3380_PSG_R05_Aug1989 3380 PSG R05 Aug1989
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• If.'. ' C F L -:==;.-- - -----c -- --,--- 1'. .../ ~- c ( { ( (~ ( c - PSG -® (' PCM* MIM INTRO MLX START ISOLATE REPAIR MD LOG PROG SC-FRU INDEX (MASTER) TRANS LGND/GLOS LOC PWR CARR MAP SAFETY INDEX VOL R05 VOL. R10 VISUAL INDEX CATALOG NUMERIC INDEX VOL. R20 MOM MICROFICHE CARD/CABLE/ VOLTAGE CHARTS A-BOARD LRM B-BOARD LRM C-BOARD LRM POWER DIAGRAMS RD INST VOL. R30 ECM* ECDs IND·EX VOL. R40 MSM* HELP SENSE OPER DIAG INDEX VOL. R60 * These volumes are shipped in microfiche and are located in volume R30. 3380 ( ( Maintenance Library PIN 4519888 2 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corporation 1987 Direct Access Storage Models J and K Maintenance Information FRONT-' The drawings and specifications contained in this manual shall not be reproduced in. whole or in part without written permission from the IBM Corporation. ". " I ) IBM has prepared this maintenance manual for the use of IBM service representatives in the installation, maintenance, and repair of the specific machines indicated. IBM makes no representation that it is suitable for any other purpose. Information contained in this manual is subject to change. Any such change will be included in following revisions. This material may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services .that are not announced in your coun~.I. Such references or information does not necessarily mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products; programming, or services in your country. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office servicing your locality. A form for reader's comments is supplied at the back of this manual. If the form has been removed, send comments to: International Business Machines Corporation Department G26/61C 5600 Cottle Road San Jose, California 95193 You can use this form to communicate your comments about this manual, its organization, or its subject matter with the understanding that IBM can. use and distribute the information you supply in any way it believes correct without any obligation to you. PIN 4519888 02 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 FRONT-2 ,.,. i . ) '\ / ./ Preface Maintenance Manual Ordering Procedure The Product Service Guide (PSG). Volume R05 of the maintenance library. is designed to help the IBM service representative maintain the IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage. Models AJ4. BJ4. AK4. and BK4. A Documentation Request form (order number 972-8390) is located in the microfiche pocket (see the MDM. Volume R30). Use this request form to order microfiche or printed volumes of the maintenance manuals. Only the most current version of any manual will be sent. No automatic updates to any man'Jal ordered by this card will be sent. When maintaining any of these models. use the IBM Maintenance Device diskette and the maintenance library manuals shipped with the machine. and/or the manuals shipped with the AJ4 or AK4 unit to which the machine and the IBM Maintenance Device connect. Always start any maintenance action on a 3380 Model AJ4. BJ4. AK4. or BK4 by following the instructions in the PSG. Volume R05. c- When a 3380 model AJ4 or AK4 is connected to the same storage control as a 3380 Model AA4. AD4. or AE4. instructions in the MD or notes in this manual indicate when to use the information in the other 3380 maintenance library manuals. In this manual. the following terms are used to simplify the distinction among the various 3380 models: 3380 3380-J 3380-K 3380-JK A unit B unit c- For USA Parts of this manual can be ordered from the IBM San Jose plant by using the Wiring Diagram/Logic Page Request. Order No. Z150-0130 (U/M 015). In the logic-page columns, enter the part number [1] and engineering change [2] number shown at the bottom of each page. For example. PN 1234567 EC 123456 = all 3380 models = 3380 AJ4. BJ4 = 3380 AK4. BK4 = 3380 AJ4. BJ4. AK4. = 3380 AJ4, AK4 = 3380 BJ4, BK4 It is recommended that one hard copy set of all microfiche manuals be ordered for each account. Because a machine serial number is not required for ordering, ECs affecting the contents of these manuals will update the microfiche copies only. The customer engineer will be instructed by the EC to reorder new printed support documentation. BK4 The complete model name will be used to specify a single model. (For example. 3380 Model BJ4.) [1] [2] PRE-1 Whole volumes can be ordered by including the volume number and the machine serial number. For Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) Wiring diagram and logic page requests are handled through the MLC plant in Mainz, Germany. Printed manuals can be ordered by sending the Documentation Request form (found in the microfiche pocket) to the MLC plant in Mainz, Germany. (' (' (( PIN 4519890 08 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 PRE-1 Subsystem Microcode Ordering Information Diskette Ordering Procedure Note: When ordering a diskette to replace a defective diskette, the EC number of the defective diskette must be specified. Otherwise, the latest level diskette is shipped. Subsystem microcode diskettes must always be at compatible levels with each other and with the supporting maintenance package documentation. Updates to these diskettes will be through EC control procedures. 3380-JK/3880 Subsystem: This subsystem configuration requires three microcode diskettes as follows: To order a diskette for the 3380-JK, supply the following information indicated for that diskette: • Storage Control functional diskette • 3380-JK/3880 subsystem functional microcode diskette. Machine Type = Serial# = xxxxx • 3880 MD diskette. GID# = xxxxxx EC# = xxxxxx • 3380-JK MD diskette. PIN 3380-JK/3990 Subsystem: This subsystem configuration requires two microcode diskettes as follows: 3380-JK MD diskette. • 3380-JK/3990 subsystem functional microcode diskette. xxxx = xxxxxxx -,/ • • \ j 3880 MD Diskette (if the 3880 Model AJ4 or AK4 unit is attached to a 3880) PIN = 4518573 (No other data required) • 3380-JK MD Diskette PIN EC# = 4516289 = xxxxxx j PRE-2 PIN 4519890 08 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 ro Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ~ (i-. (: ('(~ (- How To Update This Manual This manual is under engineering change control. Put pages in by part number and page number. The EC level and date are given in the EC history block on the last page of the part-numbered group of pages. For example, EC History of Front Matter EC HISTORY OF P/N 4519890 EC Number Date Of EC EC Number 475245 14Nov86 475248 475246 21Ju187 475247 llSep87 (' ( ( f Related Publications • IBM 3990 Storage Control Introduction, GA32-0098 The following is a list of documents that may help to understand and/or repair the 3380: • IBM 3990 Storage Control Reference Manual, GA32-0099 • Environmental Record Editing and Printing Program: User's Guide and Reference, GC28-1378 • Device Support Facilities User's Guide and Reference Manual, GC35-0033-12 or later • Maintaining IBM Storage Subsystem Media, GC26-4495 • Device Support Facilities Primer for the User of IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage, GC26-4498. • Device Support Facilities Primer for the User of IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage, GC26-4498 • Storage Subsystem Library Master Index, GC26-4496 • IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage General Information, GA26-1670. • IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage Introduction, GC26-4491 • IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage User's Guide, GA26-1671. { ( • ( • ( ((" Date Of EC 25Apr88 • • Using the IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage in an MVS Environment, GC26-4492 Using the IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage in a VM Environment, GC26-4493 Using the IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage in a VSE Environment, GC26-4494 IBM 3880 Storage Control, Models 1,2,3, and 4 Reference Manual, GA26-1661 (, (PIN 4519890 08 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 to Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 PRE-3 About The Maintenance Library PWR The Power section contains information concerning power distribution and operation, voltage checks, power failures, and power maintenance analysis procedures. The Maintenance Library for the 3380 Model AJ4 and AK4, and for attached 3380 Model BJ4 and BK4 units, is comprised of the following manuals: • Maintenance Information Manual, Volume R 10 • Parts Catalog Manual, Volume R20 CARR The Checks, Adjustments, Removals, and Replacements section supplies procedures to check, adjust, remove and replace assemblies in a 3380. • Maintenance Diagrams Manual, Volume R30 MAP • Error Condition Manual, Volume R40 • Maintenance Support Manual, Volume R60 • Product Service Guide, Volume R05 Pro~uct Service Guide, Volume R05 The Product Service Guide, Volume R05 (PSG) is designed to teach you how to service the 3380 Models AJ4, BJ4, AK4, and BK4. For a description of the Product Service Guide, see "About This Manual" on page PRE-6. "J1 \ / / The Maintenance Analysis Procedure section contains maintenance procedures for detailed failure analysis. The MAP section is entered from the IBM Maintenance Device (MD). SAFETY The Safety section is a safety inspection guide: An aid in identifying unsafe conditions on 3380 machines. The SAFETY section ensures that all safety equipment, including safety labels, are installed. Parts Catalog Manual, Volume R20 Maintenance Information Manual, Volume R10 The Maintenance Information Manual, Volume R10 (MIM) contains information about the failure symptoms for the 3380. The Parts Catalog Manual, Volume R20 (PCM) contains diagrams, descriptions, and part numbers of each field replaceable part and assembly in the 3380-JK subsystem. TRANS The Translation section contains the Danger and Caution statements used in the 3380-JK maintenance library, translated into the necessary World Trade languages. VISUAL INDEX The Visual Index section contains summary diagrams of the 3380-JK, defining the assembly name and the catalog figure number where the assembly can be found. LGND/GLOS The Legend/Glossary section defines the graphic symbols, abbreviations, acronyms, and terms used in the 3380 Maintenance Library. CATALOG The Catalog section contains detailed diagrams of each field replaceable assembly in the 3380-JK, with lists of part numbers and descriptions of each part. LOC NUMERIC INDEX The Numeric Index section is an index of the part numbers of field replaceable assemblies and parts in the 3380-JK. The Location section shows the location of the assemblies in a 3380. PRE-4 PIN 4519890 08 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 --- ---------- / "" ...•.. ~. c ( (' (' Maintenance Diagrams Manual, Volume R30 Error Condition Manual, Volume R40 The Maintenance Diagrams Manual, Volume R30 (MDM) contains the schematics and logic diagrams. It also contains the installation instructions for the 3380-JK subsystem. The Error Condition Manual, Volume R40 (ECM) is used with the PSG to service the 3380. CARD/CABLE/VOLTAGE CHARTS This section contains charts for the cards, cables, and voltages. B-BOARD LRM The B-Board Logic Reference section contains the logic index and logic charts for the B-board. ( ( C-BOARD LRM The C-Board Logic Reference section contains the logic index and logic charts for the C-board. POWER DIAGRAMS The Power Diagrams section contains the power logic diagrams. INST (' The Error Condition Descriptions section describes each circuit or function whose operation is checked or verified. Topics (for each circuit or function) include "How the check is indicated" and "How and when it works." Additional reference material, diagnostics, and service aids for each symptom code are also supplied. MICROFICHE The Microfiche section contains the PCM, ECM, and MSM manuals in microfiche form. It also contains the order card for ordering a printed copy of the PCM, ECM, and MSM manuals. A-BOARD LRM The A-Board Logic Reference section contains the logic reference master index, the A-board logic index. and logic charts. ( ECDs The Installation section describes the procedures to install, relocate, and remove a 3380. It also includes an installation checklist. Maintenance Support Manual, Volume R60 The Maintenance Support Manual, Volume R60 (MSM) is used with the PSG to service the 3380. HELP The purpose of the Help section is to supply the customer engineer with DASD maintenance information not supplied in the PSG or the MIM. SENSE The Sense section contains the 3380 sense data descriptions which identify the contents of each format by messages, bytes, and bits. It supplies page references to additional information on each error symptom along with the priority of service actions and the primary symptom code. OPER The Operation section contains the theory of operation for the 3380. DIAG The Diagnosis section contains the run procedures for each diagnostic routine, along with isolation codes associated with the routine. (~ ( (" PIN 4519890 08 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 Cl Copyright IBM Corp, 1987, 1988 PRE-S About This Manual ISOLATE The Product Service Guide, Volume R05 (PSG) is used with the Maintenance Information Manual, Volume RIO (MIM) when servicing the 3380-JK subsystem: The Isolate section contains information about: The PSG is divided into ten sections, each with specific purposes. A brief description of each section follows: INTRO The Introduction section describes the correct service procedures for the IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage, Models AJ4, BJ4, AK4, and BK4. In addition, the INTRO section describes the 3380 device attributes, Miscellaneous Equipment Spe,eifications, storage controller interface information, emergency procedures, microcode and documentation ordering procedures, and, tools and test equipment information. • • • • • Problems found during physical inspection. Controller and machine checkout procedures. Problem analysis with Error Log data. Problem analysis using Console messages. Problem analysis using ICKDSF messages. \ The ISOLATE section helps isolate a problem to a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) or to the smallest group of FRUs possible. REPAIR The Repair section contains information about: • • • • • FRU (card) replacement procedures. Power offlon procedures. Post-repair checkout procedures. End of guided maintenance procedures. End of call procedures. MLX The Maintenance Library Cross-Reference (MLX) section is the connection between this maintenance library and other machine maintenance libraries. The REPAIR section includes charts of FRUs, including a Repair Affects column to help you determine the portion of the machine or string that will be affected by replacement of the logic card. START MD The Start section contains information about: The Maintenance Device (MD) section describes how to connect and use the MD. It also contains explanations of MD messages. • • • • • • How to plan a repair action with minimum impact on the customer. How to determine if corrective action is required. How to prioritize the failure. How to locate the failing string. How to determine the failing FRUs. How to schedule the hardware for maintenance. The START section contains Maintenance Analysis Procedures (SMAPs), organized to guide you in diagnosis and repair. Complete the procedures in the START section before going to the ISOLATE section. PRE·6 j LOG The LOG section describes the organization and use of the error log, which is maintained in the storage control. Data from the log can be retrieved through the MD. The LOG section contains operating instructions and options. The LOG section contains information concerning the error logs, which are equipment check logs, whose functions are transfer, merge, search, erase, and change log mask. PIN 4519890 08 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 (( c' ( PROG Master Index The Program section contains information about EREP System Exception Reports, which are needed to maintain the 3380. The Master Index section in this volume (R05) contains an alphabetical list of items contained in the 3380-JK DASD maintenance library manuals (volumes R05, R10, R30 (INST section)! R40, and R60). Use the Master Index section to find items in this manual and in the other 3380-JK DASD maintenance manuals. ... . , ,'. ( ( SC-FRU The Symptom Code to Field Replaceable Unit (SC-FRU) section contains tables that relate symptom codes to FRUs. The SC-FRU tables in the PSG are for reference only, and should not be used to determine field replaceable units (FRUs) when the IBM Maintenance Device is available. (' ( ( (' ( (' ( ( ( (' c' PIN 4519890 08 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 10 Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 PRE-7 ----~- ... ---.~-- .. - - - - . EC History of Front Matter EC HISTORY OF P/N 4519890 Date Of EC EC Number EC Number 475245 14Nov86 475246 21Ju187 llSep87 475247 475248 "\ Date Of EC 25Apr88 ) Notes: / / PRE-8 PIN 4519890 08 S,des EC 475248 25Apr88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp_ 1987, 19S8 ---.-------~- (: (1' ,;1,: " Contents ( (:.- ( (- ( ( ( ( ', .. "I: ( Introduction ...................... About the 3380-JK ................. Miscellaneous Equipment Specifications (MES) ........................ . Selective Feature Codes ......... . MES Summary ................. . 3380-JK Connected to a 3880 Storage Control ....................... . 3880 Storage Control Requirements .. Subsystem Configurations ........ . Example of 3380-JK Strings Attached To a 3880 Storage Control ....... . 3380-JK String and Port Configurations (3880 Subsystem) .............. . Dynamic Path Selection (DPS) ..... . Device Level Selection (DLS) ...... . Control Interface Fencing ......... . Power Sequencing .............. . Front Operator Panel (3880 Subsystem) Front Operator Panel Labels ...... . Rear Unit Emergency Power Off Panel (3880 Subsystem) ............... . Unit Emergency Switch ......... . Controller Ready LEDs ......... . Maintenance Device (MD) Connector Rear Unit Emergency Power Off Panel Labels ..................... . 3380-JK Connected to a 3990 Storage Control ...................... . 3990 Storage Control Requirements . Subsystem Configurations ....... . Example of 3380-JK Strings Attached To a 3880 Storage Control ...... . 3380-JK String and Port Configurations (3990 Subsystem) .. 3380-JK 2-Path String Configuration 3380-JK 4-Path String Configuration . 3380-JK Port Configurations (3990 Subsystem) ................. . Dynamic Path Selection (DPS) .... . Device Level Selection (DLS) ..... . Four Path .................... . Control Interface Fencing ........ . Subsystem Fencing ............ . Quiesce / Resume Storage Path .. . Quiesce and Resume Controller .,. Power Sequencing ............. . PIN 4519891 06 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 INTRO-1 INTRO-1 INTRO-2 INTRO-2 INTRO-2 INTRO-3 INTRO-3 INTRO-3 INTRO-4 INTRO-5 INTRO-6 INTRO-6 INTRO-6 INTRO-6 INTRO-? INTRO-9 INTRO-10 INTRO-10 INTRO-11 INTRO-11 INTRO-11 INTRO-12 INTRO-12 INTRO-12 INTRO-12 INTRO-14 INTRO-14 INTRO-15 INTRO-17 INTRO-18 INTRO-18 INTRO-18 INTRO-18 INTRO-18 INTRO-19 INTRO-19 INTRO-19 Front Operator Panel (3990 Subsystem) ................. . INTRO-20 Front Operator Panel Labels ..... . INTRO-23 Rear Unit Emergency Power orf Panel (3990 Subsystem) ............... . INTRO-24 Unit Emergency Switch ......... . INTRO-24 Controller Ready LEDs ......... . INTRO-25 Maintenance Device (MD) Connector INTRO-25 Rear Unit Emergency Power Off Panel Labels ..................... . INTRO-25 Device Characteristics Summary .... . INTRO-26 Track Layout - Models AJ4 and BJ4 . INTRO-2? INTRO-28 Track Layout - Models AK4 and BK4 Disk, Arm, and Head Layout ..... . INTRO-29 Servo System ................ . INTRO-30 Data Check Detection and Correction INTRO-30 Switches and Indicators ........... . INTRO-30 A 1 Board Voltage and Clock LEDs .. INTRO-30 B1 Board Power Card LEDs ...... . INTRO-31 B1 Board - PES/PROM Card LEDs .. INTRO-31 Phase Rotation LEDs ........... . INTRO-31 Controller Voltage Regulator Card LEDs ....................... INTRO-32 Controller Power Supply Circuit Pru£ectors ................... INTRO-32 24 Vdc Panel - A and B units ...... INTRO-32 Single Actuator Maintenance (SAM) Control Panel - A and B Units .... INTRO-34 Undervoltage Detection ............ INTRO-36 Service Call Strategy .............. INTRO-36 EREP and Console Messages ..... INTRO-3? Physical Identifiers ............. INTRO-37 Maintenance Device (MD) ........ INTRO-3? Error Log ..................... INTRO-38 Diagnostics ................... INTRO-38 Analysis Procedures ............ INTRO-38 FRU Replacement .............. INTRO-38 Subsystem Microcode Ordering Information .................. INTRO-38 Documentation Ordering Procedure ... INTRO-39 Tools and Test Equipment .......... INTRO-40 EC History of Introduction Section .... INTRO-41 MLX .............................. MLX-1 Entries from Other Maintenance Libraries . MLX-2 Exits to Other Maintenance Libraries ..... MLX-3 EC History of MLX Section ............. MLX-4 Start Procedures .................. START-1 SMAP 0010: Start ................ START-1 SMAP 0015: Isolate a Problem ...... START-2 SMAP 0016: Using EREP to Determine IfThere Are 3380 Failures ........ START-4 Contents-1 SMAP 0017: Guidelines for Periodic Review of EREP Reports ......... START-6 SMAP 0020: Corrective Action Determination With EREP ......... START-8 SMAP 0025: Prioritizing Symptom Codes ...................... START-12 SMAP 0030: Locating the Failing String and Devices ............ START-14 SMAP 0033: Oetermine the Probable Failing Unit .................. START-16 SMAP 0035: Corrective Action Determination With Sense Data ... START-17 SMAP 0040: Prioritizing Symptom Codes ...................... START-19 SMAP 0045: Locating the Failing String and Devices ............ START-21 SMAP 0050: Planning the Repair Action for Data Checks ......... START-23 SMAP 0051: Determining Tracks Reporting Data Checks ......... START-25 SMAP 0052: Corrective Action Determination from Device Support Facilities Messages ............ START-27 SMAP 0053: Locating the Failing Unit from Device Support Facilities Messages ................... START-30 SMAP 0054: Prioritizing Data Check Symptom Codes using Device Support Facilities Messages ..... START-31 SMAP 0056: Prioritizing Data Check START-32 Symptom Codes using Sense Data SMAP 0057: Determining the Failing Ports (EBxx) .................. START-33 SMAP 0058: Determining the Failing FRUs ....................... START-34 SMAP 0060: Scheduling the Hardware START-35 SMAP 0070: Locate the Failing Machine with Console Messages .. START-36 EC History of Start Section .......... START-38 Isolate Procedures ............... ISOLATE-1 IMAP 0200: Isolate the Problem ... ISOLATE-1 IMAP 0205: Physical Inspection ... ISOLATE-2 IMAP 0210: Miscellaneous Physical Symptoms .................. ISOLATE-6 IMAP 0212: Checking For Undervoltage ................ ISOLATE-7 IMAP 0215: Running Diagnostics .. ISOLATE-8 IMAP 0218: Controller Diagnostics . ISOLATE-9 IMAP 0220: Normal Sequence Diagnostics ................ ISOLATE-12 PIN 4519891 06 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 IMAP 0225: Trouble Setting CE Mode .................... -. ISOLATE-14 IMAP 0228: Undervoltage With Data Che.cks .................. . ISOLATE-15 IMAP 0230: Diagnostics for Data Checks .................. . ISOLATE-16 IMAP 0232: Determine the Failing Devices and Controllers with the Device Status Test .......... . ISOLATE-18 IMAP 0233: Determine the Failing Devices and Controllers with the Error Log ................. . ISOLATE-20 IMAP 0235: Symptom Code Analysis ISOLATE-23 IMAP 0240: Problem Analysis With Error Log Data ............. . ISOLATE-24 IMAP 0245: Device Not Ready .. . ISOLATE-27 IMAP 0247: Device Switch Enabled LED Off ....... .' .......... . ISOLATE-30 IMAP 0248: Device Sequencer Status LED Off ............. . ISOLATE-31 IMAP 0250: Controller Not Ready . ISOLATE-32 IMAP 0252: Status Pending LED Is On Continuously ........... . ISOLATE-33 IMAP 0255: Console Messages .. ISOLATE-34 IMAP 0260: Console Message Intervention Required ....... . ISOLATE-35 IMAP 0265: Console Message Condition Code 1 ........... . ISOLATE-38 IMAP 0270: Console Message Condition Code 3 ........... . ISOLATE-42 IMAP 0275: Console Message Missing Channel End and Device End (Missing Interrupt) ....... ISOLATE-46 IMAP 0280: Console Message Write Inhibited .............. ISOLATE-49 IMAP 0285: Console Message Volume Fenced from Storage Path ISOLATE-51 IMAP 0290: Miscellaneous Console Messa,ges ................. ISOLATE-53 IMAP 0295: Controller Not Connected Correctly ......... ISOLATE-55 EC History of Isolate Section ...... ISOLATE-56 Repair Procedures ................ REPAIR-1 RMAP 0300: FRU Replacement Procedures .................. REPAIR-2 RMAP 0310: Replacing FRUs ...... REPAIR-5 RMAP 0320: Post-Repair Checkout .. REPAIR-8 RMAP 0330: Post-Repair Controller Checkout ................... REPAIR-11 RMAP 0340: End of Guided Maintenance ................ REPAIR-13 . Contents-2 "'~_~ -" j " ./ (, (.":~ f ( " { -' --.-~/ j C~ (, ('\ (~: ( (' (~ ( (~: (~ (' RMAP 0350: End of Call ......... REPAIR-15 DDC/DTB Card (A1W2 and A1B2) Switch Settings (2-Path) .......... REPAIR-18 String Address ................ REPAIR-18 DDC/DTB Card (A1W2 and A1B2) Switch Settings (4-Path) .......... REPAIR-19 String Address ................ REPAIR-19 1/0 Control Card (A1V2 and A1C2) Switch Settings (String ID) ........ REPAIR-20 String ID .................... REPAIR-20 1/0 Control Card (A1V2 and A1C2) Switch Settings (2-Path String Configuration) ................. REPAIR-21 String Configuration: Switches 1 and 2 ......................... REPAIR-21 1/0 Control Card (A1V2 and A1C2) Switch Settings (4-Path String Configuration) ................. REPAIR-22 String Configuration: Switches 1 and 2 ......................... REPAIR-22 String Configuration: Switches 3 and 4 ......................... REPAIR-22 Power OnlOff Procedures ......... REPAIR-23 24 Vdc Panel for A and B units ... REPAIR-23 Single Actuator Maintenance Control Panel for A and B Units ........ REPAIR-24 String Power Off Procedure ...... REPAIR-25 String Power On Procedure ...... REPAIR-25 Unit Power Off Procedure ....... REPAIR-26 Unit Power On Procedure ....... REPAIR-26 Controller Power Off Procedure ... REPAIR-27 Controller Power On Procedure ... REPAIR-27 Drive Power Off Procedure ...... REPAIR-28 Drive Power On Procedure ...... REPAIR-28 Device Power Off Procedure ..... REPAIR-29 Device Power On Procedure ..... REPAIR-29 EC History of Repair Section ....... REPAIR-30 Maintenance Device (MD) Operation ..... MD-1 MD Menus ....................... MD-2 Maintenance Device (MD) Display Reference Number Table ........... MD-3 Prepare the MD ................... MD-5 Set/Reset CE Mode (MD Main Menu Option 0) ....................... MD-7 Run Diagnostic Tests (MD Main Menu Option 1) ....................... MD-10 Diagnostic Menu Option 0 - Normal Sequence ...................... MD-11 Diagnostic Menu Option 1 - Controller Test ........................... MD-13 PIN 4519891 06 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 Diagnostic Menu Option 2 - Extended DPS Test ....................... Diagnostic Menu Option 3 - Device Test Diagnostic Menu Option 4 - Connection Test ............. ,.............. Diagnostic Menu Option 5 - HA Scan ... Display Modes .................... Diagnostic Menu Option 6 - Motor Test . Diagnostic Menu Option 7 - Device Status ......................... Diagnostic Menu Option 8 - CE Track Repair ......................... Diagnostic Menu Option 9 - Storage Control Status ................... Diagnostic Menu Option A Non-Repeatable Runout (NRRO) Test Isolation Code Error Display ........ . Analyze Symptom Code (Main Menu Option 3) ...................... . Diagnostic Aids (Main Menu Option D) . Error Display .................... . Review Option List (Main Menu Option R) ........................... . 010 SELECT AN OPTION ........... . 020 SELECT CONTROLLER ......... . 030 SET I RESET CE MODE ......... . 035 DEVICES IN CE MODE/DEFAULT DEVICES ...................... . 050 DEFINE THE FAILURE BOUNDARY . MD 0050: ....................... . 051 DEFINE THE FAILURE BOUNDARY (EBXX) ........................ . MD 0051: ....................... . 052 DEFINE THE FAILURE BOUNDARY (DATA CHECKS) ................ . MD 0052: ....................... . 090 WRITE INHIBIT ............... . 092 STORAGE PATH FENCED ....... . 093 FENCED DEVICES ............. . 100 DIAGNOSTIC MENU ........... . 200 SELECT CONTROLLER ......... . 205 INVALID CONTROLLER SELECTED . 210 SELECT DEVICE(S) ............ . 215 ~NVALID DEVICE SELECTED ..... . 310 DO NOT FORGET TO RESET CE MODE ........................ . 320 DO YOU WANT TO RUN CONNECTION TESTS? ............ . 330 WHICH CONTROLLER CONNECTION DO YOU WANT TO TEST? ......... . MD-14 MD-15 MD-17 MD-19 MD-23 MD-24 MD-26 MD-32 MD-34 MD-37 MD-41 MD-42 MD-44 MD-48 MD-49 MD-52 MD-52 MD-53 MD-54 MD-55 MD-55 MD-58 MD-58 MD-61 MD-61 MD-63 MD-63 MD-64 MD-64 MD-65 MD-65 MD-65 MD-65 MD-65 MD-66 MD-66 Contents-3 340 CONTROLLER AX CONNECTION TESTS READY. . ................. . MD-67 350 DPS TESTS CANNOT BE RUN .... . MD-67 360 HA SCAN ..........•......... MD-67 395 SCAN COMPLETE / SCAN REVIEW MD-70 400 SELECT ONE OF. THE FOLLOWING ERROR LOG FUNCTIONS .......... . MD-71 405 SELECT CONTROLLER (ERROR LOG) ......................... . MD-71 410 ENTER SEARCH ARGUMENTS ... . MD-72 415 ENTER LOG NUMBER .......... . MD-72 420 ENTER THE DATE ............. . MD-72 425 ENTER LOGS TO BE MERGED ... . MD-72 430 ENTER THE SENSE FORMATS TO BE LOGGED ...................... . MD-73 440 ERROR LOG MASK/TRANSFER STOPPED BY KEYBOARD ENTRY ... . MD-73 460 CONFIGURATION ............. . MD-73 462 CONFIGURATION DfoTA/UNKNOWN· STORAGE CTRL ................ . MD-75 465 DEVICE STATUS .............. . MD-76 468 DEVICE TYPE ................. . MD-77 480 STORAGE CONTROL STATUS .... . MD-78 MD-78 500 ISOLATION CODE ERROR DISPLAY 550 ENTER THE SYMPTOM CODE ..... MD-79 605 WARNING: HDA CABLES SWAPPED MD-79 615 MD DOES NOT PROVIDE ANALYSIS FOR DISPLAYED IC .............. . MD-81 700 SELECT REVIEW OPTION FROM FOLLOWING LIST ............... . MD-81 742 PRESS ENTER TO ANALYZE, OR 'N' TO DISPLAY NEXT ERROR ......... . MD-81 800 DIAGNOSTIC AIDS ............. . MD-82 900 CONTROL UNIT AND MD DISKS ARE NOT COMPATIBLE ........... . MD-83 EC History of Maintenance Device Section MD-84 Error Log Function (MD Main menu Option 2) ............................... LOG-1 Introduction ...................... LOG-1 Select Error Log Function ........... LOG-2 Transfer Log (Option 1) ............. LOG-4 Search Log (Option 2) .............. LOG-5 Merge Log (Option 3) ............... LOG-8 Change Log Mask (Option 4) ......... LOG-9 Erase Log (Option 5) .............. lOG-10 EC History of Log Section ............ LOG-11 EREP Reports .................... PROG-1 EREP System Exception Reports .... PROG-1 System Error Summary (Part 2) Report PROG-2 DASD Subsystem Exception Report .. PROG-5 DASD String Summary ........... PROG-9 PIN 4519891 06 Sides EC 476581 O1Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 DASD Informational Messages ... . DASD Data Transfer Summary .... . DASD Symptom Code Summary .. . Event History Report ........... . EC History of Program Section ...... . Symptom Code to FRU Charts ...... . How to Use the SC-FRU Charts ... . SC=4XYY (4X= Format 4 Byte 07, YY = Format 4 Byte 23) ........ . SC = 90XX (XX = Format 1 Byte 10) SC = 91 XX (XX = Format 1 or 9 Byte 11) ........................ . SC = 92XX (XX = Format 9 Byte 12) SC=93XX (XX= Format 9 Byte 13) SC = 94XX (XX = Format 9 Byte 14) SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) SC=97XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 17) SC=98XX (XX= Format 9 Byte 18) SC = 9CXX (XX = Format 1 Bytes 11-15) .................... . SC=9DXX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) SC=9E10 (Format 1) .......... . SC=9FXX (XX= Format 1 or 9 Byte 07) ....................... . SC=9FXX (Format 1 and 9) ..... . SC = D1XX (XX = Format 7 Byte 11) SC=D2XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 12) SC=D3XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 13) SC = D4XX (XX = Format 7 Byte 14) SC = D5XX (XX = Format 7 Byte 15) SC = D6XX (XX = Format 7 Byte 16) SC=D8XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 18) SC = DEXX (XX = Format 7 Byte 11) SC = DFXY (X = Format 7 Byte 10 Bits 0-3, Y= Byte 7 Bits 4-7) ... . SC=DFXX (Format 7) ......... . SC=EOXX (XX= Format 8 Byte 10) SC=E1XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 11) SC=E2XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 12) SC=E3XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 13) SC=E5XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 15) SC=E6XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 16) SC=E7XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 17) SC=E8XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 18) SC=EBXX .................. . SC = ECXX (XX = Format 8 Bytes 11, 12,13,18) ................. . SC = EDXX (XX = Format 8 Byte 09) SC=EEXX (XX= Format 8 Byte 14) SC = EFXX (XX = Format 8 Byte 07) SC = EFXX (Format 8) .......... . PROG-11 PROG-12 PROG-17 PROG-21 PROG-24 SC-FRU-1 SC-FRU-1 SC-FRU-2 SC-FRU-3 SC-FRU-3 SC-FRU-4 SC-FRU-4 SC-FRU-5 SC-FRU-6 SC-FRU-19 SC-FRU-22 ,'-. . SC-FRU-22 SC-FRU-23 SC-FRU-23 SC~FRU-24 SC-FRU-25 SC-FRU-26 SC-FRU-27 SC-FRU-28 SC-FRU-29 SC-FRU-30 ... SC-FRU-31 SC-FRU-33 SC-FRU-34 SC-FRU-35 SC-FRU-37 SC-FRU-37 SC-FRU-38 SC-FRU-39 SC-FRU-39 SC-FRU-40 SC-FRU-41 SC-FRU-41 SC-FRU-42 SC-FRU-45 SC-FRU-46 SC-FRU-46 SC-FRU-48 SC-FRU-49 SC-FRU-49 Contents-4 J '. / c ( '" -~ ( EC History of SC-FRU Section ...... SC-FRU-50 How to Use the Master Index .. MASTER INDEX-1 EC History of Master Index .. MASTER INDEX-39 '\ ./ (~, (': (: (/ (~ • c (~~\ (~ (.': ./ PIN 4519891 06 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 Contents-5 EC History of Table of Contents EC HISTORY OF P/N 4519891 EC Number Date Of EC EC Number 475245 14Nov86 475248 475246 21Ju187 476573 llSep87 475247 476581 Date Of EC 25Apr88 30Nov88 01Aug89 Notes: PIN 4519891 06 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 Contents-6 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 \ ..... c () (j Introduction Before starting service procedures on page START-1, read and become familiar with the information contained in this section. The Product Service Guide. Volume R05 is designed to teach you how to service the 3380 Models AJ4. BJ4, AK4. and BK4. Collectively. these models are referred to in this manual as 3380-JK. The first time you use this guide, carefully read and follow the step-by-step procedures. As you gain experience, you will not need to follow the PSG as carefully. ( () () C Go to page A About this manual PRE-6 B About the product INTRO-1 C Front Operator Panel (3880 Subsystem) Front Operator Panel (3990 Subsystem) INTRO-7 INTRO-20 0 Service call strategy INTRO-36 E Ordering subsystem microcode PRE-2 F Tools and test equipment INTRO-40 G Subsystem Configurations (3880) Subsystem Configurations (3990) INTRO-5 INTRO-14 INTRO Section Entries 3380-JK consists of the following four basic models: Each model of the 3380-JK contains two drives with one head and disk assembly (HDA) per drive. Each drive has two access mechanisms. Each model therefore contains four access mechanisms. Two A-unit models AJ4 AK4 • Failure to follow these instructions can cause damage to the machine. Select one of the following About the 3380-J K (/ When removing. replacing, or repairing any part of this machine, follow directions. This ensures that you use the correct remove. replace, or repair procedure (including the correct power onloff procedure) for this machine. Entry Figure 1. • It is important that you use the correct service procedures, especially where personal safety and/or possible machine damage is involved. = A unit with two 1.26 gigabyte HDAs = A unit with two 3.78 gigabyte HDAs Two B-unit models BJ4 BK4 = B unit with two 1.26 gigabyte HDAs = B unit with two 3.78 gigabyte HDAs Each access mechanism is associated with a unique device address and operates independently of other access mechanisms in the unit. Models AJ4 and AK4 contain controllers as well as access mechanisms. A controller. regardless of 3380 model. contains the logic needed to control and transfer data to and from access mechanisms. (C.~. / C C PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 INTRO-1 {) Miscellaneous Equipment Specifications (MES) Selective Feature Codes The A,.unit models may be ordered for attachment in anyone of three Subsystem Configurations. The Subsystem Configuration is determined by the customer and indicated by an associated Selective Feature Code. The three Selective Feature codes are defined below: • • • SF 9431: 3880 Model 3 or 23 Storage Control attachment. SF 9432: 3990 Storage Control attached in a Two Path configuration. SF 9433: 3990 Storage Control attached in a Four Path configuration. The B-unit models may be attached to an A-unit model no matter what Selective Feature Code is installed. There are no Selective Features required for B units. CONVERSION SF 9431 to SF 9432 SF 9432 to SF 9433 SF 9431 to SF 9433 SF 9433 to SF 9432 SF 9432 to SF 9431 SF 9433 to SF 9431 Model J HDA to Model K HDA Model K HDA to Model J HDA Figure 2. c MES Summary A units ship from the factory with one of the three Selective Features installed. An MES is required to convert from one Selective Feature to another. The HDA type shipped from the factory is determined by the model ordered by the customer. A units and/or B units may have HDAs changed to increase or decrease storage capacity. The MESs available for these changes are defined in the following table: 3880 3990 3880 3990 3990 3990 1.26 3.78 DESCRIPTION Attach to 3990 2-Path 2-Path Attach to 3990 Attach to 3990 4-Path 4-Path Attach to 3990 2-Path Attach to 3880 4-Path Attach to 3880 Gb/HDA to 3.78 Gb/HDA Gb/HDA to 1.26 Gb/HDA Attach 4-Path Attach Attach 2-Path Attach Attach Attach o o c ;~ "~ c Miscellaneous Equipment Specifications (MES) Summary Table o o INTRO-2 PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @Copyrlght IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 o -----------. (j 3380-JK Connected to a 3880 Storage Control 3880 Storage Control Requirements Note: For 3990 Storage Control requirements, see page INTRO-12. The 3380-JK connects to 3880 Models 3 and 23. The 3380-JK cannot be connected to other models of the 3880. The 3380-JK cannot be connected to a 3880 with the speed-matching buffer feature. ( ( ('/ 3880 Model 3 To connect a 3380-JK to a 3880 Model 3, the 3880 must have the following two features installed: Subsystem Configurations The two controllers in a 3380 Model AJ4 or AK4 string attach to two 3880 Storage Directors. Some possible configurations are: • To both Storage Directors in the same 3880 Model 3. • To either Storage Director in two different 3880 Model3s. • To both Storage Directors in the same 3880 Model 23: To either of the paired Storage Directors in two different 3880 Model 23s in dual frame configuration. • The 3380 AD4/ AE4 Support Feature. This feature upgrades the 3880 to include a total of 12K of high speed storage. • • The 3380-JK Support Feature. This feature upgrades the 3880 to include a full track buffer required to support improved data correction. This feature can only be installed on 3880's with 22 card position boards. The following figures illustrate some of the ways that the 3380-JK may be attached to the 3880. There are many more configurations that may be used. See the MDM, Volume R30 INST section for more details. (~' 3880 Model 23 To connect a 3380-JK to a 3880 Model 23, the 3880 must have the 3380-JK Support Feature installed. This feature upgrades the 3880 to include a full track buffer required to support improved data correction. This feature can only be installed on 3880s with 22 card position boards. (~ (~ c PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 to Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 INTRO-3 o Example of 3380-JK Strings Attached To a 3880 Storage Control Figure 3 is an example of two 3380-JK 2-path strings sequentially connected to both storage directors of a 3880. In this example, one string contains a 3380 Model AJ4 controller and the other a 3380 Model AK4 controller with a mixture of BJ4 and BK4 units on both strings. (C?:::.~, ~j 3880 Model 3 or 23 Storage Director Al Figure 3. AJ4 AK4 BK4 BK4 BK4 BJ4 BJ4 BJ4 3380 Model AJ4 and AK4 2-path strings attached to a 3880. Figure 4 is an example of 3380 Models AD4, AE4, AJ4, and AK4 strings connected to two storage directors in different 3880 model 3s or in different Model 23s in dual frame configuration. 3880 Model 3 or 23 I I Storage Director Al 1 A2 I Storage Director 'I Al c -I 1 1 A2 Al 1 A2 [~, .'~ I J Al 1 A2 AD4 B AK4 B B B B B B B I 'I "- -I Storage Director AJ4 B B AE4 Figure 4. I Storage Director ,I "- ,I 3880 Model 3 or 23 c B B o Intermixed 2-path strings, attached to a 3880. o o INTRO-4 PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 Il:) Copyright IBM Corp, 1987, 1988 o o 3380-JK String and Port Configurations (3880 Subsystem) Figure 5 represents th~ 3380-JK maximum string configuration for 2-path attached to a 3880. To the 3880 storage Control I 2-pa th configurations have a maxi mum of 16 devices per string. I CUr. Al Port 1 2 3 o Fra[ - DPS - CUr. A2 Port 1 2 3 o I A-Unit - - I Dev. 00 Dev. 01 Dev. 02 Dev. 03 Dev. 04 Dev. 05 Dev. 06 Dev. 07 I I Dev. 08 Dev. 09 Dev. OA Dev. OB I I I I Dev. OC Dev. OD Dev. OE Dev. OF ( f/ Figure 5. 2-Path SIring Configuration c c PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright 19M Corp. 1987, 1989 INTRO-5 Dynamic Path Selection (DPS) Power Sequencing When the 3380-JK is attached to a 3880 Storage Control, the controllers in each model have dynamic path selection (DPS). DPS controls tie breaking between storage controllers. DPS also records information about devices that are shared between controllers. Warning: Do not use the Unit Emergency switches to normally power the string off and on. Possible data loss can occur with the heads landing on the data surface and not on the park areas of the disk surface. Use the Controller OnlOff switches to power the string off and on (see Power OnlOff procedures on page REPAIR-25). Each controller has a DPS storage matrix which contains an exact copy of the information in the DPS storage matrix in the other (companion) controller. When a controller updates its matrix, the matrix in the other (companion) controller is also updated. DPS has checking circuits to ensure that both storage matrixes always contain the same information. When a string is powered on, both DPS storage matrixes are initialized by one of the ,storage directors. Power on control is provided by the 3880 when the power control cable is connected from the 3880 to the 3380-JK, and the 3380-JK Local/Remote switch is in the Remote position. o c When either Storage Director in the 3880 is powered on, the controllers attached to positions D1, D3, D5, and D7 in the 3880 will power on. Ten seconds later the controllers attached to positions D2, D4, D6, and D8 in the 3880 will power on. Device Level Selection (DLS) Each model 3380-JK has Device Level Selection (DLS). DLS provides an independent path from each controller to each device in a string. While one controller is controlling a device, another controller can control any other device in the same string. This capability permits the transfer of data from more than one device at the same time. A Storage Director may be powered off without dropping power on the controllers if any Storage Director is left powered on. Power will drop on the controllers when the last Storage Director is powered off. Control Interface Fencing The 3880/3380-JK subsystem supports the same control interface fenCing provided on earlier models of the 3380. Control interface fencing is an operation that results in a failing controller being partitioned off a controller interface (CTL-I) so that it does not interfere with the operation of a second controller on the same CTL-1. A controller is fenced off when an operation to it causes a permanent controller check-1 condition. () o INTRO-6 PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 «:l Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 '. C / ! Front Operator Panel (3880 Subsystem) ( STRING DEVICE ID ADDRESS [ill] OJ STORAGE DIRECTOR 10 @D] ~ PATH ( At A2 @] OJ =00 =Ot =02 Ej~~ .g =04- ~ =06 tj~~ ~ READY READY ~ENABLE DISABLE ~ENABLE DISABLE I =AC POWER ON CONTROLLER At = 0 (/ ( A2 = 08 = READY OA = ~Ej~ D~~ON POWER 09 = OFF ~ READY ~ENABLE DISABLE UNIT READY POWER ENABLE IDEVICES NOT I NSTALLED I OC = OD = OE = ~~~ g ~ENABLE EMERGENCY POWER OFF DISABLE (IB7624PI3 Figure 6. (( 3380-JK Operator Panel for 3880 Attachment The front operator panel has the following controls and LEOs: • Controller Power On/Off switches for each controller • Unit Emergency switch • Controller Ready LEOs • AC Power-On LED • Device Enable/Disable switches for each device • Device Ready LEOs -~. (/ (~; C: c PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 30Nov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 19B7, 19BB INTRO-7 ,r" (~ . "'-....;PI Unit Emergency Switch Controller Ready LEOs The Unit Emergency switch on the operator panel is only for emergency power off of the string. It switches off all power, except 24 Vdc in the A Unit only, bypassing the normal power-off sequence. Each controller has one Ready LED. The Controller Ready LED has four states. The Controller Ready LED will: The Unit Emergency switches are normally in the Power Enable (on) position. In this position, 3380-JK power can be controlled by either the host system (remote) or the 3380-JK (local). Warning: Do not use the Unit Emergency switches to normally power the string off and on. Possible data loss can occur with the heads landing on the data surtace and not on the park areas of the disk surtace. Use the Controller OnlOff switches to power the string off and on (see Power OnlOff pro~edures on page REPAIR.25). AC Power-On LED The AC Power-On LED is on when line voltage is present and the AC phase rotation is correct. Controller Power OnlOff Switches Each controller in an A unit has one Power On/Off switch. These switches control powering the controller and the drives On and Off. Setting either controller power On/Off switch to On will power on the controller and all the drives in the string. Providing one controller power On/Off switch is set to On, setting the other controller power On/Off switch to Off will power off that controller but not the drives in the string. Setting both controller power On/Off switches to Off will power off both controllers and all the drives in the string. • Be Off when the controller is powered off, a controller check 1 is active, or a controller fenced condition exists. • Blink during a controller or a string power on sequence. It is normal for the controller ready LEOs for both controllers to blink at different rates during a string power on sequence. • Be dim (approximately half brightness) when the controller is ready and there is no activity. • Get brighter (approach full brightness) as activity increases. Flashing or flickering is normally apparent when there is activity. ---- I~ U If the switch is in the Enable position device interrupts are permitted across the control interface (CTL-I). If the switch is in the Disable position, it disables interrupts from the device. If the system attempts to access the disabled device the storage control responds with INTERVENTION REQUIRED. If the switch is changed from Enable to Disable, the device will not be disabled until the device finishes the current sequence. This permits the device to complete the current operation before it is disabled. PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 ---- o Each device has an Enable/Disable switch. The switch permits device interrupts from the device to the storage path. The switch enables or disables the device from access by the customer program. @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 ------~ , Device Enable/Disable Switch If the switch is changed from Disable to Enable, an HDA attention interrupt is generated. The interrupt is sent by all storage directors to all the attached systems. INTRO-8 0'-- C) r 0 ( Device Ready LEOs Front Operator Panel Labels Each of the sixteen possible devices has one Ready LED. The LEOs are active only for the installed devices. The following labels are placed on the Front Operator panel at installation time. The Ready LED is on when the device is ready for use but is not being used. When the device is being used the LED flashes off during seek operations. Because the seek times of a 3380-JK are in the millisecond range, the flashing of the ready LED may not be visible. During periods of inactivity the Device Ready LEOs will flash off periodically. The flashing indicates that a SAFE operation is being performed. ( ( The Ready LED is off when the device is not available to the customer (disabled) or when an error condition is present on the device. String 10 The physical ID set in the controller. In the 3380-JK all controllers in the string must be set to the same 10. String Address The address of the string (0 or 1). Storage Director 10 (SOlD) The physical IDs of the 3880 storage directors. A 3880 contains two storage directors and each storage director has a unique 2 hexadecimal digit SOlD. The SOlD labels identify the storage directors connected to controllers A 1 and A2. ( (- c; Ci PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 INTRO-9 c C 0 I," Rear Unit Emergency Power Off Panel (3880 Subsystem) , r .,:' 0 ~I (-, ~) UNIT EMERGENCY SWITCH ~ 1 . ______ UNIT EMERGENCY (~~ PATH D~ CONTROLLER REAOY LEOS POWER ~ CONTROLLER ENABLE D POWER OFF ~) 0 r~ MD STRING ADDRESS STRING 10 SUBSYSTEM 10 o D D D D IS000127NI L Figure 7. .J 3380-JK Rear Unit Emergency Power Off Panel for 3880 Attachment The rear unit emergency power off panel has the following controls and LEDs: • Unit Emergency switch • Controller Ready LEDs • Maintenance Device Connector Unit Emergency Switch The Unit Emergency switch on the rear Unit Emergency Power Off panel is only for emergency power off of the string. It switches off all power, except 24 Vdc in the A unit only, bypassing the normal power-off sequence. The Unit Emergency switches are normally in the Power Enable (on) position. In this position, 3380-JK power can be controlled by either the host system (remote) or the 3380-JK (local). Warning: Do not use the Unit Emergency switches to normally power the string off and on. Possible 'data loss can occur with the heads landing on the data surface and not on the park areas of the disk surface. Use the Controller On/Off switches to power the string off and on (see Power On/Off procedures on page REPAIR.25). o INTRO-10 PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ( ('" (~ Controller Ready LEDs Each controller has one Ready LED. The Controller Ready LED has four states. The Controller Ready LED will: • Be Off when the controller is powered off, a controller check 1 is active, or a controller fenced condition exists. • Blink during a controller or a string power on sequence. It is normal for the controller ready LEDs for both controllers to blink at dirferent rates during a string power on sequence. ( • Be dim (approximately half brightness) when the controller is ready and there is no activity. ( • Get brighter (approach full brightness) as activity increases. Flashing or flickering is normally apparent when there is activity. ( Rear Unit Emergency Power Off Panel Labels These labels are put on the rear unit emergency power off panel during installation. String Address Label identifying the String Address (0 or 1). String 10 Label identifying the physical 10 set in the controller. In the 3380-JK all controllers in the string must be set to the same 10. Subsystem 10 Not used. Path Maintenance Device (MD) Connector The MO connector provides the means to physically connect the maintenance device (MO) to the 3380-JK. ( Label identifying the path connected to controllers A 1 and A2. Controller Label identifying the controllers, A 1 or A2. Storage Director 10 (SOlD) The SOlD label locations are not shown on the panel. The SOlOs identify the storage directors that are attached to controllers A 1 and A2. The SOlD labels are placed on the panel below the path for each controller. ((~ f: ( " ,-,/ C~ C ( ' " . ./ (' PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 INTRO-11 o o 3380-JK Connected to a 3990 Storage Control 3990 Storage Control Requirements Note: For 3880 Storage Control requirements, see page INTRO~3. The 3380-JK connects to all 3990 models. No special 3990 Features are required. Subsystem Configurations The two controllers in a 3380AJ4 and AK4 attach to two 3990 storage paths. Some possible configurations are: • Storage path 0 and storage path 1 in the same 3990 Model 1. • Storage path 0 and 2, or storage path 1 and 3 in the same 3990 Model 2 or Model 3 for a 2-path string. • Storage path 0, 1, 2, and 3 in the same 3990 Model 2 or Model 3, for a 4-path string. Example of 3380-JK Strings Attached To a 3880 Storage Control The following figures illustrate some of the ways that the 3380-JK may be attached to the 3990. There are many more configurations that may be used. See the MDM, Volume R30 INST section for more details. Note: One storage path from each cluster is attached to each string. This is a configuration requirement, to ensure that there will be an operational path to each string if one of the clusters is powered off. Figure 8 is an example of four 2-path strings. Two string pairs are sequentially connected to each of the paired storage paths in the same 3990 Model 2 or Model 3. 3990 storage Control Cluster a spa t Cluster I SPI -;=J-'\ r- SP2 1 SP3 -- 1--, II ,1--, ~1.-lA~ ~1~A~ ~l~A~ ~1.-lA~ AK4 AJ4 AA4 AE4 B B B B B B B B B B B B Figure 8. c Intermixed 2-path Strings Attached to a 3990 INTRO~12 PiN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 ~~, ,{,.j (. (' Figure 9 is an example of two 3380-JK 4-path strings sequentially connected to the paired storage paths in the same 3990 Model 2 or Model 3. ( ( _., 3990 Storage Control Cluster 0 SPO SPI '-- f Cluster 1 SP2 I SP3 1- - I II I B B B ~1!A~ ~3!A~ B B B AK4 AK4 I I I I B B B ~1!A~ ~3,lA~ B B B AJ4 f·' Figure 9. (. (:~ AJ4 3380-JK 4-palh Strings Attached to a 3990 Figure 10 is an example of a 3380-JK 4-path string and two 2-path strings sequentially connected to two paired storage paths in a 3990 Model 2 or Model 3. 3990 Storage Control Cluster 0 SPI SPO - ( ( .' B B B (- ( I- ~1!A~ ~3!A~ B B B AK4 Lil I .•. I- I I AJ4 ~' Cluster I SP2 SP3 I -'I .... Note: One storage path from each cluster is attached to each 2-path string. This is a configuration requirement. It is required to ensure that there wi/l be an operational path to each 2-path string if one of the clusters is powered off. ~l-.LA~ ~l-.LA~ AE4 AD4 B B B B B B -.~/ C' Figure 10. Intermixed 4-path and 2-path Strings Attached to a 3990. PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONoV88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 ( INTRO-13 o 3380-JK String and Port Configurations (3990 Subsystem) The 3380-JK has two maximum string configurations, one for 2-path and one for 4-path when attached to a 3990. Figure 11 represents the 3380~JK 3380-JK maximum string configuration for 2 path. Figure 12 on page INTRO-15 represents the 3380-JK maximum string configuration for 4 path. o o o 2-Path String Configuration To the 3990 Storage Control 2-pa th configurations have a maxi mum of 16 devices per string. Fra[ J I CUr. Al Port o1 2 3 CUr. A2 Port 0 123 I A-Unit Dev. 00 I I Dev. 02 Dev. 03 J 1 Dev. 05 Dev. 06 Dev. 07 J I l Dev. 09 Dev. OA Dev. OB Dev. 01 I Dev. 04 Dev. 08 - - / ( - () o I Dev. OC Dev. OD Dev. OE Dev. OF Note: DPS is not installed in the 3380-JK when attached to a 3990 Storage Control. c Figure 11. 2·Palh String Configuration o INTRO-14 --~ PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 19S9 - - .. -.~---. _. (' (~" 3380-JK 4-Path String Configuration SUBSTRING 0 (' To the 3990 Storage Control 4-path configurations have a maximum of 32 devices per string. ( Fra[ A-Unit (/ I Ctlr. Al Port 136 o2 7 S Ctlr. A2 Port I III III Dev. 00 Dev. 01 11 E] 02 i I 136 4 9i 2 T11 s j II I II Al-4 A2-4 - -A3-0 A4-0 I L..-. III -- Dev. 03 Al-S A2-S - -A3-1 A4-1 L-- I 111 hi III II. Dev. Dev. OS Dev. Dev. 04 (', I 06 -- 07 I ( """'" ,/ (" III III III III Dev. 08 Dev. 09 Dev. OA Dev. OB III III III hi Dev. OC Dev. OD Dev. OE Dev. OF I I Al-6 A2-6 A3-2 A4-2 Al-7 A2-7 A3-3 A4-3 (~ Figure 12 (Part 1 of 2). Full 4-Path String Configuration () ( "! J C c PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 30Nov88 @.Copyright IBM Corp, 1987, 1988 INTRO-1S 0' , To the 3990 Storage Control '. o SUBSTRING I o AI-4----~~~~----~~~~------~------~~-------r------~ A2-4-------------------------------r A3-0----' -------7 -------7 -------~ A4-0-- Dey. 10 Dey. 11 Dey. 12 Dey. 13 Jell A-Unit Al-S----~~~------~~~~------,---------~------_r------~ A2-S-------------------------------r A3-1-----' A4-1--- Dey. 14 -------~ Dey. 15 -------7 -------, Dey. 16 Dey. 17 AI-6----~~~--------~~------_.--------._------~------__, A2-6-------------------------------r I A3-2 I I A4-2 ,I'I A3-3 A4-3 I Figure 12 (Part 2 of 2). I .TI Dey. Dey. 19 ,r! rI Dey. IC Dey. 1D 18 AI-7 A2-7 -------~ -------T -------, '1'1 II Dey. 1A Dey. 1B d Dey. IE II Dey. IF c Full 4-Path String Configuration q'{ ""'.... c' • ~j) () INTRO-16 PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 o ( 3380-JK Port Configurations (3990 Subsystem) ( A string of 3380-JK devices consists of one or two substrings. • • • Al Controller CDP Interface Only 4-path subsystems have a second substring (CDPSS1). Each substring contains four ports. . Each port connects to four devices in one unit. 1st A-Unit Devices · ................. c Port 0 , CDPSSO CARD (- 2 Path or 4 Path Port I Port 2 ( · ·Port ' -" AI€] A2 A3 A4 DEV 03 2nd A-Unit Devices .................. 4 CDPSSI CARD Port 5 4 Path Only Port 6 Figure 13. 01 DEV 02 07) To 1st B Unit CD EV 04 OB) To 2nd B Unit CD EV 08 To 3rd B Unit CD EV OC - OF) ·· · ............· (~: AI€] A2 A3 A4 L.- ·· ................. Port 7 f ~A10 A2 DEV A3 A4 ·· f r- · Port 3 · ( ·· ~Al€] DEV · A2 00 · A3 ·· A4 ·· ~Al€] A2 DEV ·· ·· · ··· A3 A4 10 r- A2 l i DEV A !] A3 12 A4 0 A10 A1 A2 - A3 DEV - A2 A3 ·· A4 11 A4 ·.................. DEV 13 To 4th B Unit CD EV 14 - 17) To 5th B Unit CD EV 18 - 1B) To 6th B Unit CD EV lC - IF) Port Configuration (~\ ,j PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright ( , "" ' IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 INTRO-17 o Dynamic Path Selection (DPS) Control Interface Fencing When the 3380-JK is attached to the 3990 storage control, the DPS function is moved from the controllers to the Shared Control Array (SCA) in the 3990. The SCA controls tie breaking between storage paths and records information about devices that are shared between controllers. The information contained in the Shared Control Array is duplicated in each storage cluster in that subsystem. The 3990/3380-JK subsystem supports the same control interface fencing provided on earlier models of the 3380. Control interface fencing is an operation that results in a failing controller being partitioned off a Director Device Connection (DOC) so that it does not interfere with the operation of a second controller on the same DOC. A controller is fenced off when an operation to it causes a permanent controller check':1 condition. Device Level Selection (DLS) Subsystem Fencing Each model 3380-JK has Device Level Selection (DLS). DLS provides an independent path from each controller to each device in a string. While one controller is controlling a device, another controller can control any other device in the same string. This capability permits the transfer of data from more than one device at the same time. Four Path The 4-path feature provides four controller paths to each DASD in the string. The Shared Control Array (SCA) in the 3990 storage control, along with a Path Interrupt Table in each device, coordinate the necessary information for the four paths to each device. Four path combines two 2-path 3380-.JK A units and adds another CDPSS card (ports 4-7) to each controller. Each A unit is built to attach B units from either side. This allows both A units to be bolted together and have the operator's panel from each A unit facing the same direction. The eight ports can control 32 devices. Each B-boardand R/W channel board receives cables from all 4 controllers. The maximum 4-path configuration is 32 devices in string 0 and 32 devices in string 1. This requires a 64 address range on a 64 address boundary. A substring is an A1 and A2 controller and its associated B units for substring 0 (OO-OF or 20-2F) or an A3 and A4 controller and its associated B units for substring 1 (10-1F or 30-3F). INTRO-18 In addition to control interface fencing there is another level of fencing performed when the 3380-JK is attached to a 3990 in 4-Path mode. Subsystem initiated fencing automatically removes failing components from a 4-path 3990/3380-JK subsystem, by altering the selection path to a device. The fencing action results in a path to a device being made unavailable to the host processor. This prevents recurring path related error conditions from being posted in the system Environmental Recording Data Set (EROS) and degrading system performance. In addition, subsystem fencing permits better identification of the failing hardware or media in console messages and EREP reports. Subsystem fencing can be initiated by anyone of the four storage paths in the 3990 4-path subsystem. Three levels of fencing are possible: Channel, Storage Path, and Device fencing. Each level of fencing has its own set of error and usage counters. When an error counter overflows, a process is started that can result in a permanent subsystem fence by the storage control to a path or subsystem component. A permanent device fence is reported as a Format o message 3 with message to operator bit on. The system operator is notified of the fence condition by a console message generated from the Format 0 sense data. PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1989 c c c o c o ( C/ ( ( Reset of a fenced condition should only be attempted upon completion of a repair action as directed by the 3380-JK maintenance package. The following list defines the methods for resetting a fenced condition: • Using the MD Main Menu option 2: End of Call. • Pressing the storage path restart switch. • Issuing a Resume Command at the 3990 maintenance panel. • Using the ICKDSF control command with the CLEARFENCE parameter. • Performing an IML of the fenced storage path. Quiesce I Resume Storage Path ( ( ( c (" Quiesce storage path and Resume storage path are functions provided by a 4-path 3990 subsystem. These functions, which can be invoked at the 3990 maintenance panel, provide the ability to service a CTL-I without impacting the other storage paths in a 4-path 3990 subsystem. (This includes the non-disruptive install/remove of strings). Quiesce and Resume Controller Quiesce Controller and Resume Controller are functions provided by a 3990 DASD subsystem. Quiesce controller can be used on active 2-path, 4-path, and mixed 4-path/2-path subsystems. This function is invoked at the 3990 maintenance panel. It provides the ability to service a controller, but not the CTL-I, without impacting the subsystem. The 3990 support facility (SF) upon processing the Quiesce Controller command, fences the selected controller. No host activity will be routed to that controller. All errors developed by the selected controller are not recognized or reported by the functional code. With the controller quiesced, maintenance can be performed without impacting the other controllers operations on the CTL-1. Diagnostic routines can continue to detect all of the errors on a controller that is quiesced. Following a repair action, a Resume Controller command removes the internal controller fence condition. For further information, see the MNT PNL section of the 3990 maintenance documentation. The Quiesce storage path command is entered at the 3990 maintenance panel. Under control of the 3990 support facility (SF), the storage path is fenced and all host activity is internally routed through another storage path. The Quiesce storage path is not successful if an alternate storage path to the devices is not available. A message is sent to the operator identifying the part of the subsystem that has been quiesced. This is an informational message and no action is required by the system operator. With the path quiesced, maintenance can be performed on the CTL-1. Power Sequencing Following a repair action the Resume storage path command is entered at the 3990 maintenance panel to remove the internal storage path fence condition. The clusters may be powered off without dropping power on the controllers if any cluster is left powered on. Power will drop on the controllers when the last cluster is powered off. PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONoV88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 Power on control is provided by the 3990 when the power control cable is connected from the 3990 to the 3380-JK, and the 3380-JK Local/Remote switch is in the Remote position. When either cluster in the 3990 is powered on, the controllers attached to positions 02 to 08 in the 3990 will power on. Ten seconds later the controllers attached to positions 010 to 016 in the 3990 will power on. INTRO-19 (5" V Front Operator Panel (3990 Subsystem) Figure 14 shows the A unit operator panel for a 2-path 3990 attachment. The first A unit operator panel for a 4-path 3990 attachment is not shown. It is the same as Figure 14 except the label under PATH indicates FOUR PATH instead of TWO PATH. Figure 15 on page INTRO-20 shows the second A unit operator panel for a 4-path 3990 attachment. STRING DEVICE ADDRESS 10 o CJ SUBSYSTEM 1.0. I I I =00 =Ot =02 tjt:j~ I ~ READY EjENABLE DISABLE I PATH Al I = ~ =06 ~~Ej O~ A2 o o TWO PATH ~ READY tjENABLE DISABLE CONTROLLER A2 READY O o POWER ON POWER OFF =AC POWER DN I I At o =08 =09 =OA ~~~ ~ READY ~ENABLE DISABLE IDEVICES NOT I NSTALLEDI OC 00 OE = = ~~~ = I g READY ~ENABLE UNIT EMERGENCY g I~ POWER ENABLE POWER OFF DISABLE "'" " IA7625PI. Figure 14. c 3380-JK Operator Panel for 2-Path 3990 Attachment The front operator panel for 2-path 3990 attachment has the following controls and LEOs: • Unit Emergency switch • AC Power-On LED • Controller Power On/Off switches for controllers A 1 and A2 INTRO-20 • Controller Ready LEOs • Device Enable/Disable switches for devices 00 through OF • Device Ready LEOs PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 C' o o , ( DEVICE I ( I =10 =11 =12 Ej ~ ~ c g ~ENABLE DISABLE I I =ILl- ( tj ~ ~ =16 g READY tjENABLE tj DISABLE I ( READY =AC POWER ON I =18 =19 =lA tj tj tj ~ READY ~ENABLE DISABLE IDEVICS5 NOT I NSTALLED I Ie = 10 IE = = ~ ~ ~ ~ READY ~ENABLE UNIT EMERGENCY POWER ENABLE POWER OFF DISABLE I7626P I L Figure 15. .J 3380-JK Second A unil Operator Panel for 4-Path 3990 Attachment The second A-unit front operator panel for 4-path 3990 attachment has the following controls and LEOs: (- I • Unit Emergency switch • AC Power-On LED • Controller Power On/Off switches for controllers A3 and A4 • Controller Ready LEOs • Device Enable/Disable switches for devices 10 through 1F • Device Ready LEOs c c PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 INTRO-21 n \ \l.) Unit Emergency Switch Controller Ready LEOs The Unit Emergency switch on the operator panel is only for emergency power off of the string. It switches off all power, except 24 Vdc in the A Unit only, bypassing the normal power-off sequence. Each controller has one Ready LED. The Controller Ready LED has four states. The Controller Ready LED will: The Unit Emergency switches are normally in the Power Enable (on) position. In this position, 3380-JK power can be controlled by either the host system (remote) or the 3380-JK (local). • Be Off when the controller is powered off, a controller check 1 is active, or a controller fenced condition exists. • Blink during a controller or a string power on sequence. It is normal for the controller ready LEOs for both controllers to blink at different rates during a string power on sequence. • Be dim (approximately half brightness) when the controller is ready and there is no activity. • Get brighter (approach full brightness) as activity increases. Flashing or flickering is normally apparent when there is activity. In 4-path configurations the Unit Emergency Switches in each A unit are Interlocked. That is, either switch will power off both substrings. Warning: Do not use the Unit Emergency switches to normally power the string off and on. Possible data loss can occur with the heads landing on the data surface and not on the park areas of the disk surface. Use the Controller OnlOff switches to power the string off and on (see Power OnlOff procedures on page REPAIR-25). AC Power-On LED The AC Power-On LED is on when line voltage is present and the ac phase rotation is correct. Controller Power OnlOff Switches Each controller in an A unit has one Power OnlOff switch. These switches control powering the controller and the drives On and Off. Setting either controller power OnlOff switch to On will power on the controller and ali the drives in the string. In 4-path configurations, powering on anyone of the controllers will power up all the drives in the string. Providing there is at least one controller power OnlOff switch set to On, setting another controller power OnlOff switch to Off will power off that controller but not the drives in the string. Setting all controller power On/Off switches in the string to Off will power off all controllers and all the drives in the string. INTRO-22 Device EnablelDisable Switch Each device has an Enable/Disable switch. The switch permits device interrupts from the device to the storage path. The switch enables or disables the device from access by the customer program. If the switch is in the Enable position device interrupts are permitted across the control interface (DOC). If the switch is in the Disable position, it disables interrupts from the device. If the device is accessed by the customer program, Intervention Required is generated. If the switch is changed from Enable to Disable, the device will not be disabled until the device finishes the current sequence. This permits the device to complete the current operation before it is disabled. If the switch is changed from Disable to Enable. an HDA attention interrupt is generated. The interrupt is sent by all storage paths to all the attached systems. c PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov8B @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 o ( ( Oevice Ready LEOs Front Operator Panel Labels Each of the thirty-two possible devices has one Ready LED. The LEOs are active only for the installed devices. The, following labels are placed on the front operator panel at installation time. The Ready LED is on when the device is ready for use but is not being used. When the device is being used the LED flashes off during seek operations. Because the seek times of a 3380 are in the millisecond range, the flashing of the ready LED may not be visible. ( ( During periods of inactivity the Device Ready LEOs will flash off periodically. The flashing indicates that a SAFE operation is being performed. String 10 The physical 10 set in the controller. In the 3380-JK all controllers in the string must be set to the same 10. Address The address of the string (0 or 1). Subsystem ID (5510) The Subsystem 10 is an assigned number that identifies the physical components of a logical DASD Subsystem. The Ready LED is off when the device is not available to the customer (disabled) or when an error condition is present on the device. Sense byte limitations for 3380-JK require that all subsystem IDs must have "00" as the first two characters of the 10. When looking at sense data for devices attached to 3990, 32 bytes will be displayed. Byte 21, the SSID, is the same for all paths attached to a particular device. Byte 21 is the low order byte of the SSID. The operator panel has an area for only one SSID number on either a 2-path or 4-path panel when attached to 3990. When 2-path string(s) are attached to a four path string all strings have the same SSID number and are within one contiguous 64 address range. The 2-path string attached to 3990 paths 0 and 2 will have the lower of the 16 address range and if another 2-path string is attached to 3990 paths 1 and 3 they will occupy the higher 16 address range. ( ( Configurations without 4-path strings will be in 2-path mode. Paths 0 and 2 will have one SSID number and paths 1 and 3 will have another SSID number. (' Path The storage path (O, 1, 2, or 3) in the 3990 that is attached to controller A 1, A2, A3, or A4. (, PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 30Nov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 INTRO-23 u (['''I., 1 ~i Rear Unit Emergency Power Off Panel (3990 Subsystem) ~ "J , r ~\ 0 1 ('\ ~J (-\ UNIT E10ERGENCY SWITOi ~ 1 ________ UNIT EMERGENCY '0 PATH CJ~ CONTROLLER READY LEOS POWER CONTROLLER ENABLE CJ POWER OFF 0 MD STRING ADDRESS STRING 10 SUBSYSTEM IO o CJ CJ D D IS000127NI L Figure 16. .A 3380·JK Rear Unit Emergency Power Off Panel for 3990 Attachment The rear unit emergency power off panel has the following controls and LEOs: • Unit Emergency switch • Controller Ready LEOs • Maintenance Device Connector Unit Emergency Switch The Unit Emergency switch on the rear unit emergency power off panel is only for emergency power off of the string. It switches off all power. except 24 Vdc in the A unit only. bypassing the normal power-off sequence. \ , "'-/ The Unit Emergency switches are normally in the Power Enable (on) position. In this position. 3380-JK power can be controlled by either the host system (remote) or the 3380-JK (local). In 4-path configurations the Unit Emergency Switches in each A unit are interlocked. That is. either switch will power off both substrings. Warning: Do not use the Unit Emergency switches to normally power the string off and on. Possible data loss can occur with the heads landing on the data surface and not on the park areas of the disk surface. Use the Controller On/Off switches to INTRO-24 PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @Copyrlght IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 C: C power the string off and on (see Power On/Off procedures on page REPAIR-25). Rear Unit Emergency Power Off Panel Labels Controller Ready LEDs The following labels are placed on the rear unit emergency power off panel during installation. These labels have the same meaning as the corresponding Front Operator Panel labels described on page INTRO-23. Each controller has one Ready LED. The Controller Ready LED has four states. Tile Controller Ready LED will: (- ( • Be Off when the controller is powered off, a controller check 1 is active, or a controller fenced condition exists. • Blink during a controller or a string power on sequence. It is normal for the controller ready LEOs for both controllers to blink at different rates during a string power on sequence. • Be dim (approximately half brightness) when the controller is ready and there is no activity. • Get brighter (approach full brightness) as activity increases. Flashing or flickering is normally apparent when there is activity. Maintenance Device (MDl Connector f The MO connector provides the means to physically connect the maintenance device (MO) to the 3380-JK. String Address Label identifying the String Address (0 or 1). String 10 Label identifying the physical 10 set in the controller. In the 3380-JK all controllers in the string must be set to the same 10. Subsystem 10 (5510) Label identifying the subsystem identifier when attached to 3990. Path Label identifying the storage path connected to controller A 1, A2, A3, or A4. Controller Label identifying the controllers connected to 3990 storage paths 0, 1, 2, or 3. ('\ ( ( C PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONoV88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 INTRO-2S Device Characteristics Summary Access Mechanisms per unit Models A.J4 and B.J4 Models AK4 and BK4 4 4 Cylinders per access mechanism Data Al ternate data CE Diagnostic 885 2,655 4 1 4 Data Tracks per cylinder per access mechanism 15 13,275 15 39,825 47,476 712,140 47,476 712,140 Maximum Data Capacity in bytes: per track per cylinders in Mbytes: per access mechanism per unit per 4-unit string 4-path configuration: per 8-unit string Figure 17. 1 1 630 Mb 2,520 Mb 10,083 Mb 20,166 Mb 1 1,890 Mb 7,526 Mb 30,210 Mb 60,500 Mb Characteristics of the 3380·JK Models 1\I " ~/ INTRO-26 PIN 451989341 SIdes EC 476573 3ONov88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 ,r'j ~j Track Layout - Models AJ4 and BJ4 Outer Diameter (00) Physical: Data Track Decimal logical Data Track Decimal logical Data Track Hex I Head landing Zone -11 I I Reserved I -10 Guard Band Outer Diameter (GBOD) ( -4 -3 -3 I -2 I I Reserved -1 ( ( (, 0 0 0 884 884 374 885 885 375 I 888* I Guard BandInner Diameter (G8ID) I * ( '-' .. /" ( ",' • • • r' 3380-J has 3 buffer cylinders between the alternate cylinder and the CE cylinder. These cylinders are not accessible from the system. If the system attempts to access the CE cylinder (886) the access mechanism will be positioned at physical cylinder 889 (logical cylinder 886). The home addresses on the buffer cylinders are flagged as defective with no alternate assigned. I Alternate 886 376 890 887 377** 891 888 892 889 378** D379** 893 890 37AH CE I 1C ,.grS t- Req~ired 895 Inner Diameter (10) Data 889 894 ( customer BUf~er I 886* 887* (-" HA Map FFFD for servo I 896 ** Diagnostic cylinders are accessible only by the diagnostics. They cannot be accessed from the system. c C" '. -,' PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 30Nov88 «:J Copyright IBM Corp, 1987, 1988 INTRO-27 (L) (~) Track Layout - Models AK4 and BK4 Outer Diameter (00) 0,-y Physical Data Track Decimal logical Data Track Decimal logical Data Track Hex r'" 0 I Head landing Zone -11 -10 Guard Band Outer Diameter (GBOD) I Guard BandInner Diameter (GBID) I -4 -3 2669 2668 A6D A6C -2 2667 A6B Reserved (~' I I 0\ HA Map ~,.;i ~j Reserved 0 0 000 2654 2654 A5E 2655 2655 Alternate 2656 2656 A5F A603E 2657 2657 A613E I 2658 2658 A62 A633E3E 2659 2660 2659 2660 A64** 2661 2661 A65** 2662 2662 A66** customer Data I (" ~/ Buf+er CE r-~ ( 2664 I ." 1a.rS 1C 0" 3380-K has 2 buffer cylinders between the *alternate cylinder and the CE cylinder. These cylinders are not accessible from the system. Req~ired for servo 2665 Inner Diameter (rD) . ~7' I 2663 . \---./ I -1 I ~\ I I / \,_ 7 ("' \ \c.,/ ** Diagnostic cylinders are accessible only by the diagnostics. They cannot be accessed from the system. c INTRO-28 PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 IC Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 o () Disk, Arm, and Head Layout Arm 1 Left Access Mechanism Arm Arm Arm 2 3 4 ('" rO r- r3 '-- '-- F f- f- - ( 2 - ( Drive Pulley 8 - -1 - rE r- r- -4 '-- :0- B 7 f- - I- r- rD A '-- r- c- r- r9 6 '-- r- r5 '-- - 0 rE r- r- r- r-- 2 ( r-" r- - r- D A r- - 1 r- ( !- C rC r- r- 9 r- r- '-- r- 3 F 8 B - !- - r- 5 !- I- l- r-- 0 6 - !- 4 - r- 7 "- ( Arm 1 {~i Figure 18. Arm 2 3 Right Access Mechanism Arm 4 Not e : Head F is t h e servo h ead. Arms, Heads, and Disks in the HDA PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 19B8 f' Arm INTRO-29 Servo System Switches and Indicators The tracks on the 3380-K are spaced closer together than other 3380 models. The servo control loop now contains a digital control processor. The addition of the micro-processor provides improved control of the servo system. A1 Board Voltage and Clock LEOs Data Check Detection and Correction A record is partitioned into subblocks. For each subblock there is a set of check bytes. These check bytes are used for the first-level ECC detection and correction. As in other 3380 models there are check bytes at the end of each record. In 3380-JK these bytes are used for second-level ECC detection and correction. The additional check bytes used for first-level detection and correction do not decrease the maximum data capacity of the track. This scheme provides for detecting and correcting multiple defects within a single record. ECC correction including data area ECC correction is always performed in the storage control buffer by the storage control. In previous 3380 models data area ECC correction was performed by the host. Controller Controller A2 / Al / A4 0 - +5 V 0 0 - Clock- 0 0 - -5 V 0 0 - -4.25 V 0 OIA-A1l4 A3 OIA-AIM4 Each controller has Voltage LEOs that show + SV. -SV. and -4.2SV. The Voltage LEOs come on when the Controller Power On/Off switch is on. Each controller also has a Clock LED. When the controller clocks are running. the clock LEOs are slightly dimmer than the voltage LEOs. If a clock LED is off or is at the same brightness level as the voltage LED. it means the clock is stopped. Single data area correction is done in the storage control. The method of reporting data checks is different from previous 3380 models. Both first-level and second-level correctable data checks are reported in the format 4 sense data. The format 4 symptom codes (4xxx) in sense bytes 22 and 23 have been modified to provide additional information about the data check. (, o INTRO-30 PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ( ( B1 Board Power Card LEOs Front Drive ( f B1 Board - PES/PROM Card LEOs Rear Drive o left Sequencer Status o - - +5/24 V Common o - - +5 V Common o o - 0 Right Sequencer Status -- BlG2 0 0 BlR2 ( 0 --- left Device Ready - left Switch Enabled - - 0 0 -- Right Switch Enabled --- 0 0 --- Right Device Ready - - 0 0 ( BlG3 ( ( 0 BlR3 Each B1 Board has LEOs showing Left and Right Sequencer status, +5124V Common, +5 V Common, Left and Right Device Ready, and Left and Right Switch Enabled for each drive. After initial power on, the Sequencer Status LEOs for all 3380-JK models should come on for a few seconds then flash approximately 3 minutes while the heads are sweeping across the disk surface. The Sequencer Status LED is on continuously and is not flashing after t·he device becomes ready. ( Right Front Device left Front Device o +15 V o o +5 V o o -o -- -5 V o o -15 V BID3 BlK3 Left Rear Device Right Rear Device o o +15 V o -- -5 V +5 V o -- -15 V BlN3 o o o 0 BlU3 Each B1 board has LEOs showing +15V, +5V, -5V, and -15V. There is one row of LEOs on each PES/PROM card for each actuator (device). Phase Rotation LEOs The phase LEOs are located on the primary power box in the A unit (see the LOC section in the MIM, Volume R10). If the Green Phase LED is on, all ac input line voltages are present and phasing is correct. If the Red Phase LED is on, all ac input line voltages are present and the phasing is wrong, or phase C is missing. ( If both Phase LEOs are off, at least one of the input voltages is missing or CB200 is tripped. (" ( (/ PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 INTRO-31 Controller Voltage Regulator Card LEDs Controller Power Supply Circuit Protectors Each controller power supply contains a Controller Voltage Regulator Card with a + 1.7 UV LED and a + SV Special UV LED. Each controller power supply (there are two controller power supplies in an AJ4 or AK4 unit) has three circuit protectors: The controller voltage regulator cards are located in the controller power supplies at the front of each A unit. CP305 Protects the +SVdc to the controller power supply regulator card and to the A 11 A3 or A21 A4 controller. The Controller Voltage Regulator Card LEOs are normally off. When the corresponding controller is turned off or when an error prevents the controller from completing the normal power-on sequence the Controller Voltage Regulator Card LEDs will turn on. CP306 Protects the +S.SVdc to the controller power supply regulator card and to the A 11 A3 or A21 A4 controller. CP307 Protects the -S.SVdc to the A 1/A3 or A21 A4 controller. -", 24 Vdc Panel - A and B units DO NOT ~ ~~~~~d1,~L~, ~ C:PLlOLJ. C:PLlOS • C:PLl06 BLOWER 2LJ. V 2L1 V C:PLl01 C:PLl08 FRT RR • SWLl86 REMOTE CP405 (NTL 2 • SWLl87 REMOTE 24 Vdc Panel for A and B Units The 24 Vdc Panel is located in the rear of the unit to the left of the Single Actuator Maintenance panel. The 24 Vdc panel contains the following circuit protectors and switches: CP404 (NTL 1 • C:PLll1 IA5084-L I. • CONTAINED IN THE A UNIT ONLY Figure 19. • C:PLll 0 CP404 will trip when a blower motor thermal circuit problem exists. Protects the + 24 Vdc circuit to CP404, CP407, and CP40S. The +24 Vdc from CP40S provides voltage to CP404, CP407, and CP40S. INTRO-32 CP406* Protects the +24 Vdc to the Unit Emergency Power OnlOff switch circuit. CP406 also protects the surge complete relay (K415) and the Phase LED Detection circuits. CP407 Protects the + 24 Vdc to the thermal in the front motor start assembly (MSA), the front motor thermal, and the front belt guard switch. If an open condition exists in this circuit, CP407 will trip, shutting off + 24 Vdc to the front motor run relay (K418) and front motor brake relay (K416). PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3DNov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 rr----......·\ ( CP408 f ( Protects the + 24 Vdc to the thermal in the rear motor start assembly (MSA), the rear motor thermal, and the rear belt guard switch. If an open condition exists in this circuit, CP40B will trip, shutling off + 24 Vdc to the rear motor run relay (K419) and rear motor brake relay (K417). SW486* Local/Remote switch for controller A 1. In the Local position, + 24 Vdc Source for power sequencing is provided through the Local/Remote switch. In the Remote position, + 24 Vdc source for power sequencing is provided through the power control cable and relay contacts in the attached storage control. ( ( ( . CP410* Protects the + 24 Vdc to the A 1 Controller Power On/Off switch. The + 24 Vdc from the A 1 controller On/Off switch is distributed to the A 1 controller regulator (/' card in the controller A 1 power supply and picks the A1 controller power relay (K217). CP411* Protects the + 24 Vdc to the A2 Controller Power On/Off switch. The + 24 Vdc from the A2 controller On/Off switch is distributed to the A2 controller regulator card in the controller A2 power supply and picks the A2 controller power relay (K218). SW487* Local/Remote switch for controller A2. In the Local position, + 24 Vdc Source for power sequencing is provided through the Local/Remote switch. In the Remote position, + 24 Vdc source for power sequencing is provided through the power control cable and relay contacts in the attached storage control. * The switch or circuit protector is on the 24 Vdc panel of 3380 Model AJ4 and AK4 units, but not on BJ4 or BK4 units . ' ,~' ( ( PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 30Nov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1998 INTRO-33 0 ' \ tt"\ l,~J' c\ Single Actuator Maintenance (SAM) Control Panel - A and B Units CJl FRONT DRIVE .J675 ..1676 ..1677 ..1678 FRONT • •• ..167'3 MOTOR ::: [J ••• ••• • ··• ....•• ··•• ....•••• ··• ....•• ··•• ....•••• ·.. ·.. J685 J686 .J687 , REAR DRIVE .J688 REAR ..1681 MOTOR.J680 ••• 101= ON -=fB1 0 ~) ca> 0 ..1683 (f-,\ (. ··• ....•• ··• ....•• ··• ....•• ··.... ·.. ·.. J6'30 J6'31 ,)6'32 ~ ~ CP61q CPSIS CPS16 ~ ~ ~ REAR SWr.95 CP623 LEFT ACTUATOR CP62q CP625 CP626 ~ ~ REAR SW696 CP633 RIGHT ACTUATOR ENAaLE bl ~ DJ5A1!1L£ CP63Q CP635 CP636 ~ ~ bl qp LOGIC' :~~ LOGIC [J cPqp LOGIC cp ~.,,) • •• CP606 EMAaLE DJSAI!ILE i"\ • •• • •• CP605 CP60~ FRONT SW69q CPS1) RIGHT ACTUATOR i "L.J ••• J689 0 FRONT REAR rr~ ~) J68~ [J ::: ••• l.