method.

JUNE 1993

ISO Refereltce Model for
InterconneCtion (OSI)




does not provide· services to a layer above it. Some of the services.
provided by this layer, other than information transfer,are the'-<_
• .Identifying intended communications partners
• Determining current availability of the intended partners

Figure 1.
ApplictJlion tuUl Transport Divisions








Data Link

The seven layers are divided into two junctional groups.

The message initiated at the Application Layer is passed from
layer to layer, through the various OSI layers, encapsulating control information in the process. A fully encapsulated message enters the cable at Layer 1. The procedure is reversed at the receiving end. Each item of control information is processed at its
appropriate layer,and the message itself passes upto Layer 7.
Data transfer essentially is a packaging process at the transmitting
node and an unpackaging process at the receiving node.
The Lare,.
A number of objectives were considered by the reference model's
designers: to limit the number of layers to make the system engineering task of describing and integrating the layers as simple as
possible; to create boundaries between layers at points where the
description of services can be small and the number of interactions across each boundary is minimized; and to colleCt similar
functions in the same layer. Table 1 summarizes the OSI Reference Model's layers; more detailed descriptions follow for each
The Application Layer
The Application Layer (Layer 7) is the highest·layer, providing
the means for the application process to access the OSI environment. Its function is to serve as the passageway between application processes using Open Systems Interconnection to exchange
information; consequently, all application process parameters are
made known to the OSI environment through this layer.
All services directly usable by the application process (Le.,
systems and applications management functions) are provided by
the Application Layer. It differs from the other layers in that it
JUNE 1993

Data Networking

• Establishing the authority to communicate.
• Agreeing on responsibility for error recovery
• Agreeing on procedures for controlling datil integrity
The Presentation Layer
The Presentation Layer (Layer 6) allows an application·to interpret the meaning of information exchanged. Information is formatted and translated at this layer. Aspects of Layer 6 include data
syntax, which is the data to be transferred between layers, and the
presentation image syntax, which is the data structure that application entities refer to in their dialog, or the set of actions that may
be perfomied on the data structure.
Services provided to the Presentation Layer include the following:
• Transforming data syntax, primarily code and character set
• Transforming and selecting the presentation syntax, the adaptation and modification of the presentation data (the OSI view)

Functions within the Presentation Layer include session establishmentrequest; data transfer; negotiation and renegotiation of
data syntax and presentation image syntax; and sessiontermination request.
The ~OD Layer
The Session Layer (Layer 5) allows cooperating presentation entities to organize and synchronize their dialog and to manage data
exchange. It provides the following services:
• Session-connection establishment-creation of an exchange
between presentation entities
• Session-connection release
• Normal data exchange
• Expedited data exchange
• Interaction management-allowing presentation entities to
take turns exercising control functions

• Session-connection synchronization
• Exception reporting-permitting the presentation entities to be
notified of exceptional situations
• Activity management
The Transport Layer
The Transport Layer (Layer 4) provides transparent data flow
between session entities, freeing the Session Layer from responsibility for cost-effective and reliable data transfer. Layer 4 provides information interchange according to Ii user-specified reliability level and end-to-end control. Transport protocols transfer
information from one end of a physical connection to another and
ensure that it is delivered correctly. Layer 4 protocols are used
after a route has been established through the network by· the
network-layer protocol.

The services provided by this layer include the following:
• Transport-connection establishment to complete a connection
between session entities

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ISO Reference Model for
Open Systems
IntercOlHWCtlon (OSII

Data Networking




Figure 2.

Message Movement Among OSI Layers


Message moves from Layer 7 through - - - - - - . .
the other layers to reach Layer 7
at the opposite end











Data Link

- -------------



Media \......_ _









Data Link




End System





Data Link






Network Node




End System

Intermediate nodes in an OSI network require only bottom-layer functions o/the OSI model. Note how peer layers communicate only with their
peers; i.e.• Layer J talks to other lAyer Is but not to lAyer 2s.

• Data transfer, in accordance with the agreed quality of service
• Transport-connection release
The European Computer Manufacturers Assn. (ECMA) has defined this layer in its Transport Protocol standard, ECMA-72.
This standard has gained the support of a number of North American and European computer manufacturers.
The Network Layer
The Network Layer (Layer 3) provides the means to establish,
maintain, and tenninate connections between systems. Its basic
service is providing transparent data transfer between transport

The services provided by this layer encompass the following:
• Establishing network connections for transporting data between transport entities through network addresses

The Data Link Layer
Data Link Layer 2 provides the procedural and functional means
to establish, maintain, and release data link connections between
two network nodes or network entities and to transfer data fmmes
(or packets). This layer also detects and may correct errors that
occur in the Physical Layer.
Services provided by the Data Link Layer to the Network
Layer include data link connection, sequencing, error notification, flow control, and data unit transfer.
The Physical Layer
The lowest ofthe OSI layers is Physical Layer 1. It provides the
electrical, mechanical, functional, and proceduml chamcteristics
for activation, maintenance, and deactivation of a physical connection. Physical Layer standards specify physical interfaces
(connectors) connected by a physical medium.

Services provided by this layer include the following:

• Identifying connection endpoints
• Transferring network service data units
• Noting errors for reporting unrecovemble errors to the transport layer
• Sequencing network control data units

• Activating and deactivating physical connections
• Data circuit identification

• Flow control
• Releasing the network connection

• Fault condition notification

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• Sequencing
• Transmitting physical service data units either synchronously
or asynchronously

JUNE 1993



Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
ASN.l is a specification language adopted for the OSI Reference
Model, giving standards developers a common method for defining syntax. ASN.l is somewhat analogous to grammatical rules
defining the English language, with the exception that it is not
procedural. Just as English grammar specifies notation (punctuation symbols) and word classifications (such as nouns and verbs),
ASN.l specifies the rules that help standards developers define
complex data types in terms of simple building blocks.
ASN.l was first formally described and published in 1984, in
the CCITI X.409 standard entitled "Message Handling Systems:
Presentation Syntax and Notation." It is now described (in less
readable fashion) in two later documents: CCITI X.208 (ISO
8824), entitled "Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One
(ASN.l)," and X.2OO (ISO 8825), "Basic Encoding Rules for
Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.l)."
According to ASN.1, each fragment of information must possess a type and a value. For example:
• Device-Status could be a type (in this case, it is a Boolean
• Zero or One are the possible values
This is specified in ASN.1 notation as such:
Device-Status ::= Boolean
Boolean ::- 1 (or 0)
This is a very simple example; ASN.1 is a powerful grammar,
capable of specifying very complex data types. Hence, it will
continue to be the grammar of choice for specifying open systems
standards and protocols.

OSI Standards Progress
There are four stages in the development cycle: working paper;
committee draft (CD), previously known as a draft proposal;
draft international standard (DIS); and international standard (IS).
A working paper is developed in the first stage. When it matures
and contains well-developed technical concepts, it is registered as
a CD. Passage advances the CD to the DIS level, and the document is considered sufficiently stable to serve as the basis of initial implementations. At the DIS level, the document is distributed for a 180-day ballot. The DIS may require multiple ballots. A
successful ballot elevates the DIS to the level of IS and completes
ISO's process.
The entire process usually takes between four and eight years.
A list of standards organizations associated with the OSI Reference Model is given at the end of this report.

The Evolution of OSI CommiHees
In the spring of 1977, ISO Technical Committee 97 (TC97)
formed a special subcommittee (SC16) charged with developing
an architectural model that would extend from applications-layer
communications clear down to the connection with the physical
interface. The first draft of the seven-layer OSI Reference Model
was completed in 1978. Between 1978 and 1983, the Basic Reference Model and many of the standards for the individual layers
approached or attained draft international standard status. By the
end of 1984, SC16 was reorganized to form Subcommittee 21
(SC21). Working groups within SC16 were also realigned.
The OSI Basic Reference Model became an international standard in 1984. During 1985 a number of vendors demonstrated
products that implemented these standards and, by the end of
1986, many of these products were commercially introduced.
In July 1987 the Joint Technical Committee for Information
Technology (JTel) was formed when ISOITC97 joined forces
JUNE 1993

ISO Reference MOctei for
Open Systems
Interc~lon (OSI)

Data Networking

with Technical Committee 83 (TC83) of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The me is a coalition of industrial
standards bodies that is co-located with the ISO in Geneva, Switzerland. The new JTCI held its first meeting in 1987. The standardization activities of SC21 report to JTC I.
SC21 is composed of member bodies (MBs) from 23 different
countries. Each MB has its own national standards organization;
for example, ANSI represents the United States in JTCI. The
individuals or "national correspondents" comprising the MB
delegations come from different groups including user organizations, manufacturing firms, government agencies, and common
carriers or PTfs. As such, they bring varying perspectives and
concerns to the committee sessions.
When an OSI committee or working group produces a document such as a CD, the document is circulated among the MBs for
a vote and to the liaison organizations (LOs) for review. LOs are
independent organizations which also have a vested interest in
OSI development. LOs provide comments on the content of OSI
documents but do not have voting privileges.

Status of OSI Protocols
Protocol standards for all seven layers of the OSI model have
been approved; however, OSI committees are refining and extending some standards as required and may add new standards at
specific layers (particularly Layer 7). Additionally, other standards groups-such as the CCITI, ANSI, and IEEE-may adopt
OSI protocol standards as their own and vice versa. Consequently, many OSI standards are known by more than one standard designation. Table 2 shows some major ISO protocols approved for each OSI layer and lists corresponding appellations
from ANSI, the CCITI, and the ECMA, where applicable.

OSI Applications Standards
ISO committees are working hard at Layer 7, the Application
Layer. In fact, OSI application standards are perceived as potentially powerful and versatile and are the driving force for OSI
market acceptance. We devote considerable space reviewing
some of the most important ones here.
In particular, the ISO electronic mail standard for message
handling systems (MHSs)-or CCITI X.400-is becoming popular in commercial implementations. Two versions, one in 1984,
and another in 1988, are draft international standards that have
not been ratified. The standard was given a big boost in 1989,
when the Aerospace Industry Assn. (AlA) adopted X.400 to interconnect its diverse electronic mail networks. Gateways to proprietary E-Mail systems were also developed that year, and dozens
of vendors have rolled out X.400-based products. Most public
E-Mail carriers have also adopted the standard and are migrating
to the 1988 version.
In addition, the ISO is adapting X.400 as the message medium
for electronic data interchange (EDI). In this context, X.400
would be used as the communications method to store and forward trade documents and business forms conforming to ANSI
X12, the European EDIFACT, and de facto EDI standards.
One component of successful E-Mail intemetworking is directory services (OS), commonly known as CCITI X.500. X.500
specifies an on-line directory for message communications, ultimately allowing network providers to map a common, interconnected directory of worldwide users. X.500 dictates naming conventions, how users access directory information, and what
services are available.
Since the 1988 standard is not flexible, SC21 WG4 is working
to ease the transition to the new 1992 version. Older 1985 X.500
systems will require a software modification to work with the
1992 version. Realistically, the vision of a worldwide messaging
directory probably will not be realized until the late 199Os.

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Data Networking

ISO Reference Model for


Interconnection (051)




Open S,stems

Table 2. ISO Protocols and Equivalent Standards



8571 (FTAM)
10021 (MHS)
9041 (VT)
10026 (OTP)


ANSI (1)




9594 (OS)
8613 (OOA)
9579 (ROA)
9596 (CMIP)

T.410 Series, T.73


8823 (connection)
9596 (connectionless)



8327 (connection)
9548 (connectionless)





8073 (TPO-TP4)





8208 (Layers 1-3)
8348 (connection)
8473 (connectionless)
9542 (15-15)
8878 (use w/8208)
8880 (LAN)
8881 (X.25 on LANs)








3309 (HOLC)
8802.2-.7 (LAN)
(IEEE 802.2-.7)
9314 (FOOl)
2110 (EIA-2320)
4902 (EIA-449)


ECMA-82, -81, -90, -89

X3.148, X3.139, X3.166
V.24, V.28
V.24, V.28
X-Series interfaces,
Other V-Series

(1) No ANSI standards exist by policy in most instances, as U.S. follows International standards.


