3410_Maint_Manual_Vol1 3410 Maint Manual Vol1
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TABLE nF CCNTENTS REPnRT NUMBE~ ccecco VOL OC1. 1<.1/1 3411 lOGIC NUMP~P SYSTEMS DIAGRAMS REPORT DATE 04DEC74 SERIAL 51051905 DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER EC NUMBER XA 0 C 1 0 VOL 1 TABLE Of CCNTFNTS 0001845885 C00736672 XA Ole 0 ORGANISATION & RETRTEVAlS AID 0001845891 000734852 xc C1 00 MAINTENANCE CONCEPTS 000184~8g2 XC 0200 FUNCT UNIT PACKAGING 0001845893 000734556 XFO?OO INTRO TO 3410/11 MAPS 0001845898 000736672 XF0300 TAPE XF0400 TAPE SUBSYS ATTACH ENTRV-SYS3 0001845900 000736672 XF0500 TAPE SURSYS ATTACH ENTRY-SYS3 0001845901 000 7 36672 XF060 0 TAPE SUBSVS ATTACH FNTRv-SVS3 0001845Q02 000736672 XF0700 ONLINE TESTS SYS/360 0001845903 000734864 XF08ca ON LINE TF S T XFO 9C C TAPE XF1000 Ol T ME SSAGF S 0001845906 000734864 XF 11 CO UN I T C HE C 1< ANA L Y S T S 0001845907 000734864 XF1200 EQUIPMFNl CHFCK 0001845 0 08 000734864 XF13CO EQUJPEMJ::NT CHECK 0001845909 000734864 XF1350 ASl BITF MTA lnG SYS 370/125 0001846047 000734864 XF1400 SU~SYS ATTACH ENTRY SVS/370 UNIT SENSE FAILURE 000734852 0001845899 000736672 0001845904 000734864 0001845905 000734864 0001845910 000736672 FEATURE BM TABLE OF crNTENTS REPORT oeocoo NUMBr~ \~ VOL 0 C 1 LOGIC SY STFM S 01 IT ::411 NUMBEP c; SFRTAL 51051 0 ()5 Of SCRIPTION PADT NUM8ER EC NUMBER AGRA~l XF1500 flA. TA CHt:CK 0001845 0 11 000736A72 XF161)O nAT6 CHFCK 0001845Q12 XF 1 70 0 DATA CHECK 0001845g13 OOQ7348S2 X~1800 OLT SECT XF1850 I"·lTERVFNTION XF1900 NP Z 1 L Wp r= A I t U RE 000184~Q15 XF2COO SKFW CHECK ~ 0001845916 C00734864 XF 2100 VFLrCllv TACHO CHECKS XF 2200 ~ ~ MFSSAGFS 000184591~ 0007~4864 Or0734864 0001846052 0007348648 REQUIR~D ADJUSTS 00073h67? 0001845 0 17 000734864 RD/WRT HEAO ASSV 0001845°18 000734864 HAPDWARF OC01845919 000734864 r=RROR XF 24C 0 CHANNEL oQflBlEMS XF 2 5C C FRPOP MESSAr;ES AC T1 ON CODES 0001845921 000734864 XF26CC ERPOR MeSSAGES & AC TI nN CODFS 0001845922 000734864 XF27CC ERROR MfS,AGES & ACTION CODES 0001845923 (,00734864 XF2750 370/125 Xr: 2 RC C TAPE UNIT ENTRY 0001345924 000734864 XF?9CO TAPE UNI T ENTRY 0001845925 000734556R XF3CCO VA C \JU~ F AI l UR E S 0001845926 000734864 MT~. SVP ~ OOO1845Q20 000736672 OOOlR46n~4 000734864 FFATURE 3M TABLE nF CONTENTS REPOQT NUMREQ oeoooo REPORT DATE 04DEC74 SERTAl Sl051905 VOL Del \t1/T ?'tll LOGIC NUM8!=R, O!:SCRIPTlnN D,t,RT NlH·H~ER EC NUMBt:R SYSTFMS nIAGPAMS 000184592 7 000736672 XF31CC XF3200 CAPSTAN/REEL RUNAWAY 000184S Q 28 000734864 XF330C CAPSTAN/REEL RUNAWAY 0001845929 (00734852 XF3400 BOT SENSE FAILURE 0001845930 000734556A SET'! SE FAJ LURE 0001845931 100714556A BOT XF 36CC START SWITCH FAILURE 0001845932 000736672 xt:: 3 7C C LOAD/UNLOAD RFFL CTRl CHECK 0001845933 000734852 Xf=38GC LOAD/UNLOAD PEFL C TPL CHECK 0001845934 000734864 XF39CO LOAD IUNLOAD RfEL CTRL C HEC '< 0001845935 000734852 XF4000 LOAD/UNlrAn PEEL CTRL CHECK 0001845936 [00734864 X~41CO TAPF LOOP CHECK 0001845937 000734864 XF42CO TAPE lOOP CHECK 0001845 0 38 000734864 XF4300 TAPE lOOP C~F.CK 0001845 Q 39 00073485? XF44CO TAPE lrop CHECK 000184Sg40 000734852 Xt=4 5C 0 TAPE lrop CHECK 0001R45941 000734864 XF460C RESET 000184SQ42 000734852 XF4 7C C UNLOAD/REWIND FAILURES 0001845Q43 000734842 XF48CO EDT SENSF 0001345944 000734556A PRORLF~S PQCBlE~S FEATURF q~~ TA8L~ O~ rCNTENTS PEP~~T VOL ( Cl nCl ~~/1 f) 040EC7~ SEPTAL 510S1Q05 ?411 c: T e N u ~fl. PER SYSTEMS DATE ESC RIP T T 0 "J nrf\.GQ!'\MS 0001R45 Q 45 00173 4 864 Xl=49JO XF5CCO XF51C:O POwER SUPPLY ENTRY x~ fBl 5 2C G TRIPpen 0001845948 C00734556A XF5~CC XF5400 0001845949 r007345S6A CDl 0001845°50 000734556A TRIPPED XF5'3C() XF 56 CC SVS/3 SECUEN(ING POW~P-CN XF5700 XFS~O() 0001B45Q52 00071455AR 0001845053 0007~~556A & 3 7 0 POWFR-CN SEQUEN 0001845954 000734556A 5YS/360 & 370 D0WER-CN SFQUEN 0001845955 0007345568 5YS/360 SUPD FA T LURr-S XF6000 13 VrlLT PWQ Xl=61CO 5 vnlT DWQ SUPo Xl=6200 6 VOLT DWR SUpo XF63QO 6 VnLT PWR SCpo FAILURES 00018~5959 000734864 XF64CC -4 VnlT PWP SUDD 000184~960 000734864 XF6500 15 & -15 vnLT DWP SUDD 000184Sg61 000734852 XF 6AOO 15 0001845 0 62 000734556A & -15 \lnLT 00018~5956 0007348')2 F~IlURFS 0001845957 0007345~6A FAILURE~ 0001845 Q 58 OOQ734556A FAILUR~S PWR SUPP TARLE REPORT NUMRfR VOL PEDnPT ceeeDe NUMBER ~ATE 048EC74 SEQT.AL 51051905 001 M /,. ? 411 LOGIC CCNTENTS O~ DESCRIPTION PAqT NUMBER EC NUM8ER S YSTErt.1 S DIAGRAMS XF67CO 15 XF68CO 701 ~ -15 VOLT PWR SUPP 00018'+5963 000734864 HALT ANALYSIS 0001845964 000736672 701 HALT ANALYSIS 0001845<;165 000736672 XF6915 HA l NA l VSJ S 0001846057 000736672 XF6S25 HALT ANALvSI S OC01846058 000736672 XF6950 HALT AN.ALYSTS 0001846056 0('0736672 XF7COC 702 DIAGNnSTIC ENTRY QOO1845966 000736672 XF7100 702 DIAG XF7115 HAL ,ANALYSI S 0001846055 000736672 XF7125 HALT ANALYSIS 0001846054 0OO73h672 XF7150 HALT ANA LYSI S 0001846053 000736672 XF7175 HALT ANALVST S 0001846059 000736672 Xf7200 70] HA L T 02 0001845068 000736672 XF73GO 701 HALT O? 0001845969 000734556.A XF74CC 701 HAL T 02 0001845970 000736672 Xt=7'5QO NO-oP CON,)I TlrNS 0001845971 0OO734556A XJ:'7600 END XF7 70 C ~NVELOPE T T .~ ~NTRY-TADF ANAL CH VElOC1TV CHECK SVS/3 OR PHASE ERR CHECK OOO1845g67 000734864 000 18 Lr597 2 000734864 0001R45973 COO73667? _ a __ .. - FEATURE B~ 8~ TABLE S~RIAL L Cl Gl e N liM P r-: p SYST~MS n F Sf RIP TT CCNTFNTS 51051905 n ~J nIAGR~~5 XF7 8e c 7CR TArHDMFTf'Q fAILUR!= TPA C KJ NG ~KF ?O. l..J CH1=CKS Qn/~'ljRT X1=84(~ 7Cl HALT 01 ANALYST X F 8 SO 0 7 \.....i"- , Na~lve Attachment (SYSH~mi3. System 370'125. an:i Systerr, 370; 115) I ... , BUSOUTI I \... _ Ta~ ( f Control MST Cards .. Two Callies ~ /' I I I I Two Cable, .. ",.- \ "'-....../ Tape Untt LogiC Board BUS OUT .... Interface BUSiN . I FT2--M.......I~~E'~I!I!IDIIiI• • • • - \ f-- Tape ~ Control F~ Vanes with usmg system V.. nes with sub<;ystem features. Capstan ContrOl I _---.. FTO--"'- .... '. /' . I , WRITE ; . . Clock iI r'l.tructlon COl." leC I nterface Logic 1nterface [)r,,,er~ i 1-2,' Tape Unll SWitch :2) 11-4) .. Read-Only Storage (4) Detection ( 1) ALU/LSR/BOC BUS IN , ... Ct'sl Cards) (1·2 .- TUTAG .;; ATO :', L _ _ _..,......, I ABO I .....'---,..--:1 Tape Unit 0 A81 A81 ABO )0. A T '\ ,") ) A B ) T T T U A U B D 0 U T A G R I B·BUS ~ Read DetectIon Common (1 Card) ~ ... , -...-._..r....:> ......,1-_-, -' ,. Read Detection Zone 1 (1 Card) Read Detection Zone 2 (1 Card) I IV~uum I 8 8 Up SWitch r ... ' .. Tape UOit 3 " - SWlfch~ I • Capstan Control Motion Control Board' Photose'lse I r - -Reel-Cor-trOI --- Signal Powermg " Read Detection Zone 3 (1 Card) Capstan Motor if!) Photosense Left Right Left Right Left nIght '-- "---- lor-.- I-- 6.-- i-.- CapaCitIve Sense Units 1 ~ Reel Motors Column Vacuum SWItches D-BUS I I Read-Only Storage (1-4 Cardsl & Instruction Counter (1 Card) " ....... ;.~ I Tach WB8l0 Clock V ... AlU lSR aoc (1 Card) '/ Microprocessor ...:..::.;..•...• XC0200 1845893 Seq. 1 of 2 Part Number l]rS56 uept 1 443151 72 : 20 Sept 7. File Prot oct • Dnven by the tape unit !as shownl on a 3410; drIven by the tape control on a 3411. 1......~_... __Tape Unit 2 il!: Enable Detection .. , Interlock Switch .....'--_'V __ Tape Urut 1 Tape Unit Switch (1 Card) A,~mblv Functional Untt Packaging INTRO 3 1 INTRO 4 .)eJe).).)e)e).).>.).).).).).).).).).).).).'.).).).).).).).).).).). - - .~ .'-' .'-' ." .-. .'.-' .'."-. .. .'.-' .. .~ .~ Introduction to 3410/3411 MAPs a service technique that allow~ you to isolate machine failure ... hy progressing through a flowchart that asks a series of question" ahout machine performance. Me\PS help isolate failures quickly without using elaborate test equipment. Based upon your answer to a specific question, a MAP may direct you to run a diagnostic program, go to another MAP, replace a failing part (IRLJ), or take other action to correct the problem . r<.IAP ... j, To troubleshoot a problem, start with the Tape Sub~ystem Main Entry MAP AAO I O. This MAP will direct you to additional MAPs or diagnostic programs that help to further define the problem. System/3 diagnostics have numbers in the "700" series. while those for SySll'm/360 and System/370 are identified as "T34 10 Section". When two diagnostics are listed, use the one for your system . '-' '- You can also usc the MAPs titles in the 3410/3411 MAPs Listing in Index L Vol. II to find the appropriate MAP for already-defined tape unit problems (for example, a circuit protector that keeps tripping). Always investigate unusual noises and obvious failures that can lead you direclly to the appropriate MAP . II you make a mistake following a MAP, or decide you are following a path that is obviously not related to the problem. don't backtrack, Rdurn to the Subsystem Entry MAP and start over. '"" ~ .~ .~ .'-' .""'" .'..'.'"-' .'.'.'--' .''"' I. Turn off tape unit power. Sl'l' "C.\KKI .. Fi~lIfc D-2 for rdL'rl'nCl'. 2. RL'nl()\·c. the front CO\l'r. 3. OpL'n the . . liJing door. CAUTION Always usc the handk when raising the tran . . port a.,.,clllhly. Lifting thl' transport assemhly any other wa) can damagc the top cover. When rai"ing the transport a.,sembly, make SlIfL' bot h "idl''i latch securely. One "iide may rl'quire manual latching. CAUTION The transport a"isembly weigns about 50 pound'i (2) kg): hl' careful lifting it. Noh.' 8: Many 1\1.\\,., tell you to "power down" before performing an action. They assume you will "power up" if a suhsequcnt action require . . you to do so. SymbolS: In instances where MAPS fail to define your problem: Thl' following symbols arc u-;cd in 3410/341 1 I. Check for shorts between back-panel wiring "nets." 2. lnspc~t for loose objects (paper clips, solder, loose wire. etc.) . 3. Check for open land patterns. 4. (,lH~l'k power supply voltages (f()r intermittent failures, use a VOltmeter having ± O. 25~ accuracy) for level and ripple . 5. Check power crossovers. 6. Inspect signal cables. 7. Recheck card seating. ~.. ~ When l1ece"i'iary, lhl' . Ipe tran-;porl as . . l'mhly can hl' raisl'd for . . l'nicing. To do thi.,: 4. Grasp the handle located under the transpmt assl'mhly ami lift '-' \...; Noll' 7: Whenever a field replaceable unit (FRU) change, or corrective action is specified: Note I: I. Power down subsyslem. 2. Rcplacl' ddective f·RU or take corrective action as required, 3. Power up suhsystem and retry failing operation . NOll' 2: When more than one component is called out in a repair/replace block. don't replace all the listed components . Replace the components one at a time in the order listed, retrying the failing operatil)n each time until the failing component is found. Always return unused parts to stock . On-Pa~(' same 1\1. \P-;: show connecticIJ1s betwecn pnint . . on till' Connectors: page. I\IAP -8 8. Off-Pag" Connectors: show connections between points of the same flow on different pages . m y ---+[iT.\ U Entry /Exit Block: directs you to another chart. CA~n"y ) A' COo. Repair/Replace Block: dircd'i you to repair or rl'placl' a l'OmpOl1ent. Note 3: If changiag a component does not correct the failure (or change the symptoms); reinstall the original component. Action Blm.'k: describes an action you are to take. 1 _ _ _ __ Note 4: When replacement or adjustment of a component is called for, go to the "Checks,Adjustments, Removals. Replacements, and l.ocations" (C\RRL) section of this manual for correct procedures. Note 5: When a decision block asks about the status of a certain byte, that byte will be one of the sense bytes that was printed out with the error message. The sense bytes are numbered 0 through K, left to right. NOll' 6: Some ~\'·\PS ask you to "Check the Cables," In this case, inspect the conneciOrs for bent or broken pins. repair them. if necessary, and then reseat the connectors. A continuity check or check for "shorts" is not required. When a true continuity check is needed. actual "pin-to-pin" test points are specified . A~A1~23~~~h A-A Decision Block: 1J2. Rer In 701 asks a question that you mu"t an . . wer to proceed. Information Block: the page. din:cts you to oth~r pertinent information on ( : : No', ) .~ • MAP PLAN 1 ~ .-.., ~. Abbreviations: The following abbreviations are used in 3410/3411 MAPs: bus in ABO ................. attachment bus out ASSY ................ assembly OLTF P ............. online BD ................... board P ...................... probe PEID ................ phasc encode identification ABI .................. attachment BOB ................. beginning BOT ................. beginning of block of tape cap .................. capstan CB .................... circuit breaker CC\V ................ counterclockwise Ccw ................ channel command word COL ................. column CONN .............. connect cont ................. continuity CP .................... circuit protector CPU ................. central processing unit CR .................. rectifier CW ................... clockwise test cxecutiv\.: pro,.ram test stand alone executive program OL T~I P............ online D.H .................. depress • • "'"• ' •e ~ PLU1'IiGR .......... plunger proh ................. problem PS ................... power supply PWR Df' .......... power down ~,. REG ................. regulator REPL/ RFPR ............... repJace or repair ,......., RUN ................. rewind unload RT .................... right ~. SFC FD ............ secondary feed SNS .................. sense reset switch o 5w ................... switch D. R .................. depress and release Dcr ................. diagnostic control program (Sys/3) DD ................... dual density T.I ................... tape indicate TB .................... tcrminal board DIA/ DIAG ............... diagnostic TC .................... tape control dn .................... down DNA ................ device not available DNO ................ device not operational DNK ................ don·t know DS!: .................. data security erase DSR ................. depress system reset D1T ................. diagnostic track error TIL .................. track EOI ................. end of file rOT ................ end of tape ........." • no ................ tape error block in error mark TU ................... tape unit '1'1 .................... transformer ~ • • • TM ................... tape ~ VLTCi ............... voltage ..W /0 ................. witllout WLR ................. \\ 10ng length record WTM ................ write t~!PC mark ~ FPO ................. emergency power off • • • • • • • • • gap .-..., FI .................... .fuse indicator FP .................... file protect FRU ................ .field replaceable unit GND ................ ground ,-., (electrical) 1(' ................... instruction I.:ounter IB(; ................. inlcrblock gap ind ................. indicate, indicator intlk ................ Interlock ..-.., Defin itions: ~. System Loop: l. B .................. logk board L. BC .... .. ........ logil.' hoard cable l.CL ................ lill1itl·d channel logout (MilS and MI2S) L/REW ........... load n:wind LOC/REM ...... local/remote LT .................. left LWR ............... loop write to read M .................... meter MAP ............... maintcnan.:c analysis pro\:cdure MCB .............. motion control hoard MCK ............... ma~·hinc cht: . :k (M II Sand M 125) ME('II ............ mcchanicdl MITU ............. Illultifunl'lion card unit MPX ..... Illultlpll'x .:hanncl MT J\ .............. IllagnctiL tape attachment (adapter) The systl'm repeats a set of instructions indefinitely or until a specified condition is met. The instruction!) within the loop manipulate data and keep track of the number of repetitions. The loop can contain any number of conditiom nece'>liary for exiting the loop. \JO.. ........ flormally c\oSl'd ( rl'lJY point) .. ......... normally open (relay pUlnl) ""'" .-.. System Hang: An undefined from a loop. CPU HALT 01 the inability of the CPU 10 proceed Device Not Operational (DNO): A device is Ilot operational when the tape cOlltn'l docs not recognize the address. This occurs if the tapl' control is not defined in the system. tape c( ntrol power is off. or the lap•.: control cann(ll properly decode or i, logically di'iconnccted from thl' I/O interface Device Not Available (DNA): '\.'C •e .~ S5" ................. sense and hold r"\ U~( ................. os~illator SR .................... system D .................... depress ERG ................. crase -• Thl' tape control is working. hut hll" operational. .!!1 Intcrrupt pl'nJing or is not ~ .........'. --... • •.-. • • • • • .-...., . ,-, ~ MAP PLAN 2 .......... ,......... -. • -, tit -• '-•".' '- T.pe 8ubeyetem M.in Entry DiIc 11_: This MAP is your entry point for all 3410/3411 tape subsystem problems. This, and subsequent MAPs, will help you isolate the problem; they will not direct you to any other I/O device. Make all entries from block A I on this map. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .' • • •'-• • • • •• --... "--' ~E Maln Entry~ ( EntrY-02-J LEV "- ........., ~ ',- ( Entry 03 ) LE:Y . - •CSeeNot:::J .........' Note t: Power on indications are fans runninl and FILE PROTECT lilht on when tape unit is in NOT READY status. "'-' Note 1: Manual operations include all the functions performed by use of the operator's panel and mechanical problems (such as broken cover parts, etc.) '- '~ Go to HAP AB010- Tape Una Entry ~ Note 3: An interchanleability problem is the inability to read a tape on a tape unit other than the unit on which the tape was written. This problem could be caused by differences in trackina or skew between the tape units. "-' ',-, Note 4: If attached to the multiplex channel on 'System/370 Model 115 or 125, answer this block yes. Adclreumultiplex problems as System 360. '-" CAUTION Re-IPL lop the next .Iec:ted""". AIIodate time of day MPX lop with the probable error cIevice. ',-, ""-,, '--.' For System Proceed to ~60{J.~oM8~oto System/) Tape Subsystem Entry CPU Model Board Location 8 A·A2 10,12.15 B-B2 Any cards to be probed or replaced (8-82) should be referenced to the CPU model for correct board location. '-' '-, '-" Note S: The 3410/3411 Tape Attachment board is located in one of the follow~ng positions: See Note 5 roTI\ LI Note 6: If voltages have not been checked, go to AC060 entry, then return to AAO 10 entry C 1. '~ '-' '......., ""-", ''-'''' '---, Tepe Subsystem Mein Entry '-' '- MAP AA010 OCoPv'.....t 11M CortM>t.tlon "77 ---- '-" ~. 1~1~, ~' T • .,. 8ubeyetem Sntry (8Y8teM/3) G,!/1010 5410 f nsure Enab e/D1sable SWltch lS 1n Enable poSlt10n ("t", l~iiOll) Perform act loons 1n Chart 1. If error recurs, go to next L block ~ Inst... a jumper belween _ound /lnd A·A nUSOl . . Probe SLD level. ATI A-AIGl in 1411 (See Chart 2) /liii\.1.. l2!/ i 013£1 ~ No _. ReIIOve )uaper .........- .... Perform actions listed in OIart I. If error recurs'l i!(i to next block IPL and Load DCP RelllOve A-A1G2 and probe ~d tag • . No 8-82E2. 821-'2. 82G2 in 541 (I ~No Yes ,.-." a. Check aable. SR. then terminate Section ~ No Load diqnostic A-AIGl in 3411 I. No lOti\. I 8,'OA4 I!!!./'" 4J 1 2. Clean tape PIth on select~d TUs ~OOCopy,....' 11M Corpor.'iOft 1877 I I ;-r-- 736872 443800 443806 211 Oct 13 : 31 Oct 7S: 2 Moot 11 T~ SubsYltem Entry (System/l) MAP AA012 T.pe 8ubeyetem Entry (8yatem/3) Note I: Detennine if customer has a 2P halt: for any other halt, the customer should refer to the System Control PrOlr.". Halt Code Manual for instructions. A 2P halt indicates a permanent tape error. The second byte of the halt code indicates the tape unit and type of error as follows: Byte 1 I Run Dia, 701 " 702. Re~1er 2 Byte 2 I -p. I TU I~~~l MAPs at AAOIO. Error Types: 1. 2. S. 6. 7.' 8. 9. No ~ Yes Use followlng lnstructlons for runnlng log analysls (Note 2) Go See the System Control Pro,r"," HaH Code Manual for more information. Inst.ll wnte enable nng , retry operatlon € a. Go to MAP Read Data Check Write Data Check Permanent Noise Error Equipment Check Adapter Error Data Check on Control Command I/O Request to Tape Unit Not Accepted . , AB12~ to MAP MOBS Note 2 - Lee AnaIy.: Log analysis is a diagnostic program used to analyze tape error statistics accumulated by the customer's IBM System Control Program. The disk system accumulates the statistics on the disk pack where they can be accessed by the log analysis program. The basic card system stores the statistics in core storage until the end of the job, when they can be punched into cards by the customer. If your customer is operating with the basic card system, and he has not punched out the error statistics or saved the cards, you must, when using log analysis, regenerate error log data. e ~ • ,......, e ~~c~a~r~d____· •• ILoa~u~u6c~o,notl Sectlon 710 Put err~r cards 'I~h~~~d ~h~~ah -.. data. Turn SSW 16 on L.~ L/ ,,~ Set SSW16 OFF. Lo,d , run DCP ~>---...... U '0. ,-.,. fpntyr c f~~g7~' or • • • • • • • • --• • ---• • • • • • •• ~-..., ',i ,-.. Run Sectlon 711 or Prlnter ":l. .......... ll\essaqe W 1 11 speclfy actlon next L.~ ,.-... LJ -." .. ~ ........... ,.........., -" I Tape Subsyst.m Entry ISvstem/3) MAP AA013 I See 7.72 EC History ;26 Oct 73 C)eopyritht ._ Corpor•• eon 1171 I 44BJO 31 Oct 75 I 441801 2 MIy 1~ J ,.-.. .-., .--.. •.- .'-' .'-' T.pe Subeyetem Entry (.yetem/3) 014 1013 Al . .~ Note I: If the action called for by running Section 711 or 712 does not resolve the problem, or if you wish to analyze the problem further, go to MAP AD090 G4 . ~ G .~' to MAP MOl Note 2: If the first entry in the error classification table printed by Section 710 is "XX entries in WRT LWR" Failed table, go to MAP AD073 - otherwise go to MAP ADOSO for further diagnosis before changing read/write assembly. Replace first part in PRU hat - Entry 3 . .~ Note 3: Consult Diagnostic User's Guide "Error Halt Table" before proceeding. '-' R~8,S:~al~8! Return system to custOmer (SSW 14 ON) to venfy flx .~ .~ .'.-' .'-' ,;,'Ies ~~--.... I Run 710 .. 714, ana 713, 71S . '-' to MAP AD04 - Skew check ~- n • Go to MAP ADOl0 I for 701 error ha ta. Go to MAP AD020 fOr 702 en:,or ha 1 ta Save ~alniout ~atu~e or reYerenee or .~' .'.'-.,-, ~.__ ~ .Run .'-' 713 , 714. >m Save prtntout for aha ySlS to MAP by message _(see Noto 2) Replace next part 1,,\ hst Go deSlC~nated .~ e'-' ."- .~ .~ .'.'--'' .'-' .'.- Or)ly lIeange 11ft should be Data R.CQ,aS Not Valld L.~ L/ \.,,~ .'-- .''.\-' ."~ .~ (-Set Ifc ~iltOt'Y Ceepy,. . 11M CotporetiOft ,.17 ~443800·· 21 Oct 75 -, 443808 f2 Mev 11 Tape Subsystem Entry (System/31 MAP AA014 " ..-.... Tape .u~ .ntry (.v..-m/3) • • • • • • • • • • •-, • • • • • • • • • • • • .-.• • •-. • • • • • •• ~ lJ C2 ~ AD04S C--;ntry ~ 1 ~No ) ~~--.. I""ke tap! unit r:=lion e~8'l ~ ,.-..., ~ No .-.... 54.0 S412 ...-.. tt.place C.d. A-AIH2. AJD2 in 3411 .~ .-:. No --.. """' 5410 5410 5412 • 5415 ............ 5412 5415 5408 C Replace Card "-"'. 8-82£2 in CPU Replace Cards Perform action noted in Chut 1 on p810 AAOll. A-A2E; A-A2F2~ If error recurs. go to next block ~ A-A2G~A-A2H" in \,.rU .-., 5410 '-'" 5410 5412 Replace Cards Repla.-:e Cards 8-B2E2,8-B2F2, 8-B2Glr. 8-B2H2, A-B2u. in CPU 0. 32£2, B-B2F2, 8-B2G2,J-B2D4 in \,.rU ,-... 5415 p,dona act10n 1n Chart 1 on MO". If error reNins return to system MAPs .-.. "-.,,. .-.... ""'"" .-., ..-", -., .~ L...Hit""" TtPe Sublyltem Entry (SYltem/3) MAP AA015 EC CCopyrill't .IM Corpote,1Oft 11." 1:443100 144_ 31 0.. 711 : 2 Moo 77 1 I ".-.,. ......... ....., ", " Tape Subeyetam Entry (8yetem/380. Syetem /370) ~ • ~. C'~""Y ) ~ Yes I ~ Discussion: The questions at the beginning of this MAP pertain to the symptoms reported by the customer and not to results of running the online tests. An attempt should be made to utilize the sense information in the OS/DOS console error message before running the online tests T3410A through O. Go MAP AA047A for MPX 101. then return here Be Run '~n tB CHECK STOP [Note 11 RIm f.u itnq operat 10n • ~. •.• Note I. System 310/115 and System 370/125, Mode SeI"K" on keyboard. Follow by running in "I/O STOP" mode. ,-.., Note 2: System 370/115 and on System 370/125, it may be necessary to examine the CSW stored in location X'40' of main storage. .~ Note 3: System 370/115 and on System 370/125, a "DNO" message withou t any log indicates that the 3411/3410 may be off the chain bus. Go to MAP AA127 and execute lOP Manual Ops before continuing to AA 122. No ~,. ~. ~. ~. 0 2 - - -........ ."Yes 'E'"A' AAOJ~ ~. ~. E2 .... ~ Fl • I Eo Yes • 0EI4,,~ Go to MAP MO 30 • An interchangeability problem is the '1' lOabt tty to read a tape on any tape unit other than the one on which the tape was written. • • • • • -"• • • • • • • .