§J OFF l§J • 5W6'31 5W692 "'5 "'5 CP602 CP622 o ..1682 ,""- .. / ' IS00012SQL Figure 20. Single Actuator Maintenance Control Panel • A and B Units The single actuator maintenance panel (CE power sequence panel) has the following controls: • Logic Enable/Disable .switches (SW693, SW694, SW695, SW696) • Motor On/Off switches (SW691, SW692) • • + 5V Common Circuit Protectors (CP602, CP622) Other Circuit Protectors (CP603 to CP606, CP613 to CP616, CP623 to CP626, and CP633 to CP636) INTRO-34 PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov1!8 @Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 c ( ( Motor ONIOFF Switch Actuator Circuit Protectors The Motor On/Off switch controls the front or rear HDA drive motor. With the switch on, the motor is powered on and off through normal power on/off sequence. If the switch is off, the motor is prevented from a normal power on. Each actuator has a set of circuit protectors that protect the associated logic circuits from excessive current levels. The Circuit Protectors are used for single actuator maintenance. If the switch is set to Off when the motor is running, the motor will power off. ( + 5 Volt Common Circuit Protectors ( The + 5V Common Circuit Protectors (CP602, CP622) protect the power cards. (' CP602 controls the + 5V to B1 G2. CP622 controls the +5V to B1R2. Logic EnablelDisable Switches Each actuator has one Logic Enable/Disable switch to permit single actuator maintenance. Voltage +/-36v +/-15v -5v +5v Device Front HDA Rear HDA Left Right Right Left CP603 CP604 CP605 CP606 CP613 CP614 CP615 CP616 CP623 CP624 CP625 CP626 CP633 CP634 CP635 CP636 Warning: Never power off the CPs for both devices on the same HDA. without powering off the drive first. Machine damage will result (see Power OnlOff procedures on page REPAIR-29). Warning: Never power off the CPs (CP603 through CP636) for more than two actuators (devices) without powering off the entire unit. Machine damage will result (see Power OnlOff procedures on pageREPAIR-29). Warning: When powering off a drive, NEVER power off the CPs for either of the associated actuators before turning off the Motor Switch. Machine damage will result (see Power OnlOff procedures on page REPAIR-28). ( c ( o PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 ,INTRO-3,S r: ' . I. .'--/ Undervoltage Detection Service Call Strategy The 3380-JK provides undervoltage detection for voltages available on the A1 and B1 boards as follows: The service call strategy for the 3380-JK models is: A 1 Board, + 5 volts and + 8.5 volts B1 Board, +/-5 volts and +/-15 volts Undervoltage detection provides a means of identifying marginal voltages. An undervoltage condition by itself will not cause an equipment check condition. An undervoltage condition will only be reported when it occurs in conjunction with a controller check-1, controller check-2, device check-1, device check-2, or data check. The maintenance package assigns a higher priority to undervoltage check conditions and it analyzes them before attempting to analyze other failures. INTRO-36 • Collect all available information from EREP and console messages. • Determine if corrective action is required. • Prioritize Symptom Codes. • Locate the failing string and devices. • Determine the probable failing unit. • Perform a physical inspection of the machine. • Vary offline (if possible) all required devices on all required paths. • Attach the maintenance device (MD) to the MD connector in the 3380-JK A unit. • Set the devices to be serviced in CE mode. • Run the diagnostics. • Analyze the SENSE data from the system or error log if the diagnostics do not fail. • Begin problem analysis and follow instructions displayed by the maintenance device (MD). See the PSG, beginning with page MD-1). • Follow correct power off/on, and repair procedures. • Reset CE mode for all devices at the end of the call. • Reset Write Inhibit and Fenced conditions in the Storage Control if they exist. PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @Copyright iBM Corp. 1987, 1988 o G () (-, ( EREP and Console Messages Maintenance Device (MD) The primary method of defining the failure type and boundary is by reviewing EREP reports and console messages. EREP is an important tool that must be in place and running when it is needed for the analysis of DASD problems. The maintenance device (MD) is a maintenance tool to be used under the direction of this manual. There are eight basic functions provided. ( The maintenance package for the 3380-JK requires the use of the Environmental Recording, Editing, and Printing (EREP) program at release 3.3.2 or later. If your customer has not installed EREP at release level 3.3.2 or later, provide the assistance necessary to help get it installed. ( The EREP System Exception Reports (SYSEXN) are used by this maintenance package for analysis of 3380-JK problems. The customer should normally run the System Exception reports on a daily basis. For information on running the EREP System Exception reports, see Environmental Record Editing and Printing Program: User's Guide and Reference, GC28-1378. • Permits you to set or reset CE mode in all storage paths or storage directors for the specified devices. CE mode causes the storage path or storage director to present 'Intervention Required' to any system that tries to access the specified devices. • • c/ cc = p= DD = (- Controller String 10 With 3380-JK, all controllers in the same string must have the same 10. Path Device In EREP, the CC.P-DD is defined as a physical address and is used to locate the failing string, path, and device. At installation, strict guidelines are given to properly label the 3380-JK A-unit operator panel with the necessary information. The DASD Symptom Code Summary report in EREP also has a new heading "SSIO-STRING" where: SSID = Subsystem 10 from sense byte 21. STRING = String address (0 or 1) from sense byte 4, bit 2. PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 Error Log Function Permits you to perform the following: Transfer the contents of the error logs to the MD. Merge the transferred logs. Search the contents of each transferred log or the merged log. Analyze specific log entries. Change the error log mask. Erase (reset) the contents of the error log in each storage director or storage path. Physical Identifiers f Run Diagnostics Permits you to run a specified diagnostic sequence. Nine options are available. For information about EREP reports, see "EREP System Exception Reports" on page PROG-1. The physical identifier reporting format has changed from previous DASD models (SS-CC-DD). The format for 3380-JK is "CC.P-DD" where: Set/Reset CE Mode • Analyze Symptom Code Permits you to analyze a symptom code that you entered into the MD. • Review Permits you to review the following: Devices set in CE mode. The last four diagnostic errors previously displayed. The contents of the error logs. The last repair action previously displayed. HA scan results INTRO-37 ('(, I\ o • Diagnostic Aids Permits you to run any diagnostic and to enter parameters. • End of Call Displays the status of the storage control and permits you to reset CE mode, reset write inhibit conditions, and (for 3990 storage control only) reset fenced conditions. Refer to "RMAP 0350: End of Call" on page REPAIR-15. Error Log The MD permits you to review error log entries that are contained in the two storage paths or storage directors attached to the 3380-JK. The error logs can be used to help isolate a failure if EREP or console messages are not available. Failure data is displayed for review before going into analysis procedures in the MD. Devices do not need to be varied offline or placed in CE mode to use this option. Refer to "Error Log Function (MD Main menu Option 2)" on page LOG-1. Diagnostics Diagnostic options are selected from the MD Diagnostic menu. Errors are displayed for review before going into the analysis procedures in the MD. Before device diagnostics are run, the devices should be varied offline from all attached systems and placed in CE mode. Devices may be placed in or out of CE mode using MD Main menu option a (Set/Reset CE Mode). Most controller diagnostics run in-line with customer operation. Most device diagnostics run concurrent with customer operation on other devices in the string. Analysis Procedures The analysis procedures in the MD can be entered following the review of error log entries, following a diagnostic failure, or by entering a symptom code. The analysis procedures provide a list of suspected field-replaceable units (FRUs) and references to documentation. The MD need not be attached to the 3380-JK when entering the analysis procedures by entering a symptom code or after reviewing an INTRO-38 error log entry that was previously transferred to the MD from the storage control. o o FRU Replacement The maintenance package provides a primary and secondary FRU list for most failure symptoms. The primary list contains all of the high probability FRUs. The FRU replacement strategy for solid failures is different from that for intermittent failures. c o Solid Failures: A solid failure is indicated by a consistent physical symptom or a consistent diagnostic program detected error. Solid failures should be isolated to the failing FRU by replacing the FRUs indicated in the maintenance package one at a time until the failure symptom disappears. The FRUs are listed in the order of probability. Intermittent Failures: An intermittent failure is a failure that is not readily reproducible by diagnostics or is only occasionally indicated by physical symptoms. On the first call, all FRUs in the primary FRU list should be replaced as a block of FRUs. On a repeat call, the secondary FRUs should be replaced as a block of FRUs and all additional action items should be reviewed to determine what type of action will be required if there is another repeat call. On a second repeat call, all additional action items should be performed. If the HDA is suspect, an HDA cable swap should be performed to help isolate the problem if there is a repeat call. Subsystem Microcode Ordering Information Subsystem microcode diskettes must always be at compatible levels with each other and with the supporting maintenance package documentation. Updates to these diskettes will be through EC control procedures. 3380-JK/3880 Subsystem: The 3880 subsystem configuration requires three microcode diskettes as follows: • 3380-JK/3880 subsystem functional microcode diskette. PIN 451989341 Sides EC 476573 3ONoV88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 c o . , ···\· 0 · o (" ( • 3880 MD diskette. • 3380-JK MD diskette. 3380-JK/3990 Subsystem: The 3990 subsystem configuration requires two microcode diskettes as follows: (- • 3380-JK MD diskette. • 3380-JK/3990 subsystem functional microcode diskette. Microcode and diskette ordering information can be found in the Preface, on page PRE-2. Note: When ordering a diskette to replace a defective diskette, the EC number of the defective diskette must be specified. Otherwise, the latest level diskette is shipped. Documentation Ordering Procedure A Documentation Request form (order number 972-8390) is located in the microfiche holder (see the MOM, Volume R30). Use this request form to order microfiche or printed volumes of the maintenance manuals. Refer to "Maintenance Manual Ordering Procedure" on page PRE-1 and "Related Publications" on page PRE-3. ( f . ,. ' ... _/J (~:' ( f {-- C PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 INTRO-39 (i . . ., 0' o Tools and Test Equipment The following lists the special tools, test equipment, and maintenance supplies needed to provide adequate support for installation and maintenance actions. When possible, the 3380-JK uses the tools and test equipment already provided for the 3380-DE. Description. asci Iloscope Maintenance Device 3380 on site tool kit Air pressure gauge Bracket, air system tool Socket assembly ground Manifold plug Fitting adapter Tubing Bmm Allen extension socket Spring height gauge Duct covers Coil covers Socket Adapter, 3/8" to 1/4" 3380-DE on site tool kit ESD cover 16mm/17mm wrench ESD handling kit Small grounding wrist strap Large grounding wrist strap Digital voltmeter Vacuum cleaner Torque wrench Ratchet drive, 3/8" High-voltage test probes Red Black Electrical safety analyzer Electrical safety analyzer (Not necessary, but useful.) Pulley-locking clamp Pulley shipping lock DOC (CTU) terminators PIN 2759150 2760742 2135182 2759155 2759954 2760473 2760746 27t>0793 2760883 2759075 2759076 2108746 2179657 2317384 2135145 6428316 6428167 6428169 2515283 6428140 o Qty 1 1 1 1 1 location On site (may be located in branch office) On site (may be located in branch office) On site (may be located in branch office) 16 2 1 2 1 1 4 4 /. I ' "- ~' 1 1 4 On site (may be located in branch office) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1749249 1749250 1650792 1650792 1 2759423 OOF6760 2315764 1 2 1 1 On site On site On site On site Branch Branch Branch (may be (may be (may be (may be office office office Branch Branch Branch Branch office office office office located located located located in in in in branch branch branch branch office) office) office) office) Shipped with each 3380-JK unit Shipped with each 3380-JK unit Shipped with each Storage Control c INTRO-40 PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 o o ( EC History of Introduction Section EC HISTORY OF P/N (,519893 ( EC Number 475245 Date Of EC 14Nov86 475246 21Ju187 llSep87 475247 c EC Number Date Of EC 475248 25Apr88 476573 30Nov88 - -- Notes: ( ( f ( ( -,/ (~ PIN 4519893 41 Sides EC 476573 3ONovBB © Copyright ( IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 INTRO-41 3. MLX ( This section makes going between this maintenance library and other machine maintenance libraries easier. ( (- When coming to this library from some other library: ( 1. ( 2. Note the exit number on the MIM page or MD display you are leaving in the other maintenance package. Find the same number in the column for that machine in the Entries from Other Maintenance Libraries chart on the MLX-2 page for this machine (3380). Go to the page listed (in the same row) in the column labeled Go to page (in this maintenance package). When you need to go from this maintenance package to the maintenance package for some other machine, you will be given an entry number for the other package by the page or MAP doing the sending. Find that number in the 3380 column in the entry chart in the MLX pages for the other machine. To make tracing backwards easier, the chart on MLX-3 in this manual contains a list of the entry numbers specified in this maintenance package (for 3380) and the reason for going to the other maintenance package. ( ( ( (- (/ ( PIN 4519895 04 Sides © Copyright r- EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MLX-1 r·· '''-./ Entries from Other Maintenance Libraries Use this page to get to the right page or procedure for a given entry to this maintenance package. Reason for coming to this maintenance package Go to page (in this maintenance package) N/A DDC Interface Check FRUs. SC 2004 (sync in check). No diagnostics failed. MAP-1, Entry AG (See MIM, Volume R10) 2 N/A DDC Interface Check FRUs. SC 2020 (DDC interface check). No diagnostics failed. MAP-1, Entry AG (See MIM. Volume R10) 3 N/A DDC Interface Check FRUs. SC 2080 (data overrun). No diagnostics failed. MAP-1, Entry AG (See MIM. Volume RIO) 4 4 DDC Interface Check FRUs. The symptom code is a Format 2. No diagnostics failed. MAP-1, Entry AG (Se~ MIM. Volume R10) 5 5 3380 symptom code indicated. Device symptom codes were entered by the CEo The control interface was tested. No diagnostics failed. SMAP 0010 Step 001 on page ST ART-1 6 N/A No power sequence complete signal. The storage control did not sense a power sequence complete signal from the device. PWR-1, Entry AS (See MDM, Volume R30) 7 N/A Routine D3 failed. Routine 77 correct at the storage control tailgate. The 3380 diagnostic routine D3 found an error. The CTL-I cable wrap (routine 77) ran without error when the wrap was performed at the storage control tailgate. MAP-1, Entry AK (See MIM. Volume RIO) 8 N/A Routine CO failed. Routine 03 correct. The 3380 diagnostic routine CO found an error. The CTL-I cable wrap (routine 77) ran without error when the wrap was performed at the storage control tailgate. MAP-1, Entry AC (See MIM. Volume R10) 9 N/A Routine D3 failed (CTRL error IC == D31 B). The 3380 diagnostic routine D3 found an error. The error indicates that the 3380 controller is failing. MAP-1, Entry AK (See MIM, Volume RIO) 10 N/A DDC Interface Check. The storage control directs the CE to perform a CTL-I check. MAP-1, Entry AA (See MIM. Volume RIO) N/A 11 CTL-I test failed. Routine 77 correct at the storage control tailgate. MAP-1, Entry AB (See MIM, Volume R 10) N/A 12 Controller not connected correctly. IMAP 0295 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-55 From a 3880 From a 3990 1 ",---" -', ...,../ f'\, \t.j PIN 451989504 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1997, 1988 MLX-2 (- Exits to Other Maintenance Libraries Use this page when tracing back from another maintenance package to understand the condition that caused entry to that package. ( ( Exit from 3380 Reason for going to other package 1 Exit to storage control interface analysis procedure. ( ( ( (~ • If attached to a 3880, exit to storage control interface analysis procedure. Use MD option 1 at the storage control and answer yes when asked if control interface is to be tested. • If attached to a 3990, select and execute the external DDC wrap procedure when the manual intervention menu is displayed. Exit to 3880 Exit to 3990 MLX Entry 1 MLX Entry 1 2 Exit to the storage control to run diagnostics. The 3380 diagnostics received an error code. The error was found by the storage control, probably while trying to read from a diskette. MLX Entry 2 MLX Entry 2 3 Exit to the storage control to run diagnostics. The 3380 diagnostics found an error in the storage control. The MD display or the printed MAP contains error information. MLX Entry 3 MLX Entry 3 4 Not used. 5 Not used. N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 Exit to the storage control to run diagnostics. The symptom code does not indi~ate a 3380 error. MLX Entry 6 MLX Entry 6 7 The status pending light for the storage director is on. Perform analysis from the storage director. MLX Entry 7 N/A 8 Exit to the storage control to quiesce a storage path. MLX Entry 7 9 Exit to the storage control to quiesce a controller. MLX Entry 8 10 Exit to the storage control for string removal procedure. N/A N/A N/A 11 Exit to the storage control for a 8-unit removal procedure. N/A MLX Entry 10 12 Exit to the storage control for an HDA replacement procedure. N/A MLX Entry 11 13 Exit to the storage control for a procedure to deactivate the Maintenance Panel. N/A MLX Entry 12 14 Exit to the storage control for an installation procedure. N/A MLX Entry 13 15 Exit to the storage control to display 3990 Vital Product Data (VPD). N/A MLX Entry 14 MLX Entry 9 (. ( ..' \ -' (/ PIN 4519895 04 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 MLX-3 EC History of MLX Section EC HISTORY OF P/N 4519895 EC Number Date Of EC EC Number 475245 14Nov86 476573 475246 21Ju187 476581 475248 25Apr88 Date Of EC 30Nov88 01Aug89 Notes: \"'--_7 ,~ PIN 4519895 04 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MLX-4 J 3380,,",K (Start ( SMAP 0010: Start This section contains analysis procedures (SMAPs) that help to: • Determine if a repair action is necessary. • Prioritize errors. • Locate the failing unit. • Determine the probable failing FRUs (field replaceable units). • Plan the repair action. 001 (From Page MlX-2) Questions you must answer and actions you must perform are printed in bold print. All other text is explanatory and is designed to help the service person with less experience with the 3380-JK. As experience is gained. the explanatory text may be skipped. If a question seems difficult. return to the explanation for that step. Select an entry from the following table and go to the MAP or entry point Indicated. The machine does not have to be available to perform the following procedures: Entry Select One of the Following Go To A Isolate a problem (START REPAIR) SMAP 0015 Step 001 on page START-2 B Guidelines for Periodic Review of EREP Reports (Not problem related) SMAP 0017 Step 001 on page START-6 C Install, remove, or relocate a machine MDM, Volume R30. INST section D Perform a safety check MIM. Volume RfO, SAFETY section E Power Off and On Page REPAIR-1, Entry B through F F Perform preventive maintenance Page PM-1 Figure 1. Start Section Entry Table ( ( ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1992 START-1 3380-.11< SMAP 0015: Isolate a Problem 001 (From SMAP 0010 Step 001 on page START~1) (fromIMA'P 0200 Step 002 on page ISOlATE-1) (From 'MAP 0290 Step 009 on page ISOLATE-54) (From .MAP 0290 Step 010 on page ISOLATE-54) The following SMAPs contain analysis procedures used to determine if a repair action is necessary. If a repair action is necessary; you can determine (if not already known) the probable failing FRUs and the impact to the customer of replacing those FRUs. Good planning allows you to schedule the correct subsystem resources. The SMAPs will analyze error data that was collected at the time of the failure. The machine does not have to be available to perform the following procedures. Collect Information about the failure Discuss the problem with the customer and collect all available error information (for example, EREP reports and console messages). Sources of error information are physical symptoms, EREP, Device Support Facilities messages, and console messages. The preferred information for isolating most problems is contained in the EREP System Exception reports (SYSEXN). However, if there are known physical symptoms, EREP reports or sense data will not be necessary. Physical Symptoms: If you can locate the failing string of devices due to a physical symptom such as a Ready LED being off or a tripped CPo EREP or Sense data is probably not required because you can enter the maintenance package with the physical symptom. EREP Reports: EREP should be installed at release level 3.3.2 or later to support the 3380-JK. If your customer has not installed release level 3.3.2, provide the assistance necessary to get it installed. This maintenance package uses the EREP System Exception DASD Report. the DASD and Symptom Code Summary r&pOrt, the DASO Data Transfer Summary report to isolate problems. These reports are part of the EREP System Exception Reports. t'''\. I . V Refer to the Environmental Recording and Editing Printing Program User's Guide, GC28-1378. The customer should normally run the System Exception reports on a daily basis. If you are isolating temporary I/O errors, it is normally sufficient to use the daify reports provided by the customer. If you are isolating a permanent I/O error, you should ask the customer to run the EREP System Exception reports for 33XX devices. r~' \ ....../ Warning: Do not attempt to off-load device statistics when running EREP (SYSEXN) if devices or paths are failing. A device or path problem can prevent EREP from successfully collecting statistics and the EREP job will not complete successfully. To prevent off-loading statistics, a working data set must be created from EROS and then EREP run against the working data set. To run EREP for a specific problem, two steps are required: 1. Create a working data set. Have the customer use the following parameters: PRINT=NO, ACC=Y. ZERO=N, TYPE =0. and TABSIZE = 999K. 2. Run EREP against the working data set and print. Have the customer use the following parameters: SYSEXN=Y, HIST. ACC=N. TABSIZE=999K and DEV=(3380). The System Exception reports are normally all that is required to isolate a problem. If addilional information is required. an Event History report (EVENT) may be run against the working data set. If this is done. have the customer use the following parameters: EVENT=Y. HIST. ACC-N. TABSIZE=999K. DEV=(3380). and CUA = (xxx-xxx). where xxx-xxx is the device address (CUA) range of the string. (~ " .1 "L./ ( ( Device Support Facilities (ICKDSF) Messages: If a customer reports a problem while trying to perform media maintenance using Device Support Facilities, collect all Device Support Facilities reports including the results of ANALYZE DRIVE TEST and ANALYZE SCAN if available. If possible, collect all EREP reports for the problem that caused the customer to initiate a media maintenance action. Console Messages: Console messages are also a good source of information, particularly if they contain sense information that pertains to the failure. However, EREP reports will provide more detailed information and should be obtained if at al\ possible. f Select your best source of information about the problem from Figure 2 and go to the MAP or entry point indicated. Information Source Go to Physical symptoms (sense data not required) IMAP 0205 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-2. EREP System Exception reports SMAP 0017 Step 001 on page START-6. Device Support Facilities (ICKDSF) messages SMAP 0052 Step 001 on page START-27. Sense data from other sources (such as other EREP reports, console messages, etc.) SMAP 0035 Step 001 on page START-17. Console error messages' without sense data None of the above. The customer cannot provide console messages or sense data but does provide enough information to locate the failing string. Figure 2. . dMAP 0070 Step 001 on page START-36. IMAP 0205 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-2. Information Sources ( ('/ {~: C PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1966 START-3 C' :,, SMAP 0016: Using EREP to Determine If There Are 3380 Failures 001 Use the Subsystem Exception DASD report and refer to Figure 3 on page START-5 to determine if Storage Control errors have been reported. If Storage Control errors are reported, the PROBABLE FAILING UNIT column will contain SCU, a Storage Control physical identifier, and the Storage Control type. See "DASD Subsystem Exception Report" on page PROG-5 for additional information. Are there any Storage Control errors reported? Yes No I 2. Review the TOTALS PERM and TEMP columns to determine permanent and temporary error counts. 3. Review the IMPACT OF TEMPORARY ERRORS columns to determine the type of temporary errors. To further analyze the problem, the following procedures will use the DASD Symptom Code Summary report. In addition, if data checks are reported (determined by counts in the RD column), the following procedures will use the DASD Data Transfer Summary report. These reports should be included in the same output as the Subsystem Exception DASD report. o Go to SMAP 0020 Step 001 on page START-S. 002 Go to Step 004 in this SMAP 003 Go to the Start procedure in the Storage Control maintenance package for the indicated Storage Control type. 004 (From Step 002 in this SMAP) Determine if there are 3380 errors reported in the PROBABLE FAILING UNIT column. If there are 3380 errors reported, the PROBABLE FAILING UNIT column will contain 3380, 3380-DE, 3380-JK, or 3380-CJ. Are there 3380 errors reported for the failing subsystem? Yes No I 005 Continue to review EREP periodically for changes in error conditions. 006 Perform the following procedure: 1. Review the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column to determine which physical addresses are reporting errors. This information will be used later to locate the failing string and devices. PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 (f ", 'tj START-4 \, ( SUBSYSTEM EXCEPTION DASD (' ( ( REPORT DATE 156 87 PERIOD FROM 133 87 TO 134 87 B-BUS OUT PARITY CHK C-CHECK DA~A PROBABLE FAILING UNIT IMPACT OF TEMPORARY ERRORS PHYSICAL -TOTALS- EQU ADDRESS PERM TEMP CHK SKS RD OVRN OTHER l FAILURE AFFECT CPU CHK D-DISKETTE CHK I-INVOKED OFFSETS S-SER ************************************************************~******************** Use this column to ~ determine the physical address of the machine reporting errors. Use this column to determine the probable failing unit and machine type. SCU CTLR MULT DEV VOL = = = = = Storage Control Unit Controller Multiple Devices Device Volume f r- I l Use these columns to I determine the count of each temporary error type. EQU CHK SKS RD OVRN OTHER = Equipment check = Seek errors = Data checks = Overruns = Other errors including System Information Messages (SIM) Note: The count in the SKS and RD columns represent the number of times the temporary threshold was exceeded (not the total number of errors). Use these columns to determine the total permanent and temporary error counts. Figure 3. Subsystem Exception DASD Report ( (- c PIN 451989738 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 START-5 SMAP 0017: Guidelines for Periodic Review of EREP Reports 001 • (From SMAP 0010 Step 001 on page START-1) (From SMAP 0015 Step 001 on page START-3) (From SMAP 0051 Step 007 on page START-26) This SMAP contains guidelines for reviewing EREP on a regular basis to determine if there is a potential 3380 problem. EREP should be installed at release level 3.3.2 or later. If your customer has not installed EREP at release level 3.3.2, provide the assistance necessary to help get it installed. The EREP report used in the following procedure is the Subsystem Exception DASD Report, which is contained in the EREP System Exception Reports (SYSEXN). System Exception Reports should be run on a daily basis. Limits should not be selected when running the reports because error thresholds are maintained in the storage control. For information on running the EREP System Exception Reports, see Environmental Record and Editing Printing User's Guide and Reference, GC28-1378. A recommended schedule for reviewing the System Exception Reports is based on the number of 3380 units (all models) in the account. The schedule can vary based on account performance and customer expectations. The minimum recommended schedule is as follows: NUMBER OF 3380 UNITS IN ACCOUNT FREQUENCY OF REVIEW The number of each type of error from the Impact of Temporary Errors columns EQU CHK - Equipment Checks SKS - Seek Checks RD - Read Errors (Data Checks) OVRN - Overruns OTHER Determine if corrective action is required. Use the following guidelines: • If permanent errors are indicated in the report, corrective action is required. • If temporary seek checks or data checks are indicated, a threshold has been exceeded, and corrective action is required. • If 3 or more temporary errors (other than seek checks, data checks or overruns) are indicated, corrective action is required. According to the guidelines, is corrective action required? Yes No I 002 Continue to review EREP periodically for error conditions. 003 Go to SMAP 0020 Step 001 on page START-8. 32 or more units Daily 8 to 31 units Weekly Less than 8 Monthly When reviewing the reports, use the System Exception DASD Report and Figure 4 on page START-7 to determine the following: • The device type is 3380-JK • The number of permanent and temporary errors in the Totals Perm and Temp columns PIN 4519897 38 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 START-6 :"- '" "' .... j ' SUBSYSTEM EXCEPTION DASD REPORT DATE 156 87 PERIOD FROM 133 87 TO 134 87 B-BUS OUT PARITY CHK C-CHECK DATA CHK PROBABLE FAILING UNIT FAILURE AFFECT CPU D-DISKETTE CHK I-INVOKED OFFSETS S-SER IMPACT OF TEMPORARY ERRORS PHYSICAL -TOTALS-- EQU ADDRESS PERM TEMP CHK SKS RD OVRN OTHER ********************************************************************************* <1> SCU 00101Z3.1 SCU TOTAL 1 ( 3990.0Z A 0010123.1 1 <2> CTLR OZ.o-XX SCU/CTLR 338o-JK A TOTAL OZ.O-XX 4 4 A ( <3> ( <4> DEV 41.X-02 3380-JK (' XX.83-XX SCU/CTLR 3380-DE DEV 6 6 6 6 TOTAL 3l-83-XX 1 1 1 1 A TOTAL 41.0-02 1 1 A A TOTAL 62.0-05 6Z.1-05 10 5 5 <5> VOL ABC123 DATAXFR 33So-JK 33So-JK Figure 4. Subsystem Exception DASD Report Based on the guidelines for this report, the following actions are required: <1> A permanent error was logged for the 3990 Storage Control 0010123, Storage Path 1. A service action is required. The probable failing unit is the storage control. More information about the error can be obtained from the DASD Informational Messages report. The service action should begin in the 3990 maintenance package. ( / (, (' <2> Four permanent errors and six temporary equipment checks were logged for 3380-JK string 02, path O. A service action is required. The probable failing unit is the controller attached to path O. More information about the errors can be determined from the DASD Symptom Code Summary Report. <3> One temporary equipment check was logged for 3380-DE controller 83. No service action is required. If a service action were required, the 3380-DE maintenance package would be used because the failing string is a 3380-DE string. c c <4> The temporary seek error threshold was exceeded once for 3380-JK string 41, path 0, device 02. The probable failing unit is device 02. Because PIN 4519897 38 Sides 10 5 5 the threshold was exceeded, the next 8 errors occurring for device 02 will be logged. A service action is required. More information about these seek errors can be determined from the DASD Symptom Code Summary report. <5> The temporary error threshold for data checks has been exceeded ten times for 3380-JK string 62, device 05, volume ABC123. Two paths connected to device 05 are reporting errors. The probable failing unit is volume ABC123 (or device 05). Each time the threshold is exceeded, the next 24 errors are recorded. 240 temporary data checks have been logged for device 5 (10 x 24 = 240). More information about these data checks can be determined from the DASD Data Transfer Summary report. The customer should run ICKDSF ANALYZE DRIVE TEST on device 05 (volume ABC123) to determine if there is a suspected hardware problem. If there is a suspected hardware problem, a service action is required; otherwise, the customer should perform media maintenance in accordance with instructions in Device Support Facilities Primer for the User of IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage, GC26-4498 and Maintaining IBM Storage Subsystem Media, GC26-4495. START-7 EC 476581 01Aug89 (') Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ----- 1 1 "'--'----------- SMAP 0020: Corrective Action Determination With EREP Use the EREP Subsystem Exception DASD Symptom Code Summary report and the EREP System Exception DASD Data Transfer Summary report to determine if corrective action is required. See the PROG section of this manual for sample EREP reports and descriptions. Exception DASD Symptom Code Summary report, Figure 5 on page START-10.) • 001 (From SMAP 0016 Step 006 on page START-4) (From SMAP 0017 Step 003 on page START-6) (From IMAP 0233 Step 006 on page ISOLATE-21) 4xCx, 9E12, 9FFF, 9F9F DFFF, EFFF, EFFO (See the EREP System Exception DASD Symptom Code Summary report, Figure 5 on page START-10.) Determine if corrective action is required. Do you need help? Yes No • I 002 Go to SMAP 0025 Step 001 on page START-12. 003 Use the DASD Symptom Code Summary report and Figure 5 on page START-10 to determine the following: 1. Determine that the failure is a 33SQ-JK failure. Verify that the Device Type Column contains 3380-JK or the symptom code is Dxxx. = Determine the kind of errors (Permanent or Temporary) from the OCCURRENCES PERMITEMP columns. 3. Determine if corrective action is required. Use these guidelines: • • ~. I If the threshold for temporary seek errors (symptom codes 9Dxx and 9F1E) was exceeded on the DASD Symptom Code Summary report, corrective action is required. (See the EREP System Exception. DASD Symptom Code Summary report, Figure 5 on page START-10.) o START-8 EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ----- --_._._-- --~ .------~ -~- : ~I Symptom codes 9Dxx and 9F1E will not be presented in the Symptom Code Summary report unless the threshold is exceeded. When the threshold for seek checks is exceeded, a format 0 sense record (symptom code 0001) is logged and a If permanent errors are indicated in the DASD Symptom Code report, corrective action is required. (See the EREP System PIN 4519897 38 Sides If the threshold for temporary data checks was exceeded (indicated by a nonzero value in either the TEMPORARY OFFSET INVK YES or NO columns of the Data Transfer Summary report), corrective action is required. (See the TEMPORARY OFFSET INVK YES and NO columns of the EREP System Exception DASD Data Transfer Summary report, Figure 6 on page START-11, for additional information about data checks (Symptom Code 4xxx». When the threshold for data checks without . offset is exceeded, the storage control goes into logging mode. After logging mode is completed, a format 0 sense record (symptom code 0002) is logged and a message is presented in the DASD Informational Messages report (see Figure 5 on page PROG-11). There are cases where 3380-JK errors (symptom code = Dxxx) are reported with the wrong device type. For these cases a symptom code of Dxxx is a definite indication of an error on a 3380-JK device type. There are also cases where 3380 and 3380-DE format 7 errors (symptom code 7xxx or Bxxx) are reported for 3380-JK device type. For these errors, refer to the 3380 and 3380-DE maintenance package. 2. If temporary errors with one of the following symptom codes is reported in the DASD Symptom Code report, corrective action is required: -- -------- ((' message is presented in the DASD Informational Messages report (see Figure 5 on page PROG-11). (- (- • If three or more temporary errors (other than above) are indicated on the DASD Symptom Code Summary report, corrective action is required, (See the EREP System Exception DASD Symptom Code Summary report, Figure 5 on page START-10.) • If fewer than three temporary errors (other than above) are indicated on the DASD Symptom Code Summary report, maintenance action is not generally required. Temporary errors are usually transparent to the customer's normal operation unless the errors are occurring so often that performance is degraded. c: Continue to review EREP each day for additional errors. If the error condition persists, corrective action is required. According to the guidelines, is corrective action required? Yes No I (/ (/ c 004 Continue to review EREP daily for changes in the error conditions. 005 Go to SMAP 0025 Step 001 on page START-12. PIN 4519897 38 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp, 1987, 1988 START-9 DASD SYMPTOM COD~ SUMMARY o REPORT DATE 034 87 PERIOD FROM 032 87 TO 03487 ;:r~ :,,-~j SEQUENCE BY PROBABLE FAILING UNIT SYMPTOM PHYSICAL OCCURRENCES FAILURE CODE ID PERMITEMP AFFECT DEVICE TYPE 0 0 0 0 DATE AND TIME OF FIRST OCCURRENCE LAST OCCURRENCE SENSE FROM FIRST OCCURRENCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 0 1 2 3 PHYSICAL ERROR ADDRESS SSID-STRING PATH CPU{S) ******************************************************************************* PROBABLE FAILING UNIT: SEQUENCE BY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ L~ 338G-JK Look in these columns for counts of permanent and temporary errors. ( Use this column to identify the device type. \, '",-/ Use this column to identify the symptom code. Valid codes for 3380-JK are: Figure 5. 4xxx 9xxx Dxxx Exxx Headings for the DASD Symptom Code Summary Report. additional information about this report. See "DASD Symptom Code Summary" on page PROG-17 for rf"' \l) PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 START-10 ( ( DASD DATA TRANSFER SUMMARY PROBABLE FAILING UNIT - VOLUME REPORT DATE 034 87 PERIOD FROM 032 87 TO 034 87 SENSE COUNTS TEMPORARY OFFSET INVK THRESHOLD PERM NO YES LOGGING 'J ********************************************************************************** Use this column to find the number of permanent data checks that occurred in the report period. Use this column to find the number of times the temporary data check threshold was exceeded in the report period. The error records associated with numbers in this column contain the volume ID and the device address of the device that exceeded the threshold. ( Use this column to find the number of temporary data checks - - - - -.... recovered with offset. ( Use this column to find the number of temporary data checks that were logged during threshold logging. ( Figure 6. ----------------~ Headings for DASD Data Transfer Summary Report (' ( ( .. -_/ (: C; --,' PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01 Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 198B START-11 () SMAP 0025: Prioritizing Symptom Codes 001 (From (From (From (From SMAP 0020 Step 002 on page START-8) SMAP 0020 Step 005 on page START-9) SMAP 0030 Step 003 on page START-14) MD 0050 Step 003 on page MD-55) Determine the highest priority symptom code. Check for symptom codes that indicate undervoltage. All undervoltage or non-repeatable runout problems should be resolved before attempting to resolve other problems. Review the symptom codes for the following: DFFF EFFF EFFO 9FFF 9F9F Controller undervoltage Controller undervoltage Device undervoltage Device undervoltage Non-repeatable runout Do you have one of these symptom codes? Yes No I 002 Go to Step 004 in this SMAP. 003 This is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0030 Step 001 on page START-14. 004 (From Step 002 in this SMAP) Use the DASD Symptom Code Summary report to answer the following questions and to find the highest priority symptom code. (A description of the DASD Symptom Code Summary report starts on PROG-17.) Is there more than one symptom code listed? Yes No I 005 (Step 005 continues) PIN 4519897 38 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 005 (continued) The symptom code listed is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0030 Step 001 on page START-14. o o 006 (From Steps 010 and 012 in this SMAP) The following symptom codes are low priority symptom codes and should not be used to isolate a problem when other symptom codes with a value of Dxxx or Exxx are reported: Low Priority Symptom Codes DFx3 DFx5 DFx8 DFx9 DFxA DFxB DFxC DFxD Is there a low priority symptom code? Yes No I 007 Go to Step 010 in this SMAP. 008 Are there other Dxxx or Exxx symptom codes (temporary or permanent)? Yes No I 009 The highest priority symptom code is the first low priority symptom code listed. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0030 Step 001 on page START-14. Note: Symptom code DF05 may be caused by a control interface fenced condition or a control/er power off condition. There will usually be a preceding symptom code. 010 (From Step 007 in this SMAP) (Step 010 continues) START-12 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ) (- ( 010 (continued) Are there any symptom codes (other than the low priority symptom codes listed in Step 006 in this SMAP) with permanent errors? Yes No I 011 Determine the highest priority symptom code group. Use the following guidelines: 1. Symptom codes are grouped by the first character of the code. 2. If there are symptom codes in more than one of the following groups, select the group closest to the top of the list. ( ( Symptom Code Group Meaning 3xxx 2xxx Dxxx Exxx 9xxx 4xxx Oxxx 3. ( (\ (-~ Storage Control Check 1 Storage Control Equipment Check Controller Check 1 Controller Check 2 or Device Check 1 Device Check 2 Data Check Program or System Check After the highest priority group is determined, go to Step 015 in this SMAP. 012 Is there more than one symptom code (other than the low priority symptom codes listed in Step 006 in this SMAP) with permanent errors? Yes No I 013 The symptom code with permanent errors is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0030 Step 001 on page START-14. Symptom codes are grouped by the first character of the symptom code. Refer to the following table to group the symptom codes with permanent errors. If there are symptom codes with permanent errors in more than one of the groups listed in the table, select the group closest to the top of the table. Symptom Code Group Meaning 3xxx 2xxx Dxxx Exxx Storage Control Check 1 Storage Control Equipment Check Controller Check 1 Controller Check 2 or Device Check 1 Device Check 2 Data Check Program or System Check 9xxx 4xxx OXXX After the highest priority group is determined, go to Step 015 in this SMAP. 015 (From Steps 011 and 014 in this SMAP) Is there more than one symptom code in the selected group? Yes No I 016 The symptom code in the group selected is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0030 Step 001 on page ST ART-14. 017 The symptom code in the selected group that occurs most often (permanent and temporary) Is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0030 Step 001 on page START-14. 014 Determine the highest priority symptom code group. PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 START-13 SMAP 0030: Locating the Failing String and Devices 001 (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From SMAP 0025 Step 003 on page START-12) SMAP 0025 Step 005 on page START-12) SMAP 0025 Step 009 on page START-12) SMAP 0025 Step 013 on page START-13) SMAP 0025 Step 016 on page START-13) SMAP 0025 Step 017 on page START-13) IMAP 0205 Step 003 on page ISOLATE-2) RMAP 0310 Step 001 on page REPAIR-5) MO 0050 Step 003 on page MO-55) MO 0052 Step 005 on page MO-62) Warning: Use the data in the Physical Address column of the report to identify the physical controller, path, and device. Do not use the Error Path column or the Physical 10 column to Identify the failing paths or devices. The Error Path column identifies the path the error was reported on and the device that was selected when the error was reported, not necessarily the failing physical address. • To identify the string. match the controller 10 (CC) in the Physical Address column with the string 10 on the A unit operator panel. • To identify the Storage Control. match the SOlD or SSIO from the SSID-STRING column with the SOlD or SSIO on the storage control. • To identify the controller. match the path bit (P) in the Physical Address column with the path character on the A unit operator panel. • To identify devices, match the device address (DO) in the Physical Address column with the device addresses on the A unit operator panel. Locate the failing machine. Do you need help? Yes No I 002 Go to SMAP 0033 Step 001 on page START-16. 003 Use the entry with the highest priority symptom . code. Using the OASO Symptom Code Summary report (see Figure 7 on page START-15). perform the following steps. Go to SMAP 0033 Step 001 on page START-16. 1. Verify that the Device Type column contains 3380·JK or the symptom code is Dxxx. Note: If two strings are attached to the control interface, there are some cases where format 7 errors (sense byte 7= 7x) are reported for both strings. For these cases, it is necessary to locate both strings. To locate 3380 or 3380-DE strings, use the appropriate 3380 maintenance package. 2. Determine the physical string, controllers, devices, and storage control related to the failure. c If there are multiple symptom codes in the symptom code group determined in SMAP 0025 Step 001 on page START-12. use all physical addresses listed within the selected group (both permanent and temporary errors) to make this determination (not just those physical addresses listed under the highest priority symptom code). PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @Copyright IBM Corp. ISS7, 19a5 START-14 ( REPORT DATE 034 87 PERIOD FROM 032 87 TO 034 87 DASD SYMPTOM CODE SUMMARY ( SEQUENCE BY PROBABLE FAILING UNIT SYMPTOM PHYSICAL OCCURRENCES FAILURE CODE ID PERM/TEMP AFFECT DEVICE TYPE ( « ( DATE FIRST OCCURRENCE SENSE FROM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 PHYSICAL ERROR ADDRESS SSID-STRING PATH AND TIME OF LAST OCCURRENCE FIRST OCCURRENCE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 CPU(S) ******************************************************************************* PROBABLE BY FAILING UNIT: SEQUENCE ________________________________________________________ __ - DATE TIME - - - - - - - - CC.P-DD Use this column to identify I the failing controllers. ~ paths, and devices: CC = Controller String ID P = Physical Path DD = Device Physical Address - DATE TIME - - SENSE - DATA SC-S L - - - - - - - - Use this column to identify the Storage Control and string address (0 or 1): SC = storage Control S = String (0 or 1) SC-CC-DD For certain Format 7 errors, I the physical address is ~ reported in the same form as previous 3880 models: SC = Storage Control CC = Controller String ID DD = Device Physical Address Figure 7. DASD Symptom Code Summary Report, Physical Address field. for additional Information about this report. See "DASD Symptom Code Summary" on page PROG-17 ( ( (~\ PIN 4519897 38 Sides «:> Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 START-15 o SMAP 0033: Determine the Probable Failing Unit 001 (From SMAP 0030 Step 002 on page START-14) (From SMAP 0030 Step 003 on page START-14) 1. Use the DASD Symptom Code Summary report to determine the probable Falling Unit. Determine the probable failing unit from the first line following the report heading. See Figure 9. 2. Find the highest priority symptom code group in Figure 8 and go to the SMAP, MLX entry, or maintenance package indicated. Symptom Code Groups Go To 2xxx, 3xxx, or Fxxx Storage Control errors The storage control maintenance package, MLX entry 6. Dxxx SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. EBxx (Controller/Device Port checks) SMAP 0057 Step 001 on page START-33. Exxx (except EBxx) SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. 9xxx SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. 1xxx, 6xxx, 7xxx, or8xxx The 3380 Stage 2 maintenance package. Axxx, Bxxx, or Cxxx The 3380-DE maintenance package. 4xxx Data Check SMAP 0050 Step 001 on page START-23. Oxxx Figure 8. The storage control maintenance package, MLX entry 6. Symptom Code Groups. DASD SYMPTOM CODE SUMMARY REPORT DATE 034 87 PERIOD FROM 032 87 TO 034 87 SEQUENCE BY PROBABLE FAILING UNIT SYMPTOM PHYSICAL OCCURRENCES FAILURE CODE ID PERM/TEMP AFFECT DATE AND TIME OF FIRST OCCURRENCE LAST OCCURRENCE SENSE FROM FIRST OCCURRENCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 PHYSICAL ERROR ADDRESS SSID-STRING PATH CPU(S) DEVICE TYPE ******************************************************************************* J PROBABLE FAILING UNIT: XXXXX~~ SEQUENCE BY Use this field to determine the PFU (probable failing unit) Figure 9. DASD Symptom Code Summary Report, Probable Failing Unit. PIN 4519897 38 Sides © Copyright Probable failing units are: Channel Multiple (more than Storage Control one device) Device Unknown Volume EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 START-16 o ( SMAP 0035: Corrective Action Determination With Sense Data ( 001 006 (From SMAP 0015 Step 001 on page START-3) (From Step 004 in this SMAP) Determine if corrective action is required. Go to the appropriate maintenance package as indicated in the following list: Do you need help? Yes No Symptom Meaning and Code Maintenance Package I ( 002 ( ( 6xxx 003 1. 2. f 3. ( 8xxx Determine the symptom code from sense bytes 22 and 23. Axxx Bxxx Cxxx Determine that the failure is a 3380·JK failure from the symptom code. Is this a valid 3380-JK failure? Yes No I 004 Go to Step 006 in this SMAP. ( 7xxx Determine if the error is permanent or temporary from console messages. Valid 3380-JK symptom codes are 4xxx (except 49xx), 9xxx, Dxxx, and Exxx. 49xx symptom codes are not used for the 3380-JK. ( 1xxx 5xxx Go to SMAP 0040 Step 001 on page START-19. 005 Go to Step 007 in this SMAP. Device Check 2 - 3380 Stage 2 Correctable data check - 3380 Stage 2 or 3380-DE Controller Check 2 or Device Check 1 - 3380 Stage 2 Controller Check 1 • 3380 Stage 2 Controller Check 2 or Device Check 1 - 3380 Stage 2 Device Check 2 - 3380-DE Controller Chec.k 1 - 3380-DE Controller Check 2 or Device Check 1 • 3380-DE 007 (From Step 005 in this SMAP) Determine if corrective action is required. Use these guidelines: • If permanent errors are indicated, corrective action is required. • If temporary errors with one of the following symptom codes is reported, corrective action is required: ( 4xCx, DFFF, • 9E12, EFFF, 9FFF, 9F9F EFFO If the threshold for temporary data checks (symptom codes 4xxx) was exceeded, corrective action is required. A threshold exceeded condition can be determined from console messages or from a format 0 sense record with a symptom code of 0002. (C/ C' PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 «:) Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 START-17 • If the threshold for temporary seek errors (symptom codes 9Dxx and 9F1E) was exceeded, corrective action is required. A threshold exceeded condition can be determined from console messages or from a format 0 sense record with a symptom code of 0001. Note: Symptom codes 9Dxx and 9Ft E are not presented to the system unless the threshold is exceeded. • If three or more temporary errors (other than above) are indicated, corrective action is required. • If fewer than three temporary errors (other than above) are indicated, maintenance action is not generally required. Temporary errors usually do not affect the customer's normal operation unless the errors are occurring $0 often that performance is degraded. Review EREP each day for additional errors. If the error condition persists, corrective action is required. According to the guidelines, is corrective action required? Yes No I 008 Review EREP daily for changes in the error conditions. 009 Go to SMAP 0040 Step 001 on page START-19. PIN 4519897 38 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 START-iS ( C f ( SMAP 0040: Prioritizing Symptom Codes 001 (From (From (From (From (From SMAP 0035 Step 002 on page START-17) SMAP 0035 Step 009 on page START-18) SMAP 0045 Step 004 on page START-22) SMAP 0053 Step 005 on page START-30) MD 0050 Step 004 on page MD-56) 006 (From Steps 010 and 012 in this SMAP) The following symptom codes are low priority symptom codes and should not be used to isolate a problem when other symptom codes with a value of Dxxx or Exxx are reported: Determine the highest priority symptom code. Low Priority Symptom Codes ( Check for symptom codes that indicate undervoltage. All undervoltage or non-repeatable runout problems should be resolved before attempting to resolve other problems. Review the symptom codes for the following: DFFF EFFF EFFO 9FFF 9F9F Controller undervoltage Controller undervottage Device undervoltage Device undervoltage Non-repeatable runout Do you have one of these symptom codes? Yes No DFx3 DFx5 DFx8 I 007 Go to Step 010 in this SMAP. 008 Are there other Dxxx or Exxx symptom codes (temporary or permanent)? Yes No I 009 The highest priority symptom code is the first low priority symptom code listed. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0045 Step 001 on page START-21. 002 Go to Step 004 in this SMAP. 003 This is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0045 Step 001 on page START-21. Note: Symptom code DF05 may be caused by a control interface fenced condition or a controller power off condition. There will usually be a preceding symptom code. ( (' (-' (0, 004 (From Step 002 in this SMAP) Perform the following MAP steps to find the highest priority symptom code. Is there more than one symptom code listed? Yes No I 005 The symptom code listed is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0045 Step 001 on page START-21. PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01 Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp, 1987. 1988 ( DFxC DFxD Is there a low priority symptom code? Yes No I ( DFx9 DFxA DFxB 010 (From Step 007 in this SMAP) Are there any symptom codes (other than the low priority symptom codes listed in Step 006 in this SMAP) with permanent errors? Yes No I (Istep 011 continues) START-19 011 Determine the highest priority symptom code group. Use the following guidelines: table. Symptom Code Meaning Group 1. Symptom codes are grouped by the first character of the code. 2. If there are symptom codes in more than one of the following groups, select the group closest to the top of the list. 3xxx 2xxx Dxxx Exxx Symptom Code Group Meaning 9xxx 4xxx OXXX 3xxx 2xxx Dxxx Exxx 9xxx 4xxx Oxxx 3. Storage Control Check 1 Storage Control Equipment Check Controller Check 1 Controller Check 2 or Device Check 1 Device Check 2 Data Check Program or System Check After the highest priority group is determined, go to Step 015 in this SMAP. 012 Is there more than one symptom code (other than the low priority symptom codes listed in Step 006 in this SMAP) with permanent errors? Yes No I 013 The symptom code with permanent errors is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0045 Step 001 on page START-21. Storage Control Check 1 Storage Control Equipment Check Controller Check 1 Controller Check 2 or Device Check 1 Device Check 2 Data Check Program or System Check After the highest priority group is determined, go to Step 015 in this SMAP. 015 (From Steps 011 and 014 in this SMAP) Is there more than one symptom code in the selected group? Yes No I 016 The symptom code in the group selected is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0045 Step 001 on ·page START-21. 017 The symptom code in the selected group that occurs most often (permanent and temporary) is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0045 Step 001 on page START-21. 014 Determine the highest priority symptom code group. Symptom codes are grouped by the first character of the symptom code. Refer to the following table to group the symptom codes with permanent errors. If there are symptom codes with permanent errors in more than one of the groups listed in the table, select the group closest to the top of the PIN 4519897 38 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 START-20 (~.\ \. > ( SMAP 0045: Locating the Failing String and Devices ( 001 (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From ( (" 3. SMAP 0040 Step 003 on page START-19) SMAP 0040 Step 005 on page START-19) SMAP 0040 Step 009 on page START-19) SMAP 0040 Step 013 on page START-20) SMAP 0040 Step 016 on page START-20) SMAP 0040 Step 017 on page START-20) IMAP 0205 Step 003 on page ISOLATE-2) RMAP 0310 Step 001 on page REPAIR-5) MD 0050 Step 004 on page MD-56) Sense Byte 4 Path OOxx xxxx 01xx xxxx 10xx XXXX 11xx xxxx Path Path Path Path Sense Byte 4 String Address I xxOx xxxx xx1x xxxx String 0 String 1 002 Go to Step 004 in this SMAP. Sense Byte 4 Device Address xxxO xxxO xxxO xxxO Device Device Device Device Locate the failing machine. Do you need help? Yes No ( ( 003 Determine the physical strings, controllers, and devices (CC.P.DD). If there are multiple symptom codes in the symptom code group determined on page ST ART -19, use all sense records in the selected group to make the following determination (not just those sense records associated with the highest priority symptom code). (' Note: If there are two strings attached to the control interface, there are some cases where format 7 errors (sense byte 7= 7x) are reported for both strings. For these cases it is necessary to locate both strings. To locate 3380 or 3380-DE strings, use the appropriate 3380 maintenance package. 1. (~. 2. ( "', _/ Use sense byte 3 or 14 to determine the string 10. See Figure 11 on page START-22. For example, if the symptom code is 9xxx, Dxxx, or Exxx, use sense byte 3 to determine the String ID. If the symptom code is 4xxx, use sense byte 14. (' 0000 0001 0010 0011 xxx11110 xxx11111 0 1 2 3 00 01 02 03 Device 1E Device 1F 4. To identify the controller, use sense byte 4 to determine the path and device address. Next, match the path and device address from sense byte 4 with the Path and Device on the A-Unit operator panel. For 3880 subsystems, see page INTRO-7; for 3990 subsystems, see page INTRO-20 or INTRO-22. 5. To identify a device, match the device address from sense byte 4 with the Device on the A unit operator panel. For 3880 subsystems, see page INTRO-7; for 3990 subsystems, see page INTRO'-20 or INTRO-22. Continue with Step 004 in this SMAP. To identify the string, match the string ID obtained from sense byte 3 or 14 with the String 10 on the A-unit operator panel. For 3880 subsystems, see page INTRO-7; for 3990 subsystems, see page INTRO-20 or INTRO-22. PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 (' Use sense byte 4 to determine the path, the string address, and the device address: START-21 004 (From Steps 002 and 003 in this SMAP) Find your highest priority symptom code group in Figure 10 (determined in SMAP 0040 Step 001 on page START-19) and go to the SMAP, MLX entry, or maintenance package indicated. Symptom Code Groups Go To 2xxx, 3xxx, or Fxxx Storage Control errors The storage control maintenance package, MLXentry 6. Dxxx SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. EBxx (Controller/Device Port checks) SMAP 0057 Step 001 on page START-33. Exxx (except EBxx) SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. 9xxx SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. 1xxx, 6xxx, 7xxx, or8xxx Axxx, Bxxx, or 4xxx Oxxx Figur~ /~ The 3380 Stage 2 maintenance package. Cxxx The 3380-DE maintenance package. Data Check SMAP 0050 Step 001 on page START-23. The storage control maintenance package, MLX entry 6. 10. Symptom Cod~ Groups Sense Symptom Code Error Type Byte 7 (bytes 22 and 23) Storage Director ID Byte Controller or String ID Byte Device ID and Path Byte 3x Oxxx 9xxx 2xxx 3xxx 4x 4xxx Data checks Byte 21 Byte 14 Byte 4 7x Dxxx Controller check-1 Byte 21 Byte 3 Byte 4 8x Exxx Controller check-2 or device check-1 Byte 21 Byte 3 Byte 4 9x 9xxx Device check-2 (R/W checks) Byte 21 Byte 3 Byte 4 Fx Fxxx Storage Control check or message Byte 21 * * Ox 1x 2x Figur~ \ 11. Program or system check Byte 21 Device check-2 (except R/W checks) Byte 21 Byte 3 Storage Control equipment checks Byte 21 Storage Control check-1 Byte 21 * * * "ir Byte 4 ~'r * Physical 10 Bytes by Sense Format * See the Storage Control maintenance package for sense byte definitions. \ , '''1:...../ r-~ PIN 4519897 38 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01AugB9 IBM Corp. 1987, 198a START-22 ( "'-- ,/ ( f" f. SMAP 0050: Planning the Repair Action for Data Checks 001 3. (From SMAP 0033 Step 001 on page START-16) (From SMAP 0045 Step 004 on page ST ART-22) The highest priority symptom found was data checks (symptom code group 4xxx). ( (' ( ( Use the EREP System Exception report, DASD Data Transfer Summary If available. See Figure 12 on page START-24. An analysis of this report will assist you in making the decisions that are required to isolate and fix data check problems. Defects in the media will be fixed by the Device Support Facilities program or other programs. Hardware errors will require a repair action. For information about media maintenance, see Maintaining IBM Storage Subsystem Media, GC26-4495 and Device Support Facilities Primer for the User of IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage, GC26-4498. 1. Determine if there are permanent data checks. Examine the PERM column in the DASD Data Transfer Summary or examine console messages for permanent data checks. Warning: Do not use sense byte 1, bit 0 to determine if a data check is permanent. 2. (' (' Determine if there are data checks that required offset for recovery. Determine if there are data check threshold exceeded conditions. Examine the OFFSET INVK NO column in the DASD Data Transfer Summary report or sense byte 2, bit 2 of each sense record to find entries for devices that were put in Logging mode. Sense byte 2, bit 2 (first logging mode) identifies the first record logged for a device in logging mode. A data check with a symptom code of 4xCx may be reported in this column. 4xCx symptom codes are all logged. (The threshold does not apply.) 4xCx indicates that the data check was not recoverable with one or more control unit retry sequences. A data check of this type should be treated as permanent. For additional information on data check reporting, see "Understanding Temporary Data Check Reporting" on page PROG-1S. Did more than one device in the failing string report data checks. Yes No I 002 Go to SMAP 0051 Step 001 on page START-25. 003 Go to SMAP 0056 Step 001 on page START-32. Examine the OFFSET INVK YES column in the DASD Data Transfer Summary report or examine sense byte 23 to determine if data checks with offset were reported. If byte 23 contains hex 2x, 6x, or Ax, offset was active. ('" (~~ C,\ PIN 4519897 38 Sides CO Copyright (' EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 START-23 ,ff l, ~ REPORT DATE 034 85 PERIOD FROM 032 85 TO 032 85 DASD DATA TRANSFER SUMMARY PROBABLE FAILING UNIT - VOLUME Vi SENSE COUNTS TEMPORARY OFFSET INVK THRESHOLD PERM NO YES LOGGING ********************************************************************MKMMMKMKK***** f~--"\ SEQUENCE BY VOLUME LABEL, PHYSICAL ADDRESS, HEAD, CYLINDER UNITADDRESS xxxx DEVTYPE 338o-JK VOLUME CPU A PHYSICAL ADDRESS 52.1-0A ",,/ HSM800 /,c--....\ FAILURE AT ADDRESS: CYLINDER 0087 HEAD 01 0 00001000 4A570143 00570001 00035200 00010000 00804340 LAST SENSE AT: 032/85 15:29:50:71 1 o 15 FAILURE AT ADDRESS: CYLINDER 0095 HEAD 02 00001000 4A5F0243 005F0002 00035200 00010000 00804340 LAST SENSE AT: 032/85 18:33:51:07 0 o o 1 FAILURE AT ADDRESS: CYLINDER 0105 HEAD 04 00001000 4A690443 00690004 00035200 00040000 00804340 LAST SENSE AT: 032/85 18:33:51:07 0 1 o 30 Use this column to find the number of permanent data checks' that occurred in the report period. ~ J \"",,) Use this column to find the n~ber of times the temporary data check threshold was exceeded in the report period. Use this column to find the number of temporary data checks _ _ _ _..I recovered with offset. Use this column to find the number of temporary data checks - - - - - - - -..... that were logged during threshold logging. Above example shows: I Device OA on string 52, path 1, has exceeded the temporary data check (no offset) threshold two times. cylinder 87 head 1 - a temporary error on this track caused the cylinder 95 head 2 - this track had a total of 1 temporary error recorded while in threshold logging mode. cylinder 105 head 4 - a temporary error on this track caused the threshold to be exceeded. The track had a total of 16 temporary errors. threshold to be exceeded. The track had a total of 31 temporary errors. Recommended repair action for the above example: Ask the customer to run ICKDSF INSPECT with PRESERVE and CHECK(l) on cylinder 87 head 1 and on cylinder 105 head 4. Figure 12. Sample of DASD Data Transfer Summary Report PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 START-24 ( ( SMAP 0051: Determining Tracks Reporting Data Checks (- 001 004 (From SMAP OOSO Step 002 on page START-23) (From Steps 002 and 003 in this SMAP) Use this SMAP to determine the failing track addresses. Warning: Have the customer dump the data from the volume if one of the following conditions exist: Do you need help? Yes No • Permanent data checks on eleven or more tracks. • Permanent data checks on any head at three or more consecutive track addresses. ( I 002 Go to Step 004 in this SMAP. ( 003 Determine the failing cylinder and head address. Use the EREP System Exception report, DASD Data Transfer Summary if available. Refer to Figure 12 on page START-24 for an example of this report. Record the CYLINDER and HEAD values for each head reporting errors from the "FAILURE AT ADDRESS" lines. Cylinder and head values are in decimal. If a DASD Data Transfer Summary report is not available, the cylinder and head address (hexadecimal) may be determined from sense bytes Sand 6 using the following diagram: Sense byte 5 Sense byte 6 02 31 II c (~ I cytHer 03 02 Have the customer perform media maintenance in accordance with the procedures described in Maintaining IBM Storage Subsystem Media, GC26--: ms. Note: Before using the Device Support Facilities INSPECT command to inspect tracks, the customer should always run the Device Support Facilities ANAL YZE DRIVETEST to ensure there are no hardware problems. For additional information about media maintenance, see" Part 3: Using Device Support Facilities" in Device Support Facilities Primer for the User of IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage, GC26-4498. Did Device Support Facilities indicate a suspected drive problem or present error messages? Yes No I Head 01 005 Go to Step 007 in this SMAP. In this example, byte S contains 02 and byte 6 contains 31. The address is cylinder X"0302," head. X "01." 006 Go to SMAP 0052 Step 001 on page START-27. Bytes 8 to 11 mayor may not contain the CCCC HHHH in hexadecimal for the track having the data check, depending on the nature of the data check. Go to Step 004 in this SMAP. PIN 4519897 38 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 START-25 -, {~ r "'-? 007 (From Step 005 in this SMAP) Device Support Facilities does not Indicate a suspected drive problem and does not present error messages. (,-.;---"'\ Perform the following actions: 1. Determine if the problem was corrected. 2. Continue to review EREP reports as required to verify that the media maintenance action was successful. Refer to SMAP 0017 Step 001 on page START·6 for the guidelines to be used for the review procedure. 3. \... j /'. ~ ..• If the problem was not corrected, perform the following: • If possible, collect additional information by having the customer run Device Support Facilities ANALYZE SCAN. • Obtain all error data from Device Support Facilities. /-". ',-.. / Go to SMAP 0056 Step 001 on page ST ART-32. PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright iBM Corp. 1987, 1988 START-26 ( SMAP 0052: Corrective Action Determination from Device Support Facilities Messages 001 (From SMAP 0015 Step 001 on page START-3) (From SMAP 0051 Step 006 on page START-25) Device Support Facilities reports can be used to supplement the EREP System Exception reports for isolating data check problems. This MAP deals with error messages that can be presented in the Device Support Facilities reports for the following Device Support Facilities commands: (' • • • • • • • • • 02 = 3380 Stage 1 or 2 06 = 3380-D OA = 3380-E 16 = 3380-J 1E = 3380-K Determine if corrective action is required. Do you need help? Yes No I 002 Go to Step 005 in this SMAP. ANALYZE DRIVETEST ANALYZE SCAN INSPECT INIT 003 Corrective action is required if one of the following messages is presented: Collect information about the problem. (/ (" 1. Collect Device Support Facilities reports. 2. If possible collect EREP System Exception Reports prior to running Device Support Facilities programs. These reports will assist with problem determination. For information about Device Support Facilities, and error messages, refer to Device Support Facilities User's Guide and Reference, GC35-0033, Level 12 or later. SUSPECTED DRIVE PROBLEM This message is an indication of a hardware problem. For most hardware problems, one or more of the following messages may also be reported. EQUIPMENT CHECK (permanent or temporary) Equipment checks are indicated by the term "EQUIPMENT CHECK" or by Sense byte 07 as follows: OX, 1X, 2X, 3X, 7X, 8X, 9X, or FX. For information on when and how to perform media maintenance, refer to: UNCORRECTABLE DATA CHECK OCCURRED ON CE CYLINDER This message can indicate either correctable or uncorrectable data checks. • CE CYLINDER DATA CHECK THRESHOLD • Maintaining IBM Storage Subsystem Media, GC26-4495. Device Support Facilities: Primer for the User of IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage, GC26-4498. These manuals contain guidelines the customer uses to determine when and how to perform media maintenance and when to call IBM for service. Determine that the failure is a 3380-JK failure. (~ Review the Device Support Facilities reports to ensure that PHYSICAL DEVICE 3380 and that DEVICE DESCRIPTOR = 16 or 1E. c 3380 device descriptor codes are as follows: = PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 (~~CEEDED This message can indicate either correctable or uncorrectable data checks. CORRECTABLE DATA CHECK LIMIT EXCEEDED ON CE CYLINDER This message is used to show that the indicated head has exceeded the error criterion. A previous message has indicated the detailed sense information associated with the failing head. START-27 DATA CHECK THRESHOLD EXCEEDED ON ONE OR MORE HEADS This message is produced if one or more heads exceed a threshold for data checks. These data checks may be either correctable or uncorrectable. The head or heads that exceed the threshold are indicated in the MOVEABLE HEAD ERROR TABLE that follows the message. DATAVER DATA CHECK EXCEEDED THRESHOLD The number of data checks detected while running ANALYZE SCAN exceeded a threshold established for data checks on this volume. (non-repeatable) data check during surface analysis of the indicated track. It is normal and expected that some data checks could be detected when INSPECT is run. This message by itself is not necessarily cause for concern. CORRECTABLE DATA CHECK OCCURRED ON CE CYLINDER It is expected that there will be some data checks during a run of ANALYZE DRIVETEST. According to the guidelines, is corrective action required? Yes No I 004 DATAVER UNCORRECTABLE ERROR This message is used by ANALYZE SCAN to indicate that it has found a track that is not correctable using ECC correction algorithms. It does not mean that it would not be read correctly using rereads, read with offset or be ECC correctable as a result of those rereads. DATAVER CORRECTABLE ERROR This message is produced whenever ANALYZE detects a correctable data check which persists through multiple attempts to read the data. The multiple read is intended to eliminate data checks caused by random noise. Corrective action is not required for the following messages unless one or more of the above messages also occur. SKIP DISPLACEMENTS CHANGED FOR TRACK X"cccc hhhh." This message is generated each time INSPECT determines a media defect and bypasses it by assigning a skip displacement. It is normal and expected that some skip displacements will be assigned when INSPECT is run. It should be noted that skip displacements may be changed even when the NOSKIP option is selected. TRACK X"cccc hhhh" EXPERIENCED NON-RECURRING DATA CHECKS This message occurs when the INSPECT function detects a non-recurring PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1989 © Copyright Continue to review EREP periodically for error conditions. 005 (From Step 002 in this SMAP) Go to the message in Figure 13 on page START-29 and perform the indicated corrective action. 006 (From Step 011 in this SMAP) Do the Device Support Facilities messages contain sense data? Yes No I 007 A media maintenance action is required. Have the customer perform media maintenance in accordance with the procedures in Maintaining IBM Storage Subsystem Media, GC26-4495. For 'additional information about media maintenance, see Device Support Facilities: Primer for the User of IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage, GC26-4498. If the media maintenance procedures indicate that a maintenance action is . aquired (for example, "Call your Service Representative"), go to SMAP 0053 Step 001 on page START-30. (Step 008 continues) START-28 f ( ( 008 Determine if there is an undervoltage or loss of track following condition: • Sense byte 23, bit 4 = 1, indicates that a device undervoltage condition was detected. • Sense byte 23, bit 5 = 1, indicates that a controller undervoltage condition was detected. • Sense byte 23, bit 7 = 1, indicates that a loss of track following was detected. Is there an undervoltage condition or loss of track following condition? Yes No ( I 011 (From Step 009 in this SMAP) A media maintenance action is required. Have the customer perform media maintenance in accordance with the procedures in Maintaining IBM Storage Subsystem Media, GC26-4495. For additional information about media maintenance, see Device Support Facilities: Primer for the User of IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage, GC26-4498. If the media maintenance procedures indicate that a maintenance action is required (for example, "Call your Service Representative"), go to SMAP 0053 Step 001 on page START-30. 009 Go to Step 011 in this SMAP. 010 A maintenance action is reCjuired. Go to SMAP 0053 Step 001 on page START-30. C\ Message Action SUSPECTED DRIVE PROBLEM Go to SMAP 0053 Step 001 on page START-30 EQUIPMENT CHECK Go to SMAP 0053 Step 001 on page START-30 UNCORRECTABLE DATA CHECK OCCURRED ON CE CYLINDER Go to SMAP 0053 Step 001 on page START-30 CE CYLINDER DATA CHECK THRESHOLD EXCEEDED Go to SMAP 0053 Step 001 on page START-30 CORRECT ABLE OAT A CHECK LIMIT EXCEEDED ON CE CYLINDER Go to SMAP 0053 Step 001 on page START-30 DATA CHECK THRESHOLD EXCEEDED ON ONE OR MORE HEADS Go to SMAP 0053 Step 001 on page START-30 DATAVER DATA CHECK EXCEEDED THRESHOLD Go to SMAP 0053 Step 001 on page START-30 DATAVER UNCORRECTABLE ERROR Go to Step 006 in this SMAP DATAVER CORRECTABLE ERROR Go to Step 006 in this SMAP SKIP DISPLACEMENTS CHANGED FOR TRACK X"cccc hhhh" No action is required. TRACK X"cccc hhhh" EXPERIENCED NON-RECURRING DATA CHECKS No action is required. CORRECTABLE DATA CHECK OCCURRED ON CE CYLINDER No action is required. ,,/ C C Figure 13. Device Support Facilities messages PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 START-29 (.' ~"'.?, SMAP 0053: Locating the Failing Unit from Device Support Facilities Messages 001 (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From 006 SMAP 0052 SMAP 0052 SMAP 0052 SMAP 0052 SMAP 0052 SMAP 0052 SMAP 0052 SMAP 0052 SMAP 0052 SMAP 0052 Step Step Step Step Step Step Step Step Step Step 007 010 011 011 011 011 011 011 011 011 on on on on on on on on on on page page page page page page page page page page START-28) START-29) ST ART-29) START-29) START-29) START-29) START-29) START-29) START-29) START-29) (From Step 004 In this SMAP) The sense data is from a Data Check. Locate the failing unit with the physical ID information contained in sense bytes 4 and 14 as follows: 1. To identify the string, match the String ID contained in sense byte 14 with the string 10 on the A-unit operator panel. For 3880 subsystems, see Figure 6 on page INTRO-7;for 3990 subsystems, see Figure 14 on page INTRO-20 and Figure 15 on page INTRO-20. 2. To identify the controller, use sense byte 4 to determine the path and device address. Next, match the path and device address from sense byte 4 with the Path and Device on the A-unit operator panel. The best way to locate the failing unit is with the physical address information contained in a sense record. Does the report contain error messages with sense data? Yes No I 002 Use the Channel Unit Address (CUU) or the volume identifier (DNAME, DDNAME or SYSNAME) from the input statement with existing CE or customer procedures to locate the failing unit. Schedule machine with customer and go to IMAP 0230 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-16. 003 All Equipment Check problems should be resolved before attempting to resolve a Data Check problem. Is there an Equipment Check message? Yes No I 004 Go to Step 006 in this SMAP. 005 Go to SMAP 0040 Step 001 on page START-19. Sense Byte 4 Path OOxx xxxx 01xx xxxx 10xx xxxx 11xx xxxx Path Path Path Path Sense Byte 4 String Address xxOx xxxx xx1x xxxx String 0 String 1 Sense Byte 4 Device Address xxxO xxxO xxxO xxxO Device Device Device Device 0000 0001 0010 0011 xxx11110 xxx11111 0 1 2 3 00 01 02 03 Device 1E Device 1F Go to SMAP 0054 Step 001 on page START-31. \,-- " ) PIN 4519897 38 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01AugS9 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 START-30 ( (' SMAP 0054: Prioritizing Data Check Symptom Codes using Device Support Facilities Messages (' 001 (From SMAP 0053 Step 006 on page START-30) ('.' ( closest to the top of the following table of sense byte 22 values: Use the following guidelines to determine the highest priority symptom code. 1 Sense Byte 22 Value 44 2 45 3 46 4 47 003 5 40 Determine the highest priority group of symptom codes from the following list. Select the applicable group that is closest to the top of the list. 6 41 7 42 8 43 Is there more than 1 symptom code listed? Yes No Group I 002 The symptom code listed is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Sense Byte 23. bits 4 or 5 = 1 (undervoltage) Sense Byte 23. bit 7 = 1 (lost track following) Message indicates uncorrectable Other Is there more than one symptom code in the selected group? Yes No ,(" The symptom code listed is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. 005 Reduce the size of the selected group by selecting only those symptom codes that are in the group \ / I 006 The symptom code listed is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. 004 (~ ( Is there more than one symptom code in the selected group? Yes No I -" PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1998 Description No Sync Byte Found, HA Area No Sync Byte Found, Count Area No Sync Byte Found, Key Area No Sync Byte Found, • Data Area ECC Data Check, HA Area ECC Data Check, Count Area ECC Data Check, Key Area ECC Data Check, Data Area 007 The symptom code that occurs most often is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. START-31 SMAP 0056: Prioritizing Data Check Symptom Codes using Sense Data 001 (From SMAP 0050 Step 003 on page START-23) (From SMAP 0051 Step 007 on page START-26) closest to the top of the following list of sense byte 22 values: Use the following guidelines to determine the highest priority symptom code. Is there more than 1 symptom code listed? Yes No Group Sense Byte 22 Value Description 1 44 No Sync Byte Found, HA Area 2 45 No Sync Byte Found, Count Area 3 46 No Sync Byte Found, Key Area 4 47 No Sync Byte Found, Data Area 5 40 fCC Data Check, HA Area Determine the highest priority group of symptom codes from the following list. Select the applicable group that is closest to the top of the list. 6 41 fCC Data Check, Count Area 7 42 fCC Data Check, Key Area Sense Byte 23, bits 4 or 5 = 1 (undervoltage) Sense Byte 23, bit 2 = 1 (offset active) Sense Byte 23, bit 7 = 1 (lost track following) Permanent Data Check (Indicated in EREP Data Transfer Summary or console message) Other 8 43 fCC Data Check, Data Area I - 002 The symptom code listed is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. 003 Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Priority 5 Is there more than one symptom code in the selected group? Yes No I 006 The symptom code listed is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. Is there more than one symptom code in the selected group? Yes No I 004 The symptom code listed is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. 005 ',,-_./' 007 The symptom code that occurs most often is the highest priority symptom code. Record the symptom code and go to SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. Reduce the size of the selected group by selecting only those symptom codes that are in the group '~ -. \", PIN 4519897 38 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 START-32 /\ -"", '----.--" I ( (' ( 3380-JK SMAP 0057: Determining the Failing Poris (EBxx) 1 001 1 f f ( ( (From SMAP 0033 Step 001 on Page START-16) (From SMAP 0045 Step 004 on Page START-22) (From IMAP 0220 Step 001 on Page ISOlATE-12) Determine the failing ports and the devices and controllers that must be removed from customer operation to repair the problem. The EBX)( Symptom Code represents a failure of the Controller/Device Port (COP) interface. Failing Ports and Devices cannot be determined from the physical address column in the EREP . DASD Symptom Code Summary report or from sense byte 4. Multiple Port Failures Failing ports are determined from the EBxx symptom code where bits 4-7 of "xx" identify the failing port. See Figure 14. Multiple EBxx symptom codes with different values of "xx" indicate that multiple ports are failing and that the failure is probably in the controller. Repairing the problem requires that the controller and one failing device be removed from customer operation. Single Port Failures If all EBxx symptom codes have the same value of "xx," a single port is failing. The failure may be in the controller, or in the COP interface, or in one of the four devices on the port. If devices on more than one drive are reporting errors, failing devices cannot be determined from sense data. Isolating the problem requires that the controller and all four devices on the failing port be removed from customer operation. See Figure 14 to determine which port and devices are associated with the failure. Note:' Failure boundary definition for EBXX symptom codes requires the use of MD procedure 0051 (see MD 0051 Step 001 on page MD-58). Go to SMAP 0058 Step 001 on page START-34. Table 1. PortlDevice Service Groups EBxx Bits 4-7 if Port Device Address EBxx Bits 4-7 Port Device Address x4 4 10-13 x8 0 00-03 x5 5 14-17 x9 1 04-07 x6 6 18-1B xA 2 08-0B x7 7 1C-1F xB 3 OC-OF ( (' f ( ( ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1992 START-33 \ ( \.~ 3380.JK SMAP0058: Determining the Failing FRUs I I 001 006 (continued) The fafllng machine is not available for running (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From SMAP 0033 SMAP 0033 SMAP 0033 SMAP 0045 SMAP 0045 SMAP 0045 SMAP 0054 SMAP 0054 SMAP 0054 SMAP 0054 SMAP 0056 SMAP 0056 SMAP 0056 SMAP 0056 SMAP 0057 Step 001 Step 001 Step 001 Step 004 Step 004 Step 004 Step 002 Step 004 Step 006 Step 007 Step 002 Step 004 Step 006 Step 007 Step 001 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on page page page page page page page page page page page page page page page START~16) START-t6) START-16) START-22) START-22) START-22) START-31) START-31) START-31) START-31) START-32) START-32) START -32) START-32) START-33) diagnostics. Follow this path to determine the probable failing FRUs. based on the sense information that has been collected. You can also determine the part of the string that will be affected by the repair action. Use MO main menu option 3 to determine the probable falling FRUs. For additional information on the use of MD option 3. see page MD-42. 1. Power-on and IMl the MD. The MD need not be attached to the 3380. 2. From the MD Main menu. select option 3 (ANALYZE SYMPTOM CODE). If the symptom code is 7xxx or Bxxx, ensure that the string is a 3380-JK string before continuing. 3. In response to the prompt. enter the symptom code to be analyzed. If the symptom code is 9F9F, go to START-39, Entry 001 (do not continue with this SMAP). 4. If possible. answer all questions and enter all data requested by the MD. If asked to enter sense data when the data is not available. the step can be bypassed by pressing the enter key. If a step is bypassed. a larger FRU group will be given or the FRUs will not be listed in order of highest probable failure. Is the failing machine available for running diagnost,cs? Yes No ~ Go to Step 006. 003 Are you working on a data check problem (symptom code 4xxx)? Yes No ~ Go to IMAP 0205 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-2. 5. When a FRU group is displayed. record the list of FRUs from the primary FRU list and the secondary FRU list if there is one. Do not replace any of these FRUs at this time. 6. If there is a MAP referenced under additional action. review the map to determine the additional action that may be needed to isolate the problem. Do not perform any of these actions at this time. 7. If you have time and want to learn more about the problem, look up the error condition in the ECD seelion of the ECM. Volume R40. Go 10 SMAP 0060 Step 001 on page START-3S. Go to IMAP 0228 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-1S. (Step 006 continues) ..... / -/ f' ( ( SMAP 0060: Scheduling the Hardware 001 (From SMAP 0058 Step 006 on page ST ART-34) the affected devices varied offline. When the 3380 unit is available for service, continue with this step. Ensure that the FRUs are a"ailable before scheduling the 3380 unit for maintenance. Look up the probable failing FRUs and determine what part of the string will be affected by the repair action: Are you working on a data check problem (symptom code 4xxx)? Yes No • • I 002 Equipment checks: Go to IMAP 0205 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-2. For FRUs on the A1 board, see Figure 15. For FRUs on the 81 or ex boards, see Figure 16. 