The OSI protocol pair for office automation, Office Document
Architecture (ODA) and Office Document Interchange Format
(ODIF), has been an international standard since 1988 (ISO
8613). It is also specified in the U.S. government's GOSIP standard. ODA and ODIF facilitate the exchange of office documents-such as letters, memoranda, and business reportsamong dissimilar systems. Moreover, the standard specifies the
formatting and exchange of compound documents-those containing combinations of text, images, and graphics. Several ISO

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working groups are attempting to strengthen and extend the Standard in such areas as the inclusion of audio, spreadsheet data,
color graphics, document security, and various layout and presentation styles.
The OSI standard for sending and sharing data files-File
Transfer, Access, and Management (FfAM)-is also a finalized
international standard. It is a Layer 7 component of the Manufacturing Automation Protocol (MAP), which was developed from
networking efforts in .the manufacturing industry. FfAM has
spread quickly in Europe and has made significant progress in
domestic business applications. The file protocol used with
JUNE 1993




Transmission Control Protocol/lntemet Protocol (TCP/IP)-File
Transfer Protocol (FfP)-is also well established in the U.S.,
however, and generally more popular than FTAM.
The Layer 7 protocol for network management, Common
Management Information Protocol (CMIP), is now an International Standard. CMIP is a communications protocol between the
agent process and management agents at each 'managed OSI
node. The real work of managing network processes is located
within each node's managed objects at individual OSI layers; in
other words, each layer must have its own network management
system, which OSI does not specify. CMIP allows a centralized
management process to either modify the value of an attribute or
request its value (read its status) at each of the layers. Definitions
and descriptions of management structures and managed information are contained in other OSI standards yet to be completed.
(For more information, see the OSI Management section featured
later in this report.)
Other Layer 7 protocols include distributed Transaction Processing (TP), designed to interconnect different transaction computing systems across OSI networks; Remote Database Access
(RDA), a protocol for integrating database management systems;
and Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS), ISO 9506, a
manufacturing protocol that requires extensions for specific manufacturing device types.
Connection Methods
Every layer of the OSI Reference Model, except the Physical
Layer, supports connection and connectionless mode. Connection-oriented service requires a connection establishment phase, a
data transfer phase, and a connection termination phase; a logical
connection is set up between end systems prior to data exchange.
These phases define the necessary sequence of events for successful data transmission. Connection-oriented service capabilities include data sequencing, flow control, and transparent error
In a connectionless service, such as new Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS), each Protocol Data Unit is independently routed to the destination; no connection establishment
activities are required, since each data unit is independent of the
previous or subsequent one. Connectionless-mode service transfers data units without regard to establishing or maintaining connections. In connectionless mode, transmission delivery is uncertain due to the possibility of errors. This appears contrary to the
goal of network design-users want to ensure that messages
reach their destination. In reality, connectionless-mode communication simply shifts responsibility for message integrity to a
higher layer, which checks integrity only once, rather than requiring checks at each lower layer. Alternatively, each data unit might
contain the error recovery mechanism.
Lower-Layer Protocols
Lower-layer OSI protocols for Layers I through 3 are well-defmed veterans and in many cases borrowed from existing EIA,
IEEE, or CCITT standards. Connectionless communications at
the lower layers of the OSI model is well established and is found,
for example, in LANs and metropolitan area networks (MANs).
While the original OSI model-described in ISO 7498-was
connection oriented, the ISO foresaw the need for connectionless
service and issued an addendum to that protocol (ISO
7498/ADI). The ISO is now working to update the Connectionless Addendum, and CCITT SG VII pursues a parallel process.
The CCITT, however, has been reluctant to insert connectionlessmode data transmission concepts into CCITT X.200-its version
of the OSI model. The ISO standard for Network Layer service,
ISO 8348, contains connectionless service (in AD I) in addition to
the connection mode.

JUNE 1993

ISO Reference Model for
Open Systems

Data Networking

Interconnection (OSI)

OSI Security
By definition, an open system is one that encourages communications between different applications or users. Unfortunately, an
open system can also encourage illegal eavesdropping and information theft or destruction. Recently, notorious examples of
white-collar crime, corporate espionage, and network intrusions
by computer worms and viruses have alarmed information processing professionals and raised a general awareness of computer
security issues. The concepts of information security and open
systems are antithetical; nevertheless, the ISO has taken steps to
provide a secure environment within the OSI Reference Model.
International Standard 7498, Part 2 addresses a security architecture within the general OSI model. It describes security measures that can be provided by specific layers in the model. Specific security standards are not yet defined, however, but are
under study by working group JTCI, Subcommittee 27 for Information Technology Security Standards, plus other subcommittees.
SC21, concerned with maintaining and defining the upper
three layers of the OSI Reference Model, stabilized several network management and security standards in 1991. The Security
model is composed of six frameworks that work together across
all seven layers of the OSI Reference Model: authentication, access control, security audit, nonrepudiation, confidentiality, and
integrity. SC21 is working to establish two of the six security
standards as Draft International Standards (OISs), and the remaining four standards, which are working drafts, will progress
to CD status.

The Manufacturing Automation Protocol and Technical Office
Protocol (TOP) were originally developed by General Motors and
Boeing Computer Services, respectively, to automate manufacturing functions on the factory floor and in the "back office."
Both are based on the OSI Reference Model, using formal standards for each layer where possible. MAP, in particular, is probably the best-known example of a formal multilevel OSI implementation and is achieving substantial industry acceptance. Many
vendors now offer MAP 3.0 products, which have nearly eliminated proprietary "shop floor" automated factory solutions.
Today, manufacturing networking standards are directed by
the MAPITOP users group. MAP Version 3.0 was released in June
1988 and will remain free from major changes until 1994. Version
3.0 added a Presentation Layer to the profile and implemented a
version of the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS), the
protocol for transferring factory and robotics information, ISO
9506. The ISO is currently working to extend MMS in support of
realtime applications. Other Layer 7 protocols specified are
FTAM, Network Management, and Directory Service. Middle
layers implement ISO connection-oriented protocols, although
these must be bypassed for time-critical applications. At the lower
transport layers, MAP specifies the IEEE 802.4 token bus system
employing a Type F coaxial connection to a 75-ohm cable.

Transmission Control Protocol/lntemet Protocol was developed
by the U.S. government's Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) for its research network, ARPANET. By 1986,
TCP/IP had gained a following of commercial users seeking a
protocol that could be used as a common denominator for multivendor computer networks. TCP and IP are actually two separate
protocols, occupying middle layers number Four (Transport) and
number Three (Network), respectively, of the OSI Reference

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Data Networking

ISO Reference Model for

Open Syatem.
Interconnection (Ostl

TCP/IP has been implemented on almost every type of computer and is especially successful in commercial Ethernet LAN
environments. The reason TCP/IP is so popular is because it is
free and its development was paid for by the U.S. government. In
fact, it is actually more complex than TP4. It avoids the connection-orientedlconnectionless dilemma by essentially avoiding it.
OSI provides a richer set of network options, but these may not be
compatible in different networks. Users cannot communicate
across different networks if they implement different options at
these layers.
Already, some proprietary stripped-down versions of OSI
have been developed to operate over TCP/IP, and some pundits
believe that TCP/IP will evolve to resemble OSI in the future.
TCP/IP's future could have been jeopardized, since the U.S. government mandated OSI compliance in government procurements,
had it not been for Novell's introduction earlier this year of a new
version of its NetWare network operating software that supports
A majority of users still use TCP/IP networks for LAN interconnectivity. However, the consensus is that TCP/IP is not the
ultimate solution-a feat attributed to OSI. The trend is toward a
migration to OS I-based applications running on a TCP/IP infrastructure. As a result, more vendors, including Unisys and Amdahl, are introducing products that support multiple protocols.

OSI Management
Since the first draft of the seven-layer ISO model was produced in
1978, extensions to the basic model have been developed to more
adequately represent all of the functions required by large-scale,
multivendor networking environments. OSI Management is an
extension to the original reference model that specifies transfer of
network management information in the Application Layer and
support for network management functions at Layers 4, 5, and 6.
Advantages to OSI·Based Network
OSI-based network management continues to capture attention as
the premier solution for multivendor network management. Vendors such as AT&T, Digital Equipment, Hewlett-Packard, and
NCR are now designing their network management architectures
to accommodate OSI Management standards and protocols.
In addition to solving the problem of managing heterogeneous
environments, OSI-based network management will bring about
a new phenomenon-unbundling network management from network products. In a proprietary environment, a given vendor's
products are primarily manageable only by products developed
by that vendor. Widespread use of OSI will split that one-to-one
relationship, making it possible for any OS I-based network management system (NMS) to manage any OSI Management-conformant device.
Disadvantages to OSI·Baseci Network
The market (both vendors and users) has widely criticized ISO for
moving too slowly in its efforts to ratify OSI Management standards. Indeed, the greatest disadvantage to OS I-based network
management is that the demand for it far exceeds the available
products-and vendors are wisely unwilling to develop products
based on standards that are not yet final. In an effort to open the
door to new OSI-based network management system products,
SC21 WG4 is currently working to finalize fault, configuration,
performance, accounting, and security management specifications. These standards will assist in differentiating OSI-based systems from Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)-based


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Another disadvantage to standards-based network management is that OSI standards merely provide a menu of options.
There are numerous gaps and ambiguities in OSI Management
standards that could be interpreted differently, leading to incompatible implementations. Industry consensus is the only hope for
interoperable implementations. Currently, this consensus is building around the Network Management Forum and the Network
Management Special Interest Group (NMSIG) of the OIW, sponsored by NIST and the IEEE. The NMSIG is developing Implementation Agreements (lAs) based on emerging network management standards. lAs are being introduced in phases that
coincide with ISO/IEC standards as they progress from CD to
international standards. The OIW NM Phase I IA became stable
in December 1990.
To further simplify government procurement of network management products, NIST introduced a proposal in 1991, called the
Government Network Management Profile (GNMP). GNMP will
also be introduced in phases that will cross-reference the latest
GOSIP versions. GNMP Phase I, II, and III will address the following categories of management information:
• Phase I-IEEE 802 LAN standards, X.25, ISDN, FDOI, modems, mUltiplexers, bridges, and the physical link of the OSI
• Phase II-protocol software operating in Layers 3 to 7, routers,
terminal servers, MTAs, PBX, and circuit switches.
• Phase I1I--applications, services, operating systems, computers, networks, and database management systems.
GNMP Phase I specifies CMISIP, management definitions in
GNMP section 4, and five systems management functions: object
management function, state management function, attributes for
representing relationships, alarm reporting, and event reporting.
Since SNMP is already widely implemented, it is likely that
SNMP will be deployed to manage routers. Future versions of
GNMP will specify a network management architecture incorporating both SNMP and GNMP protocols.
Standards Documents
OSI Management standards can be broadly categorized into four
1. Functions--what network management is, according to OSI
2. Services--how network management functions are accomplished
3. Information Structure-terms and categories describing
what is managed (e.g., "management information")
4. Protocols--describe means o!transporting network management information
Thken together, these four areas describe a generic package for
network management systems, and how these products relate to
the network devices they manage (called managed objects in OSI
A blueprint document, Management Framework OMNIPoint,
places the OSI Management environment in perspective by describing terms and the scope of OSI network management.
051 Management Functions
OSI Management functions are described in the Systems Management standards (IS 10040, IS 10164-1 through 10164-7, and
N 10164-8 through 10164-12). Management using three models:
1. The Organizational Model-describes ways OSI Management can be distributed administratively

JUNE 1993

ISO Reference Model for



Data Networking

Open Systems
Interconnection 10SI)


Figure 3.
ISDN Through OSI Eyes



Application-related functions








.2> c:





Layer 4



transport conmanagement
synchronization nection mappina
Layer 4


Data link

Data link

layer connection

Physical layer

Layer 4




connection connection









Bit transmission





ISDN functions allocated according to Ioyering principles ofRecommendation X.200.