-.• •-. • •-.,e .-.... ........., F3 . Turn CHECK STOP . OFF ~. MAP AA02J -"\., ............ ~-'. .-... ...-. ..-.... .• ...-.... Kl .....- - - This MAP will help you analyze the sense bytes of the error message printout. v· ..-. -.-...., ..-.., Tape Control Entry (System/360; SYltem/370) MAP AA020 I=!~--1:e~~~31=\4r~-~ -l-~- ~ • • •• ..-. ---'-". I e,-, " ' ' - ' .'e,--' On Un. Teata (OLTe) .'' -' .''- C~nt Yes _ ~ Yes _ Got: MAP MAP AA06' ~ ~ 1 r.: ! checK first SNS' RCVD tor ~~~r'~~t~~d:l (See Note ') ~ ~ ~ ., AA04' 2 ~NO .. model and' ICheck featul;'e cQde f~~ii~~i. (n~ ~ ~ ~ 3 2 Yes .. EO 3 MAP AA02' ! Correct the plugging error ~ ., . • -..e . ~ ..- ." ~ - 1734IiH 17345&6A 1 734I&Z 7348e4 ; _ 1 2 : .. CIe." .. Fob 7' 'Au", \\14437tI1 20 ...,74 it , \ ! \ J'\ I ) I On Line T"" (OL TI) MAP AA021 I' (' On L.lne T_q (OLTe) Note I: The start message will have a format similar to the following: O4SEP 1581 S T34JOA UNIT lAO The question in Block C2 is asked to determine if the OLT section has started or if OL TEP or OLTSEP is still attempting to read the tape reel label. Note 1: The label message will have a format similar to the following: ..Yes .E~~AAO" 04 SEP 1191 04 SEP 1181 NON-STANDARD TAPE LABEL ON OIAO. or UNREADABLE TAPE LABEL ON OIAO --. -. -.-. :-. ;~ ~ ~ -. ~ 2 ! P~I~~TT:C!tggitl ~ ~~ -. -. -. Reply 'p' to continue (proceed) -. --. -. Machine Check Entry· System 370/115 or 370/125 2~1 Note 3: Machine check can be displayed in other forms if accompanied by an interrupt or pending interrupt. ~ 024F4 Example: H1 Entry 2 0200 1200 Display MS locatlon X'FC' ~ '1<2 Yes I • locatlon Displ~y MS X'ES' Int. pending with Interrupt .."Ye. .F'MAP ~ --. ~. ~ >All' -. ~. ! M'CK not in 34101 3411. Go to 3701 115 or 370{125 CTM (1-10 0 A), -. '~ '~. -e '-. ~ On Line Testl (OL TI) MAP AA022 ,-.. ~. ~. '~. ''''- .'.''--'' .'.'--'' .,-.. On Lin. Teet. (OLT.) .,~ liT:\. LJ''''' '-' ~ Yes ~ -~ .'.\.-.t--' • Note I: The error which NO .E~3 MAP ;>NO .~3~~~o, AAoe, Note 3: If the "ce RCVD" messale is not preceded by an asterisk, take the "NO" branch . 1,-, .'-' L· L· ---e..- Fl ! ~~~ I~:'9~F~1 optlon .~ ~ -,-,' No No F1 I ~~~ I~~'9~F~{ opt 10n L >NO L L, .E 3 MAP AAo0 I H2 Note 5: If 370/115 or 370/125 MPX attached, answer this block no. 'fheck TC L L ----L --, 'e_- • A Note 4: Applies to S/370 CPU Models 115 and 125 only. Diagnostic section K, routine 4 or 5 can fail because the tape u(lit did not recognize a tape mark in the "short tape mark" recoanition routine. If the customer is interchangulg tapes with 24XX tape units, install EC.443792 (ECA 044). If the customer is not interchanging tapes wit~4XX tape drives, ignore this error and proceed to entry ~ ,ei U~1~~¥A~n 1) 1 The problem seems to be intermittent. Try looping the diagnostics. A printol't of the system history records for the suspect tape unit miaht also prove helpful. Use the error history data in conjunction with MAPs to analyze the problem. Erroneous address conditions, which indicate other than the tape unit beina addressed, generally involve the switch cards in locations OtA1D2 and OIAIE2. . . EC Hi.tory 1 734884 1 Aug 73 1443751 ·1· 443eoo I 20 Sept 74 31 Oct '6 On Line Tnt' IOL Til MAP AA023 -." '-. -..-. On Lin. TMta COLTe. 24 A2 022Fl .~ Nele I: The start message will have a format similar to the followin8: 04 SEP IS81 S T3410A ~ UNITIAO The question in Bloc:ks BI and G I is asked to determine" the OLT section has started or if OLTEP/OL TSEP is still attemptinl to read the tape reel label. Nele 1: Possible intermittent failure - try looping sections A 8t B. A printout of the system error 101 history milht also yield information that could be used in conjunction with the MAPs to point to possible causes of the failure. 1 Y Dluble )411. Run s.ct~on that caused tl:lel prevlous condition .-. ~ ~ 'ies .~ '~ To COIMIUnlcate with OLT moni- ,.. . fnter "pH mag p~~~e~~!gto r~~~( ~xstg: necessXry sectlo~ScA/ 8/ ~ ~ . ~ In ~ Rr,'tem 37.9~ 11 5, ~6ln.!,.t.ld2. \rIA (n,tlve) attachment only. ~ .~ ~ ~. ~ 3 ! ~ H" aC:~ -Note) i Run T3410 OLT Section. A-O Be A D ErG 1-0 ---->M ---->AAI61 ---->AA ~ I ---->AA ---->AA 4~ Entry 02 lAAOSO only) --. ..... --. '-. .-. -. -. -. ~ ~ =! 1= 1:: 174 =L 1 I On Line T.." (OL T•• MAP AA024 ~ ~. -. -. "''-' .''.~ e--- Tape Unit .en. . Failure .~ .''- .'' -' CA~ntrY ) .''-' .''-' ~ .'.-' .'----, ~ , ! Interchange A1H2 wlrh A1J2; o~gLo~ 1 I;~~ Notel No • 0: 2 MAP AAo~1 Note: When interchanging A-AIH2. A-A1J2. andA-AIK2, refer to ALD page A6001 for plugging instructions. All three cards should be factory plulled as position "K" is model sensitive. If they are not plugged~ refer to the above ALD pale . "-, .~ ~ El..r... Interchdnge A1K2 wlth A1J2j retry falllng operat lon Bad card Is InA1U ~ .'--------e-, ----e-• ~ 8- ~ T... Unit ' - - F.llure MAP AA025 l ~ '\ l J d ( I 1.lIIcIatIoa: An interchangeability problem would be a failure of a Int.rchang•• blllty tape volume to read on a unit other than the one on which it was written. This problem could be caused by skew or trackina "off" in one or both of the tape units. Failure to Mode Set correctly on dual density units may also lead to interchanaeability problems. Sense analysis should indicate incorrect Mode ~,!t. CA~ntry ) ~ 81 Note I: If interchange problems occur while reading tape 1Jlarks on tapes generated by 24XX series tape units, and the 3411 attachment is a S/370 CPU Model 115 or 125 Model 3, install EC 443792 (see 3411 ECA 044). This EC allows the 3411 to recognize the 32 bit tape marks written on the 24XX series tape units. I • M:~: ~Y~:r '~Aas tape 15 JOod No Run 2---.. T3~10M on t!~S~~\1~t -•• • •• •• • • '.,. • • ~ 1 It.. o~ o ! t3~10M Wllth' lyn "EXT-O gDl\J~~~~ect ---~ >Yes F1 .C:::Note2:) Note 2: You may want to ignore write errors unless they appear to be excessive. To pursue write errors, go to MAP AA04O; otherwise, continue with Block EI on this pagp.. If subsystem is a 3411 Mod 1 and you have excessiv«, write errors, predominantly TIE Data Track 7, go to C ARRL D 24 and check the lower left guide roller for stalling or binding. ! Swop tapes bl?tween tape ~ unIts. Run T3410N on same un 1 t.S .--e Note 3: If any units show what you judIe to be exces.~ive errors, yvu may have tracking or skew problems. Go to MAP AA070. No Hl----R~'n T3~10 A , 81 Ie H3---_ Mode Set problems .ln~y:!~s:nd re-enter MAPs ~ ~ --- -~ .~ .-e .-e ~. ,~. I nterchangeab,II tv MAP AA030 ~. ~. ,"". ~. ~. '" ',-, .'~ .'-' OLT M_ege. end Tepe Sub.y.tam Entry 380/370 .''-' .~ • Note I: If the "cc RCVD" message is not preceded by an asterisk, take the "NO" branch . '\.w Note 2: To determine if you have an unexpected unit check, scan down the OL T message until you locate the first "csw RCVD" flagged with an asterisk that has bit 38 (unit check) on. If the "csw XPTD" on the line above does not have this bit on, an unexpected unit check occurred . e'-' . .'.'-' .'.,--,- '-' ,Bits 36-39 Example: CSWI XPTD *CSWI RCVD 00 018928 OCOO 0000 018920 0800 0027 Run T3410L, Sectlon 3 .......,' .,-" .'-' -..., .., E4 ! Interchange board witfi adjacent lOglC unlt ~ F3 • Go ~ ~ ;1-'---- • R'1n TJ'Illl liLT Sect ;ons A-tl .-/ e-. --- .., Replac~ R/W assembly on fai ling TU A ---->AAiJ6() ----'AA040 ----'>AA050 - - - - >AA080 Be D EF' Gt' I ---->AA040 JI< L MN o \)t ---->AA040 - - - ->AAL140 ---->AA040 - - - ->AA040 n(>r- - -'>AA040 4 ! Run T3410L, Sectlon 3 ~ -.,' Note 3: During a DSE operation, if all tape units fail T34IOL Section 3, the problem is in 0 I A I N2, 0 I A I D2, or 0 I A I E2. ~' ., ., --.' ~' . --.' OL T Messages MAP AA035 r l \ .ELECT Ught Alweye On E~AP M02.) " -. ~ ~. -. -. -. -. ~ 81---_ Press RHET -. . -. ~ 01 ! U~fl~~ecfbl~/ board (C~RL . D-16~ ~. -. ~. ~. ~. . '~,. ~ .~. '~. .• ~. ~ ~. '~. •.• .•.• .• . ~. ~ ~ . ~'. ~ SELECT Light Always On MAP AA036 ~ '~ ~ .~. -~ e,,e'-, e,-, Unit Check An• ..,... ( ~ S~~ Not~ e'~ ) ~04B ~~~- e'-' e,-, e,-, G AA035 ,,-C -EO-to "-';3 ~_n !!! .E to MA~AA3 to MAP M05 Entry 01 e~ e,-" ~ Check bus c"bles for bent INSTAL 5, Flg , 5) .\ SUS~~lM34" •• pJ.ns,,- et~. (see I e'~ e,-- yn -E to MAP ~~~0 e~ Check left c:olumn lower tlpe guide (or bindm, or drIainI roUer. Re(er to CARRL e'~ 0-24. e,-, e,-, Cheek c:olumn flit"'. uti.., method described in Dilcuuion e'\,..,; RePlir or replace roller e\--' G ~ Y.. ~ --- ----e-. ---- e-e-e, cliqnostics Repair or replace c:olumn. See CARRL 0-288. ~ ~ ReNn the No ~ ..., ~ Yes Note: Scan the printout for the first unexpected unit check. An unexpected unit check occurred when the ·CSW RCVD has bit 38 ON and the CSW XPTD does not have bit 38 ON. (See Example End ofcaU End of calJ I.) The byte and bit notation used in this MAP refers to the sense data printed out with the error message. In the case of OLT messages, the reference is to the sense received (SNS 00-08 RCVD) line of the message. Bits are counted 0-7, left to right. 3410/3411 sense bytes are numbered 0-8. left to right. (See Example 2,) Discussion: To prevent the creation of tapes that may not be interchangeable with 24xx series tape units. the 34 J J models I and 2 are equipped with a velocity rate of change per bit detection circuit. This circuit is active only in the PE mode during a write operation. When the error threshold is exceeded, a Data Check with a Irack.in-error(TIf.. byte 01 will occur. If a tape unit is experiencing a large number of Data Checks on track 7 (TIE 01) during a write operation. suspect a velocity rate of change problem. ,Bits 36-39 Common causes of a velocity rate chaRge error are: 1- Lower tape guide in the left column (model I only) has a binding roller. Check the roller for free rotation. It is important that all washers and springs are properly instaUed. Refer to CARRL D·24 for correct installation. 2- Check for column flatness on models I and 2. Excessive warpage of the vacuum column can cause excessive vibration at the tape loop. Flatness of the vacuum column in the tape loop area should be checked using a straight edge. (The edge of the half column cover. PN 2S 17722. can be used for this measurement.) Column should be flat within 0.015 inches (0.381 mm) over the area below the BOT/EOT block the full width of the column. EUIIIpIe I: CSWI XPTD ·CSWI RCVD 00 018928 OCOO 0000 018920 OEOO 0027 E~2: ·SNS ()()'()S RCVD SNS ERROR MASK 1044 0304 0040 2200 08 10000000 0000 0000 08 Exercise caution when sense decoding as certain levels of OS and DOS do not support extended sense and will present only six sense bytes «~S). --I r~-~ s.. EC ~r734864 History 1 Aug 73 443751 20 Sapt 74 1--443801 2 77 ~v r- Unit Check AnalysIs MAP AA040 .../ .~ e,-, e,-, ~, E 2 - - - -.. ~ Insta 11 Wrl te •• enable rlng and retry operation ~ .E: ~ ....., ~, 2 MAP MOBY ~ Yes ~ ~ .E 5 MAP MOS, .~ H S - - - -.. --- ~ -- ~~Mcem~~n~ .\contro1 board, capstan motor '\" 1 CARRL"0-16 CARRL 0-19 CARRL 0-35 ~ ~ e..,. --------e.' ~ 7114884 ~______________~~~~L-~~~~1'1~73 I \\ \ I Equipment Check MAP AA045 " t" • • • • •.. Equipment Cheek ,A4,----_ Interchange 13411 A-A1H2 and ~.--------~. A-A1J2 Note)(See ,Yes • ,. .• ~ ---C3 4 3411 Inter han g e A-A1J ana A-All( (See Note) ReplaceA1D2 3 ~~~~ , A 02 ! Try another tape No .~ Fl ! ~ No Return machlne .1 to customer f 2 - ! - - -... Mount reel' wi th writeanable ring READY A1K!U02, A'I< U06, All( U10 A1H U02; A1H U06 Note: When interchanging A-A 1H2, A-A 1J2. and A-A I K2, refer to ALD page A6001 for plugging instructions. All three cards should be factory plugged as position "K" is model sensitive. If they are not plugged, refer to the above ALD page. a¥u Note: Cards are read det. in 341 I. 1 ---,-e E 3 , - - - -... 'E1 T Probe read bus in 3411 nsminal leve15~6vv to 2 ! ! Meter +15 vdc from TB 4-6 (+) to DC TB 1-14 Ul0, Uu2, S~8' (-) ,~ -- ~ (CARRL 0-11) ~ H2 Meter +6 vdc from TB 4-2 (+) to DC TB 1-4 ! ~. (-) ~ ~No Metei--+-'-S-v-d-c-'" .If[gmJBTg-~_~:) (-) ~ ~K' ~o ~P AA05) • I Yes Meter +6 vdc fEgmJBT~-~_4+)1 ~. .~ (-) '" ~. ~. ~. ,,"",,. ~. ~. ,~. Equipment Cneck MAP AA046 .• ~ ~. ~. ~. "\-t .\~ .'' -' Equipment Check .,~ e,- e,\.e,- e,-, .'e~ e,~, e,,-, e,,- 01 I Incorrect sense. Rerun OLTs or return machine to customer .~ e,-, ."-' e,-, ev .\.-, 2---..., ~ Yes IVlsuall Y check • BOT/EOT lamps Wi th power on .~ • H 2 - - -.... ~ ,Yes ~ Reset switch Iwas pressed or • faulty sWitch, !~~igg60~~d e"", 1 ~ 3 ! Ins~ct cable: ttchi~s~ai3 cabYi B pin 009 See CARRL 0-16 (CARRL D-16) ~ ~ ~ K1---- Go . 2 Reflar~/~~~ar (CA~L 0-16) • or/~ capstan mQtor __ _ C ~4 ~ j Replag:bf:pair (CARRL 0- 35) -- ~ ~, L -L 'L • Equipment Check 'MAP AA047 - SYSTEM 370 MODELS 115 and 125 MPX"LOG ANALYSIS Entry No Return to MLM paae AAOIO Yes Display MPX log GENERAL MPX LOG ANAL YSIS. G. NERAL COOO1 TOTAL lOGS (HEX). COl DIFFERENT lOGS (HEX). Mode Sel or MODE SEl OR ENTER G =GENERAL F '" FORMER LOG L· LASTlOG XX" LOG NO (HEX). P - PRINT PICTURE ENT,:R ID'C27A Display last log Mode Sel L ENTER ERASE DATE: FIRST LOG DATE: LAST LOG DATE: 74/04/13 N10 ITO N/O ITO -. -. M:X.OB7F.6E. MPX LOG ANAL YSIS: LAST lOG SUSPECT 1 I/O INTER F, 1 CON V CD LOC B ACT LOG 10 20 80 00 00 02 19 01 00 FO TAGS IN TAGS OUT BIT 0000 0001 1111 0000 0 --------I·ACTUAL EXPECT 1000 OXXl 1111 X 000 1 0010 OXXl ERR NO 20 Note 2 2 0001 OX)('I BUS IN 00 3 4 MODE SEL OR ENTER. 5 G· GENERAL F • FORMER lOG 6 l-lASTlOG XX .. lOG NO (HEX). 7 P - PRINT PICTURE 10 C27A DEV ADDR = 080 Nortl' 00 FC 40 20 02 21 TAG IN TAG OUT STATUS OPERAT SERVICE ADDRESS OPERAT HOLD SELECT SELECT ADDRESS SUPRESS REQUEST DISCONN COMMAND NO TAG SERVICE PROGRAM SELECTION: MBO CONTINUE WITH ENTER, CICA-COPY P/PA"PRINT E'-ERASE ID~F270 > No • Note 5 M:X.OB7F.6E Note 2 Error 20 indicates attachment controller as fault. Note 3: Address of falling deVice. Yes Note 4: Decode these registers to furthtr delin l > error description. If data from the MPX log is insufficient. return to CTM and run ASCAP. Note S: Execute after problem is flXed by returning tt.: Mode SEL MOO followed by E and ENTER Go to MAP AAOIO and enter M8k~ a new entry -. '-e -e ~ .-e re '-e -e ~ Note I: Address of last failing device. ASCAP. ~ -e (Return to system 3101, lIS. 25 rTM "~~ Return toorSystem _Nc) _ _ _ _ _ _........, 370/115 IH CTM IUld run -. -e M·X.OB7F.6E MPX LOG DISPLAY 01 1 ERRORS RECORDED SINCE 74/05/13 LENGTH(DEC). ........ /yC!~:,~ 16 ERROR NOCDEC) .................. 45 DEV ADR ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 DEV ADR, INTERR BUF ........... 00 UNIT STATUS ............. OOOOOOOO CHANNEL STATUS . !,,0;~.4 ... 00000010 FA-END SNS AEB A .........00011001 TAG IN .. . ................ 00000001 BUS IN .... " .. ... . .. N~~.4. ... 00 TAG OUT .. " . . ....... 11110000 IPL/MSC CTR L/SNS ......... 00000000 CTR LS TO MSC . . .. . 11111100 CTRLS TO IPU ............. 01~OOOOO MSC INTF .... . ....... 2002 LOG 10 ........................ 27 Displmy MPX 1.08 Mode Sel MOO ENTER • • • •.. •-. -e '-e --e ~ -.. -. --- . System 370 Models 115 and 125 MPX Log Analysis MAPAA047A ~. .• ~. ~ -~. . •• rl _ _ ;' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ~~ . . . _L ................ ...L .. ~~,..,_ ....., _...... _ ,_....:.oa ..........._ _ _... L AB.Byte-MTA Log Svsteml 370/11&, 370112& [ Nole I: Analyze MTA Log entry for ABI message as follows: (AB' is in hex). Usc the first AD •• ~ Ent ry 01 ~ C~try~) 'En.blel , •• ble .~~~t~. to L<:) 1~;rpAu INot~ Run OLTa , try W; 21 0/1 Bit Position 0 1 0/1 2 0/1 3 0/1 6 0/1 4 0/1 0/1 8 7 following table: ·1:ABI I I 0 1 I I 2 HDWR ERROR SPARE Ie XFR "PGM AlU Ie WR elK I 3 AlU 4 I I SPARE I I 1_ • ROS 7 TCU OF.w., INTER- ERROR ·?al~·1A39HY e 0/1 Note 2: The MTA Log Display is invoked by enterin. MBK on the keyboard. Decode the ABI usinB the 141°634" ., All • Decode ttli. table in deacending F~;AorID~~1 MSC ITU BUSI ON om.r. It . ~: Note 3: Refer to MAP AA 127 for details of MTA Loa No ~.n • E to MAP Routine. AA04~ Note 4: When replac:ins any failiDS FRU called out on this MAP: I. 2. 3. •• ~.__ Power down the System. Replace the failing FRU. Power up the System. Return to the System 310/115 or 310/l2S CTM 12·1010C to run ASCAP. ' RepleceC." .. Rf.!P1lce ,.'N2, .... AlL. "'P2, AIG • 16122 ~.-- ..\ AIG2,AIN2, MTA card, Ml.,2olAAIT2 on 370'115 or AB1C2 ABID2 on 3'70,IU AIP~ "'H2. Rlfl~c. Pl'L~'QZ, ~ ~ e\ ~.-- .\ Rep1IV;z"'QZ, ~.-- a\ Rn~iC·At~Q2, A1L2: A1G~' , I¥z, .- • •e. . Re~l~c. Rlf~~~fj"f~92. A1H2, A GA'L~'Q2. " •e. 1734864 14437& 1 1443806 1 Aut 73 20 74 2 Mev 71 •• MAP AA048 Slpt .'. __ ____"""___," ,__ '.- ;';', ~ .. • eA» 0, ( / I-"''''''''''''''''''---------'''------''''''-~-''' __ I ''_'''i:I': i $. do,e 3'"4.$;:e. _PI • ae'ISie, AB. Byut-MTA Log " sv-ms 370/116. 370/125 ~. Entry 01 (see Note) I ,No at a r:!:\. L::I"'" Note: This entroy assumes you have come hen: from MSCI •• J~-------~ ReIIIOve tape lunlt Bus In and. Bus OUt cables one tape \Jnlt .~ Coincidence byte hex '08'. • • Rep".ee lo~uc Ibd, deske'" • R1W head a.sy f)cl. (f'AIlRL D-40 , 0-40a) t.lIlI. • • 048 Incerc:h.ngll! A1H2, A1J2. A1K2 Loa, ~e. ' Replace fuhnC) cables • • • • • • • • • • 1 ,eplace A1N2, A1G.i A1P2, AIQl and Ye. retry Replace A102, A1E2 RepllVJl1L2, Go to Run T3410 OLT "·D Clear the MTA Log area MAP AAO:>2 • •• '',.. Repl ae~ A1G2. A'12, A1P2 Clear the MTA Log area ~ No R In Tl410 OLT. .1"-0 Return to customt"r No ~. Replace A1Q2 '.". •• • •'. '. 'Aeturft to 3'70/11 or 370/126 (TN SectIOn 1-1000 AI' Bvte-MTA Log System 701 25 MAPAA049 17!;'4 144i7i1--r 44" ' A~, 73 ()COPYrttf\f '1M Corpof ...on 18" 20 SIp! 74 2..., 77 I • • •• -.'.' .'.'-' .'.'•.'.'.---' .-..... .~ Dem Check ' lAl __ Entry lA3 ) ) Entry 2 Ai! l E n t ry 3 L~ Al L~ D1 .~ ) ~: lA5 ~Entry 4 ) L[9 Al Use this MAP to determine if the data check is caused by tape or hardware. An attempt is also made to differentiate between tape control and tape unit failures . '- .~ .~ .~ .~~ , I Ch1ck lower ;glre~U!g~ stall or blnd (CARRL D-24) .~- .-- H1 H3 J I i Try the falling reel on another tape unit Rerun fdlllnq pr~~~~~Mor .~ ."-' .'.'--'' .'_ . .'. ~ .~ .~ .''V .'- I See EC H..... 1 738872 » 28 Oct13 I~lS1 20 500>114 o.t. Check , MAP AA050 .'.\--"" I ) .~~ J. " ,- • """. Dete Check ~: Use this MAP to analyze failures in the tape control read/write data path. Types of errors are: "read" or "write" data checks, and equipment checks set as a result of bad "gating" lines or "hot" bits in the data path. Note 1: Cards AIH2, J2 and K2 have the same part number. When these three cards are called out it should be necessary to get only one new part. Replace the cards one at a time and retry until the failing card is replaced. When interchanging' A-A 1H2, A-A 1J2, and A-A 1K2, refer to ALD page A6001 for plugging instructions. All three cards should be factory plugged, as position "K" is model sensitive. If they are not plugged, refer to the above ALO page. Note 2: Card OIA-A 102 is used by tape units 0-3 and card OIA-A1E2 is used by tape units 4 and 5. These cards may be interchanged for problem isolation. They can cause failures on one or more tape units. ~n_ • ,- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,-• • • • • • • --• •• '-". .E 2 ....p Note 3: Since it is impossible to represent the P bit in a hexadecimal printout, it is assumed that the P bit is ON when the TIE byte is 00. If no sense information is available, take the "No" branch. AA05~ . .-..... ~ ,-,. ""'" .-...., ~ ~ ~ E2----. ~--- 19t ,rchange "IA1~ithz~~S2.ne) "-', .. (' ~g&o~) ('~~t~L~) ~ F 2 ! - - -.... ~_n .-.. Int,rchan~e .. IA1~~thZ~?~2.WO)I _______--, Retry (Note 1) '-"' _2~---_ Interchanae A1H2 (zonA thr,e) with A1~oteR~rry ~ Note 4: If you reached this point, either you misinterpreted the MAPs, or the MAPs failed to find your problem. If re-entering MAPs produces the same results, one or more of the cards in following list is probably causing the problem. 01A- AID2 AIE2 AIH2 AIJ2 A1K2 AIL2 AIN2 Note 5: On Mod 370/125, when powering up/down on 3410/3411 subsystem with program loaded, do "MODE SELECT" first. Recover by pressing "CANCEL" key on keyboard. .-... ~ ............ ...-" -"'\, .-...., ....-... .......... """' .-... Dat8 Check MAP AA051 ISHEe History T 731872 26 Oct 73 I 443751 20 Sept 74 I .--... ..-.\ ...-.. •'-:-I .1 -l-1 -1-j ---•.- Data Check SOA4 ~ SUO} SOF] SO(; 3 '-1 50J3 SIAl Discussion: Use this MAP to isolate tape unit data path problems by using the special LWR (loop-write-I.o-rcad) test card and OLT section T34100. See MAP AA054 for procedure. Because the paths for data and sense are the same, it is possible for failures in this area to cause both data checks and equipment checks. ; I ~ '-' Run OLT Section T)410D I '-'j , -83---...., deskew Re~eat '-I -- '-' o;:t'OSSQv~r cables if dual density Note 2: Check sense byte 6 for model and feature codes: ~ 3 Yes 0000 = Model I tape unit 000 1 .. Model 2 tape unit 00 1 0 == Model 3 tape unit All other combinations of bits 4-7 are invalid. 04.-------t ~ ~lma~fiIg~nt~h~he customer Note 3: The LWR test card. PIN 586i454. is an offline tool and must be ordered by the Branch Onice. Refer to MAP AA054, Note 1, for assistance The L WR test does not cteck the R/W head or shielded cable to the R!W logic board. EXT - LWRI for Mod I EXT = LWR 2 for Mod Z EXT - LWR 3 for Mod 3 E ,.-.'- - - . , Run OL T ~cctiolls A & B. Sect jon C if 7-trk or DUAL DENS F3 • Remove <:ables & lO~tl LWR test EXT=LWR(x) See CARRL 0-16 card dt LB L & I~.-------M. Rerun T34100 (Note 31 Replace A1D25 )Inl A1E2 (NotE' 1) ~uwa 7 ..... • 1 Return thl' machin ....- - - -... 10 the c.ustomer Hil Hl----'" Check SNS RCVl1 tor crrrect. TU modo 1 & feat.ures (Note I cheI~a~~~~l & Yes ~lu~iln~ NS 1) , (see Flg 2) \..~- • •.- Bits 4-7 Regeat LB C~~~d; ~d~~p'er T34100 '" -~ Bit 2 ON if TU has dual density feature. Bit 2 OFF if TU is PE-only. I 0-16). Rerun ............ '" Note 1: CardOlA·AJD2 is used by tape unitsO~3. and card OlA-A 1E2 is used by tape units 4 and 5. If you have less than 5 tape units on this tape control. you Will not have the A I E2 card. 2 Ye... ") • ~---, I I Hemnve LWH te!it and replull Cilfli cahle~ No Correct the pluggl,ng error and retry L..~ .~. .;--'-' ."-' -.'- u· Data Check MAP AA052 -. - • • • -• -• '. • • • • • • • • • • • -,• • • • • •.• • • --• •,•-, • • •• .,"""", Data Check OS2") ""-', ,~ "ellOve LWR iest card , rep uq cables aean read/write head and check deaner blade. Blade should not .-... be 100•. ~ ~, Run T3410D .......... ..-... ~~No ______~.~IRe~~r~u:t~~~e ,~ ..-.. Ves Re$eat deskew to log.i.<: boHd cAbles ..-.. .---. ~~6Y~ih~~i~ board to loqlC board. Rerun T3410D ~ Run T)410D No IRun T3410B , C. • Return machlne to customer ~. .-.... One of the C4ble. is faulty *w Replace heaCi asse ly (CARRL 0-4 ) Remove crb1es , instal LWR test card at -. deskew bd L , M (CARRL 0-18) Re&;ac~ Run T3410D CillL deskew ~. b~U) .-... No ~. Interchanqe n ~ .1OQiC to dxtkewl bOard c;ab es. Run T341 0 ~ __ ~~ '-, .-, one of the cabl~s lS faulty ..-... IH~IIHV DetaCheck MAP AA053 See C C>Coo,,'otht IBM COfPQf ... on 1971 738872 4437&1 443101 1211 Oct 73 120 Sopl 7.12 _ n -1 '-, ---... Dat. Check OS2J2 <;4 A' A' I ~~g!~~ ~t'd~l Discussion: Use this MAP to diagnose tape-unit-caused unexpected system "hangs," halts, or "loops," and some data path problems. 10~IC tape unIt bOdrg~ ,~?AR L Note I: Tape Unit B1 ! Install test ~.~~~ ~o( ~m~r r Jumper This Point to Ground (AIC2008) o AIC2011 AIC2JII AIC2PII AIC2UII AIE2Dll AIE2JlI I 2 3 4 .,-'---.. 5 Run TlqllJO wIlh opt Ion I Not e 2) I .. ~...-----I Plug the LWR test card part 5861454 into logic board sockets J & K of one of the tape units and install the ground jumper as specified in the MAP above. Plug the two cables together that were plugged in to J & K by plugging into the pins on the LWR test card. The No YOUD~l I 1 "INTV et REOU~HEl?" pins and land pattern on the card provide tht necessary ' crossover to loop Bus Out signals back to the Bus In cable. You must ensure that the cables are correctly oriented so that pin B02 of both cables is at the top. If you came here from MAP AA052, sockets J and K become Land M, and the signal is looped from socket L to socket M of the planer. It is not necessary to plug the Read/Write cables into the card. Note 2: Enter OLT De,lce/Test/Optlon ms q.. RepTy 'p fo proceed E2 * I R~~t~C~_A'D2 E2~ F2~ H2, J2, K lN~te ~f P2 TV Mod I: TU Addr/34100/NFE,EXT=LWR 1/ TV Mod 2: TV Addr/34IOD/NFE,EXT=LWR 2/ TU Mod 3: TU Addr/34IOD/NFE,EXT.LWR 3/ 3 ' ~~~g~~tJ~~gy~~· for one tape unIt Run J T3~10D wlo liEXT(o option on TU'that was Just connected (Note 14) I. Note 4: You must cancel the external option at this point. To do this, enter TU ADDR/3410D/NFE,EXT-/ G-. ]1----np~t'I1~1~~~ :,~i t Note 3: Card OIA-A 102 is used by tape units 0-3, and card A I E2 is used by tape units 4 and 5. If both cards are in the machine, they can be swapped for further fault isolation. If these cards were swapped, you must change the jumper on each card. ALD pages JA 101 and JA201 show the location of the jumpers. No Le Note 5: Cards 0 I A-A 102 and -E2 are the same part number. The E2 card is present only when more than four tape units are attached to a tape control. Cards 0 I A-A 1H2, -J2, and -K2 also carry the same part number. K2 ....