003 Data checks: Go to IMAP 0228 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-15. Schedule maintenance time for the affected devices and controllers with the customer. Arrange to have Al Board Cards Controller Logic Card Name DDC/DTB I/O Control CDPSSO CDPSS1 (note 1) DPS (note 2) Controller Sequencer DHPLO MD adapter Clock/SERDES/ECC 1 Clock/SERDES/ECC 2 Figure 15. CUr Al/A3 AlW2 AlV2 AlU2 AH2 A1S2 A1R2 A1Q2 AIM4 A1P2 AIN2 CUr AUA4 AlB2 AlC2 A1D2 A1E2 A1F2 Al62 A1H2 AIL4 A1J2 AlK2 Repair Affects Controller Notes: Controller 1. 2. String Controller Controller AJ4 and AK4 units do not have CDPSSl cards unless the 4-path feature is installed. AJ4 and AK4 units attached to a 3990 storage control do not have DPS cards. Controller Probable Failing FRU on the A1 Board Bl and CX Board Cards (' (=' (-~, Device logic Card Name PES/PROM SEQ/Servo/RPS Po rt.lR-W R/W channel board Servo power amp Power Al Port Term A2 Port Term A3 Port Term A4 Port Term Figure 16. left Front BlD2 BIE2 B1F2 COB2 C4Pl B162 B1W2 81W3 81B2 8183 Probable Falling FRU on the B1 or Right Front BIK2 B1J2 B1H2 ClB2 C4P2 B162 BIW2 81W3 81B2 8183 left Rear BlN2 B1P2 B1Q2 C2B2 C4P3 8lR2 81W2 81W3 81B2 B1B3 Right Rear BIU2 BH2 B1S2 C3B2 C4P4 BlR2 B1W2 81W3 8182 8lB3 Repair Affects Device Device Drive All devices in the unit ex Board c PIN 4519897 38 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 19S8 START-3S o SMAP 0070: Locate the Failing Machine with Console Messages 001 008 (From SMAP 0015 Step 001 on page START-3) (From Step 007 in this SMAP) Do you need aid in locating the falling machine? Yes No The physicallD form is "SSID.P.CC·DD," where: I 002 Go to IMAP 0205 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-2. 003 See the console message manual. Look for the physical ID in the console messages. If present, it will be in one of the following forms: SSID = Storage Control subsystem ID or Storage Director ID (SDID) P == Path CC = String ID DD Device address = Determine the failing string, paths, and devices using the following procedure: 1. To identify the string, match the String ID (CC), obtained from the console messages, with the String ID on the A unit operator panel. For 3880, see page INTRO-7; for 3990, see page INTRO-20 or INTRO-22. 2. To identify the controllers, match the path (P) obtained from the console message, with the path character on the A unit operator panel. If P X in the console message, the path must be determined from the Channel Unit Address (CUA) or the Channel Path ID (CHPID) in the console messages. Match the path determined with the path character on the A-unit operator panel. SSID.P-CC-DD SS-CC-DD Is one of these physical 10 forms In the console messages? Yes No I 004 = Use one of the following to locate the failing machine: • • The Channel Unit Address (CUA). The Channel Path Identifier (CHPID) and device number. Locate the failing string of devices by using the CUA (or the CHPID and device number) and existing customer or CE procedures. Go to IMAP 0205 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-2. 005 Is the physical 10 form "SSIO.P·CC·OO"? Yes No 3. To identify devices, match the device address (DD), obtained from the console messages, with the device addresses on the A unit operator panel. For 3880, see page INTRO-7; for 3990, see page INTRO-20 or INTRO-22. Schedule the machine with the customer and go to IMAP 0205 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-2. I 006 Go to Step 009 in this SMAP. 007 Go to Step 008 in this SMAP. (,f " \L) PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 START-36 (' 009 (From Step 006 in this SMAP) The physicallD form is "55-CC-DD," where: ( 55 = Storage director 10 or CC DD = String ID = Device address Storage Control subsystem 10 ( Determine the failing string, paths, and devices using the following procedure: ( 1. To identify the string, match the string 10 (CC) obtained from the console messages with the string 10 on the A unit operator panel. For 3880, see page INTRO-7; for 3990, see page INTRO-20 or INTRO-22. 2. This form of physical 10 does not contain path information. The path must be determined from the Channel Unit Address (CUA) or the Channel Path 10 (CHPIO) in the console messages. Match the path determined with the path character on the A unit operator panel. 3. To identify devices, match the device address (~O), obtained from the console messages, with the device addresses on the A unit operator panel. For 3880, see page INTRO-7; for 3990, see page INTRO-20 or INTRO-22. ( ( ( (' ( Schedule the machine with the customer and go to IMAP 0205 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-2. (~ ( / c c PIN 4519897 38 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 START-37 EC History of Start Section EC HISTORY OF P/N 4519897 EC Number Date Of EC EC Number 475245 14Nov86 475248 475246 21Ju187 476573 llSep87 476581 475247 Date Of EC 25Apr88 30Nov88 01Aug89 Notes: ;", tt \'l..J PIN 4519897 38 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 START-38 1 ( 3380-JK ( SMAP 0059: Determining the Failing FRUs (9F9F) ( (From SMAP 0058 Step 001 on Start-34) 005 (continued) Is the problem fixed? Yes No f ~ Symptom code 9F9F is designed to give an early indication of 3380-JK bearing instabilities and is not an error condition. A cold operating environment andlor a wide fluctuation in operating temperatures might cause symptom code 9F9F and result in unnecessary HOA replacement. Replacing the HOA might NOT fix the 9F9F symptom code if the environmental issue is not first addressed. Call the next level of support. 007 No further action is required. Balancing the room temperature to the recommended operating environment of 72°F. ±2°F has proven to eliminate 9F9F symptom codes in many cases. { Go to "3380-JK Input Air Temperature Check" on page PM-2. Return here when finished. ·f Was the air intake temperature within specifications? Yes No §J After modifications are made to correct the temperature. monitor for symptom code 9F9F for a minimum of 24 hours. If symptom code 9F9F reoccurs. go to Step 005. f ( f ( Is byte 9 of any symptom code 9F9F greater than or equal to 10? Yes No ~ Monitor EREP for the next occurrence of symptom code 9F9F. No further action is required. ( Go to page MO-1. Entry C. and run Option A (Non-repeatable Runout (NRRO) Test). (Step 005 continues) ( II:> Copyright IBM Corp. 1992 START-39 3380.JK ( ( Preventive Maintenance 3380 Models J and K Preventive Maintenance Procedures Perform the preventive maintenance procedures shown in Table 2 at the intervals shown. Table 2. Preventive Maintenance for 3380 Models AJ4, AK4, BJ4. and BK4 ( ( f Task Frequency In Months Comments Check the box intake air temperature 6 Refer to "3380-JK Input Air Temperature Check" on page PM-2. Check the blower motor 6 Refer to "Blower Vibration Measurement Procedure" on page PM-4. Check the gate fans 6 Check the A and B gates for excessively noisy or failed gate fans. Replace the fans as necessary. Refer to "Gate Fan" on page CARR-43, Vol. R10. Check the primary air filter 6 Check the primary air filler and replace as necessary. Do not attempt to clean the filter. Refer to page lOC-6. Vol. R10. Check the air pressure 6 Go to "Air Pressure Checks" on page CARR-20. Vol. R10. Check the HDA motor brakes 6 Check both motor brakes for excessive red dust around the brake housing per ECA 149/150. Order the EC if required. Check for cable chafing 12 Order the cable chafe inspection kit. PIN 2317345. This kit supplies instructions for the recommended inspection points. cable ties. and cable wrap tape. ( ( f ( ( It") ( Copyright IBM Corp. 1992 PM-1 3380..JK 338~K Input Air Temperature Check 8ackg.round A cold operating environment might cause symptom code 9F9F and result in unnecessary HDA replacement. Replacing the HDA might NOT fix the 9F9F symptom codes if the environmental issue is not addressed. Note. Generally. out-of-specification environmental temperatures can be observed by a clustering of 9F9F symptom codes (multiple devices in the same physical area within a 24 hour period). Balancing the room temperature to the recommended ideal operating environment of 72°F. ±2°F. as specified in the IBM Generallnformation Instal/ation Physical Planning Manual. has proven to eliminate 9F9F symptom codes in many cases. Note: Symptom code 9F9F is NOT an error condition. but is an environmental symptom code that might require further action to be taken. Ensure that your customer understands that symptom code 9F9F is NOT an error. but an indication that further diagnostics might be required. Measuring the Input Air Temperature Note: Use SC 08 for all temperature checking activities. To measure the input air temperature, perform the following: 1. Check for the presence of temperature strips (PIN 2179638) on the pre-filter of aU A and 8 boxes. These were installed by ECA 163. and measure the temperature of the input air entering the pre-filter. See Figure 2. If the temperature strips are not installed. order one temperature strip (PIN 2179368) for each J or K box in your account. Install the strips as shown in Figure 2. ,. . - _. (fill:::.. @]::: -.... ?'iF,-atl--(Jum·:: l®........ ...... ..".... ....... cp.:: ......, .... ... ::: um·:: lim·:: ...... .. III '" "'.. " ' . '" .... .. o .. ...... .. .. '" "'.. ., ., urn·:: .. " ...... .. '" '" ••• ", :0 1~!rID [lll1illJ .,.V ":" I~ IilllIillHillll ULYll VYYY? , ..... 00 ,.... . - CN4D G"", .......... , CI'Wf :::. lblccP cP ..-r ..... CJl'5I,J O'&.~ "Ufll' IC"","'" =l~CCPCP Tools Required M- CNJ CN(oI CPIOS V .... a.. ~ 0'&" 0'&11 ~ ~ CPNS mK AClUITat The following tools are required to perlorm this procedure: :::'0 cPcp lOGIC ___ I7U) tpUI • Temperature strips. PIN 2179638 Ollfll' • NFPA approved pillows. PIN 2317361 :Ocpcp These pillows are approved by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA). If IBM takes the responsibility for plugging the cable cutouts. then this product (PIN 2317361) must be used. If the customer chooses to do this job, this is the recommended material. '" • • '" ~ CP»S V 0'&» ItNl'. lOGIC TEMPERATURE STRIP ~ V 15003565013 Figure 2. 2. Read the temperature on each strip and record the value mad for each box. 3. Determine if the air entering the pre-filler is within the limits of 18° to 32°C (65 0 to gO°F). It is desirable to have the temperature measure a few degrees above the 18C minimum. The recommended ideal temper,r("""' I \ ... j ' ( 3380.JK ature range of air entering the 3380 pre-filter is 21"C to 23°C (70"F to 74°F). If the temperature is below the minimum of 18~C, do steps 4 through 6 on page PM-3, then recheck the temperature again in 24 hours. ( 4. Warning: Do not decrease the number of vented noor tiles in the computer room. II is important to ensure that there is an adequate number of vented noor tiles to maintain the proper circulation of air to and from the air handlers. Without the proper circulation, the under noor temperature can be too cold and the room temperature too warm. ( Seal or replace all missing and perforated noor panels under, or partially under, the 3380 string. Reference Documentation 1. IBM General Information Installation PhYSical Planning Manual, GC22-7072-2 dated August. 1990. Note: Chapter 4 - Air Conditioning. defines the latest IBM temperature and humidity design criteria. The design criteria is 72°F. ±2°F and 45% RH. ±5% relative humidity. 2. IBM Systeml360, Systeml370, 4300 and 9370 Processors Input/Output Equipment Installation Manual-Physical Planning, GC22-7064-12 dated February, 1990. Note: The 370 I/O IMPP dated February 1991 renects that the minimum temperature entering the 3380-JK pre-filter is 18°C (65°F). 5. Ensure that all vented noor tiles are 3 feet (1 meter) away from the louvered door. 6. Pack the noor panel cable openings under the A boxes with a fire rated pillow. This is very important if the air under the noor is below 18°C (65°F). See "Tools Required" on page PM-2 for the recommended pillow. 7. If the recommended input temperature cannot be reached using the above steps. contact your Branch Office Installation Planning Representative (IPR) for a thermal balance review of your customer's DASD area. ( ( ( PM-3 ( ( o " 3:J8&.JK . Blower Vibration Measurement Procedure VIBAAT NONITOA This p.rocedure requires the use of a vibration PIN 2317360. This is a branch office monitor tool. If your branch does not have it, order the tool and place it in the B/O tool inventory. D, 1. Connect the cable end of the magnetic mounting base fJ to the 'XDCR' jack of the vibration monitor. 2. Switch the vibration monitor power on by pushing the Power On switch to On. The red LED lights if the power is on. 3. Test the batteries using the Battery Test switch and meter battery indicator. If the batteries are low, replace both batteries with 9-volt batteries. 4. Test the bias using the Bias Test switch and meter indicator. If the bias reading is not within the indicated range, return the meter to the vendor for repair. S. Remove the cover on the vibration monitor magnetic base by sliding it sideways. 6. Attach the vibration monitor magnetic base to the end cap of the blower motor Q in the 12 o'clock position fJ. See Figure 3. AI500356tfcl2 .-,/ Figure 3. Blower Motor Vibration Monitor Placement 7. With the blower motor running, read and record the vibration monitor reading. 8. Move the vibration monitor magnetic base to of the blower motor the 3 o'clock position end cap. See Figure 3. II 9. With the blower motor running, read and record the vibration monitor reading. 10. The highest of the two readings is the measured vibration level for that particular blower motor. 11. If either reading is .25 or above, replace the blower motor. See page CARR-22 in the MIM for the blower motor replacement procedure. \<;.", -",,- ~. \.'" .) (" Isolate Procedures IMAP 0200: Isolate the Problem 001 ( ( The procedures in this section are designed to help isolate the problem to a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) or to the smallest group of FRUs possible. FRU isolation is based upon the results of . diagnostic programs and the data collected at the time of the original failure. The machine must be available for you to perform these procedures. 003 Before starting the procedures in this section, you should have completed the analysis procedures in the START section. Locate the entry point (A, B, C, etc. determined from the START section procedures) In the following table and go to the map and step indicated. ( I 002 Go to SMAP 0015 Step 001 on page START-2 and collect information about the failure. If an entry point is not available, select a symptom from the Description column and go to the map and step indicated. ( ( Have you completed the analysis procedures in the START section? Yes No Entry Description Go to A Physical Inspection IMAP 0205 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-2. B Equipment Checks (Sense data is available) IMAP 0205 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-2. C Data Checks (Sense data is available) IMAP 0228 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-15. D Console Message (Sense data is NOT available) IMAP 0205 Step 001 on page ISOLA TE-2. E Status Pending LED is lit continuously on the storage control (3880 only). IMAP 0252 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-33. F Run Diagnostics IMAP 0215 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-8. G Problem Analysis with Error Log Data IMAP 0240 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-24. H Trouble Setting CE Mode IMAP 0225 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-14. J Symptom Code Analysis IMAP 0235 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-23. Figure 1. ISOLATE Section Entry Table ( c· ( PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ISOLATE-1 o IMAP 0205: Physical Inspection 001 005 (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From SMAP 0015 Step 001 on page START~3) SMAP 0015 Step 001 on page START-3) SMAP 0058 Step 004 on page START-33) SMAP 0060 Step 002 on page START-34) SMAP 0070 Step 002 on page ST ART-35) SMAP 0070 Step 004 on page START-35) SMAP 0070 Step 008 on page START-35) SMAP 0070 Step 009 on page START-36) IMAP 0200 Step 003 on page ISOLATE-1) IMAP 0200 Step 003 on page ISOLATE-1) IMAP 0200 Step 003 on page ISOLATE-1) Will the customer allow service at this time? Yes No I 002 Schedule the machine for service, then continue with Step 003 in this IMAP when the machine is available. 003 (From Step 002 in this IMAP) 1. Locate the rear of the failing string. Locate the rear of the string you are going to work on by referencing the STRING 10 on the rear Unit Emergency Power Off panel of each A unit in the string. See SMAP 0030 Step 001 on page START-13 or SMAP 0045 Step 001 on page START-20. 2. Check rear circuit breakers and protectors. Check that all circuit breakers and protectors at the rear of each A unit and each B unit affected by the failure are ON. If you are not sure which B units are affec;ted, check the circuit protectors on all B units in the string. Are all circuit breakers and protectors on? Yes No I 004 Go to page PWR-1, Entry C, in the MIM, Volume R10. Check MOA (Maintenance Device Adapter) card LEOs, A1-Board. For each A unit in the string, remove the A1-board logic card cover and check that both controller clock LEOs and all voltage LEOs are on. When the controller clocks are running, the clock LEOs are slightly dimmer than the voltage LEOs. If a clock LED is off or is at the same brightness level as the voltage LEOs, it means that the clock is stopped. Controller A2 / A4 0 +5 V 0 Clock 0 -5 V 0 -4.25 V A1l4 Controller Al / A3 0 +5 V 0 Clock 0 -s V 0 -4.25 V AIM4 Are all voltage LEOs on (disregard the clock LED)? Yes No I j ! 006 Go to the front of the string and use the following list to check each item in each A unit in the string: AC POWER-ON LED Check that the AC Power-On LED located on the front Operator panel is on. PHASE DETECTION LEOs Check the green and red phase detection LEOs to ensure that the green LED is on and the red LED is off. The green and red phase detection LEOs are located on the primary power box. at the front of the A unit. FRONT CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND PROTECTORS Check that all circuit breakers and protectors at the front of the machine are on. (Step 005 continues) ISOLATE-2 PIN 4519899 58 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 rf".' ~~ CONTROLLER POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE REGULATOR CARD LEOs Check that the two LEOs for + 1.7 Vdc and the + 5 Vsp on both controller power supply regulator cards are off. The + 1.7 Vdc LED is yellow and the + 5 Vsp is red. ( The controller power supplies are located at the front lower right of the A unit (see the LaC section in the MIM. Volume RIO). ( ( After checking each item, refer to the following list and find the first item, from the top, that matches your findings. Go to the specified reference. ( Physical Symptom Tripped CB or CP Go to page PWR·1 (MIM, Volume RIO) Entry J Red phase LED is on Entry AM AC Power On LED is off or dim Entry AM Controller power supply Entry AI voltage regulator card LEO(s) are on Entry AI 007 Are the clock LEOs on and dimmer than the voltage LEOs? Yes No (~' -,j I 008 C £' .-" , Are all A 1·board fans running? Yes No I 010 Refer to page PWR-1, Entry N, in the MIM. Volume RIO to correct the problem. After the problem if; corrected, return to Step 011 in this IMAP. 011 (From Step 010 in this IMAP) Check Controller Ready LEOs. For each A unit in the string, check that the Controller Ready LEOs (located on the rear operator panel beside the MD receptacle) are ON. Are the Controller Ready LEOs on? Yes No Entry C Green and red phase LEOs are both off None of the above A1-board are running. Go to IMAP 0215 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-B. 009 Check A1·board gate fans. For each A unit in the string, check to ensure that the gate fans for the I 012 Go to IMAP 0250 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-32. 013 Check the PES/PROM card LEOs. Remove the B1-board logic card cover of the machines that are affected by this failure and check that the four, LEOs on each PES! PROM card are on. Note: LEOs may appear to be dim when they are not on at all. This is due to light from the adjacent LEOs. left Front Device 0 0 0 0 BID3 +15V +5V -5V -15V Right Front Device 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BIK3 Right Rear Device left Device Rear BIN3 +15 V +5 V -5 V -15 V 0 0 0 0 BIU3 (Step 013 continues) ' '""~~/ PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1989 ISOLATE-3 o 013 (continued) Are all PES/PROM card LEDs on? Yes No I 014 Go to page PWR-1, Entry AJ, in the M/M, Volume RIO. 015 Check the B1-Board gate fans. Check to ensure that the gate fans for the B1-boards of the affected units are running. Are all B1-board fans running? Yes No I 016 Refer to page PWR-1, Entry N, in the MIM, Volume R10 to correct the problem. After the problem is corrected, return to Step 017 in this IMAP. 017 (From Step 015 in this IMAP) Are any of the drive motors in the string running? Yes No I 018 Perform one of the following. 1. If you are attempting to isolate a problem where none of the drive motors start during a normal string power up sequence, go to page PWR-1, Entry L, in the MIM, Volume RIO. 2. If you are trying to isolate a problem other than in item 1 above, go to Step 019 in this IMAP. • If the HDA cables are not swapped, refer to the left side of Figure 2 on page ISOLATE-5 for the meaning of the LEDs on cards B1G2 and B1R2. • If the HDA cables are swapped, refer to the right side of Figure 2 on page ISOLATE-5 for the meaning of the LEDs on cards B1G2 and B1R2. Are all B1-Board Power Card LEDs on? Yes No I 020 Determine if the HDA cables are swapped. If the cables are swapped, there should be a cable swap label at the top of the B1-board gate. If so, use Figure 2 on page ISOLATE-5 to determine the meaning of the LEDs. In the following list, find the first item (from the top) that matches your findings. Then go to the specified reference. Physical Symptom ( Reference + 5/24 Vdc or + 5 Vdc Page PWR-1, Common LED off Entry AJ (MIM, Volume RIO) One or more Device IMAP 0245 Step 001 Ready LEDs are off on page ISOLATE-27 SW ENABLED LED IMAP 0247 Step 001 is off on page ISOLATE-30 One or more Device Sequencer Status LEDs are off IMAP 0248 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-31 ,(' , j, 021 Go to IMAP 0210 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-5. 019 (From Step 018 in this IMAP) Check B1-Board Power Card LEOs. While the B1-board logic card covers are removed, check that the eight LEDs on each Power card are on (see Figure 2 on page ISOLATE-5). ISOLATE-4 c PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 ( ( ( ( B1 Board LEOs - Cable Swap FRONT DRIVE NOTE. FRONT DRIVE DOES NOT EXIST IN MODEL CJ2. c ( I YA REAR DRIVE II YB I YJ I I YK I 0 YO YC I YM I I YL I E F YE G H YF I YN I J K L M I YP I N YG YH I YQ I 5 I YR I T U BI-BOARD (REF) ( BI-BOARD (FRONT DRIVE - G2 COMMON POWER CARD REAR DRIVE - R2 COMMON POWER CARD] - - - - - ' f ( C , I NORMAL(HDA CABLES NOT SWAPPED) HDA CABLES SWAPPED BEFORE THE HDA CABLE SWAP. TI-E LEOS MAKE REFERENCE TO THE FOLLOWING. AFTER THE HDA CABLE SWAP. THE SAME LEOS MAKE REFERENCE TO TI-E FOLLOWING. . ~r---OJ ...~-- LEFT SEQ\£NCER STATUS "~,.---RIGHT __~~- +5/2L1- V ON ...~~- +5/2L1- V ON ........--- +5 V COMMON - . . . . . - - - +5 V COMMON SEQUENCER STATUS ...~-- RIGHT SEQUENCER STATUS ...~:-- LEFT DEVICE READY { "'-=-:'-- LEFT "'oE-- RIGHT ( I SWITCH ENABLED SWITCH ENABLED _-=:-.- RIGHT DEVICE READY « NOTES. OJ ~ck-~/&F~~gl::O:A~~T"!f:rift~//fnfs:r' 1500058251 , f- . Figure 2. r'2' MEN THE CABLES ARE StiAPPED, THE LEO Fa? THE RIGHT L.6.J SCQlENCER STA TUS SHO/IIS LEFT SEQUENCER STA TUS. • B1 Board LEOs PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 C Copyright . IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ISOLATE-5 IMAP 0210: Miscellaneous Physical Symptoms 001 (From IMAP 0205 Step 021 on page ISOLATE-4) Do you have one of the physical symptoms listed in Figure 31 Yes No I 002 Select an entry from the following list and go to the specified MAP: /".----.......\ \.~,_../I • Sense data is available. Go to IMAP 0212 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-? • Console message is available and sense data is not. Go to IMAP 0255 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-34. • Sense data and console messages are not available. Go to IMAP 0232 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-18. 003 Find the first Item (from the top) in Figure 3 that matches the physical symptom. Then go to the specified reference. Physical Symptom Reference Failure to power off string or controller Page PWR-1, Entry AR (MIM, Volume R 10) Failure to power off device logic Page PWR-1, Entry AR (MIM, Volume R10) Failure to power off drive motor Page PWR-1, Entry H (MIM, Volume R 10) Device Ready LED is on when Device Enable/Disable switch is set to Disable Page MAP-1, Entry CE (MIM, Volume R10) No power at convenience outlet Page PWR-1, Entry AM (MIM, Volume R10) Motor braking problem (Drive coasts to stop on power off) Page PWR-1, Entry K (MIM, Volume R10) Controller Ready LED not on (operator panel) Page PWR-1, Entry BT (MIM, Volume RfO) ~,./' !' -, \ Device Ready LED not on (operator panel) Page PWR-1, Entry BS (MIM, Volume R 10) Status Pending LED is on continuously on the storage control (3880 only) IMAP 0252 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-33. Figure 3. '. "--- ~._ ...7' Physical Symptom Table c ISOLATE-6 PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 It:) Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ( IMAP 0212: Checking For Undervo/tage 001 (From IMAP 0210 Step 002 on page ISOLATE-6) ( ( (( Determine if there is an undervoltage condition. Review all sense records for the failing string. Undervoltage is determined from the symptom code (sense bytes 22 and 23) as follows: 9FFF DFFF EFFO EFFF Device Undervoltage Controller Undervoltage Device Undervoltage Controller Undervoltage Is there an undervoltage condition? Yes No I 002 Go to IMAP 0215 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-S. 003 Check the device and controller voltages and ripple. Do the procedures referenced by page PWR-1, Entry A in the MIM, Volume R 10 and then return here. Are the voltages and ripple OK.? Yes No I 004 Repair or replace FRUs as directed by the procedures in the PWR MAPs. ( Then go to RMAP 0320 Step 001 on page REPAIR-Sto run diagnostics. ( 005 ( Go to IMAP 0215 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-S. c PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 ISOLATE-1 IMAP 0215: Running Diagnostics 001 (From (From (From (From (From (From (From I':~ \"",Y IMAP IMAP IMAP IMAP IMAP IMAP IMAP 0200 0205 0212 0212 0232 0233 0252 Step Step Step Step Step Step Step 003 008 002 005 002 011 001 on on on on on on on page ISOLATE~1) page ISOLATE-3) page ISOLATE-7) page ISOLATE~7) page ISOLATE~18) page ISOLATE~22) page ISOLATE~33) Perform the following steps: 1. Attach and prepare the MD. See page directions. MO~4 for Warning: Never power the MD on or off with the diskette inserted. 2. Ensure that the storage control is powered on and has completed its initial microcode load (IML), and that the functional diskette for the 3380~JK is installed. 3. Determine if the controller is the probable failing unit. The probable failing unit is the controller if one of the following conditions exist: • '-- I/" ' '. EREP Symptom Code Summary report indicates probable failing unit: "Controller" or "Storage Control Unit." • Highest priority symptom code (sense bytes 22 and 23) is Oxxx. • Clock LED is off or is as bright as the voltage LEOs. \ ~ ---' Does one of these conditions exist? Yes No I (1' -, \l_::t f 002 Go to IMAP 0220 Step 001 on page ISOLATE~12. 003 Go to IMAP 0218 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-8 ISOLATE~9. PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 10 Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1989 rf.,.~ ~\\ V ( ( ( IMAP 0218: Controller Diagnostics 001 (From IMAP 0215 Step 003 on page ISOLATE-8) The controller tests can be run in-line with customer operations on the controller. Therefore, controller paths and devices do not need to be varied off line. 003 Some configurations do not use the DPS cards. The DPS cards are used when the string is attached to a 3880, but they are not used when the string is attached to a 3990. Is the string attached to a 38801 Yes No I Run the Controller tests: ( 1. 2. ( From (RUN From (RUN the MD Main Menu, select option 1 DIAGNOSTICS). the Diagnostic Menu, select option 1 CONTROLLER TESTS). See page MD-12 for directions. ( ( ( ( ( Did the controller diagnostics run to normal end without an error? Yes No I 002 Analyze the error. Press the ENTER key on the MD to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU group or list of action items. (- c- 005 To completely test the DPS function run the extended DPS tests. The extended DPS tests check the correct interaction of DPS on both controllers (A 1 and A2). These tests can be run inline with customer operations on both controllers. Therefore, controller paths and devices do not need to be varied offline. Run the extended DPS tests: 1. 2. Answer questions and follow instructions given by the MD. If you are asked "DO YOU WANT TO RUN CONNECTION TESTS?" you are advised to answer "YES." The connection tests provide better isolation. The connection tests do not run inline with customer operation. Before running the connection tests, all paths to the failing controller should be varied offline. If this cannot be done, answer "NO" to "DO YOU WANT TO RUN CONNECTION TESTS ?" ( 004 Go to Step 007 in this IMAP. When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR section to replace the indicated FRUs. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. 3. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. From the MD Main menu, select option 1 (RUN DIAGNOSTICS). From the Diagnostic menu, select option 2 (EXTENDED DPS TESTS). See page MD-13 for more complete directions. Did the extended DPS tests run to normal end without an error? Yes No I 006 Analyze the error. Press the ENTER key on the MD to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU group or list of action items. When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR section to replace the indicated FRUs. (Step 006 continues) (Step 003 continues) PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 10 Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ISOLATE-9 006 (continued) Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. 009 Run the device tests: 1. 007 (From Step 004 in this IMAP) 2. Press the PF key to return to the MO Main menu. From the Main menu, select option 1 (RUN DIAGNOSTICS). From the Diagnostics menu, select option 3 (DEVICE TESTS). To completely test controller operation, run device tests on one or more devices. 3. Vary devices offline. See page MD-10 for directions. Ask the customer to vary offline each of the devices you want to test. Devices should be varied offline on each attached system. Did the device tests run to normal end without an error? Yes No 010 1. 2. 3. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. From the Main menu, select option a (SET/RESET CE MODE). Use the Set/Reset CE Mode option to set the d,evices to be tested in CE mode. See page MO-6 for directions. Did CE mode set OK for all the devices specified? Yes No I '--. - Analyze the error. Press the ENTER key on the MD to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU group or list of action items. Advise the customer that devices to be tested must be placed in CE mode for the tests to run. If a system attempts to use a device that has been placed in CE mode, the storage control responds with unit check and sends an Intervention Required sense byte record to that system. Set CE mode for the devices to be tested: When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR section to replace the indicated FRUs. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. 011 Do you have SENSE data from EREP or the system console for the Qriginal failure? Yes No I \'-.. 012 - Go to (MAP 0240 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-24. 013 Using Figure 4, find the highest priority symptom code group identified in the START section. Go to the MAP step, MLX entry, or maintenance procedure indicated. .If "', \t_, ~" i' 008 ',,--. Go to (MAP 0225 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-14. (Step 009 continues) ISOLATE-10 ":, I If the devices are not varied offline successfully, avoid using those devices or proceed only with customer permission. When a device is taken out of CE mode, an interrupt is generated to each using system and normal operation of the device should be resumed. I~' ',,-,j PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp, 1987, 1988 ( (- ( c Symptom Code Groups Go To 9xxx, Dxxx, or Exxx (controller or device equipment checks) IMAP 0235 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-23 4xxx (data check) Page MAP-1, Entry EB, in the MIM, Volume R10. Oxxx. 2xxx. 3xxx. or Fxxx (storage control errors) The storage control maintenance package. MLX entry 6 1xxx. 6xxx. 7xxx. or 8xxx The 3380 Stage 2 maintenance package Axxx. Bxxx. or Cxxx The 3380-0E maintenance package Figure 4. Symptom Code Groups ( ( ( ( ( c ( ( PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 { ISOLATE-11 IMAP 0220: Normal Sequence Diagnostics 001 (From IMAP 0215 Step 002 on page ISOLATE-8) (From IMAP 0232 Step 011 on page ISOLATE-19) (From IMAP 0247 Step 002 on page ISOLATE-30) Did CE mode set OK for all the devices specified? Yes No I 002 Go to IMAP 0225 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-14. Determine which devices to test. If a device sequence status LED is off, use that device to test. Otherwise, the failing device can usually be determined from the Physical Address Column of the EREP DASD Symptom Code Summary or from Sense byte 4 unless the symptom code is EBxx. 003 If the symptom code is EBxx, it may be necessary to run diagnostics on each device on the failing port to determine which device is failing. See SMAP 0057 Step 001 on page START-32for additional information. 2. /' ( .~ (From Step 005 in this IMAP) Run the Normal Sequence diagnostics: 1. 3. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. From the Main menu, select option 1 (RUN DIAGNOSTICS). From the Diagnostics menu, select option 0 (NORMAL SEQUENCE). See page MD-1O for directions. Vary devices offline. Ask the customer to vary offline each of the devices you want to test. Devices should be varied offline on each attached system. Did the diagnostics run to normal end without an error? Yes No I 004 If the devices are not varied offline successfully, avoid using those devices or proceed only with customer permission. Analyze the error. Press the ENTER key 0'1 the MD to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU group or list of action items. Advise the customer that devices to be tested must be placed in CE mode for the tests to run. If a system attempts to use a device that has been placed in CE mode, the storage control responds with unit check and sends an Intervention Required sense byte record to that system. When a device is taken out of CE mode, an interrupt is generated to each using system and normal operation of the device should be resumed. Set CE mode: 1. 2. From the MD Main menu, select option 0 (SET/RESET CE MODE). Use the Set/Reset CE Mode option to set the devices to be tested in CE mode. When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR section to replace the indicated FRUs. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. 005 Run the Normal Sequence diagnostics on other controllers. If the failing path is not known and any of the other controllers have not been tested, go to Step 003 in this IMAP. Repeat the normal sequence tests with another controller (if possible) and on other devices. (If ., , '",-/ See page MD-6 for directions. ISOLATE-12 PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 2SApr88 © Copyright IBM Corp, 1987, 1988 tr' \~ ;I ( ( 006 (From Step 005 in this IMAP) ( ( REPAIR section to replace the indicated FRUs. 005 (continued) - or If all controllers (or all that can be) have been tested, go to Step 006 in this IMAP. Some configurations do not use the DPS cards. The DPS cards are used when the string is attached to a 3880, but they are not used when the string is attached to a 3990. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. 010 (From Step 007 in this IMAP) Do you have SENSE data available from the original failure? Yes No I 011 Is the string attached to a 3880? Yes No Go to IMAP 0240 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-24. I 007 Go to Step 010 in this IMAP. ( 012 Go to IMAP 0235 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-23. 008 To completely test the DPS function, it is necessary to run the extended DPS tests. The extended DPS tests check the interaction of DPS on both controllers (A 1 and A2). These tests can be run inline with customer operations on both controllers. Therefore, controller paths and devices do not need to be varied offline. Run the Extended DPS Tests: 1. 2. 3. ( Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. From the Main menu, select option 1 (RUN DIAGNOSTICS). From the Diagnostic menu, select option 2 (EXTENDED DPS TESTS). See page MD-13 for directions. Did the Extended DPS Tests run to normai end without an error? Yes No I { ( 009 Analyze the error. Press the ENTER key on the MD to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU group or list of action items. When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the ( (- PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 il::l Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 198B ISOLATE-13 IMAP 0225: Trouble Setting CE Mode 001 (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From IMAP 0200 Step 003 on page ISOLATE-1) IMAP 0218 Step 008 on page ISOLATE-1O) IMAP 0220 Step 002 on page ISOLATE-12) IMAP 0230 Step 002 on page ISOLATE-16) IMAP 0232 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-18) IMAP 0245 Step 014 on page ISOLATE-28) IMAP 0248 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-31) IMAP 0260 Step 011 on page ISOLA TE-36) IMAP 0265 Step 013 on page ISOLATE-39) IMAP 0270 Step 012 on page ISOLATE-43) IMAP 0275 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-46) IMAP 0280 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-49) IMAP 0285 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-51) IMAP 0290 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-53) RMAP 0320 Step 006 on page REPAIR-8) The Set/Reset CE Mode diagnostic may not run if certain errors are present in the storage control, controller, or control interface. If the diagnostic does not run, CE mode for the specified devices does not change and the MD displays an error message. See "Isolation Code Error Display" on page MD-36. ''\..; Analyze the error. Press the ENTER key on the MD to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU group or list of action items. If the MD reports a OOxx isolation code and suggests that you run the connection tests, run them if possible. The connection tests do not run in line with customer operation. Before running the connection tests, all paths to the failing controller should be varied offline. If this cannot be done, answer "NO" to "DO YOU WANT TO RUN CONNECTION TESTS ?" When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR section to replace the indicated FRUs. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. ISOLATE-14 PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 -.-' ( { IMAP 0228: Undervoltage With Data Checks 001 ( (From SMAP 0058 Step 005 on page START-33) (From SMAP 0060 Step 003 on page START-34) (From IMAP 0200 Step 003 on page ISOLATE-1) Determine if there is an undervoltage condition. Examine all 4XYY symptom codes to determine if there is an undervoltage condition as follows: YY, Bit 4 YY, Bit 5 = Device Undervoltage = Controller Undervoltage Is there a symptom code that indicates undervoltage? Yes No I ( 002 Go to IMAP 0230 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-16. 003 Check the Device and Controller voltages and ripple. ( Do the procedures referenced by page PWR-1, Entry A, in the MIM, Volume RIO, and then return here. Are the voltages and ripple OK? Yes No I 004 ( ( ( Repair or replace FRUs as directed by the procedures in the PWR section MAPs (see the MIM, Volume RIO). Go to RMAP 0320 Step 001 on page REPAIR-8 to run diagnostics. 005 Go to IMAP 0230 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-16. ( PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr98 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 ISOLATE-15 IMAP 0230: Diagnostics for Data Checks 001 3. (From SMAP 0053 Step 002 on page START-29) (From IMAP 0228 Step 002 on page ISOLATE-15) (From IMAP 0228 Step 005 on page ISOLATE-15) See page MD-1O for directions. Vary devices offline. Ask the customer to vary offline each of the devices you want to test. Devices should be varied offline on each attached system. From the Diagnostics menu, select option 0 (NORMAL SEQUENCE). Did the diagnostics run to normal end without an error? Yes No I 004 Analyze the error. Press the ENTER key on the MD to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU group or list of action items. If the devices are not varied offline successfully, avoid using those devices or proceed only with customer permission. When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR section to replace the indicated FRUs. Advise the customer that devices to be tested must be placed in CE mode for the tests to run. If a system attempts to use a device that has been placed in CE mode, the storage control responds with unit check and sends an Intervention Required sense byte record to that system. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. When a device is taken out of CE mode, an interrupt is generated to each using system and normal operation of the device should be resumed. 005 Set CE mode: If the failing path is not known and other controllers have not been tested, repeat the normal sequence tests with other controllers until all the controllers (or all that can be) have been tested. 1. 2. From the MD Main menu, select option 0 (SET/RESET CE MODE). Use the Set/Reset CE Mode option to set the devices to be tested in CE mode. See page MD-6 for directions. Did CE mode set OK for all the devices specified? Yes No I 002 Go to IMAP 0225 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-14. 003 Run the Normal Sequence diagnostics: 1. 2. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. From the MD Main menu, select option 1 (RUN DIAGNOSTICS). ISOLATE-16 Repeat the Normal Sequence diagnostics on other controllers. Did the diagnostics run to normal end without error with all controllers? Yes No ( ""-.--- I 006 Analyze the error. Press the ENTER key on the MD to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU group or list of action items. When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR section to replace the indicated FRUs. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. (Step 007 continues) PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 Ci ( 007 Is sense data available? Yes No I 008 Go to page MAP-1, Entry EB, in the MIM, Volume R10. 009 ( Go to IMAP 0235 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-23. ( ( ( ( c ( (( PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ISOLATE-17 IMAP 0232: Determine the Failing Devices and Controllers with the Device Status Test 001 .4. -~\ IV 004 CE mode must be set before running the Device Status test. (From IMAP 0210 Step 002 on page ISOLATE-6) (From MD 0050 Step 002 on page MD-50) (From MD 0051 Step 016 on page MD-54) 0\ \""j Set CE mode: Do you need help to determine which devices and controllers are failing? Yes No 1. I 2. 002 Go to IMAP 0215 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-S. I See page MD-6 for directions. The following procedure uses the Device Status test to determine the failing paths and devices. Run the Device Status test: 1. Attach and IML the MD to one of the A units in the failing string. See page MD-4 for directions. Warning: Never power the MD on or off with the diskette inserted. 2. 3. Ensure that the storage control is powered on and has completed its initial microcode load (lML) and that the functional diskette for the 33S0-JK is installed. Check the channel enable/disable switches at each attached storage control. Is there at least one channel enabled on the attached storage control? Yes No I (Istep 004 continues) ISOLATE-18 005 (From Steps 004 and 007 in this IMAP) Continue to run the Device Status Test: 1. 2. From the MD Main menu, select option 1 (RUN DIAGNOSTICS). From the Diagnostic menu, select option 7 (DEVICE STATUS TEST). The test should run until an error occurs or until configuration data is displayed. See page MD-25 for directions. Did the test display configuration data? Yes No I 006 The test stopped with an isolation code displayed. Analyze the error. Press the ENTER key on the MD to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU group or list of action items. When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR section to replace the indicated FRUs. PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 © Copyright . .~./ After CE mode is set, go to Step 005 in this IMAP. - or If CE mode does not set, go to IMAP 0225 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-14. 003 The Device Status test selects each device in the string and performs a Read Home Address operation. The Device Status test runs inline with customer operation. Devices do not need to be varied offline or placed in CE mode unless there are no channels enabled to the storage path. See "Diagnostic Menu Option 7 - Device Status" on page MD-25 for additional information. From the MD Main menu, select option 0 (SET/RESET CE MODE). Use the Set/Reset CE Mode option to set the devices to be tested in CE mode. IBM Corp. 1987. 1989 ( 006 (continued) Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. ( ( ( ( f ( ( 007 Review the configuration data to ensure that it is correct. See page MD-27 for 3990 Configuration data; see page MD-26 for 3880 Configuration data. If the configuration data is not correct or you are not sure, If the configuration data is not correct or you are not sure, perform an analysis as instructed by the MD. Correct any problems. If there were any problems, rerun the Device Status test, then return here. To determine which devices and paths are failing, use the error log. Go to IMAP 0233 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-20. 011 Record the devices that report a status of "0," "E" or "I". These are failing devices. Select one of these devices and failing paths to run diagnostics. Then go to IMAP 0220 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-12. Record the device status for each device. See "Device Status" on page MD-29. Repeat the test on each controller. Start at Step 005 in this IMAP on a 4-path (4 controllers) subsystem. You will have to move the MD plug to the other A unit in the string to run the Device Status Test with the controllers in that A unit. Operational devices should report a status of "0." A status of "N" will be reported for devices that are not attached. Did any attached devices report a status other than "0" through any controller? Yes No I 008 To determine which devices and paths are failing, use the error log. ( Go to IMAP 0233 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-20. 009 Did any devices report a status of "0," "E," or "I"? Yes No I 010 Devices reporting a status of "B" or "S" are busy. This may occur if the Device Status test is run during periods of heavy usage. It is usually a good indication that the device is operational. However, you may want to rerun the test to ensure that these devices are operational. PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ( ISOLATE-19 () IMAP 0233: Determine the Failing Devices and Controllers with the Error Log 001 002 (continued) Ensure that the storage control you are going to use is powered on and has completed its initial microcode load (IML), and that the functional diskette for the 3380-JK is installed. (From IMAP 0232 Step 008 on page ISOLATE-19) (From IMAP 0232 Step 010 on page ISOLATE-19) The error log is collected and maintained by the storage control. The error log is an equipment check log. Data checks are not included unless the error log mask is changed to include them. There is an error log for each controller. Each error log contains a maximum of 16 entries for errors that occurred on the string when using the controller. Each entry contains 32 bytes (24 sense bytes and 8 bytes of additional information). Each error log entry contains a counter. If an error occurs that is the same as the previous error (same controller and symptom code for format 7, or same controller, device, and symptom code for formats 1, 8, and 9) the counter in the last entry is updated and a new log entry is not generated. The error log may be transferred to the MD and then searched, based on search parameters entered on the MD. The error logs for all controllers can be transferred to the MD and then merged together into one error log. The merged error log can then be searched for errors on any device and C:lOy controller. The error log is accessed by an inline diagnostic routine that runs in the storage control under control of the MD. Devices need not be in CE mode. Is the MD already attached and loaded? Yes No I 002 Attach and prepare the MD. Warning: Never power the MD on or off with the diskette inserted. Go to Step 003 in this IMAP. 003 (From MD 0050 Step 002 on page MD-50) (From Steps 002 and 005 in this IMAP) Warning: If the MD diskette is from another string, all logs must be transferred before searching any of the logs. Otherwise, the results of the search will be unpredictable. Use the transfer log function to collect error information from the error logs: 1. 2. 3. From the MD Main menu, select option 2 (ERROR LOG FUNCTION). From the Error Log Function menu, select option 1 (TRANSFER LOG). Specify your choice for the controller. During the transfer, the most recent entry is first and the oldest entry is last. When the transfer is complete, the log can be searched or merged with other transferred logs. The transfer uses a diagnostic program that runs in the storage control. Some problems with the storage control, with the controller, or with the control interface (DDC) do not allow the diagnostic to run. The error log is not transferred, and the MD displays a diagnostic error message. Was the transfer completed without a diagnostic error message? Yes No I 004 See page MD-4 for directions. (Step 002 continues) ISOLATE-20 Press ENTER to begin analysis in the MD. Note: See "Isolation Code Error Display" on page MD-36. PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 It) Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 /" ~, ( (~" 004 (continued) When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR pages to replace the indicated FRUs. ( Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. ( 005 The error log for the selected controller was written on the MD diskette during the transfer. The error log in the storage control is not reset. ( ( Transfer error logs for all other controllers:. 1. 2. ( c· c 3. From the MD Main Menu, select option 2 (ERROR LOG FUNCTION). From the Error Log Function menu, select option 1 (TRANSFER LOG) Specify your choice for the controller. most recent entries are displayed first. For instructions, see "Search Log (Option 2)" on page LOG-S. Record each symptom code, device address, controller, and age, for the errors that occurred since the customer started having problems. If the age is not known because the error log came from a 3880 Storage Control, it is difficult to determine which records are associated with the problem. If possible, obtain information from the customer about the nature and frequency of the problem. This information, combined with your knowledge of the devices in this account, can sometimes be used to determine which records are associated with the problem. The most recent entry in the log is labeled ENT=01; the last entry in the log is the oldest. Are there any entries in the transferred logs? Yes No I Repeat Step 003 in this IMAP for the other controllers. 006 Have the customer run EREP. If the string is a 4-path string, move the MD plug to the other A unit in the string and repeat Step 003 in this IMAP for both controllers in the other A unit. An EREP report will be required to determine failing devices and controllers. Ask the customer to run the EREP Exception reports. Search transferred logs. The error log can now be searched using option 2 of the error log function menu. For instructions, see "Search Log (Option 2)" on page LOG-S. Alternatively, a merge (option 3) can be done with other transferred error logs and a search done on the merged error logs. For instructions, see "Merge Log (Option 3)" on page LOG-8. ( ( C" ( (" If the string is attached to a 3990 Storage Control, merge the error logs just transferred using Error Log Function Menu option 3. Error log entries for all specified logs are merged in chronological order. Records in the merged log can then be searched and displayed without searching each individual log. Display each entry in each log transferred or in the merged log using Error Log Function Menu option 2 (Search Log Function). Specify ALL records. The PIN 4519899 56 Sides Eo 475248 25Apr88 10 Copyright IBM Corp: 1987. 1988 Then go to SMAP 0020 Step 001 on page START-8. 007 Prioritize the errors in the log using the following procedure. Note: All undervo/tage problems should be resolved before attempting resolve other problems. Review the system codes for the following undervoltage conditions: DFFF EFFF EFFO 9FFF Controller undervoltage Controller undervoltage Device undervoltage Device undervoltage (Step 007 continues) ISOLATE-21 /. ~I 007 (continued) 011 (continued) Do you have one of these symptom codes? Yes No The procedure in IMAP 0215 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-8uses device diagnostics to help isolate the problem. I o 008 All symptom codes associated with the string of drives should be considered. 1. Determine the highest priority symptom code group from the following list: • • • • Dxxx (except low priority SCs) Exxx Low priority symptom codes: DFx3 DFx9 DFxC DFx5 DFxA DFxD DFx8 DFxB 9xxx 2. Determine the highest priority symptom code within the selected group. Select the symptom code that occurs most often or has the highest count. 3. Determine which Devices and Controller paths are reporting the selected symptom code from the information previously recorded. Go to Step 011 in this IMAP. t' 009 Check the Device and Controller voltages and ripple. See page PWR-1, Entry A, in the MIM, Volume RIO. Are the voltages and ripple OK? Yes No I 010 Repair or replace FRUs as directed by the procedures in the PWR section MAPs (see the MIM, Volume R 10). C: Next, go to RMAP 0320 Step 001 on page REPAIR-8 to run diagnostics. 011 (From Step 008 in this IMAP) (Step 011 continues) ISOLATE-22 PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 C C: ( IMAP 0235: Symptom Code Analysis 001 ( ( (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From IMAP 0200 Step 003 Page ISOLATE-11) IMAP 0220 Step 012 IMAP 0230 Step 009 IMAP 0240 Step 006 IMAP 0245 Step 023 IMAP 0250 Step 007 IMAP 0280 Step 009 IMAP 0285 Step 009 IMAP 0290 Step 009 • If the HDA is suspected, the HDA cable swap procedure should be performed to help isolate the problem if there is another repeat call. See page CARR-1, Entry Q, in the MIM, Volume R 10. • On a second repeat call, perform all additional action items. on page ISOLATE-1) on on on on on on on on page page page page page page page page ISOLATE-13) ISOLATE-17) ISOLA TE-25) ISOLATE-29) ISOLATE-32) ISOLATE-50) ISOLATE-52) ISOLATE-54) Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2 to replace the recommended FRUs. Use the MD to determine the probable failing FRUs: If you already have the FRU list, go to step 5 in the following procedure. ( 1. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. 2. From the Main menu, select option 3 (ANALYZE SYMPTOM CODE). 3. In response to the prompt, enter the highest priority symptom code. This code should have been previously determined in the START procedures. See "Analyze Symptom Code (Main Menu Option 3)" on page MD-37 for directions on entering symptom codes. 4. Answer all questions and perform all steps requested by the MD until a FRU list is displayed. If the MD asks for additional sense information, entering the requested sense bytes will provide the smallest possible FRU list. If the sense bytes are not available, bypass the step by pressing the enter key. 5. Perform actions indicated by the MD. When replacing FRUs, use the following guidelines: ( ( • On the first call, replace all FRUs in the primary FRU list. • On a repeat call, replace all FRUs in the secondary FRU list. If there is a MAP indicated by the MD, go to the MAP to determine any additional actions. PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 f" ISOLATE-23 o IMAP 0240: Problem Analysis With Error Log Data mode. 001 (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From IMAP 0200 Step 003 on page ISOLATE-1) IMAP 0218 Step 012 on page ISOLATE-10) IMAP 0220 Step 011 on page ISOLATE-13) IMAP 0250 Step 006 on page ISOLA TE-32) IMAP 0265 Step 016 on page ISOLATE-40) IMAP 0270 Step 016 on page ISOLATE-44) IMAP 0270 Step 017 on page ISOLATE-44) IMAP 0275 Step 009 on page ISOLATE-47) IMAP 0280 Step 008 on page ISOLATE-50) IMAP 0285 Step 008 on page ISOLATE-52) IMAP 0290 Step 008 on page ISOLATE-54) RMAP 0340 Step 003 on page REPAIR-13) Is the MD already attached and loaded? Yes No I ;" ( 002 Attach and prepare the MD. Warning: Never power the MD on or off with the diskette inserted. See page MD-4 for directions. The error log is collected and maintained by the storage control. The error log is an equipment check log. Data checks are not included unless the error log mask is changed to include them. Ensure that the storage control you are going to use is powered on and has completed its initial microcode load (IML), and that the functional diskette for the 3380-JK is installed. There is an error log for each controller. Go to Step 003 in this IMAP. Each error log contains a maximum of 16 entries for errors that occurred on the string when using the controller. Each entry contains 32 bytes (24 sense bytes and 8 bytes of additional information). Each error log entry contains a counter. If an error occurs that is the same as the previous error (same controller and symptom code for format 7, or same controller. device, and symptom code for formats 1, 8, and 9) the counter in the last entry is updated and a new log entry is not generated. 003 (From Steps 002 and 005 in this IMAP) Warning: If the MD diskette is from another string, all logs must be transferred before searching any of the logs. Otherwise, the results of the search will be unpredictable. The error log may be transferred to the MD and then searched. based on search parameters entered on the MD. The error logs for all controllers can be transferred to the MD and then merged together into one error log. The merged error log can then be searched for errors on any device and any controller. The error log is accessed by an inline diagnostic routine that runs in the storage control under control of the MD. Devices need not be in CE ISOLATE-24 (' If not already done, use the transfer log function to collect error information from the error logs: 1. When attached to a 3990 storage control, each error log entry contains the age of the entry in hours. When attached to a 3380 storage control, age is not provided. \ \0....,/ 2. 3. From the MD Main menu, select option 2 (ERROR LOG FUNCTION). From the Error Log Function menu, select option 1 (TRANSFER LOG). Specify your choice for the controller. If the error log has already been transferred, go to Step 005 in this IMAP. During the transfer, the most recent entry is first and the oldest entry is last. When the transfer is complete, the log can be searched or merged with other logs that have been transferred. The transfer uses a diagnostic program that runs in the storage control. Some problems with the storage control, with the controller, or with the PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 10 Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 (f -\ ~j (f'\ ~,I C control interface (DOC) do not allow the diagnostic to run. The error log is not transferred, and the MD displays a diagnostic error message. Was the transfer completed without a diagnostic error message? Yes No I Before returning the machine to the customer, perform the End of Call procedure. Go to RMAP 0350 Step 001 on page REPAIR-15. 007 A summary of each log entry is displayed. 004 ( Press ENTER to begin analysis in the MD. Select a symptom code for analysis. ( When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR pages to replace the indicated FRUs. Review all entries before selecting an entry for analysis. 1. ( Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. 005 (From Step 003 in this IMAP) { (( The error log for the selected controller was written on the MD diskette during the transfer. The error log in the storage control is not reset. Perform the following steps: 1. Repeat Step 003 in this IMAP for the other controller in the A unit. 2. If the string is a 4-path string, move the MD plug to the other A Unit in the string and repeat Step 003 in this IMAP for the controllers in that A Unit. 3. The error log can now be searched using option 2 of the error log function menu or a merge (option 3) can be done with other transferred error logs and a search done on the merged error logs. Record each symptom code, device address, controller, and age, for the errors that occurred since the customer started having problems. If the age is not known because the error log came from a 3880 Storage Control, it is difficult to determine which records are associated with the problem. If possible, obtain information from the customer about the nature and frequency of the problem. This information combined with your knowledge of the devices in this account, can sometimes be used to determine which records are associated with the problem. The most recent entry in the log is labeled ENT =01; the last entry in the log is the oldest. 2. Use the following guidelines to prioritize the failures: • DFFF EFFF EFFO 9FFF See "Search Log (Option 2)" on page LOG-5. ( I An EREP report or a system console message with sense data is needed for analysis. When sense data is available, go to IMAP 0235 Step 001 on page ISOLA TE-23. ( ( PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 Controller undervoltage Controller undervoltage Device undervoltage Device undervoltage Note: All undervoltage problems should be resolved before attempting resolve other problems. Were error log entries found? Yes No 006 Resolve undervoltage conditions first: • If there are multiple symptom codes and no undervoltage symptom codes, determine the highest priority symptom code group from the following list: ISOLATE-25 r ' {' ~' , Dxxx (except low priority SCs) Exxx Low priority symptom codes: DFx3 DFx9 DFxC DFx5 DFxA DFxD DFx8 DFxB 9xxx • 3. If there are multiple symptoms within the selected group, select the symptom code that occurs most or has the highest count. After each error display, the search function allows you to analyze the error by entering "A." If "A" (Analyze the Error) is chosen, the 24 sense bytes are displayed, then analysis is done on the error. Follow directions from the MD until a FRU group is displayed. When replacing FRUs, use the following guidelines: • On the first call, replace all FRUs in the primary FRU list. • On a repeat call, replace all FRUs in the secondary FRU list. If there is a MAP indicated by the MD, go to the MAP to determine any additional actions. • If the HDA is suspected, the HDA cable swap procedure should be performed to help isolate the problem if there is another repeat call. See page CARR-1, Entry Q, in the MIM, Volume R 10. • On a second repeat call, perform all additional action items. ~ .../ Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2 to replace the recommended FRUs. (~ <\."•.,,' ISOLATE-26 PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 c (" c IMAP 0245: Device Not Ready 001 003 (continued) ( (From IMAP 0205 Step 020 on page ISOLATE-4) (From IMAP 0248 Step 002 on page ISOLATE-31) Is the lock in the unlocked position? Yes No ( Device not ready is indicated when a Device Ready light on the operator panel is off. 004 A Device Ready light is off when one or more of the following conditions are present: 1. Unlock the access mechanism lock. 2. Set the actuator logic switch for the failing device to the Disable position, then back to the Enable position. See page REPAIR-27. 3. The device should come ready within 10 seconds. • ( • • • • • • • ( ( I Perform the following steps: The drive associated with the device is powered off or did not power on. The device is powered off. The device logic is disabled. The ENABLE/DISABLE switch associated with the device is in the DISABLE position. There is a device Check 1. There is a device Check 2. A hardware fault in the device dropped Online. (Online is indicated in sense format 1 or 8, sense byte 19, bit 4.) There is a hardware fault in the servo system. If the device becomes ready, go to Step 011 in this IMAP. - or Otherwise, go to Step 005 in this IMAP. 005 Check the Enable/Disable switch (on the operator panel) for the not ready device to verify that the switch is in the Enable position. Is the switch in the Enable position? Yes No (From Step 004 in this IMAP) Check the status of the drive (running or stopped). Is the drive stopped? Yes No I I 006 002 Go to Step 011 in this IMAP. Set the switch to the Enable position. 007 If the device becomes ready, go to Step 011 in this IMAP. - or Otherwise, go to Step 003 in this IMAP. c ( 003 (From Step 002 in this IMAP) Inspect the HDA access mechanism lock for the device that is not ready. See page CARR-1, Entry AB, in the MIM, Volume R10. ( ( (Step 003 continues) PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr98 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 Does the drive belt appear to be In good condition and in the correct position on the pulleys? Yes No I 008 Replace the belt. See page CARR-1, Entry E, in the MIM, Volume R 10 for the procedure. If this corrects the Device Not Ready problem, go to RMAP 0320 Step 001 on page REPAIR-B. - or Otherwise, go to Step 009 in this IMAP. ISOLATE-27 c ( "~ _.7 012 (continued) Attach and prepare the MD. 009 (From Step 008 in this IMAP) Check the fit of the drive belt cover to the belt cover switch. Warning: Never power the MD on or off with the diskette inserted. Does the belt cover switch appear to be correctly operating? Yes No See page MD-4 for directions. Ensure that the storage control you are going to use is powered on, has completed its initial microcode load (IML), and that the functional diskette for the 3380-JK is installed. I 010 Correct the problem with the belt cover switch. If this corrects the Device Not Ready problem, go to RMAP 0320 Step 001 on page REPAIR-8. - or Otherwise, go to Step 011 in this IMAP. Continue with Step 013 in this IMAP. 013 (From Step 012 in this IMAP) i" Set CE Mode: 011 (From Steps 002, 004, 006, and 010 in this IMAP) 1. Vary devices offline. 2. Ask the customer to vary offline each of the devices you want to test. Devices should be varied offline on each attached system. See page MD-6 for directions. If the devices are not varied offline successfully, avoid using those devices or proceed only with customer permission. Advise the customer that devices to be tested must be placed in CE mode for the tests to run. If a system attempts to use a device that has been placed in CE mode, the storage control responds with unit check and sends an Intervention Required sense byte record to that system. From the MD Main menu, select option 0 (SET/RESET CE MODE). Use the Set/Reset CE Mode option to set the devices to be tested in CE mode. Did CE mode set OK for all the devices specified? Yes No I 014 Go to IMAP 0225 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-14. 015 (From Step 018 in this IMAP) Run the Normal Sequence diagnostics: ,,;1(- "-', \ \ " ' ..• J When a device is taken out of CE mode, an interrupt is generated to each using system and normal operation of the device should be resumed. Is the MD already attached to the A unit, powered on, and ready for use? Yes No 1. 2. 3. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. From the Main menu, select option 1 (RUN DIAGNOSTICS). From the Diagnostics menu, select option 0 (NORMAL SEQUENCE). I See page MD-10 for directions. 012 (Step 012 continues) (Step 015 continues) ISOLATE-28 PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr1l8 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 , (- 015 (continued) Did the diagnostics run to normal end without an error? Yes No I ( ( c ( ( 016 Press the ENTER key on the MD to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU group. When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR pages to replace the indicated FRUs. 022 (continued) If this Is of concern, replace the SequencerlServo/RPS card and Servo Power Amplifier card for the affected actuator. Next, go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. - or otherwise, go to RMAP 0350 Step 001 on page REPAIR-15. 023 Go to IMAP 0235 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-23. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. 017 Has the failing device been tested with all controllers? Yes No I 018 Go to Step 015 in this IMAP and repeat the normal sequence tests with all controllers. 019 Is the Device Ready LED on now? Yes No I 020 Use the PWR section MAPs in the MIM, Volume R10 to isolate the problem. ( ( ( Go to page PWR-1, Entry BS, in the MIM, Volume R10. 021 Is sense data available from the system (EREP, console, ICKDSF, etc.)? Yes No I ( (- ( (- 022 It is not unusual for device ready LEDs to go off during long periods of non-operation. This may be due to a loss of track following. If this happens, using the device will cause the storage control to rezero the actuator. This will bring the device back to the ready state. PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ISOLATE-29 IMAP 0247: Device Switch Enabled LED Off 001 (From IMAP 0205 Step 020 on page ISOLATE-4) Check the front of the A unit to ensure that the suspect device Enable/Disable switch is in the Enable position. Is the switch in the Enable position? Yes No I 002 Switch to Enable, then go to IMAP 0220 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-12 to run diagnostics. 003 Go to page MAP-1, Entry CEo in the MIM, Volume R10. iii' '" \~.->., ISOLATE-30 PIN 4519899 56 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 REPAIR-1 ( , "'-J RMAP 0300: FRU Replacement Procedures 001 (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From IMAP 0218 Step 002 on page ISOLATE-9) IMAP 0218 Step 006 on page ISOLATE-10) IMAP 0218 Step 011 on page ISOLATE-10) IMAP 0220 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-12) IMAP 0220 Step 009 on page ISOLATE-13) IMAP 0225 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-14) IMAP 0230 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-16) IMAP 0230 Step 006 on page ISOLATE-16) IMAP 0232 Step 006 on page ISOLATE-19) IMAP 0233 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-21) IMAP 0235 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-23) IMAP 0240 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-25) IMAP 0240 Step 009 on page ISOLATE-26) IMAP 0245 Step 016 on page ISOLATE-29) IMAP 0245 Step 022 on page ISOLATE-29) IMAP 0248 Step 006 on page ISOLATE-31) IMAP 0248 Step 007 on page ISOLATE-31) IMAP 0250 Step 002 on page ISOLA TE-32) IMAP 0260 Step 008 on page ISOLATE-36) IMAP 0260 Step 015 on page ISOLATE-37) IMAP 0260 Step 016 on page ISOLATE-37) IMAP 0265 Step 008 on page ISOLATE-39) IMAP 0265 Step 015 on page ISOLATE-40) IMAP 0265 Step 017 on page ISOLATE-40) IMAP 0265 Step 018 on page ISOLATE-41) IMAP 0270 Step 008 on page ISOLATE-43) IMAP 0270 Step 014 on page ISOLATE-44) IMAP 0270 Step 018 on page ISOLATE-44) IMAP 0270 Step 019 on page ISOLATE-45) IMAP 0275 Step 008 on page ISOLATE-47) IMAP 0275 Step 012 on page ISOLATE-47) IMAP 0275 Step 013 on page ISOLATE-48) IMAP 0280 Step 006 on page ISOLATE-50) IMAP 0285 Step 006 on page ISOLATE-52) IMAP 0290 Step 006 on page ISOLATE-54) IMAP 0295 Step 002 on page ISOLATE-55) Page REPAIR-1) Page REPAIR-1) Page REPAIR-1) RMAP 0320 Step 010 on page REPAIR-9) RMAP 0320 Step 014 on page REPAIR-9) RMAP 0330 Step 006 on page REPAIR-11) RMAP 0330 Step 010 on page REPAIR-12) RMAP 0340 Step 003 on page REPAIR-13) RMAP 0340 Step 003 on page REPAIR-13) 1. Find the card or cards you want to replace in the charts on page REPAIR-4. 2. Use the Repair Affects column to determine what portion of the machine or string is affected by replacement of the card. Does the Repair Affects column indicate Controller? Yes No I 002 Refer to the Vary Offline column to determine which devices the customer must vary offline. If not already done, ask the customer to vary offline each of the affected devices. Devices should be varied offline on each attached system. c; Place the affected devices in CE mode. Use MD Main Menu Option O. Refer to "Set/Reset CE Mode (MD Main Menu Option 0)" on page MD-7. After the device or devices are placed in CE mode, go to RMAP 0310 Step 001 on page REPAIR-5. 003 Determine if the falling controller can be quiesced. It is easier to Quiesce a controller than it is to have the customer vary the failing path offline from each attached system, but there are some limitations: I • I I I Quiesce controller can be used on both 4-way and 2-way subsystems. On a 2-way subsystem the path must be varied offline by the customer before the Quiesce Controller is executed. I • I Quiesce path or controller cannot be used when attached to a 3880 storage control. c/ Quiesce is a function performed at the Storage Control support facility keyboard and does not involve system operators. () (Step 003 continues) Ci REPAIR-2 PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONoYB8 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 C o 003 (continued) Can the failing controller be qulesced? Yes No I ( 004 Ask the customer to vary offline the affected path on each attached system. Go to RMAP 0310 Step 001 on page REPAIR-5. ( 005 To locate the attached storage control and determine the storage path, refer to the SSIO and Storage Path labels on either the A-Unit front operator panel or the rear Unit Emergency Power Off panel. To Quiesce a controller, use instructions in the storage control maintenance package. Refer to MLX Exit 9 on page MLX-3. f After the controller is quiesced, go to RMAP 0310 Step 001 on page REPAIR-5. f ( PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 REPAIR-3 A 1 Board (Controller) Cards Controller Logic Card Name Controller A1(A3) Controller A2(A4) DDC/DTB I/O Control (IOC) A1W2 A1V2 CDPSSO CDPSS1 (Note 1) Repair Affects Vary Offline or Quiesce A1B2 A1C2 Controller Controller Affected storage path A1U2 A1T2 A102 A1E2 Controller Controller Affected storage path DPS (Note 3) A1S2 A1F2 String Controller Sequencer A1R2 A1G2 Controller All devices in the string (Devices cannot be quiesced) Affected storage path DHPLO ClocklSERDES/ECC 1 SERDES 2 (Note 2) MD Adapter A1Q2 A1N2 A1P2 A1M4 A1H2 A1J2 A1K2 A1L4 Controller Controller Controller Controller Affected storage path Notes: c~ 1. Controllers in 2-path strings do not have CDPSS 1 cards. 2. Late level machines do not have SERDES 2 cards. 3. Strings attached to a 3990 storage control do not have DPS cards. B1 and Cx Board (Device) Cards Device Logic Card Name Left Front Right Front Left Rear Right Rear Repair Affects Vary Offline PES/PROM Seq/Servo/RPS Port/R-W B102 B1E2 B1F2 B1K2 B1J2 B1H2 B1N2 B1P2 B1Q2 B1U2 B1T2 B1S2 Device Device Device Affected devices R/W Channel Board Servo Power Amp COB2 C4P1 C1B2 C4P2 C2B2 C4P3 C3B2 C4P4 Device Device Affected Devices Power B1G2 B1G2 B1R2 B1R2 Drive Both devices in drive B1W2 B1W3 B1B2 B1B3 B1W2 B1W3 B1B2 B183 B1W2 B1W3 B1B2 8183 B1W2 B1W3 B1B2 81B3 All devices in the unit All devices in the unit A1 A2 A3 A4 Port Port Port Port Term Term Term Term i· c REPAIR .. 4 PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 ( RMAP 0310: Replacing FRUs 001 (. ( - 4. Attach the ESO wrist strap to your wrist and ground it to the machine frame of logic gate. 5. Remove the card being replaced. B. Set the switches on the new card if required. See note in additional action column of charts. 7. Power On. Use the Power On procedure as indicated in the Power Off/On Procedure column of Figure 2 on page REPAIR-B. Locate the unit in which FRUs will be replaced. The unit can be determined as follows: 8. Perform the Post Repair Checkout. • The string can be determined by the String 10 on the rear Unit Emergency Power Off panel. Go to RMAP 0320 Step 001 on page REPAIR-8. • When replacing controller logic cards, the controller board (A 1/A2 or A3/ A4) can be determined by the Controller 10 labels on the rear Unit Emergency Power Off panel and on the A-Gate logic card cover label. • When replacing device logic cards, the unit containing the devic~ can be determined by the device physical address labels on the Single Actuator Maintenance (SAM) Control Panel. (From (From (From (From (From (From (From RMAP RMAP RMAP RMAP RMAP RMAP RMAP 0300 0300 0300 0320 0320 0330 0330 Step Step Step Step Step Step Step 002 004 005 011 015 007' 011 on on on on on on on page page page page page page page REPAIR-2) REPAIR-~) REPAIR-3) REPAIR-g) REPAIR-10) REPAIR-11) REPAIR-12) Follow this procedure when replacing FRUs: 1. ( For additional information about locating the failing string and device, refer to SMAP 0030 Step 001 on page START-14 and SMAP 0045 Step 001 on page START-21. ( 2. Power off the affected portion of the string. Use the Power Off procedure for the card you are replacing, as indicated in the Power Off/On Procedure column of Figure 2 on page REPAIR-5. 3. Read any additional action items. ( The Additional Action column refers you to important information related to the cards you are replacing. PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright ( IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 REPAIR-S (~"'\ , \ '~ A 1 Board (Controller) Cards Controller A1(A3) Controller A2(A4) Power Off Power Off/On Procedure on page DDC/DTB A1W2 A1B2 Controller REPAIR-27 110 Control (l0C) A1V2 A1C2 Controller REPAIR-27 CDPSSO CDPSS1 (Note 3) A1U2 A1T2 A1D2 A1E2 Controller Controller REPAIR-27 REPAIR-27 DPS (Note 5) Controller Sequencer A1S2 A1R2 A1F2 A1G2 String Controller REPAIR-25 REPAIR-27 DHPLO ClocklSERDES/ECC SERDES 2 (Note 4) MD Adapter A1Q2 A1N2 A1P2 A1M4 A1H2 A1J2 A1K2 A1L4 Controller Controller Controller Controller REPAIR-25 REPAIR-27 REPAIR-25 REPAIR-27 Controller Logic Card Name Additional Action Set switches (see page REPAIR-18). Set switches (see page REPAIR-20). See Note 1. Warning See Note 2. Warning Notes: 1. Warning: Always power off the string (both controllers) before replacing a DPS card, to ensure that both DPS card arrays will be correctly initialized. If one DPS card has power on and the storage array on that card contains data that is not correct, the array on the card being replaced will be loaded with the data that is not correct when the new DPS card is powered on. If the problem Is Intermittent or you cannot determine which card Is faulty, replace both DPS cards. Do not swap DPS cards. 2. Warning: Do not swap MD Adapter cards. These cards are not the same. Swapping these cards will result in the MD addressing the wrong storage path or storage director. 3. Controllers in 2-path strings do not have CDPSS 1 cards. 4. Late level machines do not have SERDES 2 cards. 5. Strings attached to a 3990 storage control do not have DPS cards. REPAIR-6 ( PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 --" , c c ( ( B1 and Cx Board (Device) Cards Power Off Power OfflOn Procedure on page Additional Action 81U2 Device REPAIR-29 See Warning 81P2 8102 C282 81T2 81S2 C382 Device Device Device REPAIR-29 REPAIR-29 REPAIR-29 C4P2 C4P3 C4P4 Device REPAIR-29 81G2 81G2 81R2 81R2 Drive REPAIR-28 81W2 81W3 8182 8183 81W2 81W3 8182 8183 81W2 81W3 8182 8183 81W2 81W3 8182 8183 Unit Unit Unit Unit REPAIR-26 REPAIR-26 REPAIR-26 REPAIR-26 Device Logic Card Name Left Front Right Front Left Rear Right Rear PES/PROM 8102 81K2 81N2 Seq/Servo/RPS Port/R-W R/W Channel 80ard 81E2 81F2 C082 81J2 81H2 C182 Servo Power Amp C4P1 Power A1 A2 A3 A4 Port Port Port Port Term Term Term Term MIM, Volume R10 Page CARR-1, Entry N Warning: Do not swap PES/PROM cards. A Defective PES/PROM card can cause data to be written off track. ( f ("" c PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONovB8 o Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 REPAIR-7 RMAP 0320: Post-Repair Checkout 001 (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From sense byte record to that system. IMAP 0212 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-7) IMAP 0228 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-15) IMAP 0233 Step 010 on page ISOLATE-22) IMAP 0245 Step 008 on page ISOLATE-27) IMAP 0245 Step 010 on page ISOLATE-28) IMAP 0260 Step 002 on page ISOLATE-35) Page REPAIR-1) RMAP 0310 Step 001 on page REPAIR-5) Page REPAIR-25) Page REPAIR-26) Page REPAIR-27) Page REPAIR-28) Page REPAIR-29) When a device is taken out of CE mode, an interrupt is generated to each using system and normal operation of the device should be resumed. Is the MD already attached to the A unit, powered on, and ready for use? Yes No I 004 Attach and prepare the MD. Warning: Never power the MD on or off with the diskette inserted. To completely test the machine the normal sequence of diagnostics must be ruh on one or more devices, even if the problem that was repaired was in the controller. Ensure that the attached storage control you are going to use is powered on, has completed its initial microcode load (lML), and that the functional diskette for the 3380-JK is installed. I 002 Go to the Post-Repair Controller Checkout procedure (RMAP 0330 Step 001 on page REPAIR-11). ::; See page MD-5 for directions. Can the devices you want to test be taken from customer operation? Yes No The repaired problem was in the controller or controller path and device diagnostics can not be run. "'--. Continue with Step 005 in this RMAP. '",- 005 "; (From Step 004 in this RMAP) If not already done, use MD Main menu option 0 to put the devices to be tested Into CE mode. See page MD-7 for directions. 003 Vary devices offline. Old CE mode set OK for all the devices specified? Yes No I Ask the customer to vary offline each of the devices you want to test. Devices should be varied offline on each attached system. If the devices are not varied offline successfully, avoid using those devices or proceed only with customer permission. 006 Go to IMAP 0225 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-14. 007 Run the Normal Sequence diagnostics: ,~,--- ...... i "" Advise the customer that devices to be tested must be placed in CE mode for the tests to run. If a system attempts to use a device that has been placed in CE mode, the storage control responds with unit check and sends an Intervention Required REPAIR-8 1. 2. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. From the Main menu, select option 1 (RUN DIAGNOSTICS). PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp, 1997, 1999 j ( (-3. From the Diagnostics menu, select option 0 (NORMAL SEQUENCE). If possible, use both controllers in the A unit. See page MD-11 for directions. ( « Did the diagnostics run to normal end without an error? Yes No I 008 ( 011 (From Step 009 in this RMAP) Some configurations do not use the DPS cards. The DPS cards are used when the string is attached to a 3880, but they are not used when the string is attached to a 3990. For DPS card replacement information, refer to RMAP 0310 Step 001 on page REPAIR-5. Did you replace a DPS card? Yes No I Go to Step 010 in this RMAP. 012 Go to Step 015 in this RMAP. 009 ( Go to Step 011 in this RMAP. 013 010 (From Step 008 in this RMAP) Press the ENTER key to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU list. ( ( ( c Answer questions and follow instructions given by the MD. If you are asked "DO YOU WANT TO RUN CONNECTION TESTS?" you are advised to answer "YES." The connection tests provide better isolation. The connection tests do not run inline with customer operation. Before running the connection tests, all paths to the failing controller should be varied omine. If this cannot be done, answer "NO" to "DO YOU WANT TO RUN CONNECTION TESTS?" . When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures to replace the indicated FRUs. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. If the problem is not corrected, perform the additional action indicated by the MD. If the additional action has already been performed or if there is no additional action indicated, go to RMAP 0340 Step 001 on page REPAIR-13. To completely test the DPS function run the extended DPS tests. The extended DPS tests check the correct interaction of DPS on both controllers (A1 and A2). Run the Extended DPS tests: 1. 2. 3. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. From the Main menu, select option 1 (RUN DIAGNOSTICS). From the Diagnostic menu, select option 2 (EXTENDED DPS TESTS). See page MD-14 for directions. Old the extended DPS tests run to normal end without an error? Yes No I 014 Press the ENTER key to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU list. When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR pages to replace the indicated FRUs. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. If the problem is not corrected, perform the PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 REPAIR-9 additional action indicated by the MD. If the additional action has already been performed or if there is no additional action indicated, go to RMAP 0340 Step 001 on page REPAIR-13. 