The Infonnation Model-provides guidelines for defining
managed objects and their interrelationships, classes, and
3. The Functional Model-describes network management

The Functional Model outlines how ISO has partitioned network
management into five functional areas: fault management, configu~tion and name management, perfonnance management, accountmg management, and security management. ISO originally
described each of these areas in its own standard. Further studies
revealed that functions overlapped; therefore, ISO reorganized
the documents in December 1988 into their present Systems
Management fonn.
Fault management provides the detection, isolation, and correction of abnonnalities in network operation. Configuration and
name management facilities pennit network managers to control
the configuration of the system, network, or layer entities.
Changed configurations may isolate faults, alleviate congestion,
or meet changing user needs. Perfonnance management enables
the network manager to monitor and evaluate the perfonnance of
the system, network, and layer entities. Data from perfonnance
management may be used to initiate configuration changes and
diagnostic testing to allow a satisfactory level of perfonnance.
Accounting management facilities help detennine and allocate
costs for the use of a network manager's communications resources. Security management facilities pennit the management
of those services providing access protection of communications

JUNE 1993

Services are described, in part, in the Common Management Infonnation Protocol (CMIP) standard, IS 9596. Services use primitives, or command types, to accomplish network management
functions. Examples of CMIP commands include GET, SET,
GET REPORT, CREATE, and DELETE. While service primitives are so~ewhat abstract, they are important building blocks
for composite commands used by network management applications to obtain vital data on the status and activity of network
Common Management Infonnation Services (CMIS) include
a detailed abstract model of open systems management services.
These fall into three categories-event notification, infonnation·
transfer, and control. Event notification allows one system to notify another that some event of importance has occurred.

Information Stftlcture
The most important standards in this category are Structure of
Management Infonnation (SMI), Parts 1,2, and 4 (CD 10165-1,
-2, and -4). (part 3 is not missing; rather, ISO merged Part 3 into
Part 4.) Included in these standards is an explanation of the object-oriented paradigm, used to model a network in tenns of object classes and attributes. In object-oriented environments a
variable (for example, a variable called Modem) is defined ~th
in tenns of the operations that can be perfonned on it and the
values of attributes it can possess. For example, Modem can have
an attribute such as Status, which may have a value of On-Line or
Off-Line; a network management system may obtain this value
via a Get operation or alter it via a Set operation.
Objects (including their attributes and operations) are stored
in a Management Information Base (Mffi), sometimes called an
Object Library. The SMI documents just listed provide syntax

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Data Networking

ISO Reference Model for
Open Systems
Interconnection lOSI)

and semantics for information in the MIB; however, as yet no
single ISO standard defines exactly what the OSI MIB will contain, nor how vendors and users will register objects in the standard MIB. SC21 WG4 is currently working to finalize the SMI,
providing guidelines that can be used to define management objects and their attributes. The final SMI will ensure interoperability among OSI-based network management systems.
In the TCP/IP world, an Internet Standard MIB exists for objects managed using SNMP. This MIB functions in an analogous
role to the proposed OSI Mm, although the administration and
rules governing the two are sure to differ.
MIB includes all information needed to make management
decisions. Mm is a conceptual repository of all OSI management
data in an OSI environment. The MIB concept does not imply any
form of physical or logical storage for management information,
however, and its implementation is outside the scope of OSI standards. Rather, the SMI defines the abstract syntax and the semantics of information so that it can be represented in OSI protocol

Common Management Information Protocol, IS 9596, is the primary OSI Management protocol. CMIP specifies procedures for
the exchange of basic management information between open
systems interconnected by OSI protocols. CMIP is intended to be
a general-purpose management protocol suitable for the management of both OSI resources and the real resources used to provide
communications services.

X.500-The Directory
The Directory is a related standard designed to manage namerelated information concerning protocol layers and network
nodes. These services connect the actual names used in the network with names and addresses understood by human users. The
Directory is defined in CD 9594 and several other OSI working
drafts. CD 9594 attained DIS in March 1988.

OSI and the Future
The world needs a network of computers, similar to standards for
international telephony, to link users across oceans and continents. A few years ago, most industry analysts perceived OSI as
the answer. Although endorsed by such prominent vendors as
IBM, Digital, and Hewlett-Packard, OSI's future as the premier



means of interconnecting multivendor computer networks is now
uncertain. The tremendous growth of the Internet has given
TCP/IP a firm base in the United States and the protocol has also
been making significant strides in Europe. OSI applications protocols, such as CCITI X.400, X.500, and EDI, are still very popular, however, and lend support to OSI.
The OSI Reference Model has some glitches and holes that
prevent it from being widely implemented. In the U.S., OSI and
TCPIIP proponents are badly divided. As an internetworldng protocol, TCP/IP has proved its worth and is a popular and commercially successful method oflinking users across diverse networksparticularly LANs. OSI middle-layer protocols 3 through 5, the
alternatives to TCP/IP, are not as simple to implement in the real
world. SNMP, the network management protocol for TCP/IP networks, is also a proven, commercially successful solution. As
long as vendors and users require practical networking products,
they will continue using TCP/IP-based protocols-standards or
OSI will most likely evolve to better serve user needs, with an
OSI-TCP/IP hybrid a likely compromise. A possible scenario for
wider OSI acceptance is that TCP/IP middle layers will migrate to
resemble OSI, at least functionally. In many commercial networking applications, however, vendors are blending different
protocol stacks from different sources to match user needs. For
instance, one vendor's network protocol might graft together different layers from OSI, TCP/IP, and IBM's SNA.
In reality, OSI and other layered architectures do not serve
every application and are not a panacea. Proprietary architectures
will continue to thrive alongside OSI-based networks, especially
for closed user groups (where internetworking is not a requirement) or in time-sensitive applications intolerant of layered protocols' high overhead.
All others who desire internetworking must realize that the
associated protocols are still evolving-nothing is truly cast in
iron. In market-based economies, products that do not satisfy
market needs will not gain widespread favor. Therefore, prospective users must evaluate OSI protocols and their adoption with an
eye toward future standards developments. As it stands now, OSI
will not be the interconnection standard of the future. Significant
portions of it, however, will most certainly contribute to the evolution of an international standard. -

1993 McGraw-Hili, Incorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.
Datapro Infonnation Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA


JUNE 1993


Data Networking




ISO Reference Model for
Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI)
In this report:


The Open
System ........................... 2

Editor's Note
The goal of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) is to enable dissimilar
computers in multi vendor environments to share information transparently. The OSI structure calls for ,
cooperation among systems of different manufacture and design. With
this capability, global digital networks can become a reality.

OSI Standards
Progress ...................... 10
OSI and Other
Architectures ................ 14
Testing and Verification
Agencies ...................... 16
Management ................ 18
OSI and the
Future ........................... 21

There are seven layers of the OSI
model that communicate between
one end system and another. The
layers cover nearly all aspects of information flow, from applicationsrelated services provided at the
Application Layer to the physical
connection of devices to the communications medium at the Physical

@ 1991 McGraw-Hili, Incorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.
Datapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA


Although all seven layers have long
since been defined and ISO protocols
ratified for each layer, the ISO committees must keep refining and redefining specific sections of the model
by rewriting existing definitions and
adding new protocols.
Report Highlights
This report updates the OSI's status
at all seven layers; gives the status of
OSI standards progress; compares
OSI to other architectures, including
and TCP/IP; rationalizes the need
for standards testing and verification; profiles major testing organizations; and outlines OSI Management
standards and status.





ISO Reference Model for
Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI)

Data Networking

TheOSI structure calls for cooperation
among systems of different manufacture and design. This includes coordinating activities such as
the following:
• Interprocess communications-the synchronization between OSI application processes and
the exchange of information

The proliferation of computerized data processing
systems in the late 1960s produced a need for compatible data communications networks in the
1970s. Several proprietary network architectures
were developed for mainframe-to-terminal communications, including IBM's SNA in 1974. Although many of these proprietary architectures
were based on a layered model, none were compatible with any other. The CCITT's X.25 host interface to the packet networks standard was ratified
in 1976 but is not a complete network architecture.
In 1977, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) formed ISO Technical Committee 97 (TC97), Subcommittee 16 (SC16), to
embark on a worldwide standardization effort and
confront the issue of incompatibility head-on. The
purpose of TC97/SC16 was to develop a model and
define the protocols and interfaces required to support an open system. The goal of Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) was, and still is, to enable
dissimilar computers in multivendor environments
to share information transparently. With this capability, global digital networks can become a reality.

The Open System
The ISO defines a system as a set of one or more
computers and associated software, peripherals,
terminals, human operators, physical processes,
information transfer means, etc., which form an
autonomous whole capable of performing information processing and/or information transfer. An
open system is one that obeys OSI standards in its
communication with other systems.
An application process is an element within a
system that performs information processing for a
particular application. The application process can
be manual (a person operating a banking terminal),
computerized (a program executing in a computer
center and accessing a remote database), or physical (a process control program executing in a dedicated computer attached to industrial equipment
and linked to a plant control system).

• Data representation-the creation and maintenance of data descriptions and transformations
for reformatting data exchanged between systems
• Data storage-storage media, file systems, and
database systems for providing access to and
management of stored data
• Process and resource management-how application processes are declared, initiated, controlled, and acquired
• Integrity and security-information processing
constraints that must be ensured during open
systems operations
• Program support-the definition, compilation,
testing, linking, storage, and transfer of and access to programs executed by the application
The OSI model is concerned only with the exchange of information between open systems.
The Layering Concept

Layering is a basic structuring technique used in
the OSI model. Each layer is composed of an ordered set of subsystems, with logically related functions grouped together. The OSI model breaks
down internetworking activities between systems
into two distinct groups. Communicationsoriented functions are separated from useroriented functions; features which move
information across a network are distinct from features which handle and format information.
There are seven layers of the OSI model that
communicate between one end system and another
end system. The layers cover nearly all aspects of
information flow, from applications-related services provided at the Application Layer to the connection of devices to the communications medium
at the Physical Layer. Below the Physical Layer,
the media itself corresponding to "Layer 0"-such
as wire, cable, or through-the-air communicationis currently not addressed by the model.