- - -.. Ret '~rn the system to the customer Oata Check MAP AA054 ) ) { , /' .Dete Check DIscussion: You have reached this MAP because only one tape unit failed while being looped back at the tape control. Note: If these two cards are swapped, the jumper on each card must be changed. ALD pages JAIO) & JA201 show jumper plugging. . 833----.. Interchange ,Yes 13411-A1E2 wIth ~)._- - - . . A102. Run T34100 (Note 1) 1 ~e~1~ceA1L2 3411-~,~ fa TU ! or ~ables ~2 Interchange 3411-A102 wlth A1E2. Run ! • 4 r--c3~~~~ll~2 T34100 (Note 1) ~ Data Check MAP AA055 - D.t8 Check OS2F2 85,-----, No ~~------~a. , I Ad~ust BOT/EOT See CARRL 0- 5, step 1') 1 Ensure that same error occurs on 9ther tape reels Cheak cables ~:rdt~ol~~l D, ....I _ _ __ D 5 - - - -.. Ensure that the head and tape path are clean F3 Replace deskew , II' ~ad L~o c~~~~~w, Y -- deskew to LB Xover cables 1 1 I Check ld lers and gUlde$ for binds & adJusl.. See CARRL 0-23 & 0-24 See CARRL D-16, 0-18 1 ! Check erase head to tape Clearance~ See CARRL ~i2 step Data Check MAP AA056 , 1 /; ;;I I f ~ Zone C.rd F.llur_ Note: When interchanging A-A 1H2, A-A lJ2, and A-A I K2, refer to ALD page A6001 for plugging instructions. All three cards should be factory plugged, as position "K" is model sensitive. If they are not plugged, refer to the above ALD page. 8''''---" Swap' A1H2 with A1J2, Retry fallin~ opera~~~~) see ~2 t' R~il1C~_~~~~ _01"'---" Swap A1K2 with A1J2, ~etry fa~hnle/D~sat;>le sWltch l5 1n Enable pos1tion '--" --- , ! c:gy::tA~~'~ A1D row S, , TU L8 cables. Retry .. Check ]411 , )125 t' nterface cab es and connectors See CARRL 0-16 '-" 'Dq ! Re~lace A'~2, A P~,v~'N , '-' \.....-- \.,.....- E1 ! Ensuie tilpe , contro addtess 1S p 1,199~d correctly ALD Page A60 2) ~-- 0 E3 Yes • Gato MAP A810' ',--, '- F' 'FQ ! Chec~dd:~~sunlt plugging (ALD Pagt', J a' 0' & JA201 ) ! Replace A-Ble2, A-B1D2 in 3701 125 or A1S2, All Go in 370/115 '-' 2---.. . . )....r._ _...... Interchange A1K2 With A'H2. Retry falling" operation Plug A1M2 card (s~~O~~of~~ge "-' aa~~~:~f IL. No Run T3410 OLT Sections A-D 1 1 I Replace 1. Tape unlt loglc Yes, board 2. 34" A102 3. 3411 A' E2 On Srstem 370/115 or 3701 25, A1M2 becomes A I G2 Ml A (native) attachment only "'- '-' ........... ........... ........ A~~~e~g~a~~~2 AJ so check, 3411 ~~~lt~: ~~: ~3' Le E 2 MAP " " " , . No < '-' ........ ' ''''"-' "-" --... ~-- B --[-~-734864 443751 ~ 1 Aug 73 -,,--l~~ _ ~O Sept 74 '"'-' I I InteNentlon ReqUired MAP AA065 -• '-" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •'•-• • • •,-,' NAZI LWA Feilure "-' '-' ",-,. ~~nt'Y ~ Discussioa: Since OLT Section "A" tests NRZlloop··write-to-reau after testing PE loop- write-to-read, this MAP assumes that PE loop-write-to-read is working. If PE LWR failed, you would get an AOS02 message and should go to MAP AAOS t. It is possible that an intermittent failure could have passed PE LWR and failed on NRZ L WR. If the action on this MAP does not resolve the problem, go to MAP AAOS 1. See CARRL b~~~~ei 8:l8' '-' Note I: Since it is impossible to represent the P bit in a hexadecimal printout, it is assumed that the P bit is ON when sense byte 2 is 00. "- '-' Note 1: See ALD page A6001 for plugging instructions. .----c2 3411 ~~~t~}~ ~g2, Al1<2l A ) (Not:e 2 "-" '- ~ '- 2---(lY9t ) ln~erchang1 ... Aw~th Retry (Note 2) ''-"'' £:2:---.... Inserchang~ \.-. A~~th (lY~t Retry ) ''-"' \.....- F1 J In erchar q, 2 (~~3~. ) A~~th Retry "-' J .....--c2 \.....I' ~ Replace zone card ~\defect1ve "-' "- '-' '-' '- "-' '- ............ ........... "'-' r See EC Historv NRZI LWR Failure f 73667273 144375~ sePt~' 26 Oct MAP AA067 20 '- '-' --.. l ,I I, ) , )\ -• --- ..--, Ske"" Check and Adjuet • • • • • • • • • • • -,• • • • • • • • • • • • ,-,• -,• • •,-, • • • •~ Discussion: Since skew and tracking are interrelated. you are asked to verify that tracking is correct before proceeding with skew checks (AA072). The sequence is as follows: t. Tracking EXT - T 2. Mechanical skew. EXT - M T3410P 3. Electrical skew (forward). EXT-F EXTERNAL 4. Electrical skew (backward). EXT-B OPTIONS 5. Electrical skew (write). EXT-W A tape unit that does not have the dual density feature does not have electrical skew adjustments. Message "XP0044" requests removal of the dual density jumper on tape unit logic board for EXT-T /M. Reply "0" when removed. For EXT=F/B/W, plug dual density jumper. Reply "0" when plugged. Message "XPOOt I" requests the master skew tape mounted on tested tape unit for EXT-T/M/F/B. Reply "M" when mounted. For EXT-W. mount scratch tape with write enable ring. Reply "M" when mounted. B 1 - - -..... Clean tape path,_then to CAI message No 04 , Go to CARRL Fig 0-57 Page 4 _.Step 12C: Write Skew Ajustment I 4 E3 • E1 • Skew checks & adjustments complete. Return TU to customer Wait for skew printout. Compare with CARRL Fig 0-57 Part 6, Page 6 \ F2 ~ No , Backward Skew Adjust '- .~ to CARRL Flg IGo0-57 Page 4, _ Step' 18: :;1 __ _ _ _ _' " 1 Remove skew tape. Mount .~ •. we~~t~ag~abt~h rlng "- ~ .'-. .'.'.'.'-' .'-' '- •.'- Hl ... · - - -... Rerun T3410P . Enter: "/3410P/EXT=oW/" Yes 2---.. . Reply "D" to message 1----. :\..,.. .'.~ .~ • Skew Check and Adjust MAP AA071 Tracking C~eck and AdJuat DIscussIon: Entry to this MAP assumes that a visual check of tracking has been made, using CARRL Figure 0-36. The objective is to have tracking as specified by CARRL Figure 0-36 Step 9 and to have the tracking printout of section T3410P indicate minimum tracking shift between forward and backward tape motion. 81 • Remove half column caver " mount master skew tape Yes ,83---_ Remove dual denSlty or 7-TrkJum~r . See 5_1~L Fig Run T3410P. Enter "!3410P/EXT",T/" ,D2:---_ Yes ~ I Reply "D" to message I E 2 : - - -.. Reply "M" to Yes message ~ .. Note 1: If you are unable to obtain correct tracking after several tries, or if the printout shows no change between tries, go back to CARRL Figure 0-36 and verify the visual check of tracking. Fl J Wa.j.t for track.j.ng graph prlntout 1 Note 2: If runaway occurs on the particular tape unit you are testing while running OLTs with OS or DOS and trying to read a label. RESET the tape unit. After "unreadable tape label" message, ready the tape unit, and continue by replying "P" for proceed. I Compare ~lntOtlt C ~~t~~:TJ'j9r.· wlth ~t/\~ Dl~7 ,~, Pgs ~ " ~ I ~ No 2---.. . Track ad)ultment shou d r~qulre on y sllQht chg to leH adjuster I .. 3---.. . TU{~rl~~tm~nus ------~~~Ithan 10 degrees CAUTION: See Notes 1 & 2 • • •-, • • • • • • • • • • • • •• - . f"""'" ,...-.. , J Has the left ad)ustE'r been turned Slnce entering thiS chart -No Yes I nsd:"!"l'!""l~h-a~l~f..... When-tracking column cover & i , correct (See check -------+~I01Scu3'iOnt, go tracking. See to AA o~, ntry CARRL Flg 0-36 .1~isual1y ...-.. .,Yes .eB-§~ CARR' .--., ~ --. -. . .-... "'"""", ..-., Tracking Check and Adjust MAP AA072 -. ,- --.. ...-.. .~, e-' e- .' ------- ~ Velocity .nd T.ohom.... Checke Bl-ri- ~~~lgLI_~e~~d I-L. Use OPT Nr£ ~ lIeturn the systelll to the customer .--' ~ ~... .~ .E 4 MAP AA04~ .'-' ev •. ~ -- See CARRL F1QvreS 0-19, 0-16, '0-35 .~ .~ _2 ! , ~~g~: ~~atl~f~ ~»---."I 'ruard cable A p(g~Rtr~_\t~ht .~ e~' Run OLT T3410 E , F e'.~ .'.".v ....... . Return the to the customer See CARIIL r;:~~~ef g::~~, mac~lne ~ e~ e,-, .''-i .'.-" . Vltocity 100 TIChometer CMcka MAP AA080 "-' .'~ ~/ '\ \ \\ 1W~~"," J' ~•.t>'" -• .-. -..... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -.• • • • • • • --• -• • • • •• ..-.., Velocity find Tsohomtrter Checka --. ,-" s.. CAltRL Flgur •• 0-19 , 0-16 .......... ..-... B~~I _ _ _., ~o"lbl, 'B3 tape blndlni 1n tl'le tH~agoge •• chT~~,1~!dtS, • tra¥~!~8G Run transport See CAltR~ flQures 0- 3, 0-24, , 0- 6 ..-, ............, -... No ........... Interchang, B/I , B/O c.[)~" between fillllnQ TU , another TO G-. End repa. 8e.1oII ~ -... ,E3l-....- -... Rerun T3410L .-.... .-. ........... -.. R{ig~~a~ Ac<>j;c capstan motor -.., /~ ~, ..-.. "......", ...-... ,~ -.... ..-... Velocity Bnd TachometOl Chock, MAP AA081 --.... ..-... ..-,. -., ~ • • •-- --. -- -----e_ e__ Re.d!Write He.d Auembly c- Discussion: Entry to this chart is for data checks that occur on only one tape unit and the R/W head assembly is suspected to be cause of the failure. Be sure the data check is not caused by defective tape. Try more than one tape reel. A1 Entry) B1 AA013 Note: See Note 1 on MAP AC060 for voltage check procedure. The -4 volts need not be checked at this time. ! ~~~I~c~etgr contaminatlon , clean the head .----c2----"'I If unable to re See CARRL Flgure 0-40 move contamlnato r~place ~ .\tlon, may have I~ R/W ha assy D1 ! Check h~:se~I~~~~~~~. See CARRL Flq. u-25, Step II e~ I E2 ~ No IAdjust BOT/EOT • assembly. See CARRL Fig. 0-25 Fl...J,I---_ ch1~~ev~~f~res I 2 ~ No • Isee Note 2, MAP for action AC060, I----.. H, ... Load reel wlth wnte enable rtDga~~ ~~lB~ct the TU Ll!) I .--734556 1 s.pt Read/Write Head Assembly 734556A 734864 72120 Oct 7211 Aug 73 ] MAP AA085 R •• d!Wrlte He.d A8eembly ~ LI Note: The + 15 volts comes from A2 TB 1·16 (YG 110) to J21·J26 (YGI12) to the tape unit de TBI·tO through 13 via the de cable. From de TB 1-13. + t 5 volts de goes to the motion control board pin C 1, through the board to pin 814 and from there to TB4-6. The +6 volts comes from the A2 power supply to J2 t -J26 (YG t 12) to the tape unit dc TB 1-8 & 9 via the dc cable. From dc TB 1-8, it goes to TB4-2. 085H1 81 Y Meter +15 vde from TB4-6(+) to de TBl-14(-) CARRL 0-17) Meter +6 vdc from TB4-2 (+) to de TB1-4 (-) ~No ~~----..... 02---- Meter +15 vde Ifrom T84~4 (+) to de ( TB1-14 -) 031-----. ...______•• lf~~~etB4~5v1~) to dc T81-4 (-) E1 ! Go to CARRL Fig. 0-36. 00 \' Lsua 1 tracking check , return here F2~--- ~o AdJlIst tracking. See CARRL Fig. 0-36 F3 ~ Problem wlth ~~~t~~io~l~; TB4 (see Note) .------Gl~I--------_. Replace head assembly, cfbles heaa to g~~L~~~g· • • • • '-'• , • • • • • • • • •• ,-..., ,-. -... --. ~ ....... ..-. --.... Read/Wrtte Head Assembly MAP AA086 '-.. ~" '--.. • --.- .'.e-.. .-' --.-' .'--.--' --e-. .--~ Hardw.,.. C .fTOf" (ayetem/380; SYtMem/370) DlleEllbJII: Hardware errors in the 3411 will f~ze the microprogram ;ID it is not possible to get !emf: iruonnation to the CPU. This chart calls for probing of point! to detemtine if there is try · 'fee a hardware error. If there is a hardware 1:ITOT. addition,a} points are probed to determine the type and cause of the error. tb) ~ Note 1: Your problem could be calL~d tiy a kOOOle or failing cable at the 3411 interface connector! or at the 3411 dn::uit board A and B sockets. (,hfl~k the -" vol t powC'r ~~AlUtL suppJ,r.., --------~.I If your problem is fixed on this MAP or you exit this pale. remove the jumper you installed in Block Fl, Ensure fn.ble/Du.bl. SWltch 1~ 1n l!:n.ble posltlon Note 1: The MTA Log Display is invoked by enterinl nMBK" the keyboard after "MODESEl" is pressed" Pr0l>f' )411 It IN2 OIl..:! '-hdwr ",rrar' fB"nq !'to •• D~.play 01') the MTA uoq (Note 2) C .~ Probe )411 A1V2(;08 Yes ~ ~. h.pl~~~2A '",2. Yes IA1MP~ )411 (+ADPT ) HCOO8 8us Go to MAP M ~ e-;~ 28 'lell Haw~~ iV=~S))~6' Ves I114fCtl071fJ ~.n ~, qround Pf9be )411 A1N21 JOt) ( .. ALU <;ard ... er) FBOOJ .'-/ • • I No ~ -- tr~ .\ e:k~ iV-Sslb 3~~ 1 C .~. .'.'-' .'.'-.".'.-.'-'.'.-.-.-- . ground R1~ttCA1F2 Probe 341 I A I "'2B02 (+ADP'I' Al02 Yes 9 -< :> No Bus 0) HCOOa A1N2 ~ Probe ]41' A1N2. No -.c J03 (+IC Pan tyl FB003 Probe 3411 A1M2B04 (+AJ)IM' aus ReDl~ce R'iHC~'P2 3411 A'P • A1H2, A1J , A11(2, A1L2, A1N2, A Q2 A102 A1A2 1) IICOOS L .. ne- up ~e. --.l_J ~'il~C~'Q~ A10 A1V . (SqCOPv."" 11M Corpo'."on '977 ! j l ! I, HlJrdwana Error (Systfltm/300; S~/370) MAP AA110 - -'. Herdw.,.. arror (tly.-m/3IIO: 8yetem/370) 11 110 A1 Not.: If machine still fails check -4 volts at AIQ2M06(·) to AIQ2P08(+). Voltaae should be -4 volts::t 1%. Ch~k +6 volts at AIK2SII(+) to AIK2U08(-). Voltap should be +6 ::t4%.lf volts not correct, 10 to MAP AC060 Note 2. Probe )411 A1N2J07 (+ROS Pautyl 'B003 RePLJce 3411 A1V , A1U2, AlP, A102, A1N2 > ___ Probe )4 I I "'N2J04 (+XFR error) FBOO] R4)place ~ JIll 1 ~ ~ ~~ A1P2 "'02 ~epllY~23411 LCL Entry 370/115. 3701125 m:\. LI 11003 • • • Entry 2 .... ------ MS location ~BOt for LCL Display. Decode as follows: No Interch.np nat 115 or 3701125 adapter to e.bl·" in Sys 3701 I I x 10 ----------16 .-... I~~~ ~~~~ I 81 -." x 82 x J ..-.., 83 • • • • • • • • • -.• • • • • •• ~ Aeplace lOQ1C cards A1N2, A1G2. A1P2 A1Q2 tS~f: Notel Intel'chan,e ~No lnterfaee ~us ~------•• and ~~q3i1~ es I ~ .""''''. No RePrice Iolic f lfds >:.---•• I~:alt.3·:s~.I ~701 Rep~:gTe bad ~ 115 or A·BI C2 A-BI D3 loc.teet in Sys 3'70/125 RTf!oJce 341' ., AlI~~ if~~~ AlP', A'Q~ ~, I ..-'" Run T1410 A. and C B'I 4.-------Cya.e No Replace bad cable ~ --... .-.., -., ,..........., H.,..,. Error (&,II8m/31O; SyMem/310) MAP AA111 =; I I:t!. 1=' 1 74 !>COPYllot" '1M CorpOrateOf' lin --., J ,.-" ,-, ,-. ..-.'- Chenne' Problema Note 1: Refer to SER 3 for functional description of FE Diagnostic Probe. You must understand probe response to "Line Up," "Line Down," and "Line Pulsing." .~. .~ C'~n"Y ) 'A3 Probe 3411 A102802 (+PULSEO or PWR on RESET) \:'COll (Note 1) • .~. .'-' .'-' .".~ Yes 'B4-I,j--_ ~NO 1 Chk .IA'~~~Y~ ~!J~QP crock) FC002 1 3411 to CPU A1BX , cables at 3411 A1AX , 3411 lnterface connectors Probe 3411 A1Q2G05 (+Sys Res) FB011 ... . .-. '- e'- .'-' .~ .,-." .'e'-'-' .'-' .'-' E1 1 J Meter -4 volts 3411 A 1Q4806 ( - 1 to A1Q4oo8(+I. should bt -4 + or - 1,. Fl E3-- - -. . . . . pr~gg 3411 ~~QResf ~~g~~ J Meter +6 volts A1K2S11(+1 to A1K2U08(-I. :h~~l~ ~i +6 It ~ H1 .E?4MAP AAOSJ H4 ] ! Check SllP on , Meter 3411 A1M2 Ml0 (+OisableEnable) meter I~.~----- switch in enable position voltage c~~~~CiEB\)d~~e ye001 .-' Check. wlth voltmeter. Do not use FE probe .~ .-."-. .'-' .-- You have a defective Enable/Disable switch or defective wiring to the switch. The switch is wired frOfn T82-6 (ground) through the switch to T82-12 and then to AIG2PI3. AIG2Pl3 connects to AIM2MIO. "-" .~ e~' e'- ."- ."-' .'.- :l~ (:~ I,j j Channel Problems MAP AA112 .--.... • • • • --.• • • • • • • • .-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .--• • • ---- Error M_ag•• end Action Cod. . ~ Find the OS or DOS error message in the left column of MAPs AA120, AA121, and AA122. Using the Action Code listed with the message, go to the Action Code charts on MAPs AA 123, AA124, and AA125. Take the indicated action. ERROR MESSAGE CODE BK INTO LP (DOS) X BUSOUT CHK (DOS) BUS OUT CK (OS) D CANCELLED DUE TO CHANNEL ~AllURE_ (DOS) A .......... --. REASON FOR MESSAGE BACKWARD INTO LOAD POINT-A backward command, other than read backward, into load point (BOT) was issued to the tape unit. --.. _-- . BUS OUT CHECK-Bad parity was detected on bus out during command or data byte transfer. - _. A machine check has occured as the result of a channel failure, or an I/O interrupt that caused a ~out has occurred. _.------ -------~ CANCELLEn DuE TO I/O ERROR --~-- 0 CHAIN CHECK (OS) K CHAINING CHECK-A channel overrun occurred during data chaining on input operations. A CHANNEL CONTROL CHECK is caused by any machine malfunction affecting channel controls. See: I BM System /360 Principles of Operation, Form A22-6821, for full explanation of this error. See Note below. - .-._---- A CHANNEL DATA CHECK indicates the channel has detected a parity error in the information transferred to or from main storage during an I/O operation. See: IBM System/360 Princ~es of O~ration, Form A22-6821, for a full explanation of this error. A A channel control check or interface control check occurred during an I/O operation on the device at CUU (channel and unit). B COMMAND REJECT-Invalid CCW command or command sequence was detected by the device, or a write type command was issued to a file protected tape unit, or a Data Security Erase (DSE) was not chained to an Erase Gap command. E DATA CONVERTER CHECK-The data block just read in data convert mode did not contain a mUltiple of four characters. If the system is available to run diagnostics, run T3410Q (log Analysis) to get an analysis of the failure. If the system will not be available for some time to run diagnostics, you should proceed with an analysis of the sense bytes printed out with the error message. Use this chart to find the action code associated with the sense bit(s) that caused eQUIPMENT CHECK to be set on. CHAN CTl CK (OS) CHAN DATA CK (OS) CHAN DTCHK (DOS) CHAN ERROR ON CUU (DOS) CMD REJECT (OS) COMM REJECT (DOS) CONVRT CHK (DOS) DATA CONV CK (OS) An unrecoverable I/O error occurred during job processing. .-., ~ -- --.--~ l -- --- --- Note: On System 360/25, the "Disconnect In" line should be made inoperative to clearly define the failing I/O attachment. I ..-..... "'' ' 'c ...-.., '.-..... ..-... .. "'-".. '-". ~ .........., ~ ~ ~ ~ ,-..., ,,",, ............ ......... ---, -.... --... Error Messages and Action Codes MAP AA120 f See EC H;oto,. 7~ I '36612 1: 26 1443151 Oct 73 : '" $et>t " ....-.. ~ .~ -- -• • • •e Error M •••• g • • • nd Action Cod •• Find the OS or DOS error message in the left column of MAPs AA120. AAI21, and AA122. Using the Action Code listed with the message, go to the Action Code charts on MAPs AA 123 AA 124, and AA 125. Take the indicated action. • . ERROR MESSAGE SENSE byte, bit -- e_ 8,5 JJ 1. START VELOCITY CHECK: The tachometer velocity was not within ± 5 % of nominal timing for four consecutive tach pulses, within a total of 16 tach pulses, after the tape unit signalled it had completed generation of th~ IBG_ 8,5 JJ 2. END VELOCITY CHECK: The tachometer velocity was not within 5% of nominal timing for four consecutive tach pulses after the end of the read . back check of a write operation. 4,5 FF 3. DIAGNOSTIC TRACK CHECK: A dead track or a phase error was detected during a loop-write-to-read (LWR) operation. 3,0 Z 4. VERTICAL REDUNDANCY CHECK: A parity error occurred on a read which was not corrected during a read or read backward, or a parity error occurred during a read-back check of a write operation. 3,3 EE 5. ENVELOPE CHECK (PE): During a read, read backward, or write, the signal amplitude dropped below an acceptable level, or a phase error occurred. 5,3 DO 6_ PE 10 BURST CHECK: The PE identification burst was not written correctly from BOT, or a start velocity check occurred during either a PE or N RZI write from BOT. 4,5 HH 5,6 DO I .~DATA CHECK (OS AND DOS) ---- e. •e. ., -- The tape unit or tape control has detected a data error other than BUSOUT CHECK. DATA CHECK can be caused by any of the following: ~ .~- .- CODE REASON FOR MESSAGE e_ - • • - ± 7. PARITY COMPARE CHECK: The parity of a data byte sent to the channel disagrees with the parity of that byte as it was received from the micro code portion of the tape control. -------8. FALSE END MARK (PE): The postamble all ones byte was detected prematurely, or too few postamble zeros were detected after sensing the postamble all ones byte. ----l 3,2 BB 9. SKEW CHECK: Present if bits within a data byte are excessively misaligned durjng a PE read or read backward, or during a NRZI write if bits within a data byte do not arrive within approximately 40% of the normal byte period d uri ng a N RZ I write. - 3,1 AA 10. MULTIPLE TRACK ERROR (MTE): Present in PE operations if two or more tracks have envelope d,vpout and/or phase error in the s~me block. 1,0 Y 11. NOISE: PE: A data check has occurred during a read or read backward operation. NRZI: A data check has occurred on a record having twelve or: less bytes. --.. -- 3,3 DO 13. END DATA CHECK (PE): During PE read or write, after a preamble and data have been sensed, and a postamble is not sensed before reaching an IBG. • -'e-"_ e. e e •e •e • Error Messages and Action Codes MAP AA121 .~ •. ""e - 1 \ ~ ~ 'If. ,_ I -- " E.rror Messages and Action Codes Find the OS or DOS error message in the left column of MAPs AA 120, AA 121, and Using the Action Code listed with the message, go to the Action Code charts on MAPs AAJ23, AA 124, and AA 125. Take the indicated action. SENSE ERROR MESSAGE I DVC NOT OP (DOS) DVC NOT AVAI~BlE (DOS) I CODE IREASON FOR MESSAGE byte. bit G ·"G DEVICE NOT OPER~TIONAl-The I/O device was not operational. DEVICE NOTAVAILABlE-The I/O device was not available. EQUIPMENT CHECK can be caused by any of the following: 1.TAPE UNIT CHECK: READY dropped during a tape motion operation. This bit is set by TACH LAMP CHECK (7,0) lEFT or RIGHT COLUMN CHECK (7,1 ~-t0r 7,2.1_Q! START~~Q~~I~_R_T~~_. . ... 2. WArre TAPE MARK CHECK: The subsystem has tried 15 times to write a --+--.,---_....-+!ta.J~!" mar_k, and has_~~en un~.~le to do so without error: 3. TAPE UNIT POSITIONING CHECK: During tape unit selection, the tape -+-_ _-+-1u_n_it_is. found to be ~sitionin9 within the gap when it should have stopped'--J EQUIP CHECK (OS) EQUIP CHK (DOS) 4. TACHOMETER CHECK: Tach pulses were not detected after a tape motion ~as issued. I ~i?.!"'rnand --l ~,- .... INTF eTl CK (aS) Error Messrlges and Action Codes MAP AA122 " .,.-' A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ",-, ~ ~ Error M . . . .g •• and Action Codes ~ ~ ~ e~ e,-, e,- I Co;E 1:~::::AP~Jl0cu --~--- ~ _.- If there is no write enable ring in the customer's tape reel, the problem is an operator error. If there is a write enable ring in the reel, check that the reel latch holds the reel down against the file protect plunger (MAP AB020). If neither of the above, go to MAP AB120 to verify the operation of the file protect mechanism. c ~- 1. Check bus -cables at both ends for good connections. 2. This problem could be caused by a failure of the channel to put good data on bus out. 3. Run T3410A. 4. If T3410A fails, try to run it again with the 3411 on a different channel. 5. If the problem isolates to the 3411, change card A-A 1 M2 in the tape control. D Possible failing areas: 1. Card A-A 1M2 that receives the byte from channel bus out. 2. Defective channel bus out cable. 3. Data on channel bus out has incorrect parity. ~ E 1---__ This indication could result from reading a customer's tape containing a block with a byte count that is not a multiple of four tape characters. Try reading the tape on another tape unit with the same mode and density settings to see if the tape itself is written correctly. To check out the hardware, run T341 OC. ~ F ]Tape unit _ positioning check. The capstan motor control logic has faiied. Go to MAP AAOaO. G 1. Make sure that the system recognizes the tape unit addressed by the customer's program as an existing tape unit, and that the tape unit is also READY and has been enabled (via the ENABLE/DISABLE switch). Go to MAP AA112-B4 for reference information. 2. If the tape unit loads but fails to reach READY when the START key is pressed, go to MAP AB090. 3. If the tape unit drops READY, go to MAP AB100. 4. for all other conditions, go to MAP AA065. H Tape Unit Reject: ,. This indication eQuid result from someone pressing the RESET key while the tape unit was performing a command. 2. Examine the tape unit for tape dumping, damaged tape, and blown fuses. 3. For tape dumping, or failure to load, go to MAP AB010. 4. If tape loads and the tape unit attains READY status but you suspect tape dumping during Iprocessing, go to MAP AB100. . loverru. n is probably caused bY. too many devices o~ the channel, a channel failure, or by the tape unit iP_resenting data too fast. To check out the tape unit, run T3410 A through G. l 11_ _ _ _...... Possible causes: 1. The program is cal!ing for the wrong density. 2. The tape was written incor.ectly. 3. The tape unit trying to read the tape is malfunctioning. Check operation of file protect switch. J Action: 1. Verify the density at which the tape was written. 