017 (continued) When you are sure that the switches are set correctly, go to RMAP 0350 Step 001 on page REPAIR-15 to end the call. 015 (From Step 012 in this RMAP) For DDC/DTB card and I/O Control card replacement information, refer to RMAP 0310 Step 001 on page REPAIR-5. Did you replace a DDC/DTB card or an I/O Control card? Yes No I 016 Go to RMAP 0350 Step 001 on page REPAIR-15. i ,,-.j 017 Run the Device Status test to check the switch settings on the replaced card. ~/ --. r '.,.j Refer to switch setting procedures: DDCIDTB Card (A1W2 and A1B2) For 2-path switch settings, see "DDC/DTB Card (A1W2 and A1B2) Switch Settings (2-Path)" on page REPAIR-18. For 4-path switch settings, see "DDC/DTB Card (A1W2 and A1B2) Switch Settings (4-Path)" on page REPAIR-19. I/O Control Card (A1V2 and A1C2) For string 10 switch settings, see "I/O Control Card (A1V2 and A1C2) Switch Settings (String 10)" on page REPAIR-20. For 2-path switch settings, see "110 Control Card (A1V2 and A1C2) Switch Settings (2-Path String Configuration)" on page REPAIR-21. For 4-path switch settings, see "I/O Control Card (A 1V2 and A 1C2) Switch Settings (4-Path String Configuration)" on page REPAIR-22. c (Step 017 continues) REPAIR-10 PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov66 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 c ( C ( RMAP 0330: Post-Repair Controller Checkout 001 005 (From RMAP 0320 Step 002 on page REPAIR-8) Go to Step 007 in this RMAP. Is the MD attached to the A unit, powered on, and ready for use? Yes No 006 (From Step 004 in this RMAP) I 002 Attach and prepare the MD. Warning: Never power the MD on or off with the diskette Inserted. See page MD-5 for directions. Ensure that the attached storage control you are going to use is powered on and has completed its initial microcode load (IML), and that the functional diskette for the 3380-JK is installed. Continue with Step 003 in this RMAP. 003 (From Step 002 in this RMAP) Run the controller tests. ( c The controller tests can be run in-line with customer operations on the controller. Therefore, controller paths and devices do not need to be varied off line. 1. 2. ( c « ( c From the MD Main Menu, select option 1 (RUN DIAGNOSTICS). From the Diagnostic Menu, select option 1 (CONTROLLER TESTS). See page MD-13 for directions. Did the controller diagnostics run to normal end without an error? Yes No I 004 Go to Step 006 in this RMAP. Answer questions and follow instructions given by the MD. If you are asked "DO YOU WANT TO RUN CONNECTION TESTS?" you are advised to answer "YES." The connection tests provide better isolation. The connection tests do not run in line with customer operation. Before running the connection tests, all paths to the failing controller should be varied offline. If this cannot be done, answer "NO" to "DO YOU WANT TO RUN CONNECTION TESTS?" When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR section to replace the indicated FRUs. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. If the problem is not corrected, perform the additional action indicated by the MD. If the additional action has already been performed or if there is no additional action indicated, go to RMAP 0340 Step 001 on page REPAIR-13. 007 (From Step 005 in this RMAP) Some configurations do not use the DPS cards. The DPS cards are used when the string is attached to a 3880, but they are not used when the string is attached to a 3990. For DPS card replacement information, refer to RMAP 0310 Step 001 on page REPAIR-5. (Step 007 continues) (Step 005 continues) PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp" 1987. 1988 (" Press the ENTER key to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU list. REPAIR-11 007 (continued) Did you replace a DPS card? Yes No I 008 Go to Step 011 in this RMAP. 009 To completely test the DPS function, run the Extended DPS tests. The Extended DPS tests check the correct interaction of DPS on both controllers (A1 and A2). Run the Extended DPS tests: 1. 2. 3. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. From the Main menu, select option 1 (RUN DIAGNOSTICS). From the Diagnostic menu, select option 2 (EXTENDED DPS TESTS). See page MD-14 for directions. Did the Extended DPS tests run to normal end without an error? Yes No I 010 Press the ENTER key to analyze the error and to obtain a FRU list. When a FRU group is displayed, use the guided FRU replacement procedures in the REPAIR section to replace the indicated FRUs. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. If the problem is not corrected, perform the additional action indicated by the MD. If the additional action has already been performed or if there is no additional action indicated, go to RMAP 0350 Step 001 on page REPAIR-15. 011 (continued) (From Step 008 in this RMAP) For DDC/DTB card and //0 Control card replacement information, refer to RMAP 0310 Step 001 on page REPAIR-5. Did you replace a DDC/DTB card or an I/O Control card? Yes No I 012 Go to RMAP 0350 Step 001 on page REPAIR-15. 013 Run the Device status test to check the switch settings on the replaced card. Refer to switch setting procedures: DDC/DTB Card (A1W2 and A1B2) For 2-path switch settings, see "DDC/DTB Card (A1W2 and A1B2) Switch Settings (2-Path)" on page REPAIR-18. For 4-path switch settings, see "DDC/DTB Card (A 1W2 and A 1B2) Switch Settings (4-Path)" on page REPAIR-19. - ./ I/O Control Card (A1V2 and A1C2) For string 10 switch settings, see "//0 Control Card (A1V2 and A1C2) Switch Settings (String 10)" on page REPAIR-20. For 2-path switch settings, see "I/O Control Card (A 1V2 and A 1C2) Switch Settings (2-Path String Configuration)" on page REPAIR-21. For 4-path switch settings, see "I/O Control Card (A1V2 and A1C2) Switch Settings (4-Path String Configuration)" on page REPAIR-22. !f ""\ ~-./ When you are sure that the switches are set correctly. go to RMAP 0350 Step 001 on page REPAIR-15 to end the call. 011 (Step 011 continues) REPAIR-12 '...... PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ( ( ( ( RMAP 0340: End of Guided Maintenance 001 (From (From (From (From (From (From IMAP 0260 Step 016 on page ISOLATE-3?) IMAP 0295 Step 003 on page ISOLATE-55) Page REPAIR-1) RMAP 0320 Step 010 on page REPAIR-9) RMAP 0320 Step 014 on page REPAIR-10) RMAP 0330 Step 006 on page REPAIR-11) Is the machine still failing? Yes No Go to .. Analyze Symptom Code (Main Menu Option 3)" on page MD-40. • Go to IMAP 0240 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-24. • I c c 002 Go to RMAP 0350 Step 001 on page REPAIR-15. 003 Perform a top-card-connector check. • If a device problem seems to be indicated, reJJlace all 81-board cards (for the failing device) that were not previously replaced. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. • Check the operator panel switches. If a controller problem seems to be indicated, replace all A 1-board cards (for the failing controller) that were not previously replaced. Ensure that the switches on the operator panel are . set to Enable. Go to RMAP 0300 Step 001 on page REPAIR-2. Perform voltage and ripple checks. If not already done, perform voltage and ripple checks on the affected controller and devices. See page PWR-1, Entry A, in the MIM, Volume R10 to perform voltage checks. • I • I I I Order the A 1 and/or 81 boards. if EREP or sense data is available, check for the FSCs in the following list. If you have any of the FSCs listed, go to page MD-1, Entry C, Option A before continuing: If not already done, consider the following: 9F9F • EI08 El80 } 4x2x 4x6x 4xAx ( If sense data is available, use MD option 3 to analyze the highest priority symptom code. > With failures on heads 4, 5, 6, and/or 7 Go to "Analyze Symptom Code (Main Menu Option 3)" on page MD-40. • ( If the MD asked that you define a failure boundary, you may have selected the wrong boundary. If you have not followed the 'define failure boundary' procedures closely, perform the analysis again. Go to MD 0050 Step 001 on page MD-53. Check the affected A 1 and/or 81 board top card connectors to ensure that they are all in place and seated correctly. See the decal on the gate cover(s) for correct locations. ( If sense data is not available, perform error log analysis. If sense data is available, the highest priority symptom code has been analyzed, and there are additional symptom codes, use MD option 3 to analyze the next highest priority symptom code. PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 Call your next level of support for assistance. When contacting your next level of support, it is important that the following information be readily available. REPAIR-13 • Machine type and model • Machine serial number '. System type/serial number • Severity status • A telephone number where you can be reached at the account • Customer problem indications (symptom codes, message numbers, visual symptoms), • Parts replaced and actions previously taken • Sense data obtained from LOGREC printouts, ICKDSF printouts, and console messages, • The type of storage control unit (3880 or 3990) and its functional microcode including EC level. • Physical address of the failing device(s), • The physical configuration of the subsystem, including Whether it is a 2-path or 4-path configuration, Whether there are one or two strings on the CTL-I interface, • If diagnostic errors occurred while running the MD, record the IC codes and the E-bytes, • Field manager's name and office phone number. You have reached the end of the guided maintenance procedures. To continue with unguided problem analysis, refer to page HELP-1 in the ECM, Volume R40. The ECM is shipped in microfiche form with each A unit. The microfiche is located in the MOM, Volume R30. I"r~' <~ .~/ /f ~ '"./ REPAIR-14 PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 tr"- ~_/ ( RMAP 0350: End of Call 001 ( (: ( ( ( ( ( ( (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From (From IMAP 0240 Step 008 on page ISOLATE-26) IMAP 0245 Step 022 on page ISOLATE-29) IMAP 0260 Step 011 on page ISOLA TE-36) IMAP 0265 Step 004 on page ISOLA TE-38) IMAP 0265 Step 011 on page ISOLATE-39) IMAP 0270 Step 004 on page ISOLATE-42) IMAP 0280 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-49) IMAP 0280 Step 006 on page ISOLATE-50) IMAP 0285 Step 006 on page ISOLATE-52) IMAP 0290 Step 009 on page ISOLATE-54) IMAP 0290 Step 010 on page ISOLATE-54) Page REPAIR-1) Page REPAIR-1) RMAP 0320 Step 016 on page REPAIR-10) RMAP 0320 Step 017 on page REPAIR-10) RMAP 0330 Step 010 on page REPAIR-12) RMAP 0330 Step 012 on page REPAIR-12) RMAP 0330 Step 013 on page REPAIR-12) RMAP 0340 Step 002 on page REPAIR-13) Page MD-1) Page MD-6) Page MD-35) 2. Select a Controller. A controller must be selected to perform the following procedures. Anyone of the controllers in the string may be used to start the end of call procedure. However, if you have been working on a particular controller, that controller should be selected first. The procedure will have you select other controllers as required. After a controller is selected, the status of the following conditions is displayed: • Devices in CE Mode • Write Inhibit Conditions Write inhibit is a condition set in the Storage Control for a storage path. It is set when an error occurred on the path during a write operation. It is set to prevent a defective storage path from destroying customer data. There are two write inhibit conditions: The end of call procedure prepares a subsystem for system operation after failing conditions have been corrected. c The End of Call procedure uses the End of Call option on the MD. The End of Call option provides for displaying and resetting the following conditions: • Devices in CE Mode. • Write inhibit conditions. (- • Fenced conditions (3990 Storage Control only). ( Use the following procedure to prepare the subsystem for customer use: ( 1. Select End of Call. From the MD Main Menu, select option Z (End of Call). The MD will prompt you for the following steps: ( (/ ( ,-. -" ( Controller Write Inhibit is set for a controller if a controller error or storage path error is detected during a write operation. PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 Channel Write Inhibit is set for a channel if a channel or channel related storage path error is detected during a write operation. Note: When a write inhibit condition is set in a 4-path subsystem, it is set for both storage paths in a cluster. • Fenced Conditions (3990 Storage Control only) Fencing is a technique used by the 3990 storage path functional microcode to remove a failing path from system operation. This is done to prevent path-related failures from degrading subsystem performance any more than necessary. There are three types of REPAIR-15 fencing: storage paths in the storage path cluster. Channel Fenced Set when there are excessive channel or channel related failures. Channel fenced conditions are not displayed with storage control status. 5. Reset Write Inhibit and Fenced Conditions for the other controller In the A unit. The MD asks if you want to test the other controller for Write Inhibit and Fenced conditions. Storage Path Fenced Set when there are excessive storage path errors or when a Quiesce path is set from the Storage Control Support Facility. Storage path fencing is used on 4-path subsystems only. If Write Inhibit and Fenced conditions are detected when testing the other controller, the MD asks if you want to reset them. These conditions should be reset. Controller Fenced Set when the Quiesce Controller is used from the Storage Control Support Facility. Controller Quiesce can be used on 2-path or 4-path systems. Device Fenced Set for a device when there are excessive controller errors on a single path to that device. The device remains operational on other paths. Device fencing is used on 4-path subsystems only. 3. Reset CE Mode. If devices are in CE mode, the MD asks if you want to reset CE Mode for these devices. CE Mode must be reset before returning devices to normal operation. Regardless of which controller was selected in step 2, CE mode is reset for all devices and attached storage paths. 4. Reset Write Inhibit and Fenced Conditions. If Write Inhibit or Fenced conditions were detected, the MD asks if you want to reset them. These conditions should be reset. The MD resets Write Inhibit and Devices Fenced conditions in the storage director or storage path attached to the controller selected in step 2. Note: When a Write Inhibit condition is reset in a 4-path subsystem, it is reset for both REPAIR-16 6. Test the other A unit in the string. The MD asks you to move the MD cable to the other A unit. Next, repeat steps 2 through 5 to reset all Write Inhibit and Fenced conditions. Note: This step is for 4-path strings only. 7. Check the Air Filter. Check the primary air filter located on the actuator power supply. Replace if necessary. /' 8. Check all gate fans in the unit. If a gate fan is not turning, repair or replace as necessary, See page PWR-1, Entry N, in the MIM, Volume R 10. 9. Advise the customer to vary the failing paths and devices online. Note: Resetting Write Inhibit and Fenced conditions will not cause the failing path to automatically come online. The customer must vary the path online. 10. If necessary, reinitialize the volume. If maintenance was done because at three or more track addresses data was read successfully with offset invoked (sense byte 7 = 48 through 4F or sense byte 7 = 58 through 58), the customer must dump the data and initialize the volume at the medial level before the machine is returned to operation. To do this, use the Device Support Facilities INITIALIZE command with the VALIDATE and NOCHECK parameters specified. See the PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 19B7. 19BB rf' ~ ( Device Support Facilities Users Guide and Reference, GC35-0033. ( ( f ( ( ( ( ( ( =0 \ ". ,/ PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1989 REPAIR-17 ( o DDC/DlB Card (A1W2 and A1B2) Switch Settings (2-Path) Note: For 4-path switch settings, see page REPAIR-19. Both controllers in the string must be set with the same string address. String Address Set the string address switch (switch 1) on the new card to the same settings as on the card being replaced. Set switches 2, 3, and 4 to zero (0). If you are not sure of the correct switch settings, refer to the string address on the operator panel and the following table. After setting the string address, verify that the string address you've set (either 0 or 1) is the same as the string address shown on the rear Unit Emergency Power Off panel (for an example, see Figure 7 on page INTRO-10 (3880 subsystem) or Figure 16 on page INTRO-24 (3990 subsystem». ,/ ! , Note: The addressing on all the A 1W2 and A 182 cards for the string must be set the SAME. All controllers are set to either 0 or 1. Each device must have the same controller-device address regardless of the selection path to the device. 2-Path String Address Range OO-OF 10-lF Top String String Address Switch 1 0 closed open 1 20-2F 0 30-3F 40-4F 1 0 50-SF 1 60-6F 0 70-7F 1 80-8F 0 90-9F 1 closed open AO-AF BO-BF 0 1 closed open CO-CF 0 DO-DF EO-EF 1 0 closed open FO-FF 1 closed open closed open closed open closed open closed open II II II II I 2 3 4 Switch I in this example is set for string 1. Switches 2, 3, and 4 are not used (see note), part side of card Bottom Note: Switches 2, 3, and 4 are actually not used. However, you are advised to set them to the closed position to eliminate any confusion as to their correct setting. t"~ ~,~ . '4.../ (f' \~] REPAIR-18 PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 30Nov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 c DDCIDTB Card (A1W2 and A1B2) Switch Settings (4-Path) Note: ( ( For 2-path switch settings, see page REPAIR-18. Both controllers in the string must be set for the same string address. String Address Set the string address switch (switch 1) on the new card to the same settings as on the card being replaced. Set switches 2, 3, and 4 to zero (0). If you are not sure of the correct switch settings, refer to the string address on the operator panel and the following table. After setting the string address, verify that the string address you've set (either 0 or 1) is the same as the string address shown on the rear Unit Emergency Power Off panel (for an example, see Figure 16 on page INTRO-24) Note: The addressing on all the A 1W2 and A 1B2 cards for the string must be set the SAME. All controllers are set to either 0 or 1. Each device must have the same controller-device address regardless of the selection path to the device. ( ( ( ( 4 Path string Address Range 0O-lF Top String 0 20-3F 1 40-5F 0 60-7F I 80-9F 0 AO-BF 1 CO-DF 0 EO-FF I closed open closed open closed open closed open II II II II I 2 3 4 Switch 1 in this example is set for string 1. Switches 2. 3. and 4 are not used (see note). -- part side of card ( ( String Address Switch I closed open BoUom Note: Switches 2, 3, and 4 are not used. However, you are advised to set them to the closed position to eliminate any confusion as to their correct setting. ( ( ( (0 PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 « REPAIR-19 110 Control Card (AiV2 and AiC2) Switch Settings (String 10) The string 10 switches set the string 10 that is reported to the system in sense data. The switches for each controller in the string must be set the same. The switches should be set to the value indicated on the operator panel. DO NOT USE 00 or FF for a string 10. String ID (" to ::', \.....f Use the following table to set the string 10 switches on the 110 Control card (A 1V2, A 1C2) in each controller. After setting the string 10, verify that the string ID you've set is the same as the string 10 shown on the rear Unit Emergency Power Off panel (for an example, see Figure 7 on page INTRO-10 (3880 subsystem) or Figure 16 on page INTRO-24 (3990 subsystem)). Top Closed Switch Binary I ~ Open 1 II I : I : I : I : I : I : I : Switches I through 8: Closed = I Open = 0 I Switch 10 is not used: Set to 0 (open). 3 4 5 II II In this example, switches I through 8 are set to 0111 0011 = X'73'. Switch 9 (single HDA 3380 Model CJ2) must be set to 0 (open) for 3380-AJ4 and 3380-AK4 strings. 2 II II II 6 7 II II 8 II II 9 10 Bottom part side of card ,r' -, (~j REPAIR·20 PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp, 1987, 1988 1/0 Control Card (A1 V2 and A1 C2) Switch Settings (2-Path String Configuration) Note: ( ( For 4-path string configuration switch settings, see page REPAIR-22. The string-configuration switches describe the configuration of the string to the storage control microcode. These switches must be set the same for both controllers in the string. String Configuration: Switches 1 and 2 Use the following table to set configuration switches 1 and 2 on the 110 Control Card (A1V2, A1C2) in each controller. Strin~ Confi~uration ( - Pat ) A unit only ( ( A unit and one B unit Switches I 2 Closed Open A unit and three B units Open Closed Open Switches 3 and 4 must be set to "Closed". Open II II Closed Closed Closed Open A unit and two B units ( Top II II I 2 3 4 Switches I and 2 in this example are set for an A unit and three B units. Switches 3 and 4 are not used. Part side of card Bottom ( c ( ( PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 «:l Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ( REPAIR-21 ( \ \~) 1/0 Control Card (A1V2 and A1C2) Switch Settings (4-Path String Configuration) Note: For 2-path string configuration switch settings, see page REPAIR-21. These switches must be set the same for each controller in the string. String Configuration: Switches 1 and 2 Use the following table to set configuration switches 1 and 2 on the 110 Control Card (A1V2, A1C2) for device address range OO-OF. Top Closed String Confi~uration (4 - Pat ) Device Addresses 00 - OF A unit only A unit and one B unit A unit and two B units A unit and three B units Switches 1 II II II II 2 Closed Closed Closed Open Open Open Closed Open Open 1 2 3 4 Switches 1 and 2 are set for an A unit and three B units. Switches 3 and 4 are set for a second A unit with three B units. Bottom -- Part side of card / \. ". / string Configuration: Switches 3 and 4 Use the following table to set configuration switches 3 and 4 on the 110 Control card (A1V2, A1C2) for device address range 10-1F. String Configuration (4 - Path) Device Addresses 10 - IF One A unit only A unit and two B units A unit and two B units A unit and three B units Switches 3 4 Closed Closed Closed Open Open Open Closed Open (: " . ./ REPAIR-22 PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 c- ( Power OnlOff Procedures For example, if you plan to replace the PES/PROM card located at 81N2, always switch off SW69S and CP623 through CP626. to power off the" Left Rear" device. Warning: Never switch off the CPs for both actuators on the same HDA without powering off the drive first. Machine damage will result. See "Drive Power Off Procedure" on page REPAIR·28. ( ( ( ( - See Figure 2 on page REPAIR-6 and Figure 2 on page REPAIR-? to determine the affected portion of the string (what to power off) before replacing a specific FRU. Next, see Figure 3 on page REPAIR-24 and Figure 2 to locate the switches used to power off the affected portion of the string. Warning: Never switch off the CPs (CP603 through CP636) for more than two actuators (devices) without powering off the entire unit. Powering off more than two devices may cause the voltages on the remaining device to exceed specification which could cause damage to the device or its associated circuits. Warning: If the HDA cables are swapped, all of the logic cards that are normally used with the left actuator in the HDA are used with the right actuator, and the logic cards that are normally used with the right actuator are used with the left actuator. The Single Actuator Maintenance (SAM) panel switches and CPs control power to the same logic cards whether or not the cables are swapped. The MD always calls out the appropriate logic cards for replacement, even if the cables are swapped. The same CPs and switches must be used to power on or to power off specific logic cards whether or not the cables are swapped. Warning: The device address associated with an actuator remains the same whether or not the cables are swapped. While the cables are swapped, power any specific device address off and on with the SAM CPs and switches that normally control the other actuator in the same HDA. 24 Vdc Panel for A and B units ( ~ ( d) d) d) d)-Mmdl , CP40q. CP405 • CP406 BLOWER 2q V 2q V • CONTAINED IN THE A UNIT ONLY Figure 2. CPq07 CPQ08 FRT RR • 5WQ86 REMOTE d):!f.d) , • cpQ 10 [NTl 1 • [pQ 1 1 [NTl 2 • 5WQ87 ~ REMOTE IA508~LL 24 Vdc Panel - A and B Units ( {'\ ( ( PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 REPAIR-23 Single Actuator Maintenance Control Panel for A and B Units FRONT DRIVE .J675 J676 .J677 (j , REAR DRIVE .J678 FRONT • •• .J679 MOTOR REAR .J681 MOTOR.J68 ••• ·:::.. [J• rBl fD1 CJ ... l§J=OFF-=l§J • ::: J682 J683 J68~ "'-"'. ON, ••• SW691 SW692 ··• ....•• .• .• .• ·• ..•• ·• ..•• ·..... ••• • •• • •• CP602 o (1'622 J685 J686 J687 +5 +5 0 FRONT SW691J CP613 RIGHT ACTUATOR ~:~ I:J LOGIC ··• ....•• -··.... -··• ....•• -··• ....•• ·.. · ·.. CI'611J n;r-) n;r-) '1:!1-' REAR SW695 CP623 • roo-- J689 J688 I ",,-j ••• ~ CP62~ J690 J691 r' J692 (1'605 (1'606 ~ ~ (1'61',) (1'616 ~ ~ (1'625 (1'626 ~ ~ (1'635 CP636 ~ ~ \ LEFT ACTUATOR ::~ CI n;r-) -w---- raJ ~ LOGI( REAR SW696 CP63J RIGHT ACTUATOR ::~ (P6JIJ bI raJ raJ "'"'""W-' ~ LOGI( ISOOO12SQL Figure 3. Single Actuator Maintenance Control Panel REPAIR-24 PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 c c « ( Warning: Never power off the MD with the diskette inserted. After the drives have powered on, the Sequencer Status LED (on the B1-board) for each actuator begins to flash. Wait for 3 minutes or until the LED for the device becomes solid On before running diagnostics on the device. 2. Set CP410 and CP411, located on the 24 Vdc panel in each A unit, to off (see Figure 2 on page REPAIR-23). If the string has been powered down less than 10 minutes, the 3 minute waiting period may be bypassed by using the following procedure. 3. Wait until all the drives on the string have stopped. a. After the drives have powered on and the Sequencer Status LED (on the B1-board) for each actuator begins to flash, operate the Logic Enable/Disable Switch for each actuator, first to Disable, then back to Enable. b. When the LED on the B1-board for the actuator becomes solid On, diagnostics may be run on the device. c. If the LED does not become solid On, wait 1 minute before running diagnostics. String Power Off Procedure 1. ( 4. Unload the MD diskette and turn off the MD. If any of the drives do not stop, go to page PWR-1, Entry H, in the MIM, Volume R10. String Power On Procedure 1. 2. Turn on the MD and load the MD diskette. Warning: Do not return a string to the customer until all drives have been running for at least 3 minutes. Warning: Never power on the MD with the diskette Inserted. ( 3. ( Set CP410 and CP411, located on the 24 Vdc panel, to On (see Figure 2 on page REPAIR-23). Wait for all the drives on the string to power' on. 5. If any of the drives do not power on, run diagnostics on the failing drive(s). Use the procedure on page REPAIR-B. After FRU replacement, run the diagnostics to verify the repair and to ensure that there are no new problems. 6. Go to RMAP 0320 Step 001 on page REPAIR-B. ( ( PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ( REPAIR-25 If either drive does not power on, run diagnostics on the failing drive. Use the procedure on page REPAIR-B. Unit Power Off Procedure This procedure powers off all drives in the unit, but does not power off the entire unit. 7. 1. Set both motor switches (SW691 and SW692) on the Single Actuator Maintenance (SAM) control panel to Off (see Figure 3 on page REPAIR-24). 2. Wait until both drives in the unit have stopped. If the unit has been powered off less than 10 minutes, the 3 minute waiting period may be bypassed by using the following procedure: If either drive does not stop, go to page PWR-1, Entry H, in the MIM, Volume R10. 3. After the drives have powered on, the Sequencer Status LED (on the B1-board) for each actuator begins to flash. Wait for 3 minutes or until the LED for the device becomes solid ON before running diagnostics. a. Set CP405 (on the 24 Vdc panel) to Off (see Figure 2 on page REPAIR-23). Unit Power On Procedure 1. Set CP405 located on the 24 Vdc panel to On (see Figure 2 on page REPAIR-23). 2. Wait five seconds. 3. Set the motor switch, SW691, on the Single Actuator Maintenance control panel to On (see Figure 3 on page REPAIR-24). 4. Wait 25 seconds. 5. Set the motor switch, SW692, on the Single Actuator Maintenance control panel to On. 6. b. When the LED on the 81-board for the actuator becomes solid On, diagnostics may be run on that device. c. If the LED does not become solid On, wait 1 minute before running diagnostics. / '\ Warning: Do not return a unit to the customer until both drives have been running for at least 3 minutes. S. After each FRU replacement, run the diagnostics to verify the repair and to ensure that there are no new problems. 9. Go to RMAP 0320 Step 001 on page REPAIR-S.\..,/ Wait for the drives to power on. REP"IR-26 After the drives have powered on and the Sequencer Status LED (on the B1-board) for each actuator begins to nash, operate the Logic Enable/Disable Switch for each actuator, first to Disable, then back to Enable. /' PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONoV88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 c ( ( Controller Power Off Procedure Controller Power On Procedure Warning: Setting both controller power switches to OFF will power off all drives in the string. 1. Set CP410 (controller A1!A3) or CP411 (controller A2!A4) located on the 24 Vdc panel (on the 3380-AJ4 or AK4 unit) to ON (see Figure 2 on page REPAIR-23). 2. After FRU replacement, run the diagnostics to verify the repair and to ensure that no new problems exist. 3. Go to RMAP 0320 Step 001 on page REPAIR·8. 1. ( Set CP410 (controller A1!A3) or CP411 (controller A2! A4) located on the 24 Vdc panel (on the 3380-AJ4 or AK4 unit) to off (see Figure 2 on page REPAIR-23). f ( { c ( ( ( PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 REPAIR-27 u c·.·· ./ Drive Power Off Procedure Warning: When powering off a drive, NEVER power off the· CPs for either of the associated actuators before turning off the Motor Switch. Machine damage will result. Warning: The drive cannot power off when either of the logic switches associated with the motor Is in the Disable position. 1. Set the Front or Rear Motor switch (SW691 or SW692) to Off and wait for the motor to stop (refer to Figure 3 on page REPAIR-24). Set the Front (CP602) or Rear (CP622) to On. 5. Wait five seconds. 6. Set the Motor switch (SW691 or SW692) to On. 7. Wait for the drive to power on. If the drive does not power on, run diagnostics on the drive. Use the procedure on page REPAIR-8. 8. If the drive motor does not stop, go to page PWR-1, Entry H, in the MIM, Volume RIO. 2. Set the Front (CP602) or Rear (CP622) to Off. + 5V CP 4. C~ After the drive has powered on, the Sequencer Status LED (on the B1-board) for each actuator begins to flash. Wait for 3 minutes or until the LED for the device becomes solid ON before running diagnostics. + 5V CP 3. Set the two Logic switches for the front or rear drive to Disable. 4. Set the actuator CPs to Off (left to right) for both actuators associated with the drive. 5. Set the front motor CP (CP407) or rear motor CP (CP408) to Off. These CPs are on the 24 Vdc Panel (shown in Figure 2 on page REPAIR-23). If the drive has been powered down less than 10 minutes, the 3 minute waiting period can be bypassed by doing the following: Drive Power On Procedure 1. Set the motor CP (CP407 or CP408) located on the 24 Vdc Panel to On (see Figure 2 on page REPAIR-23). 2. Set the actuator CPs to On (right to left) for both actuators. 3. Set the two Logic switches to Enable. a. After the Sequencer Status LED for each actuator begins to flash, operate the Logic Enable/Disable Switch for each actuator, first to Disable, then back to Enable. b. When the LED on the B1-board for the actuator becomes solid ON, diagnostics can be run. c. If the LED does not become solid ON, wait 1 minute before running diagnostics. Warning: Do not return a unit to the customer until both drives have been running for at least 3 minutes. 9. After FRU replacement, run the diagnostics to verify the repair and to ensure that no new problems exist. 10. Go to RMAP 0320 Step 001 on page REPAIR-8. () REPAIR-28 PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONov88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 c ( Device Power Off Procedure Device Power On Procedure 1. Set the correct actuator Logic switch (SW693. SW694. SW695 or SW696) to Disable. See Figure 3 on page REPAIR-24. 1. Set the actuator CPs located on the Single Actuator Maintenance (SAM) Control panel to On (right to left). See Figure 3 on page REPAIR-24. 2. Set the associated actuator CPs to Off (left to right). 2. Set the actuator logic switch to Enable. 3. After FRU replacement, run the diagnostics to verify the repair and to ensure that no new problems exist. 4. Go to RMAP 0320 Step 001 on page REPAIR-8. ( (- ( ( (( ( f_ ( ( PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 30Nov88 10 Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 REPAIR-29 EC History of Repair Section EC HISTORY OF P/N 4519901 EC Number Date Of EC EC Number Date Of EC 475245 14Nov86 475248 25Apr88 475246 2IJu187 476573 30Nov88 475247 llSep87 Notes: ;1' i "'- ,~ . C' :i REPAIR-30 .,: PIN 4519901 30 Sides EC 476573 3ONovB8 <0 Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 C) {" Maintenance Device (MD) Operation ( The MD section contains instructions for attaching and using the IBM maintenance device (MD) and references that explain messages from the MD. When you attach the MD to the 3380 to isolate a problem, you should always start at page START-1 in this manual and follow the instructions on that page. Refer to "MD Menus" on page MD-2 for a diagram of the MD menus and options. Use the following Entry Table to quickly find the information in this section. c ( Entry Select one of the following: Go to page A Prepare the MD MD-5 B Set/reset CE mode (MD Main menu option 0) MD-7 C Run diagnostics (MD Main menu option 1) o - Normal seQuence 1 - Controller test 2 - Extended DPS test 3 - Device test 4 - Connection test 5 - HA Scan 6 - Motor test 7 - Device status 8 - CE track repair 9 - Storage Control Status A - Non-repeatable Runout Test MD-10 MD-11 MD-13 MD-14 MD-15 MD-17 MD-19 MD-24 MD-26 MD-32 MD-34 MD-37 0 Error log function (MD Main menu option 2) LOG-1 F Analyze symptom code (MD Main menu option 3) MD-42 G Review Option List (MD Main menu option R) o - Review CE mode 1 - Review Diagnostics 2 - Review Error Log 3 - Review Repair 4 - Review HA Scan MD-49 MD-49 MD-50 MD-50 MD-50 MD-51 H Use diagnostic aids (MD Main menu option D) MD-44 J End of call (MD Main menu option Z) RMAP 0350 Step 001 on page REPAIR-15 ( ( ( ( ( (: c PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01AugS9 \0 Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 MD-1 MD Menus MAIN MENU r--DIAGNOSTIC MENU o - SET/RESET CE MODE I 0 - NORMAL SEQUENCE (80-85) 1 - RUN DIAGNOSTICS--------J 1 - CONTROLLER TEST (80) 2 - ERROR LOG FUNCTION-----, 2 - EXTENDED DPS TEST (90) 3 - ANALYZE SYMPTOM CODE I 3 - DEVICE TEST (81-85) Z - END OF CALL I 4 - CONNECTION TEST R - REVIEW --------------, I 5 - HA SCAN (91) D - DIAGNOSTIC AIDS----, I I 6 - MOTOR TEST (99) I I I 7 - DEVICE STATUS (80,96) I I I 8 - CE TRACK REPAIR (83,9C) I I I 9 - STORAGE CONTROL STATUS (9F) I I I A - NRRO TEST J r---------------------- CTLR/DPS 80 81 82 83 84 85 8A 90 9C PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright - DEVICE LOGIC SERVO R/W DATA TRANSFER R/W FUNCTION SEEK EXERCISER INCREMENTAL SEEK EXTENDED DPS CE TRACK REPAIR EO 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 , , """- I I I L_-ERROR LOG FUNCTION I 1 - TRANSFER LOG I 2 - SEARCH LOG I 3 - MERGE LOG I 4 - CHANGE LOG MASK I 5 - ERASE LOG I I L----REVIEW o - DEVICES IN CE MODE 1 - LAST 4 DIAGNOSTIC ERRORS 2 - ERROR LOG 3 - LAE".:' REPAIR 4 - HA SCAN MO-2 :/ (- Maintenance Device (MD) Display - Reference Number Table ( When an MD display refers to this page, find the reference number in the following table. Go to the r~ferenced page for instructions and information. ( ( ( ( c REF Title of the MD Frame See Page DOS 010 020 030 03S 050 051 052 090 092 093 NRRO test Select An Option Select controller Set/reset CE mode Devices in CE Mode/Default Devices Define the failure boundary Define the failure boundary (EBXX) Define the failure boundary (Data Checks) Write Inhibit Storage Path Fenced Fenced Devices MD-37 MD-S2 MD-52 MD-S3 MD-54 MD-S5 MD-58 MD-61 MD-63 MD-63 MD-64 100 Diagnostic menu MD-64 200 20S 210 215 Select controller Invalid controller selected Select device(s) Invalid device selected MD-65 MD-65 MD-65 MD-65 310 320 330 340 350 360 395 Do not forget to reset CE mode Do you want to run connection tests? Which controller connection do you want to test? Controller AX connection tests ready DPS tests cannot be run HA Scan Scan Complete/Scan Review MD-65 MD-66 MD-66 MD-67 MD-67 MD-67 MD-70 400 405 410 415 420 425 430 440 460 462 465 468 480 Select one of the following error log functions Select controller (Error Log) Enter search arguments Enter log number Enter the date Enter logs to be merged Enter the sense formats to be logged Error Log Mask/Transfer stopped by keyboard entry Configuration Configuration Data/Unknown Storage CTRL Device status Device type Storage Control Status MD-71 MD-71 MD-72 MD-72 MD-72 MD-72 MD-73 MD-73 MD-73 MD-75 MD-76 ,v1D-77 MD-78 500 550 Isolation code error display Enter the symptom code MD-78 MD-79 605 615 Warning: HDA cables swapped MD does not provide analysis for displayed IC MD-79 MD-81 700 742 Select review option from fonowing list Press Enter to analyze, or "N" to display next error MD-81 MD-81 800 Diagnostic aids MD-82 PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 19S5 MD-3 REF Title of the MD Frame See Page 900 Control unit and MD disks are not compatible MD-83 PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 MD-4 ( f '" •• ( Prepare the MD When preparing to use the IBM maintenance device (MD) to service the 3380-JK, use the following procedure. 1. 4. GO TO PSG MD-1 FOR OPERATIONAL I NSTRUCTI ONS Attach the MD at the rear of the A unit. The signal cable socket is located at the right edge of the A unit. The power convenience outlet is located in the lower left corner of the A unit. ( (2. ( Ensure that the storage control is powered on and has completed its initial microcode load (IML). Note: When you attach the MD to the 3380 to isolate a problem, you should always start at page START-1 in this manual and follow the instructions on that page. 5. Verify that the functional diskette for the 3380-JK is installed. f ( The MD will attempt to gather configuration information about the subsystem. If the MD is connected to the controller and no error occurs, the next display will be the MD Main menu (see step 7 on page MD-6). Power on the MD. Take the MD diskette from the holder inside the right rear door of the A unit and insert the diskette into the MD. Press the IML pushbutton. ( ( ( If an error occurs while trying to get configuration information, the following frame is displayed: The MD performs a check of its functions. (This check takes only a few seconds.) After the checking process, the MD loads information from the diskette and displays the following frame: AN ERROR OCCURRED WHILE TRYING TO GET CONFIGURA TI ON INFORMATION **DISK LOADED** 3380-JK PN xxxxxxx EC xxxxxx Continue with the next step. 6. ( The frame shows the machine type and the EC number of the diskette. Always check this frame to ensure that you are using the correct 3380-JK diskette. PIN 451990384 Sides © Copyright ( EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 19BB Press the ENTER key to advance to the next frame: CONFIGURATION INFORMATION IS BEING GATHERED. PLEASE WAIT. Warning: Never power the MD on or off with the diskette inserted. 3. Press the ENTER key to advance to the next frame: Press the ENTER key to advance to the next frame: SELECT THE TYPE OF DASD STRING: 1. 3380 AJ4/AK4 2. 3380 CJ2 MD-S 7. You can return to the first frame of the MD Main menu by pressing the PF key at almost any time. Select option 1 and press the ENTER key to advance to the next frame: SELECT THE TYPE OF CONTROL UNIT: 1. 3880 2. 3990 The options available from the MD Main menu are: , If the reply to this request is "1," then the MO displays the MO Main menu. Option Meaning 0 Set or reset CE mode for selected devices. CE mode must be set prior to running device diagnostics. See page MD-7. If the reply to this request is "2," then the following frame is displayed: ARE THE CONTROLLERS CABLED AS A 4 PATH SUBSYSTEM? 1 , After the yes/no reply is entered, the MO displays the MO Main menu. *** MAIN MENU *** (SEE PSG MD-3, 010) O-SET/RESET CE MODE I-RUN DIAGNOSTICS ... 2 Perform various functions on the error log contained in the storage control. See page LOG-1. 3 Accept input of symptom codes and sense data for analysis. The MD need not be attached to the 3380. See page MD-42. The MO Main menu identifies the major functions that can be performed with the MD. Resets CE mode and refers to the end-of-call procedure on RMAP .0350 Step 001 on page REPAIR-15. The second line of the MD Main Menu frame means that entry 010 in the table on page MD-3 in this manual identifies reference material to explain the frame. R The ellipsis (three dots ... ) in the lower right corner of the frame indicates message continuation in successive frames. Review status from previous operations with the MD. See page MD-49. 0 Allow manual control of the diagnostics. See page MD-44. Press the ENTER key to advance to the remaining frames of the MO Main menu: 2-ERROR LOG FUNCTION 3-ANALYZE SYMPTOM CODE Z-END OF CALL /~ , /" i '-. " "- /,"-', \ ""'.,7 Z 8. Run diagnostics on selected controllers and devices. This option selects the diagnostic menu. See page MO-10. I \..c/! 9. Select an option from the MD Main menu by keying the option number or letter and then pressing the ENTER key on the MD. 1/" '" \'-<. .. /' 0~'''' e-, "-_::/' R-REVIEW (0-4) D-DIAGNOSTIC AIDS C C PIN 451990384 Sides © Copyright MD-6 EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp, 1987, 19B8 0~' !"i" ~/ -- ------- ------ ----- ( ( ( ( Set/Reset CE Mode (MD Main Menu Option 0) Before diagnostics can be run on a device, the device must be in CE mode. The device diagnostics do not run if the device is not in CE mode. If the devices to be tested are not varied offline successfully, only set CE mode with customer permission. Explain to the customer that when CE mode for a device is reset, an interrupt is generated to each using system and normal operations should be resumed. ( (If you want to review the devices that are already in CE mode without performing a set or reset operation, you should use MD Main menu option R. See page MD-49.) 4. Enter either a 1 or a 2 to select an option. from this frame. Regardless of your selection (Set or Reset), one of the following frames is displayed: SELECT CONTROLLER: (SEE PSG MD-3,020) - The Set/Reset CE Mode option uses a diagnostic program (in the storage control) to set CE mode bits in the DPS arrays for the devices specified. Each device in CE mode is unavailable to all attached systems. 1. ( ( Select option 1 to set speCified devices in CE mode or select option 2 to reset CE mode for specified devices. Before a device is returned to the customer for normal use, CE mode must be reset for that device. Ensure that devices are varied offline before they are set into CE mode. When a device is varied offline, it should be varied offline to all attaching systems. If a system attempts to use a device that is in CE mode, the storage control responds with unit check and indicates INTERVENTION REQUIRED in the sense data. ( OPTION: 1. SET CE MODE 2. RESET CE MODE S~LECT 2. Ask the customer to Vary offline each of the devices you want to test or put in CE mode. Devices should be varied offline on each attached system. If the desired devices are not varied offline successfully, proceed with customer permission. If necessary, press the ENTER key to advance to the MD Main menu or use the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. The PF key always causes the MD to return to the MD Main menu. 3. While the MD Main Menu is displayed, select option 0: Set/Reset CE Mode (key in 0 and press the ENTER key.) The MD displays the following frame: PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 or- SELECT CONTROLLER: DEFAULT IS: x (SEE PSG MD-3,020) The "x" indicates the default controller. The default controller is the controller selected during a previous operation. If none was used no default is displayed. Regardless of which controller is used, the CE mode function (set or reset) applies to all paths (controllers). The valid responses are: Response ENTER 1 2 3 4 Meaning Default (if shown) Controller A 1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 MD-7 Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. Controllers A 1 and A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. 5. Select an operational controller to use for setting or resetting CE mode. Depending on your mode selection (Set or Reset), one of the following frames is displayed. Setting CE Mode ENTER 2-DIGIT ADDR. OF DEVICECS) TO BE SET IN CE MODE. (SEE PSG MD-3, 030) - or- Resetting CE Mode ENTER 2-DIGIT DEVICE ADDRESSES OR PRESS ENTER TO RESET ALL. (SEE PSG MD-3, 030) CE mode may be set or reset for one or more devices in a string. There are several ways to enter device addresses. Two digits must be used for each address entered. • Enter a single device address, "00" through "1F. " • Enter multiple device addresses separated with a single space (for example, 02 05 07 OA). • Enter a range of addresses separated with the character "T" (for example, 02T07). • Enter multiple ranges of addresses, separating each range with a space (for example, 02T04 08TOB). • With "Reset CE Mode" selected, press the ENTER key without specifying devices to reset CE mode for all devices that were previously set in CE mode. PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 6. Specify the devices for which you want to change CE mode. One of the following frames is then displayed: Setting CE Mode CE MODE IS BEING SET. PLEASE WAIT. - or- Resetting CE Mode CE MODE IS BEING "":SET • PLEASE WAIT. Immediately after the message is displayed, an inline diagnostic routine is started using the specified controller. CE mode is set or reset for all specified devices. After the inline diagnostic has completed setting or resetting CE mode, one of the following frames is displayed: Setting CE Mode DEVICES IN CE MODEl OX: .123 ........... . IX: ............... . (SEE PSG MD-3, 035) - or- Resetting CE Mode CE MODE IS RESET FOR ALL DEVICE ADDRESSES. In the preceding frame, devices 01, 02, and 03 are in CE mode. Devices 00 and 04 through OF are represented by dots in the second line of the display. Devices 10 through 1F are displayed on the third line if the string has 4 paths. MD-8 ( ( ( ( Some problems with the storage control, the controller, or the control interface do not allow the CE mode diagnostic to run and CE mode can not be set. The MD displays an error message similar to that shown below. If this happens, analyze the error and correct the problem before continuing. IC**** CTL=A* DEV=** MD DETECTED ERROR EB=** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** f PRESS ENTER TO ANALYZE OR PF KEY FOR MAIN MENU. (SEE PSG MD-3. 500) ( ( ( ( ( ( PIN 4519903 84 Sides ro Copyright IBM Corp. EC 476581 01Aug89 1987, 1988 MD-9 Run Diagnostic Tests (MD Main Menu Option 1) 1. 6 Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. Run the motor test on the specified drive. See page MD-24. (''\ , 2. Select option 1 (Run Diagnostics) and advance to the MD Diagnostics menu: 7 *(SEE DIAGNOSTIC MENU * PSG MD-3,IOO) 8 2-EXTENDED DPS TEST 3-DEVICE TEST 4-CONNECTION TEST 5-HA SCAN 6-MOTOR TEST 7-DEVICE STATUS 8-CE TRACK REPAIR 9-STORAGE CTL STATUS 9 o Run controller and device diagnostics on the specified controllers and devices. See page MD-11. 1 2 3 Run controller tests on the specified controllers. See page MD-13. Run the extended DPS tests on both controllers. This option can not be used when the string is attached to a 3990. See page MD-14. Locate and repair defects on the CE cylinder and on the four diagnostic cylinders. All home addresses on these cylinders are rewritten. See page MD-32. --/ / / ",\ /' Collect the following status from the Storage Control. • • • The diagnostic options and their meanings are: Meaning >~,-", /-, O-NORMAL SEQUENCE I-CONTROLLER TEST ... Option " - >7 Test the controller and collect the status of all devices in the string without putting the devices in CE mode. See page MD-26. Devices in CE Mode Device and Storage Path Fenced conditions (3990). Write Inhibit conditions ....., \~. ,7 "', See page MD-34. A /" Run the NRRO test on a specific drive. ,/ <",'-. . / See page MD-37. 3. Ge ~o the referenced pages for information about the diagnostic options. \,~ ,/' Run device tests on the specified devices. See page MD-15. /' "" ',-j 4 Test for connection errors between the MD, the specified controller and the storage path or storage director. See page MD-17. 5 Scan Home Address on the specified device. See page MD-19. PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 MD-10 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 I ,"'~ "'-> / Diagnostic Menu Option 0 - Normal Sequence ( c· The normal sequence is a set of linked diagnostics used to perform a machine checkout. The controller and device tests in the following list are run in sequence. 80 81 82 83 84 85 - ( One or more controllers may be specified. If multiple controllers are specified the normal sequence is run on one controller and on each device specified. An abbreviated normal sequence is then run with the other controllers and on each device specified. The abbreviated normal sequence consists of diagnostics 80, 81, and 83. Diagnostics 82, 84 and 85 are excluded. If it is necessary to run the complete normal sequence with multiple controllers, each controller must be selected individually. ( From the Diagnostic Menu, select option O. Controlier/DPS Device Logic Servo Read/Write Data Transfer Read/Write Function Seek Exerciser The normal sequence runs on controllers and devices as specified by the user. ( 1. The MD displays one of the following frames: • • • • • • ( f To run the Normal Sequence diagnostics: The devices to be tested must be in CE mode . .The normal sequence runs inline while customer operation continues on devices not specified for testing. See the DIAG section in the MSM, Volume R60, for information about the diagnostics. ( SELECT CONTROLLER: (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) - or- SELECT CONTROLLER: DEFAULT IS: x x (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) The "x"s shown in the preceding frame identify the last controller or controllers used to run diagnostics in this session. If none was used, no default is displayed. The valid responses are: Response Meaning ENTER Default (if shown) Controller A 1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 Controllers A1 and A2 Controllers A3 and A4 Controllers A 1, A2, A3 and A4 1 2 3 4 12 34 1234 Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths. The MD will instruct you when it is necessary to move the MD plug. (" ( ( c PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01AugB9 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 MO-11 2. • Enter your response for controller use. Press the ENTER key without specifying devices to accept the default devices. The MD displays one of the following frames: Devices to be tested must be in CE mode. If any device specified for testing is not in CE mode, an error message is displayed. SELECT DEVS. (OO-OF) (SEE PSG MD-3,210) DEFAULT IS: - 3. or- SELECT DEVS. (OO-lF) (SEE PSG MD-3.210) DEFAULT IS: Specify the devices to be tested. When the ENTER key is pressed, the diagnostics start. The diagnostics continue until: Press the ENTER key to display the default devices (if any), as shown in one of the following frames: DEFAULT DEVICES a. An error is detected, or b. All specified controllers in the A unit to which the MD is attached, and all specified devices have been tested. ox: .123 ........... . When controllers in both A units of a 4-path. string are speCified, the MD stops after all devices have been tested using the controllers in the A-unit attached to the MD. The MD instructs you to move the MD connector to continue testing with the controllers in the adjacent A-unit. Do not power off the MD when moving the MD connector. (SEE PSG MD-3,03S) - or- DEFAULT DEVICES OXI .123 ........... . IX: .•.......••...•. (SEE PSG MD-3,03S) Default devices (01, 02, and 03) are shown as an example. Default devices are those that were specified during the previous diagnostic. If no device was tested during the current diagnostic session, no default is displayed. 4. If an error is detected, go to "Isolation Code Error Display" on page MD-41. 5. If no errors are detected, the MD displays the following frame: There are several ways to enter device addresses. Two digits must be used for each address entered. • Enter a single device address, "00" through "1F." • Enter multiple device addresses separated with a single space (for example, 02 05 07 OA). • Enter a range of addresses separated with the character "T" (for example, 02T07). • Enter multiple ranges of addresses separated with a space (for example, 02T04 DaTOS). PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 END OF NORMAL TEST SEQUENCE. DO YOU WANT TO RUN THE SAME TESTS AGAIN! 6. Respond to the question by pressing the YES key or the NO key. 7. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. MD-12 f Diagnostic Menu Option 1 - Controller Test f t· The controller test (diagnostic routine 80) checks the basic controller and DPS operation. This test runs inline with customer operation. (When attached to a 3990 storage control, the DPS portion of the test is bypassed.) Devices need not be in CE mode. Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths. The MD will instruct you when it is necessary to move the MD plug. 2. To run the Controller Test: 1. Enter your response for controller use. From the Diagnostic menu, select option 1. When the ENTER key is pressed, the diagnostics start. The diagnostics continue until: The MD displays one of the following frames: a. An error is detected, or b. The speCified controllers have been tested in the A unit attached to the MD. SELECT CONTROLLER: (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) ( - If controllers in both A units of a 4-path string are specified, the MD stops after the controllers in the A unit attached to the MD have been tested. The MD instructs you to move the MD connector to continue testing the controllers in the adjacent A unit. Do not power off the MD when moving the MD connector. or- SELECT CONTROLLER: DEFAULT IS: x x (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) ( ( ( The "x"s identify the last controller or controllers used to run rJiagnostics in this session. If none was used, no default is displayed. 3. If an error is detected, go to "Isolation Code Error Display" on page MD-41. Valid responses are: 4. If no errors are detected, the MD following frame: Response Meaning ENTER 1 2 3 4 Default (if shown) Controller A 1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 Controllers A 1 and A2 Controllers A3 and A4 Controllers A 1, A2, A3 and A4 12 34 1234 ( dispJay~ the END OF CONTROLLER TESTS. DO YOU WANT TO RUN THE SAME TESTS AGAIN? 5. Respond to the question by pressing the YES key or the NO key. 6. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. (. ( {; / (~ ( PIN 451990384 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 Cl Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-13 Diagnostic Menu Option 2 - Extended DPS Test The Extended DPS test (diagnostic routine 90) provides a complete checkout of the DPS hardware. This test checks the interaction between the two controllers. (The Extended DPS tests cannot be run on a 3380-JK attached to a 3990.) To run the Extended DPS Test: 1. The test runs inline with customer operation. Devices need not be in CE mode. From the Diagnostic menu, select option 2. When the ENTER key is pressed, the diagnostics start running. ~ The MD displays the following frame: DPS TESTS ARE NOW STARTED. The diagnostics continue until normal end or until an error is detected. If an error occ,urs, go to "Isolation Code Error Display" on page MD-41. If no errors are detected, the MD displays the following frame: END OF DPS TESTS. DO YOU WANT TO RUN THE SAME TESTS AGAIN! PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 2. Respond to the question by pressing the YES key or the NO key. 3. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. MD-14 ( .. (--( Diagnostic Menu Option 3 - Device Test To run the Device Test: The device test runs the following device diagnostics in the sequence shown. 1. From the Diagnostic menu, select option 3. The MD displays one of the following frames: (( • • • • • 81 82 83 84 85 - Device Logic Servo Read/Write Data Transfer Read/Write Function Seek Exerciser SELECT CONTROLLER: (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) - SELECT CONTROLLER: DEFAULT IS: x x (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) The controller test is not included. ( The device test runs on one or more devices as specified by the user. ( One or more controllers may be specified for running the device test. If multiple controllers are specified, the device test is run with one controller on each device specified. An abbreviated device test is then run with the other controllers on each device specified. The abbreviated device test consists of diagnostics 81 and 83. Diagnostics 82, 84, and 85 are excluded. If it is necessary to run the complete device test with other controllers, each controller must be selected individually. (:~ {-: or- The "x"s shown in the preceding frame identify the last controller or controllers used to run diagnostics in this session. If none was used, no default is displayed. The valid responses are: Response Meaning ENTER 1 Default (if shown) Controller A 1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 Controllers A 1 and A2 Controllers A3 and A4 Controllers A1, A2, A3, and A4 ~ The devices to be tested must be in CE mode. The device tests run inline while customer operation continues on devices not specified for testing. See the DIAG section in the MSM, Volume R60, for information about the diagnostics. 3 4 12 34 1 234 Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths. The MD will instruct you when it is necessary to move the MD plug. {' Device tests will run using the specified controller. The controller selected should be operational. If you suspect that the controller that you want to use is not operational, use diagnostic option 0 (normal sequence) rather than diagnostic option 3. (\ (" { --/ c (" PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. lSS7, lSSe MD-15 2. • Enter your response about controller use. Press the ENTER key without specifying devices to accept the default devices. The MD displays one of the following frames: Devices to be tested must be in CE mode. If any device specified for testing is not in CE mode, an error message is displayed. SELECT DEVS. COO-OF) (SEE PSG MD-3.210) DEFAULT IS: - 3. or- SELECT DEVS.(OO-IF) (SEE PSG MD-3.210) DEFAULT IS: When the ENTER key is pressed, the diagnostics start. The diagnostics continue until: Press the ENTER key to display the default devices (if any), as shown in one of the following frames: DEFAULT DEVICES OX: .123 ........... . (SEE PSG MD-3.03S) - DEFAULT DEVICES OX: .123 ........... . IX: ...•.........••• (SEE PSG MD-3,03S) • Enter a single device address, "00" through "1F." Enter multiple device addresses separated with a single space (for example, 02 05 07 OA). • Enter a range of addresses separated with the character "r (for example, 02T07). • Enter multiple ranges of addresses, separating each range with a space (for example, 02T04 08TOS). PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 An error is detected. b. All devices have been tested with the AJ4/AK4 unit attached to the MD. 4. If an error is detected, go to "Isolation Code Error Display" on page MD-41. 5. If no errors are detected, the MD displays the following frame: There are several ways to enter device addresses. Two digits must be used for each, address entered. .• a. If controllers in both A-units of a 4-path string are specified, the MD stops after all devices have been tested using the controllers in the A-unit attached to the MD. The MD instructs you to move the MD connector to continue testing with the controllers in the adjacent A-unit. Do not power off the MD when moving the MD connector. or- Default devices (01, 02, and 03) are shown as an example. Default devices are those that were specified during the previous diagnostic. If no device was tested during the current diagnostic session, no default is displayed. Specify the devices to be tested. END OF DEVICE TESTS. DO YOU WANT TO RUN THE SAME TESTS AGAIN! 6. Respond to the question by pressing the YES key or the NO key. 7. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. MD-16 « ( Diagnostic Menu Option 4 - Connection Test The connection test checks the connection between the MD, the specified controller, and the storage path or storage director. The connection test does not run concurrently with customer operation on the controller being tested. Before this option is used, the path must be varied offline to all devices from each attached system. Devices need not be in CE mode. To run the Connection Test: 1. From the MD Diagnostic Menu, select option 4. The MD displays the following frames: ******WARNING******* CONNECTION TEST CAN NOT RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH ... The MD connection test is run by the controller sequencer (not the storage control). There are three parts to the test. ( ( ( (-' • • • CUSTOMER OPERATION ON THE CONTROLLER BEING TESTED. MD to controller connection Controller function Storage control To run the connection test. the MD will instruct you to power the controller off and then on. During the power-on sequence, the controller sequencer (if operating correctly) establishes communication with the MD and the connection test starts. Warning: The connection test does not run concurrently with customer operation on the controller being tested.. Ensure that the controller can be taken from the customer. Warning: If any drives in the string are not running, place the drive motor switches for those drives to OFF because those drives might not sequence on correctly. SEE PSG MD-3.320 FOR INSTRUCTIONS OR USE THE PF KEY TO RETURN TO THE MAIN MENU. 2. Press the ENTER key to advance to the next frame. The following prompt appears: WHICH CONTROLLER C~NNECTION DO YOU WANT TO TEST? (SEE PSG MD-3. 330) The valid responses are: Response Meaning 1 2 3 Controller Controller Controller Controller 4 A1 A2 A3 A4 Note: Selecting controller AS or A4 is valid only on 'strings with four storage paths. The MD will instruct you when it is necessary to move the MD plug. ( (/ ('~ (': (" PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-17 3. Enter your response to Identify the controller to be tested. 7. Respond to the question by pressing the YES key or the NO key. The MD displays the following instructions: 8. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. CTLR x CONNECTION TESTS ARE READY. DO THE FOLLOWING (SEE PSG MD-3, 340) 1. POWER OFF CTLR x 2. PRESS ENTER 3. WITHIN 5 SECONDS, POWER ON cn R x. 4. Follow the instructions on the MD. a. b. Turn off the indicated controller. Use one of the following CPs to power off and on: • Controller A1 or A3 - CP410 in the A unit being tested. • Controller A2 or A4 - CP411 in the A unit being tested. Press the ENTER key. You must turn the controller on within 5 seconds or the MD will time out. Press the ENTER key now to cause the MD to start polling the controller sequencer. c. Turn on the indicated controller. ;' I When the controller is powered on, the controller sequencer branches to a program step that looks for the MD poll. If the controller sequencer is started successfully and if the sequencer sees the MD poll, communication is established between the controller sequencer and the MD. The connection test then starts. 5. If an error is encountered, go to "Isolation Code Error Display" on page MD-41. 6. If no errors are detected, the following is displayed: END OF CONNECTION TESTS. DO YOU WANT TO RUN CONNECTION TESTS AGAIN! MD-18 PIN 451990384 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 - - - - ... -~ . ( ( ( Diagnostic Menu Option 5 - HA Scan HA Scan (diagnostic routine 91) reads all the home addresses (HAs) on the specified range of cylinder addresses. If data checks are detected, the error information is saved until the scan is completed. At the end of the scan, error data is summarized and presented by the MD. The selected device must previously be placed in CE mode. The HA Scan diagnostic runs inline with customer operation on devices not selected by the user. To run the HA Scan test: 1. From the MD Diagnostic Menu, select option 5. The MD displays one of the following frames: SELECT CONTROLLER: (SEE PSG MD-3. 360) - ( or- SELECT CONTROLLER: DEFAULT IS: x (SEE PSG MD-3. 360) ( The x shown in the preceding frame is replaced by 1, 2, 3,4 or a blank to identify the last controller used to run diagnostics in this session. If none was used, no default is displayed. ( ( The valid responses are: ( Response Meaning ENTER 1 2 3 Default (if shown) Controller A 1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 4 Note: Options 3 and 4 are only valid on strings with four storage paths when the MD is attached to the unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. 2. Enter your response for controller use. The MD displays one of the following frames: SELECT DEVICE: (SEE PSG MD-3, 360) - SELECT DEVICE: DEFAULT IS: xx (SEE PSG MD-3. 360) c' (' or- PIN 451990384 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-19 !' "' \, . / Default device was specified during the previous diagnostic. If no single device was tested during the current diagnostic session, no default is displayed. SELECT TRACK TYPEI 1. CUSTOMER TRACKS 2. CE TRACKS 3. HA MAP TRACKS Device addresses are in hexadecimal (00 through 1F). The response may have the following forms: The valid responses are: Response Meaning Response 1 Customer tracks: Tracks used for customer data. Accepts the default device shown for testing. 2 Specifies device OB for testing (only one device can be tested at a time). CE tracks: Tracks on the CE cylinder and on the four diagnostic cylinders. 3 HA MAP tracks: Tracks that contain factory-assigned skip displacement information for the volume. ENTER OB Meaning The device must be in CE mode. 3. Enter your response to identify the device to be used. 5. The MD displays the following frame: Automatic mode automatically continues after errors until the scan is completed or until there are 80 tracks in error. At the end of the scan, error data is presented in either detail form or summary form (at your option). Manual mode stops on each error and displays the error information. You can continue the scan by pressing the ENTER key. When an error is displayed in manual mode, you have the opportunity to change the mode to automatic mode. At the end of the scan, error data is presented in either detail or summary form (at your option). 4. Select the mode of operation from the display. • If CE tracks or HA MAP tracks are speCified, skip to step 9 on page MD-21. If customer tracks are specified, the MD prompts for track range information: DO YOU HANT TO SCAN ALL CUSTOMER TRACKS! (SEE PSG MD--3,360) . 6. Respond with either the YES key or the NO key. (If the response is YES, skip the next two steps.) If you respond with the NO key, you must specify a range of cylinders to be scanned. The MD prompts first for a beginning cylinder number, then for an ending cylinder number. The ending cylinder number must be higher than, or equal to, the beginning cylinder number. The MD displays the following frame allowing you to select the track type: PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 " ~ \ . ..,/ Respond to the track type prompt. • SELECT CONTROL MODE: 1. AUTOMATIC 2. MANUAL (DEFAULT IS AUTO) ( MD-20 '", \ -/ ( is read, the data check can be considered permanent. If the HA is sometimes read without error, the data check can be considered temporary. The range of cylinder numbers are in hexadecimal: Cylinder Number Lowest Highest (- 3380-J 000 375 II cJJLr (' 03 02 Sense byte 6 31 I 7. 8. Enter the three-digit hexadecimal number of the beginning cylinder. Enter the three-digit hexadecimal number of the ending cylinder. The MD displays the following frame: C\ c HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU WANT TO READ EACH HAt (DEFAULT IS 2) HA Scan cannot directly determine if a data check in the home address area is permanent. To determine that a data check is permanent, the home address (HA) must be read multiple times. If a data check occurs each time the HA PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp_ 1987, 1988 • 6 minutes for a model AJ4 or BJ4 actuator • 18 minutes for a model AK4 or BK4 • actuator Valid responses to the "How many times ... to read" prompt are: Head 01 After the beginning cylinder is entered, the MD prompts for the ending cylinder number. The ending cylinder number must be equal to or greater than the number for the beginning cylinder. (/ The minimum run time for scanning all home addresses on the volume (reading each HA one time) is: In this example, byte 5 contains 02 and byte 6 contains 31. The address is cylinder X"0302," head X "01." <: f-- It follows that the separation of permanent and temporary data checks is more reliable when the reading is repeated more. But repeating reading takes time. Note: The Physical Address (PA) bytes, from the error bytes of another diagnostic or from sense bytes 5 and 6, may be converted to cylinder and head by using the following diagram. Sense byte 5 02 (-- 3380-K 000 A5F Response Meaning ENTER 1 2 Default: Read each track 2 times Read each track 1 time Read each track 2 times F 9. Read each track 15 times Enter your response for the number of times the tracks are to be read. (If the response is not 1, skip to step 10 on page MD-22. If the number of times for reading the tracks is 1, the MD asks "HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU WANT TO RETRY IF DATA CHECKS OCCUR?" Valid responses to the "How many times ... to retry" prompt are: Response Meaning 1 2 Retry each track in error 1 time Retry each track in error 2 times F Retry each track in error 15 times MD-21 10. Enter your response to select the number of retries. (When a single read is selected, select multiple retries to make it easier to determine if the error is solid or intermittent.) DO YOU WANT TO RUN HA SCAN AGAIN 1 The scan starts. During the scan, the MD displays the following frame: ***HA SCAN*** RUNNING ON DEVICE xx CYLINDER xxx ERROR COUNT xx The cylinder number (hexadecimal) is updated every 16 (X"10") cylinders. The error count is updated each time a data check is encountered. The scan continues until one of the following occurs: • Normal end, with no errors detected. • An equipment check (any isolation code other than IC 9180). See "Isolation Code Error Display" on page MD-41. The following options are provided: Analyze the error Quit and return to the MD Main menu Continue scanning with the next track • • • A data check occurs during manual mode (IC 9180). See "Isolation Code Error Display" on page MD-41. (The scan can be continued after the error display. The option to switch to automatic mode is available.) More than 80 data checks detected. (The scan ends, and detail or summary information may be displayed. See following.) Normal end with data checks detected. (Detail or summary information may be displayed. See following.) o *SCAN COMPLETE* NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED 12. Respond to the question by pressing the YES key or the NO key. 13. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. I"'--j 14. If data checks are detected during the scan, one of the following frames is displayed to show the error condition: * SCAN COMPLETE * xx TRACKS HAD DATA CHECKS SEE PSG MD--3,39S ... - , or- ' _/ . ...,-/ * SCAN STOPPED * THE DATA CHECK LOG IN THE MD IS FULL. SEE PSG MD-3,39S ... The "xx" in the first frame is the number of tracks (in hexadecimal) that had errors. The maximum number of tracks that can be stored by the MD is 80 (X"50"). If more than 80 tracks had errors, the scan is terminated and the second display is generated. After the scan is completed or stopped, a display of the information can be selected from the Select Display Mode menu: SELECT DISPLAY MODE: I-HEAD/ARM SUMMARY 2-TRACK SUMMARY 3-TRACK DETAIL 4-RUN HA SCAN AGAIN S-RETURN TO MAIN MENU 11. If no errors are detected, the next two frames are displayed: PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-22 \ "'. -' ERROR COUNT = Number of errors (hexadecimal) Display Modes After displaying the selected information, the MD returns to the Select Display Mode menu and . another mode can be selected. The following display modes can be specified: ( (- Display Mode 1: Head/Arm Summary The Head/Arm Summary mode presents a summary (by head) of the number (in hexadecimal) of tracks that had data checks. The summary is presented in four displays, one for each head arm: = Number of errors for each head Display Mode 2: Track Summary The Track Summary mode presents one or more displays with a one-line entry for each track that had errors: CYL=xxx CYL=xxx CYL=xxx CYL=xxx ( ( Display Mode 5: Return to Main Menu Return to the MD Main Menu. ** ARM x ** HEAD: xx xx xx xx ERRORS: xx xx xx xx ERRORS ( Display Mode 4: Run HA Scan Again Repeat the HA Scan test. HD=x HD=x HD=x HD=x CNT=x CNT=x CNT=x CNT=x CYL = Cylinder number (hexadecimal) HD Head number (hexadecimal) CNT = Number of errors (hexadecimal) = Display Mode 3: Track Detail Track detail mode presents one display for each track in error. There are two types of error displays: ** DATA CHECK ** HOME ADDRESS AREA CYL = xxx HEAD = x ERROR COUNT = x c - or- NO SYNC BYTE FOUND HOME ADDRESS AREA CYL = xxx HEAD = x ERROR COUNT = x = Cylinder number (hexadecimal) CYL HEAD = Head number (hexadecimal) PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 MD-23 Diagnostic Menu Option 6 - Motor Test The motor test (routine 99) is used to isolate problems resulting in a motor stopped condition. The drive motor must be stopped before the test is started. Both devices associated with the stopped HDA and motor are required, and both should be varied offline from the system. Controllers and devices are selected by the user. The devices must be in CE mode. The motor test runs inline with customer operation on devices not selected by the user. To run the Motor Test; 1. From the Diagnostic Menu, select option 6. The MD displays the following frames: WARNING - BOTH DEVICES OF THE SAME DRIVE WILL BE USED. PROPER OPERATION ... OF THIS ROUTINE REQUIRES THE MOTOR TO BE STOPPED. SEE MIMI PWR-l 1 AO The MD advances to one of the following fre'"'1es when the ENTER key is pressed: SELECT CONTROLLER: (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) - or- SELECT CONTROLLER: DEFAULT IS: x x (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) The "x"s shown in the preceding frame identify the last controller or controllers used to run diagnostics in this session. If none was used, no default is displayed. The valid responses are: Response Meaning ENTER 1 2 Default (if shown) Controller A 1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 3 4 Note; Selecting controller A31A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. Controllers A 1 and A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-24 If ~ .. , 2. Enter your response for controller use. The MD advances to one of the following frames: 693 and 694 (if a front drive is to be tested) or 695 and 696 (if a rear drive is to be tested). 5. After the drive motor has stopped, set the switches indicated by the MD to the DISABLE position to disable the device logic for both actuators in the drive. Then press the ENTER key to start the test. Follow instructions given by the MD until the test is completed. 6. If the test completes without errors, the motor starts and the following frame is displayed: SELECT DEVICE: (SEE PSG MD-3, 210) - ( or- SELECT DEVICE: DEFAULT IS: xx (SEE PSG MD-3, 210) ( 3. ( The response to this prompt must be two hexadecimal digits representing one of the two devices in the drive being tested. Either device address is permitted. 7. Specify a single device in the drive to be tested. The MD displays the following frame: Respond to the question by pressing the YES key or the NO key. 8. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. TURN MOTOR SWITCH SWxxx OFF. MOTOR MUST BE STOPPED BEFORE CONTINUING (' END OF TEST. DO YOU WANT TO RUN AGAIN? To begin the test, the drive motor switch must be off and the motor must be stopped. The xxx part of SWxxx in the frame above is replaced by 691 (if the front drive was identified for testing) or by 692 (if the rear drive was identified). See page INTRO-34 for the switch locations. (/ 4. Turn off the switch indicated in the display. Then press the ENTER key to advance to the next frame. The MD displays the following frame: DISABLE DEVICES aa, bb WITH SWxxx AND SWyyy AT SAM PANEL. THEN PRESS ENTER. In the preceding frame, the aa and bb are replaced by the addresses of the devices in the drive to be tested. The xxx and yyy parts of SWxxx and SWyyy in the frame are replaced by PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 (' MD-25 Diagnostic Menu Option 7 - Device Status The Device Status test is used for the following purposes: session. If none was used or if two controllers were used, no default is displayed. • • The valid responses are: Testing controller operation. Testing communication with each device in the string without having to put devices in CE mode. Testing device enable/disable switches on the operator panel. Displaying string configuration information. Displaying device status information. • • • The Device Status test may be run inline with customer operation. Devices need not be in CE mode unless the storage path or storage director is disabled from all system channels. If the storage path or storage director is disabled from all channels, place all devices in CE mode before running the Device Status test. Devices in CE mode are tested the same as those not in CE mode. The Device Status test begins by running the controller test (diagnostic routine 80). If no errors are detected, the Device Status test (diagnostic routine 96) is run. The Device Status test selects each device on the string and performs a Read Home Address operation (without moving the access mechanism). String configuration information is displayed. To run the Device Status test: 1. From the Diagnostic menu, select option 7. ~--",\ Response Meaning ENTER 1 2 3 4 Default (if shown) Controller A 1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. Control/ers A 1 and A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. 2. Enter your response for controller use. The diagnostic routines start running .and continue until string configuration information is displayed or until an error is encountered. • If an error is encountered, go to "Isolation Code Error Display" on page MD-41. • If no error is detected, the MD displays configuration information in one of the following series of frames. The configuration information displayed is dependent on storage control type: For a 3880 subsystem, see "Gonfiguration (3880)" on page MD-27. The MD displays one of the following frames: SELECT CONTROLLER: For a 3990 subsystem, see "Configuration (3990)" on page MD-28. (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) - or- SELECT CONTROLLER: DEFAULT IS: x (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) The "x" shown in the preceding frame identifies the last controller used to run diagnostics in this PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 MD-26 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ." I c: ( Configuration (3880) For strings attached to a 3990 storage control, refer to page MD-28. If no error is detected, the MD displays configuration information as shown in the following frames. storage director attached to the string has a unique SOlD. CTLR PATH=x x = The path that was sensed from the controller by the storage control during a sense controller path operation. o = Controller A1 Path STRING CONFIGURATION CTLR Ax ADR=x ID=xx 3880 SDID=xx ( 1 A* THE STRING HAS: A* = AAAA- ID=xx xx = the physical ID of the controller (A 1 or A2) set in the physical address switches on the I/O control card. See page REPAIR-20. The controller physical ID is normally put on the 3380 operator panel at installation time (String ID). c The physical ID must be set the same for all controllers in the string. SDID=xx xx The physical ID of the storage director in the 3880. The SDID is normally put on the 3380 operator panel at installation time. Each UNIT ONLY AND 1 B UNIT AND 2 B UNITS AND 3 B UNITS The last frame of the series asks if you want the configuration data analyzed. To respond, press the YES key or the NO key: YES The MD has you check for inconsistencies in the collected data. If no inconsistencies are found, the following menu is displayed. If inconsistencies are found, the test must be rerun to display device status. NO The MD displays the following menu. ADR=x x = the string number (O or 1) set in the subsystem configuration switches on the DDC/DTB card. See page REPAIR-18. The string number is normally put on the operator panel at installation time. All controllers in the string must be set the same. * = The number of units that are in the string. One of the following lines is displayed. DO YOU WANT AN ANALYSIS OF THIS CONFIGURATION DATA? (SEE PSG MD-3, 460) CTLR Ax x the controller number that was selected to run the test. = Controller A2 Path 3. Enter your response about the analysis of the configuration data: If you do not want to analyze the configuration data or if no inconsistencies were found during the analysis of collected data, the MD displays the following menu: SELECT OPTION: 1 = DISPLAY DEVICE STATUS 2 = REVIEW CONFIG ... 3 4 = RERUN = END CONFIG. = C" PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-27 1 = = 3 = 2 4 = Continue the Device Status test and display the device status. See "Display the Device Status" on page MD-30. Configuration (3990) For strings attached to a 3880 storage control, see "Configuration (3880)" on page MD-27. Review the configuration data just displayed. Collect the configuration data again and display it. End the Device Status test without displaying device status. 4. Select an option from the preceding menu. 5. To continue the device status test, go to "Display the Device Status" on page MD·30. One series of frames is for 2-path configurations and the other series of frames is for 4-path configurations. 2-Path Configurations STRING CONFIGURATION CTLR Ax ADR=x ID=xx 3990 SSID=xxxx SP=x CTlR PATH=x THE STRING HAS: A* DO YOU WANT AN ANALYSIS OF THIS CONFIGURATION DATA! (SEE PSG MD-3, 460) I / 4-Path Configurations STRING CONFIGURATION CTLR Ax ADR=x ID=xx 3990 SSID=xxxx SP=x CTlR PATH=x SUB-STRING 0 HAS: A* SUB-STRING 1 HASI A* DO YOU WANT AN ANALYSIS OF THIS CONFIGURATION DATA! (SEE PSG MD-3, 460) ( CTLR Ax = X the controller number that was selected to run the test. ADR=x x = the string number (0 or 1) that is set in the subsystem configuration switches on the DDC/DTB card. See page REPAIR-18. The string number is normally put on the operator panel at installation time. All controllers in the string must be set the same. PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1997. 1999 MD-28 ( ( ID=xx xx the physical 10 of the controller (A 1, A2, A3 or A4) set in the physical address switches on the I/O control card. See page REPAIR-20. The controller physical 10 is normally put on the 3380 operator panel at installation time (String 10). = The physical ID must be set the same for all controllers in the string. SSID=xxxx xxxx = The physical ID of the Storage Path in the 3990. The SSIO is normally put on the 3380 operator panel at installation time. The SSID must be set the same for all storage paths attached to the string at installation time. ( CTLR PATH=x x = The path that was sensed from the controller by the storage control during a sense controller path operation. o = Controller A1 Path ( 1 2 3 Path ( A* = Controller A2 Path = Controller A3 = Controller A4 Path *= The number of units that are in the string or sub-string (4 path). One of the following lines is displayed. AAAA- C NO The MD displays the following menu. 3. Enter your response about the analysis of the configuration data. If you do not want to analyze the configuration data or if no inconsistencies were found during the analysis of collected data, the MD displays the following menu: SElECT OPTION: 1 = DISPLAY DEVICE STATUS 2 = REVIEW CONFIG ... x = The storage path (SPO-SP3) connected to the controller that was selected to run the test. The storage path is normally put on the 3380 operator panel at installation time. ( ( The MD has you check for inconsistencies in the collected data. If no inconsistencies are found, the following menu is displayed. If inconsistencies are found, the test must be rerun to display device status. SP=x (- (': YES 3 4 1 = RERUN = END CONFIG. = Continue the Device Status test and display the device status. 2 Review the configuration data just displayed. 3 = Collect the configuration data again and display it. 4 = End the Device Status te!:!t without displaying device status. = 4. Select an option from the preceding menu. 5. To continue the device stat':!s test, go to "Display the Device Status" on page MD·30. UNIT ONLY AND 1 B UNIT AND 2 B UNITS AND 3 B UNITS The last frame of the series asks if you want the configuration data analyzed. To respond, press the YES key or the NO key: c\ C:: PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-29 Display the Device Status E Equipment Check 6. To continue the device status test (option 1 from the "Select Option" menu is selected), the following frames are displayed: 2-Path Subsystem X DEVICE STATUS: OI23456789ABCDEF = OX: **************** DO YOU WANT A DESCRIPTION OF THE STATUS CODES? (SEE PSG MD-3, 465) 1I.(ervention Required: Device is disabled and not on-Line; this code has nothing to do with whether or not a device is in CE mode. N Not Installed o Operational: An operational device normally reports a status of "0." S Servo busy: If a device has been powered on without at least one storage path channel interface enabled, the device usually reports a status of "S" because there is no attached system to handle the attention interrupt. To eliminate this problem, place the device in CE mode (use MD Main menu Option 0) and rerun the device status test. x= Device Number (O-F) OX: Represents devices ~O-OF 4-Path Subsystem X DEVICE STATUS: = OI23456789ABCDEF OX: IX: **************** **************** DO YOU WANT A DESCRIPTION OF THE STATUS CODES? (SEE PSG MD-3, 465) X = Device Number OX: Represents devices ~O-OF 1X: Represents devices 10-1F The asterisks (*) in the top frame are replaced by device status (for details, see step 7). The bottom frame asks if you want the status codes (used in the frame on the top) described. To respond, press the YES key or the NO key: YES NO Status code information (shown below) is displayed. Press the ENTER key to continue with the display of device type information. The MD displays device type information. 7. Enter your response about the device status code descriptions. Displayed status code information is: B D Display Device Type Information 8. To continue the device status test: after the device status code description response is completed, device type information is displayed in one of the following series of frames. One series is for 2 path configurations and the other series of frames is for 4 path configurations. 