1991 McGraw-HiII,lncorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.
Datapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA



Data Networking

ISO Reference Model for
Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI)

Standards Organizations and
Testing Agencies

'I r


Although standards are
indispensable for computer internetworking,
they are useless unless
vendor claims of compatibility can be tested and
users can be assured of
acquiring products that
comply fully with the standards. In general, vendor
claims of standards compatibility are suspect unless verified by an
impartial testing agency.
Additionally, compatibility
claims can mean different
things to different people.
For users, it is a good
idea to probe vendor
claims of standards compatibility to determine
what is compatible with
what, and at what levels.
Several standards testing
and verification bodies
have been organized both
here and abroad by vendor consortiums, government agencies, and
independent organizations. They have found
that developing conformance specifications, producing testing suites, and
conducting comprehensive testing is complicated, expensive, and
time consuming. Regional
differences can stymie
attempts at verification.
The trend for these organizations, therefore, is to
cooperate with each
other, sharing resources

and expertise. A primary
objective is demonstrating
interoperability among
different vendors; i.e.,
proving that standards
really work and fostering
end-user interest. Many
agencies have tried vainly
to involve more end users
but are backed primarily
by the vendors.
In the U.S., primary testing and certification agencies include the
Corporation for Open
Systems (COS), the National Institute of Science
and Technology (NIST),
and Bell Communications
Research (Bellcore). Several smaller organizations
and certain vendors, however, also offer testing
services. Europe is represented by the Standards
Promotion & Application
Group (SPAG); Japan by
the Promoting Conference for OSI (POSI). Standards organizations are
listed below:
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
1430 Broadway
New York, NY 10018
(212) 642-4900
ANSI X3 Secretariat
Computer and Business
Equipment Manufacturers
Association (CBEMA)
Suite 500, 311 First
Street, NW




Washington, DC 200012178
(202) 737-8888
Bell Communications Research (Bellcore)
60 New England Avenue
Piscataway, NJ 088544196
(908) 699-2000
Customer Service Hot
(800) 521-CORE
Corporation for Open
Systems (COS)
Suite 400, 1750 Old
Meadow Road
McLean, VA 22102-4306
(703) 883-2700
Telex: WUI 6503157578
European Computer
Manufacturers Association(ECMA)
Rue du Rhone 114
CH-1204 Geneva, Switzerland
(+41) 22 735 36 34
Telex: 413237 ECMA CH
Electronic Industries Association (EIA)
1722 Eye Street NW,
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 457-4900
Intemational Organization for Standardization
1, Rue de Varembe
Case Postale 56
CS-1211 Geneva 20,
(+41) 22 33 34 30
Intemational Telegraph
and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT)
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Place des Nations

CH-1211 Geneva 20,
Fax: (+41) 22 33 72 56
Telex: 421 000 UIT CH
Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers
345 E. 47th Street
New York, NY 10017
(212) 705-7900
Fax (publications): (212)
IEEE Service Center
(published standards:)
445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box
Piscataway, NJ 088551331
(908) 981-1393
Fax: (908) 981-9667
Telex: 833-233
Mr. Jerry Mulvenna,
OSINET Steering Committee
NIST Building 225, Room
Clopper Road
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Standards Promotion"
Application Group sa
Avenue Louise 149, Box 7
1050 Brussels, Belgium
(+32) 2 535 0811
Telex: 20307 SPAG B
National Institute of Standards and Technology
U.S. Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
(301) 975-2000

1991 McGraw-Hili. Incorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.
Datapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA




ISO Reference Mode' for
Open S,stems
Interconnection (OSI)



(Analysis continued)

model. Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link, and Physical Layers
have been defined (see Table 1). The model represented by Table 1 is only one end system, in this
case the transmitting end; most networks have at
least two end systems. In Table 1, information
flows down from Layer 7 to Layer 1, and then out
over a physical transmission medium. At the receiving end, the information flows into another
7, until it
. system and up from Layer 1 to Layer
IS received by a user.
The seven layers can be divided into two
functional groups: the Transport Platform (Layers
1 to 4) and the Application Platform (Layers 5 to
7). The Transport Platform's function is to get data
from one system to another without errors. The
Application Platform's function is to interpret the
datastream and present it to the user in a usable
form (see Figure 1).
Each layer contributes functions to the communications task. For example, the Link Layer enables communications across a single physical
connection, while the Network Layer provides endto-end routing and data relay. Services at the upper
Figure 1.
Application and Transport Divisions






Data Link


Data Networking

layer interface-providing connection to the nexthigher layer-are provided by each layer, usually
described by a service specification for the layer.
Services at each layer are provided by a layer entity. Each layer entity communicates with its peer
at the same layer on another system, providing services specified in the service specification.
Layers are sometimes divided into sublayers,
for several reasons. Layers often need sublayers to
handle the service interface of the layer beneath it.
This avoids "rewriting" the entire layer. For example, the Link Layer of the IEEE 802 Local Area
Network (LAN) standards is divided into a Logical
Link Control (LLC) sublayer and a Media Access
Control (MAC) sub layer. The MAC sublayer depends on characteristics of the underlying physical
layer. Layer independence and modularity are promoted by ensuring that layer entities on one system
are not permitted to communicate with nonpeers
on another OSI system.
IBM's SNA is also a layered architecture, following rules of layering common to OSI and other
layered architectures. Any layer may originate a
message to fulfill its responsibilities. The message
may not bypass any layer en route to its destination. If a message leaves the node it will end up in
another node at the same layer that originated the
There are good reasons for layering: layering
simplifies change; components inside a layer can
be changed without affecting any other layers in
that node. Layers are like structured programmingbut for teleprocessing systems. Because there
are rigid interfaces between levels, fewer people need to react to changes, allowing them to be
implemented faster. There is no better way of
achieving complex functions. Layering allows each
network function to be made "transparent," unaware and independent of other functions at other
layers, thus enabling any layer to be modified without changing the entire monolithic architecture.
Each layer may support one of several different protocols designed for specific network applications; the choice of a specific protocol is optional,
allowing users to tailor networks to their own design. Each layer defines functions crucial to the
communications process at that layer, independent
ofthe other layers. However, a layer may perform
functions hinging on functions performed in the
layers immediately above or below. A layer can

The seven layers are divided into two functional groups.

1991 McGraw-HiII,lncorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.
Datapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA


ISO Reference Mode. for
Open Systems
Interconnection (OSII

Data Networking




Figure 2.
Message Movement among OS] Layers


Message moves from Layer 7 through ~
the other layers to reach Layer 7
at the opposite end






















Data Link

Data Link

Data Link






Network Node

End System


End System

Intermediate nodes in an OS] network require only bottom-layer functions ofthe OSI model. Note how peer layers communicate only with their peers; i.e., Layer I talks to other Layer Is but not to Layer 2s.

only communicate with another device or network
node at its peer layer. Messages exchanged between
peer layers are "enveloped" with messages from
other layers and passed through these other layers
on the way to their destination, picking up and
then shedding these other protocol layers along the
way. For example, if layer seven at one end system
must send a message to layer seven at another, it
must travel down through six layers at its own end
and then up through six layers at the other, until it
reaches layer seven at its opposite (peer) layer.
Each network node (a network user, computer, terminal) is equipped with this layer mechanism. However, not all intermediate nodes need all
seven layers. Network nodes, in particular, must
only route and transmit data packets-functions at
the bottom three layers of the OSI model. Layer
four through seven functions are not required and
therefore not included in network node software.
Data packets processed in these nodes reach only
Layer 3 and are then routed elsewhere (see Figure
1991 McGraw-Hili, Incorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.
Datapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA


2). A node communicates with its peer in the node
sending or receiving data. Interfaces within nodes
allow them to accept, process, and route data. Data
transfer is routed from Layer 7 down to Layer 1 at
the transmitting node, then along the network to
Layer 1 at the receiving node, and finally from
Layer 1 up to Layer 7. Peer layers communicate by
the same route.
The message initiated at the transmitting
node (Layer 7) is passed from layer to layer, each
layer adding control information, if required, and
acting in accord with control information from its
peer in the receiving node. A fully prepared message enters the cable at Layer 1. The procedure is
reversed at the receiving end. Each item of control
information stops at its appropriate layer, and the
message itself passes up to Layer 7. Data transfer
essentially is a cumulating process at the transmitting node and a diminishing process at the receiving node.



ISO Reference Model for·
Open S,stems
Interconnection (OSI)


Data Networking

Table 1. The Seven Layers of OSI





Applications and application interfaces for
OSI networks. Provides access to lower
layer functions and services.



Formats data received from Layer 7; includes terminal standards, display rules.



Coordinates connection and interaction
between applications. Establishes a dialog, manages and synchronizes the direction of data flow, and terminates the



Ensures end-to-end data transfer between applications, data integrity, and
service quality. Assembles data packets
for routing by Layer 3.



Routes and relays data units among network nodes.


Data Link

Transfers data units from one network
node to another over a transmission circuit. Ensures data integrity between



Sends the bit stream to the transmission

The Layers

A number of objectives were considered by the reference model's designers: to limit the number of
layers to make the system engineering task of describing and integrating the layers as simple as possible; to create boundaries between layers at points
where the description ofservices can be small and
the number of interactions across each boundary is
minimized; and to collect similar functions in the
same layer. Table I summarizes the OSI Reference
Model's layers; more detailed descriptions follow
for each layer.
The Application Layer
The Application Layer (Layer 7) is the highest
layer, providing the means for the application process to access the OSI environment. Its function is
to serve as the passageway between application
processes using Open Systems Interconnection to
exchange information; consequently, all application process parameters are made known to the
OSI environment through this layer.
All services directdy usable by the application
process (i.e., systems and applications management
functions) are provided by the Application Layer.
It differs from the other layers in that it does not


provide services to a layer above it nor is it associated with a service-access point. Some of the services provided by this layer, other than
information transfer, are the following:

Identifying intended communications partners

• Determining current availability of the intended partners
• Establishing the authority to communicate
• Agreeing on responsibility for error recovery
• Agreeing on procedures for controlling data integrity
The Application Layer actually consists of two sublayers. The uppermost sublayer consists of Specific
Application Service Elements (SASEs), such as
message handling system (X.400), FTAM, Directory Services (X.500), DTP, and Virtual Terminal
(VT). The lower sublayer consists of Common Application Service Elements (CASEs), which provide
specific services for the upper applications. Examples of CASE protocols include Commitment Concurrency and Recovery Service Element (CCR) and
Remote Operation Service Element (ROSE).
The Presentation Layer
The Presentation Layer (Layer 6) allows an application to interpret the meaning of information exchanged. Information is formatted and translated
1991 McGraw-HIII,lncorporated. Reproduction Prohlbitad.
Datepro Information Servioes Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA


Data Networking

ISO Reference Model for
Open S,stems
Interconnection (OSI)



Table 2. ISO Protocols and Equivalent Standards


Data Link



8571 (FTAM)
10021 (MHS)
9041 (VT)
10026 (OTP)
9594 (OS)
8613 (OOA)
9579 (ADA)
9596 (CMIP)
8823 (connection)
9596 (connectionless)
8327 (connection)
9548 (connection less)
8073 (TPO-TP4)
(connection less)
8208 (Layers 1-3)
8348 (connection)
8473 (connectionless)
9542 (IS-IS)
8878 (use w/8208)
8880 (LAN)
8881 (X.25 on LANs)
7776 (LAPB)
3309 (HOLC)
8802.2-.7 (LAN)
(IEEE 802.2-.7)
9314 (FOOl)
2110 (EIA-2320)
4902 (EIA-449)




T.410 Series, T.73









ECMA-82, -81, -90, -89

X3.148, X3.139, X3.166
V.24, V.28
V.24, V.28
X-Series interfaces,
Other V-Series

at this layer. Aspects of Layer 6 include data syntax, which is the data to be transferred between
layers, and the presentation image syntax, which is
the data structure that application entities refer to
in their dialog, or the set of actions that may be
performed on the data structure.
Services provided to the Presentation Layer
include the following:
• Transforming data syntax, primarily code and
character set conversion
• Transforming and selecting the presentation
image syntax, the adaptation and modification
of the presentation image (the OSI view of the
data structure)

The Session Layer
The Session Layer (Layer 5) allows cooperating
presentation entities to organize and synchronize
their dialog and to manage data exchange. It provides the following services:

Session-connection establishment-creation of
an exchange between presentation entities

• Session-connection release

Normal data exchange


Quarantine service-in which data units sent
by a presentation entity are withheld from the
receiving presentation entity until released by
the sending presentation entity

• Expedited data exchange
Functions within the Presentation Layer include
session establishment request; data transfer; negotiation and renegotiation of data syntax and presentation image syntax; special data transformations, such as compression; and session
termination request.