2. Try to read the tape on another tape unit to determine whether the tape is good or bad. 3. to check out the tape unit that had the error, run T34l0 A, B, and C. ~------+. - K Some channels are unabie to perform data chaining on input operations with some models of 'the 3410. The data rate of the 3410/341 1 subsystem does not allow enough time for some slower speed channels to perform data chaining. Verify that the data chaining operation is valid for your combi~ati~~9f channeJ and 3410/3411. -I L 1. Try reading the tape on another tape unit. 2. If the tape does not fail on another tape unit, run T3410 A, a, and C on the failing tape unit. 3. If the tape fails on another tape unit, it is possibly a badly written or damaged tape. Examine the tape for signs of physical damage in the area where the failure occurred. e" e~ --- ... -----.--.-- ..• Examine the command byte printed out in the console error message to see if it is a valid command. If this message was caused by a write type command issued to a file protected tape or by a data B security erase not chained to an erase gap command, the error was caused by an operator or program ~_ _-+I_er_ror. To verify that tht!~~11 is func~ning, run T3410 A, B, and C. . I L --__ e ---e,e,-, -'e,-,-'."-' ----- -,---- e,,-, e." -'e,-,-' e __ .~ e,e,- :L- ITE556-IT~641~-----~r-------·r-J !Sop. 12 ~u, 13 _ • e,- e,- • ~ Error Messages and Action Codes MAP AA123 '""" " • ,..-,., Error Me_ege. and Action Cod. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •.-. • • • -"• -.• -.• •-.• •-, • •• ,.-..." ........... ,........., CODe ACTION M Run T3410 A, B, and C to check out the functions of the tape unit. N Check the tape unit. Did READY drop? Is tape positioned correctly in the columns? Look for visiblt! Indications of malfunction. Go. to MAP AB010. -_.. 0 Examine the sense bytes printed in the error message to determine the area in which the failure may have occurred. P Run T3410A to check the operation of the sense command. If T3410A indicates a failure, check the interface cables at both ends for good connections. If failure still occurs, change card A-A 1 M2 in the tape control logic gate. ...-..., The tape error block (TEB) statistics are printed for information, and do not necessarily indicate hardware failures. The TEB is only printed for those DOS systems that have TEB=YES specified at system generation time. The message identifies the following tape errors: CH UNIT PRE ROE WTE ERG NRC ,........", ---.. -._---------- .. ---.. I Q _-- CH-channel UNIT-device address PRE-permanent read errors ROE-read error entry WTE-write error entry ERG-erase gap NRC-noise record count While these error counts may not indicate the need for repair, they could prove useful by giving you a history of tape unit performance. R Tape Unit Check (Lamp Check). Go to MAP AA045. S Write Tape Mark Check. Go to MAP AA045. ~---- - ..--- .. - .--.-. X -- .- - 1.Verify that the BOT marker is in the BOT sensing area. If not, the tape unit m2y be indicating false BOT.Go to MAP AB080. 2. If the BOT marker is in the BOT sensing area, the problem was probably caused by the program erroneously issuing a backward command. ------------------Noise: y . ). Make sure the tape transport is clean. 2. Run T341 01. Z VRC: j. Make sure the tape transport is clean. 2. Go to MAP AA050. AA MTE: 1. Make sure the tape transport is clean. 2. Run T3410 J and K. 3. Go to MAP AA040. 1""""\ ""'" ,~'\ ,...-, ,......,.." ""'" 1. Ensure that the columns are clean. 2. Check cables from head circuit card to logic board. - ""'"" ~ ~---. 1. Ensure that the tach assembly cable plug is making good connection. 2. Ensure that logic board cables B, C, and K are securely plugged. 3. Run T3410 E and F. If T3410 E and F indicate no tach pulses, go to MAP AB010. T 4. If T3410 E and f indicate tach pulses out of specification, change the capstan tach or the capstan motor. 5. If no errors are indicated by T3410 E and F, run T3410 A, B, and C for a checkout. -_._-_ --_._-U Go to MAP AA045. ----_._.- - . - ------._--_.._--_. __ .-.----------V Go to MAP AA045. W ---. --.. ..-." ........... -- ---------- .. _._------. ---. -------------_.- ~, ,-..." ....-., ~ Error Messages and Action Codes MAP AA124 [~34556 1 Sept 72 734864 1 Aug 73 ..-..., ~ ,,-L L .rror M_.- end Action Codee L L L, CODE ACTION BB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CC 1. Make sure the tape transport is clean. 2. CRC check is a NRZI mode failure only. 3. Run T3410C to check out the NRZI functions of the tape unit. DO End Data Check: 1. Make sure the tape transport is clean. 2. Check the head card to logic board cables. 3. Go to MAP AA050. L EE Envelope Check: 1. Make sure the tape transport is clean, especially the head and cleaner blade. 2. Go to MAP AA050. L FF Diagnostic Track Check: 1. Make sure the tape transport is clean. 2. Go to MAP AA050. HH P-Compare Check: 1. Make sure the tape transport is clean. 2. Replace A 1-A1M2. 3. Replace A 1-A 1F2. JJ Velocity Check: 1. Make sure the tape transport is clean. 2. Check that the column idlers are not binding. 3. Use gauge to check adjustment of idlers and guides. 4. If you change adjustments, check tracking. 5. Run T3410 E and F to check the capstan motor and tachometer. e~ L L· _ _I L L L e,-, Make sure the tape transport is clean. Run T3410P (skew adjustment) to check skew. Check that the column idlers are not binding. Use gauge to check adjustment of idlers and guides. If you change adjustments, check tracking. L -'-' e~ e~ '.'-' --L e,~ e--. e,_ e_ e_ e,- 1734611 1 Sept 72 7:M8M 1 Aug 73 1443761 I 20 Sept 74 e,_ e" e e l ) ~ i ;' Error M4I1119es and ActIon Codes MAP AA125 --- " • .-• • • • • • • • ~ MTA System Interface Test 370/115, 370/125 The purpose of this test is to detect faulty interface lines which lead to an unexpected system halt, wait or loop condition. The lines tested are: ~A:ot,y ~ t. 2. 3. 4. MSC Request Interrupt Request Response Busy .~ --., ...-., Note I: ..---Bl~!---.. Run 370/115 or 370/125 $ystem Interface Test • SYSTEM INTERFACE TEST· (MJF) DETECTED: HOT INTERRUPT REQUESTLINE BETWEEN IPU AND TCU LINE COULD BE RESET. PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE J 1 Refer to 347° 1 15 This error display shows a hot interrupt request line detected by the test between IPU and TCU. The test was able to reset the line by using control signal via the SVP-8us. or 370/125 C M Section SOOO or details Note 2: Interface lines which can be reset point to the following areas: ~NO • ~D2 Got:o MAP AA12) Between IPU and SVP - probably microprogram error or left over of previous microtest. Between IPU and lOP· common ext. card in lOP (U2). El Between IPU and TCU - TCU interface. refer to 3410/3411 MLM AA049. Entry 02. I Interchange Bus and Tag cdbles. Rerun test ,-.,. -." ~\ ~ • • • • • • • • • •. • • .-.., ~ ~ ,..- .-., ,,-.\ .~ ~.~~ ,-." ......... ...-... ' ..-. ~ • • • -• -, ..-... ...- "~~ • •-, • • ........ MAP AA126 -.. • •• ~-., ..-...., 'l. e "'-" ~ -- .~ tl, e,,- .,- .--- MTA Log Routine 370/115. 310/125 CA:nu y ) .J Go to 3701115 or 3701125 CTM and do rop Manual Op ,1 Observe lOP "c" . AAO~O AA126 DIscussion: I. Adapter Checkout: After error saving is performed automatically, the adapter checkout takes place. During the checkout, data: ~ent from SVP (via SVP Data Bus 0) to the MTA. The data is set in Lm't Data Reg or Hi Data Reg and sensed back to the SVP. The SVP compares the data sent against that received. In case of unequal compare, the 'is' and 'should be' pattern is saved. If the result is equal, a zero pattern is forced in both bytes and in the 'data reg' byte. 2. TCU Checkout: After the adapter checkout takes place, the TCU's initial checkout routine is invoked by an SVP CTRL ·CO'. After waiting until the routine is performed, ATI-6 (error) is checked again by the SVP SNS 'CO'. If ATI-6 is active, this indicates a TCU malfunction and, therefore, the ABI is saved again and 'Ff' is set into the check byte. If ATI-6 is inactive, the ATI is investigated for MSC failure (ABI-S). in display (Note 1) tL MTA LOG DISPLAY •-- -'-' .~. --- &ron Recorded Since 00/00/00 Log 01 I.ABI CTL. A-20,SNSB DATA LOW F1 oooooooo 01000000 r Re-IPL and Cancel. Repeat lOP Manual Ops ."~ Result of Adapter Checkout DATA SHOULD DATA REG CHECK oooooooo DATA IS 2.ABI OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO Program Selection: MBK e __. .i,_. SENSE 2 DATA HI9H 01000000 11011000 01000000 LOCK CONTINUE WITH ENTER / '0' for Dump / 'E' for Erase .; 1 ! Re-\PL to go back on 11 ne. Run fa1l1nq program J BC ID==F250 M=X.OB7F.6E. Note 1: Consult table below for lOP Mal1"al Ops Decode. ~~&~6~ ~~ ~~~ lOP MANOPS mdke new entry A = lOP ALTER F == lOP FILL D - lOP DUMP SET CODE: AND ENTER SAT STATUS =IPU MSC 63:60 SENSE-+40:40 61 :01 SENSE+ 43:32 62:00 lOP IDLE: CHK: 89 A B ~D 80 91 Ai Bt Cl 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 F ()() 00 F 00 00 ID:C064 MTA Log ROutine 370112& MAP AA127 --..:. • «.• "• _....... • • --• • • • MT A SVP Bus Control·System 370/125, 3701115 /--- ,.-.... ,A 1 - - - _ from MAP AA110 J <=.=) -.., ,.-... Note I: Entry to this MAP assumes that you have no LeL or MTA Log entered and you have a system hang or channel/interface control ched< condition . .J ~. • • Note 2: Any Log means any MTA Log, LeL, or SVP Bus Control Sense Byte 8. ........... Note 3: Hex '48' on SVP Bus is valid and indicates a non-error condition. Go to MAP AA065 if this status is presented. Execute SVP Bus Control dlSpl.1Y .-..., • • • • • • • • • • CAUTION: If you execute Initial Microprogram Load (IMPL) on the system, you will probably post an LCL or MTA Log. If this occurs, return to ,--... MAP AA020 and make another entry. ~ SVP Bus Control Display: ..:-----. ~ :1 Decode the Log .1 and go to MAP .AA048. Entry 2 ! Probe 3411 A1Q2B12 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Set CE key to CE Mode. Mode Select "MY" to display SVP Bus Control. Enter "CO" in position XO· YO. Step ........ cursor 8 times . Enter "C". Enter "00". Enter "01". Enter "0". Press ENTER key. Enter "S8" in XO·YO. Press ENTER key; i.e, SAT C XYOO LC 01 MODE O. ~ .,,-, ..-..., ,--, Sample Display SVP BUS CONTROL 0 2 - - - -.. Restore CE key to normal xY 0 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 o S851 X , X X X X X X X X X X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .~ ,..- HX' 51 in this examp!~ indicates Bits I, 3, and 7 in the ABI are ON. (Note 2) X X ~ X X ..-... X SAT C XYOO LC 01 MODE 0 J1 I Clear the log areas before proceeding *1:ABI ,1 IP( and !to to MAP AA020. Elltry 01 0 1 HOWR SPARE ERROR ,-.-- -- .- - ... - IC "PGM ERROR AlU IC 3 2 -~- 4 AlU XFR --_._-- --.-~ • ---• ........... Refer to the ABI table below. - _.. -- . -- _ ..._- INTERWR ClK FACE or MTA SPARE 8 7 TCU OFF 5 ROS --_._-_ ......- ------_.-. . DET. BOC MSC . . TU BUS ON • Decode this table in descending order. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..... • • • -• • • • • ---• • • • ,...-..,.. ..........., ~. ~ --.. .-.... .-., SVP BUI Control Svat.m 370/12& MAP AA128 ..,-.. .-"""". --• • ~ ~ • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. , ..' Tape Unit Entry ( Entry .) .." Visually check III ruse indicators (,ARRL 0- 19 I ~~==t g:,~ ENABLE/DISABLE This switch allows the subsystem to be taken offline for maintenance. The switch setting can be changed at any time. but the subsystem changes status only when the system is stopped. The switch must be set to the DISABLE position to take the subsystem offline. A disabled subsystem is non-existent to the system program To disable (or enable) the subsystem, proceed as follows: I. Turn the ENABLE/DISABLE switch to the DISABLB (or ENABLE) position. 2. Press STOP and then START at the system console. The subsystem is now offline (or online). Usage Meter ~ A time meter on the 3411 records the elapsed time that the tape control is in use. The meter runs whenever the subsystem is enabled (online) with the ENABLE/DISABLE switch, and the host system is operational. A time meter on each 3410 records only the time that the Cape is in use. The meter runs whenever the subsystem is enabled, tape is away from load point. and the host system is operational. ~- -- •Eo to MAP ABO? Note 1: A loaded condition Is tape looped in both columns without dumping. Followin, loading. the tape unit automatically Initiates a load point search by moving tape to the right until the beginning of tape (BOT) marker Is sensed by the BOT photocell or until the RESET switch is pressed. Tlpe Unit Entry o ~ InttrnttloMllMintll MlChinti CetpllfMiOII 1111, " ,• MAP AB010 "'"', " • • • • "• ,• "• • • •e • • • • • • • • -• • -"• • '. • • • • • • • •• -', \ Tape Unit Entry ~ ~ (~-;U}_rO t;;\ Q 010Jl .... Yes . IAdJust reel hub .A~---.. (CARRL 0-39\ .. ~~ ~ p,.,r Note I: To bypass the interlock switch: t. Power down. 1. Raise the transport assembly (ensure that both stay braces latch). 3. Reach up behind the right reel motor through a hole in the casting to locate the switch. 4. Push the switch interlocking plunger to the right. The plunger will release if you close the sliding door. Posslble blnd repl ace/repa l r dn. Bypass s.ldlnq ooor lnted k SW1 tch (Note 11 Pwr up 1n reel motor, ,~ ~ \ Note 1: Observe reels and capstan to see if the capstan or either reel turns with power on and the unit unloaded. 011 Note 3: A loaded condition is tape looped in both columns without dumping. Following loading, the tape unit automatically initiates a load point search by moving tape to the right until the beginning tape (BOT) marker is sensed by the BOT photocell or until the RESET switch is pressed. G3 ~Yes II AB3 0----~ Go to MAP Note 4: BOT leader should be-16 ft. :t 2 ft.loq. 1 Mount reel wlth FP rlng. Thread cg~ks~~!a~~rt head cavlty fori t~~'R~~1~5 obstruct~on No .~ RelftOve obstruct1on , retry LOAD operatlon 1 .~.~. ("~,,,) Chec:k BOT leader before contlnuilll Note 4 Check R/W head seals' retry operatlon No Vacuum bleed adJl.Istment (CARRL 0-26A) L.I"~:> J-b- ~, ~ Yes Che(-k column ('l'1dnqe co!"mn door. Replace hlnqt's (C'ARRL 0-281 T ape Unit Entry MAP AB011 No cover .snd h·nq~~2~'fARRL --.., Tape Unit Entry .E: 2 .."No 85 .... MAP ABO', A8100 Remove rt ng from re,'fload Press START tap wltn BOT mar er to right o caDstan OQ I Let several ~~~asogEotftre reef,: ~T~¥SET, ~-P • ~E2 C::o MAP AB12y F1----Press RESET. Press UNLOAD/REWIND Press RESET , Yes Pres!'> UNLOAD/REWIND ~ r q ! 1 ]..L.,-, Retur jmachinentthe I cU5tom~rthe Id j t ;1'---J4 ~(;) to MAP ;lto rim. r; ~I t eli'" IGO I H5 to MAP AA010 • r~~~tlg~ €~s[~n " M02H ~btl/370 t unct Ion tests ~ ~,---'--.----~ Tape Unit Entry MAP AB012 l .-......, "• ~ Left Reel Hub and Latch Mechanl8m • • • • ---• • • • •e • • • • • • • •e • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ -... DtKusslon: Entry to this MAP as~ume~ you had trouble mounting the left (file) reel _ A ,-~-~- -- __ ~rom MAP A801V ,.......,., ,-.. 81...1.7----. Check thdt left ( f 11 e) ree 1 1 s t'lot deformed, scored, or burred ....-.. .~ ~ Note: A. Check that the hub is free from obvious physical B. Co No F1----- Mount reel and recheck hub operatIon defects such as broken parts or contamination. With the center of the hub depressed. check that: I. Both "0" rings protrude at three points dire",tly under the lugs. 2. The three locking lugs extend from the hub. With the center of the hub released, check that: I. The ,enter of the hub extends automatically when no tape reel is mounted. 2. The "0" rings and the three locking lugs retract flush with the hub. ~, ~ -. -.. ~ ,.-., --.." .......... .~ Ret Irn mdchl ne to cu<;tomer -.. """"' """'" ~ ~ ~ """'"' ,......... -", ...-... Left Reel Hub .nd utch Mechinism MAP AB020 ,..-.., -"""', .......... ..........., ".-- . .'-" .'..".--- Vecuum F••luree .~. ~ Note: Visually check all fuse indicators. There are two fuse Indicators on the motion control board and five in the dc section of the 341 I power supply: two at the bottom. two on the left side and one on lh, riaht side• '- e'-' ::- While watehing relaf ESE an 'URi.D'R£W ND Vjcuum ._- K .'-' .'-' .'"- M~~Yra~~rf~in. V4CUUlll Ta!J-~to Ta~-l (CMR" FilJ. 0-331 .~ ."-' •. RepL"ICI 'acuum motor or motor wirina or ltartina capacllor. ~ . (CARRLF". 1).33.) .~ ~_n ~ .''.'.'--' .~ ."'- Probable CP2 • tepuref, r,pa1r C~~4SPCJ • "" ReplaceJrepo!ltr ac cab1i vac:;uum re ayO~K1 H ICA~~~"ll~. • . . ~?~u~~ -- C ~:gye If_YAu9~lRRti1 0-441 Replaee vaeuul'll r~}a~p~' (Jtinl II F1g.,. D-li or ---C u-.!il R,p!~e:~&te-ir .~ ."'-" .'•. --" .~ .'-" ."" .".'.'-' Vlcuun1 Flilures MAP AB030 "• "'" Vecuum F.llu. . . • • • • • • • • •e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • -• -,• -,• •e .~ ~ m:\. Note 1: Measure voltages in the failing tape unit at the following points on DC TB 1: Vobp M _ at ToienKe +5 TB 1-1 (+) to 1-4 (-) +4.90 to + 5 10 +6 TBI-9 (+) to 1-4 (-) +5.99 to +6.01 + 1S TB 1·11 (+) to 1-14 (.) + 13.5 to + 17. I 5 ·1 5 TB 1-17 (-) to 1-14 ( + ) -13.5 to -17. 15 033 L./ Power dn. M. cont. LB ~able B08~n (goARREo Note 2: For missing de voltage, go to the MAP listed below: Vobp MAP 0-16) +S AC~ +6 AC100 +15 ACI30 -15 AC130 for + S or +6 volts out of tolerance. go to MAP AC 120. For + 15 or -I S volts out of tolerance. go to MAP AC134. To check cover lntlk sw. open • close s11dlng cover. Watch meter -""" ~. ,.-..... .~. ~ ""'" ~ ~ Replace/rep~ur SWltch or _, wlrlng (CARRL _ 0-6) ~ ~ Meter cont. across VaC1JUm u~ SWlt~h (CARRL 0-30) ~ """'\ ~ ~\ Replace vacuum up SWltch 1991C bOard (CARRL >Yes 0-30, 0-16) ~IRe~~r~u:tg~~e ~; ~ Power up. Meter 5 volts dc (+) to TB -6 (-~ TB~- voltages per Note 1 across SWitch """"'" Me<.el vacuum Check de (CARRL 0- J3 D. LOAD/R , ~, ~ s"" .1 See Noto 2 1 ~ _, Repl.ce vacuum relay K1 or dloae CRl (CARRL 0- H) ."""" """'" Inspect and reseat cables to cepstdn tach ---, ~ + ,Jtxg~~~e~~g~; y 8 ~ ~ See CARRL 0 35 and 0-36 ...-..., . -\ ........... (~1, Vecuum F.ilu.... MAP AB031 ()Copy,,,,,, tIM CorPOf4lhOl'l 1877 -. -. --.~. ~ ~ ~ ee- Vacuum Failur_ I) 31 H4 32 A.1 A1 ! Power down. dlsconnect IOl.Jlc txldrd ("bleD~,~iARRL 61":'----- M. con tIn d 1 t y R~~t~eg72p~g~lel'44-------- Lg~gn~~~ND ThiS step checks the LOAD/REWIND sWltch f. wlflng e~ e-- .'-' p1 ! M, cont. LB g'7 s c~~let~ ('ARRL D- 16) ~, .'- .-.~ fl ' Power down, M. cont. LB C.1ble ¥BP,:~; ~~~R~E D- H, I. D- 3) 1 e,-, ..-.'.-.-, .'.'.---., ..,. e-· .~ ~2---~ Yes H1 Repl~:r~oglc H 3 - - - -... ! ,No IReturn machlne ~>---------.. to customer J1----,'OWPI f (IN. .3111 ! lem ::;'1'-,1'('('1 Ill) Retry 15- rewlno extend lIne 1 Yes 2 Power down. remove MeS, lllsconnect logiC board If other errors to MAP Mala .llI'Ialn Entry. If none, return system to cust qo T 360/3705 to MAP AA~l~'AA~T6; to entry 03 Suspe('l prou 1 em FXI : 1 Ill' No 1 Check [or short , ________•• If[gmL~r~~gl~n~ pin D3 & MCB socket pin 9 cable A Kl..! !,roulem on -Move Sli:,PPCl 1 'll prnt11 P<. )\0,.'(' l 1 [It". r down .'~ . '- Capstall/Reel Runaway .~ MAP AB060 ~' .~ . ,I ~ "• .----, Capstan/Reel Runaway • • • • • • • • • • • • • -.• • • • -• • • • • • • • • • --• •• ,........ --.. .--... rT\. ~ 06082 L.J B1 I .-..,.,. Power down, ug~~a b~~t~ (CARRL 0-16) A ,-. 2 ~Yes .ISusg~C&n~~~9lem Status line 3------~ Check for short a f[gmL,r~:g12n2 pln 03 & MeB socket pin 810 """'" ............. !---_ ~ Dl ... ~~~aa~a~y~l~ & It retry ~ E2---__. ,No ~~--------~ IReturn machIne to customer E) - " - - - ~ .-... ..-.... -.... F1 " ..........., ---... .-", -" ~. .-... Capstan' Reel Runaway MAP AB061 ..-... ~ --., •e'- .'.'--' .'- Cap.tan/Ree. Runaway e'- .-- .'." GB:l S~~P:f~ ~[~~G~m Rt Col A line .~ 1 :-4 : Power down, T Power down, bo~~~cc:~gy~cA, ~~~~gc~gy~cA remove MCB (CARRL 0-16) .~ .'-' ."- .'.'-" .'-' Yes E1 D2 . Check reel motor cables D4..... : - - -.. Check for short frgmL~r~~61~n~ pIn D7 & Men for shorts to each other or 15 volts socket pin Bl1 ,ES----- T E~~~jtc!g?~CA and rf't ry AB100 .~ .~ ;1 _ _ _- - - Press .~ LOAD/REWIND e-' .'- ~ Yes H4 Power down, dl$C lOgIC Iooll • board c..tble A, remove MeB H~,---_ Check for shor~ ________•• If[gmL~r~~51~n~ P~gc~~t&C~~B .'-' .'-' e~ e'-' .~ e~ .~ e'-' e'-' .-.'.'-" ./ Capstan / Reel Runaway MAP AB062 " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -,. BOT S.n_ F.llure """"' -. DisaIssioD: Entry to this MAP assumes that the tape unit loads correctly. but fails to recognize a correctly installed BOT marker. The BOT /EOT sensing assembly or motion control board (MCB) could be defective. ,..-. The half-column cover must be in place when using this MAP. ..-..., _ 8 1 -1._ _. . . . lly check i lights Of photo sElnse assembly VlSua Note: Disconnect the two-wire plug from the BOT/EaT assembly. With your meter on the 15 volt de scale, connect + lead to either pin of the wire plug and -lead to DC TBl-4. Hold the tape over the BOT /EOT assembly with the BOT marker just outside the sensing area. The meter should read approximately 3.5 volts. Now move the BOT marker into the sensing area; the meter should now read approximately 5.0 volts. If the voltage does not change, connect the + lead to the other pin of the two-wire plug and repeat the procedure. (CARRL 0-25) ~. ~ .-..., ,.-., '02 ! , Install asseml;> i~are tem~rarl t;>ut don t moun 1n tape path roI'\ .... LJ ~ ,-. 1 0 7 1Al .-.., -., Fl-"Z_ _ _", Remove cover of Photy sense aSf~~~ k~o~~ter Jumper to gnd F2-'"--~., Reconnect old a~:~~~iY;i~e~?r ,.-.,., 3-wire pfug (+6 vdcl to OC gnd • • • -, .-..... 1 ,-... See CARRL 0-25 F~". H3 i ! If symptoms don't change .. go to MAP ABO/3 L~ L/ • -.• • • • -• "-,• • -,• •-, • • • •• ...-. ............. """', ,-., -." BOT Sense Failure MAP AB070 ,-., --"', " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • ~: BOT Sen•• F.llur. • che<=ks the ThlS 19ht fl1clments •• ~___ .,Repl~~r~ir aa8em~ry a 001 • Remove MeB' " meter, outsl~e PIns of plug to 1I0cket plns A12 clnd A14 '.f. ~.__ • Re~.ce/repdl \ r n Wlr~ dnd r lnsta 1 MeB 0 r1d ReInstall MeB; power up and try agaln , ~2 ~Replac~f,epalr ro~~ble ~---_.. 2 poor connectlon at MeB socket, repair J If 'lymptoms don't cTlanqei. go to MAP ABO') L.~ :(1 . ~. . •• ,. -. • • • • 1~7:;S! 1,m - . . ,- r---- I aOT Sense Failure MAP AB071 e -- •-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "'" BOT Sen •• Failur. "" 0'0[1 OJ ..... A1 ,., .... 1 _ __ Po",.r down. dlli La u~le A fnARI..P;; &1, ""'" p.~) (CARr( -.., 81 I " M. continuity L.B ~:bi~ ~('~ln socket pin 8') ~ .. ~ ..- .........c2----.. 1000" .\ Replag:bf~paH .~ ...... 01-----... '" " No .." '" f'l----- '"' .... -:.,\ No ... ..., i Hl I Repl ace/repa H log lC board H2 I Retllrn tape unit to .. custom(>r ..., " "'. . , ... BOT Sense Failure MAP AB072 n ___ _ 734556 1,'sePT 72 734556A /20 Oct 72 • • • • •• .. BOT Sen. . Failure 0 .. Al 'AI 070H) 1)71H2 7 ~~~ ~r.~ [e~~~~ L8 c~b\e A (CARRL 0-19) 8' .... 7 _ _ _. . Mi~eroMIB ~~n boclrl~ cag , START (CARR 0-17) ~ Li9ht.o~'e~i9h~ ___ ., de'eItlY,_ r~~~~~ l~~Cd~ ~:~y~ 8R~~ByB~~t~O y"llow wIre ~___ .\R.~h~./!!pa...\r IcX2Af O-Ui J(eplace/repur Vlre ij 1.~ ~"'AAT Switch Failure MAP AB090 -{: [, 'l) I, I: t Load/Unloed Reel Control Check f" AI r i, i ?rOll MAP 111106 2 1'2.orllllOllHl ~•. 1- ii- DbcassIon: You must read this entire page before proceeding so that you und-.:rstand the procedure. This MAP checks operation of the reel motors, reet control circuits, and pneumatic system during a LOAD op,·raticn. You must press LOAD/REWIND, verify presence of vacuum at the column control ports, and observe risht and left reel mO&io~. Then, you must press RESET and again observe reel motion. All this must be completed within five seconds from the time you press LOAD/REWIND. If you cannot complete the procedure, you must restart the' check, as the pneumatic system shuts off and the LOAD or UNLOAD cycle is lerminated after approximately len seconds. ii'-, f--. re:T"'?~~mtt~pe unlt To disable the interlock switch, raise tape transport and reach behind and abov~ the right reel motor through a hole in the casting until you can feel the switch. Push the plunger until it locks. The plunger releases aut('matically when you close the sliding door (see CARRL 0-6,. Pwr Gown. duable door lntlk sw, open ._ column door In addition to checking for vacuum present, observe reel movement. n.ere should be about 1 second delay before the right reel starts turning CCW. if both reels start turning at the same instant, a malfunction is indicated. Note the presence and/or absence of this delay, and continve with yo.ur diagnosis. Press RESET , LD-REW. Check lf vacuum present at vacuum port!! " ~- Low Ie Une voltage may I If low vacuum ~JI-Y·-·--..... sU~~iteg!2,ee Vacuum Chec' Procedure I. abo cause low vacuum. Ensure vacuum reduCier is not plugged with dirt and is installed correctly. (~ CARRLD22.) Go to MAP AB010 Press RESET and LOAD/REWIND Pfer.s RESET and LOAD/REWIND After reels are ~~~tni'og~:~~e reel motion \ • Load/Unload Reel Control Check MAP AB100 e· ..~ .~ .".--- Lo.d/Unlo.d R_I Control Check 'A 2 - - - _ cw Suspect PIO,blem ~>----•• I on -co B 1 - - - -••• Normal lne .