2-Path Configurations DEVICE TYPE: FROI=xxx FR02=xxx FR03=xxx FR04=xxx DO YOU WANT AN ANALYSIS OF THE DEVICE TYPE DATA? (SEE PSG MD-3, 468) FR01 = FR02 = FR03 FR04 = = XXX = AJ4 or AK4 unit unit 1st B unit attached to A unit 2nd B unit attached to A unit 3rd B unit attached to A unit Model designation (AJ4, AK4, BJ4, or BK4) of the installed machine frame(s). Frame members are not displayed if they are not installed. Device Busy Data Check PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01AugB9 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-30 ( ( xxx = 111 The diagnostic routine was unable to 4-Path Configurations DEVICE TYPE - SSO: FR01=xxx FR03=xxx FR02=xxx FR04=xxx ( ( SSl: DEVICE TYPE FRll=xxx FR13=xxx FR14=xxx FR12=xxx DO YOU WANT AN ANALYSIS OF THE DEVICE TYPE DATA! (SEE PSG MD-3, 468) ( ( (' FR01 FR02 FR03 FR04 FR11 FR12 FR13 FR14 = = = = = = = = xxx = ( c YES The MD has you check the data for inconsistencies. If no inconsistencies are found and no errors occur, the MD displays the following frame. NO The MD displays the following frame. determine the 3380 model. This occurs when the diagnostic cannot select any of the devices in the unit due to heavy system activity. SELECT OPTION: 1.= REVIEW 2.= RERUN TEST 3.= END 9. Enter your response about the analysis of the device-type data. 10. Select option 1, 2, or 3. 11. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. 1st AJ4 or AK4 unit unit 1st B unit attached to 1st A unit 2nd B unit attached to 1st A unit 3rd B unit attached to 1st A unit 2nd AJ4 or AK4 unit unit 1st B unit attached to 2nd A unit 2nd B unit attached to 2nd A unit 3rd B unit attached to 2nd A unit Model designation (AJ4, AK4, BJ4, or BK4) of the installed machine frame(s). Frame members are not displayed if they are not installed. xxx = 117 The diagnostic routine was unable to determine the 3380 model. This occurs when the diagnostic cannot select any of the devices in the unit due to heavy system activity. SSO = (Substring 0) is the first substring in a 4-path configuration. Substring 0 contains ports 0-3 (devices 00 - OF). SS1 = (Substring 1) is the second substring in a 4-path configuration. Substring 1 contains ports 4-7 (devices 10 - 1F). The last frame displayed asks if you want the device type information analyzed. To respond, press the YES key or the NO key: PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-31 Diagnostic Menu Option 8 - CE Track Repair The CE track repair option uses diagnostic routines 83 and 9C to perform the following functions to the CE cylinder and the four diagnostic cylinders. • • • Test each track for data checks Inspect each track with data checks for defects Skip all defects found The CE track repair routines are designed to run inline while customer operation continues on devices not selected by the user. The selected device must be previously placed in CE mode. For additional information about CE track repair, see page MAP-1, Entry EF, in the MIM, Volume R10. To run the CE Track Repair option: 1. From the Diagnostic Menu, select option 8. The MD displays one of the following frames: SELECT CONTROLLER~ (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) - or- SELECT CONTROLLER: DEFAULT IS: x (SEE PSG MD-3. 200) The "x" shown in the preceding frame is ( , replaced by 1, 2, 3, 4, or a blank to identify the " ... last controller used to run diagnostics in this session. If none was used, no default i s ' \ displayed. (---\ The valid responses are: '''''-j Response Meaning ENTER 1 2 3 4 Default (if shown) Controller A 1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 CE track repair will run using the specified controller. The controller specified should be operational. Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. Controllers At and A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01AugB9 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MO-32 \ ...... - ./ (-' 2. Enter your response about controller use. 4. If an unrecoverable equipment check error is encountered, go to "Isolation Code Error Display" on page MD-41. 5. If no errors are detected and the repair process is completed successfully, the following frame is displayed. The MD displays one of the following frames: SELECT DEVICE: (SEE PSG MD-3, 210) ( - or- * REPAIR COMPLETE * NO DATA CHECKS WERE DETECTED ON THE CE TRACKS. SELECT DEVICE: DEFAULT IS: xx (SEE PSG MD-3, 210) ( Default devices are those that were specified during the previous diagnostic. If no device was tested during the current diagnostic session, no default is displayed. ( 6. Press ENTER to return to the MD Main menu. Device addresses are in hexadecimal (00 through 1F). ( The device to be tested must be in CE mode. If the device specified for testing is not in CE mode, an error message is displayed. ( 3. ( --", ~, Specify a single device. When the ENTER key is pressed, the CE track repair diagnostic starts. The diagnostic continues until normal end or until an unrecoverable error is encountered. Several displays appear while the routines are running. These frames are to keep you informed of what is happening: * CE CYLINDER * WRITE/READ ROUTINE RUNNING ON DEVICE xx (ROUTINE 83) *RUNNING CE TRACK ON REPAIR * DEVICE XX CYLINDER XXX HEAD X (ROUTINE 9C) (/ The CE track repair process may take several minutes. The amount of time depends on the extent of the problem. It takes a little more than 2.0 minutes for each defect found. C c ( PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 MD-33 c o Diagnostic Menu Option 9 - Storage Control Status The Storage Control Status option uses diagnostic routine 9F to collect status information from the Storage Control. The status information collected includes the following: r\ 'V To run the Storage Control Status option: 1. From the Diagnostic Menu, select option 9. The MD displays one of the following frames: • • • • • Devices in CE Mode Controller Write Inhibit conditions Channel Write Inhibit conditions Storage Path Fenced conditions Device Fenced conditions SELECT CONTROLLER: (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) - or- SELECT CONTROLLER: DEFAULT IS: X (SEE PSG MD-3, 200) The Storage Control Status test is designed to run in line with customer operation. Devices do not need to be placed in CE Mode. The X shown in the preceding frame identifies the last controller used to run diagnostics in this session. If none was used, no default is displayed. The valid responses are: Response Meaning ENTER 1 2 3 4 Default (if shown) Controller A1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 The storage control status test will run using the specified controller. The controller specified should be operational. Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. Controllers A 1 an... A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. 2. PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ( ~'\ " .-/j Enter your response for controller use. When the ENTER key is pressed, the Storage Control Status test starts and continues until Storage Control Status is displayed or until an error is encountered. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 c MD-34 ("" v c f 3. If an error is encountered, go to "Isolation Code Error Display" on page MD-41. 4. If no error is detected, the following frame is displayed: 7. Press the ENTER key to determine if the storage control has set write inhibit for the controller selected in step 2 on page MD-34. One of the following frames is displayed: NO WRITE INHIBIT CONDITIONS WERE DETECTED FOR CONTROLL ER Ax. - orWRITE INHIBIT IS SET FOR CONTROLLER Ax. SEE PSG MD-3,090 ... STORAGE CONTROL STATUS FOR CONTROLLER A* 5. ,," Press the ENTER key to display status information: xxxx S*ID: xx STORAGE PATH: x CONTROLLER: Ax SEE PSG MD-3, 480 ... If line 1 is "3880 SDID: xx," xx = the Storage Director identifier. If line 1 is "3990 SSID: xx," xx the Subsystem identifier. = STORAGE PATH: x x = the Storage Path (0-3) CONTROLLER: Ax Ax = the Controller (A 1, A2, A3, or A4) 6. ( Controller Write Inhibit is set for a controller if a controller error or storage path error is detected during a functional write operatron (diagnostics do not cause write inhibit conditions). Write inhibit is set to prevent a defective storage path from destroying customer data. Write inhibit can be reset as follows: • Use the MD Main Menu option Z (End of Call -- see RMAP 0350 Step 001 on page REPAIR·15). • If the MD is attached to a 3990 storage control, use the Storage Path Restart switch. • Issue the ICKDSF CONTROL command with the ALLOWWRITE parameter specified. See the Device Support Facilities Users Guide and Reference, GC35-0033 and IMAP 0280 Step 001 on page ISOLATE·49. Press the ENTER key to display devices in CE Mode. The following frame is displayed: 2-Path Configurations DEVICES IN CE MODE: OX: ••••••••••••••.• (SEE PSG MD-3, 035) OX: = Devices 00 - OF 4-Path Configurations DEVICES IN CE MODE: OX: ••••••••.••••••• lX: ...•..•...••.••• ( ( (SEE PSG MD-3, 035) = Devices 00 - OF 1X: = Devices 10 - 1F OX: PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-35 8. Press the ENTER key to determine if the storage control has set write inhIbit on one or more channels. One of the following frames is displayed: NO CHANNEl WRITE INHIBIT CONDITIONS WERE DETECTED FOR CONTROllER Ax. - or- Support Facility. Diagnostics do not cause fenced conditions to be set. Controller Fenced is set by a Quiesce from the Storage Control Support Facility. 10. Press the ENTER key to display Device Fenced conditions. One of the following frames is displayed: CHANNEL WRITE INHIBIT IS SET FOR CHANNELS: ....... . SEE PSG MD-3.090 .. . NO FENCED CONDITIONS WERE DETECTED FOR ANY DEVICES. - Channel Write Inhibit is set in the storage control for a channel if a channel or channel related storage path error is detected during a functional write operation (diagnostics do not cause channel write inhibit conditions). Write Inhibit conditions may reset as described in step 7 on page MD-35. 9. Press the ENTER key to display Fenced conditions (3990 4-path only). Fencing is a technique used by the storage path functional microcode to remove a failing path from system operation. This is done to prevent path related failures from degrading subsystem performance. • If the string is a 2-path string, only Controller Fenced applies. • If the string is a 4-path string, Storage Path Fenced conditions are displayed as follows. NO STORAGE PATH FENCED CONDITIONS WERE DETECTED FOR CONTROllER Ax. - DEVICE FENCED IS SET FOR CTLR Ax. DEVICES ARE: ***FENCED DEVICES*** OX: ....•..••....•.. IX: 0 .•..•..••..•..• (SEE PSG MD-3,093) Device Fenced is set for a device when there are excessive controller errors for a single path to the device. The device remains operational on other paths. In the above frame, device 10 is fenced. Storage path controller and device fenced conditions can be reset as 'follows: • • • • or- STORAGE PATH FENCED CONDITION IS SET FOR CONTROLLER Ax. (SEE PSG MD-3,092) or- • Use MD Main Menu option Z: End of Call. Use the storage path restart switch at the storage control. Perform a RESUME operation on the quiesced storage path or controller. Issue a ICKDSF CONTROL command with the CLEARFENCE parameter specified. See the Device Support Facilities Users Guide and Reference, GC35-0033 and IMAP 0280 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-49. IML the storage path. 11. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main Menu. Storage Path Fenced is set when there are excessive storage path errors or when a Quiesce is set from the Storage Control PIN 451990384 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-36 / '" / ( f ( ( Diagnostic Menu Option A - Non-Repeatable Runout (NRRO) Test The Non-Repeatable Runout Test (Routin'e 89) measures differences in the servo position error signal on successive disk revolutions. This is used to indicate conditions other than normal track runout that may adversely affect servo tracking. The X shown in the preceding frame identifies the last controller or controllers used to run diagnostic routines in this session. If none were used, no default is displayed. The valid responses are: This routine has been designed to run along with customer operation on the selected devices. The devices that are selected should not be in CE mode. ( ( Response Meaning ENTER 1 2 Routine 89 will alternately test the two devices on the selected HDA when only one device was selected. Routine 89 does not have a normal ending point. The routine will run indefinitely until a fault exists or until the routine is terminated by the user. The minimum run time is 24 hours, or until an error stop is presented. For more information, see the DIAG section in the MSM, Vol. R60. 3 4 Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths. The MD will instruct you when it is necessary to move the MD plug. 2. This routine is not to be run unless instructed by the maintenance information. CAUTION *** A *** PHYSICAL DEVICE WITH 9F9F FSC ENVIRONMENTAL ( ( DATA CAN BE REPORTED THROUGH OTHER DEVICES. THE CORRECT PHYSICAL ADDRESS IS FOUND IN SENSE BYTE 4. SEE THE PSG START SECTION SMAP 0045. To run the Non-Repeatable Runout option: 1. From the ~iagnostic Enter your response for controller use. The MD displays the following frames: If you were sent here from the MD for FSC E180, E108, or 9302, verify that the errors are on heads 4, 5, 6, and/or 7 (see sense byte 6). If the errors are not on these heads, return to the MD frame that sent you here and continue with the procedure. If the errors are on heads 4, 5, 6, and/or 7, continue with the non-repeatable runout (NRRO) test. ( Default (if shown) Controller A 1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 Menu, select option A. The MD displays one of the following frames: SELECT CONTROLLER: (SEE PSG MD-3, 005) ( - ( SELECT CONTROLLER: DEFAULT IS: x (SEE PSG MD-3, 005) or- 3. You are then asked to select a device with one of the following frames: SELECT DEVICE: (SEE PSG MD-3, 210) - or- SELECT DEVICE: DEFAULT IS: xx (SEE PSG MD-3, 210) () PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright (' EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-37 Enter a single device. Multiple addresses are not permitted and will be ignored. If the configuration is 2-way, then enter 00 through OF. If the configuration is 4-way, then 00 through 1F is permitted. WHICH ACTUATOR POSTED THE 9F9F FSC1 (1) LEFT. (2) RIGHT OR (3) BOTH! Enter the response for which actuator posted the FSC 9F9F and go to step 8. The device should not be in CE mode. 4. Enter your response for device address. 8. The MD displays the following frame: I The MD displays the following frame: THE NRRO TEST IS NOW RUNNING ON DEVICES xx AND yy (SEE PSG MD-3. 005) WAS FSC 9F9F POSTED AGAINST THE HDA UNDER TEST? Respond to the question by pressing the YES or NO key. If the answer is YES, go to step 7. If the answer is NO, go to step 5. 5. The MD displays the following frame: ENTER OTHER POSTED FSC. OR. PRESS ENTER FOR NONE. 6. Enter your response for other posted FSCs. If the FSC is 9302, E1S0, E10S, or none go to step S. If the FSC was not 9302, E10S, or E1S0 the MD displays the following frame: USE FSC ANALYSIS (MENU OPTION-3) TO ANALYZE FSC xxxx. Press the ENTER key to return to the MD Main menu. 7. /-" = xx even device yy == odd device 9. The test has no normal end and will run continuously until the MD has determined that a fault exists or until it is stopped by pressing the ENTER key on the MD keyboard. The minimum run time is 24 hours, or until an error stop is presented. 10. If system activity is large enough that it prevents routine 89 from collecting test data on a continuing basis, the following frame is displayed: DEVICE(S) ARE BUSY. THIS MAY BE DUE TO HEAVY SYSTEM USAGE. RETRY WILL CONTINUE. The system activity is too high. Re-schedule your maintenance activity for a less busy time. 11. If an unexpected error occurs, the following frames will be displayed: AN UNEXPECTED ERROR WAS RECEIVED. TO ISOLATE THE PROBLEM, CHOOSE THE NORMAL ... SEQUENCE OPTION FROM THE DIAGNOSTIC MENU. PRESS ENTER TO RETURN TO MAIN MENU. If FSC 9F9F was posted against the HDA under test, the following frame will be displayed: 12. The CE can stop the routine by pressing the ENTER key while the routine is running. If an insufficient number of samples were taken for PIN 451990384 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1997. 1988 MD-38 rf "", \t./ ( ( ( ( ( (' calculations the MD will display the frame in step 22 on page MD-40. If there were enough samples taken, the MD display will be explained in step 23 on page MD-40. If the CE does not stop the routine, go to the next step. 13. If the NRRO test determines that the results of the value calculations is in excess of permissible limits and the problem is with one device (left or right), the frames in step 15 will be displayed. If the NRRO test determines that the problem is with both devices, go to step 14. REPLACE THE HDA. SEE CARR-I, ENTRY-A FOR REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE. 15. The left or right device NRRO calculations are high. The following frames will be displayed: f: C' xxxxx = RIGHT LEFT OR (-. (- IS THE CABLE SWAP IN PLACE! 16. Respond to the question by pressing the YES or NO key. If the answer is YES, go to step 18. If the answer is NO, the following frame will be displayed: C Respond to the question by pressing the YES or NO key. If the answer is NO, go to step 19. If the answer is YES, go to step 14. HAVE THE FRU'S FOR THE FAILING ACTUATOR BEEN REPLACED? Respond to the question by pressing the YES or NO key. If the answer is YES, go to step 21 on page MD-40. If the answer is NO. go to step 20, ELECTRONICS MAY BE CAUSING THE ERROR. CAN YOU PERFORM A CABLE SWAP! ( 18. The cables have been swapped. The following frames will be displayed: 19. The following frame will be displayed: ( (j Pressing ENTER returns you to the main menu. AFTER THE CABLE SWAP! This is the end of the NRRO routine, pressing ENTER will return you to the main menu. THE xxxxx device HAS HIGH NRRO. PERFORM THE CABLE SWAP, THEN RE-RUN THE NRRO TEST. IS THE SAME DEVICE POSTING 9F9F FSC'S pP HIGH NRRO VALUES BOTH BEFORE AND 14. The following will be displayed: ( If the answer is YES, the following frame will be displayed: 20. The following frames will be displayed: 17. Respond to the question by pressing the YES or NO key. If the answer is NO, go to step 19. PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-39 {. I \s..) REPLACE THE FRU'~ FOR THE FAILING ACTUATOR. THEN RUN NRRO TEST AGAIN * PRIMARY FRU LIST - WARNING SEE PROCEDURE ON REPAIR 1,ENTRY-A NRRO TESTED NORMAL. BE SURE THAT THE SELECTED DEVICE IS CORRECT. IF NEEDED, * COB2 RW CHANL DEV BIF2 PORT R/W DEV BIE2 SEQ/SERVO DEV This is the end of the NRRO routine, pressing ENTER will return you to the main menu. 21. The following frame will be displayed: GO TO PSG START SECTION SMAP 0045. This is the end of the NRRO routine, pressing ENTER will return you to the main menu. "--- ....,/ 24. If the samples are not indicating a defective HDA, the the following frame will be displayed: SUCCESSFUL TEST END. PRESS ENTER KEY TO RETURN TO MAIN MENU. WATCH FOR ADDITIONAL 9F9F FSC'S AGAINST THESE SAME DEVICE(S) AND HDA. IF THIS ... CONDITION CONTINUES, GO TO PSG MD-I, ENTRY-C, OPTION-A, TO RERUN NRRO TESTS. This is the end of the NRRO routine, pressing ENTER will return you to the main menu. " :/ 22. The MD will display the following frame: AN INSUFFICIENT NUMBER OF SAMPLES HAVE BEEN COLLECTED. (LESS THAN xxr.) ..• PRESS TO RESUME. OR PF TO TERMINATE TEST. ALL DATA WILL BE LOST. PF will return you to the MD MAIN MENU. If ENTER is pressed the test is resumed. Go to step 8 on page MD-38. 23. A sufficient number of samples were taken. If the NRRO did not test normal, the frames in step 24, step 14 on page MD-39, or step 15 on page MD-39 will be displayed depending on the the calculations. If the NRRO tested normal, the following frames will be displayed. PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 19BB .~./ MO-40 Isolation Code Error Display ( If an error is encountered, the following is displayed: IC**** CTL=A* DEV=** RTN=** TEST=** EB=** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** Isolation Code - CTl Controller Number (A1, A2, A3, or A4) PRESS ENTER TO ANALYZE OR "N" TO RUN NEXT CONTROLLER (SEE PSG MD-3, 500) DEV Device Address (in hexadecimal) - RTN Diagnostic Routine ID EB Error Bytes (see note) Note: The error bytes are used by the MD for FRU isolation. The guided maintenance procedures do not require you to use these bytes for any purpose. They are displayed primarily for support personnel. .. f: PRESS ENTER TO ANALYZE OR "N" TO RUN NEXT TEST. (SEE PSG MD-3, 500) IC TEST Test Number within the Routine ( Depending on the operation being performed at the time of the error, one of the following frames will be displayed: If you are preparing to discuss this problem with support personnel, you may want to record these error byte values. or- or- PRESS ENTER TO ANALYZE OR PF KEY TO RETURN TO MAIN MENU (SEE PSG MD-3, 500) To analyze an error and obtain a FRU group, press the ENTER key only. To test the next controller or device (if multiple controllers or devices were specified), enter Nand then press the ENTER key. To return to the MD Main menu, press the PF key. Further definition of the information contained in these displays can be found in the DIAG section of the MSM, Volume R60 and in the IC section of the ECM, Volume R40. (, (-' (~ (: PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-41 Analyze Symptom Code (Main Menu Option 3) contains controllers A3 and A4. Controllers A 1 and A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. This option can be used to get a FRU list from the MD by entering a symptom code and some device information. The MD does not need to be attached to the 3380 to analyze a symptom code. 1. From the MD Main menu, select option 3. 2. The MD displays the fol;owing frame: Enter your response to identify the controller. The MD next asks for device information with the following frame: ENTER THE SYMPTOM CODE. (SEE PSG MD-3. 550) ENTER THE FAILING DEVICE TO ANALYZE THE ERROR (00 TO XX) Enter a four-character symptom code from system sense bytes 22 and 23. • 00 to XX indicates the valid range of devices that may be entered: ''-, ~ The MD then displays the following frame: "00 TO OF" for 2-path strings "00 TO 1F" for 4-path strings ENTER THE FAILING CONTROLLER TO ANALYZE THE ERROR A device must be selected so that the MD can determine a FRU group when device FRUs may be involved. If multiple devices are failing, select one of the devices. If the MD analysis procedure needs to know if multiple devices are failing, the appropriate questions will be asked. (xxxxxxxxxxxxx) A controller must be identified so that the MD can determine a FRU group when controller FRUs are involved. If both controllers are failing or if specific devices are failing through both controllers, select either controller. If the MD analysis procedure needs to know if both controllers are failing, the question will be asked. The last line of the display (xxxxxxxxxxxxx) displays valid controller options 1 or 2 for 2 path strings and 1, 2, 3, or 4, for 4 path strings. The valid responses are: 3. Enter a valid device address, "00" through "OF" or "00" through "1F." Next, the MD asks about the HDA Cable Swap. If the cables are swapped, the FRU group is affected: ARE THE HDA CABLES SWAPPED? Response Meaning 1 2 3 4 Controller Controller Controller Controller A1 A2 A3 A4 If the HDA cables are swapped on the actuator fOI vVhich you are doing analysis, press the YES key. Otherwise, press the NO key. The MD will display the correct FRU list for the logic that is operating the actuator. Note: Selecting control/er A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that PIN 4519903 B4 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 MO-42 \~" ../ . ( c 4. Answer the question about the cable swap. Other questions regarding the sense information might be asked. Most other questions may be bypassed by pressing the ENTER key. If questions are bypassed, the result is larger FRU groups. 5. Answer all questions to the best of your ability. When the answers to the questions have been processed, the MD displays FRU information: * PRIMARY FRU - WARNING LIST * SEE PROCEDURE ON REPAIR 1,ENTRY A ... **************** **************** **************** **************** - ( ( and then - SECONDARY FRU LIST - WARNING SEE PROCEDURE ON REPAIR 1,ENTRY A ... **************** **************** **************** **************** {' ( Ensure that the correct power on/power off procedures are used. See page REPAIR-1 to determine the correct procedure for replacing each FRU. (\ C:i PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyrighl EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1985 MD-43 Diagnostic Aiqs (Main Menu Option DJ Diagnostic Aids provides a method of running individual diagnostics and allows entry of parameters to control them. With few exceptions, maintenance procedures do not need Diagnostic Aids. The diagnostic menu provides most needed functions in a much easier to use form. See "Run Diagnostic Tests (MD Main Menu Option 1)" on page MD-10. Any routine may be run using the Diagnostic Aids option, and you have full control of routine execution. But if you enter inappropriate control parameters for the routine being run, some very misleading results can occur. 1. From the MD Main menu, select option D. The MD displays one of the following frames: SELECT CONTROLLER: (SEE PSG MD-3. 800) - or- SELECT CONTROLLER: DEFAULT IS: x (SEE PSG MD-3. 800) The "x" shown in the preceding frame identifies the last controller used to run diagnostics in this session. If none or two were used, no default is displayed. The valid responses are: Response Meaning ENTER 1 2 3 4 Default (if shown) Controller A 1 Controller' A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 2. Enter your response for controller selection. The MD displays one of the following frames to prompt for the ID of the routine you want to run: * - DIAGNOSTIC AIDS * ENTER ROUTINE ID. (Z HEX DIGITS) or- * DIAGNOSTIC AIDS * ENTER ROUTINE ID. DEFAULT IS: xx Selection of a routine is always required. If a routine ID is not specified, the MD provides (as a default value) the last routine ID specified by the user. To select a diagnostic routine. key in the two-character routine ID of the routine to be run and then press the ENTER key. The following routine IDs can be selected: 80 81 82 83 Controller Tests Device Logic Tests Servo Tests Read/Write Data Transfer Tests 84 85 8A Read/Write Function Tests Seek Exerciser Incremental Seek Exerciser 90 91 93 Extended DPS Tests (see note) HA Scan DOC Tests (see Warning) 96 97 98 99 Device Status Test (see Warning) Sense Utility (see Warning) Error Log Search (see Warning) Motor Start Test (see Warning) 9C 9D CE Track Repair DPS Array Display/Dump Utility (see Warning) Diagnostic Microcode Patch (see Warning) Note: Selecting controller AS/ A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers AS and A4. Controllers A 1 and A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers AS and A4. PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 9E MD-44 9F ( Set/Reset/Sense CE Mode (see Warning) routine is selected, the default is reset to no device selection. Note: If the 3380-JK is attached to a 3990, the extended DPS tests (Routine 90) cannot be run. ( Warning: An attempt to run a diagnostic routine for a device without specifying a device for selection causes an error. The error message that results does not mention that this error can be caused by user failure to specify a device. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that a device is selected when running a device test under the Diagnostic Aids option. Warning: Although any of the above routines may be selected, routines 93, 96, 97,98,99, 90, 9E and 9F provide special purpose functions and may produce confusing results if run under the Diagnostic Aids option. f Warning: A device specified for selection must be in CE mode. Failure to set CE mode for the selected device results in IC 1101 (byte 1 of the error message is the address of the device being tested). Use MD Main option 0 to set or reset CE mode as required. See the routine descriptions in the DIAG section of the MSM, Volume R60 for additional information. 3. {~ (' Enter your routine selection. Press the ENTER key to rerun the default or enter the two-character 10. *SELECT DIAGNOSTIC AIDS * DEVICE(OO-XX) OR PRESS ENTER IF NO DEVICE IS NEEDED. or-- *SELECT DIAGNOSTIC AIDS * DEVICE(OO-XX) DEFAULT IS: xx (j (' (" {: f' C Respond to the prompt for device selection. Enter no more than one device address. Next, the MD prompts for device information: - ( 4. . SELECT DEVICE (DO-XX) indicates the valid range of devices that may be selected. XX XX = OF for 2 path strings = 1F for 4 path strings When the MD requests that a device be selected, determine if the routine being run requires use of a device. Routines 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 8A, 97, 99, and 9C all require that a device be selected. Routines 80, 90, 93, 96, 98, 90, 9E and 9F do not require device selection but can be run even if a device is selected. Once a device is selected, the MO continues to use that device address as a default value until a different routine is selected. When a new PIN 451990384 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 (0 Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 00 - OF for 2 path strings 00 - 1F for 4 path strings The MO next prompts for parameters: ENTER PARAMETERS IF REQUIRED (SEE PSG MD-3, 800) Each diagnostic routine except routine 9C has default parameter values that are correct for the routine so that the entry of control parameters is not usually required. However, in special cases, the user may want to enter parameters to provide some unusual diagnostic function. (Routine 9C is equipped with default parameters that cause an error, preventing the accidental running of that diagnostic routine.) The number of parameters required and the meaning of each parameter (except for parameter 0) varies depending on the routine being run. Each parameter is two hexadecimal digits. Up to sixteen parameters (numbered 0 to F) may be entered consecutively with no spaces between successive parameters. If more than MD-45 one parameter is entered, then all the parameters used by the routine must be entered before the ENTER key is pressed. (Remaining default parameter values are ignored after the second parameter is entered.) The first parameter (parameter 0) is the "run control" parameter. Parameter 0 provides control functions that are the same for all routines. Some of the run control functions are not appropriate for some of the routines and can cause unexpected results. See the descriptions of the routines (in the DIAG section of the MSM, Volume R60) for restrictions on the selection of the run control parameter. The control functions provided by parameter 0 are: 00 Allow Routine Linking, No Loop, Halt On Error 01 Allow Routine Linking, No Loop, Bypass Error Halt 02 Allow Routine Linking, Loop, Halt On Error 03 Allow Routine Linking, Loop, Bypass Error Halt 04 Inhibit Routine Linking, No Loop, Halt On Error 05 Inhibit Routine Linking, No Loop, Bypass Error Halt 06 Inhibit Routine Linking, Loop, Halt On Error 07 Inhibit Routine Linking, Loop, Bypass Error Halt The Allow Routine Linking function allows routine 80 to link to routine 96, and allows routines 81 through 85 to link and run in sequence. PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 If the Inhibit Routine Linking function is selected, or if any routine other than 80 through 85 is selected, only the selected routine is run. The Loop function causes the selected routine (or the linked series of routines) to be repeated. The Loop function in combination with the Allow Routine Linking function causes rOtitines 81 through 85 to repeatedly run in sequence. If the No Loop function is used, the selected routine or linked series of routines run only once. The Bypass Error Halt function allows routine execution to continue after an error is detected. This function may be used in combination with the Loop function to create a scope loop. If the Halt On Error function is selected, routine execution stops and an error message is displayed when an error is detected. If only the first parameter (Parameter 0) is entered, the default values built into the routine being run are used for the remaining parameters. This permits the user to specify only the run control parameter if desired. If more than one parameter is entered, then all parameters applicable to the routine being run should be entered. If too few parameters are entered, the MD supplies X"OO" for the remaining parameters. If too many parameters are entered, the excess parameters are ignored. The meaning of parameter entries 1 through F varies,depending on the routine being run. See the routine description in the DIAG section of the MSM, Volume R60. After parameters have been entered, the MD uses those parameters as default values until a different routine is selected. When a new routine is selected, the default parameter values are reset to the built-in default values for the new routine. MD-46 ',,- / ( Warning: Entry of parameter values that are incorrect or inappropriate for the routine being run can cause some very confusing or misleading results. ( 7. The MD displays the following frame: * DIAGNOSTIC AIDS * ROUTINE ** RUNNING ON CONTROLLER x, DEVICE xx. (**3E*) See the description for the routine being run for the parameters applicable to that routine. ( 5. ( Press the ENTER key to use the default parameter values, or enter the run control parameter (parameter 0) only and use the remaining default parameters, or enter all of the parameters and then press the ENTER key. Immediately after this message is displayed, the selected inline diagnostic routine is started using the specified controller and device. No response is required, but the keyboard is enabled. If any MD key is pressed while this message is being displayed, the routine being executed stops. If you enter no parameters, the MD displays the following frame. (If parameters were entered, the MD bypasses the next two frames.) ( The (****) on the bottom line of the above frame is the dynamic display area for those diagnostics that present dynamic displays. DO YOU WANT TO LOOP THE ROUTINE ! When the diagnostic ends without errors, the MD displays the following frame: Press the YES key or the NO key to respond: YES NO c 6. Enter your response about stopping on errors. Looping is desired. The MD displays the frame that follows. Looping is not desired. The routine will stop if an error occurs. The MD bypasses the next frame shown in this sequence. ROUTINE xx ENDED. DO YOU WANT TO RUN THE SAME TEST AGAIN! Press the YES key, the NO key, or the PF key to respond: Enter your response about routine looping. YES NO The following frame appears only if no parameters were entered and routine looping was specified: DO YOU WANT TO HALT WHEN AN ERROR OCCURS ! PF Repeat the same routine. Return to the beginning of the Diagnostic Aids option. Return to the MD Main menu. 8. Respond to the question by pressing the YES key or the NO key. 9. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. Press the YES key or the NO key to respond: c (' YES NO Stopping is desired when an error is detected. The routine is to continue when an error is detected. / PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-47 Error Display If an error is detected during the execution of the diagnostic routine (and stopping on errors is permitted), the MD displays the following frames: r:", \·'""'O.. ~.•/ * DIAGNOSTIC AIDS * RTN=** IC=**** EB=** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** PRESS ENTER TO RESTART OR "A" TO ANALYZE. PF KEY TO RETURN TO MAIN MENU. --,,/ = Diagnostic routine ID = Isolation code RTN IC EB = Error bytes Note: The error bytes are used by the MD for FRU isolation. The guided maintenance procedures do not require you to use these bytes for any purpose. They are displayed primarily for support personnel. / - ...... , If you are preparing to discuss this problem with support personnel, you may want to record these error byte values. See the DIAG section in the MSM, Volume R60, and the IC section in the ECM, Volume R40 for more information about this display. PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 19B7, 19BB MD-48 ( ( Review Option List (Main Menu Option R) From the MD Main menu, s"llect option R. REVIEW CE MODE (Option 0) The MD displays the following frames: Use the review CE mode option to display the addresses of devices that are in CE mode. The MD must be attached to the 3380-JK. SELECT REVIEW OPTION FROM FOLLOWING LIST. (SEE PSG MD-3, 700) O-REVIEW CE MODE ... (' I-REVIEW 2-REVIEW 3-REVIEW 4-REVIEW 1. DIAGNOSTICS ERROR LOG REPAIR HA SCAN From the MD review options menu, select option O. The MD displays one of the following frames: SELECT CONTROLLER: (' (' The following options are valid. (SEE PSG MD--3, 020) o- - Review CE mode A diagnostic routine will be invoked to find out which devices are currently set in CE mode. See page MD-49. SELECT CONTROLLER: DEFAULT IS: x (SEE PSG MD-3, 020) 1 - Review diagnostics The x shown in the preceding frame identifies the last controller used to run diagnostics in this session. If none or two were used, no default is displayed. The last 4 diagnostic errors are saved on the MD diskette. The most recent error is shown first and subsequent errors can be displayed by entering uN" (Next). See page MD-50. (' (~: (' (~~ (~ or- The valid responses are: 2 - Review error log Use Review Error Log to go directly to the Search Log Function of the MD. For a description of how to use the Search Log Function, see page LOG-S. Response Meaning ENTER 1 2 3 - Review repair Display the last repair specified by a maintenance analysis procedure. See page MD-SO. 3 4 Default (if shown) Controller A 1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 Note: Responses 3 and 4 are valid only on strings with four storage paths when tile MD is attached to the unit that contains controller A3 and A4. 4 - Review HA Scan Display the HA Scan results from the last HA Scan that was run. See page MD-51. 2. c Enter your response for controller use. Which controller is specified makes no difference if both controllers are operational. 3. The MD advances to the following frame: c' (~ PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-49 CE MODE IS BEING SENSED. PLEASE WAIT. Immediately after this message is displayed, an inline diagnostic routine is started (or restarted) using the specified controller. If the routine is completed without errors, the MD displays the CE mode status of the devices: REVIEW DIAGNOSTICS (Option 1) Use review option 1 to display the last 4 errors detected by the diagnostic routines or by the MD. The MD need not be attached to the 3380-JK. 1. From the MD review options menu, select option 1. The MD displays the following frames: 2-path subsystem DEVICES IN CE MOD~: OX: .. 23 ........... . (SEE PSG MD-3, 035) LAST ERROR DETECTED BY DIAGNOSTICS (OR MD) WAS AS FOLLOWS: /~- - or- 4-path subsystem DEVICES IN CE MODE: OX: .. 23 ........... . IX: 01 ............. . (SEE PSG MD-3, 035) - , IC**** CTL=A* DEV=** RTN=** TEST=** EB=** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** PRESS ENTER TO ANALYZE OR "N" TO DISPLAY NEXT ERROR. (SEE PSG MD-3, 742) or- 2. CE MODE IS RESET FOR All DEVICE ADDRESSES. Some problems with the storage control, with the controller, or with the control interface will not allow the diagnostic routine to run and CE mode is not sensed. The MD displays an error message. Analyze that error and correct the problem before continuing. Follow the directions displayed by the MD. ,/' "-.. / REVIEW ERROR LOG (Option 2) Use Review Error Log to go directly to the Search Log Function of the MD. For a description of how to use the Search Log Function, ~ee page LOG-S. REVIEW REPAIR (Option 3) Select option 3 to display the last repair (FRU group) that was displayed. The MD does not need to be attached to the 3380-AJ4 or AK4 unit. The last repair displayed is a result of the last symptom analyzed. The FRU group displayed may be from analysis of one of the following: • • • Diagnostic error Symptom code Error Log Entry LAST REPAIR DISPLAYED BY ERROR ANALYSIS PROCEDURES WAS AS FOllOWS: PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 \,.. MD-50 ((-- Following this display, the primary FRU group, the secondary FRU group, and any additional action are displayed. ** ARM x ** HEAD: xx xx xx xx ERRORS: xx xx xx xx REVIEW HA SCAN (Option 4) = Number of errors for each head ERRORS Select option 4 to review HA Scan results from the last time the HA Scan diagnostic was run. The MD does not need to be attached to the 3380-AJ4 or 3380-AK4 unit. One of the following frames is displayed: * SCAN NO ERROR REVIEW * DATA STORED PRESS PF KEY TO RETURN TO MAIN MENU - or- *xxSCAN REVIEW * TRACKS HAD DATA CHECKS SEE PSG MD-3, 395 ... ("~ c c c (j xx indicates the number of tracks, in hexadecimal, that had errors. The maximum number of tracks that can be stored by the MD is 80 (X"50") After the scan is recalled from the MD diskette, summary or detailed information may be displayed by selecting the display mode from this menu: SELECT DISPLAY MODE: I-HEAD/ARM SUMMARY 2-TRACK SUMMARY 3-TRACK DETAIL 4-RUN HA SCAN AGAIN 5-RETURN TO MAIN MENU Display Modes After displaying summary or detail information, the MD returns to this menu and another mode may be selected. c Display Mode 2: TRACK SUMMARY Presents one or more displays with a one line entry for each track that had errors: CYL=xxx CYL=xxx CYL=xxx CYL=xxx HD=x HD=x HD=x HD=x CNT=x CNT=x CNT=x CNT=x CYL = Cylinder number (hexadecimal) HD = Head number (hexadecimal) CNT = Number of errors (hexadecimal) Display Mode 3: TRACK DETAIL Presents one display for each track in error. There are two types of error displays: ** DATA CHECK ** HOME ADDRESS AREA CYL = xxx HEAD = x ERROR COUNT = x - or- NO SYNC BYTE FOUND HOME ADDRESS AREA CYL = xxx HEAD = x ERROR COUNT = x CYL = Cylinder number (hexadecimal) HEAD = Head number (hexadecimal) ERROR COUNT = Number of errors (hexadecimal) Display Mode 4: RUN HA SCAN AGAIN Repeat the Review HA Scan option. Display Mode 5: RETURN TO MAIN MENU Return to the MD Main Menu. Display Mode 1: HEAD/ARM SUMMARY This display mode presents a summary by head of the number of tracks in hexadecimal that had data checks. The summary is presented in four displays, one for each head arm: {:' PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright (- EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-S1 010 SELECT AN OPTION This is the MD Main Menu. Valid responses are: o= 1 R3 SET/RESET CE MODE Devices must be set in CE Mode before diagnostics are run. CE mode must be reset before they are returned to customer operation. More than one device may be placed in CE mode at a time. = R4 = Review the last repair that was displayed by an error analysis procedure. Review HA scan results from the last time HA SCAN was run. For additional information, see Review Option List on page MD-49. = RUN DIAGNOSTICS Used to select the diagnostic option menu. 020 SELECT CONTROLLER 2 = ERROR LOG FUNCTION Used to set the log mask, transfer the log, or search the log previously transferred to the MD, or erase the error log in the specified storage path or storage director. The selected controller is used to run the diagnostic that sets, resets, or provides for reviewing devices in CE mode. 3 = ANALYZE SYMPTOM CODE Used for entering symptom codes for analysis. The MD does not need to be attached to the 3380. Response Meaning Z = END OF CALL References end of call procedure and resets CE mode for all devices. o = DIAGNOSTIC AIDS Provides for manually controlling diagnostic execution. R = Review (0 • 4) Valid responses are: ENTER 1 ,2 3 4 Default (if shown) Controller A 1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. Controllers A 1 and A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. Used to review the following: Enter your response for controller use. RO = Review which devices are in CE mode. R1 = Review the last 4 diagnostic errors. Error analysis procedures may be invoked after the error is displayed. R2 = Review the last error log entry that was previously displayed or display the error log summary that was previously transferred from the storage control. Error analysis procedures may be invoked from the error display. PIN 451990384 Sides tl::l Copyright ( EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-S2 /' ( 030 SET I RESET CE MODE ( f- CE mode must be set for any given device before device diagnostics can be run on that device. Device diagnostics do not run on a device that is not in CE mode. Before a device is set into CE mode, the device should be varied offline to each attaching system. CE mode must be reset for any given device before the device is returned to the customer or varied on-line. If a system attempts to use a device that is not varied offline and is in CE Mode, the storage control reports Intervention Required to that system for that device. When CE mode is reset for a device, an interrupt is generated. The interrupt should restore normal operation. ( ( ( (~ Setting CE Mode ENTER 2-DIGIT ADDR. OF DEVICE(S) TO BE SET IN CE MODE. (SEE PSG MD-3, 030) There are several ways to enter device addresses. Two digits must be used for each address entered. • Enter a single device address, "00" through "1F." • Enter multiple device addresses separated with a single space (for example, 02 05 07 OA), • Enter a range of addresses separated with the character "l" (for example, 02T07). • Enter multiple ranges of addresses separated with a space (for example, 02T04 08TOB). • With "Reset CE Mode" selected, press the ENTER key without specifying devices to reset CE mode for all devices that were previously set in CE mode. CE Mode will be set for the specified device(s) on all paths. More than one device may be set in CE Mode. All device addresses in the range 00 through OF are valid. Device addresses in the range 10 through 1F are valid for 4-path strings. Devices previously set in CE mode remain in CE mode. Resetting CE Mode ENTER 2-DIGIT DEVICE ADDRESSES OR PRESS ENTER TO RESET ALL. (SEE PSG MD-3, 030) ( ""' j CE Mode will reset for the selected device(s) on all paths. More than one device may be reset. All device addresses in the range 00 through OF are valid. Device addresses in the range 10 through 1F are valid for 4-path strings. (~. c c PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 (- MD-53 r" 035 DEVICES IN CE MODE/DEFAULT DEVICES When CE Mode has been reset The MD displays the following frame: CE MODE IS RESET FOR ALL DEVICE ADDRESSES. ~i When default devices are listed The MD displays one of the following frames: 2-path subsystem: DEFAULT DEVICES OX: •• 23 •••••••••••• (SEE PSG MD-3, 035) When CE Mode has been set The MD displays one of the following frames: 2-path subsystem: DEVICES IN CE MODE: OX: •• 23 •••••••••••• - or- 4-path subsystem: DEFAULT DEVICES OX: •• 23 •••••••••••• IX: 01 .....••....•.. (SEE PSG MD-3, 035) (SEE PSG MD-3, 035) - or- 4-path subsystem: DEVICES IN CE MODE: OX: In the frames above, devices 02 and 03 are default devices. Devices 00, 01, and 04 through OF are represented by dots and are not default devices. '"",-_./ •• 23 .••••••••••• IX: 01 .......•...... (SEE PSG MD-3, 035) In the frames above, devices 02 and 03 are in CE mode. Devices 00, 01, and 04 through OF are represented by dots and are not in CE Mode. In the 4~path display, devices 02, 03, 10, and 11 are in CE Mode. Devices 00, 01, 04 through OF, and 12 through 1F are represented by dots and are not in CE Mode. PIN 451990384 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 In the 4~path display, devices 02, 03, 10, and 11 are default devices. Devices 00, 01, 04 through OF, and 12 through 1F are represented by dots and are not default devices. Default devices are those that were specified during the previous diagnostic. If no device has been tested during the current diagnostic session, there are no default devices. MD-S4 / , /", \ (' 050 DEFINE THE FAILURE BOUNDARY ( MD 0050: (/ The DASD Symptom Code Summary report is divided into sections by PFU. The PFUs are: Channel, Storage Control Unit, Controller, Multiple, Device, Volume and Unknown. The PFU sections are included in the report by order of importance, with the most important PFU listed first. The best method for defining the failure boundary is to use the DASD Symptom Code Summary report (see "DASD Symptom Code Summary" on page PROG-17). ( If the DASD Symptom Code Summary report is not available, the failure boundary can be defined using multiple sense records from other sources. These sources include console messages, other EREP reports, and the error log in the storage control. If the problem produces a solid failure, the failing devices and paths can usually be determined by running the Device Status Test with each controller. ( (~ Is there a DASD Symptom Code Summary report available? Yes No I (-~ c 002 Go to Step 004 in this MD. 003 A DASD Symptom Code Summary report is available: 1. Determine the highest priority symptom code obtained from SMAP 0025 Step 001 on page START-12. 2. Determine the highest priority symptom code group. The highest priority symptom code group includes the highest priority symptom code and all other symptom codes with the same first character. Include all permanent and temporary error records. f,'" ,/ ( the symptom code group. 001 (From RMAP 0340 Step 003 on page REPAIR-13) If there are symptom codes listed under more than one PFU, select the PFU listed first. 5. Use the following guidelines to define the failure boundary. PFU = CHANNEL: Indicates that the probable failing unit and failure boundary is the channel or storage control. You should not be starting analysis with this maintenance package. PFU = STORAGE CONTROL UNIT: Indicates that the controller is the probable failing unit. Note: If the failure affect column indicates SCUJCTLR, a PFU of Storage Control Unit indicates that both controllers (0 and 1) on the control interface are reporting errors. = PFU CONTROLLER: Be careful if the symptom code is DF05. DF05 can be caused by the customer switching off controller power and may not have anything to do with the real problem. Look at the FAILURE AFFECT column and assign the failure boundary in the following way. If the FAILURE AFFECT is: • CTLR - the failure boundary is controller. • SCu/CTLR - The failure boundary is controller. • CTLRlDEV - The failure boundary is: "'" j 3. c 4. Examine all entries in the physical address column for all symptom codes in the group to identify the failing device addresses. Refer to SMAP 0030 Step 001 on page START-14. Determine the probable failing unit (PFU) for PIN 451990384 Sides EC 476581 01AugS9 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1989 Drive - if only two devices are listed in the physical address column and both devices are MD-55 \""'--'-' on the same HDA. Port - if more than one device on more than one HDA is listed in the physical address column, all the devices are in the same unit and the string contains at least one B unit. 004 (From Step 002 in this MD) If sense data Is available, determine the failure boundary using the following procedure: 1. Determine the highest priority Symptom Code obtained from SMAP 0040 Step 001 on page START-19 or from IMAP 0233 Step 003 on page ISO LATE-20. 2. Determine the highest priority symptom code group. The highest priority Symptom Code group includes the highest priority symptom code and all other symptom codes with the same first character. Include all permanent and temporary error records. Controller - if multiple devices are listed in the physical address column and they are on more than one port (there must be at least one B unit in the string). Do not know - if other. PFU = MULTIPLE: Indicates that multiple devices may be involved. The failure boundary is: Device - if only one device is listed in the physical address column. Drive - if only two devices are listed in the physical address column and both devices are in the same HDA. Port - if there are more than two devices listed in the physical address column and all the devices are in the same unit. _/ 3. Examine all sense records in the symptom code group to identify the failing device addresses. Ref~r to SMAP 0045 Step 001 on page START-21. I\....- .,.-' \,,---,/: If sense data is not available and the device status test indicates failing devices, the device status test results may be used to determine the failure boundary. See IMAP 0232 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-18. Do Not Know - ifother. PFU = DEVICE: The failure boundary is normally device, however, if the FAILURE AFFECT is CTLR/DEV, EREP has determined that only one device is failing. The failure boundary is device. However, consider that there is a slight chance that the controller is failing and that because of low usage of other devices on the string, only one device reported the error. Use the DASD String Summary report to determine usage. Select the failure boundary from the following list, then r- urn to the procedure that sent you here: 4 \'-.:.._.,1 Device A failure of only one device or access mechanism, or the failure of the media associated with that device or access mechanism, regardless of which controller paths are failing. Drive A failure of two devices in a single head-disk-assembly (HDA) regardless of which controller paths are failing. PFU = UNKNOWN: Indicates that the failure boundary is unknown. Port A failure of two or more devices on different HDAs and limited to a single port (1 unit) regardless of which controller paths are failing (see note). Note: If only one port is in use, the PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 MD-56 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 198B ,/ determination between port and controller cannot be made. Specify the failure boundary as "DO NOT KNOW." (, ( (' Controller A failure of two or more devices on two or more ports and limited to a single controller (see note). Note: If only one controller is in use, the determination between port and controller cannot be made. Specify the failure boundary as "DO NOT KNOW." Do not know The failure boundary cannot be determined. (~ c c c\ c PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1985 MD-S7 051 DEFINE THE FAILURE BOUNDARY (EBXX) MD 0051: 001 • Substring 1 contains ports 4-7 (devices 10-1F) (From SMAP 0057 Step 001 on page START-33) The best method for defining the failure boundary is to use the DASD Symptom Code Summary report (see "DASD Symptom Code Summary" on page PROG-17). If the DASD Symptom Code Summary report is not available, the failure boundary can be defined using multiple sense records from other sources. These sources include console messages, other EREP reports, and the error log in the storage control. If the problem produces a solid failure, the failing devices and paths can usually be determined by running the Device Status Test with each controller. Is there a DASD Symptom Code Summary report or multiple sense records with an EBXX symptom code? Yes No I 002 Go to Step 015 in this MD. If devices in the range of OO-OF are failing, then Substring 0 is failing. If devices in the range of 10-1 F are failing, then Substring 1 is failing. • 10 = Sub-string 0 01 = Sub-string 1 • The port is determined from XX, bits 4 - 7 SUB-STRING a SUB-STRING 1 8 9 A B 4 5 6 7 = Port a (1000) (1001) (1010) (1011) = = Port = Port 1 2 Port 3 = (0100) Port (0101) Port (0110) = Port (0111) Port = = 4 5 6 7 Look at the EBXX symptom codes then define the failing substrings and ports using the above information. Use the following procedure to define the failure boundary: Is there more than one value of XX? Yes No I 003 The EBXX Symptom Code represents a failure of the Controller/Device Port (CDP) Interface. Defining the failure boundary correctly requires an EREP System Exception report, a DASD Symptom Code Summary Report, or multiple sense records. The failure boundary cannot always be determined from the Physical Address column in the Symptom Code Summary, or from Sense Byte 4. The EBXX Symptom Code must be used. The EBXX Symptom Code contains substring select bits and port select bits. These bits will define the failing substrings and ports. 2-Path strings contain one substring (substring 0). 4-path strings are divided into two substrings (substring 0 and substring 1). • For symptom code EBXX, the substring is determined from XX, bits 4 - 5 004 Go to Step 008 in this MD. 005 Does the subsystem have 4 paths? Yes No \~' I 006 The failure boundary is "CONTROLLER." 007 The failure boundary is "MULTIPLE PORTS." 008 (From Step 004 in this MD) (Step 008 continues) Substring 0 contains ports 0-3 (devices OO-OF) PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-58 (' 008 (continued) Determine the failing device addresses. Look at the Physical Address column of the Symptom Code Summary Report or Sense Byte 4, bits 3 - 7. ( Is there more than one device failing? Yes No I 019 Go to Step 020 in this MD. 020 (From Step 019 in this MD) Is there more than one device failing? Yes No I 009 The failure boundary is "DEVICE." 010 Is there more than one drive failing? Yes No ( I {' 011 The failure boundary is "DRIVE." (' { 022 Determine if there is more than one drive failing. A drive is two devices on the same HDA. Is there more than one drive failing? Yes No I 012 Are there any a-units in the substring? Yes No I 013 f The failure boundary is "DO NOT KNOW." (' 021 The failure boundary is "DEVICE." 014 The failure boundary is "PORT." 023 The failure boundary is "DRIVE." 024 Determine which substrings are failing. The failing substring can be determined as follows: • • 015 Substring 0: If devices in the range OO-OF are failing. Substring 1: If devices in the range 10-1F are failing. (From Step 002 in this MD) The Device Status test should have been run to determine which devices and paths are failing. Has the Device Status test been run? Yes No I ( 016 Go to IMAP 0232 Step 001 on page ISOLATE-18. f 017 (' Did any devices report a status of "E"? Yes No Determine if there are any a units in the substring. The following question pertains to any B units in the substring, whether they are failing or not. Are there any failing a units in the failing substring? Yes No I 025 The failure boundary is "DO NOT KNOW." 026 Determine which ports are failing. Use the following chart: I ( ' 018 ./ The failure boundary is "DO NOT KNOW." (Step 019 continues) c (" PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01 Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-59 Substring 0: Substring 1: Failing Devices Failing Devices Port 14-17 18-1B 1C-1F 5 6 Port -------------00-03 0 04-07 08-0B DC-OF -------------4 10-13 1 2 3 7 Are all the failing devices on one port? Yes No I 027 The failure boundary is: • .. / "CONTROLLER" in a 2-path string. '",- • .,./ "MULTIPLE PORTS" in a 4-path string. 028 The failure boundary is "PORT." \.,~ PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01 Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-60 ./ ( (: ( 052 DEFINE THE FAILURE BOUNDARY (DATA CHECKS) ( MD 0052: 001 The following procedure is used to define the failure boundary for data checks (symptom code 4XXX) and for a no data found condition (symptom code EDOD). The best method of defining the failure boundary is by using the EREP DASD Symptom Code Summary report. See page PROG-17 for a sample of this report. ( (/ If this report is not available, then sense data from other sources such as EREP Event History report, Console messages, or ICKDSF messages should be used. If sense data is not available and the diagnostics produce a solid failure, then diagnostic results can be used. (.~ Is an EREP Symptom Code Summary report or sense data available? Yes No I Port A failure of two or more devices on different HDAs and limited to a single port (1 unit), regardless of which controller paths are failing (see note). Note: If only one port is in use, the determination between port and controller cannot be made. Specify the failure boundary as "CONTROLLER." Controller A failure of two or more devices on two or more ports (see note). Do not know The failure boundary cannot be determined. 003 Is an EREP Symptom Code Summary report available? Yes No 002 I Use diagnostics and the following procedure to define the failure boundary. 004 Examine all sense records with symptom codes 4XXX or EDOD to identify the failing device addresses and failing paths. Determine the failing device and path from sense byte 4 using the following list: If diagnostics do not fail consistently, the failure boundary cannot be defined. If not already done, run the diagnostics on different devices with each controller as necessary Select the failure boundary from the following list, then return to the procedure that sent you here. C· Drive A failure of two devices in a single head-disk-assembly (HDA) regardless of which controller paths are failing. Device A failure of only one device or access mechanism, or the failure of the media associated with that device or access mechanism, regardless of which controller paths are failing. / PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 Sense Byte 4 OOxx xxxx 01xx xxxx 10xx xxxx 11xx xxxx Path Path Path Path Path Sense Byte 4 xxOx xxxx xx1x xxxx String Address String 0 String 1 Sense Byte 4 xxxO 0000 xxxO 0001 Device Address Device 00 Device 01 0 1 2 3 MD-61 xxxO 0010 xxxO 0011 Device 02 Device 03 xxx11110 xxx1 1111 Device 1E Device 1F Select the failure boundary from the following list, then return to the procedure that sent you here. Device A failure of only one device or access mechanism, or the failure of the media associated with that device or access mechanism, regardless of which controller paths are failing. Drive A failure of two devices in a single head-disk··assembly (HDA) regardless of which controller paths are failing. Port A failure of two or more devices on different HDAs and limited to a single port (1 unit) regardless of which controller paths are failing (see note). Note: If only one port is in use, the determination between port and controller cannot be made. Specify the failure boundary as "CONTROLLER." Controller A failure of two or more devices on two or more ports (see note). Do not know The failure boundary cannot be determined. 005 Examine all entries in the physical address column for all symptom codes 4XXX or EDOO, to identify the failing device addresses. Refer to SMAP 0030 Step 001 on page START-14. The physical address is presented as CC.P-DD, where: = (CC) in the Physical Address column with the string ID on the A unit operator panel. • To identify the controller, match the path bit (P) in the Physical Address column with the path character on the A unit operator panel. • To identify devices, match the device address (DD) in the Physical Address column with the device addresses on the A unit operator panel. Define the failure boundary as follows: : Device i, 0nly one device is listed in the physical address column. Drive If only two devices are listed in the physical address column and both devices are in the same HDA. Port If one of the following conditions exists: • Multiple devices are listed in the physical address column, all the errors are related to one unit, and multiple controllers are reporting errors. • Multiple devices are listed in the p~ysical address column, all the errors are related to one unit, only one controller is reporting errors, and there is at least one B unit in the string. If there are no B units in the string and only one controller is reporting errors, select a failure boundary of controller. Controller If multiple devices are listed in the physical address column and they are on more than one port, or, there is only one controller reporting errors and there are no B units on the string. CC The physical 10 of the string P = Storage Path (0-3) DD The physical ID of the device c = • To identify the string, match the controller ID PIN 451990384 Sides EC 4765P1 01Aug89 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 "'-j MO-62 j ( 090 WRITE INHIBIT 092 STORAGE PATH FENCED (-- When the set/reset CE mode diagnostic resets CE mode for all devices, it checks the storage path or storage director that is attached to the selected controller to determine if the controller, or any of the attached system channels, are write inhibited. Fencing is a technique used by 3990 storage path functional microcode to remove a failing path from system operation. This prevents path-related failures from degrading subsystem performance. ( c- If a write inhibit condition exists, one of these messages is displayed: • NOTE: WRITE INHIBIT IS SET FOR CONTROLLER A"1~ Write inhibit is set for a controller if a controller error is detected during a write operation. • NOTE: WRITE INHIBIT IS SET FOR CONTROLLER A* CHANNELS ** Write inhibit is set for a channel if a storage control or channel error is detected during a write operation. Write inhibit prevents all further write operations through the write inhibited controller or channel. Storage Path Fenced is set when there are excessive storage path errors or when a Quiesce is set from the Storage Control Support Facility. Diagnostics do not cause Storage Path Fenced conditions to be set. Do not confuse Storage Path Fenced with Control Interface Fencing. Control Interface Fencing is a hardware fenced condition where controller drivers are disabled. Storage Path Fenced is a conqJtion that exists in storage control microcode only. Storage Path Fenced may be reset as follows: • MD Main Menu option Z: End of Call. • St(lrage Path Restart switch on the Storage Control. • By performing a RESUME operation on the quiesced storage path. See MLX Exit 8 on page MLX-3. Write Inhibit conditions may be reset as follows: • Storage path restart switch on the Storage Control (3990 only) • By issuing the ICKDSF CONTROL command with the CLEARFENCE parameter specified. • MD Main Menu option Z: End of Call • By IMUng the storage path. • ICKDSF CONTROL command with the ALLOWWRITE parameter specified. ({ (' ( (' c When a write inhibit condition is indicated for a controller or one or more of its associated channels, it is a good idea to check the other controller(s) to see if a similar condition exists. Use MD Main Menu option 0 (SET/RESET CE MODE), select the other controller(s) and reset CE mode for all devices. If the controller(s) or any of its associated channels are write inhibited, this display will be repeated. PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-63 o 093 FENCED DEVICES Fencing is a technique used by 3990 storage path functional microcode to remove a failing path from system operation. This prevents path-related failures from degrading subsystem performance. Device Fence is set for a device when there are excessive controller errors for a single path to the device. The device remains operational on other paths. Do not confuse Device Fence with Control Interface Fencing. Control Interface Fencing is a hardware fenced condition where controller drivers are disabled. Device Fenced is a condition that exists in storage control microcode only. Device Fence may be reset as follows: • MD Main Menu option Z: End of Call • Storage Path Restart switch on the Storage Control • By performing a RESUME operation on the quiesced storage path • By ICKDSF CONTROL command with the CLEARFENCE parameter specified. • By IMUng the storage path 100 DIAGNOSTIC MENU Select one of the following options: o= Normal Sequence Runs the controller test on the selected controller(s), and runs the device test on the selected device(s). Customer operation can continue on devices not selected. 2 = Extended DPS test (3880 Storage Control only) Runs the extended DPS test. Devices do not have to be in CE mode to run this test. The extended DPS test runs inline with customer operation. 3 = Device tests Runs the device tests on the selected device(s). Customer operation can continue on devices not selected. 4 = Connection test Checks out the communication between the MD, the 3380 controller, and the Storage Control. The connection test does not run concurrently with customer operation on the selected controller. 5 = HA Scan Scan home address on the specified device. (\ \ 6 = Motor test Both devices on the drive must be selected. Customer operation can continue on devices not selected. See page PWR-1, Entry AO, in the MIM, Volume R10. 7 = Device Status Tests the controller and collects the status of all devices tn the string without putting the devices in CE mode. The device status test r:. rlS concurrently with customer operation. 8 = CE Track Repair Writes all the home addresses on the CE tracks and the diagnostic tracks. Checks each track for defects and skips any defects that are found. Customer operation can continue on devices not selected. 1 = Controller test Runs the controller test on the selected controller(s). Devices do not have to be in CE mode to run this test. The controller test runs inline with customer operation. PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-64 ' '-~ c ( (' ( ( 200 SELECT CONTROLLER 210 SELECT DEVICE(S) A default controller is displayed if a controller was specified during a previous operation. No default is displayed if the MD has just been IMLed. Respond with one of the following: • Specify device to be tested (for example, "03" = Device 3 will be tested.) • Specify devices with a space in between (for example, "02 04 OS" = Devices 2, 4 and Swill be tested.) • Specify a single range of devices (xxTyy) (for example, "02TOS" = Devices 2, 3, 4 and Swill be tested.) • Specify multiple ranges of devices (xxTyy xxTyy) (for example, "02TOS OCTOE" = Devices 2, 3, 4, and S, and devices C, D, and E will be tested.) • Press the ENTER key to use the default devices (if any). Devices previously used are displayed as default devices. No device will be shown as a default device if the MD has just been IMLed. Valid responses are: ( Response Meaning ( ( ENTER 1 2 3 4 12 34 1234 ( ( ( ( ( ( default (if default is displayed) Controller A1 Controller A2 Controller A3 Controller A4 Controllers A 1 and A2 (note) Controllers A3 and A4 (note) Controllers A1, A2, A3, and A4 (note) Note: Multiple controllers are valid only when using diagnostic menu option 0, 1, or 3. Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths. The MD will instruct you when it is necessary to move the MD plug. For diagnostic menu options 0, 1, or 3, more than one controller may be specified. If controllers in both A-units of a 4-path string are specified, the MD stops after testing is completed with the A-unit that is attached to the MD. The MD instructs you to move the MD connector to continue testing with the adjacent A-unit. Do not power off the MD when moving the connector. 205 INVALID CONTROLLER SELECTED The controller selected is not valid for this subsystem configuration. For example, controller A3 or A4 are valid only if the subsystem is a 4-path configuration. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main Menu. Note: If diagnostic menu option 6 (motor start test) or option. A (non-repeatable runout test) was selected, only 1 device address can be entered. Either device address associated with the drive can be used. 215 INVALID DEVICE SELECTED The device selected is not valid for this subsystem configuration. For example, device 1F is valid only if the subsystem is a 4-path configuration. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main Menu. 310 DO NOT FORGET TO RESET CE MODE Devices in CE mode must be reset before returning them tl" the customer. Use the MD Main Menu option 0 or Z to reset devices in CE mode. ( (('~ {,.( PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1967, 1966 MD-65 320 DO YOU WANT TO RUN CONNECTION TESTS? 330 WHICH CONTROLLER CONNECTION DO YOU WANT TO TEST? Warning: The connection test cannot run concurrently with customer operation on the controller being tested. Ensure that the controller can be taken from the customer. Warning: The connection test cannot run concurrently with customer operation on the controller being tested. Ensure that the controller can be taken from the customer. Warning: If one or more drives in the string are not running, place the drive motor switches for those drives to OFF. If this Is not done, those drives might not sequence on correctly. Warning: If one or more drives in the string are not running, place the drive motor switches for those drives to off. If this is not done, those drives might not sequence on correctly. The MD connection test is run by the controller sequencer (not the storage control). There are three parts to this test. Valid responses are: - MD to controller connection - Controller function - Storage control test To run the connection test, the MD instructs you to power the controller OFF and then on. During the power-on sequence, the controller sequencer (if operating correctly) establishes communication with the MD, and the connection tests start. 1 2 3 4 = Controller A 1 = Controller A2 '- . / = Controller A3 = Controller A4 Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. Controllers A 1 and A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. When running the test, follow the instructions given by the MD. PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1985 MD-66 \....-,j « ( 340 CONTROLLER AX CONNECTION TESTS READY. Respond to the following: Warning: The connection test cannot be run concurrently with customer operation on the controller being tested. Ensure that the controller can be taken from the customer. The MD will instruct you to turn off the indicated controller and press ENTER. Pressing ENTER causes the MD to start polling the controller sequencer. ( ( ( ( The MD will next instruct you to turn on the indicated controller. Turning on the indicated controller causes the controller sequencer to branch to a program step that looks for the MD poll. If the controller sequencer is started successfully and if the sequencer sees the MD poll. communication is established between the controller sequencer and the MD. The connection test is then started. Use the Controller Power On/Off switch on the operator panel or one of the following CPs to power off and on. - CP410 for controller A 1 or A3 - CP411 for controller A2 or A4 350 DPS TESTS CANNOT BE RUN ( 360 HA SCAN The MD is attempting to run DPS test on a 3990 Storage Control. The DPS test will not run on a 3990 Storage Control. Press the PF key to go to the MD Main Menu. ( SELECT CONTROLLER Valid responses are: 1 2 3 4 = Controller Ai = Controller A2 = Controller A3 = Controller A4 Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. Controllers A 1 and A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. SELECT DEVICE Select one valid device address (00 through iF) SELECT CONTROL MODE Valid responses are: 1 2 = Automatic (default) = Manual Automatic mode automatically continues on error and presents the error data at the end of the scan or until 80 data checks have been detected. Manual mode stops on each error and displays the error information. The error can be analyzed. or the scan can be continued until.the end of the scan or when 80 data checks have been detected. If an error is detected when in manual mode, the user is provided the option of changing to automatic mode. SELECT TRACK TYPE Valid responses are: 1 2 c PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 19B5 = Customer tracks = CE/Diagnostic tracks MD-67 3 = HA Map tracks On a 3380-AJ4 and 3380-8J4 volume, • Customer tracks are on cylinders 0 through 375 hexadecimal. • CE tracks are on cylinder 376 hexadecimal. • Diagnostic tracks are on cylinders 377 through 37A, near the guard band inner diameter (G8ID) and servo tracks. • ENTER THE THREE-DIGIT HEX NUMBER OF THE BEGINNING CYLINDER. (This question is asked only when customer tracks are selected.) The maximum valid ranges (hexadecimal) are: Beginning Cylinder HA Map tracks are on cylinder FFFD (-3), near the guard band outer diameter (G80D) and head loading zone. Customer tracks are on cylinders 0 through A5F hexadecimal. • CE tracks are on cylinder A62 hexadecimal. • Diagnostic tracks are on cylinders A63 through A66, near the guard band inner diameter (G8ID) and servo tracks. • HA Map tracks are on cylinders A6D through A68 (-4 through -2), near the guard band outer diameter (GBOD) and head loading zone. If CE/Diagnostic tracks or HA Map tracks are selected, the diagnostic program determines the cylinders to be tested. , DO YOU WANT TO SCAN ALL CUSTOMER TRACKS? (This question is asked only when customer tracks are selected.) Valid responses are: YES key NO key = Scan the whole pack = Specify a range of cylinders to be scanned, based on the response to the next two messages. Model K 000 - 375 000 - A5F Note: The Physical Address (PA) bytes from the error bytes of another diagnostic or from sense bytes 5 and 6 may be converted to cylinder and head by using the following diagram. Sense byte 5 ~, I Sense byte 6 ~ 02 II On a 3380-AK4 and 3380-BK4 volume, • Model J / Cy JLr 03 02 , 31 Head 01 In this example, byte 5 contains 02 and byte 6 contains 31. The address is cylinder X"0302," head X "01." ~ , ENTER THE THREE-DIGIT HEX NUMBER OF THE ENDING CYLINDER. (This question is asked only when customer tracks are selected.) The maximum valid ranges (hexadecimal) are: Model J Ending Cylinder 000 - 375 Model K \ ......",' 000 - A5F Note: The ending cylinder must be greater than or equal to the beginning cylinder. HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU WANT TO READ EACH HA? HA Scan cannot directly determine if a data check in the home address area is permanent. To determine that a data check is permanent, the home address (HA) must be read multiple times. If a data check occurs each time the HA is read, the data check can be considered permanent. If the HA is sometimes read without error, the data check can be considered temporary. -:--"', " I~ 7 \ I,~j' fr'" ~J PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-68 ( It follows that the separation of permanent and temporary data checks is more reliable when the reading is repeated more. But repeating reading takes time. The minimum run times for scanning all home addresses on the volume are: Model K Model J ( 1 read 2 reads 6 minutes 12 minutes 18 minutes 36 minutes Valid responses are "1" through "F": HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU WANT TO RETRY IF DATA CHECKS OCCUR? Valid responses are "1" through "F": 1 = Retry 1 time for each track in error 2 = Retry 2 times for each track in error F = Retry 15 times for each track in error When a single read is selected, select multiple retries to determine if the error is solid or intermittent. 1 = Read each HA 1 time 2 = Read each HA 2 times (default) F ( = Read each HA 15 times If the response is "1," the following question is asked: ( ({ PIN 451990384 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 19S5 MO-69 395 SCAN COMPLETE I SCAN REVIEW One of following is displayed if data check errors are detected during the scan operation: ** ARM X ** HEAD: xx xx xx xx ERRORS: xx xx xx xx * xx SCAN COMPLETE * TRACKS HAD DATA CHECKS SEE PSG MD-3,39S ... - or- * xxSCAN REVIEW * TRACKS HAD DATA CHECKS SEE PSG MD-3,395 ... ERRORS * SCAN -STOPPED * THE DATA CHECK LOG IN THE MD IS FULL. SEE PSG MD-3,395 ... After the scan is completed, stopped, or reviewed, summary or detailed information can be displayed by selecting the display mode from the "Select Display Mode" menu: SELECT DISPLAY MODE: I-HEAD/ARM SUMMARY 2-TRACK SUMMARY 3-TRACK DETAIL 4-RUN HA SCAN AGAIN 5-RETURN TO MAIN MENU After displaying summary or detail information, the MD returns to the "Select Display Mode" menu and another mode can be selected. Display Mode 1: HEAD/ARM SUMMARY This display mode presents a summary by head of the number of tracks in hexadecimal that had data checks. The summary is presented in four displays, one for each head arm: PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1997, 1988 '. Display Mode 2: TRACK SUMMARY Presents one or more displays with a one line entry for each track that had errors: CYL=xxx CYL=xxx CYL=xxx CYL=xxx "xx" in the previous displays indicates the number of tracks, in hexadecimal, that had errors. The maximum number of tracks that can be stored by the MD is 80 (X"SO"). If more than 80 tracks had errors, the scan is terminated with this frame: /'" = Number of errors for each head HD=x HD=x HD=x HD=x CNT=x CNT=x CNT=x CNT=x CYL = Cylinder number (hexadecimal) HD Head number (hexadecimal) CNT = Number of errors (hexadecimal) = Display Mode 3: TRACK DETAIL Presents one display for each track in error. There are two types of error displays: ** DA T'A CH ECK ** HOME ADDRESS AREA CYL = xxx HEAD = x ERROR COUNT = x - or- NO SYNC BYTE FOUND HOME ADDRESS AREA CYL = xxx HEAD = x ERROR COUNT = x \ ...-.. ~/ CYL = Cylinder number (hexadecimal) HEAD = Head number (hexadecimal) ERROR COUNT = Number of errors (hexadecimal) Display Mode 4: RUN HA SCAN AGAIN Repeat the Review HA Scan option. Display Mode 5: RETURN TO MAIN MENU Return to the MD Main Menu. MD-70 4'--....., ( ""',j r , { ( ( (- { 400 SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ERROR LOG FUNCTIONS 1 = Transfer Log Transfers up to 16 error log entries for the selected controller to the MD and stores them on the MD diskette. Any specific entry may be subsequently selected for analysis. The log records are assigned numbers for reference. 2 = Search Log Search any error log previously transferred to the MD with the specified search argument and return the first (newest) entry that matches the search argument for analysis. 3 = Merge Logs Merge any or all of the log files previously transferred to the MD into a single merged log file. If the log records contain age (3990 only), the merged log will contain all the records in age order (newest to oldest). If the records do not contain age, the controller A1 log records are placed before the controller A2 log records. The log records are assigned record numbers for reference. ( 405 SELECT CONTROLLER (ERROR LOG) Select a controller for the function to be performed. Only the error log in the storage path or storage director attached to the selected controller will be affected. Valid responses are: Response Meaning 1 2 3 4 Controller Controller Controller Controller A1 A2 A3 A4 Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. Controllers A 1 and A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains control/ers A3 and A4. Enter your response for controller use. 4 = Change Log Mask Change the error log mask to log information other than the default. The default is to log sense formats 1, 7, 8 and 9 and not to log intervention required or data check errors. The mask can be changed to log any of the formats (1 through 4 and 7 through 9) and to log intervention required. 5 = Erase Log Reset the error log in the storage control to an empty state. For additional information, see "Select Error Log Function" on page LOG·2. c\ PIN 4519903 84 Sides CO Copyright EC 476581 01AugB9 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-71 410 ENTER SEARCH ARGUMENTS 415 ENTER LOG NUMBER The search of an error log can be for a specific controller, a specific device, or a specific symptom code (or group of codes). Except for controller, the search can be performed on any combination of these search parameters. The controller can be specified only for the merged log. Valid responses are: Controller Enter A1 (or 1), A2 (or 2), A3 (or 3), A4 (or 4), or press ENTER for all controllers (merged log only). Device Enter 2 digit device number or press ENTER for all devices. Symptom Code Enter a valid symptom code or enter a symptom code with "X"s (for example: DXXX for any symptom code that starts with a "0," or D2XX for any symptom code that starts with "02") or press ENTER for all symptom codes. See the LOG section of this manual for a description of the messages which are a result of the search option. 1 for Controller A1 log 2 for Controller A2 log 3 for Controller A3 log (4-path subsystems) 4 for Controller A4 log (4-path subsystems) M for merged log R to return to the Main Log menu The log number refers to a log previously transferred and stored on the MD diskette. "M" refers to the merged log (see Item 3 in "400 SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ERROR LOG FUNCTIONS" on page MD-71). Entering an "R" will cause the MD to return to the Main Log menu. For additional information. see "Search Log (Option 2)" on page LOG-S. ' ""'- 420 ·ENTER THE DATE The date entered will be included in the log stored on the MD diskette. Enter 6 characters of date information in the format MMDDYY. /- 425 ENTER LOGS TO BE MERGED The numbers entered will cause the corresponding logs previously transferred and stored on the MD diskette to be merged (combined) into a single log file on the MD diskette. The original log files are unchanged. A previously merged file will be replaced by the newly merged file. PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MO-72 < -" ,/ ",,~ ( ( 430 ENTER THE SENSE FORMA TS TO BE LOGGED ( Press the ENTER key to accept the default values (formats 1, 7, 8, 9). ( (- Enter the formats to be logged, separated with a single space. The following options are available. All formats to be logged must be entered. Defaults will not be assumed. 0123- Log Log Log Log format format format format 0 errors 1 errors 2 errors 3 errors (ProJram or system checks) (Device check 2s) (Storage Control check 2s) (Storage Control check 1s) 4 - Log format 4 errors (Data checks) 7 - Log format 7 errors (Controller check 1s) (: (' 8 - Log format 8 errors (Controller check 2s/device check 1s) 9 - Log format 9 errors (Device check 2s) F - Log format F errors (Storage Control error) 440 ERROR LOG MASK/TRANSFER STOPPED BY KEYBOARD ENTRY Error log diagnostic routine is interrupted by a keyboard entry. Press ENTER to continue the function from the point of interruption. 460 CONFIGURA TION The MD displays configuration information in one of the following series of frames. One series is for 2-path configurations and the other series is for 4-path configurations. 2-Path Configurations STRING CONFIGURATION CTlR Ax ADR=x ID=xx 3xxO SxID=xxxx SP=x CTlR PATH=x THE STRING HAS: A* 4-Path Configurations STRING CONFIGURATION CTlR Ax ADR=x ID=xx 3990 SSID=xxxx SP=x CTlR PATH=x THE STRING HAS: A* SUBSTRING 0 HAS: A* SUBSTRING 1 HAS: A* CTLR Ax x = the controller number selected to run the test. ( ADR=x x the string number (0 or 1) set in the subsystem configuration switches on the DDC/DTB card. See page REPAIR-18 for 2-path switch settings and page REPAIR-19 for 4-path switch settings. The string number is normally put on the operator panel at installation time. All controllers in the string must be set the same. ( = (' ID=xx = ~A the physical 10 of the controller (A1, A2, A3, or A4) set in the physical address switches on the I/O control card. See page REPAIR-20 for 2-path switch settings and page REPAIR-22 for 4-path switch settings. The PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright (- •. EC 476581 01AugB9 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-73 controller physical 10 is normally put on the operator panel at installation time (STRING 10). The physical 10 (STRING 10) must be set the same for all controllers in the string. 