1991 McGraw-HiII,lncorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.
Datapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA



Interaction management-allowing presentation entities to take turns exercising control


Session-connection synchronization




ISO Reference Model for
Open System.
Interconnection (OSI)

Data Networking

Table 3. OSI Network Management Standards
Current Status

Finalization Date

Common Management Information Service (CMIS) (IS 9595)

International Standard

Final 11/89

CMIS CancelGet Addendum (AD 9595-1)


Final 11/90

CMIS Add/Remove Addendum (AD 9595-2)


Final 11/90

Support for Allomorphism (Amendment to CMIS) (CD 9595)

New Work Items

DIS expected in 11/91; IS expected in 11/92

Access Control (Amendment to CMIS) (CD 9595)

New Work Items

DIS expected in 11/91; IS expected in 11/92

Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) (IS 9596)

International Standard

Final 11/89

CMIP CancelGet Addendum (AD 9596-1)


Final 11/90

CMIP Add/Remove Addendum (AD 9596-2)


Final 11/90

Support for Allomorphism (Amendment to CMIP) (CD 9596)

New Work Items

DIS expected in 11/91; IS expected in 11/92

PICS Proforma (Amendment to CMIP) (CD 9596)

New Work Items

DIS expected in 11/91; IS expected in 11/92

OSI Systems Management Overview (DIS 10040)

Draft International Standard

IS 5/91

Object Management Function (DIS 10164-1)

Draft International Standard

IS 5/91

State Management Function (DIS 10164-2)

Draft International Standard

IS 5/91

Attributes for Representing Relationships (DIS 10164-3)

Draft International Standard

IS 5/91

Alarm Reporting Function (DIS 10164-4)

Draft International Standard

IS 5/91

Event Management Function (DIS 10164-5)

Draft International Standard

IS 5/91

Log Control Function (DIS 10164-6)

Draft International Standard

IS 5/91

Security Alarm Reporting Function (DIS 10164-7)

Draft International Standard

IS 5/91


OSI Systems Management Functions

Security Audit Trail Function (CD 10164-8)

Committee Draft·

DIS 4/91

Objects and Attributes for Access Control (CD 10164-9)

Committee Draft·

DIS 4/91

Accounting Meter Function (CD 10164-10)

Committee Draft"

DIS 4/91

Workload Monitoring Function (CD 10164-11)

Committee Draft·

DIS 4/91

Confidence and Diagnostic Testing Classes.
Test Management Function (N4078. 10164-X)

Committee Draft·

DIS expected 8/91; IS expected

Measurement Summarization (N4081. 10164-X)

Committee Draft·

DIS expected 8/91; IS expected

Response Time Monitoring (N4079. 10164-X)

Committee Draft·

DIS expected 8/91; IS expected

Software Management Function (10164-X)

New Work Item

DIS expected 7/92; IS expected

Time Management Function (10164-X)

New Work Item

DIS expected 8/92; IS expected

Structure of Management Information (SMI)
Management Information Model (DIS 10165-1)

Draft International Standard

IS 5/91

Definition of Management Information (DIS 10165-2)

Draft International Standard

IS 5/91

Guidelines for Definition of Managed Objects (DIS 10165-4·')

Draft International Standard

IS 5/91

Generic Managed Objects (N4075)

Working Draft

DIS registration dates to be

·Draft proposals (DPs) are now referred to as Committee Drafts (CDs).

* ·Document DIS 10165-3 was merged with DIS 10165-2 and will not appear in future standards listings.

• Exception reporting-permitting the presentation entities to be notified of exceptional situations

An example of a working Layer 5 protocol outside
the scope of OSI is the Department of Defense
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).



1991 McGraw-HiII,lncorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.
Datapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA

D,ata Networking


ISO Reterence Model for
Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI)




Table 3. OSI Network Management Standards (Continued)

Current Status

Finalization Date

Performance Management (N4981)

Working Draft

Next milestone to be

Accounting Management (N875R)

Working Draft

Next milestone to be

Security Management (N4091)

Working Draft

Next milestone to be

Fault Management (N4077)

Working Draft

Next milestone to be

Configuration Management (N3311)

Working Draft

Next milestone to be

OSI Management Framework (IS 7498/4)

International Standard

Final 4/89

File Transfer, Access and Management (FTAM) (ISO 8571)

International Standard

Final 10/88

Association Control Service Element (ACSE) (ISO 8649, plus

International Standard

Final 12/88

Remote Operations Service Element (ROSE) (IS 9072-1 &2)

International Standard

Final 11/89

Specific Management Functional Areas (SMFAs)

Related Upper Layer Standards

The Transport Layer
The Transport Layer (Layer 4) provides transparent data flow between session entities, freeing the
Session Layer from responsibility for cost-effective
and reliable data transfer. Layer 4 provides information interchange according to a user-specified
reliability level and end-to-end control. Transport
protocols transfer information from one end of a
physical connection to another and ensure that it is
delivered correctly. Layer 4 protocols are used after
a route has been established through the network
by the network-layer protocol.
The services provided by this layer include
the following:


The Network Layer
The Network Layer (Layer 3) provides the means
to establish, maintain, and terminate connections
between systems. Its basic service is providing
transparent data transfer between transport entities.
The services provided by this layer encompass the following:
• Establishing network connections for transporting data between transport entities through network addresses

Identifying connection endpoints

• Transferring network service data units


Transport-connection establishment to complete a connection between session entities

• Noting errors for reporting unrecoverable errors
to the transport layer


Data transfer, in accordance with the agreed
quality of service

• Sequencing network control data units


Transport-connection release


The Transport Layer is the most defined of the upper four layers. The European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) has defined this layer
in its Transport Protocol standard, ECMA-72. This
standard has gained the support of a number of
North American and European computer manufacturers. An end-ta-end data transport protocol outside the scope of OSI is the Department of Defense
Internet Protocol (IP).

1991 McGraw·HIII,lncorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.
Datapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA


• Flow control
Releasing the network connection

The Data Link Layer
Data Link Layer 2 provides the procedural and
functional means to establish, maintain, and release data link connections between two network
nodes or network entities and to transfer data
frames (or packets). This layer also detects and
may correct errors that occur in the physical layer.




Services provided by the Data Link Layer to
the Network Layer include data link connection,
sequencing, error notification, flow control, and
data unit transfer.
The Physical Layer
The lowest of the OSI layers is Physical Layer 1. It
provides the electrical, mechanical, functional, and
procedural characteristics for activation, maintenance, and deactivation of a physical connection.
Physical Layer standards specify physical interfaces (connectors) connected by a physical medium.
Services provided by this layer include the
• Activating and deactivating physical connections
• Data circuit identification
• Sequencing
• Transmitting physical service data units either
synchronously or asynchronously
• Fault condition notification
Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)

ASN.l is a specification language adopted for the
OSI Reference Model, giving standards developers
a common method for defining protocols and related standards. ASN.l is somewhat analogous to
grammatical rules defining the English language.
Just as English grammar specifies notation (punctuation symbols) and word classifications (such as
nouns and verbs), ASN.l specifies a "grammar"
and rules that help standards developers define
complex data types in terms of simple building
ASN.l was derived from the Backus-Naur
Form, used to describe programming languages
such as Pascal and Ada. ASN.l was first formally
described and published in 1984, in the CCITT
X.409 standard entitled "Message Handling Systems: Presentation Syntax and Notation." It is now
described (in less readable fashion) in two later
documents: CCITT X.208 (ISO 8824), entitled
"Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One
(ASN.l)," and X.209 (ISO 8825), "Basic Encoding
Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.l)."
According to ASN.l, each fragment of information must possess a type and a value. For example:


ISO Reference Model for
Open S,"ems
Interconnection (OSI)

Data Networking

• Device-Status could be a type (in this case, it is
a Boolean type)
• Zero or One are the possible values
This is specified in ASN.l notation as such:
Device-Status :: = Boolean
Boolean :: = 011
This is a very simple example; ASN.l is a powerful
grammar, capable of specifying very complex data
types. Hence, it will continue to be the grammar of
choice for specifying open systems standards and

051 Standards Progress
The primary responsibility for developing OSI
management standards in the United States rests
with American Standards Committee (ASC)
X3T5.4. There are four stages in the development
cycle: working paper, committee draft (CD), previously known as a draft proposal), draft international standard (DIS), and international standard
(IS). A working paper is developed in the first
stage. When it matures and contains welldeveloped technical concepts, it is registered as a
CD. Passage advances the CD to the DIS level, and
the document is considered sufficiently stable to
serve as the basis of initial implementations. At the
DIS level, the document is distributed for a 180day ballot. The DIS may require multiple ballots.
A successful ballot elevates the DIS to the level of
IS and completes ISO's process.
The entire process usually takes between four
and eight years. A list of standards organizations
associated with the OSI Reference Model is given
at the end of this report.
The Evolution of 051 Committees

In the spring of 1977, ISO Technical Committee 97
(TC97) formed a special subcommittee (SC 16)
charged with developing an architectural model
that would extend from applications-layer communications clear down to the connection with the
physical interface. The first draft of the seven-layer
OSI Reference Model was completed in 1978. Between 1978 and 1983, the Basic Reference Model
and many of the standards for the individual layers

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Data Networking

ISO Reference Model for
Open Syatema
Interconnection (OSI)

approached or attained draft international standard status. By the end of 1984, SC16 was reorganized to form Subcommittee 21 (SC21). Working
groups within SC16 were also realigned.
The OSI Basic Reference Model became an
international standard in 1984. During 1985, a
number of vendors demonstrated products that
implemented these standards and, by the end of
1986, many of these products were commercially
In July 1987, the Joint Technical Committee
for Information Technology (JTC1) was formed
when ISO/TC97 joined forces with Technical
Committee 83 (TC83) of the International Electrotechnical Commission (1EC). The IEC is a coalition of industrial standards bodies that is colocated with the ISO in Geneva, Switzerland. The
new JTCI held its first meeting in 1987. The standardization activities ofSC21 report to JTCI.
SC21 is composed of member bodies (MBs)
from 23 different countries. Each MB has its own
national standards organization; for example,
ANSI represents the United States in JTCI. The
individuals or "national correspondents" comprising the MB delegations come from different groups
including user organizations, manufacturing firms,
government agencies, and common carriers or
PITs. As such, they bring varying perspectives and
concerns to the committee sessions.
When an OSI committee or working group
produces a document such as a CD, the document
is circulated among the MBs for a vote and to the
liaison organizations (Las) for review. Las are independent organizations which also have a vested
interest in OSI development. Las provide comments on the content of OSI documents but do not
have voting privileges.
Status of OSI Protocols

Protocol standards for all seven layers of the OSI
model have been approved; however, OSI committees are refining and extending some standards as
required and may add new standards at specific
layers (particularly Layer 7). Additionally, other
standards groups-such as the CCITT, ANSI, and
IEEE-may adopt OSI protocol standards as their
own and vice versa. Consequently, many OSI standards are known by more than one standard designation. Table 2 shows some major ISO protocols
approved for each OSI layer and lists corresponding appellations from ANSI, the CCITT, and the

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European Computer Manufacturers Association
(ECMA), where applicable.
OSI Applications Standards
ISO committees are working hard at Layer 7, the
Application Layer. In fact, OSI application standards are perceived as potentially powerful and
versatile and are the driving force for OSI market
acceptance. We devote considerable space reviewing some of the most important ones here.
In particular, the ISO electronic mail standard for message handling systems (MHSs)-or
CCITT X.400-is becoming popular in commercial implementations. Two versions, one in 1984,
and another in 1988, are draft international standards that have not been ratified. The standard
was given a big boost in 1989, when the Aerospace
Industry Association (AlA) adopted X.400 to interconnect its diverse electronic mail networks. Gateways to proprietary E-Mail systems were also
developed that year, and dozens of vendors have
rolled out X.400-based products. Most public
E-Mail carriers have also adopted the standard and
are migrating to the 1988 version.
In addition, the ISO is adapting X.400 as the
message medium for electronic data interchange
(EDI). In this context, X.400 would be used as the
communications method to store and forward
trade documents and business forms conforming to
ANSI X12, the European EDIFACT, and de facto
EDI standards.
One component of successful E-Mail internetworking is directory services (OS), commonly
known as CCITT X.500. X.500 specifies an online
directory for message communications, ultimately
allowing network providers to map a common, interconnected directory of worldwide users. X.500
dictates naming conventions, how users access directory information, and what services are available.
Since the 1988 standard is not flexible, SC21
WG4 is working to ease the transition to the new
1992 version. Older 1988 X.500 systems will require a software modification to work with the
1992 version. Realistically, the vision of a worldwide messaging directory probably will not be realized until the late 1990s.
The OSI protocol pair for office automation,
Office Document Architecture (aDA) and Office
Document Interchange Format (ODIF), has been
an international standard since 1988 (ISO 8613). It


Data Networking

'SO Reference Model for
Open Spteme
.nterconnecUon (OS')




Figure 3.
ISDN through OSI Eyes



Application-related functions









transport conCQnnection
synchronization nection mapping











Layer 4











Layer 4


Data link

Data link

layer connection

Physical layer

Layer 4






connection connection









Bit transmission



ISDN junctions allocated according to layering principles ofRecommendation X.200.