~ .''-' .'-e--•. ~ '81 i ' ,AJJ----...... Power down, remove MCe (CARRL 0-19) 133 M. for short socket pin A16 to Al0 (Col 8 Suspect problem on -Col B,CCW status hne VAC SW) Pwr dn, remove Mlrg~r ~~~~i No ~~~hMtr~~r pins C~ to (gnd) socket p.i,ns 812 to 03 (gnd) D3 .~' .'e'-''-' .~ .'. .'~ ~ Yes D2~---_ Di~connect LB ~ Icable A. Leave meter leads Yes connected (CARRL D-16) £1 ' E 4 - ' - -...... M. ~tion c;:ontrQ board plns Bl to 03 (gnd) M. mQtion control boa{d C] to 03 (gnd) L.0) 0)-. F2..1.---.. '" .~ .'-' .~ .''-' .'-' .~ ."-' .., .'-' e'- .'.'e'-,- .~ .~ e'--' -'- ~ '~ Load/ Unload Reel Control Check MAP AB101 r • •.. • •.. ' Lo.d/Unlo.d R_I Control Check fiT\. ~ .. .. 100J4 L.J Press RESET ~ •--e Sus~ct. prot;>lem on -Uyt~e Drlve 'El ! ~ Attach VTL test clip to ZM7 on MCB 4 Jumrtr Dinl4 1" to ~ • 1n 7 See CARRL D-19 (gn ) ~ .~ ,-e .-e 1-'---"" ~~ d~, a':gVtB ~ab~ A, t.ave • tetstt c ~p a ac hed See CARRL D- 16 ~ ~ 1 " ' . . . ._ _ _. . M, cQnt. ZM7 p1n 13 to LB cable A pin D03 """'. ~. ~. ~,. ~. ~ . . ~. . - • ~. Load/Unload Reel Control Check MAP AB102 ~. ~. -'. """- -~ • Load/Unload Reel Control Check .,~ .'--, Discussion: Vacuum pump may attain vacuum level slowly, preventing either reel from loading. If you suspect this problem, check vacuum pump pulley and belt tension. .'.-'- 82:---..... • • ~Yes .IReflt~~ Note: Measure DC voltages at DC TB 1 at the pins shown below . Go to the MAP page indicated if a voltage is out of tolerance. Use a voltmeter having ±0.25% accuracy when measuring these voltages. tglfi ' operatlon ,~ Voltage PIns" Tolenn~e +S vdc +IS vdc 14 (-) to I C+) 14 (-) to 10 (+> 14 (+) to 17 (-) +4.90 to S.IO AC090 + 13.S to + 17.2 AC120 ACI30 '-IS vdc .'-- -13~5 to -17.2 MAP, Page *Pin 14 is "around." .' .".e, .' •.-., •• e··' • • • .' • • • • • • •e • •• E2----. Power down, resec1t l~lC board cab. II ..._----_..... " ... ICARRL D-, 6) Fl '1 or· power Don't press down. ~emove TU back cover 1 I Short vacuum-up sw!tch wlth jum~r (CARRL O-lO) board cables A , IS. Rf?try • 2 ! TU to custQmer ~ L~~ri~et ~~'r i Power down, be sur e V.1CUlIm -.hose & COnnf'(" t l.on to Vdl' IIp SW 1S OK TU to customer Yes R~turn H2~---...., Y~"s pre.. RESET ! PeSe"t loqlC RESET Rot~rn H3 T d('wn, [-'u''''f'r dls(,O'1nect lUglC bOdrd (',ibJe B Replolce VoICUUM up SWltch ~.-- Le • ,Replace vtcuum syttem rellY K1 lC'ARRL D-JIl) Replace loc;1C ~rd Load/Unload Reel Control Check MAP AB103 \, - \ \ Load/lJnload Reel Contr~1 Cheok -- \ ~. 14 A1 103C2 'A 1 J Power down disc cable:i lo reel , ca~stan ass~~6Y les Bl y DlSconnect vol tage. co"necl:ors .t head assembly ~ 1 '. I Power up, check MeB luse d:R~~ra~~n) ____-..~\R~g~t~~lm~~~a ~)---_- Note: One of the assemblies or cables that is . disconnected is apparently shorted. Power down. Isolate the failing assembly or cable by reconnecting each· assembly and cab2e (one at a time> and powering up to check if a fuse blows. If no assembly or cable is shorted, inspect the operator panel assembly. or refer to ± 1S vdc power supply logic and follow ).our normal • troubleshooting procedure. Fl .....- - -.. "• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • •• • • • ~ --- • • ct) Load/Unload Reel Control Check MAP AB104 • •• ,,'.,~ .~ Loed/Unloed R_I Control Check .~ e,-, e,- .'-' e,- e\....; .'-' e,-, ~ 103E3 L/ Bl ~ 103F2 L/' J Power down, lOgiC board cdole B disC; (CARR!' 0- If) M. conU (lUlb~ cabl~oPi8' D Suspect problem 15 oPfn Stat Col A lIne -Cw 3 ! Attach VTL clothespln to MCB ZM6. Jumper·~ pin 1 to pin'7 (gndl See CARRL 0-19 e,,-, e,-,' .~ •.- II ! Remove jym~r, ~:~~a~ab~~l~, LOAE~:~~IND e~ I3 ! Pwr qown, re~~~~ ~gm~r, board cagle A F3 ! M. cont. ZM6 pin 1 to cable J\ pin D07 .~ ~ ~ ... Return TU to customer ~)o'---- ~, Replag:'f:pair e-. ~, Reflace/E!~lr (~f ~'T ~ ------------.~ • •e- - Load/Unload Reel Control Check MAP AB105 e • • •,. Load/Unload Reel Control Check DIscussion: Vacuum pump may attain vacuum level slowly, preventing the left reel from loading. If you suspect this problem, check vacuum pump pulley and belt tension. fii:'.. 100H3 LJ Bl ! • Power down, swai1M~~dr~~ays ---'. ~ (CARRL 0-19) ~ ,--e ~ -- 01...1.1_ _ __ Power down, disconnect left reei:a~y~or ~ E1 ~. ! Inspect connector & meter continuity through motor .• -. ~. ,-,- ch~tm~~giing brushes before replacing motor ~. Reconnect motor r~~~~~bA~~ ~. ",. H1""""I_ _ __ a~·M8~n~~~~~t~, P!~~ ~~ tg g1 ~ ~. ~. ~,. ~,. ,~. ~. ~. .• . •• - ~ ~. load/Unload RHI Control Check MAP AB106 ~, ..-... ........ -\.....-' .~ · Load/Unload Reel Control Check G ',- • • •e,-, ·A31----- Reconnect motor assemblyl.. remove Mel! "'-'" '''''''- ~ LIBl 100J 3 100F'4 B3 I Powe r down, I M. cont. at MeB i ~gcM§ ~lB~ ~~ s'",a~ lM~~dr~~ ays 016 (CARRL 0-19) .'e\...-'e DIscussion: Vacuum pump may attain vacuum level slowly, preventing the right reel from loading. If you suspect this problem, check vacuum pump pulley and belt tension. .-----c2--------~ r-----C4--------~ Replace onglnal Kl Replace cable -'-.,.I e,-, -'-' -'-' 01-1_ _- ... Attdch test to MrB ZMf. c-ll p El I J'I~If~oZM~np;n ._ t <}nd I ~rf'ss See C'ARRL 0-19 L~AD/Rr.WJND .~- e,-: .'-, • e~ ~ -f2~----_ > " ! Pwr dnl.. discon-' n('("t. r el mot-or lIS!'iY . PernovP'test ('lip , Jumper .'~J e,-" Yes H1 Pwr dn, M. from MCB _. cont. l.M6 ~In 13 to L8 ca pln 686A • _ See C'ARRL 0-16 and D-19 .----G4-------~ 2.....- -..... Remove test ClIP' Jumper Repl~:raogiC H3 ! ! Replace motlon control board conti nl.l i ty t h rOlJqh mol or M. e,-" .\-1 -'-" -'-" -'-' Kl------- Check seatIng of motor brushes before replac~ng motor e~ -"-' .,~ -'-''-- load/Unload Reel Control Check -,~-. MAP AB107 e\_" e,'-...._ .~ ,!; . .J File Protect Failure ~:~ Not. ~ DiseussIon: The file protect (FP) switch is actuated by the write enable ring in the tape reel. The switch plunger is then held down by vacuum to keep it from rubbing on the write enable ring. The plunger should stay down until the vacuum pump stops, even if the reel with its write enable ring is removed. If vacuum does not hold the plunger down, vibration caused by the plunger rubbing on the write enable ring may cause the switch to transfer intermittently. ~ •E'MAP AAO'Y Note: To make the checks on this MAP, mount a reel with a write enable ring on the left reel hub. Do not load the tape unit. ..----c:2----., Replace lamp Loa ,~' attempt fo lowed by unt~:~d~:~ebe FP Sw AdJ t:2 Yes Fl . Replace Flle Prbtect assy. Do not, try to adJust E3......!---~ Relnyv1 reel fr~~te~ ~t~Y?' connected F4.----.... ! ch~~~ehdo~?fch Flle Protect switch (CARRL 0-151 or open Wlre to as.;y, cabfes , &. plugs (CARRL 0-15) switch - - - - < : ; 2 - - - -.. Replace loglc board (CARRL 0-16) Hl ! Pull log ic bodrd cdble B, meter cont. Plnl_ 806 to TB4-"5 See CARRL 0-16 File Protect Failure MAP AB120 ~. ·i'~P • •••• . • ••• .i.,:l, .1 .' •• .1 • • •• •• •• •• •• F Tapa Loop Check '~~ . t"1 • -- .t;' ' ~ I LJ'" 13)F4 lJ4G4 Discussion: Read the Tape Loop Check procedure in CARRL Figure 0-3 before starting this MAP. Keep the CARRL section open to Figure 0-3 for reference to this MAP to perform the tape loop check • If the completion of "Load Op" is unsuccessful and tape dump has occurred in the right column. check the capstan for proper sequencing i'lcl"ding LP search. If capstan appears to run away in a forward direction. go to MAP AB131·A2 and check the tachometer. Iftac:hometer is OK. return here and continue on this MAP. If it is not OK, take the corrective action indicated on MAP AD 131 • ' • • • •• • Set UP tape IInl~~or.;tpe ,1 Press LOAD/ REWIND I: Vary ~1 ! tci~e loop posH,.',n 1n each column , observe reel mot1on : .. ~i Press RESET Tlpe Loop Check MAP AB130 -• i· Tapa "'oop Check 1 Note I: Read CARRL 0·3 for instructions for mounting work tape or 8 't.loop. e ~ 130J2 L/ 81 ! V " "• Tape Loop Check , A 4 - - -.... A2 - - -.... Yes Press RESET & LOAD/REWIND No ~ -+1 3 83 B1 __ x _ _ _... Ca~stan moving C' b~';"dS~~~~~~ problem B3 .. It 1S also poss1ble that the w~res are reversed at the capstan motor J °f~~a~,~?? i~r 131G3 040A2 B5-----. I 0-19) 1 ./ Press RESET and LOAD/REWIND either column --. Power down swap K 1 and K2 on MCB (CARRL 3 Check reel Power down, check cables from MC8 to capstan motor • • •-. • •• • • •-, • •-• •.-• • -• .-.• -• • --• •• • • • • • •_e I • See CARRL D- 16, 0-19 and 0-3S -. "'"' 02-----. Yes E1-'I_ _ __ J 04 Check for correct fluggin~ on I~r ~ga~lb '(CARRL 0-16) Replace Orlgln~l:BK 1 or E3 .....x _ _ _..... PoweI down remove MCB., M. for short rrom Pwr dn, reseat lO~lC od cable Acar~s&C'J~m~:r sockt~ ~6~s C16 .. See C'ARRL 0-16 Retry operation --. . 0) FJ Ye~ I Repe'~h~~fe I' ~ loop 1 X logiC bd cable A. Recheck for shorts from plns ('16 to B04 DISC 81 cor~ect the plugging & retry fallIng (C'~~~[a6:92) J Yes Powf'r down, repl dn' log;c bOClrd J Power down,,replace MC'ts Kl ......- - - _ 'K4 I Posslble defect in cables from logic bd to MeB In capstan area, repalr --- .-, -. Tape Loop Check MAP AB133 _e • • .'e· e., .,.: Tap. Loop Check e-" .' f EJ I See CARRL D·19 I Press RESET and sense un1t!1 ~ 'Iplug ~i9ht unlt to Ie_t cable , vice versa LOAD/REWIND F1----.. R~g;~~glm~!~a Yes ....--G2 ! J ~r Re~!aC~{ne:ir sen~ switch H1 2:---- I ReDlacl reel motor CARRL D- 8) Pwr,doWl), disc 1991c be! cable A, remove MeB dn, rp.move !g~yr;!;: ~um~r6dr~:e,~ ,.OYCAItRL D-~6) ReturnB~o AB1JO ll'~~ Ye. No ~~3c~e~~;nTYt to cUstomer Hi cont. LB cab e A pin D10 to MeB socket pin CJ Yes Replgg:ra09iC [-734556 T734556A r~34852 , Sept 72 20 Oct 7228 Feb 73 " R~~t~:l ~~a ~-- I , Tape Loop, Check_ MAPAB134 ',; y- --. • • • •-'. Tape Loop Check ~ 134A3 L/ B1 ! , Power down, reseat lOqlC bd. cable A (CARRL ~.~-----0-16) ~~~fe~tn~~~~1 line 2!---__. Yes 01 Check Ollt TU and return I't to C'ustomer ! Power down, ~ttach VTL clothespin to ZM6 on MCB (CARRL 0-19) E1-I- - -..... Connect pin 3 to pin 7 19nd) , retry reel operatIon , F 2 - - - -.. 1 ! Power down, dIsc,nnect logic b~ cable H1 -. -. -. -. •'. •-. • • •-. --. ! Remove MeB, M. cont cable A pin DOg to MCB socket pIn C15 Kl .....- - - - Tape loop Check MAP ABl35 ~. •'. •'. ,--. ',. • • • •-. --. • Tape Loop Check ll'El Ole' 36 A' 'A' I POSltlon each loop 1n stag null posit~ (CARRL O-J, part n 3) '82- Power d..lwn, ~>-_-_-__.'I~:~t:tAl~~R~1 D-l~r ' .e r..turn ".chine to custOller 2 i Power down, swap Kl , Kl on ~Yea ~)-------~.. MeB ..._---_....,,: IReturn machine to cuatoaer R.pl.c~,.pair On System/360 or System/370, run OLT sections T3410 E and F. If errors occur. go to MAP AA03S. ' On System/3, run Diagnostic Section 708. If errors occur, go to MAP AD046. ,TIptt L~p Check MAPAB136 <.,., -" " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •,e '*I .'"'" Tape Loop Check "" .. .... I3I\. 136C1 L/ ..... Swap )(1 and )(2 on MeB (CARRL ,-.. 0-19) .A. M, cont cable A pln 004 to MCB (~~~~LPb~,~ & 0-19) .-~ ~, 001 ! Power down, attach VTL clothespin to ZMll on MCB ._.;.., -"\ El ! Connect pin 1 to pin 7 19nd) , retry loop test (MAP .""' AB130) .... .... ,-i\ 1 ! pwr,dn, reseat 10glC od c~ble A, retr! loop test MAP -'" AB13 ) ."\ H 2 - - -..... ~Yes ~IRe~grgu~~~~~~e .:-. • •• • • ".. """ .'" ,...... ...... "... • • •• •• •• -- """ Tape loop Check MAP AB137 "., Tape Loop Check ~ m:\. 13601 L/ B1 136£1 L/ • 'B4 Power down I Power down Kl and f<2 on MCB (CARRL .wap swap K1 and t.2 on MCB (CARRL 0-19) D-19) ~. '. 1---<=2 Replace r--01 j . Mea Replace MeB J J R.gl.C'/re~t· r rl.Ql.nal K Repl~c~/r~~ir onglnal K2 136Fl 1-----. PQwer down, K1 , K2 on Mea one at a • tlme (CARRL 0-19) repl~ce Do not ,wap these relays because both r~l4Y~ ~iQht be dtrllctlve . . . - H 2 ! - - - -.. Replace MeB ;;'1• .- - . J ,....z.'----,r Relay was defectlve. Return machine to customer :rape Lr. op Check MAP AS138 " .~ Load Rewind-Reset • • • • • • •'" ""'. '" ...... A 1 - - - -.... from ~Af' AB1 31 ;.." .J J .'" Reel,; Jont st.op when RES~:T 1 S ," pr(~ssed • • "-Rew 1 Wl Move Rdmp' lip ~ '', D1 ......- - - - • • • "'" .... ~ Yes. E2:---Return machlne • • to customer "" • • • • • • • ...... "'. ~ ,"'" ~ Yes • • Return md(:h Ine to cllstomer .", " ._;.". • • ." "" • • • • • • • "., ::..., ..... ..... '" .". Load RewlI1d-Reset MAP AB140 • • • •• ~ " • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '---... ----.-,-----~-----------------, ----------_._---...._- .... -- .... R . . .t Problem• E~APAB01~ DtsamIon: Entry to this MAP assumes that the READY light remains on when the RESET button is pressed. This condition could be caused by a faulty switch or wire, or a power supply problem. Note: The tape control can ~use a hang-up condition that disables Bl ... the RESET switch. _ _ _. . J Power town; M. LBo1flJtg c,~ln CC~RRL 0- H,,; D. ,U:SET " !~w~a(;n~i T~~~ ' SH c·AltPL D-H Oo"rd I I 1 Fl ! Meter +')llc from» TB1-l (+1 to (Cn~l.aD~~L 1i \ ! I I ;j 1 !s:. 1.c4m1 r44Z:cn-r-l---- -1 EC , liistQf'V 1 20 Sept 74 31 , Unload/Rewind F.llur•• rer:\ ,aoe1 L..J 82 180F2 t Swap Kl and JC2i retry REWIND/UNLOAD (CAARL D-19) .J:>----....I "' ~ ~ ~ UNLOAD(REWIND re urn TU to custo.lIer OK. Replolce/repa.ir Kl or Kl Note: Tape dumps at LP can be caused by short leaders on customer file reel or contamination of surface on machine reel hub or a combination of both conditions. Leader length should be 16 ft t 2 ft. Yes Check IUrt.~ of right reel hub tor cont.min.tion. Move LP mark,r. Retry "wind operation. Y.. Cle,n reel hub surface with tape cleaner. Retry "wind operatlon. Y'I No No R.turn m.chine to customer Return madline to custome, Go to MAP A80'70 , ~, UnIOid/R.wind Failure. MAP AB181 "'. ~ • • • • • "• '-"• ."• • • • • •, • • • • • "• •, • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ ~ EOT Senae Problem. ( Discussion: Failure to sense end of lape during u write operation allows th.: t"pe unil to cuntinue writing until tape pulls orf the rile red. Tape thell hottoms in the vacuum column. which drops READY and signuls an error. On operations such as dat;, security cr .. sc:. the symptoms ar.: similar to thosc .cncountercd during a writ.: operation. Failun: I~) sense EOT rdlcl.:tive marker during a read or rOf'wurd space opcratio'1 doesn't usually arfect lUpe unit operation sill\:c thc program relics on sensing a lape mark hlo\:k to indicate end of la'pc. A 1---_ ,'.,.-'cr-. :lqhJs jlt ;lrH.lttl SP?Aiilli,; ":jljl,' I.,. '/; t.;.I.ll J'" Note I: Check EOT sensing with a work lape that has an EOT marker ahout two f.:el from the BOT. The EOT mark.:r is on the lower or hack edge of Ihe lape. Run a program Ihat cxecutes a DSE command and ohserve tape motion to sec :r the lape unit is failin!~ to sense the EOT mar:Ccr. Each lime the EOT marker is sensed. the tape indicatc (TU light should turn on and t.apc should stop. Th.: tape indkatc light should turn off when tape starts moving hackward. On System/3. usc Section 70E. Enter the following commands: CHK.X ERG DSE GO ("X" _ TU numhcr 0-3) .r: On Systcm/360 or System/370, UM.! the "Friend" program, Ex~cute an ERG chained to u DSE. < "' "'- "" --"", "' "" , '" .',!----- I StH ro~w I ,tnu nd ~ Yell I pet~y "he ()S~ ,)I.oero!tlon ur " ((· •. t,lrn ,.,.IC'hlllt' lu C'I'iloomf'r \ \ lit. lil • Ml" I"" • IS v,1(- ) :~~ rll>,I,~~~ .,~(I~~, Note 1: The voltnge at the yellow wire should go from + IS vue ttl 0 vult~ when the Jamp driver cunduI.:ts. The: black wire supplies the + 15 vde to the lamps from motion control buard pin AS. 1 G .c ~ .-.... - '\ ~ ~ " , EOT Sense Problems MAP AB190 " - \ ... - \ ""'" w- e'e~ .'.'.'--' .'.'--' .OT 8enee PI'GbI.... 02 1~11J 2 Al ,AI ! i M~t~fd~~r,W~~~ 01 llqht 'iocket .'-' .~ .~ .'-' .~ 01 I , Power Jown , M. cy~m~n ~(~/~if Pl~ ; \"'ARRL 0- '1) e~ .''.'.--'.'~ .'-./ e'- .-.'-..'.'--' .''.~ .~ .~ .'~' ."e'" . "',-., .~' l~=~21 ~!l 'I r--- u I EOT Sen.. PrOblema MAP AB191 -," • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,-• • • • -• ,-,• -• • •• ,-.., """'"' EOT S.n. . Problema ,..-.. ........, ,Yes ~':tI-_--_~. ,A2----. Plug 1n SPdre Idon asf&mbly bllt t mount 1n tape ..-..\ ~th ...-.., ,-."., ~ None R,inetall onglnal assy & ln of 3-w~re p ug ~~-------•• I M. center to dc X ~ g" ~, .......... """' .-. ...-. rl ! Power down , wr:~e~fC~~~!~ plug to olltsi~e 14.---- T~~~, rl~!r:'~~I1~~" """'"' Wlres ~ ,..-.., ~ ,-... '--.. Yes 2... :>veR ~ Re1nSt.lll ImotlO~ control bo~~.' rW~~r ........., ,~ .-..., ........ , ~ .......... EOT Sen.. Problema MAP AB192 \,7=:.1=!1 'J -. U•• ge Met., Problem. [M'IIomIon: The 41 volts ac for the 3411 usage meter is supplied by transfor~'!ler T 1. .fhe voltage for the 3410 usage meter is supplied by a small transformer mounted on the lower left side frame. The ac supplied to the 3411 usage meter is fused. while that supplied to the 3410 is not. . E~p A8010) Note I: The probing ,heets "'led for in this MAP must be made while the meter diagnostic is running_ Rftnove jumper \IG1DI2 on ~t ~ l)Y~3, 310/1lS. 3'7 125 or Ij " t' Replace/repair 341 1 meter card Al 2GU on S,..360/3'70. wold a 11 TUII and run usage meter ~ ._ E;:----... Power down • Check usage ., m~ter fuse " Isee CARRL No Pro~e A1G2M13 on Syt}3, 3701 115,3?OZ12S. Probe AIMlU12 D-14) on Sra ~601370. "'I) J If. 11 ne ~\01 ".pl4'c. tus. 2 Return system to cuatolller No dla9 r uP, T Restart meter HI I 8/360, S{370 Probe A M2U0'7 System!3,f 3701 115,310 12S rObe A1G~G13 Run Meter) ttl I",." '0 M A ~l'Io 1CAD1 ••I\(~e;! 1 - t i 2...... - -. . . . ~~g~'f'U20G 13 Enable 3411 ~nt,eT/JIt~~OI Probe A1G2D12 '(.Pick Relay) Che~~l~~!~-on Ye. eonne~to~s to Aigoo~tLD W3 Ground AIG1MU on 370/115 370 115. Gtound AI3601310, 2Ull .... on ___ See EC 734::" -. 443751 IH••..., 11 ..... '3 j20Seo>,,·1 ~-J ..r --.J E Return to MTA _ _ _.... I MAP AB2~J n- Usage Meter Problems " "', UU". Met.r Problema • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •• '''''''. Note I: The logic board circuit completes the meter relay pick circuit. See ALD page WB800. Before replacing the logic board, check logic board cable B pin B09 to meter card terminal 9. See CARRL Figure 0-16, "Logic Board Removal and Replacement. " fiT:\. 20UGI lOOJ I L/ B1 Note 1: 3410: +6 volts is supplied to tape unit meter card terminal 6 from the 3411 DC J plug, via the tape unit dc cable, tape unit DC TB 1-7. and tape unit TB ~s (under the upper base. to the right of the capstan motor). Meter card terminals are numbered 1 to 6. front to back. 3411: +6 volts is supplied to meter card terminal 6 from TB2-2. 2ooJ2 r M. ae aero~s met,r ar termlnaIs , I .. 5. wlth meter dug runnlng See CARRL D- 11 ~ """"" """ ~ ""'"' -... ""'"" 03 ! Me.sure AC voltage at meter card terminals 3 , 4 ~ -... E1 ! C~~~~e~~l~g~~t See chart ~ (,In ALD page WB800 """"\ F2----. F3.1----.. Mea!Oure de from " meter card terminal 6(+) to 9(-I,rerun sys meter dlag """ ""'" -... .-., H3 ! Measure de from meter card terminal 6(+) I .. to DC TBl-4 See CARRL 0-11 and 0-53 (gndl """ ... --. --- -... ""'" .-.. -, -.. Usage Meter Problems MAP AB201 EC [-See H,~o Yes OUdble 3411 SWltch) CPU or walt for CPU WAIT state Y _. (meter stop ~ es card if a System/3 or S/370 model .~~ . .1 Pouible interminent problem. Suspect: the 3411 A1M2 cud if S/360, 370 chan· nel ilattached, or the 3411 AIG2 115/125 iI natift attadaecl . --- .~ M... t:, v metf'r TB1-6 (+) t,o 1-9(-) of ~cli~~qo~~~rr ."-' .--' Replace meter card (CARRL 0- f 1) .~ .'.'-.'.'.'.'.'/'-' Olsconnect loql.c board cable B (CARRL Probable ground Yes on wlfe from La • c.b e B pl.n »-----.809 lIletitr 0-16) Repldce lOqlC bodrd (CARRL 0-16) t 81-9 Repidce loglC board .~' • • .'.-.~ •. •..'.'~ '~ •.'-- .' .~ Uuge Met. Problems MAP AB202 ()COC»Y1oth1 IBM Corpora"on 1971 ~ > > m ~ N o W --.'-' .''-' .'.'.'-' .'•.'-' .'".'-' .'.'-'.'.'-' .. .'.'-.'.''.'.-' .~ Power Supply Entry DIscussioa: This MAP is the general entry for all power supply problems. It lists symptoms and routes you to the appropriate MAP or diagnostic for further analysis. Approach power supply problems from this MAP unless directed to a different MAP by another MAP or diagnostic printout. "'-' 82 .... ~ ~ on • .,. o n • ~_n .~ E2HAP ACO.' E2HAP ACQ.} _E: 2 MAP ACOSJ Note I: There are two fuse indicators on the motion control board. and five in the dc section of the 3411 power supply. In the dc section of the 1411 power ~upply, two indicators are located at the bottom, two on the left side. and one on the right side . See Note 2 Note page A. B. C. '-' \....." '-' 1 ! Che~k that fans' are running (CARRL 0-41, 0-42, , 0-4J) D. e: 2 MAP AC06' Yes 00 2: If any fuse indicator is on, proceed as follows: (see ALD YO t60 for locations). Switch CRI off. Replace fuse associated with that fuse indicator . Reset CB 1 and power up. If fuse indicator comes on again. go to the following MAP: Fuse Ind Power Supply A2DSI A2DS2 A3DSI AsDSl ASDS2 +S volts +6 volts -4 volts + IS volts -IS volts Fuse Ind 3MAP Aru7, FI F2 MCB -I S volts + 15 volts MAP AC090 AClOO ACIIO ACI30 ACI30 MAP ACt3t ACI31 K2....- -.... .~ .~ .-.'.-.'."-" .''- .~ Power Supply Entry MAP AC010 ,-., -• .,.-." • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • • -• •• '-", F.n Feilure ."""'-. ,........... ......... rr;A~p ACO'~ : PS General Entry A. Enter this MAP if one, but not all, fans are running, and CB I, CP), and CP2 are not tripped. 8. If all these conditions aren't met, return to MAP ACOIO, Power Supply General Entry. -. ...-." ..-.., -.., Press UNLOAD REWIND ,"""""' .-., Note: A. If the FILE PROTECT lamp lights when the tape unit is unloaded. assume CPt is OK and line voltage is present at transformer T I. B. If the FILE PROTECT lamp doesn't light, CP1 is tripped or defective. there is a problem in the wiring from AC TB I to transformer TI, or the FILE PROTECT lamp is burned out. E 2 - - -..... SusPect faliity CP2 or open t l~~I~e dn~Y9; lS. E 3 - - -.... Go to CARRL 0-53 to .-.. --. -. check -·voi~t3~~'h~~~n .-. Vps Fl ! .-" elSe: J 1 thru J6 , check line See J plll i.·-.·' '/"'.' ""~~"1:~'i:I\ft\"';>~~~~·~!~~~A~i!r9,·r-"".'·,·" .~ ! t .'-" !.--I f " I·~ CB1 Tripped I 1.'''-' I 1.'--" .'e'-- 'Bl ! • Allow 3 mlnutes for CBl to c~cr:1Po~:~e~p .~ .~ .';.'--' .'-' ."- '."-" E~'-~---. ~ l~eYl,'."\~ 1 t ~~rl No • rl" l',)I,Sl'S ('R1 t I S f')\J til It Y ~'.'.' .~ unp~~q loqlC gatt! fdns, et CBl cool, reset CB1, power lip .~ .'-' .'-' f.'~ .--- .".-' .• t.'-. • .• .-•. . Tl _ _ _ _- . Dlscunn('ct Wire fr~m CPl to' A~ TBR;iet4t8~~ power lip .1.------- loc~feJ8:nl~he ~~R~ei>-~:e L.r:9 t'....,. . . •' ' - ' ' I., f* '-' '(i '- ~., ~ .'~ '-..... '-' =2 I r=~-[---~r---~- J CII Tripped MAP AC030 ....... -e -e -e -e CB1 Tripped -e, No "'!II EA2 ., 0::0 -e MAP AC04' Note 1: Measure input line voltage at AC TRI. Input voltage should be 200,208, or 230 vac :t 10%. Check input connections on ALD page YOI05 and make sure that AC TBI-), 4, and -5 are wired correctly. The wires disconnected at block AC030 Jl will still be disconnected and J I-J6 will still be unplUlged. Do not reconnect them at this time. 1 J with CBl tripped M. CQntlhuitt AC T81-1 to T 1-6 (CARRL 0- 4) -e -e •• ---•• -• ---• --•• • • • • • • '. • • • •• ~. ca1 Tripped MAP AC031 1 '34151 ; Sept 12 1~ 1734658A 20 Oct I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '- ",_0' '-" ,-' CB1 Tripped l2 '- "-' 030H2 Al A1 ! Unplug IJOwer Stipp 1Y f dn, let (,B 1 cool, & retry '- ---- \.......- '-" '-" 1 ! Disconnect Wire from CPl to AC T'J-8 t (C'AARL iet~r D-54Y "-" "'"-' Note: Disconnect power cable from wall and measure input line voltage. Input voltage should be 200,208 or230 vac ± IO(}{) for 60 Hz machines. and 200,220,235,380, or 408 vac ± 10% for 50 Hz machines . '-' ......... '-" "-" '~ "'-' '--- '-' ............ \,..,. "'-" '-.....".r ~' '- '-" \""...- '-' ,,-. •........ i r 734668 120 Oct 12 120 Sept 74 I ~ sept 72 734556A 4437&1 cal Tripped MAP AC032 • '~. Tran8former T1 Overload Discussion: Entry to this MAP assumes that either CB I or CPI keeps tripping, and following MAP AC030, AC032, or AC050 hasn't corrected the problem. A defective transformer (T I), or a faulty dc power supply could cause this condition. Note: Your problem appears to be ,-=aused by overloading I transformer TI. Since diagnosis from this point may be difficult, you should probably call for assistance, and check the following while waiting for help: A. Try replacing CB I or CP I if it has not already been replaced. B. Carefully inspect the two circuit boards in the dc section. Look for anything that might short to the metal cover. C. Further diagnosis requires isolating the loads on T I. While individual dc regulators can be isolated. isolating a given load may cause CB I or CPt to stop tripping even though the regulator is not the one causing the overload. Try replacing T I and the dc circuit boards. 