3xxO The type of storage control: xx=88 for 3880 storage control. xx=99 for 3990 storage control. SSID=xxxx or SDID=xx xxxx the physical 10 of the storage path (SSID) in a 3990 storage control. The SSID is normally put on the 3380 operator panel at installation time. The SSID must be set the same for all storage paths attached to the string. = = xx the physical 10 of the storage director (SOlD) in a 3880 storage control. The SOlD is normally put on the 3280 operator panel at installation time. Each 3880 storage director attached to the string has a unique SOlD. SP = x (3990 only) x the storage path (Q...3) that is connected to the controller selected to run the test. The storage path is normally put on the 3380 operator panel at installation time. A* A* = the number of units that are in the string or substring (4-path). One of the following lines is displayed: A-UNIT ONLY A-AND 1 B UNIT A-AND 2 B UNITS A-AND .3 B UNITS :-" Note: Substring 0 refers to those devices or units (devices OO-OF) that are attached to ports 0-3. Substring 1 refers to those devices or units (devices 10-1F) that are attached to ports 4-7. For additional information, see "Diagnostic Menu Option 7 - Device Status" on page MD-26. The MD provides the option to have you check for inconsistencies in the configuration information. If you would like to check for these inconsistencies, press the YES key to "DO YOU WANT AN ANALYSIS OF THIS CONFIGURATION DATA?" If you find inconsistencies, they must be corrected and the test must be rerun to get beyond this point in the test. = Note: 3880 storage controls do not have storage paths and SP =x is not displayed. CTLR PATH = x x = The path sensed from the controller by the storage control during a sense controller path operation. o = Controller A1 Path 1 2 3 = Controller A2 Path = Controller A3 PIN 451990384 Sides © Copyright Path = Controller A4 Path EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp, 1987. 1988 MD ..74 462 CONFIGURATION DATA/UNKNOWN STORAGE CTRL See MSM, Volume R60 SENSE Section, Format 1, byte 8 for additional information about string features. Press the ENTER key to continue. The following frames display configuration data: CONFIGURATION DATA TYPE=XX FEATURES=XX (SEE PSG MD-3, 462) ENTER TO CONTINUE UNKNOWN STORAGE CTRL TYPE=XX FEATURES=XX (SEE PSG MD-3. 462) ENTER TO CONTINUE ( The above frame indicates that the storage control type is not known by the MD. If the storage control type is not valid, the MO assumes a storage control type of 3990. { (~' ( ' _/ c TYPE=XX XX Storage control type. = For 3880, this byte is 00. For 3990 family storage control, the type information is determined from vital product data in the storage control: 00= 05 = 06 = OF = 10= 3880 3990 3990 3380 3990 Model Model Model Model 2 3 CJ2 1 FEATURES=XX XX = String features. String features is the data returned from the controller during a Sense Features command (command 11). f~ f' (~ (~ Bit Bit Name o OPS installed 4-path Second COP card installed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o Single HOA o o 1 C"" ,/ c PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-75 465 DEVICE STA TUS DEVICE STATUS: X = Ol23456789ABCDEF OX: OOOOOOOONNNNNNNN IXI ~EOOOOOONNNNNNNN 2-path subsystem DEVICE STATUS: X = Ol23456789ABCDEF OX: **************** - or- The above example indicates: • The string is a 4-path string because there are devices in both the OX range and in the 1X range. • Devices 00-07 are installed and operational. • Devices 10 and 12-17 are installed and operational. • Devices 08-0F and 18-1F are not installed. • Device 11 is failing with an equipment check. 4-path subsystem DEVICE STATUS: X = Ol23456789ABCDEF OX: **************** IX: **************** = X OX: 1X: Device number (O-F) Represents devices OO-OF. Represents devices 10-1F (4-path subsystems). i' The asterisks (*) are replaced by device status. The device status codes are: B D E The MD provides the option to display a description of the status codes listed above. Device Susy Data Check Equipment Check Intervention Required: Device is disabled and not on-Line; this code has nothing to do with whether or not a device is in CE mode. N Not Installed o Operational: An operational device normally reports a status of "0." s Servo busy: If a device has been powered on without at least one storage path channel interface enabled, the device usually reports a status of "S" because there is no attached system to handle the ...ttention interrupt. To eliminate this problem, place the device in CE mode (use MD Main menu Option 0) and rerun the device status test. '"-,,,/ A status of "S" or "S" is reported if a device is busy. This may occur if the Device Status test is run during periods of heavy usage. It is usually a good indication that the device is operational. For example, PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 f \, 468 DEVICE TYPE Device type information is displayed in one of the fol/owing series of frames. One series is for 2-path configurations and the other series of frames is for 4-path configurations. FR11 = FR12 = FR13 = FR14 2nd AJ4 or AK4 unit 1st B unit attached to 2nd A unit 2nd B unit attached to 2nd A unit 3rd B unit attached to 2nd A unit xxx = Model designation (AJ4. AK4. BJ4, or BK4) of the instal/ed machine frame(s). Frame members are not displayed if they are not instal/ed. = 2-Path Configurations DEVICE TYPE: FR01=XXX FR03=XXX FR02=XXX FR04=XXX ( (' FR01 = FR02 = FR03 = FR04 = AJ4 or AK4 unit 1st B unit attached to A unit 2nd B unit attached to A unit 3rd B unit attached to A unit xxx Model designation (AJ4, AK4. BJ4. or BK4) of the installed machine frame(s). Frame members are not displayed if they are not instal/ed. = (-' (- xxx =?71 '" ./ ( The diagnostic routine was unable to determine the model. This occurs when the diagnostic cannot select any of the devices in the unit due to heavy system activity . 4-Path Configurations = 71? The diagnostic routine was unable to determine the model. This occurs when the diagnostic cannot select any of the devices in the unit due to heavy system activity. DO YOU WANT AN ANALYSIS OF THE DEVICE TYPE DATA! (SEE PSG MD-3, 468) ( ( xxx = SSO Substring 0 the first substring in a 4-path configuration. Substring 0 • contains ports 0-3 (devices 00 - OF). SS1 Substring 1 = the second substring in a 4-path configuration. Substring 1 contains ports 4-7 (devices 10 - 1F). Note: Models AJ4 and BJ4 have a large letter J on the HDAs. Models AK4 and BK4 have a large letter K on the HDAs. The number of B units in the string is determined from the string configuration switches on the I/O control card. See page REPAIR-20 for 2-path switch settings and page REPAIR-22 for 4-path switch settings. DEVICE TYPE - 550: FR01=XXX FR03=XXX FR02=XXX FR04=XXX (/ DEVICE TYPE - SSI: FRll=XXX FR13=XXX FR12=XXX FRI4=XXX DO YOU WANT AN ANALYSIS OF THE DEVICE TYPE DATA? (SEE PSG MD-3, 468) FR01 = FR02 = FR03 = FR04 = 1st AJ4 or AK4 unit 1st B unit attached to 1st A unit 2nd B unit attached to 1st A unit 3rd B unit attached to 1st A unit PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright (--, EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp_ 1997. 1999 MD-77 480 STORAGE CONTROL STATUS 500 ISOLATION CODE ERROR D/SPLA Y Storage control status identifies the physical 10 of the storage control or storage director and the physical path attached to the controller: Select the specific MD display from the following: xxxx S*ID: xx STORAGE PATH: x CONTROLLERI Ax SEE PSG MD-3, 480 ... If line 1 Is "3880 SOlD: xx" xx = Storage Director identifier. PRESS ENTER TO ANALYZE OR liN" TO RUN NEXT CONTROLLER An error has occurred during a controller test. The user has the option to analyze it or to continue running on the next controller (if both controllers were selected). If line 1 is "3990 SSID: xx" xx = Subsystem identifier. If both controllers were selected, entering "N" will start the controller diagnostics for the untested controller, For additional information, see page MD-41. STORAGE PATH: x x = Storage Path (0-3) PRESS ENTER TO ANALYZE OR liN" TO RUN NEXT DEVICE CONTROLLER: Ax Controller (A 1, A2, A3, or A4) Ax An erm:- has occurred during a device test. The user has the option to analyze it or to continue running on the next device (if another device was selected). = Status of conditions in the storage control is displayed in the following frames. • Devices in CE mode • Write Inhibit conditions • Fenced conditions (3990 only) Entering liN" will start the device diagnostic tests for remaining specified devices. For additional information, see page MD-41. PRESS ENTER TO ANALYZE OR PF" KEY TO RETURN TO MAIN MENU II Storage path fenced conditions Device fenced conditions An error has occurred and user has the option of analyzing it or returning to the MD Main Menu. '' !/' For additional information, see Diagnostic menu option 9 (Storage Control Status) on page MD-34. PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 MD-78 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ,;t , '" I " ( (- 550 ENTER THE SYMPTOM CODE 605 WARNING: HDA CABLES SWAPPED Enter a valid symptom code. Symptom codes that are not valid are rejected and this message is displayed again. Symptom codes are obtained from the EREP System Exception Report, from the Symptom Code Summary, or from sense bytes 22 and 23. Valid symptom codes for the 3380-JK are: The MD detected that the HDA cables are swapped. Review the following to determine how the hardware and maintenance package are affected. • 4xxx, 9xxx, Dxxx, Exxx, • 7xxx - In some cases, when the functional microcode is not able to identify the failing device type, 3380 stage 1/stage 2 sense data is generated. For these cases, 7xxx symptom code entry is permitted and the appropriate 3380-JK FRUs are displayed. ( ( • (' ( ~\ 2xxx - In other cases, when errors are propagated to the storage control, the storage control generates 2xxx symptom codes. For these cases, 2xxx symptom code entry is permitted and the appropriate 3380-JK FRUs are displayed. / DEVICE ADDRESSES A device address always identifies the same actuator and the data that is accessed by that actuator whether or not the cables are swapped. OPERATOR PANEL DEVICE READY LIGHTS AND SWITCHES Swapping cables on a 3380 HDA does not change the relationship between the device address, or physical actuator, and the operator panel Enable/Disable switch and Ready LED for that device. Therefore, there is no need to apply a label to the operator panel as was done for 3380-DE devices. MD LOGIC CARD CALLOUT The MD always calls out the correct group of logic cards whether or not the cables are swapped. (' (' SINGLt: ACTUATOR MAINTENANCE (SAM) PANEL SWITCHES AND CIRCUIT PROTECTORS (CPs) The SAM panel switches and CPs are always associated with the same logic cards. When the cables are swapped, the left set of device logic cards and its associated CPs and switches control the right actuator in the HDA, and vice versa. Always ensure that you use the correct switches for the logic card you plan to replace. (/" (' POWER CARD LEDs (' The Sequencer Status LEOs on the power cards are reversed when the cables are swapped. See Figure 1 on page MD-80. The other LEOs retain their original meaning (do not reverse). PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD·79 B1 Board Power Card LEOs I Cable Swap ;'~~\ [ , ""_/ REAR DRIVE FRONT DRIVE NOTE. FRONT DRIVE DO£S NOT exIST IN MODEl.. CJ2. I YA VB I Y.J I r", II VC I YK I ye: VD I YM I I YL I J F K •L YE I YN I YG I YP I VH I YR I I YQ I M S T r--', \",y U Bl-BOARD (REF) - - . - j ~I ~~I Bl-BOARD (FRONT DRIVE - G2 COMMON POWER CARD REAR DRIVE - R2 COMMON POWER CARD) - - - - - " ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ \--..... I ~ I ~OA I I I \~' I NORMALCHDA CABLES NOT SWAPPED) HDA CABLES SWAPPED BEFORE AFTER THE HDA CABLE SWAP. REFERENCE TO THE FOLLOWING, THE LEOS MAKE THE HDA CABLE SWAP, THE SAME LEOS MAKE REFERENCE TO THE FOLLOWING. !r------IJJ "'-=-':-- LEFT SEQUENCER STATUS 1!JIIo~~- I0Il;:-:-- ~,--- +5/2"" V ON RIGHT SEQUENCER STATUS . ..,;:;......;:....-- +5/2"" V ON +5 V COMMON ~-- ...~-- RIGHT SEQUENCER STATUS +5 V COMMON Bl'oE--- LEFT SEQUENCER STATUS , _~:-- LEFT DEVICE READY I]] LEFT DEVICE READY _-::-:'-- LEFT SWITCH ENABLED LEFT SWITCH ENABLED fIIIIo-::;-- RIGHT SWITCH ENA"LED _-=-- __€ : - - RIGHT DEVICE READY _€:--RIGHT DEVICE READY RIGHT SWITCH ENABLED NOTES. OJ~~,&l~f~~l'f.o~~A~~T"::~J!f//11-Jst;T 1$000$82511 Figure 1. '21 /lll£N THE CABLES ARE SHAPPED, THE LED FOR THE RIGHT u:J5E'Ql.ENCER STATUS SHOHS LEFT SEQUCNCCR STATUS. • B1 Board Power Card LEOs I Cable Swap PIN 4519903 84 Sides «:> Copyright IBM Corp. EC 476581 01Aug89 1997, 1999 ,/ MO-80 (- ( 615 MD DOES NOT PROVIDE ANALYSIS FOR DISPLA YEO IC 742 PRESS ENTER TO ANALYZE, OR 'N' TO DISPLA Y NEXT ERROR For more information on these ICs (Isolation Codes), see the DIAG section of the MSM, Volume R60 for a description for the diagnostic that you are running. A diagnostic error has been recalled from the MD diskette while using the Review option. You have the option to analyze it or to display the previous error that was stored on the MD diskette. 700 SELECT REVIEW OPTION FROM FOLLOWING LIST Up to four diagnostic errors are saved on the MD diskette for review. The most recent error is displayed first. Entering "N" displays the previous error saved. Valid responses are: Review CE mode A diagnostic routine is invoked to find out which devices are currently set in CE mode. ( ( (:' c Review diagnostics The last 4 diagnostic errors are saved on the MD diskette. The most recent error is shown first and previous errors can be displayed by entering UN" (next). Maintenance analysis can be invoked from the error display. Response Meaning ENTER Analyze the error Display the previous error saved N For additional information, see "MD Main Menu Option R" on page MD-49. Review error log Display the error log summaries that were previously transferred to the MD diskette. Maintenance analysis can be invoked from the summary display. This is the same function as the Search Log Function. For additional information, see "Search Log (Option 2)" on page LOG-5. Review repair Display the last repair specified by a maintenance analysis procedure. (j C: PIN 4519903 84 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 MD-81 800 DIAGNOSTIC AIDS SELECT CONTROLLER Valid responses are: 1. = Controller 1 2 = Controller 3 = Controller 4 Controller = A1 A2 A3 A4 Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains control/ers A3 and A4. Control/ers A 1 and A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. ENTER ROUTINE 10 Valid responses are: 80 = Controller/DPS tests 81 = Device logic tests 82 Servo tests 83 = R/W data transff'r tests = 84 = 85 8A 90 = Extended DPS tests (3880 only) = HA Scan (see note 1) = DDC Tests (see note 1d) = Device status test (see note 1a) = Sense Utility (see note 2) = 98 Error log search (see note 1b) 99 = Motor Start Test (see note 1a) 9C CE track repair routine 9D DPS Array Dump Routine (3880 only see note 2) = = 9E Routines 91, 93, 96, 98, 99, 9F, CO, and D3 should not be run with diagnostic aids: Use MD Main Menu option 1 to run 96 and 99. b. Use MD Main Menu option 2 to run 98. c. Use MD Main Menu option 0 to run 9F. d. Routines 93, CO and D3 should be run from the storage control. a. 2. Routines 97, 9D and 9E are for product engineering and normally should not be run without assistance from product engineering. For additional information, refer to the DIAG section in the MSM, Volume R60. SELECT DEVICE Select one device address. Valid responses are: R/W function tests = Seek Exerciser tests = Incremental seek test 91 93 96 97 Notes: = Diagnostic Microcode Patch Routine "00" through "OF" for 2-path strings ''~O'' through "1F" for 4-path strings ENTER: No device is needed ENTER PARAMETERS IF REQUIRED See the DIAG section in the MSM, Volume R60 to determine diagnostic parameters. Each parameter is entered as two hexadecimal digits. Up to sixteen parameters can be entered with no spaces between each parameter. Press the ENTER key to enter default parameters. You will be asked the following: (see note 2) 9F = Set/reset CE mode (see note 1c) CO = 3380 A04! AA4 Controller Tests (see note 1d) D3 3380 A04/AA4 DDC Tests (see note 1d) = PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1967. 1969 MD-82 ( DO YOU WANT TO LOOP THE ROUTINE? Press the YES key or the NO key to respond: NO = Run routine to completion or until stopped by an error. YES Loop routine and continue looping until stopped by keyboard entry. = If the response is "YES," you will be asked the following: DO YOU WANT TO HALT WHEN AN ERROR OCCURS? ( Press the YES key or the NO key to respond: YES = When an error occurs, stop. NO = When an error occurs, continue looping. ( 900 CONTROL UNIT AND MD DISKS ARE NOT CaMPA TlBLE Make sure the diskettes being used are the correct level for the machine being tested. This message indicates that the storage control diskette is down-level. Pressing the ENTER key allows you to continue with the maintenance procedures. However, be aware that there can be functional differences between the two diskettes and the supporting documentation. Contact your next level of technical support if necessary. If other options are needed, you will have to enter parameters. See the DIAG section in the MSM, Volume R60. ( { ", / (' c PIN 451990384 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MO-83 . \, .:... ,,/ -',,- EC History of Maintenance Device Section EC HISTORY OF P/N 4519903 EC Number Date Of EC EC Number Date Of EC 475245 14Nov86 475248 25Apr88 475246 21Ju187 476573 30Nov88 475247 llSep87 476581 01Aug89 \""--,,,;1 Notes: r/""""" PIN 4519903 84 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MD-84 ( Error Log Function (MD Main menu Option 2) ( The storage control contains error logs for the most recent errors sent to the system. These logs may be transferred to the MD, then searched and ( Entry ( ( Select One of the Following Go to page A Introduction LOG-1 B Select Error Log Function LOG-2 C Transfer Log (Option 1) LOG-4 0 Search Log (Option 2) LOG-5 E Merge Log (Option 3) LOG-8 F Change Log Mask (Option 4) LOG-9 G Erase Log (Option 5) LOG-10 Figure 1. • When a log is full, the oldest entry is overlaid. • • The error log functions are transfer, merge, search, erase, and change log mask. • Transfer, erase, and change log mask are performed by an inline diagnostic (routine 98) and do not impact customer operation (devices do not need to be placed in CE mode). • The merge and search functions are done within the MD. The MD does not have to be connected to a string for these functions. • The 3990 storage paths will log a relative time with each record. The age of the record relative to the time it was transferred to the MD can then be determined and displayed. Relative time is not logged when attached to a 3880 storage control. .... ( LOG Section Entry Table Introduction • { analyzed by the MD. Use the following entry table to quickly find the information in this section. • Each attached storage path or storage director contains 2 error logs, one for each attached string. With the default error log mask, the error logs are equipment check logs. They contain entries for all format 1, 7,8 and 9 (sense byte 7 = 1x, 7x, 8x, or 9x) sense byte records that are sent to the system. They do not contain data check records (sense format 4). Each log contains up to sixteen 32-byte entries for errors that occurred on the associated path, 24 sense bytes and 8 bytes of additional information. Only the first 24 bytes of the 32 sense bytes generated by a 3990 are put in the error log when attached to a 3990. All 24 bytes that are generated go into the error log when attached to a 3880. c·· (. C· PIN 4519905 11 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 LOG-1 Select Error Log Function From the MD Main menu, select option 2. The MD displays the following frames: SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ERROR LOG FUNCTIONS: (SEE PSG MD-3, 400) 1. TRANSFER LOG 2. SEARCH LOG 3. MERGE LOGS 4. CHANGE LOG MASK 5. ERASE LOGS IN THE CONTROL UNIT. PF FOR MAIN MENU Press the ENTER key to display the next frame. These frames show the functions that can be performed with the error log. 1. TRANSFER LOG Transfers all log records from the specified storage path or storage director to the MD. The log in the storage path or storage director is not changed or erased. The storage area in the MD for the selected storage path or storage director will be erased and new data (if any) will be stored on the MD diskette. See "Transfer Log (Option 1)" on page LOG-4. 2. SEARCH LOG Any of the logs which have previously been transferred to the MD, or the merged log, can be searched for specified entries. The search can be made by controller (storage path), device, or symptom code. The selected records will be displayed one at a time for examination or analysis. See "Search Log (Option 2)" on page LOG-5. LOG-2 3. MERGE LOGS Selected logs which have been previously transferred to the MD can be merged together into a storage area on the MD diskette. A previously merged log is erased and new merged log data is stored. If the log records contain age (3990 storage control only) the merged log puts all records in sequential order, with the newest records appearing first in the merged log. See "Merge Log (Option 3)" on page LOG-8. 4. CHANGE LOG MASK Change the logging algorithm from the default values. The logging algorithm controls the selection of sense data for logging. The choices are: • • • • • • • • • • Log Log Log Log Log Log Log Log Log Log format 0 errors format 1 errors (default) format 2 errors format 3 errors format 4 errors format 7 errors (default) format 8 errors (default) format 9 errors (default) format F errors Intervention Required \., ../ See "Change Log Mask (Option 4)" on page LOG-9. 5. ERASE LOGS IN THE CONTROL UNIT Erase the log in the specified storage path or storage director. See "Erase Log (Option 5)" on page LOG-10. PF FOR MAIN MENU Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. Enter the option number for the error log function you want to perform. Go to the reference shown. PIN 451990511 Sides EC 475248 2SApr88 ©l Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 f', C."'....", ( Error Log Diagnostic Error {. ( Some problems with the storage control, the controller, or the control interface do not allow the error log diagnostic to run. The MD displays an error message. You must analyze the error and correct the problem before continuing. When an error is detected, the MD displays the following frames: Label Meaning IC CTL DEV RTN TEST Isolation code Controller number (A1, A2, A3, or A4) Device address (in hexadecimal) Diagnostic routine ID Test number within the routine Error bytes EB IC**** CTl=A* DEV=** RTN=** TEST=** EB=** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ( The labels in the frame have the following meanings: PRESS ENTER TO ANALYZE OR PF KEY TO RETURN TO MAIN MENU. (SEE PSG MD-3, 500) « Note: The error bytes are used by the MD for FRU isolation. The bytes are displayed here primarily for support personnel. If you are preparing to discuss this problem with support personnel, you may want to record these error byte values. ( (' ( ( ( PIN 451990511 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 LOG-3 () ', "\ C . Transfer Log (Option 1) The Transfer Log function transfers all error log entries from the selected storage path or storage director to the MD and stores then on the MD diskette. Each storage path or storage director path log is stored in a separate log file on the MD diskette. The log file on the MD diskette is erased before the transfer begins. Warning: If the MD diskette is from another string, all logs must be transferred before searching any of the logs. otherwise, the results of the search will be unpredictable. When the transfer log function is initially selected, the MD displays the following: WHICH CONTROLLER ERROR LOG DO YOU WANT TO TRANSFER? (SEE PSG MD-3, 405) The response to this display selects the log in the storage path or storage director attached to the controller indicated in the response. To review all errors for a given device or to determine if multiple controllers are failing, the error log in each storage path or storage director should be transferred. They can then be merged into a single log using the merge function. The valid responses are: Controller Controller Controller Controller o The MD next displays this frame: ENTER THE DATE: MMDDYY (SEE PSG MD-3,420) The date entered (maximum of 8 characters) will be stored with the transferred log data on the MD diskette. ERROR LOG TRANSFER NOW RUNNING ON CONTROLLER Ax PLEASE WAIT. xx Immediately after this display, a diagnostic routine starts to transfer the error log from the storage path or storage director through the specified controller to the MD. The diagnostic runs until all error log records for the string (up to 16) have been transferred (about 2 minutes for a full log). The "xx" in the bottom line of the frame is the transfer count. Each time an error log entry is transferred, the number (in hexadecimal) is updated. The transfer begins with the most recent entry and continues with successively older entries. When the transfer of the error log is completed, the MD displays one of the following frames. The frame on the top indicates entries were transferred. The frame on the bottom shows that no entries were found in the error log selected for transfer. *TRANSFER COMPLETE* CONTROLLER Ax ERROR LOG IS STORED. Response Meaning 1 2 3 4 ,J A1 A2 A3 A4 Note: Selecting controller A3 or A4 is valid only on strings with four storage paths, and only when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. Controllers A 1 and A2 cannot be selected when the MD is attached to the A unit that contains controllers A3 and A4. - or- *TRANSFER COMPLETE* CONTROLLER Ax ERROR LOG IS STORED. NO ENTRIES FOUND. (\ u. """,,:r' / When the transfer is complete, press the ENTER key to return to "Select Error Log Function" on page LOG-2. Press the PF key to return to the MD Main menu. Enter your response to select the error log. LOG-4 PIN 451990511 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 Copyright IBM Corp. ( 1987, 1988 LOG-11 ,_/ ( EREP Reports ( The EREP section contains descriptions of the EREP System Exception reports and the EREP Event History report. Select the report you want to review from the following table. ( Entry ( ( Select One of the Following Go to page A Introduction PROG-1 B EREP System Exception Reports System Error Summary (Part 2) Report DASD Sub')ystem Exception DASD String Summary DASD Informational Messages DASD Data Transfer Summary DASD Symptom Code Summary PROG-1 PROG-2 PROG-4 PROG-8 PROG-10 PROG-11 PROG-16 C EREP Event History Report PROG-20 Figure 1. PROG Section Entry Table EREP System Exception Reports ( ( ( ( ( The EREP (Environmental Recording, Editing, and Printing) System Exception reports (SYSEXN) are used to support the 3380. The specific reports used are: • • • • • • System Error Summary (part 2) DASD Subsystem Exception Report DASD String Summary DASD Informational Messages DASD Data Transfer Summary DASD Symptom Code Summary The preferred information for isolating problems is contained in these reports. This maintenance package uses the DASD Symptom Code Summary report to isolate equipment checks and the DASD Data Transfer Summary report to isolate data checks. Both of these reports are part of the EREP System Exception Reports. Refer to the Environmental Recording, Editing, and Printing Program User's Guide, GC28-1378. The customer should normally run the System Exception on a daily basis. If you are isolating temporary 1/0 errors, it is normally sufficient to use the daily reports provided by the customer. If you are isolating a permanent 1/0 error, you should ask the customer to run the EREP System Exception reports (SYSEXN) for 33XX devices. Warning: Do not attempt to off-load device statistics when running EREP (SYSEXN) if devices or paths are failing. A device or path problem can prevent EREP from successfully collecting statistics and the EREP job will not complete successfully. To prevent off-loading statistics, a working data set must be created from EROS (Error Recording Dataset) and then EREP must be run against the working data set. To run EREP for a specific problem, two steps are required: 1. Create a working data set. Have the customer lJse the following parameters: PRINT=NO, ACC=Y, ZERO=N, TYPE=O, and TABSIZE = 999K. 2. Run EREP against the working data set and print. Have the customer use the following parameters: SYSEXN=Y, HIST, ACC=N, TABSIZE=999K, and DEV=(3380). (" PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 PROG-1 Sy~tem the next action to be performed. This report supplies the necessary information for service using the ICKDSF program routines. For media maintenance, refer to: Error Summary (Part 2) Report The System Error Summary (Part 2) report lists all the permanent DASD errors. Permanent errors are those that the DASD subsystem and/or the operating system were unable to correct with the defined recovery procedure. Storage Subsystem Library: Maintaining IBM Storage Subsystem Media, GC26-4495 Device Support Fat;ilities: Primer for the User of IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage, GC26-4498 See Figure 2 for an example of this report. How to Use This Report The report may be used as follows: • An error record may be found in this report if the time of the failure is known or the job name is known. • When the error record is located, the probable failing unit (PFU) will determine which report to examine next: If the PFU is VOLUME, The DASD Data Transfer Summary report can be used for the volume defined to determine <1> <2> TIME JOBNAME DATE 148/87 08:39:33:5Z 09:15:54:97 13:58:08:25 13:58:08:30 14:38:29:95 14:38:Z9:95 14:38:30:08 14:38:30:1Z 14:38:30:Z5 14:38:30:75 15: 21: 35: 28 15:21:36:3Z 19:58:45:86 19:58:49:15 19:58:49:29 19:58:50:35 DASDOO01 DASDOO01 MIN8C3 MIN8C3 ABC8CO ABC8C1 ABC8CO ABC8C1 ABCSC1 ABC8CO ABC 980 ABC 980 ABC8C3 ABC8CO ABC8C3 ABcaco If the PFU is CONTROLLER, DEVICE, or MULTIPLE, The maintenance package for that device should be used. The DASD Symptom Code Summary report will give symptom codes, physical ID, and sense information for use in the maintenance package. Use the PFU and physical ID to identify the unit in the Symptom Code Summary report. If the PFU is CHANNEL or SCU, Enter the maintenance package for the channel or storage control. <7> REPORT DATE 155 87 PERIOD FROM 148 87 149 87 TO SYSTEM ERROR SUMMARY (PART Z) <3> <4> PHYSICAL CPU ID A B A B A B B A B B B A A A A A ZO-60-xx ZO-60-xx 05.x-03 05.x-03 05.X-00 04.X-Ol 05.X-00 05.X-Ol 04.X-01 04.X-00 ZO-60-00 20-60-00 04.X-03 04.X-00 05.X-03 04.X-OO <5> TYPE <6> PHYS ADDR <8> ERROR PATH 3380 3380 3380 3380 3380 3380 3380 3380 3380 3380 3380 3380 3380 3380 3380 3380 099Z 099Z 08C3 08C3 08CO 08Cl 08CO OSCI 08C1 08CO 0980 0980 OSC3 08CO 08C3 oaco Zl-099Z Zl-0992 24-08C3 24-08C3 24-08CO 20-0SCl Z4-08CO 24-08C1 ZO-08C1 20-08CO Zl-0980 Zl-0980 Zo-08C3 ZO-08CO Z4-0SC3 ZO-08CO <9> /'~ <11> PROB FAILING UNIT <10> VOL ERROR DESC SAS99Z SAS99Z SASSC3 SAS8C3 SAS8CO SAS8CI SAS8CO SAS8C1 SAS8Cl SAS8CO SAS980 SAS980 SAS8C3 SASSCO SASSC3 SASSCO PERM PERM PERM PERM PERM PERM PERM PERM PERM PERM PERM PERM PERM PERM PERM PERM EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP OATA DATA DATA DATA CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CONTROLLER CONTROLLER UNKNOHN UNKNOHN MULTIPLE MULTIPLE MULTIPLE MULTIPLE MULTIPLE MULTIPLE DEVICE DEVICE VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME ***************************************************************KKKKKKK********************** CPU A B Figure 2. MODEL 3081XA 3081XA SERIAL NUMBER 021170 ZZ1170 Sample of System Error Summary (Part 2) Report PROG-2 (/"""' PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 " ( ( ( ( ( ( Field Descriptions <1> TIME The TIME field is the date and time the error was detected or logged. <2> JOB NAME The JOB NAME field is the name of the job that was being performed when the error occurred. <3> CPU ( ( ( (" The alphabetic identifier of the CPU (processor) that received the error records. At the bottom of the report, all processor alphabetic identifiers are given with their model and serial numbers. <4> PHYSICAL 10 The PHYSICAL 10 field contains the physical 10 of the unit affected by the failure. This field should be used to identify the physical failing unit(s). The physical 10 format for the 3380 is CC.P.DD (3380-JK) and SS-CC-DD (device types prior to 3380-JK), where: SS = Storage Control/storage director 10 CC = A one byte controller string 10 P = Path DO = Device 10 <5> TYPE The TYPE field is the device type of the Probable Failing Unit: 3380 for any model. <6> PHYSICAL ADDRESS ( ( { ( The PHYSICAL ADDRESS (PCUA) field is obtained from the outboard recorder (OBR) record. When there are multiple paths to a device, the first path defined by the system is called the primary path (primary channel, primary control unit, and physical 10). All paths to a device are defined during system generation of the operating system. <7> REPORT PERIOD The REPORT PERIOD lines show the day and the year the report was requested and the days and the year requested in the EREP keyword input parameters. <8> ERROR PATH The error path (SCUA) field is obtained from the OBR record. Note: The physical address (PCUA) and the error path (SCUA) are four and six character fields respectively. The channel and/or the control unit address will be different when the program selects the device through a path other than the primary path. An example of the meaning of the PCUA and SCUA is: PCUA = 0197 and SCUA = 0497, where 1 and 4 are the primary and secondary channels, 9 is the control unit, and 7 is the device physical 10 (the device portion is the low-order byte, bits 5-7). <9> VOLUME The VOLUME field is the volume in use at the time of the error. <10> ERROR DESCRIPTION The ERROR DESCRIPTION field is a description of the type of error that was detected and recorded by EREP. <11> PROBABLE FAILING UNIT The PROBABLE FAILING UNIT field identifies the unit which is most probably the source of the failure. The EREP program does an analysis relative to error records in the error recording data set (EROS). The probable failing unit in this section is a result of that analysis. <12> CPU ... MODEL ... SERIAL NUMBER The model and serial number of the CPU (processor) alphabetic character used in the CPU field. ( (' ( PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 PROG-3 DASD Subsystem Exception Report How to Use This Report The Subsystem Exception DASD report lists accumulated permanent and temporary errors relative to the DASD subsystems. Outboard recorder (OBR) and miscellaneous data recorder (MDR) records are analyzed by the program for symptom code, unit identification, type of error, and other information. The accumulated errors are given for each unit in the probable failing unit category from channel to volume. Within each section, the probable failing units are sequenced by most permanent errors and then by most temporary errors. The 3380-JK temporary data checks and temporary seek errors are only printed on this report when the error rate exceeds a threshold in the storage control. Therefore, any 3380-JK reporting read or seek errors in this report needs servicing. This report highlights problems related to disk storage operation and should be used to identify problems and to determine if previous corrective action fixed a problem. If the span of error records in the report covers more than three days, a message is printed at the top of the report. A report that spans a broad period of time may not provide the most accurate probable failing unit indication, because corrective action may have been taken. See Figure 3 on page PROG-5 for an example of this report. First determine the probable failing unit (PFU), then check for the following: If the PFU Is VOL, The DASD Data Transfer Summary report should be used. This report supplies the necessary information for service using the ICKDSF program routines. For media maintenance, refer to: Storage Subsystem Library: Maintaining IBM Storage Subsystem Media, GC26-4495 Device Support Facilities: Primer for the User of IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage, GC26-4498 If the PFU is CTLR, DEV, or MULT, The DASD Symptom Code Summary report should be used. The symptom codes, unit identifier, and other error information can be used to enter the maintenance package. If the PFU is CHAN or SCU, Enter the storage control or channel maintenance package to identify the failing unit. If a single device shows more than one PFU, Determine which error has the highest priority by using the procedures in the START section of this manual. ,'£ \" \ PROG-4 '"" ~', :,,) -' PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 CO Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 r \ \ ~,_""I ( <1> SUBSYSTEM EXCEPTION DASD <2> B-BUS OUT PARITY CHK I-INVOKED OFFSETS PROBABLE FAILING UNIT <3> <4> <13> REPORT DATE 155 87 PERIOD FROM 148 87 TO 149 87 C-CHECK DATA CHK D-DISKETTE CHK S-SERVICE INFORMATION MESSAGE FAILURE AFFECT <5> -IMPACT OF TEMPORARY ERRORS-PHYSICAL -TOTALS-- EQU ADDRESS PERM TEMP CHK SKS RD OVRN OTHER <7> <8> <9> CPU <6> -USAGE1000 MB. SKS READ <10> *********************************************************************************************************** SCU ( ( 0010123.1 3990.02 SCU CTLR 02. O-XX <11> 33So-JK SCU/CTLR XX-83-XX 3380-DE SCU/CTLR DEV 41.X-02 3380-JK DEV VOL ABC123 33S0-JK DATAXFR TOTAL 0010123.1 1 1 A TOTAL 02.o-XX 4 4 A TOTAL XX-S3-XX A + + + + A TOTAL 41.0-02 A TOTAL 62.0-05 + -+- 6 6 6 6 NlA 34 N/A 2S0 1 1 1 1 N/A 48 N/A 320 1 1 1 1 10 10 + + 10 10 +--+- N/A 5 N/A 120 -+- N/A 50 NlA 240 ************************************************************************************************************ o UNIT(S) EXCLUDED DUE TO LIMITS CPU A MODEL 30S1XA SERIAL NUMBER 021170 <12> * ( ENTRIES HITH AN ASTERISK INDICATE THAT DASDID CARDS HERE NOT FOUND FOR THE UNIT. NOTE: IMPACT OF TEMPORARY ERRORS IS THE NUMBER OF TIMES ERROR THRESHOLD HAS BEEN EXCEEDED. NOTE: BLANK ENTRIES INDICATE ZERO VALUES OR NOT APPLICABLE. NlA MEANS NOT AVAILABLE. NOTE: ZERO ENTRIES INDICATE RECORDS EXIST IN EREP REPORTS BUT THRESHOLDS HERE NOT EXCEEDED. Figure 3. Sample of DASD Subsystem Exception Report Field Descriptions < 1> MESSAGE AREA This space at the top of the report is used for messages specific to this subsystem exception report. For example: **WARNING** REPORT SPANS MORE THAN 3 DAYS. PFU ANALYSIS MAY BE IN ERROR. ( The warning is given when the error input records are collected over three days or more. When the time is over three days, the probable failing unit analysis could be in error. ( PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 <2> B-BUS OUT PARITY CHECK C-CHECK DATA CHK D-DISKETIE CHK I-INVOKED OFFSETS S-SERVICE INFORMATION MESSAGE These are definitions of the suffixes for the counters that may appear in the column identified in the IMPACT OF TEMPORARY ERRORS column under the heading of "OTHER." <3> PROBABLE FAILING UNIT The Probable Failing Unit (PFU) is the unit which is most probably the source of the failure. EREP identifies the PFU based on the failure affect and the units reporting errors. The seven PFUs assigned by EREP are as follows: PROG-S / CHAN SCU CTLR MULT DEV VOL UNK Channel (channel, program, or CPU) Storage Control (storage control function which resides between a channel(s) and a controller(s». Controller (function that provides , an interface between one storage control and a group of devices). Identifies the failure as being common to MULTIPLE addresses on the same string. Device (addressable unit) Volume (data on volume) Unknown The line for each PFU describes its identifier, the Failure Effect, and the total error counts attributed to the respective combination of PFU and Failure Effect. Usage counts for this line are not available (N/A) since the total usage of the unit is not determined. <4> PFU Identifier All units in each PFU category that had errors are listed with probable failing unit identifiers. The PFU identifier identifies the probable failing unit. The PFU identifier contains the address of the primary path to the failing unit. It is not necessarily the address of the failing path or the path that the error was reported on. To determine the physical 10 of the failing path, use the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column. If the PFU is SCU - Storage Control, the PFU identifier is: SS.X-XX 3880-3 with 3380-JK attachment feature SS-XX-XX 3880 except Model 3880-3 with 3380-JK feature SEQNUM.P 3990 SEQNUM.P 3380-CJ2 Where: SS = storage control/storage director 10 SEQNUM P / - = a 7-digit manufacturer's sequence number the storage path within the unit (storage path 0-3) = If the PFU is CTLR - Controller, the PFU identifier is: CC.P-XX 3380-JK XX-CC-XX device types prior to 3380-JK Where: CC = P = controller 10, and storage path If the PFU is MULT - Multiple, the PFU identifier is: CC.X-XX 3380-JK XX-CC-XX 3380-DE Where CC = controller 10 '<.. _1 If the PFU is DEV - Device, the PFU identifier is: / ---, CC.X-DD 3380-JK XX-CC-DD devices prior to 3380-JK Where: CC = DD = controller 10, and physical device 10. -,,- If the PFU is VOL - Volume, the PFU identifier is "nnnnnn," the volume serial number from the OBR/MDR device-dependent VOLID field. <5> FAILURE AFFECT The FAILURE AFFECT field defines the function or machine area affected by the failure. The following ten failure affects are used for the 3380-JK: CHAN/SCU Channel/Storage Control Unit SCU Storage Control Unit SCu/CTLR Storage Control UniVControlier (DOC Interface) CTLR Controller CTLR/DEV Controller/Device Interface if\ I~, PROG-6 PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ( ( ( MULTIPLE Failure common to more than one device DEV Device SEEK Servo mechanism or associated logic DATAXFR Read/Write heads or associated logic UNK Unknown <6> CPU The alphabetic identifier of the processor (CPU) that received the error records. At the bottom of the report, all processor alphabetic identifiers are given with their model and serial numbers. <7> PHYSICAL ADDRESS ( ( The PHYSICAL ADDRESS field is the physical ID of the unit affected by the failure. This field should be used to identify the physical failing unit(s) and as a means of locating information on other EREP reports. The physical address format for the 3380 is CC.P.DD (3380-JK) and SS-CC-DD (device types prior to 3380-JK), where: EQU CHK Temporary Equipment Checks Temporary Seek Checks SKS The sum of the temporary data RD checks during reading which were corrected by retrying plus the sum of the temporary data checks during reading which were corrected by ECC. OVRN Counts of overruns which are system retried (only applicable to a PFU of CHAN) All other temporary errors. The OTHER types are identified by the letter suffix. In the case of multiple error types, multiple letters follow the counter. <10> USAGE The usage figures are in units of one thousand for seeks and megabytes for data checks. < 11 > Device Type The device type of the Probable Failing Unit: ( ( occurred in the device, but sense data may still exist in EREP. SS = Storage Control/storage director ID CC = A one-byte controller string ID P = Path DD = Device ID <8> TOTALS (PERMITEMP) PERM TOTALS: This is the count of permanent errors recorded against the unit and totaled for the Probable Failing Unit for the given FAILURE AFFECT. TEM P TOTALS: This is the sum of the counts shown under IMPACT OF TEMPORARY ERRORS. 3380 338o-DE 3380-JK 3380-CJ for models A04, AA4, and 804 for models AD4. AE4. 8D4. and BE4 for models AJ4. AK4. BJ4. and BK4 for model CJ2 <12> CPU ... MODEL ... SERIAL NUMBER The model and serial number of the ! processor (CPU) alphabetic character used in the CPU field. Note: "XA" following the CPU model number indicates that the processor complex was running in 370-XA mode. <9> IMPACT OF TEMPORARY ERRORS These fields indicate the number of temporary errors when the count exceeds a limit value. A zero (0) entry indicates that records exist in EREP but their rate did not exceed threshold. A blank entry indicates that no error condition PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 l!::l Copyright IBM Corp. t987, 1988 < 13 > REPORT PERIOD The REPORT PERIOD lines show the day and the year the report was requested and the day and the year of the earliest and latest record. PROG-7 DASD String Summary How to Use This Report The OASD String Summary report lists all usage for any device reporting errors or usage during the reporting period. The usage information in this report can help you determine whether a failure affect reported in the Subsystem Exception DASO report is unique to a particular device or is common to more than one device in the same controller string. The DASO String Summary can also help you determine the Storage Control Unit/Controller paths involved in a failure. The information at the beginning of each string contains the physical 10 for all the SCU/Controller paths that reported either usage or errors. ~""", I \'-<,:.-;,:/ Information is grouped by CTLR 10 if the Subsystem 10 (SSIO) is not aVailable. If the SSIO is available, information is grouped by SSIO. See Figure 4 for an example of this report. DASD STRING SUMMARY REPORT DATE 155 87 PERIOD FROM 148 87 . TO 149 87 REPORT INCLUDES ALL DASDHITH PHYSICAL IDS OR A VALID DASDID ERROR TYPES SEEK CTLR EQU. /SEEK IDATA ACC MEGABYTES SSID SCUID ID DEV VOLUME CHKS XFER XI000 READ MEGABYTES HRITTEN HlVERIFY **************•••••••••***************************************************~********** <1> <2> <3> ALL DASD PROCESSED FOR EXCEPTION REPORT 615 3017 <3> ***************************************••••••••••••••••••••************************ <4> CPU A B MODEL 3081XA 3081XA SERIAL NUMBER 021170 221170 <4> Figure 4. Sample of DASD String Summary Report I ,: "'~" c"'_ ,/ Note: The counts for "SEEK ACC X1000" (thousands of seek accesses), "MEGABYTES READ," and "MEGABYTES WRITTEN WIVERIFY" are six digit positions. If the space is exceeded, the count is divided by tooo and a "K" suffix is added to the number. If the count exceeds 99,999,000, "99999K" will be printed. PROG-8 P/N-4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 © Copyright 25Apr88 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 c ( ( Field Descriptions The string summary is in four parts as follows: ( <1> Part One The first part shows usage data for each unique combination of vo/t)me, SSID, and physical 10. The physical 10 is presented by SCUID, string 10 and device fields. Failure Affects of CTLR, CTLR/OEV, and OEV are grouped under the heading of EQU CKS; SEEK and DATA TRANSFER errors are noted under their own headings. ( Failure Affects of CTLR, CTLR/OEV, and OEV are grouped under the heading of EQU CKS; SEEK and DATA TRANSFER errors are noted under their own headings. The usage data for each volume/physical 10 appears under three possible headings as follows: • • • Seek Accesses x 1000 Megabytes Read Megabytes Written with VERIFY <2> Part Two The second part (right hand part of the report) shows failure affects and usage data for each unique combination of volume and device 10. The usage data for each volume/physical 10 appears under three possible headings as follows: • • • Seek Accesses x 1000 Megabytes Read Megabytes Written with VERIFY < 3 > Part Three The third part of the report shows the usage statistics for all OASO with a valid physical 10 processed for the Subsystem Exception report, regardless of failure affect or whether any failures were reported. <4> Part Four The fourth part of the summary shows all CPUs processed for the exception report, by letter identifier, model number, and serial number. ( ( f ( ( (. PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 «:> Copyright ( IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 PROG-9 I '. \tj DASD Informational Messages The DASD Informational Messages report provides information about conditions in the DASD subsystem. The messages are sequenced by physical ID and symptom code. See Figure 5. The messages for the 3380-JK are: • • • DASD INFORMATIONAL MESSAGES <1> PHYSICAL ID <2> SYMPTOM CODE Threshold logging complete for seek checks. Threshold logging complete for data checks without offset. Device fenced from storage path. REPORT DATE 304 87 PERIOD FROM 304 87 TO 304 87 <3> <4> COUNT MESSAGE ,,.._ ........ ,, *********************************************************************************** 20.2-09 40.1-00 62.2-05 Figure 5. 0001 0002 0225 3 6 1 THRESHOLD LOGGING COMPLETE FOR SEEK CHECKS THRESHOLD LOGGING COMPLETE FOR DATA CHECKS HITHOUT OFFSET DEVICE FENCED FROM STORAGE PATH Sample of DASD Informational Message Report Field Descriptions <1> PHYSICAL 10 For a 3380-JK, the physical ID field is the ID of the unit that recorded the error. The format is: CC.P-DD, where CC equals the hexadecimal ID for the controller, P equals the hexadecimal storage path. and DD equals the hexadecimal ID for the device. <3> COUNT The number of records of this type for the defined storage control. <4> MESSAGE ./ This field contains the messages for each physical ID. <2> SYMPTOM CODE The Symptom Code field is generated in the storage control. Symptom codes for 3380-JK are: • 0001 = Threshold Logging complete for seek checks • 0002 = Threshold Logging complete for data checks without offset • For the Device Fenced from Storage Path message, the symptom code field contains the device address (CUU) instead of a symptom code. ' ......- " , -.. ~ .'Wc . /1 ' I '<1./ PROG·10 PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ( ( « DASD Data Transfer Summary The DASD Data Transfer Summary report lists permanent and excessive temporary data check errors. Temporary errors are listed only when a specified error rate, which is monitored in the storage control functional microcode, is exceeded. DASD DATA TRANSFER SUMMARY PROBABLE FAILING UNIT - VOLUME ( The report lists each volume that had data checks reported in the Subsystem Exception DASD report. Refer to Figure 6 and the field descriptions on page PROG-12. <8> REPORT DATE 034 86 PERIOD FROM 032 86 TO 032 86 <9> SENSE COUNTS TEMPORARY OFFSET INVK THRESHOLD PERM NO YES LOGGING *********************************************************************************** <1> SEQUENCE BY VOLUME LABEL, PHYSICAL ADDRESS, HEAD, CYLINDER <2> UNITADDRESS 03C3 DEVTYPE 3380-JK VOLUME <3> CPU 8 PHYSICAL ADDRESS 22.X-03 ? <4> <5> <6> FAILURE AT ADDRESS: CYLINDER 0793 HEAD 05 00003013 03193541 03190005 08C02131 00010015 00F44160 140004EO 00031905 LAST SENSE AT: 060/88 15:00:40:11 o o 8 o FAILURE AT ADDRESS: CYLINDER 0793 HEAD 10 00003010 83193A41 0319000A 07412220 00010015 00f44160 140004F2 0003190A LAST SENSE AT: 060/86 15:00:48:39 o o 2 o FAILURE AT ADDRESS: CYLINDER 0087 HEAD 01 00003000 07570143 00590001 OCA64200 0100B3E6 00064380 LAST SENSE AT: 032/86 15:38:35:31 o 1 o IS FAILURE AT ADDRESS: CYLINDER 0095 HEAD 02 00001000 075F0243 005F0002 06B64200 00010000 00064340 LAST SENSE AT: 032/86· 15:39:44:36 o o o 8 FAILURE AT ADDRESS: CYLINDER 0105 HEAD 04 00003001 47690443 00690004 06AE4200 01000000 00054340 LAST SENSE AT: 032/86 15:47:13:08 o 1 o 16 FAILURE AT ADDRESS: CYLINDER 1648 HEAD 10 00001001 47706A43 0670000A 06AE4200 01000000 00054340 LAST SENSE AT: 032/86 15:47:13:08 o o o 6 <2> UNITADDRESS 0287 DEVTYPE 3380-JK <3> CPU A PHYSICAL ADDRESS 42.X-07 <4> <5> <6> ( RAS3C3 VOLUME HSMBOO ******************************************************************************** MODEL SERIAL NUMBER <7> CPU 8 NOTE NOTE NOTE ( Figure 6. 3081XA 021170 CYLINDER/HEADIBLOCK NUMBERS ARE DECIMAL VALUES UNITADDRESS IS THE LOGICAL ADDRESS OF THE DEVICE ? FOLLOWING THE PHYSICAL ADDRESS DENOTES MULTIPLE PHYSICAL UNITS HAD ERRORS NITH THIS VOLUME LABEL Sample of DASD Data Transfer Summary Report ( ( PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 PROG-11 Figure 6 on page PROG-11 shows: • Device 03 on string 22, has exceeded the temporary data check (OFFSET:i:: YES) threshold ten times (eight times on head 05 and two times on head 10): Cylinder 793 head 05 - Eight temporary data checks on this track caused the threshold to be exceeded. The track had 8 temporary errors. Cylinder 793 head 10- This track had two temporary data checks recorded while the device was in logging mode. • • Sense byte 4 bits 0 and 1 tell which path the error occurred on: Sense Byte 4· . Path Path Path Path Path OOxxxxxx 01xx xxxx 10xx xxxx 11xx xxxx 0 1 2 3 /.', \,.... j" Field Descriptions <1> SEQUENCE BY VOLUME, PHYSICAL ADDRESS, HEAD, AND CYLINDER. Entries are in sequence by volume, physical address, head, and cylinder. Device 07 on string 42, has exceeded the temporary data check (OFFSET = NO) threshold two times. <2> UNITADDRESS ... DEVTYPE ... VOLUME Cylinder 87 head 1 - One temporary data check on this track caused the threshold to be exceeded. The track had a total of 16 temporary errors. UNITADDRESS is the key word used by Device Support Facilities to identify the device. The device is the logical address of the volume reporting the error. Cylinder 95 head 2 - This track had eight temporary errors recorded while the device was in logging mode. DEVTYPE contains the device type: 3380 3380-DE Cylinder 105 head 4 - One temporary data check on this track caused the threshold to be exceeded. The track had a total of 17 temporary errors. Cylinder 1648 head 10 - This track had six temporary errors recorded while the device was in logging mode. • Sense byte 21 shows the Physical 10 of the Storage Control. • Sense byte 14 shows the Controller String 10 in format 4 and 5 sense. 3380-JK 3380-CJ VOLUME is the customer assigned volume label. <3> CPU ... PHYSICAL ADDRESS The CPU ·field identifies which processing "mit supplied records for this report. The PHYSICAL ADDRESS field identifies the device physical address. The physical address format is CC.P-DD, where: CC P DD PROG~12 for models A04, AA4, and B04 for models AD4, AE4, BD4, and BE4 for models AJ4, AK4, BJ4, and BK4 for model CJ2 = A one-byte Controller String 10 = Path = Device 10 PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 (;) Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 \ "'<", ./ . ( ( ( (-- <4> FAILURE AT ADDRESS The failure at address field defines the logical cylinder and head entries (in decimal numbers) for the recorded errors. The hexadecimal cylinder and head number can be determined from sense bytes 5 and 6 using the following diagram. Sense byte 5 ( 02 II cJJLr ( 03 02 Sense byte 6 31 I <8> REPORT PERIOD The REPORT PERIOD lines show the day and year the report was requested and the day and year of the earliest and latest records. < 9 > SENSE COUNTS See Figure 7 for an explanation of the sense count data: PERM TEMPORARY OFFSET INVK NO TEMPORARY OFFSET INVK YES THRESHOLD LOGGING Head 01 In this example, byte 5 contains 02 and byte 6 contains 31. The address is cylinder X"0302," head X "01." < 5 > Sense Records ( ( The last sense record is given for each cylinder and head address recorded for each volume reporting errors. Sense records are listed in sequence by head and cylinder: • • For a 3990 or 3380-CJ2 subsystem, 32 bytes of sense data are displayed: 24 bytes of sense data on this line and 8 bytes preceding the words" LAST SENSE AT" on the next line. • The format of the record (4) is in byte 7. • The symptom code is in sense bytes 22 and 23. ( ( ( ( For a 3880 subsystem, 24 bytes of sense . data are displayed on this line. <6> LAST SENSE AT The LAST SENSE AT field is the date and time of the last sense record received for the specified cylinder/head. <7> CPU ... MODEL ... SERIAL NUMBER The CPU, MODEL, SERIAL NUMBER field identifies the processing units that supplied records to this report. PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr98 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 PROG-13 DASD DATA TRANSFER SUMMARY PROBABLE FAILING UNIT - VOLUME REPORT DATE 034 87 PERIOD FROM 032 87 TO 034 87 ************************************************* U_ 'Ms =l~ to Hnd the """""" of . . SENSE COUNTS TEMPORARY OFFSET INVK THRESHOLD PERM NO YES LOGGING 1(1(1(1(1(1(1(11 If************************* ~~t ~ data checks that occurred in the report period. Use this colunn to find the number of times the temporary _ _ _- I data check threshold was exceeded in the report period. The error records associated with numbers in this column contain the volume ID and the device address of the device that exceeded the threshold. The track that caused the threshold to be exceeded is not necessarily the track with the highest error rate. Use this column to find the number of temporary data checks - - - - - - - ' recovered with offset. Use this column to find the number of temporary data checks that were logged. ---------1 -,,--j The THRESHOLD LOGGING field is a count of the temporary data checks for the specified head/cylinder. This count was recorded when the device was in logging mode. To determine the total number of data checks logged for a given device. add the values in the offset NO column to the values in the Threshold Logging column. Figure 7. Headings for DASD Data Transfer Summary Report Understanding Temporary Data Check Reporting Thresholds (3880) Use Figure 7 on page PROG-13 for reference. For 3880 storage controls, there is a temporary data check threshold counter for each device in each storage director. If the threshold is exceeded, the storage director goes into logging mode for data checks and logs the next 24 data checks that occur on the device. If the data checks are caused by the device or media (not the path), both storage directors will usually exceed threshold and report data checks. If the data check problem is path related, usually only one storage director will exceed threshold and data checks will be reported for multiple devices (depending on usage). Data checks recovered without offset have thresholds in the storage control. Occasional temporary data checks are expected and do not appear in the EREP reports unless the threshold is exceeded. When a threshold is exceeded, the RD column of the System Exception DASD report contains a count of the number of times the threshold was exceeded. See Figure 3 on page PROG-5. Thresholds (3990) For 3990 storage controls, there is a temporary data check threshold counter for each device, regardless of path. If the threshold is exceeded, the storage control goes into logging mode for data checks that occur on the device regardless of path. PROG-14 PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ( Data Check Reporting ( ( When a threshold is exceeded, and the storage director or storage control goes into logging mode, the first sense records logged will update the count in the DASD Data Transfer Summary report, OFFSET INVK - NO column. An additional 23 data checks are logged and the count in the THRESHOLD LOGGING column is updated for each one. At the completion of logging mode (24 data checks logged), a message is presented to the operator, a Format 0 sense record is logged, and a message is presented in the DASD Informational Messages report (symptom code 0002). Temporary Data Checks without Thresholds Temporary data checks with offset active and temporary data checks with symptom codes 4xCx do not have thresholds and are all logged and reported. Temporary data checks with offset active update the count in the OFFSET INVK - YES column and data checks with symptom codes 4xCx, update the count in the OFFSET INVK - NO column. (( (-- ( ( ( ( ( PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 C Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 PROG-15 DASD Symptom Code Summary This report provides information required for hardware servicing. Each sense record reported in the exception report is listed by PFU, symptom code, and physical ID. The symptom code is to be used with the 3380-JK service procedures in the START section of this manual. The report allows you to locate the failures noted in the DASD Subsystem Exception report and it allows you to note the symptom code and first sense record for each failure. Data checks (symptom codes 4XXX), which appear in the DASD Data Transfer Summary, also appear here, for use when hardware repair is required. Use Figure 8 on page PROG-17 with the field descriptions that follow. ',-- j /" PROG-16 PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 <6> REPORT DATE 034 86 PERIOD FROM 032 86 TO 032 86 <1> SEQUENCE BY PROBABLE FAILING UNIT <2> SYMPTOM CODE <3> PHYSICAL OCCURRENCES FAILURE ID PERM/TEMP AFFECT DATE AND TIME OF FIRST OCCURRENCE LAST OCCURRENCE SENSE FROM FIRST OCCURRENCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 PHYSICAL ERROR ADDRESS SSID-STRING PATHS CPU(S} DEVICE TYPE <4> ******************************************************************************* ( ( ( <1> PROBABLE PROBABLE SEQUENCE <2> OFOO * <3> <4> FAILING UNIT: C H A N N E L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FAILING UNIT: STORAGE CONTROL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BY SCUID, SYMPTOM CODE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05. 0 1 CHAN/SCU 032/86 01:02:47:49 032/86 01:02:47:49 3880 04000000 4SC42000 00000000 00000000 00000000 OOOSOFOO 05. 0005-X 12-0285 A PROBABLE FAILING UNIT: CONTROLLER--------------------------------SEQUENCE BY CTLID, SYMPTOM CODE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E2CO * 80.o-xx 1 0 SCU/CTLR 032/86 10:46:50:27 032/86 10:46:50:27 3380-JK 10008280 24000183 81100100 COOOOOOO 0804C868 0007E2CO 80.0-04 0004-1 07-0794 A PROBABLE FAILING UNIT: DEVICE----------------------------------------SEQUENCE BY CTLID, DEVID, SYMPTOM CODE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9302 * 40.X-00 8 0 DEV 032/86 01:14:14:01 032/86 01:14:18:42 3380-JK 10000040 001E3C96 89041E04 58020427 00005838 00049302 40.0-00 0004-0 07-0780 A 40.1-00 0007-0 17-0780 B PROBABLE FAILING UNIT: V O L U M E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEQUENCE 8Y CTLID, DEVID, SYMPTOM CODE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43AO * 42.X-02 0 2 DATAXFER 032/86 15:21:50:71 032/86 18:33:51:07 3380-JK 00003000 02360A43 0036000A 00034210 00000000 000643AO 42.0-02 0006-0 02-0282 A ( ( ( 4000 * 42.X-07 3380-JK 0 06 4300 * 42.X-07 3380-JK 0 17 DATAXFER 032/86 15:21:50:71 032/86 18:33:51:07 00003000 47690443 OOOBOOOA 06B64200 00010000 00054300 42.1-07 0005-0 12-0287 AB 4340 * 42.X-07 3380-JK 0 8 DATAXFER 032/86 15:21:50:71 032/86 18:33:51:07 00001000 07SF0243 OOOBOOOA 06864200 00000000 00064340 42.0-07 0006-0 02-0287 A 4380 !If 42.X-07 3380-JK 0 16 DATAXFER 032/86 15:21:50:71 032/86 18:33:51:07 00003000 07180B43 0018000B OCA64200 01000000 00064380 42.0-07 0006-0 02-0287 A DATAXFER 032786 15:21:50:71 032/86 18:33:51:07 00003000 47706a40 FF6DDED8 00FF4200 02000000 00054000 42.1-07 0005-0 12-0287 A ******************************************************************************* <5> CPU A B MODEL SERIAL NUMBER 3081XA 3081XA 021170 221170 NOTE: SYMPTOM CODES HITH AN ASTERISK ARE COUNTED AS ERRORS IN EXCEPTION REPORT NOTE: PHYSICAL ID OF N/A MEANS THERE HERE NO DASDID CARDS Figure 8. Sample of DASD Symptom Code Summary Report ( PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 PROG-17 Field Descriptions <1> SEQUENCE BY PROBABLE FAILING UNIT The DASD Symptom Code Summary is divided into seven separate sections by probable failing unit (PFU). The PFU assigned by EREP can be used to help define the failure boundary. The seven PFUs are: • • • • • • • Channel Storage control Controller Multiple devices Device Volume Unknown If there are no entries for a unit, nothing is printed in the report for that PFU. <2> SYMPTOM CODE ... PHYSICAL ID ... OCCURRENCES ... FAILURE AFFECT ... DATE AND TIME The SYMPTOM CODE field contains the symptom code from bytes 22 and 23 of the sense data. The sense data, collected and assembled by the storage control, documents the conditions that surround an error. For details of the individual sense bytes, see the SENSE section in the ECM, Volume R40. The asterisk (*) indicates that the record is not generated by logging mode. The PHYSICAL 10 is the physical address of the primary path to the failing unit. It is not necessarily the address of the failing path or the path that the error was reported on. To determine the physical 10 of the failing path, use the PHYSICAL ADDRESS column. The physical address format for the 3380 is CC.P-DD (3380-JK) and SS-CC-DD (device types prior to 3380-JK), where: SS CC P DD PROG-18 = Storage Control/Storage Director = A one byte Controller String 10 = Path = Device 10 The OCCURRENCES field contains a count of permanent (PERM) and temporary (TEMP) errors. The FAILURE AFFECT field defines the function or machine area affected by the failure. The following ten failure affects are used for the 3380-JK: = CHAN/SCU Channel/Storage Control Unit SCU = Storage Control Unit SCu/CTLR = Storage Control Unit/Controller (DOC Interface) = CTLR Controller CTLR/DEV = Controller/Device Interface MULTIPLE Failure common to more than = one device = Device = Servo mechanism or associated logic DATAXFR = Read/Write heads or associated logic UNK = Unknown DEV SEEK The DATE AND TIME field contains the date and time of the first and last occurrence of the symptom code. <3> DEVICE TYPE ... SENSE BYTES The DEVICE TYPE field is the machine type (device) affected by the failure: 3380 3380-DE 3380-JK 3380-CJ for models A04, AA4, and B04 for models AD4, AE4, BD4, and BE4 for models AJ4, AK4, BJ4, and BK4 for model CJ2 \-...- -,-/ The SENSE BYTES fields contain the first sense record received for the symptom code. The sense record contains 24 bytes for 3880 attachment and 32 bytes for 3990 attachment. <4> PHYSICAL ADDRESS ... SSID·STRING ... ERROR PATH ... CPU(S) The PHYSICAL ADDRESS field is the physical 10 of the unit affected by the failure. This field should be used to identify the physical failing unit(s). The physical address format is CC.P-DD, where: n '-'", /J PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 c ( ( (-' ( ( CC P DD = A one-byte Controller String 10 = Path = Device 10 The SSID-STRING identifies the Storage control and String address where: SSID STRING = Storage control physical 10 = Controller string address (0 or 1) The ERROR PATH field identifies the path returning the sense information and does not necessarily identify the failing unit. In 370 mode this will be a 4 digit address, in XA-mode it will be a 2-digit CHPID (Channel Path Identifier) and a 4-digit Device number. Use the PHYSICAL ADDRESS to identify the failing unit. The CPU(S) field defines the processing units which have EREP records for the device. <5> CPU, MODEL, SERIAL NUMBER The CPU, MODEL, SERIAL NUMBER field indicates all the processing units that supplied records to this report. <6> REPORT PERIOD The REPORT PERIOD lines show the day and the year the report was requested and the day and the year of the earliest and latest record. ( ( ( f ( ( « f ( PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp_ 19B7, 19BB PROG-19 ( '''L,/ c Event History Report The System Exception reports are normally all that is required to isolate a problem. If additional information is required, an Event History report (EVENT) may be run against the working data set. If this is done, have the customer use the following parameters: This report provides a one-line summary of each entry in the System Error Record Data Set (ERDS). Selection parameters can be used to select records by device type, date, and time. Refer to Environmental Recording, Editing, and Printing Program User's Guide and Reference, GC28-1378. EVENT=Y, HIST, ACC=N, TABSIZE=999K, DEV=(3380), CUA=(xxx-xxx) where xxx-xxx is the device address (CUA) range of the string. EVENT HISTORV (S/370XAI <2> TIME DATE <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> JOSNAME RECTVP CP CUA DNO SSVS ID REASON DEVT CHD CSW CRW CHP SCSW GAM3C2 GAM3C2 GAM3C2 GAM3C2 GAM3C2 OBRTMP OBRTMP OBRPRM OBRPRM OSRPRM ASVNCH ASVNCH ASVNCH OBRPRM OBRPRM OBRTMP OBRTMP 08RTMP OBRTMP MDRDAS 3380 03 ID OE40 3380 03 ID OE40 3380 03 ID OE40 3380 03 31 OEOO 3380 03 31 DEOO 3380-CJ RAS9E2 3380-CJ RAS9E2 3380-CJ RAS9E3 3580 13 31 O~OO 3380 13 31 0600 3380 03 ID OEOO 3380 03 10 OEOO 3380 03 31 0600 3380 03 31 0600 3380 13 ° <9> SPID PSW-MCH IPROG-EC SENSE 04 06 REPORT DATE PERIOD FROM <14> TO SNID <10> RCVRVXIT COMP/MOD CSECTID ERROR-ID· 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 VOLUME SEEK ESW 338 87 338 87 338 87 <12> <13> SO CT 338 87 II 33 52 II 33 52 11 33 52 II 33 55 II 33 57 II 37 10 II 37 13 II 37 14 13 12 12 13 12 12 13 12 13 13 12 13 13 12 13 13 12 37 13 13 23 43 60 99 09 53 76 49 77 25 36 21 24 64 46 16 Figure 9. N/A N/A N/A GAM321 GAM321 GAM320 GAM320 GAM321 GAM321 N/A oA -B 0A -S 08 oS oS "S 0A "8 "8 -S oA 08 08 03C2 03C2 03C2 03C2 03C2 09E2 09E2 09E3 0321 0321 0320 0320 0321 0321 0320 10000063 02030190 0120lE04 10000063 02030190 0120lE04 10000063 02030290 01201E04 10000063 02000190 01201E04 10000063 02000190 0120lE04 00 I 0 1 000 00008FEO 2380001F 00101000 00008FEO 2380000F 00901000 00008FEO 430000lF 10000063 41030890 81Z0lE04 1000006341193890 8120lE04 10008263 00193D83 81100130 10008263 0003008381100130 10000063 01193890812011004 10000063 010S0190 S1201E04 00001063 40007969 0000E4E8 08500507 08500407 08500407 08100007 08100007 FF000804 FF000604 FF000404 49800817 49800817 00000000 00000000 A8020407 A8020407 00000000 0000004B 0000004B 00000048 00000049 00000049 23013AEO 23013AEO 23013AEO 00004818 00004818 OF04CA08 OF04CA08 00008F18 00008FIS 04370000 00F49350 00F49350 00F49350 00F49310 00F49310 00332S0 1 00332620 00EE2COI 00799349 00799249 0078E130 0078E130 00789302 00789302 00790000 040DOCEO 040DOCEO 040DOCEO 040DOCEO 040DOCEO 05100201 05100200 05100201 RAS321 RAS321 RAS3Z0 RAS320 RAS321 RAS321 RAS320 00000301 00000301 00000302 00000001 00000001 F I 003300 FI003300 FIOOEEOO 3 8 793 8 793 13 3 13 793 8 5 I 63.0 63.0 63.0 63.0 63.0 63.1 63.1 63.0 63.0 63.0 63.0 63.1 Sample Event History Report Comments about the sample Event History Report: Field Descriptions • The first five lines could be produced by 3380-JK devices attached to a 3380-CJ2 or a 3990 storage control. • The next three lines were produced by 3380-CJ2 storage control errors. • The next six lines were produced by 3380-JK devices attached to a 3880 storage control. • The last line shows one MDRDAS record type for a 3380-JK device attached to a 3880 storage control (the remaining MDRDAS records are not shown). <1> TIME The Event History report lists each of the logged errors ordered by time (hour, minute, second, hundredths of a second) provided by the error recovery procedure (ERP) of its associated operating system. This time is usually not the time of error, but (in most cases) the time of recording. If any of the attached operating systems have incorrect time-or-day clocks, relationships may not be initially understandable until this difference is taken into account. <2> JOBNAME The JOBNAME field indicates the job name being processed at the time of the failure. <3> RECTYP The record type (RECTYP) field indicates whether the outboard recorder (OBR) record: PROG-20 PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 19S5 . c ( ( OBRPRM A permanent error. OBRTMP A temporary error. The system error recovery procedures permitted a successful recovery from the error. ASYNCH Asynchronous data records contain the 32-byte service information message (SIM) generated by the storage control. ( (- MDRDAS Miscellaneous data records: the statistical data (number of seeks and number of bytes read) for the device reported by the storage director to the system. <4> CP The CP field indicates the system (CPU) where the error was logged. ( (- The SENSE field contains the sense data collected for an OBR or MDR record. The high-order hex character in byte 7 indicates the format for 3380 OBR and MDR records. See the SENSE section in the ECM, Volume R40 to identify the individual bits. MDR records do not have their first eight bytes (0 through 7) printed. Note: 24 sense bytes are reported when attached to a 3880 storage control. 32 sense bytes are reported when attached to a 3990 storage control. <10> VOLUME When the 3380-JK is attached to a 3880 storage control, the VOLUME field contains the volume identifier (VOLlD) of the volume. When the 3380-JK is attached to a 3990 storage control, • For Format 4 errors and record type "MDRDAS," the VOLUME field contains the volume identifier (VOLlD). • For other than Format 4 errors and record type "MDRDAS," the VOLUME field contains sense bytes 24 through 27. <5> CUA The control unit address (CUA) field contains the primary channel and unit address (PCUA) used by the operating system to select the device. This CUA may not be the CUA used to select this device at the time of failure. For the 3380, the unit's position is the physical 10 of the device. <6> DEVT The DEVT field indicates the type of device that this record was generated for. Device models are not identified. c <9> SENSE <11> SEEK When the 3380-JK is attached to a 3880 storage control, the SEEK field contains the cylinder and head address for record types "OBRPRM" and "OBRTMP." When the 3380-JK is attached to a 3990 storage control, <7> CMD The command (CMD) field contains the command that was being executed when the error occurred. • For Format 4 errors, the SEEK field contains the cylinder and head address for record types "OBRPRM" and "OBRTMP." • For other than Format 4 errors, the SEEK field contains sense bytes 28 through 31 for record types "OBRPRM" and "OBRTMP," <8> CSW ( The channel status word (CSW) field indicates the CSW that existed when the error occurred. (' PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 PROG-21 <12> SD For 3380-JK devices, the SO field contains the physical identifier of the string and the storage path that the string is connected to (CC.P). For previous models of the 3380, the SO field contains the storage director physical identifier. Note: This field is not used for storage control ASYNCH data records. <14> SNID The SNIO (sense path group 10) indicates the 10 that was sent back from the storage director in reply to a Sense Path Group 10 command. CPU address CPU ID number CPU model number (, ~/ <13> CT Not used for 3380-JK devices. \~ .... --/ (~ . /f ", ~/ PROG-22 PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 19BB r)', \rlj ( c EC History of Program Section ( ( EC HISTORY OF P/N 4519907 EC Number Date Of EC EC Number 14Nov86 475245 475246 21Ju187 475247 llSep87 475248 Date Of EC 25Apr88 Notes: f~ ((-' ( (' (- PIN 4519907 23 Sides EC 475248 25Apr88 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 19B7, 19BB PROG-23 '~_-/ (11'- \,4./ ( by its position. All bit positions should be considered when tflere is a combination of bits. Symptom Code to FRU Charts ( The charts on the following pages indicate the FRUs that can cause a specific symptom code (SC) to be presented. ( The FRUs are listed in the order of probability that could cause the symptom code. The FRU lists in this section are for reference only. DO NOT use these lists to make the final determination on which FRUs to replace. ( { ' j c c (' ( ( ( Use the MD Main Menu menu Option 3. The MD uses additional information supplied by you and normally provides better FRU isolation than these lists. See "Analyze Symptom Code (Main Menu Option 3)" on page MD-42. Most of the symptom codes are described in detail in the ECD section of the ECM, Volume R40. Tables on the SC-FRU pages include page references to the ECD section. If an ECD page reference is not listed for the symptom code you're interested in, see page HELP-1 in the HELP section of the MSM, Volume R60. How to Use the SC-FRU Charts 3. Find the FRUs Look across the chart to find the FRUs that are associated with the controller and/or device that is failing. Again, the MD should be used for FRU isolation if at all possible. In the SC-FRU charts, primary FRUs are in bold; secondary FRUs are in italics. Note: Sometimes a defective FRU m a control/er can cause a symptom code associated witfl a device. In this case, primary FRUs listed for the device should be suspected as the cause of the symptom code. Secondary FRUs listed for the device or controller can also cause the symptom code. 4. Determine the probability The FRUs are listed in the order of their probability of causing the symptom code. See the following example: 1. Find the major symptom code group The major symptom code group is listed at the top of each chart. The major symptom code groups are in numerical (hexadecimal) sequence. 2. Find the value for X, XX, or XXX in the chart. The value for X, XX, or XXX within any major symptom code group is given in the first column ot the chart. This value is shown in two different forms: • • c:\ If the XXX or bit column contains an asterisk (*) the MD will definitely provide better isolation than the SC FRU charts. = Actual value X, XX, or XXX, equals the actual value of the low-order part of the symptom code. Bit = X, XX, or XXX, is expressed in binary form where each bit is represented PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1997, 1988 Controller A2 Al (A4) (A3l AIQ2,AIN2 AIH2.AlJ2 AIV2,A1U2 AIC2,A1D2 If the failing controller is A 1 or A3, the order of probability (highest to lowest) is as follows: 1. 2. A1Q2 and A1N2 are primary FRUs: A1Q2 A1N2 3. A 1V2 and A 1U2 are secondary FRUs: A1V2 4. A1U2 SC-FRU-1 SC=4XYY (4X= Format 4 Byte 07, YY= Format 4 B)~e 23) "~'~,, '",,-,J Data Chec~s (SC = 40VV through 47VVl Description Byte 22) 4X (Sense HA Area; Data Check 40* Count Areai Data Check 41* Key Area; Data Check 42* Data Area; Data Check 43* 44** - HA Area; No Sync Byte Found Count Area; No Sync Byte Found 45** 46** - Key Area; No Sync Byte Found 47** - Data Area; No Sync Byte Found 48 through 4F - not used 4XYY YY (Sense Byte 23) Bits 0, 1 00 Recovered withoutECC 01 - Correctable with first level ECC 10 - Correctable w/second level ECC 11 - Permanent, not correctable Offset Active Bit 2 Bit 3 - Always 0 Bit 4 - Device undervoltage Controller undervoltage Bit 5 Offset recovery bypassed Bit 6 Track following lost Bit 7 Notes: * For details about SC 40XX through 43XX, see page ECD-185 in the £CM, Volume R40. ** For details about SC 44XX through 47XX, see page ECD-183 in the £CM, Volume R40. --- VV Bits 0123 4567 Description Controller Al A2 (A3) (A41 xxIx OOxx Offset active * - -- Front Devices Rear Devices Right Right Left Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F BID2,BIE2 BIK2,BIJ2 BIN2,BIP2 BIU2,BlT2 COB2 CIB2 C2B2 C3B2 See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry EB BID2,BIF2 BIK2,BIH2 BIN2,BIQ2 BIU2,BIS2 xxxx lxxx Device undervoltage xxxx xlxx Controller undervoltage See MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry P before replacing FRUs. AIQ2,AIR2 AIH2,AIG2 See MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry 0 before replacing FRUs. BID2,BIE2 BIK2,BIJ2 BIN2,BIP2 BIU2,BlT2 COB2 CIB2 C2B2 C3B2 xxxx OOxl loss of track * following See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry EB xxOx OOxO All other * data check conditions AIQ2,AIN2 AIH2,AIJ2 COB2,BIF2 CIB2,BIH2 C2B2,BIQ2 C3B2,BIS2 8IG2,C182 8IG2,C082 8IR2,C382 8IR2,C282 81D2,81£2 B1K2,81J2 81N2,81P2 BW2,8H2 See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry EB * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. Figure 1. SC=4XVV (4X = Format 4 Byte 07, VV PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright AIV2 EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 AIC2 == Format 4 Byte 23) SC-FRU-2 ,/ " (' (',' (j SC=90XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 10) Device Power status (SC = 90XXl Description Bit Front Devices Rear Devices Right Left Right Left O,4,8,C 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F 1,5,9,D 2 No air flow B1E2.B1G2 B1J2,B1G2 B1P2,B1R2 B1T2,B1R2 BIJ2 BIE2 BH2 BIP2 * (ECD-13) See MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry EI * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 9020, see page ECD-13 in the ECM, Volume R40. ( Figure 2. Controller A1 A2 (A3l (A4l SC=90XX (XX = Format 1 Byte 10) {,' SC=91XX (XX= Format 1 or 9 Byte 11) c' Device Check-2 status (SC c~ c { Bit Description 0 2 Device Sequencer check (ECD-lft) RPS check 4 (ECD-16) HDA Cable Swap check * Controller A1 A2 (A3l (A4l No No 6 (ECD-18) Read/Write check (ECD-365) Power Card check No 7 (ECD-19) Funnel Parity check ' / = 91XXl 5 (ECD-20) No * A more detailed analysis can NOTE: For details about symptom Figure 3. SC=91XX (XX= Format 1 or 9 Byte 11) PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright Front Devices Rear Devices Right Right Left Left 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F O,4,8,C B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 B1T2,BIU2 BIF2,BIG2 BIH2,BIG2 BIQ2,BIR2 BIS2,BIR2 further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. B1D2,B1E2 B1K2,B1J2 B1N2,B1P2 B1U2,B1T2 B1F2,COB2 B1H2,CIB2 B1Q2,C2B2 B1S2,C3B2 BIG2,C4PI BIG2,C4P2 BIR2,C4P3 BIR2,C4P4 See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ B1E2,BIF2 BIJ2,B1H2 B1P2,B1Q2 B1T2,B1S2 BIG2 B1G2 B1R2 B1R2 further action - go to RMAP 340'on page REPAIR-13. B1Q2 B1F2 BIH2 B1S2 Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry See MIM EA BIJ2,BIH2 B1P2,B1Q2 B1T2,BlS2 BIE2,BIF2 B1G2 B1G2 B1R2 BIR2 further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIF2,B1E2 BIH2,BIJ2 BIQ2,BIP2 B1S2,B1T2 BIG2 BIR2 BIG2 BIR2 further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. code 9lXX, see page fCD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R40. EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 19B8 SC-FRU-3 SC=92XX (XX= Format 9 Byte 12) Read/Write status 1 (SC Bits 0123 4567 = 92XXl Description Controller Front Devices Rear Devices Right Right Al A2 Left Left (A3) (A4) 2,6,A,E 0,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 3,7,B,F OIXI XXXI Write Mode AIN2.AIQ2 AIJ2.AIH2 COB2,BIF2 CIB2.BIH2 C2B2,B1Q2 C3B2.B1S2 Verify error B1E2.BID2 B1J2,BIK2 BIP2,B1N2 B1T2.BIU2 * (ECO-367) See ",IM Volume RIO, page MAP-I. Entry EA (ECO-375) COB2,CI82 C1B2,C082 C2B2,C382 C3B2.C2B2 llXX XXXI Read Data AIQ2 AIH2 B1Q2 Cable error 8IF2 B1H2 81S2 (ECO-375) (ECD-367) (ECO-367) See ",1", Volume RIO. page MAP-I, Entry EC XXXX XXXX Read/Write BIF2,COB2 BIH2,CIB2 BIQ2,C2B2 B1S2,C3B2 Channel check (ECO-376) See ",1", Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry ED * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 92XX, see page (ECO-376) in the EC"', Volume R40. Figure 4. SC=92XX (XX= Format 9 Byte 12) SC=93XX (XX= Format 9 Byte 13) Read/Write status 2 (SC = 93XXl Bit Description 0 False Read/Write check (ECO-365) Padding check Controller A1 A2 (A3) (A4) See Rear Devices Front Devices Right Left Right Left 0,4,8,C 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F 1,5,9,D BIH2 BIQ2 BIF2 B1S2 Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry ED I BIF2,B1E2 BIH2,8IJ2 B1Q2,8IP2 B1S2,B1T2 B1U2 . 8IN2 8102 BIK2 (ECO-378) See ",1", Volume RIO, page MAP-l, Entry EA 2 Read/Write Sequence A1U2,A1T2 A102,AIE2 B1F2 BIQ2 BIH2 B1S2 check (ECO-380) See ",IM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry ED 3 Index/Cell check B1F2,B1E2 B1H2,B1J2 BIQ2,B1P2 B1S2,B1T2 8102 8IK2 BIN2 B1U2 (ECO-382) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-l, Entry EA * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 93XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM , Volume R40. ",1", * Figure 5 (Part 1 of 2). PIN 4519909 50 Sides SC=93XX (XX= Format 9 Byte 13) EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 19B7, 19BB SC-FRU-4 ( Read/Write status 2 (SC Bit f f-:: ( 4 5 6 7 = 93XXl Description Controller Al A2 (A4) (A31 Servo Cable check (ECD-383) Write Overrun check (ECD-381t) Read/Write Servo check (ECD-385) Head Address Register parity (ECD-387) check See MIM See MIM See MIM See MIM Front Devices Rear Devices Right Left Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D BID2.BIF2 BIK2.BIH2 BIN2.BIQ2 BIU2.B1S2 BIE2.8IK2 B1J2.81D2 B1P2,81U2 BIT2,8IN2 8IH2.8IJ2 8IF2,8IE2 BIS2,B1T2 8IQ2.BIP2 Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DF BIF2 BIH2 BIQ2 BlS2 Volume R1O, page MAP-I. Entry EA BIE2,B1D2 BIJ2.BIK2 B1P2.BIN2 B1T2.BIU2 C4Pl.81F2 C4P2,BIH2 C4P3,81Q2 C4P4.8IS2 Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN B1Q2 BIF2 BIH2 BlS2 Volume RIO, page MAP-I. Entry ED NOTE: For details about symptom code 93XX. see page ECD-nnn in the Figure 5 (Part 2 of 2). ECM~ Volume Rita. SC=93XX (XX= Format 9 Byte 13) SC=94XX (XX= Format 9 Byte 14) Read/Write status 3 (SC Bit Description 0 Check Inhibit check (ECD-388) Read/Write Channel Status parity check (ECD-389) Read Transmit/Select Alternate check (ECD-390) Read/Write Control Cable check (ECD-391J I ( ( (: 2 3 Controller Al A2 (A4) (A31 See MIM See MIM See MIM See MIM Rear Devices Front Devices Right Right Left Left 3,7,B,F O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E BlF?,COB2 B1H2,C1B2 BlQ2.C2B2 BlS2,C3B2 Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry EA COB2.BIF2 CIB2,BIH2 C2B2.BlQ2 C3B2,B1S2 Volume RIO. page MAP-I. Entry EA B1Q2 B1S2 B1F2 B1H2 Volume RIO. page MAP-I. Entry EA B1F2.COB2 B1H2.C1B2 B1Q2.C2B2 B1S2.C3B2 Volume RIO. page MAP-I, Entry EA NOTE: For details about symptom code 93XX. see page ECD-nnn in the Figure 6. c = 94XX) ECM~ Volume Rita. SC=94XX (XX= Format 9 Byte 14) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 SC-FRU-5 c c SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) Checkpoint Log: Checks 10 through 3A CSC xx= Description 10 Index failure during Idle 13 Cell Pulse failure during Idle 15 DCP Servo Wri te Inhibit detected inactive during Rezero 16 17 18 lA 2F 31 34 * 39 3A = 9510 through 953A) Front Devices Rear Devices Right Right Left Left 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E O,4,8,C 3,7,B,F B1D2,B1E2 B1K2,BIJ2 BIN2,B1P2 BIU2,B1T2 C082, CftPI CI82,Clt-P2 C282,Cft.P3 C382,CftPt,. (ECO-2I) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ B1D2,B1E2 BIK2,B1J2 BIN2,BIP2 BIU2,B1T2 C082,Cft.PI CI82,Cft.P2 C282,C4P3 C382,Cft.Pft. (ECO-22) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ BIE2,B1D2 B1J2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,B1U2 Cft.PI C4P2 Cft.P3 Cft.PIt(ECO-23) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN DCP Servo Write Inhibit or Write Inhibit BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 found active at end of Rezero C4PI,8IF2 Cft.P2,8IH2 Clt-P3,8IQ2 Cft.P4,8IS2 (ECO-24) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BIU2 Write Inhibit active during a Load HAR command Cft.PI Cft.P2 Cft.P3 Cft.Pft. MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN Half Track active at end of Rezero BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BIU2 C4PI C4P2 C4P3 C4P4 (ECO-25) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN DCP found busy with Not Write Inhibit BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,B1U2 Cft.PI,8IF2 Cft.P2,8IH2 Ct,.P3,8IQ2 C4Pt,.,8IS2 (ECO-26) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN Motor turning without the relay BIG2,BIE2 BIG2,BIJ2 BIR2,BIP2 B1R2,B1T2 picked during power-on reset (POR) BIJ2 B1E2 B1T2 BIP2 (ECO-28) MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry AO B1E2,BID2 B1J2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,B1U2 Actuator moved too far during Safe C4PI C4P2 Cft.P3 C4P4 (ECO-29) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN Either a DCP detected error or a BID2,BIE2 B1K2,BIJ2 B1N2,BIP2 BIU2,B1T2 Check-2 Reset command C082 CI82 C282 C382 (ECO-30) MI", Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ DCP in an error state or wrong command BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 issued during Safe No further action -(ECO-31) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Drive motor slowing down BIG2,B1E2 B1G2,B1J2 B1R2,BIP2 BIR2,B1T2 BIJ2 B1E2 B1T2 B1P2 (ECO-32) MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry AD * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R40. Figure 7 (Part 1 of 13). SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 1999 SC-FRU-6 c (- c (:' c c ( ( Checkpoint Log: Checks 3B through 4F (SC = 953B through 954F) XX= Description Front Devices Rear Devices Right Right Left Left 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B~F O~4~8~C 3B The DCP either did not take or complete BIE2,B1D2 BIJ2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 BIT2,B1U2 the Safe command No further action -(£CO-34) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. B1G2,B1E2 B1G2,BIJ2 B1R2,BIP2 BIR2,BIT2 3F Motor relay is stuck active during a power-on reset (POR) or a power off BIJ2 B1E2 B1T2 BIP2 (£CO-35) MIM Volume RIO, pa e PWR-I, Entry AO 41 DCP Track Follow bit active when not BIE2,B1D2 BIJ2,B1K2 BIP2,B1N2 BIT2,B1U2 expected during Rezero C4P4 C4Pl C4P2 C4P3 (£CO-36) MIM Volume R1O, page MAP-I, Entry DN 44 DCP error during Rezero B1E2,BID2 B1J2,BIK2 B1P2,BIN2 B1T2,B1U2 1( C4Pl,81F2 C4P2,81H2 C4P3,81Q2 C4P4,81S2 (£CO-37) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 45 DCP Servo Check 2 bit active during B1E2,BID2 B1J2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 Rezero C4Pl,81F2 C4P2,81H2 C4P3,81Q2 C4P4,81S2 (£CO-38) MIM Volume R1O, page MAP-I, Entry DN 46 DCP Busy found inactive during Rezero BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,B1U2 C4Pl,81F2 C4P2,81H2 C4P3,81Q2 C4P4,81S2 (£CO-39) MIM Volume R1O, page MAP-I, Entry DN 47 Servo Check 2 active prior to issuing BIE2,B1D2 BIJ2,BIK2 B1P2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 C't.p 1,8 IF2 C4P2,81H2 C4P3,81Q2 C4P4,81S2 Rezero command (£CO-40) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 48 AGC lost during Rezero BID2,BIE2 BIK2,BIJ2 BIN2,BIP2 BIU2,BIT2 C082 C182 C3B2 C282 (£CO-41) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entt;y DJ 49 Track following not found at end of BIE2,BID2 B1J2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 Rezero C4PI,BIF2 C't.p2,BIH2 C4P3,81Q2 C4P4,8IS2 (£CO-42) HIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 4C Rezero failed to start after DCP command BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 B1P2,BIN2 B1T2,B1U2 issued C4PI,8IF2 C4P2,BIH2 C4P3,8IQ2 C4P4,BIS2 (£CO-43) HIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 4D DCP Half Track not active when expected B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2,BIN2 B1T2,B1U2 during Rezero C4PI,8IF2 C4P2,8IH2 C4P3,8IQ2 C4P4,BIS2 (£CO-H) HIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 4F DCP Busy active detected before Rezero BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BlU2 command No further action -(£CO-45) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 1( A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX, see page ECD-nnn in the £CM, Volume R40. Figure 7 (Part 2 of 13). SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ( c © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-7 Checkpoint Log: Checks 50 through 5C (SC = 9550 through 955C) Front Devices Rear Devices Right Right Left Left l,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F O,4,8,C 50 Seek routine took too long BIE2~BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 BlT2,BIU2 C4Pl C4P2 C4P3 C4P4 (ECO-46) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BlT2,BIU2 52 Guard band detected during Seek C4P2 C4P3 C4P4 C4Pl (ECO-46) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN BIE2,BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 53 DCP Busy not active at beginning of C4P3 C4P4 C4Pl C4P2 Seek command (ECO-47) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN BIE2,BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BlT2.BlU2 54 DCP Error bit detected active during C4P2 C4P3 C4P4 C4Pl * Seek (ECO-48) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I. Entry DN 55 DCP detected failure during Seek BIE2.BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 C4P3 C4P4 C4Pl C4P2 (ECO-49) MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I, Entry DN 56 Invalid DCP command for Seek operation BIE2.BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2.BIU2 C4P4 C4Pl C4P2 C4P3 (ECO-50) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BlI(2 BIP2,BIN2 BlT2,BIU2 57 AGC signal inactive during Seek C4Pl C4P2 C4P3 C4Pft. (ECO-51) MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I. Entry DN 58 Not track following after fourth BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 settling delay during Seek C4P4 C4Pl C4P2 C4P3 (ECO-52) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 59 DCP Track Follow and Offset not active BIE2.BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BlT2,BIU2 at beginning of Seek No further action -(ECO-53) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. SA DCP Busy before or after Seek BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BlT2,BIU2 No further action -(ECO-54) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 5B DCP fails to accept Seek command or BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 DCP Hang condition detected No further action -(ECO-55) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. 