The Layer 7 protocol for network manageis also specified in the U.S. government's GOSIP
ment, Common Management Information Protostandard. aDA and ODIF facilitate the exchange
col (CMIP), was approved as a draft standard in
of office documents-such as letters, memoranda,
late 1989. CMIP itself is merely a way of commuand business reports-among dissimilar systems.
nicating between the "management process" and
Moreover, the standard specifies the formatting
management agents at each lower layer of the OSI
and exchange of compound documents-those
containing combinations of text, images, and
model. The real work of managing network prographics. Several ISO working groups are attemptcesses is located within the managed objects at ining to strengthen and extend the standard in such
dividual OSI layers; in other words, each layer
must have its own network management system,
areas as the inclusion of audio, spreadsheet data,
which OSI does not specify. CMIP allows a centralcolor graphics, document security, and various layout and presentation styles.
ized management process to either modify the
value of an attribute or request its value (read its
The OSI standard for sending and sharing
status) at each of the layers. Definitions and dedata files-File Transfer, Access, and Management
(FTAM)-is also a finalized international stanscriptions of management structures and managed
dard. It was developed from networking efforts in
information are contained in other OSI standards
the manufacturing industry and is a Layer 7 comyet to be completed. (For more information, see
ponent of the Manufacturing Automation Protocol
the OSI Management section featured later in this
(MAP). Although FTAM is spreading quickly in
Europe, it is also making some progress in domesOther Layer 7 protocols in various developtic business applications. The file protocol used
ment stages include distributed Transaction Processing (TP), currently a committee draft designed
with TCP/IP-File Transfer Protocol (FTP)-is
well established in the U.S., however, and generally . to interconnect different transaction computing
more popular than FTAM. SC21 is working on an
systems across OSI networks; Remote Database
enhancement to FTAM, and it plans to establish
conformance testing guidelines in the near future.

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Data Networking

ISO Reference Model for
Open Systems
Interconnection (051)

Access (RDA), a committee draft describing a protocol for integrating database management systems; and Manufacturing Message Specification
(MMS), ISO 9506, a manufacturing protocol that
requires extensions for specific manufacturing device types.
Middle Layer Protocols
During 1987 and 1988, the ISO finalized protocol
standards for middle layers 4, 5, and 6. These standards were based on a previous agreement that all
connections would conform to a connectionoriented method of establishing circuits.
Every layer of the OSI Reference Model, except the Physical Layer, supports connection and
connectionless mode. Connection-oriented service
requires a connection establishment phase, a data
transfer phase, and a connection termination
phase; a logical connection is set up between end
systems prior to data exchange. These phases define the necessary sequence of events for successful
data transmission. Connection-oriented service
capabilities include data sequencing, flow control,
and transparent error handling.
In a connectionless service, such as new
Switched Multi-megabit Data Service (SMDS),
each Protocol Data Unit is independently routed
to the destination; no connection establishment
activities are required, since each data unit is independent of the previous or subsequent one.
Connectionless-mode service transfers data units
without regard to establishing or maintaining connections. In connectionless mode, transmission
delivery is uncertain due to the possibility of errors. This appears contrary to the goal of network
design-users want to ensure that messages reach
their destination. In reality, connectionless-mode
communication simply shifts responsibility for
message integrity to a higher layer, which checks
integrity only once, rather than requiring checks at
each lower layer. Alternatively, each data unit
might contain the error recovery mechanism.


Lower Layer Protocols
Lower layer OSI protocols for layers 1 through 3
are well-defined veterans and in many cases borrowed from existing EIA, IEEE, or CCITT standards. Connectionless communications at the
lower layers of the OSI model is well established
and is found, for example, in local area networks
(LANs) and metropolitan area networks (MANs).

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While the original OSI model-described in ISO
7498-was connection oriented, the ISO foresaw
the need for connectionless service and issued an
addendum to that protocol (ISO 7498/AD1). The
ISO is now working to update the Connectionless
Addendum, and CCITT SG VII pursues a parallel
process. The CCITT, however, has been reluctant
to insert connectionless-mode data transmission
concepts into CCITT X.200-its version of the
OSI model. The ISO standard for Network Layer
service, ISO 8348, contains connectionless service
(in AD1) in addition to the connection mode.
The Government's GOSIP Standard

In 1979, the National Bureau of Standards (now
the National Institute of Standards and
Technology-NIST) initiated a program to support
U.S. government standards for interoperable data
communications. It chose to develop a standard
based on the ISO's OSI Reference Model, named
the Government OSI Protocol (GO SIP). Since August 1990, NIST has mandated GOSIP as a federal
information processing standard (FIPS). All federal
agencies must conform to GOSIP in procuring networking products. According to NIST, the standard will be updated every year, and each new
version will be compatible with the preceding one.
GOSIP is also expected to accelerate the development of OSI standards and products for the
private sector. As the largest user of information
processing systems and services in the world, the
federal government greatly influences vendors in
the computer and communications industries. The
need for government GOSIP compliance will spur
the development of OSI protocols and software
GOSIP Version 1 specifies the following protocols for each OSI layer:

• Application Layer 7: File Transfer, Access, and
Management (FTAM); X.400 Message Handling System (MHS); and the Association Control Service Element (ACSE)

• Presentation Layer 6: ISO 8823/CCITT X.226
• Session Layer 5: ISO 8327/CCITT X.225
• Transport Layer 4: ISO 8073, Transport Protocol Class 4 (TP4)

• Network Layer 3: ISO 8473 Connectionless Network Layer Protocol (CLNP)




ISO Reference Model for
Open S,atema
Interconnection (OSI)

Data Networking

• Data Link Layer 2: ISO 3309 (HDLe); ISO
8802.2-5/IEEE 802.2-5

security and open systems are antithetical; nevertheless, the ISO has taken steps to provide a secure
environment within the OSI Reference Model.
• Physical Layer 1: GOSIP does not mandate speInternational Standard 7498, Part 2 addresses
cific physical interface standards but suggests
architecture within the general OSI
standard interfaces such as EIA RS-232-C for
security measures that can be
transmission speeds up to 19.2K bps and
layers in the model. Specific
CCITT V.35 for speeds above 19.2K bps
security standards are not yet defined, however,
but are under study by working group JTC1, SubGOSIP Version 2.0 became mandatory in August
27 for Information Technology Security
1991. It adds the following protocols to the existing
other subcommittees. The U.S.
GO SIP model:
participant in this process is ANSI's X3 Commit• Application Layer 7: Basic Class Virtual Termi- . tee.
nal (VT), ISO 9040, ISO 9041, ISO 9040 AD 1,
SC21, concerned with maintaining and definand ISO 9041. Office Document Architecture
ing the upper three layers of the OSI Reference
(ODA), ISO 8613-8.
Model, met in May 1991, in Arles, France, to stabi• Transport Layer 4: Connectionless Transport
lize several network management and security
Service, ISO 8602.
standards. The Security model is composed of six
that work together across all seven lay• Network Layer 3: Connection-Oriented Neters
Reference Model: authentication,
work Service for ISDN or X.25 networks, ISO
security audit, nonrepudiation, con8348 and 8348/ADl. Intermediate System to
fidentiality, and integrity. SC21 is working to esIntermediate System (IS-IS) intradomain routtablish
two of the six security standards as Draft
ing, ISO 9542. Integrated Services Digital NetInternational
Standards (DISs), and the remaining
work (ISDN), CCITT I.451 and Q.931.
four standards, which are working drafts, will
• Data Link Layer 2: ISDN CCITT 1.441 and
progress to CD status.
Q.921 (Link Access Protocol D-LAPD).
By supporting ISDN, Version 2.0 will also support
CCITT X.25 packet interfaces and IEEE 802.2 to
802.6 LAN networks. GOSIP Version 3.0, which
becomes mandatory in August 1992, adds OSI network management, X.500 directory services, the
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FODI) standard,
and Open Document Architecture (ODA). Complete GOSIP details can be obtained from NIST
publications Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile Users' Guide (SP 500-163) and Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile
(FIPS PUB 146).
OSI Security

By definition, an open system is one that encourages communications between different applications or users. Unfortunately, an open system can
also encourage illegal eavesdropping and information theft or destruction. Recently, notorious examples of white-collar crime, corporate espionage,
and network intrusions by computer worms and
viruses have alarmed information processing professionals and raised a general awareness of computer security issues. The concepts of information

OSI and Other Network Architectures

Functioning as the international voice of the telephone industry, the CCITTworked independently
of ISO to develop its Integrated Services Digital
Network (ISDN) technology. On the other hand,
CCITT and ISO efforts are closely related because
of expanding digital telephone networks and the
merging of voice and data.
Increasingly, the OSI Reference Model and
ISDN overlap. The ISO has adopted versions of
CCITT X.21 and X.25 standards for the lower layers of the OSI model. ISDN functions are described in terms of the seven-layer OSI model in
the CCITT's Recommendation X.200 (see Figure
3). Altogether, about 10 standards adopted by both
CCITT and ISO are identical, except for introductory paragraphs and identification numbers.
ISDN standards are now mapped to the OSI
Reference Model and occupy its lower layers. Specific network applications, such as network management and electronic mail, occupy the higher

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Data Networking

ISO Reterence Model for
Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI)

OSI layers and can be integrated on top of ISDN
protocols in telephony networks. ISDN will provide a more versatile communications medium for
integrating telephony and data processing. The
U.S. government has already specified ISDN protocol options for its GOSIP network architecture,
which is modeled on OSI. NIST has successfully
tested ISDN as a transport subnetwork for higher
layer OSI protocols. ISDN is expected to be implemented throughout the public telephone network
by late 1992. OSI and ISDN are complementary
standards that will allow effective internetworking.
OSI and Proprietary Architectures