1 Inspect T1 for eVldence of overhedting Ibdre Wires, etc. ) >No \"=P:.oO TI E1 I [nspect A2 (, A3' dc Clrcult boards. See Note (8). (CARRL 0-11 D' / "-.-. -. ;.-. .-. -. -. -. "-.-. -. -. '-.-. -. -. .. ,'----See Note II I ~. -. -. '-.-. -. -. ~. -. -. Transformer T1 Overload MAP AC040 -. -. -. -. -. '. " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •-• • • • • • •"-• •'• • • • ',,-- ,"-," \.."~ '- CP1 Tripped '-, ''-"" rr;:A~p 82 DIseassioa: Entry to this MAP assumes that CPI is tripped. ACO 10 CPt protects the ac distribution to the primary side of transformer TI. "- "- 81 Noae-l..... V. . . .: Input voltage should be 200,208, or 230 vac ± 10% for 60 Hz machines, and 200, 220, 23~, 380, or 408 vac t 10% for SO Hz machines. Al~ow 3 mInutes' ! cooy~ ~:~e€OCPl , power up '-' .........,. ",,-, ',-, \....... £2 "'"-' Wtr, ! Remove CPl' ~~_--~-~__-'.ltoo~C5~BR;setQ· ~~lAR~~~~Q~P "'-' "'-- rl ! RellOve w\r3 ~Pl' tgrA10;Br;s~t' CP1, power up "-" \ ........ "-'" '-' 'H1 MeasurT input line vo tage at AC TB (See Note) ',-" "'-' "'-' '-' "-" ......... "-- '--- "-" .,-,. 173Q&8 ~ s.p. 72 1734566A 20 Oct 72 I r -~--- 1·----- J CP1 Tripped MAP AC050 -•• CP2Trlpped ollunl.l: Entry to this MAP assumes that CP2 is tripped. CP2 protects the ale distribution to the tape units. When CP2 trips. it interrupts the ae to J I-J6. -, ! Allow) minutes for CP2 to • cJr.'lPo::~e~p 2 ! - - -... IRetlJrn machlne ~lI-----.~ to cllstomer ,No , J V~~l~w~:-i~ TUs) reset CP2 powerD~~6:CAn L ITURel>f~"J J I-.If •• """No tn"f C._--____-..~\Rep!:i:~[te:ir wlrlng D-48) e,e,- Pwr dn. Return original yard tYo~:tY~nt .''-' e·~ e", e,~ .----G1-1-------. ,~!E-ct '~rt~~ rl~ to TU compooen t s , replace e--' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..., ..., -----.-e.- r----- 731111 ' .... 72 7341i11A 441711 I2DOct72 120 ..... 741 +5 Vall Pow. Suppty F..... MAP AC092 +8 Volt Pow., Supply F.llu.... C~try ) DiIctBtIon: Entry to this MAP assumes that de power supply fuse A2F2 is blown, causing loss of +6 vdc at DC TB I. Possible causes are: faulty power supply, regulator card, or dc distribution in the tape control or in one of the attached tape units. Note: A. +6 volts is supplied by power supply A2. This supply is located on a large printed circuit board at the left side of the dc section. B. See ALD page YO 160 for component locations. C. See ALD page YG 110 for circuit diagram. D. The trouble shooting procedure outlined here may require you to replace fuse A2F2 several times, so be sure you have several spare fuses on hand. E. Allowable ripple must not exceed ±2.S%. See Note 4 on MAP AQ)60. 1 ! Check that fuse is securel~ hel~o~~e~us Fl ! PQwer down' unplug J21-J~6 , Wires at T82-1 on 3411 lOgiC gate I.. --ci1...1.1_ _ _.. glace .2.2 ,,' b~d~Rhpg~~51 up 1 ! wl~lndntrg~et~ ... 2 tog J 21 -J 26 tI TS2-1 on 3411 •C logiC gate Yes _2 I R,~~ace fuse Aan~;+gw~g +5 C'ards", PQwe~ up (CARKL 0-53) +6 Volt Power SupplV Failures MAP AC100 ~ Put back +S reg .. , card, replace +6 reg tard I7 . . . 1734&&8A ·14U7I-'--1 ~ Sept 72 20 Oct 72 20 Sep. '4 •e ~- e,--e\~ e,e,-' e,e,- +. Volt Power Supply F.llu.... 10QGl 02 Al ,A 1 " & ' - - _ Ch'~~ef~h~iown 1....------ In.er~t~~ each e,'~ Note: A. Make the checks called for in this MAP on the tape unit that caused fuse A2F2 to blow. 8. The +6 volts in the tape unit is distributed from the 3411 J plug to DC TB 1-9 (+6) and TBI-4 (dc common). C. From DC TBI-9 +6 volts goes to the capstan tachometer assembly, the BOT/EOT block, and TB4-S. (TB4 is below the upper base, to the right of the capstan motor). D. TB4 terminals are numbered front-to-back. E. +6 volts goes to TB4-S. then to the file protect switch and. in the 3410, to the meter relay card (adjacent to the meter). In the 3411 the +6 to the meter relay card comes from tape control TB2-2. F. When the FP plunger is pressed, +6 volts is applied to TB4-2. and from there to the head read/write head card. e'--' e,,e--· e'-' e'e,-· ,01.-'--_ dr~~e~l~~~n£O DC T11-8 , El 1-9 ! cg~scc~g~t1~~m reaa'write head card e'~ .~ e',-, Fl ' Ouc pi UjS f'P s\ri t h, to ' BOT/EOT bock , tach assemb1y (C'ARRL 0-1) ."'- .-.~ e,-/ .--- e--, ~ e-. ..,,, -- --e-. ~ e· e- • r::r=:1 I I J +1 Vat, Power Supply Failurea MAP AC101 --.-e ,-e --e +e Volt 0) ~ Pow. Supply F.llu.... -e 101Hl Al .~ P~~~e~Cl~P ~ 100&1 --e ,.. Pwf '9~. Swap +6 vo t , +5 volt r~u14tor card •• Pwr up ,-e --e +6 volt OCTBI-ge+) to 1-4(-' M.t.~ L.e ~ R!place/re~if ~:>'_'-_ _"'.I\\ A (~~~d.tfP y 0-48) ~. L.e ~. Pw r '~n. Ret ur3 °rlg~ga~oItr Connect volta2e tOh~:adc:~at -"'. ?ocatlon ~. Yes ~. -.,. PR~IM ~I~~ger ""'e ~e ~. "e ~. ~. ~. ----. ~. ~. +6 Volt Power Supply Failura MAP AC102 73i1MA . I .,...- J:!. r -It ,.!ept 71 '2 I ~. ---. ~. ~. ~. " • •. • •.'- +. o•Al '0'.' ' .'.''.'-'- Volt Power aupply P.llu.... 1 ! R.¥a9~T~tD!6 W1re frOil to' TIS-2 to meter card '81---- Power up .~ , J wer down Pu fl a 1 cards r Power up om Te. atp ace fuse A2r~. -'-~. Note: A. Carefully inspect TB2 for shorts. B. Inspect the pin side of the board for any pieces of wire or other foreip matter that miaht cause shorts. C. Look for silns of overheating of wires and board land patterns. D. Look for shorted pins on the card side. E. It may be nectssary to replace the board. e,~~ e,,e,e,- Fl J , Pow,r dow!]. 1n halt of Plu~ cont~~l t~~ds. Power u .,~ ., Un pxw:r ug hadywn.the ' 8, "'epface fuse A2F~. .Ica~ Power u e,-, ."-~¥ Yes , J , Pow,r down. PIU~ 1n h,a of emalnlng car s. Power up e-. . --e,~- , J ontinue l.SQ ,tion unt.!-l fal tg3n~aid 18 I rep ace card L L --e---, ., e --., e +8 Vott Pow. Supply Fa.".. MAP AC103 • ... Volt Pow. 8uppty ".'Iu... ~.d.: A. -4 vQlts is supplied by power supply A3, which is Ioc:ated on a larle printed circuit board on the riaht side of the dc section. •• See ALD paae YO 120 for circuit diaaram. C. See ALD pale YO 160 Section B-B for component loc:ations. D. -4 volts is distributed from power supply A3 to the tape control 10lic late TB4-3, 4, 9 and 10 (-4) and' through 8 (Iround return). E. -4 volts is used only in the 341 I tape controllolic late and in power supply Al. -F. The troubleshootinl procedure outlined here may require you to replace fuse A3FI several times, so be sure you have several spare fuses on hand. G.Allowable ripple should not exceed ±2.S%. See Note 4, MAP AC060. Power dQwn, tuse AJFl repla~e • •• • • ,.• •• • •,. -4 'Dl....J..--_ A~f~i~n.~~t • possibli shorts ~ r--&2'---... ~ frol;llelll in TC ogl.CTilte or .-e F1 ! ~ Power down. ~!JII~~~_~lr~h:E goes to A1 power supply .~ ~ Replace fuse A3Fl, power ...p ~ ..... 'H2----. IReturn machine ~~---------.. to custolller .....No ~. ~. . 1 ' Power dQwn, replace ruse A3Fl, remov~ -4v reg card, power up ~, wiresl ,1----.'• Reconnect to TB4-J 6 4, '1 ~,---.... Rechec;:k -4v and adJust Retry fa~11n9 neeessal'Y ---.... opeutlon I if I I (CARRL D-5JI .~. .~. ~. . .• ~ ~. . ~. ,~ -4 Volt Power SupplV Failures MAP AC110 I=.I~~ I ~=.1=1741 "-J .~. ~. ~. ~. ,,~ e,- e-- • -e -4 Vott Power .upply '.lIwee e. --'---e-/ ~, e-, 11081 pow~ 'down' swaf -iy , +~v equlator car s. Power up 1 , "'.~n -4v at 01.\-.\ 1814i~~' -) to A1 4001(+) 2' ~Yes ...... ~:>---- Power dQwn, or.• gin.l car to +) volt ocatlon Ir.t~rn L e-, ~, --e--e-. e- --------. ---• .~. • •• -. • -4 Vah Power Supply Feilu.... MAP AC111 " -4, +8, end +8 Volt Power eupply AclJ~ +'. 01. "I: Entry to this MAPaaumes you found tbe -4, or +6 volts de outside allowable limits. Your problem could be a defective power IUppl~ or Raul.tor card, or incorrect replator card adjustment. 2---.. a,swa p ~:¥~lator ~-__ v•• Note: Measure power supply output volt. . . at DC TIl: 1 I ~~s~.~tt~n v. . . Obt.fln correct vo t~te See +5 +6 .,No • M-.At TBI-l <+)" To TBI-4 (-) TBJ-9 <+) To TII-4 (-) T.......... <+4.90 to +5.10) <+5.99 to +6.01) Measure -4vat the tape controlloaic gate 01 A-A IQ4B06 (-) to 01 A-A IQ4D08 (+). Tolerance is -3.99 to -4.01 volts. Allowable ripple must not exceed :t2.S%. See Note 4, MAP ACOoO. S",ap·req card I witll tnotl'ler supg y. Try reaa]ustl.n9 vOltage Use a voltmeter having :to. 25% accuracy to measure ·'oltaps. Fl ! Rt~u~Gs~~~;~m • • • • • • • • • • • •-. • •.. • • ~ Power down the 3411. Unplug 121·126. Pc .ver up and recheck v(.'ltages. -,...-- ! Yell No Replace power supply (CARRL D-47 and 0-48) Power down the 3411. Replace plugs J21-J26 one at a time. powering up the 3411 and recheckinl the voltage each lime -e ~ ~ -e No Go to unit caullinl problem. Check power distribution in unit. Distribution is shown on pase WB600 in the 3410 Electrical Reference ManuaL .4, +5, and +6 Volt Power Supply Adjustments MAP AC120 I~~ Ip~'~rJ a ---e -~. ~. ~.~. -• . .'. .'.-/ .'. .'-' .'.-' .'.''--' .'.-' .'.'' +11 and -11 Volt Pow., Supply Out of To.....nee ',,--~ "-' EA~p DIK.llau: Entry to this MAP assumes that one of the IS volt de power supply fuses is blown, causing loss of + 1S vdc or -=1 S vdc at DC TB I. Possible causes are a faulty power supply, or de distribution in the attached tape units. A. IS vdc is supplied through the fuses to J21-J26, then through the de cables to the DC TB in each tape ~nit. B. In each tape unit, the voltage is filtered by two larae capacitors, C4 and CS . C. Voltage then goes to the motion control board. D. See ALD pqes YOIIO, Y0112; and YOl2S for wiring diagrams. E. See ALD pales YO 135 and YO 160 for component locations. A('060) 8 2 - - -.... Suspect DC power cable, TB I '-' to MCB wirin& or tiS yolt filter capadtors Repair. replace pow~r down; I A~,~!a~~f~19~~e Scan Me8 sock.t con?ectyu _ , • C g~ e~~e19n (CARRl D-T9) (CAI(RL D-5}\' Note I: A. The wires fronl FI 10 to J pIUI, pins 7 and 8. B. From F2, the wires 10 to J plUI pins 9 and 10. C. The J plug pins are numbered I through 12, top to bottom. '-' 01 I J Unplug J21-J26, power up Note 1: A. Check for loose connections at power supply A2TB I ~~e YO I SO and YO 160 for location). B. Check diodes CRS-CRI4 (YOIIO and YO 160). Failure of one of the diodes affects the I S volt supply; if one is defective, power supply A2 must be replaced. Note 3: A. Examine capacitors C4 and CS for swelling of the can or safety vent. B. See CARRL Figure D-S I for locations of C4 and CS • C. Examine the resistors on C4 and CS fur signs of shorting. D. C4 filters the + I~, volts, and CS filters the ·1 S volts. ''- F1 .~ ee-' ). See Not e 2 'IOtLt fuse bows ~~ ~ e- E 2 I ~~el~? ~ f~~~~' Po'~~r d wn; rerlact' ~use; go th~t t~~ ~a It fuse to bYow 1 I • .(='=) Yes c: .3 ! R~81S'8~ig~s T1416A on all unLts Hl I Return machln. to customer I Remove MCB of ~~~ITcteee~aee (('AARr'n- 19) P 1-+8 ~' eee- ---e-' --e-' .• =21 ~~~ I =J==~'r' __ +15 end -15 Volt Power Supply Out of Toterlncu uu_ 1 MAP AC130 '•" +,. -1. and Volt Power Supply Out of Tol._no. ........: Entry to this MAP assumes that ?ne of the I' volt fuses is blown on the motion control board. A. The :t: IS volts comes to the MeB from DCTBI (Ref. YO 12S). B. On the Mca, -1 S volts is fused by F I and the + I S volts is fused by F2. C. The + 1S volts is then distributed to the vacuum motor relay TBS-S, the operator panel lamps, and read/write TB~. D. From TB4-4, the + 1S continues to the read side of the head card and to the file protect switch. From the switch. it returns to TB4-6 and is routed from there to the write side of the head card. E. See ALD pages WB800 and WBSOS for wirina. powyr down;' rep ace F2 o·s-'.1Svat • TB~~!l oye;mrtor 0\114-4' Ie D-34 ,~ Reib,~!~~ir L • •• • • • • • •.. , , L~ ·E1---Power up ~ ~ J)isconnect wires going "'to protect assembly.1 See CARRL DlS me II C --.... ~. Power d9wn; ¥ig~~Tt~~~~ File protect assembly defective. Repair/replace (CARRL DIS) Sp ~. ~. __e ~. 1 I Power down: ~~~:~~r w~~~ei~ I power up .c No Power dqwn; ~1~~~~1~t~~ ~~ ~,. ~. .•. . ~ ~ ~ . ~ • ~. +15 and -15 Volt Power Supply Out of Tolerance MAP AC131 ~. ~. ~. .• ~ ~. ". • .-• • •e •e .~ e.- •.•e·· •e • • •e • ••••• •.• •.- •.•• •• +1. end -1. Volt Pow. 8uppIy Out of Tol....... iJf~~ ,J'Ji ~~.T~n:~i~ rlnq 1n No 1 J Pwr dn; replace' fu •• • rellOve c.DSlan IIOtor wll'e. {CARItL O-J5. Run 701. 702 or ~ri~: Tl lOA 2 Retty LOAD ! Return lIachin. to custoller Unplug reel ~~&r~~ ~:f~y 0-181 eclch r~el motor IIOtbrs (CARItL 1 ~?~g t~~efn ! unplUCI Kl on W:B_~ijrRL ", ! Disc·.i f' I rOWI! r YH: duwn. ('~:;r~~t w~~~~~fln ~ .. t.r}' LOAn p¥o~t sWItch (CARRL 0-151 retry ! WAD ~.-- , \Re~l.ce/r!f!ir • ~('Uitno=l~~r ! c~g~:~td~!~e P'~~~~\lt~gCJ . 1~~~r~~!L I +15 8I1d -1& Vall Pow. Supply Out 01 ToIbnc:e MAP AC132 +1S .nd .1S Volt Pow.r 8upply Out of Toler.nee -, 'A.---.. I) 130Bl -, 8(:rew.' 'D2' Cheek ~~nn;~~lInl 1~ TaT-is D-4 CARlL ) Check wir~nl frolll J21 pln 7 thru 10 to + V , :~pp~w.r -&••- - - -.. ........ .~ See CARItL D-aa and D-49 +15 and -15 Volt Power Suppl!_~ut of Toterence ~ • MAP AC133 I .734556 1734556A I . . . . 72 : 2. 0.. 72 • · '-. • •.'-' +1 ••net -1. Volt Power Supply Out of Toler.nee . .'-' .--.". ,,-,,' Yes ~ Note 1: A. Check for loose connections at power supply·A2 TB I (see YGISO and YGI60 for location). B. Check diodes CRS-CRI4 (YGIIO and YGI60). Failure of one of the diodes affects the ISv supply; if one is defective, power supply A2 must be replaced. . ./.:2=" .~ Note 2: A. Examine capacitors C4 and CS in the failing tape unit for swelling of the can or the safety vent. B. See CARRL Figure· D-S I for focatioqs of C4 and CS. C. Examine the resistors on C4 and CS for sigos of shorting. D. C4 filters the + I S volts, and CS filters ihe -I S volts. ''- .~, semce. ...--02....,..--... Ref14~e de! ctlve .''-' .'e,,-'.". CAUTION: Ale" two "'es to ......., capacitors, after· ..... ,..., Off 1M . . . . . . . . . . . coni I ..... capac t()r or tes .tor £1 J CheckTBs for 19Qse c()nnectlons, then return system to customer .~. ''-' .~ .,~ --.'- ----. ~ ~, --~ -----, ----• r.111pt~1AU~ 7:M11 r7~1~~-"-[ I I +1&.nd ., &Vatt Power Supply Out of ToIer.nee MAP AC134 3: l> ." » n ... bI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• e. .> ) .> ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) .) ) .> -e, e "-_ e,~ e,,- 70' H.1t An.lyel. -,~ -'e,-,- 1- ~~~ao~r9~1 ~_n ""012 • FA3 ~o MAP AD03' 83---_ e,e,,-, e,-" Rerun 7g,ctlon .E ~--- 3 MAP A003y e~· e,,-, e,e __ e,,-, ,IS! Ad.pter A(U or ABO parlty e1'ror e~ e,e,,-- -'e,--'e,-- 1 ! Perform IIctions in Chart 1 on AAOll. If error fee: un go to next block. ~ No IMak. taf! unlt '8". rerun • ready Replace Calds 8-82H2, B·B2E2 -'-' -'-' -'e,_-' Replace Card B-B2G2 in CPU L e,- e,,_ L e,e~_ • I~History I=:t\4} =, I --- -,-----y---..., 701 H.1t An.lyaia MAP AD010 " ~. . .• '-. ~ ~. . 701 Halt An.lyel. ~ ~. 'AS05---.... ,.Y.. .IAd~ft~~d~~tout ~. -5415 5410 5412 \ 5415. Repl&ceCards J Replace Careb 5408 7 ~. • J Replace Cards \1~~ltn~/J' Replace Cards ~ 8-82E2. 82F2. 82G2 in CPU ~. .-'. Adapter service out ~. ~.- .Mak. taf! unit • ready ~o~ rerun Print 5410 5411 5415 ", ! 'E4 ----...... I bltS 1n Tn: ~ .... yes a", byte -~ e "'-' ...........~_e_s_ .- 2 ck nntout 1enfQr f,p llng II bltS 1n TIE "I<., ... byte e~ e'-..e,,,e,,- £3 ! Determlne TIE referen~e D~ag Note: Whenilli_r¢h~8in8 A-AIH2, A-AIJ2, and A-AIK.l, refer to ALD page A6001 for plul8ing instructions. All three cards should be factory ph,l,aed, as position "K" is mo.del sensitive. If they are not pluged. ~f~r to the above ALD page. e,- e,,e,,e,-, e,_ -'e,--, Replace Cards R.:place Cards B-B2P;}2G2 in u-U A·A2F2, A·A2G2 in CPU .1-. ~~~i~~ ~:S, or 5 ~Yes .. In t;'-r-ch-a-n-Q-eIJI'H~ w~th A1J2 1nse~LonR%~'" ~ - - -.....c (See Note) ~l.cecard e,- L:J2 in 3411 e·~_ e,-, .-e._ e,- e . __ .''-e~.~ •. ,- •• r 73IIi8 I 7_72 I4437&1 m,8ept 72 26 Oct 73 20 Sept 74 J 31443100 ..... Oct 76 r- ~ 701 Hilt AnalYStS MAP AD012 -,-. ~ ,-it 701 Heat Anelyala -it lnt:e~chan!. ~No ~~------_•• 11I1A~Kt Hie~lJ~h $ectl0n 701 (See Note) '-e InterchanQe wtth 1.11(2 ~ lnse~~lonR,~yn (See Notel 11.'J~ ~ Bad card In AIH2.A1Kl AI Kl in 3411 in 3411 Yea -. -..-. ,-.. Replace Card Replace Carda RerU~a~ RUN ~. Note: When interchanging A-AIH2. A-AIJ2. and A-A1K2. refer to ALD page A6001 for piugging instructions. All three cards should be factory plugged, as position "K" is model sensitive. If they are not plugged, refer to the above ALD page. ~ p,-........,~~ -"'. Probe SLD in CPU Pin A-A2G2G08 ~. •• Hardware error +-rd::r. error ~ .)410 5412 54l!) I Probe SLD in CPU ----.t Pin B-B2G2G08 ,£2:----.. ~ . ~. I .\ . ~:~;. ~;-,.; f I yc~ r ~. Ife"Pi';ce Cards Yes B-B2F2. B-B2C2 in CPU ,~. ~. Hardware error ,H2'---_ ~. ~. ~ .CHalt~yeS --. pri3~t:ense ~C~~",______"", ~. ~ L..J ~. 5410 5412 5415 Replace Calds Replace Calds B-D2F2. B·82C2 A-A2F2. A-A2G2 ~,. .-. -- . ~. ~,. 701 H.lt An.IVli. MAP AD013 ~212!~:31 ::1741 ~11 I ~. ~. ~. --. J~, • "e" e" e~_ e,,e,,-_ e",e,e,,-, e,e,- e\__ e _J e,._, e 70' Helt Anelyala ~n_ .f~o2~p AD02) ~.-- .r2~ AD(2) ~_n .e2~p AD02' ~.-- 'e2~p AD02) ~~-- .e2~p AD02) 5410 5412 5415 Replac:e r.ard Replace Card IJ.B2E2 In CPU A·A2E2 in CPU '''---. e~ e,- e,-, e,~ e,e~~., e ',- e,- __ e~ e,,e~. e,- e __ e -......... .. e e·,-, 1738872 26 1 '- e e" '"_. '-~ e '~ «> COllY",'" 11M Corpo,-,ton 1976 Oct 73 I..:t161 144.00 I 44_ _ 1 .20 5es!t.J~ 31 Oct ~30"" 'J8 701 Half Anelysll MAP AD014 -. ~ --. 70' H.1t An.lyaIe I~ ABI Una frum 3411 to 5408. 5410.5412. ur 5415 OllAl AI ~ 3411 Panel A-AI S~ ..robe ta~ll~q tut Lft A1" po'~ityn • Panel A·A2 5410} S4 J 2 .. Panel B-B2 -. -. -. -. -. S415 0 MST u.eI o N2102 N2J03 N2104 G2103 GlJ04 GlJOS N2JOS GU06 7 N2J06 NlJ07 N2J09 NlJlO G2J07 GlJ09 GUIO GUll P N2J11 1 2 3 4 S 6 SLD Level SLDLe,eI A3B04 AlDOS A3B06 A3B08 A3D09 A3BIO A3DtI A1BI2 Vl807 V3DOS Vl806 V3B08 V3D09 V3BJO V301l V3BI2 G2DI2 G2013 G2102 G2J03 G2J04 GUOS G2106 GU07 In 3411. in•• all Note: See SER 3 for diagnostic probe and switching levels. jumper bctwoon A-AIQ2D02Itnd JI'O'Ind (+PWR On Relet) , -. -. '-. ~. ! '11 th - )1,I11J)9r on. aU Nn- 11n•• nC:filPt!lt ----. lnact1Ve , ~. ! 1.v:f~~n"fTN2 po'~~l~n of ~. ~. ~.. _ ~. ,F22----.. SLD .l.V. II 1n A1G2 PfO~ • polI!~\yn of .• ---. -. ~. ~ 5408 No -~. Temporarily romcwe car' A·A2G2 Telllporarlly relllO\'e B-B2G2 ~. Open ea!;>le or te~~~~!~Zr . Contlnue roblng l~ ">--- ... ~. Cable shorted ~. --. ,-. Replace Card A-AIG2 in 3411 ~. ~\. 12.73iii72 1443751 I 4GOO 144~ Oct 73 20 Sept 74 31 Oct 7S 30:*'78 101 Halt A"'Y'II MAP AD015 () Copy..., 111M CorporatIOn len --- ~. ~'. -' . --'. . ~. -e 701 Helt Anelyele 0101 013 e e ABO Lines from 5408. 5410. 5412. or 5415 to 3411 5408 = Panel A·A2 5410.5412.5415 = Panel B-B2 H.lt COGa 12 Entry SLD Level e e~_ e,-, p Dey Ad~ XX TUO· TU1 • ~ tH~ : 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 e .~ obe SLD levels at CPU panel. See above chart for roper pin location An active line will be minus (-). e __ e,-, e\__ e,e,-. e-._ o At address 0000 enter F3 XX 00 - - -...... System Reset. Clock step to IR dock 6. XX = Rdy Dev Addr G2B03 G2804 G2B05 G2807 G2B09 G28JO G2812 V2D03 V2B04 V2DOS V2806 V2808 V2D09 V2810 V2Dli V2812 SLD MST Level Level G2D02 A2D03 A2B04 A2D05 A2B06 A2B08 A2D09 A2810 A2DII A2Bl2 G2D03 G2D04 G2D05 G2D06 G2D07 G2D09 G2DIO G2DII G2Bl3 G2802 G2803 G2804 G2BOS G2B07 G2B09 G2BIO G2B12 Note: See SER 3 for diagnostic probe and switching levels. ~ At address 0000 ef.ter F3 XX 01 . . System Reset. Clock ...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . step to I R clock 6. X X '" Rdy Dev Addr Probe SLD levels at PU panel. See above chart for proper pin loea lions. An active line will be minus H. 54JU 5412 5415 e,,-, e,__ ~ e,-, e,,, e,,e,-, e_, e",e,e,-, G2B13 G2802 3411 = Panel A·Al i eturn machlne to customer At addres5 0000 enter n XX 1+ System Reset. nock step to IR clock 6. XX = Rdy (>tv Addr , l~r~~f~~:ng~s and tag c,bles Rerun 0' ~ Mdefe~~~~:c~able Probe SlD Ievel5 at CPlI panel. See above chart for proper pin loc.tions. An active line will be minuli t .). 4 e~ e,,-, e",e,,e,- e '-~ e ',-_ e '_. 701 Halt AnalysIs e e, MAP AD016 ()CopyrlJft. 11M Corpor•• ,on 1177 .• -.'. 70' Hatt AnaIy8le '~. 016 Al ~~ A-A In robe eels MSl t)41,. eX po,ltlon u 0 actlve +) ,.~. ~. '~. ~'. At Address 000 enter F3 XX 00 System Reset. Clock step to IR clodt 6 XX = Rdy. Dev. Addr ~. ~'. Probe MST level of A-A1G2 PO$ltlon 3.". actlve (+) ~. In is ~. Rcplat,;c Oard R~lftQve c~rd .IA-A1K2 In 3411 ~ A-AIP2 in 3411 -. ~. ~. At Address 000 enter F3 XX 01 System Reset. Cloct step to lR cloct 6 XX = Rdy. Dev. Addr ~. '~. Probe MST levels of A-A1G2 po$itlon In )4". (+) is actlve ~. ~. ~ Repl,u:e Card Rel!9ve cord _IA-A 1';2 in 3411 ~. A-A1l2in 3411 ~. Replal.'e Card A-AIP2 in 3411 Extra blts are " 3, or 4 -. -.-. RenIQve c"rd - - -.... I1~-A'H2 in 34" ~. 0Re place Card Rcplat,;c Card A-AI H2 in 3411 A-A I G2. A-A 1P2 in 3411 -. -. -. '.-. ~. ~. r~: 26 Oct 73 1 20 s.pt 74 I 4GICI) 31 Oct 15 I 44'2 M-v 77 701 Halt AM'ysis MAP AD017 4431S1 c>~,.t 111M COfPQrM_ 18n ~. -. -'.'--, .'e,,--/ 701 Halt Analyel. 01)01 T .~ .e_- .'-.-.''.e,-- nOl 8 "2 'A2 • Halt code 34 Entry 00001 • "-Rdy Dev Ad, I'7~~H l -TU 0 Sl 1 -TU 2 J In 3411 install a jumper between A-AIQ2J 13 and ground .,~ System Reset . 001:1. step to IQ clock 6 '-' .1.:.,.. 5408 5410 5412 5415 .,-, Probe SLD level at A·A2G2G05 in CPU e,-,- -'- -'.'- Red ,~ ~iO~~A1~~p6~V~~ 3411 .~-- Red e<-# -~ --- ~[O~:A~gMb'v~~ 3411 .~ .'--e,--e __ e~~ e,e,~ -• e 736672 (26 Oct 73 I 443BOO "'1~310ct 76 701 Hall An.'ysis MAP AD018 ~~. "'~. ~. 701 H.lt An.lyeae 19 A1 .~. 014A1 --'. ~. 81 ----. ! MSJ Oev~l A-~411S /I 1n Probe at . ~. No ~ .2---.. • Iprobe MSl level at A-~181S0c) in ~ .. e ~. ~,. '01 ! Replaf.:e Card Probe A-A1G2U04 1n 341' SLD level A·AIN2in 3411 .~. ~. 5410 ~'. 5408 -~,. ~. ~. ~ 5408 5410 ~,. 5408 ~. 5410 5410 5408 B-B2H2 in CPU 5412 ~. 5415 Replace Card Replal.:e Cud A·A2H2 in CPU A·A2G2 in CPU '-.. .• --. ~ .. ~ ~. ~. ~. ~. 701 Halt AnalysIs MAP AD019 ~~~~I~I I . .• ~. ~ . ~. ~ ~. ,,'- 702 Dlegnoetlc .ntry e,,e,e,- Note: See tape control ALD PAle A6001 for all detection cards in positions Al H, A IJ, and A I K. e~ e,~ .''- J~~G~~ ~n \.. £2 e~ e,e,e,-· e,-, e,e,e,e,e,- ~~-------..~~~Mtf-~ Yell E ~ Yes • Go .1 Yes to ~ MAP AD030 Rerun7s~ctlon ReD.l.ace )411 "-"'N; No "'P "'0 ,,'t e~ Reo.l.ace 341' A-A2L2 e,-, e~ e,e-e,-, e,-, e,e,e,-, e,- RePtace 3411 A-A H2 A1J2 A'K2, t A1L2' (See Note) y~s -----. InterchanQe IA1K2 wlth ATJ2. Rerun B,ctlon I 7 ReDJ.ace )411 A-A1HI "'J "'K AlL " -C - ....,,Bad 1ncard A fJ 2, replace ~~-----t lS now ~:~tai!~~~~ ~ e~ ~ e,e~ ~ 702 Diagnostic Entry rDCopyr'fht IBM Corp"'''' "'" 1977 MAP AD020 -.. --- ~ --. ----. Nete: See tape control ALD pap A6001 for all detection cards in positions A I H. A IJ. and A I K. Check prlntout for track 1n error lnd1catlon -e 't~~ai!~t~i Ale' ~No No • I .. -~--- 'it --e ~ Error in tracksl 1, 3, 4 • Interchan e A1H2 with A'K2. Rerun Sectlon 702 (See Note) .~ ~ 'E InterchanQe A1K2 wlth ATJ2. Rerun Section 702 (See Note) InterchanQe A1J2 wlth ATH2. Rerun7~,ction I. C ~ -e -e Bad card ,. now in A1K2, replace ~ --e --e -. -,. ~. Discussion: To prevent the creation of tapes that may not be interchangeable with 24xx series tape units. the 3411 models I and 2 are equipped with a velocity ratc of change .per bit detection circuit. This circuit is active only in the PE mode during a write operation. No ~. ,.... When the error threshold is exceeded, a Data Check with a track-in-error (TIE) byte 01 will occur. If a tape unit is experiencing a large number of Data Checks on track 7 (TIE 01) during a write operation. suspect a velocity rate of change problem. Common causes of a velocity rate change error are: I-Lower tape guide in the left column (model I only) has a binding roller. Check the roller for free rotation. It is important that all washers and springs are properly installed. Refer to CARRL D-24 for correct installation. 2 - Check for column flatness on models 1 and 2. Excessive warpage of the vacuum column can cause excessive vibration at the tape loop. Flatness of the vacuum column in the tape loop area should be checked using a straight edge. (The edge of the half column cover. PN 2517722. can be used for this measurement.) Column should be flat within 0.0 15 inches (0.381 mm) over the area below the BOT/ EOT block the full width of the column. ~. a.pIiror raler ~. ~. -. ReN• • di...-"c' ~. No Replir or replace ~. coallllln CARRL -. -. D-2S1 Ya £ad-of alii End oIC81 ~. ~. I73&6--I734556A I 738672I~4437Sf-T44"-l 702 Diegnoatic Entry (Dead Track Failure) MAP AD021 1 ''''''';oP'ir"hl IBM eorpor.llon 1977 $opt 72 "20 Oet 72 "2" Oct 73 20 Sop, 14 2_ 77 - ~. .• '~. ~ --e'-.-< e~, 702 DI.gnoetlc Entry (Tape Analyale Chart) .'-e,,e" --- ~ -'e,,-- •(0 ........ 82 to ~P AD07) to 2MAP AD021 run Section 70B e,,e,,e,,-, e,_ Y .