5C DCP Busy bit goes inactive during Seek BIE2.BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BlT2.BIU2 No further action -(ECO-56) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R40. XX= Description Figure 7 (Part 3 of 13). SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-8 c ( \I , ~~ ,/" c \ ( (' ( XX= SD {' ( c (~ ( " --j ( c( Checkpoint Log: Checks 5D through 6A (SC = 955D through 956Al Description Front Devices Rear Devices Right Left Right Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F DCP Half Track bit in wrong state during BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 CftPI CftP2 CftP3 CftPft MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, ENTER DN Seek (ECD-57) SE DCP Track Following bit active too soon BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 during Seek CftPI CftP2 CftP3 Cit-Pit(ECD-58) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, ENTER DN SF Write Inhibit or DCP Servo Write Inhibit BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 in wrong state BIF2,C4PI BIH2,Clt-P2 BIQ2,Clt-P3 8IS2,C4P4 (ECD-59) MIM Volume RlO, page MAP-I, ENTER DN BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 60 DCP'Offset bit in wrong state during Offset C4PI C4P2 Clt-P3 C4P4 (ECD-60) MIM Volume RlO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 62 Invalid command in DCP command register BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 for Offset C4PI Clt-P3 Cit-PitC4P2 (ECD-6I) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 63' DCP Busy bit active before issuing BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 Offset No further action -(ECD-61) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 64 DCP Error active during Offset routine CftPI CftP2 C4P3 Cit-Pit(ECD-62) MIM Volume RlO, page MAP-I, Entry DN BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 65 DCP detected failure during Offset C4Pl Clt-P2 Clt-P3 C4P4 (ECD-63) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 66 DCP fails to accept Offset command or DCP Hang condition detected No further action -(ECD-64) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 67 DCP Busy bit not active at beginning of BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 Offset command No further action -(ECD-65) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 68 AGC signal inactive during Offset BID2,BIE2 BIK2,BIJ2 BIN2,BIP2 BIU2,B1T2 C282 C382 C082 CI82 (ECD-66) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 6A DCP Track Following bit in wrong state during Offset C4PI Clt-P3 C4PItClt-P2 (ECD-67) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume RitO * * Figure 7 (Part 4 of 13). SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 19S8 SC-FRU-9 Checkpoint Log: Checks 6B through 7A (SC XX= = 956B through 957Al Description Front Devices Rear Devices Left Right Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F O,"t,8,C 1,5,9.D 6B Offset routine took too long BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 CitPI CltP2 CltP3 CitPit a:C0-68J MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 6C Write Inhibit signal or DCP Servo Write BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 Inhibit bit in wrong state CitPI CltP2 CltP3 C4PIt (£CO-69) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 6D DCP Track Follow and Offset inactive at BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BIU2 beginning of Offset CitPI CltP2 CltP3 CitPit (£CO-70) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 6E Write Inhibit signal or DCP Servo Write BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BIU2 Inhibit active at the end of Zero Offset C4PI CltP2 C4PIt C4P3 (£CO-71 ) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 6F DCP Busy bit active at end of Offset CitPI CltP2 C4P3 CitPit (£CO-72) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 74 DCP Error bit detected active during BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 * search No further action -(£CO-73) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 75 DCP Check 2 bit detected active during search No further action -(£CO-71t) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 76 DCP Busy bit active before issuing BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 Search command No further action -(£CO-75) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 77 Record Ready Interrupt is active too BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 long during Search No further action -(£CO-76) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 78 AGC signal detected inactive during BID2,BIE2 BIK2,BIJ2 BIN2,BIP2 BIU2,B1T2 C082,C4PI CI82,CltP2 C282,CltP3 C382,CltPit Search (£CO-77) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ 79 RPS Failed To Lock detected during BID2,BIE2 BIK2,BIJ2 BIN2,BIP2 BIU2,BIT2 C082,CltPI CI82,CltP2 C282,C4P3 C382,C4P4 Search (£CO-78) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ 7A RPS check active during Search BID2,B1E2 BIK2,BIJ2 BIN2,BIP2 BIU2,B1T2 C082,ClfPI CI82,C4P2 C282,C4P3 C382,C4P4 (£CO-79) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX, see page ECD-nnn in the £CM, Volume R40. Figure 7 (Part 5 of 13). SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) 1'\ i,.t.J PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 OtAug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 19S7, 19S5 SC-FRU-10 ( Checkpoint Log: Checks 7B through 88 (5C xx= ( (" (j ( = 957B through 9588) Description Front Devices Rear Devices Right Right Left Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D BID2,BIE2 B1K2,BIJ2 B1N2,BIP2 B1U2,B112 7B Index/Record Ready Interrupt check during Search COB2,C4Pl CIB2,C4P2 C2B2,C4P3 C3B2,C4P4 (ECO-80) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I. Entry DJ 7C Time between Record Ready interrupts too B1D2,B1E2 B1K2,B1J2 B1N2,B1P2 B1U2,B1T2 short during search COB2,C4Pl CIB2,C4P2 C2B2,CftP3 C382,CftPft (ECO-81) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ 7D Time between Record Ready interrupts too B1D2,B1E2 B1K2,B1J2 B1N2,B1P2 B1U2,B1T2 long during search C082,CftPl C182,CftP2 C282,CftP3 C382,CftPft I--(ECO-82) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ B1E2,B1D2 BIJ2,B1K2 B1P2.B1N2 B112.B1U2 7F Servo Check 2 active before issuing Search command No further action -(ECO-83) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. B1E2,B1D2 B1J2.B1K2 B1P2.B1N2 B112,B1U2 80 Received a command that does not match the HDA model * MIM Volume R10. page MAP-I. Entry DP (ECO-8ft) MIM Volume R1O. page MAP-I. Entry DI B1F2.B1E2 B1H2,B1J2 B1Q2,B1P2 B152,B112 82 Read/Write mode active during Safe B1R2, B1G2 BIG2 B1R2 No further action -(ECO-8S) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. B1E2.B1D2 BIJ2,B1K2 B1P2.B1N2 B112,B1U2 83 Invalid Warm-Up command B1Q2 B1F2 B1H2 B152 No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 84 Either an invalid command or parameter B1E2.B1F2 B1J2.B1H2 B1P2,B1Q2 B112,B152 was received 81K2 BIN2 81U2 8102 No further action -(ECO-86) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. B1E2,B1D2 B1J2.B1K2 B1P2.B1N2 B112,B1U2 85 Received a command that does not match * the HDA Model (ECO-87) MIM Volume R1O, page MAP-I, Entry DI 86 Lost track following during B1E2.B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2.B1N2 B1T2,BlU2 Data Check Recovery CftP4 CftP1 CftP2 CftP3 (ECO-88) MIM Volume R1O. page MAP 1, Entry DN 87 Check Reset command fails to reset Busy B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 B112,B1U2 B1Q2 B1H2 B152 B1F2 No further action -(ECO-89) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. 88 Invalid or illegal command received with BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 B112,B1U2 Device Busy B1F2,81G2 B1H2,81G2 B1Q2,81R2 B152.81R2 No further action -(ECO-89) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R40. Figure 7 (Part 6 of 13). SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 SC-FRU-11 Checkpoint Log: Checks 8A through A6 (SC xx= 8A Description DCP Sample Interrupt out of specification during Idle = 958A through 95A61 Rear Devices Right Left 3,7,B,F 2,6~A,E O~4~8~C 1~5~9~D B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 B1T2,B1U2 Front Devices Right Left No further action -(ECO-90) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 8B DCP Sample Interrupt signal not changing B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 B1T2,B1U2 changing states during Idle No further action -(ECO-91) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-U. B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 B1T2,B1U2 8D Sequencer failed to receive required B1H2 B1Q2 B1S2 data from the controller-device port B1F2 (CDP) No further action -(ECO-92J go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 B1T2,B1U2 8E Received a command that does not match 3( the HDA model (ECO-93) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DI 8F Both guard bands detected; actuator B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 BlT2,BlU2 seems to oscillate C4Pl CftP2 C4P3 CftPft (ECO-94) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN B1E2,B1F2 B1J2,B1H2 B1P2,B1Q2 B1T2,B1S2 92 Command gate stuck active 81U2 8102 81K2 81N2 r-No further action -(ECO-95) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. B1E2,B1G2 B1J2,B1G2 B1P2,B1R2 BlT2,B1R2 Al No air pressure detected during Motor 81Q2 Start 81F2 81H2 81S2 (ECO-96J MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry I A2 Motor relay not active during Power On B1G2,B1E2 B1G2,B1J2 B1R2,B1P2 B1R2,BlT2 B1J2 B1E2 B1T2 B1P2 (ECO-97) MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry AD A3 No air pressure detected during Power On B1E2,B1G2 B1J2,B1G2 B1P2,B1R2 B1T2,B1R2 B1F2 B1Q2 81S2 81H2 (ECO-98) MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry I A4 Motor switch off after motor started B1G2,B1E2 B1G2,B1J2 B1R2,B1P2 B1R2,B1T2 3( during Power On B1J2 B1E2 BlT2 B1P2 (ECO-99) MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry AC B1G2,B1E2 B1G2,B1J2 B1R2,B1P2 B1R2,B1T2 A5 Drive Motor switch momentarily off 3( during Search / Idle B1J2 B1E2 BlT2 B1P2 (ECO-lOO) MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry AC A6 Motor relay active at beginning of B1G2,B1E2 B1G2,B1J2 B1R2,B1P2 B1R2,B1T2 Motor Start B1P2 B1J2 B1E2 BlT2 (ECO-101) MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry AO 3( A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM~ Volume RftO. Figure 7 (Part 7 of 13). SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-12 (' I~ "<.... ( Checkpoint Log: Checks A7 through B4 (SC : 95A7 through 95B4) xx: Description ( A7 DCP detected error in Motor Start Decompress (ECD-IOZ) A8 AGC not active with motor turning at more than 3150 RPM (ECD-I03) A9 DCP detected error or timeout during Compress (ECD-I05) AC DCP detected error in Motor Start Decompress (ECD-I06) AD DCP detected error during Crash Stop Recovery routine (ECD-I07) AE ( DCP Timeout during Crash Stop Recovery (ECD-I08) '" ~/ BO DCP detect~d error during a Seek of the Crash Stop Recovery (' (ECD-I09) Bl DCP detected error after park prior to starting the motor ( (ECD-I11) B2 ( Motor or Soft Start Thermal or Belt Guard switch open (ECD-IIZ) B3 B4 B1G2,B1E2 B1G2,B1J2 B1R2,B1P2 B1R2,B1T2 BIJ2 BIE2 B1T2 B1P2 MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry AD B1E2,C4P1 BIJ2,C4P2 B1P2,C4P3 B1T2,BlU2 B1D2 BIK2 BIN2 BIU2 MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DC BIE2,C4Pl BIJ2,C4P2 BIP2,C4P3 B1T2,C4P4 B1U2 BID2 B1K2 B1N2 MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DC B1E2,B1D2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 BIP2,B1N2 B1T2,B1U2 CltPI C4PZ CltP3 CltPt;. MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN B1E2,C4P1 B1J2,C4P2 B1P2,C4P3 B1T2,C4P4 B1D2 B1K2 B1N2 B1U2 MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DC BIE2,C4P1 BIJ2,C4P2 B1P2,C4P3 BIT2,C4P4 B1U2 B1D~ B1K2 BIN2 MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DC B1G2,B1E2 BIG2,B1J2 B1R2,B1P2 B1R2,BIT2 BIJ2 BIE2 B1T2 BIP2 MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry F BIFZ Motor switch off at beginning of Power On or during Idle * * A more MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DC BIE2,B1G2 B1J2,B1G2 B1P2,B1R2 B1T2,BIR2 No Air Pressure detected (ECD-113) ( MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DC ncp Command bit active when not expected B1E2,C4P1 B1J2,C4P2 B1P2,C4P3 B1T2,C4P4 during Compress BID2 BIK2 B1N2 BlU2 (ECD-IOlt) AA Front Devices Rear Devices Right Right Left Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F B1E2,C4P1 B1J2,C4P2 B1P2,C4P3 B1T2,C4P4 B1D2 B1K2 B1N2 B1U2 (ECD-IH) BIHZ BIQZ 815Z MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry I BIG2,BIE2 BIG2,BIJ2 BIR2,B1P2 BIR2,BIT2 BIJ2 B1E2 B1T2 B1P2 MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry E detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM 1 Volume Rt;.O. (~ Figure 7 (Part 8 of 13). SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-13 ,~ I ~; Checkpoint Log: Checks B5 through CO (SC xx= = 95B5 Description B5 AGC still active with motor off B6 (ECD-II5) Drive motor slowing down during Idle B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF CO (ECD-116) DCP detected error or servo failure during Power On (ECD-l17) Brake test failed at beginning of the Power On (ECD-118) Soft Start relay active when not expected (ECD-119) Soft Start relay not active at beginning of Motor Start (ECD-120) Soft Start relay active at beginning of Motor Start (ECD-121) DCP detected external error after any Sequencer-to-DCP command (ECD-122) DCP detected internal error after any Sequencer-to-DCP command (ECD-123) DCP Hang after any Servo command (ECD-124) DCP Command bit active when not expected during Decompress (ECD-125) Servo Inhibit active during Data Check Recovery (ECD-127) through 95CO) Front Devices Rear Devices Right Right Left Left 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F O,4,8,C BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 BIF2 BIH2 BIQ2 B152 MIM Volume R1O, page PWR-I, Entry E BIG2,BIE2 BIG2,BIJ2 BIR2,BIP2 BIR2,BIT2 BIJ2 BIE2 BIT2 BIP2 MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry AO BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 Clt-P2 Clt-P3 Cit-Pit CltPl MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN BIG2,BIE2 BIG2,BIJ2 BIR2,BIP2 BIR2,BIT2 BIJ2 BIE2 BIT2 BIP2 MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry AO BIG2,BIE2 BIG2,BIJ2 BIR2,BIP2 BIR2,BIT2 BIJ2 BIE2 BIT2 BIP2 MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry AO BIG2,BIE2 BIG2,BIJ2 BIR2,BIP2 BIR2,BIT2 BIJ2 BIE2 BIT2 BIP2 MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry AO BIG2,BIE2 BIG2,BIJ2 BIR2,BIP2 BIR2,BIT2 BIJ2 BIE2 BIT2 BIP2 MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry AO BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAlR-13. BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. BIE2,C4Pl BIJ2,C4P2 BIP2,C4P3 BIT2,C4P4 BID2 BIK2 BIN2 BIU2 MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DC BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 BIF",COB2 BIH2,CIB2 BIQ2,C2B2 BIS2,C3B2 Cit-PI C4P2 C4P3 C4P4 No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM Figure 7 (Part 9 of 13). SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 1 \,- / Volume Rlt-O. SC-FRU-14 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ;'"i' I \-- Checkpoint Log: Checks Cl through CA (SC xx= Description (' Cl (" (' 4[~ = 95Cl through 95CAl Front Devices Right Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D Rear Devices Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F DCP IML failure BIE2.BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 BIT2.BIU2 BIF2.B1G2 BIH2.BIG2 BIQ2.BIR2 B1S2.BIR2 No further action -(ECD-128) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. C2 DCP BAT failure BIE2.BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 BIT2.BlU2 No further action -(ECD-129) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. C3 AGC not active 18 seconds after the BIE2.BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 motor was started No further action -(ECD-130) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. C4 DCP detected failure during the handling BIE2.BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2.BlU2 of Sweep commands Cft-PI.B IF2 Cft-P2,BIH2 Cft.P3,BIQ2 Cft.Pft-.BIS2 (ECD-131) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entr"y DN C5 External timer from other device not BIJ2.BIE2 BIE2.BIJ2 B1T2,BlP2 BIP2,B1T2 running B lK2,8 102 B102,BIK2 B1U2.BIN2 BIN2.B1U2 No further action -(ECD-132) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. C6 Motor Run relay not active after Soft BIG2.BIE2 BIG2.BIJ2 BIR2.BIP2 BIR2.BIT2 BIE2 BIT2 BIP2 Start relay dropped BIJ2 (ECD-133) fUM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry AO C7 Sector Compare not found during BIE2.BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 BIF2,COB2 BIH2,CIB2 BIQ2.C2B2 B1S2,C3B2 Data Check Recovery Cft-P2 C4P3 Cft-P4 Cft-PI No further action -(ECD-134) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIE2,BIF2 BIJ2,BIH2 BIP2,BIQ2 BIT2,B1S2 C8 Offset command not saved prior to BIN2 Data Check Recovery BID2 BIK2 BlU2 No further action -(ECD-135) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. C9 Sector Compare stuck on during BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 Data Check Recovery BIF2,COB2 BIH2,CIB2 BIQ2,C2B2 B1S2,C3B2 C4PI C4P2 Cft-P3 C4P4 No further action -(ECD-136) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13 . CA DCP Busy detected during BIE2.BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2.BlU2 BIF2,COB2 BIH2,CIB2 BIQ2,C2B2 B1S2.C3B2 Data Check Recovery C4P2 C4P3 C4P4 Cft-PI No further action -(ECD-137) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume Rft.O. Figure 7 (Part 10 of 13). SC=95XX (XX= Fonnat 1 Byte 15) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-15 Checkpoint Log: Checks CB through D6 (SC = 95CB through 95D6) Description XX= CB Rear Devices Front Devices Left Right Left Right 1,5,9,D 3,7,B,F O,4,8,C 2,6,A,E BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BlT2,BIU2 BIF2,COB2 BIH2,CIB2 BIQ2,C2B2 B1S2,C3B2 RPS lock inactive during Data Check Recovery C4PI C4P2 C4P3 C4P4 No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13 . DCP detected Checksum error during BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,B1N2 BIT2,BIU2 DCP IML or DCP BAT No further action -(ECO-139) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Guard band detected at cylinder 0 during BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 BlT2,BIU2 a minus cylinder Seek command C4PI C4P2 C4P3 C4P4 (ECO-HO) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I. Entry DN Abnormal termination of BIE2,BIF2 BIJ2,BIH2 BIP2,BIQ2 BlT2.B1S2 BIN2 B1U2 BIK2 Data Check Recovery BID2 No further action -(ECO-H!) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. GBOD not found after a Seek to a minus BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 cylinder CftPI CftP2 CftP3 CftPft (ECO-H2) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN Servo failure during Sweep or Heat Up BIE2.B1D2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BlT2.BIU2 routines of Power On CftPI,BIF2 CftP2,BIH2 CftP3,BIQ2 CftP4,BIS2 (ECO-H3) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN DCP timeout doin3 a compress during BIE2.C4Pl BIJ2.C4P2 BIP2,C4P3 BlT2.C4P4 Motor Start BIK2 BIN2 BIU2 B1D2 (ECO-H4) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DC DCP timeout failure during Sweep BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 B1P2,B1N2 BlT2,BIU2 (ECO-138) CC CD CE CF Dl * D2 D3 C4PI,BIF2 CftP2,BIH2 C4P3,BIQ2 C4Pft.,BIS2 page MAP-I, Entry DN D4 Park failed before starting motor during BIE2,C4Pl BIJ2,C4P2 BIP2.C4P3 BIT2.C4P4 Power On BID2 BIK2 BIN2 BIU2 (ECD-146) MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I. Entry DC D5 DCP detected error at the beginning of B1E2.C4Pl BIJ2.C4P2 BIP2.C4P3 BlT2.C4P4 Motor Start BIK2 BIN2 B1D2 B1U2 (ECO-147) MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I, Entry DC D6 Motor sensed off, but still turning at BIE2.B1G2 BIJ2.B1G2 B1P2.BIR2 BIT2.B1R2 more than 3440 RPM B IF2 ,B102 BIH2.BIK2 BIQ2.BIN2 BIS2.B1U2 (ECD-149) MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry H * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX, see page fCD-nnn in the ECM, Volume Rft.O. (ECO-HS) Figure 7 (Part 11 of 13). PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright MIM Volume RIO, SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-16 Ie' ( Checkpoint Log: Checks D7 through F2 (SC XX= ( (' D7 Unexpected Offset active during Data Check Recovery D8 Index Not Found during Data Check Recovery D9 Device Selected dropped during Data Check Recovery DA DCP error detected during Data Check Recovery DB (.. ,-. ~ DC . ( Description DD ( DF FI F2 = 95D7 through 95F2) Front Devices Rear Devices Left Right Right Left O,4,8,C 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F 1,5,9,D BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 BIF2,COB2 BIH2,CIB2 BIQ2,C2B2 BlS2,C3B2 No further action -(ECD-150) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. BID2,BIE2 BIK2,Bl.J2 BIN2,BIP2 BIU2,BIT2 COB2 CIB2 C2B2 C3B2 (ECD-151) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 BIF2,COB2 BIH2,CIB2 BIQ2,C2B2 BlS2,C3B2 No further action -(ECD-152) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 BIF2,COB2 BIH2,CIB2 BIQ2,C2B2 BlS2,C3B2 No further action -(ECD-152) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Unexpected sector compare during BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 Data Check Recovery BIF2,C082 BIH2,CIB2 BIQ2,C2B2 BlS2,C3B2 No further action -(ECD-153) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 DCP Check detected during Data Check Recovery BIF2,COB2 BIH2,CIB2 BIQ2,C2B2 BlS2,C3B2 No further action -(ECD-154) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Command gate missing during BIF2,BIE2 BIH2,BIJ2 BIQ2,BIP2 BlS2,BlT2 Data Check Recovery COB2,BID2 CIB2,BIK2 C2B2,BIN2 C3B2,BlU2 Controller AI/A3: AIQ2, AIU2, AIN2 Controller A2/A4: AIH2, AID2, AIJ2 (ECD-155) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry ED BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 DCP timeout failure during C4P3 Crash Stop Recovery C4P4 C4Pl C4P2 (ECD-156) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN BIE2,C4Pl BIJ2,C4P2 BIP2,C4P3 B1T2,C4P4 GBOD not detecteJ after Park during Power Off BID2 BIK2 BIN2 BlU2 (ECD-172) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DC Drive motor slowing down during sweep BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 8IG2 BIR2 BIR2 B1G2 (ECD-173) MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry E NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R40. ( " Figure 7 (Part 12 of 13). PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright IBM Corp, SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) EC 476581 01Aug89 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-17 Checkpoint Log: Checks F3 through FC (SC xx= = 95F3 Description F3 AGC signal stuck active, motor not turning during power-on reset (POR) (£CO-174) F4 Motor slowing, AGC active, motor relay not picked during power-on reset (POR) (£CO-175) F6 No Air Pressure detected during Idle F8 F9 FC (£CO-I77 ) Sector compare not detected during Sector Search (£CO-178) RPS Failed To lock detected during load HAR command (£CO-179) Disable switch detected active during any Search command (£CO-180) through 95FC) Front Devices Rear Devices Right Left Right Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F B1D2,B1E2 B1K2,B1J2 B1N2,B1P2 B1U2,BIT2 COB2,C4Pl C182,C4P2 C282,C4P3 C3B2,C4P4 -MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 BIT2,B1U2 8162 81G2 81R2 BIR2 MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry E B1E2,B1G2 B1J2,B1G2 B1P2,BIR2 BIT2,B1R2 81Q2 81F2 81H2 8152 MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry I B1£2,B1D2 B1J2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,B1U2 C4P2 C4P3 C4P4 C4Pl page MAP-I, MIM Volume RIO, Entry DN BID2,BIE2 B1K2.B1J2 B1N2.B1P2 B1U2.BIT2 COB2,C4Pl C182.C4P2 C2B2,C4P3 C3B2,C4P4 MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ B1G2,BIE2 B1G2,BIJ2 BIR2,BIP2 BIR2.BIT2 BIQ2 BIF2 BIH2 B152 MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I. Entry CE /'~'" NOTE: For details about symptom code 95XX. see page ECD-nnn in the £CM, Volume R40. Figure 7 (Part 13 of 13). SC=95XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) .j --. PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-18 ./ (. c SC=97XX(XX= Format 1 Byte 17) Servo Control Check (SC = 9700 through 9754) (' c c c ( .'. Description Rear Devices Left Right 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F 00 There is no DCP error code in byte 17 B1E2.B1D2 B1J2.B1K2 B1P2.B1N2 B1T2,B1U2 8IF2,8IG2 8IH2.8IG2 8IQ2.BIR2 BIS2.BIR2 No further action -(ECD-122) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 13 Motion command not accepted while busy BIE2,BID2 BIJ2.B1K2 B1P2.BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 No further action -(ECD-122) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 14 Disable Write Inhibit command B1E2.BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2,B1N2 B1T2.B1U2 received while not offset ;;0 further action -(ECD-122) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 20 Voice coil offset error too large B1E2.BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,B1U2 C4Pl,81F2 C4P2.BIH2 C4P3.8IQ2 C4P4.BIS2 * (ECD-122) MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I, Entry DC 21 Voice coil voltage or current integrate BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2.BIU2 C4Pl.BIF2 C4P2,BIH2 C4P3,BIQ2 C4P4,BIS2 * error too large (ECD-122) MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I. Entry DC BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,B1N2 B1T2,B1U2 23 Excessive average VCM current C4Pl.81F2 C4P2.BIH2 C4P3.8IQ2 C4P4.BlS2 (ECD-122) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I. Entry DC BIE2,BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 51 Windage exceeds the allowable limit C4Pl,81F2 C4P2,8IH2 C4P3,BIQ2 C4P4.8IS2 (ECD-122) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DC 52 PES exceeds the allowable limit during BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 track following Cft.PI,BIF2 Cft.P2,BIH2 Cft.P3,BIQ2 Cft.Pft..BIS2 (ECD-122) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN 53 AGC is not active B1D2.B1E2 BIK2.BIJ2 B1N2,BIP2 BIU2.B1T2 BIG2.COB2 BIG2.CIB2 BIR2.C2B2 BIR2.C3B2 * (ECD-122) MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I, Entry DJ 54 locate command received when not track B1E2.B1D2 B1J2.B1K2 BIP2.B1N2 B1T2,B1U2 following or offset No .further action -(ECD-122) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 97XX. see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R40. XX= Figure 8 (Part 1 of 3). Front Devices Right Left 0,4,8,C 1,5,9,D SC=97XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 17) ( c PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 C1Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 SC-FRU-19 Servo Control Check (SC xx= = 9755 through 9783) Description Offset command received when not track following or offset 55 (ECD-122) Locate command outside the minimum or maximum cylinder 56 (ECD-122) AGC gain correction voltage reaches the limit 57 (ECD-122) 58 Excessive position estimator error (ECD-122) Timeout during Locate, Offset, Sweep or Rezero 59 (ECD-122) Unable to locate guard band during Rezero 5A (ECD-122) 5B PES P has too much offset (ECD-122) 5C PES Q has too much offset (ECD-122) 5D Incorrect device type * 5E * 81 (ECD-122) Unable to move away from GBOD (ECD-122) IML fails checksum (ECD-122) 83 Instruction storage parity error (ECD-122) * Front Devices Rear Devices Right Right LeTt LeTt O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 B1T2,B1U2 No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 B1T2,B1U2 No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. B1E2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2,B1N2 B1T2,B1U2 Cft-PIt CltP2 CltP3 CltPI MIM Volume RlO, page MAP-I, Entry DN B1D2,B1E2 B1K2,BIJ2 B1N2.BIP2 B1U2,BIT2 C4P4 C4P1 C4P2 C4P3 MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN B1D2,B1E2 B1K2.B1J2 B1N2,B1P2 B1U2,B1T2 C4P1 C4P2 C4P3 C4P4 MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I. Entry DN B1D2,B1E2 B1K2,BIJ2 B1N2,BIP2 BIU2,B1T2 CltPI,BIF2 CltP2.BIH2 CltP3,BIQ2 C4PIt,BIS2 MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I, Entry DN B1D2.B1E2 B1K2,B1J2 B1N2,BIP2 B1U2.B1T2 COB::> C2B2 CI82 C3B2 MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ BID2,B1E2 BIK2,BIJ2 BIN2,BIP2 BIU2,B1T2 COB2 CIB2 C2B2 C3B2 MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ B1E2.B1F2 BIJ2,BIH2 BIP2,B1Q2 B1T2,B1S2 BIN2 BIU2 B1D2 B1K2 MIff Volume RlO, page MAP-I, Entry DI BIE2,C4Pl B1J2.C4P2 BIP2,C4P3 B1T2.C4P4 BID2 B1K2 B1N2 BIU2 ffIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I. Entry DC B1E2,B1D2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2.B1N2 B1T2,B1U2 BIF2,BIG2 BIH2.BIG2 BIQ2.BIR2 BIS2,8IR2 No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. BIE2,B1D2 B1J2,B1K2 B1P2.BIN2 B1T2,B1U2 8IF2,8IG2 8IH2,81G2 8IQ2.BIR2 81S2,8IR2 No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 97XX. see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume RltO. Figure 8 (Part 2 of 3). SC=97XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 17) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01AugB9 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 (' SC-FRU-20 / ( Servo Control Check (SC ( through 97FFl Description XX= 84 = 9784 Front Devices Rear Devices LeTt Right Right LeTt 2,&,A,E O,4,8,C 1,S,9,D 3,7,B,F BIE2.BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 B1F2.B1G2 B1H2.B 1G2 B1Q2,BIR2 B1S2,B1R2 Data storage parity error (ECO-122) 85 BIE2,BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 BIF2,81G2 81H2,81G2 81Q2,B1R2 BlS2,BIRZ Data bus parity error (ECO-1ZZ) 86 Time interval between interrupts is too short (ECO-IZZ) 87 * FC BID2,BIE2 BIK2.BIJ2 BIN2,BIP2 BIU2,BIT2 81FZ,8IGZ 8IHZ.81GZ 81QZ.81R2 81SZ,81RZ No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2.BlU2 BIG2,C08Z BIG2,C1BZ BIR2,CZ8Z BIR2,C3BZ BIQZ BIFZ 81HZ 81S2 (ECO-1ZZ) MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I. Entry DJ Multiply failure in Basic Assurance Test BIE2,BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 81FZ,BIGZ B1HZ.BIGZ B1QZ,B1RZ BlSZ,BIRZ Time interval between interrupts is too long (ECO-1ZZ) FD No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIE2.BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 BIF2 .B1GZ B1HZ,BIGZ B1QZ.BIRZ 81SZ,8IRZ Illegal command (ECO-IZZ) 88 No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Compute failure in Basic Assurance Test No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIE2,BID2 BIJ2.BIK2 BIP2.BIN2 BIT2,BlU2 B1FZ,BIGZ 8 IH2,B 1GZ 8IQZ.B1RZ BISZ,BIRZ No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. ~ (ECO-IZZ) FE Checksum failure in Basic Assurance Test BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2.BlU2 B1FZ.BIGZ BIHZ,81GZ BIQZ.BIRZ 8ISZ,B1R2 (ECO-IZZ) FF ('/ (' BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2.BlU2 8IFZ,B1GZ BIHZ.BIGZ BIQZ,BIRZ BISZ,B1RZ Power-on reset (POR) code hung (ECO-IZZ) No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 97XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R40. Figure 8 (Part 3 of 3). { No further action -go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. SC=97XX (XX= Format 1 Byte 17) "\ /' « c PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 O1AUgB9 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 SC-FRU-21 SC=98XX (XX= Format 9 Byte 18) Read/Write Channel Checks (SC = 98XX) Description Controller Front Devices Rear Devices Right Left Right Al A2 Left 2,6,A,E (A3l (A41 O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 3,7,B,F 4C Transition check AIQ2,AIN2 AIH2,AIJ2 COB2,BIF2 CIB2,BIH2 C2B2,BIQ2 C3B2,B1S2 AIV2,AIW2 AIC2,A182 8102,C182 81K2,C082 81N2,C382 81U2,C282 * (ECD-399) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry EA 4E Transition check AIQ2,AIN2 AlH2,AIJ2 COB2,BlF2 CIB2,BIH2 C2B2,BIQ2 C3B2,B1S2 A1V2,AIW2 AIC2,A182 8102,C182 81K2,C082 81N2,C382 81U2,C282 * (ECD-399) See MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I. Entry EA COB2,BIF2 CIB2.BIH2 C2B2.BIQ2 C3B2,B1S2 XX Read/Write Channel * check (ECD-376) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I. Entry EA * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 98XX. see page ECD-376 in the ECM, Volume R40. XX= Figure 9. SC=98XX (XX= Format 9 Byte 18) / SC=9CXX (XX= Format 1 Bytes 11-15) ' DDC Hot Bits (SC = 9CXX) Controller Front Devices Rear Devices Right Right Al A2 Left Left (A3l O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F (A4l AIU2,AIV2 AID2.AIC2 BIF2,BIG2 BIH2.BIG2 BIQ2,BIR2 B1S2.BlR2 XX Bits always on, Format I or 9 sense A1T2 AlE2 * assembly selection (ECD-1) See MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I. Entry CD * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 9CXX, see page ECD-I in the ECM, Volume R40. XX= Figure 10. Description SC=9CXX (XX= Format 1 Bytes 11-15) l' \'-.J PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-22 SC=9DXX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) Checkpoint Log (SC = 9DXXl ( XX= Description XX Rear Devices Front Devices Right Left Right Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 2,6,.A.E 3,.7,.B,.F BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 BIT2,BIU2 BIF2,C4Pl BIH2,C4P2 BIQ2,C4P3 BIS2,C4P4 B1G2 B1G2 BIR2 BIR2 Seek incomplete Use FRUs for symptom code 95XX with the same value of XX. If the value XX is not listed for symptom code 95XX, use the (ECO-ll) HIH Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DN FRUs shown here. 3( A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 9DXX, see page ECD-ll in the ECH~ Volume R40. 3( (-/ Figure 11. SC=9DXX (XX= Format 1 Byte 15) SC=9E10 (Format 1) Description c 9ElO I Figure 12. False end of track detected by system program. Warning: Data loss has occurred or may occur. Replace HDA and all FRUs listed. Front Device Right left COB2 ClB2 AlF2 AlH2 HDA HDA Rear Device Right left C3B2 C2B2 AlQ2 AlS2 HDA HDA SC=9E10 (Format 1) C' c\ PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1997. 1989 SC-FRU-23 SC=9FXX (XX= Format 1 or 9 Byte 07) Format and Message (SC XX= Description 10 Intervention Required or Device End op with no device checks = 9FI0 through 9F97) Controller Al A2 (A3) (A4) (ECO-3) 11 13 14 * 15 * 16 18 19 IB * IC * IF 97 No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIF2,BIE2 BIH2,BIJ2 BIQ2,BIP2 B152,B1T2 BID2,BIG2 BIK2,B1G2 B1N2,BIR2 B1U2,BIR2 Device Status 1 not as expected (ECO-3) Rear Devices Front Devices Right Right Left Left 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F O,4,8,C BIF2,BIE2 BIH2,BIJ2 BIQ2,BIP2 B152,B1T2 BIN2 BIU2 BID2 BIK2 No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,B1U2 C2B2 COB2 C3B2 C1B2 (ECO-S) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ Interrupt cannot be A1U2,A1T2 AID2,AIE2 BIF2,BIE2 B1H2,BIJ2 B1Q2,BIP2 BI52,B1T2 . reset (ECO-6) No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Device does not A1U2,A1T2 A102,AIE2 B1F2,BIG2 BIH2,BIG2 BIQ2,BIR2 BI52,BIR2 respond to selection AIN2,AIV2 AIJ2,AIC2 B1E2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 AIS2 AIF2 (fCD-6) See MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I. Entry CD Device Check 2 or BIG2,BIE2 BIG2,BIJ2 BIR2,BIP2 BIR2,B1T2 Set Sector BID2,BIF2 BIK2,81H2 BIN2,81Q2 BIU2,BlS2 Incomplete (ECO-7) No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIF2,BIE2 BIH2.BIJ2 BIQ2,BIP2 BI52,BIT2 Device Status 1 has an invalid combinaBID2,BIG2 BIK2,BIG2 BIN2,BIR2 BIU2,8IR2 tion of bits (ECIl-8) No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Device not ready to BIF2,BIE2 BIH2,BIJ2 BIQ2,BIP2 B152,B1T2 do customer work B1D2,BIG2 B1K2,81G2 B1N2,BIR2 BIU2,BIR2 (ECO-9) No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Missing device AIU2,A1T2 AID2,A1E2 BIF2,BIE2 BIH2,BIJ2 B1Q2,BIP2 B152,8 H2 A1V2 B102,BIG2 BIK2,BIG2 BIN2,BIR2 B1U2,BIR2 address bit at A1C2 selection (ECO-I0) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I. Entry CD BIE2,BIG2 BIJ2,B1G2 BIP2,BIR2 BIT2,BIR2 Drive Motor switch sensed off while B1F2 BIQ2 B152 BIH2 running (ECO-IV See MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-l, Entry AC Offset Active cannot B1D2,B1E2 BIK2,BIJ2 BIN2,BIP2 BIU2,B1T2 be reset (ECO-12) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I. Entry DJ Head address COB2,BIF2 CIB2,BIH2 C2B2,BIQ2 C3B2,B152 miscompare B1E2 BIJ2 BIP2 BIT2 (fCO-362) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry EA Index missing / * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code 9FXX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R40. Figure 13 (Part 1 of 2). SC=9FXX (XX= Format 1 or 9 Byte 07) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 SC-FRU·24 @ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 /f" I \" ( Format and Message (SC = 9F9A xx= Description 9A Track physical address miscompare while oriented (ECD-363) 9E Cylinder address miscompare Controller Al A2 (A3l (A4l Front Devices Rear Devices Right Left Right Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F COB2,B1E2IC1B2,B1J2 C2B2,B1P2IC3B2,BIT2 BIF2 B1H2 B1Q2 B1S2 See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry EA BID2,B1E2IB1K2,BIJ2 B1N2,BIP2IB1U2,B1T2 C4P1 C4P2 C4P3 C4P4 See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DJ ( ~' (. (ECD-364) ... ( through 9F9El I I NOTE: For details about symptom code 9FXX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM Figure 13 (Part 2 of 2). SC=9FXX (Format 1 and 9) Ie=; Device Undervoltage (SC 9F FF Volume R40. SC=9FXX (XX= Format 1 or 9 Byte 07) C' xx: 2 = 9FFF) Description Non-repeatable runout Controller Al A2 (A3l (A4l Front Devices Right Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D Rear Devices Left Right 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F See SMAP 0058: Determining the Failing FRUs on page START-34. Device undervoltage (ECD-I82) BID2,B1F2 BIK2,BIH2 B1N2,B1Q2 BlU2,BlS2 See MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry P NOTE: For details about symptom code 9FFF, see page ECD-182 in the ECM 2 Volume R40. Figure 14. SC=9FXX (Format 1 and 9) ( (' PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-2S \ "'-- SC=D1XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 11) Connection Check Alert and Power status (SC XX= 41 * 51 3( 82 * = DlXXl Description Controller Al A2 (A31 (A41 Controller String 1: AlW2,AlN2 AlB2,AlJ2 Connection check AlV2,AlR2 AlC2,AlG2 alert and power on AIQ2,A1U2 AIH2,A1D2 Front Devices Right Left O,4,8,C l,S1'9,D /' Rear Devices Right Left 21'6,A,E 31'71'Bl'F I A1S2,AIT2 AIF2,AIE2 No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Controller String 1 : A1S2,AlF2 AlF2,A1S2 Connection check alert with DPS 1 unconditional reserve release and power on No further action -- go to RMAP340 on page REPAIR-13. Controller String 0: AlW2,AlN2 AIB2,AlJ2 AIV2,AIR2 AIC2,AIG2 Connection check alert and power on AIQ2,A1U2 AIH2,A1D2 A1T2 '",--/ AIE2 No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. A2 Controller String 01 AlS2,AIF2 AlF2,A1S2 Connection check alert with DPS 0 unconditional reserve release and power on No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. * Figure 15. '-..--_/ SC=D1XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 11) ~- PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-26 " (' (: SC=D2XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 12) Controller String 0 Check-l status 1 (SC Bit ( c c (: Description = D2XXl Controller Al A2 (A3l (A41 Front Devices Right Left O,4,8,C l,S,9,D 0-2 I/O Control 1 Checks :I( Bi ts 0-2 Equa 1 : 001 laC ROS Bit AlR2.AlV2 AlG2.AlC2 :I( Parity Check A1W2 A1B2 (ECO-21O) No further action -AlV2,A1W2 AlC2.A1B2 OIOIIOC Transfer :I( Clock Check (ECD-211) No further action -OIIIIOC Detected DDC AlW2.AIV2 AIB2.AIC2 :I( Bus nut Parity Check (ECD-213) See MIM Volume 100 laC Register AIV2,AIR2 AlC2,AlG2 :I( Data Bus Parity AIW2 AIB2 Check (ECD-2H) No further action -AIV2,AIW2 AlC2,AIB2 101lIOC Register 1 :I( Pa ri ty Check (ECD-2IS) No further action -110 IOC Register 3 AlV2,AlU2 AIC2,AlD2 :I( Parity Check AlT2 AIE2 (ECD-2I7) No further action -III IOC Controller AIV2,AIW2 AlC2,AIB2 :I( Selection Check AIQ2 AIH2 (ECD-2I8) See MIM Volume 3 DDC Bus Out Parity AIW2 AIB2 :I( Check (ECD-220) See MIM Volume AIN2,AIQ2 AIJ2,AlH2 4 Controller Clock :I( Check AIW2 AIB2 (ECD-22I) See MIM Volume 5 Controller Sequencer AlR2,AIV2 AIG2,AIC2 Check AIN2 AIJ2 (ECD-222) No further action -AIV2,AIW2 AIC2,AlB2 6 DDC Bus In pa ri ty check (ECD-223) No further action -7 IOC Card Check-l AIV2,AIR2 AIC2,AIG2 check AIW2 AIB2 (ECD-22S) No further action -- * * * * A more Rear Devices Left Right 2,6,A,E 3,7,B"F go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. R10 Page MAP-I. Entry AA go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. RIO Page MAP-I, Entry AA RIO Page MAP-I. Entry AA RIO Page MAP-I. Entry BA go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code D2XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM Volume R40. 1 Figure 16. SC=D2XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 12) ( c' PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 SC-FRU-27 SC=D3XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 13) Controller String 0 Check-l status 2 CSC Bit Description 0 DDC Tag Out sequence check (ECD-226) 3( I 3( 3 3( 4 3( Extended Command, Tag sequence check (ECD-228) Controller Gate DDC Drivers check (ECD-230) RCC Sequence check (ECD-23I) = D3XX) Controller Front Al A2 Left (A4) (A3) O,4,8,C AIW2,AIV2 AIB2,AIC2 AIN2 AIJ2 See MIM Volume RIO, AIW2,AIV2 AIB2,AIC2 AIR2 AIG2 See MIM Volume RIO, AIW2,AIN2 AIB2,AIJ2 AIV2 AIC2 See MIM Volume RIO, AIW2,AIR2 AIB2,A1G2 See MIM Volume RJO, Devices Right 1,5,9,D Rear Devices Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F page MAP-I, Entry AA page MAP-I, Entry AA page MAP-I, Entry AA page MAP-I, Entry AA 3( A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code D3XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R40. Figure 17. SC=D3XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 13) \.,; .. \ ......- PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-28 ,/ _/ (/ SC=D4XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 14) ( ( ( Controller string I Check-I status I (SC Bit Description = D4XXl Controller Al A2 (A31 (A4) Front Devices Right Left 1,5,9,D O.4.8,C Rear Devices Left Right 2,6,A,E 3.7,B,F 0-2 I/O Control I Checks 3( Bits 0-2 Equal: 001 IOC ROS Bit AIR2,AIV2 AIG2,AIC2 3( parity check AIB2 AIW2 (ECO-2I0) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. AIV2,AIW2 AIC2,AIB2 OlOIIOC Transfer 3( Clock check (ECO-2I11 No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. 011 IOC Detected DDC AIW2,AIV2 AIB2,AIC2 3( Bus Out parity check (ECO-2I3) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. 100 lac Register AIV2,AIR2 AIC2,AIG2 3( Data Bus AIW2 AIB2 parity check (ECO-214) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. AIV2,AIW2 AIC2,AIB2 1011 lac Register 1 3( parity check (ECO-2IS) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. AIV2,AIU2 AIC2,AID2 110 IOC Register 3 3( parity check AIT2 AIE2 (ECO-2I71 No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. AIV2,AIW2 AIC2,AIB2 111 IOC Controller 3( Selection check AIQ2 AIH2 (ECO-2I8) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AA 3 DDC Bus Out AIW2 AIB2 3( parity check (ECO-220) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AA 4 Controller Clock AIN2,AIQ2 AIJ2,AIH2 3( check AIB2 AIW2 (ECO-2211 See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry BA 5 Controller Sequencer AIR2,AIV2 AIG2,AIC2 3( check AIN2 AIJ2 (ECO-222) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. AIV2,Al\'I2 AIC2,AIB2 6 DDC Bus In 3( parity check (ECO-223) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. 7 IOC Card Check-I AIV2,AIR2 AIC2,AIG2 3( check AIW2 AIB2 (ECO-22S) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. 3( A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code D4XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R'tO. Figure 18. SC=D4XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 14) PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-29 SC=D5XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 15) Controller String 1 Check-l Status 2 (SC Bit 0 * I * 3 * 4 * Description DDC Tag Out sequence check (ECD-Z26) Extended Command, Tag sequence check (ECD-Z28) Controller Gate DDC Drivers check (ECD-Z30) RCC sequence check (ECD-Z3I) = D5XXl Controller Front Al A2 Left (A41 O,4,8,C (A3l AIW2,AIV2 AIB2.AIC2 AIN2 AIJ2 See MIM Volume RlO, AIW2,AIVZ AIB2,AICZ AIRZ See MIM Volume RIO, AIW2,AIN2 AIB2.AIJ2 AIC2 AIV2 See MIM Volume RIO. AIW2.AIR2 AIB2.AIG2 See MIM Volume RIO, Devices Right 1,5,9,D Rear Devices Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F page MAP-I, Entry AA pa~ MAP-I, Entry AA page MAP-I, Entry AA page MAP-I, Entry AA * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code D5XX. see page ECD-nnn in the ECM. Volume Figure 19. R~O. SC=D5XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 15) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 SC-FRU-30 SC=D6XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 16) Controller Sequencer Detected Check-l Errors--String 0 (SC ( "\ ./ c XX= Description 02 Sequencer and/or IOC register failure (ECD-233) * 04 * 10 * c 12 c 18 ( , * * IA * / Controller Al A2 (A31 (A41 AIV2.AIR2 AIC2.AIG2 = D602 Front Devices Right Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D through D636) Rear Devices Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Sequencer counter AIG2 AIR2 failed (ECD-234) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. Controller command AIV2.AIW2 A1C2.AIB2 active With a DPS A1U2.A1T2 A1D2.AIE2 command on DDC (ECD-23S) Bus Out No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Controller command. AIV2.AIS2 AIC2.AIF2 DPS command. or AIF2.AIW2 A1S2.AIB2 Selected stuck (ECD-237) active No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Timeout routine: AIV2 A1C2 Allow Selection off and Device Selected (ECD-2ft.O) on No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Controller timeout: AIU2.AIT2 AID2,AIE2 BIF2.BIG2 BIH2.BIG2 BIQ2.BIR2 B1S2,BIR2 DDC Tag Out = Ol~ AIV2.AIW2 AIC2.AIB2 CDP/DPS Tag In = 01 (ECD-2ft.2) See MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I. Entry CD Controller command AIV2 AIC2 active without DDC Tag Out being in a command gate state (ECD-2ft.3) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 22 DPS command active AIV2.A1S2 AIC2,AIF2 with a non-DPS AIF2.AIW2 A1S2.AIB2 • command on the DDC Bus Out lines (ECD-2ft.4) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 20 * c ( * 32 Reset allegiance. AIV2,AIU2 AIC2,AID2 Start conditions A1T2 AIE2 not correct (ECD-246) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 34 Reset allegiance, AIV2.AIW2 AIC2,AIB2 invalid device address received from storage control (ECD-2ft.7 ) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Timeout or Sense AIW2.AIV2 AIB2.AIC2 Fault log, nnc Tag Out lines in invalid state (ECD-2ft.9) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. * * 36 * (~ * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code D6XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R40. (~' Figure 20 (Part 1 of 2). SC=D6XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 16) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 (0 Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-31 Controller Sequencer Detected Check-l Errors--String 0 {SC xx= Description Controller Al A2 (A31 (A41 70 Invalid Tag State AIW2,AIV2 AIB2,AIC2 on the DDC Tag Out (ECD-2S0) lines No further action 72 Internal lID' AIW2,AIR2 AIB2,AIG2 AIV2 AIC2 * register failure (ECD-251) No further action 74 Invalid command on· AIW2,AIR2 AIB2,AIG2 DDC Bus Out AIV2 AIC2 * the lines (ECD-252) No further action CE During device power AIV2,AIR2 AIC2,AIG2 on, controller * failed to take (ECD-256) control No further action * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by NOTE: For details about symptom code D6XX, see Figure 20 (Part 2 of 2). = D670 Front Devices Right Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D through D6CEJ Rear Devices Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F "-_ ../ -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. /-.\ -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. using the MD to analyze the SC. page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R40. !/ " /' '. SC=D6XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 16) "-'"< _/ ''''-..t -, ../ PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 SC-FRU-32 f SC=D8XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 18) ( Controller Sequencer Detected Check-1 Errors--Str.ng 1 (SC xx= Description 02 Sequencer and/or IOC register failed (ECO-233) >I: 04 >I: 10 >I: 12 c\ >I: 18 >I: (' ( through D870) Front Devices Right LeTt 0,4,8,C 1,5,9,D Rear Devices Right LeTt 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Sequencer counter A1R2 A1G2 failed (ECO-231t) No further action A1V2,A1W2 A1C2,A1B2 Controller command A1U2,A1T2 A1D2,AIE2 active with a DPS command on nnc (ECO-235) Bus Out No further action Controller command, A1V2,A1S2 A1C2,A1F2 nps command, or AIF2,AIW2 AlS2,AlB2 selected stuck (ECO-237) active No further action Timeout routine, A1V2 A1C2 Allow Selection off Device Selected on (ECO-2ft-O) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. lA Controller timeout: A1U2,A1T2 A1D2,A1E2 B1F2,B1G2 B1H2,B1G2 B1Q2,B1R2 B1S2,B1R2 A1V2,AIW2 A1C2,AIB2 nnc Tag Out = 011 CDP/DPS Tag In = 01 (ECO-2lt2) See 141M Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry CD 20 Controller command A1V2 A1C2 active without DDC Tag Out in a command gate state (ECO-2ft-3) No fUrther action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. DPS command active A1V2,A1S2 A1C2,A1F2 with a non-DPS AIF2,AIW2 AlS2,AIB2 command on the nDC Bus Out lines (ECO-2ft-ft.) No further acti~n -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. >I: >I: ( Controller A1 A2 (A3) (A4) A1V2,A1R2 A1C2,A1G2 = D802 22 >I: A1V2,AlU2 A1C2,A1D2 Reset alle~iance, Start cond1tions A1T2 A1E2 not correct (ECO-2ft-6) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. 34 Reset allegiance, A1V2,A1W2 A1C2,A1B2 >I: invalid device address received from storage control (ECO-2ft.7) go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. No further action 36 Timeout or Sense A1W2,A1V2 A1B2,A1C2 >I: Fault log, DDC Tag Out lineu in invalid state (ECO-2ft.9) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-B. >I: A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. 32 >I: ( (" -- NOTE: For details about symptom code n8XX, see page ECD-nnn in the (: Figure 21 (Part 1 of 2). SC=D8XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 18) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ECM~ Volume Rita. ( © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 19Ba SC-FRU-33 Controller Sequencer Detected Check-l Errors--string 1 (SC = D872 through D8CE) xx= Description 70 Controller Al A2 (AJ) (A4) AlW2,AlV2 AlB2,AIC2 Invalid Tag State on the DDC Tag Out lines (£CO-250) No further action AIW2,AIR2 AIB2,AIG2 72 Internal 'ID' )( register failure A1V2 AIC2 (£CO-251) No further action 74 Invalid command on AIW2,AIR2 AlB2,AIG2 )( the DDC Bus Out A1V2 AIC2 lines (£CD-252) No further action CE During device power AIV2,AlR2 AlC2,AlG2 on, controller failed to take (£CD-256) control No further action * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by NOTE: For details about symptom code DaXX, see Figure 21 (Part 2 of 2). SC=DEXX (XX Front Devices Right Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D Rear Devices Right Left J,7,B,F 2,6,A,E -- go to RMAP 340 on page RfPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. /' -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. using the MD to analyze the SC. page fCD-nnn in the £CM~ Volume R40. SC= D8XX (XX= Format 7 Byte 18) = Format 7 Byte 11) Controller Check Alert and Power Status (SC = DE2X) XX= Description 2X Storage director detected that both RCC sequences were not successful (£CO-189) Controller A2 Al (AJ) (A4) AlW2,AIR2 AlB2,AlG2 Front Devices Right Left O,4,8,C l,5,9,D Rear Devices Right Left 2,6,A,E J,7,B,F See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AA NOTE: For details about symptom code DE2X, see page ECD-la9 in the £CM, Volume R40. Figure 22. SC=DEXX (X= Format 7 Byte 11 Bits 4 & 5) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-34 ' ( SC=DFXY (X= Format 7 Byte 10 Bits 0-3, Y= Byte 7 Bits 4-7) Format 7 Message (SC (~/ XV= Description 10 Storage control detected DDC Bus In parity check (ECO-205) Storage control detected DDC Sync In check (ECO-204) DDC Tag In check * 20 * 40 * c c ( -". , c 4[ = DFIO (ECO-203) 80 through DFX4l Controller Front Al A2 Left O,4,8,C (A3l (A4l AIW2,AlV2 AIB2,AIC2 81F2 AIN2,A1U2 AIJ2,A1D2 A1T2 AIE2 See MIM Volume RIO, AIW2,AlV2 AlB2,AlC2 AIN2 AIJ2 See MIM Volume RIO, AlW2,AIV2 AlB2,AIC2 81F2 A1S2,A1U2 AIF2,A1D2 A1T2,AIN2 AIE2,AIJ2 AIF2,AIR2 AlS2,A1G2 See MIM Volume RIO, Devices Right l,5,9,D 81H2 Rear Devices Left Right 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F 81Q2 81S2 page MAP-I, Entry AB page MAP-I, Entry AD BIQ2 81H2 BlS2 page MAP-I, Entry AB Connection check AlW2 alert is on solid (ECO-202) Al\.,2 RCC I sequence not successful (ECO-188) AlB2 See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AB Xl AIB2 See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AA X2 RCC 1 And RCC 2 AlW2,AIR2 AIB2,AIG2 sequences not successful (ECO-189) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AA BIQ2 43 Storage control AIW2,A1V2 A1B2,AIC2 BIF2 81S2 81H2 detected DDC Tag-In A1S2,A1U2 A1F2,A1D2 * check A1T2,AIF2 AIE2,AlS2 AIN2,AIJ2 AIJ2,AIN2 AIR2 AIG2 See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AB AlV2,A1W2 A1C2,AlB2 X3 Invalid Tag In during selection A1S2,A1U2 A1F2,A1D2 * sequence A1T2,AIN2 AIE2,AIJ2 AIF2 AlS2 (ECO-190) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AA X4 Storage control AlW2 AIB2 detected a Check-l check during an RCC sequence (ECO-191) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AA * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code DFXY, see page ECD-nnn in the EeN, Volume R40. Figure 23 (Part 1 of 2). SC= DFXY (X= Format 7 Byte 10 Bits 0-3, Y= Byte 7 Bits 4-7) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ( © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-35 Format 7 Message (SC = DFX5 through DFXD) Description XV= X5 * X6 * X7 * X8 * Invalid DDC selection response, timeout waiting for a response, or controller power (ECO-192) missing Missing End Op, transfer was complete (ECO-193) Missing End Op, transfer Was incomplete (ECO-19S) Invalid Tag In for an immediate command sequence Controller Al A2 (A4) (A3) Front Devices Right Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D Rear Devices Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F A1J2,AIC2 AIB2,AIG2 AIH2,A1D2 AIE2,AIF2 See MIM Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry AIW2,AIU2 AIB2,AID2 A1T2,AIN2 AIE2,AIJ2 AlS2 AIF2 No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page AIU2,A1T2 AID2,A1E2 A1W2,A1N2 A1B2,A1J2 AIS2 A1F2 No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page A1S2,AIV2 A1F2,A1C2 AIU2,A1T2 AID2,AIE2 AIW2,A1N2 AI82,A1J2 AlS2,A1Q2 A1F2,A1H2 See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry A1U2,A1T2 AID2,A1E2 B1F2 BIQ2 B1H2 AIV2 AIC2 No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page A1S2,AIV2 AIF2,AIC2 AIW2 AIB2 No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page AUI2,AIU2 AIB2,AID2 A1S2,AIN2 AIF2,A1J2 AIQ2 A1H2 No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page AIW2 AIB2 See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry This is a status code. No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page AIN2,AIV2 AIW2,AIR2 AIQ2,A1U2 A1T2,AIS2 AA REPAIR-l3. REPAIR-13. (ECO-196) AA X9 Invalid Tag In for B1S2 an extended command * sequence (ECO-197) REPAIR-13 . XA Storage control timed out * microcode on deselection (ECO-198) REPAIR-13. XB No selection response after poll * interrupt (ECO-199) REPAIR-I3. XC Permanent path error * (ECO-200) AA XD Controller not 3( available on REPAIR-13. disconnected command (ECO-20l) chain 3( A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code DFXY, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM 1 Volume R~O. I Figure 23 (Part 2 of 2). /---...." / SC=DFXY (X= Format 7 Byte 10 Bits 0-3, Y= Byte 7 Bits 4-7) ,--1f --\ "'.; PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-36 (' SC=DFXX (Format 7) Format 7 Message (SC (~' c XX= Description FF Controller undervoltage (ECO-323) c ( ( Front Devices Left Right O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D Rear Devices Left Right 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F See HIH Volume RIO, page PWR-I, Entry 0 SC=9FXX (Format 7) SC=EOXX (XX= Format 8 Byte 10) DTI/XES Register (SC Bit I c Controller Al A2 (A3l (A41 AlQ2,AIR2 AIH2,AIG2 NOTE: For details about symptom code DFFF, see page ECD-323 in the ECH, Volume R40. Figure 24. c = DFFF) * Description Tag In check = EOXXl Controller Front Devices Right Al A2 Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D (A31 (A41 AIW2,AlV2 AlB2,AIC2 BIF2 BIH2 A1S2,A1U2 AID2,A1D2 Rear Devices Left Right 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F 81Q2 81S2 A1T2,AIF2 AIE2,A1S2 AIN2,AIR2 AIJ2,A1G2 AIJ2 AIN2 (ECO-203) See HIH Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AB 2 Sync In check AIW2,AIV2 AIB2,AlC2 AIN2 AIJ2 * (ECO-204) See HII1 Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AB AIW2,AIV2 AIB2,AIC2 81F2 BIQ2 3 DDC Bus In BIH2 81S2 AIN2,A1U2 AIJ2,AI02 * parity check A1T2 AIE2 (ECO-20S) See I1II1 Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AB * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. Figure 25. SC=EOXX (XX= Format 8 Byte 10) (' ( ( c PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-37 SC=E1XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 11) Controller Fault Log A (SC= ElXX) Rear Devices Controller Front Devices Right Right Left Left Al A2 (A3) (A4) O,4,8,C l,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F AIQ2,AIW2 AIH2,A1B2 COB2,BID2 ClB2,BlK2 C2B2,BIN2 C3B2,BIU2 0 DHPlO Delta 3E Frequency check A1V2,A1H2 A1C2,A1J2 BIF2,B1K2 BIH2,B102 BlQ2,B1U2 B1S2,B1H2 (ECD-31S) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DF AIQ2,AIN2 AIH2,AIJ2 BID2,BIF2 BIK2,BIH2 BIN2,B1Q2 BIU2,B1S2 1 DHPlO Non-Drive 3E check AIV2 AIC2 B1K2 B102 B1U2 BIH2 (ECD-316) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DF 2 Read/Write AIQ2,AIH2 AlH2,AIJ2 COB2,ClB2 CIB2,COB2 C2B2,C3B2 C3B2,C2B2 3E Data Cable check BIF2 B1H2 BIQ2 BlS2 (ECD-318) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry EC AIQ2,AIV2 AlH2,AIC2 COB2,BIF2 ClB2,BlH2 C2B2,BIQ2 C3B2,B1S2 3 Data Valid check AIH2 A1J2 (ECD-3I9) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DF AIQ2,AIN2 AlH2,AIJ2 BID2,BIF2 BIK2,BIH2 BIN2,B1Q2 BIU2,B1S2 4 DHPlO Failed to 3E BIH2 lock check AIV2 AIC2 BIK2 B102 B1U2 (ECD-320) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-l, Entry DF AIQ2,AIV2 AIH2,AIC2 5 DHPlO Multiple Select check AIN2 AIJ2 (ECD-321) No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. AIQ2,A1W2 AIH2,AIB2 COB2,BIF2 CIB2,BIH2 C2B2,BIQ2 C3B2,B1S2 6 No Read Data check AIV2,AIH2 AIC2,AIJ2 (ECD-322) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry DF 3E A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: Fo'r details about symptom code ElXX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume Rft.O. Bit Figure 26. Description SC=E1XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 11) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp, 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-38 ,~-"-'\ " / / " SC=E2XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 12) Controller Fault Log B (SC= E2XXl Bit 0 Description Controller Al A2 (A31 (A41 SERDES Control check AIV2.AIN2 AIC2,AlJ2 AIW2 * Front Devices Right Left O,4,8,C l,5,9,D AIB2 No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. (ECO-325) 1 * ClOCK/SERDES/ECC AlN2.AIW2 AIJ2.AIB2 card check (ECO-326) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. 2 SERDES Path check * * AIW2.AlN2 AlB2.AIJ2 (ECO-328) See MIM Volume RIO. page MAP-I. Entry AA A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code E2XX, see page ECD-nnn in the Figure 27. C..-\ c c c c ECM~ Volume R40. SC=E2XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 12) SC=E3XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 13) Controller Fault Log C (SC= E3XXl Bit 1 3 4 * 6 7 * Description Controller Al A2 (A4) (A31 Controller Sequencer AIR2,AIV2 AIG2.AIC2 Check-2 check (ECO-329) * 5 c Rear Devices Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F Multiplexer Input parity check Rear Devices Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F No further action -- go toRMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. AIU2,AlT2 AlD2,AlE2 AlV2 AIC2 No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. (ECO-330) CDP Register 3 parity check Front Devices Right Left O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D AIV2,A1U2 AIC2,A1D2 A1T2 (ECO-331) AIE2 No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. AIV2,AIN2 AIC2,AIJ2 IOC Card Check-2 check (ECO-332) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. Precompensation AIN2,AIV2 AlJ2,AIC2 check (ECO-333) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. Write Gap 3 Control AIV2,AIW2 AlC2,AlB2 check (ECO-334) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code E3XX. see page ECD-nnn in the Figure 28. ECM~ Volume R40. SC=E3XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 13) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-39 SC=E5XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 15) Controller Fault Log E (SC= E5XXl Bit 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 Description Controller Al A2 (A4) (A31 DPS Array check AlS2,AlF2 AIF2,A1S2 AIW2,AIR2 A182,AIG2 (ECD-338) No further action DPS Internal check A1S2,AIR2 AIF2,AIG2 (ECD-340) No further action A1S2,AlF2 AIF2,A1S2 DPS Compare check AIW2,AIR2 A182,AIG2 (ECD-34!) No further action AIF2,A1S2 A1S2,AIF2 DPS Controller To Controller connection check (ECD-342) No further action DPS Storage Address A1S2,AIR2 AIF2,AIG2 Register check (SAR check) (ECD-343) No further action A1S2,AIF2 AIF2,A1S2 DPS Internal Register check AIW2,AIR2 A182,AIG2 (ECD-34ft) No further action DPS Alternate check A1S2,AIF2 AIF2,A1S2 (Wait/Lock Check) AIW2,AIR2 A182,AIG2 (ECD-346) No further action Front Devices Right Left l,5,9,D O,4,8,C Rear Devices Right Left 2,&,A,E 3,7,B,F -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. NOTE: For details about symptom code E5XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume RltO. Figure 29. SC=E5XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 15) PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-40 SC=E6XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 16) ( ( Controller Fault Log F (SC= E6XX) Bit Description Controller A1 A2 (A3) (A4) Front Devices Right O, ... ,8,C 1,5,9,D J,..~ft 0 c ~. c c; DTB Bus Out AIW2,AIV2 AIB2,AIC2 parity check '* (ECO-3lt7) See MIM Vol ume RlO, page A1N2,AU/2 A1J2,A1B2 I DTB Bus In parity check A1U2,AIT2 A1D2,A1E2 '* AIV2 AIC2 (ECO-3lt8) See MIM Volume RIO, page 2 DTB Control check AIW2 A1B2 (£CO-3lt9) See MIM Volume RlO, page 3 Read/Write Gate DDC AlW2,AlN2 AlB2,AIJ2 Drivers check AIV2 AIC2 (£CO-350) See MIM Volume RIO, page '* A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD NOTE: For details about symptom code E6XX, see page ECD-nnn Rear Devices Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F Figure 30. ( 4[- MAP-I, Entry AA MAP-I, Entry AA MAP-I, Entry AA to analyze the SC. in the £CM, Volume Rita. SC=E6XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 16) SC=E7XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 17) Controller Fault Log G (SC= E7XXl Bit ( MAP-I, Entry AA Description Controller Al A2 (A3) (A4) Front Devices Left Right 1,5,9,D O,4,8,C Rear Devices Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F AlU2,AIT2 AID2,AIE2 Controller to CDP Card check AIV2 AlC2 '* (£CO-353) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 2 Port Response check AIU2,AlT2 AID2,AlE2 '* (£CO-357) See MIM Volume RlO, page MAP-I, Entry CG AIU2,AIT2 AID2,AIE2 7 Port Degate check '* (£CO-361) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. '* A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code E7XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume RItO. 0 Figure 31. SC=E7XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 17) ( ( (; PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-41 c SC=E8XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 18) Register 'OF' Error Codes (SC= E801 through E813) xx= 01 * Description Index not active when expected Front Devices Rear Devices Controller Right Right Al A2 Left Left (A4) O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F (A3l AIN2,AIV2 AIJ2,AIC2 BIE2,BIF2 BIJ2,BIH2 BIP2,BIQ2 B1T2,BlS2 AIU2,AIT2 AID2.AIE2 BID2 BIU2 BIK2 BIN2 AIQ2 AIH2 (ECD-278) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 02 Index active when AIN2,AIV2 AIJ2,AIC2 BIE2.BIF2 BIJ2,BIH2 BIP2.BIQ2 B1T2,B1S2 AIU2,AIT2 AID2,AIE2 BID2 BIU2 BIK2 BIN2 * not expected AIQ2 AIH2 (ECD-279) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. 03 Segment Boundary not AIN2,A1V2 AIJ2,AIC2 Blf~,BlD2 B1J2,B1K2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 AID2,AIE2 BIF2.BIK2 BIH2,B1D2 BIQ2,B1U2 BlS2.BlN2 * active when expected A1U2,A1T2 AIQ2 AIH2 (ECD-281) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. A1N2,A1V2 A1J2,A1C2 B1E2,B1D2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 04 Segment Boundary active when not A1U2,A1T2 AID2,AIE2 BIF2,BIK2 BIH2,B1D2 BIQ2,B1U2 BlS2,BlN2 * expected AIQ2 AIH2 (ECD-282) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 05 Segment boundary was A1N2,AIV2 AIJ2,AIC2 BIE2,B1D2 BIJ2,B1K2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 not active after A1U2,A1T2 A1D2,A1E2 B1F2 BIQ2 B1S2 B1H2 * clock started AIQ2 AIH2 (ECD-28'f.) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 06 Address Mark or AIN2,AIV2 AIJ2,AIC2 B1E2.BID2 BIJ2,B1K2 B1P2,BIN2 B1T2,BIU2 AIU2,AlT2 AID2.AIE2 BIF2 BIQ2 Index Not Active BIH2 B1S2 * when expected AIQ2 AIH2 (ECD-28S) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 07 Oriented not active AIV2,AIW2 AIC2,AIB2 when expected (ECD-287) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 10 First Byte Ready AIN2,AIV2 AIJ2,AIC2 active when not (ECD-288) expected go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. No further action 13 Special after Index AIV2,Al\'l2 AIC2.AIB2 command No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code E8XX. see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R'f.O. /~-"", -- Figure 32 (Part 1 of 3). SC=E8XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 18) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ~ Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-42 C~; c c Register 'OF' Error Codes (SC= E814 through E85l) ( XX= Description Controller Al A2 (Al) (A4) Front Devices Left Right Op4 p8 pC Ip5 p9 pD Rear Devices Right Left lp7 pBpF 2p6 pApE 14 (. ( (- (/ ( -, j (( ( ( ( ( Address Mark active AlQ2,AIN2 AIH2,AIJ2 when not expected AlV2 AIC2 (ECD-289) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. 15 Lock PLO To Servo AlV2,AIQ2 AIC2,AIH2 not active when expected (ECD-290) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 17 Write Address Mark AIN2,AlV2 AlJ2,AIC2 active when not expected (ECD-292) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR713. 18 Lock PLO To Data not A1V2,AIQ2 A1C2,AIH2 active when expected AIN2 AIJ2 (ECD-293) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. 19 'Any Check' and 'Any AlW2,AIN2 AIB2,AIJ2 Check Duplicated' AIV2 AIC2 mismatch (ECD-294) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 20 CDP Tag In At valid AIU2,AIT2 AID2,AIE2 BIF2,B1G2 BIH2,BIG2 BIQ2,BIR2 BlS2,BlR2 BIJ2 BlP2 B1T2 * when not expected AIN2,AIV2 AIJ2,AIC2 BIE2 (ECD-29S) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry CD 21 In Reset Allegiance AIU2,AIT2 AlD2,AIE2 BIF2,BIG2 BlH2,BlG2 BIQ2,BIR2 BlS2,BIR2 the device AIN2,AIV2 AIJ2,AIC2 BIE2 BlJ2 BIP2 B1T2 * command, returned incorrect (ECD-296) address See MIM Volum~ RIO, page MAP-I, Entry CD 22 CDP Tag In was not AlU2,AlT2 AlD2,A1E2 B1F2,BIG2 BlH2,BIG2 BlQ2,BIR2 BlS2,BIR2 at Selected Null, BlP2 B1T2 B1J2 * is now at Selected AIN2,A1V2 AIJ2,AIC2 BIE2 (ECD-298) Null See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry CD 51 Expected Device BlE2,BIF2 BIJ2,BIH2 B1P2,BIQ2 B1T2,B1S2 Checkpoint Log value did not occur (ECD-299) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. BIE2,BIF2 BIJ2,BIH2 BIP2,BIQ2 B1T2,B1S2 52 Expected Device Checkpoint Log value did not occur (ECD-299) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. 53 Expected Device B1E2,BIF2 B1J2,BIH2 BIP2,BIQ2 B1T2,B1S2 Checkpoint Log value did not occur (ECD-299) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code E8XX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM, Volume R40. Figure 32 (Part 2 of 3). SC= E8XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 18) PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 ( ( ( ( (~ © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 19BB SC-FRU-43 Register 'OF' Error C~des XX= Description 55 Expected Device Checkpoint Log value did not occur (ECD-299) 56 Pad in Progress active when not (ECD-299) expected (SC= E855 through E8FF) Controller A2 Al (A3l (A41 Rear Devices Front Devices Right Right Left Left 2,6 .. A,E 3J>7,B,F O.. 4 .. 8 .. C l .. 5,9,D BlE2,BIF2 BlJ2,BlH2 BlP2,BIQ2 B1T2,B1S2 No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. BIE2,BIF2 BIJ2,BIH2 BIP2.BIQ2 B1T2.B1S2 No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. /" '. 57 58 Expected Device Checkpoint Log value did not occur (ECD-299) Expected Device Checkpoint Log value did not occur (ECD-299) 80- Undervoltage Active FF ORed with code 00-7F BlE2.BIF2 BlJ2.BIH2 BlP2.BIQ2 B1T2.B1S2 No further action - '<-. go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. BIE2.BIF2 BIJ2.BIH2 BIP2.BIQ2 B1T2.B1S2 No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. See corresponding entry for Symptom Code E800 - E87F. Also see entry for Symptom Codes EFFF and DFFF. NOTE: For details about symptom code E8XX. see page ECD-nnn in the Figure 32 (Part 3 of 3). ECM~ Volume ~- .-/ R~O. SC=E8XX (XX= Format 8 Byte 18) \ .. PIN 4519909 50 Sides -"", EC 476581 01Aug89 <0 Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 SC-FRU-44 - ( ( ( ( SC=EBXX XX Bits 0-3 = Byte 16 Bits 4-7 XX Bits 4,5 = Byte 17 Bits 5,6 XX Bits 6,7 = Byte 14 Bits 6,7 CDP Card Detected Error (SC= EBXX) Bit Description Controller A1 (A3) A2 (A4) Front Devices Left Right O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D Rear Devices Left Right 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F * String Configuration A1U2,AIS2 AID2,AIF2 BIF2** B1H2** BIQ2** B1S2** Bits 0-3: AIV2 AIC2 BIG2,B1E2 BIG2,BIJ2 BIR2,BIP2 BIR2,BIT2 Number of units that B1D2 B1K2 BIN2 BIU2 are cabled into the string. Set by IOC See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry CD card switches 1-4. 0,1 Configuration bits Device Range OO-OF: 00 = A unit only 01 = A and 1 B unit 10 = A and 2 B units 11 = A and 3 B units 2,3 Configuration bits Device Range IO-IF: 00 = A unit only 01 = A and 1 B unit 10 = A and 2 B units 11 = A and 3 B units 4,5 Substring Select (bits 4 and 5) 10 = Substring 0 01 = Substring 1 00 = Invalid 11 = Invalid 6,7 CDP Port Select (bits 6 and 7) 456 7 1 o 0 0 = Port 0 1 o 0 1 = Port 1 1 0 1 0 = Port 2 1 o 1 1 = Port 3 0 1 0 0 = Port 4 0 1 0 1 = Port 5 o 1 1 0 = Port 6 0 1 1 1 = Port 7 Note: String ID can be determined by Sense Byte 3. ** A defective card in one device can cause failures in other devices on the same port. See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry CD, before replacing cards. The CDP port in error (port 0 through 7) is indicated by the combination of bits 4 and 5 (Substring Select) and bits 6 and 7 (CDP Port Select). * A more ( detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code EBXX, see page ECD-351 in the ECM, Volume R40. Figure 33. SC = EBXX ( ( ( ( PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 SC-FRU-4S SC=ECXX (XX= Format 8 Bytes 11,12,13, 18) DDC Hot Bits CSC= ECXX) Bit Description i XX= Bits always active on, Format 8 sense assembly * Controller Al A2 (A3) CA41 AlV2,AlS2 AlC2,AlF2 AlU2,AlT2 AlD2,AlE2 AlN2,AIW2 AlJ2,A182 AIMft.,AIQ2 AILft.,AIH2 (£CO-257) Front Devices Right Left O,4,8,C l,S,9,D Rear Devices Right Left 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. NOTE: For details about symptom code ECXX, see page ECD-257 in the £CM, Volume Rft.O. Figure 34. SC=ECXX (XX= Format 8 Bytes 11,12,13,18) SC=EDXX (XX= Format 8 Byte 09) " ./ DDC Bus In (SC= EDOl through EDIO) XX= 00 01 06 07 08 on 10 * Description Controller Front Devices Rear Devices Right Right Al A2 Left Left (A3) l,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F (A41 O,4,8,C An unexpected end-op AlW2,A1V2 AlB2,AlC2 AIN2,AIQ2 AIJ2,AIH2 response received (£CO-260) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. nnc command overrun AIW2 AIB2 (£CO-268) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Invalid command code A1S2,AIV2 AlF2,AlC2 AIB2 AIW2 (£CO-270) See MIM Volume R1O, page MAP-I, Entry AA nnc data overrun A1W2,A1N2 AlB2,AIJ2 AIV2 AIC2 (£CD-271) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry AA HAR modifier overrun A1W2 AlB2 on set HAR oriented (£CO-273) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-I3. Data missing in a count area Check 2 detected in controller For further analysis, go to the MIM page MAP-I, Entry EN. A1N2,AIW2 AlS2,AIV2 A1U2,A1T2 AIQ2,AIR2 AlJ2,AIB2 AIF2,AIC2 A1D2,Al£2 AIH2,AIG2 (£CO-274) No further action -- go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code EnXX, see page ECD-nnn in the £CM, Volume Rft.O. * Figure 35 (Part 1 of 2). SC= EDXX (XX= Format 8 Byte 09) if " !\tj PIN 4519909 50 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 SC-FRU-46 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 / DDC Bus In (SC= EDII through EDlB) XX= 11 * (' 13 * 16 17 (~ (, 18 19 * 1B * Description Controller Front Devices Rear Devices Right A2 Right Al Left Left (A3) (A4) O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F Device Check 1 on A1U2,AIT2 A102,AIE2 BIF2,BIG2 BlH2,BlG2 BIQ2,BIR2 B1S2,BIR2 AIN2,AIV2 AIJ2,AIC2 BlE2,BlD2 BIJ2,BlK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 deselection AIS2 AIF2 (ECO-275) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-1, Entry CD CDP Hang condition AIU2,AIT2 AID2,AIE2 BIF2,BlG2 BIH2,BIG2 BIQ2,BIR2jB1S2,BIR2 caused by late or AlN2,AlV2 AIJ2,AlC2 BlE2,BlD2 BlJ2,BlK2 BIP2,BlN2 BIT2,BlU2 missing response A1S2 AIF2 (ECO-305) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-I, Entry CD Data check on start AIN2,AIV2IAIJ2,AIC21 I I I read/write (ECO-307) No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. Any check, but AIV2,AIN2 AIC2,AIJ2 controller collected AIQ2,AIW2 AIH2,A1B2 no status (ECO-308) No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-13. Sync Out/In Tag AlW2,AIN2 AIB2,AIJ2 counts not equal AIV2,A1R2 A1C2,AZG2 (ECO-31O) No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. Device dropped to A1U2,A1T2 A102,A1E2 BIF2,BIG2 BIH2,BIG2 BIQ2,BIR2 B1S2,BIR2 null A1N2,AZV2 AZJ2,A1C2 BIE2,BID2 BIJ2,BIK2 BIP2,BIN2 B1T2,BlU2 AIF2 AlS2 (ECO-311) See MIM Volume RIO, page MAP-l, Entry CD Index found during AIU2,AIT2 AID2,AIE2 BIE2,BIF2 BIJ2,BIH2 BIP2,BIQ2 BIT2,B1S2 defect skip in HA AIN2,AIQ2 AIJ2,AIH2 B102 BIK2 BIN2 B1U2 (ECO-312) No further action - go to RMAP 340 on page REPAIR-l3. * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code EDXX, see page ECD-nnn in the ECM 1 Volume R40. Figure 35 (Part 2 of 2). SC= EDXX (XX= Format 8 Byte 09) ( (: ( ( ( (- PIN 4519909 50 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 19B7, 19BB SC-FRU-47 SC=EEXX (XX= Format 8 Byte 14) Controller Fault Log D (SC= EEXXl Bit Description contrrller Al A2 (A31 (A4) 1 Front Devices Left Right O,4,8,C 1,5,9,D Rear Devices Left Right 2,6,A,E 3,7,B,F T Device Check I: (bits O. 1. 2. 3) indicates the device on the port in error Note: Device ID can be determined by sense byte 4, bits 3 through 7. 0 Device 0.4.8.C Check 1 Device 1.5.9.D Check 2 Device 2.6.A.E Check 3 Device 3.7.B.F Check 4.5 Isolation 0.1: A1U2.A1T~IA1D2.A1E2 B1F2,B1H2IB1H2,B1F2 B1Q2.B1S2IB1S2,B1Q2 (bits 4 and 5) AIV2,AlS2 AIC2,AIF2 8162 8162, 81R2 BIR2 OO=DPS Tie Break Chk 01=Clock Check See MIH Volume RIO. page MAP-I. Entry CD IO=Port Card Check 11=CDP Interface Chk 6,7 CDP Port Select: Note: String ID can be determined by sense byte 3. (bits 6 and 7) Substring 0: The CDP port in error (port 0 through 7) is indicated Byte 17. Bi t ' 5 = 1 by the combination of sense byte 17. bits 5 and 6, and Devices 00 - OF the XX portion of symptom code EEXX, bits 6 and 7. 00 = Port 0 01 = Port 1 10 = Port 2 11 = Port 3 6,7 CDP Port Select: (bits 6 and 7) Substring 1: Byte 17. Bit 6 = 1 Devices 10 - ' IF 00 = Port 4 01 = Port 5 10 = Port 6 11 = Port 7 * A more detailed analysis can be obtained by using the MD to analyze the SC. NOTE: For details about symptom code EEXX, see page ECD-335 in the ECM, Volume R40. * ,I ,/ Figure 36. SC=EEXX (XX= Format 8 Byte 14) , MASTER INDEX-6 (' ( ( (',' ( ;. '\ ./ EC 'See ECM index EO 'See ECM index EE 'See ECM index EF 'See ECM index F1 'See ECM index F2 'See ECM index F3 'See ECM index F4 'See ECM index F6 'See ECM index F8 'See ECM index F9 'See ECM index FC 'See ECM index checkpoint error 'See MIM index checkpoint error reporting and collection 'See MIM index checkpoint error, reporting and collection 'See MIM index checkpoint freeze detected not active during diagnostic command (8B) 'See ECM index checkpoint log checks A7 through B4 SC = 95A7 through 95B4 SC-FRU-12 checks BS through co SC = 95BS through 9SCO SC-FRU-13 checks CB through 06 SC = 95CB through 9506 SC-FRU-15 checks C1 through CA SC = 95C1 through 9SCA SC-FRU-14 checks 07 through F2 SC 9507 through 95F2 SC-FRU-16 checks F3 through FC SC = 95F3 through 9SFC SC-FRU-17 checks 10 through 3A SC = 9510 through 953A SC-FRU-6 checks 3B through 4F SC = 953B through 954F SC-FRU-6 checks 50 through 6A SC = 9550 through 956A SC-FRU-8 checks SO through 5C SC = 9550 through 955C SC-FRU-7 checks 6B through 7A SC = 956B through 957 A SC-FRU-9 checks 7B through 88 SC = 957B through 9588 SC-FRU-10 checks 8A through A6 SC = 958A through 9SA6 SC-FRU-11 SC = 90XX SC-FRU-23 10 through FF SC-FRU-23 checkpoint log byte 15 'See MSM index checks - service 'See MIM index capacitor 'See MIM index = ( (\ C' PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 diode 'See MIM index rectifier 'See MIM index checks, read/write channel board voltages 'See MIM index checks, safety 'See Index of INST checks, voltage 'See MIM index circuit card connector assignments 'See MIM index circuit protectors INTRO-35 clock check analysis procedure MAP 'See MIM index clock LEOs INTRO-30 clock ~>,nchronization to cell boundary 'See MSM index to sync byte 'See MSM index clock/SEROES/ECC card check 'See ECM index coil, magnet 'See MIM index command gate missing during data check recovery 'See ECM index command gate stuck active 'See ECM index command transfers during track processing 'See MSM index commands 'See MSM index compare device status 'See Index of INST complete did not occur for power sequence 'See MIM index complete relay 'See MIM index complete string removal procedure 'See Index of INST condition code 3 - console message ISOLATE-42 conditions, airflow error 'See MIM index conditions, drive motor error 'See MIM index sense bit indications format 1, byte 10, bits 3 through 7 'See MIM index format 1, byte 11, bit 3 'See MIM index conditions, drive motor switch error 'See MIM index configuration MO-73 configuration data MO-75 configuration response verification 'See Index of INST configuration switch 4-path, nondisruptive 'See Index of INST configuration, device numbering (PSG Vol. R05, entry G) 'See MIM index configuration, string address switches (2-path) REPAIR-18 configuration, string address switches (4-path) REPAIR-19 configurations MASTER INDEX-7 subsystem INTRO-3 3380-J string and port INTRO-14 3380-J 2-path string INTRO-14 3380-JK port INTRO-17 3380-JK 4-path string INTRO-15 3990 subsystem INTRO-14, INTRO-17 configurations, subsystem INTRO-12 configurations, 3380-JK string 'See Index of INST connect the ac line cord 'See Index of INST connection check alert 'See ECM index connection check alert and power status SC = D1XX SC-FRU-26 connection check alert and power status, byte 11 'See MSM index connection test MD-17, MD-64 connector assignments, circuit card 'See MIM index connector, MD 'See MIM index connectors maintenance device (MD) INTRO-11, INTRO-25 connectors, HDA - front drive 'See MIM index connectors, HDA - rear drive 'See MIM index connectors, tailgate 'See MIM index console message - condition code 1 ISOLATE-38 console message - condition code 3 ISOLATE-42 console message - intervention required ISOLATE-35 console message - missing channel end and device end IS 0 LATE-46 console message - volume fenced from storage path ISOLATE-51 console message - write inhibited ISOLATE-49 console messages - miscellaneous ISOLATE-53 console messages and EREP INTRO-37 console messages, IMAP reference table ISOLATE-34 contamination, voice-coil 'See MIM index control cable checkout procedure 'See MIM index control card switch settings REPAIR-20 control interface 'See MSM index control mode 'See MSM index fencing INTRO-6 line descriptions 'See MSM index transfer mode 'See MSM index control interface analysis 'See MIM index control interface analysis MAP 'See MIM index control interface check-2 MAP 'See MIM index control interface test isolation codes MAP 'See MIM index control panel, single actuator maintenance INTRO-34, 'See MIM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 control panel, single actuator maintenance (SAM) 'See MIM index control, power sequence 'See MIM index control, power summary diagram 'See MIM index controller INTRO-11, MD-55 Ax connection tests ready MD-67 fault log A SC-FRU-38 fault log B SC-FRU-39 fault log C SC-FRU-39 fault log D SC-FRU-48 fault log E SC-FRU-40 fault log F SC-FRU-41 fault log G SC-FRU-41 o check 1 status SC-FRU-27, SC-FRU-28 o register 1F SC-FRU-31 1 check 1 status SC-FRU-29, SC-FRU-30 controller A1 CDP 0 and 1 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A1 CDP 2 and 3 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A 1 CDP 4 and 5 pin connections 'See MIM il1dex controller A1 CDP 6 and 7 pin connections 'See MIM index controllerA2 CDP 0 and 1 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A2 CDP 2 and 3 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A2 CDP 4 and 5 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A2 CDP 6 and 7 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A3 CDP 0 and 1 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A3 CDP 2 and 3 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A3 CDP 4 and 5 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A3 CDP 6 and 7 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A4 CDP 0 and 1 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A4 CDP 2 and 3 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A4 CDP 4 and 5 pin connections 'See MIM index controller A4 6 and 7 pin connections 'See MIM index controller check alert and power status SC = DEXX SC-FRU-34 controller checkout, post-repair REPAIR-11 MASTER INDEX-8 "'- ... ;:0/ '" i ..7 ~ \... / « (~' c c c c c c controller clock check 'See ECM index controller command active with a OPS command on the DOC bus out 'See ECM index controller command active without DOC tag out being in a command gate state 'See ECM index controller command, OPS command or selected stuck active 'See ECM index controller connection test MO-66 controller dc power safety inspection, models AJ4 and AK4 'See MIM index controller diagnostics ISOLATE-9 controller failed to set or reset long busy latch 'See ECM index controller fault log A SC= E1XX SC-FRU-38 controller fault log A, byte 11 'See MSM index controller fault log B SC = E2XX SC-FRU-39 controller fault log B, byte 12 'See MSM index controller fault log C SC = E3XX SC-FRU-39 controller fault log C, byte 13 'See MSM index controller fault log 0 SC = EEXX SC-FRU-48 controller fault log 0, byte 14 'See MSM index controller fault log E SC E5XX SC-FRU-40 controller fault log E, byte 15 'See MSM index controller fault log F SC = E6XX SC-FRU-41 controller fault log F, byte 16 'See MSM index controller fault log G SC = E7XX SC-FRU-41 controller fault log G, byte 17 'See MSM index controller functions 'See MSM index controller gate DOC drivers check 'See ECM index controller not available on disconnected command chain 'See ECM index controller not connected correctly not connected correctly ISOLATE-55 controller not ready ISOLATE-32 controller path control 'See MSM index controller sequencer function 'See MSM index control function 'See MSM index monitor function 'See MSM index controller power on/off 'See Index of INST, REPAIR-27 controller power on/off switches INTRO-8, INTRO-22, 'See MIM index controller power supplies 'See Index of INST = c~ (~ ( c ( ( PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 controller power supply 'See MIM index controller power supply (A1/A2) 'See MIM index controller power supply circuit protectors INTRO-32 controller power supply CPs INTRO-32 controller ready LEOs INTRO-8, INTRO-22, 'See MIM index, 'See Index of INST controller selection 'See MSM index controller sequencer and/or IOC register failure 'See ECM index controller sequencer check 'See ECM index controller sequencer check-2 'See ECM index controller sequencer counter failed 'See ECM index controller sequencer detected check-1 errors--string 0 SC = 0602 through 0636 SC-FRU-31 SC = 0670 through 06CE SC-FRU-31 controller sequencer detected check-1 errors--string 1 . SC = 0802 through 0870 SC-FRU-33 SC = 0872 through 08CE SC-FRU-33 controller sequencer microcode detected check-1 'See ECM index controller sequencer microcode detected error 'See ECM index controller sequencer transfers control 'See MSM index controller string 0 check-1 status 1 SC = 02XX SC-FRU-27 controller string 0 check-1 status 2 SC = 03XX SC-FRU-28 controller string 1 check-1 status 1 SC 04XX SC-FRU-29 controller string 1 check-1 status 2 SC = 05XX SC-FRU-30 controller to COP card check 'See ECM index controller under voltage 'See ECM index controller voltage regulator card 'See MIM index controller voltage regulator card LEOs INTRO-32 controller 0 or 1 check-1 status, byte 12 or 14 'See MSM index controller 0 or 1 check-1 status, byte 13 or 15 'See MSM index controller 0/1 connection check alert 'See ECM index controller 0/1 OPS unconditional reserve release 'See ECM index controller-to-device port interface check procedure 'See MIM index = MASTER INDEX-9 /' controller/drive power-on sequence chart 'See MIM index controller, A gate 'See MIM index controller, power-on sequence chart 'See MIM index controller, select MD-52 convenience outlet 'See IV'IM index convenience outlet distribution 'See MIM index front 'See MIM index rear 'See MIM index conversion of a joined 2-path configuration to 4-path 'See Index of INST conversion to 4-path procedure, start 'See Index of INST conversion to 4-path, summary 'See Index of INST conversion 2-path to 4-path feature 'See Index of INST corrective action determination with sense data START-17 corrective action with EREP START-8 count area format 'See MSM index cover alignment 'See Index of INST covers, A and B units 'See MIM index CP failure analysis, tripped 'See MIM index CPs, controller power supply INTRO-32 CPs, 24 Vdc panel INTRO-32 CP410 location 'See Index of INST cross reference entries from other MLMs MLX-2 exits to other MLMs MLX-3 MLM MLX-1 CTL-I cable and terminator connect 'See Index of INST cable connect to 3880., 2-path, 2nd string 'See Index of INST cable connect to 3990, 2-path 'See Index of INST cable connect to 3990, 2-path, 2nd string 'See Index of INST cable connect to 4-path 'See Index of INST cable routing, 2-path 'See Index of INST cable routing, 4-path 'See Index of INST CTL-I cable connect to 3880, 2-path 'See Index of INST second string cable connecting to 4-path 'See Index of INST second string connecting to 2-path, 4-path 'See Index of INST CTL-I analysis MAP 'See MIM index CTL-I check 1 'See MIM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 CTL-I check 1 for 3990 MAP 'See MIM index CTL-I check 2 for 3990 MAP 'See MIM index CTL-I check-2 MAP 'See MIM index CTL-I test isolation codes MAP 'See MIM index CTL-I, recable the 'See Index of INST cylinder address miscompare 'See ECM index cylinder seek routine 8A MAP 'See MIM index cylinders INTRO-26 \--- / DASD data transfer summary PROG-11 event history report PROG-20 informational messages PROG-10 symptom code summary PROG-16 DASD string summary PROG-8 DASD subsystem exception report PROG-4 data and fill characters reading 'See MSM index writing 'See MSM index data capacity INTRO-26 data check 'See ECM index data check - cards and HDA 'See MIM index data check - define failure boundary 'See MIM index data check - drive or device 'See MIM index repair strategy 'See MIM index data check analysis 'See MIM index data check detection and correction INTRO-30 data check on start read/write 'See ECM index data check recovery routine, expected device checkpoint OK or failed 'See ECM index data check recovery routine, pad-in-progress active when not expected 'See ECM index data checks message SC-FRU-24, SC-FRU-49 SC = 40YY through 47YY SC-FRU-2 data checks on customer tracks 'See MIM index data checks on the CE tracks 'See MIM index data checks, diagnostics for ISOLATE-16 data checks, planning the repair action for START-23 data detector check 'See ECM index data tracks INTRO-26 data transfer summary PROG-1, PROG-11 data valid check 'See ECM index DCP BAT failure 'See ECM index MASTER INDEX-10 / ' \--, / / \'-l./ c ( ( ( -,\ j c (. ' j ,\ (~\ C:, _/ ( "' / ( ' .. {~. DCP busy bit active at the end of the offset 'See ECM index DCP busy bit active before issuing offset command 'See ECM index DCP busy bit active before issuing rezero command 'See ECM index DCP busy bit active before issuing search command 'See ECM index DCP busy bit active either at the beginning or end of the seek 'See ECM index DCP busy bit detected inactive during rezero 'See ECM index DCP busy bit goes inactive during seek 'See ECM index DCP busy bit not active at the beginning of offset command 'See ECM index DCP busy bit not active at tile beginning of seek command 'See ECM index DCP busy detected during data check recovery 'See ECM index DCP check detected during data check recovery 'See ECM index DCP command bit active when not expected during compress routine 'See ECM index DCP command bit active when not expected during decompress 'See ECM index DCP detected checksum error during DCP IML or DCP SAT 'See ECM index DCP detected error after park prior to starting the motor 'See ECM index DCP detected error at the beginning of motor start 'See ECM index DCP detected error doing a decompress of the motor start 'See ECM index DCP detected error during a seek of crash stop recovery 'See ECM index DCP detected error or hang during the sticky crash stop recovery 'See ECM index DCP detected error or it failed to start the rezero ·command 'See ECM index DCP detected error or servo failure during power on 'See ECM index DCP detected error or timeout during a compress routine 'See ECM index DCP detected error or timeout during a decompress 'See ECM index DCP detected external error after any sequencer to DCP command 'See ECM index DCP detected failure during offset 'See ECM index DCP detected failure during rezero routine 'See ECM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 DCP detected failure during seek 'See ECM index DCP detected failure during the handling of sweep commands 'See ECM index DCP detected internal error after any sequencer to DCP command 'See ECM index DCP error bit detected active during a 'go around' search 'See ECM index DCP error bit detected active during offset 'See ECM index DCP error bit detected active during seek 'See ECM index DCP error detected during data check recovery 'See ECM index DCP fails to accept offset command or DCP hang condition detected 'See ECM index DCP fails to accept seek command or DCP hang condition detected 'See ECM index DCP found busy with not write inhibit 'See ECM index DCP half track bit active at the end of the rezero 'See ECM index DCP half track bit in wrong state during seek 'See ECM index DCP half track bit not active when expected during rezero routine 'See ECM index DCP hang after any servo command 'See ECM index DCP IML failure 'See ECM index DCP in an error state or wrong command issued during safe routine 'See ECM index DCP offset bit in wrong state during offset 'See ECM index DCP sample interrupt signal not changing states during idle routine 'See ECM index DCP sample interrupt signal out of specification during idle 'See ECM index DCP servo check 2 bit active during rezero 'See ECM index DCP servo check 2 bit detected active during a 'go around' s.earch 'See ECM index DCP servo write inhibit bit detected inactive during rezero 'See ECM index DCP servo write inhibit or write inhibit detected active at the end of the rezero 'See ECM index DCP timeout doing a compress during the motor start routine 'See ECM index DCP timeout during the sticky crash stop recovery 'See ECM index DCP timeout failure during crash stop recovery 'See ECM index DCP til'Yleout failure during sweep 'See ECM index MASTER INDEX-11 DCP track following bit active too soon during seek 'See ECM index DCP track following bit active when not expected during rezero routine 'See ECM index DCP track following bit in wrong state during offset routine 'See ECM index DOC bus in SC-FRU-46 CTL-I test failed MLX-2 hot bits SC-FRU-22, SC-FRU-46 interface check MLX-2 interface check FRUs MLX-2 DOC Bus In SC = ED01 through ED10 SC-FRU-46 SC= ED11 through ED1B SC-FRU-46 DOC bus in parity check 'See ECM index DOC bus out parity check 'See ECM index DOC command overrun 'See ECM index DOC data overrun 'See ECM index DOC hot bits SC = 9CXX SC-FRU-22 SC = ECXX SC-FRU-46 DOC interface See control interface DOC tag-out sequence check 'See ECM index DDC/DTB card switch settings 2-path REPAIR-18 4-path REPAIR-19 definitions 'See Index of INST deselection 'See MSM index detection and correction, data check INTRO-30 detector, air flow 'See MIM index determine corrective action with EREP START-8 determining the failing FRUs START-34 determining the failing ports (EBxx)START-33 determining the probable failing unit START-16 device check-2 status SC-FRU-3 level selection INTRO-6, INTRO-18 power status SC-FRU-3 status MD-73. MD-75, MD-76 status test MD-64 test MD-15 tests MD-64 type MD-77 device address device address range 'See Index of INST device addressing switches 'See Index of INST device cards, replacement procedures REPAIR-2 device characteristics summary INTRO-26 device check active 'See ECM index PIN 451991139 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 device check 1, selected 'See ECM index device check 1, unselected 'See ECM index device check-1 on selection 'See ECM index device check-2 'See ECM index device check-2 or set sector incomplete 'See ECM index device check-2 status SC = 91XX SC-FRU-3 device check-2 status byte 11 'See MSM index device does not respond to selection 'See ECM index device dropped to null 'See ECM index device enable/disable switch INTRO-8, INTRO-22 device enable/disable switch test 'See Index of INST device enable/disable switches 'See MIM index device error 'See ECM index device functions 'See MSM index device interface 'See MSM index control part 'See MSM index controller ports 'See MSM index line descriptions 'See MSM index read/write part 'See MSM index tag in 'See MSM index tag out 'See MSM index device level selection INTRO-6, INTRO-18 device logic power supply 'See Index of INST device logic switches 'See MIM index failure modes 'See MIM index device not ready ISOLATE-27 device not ready to do customer work 'See ECM index device numbering (see PSG Vol. R05, entry G) 'See MIM index device power 'See Index of INST device power on/off REPAIR-29 device power status SC = 90XX SC-FRU-3 device power status byte 10 'See MSM index device ready LEOs INTRO-8, INTRO-23, 'See MIM index, 'See Index of INST device selected dropped during data check recovery 'See ECM index device selection 'See MSM index device sequence status LED INTRO-31 device sequencer 'See MSM index device sequencer check 'See ECM index device sequencer status LED off ISO.LATE-31 device status .MD-76 device status routine, run 'See Index of INST device status test 'See Index of INST, MD-26 MASTER INDEX-12 (\ { \ ,/ ( " " /' () c c c (~ ( ( Device status test, determining failing devices and controllers ISOLATE-18 device status 1 not as expected 'See ECM index device status 1, byte 19 'See MSM index device status 2, byte 20 'See MSM index device status-1 has an invalid combination of bits 'See ECM index device status, compare 'See Index of INST device switch enabled LED off ISOLATE-30 device type MD-77 device under voltage 'See ECM index device undervoltage SC = 9FFF SC-FRU-25 DHPLO delta frequency check 'See ECM index DHPLO failed to lock check 'See ECM index DHPLO multiple select check 'See ECM index DHPLO non-drive check 'See ECM index diagnostic menu option 5 MD-19 diagnostic aids MD-82 diagnostic cylinders INTRO-27, INTRO-28 diagnostic D3 error stops MAP 'See MIM index diagnostic error stops MAP 'See MIM index diagnostic options, select MD-10 diagnostic routine descriptions routine CO - controller test 'See MSM index routine D3 - DDC tests 'See MSM index routine 80 - controller tests 'See MSM index routine 81 - device logic tests 'See MSM index routine 82 - servo tests 'See MSM index routine 83 - read/write data transfer tests 'See MSM index routine 84 - read/write function tests 'See MSM index routine 85 - seek exercifer 'See MSM index routine 9C - CE track repair 'See MSM index routine 9D - DPS array display/dump utility 'See MSM index routine 9E - patch diagnostic microcode 'See MSM index routine 9F - set/reset/sense CE mode 'See MSM index routine 90 - DPS test 'See MSM index routine 91 - home address scan 'See MSM index routine 93 - DDC tests 'See MSM index routine 96 - device status test 'See MSM index routine 97 - sense utility 'See MSM index routine 98 - error log search 'See MSM index routine 99 - motor start test 'See MSM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides 4:l Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 diagnostic run procedure controller 'See Index of INST device 'See Index of INST diagnostic runtime 'See Index of INST diagnostic, invalid command on the DDC bus out lines 'See ECM index diagnostic, invalid diagnostic command or subcommand received 'See ECM index diagnostic, invalid extended subcommand received 'See ECM index diagnostic, invalid tag state on the DDC tag out lines 'See ECM index diagnostic, lock PLO to servo not active when expected 'See ECM index diagnostic, sequencer counter failure 'See ECM index diagnostic, sUb-routine EO failed during diagnostic X'80' 'See ECM index diagnostics main menu INTRO-38 menu option A MD-37 menu option a MD-11 menu option 1 MD-13 menu option 2 MD-14 menu option 3 MD-15 menu option 4 MD-17 menu option 6 MD-24 menu option 7 MD-26, MD-73, MD-75, MD-76, MD-77 menu option 8 MD-32 menu option 9 MD-34 running INTRO-38 running with 2 MDs 'See Index of INST tests MD-2 diagnostics for data checks ISOLATE-16 diagnostics, controller ISOLATE-9 diagnostics, normal sequence ISOLATE-12 diagnostics, running ISOLATE-8 diagram, main menus MD-2 diagram, power control summary 'See MIM index diagrams, power supply 'See MIM index diagrams, subsystem with 3880, mod 3 or mod 23 'See Index of INST diagrams, subsystem with 3990 'See Index of INST differences between 3380-JK and 3380-DE AC distribution 'See Index of INST actuator swapped label 'See Index of INST attachment to a 3880 'See Index of INST attachment to a 3990, 2-path 'See Index of INST MASTER INDEX-13 attachment to a 3990, 4-path 'See Index of INST back panel 'See Index of INST baseplate shipping locks 'See Index of INST cable labels 'See Index of INST device address range 'See Index of INST device addressing switches 'See Index of INST device logic power supply 'See Index of INST device power 'See Index of INST digital servo 'See Index of INST end covers 'See Index of INST fixed A and B gates 'See Index of INST format 5 'See Index of INST format 9 'See Index of INST frame designations 'See Index of INST front and rear covers 'See Index of INST gate thermals 'See Index of INST interframe connector gate 'See Index of INST jack pads 'See Index of INST multiburst ECC 'See Index of INST nondisruptive installation of a second 4-path string 'See Index of INST nondisruptive installations of B units 'See Index of INST operator panel 'See Index of INST string address switch 'See Index of INST string IDs 'See Index of INST tailgate 'See Index of INST UEPO control 'See Index of INST undervoltage detection 'See Index of INST 2-path or 4-path configurations 'See Index of INST differential pressure check, HDA manifold 'See MIM index digital servo 'See Index of INST diode check 'See MIM index disable switch, device enable/ INTRO-8, INTRO-22 switches, logic enable/ INTRO-35 disable switch detected active during any search command 'See ECM index disconnect, mainline power cable procedure 'See MIM index disk layout INTRO-29 disk surface organization 'See MSM index diskette compatibility MD-d3 diskette ordering procedure PRE-2 display or analyze next error MD-81 distribution 'See MIM index + 24 Vdc 'See MIM index convenience outlet 'See MIM index PIN 451991139 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 50 hertz 'See MIM index 60 hertz 'See MIM index distribution, +5 Vdc from +24 Vdc 'See MIM index distribution, convenience outlet 'See MIM index DLS (r .... vice level selection) INTRO-6, INTRO-18 documentation ordering procedure PRE-1, INTRO-39 DPS description INTRO-6 DPS (3990) description INTRO-18 DPS alternate check (wait/lock check) 'See ECM indexc DPS array check 'See ECM index DPS array not in.itialized 'See ECM index DPS cleanup checks on channel or system reset 'See ECM index DPS command active with a noo-DPS command on the DOC bus out lines 'See ECM index DPS compare check 'See ECM index DPS controller-to-controller connection check 'See ECM index DPS functions 'See MSM index DPS internal check 'See ECM index DPS internal register check 'See ECM index DPS storage address register check 'See ECM index DPS test MD-14 DPS tests cannot be run MD-67 DPS, reason for 'See MSM index drive 'See MSM index drive ac power assembly check, 50 Hz, except Japan 'See MIM index drive ac power assembly check, 60 Hz (50 Hz Japan) 'See MIM index drive ac 60 hertz and 50 hertz Japan 'See MIM index drive actuator power supply 'See MIM index drive belt resistance check 'See MIM index drive belt resistance range 'See MIM index drive belt, HDA 'See MIM index drive motor 'See MIM index drive motor brake 'See MIM index, 'See MSM index drive motor error conditions 'See MIM index drive power problem analysis 'See MIM index sense bit indications 'See MIM index sense byte 10 analysis 'See MIM index sense byte 11 analysis 'See MIM index (,/ -~, "-. ,' .~./ MASTER INDEX-14 ( c c c c C', drive motor slowing down during idle 'See ECM index drive motor slowing down during sweep 'See ECM index drive motor slowing down or checks active 'See ECM index drive motor switch error conditions 'See MIM index drive motor switch error conditions MAP 'See MIM index Drive motor switch momentarily off during search or idle routine 'See ECM index drive motor switch sensed off 'See ECM index drive motor switch sensed on at the beginning of diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index drive motor switch sensed on at the end of diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index drive motor/brake power sequence 'See MIM index drive motor/brake sensing 'See MIM index drive motors, HDA 'See MIM index drive padding 'See MSM index drive power on/off REPAIR-28 drive power-on/off, front 'See MIM index drive power-on/off, rear 'See MIM index· drive to CDP card check 'See ECM index drive, S gate 'See MIM index drive, power-on sequence chart 'See MIM index DTS bus in parity check 'See ECM index DTS bus out parity check 'See ECM index DTS control check 'See ECM index DTI/XES register SC-FRU-35, SC-FRU-37 SC = EOXX SC-FRU-37 durations, installation 'See Index of INST during device power on, controller failed to take control 'See ECM index dynamic path selection, (see DPS) INTRO-6, INTRO-18 / ( ESXX error 'See ECM index ECC bytes reading from disk 'See MSM index writing 'See MSM index ECC status, byte 16 and 17, format 4 'See MSM index ECXX.bits always active on, format 8 sense assembly 'See ECM index c PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 Either a DCP detected error or the check-2 reset command 'See ECM index either an invalid command or parameter was received 'See ECM index emergency power off cable 'See Index of INST emergency power off switch test 'See Index of INST emergency power off switch test 2-path 'See Index of INST emergency power off, unit - rear 'See MIM index emergency switch, unit INTRO-S, INTRO-10, INTRO-22, 'See MIM index enable/disable switch test 'See Index of INST enable/disable switch, device INTRO-8, INTRO-22 enable/disable switches, device 'See MIM index enabl~1 disable switches, logic INTRO-35 encoder circuit description 'See MSM index end cover 'See Index of INST end covers 'See Index of INST end of call REPAIR-15 end of guided maintenance REPAIR-13 end op with transfer count equal to zero 'See ECM index end op with transfer count not equal to zero 'See ECM index enter log number MD-72 enter logs to be merged MD-72 entries from other MLMs MLX-2 entries to the INST section 'See Index of INST entry G, (PSG Vol. R05) , for subsystem configuration 'See MIM index entry page, MD reference 'See MIM index entry table INTRO section INTRO-1 entry table - repair procedures REPAIR-1 entry table, MAP section 'See MIM index EPO cable 'See Index of INST equipment specifications, miscellaneous INTRO-2 erase error log LOG-10 EREP and console messages INTRO-37 reports PROG-1 EREP release level 'See MSM index EREP reports PROG-1 EREP reports, guidelines for periodic review of START-6 error display, isolation code MD-78 function stopped MD-73 sense formats MD-73 error conditions, airflow 'See MIM index MASTER INDEX-1S error conditions, drive motor 'See MIM index error correction code logic check 'See ECM index error display, isolation code MD-41 error log INTRO-38 error log data, problem analysis with ISOLATE-24 error log function LOG-1 error log functions MD-71 error log mask LOG-9 error, checkpoint 'See MIM index error, enter the date MD-72 error, reporting and collection - checkpoint 'See MIM index ESD-sensitive parts 'See MIM index event history report PROG-20 exits to other MLMs MLX-3 extended command, tag sequence check 'See ECM index extended DPS test MD-14, MD-64 external timer from other device not running 'See ECM index extra RCC required 'See ECM index failing devices and controllers, using Device Status. test ISOLATE-18 failing devices and controllers, using the error log to determine ISOLATE-20 failing ports (EBxx), determining START-33 failing strings and devices, locating START-21 failure boundary definitions 'See MSM index controller 'See MSM index device 'See MSM index drive 'See MSM index port 'See MSM index unknown 'See MSM index failure determination, subsystem START-4 failure, tripped CB or CP analysis 'See MIM index failures intermittent INTRO-38 multiple ports START-33 single ports ST ART-33 solid INTRO-38 fan, gate 'See MIM index fault log A SC-FRU-38 fault log B SC-FRU-39 fault log C SC-FRU-39 fault log D SC-FRU-48 fault log D , active check-1 bits in 'See MIM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 fault log E SC-FRU-40 fault log error isolation MAP 'See MIM index fault log F SC-FRU-41 fault log G SC-FRU-41 fault symptom code (see symptom code) feature codes, selective INTRO-2 features, attachment, storage control 'See Index of INST feedthrough path 'See MSM index fenced .devices MD-64 fenced, volume ISOLATE-51 fencing control interface INTRO-18 subsystem INTRO-18 field 'See MSM index filter assembly, absolute 'See MIM index first byte ready active when not expected 'See ECM index fixed A and B gates 'See Index of INST format and message SC = 9F10 through 9F97 SC-FRU-24 SC = 9F9A through 9F9E SC-FRU-24 format and message, byte 7 'See MSM index format 5 'See Index of INST format 6 sense data summary 'See MSM index format 7 message SC = DFFF SC-FRU-37 SC = DFX5 through DFXD SC-FRU-35 SC = DF10 through DFX4 SC-FRU-35 format 9 'See Index of INST format/message SC = EF81 through 8A SC-FRU-49 format, byte, and bit table headings 'See MSM index four path INTRO-18 frame bolting the frames together 'See Index of INST frame designations 'See Index of INST from +24 Vdc, +5 Vdc distribution 'See MIM index front drive connectors, HDA 'See MIM index front drive power-on/off 'See MIM index front drive power-on/off procedures 'See MIM index front operator panel (3880 subsystem) INTRO-7 front operator panel (3990) INTRO-20 front operator panel labels (3880) INTRO-9 front view 'See MIM index FRU bit 0 'See ECM index FRU bit 1 'See ECM index FRU replacement INTRO-38 MASTER INDEX-16 I~ C (" C ~"'\ ~ ("; FRU replacement procedures REPAIR-2 FSC (see symptom code) functions controller 'See MSM index device 'See MSM index DPS 'See MSM index drive 'See MSM index RPS 'See MSM index servomechanism 'See MSM index funnel parity check 'See ECM index (': ('/ C' c c ( ": -"/ ( '" / gaps 'See MSM index gate fan 'See MIM index gate thermals 'See Index of INST GBOD not detected after park during power off 'See ECM index GBOD not found after a seek to a minus cylinder 'See ECM index ground check, baseplate 'See Index of INST ground isolation 'See Index of INST groups, cover (A and B units) 'See MIM index guard band detected at cylinder 0 during a minus cylinder seek command 'See ECM index guard band detected during seek 'See ECM index guard bands 'See MSM index guard, belt 'See Index of INST guardband INTRO-27 guided maintenance, end of REPAIR-13 guidelines for periodic review of EREP reports ST ART-6 c ( ha scan MD-19, MD-67 ha scan, review MD-51 half wave voltage ripple measurement 'See MIM index HAR bus parity check 'See ECM index HAR modifier overrun on set HAR oriented 'See ECM index hardware, scheduling START-35 HDA actuator lock 'See Index of INST actuator unlock 'See Index of INST pulley lock 'See Index of INST PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright f: EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 pulley unlock 'See Index of INST HDA actuator locking lever, lock/unlock 'See MIM index HDA air pressure check 'See MIM index HDA cable swap 'See MIM index HDA cable swap check 'See ECM index HDA cables swapped MD-79 HDA connectors - front drive 'See MIM index HDA connectors - rear drive 'See MIM index HDA drive belt 'See MIM index HDA drive motors 'See MIM index HDA manifold, differential pressure check 'See MIM index HDA shipping lock 'See MIM index, 'See Index of INST HDA temperature check 'See Index of INST HDA temperature conversion chart 'See MIM index HDI procedure 1 'See MIM index air plenum attachment 'See MIM index air plenum removal 'See MIM index front HDA removal 'See MIM index HDA drive belt installation 'See MIM index pivot rear HDA base casting 'See MIM index rear drive power-off and actuator lock 'See MIM index rear HDA drive belt removal 'See MIM index rear HDA power-on procedure 'See MIM index rear HDA removal 'See MIM index tools and supplies 'See MIM index voice-coil magnet removal 'See MIM index voice-coil magnet replacement 'See MIM index HDI procedure 2 _'See MIM index air ,.Ienum replacement 'See MIM index front HDA power-on procedure 'See MIM index HDA installation 'See MIM index rear HDA power-on procedure 'See MIM index tools and supplies 'See MIM index voice-coil magnet removal 'See MIM index voice-coil magnet replacement 'See MIM index head address miscompare 'See ECM index head address register parity check 'See ECM index head and disk assembly 'See MIM index access mechanisms 'See MSM index front HDA power-off procedure 'See MIM index HDA actuator lock procedure 'See MIM index HDA removal 'See MIM index head addresses 'See MSM index MASTER INDEX-17 head-to-disk interference 'See MIM index mounting bolt torque 'See MIM index mounting surface cleaning 'See MIM index packing/unpacking instructions 'See MIM index plastic shipping bag 'See MIM index read/write channel board 'See MIM index rear HOA power-off procedure 'See MIM index removal 'See MIM index replacement 'See MIMindex shipping lock 'See MIM index shipping lock installation 'See MIM index temperature 'See MIM index temperature check 'See MIM index temperature conversion chart 'See MIM index temperature strip 'See MIM index tools and supplies 'See MIM index voice coil interference 'See MIM index voice coil-to-VCM interference 'See MIM index weight 'See MIM index head layout INTRO-29 head offset value, byte 15, format 4 'See MSM index head-to-disk interference 'See MIM index home address 'See MSM index hose and air plenum replacement, procedure 2 'See MIM index hot bits, DOC SC-FRU-22, SC-FRU-46 how to use the checklists 'See Index of INST I/O control card switch settings REPAIR-20 IC analysis MO-81 ICKOSF error messages 'See MIM index ICKOSF run information 'See Index of INST 10 string switches REPAIR-20 10, logic board pins 'See MIM index 10, storage director INTRO-9, INTRO-11, 'See Index of INST 10, string INTRO-9, INTRO-11, INTRO-23 10, subsystem 'See Index of INST identification of logic board pins 'See MIM index identify the A1/A2 A unit 'See Index of INST IDs, string 'See Index of INST in reset allegiance command, the device returned an encorrect address 'See ECM index index active when not expected 'See ECM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 index detection 'See MSM index index failure during idle 'See ECM index index found during defect skip in HA 'See ECM index index missing 'See ECM index index not active when expected 'See ECM index index not found during data check recovery 'See ECM index indexlcell check 'See ECM index index/record ready interrupt check during search routine 'See ECM index index, location section 'See MIM index indicators (See LEOs) operator panel INTRO-20 panel, operator INTRO-? inhibit or reset active 'See ECM index inspection, physical ISOLATE-2 install end cover 'See Index of INST installation duration goals 'See Index of INST installation power problems 'See Index of INST installation procedure, start 'See Index of INST integration test, sUbsystem 'See Index of INSi interface check FRUs, DOC MLX-2 interface procedure, COP cable 'See MIM index COP interface repair 'See' MIM index controller-to-device port interface repair 'See MIM index interface repair, COP 'See MIM index interface repair, controller-to-device port 'See MIM index repair, COP interface 'See MIM index interframe connector gate 'See Index of INST intermediate filter 'See MIM index intermediate filter check 'See MIM index intermittent failure definition 'See MSM index intermittent failures INTRO-38, 'See MSM index internal '10' register failure 'See ECM index internal machine safety inspection 'See MIM index internal mpchine safety inspection, front 'See MIM index internal machine safety inspection, rear 'See MIM index interrupt not resettable 'See ECM index interrupts, device INTRO-8, INTRO-22 intervention required - console message ISOLATE-3S INTRO section entry table INTRO-1 introduction INTRO-1, 'See MSM index, 'See Index of INST invalid command code 'See ECM index MASTER INDEX-18 ,/ '\ ( f ( ( (' (/ ( (~ invalid command in DCP command register for offset 'See ECM index invalid command in DCP command register for seek routine 'See ECM index invalid command on the DOC bus out lines 'See ECM index invalid DOC selection response or timeout 'See ECM index invalid device MD-65 invalid or illegal command received with the device busy 'See ECM index invalid tag in during selection sequence 'See ECM index invalid tag in for an extended command sequence 'See ECM index invalid tag in for an immediate command sequence 'See ECM index invalid tag state on the DOC tag out lines 'See ECM index invert the operator panel '.see Index of INST IOC card check-1 'See ECM index IOC card check-2 'See ECM index IOC controller selection check 'See ECM index IOC detected DOC bus out parity check 'See ECM index IOC register data bus parity check 'See ECM index IOC register 1 parity check 'See ECM index IOC register 3 parity check 'See ECM index IOC ROS bit parity check 'See ECM index IOC transfer clock check 'See ECM index lOCO 'See Index of INST isolate a problem START-2 isolate section entry table ISOLATE-1 isolate the problem ISOLATE-1 isolation code 1110 'See ECM index 1120 'See ECM index 1150 'See ECM index isolation code (lC) 'See MSM index isolation code error display MD-41, MO-78 jack pad 'See Index of INST jack screws 'See Index of INST Japan, 50 hertz, primary power box - A unit MIM index joined A units 'See Index of INST PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01 Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 'See K pulley shipping lock 'See Index of INST labels cables 'See Index of INST CP410 'See Index of INST device address 'See Index of INST operator panel 'See Index of INST pink/blue 'See Index of INST serial number 'See Index of INST spare machine serial number 'See Index of INST unit not installed 'See Index of INST labels (3880) front operator panel labels (3880) INTRO-9 front operator panel labels (3990) INTRO-23 rear unit emergency power off panel labels (3990) INTRO-25 unit emergency power off panel, rear (38BO) INTRO-10 LED +1.7 Vdc power supply 'See Index of INST +5 Vsp power supply 'See Index of INST AC power-on LEO 'See Index of INST controller 'See Index of INST controller ready 'See Index of INST device ready 'See Index of INST rear panel 'See Index of INST verify +5 and +1.7 off 'See Index of INST LEO continuously on, status pending ISOLATE-33 LEO off, device sequencer status ISOLATE-31 LED off, device switch enabled ISOLATE-30 LEOs 'See MIM index ac power-on 'See MIM index controller ready 'See MIM index device ready 'See MIM index LEOs, device ready 'See MIM index LEOs, A1 board voltage and clock INTRO-30 LEOs, B1 board power card INTRO-31 LEOs, controller ready INTRO-8,INTRO-11, INTRO-22, INTRO-25 LEOs, controller voltage regulator card INTRO-32 LEOs, device ready INTRO-B, INTRO-23 MASTER INDEX-19 c --I LEOs, location of INTRO-7, INTRO-20 LEOs, logic board INTRO-30 LEOs, phase INTRO-31 Legend 'See MIM index leveling pad 'See Index of INST leveling pads 'See Index of INST line cord connector, ac 'See Index of INST LOC section entry page 'See MIM index how to use the LOC section entry page 'See MIM index LOC section index 'See MIM index local/remote switch, SW487 'See Index of INST locate 'See Index of INST locate the failing machine with console messages START-36 locating 8 unit first 'See Index of INST locating the A-unit first 'See Index of INST locating the A-unit only 'See Index of INST locating the failing string and devices START-14 locating the failing strings and devices START-21 location (LOC) section index 'See M/M index location of major machine units 'See MIM index lock HOA pulley 'See Index of INST lock PLO to data not active when expected 'See ECM index lock/unlock procedure, HOA actuator 'See MIM index locking lever, actuator lock/unlock 'See MIM index loctite sealant, type E 'See MIM index log, error INTRO-38 logic board LEOs INTRO-30 logic board pin identification 'See MIM index logic Enable/Disable Switches INTRO-3S logic/actuator power supply check, safety inspection 'See MIM index lost track following during data check recovery 'See ECM index machine safety inspection, external 'See MIM index machine serial number labels, spare 'See Index of INST machine stability safety inspection 'See MIM index machine, front and rear views 'See MIM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 magnet, voice-coil 'See M/M index main menus, diagram MO-2 mainline power cable disconnect procedure 'See MIM index cable connector 'See MIM index hard wired 'See MIM index maintenance analysis procedure See MAP (Maintenance Analysis Procedure) maintenance device (see MO) MO description INTRO-37 maintenance device attachment 'See Index of INST maintenance device cable MAP 'See MIM index maintenance device reference 'See MIM index maintenance, single actuator - power on/off procedure 'See MIM index left/right front actuator 'See MIM index left/right rear actuator 'See MIM index major units of the machine, location 'See MIM index manuals 'See Index of INST manuals system reference 'See Index of INST MAP (Maintenance Analysis Procedure) cable swap analysis 'See MIM index COP interface errors 'See MIM index COP wrap error 'See MIM index clock check analysis procedure solid 'See MIM index control interface analysis 'See MIM index diagnostic CO error at 3880 'See MIM index routine 77 operating instructions from.::J. 3880 'See MIM index routine 93 operating instructions from a 3880 'See MIM index control interface check 1 for 3990 'See MIM index control interface check 2 for 3990 'See MIM index control interface check-2 'See MIM index control interface test isolation codes 'See MIM index controller A 1 through A4 pin connections 'See MIM index CTL-I check 1 for 3990 'See MIM index CTL-I check 2 for 3990 'See MIM index CTL-I check-2 'See MIM index CTL-I test isolation codes 'See MIM index cylinder seek routine 8A 'See MIM index data check - drive or device 'See MIM index diagnostic 03 error stops 'See MIM index diagnostic error stops 'See MIM index MASTER INDEX-20 \. --' ( (~ ( (" ( (/ (' ( ( ( ( drive motor switch error conditions 'See MIM index fault log error isolation 'See MIM index how t.o use 'See MIM index maintenance device cable 'See MIM index MD cable 'See MIM index no read data 'See MIM index operator panel LEDs and switches 'See MIM index read/write procedures, additional devices. 'See MIM index servo low-level and PLO signal cable assembly 'See MIM index servo low-level signal analysis 'See MIM index servo power amplifier cable 'See MIM index servo power amplifier cable assembly 'See MIM index MAP section entry table 'See MIM index mat, RFI 'See Index of INST during installation 'See Index of INST during removal 'See Index of INST MD analysis procedures INTRO-38 attachment MD-5 diskette compatibility MD-83 loading MD-5 MD Main option menu MD-52 operation MD-1 power on MD-5 running diagnostics INTRO-38 MD attachment 'See Index of INST MD cable MAP 'See MIM index MD connection test 'See MSM index MD connector 'See MIM index MD diagnostic error display MD-78 MD diagnostic menu option A MD-37 MD diagnostic menu option a MD-11 MD diagnostic menu option 1 MD-13 MD diagnostic menu option 2 MD-14 MD diagnostic menu option 3 MD-15 MD diagnostic menu option 4 MD-17 MD diagnostic menu option 5 MD-19 MD diagnostic menu option 6 MD-24 MD diagnostic menu option 7 MD-26, MD-73, MD-75, MD-76, MD-77 MD diagnostic menu option 8 MD-32 MD diagnostic menu option 9 'See Index of INST, MD-34 MD Main Menu option D MD-82 MD Main Menu option R, review MD-81 MD Main menu option a MD-7 PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright (\ EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp, 1987. 1988 MD Main menu option 2 LOG-1 MD Main Menu option 3 MD-79 MD Main option menu MD-52 MD menu MD-2 MD reference 010 select an option MD-52 020 select controller MD-52 030 set/reset CE mode MD-53 035 devices in CE mode/default devices MD-54 050 define the failure boundary MD-55 051 define the failure boundary (EBXX) MD-58 052 define the failure boundary (data checks) MD-61 090 write inhibit MD-63 092 storage path fenced MD-63 093 fenced devices MD-64 100 diagnostic menu MD-64 200 select controller MD-65 205 invalid controller selected MD-65 210 select device(s) MD-65 215 invalid device MD-65 310 reset CE mode MD-65 320 run connection tests MD-66 330 controller connection test MD-66 340 controller AX connection tests ready MD-67 350 DPS tests cannot be run MD-67 360 HA scan MD-67 395 scan complete MD-70 400 error log Junctions MD-71 405 select controller (error log) MD-71 410 enter search arguments MD-72 415 enter log number MD-72 420 enter the date MD-72 425 enter logs to be merged MD-72 430 enter the sense formats MD-73 440 error log function stopped MD-73 460 configuration MD-73 462 configuration data MD-75 465 device status MD-76 468 device type MD-77 480 storage control status MD-78 500 MD diagnostic error display MD-78 550 symptom code, enter MD-79 605 cable swap detected MD-79 615 no MD analysis for IC MD-81 700 select review option MD-81 742 analyze or display next error MD-81 800 diagnostic aids MD-82 900 MD disk.not compatible MD-83 MD reference,and entry page 'See MIM index MASTER INDEX-21 MD use 'See Index of INST MD, preparing the MO-5 MD, select an option MD-52 media maintenance using ICKDSF 'See MIM index merge log LOG-8 merging logs MD-72 MES summary INTRO-2 messages, console IMAP reference table ISOLATE-34 messages, informational PROG-10 microcode ordering information PRE-2 miscellaneous console messages ISOLATE-53 miscellaneous physical symptoms ISOLATE-6 missing channel end and device end - console message ISOLATE-46 missing device address bit at selection 'See ECM index missing end operation, transfer was complete 'See ECM index missing end operation, transfer was incomplete 'See ECM index missing interrupt - console message ISOLATE-46 missing safety labels, part numbers for 'See MIM index models, 3380 INTRO-1 motor assembly, blower 'See MIM index motor error conditions, drive 'See MIM index motor error, drive conditions 'See MIM index motor on/off switch INTRO-35 motor or soft start thermal or belt guard switch open 'See ECM index motor relay active after drop during brake relay pick test of diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index motor relay active after drop during motor test of diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index motor relay active after picking brake relay during diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index motor relay active at the beginning of motor start routine 'See ECM index motor relay active with the brake applied during diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index motor relay inactive after pick during diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index motor relay not active during power on or a search routine 'See ECM index motor relay stuck active during either a POR or a power off 'See ECM index motor run and soft start relays active after dropping during diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 motor run and soft start relays active at the beginning of diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index motor run relay active at the beginning of diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index motor run relay active at the end of diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index motor run relay not active after soft start relay drop;,'\d 'See ECM index motor sensed off, but still turning at more than 3440 rpm 'See ECM index motor sequence assembly (MSA) 'See MIM index motor slowing, AGC active, motor relay not picked during POR 'See ECM index motor start routine MD-64 motor switch error conditions, drive 'See MIM index motor switch off after the motor is started during power on routine 'See ECM index motor switch off at beginning of power on or during idle 'See ECM index motor test MD-24 motor turning without relay being picked during POR 'See ECM index motor/brake power, drive sequence 'See MIM index motor/brake sensing, drive 'See MIM index motor/brake, drive power 'See MIM index motor, brake 'See MIM index motor, drive 'See MIM index motors, HDA and blower 'See MIM index move procedure during 4-path 'conversion 'See Index of INST MSA 'See MIM index multiburst ECC 'See Index of INST multifunction 'See ECM index multiple MO-56 multiplexer input parity check 'See ECM index o ( ' ( '\ \ ::._ :7 J if"- \l/ next level of support assistance REPAIR-13 no air flow 'See ECM index no air pressure detected 'See ECM index no air pressure detected before the motor start 'See ECM index no air pressure detected during idle 'See ECM index MASTER INDEX-22 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 C\ I;' -_... " " ( (- f (- C no air pressure detected during power on routine 'See ECM index no function 'See ECM index no interrupt from device during sUb-system command chain 'See ECM index no power sequence complete 'See MIM index no power sequence complete signal MLX-2 no read data 'See MIM index repair strategy 'See MIM index no read data check 'See ECM index no read data found 'See ECM index no read/write recovery 'See ECM index no selection response after poll interrupt (DDC) 'See ECM index non-repeatable runout MD-37 nondisruptive CDP cables, 4-path installation, nondisruptive 4-path 'See Index of INST nondisruptive installation of a second 4-path string 'See Index of INST nondisruptive installations of B units 'See Index of INST nondisruptive, string configuration switch, 4-path 'See Index of INST normal sequence MD-11 normal sequence diagnostics ISOLATE-12 not ready, controller ISOLATE-32 not ready, device ISOLATE-27 not track following after fourth settling delay during seek routine 'See ECM index NRRO test MO-37 numbering, device (see PSG Vol. R05, entry G) 'See MIM index ( ( ( (' ( offset active cannot be reset 'See ECM index offset command not saved prior to data check recovery 'See ECM index offset routine took too long 'See ECM index operation, power supply 'See MIM index operator panel INTRO-7, 'See MIM index, 'See MSM index, 'See Index of INST AC power-on LED 'See Index of INST controller power on/off switches 'See MIM index controller ready LEOs 'See MIM index device enable/disable switches 'See MIM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 device ready LEOs 'See MIM index invert, rotate 'See Index of INST labels when attached to a 3990 'See Index of INST labels when attached to 3880 'See Index of INST power-on LEO 'See MIM index switch cables 'See Index of INST unit emergency switch 'See MIM index unit not installed label 'See Index of INST operator panel and +24 Vdc panel 'See MIM index operator panel LEDs and switches MAP 'See MIM index operator panel switch cable removal 'See Index of INST option A, diagnostic menu MD-37 option D, MD Main Menu MD-82 option ~, MO Main Menu MO-81 option 0, diagnostic menu MD-11 option 1, diagnostic menu MO-13 option 2, diagnostic menu MO-14 option 2, MO Main menu LOG-1 option 3, diagnostic menu MO-15 option 3, MD Main Menu MD-79 option 4, diagnostic menu MD-17 option 5, diagnostic menu MO-19 option 6, diagnostic menu MO-24 option 7, diagnostic menu MD-26, MD-73, MD-75, MO-76, MO-77 option 8, diagnostic menu MO-32 option 9, diagnostic menu 'See Index of INST, MO-34 ordering manuals 'See Index of INST oriented not active when tested 'See ECM index outlet distribution, ac convenience 'See MIM index outlet, convenience distribution 'See MIM index pack and unpack instructions 'See Index of INST pack scan. See HA scan MO-67 packing 'See Index of INST pad characters writing 'See MSM index padding check 'See ECM index panel, operator INTRO-20, 'See MIM index panel, operator and +24 Vdc 'See MIM index MASTER INDEX-23 o panel, power sequencing INTRO-34 panel, rear 'See Index of INST panel, rear UEPO 'See MIM index panel, 24 Vdc INTRO-32 park failed before starting motor during power on 'See ECM index part(s) location, index 'See MIM index path INTRO-11, INTRO-23, INTRO-25 path and device physical identifier, byte 4 'See MSM index permanent equipment check definition 'See MSM index permanent failure definition 'See MSM index permanent field PROG-13 permanent path error 'See ECM inc;lex phase LEOs INTRO-31 phase rotation rework 'See Index of INST phase, determine the ac line 'See Index of INST phasing, ac and primary power 'See MIM index physical inspection ISOLATE-2 physical parts 'See MSM index A unit 'See MSM index B unit 'See MSM index physical symptoms, miscellaneous ISOLATE-6 pin identification, logic board 'See MIM index planning the repair action for data checks START-23 plenum and hose replacement, procedure 2 'See MIM index plenum and hose, procedure 1 'See MIM index port degate check 'See ECM index port response check 'See ECM index post-repair checkout REPAIR-8 post-repair controller checkout REPAIR-11 power controller on/off procedure REPAIR-27 device on/off procedure REPAIR-29 drive on/off procedure REPAIR-28 drive power on, first time 'See Index of INST LEOs, B1 board INTRO-31 on LED, AC INTRO-8, INTRO-22 on/off switches, controller INTRO-8, INTRO-22, 'See Index of INST sequence cables INTRO-6, INTRO-19 sequencing panel INTRO-34 string on/off procedure REPAIR-25 unit on/off procedure REPAIR-26 power amplifier card, servo 'See MIM index power amplifier card, voltage checks - servo 'See MIM index power box, primary - B unit 'See MIM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 power box, primary, Aunit(50 hertz) 'See MIM index power cable cable labeling 'See Index of INST power cable installation, B unit 'See Index of INST power cable removal 'See Index of INST power card check 'See MIM index power card check - sequencer write bus parity check 'See ECM index power control summary diagram 'See MIM index power on/off controller REPAIR-27 device REPAIR-29 drive REPAIR-28 string REPAIR-25 unit REPAIR-26 power on/off switches, controller 'See MIM index power on/off, single actuator maintenance (SAM) procedure 'See MIM index front left/right 'See MIM index rear left/right 'See MIM index power on, CB200 'See Index of INST power problems on installation 'See Index of INST power receptacle safety inspection 'See MIM index power sequence control 'See MIM index complete relay (3880) 'See MIM index control unit device power on 'See MIM index storage control tailgate connectors 'See MIM index power sequence control cables 'See Index of INST power sequence did not complete 'See MIM index power sequencing INTRO-6, INTRO-19 power status SC-FRU-26, SC-FRU-34 power status reporting and collection 'See MIM index power supply diagrams 'See MIM index power supply operation 'See MIM index bleeder resistor 'See MIM index capacitor 'See MIM index power supply diagrams 'See MIM index rectifier 'See MIM index transformer 'See MIM index power supply ripple problem analysis 'See MIM index power supply voltage problem analysis 'See MIM index all dc voltages are high 'See MIM index all dc voltages are low 'See MIM index only one dc voltage is high 'See MIM index MASTER INDEX-24 C.'\ j (' "",;' ff-' I",.;) () If\ Itj ( (~\ (= f ( ~, .., / ( ( ( only one dc voltage is low 'See MIM index other voltage problems 'See MIM index service notes 'See MIM index two different dc voltages are failing 'See MIM index voltage problem analysis 'See MIM index power supply, controller 'See MIM index power supply, controller (Ai/A2) 'See MIM index power supply, drive actuator 'See MIM index power supply, problem - ripple analysis 'See MIM index power supply, problem - voltage analysis 'See MIM index power supply, 5/24 Vdc bootstrap 'See MIM index power switches A-unit 'See Index of INST B unit 'See Index of INST power-on LED, ac 'See MIM index power-on sequence chart 'See MIM index power-on/off procedures 'See MIM index B section of an A unit 'See MIM index B unit or B section of an A unit 'See MIM index complete B unit or B section of an A unit 'See MIM index front drive 'See MIM index rear drive 'See MIM index power-on/off procedures, 3380-JK 'See MIM index power-on/off, single actuator (front) 'See MIM index power-on/off, single actuator (rear) 'See MIM index power, drive motor/brake sequence 'See MIM index precomp circuit description 'See MSM index precompensation check 'See ECM index precompensation failure, set or reset 'See ECM index prepare the MD MD-5 pressure check, HDA 'See MIM index pressure check, HDA manifold 'See MIM index pressure checks, air 'See MIM index pressure table, air 'See MIM index primary power assembly safety inspection models AJ4, AK4, and AL4, 60 Hz (50 Hz Japan) 'See MIM index models BJ4 and BK4 'See MIM index 50 Hz (except Japan), models AJ4 and AK4 'See MIM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 primary power box - A unit (50 hertz) 'See MIM index primary power box - A unit (60 hertz, 50 hertz Japan) 'See MIM index primary power box - B unit 'See MIM index primary power on 'See Index of INST primary power, phasing 'See MIM index primary symptom code definition 'See MSM index primary, A unit (50 hertz) power box 'See MIM index prioritizing symptom codes START-i2, START-i9 probable failing unit, determining ST ART-i6 problem analysis with error log data ISOLATE-24 problem, isolate the ISOLATE-i problems, power 'See Index of INST procedure, disconnect mainline power cable 'See MIM index procedure, single actuator maintenance (SAM) 'See MIM index power on/off 'See MIM index front, left/right 'See MIM index rear, left/right 'See MIM index procedures ~See MIM index front/rear drive 'See MIM index power off 'See MIM index power on 'See MIM index power off 'See MIM index power on 'See MIM index procedures, power on/off REPAIR-23 procedures, 3380-JK power-on/off 'See MIM index PSG Vol. R05, entry G, (device numbering/subsystem configuration) 'See MIM index publications 'See MIM index cross references MLX-3 ordering procedures PRE-1, 'See MIM index, 'See MSM index, 'See ECM index rei: ~ed PRE-1, INTRO-1, 'See MIM index, 'See MSM index, 'See ECM index updatil1g PRE-i, 'See MIM index, 'See MSM index, 'See ECM index pulley lock, HDA 'See Index of INST pulley shipping lock, model K 'See Index of INST pulley unlock, HDA 'See Index of INST pulley unlock, HDA shipping lock 'See Index of INST PWR section entry page 'See MIM index how to use the PWR section entry page 'See MIM index MASTER INDEX-2S () quiesce / resume storage path INTRO-19 description INTRO-19 quiesce controller INTRO-19, 'See Index of INST quiesce storage path 'See Index of INST R/W data cable failure 'See MIM index RCC sequence check 'See ECM index RCC 1 and RCC 2 sequences not successful 'See ECM index RCC 1 sequence not successful 'See ECM index read and write check 'See ECM index read paths 'See MSM index read transmit active 'See ECM index read transmit check 'See ECM index read/write cable labeling 'See Index of INST status 1 SC-FRU-4 status 2 SC-FRU-4 status 3 SC-FRU-5 read/write cable installation, 2-path 'See Index of INST installation, 4-path 'See Index of INST removal 'See Index of INST read/write channel board 'See MIM index, 'See MSM index read/write channel board voltage check 'See MIM index read/write channel board, voltage checks 'See MIM index read/write channel check 'See ECM index read/write channel checks SC = 98XX SC-FRU-22 read/write channel status parity check 'See ECM index read/write check 'See MIM index, 'See ECM index read/write control cable check 'See ECM index read/write data cable check 'See ECM index read/write data cable failure 'See MIM index read/write gate DDC drivers check 'See ECM index read/write mode active during safe 'See ECM index read/write sequence check 'See ECM index read/write servo check 'See ECM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 read/write status 1 SC = 92XX SC-FRU-4 read/write status 1 byte 12 'See MSM index read/write status 2 SC 93XX SC-FRU-4 read/write status 3 SC = 94XX SC-FRU-5 read/write status 3, byte 14 'See MSM index read/write status 4 byte 18 'See MSM index read/write status-2 byte 13 'See MSM index ready LEOs 'See MIM index ac power-on 'See MIM index controller 'See MIM index device 'See MIM index ready lEDs, controller INTRO-8, INTRO-22 ready lEDs, device INTRO-8, INTRO-23 rear drive connectors, HDA 'See MIM index rear drive power-on/off 'See MIM index rear drive power-on/off procedures 'See MIM index rear panel 'See Index of INST rear panel lEDs 'See Index of INST rear UEPO panel 'See MIM index rear unit emergency power off panel (3880) INTRO-10 rear unit emergency power off panel (3990) INTRO-24 rear view 'See MIM index recable a string 'See Index of INST recable a string disruptively 'See Index of INST recable the CTl-1 'See Index of INST received a command that does not match the HDA model (command active - busy active) 'See ECM index received a command that does not match the HDA model (command active - busy inactive) 'See ECM index received a command that does not match the HDA model (command signal inactive) 'See ECM index reconfiguration, 3990 vital product data 'See Index of INST record 'See MSM index record ID, bytes 8 through 12 'See MSM index record ready interrupt is active too long during search routine 'See ECM index record updating 'See Index of INST rectifier and capacitor service checks 'See MIM index redundant line / selection check 'See ECM index reference item, safety inspection. 'See MIM index (', J '\ = MASTER INDEX-26 '\ i ,/ (fl' ' \ i ,",-y' c (; "\ C "~I , -..:-"' ( "\ ./ C () c c c ( ( { reference manuals system 'See Index of INST reference page 'See MIM index register 'OF' error codes SC = E801 through E813 SC-FRU-42 SC = E814 through E853 SC-FRU-42 SC= E855 through E8FF SC-FRU-43 register 'OF' errors SC-FRU-42 register 10 'See MSM index register 1F 'See MSM index regulator card LEOs INTRO-32 regulator card, controller voltage 'See MIM index relay, complete 'See MIM index relocate a string 'See Index of INST relocate a string disruptively 'See Index of INST relocation procedure, start 'See Index of INST removal procedure 'See Index of INST removal procedure, complete string 'See Index of INST removal procedure, start 'See Index of INST removal, HOA 'See MIM index repair procedures (see also service procedures) REPAIR-1 repair procedures entry tab;e REPAIR-1 replacement procedures, FRU REPAIR-2 replacement, FRU INTRO-38 reporting and collection, checkpoint error 'See MIM index reporting and collection, power status 'See MIM index reset allegiance, invalid device address received from storage control 'See ECM index reset allegiance, start conditions not correct 'See ECM index reset CE mode MO-?, MO-65 resistance check, drive belt 'See MIM index resistance range, drive belt 'See MIM index resume controller INTRO-19, 'See Index of INST resume storage path 'See Index of INST review CE mode MO-49, MO-81 diagnostics MO-81 error log MO-81 ha scan MO-51 last repair displayed MO-50 last 4 diagnostic errors MO-50 pack scan MO-?O repair MO-81 review option (MO Main Menu option R) MO-81 review, select option MO-81 rework, phase rotation 'See Index of INST RFI mat 'See Index of INST PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 II') Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 during installation 'See Index of INST during removal 'See Index of INST ripple analysis, power supply problem 'See MIM index ripple problem, power supply analysis 'See MIM index rotational position densing (RPS) check 'See ECM index routine CO failed - routine 03 correct MLX-2 03 failed (CTRL error IC = 031 B) M LX-2 03 failed - routine 77 correct MLX-2 RPS check active during search 'See ECM index RPS failed to lock detected during the search 'See ECM index RPS functions 'See MSM index record ready interrupt 'See MSM index RPS lock inactive during data check recovery 'See ECM index rrack physical address miscompare while oriented 'See ECM index run connection tests MO-66 run the device status routine 'See Index of INST running diagnostics ISOLATE-8 running with 2 MOs 'See Index of INST runtime, diagnostic 'See Index of INST safety checks 'See Index of INST safety inspection controller dc power check models AJ4and AK4. 'See MIM index drive ac power check 50 Hz (except Japan) 'See MIM index 60 Hz (50 Hz Japan) 'See MIM index external machine check 'See MIM index guidelines 'See MIM index internal machine check 'See MIM index front 'See MIM index rear 'See MIM index logic/actuator power supply check 'See MIM index machine stability 'See MIM index models BJ4 and BK4 'See MIM index power receptacle safety check procedure 'See MIM index preparation 'See MIM index primary power assembly check MASTER INDEX-27 o 50 Hz (except Japan), models AJ4 and AK4 'See MIM index 60 Hz (50 Hz Japan), models AJ4, AK4, and AL4 'See MIM index purpose 'See MIM index reference items 'See MIM index safety ECs 'See MIM index safety label 'See MIM index language group part numbers 'See MIM index special tools needed 'See MIM index unit emergency (UEPO) switch check 'See MIM index when to perform 'See MIM index safety label locations 'See MIM index safety label language group part numbers 'See MIM index SAM (single actuator maintenance), control panel 'See MIM index SAM power on/off procedures 'See MIM index SAM, power on/off procedure 'See MIM index left/right front actuator 'See MIM index left/right rear actuator 'See MIM index SAM, single actuator maintenance control panel 'See MIM index SC (see symptom code) SC 2004 (sync in check) MLX-2 SC 2020 (DDC interface check) MLX-2 SC-FRU charts SC-FRU-1 SC-FRU charts, how to use SC-FRU-1 SC = DEXX (XX = format 7 byte 11 < 0 SC-FRU-34 SC = DFXX (format 7) SC-FRU-37 SC = DFXY SC-FRU-35 SC= D1XX (XX= format 7 byte 11) SC-FRU-26 SC = D2XX (XX = format 7 byte 12) SC-FRU-27 SC = D3XX (XX = format 7 byte 13) SC-FRU-28 SC = D4XX (XX = format 7 byte 14) SC-FRU-29 SC = D5XX (XX = format 7 byte 15) SC-FRU-30 SC = D6XX (XX = format 7 byte 16) SC-FRU-31 SC = D8XX (XX = format 7 byte 18) SC-FRU-33 SC=EBXX SC-FRU-45, SC=ECXX SC-FRU-46 SC = EDXX (XX = format 8 byte 09) SC-FRU-46 SC=EEXX (XX= format 8 byte 14) SC-FRU-48 SC = EFXX (format 8) SC-FRU-49 SC = EFXX (XX = format 8 byte 07) SC-FRU-49 SC =EOXX (XX = format 8 byte 10) SC-FRU-37 SC=E1XX (XX= format 8 byte 11) SC-FRU-38 SC =E2XX (XX = format 8 byte 12) SC-FRU-39 SC=E3XX (XX= format 8 byte 13) SC-FRU-39 PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 (\:J Copyright IBM Corp, 1987, 1988 SC=E5XX (XX= format 8 byte 15) SC-FRU-40 SC=E6XX (XX= format 8 byte 16) SC-FRU-41 SC = E7XX (XX = format 8 byte 17) SC-FRU-41 SC=E8XX (XX= format 8 byte 18) SC-FRU-42 SC=4XYY (4X= format 4 byte 07, YY = format 4 byte 23) SC-FRU-2 SC = 9CXX (XX = format 1 or 9 bytes 11-15) SC-FRU-22 SC=9DXX (XX= format 1 byte 15) SC-FRU-23 SC = 9E10 SC-FRU-23 SC=9E10 (format 1) SC-FRU-23 SC = 9FXX (format 1 and 9) SC-FRU-25 SC = 9FXX (XX = format 1 or 9 byte 07) SC-FRU-24 SC=90XX (XX= format 1 byte 10) SC-FRU-3 SC=91XX (XX= format 1 or 9 byte 11) SC-FRU-3 SC=92XX (XX= format 9 byte 12) SC-FRU-4 SC = 93XX (XX = format 9 byte 13) SC-FRU-4 SC=94XX (XX= format 9 byte 14) SC-FRU-~ SC=95XX (XX= format 1 byte 15) SC-FRU-6 SC=97XX (XX= format 1 byte 17) SC-FRU-19 SC=98XX (XX= format 9 byte 18) SC-FRU-22 scan complete MD-70 scheduling the hardware START-35 searched cell, cell pulse off 'See ECM index sector compare not detected during a sector search 'See ECM index sector compare not found during data check recovery 'See ECM index sector compare stuck on during data check recovery 'See ECM index sector number, byte 13 'See MSM index sectors 'See MSM index seek head and cylinder address bytes 'See MSM index seek incomplete 'See ECM index seek process 'See MSM index seek routine took too long 'See ECM index select a diagnostic option MD-10 select controller error log MD-71 select review option MD-81 select, controller MD-52, MD-65 select, device(s) MD-65 selected device check 1 'See ECM index selection 'See MSM index selective feature codes INTRO-2 sense bytes SC-FRU-2 sense data introduction 'See MSM index sense data, procedure to analyze format of 'See MSM index sensing, drive motor/brake 'See MIM index sequence assembly, motor 'See MIM index MASTER INDEX-28 o ,~ "" 1",,_,,/ ~~\ \L.,) , " -' ' , -= ••;,' C c () sequence chart, controller/drive power-on 'See MIM index sequence chart, power-on 'See MIM index sequence, drive motor/brake power 'See MIM index sequence, no power complete 'See MIM index sequencer failed to detect bad parity during diagnostic command 84 'See ECM index sequencer failed to receive required data from the COP 'See ECM index sequencers controller 'See MSM index device 'See MSM index sequencing panel, power INTRO-34 SERDES control check 'See ECM index SERDES path check 'See ECM index serial number labels 'See Index of INST service call strategy INTRO-36 service checks, capacitor and rectifier 'See MIM index servicenotes 'See MIM index service notes, power supply ripple problem 'See MIM index service procedures SC-FRU-1 service procedures, general instructions INTRO-1 servo cable check 'See ECM index servo check 2 active prior to issuing rezero command 'See ECM index servo check 2 bit active before issuing search command 'See ECM index servo control check 'See ECM index SC = 9700 through 9754 SC-FRU-19 SC = 9755 through 9783 SC-FRU-19 SC = 9784 t~rough 97FF SC-FRU-20 . servo failure during sweep or heat up routines of power on 'See ECM index servo inhibit 'See ECM ind~x servo inhibit active during data check recovery 'See ECM index servo low-level and PLO signal cable assembly MAP 'See MIM index servo lOW-level signal analysis MAP 'See MIM index servo operations 'See MSM index control 'See MSM index servo power amplifier cable assembly MAP 'See MIM index servo power amplifier cable MAP 'See MIM index servo power amplifier card 'See MIM index servo power amplifier card voltage checks 'See MIM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 1985 connector voltage measurement 'See MIM index on-card voltage measurement 'See MIM index servo status - a bytes 12 and 13 'See MSM index servo status-1 bytes 14 and 16 'See MSM index servo surface 'See MSM index servo system INTRO-30 set CE mode MD-7 set power switches 'See Index of INST setlreset CE mode MD-?, MD-53 shipping lock 'See MIM index shipping lock installation 'See MIM index short busy time-out during device selection 'See ECM index single actuator maintenance (SAM) 'See MIM index single actuator maintenance (SAM) control panel 'See MIM index single actuator maintenance (SAM) power onloff procedure 'See MIM index single actuator maintenance control panel INTRO-34 single actuator mechanism power-on/off (front) 'See MIM index single actuator mechanism power-on/off (rear) 'See MIM index soft start relay active after dropping it during diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index soft start relay active at the beginning of diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index soft start relay active at the beginning of motor start 'See ECM index soft start relay active at the end of diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index soft start relay active when not expected 'See ECM index soft start relay inactive after pick during diagnostic routine 99 'See ECM index . soft start relay not active at beginning of motor start 'See ECM index solid failures INTRO-3'S spare machine serial number labels 'See Index of INST split bus op line 'See MSM index start procedures entry table START-1 start section entry table START-1 stal1 the installation procedure 'See Index of INST status storage control MD-78 status pending LED continuously on ISOLATE-33 MASTER INDEX-29 status, reporting and collection - power 'See MIM index storage control installation verification 'See Index of INST storage control attachment features 'See Index· of INST storage control microcode timed out on deselection 'See ECM index storage control status 'See Index of INST, MO-34, MD-78 storage control unit MD-55 storage director ID 'See Index of INST storage director ID (SDIO) INTRO-9,INTRO-11 storage path fenced MO-63 storage requirements 'See Index of INST string address INTRO-9, INTRO-11, INTRO-25 string address switch 'See Index of INST string addressing 2-path setting range 'See Index of INST 4-path setting range 'See Index of INST 4-path with 2-path setting range 'See Index of INST string configuration switch 4-path 'See Index of INST 4-path nondisruptive 'See Index of INST string configuration switch, 4-path, nondisruptive 'See Index of INST string configuration switches 2-path 'See Index of INST string configuration switches (4-path) REPAIR-22 string features, byte 8 'See MSM index string 10 INTRO-9, INTRO-11, INTRO-23, INTRO-25, 'See MSM index, 'See Index of INST string ID switches REPAIR-20 string 10 switches, set 'See Index of INST string IDs 'See Index of INST string power on/off REPAIR-25 string removal procedure, complete 'See Index of INST string summary PROG-1 string type switches, set 'See Index of INST subsystem configuration (PSG Vol. R05, entry G) 'See MIM index subsystem configuration verification 'See Index of INST subsystem diagrams with 3880, mod 3 or mod 23 'See Index of INST subsystem diagrams with 3990 'See Index of INST subsystem exception report PROG-1 Subsystem failure determination START-4 subsystem 10 'See Index of INST PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 subsystem ID (SSID) INTRO-23, INTRO-25 subsystem integration test 'See Index of INST subsystem microcode ordering information PRE-2 successful recovery of one type of uncorrectable data check 'See ECM index summary of 4-path conversion 'See Index of INST summary, power control diagram 'See MIM index supply, power diagrams 'See MIM index supply, power operation 'See MIM index support assistance REPAIR-13 switch A-t'"'it power 'See Index of INST device enable/disable switch test 'See Index of INST local/remote switch, SW487 'See Index of INST nondisruptive A2, string configuration switch, 4-path 'See Index of INST nondisruptive A3, string configuration switch, 4-path 'See Index of INST nondisruptive A4, string configuration switch, 4-path 'See Index of INST string address 'See Index of INST string configuration, 2-path 'See Index of INST string configuration, 4-path 'See Index of INST string configuration, 4-path nondisruptive 'See Index of INST string ID 'See Index of INST string type 'See Index of INST SW487 'See Index of INST UEPO switch test 'See Index of INST UEPO switch test 2-path 'See Index of INST switch adjustment, air flow 'See MIM index switch error conditions, drive motor 'See MIM index switch settings, DDC/OTB card (2-path) REPAIR-18 switch settings, DDC/DTB card (4-path) REPAIR-19 switch, unit emergency INTRO-10 switches controller power on/off INTRO-8, INTRO-22 device enable/disable INTRO-8, INTRO-22 enable/disable INTRO-7, INTRO-20 logic enable/disable INTRO-35 motor on/off INTRO-35 unit emergency INTRO-7, INTRO-20 24 Vdc panel INTRO-32 switches, device logic 'See MIM index switches and LEOs INTRO-7, INTRO-20 SW487 'See Index of INST symptom code (see individual SC) SC-FRU-2 informational messages PROG-10 tf·· . '''-- : MASTER INDEX-30 r&:J Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 {/ () c c\ c\ c c c C: (~ c ( c C: C' c r summary PROG-16 symptom code analysis ISOLATE-23 symptom code assignments by sense format 'See MSM index symptom code indicated, 3380 MLX-2 symptom code summary PROG-1, PROG-16 symptom code to FRU charts SC-FRU-1 symptom code, enter MO-79 symptom codes OFOX 'See MSM index 4XYY 'See ECM index 9020 'See ECM index 9101 'See ECM index 9102 'See ECM index 9104 'See ECM index 9108 'See ECM index 9120 'See ECM index 9180 'See ECM index 9201 'See ECM index 9202 'See ECM index 9204 'See ECM index 9210 'See ECM index 9220 'See ECM index 92XX 'See ECM index 9301 'See ECM index 9302 'See ECM index 9304 'See ECM index 9308 'See ECM index 9310 'See ECM index 9320 'See ECM index 9340 'See ECM index 9410 'See ECM index 9420 'See ECM index 9440 'See ECM index 9480 'See ECM index 9510 'See ECM index 9513 'See ECM index 9515 'See ECM index 9516 'See ECM index 9518 'See ECM index 951A 'See ECM index 952F 'See ECM index 9531 'See ECM index 9534 'See ECM index 9539 'See ECM index 953A 'See ECM index 9538 'See ECM index 953F 'See ECM index 9541 'See ECM index 9544 'See ECM index 9545 'See ECM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01AugB9 IBM Corp, 1987, 1988 9546 9547 9548 9549 954C 9540 954F 9550 9552 9553 9554 9555 9556 9557 9558 9559 955A 9558 955C 9550 955E 950, 9560 9562 9563 9564 9565 9566 9567 9568 956A 9568 956C 9560 956E 956F 9574 9575 9576 9577 9578 9579 957 A 9578 957C 9570 957F 9580 9582 9584 9585 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index MASTER INDEX-31 9S86 9587 9588 9S8A 9S8B 9580 958E 9S8F 9592 9SA1 95A2 9SA3 9SA4 9SAS 9SA6 9SA7 9SA8 9SA9 95AA 95AC 9SAO 9SAE 9580 9S81 9S82 9583 9584 9585 9586 9587 9588 9589 958A 9S88 958C 9580 958E 958F 95CO 95C1 95C2 95C3 95C4 95C5 95C6 9SC7 9SC8 95C9 95CA 95CB 95CC 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 9SCO 9SCE 9SCF 9S01 9502 9503 9504 9505 9S06 9507 9508 9509 950A 9508 9S0C 9S00 9S0F 95F1 95F2 9SF3 95F4 95F6 95F8 95F9 95FC 95XX 97XX 9801 9802 9804 980R 9810 9820 9840 9CXX 90XX 9F10 9F11 9F12 9F13 9F14 9F15 9F16 9F18 9F19 9F18 9F1C 9F1F 9F96 9F97 9F9A 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index :See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index , \. ",-- ".~ "'4.. ...:j IJ'C 'f \it~ ·f ~C~ PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 ~~ MASTER INDEX-32 .1 ~ '" --'------~~~-~ ._----"------ c C c\ C) C: C' C' Ci £: C C' () C ( ( (~ ( C ( ( (,' (.' 9F9E 9FFF 9XXX 011X 012X 0140 0180 0201 0202 0208 0210 0220 0240 0260 0280 02AO 02CO 02EO 0308 0310 0340 0380 0401 0402 0408 0410 0420 0440 0460 0480 04AO 04CO 04EO 0508 0510 0540 0580 0602 0604 0610 0612 0618 061A 0620 0622 0632 0634 0636 0670 0672 0674 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01 Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 06CE 06XX 07XX 0802 0804 0810 0812 0818 081A 0820 0822 0832 0834 0836 0870 0872 0874 08CE 08XX 09XX OF1X OF2X OF4X OF8X OFFF OFX1 OFX2 OFX3 OFX4 OFX5 OFX6 OFX7 OFX8 OFX9 OFXA OFXB OFXC OFXO E01X E02X EO·A'~ E102 E104 E108 E110 E120 E140 E180 E220 E240 E280 iSee ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECMindex 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index 'See ECM index MASTER INDEX-33 (" E301 E302 E304 E308 E310 E340 E502 E504 E508 E510 E520 E540 E580 E610 E620 E640 E680 E701 E720 E780 E801 E802 E803 E804 E805 E806 E807 E810 E814 E817 E818 E819 E820 E821 E822 E851 E852 E853 E855 E856 E857 E858 E881 E882 E883 E884 E885 E886 E887 E890 E894 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See 'See ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM ECM PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index index EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 E897 'See ECM index E898 'See ECM index E899 'See ECM index E8AO 'See ECM index E8A1 'See ECM index E8A2 'See ECM index E8XX 'See ECM index EBXX 'See ECM index ECXX 'See ECM index ED01 'See ECM index ED06 'See ECM index ED07 'See ECM index ED08 'See ECM index ED10 'See ECM index ED11 'See ECM index ED13 'See ECM index ED14 'See ECM index ED16 'See ECM index ED17 'See ECM index ED18 'See ECM index ED19 'See ECM index ED1B 'See ECM index ED20 'See ECM index ED81 'See ECM index ED87 'See ECMindex ED90 'See ECM index ED97 'See ECM index ED98 'See ECM index ED99 'See ECM index EDAO 'See ECM index EDXX 'See ECM index EEXX 'See ECM index EF81 'See ECM index EF86 'See ECM index EF87 'See ECM index EF88 'See ECM index EF89 'See ECM index EF8A 'See ECM index EFFO 'See ECM index EFFF 'See ECM index symptom codes, prioritizing START-12, START-19 symptom OFOX 'See MSM index sync byte missing 'See ECM index sync bytes reading and recognizing 'See MSM index writing 'See MSM index sync in check 'See ECM index sync out/in tag counts not equal 'See ECM index SYSGEN 'See Index of INST system error summary (part 2) report PROG-2 system error summary part 2 PROG-1 MASTER INDEX-34 r It. . I \" ~./ /4' ~, C{~ :[/ . ( 'w'\ system reference manuals 'See Index of INST c C: C' () c c\ (' c ( ~: table, MAP section entry 'See MIM index tag in check 'See ECM index tags CDP or device interface 'See MSM index in 'See MSM index out 'See MSM index DDC or control interface 'See MSM index in 'See MSM index out 'See MSM index tailgate 'See Index of INST tailgate connectors 'See MIM index temperature check, HDA 'See MIM index, 'See Index of INST temperature conversion chart 'See MIM index temperature strip, HDA 'See MIM index temporary equipment check definition 'See MSM index temporary offset invk PROG-13 test equipment and tools INTRO-40 the actuator moved too far Juring the safe 'See ECM index the DCP either did not take or it did not complete the safe routine 'See ECM index threshold logging PROG-13 time between record ready interrupts too long during a search 'See ECM index time between record ready interrupts too short during a search 'See ECM index time out routine, DDC tag out at selected null with CDP tag in at valid 'See ECM index timeout or sense fault log, DDC tag out lines in invalid state 'See ECM index timeout routine, 'allow selection' off, with 'device selected' on 'See ECM index tools and test equipment INTRO-40, 'See Index of INST track 'See MSM index track follow process 'See MSM index track following not acquired at the end of rezero 'See ECM index track format 'See MSM index count, key, data 'See MSM index home address 'See MSM index track layout guardband INTRO-28 PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 models AJ4 and BJ4 INTRO-27 models AK4 and BK4 INTRO-28 track repair, CE MD-32 tracking, belt 'See MIM index transferring ECC correction bytes 'See MSM index transformer connections A-unit. 'See Index of INST B-unit 'See Index of INST transformer connections, SO hertz 'See Index of INST transformer, voltage settings, A-unit 'See Index of INST tripped CB or CP failure analysis 'See MIM index CB200 trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point A 'See MIM index CB201 trip isolation 'See MIM index . entry point B 'See MIM index checks 'See MIM index circuit overload 'See MIM index controller power CP trip analysis 'See MIM index CP20S trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point C 'See MIM index CP206 trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point D 'See MIM index CP207 trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point E 'See MIM index CP208 trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point F 'See MIM index CP30S (controller A1/A3) trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point G 'See MIM index CP30S (controller A2/ A4) trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point H 'See MIM index CP30S/CP306 (controller A 1/A3) trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point I 'See MIM index CP30S/CP306 (controller A2/A4) trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point J 'See MIM index CP306 (controller A1/A3) trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point K 'See MIM index CP306 (controller A2/ A4) trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point L 'See MIM index CP306/CP307 both tripped (controller A1/A3) trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point U 'See MIM index MASTER INDEX-3S ( (( CP306/CP307 both tripped (controller A2/A4) trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point V 'See MIM index CP307 (controller A 1/A3) trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point M 'See MIM index CP307 (controller A2/A4) trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point N 'See MIM index CP405 trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point 0 'See MIM index CP406 trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point P 'See MIM index CP410 trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point Q 'See MIM index CP411 trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point R 'See MIM index CP412 trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point S 'See MIM index CP602 through CP636 trip isolation 'See MIM index entry point T 'See MIM index general trip analysis information 'See MIM index limits 'See MIM index motor start sequence not normal 'See MIM index optional short-circuit analysis procedure 'See MIM index thermal indicating CPs 'See MIM index tripping board voltage CPs 'See MIM index unequal power load distribution 'See MIM index vibration 'See MIM index tripped, CB or CP failure analysis 'See MIM index trouble setting CE mode ISOlATE-14 T3880A OlT OlT 'See Index of INST UCW 'See Index of INST UEPO cable 'See Index of INST UEPO cable removal 'See Index of INST UEPO control 'See Index of INST UEPO panel (rear) 'See MIM index UEPO switch test 'See Index of INST UEPO switch test 2-path 'See Index of INST undervoltage PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987. 1988 SC= EFFO and EFFF SC-FRU-49 undervoltage detection INTRO-36, 'See Index of INST undervoltage, checking for ISOlATE-7 undervoltage, checking for with data checks ISOlATE-15 unexpected end-op response code received 'See ECM index unexpected offset active during data check recovery 'See ECM index Unexpected R/W mode active 'See ECM index unexpected sector compare during data check recovery 'See ECM index unit. check description, bytes 0,1,2 'See MSM index unit emergency (UEPO) switch safety ' inspection 'See MIM index unit emergency power off (UEPO) - rear 'See MIM index unit emergency switch INTRO-S, INTRO-10, INTRO-22, INTRO-24, 'See MIM index unit power on/off REPAIR-26 unlock HOA pulley 'See Index of INST unlock HOA pulley shipping lock 'See Index of INST unpack 'See Index of INST unselected device check 1 'See ECM index updating records 'See Index of INST using the error log to determine failing devices and controllers ISOlATE-20 VARY system path to off or on 'See Index of INST views, front and rear 'See MIM index vital product data, reconfiguration 'See Index of INST voice coil interference 'See MIM index voice coil-to-VCM interference 'See MIM index voice-coil contamination 'See MIM index voice-coil magnet 'See MIM index voltage and clock lEOs, A board INTRO-30 voltage analysis, power supply problem 'See MIM index voltage check, read/write channel board 'See MIM index voltage checks 'See MIM index ac ripple 'See MIM index MASTER INDEX-36 ( c c () c c c c «= c c alternate chart - drive 'See MIM index common 'See MIM index controller - A 1 board 'See MIM index drive - B1 board 'See MIM index general 'See MIM index R/W channel - drive 'See MIM index servo power amplifier 'See MIM index voltage checks, power amplifier card - servo 'See MIM index voltage checks, servo power amplifier card 'See MIM index voltage problem, powersupply analysis 'See MIM index voltage regulator card LEDs INTRO-32 voltage regulator card, controller 'See MIM index voltage ripple measurement example 'See MIM index voltage ripple measurement procedure 'See MIM index excess ripple on one dc voltage 'See MIM index excessive high-frequency noise 'See MIM index excessive ripple on two different dc voltages 'See MIM index measure ac ripple 'See MIM index other dc voltage ripple problems 'See MIM index . ripple problem analysis 'See MIM index voltage out of tolerance when ripple is included 'See MIM index voltage/high frequency noise measurement 'See MIM index voltages - ac, dc, common, controller, drive, ripple, R/W channel 'See MIM index volume fenced ISOLATE-51 volume fenced from storage path - console message ISOLATE-51 ( c c\ ~/ weight, HDA 'See MIM index working with ESD-sensitive ::>arts 'See MIM index write address mark active when not expected 'See ECM index write gap 3 control check 'See ECM index write gate active 'See ECM index write inhibit MD-63 PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 write inhibit or DCP servo write inhibit active at the end of a zero offset routine 'See ECM index write inhibit signal or DCP servowrite inhibit bit in wrong state during offset routine 'See ECM index write inhibit signal or DCP servo write inhibit bit in wrong state during seek routine 'See ECM index write inhibited - console message ISOLATE-49 write mode verify 'See ECM index write overrun check 'See ECM index write paths 'See MSM index I Numerics I 2-path or 4-path configurations 'See Index of INST 24 Vdc panel INTRO-32 3380 Direct Access Storage characteristics INTRO-26 description INTRO-1 diskettes PRE-2 models INTRO-1, INTRO-26 symptom code indicated MLX-2 3380-JK subsystem microcode ordering information PRE-2 3380-JK and 3380-DE differences 'See MSM index 3380-JK model description INTRO-1 3380-JK power-on/off procedures 'See MIM index 3380-JK procedures 'See MIM index controller A 1(A3). power-off 'See MIM index controller A1(A3), power-on 'See MIM index controller A2(A4). power-off 'See MIM index controller A2(A4). power-on 'See MIM index controller power-on/off 'See MIM index 3380-JK string power-off 'See MIM index 3380-JK string power-on 'See MIM index 3380-JK string 'See MSM index 3380-JK string configurations 'See Index of INST 3880 diskette compatibility MD-83 3880 diskettes PRE-2 3880 requirements INTRO-3 3990 requirements INTRO-12 3990 vital product data, reconfiguration 'See Index of INST 3990, CTL-I check 1 MAP 'See MIM index 3990, CTL-I check 2 MAP 'See MIM index 4-path conversion summary 'See Index of INST 5 volt common circuit protectors INTRO-35 5/24 Vdc bootstrap power supply 'See MIM index MASTER INDEX-37 --~-------- 50 hertz convenience outlet and +24 Vdc distribution 'See MIM index 50 hertz Japan, ac drive 'See MIM index 50 hertz Japan, primary power box - A unit MIM index 50 hertz transformer connections, DASD functions 'See Index of INST 'See 50 hertz, primary power box - A unit 'See MIM index 60 hertz (50 hertz Japan), primary power box - A unit 'See MIM index 60 hertz convenience outlet and + 24 Vdc distribution 'See MIM index 60 hertz, ac drive 'See MIM index 9F10 symptom code 'See ECM index .~. c PIN 4519911 39 Sides © Copyright EC 476581 01Aug89 IBM Corp. 1987, 19S8 MASTER INDEX-38 c c c c· c c EC History of Master Index EC HISTORY OF P/N 4519911 EC Number Date Of EC EC Number 475245 14Nov86 475248 21Ju187 476573 475246 475247 llSep87 476581 Date Of EC 25Apr88 30Nov88 01Aug89 Notes: c c (: C\ ~/ C £ £.' PIN 4519911 39 Sides EC 476581 01Aug89 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1988 MASTER INDEX-39 ,f' '1\._ " .1 ··ct . . o READER'S COMMENT FORM You may use this form to communicate your comments about this publication, its organization, or subject matter, with the understanding that IBM may use or distribute whatever information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Your comments will be sent to the author's department for whatever review and action, if any, is deemed appropriate. Comments may be written in your own language; use of English is not required. Note: Copies of IBM publications are not stocked at the location to which this form is addressed. Please direct any requests for copies of publications, or for assistance in using your IBM system, to your IBM representative or to the IBM Branch Office serving your locality. 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