Until 1976, the only de facto network standards
were those developed by IBM for its Systems Network Architecture (SNA). That year, however,
CCITT introduced its X.25 standard for host
interface-to-packet networks, and Digital Equipment Corp. brought out its Digital Network Architecture (DNA). When the ISO defined its OSI
Basic Reference Model (ISO 7498 and 7498/AD1)
in 1979, users had a non-IBM alternative for the
first time. The purpose of the OSI modelinteroperability in a multi vendor environmentwas fundamentally different from the proprietary
nature of SNA.
Although OSI and SNA are both seven-layer
network architectures, the layers do not match exactly and are incompatible. At first, IBM paid lip
service to customer requests for OSI functionality.
The vendor did not embrace OSI within SNA; instead, it provided an OSI gateway between SNA
and other non-SNA networks. Like most gateways,
this solution proved unwieldy and unsatisfactory.
IBM also provided partial OSI solutions at various
layers, such as X.25 connectivity at Layer 3 and
below. Another interim OSI product was the Open
Systems Message Exchange (OSME), an E-Mail
package conforming to CCITT XAOO.
Increasingly, pressure from customers demanding open, nonproprietary platforms has
forced IBM and other major companies, such as
Digital Equipment Corp. and NCR, into a mainstream OSI approach.
In 1988, IBM announced OSIICommunications Subsystem, mainframe-based (MVS) software supporting layers 3 to 6 OSI protocols in
an SNA environment. In 1989, both IBM and
Digital Equipment joined in the OSIINetwork
Management Forum, a group that was formed to

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study interoperability among network management
systems. In 1990, IBM delivered Release 1.1 of its
OSI Communications Subsystem supporting OSI
layers 3 to 6 protocols in a multi vendor environment and announced SystemView, an OSI-based
network and systems management architecture.
IBM now supports three major networking
standards: OSI, TCP/IP, and FDDI. However, in
early 1991, the company announced that full deployment of its SystemView will be delayed until
1994 or 1995.
This year, after delaying Phase V product introduction, Digital Equipment introduced a new
networking architecture for incorporating OSI into
DECnet, called Advantage-Networks. Digital designed Advantage-Networks to replace DECnet/
OSI Phase V. The new architecture enables users to
transmit data from among OSI, TCP/IP, and DECnet applications and network management is supported with Digital's Enterprise Management
Architecture (EMA).
In the past, relatively smaller vendors were
generally more amenable to adopting OSI standards. Standard Telephone and Cable/International Computers, Ltd. (STC/ICL), for
example, was one of the first European manufacturers to ensure that American and European standards efforts are coordinated. STC/ICL is a British
information systems firm that perceives adoption
of OSI standards as a way to increase the applicability of its own products on an international level.
NCR is expected to roll out its OSI-based
router in 1992, as well as its OSI-based Communications Processor software for the 56X5. The company was supposed to have made them available
last April, just before the introduction of its new
System 3600 parallel processor. However, development problems have delayed delivery until next
year. All of NCR's products are based on its Open
Cooperative Computing Architecture (OCCA),
which provides for the coexistence and information exchange among OSI, SNA, and TCP/IP networks. OCCA will be the platform used by AT&T
and NCR to achieve global networking.

The Manufacturing Automation Protocol (MAP)
and Technical Office Protocol (TOP) were originally developed by General Motors and Boeing
Computer Services, respectively, to automate manufacturing functions on the factory floor and in the




"back office." Both are based on the OSI Reference Model, using formal standards for each layer
where possible. MAP, in particular, is probably the
best-known exa,mple of a formal multilevel protocol and has achieved moderate industry acceptance. Many vendors now offer MAP 3.0 products,
but these compete with proprietary "shop floor"
automated factory solutions.
Today, manufacturing networking standards
are directed by the MAP/TOP users group. MAP
Version 3.0 was released in June 1988 and will remain free from major changes until 1994. Version
3.0 added a Presentation Layer to the protocol and
implemented a version of the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS), the protocol for transferring factory and robotics information, ISO
9506. The ISO is currently working to extend
MMS in support of realtime applications. Other
Layer 7 protocols specified are FfAM, Network
Management, and Directory Service. Middle layers
implement ISO connection-oriented protocols, although these must be bypassed for time-critical
applications. At the lower transport layers, MAP
specifies the IEEE 802.4 token bus system employing a Type F coaxial connection to a 75-ohm cable.

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) was developed by the U.S. government's
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) for its research network, ARPANET. By
1986, TCP/IP had gained a following of commercial users seeking a protocol that could be used as a
common denominator for multi vendor computer
networks. TCP and IP are actually two separate
protocols, occupying middle layers number four
(transport) and number three (network), respectively, of the OSI Reference Model.
TCP/IP has been implemented on almost every type of computer and is especially successful in
commercial Ethernet LAN environments. The reason for TCP/IP's popularity is that it is a relatively
simple, proven system for intemetworking. Its handling of the connection-oriented/connectionless
dilemma, which can be problematic in OSI, is
straightforward and easy to implement. OSI provides a richer set of network options, but these may
not be compatible in different networks. Users cannot communicate across different networks if they
implement different options at these layers.


ISO Reference Model for
Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI)

Data Networking

Already, some proprietary stripped-down versions of OSI have been developed that resemble
TCP/IP, and some pundits believe that OSI itself
will evolve to resemble TCP/IP in the future. TCP/
IP's future could have been jeopardized, since the
U.S. government mandated OSI compliance in
government procurements, had it not been for Novell's introduction earlier this year of a new version of its NetWare network operating software
that supports TCP/IP.
A majority of users still use TCP/IP networks
for LAN interconnectivity. However, the consensus is that TCP/IP is not the ultimate solution-a
feat attributed to OS1. The trend is toward a migration to OSI-based applicaions running on a TCP/IP
infratsructure. As a result, more vendors, including
Unisys and Amdahl, are introducing products that
support multiple protocols.

Testing and Verification Agencies
The Corporation for Open Systems (COS)

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, vendor support for the OSI model ranged from wholehearted
to indifferent. By 1985, however, it became apparent that cooperation among vendors-and userswould be critical to the success of open standards.
That year, major U.S. vendors officially announced their support and formed the Corporation
for Open Systems (COS) to promote implementation of OSI standards.
COS is a nonprofit research and development
consortium located in McLean, VA, with an annual budget of $10 million. Its stated purpose is to
work toward worldwide information systems interoperability. Its mission is to open worldwide
markets for new OSI and ISDN products through
certification, by developing conformance test products, and by cooperating with other international
organizations. COS is not in the business of reinventing standards. It works with existing standards
organizations to accelerate the implementation of
present standards by testing and certification.
COS currently lists about 60 full-fledged
member companies composed primarily of information technology vendors such as Apple Computer, AT&T, Digital Equipment Corp., HewlettPackard, IBM, Intel, Sun Microsystems, Texas

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Data Networking

ISO Reference Model for
Open Systems
Interconnection (OSII

Instruments, and several software and LAN vendors. The list also includes several federal government agencies and a few large end users.
Members are committed to accelerate OSI
and related standards and to assess how vendors
can best supply end users with OSI and ISDN solutions; they are afforded several privileges not available to nonmembers. There are three types of

Regular membership, with an annual fee of


Corporate Research membership, for corporations with revenues in excess of $25 million,
with an annual fee of $25,000


Senior Research membership, for corporations
with revenues in excess of $150 million, with
an annual membership fee of $25,000 and an
annual research fee of$175,000.

Besides these three categories, COS provides an
Affiliate Associate Program currently consisting of
over 40 universities, foundations, associations, and
nonprofit organizations.
COS' major activity is developing and administering the COS Mark Licensing Program, which
is crucial to the COS mission. Informally known as
the "gold dot," the COS Mark was developed with
the aid of Underwriters Laboratories (UL). It is a
"seal of approval," providing impartial verification to users that OSI and ISDN products conform
to standards and ensure multi vendor interoperability. COS awards the mark to products that meet
COS requirements and pass a set of COS conformance tests. Since OSI contains many optional
classes, subsets, and parameters, conformance tests
are conducted on a COS Stack Specification-a
specific profile of optional OSI protocols.
COS conformance tests are available through
three avenues: at an on-site COS testing lab,
through licenses issued to third-party testing organizations, and through licenses issued to vendors.
In addition to OSI, the COS Conformance Testing
Laboratory offers conformance test services for the
following protocols:
• 802.3 CSMAlCD


802.4, Layer 1 and Layer 2

• X.25 (OSI 8882)
• Internet




Testing services cost $1,000 per day. Conformance
test licenses are available for the protocols mentioned above, plus 10 specific MAP/TOP protocols, ranging from $5,500 to $135,000 per protocol
(with discounts for multiple licenses).
COS has been unsuccessful in attracting enduser members and is criticized for moving too
slowly and for not being impartial. COS members
represent diverse interests but "theoretically"
share a common vision of worldwide interoperability as well as a recognition of the potential profitability of open systems products. COS member
representatives are working together to translate
these ideals into several goals. Nevertheless, COS
members cannot always reconcile their business
interests with support of open standards.
Accordingly, COS has forged partnerships
with similar testing and conformance groups in the
U.S. and abroad. It has relationships with the
POSI, and the Interoperability Technology Association for Information Processing (INTAP) of Japan. With ODA becoming mandatory for federal
information system procurements after August
1992, the need for OSI conformance testing will
increase immensely in the coming years. Recently,
COS has shifted emphasis from that of a testing
laboratory to producing a model for third-party
In 1991, COS announced an industry-wide
consensus to develop and deliver ISDN capabilities in the public switched telephone network by
late 1992. ISDN will be deployed based on standard technical specifications and implementation
agreements. Known collectively as National ISDN
1, the technical specifications were developed by.
Bellcore in conjunction with major industry eqUIpment and service providers.
National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIST, formerly the National Bureau of Standards
(NBS), is a branch of the U.S. Department of Commerce. It develops federal information processing
standards for ISDN and OSI and sponsors the OSI
Implementers Workshop (OIW) and several OSI
special interest groups. In 1979, NIST developed

• Transport
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formal standards description techniques and protocol test methods. It is grappling with the government's role in standardization, and whether that
role should be increased to meet the challenges
posed by international competition. Unlike other
countries, the U.S. does not implement laws for
standards conformance-a concept vigorously opposed by u.s. industry.

NIST helps to sponsor an experimental OSI network for OSI product vendors and users, called
OSINET. Originally formed in 1984 to test MAP
protocols, OSINET is a packet switched network
with about 40 U.S. nodes. It allows two vendors to
voluntarily perform brief interoperability tests,
modeled after OSI standards for conformance testing. Abbreviated test results are registered and
made available to end users through an online database. Complete testing details and results can be
obtained from OSINET.
OSINET costs are maintained by the participating vendors, including Digital Equipment
Corp., Hewlett-Packard, IBM, NCR, and Unisys.
NIST is a full member, and the network's chairperson is a NIST employee. In 1989, OSINET and
equivalent networks from Europe, Japan, Australia, and Singapore formed a partnership called OSlone, which tests global OSI interoperability and
demonstrates OSI internetworking at trade shows
and special events around the world.
Bell Communications Research (Bellcore)

Bellcore, the R&D arm owned jointly by the Bell
Operating Companies (BOCs), is the U.S.'s largest
research consortium. Splintered from AT&T Bell
Laboratories when AT&T was divested in 1984, its
goal is to help make it possible for people anywhere
in the world to communicate easily and securely in
any medium or combination of media. Bellcore's
domain is the public switched telephone network,
for which it devises standards and tests vendor
products for compliance. Bellcore's role is extremely important: in the absence of a regulated
telephone monopoly (the Bell system), someone or
something must maintain a homogeneous nationwide telephone network. In addition, the BOCs are
not allowed to manufacture their own equipment
and must purchase equipment from a variety of


ISO Reference Model for
Open S,stems
Interconnection (OSI)

Data Networking

Bellcore is active in public network specifications for ISDN, fiber optics, network management,
the intelligent network concept, and related topics.
Mter Bellcore drafts network standards, it allows
them to be reviewed by the industry at large. After
modifications, the standards are then published as
Technical References (TRs), which are listed in
Bellcore's annual Catalog of Technical Information. They can be ordered as complete documents
at modest prices.
Since its inception, Bellcore has been actively
engaged in ISDN research and testing. It produces
commercially available testbeds for ISDN protocol
compatibility. It also publishes books and videotapes on ISDN concepts, planning, and other
ISDN topics.
Standards Promotion & Application Group

SPAG, the European equivalent of COS, was incorporated in 1986. Its stated mission is to pave
the way to an open international market for the
computer and telecommunications industry, based
on harmonized standards and testing and certification of OSI products.
Like COS, SPAG concentrates its efforts on
producing conformance testing, accrediting test
laboratories, and certifying OSI products. SPAG
has signed international agreements with COS and
POSI to harmonize tools and testing technology. In
1988, it signed a joint development agreement with
COS to produce the Integrated Tool Set (ITS). The
agreement also provided for reciprocal crosslicensing and distribution of test tools.
In response to criticism that SPAG and COS
were competing with tool developers and that testing was being conducted in a closed environment,
SPAG developed the concept of OPEN Integrated
Test Specification (OPEN ITS), an open approach
to testing open systems.

051 Management
Since the first draft of the seven-layer ISO model
was produced in 1978, extensions to the basic
model have been developed to more adequately
represent all of the functions required by largescale, multi vendor networking environments. OSI

1991 McGraw-Hili, Incorporated. Reproduction Prohiblted.
Datapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA


Data Networking

ISO Reference Model tor
Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI)

Management is an extension to the original reference model that specifies transfer of network management information in the Application Layer and
support for network management functions at Layers 4, 5, and 6.
Advantages to OS I-Based Network

OSI-based network management continues to capture attention as the premier solution for multivendor network management. Vendors such as AT&T,
Digital, Hewlett-Packard, and NCR are now designing their network management architectures to
accommodate OSI Management standards and
In addition to solving the problem ofmanaging heterogeneous environments, OSI-based network management will bring about a new
phenomenon-unbundling network management
from network products. In a proprietary environment, a given vendor's products are primarily
manageable only by products developed by that
vendor. Widespread use of OSI will split that oneto-one relationship, making it possible for any OSIbased network management system (NMS) to
manage any OSI management-conformant device.
Disadvantages to OSI-Based Network


The market (both vendors and users) has widely
criticized ISO for moving too slowly in its efforts
to ratify OSI Management standards. Indeed, the
greatest disadvantage to OSI-based network management is that the demand for it far exceeds the
available products-and vendors are wisely unwilling to develop products based on standards that
are not yet final. In an effort to open the door to
new OSI-based network management system products, SC21 WG4 is currently working to finalize
fault, configuration, performance, accounting, and
security management specifications. These standards will assist in differentiating OSI-based systems from SNMP-based products.
Another disadvantage to standards-based network management is that OSI standards merely
provide a menu of options. There are numerous
gaps and ambiguities in OSI Management standards that could be interpreted differently, leading
to incompatible implementations. Industry consensus is the only hope for interoperable implementations. Currently, this consensus is building around

@ 1991 MCGraw-Hili, Incorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.
Datapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA




the OSI/Network Management Forum and the
Network Management Special Interest Group
(NMSIG) of the OIW, sponsored by NIST and the
IEEE. The NMSIG is developing Implementation
Agreements (lAs) based on emerging network management standards. lAs are being introduced in
phases that coincide with ISO/IEC standards as
they progress from CD to international standards.
The OIW NM Phase I IA became stable in December 1990. To further simplify government procurement of network management products, NIST
introduced a new proposal in May 1991, called the
Government Network Management Profile
(GNMP). GNMP will also be introduced in phases
that will cross-reference the latest GOSIP versions.
GNMP Phase I, II, and III will address the following categories of management information:
• Phase I-IEEE 802 LAN standards, X.25,
ISDN, FOOl, modems, multiplexers, bridges,
and the physical link of the OSI model.
• Phase II-protocol software operating in layers
3 to 7, routers, terminal servers, MTAs, PBX,
and circuit switches.
• Phase III-applications, services, operating systems, computers, networks, and database management systems.
GNMP Phase I specifies CMIS/P, management
definitions in GNMP secion 4, and five systems
management functions: object management function, state management function, attributes for representing relationships, alarm reporting, and event
Since SNMP is already widely implemented,
it is likely that SNMP will be deployed to manage
routers. Future versions of GNMP will specify a
network management architecture incorporating
both SNMP and GNMP protocols.
Standards Documents

OSI Management standards can be broadly categorized into four areas:


Functions-what network management is, according to OSI


Services-how network management functions
are accomplished


Information Structure-terms and categories
describing what is managed (e.g., "management information")






Protocols-describe means of transporting network management information

Taken together, these four areas describe a generic
package for network management systems, and
how these products relate to the network devices
they manage (called managed objects in OSI terminology).
A blueprint document, OSI Management
Framework (IS 7498-4), places the OSI Management environment in perspective by describing
terms and the scope of OSI network management.
OSI Management Functions

OSI Management functions are described in the
Systems Management standards (CD 10040, CD
10164-1 through 10164-7, and N 10164-8 through
10164-12). These documents are listed in Table 3
and describe the scope of OSI Management using
three models:

The Organizational Model-describes ways
OSI Management can be distributed administratively


The Information Model-provides guidelines
for defining managed objects and their interrelationships, classes, and names


The Functional Model-describes network
management functions

ISO Reference Model for
Open S,atema
Interconnection (OSI)

Data Networking

initiate configuration changes and diagnostic testing to allow a satisfactory level of performance.
Accounting management facilities help determine
,and allocate costs for the use of a network manager's communications resources. Security Management facilities permit the management of those
services providing access protection of communications resources.

Services are described, in part, in the Common
Management Information Services (CMIS) standard, IS 9595. Services use primitives, or command
types, to accomplish network management functions. Examples of primitives include INITIALIZE, EVENT-REPORT, and TERMINATE. While
service primitives are somewhat abstract, they are
important building blocks for real commands used
by network management applications to obtain
vital data on the status and activity of network devices.
CMIS includes a detailed abstract model of
open systems management services. These fall into
three categories-event notification, information
transfer, and control. Event notification allows one
system to notify another that some event of importance has occurred. Information transfer consists
of a single service element-Get. Control consists
of three elements: Set, Action, and Compare.

The Functional Model outlines how ISO has partitioned network management into five functional
areas: fault management, configuration and name
management, performance management, accounting management, and security management. ISO
originally described each of these areas in its own
standard. Further studies revealed that functions
overlapped; therefore, ISO reorganized the documents in December 1988 into their present Systems Management form.
Fault management provides the detection,
isolation, and correction of abnormalities in network operation. Configuration and Name Management facilities permit network managers to control
the configuration of the system, network, or layer
entities. Changed configurations may isolate faults,
alleviate congestion, or meet changing user needs.
Performance management enables the network
manager to monitor and evaluate the performance
of the system, network, and layer entities. Data
from performance management may be used to

The most important standards in this category are
Structure of Management Information (SMI), Parts
1,2, and 4 (CD 10165-1,2, and 4). (Part 3 is not
missing; rather, ISO merged Part 3 into Part 4.)
Included in these standards is an explanation of
the object-oriented paradigm, used to model a network in terms of object classes and attributes. In
object-oriented environments, a variable (for example, a variable called Modem) is defined both in
terms of the operations that can be performed on it
and the values of attributes it can possess. For example, Modem can have an attribute such as Status, which may have a value of Up or Down; a
network management system may obtain this value
via a Get operation or alter it via a Set operation.
Objects (including their attributes and operations) are stored in a Management Information
Base (MIB), sometimes called a Management Information Library (MIL). The SMI documents just



Information Structure

1991 McGraw-Hili, Incorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.
Datapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA

Data Networking

ISO Reference Model for
Open Systems
Interconnection (051)

listed provide syntax and semantics for information in the MIB; however, as yet no single ISO
standard defines exactly what the OSI MIB will
contain, nor how vendors and users will register
objects in the standard MIB. SC21 WG4 is currently working to finalize the Structure of Management Information (SMI), providing guidelines that
can be used to define management objects and
their attributes. The final SMI will ensure interoperability among OSI-based network management
In the TCP/IP world, an Internet Standard
MIB exists for objects managed using SNMP. This
MIB functions in an analogous role to the proposed OSI MIB, although the administration and
rules governing the two are sure to differ.
MIB includes all information needed to make
management decisions. MIB is a conceptual repository of all OSI management data in an OSI environment. The MIB concept does not imply any
form of physical or logical storage for management
information, however, and its implementation is
outside the scope of OSI standards. Rather, the
SMI defines the abstract syntax and the semantics
of information so that it can be represented in OSI
protocol exchanges.

Common Management Information Protocol
(CMIP), IS 9596, is the primary OSI Management
protocol. CMIP specifies procedures for the exchange of basic management information between
open systems interconnected by OSI protocols.
CMIP is intended to be a general-purpose management protocol suitable for the management of both
OSI resources and the real resources used to provide communications services.
X.SOO-The Directory
The Directory is a related standard designed to
manage name-related information concerning protocollayers and network nodes. These services connect the actual names used in the network with
names and addresses understood by human users.
The Directory is defined in CD 9594 and several
other OSI working drafts. CD 9594 attained DIS in
March 1988.




OSI and the Future
OSl's future as the premier means of interconnecting multi vendor computer networks is almost a
certainty. Too many government agencies, vendors, trade associations, and users have staked
their futures on this architecture for it not to succeed. OSI applications protocols, such as CCITT
X.400, X.500, and EDI, are catching on and spurring OSl's adoption. The world needs a network of
computers, similar to standards for international
telephony, to link users across oceans and continents. OSI is perceived as the answer to this need.
The OSI Reference Model has some glitches
and holes, however, that prevent it from being
widely implemented. In the U.S., OSI and TCP/IP
proponents are badly divided. As an internetworking protocol, TCP/IP has proved its worth and is a
popular and commercially successful method of
linking users across diverse networks-particularly
LANs. OSI middle-layer protocols 3 through 5, the
alternatives to TCP/IP, are neither as practical nor
as simple to implement in the real world. Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP), the network management protocol for TCP/IP networks,
is also a proven, commercially successful solution.
As long as vendors and users require practical networking products, they will continue using TCPI
IP-based protocols-standards or not.
Although nobody can predict the future, OSI
will probably evolve to better serve user needs. A
possible scenario for wider OSI acceptance is that
OSI middle layers will migrate to resemble TCPI
IP, at least in functionality. One such implementation already exists. A product called Xpress
Transfer Protocol (XTP), a proprietary networking
scheme from Protocol Engines, Inc. (Santa Barbara, CA), is a streamlined version of OSl's middle
layers. XTP combines OSI layers 3 and 4 into one
protocol and has been officially proposed to ANSI's X3S3 Committee for adoption.
In many commercial networking applications,
however, vendors are blending different protocol
stacks from different sources to match user needs.
For instance, one vendor's network protocol might
graft together different layers from OSI, TCP/IP,
and IBM's SNA.

@ 1991 McGraw-Hili, Incorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.

Datepro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA




In reality, OSI and other layered architectures
do not serve every application and are not a panacea. Proprietary architectures will continue to
thrive alongside OSI-based networks, especially for
closed user groups (where intemetworking is not a
requirement) or in time-sensitive applications intolerant oflayered protocols' high overhead.


ISO Reference Model for
Open S,.tems
Interconnection (O~IJ

Data Networking

All others who desire intemetworking must
realize that the associated protocols are still
evolving-nothing is truly cast in iron. In marketbased economies, products that do not satisfy market needs will not gain widespread favor.
Therefore, prospective users must evaluate OSI
protocols and their adoption with an eye toward
future standards developments.•

1991 McGraw-Hili. Incorporated. Reproduction Prohibited.
Oatapro Information Services Group. Delran NJ 08075 USA



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