(:: Note> "L Replace lOQiC board (CARRL I D-16) e~ Note: Halts 61, 62, 63 and 65 indicate an erase head failure. Before replacing the head assembly: A. Check that the erase head leads are connected. 8. Check tape-to-erase-head clearance (See CARRL Figure 0-25, step 11). C. Unload tape unit. Turn power off. O. Check continuity of erase head (16-25 ohms). E3----_IRun Section 702 e,-, F4----"'I o -~ t~2MAP ADo71 C2 ~ No •• Return machine to customer e~ e,e,- Hdlts 84 or 85 -'e_"-' e~ e_ e,,-, e\.-, e_ e,- -'---e,.'e-__ e ___ . e~ ~ 702 Diagnostic Entry (Tape Analysis Chart) MAP AD022 ---r---l= ~Sept 741 See EC 734864 History, Aug 13 443751 I .~ ~ --,." ~'. ~. . --~'-::-:---\ l 108 Entry J ~. . ADO.'-D2 ~. 1 Load -'--.. .• ! 98' 1 and ~ ! set SSW , .. '1, 12. or .J to •• 1 TU. Set SSW 14 for 10n9 SNS punt ~ R- ~. G ~--- •• RYAA~i~Igr ~No • e ~. s Entry 3 - MO" ~. ~. '1::2 ~___ TU not ready. • , IMount~worK wit Upe write ~. ena Ie rinq ~. Note: If a ~ond tape unit is available, swap the motion control boards, logic boards, or nat cables between units to detennine the failing FRU. ~. ~ :)- - ·8 .~. '~. ~. ~. ,-,. ~. .• ~'. ~ ~. ~. -. ~. ~. 708T~Check MAP AD023 (== r= 1:::' 1 74 I I ~. -'. -. ~. "• Hal t • • •.'- Note: 6O-TUO 68-TU 1 7o-TU2 code 3F Entry rG Probe SLD level 78-TU 3 at A-A1G2P04 1n 3411 System Reset .'.'.--'.''- ('ahl,,- \-pl'n S40R b,,-. \\l'~-n ,Ilbl'll.'r & tap", l.'unln.1 pin Pruhe SL D level 5410 5412 5415 lit :\-:\2V41)O~ Probe MST level A-A2E2G08 LlO R A-A2t-:2G09 SNS It A-A2F2GOS SIO G at A-A1G2M04 1n 3411 Cable open between dCidpter , ta~ control pln 8-B2V4DOS 8P~o~ E GOt!~LDLIOlevel R B E G09 SNS R B EGOS SIO G Replace Card A·AIG2 in 3411 .,~ e\-, e,- Cht!~k ~ the print()ut .. for the f()lIowintz I Kepliu:e ClhJ • ~ l'ondn I()n~, A-AIP2 in J411 .--- .'.,,-,'- At address 0000 00 XX-Rdy Dev Adr See NOte IKey XX1n 01 ------------------------··~30 e,e,- S),"lc01 R,,-,ct. CI()c.:k sh.'P 10 IQd(~:k --e,--, --.'-' e,- 0 5408 At address 0000 ~,yxino, 00 XX-Rdy Dev Adr See NOte Probe SlD k."Yei at A·A2E2G()9 in CPU Pmb(.' SI.(> acvel at 8-821-:2(;09 in (,PU System Reset. Clm:k step to IQclo\:k 0 --, 5408 ~, Probe SLD 3411 l~vel .c at A-A 1G2POJ 1n I Probe SlD h.."Ycl at A· ..._2E2G08 in CPU e~ --e_, Cahl\.- "p,,'n IWI\\~·\.·n adapl,,'r & 1.11"" Probe S lD leYel at B.B2E2G08 in CPU 1."lInlrol pm A-A2V4IiCl4 Probe MST level 5410 5412 at A-A lG2MOJ 1n 341' 5415 e'.- , (;ontrol B·B~V4B04 Grn e~ .~ td~ p1n Red ._" • • ~dlbl"' oQen between doapter Ih'pla~'c A ,A II' ~ XF7116 5..., 1 0' 2 1848016 p." '\1'1""".'..."j C>Copy,..... 'IM Cotpor."OI' unl I 736672 :,~_oct 73 1 31443800 1443806 Oc:t 76 2 M.y 77 CarL.l III -'4 I I I 1 101 Halt Af\it1v,'" MAP AD024 -" 701 Helt An_lya" ~ -... Note: 6O-TUO -. 68-TU 1 70-TU 2 78-TU 3 ~ L./ --. -. 024 -... At address 0000 Key 1n loop F3 XX 07 XX-Rdy Dev Adr See Note ~ 1 -. -. s~ ,I~m K~ ..,,"1. l'lod, ~tep III IV dod. 0 -. -. 540X Prohe Sl.D k'Vd at B-B2 r2(~05 in CPU -. -. -. Prohe S lD k'Vcl at A·A2F2G05 in CPU 1t Red ~. --. Probe SLD level at A-A1G2P05 in 3411 ~ Rt:plac.: Card A-A2E2 in CPU .-. ~. Red -. 1 ~. Probe MST levei at A-A1G2MOS 1n 3411 ~ ~. Rt:plact: Card I\·AI(;2 in 3411 ~. ~. ~. --. ~. ~. I 701 Halt Analysis MAP AD024 A 738672 J 443800 26 Oct 73 cDCapyr,gft' IBM Corpore"on 1817 31 Oct 15 T ~. 443806 2 May 77 ~. -. "a·· • • • • • •e-, ·101 Helt An.lye.e At K~y d'3~rfSs 0000 1n ,oop ~6 ~~ 80 00 ....- - - . xX-Rdy Dev Adr .<~ 2 ! e-, System Reset. Press START --e-' Probe MS'( lev,l at ---e---e-. ••e- A-~~'ifs05 In Red F2 J Probe SlD level 81 A-A IG2UOS in 3411 Grn e- • •e-, ••• .' .,.• • •-e-- Probe MST level at A·A2F2UI2 in CPU Grn Replac. Card B·B2F2 in (:PU R.pla.:e C;ud A·t.~1"2 in CPU 5408 Repla~e Card B·B2F.2 in CPU RllpJace Card A·A2E2 in CPU 5410 5412 5415 Replace Card A·A2f'2 in CPU Replac. Card 8·B2 F2 In CPU l~~~:I ~~61 ~ ,t 701 Helt Anel"I'1 MAP AD025 ---• • • • • • -• ,-• • • • .--• •-, • • • --• • • • • •,• • • • • --• • • • • • .--., -. 701 Halt An.lye'e "-'" -, ,,-, R..... System Re.. t. Probe SLD level at Sy.'em Probe SLD I.v.la. 8-82E2G09 In CPU A-A2E1G09 In CPU .. -.... C3 _ _ _.. ) •• __ a~dress At Key 1n 0000 xx I. 07 XX-Rdy Dev Adr 7 -IF3 6():;TU 0 I 68=JU I ,,()o: U 2 78= U 3 ..-.., ............ 2 ! System ReMt. Clock step to IR clock 6 -, .-,. Probe SLD level at A-A2E2G12 in CPU Probe SLD level at B-B2E2G12 In CPU ,,-. F1 ! Rerun 701. Make new entry .-... ...-.. Red -. -., 2 J Probe SLQ lev,l at A-U~tP07 1n ,-., Red .--. -. 2 ! Probe MSt lev,l at A-~1~fM08 in Open cable in A·A2V4009 in CPU Rep'a~e -. ----.. Card A·AIP2In 3411 701 Helt Analysis MAP AD026 12~~31 ~~J --[ ~ -. .-.. .-. ---e_. --. 701 Helt An.ly'" L e~_. e_ -- L x ~ , 63=lu ... 2 " 60= U 0 2 70= U 2 78= I; 3 XX-Rdy Dey Ad r System R=set. Clock step to ED clock 4. L L, 5408 L e,- 5410 5412 5415 Probe SLD level at B-B2F2G08 L. e,_ -'- L Grn r l . - - - -... Probe SL(? I.rv"l at. A-~4~1U~ In e,,-, e __ L --L, -'- L 5408 H) S410 S412 ! 5415 Red Probe SL{? levell at A-~~Y1P09 In - - -....~ '-'-' .~ .,~, 1,--, 1'-. 7388n 128 Oct 73 f 101 Hilt Ane'Yllt MAPAD029 .. • •e, • 701 Heft 02 An.lyaia rom MAP$ ADO 1 A 3, AD020 D2 I , ADO~7 • • • Re:Odd 701. Set SSW to run ~Ialfferent tape ~ unit .' ~ • • • .'• ., • • • • • .'• • •. • • • .' • • .'• • ' Replace 34" A-A1L2 A1N2 Ensure tdpe i If La H(tl:~ :d .. ~, M."p ADO 3 I , Replace 34' 1 A-A 1H2 A-A1P2 J~qql~<)stlC qo C1 Run Sectlon 701 if entry was from Loq Malysls 11 Interchan~~ Rep.dce 3411 lS Try dnot~~~l tdpe c.edn. 3~ )411 A-Al "J with A-A1J . Rerun Sectlon 701 (Sfl'e. Note) ' tr~nspon Replace a'A-A'L2, A-A1N2 A1J2 Interchan~~ 3411 A-A' 2 with A-A1J . Rerun Sectlon 701 LE9'03,' I I Cl ( ._...A._7]' Rei! r, Cus~ ~:.' '.ns"II AOO.:1 Interchdnqe ] .. 11 A-A1J2 .... lth A-A1H2. Rerun Sect ,on 701 (See Note; Replace 34" A-A11(2 _\ ~ Bad cdrd 1S now in A-A1H2, replace Repl ~ce )41 1 A-A'L~, A-A1N2 Note: When interchanging A·A I H2 t A·A 1J2t and A·A 1K2 refer to ALD page A6001 for plugging instructions. All three cards should be factory plugged. as position "K" is model sensitive. If they are not plugged, Interchdnge )4" A-A11I:2 with A-A1H2. Rerun Sect.:.an t 701 refer to the above ALD pagc . ~~~~d~~A 1 L2 > A1P2 See EC History ©Copy .. ghl IBM Co,pu,.I.on 1977 r"'-"T 443751 20 Sept 74 ~\ Bdd card 1S now In A-A 1H2, replace 701 Halt 02 443806 "m~ 2 Mav n Ana1y')I'> MAP AD030 ,.,. 70' Helt 02 Anelyele From Ch~n MAP ADO]' Nete: When interchanging A-A I H2, A-A 1J2, and A-AIKl, refer to ALD page A6001 for plulling instructions. All three cards should be factory plulled, as position "K" is model sensitive. If they are not pluued, refer to the above ALD page. Re4~lai!" 1H2 1, 3 "1J2 Yes ReDiaee lnterehang~ 3411 A-A'R4! wlth A-A lJ2. Rerun Seetlon 701 (See Note) ~ LI 34' 1 A-A lH~ . A1J All( AlL 030El No Compare sense data wloth Chart 1 and tak~ lndleated aetlon \~\~r~~l~~~ wlth A-A1J2. Rerun Seetlon 701 CHAAT NO.1: 701 HALT 02 DATA CHECK TIE DATA MODE PE NAZI ACTION: SENSE BtTS MTE END DATA ENV CHK X X X FALSE PEID END BUAST VAC EA LAC .. TIME EA Replace card(s) indicated or go the MAP chart CRCR indicated X FF X 01 X X iMAP AD031 A 1. Refer X 02 X X Go to MAP AD03l Al X 08 X X Suspect A-A 1 H2 Go to MAP AD03l Al X 40 X X Suspect A·A 1 H2 Go to MAP AD031 Al X 80 X X Suspect A-A 1 K2 Go to MAP AD03l Al X EF X X X 3411 A-A1L2 X FF X X X Go to MAP AD032 A 1 X 03 X 03 X X 03 X X 00 X 03 341 1 A-A 1L2 A-A 1P2 [Suspect A·A 1J2. go to X rto Discussion on AD021. 3411 A-A 1L2 A-A 1P2 X Go to MAP AD032 A3 3411 A-A 112 A-A 1P2 X Go to MAP AD032 E3 X 3411 A-A1N2 X X 03 X 03 X 03 X 03 X 03 X X X 03 X X X 03 X X 03 X X X X X X X X Suspect A-A 1K2 Go to MAP AD031 Al X Suspect A-A 1H2 Go to MAP AD03l Al Suspect A-A1H2 I Go to MAP AD031 All Go to MAP AD03l Al X Go to MAP AD03l Al X Go to MAP AD032 A 1 X Suspect A-A 1K2 Go to MAP AD031 Al X 3411 A-A1Q2 I Go to MAP AD033 A 1 Any combination not shown -~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I L-_ t t t 101 Halt 02 AnalySIs See EC Historv MAP AD031 ©Copy","t IBM CorpOratIon 1971 1204437517.1 443808 Moy Sop. 2 77 - - -{ I t t t • • • 701 Halt 02 Anelyeia '-.' "-- ~ From ('hdrt MAP ADO 3' " Note: When interchanging A-A I H2. A-A 1J2. and A-A 1K2. refer to ALD page A6001 for plugging instructions. All three cards should he factory plugged. as position ItK" is model sensitive. If they are not plugged. refer to the above ALD page. From ('hctrt " MAP ADO J' ~ •"• • •'• • •'-•-,' • • ~ Sw.Jp ~-A1H.? A-AII<.? SWdP J~11 lq 1 I w1th A-A1H~ R~nm Section 701 (See Notel Sect 10n ,f) 1 (SeE' Note) ~ with A-A1J2. Rerun > IS now _, BddIn cdrd 1\-1\11<2, ~ rep] dee ., Bdd cdrd IS now In A-A1J2, ., Bad card is now In A-A1H2, repldce II r~place ~ ~ SWdl,> 3~ I I A-AI.J2 wlth A-A1K2. R~run Section .01 '-" ~ '"-,, Bad _\ 1n rd 1 s n( 'W 1\ - All<.:! , "'rum ('hurt Cd MAP ADOll repl ace 1, j SWelt) \411 A-All<.! ·... lth A-A1H2. Rer'ln Section 71)1 (See Note) , ~ ~ • • '''-''' ~ '--'" •• '-..- , ~ ~ ~ ,• ~ • ~ •• '-...-, XF7300 SftQ 1" f 2 1. . ._ " ..If '" 'I tnt)., Cc-.,.",. '1M eo.lPOf•• rGft '177 7:M111 17M566A 1 SePt 12 20 Oct 12 443761 20 S41pt 74 I 701 Halt 02 Analy .. ,.. 443808 2 May 11 I MAP AD032 -• 701 Hett 02 Anelyel8 rom From Ch4rt 1 ADO)1 Nete: When interchanging A-A I H2, A-A 1J2. and A·A I K2, refer to ALD page A6001 for plugging instructions. All three cards should be factory plugged, as position "K" is model sensitive. If they are not plugged, refer to the above ALD page. '" 030DI Sw.tp '411 A-AHt2 with A-A1J':. R~rlln Sec t Ion ,1)1 (S(>e Note) ReDl dee i repa 1 r 14' 1 A-A 1 HZ A1J2 SWell;> SWdP 3/41' A-A1JJ. With A-A1H2. Rerun Sectlon 71)1 (See Not(» )4" A-A1K2 With A-A lJ 2. Rerlln Section 701 1snow ., Bddin celrd A-A1J2, repldce > ~ ., Repl.c;e/reDa 1 r 1411 A-A'L2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ". • • • • • '. 701 Ha't 02 Analysis In..13G68 H M p 0033 s .... :i 0' 2 IP." .... m .... ! C)C«tyr." 11M CotporMion 1'11 1 SOP' • • •.'. .. 734558A 72120 Oc' 72 120_, 7412 _ 77 443751 443806 • • :~. ".'- .-.-- 701 Helt OZ An• ..,... e'- .'.--e.'.- Net.: When interchanlinl A-A I H2, A-A lJ2, and A-A 1K2, refer to ALD pale A6001 for pluUinl instructions. All three cards should be factory pluUed, as position "K" is model sensitive. If they are not pluned, refer to the above ALD pale . Replace Card A-AINlin 3411 i~\Tr~~lqa, wlth A-A1J'. 78Tr~~e:·~~~r .~ .'-' .'.- 1 I !ll\~rj~~~a, Replace Cards 7~,r~~e~e~~~~ A·AI H2. AIJ2 wlth A-A1J2, in 3411 '£1 I J~fTri~lqi! Wlth A-A1J2. Rerun 7" , ~,ction .~ .'-' f'3 I ~~f,r~~l~i' wlth A-A1J~. 7~,r~~e~e~~~~ .~ . Replace Cud • ~ A·AIL1. AIN1. AIDlln 3411 e'-" e'.~ .-.-.~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ I-na. h734556A I 7iem-l· 443800-1----- 1 Sep. 72 yo Oct 72 tr ....- 2. ~ 73 3' Oct 7&, 701 Halt 02 Analysis MAP AD034 -• -'" ,-. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -.• • • ,-.• • • -.• • .~ ........ .......... NO-OP Conditione ,......,. ,..-, FA~~ AOO10) ..-... ,~ Y•• T4R! r.c:o~d d~(!~~tr~: e muIt.iple o~ bytes :~l~~(~:er It ---~I'~llwrltt.n oiae:ad in wrong mode) ~ ............ Tff ~OCJ if anal ava llbie 8111 .......... .-, ~, ,~ ~ --.. F3:---_ ~p- U~,er error .ltrY12~ i91:rite protectea tape' ..-. E1MAP ABoe, "'""" ~ 'leA com::~~Wti~Ued ~»----"'""~·I at ~rJFf09ram.-- TIf ~oq ana .-" ,18 If ava lable -, ....-., tnytall half COa~anr~~yr .......... ,-.. lIIachine customer .-..., -. .--... NO-OP Conditione f734118 ~un MAP AD036 -1 Sept 7345&6A ... 72120 7212.7_72731 .31.Oct ,:r~ - Oct Oct "-'" -.., • .~ .'.'- ."-' NO-OP Conditione .".~ ."-' ~ .~ .. ;.!~---- . ~~ EXd?~~ev~y~~dnd a.control commdnd code .~ .--- ~ ."" al 2---.. r!:~ ~U~rn~io . __ alinBtructlon accepted ~3 __ 2----,. .'-" ~.-- Try 1"(1 ar.alysls ff .lpr~~r1~.)5.)H~d .Jv.ll1.lbjp (u"er er ror» .~ H.----.. .'-/ .~ .".'-' ~ a ~ MAP A80'~ WdS ".11" ~t r.co'~~~:t 10 t 3 - - -.. Fl J No-Op shoilld 'it'S not be on, Retry u.ser error ~.!MAP ADOq 81 .~ .-.~~' .~' .'.~ .~ .~ .~ .'-' ."- .'.'.'.'-.'- HC).()P CGpdiIione I~3=~ I~!':I MAP AD037 • ,,-.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .--... "..-..., .-\ Te. . Unit An.1yeIe --., ......... ~:1Note Ca ..... Netel: F.-MAP AD037 E4 AD037G2 ~ PE 10 BURST Not NRZI UNIT EX AD070 E2 AD071 H2 AD07604 AD076 F2 ~ TMCHK END DATA/eRC PE ID BURST FALSE END AD076G2 Yea "..-,., def~~rrv~8or ,......,." !~~~~~~ay ,~\ Return TU to customer ,-" ........... .-" ..-. Ye~ ~=~f"c:~ ~Irr tune 1"""'" or fa,T-~re ~. F1 ! F;! ! Return TU to customer Check de voltages. See CARRL Fig D->} ~ 1""""\ 2~ No ..-... See MAP AC060 No~~tfo~or ,.-." 1 ! Load a tape r~el with a wflte enable 2---.. Meter .15 vdc from T84:"4(+1 rln~h! ~~AOY t~ OC t~RL4~:\, H l l - - - -.. --................ ~I to~~~:rTB~-~1~J oc T81-4(-) ~ -.... No , ! Meter +15 vdc ~~o&:?'~,~UI (-) .... --- l R.p!ice/rePolir n e protect • s~~~RLa~!T~flY '"""" ,.-.. Meter +6 vdc from T84-2(+, to DC T81-4(-' .-.. .-... -.... ,-.,. .--., Tape Unit Analysis MAP AD040 1~~1~=1 I I I ",. ~. ~. ,_. • End Velocity Check ,A 1 - - - - It+r • ')·.~);.t'· \~"~','~. ~;~ . i clean tape transpol t , ch4JCk co umn ldlers or b~nds ...·. . - " .~. ~ ,. , ,~$ '~ .r?~' -< ~(;~·tr "t ) '~'." .).~.). • ~}~~ f~ ~'i"'; '_{,~1} '~ . ;.,",~".)\ .. ) j:{ 1 J Check idlefs , 25~'2:;S~ll:L D-iJ , 0-=24) .~ .~' ~Yes ~ ~ ~D2 Goto MAP AD02J .~ .~ El...1o--_ A~ju~i gUide~ ~Rec~ t~i~kt~9 ~ ~ E2 Goto ~ MAP ADO? fir .~ .~'. i~~; ~,::-, , ~ v e .~~ •. ~ '; ',~ .~ e'Y ."-' . ."., .' .' ......,' ~ I;~- '" ~ {~~ ~ .• ')!~ ~. ,:,~~),;, .. W\ 73411':s,....,; ~ .. .'C' ~".~."'~" . " '.' .:-....... f~~ ,> ~t 1 Sept 72 7341ii4-1 End Vtlocity Chtck --~l~' ~ 1 Aug 7 3 1 MAP AD041 -• .- ~, umpCheck • • • • • • • .,.-..... ~ DIseaIsIoft: The BOT and EOT lamps can be checked visually. The capstan tach lamp is mo"e difficult to check since it is mounted on the capstan motor. A tach lamp failure bringS up DEVICE RESET which disables the LOAD, REWIND, and UNLOAD functions of the tape unit. A BOT or EOT lamp failure does not force DEVICE RESET. ,--A1 G2 , AD071 BS From MAPS AD07 'B1 ! Visu~llY check EOT lamps ~ ,.......... ..-... BOTh . WttAR~w~~l?n .....-.. y- • E2 ,~ • • MAP AB07, ."-" >No ~ • -• -• •-, • E' III Gato MAP ABO l ' ---. ~ • • ,..........", 1 ! Ins~ct wire -. frolll tach.to LB 009 (CARRL -16 & 0-3 ) c4ble B R1n • • • • • • --.• • -'• • • • • -.• .-,• • .-. .....-., -.. ,..-., ~~ -. --... .... -., -------.. Lamp Check MAP AD042 I~~>21~r~~ Ir~-J---J ...-.. • ..'.'--' .~ .''-' .'.'-'-.,-, .'.'-.'-' .'.'.'-•. .'- ~ - .'~ ."- .nveloae or Ph_ .nor Cheak ~~t.rt ~ Check c:ol~ iden tor binds Go to MAP A0047 £ 2 - - -.. ~ " No Ad1~!~riu~d3· ~IC~.Ck trac~\ng ~~~t , 8:161 I J CIJeck BO'l'/~ ad~illt·B~2Sf·· ~ ..- 2:----. .IAd)~:;e:gr~EOT .~ .-.'.-.'e'-.'- H 2 - - -.... .'-' .~ .'e-.'.--."-- .'- I~ I~~~3 History ~7& I Envelope or Ph... Error Check MAP AD043 ,-- -• • • • • • • • • • ..-... ..-.. --. 708 T.chometer F.llure .--... ,..-"., ~~J'Ar.4J ,-., 81 Load -... J %& ana ..-.., .-..., 1 ! 8SR -f sei • • • • • • • SSw 1 , 1 • 1 • or 1.1 t<;> se ect falll~g t~pe Unlt (SI .-..... ""'"' r5~S3ia~~~iti~ ..-... 8-. .-... ""'" ~. ... .\dd '~~'F module • •!~d s~~~e:y;r:~ ~ve8 test 0 ~ FS • eo:o CPU MAPS) ..-... 2'---.. Set SSW 00 ON di~~n~~fc Note: If repeated loop of Section 708 fails to produce errors, take the "No" branch. Retl,ll"atlon ~o instal proce ures Reset halt L8 Go H'----_ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .-..., ~. .-.. Yes ........... ...-.,. . -.. ~ 5410 ..-... -.., -., .-.... 708 Tachometer F.ilu~. MAP AD045 I~ I ~~3 [=75 r--Hiltory r -) --.. .--. .-.... • ~ ".'- .'-" .'-" .'.'-.-.'.-.'.'.-' ."-.'.'.-.'"""' .'.'-' .'.-.-.'.'--'' .'.--.'.'.'-.-.'.\-.'- 708 T.chom __ Fellure I4r.\. L./-+ 045E2 ., _. .E 2 .... AD07~ Note: If a second tape unit is available, interchange the motion control boards, logic boards, or cables between Ul"its to determine the failing FRU. See CARRL Figures 0-16, 0-19, and 0-35 . '-' • E505~--., EJo Check the tjlc:;h to logic bd .lcable l chk conti } , sea~ of cable Rep~ale/r~~ir .~ ')l~;-"----•• I c:bTiilO~ connectors I ,'5 No ------. IRe,l~ce A-A1D2, A E ~4'~P2 in Halt "FO" 736672 I"SIt EC 126 Oct 73 Hi.tat-v r r 44376l 20 Sept 74 708 Tachometer Failure MAP AD046 - -, 19 Forward tracking (7-track feature). • • • -"• • • • • • • • --.• -• • • 17, 19 Backward tracking. (7-track feature). ,-.. -- Tr.cklng .nd Skew Checu .nd AclJuatmente .......... r, ~2024 ,~~ from ADO <) (0 81 03 ADO 49 from G~ CAUTION: Do not attempt to adjust skew unless you are sure tracking is correct. Reference MAP A0049 for tracking. 83 ! J Run iectlon 70A OSR set SSW16 ON~ SSW19 OFF l ana reset hal~ s~~~ s~~~, 6~~n CO~Hn g:!~hS Discussion: Tracking and skew adjustment must be made if the read/write head assembly, columns, or guides are replaced. Order of adjustment is: tracking, mechanical skew, read forward skew, read backward skew, and write skew. Clean the tape path and column cover before making skew checks and adjustments. Program Halts: 01 Wait timed out. _ 2 : - - -.. Clean the tape path. G0 tO CARRL 0-3 6 an d check tracking Relnstall DO ]umoer (CARRL 0-16) OSR s~t SSW16 ON and reset halt 03 Skew measurement completed and logged on printer. OA Set sense switch 10, II, 12, or 13. EO Can't set alternate density. No 0 2 - - -..... :> 04.....- -.. ~~~~ ~~rn€~3t lie IIIRun section 7011 (CARRL 0-57, page 2, step 1) Sense Switches: PE Only and Dual Density IS. 16, 17, and 18 Off- Forward Tracking 1Sand 16 Write skew mode. E3---_ Yes 16 Forward mechanical skew or forward electrical NRZI mode. Turn all deskew ~~---'.I pots full 1CARRL 0-18) CCW 16, 17 Backward electrical NRZI mode. 17 Backward tracking. F 2 - - -.. 00 (CARRL 0:' 16) for mechanlcal skew check Remov~ Jum~r 1 J Mount master skew tar on ta~ unl to be chE:cke or adjusted ... WaH~2--for skew gr:~~ ~~t~t8~t (CARRL 0-57, page 5, part 1) J - - -.. F3-- 18 Tracking adjustment loop (shoeshine). OSR set SSW19 ON Sense Switches: 7-Track Only 3 i - - -..... RO FWD skew OK. DSR set SSW17 ON. Reset h~lt. for bkwd skew printout Yes e 16, 19 Forward mechanical skew. .-.. -, .-.. ,.-.. .-... ...-.. ........ ........ ---. ..-. • • ,.-.... 16, 17, 19 Backward mechanical skew. H1 H,,--J---,. H3 ! <;:omp .... e J DSR set SSW16, ~~~~~ ~~~~8to t~o~:a~/wd {C~RL 0-5', Go ~~~EoiS:5;~ run program page 2, step page t,)ste p 11) 16 Forward electrical. 16, 17 Backward electrical. 15, 16 Write skew. 2 ! Go to mec:;hanical skew adjprocedyre (CARRL 0-57, page ~ 1) Yes 4---.. . Read 'bkwd skew .IOK. Check write skew Note: Swap logic board with another tape unit, if possible, and rerun diagnostics. Assure on PE-only machine that nn jumper is not installed. See CARRL 0-16. l~ .-... ..-.. -. ....-.. 3 ! bkwd skew adj.Pl'ocedyre {CARRL 0-57, page step Go "0 • • • • • • • • • -,• -• • • • -• • '--. hI --.. ,-, .-.., -. .-. Tracking and Skew Checks and Adjustments MAP AD047 See EC History 736872 26 Oct 73 14437&1 I 20 Sept 74 .......... ..-.., ".-- .'.'•..'....'.'.-' .-.'.'--' .'.'" Trecklng tlnd 8ktNV Checb enet AdJU8tmen. 047J4 48 ,\1 ',\1-'----,. DSR .. Set SSW15 , 1I) ON, 1 7 OFF - .~ B1 ' Rem~~s skew targ~ :g~Rt tape With write ~nab e nng , ! TU , Note 1: If the skew tape isn't removed. the tape unit will rewind and unload. A message will print instructing you to remove the skew tape and replace it with a good work tape . Ready reset ria t for wrlte skew p~i~€oy~t~d,?) '- .~ .~ Go to wqte skew 4dJ No procedure (CARRL 0-57 page 2 step \30 E1 J Run Seetlon 701 F' F3 , ansure that all ~~~-_-_-_____~.I eSk::tpg~s are ! Return the system to the customer mid-ra~?e I ~, .~' .-.'.'.'--' .'.-.-' .-.'- Note 2: If '-Track, set all deskew pots fully CWo _3 ! Resyat cae.les s~2~Cbdt A~l~M~eA~~lJ2 02 hea3 bd. .~ .'.'--' (Note DSR , START LE9 H 1 - - - -.. ca~!::~tD~R START , L~ ) Yes Back off slightly on , adjusfment. DSR , START LE9 2 I Reseat loglC bd , deskew bd cables. DSR , START . .--' .~- .,-", Setec ( History Tracking and Skew Check. and AdJustments MAP AD048 "• --- • • • • • • • • • • • • ........... ..-..., Tr.cklng Check . ~ GAl Entry 01 ~~,y ) 02 ~: Entry to this MAP assumes that you have checked tracking visually (see CARRL Figure 0-36) and that diagnostic section 70A is loaded and ready to run. Tracking adjustment should meet requirements specified by CARRL Figure 0-36, Step 9. The tracking printout of Section 70A should indicate minimum tracking shift between forward and backward tape motion. ~ 0-. Note: If you cannot obtain correct tracking with a few tries, or if the printout shows no change between tries, you should go back to CARRL Figure 0-36 and check tracking visually. 2 ! 81---_ Set SSW16 OFF, reset halt for forward tr~cking pnntout. Read DlSCUSSlon ,.-.., ....-..., ..-... ~ ~ 1 2 ! ! OSR-set SSW17 ON, reset halt for backward tr~cking prlntout. OSR-set SSW'8 g~;le~o~~~w h~f~core~~:r .-... .........., '02 No ! comjare printoyt of bkwd & fw tracki~. CARRL 0-57 rt 1'-13 pgs ~ 8 ..-. E1...1.!---.. DSR, s~~ Yes SSW19 W;; left adju$ter rhan~ed after Yes eavO~~6~ARRL ~~~:-ll--h-a-l-f- column cover • OSR set ~SW1' OFkes:~W~al~N. E 5 - - -..... Vlsually ch,ck tape tracklng _. (see CARRL 0-36, step 9) No F2' Trk adjustment Should r~ulrlt only flt~f~ adj 'F3 ! OSR set SSW17 OFF a~Juster 1 7 GQ -to CARRL 0-57, page 2, and colllplete procedu·res etvrn to CARR seep Q. 0-57 L page 1, Yes -., • • • • • • ..-.. Tracking Check MAP AD049 .-. ~. ..-... ...-.. -.'.'.'-.'.-- Reed/Wrlte H_d AII••mbly LAI Entry DiswssIoII: You should enter this MAP if the Log Analysis program called out the read/write head assembly as suspect, or because you had a data check and a loop-write-to-read command did not fail. Be sure that the data check was not caused by defective tape. Try more than one tape reel. )AAOI4 .~ .'~ .'-' .'.'--' .'-' .'-' .'-' .'.'--'' .~ .--- .''- ,81 Note: See Note I on MAP AC060 for voltage check procedure. The -4 volts need not be checked at this time. ! ;n~l~c~e?~r gy~~~m€~:t~~~d' I ! Inaerchaf\~e ' c~gtes't~l't~lc board R~B1S:~a19R~ • See CARRL 0-40 I I ! Check tape-to-erase healS clearancf. See CARRL 0-25, Step 1 I .~ ~ Nn • IGo ntr t~3MAP 3'M010' run 7~' wrth ON ssw 14 .~ _3 .~ .''.~ .'.'--' .'.'.-- ch~~~ev~M:1es ~ Yell , ~~~t~e:Aa~t~h .ltOnin~nR~~svefij L~ 2 ! selc~6~ ~orMAP actlon I .~ .~ .'-~ .'."" Read/Write Head Assembly MAP AD050 " ,~. • • • • • • • • •'. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .......... -"""'" .""" "eedlWrtte Heed Ae__ ",bey .......... ........... ~ NoI.: The + I' volts is distributed from A2 TB 1-16 (ALD page YGIIO) to J21-J26 (ALD page YG112), then to tape unit DC TBI-IO throulh 1-13 via the de: cable. From DC TBI-Il, + 1.5 volts goes to motion control board pin CI, through the board to pin 814, and from there to head TB4-6. The +6 volts is distributed from PS A2 to connee:tors J21-J26 (ALD page YGI12), then to tape unit DC TBI-8 and 1-9 via the de: cable. From DC TB 1-8, +6 volts goes to head TB4-2. OSOH' 8, . . 1 _ _ _. . Meter +'5 vdc from T84-6(+1 to DC T81-14{-) See CARRL 0-17 I ! Meter +6 Y1C from T84-2 +~ to DC T8'-4 - See CARRL 0-1 ~. ..-.. ....-.. ~ -~ ~No Meter from T+15 4-4 vdc +I .Ito DC See CARRL D-1' TI,-,!,-) I --... -- 6Meter +6 Idc from 4- + _ toee DC fl,- I·' CARRL D-'~ ~ .-.. io 'E CARRL • Do visual tracklng check , return here o-~. 1 ...-... .......... 'F3 ~. _ J AdJust e~Yfle~ ~t~~ CARRL 0-36 T84 (See Note) _. tracklng. See tribu~lon to '-'. .-.. ."--' ............ ~ -. ..-.. ~ ..-.. --... ""'"'" -.. ,-.. ReadlWrite Head Assembly MAP AD051 1734566 1734556A 173455681131111r121~--1 1 Sept 72 20 Oct 72 20 Nov 72 28 Oct 73 ..-., ~ '-. -.. • .'.'-.'.'-.'.'.'--' 701 Halt 01 Analysis CHART NO.1: )01 HALT 01 HARDWARE ERRORS HARDWARE SENSE BITS ALU FRU Ie CHECK ABOP ERROR CTRL TAG INST TAG AlU ERROR ROI' ERROR XFR ERROR WRT ClK ........ .'-' .'-' .'.'---0' ACTION: Replace card(s) indicated or go to MAP chert indicated Go to MAP AD066 A 1 Go MAP AD057 A 1 X X 3411: A-A1P2 A·A1G2 A-A1H2 A-A1J2 A-A1K2 X X X Go to MAP AD058 G3 X X X X X X X X Go to MAP ADOM G 1 3411: A·A1G2 X 3411: A-A1G2 Go to MAP AD057 81 X X 3411: A·Al02A·A1P2 X X X 3411: A-A1P2 X 3411: A-A1G2, A1P2, .,,102 6408: A·A2E2, A2G2 5410/12/16: 8·82E2, 82G2 cables Itt.chld to CU. X X Go to MAP AD067 81 X X Go to MAP AD068 83 3411: A·A1 G2. A1N2 5408: A·A2E2, A2F2. A2G2 X 5410/12/16: 8·82E2, 82F2, 82G2 3411: A·A1P2A-A1Q2 A·A 102 A·A 1L2.A-A 1N2 X 3411: A·A1G2 X X X X 3411: A-A1U2A-A1V2 A·A1N2 A·A1P2 X 3411: A·A 1U2 A·A 1V2 A·A 1Q2 X 3411: A·A1U2A·A1V2A·A1P2 X X 3411: A·A1U2A·A1V2 X 3411: A·A 1L2 A-A 1P2 Go to MAP A0057 84 AnV combination of bits not shown abOli. ~--- ..---- ~- - .~. • ~ .~ .~ .'.- SHEC IHistory ---------1 443800 31 Oct 75 __ J 701 Halt 01 ANlYI. MAPAD054 I -,~. ,~. ~. 701 Halt 01 Analysis ~. ~. ~. ~. ",. Diseuuion: Whenever you are instructed to replace/repair card AIG2, check the slip-on voltaae connectors before replacing the card. See ALD page YCOOI. ~. \ ~. No ~. Y. -.. ~. ~. ~ C~IPare P nn»ut wI~Q" Ib I ~ arL o~ ~ 054 .... aclro: n Cited ~. Replace Cards ~. A-AIG2 in 3411 !:!2Gl in CPU ~. ~. ~. Check +6 A-4 volta to tue ,"-ontrol (C'ARRL D-S3) ~e ~ No I I .• Adjult volt.... Replac;f! "!IUla· tc!! card. Run - (Cxlt'~y>~U) YII! Note: Attention may be required toward the flat cables which connect the tape controller to the interface sockets. These four. cables are :n the left rear comer of the 3411. Interc~ in~rfa;~:l1 l':a"tfte Ie. ~. ~,. ~. ~. .•. . ~ ,~ ~ . ~. . 701 Halt 01 Analylis MAPAD055 See Ee 443100 _Hiatory 31 Oct 75 l 1 ---1 .---. ~. _e • •. '--' .~ .-.'.'.'.'e'--' .~ .'~ 701 Helt 01 An.lyale (roa~~~t ~S4J 'rOll~~t~S4 pror:.aA-A1N2U07 weleate. re..t) wli~r~~A~gf' ~~"ri~l~i! har Replace Card Bad card IIllow in A-AIJ2 .~- .'."'--' .''- Repillce Card A-AIG2 In 3411 .'-~ .~ tOll~~t~5J r:~~t~SJ .~ .'.-.'- 1 I JS\trx~lqa! J~\Trx~l~a! wlth A-A1J2. wli~r~~A~~~. Rerun 701 Replace Card .1 lad cud now in A·AIU .~. Replace Carda A-AIP2, AIG2 in 3411 .'~ .--- .-. .-.'."-.'._ .. .'.~ .. '-' . '- ',- ,s. Ie Hlttory 17*12 2e Oct 73 '443711 20 Sept 74 I 443100 31 Oct 11 I 701 Hilt 01 AnlIytit MAP AD056 "• .--" ~1 ..-. • • • • • -.• • • • -• • • • • • • • • • • • --,• • • • • '. • ..-., ~ .-.... . 70' Helt 0' Ane..,... ~ Note: If replacinl tlte carda CI.lkd ~rtar'J (ro.~~t ~54) out in thil MAP docs not fix the problem, check the -t volts at A1Q2M06 (-) to A1Q2P08 (+). It should be -4v :t 1%. AJ.o check the +6 volts at AJK2S1 J (+) to A1K2U01 (-). It should be +6v If voltata are DOl corm:t t adjUlt acconIina to instNctiona on CARRL 0-'3. AJ.o check the slipoon voltqe connccton. See ALD pale YCOOI. t"". , , ~a\,ri~l~l' wlth A-A1H . Rerun 70 ,,-., .-.., ...-... ,.-... '2%,r~hl~! Replace Card wri~r~~A1H~' Bad carel I. now In A·AIHl 1 -. ! RepalCf Cltel !arTri~l~'! with A-A'H . Rerun 70 Bad card I. now In A·A1Hl ,£'1 -., .--'. ! JaTTri~t~~! wlth A-A H • Rerun 0 ,.-.." ,..-..., ...-., L-_-.,. .-... . XFR error ~ep - ADOS8) \~ art 2 .~ Replace Card. ",-..,., A·AIP2. AIG2. A1Q2 AIN2 in 3411 A·A2F2 in CPU Ja~,ri~l~'! wlth A-A oJ • Rerun 0 ...-.., .........., Repa.ce Card. A.AlI.l, AIH1. AU2. A1Kl In 3411 Replace Card. A.AI~Gi41~ I Nl """ .......... .--... ,~ ,-, 701 Helt 01 Analysis MAP AD057 ...-... ~. -,. -. • • •. ''- .~ .,,-- .'.'--' 701 Halt 01 Analysis 055Fl .~ .".'-' Al.--J~----, Compare .enae print· out with Chart 'Z and take indicated action ( CHART NO.2: ADAPTER SENSE ANAL VSIS ADAPTER SENSE BITS .~ ABIP ER ABOP ER CU 2 TAG CU OFF ER BUSV X sve CMD ADO sve CMD STAT OUT OUT IN IN IN IN imicated. X 3411: A·A 102, A·A 1P2, A-A1Q2 X X 3411: A'A 1G2 X X X X .~ X .~ f X X X X X X X X X X 3411: A·A 1G2 X X 3411: A·A1G2, A·A1N2 3ill1: A·A2G2 5408: A·A2G2 5410/12116: B·B2G2 X X X 3411: A·All2 X X X 3411: A·A1G2 X X X X .""-' X I X : X 3411: A·A1G2, A-A1N2 X 3411: A·A1G2, A,A lN2 X 3411: A·A1G2, A·A1N2 X X X X X 3411: A·A1G2. A·A1N2 3411: A·A1G2 5408: A·A2E2 5410/12/16: B·B2E2 3411: A-A 1G2 X X X X " 3411: A·A1 K2 X X X X X X X X X .~ ." 3411: A·A1P2 X X .'-" X X 54 5408: A·A2F2 5410/12115: B·82F2 5408: A·A2E2 5410/12/15: 8·B2E2 X 5408: A·A2E2 5410/11.115: 8·82E2 X X 3411: A·A1G2 5408: A·A2E2 5410/12/.5: B·B2E2 X I .~ X X X 3411: A·A1G2 Go to MAP AD067 H4 X X Go to MAP AD057 G3 3411: A-A1G2 X .~ 3411: A·A1P2 3411: A·A1G2, A·A1N2 5408: A·A2G2 5410/12/15: B-B2G2 I .~' .".'-' .'.'-' ACTION: Replace card(s) indicated or go to MAP X X X .~' .'" ." ADD OUT 3411: A·A1G2 5408: A·A2E2 5410112/16: B·B2E2 .'-" .'-' SEO ER X X X Any combination of bits not shown X X 5408: A-A2E2 5410/12/15: B·B2E2 X 3411:, A,A 1G2, A·A 1N2 3411: A·A 1G2, A·A 1L2, A-A 1N2. A·A 1P2 5408: A·A2E2 5410/12/15: B·B2E2 -- .~ 701 Helt 01 An.Ivsis .~ .--- .".'• MAP AD058 4437 I See EC 120 Sept &114 1443800 Historv 31 Oct 115 J • -• • • • --... .-" -.. 701 Heft 21 Anelye'. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~. ..-.... . r ,.-,. A , : AOO 12) ."-', ~I ...-.... co",-\! .-.. TIE' ' sensfinfo wtth Chart , AD06 t1~~i~~U8n ........ ...-., ..-..., ~ .,.-.. ~. ~ ~ ..-.. .-. ..-,.. ~ ~. "'"" -.. .............. ,~. I ,"--~3761 1443800 I EC Hi~tory20 Sept 74 31 Oct 76 701 Halt 21 Analyl'l MAP AD059 -.._..• . -• ~ • .~ .'.''.'.''-- 701 Halt 21 Analy.i. CHART NO.1: 701 HALT 21 ANALYSIS TIE DATA SENSE BITS TU CHK START KEY i .'e''-- 00 X 00 X .'-' .'.'--'' .~ e'- .'ev - .'-~. .'.'-.--.'-' .''-' .'.'.'--.... • •.'" X Go to MAP AD062 A 1 Single tape unit system, go to MAP AD062 A3. More that one tape unit, change 3411: A-A1J2. X 03 X Single tape unit system, go to MAP AD062 A3. Otherwise, change 3411: A-A 1J2. X X 02 Single tape unit system, go to MAP AS062 A3. Otherwise, change 3411: A-A1J2. X Go to MAP AD06' A 1 X Go to MAP AD063 A 1 X Go to MAP AD064 F3 X 04 X 08 X X X Single tape unit system, go to MAP AD063 A3. Otherwise, change 3411: A-A 1 K2. X X 341 1 : A-A 1 N2 (see Note) Go to MAP AD063 E 1 X 08 Go to MAP AD063 E3 X Go to MAP AD063 E 1 X 10 ISingle tape unit system, go to MAP AD062 X X 10 10 ISingle tape unit system, go to F3. Otherwise, change 3411: A-A 1 H2. MAP AD062 F3. Otherwise, change 3411: A-A 1 H2. X X X X Go to MAP AD063 E3 X Single tape unit system, go to MAP AD062 F3. Otherwise, change 3411: A-A 1 H2. 10 X 18 X Single tape unit system, go to MAP AD062 F3. Otherwise, change 3411 A-A 1H2. 20 X Single tape unit system, go to MAP AD062 A3, Otherwise, change 3411: A-A 1J2. X 2R X L Single tape unit system, go to MAP AD062 A3. Otherwise, change 3411 : A-A 1J2. Single tapt; unit system, go to MAP AD062 F3. Otherwise, change 3411: A-A 1 H2. I X 40 48 X 50 X I 84 Single tape unit system, go to MAP AD062 F3. Otherwise. change 34' 1 : A-A 1 H2. ! I 1-+------- 3411: A-A 1L2 A-A 1N2 A-A 1 P2 A-A 1H2 (see Note) I I X X X Single tape unit system. go to MAP AD063 A3. Otherwise, change 3411: A-A 1K2. 1 r------i------ X Go to MAP AD063 A3 X 3411 : A-A 102 (see Note) X AB X SF X Go to MAP AD()64 A3 r C4 X Go to MAP AD064 A3 X 3411: A-A 1N2 (see Note) X Single tape unit system. go to MAP AD062 A3. Otherwise, change 3411: A-A 1J2. OF Go to MAP AD064 A 1 X X FF X FF FF . Go to MAP AD063 A 1 AS FF . IGotoMAPAD062Al X 84 Sihgle tape unit system, go to MAP AD062 F3. Otherwise, change 3411: A-A 1 H2. tmgle tape unit system, go to MAP AD062 F3. Otherwise, change 3411: A-A 1 H 2. I X 80 . Go to MAP AD061 A 1 X X 40 58 Go to MAP AD064 Fl X ~ --- 20 -23 80 e~ X X 10 .''-' Go to MAP AD062 Al 02 04 II X Go to MAP AD061 C3 04 .~ X X 03 .~ CHi<. 01 02 .~ EaUIP ROY RESeT Go to MAP AD061 A 1 00 ,e~' Replace card(s) indicated or go the MAP indicated. this is a single tape unit system and the MAP called out doesn't correct the problem, go to MAP AD070, entry 1. ACTION: NOTE: If X X X Single tape unit system, go to MAP AD062 F3. Otherwise. change 3411: A-A 1 H2, X Single tape unit system, go to MAP AD062 F3. Otherwise. change 3411: A-A 1 H2, X Go to MAP AD064 A3 Any combination not shown above Go to MAP AD061 A 1. Take the NO branch at block Fl. 701 Halt 21 AnalysIs MAP AD060 ---. ,~. ~. 701 Helt 21 An.lyele ~. 05982 61 A1 ,~A~p ~~ ~. Note: When interchanging A-A I H2. A-A 1J2. and A·A I K2. refer to ALD page A6001 for plugging instructions. All three cards should be factory plugged. as position "K" is model sensitive. If they are not plugged. refer to the above ALD page. AD060 Chart 1 ~. _. ~. 1 ~. ! A~~i~2)e!~h ".....c], From MAP A0060 As~~tfon R%~n C'hclft .1 ,~. (See Note) ~. 03 I swa~ 1411 A-A1 2 wlth A-A1H • Rerun Section 701 ~. (See Note) . ,~. I ----. E1-- A~~1~2Je~~h A-A1J2. Rerun ~~ Section 701 . ,""'" ~. ~. _--Cj) 1 e ! repclir A_A102 Re P 4 ) 11 • ~. A-A1N2 ~. ~. ~~. Pfg~e2~s~'~~~041 ~. .~ ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~~ 701 Halt 21 Analysis MAP AD061 1734&68 1 Sept 72 1734551Al-4a7I1 I 20 Oct 72 20 SIp. 14 I -) ~. ~. . ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 701 Halt 21 Analy.l. 2 0':>982 Al [ ~A~ C ('hd ho;A~p ~ t A~060) AD060 Note: When interchanging A-A I H2. A-A 1J2. and A-A I K2. refer to AlD page A6001 ror plugging instructions. All three ~ards should be ractory plugged. as position "K" is model sensitive. H Ihey are not plugged, refer to the above AlD pagc. Chart 1 ~B1~I------~ 83 A~~~~23~Uh J SWd~ ]411 A-AI}. WIth A-AIH . Rerun SectIon 701 As!J~~onR%yn (See Note) (See Note) > -- _, 8a~n c~~~,~t now re,place 01 ! A~~~~23~Uh As~~no/%yn IC,~ ~Af'Ao;lt,,)) ~ ('hdf'r ;J 1 ! ASA~~2l~Uh A-A1J2. Rertln Sect Ion 7il1 ISee Note) 7:M&M 1 1 Sept 12 1734556A I - - .--.,...-20 Oct 72 I I I 701 H" 21 AneIyM MAP AD062 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 701 H_1t 21 An_lyel. ----~= 'A1 Note: When interchanging A-A I H2. A-A 1J2. and A-A t K2. refer to AlD page A6001 for plugging instructions. All three cards should be factory plugged. as position "K" is model sensitive. tf they are not plugged. refer to the above AlD page. romC~~tA'f60. 83 B1 ! A~~1tZ3!~~h As~~i~onR'b~n (See Note) ! A~~1~23!!lh As~~ttonR't;~n (See Note) ~.-- 01 ! ,;;;;E~p .0.0060 C'h.ut 1 f'1 -,8a~nCl~~lj~/now replace' ! A~~1~23e~~h As~~t~onR%~n (See Note) fr7.:~:~Af' AI14 '. ,41 ,·h .. r! • • • 1 ~'I-'!---- /~1~2 !~~:h ,\·A1.I.? oS.'t! . St'P Her'ln liln .... \1' ~(,t p) • • •• • • • • • 701 Halt 21 Analysis MAP AD063 I 734651 1 Sept 73 I 734656A 20 Oct .,'2 t I r---- ~ I ~.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 701 Halt 21 Analy.a. rr;;;A~AP C Ao06-O',) Chart I '(;;;'A~p Note I: If this is a single tape unit system and the MAP on this page doesn't correct your problem, go to MAP AD070, Entry 1. A0060 Chart I Note 2: When interchanging A-A 1H2, A-A 1J2, and A-A 1K2, refer to ALD page A6001 for plugging instructions. All three cards should be factory plugged, as position "K" is model sensitive. If they are not plugged, refer to the above ALD page. I 3 I ~~1Tr~~~7~~ WIth A-AIJ2. ~8lu(N~~~t~)n ! ~~~TrA~~7~~ wlth A-AIJ2. Rerun Sectlon 701 (Note 2) E3""""---_ ~f'~p Ao060 Chi! rt 1 HI ! lnterchdn~~ 341 I A-AI L wlth A-A1H . Rerun Sectlon 701 (Note 2) ~F~p Ao060 Chart I H3 ! ~2llr~~A7t~ wah A-A lJ2. ~8~U?N~~~t~~n y -- ,\ Ba1n c~:~,j3. no\ol replace K3,.....- - - _ 101 Halt 21 Analyt;. MAP AD064 • Sense Byte Analysis 11.0012 11.0013 11.0046 11.0062 DIScussion: I. If the problem is intermittent and you ha~e more than one TU on your system, consider interchanging the logic board and/or motion control board with another tape unit. 2. Use only the failing TV for analysis. 3. If this is a single tape unit system and the action called for by this MAP does not resolve the problem, go to MAP AOOIO if you have failures running Section 70 I. and to MAP AD020 C I if you have failures running Section 702. 11.0063 11.0091 Yes 05---_ Check lower ;gHe~utg~ stall or bind (CAARL 0-24) F2 ~~ - - " ~~n ,,(le~gdt:~rrynitl ~ n - 0 C:O:o MAP 11.004' " E: Sense Byte Analysil MAP AD070 2 MAP 11.004) ." ~H3 :to .......~ mp ADO") .\ Re~grgu~~~~~~e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •-. • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8.n_ Byte An.lyel. Yes ~B~AP A0022 B2, E2 ~ u-+ >'ies ~ ~B5 ' : : 0 MAP A0041 'ie5 ~ ~5 Goto MAP ABO 072H3 ~ Yes Suspect a tape 03 Y€'s ! b€'tween R/W head cdrd dnd deskew board II'ARRL 0-11 I "itl !! ,tt (dLJ: p 'Jt" "oIIIPPr1 dp..,keow ~I(\drd .Ind :tHtll t~, 1 rd A~ iJetwP€'n R W h€'dd ,dr.! dnd iOql( tXldrd 0 Swap cables t:! E.2 I Swap (cll>l€'s > ~Idefectlve Ell I Suspect. RESET d~~rd~~~nY~ , f1~~lnyk~~61~r • F~-"---" Rel,'ad , Sect Ion r~r'ln ,Ill 6:1T~ ~~ Sense Byte Analysis 1'34568 1 Sept n ~734658A 20 Oct 7~ I MAP AD071 • • • • • • 8.n_ Byte Analyttla ~. ~A2 • Goto MAP AD04~ 02---_ c~~I~r~o}g~n blnds, etc. t : 1 - - - -..... "heel'. Id: .. r'i ,Ind 'jUlo(>'i f"r .hl. ju-;t", .. n! FII----.. Not.: If you adjust the guides, you must recheck tracking and skew. ; 3 , - - - - -.. ('heck BIIT,fIlT I~~~~f~~~~)l Sense Byte Analvsis MAP AD072 1~=~21~~~1 ]- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sen_ Byte An.Iy'" L!> 3 81-+ I8 70 [1 7601 076J1 DIscussioa: If this is a single tape unit system and the action called for by this MAP does not resolve the problem, go to MAP ADOIO if you had failures running Section 701 and to MAP AD020 Cl if you had failures running Section 702. Note I: To get Section 70E to perform a loop-write-to-read routine, enter the following via keyboard or cards CHK,"X (X-TU Number 0,1,2 or 3) LWR, I OO,OO,OO,FF,SS,AA BUC,2 LOP, tOO STP Load DCP , 70E. ~~~eu~Ol~r'7&~) GO Dl E)(ecut~ (See User's Guide for complete write up of 70E). This routine will loop a 1000byte block tOO times in loop-write-to-read mode. If an error occurs, the sense data will print out and the routine will terminate. i ! the LWR f~YYr~~eu~~'t Suaestion: If this is not a single tape unit system, try the routine on another unit to ensure that it works correctly. .,NO ~E:2MAP AD07' Note 2: Unplug logic board cables L & M (CARRL Figure D-16). Plug loop- write-to-read test card Part 5861454 into these sockets. Press SYSTEM RESET and return to block G I. 2 ., H1 Yes ~ Make pr mary , Ifeed rearl y wi th 70£ command cards ,1 J Dg.JTP~~~s re-enter LWR DSR and press START to rerun LWR routine rO~~~~a;aom ~ Yes ,I 2---_ Rem~ve LWR test carr and ceplug _'cab eg',~~dloqic l~ L./' 1734&68 1134556A 120 7346668 1 Sept 72 20 Oct 72 Nov 72 Sense Byte Analy.i. 1138812'-1 I MAP AD073 28 Oct 73 ~~, '\, • • 8.n_ Byt. An.lyeae 'A2 ~No IRemove • L~ ~A3 Inte chan e R/W , htatcar3 ts testl car • cagy~~. ~:~un LWR routine Disc ....on: When interchanging cables, lie sure cables are returned to their original positions after the analysis is completed. Note: 1. Remove the LWR test card from the logi( board. 1. Replug logic board cables L & M. J. Unplug deskew board cables L & M (the top two cables). 4. Plug the LWR test card into these two sockets. and rerun LWR routlne DSR 2 Interchange ~ 'Ie'" IdeTke~ boar~ • L to cagy~~.~:~~n LWR routine 1 ! Remove LWR acHd. Replu~ cagy~~wL~~a M H1-1oI_ _ __ Interchan~e h~~rdoc~gTe~~ Rerun LWR rout lone Sense Byte Analysis MAP AD074 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •-. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8.n_ Byte An.Iy'" CHART TAPE CONTROL CABLES TAPE UNIT POSITION FOR: B1 TOTC FROM TC TU 60 A-A1C2 A-A1D2 TU 68 A-A1C3' A-A103 TU 10 A-A1C4 A-A 1 04 TU 18 A-A1CS A-A105 Example: Failure on tape unit 60 Move cable at C2 to C3 Move cable'.t 02 to 03 . ' I~~et8h~~gYe;u Wlth dnother TU POSl tion. Chart See " 1 ' Reload dnd rerun dlagnOStiC on same tape unIt ..., ., 10 ';:'~':i' ""t-~• ., , .f Sen.. Byte Analysis MAP AD075 • 88n_ Byte An.lyal. DIscussion: If this is a single tape unit system and the action called for by this MAP does not resolve the problem, go to MAP ADOIO if you had failures running Section 701 and to MAP AD020 C I if you had failures running Section 702. Note: On all data checks, clean the failing tape unit and retry. If failures still occur, retry operation with a different reel of tape. ~--- .E 2 MAP AD04) D4q----... ~ -- .0: ~ .E: 2 MAP 2 MAP ., -- ~ E2 ~ MAP AD076 AD04Y MAP AD04' ~E2MAP Sense Byte Analysis AD04J AD04J • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8.n_ Byt. Analyaia DiscussIon: If this is a single unit tape system and the action called for by this MAP does not resolve the problem, go to MAP ADO 10 if you have failures with Section 701 and to MAP AD020 CI if you have failures with Section 702. I. When interchanging FRUs, be sure their E/C levels are the same. 2. When interchanging logic boards, be sure jumpers are plugged correctly. Note I: Interchange logic board with logic board from another tape unit if available, and retry diagnostics. Note 2: Reseat cables from logic board to read/write head card, deskew board, motion control board, and tape control. Note 3: Interchange logic board (CARRL D-16) and motion control board (CARRL D-19) with logic board and motion control board from another tape unit if available, and rerun diagnostic. D 3 - - - -.. ~Yes , E: S MAP ADOS, .E 5 >Yes MAP AD04) I I t It t t t t t r 11 Sept 7220 734556A 1 734566~ I 738872 Oct 72 20 Nov 72 28 0<:1 73 734668 Sense Byte Analysis MAP AD077 WI' • • • • • • • • • • • ...,. . Byte An81y11ie Rr,g!~~~ A~lC I Section ~01 Yes ~,:!~1••___ C~ tt:~r~:tYe~ betw TU rows C t0 TC Intercha3e JUllIfi f cjSrds in 1 ~c board poSl lons C , D 2---"" NO • on R~~U~~s~t~;~m unlt iag I LB Return machlne to customer ~ Note 1: When interchanging cables, be .-e cables are returned to their defe~~~~:c~able ori;inal positions after analysis is complete. • • • • • • • InterchjSnge flat cilbles .Ibetwe~n dysk~W ~~a (~t~W E3J-11---... diagn~;Hg 701 seec~~t~75 J sam~ 'rerun (Note en I Ipterchange cablelf betw RjW head cilrd , deskew bd(CARRL D18 , 040) .. See Note 1 SeeandCARlL0-18D-16 diagn~:H~ R W head~n e d~~~0:r1cr~81 1 c,bles bet .~ 701 tape ypass ~ Note 1: To bypass deskew board, remove connectors at logic board sockets l &. M and plug cables from read/write head card into sockets. See CARRl 0-16 for location of dual density jumper. 00 ~um~~remove on l~ic deskew d~g: ~N~~~u2) I t Restore cables to normal Le Replag:;a~~Skew , t ~~Mc4T ~tC D-i~) 1 t t See CARRL F1Ql,lreS D-16 A 0-19 and D-4u t t 4 Sense Bv te Analvsis MAP AD078 11~1~1~I~nl ) ~ ~ 4 4 ~ .., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . Byte AneIy8le ~ f72:\. rD.: 078H5 L./ L When interchanging FRUs, be sure their E/C levels are the same. %. When interchanging logic boards, be sure jumpers are plugged 81 ....- - -.. InterchanQe LB wlth bel trom anoth~r TU Rerun dug 7 6 1 • correCtly. See CARRL D-16 3. A model 3 logic board cannot be interchanged with a model I or 2 loaic board. r---<=2 Replace logic board 'E1 Note: If this is a single tape unit subsystem, transfer the deskew board cables in locations J, K, L, and M to the corresponding locations on the tape unit logic board. You must temporarily remove the short crossover cables in positions Land M to do this. Run the tape unit in PE Mode. If no errors QCcur, the deskew board is bad or read detention cards H, J, or K are bad. If errors still occur, continue from block Dl on this MAP. J InterchanCJe deskew bd with ._ another TU. See CARRL D-18 Rerun 701. See Note CARRL 0-18 CARRL 0-57 1-----.. ;y€~r~:~~ef~~: anoth~r TU •• .-------- See CARRL 0-19 Rerun dug 76 1 ,_ See CARRL 0-40 I t I t I t -t a t ~~------l7... 734668A ~ Sept 72 20 act 72 I. 734142 lo.c 72 I . -1 ---l 734864 1 Aug 73 Sense By. AnalVsis MAP AD079 .., • • • • • • • • • • Interche. . . .bliity ~: Entry:> Note 1: Punch the following program in cards to write one hundred lOO-byte records on each tape unit. CHK,O WRS, 100, FF .. 55, AA LOP, 100 REW GO 1 ! Rl,ln diagnostic 701 on all TUs w1th ssw 14 ON (Note 2) CHK, I RYr" CHK,2 RPT • • • • • • CHK,3 'OjYe. 'OjY.. RPT .E' """'~ MAP • To read the tapes after writing t replace the WRS,IOO,FF,SS,AA card with the following RDF,tOO RDB,tOO RDF, 100 This routine writes tapes tbat are! then interchanged among tape units to ensure that all units have compatible tra~king and skew characteristics. ~E2 ~o ""P "DO? Note 2: Common problems' on dual density tape units which cause interchange problems are failure to mode set properly, failure to erase LP area, or incompatible skew setting between tape units. F1 ! Try to determlne which TU l!,l Note 3: If subsystem is a Mod I, check for excessive write errors on TIE Data track 7. If excessive and predominantly this track, go to CARRL 0-24 and check the lower left guide roller for stall or bind. bad bX ~g~n1~&t~i1Y I t Mak:s;u~~ :Hte ~ape units t H1 I Swap ta~ reels t aftlong tape unit~ and make rea pass on a 1 units 41 ~Yes • eo' 41 MAP ADO_} t 1-"--_ Follow the track1n~ and sk~~ ~~~hkT~P ~2 t ~ ~ ~ MAP AD04;' t ~ 4 4 4 Interchangeability MAP AD080 I~~.I~I.= I ~~~31 I 4 4 ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• -..rcw Tepe .ta~ AIwL.I. cPi~~~b!~~~ CA~nlrY '10 ) loI1th , . ~!r~ ~~a~d If Diagnostic section 71~ is run, the error statistics will be punched into the cards. and the disk will be cleared. Set SSW I F ON to bypass the card punching. C"drd s.t .'1 I ~~d~~t d~3 SSWlt, oN Loot~ 1n~lcS'~n 9% Ignore to or IIIsg ~f1 nt~r un 711 12 .l.----_ Put error ddtcl ICdrds follo .... ed ,cdrd • bL~:/df~ean dRd reddy F~ MfC'U ! Itl~'l~~,,~~ 1i~1~'" I. rp,ilt -d; [Ii'i ! fl Run .... ',.: Ir recorded on disk. error statistics reside on the CE tracks spindle fixed disk and may be destroyed if any programs using these tracks are run. 710. Iynore p~\\~t~~ lm~q7\~ Run ;1 ! 71 1. Rflntout 5dve (If ~ext ~~r~~m1~r ldter dndlysls HI ! Run 7111. prlntollt I Run punch71~ datto cdrds and c1eclr • Sdve \ It nent errors tor clny) of permd- d1sk Idter dndlysls lIt SSW1F lS set ON d1sk w1l1 be cleared ddtd cards Wi 1 not t be punched Save cards tor use cit later . date 1f prob em 1S not resolved LE9 Tape Error StaIistic::s ~ l~nl~1 I l--~ MAP AD090 Tape Error 8U.tlatIctt An.1yeIe IJ'JOJ4 ~: MAPs are designed to detect solid failures; however. the MAPs called oul here may be helpful in analyzing intermittent problems. If the MAPs ask you to swap cables, FRUs, etc., and rerun diagnostics, you must decide whether such action will help you find the problem. Ignore instructions to Iry log analysis. E2----- ~ ~I Problem ,"",dd be I n Tt' () r I'll Try L:---..., t () oIn.' I yzP pr! '0 I,>m f r! 1m te~~~~f~~rl~~rllr I F.?\. LY F.,j·----__. v.~ > SUSI"'ct .Id~tectivf' tape LG) S~ISpect :lI ~I defect lYe tl!l,e or t.1pe ("ompLlt lbll ity problem 0-. Tape Emlf S~tJstics ANIysia MAP AD091 (=2 r~!~~, ! -I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tape Error Stetietica Analy.i. Note I: To determine TIE DATA use byte 7 of printout TRACK ERROR p 0 B~-----" B3 Use Note 1 to ,. -- --- - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ----_. ---- 2----'" ) ~I -- ..- - 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 ---.- ------_._.------- ._---- ---" ._-- ----- Note 1 to get TIE,data for analysIs r- TIE DATA ------------ --- r--- c----- f------- Use ~-- - EXAMPLES • get TIE data for analysis ---- 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 VALUE Yes 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 --- f--- f---. - .--.--------- --- -- .- -" ~. ".- ._- .. ---.- - _.- 1- - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f-- ---- 0 1 0 • ----- 01 r-+----0 0 -- - °1 --f---- .-- ::1 OO---.J 0 0 0 Note 2: "-I a ~ U91Al Oc)lF2 in the heading column refers to the tape units a& I foIlO\N8: CODE El....r.'---_ TAPE UNIT HEX And:y.z:e errors by volume tape IlStt & br e 0 C (No > - - - - -- - - ---------- - --'- -~-- _.- ..... ---.-. - - - - - - .. __ .-_ ... ~ ~ - F f'2----Yes E I Intorm. Cllst,,)mf'r of poss,b,p _._-- -.-' -- - ._-- -- .-+ .- _. _._---_. 60 -- --- - - - _ . __ . . _-- r- ------------. - .--"--.------. 3 --~ - ---- 70 2 -~- "-_._- 68 1 D f - - - - ---------- ---..--. -. -- -- . -_--0_- -- 78 When analyzing the printout, note the SIO CNT columns as well as VOLUME and TAPE UNIT columns. f dul t Y t ,1 ;)P • • • • • • • Note 3: Scan the "Summary of Tape Error Statistics By Tape Unit" to find any tape unit having a high ratio of errors to ~(art I/Os. Then look at the "Detail Tape Error Statistics by Tape' Unit" for any unit that has a higher-than·,average error ratio to get <-i detailed listing of errors that oc,,:urred on the suspect tape unit. For instance. high error counts in the "Temp Read Backward" and "Envelope Check" columns could furnish the symptoms to be analyzed by using MAP A0076 (Data Check). If Y0U suspect tape control problems because more than one tape unit has a high error count, go to MAP AD031 and try to analyze your prohlems on the basis of error counts. TIE data. etc. If you have a single tape unit system. try to analyze the prublem as a tape unit failure hefore looking for tape control prohlems. It I I t t t t 1~~~21 -····_-I r t t \ t Tape Error Stall~'" ~ Aldl,;'>',; u u-- \' I;, ,;\ ,I, - MAP AD092 •
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c041 52.342996, 2008/05/07-21:37:19 Create Date : 2018:10:08 17:11:08-08:00 Modify Date : 2018:10:08 17:38:34-07:00 Metadata Date : 2018:10:08 17:38:34-07:00 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Paper Capture Plug-in Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:67faa3a0-5831-aa45-9780-990b80959b34 Instance ID : uuid:f5990cd4-92a5-f143-a518-28e389584141 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Page Count : 218EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools